COMMUNIQUÉ - Ripon Christian Schools
COMMUNIQUÉ - Ripon Christian Schools
COMMUNIQUÉ A quarterly Pubilication of Ripon Christian Schools Preschool through grade 12 Winter 2015 RC Names 2015 Knight and Lady upon their student activities, academics, and leadership. As part of the selection process, each of the candidates presented a speech on this year’s school theme “Seeking Higher Ground”. The students expanded upon Psalm 119:10-11, our theme verses, as part of their speeches. Additionally, each candidate interviewed with a panel of judges consisting of members of the School Board, School Circle, the administration, and a local pastor. In a tradition dating back to the 1960’s, on January 9, 2015, Ripon Christian once again celebrated Homecoming. Sean Broker and Carly Tillema were recognized as this year’s Knight and Lady. Joining them on this year’s court were Courtney Bloemhof, Alyssa Sikkema, Andrew Manes, and Josh Donoho. All of the candidates were selected by their classmates based The festivities were capped off with a fun filled Friday evening. Tallon Dotinga and Dani Erdelatz were our MC’s for the evening that saw the boy’s basketball team play El Camino of Sacramento and the high school girls performing a line dance during halftime. While the varsity boys were unable to pull out the victory in a hard fought contest that evening, everyone was treated to a great night of fun. Teachers Continue to Grow We attended the California Kindergarten Association 2015 PK1 Conference in Santa Clara this weekend. Amy Anema and I are both members of the California Kindergarten Association. Pam Huisken and Amy Anema with We began the weekend keynote speaker, Dr. Jean Feldman. learning a little neuroscience as we explored how the brain works in early childhood and how we as teachers can maximize By Pam Huisken, Kindergarten Teacher learning time with our little ones. Another part of the weekend included delving into different teaching strategies to get our students reading, writing, and exercising their math skills through a variety of learning strategies. We sang, danced, and created as we explored hands on activities to implement into our classroom. We rubbed elbows with some of our trusted Kindergarten bloggers and enjoyed conversing with other California Kindergarten teachers about our most favorite grade level! It was a truly fantastic weekend! Upcoming Information Nights A great opportunity to learn more about our school. Tell your friends, family, co-workers and neighbors! Middle School & High School February 12th High School Student Center High School Shadow Day February 20th Call Lori McGovern @ 209-599-2155 to arrange your shadow day in the High School Pre-School – 5th Grade February 26th Pre-School – 6:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Kindergarten – 5th Grade – 7:00 p.m. Please come and let us share with you our mission for Christian education. School Board Update Happy New Year from RCS’ school board. 2014 flew by with days and weeks filled with activities and much learning, up and down Maple Ave. Teachers, administration, staff and many, many volunteers, continue to Seek Higher Ground and work towards the mission and purpose of Ripon Christian Schools. As we look to 2015, we know the rest of the school year will slip by quickly and before we know it, we will be celebrating graduations and looking towards the start of a new school year. Winter and spring bring many exciting events and a buzz around campus as students and staff work hard to stay on task and finish the school year strong. As we officially close the 2014 year and begin 2015, By Becky Hoekstra, School Board President we would like to thank you all for your continued support. So many of you serve through committee work, fundraising, coaching, advising and leading, buildings and grounds and so much more. We also would like to thank the teachers and staff for their continued work, as they teach the youth to be faithful and strong followers of Christ in all that they do. Year after year and generation after generation there is continued support of our covenantal promise, through prayer, hard work and financial support for many projects, fundraisers, events, and day to day needs. Thank you for your contributions and more importantly, thank you for your prayers. We look forward to serving you into a new year! Ripon Christian Foundation By Jami VanderWeide, RC Foundation The Ripon Christian Foundation had the privilege of sponsoring a Gordon Mote Christmas concert in December. It was an enjoyable evening for all who were able to attend. We look forward to sponsoring more events in the future. The Foundation board members would like 2 • Communiqué • Winter 2015 to sincerely thank everyone who has made a donation to the Ripon Christian Foundation. Every gift made is a blessing for current and future generations. As the balance grows, we are able to give a larger financial gift back to the school and the Industrial Arts program every year. It truly is a gift that keeps on giving. A Personal Note From Superintendent Eric Segaar As I took some time to reflect on this already half completed school year, I am amazed at the faithfulness of our great God. For over 85 years now, Ripon Christian has been striving to grow Christian Leaders. Whether it be reaching for academic excellence, connecting faith and learning, or serving God and others in His world, every endeavor that Ripon Christian seeks to be involved in, is for the glory of our great God and King. If you haven’t done so already, I would invite you to take a look at the upcoming school calendar for the second half of this year. January starts quickly with Homecoming, the 100th day of school activities and celebration, and ends with Spiritual Emphasis week and campus wide service projects during the last days of the month. Juniors and Seniors attend JSB. The month concludes with the always exciting Family Fun Festival put on by School Circle. Before we know it, we are in May and quickly wrapping up another school year. End of year music concerts, AP testing, Senior Trip, Field Day and exams make the month fly by in the high school and middle school, while the elementary enjoys the final few weeks of class before summer. And how can we leave out Kindergarten and 8th grade graduations before we send out another set of RC alumni into Christ’s kingdom on the final Friday in May at high school graduation? Missing from this list is also a multitude of other extracurricular activities that our students engage in each and every week. All are opportunity to grow the gifts and talents But even more special, these students will comprise that our God has so richly blessed us with. the graduating class of 2028. Their graduation will mark 100 years of existence, of growth and maturation of a school that today continues to flourish. February is the calm before the storm as the month concludes with the high school play. This leads into a busy March starting with 6th grade Science Camp, the 4th and 5th graders’ annual production and the High School debate team competing at RC to conclude that first week. A few days later, the High School music department presents their spring concert. Nearing the end of the month, many High School Juniors and Seniors will be making their way to Washington DC for Closeup while elementary students have the opportunity to explore during a weeklong book fair held here on campus. The last day of the month also brings about the elementary Open House and the K-3 Music program. April begins with Grandparent’s and Special Friend’s day before everyone gets to catch their breath during Easter vacation. Jumping right back in the first week we return are two events for all members of the society as we hold our society meeting and host the annual Merchandise and Livestock Auction. Less than a week later, the Middle school presents its musical and the I would invite each of you to uphold RC and all of these exciting, God glorifying activities in your prayers and to come out and support these endeavors if possible and be part of this mission to grow Christian Leaders. There is one activity that I intentionally left out as I briefly summarized many of the highlights coming this spring. It is one that I look forward to each year. On Friday, April 24, Ripon Christian will host Kindergarten Beginner Day. This is our opportunity to welcome next year’s Kindergarteners. What makes this day so special to me is it provides a brief glimpse into the future, a little look forward to that continued faithfulness that I spoke of earlier. Lord willing, these students will be Ripon Christian Knights next year and for the 12 years after that. But even more special, these students will comprise the graduating class of 2028. Their graduation will mark 100 years of existence, of growth and maturation of a school that today continues to flourish. God has rewarded His people, those that He called to start a school that would provide Christ-centered education to Ripon and its surrounding areas. Most importantly, it will be another opportunity for us to see God’s faithfulness. “For the Lord is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations.” - Psalm 100:5 Communiqué • Winter 2015 • 3 Seeking Higher Ground: Elementary and Middle School Update One of the highlights of my day is standing outside in the morning greeting students as they arrive for another day of learning. The steam rises from my hot cup of coffee, parents wave as they pull up to the Unloading Zone, and doors wildly swing open as children eagerly jump from the vehicles in anticipation of Kevin Schenk PK-8 Administrator what another day on Ripon Christian’s campus may bring. As parents pull back onto Maple Avenue and on to other responsibilities, I am frequently humbled at the privilege we have of partnering with Christian families and their respective churches in providing children with a consistent, Christian worldview. In a culture bombarding our children with mixed messages and false priorities, we have the opportunity to share with our students each day the understanding of God’s sovereignty and reinforce the Christ-centered values being taught within the home. It is hard to believe that more than half of our school year is complete! It seems like just yesterday we were welcoming students back onto campus and beginning to introduce this year’s school-wide theme “Seeking Higher Ground” based on Psalm 119:1011. It has been a joy to watch teachers, classes, and special chapel speakers articulate and expand upon the understanding of how and why we as followers of Jesus need to “seek higher ground”. Seeking Higher Ground shows our utter dependence on God and provides a tangible example of what we are called to do so the trials of life do not overwhelm us. Teachers have been intentionally weaving this theme into class discussions and activities. There have been many highlights for our elementary students. For starters, arriving on campus to a beau- tiful new playground between Maple I and II has been a huge hit. I have found our students climbing and swinging skills have greatly improved with the addition of this state-of-the-art playground! Elementary students have also enjoyed trips to the Gallo Center to watch plays, field trips to Knights Ferry to learn about spawning salmon, walks to the local Fire station to learn about fire safety, special class speakers, partnering with middle school students to read books, and much more. When one walks down the hallways of our middle school, you truly get a strong sense of community that our middle school teachers strive to cultivate each day among our students. Enthusiasm, camaraderie, and excitement are words that strike me when I think of our middle school this year. Students are being given more freedom and with that freedom comes responsibility. Middle school students are being challenged to think beyond themselves and are being given opportunities to put their faith into action. Whether that is writing speeches covering a variety of social justice issues, designing and implementing personal “service projects” in Bible class, participating on a sports team, or developing their leadership skill on Student Council, our students are learning what it means to be an active citizen in God’s kingdom. My first semester as principal has been a remarkable one. Each day I get to work alongside teachers who are committed to developing their students’ unique gifts, talents, and abilities. I get to witness kindergarten students learning how to share, read, and write as well as eighth grade students who are grasping complex algebraic concepts. Next time you are on campus, perhaps waiting to drop your child off on a cool February morning, spend a moment to thank God for the opportunity we all have here at Ripon Christian and thank Him for the legacy of faithfulness He has shown us for the past 80+ years. Save the Date Saturday March 7th, 2015, 6 pm. Ripon Christian Athletic Boosters annual ALL YOU CAN EAT CHICKEN & RIB DINNER Honoring Janet Engel for her many contributions to RC Athletics. Tickets to go on sale in February at the HS office or contact the Booster’s secretary Michele Erdelatz (209)896-6068 4 • Communiqué • Winter 2015 Spiritual Emphasis Week 2015 By Kevin Schenk, PK-8 Administrator On January 26-30, Kindergarten through 12th grade Their keynote speaker was Jason Huntsinger who is students had the unique opportunity to participate in a pastor on staff at Crossroads Community Church in our annual Spiritual Emphasis Week (or SEW). This Manteca. Greg Cady (First CRC), several high school very special week marked an opportunity for students students, and several alumni assisted in leading our to listen to a keynote speaker, participate in worship, students in worship. Jason developed a great rapport and put their faith into action by participating in a vari- with the wide variety of ages present at the chapels. The week culminated in a service ety of service projects on campus This week was a project day for the middle school and around the greater Ripon area. and high school students. Some wonderful opportunity for of these projects included general The elementary students met Tuesour students to reflect on cleaning around campus, interday, Wednesday, and Thursday at our school theme and acting with residents of Bethany Calvary Reformed Church. Pashave an opportunity to be Home and Beth Haven, assemtor Dave Vander Meulen (Escalon CRC) was the keynote speaker bling toiletry bags for distribuGod’s hands and feet in tion at Interfaith, working at the and Brian Baldwin (Calvary) led the our world. Modesto Gospel Center, helping students in worship. Pastor Dave at the Children’s Crisis Center in expanded upon our school theme of “Seeking Higher Ground” based on Psalm 119:10- Tracy, working at Ripon Grace, and much more. 11. This week culminated on Friday when grades K-5 had the opportunity to participate in a variety of service This week was a wonderful opportunity for our students projects. Some of these included writing letters to sol- to reflect on our school theme and have an opportunity diers and missionaries, assembling care packages for to be God’s hands and feet in our world. In a culture so soldiers, visiting the elderly at Bethany Home and Beth often consumed with itself, it was refreshing and exciting to see our students serve in the community in many Haven, and much more. diverse and meaningful ways. Our Spiritual Emphasis Our middle school and high school students met Mon- Week was once again a huge success! day through Thursday in the Performing Arts Center. Caleb Terpsma will Represent RC in State Spelling Bee Congratulations to Caleb Terpsma who won the San Joaquin County Spelling Bee (Grades 4-6). He will now represent Ripon Christian at the state competition in April. “Pride and Prejudice” Come and enjoy a night of theater as the high school students perform Jane Austen’s classic love story “Pride and Prejudice” on Thursday, February 26, 7pm in the Performing Arts Center. Tickets will be available to purchase from the high school office beginning two weeks prior to the show, and they will also be available to purchase at the door the night of the show. We hope to see you there! Alyssa Sikkema, Kassie Vander Helm and Molly Hoeksema playing the Handbells during the Christmas Concert. Communiqué • Winter 2015 • 5 Fall 2014 Sports Update Coaches Make a Difference In his book, “Toughness”, Jay Bilas devotes a chapter to the concept of commitment. He cited his former teammate Tommy Amaker as saying, “Don’t mistake routine for commitment.” Simply showing up is not enough. Bilas is focused on the commitment of the player for the majority of the chapter, but I believe that the coaches at Ripon Christian model that commitment for the high school athletes. During the course of this school year, I have witnessed fall and winter head coaches Keith Terpsma, Trey Ozenbaugh, Becky Donoho, Mark Hoeksema, Ron Vander Molen, Ed Mulder, Michele Fay, and Kara Ledeboer along with their coaching staffs dedicate their time and thoughts to helping the student-athletes grow in all areas of their life. While they value success on the court, course, or field, that success was secondary behind the development of their faith in God. While there were many competitive highlights this past fall, the perspective that emanates from the coaches is what makes Ripon Christian athletics stand out above the rest. Boys’ Football The 2014 football team faced adversity early on in the season and could have been named with the moniker “Cardiac Kings” with several single point results early in the season. After suffering losses at the hands of Legrand and Gustine, the Knights were able to finish with decisive wins over Mariposa and Delhi to finish 3rd in the competitive Southern League that sent 5 teams to the playoffs. Head Coach Ozenbaugh and his devoted staff implored the players to “Be Different” as they grew as Christ-followers, players, and students. The Knights traveled to Golden Sierra for the 1st round of playoffs and overcame their underdog status by defeating the opposing team on cold, damp night. However, the team fell to eventual section champion, Capital Christian, in the section semifinals to end their 6 • Communiqué • Winter 2015 successful season. By Kevin Tameling, Athletic Director Cheerleading The Cheerleading team was revived this year by Coach Michele Fay. The girls on the team practiced and trained hard throughout the Coach Fay’s spirited, high-standard practices. The preparation was evident on Friday nights as they led the crowd in the support of the football players. Boys Soccer Coach Keith Terpsma’s Knights had a season to remember. After failing to advance to the section championship in the two previous seasons after close losses, the seniors from this year’s team were not going to let that happen again. The Knights began with winning the outright Southern League Championship, the 1st league championship for the team in 18 years. The boys left nothing to chance in the early playoff rounds winning games by multiple goals to earn a spot in the section championship game versus perennial power Sacramento Country Day. The Knights ceded a goal early in that game and were down 1-0 at half. Coach Terpsma and the team were not done (the team identified itself as a second half team throughout the season) as Andrew Manes exploded for 4 goals as he finished the opportunities that his teammates set up for him. The final result of 4-1 earned Ripon Christian the victory and the CIFSJS Section Championship! Girls Golf Our young Girls’ Golf team this year was led by Mark Hoeksema. Some of the team has been golfing for years and there were also newcomers to the game. In spite of being an untested team, they were successful in league play. A couple of the golfers made it to postseason play at Micke Grove golf course at the end of the season. The team mentality was embodied by the joyful friendships forged between the girls on the team that was evident in the frequent times of laughter and words of encouragement overheard on the courses they visited. Girls’ Volleyball While there were question marks coming into the sea- son about how the team would perform after the loss of an All-American setter, the Lady Knights continued the successful tradition that the program has become accustomed to over the years. Weekend tournaments were won, a 5th consecutive league title was earned, and a strong run into playoffs only to be thwarted by eventual CIF State Champion, Sonora High School, were experienced. Coach Ledeboer and her staff led a group of girls who were not only passionate about the game of volleyball, but also displayed care for others throughout the season. This was evident in their breastcancer awareness event in October, named “Dig Pink.” The team raised over $2000 for the cause while bringing the Ripon Christian community together for a fun, yet purposeful event. Cross Country During the second year of the program’s existence, the Knights were led by Coach Donoho to heights that the team was not planning on. The girls’ portion of the team finished 2nd at the section meet, thus propelling them to a spot in the State meet in Fresno in November. The team was led by some strong seniors, yet was also bolstered by the presence of some strong underclassmen runners that will lead the team in future years. Winter 2014-15 Sports Update Basketball Coach Vander Molen and Coach Mulder are prepared to lead their teams into their programs’ first league seasons back in the Trans Valley League in 5 years after scheduling challenging pre-season schedules. Both teams look to challenge for league titles in what figures to be an exciting and competitive league season. Spring 2014-15 Sports Update Baseball - Softball - Tennis - Boys’ Golf - Girls’ Soccer The spring season has yet to start but coaches and teams are getting prepared for the upcoming seasons that begin with practice on February 9. Two teams have new coaches this season. Mark Hoeksema transitions from the Girls’ Golf Coach in the fall to be the tennis coach this season. The team will look to hold their place at the top of the Southern League. Brand new to the school will be Head Softball Coach Lenny Rizzuto. Coach Rizzuto brings a wealth of knowledge and excitement about Softball to the developing program. Coach Kevin Schenk, boys’ golf, coach Jon DeVisser, baseball, and coach Kevin Tameling, girls’ soccer, all return after several years at their respective helms to continue the expectations of excellence in their athletes’ growth. Communiqué • Winter 2015 • 7 School Circle R aises over $94,000 By Shelly Copland, School Circle President in this edition of the Communique. Please show your appreciation to these individuals and businesses in the near future. Thank you to everyone who made the jog-a-thon and the RC Knight Out: Dinner & Auction so successful! RC School Circle is working toward renovating the high school science lab. We are in the beginning stages of this exciting project, but would love to have it completed in the next year or two. If you have a heart for science and would like to contribute toward this project, please contact Superintendent Eric Segaar in the high school office. Ripon Christian School Circle had a very busy and blessed fall! On October 17, the high school track was full of energy as the K-8 students participated in the jog-a-thon. God blessed us with wonderful weather, and it was exciting to see all the students and teachers in their “Make A Run For It” jog-a-thon shirts! Students worked hard collecting pledges, and their hard work paid off. They were able to raise over $32,000! Congratulations to Haley Kootstra, Adam Snodgrass and Ashley Snodgrass for earning the most pledges, and Noah DeBruyn, Mason Tameling, Trevor Van Elderen, and Eli Terpsma for running the most laps in their age group! On November 1, our annual RC Knight Out: Dinner & Auction took place at the Ripon Community Center. The evening included a wonderful meal, catered by Blodgett Catering, dessert, and a silent and live auction. Both auctions were filled with amazing items to bid on. The night was a huge success earning a net profit of $62,000!! Be sure to mark your calendar for next year’s RC Knight Out: Dinner & Auction- November 7, 2015. Also, check out the list of donors included Our next event is our annual Family Fun Festival. This will take place on Saturday, April 25, on our school campus. The activities will include all the old favorites-carnival games, bounce houses, a rock wall, pony rides, the Country Store, great food and more! Our meeting dates for the rest of the year are March 6, April 17, and May 1. Please join us at Almond Valley CRC for fellowship, refreshments, a business meeting, and an opportunity to get to know other parents in our Ripon Christian School family. Parents, Grandparents and anyone who supports the advancement of Ripon Christian Schools are welcome at our meetings. Nursery is provided, and there is a $35.00 raffle each meeting for T.R.I.P. We are also starting to look for officers for next year. If you have a heart for RC and would like to get more involved please contact Shelly Copland at copland444@ The two openings for next year include assistant treasurer and vice president. Support Close-Up During Almond Blossom Almond Blossom Festival is just around the corner! RC’s Close-Up Club will be selling tri-tip sandwiches, chips and drinks at two different locations for your convenience. Stop by the Ripon Christian PAC parking lot or the corner of Maple & Main Street for a delicious meal! Close Up’s goal is to provide an outstanding civic 8 • Communiqué • Winter 2015 education opportunity for all young people, one that encourages them to a lifetime of active participation. Juniors and Seniors have the opportunity to explore Washington D.C. for a week in March. This is one fundraiser that helps off-set the cost of the trip. The club appreciates your support! Preschool Puts “Generosity” into Action BY Elly Rampoldi, Preschool Director Each month we focus on a different value lesson. November’s lesson was on Thankfulness. We had the children think of all the things they were thankful for and made them aware of families who did not have all the things they do, and that we were going to help by donating food to the Ripon Interfaith Ministries. Then in December our value lesson was on Generosity. We taught that Christmas isn’t just about receiving gifts but about being generous with those less fortunate as well. We filled 3 boxes for Toys for Tots this Christmas! Two Marines from Lathrop came and picked them up to distribute to needy children. This is the seventh year our Preschool has contributed to both organizations. First Grade Puts On Journey to Bethlehem Communiqué • Winter 2015 • 9 Thank you to Knights Night Out Donors Business Donors • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • A.L. Gilbert Feed & Seed Advanced Skin Care/Joan Sneed Almond Valley Chiropractic Alpha Electric American Ag Credit Barnwood Arms Berkeley Repertory Theatre Boomers Chili’s Corporation Burgess Bakery California Styling Ciccarelli Jewelers Coates and Wright Floor Coverings Inc. Delicato Winery Dr. Michael Kasso Dr. Tana Hendrson Dream Dinners Dust Bowl Microbrewery Dutch Hollow Farms, John Bos Em&M Signs Esmerelda’s Flooring Liquidators/Stephen & Kim Kellogg Frederik’s Nursery French Camp Golf Course Friends Salon and Beauty Supply Funworks Galleto Restorante Gallo Center for the Performing Arts Gnekow Family Winery Gymstars Hands-On Educational Supply Store Heida Computers In-N-Out Burger Island Waterpark Jack Tone Golf Scores Hair Salon, Jason and Coby Cho Event Pros/ Jeff Chapman Jeremy Wine Company Basics Salon California Pool & Spa, Jose Herrera Main Street Floral 10 • Communiqué • Winter 2015 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Manteca Bowl McHenry Bowl McManus Family Winery Modesto Nuts Mountain Mike’s Pizza My Garden Café Natural Path Health and Wellness Center New China Oakland Zoo Perry & Sons/Joe and Karen Widmer Pier 39 Pizza Plus Ripon Auto Royalty Cleaning Services Sacramento Zoo Salida’s Kountry Kitchen Schaffer’s Tae Kwon Do Schemper’s ACE Hardware Spring Creek Country Club Golf Steves’ Chevrolet-Buick, Inc. Stockton Children’s Museum Stockton Ports Stockton Thunder Stride Rite Shoes Studio 101 Hair Salon--Amanda Supercuts—Ripon Taqueria Ripon, Inc. te Velde Beef Company, llc. The Ripon Record Tioga Sequoia Microbrewery, Fresno Van Groningen & Sons, Inc. Vander Helm Interiors Weibel Winery Winchester Mystery House Woodbridge Winery, Lodi Individual Donors • • • • • • • • • Adrian DeKruyf Amanda Van Zwaluwenburg Amy DeBruyn Ann Marie Beukelman Ben and MaryAnn Sybesma BethAnn Brouwer Bill Mulder, Sr. Brian and Lynette Vos Carry Farruggia, Stamp-It-Up • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Char and Emily Manes, Origami Owl Chris and Laurie Van Groningen Jay and Citrea Indelicato Darlene Gemmell Daryl and Laurie Holfman Dave and Shelly Koolhaas David Lyon Debra Van Essen Dirk & Linda Hoffman Don and Gert Vos Ed & Anna Jean Prins Ed and Lori Machado Ed Schollenberg Eric and Kelly Van Groningen Gina Ruther Henry and Ann Meester Jim and TommieJoBoersma Jim Van Heukelem Jinnohn Silveira, Melaleuca Joanne DeRaadt Joe and Julie Berghorst John & Sharon Van Zwaluwenburg John Van Duyn Jolene Peters, Pilates Studio Karrie Terpsma Ken & Margaret Roos Kevin and Mel Swager Linda Perry/Mary Kay Consultant Lyndsay Schenk Lindsay Rubio Martha Lazette Nicholas Viss Pam Stuit Patrick and Stacey Johnston Paul and Michelle Franzia Ralph and Melody DeAbreau Randy and Gail Barnes Robert and Lois O’Connor Scott DeJong Scott Henderson/Pape Machinery Sherri and Dave Van Vliet Shirley Van Vliet The Berryessa Family Tina O’Neal Warren Wissink Wendy Yellen of Wendy Kristina Glaister Designs MARKETPLACE AGRICULTURAL SERVICES MARC VELTKAMP Tree Holes & Backhoe Service 421 S. Acacia Ave. Ripon, CA 95366 Phone: (209) 993-5392 Evenings: (209) 599-5424 MODESTO FEED INC. Russ Hannink 5437 McHenry Ave. Modesto, CA, 95356 (209) 526-9589 Livestock, Pet & Poultry Feeds, Horse Care Products, WILKEY INDUSTRUSTIES Rich Maliepaard Sales and Marketing 830 S. Tegner Road * Turlock, CA 95380 Cell (209) 649-1021 * Fax (209) 656-0359 FINANCIAL SERVICES CROCE, SANGUINETTI & VANDER VEEN Certified Public Accountants Paul Vander Veen, CPA Eric Vander Veen, CPA (209) 938-1010 Vet Supplies, Hay Shaving, Straw, Fencing 3520 Brookside Rd, Ste 141 Stockton, CA PROGRESSIVE AG, INC. GENSKE, MULDER, & COMPANY LLP. LectroBlast® Electrostatic Sprayers Manufacturing * Sales * Service Elroy DeWinkle (209) 567-3232 Fax: (209) 567-3233 PO Box 4490 Modesto, CA 95352 1336 McWilliams Way, Modesto, CA 95351 ROOS RANCHES INC. - HIGHLAND FARMS Almond Hulling & Shelling Farm Management & Custom Farm Services 23313 Highland Ave. Ripon, CA 95366 Office (209) 599-8670 Fax (209) 599-8671 Jeff Stuit (209) 595-0160 Eric Winters (209) 595-1699 Dave Van Elderen (209) 595-2752 Certified Public Accountants Peter E. Hoekstra, CPA Managing Partner Paul V. Anema, CPA Partner (209) 523-3573 Fax: (209) 574-0224 Cell (209) 602-4920 4803 Sisk Rd, Suite 201 Salida 95368 e-mail: VERMEULEN & COMPANY Thomas L. Vermeulen Certified Public Accountant 1180 W. Main Street, Suite 2 Ripon, CA 95366 Office: (209) 599-5051 Fax: (209) 599-5052 MICHAEL KASSO D.D.S. M.S.D. Specialist in Orthodontics 1180 W. Main Street - Ripon, CA 95366 HOME SERVICES Chapter 7 & 13 Bankruptcy, Evictions and other Legal Services ACACIA STORAGE PHOTOGRAPHY Mini Storage - RV / Boat Nancy Terpstra Steve Terpstra (209) 599-6508 Monday - Saturday 8 a.m. - 6 p.m. Sunday 2 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. 749 S. Acacia Ave. Ripon, CA 95366 LANDRETH ROOFING CO., INC. Licensed-Bonded-Insured-Lic #410792 Free Estimates Stephen Landreth (209) 599-2371 Fax (209) 599-1172 521 Key Ave. Ripon, CA 95366 Serving the Central Valley since 1981 SCHEMPER’S ACE HARDWARE 150 N. Wilma Ave. Ripon, CA 95366 Phone: (209) 599-2141 Fax: (209) 599-6540 email: Get in. Get out. Get on with your life. MAIN STREET FLORAL 433 West Main Street, Ripon, CA 95366 (209) 599-6322 Audrey Hoffman Kendra Hoffman Carpet-Vinyl-Laminate-Hardwood Bert and Nancy Vander Veen SIGNS MOBILE SCREENS Darrell, Eunice & Paul Voortman Orchard & non-crop applications 26754 East Jones Rd., Escalon, CA 95320 Home/Office (209) 838-7064 Fax (209) 838-3064 WATERFORD IRRIGATION SUPPLY GO KNIGHTS K & M SIGNS Manuel P. King (209) 604-0996 - Cell; (209) 599-3265 - Fax Commercial Signs - Job Site - Real Estate Signs Vehicle Lettering - Trucks - Boats - Water Craft Banners - Window Lettering - Magnetics - Trailers 595 N. Wilma Ave., Ripon, CA 95366 FRESH PRODUCE RON AND JOHN NYDAM - 874-1386 VAN GRONINGEN & SONS, INC. AUTO-SALES 15100 South Jack Tone Rd. Manteca, CA 95336 B&Z AUTO PARTS CAR QUEST Ray Enas 424 West Main St. - Ripon, CA 95366 (209) 599-2185 CONSTRUCTION SERVICES MULDER CONSTRUCTION Lic #401736 General Contractors Custom Homes & Remodeling Quality Work - Fair Prices Bill Mulder 599-2681 Ed Mulder (209) 982-5248; (209) 983-9014 Fax Diversified Growers/Shippers Almonds-Walnuts-Alfalfa-Watermelon Sweet Corn-Pumpkins-Silage HEALTH-DOCTORS ALMOND BLOSSOM OPTOMETRY FAMILY VISION CARE COATES & WRIGHT Floor Coverings Inc. 115 Mark Randy Place, Modesto, CA 95350 Ph (209) 527-2100; Fax (209) 527-0341 State Contractors License No 376288 Const. License # 767257 Founded by Frank Miller in 1990 (209) 599-2216 1048 W. Main Street, Ripon, CA 95366 Phone: (209) 634-9484 Mobile: (209) 495-3114 Agricultural Real Estate Appraisers & Consultants COMFY CABIN... 8 minutes from Pinecrest and Dodge Ridge. $150-$175/night, 2 night minimum, $800-1150/wk. Sleeps 8; 3 bdrm; 2 bath; propane/electric heat; 2 VCRs/DVD; laundry; large deck; new beds. Immaculate. No pets, no smoking. Contact Barbara Swier-Sugia 883-4937 YOUR AD HERE: Full Year Ad $160.00 Contact Lori McGovern for more information 599-2155 ext. 237 DARRYL BARTELS, AGENT State Farm Insurance Companies Lic. #0378110 210 South Stockton Ave. Ripon, CA 95366 (209) 599-2174 WEVER INSURANCE AGENCY Don Wever, CPCU, ARM Res (209) 599-3638 Bus (209) 599-2161 Fax (209) 599-7349 INVESTMENTS Doctor of Optometry Jeffrey A. Lien INSURANCE 423 W. Main St. Ripon, CA 95366 (209) 599-3115 Fax (209) 599-3793 Cell (209) 840-1581 Cell (209) 681-2013 Professional Family Vision Care • Laser Vision Correction Contact Lenses • Large Selection of Frames EDWARDS, LIEN, & TOSO INC. Windows & Door Screens - New or Repaired New Security Doors - Shade Screens - MID Credits Window and Door Screen Parts 1530 Glenwood Dr. Modesto, CA 95350 100 E. Main St. Ripon, CA 95366 Lic. #0549066 ALLEN D. HOEK, O.D REAL ESTATE Bruce Miller - Owner Mobile # (209) 523-3528 Duane I. Kirk, O.D. Tyler E. Kirk, O.D. Doctors of Optometry MOUW DESIGN Photo Cards, Photography and More! Rachel Mouw or 918-2679 8408 N. Lander Ave. Hilmar, CA 95324 David Van Vliet VOORTMAN SPRAY SERVICE PARALEGAL (209) 599-4870 FLORAL ARRANGEMENTS P.O. Box 720, Ripon, CA 95366 (209) 599-7776 ~ Fax: (209) 599-7595 Mobile: (209) 479-3828 ~ Cell: (209) 969-1212 ELLEN L. BYNUM 821 WEST YOSEMITE AVE. MANTECA, CA 95337 (209) 624-3405 Fax (209) 824-1029 V-V ENTERPRISES Feed Ingredient Merchandiser LEGAL SERVICES Cetera Advisor Networks Ronald L. Van Essen, CFP Financial Advisor - CA Insurance # 0498676 (209) 239-4155 Fax (209) 239-9560 Personal Office 129 Center St. Suite 1B, Manteca, CA 95336 Branch Office 2937 Veneman Ave. Suite B100; Modesto, CA 95356 (209) 572-1303 Communiqué • Winter 2015 • 11 NON PROFIT US POSTAGE PAID PERMIT #415 STOCKTON, CA 435 N. Maple Avenue Ripon, CA 95366 (209)599-2155 Member of CSI, ACSI, CAPSO, and SCTA WASC accredited Society for Christian Instruction Business Office Hours: 8:00 – 4:00 Monday – Friday TRIP Office Hours: 9:00-1:00 Tuesday (High School Office) Store Front Hours: 8:15 – 12:30 Friday in PAC foyer (First Friday of month at Almond Valley CRC) Doreen Unruh, TRIP Coordinator (209) 599-6351 ADMINISTRATION: Eric Segaar, Superintendent, High School Administrator Mary Ann Sybesma, Director of Curriculum and Instruction Kevin Schenk, PK-8 Administrator Elly Rampoldi, Preschool Director Kevin Tameling, Athletic Director Tiger Shelton, Operations Director Sally Hidalgo, Business Manager Bob De Ruiter, Technology Director THIS IS RIPON CHRISTIAN SCHOOLS... Reaching Academic Excellence… Our Bible-based, Christian worldview permeates every facet of our program from preschool through high school. We seek to equip and inspire each unique student to make a difference for Jesus Christ in the world. Our graduates are making a difference for Christ in the ministry, missions, government, law, military, medicine, education, entertainment, media, and technology fields. Over $1.4 million in scholarships were offered to the Class of 2014. Connecting Faith and Learning… Following the Reformed tradition of education, we believe and teach how God is actively involved in every subject and facet of life. All of our curriculum and activities seek to promote spiritual growth in knowledge, faith and service. God is the center of our teaching and our extracurricular activities such as student government, fine arts, robotics, debate, and athletics. Serving God and others in His world. We are so passionate that our students learn Christ’s example of humble service that we require “service hours” as part of our curriculum. Eighty hours of service are required for all high school graduates. Elementary and middle school students have opportunities throughout the school year to serve others. Students have the opportunity to serve daily on our campus in chapel, the classroom, and in their various extracurricular activities.
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Fall 2012 - Ripon Christian Schools
to the store at 321 McHenry Ave., Modesto, CA. You
can also call us at 209-579-5513 and ask for Bob.
May God grant you His richest blessings at Ripon
Christian Schools.