Autumn 11 - Outwood Academy Ripon
Autumn 11 - Outwood Academy Ripon
ACADEMY RIPON Autumn 11 Outlook The news magazine of Outwood Grange Family of Schools ’ g in d n a t s t u ‘o o t d a o r e Th WELCOME to the first edition of n’s Outlook, Outwood Academy Ripo e. first news magazin start Our students have returned to orm unif the new term with a new turn and are already beginning to Since heads in the local community. e hav I , term mn autu the start of the ents. been inundated with complim We are now seen as a smart and ity, well-disciplined school commun e cas the n bee although this has for some years. Now, at last, we are being recognised for these n area. achievements across the Ripo mer sum the r Our exam results ove s term In ive. ress imp ally were equ the of student progress, we are in the top three performing schools in ived county. To our students who rece e! don well , mer sum their results this We have now started an d exciting journey with the Outwoo h whic , ools Sch of ily Fam Grange I am convinced will lead us to od ‘outstanding’ status in a short peri port, I of time. Thank you for your sup hope you enjoy reading about in the achievements of students our Academy. Dates for your diary Tuesday 13th December Post-16 Open Evening for students entering Sixth Form Wednesday 14th December Christmas Cracker, Portland School (selected Year 7 students) Friday 16th December Praising Stars 2 Reports to parents/carers Academy closes for Christmas Monday 9th January Academy opens Monday 16th January Key Stage 4 Options Evening Friday 10th February Academy closes for half term Praising Stars 3 Reports to parents/carers Monday 20th February Staff Training Day (Academy closed for students) Tuesday 21st February Academy opens for second half term Welcome to our new staff WE welcomed four new members of staff to the Academy this term. Hannah Russell joins us as a Psychology teacher, with the brief to set up a Psychology Department. She has worked extensively in theatre, both professionally and on an amateur basis. Beverley Black is our new Business Manager and has a background in corporate business, including the National Health Service. Matthew Mills works between Harrogate High School and ourselves and is already making his mark in the Music Department, encouraging Key Stage 3 students in their collaborative music-making. Last but not least, Natalie Ramsey is our new Cover Supervisor. Natalie has a sports background and is already involved in extra-curricular sport for girls. Di Tunnard, Assistant Principal Barry Found, Principal Results exceed expectations WE celebrated some outstanding results this summer, with students at Outwood Ripon achieving 83 per cent 5A*-C grades in their GCSEs. Almost 50 per cent of students achieved top grades in Maths and English, as well as other GCSEs. Stray FM radio were at Outwood Academy Ripon on the day of the results, watching students open their envelopes and recording student reactions, live on air. Mr Found said: “It is fantastic to see so many students reaching their potential and getting the grades they need to fulfil their dreams for the future. That’s what it’s all about.” We were delighted with the overall results, not only for the students, but because we surpassed governmentset targets, which puts us in the top ten per cent of schools nationally. Suzanne Henderson, Vice Principal New staff: Natalie Ramsey, Matthew Mills, Hannah Russell and Beverley Black. Salon cultivates vocational skills Jordan Garden takes root: Oliver Dillasser, y. Croxford, James McQuire and Iain Wilke Learners branch out: Megan Lavell, Year 10. OUR state-of-the-art, purpose-built hair and beauty salon, Acorn, opened at the beginning of September. The salon is equipped to accommodate up to 20 learners at a time and is an exciting opportunity for students to gain vocational training, which complies fully with National Occupational Standards and gains them industrially recognised skills. The BTEC qualification includes presenting a professional image, hair care, plaiting and twisting, nail care, nail art and make-up application. Look out for the opportunity to model for our budding therapists! Julieann Martin-Long, Work Related Learning Co-ordinator ‘Here We Grow!’ iculture ng shape as students in the Hort THE shared garden area is taki tions. nisa orga den Gar led Wal the and group work with NYBEP, Age UK tural icul Hort 2 l Leve Grow!’, is part of the The project, entitled ‘Here We re they whe s, den Gar r Car low Har visiting course and started with students s. were able to draw up some idea the an exciting stepping stone and The arrival of the polytunnel was aware of the ome bec they as ing grow ambitions of the students are l as the to work in Horticulture, as wel commitment needed every day s. tant Principal positive financial opportunitie James McQuire, Associate Assis An enterprising start to the year THE Enterprise Club be gan the year by desig ning a culinary calendar for 2012. This will inc lude favourite recipes fro m staff, students, pa rents and governors, as we ll as artwork by our students. We will be using the calendar to launch our own enterprise log o, Business Enterprise at Ripon, or BEAR for short. The winner of the logo design was Lucy Allenby from Moorside Primary Sc hool, who has now joined us in Year 7. Luc y also won Amazon vouchers for herself and for Moorside. Future competitions for students across the Academy includ e the AMP Awards an d Betty’s Challenge. If you would like to joi n BEAR, please contact Mrs Staniforth . We meet on Thursdays, from 3-4pm . In the meantime, we wish students in Year 12 the best of luck in this year’s Young Enterp rise competition. BEAR makes its mark: Jack Wailes, Anna Horner and Anna Holt. Kate Staniforth, Leade r of Business Festive songs Baker, Band aid: : Jack Grainger, Cameron . Ryan Smith, Cian Young, Matthew Bates r e th e g to d n a b s n ia ic s u M t at Outwood THE Music Departmen every ing Academy Ripon is giv learn to y nit rtu po op student the ough the Thr nt. me tru ins nd a ba ures’, students initiative, ‘Musical Fut ms, guitar, can take up the dru rd, or choose oa ukulele and keyb n form a band the n ca y The to sing. with backing vocals. o planning The department is als r Music ula rric -cu tra ex to form an sdays, Tue on group after school of m for the e tak which could en Samba! ev or g, yin pla g, gin sin ur ideas. Come along with yo r of Music Matthew Mills, Teache EVERY year, the Outwood Grange Family of Schools enjoy getting together to celebrate the Arts. This year, Year 7 and 8 students are being given the opportunity to join together at Outwood Academy Portland to celebrate through song. Students from Ripon, Harrogate, Wakefield, Doncaster and Worksop will have the opportunity to learn three new songs on the day, perform their own rehearsed piece and join with the audience for some communal carol singing. Pam Baystone, Director of Performing Arts OGAT Creative collaboration A JOINT programme by the English and Art Departments, entitled ‘In O.A.R. of the Arts’, enables our students to work on expressive projects through both words and Art. The students have designed banners to express different aspects of literacy and are currently planning, organising and managing theatre trips, photography, poetry days and a fashion show. E M V E I E H NTS C A Tamsin Fauntkane, Leader of English thriving at Outwood Ripon. We take a loo e r a s t r A e k at some Th The big ! r o t c a F B The Rn rmance ’ is a major perfo ‘THE RnB Factor which is , Academy year highlight of the es. ag l al of rs singe open to budding held at is h ic wh l, na After the semi-fi osen , six acts are ch Outwood Ripon dges to ju of l ne pa nt by an independe ar School t Ripon Gramm compete agains in the ol ho ge High Sc and Boroughbrid grand final. r and n both the junio Last year, we wo for a ng pi ho e ar d we senior classes an ar. successes this ye e es th of at pe re r of English he Julie Elsey, Teac S T R A E IN TH ng p i k a t e r a t ha of the amazing projects t picture THE Art Department has had an amazing year. This is due in no small part to our Year 10 Art Ambassadors, namely Alice Hoult, Zak O’Brien, Lizzie Waters, Danny Booth and Jasmine Leith. As well as their natural ability, they have demonstrated commitment, determination and enthusiasm in the Arts. So far, they have been involved in staff training sessions, workshops for Year 8 students, leadership training and a collaborative Art exhibition. Our G&T students also continue to work with students from Ripon Grammar School. This year, they have been creating postcard-sized Art based on the theme, ‘The Fabric of Life’. In addition, five Year 11 and 12 students took part in a site-specific Art project to be displayed at Harlow Carr. Their boards will be exhibited over the coming months. Meanwhile, Primary Days are taking place every term at the Academy, when every Year 5 student from the Ripon primary schools will work towards our next collaborative exhibition on the theme of ‘Culture’. Artists of distinction: Alice Hoult, Jasmine Leith, Lizzie Waters, and Zak O’Brien. Emma O’Brien, Leader of Art my e d a c A e lace at th e p a h s s e k a t n g Academy si ns for a new r original desig ei th it bm su ere invited to ar, students w gineering. by EARLIER this ye n with Econ En anding design tio ra bo lla co in e, but the outst n, siv as sig w es n pr so im ly om Th Academy tru and Lauren the entries was Paul Fishburn The quality of , ey Chandler, ac St Caroline Payette a, w em Wongai Mus English r. of r ne in he w ac al Te tu even chosen as the A VIBR Vive Y T I N U M M O C G ANT LEARNIN France! opean Day of IN celebration of the Eur ber, more than tem Sep d 23r on Languages ils took part in the pup 200 local primary school is. nca Fra l tiva Academy’s Fes nine schools, spent Pupils from Years 3 to 6, from , practising the nce Fra out ab the day learning rt in a series of pa ing French language and tak itions. pet com and s fun activities, game in French, followed ing sing h wit an beg y The da akfast of croissant, by a traditional French bre colat chaud. This was cho and at col pain au cho game of boules, a itive followed by a compet handwriting and the nch Fre nal itio lesson in trad sample traditional and chance to create, cook d into teams to ide div re we ils crêpes. Next, pup el Tower using Eiff t bes see who could build the -Tack. Each pupil Blu and pe ota only art straws, sell a g as souvenir. also received a goody ba ff and Sixth Formers sta the Many thanks to all hoping to coincide who helped out. We are Day on 14th July tille a similar event with Bas next year. s r of Global Studie Richard Miller, Leade Meet ‘The Green Team’ ‘The Green Team’ EVERY Friday lunchtime, can contribute meets to plan how they elopment issues in dev le towards sustainab the local community. the lower school, The students, drawn from green the began by considering how role they could itive Academy is and the pos d their ideas ase wc sho y the s, ard play. Afterw on Day’, Rip een in Ripon as part of the ‘Gr r Ripon ate Gre the by sed ani which was org p. Improvement Partnershi is working towards This term, the Academy hools Award. gaining the bronze Eco-Sc nities Jake t, Sam Tennant, ax: Jessica Scot nager. Ma C LR Read, write, rel n, so Ma with Sue England, Year 7 s r u o h l l a s n e p LRC o te-ofemy Ripon’s sta OUTWOOD Acad ntre Ce ce ur so Re g nin the-art new Lear m 8am to (LRC) is open fro nts fit of both stude ne be e th r fo 5pm, and staff. y, e Academy da At the start of th me in to co to e om lc students are we uct mework or cond read, print out ho C LR e can also use th research. They es, tim ch lun d break an facilities during e th r when lessons fo or come along n , when they ca ed ish fin day have s and ub cl of e ng ra de take part in a wi e ities. These includ enrichment activ Club, ok Bo , ing rit W e tiv Film Club, Crea nge. Scrabble Challe Lego Club and n and tio fic 00 5,0 an th We have more ted lis l al e s, which ar non-fiction book ces ur so re e lin On . base dia, on the LRC data ae op cl ld Book Ency e is include the Wor er Th . ks lin eb W s and e, Essential Article us nt de for staff and stu r a photocopier fo s ea ar d an rminals 25 computer te dition, d reading. In ad xe la re d an dy stu day e th ut ho throug staff are on hand s. to assist student r Sue Mason ,LRC Manage r of Huma Faye Appleton, Leade Operation Christmas Child ALL VMG groups have been busy packing shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child. Students have donated small gifts, which will be sent to children who would otherwise receive nothing at this time of year. Most probably, we will never meet the children concerned, but these simple acts of generosity will give them much pleasure. Emma Humphries, Learning Support Christmas all wrapped up: Erin Steggles, Robert Appleton, Liam Webster, Katie Magill and Joel Walters. London calling THE Business and Art Departments took 23 Sixth Form students to London in midNovember to indulge in some celebrityspotting at the BBC Television Centre, which was followed by a bus sightseeing tour. On the second day of their visit, the Business students visited the Bank of England, while the Art students toured a number of art galleries, including the Saatchi Gallery. Kate Staniforth, Leader of Business, and Emma O’Brien, Leader of Art d a le e th e k ta m r o F Sixth dents no longer OUR Sixth Form stu d, they wear wear uniform. Instea ss. dre s smart busines g their They are also provin und aro s tie leadership quali re we se The y. em ad the Ac n event tio uc ind enhanced at an ucation Ed by led er, mb in Septe nsuri, in which Consultant, Mrs Ma opportunity to the en giv they were leadership and develop both their lls. ski communication tive members of ac as , ion In addit ring younger nto VMGs, they are me g fundraising isin an org d students an Executive rm Fo activities. The Sixth veloping de of ss ce pro is also in the d an tem sys a Student Support g din lea are nts Year 12 stude the RnB Factor. Sixth Form r of Jayne Gaunt, Leade Insight into prison life IN May, members of the Prison Service vis ited the Academy to talk to students in Year 9. The aim of the initiative, entitled ‘Pr ison Me No Way’, wa s to give students an insight into prison life and how to avoid it! The students were ‘put into prison’ for the day and were not allow ed to escape. The y spent time confined in a mock cell and acted out the parts of young people beha ving in an antisocia l way. They also met with Youth Justice, local polic e officers and serving prisoners. The latter shared their ex periences and revealed how they wished they ha d not committed their cri mes. Di Tunnard, Assista nt Principal Students fly the flag Academy Ripon are THE VMGs at Outwood , which relate to their named after countries rie. nel, Magellan and Cu Bru g: Schools of Learnin d title en y Da g rnin Lea During a recent Super was aimed at promoting ‘Pimp My Ride’, which nt year groups within the cohesion across differe shopping trolleys for 22 t VMGs, Sainsburys len G could decorate a the day so that each VM untry. co ir trolley to represent the erful creations, nd wo e som in This resulted Sports Hall. The the in which were displayed . lia’ stra ‘Au s wa winning trolley Di Tunnard, Assistant Success in the Sixth Form: Head Girl, Pia Boddy and Head Boy, Tom Gudgeon with Jayne Gaunt. Principal in court y a d r i e h t e v Students ha gate y: arning Da Super Le 0 1 r a e Y , rs Joel Walte Harro w trip visited THE GCSE La er. ob Court in Oct Magistrates’ o tw n, ssio Before the se t their roles, talked abou s te tra is ag m and what t ur of the co the purpose to see. might expect the students spent an ts en e stud Afterwards, th re the urtroom, whe hour in the co e range id w a dealt with an magistrates This gave them of real cases. e, ur ed urt proc insight into co e ses that com ca of s pe the ty r ei th trates and before magis s. wer sentencing po Faye Appleton, nities er Lead of Huma Primary focus on sport Leading the wa y: Years 10 and 11 with Emily Fa lcus. OUTWOOD Acad emy Ripon is extremely proud of its 40-strong Leadership Sports Squad in Years 10 and 11. The squads are ev enly made up of both boys an d girls, who demonstrate stron g leadership qualities and are positive role models within sport . Throughout the ye ar, the students take part in a total of 33 primary scho ol events, where they lead, motivate and encourage pupils, providing a positive experie nce for everyone involved . Emily Falcus, Sp orts Co-ordinato r s! e l u r m a e t y b Rug led by George THE U15 rugby team, , produced a zzi lla Evans and Joe Ga y over Rossett tor vic 24 56resounding ntion must me High School. Special Tom k, rric Ga or also go to Tyl wn and Bro nic mi Do ie, ck Bro Jordan McCarthy. because Their success is partly ining and tra to t en of their commitm nt of the team the fact that 90 per ce y Club. gb Ru compete for Ripon fixtures ng mi co up s ha m The tea ol, Ripon ho Sc h Hig against Harrogate hool. Sc rsk Thi d an ol ho Sc Grammar Tom Gaunt, Coach U15 in action: Years 9 and 10. On the winning team U13s triumph on the pitch: Years 7 and 8. Outwood Academy Ripon, Clotherholme Road, Ripon, HG4 2DE Tel: (01765) 604564 Email: Editorial contact: Diane Tunnard Produced Words&Pictures. Tel.854800. 01943 854800. Produced byby Words&Pictures. Tel: 01943 THERE have been a record number of students attending sports clubs across the Academy this term. The U13 football team, captained by Owen Carter-Daggett, had an exciting start to the year, competing in the FA National Small Schools Cup and winning through to the last 32 of the competition at Wensleydale School, where they finished runners-up. A week later, they beat Boroughbridge High School 4-3, with goals from Carter-Daggett, Kieron Francis, Kristaps Anderson and Tom Milner. Tom Gaunt, Coach
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