GN #25 Feb 2009
GN #25 Feb 2009
.$ GAMBATTE NE Newsletter for the advancement of Bujinkan studies - Takamatsu den February 2009, Volume # 25 No Dojo Politics...No Hype...No Bull 2 This month I hope everyone's training is progressing and that they're having as much fun as I am. I've set the theme for my dojo as Koto Ryu and Bikenjutsu. Man it's going to be a great year! know a little more about, as well as historical figures ftom our different ryu. Gyokko Ryu Koshijutsu (Jeweled Tiger) Peace man! Nevin Zeljko Broz Shidoshi-ho Bujinkan Seishin RoDinDojo (Gyo ko Ryu) Gyokko Ryu History By Peter Carlsson and Mats Hjelm According to Kuden, the verbal tradition in Gyokko ryu, the system was developed in China during Tang-dynasty (618 AD - 907 AD). nindja Soke speaks "Don't use your arms to attack with the knife. By simply moving your body out of the way of the attack, you have set up your counter. " Soke Masaaki Hatsumi - Taken ftom "Quotations From Soke Part IV" by Benjamin Cole Expose In this section we will introduce you to many of the Bujinkan's top (and a few of the lower ranked) instructors. Sensei you might not have heard about and individuals you might want to There are two possible origins. One assumption was that a guard at the palace developed the system to suit his small stature; the other theory is that it was developed by a princess. This is in accordance to the system of movement, which implies that the school was developed by a physically smaller person. According to another source, a famous musician and authority on the history of music by the name of Mr. An of Xian in China, there was a woman in the court of Xian (which was the main residence of Tang-dynasty). She was very famous for her skill in dancing and the martial arts. By the fall of Tang-dynasty, year 907, many people of high station in society escaped ftom China to Japan. The name that is connected to the origin of Gyokko ryu in Japan is Yo (or Cho) Gyokko, it could have been introduced by a single person, but it also might have been a whole group. The first formal grandmaster of Gyokko Ryu in Japan was Hakuunsai Tozawa. He appeared some time during the period of Hogen (11561159). How he got this title and knowledge of the system is unknown, but Gyokko ryu, which means "Jeweled Tiger", is according to the Dai Nippon Bugei Ryu Ha one of the oldest documented martial arts in Japan. 3 The system was kept alive during the Kamakura, Nambuko and Muromachi periods, by the Suzuki family. In the 16thcentury it came into the Sakagami family, and between 1532 and 1555, the methods were organized by Sakagami Taro Kuniushige, who called the system Gyokko ryu Shitojutsu. The next grandmaster, Sakagami Kotaro Masahide, was killed in battle 1542. Because of this the title was passed on to Sougyoku Kan Ritsushi (also known as Gyokkan Ritsushi). Sakagami Kotaro Masahide was also known as Bando Kotaro Minamoto Masahide, and he also was the grandmaster of Koto ryu koppojutsu. Sougyoku Kan Ritsushi, who either came from the Kishu area or belonged to Kishu ryu, renamed Gyokko ryu Shitojutsu to Gyokko ryu Koshijutsu. He had some students who, in the 18thcentury, founded different schools based on Gyokko ryu and knowledge from Sougyoku. In spite ofthe fact that two of the schools founded by Sougyoku Kan Ritsushis students went on to Takamatsu Toshitsugu and Hatsumi Masaaki, Gyokko ryu went it's own way along with Koto ryu. The schools went to Toda Sakyo Ishinsai and Momochi Sandayu L After that, the schools remained in the Toda and Momochi families until Takamatsu, who was the last of the Todas to learn the arts, passed the schools to Hatsumi Masaaki. It is thanks to the Toda and Momochi families' activities in Iga province that the schools have come to belong to the local ninjutsu tradition, despite that the schools themselves were not really ninjutsu. Another connection in history is that Toda Shinryuken Masamitsu, Takamatsu's teacher and uncle, is said to be a descendant of Hakuunsai Tozawa. Toda Shinryuken Masamitsu taught Takamatsu that the most important thing is to study the techniques ofKihon Kata, also known as Kihon Happo, since they are the basis of all martial arts. This means that Kihon Happo covers all methods that are effective in real combat such as blocks, punches, kicks, breaking of wrists and elbows, and throws. The methods of Gyokko ryu are based on Koshijutsu (attacks against soft parts of the body). The strategy differs therefore very much from for example Koppojutsu, which concentrates on the bone structure. While Koppojutsu (Koto ryu) motions go in and out to they come at right angles to the joints. Koshijutsu techniques move sideways, or around the attack, getting close to Kyoshi (kyusho the weak parts of the body). These targets may be nerve points, inner organs or muscles as well as where the muscles are attached. The power in the counterattacks are therefore not generated by muscles, but by the hips and the spine. This is shown by the method of blocking, which concentrates on a powerful block to break the opponents balance, and thereby reaches the weak points ofthe body. An important detail to keep in mind, in order to move close to an opponent the backhand is held in front of the face as a guard against counterattacks. A frequently used body weapon in Gyokko ryu are the fingers and the fingertips. This is the reason for the earlier name Shitojutsu, which means techniques with the fingertips. Shitoken, also known as Boshiken, is the most common finger strike. This is a strike with the tip of the thumb, mostly against the muscles where they are attached or at nerve points. The bone located by the wrist is also a weapon, which is used for blocking, hits against Kasumi (the temple), etc. - _. OJ ) t' ___J Another way of hitting is to push the knuckle of the middle finger in front of the other knuckles in a modified Shikanken. It is not only Boshiken that has another name in Gyokko ryu. Shutoken is called Kitenken, for example. 4 The thumbs are an important part of Gyokko ryu. It is mostly shown in the three main stances: Ichimonji no kamae, Hicho no kamae, and Jumonji no kamae, where the thumbs always are directed upwards. The reason for this is that the energy always should flow freely, and there should be no lockups in the movement. In Gyokko ryu it is important to protect the heart. Therefore a starting position with the right leg forward is preferred, so that the left side is turned away from the opponent. Shoshin no kamae, Doko no kamae - "Angry tiger", and Hanin no kamae are also said to belong to Gyokko ryu. Gyokko ryu consists of several parts. First there is Kamae no kata (stances) and Taihen Kihon (falls). The next step is Ki kata, also known as Sanshin no kata. Ki kata teaches basic movements based on the five elements. These movements reoccur in all techniques in Gyokko ryu. After that comes Kihon kata and Torite Kihon kata, which are basic exercises for punches, kicks, blocks, grabs and throws. There are different statements on how many of exercises there are, and which exercises belong. Usually there are three exercises for punches, kicks and blocks, and five or six for grabs and throws. The last are trained from both sides. After all these basic exercises, you come to Koshijutsu. Koshijutsu is split in three main parts: Joryaku no Maki -Unarmed vs. Unarmed - Churyaku no Maki Unarmed vs. Tanto or Kodachi - Geryaku no Maki Unarmed vs. Ken or Yari Muto dori waza from Geryaku no maki are techniques against sword or spear and is considered to be the highest, and most difficult level of Gyokko ryu. Gyokko ryu was, beside the Koshijutsu, also known for it's methods with Katana, Tanto and Bo. Except for some techniques with Bo, very much of this is unknown. More of this will probably be known, however, since Hatsumi Masaaki is releasing more information on the subject. Even though Gyokko ryu can not claim to be a ninjutsu school, due to the lack of philosophy among other things, there is one saying that has followed the school: "Bushigokoro wo motte totoshi no nasu", which means "The heart of a warrior is precious and essential". According to the 1968 edition of the Bugei Ryuha Daijiten, Masaaki Hatsumi is the current Soke (head master) of the ryu which was passed to him by his teacher Takamatsu Toshitsugu. .. .. . Kata of The Ryu - Ki Gata 5 kamae Torite Kihon Gata 10 kata Joryaku No Maki - 12 kata Churyaku No Maki 8 kata - - GeryakuNo Maki- 8 kata Ki Gata 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. (San Dan Kamae) Migi Ichimonji no kamae Hidari Ichimonji no kamae Migi Hicho no kamae Hidari Hicho no kamae Jumonji no kamae Other kamae from the ryu... . ... Shoshin no kamae (Posture of First Body) Doko no kamae Hanin no kamae Hira no kamae (Shizen) Other kamae..., which involve Kuji .. . .. Tenryaku Uchu Gassho Futen Goshin Gassho Hanno Bonitsu Gassho Kohyo Gassho Tonryu Torite Kihon Gata 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Hidari Omote Gyaku Migi Omote Gyaku Hidari Ura Gyaku Migi Ura Gyaku Hidari Musa Dori Migi Musa Dori 5 7. 8. 9. 10. Hidari Omote Gyaku No Tsuki Migi Omote Gyaku No Tsuki Hidari Jigoku Dori Migi Jigoku Dori 5. Ku no kata Soke of Gyokko Ryu (Denkei) (Lastnamefirst,Japanesetradition) Jo Ryaku No Maki 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Kokuu - False space/void Hane Bi Renyo - Emperors palanquin Ketoh Danshu - Shooting hand Yubi Kudaki - Finger crushing Danshi - Shooting fmger Ketsumyaku Saka Nagare Teiken Keoh Sakketsu Chu Ryaku No Maki 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Ujaku Housen Seitou Kou Da Shin Shien KouRai Houraku Ge Ryaku No Maki 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Shunu Kou Ryaku Shun Soku Iaifuuji Ichi Geki Chingan Kaisoku Fuu Taihenjutsu Muto Dori no Kata 1. Hira no kamae 2. Ichimonji no kamae 3. Jumonji no kamae Sanshin no kata 1. 2. 3. 4. Chi no kata Sui no kata Ka no kata Fu no kata lkai (Cho Buren) 1056 Hogenbo, Tesshun Sasabe, Tendo Hachiryu, Nyudo Tozawa, Nyudo Geneai 1. Tozawa, Hakuunsai 1156-1159 1161-1162 2. Tozawa, Shosuke 1171-1180 3. Suzuki, Saburo 4. Suzuki, Gobei 5. Suzuki, Kojiro Mitsu 1288 6. Tozawa Soun 7. Yamon, Hyoun 8. Kato, Ryu Hakuun 1394 9. Sakagami, Goro Katsushige 1532 10. Sakagami, Taro Kunishige 1532 11. Sakagami, Kotaro Masahide 1532 12. Sogyokkan, Ritsushi 1532 13. Toda, Sakyo Ishinsai 1532 14. Momochi, Sandayu 1542-1555 15. Momochi, Sandayu II 1573-1591 16. Momochi, Tanba Yasumitsu 15951615 17. Momochi, Taro Saemon Genna 16151624 18. Toda, Seiryu Nobutsuna 1624-1644 19. Toda, Fudo Nobuchika 1658-1681 20. Toda, Kangoro Nobuyasu 1681-1704 21. Toda, Eisaburo Nobumasu 1704-1711 22. Toda, Shinbei Masachika 1711-1736 23. Toda, Shingoro Masayoshi 1736-1764 24. Toda, Daigoro Chikahide 1764-1804 25. Toda, Daisaburo Chikashige (1804) 26. Toda, Shinryuken Masamitsu 18241908 27. Takamatsu, Toshitsugu Uoh (1909) 1887-1972 28. Hatsumi, Masaaki (1968) 1931- - There are several lists of Soke from GYOkkOryu floating around amongst training partners. I have included the most common one. The person said to have organized Gyokko ryu into the present system as a ryu was Sakagami, Taro Kunishige (listed here as the 10thSoke). 6 The Nine Rules of Gyokko Ryu 1. The character NIN means to guard the nation with even your life. 2. Forget the self; be patient and do not fear dying. 3. When in danger, say and show nothing. 4. As a strong enemy attacks, keep an indomitable spirit. 5. Serve and protect the master, as you must your parents. 6. Vices dissipate your proficiency. 7. Being drunk affects your judgment. 8. Destroy the enemy's power, But leave his life. 9. Do not teach others without the masters' permission. Taijutsu technique 2 The defender drops his body weight and steps out to the side, simultaneously raising his arms tofree himself from the attacker's grip. ,... 1 The attacker grabs the defender from behind. 3 The defenders right arm stays underneath the attacker's ann. The left hand clasps the right, trapping the attackers forearm and bending it backwards. 7 find or create a modem form, the modem ninjutsu! Modem ninjutsu! What kind of poor unknowing miserable bullshit is this? If your taijutsu doesn't let you win the fight, there, in fact, is nothing wrong with the taijutsu; it is YOU that are wrong! What is this thing called modem ninjutsu? Is it perhaps creating a sport system out of the art? If so, to prove what? Or is it like kickboxing, where you take a few techniques from many forms, to do many techniques for one form? If so, to prove what? Maybe we should take today's hi-tech weapons and use them in a gi and a hood? If so, to prove what? 4 The defender starts to lever the attacker's arm, causing him tofall backwards. Modem Ninjutsu Or is it what I believe it is. I believe this way of thinking and talking comes only from some people's minds with only one find a way to make more money, nothing else! Well, maybe another reason is so these people can then call themselves masters. Who are these people? I am sure they are those who don't know enough basic taijutsu and they are afraid they will no longer be credible as martial artists. Therefore, they have found other ways to be believed. I think it is from them that we are hearing the talk of modem ninjutsu. They say, "We have to be more modem." What I hear is "I need to be believed." . Ifwe like to play beautiful music (taijutsu), we have to practice. In the beginning, there is more dis-harmony then harmony and the sounds we make are not much like music... more noise then melody. But as we continue, we become more familiar with our instruments (mind/body) and we learn to create a melody (technique). Through everyday practice and study, our self-confidence increases along with our skills, eventually we will be able to play simple melodies (movements). However, we are still very, very far away from mastering our instruments. In order to do that, it takes years of dedicated study and hard practice. By Sveneric Bogsiiter The following article was written in December 1990 for a European newsletter for "friends" in the training. This is not functioning... it is too slow... it is not a good way... not explosive enough! We have to As in golf or chess for example, some people have the ability to reach a ''world class level; others will never become more than very anxious "amateurs." But as in everything we do, to include ninjutsu, it is only our self-confidence, our study, and our dedicated hard practice, which will give possibilities to each one of us to use our talents in the best way. 8 Don't waste your talents in what someone calls "modem ninjutsu" because as I see it, they don't understand the basics, the philosophy, the depth or the reality oftaijutsu. Don't give up a current philosophy for a new one until you study long enough to know what you're giving. Don't feed those persons (who I think should do something else other than ninjutsu) who don't care to give you a true way to reload your batteries with clear and clean natural power, so that you can get the personal strength to shape that power with others. Hatsumi says, "When you learn to liste!nto your own heartbeat, you will start to live; the sound from the heart is music, the melody oflife. To live in, and with this fantastic melody is our budo." To reach such a level, we have to STUDY AND PRACTICE; not only practice. Ninjutsu is taijutsu and taijutsu is not a simple self-defense system. The ninpo taijutsu is an art; an art to be lived, to show a way of living, and to survive. Ninpo taijutsu gives you, if you can see it, the possibilities to live your life-not just experience it. In fact, it is your attitude to the art, to taijutsu, which will make it function or not function. As I claimed earlier, there is nothing wrong with taijutsu; it is you who are wrong! Please stop talking about modem ninjutsu in the meaning of changing the system. Let us instead, use the system to live and survive in our "modem" time. Finally, I would like to say, "Look at nature to understand the art ofninpo taijutsu. But remember that what you see is not nature, but the nature seen through your own way of questioning." Soke speaks "The movement is first kiri-age, then kiri-sage, then tsuki. Practice them welL" (Noguchi-sensei's comment) "If you are trying to kiri-age, don't bend your elbows. Otherwise your sword will point downward. Rather, extend you arms. " "After the kiri-sage, there is no need to remove your swordfrom their body to do the tsuki. If it's already in their body, leave it there. Just twist and thrust.. If you hit a rib,just twistyour blade to lay itflat, and then thrust all the way through." "When you go to do a kiri-age, be mindful of your tsuka. It could get in your way. So you need to remember to either push it away with your elbow, or hold it close with the inside of your arm. It all depends on the situation. " "You could also push your tsuka straight back with your elbow like this. (Soke is standing in Hasso no kamae, which means that his left elbow is infront of his body, and thus his forward-pointing tsuka. Without losing his stance, he places the inside of his left elbow on the open end of his tsuka, and pushes it straight back) It's a real shame, but many people who are involved with creating 'jidai-geki' (samurai movies, etc.) do not know such techniques. If they were to see this one, they would be extremely surprised... You can't see itfrom the front; you have to look from the side. It certainly looks cool, don't you think?" (Yes, I must admit It did.) "You can hold the sword at many different heights in hasso. It can be up high or down low, depending on the space you have to work with... Ifit is down low, for example, you must make your kiri-age cut tighter to your body. " "The line of the cut, the distance, and the direction are all very important" (Someya-sensei) "I was cut on my finger last year and the sword just slid right through it Being cut with a sword is like being shocked by electricity. Keeping that in mind, you can see how with the first cut (the kiri age), you can actually open a person up for the kiri sage cut on the other side. " Soke Masaaki Hatsumi - Taken from "Quotations From Soke Part IV" by Benjamin Cole 9 Survival technique Here we will run a monthly survival feature, which can be used in case of emergency or to enhance your ninjutsu skills while training in nature. Getting stuck in a Canadian winter is no fun, trust me, I know! Probably one day someone was watching a snowshoe hare hoping across deep snow pockets and it inspired him to create this great thing known as snowshoes. With snowshoes you can easily walk over deep drifts of snow without sinking in as you take every step. This can help you get out of a tight situation or help in hunting as many animals such as deer have a difficult time traveling in deep snow. You can get in for a much closer shot or even a chance to throw a spear at an animal you plan to harvest providing you with sustenance. The easiest way to make a quick pair of snowshoes would be in the Chippewa Indian style (which is pictured below). C.H'PEWVAI'I FIVE lIAR This type of snowshoe is made with two equal lengths of wood, which are bound at both ends. Smaller crosspieces are added and lashed down giving support to the frame. Twine is then tied to the ftame and cross tied (like a net) which gives the support to keep you from sinking in the snow. The more surface area created the higher you will walk. In an emergency you can use braided grass as twine or small diameter twigs. Yu can equally use planks or cloth stretched across the frame. Remember, more surface area, easier, higher walking. MONTAGNAIS '"DI"N SINGL!. eNt Here is another type of Indian snowshoe. It is one stick wrapped around in a loop and bound together. A cross piece is added and then mesh. If you have trouble bending the main stick in this style or the one above, thin the inside wall thickness of the stick with a knife, or if you have the time, boil some water and place the area you plan to bend in the boiling water for about 15 minutes then bend and hold till it cools. These same two methods are also used to create bows (yumi). Here are a few different ways to tie the snowshoes to your feet. The area around your toes has to be securely tied to the snowshoe. Then you have another strap, which goes around the back of your foot (heel) or around the ankle as shown above. Your toe area becomes a pivot and the heel raises itself as you step forwards. As you walk it takes a little experience to keep ones balance without falling. If you've ever tried walking in a scuba divers swim fins, you kind of have the idea, just about 3 times more difficult. Many stores that sell snowshoes also sell ski poles as supports. I've never wiped out but came close once or twice in the beginning. When turning, take small sideways steps so that you don't cross one snowshoe over the other or else you'll quickly fall down. Don't try to lift the snowshoe off the ground thinking to put the back against the ground and pivoting it into the direction you wish to go like a skier. Hello, you're standing on deep snow, try this and watch you snowshoe sink and you will as well, probably do a face plant. All in all it's a fun way to travel and a really good work out. One unrelated point.. .if you find yourself out on ice and it starts to crack, don't try to run if you are too far from shore. Lie down and spread your weight. This way there is less chance of 10 falling through the ice. Crawl to thick ice then get up and go. Yuki waragi (n~a snow sandals) used to keep feet off of snow and help with gripping. Made nom bamboo and twine. One really good thing is that you can't tell which way the ninja is traveling (nont / back looks the same). Book / Video review Here we will review books and videos/movies on the ninja and samurai arts. This month we will feature a short review on the DVD titled "Chinese Super Ninjas". An epic tale of vengeance, betrayal, and ambition against the backdrop of ninja martial skills and arts. When his school is destroyed and his colleagues all slaughtered by supreme ninja Cheng Yun and his five element ninjas, Tsiau Chin Hau sets out to take his revenge. But stopping the elemental ninjas (gold, wood, water, fire, and earth) is an awesome task. So, Chin studies the secrets of the ninja under the guidance of teacher Yan Yong Fe. Thus armed, Chin and his newfound cohorts Li Yin Win, Chan Sin, and Wan Fong challenge the element ninjas in a climactic battle to the death. Once again, Chang Cheh displays his unique talents for marshalling aggression, violence, and balletic grace within an inventive format. This classic movie is also known as "Super Ninjas". The movie begins with two rival Kung fu schools competing to see who is superior. The "evil" Kung fu master substitutes a Japanese samurai/ninja in as a fighter who eventually gets killed. True to his ninja heritage, the Japanese poisons the "good" Kung fu master and sends for his ninja clan to come and avenge his death. The ninja's come and kill all the good guys except for one. This single guyjust happens to find a Chinese master who happened to train in Japanese ninjutsu, who just happens to train him and a few select others to wipe out the ninja clan. Okay it's a kind ofhokey film. But what's really cool is the fact you get to see real ninja weapons used in film such as Togakure ryu shuko, ashiko, kakute (spiked ring) as well as others. At the beginning of the movie they provide a small note telling of trying to show authentic ninjutsu according to an old ninja scroll in their possession (authors). Running Time: 104 min. Made in 1982 My opinion: Some of it is so unbelievable, but what do you expect nom a movie. I like it as it shows a certain truth about ninjutsu (even if it's very little). Flying shuriken rating. Rating: "Quick Overview" +++ Three-senban shuriken! 11 Soke speaks "(Concerning Doron teaching a knife technique) "Listen to him. He's a 'killer.' You all need to get that 'killer' instinct as welL Otherwise, you will he killed yourself. " Ninpo Taijutsu Shinken Gata Jan 31- Feb 01,2009. Bujinkan Seishin Dojo Zagreb, CROATIA Soke Masaaki Hatsumi Taken ftom "Quotations From Soke by Benjamin Cole - Part IV" Seminars Here we will keep you informed of upcoming seminars, as well as reviews of those attended. If you want to advertise your seminar here contact us at: nindja Shihan Dean Rostohar Ninpo Taijutsu Shin ken Gata March 07-08,2009. Bujinkan Tengan Dojo, Andrej Jasenc Shidoshi Ljubljana, SLOVENIJA Info: Ninpo Taijutsu Shinken Gata . March 21-22, 2009. Bujinkan Zanshin Dojo, Magyar Attila Shidoshi Budapest, HUNGARY Info: 2nd Annual Canadian Shih an Taikai IIIIIIftI Craig Olson . "''t~ 12 - . Courtland Elliott Eduard Divantman Bill Brown April 11th and 12th, 2009 Info: Frank Hill ~ rl Brad Hutchinson Bernard Gregoire F'~ L~ Francine Tremblay - . ~. - --. Henri Caron Manolo Serrano Shihan Moti Nativ ~ . ~ oj Shawn Gray Estelle PadeloupSerrano Info: 13 Shihan Holger Kunzmann Info: Paul Fisher, Shidoshi (561) 832-5255 Ed Figueroa, Shidoshi Shihan Frank Hill r _ f Info: Shihan Jack Hoban ~1.r1 I J ~'. ., ~, .. "Mind Seminar" (Earth, Water, Fire, Wind, Wood, Metal, Void and hypnosis) February 21,2009 Oshawa, Ontario Info: Shihan Richard Van Donk Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu, Defending Others, Weapons Training Saturday February 14,2009 The Palm Beach Bujinkan Dojo West Palm Beach, Florida 14 . tt:n1 . . .." lJl:lAJ~ . . . ".. i '.., June 13/14,2009 Mississauga Bujinkan Dojo Mississauga, Ontario . .. .. .. . D~" " :e.IJUdII.-.u. Email: or '.11-:.: Join ShIMa grell' Richard tnllnlng.t ea,;tom;.. ~ VMJ Dam and triends eJtc:iri'~ city 01 san lor a Franci5co. - St~ rheShlOoshlTenChiJJn~ Sfet>bMtel>. Special QulrincloSeIfHeitHngArts and Mediation Sessions. . Rock and Roll rrainina. . Great fOIbet~rs or ~80C£d PtactlOOners. IfMSTIIENT: 5395 wI1lc11loclades 3 full dayS and 3 n.ighrs of training. Stans T'huBdr.,y Night and goes until ~ SundDy. .. r FitS/. 25 people toslgl' UP wHl race/ve8 TO ALL, PLEASE NOTE THAT THE ED MARTIN SEMINAR, WHICH WAS TO BE ON FEBRUARY 7 & 8, 2009,_HAS BEEN CANCELLED. THANK YOU FOR CONSIDERING IT! special PLEASE PASS ON THIS MESSAGE. TenChi Jin booII. Pierre Benoit, CHt, RCCH Bujinkan Shidoshi Info: Kacem Zoughari Hiden no Togakure Ryu Ninpo (Secret Ninjutsu) The following is a translation from the Japanese Book, Hiden no Togakure Ryu Ninpo, or Secret Togakure Ryu Ninpo, by Soke Masaaki Hatsumi. As always, 1 have edited it only for grammar, and have left the content just as it was written by Soke. Shidoshi Ken Harding There is a lot of misunderstanding regarding the ninja. Some ninja were originally "failed samurai"; they started out with a bad reputation. - Ol.February Novi Sad, Serbia 31 January Info: Takagi Yoshin Ryu level 1 plus Bo vs. sword The Japanese character for "Shinobi" implies a lack of heart, coldness, and ruthlessness. That applies only to the lowest or worst class of ninja. True ninja have very deep and proper emotions. Love and peace is very important to them. They must, however, learn to be very patient with their bodies and emotions. They train their subconscious (natural intelligence) also. They are not concerned with "saving face". They strive to win in the end. The ninja's emotions are like a flower. Ninja enjoy the peace of nature, and have a peaceful nature as well. They use natural movement to disappear when attacked with a sword. They fight to protect community and country. It is bad that people 15 write about the ninja without really knowing anything about them. Ninja have many techniques, but their secret is Kyojutsu ten kan ho (the art of changing). Today's society is very crazy. There is no good philosophy. Heart is the most important element of my philosophy. It will carry the warrior through this confused time. Budo Philosophy: In general, it is used to protect the country, your community, and your own body. The way one approaches and uses this philosophy is very important. People say that the way you cut with the sword is important, but good eyes, strong muscles and bones are not the "way". Gross technique is more like cutting wood than swordsmanship. Swordsmanship against an opponent involves a totally different "way". You also need to learn different techniques but the "way" is the important part, which Sensei stresses. Just means technique, but it also means heart. Jutsu must come ftom the heart. Therefore, your heart must be straight and honest. If your heart is not clear and straight, your jutsu will be lacking and you will not improve in the martial arts. Lust for victory will not give you the victory. You must receive the victory ftom your opponent. He has no choice but to give it to you because he will sense your heart as better and truer. Nature is your mend; it helps you to win. Your enemy will have unnatural movement; therefore you will be able to know what he is going to do before he does it. I refer to mastery as a "feeling" in the individual. The certificate, even 10thdegree, is no proof. One must be honest and think on this very deeply. There is no proof, however, if you look for it. When you don't need to look, that is the proof. When one develops Shin Kid To Ichi (the heart, universe and weapon as one) that is mastery. This is the proof; this ability always allows the budoka to win, his technique always works. Ninpo protects all of you, your body and spirit. Other budo philosophies don't have this. In budo, and other philosophies, if your spirit is not straight, you can kill yourselfl For example, medicine should protect one's health, but used improperly, the same techniques will kill. Likewise with eating and drinking; improper habits will destroy the body. The same with the leadership of a country. Leaders should protect the people; a bad leader (poor philosophy, greedy, selfish) can destroy a country. Religion can be good for society, but greed and fanaticism can destroy. Here is a paraphrase of a letter ftom Takamastu Sensei to me: "The universe gives no one can stop you a mission and guides you you will gain enormous strength, lose all you fear, become as one with all of the natural world, and have total fteedom in your movements. Your mind will be straight and honest. If you are truly straight and honest, you can get this power. Common sense, justice, and no surprise: this is Togakure Ryu Ninpo". -- -- How to learn the gokui (secrets) so as to become Meijin (a master)? Everyone wants to get the makimono (ryu scroll legacy that is held by the grandmaster). Only by studying long and hard can you become strong enough to take the makimono. Once you have it you may find that it is hard to move for several years because the makimono is too heavy. You begin to understand the commitment that using the gokui entails. The makimono becomes like a physical weight. Here are some clues to the gokui (secrets). It has to do with Takamatsu Sensei's return to Japan ftom China. In China he was known as Mo-ko, the Mongolian tiger. But in Japan. But in Japan his mends called him the Yamomoto pussycat. They asked him why he was acting like a pussycat, and not a tiger. Takamatsu said that he needed to act like a tiger in China to survive. Now he needed to act like a pussycat so that women would like him and want to pet him. The secret is flexibility and appropriateness. When you need to be a tiger you can, and are one. When it's better to be a cat, you can be and are. I was once asked by a ftiend: "Why don't you fight a bull like Mas Oyama? You are a very strong ninja master." I smiled and said that even though a bull has more muscles, even a farmer can pull it around by the ring in its nose. Gokui (the secrets of martial arts) is in a person's heart and his personal commitment. Be ready to think all the time. If you want enlightenment, practise every moment how to answer these types of questions, like the one about the bull. This means everyone has the capability to learn the gokui in ninpo. Practise every day, every moment. Prepare your heart, make it pure in the way that the universe is pure - natural energy. Then your techniques will also be pure and ftom the heart. You can learn ftomanyone if you are 16 sure of yourself. If you are strong you can have good friends and bad friends, and learn from both. I have all kinds of friends because I have no compulsion to judge them. I am not susceptible to bad influences, nor overinfluenced by "good" influences. To keep your focus, you must have a purpose - don't waste your time. Learn from everyone. about the roots. Some day you will bloom into a beautiful flower anyway. Dreams can help you improve your techniques. Dreams can help you improve your techniques. Dream about your techniques. Practise also, again, again, again. People like to practise budo in the dojo with their friends. It is very important to go by yourself into nature and work against the trees, rocks, with animals. Study the movement of animals and "wrestle" with nature. It is important to have a master, but if he is no good, it could be better than none. Look to nature. If you, as a teacher, have a student who doesn't respond to teaching, don't teach him. Leave his training to him. Ifhe likes ninpo, he will learn on his own by observing; if not, he will leave. Don't talk too much: demonstrate. I have many very high level techniques that I never teach. If the student's are not advanced enough, the training can be detrimental. You must love before you can create. If you love ninpo, you can learn with or without a teacher. Strive to fmd the root of winning. Practise yourself, by yourself if necessary, all your life. Don't be wishy-washy. Use your brain. You can learn many things. Learn them all rather than wasting time vacillating between what you think is important to learn. Never give up, even if you get sick. I thought about budo 3 times as much as anyone else I knew, trained 3 times as much as anyone, and spent 3 times as much money in my martial quest. I got strong enough to find out that I was weak. I became very confused, but dido't give up. I tried to just stop wonying and train. But I got sick anyway. I thought that I would die at one point. I was in bed for five years. I thought that if I died, then I might fmd peace. After the five years I realized that, no matter whether you are alive, dead, sick or healthy, old or have lots of vitality, you must practise, honestly, according to your situation. Now I don't wony anymore! Use natural technique; nature's power. When you look at someone else's technique and you feel inadequate, you are probably open for improvement - unless this feeling persists for more than ten years: then give up. Use your practise to gain insight into other things. Techniques are based on philosophy. The fundamentals of both must be strong. Practise the basics. Don't wony about the flower, wony - - - You have to have a purpose. Why are you studying? Most great martial artists have these purposes: Self-improvement. They never quit. They practise all their lives to improve. They realize that it is their own selfimprovement that is the positive thing that rubs off on others. Both good for themselves, and good for those that come in contact with them. It is important to know how little you know. When learning ninpo, keep the fire in your heart. Your technique will then be forged from fire like the samurai sword. Fire andjustice are t he keys. If you want to change your body and your life, train with fire and live a just life. The number of techniques you know isn't as important as your attitude. You need purpose and a good eye for those things in life that help your purpose. Takamatsu sensei was in many real fights and never lost because he was mindful of these important things. How to become a student: first of all, you need a good teacher. If you have a quack for a "master" then you are wasting your time. Usually a great teacher will go through many students looking for the ones who have a great sense of the martial arts. In the old days, students had rules for example, they had to cut wood, clean house, -- 17 etc. .. for several years. The master then judged their strength, patience, perseverance, and attitude. If the master decided that you were good, he would invite you into the dojo. There the training would be very hard. Some students couldn't hack it. They thought that the master was cruel. The ones who could make it were the ones who saw the greatness of the master. The purpose of each person's quest can differ: physical strength, mental strength, animal desire to win, or it may be an emotional quest. Practise religion if you want to make your mind/spirit strong, not martial arts. Martial arts can kill. However, to make your body strong enough to just kill or win honours, lift weights, eat vegetables, and walk to become strong. Don't bother with the martial arts. Only 1 in 1000 will continue to seek the true practise of ninpo. He is stubborn with a one-track mind bordering on stupidity. Student and master must respect each other. Takamatsu sensei always called me "sensei." But master is master, student is student, always. I learned life's most important lessons from Takamatsu sensei. Of the three great relationships - parent/child, wife/husband, master/student, the third is the most important in life. Brought to you by the, Missouri Ninja Center, 8336 Watson Road, St.Louis, MO 63119 (314) 842-9373. Feelfree to distribute this information to anyone either electronically or on paper provided that: It is unaltered, including this message, you do not charge money for it. Kobo Daishi, the Koyasan Monastery, and the Yamabushi Kukai (Kobo-Daishi) (774-835) was born at Buyobu-ga-ura (Sanuki), of the Saiki family. He entered a Buddhist temple while still quite young and, at 19, took the name of KukaLIn 804, he went to China as part of the train of the Japanese ambassador, and then traveled to the Tang capital, which was then the greatest city in the world, where the Chen-yen (Shingon) school of esoteric Buddhism was the most popular of all Buddhist schools. Because mastery of Sanskrit was mandatory to the study of esoteric Buddhism, he mastered this language by studying in the temple under the master Hui-kuo, who felt that Kukai was the one and only suitable individual to whom to pass his teachings. Kukai returned to Japan in the autumn of 806, bringing with him a prodigious number of volumes oftexts on esoteric Buddhism, as well as Sanskrit works. He gained entry into court circles as the leading exponent of Chinese culture and won the patronage of emperor Saga, which facilitated his spreading the teachings of Shingon. He engaged in a discussion, organized by the emperor, between the most learned bonzes and surpassed them all in eloquence and science. In 816, he retired to Mt. Koyasan (Kii), where he founded the temple ofKongobu-ji, which became one of the largest in Japan. Although Kukai was not able to finish the temple during his lifetime, Mount Koya, the place of his internment, became the most hallowed center of the Shingon sect. In 823, Kukai was granted the temple, Toji, located at the entrance to Kyoto, and received permission to use the temple exclusively for Shingon clerics. Toji and Mount Koya thus became the bases for Shingon in Japan. Thus the foundations were laid for the religious organization of this sect. Emperor Saga abdicated in 823 in favor of emperor Junna during whose reign Kukai achieved his highest glory and, in 834, he received permission to establish a Shingon chapel in the imperial palace. By this time, many of the Buddhist sects were dominated by esoteric Buddhism. In all of his many pursuits, Kukai considered that even the making of tea or writing poems in the presence of the emperor and nobles were forms of religious activity. Many statues and paintings, whose authenticity is at least doubtful, are attributed to him. He invented the alphabet called hiragana, and wrote the poem (iroha-uta) composed of 47 syllables 18 after the manner of Japanese poems. He was an acknowledged master of calligraphy. In 921, Kukai received from the emperor Daigo the posthumous name of Kobo-Daishi, by which he is generally known. He carried the sword called "ama-goi-ken" which had the design of the rain dragon wound around it. Kukai died in 835 and his body resides in the inner shrine ofMt. Koya Koya-san: A mountain in Kii, also called Takano-yama, Nanzan, famous for its numerous Buddhist temples. The first, Kongo-bu-ji, was founded by Kukai in 816. Thanks to the liberalities of the emperors and the daimyo of the province, the monastery became very prosperous. It occupied 223 hectares of land on which rose 723 main buildings, besides 440 outhouses. During the Middle Ages, it had soldiers of its own (sohei)- Yama bushi - who, more than once, caused disturbance in the neighborhood. (The armor illustrated is probably quite typical of Yama bushi armor). Koya-san was for a long time, a place of exile for persons of rank. There Hidetsugu, nephew to Taiko, was invited to commit seppuku (1595); to that place too Oda Hidenobu, Chosokabe Morichika, Masuda Nagamori, etc. were banished after the battle of Sekigahara (1600). A certain number of temples were destroyed by fire; and the decline of Buddhism, after the Restoration, dealt a last blow to the prosperity of the famous monastery. The immense cemetery of Koya-san preserves the tombs, if not the bodies, of a great number of celebrated men: Taira Atsumori, Kumagaya Naozane, Takeda Shingen, Akechi Mitsuhide, Ii Kamon no kami, the bonzes Kobo-Daishi (Kukai), Enko Daishi (Genku), etc. It is believed that those who have their tomb near that of Kobo-Daishi, obtain through him the grace to start a new life in Paradise (Jodo) hence, the great number of funeral monuments erected in this place. I - -- -" ,/ ~ . Taijutsu technique 1 The attacker grabs the defender from behind in afull nelson. --2 The defender reaches for the attackers fmgers, causing pressure to various kyusho. ~"" ,. ...;::..:- "- I ~ ~F . . ~«:'\o. J' <. , Gyokko ryu scrolls . . """'"""" ,I.. -.' -- -- -- - -- -- 3 The defender spreads his legs as he drops his bodies' weight. He grabs the attackersflngers and spreads his arms. I I I L-___ 19 All content published here is for the exclusive use of Bujinkan students. We will strive to be as accurate as possible. If anyone feels that they have anything to contribute please e-mail it to me and it will be considered for publication. Any comments or questions will be welcomed. The author or any contributors assume no responsibility whatsoever for any misuse of the information found in these pages. I I __ _ _ _ 4 The defender extends the attackers left arm while pulling the attackers right arm towards himself. 1 This is NOT an official Bujinkan newsletter. Please watch who and what you teach. Peace! Nevin Zeljko Broz Shidoshi-ho Bujinkan Seishin Ronin Dojo Copyright 2009 Bujinkan Seishin Ronin Dojo ..----....5 The attackers right arm is pulled up into his left armpit causing pressure to certain kyusho. The technique is similar to ura gyaku of the kihon happo kata. Disclaimer It is highly recommended that medical advice be sought before following any of the suggestions written in this newsletter. It is also highly recommended to seek out a qualified, competent instructor to guide you safely before attempting this or any other potential knowledge. The purpose of publishing this newsletter is to help serious students of the Bujinkan advance their studies through a community effort. This concept is reflected in the name of our newsletter, "Gambatte ne", which means, "Keep going". Please feel tree to pass this information among other Bujinkaners.
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