8 pm - Sacred Heart Catholic Church
8 pm - Sacred Heart Catholic Church
Sacred Heart Catholic Church August 14, 2016 12704 Foothill Boulevard Rancho Cucamonga, California 91739 Office : 909-899-1049 Fax: 909-899-3229 Www. Sacredheartrc.org iPhone and Android APP: “SACRED HEART RANCHO CUCAMONGA” For General Information call ext. 113 or 115 For Emergencies ONLY requiring a priest during non-office hours call (909) 503-5588. Very Rev. Benedict Pastor, Ext. 132 Rev. Julian Okoroanyanwu Parochial Vicar, Ext. 141 Fr.Benedict.N@sacredheartrc.org Fr.Julian.O@sacredheartrc.org Nwachukwu-Udaku VF, Email: Email: Rev. Edward Molumby, S.T. Priest in Residence OFFICE HOURS: Monday-Thursday: 8:30 AM-5:30 PM Friday: 8:30 AM- 5:00 PM Deacon Ed Clark Parish Deacon , Ext. 286 Email: Dcn.Ed.C@sacredheartrc.org SACRED HEART PARISH SCHOOL Grades: K-8th School Info: (909) 899-1049 x400 FAX: (909) 899-0413 For School Day Care call ext. 407 & 660 School Web Site: www.shsrcbulldogs.webs.com Trenna Meins, Principal Mary Carr, School Secretary Twentieth Sunday in Ordinar y Time MASS SCHEDULE in English Mon– Sat: 7:30 AM Wed: 6:15 PM Saturday: 5:00 PM Sunday: 7:00 AM, 10:30 AM (w/ American Sign Language), 12:30 PM, 5:00 PM Vigesimo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario HORARIO DE MISAS en Español Martes: 6:15 PM Domingo: 8:30 am (con Lengua de Signos) y 7:00 PM Baptisms/Bautizos Three months of preparation are recommended. Please pick up a baptismal packet in the office or call ext, 113 or115 for more information. Se recomiendan tres meses de preparación. Pase a la oficina por un packete para bautizo o llame a las ext. 113 o 115 para mas informes. Weddings/Bodas A prenuptial meeting with a priest is required. One of the parties must be a committed member of Sacred Heart Parish. Minimum six months preparation required. Any previous marriage must be cleared before a date is scheduled and preparation can begin. Call ext.133 for an appointment. Se requiere una junta prenupcial con el sacerdote. Una persona de la pareja debe ser un miembro de la parroquia del Sagrado Corazón. Para pedir una cita llame extensión 133. Preparación de seis meses mínimo es requerida. Quinceañeras Padres y Quinceañera deben asistir a una reunión informativa en la oficina parroquial a las 10:00 am el ultimo domingo de cada mes. Se requiere 6 meses de preparación. Mass Intentions / Intenciones Anyone may request a Mass intention for: a person who is living, a person who is decesed, members of a givien family, a special intention, or birthday. Mass intentions are filled on a first come first served basis. The offering is $10 per Mass (4 max.) Must be in person. Cualquier persona puede solicitar una intención de Misa para: una persona viva, una persona fallecida, miembros de una familia, una intención especial, o un cumpleaños. Las intenciones de las Misas se llenan en orden de llegada. La oferta es de $ 10 por Misa (4 máx.) Debe ser en persona. Funerals/Funerales To make arrangements for a funeral please contact the parish office x 115. Para hacer arreglos para un funeral, llame a la oficina parroquial ext. 115. CONFESSIONS/ CONFESIONES Saturday at 3:30 p.m. Tuesdays 5:00pm (English/Spanish) or call ext.133 for an appointment Sábado 3:30 p.m. Martes 5:00pm (Ingles/Español) o llame x133 para hacer una cita. Holy Hour - Every Thursday from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Come before the Blessed Sacrament, join us to pray for all families, our parish family and for vocations. Hora Santa - Todos los Jueves de 6:30 p.m. a las 7:30 p.m. Venga ante el Santísimo Sacramento del Altar, únase a nosotros para pedir por todas las familias, nuestra familia parroquial y por las vocaciones. Reservation Chapel - with the Blessed Sacrament is open on weekdays from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Entrance is on the West side of the building. La Capilla - del Santísimo Sacramento esta abierta entre semana de 7 a.m. a 5 p.m. La entrada esta al oeste del edificio. Please pray for all our sick relatives and friends: Nineeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time We pray for: Requested By: Don Calzia Saturday, August 13 5:00pm Guillermo Fitzmaurice + Fr. Emmanuel Mavudzi + Mark Dwight Johnson Alejandro & Asteria Garcia Sunday, August 14 7:00am + Roger Palacios + + 8:30am + 10:30am + 12:30pm 5:00pm + + 7:00pm + Helen Kopy Gloria Jean Newman Familia Navarro Ordorica Carlos Castrellon Lujan Pete Valdez Michael Huizar Mado Ashu Eben The Poor Souls in Purgatory Propopulo Abby Co Crusita Ocha Godie Mortola Sonia Gomez Luis Mar nez Gracias al Sr. Crucificado Anne Magadoro Janet Johnson Family Isela Diaz Ignacio Intravaia Charlie and Dina Lagarde Su Mama Saludina Hernandez Diane Macer Viv & the Kids Be y Elad The Hanna Family Alejandro & Ana Castro Adonis & Blanca Ochoa Trena D Ronquillo Su mama Su hija Luz Juarez Patsy Torres Lorana Fitzmaurick Ruby Laponis Tiffany West Kepford Wexler Vila Andrea Sekona Demy Calma Maria Beltran Mary Bermudez Gladys Giron Agustin Vazquez Alice Vazquez Francisco Espinosa Asteria M. Espinosa Jesus Rodriguez G. Jacqueline Rouin Abby Co Jessica Palma Alma Capati Pete Valdez Delfina Cuevas Ellie Guardino Michelle Chong Ankita Chhabra Rudy Marin Leticia Rios Cecilia Ortiz Eric Andrew Garcia Join us to pray for all who recently died : “It is a good and wholesome thing to pray for the dead” (2 Maccabees 12:45-46) Terry Taylan Nicholas Amadi Doreen Richichi Charlie Villanueva Rosario Panaligan Solina Sollander Delia Acensio Perez Rudy Sorriano Angelina Macias Edith Davis Mattie Roa John Fanzo Antonio Luna Dionisio Garza III Vincent Miao Juan Pablo Pardo José Gonzalez Carlos Manzano Richard Omana Nicholas Solima Shirley Solis Hortencia Madamba Carlos Lopez Jr. Procopio Torres Cornelia Lucero Baby Ben Sekona +Jesus Antonio Sanchez Pedro Villegas Malcolm Phillips +Kasey Vance Monday, August 15 Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary 7:30am Mom + Jason Jimenez Tuesday, August 16 St. Stephen of Hungary 7:30am Heidi Molina + Francisco Zamora 6:15pm Carlos y Yvonne Cordero Wednesday, August 17 7:30am All Souls in Purgatory 6:15pm Mass for Voca ons Thursday, August 18 7:30am + Kathryn Bates Turner Friday, August 19 St John Eudes 7:30am Please pray for all our relatives and friends serving in the military: Familia Kevin Acosta AIR FORCE Carissa Deck Kristin Queen Addison Queen Jacob A. Quintanilla Sean Queen Marco A Rivera NAVY Stephen Abarca Joseph Linares Zedrix P Santos Kevin Chavez Andrew Gutierrez MARINES Randy Castillejo Carlos E Rodriguez Xochitl Abad Kim Nguyen Larry Meyer Saturday, August 20 St. Bernard 7:30 am Family Andy Nguyen Scheduled events Sun 14 Masses as regularly scheduled CHC 8 am—2:30 pm JP2 Blood Drive 8:30AM Child.Lit. HVT 10:00AM Little Lambs LIB 21 10th Anniversary 8pm -12 pm Masses as regularly CHC scheduled 8:30AM Child.Lit. HVT 10:00AM Little Lambs LIB Legend: Mon 15 Assumption of Mary 6:00AM AA mtg CON 6:50AM Rosary CHP 7:30AM Mass E CHP 6:00AM 6:50AM 7:00AM 7:30AM AA mtg CON Rosary CHP ACTS JP2 Mass CHP Wed Thu 17 6:00AM AA mtg CON 6:50AM Rosary CHP 7:30AM Mass CHP 18 6:00AM AA mtg CON 6:50AM Rosary CHP 7:30AM Mass CHP CELEBRATION Masses as regularly scheduled CHC 9 am CMFP Mass Graduation CHC 26 27 6:30PM Holy Hr JP2 7:30PM Lt. of Jesus HVT 7:30PM Prayer Group LIB 6:30PM Lt. of Jesus HVT 7:00PM Est. Biblico LIB 10:00AM Citizenship LIB 6:30PM Holy Hr JP2 22 23 24 5:00PM CONF. CHC 6:15PM Mass CHP 7:30PM AA mtg CON 4:00PM Life Teen 6:00PM Edge 6:15PM Mass 7:00PM Cristo Rey HVT HVT CHP JP2 6:00AM AA mtg CON 6:50AM Rosary CHP 7:30AM Mass CHP 25 6:00PM Edge HVT 6:15PM Mass CHP 7:00PM Cristo Rey JP2 6:00AM AA mtg CON 6:50AM Rosary CHP 7:30AM Mass CHP 19 Sat 20 ANNIVERSARY 6:30PM Lt. of Jesus HVT 7:00PM ACTS JP2 7:30PM Cursillos CHC 5:00PM CONF. CHC 6:15PM Mass CHP 6:00AM AA mtg CON 6:50AM Rosary CHP 7:30AM Mass CHP Fri 12PM Serra Club DCR 3:30PM CONF. CHC 6:00PM Mass S CHP 7:30PM Mass CHP 6:00AM AA mtg CON 6:50AM Rosary CHP 7:30 AM Mass CHP 7:00 PM Cristo Rey CHP Please also pray for women who are considering abortion. That they come to understand the sanctity of human life. May God give them the grace and strength to accept the gift He has given them in the life of their baby. CHC= Church CHP=Chapel HVT= Horvath Hall LIB= Library JP2= St. John Paul II Hall J23= St. John XXIII CON= Conference Room DCR= Deacon Roberto Room Tue 16 ♥ Baby Varela ♥ Baby Luna ♥ Baby Mathews ♥ Baby Blanco ♥ Baby Cervantes ♥ Baby Calma-Zaide ♥ Baby Rosales ARMY John Portillo Amy Deck Brianna C Hdz Anthony S. Kim Nguyen + Andrew Please pray for all unborn babies and their families: 6:00AM AA mtg CON 6:50AM Rosary CHP 7:30AM Mass CHP 6:00AM AA mtg CON 6:50AM Rosary CHP 7:30AM Mass CHP 10th Anniversary 4pm to 10 pm Masses as regularly scheduled CHC 8:30AM LECI DCR 9:00AM JP2/J23 Safe Env. Training 3:30PM CONF. 7:30PM Life nights CHC HVT Page 3 Our Site with Fr. Ben / Nuestro Enfoque de la Fe con Padre Ben The Joy of Love In the post-synodal apostolic exhortation, Amoris Laetitia (The Joy of Love), Pope Francis writes that the joy of love, “especially timely in this Jubilee Year of Mercy…represents an invitation to Christian families to value the gifts of marriage and the family, and to persevere in a love strengthened by the virtues of generosity, commitment, fidelity and patience…because it seeks to encourage everyone to be a sign of mercy and closeness….”(5) The Pope went on to remind us that our encounter with the joy of love “began with the gaze of Jesus…how he “looked upon the women and men whom he met with love and tenderness, accompanying their steps in truth, patience and mercy…”(60) even to this day. Which is why the Pope says that “The Second Vatican Council, in its Pastoral Constitution Gaudium et Spes, was concerned “to promote the dignity of marriage…[and] ‘defined marriage as a community of life and love placing love at the center of the family…‘True love between husband and wife’ involves mutual self-giving…also emphasizes “the grounding of the spouses in Christ. Christ the Lord ‘makes himself present to the Christian spouses in the sacrament of marriage’…the spouses are consecrated and by means of a special grace build up the Body of Christ and form a domestic church….”(67) Yet, when looking at marriage today, which even in the Christian community mirrors the secular statistics of nearly half of all marriages ending in divorce, it may be difficult to reconcile what the Church seems to call us to with our experience of the world. Foremost in our process of evangelization we need to recognize that “[m]arriage is a vocation, inasmuch as it is a response to a specific call…. Consequently, the decision to marry and to have a family ought to be the fruit of a process of vocational discernment.”(72) We, as Church, need to help individuals discern first their call to enter into the covenantal relationship of matrimony, and then to prepare them adequately to freely bestow and accept from one another an irrevocable consent of oneness between them. This is why the Church requires that those considering entering into the Sacrament of Matrimony have at least a six-month period of discernment and preparation. It is only through this time of formation that the couple can come to honestly stand before God and the community declaring that they freely give themselves to one another, that they will love and honor each other for the rest of their lives, and that they will lovingly accept the responsibility of children given them from God. We should also find ways to accompany the couple through at least the first year of their marriage. You may find more of this in the Adult Faith Formation session after Holy Hour on Thursday, August 18: ‘Finding the Mercy of Christ in the Sacrament of Matrimony’. Still there are those cases where legitimate reason exists for the separation of the couple and even for the dissolution of the legal union formed by the state (civil divorce), now what is a Catholic to do? At times “separation becomes inevitable….even becomes morally necessary, precisely when it is a matter of removing the more vulnerable spouse or young children from serious injury due to abuse and violence, from humiliation and exploitation, and from disregard and indifference” (241) and “[a]t the same time, divorced people who have not remarried, and often bear witness to marital fidelity, ought to be encouraged to find in the Eucharist the nourishment they need to sustain them in their present state of life. The local community and pastors should accompany these people with solicitude”. (242) If, however, someone who was married and divorced enters into another marriage they also enter an ‘irregular state’ for the reception of Sacraments. It is important that the divorced who have entered a new union should be made to feel part of the Church. “’They are not excommunicated’ and they should not be treated as such, since they remain part of the ecclesial community. These situations require careful discernment and respectful accompaniment…and they should be encouraged to participate in the life of the community.”(244) Part of the accompaniment for those individuals is the Tribunal process of determining whether the original marriage was Sacramentally valid, the Pope noted “the need to make the procedure in cases of nullity more accessible and less time consuming”(244) and the Diocese of San Bernardino has worked to make this possible. Still this process is not necessarily easy, it can be especially emotionally draining, as it requires the individual to meet with an Advocate (Priest, Deacon, or certified lay person) who can assist them in discerning whether the original marriage met the Canonical requirements for validity. In general, this process looks at whether the required Form of Marriage was followed (Lack of Form Petition) and/or whether the individuals possessed the attributes necessary to freely enter into a lifelong covenant (Formal Case Petition). Although this may take as long as two years to complete, in the end, a Writ of Nullity will state that a valid marriage did not exist and an individual is therefore free to enter into the Sacrament of Matrimony. This is a challenge to all of us. For those who may not be in a Sacramentally valid marriage it means discerning whether or not there is a desire to bring about validity (convalidation). For married couples it also means fulfilling the vocational call to be the face of the love which exists between Christ and his people and for some there may be the additional call of journeying with those who are preparing for marriage or are newly married. But for all of us we are called to be the face of God’s mercy by praying for married couples and families and to be the joy of God’s love present to the world. Deacon Ed May you have a loving and joyful week. August 14, 2016 La Alegría del Amor En la exhortación apostólica post-sinodal, Amoris Laetitia (La Alegría del Amor), el Papa Francisco escribe que la alegría del amor, "especialmente oportuna en este Jubileo del Año de la Misericordia...representa una invitación a las familias cristianas a valorar los regalos del matrimonio y la familia, y a perseverar en un amor fortalecido por las virtudes de generosidad, compromiso, fidelidad y paciencia...ya que su propósito es alentar a todos a ser un signo de misericordia y de unión y de oración..." (5) El Papa prosiguió a decirnos que nuestro encuentro con la alegría del amor "comenzó con la mirada de Jesús...como miraba a las mujeres y hombres con los que se encontraba., con amor y ternura, acompañando sus pasos en verdad, paciencia y misericordia..." (60) aún hasta este día. Es por eso que el Papa dice que el " Concilio Vaticano Segundo', en su Constitución Pastoral Gaudium et Spes, se preocupó "por promover la dignidad del matrimonio...(y) 'definió el matrimonio como una comunidad de vida y amor poniendo el amor en el centro de la familia...'El amor verdadero entre esposo y esposa' involucra la mutua entrega total de sí mismo...también enfatiza "el arraigamiento de los cónyuges en Cristo. Cristo el Señor 'se manifiesta en los esposos cristianos en el sacramento del matrimonio'...los cónyuges son consagrados y por medio de una gracia especial construyen el Cuerpo de Cristo y forman una iglesia doméstica..." (67) Sin embargo, cuando vemos el matrimonio hoy en día, el cual aún en la comunidad cristiana refleja las estadísticas seglares de que casi la mitad de los matrimonios terminan en divorcio, puede ser difícil conciliar lo que la Iglesia nos pide con los sucesos del mundo. Lo más importante en nuestro proceso de evangelización es que necesitamos reconocer que el "matrimonio es una vocación, así como es una respuesta a una llamada específica....Por consecuencia, la decisión de casarse y tener una familia debe ser el fruto de un proceso de discernimiento vocacional. " (72) Nosotros, como Iglesia, necesitamos ayudar a los individuos a discernir primero su llamada a la relación del pacto del matrimonio, y después prepararlos de manera adecuada para que libremente se otorguen y acepten el uno al otro el consentimiento irrevocable de convertirse en uno solo. Por esta razón es requisito de la Iglesia que los que están considerando el Sacramento del Matrimonio tengan un período mínimo de seis meses de discernimiento y preparación. Sólo a través de este tiempo de formación, la pareja puede presentarse ante Dios y ante la comunidad, declarando honestamente, que se entregan libremente el uno al otro, que se amarán y honrarán por el resto de sus vidas, y que amorosamente aceptan la responsabilidad de los hijos que Dios les dé. También debemos ver la manera de apoyar a la pareja durante el primer año de su matrimonio. Puede aprender sobre esto en la sesión de Formación de Fe para Adultos después de la Hora Santa el jueves, 18 de agosto: 'Encontrando la Misericordia de Cristo en el Sacramento del Matrimonio'. También hay esos casos donde existe una razón legítima para la separación de la pareja y aún la disolución de la unión legal formada por el estado (divorcio civil), ¿ y en esta situación qué debe hacer el católico? A veces la "separación es inevitable...en ocasiones es moralmente necesaria; un ejemplo es el caso de tener que proteger al cónyuge vulnerable o niños pequeños, de una situación seria en la cual pueden sufrir daño, debido al abuso y la violencia, humillación y explotación y al descuido e indiferencia" (241) y "al mismo tiempo, las personas divorciadas que no se han vuelto a casar, y que son un testimonio de la fidelidad marital, deben ser animadas a encontrar en la Eucaristía la nutrición que necesitan para sostenerse en su estado de vida actual. La comunidad local y los pastores deben ayudar a estas personas con diligencia". (242) Si, sin embargo, alguien que ha sido casado se divorcia y se vuelve a casar, se encuentran en un 'estado irregular' para recibir los Sacramentos. Es importante que al divorciado que está en una nueva unión se le haga sentir que es parte de la Iglesia. "No están excomulgados' y no se les debe tratar como tales, ya que siguen siendo parte de la comunidad eclesial. Estas situaciones requieren un discernimiento cuidadoso y un apoyo respetuoso...y se les debe animar a que participen en la vida de la comunidad." (244) Parte del apoyo para esos individuos es el proceso del Tribunal para determinar si el matrimonio original fue válido Sacramentalmente, el Papa mencionó "la necesidad de que el procedimiento en casos de nulidad, sea más accesible y menos tardado" (244) y la Diócesis de San Bernardino se ha esforzado para hacer esto posible. Este proceso no es necesariamente fácil, puede ser devastador emocionalmente, ya que requiere que el individuo se reúna con un miembro del Tribunal (Sacerdote, Diácono o un laico certificado que le ayude a discernir si el matrimonio original cumplió con los requerimientos Canónicos para su validez. En general, este proceso analiza si se cumplieron los requisitos de la requerida Forma de Matrimonio (Petición de Falta de Forma) y/o sí los individuos poseían los atributos necesarios para hacer un pacto de por vida (Petición de Caso Formal). Aún cuando este proceso puede durar hasta dos años, al final, una Anulación establecerá que el matrimonio no fue un matrimonio válido y que un individuo queda por lo tanto libre para contraer el Sacramento del Matrimonio. Este es un reto para todos nosotros. Para los que tal vez no estén en un matrimonio válido Sacramentalmente significa discernir si existe el deseo de validarlo (convalidación). Para las parejas casadas también significa cumplir con la llamada vocacional a ser el rostro del amor que existe entre Cristo y Su pueblo, y para algunos tal vez la llamada adicional a caminar junto con los que se están preparando para el matrimonio o que están recién casados. De cualquier manera todos nosotros hemos sido llamados a ser el rostro de la misericordia de Dios, orando por las parejas casadas y las familias, y a ser el regalo de la alegría del amor de Dios al mundo. Que tengan una semana llena de amor y alegría. Diácono Ed Page 4 Twentieth Sunday In Ordinary Time August 14, 2016 Page 5 Sixteenth TwentiethSunday SundayInInOrdinary OrdinaryTime Time Weekly Readings Monday: Vigil: 1 Chr 15:3-4, 15-16; 16:1-2; Ps 132:6-7, 9-10, 1314; 1 Cor 15:54b-57; Lk 11:27-28 Day: Rv 11:19a; 12:1-6a, 10ab; Ps 45:10-12, 16; 1 Cor 15:20- July 24, 201614, 2016 August School Supplies Our Parish Outreach Ministry is collecting school supplies for children in the cities of Mecca, Indio and Tijuana. Please bring your donations to the parish office during the next two weeks. May God bless you greatly for sharing with the less fortunate. 27; Lk 1:39-56 Tuesday: Ez 28:1-10; Dt 32:26-28, 30, 35cd-36ab; Mt 19:23-30 Wednesday: Ez 34:1-11; Ps 23:1-6; Mt 20:1-16 Thursday: Ez 36:23-28; Ps 51:12-15, 18-19; Mt 22:1-14 Friday: Ez 37:1-14; Ps 107:2-9; Mt 22:34-40 Saturday: Ez 43:1-7a; Ps 85:9ab, 10-14; Mt 23:1-12 Sunday: Is 66:18-21; Ps 117:1, 2; Heb 12:5-7, 11-13; Lk 13:22-30 BLOOD DRIVE Please give blood in the John Paul II hall on August 14th from 8 to 2:30 pm. Refreshments will be served. Help save a life and help your community. Loyola Institute The Spiritual Exercises in Daily Life The Spiritual Exercises in Daily Life is a nine month retreat made in one’s daily life. It involves an hour of prayer and personal reflection each day, meeting once a week for individual direction with one’s director, and attending a monthly Wednesday evening faith-sharing session. Begins in September 2016 For more information, please contact: Br. Charlie Jackson, S.J., at 714-997-9587 ext. 24 WEEKLY COLLECTION WEEKLY BUDGET $ 23,760.00 Thank you! FONTANA Talks Race Relations Monday, August 15, 2016 6:30 pm — 8 pm Open conversation connecting Police, Church and Community Call Amy Colbrunn at (909)350-6556 or Acolbrunn@fontana.org For more information please call Mary Huber at 909-475-5353 or email RachelHopeandHealing@sbdiocese.org. Collection 8/7 $23,409.30 Env. Used 582 (Early registration suggested, enrollment is limited.) These are private lines. You may leave a confidential message and know that a return phone calls are made with discretion. Page 66 Youth & Young Adult Ministry Sixteenth Sunday In Ordinary Time Time Twentieth Sunday In Ordinary July 24, 14, 2016 July 24, 2016 August 2016 COME CELEBRATE OUR 10TH YEAR ANNIVERSARY! ¡VENGA A CELEBRAR NUESTRO DECIMO ANIVERSARIO! Cake Decorating and Salsa Contest! ¡Concurso de Salsas y decoración de pasteles! Come join us August 20th for our Tenth Anniversary Celebration! The fun starts at 4 pm on Saturday and at 8 am on Sunday! We hope to see you here! ¡Acompáñenos el 20 de Agosto para la celebración de nuestro decimo aniversario! La diversión empieza a las 4 pm el sábado y a las 8 el Domingo! ¡Los esperamos! Page 77 Sixteenth SundaySunday In Ordinary Time Time Twentieth In Ordinary July 24, 2016 14, 2016 August Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Asunción de la Santísima Virgen Maria Monday August 15 Mass Schedule Lunes 15 de Agosto Horario De Misas Marriage Enrichment Weekend September 9, 10 and 11, 2016. The weekend retreat will give you and your spouse an opportunity to enrich your marriage through sharing of experiences, reflec on and interac on with other couples in a very real, downto-earth program. All meals included and couples go home each night. The fee is $40. For more informa on contact: Tom & Rocio Heard (951) 235-6484 or David & Joanne Diolata (626) 802-8419 You may also visit our website at www.mesacredheart.com FREE CITIZENSHIP CLASSES!!! Classes will be held in the library on Saturdays until September 3rd from 10:00 am to 12:30 pm. Contact the Social Justice Ministry for more information Sandra Gonzalez to 909-921-3163. Do you play bass guitar or the drums? Come and share your talents with the 5pm Sunday Mass choir who is in need of musicians. Please contact Jowie by email at jowiesmusic@gmail.com or see him after the 5pm Mass. Page 88 Twentieth Sunday In Ordinary Sixteenth Sunday In Ordinary Time Time Lecturas Semanales Lunes: Vigilia: 1 Cr 15:3-4, 15-16; 16:1-2; Sal 132 (131):6-7, 9-10, 1314; 1 Cor 15:54b-57; Lc 11:27-28 Día: Ap 11:19a; 12:1-6a, 10ab; Sal 45 (44):10-12, 16; 1 Cor15:2027; Lc 1:39-56 Martes: Ez 28:1-10; Dt 32:26-28, 30, 35cd-36ab; Mt 19:23-30 Miércoles: Ez 34:1-11; Sal 23 (22):1-6; Mt 20:1-16 Jueves: Ez 36:23-28; Sal 51 (50):12-15, 18-19; Mt 22:1-14 Viernes: Ez 37:1-14; Sal 107 (106):2-9; Mt 22:34-40 Sábado: Ez 43:1-7a; Sal 85 (84):9ab, 10-14; Mt 23:1-12 Domingo: Is 66:18-21; Sal 117 (116):1, 2; Heb 12:5-7, 11-13; Lc 13:22-30 July 24,August 2016 14, 2016 Utiles Escolares El Ministerio de “Outreach” de nuestra parroquia esta solicitado donativos de artículos escolares para niños de Mecca, Indio, y Tijuana. Traiga sus donaciones a la oficina durante las siguientes dos semanas. Dios los bendiga grandemente al compartir con otros menos afortunados. J L 14 de agosto| 6pm | en la Capilla ¡¡¡CLASES DE CIUDADANIA GRATUITAS!!! Las clases se llevarán a cabo en la biblioteca los sábados del hasta el 3 de septiembre de las 10:00 a.m. a las 12:30 p.m. Para más información comuníquese con el Ministerio de Justicia Social. Sandra González 909-921-3163 FONTANA Se enfoca en relaciones raciales lunes, 15 de agosto, 2016 6:30 pm — 8 pm Conversación abierta conectando la Policía, Iglesia y comunidad Llame a Amy Colbrunn Donacion de Sangre COLECTA SEMANAL PRESUPUESTO SEMANAL Colecta 8/7 $ 23,760.00 $23,409.30 Sobres Usados 582 ¡ Gracias! Por favor done sangre en el Salon San Juan Pablo II el 14 de Agosto de 8 to 2:30 pm. Se serviran refrescos. Salve una vida y ayude a su comunidad. DONE SANGRE Page 99 Sixteenth Sunday InIn Ordinary Time Twentieth Sunday Ordinary Time July 24, 2016 14, 2016 August Religious Education Office Registrations are going on now. Please stop by our office Monday through Thursday between 1 pm to 4 pm to register your children. 909-899-1049 Ext 150 or 152 Oficina de la Educacion Religiosa Las inscripciones ya comenzaron. Porfavor pase a la oficina de lunes a jueves de 1 pm a 4 pm para incsribir a sus hijos. 909-899-1049 Extension 150 o 152 SACRED HEART PARISH SCHOOL 12676 Foothill Blvd. Rancho Cucamonga, CA. 91739 909-899-1049x400 Home of BULLDOG Pride Aug. 22 First Day of School Aug. 23—25 Kindergarten Students half-day-12 noon dismissal. Gr. 1-8 full-day 3pm dismissal. Day care open. Aug. 26 No School (Diocesan Schools Opening Mass) Aug. 29 Monday, Kindergarten begins full day. Sacred Heart Parish School still has openings for the 2016-17 school year. Call the school office for more information. Summer business hours are from 8:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. Page 10 Twentieth Sunday In Ordinary Time August 14, 2016 Register for Confirmation! Office hours are Tuesday – Thursday from 12:00 – 5:00pm Please bring your Baptism and First Communion certificates upon registering. The Office of Youth & Young Adult Ministry is looking for young adult & adult volunteers for Confirmation, Life Teen, & Edge! If you love God & would love to share the Gospel with young people, contact Chika or Melissa (see below)! Training is available! WEEKLY TIPS ON HOW TO STAY ACTIVE DURING YOUR SUMMER VACATION! Each day, say a prayer and offer up a special intention for a family or a friend in need. All 6th, 7th, and 8th graders are welcome to join us for Mass and Bible Study! August 17th @ 6:15 in the Chapel. Parents and families are encouraged to join us for mass! Bible Study Every Tuesday at 6pm GET THE SCOOP! Come to our ICE CREAM BOOTH on August 20th during our 10th Anniversary Celebration to meet the teens of the parish! Lets us serve you to help beat the summer heat! Melissa Taylor: Andre Dineros: Chika Anyanwu: YOUTH MINISTRY OFFICE HOURS: Tuesday-Thursday 1-5pm Youth Minister Melissa. T@sacredheartrc.org YM. Admin. Assistant Andre. D@sacredheartrc.org Confirmation Coordinator Chika.A@sacredheartrc.org 909-803-1421 909-803-1423 909-803-1422 Page 11 Gratitude Page August 14, 2016 Thank you, Fr. Julian and Fr. Regi for your spiritual guidance, love and support to our parish. May God continue to bless you and your priesthood. Thanks to all for praying for them and helping make their celebration special. Gracias Padre Julián y Padre Regi por su guía espiritual , el amor y apoyo a nuestra parroquia . Que Dios siga bendiciendo a ustedes y su sacerdocio. Gracias a todos por orar por ellos y ayudar a hacer su celebración especial. PA R I S H S T A F F “Serving God through Serving Others” ADMINISTRATIVE Ana Estrella, Office Manager e-mail: Ana.e@sacredheartrc.org Vivian Huizar, Office Assistant/Sacramental Records e-mail: Vivian.H@sacredheartrc.org Aileen Arrezola, Bookkeeper e-mail: Aileen.A@sacredheartrc.org Asteria Garcia , Office Assistant/Bulletin Editor e-mail: Asteria.G@sacredheartrc.org Gladys Giron, Office Assistant e-mail: Gladys.G@sacredheartrc.org Blanca Marrufo, Adm. Assistant to the Pastor e-mail: Blanca.M@sacredheartrc.org Rosa Talamantes, Dir. of Hispanic Ministry & Multi-Cultural Cord. e-mail: Rosa.T@sacredheartrc.org ext.111 ext. 113 ext. 114 ext. 115 ext. 115 ext. 133 ext. 145 FACILITIES LITURGICAL Mary Dias, Coordinator of Liturgical Ministries e-mail: Mary.D@sacredheartrc.org Thomas Haynes, Audio Visual Coordinator e-mail: Thomas.H@sacredheartrc.org Regina Eskridge, Liturgy Ast./Cord. of Neighborhood Comm. Regina.E@sacredheartrc.org FAITH FORMATION/YOUTH MINISTRY Cecilia Fornelli, CCM e-mail: Cecilia.F@sacredheartrc.org Monica Hernandez, RE Administrative Assistant E-mail: Monica.H@sacredheartrc.org Maria Trujillo, RE Administrative Assistant e-mail: Maria.T@sacredheartrc.org Melissa Taylor, Youth Minister e-mail: Melissa.T@sacredheartrc.org Andre Dineros, Y/M Administrative Assistant e-mail: Andre.D@sacredheartrc.org Chika Anyanwu, Coordinator of Confirmation and Young Adults e-mail: Chika.A@sacredheartrc.org ext. 701 ext. 131 Carlos Sanchez, Facility Manager e-mail: Carlos.S@sacredheartrc.org Salvador Marquez, Lawn Care Maria Mejia, Rectory Housekeeper/Cook Francisco Valenzuela, Maintenance ext. 150 ext.151 ext. 152 ext. 121 ext. 122 ext. 123 ext. 552 ext. 118 ext.115 ext.118 PARISH MINISTRIES (Telephone or Extension) ACTS Adoration African Descent Ministry Altar Linens Altar Server Arts / Environment Bereavement Ministry Children’s Liturgy Children’s Performing Arts Church Cleaning Coffee & Donut Ministry Communion to Homebound Cursillos In Christianity Divine Mercy Ministry Divorce/Separated Support Ministry EDGE (Middle School) Ext. Min. of Holy Communion Faith on Fire Filipino Ministry Finance Council Fire Starter Food Pantry Guadalupano’s (bilingual) Grief Ministry Health Ministry Jail Ministry Knights of Columbus Readers LifeTeen (High School) Light of Jesus Family Ministry Little Lambs Lumen Christi Young Adults Marriage Encounter Marriage Enrichment Marriage Preparation Mary’s Hands Cir (Crafting Ministry) Men’s Fellowship Multi Cultural Fellowship Music Natural Family Planning Parent Life Parish School Board Martin Vargas (909)239-5634 Lucy Castellana (626)675-0572 Philomina Nwarueze (909)743-9419 Judy Oziminski (909)484-7350 Rene Echiverri (909)904-1611 Veronica Assal (909)899-1049 Olga Rios (909)702-2951 Cecilia Fornelli ext. 150 Teresa Ortega (714)883-5177 Alejandro & Ana Castro (909)519-7663 Mary Orduño (909)561-2950 ext. 244 Eric Batoon email: evbjrw@hotmail Gio Peralta 909-921-6974 Jay Plaza (909)-559-1102 Kathyrn Cramm (909)477-9338 Anne Magodoro (909)518-7637 Julia Raymond (909)945-9233 Melissa Taylor (909)803-1421 Lydia Hanna (909)721-6440 Leona O’Brien (909) 232-6851 Jojo Lazo (937)701-7472 Tony Morales (909)528-3259 Teresa Chavez (909)899-1049 Maria Brown (626)274-9068 Rod Morales (909)489-3933 See Breavement Ministry —————Rose Morales (626)216-3496 Greg Estrella greg.estrella@baesystems.com Jim Hernandez (951)897-9973 Robert Covington (909)350-3277 Melissa Taylor (909)803-1421 Lester Pasimio (626)643-0012 Cecilia Fornelli ext. # 150 Chika Anyanwu (909)803-1423 Peddy & Linda Ascio (909)730-1524 Shawn & Bern Judson (909)463-9689 Paul & Nancy Camarillo (909)239-7095 Gina Kunakorn (909)472-8682 Carlos Avila (909)229-6738 Carmela Giliberto (909)256-9675 Jowie Witongco, Raul Cancio, Marjorie Saint-Louis, Matthew Braun Phillip & Yesenia Braunstein John Paul Dizon Teddy Rawson (909)827-3078 (909)565-2727 (909)899-1049 Pastoral Council Prayer Group– Holy Spirit Purgatorial Prayer Ministry Respect Life RCIA (English) Security Ministry Senior Ministry Social Justice Spiritual Director Stewardship Committee Tribunal Advocates Ushers / Greeters Women’s Fellowship Dave Hutson Linda Elliott Alicia Santacruz Gracie Vargas Mary Ann Andel Tim Wyant Julia Raymond Sandra Gonzalez Ana GAminer Michael Rios Dcn. Ed Clark Andy Morales Ve’Lores Thomspon (909) 823-0146 (909)880-8885 (909)578-7658 (909) 238-6399 (909)987-9312 (909)899-1049 (909)945-9233 (909)921-3163 909-919-8102 (909)899-1049 ext. 286 (909)600-9593 (909)463-6204 MINISTERIOS PARROQUIALES Adoración de 24 Horas Ángeles de María (Las Niñas) Comunión a los Enfermos Despensa de Comida Duelo - Ministerio Educación Religiosa y RICA Encuentro Matrimonial Estudio Bíblico Eucaristía - Ministros Grupo de Oración-Cristo Rey Justicia Social Lectores Matrimonios del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús y María Monaguillos Movimiento Familiar Música Planificación Natural de la Fam. Prep. Bautismal/Quinceañeras Preparación Matrimonial Respeto a la Vida Ujieres Lucy Castellana Esther Velásquez Patricia Hassin Maria Brown Olga Rios Cecilia Fornelli Hector y Erika Bañuelos Joseph Moctezuma Lydia Hanna Irma Morales Sandra Gonzalez Luis Torres (626)675-0572 (909)941-0739 (909)232-0041 (626)274-9068 (909)702-2951 ext. 150 (909)231-9072 (909)282-2142 (909)721-6440 —————-(909)921-3163 (909)854-6670 Jason y Lorena Tinoco Nidia Vargas Guillermo y Carmen Navarro J oaquín Vázquez, Carlos Urrutia, José Ramírez, Carlos Ramírez Gerardo y Lupe Valvaneda Rosa Talamantes Francisco & Vicki Bellota Gracie Vargas Andy Morales (909)957-2153 (559)331-5173 (909)463-6372 —————— —————-(909)899-3955 ext. 145 ext. 282 (909)238-6399 (909)600-9593
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