friends InternatIonal MagazIne JanUarY 2008


friends InternatIonal MagazIne JanUarY 2008
friends International Magazine JANUARY 2008
friends International Magazine JANUARY 2008
editor’s note
Dear FIM readers,
Published by
Smart Way International Ltd
Success Brighter Co. Ltd
Rm 1102, 11/F Sunny House
12 - 16 Li Yuen Street West
Central, Hong Kong
Tel: 2541 2510 / 9010 9183
Capt. Rosendo C. Herrera
Arnold P. Grospe
Willy Castañar (me3 designs)
Bro. Eddie Villanueva
Bro. Rolly Estrella
Barrister Ody Lai
Noel Asinas
Cora Carsola
Bobby Campus
Adelaida Mogol
Bernadette Benitez
Cely Gonzaga
Dorie Nieva
Emalyn Beltran
Mayvie Acosta
Remely Valdez
Violy Pascual
Smart Way International Ltd
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friends International Magazine JANUARY 2008
New Year’s eve is always a gateway between the old
year and the new: It is the time to say goodbye to 2007,
and welcome 2008!
We have successfully crossed the border to year 2008
and celebrated it! As we prepare to cross yet another border, let our hearts and minds be filled with hope, optimism,
trust and faith that the New Year will be a much better one
— for us, our families, and to our fellow kababayans here
in Hong Kong and other parts of the Globe.
Last year reminded us that this world is not always an easy or a safe place to live
in, but it is the only place we have. I also believe that it has shown us all how our faith
- whatever our religion - can inspire us to work together in friendship and peace for the
sake of our own and future generations.
Now on our initial steps towards another journey in life , let us take away all the
emotional, spiritual and mental baggages that may have dragged us down from the
past. Rid and cleanse our hearts and minds of all the harbored negative thoughts and
ill feelings of yesteryear — they only make our trip slower, heavier, darker, and bring
us to nowhere.
We must all Walk — in the newness of life by welcoming the new, revitalized, and
uplifting, positive thoughts. As New Year signifies new beginnings, renewed hopes,
new and meaningful life!!!
Over the years, the very basis of a good OFW’s community life here in Hong
Kong has been the pooling together by individuals of their resources and skills. Rather than having to be good at everything, people were able to practice their own skill or
craft. The lesson of community life is that to flourish we must help each other. To do
this, there has to be a sense of fairness, a real understanding of others’ needs, aspirations and a willingness to contribute.
In today’s difficult and sometimes divided world, I believe that it is more important than ever to keep trying to respect and understand each other better. Each and
every one of us has hopes, needs, and priorities. Each of us is an individual, with ties
of emotion and bonds of obligation - to culture, religion, community, country and
beyond. In short, each of us is special.
The more we see others in this way, the more we can understand them and their
points of view. In what we think, say and do, let us, as individuals actively seek out
the views of others; let us make the best use of what our beliefs and history teach us;
let us have open minds and hearts; and let us find our diversity a cause for celebration
and a source of strength and unity.
The newness that I talk about at this time is not really in the year, not in the
quantity of time that passes beyond recall — but in the quality of the life we lead in
the limited time allotted to each of us. The year 2008 will be truly a new (presumably
better) year only if we renew ourselves.
Just around this time of year there are many different views about what went right
and wrong for each person during the year. And then those plans (or resolutions as
many call them) start to come to almost everyone’s minds.
Planning for a better year is always good. No one likes to be a failure. So some
of us will, out of formality, make a few “New Year Resolutions.” Others more serious and ambitious will make a detailed plan with systematic implementation, review,
follow-up, analysis and such alike.
Since we are humans and will make mistakes, some of us will simply do our own
thing when it matters most. Why wait for the New Year? What is wrong with Spring
Time or even the Summer Time to make changes?
Sometimes it is better to take a Situational Approach to our life experiences than
waiting on rituals like end of year resolutions to plan and make changes for the better.
Or we can just continue doing what are already successfully benefiting us, our families
and friends, etc…without even thinking about any Resolutions.
However, in reality, nothing is wrong with making our personal New Year’s Resolutions. It is good to plan to succeed – even if it is done during a ritual time of year.
Happy reading and Happy new Year to All !!!
Arnold P. Grospe
Managing Editor
friends International Magazine JANUARY 2008
friends Co mm uni t y B oa r d
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16 January 2008 (Wednesday)
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The Landmark, Hong Kong
19:00 – 22:00
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Contact :
IMAP Inc. HK Chapter : Free Blood Pressure Examination
Every Sunday ( per schedule on the places below )
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What When Where Contact
LOFM Free Blood Pressure Examination
Every last Sunday
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Please also come to the Healing Mass of Father Fernando Suarez
on same day, January 20, 2008, 2pm at Hong Kong Cathedral.
Everyone (especially the sick and burdened) are welcome.
Calling all Bulakenos, who are interested to join the newly organized Bulacan Association of Hong Kong, for more info, please
contact Mr Arnold Grospe 9010 9183.
Attention: All Association leaders of Luzon in Hong Kong to join
the newly formed Luzon Federation (LUZFED). For more info, please
contact Medi Borlaza – Tel 6773-1021 or Sally Lanorio 95112642
Registration for Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET) is on going at the Philippine Consulate every Sunday-Thursday and Friday
- Saturday at First Metro 15/F United Center from 9am - 5pm. LET
will be on April 06,2008 at the bayanihan Center,Kennedy Town
Gina Montero
Gie Ignacio
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OLive Lasat
Juvy Aldea
Fely Bunso S. Naoe
Mario de los Reyes
Distribution Team
Black Eagle
Novo Ecijano Association
Mindanao Alliance
Oriental Mindoro Society
January 2008 issue 27
3Editor’s Note
Cover Story
7Tinig ng Masa
Special Feature
Attention: All volley ball teams; Any nationalities are welcome
UDA ( Unified Drivers Association) will hold a 1st Indoor Women
Volleyball Tournament on early week of April 2008. to those interested teams to participate you may contact Elvis @ 9846 7268or
Rex @92637543 and marivic @ 9263 8634 deadline for submission
of entry is on end of Feb 2008.
10Novo Ecijano Pamaskong Handog
Corporate Events
Attention: MMWA ( Marinduque Migrant Workers Assn ) will
launched a TANGING INA Search , a tribute to all mother who sacrifices their time for the sake of their children and Family.
Entry requirements : No age limit, and must have a children
who has completed their college studies and the family is intact.
Please contact : Jo 95387605 adel93420937-Ony- 9457 0151
abeth60904725 Date & venue to be announce Proceeds for elderly
care and scholarship.
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12At Your Service
13The Day You Came Along Ending
17Legal Matters
FIM Snapshots
20Entrust Your Future to God Bro. Eddie Villanueva
Kuwentong OFW
Balitang Showbiz
Pangkabuhayan Recipe
Featured Poems
30Laugh Lines
FIM Outlets
Jesus The Living God
Horoscope and Mind Games
Birthday Corner & Just For Kids
friends International Magazine JANUARY 2008
friends International Magazine JANUARY
Cover 2008
New Year’s Celebration - The Filipino Way
y Arnold P. Grospe
Manigong Bagong Taon!
This is how we Filipinos greet each other
in celebration of the new year, while others
say “Feliz Ano Neuvo, Prospero Ano Nuevo’ in Spanish, “Chu Shen Tan” in Chinese, “Bonne Annee” in French, “Prosit
Neujahr” in German, “Buon Capodanno”
in Italian, “Novim Godom” in Russian,
“Cung-Chuc Tan-Xuan” in Vietnamese,
and “Happy New Year” in English.
Regardless of cultural differences, the
world unites in an explosion of noise and
merry-making on the last hour of December 31, New Year’s Eve, the final day of
the Gregorian year preceding New Year’s
In much of the world, New Year’s Eve is
celebrated with parties and social gatherings as the old year fades away and
the New Year dawns at midnight. In the
Philippines, fireworks and other forms of
noise-making mark the celebration.
My wife Ruth, my daughter Alyssa Mae
and my son Aljon Rae spent our holidays
in the Philippines. Since my wife and I are
a North & South couple, it was already tradition that if we are going to spend holidays in the Philippines, we should always
see to it that we have to visit both our relatives in Cebu and in Nueva Ecija.
We started our holiday by spending our
Christmas with my in laws and my wife’s
relatives in Cebu. We visited the family’s
Ancestral House, heard masses at the Basilica de Sto Nino, went to malls with kids
and dinner celebrations here and there.
On the night of Dec, 26, 2007 we flew to
Manila and stayed overnight at Makati
area, visited the Mall of Asia then later
went to my hometown of San Jose City,
Nueva Ecija to spend the new year celebration.
As the usual Filipino celebration we celebrated New Year’s Eve together with members of our family and close friends had
the traditional dinner party called “Media
Noche”. Typical dishes were prepared by
ate Fercy, my sister in law and my mother
which included pancit, chopsuey, hamon,
sopas, and lechon manok while my brother Aurlene & Willy prepared the barbeque
and my brother in law Rannie aka “Amo”
prepared the Brandy with ice. Later my
sisters Nerisa, Maritess, Noralie, husband
Roel and kids joined us in celebration of
the Media Noche and in preparation for
the fireworks diplay at midnight.
One of our local traditions during New
Year’s Eve is the customary habit of wearing clothes with circular patterns like polka
dots or red clothes. This signifies the belief
that circles and color attract money and
Traditions also include the serving of circularly-shaped fruits, shaking of coins inside
a metal casserole while walking around the
house, jumping high which is believed to
cause an increase in physical height, and
making loud noises to drive away “evil”
spirits, as the sirens blew at the eve of the
31st which signifies the coming of the New
Year. After the Media Noche, we started
our exchange gift, which is the most awaited part of the kids and even with older
ones. Everybody had fun and enjoyed the
gifts that they received that night. The festivities ended at 3:00 AM.
For many families like us, it is a time for
feasting, visiting relatives and friends. Others were putting some pale, casserole or old
metals at the back of their car and carry it
around the street to create noise while on
the way to visit the other relatives.
In the morning of January 1, the whole
family, nieces and nephews, lolo and lola,
including granddaughters and grandsons
went to visit my father’s tomb at the cemetery to pay our respects then proceeded
to Baguio which is 2 ½ hours away from
our place to have lunch and let the kids
enjoy biking, horseback riding and boat
racing at the summer capital of the Philippines. After dinner we roamed around
the city visiting Camp John Hay, Baguio
Cathedral, the busy Session Road and the
Mansion House which is the official rest
house of the Philippine president in Baguio City then after the City tour everybody
went down and headed back to San Jose.
While on the trip back all of my kids and
everybody fell asleep, very tired but with
the sign of happiness and enjoyment with
their experience at Baguio City which also
has a cold weather like Hong Kong
The next day everybody went back to
work, disappointed that no holiday was
declared. The reality of going back to the
usual daily grind seems to signal the end
of the Christmas season. The Christmas
season is supposed to officially end on the
Feast of the Three Kings (Tres Reyes or
Tatlong Hari in Tagalog), also known as
the Feast of the Epiphany (which means
“manifestation”, or Christ revealing Himself as divine to the Magi). This year, Feast
of the Three Kings falls exactly on the first
Sunday of 2008, which is January 6, the
day it was traditionally commemorated in
the past. January 6 is also known in other
countries as the Twelfth Night, referred to
in the song “Twelve Days of Christmas”.
Ano Ang Palagay Niyong Dapat Mabago Ngayong 2008 At Bakit?
Sumapit na naman ang bagong taon ngunit sa
pakiramdam natin ay hindi gaanong maayos
ang takbo ng buhay sa taong nagdaan di gaya
noong bata pa ako. Kung aking gugunitain ay
napakasaya at maayos ang pamumuhay ng taong nagdaan. Una hindi lang sa sagana sa pagkain nagkakaisa pa ang mga tao at msaya ang
lahat. Bayanihan sa lahat ng gawaing bukid at
sa bayan.
Mula sa pagsapit ng Disyembre hanggang Enero 6 , ang araw ng tatlong hari ang paghahanda ay makikita sa bawat tahanan at kahit
kalalaliman ng gabi ay naglalakarang ang mga
dalagat binata, matanda man o bata patungong
bayan upang magsimbang gabi sa pasko at medya notes naman sa bagong taon. Bagamat liwanag lang ng buwan or siga ng sulo lalo na
sa probinsya ang gamit nila ay ayos lang dahil
alam mong ligtas at tahimik naman ang iyong
Subalit pagkaraan ng ilang dekada mapapnsin
natin na pahirap ng pahirap ang buhay, nawawala na ang sigla sa mga tahanan. Laganap ang
katiwalian, masamang bisyo, iligal na gamot at
kurapsiyon na siyang lalong nagpapahirap sa
ating bayan.
Manigong bagong Taon sa Lahat. Mabuhay!!!
Ngayon alamin naman natin kung ano ang pananaw ng ilan sa ating nakapanayam tungkol
sa pagpasok ng bagong taon.
Manigong bagong taon pa nga ba ang masasabi
natin? Palagay ko ang manigong bagong taon
ay hindi na angkop kung sa simula lamang ang
pagbabago. Kailangan ito ay tapusin at ipagpatuloy hanggang sa pagpasok ng susunod
na taon at kailangang pangtawanan ang mga
pangakong binitiwan. Ibalik ang pagtitiwala ng
lahat para sa bayan.
Kung ningas kugon lamang ay wala ring mangyayari dahil bukas makalawa ay balik din sa
dati. At huwag na ring mangangako kung hindi naman kayang tuparin sayang lang ang pakikinig at mga laway na matatapon sa inyo kung
hindi naman magaganap ang mga sinasabi.
Simulan sana natin ang pagkakaisa, kapit bisig
tayo, at sabay sabay na humakbang tungo sa
magandang bukas.
Manigong bagong taon sa lahat.
Matagal ko nang hindi nararanasan na magbagong taon sa atin, kaya lang updated tayo sa
balita, kahit tayo ay nasa malayo kaya alam natin ang mga nagaganap sa atin na tila ba wala
nang pagbabago, o kung meron may ay hindi
na nararamdaman ng bawat Pilipino. Mayayaman lang ang lalong yumayaman at ang mga
mahihirap na tulad natin ay pakiramdam ko
kahit anong gawin ay kulang na kulang pa rin
at hindi halos sumasapat ang kita.
Nawa pagtuunan ng pansin at gawan ng lunas
at di lamang sa salita kundi sa gawa ng ating
pamahalaan ang suliraning ito at sana simulan
nila ngayong bagong taon at dito ko masasabing manigong bagong taon.
Gie Ignacio
Ang aking pananaw at masasabi ngayong
bagong taon ay naway magkaisa at magkaroon
ng pagbibigayan ang bawat isa sa atin upang gumanda ang lipunang ating ginagalawan. Alam
ng lahat na tila parang walang pagbabago hanggang pangako sa bayan at sa sarili lamang ang
lagging nangyayari. Lagi na lang bang ganito
sa bansa natin? Wala na bang pag asa? Meron
pa diba ? ngunit ang kaganapan nito ay dapat
na magsimula sa ating sarili mismo.
friends International Magazine JANUARY 2008
We have always known these 12 days as
the period between Christmas Day and the
After that day, my brother & sister went
to visit their in laws as we headed back to
Cebu to spend the remaining days of our
A peaceful and prosperous New Year to
Tinig Ng
ni Adelaida C. Mogol
Dalangin ko po sa simula ng taon ay mabigyan
nawa ng pansin ng pamahalaan ang tamang
solusyon ang mga problemang hinaharap
upang magkaroon ng mapayapang pamumuhay. Isulong ang magandang adhikain na
makakatulong sa maiangat an gating bansa at
pammuhay ng mga mamamayan.
Tayo naman na naririto sa ibayong dagat na
nagtatrabaho bilang dayuhang manggagawa ay
dapat na paghandaan din ang ating bukas at dapat na alalahanin na tayo ay hindi panghabangbuhay na may lakas para makibaka sa gawain
dito at hindi natin alam kung hanggang kailan
tayo lagging may amo, maaring bukas makalawa ay wala na. Kay asana ngayong bagong
taon ay simulan na natin ang apg iipon para sa
kinabukasan ng ating mga anak, pamilya at lalong higit sa ating sarili. Matuto rin sana nating
alagaan at pahalagahan ating kalusugan. Hindi
habang panahon ay malakas ang ating kita and
we are not getting any younger” Every year our
age goes up one step ahead. Kaya alagaan ang
ating katawan na siya nating pangunahing puhunan sa ating pakikibaka sa ating trabaho dito
sa Hong Kong.
Kailangang patuloy din ang ating komunikasyon sa ating pamilya upang madama nila
ang ating pagmamahal bagamat tayo ay malayo sa kanila. Ipagdasal din natin na sana ay
gumanda ang takbo ng ating ekonomiya ngayong 2008.
Tanggapin nyo ang aking pagbati sa lahat ng
Manigong Bagong Taon at Goodluck po sating
lahat ngayong 2008. Mabuhay!
friends International Magazine JANUARY 2008
BENGFED Celebrates Benguet Day
By: Bernadette M. Benitez
Group A Tublay who won the the native
dance, Kapangan got the Best in banner
award, Best in Uniform & most organized
by the Bokod Association headed by Ms.
Helena Velasco. Best in Rice Wine making
by ate Rosalia of Tuba and the 1st prize of
raflle draw of portable DVD player went
to Bernadette Benitez of ANIBA.
The Benguet Overseas Contract Workers
Federation (BengFed) celebrated its
Benguet Day at Causeway Bay Tunnel
Park at Gloucester Road last November
25, 2007.
“Umali Kayo, Man- aadivay kito, the theme
of the Benguet Day with a mixed Ibaloi
and Kan Kanaey. Ilocano is the dialect
which is understood by most members,
English and Tagalog too. Their theme
emphazises on Unity and Togetherness.
The program showcases the culture of
Benguet, such as their Native Song and
Dance competition. Each municipality
wore their respective costume. They also
held a pageant and crowned Miss Benguet
2007 in the person of Ms. Mariel Lesino
of Buguias, Benguet.
The guest speaker was Ms. Severina Dela
Cruz-Cultural officer of the Philippine
Consulate. Although she has a hectic
schedule she was able to share her time
with us on that day. In her speech she
congratulated the BengFed organizers,
members and guests. She also pointed
out that Unity, Understanding, being
a leader, toughness at all times must
be within the heart and mind, enough
courage and true ability to deal with any
kind of trials and problems that will arise
in every association or group. Challenge
and inspiration to achieve goals for the
betterment and successful association
must always be remembered.
The pageant judges present were: Ms. Luz
Afidchao, Corall & cultural committee,
Ms. Rodelia Angel, Chairperson of
Ifugao Organization, Mr. Joe Langwas,
Cabagis Association Chairman, Ms.
Doris Dulnuan , ABOW adviser, Ms.
Janet Ekid, Ms. Maritess Lagaddal, Ms.
Magdalena Bayangan,, Ms. Marlene
Jimenez and many more.
Everyone was very excited and were
grateful by the beauty of the lovely
candidates in the pageant. The highlights
of the program were the coronation of
Ms. Benguet. Out of 9 candidates Ms.
Mariel Lesino won the Ms. Benguet and
the other eight (8) candidates each got
special awards. There was also a group
competition of Benguet native dance and
best in Rice wine which we usually call
“Tapey” and a raffle draw. It was the the
BengFed wish to extend thanks to the
people who extended their unselfish hands
in making the event successful specially
to the muses of each municipality, to the
guest speaker, Ms. Severina dela Cruz, the
panel of judges, the team of adjudicators,
and donors, for their generosity and
support, to all Cordillera friends, visitors,
participants from other organization
like the Tabuk dancers, Cabagis for their
sound system and those in one way or
the other contributed to the success of
Benguet Day.
Thank you very much God bless and
Happy New Year to all.
Pulso ng OFW
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special feature
Success Story Of Role Model Mom & A Role Model OFW Family
By Dorie Nieva
We, Filipinos look overseas to work so that
we and our families might benefit from
newfound economic abundance. Millions
of Filipinos thought that working overseas
is a great way to explore the world, make
a huge financial difference to the lives of
their families back home. But what are the
consequences? What are the risk on family
ties and values?
Of course many of us dream that our family would remain intact and happy, mothers
dream that education she’s inspiring for her
children will be fulfilled, that her husband
would be different to those who turns to
gambling, drinking and womanizing. I myself dream of coming back to Philippines
with not only a “House” but a HOME, coming home achieving the goals, or will I still
face same problem when I first left my country “Money”. Or will my Dream that once
propelled as OFW still remain a Dream or
my were not recognized or honored.
Role Model OFW Family, PAGDATO
Family. It is October 2007 when Ms. Elma
Pagdato (OFWIE winner on Outstanding
Mother Search 2007), has asked me to issue her certificate of completion on her
four months attendance to our Meat Processing seminar workshop. Curiously I ask
her for what purpose, she told me that she
was nominated to Search for MOFYA Most
Outstanding OFW Family Award organized
by OWWA- Overseas Workers Welfare Administration, after hearing that I myself has
make my own Reference letter in support to
her nomination. And during our 6th Culmination, when Elma recited her testimony I
was surprise and teary eyed upon hearing a
good news that her family was chosen as 2nd
runner-up in region 6. Pagdato family was
chosen as one of the “Model OFW Family”
awardee by OWWA, being happily married
to Mr. Leopoldo Pagdato for 34 strong years
and blessed with 5 beautiful and educated
daughter.” Her family was honored for inspiring countless overseas Filipino workers
family through their exemplification of least
practices in managing the impact of overseas
employment to family life by optimizing its
socio-economic gains and successfully journeying the obstacles of migration”.
It has been knowledge to all us that impact
of migration to family life are increasing.
Broken marriages, problem child and mismanagement of finance earned by an OFW
abroad. Pagdato family has maintained fi-
nancial gains, educate her 5 children, keep
her family intact and family values were instilled. Ms. Elma has been a member to OFWIE for past 6 months, I find her as a silent,
woman of few words, strong dedicated, caring and loving person and a very active in all
community event being the Vice President
of Passi City (Iloilo) Ass. HK. Listening to
her story, how her family has survived and
help each other in order to reach the success
they are experiencing now, I also tell myself
that I need to write her story, inspire others
and make her as our role model wife, mother and OFW in Hong Kong.
Contributor note: I was inspired by our
Editors note, December 2007 issue when
Sir Arnold has mentioned about remembering memories he shared with his family and
friends during Christmas time. Although my
plan to go back home to spend Christmas
with my children, my husband, grandchildren, relatives and friends was postponed.
Sir Arnold said “the loneliness of being
away from our loved ones is a great sacrifice
indeed”. I told myself, certainly there are
things to be done, writing those journey of
successful OFWs could at least give message
to my fellow OFW and the world that this
DH are not heroes because of their remittance only. I wish that Friends International
Magazine will continue its humble mission
to the Filipino overseas and bossing could
spare some space to a more inspiring stories
of mothers, family and children of OFW’s.
Happy New Year to all!
I envy those who are so proud of their
achievement, those who survivethe vicious
cycle of migration. Last year I have attended
different events organized by my fellow organization leaders, I feel proud to see those
OFW’s specially mothers who survived the
consequences of this quest for financial security. May 2007 I have organized a Search
for an Outstanding Mother, I require each
participant to submit their Profiles of their
Success, testimony of their journey as OFW
mother. I found out that they are really “heroes” to our country. Its awful that their
achievement to boost our country’s econofriends International Magazine JANUARY 2008
friends International Magazine JANUARY 2008
NEAHK reaches Three shelter homes with
their “Pamaskong Handog 2007”
by April Joy
The members and officers of Novo Ecijano Association of HongKong
(NEAHK) packed four boxes on December 16 as their project “Pamaskong Handog 2007”.
Cabanatuan City, Palayan and San Antonio shelter homes were the
three recipient of the goods. The money they raised during their recent
and previous anniversaries were used to purchase the goods consisting mostly of school supplies and clothes for the less fortunate kids in
Nueva Ecija.
According to the care takers of the said shelter homes, they wish and
pray that an organization like NEAHK would be kind to offer dona-
tions. Upon confirming that they will receive a box full of goods from
Hong Kong, their prayers were answered.
Preesident Sally Lanorio wish to say thank all leaders and organizations who always support NEAHK. She also wants to extend her
gratitude, in behalf of our group, to all who have extended their help
financially. To those who have joined their fund raising song and dance
competition, and most specially to their founder Mr. Arnold P. Grospe.
It is the goal of the group to help and share the blessings back home
which is why NEAHK was organized.
friends International Magazine JANUARY 2008
Your Service
By: Rolando E. Estrella
friends International Magazine JANUARY 2008
The author has been in the public service of the Filipino Overseas Workers in Hong Kong for the past 20 years. He gives free advice and
counsel, as well as practical solutions on employment-related problems, family matters, etc. Mr. Estrella or Brother Rolly, as most people
call him, is currently the Vice President of INSURANCE OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS CO., INC. For free counseling, please send
your letters/inquiries to: AT YOUR SERVICE COLUMN, c/o Friends International Magazine, Rm 1102, 11/F Sunny House,
12-16 Li Yuen Street West, Central, Hong Kong. (Attention to Bro. Rolly)
Dear Bro. Rolly,
I have been working for my present
employer for six years now and she has
indicated her desire to employ me for up to
10 years.
When I renewed my recent contract
with her in September 2007, I was asked to
sign documents purporting that I owe her
HK$15,000. She said I don’t need to pay her
such loan but that she was issuing that loan
document in connection with my long service
payment benefit and she did not elaborate
further. In exchange for my signing the loan
document she promised to issue me a good
release letter.
Will my signing such loan document
prejudice my claim for long service
PCM, Yau Yat Chuen, Kowloon
Dear Ms. PCM
The law is clear in that should a worker
be terminated by the employer other than
due to serious misconduct or redundancy,
that worker shall be entitled to the Long
Service Payment (LSP) benefit if she
had been continuously working for that
employer for 5 years or more.
Obviously you are a very good worker
because your contract has been renewed
several times and your employer has
indicated her desire to employ you for 10
years. She knows pretty well that you are
entitled to the LSP benefit due to the tenure
of your service with her but she is shrewd
and selfish enough to devise a scheme so she
can avoid paying you such benefit. That
scheme is - making it appear that you have
borrowed money from her and so whatever
benefit you will get will be applied against
your “loan” with her. And when you
signed that “loan document”, her scheme
is completed because your signature means
that you have accepted that “loan” which
you need to pay to her.
Your employer will be very much willing
to pay your LSP benefit even in front of the
Labour Officer but then it will be applied
against your “personal loan” with her and
effectively you will not receive any benefit
at all. This has now become a common
ploy by a few employers .
But all is not lost, I would invite you
to see me personally as I have a scheme to
counter such illegal move by bad employers
like yours. I would not want to publish it
here as I want these few bad employers be
caught offguard.
Bro. Rolly
Dear Bro. Rolly,
I transferred to a new employer about
eight months ago after I refused the offer for
renewal of contract by my previous employer
and I regretted it.
During my Sunday day off, I am required
by my employer to prepare their early lunch,
clean the house and put dirty clothes in the
washing machine before I leave the flat.
Because of that I am only able to leave the
flat at 11:00 a.m. Then, I am required to
return home at 7:00 p.m. to fix their dinner
or otherwise I will lose my job.
From Monday to Saturday, I start my
work at 6:00 a.m. until 1:00 a.m. of the
following day when everybody is already
sleeping. You can just imagine my tiredness
and extreme fatigue, and the only day when
I am supposed to rest is being stolen from
Will you please advise me about this
CDA, Tseung Kwan O
Dear Ms. CDA,
Your problem is not new because almost
every foreign domestic helper (FDH) I
know suffers from it. Most of the letters I
receive pertain to that issue.
One day off, legally and technically, is
equivalent to twenty-four hours of rest.
The truth is thousands of employers
are violating this rest day provision by
requiring their helpers to work on that
day. So many complaints have been filed at
the Immigration and Labour Department
about such violation and yet unfortunately,
it is not a ground for the Immigration to
grant a special consideration for the helper
to transfer to another employer. I have
assisted so many FDHs in trying to obtain
such consideration to transfer because
of the violation and yet have not been
I am of the opinion therefore that
because this violation is rampant,
widespread and too many employers are
guilty, the Immigration Department might
have closed their eyes and ears to that
reality. If the government were to punish
violators, there would not be enough
prisons to send them to. If fines were to
be imposed, the government would have
earned millions of dollars.
I just hope and pray that through this
column, the government authorities will
take appropriate steps and actions to address
the issue. The employment contract should
probably be amended by adding a provision
explaining and defining clearly the hours of
rest by an FDH during her day off.
Bro. Rolly
Dear Bro. Rolly,
My husband had a live-in partner before
we got married. A child was born out of that
relationship. When the child was registered,
the surname that was used in the birth
certificate was my husband’s even as they
have never been married. They broke off the
relationship eventually until I married my
When the child was enrolled in the
primary school by her mother, she was
asked to produce the birth certificate. The
document however could not be found
and declared lost. The mother asked the
municipal hall to issue a replacement and at
that time the surname used was that of the
The child grew up with her mother since
birth and never stepped into our house.
When she reached eight years of age, they
recently came to my husband asking for child
Can my husband refuse paying support
to the child since she is using her mother’s
name? Can my husband be sued for failing
to give such support? Does the child have
any right over any inheritance from my
Lolie, Kowloon
Dear Lolie
Your husband’s ex-wife took the right
step by using her surname as her child’s
surname when she applied for the new birth
certificate of her daughter. Under the law
(Family Code), an illegitimate child should
use and assume the surname of the mother.
Even as that child is an illegitimate one,
she is entitled to the support of the father
like a legitimate child. Likewise the
illegitimate child has the legal right over
inheritance on the property of the father;
e.g. fifty percent of the value of whatever
the legitimate child would inherit.
Yes, his ex-wife could file a suit for
child support if your husband reneged
on his parental financial support to the
illegitimate child.
Bro. Rolly
---------To all readers & supporters of AT YOUR
SERVICE, we wish you a Prosperous New
Year and may the good Lord bless you
The Day You Came Along
Nobela ni Cora P. Carsola
Ang Nakaraan:
Naging masaya ang kasalan
ng kapatid ni Karina na
si Bethzaida. Lumuwas
ito kinabukasan patungong Maynila upang
paghandaan na ang pagbabalik niya sa Hong Kong.
Nangako rin siyang mamasyal kina Rodney sa
Bicol kaya napaikli ang kanyang panatili sa Ilocos.
Lumuwas si Rodney mula Bicol noong araw ding
yon upang kaunin sina auntie Medy at Karina.
Habang naghihintay ang binata ng taxi sa labas
na domestic airport, biglang sumulpot si Eloisa
sa kanyang kinaroroonan. Nabigla ang huli dahil
hindi niya inaasahang pagtagpuin sila ng tadhana
Tuwang –tuwa naman si Eloisa pagkakita kay
Rodney. Ipinalagay niyang siya ang hinihintay ng
binata. Subalit sinabi ni Rodney ang totoo na hindi
siya ang hinihintay kundi nag-aabang ito ng taxi
patungo kina Karina sa Quezon City.
Inihatid ni Rodney sa loob ng domestic airport
hanggang sa makapag-check in ito sa kanyang
connecting flight patungong Cebu. Kitang kita
ni Rodney na nagpapahid ng luha ang kaibigan
habang patungo ito sa boarding area.
Nahabag din si Rodney sa kanya. Sa isang banda,
nakahinga na rin siya nang maluwag.
Huling Kabanata:
Magkahalo ang pananabik at tuwa nang muling
masilayan ni Rodney si Karina pagkababa nito sa
Hindi rin maipaliwanag ni Karina ang kanyang
nararamdaman noong mga sandaling yon.
Sa isang saglit, nagflash-back sa kanyang isipan ang
mga ilang beses na pamamasyal ni Rodney doon
noong sila’y nag-aaral pa.
Magkahalong nerbiyos at excitement ang nadama
ni Karina habang pinagbubuksan niya ng gate ang
Nasaktan ang dalaga sa kanyang mga narinig.
Nanibago siya sa ‘attention’ na ipinakita ni Rodney
sa kanya, samantala very ‘sweet’ sila dati sa Dubai.
Buong giliw siyang inakbayan ni Rodney. Lihim na
kumalabog ang tibok ng puso ng dalaga sa gesture
ng binata.
Ipinagtapat ni Rodney ang tungkol kay Karina.
Lalong nasaktan si Eloisa.
“Wow pili nuts! How nice naman of mamay sa
padala niya!”
Ipinagtapat din ng dalaga na minahal niya si
Rodney nang lihim. At buong tapang niyang sinabi
na kung panaginip man ang pag-ibig niyang yon sa
binata, ayaw niyang magising. Tinanggap naman
niya ang naging pasya ni Rodney na pakakasalan
na niya ang babaeng dati na niyang mahal.
“Sadyang ginawa ni mamay yan para sa ‘yo. Sabik
na sabik na sila sa pagdating mo sa Bicol.”
“Kaya nga tutuparin ko ang aking pangako, dahil
ako man ay sabik ding makita sila muli after so
many years.”
Ikinatuwa ni Rodney ang narinig niya mula kay
“Oo nga ano. Sino ba ang mag-aakalang magtagpo
kayo muli” sabad ni auntie Medy.
Saglit na nagkatitigan ang dalawa. Waring
nagkasalubong ang pareho nilang nararamdaman
Nagpasya si Rodney na I-treat ang magtiya ng
dinner Ngunit nagdahilan ang tiyahin upang
magkasarinlan ang dalawa.
“Red wine for me, how about you Karina?”
“Sweet Martini please, thank you.”
“Cheers to both of us!” mga kataga mula kay
Rodney habang idinampi nito ang baso sa kay
“Cheers Rod!” mula naman sa dalaga.
Habang kumakain ang dalawa, tumapat ang mga
naghaharana sa kanilang kinaroroonan at inawit
ang “Can You Feel The Love Tonight”.
Bagay na bagay sa pagkakataong yon.
“Pagdating natin sa Bicol Karina, ako na mismo
ang maghaharana sa ‘yo” bulong ni Rodney.
“Uso pa ba ‘yon?” birong sagot ng dalaga
Prenteng-prente si auntie Medy sa kanyang
kinauuupuan sa eroplano. Si Karina’y nasa tabi ng
bintana…malayo ang tingin. Pinagmamasdan niya
kumpolo kumpol na ulap. Naaalala niya ang muli
nilang pagtatagpo ni Rodney sa paliparan ng hong
Kong. Sumagi na naman sa kanyang isipan si Jun,
ang dati niyang katipan na ngayo’y nakaratay pa rin
sa ospital. At si Karen, ang anak ni Jun na umaasa
sa kanyang pagbabalik. Bigla niyang ibinagsak
ang kanyang ulo sa headrest ng upuan at huminga
siya ng malalim. Nagulantang si Rodney na noo’y
kasalukuyang nagbabasa ng pahayagan.
. . .sundan sa pahina 23
friends International Magazine JANUARY 2008
friends International Magazine JANUARY 2008
PrimeGold Christmas Party
and thanked them for standing by him
and lending their support whenever it was
PrimeGold held their Christmas Party
with the awarding of its Top 10 Distributors and Inter department Dance competitions with the theme “Music of the 80’s”
at the Grappa’s Cellar Restaurant in Central last Dec 16, 2007.
Games and merriment filled the venue
after dinner. The fun did not stop there
as some friends took Mr Lopez out for a
round of drinks at the Bulldogs Bar.
Central office B team bagged the Championship award, for the Inter Department
Dance of the 80’s competitions, followed
by the Central office B, Tsim Sha Tsui and
Shatin respectively.
EQPCI HK Bids its GM
The event was hosted by actor/director
Eric Quizon and veteran actress/comedienne Eugene Domingo and Candy Pangilinan.
Special guests were the top executives of
Prime Credit and Prime Gold, headed
by its Director, Mr. Geoffrey Mansfield,
Business Manager, Mr. Aris Ong, Marketing Officer Mr. Gino Antonio and
Prime Credit Branch Operation Manager,
Ms. Scylla Kwong.
Equitable PCI HK hosted a dinner and
Christmas party in honour of its departing GM and Asia Head Mr Teteng Lopez
at the Delaney’s Bar & Restaurant last
December 15, 2007.
Different groups and associations also
held programs and get togethers as their
own way of saying thank you to Mr Lopez for his support and assistance to the
OFW community.
Oriental Mindoro Society headed by
Raffy Esteleydes.
IMAP Hong Kong headed by Brenda
Staff and close friends were present to
wish Mr Lopez well and took the opportunity to thank him for his service and his
friendship. He on the other expressed his
happiness for showing their appreciation
Among the invited guests and judges of
the said competition were Friends International Magazine Managing Editor, Mr.
Arnold P. Grospe, EQCPI Express Padala
Gen. Manager, Teteng Lopez, BPI Manging Director, Voltaire Medina, DestinAsian Tours owner, Mike Ranola, Brastel
Manager Eric Goyena, and Barrister Ms.
Ody Lai .
NEAHK headed by Sahlee Lanorio and
Ms Chato Carlos of CashSense.
Bon Voyage
Sir Teteng !
Good Luck !
friends International Magazine JANUARY 2008
friends International Magazine JANUARY 2008
Legal Matters
by Barrister Ody A. Lai
Got questions regarding legal matters? Write us and we’ll get your
queries answered by our knowledgable columnist. Send all correspondence to Friends International Magazine by post or email.
Starting a business in Hong Kong
I am a businessman from Philippines. I want to
set up a company in Hong Kong to do trading
Jose Bautista of Pasay City
Sole Proprietorship or Limited Company
You must decide whether you want a
sole proprietorship or a limited company.
For sole proprietorship, just go to Inland
Revenue Tower in Wan Chai and apply for
a business registration certificate and pay
the fees of HK$ 2,600. You are required to
provide the business name, trading name
if any, business address and nature of
Should you prefer a limited company because
it gives you limited liability protection, you
must have at least 1 director. Given the fact
that you are from Philippines, I suggest you
have at least 2 directors, one based in Hong
Kong or a Hong Kong resident and yourself
or another who could be based outside
HK. The HK based director ensures timely
correspondence and compliance with HK
Companies Registry.
Form a new company or buy a shelf
You can set up a limited company or buy a
shelf company. Nevertheless, you have to
prepare the memorandum of association.
The relevant provisions are contained in
the Companies (Amendment) Ordinances
of 1995 and 1997 as follows:
Memorandum of Association
Clause 1: the name of the company with
‘Limited’ or ‘’as the last word of the name
in the case of a company limited by shares,
limited by guarantee, or limited by both
shares and guarantee.
Clause 2: the registered office of the
company will be situated in Hong Kong.
Clause 3: the objects of the company
though this is optional save if the company
intends to apply a license to dispose the
words ‘limited’ or ‘’.
Clause 4: that the liability of the members
is limited and deemed limited by shares.
Clause 5: the amount and division of
A company limited by guarantee states
that each member agrees to contribute
a specified amount towards payment of
the company’s liabilities contracted while
member, and the cost of winding up while
he was still a member.
Company Name
No company will be registered by a
name, which is the same as appearing
in the registry. Names that are offensive
or contrary to the public interest cannot
be registered. Company names are then
painted or affixed in legible characters in
a conspicuous place outside of the office,
with common seal a metallic seal, and
mentioned in legible characters in all its
business letters, notices, publications,
contract deeds, etc.
Articles of Incorporation or Table A
Articles of Association prescribe regulations
for the internal management of a company.
A company limited by shares, the articles
may be registered with the memorandum
but if not, the regulations contained in
Table A of Schedule 1 of the Companies
Ordinance will be the deemed regulations.
Registered articles may adopt all or part of
Table A.
Table A provides that the number of
directors and the names of the first
directors will be determined in writing by
the subscribers of the memorandum or
majority of them. The company must keep
a register of its directors and secretaries
and must also send details concerning
their appointment to the Registrar namely
forms D1, D2, and statement in writing,
signed and acceptance of appointment as
Directors Qualification
There are restrictions on who can be
appointed as directors, besides the minimum
age of majority, undischarged bankrupts
and as the court may order disqualification
such as those convicted of indictable
offence that involve fraud and dishonesty,
persistent default in relation to provisions
friends International Magazine JANUARY 2008
of Companies Ordinance, unfit directors
whose conduct causes company to become
insolvent. A director with disqualification
order may not be a director or liquidator of
a company, receiver or manager, or in any
way, directly or indirectly, be concerned
or take part in the promotion, formation
or management of a company, for period
specified in the order unless he gets leave
of the court.
Get Professional Assistance
Mr. Bautista, I suggest you get in touch
with company formation professionals in
Hong Kong like lawyers and accountants.
They can help you with details before you
embark on your trading business. The rule
of law in Hong Kong is very strong and
any wrong move on your part will attract
unwarranted losses in addition to possible
criminal offences and civil claims. Buying
a limited company or forming a new one
should cost you between HK$ 10,000 to
HK$ 20,000. This does not include your
other requirements like tenancy agreements,
employment issues and others.
Length of Formation, 1 month
It normally takes 1 month to form a new
company. It takes 3 days to buy an existing
company. Afterwards, you have to amend
probably the names, replace the existing
directors, and amend the Table A and more.
In total, it still takes at least a month.
Other Licensing Requirements
A trading company does not require
additional licensing like travel, financing,
restaurant, liquor, etc. But be careful
what products you are trading in. There
are products that demand high safety and
health standards. Dealing with prohibited
and dangerous drugs would land you in jail
for a very long time.
Please get in touch with me should you
require further assistance at odylai@yahoo.
Mga Kababayan, sana patnubayan kayo ng
Panginoon sa taong 2008. Iwasan ang gulo
at mga kaso-kaso. Kayod at ng umasenso ang
buhay. Bagong taon! Bagong pag-asa!
friends International Magazine JANUARY 2008
Do you want your photos on this page? Group pictures, special gatherings, association activities are most welcome. Send them to
yourself in our next issue.
o us by post or email and you just might find
. . . friends snapshots
friends International Magazine JANUARY 2008
friends International Magazine JANUARY 2008
Entrust your future to God
by Bro. Eddie Villanueva
Why does it
excite many people
to ask fortune
tellers on what
will happen in the
future, or let us say
in the coming year?
Well, it is something to “prepare” you when
you “know” what’s gonna be.
And why does it feel good for the
mediums when people seek them for
“future” events? Well, it is something to
boast about when people think you have
a “glimpse” of what’s going to take place,
whether good or bad.
But are they for real? Or are they only
about to deceive and make money or fame
out of it? Nevertheless, only one tells about
the real score. And He is reliable.
God warned the Israelites about this,
and I suppose that the same message is being
addressed to all of us because His Word is
timeless, binding, and eternal.
“Soon you will go into the land that the
Lord your God is giving you. The nations
that live there do things that are disgusting
to the Lord, and you must not follow
their example. Don’t sacrifice your son or
daughter. And don’t try to use any kind of
magic or witchcraft to tell fortunes or to
cast spells or talk with spirits of the dead.”
(Deuteronomy 18:9-11, Contemporary
English Version)
Fortune telling is not of God. The fact
that God forbids it is to tell us that He never
had endorsed it. So it does not make sense to
be amused at certain things being forecasted
by the so called fortune tellers.
Another year or the New Year is just
around the corner and we know many of
the people all over the world are having
apprehensions, as always, of what will befall
them in year 2008. But they do not have
to be anxious if they know where to or to
whom to put their trust.
And who is trustworthy when it comes
to entrusting our cares, our entire life, and
our future? No one is ever trustworthy
except God who created all things.
He set the heavens in place and laid the
foundations of the earth (Isaiah 51:16).
He marked off its length and width. (Job
38:4-5). He set the limit of the sea and made
the cloud its garment (vv. 8-10). He tells the
sun to rise (v. 12). He has walked on the
ocean floor and seen the gate to the world
of the dead (vv. 16-17). He knows the home
of light and the place where darkness is (v.
He knows the storehouses of the snow
and the hail. He reserved them for times
of trouble, for days of war and battle (vv.
22-23). He knows where the lightning leaps
or the east winds blow (v. 24). He cuts a
channel for the torrents of rain and a path
for the thunderstorm. He fathers the drops
of dew and gives birth to the frost from the
heavens (vv. 25-30).
He has arranged the stars in groups
and controls them (vv. 31-32). He orders
the clouds to send a downpour and sends
lightning flash at His command (vv. 34-35).
He teaches the birds to know that rain or
floods are on their way. He helps the lions
hunt for food. He sends animals into their
den (vv. 36-41).
He knows when mountain goats and
deer have given birth. He set wild donkeys
free, gave them the wasteland as habitat,
they laugh at the commotion in the town and
Birthday : December 25, 1941
Died : January 05, 2008
At Queen Mary Hospital of Cardiac Arrest at the age
of 66. Kuya Sonny used to be one of the 1st Pinoy radio announcers in hk during his time and has worked as
Management Consultant at the JP Capital Hong Kong.
Adviser to Builders Association, Black Panther and to numerous Filipino organizations in Hong Kong and an active member of the Philippine Association Of Hong
Kuya Sonny as he was popularly called by his friends and peers was a very kind, passionate, jolly and an easy going person.
We will miss you Kuya Sonny.
From: Builders group, FIM, AFreight, PCG HK, Kuyangs, Friends & Loved Ones
they don’t hear a driver’s shout (Job 39:1-8).
He causes the ox to serve a man, to plow the
land for him (vv. 9-12). He made the ostrich
unmindful of the eggs she laid. He gave the
horse his strength. His wisdom causes the
hawk to take flight. He commands the eagle
to soar and build his nest on high (vv. 1330).
He created the hippopotamus which legs
are like bronze or iron. Undisturbed, it eats
grass while other animals play nearby. It
remains calm and unafraid with the Jordan
River rushing and splashing in its face. (Job
He also created sea monster with
powerful legs and stout body. No one can
catch it. It crawls through the mud and
swims down deep. No other creature on
earth is so fearless. It is king of all proud
creatures, and it looks upon the others as
nothing (Job 41).
What are these things telling us? If the
nature and creatures that God has created
are too powerful for us and we fear their
enormous strength, and yet they are all under
His power and control, can we not entrust to
God our life, and life’s every second, minute,
days and years that He adds to us?
We must and we can trust God. It is the
only courageous and safest way to face the
future. Besides, there is no other creation
that God so loves and cares about than the
human beings He created after His image.
“Aren’t two sparrows sold for a penny?
But your Father knows when any one of
them falls to the ground. Even the hairs on
your head are counted. So don’t be afraid!
You are worth much more than many
sparrows.” (Matthew 10:29-31)
But there is one last thing we need to make
sure – that God has become our Father and
we have become His children. Every human
being who was alienated from God because
of sin needs to be reconciled and be brought
back to the saving and delivering presence of
God. The life that the Lord Jesus laid down
and was taken by enmity through the cross
is enough to do this for us. And for Him to
do it, we need to acknowledge what He has
done for us, repent of our sin, and accept
Him as our Savior and Lord. When we do,
trusting God will be a way of life. You can
trust Him who was there even before time
has begun.
“In the beginning was the Word, and
the Word was with God, and the Word was
God. He was with God in the beginning.
Through him all things were made; without
him nothing was made that has been made.
In him was life, and the life was the light
of men… to all who received him, to those
who believed in his name, he gave the right
to become the children of God.” (John
1:1-4, 12)
friends International Magazine JANUARY 2008
friends International Magazine JANUARY 2008
. . .mula sa pahina 13
“What”s wrong Karina? Pinapawisan ka ng
malamig. You don”t seem alright?” sabay
paghaplos sa balikat ng huli.
“I’m sorry Rod, pagud lang ang isipan ko”,
matamlay niyang sagot habang pikit ang mga mata.
“Anong ibig mong sabihin? May gumugulo bas a
‘yong isipan? Please be honest my dear” samo ni
“Rod, gaano mo ba ako kamahal?”
“Karina, you’ll never know how much, and you’ll
never know its end’ buong tapat na binitiwan ng
nag-aalalang binata.
Isinandal ni Karina ang kanyang kaliwang balikat
kay Rodney. Sumisiksik talaga sa kanyang isipan
ang dalawang nilalang…ang mag-amang sina Jun
at Karen.
May kutob si Rodney sa nilalaman ng isipan ng
dalaga. Naalala niya ang minsang sinabi ni auntie
Medy.. ang pagkabigo ni Karina kay Lt. Col. Jaime
“Dumungaw ka muli sa bintana Karina at titigan
mo ang karagatan. Kung manantili ang eroplano
sa kinaroroonan natin ngayon, hindi rin nating
mararating an gating paroroonan ‘di ba?’
Biglang natauhan si Karina. Naalala niya ang
sinabi sa kanyang ng kapatid na si zaida habang
isinasalaysay niya sa huli ang kanyang kabiguan
kay Jun.
“You cannot reach the ocean unless you leave the
at pagwawagi ng kanyang puso. Sa mga sandaling
yon, taimtim siyang nagdasal sa Panginoon. Hindi
sya nagkamali sa babaeng napili nya para sa kanya
at sa kanyang pamilya.
“Mamay sya po si Auntie Medy ang nagpalaki sa
“Ikinagagalak kong nagkita rin tayo sa wakas.
Maari na bang tawagin
ko kayong bala-e?”
“By all means bala-e! Sagot naman ni auntie Medy.
Punong-puno ng kaligayahan ang tahanang Abella.
Maliwanag ang buwan nuong gabing yon.
Bagama’t mahalumigmig ang hanging
humahampas sa verandang kinaroroonan ng
dalawa, buong saya at masinsinang pag-uusap
ang namayani sa dalawa. Pagkakataon din ang
gabing yon para makapagpaliwanag ang bawat isa
sa tinahak ng kanilang buhay. Ang pagkabigo ni
Karina na syang nagtulak sa kanyang pagpunta sa
Hong Kong upang makalimot at si Rodney naman
sa pagpunta nya sa Dubai at ang pagkakaibigan
nila ni Eloisa.
“Pilitin mong iwanan ang kahapon Karina upang
mayakap mo ang kasalukuyan. The past has
nothing to do with us.” Paki-usap ni Rodney.
“Sisikapin ko Rod. Turuan mong magmahal muli
ang puso ko at sana’y mamahalin mo ako.”
“Minahal kita Karina nuon pa at mamahalin kita
magpakailan man.”
Naghari sa katauhan ni Karina ang kasiyahan.
Napasandig sya kay Rodney……niyakap sya ……
at ang buong palligid ay napintahan ng pag-ibig.
Nabuksan muli ang kanyang diwa’t isipan.
Napyakap it okay Rodney
Pinisil ni Rodney ang palad ni Karina at yumakap
naman si Karina sa baywang ng binata.
“Ilang sandali pa ba bago tayo lumapag? Sabik na
akong Makita sina mamay.”
Hindi nakaligtas sa nagmamasid na bunsong
kapatid ni Rodney na si Rene ang ginawa ng
Sinuklian ni Rod ang kanyang mga narinig sa
paghaplos nito sa mahabang buhok ng dalaga.
“Malapit. Di ba tanaw mo na ang lawa? Ayon na
ang Bulkang Mayon! sabay pagturo nito.
Matimyas na ngiti ang nabanaag sa mukha ni
Samantala, hindi na mapakali ang mag-anak sa
kasabikang Makita si Karina.
‘Rene, buksan mo na ang gate, naririnig ko na ang
ugong ng eroplano. Tiyak na lulan na riyan sina
manoy mo” utos ni Mamay celia
Samantala, naroon na ang mga dalagang kapatid
ni Rodney sa airport na excited ding Makita ang
kanilang ate Karina
“Ate Karina!” masayang bati ng dalawa sabay sa
pagyakap sa kanya. Hinagkan naman sila ng buong
giliw ni Karina.
Natatanaw na ni Mamay Celia ang parating na
sasakyan. Tumakbo siyan palabas na walang
pakundangan na kumaway sa mga paparating.
“Karina anak!” bati ni mamay Celia sa dalaga.
Salamat sa Dios at nagkita-kita tayo muli” sabay
na nagyakapan ang dalawa.
“Hindi ka nagbago Karina, maganda ka pa rin’
dagdag niya.
“Salamat po mamay. Kayo rin po, di tumatanda!”
May luha sa likod ng mga mata ni Rodney sa
kanyang mga nasasaksihan, tanda ng tagumpay
“Yehey! Sa wakas ikakasal na ang kuya ko!’tuwang
napalundag ang binatilyo.
Sabay na napalingon sina mamay at auntie Medy
sa kinaroonan nina Rodney at Karina. Sila rin ay
nagala,k dahil pareho nilang nabanaag sa mukha
ng dalawa ang di maipagkailang damdamin.
“Hindi na ako babalik pa sa Dubai Karina. Yan ay
pasya ko na.”pagtatapat ni Rodney habang sila”y
namamasyal. “ Nais ko nang bumuo ng pamilya
nakasama kita.” dagdag niya.
Nasakyan na ni Karina ang ipinahihiwatig ng
“Ibig mong sabihin, hindi mo na ako pababalikin sa
Hong Kong Rod?” masusing tanong ng dalaga.
Ipinikit ni Rodney ang mga mata sabay ng
pagtikom ng bibig at pagtango. Dito naramdaman
ng dalaga ang sinseridad ng binata. Sinseridad
na ipinamalas sa isang handaan kinabukasan sa
tumana ng mga Abella. Naroon ang lahat na
kamag-anakan at kanayon. Nasaksihan nila ang
paghingi ni Rodney sa kamay ni Karina kay auntie
Medy niya.
Nagpalakpakan ang ubod ng sayang mga dumalo
sa ‘Engagement Party’ habang isinusuot ni Rodney
ang engagement ring kay Karina. Ganun din noong
isuot naman ni Karina ang para sa kanya.
“Rod, the once gloomy life that I had has suddenly
turned into a big big smile on the day you came
Thank you Karina and am so glad. I look forward
to the joy of becoming the right man’s woman.”
“Sino yong, right man?” Mariing tanong ni Rod.
“He’s right in front of me, who else?”
Napahalakhak si Rodney at niyakap ang magiging
Ito na ang tunay na kalagyan ng ating bida… ang
lalaking nagpatibok muli sa kanyang puso… ang
lalaking angkin ang pusong nagmamahal ng tunay.
Si Karina lamang din ang tanging nagpatibok sa
puso ni Rodney.. kanyang ihahatid sa altar sapagkat
angkin ang lahat na hinahanap niya sa magiging
katuwang sa pagbuo ng pamilya. Asawang
makakapiling niya sa ngalan ng P A G I B I G. . . .
habang buhay
Dito po nagwawakas ang ating nobelita. Nawa’y
nagustuhan nyo ito at kahit papaano, nakapagdulot ito
ng inspirasyon sa ating lahat. Lagi nating tatandaan
na sa likod ng makapal na ulap naroon ang araw
na sumsisikat. Maraming salamat po sa inyong
Mga Kwentong OFW
ni Violy C. Pascual
Kapamilya ang Turing Part 2
Si Sally Oraa, isang dalagang bicolana
edad 27, mabilis mapaamo ang kanyang
mga amo, lalo na ang mga alagang sina
Sophia at Jamie. Ngayon Disyembre
matatapos ang unang kontrata ni Sally
kina Mr.& Mrs.Shum ng Tsuen Wan, at
magpipirmahan ng panibago.
ni Sally habang binibitin ng emcee ang
pagsasabi sa mga nanalo.
Sobrang malapit ang loob ng mga alaga
ni Sally sa kanya. Ultimo dayoff nito ay
gustong sumama ng dalawa. Sa nakitang
turing ate nila ang yaya,mga amo mismo
ang nagtulak na isama niya ang mga alaga
kung wala rin lang itong mahalagang
lakad. Naglalagi lang sa boardinghouse sa
Tin Hau. Sa kanyang practice ng sayaw,
nalaman na sasali sa contest kaya’t hindi
tinantanan ng dalawang bata,kailangan
kasama silang manood sa palabas ng
kanilang “tsetse”.
Nagkataon nasa
bakasyon ang kapatid at pinsan ni Sally,
kaya’t sinubukan imbitahin ang among
babae na magkakabit ng sash. Hindi
niya akalain na ganoon na lamang ang
kanilang naging suporta. Sa lahat ng
okasyon, binibigyan pansin si Sally na
talagang kabilang siya sa pamilya kung
Nagbitiw sa unang amo matapos
ang walong buwan pagtitiis sa hindi
makataong naging employer noon.
Malaking pasalamat ni Sally na sa
pagbabalik ay bumawi siya sa pamilyang
may pusong tao at turing sa kanya ay “
kapamilya “.
Sa nakaraan search for Ms Bicolandia
2007 na ginanap sa Grappas Cellar noong
Nov.4, isa sa kandidata si Sally. Buong
pamilya ng amo ang todo-todong tiyaga
at pasensya upang masuportahan lamang
siya. Ang popo na nagbabakasyon lang
sa Hongkong mula Amerika ay sumama
at kasali rin. Napakaingay man at kahit
hindi naiintindihan angs lenggwahe ay
hindi makikitaan ng pagkabugnot ang
Shum family. Si Sally ang kinakabahan
habang rumarampa sa entablado bukod
sa pagiging contestant, inaalala ang mga
alagang hindi maasikaso. Naging added
attraction na pinanood ang pamilya
dahil animo’y kapamilya si Sally na
sa tuwing siya ang tinatawag upang
umakyat sa stage, umaangat sila sa upuan
at tuwangtuwa. Palitan ang mag-asawang
amo na nakikipagsiksikan sa kuhanan ng
retrato. Sa paglalagay ng sash, kung saan
ang among babae ang siyang magkakabit
nito, sumama sina Sophia at Jamie na
yakap butiki sa kanilang yaya.
Bandang huli, sila na ang pinanonood
ng karamihan dahil nakikisigaw na sila
at nagsesenyas ng #2, ang candidate #
Filipina Lola: Hongkong Race
Race 2007,
She survive the up/downward route of
the race around Mt. Cameron which start
and end at Wanchai Gap. Race organized
by Hongkong Ladies Road Runners Club
( HKLRRC ) headed by Sheila Purves.
Edith got her prize handed by Fiona
Campion, HKLRRC committee.
Ebreo not easily giving -up her love of
health and wellness, she organized Filipino
Friendship Group, training OFW runners,
under the supervision of HKLRRC where
she herself a member. They joined the
Cyberport Race on Nov.25 2007, held at
the vicinity of Cyberport Pokfulam with a
very good starter result.
Edith, OFW for 22 years with 7 children
and 21 grandchildren, diverts her
attention to running after her husband
died, reason for her to reach Hongkong.
Her age above 60 with all children able to
have their college diplomas and have their
own families, she counts her co-runners
a family. Any filipina who wants to join
the Filipina Friendship Group may call
94542141 for inquiries.
Edith “Mighty Lola” Ebreo, maintains
her Boxing Day Race Champion title for 3
consecutive years, when she finish first to
her category ( above 60 ) at the 5 kilometer
race of the 29th Hongkong Boxing Day
friends International Magazine JANUARY 2008
friends International Magazine JANUARY 2008
Balitang Showbiz
ni Noel Asinas
Marian Rivera, tinalbugan ang mga kasamang sina Ruffa
Gutierrez, Iza Calzado, Rufa Mae Quinto sa Desperadas
NAKASENTRO sa istorya ng Desperadas
ang character ni Marian Rivera. Simula
at tapos ng movie ay naka-sentro ang
istorya sa kanya. Kahit pa sabihing lahat
ng tatlo pang artista ay may participationa ng bawat isa.
May kani-kanyang istorya ng buhay nila . ang tinatalakay. Si Ruffa Gutierrez ay tungkol sa pagiging gastadora
niya. Tumatalbog ang kanyang tseke. Si
Rufa Mae Quinto ay pagiging sexologist
niya., Si Iza Calzado ay hinggil sa pagiging malungkot ng love life niya.
Si Marian ang makulay dahil ang
boyfriend ay hindi niya maintindihan
ang gusto. Biglang nagging conservative sa buhay. Gusto ang sex nila’y sa
mismong kasal lang nila.
Sa opening ng istorya ay buhay agad ni Marian ang tinatalakay ng istorya. Bunso siya sa apat na magkakapatid sa
inang babae. Iba-iba ang ina nila pero sila’y close sa isa’t isa.
Natapos ang pelikula sa mismong wedding ni Marian. Kaya ipinakikita lang na panahon ngayon ng star ng Marimar.
Alam kasi ni Mother Lily Monteverde na si Marian ang hit star ngayong sa telebisyon.
Lovi Poe, bagong
apple of the eye ni
Jolo Revilla, binabantayan sa set
NAGKAROON na rin ng lakas ng loob si
Jolo Revilla na mangligaw kay Lovi Poe.
Formal na kasi ang split up nila ni Grace,
ang anak ni Rosanna Roces, na kung saan
may love child ang dalawa.
Lately bago magpasko ay nakita ng isang
staff ng programang Zaido ng GMA 7 na
dumalaw si Jolo kay Lovi Poe sa set sa
Tagaytay. Sabi ng staff ay anim na oras
nagbabad si Jolo sa set. Tapos, maraming
dalang pagkain para kay Lovi.
Kasama rito ang paboritong pastilles ni Lovi. Sa tingin ng source, gusto ni
Jolo na patabain si Lovi kaya pagkain ang
kanyang dala.
Matiyaga si Jolo na mag-intay
kahit naka-on cam si Lovi ay andun lang
siya at matamang nanonood sa dalagang
anak na ngayon ni Da King Fernando Poe
Si Lovi ay masaya naming hinarap
si Jolo. Kapag daw magkausap ang dalawa ay walang dull moments.
Si Jolo na kaya ang unang maging
boyfriend ni Lovi. Kasi, sina Cogie Domingo at Prince Stefan ay hanggang ligaw
lang sa dalaga noon?
Sa Zaido, si Lovi ay lumalabas na roving reporter ng isang newspaper. Kinukober niya ang mga gawain ng
grupo ng Zaido. Kaya nagkakilala sila ni
Zaido Green, si Marky Cielo. Si Marky ay
nail-link naman sa isang pulis pangakalawakan na babae, si Kris Bernal. Kaya
trianggulo ngayon ang love story nila.
Mas maraming labanan ang nagaganap sa Zaido dahil ang kanilang mga
kalaban ay higit pang nagiging makapangyarihan.
Ara Mina: Gumagawa na ng soap sa
Kapamilya network,
pero may Kapuso
show pa rin siya, ang
Bubble Gang
KAHIT may soap na si Ara Mina sa
Dos, may programa pa rin siya sa Kapuso,
ang Bubble Gang. Nasabi ni Ara sa amin
na pinayagan siya ng GMA 7 na lumabas
sa Kapamilya station, Kasi naman ay wala
pa siyang soap na ginagawa sa network.
Pero, ang bilin lang sa kanya
ng GMA 7 management na huwag si-
yang kukuha ng show na makakasagasa
sa programa niyang Bubble Gang, isang
mainstay si Ara ditto noon pa.
Mark Herras, nakipagsosyo na sa isang
bar and resto business
Ara Mina: Balik Bold movie via Selda,
muling nagtalop ng damit sa katawan
BALIK-BOLD movie si Ara via movie
Selda. Recently ay ipinapreview ito sa
press.. Maaaring ipalabas ito sa Manila after Metro Manila Film Festival 2007.
Alam ba ninyong hubad kung hubad si
Ara sa movie. Kahit ipinakitang hubad siya,
wala namang private parts niyang lumitaw. Di tulad noon na kita ang lahat sa
kanya. Ordinary lang sa kanya noon ang
breast exposure.
Kahit nagpaseksi si Ara sa Selda, lutang na lutang ang pagiging actress niya
sa movie. Alam ba ninyong outstanding
ang acting niya sa movie na ito?
Hindi na matatawaran ang galling sa
pag-arte ni Ara sa Selda.
Maraming movie scribes ang nagsasabing may panglaban na naman si Ara sa acting awards next year. Maaaring sa
pelikulang Selda ay bumalik muli ang kinam ni Ara sa movies.
Congrats din sa leading man ni Ara na si Sid Lucero. Magaling ang kanyang
pagganap sa movie.
Chris Tiu: Crush si Paris Hilton, pero hindi
ang life style
IN na ngayong sa mga kabataang artista
na mag- invest sa negosyo.Lately ang
Bad Boy ng Dance Floor na si Mark Herras
naman ang nabalitaan naming nadagdag
sa listahan ng mga may bagong bukas
na negosyo. Ito ang “ CLUB SERVED “
isang Disco, Bar and Restaurant sa may
Araneta Center, dating place ng nagsara
nang Klownz Araneta na pag-aari noon
nina Allan K at Ai Ai delas Alas.
Bukod ka`y Mark ay kasosyo rin nito
ang iba pang Showbiz Friends nito na
sina Cristine Reyes, Jopay atbp. At least
sa murang edad ni Mark ay alam nito
kung saan niya dadalhin ang kanyang kinita sa pag aartista.
Tsika nga ni Daddy Jun ( Daddy ni
Mark ) ay may mga iba pang mga negosyong gustong pasukin ni Mark , pero
yun nga lang ay isa-isa lang daw ,dahil si
Mark nga ang bread winner ng Pamilya
at gusto rin nitong makita ang resulta ng
kanyang kauna-unahang negosyo, bago
sundan ng isa pa.
CRUSH ni Chris Tiu si Paris Hilton.
Hanggang crush lang. Di raw niya type
ang life style ng heredera ng Hilton
chain of hotel. Si Chris ay ang bagong
pasok sa showbiz bilang co-host ni
Manny Pacquiao sa Pinoy Records na
mapapanood tuwing Saturday, pagkatapos ng Wish Ko Lang.
Sabi ni Chris, na basketball star
ng Ateneo Blue Eagles na wala pa siyang crush sa local stars. Maaaring
ang dahilan ay hindi pa siya particular
sa mga local na artista. Kasi, ba naman
siya’y nag-aaral sa exclusive school at
nakatira sa isang exclusive subdivision
sa Makati City.
Inamin naman niya sa isang
interview na unti-unti na niyang nakikilala ang mga local stars. Kasi, ang
portion niya sa Pinoy Records ay maghost ng iba’t ibang challenges na ang bida ay
ang mga sikat nating celebrity stars.
Hindi pa niya gusto sa ngayon na mag-artista. Ang attention niya’y nasa paglalaro ng basketball at pag-aaral ng dalawang course sa Ateneo de Manila University.
Pero, hilig niya ang politics. Minsan na rin siyang KB chairman sa kanilang barangay at last barangay elections ay nahalal siyang kagawad.
Sa pagsasalita, magaling na siyang magtagalog dahil laking Pilipinas siya kahit
siya’y pure Chinese ang kanyang parents.
Siya’y Filipino citizen na dahil ang mga ninuno niya’y naturalized Filipino citizen rin.
friends International Magazine JANUARY 2008
friends International Magazine JANUARY 2008
Sheena Halili, pinsan ni Katrina Halili, nagpatotoo sa set ng Marimar na hindi close
sina Marian Rivera at Katrina sa set
TRUE pala at hindi tsismis lang ang deadmahan nina Katrina Halili at
Marian Rivera sa set ng “
Marimar “ na katulad ng
binunyag ni Dingdong
Dantes kamakailan.
Mismong ang kaibigan
ni Katrina at pinsan pang
si Sheena Halili ang nagbuking ng iringang ito kamakailan. Role ni Sheena
ay sidekick sa “ Marimar
“ .Si Sheena ang isa pa sa
nagpahayag na hindi daw
talaga nagkikibuan at nag papansinan ang dalawa sa set.
Walang guts si Sheena na tanungin ang dalawa kung bakit deadma sila sa
isa`t-isa. Tanging ang mga ito lang daw ang hindi nag uusap among the casts.
Hindi nga lang daw siya ang nakapapansin, bagkus pati ang buong cast and crew
ng “ Marimar “. Hindi na lang daw nila pinapansin.
Kasi, nakaka-deliver naman sina Katrina at Marian ng maganda sa kanilang
pag-arte sa set.
Basta ayon ka`y Sheena , in good terms daw siya sa dalawa at walang kagalit
sa mga casts, ayaw daw kasi nito ng may kasamaan ng loob o kagalit,dahil baka
daw maapektuhan ang kanyang trabaho ,dahil ayaw daw nitong makipag plastikan
kapag may nakakagalit siyang tao. Yun na!
Lani Mercado: Kung hindi nag-asawa agad
nung kabataan niya, gusto niyang maging
ng si Lani Mercado ng
programang Moms sa
QTV 11 na ibig sana niyang maging sikat na
broadcaster noon. Ang
panahon na ito’y hindi
pa siya nag-aasawa at
siya’y papasikat na artista ng Regal Films.
Nasabi niya
sa mga co-host niyang
sina Sherilyn Reyez at Manilyn Reynes na kung hindi siya nag-asawa agad o naging dalaga pa rin siya hanggang ngayon ay gusto niyang maging newscaster o
reporter sa television. Enjoy siya sa ganitong trabaho. Kaya ngayon kahit busy rin
siya sa pagiging mother ng anim na anak at asawa niyang si Sen. Bong Revilla ay
tuluy-tuloy pa rin siya bilang host ng Moms.
Pero, kahit busy pa rin siya sa pagiging mother ay ipinipilit pa rin niyang
magkaroon ng time sa showbiz bilang artista. Huling nilabasan niya ay guesting sa
soap na Marimar, kung saan siya’y lumabas bilang dying mother ni Katrina Halili.
Say Alonzo, magiging
Kapuso na kaya?
VERY vocal si Say Alonzo, isang produkto
ng Pinoy Big Brother ng ABS-CBN, sabi
ng staff ng Kung Ako Ikaw, na masarap
katrabaho ang mga Kapuso stars and
staff. Hudyat na kaya ito na ibig na niyang maging Kapuso na rin?
Sabi ng staff na kausap namin,
naggi-guest na rin si Say sa Nuts Entertainment. Nakita na rin namin siyang
nagguest sa Moms na napapanood, Monday to Friday, 5p.m. sa QTV 11.
Walang Kung Ako Ikaw sa Monday night (January 1) dahil preempt ng
palabas ng GMA 7 na New Year’s Count
Down sa Mall of Asia near the bay. Kaya
sa Tuesday (January 2) mapapanood ang
first episode na Bulag na Masahista.
Magtatapos ito ng Thursday in place of
Magpakailanman, na namaalam na sa
Bidang celebrities sa episode ng
KAI this week ay sina Karylle, Say at Margarette Wilson. Silang tatlo ay pipiringan
simula ng kanilang episode. Kasama nila
ang mga bulag na masahista. Sasakay
sila sa pampublikong jeep patungong
Wild Life kung saan sila magtatrabahong
Host ng show sina Keempee de
Leon at Joey Marquez. Mapapanood pagkatapos ng Telebabad ng GMA 7.
Top grosser sa first week ng 2007 Metro Manila Film Festival ang
pelikulang Enteng Kabisote 4 ni Vic Sotto, pelikula ni Bong Revilla na Resiklo, pang-apat lang
UBOD ngiti ngayon sa Vic Sotto dahil no.1 ang Enteng Kabisote 4 sa takilya sa first week ng 2007 Metro Manila Film Festival. Sumunod sa kanya
ang movie nina Judy Ann Santos at Ryan Agoncillo na SSS. Pangatlo ang
Shake, Rattle and Roll 8 na all star cast na led by Dennis Trillo, Katrina
Halili, at iba pa.
Pang-apat naman ang movie ni Se. Bong Revilla, ang Resiklo. Pumanglima naman ang Bahay Kubo na tampok sina Maricel Soriano, Eric
Quizon, Marian Rivera at iba pa.
Pang-anim naman ang movie ni Sen. Jinggoy Estrada, ang Katas ng
Saudi. Kapartner niya si Lorna Tolentino.
Ang tatlong movie pang kalahok ay ipalalabas simula sa January 1 ay
ang Desperadas nina Marian Rivera, Ruffa Gutierrez, Rufa Mae Quinto at
Iza Calzado. Ang Banal na tampok sina Christopher de Leon, Paolo Contis, at iba pa.
Ang inaabangan ding movie ni Manny Pacquiao, ang Anak ng Kumander, na umani ng intriga dahil sa controversial kissing
scenes ni Manny king Ara Mina at Valerie Concepcion.
Sa pagpasok ng tatlong movies ngyaong Jan.1, ang tatlong kulelat na movies ay mababawasan ng sinehan. Bibigyang pagkakataon ang tatlong bagong bujkas na movie.
Maaari pang makahabol ang tatlong huling movies na ipalalabas sa top grosser dahil maraming manonood ngayong
Bagong Taon sa mga sinehan.
Jinggoy Estrada, Maricel Soriano at Resiklo get top awards sa
2007 MMFF Awards Night
MASAYA sa Gabi ng Parangal ng 2007 Metro Manila Film Festival sina Jinggoy Estrada ( best actor para sa Katas ng Saudi),
Maricel Soriano (Best actress para sa Bahay Kubo) at Bong
Revilla ( para sa tinanggap na first best picture ng Resiklo).
Sa pagkapanalo ng Resiklo ng first best picture, sa acceptance speech ni Bong ay nasabi pa niyang parang Amazing Stories ang naganap sa kanya. First time na nangyari ang kanyang
entry ay naging first best picture.Host si Bong ng programang
Kap’s Amazing Stories sa GMA 7 tuwing Sunday evening.
Ang tinanghal namang second best picture ay ang pelikula
nina Judy Ann Santos at Ryan Agoncillo, ang Sakal, Sakali at
Saklolo at ang 3rd best picture aya ng Enteng Kabisote 4.
Ang Katas ng Saudi at Bahay Kubo ay nagtie naman bilang
recipient ng Gatpuno Antonio Villegas Cultural Award
Tinanghal na best director ay ang bagitong si Cesar Apolinario para sa Banal. Si Cesar ay roving reporter ng GMA 7. Madalas
gumagawa ng documentaries para sa I-Witness ng GMA 7.
Ang comedienne na si Eugene Domingo ang nag-uwi ng best supporting actress para sa Bahay Kubo, si Roi Vinzon naman
ay best supporting actor para sa Resiklo, best child performer si Nash Aguas ng Shake Rattle and Roll 9.
Napili namang most gender sensitive film ang Desperadas na bida sina Marian Rivera, Ruffa Gutierrez, Iza Calzado at Rufa
Mae Quinto.
Ang Banal ang nag-uwi ng best story at best screenplay. Ang Resiklo ang best production design at editing. Ang Buhay
Kubo rin ang napiling best musical scoring.
Ginanap ang awards night sa bagong SMX Mall of Asia. Tumagal ang awards night ng 45 minutes lang. Nag-iisang host si
Boy Abunda.
Walang presentor at ang kinaugaliang production numbers.
Bagkus, ginawang fund raising ang sumunod na portion ng affair, ang concert ni Lani Misalucha na ang pinakamahal na
ticket ay P10,000 at ang pinakamura ay P500.
Nasabi ni MMDA Chairman Bayani Fernando, ginawa nila ang concert ni Lani para makalikom ng pondo para sa MMFF.
Kung anumang ginastos ay masambot ng ahensiya. Bukod pa sa ang beneficiary ng filmfest ay ang MOWEL Fund.
Sabi sa balita, pinaka-walang artista ang awards night na ito. Hindi sumipot ang maraming winners.
Pero, sa pahayag ni Chariman Bayani, successfula ng filmfest dahil mas malaki ang kinita nito kaysa last year.
friends International Magazine JANUARY 2008
Pangkabuhayan Recipe
ni Dorie Nieva
New Year
Filipino Leche
Preparation time: 30 minutes; Estimated
cooking time: 1 hour
1 can (390g) evaporated milk
1 can (390g) condensed milk
10 egg yolks
1 teaspoon of vanilla extract or lemon essence
For the caramel
1 cup sugar
3/4 cup water
Cooking Instructions
• In a saucepan, mix the sugar & water.
Bring to a boil for a few minutes until the
sugar caramelize.
• Pour the caramelized sugar into
aluminum moulds - you can use any
shape: oval, round or square. Spread the
caramel on the bottom of the moulds.
• Mix well the evaporated milk, condensed
milk, egg yolks and vanilla by hand or
• Gently pour the mixture on top of the
caramel on the aluminum moulds. Fill the
moulds to about 1 to 1 1/4 inch thick.
• Cover moulds individually with
aluminum foil.
• Steam for about 20 minutes OR
• Bake for about 45 minutes. Before baking
the Leche Flan, place the moulds on a
larger baking pan half filled with very hot
water. Pre-heat oven to about 370 degrees
before baking.
• Let cool then refrigerate.
• To serve: run a thin knife around the
edges of the mould to loosen the Leche
Flan. Place a platter on top of the mould
and quickly turn upside down to position
the golden brown caramel on top.
• Cooking Tips: You can tell when the
Leche Flan is cooked by inserting a knife
-if it comes out clean, it is cooked.
Pinoy soul food! what a delicious proposal!
pinoys have a habit of “colonizing” the
colonizers. heres an example where pinoy
ingenuity reversed the fortunes of the
spanish..Here’s a pinoy twist on the old
spanish stand-out:
Meat material
1 kilo chicken (cut into small pcs.)
1/4 kilo chicken giblets & liver
Seasonings & Ingredients
2 cans tomato sauce
2 large onions chopped
1/2 head garlic, minced
1 pc. bay leaf (laurel)
2 bell peppers, red & green (strips)
friends International Magazine JANUARY 2008
• Stir unitl light brown and pour in tomato
sauce. Add bay leaf, vetsin, and salt.
Cover. Cook until almost done. Add
pimenton, stir to blend well with sauce.
1/2 kilo tahong (cooked in shell)
3-4 crabs (cooked, quartered)
1 cup sweet green peas
2 chorizo de bilbao (sliced diagonally, 1/4’
1 tsp. pimenton powder
1 tbsp.vetsin - SECRET INGREDIENT salt
to taste
1 hard-cooked egg (garnishing) or salted duck
egg - thats the other secret!
3 cups rice
4-5 cups water
Cooking Instructions:
• Saute and brown garlic in oil.
• Stir in half of chopped onions.
• When wilted, add chicken.
Then, add pepper strips, tahong, shrimps,
peas, chorizo, and crabs. Boil for 10 minutes.
Set aside.This time a big wok or KAWALI.
Saute’ remaining onions until soft. Add 1
can tomato sauce, water, and rice (previously
washed). Stir to blend water with tomato
sauce. When it boils, cover, lower heat to
medium temperature and continue cooking
until rice is cooked.When done, toss rice
with fork to make it fluffy. Then, add 3/4
part of cooked mixture to rice. Increase heat.
Mix to blend the cooked mixture and rice
evenly. Cook until dries.Place in a big dish,
spread the remaining cooked mixture on top.
Garnish with sliced hard-cooked egg and
chopped spring onion.
featured Poems
Si Hesus ang Ating Pag asa
Ni Thea Estrella dela Cruz
Si Hesus ang Diyos lumikha inako ating mga
Napako namatay para sa akin at sayong makasalanan,
Kaya’t tayo’y pakabuti, maglingkod at magpakatutoo,
Si Hesus, ay ating pag asa’t maglingkod ng tutoo.
Ang Diyos di tumitingin sa atin kakayahan at kaalaman,
Nguni’t ang tunay at tapat na paglilingkod kanginoman,
Diyos ang nakakabatid ng ating puso’t saloobin,
Pagsubok binigay upang tumatag ating pananampalataya, at damdamin,
Napakabuti mo aking Diyos, tinuruan at pinahintulutan,
Magbago iyong anak sa kaloobang nababagabag,
Lahat ng napapagal, at nabibigatan ay binibigyan,
Ng kaginhawahan at siya’y ating sandigan.
Pag ibig ay wagas dito sa sanlibutan,
Walang hihigit sa sa iyong pagmamahal pag unawa
laging pianhihintulutan,
Kahit anong sama’t kapalaluan, kapusukan,
Nagpapatawad, kung kami’y magpakumbaba ika’y
NgayonBagong taon ating ipagdiwang,
Si Hesus ang dakilang manunubos ating sanggalang,
Lahat ng tagumpay siya ang pag alayan,
Amang lumikha taos pusong ikay pasasalamatan,
Pag ibig di matutumbasan, mapapantayan at
Ni Sheryl Reyes
Tuwing pagsubok dumarating,
Ako ay napa praning,
Di ko alam ang gagawin,
Nang lito kong damdamin.
Ang akala ko ito’y parusa,
Sa kasalanan dapat magdusa,
Sa langit tumingala,
Diyos ko bakit ako pa.
Nagalit ako’t tumalikod sa kanya,
Sala ditto at doon ang ginawa,
Mga pagsubok patuloy at di nawawala,
Sapagkat ako pala ang nawawala.
Noon ko napagtantanto, di dapat sa kanto.
Tuwing pagsubok dumating kumatok sa pinto,
Pintuan ni Hesus na laging bukas,
Sa katulad kong nawala sa landas.
Kung pagsubok sa buhay ay dumating,
Magpasalamat, ngumiti at itoy harapin,
Dahil ito ang tanda ng pag ibig sa atin,
Pag ibig ni Hesus ating tanggapin.
Ito ang paraan upang tayoy baguhin,
Imulat mga mata sa maling Gawain,
Manalangin at laging sumamba.
Sa ating Ama lahat ay magagawa.
Salamat, salamat O hesus ko,
Sa pagsubok na binigay mo,
Ako ngayon ay nabago,
At maligaya na sa piling mo.
Pamilya at Pangarap
Ni Teresa Duran Marquez
Masakit man isipin sa isang Ina,
Ang malayo sa anak na maliliit pa,
Pero walang magawa, dahil sa isang pangarap,
Lahat ng hirap at pasakit dapat makaya.
Malayo sa pamilya, itoy ating nagawa,
Dahil sa pangarap, para sa kanila,
Tumulak patungo sa ibang bansa,
Upang mga anak mabigyang pag asa.
Pero di lang minsan tayo’y nagkaproblema,
Lalo na sa mga me pamilya na, lumiko ng daan at
natukso sa iba,
Masakit mang isipin para sa kanila,
Sobrang pasakit sa sitwasyong ke lupit lupit,
Pero nasa kamay natin, desisyong buo ang pamilya.
Sa gitna ng unos na ating nararanasan,
Dapat pagtibayin ang iyong kalooban,
Siya’y tanggapin muli at kausapin,
Pang unawa at pagpapatawad ang pairalin,
Pannalig sa Diyos na siyang sandata,
Lahat ng suliranin ay nawawala.
Pnagarap para sa pamilya, isaisip lagi at isagawa,
Patnubay ng poon na nasa ating tabi,
Sa kanya tayo kumapi’t ng mabuti,
Pagmamahal sa pamilya lagi maghahari,
Busog sa pangaral para sa mga bata,
At ito’y isang magandang halimbawa.
Sa mahal na Ama, na nasa itaas,
Sa kanya tayo ay dapat na magpasalamat,
Dahil sa lahat ng pagsubok ating nakaya,
Pangarap, pangarap, dapat marating,
Pangarap sa pamilya’y ating makamit.
Ang Sigaw ng puso ko
ni Melmar Kezia Domine V.
Sa aking pag iisa lagi kitang naaalala,
Bakit ba nangyari na tayo ay nagkawalay,
Samantalang sa buong akala natin noon ay tayo
Sadyang ganon lang siguro talaga.
Ako at ikaw ay nagkarelasyon na sa iba,
Subalit mapaglaro ang tadhana,
Sila ay nasa ibang kandungan na,
Ngayon tayo ay parehas ng buhay na.
Sa loob ng ilang taon na tayo ay nagkalayo na,
Bigla akong nagising sa isang mensahe at iyon ay
ikaw na,
Sa wakes iyon na ang simula,
Lingid sa kaalaman mo, ikaw ang sigaw ng puso
At ang sabi mo mahal mo parin ako,
Nakahanda na pakasalan sa pag uwi ko,
Maging sino man ako.
friends International Magazine JANUARY 2008
Tinig ng OFW
ni Honey Bee
Bagong Taon, Bagong buhay, ito’y kasabihan
Ngunit ito nga bay matatamo ng bawat is sa
Paano kung sitwasyo’y katulad ng kasalukuyang
nararanasan natin,
May pag asa pa bang mababago, kapalaran nating OFW?.
Paulit- ulit mang mangako, na huwag nang
uutang sa bangko,
Kung hinaing ng pamilya’y kulang lagi ng
Sapilitang gagawa ng paaran ng tungkuli’y
Kahit kapos pilit pa ring maglalaan.
Abang – aba man tayo sa pakikibaka sa ating
mga amo’t trabaho,
Sa bawat unos pilit nagpapakatatag at di sumusuko,
Ngunit sadyang kapalaran ay mapagbiro,
Laging sinusubok tatag nating OFW.
Suweldo’y bumaba at rate ay pataas ng pataas,
Sa Pilipinas, bilihin at tuition fee ay tumaas,
Kapiranggot nating suweldo’y wala ng katumbas,
May pag asa pa bang aangat pamahalaang
Kanino natin isisisi ang lahat ng mga nangyayari?,
Sa mga tao bang namumuno at gumagawa ng
Sila anng nagtatamasa sa ating mga ani,
Kasakiman at karahasan tuwina ang naghahari.
Tinig naming OFW, sumisigaw sa masa,
Putulin ang katiwalian sa ating bansa,
Dugo at pawis puhunan naming OFW sa
Sana sa pagpasok ng bagong taon ay mawal na
ang pamumulitika.
Want to get your
poems published?
Share it with us. You
just might see your literary creation on this page.
Send all your poems by
email to
friends International Magazine JANUARY 2008
Laugh Lines . . .
Tuwang-tuwa at parating pinagmamalaki
nung Monsignor yung kaniyang alagang loro.
Wika nung Monsignor, “Itong aking loro
ay hindi lang napakagaling magsalita kundi
napakabanal pa! Kapag aking hinigit yung
kadena sa kaniyang kaliwang paa, siya’y magsasalita ng buong dasal ng Ama Namin. Kapag akin namang hinigit yung kadena sa kaniyang kanang paa,siya’y magsasalita ng buong
dasal ng Aba Ginoong Maria.” Tanong nung
isang aleng nakikinig, “Monsignor, kung
sabay mong hatakin yung kadena sa kaniyang
magkabilang paa, ano ang kaniyang isasalita?” Sagot nung Monsignor, “Sapagkat hindi
ko pa naisipang gawin yang itinatanong mo,
purbahan natin ngayon!” at sabay na hinatak
nung Monsignor ang kadena sa magkabilang
paa nung loro. Biglang nagsalita yung loro...
“langhiya naman, Padre, mahuhulog ako
diyan sa ginagawa mong ‘yan, eh!
Kahit hirap mag-englis, panay pa rin ang
ligaw ni Alfredo sa isang Amerikana:
KANA: I like men who are frank.
ALFREDO: My name is Alfredo, not frank.
MONA: Pambihira talaga ang bf ko.
MIA: Bakit naman?
MONA: Sakay kami ng kotse. Nasa Ortigas
na kami nang tanungin niya ako kung saan
kami dapat pumunta. Ang sabi ko ay kahit
saan kami makarating.
MIA: (Kinikilig) Naku, anong nangyari?
MONA: Well..pinaandar niya ang kotse,
nakapasyal ako ng Laguna di oras.
Pagkatapos nang date nila, inihatid ni Tony si
Tess anticipating a goodnight kiss.
TONY: Salamat sa date,ha? Sana maulit.
TESS: Okey lang, pero since Dutch treat tayo
buong gabi, you kiss yourself and i’ll kiss
myself goodnight.
SPANISH TEACHER: Ok class, use “puera”
in a sentence.
STUDENT: Mi maestra es muy bonita.
TEACHER: That’s very flattering but where
is the word “puera”?
STUDENT: Puera ka!
A Filipino lady was taking the exam for US
naturalization and citizenship. She aced the
test. The examiner said, “Now, the last part
of the exam is a vocabulary test. Can you
spell the word ‘Window?’” The lady said, “WI-N-D-O-W.” “Ah, very good,” the examiner
said, “Now, use it in a sentence.” “WINDOW
I get my citizenship papers?”
kayong Extra Large condoms?
PHARMACIST: Meron, bibili ka?
WOMAN: Hindi muna, intay lang muna ko
ng lalaki na bibili.
If you were my CRUSH I would admire you
If you were my FRIEND I would treasure
you If you were ME, grabe mag artista ka na,
Sayang ka!
Anong saging ang mataba? SABA Anong saging ang maliit? SEÑORITA Yung sinusubo
pati balat?.. starts with a T? sirit na? Esep..
esep..! Ano pa eh di TURON!!! Huwag
Isang bulag ang pumasok sa isang maliit na
restaurant. Sinalubong siya ng waiter at wala
sa isip na nagbigay ng menu. Hindi mo ba
napansing bulag ako? Bigyan mo na lang ako
ng mga gamit na tinidor at nang malaman ko
kung ano ang kakainin ko! bulyaw ng bulag.
Hindi na nagtanong ang nalilitong waiter
at kumuha ng dalawang tinidor na hindi pa
hugas at binigay sa bulag. Inamoy ng bulag
ang una. Fried chicken!Hindi ako kumakain
ng fried chicken, sabi ng bulag pagkaamoy ng
unang tinidor at inamoy naman ang ikalawang tinidor. Eto, meatloaf, bigyan mo ako
niyan. Namangha ang waiter at dumiretso ito
sa kusina para kausapin ang cook na si Maria.
Ang galing noong bulag, oh, amoy pa lang
alam na niya ang oorderin niya, magluto ka
nga ng meatloaf, kuwento ng waiter kay Maria. Nagluto si Maria ng meatloaf at ibinigay
sa bulag. Nasarapan ang customer kaya
nagbigay ito ng malaking tip. Kinabukasan,
bumalik ang bulag at nagbigay na naman ng
dalawang tinidor ang waiter para ipaamoy
rito. Ito, gusto ko ng porkchop, sabi ng bulag
pagkaamoy pa lang ng unang tinidor. Sa
ikatlong araw, umamoy na naman ang bulag
ng dalawang tinidor. Hindi ako kumakain ng
hamburger. Ito namang isa, meatloaf ulit.
Wala na bang bago? reklamo ng bulag. Teka
lang ho, sabi ng waiter sabay labas.Kumuha
ng malinis na tinidor ang waiter at pinahid sa
loob ng panty ni Maria para paglaruan ang
customer. Subukan n’yo po ito, sabi ng waiter
na iniabot ang tinidor na pinunas sa panty ni
Maria. Aba!, gulat na sabi ng bulag. Dito na
ba nagtratrabaho si Maria?
Pedro: Pare may tsismis na may bading dito
sa dorm natin.
Juan: Huh! Sino?
Pedro: Sasabihin ko sa iyo pero kiss muna.
Filipino in a French airline: Excuse me but is
there a comfort room in this place?
Stewardess: Wi Wi!
Filipino: No - U U!!
Two days after her operation, tinanong ni
Monica ang kanyang surgeon:
MONICA:: Doktor, puede na ho ba akong
makipag-sex uli sa aking asawa.?
DOKTOR: Of course, all we did was remove
your tonsils. But on second thought...
Isang araw si Pedro walang pambayad sa
entrance sa sabungan. Kaya umisip siya ng
paraan para makapasok sa sabungan. Kasi
sa tupada o pintakasi kung may dala kang
manok libre ang pasok. Kaya ang ginawa ni
pedro humuli siya ng sisiw, siya ang dinala sa
sabungan. Pagdating sa entrance sinita siya,
Guwardiya: boss kung wala kayong dalang
pansabong na manok kailangang magbayad
ho kayo ng entrance.
Pedro: aba eh! May dala naman akong manok ha!
Guwardiya: eh!boss sisiw pa lang ang dala
ninyong manok.
Pedro: eh! Boss yong tatay may laban,
Isang binatang nasisiraan ng ulo ang isinugod
sa pagamutan ng mga baliw sa Mandaluyong
City. Tawa nang tawa. Humahagikgik, humahalakhak at walang tigil. Siyempre, bagong
pasok ay ininterbyu siya ng naroong doktor.
“Rodel po ang pangalan ko. Mayaman po
kami. Ang totoo po, may kakambal ako.
Magkamukhang-magkamukha kami at halos
ay wala kaming pinagkaibahan. Dahil sa sobrang pagkakamukha namin, sa eskuwelahan,
kapag may test kami, siya ang kumukuha
para sa akin.” Tatangu-tango ang doktor. Sa
isip- isip niya’y mukha namang matino ang
binata. “Minsan nga po, nang mapaaway
siya sa isang bayan, ako ang nakulong. Ang
malungkot po na hindi ko malilimutan ay
may girlfriend ako na mahal na mahal ko.
Siya ang nakatanan. Napagkamalan niya ang
kakambal ko.” paliwanag ni Rodel. “E, bakit
mukhang masayang-masaya ka ngayon?”
usisa naman ng doktor. “Kasi po, nakabawi
naman ako. Noong isang linggo, namatay
ako. Siya ang inilibing.”
Mataas ang Timbang
Pedro: Pare, sobrang taba talaga ng Misis ko
kaya’t gusto niyang magbawas ng timbang!
Pablo: Sabihin mo sa Misis na mag Horseback riding siya.
Makaraan ang dalawang buwan.
Pedro: Kumusta naman ang resulta ng Horseback Riding !
Pablo: Nabawasan ng 40 Kilos ang kabayo!!
AMO: sagutin mo ang telepon inday!
INDAY: (baligtad ang hawak) hilo? hilo?
AMO: baligtarin mo!
INDAY: lohi? lohi?
AMO: telepon ang baligtarin mo!
INDAY: Puntili, puntili
Tel True Ltd.
1/F Lap Fai Bldg
Pottinger St. Central
Uniwide Hang Hau
Available at the following outlets
Worldwide House Outlets
Shop 128 1/F Your Shoppe
Shop 134- 136 1/F Victory Shop
Shop 138 1/F Sun Fung Trading
Shop 125-126 Philippine Product Store
Shop 241- 2/F Royal Ventures
Shop 262 2/ F Little Divisoria
Shop 245 2/F Santiagos Alteration
Shop 246 2/F Annies Shop
Shop 369 3/F Kabayan Remittance
Shop 363 3/F Nelias Store
Shop 366-368 LBC Mabuhay Hkg.
Shop 350 3/F Mang Ambo
Shop 358 3/F Elegant Collections
Tseung Kwan O
Tel. 3194 5366
Uniwide Hunghom
Planet Square
Uniwide Laguna Arcade Kowloon City
Tel. 2772 1829
Asia Pac Cargo Macau
42 Rua Da Alfandega
San Malou Macau S.A.R
Tel. 932610, 930443
Novo Ecijano Macau
Heidi – 6616 5191
Super Ace Cargo Macau
82 Rua Da Alfandega, Edificio Veng Leong Macau
Tel 2893 9473
Uniwide Maon Shan
Tel: 2631 5977
Uniwide Shatin
Tel. 2362 7925
Uniwide Tai Po
Tel. 2650- 1283
Uniwide Tsuen Wan
Shop 1/F Liksang Plaza
Tsuen Wan N. T
Bayanihan Kennedy Town Centre
55 Victoria Road
Kennedy Town
Benzon Wine
Shop 3 G/F Yee Fat Mansion
Shim Woo Road, Happy Valley
Filipino Trading Co.
5/F Fai Man Bldg.
9- 13 Li Yuen St. West Central
Filmart 1
G 52 G/F, 7 Seas Shopping Center
121 King Road, Fortress Hill
Filmart 2
Shop 69 A,B,& C G/F
City Garden, Shopping Center
Blk 13 , 231- 233 Electric Road,
North Point
Filmart 3
# 20 G/F A, Gilles Avenue South
Hung Hom, Kowloon
Filipino Mart
C1 G/F Garland House
14A 14C North Point
H & I Philippine Product Store
Shop 179-B Nan Fung Plaza
Tseung Kwan O, N.T.
JEM Employment Agency
Room 802 8/F Yat Fat Bldg.
44-46 Des Vouex Road Central
JEM Merchandise
15, 4/F Li Yuen St. West
2nd Alley-alley, Central
LBC Hunghom
Planet Square Hunghom Kowloon
LBC Tsuen Wan
Liksang Plaza Tseun Wan N.T
LEE Trading Co.
Shop 279, 2/F Liksang Plaza
Tsuen Wan, N.T.
Loy & Day Shop
Room 2013 2/F United Center
Lydias Store Kennedy Town
Shop 17 G/F Blk A Hoi Tao Bldg.
7-11 Belchers St. Kennedy Town
Manong & Manang Store
Shop 5 G/F Kwan Yick Bldg.
444-452 Des Vouex Road West
Ndrei’s Crossing Ground Bar & Lounge
Shop 13 B G/F Kwan Yick Bldg.
444-452 Des Vouex Road West
Sikatz Philippine Product Store 1 & 2
1/F Liksang Plaza, Tsuen Wan, N.T.
and Mei Foo Sun Chuen
friends International Magazine JANUARY 2008
friends International Magazine JANUARY 2008
Jesus The Living God International
Ministry Thanksgiving & 4th Anniversary
by Ms. Remely D. Valdez
Pastor Gerry because God permits Him to
reach Filipino in other parts of the globe.
Last year, he went to US and Canada
through the assistance of JLG leaders
and workers in Hongkong who had the
previlege to find a job there.
You cannot put a good man
down”, that’s how can I describe Pastor
Gerry Vallo, the person behind the
existence of Jesus the Living God Church.
Apart from the agonizing experience
which was inflicted to him, he was
crucified and vindicated with unfounded
accusations, not given a fair trial to
depend himself and to prove that he’s
innocent. His peace was disturbed and his
integrity was questioned but Pastor Gerry
believes that the emergence of trials in life
doesn’t enter without permission, one has
to be tested in order for the Lord to work
out his best and to show the world that
“without Him we can do nothing”.
The goodness and greatness
of God proved during the glorious
thanksgiving day celebration of JESUS
MINISTRY held on Dec. 2 at YMCA
Function Room Salisbury Rd. TST. On
that precious moment and blessed day,
the JLG Church marks its 4th anniversary
celebration since it was founded and
organized last Oct. 2004, started with
only 12 members.
Yet, as JLG family reminisced
the past prior to the birth of the church,
it was not an easy journey, the struggles,
the trials, constant stream of bad tidings
which entails back bitings, criticisms,
severe trails and persecutions that caused
pain and dissappointment to many. But,
through it all, God’s tremendous miracles
poured, His loving kindness compelled
the group to go on, continue and fulfill
His given mandate- to spread the word
and to impart to everyone the saving
grace and knowledge of the only saviour,
our Lord Jesus. The fire and zeal of the
Holy Spirit keeps lighting their way,
inspired our hearts with constant love,
the compassion of bringing the story of
Jesus whom God gave as a gift, for there
is no long term gift we can give to people
rather than the lifelong gift of salvation
that leads everyone to eternity.
Spreading the goodness gives no limit to
Pastor Gerry, the head Pastor of
JLG expressed his profound gratitude to
all JLG members, friends and visitors who
joined in the occassion. He commanded
his members for the united effort,
contribution and enthusiasm.
Among the special guest were
Dante Peralta of Hongkong News,
Michael Vincent and Jun”Tita Kerry”
Paragas of Metroplus1044 AM Band,
Remely Valdez of Friends Intl Magazine
and Pinoy Handy Magazine, Ptr. Cecil
Quicho, Rev. Joel Quicho, Rev.Jimmy
Evangelista and Mr. Justine Chen.
Head Pastor of All By God’s
Grace Church in Bataan, powerfully
preached the word of God and the
audience was very delighted with his
humurous preaching while he share his
personal testimony before he accepted
God as his saviour.
Since it was founded, JLG
church now has more than 80 members
in Hongkong and six branches across the
Philippines and some parts in Canada and
JLG is a living testimony of a church that
has metamorphosed into a vibrant group
of believers who have gone through a new
concept of training for spiritual maturity
in dealing with the realities of life towards
genuine transformation.
CAPRICORN (Dec 21 - Jan 19)
Napakaganda ng 2008 para sa mga taong ipinanganak sa sign na Capricorn. Magiging masigla ang
iyong pangangatawan maging sa pananalapi at
masisiguro ang tagumpay sa negosyo. Maging lang
maingat sa pagpapautang at sa pakikipagsosyo sa
negosyo. Mapalad na numero; 1 -21-12-14-38-at
40. Masuwerteng Kulay ang pula
AQUARIUS (Jan 20 - Feb 18)
Hindi masyadong maganda ang magiging pasok
sayo ngayong buwang ito kaya mag ingat ng kaunti
at magtipid sa gastos upang maging handa sa anumang mangyayari.Magkakaroon kaunting problema sa pagmamahal. Ngunit papalarin naman sa
usapin ng pananalapi at magiging matagumpay sa
taong 2008. Mapalad na numero: 6-12-5-18-41 at
30. Sa kulay ay dilaw.
PISCES (Feb19 - Mar 20)
Positibo ang magiging resulta sa larangan ng
pag-ibig sa buwang ito. At kung may asawa na
ay laong magiging maganda ang takbo ng buhay
sa taong ito. Kung single pa naman ay ngayon
magkakaroon ng katuparan ang inaasam-asam na
pagpapakasal. Bagamat magiging maganda ang
kanilang kalusugan, kinakailangan pa ring magingat dahil maaari silang dapuan ng sakit sa balat.
Mapalad na numero: 8-9-36-27-11 at 42. Sa kulay
ay baby pink.
ARIES (Mar 21 - Apr 19)
Maari kang makapaglalakbay ngayong 2008.
Ngayon din ang buwan upang ihanda ang sarili sa
mga negosyong may kinalaman sa pagkain, agrikultura. Ito ang mga swerte at nababagay na negosyo para sayo. Maganda rin ang magiging takbo
ng buhay at sa larangan ng pag-ibig. Mag ingat
lang na makipagrelasyon sa mga taong may asawa,
hiwalay sa asawa o biyudo at biyuda. Mapalad na
numero: 21-22-14-08-10 at 11. Sa kulay ay Berde.
... alamin ang iyong kapalaran
TAURUS (Apr 19 - May 20)
Dapat pakaingatan ang iyong kalusugan. Iwasan
ang pagiging mainitin ng ulo dahil magiging sanhi
ito ng mga alitan. Ingatan din ang puso. Magiging
maayos ang pananalapi. Magiging matagumpay sa
negosyo maging may kasosyo man o wala. Suwerte
ang kaliwa at kanang kamay sa paghawak ng pera.
Yun nga lang, hindi magiging maganda ang takbo
ng lovelife sa mga panahong ito. Mapalad na numero: 3-2-7-19-25 at 44. Sa Kulay naman ay asul.
GEMINI (May 21 - Jun 21)
May magandang mangyayari sayo ngayong buwang ito at walang magiging problema kalusugan.
Magiging masigla rin ang iyong lovelife. Dapat
munang ipagpaliban ang binabalak na paglalakbay
sa buwang ito upang maiwasan ang hindi magandang mangyayari. Mapalad na numero: 6-9-34-2615 at 5. Sa kulay ay brown
CANCER (Jun 22 - Jul 22)
Iwasan ang sobrang pag inom o pagpupuyat dahil
hindi maganda ang magiging pasok ng kalusugan
sa buwang ito. May matatangap kang balita mula
sa dating kaibigan na siyang maaring makatulong
sa pagbabago ng iyong buhay. Ngayon magkakaroon ng katuparan ang pinapangarap na paglalakbay. Mapalad na numero : 19-16-33- 29- 28 at 43.
Mapalad na kulay ay itim.
LEO (Jul 23 - Aug 22)
May maaring mangyaring problema sa pamilya
kaya panatilihin ang bukas na komunikasyon sa
kanila para maiwasan ito . Ang mga paglalakbay
ay tunay na magiging kapaki-pakinabang para say
o sa buwang ito. Panatilihin ang kasipagan na ipinapakita sa iyong mga amo dahil napapansin nila
ito. Mapalad na numero; 13- 17- 4- 2- 37 at 8. Sa
kulay naman ay orange.
VIRGO (Aug 23 - Sep 22)
Ipagpaliban ang binabalak na pagbili ng sasakyan
M in d Games
by Kuya Willy
Rearrange the letters to form a new phrase. The (clues) will
help you guess the correct answers.
TRY NONE (Do Not Enter)
__ _____
QUITE PEEK (Silence Please)
____ _____
FEE CENT PICK (Wood Border)
______ _____
Last Month’s Answers: 1. Road Block 2. My Fair Lady 3. Good Morning
Contest Guidelines
Submit your answers. Winners will receive one year FREE membership and subscription of Friends International Magazine.
Always remember to include your complete name, contact
number and address for entries to be considered valid
Write legibly
Mail entries (cut this half page) to Friends International
Mark “Mind Games” on envelope
Names of winners will be published in the next issue.
friends International Magazine JANUARY 2008
sabuwang ito dahil nakikita kong malapit ka sa
aksidente. Magiging maayos ang takbo ng pananalapi ngunit magkakaroon ng problema sa lovelife.
Iwasan din ang pagkukuwento ng iyong karanasan
sa iba lalo na ang mga maselan o sensitibong bagay
upang maiwasan ang pagkalat nito. Mapalad na
numero : 13-12- 3- 1- 11 at 29 sa kulay naman ay
LIBRA (Sep 23 - Oct 23)
Dapat panatilihin angpantay na pagtingin sa mga
kapamilya ,dahil maaaring pagmulan ito ng alitan
o hindi pagkakaunawaan. Huwag matakot sa paghihiwalay. Maaari kasing ang paghihiwalay na ito
ang magdulot ng pagbabago sa iyong buhay. Ang
paghihiwalay na ito ay maaaring dahil sa pagtatrabaho sa abroad o maaari ring tuluyang pakikipaghiwalay sa isang karelasyon. Mapalad na numero:
12-16- 32-18-45 at 8. Sa kulay ay light green.
SCORPIO (Oct 24 - Nov 22)
Magiging kaaya-aya ang takbo ng iniisip na negosyo. Pagibayuhin ang suporta sa iyong partner
o asawa at maayos na buhay may-pamilya ang
iyong mararanasan. Iwasan ang sobrang pagduda
at iwasan ang pagtatas palagi ng boses. Mapalad
na numero: 21-22-4-10-11 at 14 Sa kulay naman
ay Gold.
SAGITTARIUS(Nov 23 - Dec 21)
Dapat gamitin ng tama ang utak at talino sa mga
panahong ito. Pag-ingatan ang mga desisyon dahil
ito ag maaaring magpahina at magpababa sa iyo.
Ingatan din ang mga bagay na may kinalaman sa
iyong emosyon o puso dahil maaaring magpahina
ito sa iyong katawan.pairalin ang kasipagan upang
mas gumanda ang takbo ng pananalapi. Ingatan
ang pabigla-biglang pagpirma sa anumang kasunduan dahil makakasira ito sa iyong diskarte. Mapalad na numero: 14-25 -23- 8- 13 at 46. Sa kulay
naman ay puti.
1 higit
4 tanyag
10 aliw
11 p _ _ _ _ _ _ (usisa)
12 sambit ng Batangueno
13 body odor
14 hulapi
15 di tiyak
18 panawag pansin
19 simbolo ng silver
20 sakit sa balat
21 nagtagumpay
22 ikaw
24 hulapi
25 kumpiska
29 pangatlong nota
30 kapital ng Bicol
31 perdible
32 apelyidong Koreano
33 sipol
1 mabigat (kasalungat)
2 di sigurado
3 panlimang nota
4 espada
5 loob (ingles)
6 sambit ng intsik
7 sambit ng nagulat
8 di maaninag
9 samyo
16 pagkakakilanlan
17 gapas
20 kahol
22 kamtan
23 repleksiyon
23 a _ _ _ (alkohol)
24 inam
27 apelyidong intsik
31 termino sa 3.1416
Last Month’s Answers
Last month’s winner: Cleofe Mendoza of Mong Kok
friends International Magazine JANUARY 2008
Birthday Corner ...
our best wishes
Bernadette M [Jan 6], Valentina [Feb 14]
Cora V. [Jan 2], Mary Lee L. [Jan 6]
Niel Flores [Dec 25]
Jane Chia [Jan 5]
Emma Polignit [Jan 10]
Papa, Gus [Jan 6], Mama
Just For Kids
Clark Kim Balangitan
Baby Shayne
Liona w/ Tita Lian
Tata, Dab Dab, Kai Kai w/ cousins
Leila w/ Lola Terry
Alyssa, Allen, Ivy, Ivan, Maron, Aljon
Birthday coming up? Want your photos on this page? Send your photos to us by email on or by post to Rm
1102, 11/F Sunny House, 12-16 Li Yuen St. West, Central and we’ll try to fit them in next time. (Please include a self-addressed envelope with
stamp if you want us to send pictures back)
verseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) have grown in great numbers
in the past decade and presently still increasing in remarkable
pace. Dollar remittance of these overseas wage earners has
topped the $20B mark making them aptly called "modern heroes" for
the mere fact that the billions of dollars they send home regularly not
only helps sustain their individual families but also boosts the economy
of the country,.
national Magazine now have the
chance to help their relatives and
friends land overseas jobs that offer wages they have never earned
The Multi-Orient Manpower & Management Service, Inc. based in
Paranaque City in Metro Manila is now accepting applications for jobs
But while in the past the large majority of the workers who left the for skilled hands in Australia. Yes, the jobs are available in Australia the
country to work overseas were composed of unskilled hands, today the land of opportunity where every worker is treated fairly and given the
trend has shifted to highly skilled workers demanded by international opportunity to work under safe and secure surroundings. This is not to
mention the comparatively high wages in high value Australian dollars.
OFWs in Hong Kong and other parts of Asia reached by Friends Inter- Among the jobs currently available are:
Interested parties may contact Multi-Manpower & Management Service, Inc. at RECRAA Bldg, Vitalez Compound, Sucat Road, Paranaque
City, Metro Manila with telephone nos. (02) 829-3629, 825-7956 to 59, FAX No. 825-5289. E-mail:, multiorientms@ Website:
For those who want to upgrade their skills, Multi-Orient Manpower Services, Inc. has a sister company that offers technical and vocational
courses. The Stars and Rainbow Academy located in the same compound in Paranaque offers welder’s course (all types), care-givers course and
Japanese language classes for those who want to prepare themselves for a job in Japan. You may contact Stars and Rainbow Academy at the
same above-mentioned numbers.
friends International Magazine JANUARY 2008
friends International Magazine JANUARY 2008