celebration - St Paul`s School Website
celebration - St Paul`s School Website
Newsletter No: 05 06.03.2013 View your Newsletters on: www.stpaulsprimary.school.nz Email: office@stpaulsprimary.school.nz Hello, Kiaora, Talofa, Malo e lelei, Annyong (Korean) , Namaste, Privet , Ni Hao. Hola (Spanish) Kamosta (Filipino), Bula vinaka (Fijian), Muraho (Rwandan), Apa kabar (Indonesian), Hallo (Dutch), Fakalofa lahi atu (Niuean). READ EVERY DAY INCLUDING THE WEEKENDS! The Sacrament of Penance The Sacrament of Penance has been known by several names over the years. It was called Confession when the emphasis was on people confessing their sins anonymously in private. Then it became known as penance when the emphasis was on doing something to make up for what you had done wrong. Now it is more commonly known as reconciliation and it is celebrated mostly within the community. The emphasis is on recognising our need to change, admitting our failure to love God and people in our lives, asking for forgiveness, receiving absolution and making peace with each other. It is good to celebrate this Sacrament during Lent. CELEBRATION Last week our Year 6 students all attended Camp and Long Bay. One of the instructors at the camp spoke to Mrs Nelson and Miss Brayne about our children’s behaviour. She stated that St Paul’s children were the best behaved, showed great manners and respect and very good listening skills. She was also impressed with the way every child tried things for the first time. She had been an instructor at the Camp for 8 months and our students were outstanding. Thank you to the parents who also made the camp such a success and also thanks to Mrs Nelson and Miss Brayne for their leadership and management. We have attached a copy of our policy for Complaints and Concerns to the newsletter this week. It is important for us all to follow the correct procedures as these are what we refer to in all areas of governing the school and in all our decision making. Any board member can be contacted through the office or if you see us around school. 25 nights: Anezka Ross, Tobin Hailes, Nelah Sisarich, Hayley Barnett, Benjamin Marriott, Bridget Molloy, Bella Simpkins, Sophie Ferguson, Thandeka Jones, Halleyah Young-Williams, Michael Tjiptojuwono, Sara Painuthara, Paul Galangue, Elise O’Brien, Teresa Guo, Beatrice Ang, Rylee Grevel, Maddison Taute-Baxter, Vanessa Skewes, Amelia Gaunavinaka, Charlotte Lee, Daniel Jones, Bailey Waru, Madison Sharpe-Cassin, Charlotte Fabricius, Melitta Cadelis, Tahlya Waikiki, Logan Hales, Nathanael Davies, Isabella Leo, Ryan Bride, Lilli Bing, Alyssa Namoa, Yvette O’Brien, Christopher Flueras, Rebecca Ngaira, Luke Maxwell, Conrad Ang, Alyah Davies, Sean Day, Zarah Thomson, Alexis Thomson, Lleyton Koroiwaqalevu, Maria Flueras, Zayne Krishna, Sebastian Lee, Derf Dela Rama, Albert Siasau, Lucas Atkinson, Declan Bosch, Isabella De Vega, Josh Metcalfe, Ashlee Nemaia, Quane Hailes, Thorfhun Pootamnong, Ryleigh Makiiti, Ciara Joyce, Abbie-Marie Batey-Charles, Willem Brouwers, Jillian Bunquin, Yeon Wu Park, Charlotte Mew, Declan Ang, John Zyabu, Therese Molloy, Caroline Catton, Jaimee Grevel, Jaylyn Hoff, Jordan Skinner, Jay Church, Jae-Won Ahn, Derryn Manning, Amy Mudgway, James Marriott, Jullianne De Vega, Thomas Masters, Michelle Edgecombe-Dick, Viviene Bunquin, Madison Chisholm, Georgia Nemaia, Victoria Hutana, Neive Thomson, Claudia Enderby, Kyra Rowland, Mercy Gafoi, Melanie Mo’unga, Sophie O’Donnell, Benedict Maloney, Cody Richardson, Christophe Murrell, Ryan Osbaldiston, Claudia Russell, Maria Cohen, Emily Mudgway, Matai Sisarich, Caleb Anderson, Hanbi Park, Dani Meehan, Tia Sharpe-Cassin, Lovelyn Goundar, Sean De Vega, Ari Sisarich, Mark Escandor, Caitlin Paauwe, Matthew Ross, Hannah Moyo, Kyro Tavita, Kaye-Leigh Sullivan, Enki Victoriano, Kortni Waikiki, Advit Singh, Storm Meehan, Paul Guo, Aisling Joyce, Bianca Santayana, Matthew Hudson, Katherine Altena, Bijan Fahiua, Letitia Flueras, Kelsey Tantrawan, Monesha Roberts, Briana Laurie, Spencer Martin, Jillianne De Vega, Gabrielle Chandler, Crystal Gale, Alphaeus Ang, Chelsea Crossley, Jiho Kang, Jaden Perdido, Rayne Tahere, Max Thomas, William Day, Johannes Altena, Vesna McPhee, Isabella Alexander, Tegan Chisholm, Elizabeth Vea, Keanu Hughes, Ambrose Batey-Charles, Addison Hochuli-Woodham, Nathan Ichwansjah, Aidan Crossley, Anika Alinsugay, Vegas Hart, Rashae Marchant, Tamsin Plumpton, Ella Russell, Tahlia Coup, Michelle Shin, Jae-In Ahn, Leah Johnstone, Lucie Murrell, Jesse Tantrawan, Thaddeus Maloney, Charlotte Harvey, Carolann Faeamani, Sam Paauwe, Caitlyn Lupeitu’u, Lee De Jager, Lavisha Ahokovi, Lea Fakava, Joseph Taute-Baxter. WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CAN YOU ASSSIST??????? Rugby posts for the school field: Is there anyone in the school community who can advise us on the type and size of rugby posts for our field? Please contact Mrs Zellman on 832 7200. Thanks. PRE LOVED BOOKS FOR OUR LIBRARY Thank you to Ryan Bride, Hayley Mitchell, Emily White, Kyro Tavita, Jack Young, Charlotte Fabricius, Steffi Soenyoto, Ruth Mahi and Cherisse from Premier Books for your donation of library books. If you have any pre loved books which you would like to donate for our library we would love to have them!! Our School Birthday Wow! It was the school’s birthday yesterday. We had an amazing birthday celebration! At Mass, Father Aleki celebrated the Mass. We sang our School Song, greeted the new children to our school and had ice blocks. After that we had free time to play. On Tuesday, we went on the slippery slide! We were very excited. We brought our togs and towels to school. The slide was a bit ripped and we got sore cuts which turned red. But we had fun! It was sandy, muddy, grassy and wet at the bottom. Ryan and others watered us with a hose. We used dish-washing liquid to make the slide slippery. It was cold. The girls were sunbathing after drying themselves. That was a spectacular school birthday ever!! I am looking forward to our next school birthday which I think will be as great. Bridget Molloy, Room 9 LOST POLAR FLEECE Johannes , Carina (sizes 7) and Katherine (size 10) Altena have all missing Polar Fleeces. Please check all your jackets TERM ONE DATE: EVENT 8 MARCH SCHOOL ASSEMBLY LED BY ROOM 15—EVERYONE WELCOME 12 MARCH NETBALL ENROLMENT EVENING 6.00 IN THE HALL PTFA MEETING 7.30PM & AGM 8.00PM —IN THE STAFFROOM 2O MARCH SCHOOL RECONCILIATION 22 MARCH SCHOOL ASSEMBLY LED BY ROOM 16—EVERYONE WELCOME 29 MARCH GOOD FRIDAY 1 APRIL EASTER MONEY 2 APRIL EASTER TUESDAY HOLIDAY 5 APRIL SCHOOL ASSEMBLY LED BY ROOM 12—EVERYONE WELCOME 19 APRIL SCHOOL ASSEMBLY LED BY ROOM 11—EVERYONE WELCOME LAST DAY OF THE TERM 6 MAY FIRST DAY OF TERMTWO PTFA AGM: Tuesday March 12th at 8pm in the staffroom. All Welcome. This meeting will be preceded by the 1st regular PTFA monthly meeting for the year, commencing at 7.30pm. NETBALL Enrolment evening Tuesday 12th March at 6.00 pm in the Hall. If you wish to enrol your child you must attend. $90.00 (including the Bond). A notice will be coming home in the next few days. MASSEY LIBRARY BOOK CLUB We are starting an after school book club particularly suitable for students from Year 3-6 at Massey Library. Starting: Tuesday March 12th; launching with a visit from the charismatic Alice Meredith at 3.15pm. Alice will be celebrating Pasifika with us. The book club will be held regularly on the second and fourth Tuesdays each month at 4 pm and will include a book reading, activities, first dibs at the new books, homework help and computer access. Children can join the club by phoning the library on 8329047 or registering at the library. Quote of the week: Our children’s safety does matter. Please take care in the carpark. Mary Zellman Principal
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