enchamade - Charlotte Chapter AGO
enchamade - Charlotte Chapter AGO
EN CHAMADE CHARLOTTE CHAPTER OF THE AMERICAN GUILD OF ORGANISTS THE MARCH 2015 IN MEMORIAM Betty & Richard Peek J O N AT H A N D I M M O C K Guest Artist Annual Peek Weekend, March 14-15 (co-sponsored by the Charlotte AGO) Covenant Presbyterian Church 1000 East Morehead Street Please makes plans to attend the master class and recital as the chapter celebrates their legacy. IN THIS ISSUE: Saturday, March 14 9:00 a.m.-9:30 a.m. continental breakfast 9:30 a.m.-11:30 a.m. Master Class 12:15 pm.-1:00 p.m. Lunch Three entrée selections ($10 all-inclusive) Morehead Street Tavern 300 East Morehead Street (RSVP to reservations@charlotteago.org by March 11th) Sunday, March 15 Organ Recital, 5:00 p.m. A reception will follow the recital. DEAN’S MESSAGE SUMMER ACADEMIES LIBRARY SHELF AREA EVENTS STIGALL SCHOLAR AUDITIONS EMPLOYMENT MATTHEW MICHAEL BROWN, DEAN E-MAIL: MATTHEW@FUMCSALISBURY.ORG OFFICE: (704) 636-3121, EXTENSION 104 Please contact me with any questions, concerns, or joys to share. DEAN’S MESSAGE Dear Chapter Friends, The annual Peek weekend is a hallmark of our chapter. Over 15 years ago, I was a student provided the opportunity to play for the legendary David Craighead. I remember playing Widor’s Andante sostenuto (Symphonie gothïque) for Mr. Craighead’s comments. While recently reflecting on this memorable experience, I was reminded of Mr. Craighead’s inspiring and gentle mannerisms as a teacher. Many of you will recall his virtuoso recital the next day featuring no less than the entire L’Ascension of Olivier Messiaen, Bach’s Toccata and Fugue in F major, Bolcom’s What a Friend We Have in Jesus, and Reger’s Hallelujah, Gott zu Loben. The memories from this weekend have stayed with me for numerous years. Each time I attend anything at Covenant Presbyterian Church, I am reminded of this treasured opportunity afforded me by the Charlotte AGO. Even so, what I recall most from this experience was the kindness and support demonstrated by a member of the Charlotte AGO. This person was none other than Dr. Larry Stratemeyer. What could have been a terrifying and very intimidating experience playing for a master teacher turned out to be one of the most positive experiences of my formative years. What I believe to be true is that we have a particular calling as members of the AGO to demonstrate a nurturing and positive investment into the next generation of aspiring organists. The forthcoming Peek Weekend is a wonderful opportunity to share the organ with friends, neighbors, piano students, choristers, and more. Let’s all make a commitment to attend and share a great weekend in celebration of the Peek’s tremendous legacy. + FRENCH CONNECTIONS 2015 AGO SOUTHEAST REGIONAL CONVENTION July 1-4, 2015 Join us in experiencing the splendid music of MARCEL DUPRÉ MAURICE RAVEL FRANZ LISZT JEHAN ALAIN GEORGE BAKER JACQUES IBERT KENTON COE CÉSAR FRANCK LOUIS VIERNE MAURICE DURUFLÉ GABRIEL FAURÉ CHARLES TOURENMIRE and many more! EARLY REGISTRATION ENDS APRIL 1, 2015! Library Shelf Member of the International Society of Organbuilders and the American Institute of Organbuilders t t i it ow t Østerhåb Kirke HorsensDenmark Dedicatory recital by Prof. Ulrik Spang-Hanssen June 9, 2013 www.LEWTAK.com Lewtak Pipe Organ Builders, Inc. 211 Parsley Lane Mocksville North Carolina 27028 Phone: 336-554-2251 Toll-free: 877-877-8769 E-mail: info@lewtak.com UNCSA SummerORGAN Intensive The SummerOrgan intensive is designed for both the beginning organist (with at least an intermediate piano background) and the more advanced high school organist. The intensive will explore topics through standard organ repertoire and sacred music contexts. Confident hymn playing with basic improvisation, practice techniques, registration, pedal technique, and basic musicianship classes will be taught. UNCSA Kenan Professor of Organ, Dr. Timothy Olsen, and guest artists will work with students both individually and in groups providing hands-on technique instruction and demonstrations. The intensive will utilize various stylistically different organs: UNCSA's Fisk, Op. 75 (III/35 stops; mechanical) Salem College’s recently renovated 1965/2013 Flentrop organ (III/26 stops; mechanical) A newly renovated 1898 Hook & Hastings organ (III/36 stops; mechanical) at St. Timothy’s Episcopal Church An historical 1928 E.M. Skinner organ (IV/50) at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church Two Moravian instruments by Tannenberg (1800) and Erben (1830) For more information and audition deadlines, please visit www.uncsa.edu/summersession/music.htm Scholarships available. Contact Dr. Olsen with questions: olsent@uncsa.edu FRENCH CONNECTIONS 2015 AGO Southeast Regional Convention July 1-4, 2015 www.charlotteago2015.org CHORAL CONCERT@SARDIS T he Chapel Choir, the touring choral ensemble from Hope College in Holland, Michigan, will present a concert on March 14, 2015 at 7:00pm at Sardis Presbyterian Church. This concert is one of several the choir will make during its spring concert tour. This year’s Chapel Choir program highlights several arrangements of South African songs, as well as a wide variety of sacred and secular works from the Western choral tradition. Brad Richmond is in his 18th year as Director of Choral Activities at Hope College. MARILYN KEISER@ST. PETER’S M arilyn Keiser will play the Vann Ness Hamrick (Fisk Opus 136) Organ at St. Peter's Episcopal Church on Monday, March 16 both, at Noon and 7:30 PM. Concerts are free and open to the public. The evening program will be an expanded version of the noon hour-long program. For more information, you may call 704-332-7746. BACH BIRTHDAY BASH@DCPC O rganist, Jonathan Dimmock plays an all-BACH program on Tuesday, March 17th at 7:30 pm at Davidson College Presbyterian Church. His program will feature excerpts from Clavierübung, Part III and the ever-popular Prelude and Fugue in E-flat major, ‘St. Anne’. CAROLINA PRO MUSICA@ST. MARTIN’S The Heart’s Adoration |March 28, 2015 8:00 PM | St. Martin’s Episcopal E motionally charged music flowed from the genius of Alessandro Scarlatti to composers including Handel and Johann Adolf Hasse known as ‘il Sassone’. Carolina Pro Musica premieres Hasse’s cantata “Pallido il volto” a never published composition for soprano, traverso and continuo. Also include are works by Boismortier and J.S. Bach. DUBOIS@PARK ROAD BAPTIST Theodore Dubois "The Seven Last Words", Palm Sunday (Mar. 29) 4:00 PM Park Road Baptist Church, Charlotte, NC, featuring the choirs from: Park Road Baptist Church, Charlotte, St. Luke Lutheran Church, Charlotte, Cokesbury United Methodist Church, Charlotte, The Episcopal Church of the Holy Comforter, Sumter, SC Jan McCoy, Baritone; Sam McKelton, Tenor; Terri McKelton, Soprano; Monty Bennett, Organ; Robert Kennedy, Conductor and a string ensemble. Free, with donations accepted. For more information, contact monty@parkroadbaptist.org or 803-448-1484. ANNOUNCING STIGALL SCHOLARSHIP AUDITIONS June 6, 2015 The Charlotte Chapter of the American Guild of Organists is proud to offer the Robert and Ann Stigall Scholarship (established in 2004), in honor of their many years of beautiful and inspiring music at Myers Park Presbyterian Church and in the Charlotte community. The Stigall Scholarship is for students in (rising) grades 6-12. No organ experience is necessary, although a piano background is required. The amount of the Scholarship will vary, depending on the number of winners. Once an award has been received, lessons may begin as of June 1, and no later than September 1. The award may be renewed for a second term at the teacher’s discretion. The first semester’s lessons must be completed by December 31; the second by May 31. The money will be paid directly to the teacher. Winners will be encouraged to play on the Charlotte AGO Summer Series recital featuring young artists. At the interview, the candidate will play the following at either the piano or organ: 2 contrasting pieces (memory optional) major and minor scales (two octaves), chords, and arpeggios read a hymn at sight The candidate will be asked the following questions: What has inspired you to learn to play the organ? Where will you practice? How will you get there? Previous winners may reapply for the scholarship. The teacher must be a member of the Charlotte Chapter AGO, and must live in Mecklenburg or an adjoining county. AGO membership shall be provided to each scholarship winner. Interviews are scheduled for June 6 at: Myers Park United Methodist Church, 1501 Queens Road, Charlotte NC 28207. With this application, please include a Letter of Introduction from the student’s music teacher(s), with a brief history of the student’s musical background, and any other pertinent information. Application deadline: May 1, 2015. For more information, contact Michael Lehtinen at SPkMusicSchool@aol.com or 704-676-1002. Application for the Robert & Ann Stigall Scholarship Name: ____________________________________ Address: __________________________________ City/State/Zip: _____________________________ Phone: ____________________________________ Email: ____________________________________ Repertoire to be played at the interview: 1. ________________________________________ 2. ________________________________________ Please mail this form to: Michael Lehtinen Southern Park Music School 4805 Park Rd, Ste 230 Charlotte, NC 28209 Or e-mail SPkMusicSchool@aol.com EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES Part-Time Organist Lebanon Lutheran Church (ELCA) 1200 Thompson Rd Cleveland, NC (704) 278-4741 www.facebook.com/lebanonlutheran (704) 239-6694 Contact: Daniel Robinson (robinsdb84@gmail.com) 1996 Allen Organ GUILD MEMBERS ARE ENCOURAGED TO SEEK OTHER OPPORTUNITIES AT WWW.AGOHQ.ORG Vo t i n g M e m b e r s are encouraged to vote in the upcoming chapter election. Ballots will be mailed the first week of March. N AME THAT SCORE A) Bonnet Elfes B) Duruflé Prélude sur le nom d’Alain C) Dupré Prelude in G minor, Op. 7 D)Gigout Scherzo The answer may be found on the back page. ANSWER: (C) Marcel Dupré’s Prelude from his Prelude and Fugue in G minor, the third of THREE PRELUDES AND FUGUES composed in 1917. Marcel Dupré, 1886-1971 WWW.CHARLOTTEAGO.ORG AMERICAN GUILD OF ORGANISTS CHARLOTTE CHAPTER 217 South Church Street Salisbury, North Carolina 28144
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Myers Park United Methodist Church
1501 Queens Road | Charlotte, NC