April - Charlotte Chapter AGO
April - Charlotte Chapter AGO
EN CHAMADE CHARLOTTE CHAPTER OF THE AMERICAN GUILD OF ORGANISTS THE SAINT THOMAS CHOIR OF MEN AND BOYS IN CONCERT Tuesday, April 19, 2016 | 7pm First United Methodist Church 501 N. Tryon Street $25 GENERAL ADMISSION This concert is co-sponsored by: The Charlotte AGO The Choir School at St. Peter’s Episcopal Church of the Holy Comforter First United Methodist Church of Salisbury Myers Park United Methodist Church Hazel & Murray Forbes Somerville APRIL 2016 There's nothing remarkable about it. All one has to do is hit the right keys at the right time and the instrument plays itself. -J.S. Bach IN THIS ISSUE Dean’s Message 2016 Election Results Stigall Scholarship Info Peek Weekend Recap Area Events Summer Recital Series Alden Wright’s Sr. Recital MATTHEW MICHAEL BROWN, DEAN E-MAIL: MATTHEW@FUMCSALISBURY.ORG OFFICE: (704) 636-3121, EXTENSION 104 Please contact me with any questions, concerns, or joys to share. DEAN’S MESSAGE Dear Chapter Friends, The Charlotte AGO Chapter is pleased to partner this month with several others to host the Saint Thomas Church Choir of Men and Boys in concert. Earlier in the year, the Executive Board elected for this concert to serve as our April program. The concert has been promoted for several months online and through our monthly newsletter. I know it promises to be a very special evening and one not to miss! Please make every effort to attend. This issue is filled with information for you to know about events and opportunities within our chapter. Our website is also another source of information. Please note that all newsletters are available on our website, along with up-to-date professional opportunities. Should you see a position that has been filled, please suggest the church contact Murray Somerville (murrayhazel@comcast.net) so we may keep listings current. Congratulations to Stigall Scholar Alden Wright, a student of Phillip Burgess in Salisbury, for being accepted to Juilliard on full-scholarship and the Eastman School of Music! He has not yet decided where he will attend, but how wonderful to have two very good choices! Alden was also a recent winner of the Pogorzelski-Yankee Memorial Scholarship in the amount of $30,000! Alden, the Charlotte AGO is very proud of you and looks forward to following your developing career with tremendous pride! Thank you for your continued support of the Charlotte AGO! I look forward to seeing many of you at Charlotte’s First United Methodist Church later this month! Onward, Matthew 2016 ELECTION RESULTS Dean: Matthew Michael Brown Sub-Dean: Michael Lehtinen Secretary: Matthew Manwarren Treasurer: Gay Pappin Executive Board, Class of 2019: Kevin Haney and Jacqueline Yost Thank you to Shirley Fishburne for her diligent work in serving as Chapter Auditor. Officers and New Board Members will be installed at The Installation Service and Dinner Friday, May 20th, 2016 | 6:30 p.m. St. Stephen United Methodist Church 6800 Sardis Road, Charlotte Dinner details will be included in the May newsletter. Stigall Scholarship Auditions: Saturday, May 14, 2016 The Charlotte Chapter of the American Guild of Organists is proud to offer the Ann & Robert Stigall Scholarship (established in 2004), in honor of their many years of beautiful and inspiring music at Myers Park Presbyterian Church and in the Charlotte community. The Stigall Scholarship is for students in (rising) grades 6-12. No organ experience is necessary, although a piano background is required. Scholarship lessons may begin as of June 1, and no later than September 1. The money will be paid directly to the teacher. After a year of study, scholarship recipients may be invited to perform on the Charlotte AGO Summer Series student recital. With this application, please include a Letter of Introduction from the student’s music teacher(s), with a brief history of the student’s musical background, and any other pertinent information. At the audition, the candidate will be evaluated for proficiency in the following areas (at either the piano or the organ): 2 contrasting pieces (memory optional) major and minor scales (two octaves), chords, and arpeggios a prepared hymn reading a hymn at sight The candidate will be asked the following questions: What has inspired you to learn to play the organ? Where will you practice? How will you get there? The auditions will be closed to observers, including parents and teachers. Previous winners may reapply for the scholarship. The teacher must be an active member of the Charlotte Chapter AGO. Scholarship recipients will receive complimentary Charlotte AGO membership. Auditions will be on Saturday, May 14, 2016 at: Myers Park Baptist Church, 1900 Queens Road, Charlotte NC 28207 Application deadline: May 1, 2016 For more information, contact Michael Lehtinen at SPkMusicSchool@aol.com or 704-676-1002. Application for the Ann & Robert Stigall Scholarship Name: ____________________________________ Address: __________________________________ City/State/Zip: ______________________________ Phone: ____________________________________ Email: ____________________________________ Repertoire to be played at the audition: 1. ________________________________________ 2. ________________________________________ 3. Hymn: __________________________________ Please e/mail this form to: Michael Lehtinen Southern Park Music School 4805 Park Rd, Ste 230 Charlotte, NC 28209 PEEK MEMORIAL WEEKEND RECAP M any thanks go to Covenant Presbyterian Church and to John Richardson, Director of Traditional Music at Covenant, for a successful Peek Weekend with Kimberly Marshall, Recitalist and Masterclass Clinician. Dr. Marshall gave a stellar recital entitled “Dancing Through the Ages,” featuring the music of Rheinberger, Vierne, Buxtehude, Reger, Pamela Decker, and other composers on Covenant’s mighty Ǣolian-Skinner/Schlicker pipe organ. She also gave a thoughtful and informative masterclass, providing each performer with performance suggestions and relevant discussion on each composer’s stylistic aspects. Particularly impressive was the professional and successful manner each performer handled the complexity of Covenant’s organ. Performers in the masterclass included high school and university students from the surrounding areas, representing Furman University, the University of North Carolina-Greensboro, and the University of North Carolina School of the Arts. Mengfei Xu, a student of Dr. André Lash performed the Romance from Symphonie IV by Vierne. Danielle Little, a student of Dr. Katie Ann McCarty performed Duo and Basse de Trompette from Suite de Première Ton by Clérambault. Marya OrlowskaFancey, a graduate student of Dr. Lash performed a rare piece by Grazyna Bacewicz entitled Esquisse. Laura Agner, a student of Dr. Timothy Olsen, performed Franck’s Pastorale. Kevin Edens, a student of Dr. Charles Tompkins performed Bolcom’s What a Friend We Have in Jesus. All students played at a high level, revealing the outstanding teaching occurring in our region. My thanks go especially to the performers on the masterclass and their teachers who supported and participated in the class. —Dr. Matthew Manwarren, Chapter Secretary AREA EVENTS Friendship Missionary Baptist Church 10th Anniversary Organ Concert Featuring Nathaniel Gumbs, Roderick Demmings, and Collin Richardson Friday, April 8, 2016 at 7pm Friendship Missionary Baptist Church 3400 Beatties Ford Rd. Charlotte, NC 28216 (Free admission) Organist Gail Archer Brevard-Davidson River Presbyterian Church, Brevard, NC Sunday, April 10, 3:30pm Admission free; an offering will be taken for the Music Fund with 10% going to the Sharing House. For additional information, contact the church office at 828.884.2645. Organ Dedication Recital April 17, 2016 4:00pm Monty Bennett, organist Park Road Baptist Church, 3900 Park Rd., Charlotte, NC For more information, monty@parkroadbaptist.org or 704-523-5717 Mendelssohn’s ELIJAH Sunday May 1, 2016 4:00pm Myers Park Presbyterian Church Sanctuary 2501 Oxford Place Charlotte, NC 28207 Felix Mendelssohn’s ELIJAH will be performed by the combined Chancel Choirs of Myers Park Presbyterian and Sardis Presbyterian churches. The choir will be accompanied by a full orchestra made up of members from the Charlotte Symphony. Conductors are Lee Northcutt and Jared Daugherty. Admission is free. Sunday, June 26, 2016 4:00 pm Hector Olivera, organist Park Road Baptist Church, 3900 Park Rd., Charlotte, NC For more information, monty@parkroadbaptist.org or 704-523-5717 2016 CHARLOTTE AGO SUMMER RECITAL SERIES J UNE 5, 7 PM : M YERS P ARK U NITED M ETHODIST C HURCH JOHN CUMMINS, W INSTON -S ALEM , NC MICHAEL MESSINA, I NDIANAPOLIS , IN J UNE 12, 7 PM : C OVENANT P RESBYTERIAN C HURCH JOSH DUMBLETON, R ALEIGH , NC J UNE 19, 7 PM : C ATHEDRAL OF S T . P ATRICK ELIZABETH HARRISON, A LBERMARLE , NC J UNE 26, 7 PM : S ARDIS P RESBYTERIAN C HURCH STIGALL SCHOLARS RECITAL J ULY 3,7 PM : W INTHROP U NIVERSITY , R OCK H ILL , SC MURRAY FORBES SOMERVILLE, Y ORK , SC J ULY 10, 7 PM : S T . J OHN ’ S E PISCOPAL C HURCH CHASE LOOMER, R OCHESTER , NY J ULY 17, 7 PM : U NITY P RESBYTERIAN C HURCH , F ORT M ILL , SC KYLE RITTER, A SHEVILLE , NC J ULY 24, 4 PM : M YERS P ARK B APTIST C HURCH RSCM CHARLOTTE COURSE EVENSONG J ULY 31, 7 PM : F IRST U NITED M ETHODIST C HURCH NATHANIEL GUMBS, C HARLOTTE , NC A UGUST 7, 7 PM : M YERS P ARK B APTIST C HURCH RICHARD GRAY, D ALLAS , TX A UGUST 14, 7 PM : M YERS P ARK P RESBYTERIAN C HURCH BRENNAN SZAFRON, S PARTANBURG , SC A UGUST 21, 7 PM : S T . J OHN ’ S B APTIST C HURCH THOMAS RUSSELL, C OLUMBIA , SC A UGUST 28, 7 PM : C OVENANT P RESBYTERIAN C HURCH A CHORAL FESTIVAL T HE C HOIRS OF C OVENANT P RESBYTERIAN C HURCH AND M YERS P ARK U NITED M ETHODIST C HURCH A STIGALL SCHOLAR’S SENIOR RECITAL UPCOMING MAY PROGRAM Installation Service and Dinner HOSTED BY DR. MICHAEL LEHTINEN FRIDAY, MAY 20TH AT 6:30 P.M. St. Stephen United Methodist Church 6800 Sardis Road, Charlotte www.charlotteago.org AMERICAN GUILD OF ORGANISTS CHARLOTTE CHAPTER 217 South Church Street Salisbury, North Carolina 28144
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