mcpherson fire department
mcpherson fire department
WE 2013 SALUTE All McPherson County Safety Public Servants 2 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 2013 The McPherson Sentinel McPHERSON COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT Fern Hess Lorraine Emler Hillery Rose Mary Canford Karen Clark May Stallings Karen Ediger Steve Johnson Susan Webb MCPHERSON FIRE DEPARTMENT Jeff Deal Rick Unruh Wade Hall Randy Willems Fire Chief Assistant Chief Training Captain Captain Chris Biehler Greg Heiman TJ Wyssmann Kelly Pauls Captain Captain Lieutenant Lieutenant Cody Bogart Rod Green Ron Unruh Duane Unruh Lieutenant Paid-Call Lieutenant Paid-Call Lieutenant Paid-Call Lieutenant WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 2013 The McPherson Sentinel MCPHERSON FIRE DEPARTMENT 3 BODY REPAIR • GLASS REPLACEMENT • PAINTING AUTO CUSTOMS COLLISION REPAIR 824 W. Kansas • McPherson, KS 67460 Phone (620) 241-6106 VAUGHAN JOHNSON, OWNER Jeff Wendt Corey Unruh Martin Koehn Firefighter Firefighter Firefighter The Worldʼs Leading Producer Of Top Quality Starch-Based Polymers For: * Oil and Gas Drilling * Adhesives * Building Materials * Mining * Textile Printing * Paper Production * Laundry 503 W. Hayes • McPherson, Kansas • 241-2611 Luke Green Gene Shorman William Luloff Firefighter Firefighter Firefighter 620-241-BOND (2663) Confidential 24 Hour Bail Bonds Elijah Gehring Matthew Green Lee Burgess Ryan Bichteman Firefighter Firefighter Paid-Call Firefighter Paid-Call Firefighter Thank you for all you do for our County! George Nelson Seth Graham David Moore Juan Rosas Paid-Call Firefighter Paid-Call Firefighter Paid-Call Firefighter Paid-Call Firefighter 10DLQ0F3KHUVRQZZZIDPLFRP 4 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 2013 The McPherson Sentinel MCPHERSON FIRE DEPARTMENT Dave Auman Chuck Davies Chris Bruton Paid-Call Firefighter Paid-Call Firefighter Administrative Assistant Thank you for your dedicated service to the community! Custom Plastic Injection Molding 2130 Industrial Dr. 620-241-2400 Kansas Licensed Mortgage Company MC 1293 Gateway Mortgage Group is a registered service mark of Gateway Mortgage Group LLC, NMLS 7233 MCPHERSON CO. COMMUNICATIONS Don’t let your dream home pass you by. Don Pennington, Jr. NMLS#141334 Branch Manager 1354 N. Main • McPherson, KS • 620-241-3400 • 866-929-3400 We Appreciate Your Work! Darren Frazier, Julie McClure, Timothy Hawkinson Samantha Leeper, Hartley Chanthavong Not pictured: Terri Banker, Jill Brunsell, Chelsey Rierson, Laura Hendricks, Sabrina Henry, Dustin Evans, Alison Brunsell, Jennifer Brinck, Sudney Hunt Glidden-Ediger FUNERAL HOME 222 West Euclid • McPherson, KS 620-241-2550 • 24 hr. Service • Troy & Rhonda Glidden • Ed & Jeanne Ediger HEADQUARTERS Hair Care Call 241-1960 For An Appointment Walk-ins Are Welcome! 106 N. Ash • McPherson WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 2013 The McPherson Sentinel MCPHERSON EMS 5 F a m i l y -O w n e d B u s i n e s s S i n c e 1 9 5 1 COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL INDUSTRIAL OPEN: Monday-Friday 8-5 1201 S. Main • McPherson, KS 67460 Randy Easter Tammie Henson John A. Blank Darin Werries EMS Director 34 yrs. Paramedic - 11 yrs. Paramedic - 19 yrs. Captain/Paramedic 21 yrs. 620-241-3757 THANK YOU We appreciate all of your services! John Helmer Nathan Finch Vida Mann Sue Nelson Captain Paramedic 20 yrs. Paramedic - 4 yrs. Paramedic - 17 yrs. Captain/Paramedic 26 yrs. 620-241-3732 • McPherson, KS • Thank You FOR ALL THAT YOU DO Jared McCarty Pat Nippert John Schmalzried Miranda Gallagher AEMT - 14 yrs. EMT-I/D, PRN 29 yrs. Paramedic - 6 yrs. EMT 1 yr. 1465 17th Avenue • McPherson, KS 67460 Johnson Electric Contracting, LLC Laura Cowden Paramedic - 3 yrs. Justi Davidson Paramedic - 2 yrs. Kylie Goodell Tim Bruton EMT - 2 yrs. EMT - 2 yrs. THANK YOU FOR ALL YOU DO! 1482 Navajo Rd McPherson, KS 620-241-5286 6 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 2013 The McPherson Sentinel MCPHERSON EMS The Best Place In Town... to find The Best Place In Town Give one of our agents a call today! LINDA OWENS DANA REGIER 241-5537 316-259-3260 LANAE POWELL TIFFANI FLOYD Owner/Broker Sales Agent Sales Agent Sales Agent 755-2467 620-480-6448 BRUCE OWENS, Sales Agent 241-5537 421 N. Main • McPherson, KS • 620-241-2451 • Bryon Redden Rhonda Treder Josh French Paramedic - 4 yrs. EMT- 2 yrs. Paramedic - 2.5 yrs. We salute all of our public servants. 1000 Hospital Drive • Ashlye Ukele Kerri Horton Darren Ebling Brian Schmidt AEMT-2 EMT - 2 years EMT - 6 mo. Paramedic - 3 mo. McPherson Crossing Guards Thank you for all you do do for the county! Stop by for for all your you ur favorite favorite Front row, left to right: Kim Garcia, Linda Rosebrough, Gaylord Rosebrough, Mary Petersen, Betty Brewer Back row, left to right: Lavern Weyand, Earl Harrison, Jerry Halbert, Harold Davis, Danny Elder, Philip Urquiola PIZZA, PIZZ ZZA ZA, A, P PA PASTA, A T AS AST TA A, A, WINGS & M MORE Dine-In Carryout Car r yout 2215 E. Kansas s Delivery Carryout 700 N. Main 241-5588 241-55 588 241 241-7200 1-7200 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 2013 The McPherson Sentinel MCPHERSON SHERIFF’S OFFICE Larry Powell Jim Johnston Doug Anderson Joe Hoffman Bill Blair Dean Scott Sheriff Under Sheriff Captain Captain Sergeant Sergeant Jon Hawkinson Skyler Christians Craig Hanson Joe Clouatre Jeff Collins Miranda Sergeant Sergeant Detective Deputy Deputy/Canine K-9 Jason Achilles Steve Koch J.B. Montagne Anthony Elmer Chris Somers Kathy Knott Deputy Deputy Deputy Deputy Deputy Adm. Assistant Michelle Smith Shelly Miller Galen Wiens Travis Hawkinson James Bergstrom Cindy Welch Office - Deputy Office - Deputy Reserve Deputy Reserve Deputy Reserve Deputy Reserve Deputy 7 8 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 2013 The McPherson Sentinel MCPHERSON SHERIFF’S OFFICE Richard Baldwin Kent Gent Dan Miller Jane Crosthwaite Jeff Leddy Eric Norstrom Josh French Reserve Deputy Reserve Deputy Reserve Deputy Reserve Deputy Reserve Deputy Reserve Deputy Reserve Deputy John Helmer Jeff Leddy Dillard Webster Arlo Blevins Dennis Jesseph Clifford Bailey Reserve Deputy Reserve Deputy Reserve Deputy Corrections Captain Corrections - Sergeant Corrections - Sergeant Carlos Venegas Marla Patrick Randy Voran Crista Taylor Melissa Schamp Christopher Shafer Corrections - Sergeant Corrections - Corporal Corrections - Corporal Corrections - Corporal Corrections - Corporal Corrections - Officer Grace Henderson Wade Dysinger Randy Voran Crista Taylor Melissa Schamp Christopher Shafer Corrections - Officer Corrections - Officer Corrections - Corporal Corrections - Corporal Corrections - Corporal Corrections - Officer WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 2013 The McPherson Sentinel EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT Pictured above: Dillard Webster, Director. MCPHERSON ANIMAL SHELTER Ryan Morse - Animal Control Officer Kay Soeken - Animal Shelter Kennel Asst. Sonyia Luttig - Animal Shelter Director 9 KANSAS HIGHWAY PATROL Master Trooper Chris Bauer, Troop C Technical Trooper Ben Gardner, Public Resource Officer, Troop C Technical Trooper Jeff Patrick, K-9, Troop S Captain Rick Peters Troop S Technical Trooper Dale Patrick Troop I Sgt. Tony Erbert, Troop I Lt. John Smith, Troop I MCPHERSON POLICE DEPARTMENT Robert McClarty Mike Terry Todd Martens Kevin E. McKean Jerry Montagne Chieft of Police Asst. Chief Admin/Patrol Captain Investigation Captain Patrol Lt. Paul “Stan” Neufeld David Reed Scott Brunsell Ryan Sherwood Isaac Marcantonio Patrol Sgt. Patrol Lt. Patrol Lt. Patrol Sergeant Patrol Sergeant Mark Brink Mikel Golden Michael J. Mellott Stacey Snyder Marla Hawkinson Detective Detective Detective Detective Executive/DARE Officer 10 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 2013 The McPherson Sentinel MCPHERSON POLICE DEPARTMENT Richard Keim John Farley Chase Wylie Gabriel Ramirez Richard Rogers Adm. Officer Patrol Officer Patrol Officer Patrol Officer Patrol Officer Gregory “Jason”Johnson Tyler Peterson James Halbmaier Ryan Bauer Jordan Baxter Patrol Officer Patrol Officer Patrol Officer Patrol Officer Ryan Olbricht Aaron Humig William “Jason” Cummins Andrew Walls Patrol Officer Patrol Officer Patrol Officer Patrol Officer Patrol Officer Jose Jurado Patrol Officer Kathryn Willard Becky Kaufman Janey Crosthwaite Jackie Williams Admin. Support Supervisor Asst. Adm. Secretary Inv. Bureau Admin. Asst. Receptionist Angela Terry Trudy Fisher Receptionist Receptionist Nettie Wann Part-Time Clerk WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 2013 The McPherson Sentinel 11 INMAN POLICE DEPT. INMAN FIRE DEPARTMENT Back row: Officer Rick Clark, Jeff Leddy. Front row: Officer Devin Berman, Chief Bobby Herron, Officer Chris Munoz. Creating the JOB opportunities YOU need to achieve. • • • • • P R O F E S S I ON A L A D M I N I S TRATI V E CLERICAL P R O D U C TI ON S P E C I A LTY TRA D E S “No Fee to Employee” EOE Front Row Left to Right:Brian Brumley, Dennis Schroeder, Kodie Stubby, Jo Skidmore, Susan Roehl, Cole Weast Back Row Left to Right: Dennan Schroeder, Duane Martens, Mike Gilzinger, Tim Martens, Jerrod Blackburn, Robert Moore, Wade Moore Not pictured:Brent Smith, Simon Pyle, Miranda Galagher, Duane Johnson, Robert Koop, Adam Martens, Neal Schierling, Todd Wolf YOUR FULL-SERVICE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. L O C AT I O N S I N M C P H E R S O N , H U T C H I N S O N , N E W T O N & S A L I N A Thank You MOUNDRIDGE FIRE DEPARTMENT for your dedicated service to the coummunity Department members include: Paul Bijonowski, Shawn Stucky, Steven Blaylock, Ron Blaylock, Tim Blaylock, Mike Strausz Captain, Dale Vickrey - Captain, Glen Galle, Jeremy Johnson, Jeremy Logue, Josh Schmeidler, Kevin Schmidt, Alan Waltner, Brett Schrag, Bruce Blouin, Chris Jarvis, Donovan Foth, Bruce Schrag - Captain, Fred Wiens, Dave Fulten, and Nathan Knight. TURKEY CREEK Golf Course 620-241-8530 • 1000 Fox Run McPherson, KS “An American Revolution” Assisted Living • Skilled Nursing Health Care • Alzheimer’s/Dementia Care Affordable Independent Homes - Maintenance Free RELAX - ENJOY - LIVE Stop by for a visit or contact us for more information! 86 22nd Ave • Moundridge, KS • 620.345.2901 610 W. Kansas McPherson 241-2540 800-364-0239 12 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 2013 The McPherson Sentinel MOUNDRIDGE EMT DEPT. MOUNDRIDGE PHARMACY Wee cann filll ALL yourr prescriptionn needs! Angie Vickrey Jeremy Moore Alan Waltner Paramedic/RN/Director - 21 Yrs. EMT-I - 11 Yrs. First Responder - 5 Yrs. 620-345-8650 200 E. Pack • Moundridge Rusty Walter EMT I/D - 4 yrs. Heidi Schmidt Becky Logue EMT - 1yr. EMT/RN - 1 yr. Since 1944 Penny Stucky Coreen Larson David Saunders Jr. EMT - 1 yr. EMT - 1 yr. EMT - 1 yr. Acute Care ~ Swingbed Care Emergency Room ~ Outpatient Services Obstetrical Services ~ Surgical Services Labratory & X-ray 620-345-6391 • 218 E. Pack • Moundridge Crista McKay Shawn Stucky EMT - 2 Yrs. EMT - 1 Yr. Miranda Gallagher Laura Erb EMT - 5 Yrs. EMT - 2 Yrs. Mou 125 S. Christian Marcos Duarte EMT - 1 Yr. Jeremy Johnson EMT - 1 Yr. Frances Sparks Nathan Knight EMT - 1 Yr. EMT - 1 Yr. WE SALUTE YOU! KIRK A. STUCKY, CPA 103 N. Christian, Box 728 Moundridge, KS 67107 Phone: (620) 345-2704 Fax (620) 345-2736 Moundridge, KS 101 N. Christian • Moundridge, KS 67107 Phone: 620-345-2700 • 800-292-1730 G & G SALES, INC. First to Finish...Built to Last HOURS: Mon.-Fri. 8:00 - 5:00 YOUR NEXT MOWER 620-345-8798 122 West Cole Street • Moundridge WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 2013 The McPherson Sentinel MOUNDRIDGE POLICE DEPT. Pictured from the left: Officer Patrick Lambert. Chief Jay Kessler. Capt Mike Sparks. Officer Ian Donovan. Not pictured: Officer Jim Potts. CANTON EMS DEPARTMENT Back row, left to right: Andrew Ratzlaff, EMR, Dale Westbrook, AEMT, Josh McMannis, EMR/FF, David Schmidt, EMR/FF, Anthony Wedel, EMT, Nolan Koehn, EMR/FF, Darline Alvis, EMT. Front row, left to right: Ashlye Ukele, AEMT, Vida Mann, Director MICT, Don Mann, EMR, Wray Ratzlaff, EMR/FF Not pictured: Chris McMannis, AEMT, Terry Enns, MICT/FF, Matt Koehn, EMT/FF, Ashley Dirks, EMT, Josh French MICT< Gary McHugh, EMR, Jennifer Ansel EMT, Morgan Tolle, EMT, Rachel Evans, EMT, Kerri Horton, EMT 13 KANSAS DEPARTMENT OF WILDLIFE & PARKS Pictured above, from the left: Brent Theede, McPherson Wetlands Manager and Hal Kaina, Game Warden. Not pictured: Cliff Peterson, Maxwell Preserve Manager. CANTON POLICE DEPT. John Betzer Chief of Police CONWAY FIRE DEPARTMENT Back row: R.D. Johnson, Justin Kelling, Alan Horton, Jacob Helmer, Nick Schafer Front row: Laura Cowden, Theresa Nelson, Rodd Nelson, Ron Hazelton - Chief, Matt Delair Not pictured: Linda Helmer, Ryan Nelson, Rhonda Beattie, David Beattie, Eli Beattie, Harold Hazelton Junior Cadets: Justin Kelling and Jacob Helmer. Not pictured: Eli Beattie A Big Thank You! sh g F re n i v r e S fa s t B re a k a m Fr 6 Mon - Sun Sat & 6:30am 25¢ COFFEE All Day! 610 N. MAIN MCPHERSON, KS 620-241-0070 Hours: M-F 6am-1am, Sat & Sun 6:30 am-1am NGL & PETCHEM SERVICES 839 KIOWA RD. • MCPHERSON, KS 67460 • 620-834-2102 14 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 2013 The McPherson Sentinel CANTON FIRE DEPARTMENT The Canton Fire Department personnel includes: Ken Thomas, Fire Chief Dave McMannis, Arlen Becker, Brian Williams, Wayne Everhart, Rex Morton, Jarrod Littrell, Josh McMannis, Nolan Koehn, Charlie Colburn, Trevin Prieb, Terry Enns, Matt Farnsworth, Jay Bullinger, David Schmidt, James Gunter, David Becker, Riley Unruh, Wray Ratzlaff, Shad Marston, Shawn Hiebert, Alan Prieb, Shane Koehn, Travis Regehr and Vida Mann. GALVA FIRE DEPARTMENT Back Row: Joe Koehn, Eric Burch, Matt Willems, Wayne Williams, Theron Koehn, Jeff Tector, Josh Tittel, Justin Walker, Tim Bruton, Tyson Raber, Kraig Friesen Front Row: Jay Reisigg, George Andreas, Ryan Nelson, Andy Ratzlaff Not pictured: Lyle Buller, Bob Andersen, Richard Baldwin, Gordon Unruh, Clifford Lawless, Jason Koehn, Robert Holm, Jesse Koehn, Bill Blair, Fielding Schmidt, Jarin Koehn, Jake Koehn, Matt Koehn, Robert Sommers, Ryan Schumacher, Diana Koehn, Josh Brown, Shawna Allen, Bryan Becker GALVA POLICE DEPT. Specialists in chrome plating, grinding, and metal finishing Staci Curl Chief of Police P.O. Box 1088 533 N. Baer McPherson, KS 67460 (620) 241-5010 Fax (620) 241-8237 Email: P.O. Box 1549 (31603) 1700 Old Clyattville Rd. Valdosta, GA 31601 (229) 245-0810 Fax (229) 245-0769 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 2013 The McPherson Sentinel LINDSBORG FIRE DEPT. 15 ROXBURY FIRE DEPT. Members include: Tim Anderson, Scott Anderson, Shaun Anderson, Justin Burch, Karsten Burch, Rustin Dirks, Lane Dyck, Jeremy Erickson, Don Florine, Melanie Florine, Gary Glahn, Stan Henne, Benjamin Houghton, Chief Carrol Houghton, Rex Howard, Eric Jensen, Gary Patrick, Jay Scott, Jeff Scott, EMT Morgan Tolle, Jason Tolle, Joyce Tolle, Stuart Tolle, Nathan Unruh, Warren Unruh, Doyle Wiebe, EMT Lance Wiebe, EMT Mark Wiebe Fire from left to right: Ryan DuMars, Chris Venables, Matt Lloyd, Terry Reed, Jay Jenson, Kevin Snyder, Steve Adams, Mike Doherty, Dustin Jacobson, Dan Koons, Steve Lindshield, Pat Shea, Brad Shogren, Delwin Koons, Darren Ebling, Tom Haxton, Fire Chief Kent Ebling, Assistant Fire Chief Matt Clark. Those not pictured are: Dan Carlson, Ben Elliott, Curtis Eppenbach, Erik Peterson and John Peterson. LINDSBORG POLICE DEPT. LINDSBORG EMS DEPT. Pictured left to right: Jane Brunsell, Nathan Finch, Angela Hattabaugh, Robert Ferguson, Assistant Director Carrie Bellah, Darren Ebling, Sandra Champlin, Terry Reed, Tim Gadde, Steve Adams, Chris Venables. Those not pictured are: Ryan DuMars, Director Daryl Johnson, Lori Scott and Angela Venables. The City of Lindsborg wishes to thank all of the volunteers for what they do for our Community and also thank their employers who allow the Volunteers to leave their jobs to perform this service. -City of Lindsborg Lindsborg City Hall • 101 S. Main • Lindsborg, KS • 67456 From left to right: Chief of Police Tim Berggren, Officer Derek Bartlett, Officer Mike Wessell, Officer Brad Smith, Administrative Assistant Sue Bartholomew, Sgt. Scott Wolf, Officer Terry Reed Thank you, Lindsborg Fire, EMS and Police. Your dedication to public safety in the Smoky Valley is admired and appreciated. Your partner in providing for the health care needs of the Smoky Valley communities, Lindsborg Community Hospital Medical Providers, Staff & Administration Partners caring for the health of the Smoky Valley communities 16 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 2013 The McPherson Sentinel WINDOM FIRE DEPT. Pictured above, back row: Randall Kaufman, Trevor Smyres (Cadet) Troy Smyres (Chief), Justin Nelson (Cadet), Derek Ekholm, Dan Mason, Philip Nelson (1st Capt.), Michael Weaver, Scott Ellwood. Front row: Todd Baldwin, Laramie Peters (Cadet) Ryan Sears, Dennis Holmquist, Lisa Holmquist (Cadet), Mike Smyres, Janis Bernd. Not pictured: Junis Schroeder, Brian Stolifer (2nd Captain), Cody Bornhodt, Randy Ellwood, Doug Peters, Ryan Barta, Jim Teeter, Brandon Wolf, Milissa Wolf. MARQUETTE EMS DEPARTMENT Front row (l to r) Jennifer Linder, Jim Unruh, Linda Johnson, John Blanks. Back row (l to r) April Dauer, Ashley DeBaere, Kerry Linder, Dustin Glavin, Mike Divelbess, Kerri Horton, Jonnie Divelbess, Tracy Unruh, Michelle Unrein, April Walton, Sarai Golden, Candi Carlson. Not pictured: Brian Patrick. THANK YOU! SUPERCENTER 205 S. Centennial • 620-241-0800 Pictured is Marquette Chief of Police Darrell Elvin with Eyn, a German Rottweiller. MARQUETTE FIRE DEPT. Members include: Kerry Linder-Fire Chief, Jim Unruh-Asst. Chief, Mike Divelbess-Captain, Jared Jones-LT1, Dustin Glavin-LT2, Jennifer Linder-Safety Officer, Mike Best-Training Officer, Braxton Best, April Dauer, Beau Dauer, Robert Dauer Jr., Jarrod Divelbess, Jonnie Divelbess, Tyler Divelbess, Darin Frederick, Terry Glavin, Max Hauck, Cecil Jacobs, Jessamie Linder, Mary Linder, Darrell Martin, Bill Nickel, Neal Nickel, Brian Patrick, Tracy Unruh and Kerry Walton. Serving the great communities of Inman • Buhler • Hutchinson • Stafford For everything you do to keep our community safe. WAL MART MARQUETTE POLICE DEPT. Prairie r i i Ban ank nk off Kansas o Kansas Member FDIC 107 S. Main • Inman, KS • 620-585-6431 Visit our website:
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