The Waysider - Wayside United Methodist
The Waysider - Wayside United Methodist
April 7, 2016 Sunday School 8:45 AM~Worship 10:00 AM The Waysider Team Wayside Walks! Once again, Waysiders will form a team to participate in the Vienna River Road Race; 5 mile run/5k walk. The race will be held on April 23, 2016. The run start will be at 8:00am. The walk start will be at 8:05am. There will be one award for School and Church teams based on the number of team finishers. All team members are eligible for all other awards. All team members need to fill out entry. You may be on only one team! Both the run and walk are rolling closed loop courses that start and finish on the Jackson Track. The surface is paved except for the track that is crushed limestone. The five mile run is a WV, RRCA Championship. Registration: Friday, 4/22 from 6:30 to 8:00 PM and Race Day from 6:30 to 7:45 AM at the Vienna Community Building in Jackson Park. Kids signup will continue until 9:00 AM at the track. Register online at: -road-race. The cost is $12; so, pick a shirt size, choose your team (Wayside UMC)...and let’s get to walking and running for Wayside! Sandy’s Monday Morning Bible Study to Resume Monday morning Bible study will begin on April 11th. We will begin a new study from Adam Hamilton’s book on the Gospel of John. The class meets in the parlor every Monday morning at 10am. Please contact Sandy Runnion to sign up for the study and to get your study book. 304-893-5302. ~Sandy Runnion Mark your calendars now!! Operation: Inasmuch Saturday, April 30th Workers needed! Sign up in the Crossing, please! We will gather in the parking lot at 8:00am Once again, Waysiders and friends of all ages will fan out into the community with a “mini mission blitz” to provide assistance with yard work, minor repairs, and cheerful company for homeowners who need a helping hand. Bring any equipment you may have, such as mowers, trimmers, rakes, weed eaters, and chain saws. Work gloves will be provided. We will have a full day of opportunities to serve! Come! Be a blessing and find yourself blessed!! Lunch is provided by United Methodist Women. Thank you, ladies! Call Cathy Bell at 304-481-5981 or the church office 304-295-4896 for details. Let us know as early as possible if you know of a homeowner we can serve. Call if we can help YOU! “...Truly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of my brothers, you did it to me.” Matthew 25:40 Outreach and Evangelism News Outreach and Evangelism will again be collecting non-perishable, non-liquid items for We Care boxes for college students and those in the military from Wayside. The collection box will be in the Crossing until April 17th. Thank you for your support this ministry. ~Stephanie Shepard Wayside Family in Need Alice Nay is in need of clothing for her husband, Tim. She has asked if there are any Waysiders that might have clothing to donate. His sizes are: Pants: size 34-32; shirts size XL; he also needs underwear. Alice thanks Wayside for the continued prayers for her, Tim and her family. Crossroads Camp 28th Annual Pancake Dinner April 9, 2016 - 4pm to 7pm Adults $7; Youth under 12 $3 Support the camp and enjoy worship in song down at the large pavilion. Join us as we kick off a special time of fundraising for an exciting vision for the camp! Details will be available at the dinner! Crossroad Camp is located at 6827 Old St. Marys Pike, Parkersburg, WV 26104 Society of St. Stephen Update Sandy received a letter from John Khushal. She wanted to share it with you: Dear Sandy and Warren, How are you friends? We trust all is well with you and your children. Thanks for your continuous interest in our work and for the financial and prayer support. We appreciate it very much. God is continuing to do his wonderful work and many people are entering into his Kingdom. We praise God that he is using our friendship and partnership in building his Kingdom. We also thank God for you, pray for you and all your children. We have been traveling continuously for the past four weeks in different cities by train and have covered more than 3000 miles. We had conducted five Church Planter’s conferences and have ministered to around 150 pastors. One of our objectives was to share our vision of planting churches on every 10 miles on the Lucknow - Delhi express highway and to recruit church planters. We have received a good response and hoping to recruit at least 10 church planters. Please pray about it. We love you friends and want to wish you a very blessed celebration of the Lord’s resurrection. He is indeed risen and therefore we have blessed hope & assurance that one day we will be with him forever. Till that time let us finish the work for which he has saved us. Your friends in Jesus, John and Rebecca ~Sandy Perrine A special thanks to former long time member, Eleanor Hughes, for her thoughtful Easter gift to Wayside. She remarked on her card that “Wayside was specially good to me”. She is home in Marcellus, NY awaiting surgery in April for the removal of a kidney. Wayside misses Eleanor and will continue to pray for her successful surgery and recovery. ~Bob and Betsy Reger Prayer List Bishop Sandra Steiner Ball Rev. Ken Krimmel Rev. Greg Markins Rev. Teresa Markins Claire Konz & Family Michael Lee Paul Longwell Diane Marsh John & Rebecca Khushal Eric Mathers The Unemployed Chalmer Monroe Pete Anthony Erin Moore Beth Armel & Family Bill Morgan Donna Lee Bailey Molly Ralston Muse Anne Balmer Dal Nelson Susan Bell The Nestor Family Rick Bennett Judy O’Connor Shelby Bennett Randy & Nita Pettigrew Helen Davis Helen Devoe Phyllis & Jerry Edman Lynn Fury Anthony Easter Jeff Full Troy Gaudy Erika Gottlieb David Green J. R. Hill Ashley Hoff Pam Howard Aubrey Hughes Eleanor Hughes Lloyd Hughes Emily Jessup Mary Jumper Robert Jumper April 24th: Shelly Hawkins John 20:19-31 April 10th Acts 9:1-6 (7-20) Julie McCune Jamie Mitchem Robin Crumbaker Revelation 1:4-8 Psalm 30 Our Government Becky Canter April 17th: Bretta Smith Psalm 150 Revelation 5:11-14 Kim McGinnis Tammy Byrd Acts 5:27-32 Lux McClung Military members & their families Jill Burkholder April 3rd April 10th: Cathy Bell Tom Lytle Rev. Sandy Runnion Lori Brown April 3rd: Dale and Jean Flinn Nancy Levin Rita Maroscher Joy Blazek Loaves of Friendship Wayne LaQue Rev. Lehman Channel The Elderly April 2016 Brandon Pethtel John 21:1-19 Offering Counters April 3rd: Joe Cummons and Darlene Walsh April 10th: Shelly Hawkins and Phyllis Brown April 17th: Anne Coffman and Sandy Runnion April 24th: B ar bara Nestor and Dave Benton April 17th Acts 9:36-43 Psalm 23 Revelation 7:9-17 John 10:22-30 April 24th Acts 11:1-18 Psalm 148 Revelation 21:1-6 John 13:31-35 Cheri Phillips Myra Pitts Paissley Rassau Liturgists Irma Rapp Jeanie Richardson April 3rd: Pam Godw in Seth Runnion April 10th: Y ou th Su nday Andrea Sall April 17th: Greg Sm ith JoAnn Schott Dean Schwartz April 24th: Jennifer Doy le Linda Smith Wanda Spencer Homebound Cheri Springston Naomi Keller John Springston Personal Care Homes Tash Sullivan Dave Thorpe Brookdale Marietta - Ernest & Phyllis Linda Vancleif Grimm Nancy Wallace Harmar Place - Geraldine Weber Teresa Wallace Brian Welden Tonya Wright Worthington Nursing Home – Rev. Lehman Channell The Willows—Elaine Myer Sanctuary Greeters Crossing Greeters April 3rd: Ray & Sharon Neupert April 3rd: Missy Sall April 10th: Youth Sunday April 17th: Ron & Beth Hendrix April 24th: This spot open! April 10th: Youth Sunday April 17th: Dalphine Nelson April 24th: This spot open! For the full version of the calendar please visit April Birthdays April 2: Natalie Coffman April 4: Courteney McCloskey April 7: Mary Barnette, Gerry Weber, and Phillip Atkinson April 8: Lynzee Springston April 10: Jan Kiger April 11: Sandi Moore April 13: Bob Kieffer April 14: Barbara Salter April 15: Bretta Smith April 20: Janet Hill April 21: John Fansler April 28: Judy Mathers, Brooklyn LeMaster We would like to thank everyone for their cards, calls, and prayers in the tragic death of our granddaughter, Elle. A special thank you to those who attended the service. She was an organ donor, so many lives will be touched. One of her kidneys went to their next door neighbor that had been on the transplant list for three years. Once again, thank you to our Wayside family for your thoughts and prayers during this difficult time. ~Bob and Barbara Nestor Child Protection/Safe Sanctuary Class In compliance with the WV Conference of the UMC and the Wayside Child Protection/Safe Sanctuary Policy that is in place; this class is offered to those that work with or are involved in any children or youth activity at Wayside. This class is a requirement in order to serve in our children and youth programs. Included in these programs are the Nursery, Children’s Church, Sunday School, Cherub Choir, Youth Group, the Carnival and Vacation Bible School. This class will be on April 16th at 10:00am in the Genesis Classroom. Please mark your calendars and “save the date”. This is the last class before Vacation Bible School begins. Wayside appreciates those who help with our children and youth activities, and we appreciate your willingness to attend this class and serve Wayside in this manner! ~Fran Wilson, Child Protection Coordinator Wayside Youth News Youth Sunday is on April 10th! This is going to be an awesome service. We hope you will join us this Sunday at 10am! After the service, we will be having a baked potato fundraiser lunch. We are asking the YOUTH to bring 2-liters of pop or bottled water. Rehearsal for Youth Sunday service will be on April 9th at 4pm. Heather will be attending the Youth meeting on April 17th to share her mission experiences with us. Don’t forget to start the passport process as soon as possible! It is less expensive for those that are 16 and younger...and passports do not expire for 10 years, so the sooner the better! We will be volunteering at the Vienna Elementary School Carnival on April 8th from 6pm-8:30pm. Please be at the school by 5:45pm. Cookbook Recipes Due: All recipes are due by April 10th! We will begin our presale on April 17th. Please turn your recipes in to the church office or email them to Tommy Bean will be taking the Youth ice skating in Athens, Ohio on April 24th! Please by at the church by 1pm and ready to leave by 1:20pm. Permission slips are due no later than April 17th. Summer Camp Forms and money are due by May 22nd! If you have lost your form, let me know so I can get you a new one. We are the Messiah’s misfits. 1 Corinthians 4:10 ~DJ Archer ~Bob Nestor Wayside United Methodist Church U. S Postage 3001 Grand Central Avenue Vienna, WV 26105 Parkersburg, W. VA. Permit No. 37 Phone: 304-295-4896 E-mail: Non-Profit Organization Good Samaritan News The GSC has asked Waysiders to donate boxes of saltine crackers for the month of April. You may drop donations off from 9am-5pm Monday through Friday at the church. You may also bring your donations to church on Sundays. Thanks for your continued support of this important ministry in our community. There have been many volunteers over the years who have regularly helped the GSC with the monthly USDA food pickup; sorting food donations from the annual Postal Drive; and assist with setting up, sorting, and filling Christmas boxes. The Vienna city employees continue to help drop off and pick up food barrels and deliver many of the Christmas boxes. The Board of Directors of the GSC are very thankful for all the volunteers. The volunteers have helped those in our community by serving and giving to this mission ministry. Cathy Bauman and Barbara Payton are Co-Directors of the GSC. With God’s help, they continue to carry on the mission of the Good Samaritan Center. Once all villagers decided to pray for rain. On the day of prayer all the people gathered, but only one little boy came with an umbrella. That’s FAITH. When you throw babies in the air, they laugh because they know you will catch them. That’s TRUST. Every night we go to bed without any assurance of being alive the next morning, but still we set the alarms to wake up. That’s HOPE. We plan big things for tomorrow in spite of zero knowledge of the future. That’s CONFIDENCE. We see the world suffering, but still we get married and have children. That’s LOVE. On an old man’s shirt was written a sentence, “I am not 80 years old, I am sweet 16 with 64 years of experience.” That’s ATTITUDE.
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