The Waysider - Wayside United Methodist
The Waysider - Wayside United Methodist
January 1, 2016 Sunday School 8:45 AM~Worship 10:00 AM The Waysider Wayside Church Dinner To Benefit Brian Welden There will be a dinner to benefit Brian Welden on January 17, 2016 at 11:30am in the Bayer Center. Brian is the son of Waysiders, Ralph and Pat Welden. This fundraiser is to help the family with medical expenses for Brian. The menu for this dinner will be: Ham, baked potatoes, green beans, tossed salad, and dinner rolls. And of course, many wonderful delicious desserts made by the UMW. There will be a freewill offering taken at the door for Brian. However, the United Methodist Men need to know if you plan to attend the dinner. Please, drop a note in the offering plate; email the office; or contact Pat McCloskey if you are attending this fundraiser dinner. WAYSIDE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH MISSIONAL BUDGET 2016 Your church leadership has prayerfully discerned and developed a bold plan of ministry. While the past year gives cause for celebration, we renew our commitment to embody the mission of the United Methodist Church “to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world." As we celebrate the completion of a great year in ministry, we commit ourselves in the coming year to offer a life-changing journey to even more of God’s children in and around the surrounding community. Join us in this journey as God’s people in Vienna, as we share God’s love and the grace afforded through Christ. OUR PLAN OF MINISTRY To provide meaningful, life-changing, worship each week of the year. Last year we held 59 worship services where, on the average week, 130 people gathered to praise God and hear God’s word. Four persons gave their life to Christ for the first time in those services; and weekly others recommitted their lives to be in service to God and the world. Our Easter and Christmas services had 170 and 164 persons in attendance. Our youth led one worship service and participated as liturgists and gave the children’s message throughout the year. Our goals for the upcoming year are to increase average attendance by six percent by praising God through passionate worship and a spirit of hospitality. We also commit to “seek prayerfully and intentionally to reach at least 10 persons for Christ and have at least 10 new professions of faith by the end of the year. Budget Total: $103,969 To nurture persons in their faith journey. The people of Wayside recognize that discipleship is not an accomplishment but an ongoing journey. Our individual and collective journey is one that seeks to nurture persons in their faith journey. This journey is guided by the vision to faithfully strive to be a community of faith where everyone is welcome and striving to be welcoming; where everyone is becoming a disciple while engaged in the mission of making disciples of Jesus Christ; where committed followers of Christ are growing into passionate followers of Christ as they seek meaning and purpose for their lives. For this reason, we commit our energy and prayers seeking to determine effective and meaningful ways to help all persons grow in their relationship with God. Last year, 10 different faith formation classes were offered throughout the year, including four for children/youth. The ministry of Vacation Bible School saw an average attendance of 35 consisting primarily of children not regularly a part of Wayside. We currently have 9 Life Groups (small fellowship) consisting of nearly 100 Waysiders and friends. Our youth group of 14 meets twice per week for a time of spiritual formation and fellowship. Our prayer for the upcoming year is to grow in our discipleship by continuing to expand opportunities of spiritual formation for all age groups. These opportunities will include the formation of at least three additional small group (faith formation) studies for adults and serving/mission opportunities for all age groups. Budget Total: $118,691 To witness to our faith in service beyond ourselves. Wayside UMC has long been conscious of the fact that Jesus said, “Go into all the world.” We see ourselves as servants and laborers in a vineyard that has been entrusted to us as stewards. As such, we see the location of our ministry in broad reaching ways and places. Locally, we provide facilities and financial support for the Good Samaritan Center, an ecumenically shared helping ministry (food, utilities). Additionally, we provide support to the Latrobe Street Mission (homeless shelter and recovery center), Neale Elementary (various items as needed), the Vienna Sanctuary House of Light (a temporary emergency shelter), Operation In-As-Much (home repair) and serve as a Sponsor Church for Boy Scout Troop 20 and Cub Scout Pack 20. Also, we have been designated as a Disaster Relief Shelter for the community. Regionally, we provided support to the various Conference Missions, including, but not limited to, Heart and Hand, Ebenezer Community Outreach Center, and the House of the Carpenter. Globally, through the Society of St. Stephens, we provided support for Missionaries John and Rebecca Khushal, of Lucknow, India. Additionally, we joined with many of our United Methodist friends in supporting missions worldwide through our Fair Share giving. In 2015, we paid 75% of our Apportionments (A Portion Meant for God), and through a fruitful commitment campaign, we are positioned and committed to paying 100% in 2016. Budget Total: $145,222 Though many of the items listed above - particularly in the areas of Nurture and Outreach – were not funded directly through the missional budget, each was and continues to have an indirect impact. Your faithfulness in worship, prayer, service, witness, and giving, makes ministry possible here at Wayside. Thank you for your faithfulness and commitment to the work God entrusts to us. Total required to fulfill our mission: $367,882* *While maintaining a vibrant approach to ministry, and in some areas growing a particular ministry, this budget represents a 10% reduction in budgeted expenditures compared to 2015. The largest reduction comes from the efforts of the finance team’s work in refinancing the church mortgage. A detailed line-item budget is available in the church office for any to review. Prayer List Bishop Sandra Steiner Ball Rev. Ken Krimmel Rev. Greg Markins Michael Lee Loaves of Friendship Nancy Levin January 10th: Darlene Walsh Paul Longwell Rita Maroscher Rev. Teresa Markins Eric Mathers Rev. Lehman Channel Lux McClung Rev. Sandy Runnion Julie McCune John & Rebecca Khushal The Elderly Military members & their families Our Government The Unemployed Beth Armel & Family Donna Lee Bailey Anne Balmer Joy Blazek Don & Alice Brown Lori Brown Jill Burkholder Becky Canter Helen Davis Georgia Deem Gary Deem Helen Devoe Phyllis & Jerry Edman Dale & Jean Flinn Lectionary Claire Konz & Family January 17th: Bretta Smith January 24th: Shelly Hawkins January 10th Isaiah 43:1-7 Psalm 29, Acts 8:14-17 Luke 3:15-17, 21-22 Molly Ralston Muse Offering Counters Judy O’Connor Cheri Phillips January 10th: Joe Cummons and Darlene Walsh January 17th: Shelly Hawkins and Phyllis Brown Paissley Rassau Irma Rapp Jeanie Richardson The Denny Roberts Family Carl & JoAnn Schott Ephesians 3:1-12 Shepard Bill Morgan Brandon Pethtel Psalm 72:1-7, 10-14 Matthew 2:1-12 Erin Moore Randy & Nita Pettigrew Isaiah 60:1-6 January 31st: Stephanie Kim McGinnis The Ogden Family January 3rd January 24th : Anne Coffman and Sandy Runnion January 31st: Barbara Nestor and Dave Benton January 17th Isaiah 62:1-5, Psalm 36:5-10 1 Corinthians 12:1-11 John 2:1-11 January 24th Nehemiah 8:1-3,5-6,8-10 Psalm 19 1 Corinthians 12:12-31a Luke 4:14-21 January 31st Jeremiah 1:4-10 Linda Smith Cheri Springston Dave Thorpe Nancy Wallace Liturgists January 10th: Steve Higgs Teresa Wallace January 17th: David Smith Lynn Fury January 24th: Shelly Hawkins Anthony Easter January 31st: Greg Smith Jeff Full Homebound Troy Gaudy Naomi Keller Erika Gottlieb David Green Personal Care Homes J. R. Hill Brookdale Marietta - Ernest & Phyllis Ashley Hoff Grimm Pam Howard Harmar Place - Geraldine Weber Aubrey Hughes Worthington Nursing Home – Rev. Lehman Channell and Betty Kerr Eleanor Hughes Lloyd Hughes Brian Welden Emily Jessup Marion White The Willows—Elaine Myer Sanctuary Greeters January 10th: Dar Phillips and Fran Wilson January 17th: This spot open! January 24th: This spot open! January 31st: Scout Sunday Crossing Greeters January 10th: Bretta Smith January 17th: Joanne Reynolds January 24th: Bob and Barbara Nestor January 31st: There are several spots open for serving as Greeters this month! Please pick a Sunday to greet and sign up in the Crossing! Thank you! January 2016 For the full version of the calendar please visit January Birthdays January 4: Naomi Keller January 27: Dal Nelson Wayside Church Office will be January 5: Lee Hickman January 28: Don Ewing closed on Monday, January January 7: Phyllis Grimm January 31: Hank Hendrix January 11: Nancy Province January 12: Shelly Baylor January 15: John Walsh January 18: Connie Harmon January 21: Kevin Higgs January 22: Jonathan Mason January 23: Wil Coffman January 25: Mitch Smith 18th in observance of Wednesdays @ Wayside Wednesdays @ Wayside is back! The classes began again on January 6th. New classes will be forming soon. W@W will have a lent study beginning in February, so keep an eye out for sign up information for that class! We are excited about the opportunities for fun and faith formation in 2016! W@W’s wonderful culinary expert, Lindsay Schall, will still be making our evening meal. Not currently in a class? Stop by and share a meal with us anyway! Adults $3; children $2. The feast begins at 5:15pm! Scout Sunday is January 31st! The Scouts will participate in our worship service that begins at 10:00am. After worship they will be having a pancake and sausage breakfast! This breakfast for lunch will be $5 a person. The funds raised will go toward the cost of food for the Boy Scout Summer Camp. United Methodist Women Reading Program 2016 is here! It’s time to turn in the results of all those Wayside United Methodist Women who were involved in the Reading Program in 2015. Please either call me or mail me the first week of January with your name; plan completed; and number of books read. If you read Response Magazine regularly, I need to know that too. I will be turning this information in by the middle of January. Thanks for reading! Phyllis Buskirk January 2016 Heating safety tips: Heating equipment is a leading cause of home fire deaths. Half of home heating equipment fires are reported during the months of January and February. Some simple steps can prevent most heating-related fires from happening. Keep anything than can burn at least three feet away from heating equipment, like the furnace, hot water heaters, fireplace, wood stove, or portable space heaters. Have a three-foot “kid-free zone” around open fires and space heaters. Never used your oven to heat your home. (emits carbon monoxide) Have a qualified professional install stationary space heating equipment, water heaters or central heating equipment according the local codes and the manufacturer’s instructions. Have heating equipment and chimneys cleaned and inspected every year by a qualified professional. Remember to turn portable heaters off when leaving the room or going to bed. Always use the right kind of fuel, specified by the manufacturer, for fuel burning space heaters. Make sure the fireplace has a sturdy screen to stop sparks from flying into the room. Ashes should be cool before putting them in a metal container. Keep the container a safe distance away from your home. Test your smoke and carbon monoxide alarms monthly. Winter hazards: Winter weather will be here and we need to take precautions especially when snow and ice are present. Take extra special care when walking. If there is “black ice”, which is very hard to see, be very careful whether you are walking or driving. The use of ice melt products work very well to melt the ice better than salt and it melts at a much lower temperatures. Have a safe and Safe Happy New Year Bob Nestor Good Samaritan Center Update The GSC is asking that Waysiders donate pancake syrup for the month of January. So while you are out buying supplies for breakfast...or to have breakfast for supper, please pick up a bottle or two of syrup for the GSC! Wayside United Methodist U. S Postage Church 3001 Grand Central Avenue Vienna, WV 26105 Parkersburg, W. VA. Permit No. 37 Phone: 304-295-4896 E-mail: Non-Profit Organization Dear Waysiders, Our sincere thanks for all you did to show God’s love to our family during Tom’s illness. We greatly appreciate all of your prayers, cards and concerns. The Nelson Family, Dalphine, Gary, and Colette P.S. I especially loved the Christmas cards and encouraging words! ~Dal Society of St Stephen-Mission Update The missionaries that Wayside gives support to is John and Rebecca Khushal in India. They have sent a Christmas letter that I’d like to share with you. ~ Sandy Perrine Dear Sandy and Warren, We wish you a very happy and blessed Christmas. Let the spirit of Christmas dwell in your hearts and minds not only through this season, but throughout the year. The Savior is born and lived on this earth and died for our sins so that we might have life. We thank God that we were able to share the gospel to 380 people from Hindu faith last week by inviting all 66 women trainees of our three Sewing Training Centers and their families and friends. It was a joyous occasion for them when they heard the clear presentation of the gospel for the first time in their lives and the true meaning of Christmas. Our prayer is to screen the “Jesus” film to those who have expressed their desire to know more about Jesus and to start a weekly Bible study in their homes. Please pray for church planters Gulawar, Ashok, and Ajay as they do the follow up work by visiting these people in their homes. Thanks friends for standing along with us so faithfully throughout this year to help fulfill the Great Commission of our Lord Jesus Christ in India where the need is so great! We pray for your continuous spiritual encouragement and prayers for the year of 2016. Have a blessed Christmas and a New Year. With God’s abundant blessings, John and Rebecca
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The Waysider - Wayside United Methodist
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