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View + - Joanna Briggs Institute
1 3 . . . . . from the chair 4 . . . . . from the executive director 6 . . . . . overview Our organisation. . . . . . Our goals . . . . . . . . . Our people . . . . . . . . Committee of Management Staff of the Institute . . . . Fellows . . . . . . . . . . Affiliates . . . . . . . . . . Our Members . . . . . . . 14. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . JBI-2010 contents . 6 . 7 . 8 . 8 . 9 10 11 12 . highlights of 2010 Events. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Visitors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 16. . . . . JBI activities Research and Innovation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Postgraduate Studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Publications and Communication – International Journal of Evidence Based Healthcare . – Best Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . – PACEsetterS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . – Book Chapters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . – Journal Articles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . – Evidence Summaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Education and Training – Course development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . – Master of Clinical Science . . . . . . . . . . . . . . – 2010 Education Program Overview . . . . . . . . . Information Technology Services . . . . . . . . . . . 33. . . . . financial statement 34. . . . . international programs Asia . . . . . . . . . Africa . . . . . . . . The Americas Region Australia . . . . . . . Europe . . . . . . . 54. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . quick reference guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 22 24 24 25 26 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 30 30 32 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 40 42 44 50 3 the Hon Rob Knowles JBI-2010 from the chair presented a challenging year for the 2010 While the financial stability of the Institute was a primary Institute as we strove to provide a focus this year, so too was innovation. Therefore, at solid performance in uncertain financial times. It was the close of the year we realigned our strategic plan recognised early in the year that a responsive reaction and organisational matrix to ensure that we continue to this fiscal challenge was imperative and a number of to challenge and stretch our organisation and to strategic initiatives were set in place in order to secure drive evidence-based healthcare forward. This can the Institute’s future. only be achieved by ensuring a lively and energetic A milestone event for the Institute was the move to and creative approach to the development of new the University of Adelaide. The Institute now holds strategies and solutions to advance evidence informed the status of a School within the Faculty of Health care in modern and developing health environments. Sciences. This move represents the culmination of The new strategic plan and organisational matrix serve many months of complex discussion and consultation. to ensure these things remain sharply in focus and on It has been challenging to move to new systems and our agenda over the next four years. frameworks but I am pleased to report that the move Our ability to continue to service our international was relatively seemless with regard to service delivery membership throughout this time of major change to our members. and upheaval is testimony to quality of our resources During the year the Institute also continued with and the determination, commitment and hard work of negotiations with Wolters Kluwer Health in the United our staff and our international collaboration. States. The result has seen a formal publishing The Committee of Management is optimistic about agreement in relation to the Institute’s PACEsetterS the future of the Institute and its ability to contribute publication and a formalised relationship with the group significantly to the improvement of global health regarding international membership sales moving outcomes. This optimism stems from our confidence forward. This is an incredible accomplishment for the in the Institute’s performance and influence within the Institute and positions it on the international stage in evidence-based healthcare environment, a way it never has been before. The Committee of growing Management feels strongly that this move will facilitate organisations and the realisation of an a strong and secure future for the Institute and we increase in the breadth and depth of are excited about the new opportunities that such a information and service provision to partnership brings. existing and future members. synergies with The Hon Rob Knowles other like the executive director Professor Alan Pearson A s we approach our fifteenth year of operation we that can be translated into tangible benefits for the find ourselves again reinventing and repositioning global community. Equally, our short course program ourselves in order to ensure our longevity and our is increasingly popular on the international stage and ability to deliver high quality evidence-based resources we have worked hard to set in place and deliver high to our members internationally. quality programs that are scientifically sound and We have tackled the challenges of the year with pragmatically based. great vigour and energy and pursued our goals Our commitment to working with researchers and with relentless determination, even as the pressure health workers in developing countries remains high of change and occasional uncertainty mounted. on our agenda and we have moved to ensure that we The pressing need to be innovative and creative in continue to nurture and grow this important component order to not only secure current memberships but to of our work program. We have started to establish also attract new ones is ever present and the result of important links with both national and international our hard work over the course of the last 12 months bodies that seek to improve access to information is that we have emerged stronger than ever and well in developing and low income economies. We have equipped to meet the needs of our members both also sought to institute a more rigorous approach to now and in to the future. establishing links between our collaborating entities Principally, we set a goal of positioning the Institute to across different regions and to creating opportunities remain financially strong and viable and this process for furthering information and knowledge development primarily focussed on two strategic objectives: to in these regions. move to the University of Adelaide and to secure a I would like to thank our Committee of Management commercial partner. We have succeeded in achieving for their tireless energy and enthusiasm for our work, both of these objectives, while still maintaining our for their continued advice and direction and their services to members. commitment to ensuring the corporate security of the Now as a part of one of the finest Universities in Institute and the integrity and relevance of the resources the world we have been keen to grow our higher and programs we deliver on the world stage. degree program and I am pleased to report that it Every year the staff of the Institute in Adelaide and has indeed become a substantial component to our many Collaborating entities across the world our diverse work schedules. Our Master of Clinical demonstrate what can be achieved when like minds Science (Evidence Based Health Care) program and work toward common goals. The evolution of the PhD program are popular choices, both with clinicians Institute to date and the meaningful contribution we and researchers alike. In line with the University of are able to make to improve global health outcomes Adelaide’s approach to teaching and learning, they could never occur without the unwavering passion are foster skills of exemplary scholarship and research and power of those people. JBI-2010 5 “ I have always loved the circus! It is theatre for the masses that takes performance to the people - and is not elitist. We are not elitist at JBI either. JBI is not a scientific hot house, but rather an Institute made up of people who are passionate about good science, but with a pragmatic focus. It is about working with health professionals to help them practice their clinical wisdom in an informed way.” Prof Alan Pearson AM RN, MSc, PhD, FAAG, FRCN Professor of Evidence Based Healthcare & Executive Director overview introducing the Joanna Briggs Institute OUR ORGANISATION Established in 1996 as an international, not-for-profit, membership based research and development organisation, the Institute now resides within the Faculty of Health Sciences at the University of Adelaide with over 60 collaborating entities (45 Centres, 12 evidence synthesis groups and 5 evidence utilisation groups along with a membership-base of over 6000 members across 43 countries. The Institute is a recognised global leader in evidence-based healthcare specialising in the production of information and resources that promote and support evidence-based health care and the improvement of global health outcomes. Solutions designed and developed specifically for health professionals, health researchers and health care consumers by the Institute are not only world class, they are often world firsts. The Institute has cultivated international partnerships that contribute to the development and maintenance of quality health care globally. These initiatives are intended to support and engage those who work in and use health systems across the world in evidence-based health care. OUR GOALS Vision Evidence-based Best Practice as a central characteristic of all health services Mission To be the leader in producing, disseminating and providing a framework for the use of qualitative and quantitative evidence; to inform clinical decision making; to improve health outcomes globally. Role To identify feasible, appropriate, meaningful and effective healthcare practices and healthcare outcomes by facilitating international collaboration between collaborating centres, groups and expert researchers, clinicians and members of the Institute through: ü developing methods to appraise and synthesis evidence, conducting systematic reviews and analyses of the research literature (evidence synthesis) ü globally disseminating information in diverse formats to inform health systems, health professionals and consumers (evidence transfer) ü facilitating the effective implementation of evidence and the evaluation of its impact on healthcare practice and health outcomes (evidence utilisation) ‘Mens sana in corpore sano’ (a healthy mind in a healthy body) “ I began going to the gym regularly about three years ago. Now I get up at 5.30 every morning to do class, and sometimes I go after work too. I feel better, stronger, clearer and ready to take on the day, which is just as well because JBI is a hectic place to work - but in all honesty that is why I love it. It feels good to work for an organisation that strives to achieve great things, regardless of what the potential barriers or challenges might be. Being fit is my way of coping with these challenges (but please don’t put a bar of chocolate within reach!).” Dr Zoe Jordan BA, MA, PhD, Associate Director, Communication Science JBI-2010 7 staff our people OUR PEOPLE COMMITTEE OF MANAGEMENT The Joanna Briggs Institute team in Adelaide is a dynamic Mr Rob Knowles (Chairperson). and innovative group of highly motivated professionals with Professor Justin Beilby, Executive Dean, Faculty of a shared desire to learn and stretch beyond their limits. The Health Sciences. Institute has worked hard to develop an outstanding team whose diverse knowledge, experience and skills enable us Professor Leslye Long, national representative with significant industry knowledge. to develop information and resources of the highest quality. Mr Steve McDonald, Deputy Director, Australasian Cochrane Centre. Professor Jos Kleijnen, Director of Kleijnen Systematic Reviews Ltd (KSR Ltd). Ms Kathy Mott, a consumer advocate. Professor Robin Watts, JBI Collaborating Centre Director elected by the Committee of Directors. Professor Alan Pearson (ex-officio), Executive Director, The Joanna Briggs Institute. ‘In vino veritas’ (in wine there is the truth) “ Making my own wine at home is a family tradition I’ve carried on from my father and grandfather. I take great pleasure pulling the cork and enjoying a red that I’ve nurtured - from handpicking the grapes, all the way through to the taste test. I find wine making to be an avenue that allows me to apply my analytical skills beyond my research work at JBI, and using them to create something for the enjoyment of my family and friends.” Dr Edoardo Aromataris B.Sc (Hons), PhD, Associate Director Synthesis Science JBI-2010 9 STAFF OF THE INSTITUTE OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR COMMUNICATION AND COLLABORATION Executive Director Associate Director Professor Alan Pearson, RN, ONC, DipNEd, DANS, Zoe Jordan, BA, MA (Communication Studies) MSc, PhD, FCN(NSW), FAAG, FRCN Events Officer Executive Assistant Chris Cafcakis Joan O’Loghlin Promotions Assistant Erin Koop, BA, GradDip (Marketing Management) Graphic Designer CORPORATE SERVICES Associate Director Anthea Court, MBA Finance Officer Cherry Zhang (to September 2010) Administration Assistant – Customer Services Francess Cricelli Paul Higgs, BVC (to November 2010) Research Fellow Sandeep Moola BDS, MHSM(Honours) Collaboration Liaison Officer Cindy Stern, BHSc (Hons) COLLABORATION SUPPORT UNIT Dr Catalin Tufanaru Dr Sarahlouise Jones RESEARCH AND INNOVATION Dr Christina Hagger Associate Director Craig Lockwood, RN, BN, GDipClinNurs, MNSc CULTURE OF IMPROVING The Joanna Briggs Institute is committed to promoting Research Fellows: and supporting a culture of life long learning. Degrees and Zachary Munn BMR (NM) courses being undertaken by staff of the Institute include: Dr Yifan Xue MBBS, MPH Master of Clinical Science (Evidence Based Health Care) Alexa McArthur RN, RM, CN, MPHC Master of Marketing Management Dr Aye Aye Gyi MBBS, MMedSc, PhD Master of Philosophy Ed Aromataris B.Sc. (Hons) Doctor of Philosophy Dr Rie Konno RN, BNurs, MNurs, PhD fellows & affiliates our people FELLOWS Rumona Dickson, RN BN MHlth Sc, Director Liverpool Reviews & Implementation Group; Lecturer, Department of Nursing, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, United Kingdom. Professor Karen Francis, RN PhD MEd MHlth Sc Grad Cert Uni Teach/Learn B Hlth Sc Dip Hlth Sc, Professor of Rural Nursing, School of Nursing, Monash University, Victoria, Australia. Jennifer Grieve, RN BSc (Nurs), Executive Manager, Clarence Estate R.H. & A.C. Facility, Western Australia, Australia. Rhonda Gayle Heckenberg, RN BHSc (Gerontic Nurs) GDip Health Services Manager, Facility Manager / Director of care, OneCare Ltd, Tasmania, Australia. Professor Colin Holmes, RN BA(Hons) T Cert MPhil PhD MRCNA, Professor of Nursing, Department of Nursing Sciences, James Cook University, Queensland, Australia. Michelle Keller, RN BN GradDipNursSC (High Dependency), Manager, Residential Care Services, Resthaven Inc., South Australia, Australia. Prof Leslye Long, RN CritCareCert CorCare Cert Dip AppSc(Nurs) (SCAE) BAppSc(Nurs)(SCAE) MHA(UNSW) PhD (Flinders) MRCNA, Director of Nursing & Patient Care Services, Royal Adelaide Hospital, South Australia, Australia. Dr Joanne Ramadge, RN RM Cert ICU Dip Soc Wel BSc(Nursing) PhD, Senior Clinical Adviser in Aged Care, Department of Health and Ageing, Canberra ACT. Donelle Rivett, RN BSc BN, Manager, Research Review and Development, Church of Christ Homes and Community Services Inc., Western Australia, Australia. Jane Salvage, RN, BA (Eng Lit) MSc Honorary Doctor of Laws, Independent Health Consultant, London, England. Prof Kenneth Walsh, RN PhD, Professor of Nursing Practice Development. South East Sydney and Illawarra Area Health. Service and School of Nursing, Midwifery and Indigenous Health, University of Wollongong, Nursing Development and Research Unit, Wollongong, NSW, Australia. AFFILIATES Deborah Cullen, Ed D, MA, BS, Professor of Family Health, School of Nursing, Indiana University, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA. Lynette Darcy, RN MCN, Clinical Nurse Manager, Huon Eldercare, Tasmania, Australia. Frank Donnelly, RN BNurs GradDipNursSc (Intensive Care), MNSc, Clinical Lecturer, Department of Clinical Nursing, Adelaide University, South Australia, Australia. Rose Ekama Ilesanmi, RN RM BSc(Nursing) MSN, Clinical Instructor, Department of Nursing, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria. Cheryl Lyon, RN GradDip (Gerontological Nursing) MNSc, Residential Services Manager, Manningham Centre, Victoria, Australia. Eunice Mabuza, RN RM BEd (Nursing) MPH, Lecturer, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Swaziland, Mbabane, Swaziland. Bongiwe Masilela, MMid BEd (Nursing) Dip(General Nursing) Dip(Mid), Head of Midwifery Department, Lecturer, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Swaziland, Mbabane, Swaziland. Mildred Mkhabela, BNurs MA, Lecturer, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Swaziland, Mbabane, Swaziland. Nkosazana Ruth Mkhonta, Dip (General Nursing) Dip (Mid) Dip (Comm Health Nursing) BEd (Nursing) MNSc, Lecturer, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Swaziland, Mbabane, Swaziland. Dr Dintle Mogobe, RN RM BEd (Nursing) MEd MNSc PhD, Lecturer, Department of Nursing Education, University of Botswana, Gaborone, Botswana. Jokotade Jemilat Olarerin, RN RM MSc (Nursing), Lecturer, Department of Nursing Education, University College Hospital, Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria. Sheila Shaibu, RN Dip OT, MSN, PhD, Lecturer, Department of Nursing Education, University of Botswana, Gaborone, Botswana. JBI-2010 11 Wananani Bakakodo, Tshiamo RN RM BEd (Nursing) MSN, Lecturer, Department of Nursing Education, University of Botswana, Gaborone, Botswana. Dr Isabella Ziyane, RN RM BSc (Nursing) MA DNurse, Lecturer, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Swaziland, Mbabane, Swaziland. Isabel Thembi Zwane, PhD MPH BSc (Nursing) Dip(PH), Lecturer, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Swaziland, Mbabane, Swaziland. global ripples international scope OUR MEMBERS The Joanna Briggs Institute disseminates evidence-based information and resources to Corporate and Individual members and Best Practice Partners across the world. 2010 MEMBERSHIP BY TYPE TOTAL Member Individual 175 Member Individual Student 184 Member Corporate Educational 125 Member Corporate Health Care Facility 1859 Member Corporate Community Health 36 Member Corporate Other Corporate 28 Member Corporate Content Subscriber 1 Member corporate sponsored country (country sponsors) 16 JBI COnNECT+ Subscribers 673 Member Media 40 Member Legal Deposit 13 Member Free of Charge 182 Member Centre 47 Member ESG 13 Member ProQuest 505 Member Sponsored Country 682 TOTAL 4579 COUNTRY MEMBERS COUNTRY MEMBERS Australia 1113 Myanmar 2 Austria 2 New Zealand 57 Bahrain 1 Nigeria 74 Belgium 1 Norway 3 Botswana 38 Panama (+ canal zone) 1 Brazil 5 Papua New Guinea 1 Brunei Daussalam 1 Peru 3 Burkina Faso 24 Poland 3 Cameroon 26 Portugal 2 Canada 37 Puerto Rico 4 Chile 9 Qatar 3 China 1 Romania 2 Colombia 16 Rwanda 48 Cyprus 2 Saudi Arabia 2 Czech Republic 1 Scotland UK 216 Denmark 2 Serbia 1 Ecuador 1 Singapore 9 England, UK 45 South Africa 15 Ethiopia 38 South Korea 7 Fiji 23 Spain 924 Finland 19 Sri Lanka 2 France 1 Swaziland 12 Germany 2 Sweden 1 Ghana 33 Switzerland 7 Hong Kong 12 Taiwan ROC 13 Iceland 2 Tanzania 41 India 1 Thailand 20 Iran 1 The Netherlands 3 Ireland REP 13 The Philippines 17 Israel 15 Tonga 1 Italy 19 Turkey 1 Japan 10 Uganda 247 Jordan 1 United Arab Emirates 2 Kenya 38 United Kingdom 2 Kuwait 1 United States of America 492 Malawi 14 Venzuela 2 Malaysia 4 Wales UK 3 Mexico 11 Zambia 15 Zimbabwe 41 JBI-2010 13 highlights events and people that shaped 2010 Events National Australian Conference Evidence-Based Clinical Leadership, Directing Policy To Action November 2010, Adelaide, Australia Delegates joined an all-star cast at the unique venue of the Palace Nova Cinema complex in Adelaide’s iconic Rundle Street precinct. The conference focused on the role of evidence-based clinical leadership in improving health and aged care. Evidence-based researchers and reviewers, guideline developers, clinicians, educators, policy makers, administrators and consumers gathered together in front of the big screen to work toward improving techniques and methods of getting evidence into practice. 7th Biennial Joanna Briggs Colloquium, Knowledge in Action: The Next Generation of Evidence Based Practice September 2010, Chicago, USA The Colloquium was this year hosted by the Indiana Centre for Evidence Based Nursing at the Sheraton Hotel in Chicago. Contemporary healthcare services are complex, inimitable and unpredictable spaces that highly skilled professionals must navigate on a daily basis. The utilization of scientific knowledge in these environments has proved challenging across the world. The aim of this Colloquium was to generate discussion and debate about the role and nature of evidence in practice and strategies for using this knowledge in pragmatic ways in real settings. The comprehensive threeday program was diverse, interesting and multidisciplinary and provided delegates with opportunities to share their experiences and network. From discourse to practice: using evidence to optimise health outcomes and demonstrate the value of nursing and midwifery JBI-2010 15 The role of qualitative evidence in evidencebased healthcare workshop June 2010, Sydney, Australia August 2010, Adelaide, Australia This jointly hosted workshop (The Joanna Briggs Institute This jointly hosted workshop (Australian Nursing and and the College of Nursing) explored the role of qualitative Midwifery Federation, SA Branch and the Joanna Briggs research evidence in clinical decision-making and taught Institute) included presentations from Professor Alan Pearson participants about the JBI approach to qualitative research and Craig Lockwood from the Joanna Briggs Institute and synthesis. The workshop was well attended and generated Doris Grinspun from the Registered Nurses’ Association of vibrant and enthusiastic discussion and debate. Ontario. In addition to this local South Australian examples of good practice were showcased. Notable visitors The Joanna Briggs Foundation Launch Anne Dabrow-Woods June 2010, Sydney, Australia Chief Nurse and Publisher of the American Journal of The Joanna Briggs Foundation was officially launched at Nursing, USA Admiralty House, Kirribilly, Sydney, Australia, on Monday Mark Barragry night by its Patron the Governor General of Australia, Ms Director of Strategic Growth Markets, Wolters Kluwer Quentin Bryce AM. Health Medical Research, USA. The launch was attended by a prestigious and exclusive Paula Westgate guest list, including His Excellency Mr Michael Bryce, Director of Sales, Asia Pacific, AUS. Dr Christopher James Lukabyo (High Commissioner for the Republic of Uganda), His Excellency Stuparu Mihi Stefan (the Ambassador of Romania), His Excellency Shope Lenin Magigwane (the High Commissioner for the Republic of South Africa), His Excellency Ernesto H. De Leon (the Jon Ward National Sales Manager, Australia and New Zealand, AUS. Doris Grinspun Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario, CAN. Ambassador of the Republic of the Philippines) as well as Professor Garry Jennings members of the Foundation Advisory Board and the Joanna Director, Baker IDI, AUS. Briggs Institute Committee of Management. Debbie Muirhead Ms Bryce opened proceedings, followed by speeches AusAid, AUS. from the Director of the Foundation, Emeritus Professor Mary Salisbury Judy Lumby and the Chair of the Foundation Advisory The Cedar Institute, USA. Board, Professor Alison Kitson. Formal proceedings were followed by drinks and canapes as guests enjoyed a unique opportunity to network and experience beautiful views of the harbour, opera house and bridge from this historic location. JBI activities innovating, supporting, engaging “ Growing up, one of my biggest passions in life was playing basketball. Nowadays I am a Team Administrator for a basketball team for youths. It’s very satisfying helping these kids, some of whom have never played before. I see them growing in confidence, and I also see them win and fail, and learn how to deal with failure as a team. Now I have my own children too, and best of all, I have the privilege of watching one of my daughters take up basketball. What more could a proud dad want!” Craig Lockwood RN, BN, GDipClinNurs, MNSc, Associate Director, Translation Science RESEARCH AND INNOVATION The Joanna Briggs Institute this year made significant inroads with its diverse research and innovation program JBI-2010 17 Comprehensive literature review on “Four Hour Rule Implementation” in Emergency Departments” Status: Completed with the development of the Safety and Quality Research Funding: AUD $ 10,560 Unit and the JBI Operational Research Unit. Funding organisation: Royal Adelaide Hospital COMMISSIONED RESEARCH 2010 Research and Education Team are lead by the Executive Literature review on the epidemiology of chronic nonmalignant pain in Sweden, Germany, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, and the UK Director and draw on Institute staff according to the specific Status: Consultancies and projects undertaken through the needs of each individual project. Projects undertaken in Completed Funding: AUD$16,000 (including GST) 2010 include: Funding organisation: UK NHS/ Kleijnen Systematic Engaging consumers in Developing Countries Status: Reviews Inc. Completed Funding: AUD 30,050 Funding organization: World Health Organisation, Patient Comprehensive literature review on Emergency Surgery Safety Alliance Research Scheme Status: Completed Funding: AUD$ 60,742 AUD $62,000 Proposal to improve clinical practice in early psychosis management based on development and implementation of Evidence-Based criteria Status: Phase one and two completed. Phase 3 ongoing. Funding: AUD $22,506 Funding organisation: Early Psychosis Intervention Service; Southern Adelaide Health Service. SA Systematic Literature Review on Insertion of Surgical Tracheostomy Status: Completed Funding: AUD $ 23,080 Funding organisation: Royal Adelaide Hospital Comprehensive literature review on “Recognising and Responding to the Deteriorating Patient in Acute Hospitals” Status: Successfully completed. Funding: AUD $32,780 Funding organisation: Royal Adelaide Hospital Funding organisation: Operations Division of the South Australia Department of Health JBI activities postgraduate studies Master of Philosophy (Evidence Based Healthcare) POSTGRADUATE STUDIES Master of Healthcare) Clinical Science (Evidence Based Dr Joanna Bowen. Commenced: February 2010. Thesis: Prevention of oral mucositis in head and neck cancer Dr Edoardo Aromataris. Commenced: July 2009. patients: A systematic review. Thesis: The relationship between error and harm in primary Dr Aye Aye Gyi. Commenced: February 2010. Thesis: The healthcare. experiences of overseas-trained medical doctors in adjusting Anthea Court. Commenced: July 2009. Thesis: The to rural and remote Australian medical practice. effectiveness of incentive programs on nursing staff Sandeep Moola. Commenced: February 2010. Thesis: satisfaction in hospital settings. Effects of music therapy on adult patients’ pre procedural Dr Rasika Jayasekara. Commenced: July 2009. Thesis: and procedural state dental anxiety. The effects of cognitive behaviour therapy for major Zachary Munn. Commenced: February 2010. Thesis: The depression in older adults. patient experience of medical imaging. Dr Saralouise Jones. Commenced: July 2009. Thesis: Dr Yifan Xue. Commenced: February 2010. Thesis: Diagnostic accuracy of swine flu testing. Predictive factors for colonisation of MRSA in adults. Dr Rie Konno. Commenced: July 2009. Thesis: The effectiveness and meaningfulness of strategies for assisted Doctor of Philosophy bathing of older adults with dementia. Zoe Jordan. Commenced: March 2007. Thesis: International Alexa McArthur. Commenced: July 2009. Thesis: Maternal mortality in Cambodia, Thailand, Malaysia and Sri Lanka. Gregory Malt. Commenced: February 2010. Thesis: Preventing urinary tract infections in pediatrics: selecting the most appropriate cleaning solution. Natalie Menzies. Commenced: February 2010. Thesis: Urinalysis in Hospitalised Patients. Stephen Richards. Commenced: February 2010. Thesis: Understanding older adults’ experience of a permanent relocation to residential aged care. Deborah Norton Westwood. Commenced: February 2010. Thesis: What interior design features reduce event related anxiety in Pediatric patients? collaboration in health sciences research: manna, myth and model. Craig Lockwood. Commenced: February 2008. Thesis: A comparative analysis of approaches to the qualitative synthesis of evidence. Kylie Porritt. Commenced: February 2006. An analysis of contemporary discourses on qualitative evidence synthesis. Cindy Stern. Commenced: February 2009. The therapeutic impact of pets/animals in aged care. JBI-2010 19 JBI Clinical Fellowships Clinical Leadership Day 21 participants commenced the Clinical Fellowship Program A one-day program was developed in conjunction with in 2010: Proteus Leadership Centres to be run as a session within January 2010 Intake (4 participants): the JBI Clinical Fellowship Program. The first session was ü Nurses (3) and Physiotherapist (1) held 3rd November with 21 participants. ü All acute care Senior Nurses (16), Dieticians (3), Occupational Therapist ü VIC (1) and Korea (3) (1), Program Officer (1) SA (19), VIC (1) and NSW (1) Acute Care (18), Community Care (2) and National April 2010 Intake (5 participants): ü Nurses (4) and Physiotherapist (1) ü Acute care (3), Community (1) and Aged care (1) ü VIC (2), SA (1), QLD (1) and Rwanda (1) June 2010 Intake (8 participants): ü Nurses (6), Medical practitioner (1) and Aged care provider (1) ü Acute care (6) and Aged care (2) ü SA (1), QLD (1), ACT (1), WA (1), TAS (1), Saudi Arabia (1), America (1) and Malaysia (1) November 2010 Intake (4 participants): ü Dieticians (3) and Nurse (1) ü All Acute Care ü All from Royal Adelaide Hospital In total, 16 participants have started and successfully completed the program in 2010. Additionally, 5 participants from September 2009 intake and 11 from November 2009 Intake have completed the program in 2010. Over all, 32 participants have completed the program in 2010. Prescribing Service (1) publications & communication INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EVIDENCE BASED HEALTHCARE ü Molina JAD, Lobo CA, Goh HK, Seow E and Heng BH. Review of studies and guidelines on fasting and procedural – (formerly JBI Reports) sedation at the emergency department. Int J Evid Based The following reports have been published in the International Healthc 2010; 8(2): 75–78 Journal of Evidence Based Health Care in 2010: ü Medves J, Godfrey C, Turner C, Paterson M, Harrison ü Stern C and Munn Z. Cognitive leisure activities and their M, Lindsay MacKenzie and Durando P. Systematic review role in preventing dementia: a systematic review. Int J Evid of practice guideline dissemination and implementation Based Healthc 2010; 8(1): 2–17 strategies for healthcare teams and team-based practice. ü Jeffs LS, Hurtado PR, Faull RJ and Peh CA. Antineutrophil Int J Evid Based Healthc 2010; 8(2): 79–89 cytoplasmic antibody-associated vasculitis with renal ü Ang E and Chow YL. General pain assessment among involvement: the evidence for treatment. Int J Evid Based patients with cancer in an acute care setting: a best Healthc 2010; 8(1): 18–27 practice implementation project. Int J Evid Based Healthc ü Lumby J. Grandparents and grandchildren: a grand 2010; 8(2): 90–96 connection. Int J Evid Based Healthc 2010; 8(1): 28–31 ü Pearson A and Jordan Z. Evidence-based healthcare ü Watts R. Musings on the marsh: The 2009 Joanna Briggs in developing countries. Int J Evid Based Healthc Oration. Int J Evid Based Healthc 2010; 8(1): 32–36 2010; 8(2): 97–100 ü Jayasekara R. Summaries of Nursing Care-Related ü Haesler E. Summaries of Nursing Rare-Related Systematic Systematic Reviews from the Cochrane Library: Early Reviews from the Cochrane Library: Antibiotics and discharge hospital at home. Int J Evid Based Healthc antiseptics for venous leg ulcers. Int J Evid Based Healthc 2010; 8(1): 37 2010; 8(2): 101–102 ü Norrie P. Summaries of Nursing Care-Related Systematic ü Norrie P. Summaries of Nursing Rare-Related Systematic Reviews from the Cochrane Library: Individual patient Reviews from the Cochrane Library: Benzodiazepines for education for people with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Int J Evid delirium. Int J Evid Based Healthc 2010; 8(2):103–104 Based Healthc 2010; 8(1): 38 ü Lang DSP. Summaries of Nursing Rare-Related Systematic ü Haesler E. Summaries of Nursing Care-Related Systematic Reviews from the Cochrane Library: Bone marrow harvest Reviews from the Cochrane Library: Compression for venous versus peripheral stem cell collection for haematopoietic leg ulcers. Int J Evid Based Healthc 2010; 8(1): 39–40 stem cell donation in healthy donors. Int J Evid Based ü Jayasekara R. Summaries of Nursing Care-Related Healthc 2010; 8(2): 105 Systematic Reviews from the Cochrane Library: Effect of ü Dewey A. Summaries of Nursing Rare-Related Systematic early treatment with antihypertensive drugs on short- and Reviews long-term mortality in patients with an acute cardiovascular interventions for reducing fatigue during cancer treatment in event. Int J Evid Based Healthc 2010; 8(1): 41 adults. Int J Evid Based Healthc 2010; 8(2):106–107 ü Haesler E, Bauer M and Nay R. Recent evidence on ü Pickens S, Ostwald SK, Murphy-Pace K and Bergstrom the development and maintenance of constructive staff– N. Systematic review of current executive function measures family relationships in the care of older people – a report in adults with and without cognitive impairments. Int J Evid on a systematic review update. Int J Evid Based Healthc 2010; 8(2): 45–74 from the Cochrane Library: Psychosocial Based Healthc 2010; 8(3): 110–125 ü Hines S, Abbey J, Wilson J and Sacre S. Appropriateness of using a symbol to identify dementia and/or delirium. Int J Evid Based Healthc 2010; 8(3): 126–128 JBI-2010 21 ü Megson E, Kapellas K and Bartold PM. Relationship ü Harding C, Faiman A and Wright J. Evaluation of an between periodontal disease and osteoporosis. Int J Evid intensive desensitisation, oral tolerance therapy and Based Healthc 2010; 8(3): 129–139 hunger provocation program for children who have had ü Chur-Hansen A, Stern C and Winefield H. Gaps in the prolonged periods of tube feeds. Int J Evid Based Healthc evidence about companion animals and human health: 2010; 8(4): 268–276 some suggestions for progress. Int J Evid Based Healthc ü Winefield H and Air T. Grandparenting: diversity in 2010; 8(3): 140–146 grandparent experiences and needs for healthcare and ü Norrie P. Topical capsaicin for chronic neuropathic pain in support. Int J Evid Based Healthc 2010; 8(4): 277–283 adults. Int J Evid Based Healthc 2010; 8(3): 147–148 ü Norrie P. Physical fitness training for stroke patients. Int J ü Robertson-Malt S. Summaries of Nursing Care-Related Evid Based Healthc 2010; 8(4): 284–285 Systematic Reviews from the Cochrane Library: Intra- ü Barrett D. Interventions for cleaning dentures in adults. Int amniotic surfactant for preventing respiratory distress in J Evid Based Healthc 2010; 8(4): 286–287 newborns. Int J Evid Based Healthc 2010; 8(3): 149–150 ü Stern C. Advance provision of emergency contraception ü Rojahn for pregnancy prevention. Int J Evid Based Healthc R. Summaries of Nursing Care-Related Systematic Reviews from the Cochrane Library: Ear drops 2010; 8(4): 288–289 for the removal of ear wax. Int J Evid Based Healthc ü Stern C. Interventions for preventing mastitis after 2010; 8(3): 151–152 childbirth. Int J Evid Based Healthc 2010; 8(4): 290 ü Stern C. Summaries of Nursing Care-Related Systematic ü Virani T. Evidence-based practice: across the health Reviews from the Cochrane Library: Bed rest for acute professions. Int J Evid Based Healthc 2010; 8(4): 291–292 low-back pain and sciatica. Int J Evid Based Healthc 2010; 8(3): 153–154 ü Abstracts of the 7th Biennial Joanna Briggs Colloquium. Int J Evid Based Healthc 2010; 8(3): 155–246 ü Hines S, Wilson J, McCrow J, Abbey J and Sacre S. Oral liquid nutritional supplements for people with dementia in residential aged care facilities. Int J Evid Based Healthc 2010; 8(4): 248–251 ü Hines S, McCrow J, Abbey J and Gledhill S. Thickened fluids for people with dementia in residential aged care facilities. Int J Evid Based Healthc 2010; 8(4): 252–255 ü Xi S. Effectiveness of voice rehabilitation on vocalisation in postlaryngectomy patients: a systematic review. Int J Evid Based Healthc 2010; 8(4): 256–258 ü Suhonen R, Land L, Välimäki M, Berg A, Idvall E, Kalafati M, Katajisto J, Lemonidou C, Schmidt LA and Leino-Kilpi H. Impact of patient characteristics on orthopaedic and trauma patients’ perceptions of individualised nursing care. Int J Evid Based Healthc 2010; 8(4): 259–267 publications & communications BEST PRACTICE The following Best Practice Information Sheets for health professionals have been published in 2010: ü The Joanna Briggs Institute. Methods for determining the correct nasogastric tube placement after insertion in adults. Best Practice: evidence-based information sheets for health professionals. 2010; 14 ü The Joanna Briggs Institute. Nurse-led clinics to reduce modifiable cardiac risk factors in adults. Best Practice: evidence-based information sheets for health professionals. 2010; 14 ü The Joanna Briggs Institute. Oral liquid nutritional supplements for people with dementia in residential aged care facilities. Best Practice: evidence-based information sheets for health professionals. 2010; 14 ü The Joanna Briggs Institute. Roles and systems for routine medication administration to prevent medication errors in hospital-based acute care settings. Best Practice: evidencebased information sheets for health professionals. 2010; 14 ü The Joanna Briggs Institute. The Effectiveness of Integrated Care Pathways for Adults and Children in Health Care Settings. Best Practice: evidence-based information sheets for health professionals. 2010; 14 ü The Joanna Briggs Institute. The Prevention and Management of Complications associated with PEG Tubes in Adults. Best Practice: evidence-based information sheets for health professionals. 2010; 14 ü The Joanna Briggs Institute. Positioning of preterm infants for optimal physiological development. Best Practice: evidence-based information sheets for health professionals. 2010; 14 ü The Joanna Briggs Institute. The impact of hospital visiting hour policies on paediatric and adult patients and their visitors. Best Practice: evidence-based information sheets for health professionals. 2010; 14 ü The Joanna Briggs Institute. Effectiveness of nonpharmacological pain management in relieving chronic pain for children and adolescents. Best Practice: evidence-based information sheets for health professionals. 2010; 14 ü The Joanna Briggs Institute. Effectiveness of Nurse Practitioners in residential aged care facilities. Best Practice: evidence-based information sheets for health professionals. 2010; 14 ü The Joanna Briggs Institute. Interventions to reduce the incidence of falls in older adult patients in acute care hospitals. Best Practice: evidence-based information sheets for health professionals. 2010; 14 ü The Joanna Briggs Institute. Women’s perceptions and experiences of breastfeeding support. Best Practice: evidence-based information sheets for health professionals. 2010; 14 ü The Joanna Briggs Institute. Evidence on determining the impact of Magnet designation on nursing and patient outcomes. Best Practice: evidence-based information sheets for health professionals. 2010; 14 ü The Joanna Briggs Institute. A comparison of palliative care outcome measures used in Residential Aged Care Facilities. Best Practice: evidence-based information sheets for health professionals. 2010; 14 ü The Joanna Briggs Institute. Responses of caregivers to children under the age of five with fever and living where malaria is endemic. Best Practice: evidence-based information sheets for health professionals. 2010; 14 ü The Joanna Briggs Institute. Strategies for the management and prevention of hypothermia within the adult perioperative environment. Best Practice: evidence-based information sheets for health professionals. 2010; 14 ü The Joanna Briggs Institute. Living with chronic Lymphatic Filariasis - patients 15 years and older in developing countries. Best Practice: evidence-based information sheets for health professionals. 2010; 14 ü The Joanna Briggs Institute. Management of shortterm indwelling urethral catheters to prevent urinary tract infections. Best Practice: evidence-based information sheets for health professionals. 2010; 14 JBI-2010 23 The Joanna Briggs Institute would like to thank and acknowledge all those who have been involved with the translation of Best Practice into languages other than English: ü Centro Studi EBN, a study centre of Policlinico S.OrsolaMalpighi, Bologna, Italy (Italian) ü The Spanish Centre for Evidence Based Nursing: a collaborating centre of the Joanna Briggs Institute, Institute of Health Carlos III, Madrid, Spain (Spanish) ü Shorinsha publisher of Expert Nurse (Japanese) ü The Thailand Centre for Evidence Based Nursing and Midwifery: a collaborating centre of the Joanna Briggs Institute, Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai, Thailand (Thai) ü The Romanian Centre for Evidence Based Public Health: a collaborating Centre of the Joanna Briggs Institute (Romanian) ü Fudan Evidence Based Nursing Centre: a collaborating Centre of the Joanna Briggs Institute, Fudan University, Shanghai, People’s Republic of China (Chinese) ü The Palaky and Ostrava Universities, Czech Republic (Czech) ü The Koc University, Turkey (Turkish) ü Yonsei Evidence Based Nursing Centre of Korea: a collaborating centre of the Joanna Briggs Institute, Yonsei University College of Nursing, Seoul, Korea (Korean) publications & communications PACEsetterS The following issues of PACEsetterS magazine were published in 2010: The Joanna Briggs Institute. PACEsetterS: a health care publication of the Joanna Briggs Institute: promoting and supporting best practice. Jordan Z, Ed. 2010; 7(1) The Joanna Briggs Institute. PACEsetterS: a health care publication of the Joanna Briggs Institute: promoting and supporting best practice. Jordan Z, Ed. 2010; 7(2) The Joanna Briggs Institute. PACEsetterS: a health care publication of the Joanna Briggs Institute: promoting and supporting best practice. Jordan Z, Ed. 2010; 7(3) The Joanna Briggs Institute. PACEsetterS: a health care publication of the Joanna Briggs Institute: promoting and supporting best practice. Jordan Z, Ed. 2010; 7(4) BOOK CHAPTERS ü Bennett S, Bennett JW, Lockwood C, Sanders S and Skeat J (2010). Questions about clients’ experiences and concerns: examples of appraisals from different health professions. Evidence Based Practice: Across the Health Professions. Hoffmann T, Bennett S and Del Mar C. Sydney, Churchill Livingstone. ü Borbasi S, Jackson D and Lockwood C (2010). Undertaking a Clinical Audit. Using Evidence To Guide Practice. Courtney M and McCutcheon H. Sydney, Churchill Livingstone. ü Courtney M, Rickard C, Vickerstaff C and Court A (2010). Evidence Based Nursing Practice. Using Evidence To Guide Nursing Practice. Courtney M and McCutcheon H. Sydney, Churchill Livingstone. ü Del Mar C, Bennett S, Elkins MR, Lockwood C, Morgan A, Sanders S, Schneider-Kolsky M and Skeat J (2010). Questions about diagnosis: examples of appraisals from different health professions. Evidence Based Practice: Across the Health Professions. Hoffmann T, Bennett S and Del Mar C. Sydney, Churchill Livingstone. ü Hoffmann T, Bennett JW, Baird M, Elkins MR, Lockwood C, Reilly S and S. S (2010). Questions about prognosis: examples of appraisals from different health professions. Evidence Based Practice: Across the Health Professions. Hoffmann T and B. S. Sydney, Churchill Livingstone. ü Hoffmann T, Bennett JW, Elkins MR, Lockwood C, Morgan A, Sanders S, Spencer A, Vitetta L and Wright C (2010). Questions about the effects of interventions: examples of appraisals from different health professions Evidence-Based Practice Across the Health Professions. Hoffmann T, Sally B and Chris Del mar. Sydney, Churchill Livingstone. ü Pearson A (2010). Evidence about clients' experiences and concerns. Evidence-Based Practice: Across the Health Professions. Hoffmann T, Bebbett S and Del Mar C. Sydney, Churchill Livingstone Elsevier. ü Pearson A (2010). Evidence about clients’ experiences and concerns. Evidence Based Practice: Across the Health Professions. Hoffmann T, Bennett S and Del Mar C. Sydney, Churchill Livingstone. ü Pearson A and Field J (2010). Undertaking a Systematic Review Using Evidence To Guide Nursing Practice. Courtney M and McCutcheon H. Sydney, Churchill Livingstone. ü To MS, Aromataris EC, Castro J, Roberts ML, Barritt JOURNAL ARTICLES ü Field J and Pearson A (2010). "Caring to death: the murder of patients by nurses." International Journal of Nursing ü Hannes K, Lockwood C and Pearson A (2010). "A comparative analysis of three online appraisal instruments' ability to assess validity in qualitative research." Qualitative ü Jordan Z and Court A (2010). "Reconstructing consumer participation in evidence-based health care: a polemic." International Journal of COnsumer Studies 34(5): 558-561. ü Moola S and Konno R (2010). "A systemetic review of the management of short-term indwelling urethral catheters to prevent urinary tract infections." JBI Library of Systematic Review 8(17): 695-729. ü Moola S and Lockwood C (2010). "The effectiveness of strategies for the management and/or prevention of hypothermia within the adult perioperative environment: systematic review." JBI Library of Systematic Review 8(19): 752-792. ü Pearson A (2010). "The evidence base for nursing practice: The potential impact of spearheading leading-edge nursing research on improving global health." Journal of Nursing Practice 15(5): 385-390. ü Pearson A (2010). "Evidence Based Healthcare and Qualitative Research." International Journal of Nursing Practice 15(6): 489-493. ü Pearson A and Jordan Z (2010). "Evidence Based Healthcare in developing countries." International Journal of Evidence Based Healthcare 8: 97-100. ü Stern C (2010). "Gapes in the evidence about companion animals and human health: some suggestions for progress." of Evidence Based Healthcare 8: 140-146. ü Stern C and Munn Z (2010). "Cognitive leisure activities and their role in preventing dementia: a systematic review." International 8(1): 2-17. Journal of FCCP activates prton conductance but does not block Evidence Biophys 495(2): 152-158. ü Wilson A and Gyi AA (2010). "The status and perspective of diabetes health education in China: Inspiration from Australia." Health Research 20(12): 1736-1743. Journal GJ and Rychkov GY (2010). "Mitochondrial uncoupler storeoperated Ca2+ current in liver cells." Arch Biochem Practice 16(3): 301-309. International JBI-2010 25 Based Healthcare 16(92-98). International Journal of Nursing Practice publications & communications ü McArthur A. (2010). Review Summaries: A comprehensive EVIDENCE SUMMARIES ü Stern C. (2010). Advanced provision of emergency pregnancy prevention. International Journal of Evidence ü Gyi AA. (2010). Evidence Summaries: Perceived facilitators and inhibitors for the use of personal digital assistants (PDAs) by nurses: a systematic review. Journal of Advanced 1207-1212. ü McArthur A. (2010). Review Summaries: Effectiveness of Nurse Practitioners in nursing homes: a systematic review. Journal of Advanced Nursing 66(7): 1446-1451. Nursing, 66 (5): 962-967. ü Gyi AA. (2010). Evidence Summaries: Steroid avoidance or withdrawal for kidney transplant recipients. Renal Society ü McArthur A. (2010). Review Summaries: Management of disruptive behaviour within nursing work environments: a comprehensive systematic review of the evidence. Journal of Australasia Journal (RSAJ), 6 (2): 88-89. ü Gyi AA. (2010). Evidence Summaries: Steroid avoidance or withdrawal for kidney transplant recipients. Renal Society of Australasia Journal (RSAJ), (German language) of Advanced Nursing 66(7): 1446-1451. ü Moola S. (2010). Evidence Summaries: The experience of living with chronic manifestations of lymphatic filariasis among patients 15 years and older in developing countries: 6 (2): 88-89. ü Konno R. (2010). Cochrane Review Summary for Nursing: Acupuncture point stimulation for chemotherapy induced nausea or vomiting. Cancer Nursing, a systematic review. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 66 (12): 2620. ü Munn Z (2010) Evidence Summaries. Overground physical therapy gait training for chronic stroke patients with mobility 33(6): 479-480. ü McArthur A. (2010) Review Summaries: Promoting and supporting self-care management for adults living in the community with physical chronic illness: a systematic review of the effectiveness and meaningfulness of the patient practitioner encounter. Journal of Advanced Nursing. deficits. Journal of Advanced Nursing. 66 (1): 16–21 ü Munn Z (2010) Evidence Summaries. The effects of onscreen, point of care computer reminders on processes and outcomes of care. Journal of Advanced Nursing. 66 (1): 16–21 ü Munn Z (2010).Evidence Summaries. Electronic retrieval 66(1): 16-21. ü McArthur A. (2010). Review Summaries. Positioning of preterm infants for optimal physiological development: a systematic review. Journal of Advanced Nursing. A. of health information by healthcare providers to improve practice and patient care. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 66(3): 495-499. ü Munn Z (2010).Evidence Summaries. Eye irrigation for 55(2): 255-259. ü McArthur magnet designation on nursing and patient outcomes: is the investment worth it? Journal of Advanced Nursing. 66(6): Based Healthcare, 8: 288-289. Cancer systematic review of evidence on determining the impact of (2010). Review Summaries: Non- pharmacological interventions for assisting the induction patients with ocular chemical burns: a systematic review. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 66(3): 495-499. of anaesthesias in children. Journal of Advanced Nursing. ü Munn Z (2010) Evidence Summaries. Exercise for 66(4): 738-742. osteoarthritis of the hip. Journal of Advanced Nursing. ü McArthur A. (2010). Review Summaries: Cervical Evidence Summaries. 66(4): 738–742. assessment by ultrasound for preventing preterm delivery. ü Munn Z. (2010) Evidence Summaries. Effectiveness Journal of Advanced Nursing. 66(4): 738-742. of arm exercise on dyspnoea in patients with chronic ü McArthur A. (2010). Review Summaries: How professional obstructive pulmonary disease: a systematic review. nurses working in hospital environments experience moral distress: a systematic review. Journal of Advanced Nursing. 66(5): 962-967. 66 (6): 1207–1212. JBI-2010 27 ü Munn Z. (2010) Evidence Summaries. Cognitive leisure ü Xue Y. (2010) Review Summaries: Oral liquid nutritional activities and their role in preventing dementia: a systematic supplements for people with dementia in residential aged review. 66 (6): 1207–1212. care facilities: a systematic review. Journal of Advanced ü Munn Z. (2010) Evidence Summaries. Effectiveness of Nursing 66(8), 1685–1687. interventions using empowerment concept for patients with ü Xue Y. (2010) Review Summaries: A systematic review chronic disease: a systematic review. Journal of Advanced on the effectiveness of nurse-led cardiac clinics for adult Nursing. 66(7): 1207–1212. patients with coronary heart disease. Journal of Advanced ü Munn Z. (2010) Evidence Summaries. Effectiveness of Nursing 66(8), 1687– 1688. Nurse Practitioners in nursing homes: a systematic review. ü Xue Y. (2010) Review Summaries: Identification and Journal of Advanced Nursing. 66(7): 1207–1212. nursing management of dysphagia in individuals with acute ü Munn Z. (2010) Evidence Summaries. Utilization of neurological impairment (update). Journal of Advanced theoretical models and frameworks in the process of Nursing 66(9), 1932–1933. evidence synthesis: scoping review. Journal of Advanced ü Xue Y. (2010) Review Summaries: Roles and systems for Nursing. 66(12): 2620. routine medication administration to prevent medication ü Munn Z. (2010) Evidence Summaries: The socio economic errors in hospital-based, acute care settings: a systematic values of nursing and midwifery. Journal of Advanced review. Journal of Advanced Nursing 66(10), 2154–2155. Nursing, 66(10): 2155-2156. ü Xue Y. (2010) Review Summaries: (2010) A systematic ü Stern C. (2010). Cochrane Review Nursing Care Corner: review of the experiences of adult ventilator-dependent Bed rest for acute low back pain and sciatica. International patients. Journal of Advanced Nursing 66(10), 2158–2159. Journal of Evidence Based Healthcare, 8: 153-154. ü Xue Y. (2010) Review Summaries: The effectiveness of ü Stern C. (2010). Cochrane Review Nursing Care Corner: using human patient simulation manikins in the teaching Interventions childbirth. of clinical reasoning skills to undergraduate nursing International Journal of Evidence Based Healthcare, 9: 290. students: a systematic review. Journal of Advanced Nursing ü Xue Y. (2010) Review Summaries: Heparin for the 66(11), 2393–2395. for preventing mastitis after prevention of venous thromboembolism in general medical ü Xue Y. (2010) Review summaries: The effectiveness patients (excluding stroke and myocardial infarction). Journal of educational strategies in improving parental/caregiver of Advanced Nursing 66(3), 497–498. management of fever in their Child: a systematic review. ü Xue Y. (2010) Review Summaries: Treatment blood pressure Journal of Advanced Nursing 66(11), 2395–2397. targets for hypertension. Journal of Advanced Nursing 66(4), 741–742. ü Xue Y. (2010) Review Summaries: The effectiveness of non-pharmacological pain management in relieving chronic pain for children and adolescents. Journal of Advanced Nursing 66(5), 963–964. ü Xue Y. (2010) Review Summaries: The effectiveness of voice rehabilitation on vocalization in post-laryngectomy patients: a systematic review. Journal of Advanced Nursing 66(5), 966–967. education & training COURSE DEVELOPMENT Course development has been a major focus again this year, with all courses now drafted (with the exception of patient safety). These will be finalised and a copy sent to the Advisory Board of Studies by early December. Advisory Board of Studies The JBI Advisory Board of Studies advises the Institute on the quality of: ü The curriculum, content, delivery, assessment, moderation and certificating of JBI education programs; and ü The broad features of the curriculum, assessment and moderation of new programs of study that might in future be developed. JBI-2010 29 Executive Director Professor Alan Pearson, Executive Director, Joanna Briggs Institute, Adelaide. Australia Associate Director, Research and Innovation Craig Lockwood, Associate Director, Research and Innovation , Joanna Briggs Institute, Adelaide. Australia External assessor: JBI/09/001: CSR Module 1 Dr Susan Salmond, Dean, School of Nursing, University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, Newark, United States of America External assessor: JBI/09/002: CSR Module 2 Professor Sally Green, Co-Director, Australasian Cochrane Centre, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia External assessor: JBI/09/003: CSR Module 3 Professor Andrea Rita Horvath, Professor of Clinical Chemistry, University of Szeged, Hungary External assessor: JBI/09/004: CSR Module 4 Dr Cathy Pope, Reader, School of Nursing and Midwifery, University of Southampton, England, United Kingdom External assessor: JBI/09/005: CSR Module 5 Dr Hindrik Vondeling, Associate professor in Health Technology Assessment, Institute of Public Health, Department of Health Economics and Centre for Applied Health Services Research and Technology Assessment (CAST), Odense, Denmark External assessor: JBI/09/006: Qual Res Methods Dr Pascal Lehoux Associate Professor, Department of Health Administration/ Researcher Groupe de Recherche Interdisciplinaire en Santé (GRIS), University of Montreal, Canada External assessor: JBI/09/007: Crit Appraisal Dr. Mahmoud El Barbary, NGCEBM, King Abdulaziz Medical City, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia External assessor: JBI/09/008: Clinical Wisdom Dr Patricia Benner, Professor, School of Nursing, University of California San Francisco, United States of America External assessor: JBI/09/009: Knowledge Translation Dr Ian Graham, Vice-President of Knowledge Translation, Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Ottawa, Canada External assessor: JBI/09/010: COnNECT Dr Lisa Hopp, Associate Professor, School of Nursing, Purdue University, Calumet, Indiana, United States of America External assessor: JBI/09/011: Teaching EBP Dr Janet Harris, Associate Professor. Centre for Knowledge Based Practice, Bergen University College, Norway External assessor: JBI/09/012: Adapting Guidelines Dr Margaret Harrison, Professor and Senior Scientist, Practice and Research in Nursing Group School of Nursing, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada. External assessor: JBI/09/014: Trans Evid into Practice Professor Ken Walsh, Professor of Nursing, South Eastern Sydney & Illawarra Area Health Service / University of Wollongong, Woolongong, Australia External assessor: JBI/09/015: Statistical Concepts Professor Adrian Esterman, Foundation Chair of Biostatistics, School of Nursing and Midwifery, University of South Australia, Adelaide, Australia External assessor: JBI/09/016: Clinical Trials Jos Kleijnen Kleijnen Systematic Reviews Ltd External assessor: JBI/09/017: Patient Safety Albert Wu Senior Advisor Research Program WHO Alliance for Patient Safety External assessor: JBI/09/018: Searching for the Evid Ann McKibbon BSc.(Guelph), MLS (Western), PhD (Pittsburgh) McMaster University education & training MASTER OF CLINICAL SCIENCE 2010 EDUCATION PROGRAM OVERVIEW The Master of Clinical Science (MClinSc) is a postgraduate The following table outlines the education programs delivered degree offered by the Faculty of Sciences of the University by members of the JBI education team during 2010. of Adelaide. The aim of this degree – within the field of All of the courses described represent short courses, with the evidence based healthcare supervised by staff of the JBI – is duration included, except the Clinical Fellowship program, to train students in research methodologies and techniques which constitutes a 26-week implementation program with associated with evidence based healthcare and in the critical 2 weeks of face-to-face delivery during that period. evaluation of the evidence review and research carried out. The JBI offers the degree program in Evidence based Healthcare at both the Adelaide and Singapore campus’ of The University of Adelaide. The MClinSc is a research degree with 2 intensive weeks of coursework, which constitute part of the structured program of the degree. The structured program must be complete within 6 months of enrolment. The MClinSc must be completed 2 years from the date of enrolment. Candidates who have satisfactorily completed their first year of the degree may be considered for an upgrade or transfer to the PhD, subject to approval by the Board of Graduate Studies of the University. Enrolments ü Currently there are 23 students enrolled in the Master of Clinical Science program, 7 from Semester 2- 2009, 8 from Semester 1- 2010, 8 from Semester 2- 2010, and one student commencing in Semester 2-2010 withdrew from the course. ü Students commencing in the Semester 2 - 2010 intake completed the required two intensive weeks of course work (see above) in June and July 2011. They successfully defended their completed protocol to the Academic Panel during the last week of November and early December 2010. Master to PhD upgrade 4 Master students who commenced in 2010 will upgrade to PhD program in 2011. Singapore – Ngee Ann-Adelaide Education Centre Planning is continuing for the introduction of the Master of Clinical Science into Singapore in June 2011. The course will operate on the same schedule as the course at the Adelaide campus. COURSE DURATION (DAYS) DATE DELIVERED LOCATION NUMBER OF COMPLETING PARTICIPANTS Statistical Concepts and Methods in EBHC 2 Feb 2010 JBI, Adelaide 3 Comprehensive Systematic Review Training Program 5 March 2010 Lausanne, Switzerland 15 5 April 2010 JBI, Adelaide 8 5 April 2010 Bologna, Italy 5 May 2010 Finland 5 June 2010 Hong Kong 22 5 July 2010 Melbourne, Victoria 12 5 Sept 2010 Hobart, Tasmania 11 5 Nov 2010 Newcastle, NSW 14 5 Nov 2010 JBI, Adelaide 15 5 Dec 2010 Doha, Qatar 16 4 Aug 2010 Taipei, Taiwan 15 4 Sept 2010 Hammond, USA 26 4 Dec 2010 JBI, Adelaide 4 5x2 Sept 2009 – March 2010 JBI, Adelaide 6 5x2 Nov 2009 – March 2010 JBI, Adelaide 11 5x2 Jan 2010 - April 2010 JBI, Adelaide 4 5x2 April 2010 - Aug 2010 JBI, Adelaide 5 5x2 June 2010 - Nov 2010 JBI, Adelaide 8 Train-the-Trainer Clinical Fellowship Program 5x2 Nov 2010 - May 2011 JBI, Adelaide 4 Clinical Leadership Program 1 Nov 2010 JBI, Adelaide 23 JBI COnNECT+ - 5 Steps to EBP 1 x 17 April-May 2010 All health districts across QLD 286 1 May 2010 Finland 1 Dec 2010 Doha, Qatar 8 Teaching Evidence based Practice in a Clinical Setting 1 Oct 2010 JBI, Adelaide 5 Translating Evidence into Practice using Clinical Audit 1 May 2010 JBI, Adelaide 9 1 July 2010 TAFE, Pt Augusta 11 1 Aug 2010 JBI, Adelaide 6 1 Oct 2010 JBI, Adelaide 5 1 Nov 2010 JBI, Adelaide 5 JBI-2010 31 ITS Information Technology Services INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SERVICES PACES INTERNATIONALISATION The Practical Application of Clinical Evidence System (PACES) internationalisation is now complete. This means that the contents of the system may now be translated into other languages. JBI WEBSITE Re-development of the Joanna Briggs Institute website ( started in December of this year. It is anticipated that this re-developed site will be launched in March of 2011 and will deliver a site that is more sophisticated and easy to navigate. SOFTWARE RE-DEVELOPMENT The System for the Unified Management of the Assessment and Review of Information (SUMARI) software suite is also under re-development. Following considerable consultation and feedback with users the re-launch of this suite will occur in the middle of 2011 and will include several new and improved features to assist systematic reviewers to conduct their work. 33 REVENUE CONTRIBUTION 2009 – 2010 Source Education JBI-2010 2009-2010 Financial Statement EXPENDITURE 2009 – 2010 Amount % Expenditure Amount % $196,959.80 14.01% 7.25% $51,901.90 3.69% Books, Subs & Printed Material Total $143,933.01 Government Grants Research and Development $15,326.54 1.09% Building Leases & Rent Total $125,278.94 6.31% $7,365.88 0.52% Collaborative Ctr Funding $84,533.57 4.26% $1,134,363.54 80.68% Computer Total $139,693.49 7.04% 100% Conference Total $7,462.27 0.38% Other Income Membership Total $1,405,917.66 Evidence Summaries Total $52,399.64 2.64% Fees and Charges Total $4,706.80 0.24% Furniture and Fittings Total $6,906.17 0.35% General Office Total $6,848.18 0.34% $13,410.50 0.68% $1,181,887.46 59.54% $217,939.81 10.98% Postage and Courier Total Salary and Wages Total Travel and Accommodation Total Total $1,984,999.84 Profit/Loss – $579,082.18 100% REVENUE CONTRIBUTION 2009 – 2010 Membership 80.7 % Education 14% Other Income .5% Government Grants 3.7% Research and Development 1.1% EXPENDITURE 2009 – 2010 Salary and Wages Total 59.5% Travel and Accommodation Total 11% Books, Subs & Printed Material Total 7.3% Building Leases & Rent Total 6.3% Collaborative Centre Funding 4.3% Postage and Courier Total 0.7% General Office Total 0.3% Furniture and Fittings Total 0.4% Fees and Charges Total 0.2% Computer Total 7.0% Conference Total 0.4% Evidence Summaries Total 2.6% PHILIPPINES « CHINA « HONG KONG Asia ■ Center for Health Research and Movement Science: An Affiliate Centre of the Joanna Briggs Institute Publications ü Hu Y, Jiao HL, Xu JM, Cao YL, Zhang BH. Developing evidence-based nursing course in postgraduate nursing College of Rehabilitation Sciences program: practice and reflection. Chinese J of Modern University of Santo Tomas Nursing. 2010;34(1a): 56-59. Espana Manila, PHILIPPINES 1008 Email: ■ Hong Kong Centre for Evidence Based Nursing: A Collaborating Centre of the Joanna Briggs Institute Director: A/Prof Janine Dizon The Nethersole School of Nursing Esther Lee Building Deputy Director: Prof Consuelo B. Gonzalez_Suarez Chung Chi College Additional Centre Staff: Assistant Prof Katerina L.B. Atlas, The Chinese University of Hong Kong Assistant Prof Ludmina Svetlana M. Calayan, Assistant Shatin NT HONG KONG Prof Valentin C. Dones III, Instructor Paulin Grace Morato, Email: Assistant Prof Josephine Joy B. Reyes Protocols Director: Prof Diana Lee Deputy Directors: Prof Janita Chau, Prof Karis Kwong ü A Systematic Review of the Effectiveness of Evidence Additional Centre Staff: A/Prof Chair Sek Ying, Assistant Based Practice (EBP) Educational Programs for Allied Prof Chan Helen, Prof Chan Carmen, Assistant Prof Ho Health Professionals Simone, Hung Maria, A/Prof Ip Wan Yim, Assistant Prof Ko Education Delivered Lisanne, Lam Lai Wah, A/Prof Lee Iris, Low Lisa, A/Prof Shiu ü Comprehensive Systematic Review Training – Modules Ann, Assistant Prof Sit Janet, Assistant Prof So Winnie, A/ 1 & 3 Completed February 2010 Prof Suen Lorna, Assistant Prof Wong Eliza, A/Prof Yu Doris Lo Suzanne, Cheng Ho Yu Apple, Chan Man Yi, Chan Sau ■ Fudan Evidence Based Nursing Center: A Collaborating Centre of the Joanna Briggs Institute Man Conny, Chow Ka Ming, Heung Sin Man, Li Ka Man, Li School of Nursing ü The Effectiveness of Psychosocial Interventions for Family Caregivers on the Psychosocial Wellbeing, Physical Health and Quality of Life of Stroke Family Caregivers and their Stroke Survivors: A Systematic Review Fudan University 305 Feng Lin Road, Shanghai 200032 PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF CHINA Email: Director: Prof Jia Hongli Deputy Director: Prof Hu Yan Additional Centre Staff: Jia Shoumei, Ge Xiangyu, Yan Meiqiong, Liu Zhejun, Zhou Yingfeng, Qian Xiaolu, Wang Junqiao, Cheng Yun, Zhang Yuxia, Xi Shuxin, Cao Yuling, Li Xiaoying, Zhao Ying, Yang Honghong, Li Zheng, Lu Huijuan, Chen Liqun, Xu Jianming, Ding Yan, Cao Yanpei, Lin Cen Linguistic Translation ü COnNECT+ User Interface Translated 98% ü Evidence Summaries Translated 303 ü Recommended Practices Translated 156 ü Best Practice Information Sheets Translated 9 Yuk Ling Anita, Poon Chung Leung Henry, Tsang Chi Ho Protocols ü Factors Influencing Quality of Life (QOL) in Patients with Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator (ICD) Systematic Reviews ü Eye Irrigation for Patients with Occular Chemical Burns Publications ü Lee TFD. Privacy and dignity in residential care homes: Cross-cultural issues. International Journal of Older People Nursing 2010;5(1):3-4. ü Li MK, Lee TFD, Suen KPL. A review on the complementary effects of auriculotherapy in managing constipation. Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine 2010;16(4):435-47. SINGAPORE « 35 THAILAND ü Williams PD, Lopez V, Chair SY, Wang W, Hung GTY, Kim M, Park L, Shen Q, Williams AR. Symptoms monitoring JBI-2010 JAPAN « Director: A/Prof Premarani Kannusamy Deputy Director: Rajni Parasurum and self-care practices among oncology adults in China. Additional Centre Staff: Raveen Dev, Xu Changqing, Cancer Nursing 2010;33(3):184-93. Tey Khwang Ghee, Li Ziqiang, Shanel Yip, Chua Pei Shan, ü Yu DSF, Lee DTF, Ng WM. Fatigue among older people: A review of the research literature. International Journal of Nursing Studies 2010;47:216-28. ü Yu DSF, Lee DTF, Woo J. Improving health-related quality of life of patients with chronic heart failure: Effects of relaxation therapy. Journal of Advanced Nursing 2010;66(2):392-403. Serena Loh, Joycelyn Marie Tan, Sharon Tan Education Delivered ü Comprehensive Systematic Review Training – Modules 1 & 4 Completed 2010 ■ Mahidol Centre for Evidence Based Practice: An Affiliate Centre of the Joanna Briggs Institute ■ Japan Centre for Evidence Based Practice: An Affiliate Centre of the Joanna Briggs Institute Faculty of Nursing (Siriraj) Osaka University Bangkoknoi, Bangkok 10700 Graduate School of Medicine THAILAND Division of Health Science Email: 1-7 Yamadaoka, Suita Director: Dr Fongcum Tilokskulchai Osaka 565-0871 JAPAN Additional Email: Dr Tim Schultz, Dr Tassanee Prasopkittikun, Dr Aurawamon Director: Prof Dr Kiyoko Makimoto ■ National Healthcare Group HSOR Collaborating Centre for Evidence Based Health Services Management: An Affiliate Centre of the Joanna Briggs Institute Health Services & Outcomes Research National Healthcare Group 6 Commonwealth Lane #04-01/02 SINGAPORE 149547 Email: Deputy Director: A/Prof Dr Mikiko Ito Additional Centre Staff: Assistant Prof Dr Keiko Fukuroku, Assistant Prof Miyae Yamakaw, Assistant Prof Dr Setsuko Shimmitsu, Assistant Prof Chika Kawakami, Assistant Prof Kaori Kinouchi, Assistant Prof Tamami Kobayashi, Assistant Prof Yuki Morooka, Noriaki Tanaka, Kayoko Omura, Yumi Fujikawa, Yuko Fujiwara, Kuniko Hagiwara, Yuka Higashida, Fusako Kawahara, Toshie Koshimura, Emi Maeda, Junko Matsumoto, Rumi Matsumoto, Satomi Miki, Yuko Miyano, Shizuko Motoda, Akikou Nakamichi, Miki Nakanishi, Hiroshi Ono, Yoko Taniura, Keiko Tazumi, Noriko Uemura, Yumiko Oono ■ Joanna-Briggs Institute-Institute of Mental Health (Singapore) Centre for Evidence-Based Practices in Mental Health Care: An Affiliate Centre of the Joanna Briggs Institute Institute of Mental Health Buangkok Green, Medical Park 10 Buangkok View SINGAPORE 539747 Email: Mahidol University Centre Staff: Dr Yajai Sitthimongkol, Director: Dr Heng Bee Hoon Deputy Directors: Tan Woan Shin, Dr Joseph Molina Additional Centre Staff: Chong Wai Fung, Teow Kiok Liang, Charis Ng Wei Ling, Cheryl Lobo, Pradeep Paul, Ng Kok Ping, Anusha Govinda Raj, Robyn De Verteuil, Wong Lai Yin, Dr Sun Yan, Zhecheng Zhu Systematic Reviews ü Self Monitoring of Blood Glucose in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: Systematic Review of Economic Evidence SINGAPORE Asia ■ National University Cancer Institute Singapore (NCIS) Nursing Evidence Utilisation Group: A JBI Evidence Utilisation Group NUHS Tower Block, Level 7 1E Kent Ridge Road SINGAPORE 119228 Email: Group Convenor: Chow Ying Leng Group Members: Dora Lang Siew Ping, Dr Emily Ang, Sharmila Kasinathan, Seri Sastika Ramli, Tan Poh Hoon Completed Projects/Publications ü Ang E, Chow YL. General pain assessment among patients with cancer in an acute care setting: a best practice implementation project, International Journal of Evidence-Based Healthcare, 2010;8(2):90-6. ■ Singapore National University Hospital (NUH) Centre for Evidence-Based Nursing: A Collaborating Centre of the Joanna Briggs Institute Evidence-Based Nursing Unit Main Building, Level 6, 5 Lower Kent Ridge Road SINGAPORE 119074 Email: Director: Dr Emily Ang Deputy Director: Siti Zubaidah bte Mordiffi Additional Centre Staff: APN Lee Yee Mei, NC Chow Ying Leng, NE Tho Poh Chi, NE Yip Wai Kin, NE Goh Mien Li, NC Lang Siew Ping Dora Protocols ü Effects of Sitz Bath in Managing Adult Patients with Anorectal Disorders: A Systematic Review ü The Meaning of Quality of Life in Women Diagnosed with Breast Cancer: A Systematic Review ü The Effectiveness of Physical Restraints in Reducing Falls Among Adults in Acute Care Hospitals and Nursing Homes: A Comprehensive Systematic Review ü Registered Nurses’ Perception of their Preceptor Role Towards Pre-registration Nursing Students during Clinical Placement: A Systematic Review ü Effectiveness of Behavioural-observation Methods in Pain Assessment of Cognitively Impaired Elderly People in Inpatient Settings ü Efficacy of Psychological-based Interventions to Enhance Coping of Nursing Students: A Comprehensive Systematic Review ü A Qualitative Review on the Experiences of Women Living and Coping with Type 2 Diabetes ü A Systematic Review of the Experience of Hypoglycaemia and Strategies Used For its Management by CommunityDwelling Adults with Diabetes Mellitus ü A Systematic Review of the Experiences of Children in their Postoperative Pain Management ü The Effectiveness of Cabbage Leaf Application on Breast Engorgement in Breastfeeding Women Systematic Reviews ü Effects of Sitz Bath in Managing Adult Patients with Anorectal Disorders: A Systematic Review ü A Comprehensive Systematic Review of the Nurses’ Perceptions of Risk from Exposure to Emerging Acute Respiratory Infectious Diseases and the Effectiveness of Strategies used to Facilitate Healthy Coping in Acute Hospital and Community Healthcare Settings ü Effective Pain Management during Painful Procedures in Children with Cancer: A Systematic Review ü A Systematic Review on the Factors Affecting and the Strategies to Enhance Effective Communication between Registered Nurses and Oncology Adult Patients in an Inpatient Setting ü A Comprehensive Systematic Review of the Factors that Impact Nurses’ Performance in Conscious Level Assessment ü The Experiences and Expectation of Terminally Ill Patients Receiving Music Therapy in the Palliative Setting: A Systematic Review ü A Systematic Review of the Effectiveness of Music Listening in Reducing Depressive Symptoms in Adults ü A Comprehensive Systematic Review of the Factors that Impact Nurses’ Performance in Conscious Level Assessment ü The Effectiveness of Chlorhexidine Bath in the Treatment of Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA) in the Adult Inpatient Wards: A Systematic Review ü A Qualitative Systematic Review on the Experiences of Self-management by Community-dwelling Older Women Living with Chronic Illnesses ü Anxiety in Patients with Breast Cancer undergoing Treatment: A Systematic Review ü Adverse Drug Reactions of Oral Dexamethasone in Children and Adolescents with Childhood Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia: A Systematic Review ü A Systematic Review of the Effectiveness of Music Listening in Reducing Depressive Symptoms in Adults ü The Use of Visual Analogue Scale for the Assessment of Labour Pain: A Systematic Review ü A Systematic Review of Effectiveness of Therapeutic Interventions on Quality of Life (QoL) for Adult Vitiligo Patients ü Effectiveness of Educational Interventions to Promote Oral Hypoglycaemic Adherence in Adults with Type 2 Diabetes ü The Impact of Antipsychotic Side Effects on Attitudes Toward Medication in Patients with Schizophrenia: A Systematic Review ü The Role of Family and Friends in Providing Social Support towards enhancing the Wellbeing of Postpartum Women: A Systematic Review Education Delivered ü Comprehensive Systematic Review Training – Modules 1, 3 & 4 Completed August 2010 JBI-2010 37 TAIWAN Shaw-Nin Shih, Assistant Prof Tze-Fang Wang, Meei Ou, Ju Chen, Yu-Chi Chen, Shu-He Huang, Man-Hua Yang, Mei-Wun Tsai, Dr Su, Kuei-Chang, Dr Lee Chuanfang, A/ Prof Dr Hu Ming-Ssia, Dr Lo Chingn-N, Ya-Wen (Betty) Chiu, Assistant Prof Yu-Chih Chen, Assistant Prof Shih-Shang Chou, Shwu-Feng Tsay Protocols ü The Experience of the Perception of Body Image of Children and Adolescents with Cancer: A Meta-Synthesis ü The Effectiveness of Non-pharmacological Intervention on Fatigue in Children and Adolescents with Cancer: A Systematic Review ü A Comparison to use the Vitamin B12 for Recurrent Aphthous Stomatitis in Long Term Care Patient: A Systematic Review Education Delivered ü Comprehensive Systematic Review Training – Modules 1, 2 & 4 Completed July - September 2010 ü Comprehensive Systematic Review Training – Modules 1, 2 & 4 Completed June-July 2010 ü Comprehensive Systematic Review Training – Modules 1, 2 & 4 Completed June-July 2010 ■ Taiwan Joanna Briggs Institute Collaborating Centre: A Collaborating Centre of the Joanna Briggs Institute School of Nursing, National Yang-Ming University 155, Sec. 2, Li-Nong St Peitou Taipei TAIWAN 122 R.O.C. Email: ü Comprehensive Systematic Review Training – Modules 1, 2 & 4 Completed July 2010 Director: Dr Pei-Fan Mu Deputy Directors: Prof I-Chuan Li, Prof Yu-chih Chen, Prof David Hung-Tsang Yen Additional Centre Staff: Prof Fu-Jin Shih, Yu-chih Chen, A/Prof David Hung-Tsang Yen, A/Prof William J. Huang, Cheng Hao-min, Teh-Fu Hsu, Lin Shirling, Chou ShinShang, Chang Hsiu Chuan, Prof Ray-Yau Wang, Prof YeaRu Wang, Prof Zxy-Yann Jane Lu, Prof Ien-Lan Wei, Prof Li-Chan Lin, Prof I-Chuan Li, Prof Hsien-Hsien Chiang, Prof Shu Yu, Prof Li-Yin Chien, A/Prof Shuh-Jen Sheu, A/Prof Shwn-Jen Lee, A/Prof Tzyy-Jiuan Wang, Assistant Prof Ying Mei Liou, Assistant Prof Chiu-Mieh Huang, Assistant Prof Tzu-I Tsai, Assistant Prof Hsuei-chen Lee, Assistant Prof Kai-Wei Katherine Wang, Assistant Prof Wen-Ying Chen, Assistant Prof Yi-Fen Shih, Chwen-Jen Chen, Assistant Prof Hualien, TAIWAN ■ Taiwanese Centre for Evidence-based Health Care: An Affiliate Centre of Joanna Briggs Institute Department of Nursing, Tzu Chi College of Technology Email: Director: Assistant Prof Huei-Chuan Sung Deputy Director: Assistant Prof Ling-Ling Lee Additional Centre Staff: Hsiu Ling Huang Protocols ü A Systematic Review of Prevalence and Risk Factors Associated with Computer-related Spinal Pain in Children and Adolescents Education Delivered ü Comprehensive Systematic Review Training – Modules 1, 2 & 4 Completed April – June 2010 MYANMAR « KOREA « THAILAND Asia ■ Thailand Centre for Evidence-based Nursing and Midwifery (TCEBNM): An Affiliate Centre of the Joanna Briggs Institute ■ Yonsei Evidence Based Nursing Centre of Korea: An Affiliate Centre of the Joanna Briggs Institute Faculty of Nursing Yonsei University College of Nursing Chiang Mai University (3rd Building 4), Chiang Mai 50200 134 Shinchon-dong Seodaemun-gu, Seoul THAILAND KOREA 120-752 Email: Email: Director: A/Prof Dr Wilawan Picheansathian Director: Dr Eui-Geum Oh Deputy Director: Deputy Director: Dr Sunah Kim Additional Centre Staff: A/Prof Dr Kannika Kantaruksa, Additional Centre Staff: Dr Juhee Lee, So-Sun Kim, Soo Assistant Prof Dr Duangruedee Lasuka. A/Prof Dr Patraporn Hun Kim, Sang Hui Chu, Tae Hee Kim, Su Kyung Chung, Tungpunkom, A/Prof Dr Sujitra Tiansawad, A/Prof Dr Yupin Sun Hee Park, Jong Mi Park Phianmongkhol, Assistant Prof Jutamas Chotibang, Assistant Systematic Reviews Prof Dr Sumalee Lirtmunlikaporn, Dr Rojanee Jintanawat, Dr ü The Effectiveness of Telephone-based Post-discharge Sudarat Chaiarj, Instructor Cattaliya Siripattarakul Sanluang, Nursing Care in Decreasing Readmission Rate in Patients A/Prof Dr Punpilai Sriareporn, Assistant Prof Dr Nantaporn with Heart Failure: A Systematic Review Sansiriphun, Assistant Prof Dr Achara Sukonthasarn, Dr Phanida Jubtasopeepun, Dr Mayulee Somrarnyart, Natthakarn Surapagdee, Piyawach Khunchongkeit ■ Yangon Centre for Evidence Based Health Care: A Collaborating Centre of the Joanna Briggs Institute Military Institute of Nursing and Paramedical Science Mingaladon, 11021 Yangon MYANMAR Email: Director: Dr Kyawt Kyawt Swe Deputy Director: Dr Nyo Nyo Wint Additional Centre Staff: Dr Soe Hlaing, Prof Dr Kay Thi Htun, Dr Aye Aye, Dr Vaung Saun Thang, Dr Kyan Aung, Dr Tin Zaw, Dr Phyu Phyu Kyaing, Dr Kay Thi Kyaw, Dr Sandar Swe, Dr Tin Moe Mya, Dr Yin Yin, Cho Cho Than Linguistic Translation ü Best Practice Information Sheets Translated 13 Linguistic Translation ü Best Practice Information Sheets Translated 8 JBI-2010 Africa ■ Cameroon Centre for Evidence Based Health Care (CCEBHC): An Affiliate Centre of the Joanna Briggs Institute ■ Joanna Briggs Institute Evidence Synthesis Group: Kigali Health Institute (KHI) BP 8803, Yaounde14 Yaounde RWANDA CAMEROON Email: Email: PO Box 3286, KIGALI Group Convenor: Dr Njunwa Kato Jonas Director: Asahngwa Constantine Tanywe Group Members: Emil Ivan, Dr Bizoza Rutakayire Deputy Director: Dr Fonsah Julius Yundze Protocols: Additional Centre Staff: Kouam Sandrine, Chelea Matchawe, Ndzi Edward, Nchangwi Syntia, Geraldine Mbah, Yenla Belinda, Valerie Forbin, Tabod Yvonne, Beryl Kemche Education Delivered ü Effectiveness of Trained Community Workers in Delivering Antimalaria and Neglected Tropical Diseases Drugs for Control of Anemia in Children <5 years in Sub- Saharan Africa: A Systematic Review ü Comprehensive Systematic Review Training – Modules ■ Joanna Briggs Institute Evidence Synthesis Group: Nigeria 1, 3 & 4 Completed Decemeber 2010 ■ Centre for Evidence Translation: A JBI Evidence Synthesis Group PO Box 19063, Tygerberg 7505 PO Box 15824, Dugbe Ibadan, Oyo State NIGERIA Email: SOUTH AFRICA Group Convenor: Jokotade Jemilat Olarerin Email: Group Members: Rose Ekama Ilesanmi Group Convenor: Quinette Louw Group Members: Dawn Ernsten, Lynette Crous, Jeanine Uwimana ■ Ethiopian Malaria Alert Centre: An Affiliate Centre of the Joanna Briggs Institute Jimma University ■ Joanna Briggs Institute Evidence Synthesis Group: Tanzania National Institute for Medical Research Muhimbili Medical Research Centre, Po Box 3436 Dar es Salaam TANZANIA PO Box 378, Jimma, Email: ETHIOPIA Group Convenor: Dr Rugola Mtandu Email: Group Members: D Mwaseba, F Levira Director: Dr Morankar Sudhakar Deputy Director: Dejene, Tadese Ejigu, Zewdie Birhanu, Tigist Astale, Degene ■ Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI) Centre for Geographic Medicine ResearchCoast: An Affiliate Centre of the Joanna Briggs Institute Tilahaun, Yitbarek Kidane PO Box 230-80108, Kilifi Protocols KENYA Additional Centre Staff: Dr Kifle Woldemariam, Dr Mirkuzie Woldie Kerie, Dr Ayalew Tegegan, Elias Ali, Tariku ü Determinants of Help and Treatment Seeking Behavior of TB Patients –Gender Perspective: Systematic Review Email: Director: Leah Mwai Deputy Director: Education Delivered ü Comprehensive Systematic Review Training – Modules 1, 3 & 4 Completed November-December 2010 Additional Centre Staff: Samson Gwer, Hellen Gatakaa ■ Kintampo Health Research Centre (KHRC) Ghana: An Affiliate Centre of the Joanna Briggs Institute Box 200, Kintampo GHANA WEST AFRICA Email: Director: Dr. Yeetey Akpe Kwesi Enuameh ■ University College Hospital, Nigerian Team: A JBI Evidence Synthesis Group Deputy Director: Additional Centre Staff: Livesy Naafoe 41 Abokyi, George Adjei Department of Paediatrics University College Hospital Systematic Reviews PMB 5116, IBADAN ü The Experiences of Living with Co-morbidites of Chronic NIGERIA Lymphatic Filariasis among Patients 15 years and older in Email: Developing Countries: A Systematic Review Group Convenor: Dr Adejumoke Idowu Ayede Group Members: Dr Titilola Stwella Akingbola, Dr Adebola ■ Malaria Alert Centre: A JBI Evidence Synthesis Group Emmanuel Orimadegun College of Medicine, Department of Community Medicine Private Bag 360, Chichiri Blantyre 3 ■ University of Botswana: A JBI Evidence Synthesis Group MALAWI University of Botswana Email: Group Convenor: Dr Jobiba Chinkhumba Department of Nursing Education Group Members: Dr Kelias Msyamboza, P. Bag 00702, Gaborone Alinafe BOTSWANA Chibwana Email: ■ South African Centre for Evidence Based Nursing and Midwifery: An Affiliate Centre of the Joanna Briggs Institute Group Convenor: Sheila Shaibu School of Nursing, Faculty of Community and Development Disciplines ■ Witwatersrand Centre for Evidence-based Practice: An Affiliate Centre of the Joanna Briggs Institute University of KwaZulu-Natal Centre for Health Science Education Memorial Tower Building, DURBAN 4041 University of the Witwatersrand SOUTH AFRICA Parktown, Johannesburg 2193 Email: SOUTH AFRICA Director: Dr Petra Brysiewicz Email: Deputy Director: Ms Zethu Nkosi Additional JBI-2010 CAMEROON « SOUTH AFRICA « ETHIOPIA « RWANDA « NIGERIA « TANZANIA « KENYA « GHANA « MALAWI « UGANDA « NIGERIA « BOTSWANA Centre Staff: Prof Group Members: Dintle K. Mogobe, Wananani Tshiamo Director: Dr Patricia McInerney Oluyinka Adejuno, Deputy Director: Dr J Basu Ms Joanne Kisten, Ms Penny Orton Additional Centre Staff: Haroon Saloojee, Aimee Stewart, ■ Uganda Centre for Evidence Based Practice: An Affiliate Centre of the Joanna Briggs Institute Glenda Myers, Ramatsimele Mphahlele, Debashis Basu, Makerere University School of Public Health Education Delivered Room 322, Mulago Hospital Complex ü Comprehensive Systematic Review Training – Module 1 PO Box 7072, KAMPALA UGANDA Email: Director: Dr Sebastian Olikira Beine/ Dr Juliet Ndimwibo Babirye Additional Centre Staff: Dr Moses Arinaitwe Gobotsamang Motlhabani Completed January – March 2010 ü Comprehensive Systematic Review Training – Module 2 Completed 2010 The Americas Region ■ Brazilian Centre for Evidence-based Health Care: A Collaborating Centre of the Joanna Briggs Institute Avenida Dr Eneas Carvalho Aguiar 419 São Paulo SP 05403-000 BRASIL Email: Director: Dr Diná Monteiro da Cruz Deputy Director: Dr Carmem Simone Additional Centre Staff: Aline Brandão Mariath, Ana Cristina D’Andretta Tanaka, Ana Lucia Mendes Lopes, Caroline Geocze, Cassia Baldini Soares, Cibele Andrucioli de Mattos Pimenta, Denise Pimentel Bergamaschi, Elma Lourdes Campos Pavone Zoboli, Maria Luiza Gonzalez Riesco, Martha Rumiko Kayo Hashimoto, Regina Szylit Bousso, Sonia Maria Junqueira Vasconcellos de Oliveira, Vanda Elisa Andres Felli, Yeda Aparecida de Oliveira Duarte Education Delivered ü Comprehensive Systematic Review Training – Module 1 Completed November/December 2010 ■ Joanna Briggs Institute of Oklahoma (JBIO): An Affiliate Center of the Joanna Briggs Institute INTEGRIS Baptist Medical Center 3300 N. W. Expressway, Attn: 100-3015 Oklahoma City, OKLAHOMA 73112 Email: Director: Dr Susan K. B. Jones Deputy Director: April Merrill Additional Centre Staff: Maria Long, Rise’ Kester, Debra McCann, Karen Corff, Tara Rose, Cheryl Smith Protocols ü Effectiveness of Tight Glycemic Control in the Medical Intensive Care Unit: A Systematic Review ■ Indiana Center for Evidence Based Nursing Practice: A Collaborating Centre of the Joanna Briggs Institute School of Nursing, Purdue University Calumet 2200 169th Street, Hammond INDIANA 46323 USA Email: Director: Dr Lisa Hopp Deputy Director: Dr Jane Walker Additional Centre Staff: Dolores Huffman, Leslie Rittenmeyer, Beth Vottero, Kim Whalen, Susan Scachitti, Charlene Gyurko, Cheryl Anema, Ellen Moore, Cheryl Moredich, Janice Tazbir. Jodi Boling, Maureen Marthaler, Dorothy Soverly, Lynn Miskovich, Renee Fife, Kathleen Kleefisch, Kelly Florek, Justin Meyers, Michelle Block, Renee Fife, Roseann Such Protocols ü The Meaning of Being in Protective/Source Isolation for Hospitalized Patients: A Systematic Review Education Delivered ü Comprehensive Systematic Review Training – Modules 1,3 & 4 Completed June 2010 ■ New Jersey Center for Evidence Based Nursing: A Collaborating Centre of the Joanna Briggs Institute Stanley S. Bergen, Jr. Building, 65 Bergen Street, Suite # 1015 Newark, NEW JERSEY 07101-3001 Email: Director: Dr Susan Salmond Deputy Director: Dr Cheryl Holly Additional Centre Staff: Dr. Dawn Kozlowski, Lynn McEnroe, Dr Denise Tate, Dr Gerti Heider, Dr Anthony Forrester, Dr Rita Musanti, Dr Cindy Sickora, Dr Huey-Shys Chen, Dr Melanie Percy, Dr Lisa Paplanus, Dr Patricia Hindin, Dr Barbara Caldwell, Dr Frances Munet-Vilaro, Dr Rosalie Grantoza, Dr Rosario Estrada, Dr Patrick Mattis, Dr Rona F Levin, Dr Lillie Shortridge-Baggett, Dr Lucille Ferrera, Dr JoAnn Singleton, Dr Priscilla Worrall Protocols ü A Comprehensive Systematic Review of Family Witnessed Resuscitation and Family Witnessed Invasive Procedures in adults in hospital settings internationally ü A Comprehensive Systematic Review of the Effectiveness of Nurse Coordinated Transitioning of Care on Readmission Rates for Patients with Heart Failure ü Telehealth in Long Term Care Patients with Congestive Heart Failure ü A Systematic Review of the Discharge Needs of the Patient-Caregiver Dyad in Community Hospitals ü The Affect of Group Visits on DM2 Specific Outcomes ü Rapid Response Team Composition Effects on Outcomes for Hospitalized Patients: A Systematic Review USA « 43 CANADA Education Delivered ü Comprehensive Systematic Review Training –Modules 1-4 Completed March - June 2010 ü Comprehensive Systematic Review Training – Modules 1 & 3 Completed July 2010 ■ Queen’s Joanna Briggs Collaboration: A Collaborating Centre of the Joanna Briggs Institute School of Nursing Queen’s University 2nd Floor 78 Barrie Street, Kingston Ontario, K7L 3N6 CANADA Email: Director: Prof Margaret Harrison Deputy Director: Dr Christina Godfrey Additional Centre Staff: Val Angus, Patricia Oakley, Lisa Smith, Victoria Donaldson Protocols JBI-2010 BRASIL « ■ Saint Elizabeth Health Care: A JBI Evidence Synthesis Group 90 Allstate Parkway, Marham, ON L3R 6H3 CANADA Email: Group Convenor: Karen Ray Group Members: Kim Dalla Bona, Alison Macdonald ■ Texas Christian University Center for Evidence Based Practice and Research: A Collaborating Centre of the Joanna Briggs Institute TCU Box 298620 Forth Worth TEXAS 76129 USA Email: Director: A/Dean Susan Mace Weeks Deputy Directors: Kathy Baker, Kay Sanders, Suzy Lockwood, Debbie Rhea Additional Centre Staff: Lavonne Adams, Carolyn Cagle, ü Intervention Strategies that Support Self-care Activities: Sharon Canclini, Linda Curry, Diane Hawley, Lynnette An Integrative Study Across Chronic Disease/disability Howington, Lea Montgomery, Helen Morrison, Mike Sadler, Groupings Debbie Schmidt, Laura Thielke, Mary Beth Walker, Jennifer ü The Effectiveness of Tobacco Intervention Education for Watson, Janie Wells, Wendy Fletcher, Mary Garnica, Angela Health Professional Students’ Health Promotion Practice: Miller, Penny Moore, Lois Oquin, Les Rodriguez, A Systematic Review Thomas, Jo Tilley, Donna Gurica, Ron Anderson, Kathy Maria ü Patient and Family Member Perspectives of Encountering Adverse Events in Health Care: A Systematic Review Baldwin, Dennis Cheek, Tim Gollaher, Hylda Nugent, Susan ü The Incidence, Prevalence and Contributing Factors Associated with the Occurrence of Medication Errors for Children and Adults in the Community Setting Protocols Systematic Reviews ü The Lived Experience of Surviving Lung Cancer: A Systematic Review ü Theoretical models or frameworks that address the process of synthesis: A Scoping Review ü Exploring the Diversity of Conceptualizations of Self Care: A Scoping Review ü Intervention Strategies that Support Self-care Activities: An Integrative Study Across Chronic Disease/disability Groupings Rugari, Alysha Sapp, Charles Walker, Mark Welliver ü Effect of Simulation Training on Anesthesia Provider Communication Skills ü Intraoperative Brain Activity Monitoring and Postanesthesia Care Length of Stay: A Systematic Review Education Delivered ü Comprehensive Systematic Review Training - Modules 1 & 3 Completed May 2010 Education Delivered ü Comprehensive Systematic Review Training - Modules 1 & 3 Completed May 2010 ü Comprehensive Systematic Review Training – Modules 1,3 & 4 Completed July 2010 ü Comprehensive Systematic Review Training – Modules 1 & 3 Completed August 2010 Australia ■ Aged Care Quality Association (ACQA): A JBI Evidence Utilisation Group NEBACU, The Joanna Briggs Institute Faculty of Health Sciences University of Adelaide Adelaide, SOUTH AUSTRALIA 5005 Additional Centre Staff: Mr Brent Hodgkinson, Dr John Rosenberg, Dr Tim Henwood, Ms Jacqui Young, Haakan Strand, Karen Hughes, Karen Clifton, Dr Andrea Petriwskyj Dr Tim Henwood Systematic Reviews ü Effectiveness of Medical Compared to Multidisciplinary AUSTRALIA Models of Care for Patients with Pre-dialysis Chronic Email: trish Kidney Disease Group Convenor: Trish McReynolds Group Members: Louise Absalom, Danny Mitrousidis, ü Effectiveness of Interventions to Raise Men’s Awareness of Bladder and Bowel Health Rosalie Wegner, Lyn Dearlove, Robert Miller, Liz Hanna, Publications Cobi Hyberts, Linda Burke, Penny Hooper, Lyn Atkinson, ü Storrie K, Ahern K, Tuckett A A systematic review: Julie Gresty, Lyn Gray, Sue Marcus, Matt Kowald Students with mental health problems- A growing problem. ■ Australian Capital Regional Centre for Evidence Based Nursing and Midwifery Practice: An Affiliate Centre of the Joanna Briggs Institute International Journal of Nursing Practice 2010;16:1-6. ACT Health Research Centre for Nursing and Midwifery Practice Australian National University, PO Box 11, Woden ACT 2606 AUSTRALIA Email: Director: Prof Violeta Lopez Deputy Director: Ann Marie Dunk Additional Centre Staff: Dr Katrina Cubit, Dr Jan Taylor, Dr Sue Webster, Dr Cindy Leigh, Dr Imke Fischer, Dr Choi Wan Chan, Jill Parke, David Larkin, Judith Barker, Bernadette McNally, Barbara Conroy, Wendy Beckingham, Cecilia Wakeling, Irene Lake, Brad Leeson ■ Australian Centre for Community Care (ACEBCC): A Collaborating Centre of the Joanna Briggs Institute The University of Queensland/Blue Care Research and Practice Development Centre, PO Box 1539, Milton BC QUEENSLAND 4064 ■ Australian Centre for Rural and Remote Evidence Based Practice (ACRREBP): An Affiliate Centre of the Joanna Briggs Institute Baillie Henderson Hospital PO Box 405, Toowoomba 4352 QUEENSLAND AUSTRALIA Email: Director: Prof Cath Rogers-Clark Deputy Director: Hon A/Prof Judy March Additional Centre Staff: Susanne Pearce, Michelle Cameron, Lisa Clint Beccaria, Maloney, Julie Cheryl Westaway, Ross-Walker, Janice Doolan, Paul Barber, Ans van Erp Protocols ü Comprehensive systematic review of the effectiveness of introducing age-friendly nursing interventions in improving the management of older people in Emergency Departments ü The Registered Nurses’ Experiences of Workplace Culture and Workplace Climatic Factors as Influences on Nursing Workloads: A Systematic Review Director: A/Prof Deborah Parker ü A Comprehensive Systematic Review of the Experiences of Undergraduate Nursing Students Choosing to Study at an English Speaking University Outside their Homeland Deputy Director: Dr Anthony Tuckett Education Delivered AUSTRALIA Email: ü Comprehensive Systematic Review Modules 1, 3 & 4 Completed July 2010 Training – ■ Centre for Chronic Disease Management: An Affiliate Centre of the Joanna Briggs Institute JBI-2010 45 SOUTH AUSTRALIA « A.C.T. « QUEENSLAND « VICTORIA School of Nursing and Midwifery ■ Deakin Centre for Quality and Risk Management in Health: An Affiliate Centre of the Joanna Briggs Institute Monash University – Gippsland Campus School of Nursing and Midwifery Northways Road, Churchill Faculty of Health, Medicine, Nursing and Behavioural VICTORIA 3842 Sciences AUSTRALIA Deakin University Email: 221 Burwood Highway, Burwood Director: Prof Karen Francis VICTORIA 3125 Deputy Director: A/Prof Janice Chesters AUSTRALIA Additional Centre Staff: Dr Melanie Birks, Mollie Burley, Email: A/Prof Daryl Pedler, A/Prof Elmer Villanueva, Amanda Director: Prof Bridie Kent Cameron, Lisa Stothers Deputy Director: Nikki Phillips Additional Centre Staff: Dr Maryann Street, Dr Judy Curry, ■ Centre for Evidence-based Practice South Australia (CEPSA): A Collaborating Centre of the Joanna Briggs Institute Discipline of Nursing The University of Adelaide Adelaide, SOUTH AUSTRALIA 5005 Dr Bodil Rasmussen, Dr Alison Hutchinson, Prof Tracey Bucknall, Prof Mari Botti, Prof Bev O’Connell, Prof Trisha Dunning Protocols ü A Systematic Review of the Effectiveness of Current AUSTRALIA Interventions to Assist Patients with Heart Failure to Email: Self-care Director: Prof Alison Kitson Deputy Director: Dr Rick Wiechula ü Post-anaesthetic Discharge Scoring Criteria: A Comprehensive Systematic Review Additional Centre Staff: Tiffany Conroy, Amy Marshall, ü Utility of Mobility Assessment for Determining Pressure Sarah Scott, Felicia Matthews, Brendan MacDonald, Sue Ulcer Prevention Interventions in Adult Acute Care Sharrard, Liz Zwart, Jodie Kernick, Rob McCann, Charlotte Settings: A Systematic Review deCrespigny, David Foley, Katrina Hite, Jill Clausen, Janice Elliott, Philippa Rasmussen, Ann Henderson, Mandy Gallacher, Tiffany Lynch, Paul McLiesh, Sam Hartman, Wendy Jansen, Jan Alderman, Alex Chan, Jill Clausen Education Delivered ü Comprehensive Systematic Review Training – Modules 1,3 & 4 Completed December 2010 ü Telephone Pre-operative Assessment for Adults: A Comprehensive Systematic Review ü A Qualitative Review of Nurses’ Experiences of Ethical Preparedness for Catastrophic Public Health Emergencies and Health Care Disasters Education Delivered ü Comprehensive Systematic Review Training – Modules 1, 3 & 4 Completed 2010 Australia ■ Dementia Collaborative Research Centre Consumers, Carers & Social Research: A JBI Evidence Synthesis Group Queensland University of Technology Victoria Park Road, Kelvin Grove Protocols ü The Effect of Personal Digital Assistants in Supporting the Development of Clinical Reasoning in Undergraduate Nursing Students ü The Efficacy of Complementary Therapies in the Symptom QUEENSLAND 4059 Management of Agitation in Older People Living in AUSTRALIA Residential Aged Care Facilities: A Systematic Review Email: Group Convenor: Prof Jenny Abbey/Prof Elizabeth Beattie Group Members: Sonia Hines, Jenneke Foottit, Judy McCrow, Susan Gledhill, Patricia Shuter, Susi Wise Systematic Reviews ü The Effectiveness and Appropriateness of a Palliative Systematic Reviews ü The Effectiveness of Using Human Patient Simulation Mannequins in the Teaching of Clinical Reasoning Skills to Undergraduate Nursing Students: A Systematic Review ü The Effect of Personal Digital Assistants in Supporting the Development of Clinical Reasoning in Undergraduate Approach to Care for People with Advanced Dementia Nursing Students ■ National Evidence-based Aged Care Unit (NEBACU): A Collaborating Centre of the Joanna Briggs Institute Education Delivered The Joanna Briggs Institute c/- University of Adelaide Adelaide, SOUTH AUSTRALIA 5005 AUSTRALIA Email: Director: Trish McReynolds Deputy Director: Daniel Mitroussidis ü Comprehensive Systematic Review Training – Modules 1, 2 & 4 Completed April-June 2010 Publications ü Fernandez R, Tran DT, Johnson M. & Jones S. Interdisciplinary communication in general medical and surgical wards using two different models of nursing care delivery Journal Of Nursing Management 2010 ü Fernandez R, Griffiths R, Water for Wound Cleansing, Cochrane Library 2010;5 ■ New South Wales Centre for Evidence Based Health Care: A Collaborating Centre of the Joanna Briggs Institute University of Western Sydney Locked Bag 1797, Penrith South DC NEW SOUTH WALES 1797 AUSTRALIA ü Tran DT, Fernandez R, Johnson M. & Jones S. A Shared Care model vs. a patient allocation model of nursing care delivery: Comparing nursing staff satisfaction and stress outcomes. International Journal of Nursing Practice 2010;16(2):148-158 Director: Prof Rhonda Griffiths AM ■ Queensland Centre for Evidence Based Nursing & Midwifery: A Collaborating Centre of the Joanna Briggs Institute Deputy Director: Dr Ritin Fernandez Nursing Research Centre Additional Centre Staff: Prof Esther Chang, Amanda Johnson, Level 1 Aubigny Place, Mater Health Services Dr Stephen Mcnally, Dr John Bidewell, Suzanne Brownhill, Dr South Brisbane 4101 Lucie Ramjan, Dr Christine Taylor, Dr Michelle Cleary, Cheryl QUEENSLAND AUSTRALIA Ussia, Dr Olaydie Ogunsiji, Jane Koch, Antoinette Cotton, Email: Dr Daniel Nicholls, Judi Angus, Vivienne Speirs, Kerry Hunter, Director: Prof Anne Chang Melissa Clark, Christie Cabote, Fiona Creed Deputy Director: Kate Kynoch Email: Additional Centre Staff: Jennifer Boys, Ruth Hollin, Linda Crowe, Carey Boyce, Shannon Pike, Sally Goodwin, Jennifer Hall, Sonia Hines, Carol Reid, Bernadette Taylor, ChiungJung (Jo), Wu Sue Wrigh Protocols ü The Effectiveness of Interventions to Address Family 47 ■ Sisters of St. Joseph Aged Care Services: A JBI Evidence Utilisation Group 41 Gladesville Road, Hunters Hill NEW SOUTH WALES, 2110 AUSTRALIA Email: Needs of Critically Ill Patients in an Adult Intensive Care Group Convenor: Leigh Kildey Unit: A Systematic Review Group Members: Kerry Brack, Letwina Sinekola, ü Self-management Programmes for Promoting Recovery in Community-dwelling Stroke Survivors: A Systematic Review ■ St John of God Hospital Murdoch: A JBI Evidence Utilisation Group 100 Murdoch Drive, Murdoch 6150 Systematic Reviews WESTERN AUSTRALIA, AUSTRALIA ü The Effectiveness of Interventions which Promote Self- Email: management for People with End Stage Renal Disease Group Convenor: Gail Ross-Adjie undergoing Haemodialysis Group Members: Tony Patton, Debra Barbas ü Effectiveness of Nurse-led Preoperative Assessment Services JBI-2010 SOUTH AUSTRALIA « WESTERN AUSTRALIA « QUEENSLAND « NEW SOUTH WALES Completed Projects/Publications: Ross-Adjie G. PACES targets blood sugar monitoring at St John of God Hospital, Murdoch, PACEsetterS, ■ Royal Adelaide Hospital Fundamentals of Care: A JBI Evidence Utilisation Group Level 4 Margaret Graham Building, North Terrace Adelaide, SOUTH AUSTRALIA 5000 AUSTRALIA Email: Group Convenor: Tamara Page Group Members: Paul McLiesh, Catherine Davy, Mark Dallman, Claire Kidd, Amie Foran, Nandini Fry, Louise Gordge, Mark Ramage, Gail Whitelock, Danni Marcoionni ■ Royal Perth Hospital: A JBI Evidence Synthesis Group Wellington Street Campus, BOX X2213 GPO PERTH 6847 WESTERN AUSTRALIA AUSTRALIA Email: Group Convenor: Heather Kidd Group Members: Jillian Adams, Sally Simpson 2010;7(2):22-23 Australia NEW SOUTH WALES « WESTERN AUSTRALIA ■ University of Newcastle JBI Evidence Synthesis Group: University of Newcastle Evidence Based Health Care Group School of Nursing and Midwifery Faculty of Health University of Newcastle ■ Western Australian Centre for Evidence Informed Healthcare Practice: A Collaborating Centre of the Joanna Briggs Institute School of Nursing and Midwifery Curtin University of Technology, GPO Box U 1987 Callaghan NEW SOUTH WALES, 2308 AUSTRALIA Email: Perth WESTERN AUSTRALIA 6845 AUSTRALIA Group Convenor: Dr Ashley Kable Director: Prof Robin Watts Group Members: Prof Michael Hazelton, A/Prof Tracy Deputy Director: Jeanette Robertson Levett-Jones, Samuel Lapkin, Prof Kathleen Fahy, Dr Helen Additional Centre Staff: Dr Angela Fielding, Heather Kidd, Bellchambers, A/Prof Pamela van der Riet, Dr Margaret Sally Wilson, Liz Frehner Harris, Dr Sarah Jeong, Dr Teresa Stone, Dr Sharyn Hunter, Protocols Carol Norton, Libby Denmead, Lyn Francis, Jacqueline ü Association between Nurse Staffing and Hospitalised Pich, Jan Roche, Carol Arthur, Danielle Noble, Lynne Slater, Noelene Hickey, Dr Mark McEvoy, Judith Leahy, Lesley McDonald Wicks, Prof Clare Collins, Dr Lauren Williams, Carole James, Caroline Hills, Dr Surinder Baines, Lesley Wicks, Dr Tracy Burrows, Debbie Booth, Joanne Harmon, Email: Children’s Health Outcomes: A Systematic Review ü Family-centred Care for Hospitalized Children aged 0-12 Years: A Systematic Review of Quasi-experimental Studies A/Prof Helen Warren-Forward, Siti Muda Systematic Reviews Protocols ü The Effectiveness of Educational Strategies in Improving ü The Meaningfulness and Appropriateness of Using Human Patient Simulation Manikins as a Teaching and Parental/Caregiver Management of Fever in their Child: A Systematic Review Learning Strategy in Undergraduate Nursing Education: ü Evidence Transfer A Systematic Review ü New Evidence Summaries developed for Wound Healing ü Effectiveness of Interventions with a Dietary Component on Weight Loss Maintenance ü The Effects of Non-anaemic Iron Deficiency on Cognition, Mental Health and Fatigue in Women of Childbearing Age ü Effectiveness of Interprofessional Education in University Based Health Professional Programs: A Systematic Review ü Best Practice Dietetic Management of Overweight and Obese Children and Adolescents and Management Node = 21 JBI-2010 49 Europe ■ Belgian Interuniversity Collaboration for Evidence-Based Practice (BICEP): An Affiliate Centre of the Joanna Briggs Institute CEBAM Kapucinenvoer 33, block J, Bus 7001, Leuven 3000 BELGIUM Email: Director: Dr Filip Cools Deputy Directors: Dr Karin Hannes, Micheline Gobert, Dr Trudy Bekkering Additional Centre Staff:, Walter Sermeus, Katrien Vanderwee, Stijn Vandevelde, Manu Simons, Dr Patrick Haentjens, Dr Jeanine Gailly, Dr Hilde Verbeke, Dr Koen Vanden Heede, Dr Koen Milisen, Dr Philip Moons, Pieter Van Herck Bart Geurden Protocols ü Incidence and Preventability of Adverse Events Requiring Intensive Care Admission ■ Centro Studi EBN: An Affiliate Centre of The Joanna Briggs Institute Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria di Bologna via Albertoni 15, 40138 Bologna ITALY Email: Director: Paolo Chiari Deputy Director: Daniela Mosci Additional Centre Staff: Cristiana Forni, Barbara Ruffini, Catia Biavati, Mirella Fontana, Angela Peghetti, Emanuele Bascelli, Rosaria Cappuccio, Isabella Cavazza, Matteo Chiarabelli, Silvia Di Domizio, Mauro Giacobazzi, Elena Lora, Alessio Marzaduri, Enrico Naldi, Fabio Negrello, Paola Paganelli, Mita Parenti, Dila Parma, Carmine Pellecchia, Paola Poli, Domenico Regano, Maria Cristina Robb, Sonia Roveri, Laura Spessotti ■ Edinburgh Napier University: A JBI Evidence Synthesis Group School of Nursing Midwifery and Social Care Faculty of Health Life and Social Sciences Comely Bank Campus, Edinburgh, EH4 2LD UNITED KINGDOM Email: Group Convenor: Dr Jayne Donaldson Group Members: Dr Lynn Kilbride, Prof Catriona Kennedy Protocols ü Benefits and Associated Risks of Using Allograft, Autograft and Synthetic Bone Fusion Material for Patients and Service Providers – A Systematic Review ■ Finnish Centre for Evidence Based Health Care: An Affiliate Centre of the Joanna Briggs Institute Nursing Research Foundation Asemamiehenkatu 2, FI-00520 Helsinki FINLAND Email: Director: Dr Arja Holopainen Deputy Director: Dr Professor Kaija Saranto, Dr Sirpa-Liisa Hovi Additional Centre Staff: Danielsson-Ojala Riitta, Haatainen Kaisa, Hakulinen-Viitanen Tuovi, Halme Nina, Junttila Kristiina, Jylhä Virpi, Kemppainen Virpi, Koivunen Marita, Korhonen Anne, Korhonen Teija, Lindfors Kirsi, Mäkeläinen Paula, Ryttyläinen-Korhonen Katri, ■ Romanian Centre for Evidence Based Nursing and Midwifery: An Affiliated Centre of the Joanna Briggs Institute Avrig Street No. 12, Sector 2, Bucharest ROMANIA Email: Director: Carmen Doina Mazilu Deputy Director: Dr Alin Preda Additional Centre Staff: Mares Anca, Elena Banu, Dana Stan, Elena Gorgonetu, Nitu Cristina, Vasilievici Marcela, Constantin Lili, Popovici Steluta, Tutu Alina, Minerva Ghinescu ■ Romanian Centre For Evidence Based Public Health: An Affiliate Centre of the Joanna Briggs Institute 31 Vaselor Street, Bucharest ROMANIA Email: Director: Prof Dr Cristian Vladescu (Acting Director: Dr Silvia Florescu) Deputy Director: Dr Silvia Gabriela Scintee Additional Centre Staff: Dr Carmen Angheluta, Dr Nona Delia Chiriac, Dr Teodora Ciolompea, Dr Marius Ciutan, Dr Vasilica Constantinescu, Dr Ruxandra Diaconescu, Dr Lupan Cristina, Marian Matei Popovici Daniela Georgeta, Stefania Rasoiu, Dr Carmen Sasu, Dr Mihaela Stoican 51 JBI-2010 BELGIUM « ITALY « UNITED KINGDOM « FINLAND « ROMANIA « SCOTLAND Publications Education Delivered ü Scott KM, Hwang I, Chiu WT, Kessler RC, Sampson NA, Angermeyer M, Beautrais A, Borges G, Bruffaerts R, de Graaf R, Florescu S, Fukao A, Haro JM, Hu C, Kovess, V, Levinson D, Posada-Villa J, Scocco P, Nock MK. (epub 2010). Chronic physical conditions and their association with first onset of suicidal behavior in the World Mental Health Surveys. Psychosomatic Medicine. [Epub ahead of print]. ü Comprehensive Systematic Review Training – Modules 1,3 & 4 Completed March 2010 ü Stein DJ, Chiu WT, Hwang I, Kessler RC, Sampson NA, Alonso J, Borges, G, Bromet E, Bruffaerts R, de Girolamo G, Florescu S, Gureje O, He YL, Kovess V, Levinson D, Matschinger H, Mneimneh Z, Nakamura Y, Ormel J, Posada-Villa J, Sagar R, Scott K, Tomov T, Viana,MC, Williams DR, Nock MK Cross-national analysis of the associations between traumatic events and suicidal behavior: Findings from the WHO World Mental Health Surveys. Public Library of Science ONE, 2010;5(5):e10574. ■ Scottish Centre for Evidence Based Care of Older People: A Collaborating Centre of the Joanna Briggs Institute School of Nursing, Midwifery & Community Health Glasgow Caledonian University Cowcaddens Road, Glasgow G4 0BA SCOTLAND, UK Email: Director: Prof Debbie Tolson Deputy Director: Dr Maggie Lawrence, Dr Dawn Skelton Additional Centre Staff: Rona Agnew, Dr Nicola Andrew, Prof Claire Ballinger, Janice Bianchi, Dr Jo Booth, Dr Jayne Brown, Dr Kay Currie, Dr Kathleen Duffy, Dr Dorothy Ferguson, Dr Helen Gallagher, Dr Jon Godwin, Cheryl Graham, Dr Angela Harris, Prof Tracey Howe, De Jennie Jackson, Dr Susan Kerr, Carolyn MacInnes, Dr Nichola McLarnon, Margaret McLay, Fiona Neil, Dr Lesley Price, Dr Yvonne Robb, Karen Roome, Irene Schofield, Dr David Watson, Dr Andy Kerr, Andy Lowndes, Marie McAloon, Marty Wright Protocols ü Patient and Caregivers’ Self-care Needs in Relation to Heart Failure: A Qualitative Systematic Review Publications ü Muhaidat J, Skelton DA, Kerr A, Evans JJ, Ballinger C. Older adults’ experiences and perceptions of dual tasking: what’s difficult, what becomes difficult with aging and what makes you vulnerable to falling? British Journal of Occupational Therapy 2010;73(9):405-412 ü MacGilchrist C, Paul L, Ellis BM, Howe TE, Kennon B and Godwin J. Lower-limb risk factors for falls in people with diabetes mellitus. Diabet. Med. 2010;27:162–168 ■ Scottish Centre for Evidence-based Multiprofessional Practice: An Affiliate Centre of the Joanna Briggs Institute School of Nursing and Midwifery The Robert Gordon University Garthdee Road Garthdee Aberdeen, AB10 7QG SCOTLAND, UK Email: Director: Dr Sylvia E Wilcock Deputy Director: Dr Pete Wimpenny Additional Centre Staff: Rachel Unwin, Fiona Work, Alison Brown, Paul Dempster, Maggie Grundy, Jean Cowie, Heather McAskill, Pamela Kirkpatrick, Colin Macduff, Dr Kay Cooper, Andrés Alonso Agudelo Suárez Systematic Reviews ü Roles and Systems for Routine Medication Administration to Prevent Medication Errors in Hospital-based, Acute Care Settings: A Systematic Review Evidence Transfer ü New Evidence Summaries developed for Wound Healing and Management Node = 10 Education Delivered ü Comprehensive Systematic Review Training – Modules 1, 3 & 4 Completed July 2010 ü Comprehensive Systematic Review Training – Modules 1, 3 & 4 Completed Nov-Dec 2010 Europe ■ Spanish Centre for Evidence Based Healthcare: A Collaborating Centre of the Joanna Briggs Institute Institute of Health Carlos III Publications ü Grau Sanz Mª Soledad. Manejo de los dispositivos intravasculares periféricos. Enferm Clin. 2010;20(1):68-70 ü Sarabia Lavín Raquel, Rojo Santos Elena. Úlceras por Centre for Coordination and Development of Nursing presión – manejo de las lesiones por presión. Enferm Clin. Research (Investén - isciii) Avda. Monforte de Lemos, 5. 2010;20(2):136-8 Pavilion 13, 28029 Madrid, ü Cardo Simón ML. Ayuno preoperatorio para la prevención SPAIN de complicaciones perioperatorias en niños. Enferm Clin. Email: 2010; 20(4):268-9 Director: Dr Teresa Moreno Casbas Deputy Director: Esther González María Additional Centre Staff: Catalina del Río Faes, Concepción Padilla Marín, Esteban de Manuel Keenoy, Teresa Ortega Montoliu, Antonia Tomás Vidal, Pedro Serrano Aguilar, Txaro ü del Río Faes C. La evaluación del impacto económico de la investigación en salud: una asignatura pendiente. Enferm Clin. 2010; 20(4):266-7 Grau Sanz, Elena Andradas Aragonés, Enrique Aguinaga ■ Thames Valley Centre for Evidence-based Nursing and Midwifery: An Affiliate Centre of the Joanna Briggs Institute Ontoso, Idoia Mínguez Alonso, Loreto Maciá Soler, Miquel Thames Valley University Gómez Carles, Javier Paz Esquete, Marina Gómez Arcas, Paragon House, Boston Manor Road Rosario García Juarez, Pilar Comet Cortés, Beatriz Braña Brentford, Middx TW8 9GA Marcos, Joana María Taltavull Aparicio, Consuelo Company UNITED KINGDOM Sancho, Oscar Rayón del Barrio, Pilar Córcoles Jiménez, Email: Carmen Fuentelsaz Gallego, Ángel Alfredo Martínez Qués, Director: Dr Carol Pellowe Luis Arantón Areosa, Valle Arancón Abad, Raisa González Deputy Director: Pérez, Dolores Castillo Bueno, Mercedes Urruela Oliván, Additional Centre Staff: Lisa Rodrigues, Dr Maria Helena Isabel Orts Cortés, Beatriz Elena Delgado García, Javier da Silva Bastos, Heather Loveday, Peter Harper, Prof Robert Guerra Bernal, Rosa Isabel Sánchez Alonso, Gema Escobar Pratt, Jennie Wilson, Alison Tingle, Prof Peter Franks, Prof Aguilar, Clara Juandó Prats, Christine Moffat, Debra Doherty, Anne Williams, Dr Dave Systematic Reviews Sookhoo, Assistant Prof Virginia Schmied, Sarah Beake, ü Effectiveness of Nursing Intervention in Improving Prof Chris McCourt, Simon Jones Olóriz Rivas, Mª Ángeles Guzmán Fernández, María Soledad Independence for Adult Patients Experiencing Chronic Education Delivered Pain: A Systematic Review ü Comprehensive Systematic Review Training – Modules ü Clinical Effectiveness of Psycho-educational Interventions to Reduce Perioperative Anxiety in Oncology Patient Linguistic Translation ü COnNECT+ User Interface Translated 100 % ü Best Practice Information Sheets Translated 6 1,3 & 4 Completed February 2010 ü Comprehensive Systematic Review Training – Modules 1, 3 & 4 Completed July 2010 ü Comprehensive Systematic Review Training – Modules 1, 3 & 4 Completed October 2010 ü Evidence Summaries Translated 952 Publications ü Recommended Practices Translated 346 ü Pellowe C, Adams J, Elliott S, Murrell K, Cox D. The use Education Delivered ü Comprehensive Systematic Review Training – Modules 14 Completed June 2010 of an e-learning infection prevention programme in the pre-registration nursing curriculum. Journal of Infection Prevention March 2010;11(2):55-57 ■ University of Nottingham Centre for Evidence Based Nursing and Midwifery: An Affiliate Centre of the Joanna Briggs Institute University of Nottingham Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences Queens Medical Centre, Nottingham, NG7 2UH UNITED KINGDOM Email: Directors: Prof Veronica James/ Dr Nick Allcock Deputy Director: Dr Janet Barker Additional Centre Staff: Gill Perkins, Liz Walker, Michelle Platt, Ruth Elkan, Dr Fiona Bath, Peter Davis, Paul Leighton, Stephanie Hannabus, Louise Lansbury, Dr Catrin Evans, Dr Linda East, Trudy Pelton, Kris Hollands, Dr Paulette VanVliet, Maggie Roberts, Dr Aisha Holloway Dr Stacy Johnson, Dr Marion Leducq, Mariya Limerick, Gail Mitchell, Jennifer Park, Dr Sarah Redsell, Dr Brenda Rush, Protocols ü Efficacy of Music as a Postoperative Pain Management Intervention in Adult Patients: A Systematic Review Systematic Reviews ü The Needs and Experiences of People with a Diagnosis of Skin Cancer Education Delivered ü Comprehensive Systematic Review Training – Modules 1 Completed January -April 2010 ü Comprehensive Systematic Review Training – Modules 1, 2 & 4 Completed December 2010 ■ Wales Centre For Evidence Based Care: A Collaborating Centre of the Joanna Briggs Institute Nursing, Health & Social Care Research Centre 4th Floor, East Gate House, 35-43 Newport Road Cardiff, CF24 OAB UNITED KINGDOM Email: Directors: Paul Bennett Deputy Director: Additional Centre Staff: Davina Allen, Rhiane Barnes, Angela Bower, Judith Carrier, Debbie Edwards, Alison Evans, Jane Harden, Clare Hawker, Georgina Hourhane, Dr Annette Lankshear, Helen Maule, Dr Sharon Mayor, Liz Morgan, Colin Rees, Sally Rees, Christine Smith, Irene Webber, Nicola West, Prof Anne Williams JBI-2010 53 SPAIN « UNITED KINGDOM Protocols ü Initiatives and Best Evidence to Support Families with an Infant or Child in a Critical Care Context: A Systematic Review Denise Blanchard ü The Patient Experience in Medical Imaging: A Qualitative Systematic Review Zachary Munn ü The Effect of Exposure to Natural Light in the Workplace on the Health and Productivity of Office Workers: A Systematic Review Anthea Court ü Effectiveness of Music Interventions on Dental Anxiety in Paediatric and Adult Patients: A Systematic Review ü Maternal Mortality in Cambodia, Thailand, Malaysia and Sri Lanka: A Systematic Review of Local and National Policy and Practice Initiatives ü Alexa McArthur ü The Feasibility, Appropriateness, Meaningfulness and Effects of Animal Assisted Interventions (AAIs) on the Health and Social Care of the Elderly Residing in LongTerm Care: A Comprehensive Systematic Review Cindy Stern ü Acute Adverse Reaction of Rapid Rituximab Infusion Among Adult Patients with Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma and Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia: A Systematic Review Dora Lang ü The Experiences of Health Professionals, Patients and Surrogates in Acute Care Settings where an Advanced Directive is in Place: A Systematic Review Cobie George ü The Health Risks Associated with Prolonged Sitting: A Systematic Review ü The Effectiveness of Environmental Healthcare Design Strategies to Reduce Event Related Anxiety in Paediatric Patients: A Systematic Review Deborah NortonWestwood Reviews ü The Effects of Animal Assisted Interventions (AAIs) on the Health and Social Care of the Elderly Residing in LongTerm Care: A Comprehensive Systematic Review Cindy Stern ü Acute Adverse Reaction of Rapid Rituximab Infusion Among Adult Patients with Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma and Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia: A Systematic Review Dora Lang reference Quick reference guide TERM DEFINITION Blackwell Publishing Asia Publishers of the International Journal of Evidence Based Health Care and Best Practice Best Practice Information Sheets Information sheets designed for health care professionals based upon systematic reviews Centre for Reviews and Dissemination Undertakes reviews of research about effects of interventions in health and social care Comprehensive Systematic Review Systematic reviews looking at a variety of evidence types i.e. qualitative, quantitative and narrative papers Clinical Online Network of Evidence for Care and Therapeutics (COnNECT) Web-based facility that provides users with resources and tools to search, appraise, summarise, embed, utilise and evaluate evidencebased information Client Outcomes On Line (COOL) On-line program to assist in gathering information about client outcomes (aged care specific) Evidence Appraisal Network Network of individuals interested in critically appraising evidence for health care practice who act as reviewers for the RAP library Evidence Based Health Care Process of using evidence to inform health care practices Evidence synthesis The international search, appraisal, pooling and summarising of evidence. Evidence Synthesis Network (formally Evidence Translation Network) Network of small groups (Evidence Synthesis Groups) who conduct systematic reviews using SUMARI Evidence transfer The preparation and dissemination of evidence based information, usually through education and training, publications and electronic media Evidence utilisation The implementation of evidence in practice TERM DEFINITION Evidence Utilisation Network Network of small groups (Evidence Utilisation Groups) who conduct implementation projects using PACES International Journal of Evidence-Based Healthcare (formerly JBI Reports) JBI’s international fully refereed journal that publishes the work of the Joanna Briggs Collaboration Practical Application of Clinical Evidence System (PACES) On-line program to assist with clinical audit and practice change Patient Outcomes On Line (POOL) On-line program to assist in gathering information about patient outcomes Rapid Appraisal Protocol internet database (RAPid) On-line critical appraisal tool allowing submission of a completed ‘paper’ to be peer reviewed Rapid Appraisal Protocol library On-line library database containing peer reviewed critical appraisal ‘papers’ Systematic Reviews A review of all available research papers on a given topic conducted in a systematic way System for the Unified Management of the Assessment and Review of Information (SUMARI) Term used for all 5 modules of the System for the Unified Management of the Assessment & Review of Information The Cochrane Collaboration Focuses on the systematic review of randomised controlled trials for specific medical conditions, client groups or specific health professional interventions The Joanna Briggs Collaboration All centres collaborating with the Joanna Briggs Institute The Joanna Briggs Institute Institute focussed on promoting and supporting evidence-based practice globally JBI-2010 55