2013 - The Black Vault
2013 - The Black Vault
FP-13-007975 Kirshe Req. First Name Mark FP-13-007991 FP-13-007998 McIntosh Rios Tyler Walter 1/2/2013 Granted 1/2/2013 Granted FP-13-008000 Rios Walter 1/2/2013 Granted FP-13-008001 FP-13-008005 FP-13-008012 FP-13-008020 Henderson Bonner Dochterman Lewis Jim Ellen Michael Floyd 1/2/2013 1/2/2013 1/2/2013 1/2/2013 FP-13-008021 Hughes Thomas 1/2/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-008024 FP-13-008026 FP-13-008027 FP-13-008028 FP-13-008029 FP-13-008030 FP-13-008031 Naghavi Leary Leary Leary Leary Leary Leary Hadieh Pittman Pittman Pittman Pittman Pittman Pittman 1/2/2013 1/2/2013 1/2/2013 1/2/2013 1/2/2013 1/2/2013 1/2/2013 Control Number Req. Last Name Received Action Taken Date 1/2/2013 Denied in Part Granted Denied in Part Granted Administratively Closed Granted Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Subject Attendance Rose for the November 27, 2013 SLDA Public Meeting at the Parks Township Fire House, Parks Township, PA Work evals December 2012 Teredata for sub-departments 493 and 497 and quarter for ending in Dec. 2012 for sub departments 494 and 496 Power Zone Sales Data for October 1, 2012 0 December 31, 2012 - sub departments 92, 93, 97 and 94, 96 and 98. POS Sales data for sub departments 435 and 436 Contract W91RUS-09-C-0001 Request for MP Rpt requesting that a copy of the following documents [or documents containing the following information] be provided to me on the assessment, selection and hiring for the following announcement: EUJN12160135763771. Copy of any letters or other written communications to and from So-Co Piedmont JV, LLC regarding the assessment of liquidated damages against So-Co Piedmont or withholding of final contract payments to So-Co Piedmont. Copy of investigation pertaining to Mr. Hadieh Naghavi Various SSIs and DUIs Various SSIs and DUIs Various SSIs and DUIs Various SSIs and DUIs Various SSIs and DUIs Various SSIs and DUIs FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 1 of 1088 FP-13-008032 STENGEL ROBERT 1/2/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-008033 FP-13-008034 FP-13-008035 FP-13-008039 Leary Leary Leary Hill Pittman Pittman Pittman Toni 1/2/2013 1/2/2013 1/2/2013 1/2/2013 FP-13-008040 Boender Bryan 1/2/2013 Granted FP-13-008041 Furtado Matthew 1/2/2013 Granted Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Granted Re: U.S. Army Contract# W911SD-08-F-0165 Trident Security Devices, Inc. relating to the supply of materials and installation of barriers at Thayer, Stony, Washington and South Point Gates at the U. S. Military Academy. The installation period and subsequent pertinent period are January 1, 2008 to the present. The following are requested: I. Any and all records concerning the requests for proposals, and those pertaining to the bids and awards to the bidders including but not limited to those under the above captioned contract number and including, further, those pertaining to Buy Number 73053 of FedBid, Inc. 2. Any and a! records regarding communications between the USMA, the Army Corps of Engineers (the Corps) and contractors and subcontractors relating to supply of materials, construction , installation and modification of the Contract, other than those relating to contract modifications directed to TSDI, the installation of and relating to barriers at the Thayer, Stony, Washington and South Point Gates at the USMA. 3. Any and all records or internal documents including communications by any of the means described below between the Corps and the USMA or its representatives assigned to the above Various SSIs and DUIs Various SSIs and DUIs Various SSIs and DUIs List of subcontractors who worked on/scheduled to work on W912PL-10-C-0026-P00003 North Valley Regional Water Infrastructure and W912PL-12-C-0026 San Diego Harbor Entrance Channel Maintenance Dredging Records relating to current or former Oregon National Guard personnel assigned or detailed to provide security at the Qarmat Ali facility in Iraq. Abatement from Feb 2006-Jan 2013. FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 2 of 1088 FP-13-008042 THOMAS RANDALL 1/2/2013 Granted requesting to obtain copies of all Employment Contracts, and any amendments or extensions thereto, for former Head Football Coaches Bob Sutton (1991- 1999), Todd Berry (2000- 2003), John Mumford (2003), Bobby Ross (20042006), and Stan Brock (2007- 2008). I would also like to obtain copies of all Employment Contracts, amendments, or extensions entered after January 1, 2009 with current Head Football Coach Richard E. Ellerson. FP-13-008043 CUNNINGHAM ALBERT 1/2/2013 Granted FP-13-008044 Khwaja 1/2/2013 Granted FP-13-008045 CAMPBELL Mohamm ad ALEXAND ER FP-13-008046 FP-13-008047 FP-13-008050 FP-13-008052 FP-13-008058 O'Connor Rocha Gehres LeMay Ahern Lindsay Rudy Erin Gabriel Sean 1/2/2013 1/2/2013 1/2/2013 1/2/2013 1/2/2013 I am requesting a copy of Contract # Vanguard W9124J-12C-0013 This request is made in accordance with the freedom of Information Act. Accident report on FEDEX truck accident with a parked vehicle owned by Mark Bowser CONTRACT NO. W916VL-06-P-0052 1) All bid documents submitted to the Department of the Army by Diversified Services Group for contracts that company has been awarded; 2) Copies of all current and past contracts between Diversified Services Group and the Department of the Army for groundskeeping and janitorial services; 3) All communication between the Department of the Army and Diversified Services Group regarding contractor performance; 4) Performance evaluations for Diversified Services Group. Request for MP Rpt Request for MP Rpt Request for MP Rpt Request for copy of MP rpt and court docket Contract 12-C-0020, Solicitation 11-B-0022: Copies of daily production reports (4267s) and pay estimates (ENG 93s). FP-13-008060 FP-13-008062 Hartless Ahern Daniel Sean 1/2/2013 Granted 1/2/2013 Granted Request for MP rpt Contract 12-C-0021, Solicitation 11-B-0035: Copies of daily production reports (4267s) and pay estimates (ENG 93s). FP-13-008066 Simnick Thomas 1/2/2013 Granted Contract 12-C-0044, Soliciation 12-B-0043: Copies of daily report of dredge operations, pay estimates, contract modifications, and certified payrolls (2 week period will suffice) 1/2/2013 Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 3 of 1088 FP-13-008068 Simnick Thomas 1/2/2013 Granted FP-13-008077 FP-13-008081 Nadler ALLGAIER David JENNIFE R 1/2/2013 Administratively Closed 1/2/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-008084 Burck William 1/2/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-008086 Conley Kimberly 1/2/2013 Granted FP-13-008088 BELCHER STEVEN 1/2/2013 Granted FP-13-008091 VALDEZ VICTOR 1/2/2013 Granted FP-13-008092 Roussey Christine 1/2/2013 Granted FP-13-008094 FP-13-008095 FP-13-008096 Harb Gray OWENS Ahmad Dorian TOMMY 1/2/2013 Granted 1/2/2013 Granted 1/2/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-008097 Cohen Adam 1/2/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-008098 Daigle Thomas 1/2/2013 Granted Contract 12-C-0021, Solicitation 11-B-0035: copies of daily report of dredge operations, pay estimates, contract modifications, and certified payrolls (2 week period will suffice) USACE DYNCORP INTERNATIONAL CONTRACTS requests (pdf soft copy if available) for all of the award fee evaluations and the source selection statement for W9124R09-C-0003. records associated with an ongoing congressional investigation of Mina Corporation and Red Star Enterprises a copy of the latest memorandum of instruction to the WO board president and members Seeking the form or document that has the awarded firm and amount for this project: General Buy Information, Buy # 331645_01, Solicitation No. W905J013133001, Buy Description: Manhole Covers; Buyer: MCC Sam Houston MCO Belvoir I hereby respectfully request a copy of the following contract and any subsequent modifications and/or extensions made to the base contract. Contract Number: W9124C11C0016 Prime contractor: Abacus Solutions Group, LLC Contract Original Period of Performance: September 27, 2011 to September 27, 2012 Teredata access for 2012 year end information for 9 sub departments MPR for 12/25/2012 MPR 5584-2012 Request all contracts awarded by the US Army to EMC and NetApp (software storage companies) between Jan 1, 2007 to the present. Willing to pay up to $25.00. Films at the Exchange to verify purchasers in a possible fraud. Payment Bonds for W912P8-08-D-0047, Task Order 0006 FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 4 of 1088 FP-13-008099 Lajeunesse Brian 1/2/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-008100 KETTINGER DARLYN 1/2/2013 Granted FP-13-008103 Russell Richard 1/3/2013 Administratively Closed Sworn statement of himself that was part of the investigation. FP-13-008105 Hardy Ella/Alicia 1/3/2013 Denied in Part Investigations concerning the death of LTC Wayne Hardy FP-13-008106 FP-13-008107 FP-13-008108 FP-13-008109 FP-13-008113 FP-13-008114 FP-13-008117 Mallory Frey Hayes Roberts Janssen Connor JONES Samuel James Brian Tyler Randy Casey CESLEA 1/3/2013 1/3/2013 1/3/2013 1/3/2013 1/3/2013 1/3/2013 1/3/2013 FP-13-008118 Flanary Angie 1/2/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-008119 Heirick Chris 1/2/2013 Denied in Part Request for MP rpt Request for MP Rpt Request for MP Rpt Request for MP Rpt Permit 2012 00346 Jackson county boat ramp Re: Eduardo Dominquez request for the following infonnation: Any and all personnel records, including but not limited to, employment records, applications, references, training manuals, training completed, awards, reprimands, insurance records, benefits and workers' compensation records pertaining to Eduardo Dominquez, DOB: 05/25/1975, SSN: 526-65-9336. SF 30, CLINs, and specification section 01 22 00 for the following contracts: W9128F-12-C-0044, 0046, 0058, 0056, 0057 and 0059 Successful contractor's proposal for W9128F-09-C-0021, Solis Constructors, Inc. Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Administratively Closed any and all changes or modifications made by the Army Corps of Engineers and/or any of its agents or representatives that had, or may have, any impact on the scope of work to be performed by any contractor or subcontractor on the project known as U.S. Army Reserve Center, Winder, Georgia, contract number W912QR-10-C0082. Under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) I would like to request the following information for Contract #W9124D11C0016, National Sourcing Inc. for the Army Human Resources Command Opportunity ID 91229. I would like to request the following: 1. A copy of the winning contractor's contract 2. A copy of schedule B I would prefer to have it email to me at dkettinger@luminaedu.com, however, if this has to be mailed we would be willing to pay for any expenses for the mailing or reproduction. WILLING TO PAY UP TO $100 TO PROCESS FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 5 of 1088 FP-13-008120 FP-13-008121 FP-13-008124 FP-13-008125 Fogel Mullen Sadler Meier Bob William Robert Phil 1/3/2013 1/3/2013 1/3/2013 1/3/2013 Granted Denied in Part Granted Administratively Closed FP-13-008128 KETTINGER DARLYN 1/3/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-008130 FP-13-008131 Neuwirth Horne Mark Shaun 1/3/2013 Granted 1/3/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-008132 FP-13-008133 Bengyak Davis Shelley Bryan 1/3/2013 Denied in Part 1/3/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-008134 Lake Hillary 1/3/2013 Granted FP-13-008135 FP-13-008136 FP-13-008137 FP-13-008139 FP-13-008140 Muhammad Branson McHugh Branson Lang Yusuf Steven Mike Steven Vernon 1/3/2013 1/3/2013 1/3/2013 1/3/2013 1/3/2013 FP-13-008143 Forbes Dominiqu e 1/3/2013 Granted Granted Administratively Closed Granted Administratively Closed Granted POS Sales Data for 2013 for sub department 435 CTF Exxon Baytown permits American Municipal Power and its consultants is performing flow study to enable the forecasting of energy production for its hydro plants along the Ohio River. As a result, AMP would like to acquire all electronic hourly flow, headwater I tailwater readings, gauge levels, or other information that would allow it to see the variances or differences between dams. The intent is that AMP would use this data along with weather data to correlate the timing of flows from one dam to another. Thus AMP would like the USACE to provide electronic hourly data. Request a copy of the following re Solicitation No. W9124E12-B-0004, Contract No. W9124E-12-D-0006 Copy of the winning contractor's contract and proposal POS sales data for sub department 423 Wetland Delineation of the Edgerly Island Dredge Disposal Site located in Napa County and Owned and Operated by the Napa County Flood Control and Water Conservation District Drawings Documents pertaining to OH-58D helicopter accident - 2-212010 Informaiton regarding number of suicides in TNARNG both at home and deployed Updated work abatement form. Permit 12-B-0009 POS for 2013 on two subdepartments Project HGNC-PA14-PA15 a copy of the Department of Army Permit No. 11470 issued on 16 July 1980 to New York State Department of Transportation Request for MP Rpt FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 6 of 1088 FP-13-008144 ROMA THOMAS 1/3/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-008145 Hersey Thomas F. 1/3/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-008147 WILLIAMS SHAUNIT A 1/3/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-008149 GWILLIM THEADO RE 1/3/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-008150 Loss Anna 1/3/2013 Granted Contract No. W9124D-06-D-0001, Requirements Type Contract for Concrete and Asphalt, Fort Knox, Kentucky. Copies of the following documents are hereby requested pursuant to said Act for the period beginning November 1., 2005 through April 30, 2008: * Copies of any contracts, Job Order Contracts and Delivery Orders between the Army and Lusk Mechanical Contractors, Inc. which included work for concrete placement, asphalt surface treatments and/or pavement markings in family housing and post areas of Fort Knox, Kentucky. • Copies of any contracts, Job Order Contracts and Delivery Orders between the Army and Commonwealth Technologies, LLC which included work for concrete placement, asphalt surface treatments and/or pavement markings in family housing and post areas of Fort Knox, Kentucky. * Copies of any contracts, Job Order Contracts and Delivery Orders between the Army and Lakeshore Engineering Services, Inc. which included work for concrete placement, asphalt surface treatments and/or pavement markings in family housing and post areas of Fort Knox, Kentucky. * Copies of any contracts, Job Order Contracts and Delivery Orders between the Army and All I am requesting certified payrolls for the Army Reserve Building Project contract # W912QR-11-C-0017 (sol. # W912QR-11-R-0011) located in Portsmouth, NH, for the following weeks; 1. Week of June 10-16, 2012 2. Week of July 15-21, 2012 3. Week of August 12-18, 2012 4. Week of September 9 -15, 2012. I am requesting a copy of a contract: Company: Vanguard Solutions, Inc Contract#: W9124J-12-C-0013 I am willing to pay any search and review fees. Please mail a copy of the contract to: Shaunita Williams 1509 Gwendolyn Way Schertz, TX 78154 Request a copy of this contract Under The Freedom Of Information Act Contract # Vanguard / W9124J-12-C-0013 Please send it to Theadore N. Gwillim theadore.gwillim@amedd.army.mil ted.gwillim@us.army.mil Or Theadore Gwillim 4927 El Gusto St. San Antonio, TX 78233 permits related to the property located at Mori Tract, Hudson County, New Jersey FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 7 of 1088 FP-13-008151 FP-13-008152 Myers Pente Chesna Erin 1/2/2013 Granted 1/3/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-008153 Sicilian Victoria 1/3/2013 Granted FP-13-008154 Ames Kevin S 1/3/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-008157 FP-13-008159 FP-13-008165 VEGA Robert Douglas JULIO Chris David 1/3/2013 Granted 1/3/2013 Administratively Closed 1/3/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-008167 Bragg Jr. James 1/3/2013 Granted FP-13-008168 Rabell Etienne 1/3/2013 Granted FP-13-008169 Dillard Ward 1/3/2013 Administratively Closed Flowage Easement shapefile for Lake Grapevine wetlands or wetlands violations at the property located at 7568 North Broadway, Red Hook, New York the Plan of Corrective Construction CECW-OM 6th Endorsement dated October 19, 1987 and Notice to USACE from the State of NY as deficiencies in Construction Plans; Westchester County, NY {Specifically the Bronx River} Penn-Obio Electric is requesting copies of all the LDV pay applications to the USACE, proof of payment to LDV and all documents relating to the liquidated damages, backcharges. Penn-Ohio is owed over $100,000.00 on the project from LOY on the Am1ed Forces Training Center in Whitehall, Ohio. POE has legal council involved with this project and money owed. We have been in constant contact with LDV's bonding company, Traveler. I would much appreciated your help. POLICE REPORT 00343-2012-MPC Batture property called Point Clair in Carville, LA Please provide application documents, permits or plans for any work occurring at the following properties from 1999 to present. 2317 E Lake Sammamish PL SE Sammamish WA 98075 2311 E Lake Sammamish PL SE Sammamish WA 98075 2305 E Lake Sammamish PL SE Sammamish, WA 98075 The requester is requesting a Military Police Report pertaining to an accident which occurred 5 December 2012. The requester is requesting a Military Police Report perrtaining to an incident which occurred 15 December 2012. shop drawings, calculations, submittals and correspondance in relation to the New Replacement Aircraft Shelter Doors for existing shelters 37, 38, 39 & 40 (paragraph in the specifications) for W912ER-12-C-0007 solicitation W912ER11-R-0048 F-16 Squadron Upgrades, Peae Vector VII, Package A, Cairo West Air Base, Egypt. FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 8 of 1088 FP-13-008170 Nadler David 1/3/2013 Denied in Part All documents, from April1, 2010 to the present, referring or relating to the contract close-outs and/or settlement between USACE and DynCorp International LLC ("DI") under Contract Nos. W917PM-08-C-0033 and W917PM-08-C0070 (the "Contracts") including, but not limited to, the PreNegotiation Objective Memorandum ("POM"), Price Negotiation Memorandum ("PNM"), and Memorandum for Record ("MFR"). 2. All documents, from April1, 2010 to the present, referring or relating to any audit by the Defense Contract Audit Agency ("DCAA") concerning the contract close-outs and/or settlement between USACE and DI under the Contracts. 3. All documents referring or relating to the December 4, 2012 Memorandum for the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction, Subject: Kunduz ANA Garrison: Army Corps of Engineers Released DynCorp of All Contractual Obligations Despite Poor Performance and Structural Failures. 4. All documents referring or relating to the December 13, 2012 letter from John F. Sopko, Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction, to Lieutenant General Thomas P. Bostick, USACE, concerning the contract close-outs and/or settlement between USACE MARC REEVES contract #W91QUZ07D0002 The M&C Group, Inc. is requesting the Task Order Solicitation, Task Order Contract, and Task Order Proposal for Pragamatics, Inc.'s task order award for the Army's Enterprise Classroom Technology Program. This task order was awarded in October 2012 under the Army Information Technology Enterprise Solutions 2 Services base contract No. W91QUZ07D0002. The task order award is valued at approximately $25 million (with the exercise of a one-year option period). The award was made for technology insertion in the Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC) Enterprise Classroom Program. FP-13-008171 FP-13-008172 CONNORS WRIGHT RICHARD ALICIA 1/3/2013 Granted 1/3/2013 Granted FP-13-008180 FP-13-008183 FP-13-008184 James Hendricks Hespe Terry Richard Stephanie 1/3/2013 Granted 1/3/2013 Administratively Closed 1/3/2013 Granted Request for MP Rpt Cranberry Operation located in Wood County Wi MPR 5350-2012 FP-13-008185 FP-13-008186 WIMBERLY Jaime DIANA Gina 1/3/2013 Granted 1/3/2013 Granted POS DATA FOR 436 AND 485 POS for 2013 for 3 categories FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 9 of 1088 FP-13-008187 FP-13-008188 FP-13-008189 FP-13-008190 FP-13-008197 Cooley Gifford Timmons Fleming Bauer Brook Greg Zediah Ida Brian 1/3/2013 1/3/2013 1/3/2013 1/3/2013 1/4/2013 Granted Granted Granted Granted Administratively Closed FP-13-008198 Peacock Phyllis 1/4/2013 Granted FP-13-008199 FP-13-008206 Gardner Chuinard 1/4/2013 Granted 1/4/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-008207 Johnson Tanesha Dawna Justin Mark FP-13-008208 FP-13-008209 FP-13-008210 Badillo Munson Hatteberg Manuel Tom Ron 1/4/2013 Administratively Closed 1/4/2013 Granted 1/3/2013 Granted FP-13-008211 FP-13-008212 Cheramie Moisson Rachel Jerry 1/4/2013 Granted 1/3/2013 Granted FP-13-008220 Allen Jared 1/4/2013 Granted FP-13-008232 Cruz Alexander 1/4/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-008233 FP-13-008234 FP-13-008244 FP-13-008245 Jennings Daei Ford Nyberg Todd Tirdad Kittie Gregory 1/4/2013 1/4/2013 1/4/2013 1/4/2013 FP-13-008246 Nyberg Gregory 1/4/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-008247 Bouis Stephanie 1/4/2013 Granted FP-13-008248 FP-13-008249 Harlan Richardson (13064) Karen Daniel 1/4/2013 Granted 1/2/2013 Granted 1/2/2013 Granted Granted Administratively Closed Denied in Part Administratively Closed MPR 5350-2012 Incident with motor vehicle. Domestic Violence Motor vehicle accident - rear ended. All documents surrounding a 15-6 investigation for an adulteroud affair between COL Mark Johnson and Kimberly Bauer to include a police report on or about 7 July 2011 regarding an altercation between Mrs Johnson and Kimberly. Copies of the FOIA modified photographs form MP report pertaining to her by electron Police Report All 911 or service calls made from 5534 Remagen, Fort Carson for the last 2 years. Freight Shipment Table from GFM Freight Shipment System (Exclude munitions and weapons shipments) MP report for traffic accident occuring on 5 Nov 2012. Hurrican Sandy 31 Preliminary Assessment Reports Freight Shipment Table from GFM Freight Shipment System Exclude munitions & weapons shipments Request for MP Rpt Freight Shipment Table from GFM Freight Shipment System (Exclude munitions and weapons shipments) 200550046-UO the Hyde Park-North Logan 200 East Transportation Site Preliminary Jurisdictional Determination AR 15-6 concerning DSM SGT Nerissa F. Cruz, who died on 14 Aug 2012. Payments made to IAP Worldwide Services, Inc Requesting a copy of another persons personnel file. Solicitation No. W912DW-12-R-0005 Request all records pertaining to Maj Gregory D. Nyberg from 1 Jan 2004 to 1 Jun 2011. Request all records pertaining to USACAPOC investigation and case against Maj. Greg Nyberg. Request for any and all records pertaining to O'Brian McNeil White. MPR 5931-2012 Pending or Contemplated Section 404 Permits for TransMontaigne Terminals LLC FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 10 of 1088 FP-13-008253 FP-13-008255 Lawrence Almquist David Frank 1/4/2013 Denied in Part 1/4/2013 Administratively Closed CTF-any new documents since last request in 8/2011. History of ownership of a M1 Garand, serial number 778662. FP-13-008266 FP-13-008267 FP-13-008268 Means-Pinckney Turman Nahhas Keyshia Eugene Jon 1/4/2013 Administratively Closed 1/4/2013 Granted 1/4/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-008270 Gomez Sophia 1/4/2013 Granted FP-13-008271 Menifee Gloria 1/4/2013 Granted FP-13-008272 Bendetson John 1/3/2013 Denied in Full FP-13-008273 FP-13-008274 FP-13-008275 FP-13-008287 Reed Tingley Strack Hill-Murray Nathan Leah Donald Alice 1/4/2013 1/7/2013 1/7/2013 1/7/2013 FP-13-008289 Hill-Murray Alice 1/7/2013 Granted FP-13-008290 Hill-Murray Alice 1/7/2013 Granted FP-13-008291 FP-13-008292 Ruggirello Hill-Murray Barbara Alice 1/7/2013 Granted 1/7/2013 Granted FP-13-008293 FP-13-008294 FP-13-008295 Ruggirella McDonald Millwee Barbara Dan Steven 1/7/2013 Granted 1/7/2013 Granted 1/7/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-008296 FP-13-008297 FP-13-008298 FP-13-008299 FP-13-008300 FP-13-008306 FP-13-008307 FP-13-008309 Kemp Johnson Golightly Llewellyn Nepote Kemp Ruggirello Wiggins Garry James Steven Libby Valerie Garry Barbara Carol 1/7/2013 1/7/2013 1/7/2013 1/7/2013 1/7/2013 1/7/2013 1/7/2013 1/7/2013 The Official report and Closure on this xase Request for MP Rpt Letters of permission issued in Marina del Rey from 1954 to present. The requester is requesting a Military Police Report statement in reference to an incident that occurred. The requester is requesting a Military Police Report in reference to an incident that occurred within the month of December 2012. IDA Packet - request all documents used by the USAG Wiesbaden Commander and his assistant civilian Misconduct Authority (CMA) in the denial for bar lifted from post. solicitation Request IG findings MP Report requested W52P1J-10-C-0045 - Contract, modifications, and Performance Work Statement W52P1J-12-D-0007 - Contract, modifications, and Performance Work Statement W52P1J-12-D-0029 - Contract, modifications, and Performance Work Statement Address information request for Ralston, Matthew W52P1J-11-D-0020 - Contract, modifications, and Performance Work Statement Address information request for Jones, Jonny R Address information request for Todd Lanki Contracts with EID Passport, Inc. (ACC search found one contract with ACC-RI: W52P1J-11-F-5013) Address information request for James Anthony Giuffre Address information request for Randy Lemone White Address information request for Corey Christopher Hill Address information request for Donald H Cobb Address information request for Tyson Mark Hoyt Address information request for Tod Y. Lanki Address information request for Lamb, Michael Address information request for Allen Hanuman Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Granted Denied in Part Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 11 of 1088 FP-13-008311 FP-13-008313 FP-13-008315 FP-13-008316 FP-13-008318 FP-13-008319 Key Campbell Ruggirello Musolino Say Santana-Dieppa Alicia Wayland Barbara Maria Tania Brenda 1/7/2013 1/7/2013 1/7/2013 1/7/2013 1/7/2013 1/7/2013 Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Administratively Closed FP-13-008321 FP-13-008322 FP-13-008325 FP-13-008326 FP-13-008327 FP-13-008330 FP-13-008331 FP-13-008332 FP-13-008333 FP-13-008334 FP-13-008335 FP-13-008336 FP-13-008337 FP-13-008338 FP-13-008339 FP-13-008340 FP-13-008341 FP-13-008342 FP-13-008345 FP-13-008347 FP-13-008348 FP-13-008349 FP-13-008351 Buehler Saunders Mckelvey-Medved Replogle Vaccaro Ruggirello McGrath Ruggirello Joice Ruggirello Surgeny Ruggirello Stradtman Troetti Howerin McKeown Replogle Ruggirello Branson Branson Finley Branson Frase Rose L Christine John Michael Barbara Lonnie Barbara Tim Barbara Pam Barbara Terry Laura Christina Larry John Barbara Steven Steven Jeremy Steven Sheri 1/7/2013 1/7/2013 1/7/2013 1/7/2013 1/7/2013 1/7/2013 1/7/2013 1/7/2013 1/7/2013 1/7/2013 1/7/2013 1/7/2013 1/7/2013 1/7/2013 1/7/2013 1/7/2013 1/7/2013 1/7/2013 1/7/2013 1/7/2013 1/7/2013 1/7/2013 1/7/2013 Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Denied in Part Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Granted Administratively Closed Address information request for Michael Lamb Address information request for Robert D. Jackson Address information request for Fuller, Carlos V Address information request for Mathew S Murphy Address information request for Jason E Tatro Copies of any related permit, C&D, No Permit Required document to one of three projects: Belvedere Estates, Lomas del Sol, Mystic Homes, all in Guaynabo, PR. Address information request for Norman L Dupree Address information request for Chad Marshall Higdon Sr Address information request for David L Jones Address information request for Marshall Brooks Address information request for John F Miller Address information request for Omeara, Charles III Address information request for Martin Benitez Jr Address information request for Perkins, Jacob J LRL-2012-470-r9r; the application package Address information request for Allen, Shawn R Address information request for Shameka L Fitzpatrick Address information request for Pincay, William F Address information request for Andrew G Roberts Address information request for Desbert Charles Address information request for Michael A Lamb Address information request for Aubrey Malcom Pike Address information request for Christopher Snyder Address information request for Hall, Martin L Permit 12-B-0003 Permit 11-B-0017 Information pertaining to 15-6 Investigation Permit 11-B-0017 Requested all records relating to her bar from entering housing area police complaints, police complaints, police reports, housing complaints, housing reports, ICE complaints, ICE comments, signed areements, command decisions, emails and all other information relating to aforementioned bar. FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 12 of 1088 FP-13-008355 Liston Michael 1/7/2013 Granted Request any/all information regarding Mr. Michael Liston, Chief Intel Div-SMDC G-2, recieved via phonecon by Security Division (Ms. Moore), SSO (Mr. VanZandt), and/or G-2 (Mr. Eldridge). Information was noted in a MFR and verbally reported to Mr. Liston by his supervisor. Phone call was reportedly made by Mr. Toby Nicholls and possibly (second call) by a unidentified female. Request information (the MFR) be provided to Mr. Liston in hardcopy form. FP-13-008357 Reilly Ryan 1/4/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-008358 MEDINA 1/7/2013 Granted FP-13-008359 Beridon JONATHA N Alyson Copy of contract DACA63-03-D-0005, and in particular a copy of the indemnification provision at 52.250-1, which had been previously classified. POLICE REPORT 00375-2012-MPC-253 FP-13-008361 FP-13-008363 FP-13-008365 Nexis Nexis Gibson Lexis Lexis James 1/7/2013 Granted 1/7/2013 Granted 1/7/2013 Granted FP-13-008366 FP-13-008368 FP-13-008372 Nexis Nexis Michel Lexis Lexis Jules 1/7/2013 Granted 1/7/2013 Granted 1/7/2013 Granted FP-13-008373 Rodgers Jakob 1/7/2013 Granted FP-13-008374 FP-13-008375 Weatherly Hall Gary Kristin 1/7/2013 Granted 1/7/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-008377 FP-13-008378 FP-13-008379 FP-13-008380 Mondl Griffin Henderson Swanson James Dawn Jim Annie 1/4/2013 1/7/2013 1/4/2013 1/7/2013 1/7/2013 Denied in Part Granted Administratively Closed Granted Granted I am requesting copies of certified wage reports for any and all work performed on the building of the Armed Forces Reserve Center and storage building at Swan Lake Road at Shed Road in Bossier City LA. The work was let out to bid in August 2009. MPR 6952-2012 MPR 7559-2012 copy of all releasable materials pertaining to LTC James Gibson that were considered by the promotion board, including the Letter of Instruction, administrative materials, and records of board votes MPR 7591-2012 MPR 7225-2012 Letter from Corps to Seattle Shellfish dated October 17, 2012 AR 15-6 reports for all suicides from January 1, 2008 to 16 November 2012 that occurred on Fort Carson Soldiers Permit, NWS-0-01381, Tucker Farms Seeking Army records pertaining to the missing, lost, or stolen firarms, ammunition and explosives. Sunken bare at MRM 181.2 Continental Cement Facility Historical Data POS for two subdepartment in Tertedata Technical Manual FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 13 of 1088 FP-13-008381 Green Cheryl 1/3/2013 Granted FP-13-008383 McElhatton Jim 1/7/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-008389 Knott David 1/3/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-008390 Boyle Pauline 1/7/2013 Granted FP-13-008393 FP-13-008394 FP-13-008399 Chilli Roussey Kezele Frank Christine James 1/7/2013 Administratively Closed 1/7/2013 Granted 1/3/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-008402 Walton Christoph er 1/7/2013 Granted FP-13-008403 FP-13-008405 FP-13-008407 Branson Mahony Ledlow Steven Arthur Joseph 1/7/2013 Granted 1/7/2013 Administratively Closed 1/7/2013 Granted FP-13-008408 FP-13-008409 Chilli Rebich Frank Wayne 1/7/2013 Administratively Closed 1/3/2013 Administratively Closed Historic Muskingum River flow data for 1992-2012 at the USGS 03144500 guaging station near Dresden and USGS03150000 ner McConnelsville, including daily flow records and 7Q10 critical low flow a copy of all communications between OGC and CIA during October and November 2012. and communications to and from the DOD and the Office of Government Ethics from Nov 2012 to date Geotechnical report for Haysi Dam, VA with rock strength properties and information on rock joints Mrs. Pauline Boyle is requesting a copy of the following document(s). These include any and all products od data compilation, complete records, photos, reports, file, email, text messages, autopsy reportsk, investigative reports and finding regarding the death of her husband, Thomas J.Boyle Jr., who was killed in Kandahar, Afghanistan on 19 Jun 2012. Contract POS Sales data for 411 Tobacco Outstanding Army Corps permits for the following: 3033 Riverside Drive, Cincinnati, OH (The Sawyer Place Co.) and "Crane Avenue" property, Cincinnati, OH (The Sawyer Place Co.) Requesting a copy of a MP report he filed when someone did damage to his POV while parked at the Motor Pool. Permit 12-B-0005 Contract Fire report in response to the 12/13 July 2012 Ansul fire suppression system discharged at the Underwood Golf Clubhouse Contract Copies of all certified payrools to date for subcontractor P.E.R. of Post Office Box 738, Rocky Mount, VA, for Wednesday, 5 December 2012 on W91237-12-R-0005 Bluestone Dam Safety Assurance Phase 4, Summers County, WV FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 14 of 1088 FP-13-008412 Gunn, III Clyde 1/7/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-008415 Janes Margaret 1/7/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-008416 FP-13-008417 Jones Hofkes Lindsay John 1/7/2013 Granted 1/2/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-008418 FP-13-008419 FP-13-008420 Corrado Chilli Beridon Frank Frank Alyson 1/7/2013 Administratively Closed 1/7/2013 Administratively Closed 1/7/2013 Administratively Closed Formal request on behalf of Clyde A Gunn for a complete copy of each file in any way related to the recent revocation of Staff Sergeant Gunn's Special Forces Tab and/or Order No. 341-01, dated December 6, 2012; and copies of any and all documents, and/or related correspondence (including emails), setting forth and/or referencing recommendations related to Clyde Gunn's continued service as a tabbed Member of the Special Forces that were made by any soldier, officer, commander, government official and/or civilian. 1) We request the following documents listed below received during the time period from December 31, 2012 to present: a. Requests/notifications for withdrawal of previously filed 404 applications for surface mining operations in Kentucky. b. All notices, requests, or applications for coverage for coalmines, refuse or slurry impoundments under NW permits 21, 49 or 50. c. Any Corps authorizations including decision documents and facts and findings granted under NWP 21, 49 or 50 for activities in Kentucky or Tennessee. d. Any individual 404 permits including decision documents, facts and findings, and final CMPs for surface mining operations or refuse or slurry impoundments in Kentucky or Tennessee e. Any and all Environmental Information Documents received including amendments, revisions and/or appendices and any and all Compensatory Mitigation Plans including amendments, revisions and/or appendices related to coal mining operations submitted to the Corps for operations in Kentucky or Tennessee. f. All monitoring reports received by the Corps related to any mining compensatory mitigation plans for stream creation, enhancement, or restoration projects for 404 permits in KY. projects for Carl Abbonizio Purchase Order W81EWF22018280 under Contract #W912HZ-12-C-0051 H&H Fisheries, Lower Township, NJ Contract Copies of certified wage reports for Contract # W912HZ-11P-0054 FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 15 of 1088 FP-13-008421 Roybal-Goch Molly 1/4/2013 Administratively Closed Copies of all standard individual permit application public notices filed within the USACE's Huntington District during the period of 1 January 2012 through 15 March 2012 FP-13-008422 Janes Margaret 1/7/2013 Granted FP-13-008423 FP-13-008424 FP-13-008425 FP-13-008426 Huff Chism Stevens Lombardero Jo Ann Timothy Patrice Nadia 1/7/2013 1/7/2013 1/7/2013 1/7/2013 FP-13-008427 Barrow 1/3/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-008441 FP-13-008442 FP-13-008443 FP-13-008444 Todd Rubino Aiken Okane FP-13-008445 FP-13-008446 FP-13-008448 Orozco Howard Kendall Christoph er Mark William Prescott Christoph er Javier William John All communications including letters, reports, emails, applications, CMPS, decision documents and or permits from May 6, 2009 to present between A&G Coal Co. in reference to the proposed Ison Rock Ridge mine; all requests received from Jan 2010 to present for withdrawal of previously filed 404 applications for surfacing mining operations in VA; any communications between the Norfolk District and USEPA related to coal mining from January 20, 2009 to present; with respect to coalmines, refuse or slurry impoundments, application docs and permits issued under NWP 21,49, 50; application docs and permits issued under section 404; Environmental Information documents; monitoring reports and mitigation plans for period 12/29/12 1/7/13 Copy of the flow easement for Parcel 24-012-0900.000 documents relative to two separate slip and falls Contract Dalton, Olmstead, Fuglevand's technical and cost proposal for W912DW-12-R-0005 Contract and project oversight documents for FY08 Traps Relocatables, Ft. Sill, Oklahoma, W912BV-08-C-2000 Recent ACIS Sheet Most recent work abatement. Abatement earned. Work abatement record. FP-13-008449 FP-13-008450 FP-13-008451 FP-13-008453 FP-13-008454 FP-13-008455 Collins Torres Tunnell Madeira Griffin Madeira Maureen Juan Harry Susan Marcus Susan 1/8/2013 1/3/2013 1/8/2013 1/8/2013 1/7/2013 1/8/2013 1/8/2013 1/8/2013 1/8/2013 1/8/2013 Granted Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Denied in Part Granted Granted Granted Granted 1/8/2013 Granted 1/8/2013 Administratively Closed 1/8/2013 Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Granted Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Granted Administratively Closed Abatement record. Charge sheet Location of US Battalion size elements in each province for 2009 in Afghanistan. Contract W15P7T-10-D-D413. MP-Report Traffic Accident Copy of 15-6 investigation. Contract NNL13458016R. MP-Report Assault Contract W91238-13-R-0005. FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 16 of 1088 FP-13-008456 FP-13-008457 Tolentino Umberg Malou Thomas 1/8/2013 Administratively Closed 1/8/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-008458 FP-13-008459 Joseph Sauter Yolanda Mark 1/8/2013 Granted 1/8/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-008460 Haugland Gabriel 1/8/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-008462 WALLBERG PAULA 1/8/2013 Administratively Closed Puglia Engineering Inc. would like to make a FOIA request for the LCU 2030 pr1c1ng abstract, Contract Number W911S0-12-D-0004 and 0006 through 0009. Puglia Engineering has made two requests. The first request was made 9/24/12, the second request was made 10/10/12. As of this date I have had no response to my e-mails. FP-13-008463 FP-13-008464 FP-13-008465 FP-13-008466 Verrette Sawyers Ruscitto BOLDEN JR Michael Anthony Jack JAMES 1/8/2013 1/8/2013 1/8/2013 1/8/2013 Request for MP Rpt Confinement Order Recent clemency board paperwork Under the FOIA would like to request the scope of work and cost for cleaning Barracks and what Barracks have been clean in the past two years! Thank you P.S. This information is requested for future bidding purposes. JB Carpet & Upholstery Care PO Box 19147 Topeka, KS 66619 FP-13-008482 FP-13-008485 Thomas Zinkhon James Anna 1/8/2013 Denied in Part 1/8/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-008488 Hellard Chris 1/3/2013 Granted FP-13-008490 Shirley Andrew 1/8/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-008491 Gliori Tracy 1/7/2013 Administratively Closed Granted Granted Denied in Part Administratively Closed Contract W912CN13Z0001. Any all documents regarding LTC Nerstheimer email on August 9, 2010 involving representative Rosoboronexport. 2013 POS data for sub departments 421, 424, and 428 Documents concerning 2002-2004 anti-american protests and related activity involving the musical act PSY and its performer Park Jae-Song. Records relationg to mold, asbestos, allergens ect in training barracks know as Starship, Sand Hill at for Benning GA. latest Clemency/Parole packet. We are requesting a copy of the 4345 Form that was submitted by Sanitation District One of NKY for the project named Ash Street Forced Main Project in Campbell County Kentucky. Coversheet from previous contract for PCMC services at Oolagah Lake. Requester would any/all documents/information pertaining to Rondald Reagan state funeral. Technical and cost proposals submitted by Fuel Tank Maintenance Company and the evaluation sheet for Fuel Tank Maintenance Company on the Rehabilitation of the Canton Lake Bridge and Four Sluice Gates at Canton Dam. FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 17 of 1088 FP-13-008492 FP-13-008493 FP-13-008495 FP-13-008498 Garcia Mobley Cagle Norris Socorro Russell Benjamin John 1/8/2013 1/8/2013 1/8/2013 1/8/2013 Granted Granted Granted Administratively Closed FP-13-008500 Castellon Orlando 1/7/2013 Granted FP-13-008501 Franks Earl 1/8/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-008502 Hill-Murray Alice 1/8/2013 Granted FP-13-008504 Cole David 1/8/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-008505 Hill-Murray Alice 1/8/2013 Granted FP-13-008506 FP-13-008507 Beasley Baptista William Stephen 1/8/2013 Administratively Closed 1/8/2013 Administratively Closed Request for MP Rpt Request for MP rpt Request for MP Rpt Request all documents relating to the Rockwood camper/recreational vehicle rented from Clarksville MWR Gear-to-Go, picked up from Gear-to-Go on or about September 15, 2011 and occupied by Kathryn Over, Jonathan Over and three (3) other persons at the time of their deaths on September 18,2011; and to include all documents relating to safety inspections; carbon monoxide detector, checklists, policies and procedures, correspondence, memos, and other documents relating to the deaths of the occupants. Certified payrolls from Cool Roofing Systems Inc., contractfirst bid advertisement, copy of the list of subcontractors, labor and performance bonds, all inspectors reports, copy of Federal Apprentices Indenture Agreements and copies of any kind of ID card from each roofer related to D.L.A. (Sharpe Depot) Various Warehouse Re-Roofing. Request information pertaining to Ft. Benning to include approved herbicide, documents relating to the fire department, list of employee names and grades, and list of contracts. W52P1J-12-D-0057 - Contract, modifications, statement of work Documents regarding the alert to DOD structural team at Fort Belvoir VA on 9/11/2001. W52P1J-11-D-0085 - Contract, modifications, statement of work Wetland determination 2810 Dixie Farm Road All documents pertaining to Mr. Longabardi's from October 26 - November 18, 2012, and any released documents provided by the Army for Mr. Baptista's FOIA requests to Mr. Longabardi from Jan 2000 to present. FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 18 of 1088 FP-13-008508 Schleifstein Mark 1/8/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-008510 Field Patrick 1/8/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-008511 FP-13-008512 FP-13-008513 FP-13-008515 Christensen Hobdy Altemus Hill Tori Eukiston Leah Toni 1/8/2013 1/8/2013 1/8/2013 1/8/2013 Granted Granted Administratively Closed Granted copies of any reports/letters/emails/correspondence provided the corps by the contractor originally involved in building the levee segment to which the contract below is directed that resulted in the changed scope resulting in the solicitation and award of this contract; and the corps design memo or other corps documents that outline the reasons for the changes and the work requested in the contract notice: Y- LPV104-11-H-0025 (ED-12-048): Lake Pontchartrain and Vicinity, Orleans Metro Seepage Cutoff, Seabrook to Franklin Ave., LPV 104.02b, B/L Sta. 355+50 to B/L Sta. 405+50, Orleans Parish, Louisiana Solicitation Number: LPV10411H0025. Pursuant to Contract No. W9126G-09-C-8251, provide the following documents: 1. All documents, including but not limited to reports, field notes, logs, notes, correspondence, emails and photographs relating to or regarding any and all inspections done on the project; 2. All documents, memos, notes, correspondence and emails that refer to timelines, schedules, values, and completion percentages on the project; 3. All documents, memos, notes, correspondence, and emails that relate or refer to the proposals and change orders, relating to or regarding the removal and reinstallation of the windows and exterior doors on the project; 4. All documents, memos, notes, correspondence, photographs, logs, field notes and emails sent to or received from the owner, contractor, subcontractor, engineer, architect or representative that relates or refers to the proposals and change orders, relating to or regarding the reason(s)/problem(s) that led the COE to require the windows and exterior doors on the project to be removed and reinstalled; 5. All documents, memos, notes, correspondence, contracts, change orders, requests for information, and emails that relate to or regarding Nano’s Request for MP Rpt Request for MP rpt Copy of SOR. List of Contractors on: W912P8-12-C-0021, W912P8-12-C0024, W912P8-12-0-0006, W912P8-12-C-0016 FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 19 of 1088 FP-13-008516 Hill Toni 1/8/2013 Granted FP-13-008517 Norris John 1/8/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-008518 LILJESTROM MICHAEL 1/8/2013 Granted FP-13-008520 Hernandez Stephanie 1/8/2013 Granted FP-13-008526 Wright-Ng Kristen 1/8/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-008532 FP-13-008533 Davis Cuttino James Ben 1/8/2013 Granted 1/8/2013 Granted FP-13-008534 FP-13-008535 FP-13-008536 Cox Weatherford SMITH Amanda Chris THOMAS 1/8/2013 Granted 1/8/2013 Granted 1/8/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-008537 FP-13-008538 FP-13-008539 FP-13-008540 FP-13-008542 FP-13-008553 FP-13-008561 Walker Hall Bledsoe Young Forman Nunn Malcolm Dawn James Richard John Michele Willie Wade 1/8/2013 1/8/2013 1/8/2013 1/8/2013 1/8/2013 1/4/2013 1/8/2013 FP-13-008563 CUMMINGS JOEL 1/8/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-008564 FP-13-008565 FP-13-008566 Marsh Barrett Carmicle Paul Jeff Brian 1/8/2013 Granted 1/8/2013 Granted 1/8/2013 Administratively Closed Request for MP Rpt 2013 POS Sales data on 429 and 437 sub departments Request a copy of Contract No. W9124M-08-C-0035, to include all amendments Personnel Records Police Report MPR Request for MP Rpt One month POS Data for 6 sub areas Due to extensive documents, request uploaded. Records related to research groups affiliated with the University of Delware and Bridging Advanced Developments for Exceptional Rehabilitation Consortium. REQUEST FOR A COPY OF THE AAR THAT THE BOARD PRESIDENT SUBMITTED TO THE SECRETARY OF THE ARMY FOR THE LTC, JAGC BOARD, WHICH WAS HELD IN AUGUST 2012. Request for MP Rpt 2013 Sales data for 22 subdepartments Amount of the US Army budget is spent on personnel pay. FP-13-008568 Wyland Jeffrey 1/8/2013 Granted Request for MP Rpt Administratively Closed Granted Granted Granted Granted Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Contractor's List for: W912P8-12-C-0033; W912P8-12-C0042; W912P8-12-C-0047; W912P8-12-C-0036; W912P812-C-0049 Request for numerous documents regarding the rental of a RV from MWR Gear-to-Go on Sep 18, 11 Copies of all bid proposals for Solicitation No. W911S8-12-R0004, for Pavement Marking, JBLM, which bid on July 26, 2012. Wage verification Wetland permit application for riverfront MichCon site, 841 Broadway St Ann Arbor MI. Request for MP Rpt LexusNexis is requesting information for USAA insurance company ob behalf of Travis Hughes vehicle accident report. FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 20 of 1088 FP-13-008569 Green Peter 1/8/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-008572 Reichner Robert 1/8/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-008575 FP-13-008576 Dunbar Indest Kylin D. Jacob 1/8/2013 Granted 1/8/2013 Granted FP-13-008577 FP-13-008579 McCloskey Trevino Michael Rose 1/8/2013 Granted 1/8/2013 Granted Contract for emergency helicopter ambulance with Air Methods Inc, Mercy Air for US Army Garrison Fort Hunter Liggett CA. How many Army Military Police units awarded Army Unit awards for service at Joint Force GTMO from 2002 to present. Police Report Undisturbed boring logs for borings in the vicinity of H&H Aggregates, LLC unloading facility at 9875 Highway 23, Belle Chasse, Louisiana 70037. The approximate location is on the right descending bank of the Mississippi River in the vicinity of Levee Station 454+00 at River Mile 72.9 above Head of Passes. The included enclosure provides the detail of the area, Stability Control Line and floodwall embedment near the unloading facility, any details of the Third District Reach Revetment if not shown on the control lines, and any geological data for this area. MPR 5472-2012 MPRs filed in June/July 2012 involving Domestic Violence FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 21 of 1088 FP-13-008581 Janes Margaret 1/7/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-008585 FP-13-008586 FP-13-008587 FP-13-008588 Estrada Anderson Torres Tammineni Juan Jamauel Vicente Venu 1/8/2013 1/8/2013 1/8/2013 1/8/2013 Granted Granted Granted Granted FP-13-008591 FP-13-008593 FP-13-008594 FP-13-008598 Vincent Nobles Sherwood Rodgers Jasmine Shaquilla Janice Jakob 1/8/2013 1/8/2013 1/8/2013 1/8/2013 Granted Administratively Closed Granted Granted FP-13-008599 Rodgers Jakob 1/8/2013 Granted FP-13-008602 Rodgers Jakob 1/8/2013 Granted To the extent not already responsive, in reference to the Coal-Mac Mine, LRH-2008-00830, SMCRA No. S500607: any and all monitoring data and/or reports submitted to the Corps pursuant to the permit requirements, and any and all other communications including, but not limited to, letters, reports, emails and or approvals to fill streams including, but not limited to, those communications between the Corps and Coal Mac about the above noted mine. Requests/notifications received from January 2010 to present for withdrawal of previously filed 404 applications for surfacing mining operations in West Virginia. To the extent not already responsive, any and all monitoring data and or reports submitted to the Corps pursuant to the permit requirements for the Consol of Kentucky, Peg Fork Mine, Corps Number 2006-2295 KAN. To the extent not already responsive, any and all other communications including, but not limited to, those communications between the Corps and Consol about the above noted Peg Fork Mine from January 2010 to present. Any and all preliminary or final information including, but not limited to, articles, reports, emails, phone Abatement Card Sentence Computation sheet Sentence Computation Any design documentation (geotechnical data, slope stability, seepage, soil data, levee footprints, etc.) for the proposed Mid-Barataria Diversion Project north of Ironton, Louisiana Request for MP Rpt Exhibit 35 of CID Investigation - Nobles MPR 0012-2013 Mr. Rodgers request a copy of the AR 15-6 report regarding the death of Major Walter D. Gray, who died on Aug 8, 2012 in Afghanistan. Mr. Jakob Rodgers request a copy of the AR 15-6 report regarding the death of SGT Christopher J. Birdwell, who died on Aug 27, 2012 in Afghanistan. Mr. Jakob Rodgers request a copy of the AR 15-6 report regarding the death of CSM Kevin J. Griffin, who died on Aug 8, 2012 in Afghanistan. FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 22 of 1088 FP-13-008603 Rodgers Jakob 1/8/2013 Granted FP-13-008604 Palmer Chris 1/8/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-008605 Rodgers Jakob 1/8/2013 Granted FP-13-008606 Rodgers Jakob 1/8/2013 Granted FP-13-008607 FP-13-008608 FP-13-008609 FP-13-008610 Crebs Wolfe Solinger Roybal-Goch William Jason John Molly 1/8/2013 1/8/2013 1/4/2013 1/8/2013 FP-13-008611 HUNSUCKER CARRIER 1/8/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-008612 Taunt Linda 1/8/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-008613 Buckley James 1/8/2013 Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Mr. Rodgers request a copy of the AR 15-6 report regarding the death of SPC Kyle R. Rookey who died on Sep 2, 2012 in Afghanistan. Blast injuries sustained by soldiers from March 08 September 12 in Iraq and Afghanistan and data from helmet sensors from March 08 - March 09. Mr. Rodgers request a copy of the AR 15-6 report regarding the death of SPC Mabry J. Anders, who died on Aug 27, 2012 in Afghanistan. Mr. Rodgers request a copy of the AR 15-6 report regarding the death of MAJOR Thomas E. Kennedy who died on Aug 8, 2012 in Afghanistan. Request for MP Rpt MPRs 1068-12, 1544-12, 2399-12 Contract for Syalorville garbage disposal all Public Notices issued by the New Orleans District between January 1, 2012 and July 23, 2012. Specifically, you are interested in net gains/ losses of wetlands (streams, coasts, etc.) within the U.S. for the year 201 Copy of the bids submitted for Solicitation No. W9124C10220774, for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Drone made by the US ACC, MICC. All documents related to the 404 permits issued to projects impacting Green Valley Lake and American Gulch near Payson, AZ from 1985 to today. Request for Documents FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 23 of 1088 FP-13-008614 Bigotto Samantha 1/9/2013 Granted 1) Copy of any/all written explanation for debt nonpayments, regarding Mr. Dekony Torres Jeffrey. There should be one for the each of the following months: September, October, November and December. The debt is in reference to unpaid court ordered maintenance support, I, being the creditor, should have a right to receive a copy of such documents. One of such documents was referred to by Col. Simmons, of G1, in email sent to me dated 4 Sept. 2012. 2) Copy of request and approval related to the relocation to other private rental unit submitted by Mr. Dekony to his command. Should any/all such requested documents not be releasable please specify between not being releasable and being non existent. In order to help you determine my status for the purpose of assessing fees, you should know that I am individual seeking information for personal use and not for a commercial use. FP-13-008615 Perez Jose 1/4/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-008619 Upchurch Robert 1/8/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-008625 Quenga Andrew 1/9/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-008634 FP-13-008639 FP-13-008645 Karon Bauerle Rosati Eddie James Nick 1/9/2013 Granted 1/9/2013 Granted 1/9/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-008646 FP-13-008647 Wierzbicki KRAEMER Mark BILLY 1/9/2013 Administratively Closed 1/9/2013 Granted FP-13-008648 Lamb Charles 1/9/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-008650 Gabossi Anthony 1/9/2013 Administratively Closed Information on 2nd Bn 162nd Field Artillery and LT Jose Perez's participation in active duty training at Camp Garcia, Vieques, Puerto Rico in 1970 and 1971 All documents related to the investigation of and termination of employment of Robert Upchurch Proposal and contract of Docomo Pacific, Inc RFQ W911YU13-Q-0001 and any evaluation determinations or communications Drawings BG James L. Bauerle AUS Ret. Version of the ARL-NGEN3 interior ballistics code and software. Contract W58RGZ-11-G-0011. GPC card holder list with duty phone numbers, address, units, no Ex 6 info Army Technical Manuals, MIL-STD-40051, MIL-STD-40051A and S1000D. Combat records for PSD-BSTB-4TH BDE-10TH MTN IN. from November 2007 - October 2009. FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 24 of 1088 FP-13-008660 KETTINGER DARLYN 1/9/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-008661 Modica Stephen 1/8/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-008663 Callahan Elspeth 1/3/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-008664 FP-13-008669 FP-13-008672 Killgo Moore-Ahmed Simion Eric Dawn John 1/9/2013 Administratively Closed 1/9/2013 Granted 1/8/2013 Administratively Closed Solicitation No. W91247-11-T-0054 - Army Training Education and Training Request a copy of the winning contractor's contract and proposal. If you are unable to send this information via email and will be putting it in the mail, we would be willing to pay for any expenses incurred for reproduction and mailing costs. information regarding request for JWD, NWP application, PCN, and/or any compensatory mitigation required or paid for the Division Street Townhomes located at 1045 Culpepper Street, Atlanta, Georgia (developer was Sam Ellis with ThaDin Properties, Inc.). Mississippi Coastal Improvement Program, mapping, guage and water quality data, hydrodynamic model results and coordinates for flow gauges, all at numerous locations. Information on bids for ink cartridges Personnel Documents DOCUMENTS RELATED TO THE CHANGE OF POSITION DESCRIPTION (PD) OF THE GS-14 DEPUTY DISTRICT COUNSEL POSITION IN OC: 1) Copy of the job announcement under which William Edwards was selected as GS-14 attorney in this District; 2) Copies of all PDs occupied by William Edwards following his selection as a GS14 in this District; 3) Copy of the position description (PD) being filled by the selection of Jana Strait through the attached GS-14 job announcement; 4) All correspondence related to the change(s) made to any of the PDs described in (2) and (3). DOCUMENTS RELATED TO THE SELECTION OF JANA STRAIT UNDER THE ATTACHED GS-14 JOB ANNOUNCEMENT: 1) Copy of the referral list for the attached GS-14 job announcement; 2) Copies of the resumes and completed questionnaire of all candidates on the referral list for the attached GS-14 job announcement; 3) Copies of correspondence showing what candidates were selected to be interviewed for the attached GS-14 job announcement, and how that selection was made; 4) Copies of the notes taken concerning each candidate during the interview process by each member of the selection panel for the attached GS-14 job announcement; 5) Copies of the FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 25 of 1088 FP-13-008673 Lynn George 1/9/2013 Granted FP-13-008677 Tann N 1/9/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-008683 Evans Monica 1/7/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-008684 FP-13-008690 FP-13-008692 FP-13-008694 FP-13-008695 FP-13-008696 FP-13-008697 FP-13-008698 FP-13-008699 FP-13-008700 FP-13-008701 FP-13-008703 Slone Bertram Chilli Abrahms Hines McKenny Rigsby Reilly Williams Graves Labow Casey Wayne Richard Frank Geoffrey La Donna Roderick Jeff Ryan Todd Patrick Jeffrey Dennis 1/9/2013 1/3/2013 1/9/2013 1/9/2013 1/9/2013 1/9/2013 1/9/2013 1/9/2013 1/9/2013 1/9/2013 1/9/2013 1/9/2013 Granted Granted Administratively Closed Granted Granted Denied in Part Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Granted Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Denied in Part FP-13-008704 FP-13-008705 FP-13-008707 FP-13-008714 Ehlers SHOTWELL DAVID Epstein Steven NOLAH JASON Pamela 1/9/2013 1/9/2013 1/9/2013 1/9/2013 Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed FP-13-008715 FP-13-008716 FP-13-008717 FP-13-008718 Dowdy Wesley Cercone hirth Marla tiffany Michael Autumn 1/10/2013 1/10/2013 1/10/2013 1/10/2013 Granted Granted Granted Granted Army Permit P-2463 associated with Holcim (US) property located in Clarksville, Missouri IDA Packet - request copies of an evidence/information of asbestos exposure during Cecil R. Davis active military services, while working in federal buildings located on Ft Jackson, SC, from August 1965 to August 1968. Request for copy of org chart for contracting division and program and project management division. Requesting copies of MP reports. Permit # 2012-1096 contract Request for MP Rpt Request for MP Rpt OR's USACE Contracts National Logistics Center USACE Contracts, Brown & Root Request for MP Rpt 1997 USACE hydrology Study - Elder Creek or Gulch Referred documents FBI #1194587-000, (Kuhn). Contract with Resolute Parterns LLC and Army and Air Force Exchange Service. Any documents relative to termination of services and release of claims during the time period of 2011 to present. Relative to telecommunication services or other services by Resolute to Army lodging sites at any time through the date range above. Request for MP Rpt ALONZO B. JACKSON JASON DAVID All application and file materials, correspondence, memos, notes, documents regarding Casa Diablo IV Geothermal Development Project MP Report requested MP Report requested MP Report requested MP report requested FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 26 of 1088 FP-13-008724 Abell David 1/8/2013 Granted FP-13-008725 FP-13-008726 FP-13-008731 Miller Rosa-Duenas Ahearn Liz Anna Dennis 1/10/2013 Granted 1/10/2013 Granted 1/10/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-008737 Petsche Daniel 1/10/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-008739 Hynds John FP-13-008743 FP-13-008744 FP-13-008746 Carnley Montazami Davis Roberta Shane Doug 1/10/2013 Granted 1/10/2013 Administratively Closed 1/8/2013 Granted FP-13-008749 Pente Erin 1/10/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-008750 FP-13-008753 Williams Scout 1/10/2013 Denied in Part 1/3/2013 Granted FP-13-008756 Froberg Vincent Christoph er Miles FP-13-008757 Pente Erin 1/10/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-008758 Massee Jules 1/3/2013 Administratively Closed 1/9/2013 Administratively Closed 1/10/2013 Granted Any permit applications related to the upgrades at Norfolk Southern Corp.’s Pier 6 at Lamberts Point, hereafter (“Lamberts Point”) a coal loading facility in Norfolk; All communications relating to any permit application for the upgrades performed at the Lambert’s Point; Any permit applications related to Dominion Terminal Associates coal terminal at the Port of Hampton Roads, Newport News, Virginia; Any permit applications related to Kinder Morgan’s Pier IX Coal Export Terminal at the Port of Hampton Roads, Newport News, Virginia; All records related to any permit applications for any proposal to export, store, or use coal at the Port of Hampton Roads, Virginia. Permit 2012-00334 Court Martial Record of Trial (US v Jason A. Price) Copies of docs relating to contract number W91QUZ-13-A0002. Copies of regulations, policies, directives, guidelines, manuals, general orders and/or written procedures applicable to all U.S. military personnel in the Iraq War theater during time frame March 2003 through December 2011. All documents relating to any permit actions for a list of properties in Washougal, WA Incident report for stolen Samsung Galaxy. Copy of docs with any word Avatar. All documents pertaining to the evaluation and permitting for the Robble Road Bridge replacement project wetlands or wetlands violations at the property located at 457 Rout 46, Morris County New Jersey Parole packet from 15 Nov 12. File records in re dock permit issue @ Lanier copy of the investigation conducted by LTC Frank O'Donnell on LTC John Hinck, CPT Thomas Grosz and other members of the Minneapolis Recruiting Battalion. wetlands or wetlands violations at the property located at 216 Henry Street, Hempstead, New York Allision 24 June 2012 Apalachicola Bay bridge? FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 27 of 1088 FP-13-008759 Saites Penny 1/10/2013 Denied in Full FP-13-008760 FP-13-008762 FP-13-008763 Hutt Branson Meyer Gregg Steve Jennifer 1/3/2013 Denied in Part 1/8/2013 Granted 1/10/2013 Granted FP-13-008765 Magcalas Ricky 1/10/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-008767 Phillips Joshua 1/10/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-008770 McGowan Michael 1/10/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-008773 Biekert Angela 1/10/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-008774 McGowan Michael 1/10/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-008775 McGowan Michael 1/10/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-008776 McGowan Michael 1/10/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-008777 FP-13-008778 FP-13-008779 FP-13-008780 FP-13-008786 Moore Jones Nutter Buchanan Adams Diandra Kevin Timothy Staley Greg 1/10/2013 1/10/2013 1/10/2013 1/9/2013 1/10/2013 FP-13-008796 FP-13-008798 Jackson Gonzalez 1/10/2013 Granted 1/10/2013 Granted Request for MP Rpt Request for MP Rpt FP-13-008799 FP-13-008801 Stokes Hunter Pack Colewann a Kiara Emily 1/10/2013 Administratively Closed 1/2/2013 Granted Request for court martial on SGT Brown Rowan Farm Properties, LLC Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Granted Administratively Closed a list of all Offerors who responded to Solicitation W912DS13-R-0001 Various materials re W91278-09-C-0095 Dredging records W91278-11-B-0004 Clearview Landfill and Darby Creek, located in Darby, Twp PA Requesting a copy of a MP report he filed on someone broke into their home and stole some items. Unredacted copies of the Criminal Investigative Command Report of Investigation. Copy of award recommendation, citation, and general order for the Bronze Star Medal for combat actions from the Vietnam War pertaining to Gary McGowan. Requesting information related to the Solicitation, contract, task orders awarded under solicitation W31P4Q-08-T-0675. Copy of Captain Lynn C. Hooper's award recommendation, citation, and general order for combat action dates of 11/8/67 and 1/30/68. Copy of Captain Lynn C. Hooper's award recommendation, citation, and general order for combat action dates of 2 Feb 68. Copy of Captain Lynn C. Hooper's award recommendation, citation, and general order for combat action dates of 25 January 1968 to 4 February 1968 for which he was awarded the Army Commendation Medal with V device for heroism. Info pertaining to Michael J. Niebauer Docs - Case HQ DLA-12-HFP-00027. Docs # NRC2012101048 - Records pertaining to self. Report to compare 2011 to 2012 data on lighters. any and all polygon property data with any and all associated databases relating to this polygon data belong to or managed by the COE for Tyler County, Texas. FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 28 of 1088 FP-13-008804 Tann N 1/10/2013 Administratively Closed Copies of unit histories or any investigative reports relating to the incident pertaining to Walter R. Williams. Request for MP Rpt Copy of father's military service in formation (Gary U. McGowan) MPR 5367-2012 Copy of aviation flight records, crew mission sheets, and flight hours that father flew on during time from 4 May 1967 to 11 Dec 1968 in the Republic of Vietnam Request for MP Rpt Info pertaining to WWII servicemember, PFC Kenneth J. Hayes Contract # 11-B-0012... 11-C-0025 On behalf of clients Tyrone Duckett and Chinye Okolie the name of the owner, contracts, insurance policy or policies of a certain 2009 Chevrolet Express Van, Serial Number LP 5/75075, which was pertaining to accident on 12/4/2010 in Kuwait - along with a list of procedures for employees of the U.S. govt to seek recovery benefits for injuries. FP-13-008805 FP-13-008806 Nicholson McGowan Matthew Michael 1/10/2013 Granted 1/10/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-008807 FP-13-008808 Kronner McGowan Eric Michael 1/9/2013 Granted 1/10/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-008809 FP-13-008811 Heyes Ewens Justin Elke 1/10/2013 Granted 1/10/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-008813 FP-13-008814 Ahern Burgess Sean Mark 1/10/2013 Administratively Closed 1/10/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-008816 FP-13-008817 Polzer Baldwin John Dana 1/10/2013 Administratively Closed 1/10/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-008818 FP-13-008819 FP-13-008820 Zuniga Getzen Hall Stella Geoffrey Kristin 1/10/2013 Administratively Closed 1/10/2013 Administratively Closed 1/10/2013 FP-13-008822 FP-13-008823 Morley McGowan Patrick Michael 1/10/2013 Administratively Closed 1/10/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-008824 Clark Jacob 1/10/2013 Administratively Closed Copy of all military records of August G. Bernardoni Copy of recent Report of Investigation (ROI) from August 2012. Copy of military records Copy of contract W912NW09P0718 Records from the DOD Small Arms/Light Weapons Central Registry pertaining to firearms that have been listed or suspected as lost, stolen, or missing along with all related tables, files, and look-ups. Copy of discharge papers Copy of recommendations, narratives and citations for personal decorations of the crewmembers of the 189th Assault Helicopter Company Copy of investigative documents, case number 2012-16084. FP-13-008825 FP-13-008826 Chavous Derouen Kenneth George 1/10/2013 Granted 1/10/2013 Administratively Closed Police Report Copy of background investigative docs. FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 29 of 1088 FP-13-008827 Callahan Elspeth 1/10/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-008828 Dorris Brad 1/10/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-008831 FP-13-008832 Suh McCurdy Jinho Andrea 1/10/2013 Granted 1/7/2013 Denied in Full FP-13-008835 FP-13-008836 Adams Oggs Danielle Samantha 1/10/2013 Administratively Closed 1/10/2013 Granted Orders #297-525 (Standish, Erik xx-1169) Boat Docks or Boat Slips on Beaver Lake, Arkansas, owned by John C. or Connie M. Uhrhammer Sexual or Physical Assault/ Danielle Joy Adams Reuqest for MP Rpt FP-13-008837 FP-13-008838 FP-13-008839 FP-13-008840 FP-13-008842 FP-13-008843 Branson Branson Branson Olson Webb Furtado Steve Steve Steve Charles Elyse Michael 1/7/2013 1/8/2013 1/8/2013 1/10/2013 1/10/2013 1/10/2013 Dredging records W91278-11-B-0001 Dredging records W91278-08-B-0003 Final pay est W91278-08-B-0007 MPRs 0364-2010 and 2898-2010 Contract W91CRB-05-R-0015. List for announcement #WTEU12203721800981D. Granted Granted Administratively Closed Granted Administratively Closed Administratively Closed o Historic dataset water quality data for Violet Siphon: St. Bernard Parish. (ungauged), Bayou Lamoque Diversion: Plaquemines Parish. (ungauged), Whites Ditch Siphon: Plaquemines Parish. (ungauged), West Pointe Ala Hache Siphon: Plaquemines Parish. (ungauged), Mississippi River at Bonnet Carre Spillway (USGS 07374370), (COE) East Cote Blanche Bay at Lukes Landing, LA (USGS 07385835), (COE) Mississippi River at Venice, LA (USGS 07374550), Atchafalaya Bay at Eugene Island (USGS 07381654), Atchafalaya Bay at Eugene Island (USGS 07381654), AtchafalayaRiver at Simmesport, LA (USGS 07381490), Avoca Island Cutoff south ofMorgan City, LA (USGS 073816501), Bayou Boeufat Railroad Bridge at Amelia, LA (USGS 073814675), GIWW at Bayou Sale Ridge near Franklin, LA (USGS 07381670), GIWW West of Bayou Lafourche at Larose, LA (USGS 07381235), Houma Navigation Canal at Dulac, LA (USGS 07181328J,.l;.,o..w:e.r.Atchafalay,,!l. . ..RiYer at Morga:t~. City~.J,A.{USGS-0138±600);-:W~ Lake-~·····~· Outlet at Calume.t; LA:{T)SBS~D7381590) coaducted :DyU:S! Aimy.''Corps'ofErrgineers;· including lat-long coordinates for flow gauges and locations where these discharges enter the This request was referred to our office from the USA intelligence and security command, FOIA office, Fort George G. Meade MD 20755-5995 for requesting information pertaining to Me. David A. Martin security clearance. FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 30 of 1088 FP-13-008845 Williams Andrew 1/10/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-008847 Schneider Paul 1/10/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-008848 FP-13-008849 Bedsole Ahern Layton Sean 1/4/2013 Granted 1/10/2013 Granted FP-13-008850 Wheeler Jerry 1/10/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-008855 FP-13-008856 FP-13-008857 FP-13-008858 FP-13-008859 FP-13-008860 FP-13-008861 Ryan Bell Montgomery Caine McGoldrick Welde Graves Andrea Addison Jeff Sharon Brandon Brian Patrick 1/10/2013 1/10/2013 1/10/2013 1/10/2013 1/9/2013 1/10/2013 1/10/2013 Granted Granted FP-13-008862 FP-13-008863 FP-13-008864 FP-13-008865 Taylor Brown Forsythe Trevett Robert Katrina Sean Michael 1/11/2013 1/11/2013 1/11/2013 1/11/2013 Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed FP-13-008866 Herring Charles 1/11/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-008867 Battle Joyce 1/11/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-008868 Battle Joyce 1/11/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-008870 FP-13-008871 FP-13-008873 FP-13-008874 FARMER MCLENDON WARD WHITAKER 1/11/2013 1/11/2013 1/11/2013 1/11/2013 Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Granted Granted FP-13-008878 FP-13-008879 FP-13-008880 FP-13-008881 Branson Branson Branson Dickson SHANA ROBERT VICKI ALFONZ O Steve Steve Steve Tom data collected from borrow areas at Wrightsville Beach copies of the daily production reports and all payestimates for solicitation W912EE-12-B-0020 Drawing of General Electric #6068T94, Engine Installation Turboshaft, T700-GE-701C. MPR 5577-2012 Request for MP Rpt Shoreline Protecton Project case file info ROI 12-011 Hydraulic Models GIS bathymetry data Documents related to 1967 study of hydrology, geology and seismology of the area known alternately as Elder Creek or Elder Gulch, San Bernardino Couty. Copy of background investigation Docs pertaining to security investigation Copy of background investigation Case No. F-2012-33835 - Copy of docs pertaining to investigation conducted 2009. Copy of Report of Investigation relating to the Fort Worth Division of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers allegation of fraud. Records of the Coalition Provisional Authority/General Counsel, etc. Records of the Coalition Provisional Authority/Dep Adm CPO Civil Affairs Culture, etc. JUSTIN COOK MICHAEL RAMSEY DERRICK JOHNS JOSEPH K. EARL 1/8/2013 1/8/2013 1/8/2013 1/8/2013 Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Final pay est W91278-09-B-0004 Final pay est W91278-10-B-0002 Final pay est W91278-09-B-0009 Tenn-Tom commodity flow data Denied in Part Granted Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Traffic accident MPR 03233-2010-MPC016, date 9/1/2010, Joint Base Lewis McChord, WA. any records regarding Shrell Dam in Red River Parish, LA. FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 31 of 1088 FP-13-008882 Kirksey Cecil 1/8/2013 Granted FP-13-008883 Smith Chris 1/8/2013 Granted FP-13-008884 Insurance 1/11/2013 Granted FP-13-008885 FP-13-008886 FP-13-008887 FP-13-008888 ADAMS Express Torres Savard State Farm LAUREN Pickles Alicia Garett FP-13-008889 FP-13-008890 Parker Arnold ilvin John 1/10/2013 Granted 1/11/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-008891 FP-13-008892 FP-13-008893 Vastine NEMETH Ohrstrom Amy DEBBI Jan 1/11/2013 Administratively Closed 1/11/2013 Administratively Closed 1/11/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-008894 Callahan Elspeth 1/10/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-008896 Morris Clyde 1/10/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-008898 Simpson Tal FP-13-008899 Baptista Stephen 1/11/2013 Granted all responses/material/communications/records provided by the Army regarding Mr. Longabardi's requests for Stephen Baptista's FOIA requests from 1 Jan 2000 to present FP-13-008902 Rosati Nick 1/11/2013 Administratively Closed The most recent version of the ARL-NGEN3 interior ballistics code and software including: any related graphical user interface; user manuals; training manuals; the most recent version of hte IBHVG interior ballistics code and software 1/11/2013 1/11/2013 1/11/2013 1/11/2013 Granted Granted Granted Granted 1/2/2013 Denied in Part Wants additional documents related to his previous FOIA request (027-13) Visitor count data Lanier (2000-2012) Changed scope of request on 17 Jan 13 to include Woodruff and George MPR 7376-2012 CHRISTOPHER BARBERI MPR for Maria McNeely occurred 11-13-2012 MPR 4024-2011 Request a copy of the 15-6 Investigation into the death of her son, SFC Ryan J. Savard. Incident report on vehicle damage Provost Marshal and stockade records for 295th and 80th from 1976-1979 Fort Lewis WA. 16-6 CHRISTOPHER GAMMON Reports on two Combat incidents August 24, 2004 and December 5, 2004 that 1/33 FA, 1st ID which happened in Iraq. Benuithic Infauna Community and Sea Grass Assessment Study and bathymetric data Files related to a Shoreline Use Permit at 8475 Lake Hollow Road, Gainesville, GA and related Operations records (?) Would like documents pertaining to the property owened by Wade Hayes on or near Logan Drive which is located near Byrd Spring Lake In Huntsville AL. The file is LRN-201200586 would like the documents pertaining to jurisdictinoal determination from the USACE on the property as well as any correspondence regarding the property. FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 32 of 1088 FP-13-008903 Markham Doug 1/7/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-008904 Lamb Charles 1/11/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-008905 FP-13-008907 FP-13-008908 FP-13-008910 MORRIS Millwee Wade-Calhoun Janes KEVIN Steven Natasha Margaret 1/11/2013 1/11/2013 1/11/2013 1/7/2013 FP-13-008911 Dubuc Rob 1/11/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-008912 Welde Brian 1/10/2013 Granted FP-13-008913 Perry Henry 1/11/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-008914 FP-13-008916 Holman Evans Blanding Monica 1/10/2013 Administratively Closed 1/7/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-008917 Santos Rose 1/11/2013 Administratively Closed Would like the digital bathymetric data for J Percy Priest Lake. He would be interested in the vector contour lines and a depth grid or xyz survey points if available. requests a copy of contract number W912P5-10-D-0001 (Percy Priest Lake) and mods exercising the options. Fleet Landing RestaurantLLC Request for copy of org chart for contract, program/project management group and one other group Request for records related to contract W912DR-09-D-0004 FP-13-008919 Santos Rose 1/11/2013 Administratively Closed Request for records related to contract W912DR-09-D-0006 FP-13-008931 FP-13-008933 Culpepper Howell-Wilcox Michael LaQuita 1/11/2013 Administratively Closed 1/11/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-008934 FP-13-008935 Gonzalez Gauquier Juan Gary 1/11/2013 Granted 1/10/2013 Administratively Closed Contract W52P1J07D0009. Request for AR 15-6 investigation regarding her husband SPC Mario Wilcox Request for MP Rpt Request for a copy of deeds for West Hill Dam tracts 521E3, 520E, 518E, 523E, 517E. Administratively Closed Granted Granted Administratively Closed Would like the information concerining the accident/fatility reports concerning the 14 deaths recently acknowledged as having occurred below the Nashville District dams in TN and KY since the year 1970. I request a list of Army Technical Manuals prepared according to and encoded in MILSTD-46651, MIL-STD46651A, or S1066D. This information should include the title,identification code, classification level, distribution restrictions, and number of pages in printed form or number of bytes in digital form. TRENT D. MILLER W74V8H06C0052 MPR 5127-2012 404 permits in TN or KY 12/31/2012-1/7/2012; notices, requests, apps for coverage for coalmines, refuse or slurry impoundments under NW permits 21, 49 or 50. documents related to both the application for the Nationwide Permit and the Corp's decision to issue the permit since the last FOIA request in early November 12, 2012 FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 33 of 1088 FP-13-008936 Carr Charles 1/11/2013 Granted FP-13-008937 FP-13-008940 FP-13-008941 Abbott Crane Lowell Nicole Stephen Randolph 1/9/2013 Granted 1/11/2013 Granted 1/11/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-008942 Michel Jules 1/11/2013 Granted FP-13-008944 FP-13-008945 Coleman Stevens Kathy Patricia 1/4/2013 Administratively Closed 1/11/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-008946 Rodgers Jakob 1/11/2013 Granted FP-13-008947 Garbrecht Nancy 1/11/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-008948 Boudreaux Sarah 1/11/2013 Granted FP-13-008949 FP-13-008950 Horne Fishback Shaun Wayne 1/3/2013 Administratively Closed 1/11/2013 Granted FP-13-008951 Santos Rose 1/14/2013 Granted FP-13-008952 Schifferdecker Glenn 1/14/2013 Granted FP-13-008953 FP-13-008954 WEINGER Rosati KAREN Nick 1/14/2013 Granted 1/14/2013 Administratively Closed request the Police Report, Blotter entry,Restriction from Driving documentation, and any other records related to incident involving Amber D Carr on or about 10 Dec 12. Permit Nos. 2006-680535 and 2007-3220-DEN MPR Release determination on documents originating in the Savannah District and that pertain to the Savannah Harbor Expansion Project. Copy of Plauche's 9/12/2012 request and documents given to Plauche in response to this request Litigation-IRAP v DoD (11-L-0034). Contract inforcement of Davis-Bacon and Related Acts for Torgeson Electic copies of any weekly or monthly summary reports concerning Ft Carson Soldiers being arrested off post and Soldiers being charged with any violation of the UCMJ for the period covering 1 Jan 2007 to 31 Dec 2012. Copys of payrolls, accident rpts and wage determinations for project W911XK-12-C-0006. copy of the wetlands permit for Gulf Liquids New River Project, L.L.C. - the application was submitted around April of 2001 and the application number assigned to this project was EE-19- 990-3781. Edgerly Island Dredge Disposal Site SMMC Browns Canyon/Gopher Canyon wetlands mitigation project: 1) request for after-the-fact approval of work within waters of the US in Gopher/Browns Canyon; and, 2) approval of future, proposed work located immediately upstream of the former work area. Examples of these materials include: grading plan(s), mitigation plan(s), listed species impact assessment, archaeological report, and cost accounting logs W912CM-09-D-0015; Contract, SSDD, Debriefing Slides, TOs, and Mods. 404 / Section 10 permit information and any Maintenance associated with a retaining wall/revetment on the property known as Block 4335, Lot 1, Bronx, NY and Pelham Bay DAMIAN PEDERSEN Ballistics Codes FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 34 of 1088 FP-13-008964 Morena Rex 1/11/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-008966 FP-13-008969 FP-13-008970 FP-13-008982 Hardcastle Hogan Ward Feeback Larry Dustin John Dorothy 1/14/2013 1/14/2013 1/14/2013 1/14/2013 FP-13-008983 Morena Rex 1/11/2013 Denied in Part SDVC 07-020-12-606 Source Listing, Summary of Proposals, Best and Final Offers, and Disqualified Bidders. FP-13-008984 Novak Marshall 1/14/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-008987 FP-13-008988 FP-13-008990 FP-13-008993 FP-13-008994 Hyndman Schantz Fox Fox Benson Gary Karl Laura Laura D 1/14/2013 1/14/2013 1/14/2013 1/14/2013 1/14/2013 FP-13-008996 Morena Rex 1/11/2013 Granted Requesting a copy of a MP report he filed when someone stole some of his military gear. Historical Data Request for MP RPt Three permits Four Permits Requesting a copy of investigation pertaining to Ms. Wendy Faye Proctor's automobile accident report that occurred on September 13, 1981. SDVC 10-049-12-460 - Source Listing, Summary of Proposals, Best and Final Offers, and Disqualified Bidders. FP-13-008997 Robertson Henry 1/11/2013 Denied in Full FP-13-009002 FP-13-009008 RIVERA Morena ANA Rex 1/14/2013 Granted 1/11/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-009010 Lavezzi Robert 1/14/2013 Administratively Closed Granted Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Administratively Closed SDVC 10-024-12-582 Source Listing, Summary of Proposals, Best and Final Offers, Disqualified bids and why disqualified. Enforcement actions on various areas and individuals Request for ROI 0019-10-COD083-21239 John Emri Harris (xx8308) Deceased Service Member Previous contract award amount for PCMC at Oologah Lake. Requested Records Please provide copies of all documents in your possession relating to .Cnbridge Energy Co. and its affiliate Enbridge Pipelines (FSP) LLC's Flanagan South pipeline project, including but not limited to all preconstruction notifications, wetlands delineations, habitat conservation plans and consultation on this project with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. AMBULANCE REPORT SDVC 10-049-12-500 Source Listing, Summary of Proposals, Best and Final Offers, Disqualified Bidders. Referred documents case number 1175922-001 (Lavezzi). FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 35 of 1088 FP-13-009011 Janes Margaret 1/14/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-009012 FP-13-009013 FP-13-009014 FP-13-009015 Smith Jordan Ravnitzky Guarino Grant Jelisa Michael Anthony 1/14/2013 1/11/2013 1/14/2013 1/14/2013 FP-13-009016 FP-13-009017 FP-13-009018 Battle Alonso Harker Joyce Juan Donald 1/14/2013 Administratively Closed 1/14/2013 Granted 1/11/2013 Denied in Full FP-13-009019 FP-13-009020 Garner Morris Trina Evelyn 1/14/2013 Granted 1/14/2013 Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed 1) January 7, 2013 to present: a. Requests/notifications for withdrawal of previously filed 404 applications for surface mining operations in Kentucky. b. All notices, requests, or applications for coverage for coalmines, refuse or slurry impoundments under NW permits 21, 49 or 50. c. Any Corps authorizations including decision documents and facts and findings granted under NWP 21, 49 or 50 for activities in Kentucky or Tennessee. d. Any individual 404 permits including decision documents, facts and findings, and final CMPs for surface mining operations or refuse or slurry impoundments in Kentucky or Tennessee e. Any and all Environmental Information Documents received including amendments, revisions and/or appendices and any and all Compensatory Mitigation Plans including amendments, revisions and/or appendices related to coal mining operations submitted to the Corps for operations in Kentucky or Tennessee. f. All monitoring reports received by the Corps related to any mining compensatory mitigation plans for stream creation, enhancement, or restoration projects for 404 permits in KY. g. Any and all documents related to Leeco, LRL-2007-217, SMCRA No. 897-0480, including but Referred documents case number 1162829-000, (Smith). Verfication of employment Referred documents case number 1120558, (Ravnitzky). All documents pertaining to the 2010 attack on FOB ANCOP in Afghanistan. Referred documents case number NW 704 (Battle). Form 3881 (Rights Warning Procedure Waiver). Winning technical proposal submitted by awardee for RFP W912DY-13-R-E1T1 - Energy Initiatives Task Force Support Services Request for MP Rpt Referred documents case number NW 28799, (Morris). FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 36 of 1088 FP-13-009021 Haugland Gabriel 1/14/2013 Granted FP-13-009022 FP-13-009023 Palmosina Tann Marc N 1/14/2013 Denied in Part 1/14/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-009024 Richardson Devin 1/14/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-009025 Moncayo 1/14/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-009028 FP-13-009031 FP-13-009035 FP-13-009036 Downing Baluvu Whitfield Kendall Reymund o Angie Praveena Bob John FP-13-009037 FP-13-009038 Vargas Hill 1/14/2013 Granted 1/14/2013 Granted FP-13-009039 FP-13-009040 Riley Conrad Edward Christoph er Patricia James FP-13-009041 FP-13-009043 FP-13-009044 FP-13-009049 FP-13-009053 Nexis Humphries Humphries Madiera Herring Lexis George George Susan Charles 1/14/2013 1/14/2013 1/14/2013 1/14/2013 1/14/2013 FP-13-009056 Montazami Shane 1/14/2013 Administratively Closed 1/14/2013 1/14/2013 1/14/2013 1/14/2013 Administratively Closed Granted Administratively Closed Administratively Closed 1/14/2013 Granted 1/14/2013 Administratively Closed Granted Granted Granted Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Records relating to mold, asbestos, allergens, and all other similar conditions, records relating to the mitigation, treatment or removal of mold, asbestos, allergens or other similar conditions, reports or studies done on the living conditiions in the barracks and memo, records related to adverse respiratory problems for basic trainees while housed in barracks in the training barracks know as "Sand Hill" at Fort Benning, TU Packet from Dec 2012. Volunteer tests that involved use of a gas chamber and were performed during any 3 month period during the last spring, summer, or early fall 1965 at Fort Benning, GA 2002 survey of bldg 1156 N. Lightning HAAF, GA 31405. This report found Asbestos in the tile as well as in the insulation around the toilets CDC Surveilance video Lima Police Report # 0064-2012 Vehicle Incident Report DD Form 4430 (Report of Result of Trial) Records relating to the location of US and ISAF Ballalion and Company sized units at the province and districts levels in Afghanstar covering the year 2009 Request for MP RPt Request for MP Rpt Request for MP Rpt Request all data so I may evaluate my competitiveness and determine what area's that I need to work on for future opportunities. I am requesting all candidates numerical scores to compare against my own. MPR 7756-2012 M. P. Report for 29 Nov 12 pertaining to himself M.P. Report for 30 Nov 12 pertaining to himself USACE solicitation Report of Investigation relating to the Fort Worth Division of the US Army Corps of Engineers allegation of Fraud against the US Government by my company by Admin & Logistics Services, Inc. Seeking any documentation containing the word "avatar". FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 37 of 1088 FP-13-009057 FP-13-009058 FP-13-009059 FP-13-009063 FP-13-009064 Rurak stephenson Miley Barfield Brown Barbara Sally Blake Debbie David 1/14/2013 1/14/2013 1/14/2013 1/14/2013 1/14/2013 Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Granted Administratively Closed Contract W56HZV-12-A-J017. Missour River Flooding - June 2011 Data on dual-Army marriages. Department 420 access for one month. Operational review of the Special Atomic Demolition Munitions, US Army Nuclear Weapons Surety Group, 1966. FP-13-009065 Fitzgeraled Edward 1/14/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-009066 FP-13-009068 Arrington Dunn Marian Brendan 1/14/2013 Administratively Closed 1/14/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-009070 FP-13-009071 FP-13-009073 FP-13-009074 FP-13-009075 FP-13-009079 Hewitt Dunn Mason Brennan Ansu Philipps Bob Brendan Caleb Matthew Franklin Dave 1/8/2013 1/14/2013 1/14/2013 1/14/2013 1/14/2013 1/14/2013 FP-13-009080 FP-13-009081 Higgins Hill Blayne Beverly 1/14/2013 Administratively Closed 1/14/2013 Administratively Closed Aspestis cleaning at 205 Sherman Ave, Fort Leavenworth, KS in 1997-1998. Medical records from January - March 2005. Information pertaining to Port Militarization Resistance, Evergree State College, Students for a Democratic Society, Occupy Wall Street, Industrial Workers of the World, Olympia Movement for Justice and Peace, Tacoma Pitchpipe Infoshop and Anarchists fro January 2006 to present. Contract W56HZV-12-T-0022 All information regarding Brendan Dunn. All information pertaining to Mr. Nichols. Legal Review for AR 15-6 Franklin A. Ansu Any report or printed communication detailing the average number of days it takes Soldiers at Fort Carson to complete the medical retirement process starting the count from when individual Soldiers are referred to the MEB process to receiving discharge orders for the years 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, and 2012. Understanding that the information for the earliest years may not be available since it may not have been being tracked MPR for accident that occured on 27 September 2012. Regarding a secret mission in Vietnam some time in 1963. FP-13-009083 FP-13-009084 Downing Ravnitzky Angie Michael 1/8/2013 Administratively Closed 1/14/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-009085 Crump Jeff 1/14/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-009087 FP-13-009088 Edwards Hunn Adam Jacob 1/14/2013 Administratively Closed 1/14/2013 Granted Granted Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Granted Granted Administratively Closed case number 0064-2012 Joint Systems Mfg All records mentioning or discussing or referencing steps being taken to address the tax delinquencies for US Army personnel. Contracts W52H0909C0060, W52H0907F0051 and W52H0909C0072. Records pertaining to Mr. Edwards discharge. MPR 0043-2013 FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 38 of 1088 FP-13-009089 FP-13-009090 FP-13-009091 Kantola Olsson Hovater Mitchell Karen Kae 1/14/2013 Granted 1/14/2013 Administratively Closed 1/14/2013 Granted MPR 0043-2013 SGM Mittie Smith AR 15-6 Investigation Oct 2006 1. Summary data related to Section 404 permits issued in the Savannah District from January 1, 2012 to December 31, 2012, specifically, IPs, NWPs, and RGPs. 2. A list of issued permits generated from the ORM database with permanent wetland impacts greater than 0, that include the acreage or linear feet of the impact, the type (mitigation bank credits, permittee-responsible preservation, enhancement, restoration, etc.) and amount of mitigation required in the permit to offset impacts. FP-13-009092 FP-13-009093 FP-13-009095 Bartlett Sullivan 13869040 Beridon John Jeremy Alyson 1/14/2013 Granted 1/14/2013 Administratively Closed 1/14/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-009097 Beridon Alyson 1/14/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-009098 FP-13-009099 Richter Rojas Michele Rebecca 1/14/2013 Administratively Closed 1/14/2013 Administratively Closed MPR 0039-2013 Information regarding service member Mr. Sullivan. Contract for landscaping services at Fort Polk, LA, September 2011. Contract for concstruction at the England Air Industrial Park, Alexandria Lousiana, Fort Polk, LA, October 2011. Referred documents case number P201229539 (Richter). Referred documents case number NRC2012110153 (Chaji). FP-13-009101 Stevens Patricia 1/14/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-009104 Greer Courtney 1/14/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-009106 Herring Charles 1/14/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-009107 Madeira Susan 1/14/2013 Administratively Closed Davis-Bacon and Related Act enforcement verification for CAB Barracks Copy of Permit SWF-2009-00462 and its associated mitigation plan, wetland delineation, and maps/figures. 1. COE request to the Criminal Investigating Service relating to fraudulent actions on the part of requester relating to the mail room contract, including all supporting documents submitted with the fraud charge and/or request for fraud investigation. 2. Copy of all other requests for audits or investigations to ay agency (Federal or Private) of requester or any of its employees within the past 18 months (July 21, 2011 – December 31, 2012). 3. Copy of SF30 or other signed government forms showing the contract value for the CASU mailroom contract for FY 2008 and FY 2009. Current Contractor, Contract Number and Award Date of contract and current contract price information and amount of contract award related to Grounds Keeper Success Lake, Solicitation Number W91238-13-R-0005 FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 39 of 1088 FP-13-009108 Jauch Brittany 1/14/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-009109 Ford David 1/14/2013 Granted FP-13-009110 FP-13-009111 FP-13-009112 FP-13-009114 Thompson Johnson Gallagher Waddle Courtney Oliver Dylan Randy 1/14/2013 1/14/2013 1/14/2013 1/14/2013 FP-13-009115 Smith John 1/14/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-009116 FP-13-009117 Gagnon Stevens Roder Patrice 1/14/2013 Granted 1/14/2013 Granted FP-13-009118 Hovater Kae 1/14/2013 Granted FP-13-009119 Hubbard Curtis FP-13-009121 FP-13-009122 FP-13-009123 FP-13-009130 FP-13-009135 FP-13-009136 FP-13-009139 FP-13-009146 Hageman FALERO MORALES Christian Snyder McIntosh Williams Culpepper Tanner NILDA MARIO Marcus Nicholas Larry Robert Michael 1/15/2013 1/15/2013 1/15/2013 1/7/2013 1/15/2013 1/15/2013 1/15/2013 1/15/2013 FP-13-009147 McHugh Mike 1/11/2013 Granted Granted Granted Granted Administratively Closed 1/7/2013 Administratively Closed Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Denied in Part Granted All documentation regarding USACE Project number SWF 2009-00276 (located at the intersection of Bagby Avenue and Corporation Parkway in Waco, Texas). Copy of the lease agreement for Welch Park in Somerville, Texas. Request for MP Rpt Request for MP Rpt Request for MP RPt Sworn statement of SFC Robinson which was omited from the 15-6 concerning Mr. Waddle For each category of responsive documents of previous request (13-031) – the source of the documents, the number of pages responsive, and cost for each set of documents so that he can weigh his need for each set per category with the costs to have them produced. Tech Manual and DMWR revision status Conformance actions for the Utah Data Center Project, Contract W912DR-10-C-0094 1) Summary data related to Section 404 permits issued in the Chicago District from January 1, 2012 to December 31, 2012. Specifically, IPs, NWPs, and RGPs. a.) A list of issued permits generated from the ORM database with permanent wetland impacts greater than 0, that include the acreage or linear feet of the impact, the type (mitigation bank credits, permittee-responsible preservation, enhancement, restoration, etc.) and amount of mitigation required in the permit to offset impacts. Contract Documents for W9126G-08-D-0076, Fort Bliss and Fort Hood Copy of MP Report 00141-2012-MPC347 AMBULANCE REPORT AMBULANCE REPORT MP-Report Traffic accident Request for MP Rpt Request for MP Rpt Parole packet Oct 2012 W52P1J-07-D-0009, Task Order 0004, basic and mods 7, 9, 12, 14, 15, and 17. Also SOWs or PWSs Access to subdepartment 437 for one month FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 40 of 1088 FP-13-009149 French Yates 1/15/2013 Granted FP-13-009150 FP-13-009151 GERARDINO Hogan LIZA Dustin 1/15/2013 Granted 1/15/2013 Granted FP-13-009153 FP-13-009154 Millwee Comstock Steven Rebecca 1/8/2013 Granted 1/15/2013 Granted FP-13-009155 Morais Betsy 1/15/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-009156 Evans Trey 1/15/2013 Granted FP-13-009157 FP-13-009158 FP-13-009159 Johnson Kleto Green Rashad Marian Cordon 1/15/2013 Granted 1/15/2013 Granted 1/15/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-009160 FP-13-009161 FP-13-009162 FP-13-009167 FP-13-009171 FP-13-009172 FP-13-009173 FP-13-009174 Smith Jenkins Young Clark Lindamood Breeden Garcia Poblete Cristy Michael Arthur David Amber John Ruben Alfredo 1/15/2013 1/15/2013 1/15/2013 1/15/2013 1/14/2013 1/14/2013 1/15/2013 1/15/2013 Granted Granted Granted Administratively Closed Granted Granted Granted Granted The requester is requesting documents relating to an investigation at Fort Belvoir Welcome Center which occurred 14 December 2012. POLICE REPORT All documents pertaining to the ROI #0019-10-CID08321239. Contracts with EID passport Inc Gary Moss Wetland Permit Application/Comments/Response to Comments/Permit Decision-Town of Frisco, Summit County, Colorado 80443 Army IG reports relevant to human experimentation and chenical experiments and the work product or supporting reports. A copy of any submittals by the applicant or their agent and any corresponding IRT comments if applicable within the past 60 days relating to the Bear Creek Reservoir in South Fulton (SAS-9600-16650) Request for MP Rpt Request for MP Rpt Request for copy of documents containing the following information, interview questions, the interviewee’s total points for each question by each interviewer, and all comments and notes taken by the interviewers, the date and location of the interview, the names and titles of the interviewing agents, and the performance evaluations of the persons interviewed for job announcement NCDE12994757711962, Marine Machinery Mechanic Supervisor. Request for statement from MP rpt Recient form 290 Recient form 290. Weequahic Park, NJ Police Report Police Report Police Report Police Report FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 41 of 1088 FP-13-009175 Poche Chad 1/15/2013 Granted FP-13-009176 Lewis Floyd 1/15/2013 Granted FP-13-009177 FP-13-009201 GERARDINO Sullivan LIZA Matthew 1/15/2013 Granted 1/15/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-009208 Lewis Adam 1/15/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-009224 FP-13-009227 FP-13-009228 FP-13-009229 FP-13-009230 DUFFIELD Morrison Hogan Smith Coggin CASEY Lisa Dustin Grant Daniel 1/15/2013 1/15/2013 1/15/2013 1/15/2013 1/15/2013 FP-13-009231 Ahern Sean 1/15/2013 Granted FP-13-009232 FP-13-009233 FP-13-009234 FP-13-009235 FP-13-009237 Longman Becker Floyed Bultman Zoniga Stuart Shawn Bradley Lori Stella 1/15/2013 1/15/2013 1/15/2013 1/15/2013 1/15/2013 FP-13-009240 Soller Chris 1/15/2013 Administratively Closed Granted Granted Granted Administratively Closed Granted Granted Granted Granted Administratively Closed Granted soil boring/soil stratigraphy information at or near the following location: Mississippi River Left Descending Bank Approx. MP 185.4 Geismar Ascension Parish, LA Specifically, I am looking for any stability plate(s) at or near MP 185.4 I am requesting copy of the following documents from Vacancy ID #741586;494770;448744;462685;639280;713850;747370 and 788379. I am willing to receive documents that are redacted] be provided to me on the assessment, selection and hiring. POLICE REPORT Military Interdepartmental Purchase Request 28-10-84-0-VYY-083 relating to Deepwater Horizon oil spill. All documents re the Free Flow Power preliminary permit to explore hydropower at the Howard A. Hanson Dam site WESSHONTE L. TAYLOR Trentwood Subdivision files Documents for release determination. nuclear weapons handling facilities in Israel (1) number of permits issued, (2) acres of wetlands impacted, (3) types of wetlands impacted, (4) acres of mitigation required and (5) whether or not the mitigation was done through a wetland mitigation bank, permitteeresponsible mitigation or other. Tiger Pass Maintenance Dredging #11-1, Approx. Mi. 7.3 to Approx. Mi. 14.0; Solicitation/Contract # W912P8-11-B0046/W912P8-12-C-0024 Permit File 2008-01005-2IR Permit 2004-1G-095-C Wetland delineation Request accident report pertaining Hannah Marie Boles The referred documents/FOIA from INS are memorandums held by INS but originated by an FRA unit. The office will review and release said documets as applicable to FOIA. permit information on constructed weirs that exist in the Boeuf River between AR and LA (Chicot County in AR and WEst Carroll Parish in LA). FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 42 of 1088 FP-13-009242 Ashton Adam 1/2/2013 Denied in Full FP-13-009245 SANTOS ROSE 1/15/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-009247 FP-13-009248 FP-13-009250 FP-13-009252 FP-13-009253 MAHONY Clark HASTINGS CHILLI COLLINS 1/15/2013 1/15/2013 1/15/2013 1/15/2013 1/15/2013 FP-13-009254 Johnson ARTHUR Cory TIM FRANK MAUREE N Ricardo FP-13-009258 Meredith Richard 1/15/2013 Granted FP-13-009259 Janes Margaret 1/14/2013 Granted Administratively Closed Granted Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed 1/15/2013 Granted A cost-benefit analysis describing the Army’s options in consolidating the Leader Development and Assessment Course at Fort Knox or in maintaining it at Joint Base LewisMcChord HR001110C0030 order 0001 Basis umbrella contract and delivery order. Task order 01 W15P7T-10-D-D413 TASK ORDER 0008 MPR 0043-2013 W909MY-12-D-0018 W15P7T-11-C-S801 RPF TASK ORDER 0008 R23G CONTRACT W15P7T-10-DD413 Latest Revetment survey data (LDB) and Mississippi River Cross Sections from MR59 to MR61 at Ironton.Latest Levee LiDAR information as performed by Fugro FliMAP for Chustz Surveys, Inc. (FY2007-2008). JCLS has access of this data through our FliMAP group and needs approval from the USACE-NO to generate levee contours. Any additional survey information within the limits of the attached site map for preplanning of Design for the Mid-Barataria Diversion Project Wetland Delineation map and report for the Sloughhouse Pikiken Ranch Wetland Delineation SPK-200600552 verified by the Sacramento District's Regulatory Branch in 2008 All communications including letters, reports, emails, applications, CMPS, decision documents and or permits from May 6, 2009 to present between A&G Coal Co. in reference to the proposed Ison Rock Ridge mine; all requests received from Jan 2010 to present for withdrawal of previously filed 404 applications for surfacing mining operations in VA; any communications between the Norfolk District and USEPA related to coal mining from January 20, 2009 to present; with respect to coalmines, refuse or slurry impoundments, application docs and permits issued under NWP 21,49, 50; application docs and permits issued under section 404; Environmental Information documents; monitoring reports and mitigation plans for period 1/8/13 1/14/13 FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 43 of 1088 FP-13-009262 Hovater Kae 1/14/2013 Granted Summary data related to Section 404 permits issued in the Norfolk District from January 1, 2012 to December 31, 2012. Specifically, IPs, NWPs, and RGPs; A list of issued permits generated from the ORM database with permanent wetland impacts greater than 0, that include the acreage or linear feet of the impact, the type (mitigation bank credits, permittee-responsible preservation, enhancement, restoration, etc.) and amount of mitigation required in the permit to offset impacts. FP-13-009264 FP-13-009267 Plass Connole Doug William 1/15/2013 Denied in Part 1/15/2013 Granted FP-13-009268 Merritt Jason 1/15/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-009269 Mims Michael 1/15/2013 Granted FP-13-009270 Smith Quan 1/15/2013 Granted FP-13-009271 Crosby Robert 1/15/2013 Granted FP-13-009272 Withers Rebecca 1/15/2013 Granted FP-13-009273 FP-13-009275 FP-13-009278 FP-13-009279 FP-13-009284 Stallings Clark Schenk Williams Corigliano Sherwood Cory Kody Steven Ron 1/16/2013 1/16/2013 1/16/2013 1/16/2013 1/15/2013 FP-13-009291 FP-13-009293 FP-13-009296 Warren Beal Bellis Justin Hillary Marian 1/16/2013 Granted 1/16/2013 Granted 1/7/2013 Granted FP-13-009301 Andujar Blanca 1/16/2013 Granted Permit NWW-2012-571-102 A copy of all Quality Control Reports and Quality Assurance Reports including attachments for the period January 1, 2011 through September 30, 2011. would like to request boring samples with all geotechnical data from the West Return Floodwall South (contract 3.2a Cajun Constructors). Bonnet Carre Spillway Operations and Maintenance Manual and Master Water Control Manual for the Lower Mississippi River Basin a map verifying levee heights near the old Holy Cross School in the Lower Ninth Ward (4950 Dauphine Street), as well as section drawings if available. CID ROI 2012-CID009-46891-5P (Suicide Investigation SPC Crosby) Cooperative agreements with the State of Oregon for operation of the fish hatcheries. Request for TESA documents. MPR 0039-2013 ACIS Sheet OR's copies of the following permits on the Ohio River from mile marker 86 through 88. Permit 1947-32; 1951-48; 1977-28; 1926-31 Request for MP Rpt Request for MP Rpt Request for dimensions, including length and width of building 3300 at Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD contract number W912DS-05-C-0023 Granted Granted Granted Denied in Part Granted FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 44 of 1088 FP-13-009303 Bartels Douglas 1/16/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-009304 Ashton Adam 1/16/2013 Granted FP-13-009312 Hall Kristin 1/16/2013 Granted FP-13-009316 Buffamonte Steve 1/9/2013 Granted FP-13-009317 Hall Kristin 1/16/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-009318 FP-13-009319 FP-13-009320 FP-13-009321 Adler Sullivan Fox Clark Jene Bill Laura David 1/16/2013 1/16/2013 1/16/2013 1/16/2013 FP-13-009322 FP-13-009323 FP-13-009324 Farmer Abell Meche Ronnie David Brittany 1/16/2013 Granted 1/16/2013 Granted 1/16/2013 Granted FP-13-009325 Evans Trey 1/15/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-009326 Duxbury Jane 1/16/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-009328 Evans Trey 1/15/2013 Granted Granted Administratively Closed Granted Granted the Hackensack River Tidal Flood Control Sector Gate Study, Hudson County, NJ Mr. Ashton request a copy of any reports on Sep 16, 2012 attack in Mizan District of Zabul Province in Afghanistan that caused the death of four U.S. soliders. The soldiers were: SGT Sapuro B. Nena, PFC Genaro Bedoy, PFC Jon R. Townsend and SPC Joshua Nelson. Ms. Kristin Hall request a copy of the AR 15-6 investigation involving an incident on 8 Aug 12 in the Asadabad Kunar province Afghanistan in which CSM Kevin Griffin, MAJ Thomas E. Kennedy, AF MAJ Walter D. Gray, and CIV Ragei Abdelfattah were killed. Drawings for P/N 320395-4,320421-8,320371-6,88266118,882261-21,12976452,LMFL2-210,11608358,51271,12338428-2,9380316-1,9380316-2 Ms. Kristin Hall request a copy of the AR15-6 investigation into the death of MAJ Thomas E. Kennedy who died on 8 Aug 2012 in the Asadabad knunar province of Aghanistan. Sheffield - Armco Barge Contract Permit 2007-33-RS a former Army Housing Installation constructed in the early 1940s Requesting a copy of MP report # 03359-2012-MPC054. Coal Port of Corpus Christi Requesting a copy of a MP report on an accident involving Carmon Reynolds and James Small. a copy of any correspondence over the last five years from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to the bank sponsor or agent of the Satilla River Mitigation Bank (SAS-9600-16650). wetlands or wetlands violations at the property located at 2488 Montauk Highway and 10 Lumber Lane in the Hamlet of Bridgehampton, Suffolk County, NY A report from the ORM system for all 404 permits modified, issued, verified, or completed by USACE Savannah District from September 1, 2012 to present which required compensatory mitigation to be completed. FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 45 of 1088 FP-13-009332 FP-13-009334 Chilli MARTINEZ Frank ANNA 1/16/2013 Administratively Closed 1/16/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-009335 FP-13-009336 FP-13-009337 Newman Madeira Washburn Kyle Susan Jack 1/16/2013 Administratively Closed 1/16/2013 Administratively Closed 1/15/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-009338 OKUDA MATTHE W 1/16/2013 Granted FP-13-009339 FP-13-009340 FP-13-009341 FP-13-009342 Chilli Daniel Barron Jones Frank Nicole Dave Russell 1/16/2013 1/16/2013 1/16/2013 1/15/2013 FP-13-009343 STURTZ JR. RODNEY 1/16/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-009344 FP-13-009345 Tuckeresterheld STURTZ JR. Monique RODNEY 1/16/2013 Granted 1/16/2013 Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Denied in Part Granted Granted Contract Request for information on the LOD of Marcus V. Gutierrez. Incident took place Germany 1966. All DR's. Contract Regarding Special Permit No. SO-2011-04: 1. All reports, records, and communications (including any internal records or memos) by/between COE, SWF, and the City of Sommerville and/or Burleson Entertainment and any other person or entity, the topic of which is the special permit; 2. All records, reports, and communications (including any internal records or memos) by/between COE, SWF, and the City of Sommerville and/or Burleson Entertainment or any other person or entity, the topic of which is Lease No. DACW63-1-90-0623; 3. All records, reports, investigations, and communications (including internal records or memos) the topic of which was personal injury or property damage occurring during the period of April 27, 2011 – May 1, 2011 at Welch Park, Somerville Lake, Texas; 4. All records, reports, communication, photographs, or videotapes, the topic of which was the Hawgs of Texas Annual Motorcycle Rally held at Welch Park, Sommerville Lake, Texas; 5. For the time period January 1, 2008 – the present, records of communication by/between the COE/SWF and the City of Sommerville and/or Burleson Entertainment or Tommy Thompson, the topic of which is any request to utilize Welch REFERRAL REQUEST FOR A COPY OF THE 2001-2002 CPT ARMY COMPETITIVE CATEGORY PROMOTION LIST. Contract Documents related to Lake Marie Information on the OH-58C helicopter 71-20775 Determination of jurisdiction or navigability or other documentation for Lake Chelan that shows Corps has any jurisdiction on Lake Chelan REQUEST FOR EMPLOYMENT HISTORY ON GENEVA OLIVE BARHILL Request for MP Rpt REQUEST EMPLOYMENT HISTORY N RODNEY JAMES STURTZ, JR. FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 46 of 1088 FP-13-009346 Millin Grant 1/16/2013 Granted FP-13-009347 Casey Dennis 1/16/2013 FP-13-009350 Stevens Patrice 1/14/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-009353 NYBERG GREGOR Y 1/16/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-009355 Belson Cheyenne 1/16/2013 Granted FP-13-009356 Hardcastle Larry 1/14/2013 Administratively Closed Requests copy of document 003679566, Guide to the Management of BZ Casualities, May 1965. Copy of contract or agreement with Resolute and US Army Family Morale, Welfare and Recreation Command (FMWRC) for telecommunication services or any other services provided by Resolute to Army Lodging sites during the time period of 2011 to present; all notices to proceed relative to the above listed responsive contract or agreement between the FMWRC and Resolute; all notices of express consent and/or termination of services relative to the above listed responsive contract or agreement between the FMWRC and Resolute; and all notices of release of claims relative to the above listed responsive contract or agreement between the FMWRC and Resolute. The full contract for the Construction and Systemization in relation to the above Project name: U.S. Army Pueblo Chemical Depot and Project No. 06013610 referenced project between Bechtel and The U.S. Department of Justice. REQUEST FOR ALL RCDS ON MAJ GREGORY D.NYBERG 10 JAN 04 - 01 JUN 11. SPECIFICALLY DOCUMENTS REGARDING USACAPOC'S INVESTIGATION OF AND CASE AGAINST MAJ NYBERG REGARDING SEXUAL HARASSMENT AND USACAPOC'S PURSUIT OF OTHER THAT HONORABLE DISCHARGE OF MAJ NYBERG. Request for MP Rpt I am requesting documentation connected to any enforcement action against, applications by, or waivers granted to North American Canoes Tours, Inc., which does business as Farmington River Tubing, or David Harraden. The entity operates out of Satan’s Kingdom State Recreational Area and provides river tubing tours. If you need any additional information to process my request please contact me via electronic or telephonic medium. If the cost for fulfilling the request is anticipated to exceed $50.00 please contact me to discuss further. FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 47 of 1088 FP-13-009357 Freeman Brittany 1/16/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-009358 Brown Kevin 1/10/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-009360 FP-13-009362 Nunley Wacker James Bret 1/16/2013 Granted 1/14/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-009363 FP-13-009364 Kinser Cheung Jennifer Kinhung 1/9/2013 Granted 1/10/2013 FP-13-009368 Crosby Robert 1/16/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-009371 Saites Penny 1/16/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-009372 Schwartz David 1/16/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-009374 FP-13-009375 Bollinger Deacon Matthew Jon 1/16/2013 Granted 1/16/2013 Granted Request for all findings and recommendations of all Ft Campbell suicides between 2011 and 2012 and the number of open suicide investigations at Ft Campbell Bid Astract for solicitations W56HZV-11-R-0423 and 12-R0182 Request for Military Police Report all documents submitted by and to Bridgestone America Firestone or Bridgestone Group in connection with the Cooperative Approval Tire List including documents in reponse to LTC support solicitation SPM7L1-13-X-0005 Copies of FOIA 11-0109, 11-0172 and 12-0045 Documentation regarding the US Army NAF Employe 401(k) Savings Plan. 1. Plan Investment Menu - aka the Schedule of Assets or Investment Portfolio Summary to include name of each individual fund, amount of money (market value) in each fund, with tickets (if applicable), and investment fee information for assets as of 12/31/2011. Also, the asset manager or advisor for each fund listed in the plan (e.g. Fidelity Large Cap Value instead of just Large Cap Value Fund). 2. List of SErvice Providers - specifically the Recordkeeper of th eplan as well as any Advisors/Consultants (e.g. Mercer, Segal, etc) of the plan 3. Copy of the last Request for Proposal (RFP) for plan's record-keeper and the contract for the vendor who won. Request for a final copy of a 15-6 Investigation pertaining to the death of SPC Christopher R. Crosby. sources selection board members for contracts SPRDL1-11C-0151, W52H09-09-D-0079,,W56HZV-06-G0006,W56HZV-10-C-0002,12-G-0010,W56HZV-12-P0353,W56HZV-13-C-0103,W56HZV-13-P-0069 Requests information on the manufacturer/contractor of the casing (body) of the M47 white phosphorus bomb from 19501975. Also interesting would be information on manufacturers of the M15 white phos. grenade body, the CBU-12 dispenser with BLU-17 bomblets if possible. Relevant years 1950-1975. Request for Military Police Report 15-6 pertaining to himself and a domestic violence incident between him and his spouse. FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 48 of 1088 FP-13-009377 FP-13-009379 FP-13-009382 FP-13-009384 FP-13-009385 WILCOX Richardson Dewitt Espiritu BINETTI KATHY Steven Matthew Ruel MELISSA 1/16/2013 1/16/2013 1/16/2013 1/16/2013 1/16/2013 Administratively Closed Granted Granted Administratively Closed Granted FP-13-009387 FP-13-009388 Russell Hyndman Jason Gary 1/16/2013 Granted 1/16/2013 Granted FP-13-009391 FP-13-009394 FP-13-009396 Jones, Jr Chilli Hyndman Tommy Frank Gary 1/16/2013 Granted 1/16/2013 Granted 1/16/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-009399 Reilly Ryan FP-13-009411 FP-13-009412 FP-13-009413 FP-13-009417 James Nexis Dessau Clark Gabriel Lexis Frederick Johhny 1/16/2013 1/16/2013 1/16/2013 1/16/2013 FP-13-009420 Blair James 1/16/2013 Granted FP-13-009421 FP-13-009423 FP-13-009424 FP-13-009427 FP-13-009429 Blatt Smith Santos McElwee Robertson Gary William Rose Cheryl Henry 1/16/2013 1/16/2013 Granted 1/16/2013 1/16/2013 Granted 1/11/2013 Denied in Full FP-13-009430 FP-13-009432 Chilli Chilli Frank Frank 1/16/2013 Administratively Closed 1/16/2013 Administratively Closed 1/7/2013 Granted Granted Granted Granted Administratively Closed EDWARD W. CHILDERS Request for Military Police Report Request for Military Police Report Request for Military Police Report Delivery Order W911S04-F-0026 modifications -The Indiana, Illinois, Iowa Foundation for Fair Contracting requests the following information pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act: Modifications to Delivery Order W911S04-F-0026 (placed against GSA contract GS-10F-0268F), signed after April 9, 2009 (P00020) to the present. -The Delivery Order and earlier modifications were provided to the III FFC in response to a 2008 FOIA request (copy of email response attached). Accordingly, those documents are excluded from this request. Request for Military Police Report Maintenance Historical Records, DA Form # 2410, and DA Form # 2408-16 Requesting a copy of MP report # 03044-2012-MPC054. Contract W900KK-09-D-0006 awarded to ECS maintenance historical records, DA Form # 2410, and DA Form # 2408-16 Declassified Indemnification Provision for KBR RIO Contract DACA63-03-D-0005 Court Martial US vs. Qaasim, Saleel MPR 0019-2013 MPR 5717-2012 Request any and all records associated with access and logon of Robin M. Clark Requesting a copy of a video in one of the rooms in Fort Belvoir's CYS Pre-K classroom. 81st RSC Manpower Suty Report Request for MP Rpt Consolidated Product-line Management Contract Request for MP Rpt All documents in the St. Louis District relating to Enbridge Energy Company and its affiliate Enbridge Pipelines (FSP) LLC's Contract Contract FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 49 of 1088 FP-13-009433 Lansdell Michael 1/16/2013 Granted FP-13-009435 BELCHER STEVEN 1/16/2013 Granted FP-13-009436 laurain Janet 1/16/2013 Granted FP-13-009437 FP-13-009438 FP-13-009439 FP-13-009440 FP-13-009441 Mozee Mozee TANNENBAUM Haider Opfermann Sharonda Sharonda DAVE Hussein Carlos 1/16/2013 1/16/2013 1/16/2013 1/16/2013 1/4/2013 FP-13-009442 Hill Elizabeth 1/16/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-009446 FP-13-009447 Murphy Bashir Jason Saim 1/17/2013 Granted 1/17/2013 Granted FP-13-009449 FP-13-009451 FEHR Robertson MELISSA Henry 1/17/2013 Granted 1/11/2013 Denied in Full FP-13-009452 FP-13-009454 Schuldt Locy Jaymie Amber 1/16/2013 Granted 1/17/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-009455 FP-13-009456 Stahl Weaver Mark John 1/17/2013 Administratively Closed 1/17/2013 Granted FP-13-009459 FP-13-009462 Goch Huffman Molly Jacquelin e 1/17/2013 Granted 1/17/2013 Administratively Closed Granted Granted Administratively Closed Granted Granted Previous contract for Park Custodian services for 3 damsite south and east and west Burns Run public use areas currently solicited under W912BV-13-T-0022. Re: 63--Security Upgrade - Buena Vista Road ACP in Fort Benning, GA - Title Owner Proj #: W911SF-12-T-0061 Contract Specialist: Terrhonda Mills Due Date 09/07/2012 at 2:00 PM Would like to request a document that provides the Awarded Firm and Amount for the above project. I am not seeking Personal Identity Information. Strickly only the awarded firm and amount for the referenced project. Request for documents related to the Fort Irwin Waste Water Treatment Plant Construction and Operation of Percolation Pond No. 4 and Levee Replacement Pond No. 3 Project("Project") Request for Military Police Report Request for Military Police Report Requesting a copy of Contract No. W9124D-09-D-0045 Request for Military Police Report Transferred from Air Force FOIA Office - copies of certified payrolls for Progressive on Travis AFB Contract -6003. Permits issued in regard to the San Francisco Oakland Bay Bridge East Span Retrofit. Request for MP Rpt Mr. Bashir is requesting all records pertaining to the allegation again hisself for any civilian misconduct files & Military police report associated with custom violations. ROBERT D. GEORGE Documents realted to porposed Enbrideg pipeline from IL to OK Maps of Moline, IL for Barstow project from Regulatory Requesting a copy of a MP report she filed when her husband came into her home and started yelling at her. Accident report from August 2011 Hurricane Irene After Action Report and/or Lessons Learned Permits for undergraduate project case # F5110091 and #F5110877 from the Fort Carson IG Office FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 50 of 1088 FP-13-009466 Zok Levi 1/17/2013 Granted request for employment verification and superviser address FP-13-009468 FP-13-009470 FP-13-009471 FP-13-009472 SANTOS Whitt Musgrave McDonald JAVIER Robert Shawn Sue 1/17/2013 1/17/2013 1/17/2013 1/17/2013 JAVIER SANTOS employment verification and supervisor's address Lessons Learned Chicago G20 Copy of Contract Number W31P4Q-06-C-0352, all modifications and all terms and conditions of the contract FP-13-009475 WILSON 1/17/2013 Granted FP-13-009477 Armstrong FP-13-009479 Read DOROTH Y Christoph er Susan FP-13-009488 FP-13-009489 Gosztola GROSS Kevin DAVID 1/17/2013 1/17/2013 Administratively Closed Granted Granted Granted Administratively Closed RONALD CLEMENTS 1/7/2013 Administratively Closed Documents related to Joe Pool Lake - fracking 1/7/2013 Administratively Closed Documents related to XTO and Chesapeake Energy, fracking Request for Court Order RE: Bernadette D. Ortland; Date of Accident: 24 Jul 2012 Request a copy of all records or portions thereof pertaining to the following: 1 . A copy of the claim file generated as a result of the above accident. 2. A copy of the Safety Audit that was performed between July 23, 3012 and July 27, 2012 by the US Department of Army on said access road. 3. A copy of the West Point Safety Audit regarding this accident. 4. A copy of all the Military Police report prepared in connection with the above accident. 5. A copy of all witness statements and investigations reports prepared in connection with the above accident. 6. A copy of all maintenance records for the barriers located on the above access road for a five year period prior to and including the above date of accident. 7. A copy of all contracts between US Department of Army and Total Barrier Works and West Point Military Academy. 8. A copy of prior complaints made regarding the barriers located on the above access road for a five year period prior to and including the above date of accident. -- If there are any fees for copying the requested records, please inform us before filling the request. FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 51 of 1088 FP-13-009491 Bowie John 1/3/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-009493 Lofton James 1/16/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-009494 FP-13-009495 Wilson Modica Brian Stephen 1/17/2013 Administratively Closed 1/17/2013 Granted FP-13-009497 Landry Kenneth 1/15/2013 Granted FP-13-009498 Parsons Adam 1/17/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-009499 Wheeler Regina 1/17/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-009500 FP-13-009501 Ballard Hovater Jennifer Kae 1/17/2013 Administratively Closed 1/15/2013 Granted FP-13-009503 FP-13-009507 FP-13-009511 FP-13-009512 Ahern NIEVES Battle Thompson Sean GABRIEL Joyce John 1/17/2013 Granted 1/17/2013 Granted 1/17/2013 1/17/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-009513 Battle Joyce 1/17/2013 Consult - Reviewed information responsive to a FOIA request filed by John Bowie (Wild Equity Inst.) for information related to ESA and programmatic consultation. Part of the information found to be responsive included district email responses to a HQ data call for NWP regional conditions. a copy of the Government's total decisions (to include amounts paid to all Sub-contractors) for total claim for contract number W912-HN-07-D-0058-0001. Contract at Carlisle Barracks U.S. Army War College. Copies of any Request for JWD, a NWP application , a PCN, or an IP, and/or any compensatory mitigation required for the property called called Meriwether Place, developer is Elray Development Co., Inc., 9139 Villa Rica Highway, Villia Rica, Georgia 30180. ALL the pictures, ALL the drawings, ALL the letters, All the correspondence and ALL the information the Corps of Engineers has on this property in their files related to the application of Michael Steeg in 2007 for the property involved in an after-the-fact permit, MVN-2012-02354 WKK,for his property located in Sec. 30, T 13 S - R 13 E, Assumption Parish, Louisiana. Copy of qualifications for the hired applicat for NCHT1213886771491. Military Police or CID investigations pertaining to Mr. Wheeler. Any information pertaining to Mr.Maher. Summary data related to Section 404 permits issued in the New Orleans District from January 1, 2012 to December 31, 2012. Specifically, IPs, NWPs, and RGPs Permit 12-C-0016 JPAS SECURITY CLEARANCE CERTIFICATE Double Dippling - Haliburton & Jordan MOA Request for copies of phone records from the 3-27th FA here at Fort Bragg, NC. Archeological site security FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 52 of 1088 FP-13-009518 Mabeus Courtney 1/15/2013 Granted FP-13-009523 SANTOS ROSE 1/17/2013 Granted FP-13-009524 Patterson Nick 1/17/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-009530 FP-13-009532 Ahern Weiss Sean Julie 1/17/2013 Granted 1/17/2013 Granted FP-13-009533 FP-13-009535 FP-13-009536 Dolliver-Marshall Greenewald Laney Paula John Thomas 1/17/2013 Granted 1/17/2013 Administratively Closed 1/17/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-009537 Baptista Stephen 1/17/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-009539 Callahan Elspeth 1/17/2013 Granted FP-13-009542 Bruinsma Benjamin 1/17/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-009543 Haller Gabriela 1/17/2013 Granted Pursuant to the federal Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C., § 552, I request access to and copies of the Fort Detrick U.S. Army Garrison's log of FOIA requests for the fiscal years 2011 and 2012. I seek only information pertaining to the company or organization making the request as well as type of information sought. I am not seeking the personal names of individual requesters. request a copy of the following documents identified to W911SE07D0016 Order F920: 1) Contract Award doc 2) Contract Mods 3) RFP with attachments 4) RFP Amendments 5) Winning price 6) Winning proposal If you have any questions please contact me at foia@foia.com. I agree to pay reasonable foia fees, however, please notify me if these fees exceed $55.00 for approval. A copy of the progress pay requests (ENG form 93) for Roen and Billington contractors records of certified payroll reports for project FY12 Duluth-Superior MD and Platform Improvements W911XK-12-C-0006. Contract 10-C-0030 Copy of LRE 2005-540000-S12, Hbr Village at Hbr Shores, LLC. Request for Military Police Report Field Manual 23-65, 50 Caliber machine gun. Documents regarding upgrade award to 1st LT Megellas to MOH. 2003 Report to Congress on Project 112 to the Department of VA, as directed by PL 107-314. Documents identifying the dates, locations, and chemical used for herbicide spraying within Jean LaFitte National Historic Park and Preserve aquatic habitats as conducted by the Army Corps of Engineers from 2008 through the present List of all contracts awarded to White Aero from January 1, 2012 through December 31, 2012. Request for MP Rpt FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 53 of 1088 FP-13-009544 Turner Robert 1/17/2013 Granted 1. All geotechnical data and foundation design information that Corps has for the section of Mississippi River levee, on the left descending bank, Station 70+00 to 95+00. 2. Information on the height and location of Bench Marks that are located nearby that the Corps uses on the MR&T project. FP-13-009545 Walker Jeffery 1/17/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-009547 Finley Jeremy 1/10/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-009548 Harvison Scott 1/16/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-009549 Gibbs Cassandr a 1/17/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-009550 COLEMAN PETER 1/17/2013 Granted Statement of reasons, documents under USASOC perview forwarded by INSCOM for processing Complete investigative file on MSG Paul McCallister, complete file involving McCallister and Diane Brown case #20010727086, and all investigative files about McCallister committing adultery Kutak Rock LLP is counsel for Calvin and Jean Porter and CRPB II LLC (the "Requesting Parties"). This is a request under the Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. § 552) for the following records and documents relating to the Swope Park Industrial Area ("SPIA'') Stormwater Collection and Bank Stabilization Project and/or the SPIA Flood Damage Reduction Project (the "Project"): a. a copy of all studies, reports, and agreements relating to the Project, including but not limited to project participation agreements, memorandum agreements, cost sharing agreements; feasibility studies, and/or cooperative agreements; b. a copy of all contracts between/among the City of Kansas City, Missouri, SPIA, and the US Army Corps of Engineers (the "Corps") relating to the Project; c. a copy of all records and/or documents memorializing the design/scope of the Project; d. a copy of all records and/or documents concerning any portion of the Project that will or may touch upon real property owned by the Requesting Parties; e. a copy of all meeting agendas, minutes, or similar documents relating to the Project; f. a copy of all records and/or documents memorializing the anticipated timeline for working or construction drawings documenting the operation and alteration of the drainage pump station no. 1 at 2501 S. Broad St. in New Orleans, La. Solicitation No. W911SA-12-B-0010, Flooring IDIQ at Fort McCoy request a copy of the Bid Schedules for the base year and the two option years for all bids received willing to pay up to $5.00 FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 54 of 1088 FP-13-009551 FP-13-009552 FP-13-009553 FP-13-009554 Oubre Green McNeill Vicente Bradley Peter Dillon Alexander 1/17/2013 1/17/2013 1/14/2013 1/17/2013 Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Granted Granted Undescernable Copies of Aero medical contracts MPR 1872-2012 following too close FP-13-009555 FP-13-009556 FP-13-009557 FP-13-009558 FP-13-009559 FP-13-009560 FP-13-009561 FP-13-009562 FP-13-009563 FP-13-009564 FP-13-009565 Roediger Torres Mitchell Eaton Legacion Jones Al Naser Harless Birrer White Runner Nicole Virgen Elton Don Mary Jeremy Ahmed Karen Tina Theresa Carl 1/14/2013 1/16/2013 1/16/2013 1/17/2013 1/17/2013 1/17/2013 1/17/2013 1/17/2013 1/17/2013 1/17/2013 1/18/2013 Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Administratively Closed Granted Granted Granted FP-13-009572 Carpenter Brendalyn 1/2/2013 Granted FP-13-009573 Daei Tirdad 1/4/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-009574 FP-13-009575 Lewis Green Floyd Cordon 1/14/2013 Denied in Part 1/15/2013 FP-13-009576 Marshall Rolf 1/15/2013 Granted MPR 5610-2012 MPR 3262-2010 MPR 0037-2013 Unsafe turning - right turn MPR 2494-2012 Larceny of private funds. MPR 5469-2012 Husband moving furniture out. Negligent Driving 2nd degree Fail to yield right of way while turning left. Copy of MP Report concerning himself and CW3 Gomez, which occured on 3 Nov 12. Scoring information on the application 1 Feb 2013, requester revised request to "Notice of Results and Rating Summary for my resumse will be sufficient if those items also contain my rank/score from CPAC's evaluation" and the requester suspended "any further collection of information at this time" as of Feb 1, 2013. Job description, SF-50 and personal file on Niloofar Nickol Agah Hiring docs on NCDE12900063683418 documents pertaining to the interviews conducted for NCDE12994757711962 Statistical information for ocean transportation of military equipment and supplies to/from ports in the Central Command (USCENTCOM), European Command (EUCOM), Africa Command (AFRICOM), and Pacific Command (PACOM) Areas of Responsibility in support of Operations Enduring Freedom and other U.S. military force deployments/re-deployments from those AOR’s during the period January 1, 2012 through December 31, 2012. FP-13-009577 Curtis Terrell 1/18/2013 Administratively Closed SGT West, Christopher Robert (xx-4580) FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 55 of 1088 FP-13-009580 Edelstein David 1/15/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-009581 Hendricks Richard 1/18/2013 Granted FP-13-009582 FP-13-009583 Wong Galey Johnny Megan 1/16/2013 Administratively Closed 1/16/2013 Granted FP-13-009584 Smith Milton 1/15/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-009585 Welte William 1/14/2013 Granted J&J Maintenance Air Handling Units W91278-08-D-00570205 (Reqeust re RFP 12-063 dated 20 Aug 12 referred to Huntsville) Cranberry Operations in Jackson County WI during 2007 through 2011 Water Wars Dredging records Mackey Bay / Escambia Bay from the 1960's Certified copy of the payment bond and prime contract (Part 1 and Part II, section I) pursuant to which the payment bond was provided for Contract Number W912D-R-10-0094; Utah Data Center, Camp Williams, UT Documents regarding the identity of the last known owner(s), installer(s) or permitee(s) (or of any entity claiming to have been an owner or installer or permitee) of submarine cables (whether active or dormant)(whether claimed or abandoned) running from the mainland of the Coast of Maine to Matinicus Island, Maine and from Matinicus Island, Maine to Ragged Island and/or Criehaven, Maine. FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 56 of 1088 FP-13-009596 Cannon Jessica 1/18/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-009601 Chavous David 1/18/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-009603 Frink William 1/18/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-009605 Gigonda William 1/18/2013 Granted FP-13-009606 FP-13-009607 Powers Lavezzi Sharon Robert 1/18/2013 Administratively Closed 1/18/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-009608 Edelstein David 1/18/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-009609 BOONE WALLAC E 1/18/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-009610 Torres-Cortes Manuel 1/18/2013 Administratively Closed Contract Award No. W912ER 10 C 0007 Contract Award No. W912ER 12 C 0024 Solicitation No. W912ER 09 R 0072 Contract Award No. W912ER 10 C 0007 Documents Requested: 1. A true and correct copy of all Contracts awarded by You to DWC Malek-Al Haddad and Sons General Trading and Contracting Company, including the Contract for security systems upgrades in Kuwait, as identified hereinabove. 2. True and correct copies of the Bids and required forms submitted by DWC Malek-Al Haddad and Sons General Trading and Contracting Company, related to all Contracts awarded under item 1 above. AND CAGE Commercial and Government Entity Code: SFR21 Contract: Security Systems Upgrades in Kuwait Award Information: Awarded by the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers Middle East District through the Foreign Military Sales program to DWC General Trading and Contracting Company of Kuwait Contract Amount: $11.3 million Date of Award: March 26, 2012 Documents Requested: 1. A true and correct copy of all Contracts awarded by You to DWC General Trading and Contracting Company, including the Contract for security systems upgrades in Kuwait, as identified hereinabove. 2. True and correct copies of the Bids and required forms Records pertaining to an incident that occurred at the 50th M.P. Det from 8/1/71 through 9/30/72. Ref: 13-F-0260, Docs pertaining to Army-prepared Climate Assessment Survey. The requester is requesting a Military Police Report pertaining to an house shed broken in which occurred 12 January 2013. Personal Information regarding the requestor. FBI FOI/PA #1170599, RE: File Number 65-HQ-8946 and docs. FOIA Request for RFP #12-063 dated August 20, 2012 for MRR Replace Air Handling Units and Exhaust Fans USAMRIID Building 1425, Ft. Detrick MD. Referred documents found in the request for a copy of the 15-6 investigation conducted on or about January 1, 2006 through February 28, 2006, regarding the denial of Wallace Boone's promotion to CW2. Copies of IG complaint docs FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 57 of 1088 FP-13-009612 Carpenter Michael 1/18/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-009613 FP-13-009614 FP-13-009619 FP-13-009621 Dash Young Wierzbicki Caley Maurisha Carl Mark Steve 1/18/2013 1/18/2013 1/18/2013 1/17/2013 FP-13-009624 FP-13-009626 FP-13-009627 Herring Ault Finley Charles Kelsey Jeremy 1/18/2013 Administratively Closed 1/18/2013 Granted 1/15/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-009629 Ellis Rachel 1/18/2013 Granted FP-13-009630 FP-13-009631 FP-13-009632 FP-13-009633 FP-13-009635 FP-13-009636 Peveto Chilli Crisp Green Sheriff Nussbaum Hwan Frank Jonathan Paul Kalifala Matthew 1/18/2013 1/18/2013 1/16/2013 1/18/2013 1/18/2013 1/18/2013 FP-13-009637 FP-13-009639 FP-13-009640 Wollschlager Bates Kuo Lucas Tom Yolanda 1/18/2013 Granted 1/18/2013 Administratively Closed 1/18/2013 Granted Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Granted Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Granted Granted Granted Records concerning an accident that occurred on September 6, 2011. Copy of background investigation docs Copy of background investigation record Contract A copy of the Section 404 Permit (permit only and not entire file) that the Army Corps of Engineers recently issued to Gainesville Waste and Recycling, LLC under the Clean Water Act. More specifically, the permit issued to GWAR is for a stream buffer variance in Hall County, Georgia relating to a landfill operation, and the application number for the permit is SAS-2012-00679. Personal information Driving under the influence of drugs (Marijuana) Appealing denied request for expedited processing on the basis that the information is urgently needed to inform the public. Assault; drunk and disorderly; commicating a threat; suicidal ideations. Improper Turn Contract DAIG ROI No. 12-009; Proposed Memo of Reprimand Negligent Driving 2nd Degree Damage to private property. USACE contractor information - Odebrecht Joint Ventures/Construction Simple assault - consummated by battery. engineering drawings Strategic G6 Directorate documents FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 58 of 1088 FP-13-009642 McLean Jesse 1/17/2013 Granted 1. A database report reflecting projects the Fort Worth District has authorized that have included inter-agency consultation with the U.S Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) under Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act (aka "Section 7 consultations") pertaining to the endangered golden-cheeked warbler (Setophaga chrysoparia, formerly Dendroica chrysoparia). 2. A database report reflecting projects the Fort Worth District has authorized that have included inter-agency consultation with the U.S Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) under Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act (aka "Section 7 Consultations") pertaining to the endangered black-capped vireo (Vireo atricapilla). Please include the USACE Project Number, the date of authorization, name of the project, county of the project's location, date & name of the Biological Opinion issued by FWS and any other pertinent information. FP-13-009644 FP-13-009651 FP-13-009652 FP-13-009654 FP-13-009655 FP-13-009656 FP-13-009668 Stitt Chilli Nexis Nexis Nexis Caffee PHILIPPS Cecilia Frank Lexis Lexis Lexis Brian DAVE 1/18/2013 1/18/2013 1/18/2013 1/18/2013 1/18/2013 1/18/2013 1/18/2013 Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Granted Administratively Closed Granted Granted Granted FP-13-009674 FP-13-009689 FP-13-009692 FP-13-009703 Zieske Harpel Chilli Haegele Eric Douglas Frank Kimberle 1/18/2013 1/18/2013 1/18/2013 1/18/2013 Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Denied in Part FP-13-009704 FP-13-009705 King RAVNITZKY Candice MICHAEL 1/18/2013 Granted 1/18/2013 Granted FP-13-009706 Robertson David 1/18/2013 Granted Aircraft Component Historical Records Contract MPR 0034-2013 MPR occurred 10-24 involving Guy sifuentes MPR 0042-2013 MPR 6650-2012 HRC REFERRAL REQEUST FOR THE NUMBER OF CHAPTER 10, 13 AND 14 DISCHARGES FOR THE ARMY AND FT CARSON. engineering report Contract contracts in-lieu mitigation associated with Missouri Conservation Heritage Foundation. St. Louis District file number MVS2009-684 Medical Assist REFERRED DOCUMENT FROM DA FOIA, RCVD FROM THE FILES OF THE FBI. need attachment that came with the letter dated January 3, 2003 from Mr. Richard Gebhart to Mr. Steve Downing related to 200025146. FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 59 of 1088 FP-13-009707 POULLARD YOLAND A 1/18/2013 Denied in Part USARECENT REFERRAL OF DOCUMENTS PERTAINING TO THE REQUEST FOR THE EO COMPLAINT FILED ON 24 APRIL 2012, EMAILS, MEMOS, NOTES, VIDEOS, COMPLETED FORMS AND FINDINGS. FP-13-009708 JACKSON CHARLES 1/18/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-009734 FP-13-009735 FP-13-009736 Radu Ezike Ragland 1/22/2013 Granted 1/22/2013 Granted 1/22/2013 Granted FP-13-009737 FP-13-009738 Drakakis Batson Razvan Onyinye Christoph er George Stephanie REFERRAL OF THE REQUEST FOR THE 15-6 INVESTIGATION CONDUCTED BY MG ADOLPH MCQUEEN INTO MATTERS RAISED BY LTC JACKSON IN TO HIS MEMORANDUM OF APPEAL DATED 19 OCT 2012 TO HIS EO COMPLAINT OF UNLAWFUL DISCRIMINATION AGAINST HIMSELF BY COL E.MANNING. MP Report requested MP Report Requested MP Report requested 1/22/2013 Granted 1/22/2013 Administratively Closed MP Report requested MPR# 01893 FP-13-009739 Linton (13-066) Stacy 1/14/2013 FP-13-009740 Sinclair 1/22/2013 Granted FP-13-009741 Clark Lashaund ra Wahnne SAJ-2012-03247, Lots 1, 6 and 7 Ocean Lane, Palm Beach FL Police Report FP-13-009742 Linton (13-067) Stacy 1/14/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-009744 BASCOM 1/22/2013 Granted BRANDON WILLING FP-13-009745 Heath (13-068) MICHELL E Shawn 1/14/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-009746 Ingraham Matthew 1/22/2013 Granted FP-13-009747 copeland joseph 1/22/2013 Granted Permit No. 198993109 (IP-KE) or 199202063 (IP-KE); Driftwood Estates at Sandestin a copy of the MOI that was used for the FY2012 ACC Lieutenant Colonel Board all releasable materials under hte Privacy Act that were presented to the promotion board, including copies of the OMPF, Board ORB, official photo, and copies of all reference materials 1/22/2013 Administratively Closed Request letter which comprises the "technical and legal review by HQDA" which was the basis for a determination the MOA had no legal standing under the NHPA. "" constitute an adverse effect. Permit Applications or Permits issued to Flagler Systems, Inc. or The Breakers, Palm Beach, Inc. since 1 Jan 2010 FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 60 of 1088 FP-13-009748 Bates Tom 1/22/2013 Administratively Closed scans of the engineering drawings for the 1) original 1940s heating and refrigeration plant for the pentagon, and 2) the original 1940s sewage disposal plant for the Pentagon FP-13-009749 Morais Betsy 1/22/2013 Granted van sim and related material - any Army IG reports relevant to human experimentation and chemical experiments and the work product, or Army IG records supporting the reports FP-13-009750 Sinnreich Jonathan 1/22/2013 Granted FP-13-009751 FP-13-009753 FP-13-009759 Hall Walker Steuber George Wasana Jon 1/22/2013 Administratively Closed 1/22/2013 Granted 1/22/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-009760 FP-13-009765 Parker Fox Lisa William 1/22/2013 Granted 1/22/2013 Granted FP-13-009768 FP-13-009770 Todd NYBERG Justin GREGOR Y 1/22/2013 Granted 1/22/2013 Granted post-storm breach conditions; Westhampton Beach and/or Westhampton Dunes Regulatory Request for MP Rpt CQ duty log for 2-8 Inf from 14-15 September 2012. SGT Alan R. Melies was the Charge of Quarters for the days in question. Request military records of Ryan R. Rankin SGM (Ret) William F. Fox, requests a copy of Report of Investigation (ROI) 2004-CID452-63574-6F. Request for MP Rpt Gregory D. Nyberg. FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 61 of 1088 FP-13-009776 Janes Margaret 1/22/2013 Granted FP-13-009779 FP-13-009782 Bennett McDonnell Shannon {at 1/22/2013 Granted 1/22/2013 Granted To the extent not already responsive, in reference to the Coal-Mac Mine, LRH-2008-00830, SMCRA No. S500607: any and all monitoring data and/or reports submitted to the Corps pursuant to the permit requirements, and any and all other communications including, but not limited to, letters, reports, emails and or approvals to fill streams including, but not limited to, those communications between the Corps and Coal Mac about the above noted mine. Requests/notifications received from January 2010 to present for withdrawal of previously filed 404 applications for surfacing mining operations in West Virginia. To the extent not already responsive, any and all monitoring data and or reports submitted to the Corps pursuant to the permit requirements for the Consol of Kentucky, Peg Fork Mine, Corps Number 2006-2295 KAN. To the extent not already responsive, any and all other communications including, but not limited to, those communications between the Corps and Consol about the above noted Peg Fork Mine from January 2010 to present. Any and all preliminary or final information including, but not limited to, articles, reports, emails, phone Permit 96-26-011 Any and all documents that were sent by all personnel from USACE Huntsville to Mr. Teetsov regarding contract W912DY-12-F-0063 and RFQ W912DY-12-T-0039. FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 62 of 1088 FP-13-009787 Janes Margaret 1/22/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-009791 Soffer Stuart 1/16/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-009792 Simion John 1/22/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-009794 Yahya Faez Nabeel 1/18/2013 Denied in Part 1) We request the following documents listed below received during the time period from January 14, 2013 to present: a. Requests/notifications for withdrawal of previously filed 404 applications for surface mining operations in Kentucky. b. All notices, requests, or applications for coverage for coalmines, refuse or slurry impoundments under NW permits 21, 49 or 50. c. Any Corps authorizations including decision documents and facts and findings granted under NWP 21, 49 or 50 for activities in Kentucky or Tennessee. d. Any individual 404 permits including decision documents, facts and findings, and final CMPs for surface mining operations or refuse or slurry impoundments in Kentucky or Tennessee e. Any and all Environmental Information Documents received including amendments, revisions and/or appendices and any and all Compensatory Mitigation Plans including amendments, revisions and/or appendices related to coal mining operations submitted to the Corps for operations in Kentucky or Tennessee. f. All monitoring reports received by the Corps related to any mining compensatory mitigation plans for stream creation, enhancement, or restoration projects for 404 permits in KY. 1. All documents, emails and conversation records between Little Rock Air Force Base Exchange GM and the LRAFB Retiree Activites Officer about requestor's compalints to the GM about the Main Class Six Store for the period of 01 August 2012 - 16 January 2013. 2. copies of documents, emails and conversation records between the Gm and any officer of the Military Officers Association of America (MOAA) Arkansas Council of Chapters (ACOC) or any officer of the MOAA Central Arkansas Chapter pertaining to the requestor for the period of 1 August 2012 to 16 January 2013. the above is specifically relative to Class Six. Request for records concerning the selection of the Deputy District Counsel in Kansas City. 552,1 request access to and copies of any and all documents relatedto the invalidation of my student visa, and the reasons behind such invalidation, cancellation or revocation. FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 63 of 1088 FP-13-009795 Bauer Brian 1/17/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-009796 FP-13-009799 FP-13-009800 FP-13-009801 FP-13-009803 FP-13-009804 FP-13-009806 Olsson DRIGGERS Stacy Stacy Stacy Stacy Winston Karen KATIE Doug Doug Doug Doug Denetris 1/22/2013 1/22/2013 1/22/2013 1/22/2013 1/22/2013 1/22/2013 1/22/2013 FP-13-009807 Forney Perry FP-13-009808 Schleifstein Mark 1/10/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-009809 TYLER 1/22/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-009810 FP-13-009813 FP-13-009814 FP-13-009816 Stacy Stacy Stacy Getzen LAVOND A Doug Doug Doug Geoffrey FP-13-009819 FP-13-009823 Brasher Meyers David Meghann 1/22/2013 Granted 1/16/2013 Granted Granted Granted Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed 1/9/2013 Denied in Full 1/22/2013 1/22/2013 1/22/2013 1/22/2013 Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed 15-6 investigation, need Carlisle IRA memo and will send to OTJAG. SGM Mittie Smith VENOY N. SANDERS Contract W91RUS08D0006. Contract W91RUS08D0010. Contract W91RUS08D0005. Contract W91RUS08D0001. Information about Army civilian personnel actions form Jan 1, 2009 - Jan 17, 2013, Promotions, Details, Reassignment, Rating Schemes, ect. Investigating records DD214, of spouse Lisa Forney from 01 Jan 12 - 21 April 12. Company she was under was 463 MP. I am requesting any and all investigating documents and outcome of Lisa Forney Chapter paperwork. DOD IG Report D-2010-039 Recapitalization and Acquisition of Light Tactical Wheeled Vehicles (U) MORRIS A. HUGHES Contract W91RUS08D0002. Contract W91RUS08D0003. Contract W91RUS08D0004. copy of contract, purchase order, purchase order receipts and invoice receipts for contract # W912NW09P0718 Request for MP Rpt Regarding the Design/Build Border Patrol Stations, Kingsville, Texas: 1. Prime Contract between COE and Satterfield Pontikes, including all change orders; 2. All pay applications submitted by Satterfield Pontikes to the COE;\ 3. All payments made by COE to Satterfield Pontikes; 4. All inspection reports relating to any plumbing, HVAC, or mechanical scopes of work on the project; 5. All communications between the COE and Satterfield and Pontikes relating to Victoria Air Conditioning on the project. FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 64 of 1088 FP-13-009824 Wright Gary 1/22/2013 Administratively Closed This testing would have occur ed sometime during 19601980. There was an engine developed by a Mr. Joseph Papp based on this technology. This inert gas plasma driven engine of Mr. Papp is covered under three patents: US Patent #3670494 June 20th 1972 US Patent #3680431 August 1st, 1972 US Patent #4428193 January 31st, 1984 FP-13-009825 FP-13-009826 FP-13-009827 Chilli Chilli Herring Frank Frank Charles 1/22/2013 Administratively Closed 1/22/2013 Administratively Closed 1/22/2013 Administratively Closed Contract Contract 1. Report of Investigation relating to SWF allegation of fraud against the Government by Admin & Logistics Services, Inc.; 2. All supporting documents submitted with the fraud charge and or request for fraud investigation. FP-13-009828 Furtado Michael 1/22/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-009829 Sullivan Bill 1/22/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-009830 FP-13-009833 FP-13-009835 FP-13-009836 Ramirez Davis Hausser Hill Ruben Reginald Leah Mark 1/16/2013 1/15/2013 1/22/2013 1/22/2013 Granted Granted Granted Administratively Closed FP-13-009838 FP-13-009840 FP-13-009841 FP-13-009844 FP-13-009846 Lopez Johnson Smith Bailey (13-069) Gaudet Daniel Chris Jennifer John Brian 1/15/2013 1/16/2013 1/22/2013 1/14/2013 1/9/2013 Granted Granted Granted Granted Denied in Part FP-13-009848 Brunache Harry 1/17/2013 Denied in Part Request application packets and ranking documents including scoring comments or notes made by selection team. Request contracts and all modifications to W91CRB10C0177 and W91CRB10C0179. Debt Verification Debt Verification Request for MP rpt Boundary information for the section of Lake Lewisville highlighted in map attached to request, to include bearings and distance and monument information. Debt Verification Sales information for vitamins Request for MP Rpt Bayport Hyatt Site, Tampa FL, Hillsborough County Documents related to Contract Nos. W9126G-10-C-0046 and W9126G-09-C-0023 Documents related to Solicitation No. W9126G-12-R-0090 FP-13-009849 FP-13-009850 FP-13-009851 FP-13-009854 Hovater (13-070) Garcia Oubre Brown Kae Angel Bradley S. 1/14/2013 1/22/2013 1/17/2013 1/22/2013 FP-13-009855 WOMAC JOY 1/22/2013 Administratively Closed Granted Granted Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Section 404 Permits Copy of SAJ1994-06558(IP-CGR) Maps Any and all documents and materials regarding the crash of a US Army Bell OH58D Kiowa Warrior helicopter on December 14, 2010. LTC CARRIE S. CHAPLIN FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 65 of 1088 FP-13-009856 Sapp (13-071) 1/14/2013 Denied in Part SAJ-2000-01477 (IP-MJD) Reed Scott Gottlieb (13-072) Christoph er Nathaniel Michael Andrew FP-13-009857 FP-13-009859 FP-13-009860 1/22/2013 Granted 1/22/2013 Granted 1/15/2013 Granted Shoplifting MPR for tools Greater Everglades Performance Measure Output for CEPP FP-13-009861 FP-13-009863 Wimberly Mihm Diana Jeff 1/18/2013 Granted 1/18/2013 Granted FP-13-009867 FP-13-009868 FP-13-009870 Davis Burgess Goch Tracy Mark Molly 1/22/2013 Granted 1/22/2013 Administratively Closed 1/18/2013 Granted FP-13-009873 Bakshi (13-074) Gil 1/22/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-009881 FP-13-009883 FP-13-009885 FP-13-009887 FP-13-009890 Fee Staines Kerns Foster Brunstein Sharnelle Anthony Catherine Lonnie Elena 1/22/2013 1/22/2013 1/22/2013 1/22/2013 1/17/2013 FP-13-009893 Chesla Sarah 1/22/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-009896 FP-13-009898 FP-13-009907 Wheelock Rodriguez Gorszczyk Branden Colburn Steve 1/22/2013 Granted 1/22/2013 Granted 1/17/2013 Granted FP-13-009908 Ehlers Dennis Sales data for 476 infant/todder wear and acc Unsuccessful bid information for Solicitation SDVC-07-01012-452. MPR MPR / Medical Requesting Public Notices of Standard Individual Permits applied in the year 2012, across USACE Districts nationwide. Contract No. W91278-09-D-0007, CS02, from 4 Oct 12 - 30 Dec 12 Cooperative agreement regarding cormorants. L&D #2 claim from 20 May 2011. Regulatory permit files DD214 & sentence comp. Military personnel records, including enlistments/appointment, qualifications, performance, awards and medals, disciplinary actions, discharge, report of separation and other personnel actions of Lassiter Queniya Markeytta, born in July 29, 1987 in Hampton Virginia. Date entered service 2005. Customer is requesting a copy of a Fire Report for insurance purposes. Request for MP Rpt Request for MP Rpt Area capacity curves and storage volumes for El Dorado Lake Any and all memoranda, regulations, policies, directives, guidelines, manuals, general orders and /or written procedures issued by 36 Infantry Division or HQ US Division South related to automated information systems and information transport network infrastructures. Any and all policies, etc that address what must be done by military personnel and/or units with electronic documents contained in user accounts deactivated or deleted. Granted Granted Granted Administratively Closed Administratively Closed 1/2/2013 Administratively Closed FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 66 of 1088 FP-13-009909 Petsche Daniel 1/2/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-009910 FP-13-009911 FP-13-009912 FP-13-009913 FP-13-009917 McDaniel Quiles Maldonado Custodio Farmer Deal #99085 Ivy Ferdinand Jane Charles Marvin 1/22/2013 1/22/2013 1/22/2013 1/18/2013 1/22/2013 FP-13-009919 Herbert Sarah 1/23/2013 Granted FP-13-009920 Murray John 1/23/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-009932 FP-13-009941 STOKES Nordin KIARAA Matthew 1/23/2013 Granted 1/23/2013 Denied in Full FP-13-009947 Olsen Jeffery 1/23/2013 Administratively Closed Granted Granted Granted Granted Administratively Closed Any policies/directives/SOPs that would allow or permit 36 ID personnel or sub-units from March 2003-Dec 2011 to legaly destroy, delete, purge, or overwrite emails or other electronic documents contained in a military member's email account 90 days after the individual left Iraq theater. MPR 0734-2012 MPR 0078-2013 MPR 5268-2012 Email Request All mailings from the U.S. Army (Selective Service Agency, and Federal Records Center) to Marvin G. Deal in reference to his registration for the draft of Local Board No 80 in Caddo Parish of Shreveport LA 71101 at the Federal building on 17 Dec 1973. 3989 Larmont Avenue NE, Warren, Ohio Project No. 20112075 Contract No. W911WN-10-C-0012 Emsworth Locks & Dams Back Channel Dam Left Abutment Stabilization and Scour Protection, Allegheny County JEFFREYMAN BROWN Under the Freedom of Information Act, FOX19 News in Cincinnati requests the most recent inspection reports for the following levees: 1) Cincinnati LFPP (Hamilton County; Ohio congressional district #01) 2) Covington LFPP (Kenton County; Kentucky congressional district #04) 3) Dayton LFPP (Campbell County; Kentucky congressional district #04) 4) Duck Creek, OH (Hamilton County; Ohio congressional district #02) 5) Lawrenceburg LFPP (Dearborn County; Indiana congressional district #09) 6) Newport LFPP (Campbell County; Kentucky congressional district #04) Request copies of all emails from CPT Mavis concerning Congressional Inquiry, from MAJ Remer from Dec '11-Dec '12 concerning requestor's status, from MSG Heson from Nov '11-Sep '12 concerning requestor's status, from CW2 Wiser from Nov '11-Sep '12 concerning requestor's status, from SFC Tate from Nov '11-Sep '12 concerning requestor's status. A copy of AGR contuation paperwork. Copy of paperwork concerning PCSA move. FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 67 of 1088 FP-13-009949 Kopena Jason 1/23/2013 Denied in Part incident that occurred on 6/29/12 at the facility of Sea Watch Intl, located at 242 S. Rehoboth Blvd. Milford, DE 19963. The incident involved an alleged leak/explosion of a tank containing a hazardous substance alleged to be mustard FP-13-009951 Tanner Jana 1/23/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-009952 FP-13-009956 FP-13-009960 Dowds Stover Tucker Danny Jeff Paula 1/14/2013 Granted 1/23/2013 Granted 1/22/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-009961 Haber Kenneth 1/23/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-009968 Brinkman Andrew 1/23/2013 Granted FP-13-009981 FP-13-009983 FP-13-009984 Ruscitto Chilli Herber Jack Frank Sabine 1/23/2013 Administratively Closed 1/23/2013 Administratively Closed 1/22/2013 Granted FP-13-009987 FP-13-009988 FP-13-009990 FP-13-009991 Jamison Tanner McGuire Binnier Geniese Jana Jason Luis 1/15/2013 Granted 1/23/2013 1/22/2013 Granted 1/23/2013 Granted FP-13-009992 FP-13-009994 FP-13-009995 FP-13-009996 FP-13-009997 FP-13-009998 Love Michael Rude Alameda Black Nexis Watson Rodney Dennis Ashley Edwin Lexis Charles 1/23/2013 1/23/2013 1/23/2013 1/23/2013 1/23/2013 1/23/2013 FP-13-009999 Express Ensearch 1/23/2013 Granted Jana Tanner, EEO Complaint DA Docket # ARSTEWART12JUN02241 2013 access to partner site for 15 areas.` dredging activities in the Gowanus Canal Boat dock owner information for Terrapin Creek, Lake Tenkiller. Any and all personnel and medical credentialing files, records and documents, which pertain to Major Darron Smith, Physician Assistant Requesting a copy of a MP report he and his wife filed when his wife daughter was returned 5 hours later than court ordered. Transfer orders to USDB. DoD MEADS Program Please let me know if there have been any inquiries since 2012/31/10 about the property located at Wilmette Harbor, 20 Harbor Drive, Wilmette, 60091 or the dredging permit (LRC 2007 133) issued 2008/05/27. Who asked What they requested Has anyone filed a request for a new dredging permit on the above property. Termination Jana Tanner (Emails-Records of Phone Calls) Lease agreement with Saylorville marina Husband of the deceased request a copy of the LOD investigation, AR 15-6 Investigation, and the department of Defense Suicide Event Report. AR 15-6 Report court Martial Vs. Rude MPR 0067-2013 MPR 0078-2013 MPR 0110-2013 Fire Department and ambulance report for 23 August 2012 dispatched to 25D Javelin Court, Military Housing, Fort Hunter Liggett, CA. MPR 0138-2013 Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 68 of 1088 FP-13-010000 Rothmann Michael 1/22/2013 Granted FP-13-010001 Howard Alfreda 1/23/2013 Granted FP-13-010002 Sheets Bill 1/23/2013 Granted FP-13-010003 FP-13-010004 FP-13-010005 ZEMAITAITIS Scott Stephenson TARA Michael Sally 1/23/2013 Granted 1/23/2013 Administratively Closed 1/22/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-010007 McCollin Jeff 1/23/2013 Granted FP-13-010009 FP-13-010010 Goch Hovater Molly Kae 1/10/2013 Granted 1/22/2013 Granted FP-13-010012 FP-13-010013 FP-13-010015 FP-13-010016 White Branson Bedsole McConnell Kevin Steven Layton Jacob 1/23/2013 1/18/2013 1/22/2013 1/22/2013 FP-13-010017 Eastham Ronald 1/23/2013 Granted Granted Granted Administratively Closed Denied in Part Entire file regarding 41482 N Lakeview Terrace, Antioch, Illinois 60002. Alfreda Paulette Howard - Federal Tort Claim v Sgt Karl T gore and the US Army BNSF railway reports on mudslides on its tracks along Puget Sound RAYMOND VERRILL Information regarding Mr. Neeley. Files pertaining to Missouri River flooding that occurred between Ft. Peck and Gavins Point updated documents after October 2013 related to 200901219-UO public notices from 2012 1. Summary data related to Section 404 permits issued in SWF from January 1, 2012 to December 31, 2012, specifically, IPs, NWPs, and RGPs. a. A list of issued permits generated from the ORM database with permanent wetland impacts greater than 0 that include the acreage or linear feet of the impact, the type (mitigation bank credits, permittee-responsible preservation, enhancement, restoration, etc.) and amount of mitigation required in the permit to offset impacts. Police Report dredging reports from the McFarland engioneer report and Project Cooperation Agreement Bid tabulations, all certified payrools for general contractor and all certified payrolls for sub-contractors on the Beach City Dam Utility Building .pdf files of the segment maps for Meldahl L&D, River Miles 361 through 366, on the Lewis County, Kentucky side of the Ohio River FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 69 of 1088 FP-13-010018 Janes Margaret 1/23/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-010019 Watkins Luke 1/23/2013 Granted FP-13-010023 McFarland Chad 1/23/2013 Granted FP-13-010026 FP-13-010029 FP-13-010030 FP-13-010031 FP-13-010033 Wells SANTOS Baum Hartnett Crosby 1/15/2013 1/23/2013 1/15/2013 1/23/2013 1/23/2013 FP-13-010036 Burns Shawn ROSE Maria Vernon Christoph er Spencer Granted Granted Administratively Closed Granted 1/23/2013 Granted To the extent not already responsive, in reference to the Coal-Mac Mine, LRH-2008-00830, SMCRA No. S500607: any and all monitoring data and/or reports submitted to the Corps pursuant to the permit requirements, and any and all other communications including, but not limited to, letters, reports, emails and or approvals to fill streams including, but not limited to, those communications between the Corps and Coal Mac about the above noted mine. Requests/notifications received from January 2010 to present for withdrawal of previously filed 404 applications for surfacing mining operations in West Virginia. To the extent not already responsive, any and all monitoring data and or reports submitted to the Corps pursuant to the permit requirements for the Consol of Kentucky, Peg Fork Mine, Corps Number 2006-2295 KAN. To the extent not already responsive, any and all other communications including, but not limited to, those communications between the Corps and Consol about the above noted Peg Fork Mine from January 2010 to present. Any and all preliminary or final information including, but not limited to, articles, reports, emails, phone Permit(s) for the Ohio River Crossing of two pipelines (filed by Eureka Pipeline Company sometime between 1925 and 1949 Cadet Carlson's complete and unabridged cadet file, including but not limited to, performance reports, evaluations, and assessments; all disciplinary allegations including honor code violations, and related investigation documents with all statements obtained and all counseling records, service contracts, statements of understaning and acknowledgments; grade repors, all medical records, and all other personnel records maintained - regardless of medium in which the records are stored/maintained. Debt Verification CONTRACT DATA Debt Verification OMPF for Mr. Cox and Mr. Hartnett. Exchange documents locatd in ROI 2011-CID009-46891-5P USACE contract FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 70 of 1088 FP-13-010039 Gikow Stephen 1/23/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-010044 FP-13-010045 Inkenbrandt Leverett Robert Cara 1/23/2013 Granted 1/23/2013 Granted FP-13-010046 Drown Diantha 1/23/2013 Granted FP-13-010047 FP-13-010048 FP-13-010049 Williams Selby McAleer Calvin Paul Charles 1/23/2013 Granted 1/23/2013 Granted 1/23/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-010050 FP-13-010051 FP-13-010052 FP-13-010059 FP-13-010060 Buckley Savage Burgos Gray Persen Andrew Bradlee Sheila Isiah Kjell 1/10/2013 1/10/2013 1/15/2013 1/24/2013 1/24/2013 FP-13-010061 FP-13-010063 FP-13-010064 Greenewald WHITFIELD Murphy John BOB Brian 1/24/2013 Administratively Closed 1/24/2013 Granted 1/24/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-010065 STRONG 1/24/2013 Granted FP-13-010066 Brodadbelt LEERICK A Omar NGIC-1671-7205-06, Documents titled Iraq Chemical Weapons Continue to be Recovered. Request for MP Rpt a copy of the original permit for a pipeline that was filled in the 1950s, most likely in 1957. The pipeline was built across the Atchafalaya Basin by Southern Natural and it starts crossing the Basin on the east side, to the north of Bayou Sorrel and comes out on the west side to the south of Catahoula. It is the first pipeline that crosses the Basin north of Bayou Sorrel. Jan. 2012 - present info on all impact to US waters under the 404 act & wetlands in the Indianapolis and Louisville areas that require mitigation. Info on how mitigation was or will be satisfied for all impats in the Indy/ Lou areas. Historical Documents HIstorical Information Complete accident investigation file regarding injuries sustained by Donald Brown at Fort Benning (RFP W9123608-D-0064-0002) on February 02, 2011. MP-Report Theft inside Building MP-Report MP-Report Traffic accident MP-Report Larency of Government Property Statement of MSG Roy A. Rhodes from a 1957 case regarding Soviet Spy Rudolf Abel. 2012 FOIA log. BOB WHITFIELD Richard Welch and Greek Terrorist Organization Novemeber17 or 17N RANDY B. FRANKLIN 1/24/2013 Administratively Closed Investigation occurred at Camp Deh Dadi II on Sept 3, 2011. FP-13-010067 Greenewald John 1/24/2013 Administratively Closed Operation Northwoods was a series of false-flag proposals that orginated within the U.S. Government in 1962. FP-13-010069 FP-13-010072 FP-13-010073 Francis LABRE Dant Donald ROBERT Bryan 1/10/2013 Administratively Closed 1/24/2013 Granted 1/23/2013 Granted Contractor quotation RFQ 10069618-0001 MANSON FISHER LexisNexis is requesting a copy of a military police report on behalf of USAA"s client, Ms. Yvonne Abeita. Granted Granted Granted Granted Administratively Closed FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 71 of 1088 FP-13-010074 FP-13-010075 FP-13-010076 FP-13-010077 FP-13-010078 HOWARD McElroy Millwee Millwee Aucoin-Thieme WILLIAM Jessenia Steven Steven Bernice 1/24/2013 1/24/2013 1/24/2013 1/24/2013 1/24/2013 Granted Granted Granted Granted Administratively Closed FP-13-010079 Janes Margaret 1/22/2013 Granted FP-13-010080 Freeman Brittany 1/24/2013 Granted FP-13-010081 FP-13-010082 Woodruff Washington Crystal Barbara 1/24/2013 Granted 1/24/2013 Granted FP-13-010083 Whitney Anthony 1/24/2013 Granted FP-13-010084 FP-13-010085 Hill-Murray Petsche Alice Daniel 1/24/2013 Administratively Closed 1/24/2013 Denied in Part WILLIAM HOWARD MPR for incident that occurred on 11 Jan 2013 W91WAW09P0015 W91WAW10P0118 Documents regarding the sale and purchase of International Biometric Group now known as International Group a Novetta Solutions Company bought Sept 20, 2012. All communications including letters, reports, emails, applications, CMPS, decision documents and or permits from May 6, 2009 to present between A&G Coal Co. in reference to the proposed Ison Rock Ridge mine; all requests received from Jan 2010 to present for withdrawal of previously filed 404 applications for surfacing mining operations in VA; any communications between the Norfolk District and USEPA related to coal mining from January 20, 2009 to present; with respect to coalmines, refuse or slurry impoundments, application docs and permits issued under NWP 21,49, 50; application docs and permits issued under section 404; Environmental Information documents; monitoring reports and mitigation plans for period 1/15/13 1/21/13 Request a copy of the "findings" from investigations of suicides involving Fort Campbell Soldiers in 2011 and 2012. SEE REMARKS: Request for MP Rpt Requesting a copy of a MP report on an accident involving one of their vehicles. Requesting a copy of a MP report filed against him for stealing some items from the shoppette located in the hospital. W91WAW-11-C-0047 any regulations, policies, directives, guidelines, manuals, general orders or written procedures (1) identifying document retention requirements applicable to all U.S> military personnel in the Iraq War theater, (2) related in any way to the US military's duty to retain, preserve, or protect documents, particularly emails created by or sent to the Iraq war theater from March 2003 to December 2011 FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 72 of 1088 FP-13-010086 FP-13-010087 FP-13-010088 FP-13-010089 FP-13-010091 Hill-Murray Kincaide Hill-Murray Hill-Murray Wright 1/24/2013 1/24/2013 1/24/2013 1/24/2013 1/24/2013 Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Cook Santos Thomas Thomas HOGAN Fowler Alice Dura Alice Alice Barbara Anne David Rose Kevin Kevin DUSTIN Terrell FP-13-010093 FP-13-010095 FP-13-010097 FP-13-010098 FP-13-010099 FP-13-010100 1/24/2013 1/24/2013 1/24/2013 1/24/2013 1/24/2013 1/24/2013 Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Granted Granted FP-13-010109 FP-13-010110 Caballero Eberhart Sarah Alan 1/24/2013 Administratively Closed 1/24/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-010111 Olson James 1/24/2013 Granted FP-13-010112 FP-13-010114 FP-13-010116 Myers George Mays Jeffry Michell Richard 1/24/2013 Administratively Closed 1/24/2013 Granted 1/24/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-010117 Martin Vernon 1/24/2013 Granted FP-13-010118 FP-13-010119 FP-13-010120 Jimenez Garrison Waide Omar Daniel Rachel 1/24/2013 Granted 1/24/2013 Granted 1/24/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-010123 FP-13-010133 McCollum Jones David Stacy 1/24/2013 Denied in Part 1/23/2013 Administratively Closed W91WAW-09-C-0003 Release order W91WAW-07-C-0023 W74V8H-05-C-0042 copy of order discharging Joseph Dunagan and all meanings for the code SPN-21L Offer to Plead Guilty W91WAW-11-D-0025 W9124D-11-R-0003 W9124D-11-C-0004 DUSTIN HOGAN Requesting a copy of a MP report on an accident involving Tawona Mobley and Tommy Foraker on 10 Jan 13. Referred documents case number 13-JPL-F-00242. 15-6 pertaining to him self that was conducted at Fort Hood TX, June - July 2012. W912CM-10-D-0018 - actual quantities ordered for all CLINs. Contract W15P7T-12-R-2698. IG complaints applications for permits, records, reports, studies, correspondence and other documents relative to any dredging of Hurricane Lake or the shorline thereof, located on Hurricane Creek, Saline County, AR during the period from 1997 to present, and the same documents requested for the east bank of Hurricane Creek in the area between State Highway 5 and I-30, Saline County, AR. Permit # 15760(05) Dredge and fill of Long Island on Port Isabel Cameron County, Texas Request for MP rpt Request for MP Rpt copy of all bills or claims for payment submitted by DRC Emergency Services or any related entity with regard to the riverbed dredging project on Coldwater River, contract number W912EE-08-C-0021. ACIS sheet Climate Survey 2012-copies of the 18 surveys received by EEO Office Fort Huachuca, AZ FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 73 of 1088 FP-13-010134 FP-13-010135 Varman Santos Joseph Rose 1/24/2013 Granted 1/24/2013 Granted FP-13-010136 Randazzo Jennifer 1/24/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-010137 Smith Sondra 1/24/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-010138 Goldblatt Chris 1/24/2013 Granted FP-13-010139 Schultz William 1/24/2013 Denied in Full Request for MP rpt Current Request for Proposal (RFP), PWS/ SOW for contract number W9124P07D0002 Request copies of any and all documentation pertaining to zinc cadmium sulfide dispersion testing conducted by the U.S. Army and its contractors (including the Ralph M. Parsons Company) in St. Louis, Missouri, in the early 1950's and the early 1960's, as part of the Army's biological warfare program. Request copies of any contracts between the Army and Ralph M. Parsons Company for work related to the St. Louis aerosol testing, including any revisions or amendments thereto, along with contract correspondence, drafts of contracts, progress reports, results of aerosol testing, or final reports issued in association with the contract, as well as any histories of the aerosol program prepared by the Chemical Warfare Service History Office or its successors. Request copies of Joint Quarterly Reports 1 and 2, likely dated July-September 1952 and OctoberDecember 1952, respectively. Request Toxicologic Assessment of the Army's Zinc Cadmium Sulfide Dispersion Tests, published by National Research Council (NCR) in 1997. Request a copy of "Behavoir of Aerosol Clouds Within Cities (Classified) (82 pp) Minneapolis, Minnesota, 15 Jan24 Mar, St. Louis, Mo., 1953. Request previously released Request for copy of AR 15-6 investigation dated Nov 07 and Commander's Inquiry dated Dec 05 on SGT Brent Burke Harbor dredging permittees for State of California, 20082012. Monthly retirement benefits paid to Mr. Schultz from January 2003 to present. copy of beneficiary designation from Aetna Life Insurance contract and documenation Monthly survivor benefits paid to spouse from date of death to present FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 74 of 1088 FP-13-010141 Perkins Timothy 1/24/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-010142 FP-13-010144 Barrow Saucedo Kern Christoph er 1/24/2013 Denied in Part 1/23/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-010152 Wierzbicki Mark 1/24/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-010153 FP-13-010155 Saldana Pell Jasmine Ralph 1/24/2013 Granted 1/24/2013 Granted FP-13-010157 BASCOM MICHELL E 1/24/2013 Granted Alldocuments contained within the files SWF-2012-00-0013 and all others: (any and all documents regarding any and all records regarding transactions with COE for perion 1-1-1003 thru 11-9-2012 to, from or regarding the following persons or entities: (a) Kenneth B. Newell; (b) F.W. Contractors, Inc.; (c) FW Land Corporation; (d) FW Consolidated Acquisition Corporation; (e) RBE Investment Corp.; (f) Lakes Of River Trails Homeowners Association; (g) Tarrant Aggregates Corporation; (h) Bluecreek, L.L.C.; (i) K D and G Consolidated, L.L.C.; (j) CKK Residential Group, Inc.; (k) TCH Trinity Custom Homes, L.L.C.; (l) R and B Consolidated, LLC; (m) TA Contractors, LLC; (n) Matthew 28 Global Ministries, Inc.; (o) Woodhaven Community Development, Inc.; (p) Casualty Assurance Risk and Life Alliance, Inc.; (q) BH Trucking Services, LLC; (r) FW Financial Consultants, LP; (s) CKK Residential Group, Inc.; (t) Sunset Oaks II Partners, Ltd.; (u) Riverbend Investments III, Ltd.; (v) Tarrant Acquisition, Ltd.; (w) Tarrant Aggregates Sand and Gravel, Ltd., (x) Riverbend Investment, Ltd.; (y) Metroplex Sand and Gravel; (z) KD Consolidted 2012 Parole/Clemency Packet Pertaining to contracts IBCT (W9126G-09-D-0006-0002); Division Headquarters Infrastructure (W9126G-09-D-00060003) and Tank Trails I and II (W9126G-09-D-0006-0004): 1. Copy of all contracts with general contractor, architect, engineer, and subcontractors; 2. All progress payment reports; and 3. All other progress reports, including the final report Complete copy of contract # W58RGZ-11-G-0011, including exhibits, attachments, CDRLS, modifications, and delivery orders in PDF or CD along w/ 1 paper copy . Notify if exceeds $100.00 Request for MP Rpt Nationwide Number 2008-577; compliance certification forms, emails, letters, parties added tothe above permit, inspection reports DILLON MURRAY FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 75 of 1088 FP-13-010158 Ward Mattox Judith 1/24/2013 Granted FP-13-010161 Banks Carrie 1/24/2013 Granted FP-13-010164 Burney Melissa 1/24/2013 Granted FP-13-010168 Richardson Devin 1/24/2013 Granted FP-13-010172 FP-13-010173 FP-13-010177 FP-13-010178 FP-13-010180 FP-13-010182 Bowman Chilli Booitnott Danford Grandmaison Budd-Fallen Gerald Frank Neil Susan Justin Karen 1/24/2013 1/24/2013 1/24/2013 1/24/2013 1/24/2013 1/23/2013 FP-13-010184 FP-13-010186 Mossman McCollin Stephen Jeff 1/23/2013 Denied in Part 1/23/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-010191 Perillo Salvatore 1/24/2013 Granted Payment information/correspondence for RCDS, Contract No. W912PL-10-D-0113, Design Build Tucson VA Site Improvements, Tucson, AZ The requester is requesting a Military Police Report pertaining to MPR00880-2012-MPC122. The requester is requesting a Military Police Report pertaining to Case P201300581. 2002 Survey (Asbestors) Bldg 1156 N Lightning HAAF, GA 31405 Request for MP Rpt Contract W9124A-13-C-0001 Compensatory mitigation from 2009 to present Location of Mr. McDow who is the US Army. MPR All draft and final documents related to the "sand dam" to Jeffrey Island in Nebraska on the Platte River. All documents relating to CGB Enterprises, Inc. Copy of all documents concerning a 1979 USACE permit to LeClair Irrigation District and/or John Hubenka block 1772, Lot 4, Cape May, application and authorization FP-13-010193 FP-13-010194 Branson BATES Steven KELLYNN 1/24/2013 Granted 1/24/2013 Granted Contract # 12-B-0008 JOSHUA W. LOPEZ FP-13-010195 FP-13-010196 FP-13-010197 FP-13-010198 FP-13-010199 Bonner Banks Swanson Vaughn Poole Ferrel Jamie Annie Roger Erik 1/24/2013 1/24/2013 1/24/2013 1/24/2013 1/24/2013 FP-13-010202 FP-13-010203 FP-13-010204 Robert Diana Jose 1/24/2013 Granted 1/24/2013 Granted 1/24/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-010208 Shano Moran Rosario-Fabregas (13-076) Won Kevin 1/25/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-010209 Bowman D 1/25/2013 Granted Solicitation number W91RUS-13-R-CTNOSC MPR 7487-2011 DMWRs Request for MP Rpt All memos, emails regarding Article 15 in which he is the subject. Hit and run. Negligent Driving in the second degree. Copies of various documents relating to 10 Nov 09 NPR and revised NPR dated 15 Nov 12 Request copy of 15-6 investigation pertaining to SSG Ray D. Won Request copy of investigation that was performed on 1SG Turhan in reference to the incident that happened with two NCOs under SFC Bowman charge during the month of November 2012 Granted Denied in Part Granted Administratively Closed Granted Denied in Part Administratively Closed Granted Granted Granted Denied in Full FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 76 of 1088 FP-13-010212 FP-13-010216 MANIGAULT Popper ANGELA Allan 1/25/2013 Administratively Closed 1/24/2013 Granted FP-13-010217 FP-13-010218 FP-13-010219 FP-13-010227 Bruton Dinero Eisenhut Lee Dorothy Bianca Benjamin Susan 1/25/2013 1/24/2013 1/25/2013 1/14/2013 FP-13-010231 FP-13-010233 Wofford Hubbard Charles Curtis 1/22/2013 Administratively Closed 1/22/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-010234 Lansdell Michael 1/23/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-010235 Locy Cody 1/25/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-010245 Hedlund Jeff 1/24/2013 Denied in Part Granted Granted Granted Denied in Part STEPHEN RUSHAK Payment Bond for Pump Station, Chouteau Place Road, Granite City, Illinois Police Report Debt verification Police Report Request for records regarding USAMRIID Steam Sterilization Plant contract Boat dock permit information at Beaver Lake, AR Documents related to Contract No. W9126G-08-D-0076, Fort Hood and Fort Bliss, TX Bid Schedule and Contract Prices for previous contract related to Solicitation No. W9126G-13-R-0002 Requesting a copy of a MP report his wife, Amber M. Locy, call the MP for assistant. bathymetry point data (single beam or multi beam sonar data)in raw ASCII text file format or ESRI point shapefile format for the following reservoirs:Richard B. Russell, J. Strom Thurmond, Keowee Weiss, Martin, Lewis Smith, H Neely Henry, Murray (South Carolina), Lay, Mitchell, R L Harris, Logan Martin, and Bartlett's Ferry. FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 77 of 1088 FP-13-010246 LUBA ALAN 1/25/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-010248 Strandhagen Erik 1/25/2013 Granted FP-13-010249 Pente Erin 1/25/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-010250 Beall Barbara 1/25/2013 Granted FP-13-010251 Ford Libby 1/25/2013 Granted FP-13-010252 Greer Courtney FP-13-010253 FP-13-010255 Keatts Golden Treasure Lindsey 1/7/2013 Granted 1/25/2013 Administratively Closed 1/17/2013 Granted Contract Numbers W911S0-11-D-0040 thru 0045 All proposal submitted documents (to include Technical, Management, Past Performance, and Pricing Volumes) for each of the contract awardees highlighted below. The proposals were submitted under the RFP Solicitation W911S010R0022 and ultimately awarded 7 July 2011 under the contracts W911S0-11-D-0040 thru 0045 in support of the Defense Language Institute. The awardees information is: DICTYON Language Services: W911S0-11-D-0040 6301 Ivy Ln., Ste. 604, Greenbelt, MD 20770 International Center for Language Studies, Inc.: W911S0-11-D-0041 1133 15th St. NW, STE 600, Washington, DC 20005 JTG, Inc.: W911S011-D-0042 8245 Boone Blvd, Vienna, VA 22182 General Dynamics Information Technology (GDIT): W911S0-11-D0043 3211 Jermantown Rd., Fairfax, VA 22030 ICA Language Services: W911S0-11-D-0044 1901 North Moore St., Ste ML-02, Arlington, VA 22209 Language Associates, LLC dba Diplomatic Language Services (DLS): W911S0-11D-0045 1901 N. Ft. Myer Dr., Ste 600, Arlington, VA 22209 In order to help to determine my status to assess fees, you should know that I am a private corporation and am seeking the bathymetric data for the survey of channel and flats of the lower Hackensack River wetlands or wetlands violations for the property located at 200 Liberty Street, Little Ferry, New York the Hyde Park or Brass Anchor Marina, Hyde Park, New York; Job # 81233 permits and approvals to build and/or repair the wooden timber bulkhead located on Manhasset Bay at 220-236 East Shore Road, Great Neck, NY 11023 copies of all documents associated with CMAs for Little Rock District. Police Report engineering firms and/or contractors associated with each project. BS-20 LCA Medium Diversion at White Ditch Plaquemines Parish Federal Sponsor: USACE PO-68 LCA Small Diversion at Convent/Blind River Ascension and St. James Parishes Federal Sponsor: USACE FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 78 of 1088 FP-13-010256 Jones Latonia 1/25/2013 Granted Request Schedule A-M and SOW for Solicitation, W31P4Q08-T-0418 and Request Schedule A-M and SOW for Solictation W31P4Q-08-T-0676. Notify if exceeds $30 FP-13-010258 REEDER BRIAN 1/25/2013 Granted FP-13-010262 FP-13-010263 FP-13-010264 FP-13-010265 Soders Davis Pubillones RAY Kevin Ben Gabriele VICTOR 1/25/2013 1/25/2013 1/25/2013 1/25/2013 Request that a copy of documents containing the following information be provided to me: - The total annual dollar volume of all federal acquisitions made by the U. S. Army Mission and Installation Contracting Command for fiscal year 2011, including all unclassified, classified, foreign and domestic spending. Wetland determination Permit 2000-02888/1472 Request for MP Rpt Contract Number: W91QUZ-06-D-0019-1E01; Contract Holder: Booz Allen Hamilton (BAH) We are seeking the following information on the contract and company doing business at FORSCOM. Info Requested: • Please provide Source Selection/Decision Documents. • Please provide list of all incumbent partners and their work share if available. • Is there a plan to execute all options years of the contract? If no, why? • When does the current contract end if not extended? • Please provide the government spending on this contract for FY 2011, FY2012, and so far in FY2013. • Are there any other contracts that has been consolidated into this contract? If so, what are they? FP-13-010266 FP-13-010268 Musgrave Petty 1/25/2013 1/25/2013 Granted FP-13-010275 FP-13-010276 Forland Powell Shawn JohnMark Clyde Brenda FP-13-010281 Barrow 1/22/2013 Granted FP-13-010282 Mays Christoph er Richard FP-13-010283 Rozea Nathan 1/25/2013 Granted Administratively Closed Granted Granted Administratively Closed 1/25/2013 Granted 1/23/2013 Granted 1/25/2013 Administratively Closed Drones Request for a copy of both DA Form 5248's pertaining to John-Mark Allen Petty. MPR for incident on 12 Sep 09 GIS data for AK River Dredging PRoject disposal sites and USACE levee locations, proposed acquisition areas, flowage easements, flood control structures, mitigation lands and future approved project acquisition boundaries. Contract and project oversight documents for FY08 Traps Relocatables, Ft. Sill, OK, W912BV-08-C-2000 drainage area on Ed Collins' property at 1716 Augusta Cove, Bryant, AR Commander's Inquirty conducted on MAJ Nathan T. Rozea, HHC, MCoE, 199th, CDID FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 79 of 1088 FP-13-010290 Terrell Curtis 1/25/2013 Granted FP-13-010294 Bates Tom 1/21/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-010296 FP-13-010298 Clark Howe Jeffrey Mark 1/23/2013 Denied in Part 1/24/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-010299 Davis Andraecu s 1/25/2013 Granted FP-13-010300 FP-13-010301 FP-13-010302 FP-13-010303 Bailey Gross Colgate Smith Kimberly Ashley MJ Milton 1/25/2013 1/25/2013 1/24/2013 1/18/2013 FP-13-010304 FP-13-010305 Harris Haggar Joshua Kelly 1/25/2013 Granted 1/23/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-010306 FP-13-010307 FP-13-010308 FP-13-010309 Boring Ahern Womack Shinkle Barry Sean Lloyd Peter 1/25/2013 1/25/2013 1/25/2013 1/16/2013 Granted Granted Granted Granted FP-13-010310 FP-13-010311 FP-13-010312 FP-13-010313 FP-13-010314 Smith Fontenot Henson Campbell Keranen Ronald Candy JEremy Jody Todd 1/24/2013 1/24/2013 1/25/2013 1/25/2013 1/25/2013 Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Administratively Closed Granted Denied in Part Denied in Part Redacted 15-6 investigation pertaining to SGT Christopher Robert West Request for copies of engineering drawings for original 1940s heating and refrigeration plant for the Pentagon, and original 1940s engineering drawings of sewage disposal system for the Pentagon. Request for Baltimore District Organization chart. Request for documented wetlands and/or wetland violations at 1700 North George Street, York County, PA 17404 15-6 concerning profile violations against requester by chain of command conducted between Feb - May 2012 by 1st Bde, 4th ID. M. P. Report M. P. Report for 27 Jun 12 pertaining to her dock permit holders at John H Kerr Request for copy of contract W912DR-10-C-0094 and copy of payment bond for contract. Request for MP Rpt MVD's Tabulated List of navigable waters for MVK & MVN; Division's file copy of the record of determination for: Bayou Manchac, Bayou Laforche, Alligator Bayou, Frog/Fork/Cow Bayou, Highway 51 Borrow Canal. Barry Boring Dredging records from Construction Division Historical Records all publicly available information related to all protests related to this procurement that were filed after the submission of the most recent round of proposals on July 27, 2012. Specifically, we are requesting copies of these documents: * Protests by any and all parties * Related correspondence by any and all parties * Government decisions * Government correspondence MPR 5659-2012 MPR 0156-2013, Wyant MPR 5637-2012 MPR 2161-2009 MPR 3738-2011 and 6117-2011 FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 80 of 1088 FP-13-010315 Leach, P.E. Jim 1/23/2013 Granted Hydrology models for Broken Arrow Creek, Indian Springs Creek, Haikey Creek, White Church Creek, Fry Creek, Posey Creek, Snake Creek, Duck Creek and tributaries. FP-13-010316 Thomas Paige 1/24/2013 Granted Documents reflecting easement and correspondence on any encroachments on easement at Cardinal Cove, Texoma. FP-13-010317 FP-13-010319 Huffman Branson David Steven 1/25/2013 Granted 1/25/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-010320 FP-13-010321 FP-13-010322 FP-13-010323 Scott Musgrave Scott Watkins Taylor Shawn Betty J. Alex 1/25/2013 1/25/2013 1/25/2013 1/25/2013 Previous contract for mowing at Tenkiller Dredging data Calcasieu Rvr & Pass 2-11 Solicitation W912P8-11-B-0025 Contract 12-C-0058 Request is for copy of 15-6 ref suicide of SPC Scott Aerial drones, UAs UAVs and UASs Request is for 15-6 ref suicide of SPC Scott All submitted pay applications and record of payment; the prime contract, all addendums and all change orders; and any other certifications by the prime contractor of compliance with contract terms and conditions of the prime contract for LPV 109.02a, INHC-01 and LPV 111.01. FP-13-010324 Callahan Elspeth 1/25/2013 Granted Hydrodynamic model results and lat-long coordinates for flow gauges and locations where these discharges enter the Gulf for 2010 and 2011 from Davis Pond Diversion: St. Charles Parish. (gauged), Caernarvon Diversion: St. Bernard Parish. (gauged), Naomi Siphon: Plaquemines Parish. (gauged), Violet Siphon: St. Bernard Parish. (ungauged), Bayou Lamoque Diversion: Plaquemines Parish. (ungauged), Whites Ditch Siphon: Plaquemines Parish. (ungauged), West Pointe A la Hache Siphon: Plaquemines Parish. (ungauged), MorgaruaFloodway at Hwy 190 Temporary Gauge, Mississippi River at Bonnet Carre Spillway as conducted by U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. FP-13-010325 Fulmer Alberta 1/25/2013 Granted FP-13-010326 FP-13-010327 FP-13-010328 FP-13-010329 FP-13-010330 FP-13-010332 Jones DeFraia Chilli Chilli McLean Koehler Latonia Daniel Frank Frank Jesse Cecil 1/27/2013 1/27/2013 1/27/2013 1/27/2013 1/28/2013 1/28/2013 Negligent Driving 2nd Degree Hit pedestrian in crosswalk at Jensen's gym. Contract Contract Contract Contract Permit 2012-00480 Records from ABCMR case AR20120006711. Granted Granted Granted Granted Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Granted Administratively Closed FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 81 of 1088 FP-13-010333 Hunter Benjamin 1/28/2013 Granted FP-13-010334 FP-13-010335 FP-13-010336 Ford Lindley Erwin Thomas Justin William 1/28/2013 Granted 1/28/2013 Granted 1/28/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-010337 FP-13-010338 Trahan Pyron Tyson Stacy 1/28/2013 Granted 1/28/2013 Granted FP-13-010339 FP-13-010340 FP-13-010341 FP-13-010342 FP-13-010343 FP-13-010344 Pugh Lindley Baker Palander Bundy Lott Katherine Jasmine Geremy Richard Edwin Lewis 1/28/2013 1/28/2013 1/28/2013 1/28/2013 1/28/2013 1/28/2013 FP-13-010345 McCarthy John 1/28/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-010346 FP-13-010347 Kelly Popper Sabrina Allan 1/28/2013 Granted 1/24/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-010348 FP-13-010349 Fry Fry Richard Ricahrd 1/28/2013 Administratively Closed 1/28/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-010351 FP-13-010353 FP-13-010354 FP-13-010355 FP-13-010356 Fry Fry Tovar Fry Fry Richard Richard Nestor Richard Ricahrd 1/28/2013 1/28/2013 1/28/2013 1/28/2013 1/28/2013 Granted Granted Granted Granted Administratively Closed Granted Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Request for CID Record on Brent Burke-one page sent down from CRC Thomas Ford Request for MP Rpt Various documents related to W9126G-08-D-0057, TO # 0005 and 0006, including (1) copy of contract, (2) mods & amendments, (3) RFI's, (4) soil/foundation/pier correspondence, (5) drawings and specifications, (6) daily logs, reports, and meeting meets from May 2011 to Feb 2012, (7) timesheets, timecards, or other records, (8) documents regarding particular piers, (9) documents regarding payments to Beaird, (10) documents related to pay requests, (11) all documents concern any dispute b/w Beaird and JE Dunn, and (12) all docs related to dissatisfaction USACE may have had Request for MP Rpt Requesting a copy of a MP report on domestic dispute between her and her husband. 404 Permit 1997-01201 - requesting a copy Request for Statement in MP Rpt Request for MP Rpt Richard Palander Referred documents case number 13-F-0221. Requesting an MPR for an accident that occurred on December 21, 2012. Records adopting the US COE BUILDER Sustainment Management System. Sabrina C. Kelly A copy of the payment bond for labor and materials. The principal on the bon is Persaud Companies, Inc., contractor. The project is Temporary Complex, Fort Meade. Contract W911KB11FOO14. Contract W44W9M12F0008, W44W9M10F0033 & W44W9M10F0032. Contract W912L712F0001, W912L710F0198. Contract W912EQ11F0001. Drawings Contract W911S610F0105. Contract W91QF410F0061. FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 82 of 1088 FP-13-010358 FP-13-010364 FP-13-010369 FP-13-010373 Ingham Zepeda DuBowy, Ph.D. Stacy Eric Anthony Paul Doug 1/28/2013 1/28/2013 1/28/2013 1/28/2013 Administratively Closed Granted Granted Administratively Closed Hand to Hand Combat manuals from Civil War to presnt. Request for MP Rpt Religious Freedom A copy of the entire completed SF 1449 and any attachments thereto, to include all pricing elements such as unit price and net amounts for each CLIN any/all pricing modifications between GSTek, Inc. and Army Contracting Command with regard to Contract # W91RUS08D0006. FP-13-010380 Stacy Doug 1/28/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-010383 Stacy Doug 1/28/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-010388 FP-13-010393 Uriegas Robert Joshua Gove 1/28/2013 Granted 1/28/2013 Granted A copy of the entire completed SF 1449 and any attachments thereto, to include all pricing elements such as unit price and net amounts for each CLIN any/all pricing modifications between Aleut Corporation and Army Contracting Command with regard to Contract # W91RUS08D0010. A copy of the entire completed SF 1449 and any attachments thereto, to include all pricing elements such as unit price and net amounts for each CLIN any/all pricing modifications between Strategic Resources, Inc. and Army Contracting Command with regard to Contract # W91RUS08D0005. Joshua Uriegas a print copy of 38 USCA 1155: Authority for schedule rating disability as set by the secretary of veterans affairs (2012) FP-13-010396 Spear Steven 1/28/2013 Granted FP-13-010397 Montalvo Mark FP-13-010401 Redman Max 1/9/2013 Administratively Closed 1/28/2013 Granted information on his status under UCMJ 10 USCA 831/832 during Nov 4, 1997 Copies of statements relative to an internal investigation on an allegation. Request for MP Report FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 83 of 1088 FP-13-010404 Janes Margaret 1/28/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-010405 FP-13-010406 FP-13-010407 Salvino GROVES Ashton John RAMSEY Adam 1/28/2013 Administratively Closed 1/28/2013 Granted 1/28/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-010408 Morena Rex 1/25/2013 Granted FP-13-010410 Abell David 1/28/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-010411 FP-13-010413 Gann Williams Timothy Willie 1/28/2013 Granted 1/28/2013 Granted 1) We request the following documents listed below received during the time period from January 21, 2013 to present: a. Requests/notifications for withdrawal of previously filed 404 applications for surface mining operations in Kentucky. b. All notices, requests, or applications for coverage for coalmines, refuse or slurry impoundments under NW permits 21, 49 or 50. c. Any Corps authorizations including decision documents and facts and findings granted under NWP 21, 49 or 50 for activities in Kentucky or Tennessee. d. Any individual 404 permits including decision documents, facts and findings, and final CMPs for surface mining operations or refuse or slurry impoundments in Kentucky or Tennessee e. Any and all Environmental Information Documents received including amendments, revisions and/or appendices and any and all Compensatory Mitigation Plans including amendments, revisions and/or appendices related to coal mining operations submitted to the Corps for operations in Kentucky or Tennessee. f. All monitoring reports received by the Corps related to any mining compensatory mitigation plans for stream creation, enhancement, or restoration projects for 404 permits in KY. FUDS - BAT General Hospital, GA LEONARD ORNEVAL 15-6 investigation regarding SSG Wyrick who died from combat-related injuries in Kandahar Provice on Oct 10, 2011. SDVC 10-049-12-590 Source Listing, Summary of Proposals, BAFO, Disqualified Bidders and reasoning why disqualified. Section 203 and 204 Water Resources Development Act applications or Section 404 or Section 10 Rivers and Harbors Act applications in any part of Coos Bay regarding coal, dredging, etc. Request for MP Rpt How many reports of aggravated assault did DES have in 2101 and 2011, how many, or what percentage, each year were domestic assaults, of those aggravated assaults that were domestic assaults in 2011, what was the most common weapon used (in how many incidents)? FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 84 of 1088 FP-13-010414 Stacy Doug 1/28/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-010415 FP-13-010416 Lord Sandven Philip Steven 1/28/2013 Granted 1/28/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-010417 Stacy Doug 1/28/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-010418 FP-13-010419 Heath Stacy Clinton Doug 1/28/2013 Granted 1/28/2013 Administratively Closed Investigation initiated by MG Abrams (December 2012) A copy of the entire completed SF 1449 and any attachments thereto, to include all pricing elements such as unit price and net amounts for each CLIN any/all pricing modifications between GCE and Army Contracting Command with regard to Contract # W91RUS08D0004. FP-13-010421 Steffen Michelle 1/28/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-010422 FP-13-010423 Lunn Brown Elizabeth S. Brad 1/28/2013 Administratively Closed 1/28/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-010424 Ricci John 1/28/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-010425 FP-13-010426 FP-13-010427 FP-13-010428 Mattingly Smith Griffin Branson Bonnie Jim Dawn Steven 1/28/2013 1/28/2013 1/28/2013 1/24/2013 Records of court-martials and past positions, jobs ect. regarding Mr. Kossel. Medical records regarding Ms. Palmer. Documents pertaining to a crash of a US Army Bell OH-58D Kiowa Warrior hlicopter, reg no. 89-00112, on Dec 14, 2010 at Fort Rucker AL. Referred documents case number NRC2013001573 (SantayChitic). Referred documents case number 2013-04573. Request for Solicitation Historical Documents Norfolk Hbr./Craney; Solicitation Number: W91236-12-B0018 – daily production reports of dredging operations; final pay estimate; bid abstracts, daily quality control reports, contract modifications, award of contract, notice to proceed FP-13-010429 FP-13-010430 Hebert Lohr Chad Patrick 1/28/2013 Granted 1/28/2013 Granted Administratively Closed Granted Administratively Closed Granted A copy of the entire completed SF 1449 and any attachments thereto, to include all pricing elements such as unit price and net amounts for each CLIN any/all pricing modifications between A & T Systems, Inc. and Army Contracting Command with regard to Contract # W91RUS08D0001. Request for MP rpt All records concerning the Crow Creek Sioux Tribe's jurisdiction over the Missouri River from 2009 to present. A copy of the entire completed SF 1449 and any attachments thereto, to include all pricing elements such as unit price and net amounts for each CLIN any/all pricing modifications between CORDEV and Army Contracting Command with regard to Contract # W91RUS08D0003. November 2012 soliciation winning bids Request for MP Rpt FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 85 of 1088 FP-13-010431 Branson Steven 1/24/2013 Granted FP-13-010432 Allgood Davis 1/28/2013 Granted FP-13-010433 FP-13-010434 FP-13-010435 FP-13-010436 FP-13-010437 Martinez Griffin Nexis Martinez Pfannenstein Francisco Dawn Lexis Patrice John 1/28/2013 1/28/2013 1/28/2013 1/28/2013 1/28/2013 Granted Administratively Closed Granted Granted Granted FP-13-010438 FP-13-010444 FP-13-010445 FP-13-010446 FP-13-010453 Mulkey Yelverton Charette Megdanoff Sanders Miller Martha Gil Jayson Amber Robert 1/28/2013 1/29/2013 1/29/2013 1/29/2013 1/29/2013 Denied in Part Granted Granted Granted Administratively Closed FP-13-010473 Karon Eddie 1/28/2013 Administratively Closed Craney Isl. Eastwd.Expan. W91236-12-B-0013 1) DAILY PRODUCTION REPORTS of dredging operations, (e.g., Eng form 27A, 4267 or 430) 2) FINAL PAY ESTIMATE. 3) BID ABSTRACTS, showing a BREAKDOWN of all UNIT PRICES and LUMP SUM ITEMS for all bidders. 4) DAILY QUALITY CONTROL REPORTS. 5) CONTRACT MODIFICATIONS 6) CONTRACT AWARD 7) NTP, or NOTICE TO PROCEED Emergency Permitting Procedure for the States of Louisiana and Mississippi within the Boundaries of the Mississippi Valley Division, dated 22 December 2005. 0196-2013 Historical Data MPR occured 11-1-12 involving Matthew Umstead FAP Documents pertaining to Patrice Martinez Information outlined on attached spreadsheet for period 1/106 - present for CO, UT, WY, NM & AZ File SPK-2011-691 Copy of MP Report 01896-2012-MPC-147 Jayson P Megranoff Police Report All documents regarding the hiring of USAJOBS vacancy ID: 791710, announcement Numbeer: EUJD12204056791710. Drawings FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 86 of 1088 FP-13-010475 Janes Margaret 1/28/2013 Administratively Closed To the extent not already responsive, in reference to the Coal-Mac Mine, LRH-2008-00830, SMCRA No. S500607: any and all monitoring data and/or reports submitted to the Corps pursuant to the permit requirements, and any and all other communications including, but not limited to, letters, reports, emails and or approvals to fill streams including, but not limited to, those communications between the Corps and Coal Mac about the above noted mine. Requests/notifications received from January 2010 to present for withdrawal of previously filed 404 applications for surfacing mining operations in West Virginia. To the extent not already responsive, any and all monitoring data and or reports submitted to the Corps pursuant to the permit requirements for the Consol of Kentucky, Peg Fork Mine, Corps Number 2006-2295 KAN. To the extent not already responsive, any and all other communications including, but not limited to, those communications between the Corps and Consol about the above noted Peg Fork Mine from January 2010 to present. Any and all preliminary or final information including, but not limited to, articles, reports, emails, phone Forward FOIA request case number 2013-01509-F. FP-13-010480 Bright Demetrius 1/29/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-010481 FP-13-010482 Fairley Montazami William Shane 1/29/2013 Denied in Part 1/23/2013 Administratively Closed Positive OR's. Documents that were falsified by the CIA that he beleives were presented these documents to ASA Fort Dix superiors. FP-13-010483 Saunders Samuel 1/29/2013 Granted All reports written regarding the Knights Run creek/property dispute between Samuel H. Saunders and Edward Woltmann at Reedy, WV; All notes, points and times of contact between Corps of Engineers representative Miller Kennedy and Samuel H. Saunders; all notes, points and times of contact between Corps of Engineers representative Miller Kennedy and Edward Woltmann; all maps pertaining to the Knights Run Creek/property dispute between Samuel H. Saunders and Edward Woltmann; and all photographs pertaining to the Knights Run Creek/property dispute between Samuel H. Saunders and Edward Woltmann FP-13-010484 Munitz Deborah 1/29/2013 Administratively Closed the Patrick Farm property, Permit Application # NAN-201100851 FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 87 of 1088 FP-13-010485 FP-13-010487 FP-13-010489 FP-13-010490 FP-13-010493 FP-13-010494 Stephens Collins JR Caicedo Roberts Herrera Parsons Anna George Carlos James Steven Adam 1/29/2013 1/29/2013 1/29/2013 1/29/2013 1/29/2013 1/29/2013 Granted Granted Granted Granted Administratively Closed Administratively Closed FP-13-010496 FP-13-010497 FP-13-010500 Arnell Abess Leep William Safiedeen Paula 1/29/2013 Granted 1/29/2013 Administratively Closed 1/29/2013 Granted FP-13-010503 FP-13-010505 FP-13-010508 FP-13-010510 FP-13-010523 FP-13-010524 Santos Ruffo Hein Roman Mas Haber Sparks Rose Charles Nicole Angel Kenneth Brian 1/29/2013 1/29/2013 1/29/2013 1/29/2013 1/29/2013 1/29/2013 FP-13-010525 FP-13-010526 FP-13-010528 Jordan Carrasquillo Savard Decker Elliot Kayla 1/29/2013 Denied in Part 1/29/2013 Denied in Part 1/29/2013 Granted FP-13-010530 Brautigam Christoph er 1/29/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-010531 FP-13-010532 FP-13-010534 FP-13-010537 Carollo Swanson McGull McGull Russell Annie Adrienne Adrienne 1/29/2013 1/29/2013 1/29/2013 1/29/2013 FP-13-010539 Yakes Jamie 1/29/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-010542 Austin-Martin Amanda 1/29/2013 Granted Granted Granted Granted Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Request for MP Rpt MP Report requested Work abatement sheet. MP Report requested Copy of adjudgment. Request that a copy of the successfully hired applicat's resume for job hiring number NCHT12138869771491. MP Report requested. Copy of adjudgment sheet. Mrs. Leep requested a copy of the AR 15-6 pertaining to her husband SSG James R. Leep, Jr. who died on 17 Oct 11 in Kalsu Iraq. W58RGZ11C0083: 1) * contract 2) * SOW MPR occurred Aug 2012 involving Charles Ruffo MPR 7715-2012 Selected documents SAJ-2004-1762(IP-CGR) Foward FOIA request from Mr. Haber. Documents regarding C Company 1-184 INF that involve soldiers killing, wounding and/or capturing any other persons. Clemency Packet. 2012 Clemency packet. Request a copy of the 15-6 Investigation on the death of her Husband, SFC Ryan J. Savard. Request records regarding a Board of Inquiry and AR 15-6 Investigation pertaining to COL Waddell, CPT Cross, dated Oct 2004. Also, records from Alysa Brautigam, MG Kensinger and BG Jones, dated 2004 and 2005. FOIA data since 1 Jan 2003. DMWRS Experimental use of drugs on military personnel. Administering diseases to military personnel ie., gonorrhea, syphilis and others. Program between NARADCOM and BEP from 1979-1981, for development distinctive red and blue fibers for currency paper. Requesting a copy of the CID report pertaining to the death of SFC Charles E. Martin. Exhibits 18 and 28 only. FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 88 of 1088 FP-13-010543 Adams Greg 1/28/2013 Granted Any and all polygon property data with any and all associated databases relating to this polygon data belonging to or managed by the COE for Tyler County, Texas. FP-13-010544 FP-13-010545 Stitt Willis Cecilia Andrea 1/29/2013 Granted 1/29/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-010546 Santos Rose 1/17/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-010548 Greer Courtney 1/28/2013 Granted FP-13-010549 FP-13-010551 FP-13-010552 Hogan Phillips Wacker Paul Anita Bret 1/26/2013 Granted 1/29/2013 Granted 1/17/2013 Granted FP-13-010553 DuBowy Paul 1/29/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-010554 Howard, Jr Bernard 1/29/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-010555 FP-13-010556 Penrose Kezele Pamela James 1/23/2013 Administratively Closed 1/29/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-010558 McDonald James 1/23/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-010559 FP-13-010560 Bollo Webb Chris Elyse 1/25/2013 Administratively Closed 1/29/2013 Administratively Closed Historical Data MP report regarding assault at Bagram Afghanistan on Dec 23, 2012. Contract W911SE-07-D-0039 BR01 including section B, Statement of Work/PWS, awarded Task Orders Attachment 4 and any modifications to date; winning proposalm source selection documents Copy of Permit SWF-2009-00462 and its associated mitigation plan, wetland delineation, and maps/figures 2006-2948 POS information Documents submitted by/to Bridgestone America, Fireston, or the Bridgestone Group regarding the Cooperative Approval Tire List (CATL) incl All records regarding Change of Command ceremony BG Crear to BG Walsh. Request a copy of a report in regards to a couple of deers being confiscated from an hunter on or about 5 Janaury 2012. drawings 12467385-2 and 130111947 Outstanding Permit Request 3033 Riverside Drive, Cincinnati OH, Owner of Property: The Sawyer Place Co "Crane Avenue" Property, Cicinnati OH, Owner of Property: The Sawyer Place Co contracts DAAE07-00-D-M051 and W56HZV-07-D-M112 incl delivery orders and modifications procurement history file Request a copy of the list of bidders and the Source Selection Statement for RFP W91CRB05R0015 for the Omnibus Contract for Army Evaluation Center which resulted in six awards (W91CRB06D0011, 0012, 0013, 0014, 0015, and 0016). FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 89 of 1088 FP-13-010561 Middleton Rebecca 1/22/2013 Granted FP-13-010562 Middleton Rebecca 1/29/2013 Granted FP-13-010563 Field Michael 1/25/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-010564 Morris Marguerit e 1/29/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-010566 Nussbaum Matt 1/22/2013 Granted FP-13-010567 FP-13-010569 FP-13-010571 Schreiber Mowers McCarthy Ralph Amanda John 1/29/2013 Granted 1/25/2013 Denied in Part 1/29/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-010572 FP-13-010575 Brooks Morris Claudia Marguerit e 1/29/2013 Granted 1/29/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-010579 Crump Jeff 1/29/2013 Granted Undisturbed boring logs for borings in the vicinity of the St. James Stevedoring facility in Convent, Louisiana located at Mississippi River Miles 158 and 159. USACE slope stability plates of the east bank of the Mississippi River at Mississippi River Miles 158 and 159. Cross section of the existing Mississippi River levee in the vicinity of the American Sugar Refining facility located at Mississippi River Mile 91. Undisturbed boring logs for borings in the vicinity of the American Sugar Refining facility located at Mississippi River Mile 91. copy of the bill of materials for contract W56HZV-11-D-L509 T025 Request for copies of memo's and or emails mentioning Katherine Morris and Isaac Goodwin during the 15-6 investigation conducted by LTC Troy Glazier and COL Mark Murray and/or the JAG office of the 82nd Airborne. the notes of the Quality Assurance meeting minutes in the time period from Feb 1 to August 30th 2011 to determine what type of complaints are brought forward, the safety concerns discussed, and who are in those meetings. In particular we are interested in which Quality Assurance Inspectors are present and if/which SSHO’s or alternate SSHO’s are present. In addition, we would like the list of all the QA Inspectors during this time, or if a list is not available, simply the internal memos appointing those QA Inspectors during that time period would suffice. Historical Data bid abstract for purchase order W56HZV-12-P-0133 BUILDER SMS facility condition assessment methodology and software tool info Request for MP Rpt Request for copies of all emails sent to and from the government email account of monika.brutus@dtra.mil to and/or mentioning Katerine Morris and /or Kathy Morris and/or isaacgoodwinswife. contracts W52H09-09-C-0060, W52H09-07-F-0051 and W52H09-09-C-0072 FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 90 of 1088 FP-13-010581 Morris Marguerit e 1/29/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-010582 Konspore Alexandra 1/29/2013 Granted FP-13-010584 Lunn Elizabeth 1/29/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-010586 FP-13-010588 Shiffer McKean Scott David 1/29/2013 Granted 1/29/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-010590 Swart John 1/29/2013 Granted FP-13-010591 Skye Chayah 1/29/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-010593 Aarsheim Kirby 1/29/2013 Granted FP-13-010594 Everett Misti 1/29/2013 Granted FP-13-010596 FP-13-010597 Tessel Martin Tatiana Benny 1/29/2013 Granted 1/29/2013 Granted FP-13-010598 Junior, II Gregory 1/29/2013 Granted Request for copies of all emails sent to and from government email account of monika.brutus@dtra.mil to and/or mentioning Latoya King and Kristina Robins. FUDS locations inventory Request for documents records of a night parachute jumps between Oct 22, 1968 and Feb 14, 1971 at Fort Bragg that resulted in injuries Mr. Perva Herring who was assigned to Fort Bragg at the time. Request for MP Rpt Request for document related to the op-post operations of the Association of Bragg Officer's Spouses also known as the Fort Bragg Area Officer's Spouses Club. Request for copies of records pertaining to incident that involved 3 Marines and a Navy Corpsman during an artillery firing involving Golf Battery, Second Battlaion, 10th Marines on March 14, 2011. A SIGACT document that denotes the location of an explosion near Al Faw Palace, Iraq on 20 June 06. We will greatly appreciate, pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, copies of the following documents: 1. All weather logs for New Bedford Harbor dated August 27, 2011, August 28, 2011 and August 29, 2011; 2. All logs for the operation (including the opening/closing) of the New Bedford Hurricane Barrier dated August 26, 2011, August 27, 2011, August 28, 2011 and August 29, 2011; and 3. All press releases and publications pertaining to Hurricane Irene, issued from August 1, 2011 through October 1, 2011. We will also appreciate receiving the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’s investigative report on the impact of Hurricane Irene on the New Bedford Harbor area. Requesting a copy of a CID investigation conducted into the death of SPC Charles E. Martin. Ehibits 18 and 28. JARPA and BE for NWS-2007-598, Foster residence Requesting a copy of a CID investigation conducted into the death of SPC Charles E. Martin. Requesting a copy of a MP report he filed on someone some of his military gear out of his garage. FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 91 of 1088 FP-13-010599 King Soraya 1/29/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-010600 Hanbury Harry 1/29/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-010601 FP-13-010602 Morris Day Evelyn John 1/29/2013 Administratively Closed 1/29/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-010604 Salazar Barbara 1/29/2013 Granted FP-13-010605 Day John 1/29/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-010607 FP-13-010613 Chiarelott Collins Joy Karen 1/29/2013 Administratively Closed 1/29/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-010617 FP-13-010618 FP-13-010621 Brenda Swanson Salvino Crow Annie John 1/24/2013 Granted 1/29/2013 Granted 1/29/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-010623 Harmon Nancy 1/29/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-010625 McAleer Charles 1/29/2013 Denied in Part Additions of the Index of Recipes from Natick Soldier Systems Center. All materials use for a 12 minute documentary about the revelations at the "old" Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Feb and Mar 2007. Chairman, Join Chief of Staff files 1 Oct 60 - 30 Sep 62 Contracts DAAE2000C0097, DAAE2099P0118, DAAE2098P0042, DAAE2002C0002, DAAE2098D0036, DAAE2002C0002 and DAAE2098D0036. Request for how much money was spent in the last fiscal year on the Prayer Breakfast and whether these funds were appropriated. Contracts DAAA0992C0796, DAAA0991C0875, DAAA0993C0562 and DAAA0992C0691. Records regarding Mr. Spitnale who was in the Army. Requesting the list of applicants considered, the hiring official, the interview panel and whatever means were used to select the most QUALIFIED individual. POS Data for one sub department for 2013 Technical Manuals Request for information regarding the FUDS known as BAT GENERAL HOSPITAL, I04GA0418, an HTRW site located in Rome Georgia at or near 1305 Redmond Circle. Request number of candidates that were on the list of applicants for the position listed,the selectee's resume and name, my submitted resume, a copy of the job certificate, and all documents related to Vacancy ID: 610774, 687641, 691591, 704886, 756998, 759025, 641002, 749204, 750215, and 790537. a copy of the complete accident investigation file regarding Donald Brown at Fort Benning, GA on February 2, 2011, (work site of RFP W91236-08-D-0064-0002). FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 92 of 1088 FP-13-010628 Jenkins Shawen 1/29/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-010630 FP-13-010632 FP-13-010633 Chilli Fanning Wilson Frank Austin Brain 1/29/2013 Administratively Closed 1/29/2013 Granted 1/29/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-010634 FP-13-010636 Iosue Conrad Giovanni Craig 1/29/2013 Granted 1/29/2013 Granted FP-13-010640 FP-13-010643 Wolf Blatt Isaac Gary 1/29/2013 Administratively Closed 1/18/2013 Terracon Consultants, Inc. (Terracon) requests information regarding a property located within the former boundaries of Lockbourne Air Force Base (aka Rickenbacker Air National Guard Base). The subject property is an industrial warehouse located at 2270 Rickenbacker Parkway W in Columbus, Franklin County, Ohio, Parcel: 495-242624 (see attached map). The records search is requested as part of a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment at the subject property. A review of historical aerial photographs indicates that the property and adjoining properties were previously developed with multiple structures apparently associated with the military base (attached). If possible, Terracon requests that the use of the former structures be identified. Additionally, Terracon requests information or copies of records concerning the current or former presence of hazardous substances or petroleum products on the property or any other indication that hazardous substances or petroleum products may have impacted the property. We are aware of the information and reports found at http://bit.ly/LockbourneAFB, inclusion of these reports is not necessary. A similar request has also been submitted to Contract Larceny of government property Copies of any and all documents and records for Army Contract No. W911SO-11-C-0001. Request for MP Rpt Information regarding present or past violations of any federal, state or local wetlands protection laws or regulations in connection with the site located at the Northwest Corner of North State Street (Ohio State Route 3) and Big Walnut Road in Genoa Township, Delaware County, Ohio, Parcel ID: 31724001031000, Size: 10.085 acres Forward FOIA request for contract W912CZ08F0438. Provide a copy of the 81st RSC FY12/13/14 table of Allowances covering the Department of Emergency Serices (DES) only. FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 93 of 1088 FP-13-010644 Roberts Casey 1/29/2013 Administratively Closed All records related to the recently issued draft Section 404 Clean Water Act permit and Section 401 CWA water quality certification for the current Kosse Mine expansion to include all records related to the public notice for permit application SWF-2012-00349 and any permit applications and application materials filed with the COE for the project. FP-13-010645 Janes Margaret 1/28/2013 Granted FP-13-010646 Buckley Brenda 1/29/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-010647 Black Kenneth 1/23/2013 Administratively Closed All communications including letters, reports, emails, applications, CMPS, decision documents and or permits from May 6, 2009 to present between A&G Coal Co. in reference to the proposed Ison Rock Ridge mine; all requests received from Jan 2010 to present for withdrawal of previously filed 404 applications for surfacing mining operations in VA; any communications between the Norfolk District and USEPA related to coal mining from January 20, 2009 to present; with respect to coalmines, refuse or slurry impoundments, application docs and permits issued under NWP 21,49, 50; application docs and permits issued under section 404; Environmental Information documents; monitoring reports and mitigation plans for period 1/22/13 1/28/13 -Documents requested for solicitation for Army Reserve Center, Baltimore MD -Solicitation NO W912QR-10-R-0010 All modifications/ contract change orders approved by the USACE related to electrical work, any information not pertaining to electrical may be redacted 1. Full copy of his service record. 2. A copy of any record of investigations or inquiry surrounding any allegation or accusation made against me in the last ten years. 3. A copy of any record of investigation conducted on me between January 1, 7 until the present. 4. A copy of any query or request for information made by an party for my personnel or military records within the last ten years. FP-13-010648 Lowe Ted 1/29/2013 Granted maps that delineate southern boundary of Corps Propery and the Linda Levee from Marysville, CA easterly to Section 27, T16, R5E, MDM FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 94 of 1088 FP-13-010649 Brown, Jr Joseph 1/18/2013 Granted FP-13-010653 FP-13-010661 FP-13-010664 FP-13-010665 FP-13-010670 rigler Voelke Dudley Griffenkranz Chilli maeve Traci Lorese Richard Frank 1/30/2013 1/30/2013 1/30/2013 1/30/2013 1/30/2013 FP-13-010671 Porrata Samuel 1/30/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-010673 Chilli Frank 1/30/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-010677 Bailey Kate FP-13-010680 Johnson Jermaine 1/30/2013 Granted FP-13-010682 FP-13-010684 FP-13-010686 McCarthy, Jr. Carlson BANKS John Victoria JOHN 1/29/2013 Denied in Part 1/30/2013 Granted 1/30/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-010688 FP-13-010689 Griffis Chilli Brandon Frank 1/30/2013 Granted 1/30/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-010692 FP-13-010693 FP-13-010697 Williams Williams Fitzgerald Chad Karol Edward 1/30/2013 Granted 1/30/2013 Granted 1/17/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-010698 Strong LeEricka 1/30/2013 Granted Administratively Closed Granted Denied in Part Granted Granted 1/3/2013 Pre-Award Safety Survey and Pre-Operation Survey pertaining to Contract No. DASG60-03-C-0032, issued by the United States Army Space and Missile Defense Command. contracting officer's warrant of david w. mcpahil MAJ Paul C. Voelke AR 15-6 MAJ Paul C. Voelke RFP or Draft RFP from the solicitation W911SE-07-D-0004BA01 Any copies of permit application or JD for area ion Tallaboa Saliente Ward, Peñuelas, PR. Base Contract W560MY-13-R-0001 and copy of RFP that led to it. Any and all records concerning, regardingor related to the Army manual on cultural sensitivity in Afghanistan. Center for Army Lessons Learned Handbook12-07. faxed copy of DD 214 former SM stated he never received a copy. BUILDER Sustainment Management System (SMS) violent crimes stats for 2011 and 2012 on Fort Carson. REQUEST FOR ASSISTANCE IN OBTAINING POST 911 BENEFITS. employment verification and address of supervisor Requests copy of contract, any modifications, amendments, task orders and the statement of work for W91ZLK10D0007, Army Sample Data Collection and Analysis Program for the US Army Analysis Activity (AMSAA) awarded to QinetiQ Inc. employment verification and supervisor's address M. P. Report any and all documents and records for aseptic cleaning in/at 205 Sherman Ave., at Fort Leavenworth, KS between 1997 and 1998. Referred sworn statement by the requester was part of a CID case that was sent for our final release to requester FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 95 of 1088 FP-13-010700 Welde Brian 1/30/2013 Granted FP-13-010704 FP-13-010705 Giles Talley Malik Barbara 1/30/2013 Granted 1/30/2013 Granted FP-13-010709 FP-13-010711 Gurley Kelhower Brett Lisa 1/30/2013 Granted 1/29/2013 Granted FP-13-010714 FP-13-010718 FP-13-010722 Watson Webb Segel Trent Jeremy Ronald 1/30/2013 Denied in Part 1/30/2013 Granted 1/30/2013 Granted I am looking for any type pf bathymetry or depth conto~r data readable in a GIS (xyz data points, vector data, grids, TINS) ~or Barren River Lake, Rough River Lake, Green River Lake, and Taylorsvipe Lake. This type of data might have been produced as part of sedim~ntation surveys of these lake or to support planning decisions. It wo~ld likely reside iri. your GIS department. Would it be possible to fmd out i~that type of information exists and then submit a FOIA request? employment verification and supervisor address 15-6 investigation for redaction for Commander's casualty briefing for family of Scales, Aaron employment verification and address of supervisor Request for a copy of an auto accident report at APG on 29 Nov 12. AR 15-6 Investigation initiaed by MAJ McConville Request for MP Rpt 1. All documents in the possession, custody or control of Network Enterprise Center at Fort Sill, Oklahoma (“NEC”) that relate to the inspection, testing, service or maintenance of a TECO V5 358-2TSF aerial lift vehicle, S/N 16148408, tag no. W42081 (the “Bucket Truck”), or of any of its component parts, on or about June 4, 2010 by Horizon Fleet Services. 2. All documents in the possession, custody or control of NEC that relate to service or maintenance of the Bucket Truck, or that relate to service, maintenance, inspection, testing, removal, installation, re-installation or replacement of any bucket used in or on the Bucket Truck, which service, maintenance, inspection, testing, removal or installation was performed between June 4, 2010 and August 3, 2011 . 3. All documents in the possession, custody or control of NEC that relate to transfer of ownership of the Bucket Truck in or about June or July 2011. 4. All photographs of the Bucket Truck in the possession, custody or control of NEC FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 96 of 1088 FP-13-010724 Randle Russell 1/30/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-010726 Vanni Robert 1/23/2013 Granted FP-13-010727 FP-13-010728 FP-13-010729 James MANIGAULT Atwood Andre ANGELA Unknown 1/30/2013 Granted 1/30/2013 Administratively Closed 1/23/2013 Granted FP-13-010738 Stevens Patrice 1/30/2013 Granted FP-13-010741 Yavari Shason 1/14/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-010742 BATES KELLYNN 1/30/2013 Granted FP-13-010745 Walkup Ashley 1/22/2013 Denied in Part 1. a copy of all documentation received from Grady County and its consultant in response to the request on page 1 of the Corps’ January 26, 2007 letter to Grady County. 2. all correspondence, memoranda of phone conversations, email or other records of communications about the Tired Creek Dam with Grady County which were not included in his prior FOIA request (request includes such materials created after the date of the permit through the date of the Corps’ search in response to this request. 3. a copy of the COE’s review and approval of the outlet structure design for the Tired Creek Dam, including all correspondence exchanged with the permit applicant (Grady County) and its consultants on the one hand, and the Corps on the other regarding the outlet structure, up to the date the Corps performs its search in response to this request. The flow conditions in the permit, requiring maintenance of outflows equivalent to inflows under many circumstances, may require a sophisticated design for the outlet structure (If the design has not yet been submitted for review, please let us know that). 4. A functional copy of the Schnabel Report Appendix C compact disc and any comments or concerns by Files related to the 120 acre parcel located at I-90 and Route 59 in Hoffman Estates, Cook County, Illinois, projects files 199500214, 199900929, and 200500014. Sentence Computation Sheet MALIK M. OUMAIR All written position(s) taken by any state(s), Indian tribe(s) or the Environmental Protection Agency regarding Water Quality Certification for any 2012-17 NWP(s); and any Coastal Zone Managment Act consistency determination(s), by any state(s), for any 2012-17 NWP(s) DAAA09-02-D-0025 Task Order 0005, modifications, attachments Request for Award and Option period modification documents FRED CROUCH W91278-11-R-0019 (Sol # translates to W91278-12-D-0035, which is a MATOC award) FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 97 of 1088 FP-13-010746 MacPherson Troy 1/30/2013 Granted FP-13-010747 Morrison Mike 1/30/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-010748 FP-13-010754 FP-13-010758 FP-13-010759 FP-13-010760 FP-13-010761 Nunn Levitt Stacy Franklin Chilli Santos Otis Jeremy Doug Lorenzo Frank Natalie 1/30/2013 1/30/2013 1/30/2013 1/30/2013 1/30/2013 1/30/2013 FP-13-010762 FP-13-010763 FP-13-010764 Brown Stout Hassemer Martha Jeff Kevin 1/30/2013 Granted 1/30/2013 Granted 1/30/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-010765 Kadau Ted 1/29/2013 Granted FP-13-010766 Peebles Jennifer 1/30/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-010767 FP-13-010768 FP-13-010770 Gonzales Chilli Thomas Vanessa Frank Tarigo 1/30/2013 Administratively Closed 1/30/2013 Administratively Closed 1/30/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-010772 FP-13-010776 FP-13-010778 Wynn Pruett Belen Tiffany Laura James 1/30/2013 Administratively Closed 1/23/2013 Denied in Part 1/24/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-010782 FP-13-010784 Buffamonte Newton 1/28/2013 Administratively Closed 1/30/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-010787 Norris Steve CPT Rebecca John Granted Administratively Closed Denied in Part Granted Administratively Closed Denied in Part 1/30/2013 Administratively Closed Request for a copy of AR 15-6 Investigation for Son SGT Thomas MacPherson Request"Wound Ballistics Test of .22 Caliber Bullets for the M4 Air Force Survival Gun," Dziemian, A. (1953). MLRR 215, CBRNIAC-CB-112705 (AD023047) Request for MP rpt M3 & M3A1 Grease Gun drawings Contract W91RUS08D0006 Form 290/Sentence Comp Sheet Contract Copy of August 18, 2012 Colorado Springs PII Breach Admin Investigation Request for MP Rpt Request for MP rpt A copy of DA Form 3946, DA Form 3975 and DA Form 2823 Copy of the dock and dolphins at the far west dock at the Port of Lewiston, ID. Specifically, searching for a copy of the application permit filed with USACE in 1976 prior to the construction of the dock and dolphins. FBI FOI/PA #1147725-000. Files and records concerning deceased individual (John G. Tower) Military Police Report contract FOIA/PA Control #NRC2012115689, copy of records pertaining to Pablo Hernandez Murillo Contracts S91278-13-R-0020 1978 Beach Restoration report pertaining to Dauphin Island Drawings AR 15-6 pertaining to FORSCOM policy vilations regarding pregnant Soldiers. Request all documents concerning or relating to the Rockwood camper/recreational vehicle rented from Clarksville MWR Gear-to-Go, picked up from Gear-to-Go on or about September 15, 2011 and occupied by Kathryn Over, Jonathan Over and three (3) other persons at the time of their deaths on September September 18, 2011. FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 98 of 1088 FP-13-010790 FP-13-010792 FP-13-010794 Stacy Adler Smith 1/30/2013 Administratively Closed 1/30/2013 Granted 1/30/2013 Denied in Part Stacy Stuber Stacy Prevatt Brown Doug Jene Christoph er Doug Kevin Doug Jonathan S. Brad FP-13-010795 FP-13-010796 FP-13-010797 FP-13-010799 FP-13-010800 FP-13-010801 FP-13-010802 Stacy Watson Doug Ben 1/30/2013 Denied in Part 1/30/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-010803 FP-13-010804 FP-13-010806 Stacy Harris Hunt Doug Julian Nathaniel 1/30/2013 Denied in Part 1/30/2013 Granted 1/30/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-010807 FP-13-010808 Wright Brusven Alexys Brenda 1/30/2013 Granted 1/24/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-010809 Bruce Carl 1/24/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-010810 Sibley Charity 1/24/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-010811 Rios Reynaldo 1/30/2013 Granted 1/30/2013 1/30/2013 1/30/2013 1/30/2013 1/30/2013 Denied in Part Granted Denied in Part Granted Administratively Closed Contract W91RUS-08-D-0010 Permit 7218-1967 CID Investigation pertaining to the death of his son SGT Aaron Smith. W91RUS08D0001 Permit drawings for NWS-2008-492 Contract W91RUS08D0003 Request for MP Rpt Crash of U.S. Army Bell OH-58D Kiowa Warrior Helicopter on Dec 14, 2010 on Fort Rucker, Alabam post. Contract W91RUS08D0004 Wetland Delineation Data in Sacramento County, California for various records Contract W91RUS08D0005 Fail to yield right of way. All documents in the possession or control of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Savannah District that relate to any dock project covered under the reissued Programmatic General Permit 0083 that became effective August 2012, and documents include projects covered by General Permit and pending project applications under General Permit Duty upon striking (Hit and Run) Request copy of Appendix N: Project Site visits located in Technical Report, 62-5, final report on review of medical and biological programs within the Dept of Defense, dated Aug 1962. Request high resolution JPEG scans, 300 DPI (2400x 3000) of previous FORSCOM CSMs in class A uniforms: CSMs: Ray L. Martin, James H. Nixon, Robert E. Ivey, Oscar L. Barker, George I Horvath, Robert F. Beach, Samuel G. Smith, Richard B. Cayton, Robert A. Dare, Jerry T. Alley and Andrew J. McFowler. Request copies of two IG 15-6 investigative reports (alleged adultery) on themself dated June 2011 and Nov 2012. Traffic Mishap FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 99 of 1088 FP-13-010812 Monnard Amy 1/30/2013 Granted The Fort Huachuca Integrated Cultural Resource Management Plan contained in the Installation Master Plan. Requested also is the Historical Property Plan Component. Any programmatic agreements or other Alternative Agreements required under the National Historic Preservation Act, 1966 pertaining to any way to the mitigation, avoidance, or minimization of adverse affects as a result of Army actions to the Buildings included in the National Historic Landmark District, entered into by ACHP, SHPO, and Installation personnel, ex: garrison commander. Also any agreement entered into by Michael's Military Housing, LLC, or Mountain Vista Communities with personnel on Fort Huachuca. FP-13-010813 FP-13-010814 Peck, PE Druffel-Rodriguez Aaron Rachel 1/29/2013 Granted 1/30/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-010826 FP-13-010827 FP-13-010828 Crosby Randazzo Rigdon Cynthia Jennifer Alicia 1/9/2013 Granted 1/24/2013 Administratively Closed 1/31/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-010829 Rigdon Alicia 1/31/2013 Bridge plans for Pawnee County LiDAR data that was conducted over the Sacramento-San Joaquin Levee system Military Police Report (MPR) Zinc Cadmium Sulfide All reports completed by or on behalf of the Amy including all safety reports on the serious incident that occurred August 30, 2012, at the Iowa Army Ammunition plant operated by American Ordnance. This request does not include a request for any information or reports made by American Ordnance. 2/14/13 - AO Confirmed that they have a copy of the serious incident report and they are only seeking the safety report. Copies of facilities contracts and operations and maintenance contracts including scope of work documents for activities such as safety, security, property, fire, environmental, maintenance ; and/or Award Term score card documents for Lake City, Holston, Hawthorne, Radford, Scranton, McAlester, Letterkenny Munitions Center, Blue Grass, Anniston Munitions Center, Tooele, and Pine Bluff FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 100 of 1088 FP-13-010834 Wynn Tiffany 1/31/2013 All records and correspondence exchanged between the contracting office and prospective awardees, as related to the following solicitations: 1) Solicitation No. W52P1Jl1R0028 ("MK3-0 and MS3314 Suspension Lugs"); 2) Solicitation No. W52P1JlOR0205 ("BSU-33 BIB Conical Fin Assembly, NSN #1325-01-282-8343, Part No. 923AS641 "); and 3) Solicitation No. W52P1JlOR0206 ("MK-84 Fin Assembly, NSN #1325-00-009-5573, Part No. 1380529"). FP-13-010837 Guarnieri Matthew 1/25/2013 Granted FP-13-010839 FP-13-010851 Fitzgerald Fox Marion Carie 1/31/2013 Granted 1/31/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-010852 koehler Cecil 1/31/2013 Granted FP-13-010854 Musgrave Shawn 1/31/2013 Granted Request copy of all documents contained in Ellis R. Broughton's military personnel records. Copy of MP Report 01030-2012-MPC147 documents discussing the application of the confidentiality provisions of the Administrative Dispute Resolution Act in public policy dispute resolutions records used by abcmr army review board in deciding case #ar20120006711 including army ar 27-10 in effect in 1969 and 1970 1. any requests for proposals, proposals submitted by vendors, contracts, budgets or cost allocations for the purchase, research of and/or use of aerial drones, UAs, UAVs, and UASs (hereinafter “drones”); 2. any policies, guidelines, manuals and/or instructions on institutional use of drones, including on the legal process required (such as a warrant or court order), if any, before operating a drone; 3. any departmental records concerning this institution's use of and/or research of drones now or plans to use drones in the future including: a. the types of investigations or instances in which this department is using or plans to use drones, or how it plans to support, manage or oversee the usage of drones by another department or office; b. policies, guidelines, manuals and/or instructions on storage requirements or procedures for video or static images obtained through use of drones, including retention times; c. the altitude at which drones can or do fly; d. drones’ ability to carry weapons FP-13-010855 FP-13-010856 FP-13-010858 Santos Santos Greenwald Rose Rose John 1/31/2013 Administratively Closed 1/31/2013 Administratively Closed 1/31/2013 Granted W911S6-09-D0001 W911S6-06-D0001 a copy of the FOIA case log for the calendar year 2012 FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 101 of 1088 FP-13-010859 FP-13-010860 FP-13-010861 FP-13-010862 DeFraia Burke Santos Elkins Daniel Linda Rose Cynthia 1/31/2013 1/31/2013 1/31/2013 1/31/2013 Granted Granted Administratively Closed Granted FP-13-010866 Porrata Samuel 1/31/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-010868 Franks Earl 1/17/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-010869 FP-13-010870 Walton Greenwald Amy John 1/31/2013 Granted 1/31/2013 Administratively Closed MPR a copy of all documents pertaining to Operation Northwoods (memos, letters, reports, proposals, photos, videos, etc.) FP-13-010871 FP-13-010874 FP-13-010875 FP-13-010877 FP-13-010878 Drummond Caballero Campbell Thompson Richard Lavinia Sarah Robert Toby Fry 1/31/2013 1/31/2013 1/31/2013 1/31/2013 1/31/2013 FP-13-010879 White Alexander 1/31/2013 Administratively Closed MPR Referred CD case number 13-JPL-F-00242. MPR MPR Requesting Contract information about Contract no. W912EQ11F0001 Referred documents case number 2013-01171. Granted Administratively Closed Granted Granted Granted W91WAW-10-R-0060 contract W91WAW-10-D-0018 consultation on permit records W5J9CQ-11-R0002 records related to Nationwide Permits, which authorize the discharge of dredged material into streams, wetlands and other waters of the US, and their associated impacts to endangered and threatened species Copy of any permit or JD for Finca Santa Barbar, Hoyo Mulas Ward, Carolina, PR Requesting a copy of records referencing application of Armed Forces Pest Control Board approved herbicide “Brush Killer” or any other herbicides on rifle ranges or other locations at Fort Benning, GA, during period 01/01/1964 to 01/01/1972, by Post Engineers, military unit, military personnel, or civilian contractors; copy of documents maintained by Fort Jackson Fire Department relating to hazardous materials locations on base for period 01/01/1964 to 01/01/1972; copy of list of all employee names and pay grade or rank if military assigned to Post Engineers Fort Benning during the period of 01/01/1964 to 01/01/1972; and copy of list of all successful bidders on contacts let to civilian concerns for any work or project related to application of herbicides on Fort Benning during the period 01/01/1964 to 01/01/1972. FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 102 of 1088 FP-13-010880 Morris Marguerit e 1/31/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-010882 Morris Marguerit e 1/31/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-010883 Ridha 1/31/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-010884 FP-13-010886 FP-13-010887 Lewis Hill Goldstein Mohamm ed LaToya Jamie Neal FP-13-010888 FP-13-010890 Hill Morris Jamie Marguerit e 1/31/2013 Administratively Closed 1/31/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-010891 Mallet Felicia 1/31/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-010893 Morris Marguerit e 1/31/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-010894 FP-13-010896 FP-13-010897 FP-13-010898 Kuykendall Guerrero Lopez Ahern Dennis Vamessa David Sean 1/31/2013 1/31/2013 1/31/2013 1/31/2013 1/31/2013 Granted 1/31/2013 Administratively Closed 1/31/2013 Administratively Closed Granted Administratively Closed Denied in Part Granted This is appeal under the Freedom of Information Act for the 82nd Airborne Div FOIA Office pertaining to all 15-6 Investigative Reports perpared by LTC Troy Glazier and to Submitted to COL Mark Murray involving SGT Isaac Goodwin and his deceased spouse Katherine Morris. This is an appeal under the Freedom of Information Act for the 82nd Airborne Div FOIA Office pertaining to all emails sent to and from the government email account of SGT Isaac Goodwin mentioning queenbrutus@gmail.com. Referred documents case number NRC2012114539 (Ridha). Request for MP Rpt Lycoming Engine Spec No. 104.43 for Model T53-L-703. any letters records and/or requests for repairs to the Shore Parkway for two year prior to the date of the accident / Maria Ovodenko, January 07, 2013, file number 204482 Lycoming Document No. 1519.14.15 (R0228-901-71). This is an appeal under the Freedom of Information Act for the 82nd Airborne Div FOIA Office pertaining to all emails sent to and from SGT Isaac Goodwin mentioning monika.brutus@dtra.mil. Forward request regarding accurate Zulu time of the death from official reports for US Army Graves, Reed, Steffey and Ide. DOD FOIA case number 13-F-0297. This is an appeal under the Freedom of Information Act for the 82nd Airborne Div FOIA Office pertaining to all emails sent to and from SGT Isaac Goodwin mentioning Shaniquajenkins@kodak momemt101. 2 MPRs MPR that occurred September 4, 2004 Appeal Parole Board Packet copies of the daily production reports, all payment estimates and BD & AD Hydrographic/land Surveys for Maintenance Dredging, East Rockaway Inlet, Federal Navigation Project, NY FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 103 of 1088 FP-13-010899 Morris Marguerit e 1/31/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-010900 FP-13-010901 FP-13-010902 De La Garza DeHamer Harvey 1/31/2013 Granted 1/31/2013 Granted 1/31/2013 Granted FP-13-010903 Koester Benjamin Lauren Jacquelin e Chemaine This is an appeal under the Freedom of Information Act for the 82nd Airborne Div FOIA Office pertaining to all emails sent to and from SGT Isaac Goodwin mentioning Kristinarobins@gmail.com. 15-6 investigation on SPC Kimberly De La Garza 15-6 Investigation on LTC Peter Zike Personnel documents in regards to an announcement 1/31/2013 Granted Permit SWG 1995-02249 and/or 10559 FP-13-010904 FP-13-010905 FP-13-010906 Nexis Lamonthe Morris Lexiws Dan Marguerit e 1/31/2013 Granted 1/31/2013 1/31/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-010907 FP-13-010908 FP-13-010909 FP-13-010910 Nexis Berry Santos Shackelford Lexis Tracy Rose Ethan 1/31/2013 1/31/2013 1/31/2013 1/23/2013 MPR 0026-2013 Investigation death Cpl Buyes This is an appeal under the Freedom of Information Act for the 82nd Airborne Div FOIA Office pertaining to all emails sent to and from SGT Isaac Goodwin mentioning isaacgoodwinswife@gmail.com. MPR that occurred 12-14-12 involving Tony Conyers MPR documents identified to W5J9CQ11R0002: Seeking a map of the Mississippi River and Mile Markers. FP-13-010911 FP-13-010912 FP-13-010914 Fry Nexis Morris Richard Lexis Marguerit e 1/31/2013 Administratively Closed 1/31/2013 Administratively Closed 1/31/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-010916 Renna Mark 1/31/2013 Granted FP-13-010917 Morris Marguerit e 1/31/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-010918 Hennis 89130 Timothy 1/31/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-010921 Morris Marguerit e 1/31/2013 Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Granted Administratively Closed Granted USACE Contract W911KB11F0014 MPR 0256-2013 This is an appeal under the Freedom of Information Act for the 82nd Airborne Div FOIA Office pertaining to all emails sent to and from SGT Isaac Goodwin mentioning febling79@yahoo.com. Richard P. Kane Wetland Mitigation Bank; NAN-2009-00224 This is an appeal under the Freedom of Information Act for the 82nd Airborne Div FOIA Office pertaining to all emails sent to and from SGT Isaac Goodwin mentioning Melissa Mayle. Forward request regarding National Defense Authorization Act for FY 1987. DOD FOIA case number 13-F-0301. This is an appeal under the Freedom of Information Act for the 82nd Airborne Div FOIA Office pertaining to all emails sent to and from SGT Isaac Goodwin mentioning Latoya King. FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 104 of 1088 FP-13-010924 Justin 1/31/2013 Administratively Closed AR 670-1, US Army uniform wear and appearance. FP-13-010925 Donohue 14476052. Anderson Neil 1/31/2013 Granted Requesting a copy of all Corps of Engineers permits pertaining to the inbound fuel dock, water intake, and water discharge operated by Entergy Arkansas located in Phillips County, Arkansas, on the right descending bank of the lower Mississippi River, at Mile Marker 659.4. FP-13-010929 FP-13-010932 Stanfield Morris Lynne Marguerit e 1/31/2013 Denied in Part 1/31/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-010936 Morris Marguerit e 1/31/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-010940 Morris Marguerit e 1/31/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-010941 Morris Marguerit e 1/31/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-010944 FP-13-010951 Bills Carbonell Randolph Joseph 1/31/2013 Granted 1/31/2013 Granted FP-13-010952 Wilson Dean 1/31/2013 Granted FP-13-010953 FP-13-010954 FP-13-010955 Peters Fry Shafer David Richard Eileen 1/31/2013 Denied in Part 1/31/2013 Administratively Closed 1/31/2013 Administratively Closed SPK1901079422 (Applebaugh, Robert) This is an appeal under the Freedom of Information Act for the 82nd Airborne Div FOIA Office pertaining to all emails sent to and from SGT Isaac Goodwin mentioning Jerome Brown. This is an appeal under the Freedom of Information Act for the 82nd Airborne Div FOIA Office pertaining name of the 1SG that was present during the January 3, 2012 conference call. This is an appeal under the Freedom of Information Act for the 82nd Airborne Div FOIA Office pertaining to Articles or reprimands that have been charged against SGT Isaac Goodwin. This is an appeal under the Freedom of Information Act for the 82nd Airborne Div FOIA Office pertaining a copy of SGT Isaac Goodwin change of duty station orders. employment verifications and work address of supervisor All information regarding the M/V Breton, a survey vessel formerly owned and operated by the United States Army Corps of Engineers in New Orleans, LA. The realignment ofBayou Sorrel and the closure of Jakes Bayou- done in the late 1960s or early 1970s. The closure and realignment of Bayou Chene- done in the late 1980s. The closure ofBayou Tensas and opening and realignment of Grand River, also known as Grand Bayou- done in the early to mid 1990. Mud Lick Prairie Levee District Contract Request all documents related to removal of home located at 28 Fielder Avenue, Ortley Beach (Tom's River, NJ) FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 105 of 1088 FP-13-010956 Ahern Sean 1/31/2013 Granted FP-13-010957 FP-13-010958 Allgaier Anello Jennifer Mr 1/31/2013 Granted 1/31/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-010959 FP-13-010960 FP-13-010961 FP-13-010962 FP-13-010963 FP-13-010964 Allgaier Hargis Allgaier Allgaier Allgaier Hemmingsen Jennifer Richard Jennifer Jennifer Jennifer David 1/31/2013 1/31/2013 1/31/2013 1/31/2013 1/31/2013 1/17/2013 FP-13-010965 FP-13-010966 FP-13-010967 FP-13-010968 FP-13-010969 Santos Cela Birmingham Crady Bruce Rose Linda Bryan Sean Carl 1/31/2013 Administratively Closed 1/31/2013 Administratively Closed 1/31/2013 1/31/2013 1/31/2013 FP-13-010970 Kornacki Wojciech 1/31/2013 FP-13-010971 FP-13-010972 Stell Bradsell Eric Pete 1/29/2013 Administratively Closed 1/31/2013 Granted Granted Administratively Closed Granted Granted Granted Administratively Closed Copies of the daily production reports (4267s), and all pay estimates (ENG 93) for Solicitation/Contract # W912P8-11-B0023/W912P8-12-C-0051. W91QUZ-08-D-0005 Train derailment and bridge collapse in Paulsboro, Gloucester County,NJ W91QUZ-08-D-0006 Permits related to Harold Bludworth W91QUZ-08-D-0007 W91QUZ-08-D-0008 W91QUZ-08-D-0009 Documents from Ft Benning pertaining to Sgt Preston Atkinson: • All domestic issues Sgt Atkinson was counseled on. • All MP reports including but not limited to CDV issues. • All COC counseling reports • All psychology evaluations and medical records • All CID investigations and the final outcome of each • All prescription medicines prescribed for Preston Atkinson • All documents, evidence, testimony, and findings of the “child endangerment charges” at Ft Benning • All documents concerning Sgt Atkinson requesting to leave the Army at Ft Benning • All medical records for Joseph and Ayden Atkinson • All work time and leave records for Sgt Atkinson • All documents pertaining to classes taken and goals reached to attain military promotion • All records of moving expenses and reimbursements to move to Ft Benning • All social services reports involving Ayden and Joseph Atkinson • All documents for donations, loans, or grants applied for or awarded to Sgt Atkinson Consolidated Product-line Management Request for AR 15-6 investigation Requests Article 15 paperwork for Lee A. Stephen II Fatal Incident Report for SPC Christopher Brown Biographies and photos of 82nd Airborne Division Command Sergeant Majors All military personnel documents and records relating to SPC Christopher Minh Ngyen Article 15 from 2005 Maintenance Records FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 106 of 1088 FP-13-010973 McGowan Joseph 1/31/2013 FP-13-010974 Martin Andy 1/31/2013 Granted FP-13-010975 Thompson John 1/31/2013 FP-13-010976 Thompson John 1/31/2013 FP-13-010977 Thompson John 1/31/2013 FP-13-010978 FP-13-010979 FP-13-010980 FP-13-010981 Hyndman Eckert Smith Scudieri Gary Jeremy Mason Patrick 1/31/2013 1/31/2013 1/31/2013 1/31/2013 Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed FP-13-010983 FP-13-010988 FP-13-010989 FP-13-010992 Blasen Chilli Mollegard Janes David Frank Anton Margaret 1/31/2013 1/31/2013 1/28/2013 1/14/2013 Granted Administratively Closed Granted Denied in Part FP-13-010993 Boprie 1/31/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-010994 Hunt Christoph er John FP-13-010996 Beeman Timothy 1/31/2013 Granted FP-13-010997 Janes Margaret 1/22/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-010998 Greg Mazur 1/31/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-010999 Janes Margaret 1/28/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-011000 Ross D Reid 1/31/2013 Administratively Closed 1/14/2013 Denied in Part Operational orders for Operation TALASHA DORST for 4th BCT, 82nd Airborne Division conducted in Kandahar, Afghanistan Customer is requesting a copy of police report 0132-2013 MPC 36 Phone records from chain of command in reference to release/relieved of command duties Phone records from chain of command between 25 July 2012 to 15 Aug 2012 Phone records of office phones and Blackberry phones from his chain of command from 23 July 2012 to 5 Aug 2012 Historical manintenance records Vista Field ownership 1940 Requester is requesting a copy of a contract Documents relating to combat activities relating to me while i was assigned to HQ, HB 2nd/3rd FA, 1st Heavy Brigade Combat Team, 1st AD, Baghdad, Iraq from May 2003 October 2003. Regulatory Files Contract Lake Denmark 24" valve and flood gates 404 permits in TN or KY 01/07/2012-1/14/2012; notices, requests, apps for coverage for coalmines, refuse or slurry impoundments under NW permits 21, 49 or 50. Military police report. Requests a copy of the permit issued to Bailey port DA Number LRN-0-4282900 issued 10/05/2012. Any documents on a hearing in 2004/2005 on Timothy William Beeman 404 permits in TN or KY 01/07/2012-1/14/2012; notices, requests, apps for coverage for coalmines, refuse or slurry impoundments under NW permits 21, 49 or 50. Documents or communications related to United States Army solicitation #W912JM-12-R-0019 404 permits in TN or KY 01/07/2012-1/14/2012; notices, requests, apps for coverage for coalmines, refuse or slurry impoundments under NW permits 21, 49 or 50. Information regarding US Army vetern Lattner. FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 107 of 1088 FP-13-011001 FP-13-011002 Simpson Longo Omar Wilfred 1/31/2013 Administratively Closed 1/31/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-011004 FP-13-011005 FP-13-011006 Westerman Benton Egan Fred Earnest Jessica 1/31/2013 Administratively Closed 1/31/2013 Administratively Closed 1/30/2013 Granted FP-13-011007 FP-13-011008 McMonagle Cauzza Robert Jarod 1/31/2013 Granted 1/29/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-011009 FP-13-011010 Robert Crystal 1/31/2013 1/31/2013 FP-13-011011 Henderson Jr. HendersonThompson Parsons Paul 1/31/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-011012 FP-13-011013 FP-13-011014 Gale Chilli Arthur Andrew Frank Victor 1/31/2013 Granted 1/31/2013 Administratively Closed 1/31/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-011016 Henderson Tracey 1/25/2013 Granted FP-13-011017 FP-13-011018 FP-13-011019 FP-13-011020 Lueken Droniak Buck Butler Clinton Michael Jennifer Fabian 1/31/2013 1/31/2013 1/31/2013 1/31/2013 FP-13-011021 FP-13-011035 Chilli Maughan Frank James 1/31/2013 Administratively Closed 1/31/2013 Granted FP-13-011036 FP-13-011037 FP-13-011038 Harris Todd Chambers Linda Makelke (Paralegal) Lorie 1/31/2013 Granted 1/30/2013 Administratively Closed 1/31/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-011039 FP-13-011041 DiCampli Jenkins 1/30/2013 Administratively Closed 1/31/2013 Granted Laura Jacquetta Granted Granted Administratively Closed Granted Omar K. Simpson Sr. (xx9304) Documents regarding resignation in lieu of courts-martial and CID investigation. IDPF and OMPF regarding veteran Kendle. Contract W91YTV08C0012. Documents from Regulator related to 1960's permit to IA power and ligth Documents related to Big Island Conservancy District Financial declarations, statements or records (Logistics International, Inc.) Father requesting 15-6 investigaion from death of his son Requests 15-6 investigation reference the death of her son PFC Robert Henderson III Mountain warfare training at Fort Carson and Camp Hale during the 1950's. Use of Rams Head Device by instructors at Camp Hale and Fort Carson. Request for MP Rpt W91WAW-12-R-0087 Number and results of EEO settled and or completed for USAG Fort Meade MD. Certified Payroll information for prevailing wages on construction project in the Orchard Combat Training Center, Idaho, for Nu Mechanical (Sub-contractor) Request for MP Rpt Michael Droniak 604 Corner Ketch Road, Newark, DE Wetland Violations The requester is requesting a Military Police Report pertaining to an accident which occurred January 2013. Contract identification of all aerial photographs for the following location. 30 03’ 59" N, 090 53’ 16"W. NWW-2008-31 15-6 Investigation Lawfirm that represents Armour Concrete, L.P., a subcontractor to original contractor, GSC Construction, Inc. on Fort Sill CIF Design and Construct project, Prime Contract No. W9126G-11-D-0061. 15-6 Investigation Construction plans and maps for Great Salt Plains FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 108 of 1088 FP-13-011042 Sands Kelly 1/31/2013 Granted FP-13-011043 FP-13-011044 Dilimone Eckert Andrea Jeremy 1/31/2013 Granted 1/31/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-011045 Darst Brian 1/31/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-011046 Darst Brian 1/31/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-011047 Darst Brian 1/31/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-011048 Darst Brian 1/31/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-011049 FP-13-011053 FP-13-011054 FP-13-011057 Kammeyer Lowe Pendleton Anderson Jennifer Steven Janet Jedd 1/31/2013 1/31/2013 1/31/2013 1/31/2013 FP-13-011058 Martinez Jonathan 2/1/2013 Granted FP-13-011059 Watts Kenneth 2/1/2013 Granted FP-13-011060 Ghuniem Darlene 2/1/2013 Administratively Closed Granted Granted Administratively Closed Granted Authorized Impacts and Mitigation reports generated from the ORM permit decisions database from January 2006 to date Unsafe Backing Documents relating to the Army's lease or ownership interest in Vista Field during the 1940's Communication with the IG and the Military Sales & Service Co. Communication betwseen Military Sales & Service Co. and Dale S. Bryan Communcation between Military Sales and Service co and Army and Air Force Exchange Service personnel other than Paul Atherton - regarding Paul Atherton. FOIA Case Log fo the Exchange from September 2009 to present Following too close. Following too close No Records the entire project file for Matthew and Leah Jimenez, 104 Longmeadow Rd., Winnetka, IL 60093 (LRC-2012-371) Copy of MP Report pertaining to an accident that occured on 22 Sep 12 in Netzaberg housing area. Copy of MP Report pertaining to an accident, in which his vehicle was involved. He loaned it to a friend (Clay Dietrich) who was involved in the accident. Copy of written policies or procedures regarding the handling and transportation of military dogs FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 109 of 1088 FP-13-011062 Patterson John FP-13-011064 Dalton FP-13-011069 Welch Sarahann e Preston FP-13-011071 Flanders FP-13-011091 2/1/2013 Administratively Closed 1/28/2013 Administratively Closed a. Please provide to me the complete unedited body of evidence related to my Reduction Board for Inefficiency, to include ALL documents, notes, summaries, recordings, overhead slides(Power Points), all materials presented and/or used by the State of Ohio ARNG prosecution and/or seen or heard by the board members during the Reduction Board for Inefficiency of John. A Patterson convened on 5 Dec 2012, 12 Jan 2013, and 13 Jan 2013 per Cpt Klein's 16 Nov 2012 I request all notes and summaries of the numerous discussions by and between any member of the board and prosecution with BG Kelly, COL Auckland, MAJ Swade or any member of the Ohio Army National Guard before, during, and after each of the dates mentioned above. Request a copy of all emails containing information, discussions, evidence, etc. regarding this case, to include emails to or from the TAG, ATAG, State JAG's office, or any other emails sent or received to any person regarding this case. 2. Under initial discovery of evidence and prior to the Board convening on 5 Dec 2012, I requested LTC Lam's full report and summary of his Commander's inquiry / investigation directed by the Chief-of-Staff, COL John Harris MP-Report Child abuse 2/1/2013 Granted Mr. Welch is seeking the names and contact information of the previous two tenants at his former off-post residence of Majoran Weg 22 Wiesbaden 65191. Both were American tenants that found the house through the housing office at Wiesbaden Clay Kaserne. Plus,their PCS orders. Renee 2/1/2013 Granted Gould Joe 2/1/2013 Granted FP-13-011098 FP-13-011101 Lorenzen Marusak Henry Russell FP-13-011103 Morgan Elizabeth Ms. Flanders is requesting a copy of all records pertaining to tax evasion/civilian misconduct againt herself. MPR # 0012713 Requesting copies of investigation conducted on COL Marc Axelberg. Request for MP Rpt Copy of the most recent monitoring report and annual ledger for the last three (3) years for SWF-2003-00558 Request for MP Rpt 2/1/2013 Granted 1/31/2013 Administratively Closed 2/1/2013 Granted FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 110 of 1088 FP-13-011107 Smith John 1/31/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-011108 Eckert Carl 2/1/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-011110 Eckert Carl 2/1/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-011112 FP-13-011113 Casanova Walker Jonathan Jessica 2/1/2013 Granted 2/1/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-011114 Smith Christine 2/1/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-011115 Griffey Trevor 2/1/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-011116 FP-13-011118 FP-13-011119 Fry O'Brien Young 2/1/2013 Administratively Closed 2/1/2013 Granted 2/1/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-011120 Greenewald Richard Trevor Christoph er John 2/1/2013 Granted 1. The current shoreline management plan for Sam Rayburn. 2. All documents SWF setting forth policies, rules, guidelines or procedures about use of government shoreline property at COE lakes in SWF by adjacent landowners, including maintaining a lawn, mowing, clearing, burning of underbrush or maintaining a portable dock on government shoreline property. 3. All documents of the COE setting forth policies, rules, guidelines or procedures about use of government shoreline property at COE lakes by adjacent landowners, including maintaining a lawn, mowing, clearing, burning of underbrush, or maintaining a portable dock on government shoreline property. 4. All documents alluding to or referring to in any way any grandfathering of a right of or privilege of or allowance for an adjacent landowner’s use, including maintaining a lawn, mowing, clearing, burning of underbrush, access to the lake, or maintaining a portable dock, on government shoreline property at Sam Rayburn Reservoir. 5. All documents reflecting a past written commitment (see Section 327.30(d)(2), 36 CFR) to any and all adjacent landowners at Sam Rayburn Reservoir concerning use of government shoreline property, including Releasble copy of Solicitation, W58RGZ-12-R-0171 and Awarded Contract, W58RGZ-13-D-0055 and it's RFP request UNREDACTED copy of solicitation, W58RGZ-12-R0171 AND UNREDACTED copy of awarded contract, W58RGZ-13-D-0055 and it's RFP. Request for MP Rpt Copy of LOD Investigation file that is not solely about the requestor. Referral of Freedom of Information (FOIA) Request from Ms. Christine Smith FBI FOI/PA #1183029, RE: Marcus Garvey (Additional records). Purchasing & Contracting The housing unit is requesting a copy of a police report 2012/2013 Clemency Packet FM 23-65, Field manual for the Browning .50 Caliber machine gun FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 111 of 1088 FP-13-011121 Ingham Eric 2/1/2013 Granted FP-13-011122 Hatteberg Ron 2/1/2013 Granted FP-13-011123 Blewett Ron 2/1/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-011124 FP-13-011125 Conner Volker Elizabeth Stephan 1/25/2013 Administratively Closed 2/1/2013 Granted FP-13-011126 Allgaier Jennifer 1/25/2013 Administratively Closed Copy of RFP @912DY12ROMES for OMES BAS Program FP-13-011129 Evans Cheryl 1/31/2013 Granted FP-13-011130 FP-13-011131 Cunningham Rhodes Sheila Leon a copy of the Clean Water Act wetlands permit application that was filed by the National Park Service relative to the Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore Cowles Bog project. I should also like any communications, including e-mail, between the Army Corps of Engineers and the National Park Service relative to this project. Request for CID document Request for CID document regarding son, William Rhodes FP-13-011132 Donn Calli 2/1/2013 Administratively Closed 2/1/2013 Administratively Closed 1/22/2013 Administratively Closed Army hand to hand combat manuals from the civil war, WWI, WWII, Vietname and to present day. Freight Shipment Table from GFM Freight Shipment System Exclude munitions & weapons shipments. All documents relating to SERE Force Support Facility Phase 1 since May 29, 2012 Charles L. Pickett AJl analyses performed pursuant to section 404(b)(1) of the Clean Water Act for activities in the Mississippi River or its tributaries within the New Orleans District (NOD) since January 1, 1978. • All state water quality certifications issued to the NOD, pursuant to section 401 (a) or 313 of the Clean Water Act, for activities in the Mississippi River or its tributaries since January 1, 1978. • AJl permit applications or other documents that the NOD submitted to states for the purposes of obtaining state water quality certifications since January 1, 1978. • Any nationwide permits purporting to cover activities in the Mississippi River or its tributaries within the NOD since January 1, 1978. • All environmental assessments or environmental impact statements related to activities in the Mississippi River or its tributaries within the NOD since January 1, 1978, that contain 404(b)(1) analyses. Copies of all documents pertaining to the permit modification of OA-2007-1586 Port Mackenzie Rail Extension, including but not limited to, documents used in deeming Pioneer Reserve mitigation bank credits impracticable, and documents pertaining to practicable alternatives. FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 112 of 1088 FP-13-011133 Donn Calli 1/23/2013 Granted FP-13-011134 Donn Calli 1/23/2013 Granted FP-13-011135 Donn Calli 1/23/2013 Administratively Closed Copy of the current version of The Conservation Fund’s final instrument in compliance with the 2008 Final Rule for Compensatory Mitigation for Losses of Aquatic Resources. FP-13-011136 Donn Calli 1/23/2013 Granted Copy of all documents pertaining to the permit modification of POA-2007-1586 Port Mackenzie Rail Extension, including but not limited to, documents used in deeming Pioneer Reserve mitigation bank credits impracticable, and documents pertaining to practicable alternatives. FP-13-011137 FP-13-011138 FP-13-011139 FISHER Musgrave Salinas JEAN Shawn Terry 2/1/2013 Granted 1/29/2013 Administratively Closed 2/1/2013 Granted STEPHEN CHAPMAN Drone information List of all contractors at Ft Polk with contracts with the COE FP-13-011141 Arrigo Roy FP-13-011142 FP-13-011149 MELVIN Dunlap LISA Bryan FP-13-011152 FP-13-011154 FP-13-011156 Ellis Hammonds Middleton Ramie David Rebecca 2/1/2013 Granted 2/1/2013 Granted 1/23/2013 Denied in Full 2/1/2013 Granted 2/1/2013 Granted 2/1/2013 Granted Copy of the decision documents for POA-2010-79 Museum drive Extension Copy of all communication, internal and external, in regard to the POA-2007-1586 Port Mackenzie Rail Extension project. 1. The Record of Decision, 2. The Real Estate Planning Report, and 3. Any other documents from departments within the Corps of Engineers (such as the engineering department ) to the Corps of Engineer’s real estate department requesting the acquisition of the rear portions of these properties, and/or indicating the reason for the need to acquire the rear portions of 6956 and 7004 Bellaire Drive. LISA MELVIN Request for records related to Unexploded Ordnance, discarded military munitions, nunitions constituents, and munitions and explosives of conern at Constitution Island. Suspected Child abuse. Civil Charge: Driving while under the influence of Alcohol. Undisturbed boring logs and laboratory test results for borings in the vicinity of the John W. Stone Oil Distributor Wharf in Gretna, Louisiana located at Mississippi River Mile 97. USAGE slope stability plates of the east bank of the Mississippi River at Mississippi River Mile 97. FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 113 of 1088 FP-13-011160 FP-13-011161 Brennan Wright Matthew Mark 2/1/2013 Granted 2/1/2013 Granted Larceny of government property Previous Award documents, or the previous award amount for this solicitation the last time the work went out for bid. The current solicitation number (RFP) is: W912DQ-13-R0016 for Vegetative Management, Herbicide Application Services, also referred to as"The Kanopolis Project". The scope of this work is as follows: "SCOPE OF THE CONTRACT: The work to be performed under this contract shall consist of a pre-work conference and furnishing all labor, equipment and materials to provide herbicide application services to areas at various locations at Kanopolis Lake Project, Kansas FP-13-011162 Kayser Jessica 2/1/2013 Granted FP-13-011163 Saunders Sarah 1/7/2013 Denied in Part Copies of the last 5 years of data that the USACE has gathered for 404 permits issued within Southeast Alaska copies of all documents, including all memoranda, studies, reports, data, correspondence, comments, notes, conversation records, electronic mail records, or other documents, generated, received, kept, and/or considered by the Army Corps of Engineers concerning the Diamond Point Granite Quarry permit, POA-2008-523. FP-13-011164 Scott Anabella 2/1/2013 Granted FP-13-011165 FP-13-011166 FP-13-011175 Miller Lau Bell Lori William Robert 2/3/2013 Granted 2/3/2013 Granted 2/1/2013 Granted FP-13-011179 Ruud Candice 2/4/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-011191 Martin Bryce FP-13-011194 FP-13-011209 FP-13-011212 Catignani Considine Santos Sarah Hannah Rose 2/4/2013 Administratively Closed 2/4/2013 Administratively Closed 2/1/2013 Granted FP-13-011214 DesChamps Will 2/4/2013 Administratively Closed 1/31/2013 Denied in Part Request is for copy of 16-6 investigation ref suicide of SPC Scott MP report requested. MP Report requested Olean Levee Systems OLN1, Olean levee system OLN2 Olean Lee Systmes OLN3 for 2010 Debris Removal, Haul & Disposal Service; Fire Island, Suffolk County, New York Public Comments pertaining to permit evaluation of Killdeer Land Partners LP Contract OPF Request for contract, scope of work, modifications and task orders for Contract No. W9128F-12-D-0041 Documents for work done at Fort Jackson, SC by Fencon Inc. from 2008-2011. FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 114 of 1088 FP-13-011215 Foltyniewicz Randall 2/4/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-011227 Novak Matt 2/4/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-011231 Greenewald John 2/4/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-011234 Coughlan Aine 2/4/2013 Granted FP-13-011236 Eckles Carol 2/4/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-011238 FP-13-011241 FP-13-011243 THOMPSON Jones Angus DARRYL Michael Diann 2/4/2013 Granted 2/4/2013 Denied in Part 2/4/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-011251 SANTOS ROSE 2/4/2013 Granted FP-13-011262 FP-13-011267 FP-13-011268 FP-13-011272 FP-13-011273 FP-13-011290 FP-13-011292 Fry Bennett FURNER Elias Llewellyn Rios Baptista Richard Mildred EMMITT Barbara Robert Walter Stephen 2/4/2013 2/4/2013 2/4/2013 2/4/2013 2/4/2013 2/1/2013 2/4/2013 FP-13-011295 FP-13-011297 McHugh McCarthy Mike John FP-13-011299 Carollo Russell FP-13-011301 Roberts Casey FP-13-011304 Rodriguez Jose Granted Granted Granted Granted Administratively Closed 1/29/2013 Granted 2/4/2013 Administratively Closed 2/4/2013 Administratively Closed 1/31/2013 Granted 2/4/2013 Administratively Closed Documents regarding being a test subject for Psychotronics, High-Power microwaves, Electromagnetic Devices, Nonlethal capability sets, ect. Copy of 1981, A concept of a Future Force, by Charles W. Taylor. Copy of a listing of US Army Audit Agency audit reports for all years included in the electronic database that tracks their audit reports. map segments from the The "2007 Mississippi River Hydrographic Survey Book (of 2004 data) OMPF including purple heart information (Mr. McKenney). ANTHONY LONGHVAL Request for Military Police Report Copy of the job description for the position of Operations Sergeant for the Provost Marshal's Office at Camp Darby Italy. request a copy of the following documents identified to W9124Q07C0504:1)Contract USACE purchasing info Police Report MICHAEL LEAHY AND JOSEPH MAYO Counter Narcotic Programs in Afghanistan Police Report Teredat sub departments 493 and 497 for January 2013 Request a copy of any documentation regarding Project 112 records as directed by PL 107-314 noted as 'declassified'. Three sales department number access All Secretary records that recommend to the DoD adiption of the USACE builder sustainment management system as the standardized facility condition assessment methodlology and softwre tool for DoD copies of the database containing FOIA requests since Jan 1, 2003 Records related to Kosse Mine expansion permit application SWF-2012-00349 Sentence Comp FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 115 of 1088 FP-13-011307 Berdow Lauren 1/30/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-011309 FP-13-011310 Rohlik Adkins Shelley Joseph 2/4/2013 Granted 2/4/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-011312 Yakes Jamie 2/4/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-011313 Bell Nina 2/4/2013 Granted FP-13-011314 FP-13-011315 FP-13-011316 McCarthy, Jr. Esteb Berkowitz John Mike Steve FP-13-011317 Hallowell Lisa 1/24/2013 Administratively Closed 2/4/2013 Granted 1/22/2013 Granted 2/4/2013 Granted copy of any and all documents related to the USACE design and potential construction of the Barrow, Alaska gas distribution system 305 Engine Oil Sales information source selection documentation (all companies who submitted a bid, total contract bid fm each company). The most current contract is dated 2013 (W912QR-13-D-0012). The information requested is for the 2009 contract. provide names of all companies who submitted a bid on the most recent Carr Creek Lake mowing/maintenance contract. I also would like the total contract price (bid) submitted by each company. Additionally, I would like the names of companies who submitted a bid on the Carr Creek Lake mowing/maintenance contract that recently expired. I am not certain, but I think this bid was awarded in 2009 and was a 3 year contract. I also would like the name of the company who was awarded the contract in 2009. Request information regarding a cooperative program between NARADCOM and BEP from 1979-1981, to develop distinctive red and blue fibers for currency paper to conduct the feasability of using photocromic materials as an enhanced security device. Planning documents, reports communications Columbia river W91278-13-R-0025 BE for NWS-2011-254 Requesting the equity/revenue-and-expenses report completed b y the athletic dept for the Natl Collegiate Athletic Assoc for the 2012 fiscal year. This report is a multi-page document that had to be submitted to the NCAA by 15Jan13. It contains revenue and expense categories, followed by specific breakdowns of each of those categories, by sport and gender. Requesting full report, including the detail tables, as well as the Capital Expenditure Survey and the Statement of Revenues and Expenses that appear at the end of the report. Current contracts for the men's and women's head basketball coaches. Little Blue Run Permit Section 3.0, 4.0, 5.0 and maps FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 116 of 1088 FP-13-011318 Garbrecht Nancy 2/1/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-011319 FP-13-011326 McKenney Heller Glenn Laura 2/4/2013 Granted 2/4/2013 Granted FP-13-011328 Lewis Floyd 1/18/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-011330 FP-13-011334 FP-13-011336 FP-13-011342 Conrad Richter Lawler Gregory, Jr James Michele Brian William 1/16/2013 1/28/2013 2/4/2013 1/31/2013 FP-13-011351 FP-13-011353 FP-13-011367 Lynch Jennifer Mercado Gonzalez George Moission Jerry FP-13-011369 FP-13-011375 Marquez Sanders Morales Melvin Denied in Part Denied in Part Administratively Closed Administratively Closed 2/4/2013 Administratively Closed 2/4/2013 Administratively Closed 2/4/2013 Granted 1/28/2013 Granted 1/28/2013 Granted Bid tabulations for CHICAGOLAND UNDERFLOW PLAN (CUP) MCCOOK ROCKWALL STABILIZATION 1B, MCCOOK RESERVOIR, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS, Solicitation Number: W912P6-12-R-0004 Police Report The CID investigation conducted from on or about Oct 11 through Jun 12 regarding allegations of misconduct commited by L. Heller (fraud, larceny, misuse official statement). Assessment, Selection and hiring documents for EUJN12160135763771 Documents involved in application for vacancy ID 747911 Referred documents under our purview. Referred documents case number 12-897 (Janeczko). number of candidates applied, referred, selected for interview, and offered position; scoring worksheets from the referral to offer; special status of candidates, if positions cancelled, the cause of cancellation for NEAI09592466; NEAI10581899; NEAI10543864; NEAI10543876; NEAI10076170D; NEAI11880207DR; NEAI12983443721625D Referred CD case number 2012-7506, (Lynch). Referred document case number 2013-03517. Freight Shipment Table from GFM Freight Shipment System (Exclude munitions and weapons shipments) MPR 0024-2013 MPRs 0269-2013 and 0309-2013 FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 117 of 1088 FP-13-011376 Smith-Davis Glenda 1/24/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-011377 FP-13-011378 FP-13-011379 Volker Ziegler Vanore, III Stephan Brent Andrew 2/4/2013 Granted 1/29/2013 Granted 2/4/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-011380 FP-13-011381 FP-13-011382 FP-13-011383 FP-13-011384 FP-13-011386 Jackson Bedsole Bremer Burrus Freiberg Young Jon Layton Matthew Raymond Matthew Elisa 1/31/2013 1/29/2013 2/4/2013 2/4/2013 2/4/2013 2/4/2013 FP-13-011387 Donn Calli FP-13-011388 Hunt Jacob FP-13-011389 FP-13-011390 Cunningham Avila Cooly Enrique Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Administratively Closed 1/4/2013 Granted 1/31/2013 Administratively Closed 2/4/2013 Granted 2/4/2013 Granted My name is Glenda Smith-Davis and I would like to make the following FOIA request I am willing to pay cost associated with this request: 1. I would like to know the total amount of money and man hours the USA spent on informal and formal EEO ( EEOC No. 560-2012-00315X, ARFTLEAV11MAY01906 - I do not have the EEOC number) process to include all expenditures leading up to and including the Fact Finding Conference (what was billed and paid to the transcriber, cost of copies provided, the cost of the mediator/IRD assigned and related travel expenses, etc. to include legal fees the USA and my former Agency the Military Corrections Complex (MCC) incurred, the cost of paid expert witness) which was held in 2012 regarding my case. In addition the amount of money spent to date regarding the EEOC 2. I would like to know what the total cost and man hours the USA spent in the MSPB case I filed in 2011 against my former employer the Military Corrections Complex (MCC)/USDB/JRCF to which was resolved in 2012. 3. I would like to know what the total cost and man hours the USA spent in the EEO complaint case and the EEOC case regarding the physical assault by my former immediate Clean Water Act compliance MPR 4535-2013 citations issued during the last 5 years at Blue Jay Point County Park, Falls Lake MPR 3302-2012 geotechnical records MPR 4976-2012 MPR 0364-2013 Water quality data for Lake Kaweah Records for GreenHunter Water, LLC and Weavertown Environmental Group decision documents for the Su-Knik Umbrella Mitigation Bank Instrument Referral for Fort Leavenworth, KS records on Form 2627, Record of Proceedings Under Article 15, UCMJ. Domestic violence - Assault Negligent Driving 2nd Degree FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 118 of 1088 FP-13-011391 Bavuso Anthony 2/1/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-011392 Emig Frank 2/4/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-011393 FP-13-011394 Troop Donn Chuck Calli 2/4/2013 Administratively Closed 1/30/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-011395 Donn Calli 1/30/2013 Granted FP-13-011396 Fry Richard 1/31/2013 Granted FP-13-011397 FP-13-011398 Swanson Webb Annie Bruce 2/4/2013 Administratively Closed 1/17/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-011399 FP-13-011400 Swanson Garrison Annie Betty 2/4/2013 Granted 2/4/2013 Granted FP-13-011401 Rondinelli Patrick 2/4/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-011402 Donn Calli 2/4/2013 Granted FP-13-011403 Heald Thomas 2/1/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-011404 FP-13-011405 Prophete Redding Angeline Darius 2/5/2013 Granted 2/5/2013 Granted All documentation relating to the placement of dredge spoil on 110 Creek Circle in Yok County VA in relation to the JPA application VMRC 12-1429 Copy of the payment bond furnished by Picerne to the Dept of the Army for the construction of the Fort Meade Program Office Historical Records Copy of HQUSACE combined decision document for the museum drive extension POA-2010-79. Copy of HQUSACE combined decision document for the Port Mackenzie Rail Extension POA-2007-1586 Copies of any and all documents and records for contract number W911KB-11-F-0014. Historical Data All permits issued by USACE to the Apache Corporation for seismic surveying in Cook Inlet; All National Environmental Policy Act "NEPA" Docs drafted for all of the APache Corporation's seismic surveying activities in Cook Inlet; All NEPA Docs including the environmental assessment, drafted for Buccaneer energy limited's exploratory oil and/or gas drilling in cook inlet. Historical Data Marine survey, correspondence, boundary survey for the DeTienne application Records related to Skyrocket Creek catchment and drainage within the City and County of Ouray, Colorado from 1/1/10 thru 7/1/12 excluding correspondence with the City. Copy of the memorandum of agreement between the conservation fund and the US Army Corps of Engineers for the Alaska region. Any and all written communications by and between Williams Building Company, Inc. and the United States Army Corps of Engineers in regard to proposed claims or claims asserted by Williams in regard to ledge removal and the export or disposal of ledge material and the contract and specifications. Police Report MP-Report Traffic accident FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 119 of 1088 FP-13-011414 Soders Kevin 2/5/2013 Granted FP-13-011417 Haralambides Heather 2/5/2013 Granted FP-13-011419 FP-13-011421 FP-13-011422 FP-13-011423 FP-13-011424 Hodge Kane Arriaza Sanders PEEBLES FP-13-011425 FP-13-011427 FP-13-011429 Pacheco Corson Hardison (13-075) Shaquille Robert Alejandro Michelle JENNIFE R Jonathan Virginia Carol FP-13-011430 FP-13-011432 Hennes Day Timothy John 2/5/2013 2/5/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-011435 FP-13-011438 FP-13-011443 Howard Scott McGehee William Errol Aaron 2/5/2013 Granted 2/5/2013 Denied in Part 2/5/2013 Administratively Closed 1/23/2013 2/5/2013 2/5/2013 2/5/2013 2/5/2013 Granted Granted Granted Granted Denied in Part 2/5/2013 Granted 2/5/2013 Granted 1/23/2013 Granted Property along U.S. Hwy 90 between Burdine Streeet and Kylewick Drive Houston, TX Requesting a complete copy of all employment records relating to wage information for lost time/lost earnings which you maintain regarding Ms. Michelle McCurry. MP-Report Traffic accident Request for MP Rpt Request for MP Rpt Request for MP Rpt John Goodwin Tower-Death Employment verifications and address to supervisor Exhibit 2 of CID case for final release to requester. Information related to Permit Application SAJ-20093521(NPR-PAH) Request UCMJ Documents Base contract and modifications for DAAA09-91-C-0875, DAAA09-92-C-0691, DAAA09-92-C-0796, and DAAA09-93C-0562 Comp sheet CTF Requesting a copy of a MP report he filed on someone broke into his room in the barrack and stole some of his military gear. FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 120 of 1088 FP-13-011453 Janes Margaret 2/5/2013 Granted FP-13-011454 FP-13-011455 FP-13-011459 FP-13-011484 Fuller Williams Smith Volker Thomas Robert Charles Stephan 2/5/2013 Administratively Closed 2/5/2013 Denied in Part 2/5/2013 Granted 2/4/2013 To the extent not already responsive, in reference to the Coal-Mac Mine, LRH-2008-00830, SMCRA No. S500607: any and all monitoring data and/or reports submitted to the Corps pursuant to the permit requirements, and any and all other communications including, but not limited to, letters, reports, emails and or approvals to fill streams including, but not limited to, those communications between the Corps and Coal Mac about the above noted mine. Requests/notifications received from January 2010 to present for withdrawal of previously filed 404 applications for surfacing mining operations in West Virginia. To the extent not already responsive, any and all monitoring data and or reports submitted to the Corps pursuant to the permit requirements for the Consol of Kentucky, Peg Fork Mine, Corps Number 2006-2295 KAN. To the extent not already responsive, any and all other communications including, but not limited to, those communications between the Corps and Consol about the above noted Peg Fork Mine from January 2010 to present. Any and all preliminary or final information including, but not limited to, articles, reports, emails, phone Parole denial letters from 2011 & 2010. Health Records from Jan 2011-present Sentence Comp & Work Abatement Sheet. Clean Water Compliance FOIA FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 121 of 1088 FP-13-011510 Janes Margaret 2/5/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-011511 Keller Jodie 2/5/2013 Granted FP-13-011515 FP-13-011523 Foxworthy Tucker Aaron Paula 2/5/2013 Denied in Part 2/4/2013 Denied in Full FP-13-011525 Tillman 2/5/2013 Granted FP-13-011527 Justice Christoph er Michele 2/5/2013 Denied in Part January 28, 2013 to present: a. Requests/notifications for withdrawal of previously filed 404 applications for surface mining operations in Kentucky. b. All notices, requests, or applications for coverage for coalmines, refuse or slurry impoundments under NW permits 21, 49 or 50. c. Any Corps authorizations including decision documents and facts and findings granted under NWP 21, 49 or 50 for activities in Kentucky or Tennessee. d. Any individual 404 permits including decision documents, facts and findings, and final CMPs for surface mining operations or refuse or slurry impoundments in Kentucky or Tennessee e. Any and all Environmental Information Documents received including amendments, revisions and/or appendices and any and all Compensatory Mitigation Plans including amendments, revisions and/or appendices related to coal mining operations submitted to the Corps for operations in Kentucky or Tennessee. f. All monitoring reports received by the Corps related to any mining compensatory mitigation plans for stream creation, enhancement, or restoration projects for 404 permits in KY. g. Any and all documents related to Leeco, LRL-2007-217, SMCRA No. 897-0480, including but Contract awarded for janitorial service at Englebright Lake prior to recent soliciation W91238-13-Q-0013 posted on Jan 28th All permits related with 20060364 Boatdock ownership information at Terrapin Creek, Lake Tenkiller, OK Request for MP Rpt RE: Tactical Equipment Maintenance Center: W912QR-11-C0009 Ft. Hunter Liggett, CA 1. A copy of all certified payroll reports, statements of compliance and fringe benefit statements as submitted by the two subcontractors listed below for all work perforined to date on the project referenced above. West Coast Iron And Frazier Masonry 2. A copy of the onsite inspectors' daily diary/reports for the same period of time as the certified payroll reports submitted by Frazier Masonry only. FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 122 of 1088 FP-13-011528 Hennis Timothy 2/5/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-011530 FP-13-011531 FP-13-011536 Blasen McKenna Wiltcher 2/5/2013 Granted 2/5/2013 Granted 2/5/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-011538 FP-13-011541 Barbauta Raugh, Jr Dave Jay Christoph er Daniel Harold FP-13-011547 FP-13-011548 Rink Bishop Chadwick David 1/14/2013 Administratively Closed 1/9/2013 Granted FP-13-011550 FP-13-011551 FP-13-011552 FP-13-011553 Donovan Bayley O'Bryant Boyd Ryan Meagan Jermaine Amanda 1/7/2013 2/5/2013 2/5/2013 2/5/2013 FP-13-011555 FP-13-011556 FP-13-011557 Washington Murphy D'Ambra Milynda James Madelyn 2/5/2013 Granted 2/5/2013 Denied in Part 2/5/2013 Granted FP-13-011558 FP-13-011559 FP-13-011560 FP-13-011561 Meyer Ruscetta D'Ambra Jr. Volker Thomas Dawn Domenic Stephan 2/5/2013 2/5/2013 2/5/2013 2/5/2013 FP-13-011562 Ezeoke-Hiles 2/5/2013 Granted FP-13-011563 Coletta Nkemdail em Anthony Thomas Meyer 15-6 into the death of her son Domenic D'Ambra III 15-6 into the death of his son, Domenic D'Ambra all analyses performed pursuant to CWA re the MS River within the Vicksburg District since January 1, 1978; all state quality certificates issued to MVK, Nkemdailem Ezeoke-Hiles 2/5/2013 Granted Anthony Coletta 2/5/2013 Administratively Closed 2/5/2013 Administratively Closed Granted Granted Granted Administratively Closed Granted Granted Granted Granted All US Army documents that were issued in 1987, 1988, 1989 pertaining to National Defense Authorization Act for FY 1987 (Militry Justice Amendments. Regulatory permit Police Report Contract W91YTV09C0004. MPR 0120-2013 U.S. European Command Historian, GS-14, EUHR12837945688522 and U.S. European Command (EUCOM) Historian, GS-12, EUHR12099689766785. Request all documents relating to this hiring action, including: copy of the complete referral list,all applicants referred for this position, and interviewer individual applicant ratings and recommendations. Certified Payroll records for W & K Erection Tape for front door - specified by family members at time of viewing other films. contracts Request for MP rpt Request for MP rpt Request for SOG for Fire Dept regarding medical Emergencies Police Report June 2012 D&A Parole Board Packet 15-6 into the death of her husband SFC Domenic D'Ambra FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 123 of 1088 FP-13-011565 Johnson Ron 2/4/2013 Administratively Closed All documents of communications, transmittals to, from and between MCWD, Shorewood, BWSR, and all Corps internal documents related to Mr. Smith's letter dated January 13, 2012 not already received in prior FOIA and PA requests. FP-13-011566 FP-13-011567 FP-13-011568 Hamilton Bell Griglione Brian David Rich 2/5/2013 Granted 2/5/2013 Granted 2/5/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-011569 FP-13-011572 FP-13-011573 FP-13-011574 Salars Durden Haddock, PhD Mulrooney Aaron Donald Randall Elissa 2/5/2013 2/3/2013 2/1/2013 2/1/2013 FP-13-011575 Williams Patrick 2/5/2013 Granted FP-13-011576 FP-13-011577 FP-13-011579 Brown Hein Janes Ruth Tammy Margaret 2/4/2013 Administratively Closed 2/1/2013 Granted 2/5/2013 Granted FP-13-011580 FP-13-011581 FP-13-011582 Najera Nexis Lee Lorenzo Lexis Seok 2/5/2013 Granted 2/5/2013 Granted 2/6/2013 Granted FP-13-011583 Springfield Brian 2/6/2013 Granted Request for MP rpt Paycheck stubs 12/2011 thorugh separation of 11/2012 -Certified Payrolls submitted by EBN INC. On the Fort Des MOines Iowa construction project Des Moines -Copies of all employees firld interview forms by all structral contractors on the construction project Permit 4351 and 4482 Topo map of Lake Lanier SAM-2011-01079-CMS COE Relief Inspector David Grand documents (Contractor Employee) Request for all military records pertaining to me Patrick G. Williams. Unmanned Aerial Systems Investigation Documents All communications including letters, reports, emails, applications, CMPS, decision documents and or permits from May 6, 2009 to present between A&G Coal Co. in reference to the proposed Ison Rock Ridge mine; all requests received from Jan 2010 to present for withdrawal of previously filed 404 applications for surfacing mining operations in VA; any communications between the Norfolk District and USEPA related to coal mining from January 20, 2009 to present; with respect to coalmines, refuse or slurry impoundments, application docs and permits issued under NWP 21,49, 50; application docs and permits issued under section 404; Environmental Information documents; monitoring reports and mitigation plans for period 1/29/13 2/5/13 Court Martial US Vs. Baker, Blake MPR 6387-2012 Request for Information on Korean Soldiers assigned to 3d INF DIV during Korean War 1950-1953. Request TESA documents. Granted Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 124 of 1088 FP-13-011592 Gorra Nicholas 2/5/2013 Granted FP-13-011593 BATES KELLYNN 2/6/2013 Granted FP-13-011595 Gatz Michelle 1/30/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-011596 Gatz Michelle 1/30/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-011597 FP-13-011598 Davis Keith Phillip Lindsay 2/6/2013 Granted 1/30/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-011600 FP-13-011601 Gaskins Rice, PE Daniel M. Blake FP-13-011603 Batts, Jr. Daniel FP-13-011606 Winningham John 2/5/2013 Granted FP-13-011617 FP-13-011618 FP-13-011619 FP-13-011620 FP-13-011621 FP-13-011622 FP-13-011623 Soders Branson Volker Stacy McDonald Fagan Ghuniem Kevin Steven Stephan Doug Brad Joshua Darlene 2/6/2013 2/6/2013 2/6/2013 2/6/2013 2/5/2013 2/6/2013 2/6/2013 2/6/2013 Denied in Part 2/4/2013 Denied in Full 1/31/2013 Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Granted Granted Granted Administratively Closed Granted Administratively Closed 1. A copy of Amanti's payment bond; 2. Evidence of payment to Amanti for its September 2012 and October 2012 requisitions; please provide a copy of Amanti's September 2012 and October 2012 requisitions. 3. A copy of the last 2 notices of delay issued by the Army Corp of Engineers to Amanti; & 4. A copy of all change orders granting Amanti an extension of time for the completion of its contractual obligations. WILLIAM ANDERSON Pages 86 and 87 of the Quarterly Report #7 of Project Agile dated July-September 1962. Law Weapons Sytem Evaluation Group WSEG Report 8 and 10 Vol 7 and 10 Anticrop Weapons System Date 15 July 1952 Enclosure D for 8 and Enclosure E. If you do not have a copy the AF archives do. Request for MP Rpt Records regarding shipment or receipt of herbicides, chemical defoliants, dioxin containing materials to or from fort Benning Georgia for the years 1950-1970. Also any off post location used for storing these products for Fort Benning Georgia. (List of chemical agents.) Parole Board Packet 11/2012 Interior drainage design information, benchmarks, and control points for levee in Elba, AL Certificate of graduation from DISAM Wright Patterson AFB in Fall of 1980. Camp Red Cloud defoliant records from 1965 and 1966 APO 96358 Wetland Kylewick Drive Houston TX Conmtract 12-B-0010 Clean water act. Contract W91RUS08D0002 Technical Manual Request for MP rpt Investigative file concerning Nov 20, 2009 dog bite that occurred on flight in Louisville, Kentucky to Myrtle Beach, NC involving military dog and its handler Specialist, David E. Steele, Jr. FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 125 of 1088 FP-13-011624 Hickman Debra 1/31/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-011625 FP-13-011626 McClure McClelland Clint Scott 2/6/2013 Granted 1/31/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-011627 Phillips Noelle 2/5/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-011632 FP-13-011634 FP-13-011635 McMahan Daly Greer Garry Richard Courtney 2/6/2013 Granted 2/6/2013 Administratively Closed 2/4/2013 Granted FP-13-011636 Volker Stephan 2/4/2013 Granted FP-13-011637 FP-13-011638 Gray Hazer Andrea Kari 2/5/2013 Granted 2/5/2013 Denied in Full FP-13-011639 Hazer Kari 2/5/2013 Denied in Full FP-13-011640 FP-13-011641 FP-13-011642 FP-13-011643 FP-13-011644 Foster Leija Awuah Gilbert Morais Jeanine Michael Benjamin William Betsy 2/5/2013 2/6/2013 2/6/2013 2/6/2013 2/6/2013 Administratively Closed Granted Granted Granted Denied in Part FP-13-011645 FP-13-011646 FP-13-011648 FP-13-011649 Henson Bennett Camp Kwansa Anthony James Mark Victor 2/6/2013 2/6/2013 2/6/2013 2/1/2013 Granted Granted Granted Granted FP-13-011650 FP-13-011651 FP-13-011652 McDaniel dRENNAN Kucserik Cory Daniel Andrew 2/6/2013 Granted 2/6/2013 Granted 2/6/2013 Granted FP-13-011653 Stockwell Matthew 2/6/2013 Granted Request for copy of agency protest dated 14 December 2012 under solicitation W912DR-12-R-0004. Request for MP rpt Request for copy of agency protest dated14 December 2012 for solicitation W912DR-12-R-0004. Investigation into accusations of sexual assault and other charges against drill sergeants in the 193rd Brigade. Any 156 investigations, transcripts of court-martial, and command staff advisories and warnings, directives. Permit 19284 Referred appeal case number 13-F-0038 (Speicher). 404 permit transactions requiring mitigation in past two years. Documents related to MS River dredging for O&M from 1978 to present Electronic copy of current ACT Baseline Model Copy of bid tabulation and abstract W9128F-12-R-0030, RFP 7 Copy of bid tabluation and abstract of bidders for solicitation W9128F-12-R-0030 RFP5 Mississippi Storm Surge/Sea Level Rise GIS Data Request for MP Rpt Personnel Documents MPR Request for 3 exhibits to IG reports concerning the death of Mr. Harold Blauer. MPR MPR Police Report Request for records on two properties in Baltimore County, MD Request for MP Rpt Request for MP Rpt the former Sterling Engine Company, FUDS Property Number C02NY0977 (CON/HTRW) 0 the construction of a firehouse at the Picatinny Arsenal, NJ, Contract Number W912DS-07-C-0016 FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 126 of 1088 FP-13-011656 Evans Jacquelin e 2/6/2013 Administratively Closed 15-6 Assaulted on Ms. Evans by supervisor and assistant supervisor (1SG Oliver and SFC Greene), which took place at the NCO Academy, WLC on 12 Jan 09 FP-13-011657 FP-13-011658 Catignani Ablaev Sarah Arsen 2/1/2013 Administratively Closed 2/6/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-011663 FP-13-011664 FP-13-011670 Ciotoli Goodwin Scales Peter Brett Tameka FP-13-011671 FP-13-011673 Walker McGill Loyd Jay 2/6/2013 Administratively Closed 2/6/2013 Granted FP-13-011675 FP-13-011680 FP-13-011681 FP-13-011682 Wheelock Taylor Burck Bowie Branden Dustin William John 2/6/2013 2/6/2013 2/6/2013 1/3/2013 FP-13-011683 FP-13-011685 Brown Jr McMullen Herbert Gary 2/5/2013 Granted 2/6/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-011686 FP-13-011689 Rydjeski McClanahan Casey Kel 2/5/2013 Granted 2/6/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-011693 Carlson kelcey 2/6/2013 Granted FP-13-011695 FP-13-011696 FP-13-011702 Hazer Hazer Towle Waddell Kari Kari Sharon 2/6/2013 Administratively Closed 2/6/2013 Administratively Closed 2/6/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-011703 Horsman Ryan 2/5/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-011708 Davis Markedia 2/6/2013 Administratively Closed Solicitation W911S1-12-R-0007 Copies of unit records for the 3rd Bn, 47th IN for Nov 00 Feb 01. Requests base contract W91CRB08D0001. MPR CID investigation pertaining to SGT Aaron R. Scales, Jr. for records originating at Fort Benning, GA. MPR CID investigation pertaining to SPC Anthony McGill for records which originated at Fort Benning, GA Request for MP rpt MPR Referred documents case number 12-EFOI-00022. Information related to ESA and programmatic consultation including District e-mail responses to a HQ data call for NWP regional conditions MPR 0095-2013 Documents regarding job announcements NEAB12092594760598 and NEAB12932081735819. MPR 4943-2012 All records meeting the description of the ACLU request created since 20 January 2009; request seeks records relating to the treatment of Detainees and the rendition of Detainees and other individuals. Request for a copy of the investigative report in the death of Santino Degenhard. Contract W9128F-12-R-0030 RFP #7. Contract W9128F-12-R-0030 RFP #5. All documents regarding a November 1984 rape, adultry of LTC Callaway at Fort Lewis WA. to include 15-6, court martial and CID investigation. Unigroup, United Van Lines, Mayflower, or related TSPs Shaw AFB SC Copy of his Naturalization Certificate. 1/10/2013 Denied in Part 2/6/2013 Administratively Closed 2/6/2013 Granted Granted Granted Administratively Closed Denied in Part FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 127 of 1088 FP-13-011711 King Bernard 2/6/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-011715 FP-13-011723 Erbel Francis Mark Janet FP-13-011725 Beukelaer Ken 2/1/2013 Granted FP-13-011726 Bryant Shayna 2/6/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-011728 Arsenault 2/6/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-011739 Gaugele Christoph er Alexander FP-13-011767 FP-13-011768 Hyndman Dexter Gary Jessica 2/6/2013 Granted 2/6/2013 Granted FP-13-011769 FP-13-011770 FP-13-011771 FP-13-011772 FP-13-011773 FP-13-011774 FP-13-011775 Fitkin Guardian Prescott Chittick boyd Arabie Moore Judith Michell Timothy Lisa Deangelo Erik Norma 2/6/2013 Administratively Closed 1/29/2013 Denied in Part 2/6/2013 Administratively Closed 1/30/2013 2/7/2013 2/7/2013 2/7/2013 2/7/2013 2/7/2013 2/7/2013 Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Administratively Closed Documents identifing faculty teaching the Russian Language at the Defense Language Institute, Foreigh Language Center, Monterrey, CA between Jan 1 - Aug 31, 1959. Documents regarding LOGCAP. Defense Hotline Case #101488 and Reprisal Investigations #04-L103138, 06-L103824, and H06L101488237. CRADA for Armament System Technology between ARDEC and ATK and annexes, 19 Feb 09. Agency is trying to locate a serviceman in the Army for the purpose of serving him for child support. The person's name is Djoulou K Caldwell (DOB 5/12/77 & SSN 136-66-0577). We would like his commanding officer's name and where the serviceman is based. Any and all documentation relating to an IG complaint against SFC Roger Larson. Medical records regarding Mr. Schmitz WWII. Historical Maintenance Records The most current version of a spreadsheet or other document that indicates compliance or noncompliance with section 404 compensatory mitigation requirements for permits issued within the Chicago District. MP-Report Traffic accident MP Report requested MP report requested MP Report requested MP Report requested MP Report Requested Requested a copy of a Military Police report concerning an assault which occurred on 223 Aug 1986 to 24 August 1986. FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 128 of 1088 FP-13-011776 Lynch Jennifer 2/5/2013 Administratively Closed Requests all agency records (concerning drones or Unmanned Aircraft Systems)(including, but not limited to, electronic records) dated between the date of the search for FAA FOIA request No. 2011-5126 and the present discussing, concerning, or reflecting: l. any active certificates or authorizations issued by the FAA to public entities for any type of drone or unmanned aircraft (UA) and all corressponding agency records; 2. any expired certificates or authorizations issued by the FAA to public entities for any type of drone or UA and all corresponding agency records; 3. any applications for UA certificates or authorizations that were submitted by public entities and denied or disapproved by the FAA,and all corresponding agency records. FP-13-011786 FP-13-011787 FP-13-011789 Smith Brush Pacheco Heather Bruce Teresa 2/6/2013 Granted 2/7/2013 Granted 2/7/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-011790 FP-13-011792 FP-13-011794 FP-13-011795 FP-13-011797 FP-13-011798 FP-13-011799 FP-13-011800 FP-13-011801 FP-13-011802 FP-13-011803 FP-13-011805 FP-13-011806 Hobson Wolf Wolf Wolf Wolf Wolf Wolf Wolf Wolf Bowman Wolf Wolf Reno Lance Isaac Isaac Isaac Isaac Isaac Isaac Isaac Isaac Jarron Isaac Isaac Gary 2/7/2013 2/7/2013 2/7/2013 2/7/2013 2/7/2013 2/7/2013 2/7/2013 2/7/2013 2/7/2013 2/7/2013 2/7/2013 2/7/2013 2/7/2013 FP-13-011807 Pena Steven 2/7/2013 Granted Action ID No. SAW 2004-11232 Inmate Reference Data Card Dave Wood Ranches Tide Gate Reconstruction Project, Shag Slough, Yolo County, SPK-201100607 List of Special Forces groups from WWII. Contract W911RQ10D0025. Contract W91LV210D0001. Contract W912P809D0021. Contract W912D105D0010. Contract W9124J06A0013. Contract W56HZV09AJ035. Contract W9123610D0028. Contract W912CZ08F0438. Review of classification of Jordan messages from 1964 Contract W91CRB04D0025. Contract W9123610D0031. DCAA Audit report DCAA CTT 15257.3 Ops Audit Subcontract Cost Fire & Emergency Services. The requester is requesting a Military Police Report pertaining to an incident which occurred 8 January 2013. Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Granted Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 129 of 1088 FP-13-011809 DuBowy Paul 2/7/2013 Administratively Closed Emails from Gretchen Benjamin to Marsha Raus 12 January 2013 and subsequent emails to Dennis Norris, COL Dvoracek and others concerning scientific misconduct on Mississippi river. Email from Stephen Ricks to Dennis Norris, COL Dvoracek 11 January 2013 concerning scientific misconduct by US Fish and Wildlife service. FP-13-011810 Hill Mark 2/5/2013 Granted FP-13-011811 Wolf Isaac 2/7/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-011812 Jaskowiak Steven 2/7/2013 Administratively Closed Boundary information for the section of Lake Lewisville highlighted in map attached to request, to include bearings and distance and monument information. A written determination of the compelling reasons for allowing anentity on the Excluded parties list System (EPLS) to receive government contracts. Information regarding the fratricide incidents which occurred in 2003 involving the Patriot missile system; Shootdow of a friendly Bristish GR4A on 23 March 03, ARM by us F16 on a Patriot missile battery 25 March 03. FP-13-011820 FP-13-011822 Brown Jackson Derelk David 2/7/2013 Administratively Closed 2/7/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-011830 FP-13-011833 FP-13-011842 MEJIA Giordano Sands JOSE Maria Kelly 2/7/2013 Granted 2/6/2013 Granted 2/7/2013 Granted FP-13-011852 FP-13-011853 FP-13-011856 Borunda Swanson Gatz Alma Annie Michelle 2/7/2013 Granted 2/6/2013 Administratively Closed 2/7/2013 FP-13-011857 GRIFFIN RANDY 2/7/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-011858 Swanson Annie 2/6/2013 Administratively Closed All data regarding Desert Rock Exercises. Medical records from treatment at the VA hospital 1967 or 1968. JOSE MEJIA DMWR Request copies of the impact and mitigation reports generated from the ORM database for the time period, January 2006 to date. Failure to yield right of way Historical Maintenance Records US Army Techinical Escort Unit records for shipments related to McChord AFB, WA to Korea 23 Sept 1968. Summary Report of the 1st-4th Deseret Test Center and annual reports Oct 63 and May 65. Escort records of shipment from Oakland CA to Okinawa Apr 63, Oct 63 and May 65 Please provide a list of all services being performed at Bliss under the Service Contract Act -include the name and contact information of the contractor performing the service provide the contract number and the period of performance for each contract Historical Data FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 130 of 1088 FP-13-011859 FP-13-011862 FP-13-011864 Swanson Gutierrez Andrews Annie David Lydia 2/6/2013 Administratively Closed 2/7/2013 Denied in Part 2/7/2013 Granted FP-13-011865 Gatz Michelle 2/7/2013 FP-13-011868 FP-13-011869 York Morris 2/7/2013 Administratively Closed 2/7/2013 Administratively Closed A contract awarded to E & S Diversified Services Inc. SGT Latoya King FP-13-011870 Almada Jeff Marguerit e Monika 2/7/2013 Granted FP-13-011871 Morris 2/7/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-011876 FP-13-011878 FP-13-011886 FP-13-011887 FP-13-011890 McCants Rodrigoe Poppinga Halliwell Shoop, III Marguerit e Armani Jean-Paul Jacob Jason Ronald Certified payrolls from beginning of project to 2/7/13 along with fringe benefit sheet for Remodel PCC Building 150 (W912PL-09-0055-0005), 5901 E 7th Street, Long Beach, CA, DWG Associates, Inc. SGT Joshua Brown FP-13-011892 FP-13-011895 FP-13-011899 FP-13-011906 FP-13-011914 FP-13-011915 FP-13-011917 FP-13-011919 FP-13-011921 Sherrod Gaskins Swanson DuBowy Nexis Nexis Manalansan Rhaburn Chesla Lee Daniel Annie Paul Lexis Lexis Eric Jyati Sarah 2/7/2013 2/7/2013 2/7/2013 2/7/2013 2/5/2013 2/7/2013 2/7/2013 2/6/2013 2/14/2013 2/7/2013 2/7/2013 2/7/2013 2/7/2013 2/7/2013 Historical Data Parole Packet Request all civilian personnel records executed by Lydia Andrews. materials making reference to Red Hat. Army Chief Chemical Officer June 1961 memo to Sec Def McNamara. 14 Nov 1961 Memo to Army Chief Chemical Officer Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Request for MP Rpt Request for MP Rpt Request for MP Rpt Request for MP Rpt Any and all permits associated with this milepost on the Ohio River on the Kentucky side: Permit #49137, Permit #14167 (Ohio River Intake - 318.9 mi left), Permit #10188 (Ohio River Dock - 319.2 mi left), coal handling terminal located on KY side of Ohio River near 53rd Street, Ashland, KY Granted Denied in Part Administratively Closed Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Denied in Part Permit # 15157 issued 1981 D&A Board Packet Historical Data Scientific misconduct/fraud on the MS River MPR 0034-2013 MPR 0349-2013 MPR 6808-2012 Request for MP Rpt Request a copy of a fire report that took place at her residence located at 1205 Colmar Rd, Seaside, CA 93999 on Dec 13, 2012. FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 131 of 1088 FP-13-011926 Wilber Norman 1/14/2013 Denied in Full Copies of incident reports for incident took place at Pigeon Creek Park located in Mountain Home. Also copies of any documentation or reports in files re: incident of inappropriate behavior of sexual nature in which Herman Hackworth was involved during Jan 1 2006 thru Jan 1, 2011. FP-13-011928 Bakken Tim 2/7/2013 Granted Requesting current yearly salaries of the personnel below, all of whom are employed at the USMA: Chris Barth, Matthew Geller, Lori Doughty, James Dlaton, James Loy, Jack Jacobs, Robert Goldstein, Tom Lainis, Paula Fekete, David Schultz, David Hashinski, Mike Kwinn, Jennifer Rice, Jim Collins, Richard Hoff, Paul Mlaker and John Melkon FP-13-011929 Rautio Richard 2/6/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-011930 DesChamps Will 2/7/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-011931 O'Rourke Shawn 2/7/2013 Administratively Closed U.S. M1 Garand rifle from the Civilian Marksmanship Program. Would like information that might give clues as to what it's past service life consisted of, and maybe where it fought in world war two. The rifle's serial number is 443072, manufactured circa 1942. Copy of all contracts in which the party with whom the United States contracted is Fencon, Inc., for work performed at Fort Jackson in Columbia, SC where any performance of the contract was perfomred at any time during the years 2008 2011. Request copy of DA Form 4707 for Shawn Edward O'Rourke FP-13-011932 FP-13-011934 Martinez Cork Pablo Bill 2/6/2013 Granted 2/5/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-011935 FP-13-011936 FP-13-011937 Plass Wright Sauter Doug Roy Mark 2/7/2013 Denied in Part 2/7/2013 Granted 2/7/2013 Granted Historical maintenance data Copy of the BAER Contract including the pricing information for the project, in association with a MOA we have with TexAmericas. NWW-2012-598 and NWW-2012-639 MPR MARK SAUTER- FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 132 of 1088 FP-13-011949 Hathaway Jesse 2/8/2013 Administratively Closed Request access to and copies of all documents outlining the mock disaster drill scenario organized by the Ohio Army National Guard 52nd Civil Support Unit, in conjunction with the Ohio Emergency Management Agency, the Portsmouth Police Department, and the Police Fire Department, on January 17, 2013. Specifically, I request copies of any documentation about training drill plans, objectives, and outcomes for the drill scenario, as well as a timetable of scheduled events in the scenario FP-13-011956 Ham Terry 2/8/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-011965 Waple Mark 2/8/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-011968 Hickman Jeffrey 2/8/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-011969 Parsons Paul 2/8/2013 Administratively Closed Requesting documentation, permits and application related to Corp of Engineers permit number LRL-2004-130 issued to the Meade County Riverport Authority, for the left bank of the Ohio River at mile 645, near Bradenburgh, Meade County, Kentucky Requesting documents & recordings of board proceedings for Army Captain Daniel McKone. AR 15-6 or UCMJ actions involving LT Andrew Francisco concerning incidents that occurred on FOBs Joyce, Bostic, Fenty located in RC East, AFG reported by the requester that took place on or between July to September 2012 and my still be active. Request for 1950s manuals, standards and general orders as well as any materials relating to establishing standards for Mountain Warfare for traning across multiple commands and use of the "Rams Head Device," by instructors at Camp Hale or Fort Carson during that time period - specifically general orders authorizing the creation and wear of said device. FP-13-011971 FP-13-011977 BRILEY QUERY ANTONN TARA 2/8/2013 Granted 2/8/2013 Administratively Closed ANTONN BRILEY LOUIS T. DESTEFANO FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 133 of 1088 FP-13-011980 Norris John 2/8/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-011988 FP-13-011989 FP-13-011991 FP-13-011992 FP-13-011994 FP-13-011995 Matter-Martin Martin McCain Wharton Black STEFFEN 2/8/2013 2/8/2013 2/8/2013 2/8/2013 2/8/2013 2/8/2013 FP-13-011996 Brown Andrea Richard Veronica Whitney Kenneth MICHELL E S. FP-13-011997 FP-13-011999 FP-13-012000 FP-13-012001 FP-13-012002 FP-13-012004 Crooks (13-077) Ahern (13-078) Justice Cantu Ahern (13-079) Cantu Amber Sean Michele Oto Sean Oto FP-13-012007 FP-13-012008 FP-13-012013 Hamilton Fuller Lynch Newell Ralph Jennifer 2/8/2013 Granted 2/8/2013 Granted 2/8/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-012014 FP-13-012016 SAFIEDEEN Souders 2/8/2013 Granted 2/8/2013 Granted FP-13-012017 FP-13-012018 Engelman Seaholm ABESS Christoph er Michael Peter Accident Investigation U.S. Army Bell Oh-58D Kiowa Warrior helicopter Hogan Island Quarry, Collier County (SAJ-2008-615) Arecibo Harbor, Arecibo PR, W912EP-12-C-0018 Predator Launch Recovery Element Beddown Requester is looking for any records for this soldier. Arecibo Harbor, Arecibo PR, W912EP-12-C-0018 Requester is looking for any records pertaining to Thomas Goodfellow. Issac Aguigui (7521) Request for MP Rpt Referred CD case number FOIA 2012-7506, Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS). Yhis case is in litigation with the FAA. ABESS SAFIEDEEN Request for MP Rpt 2/8/2013 Granted 2/8/2013 Request for MP Rpt Federal Technician Reemployment and Restoration Rights. FP-13-012020 Banks Carolina 2/8/2013 Granted Human resource CPAC records from June 2012 until Feb 2013 for candidates in series 1101, 0343, & 0203 that were selected for positions at JBMDL. Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Granted Granted Administratively Closed Administratively Closed 2/8/2013 Administratively Closed 1/29/2013 1/30/2013 2/5/2013 2/8/2013 1/30/2013 2/8/2013 Granted Granted Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Request all documents relating to the Rockwood camper/recreational vehicle rented from Clarksville MWR Gear-to-Go, picked up from Gear-to-Go on or about September 15, 2011 and occupied by Kathryn Over, Jonathan Over and three (3) other persons at the time of their deaths on September 18,2011; and to include all documents relating to safety inspections; carbon monoxide detector, checklists, policies and procedures, correspondence, memos, and other documents relating to the deaths of the occupants. Request for CID Rpt Request for CID Rpt Admin Chapter for SPC Larry McCain MPR 0251-2013 15-6 Investigation while at 11th BDE RICHARD J. KOSSEL FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 134 of 1088 FP-13-012023 FP-13-012024 FP-13-012025 FP-13-012027 FP-13-012028 FP-13-012029 HERRERA King Natter Hardy Kovatchitch Lauck STEVEN Holly Harriet Sherman Latonya Scott 2/8/2013 2/8/2013 2/8/2013 2/8/2013 2/8/2013 1/11/2013 FP-13-012030 FP-13-012031 FP-13-012040 FP-13-012041 Debbie Hardy Rodriguez Felbarth Elder Debra Romiro Melena FP-13-012043 Chavous David FP-13-012044 Smith Michael 2/8/2013 Administratively Closed Requesting a copy of a MP report he filed when someone stole his military gear out of his room in the barracks. FP-13-012045 FP-13-012047 Dawson Black Marlene Kenneth 2/8/2013 Administratively Closed 2/8/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-012048 Chyrchel Steve FP-13-012049 Dotson Thomas Eng forms Requesting copies of all 15-6 investigations conducted on him while station with 1st CSB, Fort Polk, LA. Authoring documents that state Fish/Wildlife is a purpose of Beaver Lake. The following information is being requested for the Barren River Lock and Dam No. 1 located in Warren County, near Greencastle, Kentucky: 1. Hourly or Daily Release Records and Pool Elevation Data for the period of record. Hard copies of data or preferably electronic media for the period of record or at least the past twenty (20) years. 2. Copies of the last ten years of annual dam inspection reports. 3. Copy of the original general design memorandum and associated feature design memoranda. 4. Full size copies of the project location and drawing index. 5. Copy of the latest Dam Stability analysis. 6. Copy of the breach analysis. 7. Copy of the geologic boring logs and geotechnical report. 8. EIS or EA. 9. Water Quality report 10. Cultural resource survey. 11. Shoreline Management Plan. 2/8/2013 2/8/2013 2/8/2013 2/8/2013 Granted Denied in Part Granted Granted Granted Denied in Part Granted Granted Granted Granted 1/30/2013 Administratively Closed 1/14/2013 Granted 2/8/2013 Granted STEVEN HERRERA All documents pertaining to SPK-200901482 Corps File 200450154 Country Boy Estates Debt Verification Debt Verification Copies of documents associated with incident involving Estate of Bullard - contract file; SOW; meeting notes and other investigative documents. Debt Verification Debt Verification Request for MP Rpt Request is for 15-6 investigation, subject Ms Melena Felbarth Records of incidents that occurred while Mr. Chavous was assigned/working at the 50th Military Police Detachment at the (Frankfurt Maximum Security Confinement Facility). FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 135 of 1088 FP-13-012050 Love (13-080) Kimball 1/31/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-012051 Tan Gregory 2/7/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-012052 FP-13-012053 FP-13-012054 FP-13-012055 FP-13-012056 FP-13-012057 FP-13-012058 ARROWWOD Anderson Lojko Ahern (13-081) Moore Crooks (13-082) Nestro (13-083) ALVIN Joshua Jan Sean Mark Amber Richard 2/8/2013 2/8/2013 2/8/2013 2/1/2013 2/8/2013 2/1/2013 2/1/2013 FP-13-012059 Scott (13-084) Kelly 2/1/2013 Granted FP-13-012060 Scott (13-085) Kelly 2/1/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-012061 FP-13-012063 FP-13-012065 Taylor LARAMORE Branson Marie THOMAS Steven 2/8/2013 Granted 2/8/2013 Granted 2/8/2013 Granted Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Granted Administratively Closed Granted Administratively Closed Granted Kissimmee River Restoration CNT #15, Contract Number W913EP-09-C-0055 Records created from January 1, 2010 to the present relating to investigations, enforcement and permitting under the Clean Water Act Sections 301 and 404 at sites or projects involving in-stream ponds and/or impoundments, or off-stream ponds and/or impoundments. Specifically, you requests records relating to all such sites or projects: a) Applications for individual or general permit authorizations; public notices of proposed CWA Section 404 permit authorizations; and CWA Section 404 permit authorizations (individual or general) issued; b) Site inspection reports, site evaluations, jurisdictional determinations, field notes, and regulatory analyses; c) Correspondence and communications with the owner, operator or discharger; and d) Correspondence and communications with the U.S. EPA, including referrals and enforcement actions CHARLES BRITTON Record of Trial HIstorical Data Arecibo Harbor, Arecibo PR, W912EP-12-C-0018 Request for MP Rpt Hogan Island Quarry, Collier County (SAJ-2008-615) Dock Permit acquired by John Howard, owner of 8994 SE Riverfront Terrace Cedar Hammock, Stevenson Creek (Sol. No. W913EP-08-R0022), Miami Harbor (Sol. No. DACW1702R0016) Cedar Hammock, Stevenson Creek (Sol. No. W913EP-08-R0022), Miami Harbor (Sol. No. DACW1702R0016) Permit 97-26-011 THOMAS LARAMORE Contract 08-B-0030 FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 136 of 1088 FP-13-012066 Fulkerson Matthew 2/7/2013 Administratively Closed We were referred by David Nelson to contact you regarding the Environmental Reports relevant to former NIKE missile base KC-30 located near Pleasant Hill MO. We are consultants with 20th Century Castles, L.L.C. which buys and sells decommissioned missile bases and communication bunkers nationwide. We will be conducting a site tour for 3 different parties on the first week of March and will need this information for them to make and educated decision to purchase the property. What we are looking for is an Executive Summary over the full report of any contaminate. which may have been found and the corresponding remediation for clean up. I would also like to request information on the following sites as well at your convenience, NIKE base KC-60 Gardner KS, KC-80 Fort Leavenworth KS, KC-10 Lawson MO. I will be conducting further research on these properties in the future, and we thought it may be easier for you to access it all at once rather than later. Our main priority right now is for NIKE KC-30 by March, the rest can wait if it has to. FP-13-012068 Strang John 2/7/2013 Denied in Part This is a request to determine who the Electrical Contractor was for Homeland Contracting Corporation on the Fort Eustis Projects # W9123608D0070 through Government Contracting Office. The purpose of this request is to obtain copies of the weekly statements furnished by the electrical contractor in order to determine whether it is complying with the Davis-Bacon requirements. FP-13-012069 Brown Brad 2/8/2013 Administratively Closed Regarding the crash of a US Army Bell OH-58D Kiowa Warrior helicopter, registration # 89-00112 on Dec 14, 2010 on FT Rucker, AL. FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 137 of 1088 FP-13-012071 Richards Margaret 2/8/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-012072 Greenewald John 1/30/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-012073 Makelke Lorie 2/7/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-012074 THOMASS RANDALL 2/8/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-012075 VICTOR ARTHUR 2/8/2013 Administratively Closed 1. All documents (including but not limited to photographs, records and reports) in the possession ofthe United States Army Corps of Engineers related to alleged violations of the Clean Water Act on the property located at Section 33, Township 47 north, range 33 west, in Kansas City, Jackson County, Missouri (the "Smith Property"). 2. All documents reflecting communications between the United States Army Corps of Engineers and the EPA regarding the Smith property. 3. All documents reflecting communications between the United States Army Corps of Engineers and any other state or federal agency, includingthe Missouri Department of Natural Resources regarding the Smith property. 4. All documents reflecting communications between the United States Army Corps of Engineers and Mr. Tom Smith or any party allegedly representing or in the employ of Mr. Tom Smith regarding the Smith property. A copy of all documents related to the training exercise conducted by the OH ARNG which took place on or about 17 Jan 13 in Portsmouth, OH. Payment Bond & Contract related to W9126G-11-D-0061, CIF Design and Construct project. coaches contracts, not opened until 1/2, reqe dated 11/1. some contracts sent, others no record, one remaining. Requests records related to equal employment opportunity complaints for the Army Substance Abuse Program at fort Meade Maryland FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 138 of 1088 FP-13-012076 Bourgeois Charles 2/5/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-012077 Williams Christine 2/5/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-012078 Wagner Dennis 2/7/2013 FP-13-012079 Lee Curtis 2/8/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-012080 Taylor R. David 2/8/2013 Copy of all appraisal reports obtained, from any and all parties used or not in this action; any and all paperwork including emails from any parties in this action; emails in reference to Shaw Air Force Base North Gate Expansion Project including maps, photos, the new road pattern; list of property owners names, address, and phone numbers, along with the dollar amount spent on each property purchased for this project; information dealing with the closing of Frierson Rd from 2001 including any and all court documents; explanation as to what made the revised price of my property from letter dated October 17, 2012; list of all parties involved in making the financial decision with this matter to include names and addresses of the Air Force personnel who are doing final review of report submitted by the Corps. Certified copy of USACE Maintenance Manual for the Sawmill Branch Canal. 1) All investigative records and interview transcripts pertaining to the August 2010 death of Sgt. Karl Markovic. (Phoenix Police Report No. 2010 01104542 indicates a 15-6 was conducted by Lt. John Ollila.) 2) Disciplinary or administrative actions carried out as a result of or in response to the 15-6 findings and recommendations. 3) Communications with Army CID, the Armed Forces Medical Examiner and any other military investigative agency concerning Markovic’s death. (Item 3 only refers to documents on hand or in computers at the Papago Military Reservation, not records in custody of CID, the M.E. or the other agencies.) Bid tabulation sheets in bidding schedule item-by-item format showing the bids for the 3 lowest bidders for the following projects: Solicitation Number Contract Number Contractor 1. W912P8-09-R-0029 W912P8-09-C-0062 ARCHER WESTERN 2. W912P8-10-R-0001 W912P8-10-C0039 CAJUN 3. W912P8- 09-R-0065 W912P8-10-C-0007 KIEWITT 4. W912P8-09-R-0062 W912P8-09-C-0105 CIRCLE W912P8-09-D-0016 FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 139 of 1088 FP-13-012081 Wagner Dennis 2/7/2013 FP-13-012082 Hill Elizabeth 2/8/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-012083 Eckert Jeremy 2/8/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-012086 KORNACKI 2/11/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-012087 FP-13-012089 FP-13-012092 FP-13-012101 DuBry Branch Lyons DAVISON WOJCIEC H Alycia Chasidy Michael BETHANY • A log or list identifying and describing all records provided to Maj. Gen. Ricky Adams (or his designees) in connection with the governor’s request that he conduct a “full and fair and independent review of Arizona National Guard operations, including personnel, disciplinary procedures and the handling of recent cases and allegations of misconduct.” • A list of Guard personnel interviewed by Maj. Gen. Adams and/or his review team. • Any investigative record concerning weapons sales involving an officer or officers in a Guard task force during 2006-08, and actions taken against those involved. (Upon information and belief, this probe resulted in disciplinary action against several soldiers, including a Sgt. Maj.Austin. This request is for investigations which occurred at the time, and further inquiry conducted since then.) • An EEO investigation of SSG Aaron Thacker at any time from 2007 to 2009 for alleged harassment based on a complaint by Sgt. Crystal Reidy. • A subsequent investigation and/or board which targeted Sgt. Reidy. (Upon information and belief, the board initially was convened based on an allegation of sexual misconduct. When that accusation was permits issued in regard to the San Francisco Oakland Bay Bridge East Span Retrofit. I am not exactly sure when the permits were issued, however I assume between the years of 1998-2001. Requests any documents relating to the Army's lease or ownership interest in Vista Field during the 1940s. CHRISTOPHER NYGUYEN 2/11/2013 2/11/2013 2/11/2013 2/11/2013 Request of documents within our purview. Debt Verification Michael J. Lyons ANDRES SULLA FP-13-012106 FP-13-012107 FP-13-012109 Badillo Navarro SANTOS Laura Peter ROSE 2/6/2013 Granted 2/11/2013 Granted 2/11/2013 Granted FP-13-012112 Ghuniem Darlene 2/8/2013 Granted Granted Granted Granted Inquiry Report Police Report copy of the following documents identified to W911SE07D0016 Military Working Dog Policies and Procedures related to handling and Transportation. FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 140 of 1088 FP-13-012114 STRANG JOHN 2/11/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-012122 ANDRADE ROGER 2/11/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-012123 Reporting Bureau 2/11/2013 Granted FP-13-012125 GONZALES Metropolit an ALESHA FP-13-012126 FP-13-012127 Express Reporting Bureau 2/11/2013 Granted 2/11/2013 Granted FP-13-012128 Stark Enseach Metropolit an Rod FP-13-012129 Van Houten Pandi 2/11/2013 Granted FP-13-012131 FP-13-012132 FP-13-012135 FP-13-012136 FP-13-012137 Nexis Express Murrell Faust Pitts Lexis Pickles Jessica George Michael 2/11/2013 2/11/2013 2/11/2013 2/1/2013 1/28/2013 FP-13-012138 FP-13-012139 Knouf Gutierrez Tony Kenny 2/7/2013 Administratively Closed 2/11/2013 Granted 2/11/2013 Administratively Closed 2/11/2013 Administratively Closed Granted Granted Granted Denied in Part Administratively Closed On behalf of IBEW Local No. 1340, and in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act, as amended by the Electronic FOIA Amendments of 1996, this is a request for copies of the weekly certified payroll statements furnished by Harbor Construction Company Inc., during the performance of the Child Development Center at Fort Eustis Virginia under Prime Contractor, Homeland Contracting Corporation. The project was a design/build, 26,000 sq. ft. project with valuation at $7,450,000. current Maintenance Contract W911SG-10-P-0112. NEEDED TO SUBMIT PROPOSAL, MOST LIKELY OBE, VERIFYING 7621-2012 In order for us to continue our research on how the Government's estimate for the number of contract Mechanic personnel differs from ours we request a copy of the current contract under the freedom of information act. We also request abstracts of the annual tasks and costs performed by the current contractor. MPR 0520-2013 0441-2013 Request that any and all copies of documentation to vacancy announcement numbers NCAS12034276740177D,NCAS12034276740177,NCAS115 06452, NCAS11506452D MPR occurred May21-28 2011 involving Robert Ryan Washington MPR occurred 12-1-2012 involving Kristina Denbo MPR occurred 12-19-2012 involving Jose Gutierrez Request for MP Rpt Permit File 15-6 investigation into hazing incident at 1 BCT, Fort Drum, NY Cultural Resource Reconnaissance Gwen #880 Request for MP Rpt FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 141 of 1088 FP-13-012140 Lavin Gregory 2/11/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-012142 FP-13-012145 Dial Wang Dimetrius Brian 2/6/2013 Granted 2/11/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-012147 FP-13-012149 Brush Empey Jerald Surge 2/11/2013 Administratively Closed 2/11/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-012150 FP-13-012151 FP-13-012152 FP-13-012155 Lynch McConnaughy Larson Griffin Jessica Matthew Jamie John 2/11/2013 2/11/2013 2/11/2013 2/11/2013 FP-13-012158 Kageyama Yuri 2/11/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-012167 Partlow Joshua 2/11/2013 Administratively Closed Contracts W5K9FH-11-P-0464, W919QC11P0008, W91B4K09-C-2077, W91B4L-10-P-1747, W5J9LE11P0018, W5J9LE10P0154, W5JE12P0074, W917PM09C005, W5J9LE, W91B4L10P1160, W91B4L10P0669. FP-13-012168 FARAH ROBERT 2/11/2013 Granted FP-13-012169 Smith John 2/11/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-012176 King Bernard 2/11/2013 Administratively Closed Contract DABK05-03-D-0013 I am herewith making a request for documentation having to do with the aforementioned Contract, the winning Proposal Response, and Contract as awarded, as well as any amendments thereto. Records regarding 697th Engineer Company participated in Strong Arm from 15 April - 29 May 1958. Customer is requesting information on the Russian Language Department during January 1, 1959 through August 31, 1959. Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed All documentation regarding the protection, attachment and securement of external supply hoses and/or cables conveying oxygen, air pressure and electricity to the LSTAT by the Army. Commander's Inquiry Referred documents case number NRC2013000755, (Carty). Documents regarding Ms. Gomez Castillo. X-rays and CT Scans from San Antonio Military Medical Center regarding Ms. Empey date range Nov 2012 thru Jan 2013. FAA Litigation with Army Documents Copy of payment/performance bond #105500121. Contract W909MY12RA002. His job description, prints of all administrative paperwork, memo from Mr. Ebbeson. Request for any and all documents, including courts-martial records concerning sexual assaults or sexual crimes suspected of being committed by U.S.military personnel stationed in Japan, or actually committed by U.S. military personnel stationed in Japan, against any person from Jan 1, 2005 to present, in any way that such assaults or crimes can be interpreted, including sexual harrassment. FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 142 of 1088 FP-13-012188 Arthur Victor 2/11/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-012190 Longo Wilfred 2/11/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-012191 FP-13-012194 Ruggirello Carollo Barbara Russell 2/11/2013 Granted 2/11/2013 Granted FP-13-012195 Key Alicia 2/11/2013 Granted infomration on the number and results of Equal Employment Opportunity settled and or completed for the agency listed: USAG Fort Meade, Army Substance Abuse Program, Fort Meade MD 20755 all information regarding or rleated to hte Resignation in lieu of a Court martial for CPT Wilfred R. Longo. all recommendations from the immediate chain of command to the final de ciosn from teh Sec. of the Army to include any internal communications Address infomration request on Powell, Marshall D access to and copies of the database containing FOIA requests: Jan 1, 2003; date, request number, all names and companies, status/substance of response and subjects of request Address information request for George Horacio Elizondo Sr. FP-13-012197 FP-13-012199 FP-13-012200 FP-13-012202 FP-13-012204 FP-13-012205 FP-13-012208 FP-13-012210 FP-13-012211 FP-13-012213 FP-13-012214 FP-13-012216 FP-13-012217 FP-13-012219 Official Howerin Ruggirello Ruggirello Ruggirello Ruggirello Ruggirello Ruggirello Bryant Huerta Scherer Schmitt Epps Hankins Agency Christina Barbara Barbara Barbara Barbara Barbara Barbara Christi Arthuro M. Liz Tina Patricia 2/11/2013 2/11/2013 2/11/2013 2/11/2013 2/11/2013 2/11/2013 2/11/2013 2/11/2013 2/11/2013 2/11/2013 2/11/2013 2/11/2013 2/11/2013 2/11/2013 Address information request for Anthony C Parks Address information request for Michael A Lamb Address information request for Murry, Johnny Lee Address information request for Visinia, Tuugasala Address information request for Hall, Stephanie A Address information request for Henry, Quista A Address information requset for Walker, Leonard J Address information request for Soules, Larry W Address information request for Clarence Jr Moore Military Police Report Address information request for Jeremy Brandon Dalaba Address information request for Melissa A Nagel Address information request for Tysheene Page Military Police Report Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 143 of 1088 FP-13-012220 Janes Margaret 2/11/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-012221 FP-13-012225 FP-13-012227 FP-13-012229 FP-13-012230 FP-13-012235 Harrison Hardy-porter Thorness Banks Mountain Wolf Allison Vander Sabrina Cynthia Joe Isaac 2/11/2013 2/11/2013 2/11/2013 2/11/2013 2/11/2013 2/11/2013 FP-13-012236 FP-13-012239 FP-13-012240 Haynesworth Chancellor FREEDMAN John James GLEN 2/11/2013 Granted 2/11/2013 Granted 1/2/2013 Granted FP-13-012243 FP-13-012246 McMullin Schoolmeester Eric Paul 2/11/2013 Granted 2/11/2013 Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Administratively Closed Administratively Closed 1) We request the following documents listed below received during the time period from February 5, 2013 to present: a. Requests/notifications for withdrawal of previously filed 404 applications for surface mining operations in Kentucky. b. All notices, requests, or applications for coverage for coalmines, refuse or slurry impoundments under NW permits 21, 49 or 50. c. Any Corps authorizations including decision documents and facts and findings granted under NWP 21, 49 or 50 for activities in Kentucky or Tennessee. d. Any individual 404 permits including decision documents, facts and findings, and final CMPs for surface mining operations or refuse or slurry impoundments in Kentucky or Tennessee e. Any and all Environmental Information Documents received including amendments, revisions and/or appendices and any and all Compensatory Mitigation Plans including amendments, revisions and/or appendices related to coal mining operations submitted to the Corps for operations in Kentucky or Tennessee. f. All monitoring reports received by the Corps related to any mining compensatory mitigation plans for stream creation, enhancement, or restoration projects for 404 permits in KY. Address information request for Noey Saldivar Jr Address information request for Ronal N Sharma Military Police Report Address information request for Robert P Stefaniak Copy of SOR. Complete Excluded Parties List System Case file on Fine Linr Products Co. (DUNS 605117746 and 033171799). Military Police Report Military Police Report pricing history on PPI 911, COI Army Strong Coaster that is currently out for procurement on solicitation # W9124D-13-B0005. Please include the name of the contractor, qty, and unit price or total award value. Military Police Report Permit for 501 & 1/2 N. Third St, Grand Haven, MI. Include 1977-50-34, 1978-500191 and 1985-500220. FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 144 of 1088 FP-13-012248 Vassaur Holly 2/11/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-012250 FP-13-012251 Luick Carollo Missy Russell 2/11/2013 Granted 2/11/2013 FP-13-012252 FP-13-012253 FP-13-012254 FP-13-012255 BAYS Berkitt BARRETT MILLWEE YVONNA Luke COLIN STEVEN 1/2/2013 2/11/2013 2/11/2013 1/4/2013 FP-13-012256 Ruaro Randy 2/11/2013 Granted Administratively Closed Granted Granted Administratively Closed Requesting any releasable military records showing the graduation and completion of the Special Forces Qualification Course for the following two individuals: Mr. Stephen Beitler and Mr. Joseph Cortina Jr. Permit LRE-2009-00309-56-S12 Request access to and copies of the Army database of tort claims w911s711c0071 notes and all related to mod 0003 Military Police Report STEPHEN SPELMAN W91QF512F0042 EID PASSPORT, INC 25-Jun-12 $126,000.00 W6QM MICC FT LEE W911SA09F0213 EID PASSPORT, INC 23-Sep-09 $62,054.37 W6QM MICCARCC NORTH W912C310F0047 EID PASSPORT, INC 25Sep-10 $154,156.18 W6QM MICC-FORT BUCHANAN (RC) W911S112F0201 EID PASSPORT, INC 09/21/2012 $40,000.00 W6QM MICC-FT DIX (RC-E) W911S211F3006 EID PASSPORT, INC 10-Aug-11 $90,680.00 W6QM MICCFT DRUM W9124G12F0018 EID PASSPORT, INC 22-Mar12 $126,000.00 W6QM MICC-FT RUCKER W912D012F0032 EID PASSPORT, INC 09/17/2012 $72,000.00 W6QM MICC-FT WAINWWRIGHT W911S805C0004 EID PASSPORT INCORPORATED 5-Apr05 $0.00 W6QM MICC-JB LEWIS-MC CHORD W911S812F0035 EID PASSPORT, INC 26-Jul-12 $270,000.00 W6QM MICC-JB LEWIS-MC CHORD copies of federal fiscal year (FFY) end reports for FFY 2009, FFY 2011, and FFY 2012 that show the total amount of federal funds spent by just and only the regulatory section of the US Army Corps in the Alaska District. I do not need multiple types of records that may show the same year end figures, such as both a FMS Form 2108 and a cumulative annual SF-133 Form. In addition, if there is a single year end form or forms that illustrates or details which specific items the funds allocated to the regulatory section of the US Army Corps in the Alaska District were spent on for FFY 2009, FFY 2011, and FFY 2012, please produce those records as well. FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 145 of 1088 FP-13-012257 Ryan Jerome 2/11/2013 Denied in Part All communication between Great Land Trust and Conservation Fund and the Corps independently and the Corps as Chair of the InterAgency Review Team (where the Corps is the Chair), both written (documents, emails and meeting minutes) and verbal (calls). All draft and final documents (including prospectus, Mitigation Bank Instrument and all support documents in the Appendices, and ongoing documentation as required by the 2008 Rule), including drafts that have track changes and embedded comments. We are specifically calling out the current plan for the mitigation that the Great Land Trust is proposing to create in the Little Sui Watershed related to their providing 16.92 credits to the Alaska Railroad Corporation for the Port MacKenzie Rail Extension Project. FP-13-012258 Herring Charles 2/6/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-012259 ZARCONE MONICA 1/8/2013 Granted FP-13-012260 FP-13-012261 Cuttino DOTSON Ben JOHN FP-13-012262 FP-13-012264 KELLER Joy MIKE Lauren FP-13-012265 McCallum Tara Admin & Logistics - COE request to CID related to possible fraudulent actions This is a request under the Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. 552). I am requesting a list of the Delivery Orders issued under Contract W911S7-10-D-0019. I am only requesting a list of the Delivery Order Numbers, Date of Order and the Wage Determination associated with the Orders for the Base year, Option year and the Extension period (to current date). Accident on 1/30/13 for Robert King copies of any and all Employment Contracts, Amendments, or Extensions with former Head Football Coach Stan Brock (2007 - 2008). gpc CARDHOLDERS LIST FORT BLISS Requests any information, documents, and correspondence that the Savannah District has relating to the disposal or use of a coal-ash product called "EZBase" produced at Jacksonville Electric Authority's ("JEA") Northside Generating Station in Jacksonville, Florida. Specifically, information about EXBase and its application to Georgia road surfaces proximate to waters of the United States, including wetlands. all releasable materials pertaining to Major McCallum that were considered by the JAG promotional board 2/11/2013 Granted 2/11/2013 Granted 1/9/2013 Granted 2/5/2013 Administratively Closed 2/11/2013 Granted FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 146 of 1088 FP-13-012266 Jones Stacy 2/11/2013 Denied in Full FP-13-012267 MILEY BLAKE 2/11/2013 Granted FP-13-012268 FP-13-012269 Brown Petrytus Elizabeth Dianna 2/11/2013 Denied in Part 2/11/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-012270 FP-13-012271 FP-13-012272 FP-13-012273 Shmelev Farah Smith Ford Anatol Robert Sharese Ronald 2/11/2013 2/7/2013 2/11/2013 2/11/2013 FP-13-012276 Depeza Alphonso 2/11/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-012279 FP-13-012280 Martin Rautio Tarita Richard 2/11/2013 Granted 2/11/2013 Granted FP-13-012281 Garbrecht Nancy 2/11/2013 Granted FP-13-012282 Janes Margaret 2/11/2013 Granted FP-13-012283 FP-13-012284 FP-13-012285 FP-13-012286 Williams Leiby Davenport Barnes Jane Joel Tina Michael 2/4/2013 2/6/2013 1/31/2013 2/11/2013 Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Granted Granted Granted Granted climate survey 2012 (18 surveys received by EEO Office Fort Huachuca, AZ) FOIA REQUEST FOR DATA ON DUAL-ARMY MARRIED PERSONNEL. Southport Development Project Analysis of the pertinent project information for Candlewood Suites Hotel at Fort Huachuca, AZ. Notice to proceed or estimated start date, construction schedules/time lines . Referred documents case number 1175412-000. Documentations for Contract DABK05-03-D-0013 All medical records from April 2004 - May 2004. Propsal for solicitation regarding Dunkin Donuts at Fort Dix, NJ. All email traffic from Mr. Melendy regarding Mr. Depeza from Oct 1, 2012 - 31 March, 2013. Request for MP Rpt History of ownershop of a M1 Garand rifle, serial number 443072. Certified payrolls from Phillips & Jordan, CUP McCook Rockwall stabilization 2B contract, W912P6-12-C-0015. All communications including letters, reports, emails, applications, CMPS, decision documents and or permits from May 6, 2009 to present between A&G Coal Co. in reference to the proposed Ison Rock Ridge mine; all requests received from Jan 2010 to present for withdrawal of previously filed 404 applications for surfacing mining operations in VA; any communications between the Norfolk District and USEPA related to coal mining from January 20, 2009 to present; with respect to coalmines, refuse or slurry impoundments, application docs and permits issued under NWP 21,49, 50; application docs and permits issued under section 404; Environmental Information documents; monitoring reports and mitigation plans for period 2/6/13 2/11/13 POS data for 30 days on 2 sub departments POS Information POS Data Access to Regulatory Action files 19990664, Spring Creeks Loft Project, Park City, Summit county, Utah FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 147 of 1088 FP-13-012287 FP-13-012288 Polintan CHILI Anne FRANK 2/1/2013 Granted 2/12/2013 Granted FP-13-012290 SASHER JEFF 1/10/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-012292 MOLL FRED 1/16/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-012293 FP-13-012294 Watt Ward Robert Donald 2/12/2013 Administratively Closed 2/12/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-012295 WEINSTEIN STEVE 1/17/2013 Granted FP-13-012296 Ahern Sean 2/12/2013 Granted MP-Report Assault requests (pdf soft copy if available) for a copy of the solicitation W911SG-08R0012 to include the PWS/SOW Air Traffic Controllers (ATC) for the U.S. Army Air Defense Artillery Center Fort Bliss (USAADACENFB), Texas that resulted in contract W911SG-08-D-0011 awarded to Defense Contract Services, Inc. to issued to Calibre that resulted in TSS TOR 45 including SOW/PWS dabt23-84-c-0089 ALL TASK ORDERS AND PROPOSALS ??? RMTC and CSB Projects any information on waiver requirements for a convicted felon to be able to return to any type of military sercie A HUGE LIST OF DOCUMENTS RELATED TO KIDSK CONSTRUCTION INC AND WORK DONE ON ARCCWEST PROJECT, INCLUDING SUB WANG the daily production reports, pay estimates and the BD & AD hydrographic/land surveys for the NY and NJ Harbor Ambrose Channels (SAM3B) CT 14 Nvigation Improvement 50 Ft. Project: Solication # W912DS-11-B-0008 FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 148 of 1088 FP-13-012297 TUCKER ERIK 1/18/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-012298 Ducey Jim 2/11/2013 Granted FP-13-012299 CHILI FRANK 1/22/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-012300 CHILI FRANK 1/22/2013 Granted _ All documents reflecting any contract, agreement, bill, invoice or transaction between the District of Columbia (including but not limited to the Metropolitan Police Department) and the United States Department of Defense, the United States Army, Fort George G. Meade, between the dates of January 1, 2000 and the present (January 17, 2013). This request is to include emails exchanged between representatives of the MPD and representatives of Fort George G. Meade. The requested contracts, agreements, bills, invoices or transactions sought under this request include, but are not limited to, contracts for equipment, gear and/or personnel ordinarily possessed and maintained by Fort George G. Meade. _ This request specifically seeks, but is not limited to, any contract, agreement, bill, invoice or transaction between the District of Columbia (including but not limited to the Metropolitan Police Department) and the United States Department of Defense, the United States Army, Fort George G. Meade, in relation to the September 2002 protests in the District of Columbia surrounding the meetings of the International Monetary Fund/World Bank. _ Copy of mitigation plan and verification letter for project 200700838. requests (pdf soft copy if available) for Source Selection documents available, Pricing and/or Qualifications for the incumbent (Dasher Enterprises) and the names of firms who submitted and were unsuccessful for contract W911SF-08-D0002 Underground Storage Tank and Wash Rack Maintenance awarded to Dasher Enterprises on 12/07/2007. requests (pdf soft copy if available) for the Contract, SOW and any Mods for W9124Q-07-C-0504 Mission Support Services for the White Sands Missile Range awarded to NEWTEC (a wholly-owned subsidiary of TRAX International). FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 149 of 1088 FP-13-012301 Rodriguez-Perez Jose 1/18/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-012302 SANTOS ROSE 1/25/2013 Granted FP-13-012303 Knott Andy 2/12/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-012305 DIMATULAC RYAN 1/25/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-012309 Farmer Ronnie 2/12/2013 Granted FP-13-012312 Underwood Matthew 2/12/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-012313 BERIDON ALYSON 1/29/2013 Granted FP-13-012314 Chapman Douglas 2/12/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-012315 Maniscalco John 2/12/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-012317 Philipps Dave 2/12/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-012318 Austin-Martin Amanda 2/12/2013 Granted FP-13-012319 Ashmore John 2/12/2013 Administratively Closed Copies of orders issued by the DoD in regard to active duty training in 1970-1971 for the 2nd Bn 162 FA of PRARNG. Copies of the complete set of orders issued by the corresponding authority to LT Jose Asistides Rodriguez Perez ordering him to active duty for training to participate in military training with the PRNG in 1970-1971 at Camp Garcia, Vieques, PR. Good morning, under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, I hereby request a copy of the following documents identified to W91WAW-11-D-0025-2E11: 1) Order 2E11 Permit LRE-2009-00309-56-S12. Veg removal on West arm of Gr Traverse Bay, MI. incumbent contractors providing for Psychology services for the US Army Recruiting Command at any US military facility that houses USAREC assets as well as various recruiting offices and brigade or battalion headquarters locations or is this a new requirement? If there are incumbents, can you please provide the: - Contract Numbers: - Contractor Names: - Award Dates: - Expiration Dates: - Total value of contracts: Requesting a copy of a MP report he filed a car drove into his home at 143 Kalina Street, Fort Polk. Referred documents case number 1180541 nad 0727F-12. WAGE DOCUMENTS FOR LANDSCAPING WORK ON FORT POLK, ALL WORK PERFORMED SEPT 2011 FOR $15K Copy of discharge papers which characterized as Other Than Honorable (Mr. Jones). Records describing the equipment installed at the Newport Chemical Depot in Newport, IN. Any Article 15s, counseling statements or Court-Marital packets between May 2010 and December 2011 for Soldier, Kashif Taran Alvaro, 569th Mobility Company, 4th Engineers. Requesting a copy of a CID investigation into the death of her husband, SPC Charles E. Martin. (Exhibits 19, 20 and 30) Background info on John Ashmore FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 150 of 1088 FP-13-012321 Everett Misti 2/12/2013 Granted FP-13-012322 Martin Benny 2/12/2013 Granted FP-13-012324 Conty Myrna 2/12/2013 Granted FP-13-012327 Jones, III Charles 2/12/2013 Granted FP-13-012334 FP-13-012336 FP-13-012338 FP-13-012344 Jarman WILSON Holt McNatt 2/12/2013 1/30/2013 2/12/2013 2/12/2013 Granted Administratively Closed Granted Granted FP-13-012348 FP-13-012350 FP-13-012351 FP-13-012353 FP-13-012354 FP-13-012356 FP-13-012361 Taylor Lane CHILLI Erwin Chapman Boone Gatz John BRIAN Michael Christoph er Derrick Harry FRANK Jessica Gary Richard Michelle 2/12/2013 2/11/2013 1/30/2013 2/12/2013 2/12/2013 2/12/2013 2/7/2013 Granted Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Granted Administratively Closed Granted Granted FP-13-012363 FP-13-012366 McCollum SMITH David MASON 2/12/2013 Denied in Part 1/30/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-012371 FP-13-012375 FP-13-012376 FP-13-012378 FP-13-012379 Walker Nunez Jones FRY SMITH Preston Josue James RICHARD MASON 2/12/2013 2/12/2013 2/12/2013 1/31/2013 2/12/2013 FP-13-012380 franks earl 2/1/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-012381 SANTOS ROSE 2/4/2013 Granted Denied in Part Granted Administratively Closed Granted Granted Request a copy of a CID invesitgation conducted into the death of her son, SPC Charles E. Martin. (Exhibits 19, 20, and 30) Requesting a copy of a CID investigation into the death of his son, SPC Charles E. Martin. (Exhibits 19, 20 and 30) Copy documentos from Waste to Energy file SAJ-201102033(IP-EWG) Requesting a copy of a Military Police Report on an accident involving Richard Crum, Jr. on 4 Jan 13. Personnel Docs W911S0-11-C-0001 MPR MPR MPR Discharge info on Jenifer N. Hartfield CBA W9124Q-08-C-0547 Request for MP Rpt Ownership information for tidelands in Kitsap County MPR Tech escort records for shipment reated to McClord AFC, WA to Korea and escort records of a shipment form Oakland, Ca to Okinawa. OR's & DR's w911sg10p0122, all mods, attachments and wage determinitions CTF Work Abatement Record Charge Sheet W91QF4-10-F-0061 IS THE ONLY MICC CONTRACT W9124N-09-C-0071 MODS, AMENDMENTS, SOW AND LABOR WAGE DETMINATIONS LIST OF SUCCESSFUL BIDDER THAT BID ON CONTRACTOS OF CIVILIAN CONCERNS FOR ANY WORK USING HERBICIDES FROM 64-72 W911S609D0001 (whatever is releaseable and available): 1) Winning Proposal 2) FOIA Log 3) Budget & Funding Data 4) Purchase Requests and Other Requirements FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 151 of 1088 FP-13-012382 SANTOS ROSE 2/4/2013 Granted FP-13-012384 RICE JIM ED 2/6/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-012385 JOHNSON SJERMIK KO 2/6/2013 Granted FP-13-012386 FP-13-012388 Hogan DESCHAMPS Nicole WILL 2/12/2013 Administratively Closed 2/8/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-012391 FP-13-012393 FP-13-012394 FP-13-012395 FP-13-012396 FP-13-012397 McClanahan Ryba McClahahan Brooks Wooley CHILLI Kel Shannon Kel Terrace Lance FRANK 2/12/2013 2/12/2013 2/12/2013 2/12/2013 2/12/2013 2/12/2013 Granted Administratively Closed Granted Granted Granted FP-13-012399 FP-13-012400 FP-13-012403 FP-13-012404 FP-13-012406 FP-13-012408 FP-13-012409 FP-13-012410 FP-13-012412 FP-13-012414 Perez Wamgugu SHADWICK PUTZ Wofl Wolf Wolf Hazer Hefferman DENNISTON Jerae Jeremy PHILIP J. DUDE Isaac Isaac Isaac Kari Moira DESTON 2/12/2013 2/12/2013 2/12/2013 2/12/2013 2/12/2013 2/12/2013 2/12/2013 2/12/2013 2/12/2013 2/12/2013 Granted Granted Granted Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Granted FP-13-012415 Canvasser Jason 2/12/2013 Administratively Closed following documents identified to W911S609D0001: 1) contract 2) - SOW 3) - attachments 4) - all mods W9124C12R0011, unsucessful offerors, letter to unsuccessful offerors, protests filed, all other data solicitation W9124D-13-B-0008 Silicone Wristbands. We are requesting the following pages… Page 1 the cover, The ITEM NO page WITH THE DELIVERY INFORMATION and the SPECIFICATION PAGE Bathymetric and hydrologic data ALL CONTRACTS WITH FENCON INC. FOR FORT JACKSON 08-11 Investigations of mistreatment of detainees MPR 0146-2013 Investigations of detainee abuse Request for MP Rpt Request for MP Rpt W911SG-08R0012 to include the PWS/SOW Air Traffic Controllers (ATC) for the U.S. Army Air Defense Artillery Center Fort Bliss (USAADACENFB), Texas that resulted in contract W911SG-08-D-0011 awarded to Defense Contract Services, Inc. Altered ID Card 06247-2012-MPC016 DR. DAVID LISAK W91247-12-CONMATOC USACE contract USACE contracts req #2 USACE Contract req #3 USACE contract USACE contract - Iraq I am looking for Center for Natural Lands Management and/or The Nature Conservancy cooperative agreements and/or contracts at Joint Base Lewis Mchord for Endangered species monitoring, habitat conservation and restoration. If similar contracts have been awared t other organizatons at JBLM i am also interested in those. Specifically I am interested page one of the contracts (listing award amount, etc) and performance work statement or statement of work documents. waterways information FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 152 of 1088 FP-13-012416 Caballero Sarah 2/12/2013 Administratively Closed Referred from JPL via DA FOIA Office Request from High School Student from Orange County, CA requesting information pertaining to Explorer I satellite for school paper. FP-13-012418 Hogan Nicole 2/12/2013 Granted FP-13-012419 Biddle Sam 2/12/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-012420 Stirling Dale 2/12/2013 Granted FP-13-012422 FP-13-012423 FP-13-012426 Tillman Welch Lee Derek Jason Susan 2/12/2013 Granted 2/12/2013 Granted 2/11/2013 Hydrographic survey data for all lakes and rivers in the Seattle District area Requesting a list of civilian, private firms under contract by United States Cyber Command, and information regarding the bidding process for each contract. Regulatory information on a former plywood manufacturing mill in Port Angeles Request for MP Rpt Request for MP rpt Request for records related to contract W912DR-10-C-0087 (D/B Emergency Services Center, Fort Detrick, MD). FP-13-012427 Wolf Issac 2/12/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-012428 Allan E FP-13-012429 FP-13-012430 FP-13-012432 Byrd Raggio Swain Megan Alan Frank 2/6/2013 Granted 2/11/2013 Administratively Closed 2/12/2013 FP-13-012433 FP-13-012434 FP-13-012435 Shottenkirk Sibley McDonnell James Charity Pat 2/11/2013 Granted 2/12/2013 Administratively Closed 2/11/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-012436 Lamoureux David FP-13-012437 Panico Joshua 2/8/2013 Administratively Closed 2/8/2013 Denied in Part 2/11/2013 Granted Contract cover page associated with IDVPIID W9123610D0028; All information on pricing except unit pricing information for the same IDVPIID; the statement of work; any document with contract that includes the contracting officer’s name/agency/contract information; Unique transactions IDs; Request for records related to solicitation W912DS-13-R0005 - Bid for Debris, Removal, Haul & Disposal Service Fire Island, Suffolk County, NY MPR 0125-2013 MPR 0486-2013 Request for records related to National Harbor project in Prince George's County, MD and The Wharf project in Washington, DC.Southwest Waterfront. MPR 4749-2012 15-6 against SGT Charity Walka Sibley. Who provided Mr Teetsov with all the information he used in his response to Akin, McCaskill and Blunt? who wrote the elctraonic or paper deocuments that he used as the bases for his reply? Request for copy of agency protest under solicitation W912DR-12-R-0004. MPR 2910-2012 FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 153 of 1088 FP-13-012438 Santos Rose 2/8/2013 Granted FP-13-012439 FP-13-012440 FP-13-012441 FP-13-012442 FP-13-012443 Bishop Rowles Spivey Darby Thompson Jerry Crystal Timothy Randall Tom FP-13-012444 Maniscalco John FP-13-012445 Erwin William 2/12/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-012446 Fenster Herbert 2/12/2013 Denied in Full FP-13-012447 Wallgren Jenny 2/12/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-012448 Feil Kim 2/12/2013 Granted FP-13-012449 Chumley Rory 2/13/2013 Granted 2/11/2013 2/12/2013 2/12/2013 2/12/2013 2/12/2013 Granted Granted Granted Granted Administratively Closed 2/8/2013 Administratively Closed Most recent task order awarded from contract W91QUZ-06D-0002 MPR 0392-2013 MPR 3250-09, 3700-09, 1977-10, 1528-10, 1117-10 MPR 0417-2013 MPR 3793-2012 Any and all correspondence between the COE and the developer (Carpenter & Associates or their appointed representative) concerning the Central Texas Airport from May 1, 2012 to the present. records describing the equipment (i.e., pumps, valves, tanks, boilers, compressors, insulation, etc.) installed at the Newport Chemical Depot, in Newport, Indiana. The facility was originally established in 1941 as the Wabash River Ordinance Works, intended to produce explosives for the U.S. involvement in World War II. only interested in what would have been used in the complex prior to 1954. Additionally, he is interested in any documents concerning the environmental issues surrounding asbestos abatement at the facility. Pursuant to Contract No. W9126G-08-D-0057, the following information: TO No. 0005: RFI-0025; RFI-0027; RFI-0029; RFI-0031; RFI-0034; RFI-0035; RFI-0036; RFI-0038; RFI0041; RFI-0046; RFI-0047; RFI-0050; RFI-0066; RFI-0075 TO No. 0006: RFI-0040; RFI-0041; RFI-0042; RFI-0044; RFI0046; RFI-0051; RFI-0053; RFI-0054; RFI-0055; RFI-0057; RFI-0061; RFI-0062; RFI-0063; RFI-0064; RFI-0072; RFI0074 FOIA request on the behalf of KBR reference LOGCAP III contract Pursuant to “Mill Branch Mitigation Bank: Mitigation Banking Instrument (March 2012)”: a copy of Appendix F: Referenced Stream Design Plan Sheets within Attachment B. Mitigation Plan. Also a copy of the DVD as referenced on page 15 of 53 of the Mitigation Plan. Information on clean up for the Huffines/Viridian project property off of Collins Street in Arlington. M.P. Report pertaining to Jenna Utley FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 154 of 1088 FP-13-012450 Parsons Paul 2/13/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-012451 DOUCETTPERRY MARIA 2/13/2013 Granted FP-13-012452 Huertas Rhonda 2/13/2013 Granted FP-13-012453 Hutchison Harold 2/13/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-012454 FELDMEIER ROBERT 2/13/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-012455 Walker Kathryn 2/12/2013 Granted FP-13-012456 Crosbie Thomas 2/13/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-012457 Billings John 2/13/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-012458 Cuttino Benjamin 2/12/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-012463 Guidos Lori 2/13/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-012464 FP-13-012473 James Mason Doug Thomas 2/11/2013 Granted 2/13/2013 Administratively Closed Manuals, standard and general orders, and any materials relating to establishing standards for Mountain Warfare for training across multiple cmds. Use of "Rmas Head Device" during 1950's - general orders authorizing the creation and wear of said device. Authorization for use of "Rmas Head Device" by Norwich University Michigan Rescue Team (AROTC) by MSG Lester Hurley to Cadet Command, circa 1960-1963,a nd use of the "Huckleberry Mountain Warfare Tng Site" close to Fort Lewis, WA during the 1960's and 1970's. REFERRAL OF DOCUMENTS FROM AHRC PERTIANING TO THE REQUEST FOR INFORMATION ON THE FY12 LTC, JAGC PROMOTION SELECTION BOARD. The requester is requesting a Military Police Report pertaining to an incident that occurred October 2012. Informaton regarding Operation Honey Badger, a plan to rescue hostages from Iran in 1979-1980. REFERRAL OF DOCS FROM AHRC PERTAINING TO THE REQUEST FOR INFORMATION ON THE FY12 MAJ, JAGC PROMOTION SELECTION BOARD I am requesting a copy of a military police investigation report conducted on or about February 2012 through March 7, 2012, identifying my name as a suspect. Investigator assigned to the case is Richard Sherbert. Sidle Panel of 1983 from the Army Chief of Public Affairs also known as the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Media-Military Relations Panel. 15-6 Investigtion conducted Jun 2009, regarding PFC Bergdahl's disappearance. Request for a copy of auto/incident report and/or a blotter entry for accident at APG on 31 Jan 13. Regarding W52P1J-11-D-0046 - Total RFP, RFP Sections L and M, total contract, source selection decision documents, source selection debriefing slides, all contract mods, all task orders, all delivery orders. Bids on Soda Vending Solicitation Referred FOIA request case number 13-11, regarding Project Manager Airborne Reconnaissance and Exploitation System Program (PM ARES). FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 155 of 1088 FP-13-012475 Dorries Wesley 2/13/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-012478 FP-13-012479 Crawford Krohn Phillip Edward 2/13/2013 Administratively Closed 2/13/2013 Granted FP-13-012480 FP-13-012482 Weathersby Ackman Scott Terry 2/13/2013 Administratively Closed 2/13/2013 Granted FP-13-012483 FP-13-012488 Robol Jenike-Godshalk Ryan Jesse 2/13/2013 Granted 2/13/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-012489 Wagner Dennis 2/12/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-012494 Clark Loren 2/12/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-012495 McGivern Liam 2/13/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-012496 FP-13-012497 Westcott Fenster Ben Herbert 2/13/2013 Granted 2/13/2013 FP-13-012498 Contractor Yasaman 2/13/2013 Granted Records regarding B Co, 2/508th INF, 82nd Airborne Division from Aug 1973 - Mar 1975. Referred documents case number 1171935 (Crawford). Mr. Krohn is requesting copies of General Orders No. 1 fro the 2013 Inaugual Parade. He would like images of the 2005 and 2009 parade General Orders. Referred documents case number 2013-04776. Any records pertaining to the Yough River and Peters Creek depicting elevational cross-sections. Any records pertaining to hydropower studies conducted within the boundaries of Pittsburgh District. RE: elev X-sect or channel bottom profiles, Mark Zaitsoff suggested previous flood insurance studies Lampson Nguyen Permit Application barge refurbishing, sandblasting, and painting facility that Crain Bros, Inc. once operated at Muberry Street Ext, West Bridgewater, Pennsylvania 15009 Information concerning the AZ ARNG and various complaints and investigations Westervelt Ecological Services in-lieu fee scope of work, decision document for East Contra Costa Regional General Permit for the East Contra Habitat Conservancy Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP) and Comunlative analysis for the Sierra Vista 404 Permit Copies of any inquires received by the Secretary relationg to the functionality of the "search" feature on the Navy Discharge Review Board Electronic Reading Room. Contract W91238-08-C-0025, Cox Construction Co. Regarding LOGCAP III (DAAA09-07-D-0007) - 1) Administrative and Physical Closeout of the LOGCAP III Contract by Army Sustainment Command and by Superior Command Organizations and 2) Planning and Staffing of Audits Supporting both the Administrative Closeout and Every Other Function Remaining to be Accomplished under the LOGCAP III Contract by DCAA. OPF FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 156 of 1088 FP-13-012499 Tan Gregory 2/13/2013 Administratively Closed request seeks records created from January 1, 2010 to the present relating to the investigations, enforcement and permitting under the Clean Water Act Section 301 and 404 at sites or projects involving in-stream ponds and/or impoundments or off-stream ponds and/or impoundments. FP-13-012500 Heffernan Moira 2/13/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-012501 Folmar Jordan 2/13/2013 Granted COMPLETION OF BUHRIZ BRIDGE SUPERSTRUCTURE FOUNDATION 15-6 Investigation regarding injuries sustained on 6 July 12. FP-13-012502 Eberhart Alan 2/13/2013 Granted 15-6 Investigation conducted by the 316th Sustainment command (Expeditionary) while located at Fort Hood, Texas and Camp Arifjan, Kuwait in which 1Lt Alan F. Eberhart was either a witness or a subject of the investigation. Investigation took place between June and July 2012. FP-13-012503 Camfield 2/13/2013 Granted Employment verfication and address to supervisor FP-13-012504 Scudieri Christoph er Patrick 2/13/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-012505 FP-13-012506 FP-13-012508 Dowlean Branson Skye Martha Steven Chayah 2/13/2013 Granted 2/13/2013 Granted 2/13/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-012509 Kaldor Sean 2/13/2013 Granted FP-13-012510 Bartus Steve 2/13/2013 FP-13-012511 Thompson Justin 2/13/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-012512 FP-13-012513 Horwitz Broadbelt Jennifer Omar 2/12/2013 Granted 2/13/2013 Administratively Closed Copy of documents relating to combat activities relating to requester while assigned to Hq and Hq Battery, 2nd Batallion, 3rd Filed Artillery, 1st Heavy Brigade Combat Team, 1st Armored Division, Baghdad Iraq. Permit 13954 & Permit 6027 Contract 10-B-0013 SIGACTs, historical document or any other piece of documentation that donotes the exact location of an explosion near Al Faw Palace, Iraq on 20 Jun 06. History of ownership of a Springfiled M1 Garand, serial number 668779. documents pertaining to the investigation of a AH-64 Crash in Feb 2012 Any documents pertaining to a "Live Fire incident" between July and November 1978 at Fort Jackson, SC, where a femail was injured. Permit NWS-2009-1586 Investigation into injuries suffered Camp Deh Dadi II, Afganistan, on 3 Sep 2011. Requester was attached to Bravo Company, 24th Brigade Support Battalion, 170th IBCT our of Baumholder Germany. FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 157 of 1088 FP-13-012514 Murray Shawn 2/8/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-012515 Allen Debra 2/13/2013 Granted Request for documents/information relating to Special Wells: court martial proceedings/transcripts of any disciplinary proceedings/complaints filed against Kendrick Well/disciplinary actions against SPC Wells/copies of LES/documents used for discipline/copies of orders, judgements or decision rendered by Court Martial FP-13-012516 Dewitt Melvin 2/13/2013 Granted FP-13-012517 Davis Alan 2/13/2013 Granted FP-13-012518 FP-13-012519 Kearney Waeckerlin Patrick Eric 2/13/2013 Granted 2/13/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-012520 Miller Jesse Request copy of video/tapes and a copy of the full investigation of Witness Tampering/intimidation and Impersonating a Law Enforcement Officer. Wants documents related to Robert D. Davis' properties belonging to Phase III Walker Springs Subdivision located in Perry, Utah MPR 4004-2012 - Juv Rev Brd Documents related to SPK-201200589 UO, Newfield Production Company Voluntary Self Disclosure Under EPA's Audit Information exchange between Andrew Heinisch and ESGR. FP-13-012521 Maimone Don 2/5/2013 Administratively Closed 2/13/2013 Denied in Part Requesting a copy of her husband's records pertaining to the investigation of his death. Her husband was Vernon Murray J. Murray, DOB 08/30/1953. He passed on Ft Huachuca, AZ, on March 23, 2013 while working for General Dynamics. Letter dated January 25, 2013 to Mr. Blomquest from Carrie Sheata (COE) FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 158 of 1088 FP-13-012522 Nash Tom 2/13/2013 1. any requests for proposals, proposals submitted by vendors, contracts, budgets or cost allocations for the purchase and/or use of aerial drones, UAs, UAVs, and UASs (hereinafter “drones”); 2. any policies, guidelines, manuals and/or instructions on department use of drones, including on the legal process required (such as a warrant or court order), if any, before operating a drone; 3. any departmental records concerning this department’s use of drones now or plans to use drones in the future including: a. the types of investigations or instances in which this department is using or plans to use drones, or how it plans to support, manage or oversee the usage of drones by another department or office; b. policies, guidelines, manuals and/or instructions on storage requirements or procedures for video or static images obtained through use of drones, including retention times; c. the altitude at which drones can or do fly; d. drones’ ability to carry weapons. FP-13-012523 FP-13-012524 Adair Bright Brett Dr. Daniela FP-13-012525 FP-13-012530 FP-13-012537 FP-13-012538 FP-13-012539 SCOTT Favret Ritter Beach Woods ERROL David Justin Douglas Michael 2/13/2013 2/13/2013 2/12/2013 2/13/2013 2/13/2013 FP-13-012540 Bruskotter Jo 2/13/2013 Granted FP-13-012541 FP-13-012542 Partlow Burns Joshua Robert 2/13/2013 Administratively Closed 2/13/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-012544 Sesco Crystal 2/11/2013 Administratively Closed 2/7/2013 Denied in Part 2/8/2013 Denied in Part Granted Administratively Closed Granted Granted Administratively Closed SAM-2012-01506-LCB Schedule B of contract for Facilities Maintenance Service and Operations CENTAM CSL, Comalapa Air Base, El Salvador ERROL SCOTT MICC Fort Eustis Contract W912SU08P0027 Previous mowing contracts for five projects. Previous contract for Park Custodian at Texoma Any investigative files into the 1 September 2005 shooting of Guardsman Chris Watts. at the New Orleans Superdome while working in response to Hurricane Katrina. All documents re dredging of the Duwamish Waterway by or under the direction of the Corps from 1940 to 1986 USACE contracts - Afghanistan Mr. Burns is appealing all redactions in case USARCENT FOIA FA-12-0064 Copy of all documentation on file regarding USACE Permit Numbers SAS-2005-02074 and SAS-2005-02209. FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 159 of 1088 FP-13-012545 Petrytus Dianna 2/13/2013 Administratively Closed Analysis of the pertinent project information for Candlewood Suites Hotel at Fort Huachuca, AZ. Notice to proceed or estimated start date, construction schedules/time lines. FP-13-012546 McGuinn Michael 2/13/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-012547 FP-13-012548 Wolf Johnson Isaac Mark 2/13/2013 Granted 2/12/2013 Granted FP-13-012549 FP-13-012550 Bishop Modica John-Ed Stephen 2/13/2013 Granted 2/13/2013 Granted All emails and monthly meeting minutes and notes pertaining to Contract No. W9126G-10-C-0021 (Solicitation No. W9126G-10-R-0014). W912P8-09-D-0021 Freight Shipment Table from GFM Freight Shipment System (Exclude munitions and weapons shipments) C & D file 2010-00967SC Documents related to USACE File No. 200501085. Did the IP get extend in accordance with the permitting conditions and, if so, may I get a copy that extension documentation. Did the required stream and wetland mitigation credits get purchased and, if so, may I get a copy of the purchase documentation. May I get a copy of the MOA between the/USACE/SHPO & Jim Cowart Properties, concerning the “Treatment of Historic Properties to be Affected by the Mashburn …No. 200501085.” FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 160 of 1088 FP-13-012551 Washburn Jack 2/13/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-012552 Taliaferro Raley 2/13/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-012553 FP-13-012554 FP-13-012555 Holston Ritchie schexnayder Dock Matthew jesse 2/13/2013 Granted 2/13/2013 Granted 2/13/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-012556 FP-13-012557 FP-13-012558 FP-13-012559 FP-13-012560 FP-13-012561 FP-13-012562 FP-13-012563 FP-13-012564 FP-13-012565 Cepeda Cameron Fuentes Smith Griffith Griffith Griffith Rodriguez Walker SCHLIP Joseph Bryan Javier oxana Thaddeus Thaddeus Thaddeus Unekda Jessica PATTY 2/14/2013 2/14/2013 2/14/2013 2/14/2013 2/14/2013 2/14/2013 2/14/2013 2/14/2013 2/14/2013 2/14/2013 Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Administratively Closed Granted Regarding Special Permit No. SO-2011-04: 1. All reports, records and communications (including any internal records or memos) by/between COE, SWF, and the City of Somerville and/or Burleson Entertainment and any other person or entity, the topic of which is the special permit; 2. All records, reports and communications by/between COE, SWF, and the City of Somerville and/or Burleson Entertainment or any other person or entity, the topic of which is Lease No. DACW63-1-90-0623; 3. All records, reports, investigations and communications the topic of which was personal injury or property damage occurring during the period of April 27, 2011-May 1, 2011 at Welch Park, Somerville Lake, TX; 4. All records, reports, communications, photographs or videotapes, the topic of which was the Hawgs of Texas Annual Motorcycle Rally held at Welch Park, Somerville Lake, Texas; 5. For the timer period Jan 1, 2008 to the present, records of communication by/between the COE/SWF and the City of Somerville and/or Burleson Entertainment or Tommy Thompson, the topic of which is any request to utilize Welch Park or any other COE facility located in Burleson County, Texas; 6. All regulations, Map showing tracts where leases of Patterson Petroleum have tracts leased in Burleson County. Housebreaking (Storage Facility) Driving while license suspended, Third Degree copy of records pertaining to a 15-6 investigation cunducted by MAJ Mark Melson reguarding Mr. Jesse Schexnayder. turned case into FOUO needed info for security clearence MP Report requested MP Report requested MP Report requested MP report requested MP Report requested MP Report requested MP Report requested MP Report requested LOD investigation from Aug 2012 CHRISTIAN DAVIS FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 161 of 1088 FP-13-012566 THOMAS 2/14/2013 Granted GREGORY THOMAS Lynch doucettperry GREGOR Y Geneda maria FP-13-012567 FP-13-012569 2/14/2013 Granted 2/14/2013 Granted FP-13-012570 FP-13-012571 FP-13-012573 feldmeier Fillmore Urech Robert Terry Everett 2/14/2013 Granted 2/14/2013 Administratively Closed 2/14/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-012575 FP-13-012577 Branson Gabriel Steven Matthew 2/14/2013 Granted 2/11/2013 Granted FP-13-012578 Hathaway Jesse 2/14/2013 FP-13-012579 FP-13-012580 Smyth Jurena Michelle Wesley 2/14/2013 Denied in Part 2/14/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-012585 Branson Steven 2/14/2013 Granted FP-13-012593 FP-13-012603 FP-13-012604 FP-13-012605 Holmes Rodriguez Patterson Evans William Luis Jessica Trey 2/14/2013 2/14/2013 2/14/2013 2/13/2013 Granted Granted Granted Denied in Part FP-13-012606 FP-13-012607 FP-13-012608 FP-13-012609 FP-13-012610 Rice Adams Bansig Turk Reporting Bureau 2/14/2013 2/14/2013 2/14/2013 2/14/2013 2/14/2013 Granted Granted Granted Administratively Closed Administratively Closed FP-13-012611 FP-13-012613 Nexis Wickens Joseph Jonathan Ludivan Brady Metropolit an Lexis Judy Police Report all board records pertaining to Army FY 2012, Lieutenant Colonel JAG Corps Promotion board selection all materials pertaining to the Major, JA promotion board A complete copy of his CID Records Records of complaints to Office of SJA legal assistance and Fort Rucker Housing Office. Contract 06-B0014 Requesting the River Traffic Managment Plan related to Stone Dike Construction Project - W912EQ-09-C-0025. All documents on the OH ARNG mock disaster drill conducted by the 52 CSU on 17 Jan 13 AR 15-6 following death of 1st LT Tyrell A. Thompson Executive Summary of AR 15-6 conducted on Training accident that killed 4 Ranger students at Florida Ranger Camp in 1995. Requesting information pertaining to solicitation no.W912EQ12-B-0002 Request for MP rpt Request for MP Rpt Request for MP rpt Copy of the most recent USACE Permit Application any any comments related to the Public Notice for the Jimmy DeLoach Parkway Project (SAS-2008-00981). Request for MP rpt Request for MP Rpt Request for MP Rpt Permit for pier MPR 0441-2013 FP-13-012614 White Brenda 2/14/2013 Granted FP-13-012616 Patrick Danny 2/11/2013 Granted 2/14/2013 Granted 2/13/2013 Granted MPR 0480-2013 Requester seeking a copy of a video surveillance of incident involving son in toddler 2A on 12 Feb 2013 at South Post CDC. The requester is requesting a Military Police Report pertaining to an incident which occurred 12 December 2012. Copy of Permit FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 162 of 1088 FP-13-012617 Wiggins Curtis 2/14/2013 Granted FP-13-012619 Carter Adam 2/14/2013 Granted FP-13-012622 FP-13-012625 FP-13-012627 Thompson Jonesburg McConnaughy Daniel John Matthew 2/14/2013 Granted 2/14/2013 Granted 2/14/2013 Granted FP-13-012629 Harrison Melvin 2/14/2013 Granted FP-13-012631 FP-13-012633 FP-13-012634 FP-13-012635 Shepard Rutledge Burns Kia Erve Donnie Gregory Stephen 2/14/2013 1/17/2013 1/24/2013 2/14/2013 FP-13-012636 Childers Ashlie 2/14/2013 Granted I am requesting a signed copy of the issuance letter for a Section 404 Individual Permit issued to McCoy Elkhorn Coal Corporation on May 3, 2007 under the ID number 200401405 - Wolfpen Branch. It was originally issued out of the Huntingon District. I have a copy of the issuance letter, but not a final copy that was signed by the district engineer. FP-13-012637 FP-13-012639 Sterling Davis David Brian 1/24/2013 Granted 1/30/2013 Granted FP-13-012642 FP-13-012644 Roberson Pater Tyler Daryl 2/14/2013 Granted 2/14/2013 Denied in Part Copies of Photos from McClung file. Information regaridng Construction Quality Management Course here in Little Rock by USACE-SWL. Tyler J. Robertson copies of the Sergent Mechanical Systems pay applications and the check and payment dates on these pay applications for the HVAC renovations at Fort Campbell High School, PROJECT NUMBER: W912QR- ll-R-0025 for the period of October 1, 2011 through February 13, 2013. FP-13-012650 Brown Douglas 2/14/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-012652 Bravo George 2/14/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-012653 Prestidge Jennifer 2/14/2013 Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted The requester is requesting a Military Police Report pertaining ti an incident which occurred 2 February 2013. The requester is requesting a Military Police Report pertaining to accident which occurred 22 January 2013. Speed Too fast for conditions Larceny of Government Property Payment/Performance Bonds for VA Mathers - Behavioral Healt Upgrad Project, Mather, CA The requester is requesting a Military Police Report pertaining to an incident that occurred. Following too close copy of Dock Permit No. 1894 Copies of tracts of land nos. 1111, 1113, 1115 & 1116. Sweetwater River Flood Plain in San Diego County; Cottonwood Golf Club at 3121 Willow Glen Drive in El Cajon, latest flood control information and flood control report Request for a of an incident report pertaining to Douglas G. Brown from the ROTC Command. Request for copies of documents pertaining to the death of SSG Francisco M. Bravo. JD File 84-2004-0833 FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 163 of 1088 FP-13-012654 Wolf Jack 2/14/2013 Granted FP-13-012655 FP-13-012656 Williams GOOLSBY Calvin WAID 2/14/2013 Granted 1/8/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-012657 CRUZE CHRISTO PHER FP-13-012658 FP-13-012659 Rim Perrigo Hyun Gail 2/14/2013 Granted 2/14/2013 Granted FP-13-012660 STEVENS PATRICIA 1/22/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-012661 FP-13-012667 Huff MATTOX John JUDITH 2/14/2013 Granted 1/8/2013 Granted 1/8/2013 Administratively Closed A map of Santa Barbara Harbor that shows the federal channel; Copies of permits related to the Santa Barbara Harbor; specifically permits that allow construction in the federal channel, located inside this harbor. Historical Data Copy of all work orders or maintenance records for the residence at 65 Knight Street, Ft. Leonard Wood, Missouri 65473, specifically, records related to Mold from period of April 1, 2011 through present and also requested the same for the residence at 44 Specker Street from the period of October 1, 2011 through the present. Date Range of Request: October 2011-January 2012. Records of the Industrial Hygiene Service and Preventative Medicine Department of US Army MEDDAC for any documentation related to an Indoor Quality Investigation and Air Sampling for Mold conducted at 56 and 57 Knight Street on Fort Leonard Wood (Including supporting documents and papers). Failure to Yield Right of way Dredging permits for East Waterway of Port Gardner Bay, Everett, WA a) Construction schedules/project deadlines; b) Certified payrolls for Torgeson Electric for the most current threeweek period; c) Fringe Benefit Statement including, if applicable, apprentices; d) Copy of all conformances (Additional Classification and Rate) requested and/or submitted for this project; e) Copy of all conformance request (Additional Classification and Rate) responses, approvals, denials, and/or modifications issued by the Department of the Labor (DOL) for this project; f) Name of bona fide apprenticeship program and evidence of the formal certification by the DOL for a trainee program in which a trainee(s), on the job may be registered, along with the terms of the trainee program for Torgeson Electric; and g) Copies of Davis-Bacon compliance interviews conducted by the contracting agency. Trespassing FOIA Request for Contract # W911S6-08-C-0006 Documents: FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 164 of 1088 FP-13-012668 FP-13-012669 FP-13-012670 Chilli Kern Ward Mattox Frank Jeffery Judith 2/14/2013 Administratively Closed 2/14/2013 Granted 2/14/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-012671 FP-13-012676 Smith Montessi Benjamin Adam 2/1/2013 Granted 2/15/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-012678 Brady April 2/13/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-012680 Dunagan Sean 2/15/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-012691 FP-13-012697 FP-13-012700 FP-13-012713 Corona Kime Roy Robison Diana Kirsten Monica Brian 2/15/2013 2/15/2013 1/17/2013 2/15/2013 FP-13-012716 George James 2/15/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-012717 FP-13-012718 Powers Berghoff Sharon Peter 2/13/2013 Administratively Closed 2/15/2013 Granted FP-13-012721 Powers Sharon 2/13/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-012722 FP-13-012726 Chilli Hemphill Frank Margaret 2/15/2013 Administratively Closed 2/15/2013 Granted FP-13-012727 FP-13-012742 FP-13-012744 Chilli Akers Paschal Frank Brett Aleysa 2/15/2013 Administratively Closed 2/15/2013 Granted 2/15/2013 Administratively Closed Granted Administratively Closed Granted Granted Contract Military Police Report W912PL-10-C-0034 Naco Border Patrol Station at Naco, AZ; payment request applications made by Jeffrey C. Stone Inc., all amounts paid, all correspondence, any 3rd party approval process correspondence MP-Report Traffic accident Request all documents in our possession relating to Earl D Younblood's employment with the OKNG from July 2005 August 2012 which are not protected by a FOIA exemption. AR 15-6 investigation into incident involving SFC Robert Brady (91 MP) Records pertaining to contract award numbers: W9123612C0053, W912PM12C0012W912HN10C0059, W912HN10C0018 and W9123607C0048 MP- Report Traffic accident Wetland violations Corpus Christi, TX Contracts W15QKN-07-D-0018 and W15QKN-12-C-0103 Requesting a copy of a MP report he filed when someone stole some of his military gear out of his room in the barrack. MAJ James C. George (AR 15-6 into allegations of Sexual Harassment ) FOIA 13-0013 Location & elevation of all utilities that cross the the St Joe Rv MI in 3x areas. Requesting informaiton regarding "what others said" and all atatements against the requester to invoke an AMCOM AR 15-6 investigation with the requester's former office, Project Management (PM) Aircraft Survivability Equipment (ASE). The requester is an AMRDEC employee. The 15-6 investigation was conducted by AMCOM. Contract Request copy of Military Police Report # 00086-2013MPC053 Contract Identity Theft - Opened cable account in victim's name. Police Report FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 165 of 1088 FP-13-012762 Bonner Kimberly 2/15/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-012766 Lutz David 2/15/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-012777 Ghuniem Darlene 2/15/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-012788 FP-13-012791 Ritchie Kniveton Michael Becki 2/15/2013 Granted 2/14/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-012805 FP-13-012806 Metzger Slaby Michael Cynthia 2/15/2013 Granted 2/14/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-012810 FP-13-012822 FP-13-012825 Morris Himes Dresch Evelyn Sarah Tristan 2/15/2013 Granted 2/15/2013 Granted 2/15/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-012827 Brady Kirk 2/14/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-012829 RIVERS JERRY 2/15/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-012832 Pollock Rachael 2/15/2013 Granted FP-13-012835 FP-13-012837 FP-13-012838 Long Chilli Field Isaac Frank Patrick 2/15/2013 Denied in Part 2/15/2013 Administratively Closed 2/8/2013 Granted FP-13-012839 Reid Demiris 2/15/2013 Administratively Closed AR 15-6 initiated in response to an incident at HQ AARRC, in Germnany, 1997. Former Scioto Ordinance Plant (SOPM), Burning Field Area, in Marion, Ohio (FUDS No. G05OH0980) No Department of Army Action Indicated (NDAAI) Decision Document for No Further Action and Proposal Plan related to the SOP-M Burning Field. Please include any other documents pertinent to this request. Policies and Procedures: Handling and Transportation of Military Dogs. Assault copies of documents regarding information on the northway airport Information only. Accidental damage to private property. Request for records related to file PN 11-102 CENAB-OPRMS (Timothy E. Beckwith/LOT 4) 2011-61381&Timothy Bechwith) 2011-61324, Breton Bay, St Mary's County, MD, and related documents. Release of documents reference vietnam incident. Request for MP Rpt Request for a copy of a video from Provost Marshall Office lobby Sept 18, 2012 between 1750 and 1830 hours. All documents related to the investigation and outcome of any violations that occurred regarding a waterfront site in Suffolk, Va from 2009-2010 Request for the unit information pertaining to the 1st Battalion, 23 Infantry, 2nd Infantry Division on the DMZ in Korea between June 18, 1981 and June 9, 1982. Stantec Regional Curve formulated for Peabody Coal in Southern Indiana and reference reaches (USACE Contact: George DeLancey) D&A Board, pics. Contract Copies of QA/QC Logs and all inspection reports for Contract W9126G-09-C-8251 Confirmation of payment for IME-ACC/Woodcliff, November 2012; VA Medical Center Long Beach demo of Building 3 and annex/Police Engineering Building at 5901 E 7th Street, Long Beach, CA. FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 166 of 1088 FP-13-012840 Westcott Ben 2/14/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-012842 FP-13-012843 Mendoza Lynch, Esquire Yalin Jennifer 2/15/2013 Granted 2/13/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-012844 Phillips Nicole 2/15/2013 Granted FP-13-012846 FP-13-012847 Pepe Cottrell Dan Jennifer 2/15/2013 Administratively Closed 2/12/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-012848 FP-13-012852 FP-13-012853 FP-13-012854 FP-13-012855 Brookfield Goss Wolf Chilli Ledford 2/15/2013 2/15/2013 2/15/2013 2/15/2013 2/15/2013 Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed FP-13-012856 FP-13-012857 FP-13-012858 FP-13-012859 FP-13-012860 FP-13-012861 Nexis Chilli Chilli Chilli Fenster Millan David Jerry Isaac Frank Christoph er Lexis Frank Frank Frank Herbert Stan 2/15/2013 2/15/2013 2/15/2013 2/15/2013 2/15/2013 1/17/2013 Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Granted FP-13-012862 FP-13-012863 Cacamo Wise Brant Brett 2/15/2013 Administratively Closed 2/15/2013 Granted FP-13-012864 Potts Michael 2/15/2013 Granted RE: Contract W912ER-08-C-0039 All documents relating to – *payments made to Wintara; *unpaid requests for payments from Wintara; *reasons for not yet paying Wintara; *Current accounting of the contract, including amounts billed, amounts paid, amounts remaining to be paid, and amounts owed, if any Disobeying a traffic all records pertaining to EFF’s FOIA Litigation for Accountable Government (FLAG) Project … Permits between 1997 thru 2013 for property 103 Port Street, San Leon, TX Contract and Letter from LTC Hearn Investigation for Pedro Antonio Del Granada for a NACI to determine suitability for Federal employment. Contract Traffic Accident - No Record Contract Contract Hellenic Army AH-64DHA Accident at Megara Army Airfield, Greece 0470-2013 Contracts Contract Contract Contract and litigation a copy of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to the Corps, dated on or about December 17, 2012, regarding the Louisiana black bear, in conjunction with the Corps reevaluation of Mallard Basin’s permits Signage near the River Birch Landfill copies of all permits pertaining to barge fleeting operations on the left descending bank of the lower Mississippi River between miles 53 and 55 near Davant, Louisiana. United Bulk Terminals currently operates the fleet in this area. It was previously operated by Teco and Electro Coal Certified payroll records for CJW Construction, Lower Santa Ana River Marsh Dredging, from beginning of project to current date, W912PL-12-C-0025 FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 167 of 1088 FP-13-012883 Pucci 2/18/2013 Granted Request CID Report Nolan Kageyama Grady Carney McGivern Jacquelin e Joseph Yuri James Colleen Liam FP-13-012884 FP-13-012889 FP-13-012891 FP-13-012893 FP-13-012895 2/19/2013 2/19/2013 2/19/2013 2/19/2013 2/19/2013 Granted FP-13-012896 FP-13-012897 FP-13-012898 FP-13-012899 FP-13-012901 FP-13-012905 FP-13-012907 Larson Seeds Summerlott Bell Chilli Gillroy Buquet Jamie Jason Alva Ricky Frank Steven Kristoffer 2/19/2013 2/19/2013 2/19/2013 2/19/2013 2/19/2013 2/19/2013 2/19/2013 Administratively Closed Granted Granted Denied in Part Denied in Part Granted Administratively Closed FP-13-012908 FP-13-012913 Wright Cephus Telicia William 2/19/2013 Granted 2/19/2013 Administratively Closed MP-Report vehicle accident Request for Court-Martial Records Operational unit records bulkhead permits for Stone Harbor, Cape May Copies of inquiries received by the Secretary of the Army and the Secretary of the Army's responses regarding Navy Discharge Review Board Lamps Program Solicitation Number W909MY12RA002 Work Abatement Record Copy of 510 #1033556 CTF Copy of W560MY-12-C-0012 Current Sentence Comp Sheet Request a copy of the Army 15-6 investigation into the climate and state of discipline within the 3rd Battalion, 504th PIR (specifically A Company), while deployed in Kosovo from September 1999 - March 2000. Telicia G. Wright Request for MP Rpt Administratively Closed Granted Administratively Closed FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 168 of 1088 FP-13-012916 Janes Margaret 2/19/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-012917 Freeman Brittany 2/19/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-012918 REED NATHAN 1/4/2013 Administratively Closed To the extent not already responsive, in reference to the Coal-Mac Mine, LRH-2008-00830, SMCRA No. S500607: any and all monitoring data and/or reports submitted to the Corps pursuant to the permit requirements, and any and all other communications including, but not limited to, letters, reports, emails and or approvals to fill streams including, but not limited to, those communications between the Corps and Coal Mac about the above noted mine. Requests/notifications received from January 2010 to present for withdrawal of previously filed 404 applications for surfacing mining operations in West Virginia. To the extent not already responsive, any and all monitoring data and or reports submitted to the Corps pursuant to the permit requirements for the Consol of Kentucky, Peg Fork Mine, Corps Number 2006-2295 KAN. To the extent not already responsive, any and all other communications including, but not limited to, those communications between the Corps and Consol about the above noted Peg Fork Mine from January 2010 to present. Any and all preliminary or final information including, but not limited to, articles, reports, emails, phone Request for IG findings regarding the suicide of PFC Michael Lovely, findings of external review recommended for Jonathan Williams suicide by the 101 CAB and complete copy of investigative file of SPC Jonathan Williams. RFP # W521J-12-R-3050 FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 169 of 1088 FP-13-012929 Janes Margaret 2/19/2013 Granted FP-13-012930 FP-13-012931 FP-13-012932 FP-13-012934 FP-13-012935 FP-13-012937 FAVRET Forester Monson Messineo WILLIAMS Ramp DAVID Reid Mark Carl RODNEY S.M. 2/19/2013 2/19/2013 2/19/2013 2/19/2013 2/14/2013 2/19/2013 FP-13-012943 Angell Richard 2/13/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-012944 Jaskowiak Steven 2/19/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-012946 FP-13-012947 Burnside Harmon Daniel Michelle 2/19/2013 Administratively Closed 2/19/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-012948 Schwab Jason 2/19/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-012950 FP-13-012953 FP-13-012954 Wuchter Brady Brady Timothy Rob Rob 2/19/2013 Administratively Closed 2/19/2013 Administratively Closed 2/19/2013 Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Granted Granted Granted Denied in Part Administratively Closed To the extent not already responsive, in reference to the Coal-Mac Mine, LRH-2008-00830, SMCRA No. S500607: any and all monitoring data and/or reports submitted to the Corps pursuant to the permit requirements, and any and all other communications including, but not limited to, letters, reports, emails and or approvals to fill streams including, but not limited to, those communications between the Corps and Coal Mac about the above noted mine. Requests/notifications received from January 2010 to present for withdrawal of previously filed 404 applications for surfacing mining operations in West Virginia. To the extent not already responsive, any and all monitoring data and or reports submitted to the Corps pursuant to the permit requirements for the Consol of Kentucky, Peg Fork Mine, Corps Number 2006-2295 KAN. To the extent not already responsive, any and all other communications including, but not limited to, those communications between the Corps and Consol about the above noted Peg Fork Mine from January 2010 to present. Any and all preliminary or final information including, but not limited to, articles, reports, emails, phone Contract # W912SU08P0027 Request for MP Rpt Request for MP rpt Deployments and training exercises Contract #W91QF108P0595 Request for Army recruits who joined the Army in FY 2006 and 2007. Information related to the Jackson Hole, WY Flood Control Project. Research and development projects undertaken by the U.S. Army's Missile Command (MICOM)during the 1960 and 1970. Police Request Army Regulation that prohibits access to Military Installation at Warren MI. All information pertaining to CW2 Schwab helicopter shot down in 1984. Investigations regarding CW2 Wuchter. Contract W91CRB13F0008. Contract N0010407AZF30 Procurement ID # BA01. FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 170 of 1088 FP-13-012957 FP-13-012959 FP-13-012960 FP-13-012962 FP-13-012963 FP-13-012965 FP-13-012966 FP-13-012967 FP-13-012969 Brady Brady Brady Thakar Brady Brady Brady Brady Trento Rob Rob Rob Nidhi Rob Rob Rob Rob Joseph 2/19/2013 2/19/2013 2/19/2013 2/15/2013 2/19/2013 2/19/2013 2/19/2013 2/19/2013 2/19/2013 Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Granted Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed FP-13-012971 Wright Nesha 2/19/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-012978 Farber Robert 2/19/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-012988 Munitz Deborah 2/19/2013 Granted FP-13-012994 Janes Margaret 2/19/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-012995 FP-13-012997 FP-13-012998 ROSENGREEN CATIGNANI Botnick RICH SARAH Allen 2/15/2013 Administratively Closed 2/19/2013 Administratively Closed 2/19/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-012999 Forrest Audrey 2/19/2013 Administratively Closed Contract N0010407AZF30 Procurement ID # YJ02. Contract N0010407AZF30 Procurement ID # C601. Contract N0010407AZF30 Procurement ID # 2A06. Navigability Determination for Lake Chelan Contract N0010407AZF30 Procurement ID # 2M02. Contract W9124P12FD860. Contract W81XWH10F0497. Contract W91QUZ12F0049. Total number of military and civilian personnel working in public affairs for the US Army. Docuements regarding HQ AMC work environment inquiry conducted on Nov 29, 2012. Referral of portion of request seeking clear and readable copies of DD Forms 250 for each and every seperate shipment made by or on behalf of the contractor under Contract SPM83D-10-C-0010 Two CEA Letters, aDiagram labeled BC-1, and a Site Plan #s 1-32 all communications including letters, reports, emails, applications, CMPS, decision documents and or permits from May 6, 2009 to present between A&G Coal Co. in reference to the proposed Ison Rock Ridge mine; all requests received from Jan 2010 to present for withdrawal of previously filed 404 applications for surfacing mining operations in VA; any communications between the Norfolk District and USEPA related to coal mining from January 20, 2009 to present; with respect to coalmines, refuse or slurry impoundments, application docs and permits issued under NWP 21,49, 50; application docs and permits issued under section 404; Environmental Information documents; monitoring reports and mitigation plans for period 2/12/13 2/18/13 Solicitation Number # W911SG-10-T-0169 Solicitation Number # W911S1-12-R-0007 Information regarding bioweapons development that involved either "bartonella like organisms" or an unidentified strain of bacteria that exists intracellularly. Tests were conducted at Fort Detrick MD. Contract Diversified Fall Protection and/or H2K Construction Services at Anniston Army Depot. FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 171 of 1088 FP-13-013000 FP-13-013001 CHILLI Carn FRANK Brian 2/19/2013 Granted 2/19/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-013002 Alexander Nola 2/19/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-013003 Kemper Judy 2/15/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-013004 FP-13-013005 McCall Stevens Benjamin Patrice 2/19/2013 Administratively Closed 2/15/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-013006 Grewal Pardeep 2/19/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-013007 FP-13-013008 Hubbard Simmons Matthew Clarke 2/19/2013 Granted 2/19/2013 Granted FP-13-013009 Sullivan Alex 2/19/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-013010 FP-13-013011 FP-13-013012 Stoewer Freeman Nelson Brennan Maurice Dick 2/19/2013 Administratively Closed 2/19/2013 Granted 2/19/2013 Granted W911RZ-11-C-0009 Records for 2nd PLT, C Co, 2nd Eng, 2nd INF from October 1974-November 1975. Any records regarding Ms. Alexander to include Remote brain based communication devices, Portable Microwave remote ID and tracking devices. I request that a copy of the following two documents be provided to me: Chief of Engineer's Memorandum for Commanders, dated 25 July 1994, subject: Professional Registration Requirements for Chief and Assistant Chief, Construction-Operations Positions and the CECCZA legal opinion dated 6 November 1992, subject: State Regulation of Corps "In-House" Engineering Work. OMPF and Medical records pertaining to Mr. Ferrara. Request for records related to Mountainview Operations Facility and Chiller Plant and Power Plant, Buckley AFB, Colorado Referred documents case number NRC2013004917 (Singh). Request for MP Rpt Requesting Copies of all records, emails, correspondence, notes, briefing papers, case files, documents, and other materials related to LTC Simmons OER dated thru 20120218 and subsequent Commander's Inquiry by LTG Talley. Cadet Sullivan Records: Any and all Tactical Information System (TIS) records, Cadet Information System (CIS) account records for 2008-2012, Tour Cards from 2012 as well as any and all overall record(s)of hours received, walked, cut, etc. Also this list should include the 8 hour days that Cadet Sullivan walked during graduation and TEE week 2012. Any and all documents to or from the Academic Board pertaining to Cadet Sullivan that i nclude Cadet Tullivan, and any correspondence from the Academic Board to Cadet Sullivan during 2012 or to anyone else pertaining to Cadet Sullivan. Referred documents case number 2013-05994. Employment Verification and supervisor's work address Documents relating to the dune restoration project at Willapa Bay, WA FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 172 of 1088 FP-13-013013 FP-13-013014 Wallace Compito Maggie Emmett 2/19/2013 Granted 2/19/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-013015 FP-13-013016 Hyatt Hiltz Debra Randy 2/19/2013 Granted 2/19/2013 Granted FP-13-013017 Flynn Mari 2/19/2013 Granted FP-13-013018 FP-13-013020 SANTOS Janes ROSE Margaret 2/15/2013 Granted 2/19/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-013022 JOHNSON SJERMIK KO 2/19/2013 Administratively Closed SFC Ricky J. Wallace Case #491088 Request for Fort Carson OMPF documents and all MP, Investigation reports, or records involving the requester as a suspect or victim. SFC Ricky J. Wallace Case# 491088 Permit documents for 11250 Lizard Lane, Yuma, AZ 85365 Copies of approved Nationwide Permit, letter of delineation/J.D.s of Waterways of America completed for Collins Creek subdivision located in Phoenix, AZ, file no. 2005-01278-SDM Contract # W911SE11D2006 1) We request the following documents listed below received during the time period from February 11, 2013 to present: a. Requests/notifications for withdrawal of previously filed 404 applications for surface mining operations in Kentucky. b. All notices, requests, or applications for coverage for coalmines, refuse or slurry impoundments under NW permits 21, 49 or 50. c. Any Corps authorizations including decision documents and facts and findings granted under NWP 21, 49 or 50 for activities in Kentucky or Tennessee. d. Any individual 404 permits including decision documents, facts and findings, and final CMPs for surface mining operations or refuse or slurry impoundments in Kentucky or Tennessee e. Any and all Environmental Information Documents received including amendments, revisions and/or appendices and any and all Compensatory Mitigation Plans including amendments, revisions and/or appendices related to coal mining operations submitted to the Corps for operations in Kentucky or Tennessee. f. All monitoring reports received by the Corps related to any mining compensatory mitigation plans for stream creation, enhancement, or restoration projects for 404 permits in KY. Solicitation Number # W9124D-12-B-0004 FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 173 of 1088 FP-13-013031 GORDON JEFFREY 2/19/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-013036 Zucchino David 2/19/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-013037 Tabor Larry 2/19/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-013038 Zucchino David 2/19/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-013039 Zucchino David 2/19/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-013040 FP-13-013041 FP-13-013042 FP-13-013043 FP-13-013044 FP-13-013045 FP-13-013046 FP-13-013047 FP-13-013048 FP-13-013049 Wang Rombold Page Ford Liebfurth Stafford Barry Rutherford Vaughan Reedy Brian Peter Natasha Chad Jon-Paul Nicholas Willie Jason Joseph Jerry 2/13/2013 2/14/2013 2/19/2013 2/19/2013 2/19/2013 2/19/2013 2/19/2013 2/19/2013 2/19/2013 2/19/2013 FP-13-013050 Kempker Judy 2/19/2013 Administratively Closed Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Denied in Part REQUESTED DTIC PROVIDE DOCUMENTS, IRRESPECTIVE OF ITS DATE, THAT IS RELATED TO THE PRESENCE OF ASBESTOS, OR THAT REFERS OR ALLUDES TO ASBESTOS AT THE FOLLOWING LOCATION FOR THE TIME PERIOR INDICATED: JANUARY 1983 THROUGH DECEMBER 1994; 13950 DAWSON BEACH ROAD, WOODBRIDGE, VA 22101 (FORMERLY THE US ARMY WOODBRIDGE RESEACH FACILITY, NOW THE OCCOQUAN BAY NATIONAL WILDLIFE REFUGE). Request a copy of all transcripts from the Court Martial hearing for SPC Ryan J. Offutt. Any and all documents pertaining to MAC Construction including permits, completion dates, any possible penalties for not being in compliance or missing completion dates. All of this information is requested for the MAC Construction job on Star Hill Road in Clark County, Indiana. The job is listed as IN/DOT-IR 1004 Road Improvement (R30949). If any questions pertaining to this request, please contact me. Request a copy of all transcripts from the Court Martial hearing for SGT Travis F. Carden. Request a copy of all transcripts from the Court Martial hearing for Thomas P. Curtis. Immigration Information, Carty, Damion MPR 3750-2011 MPR 0393-2013 MPR MPR 3741-2012 MPR 4966-2012 MPR 5296-2012 MPR MRP Copy of Expanded HAP file to include all documents and any other documents associated with the completed transaction with USACE as a part of the HAP program. The address is 3129 Madame Plantier Ave, NOrth Las Vegas, NV 89081. Corps engineering work FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 174 of 1088 FP-13-013051 Lynch Jennifer 2/19/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-013052 FP-13-013053 FP-13-013054 FP-13-013057 FP-13-013060 Dunagan Longchamp Carpenter Barnes Meighan Dean Jackson Cathy Ricky Ryan 2/19/2013 2/20/2013 2/20/2013 2/20/2013 2/20/2013 FP-13-013063 Gaffney John 1/30/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-013064 Divine Julie 2/20/2013 Granted FP-13-013065 Bradley Linda 2/20/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-013066 Downs Royal 2/20/2013 Granted FP-13-013067 Hilli Frank 1/30/2013 Granted FP-13-013068 Ominsky Marc 2/20/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-013069 FP-13-013070 Searle McCurnin, Jr. Bob Daniel 1/30/2013 Administratively Closed 2/20/2013 Granted Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Granted Granted Certifictes of waiver or authorization (COA) for operations of Unmanned Aircrarft Systems USACE contracts & supporting docs Request 15-6 Investigation documents Request release enclosed documents for review MP-Report Traffic Accident M. P. Report pertaining to Mr. Mark Wilburn, M.P. number 00200-11 copy of pricing from the successful bidder for purchase order W911PT-13-P-0075 WVA The requester is requesting a Military Police Report pertaining to MPR Number 201301660. The requester is requesting information pertainingt to Claim Number 023213002708. The requester is requesting a Military Police Report pertaining to an accident which occurred 5 February 2013. copy of the base contracts and latest mod for W56HZV-09-AA904-0038, W56HZV-09-A-A904-0036, W56HZV-09-AA904-0011, W56HZV-09-A-A910-0004 and W56HZV-09-AA911-0002 1) Former RFQs and/or RFP for current or active contracts for bus, shuttle and transportation services to and from the US Military installations in Kuwait; 2) Contract and winning bid currently providing transportation in Kuwait subject to Solicitation W52P1J-13-R-0042; 3) Any records to contracts to provide transporation relevant to above solicitation; 4) Records pertaining to schedules, maintenance agreements, driver requirements and working hours at said installations; and 5) records identifying incumbent contractor providing services along with contract number, award amounts(s), and years of service. copy of the contract for TM 9-6140-200-13 Requesting a copy of a MP report he filed when someone stole is identit and open telephone account in his name. FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 175 of 1088 FP-13-013073 Chilli Frank 1/31/2013 Administratively Closed copy of the Performance Work Statement (PWS), Sections C,L and M from RFP S3EFFORT Strategic Service Solutions (S3) follow on to TARDEC Omnibus & Omnibus II FP-13-013074 Novak Matt 2/20/2013 Granted FP-13-013075 Messineo Carl 2/20/2013 Granted FP-13-013078 Harpel Douglas FP-13-013083 FP-13-013085 Messineo Smith Carl John 2/20/2013 Administratively Closed 2/20/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-013086 Wolf Isaac 2/12/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-013087 FP-13-013088 Sorensen Bollinger Rob Paul 2/12/2013 Administratively Closed 2/19/2013 Granted FP-13-013089 FP-13-013092 Day Messineo John Carl 2/13/2013 2/20/2013 Granted FP-13-013094 Schapper Nicholas 2/20/2013 Administratively Closed Request a copy of "A Concept of a Future Force" by Charles W. Taylor. Domestice deployments, MSCA, DSCA, exercises, training with law enforcement etc. copy of contract from W52H09-05-R-0309 - Litton Systems Inc Coordination with municipal, state and local police Records of 697th Engineer Co.(Pipeline) in Exercise Strong Arm, Ft Polk,LA April 15 to May 29, 1958 W56HZV-09-A-J035 - cover page, pricing, section B, Statement of Work, Delivery Orders, modifications copy of W911SE-07-D-0008 BR04 and mods 01 thru 18 Any JDs completed in area between Dundee Road, Barrington Rd, Cornell Ave., and Grove Ave. in Barrington, Cook County, Illinois All documents related to contract W56HZV-12-C-0058 Information on Domestic Exercises, missions or operations in support. Request for documents submitted by Mr. Michael Humphries that referenced or index Major Nicholas Schapper (Name) FP-13-013095 Morse Erin 2/19/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-013096 FP-13-013098 FP-13-013099 Goodovich Houserr Weisselberg Ori Christy Patricia 2/13/2013 Administratively Closed 2/20/2013 Granted 2/20/2013 Granted 2/6/2013 Denied in Part LRC-1992-17739 LRC-1994-06308 LRC-1996-07140 LRC1997-07722 LRC-1999-20198 LRC-2000-10282 LRC-200121479 LRC-2002-11385 LRC-2002-11604 LRC-2003-12107 LRC-1992-05092 LRC-1992-17540 LRC-1996-07079 LRC2000-20839 LRC-2001-21128 LRC-2002-11631 LRC-200312191 copy of contract W15QKN-13-R-0022 Request for MP Rpt Signed settlement agreement in which SYRCL and YGAC agreed to withdraw their suit against the Corps in return for the Corps completing a BA, and 3/6/00 letter farmalizing the agreement to prepare a BA for Daguerre Point Dam and Englebright Dam and initiate Section 7 consultation FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 176 of 1088 FP-13-013100 Messineo Carl 2/20/2013 Administratively Closed The attached FOIA request is being referred to your agency for review and direct response to the requestor concerning DoD consultation and/or coordination with municipal, state, and/or local police agencies within the United States on the planning, authorizing, and execution of joint military and police training exercises, further clarified as only seeking records pertaining to domestic exercises concerning missions or operations in support of the following; FP-13-013101 FP-13-013102 Dupuy Weisselberg Timothy Patricia 2/19/2013 Administratively Closed 2/20/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-013106 Waple Mark 2/20/2013 Granted FP-13-013110 FP-13-013113 FP-13-013118 Alltop Penrose Knight Ryan Pamela Mark 2/20/2013 Administratively Closed 2/14/2013 Administratively Closed 1/28/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-013119 FP-13-013122 Perdue Hackney Corrie Ted 2/20/2013 Administratively Closed 1/31/2013 Denied in Part Rear Sling Swivel Attachment for a Firearm Records related to SYRCL v.NMFS in regard to deadline extension and 2012 Biological Opinion since previous request of 1/11/2012 Request for a copy of the board findings worksheets and recording of a Show Cause Board proceedings related to CPT Daniel McKone 200401055 copy of drawings 1007812-101 and 20000120-3 Information regarding Lee's Ford Dock, Inc.: (1) Lease in effect in 2010, (2) inspections in 2009, 2010, and 2011, (3) correspondence in 2009, 2010, and 2011, and (4) any citizen reports of concern for 2009, 2010, and 2011. Any investigations to include CID. would like a copy of COE Wetlands permit # 404 53 86000 FP-13-013123 Saites Penny 2/15/2013 Granted copy of contract DAAE07-98-D-T064 (Focused Sustaiment) FP-13-013125 Janes Margaret FP-13-013126 Verheyden-Hilliard Mara 2/5/2013 Denied in Part 2/20/2013 Administratively Closed 404 permits in TN or KY 01/28/2012-2/05/2012; notices, requests, apps for coverage for coalmines, refuse or slurry impoundments under NW permits 21, 49 or 50. Information related to the Department of Defense consultation and/or coordination with municipal, state and/or local police agencies within the United States, including but not limited to California, New York, Massachusetts, Florida and Arkansas, on planning, authorizing, and execution of joint military and police training exercises. FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 177 of 1088 FP-13-013127 Dahlman Simon 2/6/2013 Granted He would like information specifically related to the various flood control projects that have been constructed and maintained around the Pineville KY Area. He would like techincal specificatins regarding the flood control system, information regarding any past or current projects the corps has intersected with related to the wolderness road. FP-13-013129 Foreman Scott 2/8/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-013131 FP-13-013132 Santos Janes Rose Margaret 2/15/2013 Denied in Part 2/11/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-013133 Simpson Tal 2/11/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-013134 Sprague Robert 2/19/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-013135 Janes Margaret 2/19/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-013139 FP-13-013140 Ahern Mitchell Sean John 2/20/2013 Granted 2/20/2013 Denied in Part would like to have info regarding the Corps of Engineers institution building in the 1820-1830. copy of the current FMTV contract 404 permits in TN or KY 02/5/2012-2/11/2012; notices, requests, apps for coverage for coalmines, refuse or slurry impoundments under NW permits 21, 49 or 50. Additional documents created/received since original request, dated 2 January 2013, concerning documents pertaining to the property owened by Wade Hayes on or near Logan Drive which is located near Byrd Spring Lake In Huntsville AL. The file is LRN-2012-00586 would like the documents pertaining to jurisdictinoal determination from the USACE on the property as well as any correspondence regarding the property. Information on the out put of the radar units used by Mr. Sprague's unit btwn 1951 to 1061 404 permits in TN or KY 02/11/2012-2/19/2012; notices, requests, apps for coverage for coalmines, refuse or slurry impoundments under NW permits 21, 49 or 50. Contract 12-C-0007 copy of the bid abstract from solicitation W911PT-13-Q-0042 FP-13-013141 FP-13-013142 FP-13-013143 FP-13-013144 Beasley Nexis Nexis Kandoll William Lexis Lexis Michael 2/20/2013 2/20/2013 2/20/2013 2/20/2013 FP-13-013145 Sakal-Gonzalez Nancy 2/20/2013 Administratively Closed Wetland determination MPR 0563-2013 MPR 0566-2013 MPR 4071-2012, copy of Chief of Staff 1AD letter that was addressed to him Aug/Sept 2012 and any docs pertaining to him Documents announcement number SCEA12264808800384. FP-13-013146 FP-13-013147 FP-13-013148 Gomez Nexis Wolf Alice Lexis Isaac 2/20/2013 Granted 2/20/2013 Granted 2/20/2013 Administratively Closed MPR 7350-2012 0585-2013 Contract W91QF507P0004. Granted Granted Granted Granted FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 178 of 1088 FP-13-013149 FP-13-013151 VanAlstine Johnson Nathaniel Eric 2/20/2013 Administratively Closed 2/20/2013 Administratively Closed All records that the Army has on me. Prosecutors report regarding the trial of SSG Bales at JBLM. FP-13-013152 Pulliam Muhamm ad 2/20/2013 Granted The requester is requesting a Military Police Report pertaining to an accident that occurred 14 February 2013. FP-13-013157 FP-13-013162 Cantrill Leach Kenneth Kelley 2/20/2013 Granted 2/20/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-013163 FP-13-013173 Costa Stevens Joshua Patrice 2/20/2013 Granted 2/20/2013 Granted FP-13-013177 FP-13-013180 FP-13-013182 Jasper Nelson-Lemon Branson Mark Misty Steven 2/20/2013 Granted 2/20/2013 Granted 2/20/2013 Granted FP-13-013186 FP-13-013191 FP-13-013195 Fornadel Donato Munitz Joseph Michele Deborah 2/20/2013 Granted 2/20/2013 Granted 2/20/2013 Granted FP-13-013196 Caruso David 2/20/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-013197 Desanto Philip 2/20/2013 Granted Failed to yield to pedestrian. I would like to get the records from the 404 permit application for LG&E Trimble County Coal Ash Landfill. In particular, I would like the section labled "Alternative Analysis" and the section "Avoidance and Minimi ation". I would be glad to get any additional information that may be included in or a section that these files are a part of. I also would like all maps included in these sections. Failure to yield the right of way when turning left. Project Name: Construct Army Reserve Center Phase II Contract Number: W912QR-10-C-0078 Contractor: MW Builders of Texas We formally request the following information for the above-referenced project: 1. Subcontractors List Request for MP Rpt Request for MP Rpt the Daily Report of Operations (Dredge Report), the Drill & Blast Reports, the Bid Abstract, the Contract, The NTP, the Payment Estimates and the Modifications for contract number W912DS-11-C-0018; Arthur Kill Channel Contract 13 Navigation Improvement; From October 16, 2012 to the Completion of the Project the Proposed Constitution Pipeline Project the Raritan Yacht Club all documents related to the Patrick Farm Property – subject of Cease and Desist Order 004-047 (NAN-2004-505) and Permit Application NAN-2011-00851 from January 01, 2004 to present awarded task orders totaling $92 million to Environmental Chemical Corp. International LLC to perform debris removal work in NYC following Hurricane Sandy Driving with license suspended - third degree FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 179 of 1088 FP-13-013198 McCoy Matt 2/20/2013 Granted FP-13-013199 FP-13-013202 Messineo Sparks Carl Roger 2/20/2013 Administratively Closed 2/20/2013 Denied in Full FP-13-013205 Faulkner Ellen 1/31/2013 Granted FP-13-013208 FP-13-013209 FP-13-013212 Gonzalez Schreiber Wimer III Eddie Ralph Harvey 2/20/2013 Granted 2/20/2013 Administratively Closed 2/20/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-013213 FP-13-013217 Martinez HABIB Adela FARHEE NA 2/20/2013 Granted 2/14/2013 Granted Copies of USACE permits on file for the Martin Marietta/American Aggregates Corporation operation located at approximately river mile 30.4, Great Miami River, Butler County, Ohio Referral of FOIA request from NGB on Mr. Messineo Results, findings and maps of elevation checks completed the week of 13-17 August 2012, in the Mt. Sterling, Ohio 43143 area because of encroachment problems File Number 1991-1947ON Willits Bypass, dated January 25, 2013, a letter from USACE to Caltrans regarding conditions to be met before construction can begin on the bypass. And, all the subsequent correspondence between Caltrans and USACE regarding these conditions having been met (or not met) Improper turn Historical Disposition Documents, reports, surveys, investigations, correspondence, field notes, files, photographs, charts, etc. regarding construction, operation and maintenance of Mojave River Dam, including all correspondence with County of San Bernardino or SBCFCD TA-50 stolen 1. All WRITINGS relating to the Georgia-Pacific Mill, located at 90 W. Redwood Avenue, Fort Bragg, California, 95437 (the "Mill"); 2. WRITINGS related to dredging and filling permits for the Mill; 3. WRITINGS related to Section 404 Permits for the Mil; 4. WRITINGS related to any COMMUNICATIONS with any person or entity related to the Mill at any time; 5. WRITINGS related to any site inspection or testing conducted at the Mill; 6. WRITINGS related to any reports authored by the US Army Corps of Engineers related to the MilL. FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 180 of 1088 FP-13-013218 Dunagan Sean 2/20/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-013227 FP-13-013228 FP-13-013229 FP-13-013230 FP-13-013231 Neguse Burnett Boitnott Cephus Messineo Michael Antonio Neil William Carl 2/20/2013 2/20/2013 2/20/2013 2/20/2013 2/20/2013 FP-13-013232 FP-13-013233 Woodruff Christo Terry Thomas 2/15/2013 Granted 2/19/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-013234 Ritter Justin 2/19/2013 Granted Previous contract for park cleaning at Kaw Lake Copy of agreement to ship items to overseas address All notes and any documents containing requestor's name in regards to this agreement. Previous contract for mowing at Tenkiller and Webbers Falls FP-13-013235 Newton Laura 2/20/2013 Granted Failure to yield the right of way Granted Granted Granted Granted Administratively Closed 1. Any and all records of communication between any official, employee, or representative of the Department of Defense (including all military services, combatant commands, and defense agencies) and any member of Congress, congressional office staff member, congressional committee, and/or congressional committee staff member regarding, concerning, or related to Contract Number W912HN10C0059 (Solicitation ID Number W912HN10B0016)in the amount of $491,088 awarded to Precon Marine, Inc. on or about September 9, 2010, and Contract Number W912HN10C0018 (Solicitation ID Number W912HN09B0036) in the amount of $3,600,156 awarded to Precon Marine, Inc. on or about Jan.uary 25, 2010. 2. Any and all records of communication between any official, employee, or representative of the Department of Defense (including all military services, combatant commands, and defense agencies) and any member of Congress, congressional office staff member, congressional committee, and/or congressional committee staff member regarding, concerning, or related to Precon Marine, Inc., a corporation located in Chesapeake, VA and identified by DUNS Number 879902666. Domestic Violence - Assault. Recent 290 Permits from 2009 to present.Compensatory mitigation. Request for MP Rpt DoD consultation and/or coordination with municipal, state, and/or local police agencies within the United States on the planning, authorizing, and execution of joint military and police training exercises, further clarified as only FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 181 of 1088 FP-13-013236 Feustel Eric 2/20/2013 Granted Request copy of documents to transition from the NSPS to the GS personnel system on 19 February 2010; review and approval of increased GS grade related to the NSPS to GS transition of any employee of the Office of the Staff Judge Advocate,APG; grievance filed by Mr. Eric Feustel in May 2012 regarding the failure of the command to appropriately review his position description; investigation conducted as a result of the grievance; actions taken or directed by LTC Bobbi Davis, LTC Joe Masterson, COL Dave Dalition, SJAs, Office of the Staff Judge Advocate, Aberdeen Proving Ground Maryland,relating to grievance filed. FP-13-013237 Walker Joe 2/19/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-013238 FP-13-013239 FP-13-013240 Shobert Patton Paskin Richard Lindsey Samuel 2/20/2013 Granted 2/19/2013 Granted 2/20/2013 Granted FP-13-013241 FP-13-013242 FP-13-013243 FP-13-013244 FP-13-013245 FP-13-013246 Halvorsen Thakar Feeback Buckman Echeverria Peterson M Nidhi Dorothy Joelle Daniel Gineva 2/20/2013 2/20/2013 2/19/2013 2/20/2013 2/20/2013 2/20/2013 Previous contract for mowing and park cleaning at Keystone and Heyburn Traffic mishap. MVA / Gov-Gov/Non Injury Previous contract for Mowing at Heyburn File # 400244S Oak Ridge Estates Residential Project Atascadero, CA Permit The decision document for the permit Permit for NWS-2012-0260-WRD Section 10 permits on Lake Chelan prior to 1974 Previous contract for park cleaning at Heyburn All documents re Armor Stones for W68MD923418673 Request for MP rpt Ms. Gineva Peterson request a copy of the AR 15-6 investigation pertaining to the death of SFC Riley G. Stephens on 28 Sep 2012 in Shank Wardak, Afghanistan. FP-13-013247 Mann David 2/20/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-013248 FP-13-013249 Perron McKinley Blake Felicity 2/20/2013 Granted 2/20/2013 Granted FP-13-013250 Clagett Corey 2/20/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-013251 Ristau Master Bradley 2/20/2013 Granted FP-13-013252 Wilber Norman 2/15/2013 Administratively Closed Granted Administratively Closed Granted Granted Granted Granted Documents concerning fill placed in Lake Chelan between 1961 and 1965 Request for MP Rpt Previous contract for mowing, refuse collection, and park cleaning at Keystone, Heyburn, and Arcadia 510's since last request and D&A boards, OR's,DR's since last request. Ms. Alicia D. O'Leary is requesting on behalf of Master Bradley E. Ristau(son) a copy of the AR 15-6 investigation pertaining to the death of SGT Michael E. Ristau on 13 Jul 2012 in Opiat, Afghanistan. Herman Hackworth FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 182 of 1088 FP-13-013253 FP-13-013254 Aguinaga Lauck Erik Scott 2/20/2013 Granted 2/15/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-013255 FP-13-013256 FP-13-013257 FP-13-013258 FP-13-013259 FP-13-013260 FP-13-013261 FP-13-013262 FP-13-013263 Cazenave Cheatham Delucca Martinez Newman Huensch Stock Zych Cargill Reggie William Maria Pablo Bradley Paul Cris Doug Kenneth 2/20/2013 2/20/2013 2/19/2013 2/20/2013 2/20/2013 2/12/2013 2/11/2013 2/20/2013 2/20/2013 Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted FP-13-013264 FP-13-013265 FP-13-013266 FP-13-013267 FP-13-013268 Smith Hyndman Hyndman Rudd Tenzin 2/20/2013 2/20/2013 2/20/2013 2/20/2013 2/20/2013 Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted FP-13-013269 FP-13-013271 Harrison Verheyden-Hilliard Dave Gary Gary Kiwako Mr./Mrs. Phursang Raymond Mara FP-13-013273 Messineo Carl 2/21/2013 FP-13-013279 FP-13-013280 Lovemore Neimarlija Melinda Aida 2/21/2013 Granted 2/21/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-013282 FP-13-013284 FP-13-013285 Marin Harrison Montiel Felipe Raymond Carla 2/21/2013 Denied in Part 2/21/2013 Administratively Closed 2/13/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-013289 Frank Paul 2/20/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-013292 FP-13-013295 Martinez Mew,am Amalia Terrance 2/21/2013 Administratively Closed 2/21/2013 Granted FP-13-013298 Almeida Miriam 2/21/2013 Granted 2/20/2013 Granted 2/21/2013 Granted Previous contract for mowing at Keystone and Heyburn Incident at Pine Bluff Arsenal. Subcontractor employee was electrocuted. Previous contract for mowing at Heyburn. Request for MP Rpt Video Coverage Historical Data Hit and Run POS Information POS Information Historical Data Copy of electronic spreadsheet of FY-12 Inner Harbor Maintenance Dredging Wall Sheets. LRC-2001-21140 Historical Data Historical Data Negligent Driving 2nd Degree Request for 15-6 Investigation Request Unit Histories or investigative reports Records pertaining to joint training between National Guard units and local law enforcement. Records of consultation and/or coordination with municipal, state, and/or local police agencies within US on planning, authorizing, and execution of joint military and police training exercieses. OPF Contract W56HZV-11-D-0147, W56HZV-12-C-0299, W56HZV-11-R-0534 and W56HZV-10-R-0325. Exchange portions of ROI report PTSD Compensation Claim Contract between the Exchange and Decisionone between 2009 and present Documents related to SPK-199900738 (mapping, studies, applications, correspondence and submittals) Solicitation W31P4Q-13-T-EXPRESS Requesting document showing how much it cost to conduct a JRTC training rotation at Fort Polk. Requesting a copy of a MP report she filed when someone stole her I phone. FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 183 of 1088 FP-13-013304 FP-13-013306 FP-13-013308 FP-13-013309 Martinez Raines Chilli Marfin Amalia Matthew Frank Eric 2/21/2013 2/14/2013 2/21/2013 2/21/2013 Administratively Closed Granted Administratively Closed Administratively Closed FP-13-013310 FP-13-013311 FP-13-013312 Santos Cerbes GILSON Rose Kachina GAY 2/21/2013 Administratively Closed 2/21/2013 Granted 2/21/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-013313 FP-13-013314 Santos STOCKTON Rose TAMARA 2/21/2013 Administratively Closed 2/21/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-013315 Gilmore Cathy 2/21/2013 Granted FP-13-013316 FP-13-013317 Santos Crosbie Rose Thomas 2/21/2013 Administratively Closed 2/21/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-013318 FP-13-013320 Brown ROBERSON Scott EDWARD 2/21/2013 Granted 2/21/2013 Granted FP-13-013321 FP-13-013322 Phillips SANTOS Anita ROSE 2/13/2013 Granted 2/21/2013 Granted FP-13-013324 FP-13-013325 FP-13-013327 FP-13-013328 FP-13-013329 Wille Payne Sherman BRIMAGE Hines Amanda Glen Cinea KIM David 2/21/2013 2/21/2013 2/21/2013 2/21/2013 2/21/2013 FP-13-013335 Cherrie Vitoria 2/21/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-013342 BROWN DOUGLA S 2/21/2013 Administratively Closed Granted Granted Granted Granted Administratively Closed Solicitation W911SD13R0009 Permit 26-1988-0360 W91WAW-07-R-0042 Army Discharge Review Board decisions from the Fiscal Year 2011-2012 W91QUZ-06-D-0010 Order CC01 Driving while license suspended (Massachusetts) Information pertaining to proposed action for Mr. Paul Flores W91QUZ-06-D-0013 Order RS01 RECORDS RELATING TO THE INVESTIGATION OF MS. TAMARA G. STOCKTON Armor stone to Point Chehalis Revetment, Westport, W912DW-13-Q-0019 W91QUZ-06-D-0016 order CC01 information from the office of hte Army Chief of Public Affairs pertaining to the Sidle Panel of 1983 Failure to yield the right of way to all vehicles. CONSTRUCTION OF COMBINED ARMS COLLECTIVE TRAINING FACILITY CLINS 0002-0004 POS Information DOCUMENTS INDENTIFIED IN CONTRACT # W912J712T0003 Request for MP Rpt Request for MP Rpt Request for Military Police report JEREMY WESTBROOK This a referral FOIA request sent to our office from the FBI on behalf of Dr. Dwight Hines concerning Army Intelligence Reports on U.S. Political Activities. Requesting access to the following public records regarding Capt. Jeffrey Christy. • Dates of employment to include past and present hiring dates and or terminations. • Deployment history, including length of time and deployment rules for current position. • Job title/s • Rank • Pay Grade and salary • Chain of command, by name and rank, to include his immediate supervisor OSHA REPORT FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 184 of 1088 FP-13-013344 Verheyden-Hilliard Mara 2/21/2013 Administratively Closed Information related to the Department of Defense's (DoD) consultation and/or coordination with municipal, state and/or local police agencies within the U.S., including but not limited to California, New York, Massachusetts, Florida and Arkansas, on the planning, authorizing, and execution of joint military and police training exercises. This request includes identifying the names and jurisdictions of domestic civilian police agencies with which the DoD has consulted, corresponded, or coordinated; records related to joint military and police training exercises; records identifying the names and military battalions, divisions, or other military units which participated in the consultation, planning or execution of joint military and police training sessions; records that describe or include mission statements, goals, objectives and after action reports for analysis of joint military and domestic police training sessions. FP-13-013347 MOORE CHARLES 2/21/2013 Administratively Closed SERVICE RECORDS FP-13-013350 FP-13-013355 FP-13-013358 FP-13-013359 Anderson LAKIN Moulton Decker Hubert MATT Ned Brittney 2/19/2013 2/21/2013 2/15/2013 2/21/2013 Granted Granted Administratively Closed Granted FP-13-013363 FP-13-013364 FP-13-013365 FP-13-013366 Luther Lucas Mikus Van Houten Ryan Sonja Tom Panid 2/21/2013 2/20/2013 2/21/2013 2/21/2013 Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Denied in Part Administratively Closed FP-13-013367 FP-13-013369 Frasch Daniels Beverly Shaniece 2/21/2013 Granted 2/21/2013 Granted FP-13-013370 FP-13-013371 Goodovich Robinson Ori Christoph er 2/20/2013 Administratively Closed 2/21/2013 Granted Payments made to purchase tract 219 at Sardis Lake. RAYMOND GIROUARD IMPAC Holders list Police Report with the USMA MP's regarding a sexual assault that happened on the USMA campus my plebe year, sometime around 2009 and requester was in Company H4. Requester was formerly USMA Class of 2012. Requester wants copy of the statement he made and any other documents relating to the incident if possible. Case # 002909-CID081-61539 Ethics records of William Michael Helixon DIG 12-70061 Addicks & Barker Dams Assault records of Donald R. Williams by 3 military police officer at Ft. Hood. List of designations on Camp Hanford general site maps Request for a copy of Military Police Report 04541-2011MPC023. contract W15QKN-07-D-0009 Disorderly conduct FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 185 of 1088 FP-13-013372 Iwasinski Dominick 2/21/2013 Granted FP-13-013373 FP-13-013374 FP-13-013375 Figueroa Wright Jones Bryant Nesha James 2/21/2013 Granted 2/21/2013 Denied in Part 2/12/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-013376 Ledford Christoph er 2/13/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-013377 FP-13-013378 Cassidy Newton Amy Marva 2/21/2013 Granted 2/21/2013 Granted FP-13-013379 Reitmeyer Lesley 2/21/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-013380 FP-13-013381 Hands Enos-Nobriga 2/21/2013 Administratively Closed 2/21/2013 Granted FP-13-013382 Lewis Iliaura Cassandr a Jennon FP-13-013383 Hatcher Christoph er 2/21/2013 Administratively Closed 2/14/2013 Granted Mr. Dominick Iwasinski request a copy of the AR 15-6 report pertaining to the death of his son, CPL Kenneth James Iwasinski on 14 Oct 2007 in Iraq. Bryant Figueroa Work Place Environment Inquiry Records relating to parapsychological phenomena ( remote viewing) You are requesting documents regarding the Hellenic Army AH-64DHA Accident at Megara Army Airfield, Greece, Your File# 1038-8119 for the first FOIA request as follow: 1. All records relating to flight training provided by the U.S. Army to Hellenic Army Major Dermaris; 2. All records relating to flight training provided by the U.S. Army to Hellenic Army ChiefSergeant Giokas; 3. All records relating to AH-64DHA maintenance training provided by the U.S. Army to any Hellenic Army personnel, including but not limited to a. Hellenic Army Sergeant Major Panayiotis Apostolopoulos; b. Hellenic Army Sergeant Major Ioannis Doukas; c. Hellenic Army Sergeant Major Georgios Koufopantelis; d. Hellenic Army Sergeant Major Stylianos Sakoutopos You are requesting the following documents for the 2nd FOIA request as follow: 1. All communications between the Hellenic Army and the U.S. Army relating to the investigation of the subject accident; 2. All communications between the Hellenic Army and the Defense Contract Management Agency regarding AH-64DHA helicopters or their component parts; 3. All records regarding main rotor TEDLAR discoloration as described in letter MDHC, 06-DH-E130-67747, dated MPR 3718-2009 Family Advocacy documents and Social Services investigation on SPC Kyle Newton Undisturbed Boring Logs for borings in the vicinity of Mississippi River Mile 120 AHP. Permmits for Centerpoint Copies of all delineation reports, maps, and shape files and Corps verification letters for Twitchell Island Infomration on the following boreholes: (1) CC06-046, (2) CC06-046A, and (3) CC06-046B. USACE contracts Shaw Environmental FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 186 of 1088 FP-13-013384 FP-13-013385 Greeley Bakeer Brian Reda 2/21/2013 Granted 2/21/2013 Granted FP-13-013386 Middleton Rebecca 2/21/2013 Granted FP-13-013387 FP-13-013388 FP-13-013389 FP-13-013390 FP-13-013391 FP-13-013392 FP-13-013393 FP-13-013394 FP-13-013398 FP-13-013399 FP-13-013404 FP-13-013406 FP-13-013408 FP-13-013409 FP-13-013410 Ahern Blackwell Gros Wise Reitmeyer Fraley Kirk Linton (13-073) O'Brien Longchamp McKenna Aleman Hunter Moscatelli Hornthal Sean Michael Alissa Brett Lelsley Jennifer Kacy Stacy Marla Jackson Shawn Noe Kym Marc AnnPatten 2/21/2013 2/21/2013 2/21/2013 2/21/2013 2/21/2013 2/21/2013 2/21/2013 1/16/2013 2/22/2013 2/22/2013 2/21/2013 2/8/2013 2/12/2013 2/22/2013 2/14/2013 Granted Administratively Closed Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Administratively Closed Denied in Full Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Information Only - Traffic accident Mississippi River Levee - Banks Mile 87, Left Descending Bank, Meraux, LA Valero Facility Bank Soil Boring Data Bank Soil Boring Locations Design Undrained Shear Strength and Wet Density Profiles Bank and Levee Stability Analyses Plates Bank Surveys of Levee, Bank, Batture and Underwater Slope Undisturbed boring logs for borings in the vicinity of the Westway Terminal facility in Port Allen, Louisiana located at Mississippi River Miles 228 and 229. USAGE slope stability plates of the east bank of the Mississippi River at Mississippi River Miles 228 and 229.ý W912P8-11-B-0037 / W912P8-12-C-0041 W912P8-10-D-0006 TO0002 MVN-2007-02632-SZ MVN 1998-3449 Boring logs left descending bank at 120 AHP MP-Report Damage to private property Police Report Traffic Accident Permit SAJ-199231578 Copy of grievance package Jackson Longchamp Police Report Traffic Accident MP-Report Assault Upgrades to US 64 - AID No. 1998-11011 Copy of auto accident report for Lia Mauldin property/permits in Rutherford and McDowell Counties FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 187 of 1088 FP-13-013411 Dunagan Sean 2/21/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-013413 Dunagan Sean 2/20/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-013415 Yambor Gene 2/14/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-013417 Gooding Keith 2/22/2013 Granted FP-13-013418 FP-13-013419 Ladner Simpers Joe Jim 2/22/2013 Administratively Closed 2/19/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-013420 Shipp Curtiss 2/22/2013 Granted FP-13-013422 FP-13-013423 Vittor, Ph.D. Burts Barry Ciera 2/21/2013 Granted 2/22/2013 Granted FP-13-013428 Steadman Carolyn 2/22/2013 Granted FP-13-013431 Steadman Lachon 2/22/2013 Granted 1. Any and all records of communication between any official, employee, or representative of the Department of Defense (including all military services, combatant commands, and defense agencies) and any member of Congress, congressional office staff member, congressional committee, and/or congressional committee staff member regarding, concerning, or related to Contract Number W912HN10C0059 (Solicitation ID Number W912HN10B0016)in the amount of $491,088 awarded to Precon Marine, Inc. on or about September 9, 2010, and Contract Number W912HN10C0018 (Solicitation ID Number W912HN09B0036) in the amount of $3,600,156 awarded to Precon Marine, Inc. on or about Jan.uary 25, 2010. 2. Any and all records of communication between any official, employee, or representative of the Department of Defense (including all military services, combatant commands, and defense agencies) and any member of Congress, congressional office staff member, congressional committee, and/or congressional committee staff member regarding, concerning, or related to Precon Marine, Inc., a corporation located in Chesapeake, VA and identified by DUNS Number 879902666. communications with Congress re specific contracts and all contracts with Precon Marine USACOE Easement adjoining East Pass, Destin, FL, Tract 101-E-6 Records encompassed with CID investigation pertaining to 1SG Lykisha Gooding originating at Fort Benning, GA Shane Ladner Aerial photos of Baldwin Co., AL, in 1984, 1985, 1986, 1991 & 1993 Records encompassed with CID investigation pertaining to 1SG Lykisha Gooding originating at Fort Benning, GA Environmental Analysis of ALG13-2011 Records encompassed with CID investigation pertaining to 1SG Lykisha Gooding originating at Fort Benning, GA Records encompassed with CID investigation pertaining to 1SG Lykisha Gooding originating at Fort Benning, GA Records encompassed with CID investigation pertaining to 1SG Lykisha Gooding originating at Fort Benning, GA FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 188 of 1088 FP-13-013433 Little Renee 2/21/2013 Granted FP-13-013434 FP-13-013435 Crace Leslie J. Tim Kevin 2/21/2013 Granted 2/22/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-013439 Palumbo Catherine 2/22/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-013443 Anderson Paul 2/22/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-013444 Anderson Cori 2/22/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-013446 Kalnins Mark 2/22/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-013447 FP-13-013451 FP-13-013452 FP-13-013453 FP-13-013455 Smith Le Tkachuk MESSINEO Bryson Michael Cuong Caitlyn CARL J.W. 2/22/2013 2/22/2013 2/22/2013 2/22/2013 2/22/2013 FP-13-013456 FP-13-013457 FP-13-013458 Lomax Lomax Lomax Victoria Victoria Victoria 2/22/2013 Administratively Closed 2/22/2013 Administratively Closed 2/22/2013 Administratively Closed Granted Granted Granted Administratively Closed Any and all documents pertaining tothe ownership, construction and/or maintenance of Homer Wilson Way in Brunswick, Georgia. SF 1443 froms submitted by Watts-Weitz Documents, communications, minutes, notes, agenda, test data and all information used to make an award determination in request for quote W912DY-12-T-0344 Copy of payment bond for contract W911SF-11-C0057. Bond number is 1001990. General contractor Hermosa Construction Group, LLC ("Hermosa") Insurance information, certificates of insurance, and insurance policies for Pacific Construction Systems, Inc., and Pacific Partition Systems Copy of the contract between Carter-Burgess (now Jacobs Engineering) and USACE, Fort Worth for the design of the Lordsburg Border Patrol Station in Lordsburg, New Mexico (Contract DACW63-03-D-0014). ORM database results for all SWF permit issuances from January 1, 2010 to present providing the following attribute information for each permit issuance: Action Id; District; DA Number; Action Type; PNN; Action; End Date; Project Description; Applicant; County; State; HUC; Latitude; Longitude; Impact Type; Resource Type; Impact Duration; Auth Linear Ft; Auth Fill Area Acres; Impact Relationship Type; Mit Water Type; Mitigation Type; Permittee Responsible Type; Mit Req Area Acrea; Mit Req Linear Ft; Credits Required; and Mit Relationship Type Request for MP Rpt Information only - traffic accident w/out injuries. Following too close. 1. Domestic Deployments, US Army Quartermaster General's Office Roster of WWII Dead Records. Contract W81K00-05-A-019. Contract W91YU0-06-D-024. Contract W81XWH-07-P-0187. FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 189 of 1088 FP-13-013459 Rivera Janisse 1/11/2013 Administratively Closed Copy of a commander directed investigation conducted between February and June 2012, regarding the possible allegations of fraternization and unprofessional relationship involvint two members of the 156th Airlift Wing (Wing staff). She was called to served as a witness and/or possible person with first-hand knowledge of the allegations. FP-13-013460 FP-13-013461 Brady Messineo Rob Carl 2/22/2013 Granted 2/22/2013 W91QUZ-12-F-0049 Requesting information related to the Department of Defense's (DOD) consultation and/or coordination with municipal, state and/or police agencies within the United States, Including but not limited to CAlifornia, New York, Massachusetts, Florida and Arkansas, on the planning and execution of joint military and police training exercises. FP-13-013462 Kitto 2/22/2013 Administratively Closed Contract W15P7T-05-C-S207 AND W91QX-06-C-0066. FP-13-013463 FP-13-013465 FP-13-013467 FP-13-013468 Martinez Maddeford Kalnins Perez Ambrozia k Amalia David Mark Mayra 2/22/2013 Administratively Closed 2/22/2013 Administratively Closed 2/22/2013 Granted 1/22/2013 FP-13-013469 Grazer Jeffrey 2/22/2013 Granted FP-13-013470 Messineo Carl 2/22/2013 Granted FP-13-013471 Gadd Chris 2/22/2013 Administratively Closed W91RUS-13-R-0012-0000 Contract W9115010D0015-0006. ORM database files on permits from 2010, 1 January. Copy of investigation results and all pertaining documents of a complex investigation. Video tape of interview recorded on 9 August 2012 located at NGB. Request for a copy of Military Police Report 1137-2013MPCC023. Informaiton related to DoD consultation and/or coordination with municipal, state and/or local police agencies on the planning, authorizing, and execution of joint military and police training exercises. Request for records pertaining to Line of Duty Investigation of alleged incident involving 2 TNARNG members. FP-13-013472 FP-13-013473 FP-13-013474 FP-13-013475 Berry Evans Welch Ledford MO Mark Courtney Chrisopht er 2/22/2013 2/22/2013 2/22/2013 2/19/2013 FP-13-013476 FP-13-013477 Mars Washington Joshua David 2/22/2013 Denied in Part 2/22/2013 Granted Granted Granted Granted Administratively Closed Dredge permits for Long Island Village Permit 17847 Military Police Report All documents related to July 30, 2010 accident involving an Hellenic Army AH-64DHA helicopter bearing serial number 03-1030. Contract No.: W912P8-08-D-0049 Four Permits FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 190 of 1088 FP-13-013478 FP-13-013479 FP-13-013480 FP-13-013481 FP-13-013484 Aromsteim Lennon Ortiz Carroll Veheyden Kevin Jerome Victor Hunton Mayra 2/22/2013 2/22/2013 2/22/2013 2/22/2013 2/15/2013 Granted Administratively Closed Granted Granted JD for 7210 Garrinson Lake Denim Springs Jerome A. Lennon Speed too fast for conditions Hunton P. Carroll DoD consultation and/or coordination with municipal, state, and/or local police agencies within the US on yhe planning, authorizing, and execution of joint military and police training exercises concerning missions or operations. FP-13-013487 FP-13-013489 FP-13-013491 Santos Vaughn Longo Rose Angela Wilfred 2/22/2013 Administratively Closed 2/19/2013 Granted 2/22/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-013525 FP-13-013540 FP-13-013544 FP-13-013547 FP-13-013549 FP-13-013553 FP-13-013555 FP-13-013558 FP-13-013562 FP-13-013566 FP-13-013567 FP-13-013583 Robinson Palencia Frischmuth Whitley Bartush Contreras Mackey Monroe Redinger McGill Lynch Matter-Martin Michael Leslie Claudia Glenna Ryan Jesus Patricia Jake Garrett Shaunda Jennifer Andrea 2/22/2013 2/22/2013 2/22/2013 2/22/2013 2/20/2013 2/20/2013 2/20/2013 2/20/2013 2/22/2013 2/22/2013 2/19/2013 2/14/2013 FP-13-013586 Toler Andy 2/22/2013 Granted FP-13-013590 Martin, Jr Richard 2/14/2013 USACE contract OPF Request for copies of all information regarding orrelated to the resignation in lieu of a Courts Martial for CPT Wilfred R. Longo. Request for MP Rpt Copy of the Water Control Diagram for Folsom Lake Records regarding Mr. Papataros. Court Martial records regarding PVT Till from WWII. MPR 0671-2013 MPR 0839-2012 Amended report MPR 0066-2013 MPR 0544-2011 MPR 0253-2012 MPR 0459-2013 Certificates of authorization issued by the FAA for UA IDA Packet - request for a copy of the Criminal Investigation Division (CID) report of death of husband, SGT Matthew Martin, who died on November 8, 2011 at Fort Campbell, KY. The requester is requesting a Military Police Report in reference to MPR number 201301812. IDA Packet - request for a copy of the Criminal Investigation Division (CID) report of death of your son, SGT Matthew Martin, who died on November 8, 2011 at Fort Campbell, KY. Granted Granted Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Administratively Closed Denied in Part FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 191 of 1088 FP-13-013591 Ledford Christoph er 2/17/2013 Administratively Closed The Boeing Company in connection with the July 30, 2010 accident involving an Hellenic Army AH-64DHA helicopter bearing serial number 03-1030. All records relating to flight training provided by the U.S. Army to Hellenic Army.All communications between the Hellenic Army and the U.S. Army relating to the investigation of the subject accident; 2. All communications between the Hellenic Army and the Defense Contract Management Agency regarding AH64DHA helicopters or their component parts; 3. All records regarding main rotor TEDLAR discoloration as described in letter MDHC, 06-DH-EB0-67747, dated September 22, 2006; FP-13-013592 Dunagan Sean 2/20/2013 Administratively Closed ‘Any and all records of communication regarding, concerning, or related to any of the following solicitations and/or contract awarded by the Department of the Army’ (only those pertaining to CENAO are listed below): *’Contract Award Number W9123612C00553 (Solicitation ID Number W9123612B0017) in the amount of $3,597,600 awarded to Precon Marine, Inc. (DUNS Number 879902666) on or about September 28, 2012. ‘ *’Contract Award Number W9123607C0048 (Solicitation ID Number W9123607R0047) in the amount of $5,689,327 awarded to Precon Marine Inc. on or about September, 20, 2007.’ *’Any and all records of communication between any official, employee, or representative of the Department of Defense (including all military services, combatant commands, and defense agencies) and any member of Congress, congressional office staff member, congressional committee, and/or congressional committee staff member regarding, concerning, or related to Precon Marine, Inc., a corporation located in Chesapeake, VA and identified by DUNS Number 879902666. ‘ FP-13-013593 Harris Tony 2/22/2013 Granted Police Report FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 192 of 1088 FP-13-013594 Stikeleather Michael 2/18/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-013595 for Cival Justice Fund Partnershi p 2/22/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-013598 Deal #99085 Marvin 2/21/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-013599 FP-13-013600 PARKER Keach TERRELL Levi 2/22/2013 Granted 2/19/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-013601 Donn Calli 2/22/2013 Granted FP-13-013602 Hendricks Laura 2/22/2013 Granted FP-13-013603 Anderson Paul 2/22/2013 Administratively Closed 6. Army Regulation 70-60. "Research, Development, and Acquisition- Nuclear Survivability of Army Material." Headquarters, Depart- ment of the Army, Washington, D.C. 1 October 1984. 7. Field Circular (FC)50-15. "Nuclear Weapons Effects Mitigation Techniques." Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. 1 March 1984. 8. Field Circular (FC)50-16. "Electromagnetic Pulse Mitigation Techniques." Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. 1 February 1984. 9. Field Circular (FC)50-17. "A technical Overview to Electro- magnetic Pulse." Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. 1 June 1986. 10. Field Circular (FC)50-20. "Nuclear Considerations for Operations on the Airland Battlefield." Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. 1 February 1984. Information related to the DOD's consulation and /or coordination with municipal, state or local police agencies on the planning, authorizing and execution of joint military and police training exercises. His Selective Service Draft Classification Card that was mailed to him in 1974. AR 15-6 Official training aids/publication designed to provide commanders with specific protocol for interacting with archaeological sites in Iraq and/or with the specific location of archaeological sites within Iraq. Date range of requested intorrnation: 1 January 2003-31 December 2011. Upon receipt of your request for official training on archaeological sites and your narrowed request per the e-mails below, specifically requesting training materials about locations: Tell es-Sawwan, Tell al-Ubaid, Uruk, and Ur; I contacted five TRADOC offices, and consulted with The Judge Advocate General's Legal Center & School. Copy of all IRT meeting notes for Pioneer Reserve Umbrella MItigation Banking Instrument from 1/1/2009 through present. Aquaculture applications received since January 1, 2013, Copy of all permits issued since January 1, 2013 All records of insurance information, certificates of insurance or insurance policies for Pacific Construction Systems, Inc. and Pacific Partition Systems, Inc. from 1966-1982 FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 193 of 1088 FP-13-013604 FP-13-013605 FP-13-013606 FP-13-013614 Chilli Henderson Shin Flynn Frank Jim Dara Mari 2/22/2013 2/22/2013 2/22/2013 2/22/2013 FP-13-013615 Nicol Scott 2/22/2013 Granted FP-13-013619 Sweet (13-099) Terri 2/19/2013 Granted FP-13-013633 Stewart Troy 2/25/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-013637 FP-13-013638 FP-13-013639 Landry Defranco Boyce 2/25/2013 Granted 2/25/2013 Granted 2/25/2013 Granted FP-13-013641 FP-13-013642 FP-13-013643 FP-13-013644 FP-13-013645 FP-13-013646 FP-13-013647 FP-13-013648 FP-13-013649 Voltz De Jesus Gray Bass Knowles Comer Nieves Miles McBride Jessica Jason Dominiqu e Dustin Airto Vidal James Nichulics Clinton Yazmin David Jeffrey FP-13-013651 Cretin Cheryl 2/22/2013 FP-13-013655 Brooks Philip 2/22/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-013657 Williams Joseph 2/22/2013 Granted FP-13-013658 Reed Cheryl 2/25/2013 Granted 2/25/2013 2/25/2013 2/25/2013 2/25/2013 2/25/2013 2/25/2013 2/25/2013 2/25/2013 2/25/2013 Administratively Closed Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Administratively Closed Contract POS Data Basic Rule (Hit and run) Copies of approved Nationwide Permit, letter of delineation/J.D.s of Waterways of America completed for Palm Valley IX subdivision located in the City of Goodyear municipal boundary, Maricopa County, AZ, file no. 200502009-AP. Information regarding environmental impacts caused by the construction of border fencing and patrol road in and adjacent to Otay Mountain Wilderness Area. Bond between American Earth Movers, Inc. to The Army Corp of Engineers Permit and etc LRE86-056-105-1. 2035 U.S. 31 north, Traverse City, MI. Request for MP Rpt Debt Verification MP Report requested MP report requested Debt Verification MP report requested mp report requested Debt Verification Debt Verification MP report requested. MP report requested Requesting a copy of a MP report on his step-daughter being returned by her father late. Copy of Contract No. W911RP-07-D-0001 & all delivery orders to date Topographical maps of certain pools of the Ohio River, specifically the Belleville Pool and the Willow Island Pool Copy of a map that shows the proposed site of the Enterprise Products Partners ATEX pipeline crossing of the Licking River in Hanover Township, Licking County, Ohio Request for a copy of Military Police Report 00628-2013MPC023. FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 194 of 1088 FP-13-013659 Scott William 2/15/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-013662 Trento Joseph 2/25/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-013664 Hubbard Curtis 2/11/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-013667 Bartlett Michelle 2/25/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-013671 Smith John 2/22/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-013673 Sturm Kimberly 2/25/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-013675 Wallace Maggie 2/25/2013 Granted FP-13-013676 FP-13-013677 Boerner Tucker Brian Clint 2/22/2013 Denied in Part 2/25/2013 Granted Any and all invoices submitted to the government by Q.B.S., Inc., from November 1, 2012 to date pertaining to lOth Engineer BN Complex COF/Site, under Contract No. W912HN-08-D-0038-003. Request the total number of military and civilian personnel working in public affairs for the U.S. Army. I'm also seeking the military rank or civilian pay grade of each employee involved in public affairs for the Army and his or her salary. All the serial letters from related to two Task Orders: W9126G-08-D-0076-0002 and -0003. Request for documents related to the possible sale of the Falls Church municipal water system. This FOIA request was submitted by Mr. Sam Mabry. Shoreline Management documents related to Sam Rayburn Reservoir, Texas Any and all correspondence,plans, permits, permit applications or authorizations, notices for coverage under any Nationwide Permits or exemptions from coverage, site maps, wetlands delineations, wetlands determinations, reports, studies, plats, inspection reports, notices of violations, photographs and other materials in your possession which mention, concern or relate to the Wilbros Organic Recovery facility ("Wilbros Facility") located at 6212 Rose Lane, Toccoa, Stephens County, Georgia 30577. (To facilitate your search, upon information and belief, the individuals and/or entities associated with the Wilbros Facility include, Joseph H. Wilbanks, Jr. (a.k.a. Joe Wilbanks), Wilbros LLC., Environn1ental Resource Concepts, LLC, and Wilcorp, Inc. Please note that this FOIA request specifically includes any information and records concerning the Wilbros Facility and the discharge of dredged or fill material into onsite and adjacent wetlands, including those subject to permitting under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act). Request a copy of the 15-6 Investigation on the death of her husband, SFC Ricky J. Wallace. hydrofracking issues at Joe Pool Lake MPR FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 195 of 1088 FP-13-013679 Armstrong 2/22/2013 Denied in Part hydrofracking issues at Joe Pool Lake Salenas McCarty Santos Christoph er Antonio Gerald Rose FP-13-013681 FP-13-013685 FP-13-013686 2/25/2013 Granted 2/25/2013 Granted 2/25/2013 Administratively Closed MPR MPR copy of contract W91QUZ-06-D-0016, CC01, all referenced attchements including section J, all task order modifications. FP-13-013688 FP-13-013689 Hankins Santos Barbara Rose 2/25/2013 Administratively Closed 2/25/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-013690 FP-13-013691 FP-13-013692 Hodge Chamblee Yaryan-Hall James Jeremy Holly 2/25/2013 Granted 2/25/2013 Granted 2/25/2013 Granted Medical Records contract number W91QUZ-06-D-0010, CCO1, all attachments including section J, all task orders and modifications. MPR MPR Monthly inflows as well as net evaporation (or evaporation and precipitation) for a one-year study period (maybe last year or else a "critical"year), as well as anything more current than storage and elevations from original plans FP-13-013693 FP-13-013695 FP-13-013696 FP-13-013697 FP-13-013698 FP-13-013699 FP-13-013700 FP-13-013708 FP-13-013709 Timmerman Petrytus Clark Petrytus Petrytus Petrytus Satterlee Rohlik Hatcher 2/25/2013 2/25/2013 2/25/2013 2/25/2013 2/25/2013 2/25/2013 2/25/2013 2/15/2013 2/25/2013 FP-13-013710 Coggins Rachel Dianna Trent Dianna Dianna Dianna Amber Shelley Christoph er Elizabeth 2/25/2013 Granted The requester requesting a Military Police Report pertaining to an accident which occurred 20 February 2013. FP-13-013711 FP-13-013712 Sera Trento Eduardo Joeseph 2/25/2013 Administratively Closed 2/25/2013 Granted FP-13-013713 FP-13-013714 FP-13-013715 FP-13-013716 FP-13-013717 FP-13-013718 Leary Leary Casanova Qaasim Leary Leary Pittman Pittman Jonathan Saleel Pittman Pittman 2/25/2013 2/25/2013 2/25/2013 2/25/2013 2/25/2013 2/25/2013 erosion for Surfside Beach the total number of military and civilian personnel working in public affairs for the U.S. army - rank and salary various SSIs and DUIs Various SSIs and DUIs Request for MP Rpt CTF various SSIs and DUIs Various SSIs and DUIs Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Granted Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Granted Administratively Closed Granted Granted Granted Denied in Part Granted Granted Contract W15P7T05RE401. Contract W912BV-12-C-0012. MPR Contract W912BV-12-C-0006. Contract W912BV-12-C-0010. Contract W912BV-12-C-0002. Referred documents case number 2013-02654. OS on 428 Frozen/Chilled Prepared Food W912P8-08-C-0038 FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 196 of 1088 FP-13-013719 FP-13-013720 Cole Amerio Michael Sandy 2/20/2013 Granted 2/25/2013 Granted POS Teredata 435 and 491/432 any photography dated from 1940 to 1942 of the warehouse owned by the Archer-Daniels Midland Company, located at the east foot of the Bayonne Bridge. Exact address at that time was: 2393 Richmond Terrace, Port Richmond, Staten Island, New York, any free alongside ship photography in the waters of the 2393 Richmond Terrace, Port Richmond, Staten Island, New York on 10 Nov 1940 and 19 Dec 1940, Chart: Port Facilities at Port of New York No. 67, New York and N.J Channels, Arthur Kill, U.S. Government Printing Office, 1942 0-501293, a copy of the contract No. W-7405eng-4, 19 October 1942 signed by Edgar Sengier and Colonel Nichols a copy of the contract No. W-7405-eng-24, 16 October 1942, a letter from Edgar Sengier, African Metals Corporation, to Thomas K. Finletter, Department of State, 24 March 1942, and a letter from C.S Cressy, African Metal Corporation, to William Thornton, Energy Research and Development Agency, stating methode of shipment from the Staten Island warehouse, 19 July 1976 FP-13-013721 Bollerman James 2/25/2013 Granted All 18 soil boring test results, related maps and reports for the Borough of Highlands, NJ FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 197 of 1088 FP-13-013722 Verhayden-Hilliard Mara 2/25/2013 Granted FP-13-013724 FP-13-013725 FP-13-013726 FP-13-013727 FP-13-013728 FP-13-013730 FP-13-013731 FP-13-013732 Marshall Short Rohlik Johnson Johnson Otis Adams Hickok Tre Tammy Shelley Jermaine Chris Jonathan Zacery Stephanie 2/20/2013 2/25/2013 2/22/2013 2/25/2013 2/13/2013 2/25/2013 2/25/2013 2/25/2013 FP-13-013733 Howell Jennifer 2/25/2013 Granted FP-13-013739 FP-13-013742 Mills Jones Darren Jeremy 2/25/2013 Granted 2/25/2013 Granted FP-13-013748 FP-13-013750 Sparks Buce Philip Laura 2/25/2013 Administratively Closed 2/25/2013 Administratively Closed Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted "The attached FOIA request is being referred to your agency for review and direct response to the requestor concerning DoD consultation and/or coordination with municipal, state, and/or local police agencies within the United States on the planning, authorizing, and execution of joint military and police training exercises, further clarified as only seeking records pertaining to domestic exercises concerning missions or operations in support of the following; a. Domestic deployments, b. Response to Civil Disturbance, Civil Disorder, Declaration of Insurrection, Riots, Unlawful Obstruction, Combination or Assemblage, or Rebellion, c. Domestic Support of Civil Authorities (DSCA), d. Military Support to Civil Authorities (MSCA, including Military Assistance for Civil Disturbances (MACDIS)), e. Vigilant Guard, Ardent Sentry, Vigilant Shield, and National Level Exercises (including the National Exercise Program), f. The specific trainings referenced in the February 24, 2012, request including exercises involving military and civilian law enforcement personnel that took place in Los Angeles (January 2012), Boston (July 2011), New Orleans (January POS Data for 482 Blacked out while driving. Traffic mishap. POS Data on 424, 426 and 427 Earned Abatement Card POS Data for 43760 and 43790 Accident MVA / Fork Lift Requst for MP rpt MPR 0627-2013 Permit for 199650197 issued in January 2001 and Record of Decision with attachments Darren J. Mills Larceny of private funds. Someone used $350 from his Eagle Cash card. Commonwealth Crossing Project, VA Requesting any incidence involving Daniel E. Patton and Shawna Patton. FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 198 of 1088 FP-13-013753 Silver Robin 2/25/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-013756 FP-13-013761 FP-13-013763 FP-13-013764 FP-13-013766 FP-13-013769 Rumby Hopkins Gibson Poppinga Quinn Spitri Donald Billy Nadia Jacob Jamie Jenna 2/25/2013 2/25/2013 2/25/2013 2/25/2013 2/25/2013 2/25/2013 FP-13-013770 FP-13-013771 Fee Lackey Sharnelle Brenda 2/25/2013 Administratively Closed 2/22/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-013772 BatizRuiz Maria 2/25/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-013775 Olin John 2/25/2013 Granted FP-13-013777 Hutchison Harold 2/25/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-013778 FP-13-013779 FP-13-013780 Cox Martinez Oliva Robert Amalia Claudia 2/25/2013 Administratively Closed 2/25/2013 Administratively Closed 2/25/2013 Granted FP-13-013781 Williams Chad 2/25/2013 Granted FP-13-013782 FOXHOVEN KATELYN 2/25/2013 Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Requests all documents where the Fort Huachuca commander bases his statement that "Fort Huachuca and Sierra Vista don't necessarily have a water issue, we have an Endangered Species Act issue". Requesting a copy of a MP number 00400-2013-MPC054 Request for MP Rpt Request for MP rpt Request for MP Rpt Request for MP rpt Inspection report of the Rend Lake Resort from 9/29/2007 to present FOIA Request Request records for Contract No. W9126G-11-0057 as follow: 1. A FOIA Request Number or account; 2. All invoices (certified pay requests) submitted by Komada, LLC, including all documents submitted in support of the invoices (certified pay requests); 3. All documents that show or evidence payment of the invoices (or any other amounts) to Komada, LLC, including wire transfer record receipts; 4. All schedules provided to the government by Komada, LLC, including all narrative reports, diagrams and/or summaries indicating the estimated percent completion of the contract; 5. All pending or unresolved requests made by Komada, LLC, for contract value modifications. Documents regarding a rape in March 1980 at Fort Jackson, SC. Partial response for FOIA request #8 All documents concerning Operation Red Hat Request any information that the Army may have on Operation Honey Badger, a plan to rescue hostages from Iran circa 1979-1980. MPR 1503-13 auto accident on 14 Jan 2013 Solicitation W91RUS-13-R-0012 Grad Student requested stats on Soldiers DUIs from Jan 2007 to 21 Feb 2013. Fire incident report for 4349C Inchon Circle, Fort Carson in May 2012. ANDREW S. WILEY FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 199 of 1088 FP-13-013783 Mobley Tanya 2/25/2013 Granted FP-13-013784 FP-13-013785 FP-13-013786 Fleck Chilli Mobley Lee Frank Steven 2/22/2013 Administratively Closed 2/25/2013 Administratively Closed 2/25/2013 Granted FP-13-013787 FP-13-013788 Gopin BROWN Michael BARRY 2/25/2013 Granted 2/25/2013 Granted FP-13-013789 FP-13-013790 FP-13-013791 Swords Nexis Lambert Steven Lexis Lynda 2/25/2013 Administratively Closed 2/25/2013 Granted 2/25/2013 Granted FP-13-013792 FP-13-013793 FP-13-013794 FP-13-013795 Nexis Dog Reports Chilli Rodgers Lexis Yellow Frank Jakob 2/25/2013 2/25/2013 2/25/2013 2/25/2013 FP-13-013796 Carn Brian 2/25/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-013798 FP-13-013799 Forrest Grewal Audrey Pardeep 2/25/2013 Administratively Closed 2/25/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-013800 FP-13-013801 BOOTE Dubuc JEREMY Rob 2/25/2013 Granted 2/25/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-013802 FP-13-013803 FP-13-013804 FP-13-013805 FP-13-013806 FP-13-013807 Obertello Levy Brady Jackson Dizon Simpson Angelo Arthur Rob Franklin Richard Lucinda 2/14/2013 2/25/2013 2/25/2013 2/25/2013 2/26/2013 2/26/2013 Granted Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Granted Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Granted Granted 15-6 Investigation concerning death of DSM SPC Steven A. Mobley. Report submitted to City of Roswell, GA Contract 15-6 Investigation concerning death of DSM SPC Steven A. Mobley, Jr. MPR 0653-2013 for Juan Flores ARTICLE 80 AND ARTICLE 81 CASES FOR THE LAST TEN YEARS Obtain a copy of service records 0661-2013 15-6 Investigation concerning death of DSM SPC Steven A. Mobley. MPR 0653-2013 MPR 6887-2012 Contract 15-6 investigation into roll over accident during training exercises on Fort Carson Copies of Unit Operational Files for 2nd Platoon, Charlie Company, 2nd Engineer Battalion, 2nd Infantry Brigade from Occtober 1974 to November 1975. Contract documents FOIA Request from Tarsnjeet Singh - copy of complete Alien File TYLER R. SCHOMMER information pertaining to both the application for the Nationwide Permit and the Corps' decision to issue that permit dated since the last FOIA request. Encinal Terminal property in the City of Alameda Oak to Ninth Avenue Project Contract Request Executive Summary Information on bar at Panzer Hotel Lucinda Simpson FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 200 of 1088 FP-13-013808 Coan Dennis 2/26/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-013809 Tomasello (13-092) Thomas FP-13-013810 Messineo Carl 2/26/2013 Granted FP-13-013813 CLIVER 2/26/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-013818 FP-13-013820 Stimmel McKenny KATHLEE N Tonya Roderick FP-13-013823 FP-13-013824 FP-13-013825 FP-13-013826 FP-13-013827 FP-13-013828 FP-13-013829 FP-13-013831 Leary Leary Leary Leary Leary Ducey BELL Ehret Pittman Pittman Pittman Pittman Pittman James CASEY John 2/26/2013 2/26/2013 2/26/2013 2/26/2013 2/26/2013 2/25/2013 2/26/2013 2/26/2013 FP-13-013832 Eckert Jeremy 2/22/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-013836 Brown Douglas 2/26/2013 Administratively Closed 2/8/2013 Administratively Closed 2/26/2013 Granted 2/26/2013 Granted Granted Granted Granted Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Granted Granted Granted - All documentation and correspondence related to the “Notification of Final Appoval”, dated [identify your DOCPER notification as specifically as possible]; including worksheets, notes, e-mails or other records (as applicable) used to reach the unfavorable determination made against the request for “technical expert” accreditation under Articles 72 & 73 of the US-NATO SOFA. This request includes all correspondence between DOCPER and the respective “Finanzamt”and/or other agencies of the “Bundesland” responsible for the determination -- especially any record that indicates attempted influence or recommendations by DOCPER personnel that may have led to said unfavorable determination. Seawall Cease and Desist DoD consultation and/or coordination with municipal, state, and/or local police agencies within the United States on the planning, authorizing, and execution of joint military and police training exercises. SAMMIE DAVIS Police Report Copies of MP Reports 00097-11-MPC147 and 01218-10MPC147 Various SSIs and DUIs Various SSIs and DUIs Various SSIs and DUIs Various SSIs and DUIs Various SSIs and DUIs Copy of the mitigation plan for the CSO project. JASON BURKOS Permit documents for Palisades nuclear power plant(Entergy) construction. Request documents relating to the Army's lease or ownership interest in Vista Field during the 1940s. Vista Field is situated within the City of Kennewick in Washington State. Request for Medical and OSHA Records FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 201 of 1088 FP-13-013838 Sullivan Alex 2/26/2013 Granted Request information that pertains to me and any and all tactical infomration system (TIS) records for CDT Sullivan, any and all cadet information system acct records for 20082012, any and all tour cards from 2012 as well as any and all overall records(s) of hours received, walked, cut. Any and all documents to or from the Academic Board including letters, decisions, memoranda, endorsements, recommendations, or lists of cadets that include CDT Sullivan. Any and all grade verification board memos, findings, notes, or documents pertaining to CDT Sullivan any and all list(s) of cadets that includes CDT Sullivan. FP-13-013841 Messineo Carl 2/26/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-013842 Whitcomb Mia 2/26/2013 Granted FP-13-013843 Cockrell Stephanie 2/26/2013 Granted DoD consultation and/or coordination with municipal, state, and/or local police agencies within the United States on the planning, authorizing, and execution of joint military and police training exercises, further clarified as only seeking records pertaining to domestic exercises concerning missions or operations in support of the following; a. Domestic deployments, b. Response to Civil Disturbance, Civil Disorder, Declaration of Insurrection, Riots, Unlawful Obstruction, Combination or Assemblage, or Rebellion, c. Domestic Support of Civil Authorities (DSCA), d. Military Support to Civil Authorities (MSCA, including Military Assistance for Civil Disturbances (MACDIS)), e. Vigilant Guard, Ardent Sentry, Vigilant Shield, and National Level Exercises (including the National Exercise Program), f. The specific trainings referenced in the February 24, 2012, request including exercises involving military and civilian law enforcement personnel that took place in Los Angeles (January 2012), Boston (July 2011), New Orleans (January 2009), and Little Rock (November 2011), and g. Training involving civilian law enforcement and DoD personnel request a certified copy of all records in Cadet Command possession SGT Juwan L. Johnson FP-13-013846 Boyle Carol 2/26/2013 Granted FP-13-013848 Hart Cassamdr a 2/26/2013 Granted Request contract associated w/ Solicitation #, W31P4Q05R0328. (contract number W31P4Q06C0490) Ststement of Findings for permit 2010-00975 FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 202 of 1088 FP-13-013849 FP-13-013850 Myers Bingham Derrick Clifton 2/26/2013 Granted 2/26/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-013852 FP-13-013854 FP-13-013857 Fabri Payne Gard Amy Thomas Jeannine 2/26/2013 Administratively Closed 2/26/2013 Granted 2/26/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-013859 Colson Clay 2/15/2013 Granted FP-13-013884 Morais Betsy 2/26/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-013889 Howard Belinda 2/26/2013 Granted FP-13-013893 Wagner Dennis 2/20/2013 FP-13-013895 Giacomazzi Albert 2/26/2013 Granted FP-13-013896 Denney Joshua 2/26/2013 Granted FP-13-013897 Gorra Nicholas 2/26/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-013898 FP-13-013899 FP-13-013901 FP-13-013902 Watkins Montanez Gros Berthelot Gros Berthelot Margaret Blanca Alissa Alissa 2/26/2013 2/26/2013 2/26/2013 2/26/2013 Granted Granted Granted Granted JD letter SAC 2007-551 non disclosure, confidentiality agreements, USACE & Louisiana Permit File MPA Legacy Properties Contract Files Clarification of FOIA request regarding her son Andrew E. Cogswell. Questioning the redactions of the names Colonel Jackson's response to Congressman Bilirakis' 28 Jan 13 letter regarding the proposed Ridge Road Extension (RRE) permit application # SAJ-2011-00551 (IP-TEH). Requests exhibits X, Z, AN, AT, AU, AZ and a portion of BA of the 1975 IG Report on Dr. Van M. Sim (deceased). permit applications or permit related documents generated under the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899 prior to 1968 that relate to any Mobile refinery operations in Brooklyn, NY or New York City All 15-6 or other investigative reports on so-called GRAP (recruiting) fraud completed in the past year, as well as all records that document disciplinary or other actions stemming from the findings. This request specifically encompasses reports by Col. John Cloyd and/or investigator Ron Gardner. We are requesting copies of all bid documents submitted by ACE Construction that was the apparent low bidder for the above referenced project. This request is being made in accordance with the freedom of information act (FOIA). A copy of the bid abstract is attached for your use. Request for course related material for CAQC Class 03/042012 Request copy of the Endicott payment bond for the VMAC, Bedford, MA. PolyMet Communication and Coordination plan. MPR 2004-2011 Alto Mesa Services, LP Ponchartrain #1 Petrodome Operating, LLC HH Gueymard No. 001 FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 203 of 1088 FP-13-013903 Dozier Robert 2/25/2013 Requesting this office to review documents and Raw Data collected during 15-6 investigation conducted by Pete Horcasitas on August 20, 2012 into issues involving the IMCOM Public Affairs office and Strategic Communications. FP-13-013904 FP-13-013905 Bolling Barnett Alecia Chelsea 2/26/2013 Administratively Closed 2/26/2013 Granted FP-13-013906 Allgaier Jennifer 2/26/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-013908 Ledford Christoph er 2/26/2013 Administratively Closed AR 190-8. review to determine releasability. copy of 15-6 investigation ref the death of SSG Brent Barnette-Lamothe Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), Centurion Research Solutions requests (pdf soft copy if available) all contract modifications since MOD 5 for DASG60-02-C-0074. FOIA Request regarding Hellenic Army AH-64DHA Accident at Megara Army Airfield, Greece. Numbers 3-7 of the request. 3. All records regarding main rotor TEDLAR discoloration as described in letter MDHC, 06-DH-E13067747, dated September 22, 2006. 4. All documnets regarding the Armys evaluation and approval or disapproval of the use and installation of main rotors subject to TEDLAR discoloration as described in letter MDHC, 06-DH-E13067747, dated September 22, 2006. 5. All records referring or relating to the service history of main rotor blades subject to TEDLAR discoloration as described in letter MDHC, 06-DHE130-67747, dated September 22, 2006, as well as the US Armys evaluation of that service history. 6. Any maintenance work orders related to main rotor TEDLAR discoloration as described in letter MDHC, 06-DH-E130-67747, dated September 22, 2006. 7. Any field data reports related to main rotor TEDLAR discoloration as described in letter MDHC, 06-DH-E130-67747, dated September 22, 2006. FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 204 of 1088 FP-13-013909 Janes Margaret 2/26/2013 Denied in Part 1) We request the following documents listed below received during the time period from February 18, 2013 to present: a. Requests/notifications for withdrawal of previously filed 404 applications for surface mining operations in Kentucky. b. All notices, requests, or applications for coverage for coalmines, refuse or slurry impoundments under NW permits 21, 49 or 50. c. Any Corps authorizations including decision documents and facts and findings granted under NWP 21, 49 or 50 for activities in Kentucky or Tennessee. d. Any individual 404 permits including decision documents, facts and findings, and final CMPs for surface mining operations or refuse or slurry impoundments in Kentucky or Tennessee e. Any and all Environmental Information Documents received including amendments, revisions and/or appendices and any and all Compensatory Mitigation Plans including amendments, revisions and/or appendices related to coal mining operations submitted to the Corps for operations in Kentucky or Tennessee. f. All monitoring reports received by the Corps related to any mining compensatory mitigation plans for stream creation, enhancement, or restoration projects for 404 permits in KY. FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 205 of 1088 FP-13-013910 Chhean Chhunny 2/26/2013 Administratively Closed 1. Any applications, permits, or other authorizations – and any other associated documentation, including correspondence – relating to the breakwater structure(s) at Walker’s Dalrock Marina located north of I-30; 2. Any applications, permits, or other authorizations – and any other associated documentation, including correspondence – relating to the breakwater structures(s) at Bayview Marina located north of I-30; 3. Any documentation associated with U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Permit No. SWF-1987-00494, including permit, permit application, permit drawings, and any documents related to project modification; 4. Any documentation associated with USACE Permit No. SWF1991-00471, including permit, permit application, permit drawings, and any documents related to project modification; 5. Any notices of violation or other written allegation of violation(s) from USACE to Mr. Larry Walker through 1992; and 6. Any notices of violation or other written allegation of violation(s) from USACE to Mr. James Rosenberg from 1991 to present. FP-13-013912 Duprez 2/26/2013 Granted Customer requesting a copy of a police report FP-13-013913 Watch Christoph er Judicial 2/26/2013 Granted FP-13-013914 FP-13-013920 FP-13-013928 FP-13-013938 Drell Segovia Rickets Justice Ellen Blanca Troyland Michele 2/26/2013 2/26/2013 2/26/2013 2/26/2013 FP-13-013939 FP-13-013942 FP-13-013944 Staton Nagler Hummell Joseph Gabe Dennis 2/26/2013 Granted 2/26/2013 Granted 2/26/2013 Granted FP-13-013947 FP-13-013951 Hogan Coggin Nicole Daniel 2/26/2013 Granted 2/26/2013 Granted FP-13-013958 Walker Winter 2/26/2013 Granted All communications respecting sequestration, including wheteher to develop contingency plans Willits Went through a stop sign and caused accident Identity Theft / Forged check Chula Vista Channel Project Nogales Wash Channel Construction, Solicitation # W912PL-12-B-0008, DD1155 and SF1413, proposed construction schedule Request for MP Rpt Historical dredging records Information only - traffic mishap. Rear ended car at stop sign. Bathymetry and hydrographic data. looking for numerical amounts of data related to wetland impacts in the State of Delaware. The requester is requesting a Military Police Report pertaining to incident which occurred 21 Janusry 2013. Granted Granted Granted Administratively Closed FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 206 of 1088 FP-13-013968 Barnes Khaliah 2/26/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-013973 MAPLES JEFFREY 2/26/2013 Granted FP-13-013975 FP-13-013979 Hills Garcia Shannon Lisette 2/26/2013 Administratively Closed 2/26/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-013980 Santino Wendi 2/26/2013 Granted FP-13-013981 Brady Rob 2/26/2013 Granted FP-13-013982 Gerstenberger Jane 2/26/2013 Granted FP-13-013983 FP-13-013986 Soders Messineo Kevin Carl 2/26/2013 Administratively Closed 2/26/2013 FP-13-013989 LeCounte Antuan 2/26/2013 Granted FP-13-013993 Carlile Christoph er 2/26/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-013994 FP-13-013995 Estabrook Gremminger Alyssa Larry 2/26/2013 Granted 2/26/2013 Granted FP-13-013996 FP-13-014007 FP-13-014009 Burgess Love Berthelot J. Kerry Robert Alissa 2/26/2013 Denied in Part 2/26/2013 Granted 2/26/2013 Granted FP-13-014010 Ragsdale Jennifer 2/26/2013 Granted Referral docs #20120705-20120712, one doc (two pgs) contracts, instruction, policies, and/or procedures that include provision concerning the capability of AIT body scanners deployed at USSS protective sites to obsure, degrade, store, transmit reproduce, retain, or delete images of individuals, etc. JEFFREY MAPLES Request for MP Rpt Request for documents pertaining to develop contingency plans for Sequestration of automatic spending cuts and secret cells being developed. Contract # W912J7-11-C-0004 Project 160127 Fixed Tactical Internet LarKor Construction Company, Inc. Orginal RFP, vendor response to RFP, any modification to W9124P12FD860. Please notify if exceeds $50.00 Records related to Regulatory Action SPK-2001-75308 (Durango Regulatory Field Office) Wetland determination Referral from NGB pertaining to Domestic Operations by US Military with police Info only - traffic mishap. Rear ended vehicle at stop sign. All matters including procedures and protocol followed during the allegations made in relation to case number XG12-0181 Stolen IOTV • Two examples of “Letters of Credit” provided by mitigation banking sponsors to address regulatory requirements for financial assurance (specific financial and provider information can be redacted). City of Oxford Request for MP Rpt All permits, individual or NWPs issued to Colonial Pipeline Company from 1960 through 1981. POS Information one month on 428, 424, and 426 FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 207 of 1088 FP-13-014015 Sanders Richard 2/27/2013 Denied in Part All documents pertaining to 15-6 investigation conducted by MAJ Emerson w/SGM Richard A. Sanders to include a document index if available. If material w/held under FOIA, a list of info withheld and mark any deleted sections. List of specific exemptions for deletions.NI contacted RP that he is not satisfied with the installation release. FP-13-014030 FP-13-014031 FP-13-014033 Santos Powers Garcia Rose William Lisette 2/27/2013 Administratively Closed 2/27/2013 Granted 2/27/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-014034 FAJARDO JANA 2/27/2013 Granted FP-13-014035 Ahern Sean 2/27/2013 Granted FP-13-014037 Lewis Allen 2/27/2013 Denied in Full FP-13-014040 Williams Grant 2/27/2013 Granted FP-13-014041 Lipinski Galland Stephanie 2/14/2013 Administratively Closed W912BU-12Z0006 Sections L and M of RFP William E. Powers Judicial Watch is seeking records regarding Sequestration for time fram Jan 1, 2012 - 25 May 12. HRC REFERRED REQUEST FOR DATA ON THE CURRENT AGE DEMOGRAPHICS IN THE ARMY Philly to Sea dredging - daily reports, pay estimates, surveys, etc. ARBA board proceedings for records pertaining to Feb 2010 and June 2011. Request copy of accident report pertaining to Margaret Hemphill Request documentation concerning payments made by Fort Lee and on its behalf for such personnel who visited Candlewood between 2007 and 2012. This includes, but not limited to the following: - documentation of the process of referrals/assignments to the lodging at Candlewood and records documenting such assignments; - invoices received from Candlewood regarding personnel who lodged/billeted Candlewood; - records of payment to made to Candlewood by Fort Lee and its agencies; and - printed materials, computer data and any other supporting documentation used to reconcile such invoices and payments. FP-13-014042 FP-13-014043 FP-13-014044 FP-13-014045 Nexis Thornton Looper Brennan Lexis Meghan Jerri CPT Matthew 2/27/2013 2/27/2013 2/27/2013 2/27/2013 Granted Granted Granted Administratively Closed MPR 0586-2013 15-6 of Suicide of SM 15-6 of Suicide of SM Legal Reivew of AR 15-6 conducted by CPT D'Angelo and Legal Review of FLIPL Investigation. FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 208 of 1088 FP-13-014048 Oliva Claudia 2/27/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-014049 FP-13-014050 Crawford Jones Chad Terryl 2/27/2013 Granted 2/25/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-014051 FP-13-014052 FP-13-014053 FP-13-014054 Van Alstine Santos Shea Vocht Nathaniel Rose Daniel Ron 2/27/2013 2/4/2013 2/27/2013 2/25/2013 FP-13-014055 MYERS JEFFRY 2/27/2013 Denied in Full Granted Administratively Closed Granted Denied in Part # of Soldiers arriving at Fort Carson for 2007 through 2012 \ # of auto accidents involving Soldiers due to alcohol same time period \ Age of Soldiers \ Soldiers rank \ Soldiers years of service \ Age of Civilian (if involved in the accident \ Speed of veh involved \ seat belt usage \ location of accident (type of street or highway) MPR of auto vs.pedestrian that occured on 18 Oct 2012. Any citations. Any cease and desist or correction letters for NWW-2012-263-B03 Nathaniel Van Alstine DPG Contract No. W911S6-09-D-0001 Larceny of Government property - TA-50. All documents, e-mails, and meeting notes, including earlier revisions, regarding the determination (both general and specific) of the boundaries of the Burbank Heights Limited Development Area as depicted on the map A-8 in Appendix A of the McNary Shoreline Management Plan dated January 2012. Also requested is: 1). Any information specifically used in the determination of the starting and ending points of the yellow line superimposed on the aerial photograph which is represented by map A-8 of the above plan. 2). A copy of the Army Corps of Engineers governing procedure for developing, routing and approving this plan including documents which describe the roles, responsibilities and authorities regarding those individuals with development, submittal, review and approval authority for the document and its attachments/maps. W15P7T12R2698 FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 209 of 1088 FP-13-014057 Hamilton Liz 2/26/2013 Denied in Part Documents relating to the FCRPS Fish Counting Contract. Specifically, all documentation that will describe the small business preference policies and criteria that formed the basis for the decision. All proposals from perspective contractors and bids recieved pertating to this contract. All emails sent and received by the Corps staff pertaining to the awarding of this contract including correspondence from all bidders as well as the successful bidder. A copy of the final contract awarded to Normandea Associates including all performacne measures and delieverables. Any and all correspondence and emails that pertain to comsultation with the fisheries managers prior to and subsequent to the awarding of the contract. FP-13-014059 FP-13-014060 FP-13-014063 FP-13-014064 FP-13-014065 Osterloh Wintle Smenos Murphy NUSSBAUM 2/26/2013 2/13/2013 2/12/2013 2/27/2013 2/27/2013 Drawings Military Police Report (MPR) Military Poilce Report (MPR) D&A Packet from 6 Aug 12 and 29 Jun 12. Arista Power, Inc Contract information FP-13-014066 FP-13-014068 Murphy WOLF Michael Penny Stacy James CAROLY N James ISAAC FP-13-014069 Verheyden-Hillard Mara 2/19/2013 Granted FP-13-014074 COLLINS 2/27/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-014076 FP-13-014077 FP-13-014078 Robinson Caplis Duke MAUREE N James John Todd FP-13-014079 FP-13-014080 Winick Bryant Dan Clay 2/27/2013 Administratively Closed 2/5/2013 Granted Granted Granted Granted Denied in Part Denied in Full 2/27/2013 Denied in Part 2/27/2013 Administratively Closed 2/27/2013 Granted 2/26/2013 Administratively Closed 2/27/2013 Granted 6 Aug 12 D&A Board REQUESTED COPIES OF CONTRACT NUMBERS W91QF506P0004 AND W91QF507P0004 DoD concultation and coordination with municpal, state and/or local police agencies within the United States. W15P7T-10-D-D413 Request for MP Rpt Investigative records Documents related to W91238-11-C-0005, RQ Construction, Inc. TACSWACAA contract Geotechnical data near Wilkerson Point FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 210 of 1088 FP-13-014081 Janes Margaret 2/26/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-014083 FP-13-014085 Sutherland Goodwin Justin Robert 2/27/2013 Granted 2/26/2013 Granted FP-13-014086 Laws Marvin 2/27/2013 Granted FP-13-014091 Hall Ralph 2/26/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-014092 Stacy Samantha 2/27/2013 Denied in Part To the extent not already responsive, in reference to the Coal-Mac Mine, LRH-2008-00830, SMCRA No. S500607: any and all monitoring data and/or reports submitted to the Corps pursuant to the permit requirements, and any and all other communications including, but not limited to, letters, reports, emails and or approvals to fill streams including, but not limited to, those communications between the Corps and Coal Mac about the above noted mine. Requests/notifications received from January 2010 to present for withdrawal of previously filed 404 applications for surfacing mining operations in West Virginia. To the extent not already responsive, any and all monitoring data and or reports submitted to the Corps pursuant to the permit requirements for the Consol of Kentucky, Peg Fork Mine, Corps Number 2006-2295 KAN. To the extent not already responsive, any and all other communications including, but not limited to, those communications between the Corps and Consol about the above noted Peg Fork Mine from January 2010 to present. Any and all preliminary or final information including, but not limited to, articles, reports, emails, phone Information on Military Star Account Copy of the administrative record for LRH-20I0-689-BCR, Davis Fork, Middle Ridge and Collins Fork Amendment JD BRAC AFR Squadron Operations/Life Support Facility, Tinker AFB, documents regarding installation of the roof, warranty or maintenance claims on the roof, correspondence regarding leaks or moisture intrusion, and evidence of repairs on roof, W912BV-08-C-2001. Any and all records relating to SAS file number 2012-00309. Information regarding storm water design as well as wetland and stream delineation, mitigation and permitting activities at 563 S. Crown Hill Road, Orrville, Ohio, Wayne County and 2168 S. Crown Hill Road and 1220 Schrock Road, Orrville, Ohio, Wayne County, from 2005 to 2012 (list of documentation bulleted) FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 211 of 1088 FP-13-014096 Rush Richard 2/27/2013 Granted 1. Phase 1 HTRW Assessment for Rush property/Comite Dirt Pit 2. Map of mitigation properties that shows the Comite Dirt Pit property. 3. Formal letter authorizing acquisition of Comite Dirt Pit property/Rush property. 4. Project Mitigation Plan for Comite Dirt Pit property/Rush property. 5. Wetlands Value Assessment (WVA) for Comite Dirt Pit/ Rush property. 6. Environmental and Cultural Resource Investigation for Comite Dirt Pit/Rush property 7. Environmental Assessment 222 FP-13-014101 FP-13-014102 Bosmans Lee Edward Curtis 2/27/2013 Granted 2/27/2013 Denied in Part Request for MP Rpt W912P8-09-C-0062 W912P8-10-C-0039 W912P8-10-C0007 W912P8-09-C-0105 1) a listing of all respondents (companies that submitted proposals); 2) a copy of the "Bidding Schedule" for each such company only when such company was determined to be one of the three best candidates for the projects; and 3) the final negotiated "Bidding Schedule" for the successful company to which the project was awarded. AND 1. The citations from the Act that authorized USACE to either request bids or proposals for publicly funded construction projects. 2. The citations from the Act that list the criteria that is to be considered when making such decision. 3. The CFR citations that implement Items 1 and 2 above. 4. USACE New Orleans District policy or procedure provisions (if different from Items 1, 2 and 3 above) that further clarifies the above listed questions. FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 212 of 1088 FP-13-014102 Lee Curtis 2/27/2013 Denied in Part W912P8-09-C-0062 W912P8-10-C-0039 W912P8-10-C0007 W912P8-09-C-0105 1) a listing of all respondents (companies that submitted proposals); 2) a copy of the "Bidding Schedule" for each such company only when such company was determined to be one of the three best candidates for the projects; and 3) the final negotiated "Bidding Schedule" for the successful company to which the project was awarded. AND 1. The citations from the Act that authorized USACE to either request bids or proposals for publicly funded construction projects. 2. The citations from the Act that list the criteria that is to be considered when making such decision. 3. The CFR citations that implement Items 1 and 2 above. 4. USACE New Orleans District policy or procedure provisions (if different from Items 1, 2 and 3 above) that further clarifies the above listed questions. FP-13-014104 FP-13-014106 Baker Bingham Mike Clifton 2/27/2013 Administratively Closed 2/25/2013 Granted Copy of the Army Behavioral Health Task Force Report. All non-disclosme agreements, confidentiality agreements, and any other agreements entered into between the State of Louisiana and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and/or its contractors from 2001 to present, which may be construed to prohibit, restrict, limit, condition, or in any other way burden the public dissemination of information either received or generated by the State of Louisiana associated with any partnership, cost-share, cooperative endeavor or other project-related agreement. The latest version of any report or analysis developed by the USACE regarding, associated with, or otherwise mentioning known, potential, or alleged pile bending moment, or settlement issues oft-walls and levees associated with the following USACE hurricane protection projects: Lake Pontchartrain and Vicinity (LPV) 145; LPV - 146; LPV - 148.02; and The latest version of any report or analysis regarding settlement of levees associated with USACE project LPV- 109.02 FP-13-014109 Chilli Frank 2/27/2013 Granted FP-13-014110 MacDanel Patrick 2/20/2013 Granted All contracts and modifications since MOD 5 of contract number DASG60-02-C-0074. Various data concerning levee crossing for Power Plant Pipeline Project near Avoca Island FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 213 of 1088 FP-13-014111 FP-13-014114 FP-13-014115 Swanson Swanson Massineo Annie Annie Carl 2/26/2013 Administratively Closed 2/26/2013 Administratively Closed 2/27/2013 Granted FP-13-014116 FP-13-014117 FP-13-014118 Sobotta Shuffield MacLean James Lynn Jena 2/27/2013 Granted 2/27/2013 Granted 2/27/2013 Granted FP-13-014119 Ashman Bryan 2/27/2013 Granted FP-13-014120 FP-13-014121 Zych Garcia Doug Ana 2/27/2013 Granted 2/27/2013 Granted FP-13-014122 Couwenberg Maarten 2/27/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-014123 Zultoski Elizabeth 2/27/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-014124 Ward Larry 2/27/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-014125 McClellan Jean 2/28/2013 Granted FP-13-014126 FP-13-014127 Eliassen Allen Adria Shane 2/28/2013 Administratively Closed 2/28/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-014128 Baker Mike 2/28/2013 Granted FP-13-014129 Rosenfeld Shelly 2/28/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-014130 FP-13-014131 MARTINEZ Chalpin MARIA Mark 2/28/2013 Granted 2/28/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-014132 Hatcher Christoph er 2/28/2013 Administratively Closed Historical Maintenance Historical Maintenance Records Records pertaining to domestic exercises, missions, or operations in support of Civil Domestic Response MPR 172-13 MPR 166-13 Records Related to Regularoty Action 199900425, Enterprise Rancheria Copy of the wetland and stream delineation as submitted to and approved by USACE and a copy of the Strip 2 Improvement Plans with limits of the proposed wetland and stream impacts for file 2012-00361 Historical Maintenance Records Request of pet related incident at subordinate installation. Copy of Signed Agreement and Subcontractor List; W912PL13-B-0001, Santa Maria Valley Levees-Bradley Canyon Levee Records concerning Kiewit/General Manson and the Kenmore Navigational Channel Ship canal tidelands or lands within the Right of Way of the LWSC Copy of MP Report pertaining to an accident on 22 Jan 13 (MPR 00119-2013). Contract W9124D-11-T-0228. All reports detailing all expenses related to the court martial and pre-trail article 32 hearings regarding MAJ Hasan, money paid to MAJ Hasan since his arrest for the Fort Hood shooting. A copy of the Army Behavioral Health Task Force report, including the detailed findings and recommendations. Contract regarding Harmonlogic LLC (Army 11-050 Selected Award). POLICE REPORT MPR # 00031-2013 MPC 253 Each project within the RCI Family Housing Program, development and soft cost summary submitted to PAM from 2003 - present. Contract W912P8-08-C-0038. FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 214 of 1088 FP-13-014133 Smith Doug 2/28/2013 Administratively Closed Records generated by the 4th Battalion, 23rd Infantry Regiment, 172nd Stryker Brigade Combat Team during deployment in Iraq from Oct 1, 2006 through the end of the deployment. Investigation regarding abductionand murder of worker at a meat processing facility in Al Aamel Baghdad. FP-13-014134 Kownacki Matthew 2/28/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-014135 FP-13-014136 FP-13-014137 Davis Berger Morgan 2/28/2013 Granted 2/28/2013 Administratively Closed 2/28/2013 Granted FP-13-014138 Chilli Yolanda J.M. Christoph er Frank All records regarding or relating to Army personnel appearing with First Lady Michelle Obama in the Diplomatic room of the White House to present the Academy Award for best picture on Feb 24, 2013. Request for MP Rpt Referred documents case number NW 30914 (Berger). Request information on location of Mr. Nicolas Pedercini in reference to Child Support Information pertaining to contract that was awarded sole sorce to L-3 Communictions under RFP W911W6-12-R0010: 1. Meeting minutes from official meetings regarding the subject contract 2. copy of sole source J&A 3. Any market research 4. copy of L-3's technical proposal 5. copy of L-3's pricing proposal 6. RFP 7. SOW 8. copies of any specs associated w/ the contract 9. any docs on how this addresses the Beyond Line of Sight (BLOS)Command and Control (C2) program and or requirements 10. Gov Acquistion strategy PLan 11. Listing of data produced on the contract and the associated government rights Cost estimate if over $150.00 FP-13-014139 Ramy Forogh 2/28/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-014140 Clark Jason 2/28/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-014141 Braden Anna 2/28/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-014143 FP-13-014145 FP-13-014147 FP-13-014149 FP-13-014151 FP-13-014153 Person Santos Santos Santos Santos Santos Robert Rose Rose Rose Rose Rose 2/28/2013 2/28/2013 2/28/2013 2/28/2013 2/28/2013 2/28/2013 2/28/2013 Administratively Closed Denied in Part Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Copy of documents pertaining to SPC Ramy final counterintellignece screnning interview, documents which contain the reason she failed. Request a copy of records related to TSOAC/ATLC AR 15-6 Investigation. Copy of contract number, W31P4Q-08-C-0418 and all modifications Notify if fees exceed $500. D&A Boards since confinement. W15P7T-12-C-A221 (W15P7T-11-R-H283) W15P7T-09-D-P012 W15P7T-09-D-P013 W15P7T-09-D-P014 W15QKN-06-C-0130 FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 215 of 1088 FP-13-014155 FP-13-014160 Stewart Garrard 2/28/2013 Granted 2/27/2013 Granted Request for MP Rpt MP-Report Traffic Accident Sciarretta Morrison Phillip Christoph er Andrew Bruce FP-13-014169 FP-13-014171 2/28/2013 Granted 2/24/2013 Granted FP-13-014174 FP-13-014176 FP-13-014177 FP-13-014180 Sharp Hanley Hagood Schexnayder Pamela Robert Ben Jesse 2/28/2013 2/28/2013 1/29/2013 2/28/2013 Request for MP Rpt Requesting a list of permits issued from Jan 1, 2008 to Dec 31, 2011. Permit 23863 Wetland delineation and/or permits on Nan Ya Plastics. File 77-3A-209 Any and all completed investigations, to include supporting documentation, findings, and recommendations conducted by the US Army, Space and Missile Defense Command, or the 100th Missile Defense Brigade into any alleged misconduct of LTC Joseph Miley (the current commander of the 49th Missile Defense Battalion), his spouse, or pertaining to the command climate of the 49th Missile Defense Battalion. For investigations meeting the above criteria that are currently ongoing, consider this letter to be a continuing request for information necessary to respond to legal actions against me. I request a copy of any such investigations upon completion. Please limit your search of the above item(s) to the period from 2004 to 2013. FP-13-014184 Holleman Frank 1/30/2013 Granted FP-13-014185 Holley Charles 2/28/2013 Granted FP-13-014194 Root Shaun 2/28/2013 Granted FP-13-014198 Fudge Starlet 2/28/2013 Granted FP-13-014199 FP-13-014202 FP-13-014203 Murdock Stevens de Sieyes Spencer William Rorie 2/28/2013 Granted 2/28/2013 Granted 2/28/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-014204 FP-13-014205 Myers Caldwell Derrick Brenda 2/28/2013 Granted 2/26/2013 Granted Administratively Closed Granted Granted Administratively Closed 4 Regulatory Files, Greemville School District, Cox, Landing At Harts Lane, and Cushman Enterprises. Provide documents relating to a complaint made by the Shoalwater Bay Indian Tribe, or others, in February 2013, regarding the farming/shell disposal/composting activities on the Larsons' real property located in Tokeland, Pacific County, WA. Request for copies of Military Police Reports 1013-2010MPC-023 and 7593-2010-MPC-023. Request for a copy of Military Police Report 00319-2006MPC023. Request for MP Rpt Police Report Request for a copy of any and all records pertaining to the death of PFC Christopher D. Lundquist. JD letter Request personnel and medical records Sarah Swadley. FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 216 of 1088 FP-13-014206 Buquet Kristoffer 2/28/2013 Administratively Closed Request for a copy of a 15-6 Investigation into the climate and state of discipline with the 3rd Battalion, 504th PIR while deployed in Kosovo from September 1999 - March 2000. FP-13-014207 FP-13-014208 FP-13-014212 FP-13-014216 Little Howe McHugh Fenster Allan Warren Mike Herbert 2/28/2013 2/28/2013 2/28/2013 2/28/2013 FP-13-014220 Diaz Jose 2/26/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-014222 Meyer Ed 2/28/2013 Denied in Part Copy of the Current Full Food Service Contract. Historical Maintenance Records POS for 437 for only 4 months Contract documents related to KBR Litigation. DFOIPO Case Number 13-L-0079 AR 15-6 investigation into the death of son (SGT Joseph L. Diaz Jr.) 1.Talbot Construction reports in response to Exh F Paragragh 3 of contract since 2000. 2. documetnation showing Talbot complied with paragragh 20 of contract. 3. documetnation showing KO written consent to salvage anymaterials per contract paragragh 22b. 4. Progress reports submitted by Talbot as required by 32a. 5. AAFES COI as required in paragragh 46a/copy of closeout documents as required parag. 1.3 and 1.4 6. Copy of "specified noties" filed by Talbot shoing intention to withold payment to subcontractors as requird in paragraph 45 h. 7. parage 1.22 - photographs of project. 8. meeting minutes or project Administratively Closed Granted Granted Granted FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 217 of 1088 FP-13-014224 McEnery Joseph 2/28/2013 Administratively Closed I am requesting data from 1990 to present regarding all vessel travel on Lake Erie within five miles of our two nuclear plants. Necessary information for travel data includes vessel types and travel frequency as well as cargo types and frequency along with any other available information. The two plants in question are listed below: Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station 5501 Ohio 2 Oak Harbor, Ohio 43449 Global Coordinates: 41.597200, -83.086917 Perry Nuclear Power Plant 10 Center Road North Perry, Ohio 44077 Global Coordinates: 41.797152, -81.145921 * Please provide me with whatever data is available that meets the above criterion. This data will be used in the update of an external events probabilistic risk assessment for Perry Nuclear Power Plant and Davis Besse Nuclear Power Station, owned by FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company, in accordance with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission's Regulatory Requirements: 10 CFR Part 50.34, 10 CFR Part 100, 10 CFR Part 100.10. FP-13-014226 Streets Nydia 2/28/2013 Granted Request copies of documents regarding civilian personnel records of Lydia M. Andrews, GS13. FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 218 of 1088 FP-13-014230 Patterson John 2/27/2013 Granted FP-13-014233 Bryson J.W. (Win) 2/28/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-014238 FP-13-014240 FP-13-014242 FP-13-014244 FP-13-014247 FP-13-014249 Causey Ball Castillo Bartush Bryant Hayes Steven Kellie Antonio Ryan Mario Linda 2/28/2013 2/27/2013 2/27/2013 2/28/2013 2/28/2013 2/28/2013 FP-13-014252 FP-13-014258 Branson Ritter Steven Justin 2/28/2013 Granted 2/28/2013 Granted FP-13-014259 FP-13-014260 FP-13-014261 McAlister McAlister Ricker Kip Kip Nok-Noi 2/28/2013 Granted 2/28/2013 Administratively Closed 2/28/2013 Granted FP-13-014262 Adler Jene 2/28/2013 Denied in Full Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Administratively Closed a. Please provide to me the complete unedited body of evidence related to my Reduction Board for Inefficiency, to include ALL documents, notes, summaries, recordings, overhead slides(Power Points), all materials presented and/or used by the State of Ohio ARNG prosecution and/or seen or heard by the board members during the Reduction Board for Inefficiency of John. A Patterson convened on 5 Dec 2012, 12 Jan 2013, and 13 Jan 2013 per Cpt Klein's 16 Nov 2012 Memorandum (Encl 2). b. Additionally, I request all notes and summaries of the numerous discussions by and between any member of the board and prosecution with BG Kelly, COL Auckland, MAJ Swade or any member of the Ohio Army National Guard before, during, and after each of the dates mentioned above. Request a copy of all emails containing information, discussions, evidence, etc. regarding this case, to include emails to or from the TAG, ATAG, State JAG's office, or any other emails sent or received to any person regarding this case. 2. Under initial discovery of evidence and prior to the Board convening on 5 Dec 2012, I requested LTC Lam's full report and summary of his Commander's inquiry / investigation directed by the Chief-ofRequested for the "US Army Quartermaster Generals Office ROsters of World Warr II Dead" record (form) regarding his uncle S/SGT John T DOrris, PgP, PA. Request for MP rpt MPR 0664-2013 MPR 0655-2013 MPR 0709-2013 KBR litigation documents. Requested a copy of the 15-6 investigation on herself conducted on or about November 2012 from IMCOM G-9 Human Resources Office. Old beachfill requests price per mile for boundary line painting and maintenance for last 5 years at Wappapello Lake Project Permit File if any Nan Ya Plastics, Lake City Permit file L.M. Godwin Ms. Nok-Noi Ricker request a copy of information reqarding the death of SSG Jessica Wing. THC Permit 2463 FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 219 of 1088 FP-13-014263 FP-13-014264 Bednar McEnery Mia Joseph 2/27/2013 Administratively Closed 2/28/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-014265 FP-13-014267 Fraiser MacDonald Caleb Karen 2/28/2013 Granted 2/14/2013 Granted FP-13-014268 FP-13-014269 FP-13-014270 FP-13-014271 FP-13-014272 FP-13-014273 FP-13-014274 FP-13-014275 FP-13-014276 FP-13-014277 Baldock Faust Verma Holden Holden Holden Hummell Hummell Lucido Bonner-Gantt Somer Adam Karishma H H H Dennis Dennis Frank Kimberly 2/28/2013 2/28/2013 2/28/2013 2/28/2013 2/28/2013 2/28/2013 2/28/2013 2/28/2013 2/28/2013 3/1/2013 FP-13-014278 Lewis (13-097) Steve 2/13/2013 Granted FP-13-014285 Howell-Wilcox LaQuita 3/1/2013 Denied in Full FP-13-014288 Patrick Martin 3/1/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-014289 FP-13-014290 Seck Rios Manny Walter 3/1/2013 Administratively Closed 3/1/2013 Granted FP-13-014295 Hogan Mr. & Mrs. Richard 3/1/2013 Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Administratively Closed Administratively Closed employment records for Kenton Spading Data from 1990 to present regarding all vessel travel on Lake Erie within five miles of two nuclear plants including vessel types and travel frequency as well as cargo tpes and frequency along with any other available information (Two plants in question are: 1) Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station, 5501 Ohio 2, Oak Harbor, Ohio 43449, Global Coordinates: 41.597200, -83.086917 and 2) Perry Nuclear Power Plant, 10 Center Road, North Perry, Ohio 44077, Global Coordinates: 41.797152, -81.145921) MPR 0508-2013 Department of the Army Sampling results for AEC Training Ordnance Emission Characterization, Phase II, Volumes I through V, prepared for the U.S. Army Environmental Center by Radian International LLC, Oak Ridge, TN, July 1999 Negligent driving 2nd degree Negligent driving 2nd degree MVA Non-injury. Failure to yield the right of way. Journal Entry #22 on 16 Oct 2012 Failure to yield the right of way at an intersection. Failure to yield to right of way Failure to yield the right of way when turning left. Napa River Flood Control Project Kimberly B. Bonner-Gantt (449-45-0484) PA Request regarding 15-6 SOF for Permit No. 199400807, Permittee: Board of Regents of the State University System of Florida, issued April 1995 AR 15-6 Investigation pertaining to her husband SPC Wilcox committed bigamy. Request for a copy of documents pertaining to the death of PFC Todd J. Patrick. AR 15-6 pertaining to PFC Matthew C. Biggers. POS for February on 493 and 497 for Conus, Europe Pacrim & Contingency 15-6 into the death of CPT Shawn Hogan for purpose of NOK brief. FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 220 of 1088 FP-13-014297 Blakeley Craig 3/1/2013 FP-13-014298 FP-13-014302 FP-13-014303 Cannella Taylor Grady James Finus James 3/1/2013 Administratively Closed 2/1/2013 Administratively Closed 3/1/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-014304 Doyle Michael 3/1/2013 Denied in Full FP-13-014307 McCulley Michael 3/1/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-014310 Meighan Ryan 3/1/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-014316 FP-13-014321 FP-13-014324 FP-13-014325 FP-13-014327 Andersen Moran Ahern Pang, Jr. Wiernicki Robert Danny Sean Paul Michele 3/1/2013 3/1/2013 3/1/2013 3/1/2013 3/1/2013 FP-13-014328 Owens Richard 3/1/2013 Granted FP-13-014329 Girzadas Richard 2/27/2013 Granted Administratively Closed Granted Granted Granted Granted Contract W52P1J-09-A-0012 and copies of all documents, correspondence, and any other records in the file of the contracting officer concerning the contract. M. P. Report pertaining to David Lyles vs Donny Kay HRM Testify request All operational unit records pertaining ot target tank events from May 1961 to Aug 1962. All MMTT work reports noted date and time of range events then processed by HQ 58th Infantry and sent forward to Thir Army HQ.Pictures to document MMT crew participation to show USAIS TEST Director Evidence to show progress in June 1961. Request for copy of Review of DOD Response to noncompliant Crime Laboratory Analyses CDID investigation pertaining to recent hiring actions within CDID for SCEA12522943, Combat Development Specialist, GS0301-13. Unredacted copy of M.P. Report pertaining to Mr. Mark Wilburn remediaiton and contamination "Hicksville Site" Contract 2012-00798 Contract 11-C-0026 Paul S. Pang, Jr. The requester is requesting a Military Police Report pertaining to an vehicle damage which occurred 15 February 2013. The requester is requesting a Military Police Report pertaining to an auto accident which occurred 28 January 2013. Any information related to CN bridge that crosses the Indiana Harbor Canal in East Chicago, Indiana. FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 221 of 1088 FP-13-014330 Janes Margaret 2/26/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-014338 FP-13-014343 Losee Burke Bruce Kenneth 3/1/2013 Granted 2/21/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-014347 Galland Stephanie 3/1/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-014349 FP-13-014350 FP-13-014351 FP-13-014352 FP-13-014354 FP-13-014356 Elliott Kime Elliot Allen Henry Kinsella Dan Kirsten Dan E Evielin George 3/1/2013 3/1/2013 3/1/2013 3/1/2013 3/1/2013 3/1/2013 FP-13-014357 Smilek Robert 3/1/2013 Granted FP-13-014358 Miller William 3/1/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-014361 FP-13-014362 FP-13-014363 FP-13-014364 Hummell Rubalcava Uchiyama Bauer Dennis Jennifer Akiko Brian 3/1/2013 3/1/2013 3/1/2013 3/1/2013 Granted Administratively Closed Granted Denied in Part Administratively Closed Granted Granted Granted Administratively Closed Administratively Closed All communications including letters, reports, emails, applications, CMPS, decision documents and or permits from May 6, 2009 to present between A&G Coal Co. in reference to the proposed Ison Rock Ridge mine; all requests received from Jan 2010 to present for withdrawal of previously filed 404 applications for surfacing mining operations in VA; any communications between the Norfolk District and USEPA related to coal mining from January 20, 2009 to present; with respect to coalmines, refuse or slurry impoundments, application docs and permits issued under NWP 21,49, 50; application docs and permits issued under section 404; Environmental Information documents; monitoring reports and mitigation plans for period 2/18/13 2/26/13 POS for 211 access for 10 months. Any and all contracts, subcontracts, subcontractor lists, vendor lists, and construction specifications for contract number DACA87-70-C-0013 for the construction project of the Safeguard Ballistic Missile Defense System (PAR and MSR) Facilities in the vicinity of Grand Forks, ND. Request documents on the process of referrals/assignments to the lodging at Candlewood and records documenting such assignments. dates and locations of deployment for 8 Soldiers wetland violations Request for home-of-records for 6 Soldiers the bidders names and amounts for W912DS-13-R-0005 MPR for accident on 28 Jan 2013 Info on all submarine power, telephone, telegraph cables in the entire St Marys Rv MI. the Protec Vibration Monitoring Reports that are being conducted at 17 Weiss Drive, Middlesex, NJ permits and or violations regarding the bulkhead and or ramp and floating dock attached to same; 2004 Bay Boulevard, Atlantic Beach, NY 11509 Failure to yield right of way Negligent driving 2nd degree MVA AR 15-6 Investigation conducted by U.S. Army War College. FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 222 of 1088 FP-13-014369 Threatt, Jr. Harold 3/1/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-014370 Carpenter Michael FP-13-014376 Martin Sasha FP-13-014378 Stoll C. 2/28/2013 Granted FP-13-014379 Stevens Patricia 2/27/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-014380 LaDart Halee, Sam, Debbie 2/21/2013 Granted Responsive Documents are part of an investigation that was initiated by US Army Crime Records Center but originated within our agency. Reviewing and recommending redactions on Exhibits 20, 23, and 25 of the investigation. FP-13-014382 Canvasser Jason 2/15/2013 Granted Documents concerning river depth, actual rainfall, projected rainfall, dam releases, restrictions on bage transportation, navigability of Missouri River, Ceres Consulting contracts, FP-13-014386 Deal #99085 Marvin 2/26/2013 Administratively Closed 4th request and I have no idea of what he is looking for besides the 13-0019 no record response which he appealed. FP-13-014387 Catlin Matthew FP-13-014388 Trevino #722977 Raul 2/27/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-014389 Winick Dan 3/1/2013 Administratively Closed 2/27/2013 Denied in Part 3/1/2013 Granted 3/1/2013 Granted Reuqesting access to records for a member of the 42nd Division during WWI - Crayton Maynardie Threatt of Lancaster, SC and possible unit locations of the 151st Field Artillery in France in 1918. Helicopter accident that occured on 6 Sep 11, aircraft number 70-15376, out of Shell Army Airfield. Four hours of time includes the coordination that was conducted with Phaedra to determine what TRADOC would have vs AMC and the Safety Center, proir to the IDA packet being sent. Information only. Traffic mishap. Opened car door while other vehicle was pulling in the space next to them. Vehicle 2 hit vehicle 1's door. "Documentation of the amount and date of all payments from the Corps of Engineers to JMR Construction Corp., from January 1, 20111 to present." Request for construction schedules, payrolls of Torgeson Electric, fringe benefit statement, conformances, request for conformance.apprenticeship documents and labor interviews requesting all means of communication between chain of command and Mindy Catlin, Cris Bernstein, Phil Bernstein and any legal representative employed by them from 1 Sep 2010 to 6 March 2013. RTC-350-1-2 Familiarization Plan(s) for Tactical Shotgunning Contract FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 223 of 1088 FP-13-014391 Carney James 2/27/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-014392 PALUMBO FP-13-014393 FP-13-014394 FP-13-014395 FP-13-014396 FP-13-014397 FP-13-014398 Green Leslie Tuner Moore Chilli Ekren CATHERI NE Ruthie Kevin Robert Kenneth Frank Timothy FP-13-014399 FP-13-014400 Chilli CHILLI Frank FRANK 3/1/2013 Administratively Closed 2/27/2013 Granted FP-13-014401 FP-13-014402 FP-13-014403 FP-13-014404 FP-13-014405 FP-13-014406 FP-13-014407 FP-13-014408 Chilli Chilli LITTLE SANTOS PORTZ CHILLI MMartin Coan Frank Frank ALLAN ROSE JOY FRANK Merrick Dennis 3/1/2013 3/1/2013 2/28/2013 2/28/2013 2/28/2013 3/1/2013 3/1/2013 3/4/2013 FP-13-014409 FP-13-014410 Santos Vasquez Rose Raymond 3/4/2013 Administratively Closed 3/4/2013 Granted FP-13-014412 McHale Stephen 3/4/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-014419 Tenebaum Ruth 3/4/2013 Administratively Closed Contract Contract Police Report Police Repot Contract W9127N-10-B-0002 Great Lakes Dredge & Dock contract, QCs, 27As, disposal logs, progress and final pay invoices, all serial letters Contract W911S0-09-D-0006, W911S0-09-D-0007, W911S0-09-D008, W911S0-09-D-009 Contract Contract Current Full Foood Services Contract at Fort Sill, OK W911SA08C0006 W911SE-07-D0004-F907 RFP W9124D-13-Q-5036 MP-Report Traffic Accident Request documents from DOCPER in ref: Notification of Final Approval against the request for "technical expert" Request copy of contract #W912PF12R0072. Request of documents from 15-6 investigation to be released to parents. FBI FOI/PA #1195055-000, Re: Stuart A. Ferency Security Clearance Denial FBI FOIA #1201913-000 - docs Re: Conant, James Bryant FP-13-014422 Reisch George 3/4/2013 Administratively Closed FBI FOIA #1201580-000 - Docs RE: Conant, James Bryant FP-13-014432 Melton Paula 3/4/2013 Administratively Closed Emails regarding Army Green Bldg policies and regulations sent between the US Army's office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Installations, Energy & Environment between January 1, 2007 - February 15, 2013. FP-13-014433 Vogler Richard 3/4/2013 Administratively Closed Recent Treatment Summary 3/1/2013 Granted 3/1/2013 3/1/2013 3/1/2013 3/1/2013 3/1/2013 3/1/2013 Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Granted Granted Administratively Closed Granted Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Denied in Part Administratively Closed Denied in Full Granted Granted MEC records and operational histsory for the Spring Valley FUDS in Washington DC from 1917-1993. W911SF-11-C-0057 FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 224 of 1088 FP-13-014435 Tann N 3/4/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-014437 Biby Mary 3/4/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-014439 McRae Heather 3/4/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-014441 FP-13-014442 FP-13-014444 Forsman Miller Murray Todd Paul John 3/4/2013 Administratively Closed 3/4/2013 Administratively Closed 3/4/2013 Granted FP-13-014446 FP-13-014447 FP-13-014448 FP-13-014449 Besherse Xiong Xiong Leslie Candace Abraham Abraham Kevin 3/4/2013 3/4/2013 3/4/2013 3/4/2013 FP-13-014451 FP-13-014453 FP-13-014457 Laws Mayer Doszale 3/4/2013 Administratively Closed 3/4/2013 Administratively Closed 3/4/2013 Granted FP-13-014460 FP-13-014461 FP-13-014463 FP-13-014464 Burke Jaramillo FUNK Koester Amy Luann Christoph er Justina Marlin WILLIAM Chemaine Unit history 299th Eng Battalion, Company D from Nov 1990 April 1991, (Keith D. Johnson). Activities of the 21st Military Police Company from Sep 1990 March 1991. 15-6 investigation conducted at Camp Nathan Smith Afghanistan date range 10 Oct 2012 - 15 Jan 2013. Unit 2nd Brigade, 2nd Inf Div, 8-1 Cav Sq, 572nd Military Intelligence Company. MPR 00191-2013-MPC338. 15-6 investigation located at JBLM in the SJAG office. hydraulic or hydologic data or modeling program used by USACE to predict lower pool stages at the Emsworth Dams, whether that data or model is for the channels separately or collectively. Show Cause proceedings involving LTC Walker. Contract DABK0103D0003. Contract W9133L07F0119. Amount of money O&M money allocated for each Army installation for FY 2013. Contract W15P7T-05-R-E401. Information regarding a US Army civilian Mr. Barrath. MPR 2170-12 3/4/2013 3/4/2013 3/4/2013 3/4/2013 Request for MP Rpt Request for MP rpt W15P7T-05-D-J208 Permit 2011-00251 FP-13-014465 Plemmons Mark 3/4/2013 Granted FP-13-014466 FP-13-014468 Cox Morais Douglas Betsy 3/4/2013 Administratively Closed 3/4/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-014470 Civil Justice Fund 3/4/2013 Granted FP-13-014478 Schaller Partnershi p for Charles Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Granted Granted Denied in Part Granted 3/1/2013 Administratively Closed The requester is requesting a Military Police Report in reference to MPC 001642011. Referred documents case number CONF-0108-2012. IG Investigation pertaining to Dr. Van M. Sim - adverse information. An IG report into Facts and Circumstances surrounding the death of Harold Blauer at NY State Psychiatric Institute. FOIA request from Partnership for Civil Justice Fund Request for records related to permit for Four Seasons at Kent Island - CENAB-OP-R (2000-604653-3). FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 225 of 1088 FP-13-014481 Stanford Mia 2/21/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-014482 Petryfus Dianna 3/4/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-014483 FP-13-014484 Luna Petrytus Celia Dianna 3/4/2013 Granted 3/4/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-014487 Petrytus Dianna 3/4/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-014488 Janes Margaret 3/4/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-014491 Hoppin Jason 3/4/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-014495 FP-13-014499 Shannon Salazar Misti Malik 3/4/2013 Granted 3/4/2013 Granted FP-13-014500 FP-13-014501 Reid Clark Allen David 3/4/2013 Granted 3/4/2013 Granted Requesting a copy of the environmental baseline study and remediation that was completed in 1997 for referenced property, 185 15th Avenue, Rockford, IL (PIN 11-34-276003). Requester is currently in the process of doing a Phase I Assessment on the property behalf of the Rockford Park District. Contract W912BV-12-C-0012, case number OKC-1, Tactical Eq Maintenance Facility. Request for MP Rpt ContRACT w912bv-12-c-0006, case number OKC-2, Mission Command Training Center. Contract W912BV-12-C-0012, case number OKC3,Reception BN Complex. To the extent not already responsive, in reference to the Coal-Mac Mine, LRH-2008-00830, SMCRA No. S500607: any and all monitoring data and/or reports submitted to the Corps pursuant to the permit requirements, and any and all other communications including, but not limited to, letters, reports, emails and or approvals to fill streams including, but not limited to, those communications between the Corps and Coal Mac about the above noted mine. Requests/notifications received from January 2010 to present for withdrawal of previously filed 404 applications for surfacing mining operations in West Virginia. To the extent not already responsive, any and all monitoring data and or reports submitted to the Corps pursuant to the permit requirements for the Consol of Kentucky, Peg Fork Mine, Corps Number 2006-2295 KAN. To the extent not already responsive, any and all other communications including, but not limited to, those communications between the Corps and Consol about the above noted Peg Fork Mine from January 2010 to present. Any and all preliminary or final information including, but not limited to, articles, reports, emails, phone Audio, video records, court calendars relating to any and all corut martial materials of Jeremy Peter Goulet. Request for MP Rpt Requested a copy of the 15-6 Investigation on the death of his Father, SSG Mark L. Salazar II. Request for Military Police Report 00256-2013-MPC053. 4 regulatory files FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 226 of 1088 FP-13-014502 FP-13-014503 FP-13-014504 Express Nexis Green Ensearch Lexis Scott 3/4/2013 Administratively Closed 3/4/2013 Granted 3/4/2013 Granted MPR for Deborah Patterson that occurred 9-7-12 0763-2013 Accident Prevention Plans for the Dover projects; any Safety Plans for past bidders for the Dover project; Dover Projects regarding the mowing, maintenance, janitorial services, etc. FP-13-014505 Green Ruthie 3/4/2013 Granted FP-13-014506 Petrytus Dianna 3/4/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-014508 Santos Rose 3/4/2013 Granted FP-13-014510 Selfridge George 3/1/2013 Granted FP-13-014511 Kostas Steven 2/27/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-014512 FP-13-014513 FP-13-014514 FP-13-014515 FP-13-014516 FP-13-014517 FP-13-014518 Wilson Penland Santos Momchilovich Carn Nunn Jr Bell Jerome Stacy Rose Gayle Brian Willie Zachary 3/4/2013 3/4/2013 3/4/2013 3/4/2013 3/1/2013 2/28/2013 3/4/2013 FP-13-014519 Barrow Irene 3/4/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-014520 FP-13-014522 FP-13-014524 FP-13-014526 FP-13-014535 FP-13-014540 Tims Hewett Ey Alhamami Johnson Weedon Timothy David Edward Ehab Michael Brian 3/4/2013 3/4/2013 3/4/2013 3/4/2013 3/4/2013 3/4/2013 FP-13-014542 FP-13-014544 Beauchamp Gann Joshua Timothy 3/4/2013 Granted 3/4/2013 Granted Contract No. W911RP-12C-005 - Disposal of Hazardous Waste Contract W912BV-12-C-002, case number OKC-5, THAAD Instructional Facility. W52P1J-07-D-0009 - contract modifications (clearly releasable documents are acceptable for this request) A copy of the Master Plan and Plat for the Dorn Fishing Facility at Thurmond Lake, SC. Records of all submitted DD Form 2400, DD Form 2401 and DD Form 2402. Civil Aircraft Landing Permits from January 2000 to date of request. Request for MP rpt contract - Kwajalein range Service contracts Wetands Compensatory Mitigation Bank Files, C Co., 2nd EN Bn, 2nd IF Div. Questions/Responses ANAD FOIA Request Mr Nunn records related to deep ripping and Borden Ranch Partnership case Questions sent by Richard Perry to the Kane county Water Conservance District in January 2013 and responses to the questions. Military Police Report Military Police Report Military Police Report Military Pollice Report MPR 5681-2012 all available documents related to the wounding of my greatgreat grandfather, George Washington Weeden (or Weedon), during the Battle of the Wilderness (5/5 5/7/1864) through his subsequent death (5/19/1864) and burial at Arlington National Cemetery MPR 0668-2013 Request for MP rpt Granted Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 227 of 1088 FP-13-014545 FP-13-014547 Aguilar Marrero Tyson Joel 3/4/2013 Granted 3/4/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-014549 FP-13-014551 Keith Janes Lindsay Margaret FP-13-014553 FP-13-014558 FP-13-014559 Clapsaddle Brown Stanford Bryan Cecil Mia 3/4/2013 Granted 3/4/2013 Administratively Closed 3/1/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-014560 Young Andrew 3/4/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-014568 Chalpin Mark 3/4/2013 Administratively Closed 2/28/2013 Administratively Closed 3/4/2013 Denied in Part Negligent Driving 2nd Degree appeal file, communications between the ABCMR, Army, and Department of Veterans affairs, regarding policies leading to promulgation of TSGIL, all communications reltating to the addition and interpretation ofthe terms traumatic injury, traumatic event, external force, and involuntary force Reguarding Shippment or Reciept of Herbicides 1) We request the following documents listed below received during the time period from February 26, 2013 to present: a. Requests/notifications for withdrawal of previously filed 404 applications for surface mining operations in Kentucky. b. All notices, requests, or applications for coverage for coalmines, refuse or slurry impoundments under NW permits 21, 49 or 50. c. Any Corps authorizations including decision documents and facts and findings granted under NWP 21, 49 or 50 for activities in Kentucky or Tennessee. d. Any individual 404 permits including decision documents, facts and findings, and final CMPs for surface mining operations or refuse or slurry impoundments in Kentucky or Tennessee e. Any and all Environmental Information Documents received including amendments, revisions and/or appendices and any and all Compensatory Mitigation Plans including amendments, revisions and/or appendices related to coal mining operations submitted to the Corps for operations in Kentucky or Tennessee. f. All monitoring reports received by the Corps related to any mining compensatory mitigation plans for stream creation, enhancement, or restoration projects for 404 permits in KY. Request for MP Rpt History of the 630th Engineers from 1980-1988. Documents related to an environmental study in Rockford, IL Request for information regarding documented wetlands and/or wetland violations at 717, 723, 725 East Main Street, Palmyra, PA 17078 records related to the RCI Family Housing Program; including, "Development Soft Cost Summary," "Budget Comparison," "Incentive Fees Awarded," the "Annual Budget Review FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 228 of 1088 FP-13-014569 Trevizo Paul 3/4/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-014570 Andren Robert 3/4/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-014571 FP-13-014572 FP-13-014573 FP-13-014574 Favret Cowart Oda Kownacki David Milton Mara Matthew 3/4/2013 3/4/2013 3/4/2013 3/4/2013 FP-13-014575 Janes Margaret 3/4/2013 Granted FP-13-014576 Spear Steven 3/4/2013 Granted FP-13-014580 FP-13-014583 FP-13-014584 FP-13-014586 FP-13-014587 Gutzman Houston Sifuentes Simons Choate Philip Kenneth Amanda Addison James 3/4/2013 3/4/2013 3/4/2013 3/4/2013 3/4/2013 FP-13-014588 Freshwater Jeremy 3/4/2013 Granted FP-13-014589 FP-13-014591 Greene Thompson Carrie John 3/4/2013 Administratively Closed 3/4/2013 Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Granted Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Granted Granted Granted Granted Any Army documents regarding "The unreasonableness of War". Army copy of the "Kubark Counterintelligence Interrogation". Contract W91WAW10C0052. Referred documents case number 2013-07052. 2005-01480-SDM Southern Trails in Casa Grande records relating to the Army Personnel appearing with First Lady Michelle Obama in the Diplomatic Room of the White House to present the Academy Award for best picture on Feb 24, 2013 All communications including letters, reports, emails, applications, CMPS, decision documents and or permits from May 6, 2009 to present between A&G Coal Co. in reference to the proposed Ison Rock Ridge mine; all requests received from Jan 2010 to present for withdrawal of previously filed 404 applications for surfacing mining operations in VA; any communications between the Norfolk District and USEPA related to coal mining from January 20, 2009 to present; with respect to coalmines, refuse or slurry impoundments, application docs and permits issued under NWP 21,49, 50; application docs and permits issued under section 404; Environmental Information documents; monitoring reports and mitigation plans for period 2/27/13 3/4/13 Manual for COurt Martial Section pertaining to Parole, verteran status serving parole "Mine, Antipersonnel, Pop-up, PWP XM54 Larceny of government property - TA-50. Following too close. MVA Larceny of private & government property Request for copies of Military Police Report 06747-2011MPC023 and any discipline records for Alonzo Jackson. Request for a copy of Military Police Report pertaining to accident his wife was in on Feb 13, 2013. Request for information pertaining to Jeremy Greene. Request for a copy of the investigation by 82nd Airborne Division , all relevant material considered in the investigation, notes and materials created by the investigating officer. FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 229 of 1088 FP-13-014592 FP-13-014593 Henri Cottrell Paul Jennifer 3/4/2013 Granted 3/4/2013 Administratively Closed Police Report Review documents Court martial records of Pedro Antonio Del Granada to dertime suitability for Federal employment FP-13-014600 Sparks Phillip 3/4/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-014602 Obioha Nnana 3/4/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-014603 FP-13-014605 FP-13-014606 FP-13-014607 FP-13-014608 FP-13-014610 Oge SANTOS SANTOS SANTOS SANTOS Bingham Markie ROSE ROSE ROSE ROSE Clifton 3/4/2013 3/4/2013 3/4/2013 3/4/2013 3/4/2013 2/28/2013 Granted Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed all of the documentation, research and findings that are prohibiting the development of the Commonwealth Crossing Project in Henry County, Virginia A copy of the video surveillance of my arrest at the main gate. A copy of the audio-video recording of my detention. A copy of the 9-11 phone call recording. Request for MP Rpt W911S0-09-D-0006 W911S0-09-D-0007 W911S0-09-D-0008 W911S0-09-D-0009 All non-disclosme agreements, confidentiality agreements, and any other agreements entered into between the State of Louisiana and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and/or its contractors from 2001 to present, which may be construed to prohibit, restrict, limit, condition, or in any other way burden the public dissemination of information either received or generated by the State of Louisiana associated with any partnership, cost-share, cooperative endeavor or other project-related agreement. The latest version of any report or analysis developed by the USACE regarding, associated with, or otherwise mentioning known, potential, or alleged pile bending moment, or settlement issues oft-walls and levees associated with the following USACE hurricane protection projects: Lake Pontchartrain and Vicinity (LPV) 145; LPV - 146; LPV - 148.02; and The latest version of any report or analysis regarding settlement of levees associated with USACE project LPV- 109.02 FP-13-014611 FP-13-014612 FP-13-014613 FP-13-014614 ELIASSEN Knight WOLF Dobberpuhl ADRIA Megan ISAAC Jeremiah 3/4/2013 3/4/2013 3/4/2013 2/28/2013 Administratively Closed Granted Granted Granted W9124D-11-T-0228 Traffic Mishap. Failed to maintain the lane. W91QF507P0004, W91QF506P0004 a copy of 404 permit POA-1996-634-M5 FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 230 of 1088 FP-13-014615 Hernandez 3/4/2013 Granted Request for CID Report Storrer Spaulding Monserrat and Salvad Thomas Danny FP-13-014616 FP-13-014654 3/4/2013 3/5/2013 Granted FP-13-014657 Marrero Joel 3/5/2013 Granted Port of Oakland Request 15-6 investigation documents into the death of Soldier Any and all records maintained by the Department of the Army including communications, discussions, consultations, documents, materials, claimant's appeal file, etc., pertaining to all ABCMR denial(s) of Major Foster's TSGLI claim. FP-13-014663 McKenny Roderick 3/4/2013 Granted Mr. McKenny is requesting a copy of his MP report for an incident that occured on July 2010 in Wiesbaden, Germany. FP-13-014671 Cherrie Vitoria 3/5/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-014686 FP-13-014687 FP-13-014693 Dervil Jackson Gonzales, Sr. Jean Kenneth Miguel 3/4/2013 Granted 3/4/2013 Granted 3/5/2013 Administratively Closed request the following information regarding Capt. Jeffrey Christy: • Date/s of employment to include past and present hiring dates and or terminations. • Current and past Job title/s • Rank/s • Pay Grade and salary for each position • Deployment history, including length of time and deployment rules for current position. • Current unit assigned to, chain of command, by name and rank, to include his immediate supervisor and contact information MP-Report Traffic Accident MP-Report Traffic Accident Appeal of redaction 15-6 DSM SSG Miguel R. Gonzales, Jr. FP-13-014694 RIVERA 3/5/2013 Granted POLICE REPORT 0050-2013-MPC 253. FP-13-014695 Fritz NORBER TO Michael 2/13/2013 Granted FP-13-014701 Allen Kathleen 3/5/2013 Granted FP-13-014707 FP-13-014708 Allen Stanley Dennis Thomas 3/1/2013 Administratively Closed 3/5/2013 Administratively Closed 4Q 2012 Investment Manager Report and the Flash report agricultural real estate investment for the following funds: 1. Retirement annutity plan for employees of the Exchange, 2. Supplemental deffered compensation plan for members of the exectuive, 3. Trust for the retire medical dental & life insurance plan of the Exhange. The requester is requesting a Military Police Report pertaining to accident which occurred 27 February 2013. Lloyd Slater 15-6 on Thomas S. Stanley's misconduct conducted by HHC 110 AVN BDE. FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 231 of 1088 FP-13-014715 Olmert Travis 3/5/2013 Granted FP-13-014717 Becker Steven FP-13-014722 Patin Douglas 3/1/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-014724 Ledford 3/5/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-014728 Cotney Christoph er Trenton FP-13-014733 FP-13-014738 FP-13-014739 Eddy Macier Roybal-Goch Davis Loretta Molly 2/28/2013 Granted 3/4/2013 Administratively Closed 3/5/2013 Granted FP-13-014740 FP-13-014741 Forrest Young Audrey John 3/5/2013 Administratively Closed 3/5/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-014743 Barnett Lorelei 3/5/2013 Granted FP-13-014748 Brown David 2/28/2013 Granted FP-13-014750 Leslie Kevin 3/4/2013 Granted FP-13-014751 Southerland John 2/28/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-014753 FP-13-014755 FP-13-014756 Harris Cooper Fornadel Su Kienysha Joseph 3/5/2013 Granted 3/5/2013 Administratively Closed 2/15/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-014757 Johnson Mark 3/1/2013 Granted FP-13-014758 FP-13-014759 FP-13-014760 Tyburczyk Sweger Hatteberg Bradley William Ron 3/5/2013 Granted 3/5/2013 Granted 3/1/2013 Granted 2/28/2013 Denied in Full 3/5/2013 Administratively Closed Reguester would like a copy of a charge sheet concerning the arraignment of National Guardsmena Geno Robert Sellers. Copy of all non-awarded offeror's bid items for line items: 0030, all remaining work, and 0033 Option 0-3. Documents related to the ECB Bulletin No. 2011-5 dated February 8, 2011 Hellenic Army AH-64DHA Accident at Megara Army Airfield, Greece Records of Morrell Architectural Systems, Inc., Von Braun Phase III Miltiatry Police Report (MPR) Barred from the Installation Requestor wants copies of all standard individual permit application public notices filed in the Vicksburg District from 1 Jan 12 through 18 May 12. Reports indicating diversity goals of contracts Full statement made in court by PFC Manning on Feb 28, 2013 at Fort Meade MD. Request is for 15-6 investigation regarding the death of SSG Barnett-Lamothe Human Engineering Evaluation of Portability of the Special Atomic Demolition Munition (SADM) All documents related to RFQ W912DY-12-T-0344; to include all communications; any minutes, notes, agendas, etc; est data used to make an award determination; all information used to make an award determination. All releaseable agency records concerning contract #W911NF-09-0021. Improper backing MPR for accident on 10 October 2012 Request for records related to the Proposed Constitution Pipeline Project. Freight Shipment Table from GFM Freight Shipment System (Exclude munitions and weapons shipments) Bradley L. Tyburczyk Failure to yield to pedestrian Freight Shipment Table from GFM Freight Shipment System Exclude munitions & weapons shipments FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 232 of 1088 FP-13-014762 Moisson Jerry 3/5/2013 Granted FP-13-014763 Elion JohnEdward 3/5/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-014768 Tamraz 3/5/2013 Granted FP-13-014769 FP-13-014772 FP-13-014776 FP-13-014777 Rios Taylor Raymond Gates Christoph er Mario Labonnie Kierra Allan FP-13-014778 Drewno Donna 3/5/2013 3/5/2013 3/5/2013 2/19/2013 Granted Granted Granted Granted 3/5/2013 Granted Freight Shipment Table from GFM Freight Shipment System (Exclude munitions and weapons shipments) Request for records, from 1995 forward, regarding any and all surveys, plans, or proposed or approved permits for dredging or to build or alter docks, install any moorings, and to any and all other like concerns or complaints about any docks, moorings; all being within Brewers Creek, off the Severn River, near or by Sherwood Forest MD 21405. Identity Theft. Creditor Information Debt Verification Debt Verification Counsel for SWN and Steamworks requests a copy of what we produce to Advanced Ecology pursuant to Courtney Greer's FOIA request. They were submitted a letter for reuqest to review records for possible Exemption 4 argument. • Any and all DD form 214s or DD form 215s related to Mr. Miller's service in the National Guard or the federal military (including without limitation active duty service in any branch of the United States military); • Any and all active duty or deployment orders related to Mr. Miller's service in the National Guard or the federal military (including without limitation active duty service in any branch of the United States military); • Any and all National Guard or federal military (including without limitation active duty service in any branch of the United States military) training orders for Mr. Miller 's issued between June 2006 and the present; • Any and all AF Form 133s completed by Mr. Miller's in the course of his service in the National Guard or federal military (including without limitation active duty service in any branch of the United States military); • Any and all NGB Form 337s completed by Mr. Miller's in the course of his service in the National Guard or federal military (including without limitation active duty service in any branch of the United States military); • Mr. Miller's complete 201 file/Official Military Personnel File (however, I am not seeking any performance FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 233 of 1088 FP-13-014779 Martzen E. Mitchell 3/5/2013 FP-13-014780 Kitto Joanna FP-13-014781 Verheydrn-Hilliard Mara 3/5/2013 FP-13-014782 Clontz Jerry 3/5/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-014783 FP-13-014784 FP-13-014787 FP-13-014789 Hocking Ortiz Kruger Nash Taylor Daniel John Mark FP-13-014790 McCulley FP-13-014791 FP-13-014792 FP-13-014793 Duvall Ahern Abbott 2/28/2013 Administratively Closed 3/5/2013 3/5/2013 3/5/2013 2/26/2013 re: Former Soldier filing a claim for unpaid reenlistment bonus Records related to CECOM and antennas for PMSW programs related to the Crew Mission from 2003 to August 15, 2005 Information relted to the Department of Defense's DoD consulation and/or coordination with municipal, state/or local police agenicies within the United States, including but not limited to CA, NY, MA, FL and AK, on the planning, authorizing and execution of joint military and police training exercises. 1. A copy of all minutes to all meetings held with all downstream "stakeholders" in the last year where reduced release rates from Thurmond Dam was discussed (request minutes generated by the Corps as well as minutes generated by any of these "stakeholders" that the Corps received). 2. A copy of all minutes to all meetings held with all downstream "stakeholders" in the last year where it was determined that release rates from Thurmond Dam could not be reduced because of these "stakeholders" concerns. 3. A copy of all correspondence generated in the last year to and from any of these "stakeholders" that addressed the subject of reducing releases from Thurmond Dam. Granted Granted Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Request for MP rpt Request for MP Rpt Award information for W912DS-13-R-0016 Requesting award amounts for the purchase, installation and removal labor and storage for directional signs at the 2012 Army 10 Mile Race. The contract went to Britten Banner. Michael 3/4/2013 Administratively Closed Jonathan Sean Chasity 3/5/2013 Granted 3/5/2013 Granted 3/5/2013 Granted Request to obtain copies of certain documents pertaining to Mr. Colklin's recent employment application. Also requesting to obtain copies of COL Wolf's investigative report related to an email and any related investigatory materials that COL Wolf obtained or produced during the course of his investigation (affidavits, notes, etc). Failure to yield the right of way while turning left Contract 12-C-0017 Request for MP Rpt FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 234 of 1088 FP-13-014795 Hughes Brian 3/5/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-014797 ALVARADO 3/5/2013 Granted FP-13-014798 FP-13-014799 FP-13-014800 FP-13-014801 FP-13-014802 FP-13-014804 Butler Alvarez Riley Patterson McCullers Vanegas ROBERT O Justin Michael Dwight Steven Rasheen Cesar FP-13-014805 FP-13-014806 Scott BATES Errol KELLYNN 3/5/2013 Denied in Part 3/5/2013 Granted FP-13-014807 FP-13-014812 Torres Addison Vincent Chris FP-13-014817 Kearns FP-13-014818 FP-13-014819 FP-13-014820 May Campbell Franks Christoph er Clinten Austin Jim FP-13-014821 Goodrich Timothy 3/4/2013 Granted FP-13-014822 Penland Stacy 3/5/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-014823 Cimino James 3/4/2013 Granted FP-13-014824 FP-13-014825 Long Tanner Isaac Daniel 3/5/2013 Granted 3/5/2013 Granted 3/5/2013 3/5/2013 3/5/2013 3/5/2013 3/5/2013 3/5/2013 Denied in Part Denied in Part Granted Granted Denied in Part Denied in Part 3/5/2013 Denied in Part 2/28/2013 Granted 3/5/2013 Granted 3/5/2013 Granted 2/21/2013 Administratively Closed 3/5/2013 Granted Copy of D&A board held on Nov 16. Incident occured 10-172012 POLICE REPORT 13-0253-0023 MPC List of all DR's CTF 15-1-1 abatement work sheet Confinement Orders CTF the current price for the Solicitation # W912QRI3T0025-00 I Janitorial Services at Rough River Lake. Also are the cleaning specifications for this Solicitation the same as the previous years All or's, DR's. and DE's GARY WARNER CTF Harrington Group, Inc. (HGI) STOC II contract #W900KK-09D-0554 record of work abatement and good days/special abatement Work Ababtement 15-1-1 Copy of sentence comp Spec for NSN 6850-01-510-3243 A copy of the actual FOIA request submitted by requestor for FOIA request number FP-13-13659. Electronic Consulting Services Contract W900KK-09-D-0006 documents relating to contract DASG60-02-C-0074 Kwajalein Range Service 1. All Modifications issued POOO48-Present 2. All Facilities Assessments issued to date 3. All Award Fee Letters 2005-Present 4. List of firms submitting proposals or the Abstract of Offerors Electronic Consulting Services (ECS) contract W900KK-09D-0006 Sentence Comp Request for MP Rpt FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 235 of 1088 FP-13-014826 Squire Percy 3/5/2013 Granted FP-13-014827 Korphage Eric 3/1/2013 Granted FP-13-014828 Difulvio John 3/5/2013 Granted Copies (regardless of origin and whether or not including additional writing thereon or attached thereto) of memoranda, reports, books, manuals, instructions, financial statements or reports, price books, records, notes, letters, notices, confirmations, telegrams, receipts, pamphlets, magazines, newspapers, inventory books, prospectuses, inter-office and intra-office communications (including email), contracts, cables, notations or memoranda of any sort of conversation, telephone calls, meetings or other communications, bulletins, printed matter, computer printouts, teletypes, invoices, transcripts, diaries, analyses, returns, summaries, minutes, bills, accounts, estimates, resolutions, projections, comparisons, messages, correspondence, press releases, circulars, reviews, opinions, offers, studies and investigations questionnaires and surveys, worksheets (and all drafts, preliminary versions, alterations, modifications, revisions, changes and amendments of any of the foregoing), graphic or oral records or representations of any kind (including, without limitation, photographs, charts, graphs, microfiche, microfilm, videotape, recording and motion pictures, electronic and Contract No. W91236-08-C-0083; Prime Contractor Blueridge General, Inc (Blueridge); Project Visitor’s quarters at Langley Air Force Base project in Hampton VA; Requests copy of aforementioned contract and all documents; a statement of account showing all invoices/applications for payment from Blueridge; all Blueridge payment applications/request for payment since 3/19/2010; copy of checks/other documents concerning/constituting payments to Blueridge for work on aforementioned project since 3/19/2010; change orders issued to Blueridge; documents on final acceptance of Blueridge work on project; documents concerning or constituting any claims/demands; documents regarding acceptance of any remedial work performed to remedy any warranty claims or claims that Blueridge work was defective or deficient; documents concerning any liquidated damages assessed against Blueridge. MPR 5418-2012 FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 236 of 1088 FP-13-014829 FP-13-014830 Santos Thompson Rose Tom 3/5/2013 Administratively Closed 2/28/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-014831 Hatcher 3/5/2013 Administratively Closed Bonds for W912P8-08-C-0038 FP-13-014832 FP-13-014833 FP-13-014834 SANTOS Fraser Douglas Christoph er ROSE Philip Susan 3/4/2013 Administratively Closed 3/5/2013 Granted 3/5/2013 Granted FP-13-014835 Ahern Sean 3/5/2013 Granted FP-13-014836 Poche Chad 3/5/2013 Granted FP-13-014839 josh Pruett 3/5/2013 Granted FP-13-014840 FP-13-014841 FP-13-014842 FP-13-014844 Crews Johnson Smith Bakeer Kevin Billy Leslie Reda 3/5/2013 3/5/2013 3/5/2013 3/5/2013 FP-13-014846 FP-13-014847 Shira Ahern William Sean 3/5/2013 Administratively Closed 3/5/2013 Granted FP-13-014848 FP-13-014853 Cowan Justice Calvin Michele 3/5/2013 Granted 3/5/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-014854 FP-13-014865 Sidoriak Briscoe John John 3/5/2013 Granted 3/5/2013 Administratively Closed W9124D-11-C-9000 MPR Soil boring data along the Mississippi River Levee, left descending bank, from the Oak St Intake (103.8) upstream 1000 feet, borings done in the last 10 years. Solicitation W912P8-12-B-0043 Contract W912P8-12-C0044 the most recent slope stability analyses (within the past year) the USACENOD has performed along the Miss. River Levee between approx.. Mile Points 185 and 186, Left Descending Bank, Geismar, Ascension Parish, LA. Any design documentation (design sections, geotechnical data, slope stability, seepage, soil data, etc) for Mississippi River miles 173, 174, and 175, the eastern left descending bank. MPR MPR All employment records and medical records Geotechnical data for Mississippi River Levee & Banks Mile Marker 61 to 64 AHP, Right Descending Bank, Plaquemines Parish, LA All employment records Solicitation/Contract # W912P8-10-B-0070/W912P8-12-C0033 Contract AMARG Hangar @ Davis-Monthan AFB, W912PL-11-C0007, daily reports and certified payroll records for FLS Energy W912CN12C0019/Photographic Services Morrow Island Duck Club Bridge Permits Granted Granted Administratively Closed Granted RFI responses to W5J9CQ-12-R-0003 COPE In PDF format: Any and all correspondence or submissions from Integrated Environmental Solutions to COE on behalf of CTA, LLC, Carpenter & Associates or their appointed representatives regarding Permit Application No. SWF-201000506 from May 1, 2012 to 2/28/13. FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 237 of 1088 FP-13-014866 Branson Steven 3/5/2013 Granted FP-13-014867 Ahern Sean 3/5/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-014880 FP-13-014881 FP-13-014882 FP-13-014883 FP-13-014884 FP-13-014885 FP-13-014886 FP-13-014888 Gregg Johnson Rogers Burlingham McCulley Dupuy Prince James Bobby marques Kristin John Michael Timothy Evan Bobby FP-13-014890 FP-13-014896 Seeds Field Jason Michael 3/6/2013 Granted 3/6/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-014898 Santos Rose 3/2/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-014899 Gordon Jeffrey 3/6/2013 Granted FP-13-014900 Neimarlija Aida 3/5/2013 FP-13-014901 Manthey Chris 3/6/2013 Granted FP-13-014902 Chumley Rory 3/6/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-014903 howard belinda 3/6/2013 3/6/2013 3/6/2013 3/6/2013 2/27/2013 2/27/2013 3/6/2013 3/6/2013 Granted Granted Granted Granted Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Granted Granted 2/21/2013 Administratively Closed North Coast Hopper Dredge Contract W9127N-12-B-0001, 12-C-0008 Final Pay estimate and final modification for 12-C-0008 dreging contract MP report requested MP report requested MP report requsted MP report requested Nonselection Appeal of 13-0016 Police Report Copies of all phone records from 1 March 2012-October 312012 Current Sentence Comp copy of the bill of materials for contract W56HZV-11-D-L509 T025 Request a copy of the following documents identified to W9124D11C9000: 1. Contract 2. Mods 3. SOW January 1983 through December 1994: 13950 Dawson Beach Road, Woodbridge, Virginia 22191 (formerly the U.S. Army Woodbridge Research Facility, now the Occoquan Bay National Wildlife Refuge). all documents related to contract and modification and related agreements: W56HZV-11-D-0147, W56HZV-12-C0299, W56HZV-11-R-0534, W56HZV-10-R-0325 the East Rockaway Inlet to Jones Inlet5 (aka Long Beach Island NY) project (hereinafter referred to as “the Project”) filed since November 2011, FOIA Number FA-12-0029 unredacted copy of Military Police Report pertaining to Jenna Utley permits for Mobil plant in NYC FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 238 of 1088 FP-13-014904 Rosenfeld Shelly 3/1/2013 Denied in Part all correspondence, records of payment,status reports related to any work performed, all documents related to supplemental funding or awards for additional work, all documents related to the failure to receive supplemental funding or awards for additional work, all documents regarding any exception or excuse why any document listed was not prepared or submitted in connection with supplementation of original award, any other document required to comply with the Phase II funding and reporting guidlines related to ARMY 11-0150 Selected for Award an/or Phase II Proposal for contract W56HZV-11-C-0294 FP-13-014905 FP-13-014906 Day Philipps John Dave 3/6/2013 Granted 3/6/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-014907 Sams-Mitchell Connie 3/6/2013 Granted FP-13-014908 FP-13-014909 Kennedy Van Sickle Charles Teresa 3/6/2013 Administratively Closed 3/6/2013 FP-13-014910 FP-13-014911 FP-13-014912 Baltierrez MacKinnon Owens Cindy Kathryn Julie 3/6/2013 Granted 3/6/2013 Granted 3/6/2013 Granted FP-13-014913 FP-13-014914 FP-13-014915 Elseroad Ellerman Cruz Kenneth Lawrence Alexander 3/6/2013 Granted 3/5/2013 Administratively Closed 3/6/2013 Granted contract and modifications W52H09-10-D-0154 Any report, sworn statement or printed communication detailing why in November 2012, civilian "veterans advocates" Robert Alvarez and Andrew Pogany were banned from Fort Carson. Review and release of exhibits 6 and 23 of ROI 2012CID379-77580-5P to the requester. procurement history for NSN 3990-00-353-6353 Contracts W52H09-08-D-0307,W52H09-08-D-0311, W52H09-09-D-0062,W52H09-09-D-0306,W52H09-10-D0082,W52H09-10-D-0106,W52H09-10-D-0200,W52H09-10D-0277 Military Police Report Process Exhibit 2 of 0666-99-CIDD034-34920(16Nov99) Request copy of Accident report involving Mr. Allen L. Reid and Mr. Robert William Murphy Request for MP Rpt All documents on client's account, OSI (NCO) contract 15-6 for death of SGT Nerissa F. Cruz FP-13-014916 Cowan Calvin 3/5/2013 Granted FP-13-014918 FP-13-014923 Norris Wilkinson Ashley Clay 3/1/2013 Administratively Closed 3/5/2013 Granted • Surety bonds and related surety documents issued for Contract No. W9126G-09-D-0100, DO #0002 by Travelers Casualty and Surety Company of America to RMA Land Construction, Inc. Wetland violations for three sites in Tulsa. Previous contract for Landscaping and Mowing at Toronto and Fall River FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 239 of 1088 FP-13-014929 Pusateri Salvador 3/6/2013 Granted FP-13-014931 Beno Heather FP-13-014933 Haskell Daniel 3/6/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-014934 FP-13-014935 Ahern Monzon Sean John 3/6/2013 Granted 3/6/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-014937 Phulps Debbie 3/6/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-014941 FP-13-014943 FP-13-014944 Bryant Bryant Johnson Kenneth Nancy Kevin 3/6/2013 Administratively Closed 3/6/2013 Administratively Closed 3/6/2013 Granted FP-13-014946 FP-13-014948 FP-13-014950 FP-13-014951 Parker Pedigo Kocher Fee Prisculla Shawn Adam Sharnelle 3/6/2013 3/6/2013 3/6/2013 3/5/2013 2/25/2013 Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Granted Granted Granted copies of any and all records and/or permits obtained by and/or prepared by the United States Army Corps of Engineers in connection with the United Bulk Terminals Davant Fleet, located at Mile 57, of the lower Mississippi River in Davant, Louisiana. Domestic civilian police agencies with which the DOD has consulted, corresponded or cordinated with. Request for records in requester's Central Clearance Facility file w912bu-12-b-0015 FORTE model spreadsheets; JPM-OS Code; ADCIRC and STWAVE; REPORT Yolo County APN 057-160-003, 16510 County Road 117, West Sacramento, California, Owner: Robert and Sonoma HYER 15-6 Investigation pertaining to SGT Carl J. Bryant 15-6 Investigation pertaining to SGT Carl J. Bryant The National Guard conducted maneuvers and aerial surveillance in partnership with Thurston County Task Force (TNT) on the property of Christopher Self, located at 5110 70th Avebue SE, Olympia, WA on April 12, 2011. Request for a copy of investigation case FK 13-0004. Request for MP Rpt Requesting a copy of Police report 2667 FOIA Request FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 240 of 1088 FP-13-014952 Knowles Kim 3/6/2013 Denied in Part LRL-2012-1006/Rocky Branch mine Dear FOIA Officer: Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. 552, as amended, Prairie Rivers Network (PRN) requests the following documents related to the above-described permit: 1. Minimum Rapid Bioassessment Protocol 2. mitigation plans-all draft or final plans in your custody, including maps of proposed mitigation sites 3. any biological studies done on on-site streams and/or wetlands 4. alternatives analyses 5. correspondence with IDNR and USFWS on endangered species consultation 6. coal mining operations map 7. 404 permit application 8. wetland delineations This request includes all documents that have ever been within your custody or control, whether they exist in agency “working,” investigative, retired, electronic mail, or other files currently or at any other time. FP-13-014953 FP-13-014955 Pepper Trevino Yasmin Raul 3/6/2013 Granted 3/6/2013 Granted FP-13-014956 Maddeford David 3/6/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-014960 Lemke Debra 3/6/2013 Granted FP-13-014961 Marusak Russell 3/6/2013 Granted FP-13-014962 HUBER JOHN 3/6/2013 Administratively Closed Request for MP Rpt Request a copy of RTC 350-1-2 Familiarization Plan for tactical shotgunning. Information concerning the US Army Jopint Fires Observer Course (JFOC) Contract Copy of the jurisdicitional determination response letter to the Prospector's Peak Project Site 200400679 Copy of the most recent monitoring report and annual ledger for hte last 3 years for SWF-2003-00558 requester PII info released to 47unauthorized personnel FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 241 of 1088 FP-13-014963 Randle Russell 3/5/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-014964 FP-13-014965 Foxworthy Ray Aaron Bradford 3/6/2013 Granted 3/6/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-014966 Slawson Terry FP-13-014967 Mallett Tori 3/6/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-014968 Butler Christoph er 3/5/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-014969 FP-13-014970 FP-13-014971 Adams Orlandini Kammeyer Cody Anthony Jennifer 3/6/2013 Granted 3/6/2013 Granted 3/6/2013 Granted 2/28/2013 Granted 1. All documentation received from Grady County and its consultant in response to the request on page 1 of the Corps' January 26, 2007 letter to Grady County asking for additional information with regard to the potential for this project [Tired Creek Lake] to adversely impact flows into Lake Iamonia. 2. All correspondence, memoranda of phone conversations, e-mail or other records of communications about the Tired Creek Dam with Grady County which were not included in the prior FOIA response. This includes such materials created after the date of the permit through the date of the Corps' search in response to this request. 3. A copy of the COE's review and approval of the outlet structure design for the Tired Creek Dam, including all correspondence exchanged with the permit applicant (Grady County) and its consultants on the one hand, and the Corps on the other regarding the outlet structure, up to the date the Corps performs its search in response to this request. 4. A functional copy of the CD of the Schnabel Report Appendix C, entitled “Use of Reservoir Operations Spreadsheets.” And, any comments or concerns by the Corps' reviewers Permits and Authorizations related to 200650364 Requesting all documents regarding deficiencies in Ron Kendall Masonry's work on the ITL project; and all documents regarding the decision to demolish or remove any masonry work at the project installed by Ron Kendall Masonry. The dollar amount of the initial award and percentage increase of the award dated 2008-2012 mowing contract at the Milford Federal Reservoir. RE: Town of Wellton adv. Frank Fitts District of Arizona No. 2:12-cv-01272-NVW Section 404 permit authoriztion and application maps for: 1) Permit 2005-1005-BCR, Colony Bay Central Area Surface Mine, Colony Bay Coal Co., 2) Permit 2006-2290, Colony Bay South Area Surface Mine, Colony Bay Coal Co., and 3) Permit LRH-2009-908-BCR, Hill Fork Surface Mine, Coyote Coal Company Speed too fast for conditions. Failure to yield right of way while turning left. Following too close. FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 242 of 1088 FP-13-014972 FP-13-014973 FP-13-014974 FP-13-014975 FP-13-014986 FP-13-014987 FP-13-014988 FP-13-014999 FP-13-015000 Brayton Kell Mesa Zausinger Willson Bureau Barnes Wallace McEwan Jenn Angela Delores Sabrina Kenneth Metro Isaac Ricky Dennis 3/6/2013 3/6/2013 3/6/2013 3/6/2013 3/6/2013 3/7/2013 3/6/2013 3/7/2013 3/7/2013 Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Administratively Closed Reckless Driving Failure to yield right of way turning left. Improper left turn MP-Report Traffic accident authority documents for specific channels MPR 2268-12 Work Activity Questionnaire 15-6 into the death of his son, SFC Ricky J. Wallace February 2001, USACE Plans and Specifications Exploration Sheets 52-62/B1.0-B1.10 describing the USACE September 22, 1999 soil explorations on Propsect Island, California FP-13-015001 FP-13-015002 Eustis Wymer Scott James 3/7/2013 Granted 3/7/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-015004 FP-13-015005 FP-13-015006 FP-13-015007 FP-13-015008 FP-13-015020 FP-13-015021 FP-13-015022 Zaborowski Shillingford Cervantes Cervantes Davis Willingham Heffker Coffey MaryAnn Myriette Marco Marco Lamont Thomas Dustin Anita 3/7/2013 3/7/2013 3/7/2013 3/7/2013 3/7/2013 3/7/2013 3/7/2013 3/7/2013 FP-13-015024 FP-13-015025 Steffens McMullen Justin Gary 3/7/2013 Granted 3/7/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-015026 FP-13-015027 FP-13-015029 FP-13-015030 Hiuchan Tapasa Nexis Lewis Allison Faafetai Lexis Constanc e 3/7/2013 3/7/2013 3/7/2013 3/7/2013 NOD-13 uses since 2008 Repeat request for documents reference Anti-Deficiency Act violation at Yuma Proving Ground. JFP Well Service 1983 Video of an incident at the daycare of requestors son accident report occurred on 8 Feb 13 accident occurring on 8 Feb 13 accident report occurred on 6 Dec 12 (40275-12) Police Report Request for MP Rpt Requesting a copy of a CID investigation into the death of her son, SGT Anthony E. Huggins. Requesting a copy of MP number 00532-2013-MPC054. Request for information for the following job announcements NEAB12092594760598 and NEAB12932081735819 that determine best qualified. MPR made 11-2012 and late 1-2013 MPR for traffic accident on 18 Oct 12 occurred 2-20-13 MPR 0653-2013 Granted Granted Administratively Closed Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Administratively Closed Granted Granted Granted FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 243 of 1088 FP-13-015031 Richards Mark 3/7/2013 Administratively Closed Please provide the application history for Vacancy Announcement with the DoD and provide me a written statement of the agency position regarding my application, veterans’ preference and the selection process/hiring authority used to fill the position. Please include a copy of the employment certificate(s) used to fill Vacancy Announcement, the person who got hired and their Federal Employment/Veteran status and any related documentation. An expeditious response to this request is requested. FP-13-015035 FP-13-015040 FP-13-015042 Williams DeLoach Jr. Alexander Douglas Jimmy Dominiqu e 3/7/2013 Administratively Closed 3/1/2013 Administratively Closed 3/7/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-015043 Nyberg Gregory 3/7/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-015045 FP-13-015047 Henry Toro Steven Linel 3/7/2013 Granted 3/7/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-015051 Sollars Bradley 3/4/2013 Granted FP-13-015052 Arrigo Roy 3/7/2013 Granted Request the name of the selected candidate Previous dollar amount for contract #FA4621-12-R-0002 Ms. Dominique E. Alexander request on behalf of Kevin C. Alexander and Angelica C. Alexander (minor children) a copy of the AR 15-6 report pertaining to the death of their father, 2LT Tobias C. Alexander on 20 May 2012, in Tarin Kowt, Afghanistan. Request for all records pertaining to Maj. Gregory D. Nyberg from 1 August 2003 through 1 June 2011. Request for MP Rpt marcorepman JKBI Paracraph 6081.2C Sept 3, 1975, regualtions effecting assignment of evaluation marks, procedures of administrative discharge boards Requests copies of payment and performance bonds submitted by KCI Construction Co. for renovation of buildings 817, 818, 820 and 822 at Ft Leonardwood, MO. 1) Any communication by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to authorities of the State of Louisiana requiring the state to increase its real estate interest along levees statewide to accommodate the Corps' vegetation policy as was done by the Louisiana Legislature in 2011. 2} Any communication from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to authorities of Louisiana indicating a state wide threat to levee certification due to Louisiana's pre-2011 6 foot real estate interest for existing vegetation-free inspection zones. FP-13-015053 Solomon Darrell 3/7/2013 Administratively Closed Referred FOIA request, Records exchanged between DLA and Mr. Stewardson US Army employee. FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 244 of 1088 FP-13-015054 Tavis Steven 3/5/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-015055 Williams Scott 3/7/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-015057 FP-13-015059 Schram Snodgrass Jo Julie 3/7/2013 Administratively Closed 3/6/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-015061 Grenan Jack 3/7/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-015064 Rouse James 3/7/2013 Administratively Closed All documents regarding Mr. Rouse trying to enter the Army. FP-13-015066 FP-13-015067 FP-13-015071 FP-13-015073 FP-13-015074 Flowers Santos Ratton Petrytus Schwanenberger Tiffany Rose Michael Dianna Greg 3/7/2013 3/7/2013 3/7/2013 3/7/2013 3/7/2013 FP-13-015076 FP-13-015078 Branson Maniscalco Steven John 3/7/2013 Granted 3/7/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-015079 Burke Patrick 3/7/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-015080 FP-13-015082 Saites Wright Penny Austin 3/7/2013 Administratively Closed 3/7/2013 Administratively Closed Contract W912CZ-09-D-0004. W91WAW-09-R-0008 All reports regarding Mr. Wolak (deceased). USACE Contract W912BV-12-C-0002 All records regarding Mr. Christensen and accident investigation , date of loss: December 13, 2010, MMH file No. 51-844. Contract 12-B-0003 Referred FOIA request records describing equipment installed at the Newport Chemical Depot in Newport, IN. Documents regarding sixteen F-16 fighter jets and 200 Abrams tank to be delivered to Egypt by the end of 2013. Contract W15P7T13R0019. Correspondence sent from members of Congress to specific Army officials during the month of Feb 2013, Army Sec McHugh, COS GEN Odierno and ASAALT Ms. Shyu. FP-13-015083 FP-13-015086 FP-13-015087 FP-13-015088 Petrytus Petrytus Petrytus Mankaruse Dianna Dianna Dianna Nagui 3/7/2013 3/7/2013 3/7/2013 3/7/2013 FP-13-015089 Rogers Jeremiah 3/7/2013 Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Granted Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Certified payroll records for Associated Insulation, Inc. for work performed at Building 120 repairs located at Ft Leavenworth, KS from Nov 1, 2012 to February 28, 2013. Report on wetland fill near Elkhart Rv, 20650 Co Rd 126, Goshen IN. Contract W91WAW08R0009. Contract award amounts for contracts W812DQ-08-D-0009 and W812DQ-08-D-0062. Reports on Mr. Walshwinner Bronze Medal for his actions. Information of the US assistance to the Iraq Army to fight, train and defeat the Iranians. All guides ect regarding prisoners at Argu Hrab prison and Guantanamo. USACE Contract W912BV-12-C-0006 USACE Contract W912BV-12-C-0012 USACE Contract W912BV-12-R-0018 Contracts of all foreign including NATO sales of AN/TPY-2 (THAAD) Radars. Copy of FM 3-39.40 Internment and Resettlement Operations. FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 245 of 1088 FP-13-015090 Kim John 3/7/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-015091 Grindlay Kate 3/7/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-015093 FP-13-015094 Lerner Brown Michelle David 3/7/2013 Granted 3/7/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-015095 FP-13-015097 FP-13-015102 FP-13-015115 FP-13-015117 FP-13-015119 FP-13-015121 FP-13-015123 FP-13-015131 FP-13-015136 Gluck Branson SANTIAGO Reinsel Harang Kring Harris Rodriguez Robick Hicks Kenneth Steven LUIS Francis James Tia Joshua Colburn Brian Kaye 3/7/2013 3/7/2013 3/7/2013 3/7/2013 3/7/2013 3/7/2013 3/7/2013 3/7/2013 3/7/2013 3/7/2013 FP-13-015137 FP-13-015138 FP-13-015139 Wymer Knowles Shelton James Kim Lisa 3/7/2013 Denied in Full 3/1/2013 Granted 3/7/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-015141 FP-13-015142 FP-13-015143 Meredith Calhoun McGowan James Alexis Michael 3/7/2013 Granted 3/7/2013 Administratively Closed 3/7/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-015145 FP-13-015146 FP-13-015147 Vest McGeathey Munoz Stanley Anthony Daniel 3/7/2013 Administratively Closed 3/7/2013 Granted 3/7/2013 Granted FP-13-015148 FP-13-015149 Yu Evans Ri Michael 3/7/2013 Administratively Closed 3/7/2013 Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Administratively Closed Records regarding the type and quantity of all US antipersonnel landmines and cluster munitions stockpiled as part of War Reserve Stocks for Allies-Korea in ROK in year 2011 and 2012. Total number of deployed female personnel and pregnant personnel reported for CY2010 - 2012. 15-6 into the death of her husband, SGT Mark Lerner Prediction of fallout from Atomic Demilition Munitions (ADM), Department of the Army 1965, Volumes 3-15 of Army Training circular. Referred documents case number 1181413. Dredge Barnegat Inlet to Little Egg Harbor POLICE REPROT 0034-2013 MPC 253 Request for MP Rpt Request for MP Rpt Request for MP Rpt Request for MP Rpt Request for MP Rpt CounterDrug Ms. Kaye Hicks request a copy of the AR 15-6 report request pertaining to her grandson, SGT Channing B. Hicks who died on 16 Nov 2012 in Zerok, Afghanistan. Investigations relating to Possible ADA violation. Permit application realted to Ballegeer property Ms. Lisa Shelton request on behalf of her children (Miss Dellah I Shelton and Master Wesley B. Hicks a copy of the AR 15-6 report pertaining to the death of their father SGT Channing B. Hicks on November 16, 2012 in Zerok, Afghanistan. Request for MP rpt Copy of LOI. All award recommendations concerning SP5 Gary McGowan. Referred documents case number 2013-06705. Setence Comp/Abatement Card Request for address to superviser and employment verification Referred documents case number 2013-01938. Referred documents case number 06-F-2073, (Evans). FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 246 of 1088 FP-13-015150 Owens Joseph 3/7/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-015152 FP-13-015153 FP-13-015154 Baumgartner Lynch Mangano Lane Jennifer John 3/7/2013 Granted 3/7/2013 Administratively Closed 3/7/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-015155 FP-13-015156 Rogerson Trevithick Scott Joseph 3/7/2013 Granted 2/28/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-015157 Valencialopez Juventino 3/7/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-015158 FP-13-015160 FP-13-015161 FP-13-015162 FP-13-015163 FP-13-015165 Hirtz Meyers Hunter Yeazel Tucker Butler Sascha Aida Edward Rebekah Terrance Michael 3/7/2013 3/5/2013 3/6/2013 3/7/2013 3/7/2013 3/7/2013 FP-13-015166 FP-13-015168 FP-13-015169 Swartz Kimya Gaines Patricia Kimya Lisa 3/7/2013 Administratively Closed 3/7/2013 Granted 3/7/2013 Granted Administratively Closed Granted Granted Granted Granted Administratively Closed Requesta copy of any investigation conducted by the U.S. Army or any agents thereof in which Sharon Reutter-Christy (aka Cherie Christy) is referenced in any manner, particularly within investigations or materials used by the investigating officer when conducting investigations. MPR 217-13 DRONES Re: Solicitation No.: W912DS-13-R-0009 Contract Award No. W912DS-13-C-0018 copies of the following documents with respect to the award of the solicitation to Looks Great Services, Inc., 7 Lawrence Hill Road, Suite 2, Huntington, NY 11743-3143 1) all invoices submitted to date; 2) all load tickets; 3) executed contract; 4) bid results of all contractors who responded to this solicitation Re: Solicitation No.: W912DS-13-R-0021 Contract Award No. W912DS-13-C0024 copies of the following documents with respect to the award of the solicitation to Looks Great Services, Inc., 7 Lawrence Hill Road, Suite 2, Huntington, NY 11743-3143 1) all invoices submitted to date; 2) all load tickets; 3) executed contract; 4) bid results of all nine contractors who responded to this solicitation 404 permits "ATSBCM008 P MILITARY MOTORCYCLE COEA 2 9110 9204 TRADOC ARMC" reference on page 5-12 of THE ARMY STUDY PROGRAM FISCAL YEAR 1992 REPORT at http://www.dtic.mil/dtic/tr/fulltext/u2/a244351.pdf. Requesting a copy of Military Police Report 34142-2012MPC054. Grafenwoehr Janitorial Services Contract AR 15-6 MPR 0671-2013 Information only MPR 0600-2013 Contract AAFES-RE-91-134-12-135 for Security Guard Services at HQ, StoneRidge and Waco DDC TDA Documents for DHR MPR 0392-2013 Fire Reports FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 247 of 1088 FP-13-015170 Robicheaux Deidre 3/7/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-015171 Hickey Lori 3/7/2013 Granted FP-13-015172 FP-13-015173 FP-13-015174 FP-13-015175 Smith Vanderschuur Boilini Davis Eugene Donette Rebecca Patrice 3/7/2013 3/7/2013 3/7/2013 3/8/2013 FP-13-015176 FP-13-015183 FP-13-015199 RIVERA Santos wright JORGE Rose austin 3/8/2013 Granted 3/8/2013 Administratively Closed 3/8/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-015200 Stephens Adam 3/8/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-015201 Melton Paula 3/8/2013 Denied in Part Granted Granted Granted Granted Design Calculations used to determine the size/capacity of the transformer that was installed for Contract No. W912P809-D-0043-0006 – WBV-76 Westbank and Vicinity, Highway 90 Pump Station, Jefferson Parish, LA Information only. Traffic mishap. Both backing up at the same time, and hit each other. Hit and run. Truck hit bicyclist Assault (Domestic Violence) Failed to yield to pedestrian. I am requesting a copy of the samples of the flooring taken before the project began, all air quality samples taken during the project, and the documentation from the previous renovation project in regards to asbestos. I am also requesting a copy of all documentation of the safety inspections performed during the renovation project. POLICE REPORT 0051-2013 MPC 253 W91QUZ-13-A-0002 correspondence sent from members of Congress to specific army officials during the month of February 2013 - John McHugh, Ray Odierno, Heidi Shyu Request a copy of solicitation W91CRB07R0079 and all amendments, as well as a copy of all documents evidencing the Fair Opportunities that have been issued by the US Army pursuant to the Solicitation, the responses to the Fair Opportunities that have been received by the US Army and the awards granted under the Fair Opportunities and all associated correspondence. army green buidling policies and regulations emails sent between US army offices and various people FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 248 of 1088 FP-13-015205 Evers Jason 3/4/2013 FP-13-015206 FP-13-015210 Keefauver Kalnins Levi Mark 3/8/2013 Granted 3/7/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-015211 FP-13-015212 Lutz Spurlock Eric Troy 3/7/2013 Denied in Part 2/12/2013 Administratively Closed I request that a copy of the following document(s) be provided to me. In February of 2012, an AR 15-6 Investigation was conducted into the management of the Group Fitness program at Gruber Gymnasium on Fort Leavenworth. At the time, my wife, Salliejo Evers was managing that program. We would like to see a copy of the final report. In order to help you determine my status for the purpose of assessing fees, you should know that I am an individual seeking information for personal use and not for a commercial use. I do not believe any fees are warranted to provide this investigation, however if you estimate that any fees are needed, please contact me. Confnement Order Mitigation bank documents for pending mitigation banks to include documents and reports submitted for compensatory mitigation banks that have been proposed, though have not been approved in SWF, specifically Draft Prospectus, Prospectus, Draft Mitigation Bank Instrument, and written comments provided to SWF in response to issued public notices or public meetings. *REQUEST REVISED ON 4/3/13* Only wants prospectus documents for proposed mitigation banks in SWF. Folly River Project conducting a background check on a Concealed Handgun License Applicant whose Criminal History check returned an FBI number; that record reflects he was charged in December 1983 of Conduct Unbecoming an Officer and Indecent Acts with a Child 3. He indicated that he was honorably discharged, but with the above information that calls that answer on his application into question. Is there any means possible that you could direct me in confirming or acquiring documentation showing the outcome of those charges upon receipt of further information concerning the applicant? If so, to whom may I contact and/or direct a copy of his signed application to in order to perform a records search and provide the outcome of those charges and/or discharge status as a result of any court martial for said charges? FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 249 of 1088 FP-13-015215 Eastham Ronald 3/8/2013 Granted FP-13-015216 Klebaner Elizabeth 3/8/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-015218 FP-13-015222 FP-13-015225 Fink Larsen Landers Misty Jim Kate 3/8/2013 Administratively Closed 3/8/2013 Granted 3/6/2013 Granted FP-13-015227 Palmer Loren 3/4/2013 Granted FP-13-015229 FP-13-015230 Andris Goodwin John Danielle 3/8/2013 Administratively Closed 3/8/2013 Granted FP-13-015231 FP-13-015232 Perkins Kelley James Donna 3/8/2013 Administratively Closed 3/8/2013 Administratively Closed .pdf files of the segment maps for Greenup L&D, River Miles 0 through 7, on both sides of the Big Sandy River Documents regarding the Mammoth Pacific 1 Replacement Project Request for MP rpt Corps' letter to Nichols Brothers Most specifically, we request the following: 1) to be informed of any intentions, discussion or communications regarding transfer of ownership from the Dept of Army/Corp of Engineers, United States, for either'Pattemdam' Bridge (said Bridge that runs from Alexander Road to Patterndam Road, also referred to as 'Alexander Bridge'), or any parts ofPattemdam Road. If there are any plans to transfer ownership, we ask to be included in discussions of the specific wording of any transfer deed, before it is executed, in order to ensure our property is provided specific access and use of the Bridge, to protect our easements. 2) I'd like to be provided with the Deed reference (book and page info) for when the Army Corp of Engineers took ownership of the Bridge, and if a copy can be provided I'd appreciate it. 3) Also, if possible any document or list, stating the legal status ofboth, the Bridge, and Pattemdam Road, in terms of 'abandonment' or decommission, by the town of Holland, highway deportment, state ofMA, or United States Army, Corp of Engineers. If part of the road is decommissioned, when and what parts, etc Can you please provide me with permit information on the cul-de-sac located on Firehouse Road in Alburgh, VT. The permit number is 1993-00092. Contract W912KC-05-D-0003-0026. The requester is requesting a Military Police Report pertaining to any and all incidents that may have occurred on Fort Belvoir. Referred FOIA request case number 13-072. All material (electronic and hard copy) related to the investigation of the accident involving Carl Humphrey on Aug. 21, 2009, El Paso, Ft Bliss, Biggs Field, TX, to also include copies of any photographs and diagrams, as well as any findings, notes, complaints, fines and audio files. FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 250 of 1088 FP-13-015233 Gouin JoAnn 3/8/2013 Granted The requester is requesting a Military Police Report pertaining to an incident which occurred 7 February 2013. FP-13-015235 Ahern Sean 3/8/2013 Administratively Closed Requestor wants copies of the daily production reports and all pay estimates for contract number W912EE-12-C-0020. FP-13-015236 FP-13-015238 FP-13-015240 Dozier Pereira Rohlik Travis Manuel Shelley 3/8/2013 Administratively Closed 3/8/2013 Administratively Closed 3/6/2013 Granted FP-13-015242 FP-13-015243 FP-13-015244 FP-13-015245 FP-13-015246 FP-13-015247 FP-13-015248 Zazuetta Lovely Delgado Marshall Gonzalez Kendrick Hair Philip Keith Mauricio Tre Carlos Charlie Bruce 3/8/2013 3/8/2013 3/8/2013 3/6/2013 3/8/2013 3/8/2013 3/8/2013 FP-13-015249 FP-13-015250 FP-13-015251 Lindsey KAGEYAMA Letvin Matthew YURI Peter 3/8/2013 Granted 3/8/2013 Granted 3/8/2013 Granted FP-13-015252 FP-13-015253 FP-13-015257 FP-13-015268 Trawick Fox Boyd Schneider Brian David Lisa Mallory IG investigation about his complaint. Referred documents case number NRC2013009583. POS for Gifts, Furniture, Toys, Luggage, Home Accents One Month CTF April 2012 - present CTF Copy of orders to USDB POS 3 departments for one month Orders directing him to USDB SOP 506 Basic contract and at least one task order modification for contract number, W31P4Q08D0024. preapproved amount up to $100. Driving under the influence of Alcohol and/or drugs. SEXUAL ASSUALT CASES 2005 TO PRESENT information regarding: W912ES-11-C-0006 Devils Lake Flood Mgmt Phase 2B Lighter POC information for only one month MS Debt Verification Request for MP Rpt All "records concerning any USACE or other environmental violations in which Alvin Barron, of the above address, or any other Alabama address for this individual, was named." FP-13-015273 Perkins Timothy 3/1/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-015274 FP-13-015276 FP-13-015277 FP-13-015278 Tann McAnerney Young Tan N William John Michelle 3/8/2013 Administratively Closed 3/8/2013 Granted 3/8/2013 3/1/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-015279 Thomas Steven 3/8/2013 Administratively Closed 3/8/2013 3/8/2013 3/8/2013 2/27/2013 Denied in Part Denied in Part Granted Granted Granted Denied in Full Granted Granted Granted Granted Administratively Closed Documents for the period 1/1/2003 through 11/9/2012 related to Permit SWF-2010-00013. TAL Jackson Johnson (xx5925) Request for MP rpt Request for Statement made by Manning in Court TRADOC initiated 15-6 for the basic military training at Fort Jackson SC, that began in Nov 12. Request copies of all documents associated with ROI 11017 regarding my complaint against BG Mark McAlister. FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 251 of 1088 FP-13-015282 Gadd Chris 2/26/2013 FP-13-015283 FP-13-015284 Hummell Miller Dennis Sherri FP-13-015285 FP-13-015286 Barley Simpson Daniel Sara FP-13-015287 FP-13-015288 Hummell Bryce Dennis Michael 3/8/2013 Granted 3/8/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-015289 FP-13-015290 Acosta Wilkinson Roberto Glenn 3/8/2013 Granted 3/7/2013 Granted FP-13-015291 FP-13-015292 FP-13-015293 Fox Thomas Branson William Steven Steven 3/5/2013 Denied in Part 3/5/2013 Administratively Closed 3/8/2013 Granted FP-13-015294 Branson Steven 3/8/2013 Granted FP-13-015295 Branson Steven 3/8/2013 Granted FP-13-015296 Branson Steven 3/8/2013 Granted 3/8/2013 Granted 3/8/2013 Denied in Part 3/8/2013 Granted 2/20/2013 Granted LoD investigation concerning Paul McCallister and Jessica Walker in 2007 Negligent driving. 3 car accident. NEPA compliance decision document for the East Contra Costa RGP Negligent driving. 3 car accident. Request for permits related to a partially submerged lot known both as Lot 18 and Parcels A and B, adjacent to 9328 Atlantic Avenue, North Beach, MD 20714. Negligent Driving. 3 car accident. 1. A Full and complete copy of any application for installation Fishing Permit or a copy of any permit issued to the child's step-father, MAJ John Allen Sackman. 2. A full and complete copies of all ft Gordon Forms 9166 (Control Access Logs) for the period 15 March 2012 to 28 April 2012. OPF and payroll records Mr. Wilkinson requests any and all information on Fort Detrick's program to buy red tide blooms from the Defense Reutilization Marketing Office. Commander's report of Disciplinary Action ROI 11-017 at SSI Contract 12-C-0030, Solicitation 12-B-0026: daily production reports, final pay estimate, bid abstracts, daily quality control reports, contract modifications, contract award and notice to proceed Contract 12-C-0024, Solicitation 11-B-0046: daily production reports, final pay estimate, bid abstracts, daily quality control reports, contract modifications, contract award and notice to proceed Contract 12-C-0039, Solicitation 12-B-0033: daily production reports, final pay estimate, bid abstracts, daily quality control reports, contract modifications, contract award and notice to proceed Contract 12-C-0041, Solicitation 11-B-0037: daily production reports, final pay estimate, bid abstracts, daily quality control reports, contract modifications, contract award and notice to proceed FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 252 of 1088 FP-13-015297 Branson Steven 3/8/2013 Granted FP-13-015298 Branson Steven 3/8/2013 Granted FP-13-015299 Branson Steven 3/8/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-015300 Schwanenberger Greg 3/8/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-015301 Branson Steven 3/8/2013 Granted FP-13-015302 FP-13-015303 Brettman Roberts Allan Casey 3/8/2013 Granted 3/7/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-015304 Stevens Patrice 3/7/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-015305 FP-13-015311 Hummell Busler Dennis Shaun 3/8/2013 Granted 3/11/2013 Granted FP-13-015312 Pieton John 3/11/2013 Granted FP-13-015316 FP-13-015317 FP-13-015319 FP-13-015322 Abell McCormick Bienmueller Morse David Maurice Teresa Richard 3/11/2013 3/11/2013 3/11/2013 3/11/2013 FP-13-015324 Pouler Troy 3/11/2013 Granted Granted Denied in Part Granted Granted Contract 12-C-0020, Solicitation 11-B-0022: daily production reports, final pay estimate, bid abstracts, daily quality control reports, contract modifications, contract award and notice to proceed Contract 12-C-0014, Solicitation 11-B-0034: daily production reports, final pay estimate, bid abstracts, daily quality control reports, contract modifications, contract award and notice to proceed Contract 12-C-0056, Solicitation 12-B-0046: daily production reports, final pay estimate, bid abstracts, daily quality control reports, contract modifications, contract award and notice to proceed Personnel file and investigative records for the flight instructor, Gary L. Christensen, including any documentation related to the accident that occurred on December 13, 2010 at Fort Rucker. Contract 12-C-0051, Solicitation 11-B-0023: daily production reports, final pay estimate, bid abstracts, daily quality control reports, contract modifications, contract award and notice to proceed Delineation Report for Nike All records related to Kosse Mine Expansion permit application SWF-2012-00349 Construction schedule, subcontractor list, wage determination for THAAD Instructional Facility, Ft. Sill, OK W912BV-12-C-0002. follwing too close. 3 car accident. Prospectus and Instrument for the Tygart Valley Wetland and Stream Mitigation Bank, Randolph County, West Virginia File #2011-32 copy of correspondence between usace and Pac Drilling copy of "after the fact" application and/or permit issued Documents for Kinder Morgan Facility CTF 431, 481 and 487 one month access REcords regarding military equipment and resources that have been channeled through our agency to local law enforcement agencies in Delaware. Request for MP rpt FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 253 of 1088 FP-13-015325 FP-13-015326 FP-13-015327 Hanson Daab Partlow Robert William Joshua 3/11/2013 Granted 3/4/2013 Granted 3/11/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-015328 FP-13-015329 FP-13-015330 Nexis Watt Magcalas Lexis Robert Ricky 3/11/2013 Granted 3/11/2013 Administratively Closed 3/11/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-015331 FP-13-015332 FP-13-015333 Rinaldi Wilson Mongano, Jr. Robert Margaret John 3/5/2013 Granted 3/11/2013 Granted 3/11/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-015335 Pepe Dan 3/7/2013 Granted FP-13-015336 Burns Erin 3/11/2013 Granted FP-13-015337 Chasco Paul 3/11/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-015338 FP-13-015339 FP-13-015340 FP-13-015341 Glowacki Perales Reeve Pente Stephen Wayne Ombica Erin 3/11/2013 3/5/2013 3/11/2013 3/11/2013 Administratively Closed Granted Administratively Closed Administratively Closed FP-13-015342 FP-13-015343 FP-13-015344 FP-13-015345 Haskell Amador Seward Zaken Daniel Marcos Lowell Marc 3/11/2013 3/5/2013 3/6/2013 3/11/2013 Granted Granted Granted Administratively Closed FP-13-015346 Walsh Michael 3/11/2013 Administratively Closed Hydrographic Survey Stidy SETA Contract W900KK-09-D-0006 W5J9LE-11-P-0018 W5J9LE-10-P-0154 W5J9LE-12-P0074 W917PM-09-C-0005 0869-2013 W5J9LE-10-C-0024 Requesting a copy of a MP report he filed when someone broke into his home and stole some jewelry. ECS Contract W900KK-09-D-0006 ECS Contract W900KK-09-D-0006 a copy of all invoices submitted to date, all load tickets, the executed contract and the bid results of all contractors who responded to the solicitation for contract number W912DS13-C-0018, solicitation number W912DS-13-R-0009, awarded to Looks Great Services, Inc. Two contracts and white papers awarded under W15QKN11-C-0140, 09 and 10 to Nanoblox, Inc. for the production of nanodiamonds. the Rouses Point Yacht Club Inc. file number NAN-201200023 wetlands or wetlands violation at the property located at 430 North Keystone Avenue, Sayre, PA Unmanned aircraft ECS Contract W900KK-09-D-0006 AR 15-6, Investigation - LTC Timothy Atkins wetlands or wetlands violations at the property located at 240 US Highway 202, Raritan Township, Hunterdon County, NJ Mr. Haskell requested for documents pertaining to him. ECS Contract W900KK-09-D-0006 ECS Contract W900KK-09-D-0006 Any documents from 1984-1992 that Hawker Siddeley Dynamics Engineering limited and or HSDE Limited provided to the US Government regarding EMC-32T or DECU, this device is used for the T55-L-714 engines that power the Army's Chinook helicopters. Offical duty Phone records regarding SGT Pendergrass from US Army Recruting Station located at 257 Andover St. Peabody MA and duty cell phone for April 2011. FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 254 of 1088 FP-13-015347 McCALL Shandra 3/11/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-015348 FP-13-015349 Jones Layden Jessa Michael 3/11/2013 Granted 3/11/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-015350 FP-13-015355 FP-13-015356 Bentley Chilli Stevens Russell Frank Patrice 3/11/2013 Administratively Closed 3/11/2013 Administratively Closed 3/7/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-015357 FP-13-015358 FP-13-015359 O'Rourke Saik Kaye Shawnn C.E. Jeffrey 3/6/2013 Granted 3/11/2013 Administratively Closed 3/11/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-015360 FP-13-015361 FP-13-015362 Chilli Ho Stevens Frank Sung Patrice 3/11/2013 Administratively Closed 3/7/2013 Granted 3/7/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-015363 FP-13-015365 Chilli Stevens Frank Patrice 3/11/2013 Administratively Closed 3/7/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-015369 FP-13-015375 FP-13-015376 FP-13-015379 FP-13-015380 FP-13-015388 FP-13-015390 FP-13-015392 FP-13-015395 Gallant Govindasamy McIntosh Montiel Christensen Markham Stier Zurawski Kulkarni 3/11/2013 3/11/2013 3/11/2013 3/11/2013 3/11/2013 3/11/2013 3/11/2013 3/11/2013 3/11/2013 FP-13-015397 Gallaspy Scott Kyle Tyler Carla Eric Dillon Rhiannon Tamara Shailendr a Paiged Administratively Closed Granted Granted Administratively Closed Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted 3/11/2013 Administratively Closed 15-6 investigation regarding Guard Recruiting Assistant Program (GRAP). Investigation was done by CID. Wetland violations Unit history records for the 1544th Transportation Company from 1990-1991. Any records regarding Mr. Bentley. Contract Certified payroll and Davis Bacon Act review documents for Mission Command Training Center, Ft. Sill, OK W912BV-12C-0006 Requester did not specify Contract All correspondence relating to 2 Army reports regarding US dealings with purported WWII-era Japanese Biological and Chemical Warfare researchers, chief among them Shiro Ishii. Contract ECS Contract W900KK-09-D-0006 Construction schedule, subcontractor list, and wage determinations for Reception BN Complex, Ft. Sill, OK W912BV-12-C-0010. Contract Construction schedules, subcontractor list, wage determinations, certified payroll, and Davis Bacon Act review documents for Tactical Equipment Maintenance Facility, Ft. Sill, OK W912BV-12-C-0012. ECS Contract W900KK-09-D-0006 Confinement Order Work evals from detail 44 to 28 Contract one POS access for the rest of 2013 Request for MP Rpt Request for MP Rpt Request for MP Rpt ENG-93 26 for 10-C-0026 Caernarvon Diversion and Davis Pond FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 255 of 1088 FP-13-015399 Bransford Shaw 3/11/2013 Granted FP-13-015400 FP-13-015402 FP-13-015405 FP-13-015407 FP-13-015410 DuBrow Chapman Lee Klump Stephens Alan Luke T Stephen Jeff 3/11/2013 3/11/2013 3/11/2013 3/11/2013 3/11/2013 Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted FP-13-015412 FP-13-015413 FP-13-015414 FP-13-015417 FP-13-015419 FP-13-015420 Ruggirello Ruggirello Ruggirello Harris Golightly Lenz Barbara Barbara Barbara Jeanna Steven Donald 3/11/2013 3/11/2013 3/11/2013 3/11/2013 3/11/2013 3/11/2013 Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted FP-13-015421 FP-13-015423 FP-13-015424 Ruggirello KEVER Keri Barbara LINDA Sharon 3/11/2013 Granted 3/11/2013 Granted 3/11/2013 Granted FP-13-015426 FP-13-015427 FP-13-015428 FP-13-015429 FP-13-015430 FP-13-015431 Ruggirello Ruggirello Dippel Burruss Key Stevens Barbara Barbara Linda Donna Alicia Patrice 3/11/2013 3/11/2013 3/11/2013 3/11/2013 3/11/2013 2/28/2013 FP-13-015433 FP-13-015434 FP-13-015435 Ruggirello Key Stevens Barbara Alicia Patrice 3/11/2013 Granted 3/11/2013 Granted 2/28/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-015436 Key Alicia 3/11/2013 Granted FP-13-015438 MARKIS SEAN 3/11/2013 Denied in Part Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Administratively Closed Mr. Bransford request documents pertainig to his client Mrs. Lorraine Tyacke regarding the security eligibilty report (SAER). While processing the request naval criminal investigate service located documents which file under ARCENT purview. ECS Contract W900KK-09-D-0006 Address information request for Noey Saldivar Jr. Address information request for Clarence Edward Eley III Address information request for Joshua Costly October 07 Jurisidiction Determination and April 24, 2007 report and June 7, 2007 Letter prepared by Alpine Environmental Services for the Rancho Vedado Phase II property, SPK-200475476 Address information request for Eumouckus G Thomas Address information request for Deshannon L Adams Address information request for David Minter Address information request for Antwon Lamar Moss Address information request for Corey Christopher Hill Information regarding dredging in both the San Joaquin and Sacramento Ship Channels Address information request for Cary E Lee PAUL BREWINGTON Address information request for Christian Gregory Weigel Hobbs Address information request for Damien D Eafford Address information request for Clifford T Marshall Address information request for David M Jackson Address information request for Devon Mims Address information request for Jefferson Daniel Harris Construction schedule, subcontractor list, wage determination for THADD Instructional Facility, Ft. Sill, OK W912BV-12-C-0002. Address information request for Randy L White Address information request for Willie James Campbell Construction schedule, subcontractor list, wage determination for Mission Command Training Center, Ft. Sill, OK, W912BV-12-C-0006. Address information request for Thomas Kenneth Troy Maycock PAROLE PACKET SUBMITTED IN JAN 13 FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 256 of 1088 FP-13-015439 FP-13-015440 Ruggirello Stevens Barbara Patrice 3/11/2013 Granted 2/28/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-015442 Nottley Janet 3/11/2013 Granted FP-13-015445 FP-13-015447 Ruggirello Stevens Barbara Patrice 3/11/2013 Granted 2/28/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-015448 FP-13-015452 FP-13-015454 Ruggirello Keri Stevens Barbara Sharon Patrice 3/11/2013 Granted 3/11/2013 Granted 3/7/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-015457 FP-13-015458 Ruggirello Stevens Barbara Patrice 3/11/2013 Granted 3/7/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-015459 FP-13-015463 Hardy-Porter Stevens Vander Patrice 3/11/2013 Granted 3/7/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-015465 Stevens Patrice 3/7/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-015471 FP-13-015473 Nexis Brown Lexis David 3/11/2013 Granted 3/11/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-015474 FP-13-015476 FP-13-015478 FP-13-015479 FP-13-015480 Brown Nexis Fox CHILLI Nash Cecil Lexis Steven FRANK Jeremy 3/11/2013 3/11/2013 3/11/2013 3/11/2013 3/11/2013 FP-13-015482 FP-13-015484 FP-13-015486 CHILLI CHILLI Sortino FRANK FRANK Anthony 3/11/2013 Administratively Closed 3/11/2013 Administratively Closed 3/11/2013 Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Granted Administratively Closed Denied in Part Administratively Closed Address information request for Richard L Owens Jr Construction schedule, subcontractor list, wage determination for Reception BN Complex, Ft. Sill, OK W912BV-12-C-0010. Address information request for Avenson Cesar Tan Ronquillo Address information request for Dawavion M Dunson Construction schedule, subcontractor list, wage determination for Tactical Equipment Maintenance Facility, Ft. Sill, OK W912BV-12-C-0012. Address information request for Dawavion M Dunson Address information request for Steven Michael Pollock Certified payroll and other Davis Bacon Act compliance review documents for THAAD Instructional Facility, Ft. Sill, OK W912BV-12-C-0002. Address information request for Christopher S Young Certified payroll and other Davis Bacon Act compliance review documents for Mission Command Training Center, Ft. Sill, OK W912BV-12-C-0006. Address information request for Bryce A Kampwerth Certified payroll and other Davis Bacon Act compliance review documents for Reception BN Complex, Ft. Sill, OK W912BV-12-C-0010. Certified payroll and other Davis Bacon Act compliance review documents for Tactical Equipment Maintenance Facility, Ft. Sill, OK W912BV-12-C-0012. MPR involving Lucas Plogger that occured 2-18-13 Copy of "Operational Review of the Special Atomic Demolition Munitions" US Army Nuclear Weapons Surety Group, 1966. history 630th Engineer Battalion 0893-2013 Personnel history - Edwin Theriot W15P7T-10-D-D416 multi unit condominium consttrucitons locate4d over water in US W15P7T09DM615 W15P7T-09-D-M615 Records search regarding Mr. Phillips. FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 257 of 1088 FP-13-015487 Helms James 3/11/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-015488 FP-13-015489 FP-13-015490 FP-13-015491 FP-13-015492 FP-13-015493 FP-13-015494 FP-13-015495 FP-13-015496 CHILLI Phillis Phillis Phillis CHILLI Phillis Phillis Phillis Leslie FRANK Michael Michael Michael FRANK Michael Michael Michael Kevin 3/11/2013 3/11/2013 3/11/2013 3/11/2013 3/11/2013 3/11/2013 3/11/2013 3/11/2013 3/11/2013 Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed FP-13-015497 FP-13-015498 FP-13-015499 FP-13-015500 FP-13-015501 FP-13-015503 FP-13-015504 FP-13-015505 CHILLI Phillis Phillis Phillis Poon CHILLI Shanks Gradilla FRANK Michael Michael Michael Eddie FRANK Sheila Robert 3/11/2013 3/11/2013 3/11/2013 3/11/2013 3/11/2013 3/11/2013 3/11/2013 3/11/2013 Denied in Full Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed FP-13-015508 Darby Josh 3/11/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-015509 Holm Jerry 3/11/2013 Administratively Closed All documents regarding US Army Personnel Security Appeals Board (PSAB), (Helms). W15P7T-THOR-012 Contract W9128F12P0141. Contract W91YTZ12C0071. Contract W911SA12P0191. W15P7T-13-C-C001 Contract W91YTV12P0388. Contract W9128F12P0088. Contract W912P612M0024. quote for barracks type furniture at Ft. Knox, Kentucky, be provided to me: · All documents related to Request for Quote/Bid # RFQ# W912DY-13-T-0104; · All communications (to include written and electronic correspondence) related to Request for Quote/Bid # RFQ# W912DY-13-T-0104; · Any minutes, notes, agendas, etc., related to any meetings held to discuss Request for Quote/Bid # RFQ# W912DY-13-T-0104; · Test data used to make an award determination in Request for Quote/Bid # RFQ# W912DY-13-T-0104; · All information used to make an award determination in Request for Quote/Bid # RFQ# W912DY-13-T- 0104; · The total amount quoted by the successful offeror for Request for Quote/Bid # RFQ# W912DY-13-T-0104. W15P7T-12-R-CT05 Contract W912P512P0033. Contract W911SA12P0041. Contract W91WAW10P0248. Copy of LOI. W15P7T-06-D-A008 Request copies of all employment records. Referred documents case number NRC2012114271 (Flores). Approved permit and permit plans for the Riverpark Place Marina in Louisville, KY. The project in question is located near the intersection of River Road and Frankfort Ave, approximately 9000' west of the intersection of River Road and Zorn Ave. contracts FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 258 of 1088 FP-13-015510 Wamsley Christine 2/28/2013 Granted Permits issued to Adolph Hertrich, Vanport Manufacturing, Tom Shipler, Lake Development, Pacific Links LLC FP-13-015511 FP-13-015512 Chilli Sutton Frank Elizabeth 3/11/2013 Administratively Closed 3/11/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-015513 FP-13-015514 FP-13-015515 FP-13-015516 FP-13-015517 FP-13-015518 Chilli Denton Anderson Walker Moffatt Gliori Frank Justin Cori Israel Casey Tracy 3/11/2013 3/8/2013 1/15/2013 3/8/2013 3/11/2013 3/8/2013 FP-13-015519 Wright Will Referred request case number 13-F-0180. 1) We request the following documents listed below received during the time period from March 4, 2013 to present: a. Requests/notifications for withdrawal of previously filed 404 applications for surface mining operations in Kentucky. b. All notices, requests, or applications for coverage for coalmines, refuse or slurry impoundments under NW permits 21, 49 or 50. c. Any Corps authorizations including decision documents and facts and findings granted under NWP 21, 49 or 50 for activities in Kentucky or Tennessee. d. Any individual 404 permits including decision documents, facts and findings, and final CMPs for surface mining operations or refuse or slurry impoundments in Kentucky or Tennessee e. Any and all Environmental Information Documents received including amendments, revisions and/or appendices and any and all Compensatory Mitigation Plans including amendments, revisions and/or appendices related to coal mining operations submitted to the Corps for operations in Kentucky or Tennessee. f. All monitoring reports received by the Corps related to any mining compensatory mitigation plans for stream creation, enhancement, or restoration projects for 404 permits in KY. contract MPR 1632-2012 W912PP-10-C-0028; SF1442 and Submittal Clauses MPR 0144-2013 MPR 0524-2013 Proposal submitted by Fuel Tank Maintenance Company and source selection documents for Rehab of Canton Lake Bridge and Four Sluice Gates at Canton Dam All documents related to Ozark Materials River Rock, LLC. FP-13-015520 Boyd Amanda 2/26/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-015521 FP-13-015522 Thorness Smith Sabrina Peter 3/11/2013 Granted 1/25/2013 Granted Administratively Closed Granted Granted Granted Granted Administratively Closed 3/8/2013 Administratively Closed IDA Packet requesting for a copy of the Fire Dept SOG for medical emergencies and any correspondence relating to Ms. Williams incident on March 20, 2011. Military Police Report-Service Station Jurisdictional Determination FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 259 of 1088 FP-13-015523 FP-13-015524 FP-13-015525 FP-13-015526 FP-13-015527 FP-13-015528 Thorness Thorness Thorness Thorness Whitley Scholz Sabrina Sabrina Sabrina Sabrina Jamal Daniel 3/11/2013 3/11/2013 3/11/2013 3/11/2013 3/11/2013 3/11/2013 Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted FP-13-015529 FP-13-015530 FP-13-015531 FP-13-015532 Parker Lunsford Cobb Barei Rikki Patrick William Valentina 3/11/2013 3/11/2013 3/11/2013 3/11/2013 Granted Granted Granted Granted FP-13-015533 Clark Anna FP-13-015534 FP-13-015535 FP-13-015536 Gibson Donathan Marinangel Clarence Gayle Lisa 2/21/2013 Granted 2/25/2013 Granted 3/11/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-015537 FP-13-015538 Clark Kime Anna Kirsten 2/27/2013 Administratively Closed 3/11/2013 Granted FP-13-015539 Kime Kirsten 3/11/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-015540 Kime Kirsten 3/1/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-015541 FP-13-015542 FP-13-015543 FP-13-015544 Wright Johnston Pinaula Spearman Giles Matthew Gerald Lonnie 2/7/2013 Administratively Closed 3/12/2013 3/12/2013 3/12/2013 3/12/2013 Granted Granted Granted Granted Military Police Report-Furniture Store Military Police Report-Pizza Delivery Vehicle Military Police Report-Pizza Delivery Vehicle Military Police Report-Furniture Store Military Police Report Payment bonds Watts-Webcor and all writings in federal rules of evidence of payment bond pursuant to Miller ActRelated to W91238-11-C-0010, Satellite Earth Terminal Facility at Camp Roberts, California Military Police Report Military Police Report Military Police Report List of dredging reports for the Lower Duwamish River from 1940 through 1986 W912PP-12-C-0033 SOF Aircraft Maintenance Office; CAFB Investigative Report - Rio Hondo Conchas Dam any and all actions pertaining to wetland violations/enforcements and any permits granted associated with the property located at this address and these coordinates: 2600 Paris Road, Chalmette, LA - lat: 29.943266, lon: -89.964001GjS W912PP-13-C-0002; Squad Ops Facility I and II, CAFB any and all actions pertaining to wetland violations/enforcements and any permits granted associated with the property owned by First Hartford Realty located at 12880 Airline Hwy, Baton Rouge, LA - lat: 30.381141, lon: 91.039443 any and all actions pertaining to wetland violations/enforcements and any permits granted associated with the property owned by First Hartford Realty located at 705 Bertrand Dr., Lafayette, LA - lat: 30.214179, lon: 92.047132 Southeast corner of N. Lee Trevino Dr. & Trawood Dr., El Paso, TX Copy of MP Report 00066-2013-MPC347 Request for MP Rpt Request for MP Rpt Request for MP rpt FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 260 of 1088 FP-13-015545 Morley Sean 2/22/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-015546 Glowacki Steven 3/12/2013 Granted FP-13-015548 FP-13-015552 FP-13-015554 FP-13-015555 HATTEN Dunbar BRIMAGE Nash JASPER She'Lagh KIM Mark 3/12/2013 3/12/2013 3/12/2013 3/12/2013 FP-13-015558 Alderman 3/11/2013 Granted FP-13-015559 Wolf Robert "Wayn" Isaac FP-13-015561 Wenger Dennis 3/12/2013 Granted FP-13-015562 Brady Nathan 3/12/2013 Granted FP-13-015564 FP-13-015566 FP-13-015567 FP-13-015570 FP-13-015571 Hitchcock Douglas Munoz Jackson Buckley Brent Adrek Alejandro Jeremy James 3/12/2013 3/12/2013 3/12/2013 3/12/2013 3/12/2013 FP-13-015573 Chasco Paul 3/12/2013 Administratively Closed Granted Granted Granted Administratively Closed 2/20/2013 Denied in Part Granted Granted Granted Granted Administratively Closed Documents upon which the DoD CAF relied to make its eligibility/access determination. Certificates of Waiver or Authorization (COA) for the operation of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS). JASPER HATTEN 15-6 Investigations VINCENT YOUNT Nash Events is lloking for the award amounts for the purhcase, installation and removal labor and storage for directional signes at the 2012 Army 10 Mile Race. ECS Contract W900KK-09-D-0006 The complete Exclused Parties List System case files for Fine Line Products Co. (DUNS 605117746) and SC&A Inc. (DUNS 033171799). Wetland delineation report and jurisdictional determination for SPK-1995-50-537, Park Ridge Subdivision, Summit County, Utah Records related to regulatory action SPK-2008-501-CW, natural gas pipeline crossing Colorado River Employment verification and supervisor's address Employment verification and supervisor's address Employment verification and supervisor's address MP Report of accident occurring on 15 December 2012 SOP for HQ 2 ID for the DMZ, Korea 30 Jan 1989. 2/503 INF DMZ play book, Korea 20 June 1989. 525-4 UNC/CFC rules of engagement (ROE), S-2 Intell updates/report 2/503 INF March 1990 DMZ mission. S-2 Intell updates/reports 5/20th INF June 1990-DMZ mission. Permits, violations, etc for property in Sayre, PA Transfer from Baltimore Dist FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 261 of 1088 FP-13-015578 Sutton Elizabeth 3/11/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-015579 FP-13-015583 Dowlearn Brown Martha David 3/12/2013 Administratively Closed 3/12/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-015586 FP-13-015594 Johnson Hartman Kenton Doyle 3/12/2013 Granted 3/12/2013 Granted FP-13-015603 Perloff Hal 3/8/2013 Granted all communications including letters, reports, emails, applications, CMPS, decision documents and or permits from May 6, 2009 to present between A&G Coal Co. in reference to the proposed Ison Rock Ridge mine; all requests received from Jan 2010 to present for withdrawal of previously filed 404 applications for surfacing mining operations in VA; any communications between the Norfolk District and USEPA related to coal mining from January 20, 2009 to present; with respect to coalmines, refuse or slurry impoundments, application docs and permits issued under NWP 21,49, 50; application docs and permits issued under section 404; Environmental Information documents; monitoring reports and mitigation plans for period 3/5/13 3/11/13 Four Permits This request was referred to my office by Mr. Hamilton the FOIA Program Manager at Fort belvoir. The requester is requesting copies of the T-70 Use of the A-bomb for blocking purposes held at Defense Technical Information Center. Wetland determination Padre Island Average daily discharge from Piedmont Dam in Muskingum River watershed for period of record, as well as the average daily discharge at the stream gage immediately downstream of the dam at Stillwater Creek, if available A copy of the FOIA request letter in request 12-F0097; a copy of any letter similar sent to other offerors under solicitation No. W912DR-04-0082 in response to FOIA request 12-F0097 FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 262 of 1088 FP-13-015604 Sutton Elizabeth 3/12/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-015605 FP-13-015606 Curtis Kline Terrell Jenn 3/12/2013 Granted 3/12/2013 Granted FP-13-015607 Strang John 3/11/2013 Granted FP-13-015608 Goins Kaela 3/12/2013 Granted To the extent not already responsive, in reference to the Coal-Mac Mine, LRH-2008-00830, SMCRA No. S500607: any and all monitoring data and/or reports submitted to the Corps pursuant to the permit requirements, and any and all other communications including, but not limited to, letters, reports, emails and or approvals to fill streams including, but not limited to, those communications between the Corps and Coal Mac about the above noted mine. Requests/notifications received from January 2010 to present for withdrawal of previously filed 404 applications for surfacing mining operations in West Virginia. To the extent not already responsive, any and all monitoring data and or reports submitted to the Corps pursuant to the permit requirements for the Consol of Kentucky, Peg Fork Mine, Corps Number 2006-2295 KAN. To the extent not already responsive, any and all other communications including, but not limited to, those communications between the Corps and Consol about the above noted Peg Fork Mine from January 2010 to present. Any and all preliminary or final information including, but not limited to, articles, reports, emails, phone Redacted 15-6 pertaining to SGT Carl J. Bryant Vacancy ID: 810699 Job Announcement Number: SWGY13359589810699 copies of the weekly certified payroll statements furnished by E. H. Ives Corporation during the performance of the U.S. Facilities, Inc. project which includes P00005, P0006 and P0008 South Mills Bridge Repair & Upgrade. Project Award Number is W91236-08-C-0001. Funding Agency is Corps Of Engineers. Total Award Amount $2,047,649. Project Location- City, Chesapeake, Virginia. Award Date, 06/08/2009. (SUB-AWARD IVES W91236-08-C-0001 P00006- IVES CORPORATION). Sub Award Amount $246,000. Sub Award Date- 08-25-2009. Sub-Recipient DUNS Number- 043339613. Sub-Recipient Address, 2115 Springfield Ave. Norfolk, Va. 23523-2436. Contracting Office ID-W91236. I also request a copy of the DOL Wage Determinations used for this project showing the rates of pay for all trades. Failure to yield at intersection FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 263 of 1088 FP-13-015609 Howard, Jr. Bernard 3/5/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-015610 COPE 3/12/2013 Granted FP-13-015611 Cherrie KENNET H Victoria FP-13-015612 FP-13-015615 FP-13-015617 FP-13-015619 wysong Mitchell Morrow Kannady 3/12/2013 Granted 3/12/2013 Granted 3/12/2013 Granted 3/12/2013 FP-13-015623 FP-13-015625 Gustafson Simison brandon Felica Pat Christoph er Emily Joan 3/12/2013 Granted 3/11/2013 Administratively Closed Information only (Traffic Mishap) The locations quoted were onthe Cape Cod Canal, Buzzards Bay Recreation Area, Buzzards Bay, MA - Herring Run Recreation Area, Bournedane, MA - Sagamore Recreation Area, Sagamore, MA and Sandwich Recreation Area, Sandwich, MA. Time period - Friday, October 5, 2012 to Saturday, April 20, 2013. Locations: North Service Road, Cape Cod Canal, Bournedale (bottom of Herring Run) North Service Road, Cape Cod Canal, Bournedale (1 mile west of Herring Run) South Service Road, Cape Cod Canal, Bourne (vicinity of the Midway access gate) - South Service Road, Cape Cod Canal, Sagamore (east of Sagamore Bridge in designated area) Time period - Sunday, April 22, 2012 to Friday, October 5, 2012 We would like to request a list of all the participants showing the amount bid by each. I understand there is a fee and we are willing to pay for the information. My name is Joan Simison, employee of Bouse House Enterprises, Inc., our phone number is 508-888-2010, my email is jsimi@verizon.net FP-13-015626 BAKER SANDRA 3/12/2013 Administratively Closed DEAN WARE 3/7/2013 IDA Packet - request for results and a copy of a report that four deer confiscated from requester on 5 January 2012 from the Fort Lee Game Warden, Officer Mike Johnson. Officer Johnson told requester and several other people he brought the deer to the Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries to be tested or analyzed, and that he received a report from the laboratory or test facility and had it on file. KENNETH E. COPE Dates of employment, job titles, rank, pay grade and salary for each position, deployment history, and current unit and chain of command MCC15-1-1 Request for MP Rpt Failure to yield the right of way Request for Copy of Article 15 FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 264 of 1088 FP-13-015629 FP-13-015631 Anderson Housh III Paula Tedrick 3/12/2013 Granted 3/8/2013 Granted Information only. Traffic mishap. Reports of inspections by United States Army Corps of Engineers of the Birmingham Levee along the Missouri River in Western Missouri: public sponsor Birmingham Drainage District for the period from 1945 through and including 1974. All correspondence between the Birmingham Drainage District and the United States Army Corps of Engineers and all correspondence between the United States Army Corps of Engineers and the Birmingham Drainage District between 1945 and 1974. FP-13-015633 Ross Matt 3/11/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-015634 FP-13-015635 FP-13-015636 FP-13-015637 Oliver Ross Quarles Pierre-DeMarco Aaron Matthew LaTasha Maureen 3/12/2013 3/12/2013 3/12/2013 3/12/2013 FP-13-015638 BUCHANAN 3/12/2013 Granted FP-13-015639 FP-13-015640 Russell Garcia CHRISTO PHER Jason Lisette Copy of the proposal submitted by EAP Consultants, Inc. in response to a contracting opportunity posted on FedBizOpps (solicitation number: W9 1 2DQ-l 3-R-0005) to provide EAP services to the Kansas City District of the US. Army Corps of Engineers. Driving too fast for consitions. Contract W9124712R0037. Contract for full food service at Fort Sill OK. Commanders inquiry directed by 401st Army Field Suport Brigade Commander, June - July 2012. CHRISTOPHER BUCHANAN FP-13-015641 Green Tina 3/12/2013 Granted FP-13-015642 FP-13-015643 FP-13-015644 Santos Aviles Tucker Rose Fernando Eric 3/4/2013 Administratively Closed 3/12/2013 Granted 3/12/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-015645 Holm Jerry 3/12/2013 Denied in Part Granted Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed 3/12/2013 Granted 3/12/2013 Administratively Closed Damage to private property - Car. Car rental for Military and civilian personnel based at Guantanamo Bay. Fire report on Charnez Raspberry that occurred 26 Feb 2013 Proposals indentified to W91WAW09R0008 Request for MP Rpt All documents reflecting any contract, agreement, bill, invoice or transaction between ARL and any municipal police department, including the Metropolitan Police Department of Washington D.C. Request a copy of the following contracts and associated modifications: 1. W91CRB07C0084 to BAE for $43,665,849; 2. W91CRB07C0085 to Point Blank for $52,725,000; 3. W91CRB09C0124 to Point Blank for $26,500,000; 4. W91CRB09D0049 to KDH for $87,000,000. FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 265 of 1088 FP-13-015646 FP-13-015647 Kitto Walton Joanna Denzil 3/12/2013 Administratively Closed 3/12/2013 Granted FP-13-015648 FP-13-015649 Boyes Lopez Sandy Chris 3/12/2013 Granted 3/12/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-015650 Bello Jason 3/12/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-015651 Cox Douglas FP-13-015652 FP-13-015653 Boland Dzialo, Jr. David Edward 3/12/2013 Granted 3/12/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-015654 FP-13-015655 Patton Patterson Lindsey Celina 3/12/2013 Granted 3/12/2013 Granted FP-13-015656 Nixon Kelley 2/20/2013 Granted FP-13-015657 Franger Kelly 3/12/2013 Granted FP-13-015659 Brott Margaret 3/13/2013 Granted FP-13-015661 Riley, Sr. Randy 3/13/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-015662 Welde Brian 3/4/2013 Administratively Closed 3/5/2013 Granted REferred documents case number I-13-031-C. Documents within CID investigation originating at Fort Benning pertaining to SSG Mark S. Walton ECS contract W900KK-09-D-0006 Military Police Reports regarding himself and OSHA inspection on the Border Patrol Obstacle Course at McGregor Range copy of the original permit required for the MS River Freshwater Diversion Project located in Caernarvon, LA. You are requesting copy of any all of records, information and documents for schedules, appraisals, reports, and dossiers for records pertaining to documents captured in Panama and Iraq. Your request and document were received in this office on March 5, 2013. Your request is being processed in accordance with Title 5 United States Code 552, The Freedom of Information Act. Solicitation No. W912P8-13-B-0028 Contractor Evaluation Report for Vanguard Contractors, LLC, for work on Building 700, Ft. Sill, OK Previous contract for Mowing at Toronto and Fall River. Subcontract documents for the Corps purchase of a modular home to use as a conference building at Dexter Lake, Willamette Valley Project. I am interested in acquiring jurisdictional determination information around the existing Paxton Pad in Ninilchik, Alaska. We have recently acquired Marathon’s Cook Inlet assets and are in the process of transferring permits and locating already transferred permits. We are looking at expanding the Paxton pad to the south. I would like to FOIA the Jurisdictional Determination wetland maps from Marathon’s pad expansion during the 2007/2008 and from November 2003 as part of a proposed silt stockpile area. records relating to the Petaluma, Califomia propety located at APNs 01-120-140 and 01-120-141 Documents originating at Fort Benning that were part of a CID investigation pertaining to SSG Mark Walton That office referred Exhibit - 57 - a trial document related to a criminal matter. GIS bathymetry data FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 266 of 1088 FP-13-015663 FP-13-015664 Riley Schneider Randy Mallory 3/13/2013 3/11/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-015665 FP-13-015666 Jones SEALES 3/13/2013 Granted 3/13/2013 Granted FP-13-015667 Allen Clarence CASHAN A Derek FP-13-015668 FP-13-015669 Gard Montalvo Jeannine Mr. Eric 3/13/2013 Administratively Closed 3/13/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-015670 FP-13-015671 FP-13-015679 Cottrell Mclean Deloach, Jr. Jennifer Jesse Jimmy 3/13/2013 Administratively Closed 3/13/2013 Granted 3/6/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-015680 Dastjerdi Morteza 3/12/2013 Granted FP-13-015682 Arnold Garnett FP-13-015695 Fierro Daniel 3/13/2013 FP-13-015703 Richardson Cody 3/13/2013 Granted FP-13-015707 FP-13-015710 FP-13-015711 Davis Ahern Gossett Elizabeth Sean Thomas 3/12/2013 Administratively Closed 3/13/2013 Administratively Closed 3/13/2013 Granted 3/13/2013 Administratively Closed 3/7/2013 Administratively Closed Request for Investigative Report Alvin Barron, 1009 Cochran Drive, Gadsden, AL 35903, Alabama Environmental Concerns Request for MP Rpt JOSEPH GATTMAN Copy of permitting documents and mitigation credits pertaining to the property known as Pine View located on Woodall Road in Stockbridge, GA. Personnel Records All investigative records associated with SPC Ricky G. Elder's death on June 28, 2012. Request for Criminal Records Wetland assessment Grounds maintenance contract for fort Eustis that is in place now and the one previously. Copy of theplans for the replacement of the discharge line at the North Airport flood pump statioin at the Downtown Airport. 1) Copies of all EEO/IG complaints initiated against all HTS personnel between 1 July 2010 and 1 April 2012, with the names of the complainants and respondents redacted to protect their privacy, if necessary. 2) Copies of all inquiries, investigations, memorandums, reports, and e-mail transmissions regarding complaints by Department of the Army Civilians and XXX XXX, between 1 June 2010 and 1 April 2012, with names redacted if necessary. 3) Copies or transcripts of any apologies made by XXX XXX to any Department of the Army Civilians, contractors or Army personnel for alleged misconduct, inappropriate physical contact, comments, or other behavior, between 1 June 2010 and 1 April 2012, with names redacted if necessary. FIERRO requests all records the DOD CAF relied upon to make an eliginility determination for. Requesting a copy of a MP report on an incident where someone hit a PIV. Request for copy of awarded bid and winning price. Contract 12-B-0010 Request for MP Rpt FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 267 of 1088 FP-13-015713 FP-13-015714 Manackai Lynch Tobin Jennifer 3/13/2013 Administratively Closed 3/4/2013 Copy of his ASVAB taken in 2001. FAA Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Integration Office received a FOIA request (FOIA 2012-7506) which sought records regarding Certificates of Waiver or Authjorization (COA) for the operation of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS). They requested our agency to review the records, annotaing the information we believe should be withheld and under which FOIA exemption. Also to articulate as to how the release of this information may cause substantial competitive harm.Original requester was Jennifer Lynch. No interim response is required since it is a consultation FP-13-015715 FP-13-015719 Beasley Kellett William S 3/13/2013 Administratively Closed 3/13/2013 FP-13-015722 FP-13-015734 FP-13-015735 FP-13-015736 NEXIS Scholz Phillis Vail LEXIS Daniel Michael Linda 3/13/2013 3/12/2013 3/13/2013 3/13/2013 FP-13-015737 Vail Linda 3/13/2013 Granted FP-13-015738 Erickson Mark 3/13/2013 Granted FP-13-015739 FP-13-015740 FP-13-015741 McQueen Williams JONES Steven Vieannie DARRELL 3/13/2013 Granted 3/13/2013 Granted 3/13/2013 Granted Wetland Determination Documents regarding the Joint Unit Management System (JUMS) Police Report Satellite Earth Terminal Facility Contract #W911SA12P0191 All Permit Documentation related to Primm Property, 3115 Jameson Beach Road, South Lake Tahoe, California, Placer County APN: 032-120-12-100 Permit Documentation related to Lundstrom Property, 4920 North Lake Boulevard, Carnelian Bay, California, Placer County APN: 115-050-037 Request for digital copies of MOLLUS Mass Civil War Photo Col 120 Page 6151 and Picket Post of the Confederates etched 8 March 1863. Request for MP Rpt Request for MP Rpt DARRELL JONES FP-13-015742 FP-13-015745 Wouters Siedinski Sean Gail 3/13/2013 Granted 3/13/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-015750 LEINEN 3/13/2013 Granted FP-13-015751 Stikeleather JENNIFE R Michael BA Addendum for Nationwide Permit 48 (May 2010) Topography map of Stonewall Jackson Lake in Roanoke, WV (26447). I'm spendin the weekend of April 26 at the resort and renting a fishing boat. Knowing where the shallow and deep waters are will hopefully aid in catching big game fish. JENNIFER LEINEN 3/13/2013 Administratively Closed Release of 4 field Circulars reference Nuclear Weapons. Granted Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Granted FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 268 of 1088 FP-13-015754 Fothergill David 3/13/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-015756 FP-13-015757 BROOKS Waple EMILY Mark 3/13/2013 Granted 3/13/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-015758 Moore Norma 3/5/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-015759 Battle Joyce 3/13/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-015760 FP-13-015761 FP-13-015762 Arnold Fullerton Stikeleather Andrew Jesse Michael 3/13/2013 Granted 3/12/2013 Granted 3/13/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-015763 Scholz Daniel 3/13/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-015764 Grenan Jack 3/13/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-015765 Leary Pittman 3/13/2013 Granted Request for a copy of a 911 call from the Fort Bragg emergency communications on Feb 24, 2011 regarding the Military residence located at 104 Graham. ZEKE MOORE Request for any and all documents pertaining ot downsizing the active duty military force, use of separation procedures and guidance made in CY 2011 or CY 2012. Request Military Police report pertaining to an assault of an AIT student, which occurred in the barracks at Whisky Company, 266th Quartermaster Battalion at approximately 2300 on 8/23/1986 to 0500 8/24/1986. Please provide all information pertaining to the investigation to include witness statements. Received documents case number NARA NW704, DOE 20130006590-TP and DA FOIA FA-13-0366. Request for MP Rpt ECS Contract W900KK-09-D-0006 Army Regulation 70-60. "Research, Development, and Acquisition- Nuclear Survivability of Army Material." Headquarters, Department of the Army, Washington, D.C. 1 October 1984, Field Circular (FC)50-15. "Nuclear Weapons Effects Mitigation Techniques, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. 1 March 1984, Field Circular (FC)50-16. "Electromagnetic Pulse Mitigation Techniques." Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. 1 February 1984, Field Circular (FC)50-17. "A technical Overview to Electro- magnetic Pulse." Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. 1 June 1986, Field Circular (FC)50-20. "Nuclear Considerations for Operations on the Airland Battlefield." Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. 1 February 1984. W91238-1-C-0010, Satellite Earth Terminal Facility; all payment bonds provided by Watts-Webcor and all writings that constitute or evidence payment bonds provided by Watts-Webcor. Request for information pertaining to the US assistance to the Iraq Army to fight, train and defeat the Iranians. TIOH drawings FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 269 of 1088 FP-13-015766 Scholz Daniel 3/13/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-015767 King George 3/12/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-015768 FP-13-015769 Douglass Cox Kit Douglas 3/13/2013 Administratively Closed 3/13/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-015770 FP-13-015771 Phillis Champigny 3/13/2013 Administratively Closed 3/13/2013 Granted FP-13-015772 FP-13-015773 FP-13-015774 FP-13-015775 3/13/2013 3/13/2013 3/13/2013 3/13/2013 Administratively Closed Granted Granted Administratively Closed FP-13-015777 FP-13-015778 FP-13-015779 FP-13-015780 Raysor Thompson Hawk SantanaPappalardo LEACH Cothran Serna Sibley Michael Christoph er Byron Tyson Steven Jose ALONZO Robert Adam Charity 3/13/2013 3/13/2013 3/13/2013 3/13/2013 Granted Granted Denied in Part Administratively Closed FP-13-015781 FP-13-015782 FP-13-015783 FP-13-015784 FP-13-015785 Sanders Hart Graves Cottrell V Riggs Andre Brian Robert B Patrick 3/13/2013 3/13/2013 3/13/2013 3/13/2013 3/13/2013 Denied in Part Administratively Closed Granted Granted Administratively Closed FP-13-015786 FP-13-015787 Jackson Klebaner Rebekah Elizabeth 3/13/2013 Administratively Closed 3/13/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-015788 Pelaez Melissa 3/13/2013 Granted FP-13-015789 Foster Brent 3/13/2013 Denied in Part W91238-1-C-0010, Satellite Earth Terminal Facility; all payment bonds provided by Watts-Webcor and all writings that constitute or evidence payment bonds provided by Watts-Webcor. Millican Lake General Reevaluation Report; Millican Lake General Reevaluation Report Supporting Documentation 1 of 2; and Millican Lake General Reevaluation Report Supporting Documentation 2 of 2 permitting and enformcement data - Clean Water Act copy of any all of records, information and documents for schedules, appraisals reports, and dossiers for records pertaining to documents captured in Panama and Iraq. USACE Contracts - multiple districts Barnegat Inlet to Little Egg beachfill ARBA records related to time served at WRAMC Employment verification and supervisor address Employment verification and supervisor's address Larceny of Government Property (AAFES) MP Report from 5 Mar 13 W912C608M0030 Request for MP Rpt CTF Response memo sent to Ms. Tymes regarding the results of the investigation that she filed against SGT Sibley. DD Form 2718 Request for OPF sentence comps GCT credits Bid abstract for solicitation w91236-b-13-0003 Records of a former Officer Richard DeOcampo regarding an incident on 7 Dec 2012. Customer requesting a copy of a police report Documents regarding Mammoth Pacific I Replacement Project, CA Clearinghouse No. 2011022020 Customer is requesting a copy of police report 0817-2005, on Marquis Lavarr Byrd Regulatory permit NBW Hood River and Port of Hood River's Flowage Easement at Nichol's Boat Basin, Hood River, OR FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 270 of 1088 FP-13-015790 FP-13-015791 FP-13-015792 FP-13-015793 FP-13-015794 Barron Pitt WWilcox Ulmer Berdow Eliazar Patrick Nicole Kelly Lauren 3/13/2013 3/13/2013 3/13/2013 3/13/2013 3/13/2013 Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted FP-13-015795 FP-13-015797 FP-13-015801 Cowart Pike Brown Milton Bryon David 3/14/2013 Granted 3/14/2013 Denied in Part 3/14/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-015807 Allen 3/11/2013 Granted FP-13-015809 Phillis Jacquelin e Michael FP-13-015810 Kamara Unisa 3/13/2013 Granted FP-13-015813 Depeza Alphonso 3/14/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-015814 Henry Bryan 3/14/2013 Granted FP-13-015818 FP-13-015819 FP-13-015822 FP-13-015823 FP-13-015825 FP-13-015826 FP-13-015828 Phillis Kajberouni McElhiney Miller Groneman Ozuna Sibley 3/14/2013 3/14/2013 3/13/2013 3/14/2013 3/14/2013 3/13/2013 3/14/2013 FP-13-015829 Winningham Michael Armen Sean Clark Arthur Laura SGT Charity John 3/13/2013 Denied in Part Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Granted Granted Granted Granted Denied in Part 3/14/2013 Administratively Closed Duty upon striking. Stolen Car. Duty upon striking. Stolen vehicle. Assault (Domestic Violence) Assault Verbal Altercation - Neighbors. Documents related to the USACE design and construction of the Barrow Alaska gas distribution system Request for Investigation Records Complete copy of Contract W52P1J-12-D-0078 Copy of "Operational Review of the Special Atomic Demolition Munitions" US Army Nuclear Weapons Surety Group, 1966. Requesting MPR for accident that occurred on November 2012. Copies of contract nos> W9128F-12-P-0141 and W9128F12-P-0088 Requesting MPR for accident that occurred on Feb 8, 2013. FOIA request for electronic record: Enterprise (Email) Portal Service Account Records 2009-1678 Records/Letters for Kenny Jackson, Cedar Creek LLC dealing with culvert located at 39 degrees 36'55" N and 80 degrees 2'44" W in Morgantown WV, Monongalia County contract #W911SA12P0041 Drawings MP-Report traffic accident Clark D. Miller Arthur D. Groneman MP-Report Larceny of Privat Property AR 15-6 investigation against SGT Charity Walka and AR 156 investigation against SGT Chariby Sibley. What type of agents were used by the 54th Chemical detachment Camp Red Cloud, Korea from 1965-1966. FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 271 of 1088 FP-13-015830 Justice Michele 3/14/2013 Denied in Part Tactical Equipment Maintenance Center: W912QR-II-C0009 Ft. Hunter Liggett, CA 1. A copy of all certified payroll reports, statements of compliance and fringe benefit statements a'S submitted by the subcontractor -listed below for all . work performed to elate on the project referenced above. . .Lee Conatser Welding & Machine Inc. 132 Lynn Street King City, CA 9)930 - 2. A copy of the onsiteinspectors' daily diary/reports for the months of August and September 2012 only, on the project referenced above. FP-13-015831 Abercrombie Jeffrey 3/14/2013 Granted FP-13-015832 Mcintosh Carol 3/14/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-015834 Zaken Marc 3/14/2013 Administratively Closed Requesting a copy of a MP report he filed on someone broke into his POV and stole some tiems. Copy of the layout and design of the Fort Belvoir Community Hospital. Documents relating to the EMC-32T, also known as the Digital Electronic Control Unit (DECU), used in the T55-l-714 Engines that power some of the Army's Chinook Helicopters. FP-13-015835 Jenkins Tyler 3/14/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-015837 Dwyer Paul 3/14/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-015840 FP-13-015842 Livingston Orcutt Josteph Samuel 3/14/2013 Granted 3/14/2013 Granted FP-13-015844 Modica Stephen 3/14/2013 Granted Copy of the minutes of the General Education Committee meeting that occurred on March 6, 2013. Copy regarding US Army Biological Laboratories at Fort Meade MD 1963, test on effectiveness of different herbicidesfield trials. Request for MP Rpt The requester is requesting a Military Police Report pertaining to an accident which occurred 8 February 2013. Copy of all documents related to Permit Number 200305780. The property known as Serenbe Development Corporation, Horseshoe Village, Selborne Village, or Serenbe. Copy of the USACE letter of authorization(s), any jurisdictional waters determination(s) or permitting information for the above-referenced project(s). Specifically want to confirm the number of NWPs issued to this applicant, the type(s) of impacts authorized, whether compensatory mitigation was requirwed and/or satisfied, and whether a Restricted Covenant was recorded. The applicant was Serenbe Development Corporation or Horseshoe Village, Selborne Village or Serenbe. FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 272 of 1088 FP-13-015845 Grammer III David 3/13/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-015846 FP-13-015848 FP-13-015850 D'Agostino Hanson, PE Durden Michael Michael Donald 3/14/2013 Administratively Closed 3/12/2013 Denied in Part 3/13/2013 Granted FP-13-015851 Hinkebein Thecia "Teckie" 3/13/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-015852 Mayo Teresa 3/14/2013 Granted FP-13-015853 FP-13-015862 FP-13-015865 Smith Wonser Torpy Kevin Jeffrey Jason 3/14/2013 Granted 3/14/2013 Administratively Closed 3/14/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-015867 RICH 3/14/2013 Granted FP-13-015868 Terrell KATHRY N Greg 3/14/2013 Administratively Closed Records pertaining to Jount Biological Agent Identification Diagnostic System (JBAIDS) from FY 2002 and 2003. FP-13-015873 FP-13-015875 FP-13-015877 FP-13-015883 Williams Bushnell NORTON Leslie Travis Jill TIM Kevin 3/14/2013 3/14/2013 3/14/2013 3/12/2013 Request for MP rpt Cutting-edge weapons and technology TIM NORTON Documents related to request for quote for barracks type furniture at Fort Knox, KY, including: 1) All documents related to Request for Quote/Bid # RFQ# W912DY-13-T0104; 2) All communications (to include written and electronic correspondence) related to request for quote/bid RFQ# W912DY-13-T-0104; 3) Any minutes, notes, agendas, etc., related to any meetings held to discuss request for quote/RFQ# W912DY-13-T-0104; 4) Test data used to make an award determination in Request for Quote/Bid RFQ# W912DY-13-T-0104; 5) All information used to make an award determination for request for quote # W912DY-13-T0104; and 6) the total amount quoted by the successful offeror for request for quote/Bid # W912DY-T-0104 Granted Granted Granted Administratively Closed Payment bond for M Lee Corporation, WSMR S-2 Site White Sands Range Road, Approx Mile Marker 62 or 63, White Sands Missile Range, NM Asbestos in buildings from 1967-1982 Three Mile Creek Watershed Per Fill Maps on Lake Hartwell, Lake Richard B. Russell, Lake West Point, Lake Walter F. George Nationwide 21 permits with stream impaces issued between 1/1/09 - 7/21/12 in Winston, Cullman, Blount, Walker, Jefferson and Tuscaloosa Counties in North Alabama Requesting a copy of a 15-6 Investigation conducted on her by 115 CSH. MPR IG investigation number DIH 11-6075. All documents regarding the content of the 'Spiritual Triage' work being developed by ECS Orlando. DUSTIN SWIMMER FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 273 of 1088 FP-13-015887 Dahmash Freddy 3/14/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-015893 FP-13-015894 FP-13-015901 FP-13-015907 FP-13-015908 Laboda SPRADLIN Oglesby Hoelscher Poe Thomas JANET Brandon Eric Danielle 3/14/2013 3/14/2013 3/14/2013 3/14/2013 3/14/2013 FP-13-015909 Terrell Curtis 3/14/2013 Granted FP-13-015910 Joseph Michael 3/14/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-015911 McPeters Bianca 3/14/2013 Granted FP-13-015912 FP-13-015913 FP-13-015915 whigham Noble Pfabe demone Annie Sally 3/14/2013 Granted 3/14/2013 Administratively Closed 3/12/2013 Granted FP-13-015916 Okane 3/14/2013 Granted FP-13-015917 Chilli Christoph er Frank FP-13-015918 Krause Alan 3/14/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-015919 Becker III Charles 3/11/2013 Granted FP-13-015921 O'Brien Alexa 3/14/2013 Administratively Closed Granted Granted Granted Granted Administratively Closed 2/26/2013 Denied in Part The geometry for the following four navigational lock and dams on the Ohio River; new cumberland; montgomery; dashields; emsworth; gate operations for the above mentioned dams ECS contract W900KK-09-D-0006 ANTHONY SCARDINA Request for MP Rpt Request for MP Rpt Names of contracting officers and credit card holders from last year. Request for a copy of the final 15-6 Investigation Report pertaining to the death of SGT Kyle J. McPeters. Any reports regarding a armored personal carrier that overturned during training at Fort Hood, TX on 1 May 1977, were two soldiers died. Request for a copy of the final 15-6 Investigation Report pertaining to the death of SGT Kyle J. McPeters. MCC 15-1-1 Contract W91WAW09D0021. Copy of schedule b and SOW for contract W912DY-12-P0038 for the General Logistics and Maintenance Services contract Orders Request for copy of RFP W912DR-08-R-0007 (Multiple Award Radiological Services Contract (Environmental Service & Environmental Remediation Services) for locations throughout the USACE North Atlantic Division Design Center. Intelligence and operation reports of the Reconnaissance Platoon, E company 5th Battalion, 7th Cavalry !st Cavalry Division from January 1, 1970 until May 30, 1971. Request for records regarding the Herring Creek Navigation Project. Any and all FOIA requests and communication by or between Thomson Reuters Corp, The Washington Post including David Finkel; US Army emails, ltrs,, memos that concern July 12, 2007 aerial weapons team Baghad air strike FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 274 of 1088 FP-13-015925 Statman Eric 3/14/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-015929 FP-13-015930 Wilson Gayer Megan Cody 3/14/2013 Administratively Closed 3/14/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-015931 Sams-Mitchell Connie 3/14/2013 Granted FP-13-015932 McKenna Lindsey 3/14/2013 Granted FP-13-015933 FP-13-015935 Newton Kolb Wayne Michael 3/14/2013 Granted 3/14/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-015936 FP-13-015937 Verheyden-Hilliard QUARLES Mara LATASHA 3/14/2013 Granted 3/13/2013 Granted FP-13-015938 Glowacki Steven 3/14/2013 FP-13-015939 da Costa Larissa 3/14/2013 Granted All records regarding the purchases or acquisitions of boilers used at Eielson Air Force Base and Ladd Field for the period 1941-1960. Referred document case number 1196877-000. Bill of Landing # HBAT0019193, 25 July 2012 moving of Mr. Tillman A. Johnson received referral of Exhibit 50 of ROI 2012-CID379-775805P (15-6 concerning death of SSG Allen R. McKenna, Jr. on 21 Feb 2012) received referral of Exhibit 50 of ROI 2012-CID379-775805P (15-6 concerning death of SSG Allen R. McKenna, Jr. on 21 Feb 2012) Mr. Wayne Newton Color copies of any photographs taken, any accident report of an accident occured on March 27, 2012 between 9:00 am and 10:00 am at Bartlett Hall on the West Point Campus pertaining to Mr. Thomas Tansosch. Request for information Current Full Food Serivice Contract at Fort Sill, to include: the final soliciation with all amendments, the winning bid (name, address, and contract award amount), and contract end date. The enclosed records that derived from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) are being referred to your agency for review and direct response to the FAA FOIA Coordinator, Mr. Steven A. Glowacki. The FAA is seeking coordination for the release of these records in response to FAA FOIA #20127506. Please read and comply with their attached request, do not contact the named requester, Ms. Jennifer Lynch as this is a consultation only. Preliminary Assessment of the Dredged Material Management Plan for the Houston Galveston Navigation Channels, Texas 2010 Hou-Gal Navigation Channels, Texas Engineering Supplement to Limited Re-evaluation Report Volume I, 1995 FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 275 of 1088 FP-13-015940 Davis Elizabeth 3/14/2013 Administratively Closed copy of the awarded bid and the winning price for the following bid: Quote ID: RFQ761821-XVS Department ofthe Army (DA) Docket Numbers: ARCEME11 NOV05239 Location: US Army Corps of Engineers, 201 Prince Frederick Drive, Winchester, VA22604 When: Wednesday 13 and possibly 14 February 2013 Time: 8:00am- 5:00pm Point of Contact: MSG Joseph, Keith, phone: 540-665-2658, email: keith.joseph@usace.army.mil FP-13-015942 Momchilovich Gayle 3/11/2013 Granted FP-13-015945 Chilli Frank 3/14/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-015947 FP-13-015948 Ferguson Mayfield Chris Shadonna 3/14/2013 Administratively Closed 1/3/2013 Administratively Closed wetland compensatory mitigation bank in aitkin county MN formerly known as a Points Nothr properties, LLC project, now an EverStar LLC project. MEADS Program - Cost and performance data on the Fire Control and Surveillance radars Camp Hood Cemetary Relocation accident report regarding accident at jumpschool in 1973 FP-13-015949 Buoniconti Frank FP-13-015950 Milkus Tom 3/14/2013 Denied in Full FP-13-015951 FP-13-015952 Dale Ott Key Gregory 1/3/2013 Granted 3/14/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-015954 FP-13-015955 FP-13-015956 Haefka Njuguna Memon Randy George Asif 3/15/2013 Denied in Full 3/4/2013 Granted 3/15/2013 Granted FP-13-015957 Smith Scott 3/15/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-015958 Nordby Robert 3/15/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-015960 FP-13-015962 Nordby O'Brien Robert Alexa 3/15/2013 Administratively Closed 3/15/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-015963 Smingler Ian 3/15/2013 Administratively Closed 1/3/2013 Denied in Part the safety report regarding OH-58D accident on 12 Dec 11 at JBLM Addicks and Barker Dam Safety Modification Study Report requested sanitized PPT for climate surveys Breeakwater on parcels located at APN 1418-27-210-006 or 1418-27-23-007. records pertaining to 1st Jason A. Miller tenants MP-Report Traffic accident Mr. Asif M. Memo request a copy of the AR 15-6 pertaining to his brother, SSG Kashif M. Memon who died on 25 Oct 2012 in Kandahar, Afghanistan. Docs pertaining to approval of appeal HAP application 1K61VA22315444 and denial of appeal, HAP application 1K61VA222027355. Copy of docs pertaining to costs and purchases of electronic equipment (cameras) associated with Ft McCoy Commemorative area and Museum FY 2006-2013. Investigation info from June 2010 - January 2013 (self) Copies of investigative docs into the death of two Reuters staff. Info pertaining to Army contract DAAA-87-C-1024 FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 276 of 1088 FP-13-015964 FP-13-015966 FP-13-015968 FP-13-015970 FP-13-015972 FP-13-015976 Nieves-Pabon Bazar Walker King BRIMAGE Stockwell Benito Timothy Luis William KIM Matthew 3/15/2013 3/15/2013 3/15/2013 3/15/2013 3/15/2013 3/15/2013 Denied in Part Denied in Part Denied in Part Denied in Part Granted Granted FP-13-015981 Dominguez 3/15/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-015989 Wilson Christoph er Katie 2013 Parole Packet 2013 Parole Packet CTF 2012 Board Packet ROBERT W. GERACI contract number W912DS-07-C-0016; the Firehouse at Picatinny Arsenal, NJ Copy of background investigation 3/14/2013 Granted Maps showing the old Seattle to Walla Walla Wagon Road FP-13-015990 FP-13-015998 FP-13-015999 FP-13-016009 Arnold Hamric Seese Wilson John John William Melissa 3/15/2013 3/15/2013 3/15/2013 3/15/2013 Copy of documented/verifable cause of death records Request for MP rpt Request for MP Rpt 15-6 into the death of her husband MSG Kenny B. Wilson FP-13-016011 FP-13-016012 Swinford Walsh Kevin Michael 2/12/2013 Granted 3/15/2013 Administratively Closed Request review of document for a relaese determination Request copies of his on-duty phone records. Specifically seeking records of all telephone calls made from the U.S. Army Recruiting Station located at 257 Andover St. in Peabody, MA Seeking records for the month of April of 2011. FP-13-016013 Lenz Chris 3/15/2013 Granted FP-13-016016 Epstein Pamela 3/15/2013 Granted FP-13-016018 Justice Michele 3/15/2013 Granted FP-13-016019 FP-13-016020 Van Veen O'Brien Kim Alexa 3/15/2013 Granted 3/13/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-016021 Friedman Sam 3/14/2013 Granted File No. 2004-00204-SDM, request letter, application and maps or exhibits. All records regarding Soitec Solar Development Program Project proposed in San Diego County. Special Ops Forces Free Fall Simulator Facility, Yuma Proving Grounds, Yuma, AZ W912PL-12-C-0015. Request for MP Rpt Request copies of all records including emails; correspondence; meeting minutes and/or meeting notes; audio and/or video, transcripts; memos; presentations; forms; working papers; documents; reports and draft reports; concerning the publication of the unclassified For Official Use Only 'Iraq OIF Property List' and/or any investigation conducted into that publication by FORSCOM between July 27, 2007 and March 13, 2013. Army EOD Explosive Ordinance Disposal Incident Report ref FBI's ordnance detonation in FBKs area. Administratively Closed Granted Granted Granted FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 277 of 1088 FP-13-016022 Morisy Michael 3/13/2013 Administratively Closed Copies of contracts with Booz Allen Hamilton over the past 5 years. Any final reports generated and delivered by Booz Allen Hamilton to the agency over the past 5 years. FP-13-016023 Cavataio Rebecca 3/15/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-016024 O'Brien Alexa 3/13/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-016025 Phillips David 3/15/2013 Administratively Closed Boring logs for soil borings drilled along the west Mississippi River Levee near Mile 176 of the Mississippi River in Donaldsonville, La. 1.) Any and all FOIA requests and communications by or between Thomson Reuters Corporation (including their employees); Reuters Group (including their employees); The Washington Post (including their national enterprise editor and independent author David Finkel or other WP employees) and the U.S. Army to include: emails; letters; memos; meeting minutes; meeting notes; transcripts; presentations; audio; video(s); images; final or draft working documents; papers; reports; forms; as well as FOIA processing notes that concern the July 12, 2007 aerial weapons team Baghdad air strike in the district of New Baghdad in Baghdad and/or a video of the incident, entitled, "12 JUL 07 CZ ENGAGEMENT ZONE 30 GC Anyone.avi" (aka 'Collateral Murder'). 2.) Any or all incident(s) and/or security violation(s) reporting, investigation(s), inquiry(ies) preliminary; U.S. Army 15-6(s) investigations; findings; classification reviews; national security impact statements; damage assessments; and/or 'debriefings' by the U.S. Army with Thomson Reuters Corporation (including their employees); Reuters Group (including their employees); The Any JDs or permit issued after the date of the platt submitted. Platt is labeled 2.41 acres on Highway 1032,4 H Club road and issued to Salvador Paul Coniglio. FP-13-016035 Hicks James 3/13/2013 Any and all documentation (Referral certification, resumes, evaluation and/or rating factors and etc.) pertaining to job announcement numbers: NENANF12778044CF12-347 and Job title: AFRC Director of Services and Operations. FP-13-016039 Stephens Jeff 3/15/2013 Granted FP-13-016043 Krueger James 3/15/2013 Granted USACE Jurisdiction Determination dated Feb 26, 2007 for Wetlands B and C located on the Rancho Vedado Phase II Subdivision Property Request for MP rpt FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 278 of 1088 FP-13-016052 ROBLEDO 3/15/2013 Granted SECURITY CLEARANCE JPAS Desai DESIDERI O Karishma FP-13-016055 3/15/2013 Granted USACE slope stability plates on the left descending bank at MR 120; Cross sections of the exisiting levee at MR 120 FP-13-016058 Horner Elizabeth 3/15/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-016059 Mitchell Sheila 3/15/2013 Granted FP-13-016060 Hunt Nathaniel 3/15/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-016062 Cavataio Rebecca 3/15/2013 Granted FP-13-016064 Burck Jennifer 3/15/2013 Granted Juridictional Deterinations approved by Corps regarding of Clean Water Act jurisdictional water and all individual permis granted by Corps for Clark County, Nevada from January 1, 2006 to present 1. What are the centerline coordinates for Wax Lake Outlet approximately 200’ north and 200’ south of the above coordinates? 2. What is the structural limit of Wax Lake Outlet at the area of interest? Please include the top and bottom of the channel on both sides. 3. Please provide the design sections for both levees adjacent to Wax Lake Outlet. 4. Please provide the servitudes for the levees in Sections 55 and 56, T15S, R11E. 5. Please provide the requirements for directional drills and pipeline crossing Wax Lake Outlet. 6. Please provide the requirements for directional drills adjacent to the levees. Copy of all documents that relate to any dock project covered under the 2012 Programmatic General Permit 0083 that have been added to the Corps' files since SELC's January 30, 2013 FOIA request. These documents include projects covered by General Permit and pending project applications under General Permit. Boring logs for soil borings drilled along the west Mississippi River Levee near Mile 176 of the Mississippi River in Donaldsonville, La Documents depicting the total number of overtime hours worked at MVN during FY 2013 and the total cost of those hours; the total amount of any discretionary cash awards, retention bonuses, spot awards, or any other money awards and/or bonuses issued to MVN employees during FY 2013 FP-13-016067 Gipson Ralph FP-13-016068 Chalpin, Esq Mark 3/8/2013 Granted 3/14/2013 Denied in Part Sheet 45 of the 2004 Mississippi River Hydrographic Survey book Request for Contract- Related Documents Concerning Port Services in Port of Bremerhaven, Germany FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 279 of 1088 FP-13-016069 Davison Bruce 1/15/2013 Granted FP-13-016070 FP-13-016071 Casterman Rojas Mack Mayra 3/15/2013 Granted 3/15/2013 Granted FP-13-016072 FP-13-016077 Dunbar Corigliano Ethan Ron 3/18/2013 Granted 3/18/2013 Granted FP-13-016078 Eric Geressy 3/18/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-016081 FP-13-016082 FP-13-016083 Molina Barranti Mason Julian Michael Paul 3/18/2013 Granted 3/18/2013 Granted 3/18/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-016085 FP-13-016086 Chislom Gavin Tobia John 3/18/2013 Granted 3/13/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-016087 FP-13-016088 FP-13-016090 FP-13-016091 FP-13-016093 FP-13-016094 FP-13-016095 Nowaczck Abell Heckman Alabaid Safideen Hirth Nastasi Cindy Karen Kennith Khalid Abess Autum Christie 3/18/2013 3/18/2013 3/18/2013 3/18/2013 3/18/2013 3/18/2013 2/22/2013 FP-13-016101 FP-13-016104 Lurie Ford Mark Ronald 3/18/2013 Administratively Closed 2/28/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-016106 Moore LTC Wiler 3/18/2013 Denied in Full Granted Administratively Closed Granted Granted Granted Granted Administratively Closed Copies of contract information oulining, defining, or directly related to the Port of Anchorage Procurement and contract for Intermodal Expansion Project related to work performed by CH2M Hill. Oakland Zoo/Knowland Park Referral from CID Crime Records to provide documents contained in their ROI, ref Ms Nayra Rojas, report but originating with Wainwright. SOR Receipt and Statement of Intention Permit No. 1970-44 Ohio River mile marker 38.8 left bank. Union Mechling Corp. Investigations, notes, and emails pertaining to operation by Cco 3-187IN, in 2005-2006, OIF 05-07, specifically, the AR 15-6 surrounding the command climate and use of force by 3rd BCT 101st ABN; and any AR 15-6 associated with the death of Iraqi National dated 21-22 May 2006. MP report requested MP Report requested Army Air Force files on 477th Bombardment Group (Medium) 1943-1946 including files regarding the Freeman Field Inclident, and the 477th involvement at Selfridge Field, Michigan and Goman Field, KY MP report requested List of current purchase card holders to include full names, location, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses. MP report requested Copy of EQIP - Security Clearance report. MP Report requested MP report requested Copy of orders to Ft Leavenworth MP Report requested Copies of any and all contracts with Ranco Contstruction for work being performed on Flight Simulator building located at Fort Dix in or around 2012. Copy of Lewis Galantiere Army service records. Proposal for Solicitation and Corresponding contract for Dunkin Donuts at Fort Dix; and coffee establishment at Joint Base Dix-McGuire-Lakehurst in NJ. Legal Review of report of commander's inquiry. FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 280 of 1088 FP-13-016108 Wagner Murphy Martha 3/18/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-016109 FP-13-016110 Lynch FLORES Jennifer CRISTAL 3/18/2013 3/18/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-016111 FP-13-016116 FP-13-016119 Lindseth Phillis Siembor Paul Michael Gary 3/18/2013 Granted 3/13/2013 Denied in Part 3/18/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-016134 Harris Marc 3/18/2013 Granted FP-13-016169 FP-13-016179 FP-13-016186 Havens Crouse Brotman Dallas Michael Aaron 3/18/2013 Administratively Closed 3/18/2013 Administratively Closed 3/18/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-016188 Heskett Bob 3/18/2013 FP-13-016189 FP-13-016190 Thompson Kuzela Aaron Lisa 3/14/2013 Administratively Closed 3/13/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-016191 FP-13-016192 FP-13-016193 FP-13-016194 FP-13-016195 FP-13-016198 FP-13-016201 FP-13-016205 FP-13-016219 O'Malley Meuse Newsom Groh Hollingsworth Saylor Taylor James Tait Michael Daniel William Kristina Stetson Kathy Melvin Teresa Christina 3/18/2013 3/18/2013 3/18/2013 3/18/2013 3/18/2013 3/18/2013 3/18/2013 2/6/2013 3/18/2013 FP-13-016220 FP-13-016221 FP-13-016224 Cottrell Jennings Messinco B Todd Carl 3/18/2013 Granted 3/18/2013 Granted 3/6/2013 Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Administratively Closed Granted Records of independent counsel Lawrence Walsh relating tothe Iran/Contra. Requester J Berger. Referral for consult REQUESTER SEEKS COURT MARTIAL ON THIRD PARTY Helicopter Flight Training Contract W912P612M0024 decreasing (and/or) reduction in pay, from SAI Major (RET) Gary T Siembor Request for the non-responsive portion of the material from his previous request; FOIA Case #11-092 Copies pertaining to Contract # W58RGZ-10-C-0107 Investigative reports Re: Gary F. Balsley DLA docs RE: Case # DESC-11-EFOI-00023. Six contracts, SP0600-11-D-1000, SP0600-09-D-1009, SP0600-07-D1007, SP0600-08-D-1017, SP0600-06-D-1010 and SP060003-D-1000 I would like to make a FOIA request for military records for the following Wisconsin National Guard veterans. This information will be used to enhance the presentation of uniforms and equipment that will be displayed and open to the students and the public, at Triumph Academy, Monroe, MI, where I am a teacher. This information will in no way be used for commercial interests. Copy of Permit No. 200480203 E-mails sent from Corps to City of Cedar Rapids on March 13 discussing current flooding in Cedar Rapids Debt verification Debt Verification Debt Verification Military Police Report Military Police Report Army Control Adjudication Facility Request for MP Rpt 15-6 Investigation The requester is requesting a Military Police Report pertaing to an incindent that occurred 23 October 2012. Bid Abstract for W912BU-13-B-0002 W912BU-04-C-0009 IAP mods and payments. DOD and civil law enforcement training FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 281 of 1088 FP-13-016227 FP-13-016228 FP-13-016230 Rogers Leary Sutton Sara Pittman Elizabeth 3/14/2013 Administratively Closed 3/18/2013 Granted 3/18/2013 Granted FP-13-016233 Brown David 3/18/2013 Denied in Full FP-13-016234 FP-13-016236 James Terrell Teresa Greg 3/15/2013 Administratively Closed 3/18/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-016238 King Abigail 3/18/2013 Granted FP-13-016239 Duffy Louise 3/18/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-016241 FP-13-016243 FP-13-016244 Rodriguez Leary Gohres Jose Pittman Amy 3/18/2013 Granted 3/18/2013 Administratively Closed 3/18/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-016248 FP-13-016254 FP-13-016255 FP-13-016258 Taylor Michael Douglas Waddle Cleveland Evans Adrek Randy 3/18/2013 3/18/2013 3/18/2013 3/18/2013 Granted Administratively Closed Granted Granted National Guard/Civilian contact TIOH SSIs and DUIs all communications including letters, reports, emails, applications, CMPS, decision documents and or permits from May 6, 2009 to present between A&G Coal Co. in reference to the proposed Ison Rock Ridge mine; all requests received from Jan 2010 to present for withdrawal of previously filed 404 applications for surfacing mining operations in VA; any communications between the Norfolk District and USEPA related to coal mining from January 20, 2009 to present; with respect to coalmines, refuse or slurry impoundments, application docs and permits issued under NWP 21,49, 50; application docs and permits issued under section 404; Environmental Information documents; monitoring reports and mitigation plans for period 3/12/13 3/18/13 Prediction of Fallout from Atomic Demolition Munitions (ADM). Department of the Army, 1965 Volumes 3-15 of Army Training circular 15-6 Investigation Archived records for the Joint Biological Agent Identification and Diagnostics System program from FY 2002 and 2003, prior to Sept 03 Maumee rv levee work planned that involves cutting trees, brush, saplings, plants and stumps on levee between hosey man off of anthony blvd and coliseum blvd, City of Fort Wayne. All jurisditional determination, draft prospectus & MBI documentaiton relating to development of Lillian Swamp Mitigation Bank Clemency and Parole documents TIOH DUIs and SSIs Background decision documentation for Alabama General Permit 05 (ALG05-2011 includes NEPA evaluation Request for MP Rpt Alleged US military drug smuggling in Colombia Employment verification and supervisor's address Copy of AR 15-6 concerning allegations of misconduct by LTC Harmon on a previous AR 15-6 he conducted. FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 282 of 1088 FP-13-016260 FP-13-016263 Rosario Sutton Kenneth Elizabeth 3/18/2013 Granted 3/18/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-016264 FP-13-016265 FP-13-016266 FP-13-016272 BRAMER Suttles Keys Robicheaux ALAN Donnia Lisa Deidre 3/18/2013 3/18/2013 3/18/2013 3/18/2013 FP-13-016274 Morena Rex 3/14/2013 Granted FP-13-016275 Elam Gwendoly n 3/18/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-016276 Anthony Eric 3/15/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-016277 EDWARDS KIJAN 3/18/2013 Denied in Part Denied in Part Granted Granted Granted Request for MP Rpt a. Requests/notifications for withdrawal of previously filed 404 applications for surface mining operations in Kentucky. b. All notices, requests, or applications for coverage for coalmines, refuse or slurry impoundments under NW permits 21, 49 or 50. c. Any Corps authorizations including decision documents and facts and findings granted under NWP 21, 49 or 50 for activities in Kentucky or Tennessee. d. Any individual 404 permits including decision documents, facts and findings, and final CMPs for surface mining operations or refuse or slurry impoundments in Kentucky or Tennessee e. Any and all Environmental Information Documents received including amendments, revisions and/or appendices and any and all Compensatory Mitigation Plans including amendments, revisions and/or appendices related to coal mining operations submitted to the Corps for operations in Kentucky or Tennessee. f. All monitoring reports received by the Corps related to any mining compensatory mitigation plans for stream creation, enhancement, or restoration projects for 404 permits in KY. g. Any and all documents related to Leeco, LRL-2007-217, SMCRA No. 897-0480, including but not limited to W9124D-08-D-0047 15-6 into the death of her son, MSG Kenny Wilson 15-6 into the death of her husband, MSG Bradley Keys Quality Assurance Daily Reports for the period January 1, 2012 – February 28, 2013 - under Contract No. W912P8-09D-0043-0005 – WBV-17b2 – LA HWY 90 TO LAKE CATAOUATCHE PUMPING STATION LEVEE BASELINE STATION 125+00 TO 160+00, PH II, FIRST LIST, LEVEE ENLARGEMENT, JEFFERSON PARISH, LA – SDVC 07-077-12-611 source listing, respondents, bids, bafo, disqualified bidders. Final Report of the investigaqtion on SSG Keith M. Elam which was initiated on 10 Jan 13 by 84th Chemical Bn, 3rd Chemical Brigade, Ft. Leonard Wood, MO 65473. Requesting security clearance form filled out in 2008 for clearance renewal. 2013 PAROLE PACKET FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 283 of 1088 FP-13-016278 Washburn Jack 3/18/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-016279 Thompson Lisa 3/18/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-016280 Hall Craig 3/15/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-016281 FP-13-016283 FP-13-016284 Buckley Schram Burke James Jo Anne Patrick 3/18/2013 Granted 3/19/2013 Administratively Closed 3/19/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-016285 FP-13-016286 FP-13-016287 FP-13-016302 FP-13-016305 Sullivan Santos Santos Foster (13-106) Obioha Joseph Rose Rose Victoria Nnana 3/19/2013 3/19/2013 3/19/2013 3/15/2013 3/19/2013 FP-13-016306 Clay Stephen 3/19/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-016307 Conti, LLC Adam 3/19/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-016308 Gordon Howard 3/19/2013 Granted FP-13-016309 Reiter Richard 3/19/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-016310 Burke Patrick 3/19/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-016311 Huffman Shane 2/8/2013 Administratively Closed Granted Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Granted Administratively Closed Documents related to Hawgs of Texas events at Somerville, TX Review and direct response to the requester for PII review on documents with CAC proponency. 21 pages. Requests information re: Litigation involving USACE and Morris Ganguet concerning a water well. Apparently Morris Ganguet sued the Corps to put in a water well in the late 1950's early 1960's prior to Ice Harbor Dam being built. Additionally, requester indicates that he wants "anything that the Corp might have on tracking underwater rivers above and below the Ice Harbor Dam (North and South). This testing had to do with dye that was poured into underground rivers around [C]olfax, Wa." The requester estimates the date to be the early 1960's. Request for Information W91WAW-08-R-0009 contract W91WAW-08-C-0091 requests for records related to the delivery of F-16 Fighter Jets and Abrams Tanks to Egypt. W91QUZ-06-D-0017 HQ003411C0027 W911S808C0008 S-7 Project Video footage from of Ft Huachuca gate and MP Station along with copy of 15-6 investigation reporting incident Copy of records pertaining to the crash of a C130 at Ft Wainwright on 29 Jan 89. Recent application for employment of Robert Conklin who applied for a position at Combat Development Specialist at Fort Benning, GA. Requesting a copy of a Military Police report on an incident of domestic violence between him and his wife. Records of any and all documents and materials including but not limited to incidents reports, inspection reports, investigations, interviews, photographs, and videos associated with the January 15, 2012 fire at 2 Mill Street, Cornwall, NY 12518. 16 F-16 Fighter Jets and 200 Abrams tanks to be delivered to Egypt by the end of 2013 and produced between Sep 2012 and Jan 2013 investigation of shoplifting FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 284 of 1088 FP-13-016313 PHILIPPS DAVE 3/19/2013 Granted FP-13-016314 FP-13-016316 FP-13-016318 Bryce Woodard Sutton Michael Timothy Elizabeth 3/19/2013 Administratively Closed 2/14/2013 Administratively Closed 3/18/2013 Granted FP-13-016320 FP-13-016322 Greenberg Sproat Ilan Holly 3/19/2013 Administratively Closed 3/19/2013 Administratively Closed REQUEST FOR THE NUMBER OF CHAPTER 10 & 14 FROM 2009 THRU 2012 AT FT SILL, OK AND FT BENNING. THE ACTIVE DUTY POPULATION AT FORT SILL AND BENNING, GA FROM 2009-2012. This Case is a Referral from USACIDC. MS Documenation To the extent not already responsive, in reference to the Coal-Mac Mine, LRH-2008-00830, SMCRA No. S500607: any and all monitoring data and/or reports submitted to the Corps pursuant to the permit requirements, and any and all other communications including, but not limited to, letters, reports, emails and or approvals to fill streams including, but not limited to, those communications between the Corps and Coal Mac about the above noted mine. Requests/notifications received from January 2010 to present for withdrawal of previously filed 404 applications for surfacing mining operations in West Virginia. To the extent not already responsive, any and all monitoring data and or reports submitted to the Corps pursuant to the permit requirements for the Consol of Kentucky, Peg Fork Mine, Corps Number 2006-2295 KAN. To the extent not already responsive, any and all other communications including, but not limited to, those communications between the Corps and Consol about the above noted Peg Fork Mine from January 2010 to present. Any and all preliminary or final information including, but not limited to, articles, reports, emails, phone FBI FOI/PA #1192874-000. Docs (3pgs) The name(s) of the person(s) who initiated the request for the U. S. Corps of Army Engineers to visit the following property and do a site inspection: 8254 Fulton Drive NW, Massillon, OH 44646 FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 285 of 1088 FP-13-016323 Clark Anna 3/18/2013 Denied in Part Certified payrolls for the trades plumbing, pipe fitting, mechanical/HVAC, and insulation; fringe benefit statment including applicable apprentices; copy of all conformances (additional classification and rate) request and/or submitted for this project; copy of all conformance request (additional classifications and rate) responses, approvals, denials, and/or modifications issued by the Dept of Labor for this project; names of the bona fide apprenticeship program and evidence of the formal certification by the Dept of Labor for a trainee program in which a trainee, on the job may be registered, along with the terms of the trainee program for the crafts referenced in Item 1; copies of Davis-Bacon compliance interviews conducted by the contracting agency for the crafts referenced in Item 1, if applicable. This request is for the Permanent Party Barracks at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri under contract W912-DQ-12-C-4001. FP-13-016324 FP-13-016325 FP-13-016326 Hannah Quigg Rojek Sam Gary Anthony 2/26/2013 Administratively Closed 3/19/2013 Administratively Closed 3/19/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-016327 Justice Michele 3/19/2013 Denied in Part Requests who owns Permit Nos. 2636 and 1924. Aircraft History Card Docs regarding removal from the Program Manager position at ISAF HQ. 1.Copy of all certified payroll reports, statements of compliance and fring benefit statments as submitted by the subcontractor listed below for all work performed to date on project W912QR-11-C-0009 Ft. Hunter Liggett, Ca 2. A Copy of the onsite imspectors' daily/dairy reports for the month of August and September 2012 only, on the projected FP-13-016330 FP-13-016331 FP-13-016332 Prim Moore-Ahmed Nalbandian Bennie Dawn Gina 3/19/2013 Granted 3/19/2013 Granted 2/25/2013 Granted FP-13-016333 Tan Gregory 3/19/2013 Granted Dosimetry Readings MPR Request a copy of the executed Subcontractor Contract between Fleming Steel Company and BE&K Building Group, Inc. Site inspection reports, site evaluations, jurisdictional determinations, field notes, and regulatory analyses; correspondence and communications with the owneroperator or discharge; and correspondence and communications with the US EPA including referrals for enforcement. Sent a list of sites that he was interested in. FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 286 of 1088 FP-13-016334 Lane Mana 3/19/2013 Granted FP-13-016335 Johnson Dan 2/27/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-016337 Irwin Jason FP-13-016338 FP-13-016339 Bauman Cherry Margaret Jack 3/19/2013 Administratively Closed 3/11/2013 Denied in Full FP-13-016340 Rubinow Howard 3/19/2013 Granted FP-13-016342 FP-13-016344 CLARK Falcon-Villa ANNA April 3/7/2013 Administratively Closed 3/19/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-016345 Falcon-Villa April 3/19/2013 Granted FP-13-016347 FP-13-016348 Pierce Ahern Kyle Sean 3/19/2013 Granted 3/15/2013 Granted FP-13-016350 MAPLE MARK 3/19/2013 Granted FP-13-016351 Ludwick Brendan 3/11/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-016352 FP-13-016353 SANTOS Branam 3/15/2013 Administratively Closed 3/19/2013 Granted FP-13-016354 FP-13-016355 FP-13-016356 FP-13-016359 Esparza Nexis palafox Johnson ROSE Christoph er Jaime Lexis Alejandra Marlowe 3/1/2013 Granted 3/19/2013 3/19/2013 3/19/2013 3/19/2013 Granted Granted Granted Granted Mrs Mana D. Lane request a copy of the AR 15-6 report pertaining to the death of her som, SPC David J. Lane who died on September 4, 2007 in Baghdad, Iraq. Copy of Decision Document regarding South Fork of Little Red River Component (File No. 2010-0618). Copies of Declarations of Taking for Tract 1100 in CV-B388 and Tract 1102-1 in CIV- B-60-C-27. Case Number NW 30398 w/docs Copy of investigation file for Ryan Bullard Accident - Lawyer for Hum's Hardware Construction Drawings, specifically for the Versabar 60-ft Roller flood control vehicular access gates along the west bank of the Algiers Canal, in Plaquemines Parish. Further, the rollergate is part of the Corps Contract identified as WBV04.2 RFP No. 12-024-016A all releasable records in connection with the selection process for vacancy number SWGY12293303795504 all releasable records in connection with the selection process for vacancy number SWGY13359589810699. I am also interested in the justification for lowering the minimum score for the best qualified on the questionaire portion of the selection process. Channel limits, River Centerline, Existing Borrow Areas Contract 12-C-0042, Solicitation 10-B-0078: daily production reports(4267s), pay estimates and surveys REQUEST FOR INFORMATION PERTAINING TO ARMY DOWNSIZING. Hickory Ground applications, permits or other documents related to construction W911S8-08-C-0008 0653-2013 Subpeona documents on Jessica Cooper, MPRs, OMPF 0918-2013 Admin Chapter on Johnathan Levrie MPRs 2694-2012 3166-2012 4562-2012 2844-2012 44502012 5177-2011 FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 287 of 1088 FP-13-016361 Gordon Don 3/15/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-016363 Berthelot Alissa 3/19/2013 Granted FP-13-016364 FP-13-016365 FP-13-016366 Sivula Willingham LeFande Neal Paul Bob 3/19/2013 Administratively Closed 3/19/2013 Granted 3/19/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-016367 Hughes Daryl 3/19/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-016368 FP-13-016370 FP-13-016371 FP-13-016372 FP-13-016376 Koss Lewis Marte Santos-Perez Turner 3/18/2013 3/12/2013 3/12/2013 3/12/2013 1/7/2013 FP-13-016379 Perez Rachael Tymire Yeriel Jacim Mr. and Mrs. Leland Gustavo Granted Granted Granted Granted Denied in Part 1/7/2013 Granted Request copies of: (1) A command briefing (PowerPoint etc,) by the program manager that describes this program. (2) A document that provides a summary of the program. (3) Information or documents that describe the contracting relationship, if any, between US Forces Command and the Department of Homeland Security as related to the procurement of these vehicles. (A) What is the name of the program; (B) what is the total amount of programs funds authorized and what is the transfer authority (where did the funds come from); (C) what is the program schedule; (D) program purpose; (E) number of vehicles; (F) types of vehicles; (G) what is the manufacturing process – are these vehicles new, retrofits or refurbished military vehicles? (4) Information or documents that explain where these vehicles are manufactured. (5) Information or documents that explain where (location and agency) these vehicles will be or have been sent, who will be fiscally responsible for the vehicles – who owns them? (6) Information or documents that explain the purpose of these vehicles. What is the reason given to provide or transfer such heavily protected armored vehicles Requestor is asking for a copy of the following Colonial Pipeline permits: MVK-1981-00161; MVK-1971-00012; MVK1962-00021. 15-6 investigation of SFC Robert Brady Debt verification Copy of the TGL and any written record of the government's decision to elimnate specific positions, to include the name of official who is on record as having made the decision. Information used to select for three job vacancies, for instance, resumes, panel scoring and qualifications. Sonoma Marin Area Rail Transit (SMART) Project MPR 0312-2013 Lewis MPR 0312-2013 MPR 0499-2013 the safety report regarding the accident on 11 Jan 12 involving PV1Neil I. Turner the safety report regarding the parachute acdt that occurred on 17 Apr 02 FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 288 of 1088 FP-13-016381 FP-13-016382 FP-13-016383 Segovia Bushnell Stiansen Yee Jill Dave 3/19/2013 Granted 3/19/2013 Administratively Closed 3/19/2013 Granted FP-13-016384 FP-13-016385 Ramos Jones Jonathon Dustin 3/19/2013 Granted 3/19/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-016386 Suttles Donnia 3/19/2013 Granted FP-13-016387 FP-13-016388 Patterson O'Neill Gerry Theresa 3/13/2013 Administratively Closed 1/7/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-016389 Rich Randall 1/10/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-016390 FP-13-016391 FP-13-016392 Bracey Martin Mozzone Michael William Katherine 1/14/2013 Granted 3/19/2013 Granted 3/13/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-016393 FP-13-016394 DIAZ CHILLI NANCY FRANK 3/15/2013 Administratively Closed 3/19/2013 Administratively Closed Debt Verification State Records any documents relating to fire pond installation at Haycock Camping Ministries MPR 719-12 1. All payment applications submitted by MV Builders, the prime Contractor on W912QR-10-C-0078 to the Army from August 1,2012 2. All records of payment to BW Builders for work on the W912QR-10-C-0078 after August 1, 2012 including without limit, records of deductions to such payments for liquidated damages 3.All request for equitable adjustments submitted to the Army related to work on the project W912QR-10-C-0078 4.All schedules and shcedule updates for the project W912QR-10-C-0078, in native format(e.g., Primavera Files) 5. All communication regarding delays of to construction of the project related to recieving permanent power from NV Engergy 6. The Payment bond provided by MV Builder for the W912QR-10-C-0078 7. All communications between/among the Army, MV builders and/or any other person or entity regarding the project schedule, construction delays and/or liquidated damages based on construction delay Request a copy of the CID reqort for her son, MSG Kenny B. Wilson. IG file #DIH-04-6122 the safety report regarding an accident on the obstacle course at Ft. Jackson on 7 Jun 12 requested safety reports for each Class A Apache accident that occurred between 2006 and present date the safety report regarding an acdt on 10 Mar 91 Request for MP Rpt All emails sent from Brigadier General John Walsh between June 17, 2012 to June 25, 2012 (to include email correspondence with Steve Bullock) and the complaint that prompted the investigation of Brigadier General John Walsh, to include the results of the investigation. Collective Bargaining Agreement W91247-13-C-0015 FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 289 of 1088 FP-13-016396 Messineo Carl 3/19/2013 Granted FP-13-016397 Falk Kristen 3/19/2013 Granted FP-13-016398 JACKSON Ebony 3/19/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-016399 FP-13-016402 Santos Smaal Rose Yorick 3/20/2013 Administratively Closed 3/20/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-016404 FP-13-016405 Smith Bridges, Sr. Christine James 1/29/2013 Denied in Part 2/5/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-016407 Raugh, Jr. Harold 2/20/2013 FP-13-016408 Justice III (08-089) Thomas 2/21/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-016410 Collins Karen 2/27/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-016411 Parsons Adam 2/28/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-016413 FP-13-016414 Wells Morais Michael Betsy 3/13/2013 3/4/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-016416 Franks Earl 3/14/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-016426 FP-13-016429 Komrosky Wilkerson Sherri Kevin 3/11/2013 Administratively Closed 3/11/2013 Granted Requesting information related to the Department of Defense's (DoD) Customer requesting copies of two policer reports (maiden name was Cather) 1542-2005 1599-2005 requests a copy of the audio files collected by the Army and Air Force court reporters during the trial of United States v. A1C Daniel Schwartz. W91CRB13C0016 Info pertaining to a major investigation into homosexuality and American troops in New Guinea in late 1943 Entire File regarding investigation Any and all associated memorandum/letters; Investigation Officer notes; Interviewee's statements and notes from the AR 15-6 completed on me. Hiring documents for EUHR 12837945688522 and EUHR 12099689766785 Files related to the Pine Castle Jeep Range prior to January 1, 2002 List of applicants, hiring official, interview panel, and means used to make a selection. Successfully hired applicant's resume and qualifications for NCHT12138869771491 All information related to ROI 12-014 Copy of Inspector General (IG) report pertaining to Dr. Van A. Smith. Copy of all records regarding herbicides at Ft. Benning, GA 01/01/1964 to 01/01/1972; list of all employees and pay grade assigned to Post/Base Engineers Ft. Benning, GA from 01/01/1964 to 01/01/1972; copy of documents maintained by Ft Benning GA Fire Department relating to hazardous materials locations on base 01/01/1964 to 01/01/1972; copy of all successful bidders on contacts let for work or project related to application of herbicides on Ft. Benning GA 01/01/1964 to 01/01/1972. Award information for solicitation W56HZV-11-R-0171 Copy of the First Article Test Report and inspection/acceptance documentation for QAP requirements on contract W52H09-10-C-0016 FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 290 of 1088 FP-13-016430 Mayer Simon 3/20/2013 Administratively Closed Requested the following: 1. Produce any and all records, including communications, relating to the delivery of the Good to Fort Lee, including but not limited to delivery receips, shipping logs, contracts, proposals, emails, correspondence. 2. Produce any and all records, including communications, relating to the receipt of the Goods by Fort Lee, including but not limited to delivery receipts, shipping logs, contracts, proposals, emails, correspondence. 3. Produce any and all records, including communications, relating to DEH and the delivery of the Goods to Fort Lee. 4. Produce any and all records, including communications, between DEH and Fort Lee relating to the Goods. 5. Produce any and all records, including communications, relating to Lions Volunteer and the delivery of the Goods to Fort Lee. 6. Produce any and all records, including communications, between Lion Volunteer and Fort Lee relating to the Goods. FP-13-016432 Smith Tyce 3/20/2013 Denied in Part 1.All communication between Exchange and Sheffield Barbers (Sheffield) or Department of Labor (DOL) in regards to a.Wage Determination 1972-1230 revisions(s) 20, 21, 22, 23. b.Attachments & versions of any collective Bargaining agreements used in formation of said revisions 20, 21, 22 or 23. c.Documents/communication used in submission to US DOL form 98 or 98e. 2.Contract Amendments of the Exchange contract awarded to Sheffield on solicitation SDVC 07-025-11-273 to include communication documents between the Exchange and Sheffield in formation of this amendment. 3.Copies of all Monthly Sales Reports submitted by Sheffield to Exchange from August 8, 2011 to March 8, 2013 in relation to the contract listed above. FP-13-016436 Kim John 3/13/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-016437 FP-13-016439 Witczak Whittaker Sharon Art 3/20/2013 Granted 3/20/2013 Administratively Closed copy of reports and plans regard the type and quantity of all US anti-personnel landmines and cluster munitions stockpiled as part of War Reserve Stock for Allies Korea in ROK in the year 2011 and 2012 Records for job announcement SCBK10002801 History of a 3" Ordinance Rifled Cannon Serial #669 FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 291 of 1088 FP-13-016445 Burke Patrick 3/12/2013 Administratively Closed all documents regarding the 16 F-16 fighter jets and 200 Abrams tanks to be delivered to Egypt by the end of FY2013 FP-13-016446 FP-13-016455 FP-13-016462 FP-13-016469 Szemere Pedroli Simion McCulley Ben Mark John Michael 3/15/2013 3/19/2013 3/12/2013 3/18/2013 Denied in Part Granted Denied in Part Administratively Closed FP-13-016474 FP-13-016475 FP-13-016477 FP-13-016479 Slowinski Nacin Ahern Betcher Tom Paul Sean Kimberly 2/26/2013 3/20/2013 3/20/2013 3/20/2013 Granted Granted Administratively Closed Granted FP-13-016482 FP-13-016484 Mobley Hayman Paul Jeff 3/19/2013 Granted 1/14/2013 Granted FP-13-016486 Bowland Richard 1/14/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-016489 Brown S Brad 3/20/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-016491 FP-13-016492 FP-13-016494 FP-13-016495 FP-13-016496 FP-13-016497 Chirafisi Franklin Rickards Vasquez Franklin Kenney Corey David Eric Tomas David Aileen 3/20/2013 3/20/2013 3/20/2013 3/20/2013 3/20/2013 3/20/2013 FP-13-016499 Richardson, Jr. Ronald 3/20/2013 Granted FP-13-016500 FP-13-016501 FP-13-016504 Murphy Chilli Chilli Tia Frnak Frank 3/20/2013 Granted 3/20/2013 Administratively Closed 3/20/2013 Administratively Closed All documents related to the requester Fawnvalley Project hiring documentation and annual appraisals. All documents pertaining to investigative report done by COL Frederick Wolf, Ft. Benning, GA. Signoff letter for permit 005669011. Request for MP Rpt Final payment 11-C-0025 copy of all documents pertaiing to any wind turbine project(s) located within Black and/or Brothersvally Townships, Somerset County, Pennsylvania under the following applicant names: Wilson Creek, Wind Energy, AES Keystone Wind, LLC and/or US Wind Force, LLC. Documents of interest include, but are not limited to Wetland and Waters Reports, General Permit Applications, SPGP applications, 404 Certifications and/or Environmental Impact Statements and all correspondence between the ACOE and the applicant(s). Flooding information for parts of Grand River requested class A AAAR's on all 47 series aircraft from fy02 through fy12 the safety report regarding an acdt that occurred on 22 Jul 89 records pertaining to OH-58D helicopter accident that occurred on 14 Dec 2010 at Ft. Rucker, AL MPR 2225-12 David Franklin Request for MP Rpt Request for MP rpt David Franklin Permit for Fisherman's Energy Atlantic City Wind Farm and EA Exchange documents located in ROI 2002-CID438-312977F Tia Marie Murphy Contract Contract Administratively Closed Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 292 of 1088 FP-13-016505 FP-13-016509 FP-13-016511 FP-13-016513 FP-13-016516 Newman KIsseloff Valdez Rothschild Levinson Rory Jeff Victor Lowell Robert 3/20/2013 3/20/2013 3/20/2013 3/20/2013 3/20/2013 Administratively Closed Granted Administratively Closed Granted Administratively Closed FP-13-016517 FP-13-016518 FP-13-016520 FP-13-016522 FP-13-016523 FP-13-016524 FP-13-016525 FP-13-016526 Margolin McHugh Chilli Bono III Newton Chilli Mobley Ahern Josh Stephen Frank Carlo George Frank David Sean 3/20/2013 3/20/2013 3/20/2013 3/20/2013 3/20/2013 3/20/2013 3/20/2013 3/20/2013 Administratively Closed Granted Denied in Part Granted Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Granted Granted FP-13-016527 FP-13-016530 Geisler SCHEXNAYDER Heidi JESSE 3/18/2013 Administratively Closed 3/20/2013 Granted FP-13-016531 FP-13-016539 FP-13-016541 Timothy Hughes Mayes Donald Susan Kashif 3/20/2013 Granted 3/20/2013 Granted 3/18/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-016544 FP-13-016545 FP-13-016547 Mitchell Morgan Hoover Jeremy Matthew Mr. Stephen 3/20/2013 Granted 3/20/2013 Granted 3/20/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-016549 FP-13-016551 MORISY Fuge MICHAEL Aaron 3/19/2013 Administratively Closed 3/20/2013 Granted Topographic records Arthur Aleksandrovich Adams Records Contract Nationwide Permits - Clean Water Act Program, Project & Activity (PPA) reports - FY13 sequestered info Hurricane Sandy Water Control Manuals for Red River, Sardis, and Hugo. USACE contracts - PAX IT Police Report Police Report W91WAW-08-C-0091 Debt Verification Copies of the daily production reports (4267s, wall sheet acceptable), all pay estimates (ENG 93), and BD/AD hydrographic/land surveys (.xyz format) related to Savannah & Brunswick Harbors, Georgia, Maintenance Dredging Inner Harbor Channels; Solicitation #: W912HN-11-B-0002. All investigative reports on SSG Michael G. Geisler Any and all completed investigations, to include supporting documentation, findings, and recommendations conducted by the US Army, Space and Missile Defense Command, or the 100th Missile Defense Brigade into any alleged misconduct of LTC Joseph Miley (the current commander of the 49th Missile Defense Battalion), his spouse, or pertaining to the command climate of the 49th Missile Defense Battalion. Police Report ECS Contract W900KK-09-D-0006 Statement of reason upon which CF relied to make its eligibility/access determination Request for MP rpt Request for MP rpt All motorcycle training records, medical records and counseling statements pertaining to his son, SGT Curtis D. Hoover. Booz Allen Hamilton Request for MP Rpt FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 293 of 1088 FP-13-016552 Ferguson Chris 3/15/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-016554 Bodden Ian 3/20/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-016555 Eustis Scott 3/20/2013 Granted FP-13-016556 Wallgren Jenny 3/20/2013 Granted FP-13-016557 FP-13-016558 Brookshire Foster 3/20/2013 Granted 3/20/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-016559 FP-13-016560 VALDEZ Mocarski Nathan Christoph er VICTOR Nicholas A copy of the original Relocation Report for the Camp Hood Cemetery to include the names Blackburn, Curry, Sharpe or and variations of the names. Copy of bonds for WSMR S-2 White Sands, Range Road, Approx Mile Marker 62 or 63, WSMR, NM 88002; Prime Contractor – M Lee Corporation. Requestor is seeking copies of the applications, final permits, final mitigation plans and any monitoring reports for the following permits: MVK-2003-1053; MVK-9900-02080; and MVK-2005-472. Copy of Appendix F: Referenced Stream Design Plan Sheets withing Attachment B Mitigation Plan for Mill Branch Mitigation Bank - Mitigation Banking Instrument (March 2012). Request for MP Rpt Christopher P. Foster (xx-2263) 3/20/2013 Denied in Part 3/20/2013 Administratively Closed W9124D-11-C-9000 Request for records related to Statement of Reasons (SOR) FP-13-016561 FP-13-016562 Spear Naber Brook Michael 3/8/2013 3/20/2013 Granted FP-13-016563 Daniel Dvonne 3/7/2013 Granted FP-13-016564 Glowacki Steven 3/21/2013 FP-13-016565 FP-13-016567 FP-13-016568 Nunn Leary Siibo Willie Pittman James 3/21/2013 Administratively Closed 3/21/2013 Granted 3/21/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-016581 Kuhn Trenton 3/21/2013 Granted Multiple regulatory permit files Jurisdictional delineation maps (and associated report) and related 404 permit documents for the Sitix/SUMCO facility in Desert Ridge; File No. 95-40610-CJL Requested a copy of the AR 5-16 Investigation pertaining to complaint of HIPPA violations at the Camp Zama Army Substance Abuse Program. FAA referred request to NGB for consultation. NGB further referred the request to the Guam National Guard to review documents pertaining to Certificates of Waiver or Approval (COA) for the Operation of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS). The purpose of the consultation was to review the documents and determine if any information needed to be withheld under the FOIA exemption. EEO documents TIOH Drawings Copy of the FY13 Major Army competitive Board MOI, board president, instructions to the board and composition of the board. Copy of MP Report 00228-2010-MPC937 FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 294 of 1088 FP-13-016589 Messineo Carl 2/22/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-016590 Budynass Robert 3/21/2013 Granted FP-13-016592 Smyth Michelle 3/21/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-016593 FP-13-016596 Pearson Benstock Terrance Marcy 3/21/2013 Administratively Closed 3/21/2013 Granted FP-13-016598 Trevithick Joseph 3/21/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-016599 FP-13-016600 FP-13-016608 Jackson Clagett Browder Stuyve Corey Gregory 3/21/2013 Granted 3/21/2013 Denied in Full 3/21/2013 Granted FP-13-016610 FP-13-016612 FP-13-016620 FP-13-016622 McKinley Otis Poche Duxbury Felicity Jeff Chad Jane 3/21/2013 3/21/2013 3/7/2013 3/21/2013 Granted Granted Granted Administratively Closed Information related to the DoD consultation and or doordination with municipal, state, and or local police agencies within the United States on the planning, authorizing, and execution of joint military and police training excercises. AR 15-6 conducted by Cherly L. Ingersoll who was appointed on or about 11 Feb 13, concerning Mail Room Activity Requested all documents pertaining toeh the aforemention investigation, including but not limited to, medical records, interviews, photos, recordings (video and/or audio), names and contact information. In addition, provide any and all other relevant information, as well as the final determination of the investigation. AWG Information Army Corps permits, authorizations and/or pre-application meetings regarding the lower Hudson River off Manhattan, between the northern edge of Battery Park City and W. 59th St. extended (out into the River) Final report of ATSBCM008 P Military Motor Cycle COEA s 9110 9204 TRADOC ARMC Lock system log entries Video from force call move team dated 10/23/09 Requesting Access to SSG Arlette Casso's EO Complaint File Previous contract for mowing at Fall River and Toronto Dock permit 071-OYB-1-001862, Culver Text Files for boring logs wetlands violations for the property located at 82 West Main Street, Maple Avenue and Main Street, Smithtown, NY FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 295 of 1088 FP-13-016624 Munchausen Ryan 3/21/2013 Administratively Closed • Permit numbers, agency project manager name and permitting agent for any currently active permit applications submitted on behalf of Entergy. • Copies of the entire project files for issued permits/authorizations to ensure that the parties to the transaction are aware of any issues, such as threatened and endangered species or right of way requirements, that were identified during the permitting process. • Identification of any unfulfilled post-issuance obligations associated with Entergy permits and detailed information about the project, useful information includes the relevant permit number, Entergy contact name, permitting agent and a brief summary of the outstanding issues. FP-13-016626 FP-13-016627 Haley Nash Deanne Jeremy 3/21/2013 Granted 3/21/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-016629 Brinkman Brad 3/21/2013 Denied in Full FP-13-016640 FP-13-016643 Green Pajewski Bernard Jason 3/21/2013 Granted 3/21/2013 Granted Debt Verification documents, including permits, concerning the construction of 600 Harbor Boulevard, Jersey City, NJ 07086 over the Hudson River bid Results for the Hanger Additions, Ft. Drum; buildings 2074, 2060 & 2070 Debt Verification Negligent driving 2nd Degree. Rolled over government truck. FP-13-016646 FP-13-016649 Ahern Taylor Sean Tinita 3/21/2013 Administratively Closed 3/21/2013 Granted FP-13-016651 FP-13-016652 Sterling Maniscalco Caitlin John 3/21/2013 Granted 3/21/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-016655 FP-13-016656 Nexis Smith Lexis Preston 3/21/2013 Granted 3/21/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-016658 Won Young 3/21/2013 Granted FP-13-016659 FP-13-016660 Nexis Ivey Lexis Dorothy 3/21/2013 Granted 3/21/2013 Granted FP-13-016661 FP-13-016662 Nexis Nexis Lexis Lexis 3/21/2013 Granted 3/21/2013 Granted Contract 12-C-0009 Info only. Traffice mishap. Pulling out of parking lot, hit another vehicle. Domestic violence Requests "UNCLASSIFIED CWL TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM NUMBER 31-23 - PRELIMINARY REPORT ON V AGENT PILOT PLANT - PART II - STEP O DATA BOOK (U)." MPR 0196-2013 Mitigation plan for Wright Patman Lake and/or mitigation plan for White Oak Creek WMA Request for a copy of the Line of Duty Investigation into the death of SSG Ray D. Won MPR 0996-2013 Failure to stay right. Crossed center divide - head-on collision. MPR 1097-2013 MPR 1089-2013 FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 296 of 1088 FP-13-016663 Martin Chelsea 3/21/2013 Granted FP-13-016664 Saylors Jo 3/21/2013 Granted FP-13-016665 Roberts Michael 3/21/2013 Granted FP-13-016666 FP-13-016670 Ofstedahl Jones Amanda Steadman 3/21/2013 Granted 3/21/2013 Granted FP-13-016671 FP-13-016672 Hicks Ofstedahl Brandon Amanda 3/21/2013 Granted 3/21/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-016673 Sikma Brain 3/21/2013 Granted FP-13-016674 FP-13-016677 FP-13-016679 FP-13-016680 FP-13-016682 Nguyen Nethercutt Fuerbringer Adkisson KAUFMAN Carol Charles Bruce Brian PAUL 3/21/2013 3/21/2013 3/21/2013 3/21/2013 3/21/2013 FP-13-016684 Lazare Trent 3/21/2013 Granted FP-13-016685 FP-13-016686 HENRY Finney JAMES Christoph er 3/21/2013 Granted 3/20/2013 Granted FP-13-016687 RUSS BOBBY 3/21/2013 Administratively Closed Granted Granted Administratively Closed Granted Administratively Closed Request for a copy of the investigation into the death of SSG Charles H. Martin, Jr. Negligent Driving 2nd Degree. Caused three car accident while attempting to look for cat in car witrh her. Accidental damage to government property. Fork lift damaged roll-up door. Assault between two neighbors - Verbal and physical. Request for MP Rpt Request for MP Rpt 25 Aug 2009 - Verbal Altercation near residence. 16 July 2010 - Altercation with neighbor. Digital copies of any reports prepared by or submitted by the Bad River Band of Lake Superior Chippewa, including impact statements, assessments or other reports submitted to obtain approval for the Pine Flats Road reconstruction project. The public notice number for this project is 201101936-WMS. Hit and Run Vehicle broken into. TA-50 stolen. HazMat Risk Managment? Hit and Run REQUEST FOR INFORMATION ON MORRIS LEO KAUFMAN Wanted all 4833's showing that his cases are closed and not pending. JAMES HENRY Copies of all records received, produced, maintained, or kept by the USACE pertaining to all matters relating to Legendary Ridge Subdivision in Miami Townhip, Hamilton County, Ohio including, without limitation, and discharges or unauthorized discharges there from; and all records relating to NWP No. 39 (LRL-2003-722) REQUEST TO OBTAIN A COPY OF THE BIRTH CERTIFICATE ON BOBBY DALE RUSS FROM THE RECRUITING OFFICE FILES. MILITARY ENTRY WAS 1965. FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 297 of 1088 FP-13-016690 Matthews James 3/4/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-016691 FP-13-016692 Gonzalez-Young Knight Loray Larry 3/21/2013 Granted 3/21/2013 Granted Minor accident. Re: Benjamin Conrad Cemetery: 1) Records that give the identity of the 2 unknown grave markers that make up this family of 5; 2) Records showing that any of the graves from the Benjamin Conrad family cemetery were relocated to the Little Kanawha Memorial Gardens; and 3) written permission to probe with metal road or remove small amounts of earth at the grave sites to search for the identify of the unknown FP-13-016693 Hedlund Jeff 3/21/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-016694 Santos Rose 3/21/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-016696 FP-13-016697 Fingerle Black Madylene Michael 3/21/2013 Granted 3/21/2013 Granted FP-13-016698 FP-13-016699 Ferrer Concepcion Veroncia Jose 3/21/2013 Granted 3/21/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-016700 Torpy Jason 3/21/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-016701 Arsenault 3/21/2013 Granted FP-13-016702 FP-13-016703 FP-13-016704 FP-13-016705 Ongley Rivera Cutler Lewis (13-089) Christoph er Virgil Jefferson Justin Steve acquire bathymetry data (multi-beam or single beam) sonar data that has been collected by Sacramento District for the S.F. Delta area. Requests a copy of contract W91CRB13C0016 and applicable SOW. Unsafe start of a motor vehicle from a stopped position. Decision Document regarding 200675135, permit, the environmental assessment and water quality reports Failure to yield the right of way Requesting copies of MP report filed on him while station at Fort Bragg, NC. Request documents, storyboards, scenarios, wireframes and other information reagarding the content of the "Spiritual Triage" work being developed by ECS Orlando for chaplain training purposes Release determination 3/21/2013 3/21/2013 3/21/2013 2/5/2013 Granted Granted Granted Granted Current or historical records pertaining to onsite usage activities, hazardous material storage tank documentation and location information, former environmental investigations, spills, releases, or environmental concerns for property occupied by the TX National Guard from 1961-2012 located at 344 Porter Drive, Brownsville, TX 78520 Airborne Roster 44-69, 22 Jun - 12 Jul 69. Request for MP Rpt Request for MP RPt Permit No. 2001-04049 and all documents related to compliance and enforcement FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 298 of 1088 FP-13-016706 Mayer Simon 3/21/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-016707 Chilli Frank 3/21/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-016708 FP-13-016709 FP-13-016710 Barnett Chilli Nordby Bonnetta Frank Robert 3/21/2013 Administratively Closed 3/21/2013 Administratively Closed 3/21/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-016711 Nordby Robert 3/21/2013 Granted FP-13-016712 FP-13-016713 FP-13-016714 FP-13-016715 FP-13-016716 FP-13-016717 Banks Chilli Mayer Cornell Dejesus Leslie Andrew Frank Simon Brent Marcus Kevin 3/21/2013 3/21/2013 3/21/2013 3/21/2013 3/21/2013 3/15/2013 FP-13-016718 McDonnel Pat 3/18/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-016719 FP-13-016720 FP-13-016721 FP-13-016722 FP-13-016723 FP-13-016724 FP-13-016725 FP-13-016726 Snyder Abrams Chilli Driscoll Crissinger Garcia Wally Mo Lynch Jonathan Andrew Frank David Nathan Nicole Momen Jennifer 3/21/2013 3/21/2013 3/21/2013 3/18/2013 3/21/2013 3/21/2013 3/21/2013 3/11/2013 FP-13-016727 Obioha Nnana 3/21/2013 Granted FP-13-016728 FP-13-016729 FP-13-016730 FP-13-016731 Clark Chilli Blaine Chilli Anna Frank JoNell Frank 3/18/2013 3/21/2013 3/21/2013 3/21/2013 Granted Administratively Closed Denied in Part Granted Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Granted Granted Administratively Closed Granted Granted Denied in Part Granted Administratively Closed Granted Administratively Closed Granted Administratively Closed Records relating to delivery and receipt of the Goods by Fort Benning, documents relating to KLN and delivery of Goods, records between KLN and Fort Benning and records relating to Lions Volunteer and the delivery of the Goods pertaining to five shipments of goods from Lions between 19 aug and 1 Sep 11. Copy of Contract W59RGZ-13-D-0065, willing to pay up to $100. Car Accident. Copy of contact number, W58RGZ-13-D-0097 Costs and purchases of electronic equipment (cameras) associated witht he Fort McCOy Commemorative Ara and Museum for FY 2006-2013. Copy of documents concerning the Investigation of himself, Robert Nordby. Failure to yield the right of way. Contract Contract and proposal for Ft. Lee Bldg 18023 Request for MP Rpt Request for MP Rpt All documents related to RFQ W912DY-13-T-0104 including award document Correspondence between Mr. Teetsov and Corps relating to W912DY-12-F-0063 Request for MP Rpt Request for MP Rpt Contract Mt. Pisgah Reservoir Request for MP Rpt FOIA Request Military Police Report Certificates of waiver for the operation of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS). Video footage from of Ft Huachuca gate and MP Station along with copy of 15-6 investigation reporting incident on 1124-2012 W912PP-12-C-0033, SOF Aircraft Maint @ CAFB Contract Military Police Report Contract FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 299 of 1088 FP-13-016732 FP-13-016733 FP-13-016735 Chilli Chilli Francis Frank Frank Liz 3/21/2013 Administratively Closed 3/21/2013 Administratively Closed 3/21/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-016736 Criscione Vincent` 3/21/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-016737 Chilli Frank 3/21/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-016738 FP-13-016739 FP-13-016740 FP-13-016741 FP-13-016755 FP-13-016756 FP-13-016757 Miller Kim Torness Torness MELENDEZ Oliver Womac Paul John Eric Eric WINFRID Joshua Joy 3/21/2013 3/13/2013 3/14/2013 3/14/2013 3/22/2013 3/22/2013 3/22/2013 FP-13-016758 Freeman Brittany 3/22/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-016759 Spear Brook 3/22/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-016760 Dahl Julia 3/22/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-016761 Morris Kamaria 3/22/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-016762 Rasbach Coral 3/22/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-016763 FP-13-016764 MELENDEZ Freilich WINFRID Ari 3/22/2013 Granted 3/22/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-016765 Manackal Tobin 3/22/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-016766 FP-13-016767 Rivera-Seda Ratchick Arnaldo Jonathan 3/22/2013 Granted 3/22/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-016768 Roberts Daniel 3/22/2013 Granted Granted Administratively Closed Granted Administratively Closed Granted Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Contract Contract Who and pricing information submitted for contracts: W58RGZ-12-C-0055, W58RGZ-12-C-0089, and W58RGZ-C0113 Electronic copies of the data forms of the most recent delineation approved on November 15, 2012 related to SPK200250365 Request copies of the White Papers for all respondents to the Sources Sought Notice for RFP W58RGZ-11-R-0314, Worldwide Lifecycle Sustainment Support Investigation Report FOIA Request MP-Report Wife under alcohol MP-Report breaking no contact order POLICE REPORT Service records pertaining to Everett E. Daugherty Copy of MAJ Cynthia Brownrigg's UCMJ charge sheet for court martial. Request for the Findings/Recommendations of the final three suicide investigations for FY12 Review of Documents for Public Notice P-2845 American Commercial Lines Request for ROI's on numerous soldiers who committed suicide in Afghanistan Copy of two letters dated February 19 and 20th on behalf of client Ms. Lofton Copy of contract W91RUS09C0031 including any modifications, extensions, or amendments. AMBULANCE/MEDICAL REPORT OTSG/MEDCOM Policy Memos: 11-076, 11-010, and 10040 Information pertaining to self at the U.S. Army Cadet Command opy of contract w912QR-09-C-0071 List of homicides and attempted homicides on CONUS US Army installations in the past 10 years. OPF FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 300 of 1088 FP-13-016769 Quinn Brian 3/22/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-016772 Waz Holly 3/22/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-016773 Corson Lorraine 3/22/2013 Granted FP-13-016776 Allen Derek 3/22/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-016778 FP-13-016781 FP-13-016783 Taylor Ritter Allen Felicia Justin Derek 3/22/2013 Granted 3/13/2013 Granted 3/22/2013 Granted FP-13-016785 Stacey Teryl 3/22/2013 Granted FP-13-016786 Walker Jason 3/22/2013 Granted List of military service dogs (and other pets if applicable) that have served in combat overseas since the start of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Copy of Jurisdictional Determination issued May 11, 2009 related to Permit No. SAS-2009-00348. Review and redact exhibit 2 of ROI 2012-CID056-97229-5P pretaining to DSM PV2 Benjamin D. Corson Copies of any wetland/Corps permits regarding Magnolia Park and or Mountain Park on Sara Road in Covington, GA. Request for MP Rpt Contract Award for Russellville Mow Services Contract Copy of permitting documents related to property known as Brightwood Place on Turner Church Road, McDonough, Henry County, GA. Documentation in reference to the bill documents 2012-1005-140526, 2012-10-05-140609, 2012-10-05-140652, 201210-05-140733, 2012-10-05-140813, 2012-10-05-140854, 2012-10-05-140936, 2012-10-05-141022, 2012-10-05141105, 2012-10-05-141146, 2012-10-05-141311, and 201210-05-141352 amounting to a total of $42,163.77. Any documents or memoranda discussing arguments or justifications prepared for this billing. Copies of any cost breakdown or other analyses used to assess this billing. Any responses from the USACE Finance Center to the Office of Special Counsel in reference to case OSC File No. MA-130935. Any responses from the USACE Finance Center to Nevada Senator Harry Reid’s inquiry regarding this billing. Any responses received from Nevada Senator Harry Reid’s office regarding this inquiry. Any responses received from the CBCA in reference to Case File CBCA 3256-TRAV. In the USACE Finance Center asserts that any one of these documents does not exist; please state this in writing and submit a copy signed by the head the department which handles its travel order auditing and court cases. Any responses from the USACE Finance Center to Nevada Permit for the former Lynnwood High School property FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 301 of 1088 FP-13-016787 Starett Dianne 3/21/2013 Denied in Part Requester is seeking records pertaining to a meeting between Maixmos Hatziiliades; Paul Hatziiliades; MADEP and USACE regarding 71 Arlington Street, Watertown, MA involving the installation of a culvert in wetlands associated with Williams Pond and Sawins Pond. FP-13-016792 Fidell Eugene 3/18/2013 Granted FP-13-016793 Domina Cary 3/22/2013 Granted FP-13-016797 FP-13-016798 CHILLI Neville 3/22/2013 Denied in Part 3/22/2013 Granted FP-13-016800 Pearman FRANK Christoph er Timeka Copies of Deserter records to include DD Form 616, any analysisor evealuations, comments for changes to Ar 190-9, and any records of rewards or reimbursements from 1 Jul to 21 Dec 2012. W912PL-09-C-0021, Milcon, Nellis Child Development Center, Cobblestone Construction change orders, pay applications, summary of payments, copy of prime contract, payment and performance bonds, drawings, correspondence related to Project. W911SE-07-D-0005 Request for MP rpt FP-13-016801 FP-13-016805 CHILLI MORAIS FRANK BETSY 3/22/2013 Denied in Part 3/7/2013 Granted FP-13-016806 FP-13-016810 CHILLI Dwyer FRANK Paul 3/22/2013 Granted 3/22/2013 Granted FP-13-016811 Tisdale Kimberly 3/22/2013 Granted FP-13-016812 FP-13-016813 O'Connell Skywalker Joel Dontae 3/22/2013 Administratively Closed 3/22/2013 Granted FP-13-016815 Tisdale Linda 3/22/2013 Granted FP-13-016817 Elder Erica 3/22/2013 Granted FP-13-016818 JORGENSEN 3/22/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-016819 FP-13-016820 Archibald Cavender ANTHON Y Michael Michael 3/22/2013 Administratively Closed 3/22/2013 Granted 3/22/2013 Granted Unredacted copy of M.P. Report 00561-2013-MPC013 pertaining to Ms. Timeka Pearman W911SE-07-D-0004-F907 REQUEST FOR INFORMATION PERTAINING TO "VAN SIM AND RELATED MATERIALS". W911SE-07-D-0016-F920 Various studies from US Army Biological Laboratories at Fort Meade, MD in 1963. Request for a final copy of 15-6 Investigation Report pertaining to the death of LTC Roy L. Tisdale. Copy of AR 15-6 Investigation Requester would like copies of emails between his wife and his chain of command from the period of Sept 2012- Jan 2013. Going through a divorce. Request for a final copy of 15-6 Investigation Report pertaining to the death of LTC Roy L. Tisdale. Request for a final copy of 15-6 Investigation Report pertaining to the death of SPC Ricky G. Elder. Governemnt Purchase Card (GPC) orders for Weed Army Community Hospital Request for a final copy of Investigation pertaining to me. Request for MP Rpt FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 302 of 1088 FP-13-016821 FP-13-016823 FP-13-016824 FP-13-016825 FP-13-016827 SANTOS Roijas SANTOS Moody Lauck ROSE Robert ROSE Shaun Scott 3/22/2013 3/22/2013 3/22/2013 3/22/2013 3/19/2013 Administratively Closed Granted Administratively Closed Granted Denied in Full FP-13-016831 FP-13-016833 Hall Black James Sherri 3/22/2013 Administratively Closed 3/19/2013 Denied in Full FP-13-016834 Thompson Lynn 3/22/2013 Granted FP-13-016835 FP-13-016836 FP-13-016840 FP-13-016841 Chilli Walls Smith GRIFFIN Frank Kimberly Scott RANDY 3/22/2013 3/22/2013 3/22/2013 3/22/2013 Administratively Closed Granted Administratively Closed Administratively Closed FP-13-016845 FP-13-016848 FP-13-016849 FP-13-016850 FP-13-016851 FP-13-016853 Hanna Cohen SANTOS Filmore divine CANADAY 3/25/2013 3/25/2013 3/25/2013 3/25/2013 3/25/2013 3/25/2013 Granted Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Denied in Part Granted Granted FP-13-016854 FP-13-016855 FP-13-016859 Gluck SNYDER Comer Katherine Paul ROSE Terry mason CHRISTO PHER Kenneth DONALD Brett 3/25/2013 Administratively Closed 3/25/2013 Granted 3/22/2013 Denied in Part W15P7T12CA221 W15P7T11RH283 Employment verification and supervisor's address W15P7T09DP012 Request for MP rpt Records related to an incident at Pine Bluff Arsenal which resulted in the death of a subcontractor employee. Release determination Records related to incident at Pine Bluff Arsenal which resulted in the death of a subcontractor employee. all inspection reports, studies, analyses, evaluations, photographs, correspondence, drawings, notes, deficiency or descrepancy reports and any other documents of any nature which in any way depict, refer to, relate to, or discuss the work performed and/or materials furnished by Ron Kendall Masonry, Inc. on project W912EE-10-C-0019. USACE CONTRACT - AFGHANISTAN Request for MP Rpt HAP application Services being performed at Fort Hood under the Service Contract Act MOA USACE and NJ 404 Clean Water Act M. P. Report # 00527-2012 W15P7T09DP013 His complete CID records. confinement orders SENTENCE COMP AND ABATEMENT SHEET Request all FBI records pertaining to himself. WORK ABATEMENT AND WORK EVAL TO DATE a copy of the entire Expanded HAP File, i.e. all the documents in the file and any others associated with my completed transaction with USACE as part of the HAP program for the address: 6704 Scavenger Hunt Street, North Las Vegas, NV 89081. FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 303 of 1088 FP-13-016861 Sutton Elizabeth 3/25/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-016863 Bigotto Samantha 3/25/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-016867 Moore Diane 3/25/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-016869 FP-13-016870 FP-13-016872 FP-13-016873 FP-13-016874 FP-13-016875 FP-13-016877 Esparza Nexis Nexis Nexis Heckman Moerk Toegel JAime Lexis Lexis Lexis Carl Katrina Crystal 3/25/2013 3/25/2013 3/25/2013 3/25/2013 3/25/2013 3/25/2013 2/26/2013 FP-13-016878 Drapcho Katie 3/25/2013 FP-13-016879 FP-13-016880 Zych Wyenn Doug Morgan 3/25/2013 Granted 3/25/2013 Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Administratively Closed To the extent not already responsive, in reference to the Coal-Mac Mine, LRH-2008-00830, SMCRA No. S500607: any and all monitoring data and/or reports submitted to the Corps pursuant to the permit requirements, and any and all other communications including, but not limited to, letters, reports, emails and or approvals to fill streams including, but not limited to, those communications between the Corps and Coal Mac about the above noted mine. Requests/notifications received from January 2010 to present for withdrawal of previously filed 404 applications for surfacing mining operations in West Virginia. To the extent not already responsive, any and all monitoring data and or reports submitted to the Corps pursuant to the permit requirements for the Consol of Kentucky, Peg Fork Mine, Corps Number 2006-2295 KAN. To the extent not already responsive, any and all other communications including, but not limited to, those communications between the Corps and Consol about the above noted Peg Fork Mine from January 2010 to present. Any and all preliminary or final information including, but not limited to, articles, reports, emails, phone 1. All of Mr. J. Dekony Torres' SF 1190 submitted/signed after 17 July 2012 to the CPAC; 2. Copy of Mr. J. Dekony Torres' DA 5369-r (rotation agreement; 3. Any/all AE FORM 690-300.301B prepared/submitted/signed after 21 June 2011 Documents related to APN: 134-0230-012 located northwest of Dillard Road, near Riley Road in Sacramento County. Subpoena request for Steven brixon DOB 8-11-1975 MPR 1112-2013 MPR 1181-2013 MPR 0262-2013 Request for MP rpt Request for MP rpt AR 15-6 investigation into the death of SPC Jeremy J. LaClaire (brother) Correspondence between NHNG and Jeb Bradley, John Sununu, and Frank Guinta. Historical Maintenance Data Draft Environmental Assessment FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 304 of 1088 FP-13-016881 FP-13-016882 Bell Wyenn Eric Morgan 3/22/2013 Granted 3/25/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-016883 FP-13-016884 FP-13-016885 FP-13-016886 SANTOS Sizemore SANTOS Sutton ROSE Ben ROSE Elizabeth 3/25/2013 3/25/2013 3/25/2013 3/25/2013 FP-13-016887 Moore Aaron 3/19/2013 Granted FP-13-016888 Sutherland Trejuan 3/25/2013 Granted FP-13-016889 Concetti Suzanne 3/25/2013 Granted FP-13-016890 Campitelli Philip 3/25/2013 Granted Administratively Closed Granted Administratively Closed Denied in Part Police Report Port of Houston permit section 404 Barbours Cut Ship Channel W15P7T09DP014 Historical Information W15P7T06DE403 a. Requests/notifications for withdrawal of previously filed 404 applications for surface mining operations in Kentucky. b. All notices, requests, or applications for coverage for coalmines, refuse or slurry impoundments under NW permits 21, 49 or 50. c. Any Corps authorizations including decision documents and facts and findings granted under NWP 21, 49 or 50 for activities in Kentucky or Tennessee. d. Any individual 404 permits including decision documents, facts and findings, and final CMPs for surface mining operations or refuse or slurry impoundments in Kentucky or Tennessee e. Any and all Environmental Information Documents received including amendments, revisions and/or appendices and any and all Compensatory Mitigation Plans including amendments, revisions and/or appendices related to coal mining operations submitted to the Corps for operations in Kentucky or Tennessee. f. All monitoring reports received by the Corps related to any mining compensatory mitigation plans for stream creation, enhancement, or restoration projects for 404 permits in KY. g. Any and all documents related to Leeco, LRL-2007-217, SMCRA No. 897-0480, including but not limited to Request a copy of the HEC-RAS model associated with the Blue River Channel Improvements that the USACE recently performed as well as any other more recent hydraulic models that may be available. The requester is requesting a Military Police Report pertaing to fraudulent credit card charges. The requester is requesting a Militry Police Report pertaining to an auto accident. The requester is requesting a Military Police reportr pertaining to an auto accident which occurred 19 March 2013. FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 305 of 1088 FP-13-016891 Guzman Joel 3/25/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-016892 Brennan Christoph er 3/22/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-016893 FP-13-016894 FP-13-016895 Pacheco Huff Lask Luis Elizabeth Kimberly 3/25/2013 Granted 3/25/2013 Granted 3/21/2013 Granted FP-13-016896 Vail Linda 3/25/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-016902 FP-13-016904 FP-13-016908 FP-13-016912 FP-13-016914 FP-13-016919 FP-13-016921 FP-13-016922 FP-13-016924 Chilli Brockman Hanson Hill Ragatz Jacob Henderson Case O'Bourke Guidos Frank Bruce Robert Gerald Amanda John Jason Nancy Lori 3/25/2013 3/25/2013 3/25/2013 3/25/2013 3/25/2013 3/25/2013 3/25/2013 3/25/2013 3/25/2013 Granted Administratively Closed Granted Administratively Closed Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted The requester is requesting a Military Police Report pertaining to an assault case which occurred in the year of 1998. Copy of all contract documents for U.S. Army Prime Contract Number W911W4-07-D-0010 (awarded to Mission Essential Personnel, LLC ("MEP")), including the solicitation, the contract award, the statement of work/performance work statement, and any modifications or changes to any of those documents. Additionally, request the same type of documents for any related predecessor or follow on contracts awarded to MEP to provide the same/similar services to the Army. Damage to government vehicle. Failure to yield the right of way. Any and all documents related to a parking lot expansion at Elgin Community College, including wetland delineations, project descriptions, and permits. Documentations related to 5888, 6169, 6169A and anything pertaining to 122-251-01, 02 RFP W911QX-12-R-0030 DMWR KB Marine Barge Boat Repair Wharf Wetland determination Permit S. Regional Water Authority ORM tracking information Negligent Driving 2nd degree Survey data from 1970 to present for Willamette River Reference: Contract No. W9115U07D0002 Contract Title: Support Services for the DoD High Performance Computing Modernization Program Defense Research and Engineering Network (HPCMP DREN) FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 306 of 1088 FP-13-016927 Kalnins Mark 3/22/2013 Granted ORM database results for all SWF permit issuances from January 1, 2010 to present providing the following attribute information for each permit issuance: (1) Action Id; (2) District; (3) DA Number; (4) Action Type; (5) PNN; (6) Action; (7) End Date; (8) Project Description; (9) Applicant; (10) County; (11) State; (12) HUC; (13) Latitude; (14) Longitude; (15) Impact Type; (16) Resource Type; (17) Impact Duration; (18) Auth Linear Ft; (19) Auth Fill Area Acrea; (20) Impact Relationship Type; (21) Mit Water Type; (22) Mitigation Type; (23) Permittee Responsible Type; (24) Mit Req Area Acres; (25) Mit Req Linear Ft; (26) Credits Required; and (27) Mit Relationship Type FP-13-016928 Perhamus Phil 3/25/2013 Granted FP-13-016929 Borck Kimberley 3/13/2013 Granted A copy of the Reiser Avenue permit application (2007-00029TUS) MPR 0178-2013 FP-13-016930 O'Brien Alexa 3/20/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-016931 FP-13-016932 McBride McGuinn Shawn Michael 3/25/2013 Granted 3/22/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-016933 FP-13-016934 FP-13-016935 FP-13-016936 FP-13-016937 FP-13-016938 FP-13-016939 Adams Southard Pipal Niekamp Butler Torpy Spiratos Steven Frank Cody Robin Pat Jason Christina 3/25/2013 3/25/2013 3/20/2013 3/21/2013 3/25/2013 3/25/2013 3/25/2013 FP-13-016940 FP-13-016941 FP-13-016942 Pollard Allen Lawrenz Maudissa Carolyn Vanessa 3/20/2013 Granted 3/21/2013 Administratively Closed 3/21/2013 Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Administratively Closed Denied in Part Investigatory documents concerning wikileak releasee 2007 as well as document posted Request for MP Rpt All emails and monthly meeting minutes and notes pertaining to Contract No. W9126G-10-C-0021 (Solicitation No. W9126G-10-R-0014) Request for MP Rpt Request for MP Rpt MPR 0684-2013 MPR 0400-2013 Improper turn. Spritual Triage for chaplain training purposes Any and all permits related to Bob's Marina, 25584 W Rte 173, Antioch, IL 60002 MPR 2131-2012 AR 15-6 Feb - Aug 2011 - Allen MPR 0856-2013 FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 307 of 1088 FP-13-016943 Aguettant Jennifer 3/25/2013 Granted FP-13-016944 Garbrecht Nancy 3/22/2013 Granted FP-13-016945 FP-13-016946 FP-13-016947 FP-13-016948 FP-13-016949 FP-13-016950 FP-13-016951 Mitchum Beane Weimer Trautman Tucker Mackey Smith Tyler Matryal Michael Charles Rhonda Patricia Scott 3/21/2013 3/21/2013 3/21/2013 3/21/2013 3/21/2013 3/25/2013 3/25/2013 FP-13-016952 Clay Stephen 3/25/2013 Granted FP-13-016953 FP-13-016954 FP-13-016955 FP-13-016956 Lescarbeau Golden Fells Davis Catherin Michael Charles Pamela 3/22/2013 Granted 3/22/2013 Granted 3/26/2013 Granted 3/26/2013 FP-13-016958 FP-13-016966 Evans Verheyden-Hilliard Michele Mara 3/26/2013 Granted 3/26/2013 Administratively Closed Granted Granted Granted Administratively Closed Granted Granted Administratively Closed all existing geotechnical information for the west levee between Mississippi River Mile 27 and 25. This information needs to include the following: • soil boring logs; • summary of geotechnical laboratory testing including classification tests, shear strength results, consolidation, and hydraulic conductivity tests, where applicable; and • levee slope stability design calculations and design cross-sections for the areas noted Contractor: Molter Corporation and Pro-Dive, Subcontractor Project: Permanent Dispersal Barrier IIA Upgrades for the Chicago Ship & Sanitary Canal 1) A copy of the applicable wage determination(s); 2) A copy of any and all contracts for the above referenced project; 3) A copy of the certified payrolls submitted by the above referenced contractor(s) for the above referenced project. If certified payrolls have not been submitted by the contractor(s) please provide a statement to that effect in your response, and 4) A copy of any and all documents describing the type of funding used to pay for the project. MPR 0856-2013 MPR 0139-2013 MPR 3738-2012 Polygraph and results MPR 0600-2013 MPR 0545-2013 Documents pertaining to approval of appeal for Homeowners Assistance Program (HAP) application 1K61VA22315444 (S-4411). Documents pertaining to denial of appeal for Homeowners Assistance Program (HAP) 1K61VA222027355 (7355). any and all records ref C-130 crash at Ft Wainwright in 1989. MP-Report Hit and run MP-Report DUI Request CID Report CPAC and EEO information, once perfected will be forwarded to CPAC and EEO Wetlands report for 2013-70-24 Regulatory Training involvement with civilian law enforcement personnel FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 308 of 1088 FP-13-016967 FP-13-016968 FP-13-016970 Gomez Walden Janes Jessica Charles Margaret 3/14/2013 Administratively Closed 3/21/2013 Granted 2/26/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-016971 FP-13-016972 FP-13-016974 Rogers WADDELL janes Stacey SHARON margaret 3/25/2013 Granted 3/26/2013 Granted 3/4/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-016975 FP-13-016976 Johnson White Chris Wade 3/25/2013 Granted 3/11/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-016977 Sutton Elizabeth 3/11/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-016979 Phillis Michael 3/13/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-016979 Phillis Michael 3/13/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-016980 FP-13-016981 FP-13-016982 ANTONY Chilli Johnson MATHIAS Frank George 3/26/2013 Granted 3/26/2013 Granted 3/26/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-016984 Sutton Elizabeth 3/18/2013 Denied in Part Privacy Act Information Report of Investigation 404 permits in TN or KY 02/19/2012-2/26/2012; notices, requests, apps for coverage for coalmines, refuse or slurry impoundments under NW permits 21, 49 or 50. POS for one moneh on 422 and 425 LARRY CALLAWAY 404 permits in TN or KY 02/26/2012-2/03/04/2012; notices, requests, apps for coverage for coalmines, refuse or slurry impoundments under NW permits 21, 49 or 50. POS for 4 subdepartments requests all docs used in developing the following statement located on the Restricted Area Boundaries Public Information Brochure under PURPOSE: Last sentence" as well as moves the Nashville District into FULL COMPLIANCE with existing Engeneer REgulation 1130-2520 404 permits in TN or KY 03/04/2012-2/03/11/2012; notices, requests, apps for coverage for coalmines, refuse or slurry impoundments under NW permits 21, 49 or 50. contract W912P5 -12P-0033, vendor past performance, and request for proposal contract W912P5 -12P-0033, vendor past performance, and request for proposal EXAVIOUS DAVENPORT RFP W912ER-10-R-0002 would like information related to the Corps March 5, 2013 decision to not move forward wit the commercial marina lease at Saunders Branch Cove, notice of availability ot lease No W912P5-5-08-0035. Requesting a copy of the recent market study that Mike Abernathy indicated that the corps was going to complete in early 2013. 404 permits in TN or KY 03/11/2012-2/03/18/2012; notices, requests, apps for coverage for coalmines, refuse or slurry impoundments under NW permits 21, 49 or 50. FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 309 of 1088 FP-13-016985 Headrick Stephen 3/18/2013 Granted wants to get photo's for store to be used for history of Dale Hollow Lake and people can see some of the History. FP-13-016986 Webster James 3/26/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-016987 Sutton Elizabeth 3/25/2013 Administratively Closed Info pertaining to contract W912-QR-12R-0043 NCOA Phase III Billeting. 404 permits in TN or KY 03/11/2012-2/03/18/2012; notices, requests, apps for coverage for coalmines, refuse or slurry impoundments under NW permits 21, 49 or 50. FP-13-016988 FP-13-016989 Webster Baker James Douglas 3/26/2013 Administratively Closed 3/26/2013 Administratively Closed Info pertaining to contract W912-EP-11R-0010 Copy of annual unit historical reports for the 563rd Ordnance Company from its reactivation as a Rocket/Missile GS/DS Support Company in 1969 at Redstone Arsenal to its deactivation at Miesau Army Depot in 199X. FP-13-016990 FP-13-016996 Manackal Sterling Tobin Roy 3/26/2013 Administratively Closed 3/26/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-016997 FP-13-017000 FP-13-017002 Grant Gard O'Brien Shirley Jeannine Alexa 3/26/2013 Granted 3/26/2013 Administratively Closed 3/26/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-017003 FP-13-017004 Dawson Doty Marlene Stephen 3/26/2013 Administratively Closed 3/26/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-017010 Kannady 3/26/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-017011 FP-13-017012 FP-13-017014 Robinson Zamis Mayer Christoph er Tosheena Petra Simon Copy of records pertaining to Hubert Hinson Copy of records pertaining to a CID investigation from 1985 1988 Debt documentation AR 15-6 pertaining to her son, Andrew E. Cogswell FOIA requests/responses and other communications between the Army and Thomson Reuters as well as any 156s or investigations pertaining to the deaths of two reporters in Iraq was of interest of/being tracked by the Army leadership. Final titles of Certificate for Indian trust parcels. Copy of Units and morning reports from 14 May 1955 thru 20 May 1955 USACE regulation Eng CIr 405-1-18a FP-13-017015 Nelson Stephanie 3/26/2013 Administratively Closed 3/26/2013 Administratively Closed 3/26/2013 Administratively Closed 3/18/2013 Administratively Closed Requesting address of husband Copy of investigative records (Jeffrey V. Zamis) Between February 1, 2011 and February 10, 2011, Fort Eustis received two shipments of goods from Lions Volunteer Blind Industries, Inc. ("Lions Volunteer*'). The goods were delivered to: BLDG. 811LEEBLVD Fort Eustis. Goods are mattresses, blankets, pillows, and other bedding and bedding related materials. Copy of Military Personnel Jacket FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 310 of 1088 FP-13-017021 FP-13-017024 Davis Renoll Jacks Gerald 3/26/2013 Administratively Closed 3/26/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-017025 FP-13-017026 Murphy Little John Robert 3/26/2013 Administratively Closed 3/26/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-017027 FP-13-017028 Lutz MAYER Carl SIMON 3/26/2013 Administratively Closed 3/25/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-017030 FP-13-017031 MANNING Buttrum GLENDA Joseph 2/25/2013 Granted 3/26/2013 Granted FP-13-017033 FP-13-017034 Fitzpatrick Branson Colleen Debbie 3/26/2013 Administratively Closed 3/26/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-017035 FP-13-017036 WHITLEY Hudson GLENNA C. Eric 3/26/2013 Granted 3/26/2013 Granted FP-13-017042 FP-13-017043 FP-13-017045 FP-13-017046 FP-13-017048 FP-13-017049 FP-13-017050 FP-13-017054 FP-13-017057 Laurent SCHELL Leary Leary Leary Leary Leary Giordano MESSINEO Dawn JAMIE Pittman Pittman Pittman Pittman Pittman Maria CARL 3/26/2013 3/19/2013 3/26/2013 3/26/2013 3/26/2013 3/26/2013 3/26/2013 3/26/2013 2/20/2013 FP-13-017063 FP-13-017071 FP-13-017075 SANTOS SANTOS Kalvoy ROSE ROSE Jostein 3/26/2013 Administratively Closed 3/26/2013 Administratively Closed 3/26/2013 Granted FP-13-017076 FP-13-017077 Sharp Smith Pam Warren 3/26/2013 Granted 3/26/2013 Granted Granted Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Copy of Vietnam records Copy of Court Martial and AR 15-6 info pertaining to Robert Burns Info pertaining to contract W52P1J-12-D-0037 Copies of official autopsy reports written by the Armed Forces Medical Examiner System for each uniformed servicemember killed during Operation Iraqi Freedom. Request for AR 15-6 investigation Records of shipments of goods from Lions Blind Industries, Inc. to Fort Benning, GA GARY SECORD Mr. Joseph Buttrum requests all disenrollment and medical documentation. Colleen Fitzpatrick requests all records all permits and drawing for Dock located at 3340 Stone Road, Bethel Island, CA 94511 PVT. LOUIS TILL The stationing of our project is at ABLMS 425 or 3817+62. 1. USACE flood flow line 2. HWRP 3. LWRP 4. Toe Theoretical levee Elevation river side 5. Toe Theoretical levee Elevation land side 6. Theoretical levee slope 7. Top of Theoretical levee Mrs. Dawn M. Laurent COREY STAPLETON TIOH DUI's and SSI's TIOH DUI's and SSI's TIOH DUI's and SSI's TIOH DUI's and SSI's TIOH DUI's and SSI's DMWR COORD W/MUNICIPAL, STATE, OR LOCAL POLICE AGENCIES ON THE PLANNING, AUTHORIZING, AND EXECUTION OF JOINT MILITARY AND POLICE TRAINING EXERCISES. W15P7T06DE401 W15P7T06DE402 PDFs of the latest surveys for Seattle East and West Waterways and the Duwamish Waterway Permit 23863 and all references MPR FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 311 of 1088 FP-13-017078 FP-13-017079 FP-13-017080 FP-13-017081 FP-13-017082 FP-13-017083 FP-13-017084 Simmons Cobb Webster Regualos Ellerman Valencia Vetter Travis Matthew Julie Phillip Lawrence Susan Gerry 3/26/2013 3/26/2013 3/26/2013 3/26/2013 3/26/2013 3/26/2013 3/26/2013 Granted Granted Granted Denied in Full Granted Granted Granted FP-13-017085 FP-13-017086 O'Shaughnessy Winder Dan Adrian 3/26/2013 Denied in Part 3/26/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-017087 Gleason Cahntele 3/26/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-017088 FP-13-017089 Cunningham Wood Jerome Tina 3/26/2013 Administratively Closed 3/26/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-017090 FP-13-017092 Wright Norris Will Ashley 3/21/2013 Granted 3/21/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-017093 McLeod Aislinn 3/26/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-017094 McLeod Aislinn 3/26/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-017095 FP-13-017096 FP-13-017097 FP-13-017098 FP-13-017099 FP-13-017100 FP-13-017101 FP-13-017102 FP-13-017103 FP-13-017104 FP-13-017105 FP-13-017106 ROSE ROSE MICHAEL FRANK FRANK STACY AMY JOANNA JOANNA JAMES PENNY Adam 3/26/2013 3/26/2013 3/26/2013 3/27/2013 3/27/2013 3/27/2013 3/27/2013 3/27/2013 3/27/2013 3/27/2013 3/27/2013 2/28/2013 FP-13-017107 SANTOS SANTOS CURTIS CHILLI CHILLI PENLAND LAWS KITTO KITTO PERKINS SAITES Schwartzbaum (13102) Betts Dillan 3/27/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-017108 Sweet (13-103) Terri Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Denied in Part Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Granted 3/5/2013 Granted Request for MP Rpt MPR Permit 21907 HAP assistance info Account information Following too close. HSDRRS soil boring records for the work area shown in attached vicinity map Request All documents relating to DERP-FUDs property F10WA0125, U.S. Naval Supply Depot, Seattle Arms room alarm set off due to individual not having a pin code. Dropped trailer Requested all records on herself from Jan 2011 through Sept 2012. Regulatory files on Ozark Materials River Rock, LLC. Wetland violations for property near 31st & Garnett, Tulsa, OK Wetland violations for property at 1100 S. Madison Blvd., Bartlesville, OK Wetland violations for property at 5600 S.E. Hazel Road, Bartlesville, OK. W15P7T06DA008 W15P7T-10-D-D413 W15P7T-10-D-D413 W15P7T05RW254 W15P7T10DD413 W15P7T-09-D-N010 W15P7T05RE401 W15P7T05CS207 W15P7T05CS207 W15P7T08RE0001 W15P7T13R0019 Beach Renourishment Projects in South Florida Documents pertaining to Purchase Order # W9136409P0446-0 Copy of AEM insurance policy FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 312 of 1088 FP-13-017109 Rosario-Fabregas (13-090) Rosario-Fabregas (13-091) Jose 1/30/2013 Administratively Closed Jose 2/8/2013 Administratively Closed Jose 2/19/2013 Granted FP-13-017112 FP-13-017120 FP-13-017125 FP-13-017128 FP-13-017130 Rosario-Fabregas (13-091) LEWIS Rogers Sweet (13-105) Sweet (13-113) Bourgeois SUSAN Kathy Terri Terri Charles 3/27/2013 3/27/2013 3/5/2013 3/20/2013 3/19/2013 FP-13-017132 Clark Anna 3/26/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-017133 Sweet (13-114) Terri 3/20/2013 Granted FP-13-017134 Chili Frank 3/14/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-017110 FP-13-017111 Denied in Part Granted Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Witness Statements and Other Docs re Investigation. JD submitted to the Antilles RD on behalf of PR Industrial Dev'l, for lot located at Kennedy Avenue, Road PR 2, San Juan, Puerto Rico, 200000620(JF-JR) Related to a Previous FOIA; Jacksonville District FOIA No. 10-196/ Items 13 & 14 W15P7T-12-C-A362 Debt Verification Logbook from American Earth Movers Logbook from American Earth Movers Copy of all appraisal reports obtained, from any and all parties used or not in this action; any and all paperwork including emails from any parties in this action; emails in reference to Shaw Air Force Base North Gate Expansion Project including maps, photos, the new road pattern; list of property owners names, address, and phone numbers, along with the dollar amount spent on each property purchased for this project; information dealing with the closing of Frierson Rd from 2001 including any and all court documents; explanation as to what made the revised price of my property from letter dated October 17, 2012; list of all parties involved in making the financial decision with this matter to include names and addresses of the Air Force personnel who are doing final review of report submitted by the Corps. Project Name: Fort Riley Middle School Location: Fort Riley, Kansas Contract Number: RFP No. 12-024-016A Our Case No.: KS-29 1. NTP-Notice to Proceed or estimated start date; 2. Construction schedules/project timelines; 3. The signature page of the contract and award letter; 4. Labor clauses within the awarding contract including DBRA requirements; 5. Designated Wage Determination incorporated into project contract; 6. Subcontractors list.” Logbook Records for March 2011 and Records re Oversight Inspections for March 2011 MEADS Program - Cost and Performance data on the Fire Control and Surveillance Radars. FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 313 of 1088 FP-13-017136 Snyder Robert 3/26/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-017137 Sweet (13-115) Terri 3/20/2013 Granted FP-13-017138 VOEGELI 3/27/2013 Granted FP-13-017139 Sweet (13-116) JENNIFE R Terri I am requesting any and all information pertaining to an onsite investigation at Kingsville AA rock quarry at 390 NW AA Hwy. This inspection was performed on March 6th 2013 by Michael McFadden. I am requesting any and all information and documentation on violations discovered, any restrictions or mitigations that may apply to the site, any fines that have been assessed, and any corrections or modifications to pending permits. Insurance Information on American Earth movers, Inc. from 14 Mar 10 to present JEREMY TANNER 3/20/2013 Granted Letter of Dismissal from USACE to American Earth Movers FP-13-017140 FP-13-017141 Colson (13-100) Lanham Clay Michael 2/28/2013 Granted 3/27/2013 FP-13-017142 FP-13-017143 FP-13-017144 FP-13-017145 Phillips (13-118) York Hanley (13-119) Cozart 3/22/2013 3/27/2013 3/22/2013 3/27/2013 FP-13-017146 FP-13-017147 Garcia Penney Luna Ashlinn Michael Christoph er Johnny Sandy Permit SAJ-2011-00551 (IP-TEH) Army Cyberspace Operations Capabilities Based Assessment Functional Area Analysis (FAA) Report ver 1,8 dated o/a August 2012. SAJ-2008-3235 (LP-IMT) Stolen Tuff boxes. Files re W912EP-11-B-0003 Hit and Run FP-13-017148 Evans Trey 3/27/2013 Granted FP-13-017149 Statman Eric 3/27/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-017150 FP-13-017151 FP-13-017152 FP-13-017153 FP-13-017154 FP-13-017156 Harmon Phillips (13-120) Mooberry Morton Olsen Bertolina Amanda Luna Jonathan Ira Patrick Ron 3/27/2013 3/26/2013 3/27/2013 3/27/2013 3/26/2013 3/27/2013 Granted Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Granted 3/27/2013 Granted 3/27/2013 Granted Granted Administratively Closed Granted Granted Granted Denied in Part Traffic mishap - information only. Competitive Data reqeust for cleaning supplies, floor supplies & surface care, paper products and feminine Hygiene List of all pending mitigation banks currently under review by Savannah District which have not yet been placed on public notice. Include bank name, bank sponsor, agent/consultant, county, and 8 Digit HUC. Records pertaining to Ladd Field and asbestos, some going back as far as 1941 PFC Sean M. Brake (Case# 482246) SAJ-2008-3235 (LP-IMT) Larceny of government property. Hit and run. 2012 Crime Stats for Bldg 215/217 and surrounding area Copies of Wetland Delineations on file for APN 134-0230012, West of Dillard Road FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 314 of 1088 FP-13-017160 FP-13-017165 FP-13-017166 FP-13-017167 Chamberlain Caraballo WARD Price Vivki Jorge VICKI Patrick 3/26/2013 3/27/2013 3/27/2013 3/27/2013 Granted Granted Granted Administratively Closed FP-13-017171 Gilmore Jerry 3/27/2013 Granted FP-13-017177 FP-13-017178 FP-13-017179 Brake Gautier Bureau Sharon Zachery Metropolit an Reporti 3/27/2013 Granted 3/27/2013 Granted 3/27/2013 Granted FP-13-017180 FP-13-017182 FP-13-017183 Stewart Brake Kelso Joshua Kevin Alison 3/27/2013 Granted 3/27/2013 Granted 3/27/2013 Granted FP-13-017185 FP-13-017187 FP-13-017188 Dodd Taylor Dorris Kristina Bertha Brad 3/27/2013 Granted 3/27/2013 Granted 3/27/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-017193 FP-13-017194 Kunkel Pfabe Elizabeth Sally 3/27/2013 Granted 3/27/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-017195 FP-13-017196 FP-13-017197 De Jesus Clark GASPAR 3/27/2013 Administratively Closed 3/27/2013 Granted 3/27/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-017198 Santiago Corey ALFONS O Chambers (Colvin) Cheryl FP-13-017199 Waple Mark 3/27/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-017200 FP-13-017201 McNicholas III Bevins James Millie 3/27/2013 Administratively Closed 3/27/2013 Administratively Closed 3/27/2013 Administratively Closed MPRs 1618-2010 and 3480-2009 Housebreaking SCOTT H. ROWE Under the Freedom of Information Act, I respectfully request copies of documents pertaining to the disposal of or disposition of the “Acroplane”, last known to be on display at the Salem Army Aviation Support Facility (SAASF), aka McNary Field. Copy of Report made in reference to Palestine, Texas, Anderson County, at the west end of Co. Rd. 2901, concerning individuals building a road in a flood zone. PFC Sean M. Brake (Case # 482246) Larceny of government property - TA-50 MPR 7231-2012 MPR 1515-2009 PFC Sean M. Brake (Case #482246) The requester is requesting a Military Police Report pertaining to an auto accident which occurred 20 February 2013. Assault - Domestic Violence. Identity theft. FOIA Request Referral-MR. MATTHEW BOLTON (#140F13)DLA CASE#0736-2006) Request for statements from MP Rpt Copy of pricing schedules (Schedule B) and the Statement of Work for contract #W91QR-08-C-0016. Copy of TS/SCI investigation Request for MP Rpt MICHAEL W. JOYNT Info/reports/pictures concerning an aircraft accident pertaining to her father, 1st Lt Paul Silvey Colvin. Request for a final copy of all documents pertaining to SPC Andrew Beltram board processing. RE: FOI/PA #1171325-002 and docs Request for a copy of SSG Michael S. Bevins of the 307th Eng Article 15. FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 315 of 1088 FP-13-017202 ELLI 3/25/2013 Administratively Closed W911SE-07-D-0006-FR01 FP-13-017203 FP-13-017204 FP-13-017208 FP-13-017210 FP-13-017212 FP-13-017214 FP-13-017216 MUSSOLINOCANTERBURY Mendoza Edwards Sellas (13-108) Williams Echols PORTZ Ahern (13-094) Martha Neil John Vernon Tiffanay JOY Sean 3/27/2013 3/26/2013 3/7/2013 3/27/2013 3/27/2013 3/26/2013 2/8/2013 FP-13-017217 Evans Trey 3/27/2013 Granted FP-13-017218 FP-13-017220 FP-13-017221 Engle Jeremiah Malott Alyssa Nussbaum (13-095) Matt 3/26/2013 Granted 3/26/2013 Granted 2/11/2013 Denied in Part Request for record of trial MPR 5587-2012 SAJ-2012-02572 (SP-TEH) Debt Verification Request for MP Rpt W911SE-07-D-0016-F903 Beach Erosion Control Project, Pinellas County, Florida, Sand Key Beach Renourishment 2011; Sol. W912EP-11-B0002 All ORM approved 404 permits modified, issued, verified, or completed from January 1, 2013 to present which required compensatory mitigation to be completed. Include end date, DA permit number, applicant company, applicant name, applicant address, consultant company, consultant name, consultant address, action type, action, county, 8 Digit HUC, authorized linear feet, authorized fill area, longitude and latitude of project location, and bank(s) named to provide mitigation. MPR 0835-2013 MPR 0935-2013 Contract No. W913EP-11-C-0040 FP-13-017223 FP-13-017226 FP-13-017228 FP-13-017229 FP-13-017230 FP-13-017231 FP-13-017232 Strawse KARAFA Upshaw Roberts thompson ROLLINS Derr Matthew JOHN Domique Nathan brenden ROBERT Vicki 3/27/2013 3/27/2013 3/27/2013 3/27/2013 3/27/2013 3/27/2013 3/26/2013 FP-13-017233 FP-13-017234 FP-13-017235 KRUMM KRUMM WHITFIELD 3/27/2013 Denied in Part 3/27/2013 Granted 3/27/2013 Granted FP-13-017236 Derr TRAVIS TRAVIS cHRISTO PHER Vicki Granted Administratively Closed Granted Granted Denied in Part Administratively Closed Granted Denied in Part Denied in Part Denied in Part Granted Granted Granted 3/26/2013 Administratively Closed DES Fire Report Beauchamp TRAN 416838973 W911SF-12-R-0012 CTF CTF sentence comp and 15-1-1 CHARGE SHEET, CONFINEMENT ORDER Copy of the public, regulatory and resource agency comments to the prospectus submitted by The Nature Conservancy in Ohio for their proposed In Lieu Fee Program, LRH-2012-00259 pAROLE PACKET AND APPEAL 2013 CONFINEMENT ORDERS SENTENCE COMP Copy of the Nationwide 27 permit for th LaMothe Hollow stream restoration project, LRH-2010-1440 FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 316 of 1088 FP-13-017237 FP-13-017238 FP-13-017239 FP-13-017240 Nunnally WOLF JOHNSON Horvath Know ISAAC ALEX Matt 3/27/2013 3/27/2013 3/27/2013 3/27/2013 Administratively Closed Granted Granted Administratively Closed FP-13-017241 Janes Margaret 3/27/2013 Granted FP-13-017242 FP-13-017243 FP-13-017244 FP-13-017245 FP-13-017246 FP-13-017247 FP-13-017248 Hedlund Naressi McGuire Cuttino Cuttino Davis Pachl Jeff Felipe Steven Ben Ben Ian James 3/27/2013 3/27/2013 3/27/2013 3/27/2013 3/27/2013 1/30/2013 3/27/2013 Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted FP-13-017249 FP-13-017250 FP-13-017251 FP-13-017252 FP-13-017253 FP-13-017254 FP-13-017255 FP-13-017256 FP-13-017257 FP-13-017258 FP-13-017259 FP-13-017260 Cuttino Cuttino Cuttino Cuttino Cuttino Cuttino Cuttino Cuttino Cuttino Cuttino Christensen Getman Ben Ben Ben Ben Ben Ben Ben Ben Ben Ben Wesley Florina 3/27/2013 3/27/2013 3/27/2013 3/27/2013 3/27/2013 3/27/2013 3/27/2013 3/27/2013 3/27/2013 3/27/2013 3/27/2013 3/28/2013 Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Administratively Closed FP-13-017261 FP-13-017269 FP-13-017271 FP-13-017272 FP-13-017273 Stemplewicz Wayne Guerin Greco Savidge Aaron Dwayne Zachary Pam Christoph er 3/28/2013 3/28/2013 3/28/2013 3/28/2013 3/28/2013 Granted Denied in Part Granted Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Dredging along the San Jacinto River since 1965 W9124J06A0013 COMP SHEET AND 15-1-1 Request names of Principal Investigators at institutions of higher education who received new assistance grant funding in fiscal year 2012. The "CEA tool" methodology and supporting documentation used to prepare the SEIS including the outputs and data generated from running the CEA tool for the Consol of Kentucky, Buffalo Mountain Mine, SEIS San Francisco Delta Area Bathymetry Data Accident FAILURE TO YIELD RIGHT OF WAY Request for Military Police Report - Auto Accident Request for Military Police Report-Auto Accident Larceny of Private Property Permit application and biological assessment related to 200500572. Request for Military Police Report-Auto Accident Request for Military Police Report-Auto Accident Request for Military Police Report-Vandalism Request for Military Police Report-Auto Accident Request for Military Police Report-Auto Accident Request for Military Police Report-Auto Accident Request for Military Police Report-Other Request for Military Police Report-Auto Accident Request for Military Police Report-Theft Burglary Request for Military Police Report-Auto Accident Larceny of Government Property On behalf of client, Shao J. Qiang seek military records/location pertaining to spouse. Northeast Upgrade Project records Copy of 15-6 Investigation Request for disenrollment and medical records the Tidal Coastal Wetlands Project in Whitestone, NY Copy of TS-SCI investigation FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 317 of 1088 FP-13-017274 Harris Garrett 3/28/2013 Granted FP-13-017275 FP-13-017276 Gutierrez Heaton 3/28/2013 Administratively Closed 3/28/2013 Granted FP-13-017277 Waple Medalla Christoph er Mark 3/28/2013 Administratively Closed command climate survey or investigation of 4th Battalion, 3rd SFG, FT Bragg, NC conducted since 1 September 2012. FP-13-017278 Kolb Michael 3/28/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-017279 NICHOLSON 3/28/2013 Granted FP-13-017280 Newman CHRISTO PHER Cory an accident report and photographs taken at the scene of the accident on March 27, 2012 involving Mr. Thomas Tansosch at Bartlett Hall on the West Point Campus ERIC R. CASTILLO FP-13-017281 Mehrens Nathan 3/28/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-017282 Kaye Jeffrey 3/13/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-017303 FP-13-017306 FP-13-017312 Gregg Corsair McNeill Rhonda Gary Roy 3/28/2013 Granted 3/28/2013 Administratively Closed 3/28/2013 Administratively Closed 3/28/2013 Granted the Elizabethtown Gas Company’s Erie Street Plant located at Erie Street between 3rd Avenue and Florida Street and the Elizabethtown Gas Company’s South Street Plant located at South Street and Fourth Avenue; Elizabeth River, Elizabeth, NJ Accident Report Police Report boxes 1 and 4 of accession # 077-79-0007 from the records center Permits on submerged log recovery and Sand Products dredging application. The Request seeks all records, correspondence, protocols, forms, emails, electronic records (including videos or audio tapes or media files) and correspondence relating to two Army reports regarding U.S. dealings with purported WWIIera Japanese Biological and Chemical Warfare researchers, chief among them Shiro Ishii. I do not know the titles of these Army reports, but they are dated November 17, 1981 and May 5, 1982. These reports, according to a Dec. 17, 1998 letter from Eli Rosenbaum at the Department of Justice to Rabbi A. Cooper at the Wiesenthal Institute, "confirm that Ishii and his colleagues received immunity from prosecution and that, in exchange, they provided a great deal of information to U.S. authorities." Permit 24379 & 15759 RE: FOI/PA #1190124 docs: Arrington, Marie Louise Mr. McNeill would like copies of the completed "Suitablilty Borad/Program Review Board Worksheet pertaining to his self and his postion at the CYSS on JBM-HH. FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 318 of 1088 FP-13-017316 Nelson Toby 3/28/2013 Administratively Closed RE: FBI FOI/PA # 1194071, Docs: File Number 2-MM-593 FP-13-017328 FP-13-017329 Johnson Regualos Billy Philip 3/28/2013 Administratively Closed 3/28/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-017330 Pierre-DeMarco Maureen 3/28/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-017331 FP-13-017332 Smith Buckland Joshua Melissa 3/28/2013 Granted 3/28/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-017334 FP-13-017340 Lingenfelter Mistry Sherry Kirti 3/28/2013 Administratively Closed 3/28/2013 Granted FP-13-017343 FP-13-017344 FP-13-017345 LONO Flanary Moreno JESSICA Angie Stephan 3/28/2013 Administratively Closed 3/28/2013 Granted 3/28/2013 Granted FP-13-017347 FP-13-017352 FP-13-017361 FP-13-017362 FP-13-017363 Griffin Donabedian Molnar Elliott Underwood James Christine Phillip Stacey Robert 3/28/2013 3/28/2013 3/28/2013 3/28/2013 3/28/2013 MPR Request a list of all individuals who received HAP assistance due to the mortgate crisis (i.e., those permanently reassigned during the specific mortgage crisis); show if they are/were a member of the Active Guard Reserves (AGR) at the time of their request; show if they have been asked to repay their HAP disbursement (any amount, in part or in whole); specifically document how each was originally reimbursed (e.g., directly to the individual service member, payment directly to the mortgage company, etc.); show the current status of each case for all on that list (e.g., not contacted, rapit (amount), forgiveness, requested hearing, etc.) Commander's Inquiry directed by the former 401st AFSB Commander, COL Michel Russell Request for MP Rpt Copy of any documents related to Bailey Drive, Ruby T. Development Co., 52.5 acres, Tax Parcel 28-116, Zoned R30, Land Lots 68, 69 & 92, 10th Land District, Newton, County, GA. Thomas and Ramona McGuire's property location, Parcel No. 0028 204, 60 Lakeside Drive, Covington, GA 30014. Specifically any documents showing that Mr. Morgan got permission to lower the level of the lake and disturb the dam on his property. Bid abstract for Contract W52P1J-08-C-0052 IRR as of September 30 2012 to include partnerships, private equity, venture capital, distressed debt, fund of funds, infrastructure and real estate partnerships. OLENE O. TOGIAILUA Contract for tainter gates Most recent surveys for Hylebos, Blair, Sitcum, Thea Foss, Olympia, Snohomish River, Squalicum Creek, Whatcom Waterway Request for MP Rpt Blanket Purchase Agreements (BPA) Local paper requesting information on FOIA requests ECS Contract W900KK-07-D-0006 Unknown Granted Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Granted Administratively Closed FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 319 of 1088 FP-13-017364 Yamada Masaki 3/28/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-017365 Henry #622385 Larry 3/28/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-017366 FP-13-017367 Coffee Burns Zina Gregory 3/28/2013 Granted 3/18/2013 Granted FP-13-017368 Henry #622385 Larry 3/28/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-017369 Flanary Angie 3/28/2013 Granted FP-13-017370 Comer Brett 3/28/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-017371 Hunter Rawlings 3/28/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-017373 FP-13-017374 FP-13-017375 HUNT Stevens Lovato STAN Joshua Jerry 3/28/2013 Granted 3/28/2013 Administratively Closed 3/18/2013 Granted FP-13-017376 Flanary Angie 3/28/2013 Granted FP-13-017378 FP-13-017380 FP-13-017382 FP-13-017385 Tisdale Tisdale Elder Caudle Kimberly Linda Erica Leroy 3/28/2013 3/28/2013 3/28/2013 3/28/2013 FP-13-017388 Ellison Alvin 3/28/2013 Granted Granted Granted Granted Administratively Closed Copy of REA submitted by Doyon for the Working Dog Kennel contract Copies of curriculum, letters, cables documents, reports, position papers, memorandums, historical sources, reading lists or other communication and/or info: U.S. Military or allied intelligence or other observance(s) of usage of sawedoff shotguns during the Balkan Wars conflicts (1988-2000). Personnel and EEO Records Copy of Deed, judgment or any other method of taking and 2001 and 2002 and associated easements for 25-11N-14W. Section 10 for taking documents for USA tract 1023 in NE/4 of S10. Section 9 for taking USA boundary was revised in 1996 in NE/4 of S09\ - USA Tract 1102-1. Copy of creation of "Consequence Management Response Force or other military contingent for "Domestic Emergencies." Documents related to contract number W912DQ-07-C-0027 Awarded SF30 Awarded List amounts of each Contract Line Items Awarded Specifications section 01 22 00 MEASURMENT AND PAYMENT HAP (Homeowners Assistance Program) eligibility and debt Copy of Army records pertaining to Great-Uncle Thomas John Hall Trapnell who served from 1937 to 1962. U.S. V. BARRON U.S. V. HALL FBI FOI/PA #1179452, docs Re: George R. Wackenhut Jurisdictional Determinations and 404 permits in Sandoval and Bernalillo Counties. Contract items for W912DW-12-C-0054, Tainter gate for LWSC Spillway Request for a copy of CID report for LTC Roy L. Tisdale. Request for a copy of CID report for LTC Roy L. Tisdale. Request for a copy of CID report for SPC Ricky G. Elder. Copy of awarded contract, W31P4Q05-A-0031 and Task Order 0025, specifically the awarded/ approved labor categories and bill rates and SOW. Request for MP Rpt FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 320 of 1088 FP-13-017389 Flanary Angie 3/28/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-017394 FP-13-017395 FP-13-017397 FP-13-017398 FP-13-017400 FP-13-017401 FP-13-017402 WARD Parker Rudolph Goodman Letvin Evans Bauer VICKI Robert Rhomda Daniel Peter Charles George 3/28/2013 3/25/2013 3/22/2013 3/28/2013 3/28/2013 3/28/2013 3/28/2013 FP-13-017403 Williams Kyle 3/28/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-017404 Comer Brett 3/27/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-017405 Austenfeld Terri 3/28/2013 Administratively Closed Request a copy of the inspection report prepared in conjunction with this investigation, and any and all supplemental documents that may have been received subsequent to the preperation of the accident investigation report. This is regarding the Fort Leavenworth Wall Collapse for Building 466/467 on August 29, 2011. FP-13-017406 Flanary Angie 3/28/2013 Administratively Closed A copy of the awarded SF30, the awarded list amounts of each contract line items, and awarded Specifications section 01 22 00 Measurement and Payment for solicitation numbers W912EK-08-C-0208, Stage III-A Lock and Dam No. 11, and solicitation number W912EK-10-C-0119, Tainter Gate Pier, Structural Repairs Lock and Dam No. 18. FP-13-017407 Whittaker Chris 3/28/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-017408 FP-13-017409 FP-13-017410 Chilli Lister Flanary Frank Paul Angie 3/28/2013 Granted 3/27/2013 Granted 3/28/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-017411 FP-13-017412 Dyk Davis Matt Michelle 3/28/2013 Granted 3/28/2013 Granted Asbestos abatement project file documents from Fort Drum, Jefferson County, NY CDO BAE Team Record of Field Investigation for possible 404 violation. For five tainter gate rehab contracts, copies of SF-30s, CLINS, and specs. Negligent Driving 2nd Degree 404 Permit file for Roos Resources Inc. Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Administratively Closed Granted information (electronic format) re: the following contracts: W912P9-10-C-0415; W912P9-10-C-09415-P00003; W912P9-11-C-0415 JAMES D. OLSON Permit 89-45-1-9106 Permit applied for in 2008 by Pulte Homes. MPR 0922-2013 Additional progress payment history Salcha-Delta contract W912CZ-04-4-0016 Copy of permit for 2000-2-00379, TRI Touch America, Inc. Wetland Violations concerning the property located at 500 N. Bishop Ave., Rolla, MO USACE documents and emails discussing the interpretation of military technician approval and disapproval for the Homeowners Assistance Program (HAP). FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 321 of 1088 FP-13-017413 Gliori Tracy 3/28/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-017414 Whittaker Chris 3/29/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-017416 FP-13-017420 Pryor Philipps Veda Dave 3/29/2013 Administratively Closed 3/29/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-017430 Augustin Ron 3/29/2013 Granted FP-13-017449 Lewis Anthony 3/28/2013 Granted FP-13-017450 Brown David 3/29/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-017451 FP-13-017452 BARRETT Alexander COLIN Daniel 3/29/2013 Granted 3/29/2013 Granted FP-13-017453 FP-13-017454 Baker Flanary Wayne Angie 3/29/2013 Granted 3/28/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-017455 FP-13-017457 FP-13-017459 FP-13-017460 FP-13-017461 FP-13-017462 FP-13-017463 Flanary Chilli MacNealy Hargro Apodaca Guidos Phillis Angie Frank Richard Fredrick Paul Lori Michael 3/28/2013 3/29/2013 3/28/2013 3/29/2013 3/29/2013 3/29/2013 3/27/2013 Granted Administratively Closed Granted Granted Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Proposal submitted by Fuel Tank Maintenance Company and source selection documents for Rehab of Canton Lake Bridge and Four Sluice Gates at Canton Dam Requesting project file documents from Ft. Drum, Jefferson County, NY to include EPA notifications, inspection/assessment reports, environmental studies, work orders/plans, and asbestos waste disposal documents Copy of civilian records from Oct 1999 to Present Counseling statements and court martial packets between 5/210 and 12/2011 for soldier Kasif Taran Alvaro, 569th Mobility Company, 4th Engineers. A copy of the past or existing contract, task orders and bid tab documents for Solicitation number W912HN-12-B-0001 (IFB), Maintenance of Savannah and Brunswick Harbor Dredged Materials Containment Areas. Requesting MPR for incident that occurred on March 13, 2013. Copy of T-70 use of the A-Bomb for blocking purposes 8 Feb 519 unclassified? Attack 9 9 PP9 ATI 104643 William Van Royen STEPHEN SPELMAN Requesting MPR for accident that occurred on March 15, 2013. MPR 1222-2013 SF30, CLINs, and Specification 01 22 00 for W9126G-09-C0057 Contract award documents for Lockport III Contract ECS Contract W900KK-09-D-0006 Individual Records Contract Contract Requesting copies of documents and records for contract number W91YTZ12C0071. FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 322 of 1088 FP-13-017464 Curtis Randall 3/22/2013 Administratively Closed Documents regarding property for the Radford Ammunition Plan. Amy documentation dealing with the surface estate, ecspecially the area around the cell tower. Surface estate means any rights to the use of the land that have been given out or leased to private entities. FP-13-017465 FP-13-017466 ALVAREZ Taylor MICHAEL Tyrone 3/29/2013 Granted 3/29/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-017467 FP-13-017468 Goins Sutton Kaela Elizabeth 3/29/2013 Granted 3/25/2013 Granted FP-13-017469 FP-13-017470 Pariyar Smith Nabin Thomas 3/29/2013 Granted 3/29/2013 Administratively Closed MICHAEL ALVAREZ AR 15-6 Investigation conducted on or about Dec 12 - Feb 13 pertaining to an assault by DS Justin Clarke, B Co, 1st Platoon, 113 at Ft. Jackson SC. Failure to yield at intersection all communications including letters, reports, emails, applications, CMPS, decision documents and or permits from May 6, 2009 to present between A&G Coal Co. in reference to the proposed Ison Rock Ridge mine; all requests received from Jan 2010 to present for withdrawal of previously filed 404 applications for surfacing mining operations in VA; any communications between the Norfolk District and USEPA related to coal mining from January 20, 2009 to present; with respect to coalmines, refuse or slurry impoundments, application docs and permits issued under NWP 21,49, 50; application docs and permits issued under section 404; Environmental Information documents; monitoring reports and mitigation plans for period 3/18/13 3/25/13 Information only - traffic mishap Requested a copy of contract number W911S0-07-C-0004. FP-13-017471 Bartlett Michelle 3/28/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-017472 Flanary Angie 3/28/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-017473 FP-13-017474 FP-13-017475 FP-13-017477 FP-13-017478 CLAGETT Whittaker Thigpen KING Cross COREY Chris Dwayne WILLIAM Chris 3/29/2013 3/29/2013 3/29/2013 3/29/2013 3/29/2013 Granted Administratively Closed Granted Granted Granted Permits, decision documents and environmental review records for each permit (on attached list) Awarded SF30, awarded list amounts of each contract line items, and awarded specification section 01 22 00 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT for W91237-09-D-0020 (Solicitation Number W91237-09-R-0017) for Fishtrap Lake COREY CLAGETT Asbestos abatement projects on Fort Drum Neighbor disputes WILLIAM R. KING MS Antle investigation FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 323 of 1088 FP-13-017479 Bell Donna 3/29/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-017480 Becker Joseph 3/29/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-017481 FP-13-017482 Havens Case O'Bourke Dallas Nancy 3/29/2013 Administratively Closed 3/29/2013 Granted FP-13-017483 Case O'Bourke Nancy 3/29/2013 Granted FP-13-017484 FP-13-017485 FP-13-017486 LeFande Smingler Smith (13-111) R.A. Bob Ian Brittany 3/29/2013 Administratively Closed 3/29/2013 Administratively Closed 3/12/2013 Granted FP-13-017487 FP-13-017488 FP-13-017489 FP-13-017490 FP-13-017491 FP-13-017492 FP-13-017493 FP-13-017494 FP-13-017495 FP-13-017496 Chilli Chilli Chilli Kenney Saites Noble Stigall Chilli Roijas Weinberg (13-109) Frank Frank Frank Daniel Penny Annie Corey Frank Robert Ed 3/29/2013 3/29/2013 3/29/2013 3/29/2013 3/29/2013 3/29/2013 3/29/2013 3/29/2013 3/29/2013 3/11/2013 Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Granted Administratively Closed Granted Granted Requested a copy of the following medical documents related to correspondence and records: Armed Forces Health Longitudinal Technology Application Access Audit relating to Kenner Army Health Clinic and Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, List of Army Corps permits issued for any activities in the Ash Meadows National Wildlife Refuge, Nye County, Nevada from January 1990 to present. Contract Willamette River RM 10+30 and RM 12+00 from 1970 to present all dredging , construction or mining permits; docks or new construction or modifications to existing structures, permits for outfalls on eastern shoreline, new construction or modification to existing structures; all fill placement on eastern shoreline; and any other activity on eastern shoreline. Copies of all permits and Certificates of Compliance forms for these projects. All documents related to Corps maintenance dredging in the Willamette River between RM 10+30 and RM 11+30 from 1970 to present. Provide dates of dredging, limits of dredging and volume of dredging for Corps with either Corps owned equipment or contractor owned equipment, including dredging volume by RM or Reach for Willamette River RM 7.5 to Broadway Bridge or between RM 10+30 to 11+30. Contract Contract Isolated Wetland Information re Projects for Past Five Years within Mosaic Fertilizer LLC's Desoto Mine Project's Wood Stork Action Areas Contract Contract Contract Contract Contract contract Employment verification and address to supervisor Contract Employment verification and supervisor address Decision Documents re SAJ-2004-02484 (IP-CF) FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 324 of 1088 FP-13-017497 FP-13-017498 FP-13-017499 Coleman Chilli Barlow Dwayne Frank B. Jason 3/29/2013 Administratively Closed 3/29/2013 Administratively Closed 3/28/2013 Granted FP-13-017500 FP-13-017501 FP-13-017502 schexnayder Chilli Norris jesse Frank Michael 3/29/2013 Administratively Closed 3/29/2013 Administratively Closed 3/29/2013 Denied in Part Traffic Accident Report occuring on 26 Feb 2013 contract Salt Ponds Inlet in Hampton, VA; Vac Lot 8ac N of Salt Ponds Inlet – Any and all permits issued for initial construction, maintenance, modification, or alteration of the groin in question. Any and all applications for permits for initial construction, maintenance, modification, or alteration of the groin in question. Any and all sketches, diagrams, plans, blue prints or proposals for initial construction, maintenance, modification, or alteration of the groin in question. Any and all photographs of initial construction, maintenance, modification, or alteration of the groin in question and/or Any and all unprivileged or unprotected correspondence, memoranda, notes, or documents related to construction, maintenance, modification, or alteration of the groin in question copies of investigations regarding Miley Contract Bldg. 466/467 Renovations, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas Please provide legible copies of all documents, whether hardcopy or electronically stored (including e-mail communications) related to the following: 1. Fort Leavenworth Building 466/467 After Action Reviews and any related documents generated or obtained in connection with either the Project or the Accident; 2. The Preliminary Accident Notification generated after the Accident; 3. USACE Army Corps of Engineers Accident Investigation Report (Eng. Form 3394 dated 8/30/11), including all attachments, supplements, related correspondence, etc.; 4. The Engineering Report specifically referenced on pages 2 and 4 of the Accident Investigation Report dated August 30, 2011, as being "awaited" in order to complete Section 14 of the Report, including all attachments to that Engineering Report, supplements, related correspondence, etc.; 5. Section 14 of the Accident Investigation Report completed after receipt of the Engineering Report referenced in Request #4 above; 6. Job/ Activity Hazard Analyses submitted by the Contractor PCL or its subcontractor Leavcon to USACE related to the Project or the Accident; 7. FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 325 of 1088 FP-13-017523 Crowe Daniel 3/29/2013 Granted On behalf of the Innocent Warrior Project, I hereby submit a request under the authority of the Freedom of Information Act for all DD Form 458s, or "charge sheets" generated by, under the supervision of, or with the technical assistance of all Air Force and Army OSJA or any section thereof at JBLM from 14 August 2012 until 15 March 2013. FP-13-017541 Mathis Chester 3/29/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-017544 FP-13-017552 FP-13-017553 Kleis Burgess Messineo Eric Patrick Carl 3/26/2013 Administratively Closed 3/29/2013 Administratively Closed 3/26/2013 FP-13-017554 FP-13-017555 Blair Seaholm Tosheena Peter 3/28/2013 Denied in Part 3/19/2013 FP-13-017556 MOZZONE 3/29/2013 FP-13-017560 FP-13-017563 Phillips Lundeen KATHERI NE Dave Doris Requests a copy of all reports on the injury and a copy of the video from the food court from the camera above where he sat. Pictures of food court area are included. Statement of reasons from CAF to Eric Kleis Any information related to Anthony M. Scarnavack. Consultation with local authorities on the coordination of training and/or exercises Location of LT Steve Blair Records concerning Peter Seaholm and Federal Technician Reemployment Rights and Debt BG JOHN E. WALSH AND GOV STEVE BULLOCK FP-13-017564 Reniker Rae 4/1/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-017565 Mason Gary 4/1/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-017566 FP-13-017567 FP-13-017569 stewart jones Saliger wesley jumar Rory 4/1/2013 Granted 4/1/2013 Granted 4/1/2013 Granted 4/1/2013 4/1/2013 Administratively Closed Copies of UCMJ Actions Information regarding denied hire information as Cost Analyst Contractor for CGI for ARCENT. Information regarding denial of contract employment as Cost Analyst at Camp Arifjan to support G8. Requested the following documents: 1. Medical Evaluation Results dated 12/13/2012 that was forwarded to the Central Clearance Facility and all pertinent documents, notes and emails surrounding this evaluation, to include a 9 page Psychological Evaluation from Dr. Michael Lynch to Kenner Army Medical Center. 2. The Health Record on myself dated 1/23/2013 from the Kenner Army Medical Center, Fort Lee. 3. All raw data and testing graded and assessed by Ms. Giorgia Adams, Kenner Army Mecial Center, Psychometrist. 4. All reports, emails and records involving Gary Mason II's HIPPA complaint by Ms Michele A Buckner, HIPPA Compliance Officer dating back to December of 2012. Confinement orders Abatement sheet 15-1-1 Delarosa Aritcle 32/ Final Charge Sheet FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 326 of 1088 FP-13-017570 FP-13-017571 Parker Kerber Shara Kelli 4/1/2013 Granted 3/25/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-017576 Dickson Holly 4/1/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-017578 Engle Mark 4/1/2013 Granted FP-13-017580 Bolton Matthew 4/1/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-017581 Adler Steven 4/1/2013 Administratively Closed Police Report Request a copy of a 15-6 investigation that was conducted due to an Equal Opportunity/SHARP complaint made by requester on/involving her Commander. Requesting public records regarding military equipment and resources channeled through the Arkansas Army National Guard to local law enforcement agencies in Arkansas. Specifically, you request records created, updated, or edited from January 2011, to the present including but not limited to: a. Logs of prisoner transport; b. Documentation of contact with cocaine, heroin, marijuana, hashish, and amphetamine manufacturers, growers, and operators; c. Approval requests for National Guard-civilian contact, including all data about the number of requests issued and the number of requests approved; and d. Records regarding whether guardsmen are armed when engaged in National Guard-civilian contact, including any data about the number of requests for arming guardsmen made and the number of requests approved. e. Records regarding National Guard equipment lent or leased to police departments or other agencies, including, but not limited to, records regarding which police departments or other agencies have received Light Armored Vehicles (LAV) funds or equipment through grants managed, arranged, or assisted by our Office. f. Records pertaining to the National Guard’s eligibility for asset forfeiture money. g. All policies, Permits of waterlines and or intake pipes issued to Les Cheneaux, Cedarville and Hessel Islands. Request copies of any documents concerning Mozambique from 1975 to the present that mention: Landmines (mines), unexploded ordnance ((UXO), explosive remnants of war (ERW), cluster munitions or bomblets),and/or Demining and/or Mine Action (de-mining, mine clearance, mine lifting, unexploded ordnance clearance or removal, explosive ordnance disposal (EOD), battle area clearance (BAC), mine awareness, mine risk education or mine victim assistance. Info pertaining to servicemember (Kevin Ward) FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 327 of 1088 FP-13-017582 Lynn Amechi 4/1/2013 Granted FP-13-017583 FP-13-017584 FP-13-017585 Riahi Mull Derr Jalil Eddie Vicki 4/1/2013 Administratively Closed 4/1/2013 Granted 3/29/2013 Granted FP-13-017586 FP-13-017587 FP-13-017589 FP-13-017590 FP-13-017592 Lukehart Eden IV Marcias Eden IV Makelke Paul John Marie John Lorie 4/1/2013 4/1/2013 4/1/2013 4/1/2013 3/28/2013 FP-13-017593 FP-13-017596 Chilli Adler Frank Jene 4/1/2013 Administratively Closed 3/28/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-017597 Siman, Esq Farzad 4/1/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-017600 Thompson Tom 3/29/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-017602 Vanden Brook Tom 3/25/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-017603 Wenger Jennifer 4/1/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-017606 Manso Alfred 4/1/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-017608 FP-13-017609 FP-13-017610 FP-13-017611 Johnson Patterson Santos Simpson Vicki Gerry Rose Tyrel 4/1/2013 4/1/2013 4/1/2013 4/1/2013 Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Granted Administratively Closed Denied in Part Administratively Closed Granted Administratively Closed Granted The requester is requesting a Military Police Report pertaining t an incident which occurred. JPAS LOJ/incident report Request for MP Rpt received referral from Huntingdon District - requestor wants NWP 27 pemrit LRP-2010-1440 LaMothe Hollow Stream Restoration Project Info on talent retention research data Info (location) on Debbie Dubois OSHA documents and contracts worked by Rotor Rooter Info pertaining to Paula V. Thompson Payment bond and contract for Contract #W9126G-11-D0061. Contract 2002 Marine Remote - Sensing Survey for Obstructions to Navigation, Abondoned Shoreline Structures, and Historic and Derelict Vessels, Port of Orange Vicinity, Orange County, TX and Calcasieu and Cameron Parishes, LA. FOIA/PA Control: NRC2013018083. Docs RE: Mohammad Farooq Ghanizada Correspondence related t9o Central Texas Airport for period 1 May 2012 to present. Followup request to 13-0008; 1) Exhibit VV; LTG Sterling's continuation sheet indicates that he forwarded instructions to his staff to conduct further reviews. Please provide those directions and the results of the reviews; 3) According to para 4d(2) of the report, BAE was the only bidder for what must have been a large contract. Please provide details of this bidding process; 4) IRAC conducted analyses of the program. Provide the results of these analyses. FBI FOI/PA #1167695-002, Re: Cox, Richard Colvin disappearance. Copy of all records in personnel and background investigation file Investigative Records Investigative File - only 2 pages pertain to Tennessee W91QUZ-06-D-0017 Task Order BD01 Debt Verification FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 328 of 1088 FP-13-017612 FP-13-017614 FP-13-017615 Santos Santos Noble Rose Rose Annie 4/1/2013 Administratively Closed 4/1/2013 Administratively Closed 4/1/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-017617 Chilli Frank 4/1/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-017618 Betts Dillan 4/1/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-017620 FP-13-017621 FP-13-017622 FP-13-017623 FP-13-017624 FP-13-017625 FP-13-017626 FP-13-017628 Santos Santos Santos Santos Santos Santos Parker Melon Rose Rose Rose Rose Rose Rose Audra Georgina 4/1/2013 4/1/2013 4/1/2013 4/1/2013 4/1/2013 4/1/2013 4/1/2013 4/1/2013 Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Granted FP-13-017629 FP-13-017630 FP-13-017631 FP-13-017633 Johnson Redus Gill YORDAN Peggy Cederic Jason CELESTE 4/1/2013 4/1/2013 4/1/2013 4/1/2013 Granted Granted Granted Granted FP-13-017634 FP-13-017635 FP-13-017636 FP-13-017637 FP-13-017638 FP-13-017641 FP-13-017642 Ladd Martray Orni Stitt Ragland Martinez Plemmons Thomas Joshua Katherine Cecilia Jonathon Pablo Mark 3/29/2013 4/1/2013 4/1/2013 4/1/2013 4/1/2013 4/1/2013 3/28/2013 Administratively Closed Granted Denied in Part Administratively Closed Granted Granted Administratively Closed FP-13-017643 FP-13-017644 FP-13-017646 FP-13-017647 FP-13-017648 FP-13-017650 FP-13-017654 Zych Winningham Beatty Torres Madsen Anderson Barlow Doug John Michael Peter Jonathan Graciela Patricia 4/1/2013 4/1/2013 3/27/2013 4/1/2013 4/1/2013 4/1/2013 4/1/2013 Granted Administratively Closed Denied in Part Administratively Closed Granted Granted W91QUZ-06-D-0017 Task Order BS01 W15QKN-06-C-0130 Contract Number: W91WAW-09-D-0021; Solicitation Number: W91WAW-09-R-0071 Contract awarded to The SPECTRUM group to support the National Guard Youth Foundation and/or the National Guard Youth Challenge program. SmartProcure requesting for scanned copiers of the followings: All documents pertaining to Purchase Order #W9136409P0446-0; which includes original invoice, PO, pricing, and quantity. W911SE-07-D-0006 W91CRB-10-C-0178 W91CRB-10-C-0179 W91CRB-10-C-0177 W91CRB-10-C-0322 W91WAW-09-R-0008 Met Tower Permit - Cape Wind Project Sworn Statements, documents, attachments from Housing Office MPRs for Peggy Joohnson DOB 3-22-87 Request for MP rpt MPR 0930-2013 POLICE REPORT 00354-2012 MPC-253 AND VIDEO AR 15-6 Report Housebreaking Complete copy of NWS-2007-413-NO Historical Maintenance Larceny of private property. Historical Maintenance Records Investigator requesting a copy of MPR # 00207-2006MPC122 for an individual under investigation. Historical Maintenance Records Army rejection due to rheumatic fever ROTC sisenrollment records. Copy of immigration file A091-249-710 (Deodat Leonard) Larceny of private property. Flight records certified copies of W912ER-04-D-0004 and EM-385-1-1 FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 329 of 1088 FP-13-017655 FP-13-017657 Barlow Ahern (13-096) Patricia Sean 4/1/2013 Granted 2/13/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-017658 Willson Kenneth 3/8/2013 Granted FP-13-017659 FP-13-017660 FP-13-017661 FP-13-017663 FP-13-017664 Cruse Ferguson Mendoza Phillips Artabane Kacey Jonathan Mario Alvin Steve 4/1/2013 4/1/2013 4/1/2013 4/1/2013 4/1/2013 FP-13-017665 FP-13-017666 FP-13-017667 Nowlin Phillips Madden FP-13-017668 FP-13-017669 Cordero-Phillips Walsey Michelle Marquitta Christoph er Devon Victoria FP-13-017670 FP-13-017671 FP-13-017673 Dailey Kim Binnier Justin Yunni Luis 4/1/2013 Granted 4/1/2013 Granted 4/1/2013 Granted Request for MP Rpt Request for MP Rpt US Army Criminal Investigatino ROI 2011-CID065-39878-5P FP-13-017674 FP-13-017676 FP-13-017677 Crow Rogers Winningham Daniel Timothy John 4/1/2013 Granted 4/1/2013 Granted 4/1/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-017678 FP-13-017679 Moen Plambeck Robert Lynne 4/1/2013 Granted 4/1/2013 Granted FP-13-017680 Brocklebank Mr. & Mrs. Matthew 4/2/2013 Granted 00230-2012-MPC016 05584-2012-MPC016 Failure to yeild to pedestrian Ask Question: Why did the Army reject men for military duty because they had rheumatic fever as a child? Failure to obey general order (unregistered weapons) Skyline Ranch Project in Santa Clarita Valley in Upper Bouquet Canyon, SPL-00877-KW Freedom of Information Request FP-13-017681 Trosen Alyssa 4/2/2013 Administratively Closed CPAC relevant requet. referred to CPAC Ms. Williams Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted 3/26/2013 Denied in Part 4/1/2013 Granted 4/1/2013 Administratively Closed 4/1/2013 Granted 3/29/2013 Denied in Part certified copies of W912ER-04-D-0004 and EM-385-1-1 Beach Erosion Control Project, Pinellas County, Florida, Sand Key Beach Renourishment 2011; Sol. W912EP-11-B0002 Ocean Isle Beach federal storm damage reduction project Request for MP Rpt Request for MP Rpt Request for MP rpt SGT Alvin E. Phillips II (Case # 485649) permits in White Oak River Basin - applications that required mitigation Titan America SGT Alvin E. Phillips II (Case # 485649) any wetland violations on Hammond Cadilac Milford DE SGT Alvin E. Phillips II (Case # 485649) I am requesting a spreadsheet that contains the tonnage extracted, through dredging, by each authorized dredging company on the Kansas River for the years 1980-2013. I am requesting a waiver of fees as I am a graduate student at the Univeristy of Kansas and the information obtained through this request will be used for research purposes only and is a small amount of information requested. FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 330 of 1088 FP-13-017682 Ferguson Alex 4/2/2013 FP-13-017683 FP-13-017684 FP-13-017685 FP-13-017686 Adams Smith Barber Reilly John Michelle Tyson Sean 4/2/2013 4/2/2013 4/2/2013 4/2/2013 FP-13-017687 Lemon Bobby FP-13-017689 Hughes Mark 4/2/2013 Granted FP-13-017692 PARKER ROBERT 4/2/2013 Granted Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed 3/29/2013 Granted I am seeking the records under the Freedom of Information Act regarding an incident described in the German Police Report attached. The incident took place on 15 DEC 2013 at roughly 02:53AM in Boeblingen. (per the German Police Report), so the information I am requesting would be from this time through the next few hours. I am seeking the incident report regarding the pickup of the military member that was turned over from the German Police to the Military Police. KLM International, Inc. AR 15-6 pertaining to death of 1LT Tyrell A. Thompson Copy of Clearance Copies of all records maintained by the Army Test and Evaluation Command and the Army Office of Business Transformation, Project ID: LD18597, Project ID: LD18765 and Project ID: NG1216. Request for Statement of Reasons for Security Clearance (REferred to Fort Drum from USACIDC) A copy of the 15-6 investigation of the explosion of an unexploded ordinance on Pelham Range at For McClellan, Alabama on 17 March 2006. Emails, written correspondence, or telephonic records within the National Guard Bureau, Ohio National Guard, 16th Engineer Brigade, and/or 112th Engineer Battalion that addressed the incident at Pelham Range at Fort McClellan Alabama on 17 March 2006 and/or injury to SFC Mark E. Hughes. Emails, written correspondence, or telephonic reconls within the National Guard Bureau, Ohio National Guard, 16th Engineer Brigade, and/or 112th Engineer Battalion that address medical treatment of SFC Mark E. Hughes pertaining to the incident at Pelham Range at Fort McClellan, Alabama on 17 March 2006 to include the Line of Duty (LOD) investigation. Copies of all records and results from any Soldier Readiness Processing (SRP) pertaining to SFC Mark E. Hughes. Emails, written correspondence, or telephonic records within the National Guard Bureau, Ohio National Guard, 16th Engineer Brigade, and/or 112th Engineer Battalion that discuss deploy ability of SFC Mark E. Hughes. Copies of the E-8 promotion lists for the Ohio Army "National Guard for all ROBERT PARKER FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 331 of 1088 FP-13-017695 LARA FP-13-017697 FP-13-017698 FP-13-017699 FP-13-017701 Halley Nicol Yates MCCULLERS FP-13-017704 Llanos JENNIFE R Jennifer Scott Leslie RASHEE N Federico 4/2/2013 Granted FP-13-017705 Dean Karen 4/2/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-017707 Chilli Frank 4/2/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-017708 FP-13-017710 King Womack Holly Lee FP-13-017711 Priebe Richard 4/2/2013 FP-13-017714 FP-13-017715 FP-13-017716 FP-13-017717 FP-13-017719 FP-13-017720 Chalpin Wilson Pusateri Vollbrecht Clifton Surrency Mark Jamie Salvador Ken John Damien 3/18/2013 3/22/2013 4/2/2013 4/2/2013 4/2/2013 4/2/2013 FP-13-017721 Simmons Tyler 4/2/2013 Granted FP-13-017722 FP-13-017723 FP-13-017724 NIEVES-PABON Williams Georgelas BENITO Michael Tammy 4/2/2013 Granted 4/2/2013 Administratively Closed 4/2/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-017730 FP-13-017739 TORRES Plambeck VINCENT Lynne 4/2/2013 Granted 4/2/2013 Granted FP-13-017740 Parodi III Michael 4/2/2013 Granted 4/2/2013 4/2/2013 3/28/2013 4/2/2013 Granted Granted Granted Granted 4/2/2013 Granted 3/29/2013 Denied in Part 4/1/2013 Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Administratively Closed O'DELL CARTER Request for MP Rpt Border fencing section 01.02,03 MP-Report larceny RASHEEN MCCULLERS Officer Show Cause Board determination, recordings and documentations. Copies of records pertaining to whether uranium and/or depleted uranium and any other radioactive material were involved at the PLW site. Pursuant to the Freedom Of Information Act (FOIA), Centurion Research Solutions requests (pdf soft copy if available) for a copy of contract W91260-08-C-0006 AN/TPY2 Security Service awarded to Chenega Security & Protection Services, LLC. All documents related to 200901482. Section 404 permits for Dimmit, La Salle, Madison, and Houston Counties, Texas from Jan 1, 2012 to April 1, 2013 resulting in compensatory mitigation. Request documentation concerning the Blast Booths in Bldg 57 Port Services contracts in Port of Bremerhaven, German. Permit MVN 2008-2708 International Marine Terminals Permit for NASA PArkway Request for MP Rpt Requesting copies of records that ASAP maintains on him. Requesting that ASAP complete a Sustance Abuse Traffic Offenders Program Form. BENITO NIEVES-PABON MCC Form 510s submitted in March 2013 All documents related to additional 121 acre mitigation property related to 200350493. VINCENT TORRES Vista Ranch Project in Santa Clarita Valley, 2005-01456AOA; new documents from June 2012 to today. Debt Verification FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 332 of 1088 FP-13-017741 FP-13-017742 FP-13-017743 FP-13-017744 Zuber Arnold Wotring Pendell David Garnett Earnest Darlene 4/2/2013 4/2/2013 4/2/2013 3/29/2013 Granted Denied in Full Administratively Closed Granted FP-13-017745 FP-13-017746 Webster Lingenfelter James Sherry 4/2/2013 Administratively Closed 4/2/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-017747 FP-13-017748 FP-13-017750 Webster Cole Chilli James Michael Frank 4/2/2013 Administratively Closed 4/2/2013 Granted 4/2/2013 Denied in Full FP-13-017752 Ernst Barry 4/2/2013 Granted MVN Permit 2011-2928 Copies of EEO complains San Jacinto Waste Pit Mitigation plan submitted by Carpenter and Associates and/or their consultants have submitted to the COE during the month of February 2013 to include all of the information submitted by the applicant and/or their consultants, plan is in response to letter sent to ACI Consulting from COE dated 9/7/2011. USACE contract Print out of procurement history at ACC-RI with the following fields: Contract Number (PIIN), SIIN, Delivery Order Number, Date of Order, Contract Line Item Number (CLIN), NSN, Part Number, Complete Description to Supplies/Services, CAGE Code of Awardee USACE contract POS Teredata on sub category #437 for one month. Requests copies of the KO Letters regarding RFP W91CRB12R0006 expressing concern over real or potential OCIs. permit number 2003-01075 dated October 01, 2004 FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 333 of 1088 FP-13-017754 Sutton Elizabeth 4/2/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-017756 Calhauer Lisa FP-13-017758 FP-13-017759 Thompson Ocheretinsky Randy V 4/2/2013 Administratively Closed 4/2/2013 Granted FP-13-017763 FP-13-017764 FP-13-017765 FP-13-017766 FP-13-017767 FP-13-017770 FP-13-017771 FP-13-017773 FIGUEROA Forry Barbour Land Gomez Santos Nelson Pente LUIS Tanner Ryan Cory Jared Rose Kenneth Erin 4/2/2013 4/2/2013 4/2/2013 4/2/2013 4/2/2013 4/2/2013 4/2/2013 4/2/2013 FP-13-017774 Pente Erin 4/2/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-017775 Schuler Brandon 4/2/2013 Granted 3/13/2013 Administratively Closed Granted Denied in Part Granted Denied in Part Granted Denied in Part Granted Administratively Closed 1) We request the following documents listed below received during the time period from March 25, 2013 to present: a. Requests/notifications for withdrawal of previously filed 404 applications for surface mining operations in Kentucky. b. All notices, requests, or applications for coverage for coalmines, refuse or slurry impoundments under NW permits 21, 49 or 50. c. Any Corps authorizations including decision documents and facts and findings granted under NWP 21, 49 or 50 for activities in Kentucky or Tennessee. d. Any individual 404 permits including decision documents, facts and findings, and final CMPs for surface mining operations or refuse or slurry impoundments in Kentucky or Tennessee e. Any and all Environmental Information Documents received including amendments, revisions and/or appendices and any and all Compensatory Mitigation Plans including amendments, revisions and/or appendices related to coal mining operations submitted to the Corps for operations in Kentucky or Tennessee. f. All monitoring reports received by the Corps related to any mining compensatory mitigation plans for stream creation, enhancement, or restoration projects for 404 permits in KY. Requesting accident/incident report (MPR for driver Chris Potter on 16 Jan 13 at FD, MD) Request for MP rpt regarding Rafael Barbosa Employment verification for Keith A. Jennings, DOB 12/5/1975 LUIS FIGUEROA 2013 Parole/Clemency Packet Request for MP rpt CTF Request for MP Rpt W911SE-07-D-0006 - Mods 54-86 (or most current) Kenneth M. Nelson wetlands or wetlands violations at the property located at 1703 Central Park Avenue, Yonkers City, Westchester County, New York wetlands or wetlands violations at the property located at Block 252, Lot 1, Bridgewater, Somerset County, New Jersey Request for MP Rpt FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 334 of 1088 FP-13-017776 Metcalf Lindsay 4/2/2013 Granted FP-13-017777 Metcalf Lindsay 4/2/2013 Granted FP-13-017778 FP-13-017780 Robbins Ahern Derek Sean 4/2/2013 Granted 4/2/2013 Granted FP-13-017781 FP-13-017782 FP-13-017783 Pickett Hendricks Postlethwait Adarris Charles David 4/2/2013 Granted 4/2/2013 Granted 4/2/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-017784 Levy Mateo 4/2/2013 Granted FP-13-017785 FP-13-017786 FP-13-017787 FP-13-017788 FP-13-017789 McMurray Shilliongford Summers McCullum Michel Michael Clarke Joshua Tim Jules 4/2/2013 4/2/2013 4/2/2013 4/1/2013 4/2/2013 FP-13-017790 FP-13-017791 Ulmer Sicurella Nicholas Richard 4/2/2013 Granted 4/2/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-017792 FP-13-017793 FP-13-017794 Dodd Adams Cash Ryan sean Ruth 4/2/2013 Granted 4/2/2013 Granted 4/2/2013 Granted FP-13-017795 Sheldon David 4/2/2013 Granted FP-13-017796 Hanson Karl FP-13-017797 Magill Brandon Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted 3/18/2013 Granted 4/2/2013 Granted E. F. Barrett Power Station, Daly Boulevard, Island Park, NY 11558 Port Jefferson Power Station, 700 Beach Street, Port Jefferson, NY 11777 MPR 1075-2013 the daily production reports, all pay estimates and the BD/AD hydrographic/land surveys for contract number W912DS-12C-0028 (12-B-0009); Atlantic Coast of NJ, Sea Bright to Ocean Township, Beach Erosion Control Project Renourishment Contract no. 4, Monmouth Beach & Sea Bright, NJ MPR 0925-2013 Sewell Point Developoment 3rd Battalion, 34th Infantry Regiment, 24th Infantry Division for 16 February through 26 February 1945. Copy of deativated permit file for thatch cay proposed development in USVI. MPR 01912-2005-MPC017 Verification of Exchange Documents Employment verification and address of supervisor Payment records on various KLN Steel contracts. Copy of Biological Opinion from the USFWS re 2012 Nationwide permits Neighbor dispute. AR 15-6 Investigation conducted between on or about 1 Feb and 30 Mar 2013 with the requester being the subject. Hit and run. Confinement order Request for any and all military police reports pertaining to Johathan M. Monk. "Copy of all documents maintain on Captain (Jill) Jiminez, including all documents related to your proposed decision" Involuntary Separation from the Active Guard REserve (AGR) Progroam of Captain Jill M. Jiminez, HQ, UTARNG Copy of MAWA Resource Study update rport of Dec 2004. DUI FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 335 of 1088 FP-13-017798 Sutton Elizabeth 4/1/2013 Granted FP-13-017799 Anuta Karl 4/2/2013 Granted FP-13-017800 Becker Joseph 4/2/2013 Granted FP-13-017801 McIntire Christoph er 4/2/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-017802 Harris Thomas 4/2/2013 Administratively Closed all communications including letters, reports, emails, applications, CMPS, decision documents and or permits from May 6, 2009 to present between A&G Coal Co. in reference to the proposed Ison Rock Ridge mine; all requests received from Jan 2010 to present for withdrawal of previously filed 404 applications for surfacing mining operations in VA; any communications between the Norfolk District and USEPA related to coal mining from January 20, 2009 to present; with respect to coalmines, refuse or slurry impoundments, application docs and permits issued under NWP 21,49, 50; application docs and permits issued under section 404; Environmental Information documents; monitoring reports and mitigation plans for period 3/26/13 4/1/13 Copy of permit and enclosures sent by Corps to applicant WalMart on NWP 2008-445, in March 2013 list of Corps of Engineers Permit Issued for any activities to be conducted within the Ash Meadows National Wildlife Refuge located in Nye County, Nevada from January 1990 to present. All documentation on Watershed Burns Emergency Work, 1970-1971, Corps of Engineers, Project #27, File # 3-205-1. Aerial Photography of the Sacramento River from River Mile 185 to 200 or roughly from the Ord Ferry Bridge to the Highway 32 Bridge, between Butte and Glenn Counties from 1935 5o 1950 FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 336 of 1088 FP-13-017803 Messineo Carl 4/3/2013 FP-13-017804 Baker Douglas 4/3/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-017805 FP-13-017815 Gligor Hopson Nicholas Patricia 4/3/2013 Granted 4/3/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-017817 Taylor Tyrone 4/3/2013 Granted FP-13-017825 Jenks Chris 4/3/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-017831 FP-13-017832 FP-13-017833 FP-13-017835 FP-13-017836 Murphy Dahlke Moran Riley Rios John Gloria Anita Leslie Walter 4/3/2013 4/3/2013 4/2/2013 4/2/2013 4/3/2013 FP-13-017837 Juliano John 4/3/2013 Granted Administratively Closed Granted Granted Granted Granted Records pertaining to domestic exercises concerning missions or operations in support of the following: a. Domestic Deployments b. Response to Civil Disturbance, Civil Disorder, Declaration of Insurrection, Riots, Unlawful obstruction, Combination or Assemblage, or rebellion c. Domestic Support of Civil Authorities (DSCA) d. Military Support to Civil Authorities (MSCA, including Military Assistance for Civil Disturbances (MACDIS)) e. Vigilant Guard, Ardent Sentry, Vigilant Shield, and National Level Exercises (including the National Exercise Program) f. Exercises involving military and civilian law enforcement personnel that took place in Los Angeles (JAN 12), Boston (Jul 11), New Orleans (Jan 09), and Little Rock (NOV 2011) g. Training involving civilian law enforcement and DoD personnel (Including NORAD and NORTHCOM personnel or units) related to the use of DoD weapons, equipment, or technology. Seeking the name of the Commanders and First Sergeants at 563 Ordnance Company from its reativation as a Rocket/Missile GS/DS Support Company in 1969 at Redstone Arsenal to its deactivation at Miesau Army Depot in 199X. Permit 2009-834 Request copy of Federal Contract # W9124C07D0003 that was awarded in 2007 to Dixie Ice and Coal. Request copy of 15-6 investigation conducted on or about December 2012 ti Feb 2013 pertaining to an assault against PFC Tyrone Taylor by DS Justin Clarcke of B Co 1-13th at Fort Jackson, SC Request report, findings, and recommendations and final action by the appointing authoriry to include all statements relating to a 15-6 investigation of alleged misconduct by LTC(P) Jerry L Farnsworth. W52P1J-12-D-0037 OPF Permit University Blvd Permit 2005-1E-054-P Teredata for 493, 497 for March 2013 and Teredata for 494 and 496 for quarter ending March 2013. MP report requested FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 337 of 1088 FP-13-017838 Morus 4/3/2013 Granted MP report requested Ridriguez-vega Etheridge Webster Aleksandr a Luis Jeremy James FP-13-017839 FP-13-017841 FP-13-017842 4/3/2013 Granted 4/3/2013 Granted 4/3/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-017843 FP-13-017844 Jones Barden Michael Alan 4/3/2013 Granted 4/3/2013 Granted FP-13-017845 FP-13-017846 Jacobs King Steven Karisa 4/3/2013 Granted 4/3/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-017848 Horvath Matt 4/3/2013 Granted FP-13-017849 Friedrich Layne 4/3/2013 Denied in Part MP Report requested MP report requested Request: Re: W912-QR-12R-0043 NCOA Phase III Billeting. Requesting submittal info and any electronic communications regarding metal roofing panels purpoting to meet spec section 07 61 13. Thank you. MP Report requested The requester is requesting a Military Police Report pertaining to an auto accident which occurred 31 March 2013. MP report requested Copies of docs regarding sexual harassment complaints from 2002 to April 2, 2013 at Ft Benning, Ft Jackson, Ft Knox, Ft Leonard Wood and Ft Sill, and etc. Names of Principal Investigators at institutions of higher education who received new assistance grant funding in FY 2012. permits and applications for various regulatory action files FP-13-017850 Mitchell Bruce 4/3/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-017851 Myricks Veronica 4/3/2013 Granted FP-13-017852 Leavitt Christiane 3/28/2013 Granted FP-13-017853 Graff Michael FP-13-017854 FP-13-017856 FP-13-017857 Rogers Myers Goolsby, III Jeremiah Derrick Waid 4/3/2013 Administratively Closed 3/22/2013 Granted 4/3/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-017860 Brezny Francis 3/29/2013 Granted 4/3/2013 Administratively Closed Copy of winning RFP package for contract award number W912DR-11-D-0017; award date July 28, 2011. The requester is requesting a Military Police Report pertaining to an incident which occurred 18 December 2012. MP-Report traffic accident Copy of personal medical information held at Lyster Army Health Clinic, Ft. Rucker Field Manual 3-39-40 Permits 81-2002-1025 and 2012-622 Copy of Report of Investigation (ROI) 2011-CID045-498925H 100 year flood level at mile 39 on the Kanawha River; 100 year flood stream velocity at mile 39 on the Kanawha River FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 338 of 1088 FP-13-017861 Avila Mike 4/3/2013 Denied in Part Public Records Request- US Army Reserve Training Center & Maintenance Shop, 8725 W. Pahs Rd, Michigan City, IN 46360 1. Any and all contracts that would be pertaining to the installation of ceramic/porcelain tile on walls or floors at this facility. 2. Copies of all schedules of wages that were submitted for compliance to the project pertaining to the installation of ceramic/porcelain tile on walls or floors at this facility. 3. Copies of all Certified Payroll records submitted pertaining to the installation of ceram ic/porcelain tile on walls or floors at this facility. Please be advised that this request is made pursuant to Indiana's Access to Public Records Act, I.C 5-14-3-1 et. Seq. Through this letter we agree to be responsible for the reasonable copying charges pursuant to I.C. 5-14-3-8. FP-13-017864 FP-13-017865 Hartman Lyons Keith Rachel 4/3/2013 Granted 4/3/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-017867 FP-13-017868 FP-13-017869 FP-13-017871 Prince Nalls Rossiter Southerland Pamela Shakeita Warren John 3/11/2013 4/3/2013 4/3/2013 3/28/2013 FP-13-017876 FP-13-017877 Huskey Koltun Isaac Greg 4/3/2013 Granted 3/29/2013 Granted FP-13-017879 FP-13-017880 Elias Sisson Barbara Craig 3/21/2013 Administratively Closed 4/3/2013 Granted FP-13-017881 Wight Norman 4/3/2013 Granted FP-13-017890 Dubuc Rob 4/3/2013 Granted FP-13-017891 Jenkins Ken 3/26/2013 Granted bathymetric survey Copies of contracts: W911SR06P0035 and W9124D07F0111 Request for a copy of 15-6 Report Request for MP RPt Copy of father's military records (Arthur Rossiter, Sr.) Court Case, Ronald Osbourn, et al. v Mitsubishi Motors North America, Inc. Request for MP Rpt Digital daily inflow, outflow and lake level data for Clendening, Piedmont, Seneca, Wills Creek, Pleasant Hill and Charles Mill Lakes All documents relative to Siraj Haqqani Afghanistan *Legal Descriptions for Little Goose Tracts 610 and 611 *Legal Descriptions for Little Goose Tracts 800 and 802 *Legal Description for Lower Monumental Tract 701-2 *GIS shape files for the above mentioned tracts of land. Levee information on the south side of the Clark Fork River, Missoula, Montana Information regarding Red Leaf Resources Request for a Nationwide 404 Permit Document Military Projects square footage of building being built Granted Granted Administratively Closed Granted FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 339 of 1088 FP-13-017892 Sutton Elizabeth 4/1/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-017895 Reynolds Kent 4/3/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-017896 Yeager Jessica 4/2/2013 Granted FP-13-017897 FP-13-017898 FP-13-017899 FP-13-017900 Lozynsky Weber Reed Winningham Peter Sariah Andrew John 4/3/2013 4/3/2013 4/3/2013 4/3/2013 FP-13-017901 Fothergill David 4/3/2013 Granted FP-13-017902 Combs Zachary 4/3/2013 Granted FP-13-017903 Parker Priscilla 4/3/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-017904 FP-13-017905 Dowds Fleming Danny Billie 4/3/2013 Granted 4/3/2013 Granted Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Granted Administratively Closed To the extent not already responsive, in reference to the Coal-Mac Mine, LRH-2008-00830, SMCRA No. S500607: any and all monitoring data and/or reports submitted to the Corps pursuant to the permit requirements, and any and all other communications including, but not limited to, letters, reports, emails and or approvals to fill streams including, but not limited to, those communications between the Corps and Coal Mac about the above noted mine. Requests/notifications received from January 2010 to present for withdrawal of previously filed 404 applications for surfacing mining operations in West Virginia. To the extent not already responsive, any and all monitoring data and or reports submitted to the Corps pursuant to the permit requirements for the Consol of Kentucky, Peg Fork Mine, Corps Number 2006-2295 KAN. To the extent not already responsive, any and all other communications including, but not limited to, those communications between the Corps and Consol about the above noted Peg Fork Mine from January 2010 to present. Any and all preliminary or final information including, but not limited to, articles, reports, emails, phone Copy of medical and law enforcement documentation regarding incident at Ft Hood, TX 1981 -1982 Public notice information and the issuing letter for LRH-201090-NEW, as well as the combined decision document Copy of medical and military service records Copy of DD214 - Nanthan Weber Harassing phone calls. Violation of child custody decree. Info pertaining to agent orange and other defoliants in Korea in 1966 Request for a copy of a 911 call from the Fort Bragg emergency communications on Feb 24, 2011 regarding the Military residence located at 104 Graham. Request for a copy of Military Police Report 00603-2013MPC023. Request for a final copy of a 15-6 Investigation pertaining to SGT Justin Griffith of the 1st TSC. POS for 483, 430, 431 and 435 for one month MPR 0750-2013 FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 340 of 1088 FP-13-017906 Fitts Michael 4/3/2013 Granted FP-13-017908 FP-13-017915 FP-13-017917 Shoun Bartush SANCHEZ Cheryl Ryan JOSE 3/21/2013 Granted 4/3/2013 Granted 4/3/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-017923 FP-13-017929 FP-13-017933 Quintana Burke Dent Eli Kevin Mark 4/3/2013 Granted 4/3/2013 Granted 4/3/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-017934 FP-13-017935 FP-13-017936 McHugh Johnson Chang Wook Diane Eleani Jung 4/3/2013 Denied in Part 4/3/2013 Granted 4/3/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-017937 FP-13-017938 FP-13-017939 Perez Hurling Corder Tracy Clarence Matthew 4/3/2013 Granted 4/3/2013 Granted 4/3/2013 Denied in Part Documents concerning 404 Permit relating to proposed Lytle Creek Ranch South Residential and Commerical Development in San Bernadino County, CA; SPL-201300183-CLH. Permit Battery Creek MPR 1141-2013 1. COPY OF VIDEO AND AUDIO RECORDING AT POLICE STATION FT BUCHANAN, 6 MAR 13 O/A 10:30 a.m. 2. COPY OF VIDEO RECORDED BY POLICE CARS DRIVEN BY OFC DeLEON AND AGT OLMEDA. 3. COPY OF AUDIO RECORDING TAKEN BY OFC DeLEON AND AGT OLMEDA. DUI Restraining order violation. The number of guaranteed multi-year athletic scholarships that were awarded for any student-athlete in the 2012-2013 academic year and for upcoming 2013-2014 academic year. Indicate whether scholarships are for two, three, four or five years. Indicate how many guaranteed multiplayer scholarships were given by each team. The number of oneyear renewable athletic scholarship that were awarded for any student athlete in the 2012-2013 academic year and upcoming year. A blank athletic aid agreement that is signed by student-athletes at institution. Contract W91RUS-10-C-0001 Damage to screen door by stray cat. "...for the contract, all modifications and delivery orders for contract number W91QVN-08-F-0508, APS-4, Korea by URS Federal Support Services, Inc. We will pay ALL reasonable search, review, and reproduction fees. If you deny all or any part of this request, please cite each specific exemption you think justifies your refusal to release the information and notify me of appeal procedures available under the law." MPR 6507-2011 Accident - no right turn signal. Permit #1920-63 MM 101.3 Ohio River LDB Consolidate Coal Corp Permit for Fleet at MM11.4 Ohio RiverLDB burrell Industries FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 341 of 1088 FP-13-017940 FP-13-017941 Johnson Archibald Hope Johnathan 4/4/2013 Granted 3/26/2013 Granted FP-13-017942 LeFande Bob 4/4/2013 Granted FP-13-017943 FP-13-017945 Martinelli Spannagel David James 4/4/2013 Administratively Closed 4/4/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-017947 Kees Duane 4/4/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-017948 Yeates Tommy 4/4/2013 Granted FP-13-017952 FP-13-017953 bell Olsen ricky Jeffrey FP-13-017955 DOMINICIS FP-13-017962 Hsiung FERNAN DO Stephanie FP-13-017965 FP-13-017966 LaFever Davidson Jason John 4/4/2013 Granted 4/1/2013 Granted FP-13-017971 Binetti Melissa 4/2/2013 Granted FP-13-017973 Michel Jules 4/4/2013 Granted 4/4/2013 Granted 3/27/2013 Administratively Closed 4/4/2013 Granted 3/18/2013 Denied in Part MP Report requested MP-Report traffic accident Request the Technical Guidance Letter (TGL) #1, dated 1 March 2013, signed by Jaime C. Tudor, in reference to JIEDDO TDD & IOD Contract W91CRB09D00540006 and any written record of the governments decision to eliminate specific positions, to include the name of the official authorizing the decision. DD Form 214, 14 Feb 98 pertaining to himself Findings of Investigation (FOI) from CID (CPT James A. Spannagal) a copy of any video footage of the fight and blood spill that occurred on 10 January 2013@ around 1745; any and all incident reports of the fight and subsequent blood spill and all SOPs of the confinement facility regarding the cleaning and removal of bio hazardous waste” Information re: preconstruction meeting W912HY-10-C-0030 4-4 dated Jan 15, 2013 RC Personnel/Pay Match Reports Copy of Soldier MMPA All Certificates of Performance All Certificates of Attendance The finance portion of the AC Separation Checklist DD Forms(s) 577, identifying the authorizing agent for payments and certification of unit pay documents SCOTT CAMBELL All PCNs and preliminary PCNs submitted by TransCanada for the Keystone XL pipeline - 9/19/08 and 5/4/12 Request for MP RPt Copy of the Army General Counsel Opinion of March 13, 1986 Copies of payrolls for Anderson Excavating, Hayes Drilling, Kiewit, Treviicos and Heimes Corp. Addendum to BA FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 342 of 1088 FP-13-017975 Neff David 4/4/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-017977 Creedy Benjamin 3/29/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-017981 FP-13-017993 FP-13-017995 Burgess Richards Jones Patrick Elliott Nocomas 4/3/2013 Administratively Closed 4/4/2013 Granted 4/4/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-017998 Bacon Lynn 4/3/2013 Granted FP-13-017999 Wyatt Craig 3/22/2013 Granted FP-13-018002 FP-13-018004 Barekman Milligan Dustin Mike 4/4/2013 Administratively Closed 4/4/2013 Granted FP-13-018006 Epperson Brian 4/4/2013 Granted FP-13-018007 Ahern Sean 4/4/2013 Granted FP-13-018008 LAw Group Willis 4/4/2013 Granted FP-13-018009 Reporting Bureau 4/4/2013 Granted FP-13-018010 Coffee Metropolit an Zina FP-13-018014 Corona Madheline 4/4/2013 Granted Requesting a list of all trainees, upward mobility, developmentally assigned and interns assigned to the South West Region of CHRA during the rateing period of 20082009. MPR 3736-2012 FP-13-018015 FP-13-018017 McManus Darelius Sean Jason 4/4/2013 Granted 4/4/2013 Administratively Closed MPR 1068-2013 Ann Snider 4/4/2013 Administratively Closed Records Related to communications between USACE and RQ Construction from June 1 2011 through March 22, 2013 Related to GIB FY 11 Section 10 22 26 Operable Partitions Copies of documents concerning the Missouri River flood of 2011 Employment Records of Anthony Scarnavack Pier Permit Request for records of FT Begining CIF due to whister blower actions that got him fired Copy of Permit NO. NWO-2001-90595 - MTB, mitigation plan, mitigation site, and deed restriction Copy of the easement for International Western's Thompson site, copies of applications received for surplus water agreements and subsequent applications. Military Discharge packet 1-1 AD All documents pertaining to an assault on Allison Hluchan CID Referred docs on behalf of Brian Epperson for documents of SPC Eppersons death Investigation Copies of the daily production reports (4267s), all pay estimates (ENG 93), and BD/AD hydrographic/land surveys (.xyz format) for Old River Control Structures Maintenance Dredging-Inflow Channels, Concordia Parish, LA; Solicitation/Contract # W912P8-12-B-0033/W912P8-12-C0039 All files, reports, recordings, audio, CID on Bani Lujan Renteria MPR 1237-2013 FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 343 of 1088 FP-13-018018 Sealey Julia 4/4/2013 The Law Offices Of Lane, Reese, Summers, Ennis & Perdomo, P.A., Authorization for Medical Information sign by Julia Sealey RE: Sealey, Julia v Gulliver Schools, Inc. FP-13-018019 FP-13-018021 FP-13-018022 Bist Barbour Pickett, III Manjo Richard Charles 4/4/2013 Granted 4/4/2013 Administratively Closed 3/7/2013 Granted FP-13-018024 FP-13-018026 FP-13-018028 FP-13-018029 Sica Chilli Hills Drewry Michael Frank Shannon Ray 4/4/2013 4/4/2013 4/4/2013 3/4/2013 FP-13-018031 FP-13-018042 FP-13-018044 Griffin Garzo Alms Eric Michael Tina 4/4/2013 Granted 4/1/2013 Administratively Closed 3/21/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-018045 Wilson Jamie 3/25/2013 Denied in Part lake data Baghad Municipal Solid Waste Landfill Project all records pertaining to Charles L. Oicket, III, including but not limited to, personnel records, investigative recores, background records, transfer information, deployment information, and all other information related. new marinas construction permit application status USACE contract W912HZ-09-C-0078 Request for MP RPt Disclosure of any information about (repsondent) during the time periods: 1 January 1998 to present. Should include a minimum of emails, phone transcripts, and written documents to, from and within the NCARNG Request for MP Rpt AR 15-6 investigation into the SFC Brady incident Permit #AL01-02508-H (SAM-2001-02508-H) and AL0100144-H (SAM-2001-00144-H) U.S. Steel Permit Application for cogeneration and carbon allow synthesis facility in Port of Epes, Sumter Co., AL FP-13-018046 FP-13-018047 FP-13-018048 Castillo Roberts Barnette Jennifer Paul Cathy 4/4/2013 Granted 4/4/2013 Administratively Closed 3/25/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-018049 Davis Howard 4/4/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-018052 Komljenovic Ivana 4/2/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-018059 Sherry Cody 4/4/2013 Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Police Report Access to and copies of his records. Wetland information on Red Gate Estates, Le Papillon Phase V, Rushing Oaks, Ascot Pointe Magnolia Village and Worthington Records pertaining to servicemember's death (Freddie L. Perit). MacDill Visiting Quarters, MacDill AFB, FL, W91278-12-D0037 MP Report for accident occurring on 9 Mar 13. FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 344 of 1088 FP-13-018065 Thacker Tilden 4/4/2013 Granted Copies of any/all surveys, maps, easements, deeds, reports, assessments, photographs, notes, measurements, correspondence, emails, field notes and any/all other documents pertaining to the connector road construction between Upper Pompey and Fishtrap Lake, including any/all emails exchanged by anyone on behalf of the USACE and anyone on behalf of the Pike County Fiscal Court FP-13-018066 Rafferty Lori 4/4/2013 Administratively Closed Any available information for the McAlpine Dam to complete the following requirements for the Community Rating System for Louisville, KY: (a) A general description of the dam, including its distance upstream from the community; (b) A dam failure inundation map; (c) Dam failure flood hazard data, including the arrival time of flood waters at different locations and peak elevations of the dam failure flood; (d) The development exposed to dam failure flooding, such as the number and types of buildings; land use (residential, agricultural, open space, etc.); and critical facilities; (e) The expected impacts of dam failure flooding on health and safety; community functions, such as police and utility services; and the potential for secondary hazards. FP-13-018067 Williams Hilary 4/4/2013 Denied in Part 1. All records relating to Trinity Coal Corporation 2. All records relating to Prater Branch Resources 3. All records relating to Little Elk Mining 4. All records relating to Levis a Fork 5. All records relating to Frasure Resources, LLC 6. All records relating to Bear Fork Resources, LLC 7. All records relating to North Springs Resources 8. All records relating to Deep Water Resources, LLC 9. All records relating to Banner Coal Terminal, LLC 10. All records relating to Hughes Creek Terminal, LLC FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 345 of 1088 FP-13-018068 Williams Hilary 4/4/2013 Granted All records relating to Trinity Coal Corporation; all records relating to Prater Branch Resources; all records relating to Little Elk Mining; all records relating to Levis Fork; all records relating to Frasure Resources, LLC; all records relating to Bear Fork Resources, LLC; all records relating to North Springs Resources; all records relating to Deep Water Resources, LLC; all records relating to Banner Coal Terminal, LLC; and all records relating to Hughes Creek Terminal, LLC. Known addresses include but may not be limited to: 4978 Teays Valley Road, Scott Depot, WV 25560; 263 Frasure Creek Mine Road, Milton, WV 25541; and 2072 Stephen Street, Hugheston, WV 25110 FP-13-018069 Nation Greg 3/20/2013 Granted FP-13-018070 FP-13-018071 Branson Messineo Steven Carl 4/4/2013 Granted 4/4/2013 Granted FP-13-018072 FP-13-018077 FP-13-018078 Branson Spatcher Sherick Steven DeAngelo Steven 4/4/2013 Granted 4/4/2013 Granted 4/4/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-018079 FP-13-018080 FP-13-018081 FP-13-018087 FP-13-018089 FP-13-018091 FP-13-018101 FP-13-018104 FP-13-018105 Mapp Pitre Null Fidee Willey Snell Byerrs Schettler Brooks Kejuan Cynthia David George Jennifer Nakia Clinton James Robert GIS data or information regarding public road mileage for LR District owned/maintained by USACE in Arkansas. Daily Reports for contract 10-C-0052 information related to the Department of Defense's consultation and/or coordination with municipal, state and/or local police agencies within the United States...on the planning, authorizing, and execution of joint military and police training exercises. 09-C-0103 Award and NTP TA-50 Stolen Any and all military police reports, incident log records, witness statements, correspondence (electronic or paper) regarding an incident reported by Captain James McCoy regarding Matthew Paul Brent. Date of incident was May 26, 2009. Correspondence to include any correspondence to or frm Captain McCoy or to or from the Sierra Vista Police Department or Cochise County Attorney's Office and Army Personnel. Stolen TA-50 Traffic incident - door opened and hit parked car. MP-Report Traffic accident MP-Report Traffic Accident MP-Report Traffic accident MP-Report Traffic Accident MP-Report Traffic accident PFC Mark P. Schettler Case # 490721 Copy of investigation pertaining to MAJ Gen Ralph Baker 4/4/2013 4/4/2013 4/5/2013 4/5/2013 4/2/2013 3/28/2013 3/26/2013 4/5/2013 4/5/2013 Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Administratively Closed FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 346 of 1088 FP-13-018107 Jones Nocomas 4/5/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-018120 FP-13-018135 FP-13-018143 O'Brian Casperson Alexander Rebecca Terry Brian 4/5/2013 Granted 4/5/2013 Granted 4/5/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-018152 Chessler Michael 4/5/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-018153 FP-13-018154 FP-13-018155 FP-13-018156 FP-13-018158 Griffin Chilli Chilli Delgado Tweed Johnny Frank Frank Eydie Brad 4/4/2013 4/5/2013 4/5/2013 4/5/2013 4/4/2013 FP-13-018159 FP-13-018160 See Milton Angel Carla 4/4/2013 Granted 4/5/2013 Granted Granted Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Granted Granted Documents reference CIF negligent practices pertaining to Mr. Jones' termination July 2012 due to Whistle Blower complaint. the proposed Hackensack River Basin Tide Gate Request for MP RPt Request the identity of all companies who manufacturer the following parts used on the AH-64D helicopter: Bearing, Roller, Taper (upper) PN 7-311411202-5 NSN 3110-01-2154794 Retainer, Seal PN 7-114111020 NSN 1615-01-1699136 Seal, Plain Encased PN 7-114111050 NSN 5330-01170-2933 Seeking inventory records of bull dozers, front-end loaders, and road graders, including the brand name and model of each piece of equiipment (if available) that were present at Fort Leonard Wood during the period May 1966 through February 1968 and that would have been worked on by or present at the 520th Engr Co and/or the 505th Maintenance Company (heavy equipment). If the data cannot be narrowed to these companies, data for Fort Leonard Wood in general is sufficient, if available. Also, full year data for 1966 through 1968 would be sufficient, if that is all that is available. If inventory records are not available, in the alternative, I am seeking purchase records for the bull-dozers, front-end oaders, and road graders ibcluding the brand name and model of each piece of equipment (if available) at Fort Leonard Wood, 520th Engineer Company and/or 505th Maintenance Company (Heavy Equipment) for the period of January 1956 through February 1968. Full year data is sufficient, if that is all that is available Debt Verification Contract Contract Request for MP Rpt POS information for 491 and 497 and 481 for 2012 - one month access. subdepartmnt 426 Sales Request for MP Rpt FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 347 of 1088 FP-13-018161 Chilli Frank 4/4/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-018162 Fiet Alexander 4/5/2013 Granted FP-13-018163 FP-13-018164 Dean Apodaca Karen Paul 4/5/2013 Administratively Closed 4/5/2013 Granted FP-13-018165 FP-13-018166 FP-13-018169 FP-13-018171 Carr Groneman Barton, Jr Meldrum Erica Arthur Brad Lee Maria 4/5/2013 4/5/2013 4/5/2013 4/5/2013 FP-13-018172 Meldrum Maria 4/5/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-018180 FP-13-018198 FP-13-018209 FP-13-018211 FP-13-018213 FP-13-018215 FP-13-018222 FP-13-018226 Neild-Owens Fitts Bridges Saddler Williams Midyette Womac Burke Ryan Michael Aaron Cecil Larry Joseph joy Mitt 4/5/2013 4/5/2013 4/5/2013 4/5/2013 4/5/2013 4/5/2013 4/5/2013 4/5/2013 FP-13-018237 Crowe Jason 4/5/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-018238 FP-13-018244 FP-13-018245 FP-13-018246 Vallecillo Chilli Baker Rasbach Martin Frank Jack Coral FP-13-018247 FP-13-018248 FP-13-018249 Staines Pearson Donn Anthony Teresa Calli 4/5/2013 4/5/2013 3/21/2013 4/5/2013 Granted Granted Granted Administratively Closed Granted Administratively Closed Denied in Part Denied in Part Denied in Part Denied in Part Administratively Closed Granted Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Granted Administratively Closed 4/1/2013 Granted 4/5/2013 Granted 4/5/2013 Administratively Closed Documents concerning W912HZ-09-C-0078 (RFP, basic contract, amendments, modifications, source selection documents) Alexander D. Fiet Dupont Pompton Lakes Works Site Complete non-redacted contract W58RGZ-08-D-0174, willing to pay up to $250. Erica L. Carr Arthur D. Groneman Brad Lee Barton, Jr. Copies of coastal studies, testing, and investigations of North Perry Townline Park Hbr marina project area that contributed to the scouring, erosion and loss of beachfront in Madison OH. Copies of coastal studies, testing, and investigations of North Perry Townline Park Hbr marina project area that contributed to the scouring, erosion and loss of beachfront in Madison OH. Ryan Neild-Owens Public Notice/Application No.: SPL-2013-00183-CLH CFT CTF CTF Documents related to Detainer. CTF Request for Charge Sheet Maple Leaf Farm, Racine County, letter sent to develop, ref. wetlands. Notice of Violation Integrated waste mngemnt, Hazardous waste disposa, recycling, landfill mngmt, collection and disposal plan MPR 2376-2008 Contract Pre-dam sheets on CD of little rock district lakes. Copy of contract W91RUS09C0031 including any modifications, extensions, or amendments. Video of allision at L&D 25 MV JULIE April 4, 2013 Listing of water storage agreements Documents on the railroad mod and deeming Pioneer impracticable that are not confidential. FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 348 of 1088 FP-13-018250 Fortner John 4/5/2013 Denied in Part A copy of contract W911KB-12-C-0011 for project FTR251, Brigade Combat Team (BCT) Light Complex, Phase 1A. FP-13-018268 Love (13-123) Kimball 4/5/2013 Granted FP-13-018269 Love (13-124) Kimball 4/5/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-018270 Scott (13-125) Kellie 4/5/2013 Granted FP-13-018271 Lindenmayer Dana 4/8/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-018284 FP-13-018287 Bass Dean Sienna Karen 4/8/2013 Granted 4/8/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-018294 Berman DAn 4/8/2013 Administratively Closed John Bubel, American Earth Movers, Contract No. W912EP09-C-0055, River Acres Flood Proofing Cayman Flora, Chris Flora, Contract No. W912EP-09-C0055 520-540 W. Ave., Miami Beach (Section 4, Township 54, Range 42) Request for a copy of the Commander's Inquiry for which she was a subject dtd 29 Oct 2012 Names, #s, Email of Project Managers for Permits DuPont Pompton Lakes Works Site, Pompton Lakes, Passaic, County, NJ The following are related to documents in Guam, to include but not limited to Anderson Air Force Base, NCTAMS Station, Naval Hospital Guam Shoppette and Guam Naval Station Navy Exchange during the time period of September 30, 2011 to April 8, 2013. 1. Agreements, PO, Contracts for purchase of alcoholic beverages in Guam. 2. Documents showing what alcoholic beverages are sold at the Exchange in Guam. 3. Offeres received by the Exchange for alcoholic beverages FP-13-018295 Rogers Daniel 4/8/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-018296 FP-13-018297 FP-13-018300 FP-13-018301 Santos Santos Strand Emshwiller Rose Rose Ginger John FP-13-018306 Wall Karen 4/8/2013 Administratively Closed Copy of docs regarding the experimentation on the citizens of St. Louis by the Army during 1950s and 1960s. FP-13-018307 FP-13-018308 FP-13-018309 Gleason, Jr. De Jesus Branson Kevin Santiago Steven 4/8/2013 Administratively Closed 4/8/2013 Administratively Closed 4/4/2013 Granted Copy of Major Brownrigg's UCMJ Charge Sheet. Copy of SSBI investigation FPE for 09-c-0069 3/26/2013 4/2/2013 4/8/2013 4/8/2013 Granted Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Granted Projection break down of the amount of expiring contracts or projected transition rate and historical data pertaining to the number of soldiers who left service over the last 3 years. contract & mods W15QKN-06-C-0130 contract W15QKN-06-C-0130 Copy of Individual Deceased file, Bernard Vonnegut. 78 addresses of adjacent landowners located at the FUSRAP clean-up sites, St. Louis Airport Vicinity Properties FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 349 of 1088 FP-13-018310 FP-13-018311 FP-13-018312 FP-13-018313 Branson Branson Branson Phillips Steven Steven Steven Dave 4/3/2013 4/3/2013 4/3/2013 4/8/2013 Granted Granted Granted Administratively Closed FP-13-018314 Sutton Elizabeth 4/8/2013 Granted FP-13-018319 FP-13-018321 Sharp Havens Pam Dallas 4/8/2013 Granted 4/8/2013 Granted FP-13-018322 FP-13-018328 Guzman Michel Jason Jules 4/8/2013 Granted 4/8/2013 Granted FPE 11-C-0015 FPE 11-C-0052 FPE 12-C-0017 *The number of active duty soldiers in 2012 at Fort Sill who were in the Integrated Disability Evaluation System (IDES) process who but were discharged instead for misconduct through Chapter 10, Chapter 14 or UCMJ. *The number of active duty soldiers in 2012 at Fort Sill who were in the Integrated Disability Evaluation System (IDES) process and were recommended for separation through Chapter 14 but instead were sent by the commanding general to complete the IDES process. To the extent not already responsive, in reference to the Coal-Mac Mine, LRH-2008-00830, SMCRA No. S500607: any and all monitoring data and/or reports submitted to the Corps pursuant to the permit requirements, and any and all other communications including, but not limited to, letters, reports, emails and or approvals to fill streams including, but not limited to, those communications between the Corps and Coal Mac about the above noted mine. Requests/notifications received from January 2010 to present for withdrawal of previously filed 404 applications for surfacing mining operations in West Virginia. To the extent not already responsive, any and all monitoring data and or reports submitted to the Corps pursuant to the permit requirements for the Consol of Kentucky, Peg Fork Mine, Corps Number 2006-2295 KAN. To the extent not already responsive, any and all other communications including, but not limited to, those communications between the Corps and Consol about the above noted Peg Fork Mine from January 2010 to present. Any and all preliminary or final information including, but not limited to, articles, reports, emails, phone Permits Copies of the contract and all contract modifications of contract # W58RGZ-10-C-0107 which was awarded to L-3 Communications, Corp., Systems Field Support, Madision, WA Request for MP Rpt What was sent to USFWS regarding the proposed Detienned intertidal/subtidal geoduck farm FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 350 of 1088 FP-13-018330 FP-13-018331 Rasbach Karvonen Coral Shannon 4/8/2013 Denied in Part 4/8/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-018335 FP-13-018337 Windland Walter John Martin 4/8/2013 Granted 4/4/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-018338 FP-13-018340 Zanutto Crandall Matt Lorin 4/8/2013 Granted 4/5/2013 Granted MPR 0692-2013 We request an opportunity to review any and all documents pertaining to permitted impacts to wetlands and rivers in Missouri caused by the original construction of the Flanagan South Oil Pipeline (Line 55). This request pertains to the existing pipeline, not the proposed Enbridge Pipeline. Due to the fact that this may involve a very large amount of records, we would like to get a sense of the documentation and permits issued for the project and then proceed with a more specific request. FP-13-018341 Doherty Erin 3/26/2013 Granted FP-13-018342 FP-13-018343 Brock Diazlo, Jr. Walter Edward Copies of Certified Payroll Records for Barts Electric Company for Feb 8, 2013 to March 8, 2013 for Travis AFB Hospital Renovation Phase 2. Request for MP Rpt Contractor Evaluation Report for Vanguard Contractors LLC for the project Building 700, Fort Sill, OK 4/8/2013 Granted 4/5/2013 Denied in Full Contract W91RUS09C0031 Section 404 Related Records for Stanford Ranch Project area MPR 1341-2013 Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, I hereby request access to any and all documents memorializing a workplace injury on the above-referenced project suffered by an employee of any of the following companies: Murray Drywall, Millennium Drywall Services Corp., Escamilla Inc., C. Martinez Drywall LLC, or Constructor Services Inc. FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 351 of 1088 FP-13-018344 Sutton Elizabeth 4/8/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-018346 Taylor Sarah 4/5/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-018348 FP-13-018349 FP-13-018350 FP-13-018351 Young Lewis Fike Bass Katrina Daryl Maria Sienna 4/8/2013 4/8/2013 4/8/2013 4/8/2013 Administratively Closed Granted Administratively Closed Administratively Closed 1) We request the following documents listed below received during the time period from April 1, 2013 to present: a. Requests/notifications for withdrawal of previously filed 404 applications for surface mining operations in Kentucky. b. All notices, requests, or applications for coverage for coalmines, refuse or slurry impoundments under NW permits 21, 49 or 50. c. Any Corps authorizations including decision documents and facts and findings granted under NWP 21, 49 or 50 for activities in Kentucky or Tennessee. d. Any individual 404 permits including decision documents, facts and findings, and final CMPs for surface mining operations or refuse or slurry impoundments in Kentucky or Tennessee e. Any and all Environmental Information Documents received including amendments, revisions and/or appendices and any and all Compensatory Mitigation Plans including amendments, revisions and/or appendices related to coal mining operations submitted to the Corps for operations in Kentucky or Tennessee. f. All monitoring reports received by the Corps related to any mining compensatory mitigation plans for stream creation, enhancement, or restoration projects for 404 permits in KY. Records relative into the death SPC David W. Taylor (Son) Referral from USACIDC Transontinental Gas Pipe Line, GA Request for statement provided to MP's Gabriele personal Property designated as WETLANDS the names, telephone numbers and email address for the project managers of specific permits applications FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 352 of 1088 FP-13-018352 Aneja Saurabh 4/8/2013 Administratively Closed Any permit applications related to the proposed redevelopment of the old Amax Recovery Metals Inc facility, hereafter (“AMAX Project”), located at 3607 English Turn Road, Braithwaite, Louisiana, into a coal handling or coal export facility; and · All communications related to any permit application for the AMAX Project, including but not limited to all communications between Corps employees or agents and any person outside the federal executive branch, between the United States Army Corps of Engineers New Orleans District (“New Orleans District”) and other executive branch agencies, or within the Corps. For purposes of this paragraph, “person” includes but is not limited to individual landowners, consultants, surveyors, developers, project proponents, public officials, state agencies, corporations, partnerships, and associations. FP-13-018353 FP-13-018354 FP-13-018356 FP-13-018358 FP-13-018359 FP-13-018361 FP-13-018362 FP-13-018365 Davidson Gowan Reilly Leary Leary Leary Leary Reilly John David Sean Pittman Pittman Pittman Pittman Sean 4/8/2013 4/8/2013 4/8/2013 4/8/2013 4/8/2013 4/8/2013 4/8/2013 4/8/2013 FP-13-018366 Lofton Barbara 4/8/2013 Administratively Closed FOIA Determination request ATEC documents ATEC and BTO documents TIOH drawings TIOH drawings TIOH Drawings TIOH Drawings Army Acquisition Support Center's Lean Six Sigma Communication Plan, LSS projects and total cost Requsting two letters dated February 19, 20, 2013, written by MAJ Paul Micshaud and sent to ABC in Ft Riley, KS. FP-13-018370 Burke Patrick 4/8/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-018371 FP-13-018374 Cannon Girardi Peter Natalia 4/8/2013 Denied in Part 4/8/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-018379 Bass Sienna 4/8/2013 Granted Granted Denied in Part Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Granted Administratively Closed Any and all documents, communications and correspondences concerning the sixteen F-16 fighter jets and 200 Abrams tanks to be delivered to Egypt by the end of 2013 that were produced between September 1, 2012 and January 31, 2013. Contract W91RUS-10-D-0002 copy of New York District report: Sandburg Creek, New York; Spring Glen Flood Control Project; Spring Glen, New York; November 1964. Multi permits LRE-2004-70381 / LRE-1989-50036 / LRE1988-470053 / LRE-1986-150186 / LRE-2012-00459-41. FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 353 of 1088 FP-13-018380 Hutchinson Asa 3/27/2013 Granted FP-13-018381 Wegner Brooke 4/8/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-018382 Helper Matt 4/5/2013 FP-13-018383 Burke Traci FP-13-018384 FP-13-018385 Hill Sutton Tyler Elizabeth 4/8/2013 Granted 4/8/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-018386 FP-13-018387 FP-13-018388 Martinez Bass Carrender Pablo Sienna Aremy 4/8/2013 Administratively Closed 4/8/2013 Granted 4/8/2013 Administratively Closed 3/27/2013 Granted copy of Permit No. 1964 for Wilkins Estates Communicty Boat Dock on Beaver Lake 911 calls made regarding the fatal shooting at Fort Knox on the evening of 3 April 2013. Information or documentation that would indicate whether the status of the Ison Rock Ridge permit in Virginia of A and G coal company (owned by southern coal) in wise county virgiina has requested a 404 Permit for that surface mine. Its Department of Mine mineral and Energy, application number is Application Number: 1003841, Any other documentation between the EPA and the Army corps regarding this 404 permit would also be requested. Copy of Boat Dock Permit No. 17343 on Table Rock Lake Request for MP rpt All communications including letters, reports, emails, applications, CMPS, decision documents and or permits from May 6, 2009 to present between A&G Coal Co. in reference to the proposed Ison Rock Ridge mine; all requests received from Jan 2010 to present for withdrawal of previously filed 404 applications for surfacing mining operations in VA; any communications between the Norfolk District and USEPA related to coal mining from January 20, 2009 to present; with respect to coalmines, refuse or slurry impoundments, application docs and permits issued under NWP 21,49, 50; application docs and permits issued under section 404; Environmental Information documents; monitoring reports and mitigation plans for period 4/2/134/8/13 HIstorical Maintenance Records MVN-2009-00454 MPR 1433-2013 and 1679-2013 FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 354 of 1088 FP-13-018389 Witczak Sharon 4/8/2013 Denied in Part I request a copy of all job selection and hiring records for Vacancy Announcement Number: SCBK10002801. Vacancy Announcement Number: SCBK10002801 Opening Date: February 01, 2010 Closing Date: February 16, 2010 Position: SUPV GENERAL ENGINEER, YF-0801-03 Place of Work: US ARMY SPACE & MISSILE DEF CMD, REDSTONE ARSENAL, AL (Selectee is Mr. Tom Webber) FP-13-018390 Zein Ruth 4/8/2013 Administratively Closed would like to FOIA the following incumbent contracts, including mods and task orders, for the SYSTEMS ENGINEERING AND TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE CONTRACT (SETAC 2010) awarded by USASMDC/ARSTRAT on 21 December 2012: Colsa W9113M13D0002 DMD W9113M13D0003 ERC W9113M13D0004 Quantum Research W9113M13D0005 Radiance Technologies W9113M13D0006 Sigmatec W8113M13D0007 Systems Studies & Simulation W9113M13D0008 Warfighter Solutions W9113M13D0009 FP-13-018391 Swillings Jessica 4/9/2013 Granted FP-13-018392 Alston Flora 4/9/2013 Granted FP-13-018393 FP-13-018394 FP-13-018395 FP-13-018396 FP-13-018397 FP-13-018398 Gillian Geraci Geraci Upton Wilson McMillen kathy Athena Joseph Jarrett Dustin Rebecca 4/9/2013 4/9/2013 4/9/2013 4/9/2013 4/9/2013 4/9/2013 FP-13-018399 Zink Charlie 4/9/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-018400 FP-13-018401 Hernandez Fulmore Mary Lizzie 4/9/2013 Granted 4/9/2013 Granted This FOIA was initially received by the USCID Crime Records Center, 27130 Telegraph Road Quantico, Va 22134. USCID forwarded us exhibit 20 from their files for direct reply to requestor because exhibit 20 originated from one of my organizations. ROI 2012-CID967-73991-5H The U.S. CID Crime Records Center sent my office exhibit 20 from the above referenced CID report for direct reply to requestor since exhibit 20 originated from one of my organizations. MP report requested MP report requested MP Report requested MP Report requested MP report requested Copies of contracts, delivery orders and modifications awarded in response to the subject solicitation to contractors other than ATK. Info on the MPHI contract between the Army and Lend Lease LLC at Fort Hood, TX Police Report Army Permit 89-2A-055 Lake Carolina Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Administratively Closed FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 355 of 1088 FP-13-018402 FP-13-018403 FP-13-018404 FP-13-018405 Bartels Butler Sevilla Jackson Gregory Nada Angela Junias 4/9/2013 Administratively Closed 4/9/2013 Administratively Closed 4/9/2013 4/9/2013 Granted FP-13-018406 Singleton Rhonda 4/9/2013 Granted FP-13-018408 Cameron John 4/9/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-018409 FP-13-018410 Santos Santos Rose Rose 4/9/2013 Administratively Closed 4/9/2013 FP-13-018411 Lindsey Andrew 4/9/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-018413 Dahl Julia 4/9/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-018414 Dahl Julia 4/9/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-018415 Vega 4/9/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-018416 Nasirifard 4/9/2013 Administratively Closed Info regarding security clearance FP-13-018417 Jones Hanifa Suleiman Mohamm ad Lennard Copy of discharge and US Army file. Copy of completed one page SF813 Request for Court-Martial File Copy of the 15-6 investigation of SFC Tracy Y. Jordan and 1LT Junias M. Jackson, conducted by MAJ Coren J. Allen, between 26 October -16 November 2012. Request for any and all records pertaining to Rhonda Singleton from Fort Bragg Military Police, CID, and Womack Army Hospital. Copy of personnel, medical records and hospital records pertaining to client (Herbert Nance). W91CRB-12-C-0052 Request a copy of the following documents identified to W91CRB10C0178: ENVG II EMD and IDIQ Contract and SOW with all modifications for DRS. Request for a copy of a 15-6 Investigation Report pertaining to SSG Andrew J. Lindsey. Request for a copy of PV2 Lavena L. Johnson investigation report. Request for a copy of PV2 Lavena Johnson Investigation Report. Info regarding security background check 4/9/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-018418 Jones Lennard 4/9/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-018420 Johnson #B-09271 Michael 4/9/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-018422 Kaplan 4/9/2013 Granted Info regarding the death of Charles J. Brown on August 8, 1966 in Vietnam. Info regarding the death of Charles J. Brown on August 8, 1966 in Vietnam. Copy of docs, Index listing of Volume 1 and 2 of the Low Intensity Conflict Project, final report (JLIC Final Report), listing of lesson plans pertaining to Guerrilla Warfare tactics, Counter Guerrilla Warfare tactics, Psychological Warfare subversion, listing of departments at the U.S. Army Special Warfare School at Ft Bragg. remediation of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) William J. Hughes Technical Center (EPA ID#: NJ9690510020), a/k/a the Atlantic City International Airport, or a/k/a the FAA Technical Center, collectively, the “site” Michelle FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 356 of 1088 FP-13-018426 Shaw Ronald 4/5/2013 Administratively Closed Option related protest. For Contract W9126G-11-D-0003 that was awarded to SDVOB woman-owned business. (1) Name of Company to which the "replacement" TO will be issued and the Contract Number, (2) name and telephone number of the head of the Contracting Activity for which you work, (3) the name of the COE attorney assigned to the matter, (4) Any written justification for not continuing to issue a TO to HFS under Contract No. D-0003, (5) Any written justification for procuring the services HFS is currently performing from a large business. FP-13-018430 Blackwell Michael 4/9/2013 Granted FP-13-018432 FP-13-018434 FP-13-018435 FP-13-018437 Fisher Dupuis Robol Rivera Karen John Ryan Angel 4/9/2013 4/9/2013 4/9/2013 4/9/2013 FP-13-018438 Flanary Angie 4/9/2013 Granted All documents, correspondence and communications (including e-mails) between any agent, employee or representative of the United States Army Corps of Engineers and any agent, servant, employee or attorney acting on behalf of Lakeshore Engineering Services, L.L.C., including, but not limited to, any in-house attorneys employed by Lakeshore Engineering Services, L.L.C. or any attorney or law firm acting for or on behalf of Lakeshore Engineering Services, L.L.C., relating or pertaining in any way to the project known as: Lake Pontchartrain and Vicinity, Louisiana Project North of Airline Highway, St. Charles Parish, Louisiana Cross Bayou Drainage Structure - Phase 2 LPV07b.2 (hereinafter referred to as "the Cross Bayou Project"). 3. All correspondence and communications (including emails) relating or pertaining in any manner to the Cross Bayou Project between any employee or representative of the United States Army Corps of Engineers and any agent, employee or representative of Hitech Engineering Services, Inc. 4. All correspondence and communications (including emails) relating or pertaining in any manner to the Cross Bayou Project between any employee or representative of Death of Soldier - SGT Dylan K. Fisher Permit 16384/01 Permit modification Request for a final copy of a 15-6 Investigation Report pertaining to the death of SFC Angel A. Rivera. Documents related to W912HN-07-R-0039 and W912HN-07D-0024 awarded Tainter Gate contracts. Granted Granted Granted Administratively Closed FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 357 of 1088 FP-13-018439 Aponte Luz 4/9/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-018440 Kim John 3/21/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-018441 FP-13-018442 FP-13-018445 FP-13-018450 O'Brien O'Brien O'Brien Sander Alexa Alexa Alexa Gerhard 4/9/2013 4/9/2013 4/9/2013 Administratively Closed 4/8/2013 Granted FP-13-018451 FP-13-018459 Bell Santos Joel Rose 4/9/2013 Granted 4/9/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-018460 Flanary Angie 3/28/2013 Granted FP-13-018462 FP-13-018463 FP-13-018465 Bishop Plumlee Martin Matt Larry Trese 3/28/2013 Administratively Closed 4/1/2013 Administratively Closed 4/1/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-018466 Rodriguez Luz 4/9/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-018469 Elliott Patrick 4/9/2013 Granted FP-13-018470 Pyron Herbert 4/9/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-018471 Villalobos Alysa 4/9/2013 Granted Request for a final copy of a 15-6 Investigation Report pertaining to the death of SFC Angel A. Rivera Stockpiles of U.S. Landmines and Cluster Munitions in Korea & South Korea Request for PFC Manning court-martial documents Request for PFC Manning Court-Martial Documents Request for Court-Martial Documents on PFC Manning All geogrid submital materials including transmittals and samples for Qwuloolt Levee Restoration Historical Maintenance Records Request a copy of ENVG II EMD & IDIQ Contract and SOW for base award and all modifications pertaining to contract W91CRB10C0179. Copies of Awarded SF30; Awarded List amounts of Contract Line Items; and Awarded Specs Measurement and Payment for 09 R 0040; 09 R 0019 and 09 R 0023. copy of Boat Dock Permit No. 1283 on Beaver Lake. Eagle Rock Sign on Table Rock lake. Copies of Witness Statements of John Huey and Kevein Cooper associated with Estate of Bullard for Workers Comp Claim Certified Payroll records for M&D concrete, subcontracting who is performing, or performed wokr on the job #60001, Newton Armed Forces Reserve Center Requester would like records relating to planning, advertising, hosting and other Army support or Easter service events at ANC, emails frpm PA, Chanplains and other departments. All videos and audio recoring of the Easter services. All financila recors, invoices, receppts and accoutnting records related. All policies and procedures on the use of the ANC Memorial Amphitheater for events. Requesting a copy of Report of investigation , pertaining to the deaths of PFC Michael W. Pryron. Request for MP Rpt FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 358 of 1088 FP-13-018472 Cappello Jody 4/9/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-018473 FP-13-018474 MacDanel Pyron Patrick Monika 4/9/2013 Granted 4/9/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-018475 Santos Rose 4/9/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-018478 Phillips Dave 4/8/2013 Granted FP-13-018479 FP-13-018480 FP-13-018481 Hernandez Garcia Coluccio Israel Lisette Cheryl 4/9/2013 Granted 4/9/2013 Granted 4/9/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-018482 FP-13-018484 Ossenkop Santos Dennis Rose 4/9/2013 Granted 4/9/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-018485 FP-13-018486 James Murphy Teresa James 3/29/2013 4/9/2013 Granted 1. All communications, documents, contracts, schedules, timetables, standards, Requests for Proposals and reports regarding the Armed Forces Reserve Center, located in Middletown, Connecticut, (the "Project"). 2. All documents relating to the Contract No. W912QR-10-C-004. 3. All change orders submitted on the Project. 4. All communications regarding the Mechanically Stabilized Earth retaining wall (the "MSE wall") of the Project. 5. All documents regarding the MSE wall 6. All projections, budgets, bids, estimates communications and documents regarding the failure of the MSE wall 7. All projections, budgets, bids, estimates communications and documents regarding the reconstruction of the MSE wall 8. Minutes of all meetings related to the failure and reconstruction of the MSE wall 9. All documents related to the alleged failure of the MSE wall 10. All documents related to the reconstruction ofthe MSE wall 11. All documents related to the MSE wall's reconstruction schedule, timetables, and/or benchmarks for all phases of the reconstruction. 12. All documents and communications regarding the design of the reconstruction of the MSE wall 13. All documents and communications Tiger Island Floodwall Requesting a copy of Report of investigation, pertaining to the deaths of PFC Michael W. Pryron. Request a copy of the ENVG II EMD & IDIQ Contract and SOW for Base Award and all Modifications pertaining to contract W91CRB10C0177. Number of active Soldiers who in 2012 were in the IDES Process Academic records GTMO Rental Vehicles Requesting a copy of Report of investigation, pertaining to the deaths of PFC Michael W. Pryron. Permits for City of Renton Library Request a copy of ENVG II EMD and IDIQ Contract & SOW pertaining to W91CRB10C0322. 15-6 Investigation on Teresa James IAC Minutes January 2012 - December 2012 FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 359 of 1088 FP-13-018487 McMillen Rebecca 4/9/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-018488 Cruz Rachel 4/8/2013 Granted FP-13-018490 FP-13-018491 Poison Mitchell Holly Sheila 4/9/2013 Administratively Closed 4/9/2013 Granted FP-13-018492 FP-13-018493 FP-13-018494 FP-13-018495 FP-13-018496 FP-13-018497 FP-13-018499 Weston Blackmon Ba Schmierer Nieves Fearing Alonso Susan Bryron Aye Christian Benito James Juan 4/9/2013 4/9/2013 4/9/2013 4/9/2013 4/9/2013 4/9/2013 4/9/2013 FP-13-018500 Petrytus Dianna 4/9/2013 Administratively Closed Project name, Las Vegas NV Readiness Center Location, Las Vegas NV Contract Number, 40562 Our case NO, FS-9 FP-13-018501 FP-13-018503 Alexander Altenburg Brian John 4/9/2013 Administratively Closed 4/5/2013 Granted FP-13-018504 Wenger Jennifer 4/9/2013 Granted FP-13-018505 Wu Linda 4/9/2013 Granted FP-13-018506 McLean Kristi 4/9/2013 Granted FP-13-018507 Santos Rose 4/9/2013 Denied in Part Seal Plain Encased and Retainer, Seal Requester is seeking a copy of investigation regarding to an incident that occurred at the Fort Belvoir Welcome Center on Dec 14, 2012. Requesting copies of any and all documents, records and information concerning the FBI investigation into the disappearance of Richard Colvin Cox on January 14, 1950, from West Point Military Academy. Private Party Lease Agreements, Oakland Inner Harbor Tidal Canal copy of original permit (issued in 1986) and all subsequent modifications for Bradley Lake Hydroelectric project, POA1985-502. Request a copy of the Contract with applicable SOW and winning proposal pertaining to contract W91CRB12C0052. Administratively Closed Granted Administratively Closed Granted Denied in Part Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Copies of contracts, delivery orders, and modifications awarded in response to Solicitation W52P1J-12-R-0064 to contractors other than ATK. A copy of the Environmental Assessment prepared for NordAq Engergy's propsed appraisal well project (POA 20111143). accident lawsuit - Fort Bliss the most recent soil borings data for the St. Charles Parish hurricane protection levee from 8/L Station 0+00 to Station 140+00 Concerning Mr. Mark A. Mueller Inmate Telephone Requests SFC Aye Ba (xx-9947) Orders (Germany - USDB) OR's and DR's James Fearing (xx-8736) General Court Martial Order No. 12009 of 27 January 2010 US Navy-MC court of Criminal Appeal Order afferming findings Dismissal from the US Naval Service Memorandm FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 360 of 1088 FP-13-018507 Santos Rose 4/9/2013 Denied in Part Request a copy of the Contract with applicable SOW and winning proposal pertaining to contract W91CRB12C0052. FP-13-018508 Morris Kamaria 4/9/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-018509 Baldwin Craig 4/9/2013 Granted FP-13-018511 Sidwell Anne 4/9/2013 Granted FP-13-018513 Crowley Christoph er 4/9/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-018514 Wright Anthony 4/9/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-018516 Benton Earnest 4/9/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-018517 Gillam Mary 4/9/2013 Granted FP-13-018518 Phillis Michael 4/9/2013 Administratively Closed Requesting copies of any and all documents , records and information on the two letters. Soil data in the vicinity of the Mississippi River in Edgard, LA located at Mile 139.3 Ms. Sidwell would like copies of a protective order no contact order on Mr. Vazquez against Ms. Vazquez. Request a copy of the contract and any proposal SyncThink, Inc, may have submitted regarding contract W91CRB12C0070. Mod that included the ChanneI Bank deduct on Grow the Force project at Ft. Campbell, Ky W912HN-08-D-0042 CY01, Grow the Force Engineer Unit Ops Phase B- Bn HQ, Fort Campbell, Kentucky Mod lh- Communication Change Please provided all backup documentation Requesting copies of any and all documents and records for award. Regulatory Action Files 200575044, 200701902, 199475260, 200275200 and 200575389 Requesting copies of documents and records for contract. FP-13-018519 Hosey Arthur 4/9/2013 Granted Copy of documents related to DOA file number 2005-02084. A notice of violation was issued by Corps in November 2005. FP-13-018520 FP-13-018521 FP-13-018522 Baldwin Baldwin Flanary Craig Craig Angie 4/9/2013 Granted 4/9/2013 Administratively Closed 4/9/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-018523 Jackson Jerome 4/9/2013 Denied in Part Soil data for Atchafalaya River Mile 28 Soil data GIWW at Port Allen Awarded SF30, awarded list amounts of each contract line items, awarded specifications Section 01 22 00 Measurement and Payment for Contract Number W9123709-D-0020 (Solicitation Number W92237-09-R-0017) for Fishtrap Lake Copies of the Davis Bacon Act certified payroll reports submitted by electrical contractor MC Dean and any of their subcontractors for the Martin Army Hospital Project at Fort Benning, GA. Specifically reports submitted during the period September 2012 thru March 2013. FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 361 of 1088 FP-13-018524 Young Katrina 4/9/2013 Granted FP-13-018525 Marchante-Ortiz Yolanda 4/10/2013 Granted FP-13-018526 FP-13-018527 Radivojevic Love (13-126) Eva Kimball 4/10/2013 Granted 4/10/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-018528 Love (13-127) Kimball 4/10/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-018533 Cohn Alan 4/10/2013 FP-13-018534 Powers Sharon 4/10/2013 FP-13-018540 PHILIPPS DAVE 4/10/2013 Granted FP-13-018543 FP-13-018550 FP-13-018553 FP-13-018555 Storts Howard Olarte Dye Danny Lauren Harold David 4/10/2013 4/10/2013 4/10/2013 4/8/2013 FP-13-018557 Stevens Nathaniel 4/10/2013 Denied in Part Administratively Closed Granted Granted Administratively Closed Copy of permits from Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line to replace gas pipelines at the 1991 Granade Road, Conyers, Georgia 30094 vicinity. This FOIA was initially received by the USCID Crime Records Center, 27130 Telegraph Road Quantico, Va 22134. USCID forwarded us exhibit 20 from their files for direct reply to requestor because exhibit 20 originated from one of my organizations. Copy of MP Report 00100-2013-MPC347 John Bubel, American Earth Movers, Contract No. W912EP09-C-0055, River Acres Flood Proofing Cayman Flora, Chris Flora, Contract No. W912EP-09-C0055 Copy of JMC stockpile assessment report 14-12 including the MIFs referenced. All statements made against her by AMRDEC TMD gov and contractors in PM ASE. Data on active duty soldiers discharged by UCMJ under chapter 10 & 14 from 2009-2012 at Ft Riley, Ft Campbell, Ft Bragg, Ft Drum, Ft Hood, Ft Bliss and Ft Lewis. You are also seeking information on the active duty population at these installations between 2009-2012. Orders Washington Crossing Abbot Creek Mitigation Bank All nationwide and/or individual permits granted for impacts to jurisdictional waters of the United States in the Upper Savannah Service area, to include the following HUC8 watersheds: Tugaloo, Broad, Upper Savannah, and Little Rivers (type of impact permitted, wetland and/or stream area or footage impacted, type of compensatory mitigation required, number of credit required). Under the Federal Freedom of Information Act, I hereby request copies of documents pertaining to the Town of Gosnold, Massachusetts’ plans or proposal to dredge an inlet to West End Pond on the western end of Cuttyhunk Island in Gosnold Massachusetts. I limit this request to any documents after September 28, 2012. FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 362 of 1088 FP-13-018559 Cappello Jody 4/10/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-018561 Hsiung Stephanie 4/10/2013 Granted FP-13-018562 FP-13-018563 FP-13-018565 Sharp Murphy Smith Pam Greg Bianka 4/10/2013 Granted 4/9/2013 Administratively Closed 4/10/2013 Granted FP-13-018567 FP-13-018570 Lawler Cook Emima Tyler 4/10/2013 Administratively Closed 4/10/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-018571 FP-13-018572 Villagomez Palm Felicia Michael 4/10/2013 Granted 4/9/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-018573 Saites Penny 4/9/2013 Administratively Closed 1. All communications, documents, contracts, schedules, timetables, standards, Requests for Proposals and reports regarding the Armed Forces Reserve Center, located in Middletown, Connecticut, (the "Project"). 2. All documents relating to the Contract No. W912QR-10-C-004. 3. All change orders submitted on the Project. 4. All communications regarding the Mechanically Stabilized Earth retaining wall (the "MSE wall") of the Project. 5. All documents regarding the MSE walL 6. All projections, budgets, bids, estimates communications and documents regarding the failure of the MSE walL 7. All projections, budgets, bids, estimates communications and documents regarding the reconstruction of the MSE walL 8. Minutes of all meetings related to the failure and reconstruction of the MSE walL 9. All documents related to the alleged failure of the MSE walL 10. All documents related to the reconstruction ofthe MSE walL 11. All documents related to the MSE wall's reconstruction schedule, timetables, and/or benchmarks for all phases of the reconstruction. 12. All documents and communications regarding the design of the reconstruction of the MSE walL 13. All documents and Request is for all records pertaining to the construction of the proposed East-West Highway, which would run from Calais to Coburn Gore, Maine. West Point Resort DMWR Requester is seeking a copy of the permit application NAE2012-00575. IR and video Copy of Military Police Report when someone broke into his home. Requesting a copy of Military Police Report 10972012 Dredging Permit and disposal/containment facility permit for the Lake George Dredging Project and the Lake George Containment Site located in Hobart, Indiana. Work was conducted in 2000. Lake George is located within the Deep River-Lake George Dam hydrologic unit (HUC 04040001030060). The NPDES Permit number for the containment site was IN0060330. Source listing FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 363 of 1088 FP-13-018574 FP-13-018577 Lynch Kelley Jennifer Donna 4/3/2013 Administratively Closed 4/5/2013 Administratively Closed Certificates of authorization issued by the FAA for UA All material (electronic and hard copy) related to the investigation of the accident involving Carl Humphrey on August 21, 2009, El Paso, Ft Bliss, Biggs Field, TX, to also include copies of any photograph and diagrams, as well as any findings, notes, complaints, fines and audio files. FP-13-018578 FP-13-018581 Tharp Wockner Aly Gary 4/10/2013 Granted 4/9/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-018582 Shira Michael 4/10/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-018583 Mercer William 4/9/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-018585 Parker Audra 3/28/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-018587 FP-13-018588 Titze Lukehart Steven Paul 4/10/2013 Granted 4/10/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-018602 Vega Chang 4/10/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-018604 Seufale 4/10/2013 Granted FP-13-018605 FP-13-018606 FP-13-018607 Newby PRICE DiVello Annastasi a Jonathan WAYNE Dominick Debt Verification Requesting records related to graduating Order of Merit List for USMA (West Point). Request for MPR concerning incident which occurred on 25 Feb 2013 MPR for incident that occurred on 9 Mar 2013. 4/10/2013 Granted 4/10/2013 Granted 4/10/2013 Administratively Closed MPR for accident occurring on 14 Jan 2013 CESAR AYALA Request for Contract Information EA for Keystone Pipelines Documents concerning the NISP Corps WRDA 214 Agreement proposed in a public notice Micahel K. Shira is requesting a complete copy of the employment records of William F. Shira. Documents related to Yegen Drain of unauthorized discharge of dredged or fill material by Agri Systems Alliance to request all documents, including any communications, correspondence, emails, telephone messages, message logs, calendar entries, appointments, or spreadsheets, and similar communications in the possession of any official or agent in the Army Corps addressing any and all communications regarding: (i) the extension for the Met Tower permit issued under Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act for the Cape Wind Project, which extended the permit to October 31 , 2017; (ii) notice for public hearings or comment for this extension; and (iii) the modification of the special condition of the previously issued Met Tower permit. The Alliance also seeks a copy of the new permit issued on September 8, 2011. FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 364 of 1088 FP-13-018609 Verheyden-Hilliard Mara 4/10/2013 Administratively Closed DOD consultation and/or coordination with municipal, state and/or local agencies in the United States on the planning, authorizing and execution of joint military and police training. FP-13-018611 FP-13-018612 FP-13-018615 Hennigan Beeler Henry Ryan Stacy Larry 4/10/2013 Granted 4/10/2013 Administratively Closed 4/10/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-018625 Orzea Paul 4/10/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-018628 Madalengoitia Rafael 4/10/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-018629 FP-13-018633 Schantag Saites Mary Penny 4/1/2013 Administratively Closed 3/26/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-018634 Belcastro John 3/26/2013 Denied in Part MPR for incident occurring on 29 Jan 2013 15-6 pertaining to suicide of PV2 Matthew Beeter U. S. Military or allied intelligence or other observances of usage of sawed-off shotguns during the Balkan Wars Conflicts (1988-2000) Copies of employment docs related to (Salwan A. Potros) employment and the termination of employment in JanuaryFebruary 2010, regarding alleged wrongdoing. Copy of drawings for solicitation source control drawing for NIN: 015175284, 015788370 and 015832803. Records on Thomas Bowditch copy of the solicitaton to contract DAAE07-98-D-T064 Focused Sustainment copy of the bid abstract from contract W56HZV-13-C-0140 FP-13-018635 Hare David FP-13-018637 McDermott Michael 4/10/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-018641 Wilcox Stephen 4/2/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-018646 Litton Ashley 4/10/2013 Granted FP-13-018647 FP-13-018648 Lynch Shunstrom Jennifer Edward 4/4/2013 Administratively Closed 4/10/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-018649 FP-13-018650 FP-13-018651 Walls Schantag Kelly Paul Mary Chelsea 4/10/2013 Granted 4/3/2013 Administratively Closed 4/10/2013 Granted 4/2/2013 Granted copy of contract W56HZV-07-C-0064,W56HZV-09-D-0311, W56HZV-08-D-0041 and W56HZV-10-C-0311 Requesting a copy of the Polk Approach Control communications recording with Bonanza N980AA on 24 Jan 13 during the time period 1845 to 1935 UTC. copies of all task order requests (TORs) for Omnibus III BPA issued from 1 Jan 2012 to present Copy of the bid abstract for the following procurement: Solicitation Number: W58RGZ-10-R-0139, Contract Number: W58RGZ-12-D-0114, National Stock Number: 1615-01-442-6926, Contract Officer: Isaac McKenzie Certificates of authorization issued by the FAA for UA Report of Seperation and all other files/records including medical records pertaining to Edward Shunstrom (SSN: 01356-4089). Request for statement in MP Rpt Records on Paul Lavalle Requests the release of all of Katherine Miller's West Point records that were created before, during, and after her enrollment in the Academy, in particular, a copy of the restricted report that Ms. Miller filed in May 2010. FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 365 of 1088 FP-13-018652 Crise Howard 4/10/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-018653 Downing Angie 4/10/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-018654 Davis Robert 4/10/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-018655 Ahern Sean 4/10/2013 Granted FP-13-018656 Tran Diana 4/10/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-018657 FP-13-018658 Ba Patterson Aye Gerry 4/10/2013 Administratively Closed 4/9/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-018659 Southerland John FP-13-018660 FP-13-018661 FP-13-018662 FP-13-018663 FP-13-018664 FP-13-018665 FP-13-018666 FP-13-018667 FP-13-018670 Ospino Shaw Leary Leary Leary Leary Leary Leary Martin Tyrone Tony Pittman Pittman Pittman Pittman Pittman Pittman Kevin 4/8/2013 Denied in Part 4/10/2013 4/10/2013 4/10/2013 4/10/2013 4/10/2013 4/10/2013 4/10/2013 4/10/2013 4/10/2013 Denied in Part Granted Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Granted Copy of background investigation and military service records copy of police report from lima JSMC case 00005-2013MPC082 Info related to discharge, copy of AR 635-200 dated July 15, 2004, separate changes to AR 635-200 from July 15, 2004 to September 6, 2011, copy of DODD 6130.3 and copy of DODI 6130.4 Copies of the daily production reports (4267s), all pay estimates (ENG 93), and BD & AD hydrographic/land surveys (.xyz format) for the improvement and maintenance dredging of Hampton Harbor, Hampton and Seabrook, New Hampshire, W912WJ-12-B-0008/W912WJ-12-C-0017. Copy of docs relating to protocol, forms of consent or waivers of subject consent and results of experimentation with the use of psychotropic and hallucinogenic drugs on human test subjects at Edgewood Arsenal between 1950 and 1975 SFC Aye Ba (xx-9947) Copy of the IG report of from Apr 88 to Apr 96, promotion result file from Jan 06 - Apr 08 for SGT/SSG, and promotion packets/points for Gerry Patterson any/all records concerning the contract and any resulting contracting including all bid requests/proposals, contents of officia/unoffical solicitation and/or contract files, information on solicitation and reulting contract including all correspondence papers notes etc FY 13 Major Army Competative selection board list of all contracts awarded in the last three years TIOH drawings TIOH drawings TIOH drawings TIOH drawings TIOH drawings TIOH drawings All Documents related to Whitney-Stone Inc and Leith Heyrend SIERA REQUEST FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 366 of 1088 FP-13-018671 Baldwin Craig 4/10/2013 Granted FP-13-018672 Santos Rose 4/10/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-018673 FP-13-018674 Price Madden Barbara Christoph er 3/22/2013 Denied in Part 3/27/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-018675 YANCHAR 4/10/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-018676 Bassett LEONAR D Stephen FP-13-018677 Womack Lee 4/10/2013 Granted FP-13-018678 Wade Mark 4/10/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-018679 FP-13-018680 FP-13-018682 Vandam Pellegrino Green Nathan Gina Kristen 4/10/2013 Granted 4/10/2013 Granted 4/10/2013 Granted FP-13-018683 Mehrens Nathan 4/9/2013 Granted FP-13-018684 Bigotto Samantha 3/22/2013 Denied in Full FP-13-018691 FP-13-018696 FP-13-018700 FP-13-018702 FP-13-018703 FP-13-018705 FP-13-018706 Prescott Fearing Anderson Grodner Caldwell Bierman Christian Nancy James Ryan Donna Donald Noah Eris 4/11/2013 4/11/2013 4/11/2013 4/11/2013 4/11/2013 4/10/2013 4/11/2013 4/10/2013 Denied in Part Granted Administratively Closed Denied in Part Granted Granted Administratively Closed Granted Undisturbed boring logs for borings in the vicinity of the Mississippi River in Hahnville, LA located at Mile 124.1.USACE slope stability plates of the Mississippi River at Mile 124.1 Request a copy of the Original statement of work / performance work statement with all subsequent SOW/PWS modifications or additions pertaining to contract W91QUZ06D0017 Order BD01. Request for cure notice for contract W912DR-10-D-0024. Request for records of any wetland violations at Sappington Station Road and Annapolis Road, Odenton, Anne Arundel County, Maryland 21012 LEONARD W. YANCHAR Contract# W912QR-09-C~0029 1. All payment applications 2. Bid Abstract list (depicting the applicant and amount of compensatory mitigation credits required) of Section 404 permit actions with Hydrologic Cataloguing Unit 08080102 from June 1, 2012 to April 1, 2013. Any available information on the decision for bid protect B407786.1 Nathan A. Vandam Gina Pellegrino Project Renovation (Roof, HVAC, Int. & Ext. Paint, Breakdown) at the CARWG, Salinas, California Contract No.: W91238-09-D-0071-0001-01 General Contractor: Allied Industries, Inc. Copy of Permits 1951-50; 1989-147; 1989-149; 199-2004; 2001-1424. These permits were issued previously and transferred to new owner in 2013. Requesting SF 1190, DA 5369-r and AE FORM 690300.301B on J. Dekony Torres Police Report James Fearing (xx-8736) CTF Comite River Diversion GCMO and Blue Card Military Service Records Eris Christian FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 367 of 1088 FP-13-018707 Haines Carolyn 4/11/2013 Granted FP-13-018708 Hammar Valeria 4/11/2013 Granted FP-13-018709 Durbin Helen 4/11/2013 Granted FP-13-018710 FP-13-018712 HODES Stiansen SCOTT Dave 4/11/2013 Administratively Closed 4/11/2013 Granted FP-13-018713 Champigny 4/11/2013 Granted FP-13-018714 FP-13-018716 FP-13-018718 FP-13-018719 FP-13-018723 Scott Ahern Lee Wilke Saulsberry 4/11/2013 4/11/2013 4/11/2013 4/11/2013 4/11/2013 Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Bal Harbor Water Channels Delaware Deepening Main Channel Permit 08954 Parole Board records/ARBA Sentence Comp and 15-1-1 FP-13-018725 FP-13-018728 FP-13-018729 FP-13-018733 Martinez Gowan Woofter Terrell Christoph er James Sean Steve Charles Christoph er Pablo David Robert Greg Mrs. Haines request a copy of the 15-6 investigation pertaining to the death of SPC Trevor B. Adkins who died on 8 Jul 2012 in Maidam Shahr Afghanistan. Miss Hammar c/o Ms. Yetzelise S. Melendez requesth a copy of the AR 15-6 report pertaining to the death of SSG Hammar who died on 14 July 2012 in Musa Kheyl District of Afghanistan. Ms. Durbin request a copy of the AR 15-6 report pertaining to the death of her brother, PFC Adam E. Dobereiner on 18 Nov 2011 in Kandahar, Afghanistan. W15P7T-05-A201 a study related to a fire pond installation at Haycock Mountain in Springfield TWP in Bucks County, PA DE Coast beach replenishment operation 4/11/2013 4/10/2013 4/11/2013 4/11/2013 Administratively Closed Granted Denied in Part Administratively Closed FP-13-018734 Knapper 4/11/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-018736 Bass CPT KarenNicole Sienna HIstorical Maintenance Records Information specifically related to C5ISR relating to ATEC Sentence Comp Joint Biological Agent Identification and Diagnotics Systems Program (JBAIDS)project phases that preceed the awarding of the contract Commanders Inquiry pertaining to her academic evaluation report FP-13-018737 Reilly Sean 4/8/2013 Granted 4/5/2013 Granted Permit documents for Spring Valley Boat Club in Spring Valley, IL Lean Six Sigma Projects: LD18597, T&E ATC BB Staff TDA Allotments, LD18765 TE ATEC NIE MBB Resource Management, and NG1216 TE AEC RIE Continuous Scope Evaluation FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 368 of 1088 FP-13-018738 Hogan Nicole 4/10/2013 Granted Hydrographic survey data for the Ohio River, Kanawha River, Allegheny, Monongahela and any other rivers/lakes that the District has hydrographic data for (which would include the XYZ pont file in ASCII/Text format) FP-13-018739 Jenkins Ricky 4/11/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-018740 FP-13-018742 FP-13-018743 FP-13-018744 FP-13-018746 Melton Conrad, II Maniscalco Barry Reeve 4/11/2013 4/11/2013 3/22/2013 4/11/2013 4/11/2013 FP-13-018747 FP-13-018749 Chamberlain LeMaire Jared George John Bruce Ms. Ombica John Kevin AR 15-6 conducted by Mr. Lon Pike re selection and hiring used for Bagram Resident Agent in charge and Expeditionary Fraud Field Office. Request for MP Rpt AR 15-6 in which he is the subject Referral of one document - drawing NE036957 Copy of an investigation pertaining to Deveon S. Olson. AR 15-6 Investigation on LTC Timothy J. Atkins FP-13-018750 Felbarth Melena 4/11/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-018751 Boltz Richard 4/11/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-018752 FP-13-018754 FP-13-018755 Starcher Robertson McCowin Kenneth Lucky Walanda 4/11/2013 Granted 4/11/2013 Granted 4/11/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-018763 FP-13-018764 FP-13-018770 Snider Anderson O'Connor Ann Betti Terrence 4/11/2013 4/11/2013 Administratively Closed 4/11/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-018771 Stiff Roy 4/11/2013 Granted Granted Administratively Closed Granted Administratively Closed Administratively Closed 4/11/2013 Administratively Closed 4/11/2013 Granted Information pertaining to contract W15P7T09DH201 any public records dated between January 1, 2012 and the present regarding the discovery, assessment, remediation or abatement of asbestos and/or asbestos containing material from SELA-13 which was awarded in June 2011 and involved enlarging parts of Justice and Oil Company Canals and the "Churchill Disposal Site" located at 700 Churchill Parkway, Westwego, Louisiana. AR 15-6 conducted March 2012 while at 1-52 AVN Brigade, Ft. Wainwright, AK Copy of briefing and guidance on EO extremism that was issued to U.S. Army Reserve unit in Pennsylvania. Request for MP Rpt Request for MP Rpt Copy of contract/amendments pertaining to Task Order: W91QUZ-06-D-0012-1E03 IG Report DODIG 2013-036 Copy of contract W900KK-13-C-0043 Correspondence including emails, from January 1, 2010 to present between the Army (including the Army Reserve Fort Sam Houston, TX and Fort Eustis VA sites) and Oracle Corp., Oracle America, Inc., Oracle USA, Inc. and etc. Confinement Order FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 369 of 1088 FP-13-018772 O'Connor Terrence 4/11/2013 Administratively Closed Copy of all Contracts, job order or task letters issued under basic ordering agreements; letter contracts; orders, such as purchase orders, under which the contract becomes effective by written acceptance or performance; and bilateral contract modifications) between Oracle Corp., etc. FP-13-018773 O'Connor Terrence 4/11/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-018774 FP-13-018776 FP-13-018777 FP-13-018778 FP-13-018779 FP-13-018780 FP-13-018781 FP-13-018782 FP-13-018783 FP-13-018785 FP-13-018786 FP-13-018787 FP-13-018788 SANTOS Walker Zucchino Keck Letellier Espeseth Durocher Bunney Thomas Jr Quinones Tingey Chilli Henry YOSELIN Laurel David Hayden Kathleen Mark Millie Brian Reginald Manuel Michael Frank Larry 4/11/2013 4/11/2013 4/11/2013 4/8/2013 4/8/2013 4/11/2013 4/8/2013 4/8/2013 4/8/2013 4/11/2013 4/11/2013 4/11/2013 4/11/2013 Granted Granted Administratively Closed Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Granted FP-13-018789 FP-13-018790 FP-13-018791 FP-13-018792 FP-13-018794 FP-13-018795 FP-13-018796 FP-13-018798 FP-13-018799 Chilli Brockman Anderson Jones Owens Sosa Flores Ragona Blakey 4/11/2013 4/8/2013 4/10/2013 4/11/2013 4/11/2013 4/11/2013 4/11/2013 4/11/2013 4/11/2013 Administratively Closed Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Administratively Closed Administratively Closed FP-13-018800 Jones Frank Samuel Betti Kevin Tewana Joshua Kathryn Lisbeth Shertreas hiwa Marvin Summaries in the Army's records that refer to Oracle Corp., etc. AMBULANCE REPORT. MPR Records on Omega, Ronaleen Hill Request for Transcripts MPR 1150-2013 MPR 5483-2012 27 Feb 1991 - Persian Gulf death of SGT DAvisd Douthit MPR 0925-2013 MPR 0124-2013 Commanders Inquiry @ HHC 701st coal exports Fire Investigation Report for Bldg 4420 Contract Records related to the creation of a 'consequence management response force or other military contingent for domestic emergencies'. Contract MPR 0461-2013 Contract W900KK-13-C-0043 MPR 0846-2013 MPR 0954-2013 MPR 0146-2013 MPR 2395-2010 Copy of doc pertaining to contract # W911SG-09-P-0009 AR 15-6 for SPC Mark Blakey - req by spouse FP-13-018804 Brownrigg Cynthia 4/11/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-018807 FP-13-018809 Mase Dawson Alaivaa Meaghan 4/11/2013 Granted 4/11/2013 Administratively Closed 4/11/2013 Administratively Closed Copies of docs pertaining to construction Projects at Fort Hood during years 2010 - 2011. Copy of UCMJ Charge Sheet, personnel records, personnel counselings, duty assignment financial docs, etc. MPR 0458-2013 Info pertaining to a debt FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 370 of 1088 FP-13-018811 FP-13-018813 FP-13-018814 FP-13-018819 FP-13-018821 Reed Greene BondGraham Lowe Hluchan Andrew Jamilee Darwin Kimberly Allison 4/11/2013 4/11/2013 4/9/2013 4/11/2013 4/11/2013 Granted Granted Granted Administratively Closed Granted FP-13-018822 Monroy Gustavo 4/11/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-018823 FP-13-018824 FP-13-018825 FP-13-018826 FP-13-018827 Rico Zuniga Maniscalco Baxter Mattox Sergio Osiel John Eden Judith 4/11/2013 4/11/2013 4/11/2013 4/11/2013 4/11/2013 FP-13-018828 Tann N 4/11/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-018829 FP-13-018830 Daniels Henry Gerald Larry 4/12/2013 Administratively Closed 4/12/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-018831 Kaminsky, Jr. Albert 4/12/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-018833 Jenkens Zachary 4/12/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-018835 Bigotto Samantha 4/12/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-018836 FP-13-018838 Balediata Pratt Carl Paula 4/12/2013 Administratively Closed 4/12/2013 Granted FP-13-018839 FP-13-018840 Tuyen Attia Paula Anis 4/12/2013 Granted 4/12/2013 Administratively Closed Granted Granted Administratively Closed Granted Denied in Part Harassing phone calls from ex-wife. Protection Order violation. Grant information requested (3 grants). AAFES Retail Agreement Reports filed on LTC David Paris and Cpt JoAnn Toalib and investigation MPR, CID and Housing files for a murder that took place in 77. Chester Garrett DOB 7-19-41 MPR 0900-2008 MPR 0249-2013 Newport Chemical Depot, Indiana Failure to keep right. Records related to 35% design submittal prepared by URS as part of contracts W91238-12-C-0014 and W91238-11-D0006 Steven Robert Weber - Asbestos Exposure. Requesting copies of any investigation reports relating to the incident. Request Police Report #00267-2012-MPC537 Request US Military usage of sawed-off shotguns during the Balkan War conflict between 1988-2000. Copy of various status reports, operational records to include Daily Staff Journal or Duty Officer's Log, DA Form 1594, correspondence, casualty report and line of duty investigations. Copy of docs pertaining to Army spraying of cadmium aerosol over parts of St. Louis, MO in the 1950's and 1960's. Request review and release of Inspector General documents of investigation. Requesting records pertaining to Lin Ngoc Le Ms. Pratt is requesting a copy of all records pertaining to a letter sent from Ms. Christine Hedrich to USAG Wiesbaden Commander, reference to off-post rental property in Niedernhausen, Wiesbaden. Copy of MP Report 00383-2012-MPC347 Article 138 Complaint, EO Complaint,and any records of complaints, investigation and doctors sworn statements and supporting medical examinations pertaining to 2008 Article 138 Complaint and EO Complaint. FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 371 of 1088 FP-13-018843 Battle Joyce 4/12/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-018845 FP-13-018849 Wampler Mayberry Robert David 4/12/2013 Administratively Closed 4/12/2013 Granted FP-13-018852 FP-13-018858 Branson Smith Steven Thomas 4/12/2013 Administratively Closed 4/12/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-018860 FP-13-018873 FP-13-018874 SANTOS Borden Kalikow ROSE Janie Barnett 4/12/2013 Administratively Closed 4/5/2013 Granted 4/12/2013 Granted FP-13-018875 FP-13-018877 FP-13-018878 CHILLI BARRETT Holman FRANK COLIN Cynthina 4/12/2013 Administratively Closed 4/12/2013 Granted 4/12/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-018879 FP-13-018881 Marra Castano Matthew Teresa 4/12/2013 Granted 4/12/2013 Granted FP-13-018882 Butler Chad 4/12/2013 Granted FP-13-018883 King George 4/11/2013 Granted FP-13-018884 Watkins James 4/12/2013 Granted FP-13-018885 FP-13-018887 FP-13-018888 FP-13-018898 CHILLI Maldonado MacHaffie O'Brien FRANK Nicole James Alexa 4/12/2013 4/12/2013 4/12/2013 4/12/2013 Administratively Closed Granted Administratively Closed Administratively Closed DoD Ref: 07-F-1058, Records of the Coalition Provisional Authority/CPA Support Team: 1) Audit CPA-1G; 2) CAP Smart Book; 3) CPA vision; 4) MCI-NSA. RE: Case Number NW 2643 (CD) Incident documents associated with the MV JULIE allision at L&D 25 April 4, 2013 Contract 10-B-0010 DPW/DOL BASOCPS contract W911S0-07-C-0004, Awarded to GENCO ATC 12 September 2007, to include related documents for Base year and all options. to include extensions and the current sole source bridge contract (BASEOPSBRIDGE) referenced thru the MICC control number 02a-2013-W91QF5. W15P7T04DA003 Permit 89-A -5 No permit required letter on Mox-Chehalis Westport project, 200301009 W15P7T-09-D-P014-0011 STEPHEN SPELMAN Seek Unit History info for D Battery 1/2d (Delta 1/2 3888 Brigade) for the period January through June 1977. Texas Oil & Chemical Inc. Fort Jackson Solicitation/contract for portable latrines and sanitation services, what company was awarded the contract and invoicing for the past 2 years. "happy to pay for any reasonalbe fees." channel depth information for the intra coastal waterway near Port Allen, LA, specifically approximately 5 miles west of the confluence with the Mississippi River. Millican Lake General Reevaluation Report; Millican Lake General Reevaluation Report Supporting Documentation 1 of 2; and Millican Lake General Reevaluation Report Supporting Documentation 2 of 2. All prompt payment certifications submitted by the prime contractor(s) for LPV109.02a, IHNC-01 and LPV 111.01. W15P7T10DD413 0008 Request for MP Rpt 15-6 results for Mr. Christopher Carver Any and all court transcripts re: U.S. vs. PFC Bradley Manning for the Article 32 and ARticle 39(a). FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 372 of 1088 FP-13-018901 O'Brien Alexa 4/12/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-018906 FP-13-018909 FP-13-018910 FP-13-018913 Brisbon Autry Powers Criscone Chetara Brian Timothy Lawrence 4/12/2013 4/12/2013 4/12/2013 4/12/2013 FP-13-018914 FP-13-018915 Manning Allen Duane Derek 4/12/2013 Administratively Closed 4/12/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-018916 Dalen 4/12/2013 Granted FP-13-018918 Gabig Major Paul Jerome FP-13-018919 Sligh Stuart 4/12/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-018922 SAITES PENNY 3/29/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-018923 GILPIN Bree 4/12/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-018924 Stevenson Rob 4/12/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-018925 Couwenberg Maarten 4/12/2013 Granted FP-13-018926 Frase Sheri 4/11/2013 Granted Denied in Full Granted Administratively Closed 4/12/2013 Administratively Closed All legal filings and/or court rulings in US. v. PFC Bradley Manning including Appellate Exhibits, legal filings Request for MP Rpt Enforcement File Dog Bite Screening Analysis Report for the Proposed Generic Issue on Flooding of Nuclear Power Plant Sites Following Upstream Dam Failures, dated 07/2011,47 Duane Manning Copy of permitting documents pertaining to the property known as Mossy Oak located on Pope Road in Douglasville, Douglas County, GA. Including information regarding permits and mitigations credits. MKAJ Paul Dalen Information concerning the Lower Tier Program Office and Offutt AFB, NE concerning LTPO placement of work. Copy of Tronox Mitigation Banking Instrument (Permit No. 200501009) and USACE approval letter for the establishment and operation of a commercial mitigation bank on the Tronox Property, Savannah, GA Copy of the following contract: Vendor: SANTA FE PROTECTIVE SERVICE, INC Desrciption: SECURITY GUARD SERVICES AT FORT RUCKER ALABAMA Contract #: W91247-09-C-0011 following solicitation: W9124-13-B-0007 (Key Rings), posted 3/26/13, dolicitation date 12/11/2012, response date 1/23/2013. plus a copy of the overall ranking of allofferors, a copy of the winning bid. AR 15-6 investigation conducted by LTC Stephen Miller concerning an alleged incident of rifle rounds landing on Fort Benning from the National Security Association trianing facility. AIS Construction Co. Certified Payrolls, Santa Barbara Harbor Maintenance Dredging, W912PL-07-B-0006. IDA Packet - requester is asking for copies of any and all records relating to her permanent bar from entering housing areas on Fort Lee, VA, issued by the Fort Lee Garrison Commander, COL Edge, dated October 17, 2012. FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 373 of 1088 FP-13-018927 Stoll Bradley 4/12/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-018928 FP-13-018929 FP-13-018930 FP-13-018931 FP-13-018932 FP-13-018933 harris Shiffer Andersen Kruse Foster GUIDOS garrett a Scott Robert Ronald Michael LORI 3/15/2013 4/12/2013 3/4/2013 4/12/2013 4/12/2013 3/29/2013 FP-13-018934 Mabeus Courtney FP-13-018935 CHILLI FRANK 3/29/2013 Granted FP-13-018936 CHILLI FRANK 3/29/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-018937 CHILLI FRANK 3/29/2013 Granted FP-13-018938 FP-13-018939 Chilli CHILLI Frank FRANK 4/12/2013 Administratively Closed 3/29/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-018940 CHILLI FRANK 3/29/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-018941 Justice Gerald 4/12/2013 Granted Administratively Closed Granted Denied in Part Administratively Closed Granted Administratively Closed 4/9/2013 Granted Request certified copies of military records for Estate of Dr Michael William Thomas Young. Elizabeth River, NJ Request for MP Rpt Hickville FUSRAP site historical and project documents Copies of POM Form 4-562-1 Information Only (Traffic Mishap) Contract # W9115U07D0002 Support Services for the DoD Hight Performance Computing Modernization Program Defense Research and Engineering Network Imcumbent: Secure Mission Solutions, Inc. Requests: -RFP Sections L and M -Source Selection/Decision Documents -Source Selection Debriefing Slides I request access to and copies of a tort claim filed with the Fort Detrick Garrison on behalf of Waverley View developer Rocky Gorge LLC by Baltimore-based law firm Miles and Stockbridge. I am not seeking the personal names or other personal identifying information that may be contained within the filing. Requests the following related to RFP W9115112R0037: Copies of the Contracting Officer's OCI determination for each offeror as well as the Contracting Officer's comments/determinations for each offeror on any mitigation plans that might have been submitted. DABJ01-03-D-0009 Job Order Contract at Forts Eustis, Monroe & Story, VA awarded to Centennial Contractors Enterprise, Inc: 1. Awarded Contract and All Modifications 2. Modification to the Statement of Work Since Award 3. Schedule B 4. Bidder's List 5. Award Selection Determination 6. Wage Rates W91247-13-R-0018 Mission Support Services for Joint Readiness Training Center Contract W911S0-07-C-0007 Mission Support Services for Readiness Training Center RFP W91151-12R-0018 Test Technology Support Services and Contract W9115U-11-C-0010 awarded to GaN Corporation Request for MP rpt FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 374 of 1088 FP-13-018942 Simanduyer Serge 4/12/2013 Granted FP-13-018943 CHILLI FRANK FP-13-018995 FP-13-018998 FP-13-019003 Graff Johnston (13-104) Harpel Michael Samuel Douglas 4/15/2013 Administratively Closed 3/6/2013 Denied in Part 4/15/2013 Granted FP-13-019005 Pepe Dan 4/15/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-019007 FP-13-019010 Tordella Setzer 4/15/2013 Administratively Closed 4/15/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-019015 Wong Alex Christoph er Kelsey Request for number of larcenies in the 4th Bde AO between 1 Jan 12 to present Soliciation W911S0-06-R-0018 Mission Support Services which led to Contract W911S0-07-C-0001 Copy of AR 15-6 conducted by USASOC. The Seasons at Village Green FY 12 award under contract W15QKN-06-C-1030 (precision guidance kit, urgent material release. Contract with Plating Technology, Inc. for the use of nanodiamond chromium coating applications and other metals. Award w/in last 2 yrs for 2,000,000 Info pertaining to service member (Anthony West) Copy of investigative records 4/15/2013 Administratively Closed Copy of docs regarding Operation Whitecoat, 1954 - 1973. FP-13-019029 Hamilton Chris 4/12/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-019031 FP-13-019032 Betts Davis Dillan Sherman 4/15/2013 Administratively Closed 4/15/2013 Administratively Closed 1. Agreement between USACE and Carrizo Oil and Gas to place a waterline across USACE fee property at Lake Lewisville associated with Great Expectation well pad. 2. Submitted application by Carrizo Oil and Gas requesting access to cross USACE fee property. 3. Exhibits showing locations of waterline on USACE Fee property. Docs pertaining to contract #W58P0511C0004 Copy of complete military record pertaining to father (Sherman W. Davis). 4/4/2013 Granted FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 375 of 1088 FP-13-019033 Cromartie Raymond 4/15/2013 Granted FP-13-019034 Dheri 4/15/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-019035 Selitto Ramanpre et Michael FP-13-019036 FP-13-019037 FP-13-019042 FP-13-019043 GARY Spencer Roberson Rose SHANK Toylaine Susanna Santos 4/15/2013 4/15/2013 4/15/2013 4/15/2013 FP-13-019044 Montes Manuela 4/15/2013 Granted FP-13-019045 Critchlow Evan 4/15/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-019047 Hills John 4/15/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-019048 Ruggirello Barbara 4/15/2013 Granted 4/15/2013 Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Granted Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Request for Any and all correspondence pertaining to case "U.S. vs. Cromartie or U.S. vs. Raymond T. Cromartie" including e-mails, notes, conversations, fax, text messages between Cadet Alessandra Coote, her father Peter J. Coote, her mother Joan Coote, attorney Ms. Ashley H. Buono Chiumento McNally, LLC and the West Point Offices and/or individuals from the time period of 17 July 2011 to the present date. a. Lieutenant General David H. Huntoon, Superintendent and the Secretary General Staff; Superintendent’s Office. b. BG Theodore martin, Former Commandant; Colonel Jeffrey C. Leib, Acting Commandant of Cadets; BG Richard Clarke, current Commandant’s Office. c. Colonel Keith C. Well, Captain Jeffrey Gilberg, Captain Daniel Sperling, Captain Challis Nicole Cooper; Captain Chase Cleveland; the Staff Judge Advocate Office. d. Lieutenant Colonel Mark A. Visger, Article 32 Hearing Investigating Officer, March 2012. e. Lieutenant Colonel Norman Waters, Board Investigation Officer, 5 April 2013 hearing. f. Lieutenant Colonel Troy A. Smith, Military Judge, Court Martial, October 2012. g. M. Craig Butler, Lead investigator; Robin Washburn; Matthew Simas, Emmanuel Copy of Army's policy on deciding who and who is not an enemy combatant in Afghanistan. Info pertaining to complaint at MP station at Fort Gordon on March 25, 2013. POLICE REPORT 0094-2013. Permit 121000 Copy of docs pertaining John G. Boggs Copy of documents to include basic contract, Mods, SOW, and Task Orders for W9124D11C9000. Requesting a copy ofa MP report on a sexual assault that happen on 27 Jun 2012. Copy of info or docs pertaining to emails and communication that went on between former U.S. Army Major Nidal Malik Hasan and Anwar al-Awlaki prior to the shootings at Fort Hood, TX in 2009. Docs or statistics regarding military discharges involving drug use Address information request for Fant, Cameron S FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 376 of 1088 FP-13-019049 McDevitt Andrew 4/15/2013 Granted Documents relating to possible accident at Lake Sonoma on July 17, 2012. Address information request for Ronnie James Colbert Jr Request for MP rpt Address information request for Chatmon, Charles C Jr Address information request for Mario Anthony Rodriguez FP-13-019050 FP-13-019051 FP-13-019052 FP-13-019053 Key Perez Ruggirello Golightly Alicia Daisy Barbara Steven 4/15/2013 4/15/2013 4/15/2013 4/15/2013 Granted Granted Granted Granted FP-13-019055 FP-13-019057 FP-13-019058 FP-13-019059 FP-13-019060 FP-13-019061 FP-13-019062 Ruggirello Hurley Gonzales Ruggirello Johnson Brunn Michael Barbara Denis Brandon Barbara James Connie Knott 4/15/2013 4/15/2013 4/15/2013 4/15/2013 4/15/2013 4/15/2013 4/12/2013 Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted FP-13-019063 FP-13-019064 FP-13-019065 FP-13-019066 FP-13-019067 Banks Collins Hoffman Ruggirello Johnson Cynthia Barbara Lindsey Barbara James 4/15/2013 4/15/2013 4/15/2013 4/15/2013 4/15/2013 Granted Granted Administratively Closed Granted Granted Address information request for Ford, Ebin R Address information request for Andrea E Gbotoe Request for MP Rpt Address information request for Garrison, Nathanael F Address information request for Terrence Niegel Kennedy Address information request for Michael L Courts Environmental Assessment for IFC facility permit in Wever Iowa Address information request for Gregory Knight Address information request for Danny L Cartwright Request for MP Rpt Address information request for Mims, Devon T Address information request for Jerome Mitchell Coleman FP-13-019068 FP-13-019069 FP-13-019070 FP-13-019071 Ruggirello Banks Ruggirello Keith 4/15/2013 4/15/2013 4/15/2013 4/15/2013 Granted Granted Granted Granted Address information request for Jones, Jonny R Address information request for Gregory Knight Address information request for Thompson, Lance L Address information request for Gregory P Murray FP-13-019072 FP-13-019073 FP-13-019074 FP-13-019075 FP-13-019076 FP-13-019077 Ruggirello Llewellyn Ruggirello Hill Ruggirello Rothhaupt Barbara Cynthia Barbara Brenadett e Barbara Libby Barbara Gerald Barbara Jay 4/15/2013 4/15/2013 4/15/2013 4/15/2013 4/15/2013 4/15/2013 Granted Granted Granted Administratively Closed Granted Granted FP-13-019078 FP-13-019079 Taylor Santos Marie Rose 4/15/2013 Granted 4/15/2013 Denied in Part Address information request for Moses, Anthony D Address information request for Donald H Cobb Address information request for Savage, Chip W Wetland determination Address information request for Freechette, Kyle L Ft Carson Outdoor Recreation Policies and Regulations Covering: 1) federal firearms license operations, background checks policy and requirements; 2) refusing services, documents and copies to the person who signed them; 3) requirements for photocoping Gov ID documents for providing outdoor rec services. Permit 16426 and all amended actions Request a copy of the Source Selection Decision Document pertaining to W91CRB12R0045. FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 377 of 1088 FP-13-019080 FP-13-019081 McDevitt Flanary Andreww Angie 4/13/2013 Administratively Closed 3/28/2013 Denied in Part Documents Pertaining to Lake Sonoma would like contracts: awarded SF30, Awarded List amounts of each Contract Line Items, Awarded Specifications section 01 22 00 Measurement and Payment for Contracts- W912P511-C-0018 & W912P5-12-C-0009 FP-13-019082 Sutton Elizabeth 4/1/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-019083 Sweeney Edward FP-13-019084 Morgan Kenneth FP-13-019085 FP-13-019086 Gambill Sutton Seth Elizabeth 4/15/2013 Granted 4/8/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-019087 Wolfe Joshua 4/10/2013 FP-13-019088 Sutton Elizabeth 4/15/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-019089 FP-13-019090 CHILLI Fenster FRANK Herbert 4/5/2013 Granted 4/15/2013 Administratively Closed 404 permits in TN or KY 03/18/2013-4/01/2013; notices, requests, apps for coverage for coalmines, refuse or slurry impoundments under NW permits 21, 49 or 50. Records on which the letter of Intent - Statement of Reasons issued to you by the Department of Defencse Consolidated Adjudication Facility (CAS) was based. Would like a copy of all information regarding the proposed Bakers Crossroads Wetland Mitigation Bank located in White County TN Permits for Rutherford Oil 404 permits in TN or KY 04/01/2013-4/08/2013; notices, requests, apps for coverage for coalmines, refuse or slurry impoundments under NW permits 21, 49 or 50. requests all information and documentation realted to the Corps "final determiniation of the needs assessment" regarding the Rowena Landing Site on Lake Cumberland. 404 permits in TN or KY 04/08/2013-4/15/2013; notices, requests, apps for coverage for coalmines, refuse or slurry impoundments under NW permits 21, 49 or 50. W911SE-07-D-0015-1N03 W911SE-07-D-0006-1N01 USACE IRAQ RECONSTRUCTION & LOGCAP III contracts FP-13-019091 FP-13-019092 Mitra Weisselberg Jose Patricia 4/15/2013 Granted 4/10/2013 Denied in Part Individual records request Records related to the biological opinion for the Corops Continued Operation and Maintenance of Englebright Dam and Reservoir, Daguerre Point Dam and Recreational Facilities on and around Englebright Reservoir FP-13-019093 Wilkins Howard 4/10/2013 Denied in Part Records related to the biological opinion for the Corps Continued Operation and Maintenance of Englebright Dam and Reservoir, Daguerre Point Dam, and Recreational Facilities on and around Englebright Reservoir. 4/15/2013 Granted 4/5/2013 Denied in Part FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 378 of 1088 FP-13-019099 Spotts Dana 4/15/2013 Granted FP-13-019101 Maldonado Jose 4/15/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-019111 Groat Brian 4/15/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-019113 Andrews Vickie 4/15/2013 Granted FP-13-019114 FP-13-019115 Casper Harper John Kristin 4/15/2013 Granted 4/15/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-019118 Richardson Leslie 4/15/2013 Granted FP-13-019119 Wunder Christoph er 4/11/2013 Granted Copy of the Pre-Construction Notification (PCN) for SAS2012-01063, Rockdale County, City of Conyers, Tanyard Branch Bank Stabilization. W912QR-11-C-0049 Construction of an Army Reserve Center in Quincy, IL copy of the Project Bid Abstract for the above described contract. Any documents pertaining to Active Duty U.S. Air Force, U.S. Navy, U.S. Marine Corps, and U.S. Army MEDICAL OFFICER members who applied for HAP benefits and were granted or denied benefits. Specifically those medical officer members who were part of the Armed Forces Health Professions Scholarship Program, or Re-deferred medical training program. The requester is requesting a Military Police Report pertaining to an incident that occurred. Request for MP Rpt A certified copy of all bonds on Arnold Engineering and Development Center at Arnold Air Force Base, Design/Build Step II Turbine Engine Dry Air Capability Project, Contract No. W91278-10-C-0091 The requester is requesting a Military Police Report pertaining to an incident that occurred. Any documents whereby USACE awarded contracts to be performed in Illinois, Wisconsin, or Indiana (including on or in Lake Michigan) at any point in time from 2011 to the present (the "Projects"). Please note that we are only requesting the award documentation. Any documents providing an identification of the contractors, subcontractors, and/or vendors for the Projects. Please note that we are only requesting one single identification of each and every contractors, subcontractor, and/or vendor, and not duplicate identification of the same parties through multiple documents. Any documents whereby USACE or any other party terminated any party at the Projects. Any documents whereby USACE was put on notice of any alleged/pending claims at the Projects, including but not limited to any Miller Act claims/notices, surety claims, bond claims, or any other documents/notices evidencing a party is due any funds for the Projects. FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 379 of 1088 FP-13-019120 Sutton Elizabeth 4/15/2013 Granted FP-13-019121 FP-13-019123 FP-13-019124 FP-13-019126 FP-13-019127 Barragen Hughes Groat White Stanley Robert Steven Brian Taylor Joseph 4/15/2013 4/15/2013 4/15/2013 4/15/2013 4/15/2013 FP-13-019128 McCord Emily 4/11/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-019129 FP-13-019130 FP-13-019131 FP-13-019132 Vega derjan rubino Clark Ted david william Maryrose 4/15/2013 4/15/2013 4/15/2013 4/15/2013 FP-13-019133 Davis Melvin 4/1/2013 Denied in Part To the extent not already responsive, in reference to the Coal-Mac Mine, LRH-2008-00830, SMCRA No. S500607: any and all monitoring data and/or reports submitted to the Corps pursuant to the permit requirements, and any and all other communications including, but not limited to, letters, reports, emails and or approvals to fill streams including, but not limited to, those communications between the Corps and Coal Mac about the above noted mine. Requests/notifications received from January 2010 to present for withdrawal of previously filed 404 applications for surfacing mining operations in West Virginia. To the extent not already responsive, any and all monitoring data and or reports submitted to the Corps pursuant to the permit requirements for the Consol of Kentucky, Peg Fork Mine, Corps Number 2006-2295 KAN. To the extent not already responsive, any and all other communications including, but not limited to, those communications between the Corps and Consol about the above noted Peg Fork Mine from January 2010 to present. Any and all preliminary or final information including, but not limited to, articles, reports, emails, phone Police Report ABCMR records Homeowners Assistance Program (HAP) Request for MP Rpt Copy of all letters from the coal companies involved in mining actvities in the Blair Mountain Battlefield area in Logan County; specifically, all letters authorizing the USACE to move forward with a programmatic agreement Wetland permits and jurisdictional determinations for Oklaunion Power Station, Vernon, TX. Rollover pass permit sentence comp abatement rec sentence comp abatement Records that contain third party info to process under FOIA, IAW 32 CFR Part 505.5(g)(6). correspondence regarding raised garden in Stanton Landing FP-13-019134 Barone Natasha 4/1/2013 Administratively Closed permit files Granted Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Denied in Part FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 380 of 1088 FP-13-019135 Sutton Elizabeth 4/15/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-019136 Carn Brian 4/9/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-019137 FP-13-019138 Palmer Angulo Julie Carlos 4/4/2013 Granted 4/15/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-019139 FP-13-019140 FP-13-019141 Rosov Orrison Lee Brad Russell Foongy 4/8/2013 Granted 4/12/2013 Granted 4/15/2013 Granted FP-13-019142 Read Susan 4/11/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-019143 Kelley Donna 4/11/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-019144 Perkins Timothy 4/12/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-019145 Washburn Jack 4/12/2013 Denied in Part 1) We request the following documents listed below received during the time period from April 8, 2013 to present: a. Requests/notifications for withdrawal of previously filed 404 applications for surface mining operations in Kentucky. b. All notices, requests, or applications for coverage for coalmines, refuse or slurry impoundments under NW permits 21, 49 or 50. c. Any Corps authorizations including decision documents and facts and findings granted under NWP 21, 49 or 50 for activities in Kentucky or Tennessee. d. Any individual 404 permits including decision documents, facts and findings, and final CMPs for surface mining operations or refuse or slurry impoundments in Kentucky or Tennessee e. Any and all Environmental Information Documents received including amendments, revisions and/or appendices and any and all Compensatory Mitigation Plans including amendments, revisions and/or appendices related to coal mining operations submitted to the Corps for operations in Kentucky or Tennessee. f. All monitoring reports received by the Corps related to any mining compensatory mitigation plans for stream creation, enhancement, or restoration projects for 404 permits in KY. Operational unit files for 2nd Platoon, Charlie Company, 2nd Engineer Battalion, 2nd Infantry Division from 1 Feb 1975 to 1 Sep 1975. dog bite that occurred at Salthouse Brance in 2010 Request copy of the investigation involving SSG Marian Angulo and SSG Rolan Turner environmental docs relative to Onslow Cty Project drawings for railroad overpass Oak View Community Permits for Santa Ana Bridge and Ventura River Streambank Stabilization Drilling and fracking operations and activities in Dallas County, TX, within 3000 feet of USACE dams from 1/1/07 to 6/1/12. All documents related to investigation of accident involvin Carl Humphrey on 8/21/09 at Fort Bliss, TX. Document related to Permit SWF-2010-00013 for period from 1/1/2003 through 11/9/2012. Records related to Special Event Permit SO-2011-04, City of Somerville and/or Burleson Entertainment FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 381 of 1088 FP-13-019146 Martin Trese 4/15/2013 Denied in Full FP-13-019147 Henrickson Rosemary 4/15/2013 Granted FP-13-019148 FP-13-019149 FP-13-019150 FP-13-019151 FP-13-019152 FP-13-019153 Jenkins Lopez Alonso Rosas Harrison Parlin Michael David Juan Daniel Freddie Trevor 4/15/2013 4/15/2013 4/15/2013 4/15/2013 4/15/2013 4/15/2013 FP-13-019154 Roberts Lydia 4/16/2013 Granted FP-13-019155 McMullen Gary FP-13-019157 FP-13-019158 Selitto Santos Michael Rose 4/16/2013 Granted 4/16/2013 FP-13-019159 Wescott Ben 4/16/2013 Granted FP-13-019162 Bryant Gina 4/16/2013 Granted FP-13-019163 FP-13-019164 Leinen Graff Jennifer Michael 4/16/2013 Administratively Closed 4/16/2013 Administratively Closed Granted Administratively Closed Denied in Part Denied in Part Granted Granted 4/2/2013 Denied in Part Interviews from a Safety Board of Investigation Report for a subcontractor employee fatality which occurred on 12 March 2012 at Pine Bluff Arsenal, AR. File No. UAO47-93 Oak Creek at Mission Rancho ShangriLa, Coconino County, AZ Form 290 OR, April 2013 2013 Parole/Clem packet 2013 Parole/Clem Packet Laceny of government property Command investigation leading to the separation of SGT Parlin. The complete separation package including the initial request, responses, recommendations, corrections, changes, and final determination by us army. Copy of investigation pertaining to her son, Delton Dwayne Roberts Jr. Ms. Roberts filed a report of sexual assault on 16 March 13. Ranking, Veterans Preference, Awards, Handicap, Age, etc., used to determine best qualified and referred to selecting official for NEAB12092594760598 and NEAB12932081735819 Police Report Contract W52P1J-07-F-0013 - Original RFP, contract, mods W912ER-08-C-0039 August 5, 2008 Win tara $4,062,890 • Any and all documents relating to any payments made to Wintara; • Any and all documents relating to any as yet unpaid requests for payment from Wintara; • Any and all documents relating to the reasons for not yet paymg Wintara; • Any and all documents relating to the current accounting of the contract, including any amounts billed, amounts paid, amounts remaining to be paid, and amounts owed, if any. View a video at the Mills Rd CDC concerning her daughter. Appeal decision for court martial and BCD Copy DA4856 (Counseling Forms) or Memorandum by member of USASOC FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 382 of 1088 FP-13-019166 Graff Michael 4/16/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-019170 FP-13-019171 Ruffin Attia Antonio Anis 4/16/2013 Administratively Closed 4/16/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-019173 DuMoulin Richard 4/16/2013 Granted FP-13-019177 FP-13-019179 Williams Hatteberg Valerie Ron 4/16/2013 Granted 4/1/2013 Granted FP-13-019181 FP-13-019182 Schexnayder Cornuelle Jesse Kristin 4/16/2013 Administratively Closed 4/16/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-019186 Johnson Mark FP-13-019187 Dahmen #11275068 Eric 4/16/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-019190 Inzina A 4/16/2013 Granted Copies of documents on an accident report, 911 recordings and each and every document on file for the FP File department which responded to an accident that occurred in Vernon Parish on 6 Sep 2011, on highway 28. FP-13-019193 King John 4/16/2013 Administratively Closed Any and all information and documents of any type, including electronic mail messages, photographs, and investigative reports, regarding or relating in any way to citations issued to or relating to Alan Kirschman and/or his property on Bricker Road in Mandeville, LA, any investigation regarding Alan Kirschman and/or his property on Bricker Road in Mandeville, LA, and any complaint regarding Alan Kirschman and/or his property on Bricker Road in Mandeville, LA. FP-13-019195 Moisson Jerry FP-13-019197 Cameron John 4/1/2013 Granted 4/5/2013 Granted 4/16/2013 Administratively Closed Copy of Counseling Forms, memo of reprimand or letters of reprimand presented by USASOC between March 2008 and June 2011. Copy of case#0354-2011-CID056-50396 Article 138 Complaint, EEO Complaint investigations and doctors sworn statements. MPR for accident that occurred on 22 Feb 2013 on Fort Carson Recruiting SOP and regulations Freight Shipment Table from GFM Freight Shipment System Exclude munitions & weapons shipments. records on Joseph Miley and Tracy Miley Ms. Lilyan Yousif Yaqoub is seeking info regarding her brother, Duraid Yousif Yaqoub. Freight Shipment Table from GFM Freight Shipment System (Exclude munitions and weapons shipments) Copy of Technical Manual, Field Manual, and/or TC(s)used to teach soldiers Russian language while in Advanced Individual Training (AIT) and/or Army Language School. Freight Shipment Table from GFM Freight Shipment System (Exclude munitions and weapons shipments) Client, Mrs. Ethel Foster, copy of personnel and medical records, including hospital records pertaining to deceased spouse (CAPT Maurice Foster). FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 383 of 1088 FP-13-019208 Way Charles 4/15/2013 Granted Copies of the most recent permit modification as well as any amendments to the restrictive covenants as a results of the permit modification for file number SAS-96-00-5370, The Southwest Quadrant of Savannah Quarters, Chatham County, GA. SF30, awarded list amount of each CLIN, Award Specification Section 01 22 00 Measurement and Payment for W9126G-09-C-0057 Copies of docs relating to RIO and LOGCAP III contracts. FP-13-019212 Flanary Angie 4/10/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-019213 Fenster Herbert 4/16/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-019214 Fenster Herbert 4/16/2013 Documents relating to Restore Iraqi Oil Contract, DACA6303-D-0006, and LOGCAP III Contract, DAAA09-02-D-0007 FP-13-019215 FP-13-019217 Therrien Hollis Paula Bettina 4/12/2013 Administratively Closed 4/16/2013 Granted FP-13-019219 Nichols Eugene 4/16/2013 Granted FP-13-019220 FP-13-019222 FP-13-019224 MINGO Martin Jacobs MICHAEL Carol Mark 4/16/2013 Granted 4/16/2013 Granted 4/16/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-019225 FP-13-019226 Smith Ahern Tyreece Sean 4/16/2013 Granted 4/16/2013 Granted Copy of Contract W9126G-12-C-0050 Section B of the Pershall Road and Bruce Drive, all sampling data and analysis taken from Coldwater Creek as stated in Sectio B of "Volume I: Feasibility Study for the St. Louis North County Site May 1, 2003" the Administrative Record for the NAN-2006-03022 permit action WILLIAM MINGO Requestfor MP rpt FOIA/PA Control #: NRC2013017832 Docs Mohammed Ali Al Khafaji AIKA Mohammed Ali Nassar Al Khafaji and Mohammed Krnos Request for MP Rpt the daily production reports, all pay estimates and the BD/AD hydrographic/land surveys for W912DS-08-B-0006 FP-13-019227 Ahern Sean 4/16/2013 Granted the daily production reports, all pay estimates and the BD/AD hydrographic/land surveys for W912DS-12-B-0010 FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 384 of 1088 FP-13-019228 Maniscalco John 4/16/2013 Administratively Closed I am looking for records describing the equipment (i.e. 1 pumps 1 valves 1 tanks 1 boilers 1 compressors 1 insulation) etc . ) installed at the Newport Chemical Depot1 in Newport1 I ndiana. The facility was originally established in 1941 as the Wabash River Ordinance Works 1 intended to produce explosives for the U.S. involvement in World War II. I am only interested in what would have been used in the complex prior to 1954. Additionally) I am interested in any documents concerning the environmental issues surrounding asbestos abatement at the facility. FP-13-019230 Ghazialm Bashir 4/16/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-019231 Leggate Jim 4/16/2013 Granted FP-13-019233 Smilek Robert 4/16/2013 Granted FOIA/PA Control#NRC2013022122 W/Docs on behalf of Fnu Ajmal the Hackensack River Basin, NY & NJ Pascack Brook Flood Control Feasibility Study the photos taken inside and outside of 17 Weiss Drive, Middlesex, NJ 08846; Sebrings Mills Bridge Reconstruction, Green Brook, NJ, contract number W912DS-10-C-0025 FP-13-019235 Polson Holly FP-13-019236 Carboy FP-13-019237 FP-13-019238 4/9/2013 Administratively Closed Investigation Report for Accident on Jan 3, 2011 where Bani Lujan Renteria was injured. (1) complete investigation packet, (2) incident report, scene investigation, photogrpahs, statement of witness, (3) dispatch record, (4) audio, (5) video, (6) investigation done by STI or CID of Ft. Bliss, and (7) any criminal proceedings or investigation by CID Andrew 4/16/2013 Administratively Closed Brown Smalley Michel Roxann 4/16/2013 Granted 4/16/2013 FP-13-019239 Barrett Holly 4/16/2013 Granted FP-13-019241 Reilly Sean 4/16/2013 Administratively Closed the clean up, debris removal, remediation , and/or rebuilding in the Rockaway Peninsula, including Breezy Point, Queens, New York as a result of damage that occurred on or about October 29, 2012 Request Documents associated with the hiring proces Requesting complete copy of all emplyment records, to include the unsigned counseling statement conducted on or about February 27, 2013. ORM database results for Corps-issued permits, from 1/2007 to present. ATEC Lean Six Sigma (LSS) FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 385 of 1088 FP-13-019243 Powers Sharon 4/16/2013 Administratively Closed Please provide any and all emails in your possession regarding Sharon S Powers. Please provide any and all documents in your possession regarding Sharon S Powers. FP-13-019244 Quinones Manuel 4/16/2013 Denied in Part Documents related to the Council on Environmental Quality’s involvement in the ongoing debate over coal export terminal proposals in the states of Washington and Oregon. FP-13-019249 FP-13-019250 FP-13-019251 Kajberouni Brady PRESBERRY Armen Brad MAURICE 4/16/2013 Administratively Closed 4/15/2013 Granted 4/16/2013 Granted Drawings Debt Verification MAURICE PRESBERRY FP-13-019252 FP-13-019253 Ballou Fenster thomas Herbert 3/29/2013 Granted 4/16/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-019254 FP-13-019256 FP-13-019259 FP-13-019260 Attia EDILLOR Penney Robertston Anis MICHAEL Sandra Robby 4/16/2013 4/16/2013 4/8/2013 4/16/2013 Administratively Closed Granted Granted Denied in Part FP-13-019261 FP-13-019262 FP-13-019263 FP-13-019264 FP-13-019265 Carter Dowds Ahern DeScherer Bist Alex Danny Sean Chris Manoj 4/16/2013 4/8/2013 4/9/2013 4/16/2013 4/10/2013 Granted Granted Administratively Closed Denied in Part Administratively Closed FP-13-019266 Harper Kristin 4/15/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-019267 FP-13-019268 FP-13-019269 FP-13-019270 Richardson Johnson Arendt Green Wade Chris Sarah Lakeisha 4/16/2013 4/16/2013 4/15/2013 4/16/2013 FP-13-019271 REYES-SERRANO EMELY 4/16/2013 Administratively Closed Permit File 2000-30668 KBR - Request for 10 additional subject documents to include Restore Iraqi Oil Contract - DACA63-03-D00005, LOGCAP III Task Order 31, Task Order 42 etc. ABCMR documents MICHAEL EDILLOR POS information on tobacco categories PN 2012-0035-rjb: any and all correspondence, emails, drawings concerning Four Rivers Terminal applicatioin. Any new info since December 2012. Request for MP Rpt POS for cell phone and accessories for one month W91278-07-B-0007 Mitigation Bank -Clydesdale GIS layers for lakes and reservoirs under perview of Mobile District Bonds on Arnold Engineering & Development Center, Arnold AFB, Design/Build Step II Turbine Enginee Dry Air Capability Project, W91278-10-C-0091 Winning fee for coke contract POS for cough cold pog Payrolls related to Lockport II contract The requester is requesting a Military Police Report pertaining to an incident that occurred March 2013. AMBULANCE AND POLICE REPORT MPR 0094-2013. FP-13-019272 Santos 4/16/2013 Administratively Closed USACE contract W91WMC12F0016 Rose Granted Granted Granted Granted FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 386 of 1088 FP-13-019273 Ray Bradford 4/16/2013 Granted all files related to work performed and/or material provided by Nicholas Acoustics on the ITL project, contract number W912EE-10-C-0019 1. Any applications, permits, or other authorizations and any other associated documentation, including correspondence, relating to the breakwater structure(s) at Walker's Dalrock Marina north of I-30; 2. Any applications, permits, or other authorizations relating to the breakwater structure(s) at Bayview Marina located north of I-30; 3. Any documentation associated with COE Permit No. SWF-1987-00494, including permit, permit application, permit drawings, and any documents related to project modification; 4. Any documentation associated with COE Permit SWF-199100471, including permit, permit application, permit drawings, and any documents related to project modifications; 5. Any notices of violation or other written allegation of violation(s) from COE to Mr. Larry Walker through 1992; and 6. Any notices of violation or other written allegation of violation(s) from COE to Mr. James Rosenberg from 1991 to present. FP-13-019274 Chhean Chhunny 4/15/2013 Granted FP-13-019275 Smith Preston 4/16/2013 Granted FP-13-019276 FP-13-019277 FP-13-019278 Holland Silver RIVERA 4/16/2013 Granted 4/16/2013 Administratively Closed 4/16/2013 Granted FP-13-019279 FP-13-019280 FP-13-019281 Rhodes Rhodes, Senior Neptune 4/16/2013 Administratively Closed 4/16/2013 Administratively Closed 4/16/2013 Administratively Closed Release determination. Release determination. Release determination. FP-13-019282 Allen Danielle Taavon TERESIT A Debra Charles Christoph er Derek Mitigation plan for Wright Patman Lake and/or mitigation plan for White Oak Creek WMA MPR 390-13 Request for MP rpt in 2002 POLICE REPORT. 4/16/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-019283 Gardner David 4/15/2013 Granted Copy of permitting documents pertaining to the property known as Land Lot 115-8, parcel number 116-01019000, located on Snapping Shoals Road, MCDonough, Henry County, GA. Documents relative to Tax Parcel 87-C, Unit 3 Lot 10 on 5000 North 300 West, Park City, UT. 1) Any delineation report narratives and maps for the property. 2) Related Corps delineation verification documents for Corps project files SPK-199650544 and SPK-199750131. FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 387 of 1088 FP-13-019284 Barrett Holly 4/16/2013 Granted FP-13-019285 FP-13-019289 FP-13-019294 Pour Troupe Lombard Massoud Steven Denise 4/16/2013 Granted 4/17/2013 Granted 4/17/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-019298 FP-13-019303 FP-13-019310 SANTOS Hurley Corbin ROSE Theresa William 4/17/2013 Administratively Closed 4/16/2013 Granted 4/15/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-019312 FP-13-019318 Peterson Sutton Jeffrey Elizabeth 4/16/2013 Granted 4/15/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-019320 FP-13-019324 Schweickhardt DAVIS Al ROBERT 3/15/2013 Administratively Closed 4/17/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-019329 FP-13-019332 FP-13-019333 Malimban Williams DECKER Geraro Wayne BRITTNE Y 4/15/2013 Granted 4/17/2013 Granted 4/17/2013 Denied in Part ORM database results for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Sacramento District from January 1, 2007 to the present. Customer requesting a copy of police report 0720 MP Report requested Any records/reports/transmissions made to Pike Island Dam from the Elizabether D, #614957, on April 14th between the hours of 3am and 8 am. W15P7T09DB201 Drawings A copy of each lease or option to lease real estate or 'outleases' or agricultural leases or any request for theinformation for the same in the County of Culpeper VA by either the US Dept of Navy or US Marine Corp between the years of 2002 to 2013 Backgound Investigation All communications including letters, reports, emails, applications, CMPS, decision documents and or permits from May 6, 2009 to present between A&G Coal Co. in reference to the proposed Ison Rock Ridge mine; all requests received from Jan 2010 to present for withdrawal of previously filed 404 applications for surfacing mining operations in VA; any communications between the Norfolk District and USEPA related to coal mining from January 20, 2009 to present; with respect to coalmines, refuse or slurry impoundments, application docs and permits issued under NWP 21,49, 50; application docs and permits issued under section 404; Environmental Information documents; monitoring reports and mitigation plans for period 4/9/134/15/13 Permit File - Old Bridge Road REQUEST FOR A COPY OF AR 635-200 DATED JULY 2004 AND ANY SEPARATE CHANGES TO AR 635-200 FORM JULY 15, 2004 TO SEPTEMBER 6, 2011. MP-Report Traffic Accident POS for Beer category for the rest of 2013 REQUEST REFERRAL FROM USMA,0F RCDs FROM THE CRS WHERE THE REQUESTER WAS SEEKING A COPY OF CASE # 0029-09-CID-81-61539 (SEXUAL ASSAULT). FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 388 of 1088 FP-13-019334 FP-13-019338 FP-13-019340 FP-13-019341 FP-13-019342 Albanese Crawley TINDELL GONZALEZ Peck Stephen Robert YVONNE JOSE Laura 4/17/2013 4/17/2013 4/17/2013 4/17/2013 4/17/2013 Granted Granted Granted Administratively Closed Denied in Part FP-13-019343 Cahn Richard 4/17/2013 Granted FP-13-019344 FP-13-019345 Drake King Tommy Karisa 4/17/2013 Granted 4/17/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-019348 FP-13-019349 Santos Peck Rose Laura 4/17/2013 Denied in Part 4/17/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-019350 FP-13-019351 Waterman BASCOM 4/17/2013 Granted 4/17/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-019355 FP-13-019358 FP-13-019359 Cox Turner Moore Steven MICHELL E Bradley Travis Anne FP-13-019360 FP-13-019361 WARD Cohen VICKI jay 4/17/2013 Granted 4/17/2013 Granted FP-13-019362 FP-13-019363 FP-13-019364 FP-13-019365 Purchia Ramsey attia Mayer Robyn Erica Anis Simon 4/16/2013 4/17/2013 Denied in Part 4/17/2013 Denied in Part 4/2/2013 Granted FP-13-019366 Bannerman Trenton 4/17/2013 Granted 4/17/2013 Granted 4/12/2013 Denied in Part 4/17/2013 Granted Request for MP Rpt Permit 2010 00277 ROGELIO MAYNULET AMBULANCE AND POLICE REPORTS 0094. Results of TAGD EEO Sensing Session for both Office of the Adjutant General and Army Continuing Education System (ACES). Date for ACES personnel was 18 Dec 2012. Town of Southampton, et ano. v. Incorporated Village of West Hampton Dunes, et al. Index No. 06-29678 (Whelan, J.) Damage to government property - garage door ddented. Eight described items pertaining to sexual harassment complaints against basic military training instructors and punishments for Forts Benning, Jackson, Knox, Leonard Wood and Sill for the time frame of 20002 to presemt. W911QX08F0057 Results of EEO Sensing Session for both Office of the Adjutant General and Army Continuing Education System (ACES). M. P. Report LEONARD REEDY M. P. Report pertaining to Reshandra Taylor Copy of EEO files Requesting a Complete Copy of any records related to the investigatiohn of Hannah's Death. CAVIN MCKEN I am requesting a list of phone numbers at Ft. Detrick of US Army Garrison credit card purchasers who are authorized to buy office supplies with a government credit card. City of Santa Cruz and the Soquel Creek Water District All FOIA from 2009 to present associated with FUSRAP Article 138 Complaint of Wrong and EEO Complaint Records pertaining to DEH/Lions Volunteer and Ft Lee relating to furniture delivery to bldg number 18023. Requesting a copy of documents dealing with his Secret clearence of investigation. FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 389 of 1088 FP-13-019368 Fishback Wayne 4/17/2013 Granted FP-13-019369 Oliver Chrisophe r 4/17/2013 Granted FP-13-019370 Willard Emily 4/4/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-019371 FP-13-019372 FP-13-019373 Carpenter Carpenter Chilli Aric Aric Frank 4/17/2013 Granted 4/17/2013 Denied in Part 4/17/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-019374 PLATERO NEFTALY 4/17/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-019375 Frey Adam 4/17/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-019376 FP-13-019377 FP-13-019378 FP-13-019379 Biddinger Wilson King Croft Gregory Dean John Jennifer 4/17/2013 4/17/2013 4/17/2013 4/17/2013 FP-13-019386 Jeff Stahewicz 4/17/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-019424 Gould Joe 4/18/2013 Administratively Closed Granted Granted Denied in Full Administratively Closed Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy's In-lieu Fee program; copies of most recent budget accounting sheets and all associated materials that describes use of ILF funds at Gopher Canyon mitigation site. Monthly statements from April 2007 to present 2013 History of the account Copy of the original application for credit Copies of correspondence regarding the account, including any requests for forbearance or deferment of payments. The rules of engagement under which National Guard Personnel operationed under Operation Phalanx USDB Form 290 2013 Parole packet Pursuant to the Freedom Of Information Act (FOIA), Centurion Research Solutions requests (pdf soft copy if available) for the Task Order, awarded under contract W9113M-07-D-0005, for airlift support services in Trans Sahara Africa – Burkina Faso. We would also like the following information related to this Task Order: The CLIN, Mods, unit and total pricing. CTF Documentation used in determining the length of confinement and sent comp including GCD in referance to inamte David Valois #82527 Savanne Fee Tract Mitigation Plan ABFS EIS Bricker Road in Mandeville, LA violations File No. 2007-00704-SAS Sunrise Powerlink Project Section 404 Permit and any permit violations "...under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, I hereby request a copy of the following documents identified to W91QVN08D0022: 1) Copy of current contract with Statement of Work and pricing and 2) All modifications Please respond, or direct any questions to me by email (foia@foia.com) for quickest reply. I agree to pay reasonable foia fees, however, please notify me if these fees exceed $55.00 for approval". GO SF 278 FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 390 of 1088 FP-13-019425 Langley Tabitha 4/18/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-019426 Leach Dawn 4/18/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-019427 FP-13-019429 Nix Hudella Tarin Shane 4/18/2013 Administratively Closed 4/18/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-019430 FP-13-019431 FP-13-019433 FP-13-019438 FP-13-019439 FP-13-019440 FP-13-019442 Martin Brusven Navarro Winiarz Smith-Davis Moore-Ahmed Harrison Alecia Brenda Ricardo Joseph Glenda Dawn Tawnya 4/18/2013 4/18/2013 4/18/2013 4/18/2013 4/18/2013 4/18/2013 4/17/2013 FP-13-019443 FP-13-019444 Cashman, Jr. Amy John Adrian 4/18/2013 Administratively Closed 4/8/2013 Granted FP-13-019445 FP-13-019446 Nichols Harrison Samuel Tawnya 4/18/2013 Granted 4/17/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-019447 Ellis Carolyn 4/18/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-019449 FP-13-019450 FP-13-019452 FP-13-019454 Santos Strayhorn Webb Melendez Rose Jenette Jonathan Juan 4/18/2013 4/18/2013 4/18/2013 4/18/2013 Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Denied in Part Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Granted Granted Granted Granted Docs pertaining to the VI Joint Force Readiness HQ Project (Federal Contract No.: W9127P-11-B-0001) Copy of military records pertaining to father (Steven M. Coker). Copy of info pertaining to contract W9126G10C0022 Copy of Ft. Bragg NC - Cleland Ice Arena Annual/Monthly utility cost for 2011 and 2012. Info pertaining to Damian J. Mullings Info on Operation White Wing with a March 1966 date. Copy of criminal records - Jeremy Goulet Copy of contract W9124J-11-R-0011 MICC. EEOC No. 560-2012-00315X, ARFTLEAV11MAY01906 letter/memorandum of authority Ms. Tawnya E. Harrison requested a copy of her son’s (Dionis A. Harrison) school file, medical file at the nurse’s office and principal notes and meetings that you and Mr. Harrison attended. Also, to include all notes from visits with the nurse, principal and/or vice principal at the Wiesbaden Hainerberg Elementary School from August 2008 through January 2013. Copy of Security clearance Requester is seeking copies of all permitting actions taken at 1 Patriot Place in Foxborough, MA (Gillette Stadium) ABCMR Army Docket Number AR20120022150 Ms. Tawnya E. Harrison is requesting a copy of all records pertaining to a military police report that she filed against Hainerberg Elementary School, on behalf of her son, Dionis Harrison. The case was transferred to the Wiesbaden CID office. She is requesting the report from the CID office along with a copy of the file on the meeting with CSM Sa'eed Mustafa on 21 December 2012. Records related to the burial of Newell K. Woods and the planned burial of his second wife, Ysabel Woods. Contract W911S1-09-C-0014 Request for MP Rpt Request for MP Rpt Request for MP Rpt FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 391 of 1088 FP-13-019455 Harrison Tawnya 4/17/2013 Granted Ms. Tawnya E. Harrison is requesting a copy of all records pertaining to a military police report that was filed against Hainerberg Elementary School on behalf of her son, Dionis, on 18 December 2013 by investigator Brown. FP-13-019463 FP-13-019465 FP-13-019466 SANTOS Duarte Angeline ROSE Lupe Barry 4/18/2013 Administratively Closed 4/18/2013 Granted 4/16/2013 Granted FP-13-019467 FP-13-019469 FP-13-019471 Burck Jackson JONES 4/18/2013 Denied in Part 4/18/2013 Granted 4/18/2013 Granted FP-13-019472 FP-13-019473 FP-13-019474 Martinez Stuart Ahern William Kelly ROOSEV ELT Pablo Arthur Sean DAAB0701CL539 Request for MP Rpt Info re: task orders 40 and 47, contract W15QKN-09-A0038. Mina/Red Star MP-Report Traffic accident ROOSEVELT JONES FP-13-019475 FP-13-019476 FP-13-019477 Santos Santos Marshall Rose Rose Melissa 4/17/2013 4/18/2013 Granted 4/18/2013 Granted FP-13-019479 Urech Everett 4/18/2013 4/18/2013 Granted 4/18/2013 Administratively Closed 4/18/2013 Granted Historical Maintenance Records Arthur Dan Stuart, III (xx-9253) the daily production reports, all pay estimates and the BD/AD hydrographic/land surveys for W912DS-12-C-0026 (12-B0006) Contract W900KK-09-D-0342 Delivery Order 0002 contract number W91WMC-12-F-0016 Requesting copies of MP report she filed on vandalism done to her home. 1.Copy of complaints made against Meade and Associates, a property management company in Enterprise, Alabama, made in the past three years concerning its property management practices. 2.Copy of any such complaint made against any local (Coffee, Dale, Houston counties) property management company that was made within the past three years with the Office of Staff Judge Advocate or the Fort Rucker Housing office. 3.Copy of any such complaint made against Picerne Military Housing. 4.The requested record should identify the date of the complaint, the property management company (to include Picerne Military Housing) against whom the complaint was made, and the nature of the complaint. 5.The identity of the complainant is not requested. FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 392 of 1088 FP-13-019482 O'Connor Terrence 4/18/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-019484 Law Firm Felser 4/18/2013 Granted FP-13-019485 FP-13-019488 Dominguez Smith Marcos Stephen 4/18/2013 Granted 4/18/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-019489 FP-13-019491 FP-13-019493 FP-13-019494 Maddox Nexis Nexis Dudek Veronica Lexis Lexis Karis 4/18/2013 4/18/2013 4/18/2013 4/18/2013 FP-13-019495 Lepak Kent 4/18/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-019497 FP-13-019498 FP-13-019499 FP-13-019500 FP-13-019504 Branson Bell Wotring Nord Ahern Steven Ricky Earnest Michael Sean 4/18/2013 4/18/2013 4/18/2013 4/18/2013 4/17/2013 FP-13-019505 Houghes Austin 4/18/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-019506 Anderson Perola 4/18/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-019508 FP-13-019511 Burden Brennan 4/18/2013 Granted 4/18/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-019516 FP-13-019517 Dickson Sanders Daryl Christoph er Jason Lloyd Great Egg/Peck Beach and Indian River Inlet DR dated 12-31-2013 Permit 12100 Setnece Comp And 15-1-1 Daily production reports, pay estimates and BD/AD surveys for W912DW-12-C-0041, Swinomish Channel Maintenence Dredging Info of how many United States spies are currently in North Korea Contract w912bu-09-b-0016 and payroll records for Wilkinson Roofing and Siding Request for MP Rpt Copies of Army Contract #W56HZV-11-C-0345 4/18/2013 Administratively Closed 4/18/2013 Administratively Closed Copy of background investigation Copies of investigative records Granted Granted Granted Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Denied in Part Administratively Closed Granted Granted FOIA Request all coorespondence including emails, from Jan 1, 2010 to the present, between the Army (including the Army Reserve Fort Sam Houston, TX and Fort Eustis VA sites) and Oracle Corp, Oracle America, Inc. or any related Oracle entities (collectively "Oracle") containing any of the following words/initials: Federal Business Systems Corporation or DLT-FBSC, Solaris, Sun, patches, or third party provider. Alan Smith Files (civilian Employee as a Fire Fighter 1989) employee personel files workers comp files investigative reports MPRs on himself All foia requests received by USACE from Jan 1 2009 through Mar 9 2010 concerning the Dune Path Rd, Hagar Twp, Berrien Co, MI. MPRs 6743-2012, 6841-2012, 6811-2012, 6918-2012 1616-2013 1571-2013 Copies of records/names pertaining to casualties, and/or fallen Soldiers since January 20, 2001 to present. arson cases and reports on Michael Bender 1-22-88 in 2008 FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 393 of 1088 FP-13-019528 Padilla Eddie 4/18/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-019529 FP-13-019533 Zimbelman Kime Sharon Kirsten 4/18/2013 Administratively Closed 4/17/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-019535 Kampfer Robert 4/18/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-019538 Lepre George 4/18/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-019539 FP-13-019540 Bean Lewis Blake David 4/18/2013 Granted 4/18/2013 Administratively Closed Service Record Book (OMPFs), All medical, Treatment Records, Copies of all Disciplinary Action, True copy of DD 214 and correction/change DD 214 Copy of investigative docs Any and all actions pertaining to wetland violations/enforcements and any permits granted associated with the property listed as approximately 1,088 feet from the northeast corner of Bethal Road and W BB Fielder Road, Weatherford, Texas, owned by Gerald Hanna and Charles Schneider. Copies of Unit Daily Journals, Operational Records Lessons Learned; Morning Reports, Casualty Reports, and Unit Organizational Histories for October 1, 1990, through December 31, 1990, and Janaury 1, 1991, throught April 30, 1991. CD, Case Number NW 33346, RG 319 IRR personal files of several U.S. Army deserters who defected to East Germany during the Cold War. Request for MP Rpt all documents, reports, surveys, data, studies and similar or related material and information concerning all investigations, evaluations, demolition contracts and remediation contracts pertaining or related to Parcels C1, H4 and H5, and for all records, documents, data, reports, communications, studies, soil testing results, evaluations, recommendations, decisions, summaries, briefings, slides, presentations, investigations, conclusions from investigations, no-further-action letters, administrative records, and any other similar information pertaining or relating to both environmental conditions and endangered species and all actions taken or contemplated to address these conditions or species at the former Indiana Army Ammunition Plant (INAAP). The requested information includes surface, subsurface, water, soil, and air contamination or suspected contamination, caused, created, exacerbated, inspected, assessed, studied, tested, treated, or remediated by the United States Army, its agents or contractors at the former INAAP, relating to the management, manufacture, storage, disposal or remediation FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 394 of 1088 FP-13-019541 Ahern Sean 4/18/2013 Granted the daily production reports, all pay estimates after Payment Estimates Number 1 for W912DS-12-C-0025 (12-B-0007) FP-13-019542 Roberts Casey 4/18/2013 Administratively Closed All records related to any and all Section 404 Clean Water Act permits requested by, and permits issued to, TXU Energy and/or Luminant Generation Company, relating to wastewater ponds, ash ponds, or other unites that manage residuals from lignite and coal combustion and that contain free liquids on the grounds of the Martin Lake Steam Electric Station (Power Plant). Provide all records dating from 1974 to present to include all records related to the public notice for permit applications and any permit applications and application materials filed with the COE by TXU Energy and/or Lumninant Generation Company. Without limitation the records requested include records relating to the topics described above at any stage of development, whether proposed, draft, pending, interim, final or otherwise. The entire foregoing are included in this request if they are in the possession of or otherwise under the control of the COE or any of its offices nationwide. FP-13-019549 Martin Kenneth 4/17/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-019552 FP-13-019555 Guess Love Matthew Shaquetta 4/18/2013 Granted 4/18/2013 Granted W15QKN-13-R-M101, W15QKN-13-F-0016, W15QKN-12-QB002, W91QUZ-07-D-0009 2G95 Request for MP Rpt Request for MP Rpt FP-13-019556 FP-13-019564 FP-13-019568 FP-13-019569 Meyers Bryant Luwe,Esquire MEJIAS-WILLIAMS Derrick Ebonee Paul KERI 4/18/2013 4/18/2013 4/18/2013 4/18/2013 Permit File 15-6 Investigation pertaining to SGT Carl Bryant CID and AR 15-6 pertaining to Mr. Dennis Ecord DEBT VERIFICATION FP-13-019570 MEJIAS-WILLIAMS KERI 4/18/2013 Administratively Closed DEBT VERIFICATION FP-13-019572 Genualdi Maria 4/18/2013 Granted FP-13-019573 FP-13-019575 SAMUELS Womac CLINTON Joy 4/18/2013 Granted 4/18/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-019576 Armstrong Nicholas 4/18/2013 Administratively Closed Request for a copy of Military Police Report 03600-2010MPC023. CLINTON SAMUELS Request for a copy of MAJ Cynthia Brownrigg's UCMJ charge sheet for her Court-Martial. Contracts Granted Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Granted FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 395 of 1088 FP-13-019577 Fothergill David 4/18/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-019578 Strickland William 4/18/2013 Granted FP-13-019579 Lowe Kimberly 4/18/2013 Granted FP-13-019580 FP-13-019581 OSBORN Wolfson MARY Alfred 4/18/2013 Granted 4/18/2013 Granted FP-13-019590 Hartwig Gerald 4/18/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-019595 Lewis Kevin 4/18/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-019598 Clyde Jon 4/17/2013 Granted FP-13-019599 FP-13-019600 FP-13-019601 FP-13-019602 FP-13-019603 FP-13-019604 Wong Tibbitts Slosky Duran Cardel Crespo-Acevedo Clayton John Susan Desiree Andred Carlos 4/18/2013 4/18/2013 4/18/2013 4/18/2013 4/18/2013 4/19/2013 FP-13-019605 FP-13-019606 Guidos Berardi Lori Danny 4/19/2013 Administratively Closed 4/18/2013 Administratively Closed Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Administratively Closed Request for a copy of a 911 call from the Fort Bragg emergency communications on Feb 24, 2011 regarding the Military residence located at 104 Graham. The requester is requesting a Military Police Report regarding MPR 00255-2013-MPC122. Copies of Exchange Retail Agrement with Nevada Beverage Company duriong the time period of December 28, 2004 thorugh December 28, 209 and any renewal, extenstion or addendums to said agreement. SHANE A. TRUMBLE The requester is requesting a Military Police Report pertaining to an accident which occurred 26 March 2013. A copy of the organizational diagram for all Army Aviation Units. Copies of any and all documents, records, communications, or correspondence, including, but not limited, to letters, memoranda, emails, notes of telephone conversations, or any other record of communication on or after Jan 2011, in regards to dredging identified at the Ports of Lewiston and Clarkston . Requesting a copy of the Wetland Delineation Report prepared by PEPG Engineering which was submitted to the Corps 12/2009 in connection with the Narrows Project in Sanpete County, Utah. Failure to yield the right of way. Hit and run. Failure to yield right of way. Information exchange. Larceny of private property. Request copy of investigation from Customs Office in Kaiserslautern. Request copy of contract W91RUS08D0008 Mr. Danny C. Berardi is requesting a copy of all records pertaining to the allegation made against him for assault. The incident happened in early 2010 while staying in Garmisch. FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 396 of 1088 FP-13-019608 Slack Terri 4/19/2013 Administratively Closed Seeking any jurisidictional summary for the Department of Energy sites located in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, especially for the Y -12 Plant, also known as the Y-12 National Security Complex. These summaries may have been prepared in conjunction with an audit of the DOE Oak Ridge Operations' real estate files. Such summary discusses whether the jurisdiction of the lands acquired by the Secretary of War in the 1940s was exclusive, concurrent, or propretorial. I am attaching for your reference a jursidictional summary I have for another site and am hoping a similar document exists for the Y-12 Plant. FP-13-019609 FP-13-019611 FP-13-019613 Meyers Bowman Jr. Justin 3/28/2013 Granted 4/19/2013 Administratively Closed 4/19/2013 Granted Permit Kenneth Bowman Jr. (xx-3980) requesting his own line of duty form. FP-13-019614 FP-13-019615 Kennedy Bennett Derrick Kenneth Washingt on James Nicole 4/19/2013 Denied in Part 4/19/2013 Granted FP-13-019617 FP-13-019618 FP-13-019624 FP-13-019627 DeScherer Dennis Reams Browder Chris Jim Holly John 1/25/2013 4/19/2013 4/19/2013 4/19/2013 FP-13-019630 FP-13-019632 FP-13-019633 Patterson Day Wilborn, III Gerry John Lidberg 4/19/2013 Administratively Closed 4/1/2013 Granted 4/19/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-019634 FP-13-019635 FP-13-019636 Penrose Penfold Eppley Pamela Maureen Darren 4/16/2013 Administratively Closed 4/19/2013 Granted 4/19/2013 Granted FP-13-019637 FP-13-019638 Drayton ROBERSON Thamaian EDWARD 4/19/2013 Granted 4/19/2013 Granted Selection Board Requesting a copy of a MP report she filed on her window in her vehicle got broke. Database files WWII Casualty info pertaining to James F. Ruddick. Request for MP Rpt Request for written statememnts made by anyone referencing the requestor during the period 22 July 2012 to present. Investigative files Page 2A of contract W52H09-10-D-0154 Requesting a copy of a MP report he filed on someone broke into his room and stole some items. drawing 12502511 Maureen Penfolf (VIP Tour & Charter Bus Co) NEPA Transportation analysis on Cherokee Investment Partners in Camden Request for MP Rpt CACTF Orchard Combat Training Center Boise, Idaho FP-13-019639 Katsavrias Steven 4/18/2013 Granted FP-13-019641 FP-13-019642 Santos Santos Rose Rose 4/18/2013 Administratively Closed 4/18/2013 Administratively Closed Granted Administratively Closed Granted Administratively Closed copy of base contract W56HZV-10-G-0003 including modifications copy of contract W56HZV-12-C-0258 copy of contract W56HZV-12-C-0264 FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 397 of 1088 FP-13-019643 Katsavrias Steven 4/19/2013 Granted copy of contract W56HZV-05-G-0005 including modifications FP-13-019645 FP-13-019646 FP-13-019649 FP-13-019650 FP-13-019651 FP-13-019652 FP-13-019653 FP-13-019655 FP-13-019657 FP-13-019658 FP-13-019659 FP-13-019661 FP-13-019662 FP-13-019663 Hayden Carrender Ahlstrom North Lepure Deramus Love Hodge Villanti Simon Outing Tetreault Nanson Vaughn Rebecca Aremy Chad Carl Cesar Wyatt William Richard William Ayesha Rosa William Philip Tanya 4/19/2013 4/19/2013 4/15/2013 4/15/2013 4/19/2013 4/15/2013 4/15/2013 4/15/2013 4/15/2013 4/17/2013 4/16/2013 4/19/2013 4/19/2013 4/19/2013 FP-13-019664 Teague Lakesiha 4/19/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-019665 FP-13-019666 Paterson Works Ruth Betty 4/19/2013 Granted 4/19/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-019667 FP-13-019668 Marquez Works Christian Betty 4/19/2013 Granted 4/19/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-019669 FP-13-019670 Ahorro Jacobsen Maria Tiffany 4/19/2013 Granted 4/19/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-019671 FP-13-019672 FP-13-019673 FP-13-019674 Nannie Dugan Bank Corbeil Iris Lindsay Michael Philip 4/19/2013 4/19/2013 4/19/2013 4/19/2013 FP-13-019676 Anuta Karl 4/19/2013 Granted FP-13-019677 CHRISTENSEN CHARLES 4/18/2013 Administratively Closed Request for MP Rpt MPR 1433-2013 MPR 0084-2013 re Wertz MPR 0993-2013 MPRs on Devin Thomas Antrum..FBI investigation MPR 0912-2013 MPR 0384-2013 MPR 1304-2013 Hodge MPR 1038-2013 Police Report Case unknown MPRs 1264-2013 and 1265-2013 MPR 1290-2013 Copy of doc titled "Aviation Loss File Listing, 1953-1980. Request for information concerning contract number NAFIB511-C-0050 Copy of docs from 15-6 Investigation dated 13 December 2011 to 15 March 12 MPR 0905-2013 Copy of informal AR 15-6 investigation reports conducted for Mission and Installation Contracting Command in FY12 and FY13. MPR 0844-2013 Copy of CCAS Appraisal Form Parts I, II and III prepared by COL Morris, Mission and Installation Contracting Command, Ft Sam Houston for FY12 rating period. MPR 1373-2013 Copy of docs containing the Army's involvement with Enhanced Interrogation Techniques. Customer is requesting documents from EEO Copy of docs pertaining to Brenton B. Waters Copy of records Investigative reports pertaining to incident in Germany on October 8, 2010. WalMart permit 2008-4545 NEPA analysis, decision documents Grounds Maintenance contract AAFES-REZ-P-017-11-142 AND CONTRACT LINE ITEM 9clin) awarded pricing schedule. Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 398 of 1088 FP-13-019678 FP-13-019679 FP-13-019680 FP-13-019681 McCoy Andrews Cooper Gray 4/19/2013 4/18/2013 4/19/2013 4/19/2013 Chilli Quentin Gregory Ronald Christoph er Frank FP-13-019682 Administratively Closed Granted Granted Granted 4/19/2013 Administratively Closed the Cost-Based Analysis for contract #W9124B-12-C-0007 National Training Center Logistic Support Services at Fort Irwin, CA awarded to Northrop Grumman Technical Services. We also require the contract modifications executed since March 4, 2010 and the CDRLs. FP-13-019683 FP-13-019684 Parra Delisio Gabriel Mark 4/19/2013 Administratively Closed 4/19/2013 Granted FP-13-019685 Yum Dennis 4/19/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-019687 FP-13-019700 Berardi Miller-Caldwell Danny Deborah 4/22/2013 Granted 4/22/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-019702 FP-13-019708 JONES MATHIS 4/22/2013 Administratively Closed 4/22/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-019723 Hulsey JAMES CHESTE R Anthony FP-13-019724 Hulsey Anthony 4/22/2013 Granted FP-13-019725 Brewton Mesher 4/22/2013 Granted FP-13-019729 FP-13-019732 FP-13-019735 FP-13-019740 Avery CianFrani Johnson GERTZOG Terrance Kam Jeffrey JAMES 4/22/2013 4/22/2013 4/19/2013 4/22/2013 Treatment Summery in 2013 Parole/Clem Packet Historic water surface elevation data for 2010 to present for Tappan Lake, Harrison County, Ohio @ (approximately located) 40 20 36 17 N, 81 12 17.78 W, including 1) current pool (ft), 2) summer pool (ft), 3) winter pool (ft), 4) alert pool (ft), 5) record pool (ft and date), 6) spillway crest (ft), and 7) top of dam (ft) W911SD-11-D-0003, D.O. No. 0026, 0027, 0028, 0036, 0039, 0042, 0044 MPR 00139-2012-MPC937 "The 2012 CPAR for CNTPO Contract W9113M-07-D0005/DO 0020." JAMES L. JONES VIDEO FROM THE FOOD COURT THAT HAS ACCIDENT OF DEC 31, 2012. Employee request any and all emails that contain his name, or any portion of his name, (Anthony D. Hulsey Jr.) or nickname, (Tony Hulsey) and the name, or any portion of the name of Wilburn Sparks. Employee request any and all emails that contain his name, or any portion of his name, (Anthony D. Hulsey Jr.) or nickname, (Tony Hulsey) and the name, or any portion of the name of Wilburn Sparks. 15-6 pertaining to suicide of SFC Jacob Wellman for Commander's Briefing for family (wife) Request for MP Rpt Employment verification and work address of supervisor Police report COURT-MARTIAL CASES FROM 2002 TO PRESENT 4/22/2013 Administratively Closed Granted Granted Granted Administratively Closed SSG Quentin A. McCoy (xx-6048) Debt Verification Debt Verification Orders - Korea to Ft Sill PCF/USDB FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 399 of 1088 FP-13-019744 FP-13-019745 Brooks Herd Leona Shantria 4/22/2013 Administratively Closed 4/22/2013 Granted Leona Brooks The requester is requesting a Military Police Report pertaining to an incident that occurred 18 April 2013. CYNTHIA BROWNRIGG Records related to schedules, time analysis reports and correspondence related to delays, liquidated damages and time extensions for GeneralInstructional Building at Presidio of Monterey, Contract W91238-11-C-0005 W917BK-05-P-0096 W916QW-04-P-0032 W912GB-04-C0023 W912GB-04-C-0022 W912GB-04-C-0030 certified copies of contracts, modifications, task order. Records of all payments made to AP that relate to contracts. COPIES OF MAJOR CYNTHIA MARY SUE BROWNRIGG'S UCMJ CHARGE SHEET, W5J9LE-11-C-0020 Pay Estimate-Eng 93 Prompt Payment Certification and Supporting Data for Contractor Payment Invoices Performance Evaluations, DD Form 2626 FP-13-019749 FP-13-019754 BROWNRIGG Duke CYNTHIA Todd 4/22/2013 Administratively Closed 4/19/2013 Granted FP-13-019763 Jennings Todd 4/22/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-019770 GLEASON KEVIN 4/22/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-019775 Dziuk Patricia 4/22/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-019777 FP-13-019778 FP-13-019783 FP-13-019789 KING Crews Pille Johnson KARISA David Ryan Ron 4/22/2013 4/22/2013 Granted 4/22/2013 Granted 4/22/2013 Denied in Part MILITARY RECRUITERS Debt Verification Request for MP rpt 1. A copy of the complaint [the] Regulatory Branch received on or about January 5, 2012; 2. Copies of all communications, (emails, letter, notes, audio, etc.) [the] agency had with, between and among third parties on or about and subsequent to January 13, 2012 regarding [your] property; 3. Copies of all communications (emails, letters, notes, audio, etc.) between and among [the] agencies officials or employees including information provided to its Washington D.C. offices since on or about January 13, 2012 regarding [your] property. 4. A copy of the Regulatory Cease and Desist Order dated on or about July 2, 2002. FP-13-019794 Carrollo Zoila 4/22/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-019802 Chalpin Mark 4/22/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-019804 Paulson Lori 4/22/2013 Administratively Closed Employe attendance records from February 1, 1996 through May 1, 1996. Requesting various PAM reports from 2003 through present date. Requested referred by US Army Criminal Investigation Command to review exhibits 14, 20, 38 and 76. FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 400 of 1088 FP-13-019805 Baumann Denise 4/19/2013 Administratively Closed Permit Number P-2592, Mississippi River Mile 242.6 below Lock 25 near Winfield Grain CHARLIE PRESLEY Drawings 1992 Military Motorcycle COEA cited in an Army G-8 Army Study Program Index citing (PUIC ATSBCM 0008). USACE Contract W912DQ-08-D-0034 RICKEY ROGERS permit mooring buoy - Lake Washington FP-13-019824 FP-13-019826 FP-13-019832 GORDON Karon Trevithick PAMELIA Eddie Joseph 4/22/2013 Granted 4/22/2013 Denied in Full 2/28/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-019833 FP-13-019836 FP-13-019838 Chilli POWELL Anderson 4/22/2013 Administratively Closed 4/22/2013 Granted 4/22/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-019839 King Frank JEANNIE A. Stephen Karisa 4/12/2013 Administratively Closed Nine paragraphs of requested information about sexual harrassment/assault, EEO, etc. In Sept 12 requester was processed to Army G1 and G1 responded with statistics in Oct 12. Ms. Ferguson did not respond after consultation, and referred the request to OTJAG and TRADOC on 17 Apr 13. FP-13-019840 Perkins Craig 4/22/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-019844 Chilli Frank 4/22/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-019848 FP-13-019849 FP-13-019850 KRUMM Webb Bryson TRAVIS Kelly J. (Win) 4/22/2013 Granted 4/22/2013 Administratively Closed 4/2/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-019853 Perkins Craige 4/22/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-019857 Anderson a 4/22/2013 Granted FP-13-019859 Tuttle Mechelle 4/22/2013 Granted existing contract for the Above referenced contract Dumpsters/Landfill Management current vendor Red River and also the bid tab when it was last bid. PWS, Sec C,L, and M from RFP that led to contract W56HZV-08-A-0001 (S3 follow on to Omnibus & Omnibus III) TRAVIS KRUMM technical manual for vehicle 01-465-2174 MK23 U.S. Army Quartermaster General's Office Roster of WWII dead. W912124D-08-D-0054 Portable Restrooms *current vendor Kennedy) and bid tab when it was last bid. Permit for mooring buoy near north end of Lake Washington near Kenmore Request for Voir Dire questions during Jackson court-martial FP-13-019861 FP-13-019862 Davis Daniels Robert Clarence 4/22/2013 Granted 4/22/2013 Administratively Closed ADRBR ARBA records Copies of docs/info Army whistleblower D1-00-1499, Army FP-13-019863 Almada Monika 4/22/2013 Granted Certified payroll records from 2/17/2013 through 4/19/2013 alo9ng with Contractor's fringe benefit sheet for DWG & Associates, Remodel PCC Bldg. 150, W912PL-09-00550005 FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 401 of 1088 FP-13-019864 McGinnis Frances 4/22/2013 Administratively Closed Info related to possible file no. 3636, related to jurisdictional determination made on or about July 6, 1993 for 311 acres on Lowe Davis Road in St. Tammany Parish, Louisiana. FP-13-019865 FP-13-019866 Fields McGinnin David Frances 4/22/2013 Administratively Closed 4/22/2013 Administratively Closed Flight records. Docs and correspondence related to the permit application referenced, investigation, surveys, wetlands determination made in connection with Abita Lakes Subdivision project FP-13-019867 McGinnis Frances 4/22/2013 Administratively Closed All docs pertaining to investigations, surveys and/or wetland determinations made for the jurisdictional determination. FP-13-019868 FP-13-019869 McGinnis MCCORMICK Frances MAURICE 4/22/2013 Administratively Closed 4/22/2013 Granted Info Re: Case Number MVN 2011-02399-SZ MAURICE MCCORMICK FP-13-019870 FP-13-019871 Mounts Cook Pete Laken 4/22/2013 Administratively Closed 4/22/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-019872 Burke Matt 4/22/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-019873 Deal Scott 4/22/2013 Granted FP-13-019874 Cohen Lauren 4/22/2013 Granted FP-13-019875 FP-13-019876 Harper Nelson Kristin Brenda 4/9/2013 Administratively Closed 4/22/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-019877 FP-13-019878 Ernes Wefel David Gerald 4/22/2013 Granted 4/10/2013 Denied in Part WWII and Bronze Star Docs pertaining to father. Copy of papers, information, or medals pertaining to grandfather, Victor W. Cook, II. CID Report of Investigation pertaining to the death of U.S. Army Staff Sgt. Ahmed Altaie and autopsy report. incumbent on W9124C-0010303807, Portable chemical toilet leasing and servicing Aerial photographs of MR 171-173, most recent photos taken Copy of bonds to contract W91278-10-C-0091 Requested all records on Clifton A Nelson to include his health and death at Camp Lee, Va October 1918. Request for MP Rpt Copy of contract W912DY-09-D-0008 including all modifications; copy of proposal submitted the Benham Company. FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 402 of 1088 FP-13-019879 Sutton Elizabeth 4/22/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-019880 FP-13-019881 ROSAS Lombard DANIEL Richard 4/22/2013 Granted 4/22/2013 Granted FP-13-019882 FP-13-019883 FP-13-019884 FORRY Chilli Barbour 4/22/2013 Granted 4/22/2013 Administratively Closed 4/22/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-019885 Eliassen TANNER Frank Dominiqu e Adria FP-13-019886 FP-13-019887 FP-13-019888 Trivino Jiminez Querry Jimmy Omar Kathleen 4/22/2013 Granted 4/22/2013 Granted 4/1/2013 Granted FP-13-019889 Robertson Robby 4/22/2013 Administratively Closed April 15, 2013 to present: a. Requests/notifications for withdrawal of previously filed 404 applications for surface mining operations in Kentucky. b. All notices, requests, or applications for coverage for coalmines, refuse or slurry impoundments under NW permits 21, 49 or 50. c. Any Corps authorizations including decision documents and facts and findings granted under NWP 21, 49 or 50 for activities in Kentucky or Tennessee. d. Any individual 404 permits including decision documents, facts and findings, and final CMPs for surface mining operations or refuse or slurry impoundments in Kentucky or Tennessee e. Any and all Environmental Information Documents received including amendments, revisions and/or appendices and any and all Compensatory Mitigation Plans including amendments, revisions and/or appendices related to coal mining operations submitted to the Corps for operations in Kentucky or Tennessee. f. All monitoring reports received by the Corps related to any mining compensatory mitigation plans for stream creation, enhancement, or restoration projects for 404 permits in KY. g. Any and all documents related to DANIEL ROSAS Request for any and all records pertaining to me from the Fort Bragg Military Police Office. TANNER FORRY Contract Grievance against decision by recruiting brigade not to allow her to enlist. Solicitation W9124D-13-T-0014, bid tabulations of all respondents and pages 4-7, 18 and 41 of awarded bidder Unicor bid package. Request for MP Rpt Request for MP Rpt Request review of 174 pag document for possible FORSCOM equities and release determination then return to their office. Mussel Survey conducted for Four River Terminal June 2012 FP-13-019890 FP-13-019891 Lare Bambauer Daphne Robert 4/22/2013 Granted 4/22/2013 Granted Request for MP Rpt Section 404 Permit files for SPL-1999-15333-MB. 4/22/2013 Denied in Part FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 403 of 1088 FP-13-019892 Mahoney Jed 4/18/2013 Administratively Closed Asbestos Records: a. document titled "comprehensive asbestos survey, fort greely 700-800 series, 2005" b. asbestos abatement records focusing on the removal of asbestos containing materials during the period of 19831992 c. any record or memo prohibiting the use of asbestos cement pipe, also know as transite. Water & Sewer Pipe Records: a. any and all records concerning the purchase of our inventory of water and sewer pipe used by plumbers and department of public works employees at fort greely, between the period of time of 1980 and 1986. b. any and all records concerning the installation of water and sewer pipe at fort greely, between the period of time of 1983 and 1986. c. any publicly available records, or as bilt plans, identifing the type of pipe that was installed and or is currently in use as water or sewer lines at fort greely. FP-13-019893 Korphage Eric 4/16/2013 Granted FP-13-019894 FP-13-019895 FP-13-019896 FP-13-019897 FP-13-019898 FP-13-019899 Weatherman Stevenson Santos Santos Salazar Shapiro Stephen Sonttaya Rose Rose Rose Joanna 4/22/2013 4/22/2013 4/23/2013 4/23/2013 4/23/2013 4/23/2013 FP-13-019901 FP-13-019902 Santos Currier Rose Cora 4/23/2013 Administratively Closed 4/23/2013 Administratively Closed (1) All payment applications or invoices from Blueridge General to the Government dated between 1/1/2010 and 7/1/2011 (and all documents attached to the payment applications/invoices such as certifications or waivers/releases); and (2) All checks or other documentation such as the electronic funds transfer notices showing that the Government paid Blueridge General for Blueridge's Payment Applications or invoices dated between 1/1/2010 and 7/1/2011. copy of da permit 4-1999-1400 MP-Report theft of privat property W15P7T-04-D-A003 HQ0034-13-R-0347 W91CRB-12-R-0045 Info regarding Army billing and collection utilization solution RFI W81K04-12-R-0050 (ABACUS). W52P1J-07-F-0013 Copies of docs related to alleged civilian deaths in U.S. airstrike in Eastern Kunar, Afghanistan on April 7th, 2013. FP-13-019905 Ibrahim Rauschen 4/23/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-019906 FP-13-019907 Santos Fields Rose David 4/23/2013 Administratively Closed 4/23/2013 Administratively Closed Granted Granted Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Info pertaining to polygraph examination conducted at Ft. Meade on 4/5/2013. W911S1-09-C-0014 Flight School records pertaining to self FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 404 of 1088 FP-13-019908 Enomoto Kekoa 4/23/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-019910 Armstrong Nicholas 4/23/2013 FP-13-019911 FP-13-019914 Santos Beydoun Rose Ali 4/23/2013 Administratively Closed 4/23/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-019916 FP-13-019919 Santos Trevino #722977 Rose Raul 4/23/2013 Administratively Closed 4/23/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-019922 Trevino #722977 Raul 4/23/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-019923 FP-13-019925 Brush, Jr Freem Jerald Brittany 4/23/2013 Administratively Closed 4/23/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-019927 FP-13-019928 Aponte Sicurella Luz Richard 4/23/2013 Granted 4/23/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-019929 Wilson Alison 4/23/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-019931 Daniels Clarence 4/23/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-019932 Tolbert Barry 4/23/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-019933 Parker Priscilla 4/23/2013 Granted Records from Arlington National Cemetery related to the Kekoa family. Request a copy of contracts W91CRB05D0014 and W91CRB10C0100 and task orders, including all documents containing award fee decisions, contractual modifications, and weekly and monthly deliverables and progress reports from Feb 1, 2004 to Apr 10, 2013. W91CRB-12-C-0052 Copy of the cable from the Embassy of the United States in London bearing the Reference ID "09LONDON1156," sent on May 15, 2009, with the subject "HMG FLOATS PROPOSAL FOR MARINE RESERVE COVERING THE CHAGOS ARCHIPELAGO (BRITISH INDIAN OCEAN TERRITORY)." W911QX-08-F-0057 Copies of docs pertaining to new military tactics adaptability due to enemy encounters on the battlefield, etc. Info pertaining to the need to confiscate weapons in a territory in which DoD personnel are actively deployed Military status of Giovanni Weld Request for disciplinary actions taken against anyone related to those personnel who committed suicide between 2011 and 2012 15-6 into the death of her son SFC Angel Rivera. 15-6 investigation of which the requester was the subject appointed by the 4ID COS Copy of correspondence, documents, records, reports, and the entire investigative file associated with: A command climate survey conducted by the 401st Army Field Support Brigade. Copies of actual implementation and final disposition of its purported corrective actions and recoupment of mischarged contract cost as touted in the referenced OSC 17 Nov 09 clsoure letter of OSC indelible case file numbers DI-00-1499 and DI-09-0045. Copies of transcript, judgement/sentence, and a certified conviction packet. Request for copy of 15-6 investigation against SGT Justin Griffith for which she was a subject. FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 405 of 1088 FP-13-019935 Graff Michael 4/23/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-019944 HOPSON PATRICIA 4/23/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-019945 Jennings Todd 4/23/2013 Granted FP-13-019947 FP-13-019948 Schubele Sutton Mike Elizabeth 4/22/2013 Granted 4/22/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-019953 FP-13-019954 FP-13-019955 Ayers Ackerman Freeman Trever Brandon Brittany 4/23/2013 Granted 4/23/2013 Granted 4/23/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-019956 Guilford Anitria 4/23/2013 Granted FP-13-019957 Winningham John 4/23/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-019958 Housley Robert 4/23/2013 Granted Copy of docs pertaining to an Inspector General investigation initiated on 16 Jan 13 through DA Southern Regional Medical Command IG Office, Case number HB130160. W9124C07D0003 Various contracts regarding IAP Worldwide Services. Requested a certified copy. Police Report To the extent not already responsive, in reference to the Coal-Mac Mine, LRH-2008-00830, SMCRA No. S500607: any and all monitoring data and/or reports submitted to the Corps pursuant to the permit requirements, and any and all other communications including, but not limited to, letters, reports, emails and or approvals to fill streams including, but not limited to, those communications between the Corps and Coal Mac about the above noted mine. Requests/notifications received from January 2010 to present for withdrawal of previously filed 404 applications for surfacing mining operations in West Virginia. To the extent not already responsive, any and all monitoring data and or reports submitted to the Corps pursuant to the permit requirements for the Consol of Kentucky, Peg Fork Mine, Corps Number 2006-2295 KAN. To the extent not already responsive, any and all other communications including, but not limited to, those communications between the Corps and Consol about the above noted Peg Fork Mine from January 2010 to present. Any and all preliminary or final information including, but not limited to, articles, reports, emails, phone Request for MP Rpt Information only - traffic mishap. Request a copy of any disciplinary actions taken against anyone related to the suicides of : MSG Donald Stutzman and SPC Rico Rawls. Driving while license suspended (Third Degree) Washington Information on agent orange and other depoliants in Korea in 1966. 3 Car accident. FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 406 of 1088 FP-13-019959 Dant Bryan 4/8/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-019960 FP-13-019961 FP-13-019962 Chilli Munn Chilli Frank Lasheeta Frank 4/23/2013 Administratively Closed 4/23/2013 Granted 4/22/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-019963 Ruth Charlene 4/23/2013 Granted FP-13-019964 Berg Mara 4/15/2013 Granted FP-13-019965 Radloff Catherine 4/23/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-019966 FP-13-019967 FP-13-019972 Dahl Manzo Santos Arthur Alfred Rose 4/23/2013 Denied in Part 4/18/2013 4/23/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-019974 FP-13-019975 FP-13-019976 FP-13-019977 Fuller Goldberg LAND Kees Joel Daniel CORY Duane 4/23/2013 4/23/2013 4/23/2013 4/23/2013 FP-13-019978 FP-13-019979 Ward McGruder Aljimar Travis 4/23/2013 Granted 4/23/2013 Granted Granted Granted Granted Denied in Part LexisNexis is requesting a copy of an MPR on behalf of their client, Mr. Daniel C. Alexander. USACE contract W912G-12-R-ECS01 Assault charge against her NCO. They are requesting (pdf soft copy if available) for the following information for contract W912DQ-08-D-0034 Job Order Contract for Fort Leavenworth awarded to All Star Services Corporation: 1. Awarded Contract and All Modifications 2. Modifications to Statement of Work since Award 3. Schedule B 4. Bidders List 5. Award Selection Determination 6. Wage Rates Traffic mishap - hit ice and skidded off the road into a tree. Request copies of for all documents or memos regarding guidelines for appropriate office apparel (FORSCOM). copy of the contract costing for ASL interpretation services for Deaf and Hearing Impaired Services and Sign Language Services of Michigan copy of 15-6 Any information petaining to Alfred P. Manso Request a copy of the following documents identified to W91CRB12C0052: 1. Contract 2. All delivery/task orders with addendums/annexes 3. Contract Deliverables 4. List of subcontractors 5. Subcontracting plan 6. Current statement of work (SOW) copy of permit with special conditions #2003-1007 Payment Bonds for W912P8-09-D-0046-0009 CORY LAND Copy of footage regarding incidenet on 10 January 2013 with fight in DFAC. Also SOPs for Hazardous waste disposal Orders bring him to JRCF Charge Sheet and Confinement orders FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 407 of 1088 FP-13-019980 David Tom 4/23/2013 FP-13-019981 FP-13-019982 FP-13-019983 Markiewicz GRAY Lazenby John RACHEL Daniel 4/23/2013 Granted 4/23/2013 Granted 4/3/2013 Granted FP-13-019984 Little Allan 4/23/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-019985 Mitchell James FP-13-019986 Hamilton Chris 4/23/2013 Granted (1)Agreement between COE & Carrizo Oil and Gas to place a waterline across USACE fee property at Lake Lewisville associated with Great Expectation well pad; (2) Submitted application by Carrizo Oil and Gas requesting access to cross USACE Fee property; (3) Exhibits showing locations of waterline on USACE Fee Property FP-13-019987 Chilli Frank 4/23/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-019989 LEINEN 4/23/2013 Granted FP-13-019990 Garcia JENNIFE R Julio Copy of the RFP that came before W9126G-12-R-ECS01, Nationwide AE Contracts in support of USACE Engineering & Construction Support Office. JENNIFER R. LEINEN FP-13-019991 Stanley David 4/10/2013 Granted FP-13-019992 Gatz Michelle 4/23/2013 Administratively Closed 4/4/2013 Granted 4/23/2013 Granted Request copies of the following documents regarding contract W91CRB12R0045: a. The proposals/offers submitted respectively by DRS RSTA, Inc., and BAE Systems, Inc., and any exhibits, samples, or attachments contained therewith. b. The Small Business Subcontracting Plan or Participation Plan submitted respectively by DRS and BAE. c. The contracts awarded to DRS and BAE as amended and current. M. P. Report MATTHEW BOWLES Copies of Regulatory File No. 19201 regarding preliminary plans for project development began in April 2004 and probably concluded sometime in 2007. Current full food service contract at Fort Stewart and Hunter Army Airfield, a copy of all amendments up to the current date, a copy of the PWS and copies of the Technical Exhibits. Copies of permit file for boat ramp located near Lakefront Road in Diamond Bluffs Estates. Specifically when permit issued and expiration date; any requirements of said permit by user, any minimum maintenance requirements. Requesting a copy of a MP report he filed when someone broke into his home. Copies of hydraulic and hydrologic models and calculations pertaining to study of Otter Creek in vicinity of Shannon Hills, AR. Project Agile FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 408 of 1088 FP-13-019993 Noland Ross 4/1/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-019994 Stevens Patrice 4/23/2013 Granted FP-13-019995 FP-13-019996 Seymour Siok 4/22/2013 Granted 4/22/2013 Granted FP-13-019997 FP-13-019998 FP-13-019999 FP-13-020000 Snyder Hulstrand Stabler Smith JAmes Christoph er Rachel Nathan Shane Shandrial FP-13-020001 FP-13-020002 FP-13-020003 Bodden Deer Snodgrass Ian Morgan Rebecca 4/11/2013 Granted 4/23/2013 Granted 4/23/2013 Granted FP-13-020005 FP-13-020006 Worrell Chesley Vesters James 4/23/2013 Granted 4/23/2013 Granted FP-13-020007 FP-13-020008 FP-13-020009 FP-13-020013 FP-13-020014 FP-13-020020 Williams Porter Cook Dolese Hahn Harward Emma Michael Derick Alice Jewel Terry 4/23/2013 4/23/2013 4/23/2013 4/23/2013 4/19/2013 4/23/2013 FP-13-020022 Phillis Michael 4/23/2013 Granted FP-13-020027 FP-13-020036 Greene Papillion Karen Shelumba 4/23/2013 Granted 4/24/2013 Granted FP-13-020037 Sewell (13-135) Bradford 4/24/2013 Administratively Closed 4/22/2013 4/22/2013 4/22/2013 4/23/2013 Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted copies of any further communications or documents pertain to agency's communications with Bureau of Land Management regarding the preparation of National Environmental Policy Act document, such as EA or EIS. Copy of subcontractor list, certified payrolls, conformances for Contract No. W9128F-12-C-0002 - RK Mechanical and Gen 3 MPR 1478-2013 MPR 0602-2013 MPR or Journal Entry for 4/15 -4/16/2013 MPR 1238-2013 MPR 1058-2013 The requester is requesting a Military Police Report pertaining to an incident that occurred 21 January 2011. Bonds for W912PP-11-C-0029 (Speegle Construction) MPR 2288-2012 The requester is requesting a Military Police Report pertaining to an incident which occurred 20 April 2013. MPR 0800-2013 The requester is requesting a Military Police Report in reference to his client pertaining to an incident that occurred 12 April 2013. MPR 0546-2013 MPR 1226-2013 MPR 1471-2013 Map showing the tracts we acquired for the Algiers Canal LRC-2011-434 Jurisdictional Determination Letter for USACE Project No. SPK-2009-01347-UO contracts between the Department of the Air Force and GLOCOMS. contracts W9128F12P0141; W91YTZ12C0071; W911SA12P0191; W91YTV12P0388; W9128F12P0088; W912P612M0024; W912P512P0033; W911SA12P0041; W91WAW10P0248 Personnel job annoucement records MR Report pertaining to domestic abuse incident on 14 Mar 13. Seepage Management for Rock Mining in the Lake Belt Region FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 409 of 1088 FP-13-020039 FP-13-020040 FP-13-020041 FP-13-020042 FP-13-020043 Tourtelot Moore (13-133) Crooks (13-134) Sharma Wilson Lisa Waveney Amber Kiran Sheila 4/24/2013 4/19/2013 4/24/2013 4/24/2013 4/22/2013 Administratively Closed Denied in Part Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Granted FP-13-020044 FP-13-020046 Chung McLain-Sharp Su Lisa 4/24/2013 Administratively Closed 4/24/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-020047 FP-13-020049 FP-13-020050 Antropova Stone Allen Iaroslava Sandra Derek 4/24/2013 Granted 4/24/2013 Granted 4/24/2013 Administratively Closed Copy of MP Report 00252-2013-MPC347 CW2 Melissa A. Weaver (deceased) Copy of all permitting documents pertaining to the property known as Sawyer Farm located in Gwinnett County, GA to include information regarding permits and mitigation credits. FP-13-020051 FP-13-020053 FP-13-020054 FP-13-020055 FP-13-020056 FP-13-020058 Hill Weaver Swanson CARPENTER Swanson Maguire Joi Michael Annie ARIC Annie Kevin 4/23/2013 4/24/2013 4/24/2013 4/24/2013 4/24/2013 4/24/2013 OPF CW2 Melissa A. Weaver (deceased) Case# 492528 Historical Maintenance Records ARIC CARPENTER Historical Maintenance Records Construction permit applications, records, reports, purchase orders, purchase contracts for appliances, fixtures and any, all asbestos abatement records/reports. FP-13-020060 FP-13-020061 Garcia Welde Kathleen Brian 4/24/2013 Granted 4/24/2013 Denied in Full FP-13-020062 Warren Shannon 4/17/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-020063 Walker 4/24/2013 Granted FP-13-020064 Perera Christoph er David FP-13-020065 Tullier William 4/24/2013 Administratively Closed Granted Granted Administratively Closed Granted Granted Administratively Closed 4/23/2013 Records in which she is the subject St Petersburg Municipal Pier Hogan Island Quarry, SAJ-2008-615, Collier County Copy of report investigation incident #12-1201832 Shipment summary reports: S005873808, S005866863, S005800298, S004953792 Copy of servicemember LES Copy of EEO case file, personnel file and copy of Fort McCoy or DA policy which requires Garrison Leadership to be notified of personnel matters affecting military spouses. Request for MP Rpt Copy of all information pertaining to bathymetry data for Strom Thurmond Reservoir. Specifically "all acreage estimates were determined by etimating the area between elevations 330' msl and 315' msl using 1-foot contour bathymetry data". Investigation conducted by the ARNG into the death of Elijah Emanual Warren Request for MP Rpt Report called for by the conference report to accompany NDAA FY12 (Conference Report 112-329) Requesting a copy of a Military Police Report he filed when someone stole a trailer. FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 410 of 1088 FP-13-020066 Lynch Jennifer 4/24/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-020067 Moscatelli Marc 4/24/2013 Granted FP-13-020076 Valles, Jr. Raul 4/22/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-020079 Alizad Karim 4/22/2013 Granted FP-13-020081 Nocera, PE, BCEE John 4/18/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-020083 Linn Lori 4/11/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-020086 Burns Gregory 4/16/2013 Granted FP-13-020087 FP-13-020088 FP-13-020089 FP-13-020090 FP-13-020092 Henderson Downs Nexis Nexis Jacks Jim Jerome Lexis Lexis Phillip 4/22/2013 4/24/2013 4/24/2013 4/24/2013 4/17/2013 Granted Granted Granted Granted Administratively Closed FP-13-020093 FP-13-020094 FP-13-020095 FP-13-020096 Nexis PFABE Maravilla Coderve Lexis SALLY Breggetta Kristen 4/24/2013 4/2/2013 4/24/2013 4/24/2013 Granted Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Granted FP-13-020097 Helper Matt 4/19/2013 Granted FP-13-020100 FP-13-020101 FP-13-020103 Hennis Cordell Boyd Timothy Calen John 4/24/2013 Granted 4/24/2013 Administratively Closed 4/24/2013 Granted RE: FAA FOIA #2012-7506, records related to the FAA's unmanned aircraft system Certificate of Authorization program (see FAA FOIA Request No. 2011-5126). Requesting a copy of a MP report on an accident involving Steven Walsh on 22 Feb 13. Project 548-C00239 at West Palm Beach Veterans Administration Medical Center Apalachicola River, rainfall run-off, cliamte change, andeffects on river Public Notice SAME-2012-01584-JEB current listof Interagency Review Team, agencies and representatives Copies of Deeds, court judgments, or other methods of taking for lands covering the following sections: 26-11N-10W and 27-11N-10W. POS report MPR 4729-2012 MPR 1661-2013 MPR occurred 4-6-13 involving Cassandra Rodriguez Individual is requesting copies of all documents pertaining to an Equal Opportunity Complain and a Hostile Work Environment Complaint filed between 30 November 2012 and 15 December 2012. Case is currently in the appeals process which is covered under exemptions per 5400.7-R, for cases currently in open investigation. MPR 1692-2013 W91QF1-08-C-0016 Copies of telephone records copy of the unfair labor practice the AFGE #1345 filed against Ft Carson in 2013. All existing mitigation reports from the past four years that relate to Virginia streams. Entire reports within the custody of Army corps of Engineers for the state of Virginia. If the report mentions or relates to streams in Virginia, requests a copy of the report. MCC Form 510 #1117709 accident report for incident occurring on 1 May 2012. Conf Orders and Documents related to confining offenses FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 411 of 1088 FP-13-020104 FP-13-020105 Carpenter Stevens Aric Patrice 4/24/2013 Denied in Part 4/8/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-020107 Jones Nakia 4/24/2013 Granted FP-13-020109 Stevens Patrice 4/8/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-020110 Battle Joyce 4/24/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-020111 FP-13-020113 FP-13-020115 FP-13-020118 Lyons Gales Claggion Lanthier Melvin Elizabeth Kameisa Pamela 4/23/2013 4/24/2013 4/24/2013 4/24/2013 FP-13-020121 FP-13-020124 Humphrey Gormley Joseph Kevin 4/24/2013 Granted 4/24/2013 Granted FP-13-020130 FP-13-020132 Floyd Brodbeck Jonveir Jill 4/24/2013 Granted 4/24/2013 Granted FP-13-020133 Stevens Patrice FP-13-020134 FP-13-020135 DeMartino TORRES 4/24/2013 Administratively Closed 4/24/2013 Granted FP-13-020136 Knowles Michelle MERCED ES Kim FP-13-020140 FP-13-020145 Bailes White Kimberly Burton 4/24/2013 Administratively Closed 4/24/2013 Administratively Closed Granted Granted Granted Granted 4/8/2013 Administratively Closed 4/24/2013 Denied in Part 2013 Parole Appeal Construction schedule, subcontractor list, wage determination for THADD Instructional Facility, Ft. Sill, OK W912BV-12-C-0002 Father leaving children alone in the house while wife deployed. Construction schedule, subcontractor list, wage determination for Mission Command Training Center, Ft. Sill, OK W912BV-12-C-0006. RE: Docs Ref: 06-F-2702, Docs pertaining to the Coalition Provision Authority in 2003. Debt Verification Debt Verification Negligent Driving 2nd degree Traffic mishap - information only. Changed lanes and hit another car on the shoulder. Identity Theft Traffic mishap - information only. Changed lane and hit vehicle on shoulder making a right turn. Wants copy of voided traffic tickets. copy of compaint filed by the afge #1345-local against Fort Carson for unfair labor practices in early 2013. Construction schedule, subcontractor list, wage determination for Reception BN Complex, Ft. Sill, OK W912BV-12-C-0010. RE: NLK-12-92, Docs - historical materials AMBULANCE REPORT 404 permit, 401 certification, mitigation plan, compliance documents, mitigation site map, purchase of mitigation credits Copy of background investigation Copy of files pertaining to self for the period startring in 1947 - 1949 FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 412 of 1088 FP-13-020146 Sutton Elizabeth 4/22/2013 Granted FP-13-020147 FP-13-020160 Knuth Davis Jeffrey Tai 4/24/2013 Administratively Closed 4/24/2013 Granted FP-13-020162 Corigliano Ron 4/24/2013 Granted FP-13-020165 Bowers Donella 4/24/2013 Granted FP-13-020169 FP-13-020182 FP-13-020184 FP-13-020185 FP-13-020186 FP-13-020188 FP-13-020189 FP-13-020191 FP-13-020193 FP-13-020204 Phillips-Martin Leary Leary Leary Leary Leary Leary Leary Leary Stevens Raysean Pittman Pittman Pittman Pittman Pittman Pittman Pittman Pittman Patrice 4/24/2013 4/24/2013 4/24/2013 4/24/2013 4/24/2013 4/24/2013 4/24/2013 4/24/2013 4/24/2013 4/8/2013 FP-13-020206 FP-13-020207 Passick Greenblatt Pam Mark 4/24/2013 Administratively Closed 4/24/2013 Administratively Closed Granted Granted Granted Administratively Closed Granted Administratively Closed Granted Administratively Closed Granted Administratively Closed All communications including letters, reports, emails, applications, CMPS, decision documents and or permits from May 6, 2009 to present between A&G Coal Co. in reference to the proposed Ison Rock Ridge mine; all requests received from Jan 2010 to present for withdrawal of previously filed 404 applications for surfacing mining operations in VA; any communications between the Norfolk District and USEPA related to coal mining from January 20, 2009 to present; with respect to coalmines, refuse or slurry impoundments, application docs and permits issued under NWP 21,49, 50; application docs and permits issued under section 404; Environmental Information documents; monitoring reports and mitigation plans for period 4/16/134/22/13 Jeffrey Knuth has made the request The requester is requesting a Military Police Report pertaining to an incident that occurred 31 March 2013. Copy of the following permits: 1977-8 and 1981-115 Burrell Industries, Inc. The requester is requesting a Military Police Report pertaining to incidents that occurred during 01 January 2008 01 January 2012. Request for MP rpt TIOH drawings TIOH drawings TIOH drawings TIOH drawings TIOH drawings TIOH drawings TIOH drawings TIOH drawings Construction schedule, subcontractor list, wage determination for Tactical Equipment Maintenance Facility, Ft. Sill, OK W912BV-12-C-0012. control stuructures projecs, Salem Creek, Pennsville, NJ Copy of the electronic data from April 1, 200 - present tracked by the Army's Inventory Management Asset and Transaction Reporting System and/or the unique Item Tracking Central Registry. FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 413 of 1088 FP-13-020209 Stevens Patrice 4/8/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-020211 FP-13-020212 Berry Stevens Jason Patrice 4/24/2013 Administratively Closed 4/8/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-020213 Stevens Patrice 4/8/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-020214 FP-13-020215 Hughes Greenblatt Shanyeil Mark FP-13-020216 Stevens Patrice FP-13-020217 Greenblatt Mark 4/24/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-020219 Capousis Alexander 4/24/2013 Administratively Closed Certified payroll and other Davis Bacon Act compliance review documents for THAAD Instructional Facility, Ft. Sill, OK W912BV-12-C-0002. Copy of the investigative report Certified payroll and other Davis Bacon Act compliance review documents for Mission Command Training Center, Ft. Sill, OK W912BV-12-C-0006. Certified payroll and other Davis Bacon Act compliance review documetns for Reception BN Complex, Ft. Sill, OK W912BV-12-C-0010. Request for MP rpt Copy of the electronic data from April 1, 2008 - present, for an electonic copy information tacked by the Army's Inventory Management Asset and Transaction Reporting System and/or Certified payroll and other Davis Bacon Act compliance review documents for Tactical Equipment Maintenance Facility, Ft. Sill, OK W912BV-12-C-0012. Electronic copy of information bracked by the U.S. Army Munitions Reporting system as it relates to any inventory loss Copy of records of father's service in the Army FP-13-020221 Cadigan David 4/24/2013 Administratively Closed Copy of incident report at Fort Belvoir on March 26, 2013. FP-13-020223 FP-13-020225 Somerville Bork Staci N. Larry 4/24/2013 Administratively Closed 4/18/2013 Granted FP-13-020226 Adams Danielle 4/24/2013 Granted Location of servicemember, Derontae O. Reams 2012 RiverWare Modeling and/or study conducted for the Grand River Dam Authority; reports or memos generated from the study; correspondence about the study. Danielle Joy Adams 4/24/2013 Granted 4/24/2013 Administratively Closed 4/8/2013 Administratively Closed FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 414 of 1088 FP-13-020227 Benjamin Haim 4/24/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-020231 FP-13-020232 FP-13-020233 Eckert Lamberth Williams Susan Joseph Wayne 4/16/2013 Denied in Part 4/24/2013 Granted 4/18/2013 Granted FP-13-020234 Cushing Joseph 4/17/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-020236 FP-13-020237 FP-13-020238 Thompson Washington Hood Matthew Keanna Matthew 4/24/2013 Granted 4/24/2013 Granted 4/18/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-020239 Craig Robert 4/19/2013 Granted FP-13-020241 FP-13-020242 FP-13-020243 FP-13-020244 Wood Pannell Freeman Pickett Jim Cody Shiloh Gregory 4/24/2013 4/24/2013 4/24/2013 4/24/2013 Granted Granted Granted Granted I. All correspondence between the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and Rizzani pertaining to the progress or scheduling of any portion of work on the project; 2. All payment invoices from Rizzani submitted to you for payment and all documents showing how much and when Rizzani was paid for same (between April 1, 2011 and September 12, 20 12); 3. All job progress schedules, including the original baseline schedule, all updates thereto, and all recovery schedules; 4. All documents reflecting the U.S. Army Corps of Engineer's approval of subcontractors on the project; 5. All documents and correspondence pertaining to delays in constructing, and the subsequent collapse of, the structural steel building on the project; 6. All logs, correspondence and other documents reflecting the dates on which each trades' respective designs were approved on the project with either A, B or C status (limited to only the MEP and structural trades); 7. All official comments that were part of the level C approval of Interface's design in July 2011; 8. All official comments that were part of the rejection of Interface's subsequent design submitted in September 2011, for which the rejection was dated in January 2012; 404 Nationwide Permit re: Front Range Pipeline Police Report POS for 1st quarter of 2011 on wines on DC overseas locations only. Historical sites for the following addresses: 102 E 32nd St; 112 E 32nd St; 3201 S Main St; 3203 S. Main St; 3207 S. Main St; 3209 S. Main St; 3211 S. Main St; 3215 S. Main St; 3210 S Main St Road; 3223 S. Main St Road. Accident - Changing lanes. Request for MP Rpt Permit violations for the last five years regarding Greers Ferry Lake. Copy of the Newport Army Air Field, 1942 Completion Report Copy of HEC-RAS modeling data - May 2005 MPR 0394-2013 MPR 0403-2013 MPR 5584-2012 FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 415 of 1088 FP-13-020245 FP-13-020246 FP-13-020252 Pan Zych Stalo Wei Doug Darlene 4/24/2013 Granted 4/24/2013 Administratively Closed 4/25/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-020253 FP-13-020254 FP-13-020255 FP-13-020256 Smith Abdallah Berkowitz Crespo-Acevedo Christine Sean Joseph Carlos 4/25/2013 4/25/2013 4/25/2013 4/25/2013 FP-13-020258 Hipp Jacquelyn 4/25/2013 Granted FP-13-020262 Goldstein Kenneth 4/24/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-020264 Murphy Brandon 4/24/2013 Granted FP-13-020267 Dye David 4/25/2013 Granted FP-13-020268 FP-13-020270 FP-13-020271 FP-13-020272 FP-13-020273 FP-13-020275 Gage Rodriguez Nexis Nexis BOLIN Fenster Timothy John Lexis Lexis ADRIAN Herbert 4/25/2013 4/25/2013 4/25/2013 4/25/2013 4/25/2013 4/23/2013 Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Granted Administratively Closed Granted Administratively Closed MPR 1386-2013 Histoircal Maintenance Records Copy of procurement history of quantities and pricing for contract #W58RZ-08-D-0174 Info on JAG actions Copy of CID Investigation final case Info pertaining to Veteran, Lt Thomas W. Brodeick Request a copy of a USAG kaiserslautern Customs Office Investigation, conducted on myself on or around Year: 2007 or 2008. The Investigation was conducted at the Customs Office, Kleber Kaserne, Kaiserslautern, Germany. The investigation was for allegations of running a Home Base Business. The outcome of the investion was unfounded, but I was never provided with a final copy of the investigation results. Therefore, I'm requesting a copy of the investigation throughout the use of FOIA. Requesting copies of MP report on spousal abuse between her and her husband. Request for copy of Letter of Protest for Solicitation W912DR-12-R-0004 Indefinite Delivery Contract for Architect Engineer Services for Hazardous, Toxic and Radioactive Waste (HTRW) and MIlitary Munitions (MM) Projects. Mean low water maps of 1919 (for small section in Cheshire Township, Gallia County, Ohio) Information related to the stream mitigation credits sold in 2010, 2011, and 2012 in the Upper Savannah Service area to include the following HUC8 watersheds; Tugaloo, Broad, Upper Savannah, and Little Rivers (type of impact permitted, wetland and/or stream area or footage impacted, type of compensatory mitigation required, number of credits required> All Mprs on himself 0549-2013 MPR 0710-2013 MPR 1706-2013 JONATHAN MULHOLLAND RIO Contract DACA63-03-D-0005 funding information FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 416 of 1088 FP-13-020276 Currier Cora 4/25/2013 FP-13-020277 Roberts Casey 4/22/2013 Granted FP-13-020278 Hiatt Mark 4/25/2013 Granted FP-13-020279 FP-13-020280 Meyers Williams Donald Desiree 4/25/2013 Granted 4/25/2013 Granted FP-13-020281 FP-13-020282 Zych Walsh Doug Stan 4/25/2013 Granted 4/25/2013 FP-13-020284 FP-13-020285 FP-13-020286 FP-13-020287 FP-13-020288 FP-13-020289 FP-13-020290 Branson Chilli Hubbert Keit Schantag Marshall Warren Steven Frank Brian Claudia Mary Tre Shannon 4/25/2013 4/25/2013 4/25/2013 4/25/2013 4/19/2013 4/25/2013 4/16/2013 FP-13-020291 Morena Rex 4/25/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-020292 FP-13-020295 Lawson Kiker Erica Jane 4/24/2013 Granted 4/25/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-020298 BASCOM MICHELL E 4/25/2013 Granted Granted Administratively Closed Granted Granted Administratively Closed Granted Administratively Closed Request access to and an electronic copy of data from the Army Tort and Special Claims Database. Specifically, I am seeking all entries for claims from Afghanistan since September 2001. 404 Clean Water Act Permits requested by and issued to TXO Energy and/or Luminant Generation Company at Martin Lake Steam Electric Station (Power Plant) Copy of documents pertaining to W91236-10-D-0011, TO CV03 108th ADA DFAC to include full and complete basis of calculation for the per day liquidated damages charge of $2,060.58 (supporting assumptions, calculations, references, and any documentation used to calculate this per day rate; full and complete basis of calculation for the full Supervision and Administration Costs line item of $576,785.00. Request for MP rpt All documents relating to the Trickle Creek Project in Whatcom County Historical Maintenance Data All records re how the Seattle District determines the environmental baseline when evaluating the environmental effects of proposed projects which may be authorized by the Regulatory Branch Contract 12-B-0009 Contract Debt Verification Debt Verification Service record information on Paul H. Lavalle, last 4 0042 one month access to sub agency 494 Copy of investigation done by DOD/Army into the death of Shannon Warren's brother, Elijah Emanuel Warren. Solicitation SDVC 08-042-13-010 source listing, summary of proposals, bafo, disqualified bidders SAIC Contract W900KK-09-D-0323 Delivery Order 0003 Copy of NWS-2012-1125 and Lopez Island/Davis Bay Shoreline Restoration Proposal by John Pohl and Susan Wycoff Pohl DAMEON ROCHESTER FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 417 of 1088 FP-13-020301 TERPAK 4/12/2013 Granted SANTOS Bendthul Horne Lambert STEPHE N ROSE Harless Andrew Justin FP-13-020314 Giuseppe Ellen 4/23/2013 Granted FP-13-020315 Collette Mark 4/25/2013 Administratively Closed Solicitation #W91QF7-12-T-0032, Contract # W91QF7-12-P0038 W9124D11C9000 Permit 14582 Weapons found from 13 July 1980 thru present •Performance Bond Information to include Bond Number, point of contact for the Bondsman and Underwriting Company -All Past Payment Applications to include -All Past Prompt Payment Certifications -All Past Interim Schedules and Narratives Copy of RFP W912DY-07-R-0032 and contracts W912DY08-D-0026 and W912DY-08-D-0027 and subsequent task orders. Copy of records pertaining to MAJ Gen Maynard Sanders FP-13-020305 FP-13-020307 FP-13-020309 FP-13-020312 FP-13-020316 FP-13-020317 FP-13-020318 Lyons Juarez Shaw Rachel Ronita Kristopher 4/25/2013 Granted 4/25/2013 Granted 4/25/2013 Granted W9124D-07-F-0111 MPR for March 2013 Traffic Accident MPR for 17 April 2013 Shaw FP-13-020319 Callaway Amy 4/25/2013 Granted Records of the upper Saginaw Rv; DMDF, navigational dredging, characterization of the sediments and feasibility of a sediment trap. Include from Jan 1, 2011 to present. FP-13-020320 FP-13-020321 Lynch Milano 4/17/2013 Denied in Part 4/25/2013 Administratively Closed Certificates of authorization issued by the FAA for UA. Birds Point intentional breach in May 2011 FP-13-020322 FP-13-020324 FP-13-020325 FP-13-020326 FP-13-020327 FP-13-020328 Coyle Rachel Rachel Chilli Chilli Coefield Jennifer Deani Beard Katy Mark Mark Frank Frank Angela 4/25/2013 4/25/2013 4/10/2013 4/25/2013 4/25/2013 4/25/2013 Denied in Part Denied in Part Denied in Part Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Granted FP-13-020329 FP-13-020330 FP-13-020331 FP-13-020332 Burns Sloggett Ruotanen Lyons Spencer Laurie Norm Rachel 4/25/2013 4/25/2013 4/25/2013 4/25/2013 Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed W912P9-12-R-0736; any and all winning proposals P-2032 Chesterfield Valley Development P-2327 Route 21 Expansion Contract Contract Request for a final copy of 15-6 Investigation Report pertaining to the death of SSG James A. Surber. Contract Copies of 8 old log books from the dredge BIDDLE Contract Contract 4/15/2013 4/25/2013 4/25/2013 4/25/2013 Administratively Closed Granted Administratively Closed Denied in Part FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 418 of 1088 FP-13-020333 Clarke Greeg 4/25/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-020334 Barrett Holly 4/16/2013 Granted FP-13-020338 FP-13-020339 FP-13-020340 FP-13-020341 Fenster Rohik Adjei Crowe Herbert Shelly Kwame Daniel 4/25/2013 4/25/2013 4/25/2013 4/25/2013 FP-13-020342 Crowe Daniel 4/25/2013 Granted FP-13-020343 FP-13-020344 FP-13-020345 FP-13-020346 FP-13-020348 Bretz Morton Whisel Leija Graff Matthew Gary William Adrian Michael 4/24/2013 4/26/2013 4/26/2013 4/26/2013 4/26/2013 FP-13-020349 Lumberson 4/26/2013 Granted FP-13-020350 Armstrong Christoph er Jose Subject: W9124L-13-R-0005, We request the following regarding the above-referenced solicitation: 1. Name of the current (or last) contractor 2. Schedule B CLIN pricing for the current (or last) contract. (If not releasable, please provide the contract’s annual dollar value.) Please include the Contract Number, and the time period that the pricing represents. 3. Abstract/list of bids from the last competition (if available) ORM database results for San Francisco issued permits, from 1/2007 to present. Documents pertaining to RIO and LOGCAP III SD444 and SD446 access Speed too fast for conditions On behalf of the Innocent Warrior Project, I hereby submit a request under the authority of the Freedom of Information Act for all DD Form 458s, or "charge sheets" generated by, under the supervision of, or with the technical assistance of all Air Force and Army OSJA or any section thereof at JBLM from 16-31 March 2013. On behalf of the Innocent Warrior Project, I hereby submit a request under the authority of the Freedom of Information Act for all DD Form 458s, or "charge sheets" generated by, under the supervision of, or with the technical assistance of all Air Force and Army OSJA or any section thereof at JBLM from 01-15 April 2013. MP-Report Traffic accident MP report requested MP Report requested MP Report requested Privacy Act request for my personal military information. Privacy Act request for any documentation contained in any AR 15-6 investigation of myself MSG Michael J. Graff, conducted with or without my knowledge by USASOC or any of its subordinate units between March 2008 - June 2011. Also request any DA 4856 forms, memorandum of reprimand or letters of reprimand presented to me by USASOC or any of its units. 15-1-1 4/26/2013 Granted 510 Control # 103-5427L Administratively Closed Granted Granted Administratively Closed Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 419 of 1088 FP-13-020351 FP-13-020352 Goodman Crady Maxwell Sean 4/26/2013 Administratively Closed 2/15/2013 Granted FP-13-020353 Butler Justin 4/26/2013 Denied in Full FP-13-020354 FP-13-020355 FP-13-020357 FP-13-020361 Conway Crawford Earl Armstrong Zachary Taylor Ken Nicholas 4/26/2013 Granted 4/26/2013 Granted 4/26/2013 Granted 4/26/2013 FP-13-020363 FP-13-020364 Pleitez Schexnayder Salvadore Jesse 4/24/2013 4/24/2013 Denied in Full FP-13-020365 Reyes Lourdes 4/25/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-020367 FP-13-020369 FP-13-020371 Robol Mains Horne Ryan William Andrew 4/26/2013 Administratively Closed 4/26/2013 Granted 4/25/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-020374 FP-13-020378 FP-13-020380 Collins Ramos Sinclair Austin Oscar Jeffrey 4/26/2013 Granted 4/26/2013 Administratively Closed 4/26/2013 Granted Copy of Orders Sean Crady, of HRC, Fatal Incident Section, is requesting a copy of an AR 15-6 Investigation pertaining to SGT Kevin Flatley's death. Video of fight that took place on 1-10-2013 between Butler and Clarett 15-1-1 15-1-1 Ideal Farms 404 proposed permit RE: W91CRB-10-C-0030 and W91CRB-11-C-0053 - copy of contract and task orders including all documents containing award fee decision, contractual modifications, and weekly and monthly deliverables and progress reports, as available between February 1, 2004-April 10, 2013. Copy of the CID report on SPC Benjamin C. Pleitez Any and all adverse actions, reprimands, counseling statements, investigations concerning CPT Joseph Miley and what role Tracey Miley played in the incident Any and all documents regarding any investigation of the injury of Carl L. Humphrey which occurred on August 21, 2009, Fort Bliss, Combat Aviation Brigade, Airfield Apron, Contract W9126G,06-D-0032-0005 Permit 2007-1963 M. P. Report Documents regarding any “relevant weapon” from July 13, 1980 to present found in the course of any work performed by the COE in SWF to show (1) the make; (2) model; (3) caliber; (4) serial number; (5) name and address of owner; (6) description of the circumstances in which the weapon was found; (7) name and number of COE employee who found weapon; (8) location (including the address) in which weapon was found; (9) description of what happened to the weapon after it was found, including but not limited to, the name of any agency to who the weapon was delivered Austin Collins MPRs Request for Disciplinary Records of 0-6 and above FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 420 of 1088 FP-13-020393 Burmester Douglas 4/26/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-020395 Marriott J. Drew 4/26/2013 Granted FP-13-020399 Sherrill Tory 4/26/2013 Granted FP-13-020400 Reece Cyndi 4/26/2013 Granted FP-13-020401 Allen Leslye 4/26/2013 Granted FP-13-020402 Gardner David 4/26/2013 Granted FP-13-020403 FP-13-020404 Stewart McGuire Jeremiah Matthew 4/26/2013 Granted 4/26/2013 Granted FP-13-020406 FP-13-020407 FP-13-020408 Noveda Smathers Marfo 4/26/2013 Granted 4/26/2013 Administratively Closed 4/26/2013 Granted FP-13-020409 FP-13-020411 FP-13-020412 FP-13-020413 FP-13-020414 FP-13-020415 FP-13-020416 FP-13-020418 Gross Henry Dickey Russell Hamilton Thompson Robinson Ashazahur Eric Jason Emmanue l Samuel Sean Kailani Dennis Michael Kerinne Angelina Ryan The requester is requesting a Military Police Report in reference to MPR Number P201303420. Suspected child abuse. Husband grabbing arm and shoulder of daughter. Wetland Delineation submitted by Natural Resources Consulting for the Pioche Project, SPK-200250384 Larceny of private property - damaged vehicle. Request copy of 15-6 Commanders Inquiry on Battalion (Task Force Marshall)pertaining to SGT Katherine JoseyCarter Theft of public property. Noah's Ark Speed too fast for conditions. 4/26/2013 4/26/2013 4/26/2013 4/26/2013 4/26/2013 4/26/2013 4/26/2013 4/26/2013 2013 Parole/Clem Packet Larceny of government property. Larceny of NAF property, i.e., AAFES merchandise. Request for MP Rpt Request for MP Rpt Request for MP RPt Request for MP Rpt Speed too fast for conditions - causing acccident - 3 cars. FP-13-020420 West Jimmy 4/26/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-020425 FP-13-020428 FP-13-020430 FP-13-020431 ZUCCHINO Martin RAGONA Newman DAVID Sarai LISBETH Sierra 4/26/2013 4/26/2013 4/16/2013 4/26/2013 Denied in Part Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Administratively Closed Granted Granted non-redacted copy of Armor Officer Candate Course Class Rosters for classes 9 and 14, 1966; 12, 23, 24, 25, 26 and 31, 1967 They are requesting a copy of the general contract for the Project and also copies of any bonds held by the general contractor and furnished to the Army Corps of Engineers for the TBUP FY11 Support Facility Upgrade, Contract number W912DQ-11-C-4039. The requester is requesting a Military Police Report pertaining to an auto accident that occurred 8 March 2013. The requester is requesting a Military Police Report pertaining to an incedent that occurred 19 March 2013. TRAVIS CARDEN Request for information in a CID report W911SG-09-P-0009 Request for MP rpt FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 421 of 1088 FP-13-020432 Waller Barry 4/26/2013 Administratively Closed Bid documents and/or contracts submitted by or entered into with either Berne Reclamation Construction, Inc. or Gary Seals, regarding work being performed at the Rickenbacker International Airport in Columbus, Ohio Biological Assessment of BOR and USACE re: Middle Rio Grande W911S1-09-C-0014 Combat stress among recent veterans. Requester wanted copies of records pertaining to the Safety and Occupational health Specialist vacancy announcement. Requester expressed a willingness to receive the documents with redactions. Requester is looking for all records pertaining to the Gateway Marine Terminal Maintenance Dredging 35 Foot Channel, Piscataqua River, Newington, New Hampshire and Eliot, Maine, Solicitation and Contract W912WJ-12-B-0011 and W912WJ-13-C-0001, Copies of the daily production reports (27As), all pay estimates (ENG 93), and BD and AD hydrographic and land surveys (.xyz format) for the above referenced project. FP-13-020433 Pelz Jennifer 4/16/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-020434 FP-13-020436 FP-13-020438 SANTOS DarkaShade Leone ROSE Candrick Alfonso 4/17/2013 Administratively Closed 4/25/2013 Administratively Closed 4/13/2013 Granted FP-13-020439 Kyne Stephen 4/19/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-020440 Ahern Sean 4/25/2013 Granted FP-13-020441 Slovensky George 4/19/2013 Granted Arkansas River from Otero/Pueblo County Line to John Martin Reservoir, Channel Capacity and Riparian habitat Planning Study, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, August 2001 FP-13-020442 Lee Barbara 4/19/2013 Administratively Closed Request all current contracts that the AAFES has for online legal research and or information services with LexisNexis and Accurint (a.k.a. Reed Elsevier, Lexis, Lexis-Nexis, and/or Lexis/Nexis); and a copy of any and all purchase orders, delivery orders, and/or any modifications or amendments issued to or paid to LexisNexis for online legal research and/or information services for FY2012-FY2013. Please note services were procured by agency itself, or through the GSA or FEDLINK Schedules. If procured through GSA, the Lexis GSA Contract No. is GS02F0048M or GS35F0134L. If procured through FEDLINK, the Lexis FEDLINK Contract No. is LC09D7027. FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 422 of 1088 FP-13-020443 Marinangel Lisa 4/25/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-020444 FP-13-020445 FP-13-020446 FP-13-020447 WOMAC ZUCCHINO Dahmen Williams JOY DAVID Eric Desiree 4/26/2013 4/26/2013 Granted 4/26/2013 Administratively Closed 4/26/2013 Granted FP-13-020448 Nix Tarin 4/26/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-020449 Boeck Tamara 4/27/2013 Administratively Closed Actions pertaining to wetland violations/enforcements and any permits granted associated with 1202, 1204, 1206, 1208, 1212, 1214, 1216, 1218, 1220, 1222, 1224, 1226, 1228, 1230, and 1232 McRae Blvd and 1203, 1205, 1207, 1209, and 1211 Wedgewood Drive, El Paso, Texas Coordinates Lat: 31.761843°, Long: -106.354323° MAJ Cynthia Brownrigg's UCMJ Charge Sheet RYAN OFFUTT Customer requesting language training material. All mitigation plans, monitoring plans, and documents authored by Joseph Leyda or PBS Engineering & Environmental regarding Junction City Prison Project for the Oregon Department of Corrections. Copy of all proposals submitted by Gideon prior to the final contract being awarded, all contracts, and any documentation on subcontractors used for Contract No. W9126G-10-C-0022. 1. The COE policies, specifications, notes, memoranda, opinions, or related documents if any, related to the use of PVC conduit in electrical work for the Walhalla and Neche (North Dakota) Port of Entry Projects; 2. The COE policies, specifications, notes, memoranda, opinions, or related documents, if any, related to the use of rigid steel conduit in electric work for the referenced projects; 3. Any and all documents which evidence communications regarding the use of PVC conduit in electrical work for the projects, including but not limited to email communications; 4. Any and all documents which evidence communications regarding the use of rigid steel conduit in electrical work for the projects, including but not limited to email communications; 5. Any electrical requirements or specifications for the LAN Room for the projects; 6. Any electrical requirements or specifications for the LPE buildings for the projects; 7. Any and all documents which reflect the project milestone date for the LAN Room for the projects. Please include any extensions requested or received for this work. 8. Any and all documents which FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 423 of 1088 FP-13-020450 Jung Chang Wook 4/25/2013 Administratively Closed "This is a request under the Freedom of Information Act for contracts, all modifications and delivery orders for any contract of URS Federal Support Services, Inc. under SOFA contract status in Korea. In another FOIA request, we already received corresponding documents for W91QVN-08F-0508 but we are certain there could be different contract(s) being performed by URS Federal Support Services, Inc. in Korea but we don’t know contract numbers." FP-13-020451 Slaughter Keisha 4/28/2013 Granted 73 UH-1H Huey Helicopters donated to Mexican Military in June of 1996 to aid in the fight against drug trafficking, but were returned to the US due to technical difficulties in 1999. FP-13-020452 Garcia Sarah 4/28/2013 Granted FP-13-020453 Bulsa Daniel 4/28/2013 Granted FP-13-020454 Memolo Tiffany 4/29/2013 Granted Oversight of Government transparency, requesting information on how the Defense Department manages FOIA requests. 10 additional supporting questions, see attachments LTC Daniel Bulsa requested a copy of all records referencing case # DIG 11-00078 from the Inspector General under FOIA Army regulations 20-1 (IG activities and procedures) Copy of MP Report including photos created on 30 Mar 13. FP-13-020461 FP-13-020464 Regan Hunter Patricia Randall 4/29/2013 Granted 4/29/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-020465 Passick Pam 4/29/2013 Granted FP-13-020467 FP-13-020468 Mayfield Hanlon David John 4/29/2013 Administratively Closed 4/29/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-020471 David Tiffany 4/29/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-020472 McCormick Kally 4/29/2013 Granted Payments to Veterans Contracting and Procurement. Information pertaining to Alexander G. Weygers inventions, his flying saucer and other patents. Any records on dredging, piping, water control structures, etc. Copy of report pertaining to Timothy Free Copies of contracts, N66001-10-D-0069 and N66001-12-D0043. Records regarding the Army A160 Hummingbird Drone specifically how it tracks its target. Approved or preliminary Jurisdictional Delineation letter and associated figures at the Barberry Woods neighborhood, located on Johns Island, SC (Just off of Maybank Highway at the intersection of Hickory Knoll Way). FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 424 of 1088 FP-13-020473 Johnson Gerald 4/29/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-020474 FP-13-020476 FP-13-020477 Welton Newman Amato, Jr. Craig Sally Henry 4/29/2013 Administratively Closed 4/29/2013 Granted 4/29/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-020478 FP-13-020479 FP-13-020480 Melchiorre Peter Giordano Maria Olkowski-Browning Tammy 4/29/2013 Granted 4/29/2013 Administratively Closed 4/29/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-020481 FP-13-020484 FP-13-020486 FP-13-020488 Levenberg Franzen Pisauro Aftergood Haran Jim Michael Steven 4/29/2013 4/29/2013 4/29/2013 4/29/2013 FP-13-020492 FP-13-020495 Davis Smith Justin Scott 4/29/2013 Granted 4/26/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-020497 FP-13-020499 Powers Martinez Sharon Kelly 4/29/2013 Administratively Closed 4/25/2013 Denied in Part Documents between requestor and RSA Police Records relating to property located at Lot 24 of Waterway Landing in Pocosin Farms, Hyde County, Belhaven, NC. FP-13-020500 FP-13-020501 FP-13-020502 Chilli Santos Harrison Frank Rose Lisa 4/29/2013 Administratively Closed 4/29/2013 Administratively Closed 4/29/2013 Administratively Closed W9133L-08-F-0228 W91RUS-08-D-0008 Copy of incident that occurred in 2003-2006 at Fort Stewart. FP-13-020504 FP-13-020505 Santos Jerry Rose Wheeler 4/29/2013 Administratively Closed 4/29/2013 Granted FP-13-020506 Wright Austin 4/29/2013 Granted FP-13-020507 Santos Rose 4/29/2013 Administratively Closed W911W4-13-R-0007 Request a copy of the following document be provided me by mail General Electric drawing number 6068T94, Engine Installation, Turboshaft, T700-GE-701C. Requesting correspondence sent from members of COngress to specific Army officials during the month of February 2013. The Army officials are: Army Secretary John McHugh, Chief of Staff Raymond Odierno, and ASA(ALT) Hon Heidi Shyu. W91WAW-11-D-0024 Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Granted Administratively Closed Want historic plans and engineering drawins for the decommisisnoed Joliet Aresenal. They fall under the 88th RSC so this will be forwarded to them. Copy of background investigative file. Santee Cooper's Grainger Generating Plant Copy of documents from the General Officer Management Office Stormwater rerouting plan and profile of April 13, 1999. Technical Manual Info pertaining to the death of PVT Randall M. Babineau near Ft Leonard Wood. Copy of investigative files Copy Charles W. Olliney military records Railroad Avenue Bypass Connector Road Copy of ATP 3-07.20, "ISO Multi-Service Tactics, Techniques, and procedures for integrated monetary shaping Operations", April 26, 2013. Patriots Point - PN#96-1T-248-P All documents pertaining to the denial of appeal for HAP application number 1K61VA2231544441 (S-4441), Michael Lassmman (appeal was originally submitted in July 2010). FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 425 of 1088 FP-13-020508 Walker Mindy 4/29/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-020509 FP-13-020510 Ghazialam Kanemoto Bashir Shelley 4/29/2013 Granted 4/29/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-020511 Ferracuti Peter 4/26/2013 Granted FP-13-020512 FP-13-020513 Munchausen Nanson Ryan Philip 4/29/2013 Granted 4/29/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-020514 FP-13-020515 Steinbar Blattner Crystal Lynn 4/29/2013 Administratively Closed 4/29/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-020516 FP-13-020517 FP-13-020518 Carpenter Schreiber Plant Brent Ralph Quinn 4/29/2013 Granted 4/29/2013 Denied in Full 4/29/2013 Granted FP-13-020519 Sutton Elizabeth 4/29/2013 Granted FP-13-020520 Ravnitzky Michael 4/29/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-020522 Lucescu Gabriela 4/29/2013 Administratively Closed Docs related to Federal District Court # 5:12-mj-00334 and 5:12-mj-00335. files referred to CETAM from HQ. Copies of studies regarding wetlands and sediment pertaining to Kaelepulu Pond/Stream and the associated watershed. Documents related to Ottawa High School's request for permission to raise a levee near their building Permit for Entergy Inc Document titled "Aviation Loss File Listing, 1953-1980". This document is mentioned in the National Archives web site at http://www.archives.gov/publications/ref-infopapers/90/appendix-p.html. It is listed on the web page under item number 6, Army. Copy of 15-6 investigation Copy of military records pertaining to a retired military dog. Payment bond for Vortex Dredging contract Drawings Any and all correspondence between USACE and Tri-River Sports Facilities, Inc, Bouncing Around, LLC, and Aaron Beasley. All communications including letters, reports, emails, applications, CMPS, decision documents and or permits from May 6, 2009 to present between A&G Coal Co. in reference to the proposed Ison Rock Ridge mine; all requests received from Jan 2010 to present for withdrawal of previously filed 404 applications for surfacing mining operations in VA; any communications between the Norfolk District and USEPA related to coal mining from January 20, 2009 to present; with respect to coalmines, refuse or slurry impoundments, application docs and permits issued under NWP 21,49, 50; application docs and permits issued under section 404; Environmental Information documents; monitoring reports and mitigation plans for period 4/22/134/29/13 Copy of memo(s) and document(s) describing the impact of federal budget sequestration upon U.S. Army operations and functions. Copy of husband's last know address FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 426 of 1088 FP-13-020523 FP-13-020524 Santos Sutton Rose Elizabeth 4/29/2013 Denied in Part 4/29/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-020525 Smathers Jason 4/29/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-020528 Roessler Todd 4/16/2013 Granted FP-13-020531 Deaton Doug 4/23/2013 Denied in Full FP-13-020532 FP-13-020533 FP-13-020534 FP-13-020535 Santos Santos Santos Yablonski Rose Rose Rose Michael 4/29/2013 4/29/2013 4/29/2013 4/29/2013 FP-13-020536 Santos Rose 4/29/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-020537 Khel Vega Hanifa 4/29/2013 Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Contract W91RUS08D0008 To the extent not already responsive, in reference to the Coal-Mac Mine, LRH-2008-00830, SMCRA No. S500607: any and all monitoring data and/or reports submitted to the Corps pursuant to the permit requirements, and any and all other communications including, but not limited to, letters, reports, emails and or approvals to fill streams including, but not limited to, those communications between the Corps and Coal Mac about the above noted mine. Requests/notifications received from January 2010 to present for withdrawal of previously filed 404 applications for surfacing mining operations in West Virginia. To the extent not already responsive, any and all monitoring data and or reports submitted to the Corps pursuant to the permit requirements for the Consol of Kentucky, Peg Fork Mine, Corps Number 2006-2295 KAN. To the extent not already responsive, any and all other communications including, but not limited to, those communications between the Corps and Consol about the above noted Peg Fork Mine from January 2010 to present. Any and all preliminary or final information including, but not limited to, articles, reports, emails, phone Records pertaining to SBC.net (the Southern Baptist Convention's website) from computers connected to DOD networks. Labeling America's largest evangelical Christian denomination "hostile" and blocking military chaplains access to their website. surveys, aerial photos, wave and current data for areas right around the mouth of the Cape Fear River/Baldhead Island Long Beach Project & Middle School West Project Mitigation Plans associated with Coastal MS W9124P-13-C-0006 W91CRB-12-D-0018 W911S0-11-D-0058 Contracts W91RUS-08-D0005-0004 and W91RUS-08D0003-0004 DIRECTORATE OF INFORMATION MANAGEMENT AT FORT RUCKER Customer is requesting a copy of their background investigation. FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 427 of 1088 FP-13-020539 Coover Merv 4/29/2013 Granted FP-13-020543 FP-13-020544 FP-13-020545 Kaminsky Giacchino Giacchino Albert Leonardo Leonardo 4/29/2013 Administratively Closed 4/29/2013 Administratively Closed 4/29/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-020546 FP-13-020547 FP-13-020548 FP-13-020549 FP-13-020550 FP-13-020551 FP-13-020552 FP-13-020553 FP-13-020554 FP-13-020555 Kleinhaus Ghazialam Nienaber Ahern Petteway Christensen Ngo Martinez Rosas Ahern Shani Bashir Catherine Sean Lewis Alex Diane Kelly Daniel Sean 4/16/2013 4/29/2013 4/26/2013 4/29/2013 4/29/2013 4/29/2013 4/29/2013 4/22/2013 4/29/2013 4/29/2013 Administratively Closed Administratively Closed FP-13-020556 FP-13-020557 FP-13-020558 FP-13-020559 FP-13-020560 Trevino-Jones Swift Jones Ahlstrom Deane Yvette Lena Jordan Chad Amanda 4/29/2013 4/29/2013 4/29/2013 4/29/2013 4/25/2013 Granted Granted Granted Granted Administratively Closed FP-13-020561 FP-13-020562 FP-13-020563 Seymour Artsukevich Giacchino Tracy Gregory Leonardo 4/29/2013 Granted 4/29/2013 Granted 4/29/2013 Granted FP-13-020564 FP-13-020565 Sieh Giacchino Kip Leonardo 4/29/2013 Granted 4/29/2013 Granted Administratively Closed Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Administratively Closed Dredging work from 1960 to 1970 on the west side of the Lower Duwamish Waterway between River Mils 1.35 and 1.55 Defense Reconstruciton Assistance Office Records McNeil Island Submarine Cable repairs Sea Breeze Project - electric power transmission cable, Canada to Washington State Solagen Solar Project in Panoche Valley Fnu Ajmal's Alien File Helix Electric, Inc., certified payroll records. W912BU-09-B-0043 - usual dredging request 15-1-1 and sentence comp 15-1-1 and sentence comp Permit 2012-00240 Disposal Site 15 Abatement card Maint Dredging of Wilmington Outer Ocean Bar and Morehead City Outer Ocean Bar MPR 1461-2013 MPR 2542-2012 MPR 1431-2013 MPR 0901-2013 Jurisdictional summary for the Department of Energy sites located in Oak Ridge, TN, especially for the Y-12 Plant, also known as the Y-12 National Security Complex MPR 1478-2013 MPR 1455-2013 Documents regarding Port Angeles-Juan de Fuca Transmission Sea Breeze project MPR 1312-2013 Documents re McNeil Island Submarine Cable Repairs FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 428 of 1088 FP-13-020566 Sutton Elizabeth 4/29/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-020567 FP-13-020568 Archambault Couwenberg Tiffany Maarten 4/29/2013 Granted 4/29/2013 Granted FP-13-020569 Allen Derek 4/29/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-020570 Allen Derek 4/29/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-020571 Allen Derek 4/29/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-020576 Briley Antonn 4/30/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-020582 Santos Rose 4/30/2013 Administratively Closed 1) We request the following documents listed below received during the time period from April 22, 2013 to present: a. Requests/notifications for withdrawal of previously filed 404 applications for surface mining operations in Kentucky. b. All notices, requests, or applications for coverage for coalmines, refuse or slurry impoundments under NW permits 21, 49 or 50. c. Any Corps authorizations including decision documents and facts and findings granted under NWP 21, 49 or 50 for activities in Kentucky or Tennessee. d. Any individual 404 permits including decision documents, facts and findings, and final CMPs for surface mining operations or refuse or slurry impoundments in Kentucky or Tennessee e. Any and all Environmental Information Documents received including amendments, revisions and/or appendices and any and all Compensatory Mitigation Plans including amendments, revisions and/or appendices related to coal mining operations submitted to the Corps for operations in Kentucky or Tennessee. f. All monitoring reports received by the Corps related to any mining compensatory mitigation plans for stream creation, enhancement, or restoration projects for 404 permits in KY. MPR 1455-2013 Copy of signed agreement and copy of subcontractor's list for John Madonna Construction, Santa Maria LeveesBradley Canyon Levees, W912PL-13-B-0001 Copy of the following permitting document(s) pertaining to the property known as Tomlinson Estates located in McDonough, Henry County, GA. Copy of the permitting document(s) pertaining to the property known as Tuxedo Estates located in Ellenwood, Henry County, GA. To include information regarding permits and mitigation credits. Copy of the permitting document(s) pertaining to the property known as Walnut Creek located in Jackson County, GA. To include information regarding permits and mitigation credits. Complete court martial records, transcripts and complete investigative reports pertaining to his court martial trial. W91CRB-09-D-0061 FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 429 of 1088 FP-13-020583 Harwell Anitra 4/30/2013 Granted Requester is seeking a copy of an MPR regarding an accident that occurred on March 12, 2013. Copy of Release of Document AD0227785, entitled "BoudSynchronous Radio-Te;etypewriter Terminal Equipment. FP-13-020584 Haynes James 4/30/2013 Granted FP-13-020588 Ives Rosemari e 4/10/2013 Granted Copy of all comments submitted to USACE regarding the Public Notice for the Deepwater Windfarm application. FP-13-020593 FP-13-020594 Ellis Peterson Carolyn Korrin 4/30/2013 Administratively Closed 4/22/2013 Granted ANC records 1. A list of all tank barges that operated in the Cape Cod Canal from July 2009 to December 2012. 2. The number of vessels (total and loaded) operating in the Cape Cod Canal from July 2009 to December 2012. 3. The number of tank barges operating in the Cape Cod Canal by hull type (single and double) from July 2009 to December 2012. 4. The number ofloaded tank barge transits by hull type (single and double) from July 2009 to December 2012. 5. The number ofloaded tank barge transits by carrier and hull type (single and double) from July 2009 to December 2012. 6. The total petroleum product tonnage by tank barges in the Cape Cod Canal (including the number ofbarrels and total gallons of petroleum) from July 2009 to December 2012. FP-13-020595 FP-13-020598 FP-13-020600 Peck Butler RamseyU Laura Chad MAJ Elizabeth 4/30/2013 Administratively Closed 4/30/2013 Granted 4/30/2013 Granted FP-13-020601 FP-13-020602 FP-13-020604 COLLINS TOURTELOT FARKASH WILLIAM LISA SHELLEY 4/30/2013 Granted 4/30/2013 Granted 4/30/2013 Granted TAG-D Command Climate Survey Permits for Trunkline 100-2 pipeline 1950? Any and all reprimands, admonishments and letters of concern issued to senior military officers in the rank of COL ()-6) and above since January 1, 2008. JARED A. ALBIN RESULT OF TRIAL HECTOR SOLER FP-13-020605 Heath Elizabeth 4/30/2013 Granted FP-13-020607 FP-13-020608 BRIDGES Bonoli, Esquire AARON Philip 4/30/2013 Granted 4/30/2013 Administratively Closed The requester is requesting a Military Police Report pertaining to an accident which occurred 24 April 2013. AARON BRIDGES Investigation into March 19,20ll incident at Forward Operating Base Frontenic in Afghanistan. AR 15-6, All docs re: Tundra, Contract review results, Level 3 corrective action, Tundra's Corrective Action Plan, witness statemebts. FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 430 of 1088 FP-13-020609 Cook Sarah 4/30/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-020611 Clark Anna 4/26/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-020615 NAVARRO 4/30/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-020616 FP-13-020617 FP-13-020618 Navarro Lofink, Jr. Vaughn RICHARD O Richardo Willam Tanya FP-13-020619 Thomson Brent 4/29/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-020620 FP-13-020621 FP-13-020622 FP-13-020623 FP-13-020624 Manning Novak Frazier Hernandez Schexnayder Duane Robert Torrian Ruben Jesse 4/30/2013 4/30/2013 4/30/2013 4/30/2013 4/26/2013 4/30/2013 4/30/2013 Administratively Closed 4/24/2013 Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Granted Granted Granted Administratively Closed Requests a detailed tabulation for the BID, NAFIB4-13-Q0074 for Towels for Pentagon Athletic Center, dated April 18, 2013, Opening time, 1300 hrs, ES. Pantex High Explosive Pressing Facility--Certified payroll and related Davis-Bacon Act compliance documents JEREMY GOULET Request for Record of Trial William J. Lofink, Jr. Request information/documentation: 1. Copy of all Payment Applications submitted by or on behalf of the Contractor on the above-referenced project (Contract No. NAFIB5-11-C0050), including any and all attachments thereto. 2. Copy of all Change Orders to the Contract referenced above (No. NAFIB5-11- C-0050). 3. Copy of all Subcontracts for the above-referenced project, including without limitation, the Subcontract between DooleyMack Constructors of Northwest Florida, LLC and Bay Engineering Solutions, LLC. 4. Regarding the Contract referenced above (No. NAFIB5-11C-0050), please provide an accounting of all amounts paid pursuant thereto to DooleyMack Constructors of Northwest Florida, LLC, Safeco Insurance Company of America, or any other person or entity, identifying the payee, date and amount of each payment made. 5. Any correspondence with Safeco Insurance Company of America, its agents, employees or representatives regarding the abovereferenced project (Contract No. NAFIB5-11-C-0050). 6. Any correspondence with DooleyMack Constructors of Northwest Florida, LLC, its agents, employes or representatives regarding the above-referenced project (Contract No. Copy of NWW Permit 2006-640-C01 and all correspondence and public comments. Duane Manning Request for MP Rpt Request for MP Rpt MPR 4753-2013 Any investigations conducted by the US Army,SMDC, or the 100th MDB into any alleged misconduct of LTC Joseph Miley, his spouse, or pertaining to the command climate of the 49th Missile Defense Battalion FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 431 of 1088 FP-13-020625 Jung 4/30/2013 Granted Pendergrass Surace Glover Hymel Stewart McNelley Chang Wook Ryan Guy Marquis Kimberly Michelle Richard FP-13-020626 FP-13-020627 FP-13-020628 FP-13-020629 FP-13-020630 FP-13-020631 4/30/2013 4/30/2013 4/30/2013 4/30/2013 4/30/2013 4/22/2013 Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted FP-13-020632 FP-13-020633 FP-13-020634 FP-13-020635 Montez Ryckman Pilar Benstock Jose Heather Hannah Marcy 4/30/2013 4/30/2013 4/30/2013 4/30/2013 Granted Granted Granted Granted FP-13-020636 FP-13-020637 FP-13-020638 Waegele Gibbs Drake David Twineice Catrina 4/30/2013 Administratively Closed 4/30/2013 Administratively Closed 4/30/2013 Granted FP-13-020639 Pente Erin 4/30/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-020640 Pente Erin 4/30/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-020641 Smith Bianka 4/30/2013 Granted FP-13-020642 Smith Bianka 4/30/2013 Granted FP-13-020643 Shall John 4/30/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-020644 Lambert Amy 4/30/2013 FP-13-020647 FP-13-020649 MAYER Ordway SIMON Dustin 4/24/2013 Administratively Closed 4/30/2013 Denied in Part Contracts, mods, delivery orders for any contract of URS under SOFA contract status in Republic of Korea Request for MP Rpt Request for MP Rpt Request for MP Rpt GIWW and Bayou Bartholomew Jurisdictional Determination 20-030-2977 Documents related to April 18, 2013 accident at Marseilles Request for MP Rpt Request for MP Rpt Request for MP rpt documents from 18 March 13 to present for application number NAN-2013-00176 (Piers 40 & 66 in Manhattan) which was not provided in previous FOIA FA-13-0088 ARBA records ARBA records SFC Catrina M. Drake (15-6 Investigation) vs. MSG Baker, Anthony A. wetlands or wetlands violations at the property located at 450 Main Street, Armonk, Westchester County, NY wetlands or wetlands violations at the property located at 2958-2970 Hempstead Turnpike, Village of Levittown, Town of Hempstead, Nassau County, NY a copy of permit application number NAN-2011-00754-EHA a copy of permit application numbers NAN-2011-01451ESP, NAN-2004-00439, NAN-2007-00565-ERA, NAN-201200374-ETA, NAN-2012-00446, NAN-2012-00023-UCO, NAN2012-00978-EYA, NAN-2012-0181-UCO and NAN-201201356-ESP Requests copy of Mechanically Stabilized Earth (MSE) Retaining Wall Design Calculations for MSE wall as constructed on project W912EE-10-C-0029, Little Bayou Meto Flood Control Pump Station. W52P1J-13-D-0037, Delivery Order 0001, Delivery Order 0002, and all modifications to each W912DY-10-F-0709 Permit LRE-2012-00486-51, 2058 Ottawa Beach Rd, Holland MI(Cunningham). FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 432 of 1088 FP-13-020650 Forestiere Roxanne 4/30/2013 Granted FP-13-020651 FP-13-020652 FP-13-020654 FP-13-020655 FP-13-020657 FP-13-020658 FP-13-020660 FP-13-020661 FP-13-020663 FP-13-020665 FP-13-020666 FP-13-020668 FP-13-020679 FP-13-020680 Monn Anderson SANTOS Riley Postemski Reyna Trevett Casarez Chapman-Tomlin Fension Cook White Medenis Zabel Ronald Tyler ROSE Barbara Rachel Jamie Michael Vicenta Christine Cherie Barbara Jay Michael Leah 4/30/2013 4/30/2013 4/24/2013 1/3/2013 1/3/2013 1/4/2013 1/16/2013 1/16/2013 1/17/2013 1/23/2013 1/31/2013 1/31/2013 4/30/2013 4/30/2013 FP-13-020681 Coley Patricia 5/1/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-020682 Sheldon David 5/1/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-020687 FP-13-020692 Ferguson Dusek Jonathan DuWayne 5/1/2013 Granted 4/30/2013 Denied in Part Request for MP Rpt Copy of the winning proposal submitted by Acme Concrete Paving, Inc. for Contract No. W9128F-13-C-0007 FP-13-020693 Bodetsky P.O. 4/26/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-020694 FP-13-020696 Branson Santos Steven Rose 4/25/2013 Granted 4/30/2013 Denied in Part FP-13-020698 FP-13-020699 Tanner Buppert Dana Gregory 5/1/2013 Granted 4/30/2013 Granted The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey is requesting any and all available information and copies of records for Mr. Timothy Patrick, a prospective employee. W91278-11-B-0004 W91278-08-D-0016, Task/Delivery Orders 18, 22, 27, 49 and 53 verfication of employment and address of supervisor Nationwide Permit 21 for Surface Mining Activities in Locust Fork River watershed (AL) Granted Granted Administratively Closed Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Administratively Closed Denied in Part Walhalla and Neche Port of Entry Projects, both located in North Dakota MPR 1859-04 Request for MP Rpt W911S011D0029 15-6 15-6 15-6 15-6 15-6 Record of Court marshal CID Report Accident Report Copy of Contract A listing of all units of assignment. Master manual of Reservoir Regulations, Sacramento River Basin and Shasta Dam and Lake Report on Reservoir Regulation for Flood Control CID referred exhibit 2 for review which is part of a 15-6 investigation. All documents relating to BG Nichols' applications to GOAAB and GOPSB. Names of all retired ARG's in past 10 yrs. Assignments of USAR Gen Officers, Copy of admin briefings from GOAAB and GOPSB for 2009 to 2012. All admin instructions by SECArmy for 2009 thru 2012. List of advisory selection board membership for all boards. FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 433 of 1088 FP-13-020700 FP-13-020701 Reilly Blackwood William Hilary 5/1/2013 Granted 4/18/2013 Administratively Closed verification of employment and address to supervisor Request for any and all documents generated during the time period from 1 January 1992 to 31 December 2000 by and on behalf of the US Army Reserve Command specifically but not limited to the 94th Army Reserve Command regarding work performed by the Reserve, including but not limited to the grading at the site along Hathaway Boulevard in New Bedfore, MA, sometimes referred to as the McCoy Field and now the location of the Keith Middle School for the purpose of placing soccer fields on the Site, including without limitation any and all: Communications between the City of New Bedford, including any dept thereof, and the Reserve and/or the 94th ARC regarding the Site; communications between any other entity or person and the Reserve and/or 94th ARC regarding the Site; contracts or agreements regarding the Site; draft and final plans regarding the site; permits or any applications for permits regarding the site; progress or status reports regarding the site; photographs or news articles regarding the site; and invoices/vouchers and records of payment for work performed. FP-13-020703 FP-13-020704 Lyons Kellogg Rachel Jeffrey 5/1/2013 4/26/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-020706 Hayden Anthony 5/1/2013 Administratively Closed Request complete copy of contract W911SR06P0035. Documents relating to Contract number W912HN-07-D0015, Task Order 0002, Good Hope Maneuver Area, Fort Benning, GA , awarded to Tug Hill Construction as the prime contractor. Copy of a 15-6 investigation pertaining COL Philip Stemple FP-13-020708 Flanary Angie 4/29/2013 Granted FP-13-020711 FP-13-020712 FP-13-020714 Schmid Santos Bell James Rose Michael 5/1/2013 Granted 4/30/2013 5/1/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-020715 Trainor Jonathan 5/1/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-020718 FP-13-020719 Laird Ludwig Jimmy Dennis 5/1/2013 Granted 5/1/2013 Granted For five tainter gate rehab contracts, copies of award documents, CLINs, and specs. Regulatory File 1999012151-51 Contract W900KK-09-D-0006 wetland violations for 37290 Lighthouse road, Selbyville, DE The requester is requesting all documents in relations to himself. MPR MPR FOIA FA-14-0195 Page 434 of 1088 FP-13-020720 Lorenzi Ray 5/1/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-020721 Crawford Kimberly 5/1/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-020722 FP-13-020724 Fields McClellan Michael Samantha 5/1/2013 Granted 5/1/2013 Granted FP-13-020725 FP-13-020730 Savage Mullins Amber Derek 5/1/2013 Granted 5/1/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-020731 FOXHOVEN KATELYN 5/1/2013 Administratively Closed FP-13-020732 FP-13-020733 Jiles Deal Doris Marvin 5/1/2013 Granted 5/1/2013 Administratively Closed Personnel job annoucement records All record information disclosed to U.S. Army from the Selective Service in 1974 regarding his classification draft card being sent to Army and with advertising with mailing list. FP-13-020734 Bosse Rodrigue 5/1/2013 Administratively Closed FOIA/PA Control# NRC2013028344 - Docs, Copy of records FP-13-020735 HOUSTON 5/1/2013 Administratively Closed CID INVESTIGATION FP-13-020736 FP-13-020737 FP-13-020739 FP-13-020741 FP-13-020742 FP-13-020744 Manning GALLAGHER MANGANIELLO OPOKE SECATERO DRYER FP-13-020745 FP-13-020749 REESE GARD FP-13-020751 GARD FP-13-020753 FP-13-020755 FP-13-020757 FP-13-020758 BAREN KUNZE Williams Williams DEMETRI A Duane PETER JULIE ASARE JAMES FRANCE S MARY JEANNIN E JEANNIN E RACHEL CURTIS Steven Davuale 5/1/2013 2/4/2013 2/5/2013 2/8/2013 2/11/2013 2/14/2013 Administratively Closed Correspondence by the Army regarding concussions, head impacts, and traumatic brain injuries as it relates to the