November 2013 Newsletter - Mohave Museum of History and Arts


November 2013 Newsletter - Mohave Museum of History and Arts
Volume 5
November 2013
Tad Devine
Dan Messersmith
Educator Workshop
Grand Opening
Quilters Guild
Mohave Memories – published monthly by the Mohave Pioneers Historical Society, Inc. 400 West Beale Street, Kingman, AZ 86401-5708
Calendar of Events
It's time for the Annual Christmas Sale in the Museum Gift Shop. Come
find the perfect gift for that special person. There are many unique gifts
from wind chimes to beautiful jewelry and books. So many things to
choose from!!! Or if you can't make a decision, buy a gift certificate for
that special person and let them choose their own gift. Everything will be
10% off and, of course, Museum Members will also get their membership
discount of 10% for a total of 20% for all members. So come and start
your Christmas Shopping NOVEMBER 25, 2013. The sale will continue
through DECEMBER 31, 2013. See you at the Museum Gift Shop!!!
Mohave Memories On The Internet
Mohave Memories Newsletter is Online
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Mohave Museum of History & Arts
The Mohave Museum of History & Arts invites
you to participate in preserving our past and building for the future.
General Member
Includes member and immediate family free
admission to Mohave Museum, Powerhouse
Route 66 Museum & Bonelli House.
Supporting Member
Includes all General member benefits: plus nocharge research assistance from the Museum
Business Member
Director’s Circle
Application available on
Or calling museum 928-753-3195
Museum Business Membership
These are some of the Business Members who support the heritage and culture of Mohave County
Chloride residents played host to a large group of members of
the Airstream Trailer Caravan last Wednesday and Thursday.
The group spent their days exploring the old mines and rock
hunting areas near Chloride.
November 1963
Sgt. Floyd Cisney of the Arizona Highway Patrol was appointed by the Mohave County Supervisors to serve as
Sheriff of Mohave County at a special
meeting held this morning. Cisney,
who will replace the late Robert L.
Tarr for his expired term, will take
over his duties effective November
The American Legion Auxiliary will sponsor their annual Armistice Breakfast at the Legion Hall Monday from 8 to 10. All Legionnaires, auxiliary members and their families are invited to
Lake Mohave Ranchos: In that single-engine Comanche seen
landing at one of our two airports were Mr. and Mrs. George
Hines and Mr. and Mrs. Mike Romero.
The Mohave County Cowbells will meet with the Mohave Livestock Association for their annual potluck dinner at the American Legion Hall on Friday, November 22nd.
Two Kingman boys, who became lost while on a hunting trip,
were found none the worse for wear last week. Joe Rader, 12,
and Raymond Shelton, 12, were hunting with their fathers in the
Truxton area near Cherokee Peak when they became separated.
Sheriff’s deputies and the Jeep Posse took part in the search and
the boys were located Monday at noon. They had walked about
25 miles.
Miss Elsa Sweeney, president of the Kingman Business and Professional Women’s Club, presented a citation to Miss Diane Keller as winner of the Mohave County Spelling Bee and runner up
in state competition. Miss Keller was adopted as student of the
year during National Business Women’s Week.
Big Sandy: Roxie Stephens performed with the High School
Pom Pom Girls at the State Fair Monday.
The State Highway Department has informed the Kingman City
Council that a traffic control signal at the intersection of Fourth
and Andy Devine, long sought by the city, has been approved
and should be installed in the near future.
Several of the Yucca ladies have joined the associate members
of the Pink Ladies at the Mohave General Hospital.
On Thanksgiving Day more than 125 descendants of John
Fancher will celebrate a family reunion at Fairgrounds Hall in
Short Creek is now Colorado City. It may be hard for old-timers
to refer to the Mohave County community on the Arizona Strip
by its new name, but according to the United States Board of
Geographic Names, the State Highway Department and the United States Post Office, Colorado City it is.
Bullhead City: The large fossil tooth found by Mr. Scruggs on a
recent field trip with the Silvery Colorado Rock Club has been
identified as a mastodon tooth, so reports Mr. Scruggs. It
weighs 5 pounds and 5 ounces, and is petrified, a rare find indeed. The tooth will be on display at Mr. Scruggs’ business
place on Main Street.
Mohave County joined the rest of the nation and the world in
mourning the tragic death of the late President John F. Kennedy,
even as they found it almost impossible to believe that the rapid
sequence of events of the weekend were reality.
date settings had grown over two feet since planting.
November 1933
The contract for the construction of the road from Kingman to
Hackberry is to be let and bids are to be received until December
for the work.
The Mohave County contingent of seven young men left last
week for a six month’s stay in the national forests of Arizona
where they will take up the work of the C. C. C. at Flagstaff
Camp F5A. The boys who made the trip include Ralph Brown,
Theodore Lucero, Andrew J. Reeves, Albert Badilla, Gordon C.
Leonard, William H. Kohnke and Charles Padilla.
Hackberry: Several people are moving in recently expecting the
road work to begin soon. Houses are in demand.
The Ressler brothers have finished the front of the Axel Ericson
building and it is surely an addition to the town. The new paint
job sets the building off in fine shape.
Charles Dutton and Bill Crowley were out after their deer last
weekend, but we are told they did not get a chance to bring
home the “bacon.”
The original Arizona Wranglers, radio stars of Hollywood, will
ride into town November 28 in their 30-passenger steed. We are
proud to have them in personal appearance on stage in our city.
In the windows of the Kingman Home Bakery tomorrow there
will be on display one of the largest cakes ever baked in Kingman. This cake is being made for the Golden wedding anniversary of Mr. ad Mrs. Anson H. Smith, and from advance reports it
will be a work of art indeed.
Interior of Kingman
Bake Shop, bakery run
by Mr. & Mrs. Wolf.
There are 4 bakers, a
man and woman on the
Chloride: Halloween passed without any great amount of damage as far as we have heard. The Post Office found an auto trailer on its front porch, but being on wheels it was no great job for
the owner to get it back home.
Mrs. Harry LeClair came into town from her Mohave date farm
to attend to business matters. Mrs. LeClair stated that the new
Sheriff J. P. Gideon has moved his residence onto his other lots
on Oak Street and will build a handsome home. The material is
now on the ground.
November 1913
The Southwest Turquoise company, W. J. Tarr, manager, is a
steady producer of semi-precious stones. Up to date the production has been from 18,000 to 20,000 pounds. Some of this material is the very best grade on the market.
John Angle and wife came in from Hackberry yesterday in their
automobile. Mr. Angle has charge of the work of sinking the
new shaft on the old Hackberry mine.
The work of finishing the basement of Elks Hall is underway
and the finishing touches will probably be put on before the first
of the year.
Last Saturday an election was held in the school districts of the
county for a board of education. The board will probably be
composed of O. D. M. Gaddis, Thomas Devine, John Mulligan,
W. O. Ruggles and W. K. Ridenour.
Charles Lee, an old fellow who acted as gravedigger for the local cemetery, was found dead in bed yesterday morning. Lee
was a German by birth but it is not believed that Lee was his true
name, although nothing could be found that would lead to his
true identity. He lived in Kingman several years and appeared to
be one of the most inoffensive of men.
George A. Bonelli's General Merchandise Store in Chloride,
Arizona. George owned it from 1912 to 1924..
Judge Carl G. Krook was called to Phoenix last Sunday to attend
a meeting of the Superior Judges. While there he sat upon the
Supreme bench in a case in which one of the Supreme judges
was disqualified.
The Old Trails Café appears to be doing a good business. The
place is neat and comfortable and the cookery the best in the
Man in his infancy is limited in his experiences to the sphere of the mother . . .
The earliest residents to leave any type of record in Mohave County were San Dieguitoans from approximately 8000 B. C.
This record was in the form of crude stone implements. Much is yet to be learned of this ancient group, but we do know they
came from the north as illustrated by the path of the blue footprints through what is now the Sacramento Valley. They were
followed by the Amargosans, who in approximately 5000 B. C. came down through present-day Utah, circled the outskirts of
the county and entered from the Lower Colorado, along the path of the red footprints. Next came the Yuman cultures of about
700 A. D. who established trade trails into the area as shown by the orange footprints. These people traded turquoise and other
goods with the Pueblo cultures to the east and for shells from the coast.
Roy Purcell presenting a guided tour and history of the
“Mohave Epic - Footprints in Time” exhibit that he created in 1967
Membership Renewal
Joni Evelyn Goodwin- Alama
Lester & Lyndal Byram
Mary Ann Chwaszczewski
Kay DeShields
Jane Marie Harnett
Robert Heuerman
Mr. & Mrs. Hal J Johnson
Mr. Clifford H Kern
Leonard & Anita Langford
Mr. & Mrs. Albert Leenhouts
Dr. M Dale Parry
Doris Power
Ms. Kerry Raymond
Luke Sharples, Lake Havasu City, AZ
Marilyn Taraba
Dr. Jerald Wienke
Ms. Shirley Urban
Ronald & Margaret Foote
Jim Powell
Leeann Grivan, Mesa, AZ.
Marjorie Martinovic
Charles & Margaret Lowes, Golden Valley, AZ
Mr. & Mrs. John T Neal
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Womack
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Davis
Mr. & Mrs. Ed Covington
Joseph and Susie Gatineau
Scott & Candy Lander Family Trust
Lance Buckhammer, Golden Valley, AZ
Joan M Taylor
T J McMichael, Eagar, AZ
Scott Burris Family, Escondido, CA
Randy Jacobs
Stephen and Cyndi Poe
Jessie Peevey
Gregg Arnold & Alesandra Reynolds
Connie Stone
Paul C Knudson
Karry and Yanli Ma-Hovig
Mr & Mrs Raymond Bonham, Flagstaff, AZ
New Memberships
Wendi Taflan
Alex Urquijo
Jamaica Smith
Rose Cobb, El Paso, TX
Karen Mascioletti, Hemet, CA
Laurel Penrod
Mr & Mrs Daniel Foote
"C." and Nannette Russell
Anjanette Delgado
Keren Adams, Bullhead City, AZ
Dave Grassi
Paula Guthrie
Debbie Kane, Bullhead City, AZ
Lynda Matheson, Ft. Mohave, AZ
Christie Mitchell, Ft. Mohave, AZ
If a Memorial donation is not designated for a specific purpose, it will be used at the Museum’s discretion
In Memory Of
Maxine Willis-Klein
C. Lucille Zach
Sara Juanitta Grigg
Roland Harvey "Ron" Olson
Abner Hubert Cox
C. Lucille Zach
Tyson Thomas Brown
Vanessa Kogianes
Gregory O. Duncan
Aleta Jo Tyra
Beatrice "Bea" Candelaria
Steve and Violet Davis
Steve and Violet Davis
Steve and Violet Davis
Steve and Violet Davis
Steve and Violet Davis
Pat Mullen
Patricia M. & Jody D. Mullen
Patricia M. & Jody D. Mullen
Ben Lamb and Pat Mullen
Mr. William J. Bailey
Mr. William J. Bailey
Mohave Memories – published monthly by the Mohave Pioneers Historical Society, Inc. 400 West Beale Street, Kingman, AZ 86401-5708
Mohave County, Movers & Shakers
Dr. Martin (Marty) Ahlene, Dentist, was born on October
THOMAS O. “ABE” BALE was born in California in 1889,
26, 1927 in Chicago, Illinois. During World War
II he served in the Naval
Dental Corps. After the
war he studied dentistry at
Northwestern University,
and began his dental career in Phoenix, Arizona
in 1953.
and came to Kingman in 1914 to
work as a candy maker in Ray
Brundage’s Chocolate Shop. Later he worked for Tom Devine at
the Hotel Beale.
In 1921 Abe went to work for
Central Commercial Company. In
November of that year he married
Kingman native Emma Martinez.
He was with Central Commercial
for 35 years as manager of the
shoe and men’s departments.
Dr. Ahlene married Joan
Von Rhein in 1953 and
moved to Kingman in
1956 where he continued
his dental practice until
retiring in 1986.
Bale was a long-time steward of
the Kingman Elks Club, and was an avid golfer. As a member
of the Kingman Country Club he was golf champion in 1942.
He was also an outstanding baseball player as catcher, outfielder and second baseman on the town baseball team.
He was a life-long member of Search and Rescue,
was interested in astronomy, history and classical music, and was active in the community. He volunteered many hours at the Mohave Museum of History and Arts, where he was instrumental in the restoration of the
museum’s pipe organ.
A member of the Kingman Fire Department for 45 years, Bale
served two terms as chief. Music was another interest for Bale;
he played drums in many local orchestras.
Dr. Ahlene died in Kingman on November 19, 2010.
Abe Bale died in California in November, 1963. An article in
the Mohave County Miner states:
HERBERT KEMP BIDDULPH, Kingman’s First Mayor,
“His passing leaves a void that won’t be filled. He was a product of his times, another in the passing parade of interesting people who inhabited this area during the time when it was growing,
but slowly, from a frontier to a modern community.”
was born in Seattle, Washington
in the early 1900s. He lived in
California and moved to Buckeye, Arizona with his family in
the 1930s.
After World War II the family
moved to Kingman where Biddulph was a partner in the auto
dealership of Biddulph and
Dunton. The family lived in
Kingman for fourteen years, and
Biddulph served from 1952 to
1955 as Kingman’s first mayor.
OLIVE CLACK BOND, Kingman Native was born September
2, 1920 and as a young person lived in Kingman and at the family ranch seven miles from town at the foot of the C.O.D. mine.
She married Lindsey Bond in 1941. They had three sons. Lindsey owned and operated Bond’s Barber Shop, and the family
lived in Clack Canyon.
Over the years Ollie worked for the Miner newspaper doing obituaries and marriage licenses. She worked for Ivan Wilson at
City Drug, and with the highway patrol.
Over the years Biddulph owned
and operated auto dealerships in
Glendale and Yuma, Arizona,
and in Las Vegas and California.
Ollie helped start Kingman’s Little League park, and she played
a roll in Kingman’s golf history. She was involved in the building of Kingman’s first country club (which was later destroyed
by fire and was rebuilt).
Herb Biddulph died in Scottsdale at the age of 87.
Ollie passed away April 13, 2008 in Kingman, and will be remembered by many of Kingman’s citizens.
Mohave Pioneers
Historical Society, inc.
Non-Profit Org.
U.S. Postage
Kingman, AZ
Permit 41
400 West Beale Street
Kingman, AZ 86401-5708
Published monthly by…
Mohave Pioneers
Historical Society, inc.
President……….………William Porter
Director………….….Shannon Rossiter
Editor…………..…H&H Printers, Inc.