THE ARROW Suffolk archers and bowhunters news letter Volume 4 Issue 5 Editors Jill Goeckner & Josh Pierno October 2015 Letter from the President REMINDERS Arial Disk Shoot Sunday’s 10:00 AM Oct. 4th to Nov. 21st Wednesday Oct. 14th General Meeting & Nominations for Board of Directors Saturday Oct. 24th Final American Round Table of Contents President’s Letter From the VP Secretary's Notebook Club News Game Dinner MS Charity Shoot Hunter’s Shoot Hunters Pot Safety Committee American Round Page 1 Page 2 Page 2 Page 3 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 5 Page 6 Page 6 Fellow members, Well, another year at Suffolk Archers is drawing to a rapid close. By the time you read this the Silver Arrow and Game Dinner will have come and gone. Plus the new shooting platform and rear staircase on the back of the lodge should be done. The only shoots left on our calendar will be the Sunday morning aerial shoots, beginning the first Sunday of October at 10:00 am, and our Women’s Day at Suffolk Archers on October 10th. We encourage all women, in and out of our club to participate in this great women’s only event. One of our most popular events is in danger of being cancelled. That is our Snowflake League. We need members to step up and help in order to keep this event going. This is your club and you are expected to participate. It’s always the same people that step up and frankly, they are getting tired. We need new blood. If you help, you will not be alone. You will be guided in what to do, and help is always a phone call away. We have a unique organization and we all have to work to keep it the wonderful place it is. You may have seen some members wearing club shirts. People have asked where to get them. We hope to have a few samples of shirts, hats and fleeces for the October meeting. You can place your order with the club or we will give you the address of our vendor so you can directly purchase the items. We need you to make an effort to attend the Octobers general meeting. We have a few issues that need to be voted on and we will inform you of the Bylaws & Constitutional changes that you will be voting on this December. We will also have the nomination of candidates for next year’s Board of Directors. Here’s your chance to make a difference. Hope to see you all at the meeting. — Rich Berlin President Hello all Suffolk Archer members, From the VP Secretary’s Notebook Archery hunting season will open on October 1st. Please review the D.E.C. regulations and N.Y.S laws because some laws have changed. If you do harvest an animal be sure to take a respectful photo and email it to Josh @ joshsuffolkarchers@gmail.com for the Special Hunter Edition of the Arrow. Hunting season is here and the broadhead pit is being used every day. It’s time to get out and have fun, but remember safety first. You all know what you have to do. Keep one thing in mind, there are people waiting for you to return, enough said!!! Our Hunter’s Shoot and Silver Arrow shoots were a great success. We had over a 100 shooters for each shoot with many in attendance being nonmembers. Our Bow Hunters Rendezvous also went very well. We had about 45 new bow hunters attend. I would like to thank all of our seasoned bowhunters who took the time to show the newbees the proper way to bow hunt. They all had a great time and after lunch we had a “Skill of the Hunt” shoot. It was something different that went over very well and all that shot it want to do it again. As you might know by now, the range work and the re-numbering of the range has been completed. As you walk through our range you will notice there are no flags around, they are a thing of the past. In their place are color coded PVC pipes to mark your shooting position. Good news, the new shooting platform and rear staircase on the lodge have both pasted final inspections and we are now awaiting the C of O’s for them. The The new rear stair case on the lodge new overhead pavilion for the practice range is still under review. I understand as of 9/25/15, no one has stepped up to run our Snow Flake League. The club needs new members to get involved. It is a lot of work to run the events and maintain the club property. Your club needs you. You are never alone, if you do take on the challenge of running an event you will be supported. 3D Course Green for Traditional Orange for Compound KAB Course Blue 70 Meters Silver—Located in the field & target 5 The Field course is still the same layout, but new signs have been installed and correspond to the shooting positions that are marked on the ground, Red, White & Yellow. In the future anyone that runs a shoot, please keep in mind, you CAN NOT re-number the course. All numbers will stay the same. In the past every shoot was scored at the discretion of the member who ran the shoot. Going forward all 3D shoots will be scored 10-8-5. There will be an insert on display at every shoot to show you the scoring rings. I hope this will clear up the problem of shooters not knowing how to score. There is one exception: The Hunter Shoot, only one arrow is shot at a target and scoring will be briefed before the event. Have a great Hunting Season and stay safe. October 14th’s general meeting is an important one to attend for the following reasons: 1) Review the proposed bi-laws changes 2) Nominations of the candidates running for the board in 2016. Please try to attend the club meeting. In shooting the course and at the practice targets members have not been picking up or cleaning up after they shoot. Please pitch in. I know that we have a maintenance crew and they are doing a great job, but they can not do it all. Just like going into the woods pack out what you packed in. In closing, have a save, successful hunting season and shoot straight. — Jack DiGirolamo Vice President 516 754 3549 Your Club Secretary Nick Domingo 2 CLUB NEWS GAME DINNER 2015 WOMEN’S DAY The annual Suffolk Archers Game dinner was once again held at our lodge. Hosted by Andy DeAngelis, who out did himself once again, the night was a delicious success for those in attendance. This year Andy made it a southern themed meal and served up over 20 different varieties of food including frog legs and other southern dishes to go along side the usual venison and pork. Member Jose Perez cooked up a delicious lamb dish, which won him the “best dish” of the night award. Besides the excellent meal, our fellow member and Jazz musician, Mark Elf, provided live music to entertained the crowd. Mark’s cool tunes always brings warmth and delight to the evening’s events. To cap the night off there were a bunch of items to be raffled off and over $1000.00 worth of raffle tickets. We always say that we are an archery club with an eating problem, after events like this maybe we should be considered an eating club with an archery problem. Congratulations to Andy and his team for yet another outstanding meal. When our members step up the results are always amazing, and in this case yummy. LAST CALL for signing up for the Women’s Day at Suffolk Archers on Saturday Oct. 10th. Registration begins at 8am. The day will include an archery history lecture, safety instructions and shooting on the Suffolk Archers trails with a club member. We will also have. Raffles and a 50/50 cash prize. Breakfast and lunch will be served. Call Karen Kucherick (631) 681-7842 to register DISK THROWER BACK IN ACTION Starting on Sunday October 4th and every Sunday until Nov. 21st, the disk thrower will be back in action. The shooting will start in the field at 10:00am Archers take their aim at a disk during and go till noon. the MS Charity Shoot We have some traditional bows that can be used by members if they choose, as well as carbon flu flu arrows. The flu flus supplied by the club must be used when shooting at the disks. This is a fun and addictive aspect to our sport that should not be missed. WHETHER YOU’RE A BEGINNER, A WEEKEND WARRIOR, OR A SEASONED PRO, C & B ARCHERY HAS SOMETHING TO OFFER. • Sharpen your skill in our First-Class shooting facility located in the heart of Hicksville. • Stop in our Pro Shop and speak with our educated staff about any of your archery needs. • Join a league {youth or adult} and share your experience or spark your competitive nature • Birthday Parties available Call Us @ 516-933-269711 Click @ cbarcehry.net What better way to cap off the night then with a nice slice of camouflage cake. Commercial Street Hicksville NY, 11801 3 Our biggest winner of the day was Chris Rondinelli who won the grand prize, the Bear Attitude Compound bow, which was generously donated by Ralph at C&B Archery in Hicksville. Chris also won the raffle for a brand new set of Beman ISO carbon arrows. Congratulations Chris. All the funds raised at this shoot went to The MS East End Bike Ride event. I personally have been enjoying this great event and the beautiful ride for 4 years. This year with our members generously coming out and supporting my fundraising efforts not only was I able to make a very nice donation, but I was also able to complete a personal goal of mine to finish my first century bike ride. A deep and grateful thank you to all those who came out, helped out and supported me and this event. Thank you Josh Pierno On August 29th Suffolk Archers held a charity shoot to help benefit those on Long Island living with Multiple Sclerosis. Thanks to some generous local businesses and the efforts put forth by our members, friends and especially my wife Stephanie, we personal raised $1,810.00 and my team raised over $7,000.00 to donate towards this worthy cause. Multiple sclerosis is an unpredictable, often disabling, disease of the central nervous system that interrupts the flow of information within the brain, and between the brain and body. Millions of people are affected by MS and the challenges of living with its unpredictable symptoms, which range from numbness and tingling to blindness and paralysis. The progress, severity and specific symptoms of MS in any one person cannot yet be predicted, but advances in research and treatment are moving us closer to a world free of MS. Raffle Donators Our local business that generously supported us and provided the great raffle prizes for our event. Please stop in and support them. We tried something new this year and held an event on a Saturday morning. We had a nice turn out and beautiful weather to boot. The course was set to be fun. Besides the regular 3D targets, shooters got to draw down on KAB, a guarded buck, and even an apple off a deer’s nose. After yet another awesome lunch served up by John Ramage members were challenged to beat Joe Messina at 30 yards or take on the disk thrower run by Adam O’Hare. Of course Lenny Berman, our breakfast master, picked up his roll from Snowflake League and new member Steve Mistretta stepped up and offered help where ever it was needed. Besides my wife taken on and doing an amazing job of gathering donations, she and her team, Jill Goeckner and Linda Carrella did a terrific job of setting up and awarding all the raffles we had that day. Thank you all for a great job done. Almarco 13 Wall St, Huntington Black & Blue Restaurant 65 Wall St, Huntington Cactus Salon 258 Main St, Huntington Campsite Sporting Goods 1877 New York Ave Huntington Station C&B Archery 11 Commercial St. Hicksville L & L Camera 267 New York Ave, Huntington Novak Motors 1818 Pacific St, Hauppauge Restaurant Joanina 35 Gerard St, Huntington Sal D’s 208 Wall St, Huntington Smithpoint Archery 215 E. Main St, Patchogue Stephanie Tracy Photography lightmoments25@ optonline.net Among some of the raffles, were gift certificates to local restaurants, wildlife and landscape photos. We also raffled off a kids compound bow and a dozen arrows donated by Jared at Smith Point Archery. Wild Flours Bake Shop 11 New St, Huntington Huntington Wines 401 New York Ave, Huntington Personal Donators The Barnoski Family (Team Captian), Greg Armine, Jeff Aston (www.aristreasures.com), The Carrella Family, The Goeckner Family, The Kaul-Tickoo Family 4 Hunters Pot HUNTER 3D SHOOT RESULTS On Sunday August 23rd we had our Hunter 3D shoot. Eighty archers (including thirteen nonmembers) participated and tried their best to get a perfect score. The course was purposely setup to be both challenging and fun to shoot. The scoring utilized the 10 & 8 ring for scoring, but any other hit outside these rings would be a minus 2 points to signify a wound. The shoot was intended to show bow hunters their effective range while, hunting the since targets were located anywhere from 10 yards to 40 yards. When you got a minus 2 points you remembered it, as opposed to normally scoring 5 points. Participants shot 30 targets at 24 different starting positions without the aid of range finders or binoculars, so the shooting moved very smoothly. It seems to me that everyone had a great time and also enjoyed the slow smoked pulled pork sandwiches, plus sides that were served for lunch. The winners are as follows: Slow Cooker Apple-Scented Venison Roast From http://allrecipes.com Ingredients 1 Tbsp Olive Oil 3 Pounds Boneless Venison Roast 1 Large Apple, Cored and Quartered 2 Small Onions, Sliced 4 Cloves Crushed Garlic 1 Cup Beef Bouillon Prep 15 Minutes Cook 6 Hours Spread the olive oil on the inside of a slow cooker. Place the venison roast inside, and cover with apple, onions, and garlic. Turn to Low, and cook until the roast is tender, about 6 to 8 hours. When the roast has cooked, remove it from the slow cooker, and place onto a serving platter. Discard the apple. Stir the water and bouillon into the slow cooker until the bouillon has dissolved. Serve this as a sauce with the roast. Modern Division 1st Pete Lombnes 292 (won in shoot off) 2nd Tommy Carella 292 3rd Chris Hanes Serve it up with some Garlic Mash Potatoes Traditional Division 1st Ron Iocca 236 2nd Rich Giannoccora 202 3rd Joe Turano 196 Ingredients 1 Medium Head Garlic 1 Tbsp Olive Oil 2 Pounds Russet Potatos, Peeled & Quartered 4 Tbsp Butter, Softened 1/2 Cup Milk Salt & Pepper to taste Youths - Sage Kiely and Anthony Romero both shot extremely well. Prep 10 Minutes I would like to thank the members that came and helped me with setting up and running the shoot. They are Jerome Leventhal, Chris Rondinelli, Steven Mistretta, George Gibson, Roger Bernier, John Marra & Chuck Barbato. I also really appreciate the hard work and dedication of the 3D Range committee who added and changed some targets around for me on Saturday. Thank you Warren, Tony Fiallo and Paul Schmidt. You guys are doing a great job keeping the 3D range in shape for the members. Cook 1 Hour Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Drizzle garlic with olive oil, then wrap in aluminum foil. Bake in preheated oven for 1 hour. Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil. Add potatoes, and cook until tender, about 15 minutes. Drain, cool and chop. Stir in butter, milk, salt and pepper. Remove the garlic from the oven, and cut in half. Squeeze the softened cloves into the potatoes. Blend potatoes with an electric mixer until desired consistency is achieved. Enjoy If you didn’t make it down to shoot this year hopefully you will be able to attend next year. Jeff Milano 5 THE SAFETY COMMITTEE Suffolk Archers American Round – 2015 HAS A NEW CHAIRMAN As we approach the end of our third year shooting the classic American round at Suffolk Archers, it’s clear that it’s been pretty successful. There have been a few changes over the years. • While initially set up for Olympic recurve, the matches now average a 50/50 mix of recurve and compound shooters. We even have one bare bow shooter giving the other archers a run for their money. Turnouts have been moderate, averaging 6 to 10 shooters per match and the matches are held rain or shine, providing the conditions aren’t considered hazardous. (Some of us actually prefer shooting in the rain.) • This year we were able to add two additional targets at the 60 yard line and one additional target at 40. Moving the elevated platform back to the 60 yard line allows everybody to shoot at the same time (during practice sessions). • Finally, we now have an official 70 meter line, just in front of the new staircase behind the lodge. More on this in a bit! • The big field and adjacent targets are closed to through-traffic during actual matches. For those of you not familiar with the American round, it consists of 90 arrows for record. 30 each at 60, 50 and 40 yards, in that order. There are five ends of six arrows each distance, plus optional practice ends at 40 and 60 yards. Recurve shooters, (Olympic and bare bow) use the official 122 cm FITA target and compound shooters use the smaller 80 cm target. Both use the current FITA scoring of 10 to 1, with “x”s counted as tie breakers. By adjusting the target size, recurve and compound scores became remarkably competitive. The matches begin at 2 PM and typically last between two and two and a half hours. That may include a 10 minute intermission, if desired by the shooters. We have also made provisions for newer shooters, uncomfortable or unable to shoot the longer distances. Basically akin to the “green stakes” on the field course. Newer shooters can opt to shoot 50, 40 and 30 yards or 40, 30, and 20 yards, utilizing the 80 cm target. The additional target frame at 40 yards really helps there. Hello Suffolk Archers: As the newly appointed Safety Chairman, I would like to thank the board for appointing me to this position. At this time, I would like to thank Jim Fream for all the years of work he has done for us in the club. For the people who don’t know me, I have been a member of this club for a little over three years. I was asked to join the safety committee two years ago and have dedicated many hours to improving the club and working with the board. I have helped set up and run both the CPR and First Aid class we had this year. I was also given the responsibility of caring for and maintaining the AED. I have asked many club members to let me know if they see any safety issues on the property that need to be addressed. We have been correcting, fixing and/or replacing the reported problems as needed. This is how we can maintain a safe place to have fun and shoot in. WE NEED YOUR HELP! You are the members that walk around and see the problems. Please let the safety committee know of any of your concerns so they can be corrected. I have 17 years of experience as a volunteer fireman and an EMT. I live in Huntington Station (only five minutes from the club) and have been very active in most of the club events since joining. Just a reminder: if you have any medication you need, such as asthma inhalers, Epi-pens, glucose tabs, aspirin or nitro pills, etc. PLEASE BRING THEM WITH YOU! We do not have them in the first aid boxes. If you haven’t had your bow tuned up, now is the time to have it looked at to make sure it is SAFE and ready to bring into the woods. Bring it to one of the pro shops we work with and let them correct any problems. If you are going to do any type of work on the course in the woods, please wear an orange safety vest. Please contact me if needed at felton4s@gmail.com. Leave your name, phone number, best time to call along with the location and type of safety issue. I am looking forward to holding this position and making SA a better/safer place for all of us to come to and enjoy. As we go out on our hunting trips, please be safe, check out your tree stands, tree climbing stands and all your equipment to make sure it is in good working order. Have fun and shoot a big one. On a personal note, I lost my range finder somewhere at the club. If anyone finds it, please let me know. Thank You James Felton 6 There are no subdivisions for gender or age or equipment, however the “green stakes” shooter’s scores are not used for the overall ranking. The matches have been relatively informal, with no time limits per end, probably a good thing for the match director, since he’s usually the last guy off the line. For those interested, here’s a quick history lesson on the American round. It dates back to the early 20th century, and used the same size 4 color target as we use today (122 cm or approximately 48”). Initially, the entire yellow bullseye scored 9 points, the red, 7, blue 5, black 3 and white 1. A perfect score was 810 points. The double American round (180 arrows for record) was used for a number of national events including Olympic trials. Typically the first half was shot in the morning and the second half in the afternoon, after lunch. Yes, it was usually a long day. As world archery grew and FITA got a stronger foothold, the scoring was changed to the aforementioned 10 to 1 pattern, with the yellow center now being worth 10 points and the outer yellow, 9. Same for the next (red) ring, the inner red was 8 points and the outer red, 7, etc. The distances were also changed from yards to meters (60, 50, 40 meters) and the round was re-dubbed the 900, since a perfect score for the 90 arrows was now 900. (Ya gotta love the metric system!) Still pretty simple. However, it didn’t stay that way. These days every archery organization has their own definition of the American/900 round and it can be shot with 9 – 1 or 10 – 1 scoring and distances can be in yards or meters; there is even a shorter 600 version with only 20 arrows at each distance. We opted for yards and metric scoring. Next year we plan on continuing the American rounds and adding either an optional 6 ends at 70 meters and/ or alternating the American rounds with the 72 arrow Olympic round. Yes, the Olympic round means 12 ends of 6 arrows each for a total of 72 arrows for record all from the new 70 meter line. Details will be worked out over the winter. The schedule for the 2016 season will be posted in the 2016 Arrow. If you’re interested in shooting the round or in target archery at longer distances, we’re usually on the big field most Saturdays, weather permitting, from about 1 to 6 PM. New shooters are always welcome and instruction, if necessary, is free. ST. Anthony’s Archery Club Weather permitting St. Anthony’s archer club practices in our field every Wednesday from 3:00 to 5:00 pm. During these hours the field will be closed to all other shooters. Thank you for your cooperation while our members help teach the next generation of archers. Free Bow at Smith Point Archery Free Hoyt Carbon Spyder to a Lucky Vet or Active Military Smith Point Archery is giving a fully loaded Hoyt Carbon Spyder 34 bow away, over $2,000 value! No purchase is necessary but you must be a military vet, or active military member. Come in to Smith Point any time now through Dec 23rd, date of drawing, and get your free entry. You must have Id to prove military status. Thank you to all our military! Free Bow Tune-up October is here and the season is in full swing at Smith Point Archery. Bring your bow in and get a free preseason tune-up. We will check everything and make sure your bow is ready for the season. This offer is only available to Suffolk Archers members so make sure you point that out. Don’t forget Suffolk Archers members receive 5% off all bows, 10% off all accessories, and free shooting. That could save you $30 or $40 on that new treestand you’ve been looking at! Crossbow Headquarters and Range With the legalization of crossbows for hunting in most of New York State, Smith Point Archery has responded by becoming Long Island’s #1 crossbow dealer. We stock a full line of top brands such as Ten Point, Barnett, and Parker, PSE, and Mission. We have the lowest prices allowed, offer full service, and a crossbow range with rentals and open shooting. Crossbow shooting is every Wednesday night from 5:30-10pm. Don’t forget your SA discount applies to Crossbows as well—In most cases that makes us cheaper than the internet and catalogues, plus all the extras we give you!! Fall Youth League The Fall Youth league will be starting Friday October 16th. The Youth leagues at Smith Point have been a huge success with 60 plus kids gathering for some fun and friendly competition. All levels are welcome and we will even provide a bow for those who do not have one. $99 covers 9 weeks of the league and the award ceremony pizza party. Spots are limited, sign up right away! 215 E Main St - Patchogue, NY 11772 (631) 289-3399 - smithpointarchery.com 7 The Arrow 86 Pidgeon Hill Road Huntington Station, NY 11746 www.suffolkarchers.com Don’t miss our next GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING Suffolk Archers Lodge Wednesday October, 14th 2015
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