the arrow - Suffolk Archers


the arrow - Suffolk Archers
Suffolk archers and bowhunters news letter
Volume 4 Issue 3
Editors Jill Goeckner & Josh Pierno
June 2015
Letter from the President
Hello Fellow Members,
Sunday June 7th
LI Traditional
Sunday June 14th
Family Day
Wednesday June 17th
General Membership
Meeting - 8pm
Saturday June 27th
American Round
SA Field - 2pm
Sunday June 28th
Field & 3D Shoot
Well, spring is finally here, and it’s a great time to get out
there and enjoy our club. We have many events scheduled
so check out the calendar and come out and enjoy.
Dave Giangano ran another great Spring Fling. It was a
challenging course and a lot of fun, with coffee and bagels
before and a nice lunch consisting of heroes and salads
after the shoot. We had about 50 people attending and a good time was had
by all. Thanks, Dave!
Next up is the Long Island (LI) Traditional on June 7th and Family Day on
June 14th. The LI Traditional is a fun shoot with moving targets and some
novelty shots. Family Day is always fun day filled with food, shooting, and
activities for the kids. I hope to see you and your family there. Remember, this
is your club to enjoy. It is up to all of us to keep it the gem it is.
The property has been sprayed for ticks. Hopefully that will
alleviate the problem, but you must be vigilant and check
yourself just in case. If you do get a tick, please let
us know, and if we have to spray again, we will.
Table of Contents
Presidents Letter
Page 1
From the VP
Page 2
Secretaries Notebook Page 2
Club News
Page 3
Hunter Pot
Page 3
Page 4
Trading Post
Page 5
Plans are underway to finally install a staircase on the back of
the lodge and build a new shooting platform in the field, making
one shooting line for all targets. The platform will also have a
shed built in below for extra storage. We are also having new field archery
distance signs made to replace the old ones. These signs are made of PVC
and should last us a good long time.
If you come down to enjoy the Lodge on the summer evening, the switches for
the lighting and fans for the lodge are located on the right side of the electric
cabinet. Please do not turn off the circuit breakers on the left side.
Let”s all have a safe and enjoyable summer.
— Rich Berlin
Hello all SA members
and your families,
The warm weather is
upon us, finally. We are
making progress on
improvements to the
property. We submitted
the building permits for
the stairs on the back of
the lodge, the new
shooting platform and
the open pavilion to be built on the practice
From the VP
Now that we are into our shooting
season, there are a few things to
remember; the foremost ,as always,
is SAFETY FIRST. Any member that sees
something that might not appear safe should
report it to a member of the Board. Every
member is a safety officer!!!! There is one
area of our range that seems to create a
problem, and it’s not really a problem if all our
members THINK. It’s our field. We have a
common firing line, and it should be respected.
Our 3D/Knock a Block target #1 is on that firing
line. So when you shoot at the 3D #1 target look
into the field and make sure there is no one out
there pulling his or her arrows. Likewise
Members that are shooting the FIELD TARGETS
in the field should check to see that no one is
pulling arrows from the 3D targets, all you have
to do is LOOK before you shoot. LET OTHER
When we are holding our DISK SHOOTS and
3D Targets #1 & #2 will be CLOSED TO OTHER
SHOOTERS for the everyone's safety. Check
with the member who is running the shoots to
see when they will be finished.
The property was sprayed for ticks a couple of
weeks ago. So far no further sightings of the little
buggers. But you should spray yourself for the
extra protection anyway. This years Game
Dinner will be held at the club once again. Plus
we have a lot of great events coming up, check
the calendar and website. We would like to see a
lot more participation for these events. They are
all challenging and fun to shoot. So come out
with your families, shoot & enjoy the club.
I want to bring up an ongoing issue, one that I
recently fell victim to. It is commendable that lost
arrows are being brought back and placed in the
lost arrow box. Thank you. It has been noticed
however that there have been a few incidents of
We have many events coming up this shooting
season and they don’t happen by themselves. A the arrows being returned stripped, IE: members
who are removing the field tips, nocks and
lot of planning and a lot of work goes into every
Inserts from the arrows. This is unacceptable,
event. We need help executing these plans with
all these events. So the cry for HELP is going out please respect your fellow members and their
the property. If a member is found doing this,
to all of you. If you want your work credits you
further action will be taken against that person.
have to earn them! All of our members make
this club work, not just a hand full of concerned
Recently there have been reports of deer
sightings on the property and to answer your
question, they do not pay dues.
There is a general meeting on June 17th at the
lodge. I understand that the Bi-Laws Committee
of upcoming events goes on. If you want to
are finalizing the changes to be proposed. Great
work any of these events contact me or the
job to those evolved in this tedious but needed
member who is running the event. You can find
the list of events on our website, and there is a
list of events in our Lodge.
In closing, I hope everyone has a great summer
and hope to see you at the events. If you have
— Jack DiGirolamo any questions, you can contact me at
Vice President
516 754 3549
Be safe and shoot straight.
Your Secretary, Nick Domingo
Gate Cards 101:
Hi all fellow members, just a reminder to hang on to
your gate cards and don't leave them out in the sun
or heat. I left mine in the car where it got very hot
and it started to delaminate. Still works but I don't
think it helped it any.
Also, remember not to lend out your card to anyone
other than an official family member as listed on your
If you do have any issues with the card not working,
just let the club know and we will fix it ASAP.
Thanks and see you at the range. Tom Voltz
Gate Tips:
One of my routes home from work has me drive by
our club and from time to time I will notice the gate in
the up position, mostly on the misty days. What
happens as far as I can tell is the receiving lens gets
covered with the mist and reads it as a car and holds
the gate up. If you see this happen all that needs to
be done is a quick wipe of the lens and the gate
should come down.
Wildlife on SA Property:
Some of you may have seen our resident wildlife.
Besides the Chipmunks and Hawks we also have a
couple of fox that made our club their home. The new
goslings have hatched and will start roaming around
soon. Recently we have had a sighting of a doe on
the property as well. As always there is absolutely
NO shooting at any wildlife on our property. Please
as always make sure you know your target and what
is behind it.
MS Charity Shoot BOW RAFFLE
On Saturday August 29th we
will be holding a Charity shoot
to help raise funding and
awareness for MS. Thanks to
C&B Archery who donated a
beautiful brand new Bear
Attitude Compound bow to
raffle off. It is a Right Hand,
DL 29, PW 70 with installed
Trophy Ridge package: 3 pin
sight, whisker biscuit, peep
sight & arrow quiver.
Raffle tickets are $10 and will
go on sale at the June general
meeting. The drawing will be
held at the MS Charity shoot,
you do not need to be present to win, but we would
like to see you there as always.
Josh Pierno ~
Grilled Venison with a
Coffee Chocolate Rub
The weather is finally warming up and unless you are
a die hard griller, that means the BBQs are coming
out of storage.
Grilling imparts it’s own wonderful smoky flavor,
especially if you cook over coals or your favorite
wood chips. Add a little extra flavor to your
Favorite cut of meat with a spice rub. Works equally
as well if you cook on the stove top or oven.
Here is a great coffee & chocolate rub that I used on
a beautiful venison steak the other night.
2 tablespoons of fine ground coffee
(not flavored)
1 tablespoon unsweetened cocoa
⁄2 teaspoon cinnamon
⁄2 teaspoon olive oil
⁄4 teaspoon kosher salt
⁄4 teaspoon fresh ground black pepper
1. In a pie plate or bowl, combine coffee, cocoa
powder and cinnamon. Set aside.
2. Rub the steak with olive oil, then sprinkle with the
salt and pepper.
3. Coat the steak or other cut of meat with the
coffee-cocoa mix, pressing it into the meat.
Grill to your preferences.
The Finger Test to Check the Doneness of Meat
An easy way to check for your perfect doneness is
right at the palm of you hand. Plus you won’t let those
precious juices out by poking a hole in the meat with
your thermometer.
treatment is. When you go to dispose of the tick,
place the entire sealed bag in the trash. Don’t try to
flush or rinse the tick, as they can actually crawl back
out. You can find further info online or on the Cornell
Cooperative Extension’s new app Tick Click.
Tick 101
If you lived on Long
Island for any length of
time I am sure you are
all well aware of ticks.
While we should in no
means avoid enjoying
the unique views, trails,
and other activities that
Long Island offers us,
we should take the extra steps to ensure our health
and that of our family members.
We recently had the Suffolk Archers trails and target
areas sprayed with a tick repellant. However
precautions should still be taken before hand and a
tick check should be done
If you do find a tick on yourself,
a tick removal tool and
Remember if you have friends and family visiting from directions can be found in
other areas, make them aware of ticks and what they our first aid boxes. There is
one in the Lodge as well as the
can do to help avoid them.
three out on the course. Please
also take a moment and
• Try to avoid going into overgrown areas
notify someone on the Board.
• Wear light colored clothes, ticks are attracted to
dark colors plus it’s easier to see them on light
Be safe and enjoy our club responsibly!
• Tuck pant legs into your boots
• Ticks on clothing can be killed by placing the item
in the dryer on high heat for ONE HOUR
Know the facts about Ticks
Ticks do not “jump”, but they do walk very rapidly
in an upward direction.
They generally look for host about 18” off the
ground and attach to the host when they brush
Not all ticks are infected with some kind type of
disease. Those that are only have a slim chance
of transmitting what they may
especially if it’s attached for less
24 hours.
Only the Deer Ticks carry Lyme
The most popular tick on Long
Island is the Lone Star tick.
What to do if you find a tick on you
Use tweezers and grasp the tick as close to the skin
as possible and draw straight back at slow and steady
pace. NEVER use a match, petroleum jelly or nail
polish as this will enhance the potential for disease
Place the tick in a sealed bag in the freezer until you
are sure you will not need to send it out for testing
and mark the date on the bag. If you do go to the Dr.
bring the bag with the tick in it with you. This will give
the Dr. a good idea of what symptoms to look for and
what the proper
This space is always available for
FREE to those members who wish to
swap, trade, or sell their archery
equipment and/or provide notice of
upcoming hunts. However, Suffolk
Archers does not specifically
endorse the products or hunting
opportunities listed here
8:00 AM—12:00 PM & 1:00 PM—5:00 PM
Adults—$ 40.00 Seniors/Children $30.00
Special Rates
Monday $20.00
Tuesdays Ladies—$20.00
Wednesdays Vets & Workers—$20.00
FOR SALE—(516)867-2214
Suffolk Archers Members
$5.00 off full fare price!!
2012 Matthews Mission Eliminator 2
28" D L x 60lbs R H set at 57Lb
adj. limbs, whisker biscuit rest,3D field master sight
red dot.
5 carbon express arrows 250 vinyl fletching &
quickie quiver.
Total package price $585.00 or best offer.
Bow was shot a dozen times. I am selling the bow for
my cousin, he is the original owner, he injured his
back and can not shoot it anymore.
Ask for Nick D. Club Secretary. 516 -241-5433
New at Smith Point Archery
Bowhunter Safety Classes
Findish 60” 50# @ 28” One piece Longbow—$400
Roy Hall Navajo Caddo 58” 48# @ 28” Two piece
Longbow Burly and Birds Eye Maple—$550
Martin Dream Catcher 60” 45# @ 28”—$400
All prices negotiable for SA members
For pictures contact
Smith Point Archery is hosting bowhunter safety
courses all summer and into the fall. Check our website or give us a call for the latest classes. Don’t wait
till the last minute, classes can get really hard to get
into as the season gets closer.
Time For Your New Bow
Smith Point Archery is proud to offer a LIFETIME
SERVICE GUARANTEE on all new bow sales,
along with free setup, fitting, 1yr shooting, and a lesson. With all those benefits, our low prices, and the
Suffolk Archers discount, why go anywhere else!
Summer Indoor League
Sharpen your skill in our First-Class shooting facility
located in the heart of Hicksville.
Stop in our Pro Shop and speak with our educated staff
about any of your archery needs.
Join a league {youth or adult} and share your
experience or spark your competitive nature
Birthday Parties available
Call Us @ 516-933-269711
Click @
The annual Smith Point Archery Summer Bowhunter
league starts Wednesday, June 10th and will run about
10 weeks. This league is designed to get you in shape
for the hunting season. Anyone that can shoot 20yds
comfortably and has hunting type equipment can
shoot. No target bows allowed in this league. Smith
Point Archery offers a wide variety of Leagues and
Group Classes to help get new shooters into the sport.
We also host Kids Parties. Let us help get your
friends into archery!
Crossbow Range
Smith Point is Long Islands #1 source for crossbows
and we offer the only indoor range that has shooting
ours for crossbows. We wil be open to crossbow
shooting every Wednesday from 5:30-10pm through
the summer.
Commercial Street
Hicksville NY, 11801
215 E Main St - Patchogue, NY 11772
(631) 289-3399 -
The Arrow
86 Pidgeon Hill Road
Huntington Station, NY 11746
Don’t miss our next
Wed June 17th, 2015