April - 2012 - Suffolk Archers
April - 2012 - Suffolk Archers
THE ARROW Suffolk archers and bowhunters news letter Volume 1 Issue 39 Editor Jill Goeckner APRIL 2012 A Letter from the President Spring is in the air! TODAY YOU AND I — all Americans — have many reasons to be thankful. We live in a nation that is safe from foreign aggression. But the wards of any VA hospital are filled with the men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice for our security. Now fighting their own private battle, there are some injuries that cannot be cured solely with time and treatment. This is why I was eager to assist Mr. Ed Richards of the Northport VA hospital when he called and asked for my help. Mr. Richards, working with the wounded warriors program, long ago decided that archery would be a great therapy for his patients. After several months (maybe years) of internal arm twisting Ed finally convinced the VA staff that this was a worthwhile endeavor. Needing money to purchase archery equipment Ed would secured a government grant. Now his vision was about to become reality with one final hurdle to clear. Where could he find volunteers familiar with the sport of archery? SPRING IS IN THE AIR; it’s a time of growing and renewal and this holds true at Suffolk Archers too. The fresh crisp air welcomes the opportunity to get out and do a little clean up... and offers a great reason to sneak out to the club and enjoy a little shooting. Spring is also a great time to update the course and work on other improvements. And so it was that Suffolk Archers would provide the manpower for Ed’s program. On the morning of March 20th veterans from WWII and Korea with partial or complete loss of vision fired arrows at specially built targets with the aid of a hardy bunch of SA members. Everyone who participated in this event had a great time but our group left the hospital with that special feeling that comes from helping someone in need. I’d like to personally thank all those who participated: Mike Armstrong, Peter Donath, Flo Droogan, Kevin Droogan, Terry Droogan, Mike Glauber, David Goeckner, Stan Lutz, Michele Passarella, and Paul Schmidt. Due to the initial success of Wounded Warrior’s Archery there will be future events on the VA calendar. Contact me if you want to take part. The field course is getting a much needed renovation this year. If you have not been out on the course in a while, you will be pleasantly surprised to see the old burlap target gone and that brand new target butts have been installed. These new target will wear better and last longer than any we previously used. Not only that, our first work day found our members building brand new target frames to help extended the life of the target butts as well as making the course itself look nicer. This renovation has greatly improved the conditions and overall look of the field course. The 3D Committee is also hard at work keeping things fresh throughout the course. Some of the 3D targets are either being replaced or fixed, and a few targets have been repositioned to make the course more challenging. Rumor has it, our dinosaur has been rooming the grounds...see if you can find him! As always, shoot ‘em straight, and shoot ‘em safe! — Joe Anderson, Jr. —-Tommy REMINDER: THE NEXT GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING IS ON APRIL,18PM, SA LODGE. FIELD SHOOT START APRIL15, 3D SHOOT STARTS APRIL 29, TURKEY SHOOT and SWAP MEET APRIL 22 & practice starts at 8:00 am and the shoot starts promptly at 9:00. Club News Announcing Suffolk Archers’ The 3D shoot will be starting April 29th and then following the field shoot schedule. Check out our website for the complete 2012 schedule of events. 1st ANNUAL CHILI COOKOFF APRIL 22, 2012 Both shoots can be done in the same morning so come on down and see the newly updated field course as well as taking advantage of our excellent 3D course. If you have any questions on the 3D shoot please feel free to contact Paul Hatch, 631-258-3099 / e-mail pauliepolish@yahoo.com SA will hold its first ever CHILI COOKOFF alongside the TURKEY SHOOT on April 22nd. Tackle Tips There is a $5.00 tasting fee — sample our gourmet offerings and vote for your favorite, plus this automatically enters you in the 50/50 raffle. There is an old saying about the pen being mightier then the sword. Maybe in this case we should say “the arrow.” With all the preparation we do to ready ourselves and our equipment for a day in the field, it is easy to over look something as simple as the pen. Yet without it your day can quickly be ruined. Come out and enjoy the beginnings of spring at your favorite haunt! And set your taste buds on FIRE! SPRING FIELD & 3D SHOOTS Hello all, it’s that time of year again, to get out and shoot after a long but mild winter. DEC officers can and will ask to see your pen and if you can not produce one they have the right to issue a ticket on the spot. After all without your pen how can you fill out your tag. So make sure you keep one with your tags and in the colder months keep it inside your jacket close to your body to help keep the ink from freezing. We will once again be running a 3D shoot along side our field shoots. Breakfast and lunch will be served. Scoring will follow the Snow Flake League format, with 3 weeks of scoring need to qualify for trophies and placing. Be safe and have fun! — FLETCH The Field shoots start on April 15th, registration 2 Hunter’s Pot The Hunters Lair From allrecipes.com Spring has sprung and I’m told the turkeys are gobbling... On Sunday April 22 Suffolk Archers will be holding its annual Turkey Shoot and Swap Meet. This year’s event will also see Suffolk Archers first ever Chili cook off. This has all the makings of another great Suffolk Archers event. We are also coming up on our field shoot season, so come out on Sundays and hone your shooting skills. Pork Chops in Tomato Sauce Ingredients ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Our annual Bow Hunting Awards will be given out at our April 18th meeting at the Suffolk Archers Lodge. We had many successful members this past season; we also have a BOWHUNTER OF THE YEAR AWARD this year. I can’t tell you who it is so come down and meet this SA member in person. Hear their story and the stories of the other hunters, both successful and those who were oh so close. ♦ 1/2 cup small onion, thinly sliced 1 garlic clove, minced 1 tablespoon butter or margarine 4 bone-in pork loin chops, trimmed 1 (8 once) can tomato sauce 1/4 cup dry white wine or chicken broth 1 teaspoon dried oregano 1/8 teaspoon pepper Directions 1. In a large nonstick skillet, sauté onion and garlic in butter until tender. 2. Add pork chops; brown on both sides. 3. In a small bowl, combine the tomato sauce (I find a fire roasted tomato sauce works nicely or your own homemade sauce if you have some left over), wine or broth, oregano and pepper; pour over chops. 4. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat; cover and simmer for at least 10-15 minutes. 5. For a more tender chop simmer for 30 to 40 minutes. If you let it go longer you may need to add more liquid as the sauce reduces. Thank you to all the volunteers who dedicate their time to making our club a better place for all to enjoy. As always, shoot ‘em straight, and shoot ‘em safe! “GOOD LUCK!” Jack DiGirolamo, BHCC (516)754-3549 jackdee@aol.com TIP: Goes great served over butter noodles. Contributed & taste tested by Josh Pierno 3 Here is the list of shooters that placed in their respective divisions. In order to place a shooter must have submitted at least 3 scores by the end of week 6. If a shooter submitted more than 3 scores we only averaged the top 3. Snow Flake League 2012 The 2012 Snow Flake League (SFL) is now behind us and what a great season it was! We had fantastic turnout with attendance between 45 and 85 club members each week. We were able to enjoy all 6 shoots and the BBQ thanks to Mother Nature’s cooperation. A few Sundays were a bit frigid but hey it’s the Snow Flake League! Mens Compound Menges, Fred - 284 Ng, Wai - 276 Carella, Tom - 275 Mens Traditional Milano, Jeff - 254 Chambers, Bob – tie for 2nd 248 Lipinski, Artie – tie for 2nd 248 Pierno, Josh – 241 I would like to take a moment to recognize the dedicated committee members that made 2012 SFL a reality. Paul Hatch, Shay Granov, and my son Aaron Abruzzo for helping me setup and run the shoot each week, Peter Antonicelli for your impeccable record keeping, and Margi Marrota for your tasty breakfasts and desserts. But I can’t stop there our guest chefs really made coming in from the cold a treat. Thank you Jeff Milano, John Ramage, Nick Menrath, Karen Kucheric, Sal Greco, and Rob Wiest. Last but not least I would like to say thank you to all the club members who took the time to bake desserts, light the fire and make coffee! You all made chairing this event a pleasure. Womens Compound Kucherick, Karen – 266 Tracy, Stephanie – 234 Womens Traditional Marotta, Margery – 170 Wolsky, Liza – 164 Toutoundjian, Marissa – 162 Youth Teran, Edward – 252 Pellot, Chris – 236 Christy, Frank JR – 197 Of course it would not be the same if we did not end the SFL with a big old BBQ. Mike Anderson out did himself once again. He had the smokers, convection oven and BBQ’s going bright and early in the morning, actually it was not even bright yet, just early, in order to serve up some delicious brisket, pulled pork & BBQ chicken. Not to mention the tasty sides he also prepared for the feast. Snow Flake League is such a great time I encourage everyone to come out and join us next year! — Jason Abruzzo, SFL Committee Chairman 4 LOST Trading Post NOTICE TO MEMBERS: This space is always available for FREE to those members who wish to swap, trade, or sell their archery equipment and/or provide notice of upcoming hunts. However, Suffolk Archers does not specifically endorse the products or hunting opportunities listed here. ♦ On March 4th there was a Hoyt Power Hawk Compound bow and fleet quiver with a release left at the club. If anyone has seen or knows where the bow is please contact Jason at 516-857-9352 Wolf Longbow 40# @ 28" RH 68" length—$260.00 Call Rich 516-297-1239 World Famous Archery Coach Comes to Smith Point Archery Bernie Pellerite, Author of “Idiot Proof Archery” and world renowned master archery coach is coming to Smith Point Archery to teach an archery shooter school. Bernie created the NFAA shooter school 14 years ago, whose curriculum is responsible for over 150 world and national records, and championships. Each archer will be video taped for form analysis and will attend a 2 ½ day shooting school/ seminar. At the end of the class you have the option of becoming a certified, level 3 advanced instructor. Class will be May 4-6, cost to attend is $350. $175 deposit required to secure a seat. Seats are almost sold out, call and speak to Jared for more info. Don’t miss this opportunity to become the best archer you can possibly be! Working with one of the top archery coaches in the country is the number one way to break through to the next level. Smith Point Archery is Long Islands archery and crossbow headquarters. We stock the largest selection of bows and crossbows. Come in and see the latest crossbows from Barnett and PSE as well as bows from Hoyt, Mathews, PSE, Martin and Mission. Many models are available to demo. Try before you buy! Bowhunter safety class being held on April 28-29th, 12-5pm still has openings. You must register in person. Bowhunter league starting June 6th. Call to register. As always, Suffolk Archers members get special treatment at Smith Point Archery. Bring your membership card in for free shooting, bow check-up, and 10% discount on everything, 5% on bows. SMITH POINT ARCHERY 215 East Main Street Patchogue, NY 11772 (631) 289-3399 5 The Arrow PO Box 8087 Hicksville, NY 11802-8087 Don’t miss our next GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING SUFFOLK ARCHERS LODGE APRIL 18, 2012 at 8:00pm
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