Spring 2012 Newsletter - Queen of Peace Center


Spring 2012 Newsletter - Queen of Peace Center
Spring 2012
Queen of
Peace Center
Board of Directors
Executive Director
Lara B. Pennington
Board Members
President: Jean Soukenik
Donna McDonald
Treasurer: Ron Faulbaum
Secretary: Nancy Giljum
Jim Barnes
Charles Brown
Jon Carlson
Pam Duffy
Missy Leggat
Mark Mager
Bob McCulloch
George Marklin
Terese Mitchusson
John O’Neill
Joan O’Reilly
Ellen O’Sullivan
Michael Richards
Addie Tompkins
Amy van der Horst
Thomas Zatkulak
Advisory Board
LaVerne Lorenzini
Honorary Board
J. Kim Tucci
Ex Officio
Brian O’Malley
The mission of Queen of Peace
Center is to provide comprehensive
family behavioral healthcare for women
struggling with substance abuse and
mental illness, and their children.
Lara B. Pennington named as Executive Director of
Queen of Peace Center
ara B. Pennington
was named executive director of
Queen of Peace Center on
Jan. 1, replacing retiring executive director Constance
Neumann, leaving after 23
years with the Catholic
Charities agency.
Queen of Peace Center,
Lara Penn
located in Cathedral
Tower in the Central West End, is a
family-based behavioral health center for
women dealing with substance abuse and mental illness and for their children. The agency
provides a variety of services and treatments for
their women clients, both residential and outpatient, and behavioral health care and daycare for
their children.
Under Neumann's leadership, Queen of
Peace went from serving 100 women a year on
a $700,000 budget in 1988 to serving approximately 2,000 women, children and their families annually with a budget of $8 million.
Through the help of Queen of Peace Center,
more than 40,000 women and children have
been helped and more than 1,000 babies were
born drug free.
Neumann, a member of Immacolata Parish
in Richmond Heights, said she was blessed and
humbled by her years of service at Queen of
Peace Center. While providing quality, affordable programs "through economic and political
Marge Rosenthal
Memorial Spring
Luncheon and
Card Party
Monday, April 30, 2012
St. Joseph Academy
Sr. Mary de Paul Room
Cards - 10:30AM
Lunch - 12:00
climate changes" is challenging, she said "the
mission of the center could not exist" without
its many supporters - the board of directors,
civic and community leaders,
various foundations and departments of mental health and a
dedicated group of staff members and volunteers.
As a Catholic Charities federation agency, Neumann
said, "Queen of Peace Center has flourished not only
through, but because of, its
identity steeped in the tradi- Neumance
tions of the Catholic
Pennington, a parishioner at the Washington
University Newman Center, was director of
programs and community development. She
has served at Queen of Peace Center since
2007, when she began working as a grants and
community associate, and has worked closely
with Neumann.
Pennington has supervised university interns,
collaborated with the Family Treatment Coalition as part of the Rebecca Project on Human
Rights in Washington, D.C., working with government policymakers on gender-specific and
family-centered behavioral health treatment.
She developed the center's advocacy program
and successfully secured federal, state and foundation grants.
Upcoming Events
25th Annual Bunzl
Distribution / Emerson
Queen of Peace Center
Golf Tournament
Monday, July 16, 2012
Norwood Hills Country Club
Reg./Lunch - 10:30AM
Tee Time - 12:00
Auction and Dinner - 5:30PM
Friday, November 9, 2012
Danforth Plant
Science Center
6:30 – 9:30pm
Singles and Couples Event
A special thanks to Holly Schopp and
Karen Lorenzini for chairing the first
Sip in Style fundraiser on November 17, 2011.
Our fashion show was restyled
moving to an evening affair for singles and
couples. Adrienne Berra will be co-chairing this
year’s event with Karen Lorenzini.
Queen of Peace Center
A Letter from the Executive Director
Maternity Home
Tax Credit Program
Lara Pennington
appy New Year to the Queen of Peace Center community. It is with tremendous gratitude and excitement that
I share my first words in the newsletter. 2012 brings
many changes to the Center. Connie Neumann, Queen of Peace
Center’s former Executive Director, retired after 23 years of service and January marked
my first month as the Executive Director. As Queen of Peace Center enters into the
New Year, we welcome change, growth and challenges while remaining firmly grounded
in our mission and vision.
All contributions to QOPC of $100.00
or more are eligible for a 50% Missouri
State Tax Credit under special Missouri
statute for eligible maternity homes.
Actual cost of a $10,000 donation for an
individual in the 35% tax bracket:
Queen of Peace Center is built on the belief that vulnerable women and families deserve the opportunity to heal and recover from the wounds of addiction, homelessness,
mental illness and trauma. We believe that in order for our clients to succeed, we must
not only provide exceptional care but also empower them to make the changes in their
lives that will lead to sustained recovery and wellness.
Federal Tax Deduction
State tax deduction
-$ 600
I would like to spotlight several clients that have given of their time and talent to
empower their peers to make changes in order to accomplish their goals. Members of
the Center’s Consumer Advisory Board, Dana Fitzpatrick, Barbara Allen, Tracy Martin
and Varnay Turner have volunteered countless hours facilitating exercise, Spanish,
and dental hygiene classes, participating in the Center’s tobacco cessation initiative
and publishing the Consumer Advisory Board News Chronicle.
Maternity Home tax credit
Additional Federal tax-due to
reduced Missouri State tax
($5,600 x 35%)
It is because of the Center’s many supporters that our clients are given the opportunity to not only succeed but give back whaat has been given to them. Thank you for
your continued support of the Center and its mission of treating vulnerable women
with addictions and their children. Here's to a new year filled with hopeful anticipation,
commitment and faith.
Stewardship Through Estate Planning
If you are planning on giving to a charity,
please consider Queen of Peace Center
as part of your estate plan. You may
contact pseeler@ccstl.org.
Lara Pennington
Exercise / Yoga Class
Spani sh C la
Giving Back
GED ‘C reatin g Me Class
D e ntal H
Va r n a
y giene C la
y Tur
n er
Program News
Family Program News
News From St Philippine
Home and OLPH
By Rosie Dickens, Program Manager
By Lee Burnett
Implementing Tobacco Cessation in a Substance
Abuse Treatment Program
Queen of Peace Center’s Family Program has grown
this year with the addition of programs that enhance the
curriculum we currently provide to the moms and their
family members.
Nurturing Networks has added Dr. Mary Curtis from
the Goldfarb School of Nursing on a regular basis.
Dr. Curtis has been working with the women on safety issues in their homes. She presents situations to the
women that are potential safety hazards, has the women
evaluate their home and then meets again to discuss viable
solutions to make their homes safe for themselves and
We have also added a program for Adolescents who reside in St. Louis County. Screening and brief intervention is provided to adolescents currently incarcerated in
the St. Louis County Justice Service Center, as well as
the St. Louis County Family Court and Every Child’s
Hope Center. We also have done presentations to some
of the Catholic Schools on Adolescent Alcohol and Drug
Patricia Heiser who was the Child Therapist is now
our Family Therapist, Erica Withers is the Therapeutic
Daycare Coordinator, Sandy Inman is the new Child
CSW, and we welcome Jessica Black and Katherine
Drewel who moved from PFK Child Development Center to the Family Program therapeutic daycare. We are
excited about the changes and congratulate all those who
have accepted these positions.
Dr. Peggy North-Jones continues to consult with our
teachers working with them to build skills that enhance
their interaction with the children.
On a personal note: Erica Withers and Kelley
Brown were both married since our last newsletter! Erica
was married on January 21, 2012 and Kelley was married
October 22, 2011. We wish them both the best!
Through a grant funded by the Missouri
Foundation for Health (MFH), Queen of
Peace Center is partnered with the Missouri
Department of Mental Health and two other
DMH providers, Crider Health Center and
Community Treatment (COMTREA), Inc.,
to implement Tobacco Cessation in our programs.
Implementing Tobacco Cessation in substance abuse treatment has been a challenge
across the field. According to the DMH project director, QOPC, was the only Missouri Alcohol and Drug
(ADA) provider who responded to the request for partners. (Both Crider and COMTREA are Comprehensive Psychiatric Services (CPS) providers).
Historically, most substance abuse treatment programs
have not addressed tobacco dependency. There are a
variety of reasons for this, however one of the biggest
myths is that tobacco use cannot be treated concurrently with other substance addiction. This is not so. If substance abusers are given the right kind of information and
support, they can be helped to stop use of all substances…including tobacco. It is our
goal to be able to do just that and help our consumers and staff live healthier lives.
In implementing Tobacco Cessation at QOPC, we are approaching this process
from several ways. The Tobacco Cessation Team is a multidisciplinary team that includes consumer involvement. This team works together to develop the policies and
implement the programming. To begin with, we are making our two supported
housing sites, Our Lady of Perpetual Help and St. Philippine Home, completely
smoke free. Since we share space at Cathedral Tower, we are working on a more
modest scale to create smoke free space. In all instances we are doing the following;
• Basic education about the risks of tobacco use for both consumers and staff
• Creation of a pro-health environment which includes new signage and activities to
support a tobacco free lifestyle
• Freedom From Smoking classes for both consumers and staff who want to quit
will be facilitated by our American Lung Association trained staff
• In some instances, we will be able to provide nicotine replacement therapy for
those who cannot afford it
• Increased and regular assessment of consumers’ tobacco use and motivation to quit
• Implementing programming and procedures that will be sustainable beyond the life
of the grant
The grant is a two year project, giving us ample time to imbed a tobacco free,
healthy space philosophy into all facets of our operations.
News from Peace for Kids Community Board
Peace for Kids Community Board would like to welcome the following
new members: Adrienne Berra, Melissa Faulbaum, Maggi Helmkampf,
Megan Oliverio, and Lauren Pennington. Special thanks to Megan
Seeling for coordinating the Adopt a Family event for the clients at
OLPH. Fifteen clients and their families were treated to lunch, presents
and a special visit by Santa on December 12, 2011.
Calendar of Events
June 9, 2012 – Ice Cream Social on Grounds of Cathedral Tower,
10:30 – 12:00
August, 2012 – Packs for Peace Fundraiser
October, 2012 – Halloween Party, QOPC Main Lounge
December 15, 2012 – Adopt Families at OLPH
Generous Donor May 2011 – February 2012
❧❧ ❧
❧❧ ❧
Kerby and Polly Claney
Rebecca Gorley
Richard and Sally Klohr
Lisa Mooney
Jim and Wendy Reid
Larry and Marlene Coleman
Doug and Lisa Gouy
George and Pat Kloster
Chris and Amy Moore
Barbara Reidner
Craig Cook
Stacey Graham
Michael Kniepman
Lori Moser
Norma Reuther
Tracey Adams
Marvin Cook
Jim Graham
John and Carolyn Kost
Dianne Muccigrosso
Lauren Reuther-Sohm
Robert Adelmann
Joanne Crider
Sally Graham
Connie Krapfl
Peggy Muenster
Shawn and Greg
Lois Criscione
Alan Greenblatt
Paul Kratz
Douglas and Betsy Mullenix
John and Carolyn
Mr. and Mrs. Edmund
Ed and Sheri Curran
Malcolm and Leigh Greeno
Greg Kraus
Margaret Mulvihill
Joshua Dearborn
Jill Guempel
George Krinninger
Peggy Nance
Mark and Josephine
Stacy Gunderman
John Krittenbrink
William Natsch
Carter and Emma Hand
Evelyn Kruckemeyer
Diego and Heather Navarro
Tom Hardin
Helen Kubat
Kevin Hart
John Kunkel
Duke and Marcia
Pat Hartwig
Eileen Lambert
Vernetta Heil
Cornelius and Karen Lane
Bill and Nancy Heinbecker
John and Mary Layton
Maggi Helmkampf
Karen Leeker
Cynthia LeFort
Michael Richards
Pamela Richardson
Joey Risch
❧ ❧❧
❧ ❧❧
Anne and James Allmeroth
James C. Alspaugh
Edwin and Katherine
Susie DePriest
Jeff and Mary Desits
Anthony and Mary
Charles and Katie Dietrick
Mark Anderson
John Dougherty
Jim Anstey
Craig and Sherri Doyel
Judy Anthon
Pamela Duffy
Bill and Liz Arnold
James and Noel Dwyer
Harold and Sonya
Sean Asbury
Randall Ehret
Jeremy Henak
Ken and Pat Aull
Mary Eilerman
Michael Henderson
Andrew Auns
Thomas and Kimberly
Barry Hentz
Lawrence and Laurie
Bill Donahue
Colin and Katie Eliot
James and Trary Barnes
Dorothy Elliott
T. Ellis Barnes
Hilary Engelhardt
Debra Bass
Kathy Erb
Ron Beal
Ronald and Wilda Exler
Marland and Natalea
John and Martha Farrell
Laura Bennstrom
Susan Berkbuegler
Bob Berry
Jill Bertram
Patsy Bethel
Jerry Beutel
Caroline and James Boldt
Michael Boucher
Marge Boveri
Kristie Branch
Mark and Audrey Brasher
Timothy and Stacy Breihan
John Brightman
Gloria Brostoski
Charles and Kay Brown
Kay Brown
Mike Burch
Richard Burklew
Lee Burnett
Mick ByrneByrne
Lance and Diann Cage
Jeanne Callahan
Mark and Marie Carlie
Gerald and Anne Carlson
Jon and Margie Carlson
Chris and Sharon Carlson
David and Reena Carroll
John Carter
Vanessa Castetter
Suzanne Farrell
Melissa Faulbaum
Zach Higdon
Will Hildebrandt
Robert and Shirley Hoemeke
Bill and Julie Holland
Steve Hollender
Michael Holten
Sidney and Julie Holthaus
Charity Horina
Harry and Missy Leggat
Patricia Leggat
William Lehman
Robert and Kristine Leitner
Daniel and Rhetta Leritz
Jan Lewis
John Libera, Jr.
Robert and Joan Lockwood
Charles and Barbara Loeb
James and Jackie Lordo
Paul and LaVerne Lorenzini
Michelle Lorenzini
Ronald and Gayle Faulbaum
Robert and Marilyn
Stephanie Feist
Tammy Houston Houston
Tim and Sheri Ferry
Katherine Huffman
John Finders
Maureen Hurley
Steve Firmery
Kendall and Amanda Itoku
Lynn Fitzgerald
Thomas Jackson
Dennis Flatness
Ghiavonna Jamerson
Martha Flynn
Timothy Janish
Terry and Sally Frank
Micheal Jarrett
Caitlin Franz
Mary Kay Jaudes
Ann Frayn
Tom and Jane Jennewein
Michael Frederick
Kathy Jinkerson
Phyllis Fresta
Kristen Johnson
Robert and Carolyn
R. Frisch
David Johnson
Mac and Donna McDonald
Erin Fuselier
Sharon Jones
Sara McEntire-Kreider
Marilyn Ganey
D. Jordan
Michael and Gigi McKinzie
Larry and Marlene Gebhard
Keith Junge
Wesley Gentles
Barbara Keehn
Eugene and Jane
Laura George
Amy Keeth
Gerard and Carole Germain
Frances Kelly
Sam and Beverly Giaimo
John Kelly
Mary Gilbert Gilbert
Abigail Keough
Joseph and Nancy Giljum
Brad and Melanie Kern
Janet Gnojewski
Tom Keusenkothen
Lisa Goebel
Kathy Keusenkothen
Derek and Val Goodin
Jeff Kitchens
Thomas Goodman
Jeanne Klebusch
Mark Goolsby
Dan Klein
Tim Lane and Karen
Russell Luetkenhaus
John Lyday
Mark and Angie Mager
Carlos Maitz
Susan Maloney
Andre Margaux
George and DeeDee Marklin
Steven Martinez
Jack and Linda Massa
Juanita McCarthy
Robert and Joanie McNulty
Emily Meatte
Anthony Mercurio
Lisa Merenda
Carole Merwin
Gary and Linda Meyerkord
Charlie Mills
Robert and Terese
Michael and Rita Mooney
Richard and Constance
Beth Newhouse
Genevieve Northcutt
Carol O'Brien
Virginia O'Malley
Brian O'Malley
Jack and Mary O'Neill
Joan O'Reilly
Kitty O'Reilly
Kevin and Ellen O'Sullivan
Mary Jo Pace
Jon and Nancy Packard
Meeaeng Ko Park
Kelli Parsons
Robert & Sydney Pennington
Bud Pennington
Richard Pennington
John Pennington
Lara Pennington
Doug Perry
Nicholas & Rebekah Petgas
Rachel Phillips
John and Mary Anne
Mike and Kathy Piel
Ted Pintcke
Rosemary Pitlyk
Elliot Pokoik
Donald and Janice Potthoff
Timothy Roach
Julia Rodi
Steven Rogers
Jerome and Nancy Rogers
Gretchen Ross
Carole Rotter
Susan Ryan
David and Christine Sadler
Gustave and Lisa Saettele
David Sargent
Amie Schilson
Dennis & Kathleen Schisler
A.J. Schmitz
C. Schmitz
Steve and Judy Schokmiller
Melissa Schopfer
Janet Schopp
Nicholas and Holly Schopp
Sylvia Schulte
James and Linda Schulz
Maurice and Jeanne Schutte
Tom and Patty Seeler
Jennifer Seeler
Michael and Megan Seeling
Mark Sementilli
Chad Severson
John Shamleffer
Jim and Karen Shaughnessy
Veronica Simms
Irina Skroba
Markus Smiley
Lori Smith
Florence Prime
Shari Smith
Bernard and Rosalynn
Midge Smith
Karley Smith-Thompson
Joe and Debbie Puzniak
Donald Soffer
James and Debby Puzniak
Brenda Sohn
David and Dede Puzniak
Margaux Soukenik
John and Nancy Puzniak
Anthony and Jean Soukenik
Ryan and Michelle Pyles
Jessica Spahn
Jeanne Pyzdrowski
Brian & Evangeline Sponsler
Gerald and Mary Quinlisk
Mary Spraul
John Quinn
David St. Hilaire
Paul and Charlene Radzom
Vince and Marjorie Stanec
Edward and Florence
Frederic and Patricia
Ruth Raithel
Lee Steuby
Ronald and Karla Reichelt
Brian Stokes
John and Clare Reid
Rayna Stover
Generous Donor May 2011 – February 2012
❧❧ ❧
❧❧ ❧
Lori Sutton
Carroll Company
Imo's Pizza
Wausau Paper
Paul & LaVerne Lorenzini
Marjorie Sweeney
Chaumette Vineyards
and Winery
Inline Plastics Corp.
Weekends Only
Tony & Paula Marino
International Paper
Welsch, Flatness & Lutz,
George & DeeDee Marklin
Alfred and Susan
Elizabeth Telthorst
Lisa Thiel
Kris Thornton
Ed and Connie Throop
Citizens National Bank
Coca-Center of
Creative Arts
Commercial Bank
Community Wholesale
Tire, Inc.
Jackman Insurance Group,
Kimberly Clark
Kreis Restaurant
WNA Waddington North
Woodard Cleaning &
Restoration Services
Mac & Donna McDonald
William McLaughlin
Bob & Terese Mitchusson
James & Marlene Obrien
Phillip Oldham
Jennifer Tomasiak
Willie and Addie Tompkins
Barbara and Kevin Toulster
Tim Trainor
Continental Commercial
Con-Way Freight
Conwed Plastics
Sidney and Ann Trojahn
Core of Discovery
Saint Louis
Ruth Trousdale
Craftsmen Trailer, LLC
Joan Truelove
Crown Poly Inc.
Susan Van de Riet
CSI Leasing
Carl and Amy van der Horst
De Brickey Enterprises
Christopher and Nancy
Lazy River Grill
Bud & Helen Pennington
Lordo's Diamonds
Lara Pennington
Menasha Packaging
David Adam
Stefani Pollack
Mercer Human Resource
Lisa Adams
James Puzniak
Shawn Adelmann &
Greg Lepper
Norma Reuther
Pat Albers
Al & Janet Schopp
Anne Allmeroth
Dick Schul
Daniel Barnes
Tom & Patty Seeler
Sue Beeler
Jasna Smanja
Jill Bertram
Karen Smith
Tara Black
Anthony & Jean Soukenik
Mary Campbell
Jody Squires, PhD
Nickole Caperton
Virginia Stephens
Gerald & Ann Carlson
Kristin Swanson
Professional Disposables
International Inc.
Chris & Sharon Carlson
Lara Thiel
Jon & Margie Carlson
Nicole Thomson
Raymond James
Donna Cattoor
Ed Throop
Rhodey Construction Inc.
Sherise Cooper
Willie & Addie Tompkins
Rick's Ace Hardware
Kathe Cunningham
Kathleen Turco
Rock Tenn Company
Vanessa Denton
Amy Van Donsel
Ryder Transportation
Jeff Deutch
Carmen Ward
Marlene Diller
Steve William
Sam's Steakhouse
Ronald & Gayle
Joyce Williams
SCA Tissue
Raymond Feick
Anna Frank
Midwest Business
Newell Rubbermaid
Dorothy Vermic
O'Sullivan Muckle
Anders and Jennifer
Drury Hotels LLC
Pacific Handy Cutter
Duro Standard Products
Ronan Wallace and Amanda
Polly Walsh
E. Smith & Associates,
Arlene Warmann
Eleven Mile House
Melissa Watson
Emerson Tool Co.
Kevin and Linda Weber
Employees Fund of Boeing
St. Louis
Pamela Wendt
Susan Werner
Sarah Williams
Jason Williams
Paula and Cody Wilson
Daniel and Patricia
Epsen Hillmer Graphics
Finish It Fitness
Fishnet Security
Flint Hill Resources
Footwear Unlimited, Inc.
Ford Motor Company
Pennington Shea, LC
Polymer Group Inc.
Safety National
Cindy Woodle
Fortune Plastics, Inc.
Mary Catherine Woods
Gateway EDI
Scott Radiological Group,
Ann Young
Gene Del Printing Inc.
Scotwood Industries, Inc.
Mary Ann Young
Georgia Pacific
Serenity Funeral Home
Tom and Betsy Zatkulak
A-B Associates, Inc.
AEP Industries
Anchor Packaging, Inc.
Annie Gunn's
Arthur J. Gallagher & Co.
Girl Scouts of Eastern Mo
Inc, Troop 638
Goedeker's Superstore
Green Bay Converting
Guard Industries
Guido's Pizzeria and Tapas
Sisters of Mercy Health
Sur La Table
Bagcraft Packaging
Heritage Bag
Bank of America
Matching Gifts
Swing-A-Round Family
Fun Center
Blaze Products
BSI Constructors Inc.
Bunzl Distribution
Hudson Color
Huhtamaki Foodservices
Husch Blackwell Sanders
Supervalu Inc.
Chase Park Plaza
Clear Channel Radio
Cornerstone Insurance
Crown Candy Kitchen
Dairy Queen
Daisy Clover Boutique
Dillard's Department Store
Dollar Tree #747, 2C
Drury Hotels LLC
Duff's Restaurant
Ecelessia Church of Christ
Eleven Mile House
Emerson Tool Company
Fairfield Golf Club
Fortel's Pizza Den
Frame of Mind
Friends Hair Salon
Genovese Jewelers
Gianfabio's Italian Cafe
Giddyup Jane
Go Spa LLC
Godiva Chocolate
Goedeker's Superstore
Guido's Pizzeria and Tapas
Health Care for Kids
Ashley Yount
Hodak's Restaurant and
Tom & Betsy Zatkulak
Humphrey's Restaurant
Imo's Pizza
A/K Nail Spa
Independent Tire Dealers
Innsbrook Golf
K. Hall Designs
Annie Gunn's
Kay Oss Design
Assistance League of
St Louis
Kirkwood Station Brewing
Aya Sofia
Kreis Restaurant
B. Davis Designs
Lazy River Grill
Before & Again
Big Sky Cafe
Little Flower Parish
Biggies Restaurant & Bar
LK White & Associates, Inc.
Kimberly Huntspon
Bridge Tap House and
Wine Bar
Lodging Hospitaility
Carter Hand
Mary Catherine Woods
Casa Loma Ballroom
Always In Bloom
Mary Gilbert
St. Louis Suburban
School Nurses Association
St. Louis University
Kelley Rhymes
Cardwell Hill Cellars LLC
Ace Hardware
Derek & Val Goodin
Heideman Associates, Inc.
Big Sky Cafe
Kim Gellman
St Louis Cardinals Cardinals Care
Autohaus BMW
James Gambell
Lisa Goebel
Hattiesburg Paper
Company, LLC
Berry Plastics
Terry & Sally Frank
Solo Cup
AT&T Matching Gifts
Holiday Inn
Jimele Palmer
Linpac Packaging Filmco,
Nancy Vergere
Westrich Photography
Candicci's Restaurant
& Bar
Betsy Gwin
Tom Hardin
Cathy Hebert
Alice Hellrung
Maggi Helmkampf
Marlena Huenefeld
Ted Drewes
Abigail Keough
Broadway Oyster Bar
Lordo's Diamonds
The Lodge at Grant's Trail
Dave King
Buffalo Soldiers Motorcycle
Club Southwest Chapter
MACS Design
The Matrix Group
Harry & Missy Leggat
Tower Grove Creamery
Emily Liebman
Washington University
Student Occupational
Therapy Assoc.
Karen Lorenzini
Tina Lindsay
Michelle Lorenzini
Bunzl Distribution
Bunzl St. Louis
Butler's Pantry
Cafe Napoli
McGurk's Irish Pub
Mike Shannon's Steaks
and Seafood
continued on next page
Generous Donor May 2011 – February 2012
❧❧ ❧
❧❧ ❧
Missouri Botanical Gardens
St. Louis Rams
Missouri State Public Defender Office
Stanley Steemer Carpet Cleaners
Never Enough LLC
Sur La Table
New Beginnings F.G. Ministries
Swing-A-Round Family Fun Center
Norwood Hills Country Club
Ted Drewes
The Autograph Guys
O'Connell's Pub
The Chesire Saint Louis
Remember a loved one with a
donation to Queen of Peace
Center. All donations of
$100 or more may be eligible
for a 50% Missouri State Tax
Paul Manno's St. Louis
The Core of Discovery St Louis
PJ's Tavern
The Funny Bone
Planet Success
The Lifestyle Center
Plaza BMW
The Lodge at Grant's Trail
Constance S. Neumann
From: QOPC Board of
PRP Wine International
The Magic House
The Pasta House Company
PW Pizza
The Saint Louis Brewery
Remy's Kitchen & Wine Bar
The Willow Group
Reuther Automotive
The Wine and Cheese Place
Rhodey Construction Inc.
Time For Dinner
Robust Wine Shoppe & Café
Saint Louis Billikens
Saint Louis Zoo
Walter Knoll Florist
Sante Fitness
Walters Golf Management
Sheraton Westport Hotels Saint Louis
Weekends Only
Shop N' Save
Westrich Photography
Woodard Cleaning &
Restoration Services
Doreen Adelmann
From: Robert J. Adelmann
Betty Aders
James & Linda Alspaugh
Darryl & Susan Berkbuegler
Jon & Margie Carlson
Marvin Cook
Lois Criscione
Kathy Erb
Joe & Nancy Giljum
Malcolm & Leigh Greeno
Gloria Koehler
Tim Lane & Karen Lorenzini
Harry & Missy Leggat
John J. Libera, Jr.
Paul & LaVerne Lorenzini
George & DeeDee Marklin
Mac & Donna McDonald
Dennis & Mary Jo Pace
Carla Pautler
Ted Pintcke
Ruth E. Raithel
Lynn Rutledge
Scott Radiological Group, Inc.
Irina Skroba
Addie Tompkins
Dorothy Vermic
Joseph Frances Craig
From: Paul & LaVerne
Julia Cronin
From: Pamela Richardson
Elizabeth Ferry
From: Jon and
Margie Carlson
Sr. Jean Harvey
From: Paul & LaVerne
❧ ❧❧
Spiro's West
St. Louis Blues
St. Louis Post Dispatch
Paul & LaVerne Lorenzini
From: Stacy Gunderman
Jon Carlson & LaVerne
From: Midwest Business
Bev Giaimo & LaVerne
Lorenzini’s Birthdays
Sturat Hoffman &
Rita Rothschild
LaVerne Lorenzini’s
From: June Bierman
George & DeeDee Marklin
George & DeeDee Marklin’s
From: Bill & Nancy
Patty Seeler’s Birthday
From: Paul & LaVerne Lorenzini
Tom Cesneka
From: Paul & LaVerne
Yellowstone Café
Zipf-Air Inc.
Rick Jaudes
From: Paul & LaVerne
Jean Kerner
From: Paul & LaVerne
Henry Pyzdrowski
From: Vince and Margie Stanec
St. Louis Suburban
School Nurses
Dolores Remark
From: George & DeeDee
Marge Rosenthal
From: Patricia Leggat
Anthony Zatkulak
From: Jon and
Margie Carlson
Valentine’s Day at the Center
Staff News
oni Jordan, QOPC Peer Specialist, contacted Lecia
Rives after hearing her on the radio promoting her
book Get Up and Be Somebody. Lecia J. Rives, an
electrifying, spell-binding motivational speaker, author and comedienne, agreed to come speak to the women at Our Lady of
Perpetual Help that serves pregnant women. Lecia, who also
has a show on Channel 6 called Laugh Out Loud, wanted to
do something special for the women on Valentine’s
Day. And special it was! Lecia arrived at the Center
on Valentine’s Day in a beautifully outfitted luxury
van, presented the women with a red rose and gift bag
and brought them to Maggiano’s where they
enjoyed a delicious three course meal in a
private dining room. One of the ladies was
brought to tears saying ‘no one has ever
made me feel so special’.
Sr. Jean Harvey
ur dear friend and coworker Sr. Jean Harvey
passed away on August
26, 2011. Sr. Jean had retired on
March 31, 2011 after more than
21 years of employment at
QOPC. She will be remembered
for her wonderful service to the
women clients, her friendship to
the staff and her beautiful
Origami pieces, many of which are
still seen throughout the building.
Connie Neumann with Sr. Jea
Caitlin Franz
aitlin Franz
took the job
of Development Assistant replacing Jeanne Schutte
who was promoted to
Director of Operations. Caitlin works
part-time in Development and part-time in
Peace for Kids Child
Development Center.
Future Food Network Stars!
anda Edwards, Community Support
Worker, has been an employee at Queen of
Peace Center since 1997. Wanda initially
came to QOPC in May 1994, pregnant and seeking help
for her addiction. She gave birth to her daughter Lorraine and successfully completed the program in September 1994. Wanda worked at a couple of other substance
abuse centers then found herself back at QOPC in January of 2010. In addition to her job she is also a Sunday
School Teacher at Clayton United Methodist Church.
Wanda’s daughter Lorraine has been a great inspiration
to her. She is currently a junior in high school with a 3.8
G.P.A. and plans to pursue psychology and business at
University of Missouri Saint Louis. Lorraine has inherited her mother’s compassion as she volunteers in QOPC
Family Program’s therapeutic daycare and writes poems
of encouragement for the women at the center.
Lorraine reflects on why she volunteers at the Center.
“One major hardship I faced head on was to volunteer at
the drug treatment center I was born in. A character-defining moment for me was when realized I could make a difference for the kids at QOPC because I was one of those kids.
I want to show
them that if my
mom could change
her life around for
me, then there is
still hope for
Wish List
Queen of Peace Center
325 North Newstead
St. Louis, MO 63108
(314) 531-0511
• Boys clothing sizes 18
months to 12
• Personal hygiene & laundry
• Maternity Clothes
• Bedding for twin and
full beds
Nonprofit Org.
U.S. Postage
St. Louis, MO
Permit No. 5534
Donations received:
Monday – Friday
9:00 – 5:00 only
Donations MUST BE
laundered and in good condition
Peace for
By: Sarah Williams, Program Manager
eace for Kids took advantage of the warmer than
usual weather by incorporating best practices in the Early Care
and Education field. Our two year
old teacher Betsy brought in used
tires that the children used for imaginary play. We were delighted to see
the many ways the children interacted with each other while playing
with the every-day object. They
were transported to new places,
climbing in and out of the tires and
rolling down the hill. By attempting to get
the tire to stay upright they learned about physics, gravity, special reasoning,
teamwork and cooperation. Miss Aviva allowed the children to take the lead trying to figure out how to make their ideas work with minimal direction. This is a
great example of understanding the value of play at its best!