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While this New Zealand tourist destination has just 60,000 permanent residents, it regularly plays host to around 3.2m visitors a year, who come mainly for the geothermal activity, pristine forests, and lakes. As is often the case though, a thriving tourist industry also comes with a risk of an associated negative environmental impact. In 2006 the Rotorua District Council found itself with a major municipal waste disposal problem – landfilling biosolids (from sewage sludge) was costing it a hefty NZ$1m/y (US$0.8m/y). Protecting Rotorua’s waterways was, and still is, an environmental and business necessity. In response to that challenge, scientists 38 and engineers at the New Zealand government research institute Scion have developed a hydrothermal process to transform wastewater biosolids into reusable chemical products. Seven years after the research began the technology has now progressed beyond pilot-scale validation, with the first commercial-scale plant due to be completed in late 2014. Biosolids are generated as a byproduct of wastewater treatment processes and represent a considerable fraction of overall municipal solid waste production. november 2013 the biosolids problem Population growth, urbanisation, and higher living standards are driving waste generation throughout the world. The World Bank estimates1 that about 3bn urban residents generate 1.2 kg of municipal solid waste per person per day (1.3bn t/y). By 2025 this will likely increase to 4.3bn urban residents generating about 1.4 kg per person per day, or around 2.2bn t/y. Biosolids are generated as a byproduct of wastewater treatment processes and represent a considerable fraction of overall municipal solid waste production (estimated at 10% in New Zealand). They have around 80% moisture content with large proportions of carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus presenting good opportunities to generate value through energy and chemical recovery. But despite WASTE CAREERS MANAGEMENT New Zealand has a low population density compared with many countries and a seeming abundance of land available for recycling biosolids back into agriculture. But land-based application of biosolids waste is fraught with difficulties, chief among them being the potential to degrade waterways. Technology Capital costs Volume reduction Value recovery Hazard removal Compliance costs High High Low (moisture content limits energy recovery) High High (air) Med/low (common practice in US) Incineration and gasification Autothermal aerobic digestion (land application) Moderate Moderate Low Moderate (metals & nutrients remain in product) Thermal drying Moderate Moderate (water removal only) Low Moderate (metals & nutrients remain diluted in product) Med/low Wet oxidation-full destruction High High Low High Med/low Composting (inc vermicomposting) Low Low (negative if bulking agents used) Low (limited product markets Low (pathogen removal only) Med/high Moderate Moderate (further treatment needed) Moderate (biogas) Moderate (hazards transferred to liquid and residue phases Low High High High High Med/low Anaerobic digestion TERAX: combined biologicalhydrothermal Table 1: Comparison of biosolids management technologies tce their value opportunity, only a small number of advanced material recovery technologies (such as struvite precipitation) are used commercially, typically in recovering phosphorus. Regulatory constraints, land availability and ultimately economics mean that solutions for biosolids disposal vary greatly by region and country. Technology to manage biosolids include dewatering, anaerobic digestion, or incineration (either alone or in combination) – see Table 1. The residuals commonly end up in landfills or agricultural applications, where fugitive emissions such as greenhouse gases and nutrient-rich leachates can have unwanted environmental impacts. New Zealand has a low population density compared with many countries and a seeming abundance of land available for recycling biosolids back into agriculture. But land-based application of biosolids waste is fraught with difficulties, chief among them being the potential to degrade waterways due to nutrient inflows and negative export market perceptions associated with food safety. Incineration is not an option either. It is very difficult under New Zealand legislation, is energy-intensive and an expensive option requiring a significant scale for viable biosolids processing. Like many developed countries, New Zealand has shifted towards fewer, larger and more modern landfills. Fewer landfills mean waste is transported longer distances. This, coupled with tighter environmental regulation, has led to steadily increasing landfill costs. a hybrid approach Figure 1: Simplified process diagram of the hybrid TERAX technology Feed preparation Anaerobic fermentation Hydrothermal oxidation Product recovery Nitrogen Heat Carbon Oxygen Phosphate Core process • 6–8% dry solids • Screening • 4–6 days retention • 35–55ºC • 1–2 hours retention • 180–260ºC • 30–60 bar • Inorganic solids separation • Ammonia stripping • Dissolved carbon reuse Scion’s technology (TERAX) was spurred by the desire to extract value from organic wastes, which are typically disposed of on a lowest-cost approach rather than adding value via energy and products. It combines a biological stage and a thermo-chemical stage (see Figure 1). The first stage is a short retention anaerobic fermentation targeting initial solids reduction and organic acid production. This is followed by the hydrothermal oxidation stage which completes the organic solids degradation, generating additional shortchain organic acids (specifically acetic acid), ammonia and a high phosphorus ash. The biological process – anaerobic fermentation – is very efficient in reducing organic solids concentrations with relatively low unit cost energy inputs required. It achieves 40–50% solids reduction, requiring just 4–6 days to complete. The second stage is a hydrothermal process known as wet oxidation that has been in commercial use since it was first developed in the 1930s. It is ideally suited november 2013 39 tce WASTE MANAGEMENT Commercial-scale implementation of the process in Rotorua will eliminate approximately 10,000 t/y of biosolids currently exported from the site. Figure 2: transforming biosolids Simplified kinetic diagram showing the destruction of biosolids (brown) and associated conversion to breakdown products. CO2 Carbon mass CO2 Dissolved organic carbon Organic acid fraction Hydro thermal oxidation Anaerobic fermentation Time Solid Liquid Gas to the treatment of wet materials, and water is an integral part of the process. Unlike the fermentation stage, wet oxidation can achieve greater than 90% reduction in organic solids, albeit with much higher unit operating costs. The wet oxidation process is operated in a pressurised hydrothermal reactor at subcritical water temperatures and pressures resulting in rapid reaction rates. This stage typically takes 1–2 h, or around a hundred times faster than the fermentation stage. The surplus heat from the hydrothermal oxidation reactions is sufficient to supply heat for the overall process without requiring external energy inputs. This combination of processes has been optimised to degrade the complex solid organic carbon into simple compounds with potential for recovery and re-use (see Figure 2). The degradation proceeds via an initial solubilisation to dissolved organic carbon prior to formation of short-chain organic acids (also known as volatile fatty acids, or carboxylic acids). The organic acids produced in the fermentation survive the hydrothermal oxidation and are increased. This hybrid approach of combining the processes couples the efficiency of the biological process with the effectiveness of the chemical process to enable lower cost inputs and greater product recovery yields than wet oxidation alone. The hybrid combination of the anaerobic fermentation step and the hydrothermal deconstruction step is novel in its own right. The greater novelty though, is that these two Rotorua lies within a sensitive lake catchment 40 november 2013 WASTE CAREERS MANAGEMENT Biological nutrient removal processes are used to achieve a high quality effluent tce third of variable operating costs for the site. The dissolved organic carbon from TERAX is highly biodegradable, substituting an estimated 40% of these ethanol requirements. the payoff The process recovers more than 60% of nitrogen and 95% of phosphorus – resulting in a reduced load returned to the wastewater treatment plant. Nutrients are recovered through stripping ammonia and separating the ash. At about 30% phosphate content, this ash is comparable to rock phosphate used for fertiliser production. The relatively small scale (50 t/y nitrogen, 40 t/y phosphorus) is expected to provide useful quantities to supply niche applications in the fertiliser market. future applications steps are optimised to target value recovery in the form of carbon, nitrogen, phosphorous and energy. progress The Scion team started investigating several existing technologies for improved waste management back in 2006. Of the available technologies, hydrothermal processing was found to be the most promising to meet the objective of recovering value from solid organic waste. A life cycle analysis identified potential environmental benefits of a 96% drop in landfill volume; 76% drop in greenhouse gases; 40% drop in eutrophication potential; and 90% drop in Expanding primary industries such as pulp and paper, dairy, meat and fruit processing represent a further potential resource within New Zealand. Applying this technology to managing these organic wastes is the subject of ongoing research at Scion. photochemical ozone creation potential. Four years later, in 2010, the technology was piloted at Rotorua Council’s wastewater treatment plant (WWTP). Through the laboratory research and piloting stages, techno-economic modelling provided targets for optimising the capital and operating costs of the process. The results from the pilot stage provided sufficient justification to proceed to initial engineering and business case phases of a commercial-scale demonstration at the Rotorua WWTP. full-scale implementation Commercial-scale implementation of the process in Rotorua will eliminate approximately 10,000 t/y of biosolids currently exported from the site. Process modelling the full scale implementation of TERAX within Rotorua’s WWTP ensured that the downstream effects were well understood and the performance parameters could be met. To achieve strict discharge limits for nitrogen, the existing WWTP uses a biological nutrient removal process where a carbon supplement is required as a food source for de-nitrification bacteria. In the case of Rotorua, ethanol is the carbon source and represents about one- The carbon-rich product stream (if not required as a supplement in the wastewater treatment process) can become a feedstock for conventional biogas production. This material also provides a potential feedstock for biopolymer production and many other industrial biotechnology applications. Expanding primary industries such as pulp and paper, dairy, meat and fruit processing represent a further potential resource within New Zealand. Applying this technology to managing these organic wastes is the subject of ongoing research at Scion. tce Rob Lei ( is business development manager at Terax 2013; Steve Sopora is general manager at Terax 2013; Daniel Gapes is environmental technologies leader at Scion. further reading 1. Hoornweg, D, Bhada-Tata, P, What a waste: a global review of solid waste management, Urban development series, The Worldbank, Washington DC, 2012. Chemical Engineering Matters The topics discussed in this article refer to the following lines on the vistas of IChemE’s technical strategy document Chemical Engineering Matters: Water Lines 3, 4, 17, 18 Health and wellbeing Lines 4, 5, 7, 27 Visit to discover where this article and your own activities fit into the myriad of grand challenges facing chemical engineers november 2013 41