August 24 - St. Theresa Catholic Church
August 24 - St. Theresa Catholic Church
Mensaje del Diácono August 24, 2014 (Year - A) Today’s readings: Isaiah 22:19– 23; Romans 11:33-36; Matthew 16:13-20 St. Theresa of the Child Jesus Como la primera lectura de hoy explica, en el Israel primero un 22nd Sunday in Jeremiah 20:7-9; Romans 12:1-2; hombre tenia la llave del palacio de David. Igualmente Jesus da las Ordinary Time Matthew 16:21-27 llaves del reino a uno de los 12 apostles. No las da al mas rico, ni al con mas estudios ni al con mas personalidad. No, da la llaves al Mass Intentions que tiene mas fe. "Dischoso tu, Simon, hijo de Juan, porque esto no te lo ha revelado ningun hombre sino mi Padre, que esta en los AUGUST cielos!" Y le da a Simon no solamente las llaves, sino un nuevo nombre - Pedro, la Roca. Jesus selecciona a Simon Pedro como Sat. 23 (5:30pm): Marcie Goforth...special intention cabeza de los apostles a causa de su fe. Asi es por los siglos. Jesus escoge hombres con debilidades, a veces debilidades vergonzosas. Uno de mis favoritos es un hombre llamado Calisto. Nacido en una familia de esclavos, su dueno le dio puestos de responsabilidad y por ser franco, hizo unos errores grandes. Pero en el anyo 218, cuando necesitaban un nuevo papa, escogieron a Calisto. La idea de un esclavo liberado como papa no fue agradable a todos. Y muchos resentieron su indulgencia a pecadores arrepentidos. Pero Jesus fundo su Iglesia sobre la Roca - Simon Pedro y le dio las llaves al reino. Cuando Pedro murio en Roma, no se enterraron las llaves con el. Las dieron a su sucesor, San Lino y asi hasta el Papa Francisco. Encontramos nuestro lugar en relacion a los sucesores de los apostles - los obispos en union con el papa, el sucesor de Pedro. Asi Jesus constituyo el Nuevo Israel. Cuando piensas en los papas, es bueno recordar a San Calisto. Como mencione muchos no acceptaron al esclavo liberado como papa. La proxima semana les contare de uno de ellos. La eleccion de Calisto lo lleno de tanta envidia que se establecio como antipapa. Podemos aprender mucho de su lucha contra la envidia. Lo llamo el "santo patrono de los envidiosos." Sun.24 (8:00am): For all our Catechists, PSR students, and parents Sun.24 (10:30am): For all parishioners of St. Theresa Church Sun.24 (6:00pm): Dory Birchfield and family...special intentions Tue. 26: Gracy Sequiria Wed.27: Fr. Jim Naughton...R.I.P. Thu. 28: Gene Schaardt...R.I.P. Fri. 29: Kay Reynolds...R.I.P. EDUCATIONAL CORNER FIRST READING: In the days of Hezekiah, King of Judah, there was a very ambitious official that was in the King's service whose name was SHEBNA. Shebna had carved for himself a magnificent tomb from solid rock. This custom was reserved for royalty. Isiah, the holy prophet of God, learned of this deed and approached the corrupt treasurer and rebuked him. He was removed from office and was replaced by Isiah's servant Eliakin. Note: In 1953, an archaeologist N. Avigad discovered this rock tomb. A fragment of that tomb with archaic Hebrew writing is now placed in the British Museum. RESPONSORIAL PSALM: This beautiful hymn is written by King David as a thanksgiving to God who issued a divine rescue of King David. God continues to Para hoy quisiera que ustedes ven que encontramos nuestro lugar show His loving fidelity. This thanksgiving hymn is to praise God for his greatness no solamente por oracion y por descubrir nuestra relacion con and care of the people. Israel, sino por el Nuevo Israel - fundado por Jesus y construido sobre Pedro. El es la roca, el que tiene las llaves. Escuchamos otra SECOND READING: Our Apostle Paul is now explaining the triumph of God's vez a las palabras de Jesus a el: mercy. The people, gentiles and Jews , have been given mercy for their disobedi"Y yo te digo a ti que tue eres Pedro y sobre esta piedra edificare mi Iglesia. Los poderes del infierno no prevaleceran sobre ella. Yo te dare las llaves del Reino de los cielos; todo lo que ates en la tierra quedara atado en el cielo, y todo lo que desates en la tierra quedara desatado en el cielo." ¡Dios les bendiga! Diácono Silverio Rubio ence. He praises God for the depth of his riches and wisdom and knowledge. Paul then mentions from an ancient Greek text: "For who has known the mind of the Lord or who has been his counselor?" "Or who has given him anything that he may be repaid?" For from him and through him and for him are all things. To him be glory forever, AMEN. (Does this sound familiar?) GOSPEL: In the Book of Matthew, Chapter 16:13-20, the Primacy of Peter was established, Jesus himself made Peter head of the Apostles when Peter recognized Jesus as the Son of God. As soon as Jesus ascended into Heaven, Peter began to act as the leader of the Church. The rest of the Apostles never questioned his authority. QUICK GRASP OF CATHOLIC FAITH COUNCIL 5597 Knights of Columbus meets the 3rd Thursday of each month at 7pm. For more information After the Council of Trent, the Church renewal continued but this was call Terry Taylor at 205-352-3118. never accomplished by rules alone, but with determined leadership as well. A series of great Popes and a legion of committed Bishops continue The KC Ladies Auxiliary invites ALL ladies age 18 and over to join to improve our pastoral care. The Papal office emerged from the Council us on the 3rd Thursday of each month at 7:30pm. Our purpose is to support the Knights of Columbus' charitable causes in the Church even stronger and with greater authority than before. Exploration of the and Community...and have fun too! new world during the 16th and 17th centuries help the Church's For more info. call Michelle Bessette at 532-9742. missionary activity a great deal. Many religious orders were greatly 4th Degree meets every 1st Thursday at the Knights’ House at 7:00 helpful with the missionary and the evangelization of the Catholic faith. p.m. Call Dr. Bill Watkins at 640-7788. Honoring Our Past - Building Our Future 1390 Ashville Court (P.O. Box 525) Leeds, AL 35094 (205) 352-3741 / email:; website: Welcome to St. Theresa We extend a warm welcome to all who attend our church. We hope that you will find our parish community a place where your life of faith will be nourished. We also hope that you will share your special gifts with the community. Your prayers, your presence, and your talents are most welcome. Please introduce yourself after Mass. May God bless you all. Pastor: Reverend Gray Bean, Ph.D. 352-3741 or 577-8778 MASS SCHEDULE Tuesday thru Friday — 8:00 a.m. Saturday — Vigil Mass at 5:30 p.m. (Confessions at 4:30 p.m.) Sunday — 8:00 a.m., 10:30 a.m., 2:00 p.m. (Spanish), and 6:00 p.m. FIRST FRIDAY SCHEDULE 8:00 a.m.: Mass 8:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m.: Exposition and adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament 12:00 p.m.: Anointing of the Sick and Benediction (Luncheon will follow) FIRST SATURDAY SCHEDULE Rosary and Confessions from 12:00 p.m. - 12:30 p.m. Guided Meditation and Mass from 12:30 p.m. - 1:15 p.m. FAMILY NIGHT DINNER ON SEPTEMBER 3 The first Family Night Dinner will be held on Wednesday, September 3 at 6:00 PM in Martin Hall. Deacon: Rev. Mr. Silverio Rubio-Roman 640-2872 or Bring a dish to share. Drinks will be provided. Remember, this is a social event. There is no 577- 0366 lecture, no sermon, no program.....just time together as a parish family. The theme for the opening PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL dinner is Football Season Kickoff! Wear your team jersey and show your pride. EVERYONE IS INVITED! Mrs. Christian Cockerham………………….337-2990 Mr. John Barnard ….……………………… 382-6042 Mrs. Susan Bertani…………..………………699-7264 Mrs. Vicky Dean………………………………919-7380 Mr. John Musgrove………………………… 699-6735 Mrs. Tracy Reed………………………………637-1085 Mr. T.C. Shipman……………………………..661-9697 Mr. Walter Undeutsch………………………..699-2989 Deacon Rev. Mr. Silverio Rubio-Roman….640-2872 Reverend Gray Bean, Ph.D. ……………….352-3741 PARISH FINANCE COUNCIL Mrs. Mady Hartsfield………………………….699-5616 Mr. Mark Musgrove………………………… 699-6630 Mr. Ernie Paffumi……………………………...702-4822 Reverend Gray Bean, Ph.D. .…………..…..352-3741 —————-From Fr. Bean This week’s Mass readings and sermon will focus on the importance of the Petrine Ministry in the Church…the papacy as we call it today. What did Jesus intend when He gave St. Peter the “keys to the kingdom” and the power to bind and loose? Was this only for the 1st century (as some claim) or was it meant as a special gift of the Holy Spirit to guide the Church until the end of time? This week’s reading from the Old Testament tells of the giving of the key to Jerusalem to Eliakim… the king’s prime minister. The Jews of Jesus’ day would have made the connection between this tradition and Jesus’ words to St. Peter. Peter was to be God’s prime minister with all the authority that suggests! PARISH SECRETARY Ms. Bernadette Archer 352-3741 DIRECTOR OF RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Mrs. Samantha Wadsworth 863-9920 MUSIC DIRECTOR Mrs. June Clark 823-1333 WE RECYCLE… bring your soda cans ONLY. Proceeds will go towards our Youth Group. THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT! What have we received from the teaching authority of the Church as it has been expressed by the popes and bishops in communion with him? To begin with: the Bible, the Sacraments, the Creed, the doctrines of the Trinity, the Incarnation, and the Holy Spirit (just to name a few!). With that said, it is also important to remember that when we refer to the Catholic Church as apostolic we are not merely being fanciful. There is an unbroken succession of the bishops of Rome from St. Peter right down to our present day Pope Francis. I would add that the buck simply has to stop somewhere! Without an earthly authority (safeguarded by the Holy Spirit) to help guide the Church there will always be division and discord. ATTENTION ALTAR SERVERS! Birthdays: Psr news AUGUST 24...John Musgrove, Taylor Brook, Watson Brook, and Joseph Newman 25...Susan Bertani 26...Janis Welch, Jacinto Ochoa, and Maria Martinez 27...Hayley Ryan 28...Robert Faircloth, Daniel Rubio, Jennifer Rosato, Jody Hovies, and Diana George 29...Judy Bruno and Zoe Praytor 30...Nicholas Davey Parish school of religion PSR BEGINS THIS SUNDAY! PSR registration forms are available on the church website, in the vestibule and at the back entrance. Please return the completed forms with your check to the church office. Remember to turn in a parish census form as well, if necessary. You must be registered with the parish to enroll in PSR. “FIRST DAY OF PSR” PROCEDURE: PARENTS, Please bring your children to the church at 9am August 24th. We will dismiss students to class from the church. DO NOT LEAVE YOUR CHILD UNATTENDED – REMAIN WITH THEM IN THE CHURCH. There is important information from the Diocese that needs to be discussed before the year begins. Here are a few reminders for parents: • Classes begin at 9:00am and end at 10:10am. Please be respectful of the teachers and other students by having your children in class promptly and picking them up on time. Pray for • NO CELL PHONE USE BY STUDENTS DURING CLASS. Help your child learn good the sick: habits by NOT texting them during PSR class. Texting is distracting not only to your child, but to others as well. Continual cell phone disruptions will result in the phone being taken by Mrs. Wadsworth where it may be retrieved BY PARENTS after class. Jennifer Morris, Patricia Kurant, Kenna • CHILDREN IN THE CORNER HOUSE (kindergarten -2nd grade) MUST BE PICKED UP Parramore, Vivian Fuqua, Kathy BY ADULTS ONLY. No sibling pick-ups allowed. Schramer, Virginia Hitechew, Grace Bryan Butler, Bill Fager, Liz Berman, Joy Martin, • Remember to pray with and for your child daily. Chuck Jones, Paul Lipham, Thekla Holly Wright, Kim Lilly, Shirley Winslett, Clara LaRussa, Mary Toro, Bill Eubanks, Clarence Small, Don & Pat Standifer, Mildred Fayard, Terry & Eileen Taylor, Chris Goodwin and family, France Ragsdale, Patricia Kennedy, Caleb Williams, Paul Yeager, Richard Coyne, Maisy Schumann, Godfrey Fayard, Jushua Hayes, Blake Alexander, and Barbara Kuberski Pray for the homebound: LOOKING AHEAD: • September 17th– First Confirmation/Theology of the Body class! Remember to bring your service project ideas. • Catechetical Sunday is September 21st – remember to thank the PSR teachers for volunteering their time, talents, and treasures to educate our children in the Faith. A Parent's Prayer Loving God, You are the giver of all we possess, the source of all of our blessings. We thank and praise you. Thank you for the gift of our children. Help us to set boundaries for them, and yet encourage them to explore. Give us the strength and courage to treat each day as a fresh start. May our children come to know you, the one true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent. May your Holy Spirit help them to grow in faith, hope, and love, so they may know peace, truth, and goodness. May their ears hear your voice. May their eyes see your presence in all things. May their lips proclaim your word. May their hearts be your dwelling place. May their hands do works of charity. May their feet walk in the way of Jesus Christ, your Son and our Lord. Amen. ATTENTION TEENS GRADES 7-12!!! Viola Jaudon, Dean & Tom Atkinson, Lena Tudisco, Robert Godwin, Beatrice Eubanks, Cathy Padgett, Anthony Oddo, Audrey McGowan and James Coates. Did you know that we are starting a Youth Group? The first meeting will be at 6:00 PM on Wednesday, August 27th in Martin Hall. BRING A FRIEND! For more information contact Andrea Booker at (205) 914-7884 or Fr. Bean. Fr. Bean would like to have a meeting with you this Tuesday evening (August 26) at 6:00 PM in the church. He will pass out copies of the Mass procedure and go over it with you all. We will also let you tell us which Mass you prefer to serve. He would like to come up with a schedule for September and get you on the altar! This meeting will be very brief. No more than half an hour. Please come if you can. Thanks! DON’T FORGET there will be a brief meeting for Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion following all the Masses this weekend. Please meet Fr. Bean in Martin Hall. FIRST FRIDAY MASS AND DEVOTIONS, Friday, September 5, 8:00 AM-12:00 PM FIRST SATURDAY MASS AND DEVOTIONS, Saturday, September 6, 12:00-1:15 PM PARISH COUNCIL ELECTIONS COMING UP ON SEPTEMBER 6-7 There are three openings on the Parish Council. Elections will be held on the first weekend of September. Thus far six people have expressed an interest in serving. If you would like to be on the ballot or would like to recommend someone, please contact Fr. Bean. Nominations will be closed on September 1, 2014. 5TH ANNUAL KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS YARD SALE DROP OFFS: SATURDAY 9:00-NOON AUGUST 30, SEPTEMBER 6 & 13 PICK UPS: CALL TERRY TAYLOR AT 516-7290 OR JOHN BARNARD AT 382-6042 JOIN FATHER BEAN FOR TEN DATES EVERY CATHOLIC SHOULD KNOW Come learn about the saints, sinners, catastrophes and miracles that God used to shape his Church and change the world. For example: • Constantine, the pagan general who, in a desperate hour, saw a vision that led to the conversion of the Roman Empire. • Pope St. Leo, who confronted Attila the Hun without a sword...and won. The miraculous victories of outnumbered Christian armies that turned back Moors, Turks, and barbarians just when all seemed lost. Experience the events that gave birth to our Christian civilization. Experience the battles of Tours and Lepanto, the Crusades, the Russian revolution, and Fatima, the miracle that foretold the conflicts of the twentieth century. This course will help us understand that no matter how dark the times may be, God has never abandoned his people...and never will. Wednesday mornings at 10:30 AM in Martin Hall. First course is on September 3. Have You Begun to Read the Bible Only to Stop in Disinterest? If you have ever wanted to read the Bible, but stopped in frustration or confusion, then the The Bible Timeline study is for you. This study makes reading the Bible not only easy, but even exciting. Often the problem with reading the Bible is that it was not written as a linear story. So, when people start to read it, they quickly lose the narrative thread. Not any more, thanks to The Bible Timeline. In this Study, you will learn the major people, places, events and themes of the Bible—getting the “big picture” of salvation history. Perhaps for the first time in your life, you will understand the overview of the Bible story. This then makes your Bible reading and even the Sunday mass readings come alive like never before. FIRST MEETING, SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 7, 4:00 PM, MARTIN HALL FOOD GAMES PRAYER FRIENDS LECTOR: Getting married Baptism preparation Ministry for the Sick Please contact the Parish Office at least six months prior to desired date. Please make arrangements in Parish Office to attend pre-baptismal class prior to birth of child. No Baptisms are celebrated within Mass during Advent and Lent. If you would like to become part of this ministry or in need of its service, please call the Parish Office at 352-3741 Funerals Please contact the Parish Office before making Funeral Home arrangements. —————AUGUST 30/31—————— ORDINARY EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS / Extra Ordinary Eucharistic Ministers: USHERS/GREETERS: Sat. 5:30 pm…………………..M. Goforth …………………….………………..Deacon, B. Cole, and K. Bernklau……………….……………………………...…F. Bernklau, NEED VOLUNTEERS Sun. 8:00 am………………… W. Undeutschs ……..……………………...M. Undeutsch, J. Cusick, and J. Cole……………………………………………...NEED VOLUNTEERS Sun. 10:30 am………………. R. Turner………...………………...………. D. Birchfield, D. Johnson, and B. Stanley…………………….………… …….......D. Turner, NEED VOLUNTEERS Sun. 6:00 pm………………… J. Mitchell……………………...…….………………...M. Pitts and M. Barfield…………………………..……………...………..…..NEED VOLUNTEERS