July 26, 2015 - St. Peter`s Church


July 26, 2015 - St. Peter`s Church
A Catholic community
devoted to deep and
abiding friendship
with Jesus Christ
Established 1700
3320 St. Peter’s Drive
Waldorf Maryland 20601
Mission Statement
Saint Peter’s Church is a Catholic community devoted to deep and abiding
friendship with Jesus Christ. We strive to build upon the legacy of faith entrusted
to us by the Catholic pioneers who courageously established Saint Peter’s – an
ethnically and economically diverse community unified through the power of
the Holy Spirit in the truth and love of Jesus Christ. Mindful of this legacy as well
as our need for ongoing conversion amidst new challenges, today, in our fourth
century, we seek friendship with Jesus through our commitments to:
• Understand and proclaim His saving truth revealed in the
Bible in union with the official teaching authority of the
Catholic Church.
• Worship joyfully His living presence in the sacraments,
especially the Eucharist.
• Recognize His face in those we are privileged to serve and
protect, particularly the poor and vulnerable.
• Welcome Him in each other through our fellowship and
unity amidst the rich diversity of our parish community.
• Encounter Him and the beauty of His creation by preserving
our parish as a peaceful and prayerful sanctuary.
• Hear His personal call to holiness and help families embrace it
in all vocations, especially to priesthood or consecrated life.
• Imitate His generous self-giving as a way of life that expresses
our gratitude to Him and our love for God and neighbor.
Mass Schedule/Misa
Monday - Saturday: 8:00 am
Saturday Vigil:
5:00 pm
8:00 am, 10:00 am, 12:00 pm, en Español 1:30 pm
7:00 pm
3:30 pm
Parish Office
Hours: M – F, 8:30 – 4:30
301-843-8916 Fax: 301-843-3163
St. Peter’s School 301-843-1955
Office for Christian Formation
Rev. Cezary Kozubek
Parochial Vicar
Msgr. J. Wilfrid Parent
Deacon Robert Martin
Tom Abell, Parish Facilities Manager
Alice Culbreth, Director of Christian Formation
Sr. Theresa Frere, IHM, Coordinator of Ministry
to the Sick and Homebound
Marianna Hamilton, Coordinator of Christian Formation
Alicia Moore, Parish Secretary
Msgr. Oliver McGready
Msgr. Andrew Cassin
Fran O’Neill, Parish Accountant
Pastor Emeritus
Cara Tiffin-Johnson, Music Director
J.R. West, Principal, St. Peter’s School
Parish Life & Service
Christian Formation
My Dear Parishioners,
This week I conclude my explanation of the
windows in our sanctuary. As I’ve stated, the center
of each window symbolizes a dimension of our
faith. Throughout all windows the recurring theme
of water (life), boat (church) and net (gospel) enfold
all who enter the church. We are drawn into its fold
and even when waters are rough we continue on our
course as long as we remain faithful to the truths
given to us by the church. I’ll continue with the first
window on the left of the center section.
Faith, Hope, & Charity
The theological virtues of
faith, hope, and charity relate
directly to God and are the
morality. Faith is the virtue by
which we believe in God.
With the virtue of hope, we
desire the kingdom of heaven
and eternal life. Hope sustains
us and keeps us from discouragement. Through
charity we love God above all things and our
neighbor as ourselves. Faith, hope, and charity are
symbolically intertwined in this window, as they
need to be in us. Faith is represented by the cross,
hope by the anchor, and charity by the heart.
“There are in the end three things that last: faith,
hope, and charity.” (1 Cor 13:13)
Communion of Saints
On the right wall of the left
section, there are three varying
Communion of Saints: the
faithful on earth, the souls in
purgatory, and the saints in
heaven. Sitting in glory at the
top of the circle is Christ
through whom we are one
body. (Eph 4:1-6) Pope Paul VI wrote, “We believe
in the communion of all the faithful of Christ, those
who are pilgrims on earth, the dead who are being
purified, and the blessed in heaven, all together
forming one Church; and we believe that in this
communion, the merciful love of God and his saints
is always attentive to our prayers.”
Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Papal Primacy:
Power of the Keys
The next window celebrates
the gift of Papal Primacy
beginning with Peter who
was given authority over the
Church by Christ. “I will
entrust to you the keys of
the kingdom of heaven. Whatever you declare
bound on earth shall be bound in heaven; whatever
you declare loosed on earth shall be loosed in
heaven.” (Mt 16:19) The keys symbolize the
authority vested by Christ in Peter and the
continuing line of his successors, the popes.
Everlasting Life
In this final window along
the walls of St. Peter’s
gloriously freed from its
cocoon is soaring over the
earth amidst the sounds of
Gabriel’s trumpets. The
three stages of its life,
caterpillar, chrysalis, and
symbols of life, death, and resurrection.
Symbolically, they encourage us to confidently wait
for the time when, with all who have died in Christ,
we will live in glory with Him forever.
In years past, stained glass windows were used to
teach the faithful as well as beautify the church. I
pray that these windows will do the same for people
who come here. And, I hope you will gaze on these
windows and meditate on God the Father, God the
Son, Holy Eucharist, Holy Spirit, Creation, Original
Sin, Incarnation, Redemption, Resurrection, Mary,
Prayer, Sacred Scripture, Sacraments, The
Commandments, Fortitude and Temperance, Justice
and Prudence, Faith, Hope and Charity,
Communion of Saints, Papal Primacy, and
Everlasting Life. With many prayers that God will
continue to bless our parish, I am,
Msgr. Andrew Cassin
July 26, 2015
Sunday, July 26, Seventeenth Sunday
in Ordinary Time
5:00 p.m.
Michael J. Middleton
8:00 a.m.
Intentions of Connie Robertson
and family
10:00 a.m.
Parishioners of St. Peter’s
12:00 noon
Randolph Bretton
1:30 p.m.
Intentions of the celebrant
Monday, July 27
8:00 a.m.
Vincenzo Dispenza
Tuesday, July 28
8:00 a.m.
L. C. Addison
Wednesday, July 29, St. Martha
8:00 a.m.
Pietro Flaim
Thursday, July 30, St. Peter Chrysologus
8:00 a.m.
Holy Souls
Friday, July 31, St. Ignatius of Loyola
8:00 a.m.
Jeanne Gruss
Saturday, August 1, St. Alphonsus Liguori
8:00 a.m.
Special Intention
5:00 p.m. Vigil
Deceased members of the Hawkins,
Chapman and Brooks families
Sunday, August 2, Eighteenth Sunday
in Ordinary Time
8:00 a.m.
Leo and Violet Montgomery
10:00 a.m.
Parishioners of St. Peter’s
12:00 noon
John Zephir Sr.
1:30 p.m.
Intentions of the celebrant
The sanctuary light will burn this week in loving
memory of Charles J.Woodburn.
Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Martha (first century) is the sister of
Lazarus, who was raised from the dead by
Jesus, and of Mary, with whom Jesus
compared her. Martha is mentioned in
three biblical situations. In the first [shown
above] Jesus visits her home in Bethany.
Martha busies herself with household
chores, while Mary sits at Jesus’ feet
listening to his words. When Martha asks
Jesus to encourage Mary to help her in the
kitchen, he replies that Mary ‘has chosen
the better part’ (Luke 10:38-42). The
second occasion is the raising of her
brother Lazarus from the dead and the
third situation is just before the Passion,
when Martha, Mary, and Lazarus entertain
Jesus at dinner in Bethany. St. Martha is
the patron saint of homemakers, cooks,
dieticians, innkeepers, domestic workers,
restaurants, and waiters and waitresses.
(Excerpts from LIVES OF THE
SAINTS by Fr. Richard P. McBrien)
July 26, 2015
Our Parish Prayer Requests
Please pray for God’s grace for those who are ill:
John David Yamnicky
Winston Burroughs
Doris Ann Bradburn
Leo Bradburn
Loula Phoebus
Susan Lunceford
Belinda Windsor
Michael Negbenebor
John Thomas
Mary Haggenmaker
Mark Sheehan
Mary Carney
Jhonry Dela Cruz
Kayla Savoy
Isabel Velazquez
Please also pray for:
●For PO2 (Navy) Nikolas Wirick deployed to Middle East
●For Francisco Pancotti who was baptized on July 12
●For Izabell Miller who was baptized on July19
●For our summer seminarian, Bob Kilner
●For an increase in vocations, especially in our parish and
●For our parish priests
St. Joachim and St. Anne
Great and glorious patriarch, St Joachim, and good St Anne, what joy is mine
when I consider that you were chosen among all God’s holy ones to assist in
the fulfillment of the mysteries of God, and to enrich our earth with the great
Mother of God, Mary most holy. By this singular privilege, you have become
most powerful with both the Mother and her Son, so as to be able to obtain
for us the graces that are needful to us.
With great confidence I have recourse to your mighty protection, and I
commend to you all my needs, both spiritual and temporal, and those of my
family. Especially do I entrust to your keeping the particular favor that I
desire and look for from your intercession.
And since you were a perfect pattern of the interior life, obtain for me the
grace to pray earnestly, and never to set my heart on the passing goods of this life. Give me a lively and enduring
love for Jesus and Mary. Obtain for me also a sincere devotion and obedience to Holy church and the sovereign
pontiff who rules over her, in order that I may live and die in faith and hope and perfect charity. Let me ever
invoke the holy Names of Jesus and Mary. And may I thus be saved. Amen.
Going on vacation? Don’t forget Mass! To find a church anywhere in the world,
go to www.masstimes.org. Mass Times is a nonprofit website that allows traveling
Catholics to locate Mass times and information for Catholic churches around the
Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
July 26, 2015
In September, we are going to start a new youth/young
adult ministry event called Church Underground! To
support this, we are looking for interested young adults
and high school aged teens who will make up the band.
Meetings/rehearsals will be held on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. Please
contact Gavin Arvizo at gavinyouthminister@gmail.com or 301-843-9583
x160, or stop and complete the sign-up sheet at the front doors of the church.
LITE 2015
Three members from our parish
participated in the Archdiocesan youth
leadership retreat, LITE (Leaders
Inspired To Evangelize) along with
our new Youth Minister, Gavin Arvizo
and his wife, Shelby, as part of the retreat team the week
of June 28- July 2.
Here are some reflections from our delegates:
I just wanted to thank you again so much for allowing me to go
to the LITE retreat. I have met so many amazing people, and I
feel like I have learned so much about my faith and I can't wait
to bring it back to St. Peter's. The activities were very
enlightening and it was such a wonderful experience. I had an
amazing time, and I look forward to sharing what I learned at
our parish! Thank you again! Carla Arquero
World Meeting of Families
The World Meeting of Families
is an international event of
participants from around the
globe. Held every three years,
it seeks to strengthen the
bonds within and between
families and to witness to the
crucial importance of marriage
and the family to all of society.
This year’s World Meeting of
Families will be held in
Philadelphia September 22-27.
It will include Mass as well as
presentations and workshops
given by dynamic Catholic
speakers and hands-on family
and youth activities taking
place throughout the whole
event. Everyone is welcome to
For ideas and ways you can
My LITE experience truly inspired me. It gave me
join in the excitement visit:
the opportunity to share with my peers my personal witness to www.worldmeeting2015.org/
Jesus and to hear their personal stories as well. I had a great
week and met many amazing new friends and learned a lot about myself. I can't
wait to return next year! Jensen Conklin
"My LITE experience was amazing. I met new people and made a bunch of new
friends. Going to the LITE retreat also helped me to open my eyes to learn more
about the faith and to also appreciate more of what Jesus does for me. Also for
the first time I went to adoration, and I really felt touched by Christ when I was there, like I
could feel him there. I wish I would be able to go back to the LITE retreat because it really was
just an amazing and great experience." Hannah Mc Millen
It was blessing to see our young people really open themselves up to the
Lord during LITE. We are overjoyed to see how this time set apart
encouraged their relationship with Jesus in a powerful way. The Holy
Spirit's presence throughout the week was truly tangible. We are looking
forward to the opportunity to work with these young leaders to help
build up our parish community and use what they learned at LITE to
influence their peers to become true disciples of Christ.
Gavin and Shelby Arvizo
Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
July 26, 2015
Have Dust Cloth, Will Volunteer?
The members of St. Peter’s Altar Society still need some help in recruiting
new members. These are the folks who wash and press the altar linens;
clean the altar, side altars and sacristy; fill the holy water fonts; and water the
flowers each week. The commitment is relatively small – little more than 11/2 to 2 hours every six weeks or so. The women who have served many years would welcome new friends to
help with this important ministry. As they say, many hands make light work and, in this case, make new friends
as well. Please contact Trudi Hinze at 301-579-2293 for more information.
Designated Charity: Health Partners
This week the Designated Charity is Health Partners. They will receive at least 1% of
the regular Sunday offering. You may use the envelopes available at the entrances to
Church. Please put your envelope in the regular collection basket. The Designated
Charity next week will be the St. Vincent de Paul Society.
Parish Directory Update!
Thanks to all who had their picture taken for the Parish Photo Directory. For those who
weren't able, but would like to submit a picture please look on the parish website for
guidelines and instructions. Next in this process is designing the directory and formatting
the parish roster. All parishioners will be listed in the roster to include head of
household, spouse (if applicable), full address and phone number. If you prefer not to
have this information in the parish roster, please submit your request in writing (via email
or a note) to the parish office by today, July 26, 2015.
Support Group at St. Peter's
St. Peter's is a local host site for Al-Anon meetings on Thursdays in the
PE room from 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. Please call the Office for Christian
Formation at 301-843-9583 if you have any questions.
Summer Social This Sunday
This Sunday, all parishioners are invited to the Summer Social held outside after the 8:00
and 10:00 Masses. The hosts for this social will be the Knights of Columbus, Pastoral
Council, Finance Council, Ushers, Music Ministry, Women’s Worship, Altar Servers and
Arimatheans. Come and enjoy breakfast snacks and fellowship with friends and
parishioners – maybe even welcome someone new!
Parish news and information in our weekly bulletin can also be
found in color on the Parish website at www.stpeterswaldorf.org.
Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
July 26, 2015
Are You Registered in the Parish?
If you aren’t receiving envelopes, then you are not registered or your registration address is outof-date. This may seem like a technicality, but being a registered parishioner has significant
Registration allows us to demonstrate objectively that we are participating members of St. Peter’s. By using
envelopes each Sunday, regardless of the amount we contribute, we build a record that we are not just names on
a registration list but that we actually participate in the life of our parish family. When is this record important?
When we need letters to serve as a godparent or confirmation sponsor.
When we’re seeking to have baptisms or weddings here.
When we’re buying a cemetery plot here.
When we want a child to receive the “Living Our Catholic Faith” scholarship at St. Peter’s School.
We are a large parish, and our clergy and staff depend on our records of attendance to verify our participation in
these types of situations.
In addition, registration makes planning easier at both the parish and archdiocesan level. For example,
associate pastors are no longer assigned to smaller parishes in the Archdiocese of Washington. Parish
registration and participation are among the most important measures in making these assignments.
So take a minute, call 301-843-8916 or email the parish office at parishsecretary@stpeterswaldorf.org and
request information to register. Registering is easy! Fill out the census form, return it and you are
Want to Write One Less Check?
Try ParishPay!
ParishPay is an automated payment system that you can use to make your
contributions electronically. ParishPay is convenient, efficient and effective.
There’s no check to write or envelope to remember. The parish receives regular contributions and avoids
revenue fluctuations because of weather or holidays. It also assures accuracy and reduces the burden of counting
and recording weekly collections. ParishPay is flexible. You manage your account if and when you choose.
Registration is a simple four-step process that can be accomplished in less than five minutes. Your bank routing
number and your bank account number is all you need to begin. For more information or to begin ParishPay go
to www.parishpay.com. Eight million people use ParishPay. Why not try it for yourself.
Items for the Bulletin
We're always happy to receive notices and news for our weekly bulletin. If you wish to have information appear
in a particular week, please be sure to send your item at least ten days before the date of the bulletin to
parishsecretary@stpeterswaldorf.org. Questions? Call Alicia Moore on 301-843-8916, especially if you have a
tight deadline for your event.
Seventeenth in Ordinary Time
July 26, 2015
Seminarian Lecture Series
The Papal Letter: Laudato Si
What's it all about?
This lecture series focuses on
separating doctrine from the political
talking points. Discover a Catholic
Social Teaching document that is
more than it seems.
Please Join Seminarian Bob Kilner in the school auditorium for any or all of the talks.
July 13- 7pm and July 14 - 9:00am
An Introduction to Laudato Si
July 20- 7pm and July 21 - 9:00am
God, Creation and Our Place in It
July 27- 7pm and July 28 - 9:00am
What Jurassic Park and Laudato Si Have in Common
August 3- 7pm and August 4 - 9:00am
Our Response to Laudato Si
Mis Queridos Feligreses,
Esta semana concluyo mi explicación de las ventanas
de nuestro santuario. Como he dicho, el centro de
cada ventana simboliza una dimensión de nuestra fe. A
lo largo de todas las ventanas el tema recurrente de
agua (la vida), barco (la iglesia) y la red (Evangelio)
envolver a todos los que entran a la iglesia. Somos
atraídos en su seno, e incluso cuando las aguas son
ásperas continuamos en nuestro curso, siempre y
cuando nos mantenemos fieles a las verdades que nos
ha dado la iglesia. Voy a seguir con la primera ventana
de la izquierda de la sección central.
Fe, Esperanza y Caridad
Las virtudes teologales de la fe,
la esperanza y la caridad se
relacionan directamente con
Dios y son la base de la moral
cristiana. La fe es la virtud por
la que creemos en Dios. Con la
deseamos el reino de los cielos
y la vida eterna. La esperanza
nos sostiene y nos impide el desaliento. A través de la
caridad amamos a Dios sobre todas las cosas y al
prójimo como a nosotros mismos. La fe, la esperanza
y la caridad son simbólicamente entrelazan en esta
ventana, ya que tienen que estar en nosotros. La fe está
representada por la cruz, la esperanza por el ancla, y la
caridad por el corazón. “Hay al final tres cosas que
pasan; La fe, la esperanza y la caridad.” (1 Cor 13:13)
Comunión de los Santos
En la pared derecha de la
sección de la izquierda, hay tres
simbolizan la Comunión de los
Santos: los fieles en la tierra, las
almas del purgatorio y los santos
en el cielo. Sentado en gloria en
la parte superior del círculo es
Cristo a través de los cuales
somos un solo cuerpo. (Efesios
4:1-6) Papa Pablo VI escribió: “Creemos en la
comunión de todos los fieles de Cristo, los que son
peregrinos en la tierra, los muertos que están siendo
purificados, y los bienaventurados en el cielo, todos
juntos forman una Iglesia; y creemos que en esta
comunión, el amor misericordioso de Dios y sus
santos es siempre atento a nuestras oraciones.”
Decimoséptimo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
Primacía del Papa:
Poder de las Llaves
La siguiente ventana celebra
el don de la Primacía Papal
empezando por Pedro quien
se le dio autoridad sobre la
Iglesia de Cristo. “Voy a
confiar a usted las llaves del
reino de los cielos. Lo que se declara obligado en la
tierra quedará atado en los cielos; todo lo que desates
en la tierra quedará desatado en los cielos.” (Mt 16:19)
Las llaves simbolizan la autoridad conferida por Cristo
en Pedro y la línea continua de sus sucesores, los
Vida Eterna
En esta ventana final lo
largo de las paredes de la
iglesia de San Pedro, una
liberado de su capullo se
elevá sobre la tierra en
medio de los sonidos de las
trompetas de Gabriel. Las
tres etapas de su vida, oruga,
crisálida y mariposa, son
símbolos perfectos de la
vida, muerte y resurrección. Simbólicamente, nos
animan a esperar con confianza para el momento en
que, con todos los que han muerto en Cristo,
viviremos en la gloria con Él para siempre.
En años anteriores, se utilizaron vidrieras para enseñar
a los fieles, así como embellecer la iglesia. Ruego para
que estas ventanas harán lo mismo para las personas
que vienen aquí. Y, espero que contemplar estas
ventanas y meditar en Dios Padre, Dios Hijo, Santa
Eucaristía, el Espíritu Santo, Creación, Pecado
Original, Encarnación, Redención, Resurrección,
María, Oración, la Sagrada Escritura, Sacramentos, los
Mandamientos, Fortaleza y Templanza, Justicia y
Prudencia, la Fe, la Esperanza y la Caridad, la
Comunión de los Santos, Primacía Papal y la Vida
Eterna. Con muchas oraciones para que Dios siga
bendiciendo a nuestra parroquia, que soy,
Mons. Andrew Cassin
26 de julio 2015