Mock Trial Fifth In State An Elegy For Quizbowl


Mock Trial Fifth In State An Elegy For Quizbowl
"lf notlriug else, Pnlue the truth "
Volume LXII
April 24, 1998
Latinbills Sweep
Certamen Competition
Mock Trial Fifth In State
students piled into a bus last Saturt.lay. eager for L11c annual convention of
!.he Missouri .Junior Cla-;sical League
(MOJC'L) at Hickman Higb School in
Columhia. The get-togc lher was the culmination of week:- of traini ng for select
111L' Illhcr~ olthc r :ttin clnh. This year saw
domina! ion in vir! ua.Jly every area of compc ti li\ln h\ SU IJ l ~tu tkn ts. incl uding the
OR THE FIRST time in SLUH his
tory, the mock trial team qualified to
participate in tl1e state competition in
Kansas City earlier !.his rnont11. Despite a
intlJC tourmunent Jolltm 111:in tlu: preliminary round~. the tc<un
was optimistic.
Upon arrival at the courthouse, t11c
Brown-&-( 'rouprx:n-Billsdiscovcrcd !hat
they were to face oil against the lop l \1'
see MOCK TRI AL (•
\C\ cnt11 ~ccd
L"LTt:UllL'Ill.·ompct itillll. which Uwy swept
;lllthrL'L' lcn:h.
_-<lmpctiti\·L ccn:uncn.
I, .till' •" [, 1 (11. pill' .ill .tllL'rll:ll\.'. UHllj)L'll'
llowl-'l)k tourn;uttent at the
l re~llltlall. ~ophomorc. and _1unior/senior
k'\ eb . i' the highli~h! of the convention .
!"hen: :u·e J"iltcen tos\-llj) q ucstions in each
round. worth ten poin!s each. T he winner
receives two honus questions. wmtb five
point~ each. After an over two hour l:ms
ride. the Caesar Bills w~.: rc pumped t<>r the
L"t \Ill pel i ti< m.
Lat in teacher Mary Lee McConaghy
was excited ahout this year's temns. "I
Lhought this year' s freshman temn had an
excellent chm1ce." she said. "We had lots
of freshman, some of w hom had experience with this sort of tournament. I wa-; a
little more anxious ahout the sophomore
111 :t l)111 1
team hecause they lost in t11e first round
la;;t ye<u·. and didn't have the experience
in the l ater rounds. And I hoped- well
expected - the juniors to do as well a<;
!.hey have lbe past two years." The current
juniors won first place lbeir previous two
The ti·eshmmJteam. composcdofBoh
Brewer. ( ireg Ferguson, Karihi Dagogosee LATIN, 2
The mock trial team, which too k fift h in state, sits in the jury box
An Elegy For Quizbowl
Team loses to Francis Howell,·finishes 2nd in Districts
0 YOU KNOW what governmental
office Alexander H. Stephens had in
1861 '? (Hint: be is from Georgia) If you
don' t know the answer (he was the Vice
President of the Confederacy), you arc in
good compm1y, for nohody from cil11cr
tea.rn could answer l11is last question in the
nnal round of lbe Quiz Bowl District
toumamem between SLUH and Francis
Howell North.
By missing lbat question. w hich could
have hcen worth a potential .30 points
inc luding bonuses, the Q ui1.hi lls failed to
The compet ition w as tough atlourll<t ·
Saturday at CBC. w i th compet ition from large schools such a.~ Parkwa)
Central. DeSmet. francis Howell Nor!h.
and fiYc ot her~. Our tea.rn that day cnn~istcd of Seniors Aaron Birkl<utd. (ire~
Etling. Kevin I !cllern. Paul Muq1h'
/\ndrcw Shinn. Brian William~. ami .I un
ior Bill "lead hoy'' Richou x. !'he otlk'l
1wo memhcrs. Tyson Pi !low <Ulll .I ohn
Shen could no! he t11ere that day.
The Becvarhills started oil wilh ;t
comfonahlc win on 7..f to220ovcr IT<UlL·i~
lhmdl Central. The next matd1 \\ ,1'
ag;;in~l ri \·;tl I )l'Sme!. who managed t.
see QUlZBOWI.. 6
( rrom 1)
Jack. l'ctc r BartL-( iallagher, Peter
\\'icdm;ulll. A ndrew Whiteman. Ryan
Wi lli am .~on . and Brian Wallisch, were
extre mely nc rvou>. going into the ir firs t
round . l'ht: y managed to overcome their
!'ems. however, and. led by team captain
\Vallisch. domina ted their firs t round
again>. I Notre Dame de Sion by a score of
220-20. "It took us a wh ile to calm down,
hut once we did we dominated our o pposi tion ," said Walliscb.
They again crushed the ir opponents
in the second round against Rocklmrst.
Going in to the ~erni-fi nal round, the
Se necaB ills were more llum a little intimidated by thciropppnen ts-Lafaye tte. They
turned out to be no match fo r the team as
Lafayett e was he ld to I0 points . losing to
the SU Ill freshm <m I X:'i-1 0. again k:d hy
captain Wallisch.
Te nsions were high going into tl1e
last round. asS U IH was in contention for
a possihle sweep. The c ompetition , Rolla,
was tio match for the comhined wits of
St. Louis' only weekly
high school newspaper
Volume LXII, NUMBER 28
Editor-i n-Chief .ldf Ehcrt
Edi.tors: Mike Muelh. Paul Murphy
Spnrh l;ditnr: Sean Zut:kcrman
Phntngraphv Editor: Justin Woodard
('ore Stjlff: A llen Cavedmc, R0b Hutchison,
Greg Leuchtmann. Bill Richo ux. Tom
Calendar Sta ff: Andrew LaVigne, John
Repmto:.r ~ :
Aamn Birkl and. Scott Hilton.
Cnl in Sm1th. Ryan Williamson
( '<>mptller ( \>nsulranl: Mr. Bob Ovcrkamp
Muder,,h>r': Mr. Tom Drabclle. Mr. Craig
lbnnio.:k. Mr. Palrit:k Zamo.:k
The Prep News is a student publication
of St. Louis University lligh School. Copyright ~:> 1008 St. Louis\ fniversity H igh School
!'rep .\'!'1 1·1·.
Walliscb, Dagogo-J ack, Bartz-Gallaghe r.
and Wiliamson. After keeping the game
close for tl1e first seven questions, the
Ajax.Bills pulled ahead and never looked
back, winning tlle match I00-30.
The sophomore tc::un consisted of
S teve Devine, Tim J!uegerich , Alla1.1 T homas. and Ken Nesmith . T hey were optimistic going into the first round, hecause
they felt tl1ey were muc h improved over
la-;t year. Assisted hy freshman Andrew
Nahlik, they won a couple of tight games.
one that was won on the final q ues lion, to
advance to the fmals. T he ir opponent,
also Rolla, was not nearly as prepared as
the SalvcB ills and evemuall y s ucc umbed
to SUJH's greater kn owledge.
T he advanced level team wa<; composed mainly of juniors w ho had won
the ir previous two years. The team of
seniors .1 ohn Ehcl a nd Jim Duchek and
juniors .1 im German esc. Ne illlcmtak.. <md
A lex Speiser were on their way to a threepeat, witb one shutout unde r their belt and
tl1eir opponents averaging only five points
a gmn e going into the fin a l round. T he
s tage was set for a SU TIT sweep.
April 24, 1998
l lnl'o rtunately. tJ1e fi nals WL'rc tiPI
nearly as easy. The advanced te;un · » upponent. home te;un llickman. wa~ :-. trntt~·
!rom th e :-.t;u·tlllg gate. ge ttin~ Ull' I ir'
twent) oint~. Tlk' ( ·,ceroB ill.~ r;uln~..·cj., <~
neck wi tJ1 1I ickman all the way. ahead "'
twen ty before the I<L~l ques tion. l lickm;u
won the tos:-.-up ;md had an opportuni t~ t•
tit it wit h their two honu s q uestions . Th~..· n
we re a tense lew >.econds. hut l licklll;u l
mi>.>.etl tJ1eir firs t bonus question. and til. 1n l3 il b clind1ed tJ1e lead. g i\ in ~ Sl I 'I ·
its l'ir:-.t :-.\.veep in the competition.
S Ll II! did we II in othe r areas as well.
In the c hess toumament. senior John E hel .
second board o n SLUH ' s normal c hes'
team. won a firs t place trophy. Also in th~..
writte n exam s taken at SU ll I and :tl'('(h'
sta te.
I· m- s id-o f .. the ,,:
niL'kwunc,hil b won sevcralmedab in c.1d:
"! never tln;amcd of getting <t clL';u1
sweep." said M rs. McConaghy. 'The tccun
certa inl y cxn;eded a ll of my exJX'l't;l·
tio n:-.."
See page 5 fo1· individual first-pl.lct·
MOJCL results.
OEC Raffle Benefits Many
I'm sure most of y1m arc pretty tired of
rallies. Tile travel raf!lc wa~ a ~ad attempt to
gct studentparti cipalion sothal a personcan
winacruiseatCashbah.Thisdidn'thelp any
part of the student body al all except for the
school's budget. It helped a total of about 4
people, the people that won the prizes.
But, the OEC Raffle going on until May
l helps students. [l help~ n0l only the winners of the raffle, hut also the students thai
pm'trcipalei ntheOEC,andolherpeoplewho
will benefit from the O EC volunteers' efforts.
Pirst, the facts. The raffle ti<.:kets are
being so ld until May I for a dollar. TI1ey can
be bought from club moderator, Patrick
Zarrick, or from OEC members. First prize
isa$700dollarSwisswatch,won byZan-ick
last year hy raising money in a diabetes bikca-thon. Sc<.:ond prize is a camelback MULE,
a hackpack!watcr carrier also dona1ed by
Zarrick. Conso lation prizes are three Trek
bike helmets donated by Maplewood Bicycle.
'The watch wou ld mak e a great present
lor 1.lth,·r ·~ d.r) .,,. ru,r t< 1!1 H >k .;:'"1d .!, pr...
Til,· :\ ll 'I l: ,1nd hclmch .rn: ~rc.r l 1< 11' ,1.:::
mer h1king, .. ~a1d / .•nTid . Thai·, 11<11 .•1
th,tt'~ great ah1>Ullhis rafrle. J'he r<.:.t,\1111'
nul jus! 1o ra1~<.: lllllltey. It i~ tllH lih· lit•
ea ting dub raising mnncy l'ur J. !'<.:.J~t ·''
H appy Jue's. The rartle is h eu1g hdd ,.<'1
three reusnn~.
First, it a ll ow~ l' assist<lll<.:<' "
OJ:( · pani<.:ipanls. The cost of <.1 ratt111g ll'lj'
ur llll1Uiltarn hiking 1" not cheap. and ~ <'I ll.
cou ld nol part icipate without hdp. Scc,>nd.
it n:Lluccs the nv~.: r a ll cost of OEC summc1
trip~, wlud1 are a mixture of hiking. ruftino:.
and <>!her uuldonr activities. Third. 11 w:l l
help buy tnols and eq uipment r,n·trailm.t II\
t<.:nann: Jnd 1mpnwcmcntdllli'l~ \\lli~· h <)( <
m.:mb..:r~ \\illundcrt<.tkc in i'v1•~ ~·1t:n , 1. , ..
and .:<>llnty p;1rb.
s, ,, Y• 1U~cc. thi' is 1111 ruftk in\\ hidlt iJ,
;,ch,,ul IJJ,.. l1> hnhc ktds in lll' llllC 111 \\I lie .•
only a few pcuple hcnefil. T his i~ 1>1H.: 111
which sdwol o.:ummunity benefit;,_ th..: < )J :(
hcn..:fits, and the St. Louis communit~ h,·11
ci'it~ . .111d ull slwuld :,tl\c pan in it.
Sports Feature
April24, 1998
Dr~mlller JaY Gerard: Eye Of The Tiger
I lEN ONl::·T H 11\TKS of golden gloves, scenes like Rocky
jogging in front . of t.he Statue of Liberty wit.h tile sun
con)ing vr hebind· it ~Uld of Sylvester Stallone yelling, "Yo.
/\dri<:m ~ : · hut SU JI-1 st:nior Jay Gcrdfd sees son~ething !l1at he
1(\\e~--hox ing.
' '
"I \\·o things really tumed
filL' on to boxing ... .l;ty. said.
·:-.Iuha111mad Ali tilnls because
I lm·cd \\ a telling the chcunp
I ight. and my hand leader !.hat I·
pld) \\' IUJOII wc.:kcmb.lkmcd
to he a hig time prize fighter.
~pal-ri ng wi tll Leon andMichael
Spinks when !.hey were reignIll;! h~'" ''n\ei g lH challiJh." he
hecn playing drums since third gr<tdc. hpin here. he 11\t >\'ed o11"
play in SLUH's Jau. Band 1II for rour years. in plays. and L'' l l
in a professional hand. Oli ver J ohn~on <Uidthe·Nite f'rain 1·,.
pres~ .. OccCL~sionaly he docs other gig~ on tlle side.·
"When I'm hitting the speed hag. !l1e one that is at head k \c'!
and hangs back off the plat form. my drumming help:-- me get int(
a good ry!hym. 1 sing lhum ry!l1yms in my head to keep tinh
·· hill ing !11e hag ... .11\: -.,;tid.·
These dnunrning -.,1\ ilf, mu,t u>rlll' in hand) l hou ~ t;
he has hcen bo \;i n.~ 1m lll'-t tuur llHHllh~. Ill' h;" ; tlJ\';,
ma<Jc it to the tlli rd rm111d uf tl1 c ( inkkn ( ilmc., I our: ,
ment. one or th~· nHht presti gious <Uld high l> n>h'l••
prizes in !he -area. <>vc r· 230
pe<,>ple emered til~· ;unate ur
t\)urnament. .lay'.., hr,acket included ages I ~ to 12.
"Most of t.hc trai ner' in the
area encourage tlll·ir hn,:r' tn
'l: d ·.::•
h ~·i n thetOIII'Il,lllk'lll.
It",, Ll\ough to ,-,1nvince
liim to walk into !l1e C'berokee
Recreation Center at .Jefferson
and ( 'herokee a nd stm·t box in g.
" I :--tcu·teu going to !l1c gym on
Jan uary fi rst and s tarted to train
under.lmncs Hook W illiamson
"My traiilL'r ';"' .m, 'i\li ,, 1111
o!l1er boxers and tho ugh! 'that I
did a good job. lie \\a:-. conJ ident that I would do we II in 1he
llis trainer mu-.,t work !i1r
Dionne Warwick · ~ psychic k,..,.,,.,.,;,,,,,,,,,,,~
whowasanmkcdmiddleweight ·
ne twork because he s:m the
boxer until he hee<unc injured,"
future. "At first ! \\'"" ncrvou-.,.
lay -;aid.
but t.henl that they arc
The sport proved to be Gerar~ · boxes in the Golden no better or worse th<Ul me
to ugher than Jay initially Gloves tournament. Boxing in unless hCtvc hccn fighting
tho ugh t. "I was in pretty good the am a ~e ur divisi on, he made i t forareallylongtime.' 'hc~~ud.,
~hape. c:}~~~ngVI-f~"~ · I was ._to ~~e t,~;;,d .rruP.d; ,.;
,.. i;• , .
1nJay's three !ha tches. he
~.,. a hour l O:i pounds when I st<lfte d;)whtch was hght because I could
fought people that were nearly ten
fight guys !.hat weighed up to 200 pounds, but 1 needed to get my
years older !han himself.
e ndurance up," he said.
His first two opp onent~ pro ved
To raise· his endurance he kgan an arduous regime of
to he no contest for him. llis first
c:xercises. He was rumored to don a hooded sweatshirt when he
match was a forfeit after t1Jc o ther.___~...__ ___..
JI'~TI:-: \\'001> \~I
c mh;u'kt:d upon his daily .t.hree-mile ·run around tile streets near
hoxer failed the customary pre-match
physical and t.he doctor wou ld not let Ge rard~ s h 0 _w i n g
his home in Lal'ayette Square which he followed witll an hour and
skin, tnes
a half of strenuous weigh!l1 ting. owever, . ay 1 notstQpt 1cre.
un 1--tg h t. Th e second round pro ved some
rally students
at tht eo
lie went furt.her.
to be not much more difficull. Jay spring sports pep
"After all t.hat.l would go in to tl1e gym for an hour and half
scored a knockout, just a ~cant forty rally.
or an hour and forty-fi ve minutes," he said. "It was mostly
seconds into the first round to \.Vin. - - - - - -- - fumpi ng rope or hitting !he heavy hag !.hat was hanging. I would
I fis luck ran ou t in the !11ird round when he linall ) IIll i .
do eight thrce-miu~ te rounds and !.hen work on t11rowing combos
worth y opponent. "l lasted in to the second round when 1 to, t , \li
by hitting pads my trainer held," Gerard said.
· a stmlding 8 count. A s tanding ~ wun t is not really a KC) nccau.~L
Sometimes during t.hese exhausting practices, he would get
t11e ref sees !hat you' vc been hit prclly good mH.l count ~ to 8 :Uld
lucky <illd get an opportunity to spar wi:t.h anot.her :p~rsop ~fl..- t.he
· the n a~ks you if you wam to wnt inue. T said yes hut I was realI\
. ring. "The rnain !l1ing span·ing does i~ it gets you oved.hefearof
tired. and be said the next coun t he would call it." said Jav. l)lii!lg hit. Before you may hox timidly, unconsciously."
· .... "[Boxing in tl1e Golde n< i l ovc~l was a n incredible c~pe r i.Jay incorporates more tJ1anjust brute force in!O boxing, he
cnce for me." Our on ly reL"onimendation for the next hout: Ill< ll·,
n~es his drumming skills to he lp with his coordination. lle has
raw egg~-;·
Billiken Briefings
April 24, 1998
Schedule #1
Prayer Service
Soph. Retreat
Junior Kairos Retreat
Model l JN Field Trip
BB vs. DuBourg at Heine-Meine@ 7:00
p.m .
TN vs. Springfield Kickapoo @ John
Burroughs@ 4:00p.m.
VB at CBC @ 5:30/6:30 p.m.
B-BB vs.DuBourg@ AfftonAth. @4:00
C-TR vs. E ureka/Ladue @ 4:00p.m.
CSP at Our Little Haven
Freshman Date Dance @ 7:30p.m.
Alumni Mother's Club Mass and Mtg.
lN vs. Oakville@ Cbaminade (time TBA)
C-BB at Vianney 10:00 a.m.
Schedule #2
Day off for Freshman
SAC Mtg in Library @ 7:00p.m.
Colleges @ activity period:
Duquesne University
University of Kansa;;
1N (V,JV) vs. Parkway Central @ 4:00
TR at Parkway South @ 4:00p.m.
TR at Vianney Relays thru 4/28
VB vs. Kirkwood@ 4:00/5:00 p.m.
CSP at Karen House@ 3:15-6:45 p.m.
Schedule# 1
Prayer Service
STUCO Blood Drive
Fr. Eng. Tutorial
Colleges @ activity period:
Marquette University
Father/Son Banquet @ Regal Riverfront
BB at Vianney @4:15p.m.
GF vs. Vianney @ Nonnandie @ 3:30
JV-BB vs. Vianney@ Wehner Park@
JV-GF vs. Vianney @ Sugar Creek @
Schedule #4
BB vs. CBCatHeine-Meine@ 7:00p.m.
GFvs. DeSmetatGlenEcho@ 3:30p.m.
TN vs. Principia <5!1 4:00p.m.
JV-BB vs. CBC <n' Forest Park<!'' 4:1:'
JV -GF vs. DeSmet @ Nonnaudie lsl1 :un
CSP at <)ur little Haven @ ~:00-S:OOp.m
Schedule # I
Prayer Service
Rosary in Chapel@ activity period
Colleges @ activity period:
University of Missouri-Columbia
BB vs. St.Mary's@ HM @7:00p.m.
TR at Clayton Invit @ 4:00p.m.
VB at Chmninade <il' 6:00/7:00 p.m.
C-BB vs. St.Mary's@ Wehner park (a'
CSPatTruman Restorative home@ :1:00S:OOp.m.
Schedule #2
BB vs. Belleville W. at HM @ 7:00p.m.
GF vs. Francis Howell N.@ Mid-River~
TN at Belleville E. Tourney thru May 2
B-BB vs. Belleville W.@ 4:15p.m.
CSP at ( )ur Little haven @ ~:00- 5:00 p.m
Announcements SeniorArt Exhibit Next Week
For Sale: Crate BX-40 Bass Amp and Bass
Guitar, $300 for both. Contact Mark Grebe!
in HR208 or call 842-6297.
For Sale: MB Quart, 5 1/4 inch. Perfect
less than a year old, originally
$187. SlOO negotiable. See Tony Plein in
Part Time Filing Clerk: Nies/Artcraft printing companies has a part time job, including
filing of job tickets, stocking copiers with
paper, and miscellaneous office tasks, after
school Monday thru Friday until 5 p.m. and
two hours each day in the summer for $7.00
per hour. Call Terri Stuart at 951-0414 or
send resume to Nies/Art craft Printing Cos.,
5900 Berthold Ave., St. Louis, MO 63110.
Need Help?: If your feeling depressed or
find yourself struggling, or you know someone who is, there is help. Call the KUTO
Crisis Helpline, 644-5886 and talk with a
teen who can help you find your way.
and Wenster College."
The students who will enter the exhinit
are: B.J. Soloy. Andy Rea. Mike Cannody.
Dan Pride, MarkWinterman.
For the first time in ~===
ten years. the Art DeJu stin Woodard. K e,· in
partment is holding the
Sontag. Sean Semones . .l u'
tin Noetzel. Aaron Shad y.
Senior Art Exhibit for
those seniors who have
Mike Flavin. Matt Kleinherg.
had a number of art
Erik Beier. MarkSc.:hultl'.l'al
Justice. Luke Schulte. John
These 22 seniors
Henroid. Dan Schuster. ( 'hJi,
have taken between four
Dowling. Nathan M<~urer.
and eight art classes,
h;1 \ 'l'
with the majority taking
struggled to take ;~rt. Wo: .u·,·
eight. Those with more ,.,.,,.,..,.
really proud of them."' sai<l
classes are presenting '// ' ·,.'
Mueller. "Some have Jifk r
more pieces at the show. ···
l!ll t styles and philosophil-' .. :
"This show is to
art: what it does for them and
show off the ability of
what they express ahout them·
, 'd J hn Senior Erik Beier examines a
th estud ents, sa1 o
Mueller, who organized
The exhibit will run from
the senior art exhibit. " Some have received art
April 27 to M<~y 3 in the art gallery nn the
scholarships from Kansa~ City Art Institute
second 11oor of the Jesuit wing.
April 24. 1998
Lax Hurts Vianney
Twice In One Week
Fair And Rough
STUCO Plans Its
Annual Spring Fling
After coming o ff spring break and sufTlw c;u ltl,ill s had a busy schedule this
pa-.; t w.:ck. 13nth the varsity and JV teams
played inth.; M ctn> ( 'atho lic Conference Tournament. \\'h lc·h lllc·IUlled schools such
• h ( 'hallllllade ami DeSmet. This year 's MCC'
J"uurnam.;tll wa.> played a t the lung and always
c hallenging No rmandie Golf Club.
Despite a rain delay in the m iddle of play,
senior Kevin Knapp was able to lead the team
hy firing an amazing 7fl. which earned him a
thml phtce fin ish individually. Senior J ohn
Rnth followed dnsely with a 79. enough for a
,1xth pbce fin ish. Other low scores included
John B.mmger's ~6 and Vince C hevar s 87.
Th..: team fin is hed third place overall with
a sc< n·e ot -+ 15. A> l'aplain Knapp put it, .. we
pi dyed pn:.tty well even with some of the high
' co res we posted."
C haminade tOl'k firs t with a score of 391 ,
while DeSn tet' s 402.;arnl~d them second place.
l'u r thc JV Ti tki;,th i lis. sophomore Mike
h •tu·m-: kd the way with .t stro ng score o f 80.
St.;v.; l .uehberl ~> h ut H:'i. while fres hman Tom
CJ'Meara ..tnd Mall Haywood shot 8 7 and 88,
respec tively TheN team followed varsity's
cue by fini~> hing in tbird pl ace.
On the same day as the M CC Tournament. .:ight golfhills com peted in a combined
V/JV match ugainst Fr..tnl'i s 1-lowcll Central at
NnnnJtH.Iil! . Sopbumore St:o ll Hilton led the
t.;am with a 41. which eamcd him a medaL
Senior Justin Wo,Khtrd scored 44 and Matt
Haywood and Pat Dooling scored 45. SLUH
hcat llowcll 267 -270.
nw; past Tuesday's match pitted the
Profch ills agatnst DeSmet at Normandie.
Knapp again m ed aled in his fourth consecutJ \'C match "v ith an im:n::dihle score of37. Roth
fo llowed with a strong 3::! while Hilton a nd
SchW<>h both rin:d-+ I . The match came do wn
t•, the scores (' f the last gmup of golfers. l n the
<.!ml. DeStnel triumphed 239-244.
lliltun ;,aid. " We unproved on our scon:
a>.!alllsl DeSmet al MC'C hy eight strokes this
1i~11.:. It' w.: d u that o tKe agaiJ1. we' ll heat them
by three· ~lmkes next tun.; ."
!hal ~amc d..ty. tbe JV Bill s also competed aga utsl DeSm et at Creve Coeur. Mike
l'nurnie and Dave Allen led the team by shoot ing -+0: hllwever . DeSmet edged o ut the Jr.
Bills h) fir ing a team score o f 248, which beat
SLli ~J' , ~c·or.: o f :!:'i:'i.
fering a 14-6 shalacking by th e Country Day
Rams , the vars ity lac rosse team came out
loo king for reve n ge and found it against
Yianney last SaturJay .
"Co m ing o ff nf spring break Wl~ needed
a game like this to get our buus in gear,"
comme nted senior defe nseman D oug
In the !irst qu arter, tho ug h, it appeared
that revenge might have to take place in
another gam e. Vianney do m inated play in
the first quarter scoring two goals. Senior
P aul Schuette scored for su;l-!, leaving
Vianney up by o ne a t the end nf the first.
SLlll [came back in the second quarter.
st~ o rin g three o f its fo ur goals in the quarter
o ff of m an- up situations. Junior J o hn Marino
began the scoring in the second q uarte r , rippin g a sho t fro m the top o f the box to tie the
game at :!. Co-captain Tim Reichanlt, in his
first game ba ck after an a nk le inj ury. lit up
the back o f the net, scoring both of his g oals
in the second quarter off o f mw1-up situations. Sophomon: Nick Azar a lso scored off
of a man-up situabo n. Attackman Andy
H aglin scored at 6:30 off a n assist hy
R eichardt. Yianney scored it!; last two goals
of the game in the second, mak ing the score
6-4 at the h a lL
Senior Steve Ca~cy added to SLU H 's
lead by scoring within the fu·st minute of
third quarter. Re ic hardt scored two subseq uent goab, giving him a hat-trick . Matt
Walsh also scored in the lh trd.
The final goal of the gam.: c ame in the
four th quarter by Senio r E ric l! uez, making
the final score 11 -4.
" Our spring hreak hurl us trerm:nt!ougly,
but this Yianney game was a gn.:at confidence booster a nd sho uld help us get prepared for the impo rtwtt g wnes coming in
M ay," said sophomore Paul Pelsch.
Yesterday, the lacrosse team once again
defeated Yianney , this time by a scort: of 125. Senior Tim Reichardt led w tlh a double
hat-trick and one assist, while senior Mall
W ahh contri buted two goals .
The team· s next ho m e game w ill be a
rematch a gains t Country Day at SLU o n
Tuesday, May 5.
( Jn Sat urd.Jy. M ay\) , rh0 upp ..:r !'ic·id' ·
SLliJJ will hcc·" mc th<: m.Jc.:ting pia~·<! IP!'I ll.l!l'
·'' ST1 I('() h11 Jd, its .tnnual Sprin~ ! 'lin~ .
;\~in prc'\' i(lliS year,. l< > high ''h· ···
hancb '" ill he m~"rng Jj)lWaran ce~ t !"·'!. ill<
Stunt J)uuhle/.. ( 'ygcl Cedar. and Parking I ·'·
B ar<: just a few o f the hands who will he·
enter~ining throughout the afternoon. T hi' 's highlight hand is Paradise. which" ill
he the fin al hand to perform. Parach,~ "!l i
gr.;.;t th.: lT(>Wch wh<> plan l(l allend the· Sprin:
Fling ll1JX<.:r at X· 15 p.m .. ..tfter t h~1r 'h"" ;,
Jlm\'0ver. the han d ~\! nut the.: <>Ill) ,,;
lracti(>ll at thi~ year 's Spring Fling Th.: -'·"
will kic·k off around 10:00 a.m wi th a So•n'
l'laystatittn toumament. wherein C<>ntcst~n h
will l>atlk it (lilt in the video g;.llll<.! NIIL ··!~
M~n y nther acti vill0S. such as h..,., kl' ti>.d•
tnurnaml'nh. S.:.g~• tuurn:.uncnh. and dunh "''
cnnksh. \\i ll ~l l t r;KI crowck B..trb.:c·uc·d ,1,
lights" Ill b.: pre.,.;nt i't>r lhos..: wh(>" """ ''I'·"·
.tpp..:tit.; whik- th.;) take in the 'ighh .llh
sounds arnunJ th.:nt.
l mmedi..ttel~ fn llo\\ing Paradi~.;·, p,·,
fn rm:mcc. the ST\ rc·o mixer v. ill hegw in th,
gym. Admi;,ston will he S4.
Classi~al League
'. ·.-;" ·· ··:··
Derivatives .
i;'reshinan; P~ter t?<lrtz-Gallagner
Senjox: .lctf Ebert
V o.cabulary .
... . .
f..ft'.sllman: 'trarret Holland ~nd Jason
Junior: Dan Schaller
f-reshman: Polokonis
Junior: Jim Gennanese
Reading ·Cowvr'e'twn;~i<m ..
Fres:htnan: Toin P6toko:iliS ;md Andrew
Students Earn Big With Economics
United States.'' said Pride.
SL l JH 's team consisted of se nior AP
Economics students Kyle Rudloff. Anl:ivc SLUH students and economics
drew Shin. Colin Smith, Tim FeJTell. and
teacher Peggy Pride competed in the FED
John Lauff.
T he
spent one month
preparing for the ir
15 min ute presentation <md I 0 minutes or judge.,·
questi on-..
The .scholarships and the money
that went to SLU II
cam e courtesy of
C iticorp. one or the
la r ge s t ban k in g
in t11e
Pride poses with her FED Challenge team.
- - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - cou ntry.
( 'halle nge on April ! . For winning second
This is the first year of t11e f-eD
plao.:. each st.udent received a $ 1000 scholC halle nge in St. Louis. Teams from
;u·ship ;md Sf.l TH received $5000 fo r edu tlrroughout t11e S 1. Louis District of the
cational materials.
f-ederal Rese rve competed on April I.
"!The f7ED Challenge is} a toum aThe wi nners from each of t11e 12 Districts
llll.!nt in whi ch students simula te m embers
will go to Wa~hington. DC, later in the
ol the f-ederal Open Market Committee,
year to compete for the national champiwh ic h sets the monetary policy of the
Sophomores 'Groove'
At Their Class Dance
Senior Rakel Receives
Abp. May Service Award
Last Satmuay. til e sophomores
>tcppeJ tllltto move a nJ groove across U1e
illlor at tile annual Sophomore Dance.
which took place at Ccrrpe nt er's H all.
This year's theme was the 1980s,
whtch some felt quickly dissolved.
"Tile theme of the 80s lasted about ten
1111 Jlllles.' ' ~aid Billy D avidson.
Sllplwnwrchills and their dates than any
<llherdance previous to it, with 160couples.
.. I t '~ great that this many people
~howell up." said Greg Bantle, sophomore
The dance was supplied with music
twm TKO D.J' s anll se ni or Rob Fournie.
"The music was hetter than usual."
, aill Stt:ve C hapman.
The Archbishop May Service award
winner was selected again for all Catholic
schools around St. Louis C ity and County.
The choice for SLUH was Timothy S.
Rakel, who did not want an y publicity for the award. has hee n volunteering
wit11 SLUH's Community Service Program (CSP) since his freshman year in the
O ur Little Haven and Karen House Program s. He coordinated the Our Little Haven Program in his sophomore and junior
years. Rakel's work with SLUH's Amnesty International chapter as president
and his senior pr~ject at St. Patrick's Center , w here he worked with homeless
people, were also reasons he received the
April 24, 1998
1from I l Sl.l I! by ilh' p<~inh :JIIhc l'r11'r~ I< n:
namcnl a J,.,, w,·,;ks hack. Thh tirn..:. h un;:,-)
flll .ti<IJl 'IC<.:d in lh<.: final rounds. thd.)ui; hdl ·
dd..:aled !hem Yi:'i 1o Ll)). /\lkr pu tllll;:
I'Jrl--\\.11 (\:n lr.d ;111ay 1~ i 1h a , ,.,,re·<'f i ;~
170. llle'Y .tdl'cilk'Cd I<' !he i'in;th . ,tlle·;tt!
I'Ltlll't' ! J''"l'i l N11rth 1111tlll' d1ath h1 , .. , .
It',. J'>•tnh.
I hl' lllla l t'<'li ll<h ,1.1ried ,,f t "irh .1tll>lk
rn .tldl.t.,:.nn' l I r;tn,·" I h >w..:ll ( \•nir;t! "I
!l!,·t,!ll!/1 1 11!, ·k!',l h) .1 'maikr tlt.n ,.: :
_::1}1) i• ~!HI .!oil .H oe IIIC: ihl'ill I<>IJJ-• i Hl.ll r•'
;t~.tlll\1 I Lllkl' I h m..:l l Nurth. R1~ h! ·'''·')
N<1rth 'lan,·d ll> pull ahl·,td ,,f Sl .l 'II. .nt.! 1·"
the· hall. th,·y h hu ilt an almtht untlL·.u.d•l,
ie;ld PI JJ() J'<'lllls. rtw Sl!CPI!d h.dl. th1· i
Bilk l>\11/eT' li111p til J frent.y .t, 1hc1· '"'"
&\;..' 1-''11;, · 1 '..; 11'1!'·, h' .l f\ ti \ hJ'i"1 •
putnh lurthe l.t.,t quc>tHlll. Thcl..)uJt.hiil' t .. :.
1<1 ~el thc last yuc, tion ri!,!ht in u rd..:r II> h.t ''
a chance pf win ning. hut that was n•>l I<' h,·
l~ arni n g second place in the t!Jstnct' \\ ,,,
an admirahk fmish . considering h11W Kc'CJ.
ihc u>mpct lt ll'n wa, this year. Ncx l ve·,,
Wllh a rctu rn1 n~ 13111 Ric hn ux and nc\\ t.tlc;,.
Jra1\n from thc <.:Urrcnt junior cla,s. the
Qu1zhn11! team ex peds lll remain c\lll1f'e' i1
tivc and has 11' sights set for go ing to the St,lh
<.:<'mpcti iHln .
tfrom I l
seeds in Kansas City. Ho we ver. thi, ull·n:d
ihtc L·hallcngc did not deter the team in tlh·
least. Strong cross-examinations from Jo hn
.Shen . George Job and Andrew Shinn pr< '·
pt•lkd the t<.:am pa.-;t number two Bayk" ,,n ;•
~ - I b.tlh>t de~ci,tllll. The highlight •>i' this l.t''
\\ "' wil rh'" l\11 I [Jll. who was l';tt't'kd !11
Ia\\ yc·r· ' quest illning. und hcc·amc \'crh.tlh
ahusivc t<l thl:' judg..: .
Bn!stered hy this win. a c:onfident te;un
marched into the courtroom the next mormn~
to fat·c the uumher nne team in the arcJ .
f . \ <.:client llpt:ning and dosing ,tatemc·n t'
trPm <'ollll Smith. n>upled with .1 hri llt.lil
sht>\\ 111g b) \\ itn.:ss Tys1lll Pilhm gain.:d .h,
Jr. Bills .1UIW!l llllPUsJ-Odccision. D.:spite·t h,
win. S l. ll[[ fi rnshcd fifth. and th..:rel <>rc· ' '" '
not nH wc on tP the finals.
" It was a lo t of fun. but wesure<.:ouldh~,.,.
used Matlllck 11ut there ... said sen ior Shinn .
Sh in n and the• rest of the lawyers '' d i
gr;1du;ltc' 111 Ma). l lnderclassmen ;:r <! enu>tn
ag..:d t<> sl:e lllt>tkrat< IJ' Richard Mueller if tile'\
<>rc· tnt<.:r..:,lctl in p.u·ttt.:lpalin g n..:xt year