Nikola Ciganovic_CV_Portfolio
Nikola Ciganovic_CV_Portfolio
NIKOLA CIGANOVIC P O R T F O L I O ARCHITECT S T U D E N T CONTACT NIKOUTE@GMAIL.COM +34 637 279 282 C. Rio Guadalmedina 2 29640 - Fuengirola MALAGA, SPAIN CV INDEX EDUCATION 2010 - PRESENT Academic proposals MASTER OF ARCHITECTURE 01 House for temporary employees at Punta del Verde, Seville. 02 Guest house in the neighbourhood of Heliopolis, Seville. 03 Collective housing at Punta del Verde, Seville. 04 Collective housing at Tabladilla, Seville. 05 Civic center at Nuevo Amate, Seville. 06 Collective housing in the historic center of Cantillana. CONSTRUCTION OF METRO MALAGA 07 Cultural space, Reading room and library at Pino Montano neighbourhood, Seville. INTERNSHIP U.T.E. METRO MALAGA IN OFFICE AND ON THE CONSTRUCTION SITE 08 Extension of the cemetery and a small Chapel, Ecija. 09 Morgue and crematorium, Ecija. 10 Collective housing in the historic center of Seville. UNIVERSITY OF SEVILLE, 2008 - 2010 SEVILLE HIGH GRADE DEVELOPMENT AND APPLICATIONS OF CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS 2008-2009 - I.E.S. POLITECNICO JESUS MARIN, 2009-2010 - C.E.S. SAN JOSE, MALAGA MALAGA EXPIRIENCE 05.2010 - 06.2010 07.2002 - PRESENT MECHANIC AND SELLER IN AUTOMOTIVE RETAIL INDUSTRY SUMMER JOB SINCE 2002 IN FAMILY BUSINESS LANGUAGES Detail Drawing - Technical Installations Design - H.V.A.C. - Structure SPANISH SERBIAN ENGLISH PERSONAL Born in Belgrade, Serbia, 10th of December 1989. In 1999 moved to Prague, Czech Republic, for one year and since year 2000 live in Málaga, Spain. Used to adapt to multicultural enviorments, gained trought traveling abroad. Big fan of Tennis and Motorsport, but also love skiing, padel and cooking. 11 Construction analysis of an office building. 12 Constructive analysis of archaeological museum. 13 House in Heliopolis restauration. 14 Adaptation of H.V.A.C. systems in Quorum building. 15 Structural analysis. Certificates SKILLS AUTOCAD SKETCHUP + VRAY MICROSOFT OFFICE PHOTOSHOP MODEL MAKING INDESIGN REVIT ILLUSTRATOR CYPE LASER CUTTING Autodesk Revit. 01 The idea is to design a house that will eventually be occupied by a reduced group of engineers that work for the seed factory. There is a appreciable level change on the plot and the house grows just from this point to the open area with views to the canal and the city, so the employees can forget the factory. 02 This house is a kind of extension of the house on the left side, the purpose is to have a guest house or a space where can stay the famlily as grandparents. Its important to have a big garden and to open the house to it, as also giving a protection to the sleeping room. The plot is located at south of seville, Punta del Verde, surrounded by a river only thing we can find there is a seed factory. It’s suposed that the city will grow in this direction in the future. 2 03 Again at Punta del verde, south of Seville, this time the design is of a residential tower. One of the purposes of this building is to give the posibility to all the flats to see the sunrise and the sunset, also as the situation is on big open area it’s required to think on the garden, the access and parking. 04 This residential building is propoused on a plot of an already existing building. There is a clear difference between daytime and nighttime zones in every flat, also all of them has a double orientation, at south living room and at north bedrooms. The building is located in the center of Seville. There are 5 types of flats depending on the number ofbedrooms and orientation of the flat. Floor plan from 1th to 4th. Type 1 south. The ground is meant to be a temporal exposition open space and is protected form the street by an slope that also opens the garage to a open air. On the garden side the soil drops gradually to the garage floor level. Type 1 north. Floor plan from 5th to 8th. From 1st to 2nd. Type 2. Type 3 south. From 3rd to 5th. Floor plan from 9th to 15th. Type 3 north. 3 05 This Civic Center combines cultural and administrative uses to service the neighborhood. The building is located on an big square and is acting as center or an axis of the new ordnation. The distribution is produced from the center and we can find there a big funnel above the green zone. 06 Residential propose for 54 people in the historic center of Cantillana, small village full of history in the province of Seville. The idea is based on units that will be open one whole side to a small garden created by the empty space between them. N Ground Floor The program is divided into three levels. The ground floor has more public uses such as a café, hall, gallery and theatre. The basement has classrooms opened to a patio, dressing rooms and backstage. The first floor we can find a library, workspace and two conference rooms that can join and make one bigger. Basement Ground Floor First Floor First Floor Sections Second Floor North Elevation 4 07 Proposal for an empty zone in Pino Montano neighborhood, due to the financial crisis lot of plots are empty nowadays. The proposal is to build a small square which will create an open area for people to interact and underground a library a quiet place to read and a small gallery. 08 The cemetery use to be a sad place, but in this project the idea is to integrate the cementery intro a urban park which grow up from the limit of the village and disapears into the hills around the cementery. The extension of the cementery is proposed into the hill. The burial places are like caves which are partly or entirely underground. General Plan N South Elevation Ground Floor Underground Floor Sections Extension Section To the extension is also proposed a small chapel as a place for reflection or meditation. It’s located at a peaceful place, at the top of the hill where the view dominate over all the village. Chapel floor plan Section 5 09 Morgue and crematorium proposal is a paralel work to the cementery extension in Ecija. It’s also integrated to the urban park, the idea is to hide it between the vegetation so most part of the program is on the ground floor except the crematorium and zone for corpse manipulation. It’s important to avoid the visual conection with the coffin. 10 The first step to design this building was to plan the garage floor with as many as possible parking places. The ground floor is comercial and also has some apartments. The comercial local are focused to craftsman and any smal workshops as dancing, cooking, weaving. Garage Ground Floor First Floor Third Floor 6 11 This work is a complete analysis of construction systems of an office building including facade, structural design and materiality. The foundation is made of concrete slab and concrete foundation wall. 12 Following details are for a project of archaeological museum in Italica (Seville) this project is not presented because its not finished, its just used for this analysis. The structure is made of laminated wooden beams, 0.30x0.50 and 15.5m long, and the envelope is constructed of steel stud frame and G.R.C panels. 7 13 This work is for a real house in Heliopolis neighborhood (Seville) which has serious foundation problems and a poor maintenance. The solutions are focused to solve the humidity, facade and wall cracks. 14 Installation of heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems in Quorum building (Alicante). There will be direct expansion and hydronic systems depending of the zone. Analysis is done with DPClima software and all pipes, ducts and grilles where calculated with data obtained from environmental and software analysis. Ucubierta s= 0,33 W/m 2·K ZONA 5 Usuelos= 0,35 W/m 2·K ZONA 10 ZONA 1 ZONA 4 PLANTA BAJA ZONA 7 PLANTA PRIMERA Uhuecos= 2,95 W/m 2·K Umuros = 0,34 W/m 2·K ZONA 2 PLANTA SEGUNDA ZONA 9 ZONA 8 ZONA 3 ZONA 6 1 Leyenda: 1. Veleta 2. Remate de cubierta de teja a dos aguas para ventilación 3, Fábrica ladrillo cerámico hueco sencillo 24x11.5x3 cm 4. Lámina de barrera de vapor. e=0.01m 5. Aislamiento térmico de poliestireno extruído XPS e=0.03 m 6. Espacio de microventilación para la cubierta 7. Teja plana de apoyo, engatillada. 8. Teja cobija 9. Lámina impermeabilizante 10. Cornisa 11. Aislamiento térmico de poliestireno extruído XPS e=0.03 m 12. Enfoscado de mortero de cemento. e=0.01 m 13. Emparchado ladrillo cerámico hueco sencillo 24x11.5x3 cm 14. Viga prefabricada de hormigón 0.24x0.10 cm solución de dintel 15. Formación de dintel de hormigón 16. Tapajuntas de dintel 17. Marco de la ventana 18. Vidrio templado 3-6-3 mm 19.Cerco y precerco de carpintería 20. Premarco 21. Alféizar de hormigón con vierteaguas y goterón 22. Enfoscado de mortero de cemento. e=0.01 m 23. Cerramiento de 1 pie de fábrica de ladrillo hueco doble 24x11.5x0.7 cm 24. Enlucido y guarnecido de mortero de yeso 25. Aislamiento térmico de poliestireno extruído XPS e= 0.03m 26. Panel de yeso laminado. e=0.01m 27. Perfil metálico de agarre del panel de pladur 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.35 1.50 1.50 1.25 1.50 9 0.90 10 11 12 0.99 13 14 1.50 15 16 17 19 1.29 20 21 22 23 1.50 24 1.50 0.47 Detalle de Pretil. LEYENDA E. 1:10 1. Forjado unidireccional, formado por bovedillas de hormigón y perfiles IPE 200. 2. Formación de pendiente de L.H.D. y relleno de carboncilla ligada con cal. 3. Lámina geotextil de protección. 4. Impermeabilizante, lámina de tela asfáltica. 9. Grava de canto rodado Ø maximo 3cm. 5. Aislante térmico, planchas de poliestireno extrusionado (esp. 70mm). 10 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Detalle de Sumidero. 1 2 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.35 1.50 Leyenda sección constructiva reparaciones) 1.50 3 4 5 6. Relleno de espuma de poliuretano. 7. Malla de poliester en todo el perimetro del forjado. 8. Chapa galvanizada de protección en todo el perimetro del pretil. 10. Refuerzo a impermeabilizacion, lamina de tela asfáltica. 11. Rejilla de sumidero de PVC. 12. Bajante de pluviales de PVC. E. 1:10 9 10 11 12 (antes de las 1. Pretil de ladrillo hueco doble de espesor 10 cm con acabado de mortero de cemento. 1 2 3 2. Mortero de protección de cal M5b (1:1:7). 4 3. Impermeabilización, lámina de tela asfáltica. 5 6 4. Forjado unidireccional (26 cm canto), formado por bovedillas de hormigón y viguetas de hormigón celosía, con una luz entre ellas de 70 cm. 7 5. Enlucido y guarnecido de mortero de yeso. e=0.015 m. 6. Cerramiento de 1 pie de fábrica de ladrillo hueco doble 24x11.5x0.7 cm. 1 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 7. Enfoscado de mortero de cemento. e=0.01 m. 8 9 10 11 4 5 6 7 8. Solería de baldosa cerámica de 80 x 80 cm. Detalle de Pretil. 9. Mortero de agarre de cal M5b (1:1:7). LEYENDA E. 1:10 1. Forjado unidireccional, formado por bovedillas de hormigón y perfiles IPE 200. 10. Impermeabilización, lámina de tela asfáltica. 2. Formación de pendiente de L.H.D. y relleno de carboncilla ligada con cal. 11. Formación de pendiente de L.H.D y relleno de carboncilla ligada con cal. 3. Lámina geotextil de protección. 4. Impermeabilizante, lámina de tela asfáltica. 12. Solería interior de cerámica de 80x80 cm. 13. Mortero de agarre y nivelación 5. Aislante térmico, planchas de poliestireno extrusionado (esp. 30mm). 9 6. Mortero de protección armado con malla 20x20cm, HA-30 / B / 12 / IIa. 14. Losa de hormigón en masa. 15. Mejora del terreno. Tierra apisonada. 2.20 2.20 2.20 2.20 2.20 16. Zuncho perimetral de hormigón en masa. 12 13 14 Detalle de Sumidero. 11 10 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 7. Mortero de agarre con cal M5b (1:1:7). 8. Soleria de baldosa cerámica. 9. Zabaleta perimetral cerámica. 10. Relleno de espuma de poliuretano. 11. Malla de poliester en todo el perímetro del frente de forjado. 12. Refuerzo de impermeabilización 25cm, tela asfáltica. 13. Sumidero sifónico de PVC. 14. Rejilla tapa de sumidero, de PVC. 15. Bajante pluvial de PVC. E. 1:10 4 5 6 7 8 12 13 14 15 17. Zapata aislada de hormigón en masa. 15 16 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.35 1.51 1.50 1.25 1.50 8 15 Structural analysis of own project working with Cype software. Whole structure is made of reinforced concrete, bidirectional slab. The yellow area is a aditorium so there will be a beam 15 meters long. Certificates Certificate of Completion &RQJUDWXODWLRQV 1LNROD©&LJDQRYLF©6NRULF 7KH©$XWRGHVN©$XWKRUL]HG©7UDLQLQJ©&HQWHU©$7& FRXUVH©\RX©KDYH©FRPSOHWHG©ZDV©GHVLJQHG©WR©PHHW \RXU©OHDUQLQJ©QHHGV©ZLWK©SURIHVVLRQDO©LQVWUXFWRUV UHOHYDQW©FRQWHQW©DXWKRUL]HG©FRXUVHZDUH©DQG RQJRLQJ©HYDOXDWLRQ©E\©$XWRGHVN 1DPH 7KH©$7&©QHWZRUN©KHOSV©SURIHVVLRQDOV©DFKLHYH H[FHOOHQFH©LQ©XVLQJ©RXU©VRIWZDUH©SURGXFWV 0212*5Æ),&2©,©5(9,7©$5&+,7(&785(©(' $XWRGHVN©5HYLW©$UFKLWHFWXUH &RXUVH©7LWOH 3URGXFW $QJHO©5H\OHQ©*DUFLD õõ ©KRXUV ,QVWUXFWRU 'DWH &RXUVH©'XUDWLRQ &HUWLILFDWH©1R©0 5(1'(56©)$&725< $XWRGHVN©$XWKRUL]HG©7UDLQLQJ©&HQWHU $XWRGHVN©DQG©$7&©DUH©UHJLVWHUHG©WUDGHPDUNV©RI©$XWRGHVN©,QF©LQ©WKH©86$©DQGRU RWKHU©FRXQWULHV©$OO©RWKHU©WUDGH©QDPHV©SURGXFW©QDPHV©RU©WUDGHPDUNV©EHORQJ©WR WKHLU©UHVSHFWLYH©KROGHUV©©©$XWRGHVN©,QF©$OO©ULJKWV©UHVHUYHG Carl Bass President, Chief Executive Officer 9