the Beacon - Shalimar UMC


the Beacon - Shalimar UMC
the Beacon
April 5th 2015
Welcome to Shalimar UMC
We are so glad you’ve chosen to worship with us this week!
If you’re looking for a group of people to live and learn with,
check out Growth Link Small Groups on our website:
Sunday Worship Services
This time of worship celebrates our Lord through the rich traditions of the
United Methodist Church and the historic foundations of the Church. This
service utilizes the great hymns of the faith, seasonal vestments, and music
led by the organ and piano. The Traditions worship service is offered at 8:00
and 11:00 am in the Sanctuary. Our Chancel Choir leads in the 11:00 service.
The 9:30 am worship time is based on a four-fold model using a blend of
contemporary music that includes modern offerings as well as upbeat hymn
arrangements. This model begins with a time of gathering the body in praise,
the service of the Word, a time of thanksgiving (usually communion), and
closes with a dismissal as we seek to make a difference in the world God has
placed us. This ancient-future model is led by the Connect Worship team.
Our emergent-style Freedom Service is at 11:07 am in the Family Life Center
Gym. This modern genre utilizes video and drama, as well as modern praise
and worship music in a casual atmosphere. This service is led
by the Freedom band.
Enjoy fellowship, coffee, and breakfast snacks in the Family Life Center
Gym between worship services every Sunday morning.
Ministerial Staff
Dr. Philip McVay - Lead Pastor
Rev. David Hoppenjan ....................................... Executive Pastor
Rev. Jonathan Hart ....................................... Discipleship Pastor
Rev. Brad Bradford ............................................. Worship Pastor
Karen Jadin ................................................. Preschool Director
Susan McLain ............................................... Children’s Director
Kim Margold ................................................... Program Director
Adam Mills ....................................................... Youth Director
Traditions Worship Service
All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name
Call to Worship
Up from the Grave He Arose
Hymn No. 322
Community Life and Celebrations
Hymn of Praise
Rev. Jonathan Hart
Christ the Lord is Risen Today
Hymn No. 302
Affirmation of Faith
Hymn No. 881
Gloria Patri
Hymn No. 70
Call to Prayer
He is Lord
Hymn No. 177
Morning Prayer
Rev. David Hoppenjan
Music Message
Chancel Choir and Orchestra
Rising By the Power of His Name
Offertory Hymn
He Lives
Hymn No. 310
Offertory Prayer
Rev. Brad Bradford
Giving of God’s Tithes and Our Offerings
He is Not Here
Children’s Sermon
Scripture Presentation
Hymn No. 95
8:00 Susan McLain, 11:00 Alicia Franklin
Luke 24:1-12
Hymn of Response
Dr. Philip McVay
Victory in Jesus
Closing Prayer
Choral Benediction
Hymn No. 370
Dr. Philip McVay
Hallelujah Chorus
Chancel Choir
and Orchestra
Laura Borem and Mary Jo Horner
The first Sunday of each month is our
food collection for Sharing & Caring and
monetary collection for our discretionary
fund through the Communion Rail
Remember to bring your food items on Sunday, April 5th! All donations are
greatly appreciated. Collection boxes are located in the Narthex and FLC.
Serving Sunday, April 5th
Acolytes............................................... Megan Archer, Joanna Newbold
Altar Care ............................................................. Sandy Kocanowski
Children’s Church ................................................... 8:00 Susan McLain
......... 11:00/11:07 Pre-K - Theresa Kemp, 11:00/11:07 Kinder - Angie Jordan
................................................. 11:00/11:07 1st grade - Janice Graves
... 11:00/11:07 2nd grade - Katie Slater, 11:00/11:07 3rd-5th - Alicia Franklin
Children’s Sermon......................... 8:00 Susan McLain 11:00 Alicia Franklin
Communion Servers ........ 9:30 Casey Brennan, Pat Loukota, Terri Whitehead
...................... Terri Wilkins, Tod Jacks, Barb Zipfel, Duke & Norma Eliason
Connection Table ..................................................... 9:00 Larry Ketter
........................................................................ 10:30 Ryoko Mobley
Greeters .............................................. 8:00 Jane Crosby & Lee Jackson
.................................................... 9:30 Mike McMain & Linda Evanchyk
............................................................... 11:00 Amanda & Jim Harris
Pew Care .................................................................... Jeanne Purdy
Sorters ......................... 8:00 Betty Doyle 9:30 Mike Kiser & Alexis Tibbetts
........... 11:00 Bruce Smith, Jordan Hodges 11:07 Judy Watson, David Mobley
Ushers ..... 8:00 Basil Bethea, Martha Gorecki, Brance Parker, Don Schambeau
..........................9:30 Kim Brown, Jeff McInnis, Ron Johnson, Terri Wilkins
........................... 11:00 Lenton Hill, Barry Steiner, Carol & Chatt Johnson
Westwood Driver ..........................................................Keith Latimer
Shuttle Parking Reminder
Members & Regulars:
Please consider using the shuttle to
allow visitors to park in our main lot.
Shuttles begin at 9:00 am and
continue until last run at 12:30 pm.
Thank you!
Wednesday Fellowship Dinner
Wednesday, April 8th | 5:00-6:15 pm
Menu: Country Style Ham, Lima Beans, Potato Hash, Cornbread
Children’s Choice: Hot Dogs
Salad Option: Spinach
Adults $6.50 / Children 3 - 10 $3
Max $25 per household
Please make a reservation by noon on Wednesday through the church
office and plan to join us between 5:00-6:15 pm on Wednesday.
Philip’s Focus
There is no day in the year like Easter! This is one day when the focus is on
the message of victory and hope in Jesus Christ! I really look forward to
sharing Sunday in this message with you! Last year, I was unable to attend
Easter worship as I became extremely ill the night before. When I missed
Easter, I felt as though my life was “out of kilter.” Ash Wednesday, Lent,
Holy Week, and Good Friday need to conclude with Easter each year! There
is something incomplete about missing Easter.
As I write this focus, I am reminded that everyone needs an Easter! There are
so many people with great struggles in their life that need to know victory.
There are other persons in great pain that need healing and wholeness. Still
there are others living defeated that need to know there is victory. Many
choose despair each day instead of hope. Easter reminds us there is good
news and hope for everyone in Jesus Christ!
We all need to hear that word of hope! A word about abundant life! A word
of eternal life! A word of victory! The message of Jesus’ birth, life, ministry,
suffering, and death is only complete with a resurrection!
May the resurrection of Jesus Christ be good news for all this year! I pray His
hope will overcome any despair in our lives. May all connected with Shalimar
United Methodist Church know the victorious message of Easter! He has risen
indeed! I look forward to saying that good news with you Sunday!
Shalom, Philip
Dr. Philip McVay
Lead Pastor
Holly Fair
A Publicity Coordinator is needed to help
increase the awareness of the Holly Fair
within SUMC and the local community.
This volunteer position submits notices to
the Beacon, prepares media releases, and
distributes flyers and signage. Computer
skills are required for this position.
Please contact Susan Peters
(; 850-613-6966)
if you would like to find out more about
this exciting opportunity to serve the Lord.
The Next Chapter
“Liminality” has become a buzz word in certain writings about the
Church’s mission over the past few years as the Church reclaims the risky
business of living in the “in-between” time. The word liminality comes
from a Latin word meaning “a threshold.” It’s not an easy place to be
knowing, we are no longer where we were but not yet fully entered the
place we are going. Being comfortable is a symptom that we are in denial
of this reality. In January we ended our first chapter in The Great Story,
our journey through the Bible in 2015, with a man named Joseph as a
foreigner in Egypt. In Exodus 1, we read in just a few verses of how the
people of God increased and were fruitful, but “there arose a king who
did not know Joseph.” This begins a history of wilderness experiences for
the people of God, the life of faith in the desert between pain and
How marvelous would it be, having just studied Jesus’ Sermon on the
Mount and celebrating the full deliverance and salvation of Easter, to go
back and look at the beginnings of themes like deliverance, law and
morality, sanctification, sacrifice, endurance, trust, redemption, and
victory! As we look back on these early stories of the people of God
through the lens of Jesus Christ we will see how we as the people of God
are still charged with faithful living and risk-taking mission in the time inbetween. One day, we will be living in the Promised Land. What does it
look like in the meantime to lean into that promise and victory,
celebrating that God has called us out of the slavery of our past and that
in God’s economy, promise is always birthed out of pain.
As we begin this next chapter, I invite you to check out our blog at where reading plans and posts are available to help us
along the journey. See you in the desert. And I guarantee you we will find
streams of living water.
Grace and peace,
Pastor Jonathan
Jonathan Hart
Discipleship Pastor
Family Movie Night | April 10 - 6:00 pm
Bring a salad and enjoy pizza, popcorn,
and a movie. RSVP with the Beacon insert.
Children’s SUMC KIDZ Ministry includes all children ages 4 years old–5th grade.
Check out our bulletin board in the FLC as well as Facebook and our SUMC
Beacon for more info on our wonderful kidz ministry!
FCA: FCA ( Fellowship of Christian Athletes) for all ELEMENTARY KIDS- join us
on the first Friday of every month in the gym from 7:00 am – 7:30 am for Bible
devotion, free breakfast, craft and games! Transportation to Shalimar
Elementary School only! Join us Friday, April 3 rd for our next FCA meeting- all
are welcome, parents, too!
SUNDAY SCHOOL: ages 4 years old-5th grade from 9:30 am-10:30 am in the
courtyard area. We are collecting school supplies for local schools. Drop them
in the can between rooms 6 & 7 courtyard area.
CHILDREN’S CHURCH: will be offered this Easter Sunday during the 8:00 am,
11:00 am and 11:07 am worship services for children ages 4 years old–5th
CHOIR AND FISH FACTORY: No choir or fish factory on Easter Sunday, April 5.
WEDNESDAY NIGHT BIBLE CLASSES: from 6:00 pm until 8:00 pm for kids in
kinder–5th grade in the courtyard area!
CMT/VBS MEETING: Thursday, April 16 at 6:30 pm in courtyard room 9. Please
join us if you are interested in helping with children’s spring/summer events
and VBS planning! We need YOU! Nursery available.
If you have any questions or concerns about Shalimar Kidz Ministry, please
call or email me. Miss Susan 651-0721, x 116.
Meets weekly from 9:30am-10:30am in the youth rooms. Led by Gator Heath
and Mike Blumenthal, these two offer two very unique and exciting classes
every week. Come by and check it out if you are interested.
Fusion is a night geared towards evangelism, offering young people a nonthreatening atmosphere in which they can connect with fellow students,
learn and be challenged in their relationship and walk with Christ - all the
while having way too much fun in the process!
Join us weekly on Wednesday nights for PULSE at 6:30pm-8:00pm. Pulse is
geared towards student discipleship through small groups that are broken up
by gender and grade level, and led by our amazing adult volunteers every
week. This is an opportunity for you to recharge your batteries, be inspired,
and encouraged through the opportunity to connect with your mates and
grow closer to Christ in powerful small group studies and discussion.
Want To Receive Youth Ministry Text Alerts? Text: FUSIONYOUTH to 40650
Terms of Service & Privacy Policy: Message frequency may be periodic.
Message & data rates may apply. To cancel: Text STOP to 40650 at any time.
Pastor-Member Orientation (PMO)
Sunday, April 19 | 12:15 pm
Enjoy fellowship and pizza as the leadership team shares our mission and
vision. Learn about discipleship, small groups, volunteering and how to
engage in mission. Connect with your pastors and discover how you can get
plugged in. Childcare is available (please let us know in advance, if
possible). We look forward to seeing you there.
Call ahead to make a reservation (651-0721).
Questions? Contact Pastor David (651-0721 ext. 125; 376-1088)
“An Unexpected King”
Not in a group or class? Check these out!
or pick up a Growth Link list at the Connection Table in the FLC.
Splash of Joy I
NEW WOMEN'S STUDY BEGINS APRIL 8th. Please join the ladies of Splash I Bible
study as we begin SCOUTING THE DIVINE by Margaret Feinberg. This will be
an excellent study for spring as Margaret looks at how ancient livelihoods
illuminate meaningful Christian truths that apply to life today. The 6 week
study involves a workbook with assignments for each week. As we view the
videos together, we will spend time with a grape grower, shepherdess,
beekeeper and farmer who each bring fresh insights to familiar Scriptures. We
have much to learn....This study will begin with a brunch lunch on April
8th. We will be trying some NEW RECIPES!!! If you are new to our study, you
are a guest, so just come and eat with us. We will get our books and
assignments that day. We meet in Room 106 from 9:30-11:30 am each
Wednesday morning. You will have an opportunity for rich fellowship as you
learn more about God's Word. Childcare is provided in our nursery. If you have
questions, please call Sara Michaelson, 863-9722.
Cuban Mission 2015
We’re going back to Cuba in June. Join us for an info meeting on Monday,
April 6th at 6:00 pm in the FLC. Questions?
Contact Pete Peters (703-395-2437;
Items Needed for Cuban Mission:
Medicines, vitamins, personal hygiene products, musical instruments
(keyboard, guitar, brass), tools (all kinds), craft items, sports gear,
Spanish Bibles, and sewing machine and supplies.
Drop in FLC Box or contact Bill McBroom or Pete Peters.
VBS Registration begins Sunday, April 12th!
Look for our table in the FLC Lobby to register.
Theme: Jesus is Our Superhero!
Time: June 8-12, 9:00 am—12:00 pm
Cost: $10 PER CHILD - get a HERO T-shirt!
Ages: 4 years old (potty - trained only) completed 5th grade
Read the Whole Bible
April 6 – 1 Samuel 7,8,9; John 14
April 7 – 1 Samuel 10,11,12; John 15
April 8 – 1 Samuel 13, 14,15 ; John 16
April 9 – 1 Samuel 16,17, 18; John 17
April 10 – 1 Samuel 19,20,21; John 18
April 11- 1 Samuel 22,23,24; John 19
OR Read Something Daily
April 6 – Exodus 1:1-10
April 7 – Exodus 1:11-22
April 8 – Exodus 2:1-10
April 9 – Exodus 2:11-25
April 10 – Exodus 3:1-12
April 12 – Exodus 3:13-22
OR Read Something Weekly
Week 1. April 6-11 – Exodus 3:1-10
Engage Your Reading
1. What impacted you as you read this week?
2. Where does what you read intersect with your life and story?
3. What did you sense God saying to you through the reading?
4. Is there a specific way you are feeling led to respond or take action?
Biblein2015. com
UMM Breakfast
Guest Speaker: Phil Richter on Historic Islam
Our next breakfast is May 17th
All are invited to attend
Also looking for a cook!
Please contact the office or Keith Latimer.
Guide for Groups and Individuals
This week we invite you into our new series, “The Desert Between Pain and Promise.”
Part of the Good News of our faith is that from the very beginning, pain is birthed out
of promise. Think about it. What’s the first thing God did after the first two humans
violated God’s parameters for living and ate the fruit, breaking the rules along with
God’s heart? God began restoring and working on His rescue mission. “The Lord God
made garments of skin for Adam and his wife and clothed them.” (Genesis 3:21)
God began doing for His creatures what they could not do for themselves, putting
wrong things back to right. God has parameters for how His creatures live. But He is not
about rule-following. He is about love and life. His parameters sustain love and life and
hold evil and pain at bay. When pain and brokenness enter the picture, God responds
with promise – He promises to restore, deliver, and even resurrect, bringing life from
places of death.
Read the Scripture: Exodus 3:1-12
When God calls out to Moses from within the bush and tells Moses who He is, Moses
responds with what emotion?
How is this similar to how the first humans respond to God’s presence after they
did what He commanded them not to do? Why does this happen?
List the ways God identifies Himself to Moses.
Where is pain in this passage? How does God respond? Be specific.
What promises does God make? Again, be specific.
According to verse 3:12, how are Moses and the people of God to respond when
God fulfills the promise?
Have you ever had a “burning bush” moment when God came in an unexpected
way? Keep in mind it doesn’t have to be quite so dramatic.
Where do you see yourself in this story? How do you relate in faith and experience?
What reason do you have to worship God? As an act of worship, with your group or
by yourself, make a list of ways God has been a faithful promise-keeper to you.
Then, simply praise Him for who He is and what He’s done.
The Desert Between
Pain & Promise
New Sermon Series April 12 - May 17
Baptism is an important step for every believer and if you haven’t been
baptized, then we want to invite you to join us for our next Baptism! If
you’ve been baptized and would like to renew your baptism with friends,
especially if you’ve renewed your relationship with Jesus, we invite you as
The only requirement to be baptized is that you have begun a personal
relationship with Jesus. If you have done so - then this is definitely the right
step for you to take! For more information or to sign up for our next Beach
Baptism, email Pastor David at or call the church
office (850) 651-0721 ext. 125.
Next Beach Baptism
Our next beach baptism will be Saturday, April 11th,
10:00 am at Beasley Beach Park
Mission Moment
Okaloosa County Good News Jail & Prison Ministry
will have their annual fundraising banquet at 6:00
pm on April 16th at Crosspoint United Methodist
Church, Niceville. Our Mission Team will again
sponsor a table in support of this ministry. If you are
interested in attending this informative event or
would like more information please contact Susan
Daugard, Mission Team Leader, by April 3rd to
reserve your spot.
MERGE Young Adult Ministry
Join us on Sunday mornings from 10:00-11:00 am and on Thursdays
from 7:00-9:00 pm for small group times. We meet in the new
house: #10 Second Street, Shalimar on both Sunday and
Thursday. We meet in a large group for main topic discussion and
break up by gender for small group discussions.
Questions? Contact Michelle Carmical (217-0391).
Currently studying: Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount on Sunday
mornings and The Move by Andy Stanley on Thursday
evenings. You can check out more on the Merge Facebook.
Thursday Worship starts at 7:15 pm, breakout studies at 7:30
pm, prayer time at 8:45 pm. Join us at #10 Second Street,
It’s almost Easter! Don’t forget to bring
flowers to decorate our cross on Easter
Sunday. This makes a beautiful display
outside the Sanctuary and a great photo
Altar Flowers
Flower bouquets and single
roses are available on the
following Sundays to recognize
loved ones or events:
April 12th, 26th, & May 3rd
Bouquets: $35.00 each
Roses: $2.50 each
Please contact the church
office for a reservation.
March 29th
8:00 am
9:30 am
11:00 am
11:07 am
Easter Poem
It was early morning in the country side.
The women were sad..their Lord had died.
They had waited all night for the break of day
To return to the tomb to kneel and pray.
As they approached the sight they were surprised to see
A stranger there….who could it be?
The tomb….it was open, they ran inside.
Their master was gone. Where is He, they cried?
The stranger approached and to them said….
Don’t look for the living here among the dead.
He has risen….He has risen like He said he would.
They remembered his words, and they understood.
They ran to the village and told the men.
Together they returned to the tomb again…
It is true…he was gone, but He had to, you see,
in order to prepare for you and me.
That was a long time ago in a land far away…
But the glory of the resurrection is with us today.
This Easter morning hear the church bells ring
What Christ did for us was a glorious thing!
He is risen, He is risen, It was true from the start…
There’s no doubt in my mind, There’s no doubt in my heart.
Written by the Lord…recorded by me, Pat VanBlaricum
Monday Night Exercise Class
It is the busy season for banquets and meetings so the exercise class will
meet at Cherokee Park in Shalimar by the Shalimar Police Station for a
couple dates this month: April 6th and 20th at our regular time of 6:00 pm.
Anyone interested is welcome at either venue (park or FLC Gym)– this is a
fun for all types, come as you are, FREE class!
Easter Fest
Saturday, April 4
10:00 am-noon
Egg hunt, snacks,
clowns, inflatables
and more!
Easter Lily Project
All proceeds of the Easter
Lily Project go to Blue Lake
Camp & Conference Center.
For more information on
Blue Lake and other ways
you can help support the
Center, please check
out their website:
The Easter Lilies are placed in the Sanctuary to the
Glory of God and are gifts from the following:
In loving memory of my husband, Robert Straight—in God’s loving arms.
11 Brave Warriors who died in the helicopter crash. Tina Mock
In loving memory of Pat & Charlie Covey.
In loving memory of Dorris & Grady Foster.
In loving memory of our heavenly angel, Alayna Brianne Bowman.
In loving memory of Rose, Raymond, Sr., and Raymond, Jr. Korver and
Ed & Mildred Frazier.
In memory of Frank, Edna & Larry Kabase. From Jim & Cindy Cravey
In memory of Paula Daniel Cravey. From Jim & Cindy Cravey
In loving memory of son, Patrick Winsor. -Larry & Ann Shingler
In memory of Marvin E. Gustafson and Barbara Lucas.
In memory of John Eric Shoff, Eagle Scout, Methodist.
Happy Easter to all in memory of my wife, Dora Ellen Anderson.
In memory of Tom & Rosemary Watkins. With love, Leonard & Donna
In celebration of Christina (Sheperd) Parrish’s upcoming graduation
from Duke Divinity School.
In loving memory of: Carl A. Kyzer, Bonnie Kyzer, Shyrine Acta Kyzer,
Velma Sullivan, and Harry T. French.
Taylor Family loves Blue Lake Family.
In loving memory of Virgil Genzler. Father, husband, and son of God.
In loving memory of Mom & Dad.
To my mother, Yvette. She took great care of her family, even before
herself. Now she is ill and needing help herself. May God wrap His arms
around her and give her peace and health. Her daughter, Jeanne
Easter Joy and Blessings. Marv & Jo Yeager
To show appreciation and to honor Jerry & Betty Hollis and Marv & Dee
Olson, the Leadership Team of the Friendship Club.
To show appreciation and to honor Sherry Hartman and Hilma Jenus for
their leadership in the Iona Salter Circle.
To show appreciation and to honor Betty Stewart for her leadership
in the one + ONE Singles Ministry.
To show appreciation and to honor the Rev. Brad Bradford, the Chancel
Choir, and Orchestra for the outstanding, worshipful Lenten Musical.
To the Glory of God for the great things He has done. –Ollie Fay Flint
In honor of our loving family. -Ann & John Rumph
For my precious granddaughters: Lucy Mae & Hanna Rose. –Gran Deb
In memory of Jennette Alexander by Tom Alexander.
In loving memory of Patricia Fowler.
In loving memory of Michele Ann Maines.
For Doyle Milling.
In remembrance of Christina Eves from Mike & Christine.
Blessings on our children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren.
With love and appreciation to our ministers and all the staff at SUMC.
In memory of our parents.
We love you. –Laura, Pam & Connie
In memory of our great granddaughter, Josie Kromer, who died Easter
weekend 2013.
In honor of my grandpa, H.D. James.
In loving memory of our wonderful Christian parents.
In honor of Leslie, Kyle & Eli Snedeker.
In memory of Don Brown & Annita Hays.
In memory of the loved ones we miss every day. -Haase Family
In memory of John Scott.
In memory of our son, Brian Little, always in our hearts. With love, Danny
& Kathy Little.
In loving memory of our parents.
In memory of Helene & Mac McKinley.
In honor of our beautiful grandchildren: Brody, Mary Parker, Aiden Miles &
Harris. Love, Anny & Papa.
In honor of my wonderful grandchildren, Quinton, Cliff, Ted & Kyle.
—Linda Gail Martin
To honor our pastors and our church family for the prayers, visits, cards,
and phone calls during the past year. We are recovering slowly from our
surgeries and rehab.
In memory of loved ones passed and in honor of family and friends.
–Jim & Diane White and Cliff Both
In honor of the SUMC Staff.—Janet & Nick Chubb.
In loving memories of Bill Welch from Edwina.
In loving memory of Janet’s parents, James & Betty Richardson
from Scott, Janet, Kirk, Joanna, and Kevin Newbold.
In our thanks to God for our three children, three great-grandchildren
and six great-grandchildren.
In honor of my family: Penny, Mitzi; Tim; Kristin, Rob and Alayna; Ross;
Leah, Kevin and Jack, and Anna.
In memory of our wonderful great grandmas, Virginia and Barbara, who
loved this church and their families. Love, The Blumenthal, Wheat and
Gibson children
To our daughter and son-in-law, Lynn & David Everts on their visit from
Jackson, Michigan. George & Ellie Nicoloff
In memory of Lehman R. Garriga, Sr.
In honor of our newest great-grandson, Oliver Taylor Lewis.
In loving remembrance of: Robert Thomas, Dee Patterson, George Adams,
Dad, Kristi Pope, our grandparents. Doyle Milling, Al Howser, and all the
other saints who have gone on before us.
In memory of Allison Angerman. The Mills Family
In loving memory of my parents, Dot & Wayne Smiley, and my sister,
Susan Emery. Love you and miss you. Karen
In loving memory of my husband, Paul. Nancy Righter
In loving memory of my daddy, Ray Burgess, who has been with our
Heavenly Father for 3 years! I love you!
Love to our family in memory of our mothers, Pauline and Amy Boyd
In honor of our parents, James & Kathy Cuchens and Sara Kelley
from Lori & Chuck Kelley
In remembrance of Charles R. Kelley by Lori & Chuck Kelley
In honor of my precious family. With love, Sandy Waldorff
In memory of friends and for family members. Pat, Gerald & Tami
In honor of Mom and Max Carey.
In honor of the Emmaus Cluster and our secretary-treasurer, Sharon
In memory of our daughter, Sandra Perrin.
In honor and celebration of our parents. With love, Doug & Jan DeVoe
In honor of my children, Debbie Smith, Scott Riley, Randy Riley, and Sandy
Kocanowski. Love, from Mom
To all the family/friends in heaven with God - Patricia and Sister Cherrie
He is Risen.
In loving memory of Hank Zinke from his family.
In loving memory of Maurice McLaughlin, from Tena, Elaine, Lynne,
Cindy and families.
In memory of Susan Herndon Castleman.
In honor of our three sons: Jeffrey, Jonathan & Robbie.
Marsha Sherrard - you taught us the true meaning of love, caring, and
giving. We love you so.
In love and gratitude for Sally & Basil Bethea. Your children and
In honour of Lucille Wickliffe for her influence and love to our children
and the children of our church.
In recognition of my wife’s battle with her cancer - thank you for your
prayers and God’s amazing work.
In memory of Sara Tras. We love and miss you, Mom, from all your
In loving memory of Alex Hill and Alfred Jarvis.
In thanksgiving for our Lord Jesus Christ and in loving memory of Eli Caison.
In memory of Mr. & Mrs. Terrell E. Powell, father and mother of Deb
Gilmore, and Dr. Robert Gilmore, father of Steve Gilmore.
In memory of my father, Joe Crews. With love, Joey.
In memory of my father, Lloyd Waldorff. With love, Beverly.
In memory of Major Homer J. Staggs and Polly Staggs.
In memory of Billy Henderson and in honor of Gene Henderson.
Given by: Jan & Tommy Staggs
In loving and grateful celebration of the risen Christ.
For Mattie Sullivan.
In memory of our parents, Charlie & Pat Covey.
In praise and honor of our wonderful SUMC Staff.
In praise of all who serve on SUMC Ministry teams.
In loving memory of Mary Marcus Williams, Pat’s sister.
From Pat & Vivian Marcus
Praise God for His grace and mercy! Russ & Polly Schambeau
In honor of my children and grandchildren. In memory of my precious
mother; Dorothy Finley. Love always, Mom/Grams, Dianne Aden
Join us for a
Dramatic portrayal of
da Vinci’s Last supper
APRIL 2 | GYM | 7:00 PM
Jeremy Carmical Contact Info
Jeremy Carmical c/o Will Deeds
Aportado 10
Panajachel, Guatemala 07010
Weekly Schedule
Sunday, April 5th
Worship Times
Traditions Service ......... 8 & 11 am
Connect Service .............. 9:30 am
Freedom Service ........... 11:07 am
Sunday School for all ages .. 9:30 am
MERGE Young Adults ....... 10:00 am
Monday, April 6th
Cub Scouts #522............... 5:00
Connect Team Rehearsal .... 5:30
Daniel Plan Alumni Group ... 5:30
Cuban Mission Meeting ....... 6:00
Exercise Cherokee Pk ........ 6:00
Lighthouse Rehearsal ........ 6:00
Monday Study .................. 6:00
Jesus & the Gospels .......... 6:15
Boy Scout Troop #529 ....... 7:00
One+ONE ....................... 7:00
Community Orchestra ........ 7:15
Tuesday, April 7th
Strength Training ............. 8:00 am
MOPS Workout ................. 9:15 am
Youth Band Rehearsal ........ 5:00 pm
Joy Ringers Rehearsal ........ 5:30 pm
Vision Team .................... 5:30 pm
Prayer Group .................. 6:00 pm
Men’s Disciple Workshop .... 6:30 pm
Wednesday, April 8th
Splash of Joy I & II ............ 9:30 am
Fellowship Dinner .............5:00 pm
PULSE Youth ...................5:30 pm
Kidz PB & J .....................6:00 pm
Kidz BLT ........................6:00 pm
Kidz JAM ........................6:00 pm
Gloryland Rehearsal ..........6:00 pm
Pastor’s Class ..................6:00 pm
Depression Support ...........6:30 pm
Chancel Choir Rehearsal ....7:00 pm
Alanon ..........................8:00 pm
Thursday, April 9th
Strength Training ............. 8:00 am
MOPS ............................ 9:00 am
Cub Scout #522 ................5:00 pm
Pizza w/Pastors ...............6:00 pm
Cub Scouts #522 ...............6:30 pm
Stephen Ministry Supv ........6:30 pm
MERGE Young Adult...........7:00 pm
Friday, April 10th
Overnight Scrapbooking ... 12:00 pm
Family Pizza/Movie Night ...6:00 pm
Saturday, April 11th
Overnight Scrapbooking ..... 7:00 am
After Hours Emergency
Pastoral Assistance:
Dr. Philip McVay
Rev. David Hoppenjan 376-1088
Rev. Jonathan Hart
Please silence cell phones.
Hearing assistance devices are
available for the sanctuary. Please
see an usher to obtain these aids.
1 Old Ferry Road • Shalimar, Florida 32579
Phone: (850) 651-0721 • Fax: (850) 651-2494
Website: • E-mail:
Office Hours are Monday – Thursday: 8 am - 4 pm, Friday: 8 am - Noon