Christ is risen!
Christ is risen!
THE WORD an edition of The United Methodist Reporter Two Sections, Section A / 039880 / Vol. 156 / N0 48 / April 2, 2010 Boston Avenue United Methodist Church 1301 S. Boston, Tulsa, OK 74119 (918) 583-5181 - Egg hunt pics 3A Pastor’s Study 4A Habitat photos 4A Christ is risen! Circle of Care gives guidance, hope to Oklahoma families Join us to worship and celebrate! Pearl’s Hope, Circle of Care’s residential ministry to young mothers and their children who are facing a probability of homelessness, was full with a waiting list just weeks after it opened in September, 2008. Circle of Care receives the largest portion of our Easter offering each year and Pearl’s Hope is it’s newest ministry. Pearl’s Hope began after a United Methodist and community volunteer in Tulsa noticed that often young mothers had to give up their children in order to escape abustive situations and gain independence. She dreamed of a shelter that would house mothers and children together in Tulsa, and upon her death her estate was placed with the Oklahoma United Methodist Foundation to provide such a shelter. Most shelters cannot accept children, so they are often placed with friends, relatives or in foster care until their mothers are able to care for them. Thanks to the spacious cottages at the Frances E. Willard Ministry Center, these women and their children can now stay together. Easter services at 8:00, 9:30 & 11:00 a.m. The Chapel Choir will sing at 8:00. Chancel Choir will sing at 9:30 & 11:00. Sunday School starts at 9:30 this week. "SING WITH ALL THE SAINTS IN GLORY!" Mark 16:1-8 The Reverend Dr. Mouzon Biggs, Jr. Nicaragua VIM application deadline is this Sunday This Sunday is the deadline to apply for our church’s next volunteer-in-mission trip. The team will be working in Nicaragua October 15-23. Team members will be doing construction and leading Vacation Bible School for the children there. Each person will need a valid passport. The team will be announced next week and begin meeting soon. Necessary immunizations will be given later. Those who are unable to serve on a team can also participate by sponsoring someone else. For more information, contact Paul Staat, 699-0133 or There are more than 10,000 children in Oklahoma’s foster care system. On any given day, 150 children are waiting for a foster home. When one is not available, they stay in county shelters. Our Circle of Care provides a solution through Child SHARE. Child SHARE works with licensing agencies, faith communities and volunteers to recruit and support full time foster families, and adoptive and respite families. This network helps provide for their physical, emotional, spiritual and financial needs. Child SHARE also provides clothing and equipment, support groups, and family events in the Lawton, Oklahoma City and Tulsa areas. Circle of Care’s ministries also include the Children’s Home in Tahlequah, Boys’ Ranch near Gore, and Holsinger Home in Enid Easter lilies on pages 2A, 3A, 4A & 7A Summer signup is this Wednesday All Boston Avenue families are encouraged to participate in Summer Sign-up for children and youth this Wednesday, April 7, at 6:30 p.m. Many of the camps fill quickly - especially for older youth. COC Dinner is Thursday Circle of Care’s annual Friends of Children Dinner will be held Thursday, April 8, at 6:30 p.m. at Asbury United Methodist Church. 6767 South Mingo. Bishop Hayes will be the guest speaker and LeeAnne Taylor will be the emcee. The fundraiser ben- efits all Circle of Care’s ministries For more information, contact COC Board member Mary Wheeler Brown at 743-3022. Brass, Bronze and Beauty instrumental concert April 11 Our church’s handbell choirs, brass ensemble, and orchestra will all join forces to present “Brass, Bronze and Beauty” next Sunday, April 11, at 6:00 p.m. All are invited to come and enjoy! Last year’s concert featured all of these instrumental groups performing individually, and sometimes together. It was a great evening for all who attended, as well as for those who performed! The United Methodist Reporter (USPS 954-500) is published weekly by UMR Communications, 1221 Profit Drive, Dallas Texas 75247-3919. Periodicals postage paid at Dallas Texas and additional mailing offices. Postmaster: Send address changes to The United Methodist Reporter. PO Box 660275, Dallas Texas 75266-0275. Page 2A April 2, 2010 Easter lilies fill altar in memory or in honor of loved ones The sanctuary altar will be filled with beautiful Easter lilies this Sunday. They were given in memory or in honor of the following people: Phil, Cindy and Blake Allbritten in honor of Mary Ann Cabler. Phil, Cindy and Blake Allbritten in memory of Jim Cabler. Phil, Cindy and Blake Allbritten in memory of Haskell and Mary Allbritten. Jeff, Julie, Taylor and Rebecca Allen in memory of Greg Brownlee. Jeff, Julie, Taylor and Rebecca Allen in memory of Julie’s father, Preston Rennie. Patricia J. Anderson in loving memory of her mother, Opal I. Anderson. Susan Anderson in honor of Jerry and Joanne Emmons. Susan Anderson in honor of the Roundtable Sunday School Class. Debbie and Ross Aycock in memory of her parents, Betty and Bob Sutton, and his father, Tommy Aycock. Tom and Sheila Baker in loving memory of our grandson, Jacob Dexter. Tom and Sheila Baker in loving memory of Tom’s parents, Russell and Alene Baker. Tom and Sheila Baker in loving memory of Sheila’s mother, Roxie Hanson. In memory of Hattie Lee Ballard from her grandchildren. In loving memory of Dick Barber from his family, June, Blair, Kelly and Max. Searcy and Lillie Barnett in loving memory of the Barnett and Bramlett families. Una Barr in loving memory of her daughter, Robyn Barr. Una Barr in loving memory of her mother, Vera Roark. Donna Betow and family in memory of Lloyd and Larry Betow. Jo Ann and Richard Bingham in memory of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Bingham and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Moran. Carol Blackwood and family in memory of their mothers, Lillian Blackwood and Caroline Kendall. Jo Ann and Wayne Bland in memory of his parents, Hemp and Mildred Bland. Jo Ann and Wayne Bland in memory of her parents, Billy and Lela Hammond. Jo Ann and Wayne Bland in memory of her brother, J. Dean Hammond. Colleen Bonner in loving memory of Charles. Colleen Bonner in memory of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter G. Hartley and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bonner, Sr. Colleen Bonner in memory of dear friends, Bob and Mary Jo Garetson Colleen Bonner in memory of Jack Bonner. Otto K. and Sue Boothe in loving memory of her parents, John and Leoma Abernathy. Otto K. and Sue Boothe in loving memory of his parents, Otto and Bonnie Boothe. Laura, Karen and Ted Bottoms in memory of Charles Bottoms. Mary Boyd in loving memory of my nephew, Clyde Alva Boyd, III (Trey) and in honor of Emily and Audrey Boyd. John H. Bradley and Patti Rist in honor of their mother, Martha Jo Bradley. John H. Bradley and Patti Rist in memory of their father, John D. Bradley. In memory of John D. Bradley and in honor of John H. Bradley, from Martha Jo Bradley. Graham, Terri, Caroline, Joe and Jacob Brannin and Jonathan and Alli Bird in memory of Dan and Neva Brannin. Graham, Terri, Caroline, Joe and Jacob Brannin and Jonathan and Alli Bird in honor of Betty Smith and in memory of Curtis Smith. In honor of Ms. Lynn Kerr, by the Brinegar family. Caroline Britt in loving memory of Dr. Clarence I. Britt. Mark, Sheila, and James Michael Britt in loving memory of his father, Dr. Clarence I. Britt. Matthew, Carla, Jolie, Caitlin and Joshua in loving memory of his father, Dr. Clarence I. Britt. In memory of husband and father, Marvin G. Brotherton, by Viola Brotherton and Deborah Kaye Brotherton. In memory of her parents, Roy L. Groves and Beulah F. Groves, by Leslie and Betty Zo Brown. In memory of my brother, Charles R. Groves by Leslie and Betty Zo Brown. Twila, Mark, Susan, Ashley, Adam, Riggs, Kelley, and Bryan Brown in loving memory of Roy G. Brown and Beverly Ann Brown. Twila Brown in honor of Mark, Susan, Ashley, Adam, Riggs, Kelley, and Bryan Brown. Twila Brown in loving memory of her parents, Cecil and Anna Ashley and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Brown. Karen, Alexis and Katie in memory of our beloved Dr. Greg A. Brownlee. Bill and Carol Brumbaugh in loving memory of his parents, Bill and Hazel Brumbaugh. Bill and Carol Brumbaugh in loving memory of her father, George Rose. Bill and Carol Brumbaugh in loving memory of their nephew, Tyler Barris. Patsy Byrd and Sydney Byrd in loving memory of Kenneth Byrd. Joyce Havens Byrne in memory of her husband, Robert G. Byrne, and her parents, Maxine Havens Mullin and Russell E. Havens. Mary Ann Cabler in loving memory of Jim Cabler. Mary Ann Cabler in honor of Cindy, Phil and Blake Allbritten. Emily Caldwell in loving memory of Vittum Caldwell. Emily Caldwell in honor of our granddaughters, Laura, Rachel and Michelle and our great-granddaughter, Hope Rhoads. Emily Caldwell in memory of Brad and Al Shultz. Art and Phillip Campbell and Katie Morgan in loving memory of Kathy Campbell. Art Campbell in loving memory of Bill and Mary Belle Campbell, Margie E. Campbell, and Anna Grace Hisaw. Pat Carney and children in memory of husband and father, Blythe Carney. Mrs. Blythe Carney in memory of his parents, Dr. and Mrs. A. B. Carney. Mrs. Blythe Carney in memory of his sister, Patricia Carney Imel. Ken and Marian Clark in loving memory of our parents, Don and Elsie Clark and Bob and Mabel Wilson. Marvene Clark in loving remembrance of her husband, Emerson Clark. Ruth and Jess Clemmons in loving memory of their daughter, Rebecca Ann Clemmons. Ruth and Jess Clemmons in loving memory of his parents, Jess and Florence Clemmons. Ruth and Jess Clemmons in loving memory of her parents, Harry and Pearl Dolen. Cheryl, Marilyn and M. U.; Marc and Patty, Christopher and Meghan in loving memory of Blanche and Melvin Coiner. In memory of Wilma Ross, mother of Jeanette Coleman and mother-inlaw of Dr. Ronald Coleman. In honor of Oliver, Madeline and Eleanor Dilger, grandchildren of Jeanette and Dr. Ronald Coleman. In loving memory of Donovan Collins, Jr., by Mary Collins, Donovan, Rachel and Marin Collins. Donovan Collins in memory of Charlie Bonner. In loving memory of Charles Estill Combs from his wife, Doris, and daughters, Judy Bell and Melanie Evans. Dale and Peggy Cooper in memory of Ralph and Emily Carver. Dale and Peggy Cooper in memory of Paul Cooper and in honor of Elaine Cooper. Gwen Coulter in memory of A. W. (Bill) Coulter. Gwen Coulter in memory of Martha A. (Mattie) Coulter. Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Cox, Jr., Marianne, and Martha in memory of their son and brother, Frank. Whitley and Susie Cox, Jr., in loving memory of Whitley and Jane Cox. In loving memory of Elizabeth Cox, by her family. In honor of Theda Cunningham and in memory of Jacques Cunningham, by Cindy and Jacques Cunningham, Jackie and Bob Shipman. In honor of Betty Marsh and in memory of Earl Marsh, by Cindy and Jacques Cunningham, Ron and Kathy Marsh, and Molly and Galand Kramer. LouAnn and Angelyn Dale and Jim McCann in loving memory of Dan E. Dale. Larkin and Molleigh McCann in loving memory of our granddaddy, Dan E. Dale. Angelyn Dale, James McCann and LouAnn Dale in loving memory of Mary Alice and Lawrence Dale. Angelyn Dale, James McCann and LouAnn Dale in loving memory of Lea Ida Hollingsworth Boyle. James McCann and Angelyn Dale and Larkin and Molleigh in loving memory of Thomas Murray McCann and Ella Bridge McCann. Laura, Mike, Joseph and Woody Daniel in memory of her father, Woodrow Cole. Mr. and Mrs. Sam P. Daniel in honor of Caroline Briggs and Alexandra Rains. Mr. and Mrs. Sam P. Daniel in honor of Lauren and Stephanie Daniel. Dorothy Darland in memory of James Darland. Kate Davis in memory of her father, Bob Rizley, and her friend, Elaine McCue. Anita and Paul Dewhurst in loving memory of George and Jim Dewhurst. Anita Dewhurst in loving memory of Judy and Joe Dewhurst. Anita Dewhurst in memory of Henry, Louis and Eva Aubry. Anita Dewhurst in honor of Paul Dewhurst. Dr. and Mrs. Richard E. Dixon in memory of Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Rutherford. Dr. and Mrs. Richard E. Dixon in memory of Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey E. Dixon. Rex and Allene Donley in honor of our daughter and son-in-law, Angela and Jeff Sexton. Rex and Allene Donley in honor of our grandson, Xander Sexton. In memory of Louise Drew, from her husband, Carl Drew. In memory of Helen Louise Drew, from her children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. In honor of Carl Drew, from his children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. Sibyl and Justus Edmondson in loving memory of their son, Mark. Sibyl and Justus Edmondson in honor of Carolyn Buso and Nancy Alston. Marilyn Elder, Alicia Marriott and Aaron Elder in loving memory of Philip Elder. Peggye Enlow and family in loving memory of Bill Enlow. Jon and Linda Ferris in honor of Sue Baier Ferris. Jon and Linda Ferris in honor of Craig Ferris, Sr. Jon and Linda Ferris in honor of Craig Ferris, Jr. Jon and Linda Ferris in honor of the Rev. Murray Dickson and in honor of Nova Dickson. Jon and Linda Ferris in honor of Bishop Paul and Elizabeth Galloway. Jon and Linda Ferris in honor of Elsie Schumacher. Linda and Marc Frazier, Jim and Pamela Sellen and families in loving memory of their parents and grandparents, Dr. and Mrs. Buford Sellen. Linda and Marc Frazier, Marcy Huigens and Lynn Goldberg in loving memory of their parents and grandparents, Ruth and Orville Frazier. In honor of Michelle Gaddis, from her UMW Secret Sister. In honor of our children and grandchildren, Blaine, Michelle, Olivia and Connor Gaddis and Clayton and Blair Gaddis, from their loving and blessed parents and grandparents, Karen and Bill Gaddis. In honor and memory of our good friends, Mary and Charles Ward, from the Gaddis family. Dr. and Mrs. Walter Gary in memory of our parents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Floyd Gary and Mr. and Mrs. Paul George Brewster. Dr. and Mrs. Walter Gary in honor of our children, Walter Brewster Gary and Lucia Leigh Gary Deichmann and Jens Wilhelm Deichmann, and grandchildren, Sophia Leigh Deichmann and Eric Jens Deichmann. Chuck and Charlene Gibson in honor of Cheryl and Mark, Connor, Preston and Owen Hasting and Charlotte and Brian and Emily and Brandon Cook. (continued on page 4A) April 2, 2010 Easter lilies ... (continued) In loving memory of Armon and Jeanine Bost by Tom and Beverly Golden and family. In loving memory of Julie Golden by Tom and Beverly Golden, and sisters, Dathel and Laura. In loving memory of Court and Loyce Golden by Tom and Beverly Golden and family. Honoring our precious grandchildren, Muriel and Fuller Shannon, by Tom and Beverly Golden. Jean Gomez in memory of her husband, Ralph G. Gomez. Jean Gomez in memory of her mother, Opal M. Brooke. In honor of Martha Jo Bradley, by Shari and Lynn Goodwin. In memory of Charles Ward and in honor of Mary Ward, by the Goodwin family. In memory of Bob Purinton, by Shari and Lynn Goodwin. Evedna Gordon and family in loving memory of Clarence Gordon. Evedna Gordon and family in loving memory of Ella Whitman Yirsa. Becky Griffis in loving memory of my husband and best friend, Patrick Griffis. Ginger Gross, Mr. and Mrs. Tag Gross, Cooper Lee and Hagan and Mr. and Mrs. Robbie Hicks, Maggie Boone and Kate in memory of our husband, father and grandfather, Dr. Nolan L. Gross. Page 3A Ginger Gross, Mr. and Mrs. Tag Gross, Cooper Lee and Hagan and Mr. and Mrs. Robbie Hicks, Maggie Boone and Kate in memory of our father-in-law and grandfather, V. L. “Tag” Gross. Ginger Gross, Mr. and Mrs. Tag Gross, Cooper Lee and Hagan and Mr. and Mrs. Robbie Hicks, Maggie Boone and Kate in memory of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hagan. Alice Grubb and family in memory of Dr. Robert D. Grubb Alice Grubb and family in memory of Judge and Mrs. William McCarty and Reverend and Mrs. Chester Grubb. Mary Halterman in loving memory of my husband, John W. Halterman, Jr. Mary Halterman in honor of our children, Ken and family and Jonna and family. Perry and Pat Hammond in loving memory of our daughter, Susan J. Hammond. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hanson in memory of our parents, Mr. and Mrs. Julius Hanson and Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Derrick. Cindy and John Harmon in memory of her parents, Walter and Evalena Johnson. Cindy and John Harmon in memory of his parents, Mary E. and Dub Harmon. Cindy and John Harmon in loving memory of their dear friend, Joan Fogleman. In honor of our parents, Tom and Sue Harrington, by Bryan and Kristin Harrington. In honor of our parents, Robert and Arlene Fulton, by Bryan and Kristin Harrington. Brent, Barbara, Elizabeth and Emily Hartsell in memory of Mr. and Mrs. N. B. Wright, Jr., Mrs. W. M. Wilcox, and Mary Hartsell. Julie Haslam, children and grandchildren in loving memory of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Stephens, and in memory of Dr. Gib Haslam. In memory of Dave Herrmann, from John and Erin Herrmann and Tom and Chris Herrmann. In memory of Guy Maxson, from John and Erin Herrmann and Tom and Chris Herrmann. Chris and Tom Herrmann in honor of her mother, Mary Maxson. Chris and Tom Herrmann in honor of his stepmother, Bea Herrmann. Chris and Tom Herrmann in honor of their first grandchild, Claire Elizabeth Humble. Chris and Tom Herrmann in honor of their four children and spouses, Jason and Brandi, Jana and Tyson, John and Erin, and Jeff and Amanda. In memory of Ed Franks, by Bruce and Michelle Horgen and family and Wanda Franks. In memory of Orlin Horgen, by Bruce and Michelle Horgen and family. Gwen Humphrey in memory of Hazel Humphrey and Paul Humphrey. Nick and Jeannine Hunter and family in memory of his parents, Jane Staples Hunter and Scott Hunter; her father, Joe Bob Gale; and her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Imon McCain. Nick and Jeannine Hunter in honor of their grandchildren. John M. Imel and family in loving memory of Patricia Carney Imel, our wife and mother, and in memory of her parents, Dr. and Mrs. Andre B. Carney. Jean James in memory of Allen James, Jr. Jean James in memory of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Pray. Jean James in memory of my niece, Dianne Baugh Fisher. Sally Jeffrey in memory of Wilfred Jeffrey. Mr. and Mrs. John B. Johnson, Jr., in memory of his parents, Frances and Bryan Johnson, and his sister, Joanne Williams. Mr. and Mrs. John B. Johnson, Jr., in memory of her father, Connie M. Francis, and her mother and stepfather, Raymond and Edna Gilbreath. Mr. and Mrs. John B. Johnson, Jr., in honor of our grandchildren, Allison, Paul, John, Sarah, Abigail and Katherine. Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Johnson in memory of Charles and Ida Foster and Thomas R. Jones, Jr. Carol Johnston in memory of O. B. Johnston. The Phil and Marilyn Keeter family in memory of Virginia B. and Scenes from Sunday’s Easter egg hunt . . . James J. Keeter. The Phil and Marilyn Keeter family in honor of Kimberly DeMarco and Austin. Phil and Marilyn Keeter in honor of Kelly, John, Amanda and Zachary Roth. Phil and Marilyn Keeter in honor of Scott, Cheri and Morgan Keeter. The Phil and Marilyn Keeter family in memory of Margaret and Robert Carter. The Phil and Marilyn Keeter family in memory of his brother, Jack P. Keeter. Randy and Amy Keeton in honor of Sean, Katie, Samantha and Jamie Keeton, Tom Keeton, Chris Keeton, Cassie Keeton, and Piper Lukert. Randy and Amy Keeton in loving memory of Tristan Lukert. Max Herrera and Randy and Amy Keeton in loving memory of Nancy Herrera. Ilene Kennon and family in memory of Lee Kennon and Davie and Don Parisho. The Donald A. Kihle family in memory of Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Hudson and Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Kihle. Don and Judy Kihle in honor of their children and grandsons. Judy Kihle in honor of my husband Don. The Jim Kincaid family in memory of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Kincaid. The Jim Kincaid family in memory of Lena M. Burke. (continued on page 7A) Page 4A April 2, 2010 From the Pastor’s Study Mouzon Biggs, Jr. Easter Sunday is the greatest day in the Christian year. Our sabbath is on Sunday to remind us evey week that God’s raising Jesus from the dead is the single most important thing in our faith. No preacher feels adequaate to write a sermon or deliver a sermon on Easter Sunday. The reality far outweighs our ability to describe it. All week I will struggle with the appripriate text from the Bible. I will see the altar draped in black on Maundy Thursday. I will pray before the “old rugged cross” in the Great Hall on Good Friday. I will know that our Altar Guild will be filling our church with beautiful white lilies for Sunday morning. I will anticipate the brass ensemble, dozens of lighted candles, and the energized members of our choirs. I can hardly wait to see you fill our church. Invite friends, family and coworkers - anyone and everyone you know who doesn’t go regularly to some other church. The sermon I will be working on all week will be called “SING WITH ALL THE SAINTS IN GLORY! B.A. family update Deaths Lewis L. Irwin died March 14, 2010. Services were held March 25 at Oklahoma Methodist Manor with Rev. Charles Herndon officiating. Survivors include his daughter, Marilyn Sheridan, McKinney, Texas; and son, Fred Irwin, of California. William M. Gertsen died March 14, 2010. Services will be held June 19 at First United Methodist Church in Newton, Kansas. Survivors include his son, Bill Gertsen of Tulsa; daughters, Jane and Steve Yetts of Lewisville, Texas, and Karen Gertsen and Brian Simpson of Wichita, Kansas; former wife, Mary Ann Gertsen; sister, Marilyn and Larry Borger of Littleton, Colorado; and four grandsons. Charles “Chuck” Farmer died March 17, 2010. Services were held March 23 at Southwood Baptist Church in Tulsa. Survivors include his wife, Kristy; son, Matthew and Megan Farmer and granddaughter, Kaydince; daughter, Stacey and Charles and grandson, Tanner; daughter, Mickey and family; and sister, Ancel Ruth. Ron Smith died March 21, 2010. Services were held March 25 at Quapaw Tribal Building in Quapaw, Oklahoma. Survivors include stepdaughter, MaryEllen Niblack of Tulsa. Dr. Duane Brothers died March 23, 2010. Services were held March 26 at Boston Avenue with Dr. Bill Tankersley officiating. Survivors include his wife, Sue Brothers; and daughters, Beth Brothers and Barbara Neubauer, all of Tulsa. Births Avery Jean Thomas was born December 28, 2009 to Ali and Jeff Thomas. Proud relatives include his brother, Sage; great grandparents, Dorothy and E. L. Thomas; great aunt and uncle, Nanci and Jim Calderwood; aunt and uncle, Sarah and Braxton Thomas; and cousins, Sadie and Sidney Thomas. Josie Marilyn Fernandez was born March 9, 2010 to Shane and Marnie Fernandez. Proud brothers and sister are Tristan, Nicholas and Jade. Hospitalized Last Week St. John - Doris Fenn, Sheillia Guthrie, Dub Lovell St. Francis - Carol Burge, Ben Hevel, Eleanor Jackson Cooking class now enrolling Meet our Popular School of Continuing Ed teacher Lucille Griffin will lead newest members a six-week spring cooking class on Monday evenings from 6:00Regena Bradshaw and David Bradshaw, mother and son, joined Sunday by baptism and profession of faith. Both are retired and Regena has joined the Wesley Fellowship Class. Ron and Betty McDaniel rejoined Sunday. Ron is Vice President of Educational Development Corp. Betty is retired Easter Lilies ... (continued) The Jim Kincaid family in honor of Aloah Kincaid. Jim and Aloah Kincaid in honor of their grandchildren. In memory of Ulyses Knighten, from James and Jean Knighten. In honor of Louise Knighten, from James and Jean Knighten. In memory of Earl Duncan, from James and Jean Knighten. In memory of Alma Duncan, from James and Jean Knighten. Maxine Latty Lees and Garry Latty in loving memory of Richard Latty, our beloved son and brother. Jan Lenox in honor of Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Lenox. Cheryl and Dale LeStourgeon in honor of our daughter, Lisa Boston, and our grandsons, Sean and Daniel. Cheryl and Dale LeStourgeon in loving memory of our parents, Mr. and Mrs. Russell B. LeStourgeon and Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Spence, Jr. Roy James Lewis in memory of Mr. and Mrs. Ben F. Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Lewis and Thomas D. Lewis. Chris and Becky Lincoln in memory of our fathers, Dewey Smith and Philip Lincoln. Chris and Becky Lincoln in honor of our mothers, Doris Smith and Gail Lincoln. Chris and Becky Lincoln in honor of our children, Emily and Justin Crooks, Nicholas and Meagan Staat and Todd Lincoln. Chris and Becky Lincoln in honor of our grandchildren, Lincoln Avery Crooks and Lauren Olivia Crooks. Becky Lincoln in honor of her husband, Chris Lincoln. Dr. and Mrs. Bill Loughridge in memory of his parents, Elizabeth and Floyd Loughridge, and his sister, Floydena Cobb. Dr. and Mrs. Bill Loughridge in memory of her parents, Faye and Jim Harrell. (continued on page 7A) 8:30,. The class begins April 12 and will continue through May 17th. Lucille is a former advisor and longtime instructor at Tulsa Community College who brings a wonderful, energetic spirit to her teaching. Her last two classes filled quickly! The class will focus on great- but-easy summer recipes for meals and entertaining, and it will feature seafood delicacies. A $50 fee includes everything but the bib! Habitat project off to a great start As scenes below indicate, volunteers had a great time dedicating and working on our church’s joint Habitat for Humanity project with Temple Israel and the Islamic Society of Tulsa. All three groups will work together to build two new houses on West Archer for deserving Tulsa families. If you want to help, contact Paul Staat, 699-0133. Most work will be done on Saturdays, over the next 8-12 weeks. April 2, 2010 Page 5A UMW News Gifts and Memorials By Janet McCutchen Graham GENERAL ENDOWMENT In memory of Margaret Murray By: Richard and Jeannine Gibbens In memory of Betty Mount By: Kevin and Rita Gassaway EASTER FUND In memory of Tula Biggs, mother of Dr. Mouzon Biggs By: Duard Goldsborough and Carl Osterhout ALLISON BIGGS SCHOLARSHIP FUND In memory of Tula Biggs By: Bob and Joyce Skalla In memory of Betty Mount By: Dr. Glen and Martha Berkenbile MISSION ENDOWMENT In memory of Dr. Duane Brothers By: Rev. Cheryl Peters By: Jim Sturdivant By: Betty Lee Stalder By: Marc and Sheri Nellis By: Robert and Dolores Ritter By: Alva Thomas White and family By: June Cleverdon Circle B will meet Thursday, April 8, at 9:30 a.m. in the Oxford Room for a short business meeting. Circle Alpha G,, Circle B, and Circle E will all meet together on Thursday, April 8, at 10:00 a.m. in the Community Hall for the Combined Circles Meeting. Circles who meet other days and times will attend if possible. Light refreshments will be served from 10:00-10:30 for women to visit with members of other circles. If needed, a short business meeting will then start the session, with the program to follow. Norma Crittenden, an Oglala Sioux, will share her life story of growing up on a ranch in Pine Ridge, South Dakota. Her great, great uncle was the tribal historian and keeper of the Winter Count. She will be discuss books, pictures, and the animal skin with the Winter Count. She and the Winter Count hide have been featured in the past on the Antique Road Show. Norma and her husband Fred, a Cherokee, are members of the Tulsa Indian Methodist Church. They sell Indian tacos at the church every third Friday and Saturday in order to raise funds to put a new roof on their church. Circle H will meet Thursday, April 8 at 10:00 a.m. in the home of hostess Twila Ashley Brown, 3905 S. Florence Ave. with co-hostesses Alice Grubb and Sylvia Byers. Betty Alsabrook will present the UMW Education and Interpretation Study, “The Beauty and Courage of Sudan.” Youth helpers make hunt more fun Above, Katie Wonderly and the Easter bunny (a.k.a. Kelsey Luks) enjoy a moment together during Sunday’s Easter egg hunt. The youth added to the fun as they helped hide eggs, manage the hunt, and take pictures. Youth News!! . . . Senior High news Join us for an Easter CELEBRATION this Sunday at 9:30!! Being United Methodist...we celebrate with FOOD!! As a part of the celebration, we have invited Simon the Cyrene to tell us his story of Christ’s burial and ressurrection. It’s a thoughtful way to wrap up our Lenten journey and celebrate Easter. Upcoming Events for your calendar: • Wednesday, April 7 - Summer Camp Sign up! A few camps that will fill up quickly: Youth Force, CYME and Senior High Trek to the Boundary Waters. • Saturday, April 17 - Christian Concert Opportunity!! The Rock & Worship Roadshow is a spectacular concert featuring several great bands for one low price- just $10 at the door! Don’t miss MercyMe, David Crowder Band, Family Force 5, Francesca Battistelli and more at the BOK Center Saturday, April 17th at 6pm! Transportation will be provided. Sign up is required to save your spot on the bus. • Sunday, April 11 - Parents of New Freshment Welcome Meeting (for current 8th grade parents) after church, 12:00-1:00 in room 420. This meeting is to bring mid high parents up to speed on what will be happening with their youth as they move up to senior high this summer. Mid-hi girls are hosting a tea party that day and some moms may be helping - so dads, this is your time to shine! Our meeting will be brief but power-packed. Hope you will help us make your youth’s transition from mid high to senior high easier!! I may even serve MEAT at this meeting just for you dads!! • Sunday, April 18 - OCCJ Interfaith Tour- 12-5 (Lunch will be provided) It’s HOLY WEEK! - Audra Have a prayer request? 6th, 7th, and 8th Grade Call our prayer line at Countdown to is Holy Week and we have three opportunities for you to prepare for Easter Sunday. Wednesday, join 699-0158 Lectionary Readings April 4, 2010 Psalm 118:1-2, 14-24 Isaiah 25:6-9 Mark 16:1-8 I Corinthians 15:1-11 us on the third floor to experience Lenten Prayer Centers. Thursday evening is the Maundy Thursday service and the next day is the Good Friday service. Easter Sunday Morning all youth will gather on the third floor during Sunday School. We have a guest speaker who will help us celebrate the day. Be sure and join us for what is sure to be an hour that pulls together all that we have been moving toward during this season of Lent. Celebrate with your friends and family at Boston Avenue on Easter!!!!!! Yours truly, Debbie By: By: By: By: By: By: By: By: By: By: Dan and Eloise Rogers Bob and Joyce Skalla Peggye Enlow John and Jane Campbell Dale and Vivian Wood Betty Lilly Doris Combs Louise Reid Joe and Wilma Gilliland Dr. Glen and Martha Berkenbile By: Lynn and Shari Goodwin In memory of Lewis Irwin By: Louise Reid By: Peggye Enlow YOUTH FUND In memory of Dr. Duane Brothers By: Jennifer Solis GOOD SAMARITAN FUND In memory of Dr. Duane Brothers By: Tammy Solis PASTORAL CARE In memory of Aimee Anne Smith, wife of Tim Esau By: Bob and Joyce Skalla In memory of Bob Mercer By: Bob and Joyce Skalla Join us on Facebook! If you’re on Facebook, be sure to join our group, Boston Avenue United Methodist Church! Sunday Worship April 2, 2010 EASTER DAY 9:30 a.m. Communion Service 9:40 a.m. Sunday School 8:00, 9:30 & 11:00 a.m. Worship Services Sermon: “SING WITH ALL THE SAINTS IN GLORY!” Mark 16:1-8 Dr. Mouzon Biggs, Jr. Music: Prelude: Cortege et Litanie..........Marcel Dupre Dr. Susan Panciera, Organist Anthem: Now the Green Blade Riseth..........arr. John Carter The Chapel Choir & Brass Ensemble (8:00) The Glory of Christ...........................K. Lee Scott The Chancel Choir & Brass (9:30 & 11:00) Offertory: Joy in the Morning....................Natalie Sleeth The Chapel Choir & Brass (8:00) O Clap Your Hands....................Ralph Vaughan Williams The Chancel Choir & Brass (9:30 & 11:00) Choral Response: Hallelujah! from Messiah.............G. F. Handel Postlude: Toccata (Symhonie V)............ Charles-Marie Widor Hymns: 302 Christ the Lord Is Risen Today 310 He Lives 308 Thine Be the Glory 12:10 p.m. Holy Communion & Service of Healing April 2, 2010 Page 7A Easter Lilies ..... (continued) Dr. and Mrs. Bill Loughridge in honor of our children and their families. Nick and Conny Lucas and children in honor of Mary Frances Burns and in loving memory of Calvin Burns and Harry and Mildred Lucas. Nick and Conny Lucas in loving memory of our grandparents. Nick and Conny Lucas in loving memory of our brothers, Scott Burns and Pat Lucas. Robert and Betty Lundgren and family in memory of Betty’s mother, Helen Broom. Robert and Betty Lundgren and family in memory of his parents, Ed and Annie Lundgren. In memory of Thomas L. McPherson, Sr., from Evelyn McPherson, Mary and John Campbell family, and Tom and Sherry McPherson family. Susie Martin in loving memory of Homer Martin. Ray Masters in loving memory of Jean Masters. Ray Masters in memory of Mr. and Mrs. Guy M. Masters and Brian Ashbaugh and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Sherry. In memory of Robert Mercer, by Elizabeth, Paul, Ruth and Dan, Trenton, Jazz, and Daniel. Gwen Mitchell in memory of Ray Mitchell. Darole and Judy Mott in memory of her brother, J. Bruce Harvey. Darole and Judy Mott in memory of his mother, Lois Mott. Jinny Mudd in loving memory of his mother, Orah Mae Mudd, and her mother, Isabel Eckholm. Maxine Myers, Malinda and Gary Hightower, and Russell and Marina Myers in memory of Russell B. Myers. Sue Neil, Holly and MaryBeth in honor of Claire, Grace and Audrey. Irene Nelson in memory of her husband, Jesse G. Nelson, Jr. In memory of Earl L. Parker, Jr., by Barbara Parker. Kathryn and Lloyd A. Parker, Sr. in memory of our parents. Kathryn and Lloyd A. Parker, Sr. in honor of our family. Page Parker in memory of her husband, Milton H. Parker. In memory of our son, Dale Patrick Parker, and honor of his granddaughter and our great granddaughter, Harley J. Parker, by Rev. Wayne and Katherine Parker. Lois Payne and family in loving memory of Paul B. Payne. In loving memory of Edwin Pence, by his family. In memory of Leonard Perkins, by his wife, children and grandchildren. Clara Perkins in memory of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Boevers; her brothers, Bill and Jack Boevers; her grandson, Ethan Perkins; and her nephew, Greg Hicks. Clara Perkins in honor of George, Leslie, Ian, Logan, Michael, Deborah and Tyler Perkins. In loving memory of Ralph W. Phillips by his daughter, Ann Phillips. In loving memory of Ralph W. Phillips by his grandson, Drew Phillips. David and Melissa Pillars in loving memory of her father, Harry H. Jones. David and Melissa Pillars in loving memory of his mother, Shirley Pillars. Debbie Pinkerton in honor of her grandchildren, Dustin and Brittany Sewell and Jack, Sam and Anna Pinkerton. Debbie Pinkerton in memory of her parents, Bert and Sparky Williams and Jean and Carl Pinkerton. Janet Purinton in memory of Bob Purinton. Janet Purinton in honor of Beth and Scott Hall. The Rainey family in memory of George H. Rainey. In loving memory of Lowell Rainwater, by his family. Kevin Raley in honor of Holly, McKenna and Leah. Mrs. William J. Rea and James Griffin Rea in memory of her parents and his grandparents, Stephen and Virginia Holloway. Rob, Frieda, Daniel and David Reck in memory of Frieda B. and Seth Gettys, Jr. Brenda Reed in memory of Robert Reed. Brenda Reed in memory of her parents, Geneva and Harley Whitmore. Louise Reid and Linda Reid in loving memory of their husband and father, John Reid. Louise Reid and Linda Reid in memory of John’s parents and Linda’s grandparents, the Rev. and Mrs. Finley Reid. Louise Reid and Linda Reid in memory of their parents and grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Perry Baker. Pearl H. Rhoads in memory of her beloved husband, Thearon “Dusty” Rhoads. Pearl H. Rhoads in memory of her parents, James and Eva Hagle. Pearl H. Rhoads in memory of Thearon’s parents, Jeff and Pearl Rhoads. In memory of Mr. and Mrs. Rollie Rhodes, Sr., and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Mason, by Dr. Rollie and Sammie Rhodes. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ritter in memory of our parents, Eva and Robert E. Ritter and Melvin and Evelyn Jarnagin. Glenna and Dee Roberts in loving memory of her parents, Glenn and Vida Miksch. Tracy and Susan Robinett in honor of Meg and Addie Robinett. Lynnell, Bill, James Rochester and families in loving memory of their parents, Bill and Sarah Rochester. Lynnell, Bill, James Rochester and their families in memory of their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Rochester and Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Jones, and their uncle, George Jones. Jane Anne and Harvie Roe in honor of their families. Dan and Eloise Rogers in honor of Mary Ward. The Don Rubottom family in memory of their parents, Sam and Olive Stockton and George and Nellie Rubottom. Bill and Shirley Schillinger in memory of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter E. Liptack. Bill and Shirley Schillinger in memory of Willy A. Schillinger and Louis Dattle. Doris Schmidt in loving memory of Sharon Corbitt. Doris Schmidt in loving memory of her parents, Fritz and Lilo Schmidt. Landon, Trenton and Steven in honor of Dr. and Mrs. A. Merrill Schnitzer and in memory of Linda Kay Schnitzer. Charles and Sharon Scott in memory of his parents, Charles and Rita Scott. Charles and Sharon Scott in memory of her mother and father, Ann and Ed Haworth. Pegge Scott in memory of John and Josephine Bosen. Richard and Sherri Segnar in loving memory of our parents, J. B. and Margie Pierce and Harry and Thelma Segnar. Richard and Sherri Segnar in honor of our grandchildren, Zack and Kati Rice, Michael and Jacob Segnar, and Kelli Klepcyk. Angela and Jeff Sexton in honor of her parents, Rex and Allene Donley. Jeff and Angela Sexton in honor of his mother, Marian Sexton. Jeff and Angela Sexton in honor of Martha Eskridge and in loving memory of Hillis Eskridge. Jeff and Angela Sexton in honor of Alexander Sexton. John Sherman, Jr., in honor of his mother, Mary Ann, and in memory of his father, John W. Sherman. John Sherman, Jr., in honor of Pam Sherman, Paul, Beth, Eric and the grandchildren. Rita Singer in memory of my grandmother, Maudie Hobbs. Rita Singer in honor of my children, Alexa and Austen Laur. Rita Singer in honor of my granddaughter, Charlotte Jade Laur. Bob Skalla and family in memory of Carol Skalla. Bob Skalla in memory of his brother, Murl Skalla. Joyce Newell Skalla in honor of her children and grandchildren. Joyce Newell Skalla in memory of my mother, father, stepfather and brother. Darlyn Slater in loving memory of Leslie Slater. In memory of Chad Smith with our love, Daddy, Mamma, Susan and Keith. Erma Spann and family in loving memory of Dr. Logan Spann. Erma Spann and family in loving memory of Ruth, Rubert and Craig Spann. In memory of Garrett Staat, Jr., from Paul and Mary Staat. In memory of Garrett Staat, Jr., from his grandchildren, Katherine Staat, Nicholas Staat and Emily Crooks. Robert and Dawne Stafford in memory of her father, William Poor. Betty Lee Stalder in memory of her husband, Robert W. Stalder. Tammy, Lee, Jennifer, Marc and Alex Solis in memory of Robert Stalder, father, grandfather, and great grandfather. Margaret Stalnaker, Whitley Cox, Jr., and family in memory of their parents, Whitley and Mary Jane Cox. Margaret Stalnaker in memory of her husband’s parents, W. M. and Velma Stalnaker. Margaret Stalnaker and family in loving memory of Woodrow M. Stalnaker, Jr. Virginia Steele and family in memory of Byron Steele, Jr., M.D. Virginia Steele and family in memory of Dr. and Mrs. Byron Steele and Mr. and Mrs. George Timm. Beverly and John Story in memory of her mother and father, Dorothy and Pat Eidschun. Barbara Stout in honor of her grandchildren and great grandson. Casey and Jennifer Stowe in memory of his mother, Janice K. Maupin. Lisa, Denzil, Rachel and Lauren Tallent in loving memory of Jim and Billie Sheets. Lauren and Rachel Tallent in memory of our Uncle Greg. Dwight and Judy Thomas in memory of our parents, William Raymond and Charlotte Kays, and Archie and June Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Thomas in honor of Nanci, Jim and Bill Calderwood. In memory of Gretchen Thomas, wife, mom and grandmom, by her loving family. Suzanne W. Tips in loving memory of her father and mother, Haven L. Williams and Verona Williams Stolz, and her brother, Jack H. Williams. Sunny Transue in memory of her son, John Sage Odom. Sunny Transue in memory of Betty Mount. Susie Treadwell in loving memory of her husband Jim and her son, Jim Treadwell, Jr. Earl and Joanna Tuers, children and grandchildren in memory of Jim Duck. Earl and Joanna Tuers and Scott Griffin in memory of Sylvia Tuers. In loving memory of Sylvia Tuers from the “Stacys.” In memory of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Hamilton from Nina Tyler. In memory of Ruby Blount Davie and William Shields Davie by Hays and Sheila VanHersh. In memory of William VanHersh by Hays and Sheila VanHersh. Jerry and Ginny Walker in memory of her parents, Keith and Katherine Canfield. Jerry and Ginny Walker in memory of his parents, J. C. and Trula Walker. Stuart and Jean Wamsley in loving memory of their parents, Elmer and Vi Wamsley and Joseph and Grace Cleveland. Glenn and Cynthia Ward in loving memory of our fathers, Jess Ward and Billy D. “Mick” Michael. Mary Ward in memory of Charles Ward. Gladys Whetstine in memory of her husband, Harry. Dr. and Mrs. Greg Williams in memory of our loved ones, Joe Coppinger, L. L. Smith, Beth Jacobs, Jackie Smith, Joe Lowery, and Dr. Pat Williams. Bob, Natalie, Pete and Jayme Willis in memory of our loved ones. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Witt in memory of Louise and Warren Voigt. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Witt in memory of W. G. and Annis Witt. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Witt in honor of our children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. Vivian and Dale Wood in honor of our children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. Don, Tammy, Shelby and Ryan Wood in honor of Dale and Vivian Wood. Don, Tammy, Shelby and Ryan Wood in memory of Tammy’s parents, Lois and Merle Youngland. Virginia Woodard in memory of her husband, Don, and daughters, Margaret Kay and Pamela Ann. Virginia Woodard in honor of her grandchildren, Chip and Katie Lee. Brenda Worthington in memory of her mother and father, Nancy Pauline Ward and Bruce K. Ward. Richard and Peggy Ziglar in honor of centenarian Lucille Wooden, our oldest church member (104). Page 8A April 2, 2010 Class News - all classes meet at 9:30 this Sunday Cornerstone his wife Mindy in your prayers. Next Sunday we will have an Easter brunch during Sunday School. Happy birthday to Ashley Barrows. Happy anniversary to Dev and Billie McCabe. Our thanks to Brian GreenYoung for his lessons on the emergent church. Horizons Disciples Enjoy your Easter Sunday with your families. We will start a new lesson on Christianity’s family tree on April 11. Let’s plan to be there. Ephphatha Leah Johns will teach Sunday on “The Community Faces Pain and Joy.” Mike Limas taught a great lesson last week. Thank you. Please keep Roy Don and his father; Loyce and Loren in your thoughts and prayers. Heritage Rev. Mary Ann Emmons concluded her lessons on the symbols of Lent. Her symbols this week were the palm branch for Palm Sunday and a black cloth for Christ’s crucifixion. Cathy Perlingiere will be our teacher next week. Cheryl English, Elisabeth Harrington’s neighbor, was our visitor. Welcome! Happy birthday to Alan Perlingiere. S. M. and Diane Fallis are celebrating a wedding anniversary. Small group dinners will continue in April. Our class will begin at 9:30 a.m. next Sunday. Refreshments will be provided by several volunteers. Homebuilders We will serve dinner at Redemption Church on April 25. Thanks to WandaRubottom and Wanda Franks for a great party. Brenda Reed will teach us this Sunday. Thanks to Dr. Plowman for teaching us in March. Welcome to the Garlington’s grandson John. They gave to missions for his visit and the Herndons gave for a grandson’s baptism. We had 30 present. Please keep the Bowkers and the Rubottoms’ grandson Luke and We will have a brunch on Sunday. Please bring something to share. Remember that we start early, at 9:30, this week. We thank Kamil Celik and Atila Akyurek for teaching us about the Institute for Interfaith Dialogue last Sunday. Happy birthday to Stephanie Kelly. We are excited to help provide food for Tony Doberstein, from Mohawk Manor, for his Eagle scout ceremony. We welcomed Christian Ebenhack Threadgill and hope she will come again. Keep Sid Clanton, Diedra Wakeley and Lynn Peacher in your prayers. Thanks to Judy Rowell for a lively discussion on Judas. Maranatha Roundtable We had fun stuffing 2300 eggs Friday. Thanks, Christi. We’ll have an Easter brunch Sunday, and Ed Payton will share an Easter devotional. We will decide on our funds disbursement the next week. Stay tuned for information on our Habitat project. Thanks to Bill Tankersley for teaching us last week. Happy birthday to Suzy Morgan, Shannon Reed, Olin Holmes and Ralph Jackson. Happy anniversary to the Greens. Congratulations to Paul Staat for passing his Board of Ordained Ministry interview. He will be consecrated as a deacon at Annual Conference this year. We’ll have an Easter brunch Sunday in class. Betty Alsabrook will have a devotional. We thank Don Forsman for an excellent series. Welcome to new member Lorraine Kelly. Happy birthday to Louis Drymont and Jerry Emmons. New Covenant We had 66 members present in spite of the cold winds. Nancy Bloomfield gave a fine devotion, which led into a wonderful lesson by Paul Staat. Congratulations to Paul, who will be commissioned at Annual Conference. Wyatt Morgan shared his faith story and encouraged us to share our talents. Twyla also shared her thoughts on how our faith stories influence others. Marita Morgan directed our discussions and they were enlightening and wonderful. Hold Sammie Rhodes, Martha Jo Bradley, Ben Hevel and Lewis Irwin’s family in your prayers. Dr. Warren and Lynnette Danskin will teach this Sunday. Thanks to Michelle Place for teaching last week, and thanks to Ray Masters who led a special class prayer for the life of Duane Brothers. Happy birthday to Joan McGrew. Remember Gerry Arnold, Elizabeth Mercer, the Fenns and the Brothers family in your prayers. New Frontiers We’ll be serving dinner at the Day Center for the Homeless on April 9th from 4:30-6:30, then go to Dave and Buster’s together afterward. Contact Scott Burkhart or Bryan Harrington for more information Paul Staat will teach us this Sunday on faith sharing. Pilgrimage If you have books for elementary school children you would like to donate to Project Transformation, please bring them to class We’ll announce our reading date in a few weeks. We will have an Easter brunch this Sunday in class. Bring your favorite dish and join us! Seek and Discover Get ready for the new baseball stadium in April! We’ll all go together on a Sunday afternoon. Dr. Don Forsman will be our teacher this Sunday. We enjoyed our lesson last week on new Easter “clothing,” a new spirituality. Wesley Fellowship Young Adults Our April social, “Links on the Lawn,” will be April 18. Angela Sexton will be our teacher for the month of April. Thanks to Angie Hooper for teaching us on U. M. Social Principles and the Book of Discipline. We enjoyed having you! Visit our church website at The church was filled with palm branches last Sunday to begin this most important week in the church year. It will be filled with lilies this Sunday for Easter. Weekly Calendar Sunday - April 4, 2010 Church closed - Easter holiday 5:00 5:30 5:30 5:45 5:45 6:00 6:00 6:30 6:30 6:30 6:30 7:30 7:30 Tuesday - April 6 Thursday - April 8 9:00 a.m. Weekday School 9:00 Lectionary Class 5:30 p.m. Senior High basketball 9:00 a.m. Weekday School 10:00 United Methodist Women 5:30 p.m. Celebration Ringers Wednesday - April 7 Friday - April 9 9:00 a.m. Weekday School 5:00 Snack Supper 5:00 Capriccio Ringers 9:00 a.m. Weekday School 5:30 p.m. Gamblers Anonymous 6:30 Respite Care 8:30 a.m. Worship Service 9:30 Communion Service 9:30 Faith Academy 9:30 Sunday School 11:00 Worship Service 12:10 p.m. Communion and Service of Healing 6:30 p.m. Invitation to New Testament 7:00 Jesus in the Gospels Monday - April 5 Chorister Ringers Religion and Race Interfaith Concerns Carillon Ringers Jubilation Ringers Children’s Council Financial Peace Class Chapel Choir LIFE Group for Kids Festival Ringers Yoga class DTBA for Youth Chancel Choir Sunday School at a glance... Adult Classes for Sunday, April 4, 2010 Visitors are welcome in all classes. Dr. Biggs’ Class - Greatest Bible Stories and Passages Cornerstone - Easter brunch Disciples - not announced Ephphatha - Leah Johns, “The Community’s Pain and Joy” Heritage - Cathy Perlingiere Homebuilders - Brenda Reed Horizons - Easter brunch Maranatha - Brunch and Easter devotional by Ed Payton New Covenant - Dr. Warren and Lynnette Danskin New Frontiers - Paul Staat, “Faith Sharing” Pilgrimage - Easter brunch Roundtable - Easter brunch and devotional by Betty Alsabrook Seek & Discover - Dr. Don Forsman Wesley Fellowship - to be announced Young Adults - Angela Sexton