Easter flower dedication
Easter flower dedication
It is a joy to bear witness together again - sisters & brothers of North Church & World Outreach Christian Church - to Christ’s triumph over sin and death. Your presence this morning magnifies the praise we give to our Redeemer God! Easter flower dedication The flowers that beautify the sanctuary and give natures witness to the new life we have in Christ, are given by members of both congregations: Priscilla Abt & Mark Westerfield: in honor of grandmother & grandmother , Alma Hall Ken Alexander: in memory of Mom & Dad Joann Ashley: in memory of Paul & Lilly Ashley in memory of Hoyt & Fannie Loue Stubbs in honor of Joe & Peggy Ashley Tom & Theresa Beuerlein: in honor of daughter-in-law & son-in-law (to be) Butch Bowman: in memory of Verda Kuhns & Donna Haas Cheryl Burton & Larry Sansoucie: in memory of Jonnie & Eileen Sancoucie in memory of Ann Burton and in honor of Conrad Burton Sister Chandler: in memory of Mack & Thelma Hayes Deb Coffey: celebrating our Present Lord Claire Darley: in honor of Edith Darley & Rose Merchant in loving memory of Fred Darley & Bill Meinhart Edwina Essex: remembering loved ones Ollie Helm: in loving memory of Cat Helm Glen Kinder: to the glory of God in honor of William & Muriel Kinder & Brenda Kinder Diane Payton: in loving memory of my husband Jeffrey L. Payton in loving memory of my father, Roy Jones in loving memory of my grandmother, Naomi Carpenter in honor of my mother, Geraldine Jones Kendra Scott: in memory of Reathfolar Wilkerson North Presbyterian Church World Outreach Christian Church 4222 Hamilton Avenue, Cincinnati, 45223 northpresbyterian.org 513.681.1400 ▪ npc@fuse.net Dr. Erwin F. Goedicke, pastor 4222 Hamilton Avenue, Cincinnati, 45223 wocchurch.org 513.531-0618 ▪ pastor@wocchurch.org Gregory S. Chandler, senior pastor Mar. 31, 2013 Service Announcements 1. LARGE PRINT BULLETINS ARE AVAILABLE. See any of our ushers. 2. If hearing assistance (hearing device) is needed, please see an usher. Sunday Service Teams This Morning, March 31 Rev. Erwin Goedicke….……..….........…Pastor Chris Wallhausser... Music & Worship Minister Grace Loomans………….………………….. AV Theresa Beuerlein……………. Sign Language Jenny Loomans…...…...…......Worship Leader Gary Loomans…...…...…....Children’s Sermon Donna Schinkel.…....……..……….Lay Reader Tom Beuerlein…..…..……...………......Nursery George Rahm, Nathan Goodin….…….Ushers Next Week, April 7 Larry Sansoucie.......…….................... Sermon Larry Sansoucie……………Children’s Sermon Jenny Loomans…...…...…......Worship Leader Pat Callahan……...…...…………....Lay Reader Selah Meyer, Tom Beuerlein….............Ushers The Woellerts.……..……………...Comm. Prep. Gary & Jenny Loomans…..……...Comm. Dist. Jon Kopke, George Rahm…..…...Comm. Dist. Cindy Woellert……..………..Children’s Church Tom Beuerlein….………...……….…….Nursery Get your taxes prepared for free Wed., April 10, 3-7PM at CAIN, CAIN is offering FREE tax preparation for Northside residents on the above date. Just call Hilda at 591-2246 at ext. 0 or 1 and make an appointment. Friday, April 5th, 7:30PM NPC Auditorium, FREE ADMISSION! Cincinnati Playhouse in the Park’s Off the Hill is bringing their production of Go, Dog. Go! to Northside, hosted by Dramakinetics, NPC, WAI, WOCC and CAIN. Pre-performance festivities begin at 6 PM, after Phil’s Place, including Dramakinetics performances of “Stand in my Shoes” by the 3rd and 4th graders of the U.S. Bank Boys and Girls Club and the “Life Skills Unity Players,” and interactive workshops such as a Build-a-Story activity presented by Word Play. The play Go, Dog. Go! is a rollicking, musical free-for-all, based on P.D. Eastman’s beloved children’s book by that title. Our Church Family Circle BIRTHDAYS: Florence Fields 4/6 Janet Van Proyen 4/6
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