A2 - Fort Bliss Bugle
A2 - Fort Bliss Bugle
FORT BLISS BUGLE • October 29, 2015 • 9A WIN-T: Mobile network backbone for Army’s Network Integration Evaluations By Amy Walker PEO C3T Public Affairs D D uring Network Integration Evaluation 16.1, Warfighter Information Network-Tactical, the Army’s tactical communications Army’s network backbone supported an expanded exercise that included a coalition network, early-entry airborne missions and Army initiatives aimed at providing more expeditionary command posts. We are going to be covering some incredible distances, especially with airborne operations, which we couldn’t have covered with standard FM communications,” said Maj. Jeffrey Fulton, communications officer, S-6, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 1st Armored Division, the main operational unit for the NIEs. “With WIN-T Increment 2, the commander can have communications with the ground forces across the entire footprint of the battlefield. Photos by Amy Walker / PEO C3T Public Affairs A Warfighter Information Network-Tactical Increment 2 Soldier Network Extension provides advanced network communications capabilities at the tactical edge during Network Integration Evaluation 16.1 here and at White Sands Missile Range, N.M., Sept. 23. A MOBILE, EXPEDITIONARY NETWORK Fielded since 2012, WIN-T Increment 2 enables Soldiers down to the company command level to maintain voice, video and data communications while on patrol with connectivity rivaling that found in a stationary command post. Combat and tactical vehicles integrated with WIN-T Increment 2 provide the satellite and line-of-sight mobile communications and situational awareness that commanders need to lead from anywhere on the battlefield, whether at the Army’s NIEs or in current contingencies such as those in Iraq. Mission command systems integrated into these vehicles, as well as those in stationary command posts, need to connect to the WIN-T network to operate. WIN-T enables these systems to create a real-time common operational picture that can be shared across the joint and coalition battle space, enabling multiple units to fight as a single, well-informed force. “WIN-T Increment 2 brings a whole suite of services to the commander on the move,” Fulton said. “The system enables the commander to reach out and touch his subordinate commanders, to pass products to the staff and to have real time communications with elements that he never would have had prior to this capability.” WIN-T Increment 2, which received a full rate production decision in May, serves as the backbone network for the Soldier-led NIEs, and will do the same for the Army’s new Army Warfighter Assessments scheduled to begin next fall. Together these two bi-annual exercises, held here and at and White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico, will help modernize, develop and refine the broad scope of the Army’s tactical communications network and how it is used during tactical operations. READY, SET, GO! During the initial stages of NIE 16.1, in an effort expected to improve unit agility and realize significant time and cost savings, the Army conducted the first system demonstration of the WIN-T Increment 2 Rapid Vehicle Provisioning System. Previous to this technology, to prepare for on-the-move missions once deployed, a BCT required roughly a dozen Soldiers to separately provision, load, configure, and install needed software into each of the unit’s approximately 70 WIN-T Increment 2 networked vehicles, a laborious process that can take up to 30 days. RVPS technology will enable a BCT to install and provision all of the unit’s WIN-T Increment 2 vehicles in just three to four days. “RVPS works like a filling station,” said Lt. Col. LaMont Hall, product manager for WIN-T Increment 2. “An ethernet cable runs from each of the brigade’s networked vehicles to a central switch and a single laptop with an easy-to-use web interface. From that laptop, a Soldier can merely hit a button and perform all the initialization, configuration and software load tasks, for all the vehicles, simultaneously. It will enable units to roll out to conduct on the move operations much quicker.” RVSP is expected to be ready for evaluation at NIE 16.2 next spring. Following NIE 16.2, the RVPS capability will be tested with a few select-fielded units and then eventually deployed to all fielded units. pabilities found in the main TOC, in smaller, more agile configurations. “We are about to do about 160 kilometer air assault forward of this location (main brigade TOC),” said Col. Charles J. Masaracchia, commander, 2nd BCT, 1st AD. “That is going to be a complex fight up there and I believe my TAC needs to be there commanding and controlling those three battalions, leaving my TOC back here in the southern portion of our area of operations.” Commanders also employ their mobile WIN-T Increment 2-equipped TACs forward when operations require them to move their large main TOC to a new location. The forward mobile TAC enables the unit to retain advanced communications and mission command while on the move or at the short halt, until the main TOC can be reestablished. NIE’s FIRST JOINT FORCIBLE ENTRY OPERATIONS For the first time since the NIE’s inception, the latest evaluation included early entry airborne missions, referred to as joint forcible entry missions, where Soldiers seized an airfield and established a lodgment to prepare for the onset of a larger force. While en route to the target area, Soldiers from the 82nd Airborne Division utilized Enroute Mission Command Capability to connect to the WIN-T network to provide mission command and advanced communication capabilities to paratroopers while onboard their C17 aircraft. Once on the ground and the airfield was secured, air lands brought in more network and combat power, including new prototype WIN-T Increment 2-equipped Tactical Command Posts. These junior tactical operation centers are a small, highly mobile package of select personnel and equipment designed to provide mission command and communications well forward of the main TOC. The WIN-T network enables Soldiers in these forward TACs to have the same mission command and network communications ca- Soldiers use this Stryker vehicle integrated with Warfighter Information Network-Tactical Increment 2 Soldier Network Extension capability to extend radio networks and provide advanced network communications at the tactical edge during Network Integration Evaluation 16.1 here and at White Sands Missile Range, N.M., Sept. 23. EXTENDING RADIO NETS In addition to providing operational flexibility, advanced communications and mission command to the TOC, the TAC, and the commander and Soldiers on the move, WIN-T’s satellite capability can also extend tactical radio networks beyond-line-of-sight, “We are going to be covering some incredible distances, especially with airborne operations, which we couldn’t have covered with standard FM communications.” >> Maj. Jeffrey Fulton keeping Soldiers connected over vast distances and terrain obstructions to significantly expand their operational reach. WINT Increment 2 provides “a communication platform for a very dynamic, rapidly developing battlefield,” said Sgt. Tomas Kozie, 4th Battalion, 17th Infantry Regiment, 2nd BCT, 1st AD, retransmission team chief, from inside his Stryker vehicle integrated with WIN-T Increment 2 Soldier Network Extension capability. “If a unit is pushed too far away from their command, I can retransmit while on the move in my SNE,” Kozie said. “It really doesn’t matter how much distance I am from the command base, as long as I am within radio communication with the unit that I am supporting, I can retransmit across the satellite.” 10A • October 29, 2015 • FORT BLISS BUGLE ‘Spearhead’ takes on rear detachment mission By Capt. Guster Cunningham III 11th Air Defense Artillery Brigade Public Affairs “We did our due diligence in taking care of Soldiers and their families,” said 1st Sgt. David Daniel, battery senior noncommissioned officer for Headquarters and Headquarters Battery, 5th Battalion, 52nd Air Defense Artillery, 11th Air Defense Artillery Brigade. He, along with his commander, Capt. Courtney Paterson, an ADA officer, are in charge of the battalion’s rear detachment command. The rear detachment command has the duty and responsibility to take care of Soldiers and their families who do not deploy with the rest of the unit for various reasons to include permanent change of station, medical and administrative separations, and Soldiers who have met their expiration of term of service. The battery had the same support requirements as a battalion-sized unit and provided installation access control point personnel. In addition to the main duties above, the “Spearhead” Battery were responsible for the new integration of Soldiers and officers to the unit in preparing them to go forward to join the deployed battalion. “For the new Soldier preparing to go down range once integration was complete was crucial. We put them through weapons qualification, vehicle egress training and administrative preparation via the Fort Bliss Soldier readiness preparation site to ensure the new Soldier is ready to deploy when called upon,” Patterson said. Spearhead also ensured certain officers and Soldiers were prepared technically and tactically with specialized training in the Remote Table Top Trainer known as RT3. This trainer is designed to place the tactical control officer/assistant in a simulated force protection environment. The Soldiers are inside a simulated engagement control station of a Patriot missile launch system. While using the RT3 the Soldiers prepare for the wartime scenario they may face while deployed. When it comes to taking care of families, the rear detachment serves as a liaison between the deployed Soldier and his or her family. In one instance during this past deployment, the rear detachment assisted a spouse in need in obtaining financial paperwork with signatures from her Soldier who was deployed. In more than one instance, the rear detachment sent news from an American Red Cross message to the forward chain of command to inform a Soldier of an incident that occurred at their home station. Managing rear detachment Soldiers can be challenging – a portion of the Soldiers are left off the deployment roster for disciplinary reasons. Patterson has been in command of more than 200 rear detachment Soldiers at any given time. “As a rear detachment it is very hard to keep your personnel focused, especially when they don’t have a deployment mission. Capt. Guster Cunningham III / 11th ADA Bde. Public Affairs Capt. Courtney Paterson, left, commander, rear detachment command, and 1st Sgt. David Daniel, battery senior noncommissioned officer for Headquarters and Headquarters Battery, 5th Battalion, 52nd Air Defense Artillery, 11th Air Defense Artillery Brigade, stand with their battery guidon outside their operations facility Friday. And so during this time period no serious incidents occurred to report,” Paterson said. Daniel echoed his commander’s sentiment. “I am thankful I did not have to sign for Soldiers at the MP station. I am proud of the Soldiers in that they did not get into any serious trouble such as incidents of domestic violence, DUIs or sustained injuries,” Daniel said. Daniel also gave credit to the noncommissioned officers assigned to rear detachment. “We were successful in our mission to as- sist Soldiers out of the military, regardless of reason, because my NCOs were competent and caring. They maintained discipline within the Soldier and kept communication flowing between agency providers and the Soldier ensuring all appointments were kept facilitating ease of transition,” Daniel said. The 5th Bn., 52nd ADA “Fighting Deuce” Battalion’s motto is “We Build Warriors.” Spearhead Battery lived up to, and continues to build, train and transition warriors while maintaining the mission of the rear detachment. ...with a 2 - 5 Year Certificate $10,000 Minimum Deposit Open Your Account Today! One raffle entry for every new $10,000 deposited through 11/16/15. Drawing for a $10,000 travel voucher on 11/20/15. The winner will be issued a 1099-MISC, please consult your tax advisor. Must meet member eligibility requirements. Visit a branch for details. Federally insured by the NCUA. FirstLightFCU.org 20727 Constitution Ave. 1741 Marshall Rd. WBAMC, 5005 N. Piedras FORT BLISS BUGLE • October 29, 2015 • 11A Soldiers remember ‘Pitt,’ military working dog By Wendy Brown Fort Bliss Bugle Editor Members of the 513th Military Police Detachment, 93rd Military Police Battalion, paid tribute to Military Working Dog Pitt during a memorial service at the unit’s K-9 kennel Thursday. Pitt served the Army for more than 12 years and died about a month ago of cancer. Pfc. Nicholas McNamee, Pitt’s last handler, became choked up at times as he told the audience about Pitt and his dedication to work, but he managed to smile when he recalled drug busts with the longhaired German Shepherd and their good times together. “My fondest memory of Pitt was one afternoon when I came in on my time off to see him. It was snowing out that entire day, so I brought him outside to play a little,” McNamee said. “He was 10 at the time, but you wouldn’t have noticed. He was running around and acting like such a “Wherever we puppy.” McNamee said were training, Pitt was his first MWD, and Pitt’s some random experience not person would only helped him the certirecognize him, through fication process, not so much the but also helped they began handler, and call when working together on the streets. He out his name, and Pitt had eight ‘Hey, Pitt!’” narcotic finds in just six months of >> Sgt. 1st Class working together, Warren Bias he said. M c N a m e e ’s most memorable drug bust with Pitt happened one night when they responded to a 911 hang-up call. “When we got there I walked to the door with Pitt and as soon as I opened the door I could smell the marijuana,” McNamee said. “The owner of the house let us in, and Pitt Photos by Wendy Brown / Fort Bliss Bugle Editor Soldiers line up to salute at a memorial for Military Working Dog Pitt during a memorial service for Pitt at the K-9 kennel of the 513th Military Police Detachment, 93rd Military Police Battalion, here Thursday. Pitt died of cancer Sept. 22 after serving the Army for more than 12 years. pulled me directly to the bathroom, where he responded on a garbage can.” When members of the drug suppression team arrived later, they found marijuana in the garbage can, McNamee said. “Pitt was as loyal as MWDs come,” McNamee said. “His drive to work was unmatched. It has been since his passing today and every time I go by his kennel I expect to see him going around in circles, excited to see me and get ready to work … To me, the Army and Fort Bliss have truly lost a great MWD and I have lost my best friend.” Sgt. 1st Class Warren Bias, 513th MP Det., 93rd MP Bn., kennel master, also had high praise for Pitt. “Pitt was the exception to the rule,” Bias said. “He was an 80-pound, long haired German Shepherd that resembled that cuddly teddy bear you always wanted as a child. He was a superstar.” Everyone knew Pitt was a superstar, and everyone knew him, Bias said. “Wherever we were training, some random person would recognize him, not so much the handler, and call out his name, ‘Hey, Pitt!’” Bias said. Watching Pitt work was beautiful – art in motion, Bias said. “He was Mr. Automatic,” Bias said. “He knew all the tasks better than the handlers did. All you had to do was wind him up and press the button on his head and watch him go. You could almost hear him say to the handler, ‘Listen up young fellow, I got this. Just step back and watch how it’s done,’” Bias said. Bias read the poem “Guardians of the Night,” which honors military working dogs, and Soldiers lined up at the end of the ceremony to render a salute at a memorial created for Pitt. Pitt’s service included one year of training at Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio, A memorial for Military Working Dog Pitt stands at the K-9 kennel of the 513th Military Police Detachment, 93rd Military Police Battalion, here Thursday. five years in Heidelberg, Germany, supporting U.S. Army Europe Headquarters, a deployment to Camp Bondsteel, Kosovo, and two years here. In addition to about 30 members of the 513th MP Det., 93rd MP Bn., Lt. Col. Jeremy Willingham, director, Fort Bliss Emergency Services, and commander, 93rd MP Bn., Command Sgt. Maj. Daniel O’Brien, command sergeant major, Fort Bliss Emergency Services and 93rd MP Bn., attended. They saluted Pitt’s memorial and left coins in his honor. HyundaiOfElPaso.com | 915-881-0300 8600 Montana Avenue, El Paso, TX 79925 We’re Closing Out ALL Remaining 2015 Hyundais C L O S E - O U T PLUS 2016s are here & specially priced! New 2016 ELANTRA New 2015 SONATA Ever y New 2015 VELOSTER FEATURED PRE-OWNED SPECIALS 2010 Chevrolet HHR 2012 Chevrolet Cruze $7,995 $11,995 2012 Suzuki Sx4 2014 Ford Focus $8,995 $11,995 2010 Toyota Corolla 2013 Dodge Dart $10,995 $12,995 2011 Hyundai Sonata 2013 Hyundai Sonata $10,995 $12,995 2010 Scion TC 2011 GMC Terrain $10,995 $15,695 FU116324A GU246339A 0% 66Mos UP TO APR OR $2,000 RETAIL BONUS CASH 179 $ /Mo Balloon Purchase Payment 36 Months (1) Easy Credit Financing Available All day Our Goal Is To Get You Approved! (2) 3,500 $ RETAIL BONUS CASH (3) GG312818A GH721820A FU240415A FH178249B FU110510A FU241829A FH237854A FH298860A (4) Based on total package of warranty programs. See dealer for LIMITED WARRANTY details. 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Corey Baltos / 16th MPAD Capt. Brad Zwawa, 40th Airlift Squadron, groundguides a Hummer off of a C-130J Super Hercules aircraft Oct. 21 as part of an Emergency Deployment Readiness Exercise here. Zwawa and his crew flew from Dyess Air Force Base, Texas, to provide the plane for Soldiers from 4th Battalion, 17th Infantry Regiment, to practice loading and unloading equipment and personnel needed during a deployment. The exercise allows units to train on deployment procedures and assists in determining the strengths and weaknesses of the plan, as well as identifying the need for support personnel. CALL US FOR OUR NEW YEAR LAYAWAY PLAN! H-Town Motors htownmotors.com (915) 564-9797 Fax (915) 564-9796 3714 DYER 564-9797 THIS WEEK’S SPECIAL! 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SERVICE 2006 Lincoln Zephyr ................. $7,995 2008 Nissan Altima ................... $8,995 2002 Isuzu Axiom ...................... $5,995 2007 Dodge Caravan ................ $4,898 WE SUPPORT OUR TROOPS! 14A • October 29, 2015 • FORT BLISS BUGLE Mississippi Guardsmen to watch over nation’s capital By Victoria G. Molinar Mobilization and Deployment, DPTMS Public Affairs Ready and eager to protect the National Capital Region, Soldiers assigned to 1st Battalion, 204th Air Defense Artillery Regiment, Mississippi National Guard, departed the Silas L. Copeland Arrival/Departure Air Control Group Oct. 13 en route to Washington D.C. after completing their pre-mobilization training at McGregor Range, New Mexico. “We’re providing ground-based air defense for the (NCR) to deter, detect and – if necessary – defeat any hostile air attacks against the nation’s capital,” said Lt. Col. Scott Griffin, commander, 1st Bn., 204th ADA Regt. “We utilize two weapon systems, use a radar system to provide early warning and man all the sites 24/7 over the next year.” The 1st Bn., 204th ADA Regt., was the first National Guard battalion to take over the NCR security mission in 2003, because of the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. This is the unit’s third deployment to Washington D.C., and while about half of the battalion has taken on the contiguous United States mission at least once, the Guardsmen reiterated each deployment presents a situation that calls for unwavering diligence. “It’s an election year and we know the bad guys are watching. We’re going to be on our ‘A’ game watching as well,” Griffin said. “(I) hope and pray nothing bad happens, but we’ll be ready if it does.” The unit’s mission isn’t limited to the D.C. region, said Staff Sgt. Christopher Tracy, noncommissioned officer in charge, Team 2, 1st Bn., 204th ADA Regt. (Avenger). “We also have fly away missions as well where we provide air defense for the president while he’s traveling,” Tracy said. “We did the same thing when (former) President Bush was around.” Along with the honor of protecting their nation’s capital, Guardsmen said they look forward to taking in all that D.C. has to offer, including its museums and monuments. “(When) they have some time off, they can go see the sites in the city,” Griffin said. “It’s a great opportunity to be educated.” While at McGregor Range, the air defenders fired Stinger missiles and were provided hot meals, Griffin said. “We’re pleased with the (Mobilization and Deployment) Brigade and the people out at McGregor as well,” Griffin said. “If we had an issue, they addressed it. We’re happy to say that they did a good job.” For Tracy, who has trained at Fort Bliss since 1994, Fort Bliss’ rapid growth has also Victoria G. Molinar / Mobilization and Deployment, DPTMSPublic Affairs DENTISTRY FOR KIDS & ADULTS Lt. Col. Scott Griffin, commander, 1st Battalion, 204th Air Defense Artillery Regiment, poses for one last photo on the Silas L. Copeland Arrival/Departure Air Control Group airfield before boarding an aircraft bound for Washington D.C. made an impression on him. “I was driving through on the (Spur) 601 going out to the Cattleman’s ranch and I could not believe how far east post goes out now,” Tracy said. “It just amazes me.” Tracy’s trips to the Sun City have also been a pleasant experience, he said. “I love it every time I come to El Paso,” Tracy said. “Being a Texan myself, I think there’s that comradery.” While most of the Guardsmen come from Mississippi, a few of them, such as Tracy, come from other states such as Texas. For Staff Sgt. Corey Quintanilla, an El Paso native and NCOIC of Team 10, 1st Bn., 204th ADA Regt. (Avenger), the benefits of being a part of the battalion since 2006 make the 16hour commute to Mississippi worth the trip. “It’s that southern hospitality, so to say,” Quintanilla said. “The unit has been good to me since day one. That’s why I’ve stayed in so long.” Family support has also been a major boost for the morale of the battalion, which was recognized as the top Army National Guard battery in the nation after receipt of the Alexander Hamilton Award. “I think the family’s our backbone,” said Maj. Tim Harrelson, operations officer, 1st Bn., 204th ADA Regt. “The stronger your family is, the more successful your mission is because you don’t have to focus on what’s going on back home.” The support coming from both fellow Soldiers and family left Griffin a deep sense of confidence about his battalion. “The morale is high,” Griffin said. “Soldiers are motivated and we’re ready to take it home.” 1188 N Yarbrough Ste. 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Exclusive of tax and gratuity. Customer pays sales tax, subject to applicable law. Sale, resale and/ or internet distribution strictly prohibited. Void where prohibited. Cash value 1/100¢. No cash back. Additional exclusions may apply. Valid through 11/30/15. ©2015 Schlotzsky’s Franchise LLC. All rights reserved. CODE: 4279 The Fort Bliss Bugle newspaper can be found all over post, around El Paso and online at fortblissbugle.com Check it out every Thursday! For Advertising Information, Please Call 772-0934 FORT BLISS BUGLE • October 29, 2015 • 15A W E S U P P ORT OU R T R O OPS ! * DOW N PAYM E N T AS S IS TAN C E AVAIL ABLE FO R AC TI VE MILITARY! W W W. RUDO LP HC ARS.COM BLISS SHUTTLE RIDES TO AND FROM THE DEALERSHIP! CALL 915-845-8500 FREE: TINT, NITROGEN FILLED TIRES, 1 YEAR MAINTENANCE, CAR WASHES FOR LIFE, WHEEL LOCKS FALL INTO SAVINGS! NEW CAR CARE PACKAGE! FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY! 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(free 1yr/15k maintenance plan) Sale price Includes rebate and dealer discount (free 1yr/15k maintenance plan) Sale price Includes rebate and dealer discount $3,390 OFF! *stock number M15380, excludes TT&L and other fees may apply. 0% finance available for well qualified buyers with approved credit. For a limited time only see Rudolph Mazda for details. *stock number M15457, excludes TT&L and other fees may apply. 0% finance available for well qualified buyers with Mazda Capital Services. For a limited time only see Rudolph Mazda for details. $500 MILITARY APPRECIATION CASH - Any Active Or Retired Military Personnel And Their Spouse Can Receive $500 Toward The Purchase Of A New Mazda Vehicle. See Dealer For Details. 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ZERO DOWN! ZERO DOWN! with ZERO DOWN! at lease signing Rearview Camera! Closed end lease for 2015 Civic Sedan CVT LX (FB2F5FEW), 2015, stock D151151, O.A.C. by Honda Financial Services.MSRP $20,110, excludes T.T.&L. Net capitalized cost $16,401.52. Total monthly payments $5,215. Option to purchase at lease end $11,663.80. Must take new retail delivery on vehicle from dealer stock by 11/02/15. 24k miles/24 month Honda Sentinel policy covers oil changes only, tire road hazard and roadside assistance. Lessee responsible for maintenance, excessive wear/tear and 15¢/mile over 12,000 miles/year. Offer expires 11/02/2015. See Rudolph Honda for details. with at lease signing at lease signing Rearview camera, 7” Display Audio! Closed end lease. 2015 CR-V CVT 2WD LX (RM3H3FEW), 2015, stock H151098, O.A.C. by Honda Financial Services. MSRP $24,325, excludes T.T.&:L. Net capitalized cost $22,084.97. Total monthly payments $6965. Option to purchase at lease end $15,324.75. Must take new retail delivery on vehicle from dealer stock by 11/0215. Lessee responsible for maintenance, excessive wear/tear and 15¢/mile over 12,000 miles/year. Offer expires 11/02/2015. See Rudolph Honda for details. Dual-Zone Temp Control Closed end lease. 2015 Accord Sedan CVT LX (CR2F3FEW), 2015, stock H150931, O.AC.by Honda Financial Services. MSRP $23,725, excludes T.T.&L. Net capitalized cost $19,411.17. Total monthly payments $6,444. Option to purchase at lease end $13,048.75. Must take new retail delivery on vehicle from dealer stock by 11/02/15. Lessee responsible for maintenance, excessive wear/tear and 15¢/mile over 12,000 miles/year. Offer expires 11/02/2015. See Rudolph Honda for details. RUDOLPH HONDA PRE-OWNED VEHICLES I-10 AND REDD ROAD 2013 HONDA ACCORD SDN 2014 HONDA ACCORD SDN 2012 TOYOTA COROLLA 2013 HONDA PILOT EX-L 2013 SCION XB 1997 TOYOTA CAMRY 2013 HONDA ACCORD SDN 2014 ACURA RDX 2011 KIA SEDONA 2012 HONDA CIVIC LX 2015 FORD MUSTANG ECO 2013 HONDA ACCORD SPT STK#HD150867B, A/C AIRBAGS,PWR WINDOWS LOCKS CRUISE VERY LOW MILES ......... $23,999 2008 HYUNDAI SANTA FE 2013 HYUNDAI ELANTRA GT 2013 HONDA ACCORD EX-L 2013 HONDA ACCORD SEDAN STK#HP15285, HATCHBACK,AUTO,AC,LOCKS,WINDOWS ................................................. $13,995 2012 MAZDA 3 STK#HP15248, S GT LOADED ............................................................................................ $14,995 2012 MAZDA 3 STK#HP15214, BLUE TOOTH, B/U CAM, AIRBAGS, ALLOY WHLS, P/S, ALARM .................. $17,999 STK#H151240A, LEARTHER,B/U CAM,AIRBAGS,ALLOY WHLS,P/S,ALARM,BLUE TOOTH .. $28,495 STK#H151176A, AIRBAGS, ALARM, AUTO SEATS, AIRBAGS, VTECH .................................. $17,999 STK#HP15295, LOW MILES ,LOCKS,WINDOWS,AUTO........................................................ $15,795 STK#HP15254, LOW MILES,SPORT,PWR LOCKS WINDOWS ............................................... $19,995 STK#H151101A, BLUE TOOTH,B/U CAM,AIRBAGS,ALLOY WHLS,P/S,ALARM .................... $19,995 STK#HP15258, BLUE TOOTH,B/U CAM,AIRBAGS,ALLOY WHLS,P/S,ALARM ...................... $22,159 STK#H151035A, LOWMILES,PWR WINDOWS,LOCKS ........................................................ $14,695 STK#H160045A, LEARTHER,B/U CAM,AIRBAGS,ALLOY WHLS,P/S,ALARM,BLUE TOOTH . $29,395 LUXURY LINE STK#HP15273, SUNROOF,NAVI,PWR WINDOWS,LOCKS .................... $15,225 STK#H160096A, OLDIE BUT GOODIE, MUST SEE ............................... $3,995 STK#H151172A, AUTO,LOCKS,MIRRORS,LOW MILES ........................ $16,995 STK#H151421A, PWR WINDOWS,LOCKS,AC,2WD,CRUISE,CLEAN..... $9,995 STK#HP15249, AUTO,AC,PWR WINDOWS,LOCKS,NICE, LEATHER ..... $20,595 STK#H150915A, AUTO,LOCKS,MIRRORS,LOW MILES ........................... $11,495 at 5505 S. Desert Blvd. l Paso, TX 79932 • 915-845-8500 2012 Audi A6 2015 Acura TLX 2012 Audi S5 2014 Cadillac Escalade STK#VP5121 4DR 2.8 Fronttrack, Premium Plus, Leather, Navigation STK#VP5132 Navigation, Night Vision, Leather, Moonroof, Back-Up Camera, Telematicz STK#VP5126 2 Dr QUATTRO Premium Plus, V8, Leather, Navigation STK#VP5116 AWD ESV, Platinum Edition, Navigation, DVD W/4 TV’S $ $ 28,000 $ All prices plus tax, title and license. See dealer for details. 34,984 All prices plus tax, title and license. See dealer for details. 36,358 All prices plus tax, title and license. See dealer for details. $ 67,670 All prices plus tax, title and license. See dealer for details. WE SERVICE ALL MAKES AND MODELS | WWW.RUDOLPHVW.COM 2013 TOYOTA FR-S 2012 GMC ACADIA 2013 FORD EXPLORER 2010 LEXUS IS 350 2013 AUDI A4 2013 GMC ACADIA 2011 BMW X5 2015 BMW 320I 2015 BMW 328I 2011 BMW X3 2010 JAGUAR XF 2015 AUDI Q5 2013 HYUNDAI SANTA FE 2012 JEEP WRANGLER 2014 TOYOTA TUNDRA STK#V15272B, 2 DOOR COUPE, ALLOY WHEELS, AUTOMATIC ........................................... $18,889 STK#V15323B, 4DR NAVIGATION, LEATHER, SUNROOF, AIR CONDITIONED SATS.............. $21,994 STK#VP5077, 4DR 35I ALL WHEEL DRIVE, CARFAX “1 OWNER”......................................... $22,689 STK#VP4090, 28I ALL WHEEL DRIVE, LEATHER, PWR WINDOWS/LOCKS, BLUETOOTH HANDSFREE .... $23,810 STK#VP5107, 2.0T SPORT, FWD, LEATHER, NAVIGATION, SIDE STEPS, TRAILER HITCH ..... $24,994 STK#V15603A, 4DR DENALI, AWD, 2ND ROW CAPTAIN SEATS, NAVIGATION, DVD ........... $26,695 STK#VP5114, 4DR QUATTRO PREMIUM PLUS, NAVIGATION, LEATHER ............................. $28,072 STK#VP5134, 3 SERIES, 4 DOOR, REAR WHEEL DRIVE “ONLY 12000 MILES” ..................... $29,000 STK#VP5130, SEDAN, PREMIUM LUXURY EDITION, LEATHER, MOON ROOF .................... $29,670 STK#V15353A, 2DR RUBICON, 4WD, LEATHER, HARD TOP “CALL OF DUTY EDITION” ...... $29,670 STK#VP5070, XLT 4 WHEEL DRIVE, LEATHER, SUNROOF, NAVIGATION “ONLY 20K MILES”.. $29,736 STK#VP5122, 4DR DENALI, AWD, LEATHER, DVD “ROOM FOR 8”................... $37,000 STK#VP5076, 4DR 3 SERIES RWD, AUTOMATIC “ONLY 8000 MILES”.............. $37,456 STK#VP5129, PREMIUM PLUS 3.0 TDI QUATTRO, NAVIAGTION, PANORAMIC ROOF, 20” WHEELS ... $44,999 STK#VP5133, CREWMAX PLATINUM EDITION, 4 WHEEL DRIVE, LEATHER, NAVIGATION .. $46,581 *$500 Down payment assistance for Active Military from manufacturer is based on their guidelines and not the local dealer. New Cars Only. Restrictions Apply. Please see dealer for details. 16A • October 29, 2015 • FORT BLISS BUGLE
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