27-02-15 - Cowbridge Comprehensive School


27-02-15 - Cowbridge Comprehensive School
Cowbridge Comprehensive School
Ysgol Gyfun Y Bont Faen
Parentmail Bulletin
Dat6—7.30 pm
Dates for your
10th - Year 9 into10
Options Evening (4.30
- 6.30)
16th - Year 9 into 10
Options Forms to be
If you would like to contact us regarding this bulletin please email:
Dear Parent,
As you are aware this week the School implemented a restriction to vehicles
accessing the School site after 8:10 am, to ensure the safety of pupils and staff at
the busiest time of the day, and to ensure the safety of pupils during break and
lunch times. The main car park area/play area is therefore closed down until
2:15pm when the last lunch hour is completed. Pupils use the top car park/play
area for ball sports during the 2 hours and 40 minutes of the School day, when
different Key Stages are at lunch/break. This area is available to pupils to play ball
sports in light of the fact that there are no hard areas, other than designated PE
areas, available to use during break and lunch. PE areas are used for lessons
during Key Stage 3 and 4 lunches and breaks.
I am fully aware that this is causing increased congestion on the highway. I wish
to make you aware, that the School notified the highways department at the
beginning of January and requested assistance for implementation and to ensure
a proactive, joint approach. This week, the highways department have now
contacted the School to conduct a meeting to discuss and explore short and longer
term plans for consideration and costing, with a view to a collective way forward.
Whilst the School regrets the inconvenience being caused by the restricted access
time, it is encouraging that the Highways department are willing to work with us to
hopefully arrive at a better solution.
In order to minimise as much disruption as possible in the short term, please could
I remind you of the following:
The School site is fully accessible before 8:10am. We therefore encourage
parents who have no other alternative, than to transport children to School to
drop off within the School grounds before 8:10am . The School canteen is
open from 8 am and pupils are able to sit in this area even if they do not
actually require any food or drink.
The School site has limited places for Sixth Form Students to park (a total of
20 spaces) and students are able to access these spaces prior to 8:10am.
As a School we do not encourage Sixth Form students to drive to School
unless they are from out of catchment or living a significant distance from the
School and do not qualify for a bus pass. We encourage Sixth Form students
to use their free bus pass, where this is available, especially as the Local
Authority intended to withdraw this some years ago and parents and staff
strongly opposed the removal of free transport for post-16 students.
The car park nearest the 3G/football pitch is now a designated visitor car
park with effect from March 2, 2015, meaning that parents/visitors to the
School, during the School day can access this area to park. Disabled bays
have also been made available in this area for ease of access.
Many thanks for your understanding and co-operation.
Mrs D Thomas,
Maths revision after school (3:15-4:15pm) every Tuesday and
Wednesday starting after half term. All pupils are welcome.
Byrger Cig Oen a Mintys
Lamb and Mint Burger
Selsig Morgannwg
Glamorgan Sausages
Tatws wedi ffrio’n ysgafn
Pys Gardd
Lightly fried potatoes
Garden Peas
Cyri Tân y Ddraig
Dragons Fire Curry
Pic ar y Maen
Welsh Cakes
PTA quiz night Friday13th
March, 2015.
Tickets available from the school
office .
Please join us for a fun evening testing your general knowledge
and enjoying a cheese supper.
Bar available, all proceeds for the school.
24th April, 2015
Tickets available
Language club will be cancelled next week on Wednesday 4th
March but it will be back as normal again on 11th March.
School Transport News
Information on School Bus Services in the Vale
of Glamorgan
The Vale of Glamorgan council operates a strict “No Pass, No Travel” rule on all
school transport routes.
All pupils must have their bus passes on them if they wish to use school
This system is operated to:
ensure there is no overcrowding on vehicles;
ensure only pupils allowed to travel do so;
ensure good behaviour on the vehicles (The All Wales Travel Behaviour
Each pass has a monetary value and as such it is imperative that parents make
sure pupils have their passes on them if they wish to travel. If a pupil realises
that they have lost their pass they can get a temporary replacement from the
school reception during the school day. Out of school hours parents/pupils can
contact the Vale office where a member of staff will inform the company that
the pupil can travel without a pass until a replacement has been issued.
All operators are informed that only pupils with passes should be allowed to
travel and if refused travel for the journey home the drivers will instruct them to
get a temporary pass from the school in order to travel on the bus.
Parents and pupils should always have a contingency plan in case a pass is lost or
forgotten. Making sure pupils have an emergency contact number or money to
catch an alternative mode of transport are two suggestions.
This information has recently been sent to all operators so please be aware that
drivers will be extra vigilant when carrying out bus pass checks.
This does not apply to fare paying pupils who do not qualify for free transport
but wish to use the school bus services. These pupils will be required to pay a
fare or produce a valid bus ticket which has been issued by the operator.
The Transportation Unit
Apprentice Welder Fabricator, Llandow nr. Cowbridge
NCH Academy Opportunities, Newport
Web Engineer Assistant, Cardiff
Maintenance Engineering Apprentice, Barry
Nursery Assistant- Evergreen Day Nursery, Newport
Admin & Trainee Accountant, Cardiff
Fleet Maintenance Apprentice, Cardiff Arriva Trains
NB – Closing date 02.03.15, but may be extended
Vehicle Sales Advisor, Cardiff
Bus service disruption due to road closures during the Ewenny
overbridge replacement on the B4265 between Ewenny and St.
“The bridge will now close to traffic on 16 March, six weeks later than
originally scheduled, and will remain closed until the end of June.
We apologise for any inconvenience this will cause and I’d like to thank
drivers and residents in the area for bearing with us as we do this vital
work.” - Network Rail Wales