June 2015 - Gulf Winds Track Club
Volume 40 Issue 6 T HE F L EET F O O T Page $2 Volume 40 Issue 6 Newsletter of the Gulf Winds Track Club June 2015 Matthew Cashin (15) wins Tail & Trails 10K in 37:22 Page 2 Jennifer Hopgood Wanda Patron Peyton Griffin T HE F L EET F O O T Shawn Grant Volume 40 Issue 6 Wrenn Wheeler Jason Pamblanco Terri Christiansen Michael Cipriano Kelly Brode Katryna Atkins Mary Gore Madyson Griffin Price Hoffman Kaitlyn Burhans Ella Hoffman These photos are from the Red Shoes runs Volume 38 Issue 7 THE FLEET FOOT Personal Records (P.R.’s) Elias Bernstein 6:58 Red Shoe Mile Geb Kiros 36:30 Rose City 10K Tsige Tadesse 48:58 Rose City 10K Sarah Dugas 47:35 Rose City 10K Worth Corn 1:01:31 Tails & Trails 10K Sandy Pagano 29:35 Nene Fest 5K Michelle Kuchera 3:53:33 Pittsburgh Marathon Worth Corn 1:35:11 Biltmore/Kiwanis 15K Please remember that GWTC mail is sent via a third class permit and is not forwarded when you move. The Postal Service requires us to pay first class postage on any of our mail which is returned, whether or not the post office provides us a corrected address. Every month, mailed copies of our Fleet Foot are returned as undeliverable. Many of you receive our email Fleet Foot and again, each month, we get many bounce backs for undeliverable emails. If you are not receiving your newsletters, or have recently changed your postal or email address, please notify our Membership Director, Mark Priddy markpriddy@msn.com) to update your membership account. Tired of black & white? Go for the Technicolor Fleet Foot! Extreme Challenge 2015 Standings through Palace Saloon 5K Advantages of the E-Fleet Foot: Color photos, and it arrives several days before paper version; save it on your computer forever instead of taking up space on your bookshelf! You must have high-speed Internet service and a working email address in order to receive the E-Fleet Foot. For information or to change your Fleet Foot status, email freddeckx@comcast.net Chad Benson Nicole Benson Keith L. Berry Paul Guyas Maria Matheu Paula O’Neill Joel Piotrowski Zack Scharlepp Emma Spencer Mark Tombrink Next 3 events: June 06 Aug. 15 Aug. 29 Page 3 Important Notice! Great Potluck Bash 4 Mile Breakfast on the Track 1 Mile Miller Landing Madness 8K Race pics at: https://picasaweb.google.com/ Freddecka GWTC Merchandise Visors $20, Tech singlets $20, License plates $5, Car magnets $5 Socks @10/pair Maggi Beshara 345-2131, margaret.beshara@gmail.com Hats $20 Visors $20 Page 4 T HE F L EET F O O T Volume 40 Issue 6 Gulf Winds Track Club Box 3447, Tallahassee, FL 32315 Area code for phones is 850 President: Vice President: Secretary: Treasurer: Directors at Large Tony Guillen Lisa Unger Nancy Stedman Katie Sherron 694-8225, guillent68@gmail.com 264-9615, unger4122@comcast.net 545-7074, nancystedman@gmail.com 445-0053 , treasurer@gulfwinds.org Mike Burns Tom Perkins Herb Wills David Yon Cole Tessier Amanda Hudson Annie Bowman 561 262-2027, dismaltriathlete@yahoo.com 894-2019, tomperkins51@yahoo.com 893-4104, hwills@gmail.com 668-2236, david@radeylaw.com 339-6962, cdt1983@gmail.com 681-6572, wonderwoman76@comcast.net 644-3522, annie@revtricoaching.com Newsletter: Membership: Equipment: Race Director Coordinator: Past Presidents: Clothing Coordinator: Fred Deckert Mark Priddy Vicky Droze 893-9739, freddeckx@comcast.net 668-4907, markpriddy@msn.com 339-7766, vickydroze@comcast.net Charles Yates Felton Wright Jane Skalski Maggi Beshara Kathy Lindsay Zack Scharlepp Paul Guyas 385-2768, yatesc101@comcast.net 386-3500, Feltonwright@comcast.net (229) 809-3714, janeskalski@gmail.com 345-2131, margaret.beshara@gmail.com 219-3788, klindsay@govserv.com 264-0810, zscharps@yahoo.com 273-9555, Guyas.1@osu.edu Tim Unger 544-4563, unger4122@comcast.net Mark Priddy Bobby York Tracy Taylor 668-4907, markPriddy@msn.com 443-6795, byorkjr@msn.com 567-9779, tracytulip@gmail.com Chika Okoro Holly Parker 276-4101, clokoro@live.com Social Coordinator: Lecture Series: Racing Teams Coordinator: School Grant Coordinator: Trails Coordinator Training Group Coordinator Beginning Running Group Coordinators: GWTC Web Site - www.gulfwinds.org GULF WINDS TRACK CLUB Minutes of the May 13, 2015 Hosted by Lisa Unger Contents Minutes Presidents column Race Calendar New Members How They Train Featured Feet TPal Race Results Grand Prix Results 4-6 9 10-11 12 13 14-15 17 20-31 32-34 Present: Lisa Unger, Nancy Stedman, Felton Wright, David Yon, Bill Lott, Eric Godin, Katie Sherron, Maggi Beshara, Tracy Taylor, Ann Bowman, Jay Silvanima, Paul Guyas, Herb Wills, Mike Burns, Bobby York Lisa Unger called the meeting to order at 7:33 p.m. Quorum was established. Upcoming Grand Prix Races Kids June 6 June 27 Adults Great Potluck Bash Freedom Run 4M 5K GWTC Board Meetings 7:30 p:m June 10 July 8 Felton Wright Mark Priddy 386-3500 668-4907 The board reviewed the April minutes. Motion to approve was made, seconded, and passed. New Business: Lisa Unger - Nomination Zack Scharlepp as Co-Social Coordinator. Motion made to approve, seconded, and passed. (Continued on page 5) Volume 40 Issue 6 T HE F L EET F O O T The Fleet Foot Newsletter of the Gulf Winds Track Club Editor: Fred Deckert, 893-9739, freddeckx@comcast.net Columnists: Jane Johnson (Featured Feet), Tony Guillen (Pres. Column), Gary Griffin, (Ultrarunning), Gary Griffin (How they Train), Tim Unger (Racing Team), Bill Lott (Race Calendar). Advertising Copy The maximum print size of our page is 4.75 in. by 7.75 in. If possible, ads should be sent as MS Word files will look best with standard fonts (Arial, Times New Roman), formatted to fit the desired size. A simple way is to use 2 inch margins on 8.5 by 11 paper. Please use graphics with adequate resolution. If only hard copy is available, please make sure it is clear and sharp as it will have to be scanned and Reformatted. Deadline: 18th of month previous to publication. Questions, contact the editor. Advertising Payments. Full Page-$50, Half Page – $28, 1/4 Page-$16, Run twice, no changes – $46, $25, $14 each yearly rates. $400, $225, $125. Letter-size centerfold race flyer, check with editor. Payment in advance/checks payable to GWTC-Fleet Foot and sent to. Fred Deckert, 6323 Count Fleet Trail,Tallahassee, FL 32309 Submissions/Contributions Submissions for publication are strongly encouraged, the preferred format is Microsoft Word. For race results, Excel spreadsheets or MS Word files are preferred. Hard copies are undesirable, for more details or to contribute material contact the editor. If you have pictures or stories about your running group, don’t be shy, photos should be in jpg format if at all possible, contact me if you have questions. Fred Deckert 893-9739, freddeckx@comcast.net Change of Address Your newsletter will not be forwarded; you must provide your new address and phone number mail to: GWTC-MSHP, Box 3447, Tallahassee, FL 32315 or call Mark Priddy 668-4907 markpriddy@msn.com Page 5 (Continued from page 4) Mike Burns - Wrap up of the Palace Saloon 5k. Total revenue was $22,863. Total expenses were $13,156. Net income was $9,706.80. Half of the proceeds will be distributed to South City Multi-Sport Club or organizations directly supporting South City Multi-Sport Club.. There were some direct contributions to South City and to the Chenoweth Fund. Application will be made to make the race an RRCA Championship race next year. Jay Silvanima & Nancy Stedman - Proposed budget for the 2015 Tallahassee Ultra Distance Classic. Based on 120 registrations. Total estimated revenue of $7,850, total estimated expenses of $5,177, total estimated net proceeds of $2,673. After brief discussion a motion to approve the proposed budget was made, seconded, and approved. Lisa Unger - Proposed budget for the 2015 Women’s Distance Festival 5k. Based on 210 registrations. Total estimated expenses of $2,458.40, total revenue of $3,870, estimated net proceeds of $1,411.60. Half of the proceeds will go to the TMH Foundation and FSU XC program. Motion made to approve the proposed budget, seconded, and approved. Old Business: Felton Wright - Update on how the SMIRF program is going. Eleven coaches have been lined up with one program being on the north side of the softball fields off of N. Meridian and the other program being at Jack McLean park. This will be included in the Democrat’s list of summer camps. David Yon - Update on the T-Pal race. Advertising is underway. Promotion under way through Nims Middle School and The Boy’s and Girl’s Club. Bobby York - Update on the Trail Series. It sold out in five days. The first race will be on May 30th and the last race will be on August 1st. Also, as Trail Coordinator, Bobby has met with representatives from several organizations pertaining to trail maintenance in Phipps Park, with the first initiative being to extend a foot bridge through a problem wet area. Treasurer’s Report - Katie Sherron Summary amounts are $63,812 in the Club’s Operating account, $3,763 in the Events 1 account, $759 in the Events 2 account, $50,351 in the Investment account, $11,308 in the Chenoweth account, and $15,525 in the Tri Club account. There is an Escrow Replacement figure of (33,823), making the Net Operating Account total $34,511. (Continued on page 6) Page 6 T HE F L EET F O O T (Continued from page 5) Membership Report - Katie Sherron for Mark Priddy Current GWTC membership is up 75 members from last month at 1426 members in 741 households. The Tri Club membership is currently 299 members. Race Director Coordinator Report - Charlie Yates No report. Newsletter Report - Nancy Stedman for Fred Deckert Nothing new to report. Clothing Coordinator Report - Maggi Beshara Sales from the Tails‘n Trails exceeded $1,600. Most of the recently ordered shirts were sold and old inventory was sold at reduced prices. Orders for more shirts, car seat covers and car magnets. Plan to be ready to sell well at the Potluck. Request was made for a Square Reader Credit Swipe. After discussion, motion was made to acquire the Square Reader Credit Swipe, seconded, and approved. Equipment Report - Bill Lott Vicky Droze purchased 10 new arrow signs. New chip readers (two 8 port readers) and 16 mats arrived last Tuesday. Website Committee Report - David Yon Nothing new. Chenoweth Fund Report - David Yon One request from Lincoln H.S. for expenses to get to a regional meet in Jacksonville was turned down. Another request from Lincoln H.S. for $1,000 to get to state meet; the committee recommended $500. Motion was made to approve the committee’s recommendation, seconded, and approved. Volume 40 Issue 6 Triathlete Report - Ann Bowman for Jeff Bowman Bob Keller’s 1000th race celebration was last month. Patrick Merle will do a presentation on training with a professional triathlete. Lecture Series Report - Paul Guyas No report. Training Report - Tracy Taylor Discussion on what running groups are associated with GWTC vs. those loosely organized and not associated with the club but still listed in the Fleet Foot and on the club web site. Social Report - Eric Godin Eric had no report and is glad Zack Scharlepp is stepping in for the monthly socials. Other: David Yon - Proposed budget for the Pot Luck. Based on 225 runners, estimated expenses are 5925, estimated revenue is 5937, with no net proceeds (a small loss). Motion was made to approve the budget, seconded, and approved. Maggi Beshara - Mentions that the Square Credit Swipe device could be used for memberships at race registration events. At approximately 9:00 p.m., motion to adjourn was made, seconded, and approved. Nancy Stedman, Secretary Volume 40 Issue 6 T HE F L EET F O O T Page 7 Training Groups/Weekly Events Intervals: Tuesdays, 6:30 a.m Maclay Track, Tuesdays, 6.30pm FSU Track. Planned, supervised workout for runners intent on improving in distance races. Contact Bill Lott (blott@nettally.com) or Gary Droze 668-2373 (work) 942-7333 (home) email gdroze@maclay.org. Wednesdays 6 p.m. Leon HS track all paces welcome. Email Ann Bowman at: annie@revtricoaching.com. Sunday Streakers: Sunday mornings, 7 a.m. at various locations 10 miles minimum at about 9 min. per mile averages 8-15 people come join us! To get on the e-mail list to receive information on where and when the group meets contact Sue Kelly, kellys@dfmc.org. Sundays at 7.30 am. Almost every weekend groups run from Forest Meadows around Lake Overstreet or the Phipps Property Thursdays at 6:15 p.m. Optimist Park, 3 miles, all paces: Chika Okoro clokoro@yahoo.com. Thursdays: 5:30 p.m. at Tom Brown Park. Trail run through Piney Z & to the bridge, 7.3 miles. realtornancy@comcast.net Tempo Runs: Thursdays, 6 p.m., McCord Park, all paces welcome. Manny Gutierrez at mjg11c@my.fsu.edu; or Gary Droze at gdroze@maclay.org, 668-2373 (work), or 942-7333 (home) Imitation Adults distance running group organizes mid-long and long runs for marathon training and fun, usually between August and April of each year. For more information e-mail Nancy Stedman at nancystedman@gmail.com or visit their facebook page. Water Running: To learn proper water running technique, contact Gary Droze, Instructor, to arrange a workout/training session: 942-7333. Triathlete Training & Contacts Triathlon events: Bill Dillon, wdillon@lawfla.com or http://www.gulfwindstri.org. Swimming Times: · Monday, Wednesday, Friday 5.30 AM - 6.30 AM, Tuesday and Thursday 12.30 PM - 1.30 PM, Saturday 8 AM - 10 AM @ Trousdell - ATAC masters program with coach on deck (membership fee required) · Tuesday & Thursdays - 5.30 AM @ Trousdell · Monday thru Friday - 11:45 AM until 12:30 PM @ Jack McLean Pool at Jack McLean Park, Paul Russell Rd. Running Times: · Mondays - 6 PM @ Winthrop Park winding through Betton Hills · Tuesdays - 6:30 PM @ Mike Long Track (FSU) - Interval Training · Tuesdays - 5:15 P @ Harriman Circle - Family run/walk. · Wednesdays - 6 PM @ Leon High School - Interval Training · Thursdays - 5:45 PM @ Optimist Park winding through Indian Head Acres · Thursdays - 6 PM @ Forest Meadows for 5-7 miles · Sundays - 7:30 AM @ Forest Meadows for 10 miles or more · Additional local running information can be found at http://www.gulfwinds.org Riding Times: · Wednesdays - 5:30 PM @ Chaires Community Center riding 30 miles at a B-C pace Additional local ride information can be found at http://www.cccyclists.org Tri Club meetings held third Monday of each month at MoMo’s Pizza at Market Place. Summer Trail Series registration form is on the website: www.gulfwinds.org. Page 8 T HE F L EET F O O T Volume 40 Issue 6 Discounts for GWTC members Show your GWTC newsletter mailing label when purchasing goods or services at these businesses and you'll benefit from discounts as indicated: Tallahassee Massage Therapy; Brett Pace LTMA #0010284), 681-2122; Sports massage for rehabilitation and prevention; $5 off half hour price, $10 off full hour price: Shaw’s Athletics, 1415 Timberlane Rd (Market Square), 893-5597: Gulf Winds Track Club Members now get 10% Off All Regular Priced Running Shoes and Running Merchandise whether they are paying with cash, check, or credit/debit card: No Discounts on Tennis or Casual Merchandise and no discounts on Pedorthic work or Inserts: Goodfinds, Second Hand Furniture & Collectibles Cassandra Shepherd, Proprietor: 3100-A South Adams street,Tallahassee, FL 32301 (850) 402-31 GWTC members will get the royal treatment at GOODFINDS: Joy Key Photographic artist, 161 Country Club Road, Bainbridge, GA: 39819: (229) 246-8620, (229) 416-8620: 20% discount for family sessions: www:joykeyphotography:com: Massage By Paula: Therapeutic, deep tissue and relaxation: In call or out call: Discounts available with this ad (850) 728-9103: Revolutions: Triathlon Coaching, over 30 years of multi-sport experience: 20% discount offered to Gulf Winds members: www:revtricoaching:com The Shoe Box: 2820 South Monroe, (850) 877-9174, show your GWTC membership card, or the mailing label from the Fleet Foot and get 10% off any running shoes: Capital City Runners:1817 Thomasville Road, Suite 510 (Miracle Plaza), 850-727-8011, http://www:capitalcityrunners:com): 10%: Discount on all Shoes, Apparel, Accessories (excluding Garmins):10% discount good with any form of payment (cash, check, or credit card): Trey Lafitte offers a group discount for Gulf Winds Track Club Members on Liberty Mutual Auto Insurance: Liberty Mutual will take an additional 5% off for members above all of the standard auto insurance discounts: Call 850-5107778: Running Coach. From training plan through the finish line and every step between. Any speed. Any race. Any level of experience welcome. 20+ year science/performance/health background. Lydiard Foundation Certified level II. Excellent with injury rehab and prevention. GWTC discount. Paul Guyas, PT, CSCS, HFS, CCI. pguyas@gmail.com (850)2739555 Jennifer Deneute, Mary Kay Consultant 20% on your first order and an additional 5% for friend referrals: (850) 6566438, or 294-4472: jideneute@hotmail:com: Dash of Thomasville: GA is the area’s most unique running store & would like to extend 10% off to all of GWTC members: Newton, Brooks, Mizuno, Saucony, Salomon, Karhu, and largest stocking smart-fiber dealer in the South: www:relishingdash:com 107 S: Broad Street : 229-227-0024 HobbyMC: toys, games, r/c kits, models, art supplies: 720 Capital Circle NE (across from Tom Brown), 850-671-1201: 10% off all merchandise to GWTC members: Anytime Fitness: 6615 Mahan Dr, Tallahassee, FL (Vineyard/Publix Shopping Center), 850-385-2348; 10% off standard monthly membership dues, may not be combined with other discounts/offers. TRX Small Group Classes, Boot Camp, and personal training available. Jumping Jacks Bounce Houses & Party Rentals: www.jumpingjacks.biz, 850-212-3806; 10% off bounce house order, may not be combined with other discounts/offers. Tallahassee Therapeutic Massage: Ahna Peace (FL Lic. #MA72173) 25% OFF ALL 1 HOUR SPORTS MASSAGE! Call or Text: 850 879-7716 Email: a.peacemassage@gmail.com. Myofascial Release, Structural Integration & Neuromuscular Rehabilitation. This is the Connective Bodywork you need! Facebook: Ahna Peace Massage. Pampered Chef consultant Rick Parks offers a 10% discount on any order. Shop for quality kitchen tools online at www.pamperedchef.biz/rickspicks. Ask about fundraising options available for your club or organization. Trevor Marshall LMT: $10 off all 1 hr and 1.5 hr Sports/Deep Tissue Massage for Endurance Athletes. Call or Text: 850-766-9495. Online at: Trevormarshall-LMT.com and Facebook: Trevor Marshall LMT Science of Speed Coaching: 2784 Capital Circle NE Suite 4. Phone: 850-408-6820 Web: Scienceofspeed.org or Email: Athletehelp@scienceofspeed.org. Running, Cycling, Swimming and Triathlon. Gulf Winds Members receive discounts on training plans for any event. 8wk plans for $30 and 12wk for $50. Orangetheory Fitness: 1321 Thomasville Rd. Tallahassee. "Orangetheory Fitness offers GWTC Members who become Premier (Unlimited) Members 3 FREE CLASSES.” Discounts do not apply to special sale items, or when using coupons or other discounts: At time of purchase, please show your mailing label for membership confirmation: Note to Businesses We’ll put you in this list if you offer a discount to Gulf Winds Track Club members: E-mail: freddeckx@comcast:net: Your product or service need not be running-related: Volume 40 Issue 6 T HE F L EET F O O T Page 9 Tony’s Footprints “Let there be no purpose in friendship save the deepening of the spirit.” Khalil Gibran What do you miss most when you can’t run? I have had to ask myself this question several time throughout my life. Either due to school commitments, work schedules, family issues or the dreaded but inevitable injury, there have been too many times when I could not run. Most recently I had to take a long layoff from running due to injury and I thought a lot about this question. Being a triathlete and the nature of the injury allowed me to avoid missing the fitness and physical benefits I get from running by being able to swim and bike. Volunteering at races and my current role as president has helped me stay connected with and kept me from missing out on GWTC goings on. While all these provided me plenty of social interaction it did not replace what I miss most when I can’t run: a long run with great friends that flies by with great conversation. The time to just talk about newborns, weddings, our kids school activities, children’s college graduations, loss of loved ones, etc. You get the point, just quality time with friends. The good news is I have healed and while I have a lot of catching up to do, it will make every mile fly by. While we all don’t run together we do have other great ways to get together and socialize. Eric Godin has stepped down as the club’s social coordinator after doing a great job (he said something about working on some race next year was consuming his time), and while I am starting to sound like a broken record, we have had another club member step up right away and take over. Zack Scharlepp is our new social coordinator and he is open to any ideas for fun social events. He has let it be known that everyone can relax, Kathy Lindsey has agreed to continue to coordinate the annual holiday party and the GWTC awards ceremony. So next time you hear about a GWTC social event, try and make some time to attend. You may get a chance to connect with someone who has missed out on some runs lately. Don’t forget, if you want to run and socialize, we have the GWTC Great Potluck Bash coming up the evening of June 6. It signals the start of summer and is a celebration of our great prep running scene. Hope to see everyone there. See you on the roads, Tony Page 10 T HE F L EET F O O T Volume 40 Issue 6 Race Calendar Please note: Most of the events below are not organized by or affiliated with Gulf Winds Track Club (GWTC). Grand Prix Events are underlined; confirmed events are in bold. * Indicates a GWTC event. CT=Central Time. Entry forms may be at local stores, races, and GWTC meetings. If no state is listed, it is Florida. Verify information before traveling; errors, omissions, and changes do occur. If not listed, area code is 850. Special thanks to Charlie Yates and Bill Lott for the race information. June 2015 *04 Summer Track Series - Week 1, 6:45 p.m. Maclay School Track, 3737 N. Meridian Rd. Tom Perkins at 894-2019 or tomperkins51@yahoo.com. *06 Great Pot Luck Bash 4M (Trail Prediction Run), 6 p.m. Forestmeadows Park and Athletic Center, 4750 N. Meridian Rd. Ónline registration available at EventBrite.com (no additional fee). Visit www.gulfwinds.org; or David Yon at dyon@radeylaw.com. *11 Summer Track Series - Week 2, 6:45 p.m. Maclay School Track, 3737 N. Meridian Rd. Tom Perkins at 894-2019 or tomperkins51@yahoo.com. *13 Summer Trail Series – Oak Hammock Trail 5.0M, 8 a.m. Elinor Klapp-Phipps Park. Online registration available at EventBrite.com (no additional fee). Visit www.gulfwinds.org; or Bobby York at 443-6795 or byorkjr@msn.com. EVENT FULL; REGISTRATION CLOSED (check EventBrite.com for waitlist information). 13 5K at Fifth, 8 a.m. Paisley Café parking lot, 1123 Thomasville Rd. Online registration available at EventBrite.com. Visit www.runatmidtown.org; or Shannon Moore at lee_shannon@rocketmail.com. *18 Summer Track Series - Week 3, 6:45 p.m. Maclay School Track, 3737 N. Meridian Rd. Tom Perkins at 894-2019 or tomperkins51@yahoo.com. 20 Kiwanis Melon Run 5K, 8:15 a.m. First United Methodist Church, corner of South Water St. and Hwy 90 West, Monticello, FL. Online registration available at EventBrite.com. Don Condon at watermelonrun@gmail.com. *25 Summer Track Series - Week 4, 6:45 p.m. Maclay School Track, 3737 N. Meridian Rd. Tom Perkins at 894-2019 or tomperkins51@yahoo.com. 27 Freedom Run 5K/1M, 8 a.m. Wakulla Springs State Park, 465 Wakulla Park Dr. (15 miles south of Tallahassee on SR 267). Online registration available at Raceit.com. Michael Atkinson at nexnbax1@comcast.net. 27 Encounter 316 Run (5K/1M), 8 a.m. First Baptist Church East Campus Auditorium, 200 N. Pinetree Blvd. and E. Jackson St. (Hwy 319) (across from Wendy’s), Thomasville, GA. Online registration available at EventBrite.com. Michael Raybon at mraybon@balfourlumber.com. July 2015 *02 Summer Track Series - Week 5, 6:45 p.m. Maclay School Track, 3737 N. Meridian Rd. Tom Perkins at 894-2019 or tomperkins51@yahoo.com. 04 33rd Annual Kiwanis Firecracker 5K/1M, 7:30 a.m. Cascades Park, 1001 S. Gadsden St. Visit www.CapitalCityKiwanisClub.org/5k; or Cole Tessier at 339-6962 or cdt1983@gmail.com. 04 Freedom Springs Triathlon, 7 a.m. (CT). Blue Springs Recreation Park, 5461 Blue Springs Road, Marianna, FL. Terry Edwards at fst1@panhandle.rr.com or (850) 557-0522. *09 Summer Track Series - Week 6, 6:45 p.m. Maclay School Track, 3737 N. Meridian Rd. Tom Perkins at 894-2019 or tomperkins51@yahoo.com. 11 Dr. James H. Crowdis Run 5K/1M, 8:15 a.m. First United Methodist Church, 397 College St., Blakely, GA. Online registration available at Raceit.com. Visit www.crowdisrun.weebly.com; or Tony Gilbert at (229) 723-5070 or crowdisrun@windstream.net. *16 Summer Track Series - Week 7, 6:45 p.m. Maclay School Track, 3737 N. Meridian Rd. Tom Perkins at 894-2019 or tomperkins51@yahoo.com. *18 Summer Trail Series – Coon Bottom Trail 4.5M, 8 a.m. Elinor Klapp-Phipps Park. Online registration available at EventBrite.com (no additional fee). Visit www.gulfwinds.org; or Bobby York at 443-6795 or byorkjr@msn.com. EVENT FULL; REGISTRATION CLOSED (check EventBrite.com for waitlist information). 19 USA Triathlon Splash and Dash Youth Aquathlon (swim/run), 8:30 a.m. FSU Morcom Aquatic Center, 2560 Pottsdamer Rd. Online registration available at www.imathlete.com. Visit www.tallahasseeyts.com; or Mike Weyant at info@TallahasseeYTS.com or 241-6591. Volume 40 Issue 6 T HE F L EET F O O T Page 11 *23 Summer Track Series - Week 8, 6:45 p.m. Maclay School Track, 3737 N. Meridian Rd. Tom Perkins at 894-2019 or tomperkins51@yahoo.com. 25 Tallahassee’s Usually Annual Devil Take the Hindmost Run, 7 p.m. Mike Long Track, 1104 Spirit Way (corner of Chieftan Way and Spirit Way), FSU Campus. Herb Wills at hwills@gmail.com. August 2015 *01 Summer Trail Series – Redbug Trail 4.5M, 6 p.m. Forestmeadows Park and Athletic Center, 4750 N. Meridian Rd. Online registration available at EventBrite.com (no additional fee). Visit www.gulfwinds.org; or Bobby York at 443-6795 or byorkjr@msn.com. EVENT FULL; REGISTRATION CLOSED (check EventBrite.com for waitlist information). 01 TMH for LIFE Challenge Under the Stars 5K/1M, 8:30 p.m. Killearn Lakes. Online registration available at RunSignUp.com. Visit www.TMH.org/Challenge; or JoAnne Suggs at 431-4825 or JoAnne.Suggs@tmh.org. 08 St. George Island Sizzler 5K/1M, 6:30 p.m. Lighthouse Park, 2 East Gulf Beach Dr. (Franklin Blvd/SR 300 at Gulf Beach Dr.), St. George Island, FL. Online registration available at Active.com. Visit www.stgeorgeislandsizzler.com; or info@stgeorgeislandsizzler.com or (850) 509-2191. Ad on page 18. *15 Breakfast on the Track One Miler, 7:45 a.m. Maclay School Track, 3737 N. Meridian Rd. Online registration available at EventBrite.com (no additional fee). Felton or Bonnie Wright at bwright@electro-net.com or 386-3500. *22 Miller Landing Madness 8K/5K/3K XC Run (3K GP for youth only), 8 a.m. Elinor Klapp-Phipps Park, Gate B, 1.3 miles west on Miller Landing Rd. Online registration available at EventBrite.com (no additional fee). Tom Perkins at tomperkins51@yahoo.com or 894-2019; or Bill Lott at blott@nettally.com or 656-1273. 29 Wakulla High School NJROTC 5K, 8 a.m. Wakulla Springs State Park, 465 Wakulla Park Dr. (15 miles south of Tallahassee on SR 267). Online registration available at Raceit.com. ROTC at whsnjrotcboosterclub@gmail.com. 29 Cougar XC Challenge 5K/1M, 7:15 a.m. Elinor Klapp-Phipps Park, 1775 Miller Landing Rd., Gate B (1.3 miles west on Miller Landing Rd.). Jose Fernandez at multijumps@gmal.com. Grand Prix Races for 2015 June 6 June 27 July 4 August 15 August 22 September 19 November 26 October 3 December 12 December 19 Distance Great Potluck Bash 4M Freedom Run 5K Firecracker Run 5K Breakfast on the Track Miller Landing Madness Women's Distance Festival Turkey Trot Robin Lotane Hurricane Run Tallahassee Ultra Classic 50K Tannenbaum 6K 4M 5K 5K 1 Mile 5K 5K Youth 1 Mile 3K 5K or 1 Mile 6K Crossing the River A man had a wolf, a goat and a cabbage, He wanted to cross a river but his boat had only enough room for himself and one of the others, How did he cross the river so that he didn’t leave the wolf to eat the goat or the goat to eat the cabbage? Sollutions on page 34. Page 12 T HE F L EET F O O T Volume 40 Issue 6 New members up to 5/17/2015 Alexander Artecona Sandra "marie" Artecona Loranne Ausley Linda Chaisson Mandy Clark Kaitlyn Conrad Kyle Conrad Sandra Conrad Zoey Conrad Melissa Daly Erin Duncan Joseph Duncan Madeline Feiock Rick Feiock Ruth Feiock Jeremy Fowler Susan Freeman Madison Gruenewald Delaney Hanowell Julie Hanowell Bill Hollimon Will Hollimon Mark Kellerhals Lynn Kinney Kylie Maltese Jon Mason Olivia Mason Michael McDonald Eric Montgomery Mickey Moore Madeleine Nobles Ross Nobles Dylan Osborn Ginny Osborn Chris Peary Jonah Picker Jeff Picker Eli Picker Sarah Shuler Staci Stephens Cory Thorpe Sarah Thorpe Randy Tozzi Casey Tozzi Arnita Tucker-Mcfarland Mason Vance Jennifer Ventura Brett Wonsch Volume 40 Issue 6 T HE F L EET F O O T How They Train Adriana Piekarewicz Age: 26 Did you compete in high school cross country or track? I ran both XC and Track at Maclay School from 7th grade until I graduated. I still ran for fun at college around the Duke trails. Page 13 I like to get 9-10 hours a night. What injuries have hampered your training over the past year? I have dealt with a hamstring/upper glute issue but have found that strengthening those muscles has really helped with it. How many years have you been running? Since 6th grade - 15 years. Do you take any dietary or medical supplements? Calcium twice a day; a multivitamin once a day; iron once every few days. How many miles a week do you typically run when not injured and consistently running? I average of 65-75 when marathon or half marathon training and closer to 50 when between seasons. What type of running shoes do you prefer? Mizuno wave rider What are some of your lifetime personal records? 800- 2:17 Mile- 5:13 5k- 18:56 Half Marathon- 1:25:15 Marathon- 3:07 What running events do you train for or what are your training goals? Right now I have the half marathon/marathon bug and really want to try and break 3 hours in the marathon. I just signed up for the Chicago Marathon in October so hopefully I will break 3 there. I also want to get some speed back and try to get in the low 18s in the 5k. What does your typical week of running look like? Typical Week: Monday: Easy recovery run- 7-8 miles, plus Pure Barre; alternate every other week cross-train on elliptical for 60 minutes in substitute of the run. If feeling beat up, take the whole day off. Tuesday: Intervals- a standard workout in marathon training is 8x1000 with 2:30 min rest between 5k and10k pace; lift in the afternoon after work if I am feeling motivated Wednesday: Easy recovery run- 6-8 miles Thursday: Steady run with some pickups or strides- 7-9 miles, plus pure barre Friday: Easy recovery run- 6-8 miles Saturday: 4-8 miles tempo between 10k pace and HM + lift Sunday: long run- 10-20 miles depending on the time of year. How does your training vary over the course of a year? I typically train for 1 or 2 big races per year if doing half and/ or full marathons. I do base mileage in the months prior, and 3 months before the race I start with more intense training. I like to take a couple weeks off after the race and just run by how I feel. What time of the day do you normally run? Mornings How much sleep do you usually get at night? Do you race in a different type of running shoe? Yes, a lightweight trainer like the Adidas Boston or Saucony Fastwitch Do you use weight training? Yes, to help prevent injuries and improve speed lost due to longer distance training. The main lifts include squats and lunges for my glutes and hamstrings. I also to do pull ups, push ups and abs to maintain upper body strength. Do you stretch? Not enough! What are your favorite running routes? I love all the trails at Forest Meadows, Tom Brown and Miccosukee Greenway. Favorite running route of all time - the Duke Forest. What running resources do you like that would benefit someone else? I always check FloTrack and letsrun.com for inspiration on how fast everyone is running! How has your training changed over the years? In HS I had much lower mileage and much higher intensity; now I enjoy more distance and tend to want to avoid speed workouts, (which is where I now need the most work.) What specific training methods that have produced results? Longer tempo runs and progressive long runs have enabled me to run at my marathon pace for the last 10 miles of a 20 miler, which also produces the most confidence. What advice do you have for beginning or experienced runners to help them with their training? The best advice I could give any runner is to not take it too seriously and remember to simply enjoy it. I went through a bad burnout stage after high school, and I think a lot of runners go through this when they hit plateaus. You have to focus on your love of the sport and have faith that the results will come. Run happy, live happy. Page 14 T HE F L EET F O O T Featured Feet Zack Scharlepp Childhood ambition: As a very young child I loved semi trucks and really wanted to become a truck driver. When I was a little older, I wanted to be a professional athlete. Proudest running memory: I’m really proud of running the Chicago Marathon in 2014 and meeting my time goal. Another one is when I broke 20 minutes at the 2014 Palace 5k. Wildest dream: I would love to backpack across Europe with my wife. Volume 40 Issue 6 I love to work with my hands and I would like to be my own boss. So something that combines the two. I think I would like to fix old houses. Indulgence: PB&Js and almonds. Favorite non-running hobby: Watching college football. Go Noles! Favorite books: Game of Thrones and John Grisham novels. Running inspiration: The guys who have been running for 20, 30, and 40 years and continue to race. Current occupation: I’m an attorney with Rumberger, Kirk, & Caldwell, doing mostly civil litigation. Perfect day: Wake up early, get in a run, eat brunch, watch some FSU athletics, and take my wife out on a hot date. If money were no object, what profession would you choose? Biggest challenge: Balance. A few jokes >>At a Towing company: >>"We don't charge an arm and a leg. We want tows." >>************************** >>In a Nonsmoking Area: >>"If we see smoke, we will assume you are on fire and take appropriate action." >>************************** >>On a Maternity Room door: >>"Push. Push. Push." >>************************** >>At an Optometrist's Office >>"If you don't see what you're looking for, you've come to the right place." >>************************** >>In a Podiatrist's office: >>"Time wounds all heels." >>************************** >>Outside a Muffler Shop: >>"No appointment necessary. We hear you coming." >>************************** >>In a Veterinarian's waiting room: >>"Be back in 5 minutes. Sit! Stay!" >>************************** >>At the Electric Company: >>"We would be delighted if you send in your payment. However, if you don't, you will be." Volume 40 Issue 6 T HE F L EET F O O T Featured Feet Rachel Scharlepp Childhood ambition: I always told people I wanted to be a missionary when I grew up. This was surprising to most people who knew me because I was really naughty. I still like to live a little rebelliously, but I love working alongside others in need. Proudest running memory: That’s easy, the Chicago Marathon! The entire experience was incredible and I made my goal time. Page 15 I love what I do, but if money were no object, I would travel the world working with children and their families. Indulgence: PB&Js Favorite non-running hobby: I love Pinterest and have recently been inspired to spray painting everything. Favorite books: Currently, I’m loving the Kingkiller Chronicles. Running inspiration: I’m inspired at every group run/race. I love that running brings such Wildest dream: I would love to take off work for a couple of diverse folks months and walk El Camino de Santiago. together. I’ve met the coolest people running. I’ve heard that it’s a life-changing experience and think it would be fun to do Perfect day: with my husband before we have kids. I would wake up without an alarm, go for a morning run in cool weather (no Current occupation: humidity!), go to brunch with friends, play I’m a child psychotherapist. I’ve been in with the dogs, take a nap, and then hang private practice, but I am now a proud co-owner of a multi-disciplinary center for out with friends at night playing board children (PlayBig Therapy). Basically, I get games. paid to hang out with babies and kids all Biggest challenge: day. It’s amazing! I have a hard time maintaining balance…I feel that there’s never enough time. If money were no object, what profession would you choose? Irish Smiles Murphy told Quinn that his wife was driving him to drink. Quinn thinks he's very lucky because his own wife makes him walk. ------------------------------------------------------------------An American lawyer asked, "Paddy, why is it that whenever you ask an Irishman a question, he answers with another question?" "Who told you that?" asked Paddy. ------------------------------------------------------------------Reilly went to trial for armed robbery. The jury foreman came out and announced, "Not guilty." "That's grand!" shouted Reilly. "Does that mean I can keep the money?" ------------------------------------------------------------------Q. What do you call an Irishman who knows how to control a wife? A. A bachelor. Page 16 T HE F L EET F O O T Volume 40 Issue 6 Volume 40 Issue 6 T HE F L EET F O O T Page 17 TPAL 5K Brings Law Enforcement and Community Together Travis Miller, May 16, 2015 The Tallahassee Police Athletic League “TPAL" 5K on May 30 hopes to have an impact on our community that extends beyond the finish line. In communities across the country both large and small, we’ve seen increased tension and mistrust between law enforcement and those they serve. While there is no single or easy solution to this issue, creating positive interactions between the community and the police force is a significant start. This is the mission of the Tallahassee Police Athletic League— to build relationships between the law enforcement and the community, focusing on youth athletic and fitness programs. TPD Officer Anitra Highland contacted David Yon about putting on a 5K with a goal of creating a positive community event, increasing awareness of TPAL’s youth programs, and raising money to expand those programs. David already has his hands full directing Turkey Trot and Pot Luck Bash, the latter being only a week after the date we eventually decided on for TPAL. Still, there was something, or several things, about this inquiry that prompted David to embrace the opportunity. The event would help foster a positive relationship between the police and the community. At the same time, TPAL’s mission of offering you athletic programs dovetailed with GWTC’s goal of establishing youth running clubs on Tallahassee’s south side. The next thing I knew, David, Mike Burns and I were meeting with Officer Highland and Officer Nick Lowe, and the TPAL 5K was born. The TPAL 5K quickly took shape, and we soon decided on a race theme inspired by the Tuskegee Airmen. The Tuskegee Airmen rose above adversity to enter combat duty in World War II and became known as the “Red Tails” for the distinctive read tails on their planes. Despite early barriers to their service, the Red Tails became some of the best pilots in the U.S. military, flying 1,578 combat missions and earning three Distinguished Unit Citations, 96 Distinguished Flying Crosses, a Silver Star, 14 Bronze Stars, 744 Air Medals and 8 Purple Hearts. On March 29, 2007, President George W. Bush awarded the Tuskegee Airmen the Congressional Gold Model, the highest civilian honor available in the United States. The Tallahassee Police Athletic League and GWTC have created the TPAL 5K and are looking to expand youth running and athletic programs in hopes of presenting the spirit and bravery of the Tuskegee Airmen to our youth today. We hope you will join us in this goal by participating in this year’s TPAL 5K on May 30 at Jack McLean Park. The one mile run starts at 8:00 and the 5K will start at 8:30. You can register at TPAL 5K or http://tinyurl.com/kml6rex Page 18 T HE F L EET F O O T Volume 40 Issue 6 Volume 40 Issue 6 T HE F L EET F O O T Page 19 Page 20 T HE F L EET F O O T Felix Gaspar Haleigh Martin Monet 5K 5/17/2015 Jennifer Linares, R.D. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 Ryan Truchelut M 29 James Harrison M 19 Jim Schaeffer M 44 Mike LaBossiere M 49 Sam Peliska M 26 Jake Dulbs M 22 Martha Bademan F 30 Rob Cooper M 37 Jena Mickel F 30 Eric Dueno M 47 Robert Wigen M 49 Jon Brown M 40 Julia Sura F 43 Juli DeGrummond F 45 Lyssa Oberkreser F 44 Cindi Goodson F 51 Kirsten Kinsley F 43 Rob Williams M 60 Billy Millard M 33 David DeJesus M 52 Richard Hopkins M 24 Sarah Logan BeasleyF 24 Patrick Bateman M 27 Becky Bush F 46 Blair Minnix M 31 Adrienne Ruhl F 34 Casey Tozzi F 34 Bryan Koller M 22 Lindsey Scott F 27 Cynthia Cooper F 37 Paige Breshike F 30 Meagan Lagasse F 42 Katerina Mozier F 23 Drew Thomas F 20 Susan Shearer F 54 Jana Davis F 45 Chuck Davis M 54 19:13 20:33 21:52 22:33 23:35 23:37 23:49 23:54 24:01 24:08 24:45 25:56 26:04 26:12 26:21 26:54 27:01 27:11 27:36 27:49 28:56 28:59 28:59 29:07 29:16 29:17 29:43 30:06 30:28 30:38 30:46 30:50 31:00 31:00 31:48 32:01 32:02 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 Volume 40 Issue 6 Michael Martin Jen Barton F 32 John Tan M 40 Natasha Peliska F 24 Kevin McCarthy M 32 Kevin Clark M 47 Meggan McCarthy F 29 Lacey Ritter F 27 Ashley Hancock F 30 Maggie Williams F 27 Nichole Harris F 34 Mary Khan F 35 Alyssa Hunek F 24 Nejline Bryan F 47 Denise Howard F 38 Kim Kupfer F 53 James Cox M 49 Claudia Marchena F 46 Chris Larichiuta M 49 Bonnie Stark F 61 Chelsey Peters F 31 Matt Peters M 32 Barbara Crandall F 61 Bill DeGrummond M 81 Kaylyn Minnix F 32 Sara Golding F 34 Loretta Golding F 63 Zoe Quinn F9 Kim Quinn F 38 Deirdre Tolia F 40 Carole Kenney F 64 Kristen Youngblood F 39 Chris Gorsuch M 58 Valencia Matthews F 57 Gail Garrett F 53 Kenia Escobar F 25 Paula Kiger F 50 Wayne Kiger M 15 Kevin Klinkman M 26 Katherine Moore F 24 Nick Nichols M 72 Nicole Nichols F 41 Jill Nichols F 71 Shanti Liverpool F 31 32:26 33:45 34:12 34:32 34:50 35:00 35:43 36:00 36:15 40:33 41:25 43:35 43:46 43:47 44:06 46:02 46:02 46:04 46:17 46:56 46:57 47:02 47:45 49:16 50:01 50:07 50:38 50:38 51:06 56:18 56:19 56:36 56:46 56:46 62:05 62:18 62:19 63:37 70:02 70:03 76:26 76:27 76:28 Stephanie Dupree W a k u l l a Ed Livingston p I c s Wakulla Springs 5K 5/16/2015 Ron, Cynthia Cristen, R.D. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Bryce Cole Katie Slater Travis Parks Lane Williams Aaron Taylor Ryan Slyter David Welling Tad David Dalten Wood Alex Smythe Haleigh Martin Roobens Louis Michael Kennett Mark Tombrink Ken Conner Eric Laywell M F M M M M M M M M F M M M M M 16 19 19 19 21 25 30 46 15 15 15 22 41 27 58 50 18:12 18:46 19:22 19:24 19:44 19:48 20:04 20:11 20:32 20:37 20:56 21:17 21:19 22:11 22:14 22:18 Volume 40 Issue 6 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 Jimmy Sauls M Josh Dismuke M Michael La Bossiere M Carly Thomas F Buddy Levins M Doug Cole M Felix Gaspar M Karl Denninger M Connie Lewis F Adam Potter M Nico Wienders M Jay Silvanima M Nancy Stedman F Ryan Luhrs M Amelia Crooms F Colin Briggs M Michael Boll M Randy Naylor M Myron Herring M Jake Vick M Craig Williams M Dominic Milner M Lacey Randolph F Alex Quinlan M Matthew Gerrell M Douglas Gorton M Joe Vega M Angel Bobo F Michael Martin M Aimee Jones F Julie Clark F Hannah Wheatcraft F Nancy Lewis F Russel Bruce M Adam Townsend M Brendan Mulholland M Whitney Ray M Erik Andersen M Francee Laywell F Isaac Gutierrez M Sandra Canada F Emiliano Oseguera M Cary Gerrell F Loretta Leiher F John Jenkins M Bill Snyder M Lynn Masimore F Holly Ardolf F Marisol Townsend F Mark McVey M Jim Moran M Gene Stuckey M Maritza Tapia F Jeremy Nelms M Stephen Dean M Elias Bernstein M Robin Ducker F Russell Pfost M Gene Henry Liford M Mark Kellerhals M Graham Hackley M Liovani Nazario F David Vick M Catherine Meeks F Tiphani Salas F 35 22 49 21 61 50 53 51 16 30 44 55 53 33 25 15 51 45 56 26 48 34 26 32 32 56 61 23 39 32 53 15 49 42 45 24 33 32 53 45 52 26 30 51 56 64 37 24 37 55 57 61 43 32 31 8 50 60 21 54 12 41 54 32 36 T HE F L EET F O O T 22:26 22:31 22:35 22:39 22:44 22:46 22:50 22:55 23:05 23:38 23:46 23:55 24:11 24:16 24:21 24:30 24:32 24:37 24:41 24:53 24:55 25:01 25:09 25:12 25:14 25:21 25:25 25:25 25:34 25:51 25:58 26:06 26:12 26:14 26:19 26:21 26:24 26:27 26:48 26:50 26:59 27:24 27:28 27:30 27:31 27:48 27:56 28:05 28:05 28:23 28:25 28:31 28:46 28:51 29:21 29:45 29:46 30:02 30:13 30:15 30:18 30:20 30:23 30:37 30:43 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 Paige Breshike F Mike Frost M Karen Thomas F Christina Maddox F Jana Davis F Chuck Davis M James Parker F Meredith Meeks F Joel Mynard M Teeah Grim F Elizabeth Findly F Mike McVey M Eli Prince M Cinil Maliakkal M Riley Upton M Evan Rosenthal M Michael SammonsM Tommy Sammons M Leslye Upton F Susan Cornwell F Ed Livingston M John Tan M Brittney Hegwer F Cindy Davis F Jesus Araiza M Rony Joseph M Bre Currie F Christopher Warfel M Kristy Trueblood F Jeanette Lehn F Rayna Levins Bell F Jacob Cooksey M Brittney Moore F Tony Alex M Theresa Giralt F Cindi Giralt F Linda Levins F Mallory Rusinowski F Alexa Seigel F Sherece Wade F Tanya Gutierrez F Sr. Hornbaker M Daniel Lilly M Tanya McKenzie F Brian Dupree M Pamela McKenzie F Dianne Douglas F Boone Prince M Nicole Mackler F Crystal-Dawn Badger F Mary Prince F Daniel Evans M Kelly Brode F Greg Stewart M Angie Hobbs F Caitlyn Fayed F Della Fahnestock F Michele Beaudin F Susan Tobin F Kari Roberts F Michelle Condo F Abby Holiday F Greta Brauer F Laura Sullivan F 30 61 27 37 45 54 57 36 62 37 45 52 11 38 10 29 15 39 38 66 71 41 28 46 54 32 25 29 38 32 12 26 30 41 20 55 62 21 20 36 22 59 25 42 50 55 62 11 45 30 39 26 23 64 43 25 46 66 58 23 46 26 25 48 30:53 30:58 31:01 31:17 31:37 31:37 32:05 32:08 32:13 32:16 32:17 32:22 32:25 32:25 32:25 32:26 32:37 32:37 32:44 32:55 33:04 33:16 33:54 33:56 34:19 34:25 34:36 34:37 34:42 35:06 35:29 35:42 35:50 36:05 36:06 36:06 36:12 36:22 36:22 36:22 36:36 36:46 37:11 38:05 38:07 38:13 38:25 38:41 39:01 Page 21 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 Kade Dazevedo M Kirsten Dazevedo F Michael Joyner M Manda Marisco F Robert Morris M Heather Encinosa F Lynn Hoshihara F Kerry Parsons F Tamara Prine F Meghan Mee F Katherine Joyner F Keri Gordon F Lori Fry F Kara Tabb F Stephanie Dupree F Margarete Deckert F Loretta Golding F Callie Thurman F Lindsey McIntyre F Andrea Reese F Bianca Kirkland F Charley Kirland M Don Douglas M Sara Golding F Erin Cunningham F Drew May M 10 42 29 38 83 44 35 29 39 27 34 37 50 40 41 82 62 15 30 35 34 28 68 34 32 34 43:03 43:04 43:26 43:49 44:08 44:29 44:29 44:29 44:54 45:45 45:45 46:11 46:43 46:43 48:06 48:32 49:05 50:34 50:35 51:28 51:28 51:28 54:26 58:12 58:25 58:25 Wakulla Springs Mile 5/16/2015 Ron, Cynthia Cristen, R.D. 1 Alysha Gutierrez F 12 8:08 2 Grayson Stevens M 7 8:09 3 Andres Bernstein M 10 9:16 4 Levi O'Grady M 7 9:41 5 Clayton Gerrell M 5 11:01 6 Jeff Mohr M 59 11:02 7 Jin Joseph M 6 12:50 8 Marie- Anne Luber F 59 12:52 9 Mara Heet F 39 13:27 10 Leela Bell F 9 15:03 11 Lydia Kennett F 4 15:29 12 Jeanie Gorton F 59 16:01 13 Nicole Allen F 14 17:04 14 Allen Joseph M 55 19:21 15 Glenn Elmore M 61 20:56 F 62 20:59 39:01 16 Donna Elmore 39:27 39:39 Nene Fest 5K 39:39 39:48 5/9/2015 40:06 Jessica Kennett, R.D. 40:09 40:14 40:25 40:34 1 Chris Lake M 27 15:49 40:41 2 Geb Kiros M 48 17:38 40:51 3 Michael Kennett M 41 21:05 42:36 4 John Schwenkler M 33 21:46 42:36 5 Jimmy Sauls M 35 21:51 42:38 6 Paula O'Neill F 53 22:28 Page 22 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 Nancy Stedman F 53 Simon Holden-Schrock M 11 Chris Peary M 40 Sarah Monbarren F 29 Christian Web M 43 Robert Wigen M 49 Hope Hoffman F 34 Keith Cummings M 32 Nela Diaz F 35 Dennis Smith M 49 Nick Nichols M 71 Simon May M 42 Natassia Brenkus F 31 Quinn Holden-Schrock F 13 Brennan Minnix M 36 Hayley Klees F 23 Becky Bush F 46 Stephanie Pan F 35 Zander Smith M 12 Sabri Hanley M7 Lauren Buzzelli F 33 Maria Matheu F 36 Sandy Pagano F 51 Thomas Biance M 34 Nora Underwood F 48 Genevieve Printiss F 14 Calvin Juliet M 15 Lukas Graber M 38 Blair Minnix M 31 Brad Smith M 60 Katherine Miller F 53 Jenifer Ranft F 30 Sue Kelly F 63 Graham Hackley M 12 Ed Livingston M 71 Carl Baum M 36 Kenneth Bauer M 27 Dot Skofronick F 78 Kasey Law F 28 Oliver Juliet M 13 Brew Juliet M 41 Angela Schwenkler F 36 Erin Cunningham F 32 Allen Joseph M 55 Margaret Beshara F 35 Ashley Baum F 38 Emily Ruddell F 68 Lisa Schwenning F 47 Wendy Bevan-Baker F 59 Sarah Schuler F 35 Angie Hobbs F 43 Richard Urban M 44 Marlee Robinson F 26 Staci Stephens F 35 Jon Hollister M 29 Marcy Friedle F 59 Jim Friedle M 61 Kristina Bauer F 26 Kathy Butler F 50 Theresa Prichard F 34 Tobie Hirai M 11 T HE F L EET F O O T 23:00 23:37 23:44 23:57 24:39 25:13 25:27 25:28 25:58 26:04 26:14 26:32 26:51 26:54 27:47 28:22 28:38 29:08 29:16 29:17 29:33 29:34 29:35 29:35 29:56 30:32 30:32 30:33 30:42 30:55 30:57 31:09 31:35 31:40 31:42 32:53 33:11 33:18 33:25 33:26 33:27 33:57 34:19 34:27 34:29 35:05 35:18 35:21 36:43 38:08 39:11 39:50 39:58 41:41 42:37 43:12 43:13 43:17 44:40 46:38 47:39 68 69 70 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 Linda Meadows F 68 Nate Johnson M 47 Kendall Williams F 12 Janesha Victor F 7 Kaylyn Minnix F 32 Kristin Gibson F 33 Suzanne Byrnis F 56 Laura Sullivan F 48 Caitlyn Payberg F 26 Gloria Mathis F 51 Janari Victor M 10 Vanessa Fletcher F 31 Ruby Jasper F 31 Andrew May M 34 Sarah Golding F 34 Gordon Cunningham M 33 Volume 40 Issue 6 48:49 51:36 51:58 52:01 52:38 52:39 54:42 54:42 54:48 54:58 54:49 1:00:00 1:00:31 1:01:10 1:01:11 1:01:11 TMH Challenge 5K 2/9/2015 Forrest Revolinski R.D. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 Adam Greenstein Myles Gibson Michael Kreis Aaron Taylor Mike Burns Michael Cipriano Jeremy Fowler Randy Naylor Tyler Denohan Douglas Gorton Jensen Reinert Erik Andersen Joey Ervin Eric Eggers Lindsay Potvin Kelley Coe El-Urfali Chris Danowski Tom Painter Carlos Casanas Ronnie Shipp Sid Sehgal Stacy Forsthoefel Tonya Smith Casey Hutto David Darst James Wesley Weed Amit Jain Mark Kellerhals Gabriel Manry Tom Ballantine Lauren Faison Bruce Lynn Mercedes Puig Ryan Smith Denise Miller Cynthia Felix Nickie Reddick Nic Ancheta M M M M M M M M M M F M M M F F M M M M M F F M M 23 48 50 21 50 57 27 44 20 56 26 32 10 33 30 51 25 50 29 35 30 30 27 61 71 18:03 18:42 20:37 20:41 21:31 21:55 22:31 23:44 24:53 24:53 25:01 25:07 25:21 25:55 26:30 26:38 26:48 27:26 27:40 28:03 28:36 28:37 28:40 28:52 29:22 M M M M M F M F M F F M M 30 33 53 7 42 42 67 30 30 51 26 47 32 29:44 29:45 30:27 30:55 30:56 32:04 32:15 32:36 32:38 33:42 33:48 33:52 34:45 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 Teresa Ahler F Laura Allbaugh F Julie Monnin F Letitia Brown F Miguel Manzo M Veterns Bryant M Erin Manzo F Reinaldo Manzo M Christine Plutschack F Carol Manzo F Barbara Hudson F Ro'Tonda Hutchins F Sabrina Hall F Ronald Hall M Maricela Yanez F Earlene Byrd F Will Ervin M Jennifer Williams F Brenda Jackson F Shirley Beauford F Janessa Delva F Rashaunda Davis F Katelyn Reddick F Amaya Adderson F Channcey Kamaker M Asya Adderson F Veronica Adderson F Taralisha Sanders F Shelia Reddick F Gabie Manzo F Stacey Holmes M Alan El-Urfali M Sherry Valdes F Marvin Henderson M Arianna Mazzotti F Federica Gaiani F Vanna Graziani F Viviana Patianna F Robert Calisesi F Joy Strickland F Tommy Strickland M Gwenda Charles F Toni Adams F Clandette Hamell F Agnes Chapman F Carmelita Kendrick F Linda Strickland F Jayarme Tolliver F Don Tolliver M 21 30 45 40 12 26 10 44 26 44 74 26 50 58 50 64 12 53 69 50 14 29 11 8 0 10 43 34 49 14 8 57 61 65 29 26 33 31 55 0 44 61 44 62 72 49 40 51 51 36:10 36:29 36:39 37:04 37:20 37:45 37:48 37:48 42:57 42:58 43:58 44:01 45:54 45:55 46:35 46:43 46:57 47:09 48:16 48:16 48:49 51:12 51:16 51:17 51:17 51:18 51:20 51:23 51:23 51:43 51:44 52:00 52:14 52:34 53:43 53:43 53:56 53:56 54:03 56:18 56:18 56:19 57:28 58:43 58:44 58:50 59:06 59:37 59:39 Marzuq Mothers 5K 5/9/2015 Keiff Lindsey, R.D. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Zach DeVeu Sean Hudson Mike Martinez Peter Kaus Katie Sherron Caleb Cole Alese Autore M M M M F M F 27 44 49 31 33 28 37 17:44 18:14 18:15 18:41 19:57 20:16 20:43 Volume 40 Issue 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 Renee Cox F Jim Martin M Bob Asztalos M Mark Tombrink M Mike LaBossiere M Buddy Levins M Kate Krizner F Jenny Early F Joe Vega M Bill Fredericks M Bill Krizner M Debby Peters F Lisa Starling F Adam Townsend M Francee Laywell F Beverly Touchton F Bill Snyder M Kristen Knapp F Charley Kirkland M Billy Roberts M Sandra Conrad F Scott Barton M Brody Barton F MarisolTownsend F Bryan Smith M Carrie Smith F Rayna Bell F Joe Collins M Caroline Nobel F Trey Noble M April Brown F Mary Jane Tappen F Kristy Trueblood F Perha Varley F Avery Presnell M Meghan Presnell F Linda Levins F Sandra Marie Artecona F Kaitly Ann Conrad F Weston? F Pam Presnell F Sarah Garvin F Ella Schwartz F Jeanette May F Sophia Petrandis F Claire Petrandis F Mark Vesuvio M Terry Bruce M Maggie Breza F Pam Brannon F Susan Tobin F Millie Kelsey-Smith F James Varley M Margarete Deckert F No card No card Tamara Prine F Andrea Reese F Bianca Kirkland F Josephine NewtonF Charlotte Cummings F Sudduth Cummings M T HE F L EET F O O T 27 53 56 27 49 61 11 31 61 38 40 54 49 45 53 50 64 44 28 39 44 53 37 37 33 40 12 23 49 10 58 57 38 70 8 37 62 20:46 21:09 21:31 22:26 22:44 22:56 24:28 24:38 24:43 25:06 25:35 26:04 26:14 26:15 26:20 26:51 27:10 27:21 27:23 27:36 27:45 28:36 28:37 28:43 29:23 30:09 30:18 30:34 30:59 31:00 31:13 31:31 33:22 33:58 34:16 34:17 34:32 25 10 61 55 20 54 35 12 55 56 64 23 55 58 59 75 82 34:43 34:44 35:19 35:34 35:34 35:38 36:49 37:11 37:28 37:36 37:49 38 38:02 42:20 43:38 43:44 45:53 46:14 46:15 46:32 48:05 48:06 50:35 54:34 54:42 59 35 34 88 68 68 Rose City 10K 4/25/2015 Dr. James Story, R.D. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 Nathan Haskins M Chris Lake M Matthew Cashin M Roger Schmidt M James Dodson M Drew Rabun M Geb Kiros M Adam Wallenfelsz M Eric Godin M Kevin Sweeny M Mickey Moore M Myles Gibson M Jacob Dodson M Arnoldo DeJesus M Tim Unger M Robert Skrob M Colter Foster M Josh Wallenfelsz M Pauncho Hufstetler M Daniel Oldhaven M Camilo Ordonez M Tad David M Charles Lang M David Knauf M Mark Tombrink M Todd Hanscom M Beth Sweeny F Jack McDermott M Bill Stevens M Chuck Lang M AL Whatley M Tyler Johnston M David Yon M Jason Stojka M Richard Aarons M Chad Johnson M Stephen Veliz M Larry Harris M Rocky Hufstetler M Kurt Anthony M Jim Martin M Christopher Perkins M Duane Joiner M Kevin Grooms M Grace Lockhart F Dennis Fuchs M Gregory Waddell M Percy Waddell M Wesley Gentry M Justin Williams M Tyler Boban M Rick Kendust M Garreth Pyle M Keith Howell M 26 27 15 23 17 35 48 17 31 45 45 48 15 29 55 15 16 15 40 37 36 46 16 51 27 36 21 46 42 49 44 23 59 38 36 44 15 46 42 49 53 35 39 37 16 45 49 17 37 37 25 33 36 32 32:04 32:45 34:31 34:35 35:40 36:04 36:30 36:51 37:29 37:30 37:44 38:16 38:43 39:24 39:37 39:40 39:42 39:50 40:46 40:47 41:09 41:12 41:21 41:24 41:25 41:27 41:31 41:54 42:08 42:21 42:26 42:27 42:35 42:45 42:45 42:46 42:54 42:55 43:01 43:05 43:16 43:21 43:38 43:40 43:41 43:42 43:58 44:08 44:37 44:46 44:50 44:57 45:11 45:11 Page 23 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 Lance Parker M 33 Tony Voyles M 39 Nick Murray M 45 Jason Jacobs M 39 Chris Holt M 33 Nicholas Shaw M 20 Craig Bruner M 59 Juan Ordonez M 41 David Malone M 23 Joel Reneau M 28 Jameson Filston M 17 James Phillips M 49 Taylor Childs M 33 Sarah Dugas F 36 Paula O'Neill F 53 Hal Davis M 59 Beverly Hamilton F 37 Tony Gilbert M 60 Mitch Phillips M 15 John Wheeler M 48 Cammie Hungerford F 22 Jonathon McDaniel M 33 Michael Douglas M 46 Kelly Garland F 44 Tsige Tadesse F 42 Laura McDermott F 35 Derrich Howell M 33 Jason Stockstill M 15 Gary Ostrander M 57 Chris White M 46 Nancy Moody F 30 Melanie Jackson F 35 Andrew Pope M 41 Kory Skrob F 44 Emmy Kyllonen F 25 Birgit Maier-Katkin F 52 David Darm M 28 Unknown Patrick Bius M 41 Sumerau Toole F 17 McKenzie Harrell F 18 Gabe Lewis M 14 Marien Dimacali F 53 Marcus Watson M 27 John Parrish M 56 Honey Balfour F 16 Brice Warner M, Unknown Shannon Balfour F 51 Melanie Hall F 41 Henry Roberts M 16 Erik Anderson M 32 Chris Newman M 35 Michael Raybon M 50 Kristen Rabun F 25 Dan Cashin M 49 William Harrer M 17 Luke Joiner M 14 Dominic Milner M 34 Nick Nichols M 71 45:22 45:24 45:27 45:33 45:36 45:54 45:55 46:33 46:43 46:44 46:50 47:05 47:18 47:35 47:38 47:59 48:12 48:14 48:25 48:26 48:36 48:41 48:53 48:53 48:54 48:58 48:58 49:00 49:04 49:13 49:16 49:28 49:49 50:02 50:08 50:19 50:20 50:23 50:33 50:34 50:35 50:39 50:40 50:41 50:43 50:44 50:56 50:58 51:11 51:13 51:14 51:20 51:23 51:26 51:29 51:34 51:35 51:36 51:39 51:42 Page 24 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 Aaron Meissner M Daniel Oakes M Dan Stewart M Chuck Speight M Steven Stolting M Chad Parkerson M Art Anderson M Greyson Tuten M Unknown Ted Welch M Ryan Maloy M Peggy Simpson F Ronnie Salter M Joel Carter M Jim Simpson M Jordan Bush F Craig Coppedge M Scott Routsong M Paul Norris M Renee Moss F Randy Harvey M Amanda Woodell F Seth Stanaland M Dale Bradley M Debbie Peters F Doug Harrell M Tony Hezekiah M Juli deGrummond F Tommy deGrummond M Tricia Graham F Unknown Lance Wilson M Nancy Herring F Jennie Douglas F Brian Oliveire M Bill Cobb M Scott Wiza M Cathy Bankston F Heather Pence F Emily Eckels F Unknown Michael Barfuss M Melody Gunter F Jeff Drawdy M Unknown Donica Williams F Paul Pickles M Forrest Hill M Will Peters M Stephanie White F Gayla Jacquin F Jordan Ambrose M Christopher Wilson M Jenna Kolby F Danny Langston M Bill Kimmons M Olivia Adams F Devin Tudor M Sarah Lukes F T HE F L EET F O O T 33 26 48 69 56 38 50 14 50 30 69 52 51 66 16 41 49 65 37 51 40 30 57 54 48 57 45 51:45 51:46 51:48 51:52 51:54 51:55 51:58 52:01 52:02 52:09 52:12 52:13 52:37 52:39 52:41 52:43 52:48 52:57 53:02 53:05 53:13 53:17 53:18 53:19 53:24 53:25 53:29 53:32 40 53:33 50 53:35 53:43 33 53:44 60 53:48 41 53:49 23 53:58 51 54:03 53 54:10 40 54:11 41 54:15 42 54:19 54:22 38 54:28 51 54:30 37 54:32 54:35 35 54:36 48 54:37 31 54:39 59 54:41 31 54:50 43 54:56 26 54:59 43 55:03 24 55:04 51 55:08 32 55:10 19 55:15 25 55:17 45 55:20 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 Clayton Salter Shelins Saju F Wyatt Whitfield M Wade Davis M William Blocker M David Hufstetler M Brent Bradshaw M Sherri Welch F Preston Shaw M Caroline Filston F Jim Hall M Thomas Kuglar M Katie Corbin F Lee Moreno M Bill Snyder M Tom Kridk M Michael Crowley M Jeanna Mayhall F Krissy Hurst M Thomas Hudgins M Marissa Maloy F Unknown Whitney Costin F Summer Hall F Lisa Money F Julie Harris F Brett Lacy M Mark Garland M Michelle Harrison F Michael Watts M Keri Johnson F Leah Odom F Kensey Edgar F Melinda Owens F Rick Owens M Stephanie Kinkel F Becky Bush F Logan Covington F Russ Covington M Valerie Boban F Lisa Unger F George Walker M Dawn Marie Klug F Enrique Soto M Jennifer Hatchell F Karen Stauffer F Jenny Ladson F Russell Turner M Elvin Colon M Belinda Wise F Shaunna Cook F Nicholas Ludecke M Jordan Money M Tim Kelshaw M Tara Reed F Gingy Sampson F Joshua Gainous M Lauren Cochran F Jodie Hilson F Unknown 36 14 50 46 61 35 50 20 17 64 69 20 49 64 52 51 49 38 27 27 36 36 51 49 28 45 47 56 31 30 27 35 47 35 46 16 43 22 47 46 NC 50 37 54 45 47 37 32 28 18 24 57 50 50 31 26 43 55:21 55:23 55:27 55:32 55:34 55:38 55:39 55:53 56:00 56:06 56:12 56:14 56:15 56:21 56:28 56:29 56:29 56:30 56:59 57:04 57:06 57:07 57:08 57:08 57:09 57:38 57:40 57:42 57:47 57:47 57:58 57:59 58:01 58:03 58:13 58:17 58:21 58:22 58:23 58:25 58:27 58:32 58:39 58:40 58:44 58:51 58:51 58:52 58:53 58:57 59:07 59:14 59:21 59:22 59:26 59:26 59:27 59:30 59:41 59:42 Volume 40 Issue 6 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 Doug Bell M Katie Walden F Katina Stewart F Cristen Story F Taylor Shiver M Joseph Hoffmann M Stephan Thompson M Unknown Keith Long M Tory Schofill F Julio Serrant M Frank Hachmuth M Leigh Dalzell F Frances Lilly F Charles Edwards M Jennifer Thornhill F Allen Thornhill M Cam Alley M Faye Smith F Sherrie Jones F Jeremy Bearden M Maria Mathew F Teddy Welch M Everley Perryman F Lacey Harrison F Michele Warr F Unknown Unknown Ashley Moore F Jana Davis F Chuck Davis M Sara Hall F Brett McDaniel M Logan Beever F Megan Bishop F Mary Jean Yon F Kent Peacock M Racquel Reed F Brandon Stewart M Elizabeth Hastings F Unknown Norman Ludecke M Cassandra Barfuss F Kenneth Jones M Sandra Buchanan F Tonya Kidd F Kyle White M Julia Hilson F Larry Connell M Jeff Hubright M Lisa Cashulette F Rachael Stevenson F Erin Duncan F Unknown Christian Stewart M Marnee Stone F Allen Wooten M Kim Waldrep F Ronnie Lamons M Janet Hastings F 45 48 42 39 30 72 42 37 38 61 49 45 27 61 38 41 49 55 43 30 36 22 21 35 47 31 45 54 29 25 19 40 FL 51 43 13 25 51 39 53 55 49 30 17 52 57 50 18 32 14 44 41 46 52 63 59:44 59:45 59:46 59:47 59:49 59:50 59:51 59:56 59:59 60:03 60:03 60:24 60:33 60:45 60:51 60:58 60:59 61:07 61:16 61:22 61:23 61:24 61:26 61:26 61:30 61:41 61:42 61:43 61:46 61:48 61:49 62:11 62:12 62:13 62:15 62:15 62:16 62:19 62:20 62:23 62:25 62:31 62:38 62:42 63:02 63:08 63:12 63:13 63:13 63:16 63:19 63:21 63:22 63:23 63:30 63:34 63:41 64:04 64:12 64:18 Volume 40 Issue 6 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 Chris Quick Brandy Bell Phillip Johnson Sarah Clinton Aryn delValle Suzanne Branch Cythia Johnson Sherri Plenge James Wiggins Jim Wiggins Liza Jones Tessa Winbigler Curtis Matlin Gary Crayton Vickie Crain Deborah Waldrep Unknown Peggy Willis Cyndee Keel Lindsey Nolan Teresa White Summer Perry Mary Tappen Eddie McCoy Maggie May Amanda May Sean Flanagan Unknown Jordan Taylor Jacob Taylor Bailey Dzurick George Smith Alacia Herring Angela Hall Ray Alan Fykes Russell Brogan Rosie Harkness Erin Folsom Marie Hayes Anna Kelly Shannon Angle Maureen Harrer Marshall Kelley Nicholas Bennett Bryn Adams Martha Wilson Unknown Unknown Randy Chew Angela Parrott Tammie Godwin Amy House Bill Lindstrand Sarah Maddox Lisa-jan Bailey Christie Sanders Steven Bunkowske Cindy Munoz Gina Conley Taren Ohman T HE F L EET F O O T M F M F F F F F M M F F M M F F 39 42 24 13 37 32 55 37 21 54 37 17 52 61 36 45 F F M F F F M F F M 50 39 36 48 39 57 66 12 41 47 F M F M F F M M F F F F F F M M F F 29 32 31 60 41 43 M F F F M F F F M F F F 65 56 38 41 80 21 56 31 41 48 39 35 43 41 34 34 17 41 48 69 38 34 46 64:19 64:20 64:26 64:27 64:31 64:41 64:41 64:42 65:17 65:21 65:23 65:27 65:30 65:32 65:34 65:38 65:49 65:50 65:53 65:59 66:08 66:12 66:13 66:15 66:16 66:24 66:32 66:44 66:45 66:48 67:00 67:02 67:27 67:30 67:31 67:37 67:42 67:42 67:46 67:48 67:59 68:15 68:28 68:28 68:37 68:41 68:41 68:50 68:56 69:02 69:15 69:44 70:06 70:30 70:34 70:35 70:36 70:38 70:43 70:46 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 Kristy Trueblood F Amanda Rentz F Jennifer Willis F Kara Johnson F Unknown Brad Ramsey M Dale Smith F Anna Money F Robin Smith F Martha Watts F Larisa Carpenter F Joe Tarver M Robin Cartright F Chad Ward M Linda Chaisson F Crystal Kelly F Logan Herring F Christian Gibson M Mary Kahn F Brett James M Deann Garcia F Becky Adams F Jean Louise Krier F Jane Krier F Cassie Everett F Tom Crine M Lequesha Brooks F Heather Hightower F Sherrie Dunlap F Megan Bradshaw F Tammy MiddlebrooksF Whitney Diers F Shanna Autry F Megan Martinez F Shanna Horne F William Wallis M Heather Harrell F Michelle Wright F Roy Kelly M Laura Ballew F Karen Jones F Trista Jones F Laura Parkerson F Elizabeth Maxwell F Mahsheed Khajaui M Unknown Kim Clinton F Julie McDaniel F Elaine McKinnon F Russell Green M Howard McKinnon M Unknown Caroline Flowers F Cindi Beever F Stacey Ward F Duane Treadon M Bonnie Warren F Blair Dickinson M Haley Logue F Shawn Highsmith M 38 35 39 33 33 30 25 55 58 45 57 37 34 63 35 16 18 35 26 36 56 53 50 72 35 35 32 24 53 26 39 32 31 67 38 40 43 37 45 45 38 20 50 38 59 52 40 62 38 57 32 45 53 58 19 18 70:50 70:55 71:05 71:27 71:29 72:15 72:23 72:36 72:58 72:59 73:11 73:31 73:34 73:35 73:38 73:41 74:12 74:42 75:09 75:16 75:27 76:07 76:27 76:29 76:30 76:35 76:38 76:41 76:42 76:51 76:52 76:54 76:54 77:11 77:15 77:26 78:21 78:23 78:37 78:44 78:56 79:03 79:18 79:55 80:30 80:41 81:02 81:47 81:53 81:58 82:12 82:28 82:50 85:25 85:25 86:21 86:45 86:53 86:54 87:54 Page 25 415 Mary Catherine Haymons F 416 Susan Maxwell F 417 Tiana Roberts F 418 Robert Morris M 419 Roosevelt Barnes M 420 Bill deGrummond M 421 Lori Willner F 422 Terence GoodwonM 423 Jennifer Delgado F 424 Brett Dennis M 425 Mike Joyner F 426 Kent Heninger M 427 Tabatha Rewis F 428 Pamela Knight-Cook F 57 39 83 48 80 57 36 32 29 29 59 35 41 89:33 89:43 89:51 91:05 91:53 91:54 92:35 92:52 93:21 Tails & Trails 5K 5/2/2015 Cara Fowler, R.D. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 Roger Schmidt Stephen Ii Veliz Charlie Lang Tony Easter A J Hodges Kevin Earnshaw Alese Autore Donald Carter Roobens Louis Andrew Hart Finn Tucker Hawthorne Hay Bob Asztalos Michael Cipriano Franz Roeder Christopher Cobb Emily Culley Filippo Aldrovandi-Reina Travis Pickels Calvin McGinnis Abe Hodges Andrea Duffy Cole Tessier Brian Black Traywick Benton Erik Eikeland Bobby Horne William Bishpham Erin Phelps Brad Burns Chris Vitulli Moyeston Foreman Willie McNair Laura Reina Melissa Hooke Joshua Chandler M M M M M M F M M M M M M M M M F 23 15 16 28 14 13 37 28 22 25 13 13 56 57 15 35 14 17:06 19:08 19:34 19:49 19:58 20:12 20:25 20:36 20:53 20:54 20:55 20:56 21:16 21:27 21:39 21:41 21:43 M M M M F M M M M M M F M M M M F F M 10 27 13 44 39 32 36 27 36 32 33 15 47 23 37 32 50 36 28 22:16 22:25 22:26 22:33 22:37 22:40 22:44 22:44 23:05 23:05 23:05 23:16 23:17 23:20 23:29 23:32 23:32 23:39 23:48 Page 26 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 Christopher Gilbert M Kara Brodley F Julie Clark F Robert Lenzo M Rich Heitmeyer M Martha Bademan F Emmy Kyllonen F Jonathan Richardson M Mike Gallant M Perry Ponder M Myron Herring M Steve Carney M Travis Harper M Brandon Stratton M Danny Haberfeld M Chad Peddie M Luis Salvador M Robert McDonald M Derrick Maurer M Hunter Jenks M Justin Roberts M Dan Cashin M Justin Surles M Benjamin Nawlin M Becky Leckinger F Garrett Pritchett M Cory Skinner M Gene Opheim M Barrett Waller M Chad Hill M Isaac Gutierrez M Jon Brown M Camille Swain F Chase Butler M John Phillips M Grant Staford M Douglas Gorton M Lisa Bohl F John Barber M Brad Shouppe M Anthony Millard M Jonathan Faulk M Morgan Daniels M Lisa Starling F Daniel Martin M Tina Bradford F Shawn Chisholm M Johnathan Flowers M Brett Dennis M Melissa Garner F Bill Snyder M Michelle Tigue F Charlie Price M Cainnon Gregg M Kurt Larose M Paul Russo M Gabriel Manry M Elizabeth Rosario F Evan Combs M Eric Schab M T HE F L EET F O O T 32 12 53 43 34 30 25 30 55 46 56 56 33 24 27 27 50 57 27 21 25 49 26 26 51 24 36 68 10 22 45 40 26 24 51 9 56 56 26 35 39 26 31 49 28 53 27 24 29 42 64 26 41 29 47 39 7 36 23 25 23:48 23:51 23:54 23:54 23:56 24:00 24:08 24:11 24:13 24:15 24:18 24:19 24:20 24:23 24:23 24:25 24:29 24:46 24:48 24:49 24:50 24:50 24:50 24:51 24:51 24:53 25:03 25:04 25:05 25:14 25:15 25:16 25:17 25:25 25:39 25:40 25:43 25:48 26:05 26:12 26:12 26:12 26:15 26:22 26:25 26:28 26:35 26:38 26:38 26:44 26:46 26:48 26:48 26:49 26:49 26:52 26:54 26:54 26:56 26:56 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 Tom Ballantine M Jonathan Hirst M Edward Smith M William Barger M Malcolm Ogden M Lindsey Thompson F Bryon Freeman M Ella Grace Hodges F Lilli Unger F Matthew Tompkins M Matthew Spears M Brooke Lord F Sheryl Steckler F Anthony Hatke M Ryan Nieto M Ryan Marowski M Susan Thomas F Eberhard Roeder M Marquita Green F Danni Waller F Cathy Cross F Charley Kirkland M Jeff Doyle M Jarrod Barfield M Sandra Conrad F Sharon Crews F Hunter Roy M Greg Lane M Michael Stallings M Jen Dickinson F Scott Williamson M Gary Jamieson M Evelyn Hernandez F Maritza Tapia F Mary Swain F Rebecca James F Kenneth Friedman M Morgan Crews F Casey Hutto M Marisa McNulty F Jonathan Wilmot M Benjy Thomas Page M Siddarth Bhaskar M Mitch Osteen M Nicole Mathis F Andrew McDonald M Cliff Yancy M Paul Dehn M Damarcus Taylor M Amanda Dehn F Jeff George M Richard Lacy M Daniel Walters M Rayna Levins Bell F Guy Ramsey M Jonna Snider F Douglas Landingham M Joseph Chiappa M Holly Ardolf F Heather Blanton F 42 24 43 47 25 35 39 10 12 45 22 17 53 30 13 15 33 47 35 9 55 28 40 40 44 47 10 44 33 39 49 38 27 43 57 38 30 9 61 13 27 39 33 34 24 43 26 40 40 36 25 24 27 12 38 34 37 36 24 40 26:57 26:57 27:10 27:11 27:13 27:23 27:23 27:24 27:25 27:26 27:31 27:33 27:33 27:37 27:38 27:39 27:39 27:41 27:42 27:44 27:45 27:48 27:49 27:49 27:51 27:53 27:54 27:55 27:56 27:57 27:57 27:59 27:59 28:02 28:03 28:04 28:05 28:06 28:07 28:09 28:09 28:11 28:13 28:16 28:21 28:22 28:23 28:24 28:24 28:24 28:25 28:25 28:35 28:38 28:40 28:41 28:44 28:49 28:49 28:59 Volume 40 Issue 6 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 Alexis Martin F Reid Wakefield M Alexis Schwartz F David Stoms M Kevin Ledbetter M Tessa Walton F Dalton Landingham M Mark Kellerhals M Daniel Gidaro M Jim Moran M Joel Atkinson M Leah Blake F Aaron Fronek M Lane Ouzts M Cooper Lastinger M Jay Swindle M Hayley Kolich F Peggy Ham F Kimberly Martinez F Christopher Roberts M Joseph Arntz M Philip Law M Kelly Emerson F Emily Mitchell F Jenifer Ranft F Michael Goldie M Jonathan Westover M Barbette Pannitteri F Joel Mynard M Randy Spanders M Ashleigh Brodley F Heath Flanagan M Miguel Arias M Brian Spencer M William Davis M Jon Lord M Jason Perdue M Wallace Edenfield M David Doll M Thina Jones F Tara Watson F Amy Reznik F Amy Knight F Rich Rasmussen M James Watson M Paige Breshike F Edward Premprapha M Jason Longfellow M Angelique Bowman F Emmett Noblitt M Brianna Muntean F Blake Bishop M James Mann M Nathan Reffitt M Jennifer Dombek F Jamie Lasker M Claudia Claussen F Jack Cates M John Walsingham M Gary Hewett M 19 30 27 30 35 43 13 53 32 57 52 25 34 15 10 21 24 26 20 32 34 42 36 35 30 36 29 49 62 49 42 27 23 24 34 38 32 25 51 41 37 58 47 51 8 30 33 39 34 28 24 34 45 12 30 40 29 40 43 45 29:00 29:03 29:11 29:11 29:15 29:17 29:18 29:19 29:20 29:20 29:27 29:29 29:30 29:37 29:39 29:44 29:45 29:54 29:55 29:56 29:59 30:00 30:06 30:06 30:07 30:07 30:16 30:18 30:21 30:21 30:22 30:22 30:24 30:24 30:27 30:32 30:32 30:36 30:39 30:40 30:43 30:44 30:45 30:53 30:57 31:02 31:07 31:08 31:10 31:10 31:12 31:12 31:16 31:18 31:19 31:20 31:23 31:27 31:27 31:29 Volume 40 Issue 6 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 Karissa Starling F Susan Cornwell F Michael Terlecki M Ryan Mann M Lesya Wilbur F Rocky Moore M James Marshall M Kelly Bilbrey F Alfred Box M Lee Istrail M Chris Waller M Bryan Desloge M Alex Marshall M Chris Clifton M Lauren Dalton F Jesse Johnston M Adrienne Johnston F Chris Hudson M Renee Morgan F Christopher Danello M Derik Shatzer M James Bates M Joshua Underwood M Cinil Maliakkal M Ashley Hancock F Michael Otte M Petra Elena Byron F Gloria McElroy F Austin Earp M Tracy Harbour F Corey Silcox M Greg Daniels M Eric Sadler M Ryan Smith M Judy Williams F Elizabeth Lastinger F Mark O'Neil M Kelsie Patton F Mickinzee Hetrick F Hannah Noles F James Mock M Nancy Minev F Ben Pike M Todd Richardson M Sean Murphy M Kaitlyn Paris F Ralph Ricardo M Felesa Oliver F Daniel Korecky M Georgia Kratimenos F Vic Culley M Kierston Schultz F Hannah Singletary F Eryn Jones F Heath Barnes M Sergio Pinon M Melissa Marshall F Madeline Wainright F Jennifer Angulo F Derek Kirland M T HE F L EET F O O T 11 66 47 37 33 30 39 25 26 37 41 55 9 23 29 30 30 42 34 45 24 31 27 38 30 33 45 29 25 44 26 52 35 30 50 42 59 26 24 16 25 24 34 45 35 10 50 27 30 0 50 34 21 26 29 21 37 12 36 27 31:31 31:35 31:39 31:39 31:42 31:44 31:45 31:48 31:50 31:52 31:53 31:53 31:54 31:55 31:55 31:56 31:57 32:02 32:03 32:07 32:08 32:09 32:09 32:16 32:20 32:21 32:23 32:28 32:46 32:47 32:50 32:55 32:55 32:57 33:02 33:04 33:06 33:06 33:07 33:10 33:11 33:15 33:16 33:25 33:28 33:40 33:40 33:48 33:48 33:52 33:54 33:55 34:00 34:02 34:04 34:09 34:10 34:11 34:12 34:13 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 Dylan Lee M Nick Dombek M William Ray M Laura Gibson F Jesse BaguchinskyM Pamela Presnell F Andrew Fender M Russell Sullivan M Shibu Abraham M Hannah Recinella F Carrie Yozviak F Rachel Barton F Phillip Mathis M Lisa Glunt F Carole Gramavot F Laura Robson F Stephanie Robson F Oliver Green M Rachel Rivers F Jerry Chesnutt M Holly Thomas F Steve Bridges M Nicholas Micciche M Rebekah Rivers F Katie Klutz F Marie Artecona F Johnathan Reid M Eve Nieto F Richard Power M Brooke Micciche F Victoria Mauldin F Heather Welch F Dominique Bortmas F Katie Bradley F Jennifer Murphy F Aidan Hudson F John Dill M Colleen Mullen F Taroub King F Sergio Pinon M Hillary Kaye F Lysa White F Jeremiah Carter M Brittney Crutchfield F Trina Searcy F Richard Ryan M Jennifer Kobetitsch F John Brancale M Karen Smith F Shawn Grant M Breanna Williams F Kevin Reaves M Julia Vandergrift F Barry Wilcox M Alexandria Shelton F Maggie Wilcox F Andrew Thornquest M Jenie Lundergran F Ian Whitacre M Kristen Larson F 21 30 40 45 27 55 15 23 30 27 36 39 40 34 64 23 25 42 18 64 53 46 26 57 31 25 21 45 55 25 22 26 24 32 37 38 25 29 48 49 25 46 32 25 44 63 43 25 66 35 21 37 8 44 25 8 28 46 37 27 34:13 34:13 34:18 34:20 34:22 34:22 34:24 34:25 34:26 34:29 34:36 34:38 34:38 34:42 34:43 34:44 34:44 34:47 34:48 34:53 34:57 34:59 35:00 35:06 35:11 35:13 35:13 35:15 35:16 35:18 35:18 35:18 35:19 35:19 35:20 35:35 35:40 35:45 35:48 35:50 35:51 35:52 35:54 35:55 35:55 36:00 36:04 36:07 36:10 36:22 36:31 36:39 36:42 36:44 36:44 36:44 36:44 36:49 36:52 36:52 Page 27 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 Deirdre Rhodes F Crystal-Dawn Badger F Blair Varela F Donnie Bass M Jessica Earnshaw F Timothy Noles M Karen Montifolca F Fran Bridges F Richard Ziegler M Savannah Williams F Erin Cunningham F Ashley Reffitt F Barbara Pannitteri F Marcelo Viera M Micaylin Condo F Anna Holton F Floyd Rhoden M Cynthia Holifield F Erika Halvorsen F Richard Shuler M Danielle Vaughn F Julia Winter F Debora Passetti F Will Butler M Erik Jones M Daniel McKinley M Kristina Torpy F Ashley Tinsley F Erin Smith F Ashley Istler F Jeffrey Urban M Burley Townson M Jamie Sanders M Katelyn Shields F Laura Lopez F Lynn Schuster F Liz Foreman F Karen Crawford F Ellie Koo F Jenny Peterson F Edward Crites M Nathan Kight M T J Cutchins M Jessica Bahorski F Kristin Cline F Heather Pence F Isabella Pence F Kerry Buigas F Jessi Scharein F Martha Brushwood F Michele Taylor F Angie Hobbs F Cody Lillpop M Kristin McAnally F Travis Robarts M James Thompson M Mariann D'Arcangelis F Steven Vickery M Darren Rye M Beth Desloge F 43 30 32 37 35 43 31 54 55 15 32 18 15 33 17 30 51 28 23 32 31 57 60 34 34 31 27 24 33 27 32 53 44 12 27 55 27 60 32 30 36 27 55 39 24 41 9 26 29 50 40 43 33 24 46 40 34 28 42 56 36:52 36:55 37:00 37:01 37:03 37:11 37:12 37:23 37:29 37:29 37:31 37:37 37:37 37:38 37:42 37:47 37:56 37:59 38:01 38:02 38:05 38:05 38:05 38:17 38:26 38:30 38:31 38:33 38:38 38:44 38:44 38:48 38:49 38:51 38:56 39:13 39:18 39:18 39:21 39:31 39:32 39:32 40:01 40:01 40:02 40:04 40:04 40:05 40:05 40:07 40:15 40:19 40:20 40:20 40:21 40:21 40:26 40:31 40:32 40:37 Page 28 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 Lauren Zaremba F Christina Shideler F Raefel Triplett M Jessica Jamieson F Tracy Bishop F Lisa Blackwell F Carla Stephens F Kevin McDonald M Thomas Lehman M Leigh Anne Thompson F Michelle Cannon F Stacy Hatke F Renee Liss F Amalie Hancock F Cathrine Hancock F Michelle Condo F Michael Bates M Kristen Kulbick F Jessie Yancey F Christopher Bell M Jessica Weiner F Jayne Wainright F Tina Beck F Tamara Prine F Jennifer Ricardo F Brittany Finkbeiner F Kep Phillips M Ashley Cabrera F Christopher Brown M Felicia Youngblood F Aiden Allen M Madyson Stewart F Natalie Harrison F Kenny Harrison M Vicki Allen F Tom Brushwood M Joyce Shields F Jonathan Rose M John Vann M Jen Campbell F Stephanie Butler F Bonnie Stark F Nicole McKissack F Kiersten Wright F Janet Chernoff F Ashley Pearce F Morgan Hicks F Molly Seal F Jessica Skelly F Mary Tufnell F Christopher Fender M Maria Fender F Cassie Mills M Charles McDonald M Eleanore McDonald F John York M Debi York F Anthony Aguanno M Pamela Seal F T HE F L EET F O O T 24 29 50 32 33 43 50 43 27 40:42 40:56 40:58 40:59 41:03 41:03 41:15 41:20 41:26 24 25 30 38 6 39 46 68 36 31 46 20 36 23 39 48 32 29 23 47 26 8 15 28 40 39 70 55 27 34 45 31 61 23 19 56 32 27 27 29 51 39 37 24 41 8 61 61 24 62 41:34 41:34 41:36 41:49 41:50 41:51 41:51 41:59 42:03 42:04 42:06 42:09 42:17 42:27 42:29 42:34 42:39 42:41 42:48 43:19 43:24 43:27 43:32 43:36 43:36 43:39 43:41 43:43 43:45 43:45 43:55 43:58 44:01 44:09 44:10 44:23 44:40 44:42 44:45 44:51 45:00 45:04 45:04 45:09 45:11 45:12 45:13 45:13 45:13 45:21 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 Margarete L. Deckert F Daniell Tyler-Eckel F Michael Joyner M Claudia Teyssandler F Rachel Wayne F Matt Harris M Katherine Joyner F Adam Shideler M Molly Cowart F Alyssa Lane F Lisa Chason F Rebekah Elliott F Carolyn Spikes F Teresa Cruce F Jonathan Shulthiess M Brittany Stone F Kaitlyn Conrad F Cathy Rose Wilson F Madeleine Young F Donna Miller F Linda Schwarz F Toni Pinon F Terence Goodwin M Denna Pinon F Danielle Martinez F Kaneisha Rutherford F Mary Rutherford F Myra McDonald F Erica McDonald F Georgia Platt F Nickie Stricker F Channel Jordan F Savannah Mills F Pamela Damitz F Christy Chatmon F Dolly Lay F Ross Mathis M Pamela Flores F Tamara Roberts F Rebecca Conrad F Jordan Burroughs F Doug Burroughs M Taylor Marshall F Claire Wainright F Allison Wainright M Mary Ellen Ross F Bianca Kirkland F Andrea Reese F Paul Spillers M Sarah Power F Dolores Alcorn F Angela Minge F Wendy Young F Diane Power F Margaret Raines F Kathy Corbett F Tracy Janicki F Shannon O'Reilly F Melissa Westervelt F Josephine K Newton F 82 36 29 29 23 24 34 33 26 24 57 17 24 49 24 25 19 30 30 64 60 23 36 47 48 32 32 6 35 26 29 31 19 45 42 26 28 28 48 24 25 53 16 9 41 63 34 35 67 25 59 56 46 53 47 41 52 38 24 88 45:29 45:37 45:43 45:46 45:49 45:56 46:00 46:00 46:08 46:18 46:27 46:52 46:52 47:05 47:05 47:11 47:27 47:37 47:50 48:02 48:02 48:02 48:02 48:02 48:13 48:16 48:16 48:17 48:17 48:21 48:22 48:26 48:32 48:55 49:11 49:22 49:22 49:23 49:42 49:46 50:01 50:02 50:12 50:16 50:16 50:19 50:23 50:23 50:33 52:10 52:36 52:56 53:19 53:21 53:23 53:27 53:29 53:41 53:52 54:01 Volume 40 Issue 6 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 Linda English F Carlton Couch M Krystal Couch F Heather Barry F Christina Eppes F Rachel Dodrill F Bobby Jones M Traci Jones F Nancy Juriga F Kathleen Hyde F Lacee Stewart F Brittany Cornwell F Joanne Cline F Delores Stuart F Mark Hoffmann M Heather Arrington F Michelle Clark F Julie Barry F Amy Hembree F Autumn Kesterson F Carol Easton F Michelle Stevens F Jeanne Giblin F Stephanie Torbush F Anne Clark F Sharon Ekrut F Drew May M Sara Golding F Tom Findley M Charlotte Swing F Kelli Dill F Wanda Young F Caselle Russell F John Bevis M Erin Thompson F Emily Heisterkamp F Adreanna Gimenez F 36 33 33 25 27 31 53 47 68 53 20 22 53 46 39 45 34 48 44 40 58 48 59 29 61 59 34 34 55 45 24 37 30 48 31 32 29 54:05 54:16 54:17 54:42 54:53 54:53 54:54 54:54 55:14 55:14 55:29 55:30 55:34 55:34 55:47 55:48 55:59 56:36 57:50 57:50 57:51 57:51 58:06 58:22 58:53 58:53 58:57 58:58 59:12 59:23 59:23 1:03:08 1:03:08 1:04:30 1:04:31 1:06:30 1:06:30 Tails & Trails 10K 5/2/2015 Cara Fowler, R.D. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Matthew Cashin Geb Kiros Zach Deveau Sean Hudson Peter Kaus Ryan Truchelut Mike Peymann Paul Guyas Lane Williams Tim Unger Jon Mason Carter Hay Jim Halley Robert Skrob M M M M M M M M M M M M M M 15 48 27 44 31 29 52 37 19 55 41 43 35 15 37:22 38:41 39:45 39:52 40:24 40:38 40:41 40:57 41:18 41:46 42:08 42:36 42:48 42:52 Volume 40 Issue 6 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 Philip Sura Duane Evans Bill McNulty Tad David Joel Piotrowski Scott Minert Felton Wright Chuck Lang David Block Brittney Barnes Jillian Heddaeus Wesley Gentry Billy Wilson David Yon Barney Ray Jerry McDaniel Michael Brodka Michelle Claycomb Rick Kendust Laura McDermott Michael La Bossiere Kerri Rosana Katie Sack Dan Hipes Jimmy Sauls Gary Griffin Brad Taylor Jeremy Fowler Dale L. Smith Allison Born Katie Clark Adam Kent Greg Kitchens Robert Skrob Matt Hohmeister Andrew Pope David Anderson Randy Naylor Kory Skrob Tsige Tadesse Matt Hall Timothy Fraser Sameer Kapileshwari Paula O'Neill Jonathan Watt Matt Ham Beth Culley William Jackson Ron Christen Jennifer Shafer Joe Vega Nancy Stedman Birgit Maier-Katkin Freddy Branham Dylan Davis Sarah Monbarren Dominic Milner Kenya Rich Mary Williams Robert Cooper Nishanth Krishnamurthy 76 Allen Russell 77 Elizabeth Strickland 78 Belinda Wharton T HE F L EET F O O T M M M M M M M M M F F M M M M M M F M F M F F M M M M M M F F M M M M M M M F F M M M F M M F M M F M F F M M F M F F M 45 47 56 46 45 46 57 49 29 27 32 37 33 59 52 61 30 28 33 35 49 30 23 49 35 65 37 27 61 26 40 39 33 44 34 41 64 44 44 42 57 37 42 53 22 28 50 51 69 47 61 53 52 39 9 29 34 42 46 37 42:55 43:06 43:21 43:32 43:56 44:13 44:18 44:51 45:53 46:04 46:15 46:39 46:44 46:56 47:02 47:33 48:05 48:13 48:14 48:17 48:19 48:22 48:33 49:05 49:10 49:11 49:27 50:10 50:13 50:24 50:35 50:39 50:45 51:10 51:13 51:18 51:21 51:23 51:24 51:28 51:29 51:34 51:40 51:47 51:52 51:52 52:17 52:18 52:21 52:27 52:49 52:56 53:13 53:18 54:02 54:04 54:10 54:27 54:31 54:35 M M F F 33 27 31 54 54:40 54:41 54:44 55:02 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 Emily Kitchens Stephanie Aanstoos Theo Sullivan John Hunt Don Smith Megan Seward Clement Allen Loranne Ausley Dale Bradley Michael Gibson Debbie Peters Alexandria Carrico Lizz Harrington Kristin Halley Christine Plutschack Morris Davis Ian Brazier Ellen Pulido Kathy Greene Megan Long Benjamin Stratton Brittany Lord Benjamin Rangel Sangmun Kim Chris Yearwood Bill Dillon Ron Nieto Francee Laywell Brett Wonsch Jamil Robertson Laura York Mike Manausa Ann Guillen Geoffrey Becker David Simison Thomas Biance Richard Ratliff Tony Kan William Carter John Ellis Steven Huss Amy Starkey Rob Dearduff Amy Jenkins Heather Conn Rachel Scharlepp John McCoy Melissa Oglesby George Kitchens L. Mary Thomas Darren Allen Worth Corn Karen Godbey Steven Schale Judith Sheppard Sarah Simison Kevin Fahey Charlie Johns Becky Bush Rick Ashton Cody Klein Heather Duey Sharon Sollohub Janette Wagner David Darst F F M M M F M F M M F F F F F M M F F F M F M M M M M F M M F M F M M M M M M M M F M F F F M F M F M M F M F F M F F M M F F F M 33 25 26 47 35 31 50 51 57 46 54 25 24 33 26 58 38 48 42 28 11 21 32 30 45 48 49 53 29 37 38 51 46 48 33 34 49 42 50 29 27 39 49 42 43 32 66 44 58 36 43 33 59 40 58 28 26 42 46 68 28 46 50 46 71 55:10 55:12 55:12 55:21 55:30 55:32 55:35 56:01 56:11 56:21 56:35 56:39 56:41 56:48 57:04 57:13 57:19 57:19 57:20 57:30 57:30 57:31 58:09 58:18 58:32 58:35 58:47 59:03 59:10 59:15 59:20 59:26 59:35 59:47 59:52 59:59 1:00:02 1:00:02 1:00:04 1:00:31 1:00:39 1:00:41 1:00:49 1:00:55 1:00:55 1:00:56 1:00:57 1:00:59 1:01:00 1:01:14 1:01:23 1:01:31 1:01:36 1:01:37 1:01:45 1:01:54 1:02:28 1:02:35 1:02:42 1:02:45 1:02:47 1:02:53 1:02:55 1:02:57 1:03:27 Page 29 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 Mary Carter Crystal Parke Soheyla Mahdavian Steve Brown William Sheppard Mark Priddy Stuart Williams Perha Varley Kevin Langston Dick Dowdy Greg Perry Angela Perry Jason Nelson Lori Geist Cheryl Moore Ashley Moore Molly Hornock Chris Collins Patience Burke Ronni Moore Lisa Jackson Lisa Unger Joseph Duncan Mary Jean Yon Jane Holmes- Cain Erin Duncan Nathan Macdonald April Ales Tim Storhoff Kate Sutton Mandy Petroski-Moore Lyssa Oberkreser Sarah Peebles Andrew Gormley Cynthia Cooper Christopher Reece Mishel Garcia Christy Shackleford Casey Tozzi Kirsten Brazier Allison Ruff Kristen Datko Maria Matheu Nicholas Petty Susan Rojas Patricia Dugan Stephanie Ellis Cory Thorpe Patty Ghazvini Kelly Skelton Vicki Crain Ashley Mayo Kateri Timmes Tommy Hyde Sean Flanagan Werviston De Faria Carol Winger Jackie McDaniel Sarah Catherine Spillers Katrina Reffitt Sarah Thorpe John Tan Kelli Dillon Alicia Patros F F F M M M M F M M M F M F F F F M F F F F M F F F M F M F F F F M F M F F F F F F F M F F F M F F F F F M M M F F 42 28 30 49 62 59 44 70 57 62 42 43 33 44 47 31 28 39 31 41 51 47 35 59 50 32 28 43 31 25 41 44 29 36 37 36 27 30 34 37 35 27 36 13 33 64 28 24 42 39 36 32 26 71 47 50 66 60 1:03:31 1:03:41 1:03:41 1:03:46 1:03:50 1:04:02 1:04:08 1:04:12 1:04:16 1:04:28 1:04:38 1:04:38 1:04:44 1:04:51 1:04:55 1:05:00 1:05:02 1:05:05 1:05:19 1:05:21 1:05:22 1:05:29 1:05:30 1:05:30 1:05:30 1:05:30 1:05:31 1:05:32 1:05:37 1:05:49 1:06:00 1:06:00 1:06:08 1:06:10 1:06:18 1:06:19 1:06:28 1:06:32 1:06:34 1:06:38 1:06:42 1:06:43 1:06:51 1:07:04 1:07:14 1:07:29 1:07:31 1:07:55 1:07:59 1:08:05 1:08:33 1:08:34 1:09:06 1:09:08 1:09:20 1:09:22 1:09:24 1:10:17 F F F M F F 27 38 23 41 44 28 1:10:31 1:10:37 1:10:52 1:10:56 1:11:00 1:11:42 Page 30 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 Ed Livingston M Sandy Pagano F Jan Blue F April Bradley F Joanna Paul F Bobbi Paul F Erin Taratoot F Jen Barton F Cheryl Ward F Lauren McCowin F Lauren Snyder F Brittany Wood F Kristy Trueblood F Dee Kring F Michael Ruff M Kimberly Johnson F Linda Levins F Kristina Clark F Claire Phillips F Robby Turner M Andrew McFeaters M Hillary Conley F Lauren Sproull F Bruce Lynn M Ella Schwarz-Parisi F Anne Priddy F Bianca Godin F Tina Brooks F Ellen Deramo F Leah Weinstein F Deborah Curry F Emily Revell F Becky Acain F Mary Kahn F Debbie Grant F David Hoover M Kathariine Kosniewski F Eric Brown M Rachellle Brown F Olivia Heinze F Jamie Fortune F Crystal Bends F Katherine Becker F Sr. Hornbaker M Julie Christesen F Elizabeth Desloge F Kasey Law F Dawn Smith F Priscilla Feldman F Tammy Hornbaker F George Desloge M Danette Davis F Wayne Davis M Holly Thompson F Katie Rose Robison F Vicky Bernal F Emily Mitchell F Andrea Cowart F Susan Tobin F Christi Billington F Jennifer Hopgood F Christopher Gohlke M Wallace Randell M Rebecca Fleminger F Jim Varley M T HE F L EET F O O T 71 51 60 19 50 52 35 32 50 32 28 29 38 45 39 44 62 42 30 56 31 30 35 67 54 66 22 30 66 25 55 38 49 35 60 24 25 26 25 20 39 32 32 59 27 27 28 45 35 55 69 57 75 42 27 63 28 43 58 32 33 42 61 26 75 1:11:46 1:11:47 1:11:48 1:12:03 1:12:06 1:12:06 1:12:07 1:12:20 1:12:31 1:12:52 1:12:52 1:12:52 1:13:13 1:13:22 1:13:55 1:14:08 1:14:20 1:14:28 1:14:30 1:14:32 1:15:22 1:15:22 1:15:36 1:15:37 1:17:04 1:17:24 1:17:25 1:17:28 1:17:41 1:17:46 1:17:55 1:18:04 1:18:32 1:18:44 1:19:05 1:19:12 1:19:19 1:19:20 1:19:20 1:19:45 1:19:46 1:20:02 1:21:05 1:21:28 1:21:32 1:21:33 1:21:33 1:23:40 1:23:50 1:24:06 1:25:09 1:25:40 1:25:40 1:26:20 1:27:44 1:28:11 1:28:24 1:29:45 1:30:18 1:33:00 1:34:02 1:34:44 1:35:10 1:35:25 1:35:32 273 274 275 276 277 278 Bethany Snow Amy Leach Mindy Sugarman Lindsey Sheets Lynne Phillips Emily Fuhrman F F F F F F 32 35 59 27 57 28 Volume 40 Issue 6 1:37:00 1:37:02 1:39:00 1:45:41 1:45:41 1:58:36 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 Tails & Trails Half Mar. 5/2/2015 Cara Fowler, R.D. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 Eric Godin Brian Manry Camilo Ordonez Mark Tombrink David Graf Andy Roberts Juan Ordonez Ben Jones Eric Laywell Ettore Aldrovandi Huston Plato Jason Wright Mary Jane Hayden Sarah White Britton Doner Isabel Anderson Samuel Gereg Pravin Venkatraman Hal Davis Buddy Levins April Bentley Jon Nash Greg Titus Danielle Reinert Jena Mickel Blake Miller Mike Baker Bud Fennema Matthew F Minno Kristina Peeples Jhenai Chandler Chris Tufnell Jamie Ito Cory Griffin Michael Boll Tara Lynch Stephen Davis Ashleigh Smith Nela Diaz Darren McCall Pennie Douglas Karen McGinnis Marie Charrel Erik Andersen Lisa Nichols Bradley Stewart Lacey Randolph M 31 M 36 M 36 M 27 M 39 M 48 M 41 M 25 M 50 M 53 M 46 M 42 F 35 F 21 M 35 F 35 M 44 1:25:43 1:28:21 1:36:57 1:36:59 1:39:41 1:40:08 1:44:46 1:45:13 1:45:38 1:48:47 1:48:58 1:49:20 1:49:34 1:50:14 1:52:44 1:53:31 1:54:21 M 31 M 59 M 61 F 41 M 29 M 52 F 27 F 30 M 33 M 46 M 59 M 55 F 44 F 27 M 57 F 35 M 29 M 51 F 31 M 33 M 34 F 35 M 32 F 35 F 41 F 40 M 32 F 39 M 31 F 26 1:55:52 1:55:55 1:55:58 1:56:07 1:57:12 1:57:14 1:57:14 1:59:43 1:59:56 1:59:58 2:01:11 2:01:12 2:01:31 2:01:34 2:03:57 2:04:08 2:04:24 2:04:37 2:04:44 2:04:55 2:05:47 2:05:58 2:06:36 2:06:49 2:06:56 2:06:56 2:07:14 2:08:10 2:09:22 2:09:30 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 Megan Smernoff F 29 Caitlin Copa F 22 Marc Malonso M 32 Jami Giles F 35 Lauren Loftus F 23 Katie Allison F 37 Marisol Townsend F 37 Theresa Zerkle F 48 Aubrey Saam M 40 David Dejesus M 32 Jeremy Jarrett M 25 Angela Jarrett F 26 Gina Tran F 44 Melissa Zapata F 35 Janell Gushlaw F 27 Susan Kelly F 63 Ludmila De Faria F 46 Elizabeth Wood F 26 Marie Demersseman F 20 Abigail Phillips F 31 Dosha Bautista M 38 Claire Swedenburg F 25 Diane Nerney F 46 Jana Davis F 45 Chuck Davis M 54 Jeeheon Ryu M 46 Cindi Girlt F 55 Faith Stoutamire F 39 Carlos Zapata M 69 Johnni Fraley F 53 Sondra Lee F 46 David Farnsworth M 64 Christy Vines F 34 Ian Bautista F 36 David Yon M 59 Diana Grosh F 40 Ray Stinson M 55 Amy Albee- Levine F 37 Cheryl Urbas F 41 Jill Murphy F 57 Azhar Khan M 33 Morgan Tevlin F 25 Donna Young F 43 Michelle Yang F 31 Shane Gaghan M 40 2:09:46 2:10:53 2:11:40 2:12:00 2:12:00 2:12:13 2:13:13 2:13:19 2:13:56 2:14:57 2:15:25 2:15:27 2:18:17 2:18:48 2:20:44 2:21:25 2:22:09 2:23:05 2:23:47 2:23:57 2:24:52 2:25:44 2:25:55 2:26:13 2:26:13 2:28:04 2:28:19 2:29:30 2:29:55 2:30:27 2:32:49 2:32:58 2:34:12 2:36:15 2:38:27 2:40:33 2:42:58 2:46:08 2:51:22 2:51:31 2:53:15 2:54:01 2:57:51 3:09:12 3:09:14 Tails & Trails Mile 5/2/2015 Cara Fowler, R.D. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Connor Hadden Ashton York Logan Green Keaton Ratliff Gretchen Van Iddekinge Allison Van Iddekinge Cooper Ballantine Caelon Ales Keegan Phipps M M F M 10 10 9 9 06:13.79 06:19.74 06:32.56 07:38.66 F F M M M 8 40 6 12 35 07:47.34 07:48.44 08:12.94 08:28.50 08:29.50 Volume 40 Issue 6 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 Logan Phipps Christopher Smith Ivy Grace Ruff Campbell Ruff Free Blombergh Dillon Martin Ocean Phipps Lindsey Phipps Grace Brodley Emma Manry Alexandra Watson Karlee Ratliff Jessie Gallant Patricia Davis Brianna Phipps Kaari Guyas Sade Guyas Reagan Ballantine Patty Ballantine Angie Walker Grant Hayden Tom Hayden Emily Beebe David Beebe Rebecca Bray Brian Martin Ardian Peach Jackie Bradley Mitzi Arbogast Jamie York Jake Arbogast Charles Arbogast Jordan Moran Angela Moran Dylan Osborn Ginny Osborn Paul Osborn Jess Cloud Chris Cloud April Martin Sandra Martiin Kim Skula Bob Holdredge Anne Holdredge Tripti Bhaskar Angel Dameron Robin Trapane Donna Elmore Sheryl Grossman Ari Peach M M F M M M F F F F F F F F F F M F F F M M F M F M M F F F M M F F M F M F M F F F M F F F F F F F T HE F L EET F O O T 5 33 9 6 6 10 7 33 6 4 6 9 11 52 7 8 6 3 44 42 4 34 4 61 34 36 12 56 45 18 19 45 8 62 3 30 35 33 30 32 42 46 68 71 36 34 51 62 56 55 08:30.51 08:32.59 09:00.45 09:01.12 09:25.97 09:45.55 10:26.85 10:27.96 10:32.76 10:49.02 10:58.75 11:09.50 11:24.96 11:30.26 11:36.48 12:12.14 12:12.64 12:14.27 12:15.68 12:26.85 12:30.64 12:31.70 12:38.01 12:40.34 12:41.47 12:53.06 13:18.27 14:42.17 14:46.04 14:47.2 14:47.66 14:49.18 14:51.20 14:55.22 16:45.57 16:46.77 16:47.91 16:58.87 17:00.14 17:28.35 17:29.72 17:42.29 17:44.20 17:45.34 18:02.70 18:46.88 18:48.31 18:51.60 21:38.51 21:40.16 Meridian Road 5K 4/25/2015 Kara Wynn, R.D. 1 2 3 4 5 Duane Evans Sherez Mohamed Maria Puig Melanie Leitman Douglas Gorton 20:14 22:45 24 24:46 26:08 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 Joey Ervin 26:19 Melissa Garner 26:45 Kaden Giles 26:57 Isaac Gutierrez 27:06 Shannon Colavecchio 27:18 Mitzi Woods 27:31 Corey Gens 27:48 Jacob Maas 28:20 CJ Mills 28:20 Kendall Frye 28:27 Devonte Sconiers 28:32 Hayley Klees 28:43 Alan Moses 28:43 Maritza Tapia 28:49 Ben Giles 29:10 Leigh Ann Bradley 29:34 Mark Kellerhals 31:14 Tori Rackley 31:16 Summer Rhodes 31:26 Mikayla Trawick 31:30 John Glenn 31:31 Hunter Kirby 31:35 Shannon Jones 31:39 Amy Butcher 32:04 Hannah Hersey 32:04 Anna Pratt 32:04 Ami Wheeler 32:11 Wrenn Wheeler 32:12 Diana Polston 32:49 Trooper Price 32:53 Mason Jarmon 32:54 Petros Mavridoglou 33:25 Mandy Petroski-Moore 33:29 Lorianna Wilson 33:29 Heather Butler 33:50 Katie Larsen 34:43 Emily Wright 35:02 Garrick Wright 35:02 Rondarius Goldwire 35:06 Jerry Chesnutt 35:18 Brad Jackson 35:23 Rachel Rivers 35:27 Nicholas Goldwire 35:30 Rebekah Rivers 36:07 Sarah Ellison 37:22 Jacqueline Maxson 38:04 Jenie Lundergan 38:43 Meghan Millard 39:12 Faith Waller 39:32 Kimberly Johnson 39:34 Trina Searcy 40:19 Sarah Hardison 42:15 Tamara Prine 43:05 Carla Stephens 43:42 Jennifer Mills 44:23 Virginia Dailey 45:28 Elizabeth Trombetta 45:28 Kevin Pham 46:03 Allison Riling 46:03 Bonnie Stark 46:57 Page 31 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 Jen Campbell Karen Sorrell Will Ervin Bill Phelan Rachel Collins Christopher Collins Teresa Cook Joy Woodruff Mike Edwards Tom Williams Elle Chesnutt Anna Stallworth 47:58 48:21 48:35 49:02 51:14 51:14 54:32 54:32 55:08 55:08 55:18 55:18 Meridian Road 10K 4/25/2015 Kara Wynn, R.D. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 Michael Kennett Michael LaBossiere Jason Bowman Randy Naylor Steve Anders Joe Vega Mona Schortmann Mary Williams Jim Williams Jena Mickel Glenn Rininger Ron Nicholson Mandy Clark Pam Waller Thomas Biance Theresa Zerkle Ludmila De Faria Worth Corn Jami Giles Lauren Loftus Andrea Eddy Brittany Jackson Ashlan Eddy Amanda Darvill Allison Ruff Michael Ruff Taylor Thomsen Diane McKissack Bill Nicholson Holly Gorham Jacob Wynn Pat Dugan Laura Brinkley Sandra Bucklew Ann Sung Ronald Nicholson Andrea Cowart Joe Sung Lacey Ritter Rebecca Edwards Nancy Nicholson 45:12 47:47 49:16 49:36 51:05 51:54 52:11 52:23 52:29 53:35 53:35 54:48 55:01 56:47 56:48 57:12 61:20 61:40 62:41 62:41 63:10 63:27 64:56 65:35 66:06 66:08 66:34 66:56 67:07 67:21 67:22 71:03 71:34 72 73:46 77:30 85:43 89:20 131:05 131:20 133:04 Page 32 T HE F L EET F O O T Volume 40 Issue 6 GP Standings through Tails & Trails 10K , 5/2/2015 Name Female Overall # GP Points Kristina Aggabao Katie Sherron Jillian Heddaeus Laura McDermott Sheryl Rosen Katie Clark Emma Spencer Hilary Joyner Stephanie Liles-Weyant Jane Skalski Renee Cox Tsige Tadesse Michelle Claycomb Paula O'Neill Jennifer Shafer Nancy Stedman Katie Sack Adriana Piekarewicz Angela Dempsey Allison Born Kory Skrob Alese Autore Laura Reina Angela Wable Kathleen Whitworth Tiffany Roddenberry Sarrah Carroll Lisa Dowling F1-9 Leah Kiros Maddie Manausa Anna Grace Rowe Chloe Molen Paige Churchill Caroline Rowe Sophia Krizner Mackenzie Kittel Madelyn Rebman Sarah Churchill Isabella Krizner Kylie Van Esselstine Leela Bell Lydia Kennett F10-14 Emily Molen Bernadette Burns Lilli Unger Rayna Levins Bell Alyson Churchill Megan Churchill Lindsay James Kate Krizner Emma Rebman F15-19 Megan Jones Madison McNees Kathleen Whitworth Taylor Marshall 4 5 6 2 3 4 2 2 2 2 3 2 3 3 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 100 88 74 60 50 36 32 32 31 28 27 23 23 23 22 20 17 15 13 12 11 11 9 9 8 3 3 3 2 3 3 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 50 40 26 22 20 16 15 12 12 10 10 6 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 60 33 27 20 20 15 15 12 8 1 1 1 20 20 20 F20-24 Katie Sack Amelia Crooms Allie Caldwell Jessica Sosio Jessica Deneen Sarah Thorpe Kimberly Fannin Kelly Brode F25-29 Michelle Claycomb Sarah Monbarren Renee Cox Lisa Dowling Kate Sutton Adriana Piekarewicz Kelsey Kilinski Allison Born Stephanie Aanstoos Sandy Johnson Jamila Allen Elizabeth Desloge Cherrelle Rogers Robin Elyse Bennett F30-34 Jillian Heddaeus Katie Sherron Emma Spencer Jane Skalski Sheryl Rosen Tiffany Roddenberry Rachel Scharlepp Kristin Halley Martha Bademan Sarrah Carroll Erin Duncan Jen Barton Nikky Manausa Katherine Becker Becky Cahill Sylvia Carver Jennifer Hopgood Judith Kent Melanie Leitman Adrea Truckenmiller F35-39 Laura McDermott Maria Matheu Hilary Joyner Alison Thumm Alese Autore Nicole Benson Sarah Dugas Kristy Trueblood Cynthia Cooper Katasha Cornwell 1 1 15 15 3 3 3 2 1 1 2 1 60 55 39 20 15 15 14 8 3 4 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 47 44 35 30 23 20 18 17 14 12 8 6 4 2 5 4 5 4 2 3 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 74 70 53 42 40 30 22 17 14 10 10 8 8 6 6 4 4 4 4 2 6 4 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 1 110 49 35 22 20 18 18 18 15 15 Vicky Droze Melissa Zapata Vicki Crain Erin Taratoot Ruffian Tyner Nela Diaz Amanda Hudson Betsy Miller Katie Allison Lauren Sproull Jamie Fortune Susan Piroth F40-44 Tsige Tadesse Katie Clark Kory Skrob Stephanie Liles-Weyant Kathy Greene Kenya Rich Deborah Burr Angela Wable Kelli Dillon Ashley Hope Shannon McNees Stephanie Hodges Julia Sura Marie Dennis Kelly Garland April Ales Shanin Frost Melissa Ann Wood Lyssa Oberkreser Jo Lena Bryan F45-49 Jennifer Shafer Angela Dempsey Ann Guillen Lorien Abbey Becky Bush Sonya Dudley Kim Likens Sharon Sollohub Lisa Unger Mary Anne Grayson Michelle Harrison Patty Lang Sharon Crews Dee Kring Leigh Dalzell Lisa Cox F50-54 Paula O'Neill Nancy Stedman Debbie Peters Birgit Maier-Katkin Cindi Goodson Laura Reina Krista Killius Becky Leckinger Nancy Proctor 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 12 10 8 8 6 6 6 4 4 2 2 6 4 5 2 4 3 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 77 72 69 40 34 16 15 15 14 12 12 10 10 8 8 6 6 6 4 2 5 2 3 2 2 3 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 85 40 32 30 22 22 20 18 14 12 12 10 8 6 4 2 6 4 5 5 4 1 1 1 1 110 60 55 52 28 20 15 12 12 Volume 40 Issue 6 Loranne Ausley Pam Waller Susan Ledford Diane McKissack Beverly Touchton Marien Dimacali Linda McNeal Sandy Pagano Julie Clark Bobbi Paul Vicky Verano Beth Alexander Cheryl Ward F55-59 Karen Godbey Judith Sheppard Diana Caldwell Mary Jean Yon Fran McLean Karen Munoz Lisa Bohl Jane Johnson Donna Graham Jill Murphy Marcia Ryan Valynda Nichols Denice Jones Kathy Lindsay F60-64 Jan Blue Patricia Dugan Jackie McDaniel Laurie Jones Linda Levins Vicky Bernal Barbara Crandall Jackie Pomeroy F65-69 Carol Winger Anne Priddy Mary Stutzman Ellen Deramo Michele Beaudin Emily Ruddell Karen Smith Karen Zaccardi Charlotte Cummings F70-74 Perha Varley F75-79 Dot Skofronick Mary Lou Manausa Mae Cleveland F80-84 Margarete L. Deckert F85-99 Josephine K Newton T HE F L EET F O O T 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 10 8 8 8 6 6 6 4 4 4 2 2 4 4 3 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 70 58 39 36 20 20 15 12 8 6 6 4 2 2 5 4 4 2 3 3 3 1 77 59 57 40 30 24 20 20 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 1 62 55 47 34 16 10 8 4 2 4 80 3 3 2 60 42 27 3 60 1 20 Male Overall Nate Kaiser Geb Kiros Chris Lake Zach Deveau Gary Droze Peter Kaus Paul Guyas Ryan Truchelut Matthew Cashin Jack McDermott Sean Hudson Mark Tombrink Vince Molosky Eric Godin Mike Peymann Charlie Johnson Clay Milford Bryan Koon Camilo Ordonez Lane Williams Joel Piotrowski Zack Scharlepp Douglas Bell Bill McNulty Brian Molen Juan Ordonez Jay Wallace Michael Martinez Tim Unger M1-9 Jackson Rowe Jonathan Kiros Elias Bernstein Maddux Carver Randy Manausa James David Milford Jack Schwenkler Payton Thumm Connor Thumm M10-14 Andres Bernstein Tyler Carver Jonathan Lang Tony Alexander Guillen Wyatt Townsend M15-19 Lane Williams Matthew Cashin Elijah Ingram Clay Milford Michael Molen Charlie Lang Robert Skrob Joshua Liles Luke Liles Max Eastman M20-24 Zachary Bridges Cory Thorpe 5 6 2 3 3 3 5 3 1 2 3 2 1 3 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 130 96 60 46 43 41 35 35 30 30 29 26 20 19 18 17 17 15 11 10 9 8 7 7 5 5 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 1 60 37 35 29 22 20 15 6 2 3 2 2 1 1 45 40 35 15 12 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 50 20 20 20 15 12 12 10 8 6 1 1 20 20 Page 33 M25-29 Mark Tombrink Ryan Truchelut Zach Deveau Chris Lake Ryan Scolnik Brad Monbarren Theo Sullivan David Block John Parker Brett Wonsch Tim Duff Jonathan Shiver Peter Dowling M30-34 Zack Scharlepp Peter Kaus Eric Godin Matt Hohmeister Phil Deortentiis David Welling Thomas Biance Kyle Shaw Steve Halsell Worth Corn Dominic Milner Erik Andersen Christopher Turner Luke Boosey M35-39 Nate Kaiser Paul Guyas Brian Molen Camilo Ordonez Jim Halley Jimmy Sauls David Graf Timothy Fraser Charlie Johnson Vince Molosky Jon Nash Brad Taylor Ben Hall Eric Bernard Adam Kent Michael Martin Freddy Branham Scott Lindeman Nathan Rhodes Robert Cooper M40-44 Sean Hudson Philip Sura Robert Skrob Carter Hay Juan Ordonez Bryan Koon Chad Benson Michael Kennett Chad Johnson Wayne Thumm 5 4 3 2 2 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 74 57 55 40 16 14 14 12 10 8 6 6 4 5 3 3 4 5 2 4 2 2 3 2 2 1 1 70 60 47 43 34 32 26 25 23 22 22 12 10 4 5 6 3 4 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 100 87 34 32 23 20 18 16 15 15 12 12 10 8 8 6 4 4 4 2 3 4 5 3 2 2 2 1 2 2 55 55 41 39 35 26 20 20 18 18 Page 34 Randy Naylor Jon Mason Jason Bowman Andrew Pope Abe Hodges Nico Wienders Darren Allen M45-49 Geb Kiros Duane Evans Jack McDermott Tad David Scott Minert Joel Piotrowski Douglas Bell Larry Harris Chuck Lang Mike Burns Michael Martinez Eric Dueno Fanxiu Zhu Robert Wigen Michael La Bossiere John Hunt Dan Manausa Andy Roberts Greg Waddell M50-54 Barney Ray Gary Droze Mike Peymann Jay Silvanima Danny Langston T J Devlieger David Knauf Jim Killius Jim Martin Clement Allen Jay Wallace T HE F L EET F O O T 3 1 2 2 1 1 1 16 15 14 14 12 8 2 6 5 3 4 3 3 2 4 4 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 120 62 45 38 30 30 24 22 22 16 15 10 8 6 4 2 2 2 2 6 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 69 60 50 34 24 22 22 20 20 16 15 Daniel Cutchen Mike Manausa Jim Scarboro Brad Hicks Mark Fuller Jeff Kuperberg Roy Mack Crews M55-59 Bill McNulty Tim Unger Felton Wright David Yon Steven Stolting Morris Davis Rob McNeely Matthew F Minno Keith L Berry Bud Fennema Matt Hall Michael Savage David Phillips A J Smith Hal Davis Tom Findley Hobson Fulmer Mark Priddy Kevin Langston Jimmy Ledford Robby Turner M60-64 Jerry McDaniel Dale L. Smith David Anderson Craig Willis Ithel Jones Joe Vega Shelton Ansley Buddy Levins William Sheppard Volume 40 Issue 6 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 12 12 10 8 6 4 2 6 4 4 5 4 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 97 80 54 50 37 18 18 18 14 12 8 8 6 6 4 4 4 4 2 2 2 4 4 4 3 2 4 2 2 3 80 50 46 42 35 30 28 14 12 Dick Dowdy Gene Stuckey Bill Snyder M65-69 Gary Griffin Ron Christen John McCoy Carlos Zapata Rick Ashton Robbie Brunger George Desloge Bill McGuire Gene Opheim Bruce Lynn Nick Mazza Michael Bates Marshall Kelley Neil Snyder M70-74 David Darst Guy Anglin Ed Livingston Nick Nichols Nick Yonclas Tom Brushwood Mike Degennaro M75-79 Jim Varley Rex Cleveland M80-84 Robert Morris James Skofronick 2 2 1 10 6 4 5 5 6 4 3 2 3 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 100 77 71 42 28 16 16 15 15 14 8 6 6 4 4 2 1 1 1 1 1 64 40 15 15 15 10 10 4 1 75 20 2 2 40 35 Crossing the River solutions: 1. He takes the goat over and returns alone. Then he takes the wolf over and brings the goat back. Then he takes the cabbage over and leaves the goat behind. Finally he takes the goat over to join the wolf and the cabbage. 2. He takes the goat over, and returns alone.Then he takes the cabbage over and brings the goat back. Then he takes the wolf over, leaving the goat behind. Finally he goes back and picks up the goat and brings it to the wolf and cabbage. Volume 40 Issue 6 Jon Nash Ella Hodges T HE F L EET F O O T Page 35 Clay Milford Katie Clark John Jenkins Rob McNeely Cheryl Ward Lysa White Scott Mehr Alison Thumm T J Devlieger Bobbi Paul Peter Dowling Hope Hoffman Wayne Thumm All the above photos are from the Palace Saloon 5K Page 36 Aidan Hudson T HE F L EET F O O T Steve Carney Volume 40 Issue 6 Camille Swain Andrew Pope Elizabeth Rosario Lane Williams Julia Vandergrift David Block Katherine Becker Abe Hodges Cynthia Cooper Michael Bates Dee Kring Dick Dowdy Vicki Crain All the above photos are from the Tails & Trails runs
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