May 2015 - Gulf Winds Track Club
May 2015 - Gulf Winds Track Club
Page 52 THE FL EET FO O T Volume 40 Issue 5 Volume 40 Issue 5 THE FL EET FO O T Page $2 Volume 40 Issue 5 Newsletter of the Gulf Winds Track Club May 2015 12 yr. old twins, Alyson (2274) and Megan Churchill (2275), are the first females in the Springtime 5K with 19:44 and 20:48 respectively. This page intentionally blank! Page 2 THE FL EET FO O T John McClung ED Jack Schwenkler Maddie Manausa M M Meagan Arrastia 10K 10K ED 10K Suzanne Byrnes Dale Smith Lisa Bohl Freddy Branham 10K Lynn Masimore THE FL EET FO O T Abigail Phillips Page 51 Stephanie Clemons Tracy Richardson Patrick Chisholm Michael McCarroll Fanxiu Zhu Wes Bruner Sonia Haiduc Eric Bernard Ruffian Tyner Ryan Scolnik Richard Addison Katie Sack Michelle Claycomb 10K 10K Kelsey Kilinski Volume 40 Issue 5 ED ED 5K William Sheppard Volume 40 Issue 5 Cherrelle Rogers Brian Orr Nick Yonclas 10K Stephanie Van Dyke 10K ED photos are from the Education 5K, others are: Springtime: M-mile, 5K, 10K All the above photos are from Springtime Races Page 50 Billy Miller Caitie Mook THE FL EET FO O T Volume 40 Issue 5 David Welling Bruce Campbell Claire Swedenburg Volume 38 Issue 7 Personal Records (P.R.’s) Mickey Phillips Jackson Rowe Caroline Rowe Sandy Pagano Duane Evans Brian Dupree Mark Tombrink Cindi Goodson Geb Kiros Julia Sura Chelsea Ingram Luke Boosey Angie Milford Ben Faulk Jessica Orr 1:18:28 6:46 10:18 1:07:15 40:34 1:14:34 39:47 25:09 17:17 24:12 THE FLEET FOOT 15K Gate River Run Springtime Mile Springtime Mile Springtime 10K Springtime 10K Springtime 10K Springtime 10K Palace Saloon 5K Palace Saloon 5K Palace Saloon 5K T Anthony Poole Allison Born Jimmy Bolen Advantages of the E-Fleet Foot: Color photos, and it arrives several days before paper version; save it on your computer forever instead of taking up space on your bookshelf! You must have high-speed Internet service and a working email address in order to receive the E-Fleet Foot. For information or to change your Fleet Foot status, email Race pics at: Freddecka T Buddy Doll Randy Baker Please remember that GWTC mail is sent via a third class permit and is not forwarded when you move. The Postal Service requires us to pay first class postage on any of our mail which is returned, whether or not the post office provides us a corrected address. Every month, mailed copies of our Fleet Foot are returned as undeliverable. Many of you receive our email Fleet Foot and again, each month, we get many bounce backs for undeliverable emails. If you are not receiving your newsletters, or have recently changed your postal or email address, please notify our Membership Director, Mark Priddy to update your membership account. Tired of black & white? Go for the Technicolor Fleet Foot! Extreme Challenge 2015 Standings through Tallahassee Marathon Chad Benson Nicole Benson Keith L. Berry Paul Guyas Maria Matheu Paula O'Neill Joel Piotrowski Zach Scharlepp Emma Spencer Mark Tombrink. T Page 3 Important Notice! GWTC Merchandise Visors $20, Tech singlets $20, License plates $5, Car magnets $5 Socks @10/pair Abe Middleton 228-6137 Sara Hart Hats $20 T T T T T Above photos are from Springtime except those T are from the Red Hills Tri Visors $20 Page 4 THE FL EET FO O T Volume 40 Issue 5 Gulf Winds Track Club Box 3447, Tallahassee, FL 32315 Area code for phones is 850 President: Vice President: Secretary: Treasurer: Directors at Large Newsletter: Membership: Equipment: Race Director Coordinator: Past Presidents: Clothing Coordinator: Social Coordinator: Lecture Series: Racing Teams Coordinator: School Grant Coordinator: Beginning Running Group Coordinators: Tony Guillen Lisa Unger Nancy Stedman Katie Sherron 694-8225, 264-9615, 545-7074, 445-0053 , Mike Burns Tom Perkins Herb Wills David Yon Cole Tessier Amanda Hudson Annie Bowman 561 262-2027, 894-2019, 893-4104, 668-2236, 339-6962, 681-6572, 644-3522, Fred Deckert Mark Priddy Vicky Droze 893-9739, 668-4907, 339-7766, Charles Yates 385-2768, Felton Wright 386-3500, Jane Skalski (229) 809-3714, Maggi Beshara 345-2131, Kathy Lindsay 219-3788, Eric Godin 291-9345, Paul Guyas 273-9555, Tim Unger 544-4893, Mark Priddy 668-4907, Chika Okoro Holly Parker 276-4101, Volume 40 Issue 5 Jay Silvanima Mike Peymann Danny Langston T J Devlieger David Knauf Jim Killius Jim Martin Jay Wallace Daniel Cutchen Jim Scarboro Brad Hicks Mark Fuller Clement Allen Jeff Kuperberg Roy Mack Crews Mike Manausa M55-59 Bill McNulty Tim Unger Felton Wright David Yon Steven Stolting Rob McNeely Matthew F Minno Keith L Berry Morris Davis Bud Fennema THE FL EET FO O T 3 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 34 30 24 22 22 20 20 15 12 10 8 6 4 4 2 2 5 3 3 4 4 2 2 2 2 1 82 60 42 40 37 18 18 14 12 12 Michael Savage David Phillips A J Smith Hal Davis Tom Findley Hobson Fulmer Jimmy Ledford Robby Turner M60-64 Jerry McDaniel Craig Willis Ithel Jones Dale L. Smith David Anderson Shelton Ansley Joe Vega Buddy Levins Gene Stuckey Dick Dowdy William Sheppard Bill Snyder M65-69 Gary Griffin Ron Christen John McCoy Carlos Zapata 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 6 6 4 4 4 2 2 3 3 2 3 3 2 3 2 2 1 2 1 60 42 35 35 34 28 20 14 6 4 4 4 Page 49 Rick Ashton Robbie Brunger Bill McGuire Gene Opheim George Desloge Nick Mazza Michael Bates Marshall Kelley Bruce Lynn Neil Snyder 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 18 16 15 15 10 8 6 6 6 4 David Darst Guy Anglin Nick Nichols Nick Yonclas Tom Brushwood Mike Degennaro 3 2 1 1 1 1 44 40 15 15 10 10 3 1 55 20 2 2 40 35 M70-74 M75-79 Jim Varley Rex Cleveland M80-84 4 4 5 4 80 62 59 42 Robert Morris James Skofronick GWTC Web Site - GULF WINDS TRACK CLUB Minutes of the April 8, 2015 Hosted by Tony Guillen Contents Minutes Presidents column Race Calendar How They Train Featured Feet GWTC Team Event Race Results Grand Prix Results New Members 4-6 6 9-11 12 13, 14 17 18-46 47-49 49 Present: Tony Guillen, Lisa Unger, Nancy Stedman, Felton Wright, Tom Perkins, David Yon, Bill Lott, Eric Godin, Jon Manry, Mark Priddy, Katie Sherron, Amanda Hudson, Sean Hudson, Cole Tessier, Maggi Beshara, Tracy Taylor, Jeff Bowman, Brian Hickey, Amanda Heidecker Upcoming Grand Prix Races Kids May 2 June 6 June 27 Adults Tails & Trails Great Potluck Bash Freedom Run 10K 4M 5K GWTC Board Meetings 7:30 p:m May 13 June 10 Lisa Unger Felton Wright 264-9615 386-3500 Tony Guillen called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m. Quorum was established. The board reviewed the March minutes. Motion to approve was made, motion passed. New Business: Mark Priddy - Wrap up of the Flash 12k/6k. Race attendance was better than anticipated. Revenue was $4,505, expenses were $4,021, leaving net proceeds of $484, which have been (Continued on page 5) New GWTC members to April 16 Dolly Al Koborssy April Ales Beth Alexander Lisa Allen Elea Atkins Joshua Atkins Jonah Atkins Katryna Atkins Charles Ball Dawson Ball Wendy Bevan- Baker Charles Boyle Kelly Brode Kaitlyn Burhans Anne- Marie Burhans Glenn Burhans Dylan Burhans Matthew Burhans Callissa Campbell Paige Campbell Claramae Campbell Stryder Campbell Mark Campbell Keren Campbell Julie Champeau Terri Christiansen Michael Cipriano Jimmie Crain Vicki Crain Bill Davis Dianne Dearduff Rob Dearduff Patricia Dettenmayer Lynn Dettenmayer Emma Dugger Meaghan Faletti Toni Ford-Paul Katie Garland Kelly Garland Mark Garland Mary Gore Tolar Griffin Madyson Griffin Peyton Griffin Robyn Griffin Evan Haddock Christine Haddock Ace Haddock Briana Hall Anna Heitz Jennifer Hopgood Sherry Howell Angela Huston Andrey Ingram Connor Ingram Scott Ingram Denice Jones Patrick Kennell Kevin Langston Casey Lauer Geoff Likens Kim Likens Scott Lindeman Shawn Nerney Kylie Nerney Brian Nerney Diane Nerney David Plack Nancy Proctor Dana Reeves Nylene Robertson Kathy Rodzinka Stephen Sampson Caitlin Sampson Gingy Sampson Paul Sampson Sunita Smith Kendall Smith Colin Smith Douglas Smith Bill Snyder Jessica Sosio Elliott Stewart James Story Catherine Stresing Jennifer Tappen Lorena Thomas Ronald Thomas Lena Thomas Toni Thomas Lauryl Tidwell Christopher Turner Shanell Turner Sophia Umana Lisa Umana Ernesto Umana Oscar Umana Julia Vandergrift Artie White Jillian Volpe White John Whitworth Kathleen Whitworth Lisa Whitworth Garrick Wright Page 48 Karen Munoz Lisa Bohl Jane Johnson Donna Graham Jill Murphy Marcia Ryan Valynda Nichols Denice Jones Kathy Lindsay F60-64 Jan Blue Jackie McDaniel Laurie Jones Patricia Dugan Barbara Crandall Linda Levins Jackie Pomeroy Vicky Bernal F65-69 Mary Stutzman Carol Winger Anne Priddy Ellen Deramo Michele Beaudin Emily Ruddell Karen Smith Karen Zaccardi Charlotte Cummings F70-74 Perha Varley F75-79 Dot Skofronick Mary Lou Manausa Mae Cleveland F80-84 Margarete L. Deckert F85-99 Josephine K. Newton Male Overall Nate Kaiser Geb Kiros Chris Lake Gary Droze Jack McDermott Zach Deveau Paul Guyas Peter Kaus Mark Tombrink Ryan Truchelut Vince Molosky Eric Godin Charlie Johnson Clay Milford Bryan Koon Sean Hudson Camilo Ordonez Mike Peymann THE FL EET FO O T 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 20 15 12 8 6 6 4 2 2 Joel Piotrowski Zack Scharlepp Douglas Bell Bill McNulty Brian Molen Juan Ordonez Jay Wallace Lane Williams Michael Martinez 4 3 2 3 3 2 1 2 65 42 40 39 20 20 20 16 Jackson Rowe Jonathan Kiros Elias Bernstein Maddux Carver Randy Manausa James David Milford Jack Schwenkler Payton Thumm Connor Thumm 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 47 42 40 22 16 10 8 4 2 3 60 3 3 2 60 42 27 3 60 1 20 5 5 2 3 2 2 4 2 2 2 1 3 1 1 1 2 1 1 130 76 60 43 30 29 28 28 26 24 20 19 17 17 15 14 11 9 M1-9 M10-14 Andres Bernstein Tyler Carver Jonathan Lang Tony Alexander Guillen Wyatt Townsend M15-19 Lane Williams Elijah Ingram Clay Milford Michael Molen Charlie Lang Joshua Liles Luke Liles Max Eastman M20-24 Zachary Bridges M25-29 Mark Tombrink Ryan Truchelut Chris Lake Zach Deveau Ryan Scolnik Brad Monbarren John Parker Tim Duff Jonathan Shiver Peter Dowling Theo Sullivan M30-34 Zack Scharlepp Eric Godin Peter Kaus Phil Deortentiis David Welling Matt Hohmeister Kyle Shaw Steve Halsell Thomas Biance Volume 40 Issue 5 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 8 7 7 5 5 5 5 3 3 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 1 60 37 35 29 22 20 15 6 2 3 2 2 1 1 45 40 35 15 12 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 35 20 20 15 12 10 8 6 1 20 5 3 2 2 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 74 42 40 35 16 14 10 6 6 4 4 5 3 2 5 2 3 2 2 3 70 47 40 34 32 28 25 23 16 Worth Corn Erik Andersen Dominic Milner Christopher Turner Luke Boosey M35-39 Nate Kaiser Paul Guyas Brian Molen Camilo Ordonez David Graf Charlie Johnson Vince Molosky Jon Nash Timothy Fraser Ben Hall Eric Bernard Jim Halley Jimmy Sauls Michael Martin Scott Lindeman Nathan Rhodes Brad Taylor M40-44 Philip Sura Sean Hudson Juan Ordonez Robert Skrob Carter Hay Bryan Koon Chad Benson Michael Kennett Chad Johnson Wayne Thumm Jason Bowman Abe Hodges Randy Naylor Andrew Pope Nico Wienders M45-49 Geb Kiros Duane Evans Jack McDermott Tad David Douglas Bell Larry Harris Scott Minert Joel Piotrowski Mike Burns Chuck Lang Michael Martinez Eric Dueno Fanxiu Zhu Robert Wigen Dan Manausa Andy Roberts Greg Waddell M50-54 Gary Droze Barney Ray Volume 40 Issue 5 2 2 1 1 1 14 12 10 10 4 5 5 3 4 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 100 67 34 32 18 15 15 12 10 10 8 8 8 6 4 4 2 3 2 2 4 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 45 35 35 33 27 26 20 20 18 18 14 12 12 8 8 5 4 3 3 2 4 2 2 2 3 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 100 47 45 26 24 22 22 20 16 16 15 10 8 6 2 2 2 3 5 60 54 THE FL EET FO O T The Fleet Foot Newsletter of the Gulf Winds Track Club Editor: Fred Deckert, 893-9739, Columnists: Jane Johnson (Featured Feet), Tony Guillen (Pres. Column), Gary Griffin, (Ultrarunning), Gary Griffin (How they Train), Tim Unger (Racing Team), Bill Lott (Race Calendar). Advertising Copy The maximum print size of our page is 4.75 in. by 7.75 in. If possible, ads should be sent as MS Word files will look best with standard fonts (Arial, Times New Roman), formatted to fit the desired size. A simple way is to use 2 inch margins on 8.5 by 11 paper. Please use graphics with adequate resolution. If only hard copy is available, please make sure it is clear and sharp as it will have to be scanned and Reformatted. Deadline: 18th of month previous to publication. Questions, contact the editor. Advertising Payments. Full Page-$50, Half Page – $28, 1/4 Page-$16, Run twice, no changes – $46, $25, $14 each yearly rates. $400, $225, $125. Letter-size centerfold race flyer, check with editor. Payment in advance/checks payable to GWTC-Fleet Foot and sent to. Fred Deckert, 6323 Count Fleet Trail,Tallahassee, FL 32309 Submissions/Contributions Submissions for publication are strongly encouraged, the preferred format is Microsoft Word. For race results, Excel spreadsheets or MS Word files are preferred. Hard copies are undesirable, for more details or to contribute material contact the editor. If you have pictures or stories about your running group, don’t be shy, photos should be in jpg format if at all possible, contact me if you have questions. Fred Deckert 893-9739, Change of Address Your newsletter will not be forwarded; you must provide your new address and phone number mail to: GWTC-MSHP, Box 3447, Tallahassee, FL 32315 or call Mark Priddy 668-4907 Page 5 (Continued from page 4) divided between GWTC general fund and the Chenoweth fund. There was an additional $190 donated to the Chenoweth fund from participants. Brian Hickey & Amanda Heidecker - A review of upcoming events including high school championships, USATF events in 2016, and NCAA 2016 regional. Leon County will be receiving assistance from GWTC in seeking resources (volunteers, promotion). David Yon - Revisions are recommended to the Race Director’s handbook and in progress. Most are to update information regarding personnel, phone #’s, and other administrative information. Jon Manry & Eric Godin - Proposed budget for the 2016 marathon & half marathon with revisions. Estimated revenue assuming 850 half marathon registrants, 450 full marathon registrants, grants and sponsorships is $113,500. Estimated expenses are $113,174, resulting in net proceeds of $326. A motion was made to approve the budget. Motion was seconded and approved. David Yon - Updates on Outreach project, including SMIRF (Summer Months Include Running Fun) which will be headed up by Roger Schmidt, Tuskegee Airmen Running Club which focuses creation of a running club to meet at possibly Jack McLean Park, Nims M.S., or Oakridge Elementary. The T-Pal 5k & 1 Mile race has been certified and is scheduled for 5/30/15 at Jack McLean Park. Tom Perkins - Big Bend Conference Championship. Expenses inadvertently left out of the budget presented last month included timing services of $500 and post event bathroom cleaning of $31. Motion made to approve additional expenses for the event, seconded and approved. Amanda Hudson - Wrap up of the Springtime 10k/5k. Revenue was $42,705. Expenses were $33,467. Net proceeds were $9,238. Boys & Girls Club and Leon County Humane Society each received $2,310, plus the former getting $173 in direct donations and the latter getting $531 in direct donations. The Chenoweth fund received $70 in direct donations. Treasurer’s Report - Katie Sherron Katie presented a more detailed format for Profit and Loss Statements that will be ongoing. Summary amounts are $65,000.60 in the Club’s Operating account, $14,927.56 in the Events 1 account, $4,170.54 in the Events 2 account, $50,351 in the Investment account, $11,056.99 (Continued on page 6) Page 6 THE FL EET FO O T (Continued from page 5) in theChenoweth account, and $13,261.38 in the Tri Club account. Membership Report - Mark Priddy Current GWTC membership is up 97 members from last month at 1351 members in 701 households. The Tri Club membership is currently 293 members, up 28 from last month. Race Director Coordinator Report - Charlie Yates No report. Newsletter Report - Nancy Stedman for Fred Deckert Nothing new to report. Clothing Coordinator Report - Maggi Beshara Selling things in stock, plan for selling items at Palace Saloon race. Sports bras and singlets on order. Equipment Report - Bill Lott One mile marker sign lost at Springtime race. Website Committee Report - David Yon Nothing new. Chenoweth Fund Report - David Yon Warren Emo is stepping down from the committee. Doug Bell was nominated to the Volume 40 Issue 5 Triathlete Report - Jeff Bowman Triathlon season started at the Red Hills Triathlon. A participant was injured when his bike was struck by a car, and there has been support for him from the club members. Lecture Series Report - Paul Guyas No report. Training Report - Beth Alexander Beth Alexander has stepped down. Tracy Taylor will be stepping in as Training Group Coordinator. There have been a number of inquiries about a trailblazer group. Social Report - Eric Godin Eric will be stepping down as a partner for the Social Coordinator activities. The board seeks a replacement. He is planning something for April, TBD. Other: Eric Godin - new edition of E newsletter forthcoming. 8:51 p.m., Motion to adjourn was made, seconded, and approved. Nancy Stedman, Secretary Tony’s Footprints “I would rather face running a marathon, or riding a century than sitting down and writing an article.” Tony Guillen Quotes can often be great sources for inspiration. A famous author or political figure may have said something in that inspired you to action. I imagine that we all have a go to Prefontaine quote that we call upon at some time during a race. So imagine my surprise that I found inspiration in my own dread and procrastination about writing this month to write about getting out of our comfort zones. The greatest sense of accomplishment for me has always come when I reach beyond my comfort zone. Studying engineering definitely put me out of my comfort zone and the joy I experienced graduation day was beyond words. Running my first 5k, 10k, half marathon, and marathons were all results of getting way outside the comfort zone. They all brought with them a huge sense of accomplishment. Currently my career and serving as GWTC president give me pause because they cause me to reach well beyond what I am comfortable doing. However both give me a great sense of pride just for taking the chance to try something I never thought I would do. Next time you are in the middle of a track workout, or even in a race, think about your comfort zone and work to stretch beyond it. You will be happy you did and before you know it, what used to be outside that zone is now smack in the middle of it. Of course that means you now have a new level of comfort to go beyond. As usual all I need to do is look into our club to find examples of folks willing to stretch themselves. Tracy Taylor has graciously offered to take on our Training Coordinator duties from Beth Alexander. Beth has done a fantastic job getting all or our different training opportunities organized and Tracy has already stepped it up a notch with the development of a GWTC Training Groups page on Facebook. The Trailblazers group has also gotten going again this year with the help of new club member Jim Halley. Jim is posting the weekly runs on the training group page. Let him know if you are interested in helping out at any of the weekly runs. It is a great way to get outside your comfort zone. You can get an overview of all of them at http:// See you on the roads, Tony Volume 40 Issue 5 committee. Motion made approving appointment of Doug Bell to the committee, seconded, and approved. THE FL EET FO O T Page 47 GP Standings through Palace Saloon 5K, 4/11/2015 # GP Overall Female Katie Sherron Sheryl Rosen Jillian Heddaeus Laura McDermott Katie Clark Emma Spencer Hilary Joyner Stephanie Liles-Weyant Jane Skalski Renee Cox Nancy Stedman Jennifer Shafer Tsige Tadesse Paula O'Neill Adriana Piekarewicz Angela Dempsey Alese Autore Laura Reina Angela Wable Kathleen Whitworth Tiffany Roddenberry Katie Sack Sarrah Carroll Michelle Claycomb Lisa Dowling Kory Skrob F1-9 Leah Kiros Maddie Manausa Anna Grace Rowe Chloe Molen Paige Churchill Caroline Rowe Sophia Krizner Mackenzie Kittel Madelyn Rebman Sarah Churchill Isabella Krizner Kylie Van Esselstine Leela Bell Lydia Kennett F10-14 Emily Molen Bernadette Burns Lilli Unger Rayna Levins Bell Alyson Churchill Megan Churchill Lindsay James Kate Krizner Emma Rebman F15-19 Megan Jones Madison McNees Kathleen Whitworth Kristina Aggabao Points 4 2 4 5 2 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 100 60 58 57 39 36 32 32 31 28 22 20 20 18 17 15 11 11 9 9 8 5 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 50 40 26 22 20 16 15 12 12 10 10 6 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 60 33 27 20 20 15 15 12 8 1 1 1 1 20 20 20 15 Taylor Marshall F20-24 Amelia Crooms Katie Sack Allie Caldwell Jessica Sosio Jessica Deneen Kimberly Fannin Kelly Brode F25-29 Renee Cox Sarah Monbarren Lisa Dowling Michelle Claycomb Adriana Piekarewicz Kelsey Kilinski Kate Sutton Sandy Johnson Jamila Allen Stephanie Aanstoos Cherrelle Rogers Robin Elyse Bennett Allison Born F30-34 Katie Sherron Jillian Heddaeus Emma Spencer Jane Skalski Sheryl Rosen Tiffany Roddenberry Martha Bademan Sarrah Carroll Rachel Scharlepp Nikky Manausa Becky Cahill Sylvia Carver Judith Kent Melanie Leitman Kristin Halley Adrea Truckenmiller F35-39 Laura McDermott Maria Matheu Hilary Joyner Alison Thumm Alese Autore Nicole Benson Sarah Dugas Katasha Cornwell Vicky Droze Kristy Trueblood Melissa Zapata Ruffian Tyner Nela Diaz Amanda Hudson Betsy Miller Katie Allison Susan Piroth 1 15 3 2 3 2 1 2 1 55 40 39 20 15 14 8 2 3 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 35 32 30 27 20 18 15 12 8 4 4 2 2 4 4 5 4 2 3 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 70 54 53 42 40 30 14 10 10 8 6 4 4 4 2 2 5 3 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 90 37 35 22 20 18 18 15 12 12 12 8 6 6 6 4 2 F40-44 Tsige Tadesse Kory Skrob Katie Clark Stephanie Liles-Weyant Kathy Greene Deborah Burr Angela Wable Kelli Dillon Ashley Hope Shannon McNees Stephanie Hodges Julia Sura Marie Dennis Kelly Garland Shanin Frost Kenya Rich Melissa Ann Wood Jo Lena Bryan F45-49 Jennifer Shafer Angela Dempsey Lorien Abbey Sonya Dudley Kim Likens Ann Guillen Mary Anne Grayson Michelle Harrison Becky Bush Patty Lang Sharon Crews Sharon Sollohub Lisa Unger Leigh Dalzell Lisa Cox F50-54 Paula O'Neill Debbie Peters Nancy Stedman Birgit Maier-Katkin Cindi Goodson Laura Reina Krista Killius Becky Leckinger Nancy Proctor Pam Waller Susan Ledford Diane McKissack Beverly Touchton Marien Dimacali Linda McNeal Julie Clark Vicky Verano Beth Alexander F55-59 Karen Godbey Judith Sheppard Diana Caldwell Mary Jean Yon Fran McLean 5 4 3 2 3 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 65 54 52 40 26 15 15 12 12 12 10 10 8 8 6 6 6 2 4 2 2 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 65 40 30 22 20 17 12 12 10 10 8 8 6 4 2 5 4 3 4 4 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 90 47 45 40 28 20 15 12 12 10 8 8 8 6 6 4 4 2 3 3 3 2 1 50 43 39 24 20 Page 46 50 Jessica Miller F 51 Angela Locke F 52 Sara Morgan F 53 Lisa Curry F 54 Megan Scarpetta F 55 Tiffani Puzel F 56 Barbara Lockett F 57 Barbara McNeal F 58 Natelia Hougle F 59 Laura Jung F 60 Cynthia Schwartz F 61 Deidre Cox F 62 Whitney Culbreth F 63 Nilza Cook F 64 Susan Cornwell F 65 Amanda Day F 66 Alana Pons F 67 Robin Greinke F 68 Erika Nunez F 69 Crystal Crump-Wilson F 70 Jennifer Petrock F 71 Michelle Wilburn F 72 Lisa Buchanan F 73 Ashley Kenney F 74 Vickie Woods F 75 Jolean Cotton F 76 Denise Boman F 77 Jessica Martin F 78 Edmee Lebron F 79 Hilka Strandridge F 80 Kenitra Casper F 81 Ashley Petitt F 82 April Burke F 83 Brynn Gibbs F 84 Joy Howell F 85 Christie Ampier F 86 Sophia Jones F 87 Angela Nicolazzi F 88 Luchreasy Reese F 89 Virginia Garrett F 90 Rebecca Clark F 91 Jessica Mathis F 92 Melissa McEathron F 93 Michelle Fry F 94 Angela Wray F 95 Jennifer Toth F 96 Kim Thompson F 97 Tammy Jenkins F 98 Violet Manning F 99 Barbara Dasher F 100 Ileana Walker F 101 Lillian Davis F 102 Elizabeth Hellstrom F 103 Cammie Demmick F 104 Lavetta Roberts F 105 Crystal Brown F 106 Lakesia Gordon F 107 Adreine Velarde F 108 Erica Sylvester F 109 Ashley Truitt F 110 Amanda Chambliss F 111 Shelley Elebash F 112 Terry Parker-Miller F 113 Sandra Norris F THE FL EET FO O T 34 39 29 33 22 34 53 59 25 34 42 46 32 35 65 30 37 30 27 34 42 45 43 24 42 39 65 34 42 46 31 28 43 32 32 40 29 25 33 35 28 25 24 42 38 45 28 39 40 31 40 33 52 34 27 26 31 31 41 25 34 45 59 58 30:24 30:27 30:51 31:14 31:26 31:27 31:27 31:29 31:37 31:38 31:39 32:22 32:23 32:36 32:39 32:46 32:48 32:48 32:55 32:59 33:02 33:06 33:36 33:40 33:42 33:44 33:55 34:05 34:23 34:25 34:32 34:35 34:36 34:44 34:46 34:46 34:47 34:49 34:57 34:58 35:06 35:09 35:22 35:27 35:31 35:44 35:45 35:54 35:58 35:59 36:02 36:19 36:23 36:28 36:31 36:36 36:39 36:48 36:49 36:55 37:03 37:25 38:00 38:07 114 Tyra Roach 115 Yvette Snellbaker 116 Crista Decker 117 Christine Apergis 118 Catherine Flynn 119 Tom Perkins 120 Heather Menze 121 Desiree Sennie 122 Mari Ockerman 123 Jennifer Peterson 124 Melissa Ringer 125 Candace Waddell 126 Lisa Batchelder 127 Aretha Boynton 128 Stacey Tuck 129 Lauren Sorrell 130 Jessica Eddy 131 Catherine Claudio 132 Kelly Sartori 133 Dana Stetson 134 Jackie Bustle 135 Amanda Widenhoffer 136 Allen Joseph 137 Brittany Corliss 138 Michelle Kemp 139 Morgan Baxley 140 Donna Welker 141 Katherine Lake 142 Kellen Myers 143 Maria Paez 144 Jennifer Lockwood 145 Cheryl Gashler 146 Amy Stephenson 147 Paula Kiger 148 Elizabeth Florez 149 Laura Ciccone 150 Virginia Kelly 151 Alice Oliver 152 Christina Padron 153 Laura Clark 154 Anquanette Woodall 155 Lindsey Liles 156 Melissa Sapp 157 Thelma Manley 158 Mary Thorn F F F F F M F F F F F F F F F F F F F M F F M F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F 40 49 39 28 52 63 33 43 33 35 30 28 43 41 40 24 27 30 57 58 49 31 55 29 35 28 51 61 53 25 37 52 34 50 27 45 52 57 55 33 25 33 47 56 52 Volume 40 Issue 5 38:10 38:12 38:22 38:23 38:25 38:27 38:52 38:53 39:01 39:03 39:06 39:08 39:20 39:21 39:46 39:52 39:55 40:06 40:13 40:20 40:20 40:21 40:23 40:23 40:24 40:26 40:34 40:35 40:42 40:50 40:51 40:52 40:53 41:11 41:19 41:32 44:18 44:46 45:49 45:50 45:52 45:54 47:21 47:49 50:15 Bainbridge Races 3/21/15 5K Results 1 Billy Inlow 2 Sherrie Jones 3 Susan Maxwell 4 A J Clark 5 Ashley Register 6 Caryn Sams 7 Kay Norton 8 Melissa Leathers 9 Lacey Addison 10 Melissa Hawkins 27:00 32:32 40:42 42:21 43:22 44:25 44:56 55:20 56:17 56:17 Half Marathon Results 1 Myles Gibson 1:26:20 2 Mark Tombrink 1:31:37 3 Nat Higdon 1:31:50 4 Philip Sura 1:33:34 5 Pauncho Hufstetler 1:34:10 6 Melissa Thompson 1:37:58 7 Gary Griffin 1:43:11 8 Marty Hufstetler 1:49:13 9 Joey Harvey 1:49:41 10 Jennifer Shafer 1:51:37 11 Hal Davis 1:52:31 12 Justin Williams 1:52:59 13 Julia Sura 1:53:46 14 Mike Dueitt 1:54:09 15 Paul Pickles 1:54:59 16 Shelton Ansley 1:55:02 17 Dale Nash 1:55:23 18 Robert Pearson 1:55:57 19 Darla Castoro 1:59:07 20 Andrew Wall 1:59:39 21 Bob Moon 2:01:06 22 Cindi Goodson 2:01:42 23 David Braswell 2:04:02 24 Renee Adams 2:06:59 25 Rhonda Wells 2:07:15 26 John Adams 2:07:49 27 Harold Allen 2:08:10 28 Jose Vargas 2:08:26 29 Ashley Logue 2:09:53 30 Donica Williams 2:10:42 31 Kristin Atwell 2:10:55 32 Theresa Zerkle 2:13:01 33 Jamie Carver 2:14:31 34 Shaunna Cook 2:15:23 35 Stacey Sigman 2:16:49 36 Belinda Wise 2:16:51 37 Rick Benton 2:17:16 38 Maclain Benton 2:17:37 39 Rozeallow Smith 2:20:20 40 Tara Whaley 2:20:34 41 Jessica Adams 2:22:32 42 Faith Stoutamire 2:23:28 43 Suzanne Angell 2:26:39 44 Erin Ballas 2:28:19 45 Kelli Dillon 2:35:16 46 Bill Dillon 2:35:18 47 Deborah Ansley 2:35:47 48 Dan Bowser 2:38:25 49 Laura Register 2:38:47 50 Andy Payne 2:39:06 Relay Teams 1 Shannon Colavecchio & Diane McKissack F 37/51 1:55:34 2 Melanie Knight & Mary Jo Boutwell F34/36 2:04:44 3 Liz Snowden & Melissa Daly F49/37 2:20:30 4 Mary Conley & Amanda Rentz F39/35 2:26:03 Volume 40 Issue 5 THE FL EET FO O T Page 7 Discounts for GWTC members Show your GWTC newsletter mailing label when purchasing goods or services at these businesses and you'll benefit from discounts as indicated: Tallahassee Massage Therapy; Brett Pace LTMA #0010284), 681-2122; Sports massage for rehabilitation and prevention; $5 off half hour price, $10 off full hour price: Shaw’s Athletics, 1415 Timberlane Rd (Market Square), 893-5597: Gulf Winds Track Club Members now get 10% Off All Regular Priced Running Shoes and Running Merchandise whether they are paying with cash, check, or credit/debit card: No Discounts on Tennis or Casual Merchandise and no discounts on Pedorthic work or Inserts: Goodfinds, Second Hand Furniture & Collectibles Cassandra Shepherd, Proprietor: 3100-A South Adams street,Tallahassee, FL 32301 (850) 402-31 GWTC members will get the royal treatment at GOODFINDS: Joy Key Photographic artist, 161 Country Club Road, Bainbridge, GA: 39819: (229) 246-8620, (229) 416-8620: 20% discount for family sessions: www:joykeyphotography:com: Massage By Paula: Therapeutic, deep tissue and relaxation: In call or out call: Discounts available with this ad (850) 728-9103: Revolutions: Triathlon Coaching, over 30 years of multi-sport experience: 20% discount offered to Gulf Winds members: www:revtricoaching:com The Shoe Box: 2820 South Monroe, (850) 877-9174, show your GWTC membership card, or the mailing label from the Fleet Foot and get 10% off any running shoes: Capital City Runners:1817 Thomasville Road, Suite 510 (Miracle Plaza), 850-727-8011, http://www:capitalcityrunners:com): 10%: Discount on all Shoes, Apparel, Accessories (excluding Garmins):10% discount good with any form of payment (cash, check, or credit card): Trey Lafitte offers a group discount for Gulf Winds Track Club Members on Liberty Mutual Auto Insurance: Liberty Mutual will take an additional 5% off for members above all of the standard auto insurance discounts: Call 850-5107778: Running Coach. From training plan through the finish line and every step between. Any speed. Any race. Any level of experience welcome. 20+ year science/performance/health background. Lydiard Foundation Certified level II. Excellent with injury rehab and prevention. GWTC discount. Paul Guyas, PT, CSCS, HFS, CCI. (850)2739555 Jennifer Deneute, Mary Kay Consultant 20% on your first order and an additional 5% for friend referrals: (850) 6566438, or 294-4472: jideneute@hotmail:com: Dash of Thomasville: GA is the area’s most unique running store & would like to extend 10% off to all of GWTC members: Newton, Brooks, Mizuno, Saucony, Salomon, Karhu, and largest stocking smart-fiber dealer in the South: www:relishingdash:com 107 S: Broad Street : 229-227-0024 HobbyMC: toys, games, r/c kits, models, art supplies: 720 Capital Circle NE (across from Tom Brown), 850-671-1201: 10% off all merchandise to GWTC members: Anytime Fitness: 6615 Mahan Dr, Tallahassee, FL (Vineyard/Publix Shopping Center), 850-385-2348; 10% off standard monthly membership dues, may not be combined with other discounts/offers. TRX Small Group Classes, Boot Camp, and personal training available. Jumping Jacks Bounce Houses & Party Rentals:, 850-212-3806; 10% off bounce house order, may not be combined with other discounts/offers. Tallahassee Therapeutic Massage: Ahna Peace (FL Lic. #MA72173) 25% OFF ALL 1 HOUR SPORTS MASSAGE! Call or Text: 850 879-7716 Email: Myofascial Release, Structural Integration & Neuromuscular Rehabilitation. This is the Connective Bodywork you need! Facebook: Ahna Peace Massage. Pampered Chef consultant Rick Parks offers a 10% discount on any order. Shop for quality kitchen tools online at Ask about fundraising options available for your club or organization. Trevor Marshall LMT: $10 off all 1 hr and 1.5 hr Sports/Deep Tissue Massage for Endurance Athletes. Call or Text: 850-766-9495. Online at: and Facebook: Trevor Marshall LMT Science of Speed Coaching: 2784 Capital Circle NE Suite 4. Phone: 850-408-6820 Web: or Email: Running, Cycling, Swimming and Triathlon. Gulf Winds Members receive discounts on training plans for any event. 8wk plans for $30 and 12wk for $50. Orangetheory Fitness: 1321 Thomasville Rd. Tallahassee. "Orangetheory Fitness offers GWTC Members who become Premier (Unlimited) Members 3 FREE CLASSES.” Discounts do not apply to special sale items, or when using coupons or other discounts: At time of purchase, please show your mailing label for membership confirmation: Note to Businesses We’ll put you in this list if you offer a discount to Gulf Winds Track Club members: E-mail: freddeckx@comcast:net: Your product or service need not be running-related: Page 8 THE FL EET FO O T Volume 40 Issue 5 Training Groups/Weekly Events Intervals: Tuesdays, 6:30 a.m Maclay Track, Tuesdays, 6.30pm FSU Track. Planned, supervised workout for runners intent on improving in distance races. Contact Bill Lott ( or Gary Droze 668-2373 (work) 942-7333 (home) email Wednesdays 6 p.m. Leon HS track all paces welcome. Email Ann Bowman at: Sunday Streakers: Sunday mornings, 7 a.m. at various locations 10 miles minimum at about 9 min. per mile averages 8-15 people come join us! To get on the e-mail list to receive information on where and when the group meets contact Sue Kelly, Sundays at 7.30 am. Almost every weekend groups run from Forest Meadows around Lake Overstreet or the Phipps Property Thursdays at 6:15 p.m. Optimist Park, 3 miles, all paces: Chika Okoro Thursdays: 5:30 p.m. at Tom Brown Park. Trail run through Piney Z & to the bridge, 7.3 miles. Tempo Runs: Thursdays, 6 p.m., McCord Park, all paces welcome. Manny Gutierrez at; or Gary Droze at, 668-2373 (work), or 942-7333 (home) Imitation Adults distance running group organizes mid-long and long runs for marathon training and fun, usually between August and April of each year. For more information e-mail Nancy Stedman at or visit their facebook page. Water Running: To learn proper water running technique, contact Gary Droze, Instructor, to arrange a workout/training session: 942-7333. Triathlete Training & Contacts Triathlon events: Bill Dillon, or Swimming Times: · Monday, Wednesday, Friday 5.30 AM - 6.30 AM, Tuesday and Thursday 12.30 PM - 1.30 PM, Saturday 8 AM - 10 AM @ Trousdell - ATAC masters program with coach on deck (membership fee required) · Tuesday & Thursdays - 5.30 AM @ Trousdell · Monday thru Friday - 11:45 AM until 12:30 PM @ Jack McLean Pool at Jack McLean Park, Paul Russell Rd. Running Times: · Mondays - 6 PM @ Winthrop Park winding through Betton Hills · Tuesdays - 6:30 PM @ Mike Long Track (FSU) - Interval Training · Tuesdays - 5:15 P @ Harriman Circle - Family run/walk. · Wednesdays - 6 PM @ Leon High School - Interval Training · Thursdays - 5:45 PM @ Optimist Park winding through Indian Head Acres · Thursdays - 6 PM @ Forest Meadows for 5-7 miles · Sundays - 7:30 AM @ Forest Meadows for 10 miles or more · Additional local running information can be found at Riding Times: · Wednesdays - 5:30 PM @ Chaires Community Center riding 30 miles at a B-C pace Additional local ride information can be found at Tri Club meetings held third Monday of each month at MoMo’s Pizza at Market Place. Summer Trail Series registration form is on the website: Volume 40 Issue 5 37 Cara Fowler F 38 Tara Tecce F 39 Nicholas Acoordo M 40 Bill Fredericks M 41 Shadi Elsamra M 42 Olivier Barbier M 43 Mary Brosnan F 44 Madeline Brink F 45 Joesph Hodson M 46 Jessica Thomas F 47 Kaeli McClenahan F 48 Abbey McClennan F 49 Michael Manausa M 50 Jon Brown M 51 Justin Forbes M 52 Josh Stanek M 53 Natalre Rinschler F 54 Steven Huss M 55 Allie Brockner F 56 Clayton Touchton M 57 Laura Merchant F 58 Kate Allison F 59 Eric Bush M 60 April Blackmill F 61 lois Collins F 62 Alexis Gascon F 63 Moises Escobar M 64 Savanna Harris F 65 Michael Ohlsen M 66 Thomas Austin M 67 Wonchan Choi M 68 Devon Cavanaugh F 69 Lance Watson M 70 Tarre Stanley M 71 Paula Ardila F 72 Heather Duey F 73 Andrew Gormley M 74 Becky Bush F 75 Michael Pousson M 76 Charissa Dasalla F 77 Rob Williams M 78 Daniela Salazar F 79 Edward Chelette M 80 Avery McClendon M 81 Tolar Griffin M 82 Worth Corn M 83 Jessica Sosio F 84 Lance Lankford M 85 William Patrick M 86 Jacob Ohlsen M 87 Ben Stork M 88 Ashlan Eddy F 89 Michelle Faulk F 90 Brian Orr M 91 Valerie Guzman F 92 Justin Hirsche M 93 Shelby Green F 94 Mickel Jena F 95 AJ Smith M 96 Cherrelle Rogers F 97 Carmen Rodriguez F 98 Jena Mickel F 99 Andrea Eddy F 100 Alan Hanstein M 101 Raelon White M 51 22 21 38 18 20 57 21 18 22 19 24 51 40 30 29 18 27 21 19 20 37 41 19 24 19 20 20 48 60 34 24 21 23 21 46 36 46 18 22 60 22 48 22 38 33 23 27 37 14 29 19 32 29 20 22 18 30 56 29 59 30 42 48 19 THE FL EET FO O T 24:22 24:26 24:27 24:29 24:31 25:15 25:17 25:25 25:26 25:32 25:33 25:34 25:39 25:40 25:41 25:53 26:19 26:23 26:24 26:24 26:32 26:35 26:45 26:50 26:51 26:54 27:02 27:08 27:11 27:15 27:18 27:20 27:21 27:21 27:28 27:29 27:36 27:40 27:41 27:41 27:47 27:55 27:59 28:00 28:02 28:04 28:05 28:08 28:20 28:26 28:27 28:32 28:33 28:33 28:38 28:52 28:55 29:00 29:08 29:16 29:16 29:17 29:20 29:34 30:07 102 Payton Anderson F 103 Raul Huapilla Perez M 104 Billie Whitehead F 105 William Costello M 106 Lexi Smith F 107 Jennifer Mara F 108 Kevin McNaughton M 109 Jessica Dempsey F 110 Lacy Baker F 111 Kathy McClenahan F 112 Natalia Correa F 113 Alexandria Givens F 114 Angela Chelette F 115 Nasthia Villovicencio F 116 Samantha Arvin F 117 Brianna Doyle F 118 Julie Gomez F 119 Carissa Gross F 120 Kristy Trueblood F 121 Brittany Keegan F 122 Bubba Silcox M 123 Jennifer Keegan F 124 Kyndal Wiewel F 125 Kathleen Smith F 126 Kaitie Meyer F 127 Caitlin Cade F 128 Nic Allen M 129 Craig Clemmer M 130 Elisa Gomez F 131 Greter Yero F 132 Irma Sandoval F 133 Shawn Grant M 134 Melissa Comeau F 135 Jessica Ekstrom F 136 Tatianna Pizzletto F 137 Amanda Trippensee F 138 Eden Gordon F 139 Michael Gunter M 140 Kathy Orr F 141 Nicole Gallina F 142 Danielle Francis F 143 Karla Bennaton F 144 Matthew Delvecchio M 145 Brett Jackson M 146 Lisa Jackson F 147 Connor Christian M 148 Brandi Durkins F 149 Alexis Stephenson F 150 Nathan Allen M 151 Cliff Allen M 152 Allie Burroughs F 153 Stephanie Zerbian F 154 Christina Corpus F 155 Molly Seal F 156 Berlange Valmeus F 157 Martha Brushwood F 158 Yang Dong F 159 Joanna Oliva F 160 Shaina Montalvo F 161 Samantha Howard F 162 Kathy Flippo F 163 Mary Lou Manausa F 164 Tom Brushwood M 165 Jane Stump F 166 Sarah Palmon F 20 22 18 22 18 19 19 20 22 54 18 22 47 20 19 18 22 19 38 21 22 28 21 21 20 22 9 35 19 20 21 35 29 21 22 23 18 19 58 18 21 21 24 42 44 19 19 20 12 51 22 19 21 27 19 50 24 20 23 24 62 76 70 57 20 30:11 30:12 30:15 30:27 30:28 30:29 30:30 30:53 31:01 31:03 31:18 31:21 31:38 31:58 32:10 32:11 32:21 32:23 32:37 32:41 32:47 32:41 32:46 32:52 32:54 32:56 33:00 33:02 33:30 33:31 33:45 33:49 34:15 34:54 35:03 35:39 35:40 35:45 35:49 35:52 36:07 36:27 36:31 36:46 36:46 36:47 36:48 36:58 37:07 37:07 37:23 37:23 37:26 37:27 37:29 39:10 39:13 39:19 39:27 39:47 41:13 41:26 42:26 42:27 42:29 Page 45 167 Stacy Boothe F 168 Suzanne Byrnes F 169 Gordon Orr M 170 Don Abel M 171 Sally Abel F 172 Anna Garcia F 173 Melissa Castillo F 174 Yayza Muniz-Sutton F 21 56 60 56 54 24 23 25 43:02 43:11 44:41 52:19 53:04 53:06 53:19 59:06 GCF Spring Fling 5K 3/21/2015 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 Clay Hunsinger M Priscilla Austin F Sheryl Rosen F Melinda O'Donnell F Felton Wright M Heather Burdge F Krista Livingston F Melinda Ramirez F Juana Herrera F Michelle Marks F Wanda Hernandez F Chuck Davis M Patricia Falcon F Patty Thames F Penelope Hammond F Cassandra Gibson F Maureen Moran F Shannon Tune F Kmata Ukaj F Beth Martin F Jessica Peeples F Angel Glenn F Christina McIntyre F Kara Justice F Casey Byrd F Adrean Burgess F Jacque Lee F Holly Young F Kimberly Peterman F Lisa Lanham F Sonia Bass F Heidi Horton F Lori Carrell F Jennifer Terry F Jennifer Culbreth F Heather Wylie F Gladys Vasquez F Emilee Faciane F Starla Cooper F Diana Rohr F Brianna Armstrong F Cyrus O'Brien M Sarah Adams F Rebecca Rodriguez F Robin Safley F Latoya Bean F Amanda Rizzo F Cheri Lowe F Susan Manning F 25 38 30 35 57 26 35 33 25 35 43 54 48 27 46 26 36 29 29 46 32 27 29 32 32 33 27 31 29 43 55 41 51 43 37 32 27 27 32 33 28 0 42 28 51 37 29 43 42 22:26 23:01 23:02 23:20 23:21 24:30 25:19 25:33 25:34 25:36 26:25 26:40 26:55 26:57 26:58 27:04 27:17 27:25 27:26 27:43 27:44 27:45 27:55 28:02 28:03 28:39 28:52 28:58 28:59 29:01 29:02 29:09 29:17 29:34 29:36 29:44 29:45 29:53 29:54 30:00 30:01 30:04 30:07 30:11 30:15 30:16 30:18 30:21 30:22 Page 44 THE FL EET FO O T M F 24 1:18:29 45 Keith Howell M M 9 1:18:50 46 Andrew Guillen 47 Bronson Nettles M F M 27 1:20:45 49 Brooke Gentry F M 32 1:23:49 50 Becky Johnson F F 25 1:23:49 51 Grace Belletto F 48 1:44:11 53 Brooke Hendrickson F M F 10 2:12:32 54 Jason Piroth 55 Alexandra Block F 56 Nate Piroth M 57 Alicia Kunish F 59 John Hurley M Springtime Mile 60 Ceceilia Thomas F 3/28/2015 61 Janiah Bryant F F Mandy, Sean Hudson 62 Danna Beener 63 Taylor Beener M R.D.’s 64 Alexandra Davis F 65 Max Ito M 66 Chloe Molen F 1 Emily Molen F 13 5:35 67 Michele Himadi F 2 Spencer Amsellem M 13 5:45 68 Susan Gore F 3 Tyler Carver M 11 6:35 70 Ana Ortega F 4 Jackson Rowe M 9 6:46 71 Amani Pleas F 5 Jack Schwenkler M 8 6:50 72 Destinee Jones F 6 Connor Hadden M 10 6:52 73 Alyse Young F 7 Maddie Manausa F 8 7:05 74 Jennifer White F 8 Sam McAnally M 13 7:10 75 Molly Richardson F 9 Scott McAnally M 51 7:12 76 Diane Piroth F 10 Lilli Unger F 12 7:24 77 Leila Angelier F 11 Randy Manausa M 6 7:30 78 Jeremiah Young M 12 Tony Guillen M 11 7:32 79 Ella B. Augustyniak F 13 Christopher Robinson M 40 7:34 80 Darien Angelier M 14 Mallory Robinson F 9 7:35 81 Shelby Augustyniak F 15 Jonathan Kiros M 6 7:37 82 Andres Bernstein M 17 Wyatt Townsend M 10 7:50 83 Ci'era Campbell F 18 Elias Bernstein M 8 7:53 84 Marian Scorza F 19 Jonathan Choquette M 21 7:56 85 Quintavious Thomas M 20 Leah Kiros F 9 8:07 86 A'Rronta Denson M 21 Donquarius Pleas M 15 8:30 87 May Tay F 22 Charles Smith M 0 8:31 88 Kwanisha Jones F 23 Dequan Denson M 14 8:41 89 Lydia Kennett F 24 Anna Vertkin F 7 9:01 90 Bill Himadi M 25 Makenna Punder F 8 9:04 91 Shemyia Stephens F 26 Payton Thumm F 8 9:11 92 Janiyah Young F 27 Demetric Stephens M 9 9:15 93 Wilson Williams M 28 Raven Hall F 10 9:15 94 William Jones M 29 Brandon Sheffield M 21 9:22 95 Lakya Rivers F 30 Maddox Carver M 6 9:30 96 Aryl Young F 31 Levi O'Grady M 7 9:37 97 Carlee Thomas F 32 Alex Piroth M 9 9:38 98 Brea Rivers F 33 Dyearius Trumpet M 8 9:41 99 Heaven Wade F 34 Wayne Fennell Ii M 8 9:44 100 Jesse Moore M 35 Connor Thumm M 6 9:56 101 Isabella Doster F 36 Leisa Eastman F 36 9:57 102 Lauren Lee F 37 Madison Sweede F 8 10:12 103 Caleb O'Grady M 39 Angelica Doster F 7 10:14 104 William Piroth M 40 Anna Grace Rowe F 5 10:17 107 Terry Johnson F 41 Caroline Rowe F 5 10:18 108 Doug Everet M 42 Sam Ito M 5 10:21 109 Mary Jane Tappen F 43 Marc Ito M 38 10:22 110 Conno Smith M 703 Alyssa Taylor 704 Caleb Grace 705 Prabandha Pa Chintirala 706 Chandra P Nooka 707 Vaishnavi Chigarapalle 708 Effie Parsons 709 Bernadette Burns 32 8 8 21 21 6 21 39 22 7 31 59 12 6 40 5 22 8 4 12 56 33 7 16 7 31 6 62 5 11 3 39 38 10 10 60 13 14 49 5 4 65 13 10 5 14 12 11 11 15 12 11 5 25 4 67 61 52 57 5 10:26 10:37 10:40 11:15 11:17 11:30 11:31 11:33 11:34 11:34 11:37 11:47 11:56 11:56 11:57 11:57 12:09 12:11 12:16 12:26 12:33 12:39 12:47 12:48 12:51 12:52 13:11 13:11 13:12 13:12 13:13 13:13 13:13 13:16 13:29 13:48 13:57 13:58 13:58 13:59 14:00 14:03 14:07 14:09 14:09 14:13 14:13 14:13 14:16 14:16 14:24 14:50 15:17 15:17 15:33 16:36 16:46 16:49 17:36 17:38 Volume 40 Issue 5 111 Daniel Hurley M 112 Jada Moore F 113 Lisa Luna F 114 Eddie Hills M 115 Kylan Wilson M 116 Avante Nealy F 117 Dermeariea Nelson F 118 Javarius Young M 119 Grant Hayden M 121 Jenna Brickner F 122 Joan Tweedie F 123 Jamekia Henderson F 124 Shanterrious Johnson F 125 Kelly Berglund F 126 1849 Contact Us 127 Oberley Brown F 128 Lou Brown F 129 Jay James M 12 9 57 12 6 5 6 13 4 17 59 12 0 31 0 91 65 53 18:05 18:19 18:21 18:25 18:56 18:56 18:56 19:17 19:24 19:27 19:36 19:38 19:38 19:44 19:44 19:53 19:53 20:27 Education for Life 5K 3/21/2015 Amber Tynan, R.D. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 Zach DeVeau M Gary Droze M James Harrison M Mike Peymann M Katie Sherron F Duane Evans M Alyson Churchill F Michael Lynch M Levi Streeval M David Knauf M Renee Cox F Zack Scharlepp M Justin Zagra M Megan Churchill F Madison Harris F Zoe Kulakowski F Kyle Show M Daniel Joyce M Michael LaBossiere M Dan Manausa M Mike Burns M Heather Streeval F Steve Halsell M Paula Oneill F Margaret Wiedeman F Paul Hoover M Terry Waters M Winford Jones M Troy Capasso M Randy Naylor M Jamal Bryant M Rashard Johnson M John McClung M Nick Framer M James Cade M Bonnie Joyce F 27 53 19 52 33 47 12 48 11 50 27 32 19 12 19 59 34 19 48 45 49 41 32 53 19 64 22 65 22 44 23 20 46 20 42 22 17:02 17:27 18:05 18:53 19:26 19:33 19:53 20:19 20:31 20:33 20:40 20:45 20:49 20:55 21:10 21:16 21:20 21:24 21:25 21:29 21:31 21:48 22:27 22:40 23:00 23:06 23:24 23:27 23:33 23:43 23:50 24:02 24:03 24:10 24:17 24:19 Volume 40 Issue 5 THE FL EET FO O T Page 9 Race Calendar Please note: Most of the events below are not organized by or affiliated with Gulf Winds Track Club (GWTC). Grand Prix Events are underlined; confirmed events are in bold. * Indicates a GWTC event. CT=Central Time. Entry forms may be at local stores, races, and GWTC meetings. If no state is listed, it is Florida. Verify information before traveling; errors, omissions, and changes do occur. If not listed, area code is 850. Special thanks to Charlie Yates and Bill Lott for the race information. May 2015 01 Relay for Life - North Leon 5K Fun Run/Walk, 12 midnight. Chiles High School track, 7200 Lawton Chiles Ln. Sherri Jackman at or 508-2724. 01 Gnat Days 5K, 7 p.m. Courthouse Square Park (located behind the Courthouse), downtown Camilla, GA. Jennifer Burnum at (229) 336-5255 or 02 Tails and Trails 10K/5K/Half Marathon/1M, 8 a.m. Tallahassee Animal Service Center, 1125 Easterwood Dr. next to Tom Brown Park. Online registration available at Visit; or Cara Fowler at 02 Big Bend Pop Warner Family Day 5K Run, check-in 7-8 a.m. Apalachee Regional Park, 7550 Apalachee Pkwy. Visit; or Matt Cronley at 02 BMS STEM Fitness 5K, 8 a.m. Bainbridge Middle School, 1301 E. College St., Bainbridge, GA. Gina Conley at 09 Marzuq Shriners’ Mother’s Day 5K, 8 a.m. Maclay Gardens State Park, 3540 Thomasville Rd. Keiff Lindsey at Flyer centerfold pgs. 26,27. 09 Nene Fest 5K/1M Fun Run, 8 a.m. Optimist Park, 1806 E. Indianhead Dr. Online registration available at Jessica Kennett at or 241-3283. 09 TMH for LIFE Challenge 5K/1M, 8:30 a.m. Bethel Missionary Baptist Church, 406 North Bronough St. Online registration available at Visit; or Forrest Revolinski at (321) 446-3801. 09 Run for Rover 5K/1M, 9 a.m. Thomas University, Pinetree Blvd. and Millpond Rd., Thomasville, GA. Visit; or Thomasville-Thomas County Humane Society at (229) 228-0613 or Ed Williams at 09 Bulldog Dash 5K/1M, 8:30 a.m. MacIntyre Park Middle School, 117 Glenwood Dr., Thomasville, GA. Angie Ellis at or (229) 225-2628. 09 Warrior Creek 5K, 8 a.m. Perryland Farms, 8200 LaValle Ln., Perry, FL. Visit; or LaDonna LaValle at or (850) 584-2371; or Abbey Tharpe at (850) 838-3508. 14-16 ACC Outdoor Track & Field Championship. Mike Long Track, FSU Campus. 16 Run for Wakulla Springs 5K Sanctuary Trail Run/1M, 8 a.m. Wakulla Springs State Park, 15 miles south of Tallahassee on SR 267. Online registration available at Visit; or Trudy Thompson at 962-2064; or Ron and Cynthia Christen at 926-7834 or 567-0500. 16 Catfish Crawl 5K/1M, 8 a.m. (CT). M & B Depot Park, 16977 NE Pear St., Blountstown, FL. Visit; or Ben Hall at (850) 674-4988. 16 Salute the Wounded 5K Fun Run Challenge (Trail Run/Obstacle Challenge), 8 a.m. Hinson Property, 4520 Gator Hole Lane, Marianna, FL. Online registration available at Kristen Gregg at (317) 509-5580 or 17 Monet 5K, 8 a.m. Integration Statue on Woodward Plaza, behind Oglesby Student Union, 75 N. Woodward Ave., FSU Campus. Online registration available at Jennifer Linares at 23 Gate-to-Gate 4.4M, 7:30 a.m. (CT). Unity Park, Chinquain Dr. and Eglin Blvd., Eglin AFB, Fort Walton Beach, FL. Online registration available at Preregistration only; no race day registration. Visit; or Eglin Fitness Center at (850) 882-6223 or 883-1682. 23 Africa Day 5K Race/1M Fun Run, 8:30 a.m. Lake Leon at Tom Brown Park. Visit; or Dann Orange at or 597-0311. 25 Memorial Day 5K Night Race, 7 p.m. Bainbridge Middle School tennis courts across the street from Boulevard Park on Miluli Dr., Bainbridge, GA. Shelly Graham at Page 10 THE FL EET FO O T Volume 40 Issue 5 *30 Summer Trail Series – Cadillac Trail 5.5M, 8 a.m. Tom Brown Park, near Pavilion #13. Online registration available at (no additional fee). Visit; or Bobby York at 443-6795 or EVENT FULL; REGISTRATION CLOSED (check for waitlist information). *30 T-Pal 5K/“P-47 Thunderbolt” 1M, 8 a.m. Jack Mclean Park, 700 Paul Russell Rd. Online registration available at David Yon at 30 JDRF One Walk, 9 a.m. Southwood Town Center, 3196 Merchants Row Blvd. Elena Purdy at or 597-6532. 30 Run for Ansley 5K/1M, 8 a.m. Summerbrook Golf Club, 7505 Preservation Rd. Online registration available at Saun Rayborn at 508-2991; or Will Thompson at 566-6566. 30 American Lung Association Tallahassee Lung Force Walk, 9 a.m. Cascades Park, 1001 S. Gadsden St. Mallory Izbicki at 241-1003 or 31 Tallahassee YTS Youth Triathlon and Adult Super Sprint Series #1, 8 a.m. FSU Morcom Aquatic Center, 2560 Pottsdamer Rd. Online registration available at Visit; or Mike Weyant at or 241-6591. June 2015 *04 Summer Track Series - Week 1, 6:45 p.m. Maclay School Track, 3737 N. Meridian Rd. Tom Perkins at 894-2019 or *06 Great Pot Luck Bash 4M (Trail Prediction Run), 6 p.m. Forestmeadows Park and Athletic Center, 4750 N. Meridian Rd. Ónline registration available at (no additional fee). Visit; or David Yon at *11 Summer Track Series - Week 2, 6:45 p.m. Maclay School Track, 3737 N. Meridian Rd. Tom Perkins at 894-2019 or *13 Summer Trail Series – Oak Hammock Trail 5.0M, 8 a.m. Elinor Klapp-Phipps Park. Online registration available at (no additional fee). Visit; or Bobby York at 443-6795 or EVENT FULL; REGISTRATION CLOSED (check for waitlist information). 13 5K at Fifth, 8 a.m. Paisley Café parking lot, 1123 Thomasville Rd. Visit; or Shannon Moore at *18 Summer Track Series - Week 3, 6:45 p.m. Maclay School Track, 3737 N. Meridian Rd. Tom Perkins at 894-2019 or 20 Kiwanis Melon Run 5K, 8:15 a.m. First United Methodist Church, corner of South Water St. and Hwy 90 West, Monticello, FL. Online registration available at Don Condon at *25 Summer Track Series - Week 4, 6:45 p.m. Maclay School Track, 3737 N. Meridian Rd. Tom Perkins at 894-2019 or 27 Freedom Run 5K/1M, 8 a.m. Wakulla Springs State Park, 465 Wakulla Park Dr. (15 miles south of Tallahassee on SR 267). Online registration available at Michael Atkinson at 27 Encounter 3.116.2 (5K/1M/10K), 8 a.m. First Baptist Church of Thomasville East Campus Auditorium, 200 N. Pinetree Blvd. and E. Jackson St. (Hwy 319), Thomasville, GA. Online registration available at Michael Raybon at July 2015 *02 Summer Track Series - Week 5, 6:45 p.m. Maclay School Track, 3737 N. Meridian Rd. Tom Perkins at 894-2019 or 04 33nd Annual Kiwanis Firecracker 5K/1M, 7:30 a.m. Cascades Park, 1001 S. Gadsden St. Visit; or Cole Tessier at 339-6962 or 04 Freedom Springs Triathlon, 7 a.m. (CT). Blue Springs Recreation Park, 5461 Blue Springs Road, Marianna, FL. Terry Edwards at or (850) 557-0522. *09 Summer Track Series - Week 6, 6:45 p.m. Maclay School Track, 3737 N. Meridian Rd. Tom Perkins at 894-2019 or 11 Dr. James H. Crowdis Run 5K/1M, 8:15 a.m. First United Methodist Church, 397 College St., Blakely, GA. Online registration available at Visit; or Tony Gilbert at (229) 723-5070 or *16 Summer Track Series - Week 7, 6:45 p.m. Maclay School Track, 3737 N. Meridian Rd. Tom Perkins at 894-2019 or Volume 40 Issue 5 524 Dylan Hefelfinger M 525 Tamara Prine F 526 Judy Lenczyk F 527 Latanya Townsend F 528 Jessica McFadden F 529 Teresa Dennis F 530 Isabella Dennis F 531 Elizabeth Lastinger F 532 Menee Rumlin-Bond F 533 Elizabeth Swiman F 534 Kinsley Grant F 535 Wes Bruner M 536 Alison Hicks F 537 Robert Lilly M 538 Tyrra Carter F 539 Shayla Jones F 540 Tina Beck F 541 Beth Desloge F 542 Christic Henry F 543 Derek Bell M 544 Aiden Allen M 545 John Simpson M 546 Vicki Allen F 547 Monique Banks F 548 Geneva Redding F 549 Missy Lilly F 550 Alicia Brown F 551 Tom Brushwood M 552 Martha Brushwood F 553 Jennifer Schellinger F 554 Bob Keller M 555 Bonnie Stark F 556 Karen Isch F 557 Chase Trone M 558 Judy Lamb F 559 Sam Lamb M 560 Marta Vargas F 561 Lisa Trone F 562 Hannah Sheats F 563 Jessica Clark F 564 Ron Dehner M 565 Patty Dehner F 566 Charlie Ricker M 567 Tracey Dowling F 568 Alyssa Ptchick F 569 Sophia Campbell F 570 Morgan Patterson F 571 Jillian Campbell F 572 Patricia Davis F 573 Cayleigh Ptchick F 574 Margaret Savage F 575 Kailin Schrier York F 576 Susan Schrier F 577 Livetra Paul F 578 Shirley Beauford F 579 Amanda Nichols F 580 Kimberly Studley F 581 Ian Gopez M 582 William Scarboro M 583 James Skofronick M THE FL EET FO O T 16 39 47 35 27 40 6 42 43 34 33 60 24 8 40 28 23 56 38 45 8 64 39 45 50 38 29 70 50 42 81 60 58 4 62 69 16 41 16 23 53 50 24 35 7 14 60 5 52 7 25 17 42 44 50 23 39 40 36 83 43:44 43:50 44:00 44:07 44:08 44:10 44:10 44:10 44:16 44:23 44:24 44:28 44:32 44:36 44:39 44:41 44:44 44:44 44:44 44:45 44:48 44:49 44:59 45:02 45:03 45:12 45:13 45:15 45:16 45:17 45:22 45:32 45:52 45:56 45:57 45:58 46:04 46:04 46:04 46:04 46:06 46:06 46:08 46:10 46:14 46:15 46:17 46:18 46:41 46:44 46:45 46:52 46:54 46:57 46:58 46:59 47:03 47:08 47:28 47:33 584 Autumn Ingram F 585 Rebekah Elliott F 586 Nicole Lilly F 587 Kristin Cline F 588 Angela Petrizzo F 589 Maximilian Schrader M 590 Rebecca Burnett F 591 Tracy Janicki F 592 Kathy Corbett F 593 Timothy Chandler M 594 Emily Fuhrman F 595 Ashley Pierce F 596 Anabelle Nearhoof F 597 Beth Cooper F 598 Kurt Schrader M 599 Kelley McKnight F 600 Jennifer Travieso F 601 Melissa Papesh F 602 Jared Papesh M 603 Ann McFarlain F 604 John McFarlain M 605 Joyce McNeill F 606 Marsha Adams F 607 Kristian Aggabao M 608 Terence Goodwin M 609 Ashley Knight M 610 Eli Knight M 611 Jet Thompson M 612 Chris Robbins F 613 Tracy Nobles F 614 Taylor Marshall F 615 Klarizza Aggabao F 616 Pam Pafford F 617 Jennifer Touchstone F 618 Kirstin Helms F 619 Ileana Alamo F 620 Alex Alamo M 621 Robert Cilek M 622 Mary Cilek F 623 Erin Cunningham F 624 Terri McEwen F 625 Tim Vaccaro M 626 G W Harrell M 627 Hope Keating F 628 Charlotte Cummings F 629 Josephine Newton F 630 Martha Beasley F 631 Reese Wilson M 632 Corinna McEwen F 633 Miranday Drake F 634 Ashlei Steele F 635 Miyoko Underwood Inou F 636 Martin Kavka M 637 Phillip Tomberlin Jr M 638 Mickie Cooksey F 639 Anne Draper F 640 Timothy Campion M 641 Janet Norton F 642 Mazie Crumbie F 643 Cadie Stewart F 12 27 40 24 25 10 52 52 41 33 28 31 33 49 38 33 32 35 32 13 45 60 64 15 36 44 8 61 53 53 16 21 60 41 45 58 59 55 52 32 45 49 56 55 68 88 64 26 47 25 21 6 43 63 65 72 23 53 60 8 47:36 47:40 48:10 48:11 48:12 48:16 48:17 48:26 48:27 48:27 48:30 48:32 48:32 48:39 48:43 48:46 48:47 48:56 48:56 48:57 49:14 49:28 49:29 49:32 49:38 49:50 49:52 50:02 50:08 50:08 50:33 50:38 50:43 50:43 50:44 50:56 50:59 51:00 51:02 51:03 51:08 51:08 51:13 51:13 51:18 51:18 51:19 51:28 51:29 51:33 51:34 51:51 51:51 51:53 51:54 51:55 52:02 52:08 52:08 52:15 Page 43 644 Saree Stewart F 645 Gail Posey F 646 Barbara Thompson F 647 Brenda Buchan F 648 Tracy Hatch M 649 Lisa Seay F 650 Kayla Nelson F 651 Chris Furst M 652 Kimberly Wilson F 653 Leanne O'Connell F 654 Connie Jenkins F 655 Will Corrington M 656 Debi Bazemore F 657 Darcey Allan F 658 Janet Sims F 659 Wendy Barnett F 660 Brittany Barnett F 661 Olivia Vigliotti F 662 Brittany Underwood F 663 Christopher Sheats M 664 Melanie Berger F 665 Robyn Hillison F 666 Alan El-Urfali M 667 Sherry Ann Valdez F 668 Laura Copeland F 669 Steve Copeland M 670 Kathryn Wilkerson F 671 Nickie Stricker F 672 Jennifer Sullivan F 673 Robert Amstutz M 674 Margaret Kates F 675 Annette Wilson F 676 Kyle Gower-Winter M 677 Macey Smith F 678 Autumn Ehsaei F 679 Shannon Gower-Winter F 680 Drew May M 681 Kathy Hand F 682 Kala Glass F 683 Katie Carlton F 684 Cindy Fury F 685 Barbara Bumgarner F 686 Tom Berger M 687 Joanne Cline F 688 Delores Stewart F 689 Michele Arnold F 690 Meghan Finney F 691 Alexis Smith F 692 Rebecca Grissom F 693 Nancy Grissom F 694 Jeremy Hilsen M 695 Jennifer Hilsen F 696 Grayden Ricks M 697 John Bevis M 698 Erin Thompson F 699 Ransey Boyd F 700 Amanda Robinson F 701 Gordon Cunningham M 702 Jordan Jacobs F 45 55 60 58 59 57 24 34 40 48 50 6 61 30 64 58 19 11 20 16 41 38 57 61 28 64 61 29 28 29 24 59 33 21 28 32 34 38 30 26 50 62 54 53 46 50 20 27 36 62 36 34 7 48 31 36 31 33 32 52:16 52:31 52:32 52:51 52:51 52:53 53:13 53:15 53:16 53:17 53:18 53:19 53:22 53:25 53:26 53:45 53:46 53:50 53:53 53:54 54:24 54:31 54:37 54:39 54:52 54:52 55:17 55:26 55:26 55:27 55:32 55:40 56:00 56:00 56:01 56:01 56:07 56:12 56:13 56:24 56:35 57:05 57:07 57:39 57:40 57:47 58:13 58:57 58:59 58:59 59:00 59:01 1:02:49 1:03:01 1:03:01 1:03:28 1:03:28 1:09:18 1:09:38 Page 42 344 Steve Shaffer M 345 Jeffrey Kelly M 346 William Hansen M 347 Lynne Horry F 348 Virginia Haworth F 349 Sandra Moruzzi F 350 John Leeds M 351 Claire Smith F 352 Sarah Grisiaffi F 353 Laura Brinkley F 354 Dennis Comer M 355 Tom Taylor M 356 Sam Falstrom F 357 Brian Falstrom M 358 Robin Smith F 359 Matt Peters M 360 Kent Smith M 361 Bartholomew Pisapia M 362 Teri Green F 363 Melanie Leitman F 364 Jacqueline Davison F 365 Kayleigh Sands F 366 Caroline Walker F 367 Sara Thomas F 368 Brooke Harrison F 369 Cynthia Holifield F 370 Rebecca Hanson F 371 Amy Schrader F 372 Will Speers M 373 Donna Chason F 374 Patricia Bruner F 375 Charles Futch M 376 Michele Beaudin F 377 Karen Foulke F 378 Jessica Kennett F 379 Heather Drymon F 380 David Mancia M 381 Kelsey Merchant F 382 Joan Skalski F 383 Julie Monnin F 384 Megan Whitaker F 385 Robert Cox M 386 Daniel Frank M 387 Miguel Arias M 388 Lisa Frank F 389 Kara Rowells F 390 Brandon Helms M 391 Bruce Skeeton M 392 Jake Touchstone M 393 Maris Renard F 394 Cody Young M 395 Betty Payzant F 396 Anthony Woo M 397 Kristian Oldham M 398 John Mogg M 399 James Mogg M 400 Linda White F 401 Angelica White F 402 Kathryn Hillebrandt F 403 Sarah Ellison F THE FL EET FO O T 56 40 24 57 26 52 30 36 22 36 55 67 20 49 51 32 52 57 62 30 30 16 19 28 18 28 36 40 24 55 57 73 66 57 35 29 33 22 68 45 27 62 11 23 42 24 11 65 11 22 22 30 7 27 40 5 39 37 28 25 35:37 35:37 35:41 35:42 35:43 35:45 35:49 35:52 35:53 35:58 35:59 36:00 36:08 36:08 36:12 36:13 36:13 36:13 36:13 36:15 36:15 36:15 36:19 36:19 36:19 36:24 36:26 36:31 36:38 36:40 36:40 36:42 36:42 36:43 36:49 36:50 36:54 36:54 36:56 36:57 36:58 36:58 37:00 37:02 37:02 37:07 37:08 37:09 37:11 37:15 37:15 37:17 37:21 37:24 37:27 37:27 37:34 37:35 37:44 37:46 404 Leah Folkert 405 Diane Austin 406 Sara Arnold 407 Heather Mogg 408 Julie Christesen 409 Addison Lawler 410 Emily Revell 411 Kenneth Kent 412 Stace Stroud 413 Rod McQueen 414 Betsy Palmer 415 Patricia Hogan 416 Chris Barnett 417 Erin Vaughn 418 Joseph Barnett 419 Gwendolyn Drake 420 Cheryl Bakker 421 Jana Mitchell 422 Ansley Stewart 423 Crystal-Dawn Badger 424 Betsy Barfield 425 Jesse Stewart 426 Kara Leeds 427 Allison Peters 428 Monica McDonald 429 Brenda Thompkins 430 Melissa Johnson 431 Carrie Roberts 432 Cindy Burgess 433 Richard Addison 434 Paul Mauer 435 Lynette Brown 436 Alexandra Gardner 437 Kathy Richardson 438 Joann Milford 439 Nancy Blum 440 Steven Bonda 441 Dustin Heintz 442 Janet Lenz 443 Windy Boudreau 444 Janette Schenck 445 Kylie Van Esselstine 446 Kristina May 447 Kathryn Myers 448 Eric Madsen 449 Ashley Brown 450 Robert Gabordi 451 Kimberly McClure 452 Chelsey Peters 453 Elena Smith 454 Amanda Tatum 455 Laura Kenyon 456 Shelina Letzring 457 Maya Isabell Letzring 458 Erin Keenan 459 Heather Scarboro 460 Mark Vesuvio 461 Bryson Peavy 462 Chase Hopkins 463 Suzanne Hopkins F F F F F M F M M M F F M F M F F F F F F M F F F F F F M M M F F F F F M M F F F F F F M F M F F F F F F F F F M M M F 13 55 25 38 27 20 38 55 47 63 59 46 30 28 60 56 64 12 13 30 54 8 30 32 36 51 1 28 56 61 31 48 14 57 55 40 41 38 61 26 56 3 33 31 33 26 58 23 30 33 22 17 36 8 24 33 55 8 13 49 37:47 37:48 37:50 37:50 37:51 37:53 37:55 37:56 37:57 38:00 38:01 38:02 38:12 38:12 38:13 38:15 38:16 38:17 38:17 38:18 38:24 38:24 38:25 38:30 38:41 38:47 38:49 38:50 38:53 38:54 39:04 39:08 39:09 39:10 39:11 39:16 39:17 39:18 39:18 39:19 39:26 39:27 39:29 39:29 39:29 39:34 39:38 39:40 39:41 39:45 39:59 40:00 40:05 40:05 40:12 40:13 40:14 40:16 40:22 40:23 Volume 40 Issue 5 464 Jennifer Peavy F 465 Kathleen Laylle F 466 Gale Murphy F 467 Derrick Frazier M 468 Samantha Howard F 469 Kolbie O'Neal F 470 Kaitlyn Lackey F 471 Eryn Jones F 472 Becky Lackey F 473 Kara Ottervanger F 474 Heather Pence F 475 Isabella Pence F 476 Valerie Fusco F 477 Madelyn Siner F 478 Abbie O'Neal F 479 Felicia McCoy F 480 Stormie Knight F 481 Angela Lewis F 482 Lizzie Moore F 483 Renee Tondee F 484 Greg Tondee M 485 Erik Kiessig M 486 Leslie Peebles F 487 Jamie Lasker M 488 Katie Clay F 489 Shannon Thomas F 490 Joseph Bakker M 491 Latoya Paul F 492 Chuck Kelley M 493 Maria Hamm F 494 Melanie Rucker F 495 Evelyn Rodriguez F 496 Deane Johnson F 497 Arlene Feril F 498 Pam Bodin F 499 Madeleine Young F 500 Sara Beth Hornbaker F 501 Forrest Hyden M 502 Tammy Hornbaker F 503 Cami Young F 504 Allison Peters F 505 Isabel Johnson F 506 Nicki Fletcher F 507 Tom Yu M 508 Malakai Jones M 509 Michael Seibert M 510 Sara Bain F 511 Sandra Gorski F 512 Stephen Herr M 513 Kelsie Patton F 514 Rachel Hopkins F 515 Rebekah Hopkins F 516 Rachel Wayne F 517 Heather Allman F 518 Elizabeth TrombettaF 519 Mellissa Andric F 520 Allison Peters F 521 Katie Hefelfinger F 522 Jennie Hefelfinger F 523 Monica Reed F 36 24 44 32 24 12 8 26 35 25 41 9 34 11 9 44 27 22 41 49 50 41 64 35 41 48 65 39 74 57 64 57 64 52 53 29 7 30 55 16 32 52 26 45 8 32 27 50 27 26 10 14 23 41 39 55 29 23 56 49 40:23 40:40 40:42 40:45 40:46 40:48 40:49 40:49 40:50 40:50 40:55 40:55 40:55 40:56 40:59 41:00 41:07 41:07 41:10 41:10 41:11 41:11 41:15 41:16 41:20 41:28 41:31 41:33 41:45 41:46 41:46 41:47 41:50 41:59 42:03 42:05 42:15 42:16 42:23 42:26 42:30 42:42 42:44 42:44 42:47 42:51 42:51 42:55 42:57 43:16 43:17 43:17 43:18 43:25 43:27 43:36 43:37 43:43 43:44 43:44 Volume 40 Issue 5 THE FL EET FO O T Page 11 *18 Summer Trail Series – Coon Bottom Trail 4.5M, 8 a.m. Elinor Klapp-Phipps Park. Online registration available at (no additional fee). Visit; or Bobby York at 443-6795 or EVENT FULL; REGISTRATION CLOSED (check for waitlist information). 19 USA Triathlon Splash and Dash Youth Aquathlon (swim/run), 8:30 a.m. FSU Morcom Aquatic Center, 2560 Pottsdamer Rd. Online registration available at Visit; or Mike Weyant at or 241-6591. *23 Summer Track Series - Week 8, 6:45 p.m. Maclay School Track, 3737 N. Meridian Rd. Tom Perkins at 894-2019 or 25 Tallahassee’s Usually Annual Devil Take the Hindmost Run, 7 p.m. Mike Long Track, 1104 Spirit Way (corner of Chieftan Way and Spirit Way), FSU Campus. Herb Wills at Grand Prix Races for 2015 May 2 June 6 June 27 July 4 August 15 August 22 September 19 November 26 October 3 December 12 December 19 Distance Tails & Trails 10K Great Potluck Bash 4M Freedom Run 5K Firecracker Run 5K Breakfast on the Track Miller Landing Madness Women's Distance Festival Turkey Trot Robin Lotane Hurricane Run Tallahassee Ultra Classic 50K Tannenbaum 6K 10K 4M 5K 5K 1 Mile 5K 5K 6K Youth 1 Mile 3K 5K or 1 Mile Page 12 How They Train Peter Kaus THE FL EET FO O T Age: 31 Did you compete in high school cross country or track? I competed for Rockledge High School, (Brevard Co, FL) for 4 years running XC and Track. Did you compete in college-cross country or track? I received a couple of opportunities to run for smaller colleges, but wanted to attend FSU. Unfortunately, I wasn’t quite fast enough for FSU’s team. If you have been running for many years, how has your training changed over the years? I ran 4 years in high school, but stopped running competitively or consistently during college. I started running again after 8 years, and have been back at it for the past 5 years. In high school, I was a middle distance runner: 800m with an occasional 1600m. Since I started running again, I have focused on longer distances: 10K, Half Marathon, Marathon. What running events do you train for or what are your training goals? Initially, upon starting to run again, I focused on half marathons. During the past two years, I have primarily focused on completing my first marathon and qualifying for Boston. I am currently training for the Boston marathon. Do you peak for certain races? I peak for one or two races per year, depending on the race distance. What are some of your results? In the past year, I have run most of my fastest times since I started running again. 5K – 17:03 Palace Saloon 10K – 35:55 Peachtree Road Race 15K – 56:20 Gate River Run Marathon – 2:49 Marine Corps Marathon How does your training vary over the course of a year? I typically focus on one race and have a 12-18 week training period. After that, I run consistently but my mileage and workouts are far less structured. Consider your training over the past 6 months to one year. How many miles a week do you typically run when not injured and consistently running? It depends on the distance of my current race goal, but I like to be around 70 miles. What does your typical week of running look like? Typical Week for Marathon Training: Easy Pace-7-7:30/mile; Tempo Pace-6:00/mile; M pace- Volume 40 Issue 5 6:30/mile I usually take a rest day when my pace for an easy run is too slow--every 10-14 days usually. Monday: 10 Miles Easy Tuesday: 8-10 Miles Easy w/ Core work Wednesday: 10-16 Miles, Tempo or Repeat workout Thursday: 5-8 Miles Easy w/ Core work Friday: 10 Miles Easy Saturday: 10 Miles Easy w/ Core work Sunday: 18-23 Miles, Hard Workout Marathon Pace or Tempo Work What time of the day do you normally run? Afternoon on weekdays, mornings on weekends. Do you take recovery or down time? After goal races, I usually take it easy for a couple of weeks with more days off, shorter runs and no interval work. What injuries have hampered your training over the past year? During the past 6 months, I seem to have one injury after another: starting with piriformis, to hip flexor, then knee. I took time off before starting Boston training, but I have been struggling during my training. Do you take any dietary or medical supplements? I don’t take supplements. I watch my diet carefully, and I am very strict in the weeks prior to my goal race. What type of running shoes do you prefer? Nike Lunarglides and Saucony Kinvara Do you race in a different type of running shoe? In shorter races, I’ll run in flats: Nike Flyknit Racers or Saucony A5’s Do you stretch or use weight training? Due to my piriformis issues, I stretch and foam roll after every speed session. Recently, I have been stretching/ rolling daily due to injuries. I do core work when stretching, such as push-ups, pull-ups, sit-ups, and planks, but no weight lifting. What running resources do you like that would benefit someone else? Jack Daniels (Daniels’ Running Formula, Second Edition) basically taught me how to train for distance events effectively. Also, the articles on usually give the most recent research on running trends. What examples can you give of specific training (Continued on page 14) Volume 40 Issue 5 164 Lauren McCaskill 165 Michael Duckett 166 Mat Willey 167 Aaron Kautz 168 Jenny Foltz 169 Susan Stephens 170 Mark Kellerhals 171 Stephen Rogers 172 Stephen Lawson 173 Jeff McClain 174 Tabatha Nelson 175 Marisa McNulty 176 Carlos Fernandez 177 Brett Perkins 178 Madison Perkins 179 Aimee Lim 180 Russell Howard 181 Regan Jager 182 Tricia Monaghan 183 Lindsey Scott 184 Katie Chace Swindle 185 Sabrina Spivey 186 Kendra Howard 187 Annie Ford 188 Nora Underwood 189 Laurie West 190 Chris Durfee 191 Jill David 192 Charley Kirkland 193 Rafael Alvarez 194 Amanda Gibson 195 Ellen Dippie 196 Kelly Skelton 197 Barkley Wilhite 198 Joel Mynard 199 Adrienne Dunfee 200 Lydia Hermann 201 Meaghan Pickles 202 Georgia Franklin 203 Winston Borkowski 204 Nancy Vanwilder 205 Kesha Polk 206 Eric Brickner 207 Richie Fermo 208 Vicky Verano 209 Alex Susskind 210 Jack Cosper 211 Bruce Lynn 212 Necia Little 213 Alan Morales 214 Cole Dennis 215 Jason Grimes 216 David Simison 217 Kerry Krantz 218 Aaron Ruddell 219 Morgan McGuire 220 Kristen Phillips 221 Julia Hix 222 Jessica Butler 223 Jolie Ozburn F M M M F F M M M M F F M M F F M F F F F F F F F F M F M M F F F F M F F F F M F F M M F M M M F M M M M M M F F F F F THE FL EET FO O T 24 24 31 44 24 56 53 37 26 35 31 13 44 48 12 31 43 45 30 27 31 35 40 41 48 39 46 41 28 66 11 45 38 45 62 37 12 33 51 58 55 32 49 28 51 48 71 67 40 46 10 32 32 64 32 24 35 31 25 11 30:10 30:10 30:13 30:14 30:15 30:15 30:16 30:17 30:20 30:25 30:25 30:28 30:34 30:34 30:35 30:37 30:42 30:47 30:47 30:54 31:01 31:01 31:02 31:03 31:07 31:08 31:10 31:11 31:12 31:12 31:12 31:14 31:15 31:16 31:17 31:19 31:22 31:24 31:25 31:35 31:35 31:37 31:37 31:39 31:41 31:44 31:44 31:45 31:46 31:48 31:53 31:55 31:56 31:56 31:56 31:56 31:58 32:01 32:04 32:05 224 Teresa Kuperberg F 225 Robbie Allman M 226 Carson Gray M 227 Greg Munson M 228 Grant Munson M 229 Edward Thomas M 230 Andrew Thornquest M 231 John Woo M 232 Annette Lapkowski F 233 Danielle Reeves F 234 Michael Byrd M 235 Christie Coleman F 236 Erin Cusicle F 237 Susan Cornwell F 238 Sarah Logan Beasley F 239 Patrick Bateman M 240 Janelle Kuder F 241 Elizabeth Smith F 242 Cynthia Felix F 243 Lauren Huene F 244 Taylor Nash F 245 Brian Blanchard M 246 Samantha Feijoo F 247 Liesl Ramos F 248 Amit Jain M 249 Jessica Rogers F 250 Lauren McCowin F 251 Mike Wendler M 252 Kendra Prisk F 253 Lauren Snyder F 254 Caleb Pullen M 255 Virginia Fulford F 256 Josh Richmond M 257 David Poole M 258 Allison Holgan F 259 Deborah Ansley F 260 David Jones M 261 Krista Schoen F 262 Nikki Perrini F 263 Lexi Perrini F 264 Gabrielle Arcangeli F 265 Rebecca Perrini F 266 Ana Sutherland F 267 Jon Hughes M 268 Ray Cortese M 269 Ginna Raymer F 270 Tim Storhoff M 271 Mark Rissinger M 272 Liesl Voges F 273 Jami Richmond F 274 Allison DeffenbaughF 275 Julia Vandergrift F 276 Mike Merchant F 277 Kevin Coleman M 278 Sarah Thorpe F 279 Alicia Rivera F 280 Sara Latorre F 281 Kristine McAllister F 282 Elliot Smith M 283 Diana Grosh F 56 13 9 48 13 52 28 45 0 29 62 36 26 65 23 27 27 26 27 30 24 56 25 49 33 35 32 57 30 28 20 50 30 53 44 58 60 36 21 19 25 46 52 57 57 36 30 26 28 28 28 8 31 46 23 33 27 33 7 40 32:06 32:10 32:10 32:11 32:12 32:12 32:15 32:19 32:21 32:22 32:27 32:29 32:30 32:30 32:31 32:31 32:31 32:31 32:33 32:34 32:35 32:38 32:39 32:40 32:52 32:53 32:54 32:54 32:54 32:55 32:55 32:55 32:56 32:57 32:57 33:00 33:02 33:03 33:03 33:04 33:04 33:04 33:04 33:06 33:06 33:06 33:07 33:07 33:08 33:10 33:10 33:10 33:11 33:11 33:14 33:18 33:19 33:26 33:30 33:30 Page 41 284 Chris Presnell 285 Alexandria Shelton 286 Kathleen Butler 287 Terry Butler 288 Kylie Gibson 289 Ezzie Raulls 290 Jimmy Martin 291 Wendy Bevan-Baker 292 Cinil Maliakkal 293 Lura Diestelhorst 294 Genna Wilcox 295 Leslie Anderson 296 Ted Speers 297 Mickie Speers 298 Tony Alex 299 Rony Joseph 300 Georgia Kratimnos 301 Darin Tandberg 302 Michael Burke 303 Amy Coltharp 304 Meghan Holley 305 Meghan Presnell 306 Richard Hammock 307 Bruce Campbell 308 Kevin McCarthy 309 Jennifer Sunseri 310 Toni Thomas 311 Melissa Marshall 312 Alex Marshall 313 Sarah Tansits 314 Pamela White 315 Kelvin Rutledge 316 Abby Hassinger 317 Laura Gibson 318 Holly Thomas 319 Travis Hall 320 Anna Maguire 321 Megan Davis 322 Jen White 323 Erin Callan 324 Jennifer Lebet 325 Tom Hastings 326 Erin Taratoot 327 Jessica Goodin 328 Michael McCarroll 329 Jennifer Wester 330 Ivey Hall 331 Gracie Buchan 332 Svitlana Kalinska 333 Taylor Griner 334 Shane Stewart 335 Deneese Sampson 336 Rosie Vowell 337 Frank Johnson 338 Anna Suslova 339 Beckett Horry 340 Laura Sellati 341 Maria Selman 342 Ryk Jarrad 343 Nicole Kelly M F F M F M M F M F F F M F M M F F M F F F M M M F F F M F F M F F F M F F F F F M F F M F F F F F M F F M F M F F M F 40 25 54 62 14 31 41 59 38 32 31 52 54 53 40 32 0 34 31 43 30 37 69 66 32 31 29 37 9 28 53 24 24 45 53 33 12 33 36 39 25 64 35 29 30 29 34 13 48 24 41 43 32 56 51 17 35 38 38 10 33:35 33:36 33:38 33:38 33:39 33:39 33:40 33:41 33:47 33:56 34:01 34:04 34:07 34:07 34:09 34:10 34:12 34:20 34:22 34:23 34:23 34:23 34:24 34:24 34:27 34:31 34:37 34:37 34:44 34:44 34:46 34:48 34:56 35:01 35:01 35:05 35:07 35:07 35:08 35:09 35:09 35:10 35:11 35:11 35:12 35:13 35:15 35:16 35:17 35:23 35:27 35:27 35:28 35:29 35:31 35:32 35:33 35:34 35:35 35:36 Page 40 980 Gabby Angelotti F 981 Sarah Angelotti F 982 Tyler Pouncey M 983 Gabrielle McDonnell F 984 Susan Bistrican F 985 Mary Berman F 986 Diana Calabro F THE FL EET FO O T 7 36 23 27 29 26 30 1:51:31 1:51:31 1:52:27 1:53:36 1:53:36 1:53:40 2:01:01 Springtime 5K 3/28/2015 Sean, Mandy Hudson R.D.’s 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 Adam Greenstein M Nick Loffer M Donald Kunish M Alyson Churchill F Carl Moore M Max Eastman M Jake Nugent M Hawthorne Hay M Michael Larson M Megan Churchill F Mike Weyant M Wade Eastman M Greg Noonan M Michael Cipriano M Brad Taylor M Michael Savage M Randall Porcher M Andrew Hart M Megan Noonan F Jonathan Shiver M Filippo Aldrovandi Rei M Shawn McNeal M Robert Swanbeck M Chris Howcroft M Tyler Knox M Lisa Kendrick F Laura Reina F Alejandro Alamo M Jim Tully M Fisher Hormuth M Jeff Hormuth M Kevin Alvarez M Gabe Del Fuoco M Vanessa Reinhardt F Jacob Wynn M Rick Meeker M Emerson Howard M Clint Wallace M Elliott Stewart M James Emminger M Val Burgess M Don Smith M Shea Stroud M 23 31 39 12 46 15 35 13 31 12 49 13 32 57 38 57 49 25 31 27 10 38 22 27 24 32 50 29 68 4 41 33 9 28 17 52 9 33 24 13 57 35 15 17:31 18:20 18:58 19:44 19:57 20:08 20:30 20:33 20:43 20:48 20:51 21:19 21:36 21:42 21:44 21:59 22:06 22:07 22:21 22:32 22:42 22:43 22:49 22:50 23:04 23:04 23:16 23:20 23:52 24:04 24:05 24:14 24:15 24:21 24:23 24:33 24:38 24:38 24:41 24:41 24:43 24:49 24:51 44 Austin Fletcher M 45 Crystal Anderson F 46 Alex Janicki M 47 Brian Terry M 48 Dominic Milner M 49 Nicki Walker F 50 Freddy Branham M 51 Jeremy Fowler M 52 Fred Wise M 53 Mark Wallinga M 54 Karen Duncan F 55 Myron Herring M 56 Julie Clark F 57 Ben Brinkley M 58 Jonathan Clark M 59 Ryan McCarthy M 60 Gene Opheim M 61 George Feijoo M 62 Nick Nichols M 63 Benjamin Stratton M 64 Stephen Fernandez M 65 Phillip Frazer M 66 Shea Vassar F 67 Dave Ferrell M 68 Chuck Pierson M 69 Adam Cushing M 70 Rob Dearduff M 71 Jon Brown M 72 John Miller David M 73 Lee Nettles M 74 Evelyn Hernandez F 75 Thomas Austin M 76 Chad Youngblood M 77 Kelley Coe El-Urfali F 78 Gabriel Jager-Sumner M 79 Jeanette Black F 80 Jesse Parker M 81 Jonathan Field M 82 Bill Kimmons M 83 Dureya Hill M 84 Douglas Gorton M 85 Sarah Simison F 86 Russel Bruce M 87 Chris Yearwood M 88 Marcus Higgins M 89 Casey Perkins M 90 Whitney Ray M 91 Daniel Spellman M 92 Paula Rives F 93 Bill Snyder M 94 Jonna Snider F 95 Cody Williams M 96 Avery Coffin M 97 Seth Coffin M 98 Lisa Starling F 99 Rachel Booth F 100 Tony Kan M 101 Michelle Harrison F 102 Craig Thomas M 103 Christian Stewart M 32 29 16 21 34 21 38 26 66 54 39 56 53 40 42 36 68 25 71 11 25 22 20 53 43 17 49 40 10 51 26 60 31 51 10 34 32 57 62 46 56 28 42 45 39 29 33 33 55 64 34 34 8 45 49 24 42 47 28 13 24:51 24:53 24:56 25:00 25:01 25:05 25:08 25:09 25:10 25:12 25:13 25:14 25:16 25:19 25:23 25:25 25:29 25:30 25:36 25:46 25:47 25:49 25:49 25:54 25:55 25:57 25:58 26:02 26:02 26:03 26:06 26:06 26:09 26:10 26:10 26:20 26:20 26:23 26:34 26:45 26:57 26:59 27:01 27:11 27:12 27:13 27:25 27:26 27:29 27:31 27:35 27:39 27:41 27:42 27:43 27:46 27:47 27:47 27:52 27:55 Volume 40 Issue 5 104 Nicholas Grace 105 Isaac Gutierrez 106 Maritza Tapia 107 Cassidy Williams 108 Caroline Campbell 109 Michaela Reilly 110 Carissa Beck 111 Woodrow Kerce Ii 112 Christina Gualtieri 113 Kristen Datko 114 Richard Soash 115 Robert Hodgen 116 Julia Espy 117 Max Susskind 118 Jennifer Ireland 119 Julie Hanowell 120 Abigail Showman 121 Wade Nelson 122 Amanda Leanillo 123 Stuart Williams 124 Jackson Beener 125 Michael Beener 126 Allyse Francis 127 Tony Cortese 128 Jamie Nichols 129 Ricky Lowary 130 Calvin Williams 131 Jennifer Keegan 132 Samantha Loebig 133 Jessica Grace 134 Suzanne Fenton 135 Cherrelle Rogers 136 John Woo Iv 137 Cooper Lastinger 138 Tessa Winbigler 139 Taylor Scheuerle 140 Casey Hutto 141 Bevaroo Johnson 142 Robert Scheuerle 143 Christy Vines 144 Holly Ardolf 145 Kevin Coyne 146 Kaitlyn Mote 147 Camille Larson 148 Nell Wilhite 149 Constance Mayo 150 Jane Holmes-Cain 151 Lance Lankford 152 Tiffany Schleeter 153 Dale Weeks 154 Cj Johnson 155 Lauren Carter 156 Allison Carter 157 Natalie Harrison 158 James Myers 159 Paige Breshike 160 Terry Ryan 161 Ana Alamo 162 Lynn Landis 163 Blair Crumpler M M F F F F F M F F M M F M F F F M F M M M F M F M M F F F F F M M F F M F M F F M F F F F F M F M M F F F M F M F F F 13 45 43 12 15 25 31 48 24 27 25 25 24 8 24 44 26 36 26 44 7 35 22 32 27 28 47 28 22 34 52 29 10 10 17 19 61 37 51 34 24 40 14 31 13 48 50 27 27 68 25 8 37 28 68 29 66 34 50 21 27:57 27:57 28:00 28:02 28:06 28:07 28:13 28:14 28:14 28:15 28:18 28:18 28:25 28:28 28:30 28:30 28:35 28:36 28:37 28:40 28:41 28:42 28:42 28:48 28:49 28:50 28:52 28:55 28:58 29:00 29:05 29:10 29:12 29:12 29:15 29:15 29:15 29:16 29:16 29:16 29:19 29:22 29:27 29:28 29:34 29:37 29:39 29:44 29:49 29:53 29:53 29:54 29:54 29:56 29:56 29:58 29:58 30:00 30:04 30:05 Volume 40 Issue 5 Featured Feet Bill Dillon THE FL EET FO O T Childhood ambition: When I was young I wanted to be a pro baseball player but as I got a little older I realized that I could not hit a curve ball. My problem with the curve ball led me to track and field where I threw the shot put and discus, which then led me to fall in love with the Olympic movement. From my mid to late teens all I wanted to do was be in the Olympics, ideally throwing the discus, but anything; team handball, water polo, you name it, would have been fine with me. To this day, I get goosebumps watching one of our athletes getting a gold medal and hearing the national anthem. Proudest running memory: Finishing the marathon leg of the 2012 Lake Placid Ironman. I had a really rough time on the bike and only made the cut-off with about 15 minutes to spare, I wasn’t sure how I was going to run a marathon and finish before midnight. I was fortunate that there was great crowd support, including my wife Kelli, that I was able to make it to the finish line which also happened to be the 1980 Winter Olympic speed skating oval. About as close to being in the Olympics as I will ever get. Wildest dream: To have the time and resources to do all the things that I want to do but have put off for one reason or the other. Current occupation: I am fortunate enough to practice law with some of the finest lawyers in the state of Florida as a shareholder at Messer Caparello, P.A. If money were no object, what profession would you choose? Page 13 Coach. In the past I have been able to coach high school track and field and I absolutely loved it. Indulgence: This one is a double-edge sword for me – Craft Beer, in particular, India Pale Ales. I love them but not the effect they have on my running and triathlon times, not to mention my pants size. Favorite non-running hobby: There is such a thing as not running, biking or swimming? Favorite books: To tell the truth, I read so much for my job that I don’t read a lot of books. When I do find the time, I prefer non-fiction books on history and biographies. Running inspiration: While I truly appreciate the talent of elite athletes, including the ones right here in our own back yard, I am most inspired by the “everyday” runners/triathletes who may not have all the tools or God given talent of more elite athletes but they are out there day in and day out pushing themselves and others. Perfect day: Wake up with my wife Kelli and have a light breakfast with our dogs Grady and Maggie before heading out the door to meet with our Can’t Stop Won’t Stop (CSWS) training group for a race or ride or run. Once the training/ racing is done we all get together to “hydrate” with some awesome IPAs. After the fun, I like to finish the day on the couch with Kelli and the dogs watching episodes of our favorite shows (Downton Abbey, Artful Detective, Orange is the New Black, House of Cards, etc.). Biggest challenge: Trying to fit it all in. There just aren’t enough hours in the day. Page 14 THE FL EET FO O T Featured Feet Tsige Tadesse Childhood Ambition: I always wanted to be a Nurse. Proudest running memories: Finishing my first sub-4 marathon this year (Tallahassee Marathon). I was on cloud nine for days. Current Occupation: I am a Registered Nurse Indulgence: I love dark chocolate. If money were no object, what profession would you choose? I can’t see me working in any other field, but I would only work 2 days a week as a Nurse and Volunteer at my children’s school. Volume 40 Issue 5 Favorite Books: I know This Much is True & The Confections by Wally Lamb and Cutting For Stone by Abraham Verghese to name a few. Running Inspiration: My husband Geb. His consistency and determination to accomplish his goal are always inspiring to me. My younger sister Rahel is also a great example. Perfect day: Going on my long run on Sundays with some amazing friends, shower, enjoy my double shot latte and breakfast. Cook a great lunch and spend the afternoon with our children and hubby. Biggest Challenge: As a working mom, It is hard to fit everything in 24 hours, But having a great partner makes it bearable. Favorite non-running hobby: I love knitting ( I know, boring for some people. My friends used to call me “Grandma” in high school) but it is therapeutic to me. I also love to read; unfortunately I don’t have time to enjoy a good book these days. (Continued from page 12) methods that have produced results? What were the results? The biggest impact to my training has been tempo runs. If they are going well, I usually race well. Tempos are also the workout I hate the most, since you’re pushing your limits for the longest amount of time. Track intervals are my favorite and produce great results for shorter distances. I also greatly benefit from a training plan. I have been using Jack Daniels’ training plans recently, as they seem to fit my type of running the best. What advice do you have for beginning or experienced runners to help them with their training? Try running some workouts solo; it’s a great way to figure out what works best for your body. Consistency for running is key, but trying out new workouts or training techniques can help push you past a training plateau. Try active recovery: a low intensity workout or low miles for recovery after competition or hard workouts. I always heal quicker than just taking time off. Volume 40 Issue 5 801 Cara Wynn F 802 Migling Cuervo F 803 Crystal Kelly F 804 Cody Grubbs M 805 Larry Grubbs M 806 Nancy Minev F 807 Sherri Johnson F 808 Joel Frazier M 809 Valynda Nichols F 810 Sarah Stout F 811 Mike Degennaro M 812 Maxine Baker F 813 Jamie Fortune F 814 Karin Gerold F 815 Katie Fine F 816 Jennifer Willis F 817 Vicki Crain F 818 Dina Franklin F 819 Sarina Green F 820 Tina Johnson F 821 Lynn Wittenburg F 822 Tiffany Wilkes F 823 Patricia Crispino F 824 Jennifer Storms F 825 Amy Woods F 826 Holly Hohmeister F 827 Mary Kahn F 828 Caitie Mook F 829 Meggan McCarthy F 830 Teresa Lafleur F 831 Tracey Hartman M 832 Janet Hartman F 833 Colleen Mullen F 834 Brian Dupree M 835 Erica Puckett F 836 William Perry M 837 Victor Martinez M 838 Amanda Clause F 839 Alice Crisp F 840 Emily Sparks F 841 Emily Webster F 842 Christopher Hornbaker, Sr. M 843 Claire Winfree F 844 Tonja Guilford F 845 Rebecca Piers F 846 Ralph Billings M 847 Kimberly Fannin F 848 Margot Palazesi F 849 Bradford Johnson M 850 Worth Corn M 851 Heather Harrell F 852 Emily Ruddell F 853 Janet Hastings F 854 Marilynn Griffith F 855 Christy Chatmon F 856 Stephanie Van Dyke F 857 Bobby Clemons M 858 Ashley Baum F 859 William Pless M THE FL EET FO O T 47 36 35 19 42 24 53 30 56 50 72 49 39 43 27 39 36 38 19 45 42 41 31 46 31 33 34 26 29 51 52 43 29 50 39 28 28 46 26 33 35 1:12:05 1:12:11 1:12:19 1:12:19 1:12:20 1:12:29 1:12:33 1:12:43 1:12:58 1:13:01 1:13:05 1:13:06 1:13:12 1:13:23 1:13:25 1:13:31 1:13:34 1:13:42 1:13:48 1:13:54 1:13:58 1:13:58 1:14:00 1:14:08 1:14:08 1:14:08 1:14:10 1:14:16 1:14:16 1:14:23 1:14:25 1:14:27 1:14:29 1:14:34 1:14:35 1:15:02 1:15:09 1:15:24 1:15:28 1:15:28 1:15:36 59 25 46 24 71 25 61 34 33 38 68 63 45 42 49 55 38 45 1:15:37 1:15:45 1:15:45 1:15:46 1:15:46 1:15:50 1:15:51 1:16:24 1:16:25 1:16:45 1:16:45 1:16:48 1:16:58 1:17:22 1:17:34 1:17:37 1:17:44 1:18:01 860 Marcelo Viera M 861 William Wallis M 862 Mike Munroe M 863 Marissa Mainwood F 864 Perha Varley F 865 Emma Perry F 866 Betsy Hughes F 867 Carla Pastor F 868 Chris Frost M 869 Anna Blackley F 870 Rebecca Fleminger F 871 Susan Maxwell F 872 Kelsey Frost F 873 Roxanne Ribakoff F 874 Cailin Ribakoff F 875 Miranda McClure F 876 Emily Hladky F 877 Vicky Bernal F 878 M'Lisa Ingram F 879 Kara Mathis F 880 Rose Urassa F 881 Catherine White F 882 Tish Perone F 883 Jonathan Shaw M 884 Katryna Atkins F 885 Kelsey Noll F 886 Bonnie Warren F 887 Emily Mitchell F 888 Ann Smith F 889 Shonell Rogers F 890 Sarah Shuler F 891 Billy Miller M 892 Jennifer Hendrix F 893 Roy Kelly M 894 Martin Carvallo M 895 Nathan Folkert M 896 Dinah Johnson F 897 Kate Cruikshank F 898 Mary Lou Manausa F 899 Courtney Martin F 900 Holly Thompson F 901 Katy Gimbel F 902 Linda Walker F 903 Teri Gimbel F 904 Tasha Fisher F 905 Amanda Ryals F 906 Michael Bates M 907 T J Cutchins M 908 Jessica Bahorski F 909 Jennifer Hopgood F 910 Cori Santo F 911 Elle Davis F 912 John Cooper M 913 Charles DickersonM 914 Niki Phillips F 915 Rachael Hall F 916 Shawn Baldwin F 917 Savannah Cauldwell F 918 Clay Bass M 919 Sybil Brow F 33 67 52 34 70 28 53 36 23 19 26 57 19 33 10 34 23 63 46 42 48 62 32 22 31 26 53 28 59 39 35 49 35 43 30 25 45 27 76 24 42 32 64 58 35 21 68 55 55 33 41 44 64 37 26 39 65 22 30 41 1:18:09 1:18:11 1:18:11 1:18:12 1:18:17 1:18:20 1:18:23 1:19:01 1:19:11 1:19:13 1:19:18 1:19:19 1:19:23 1:19:42 1:19:42 1:19:50 1:19:51 1:20:20 1:20:22 1:20:26 1:20:43 1:20:46 1:21:08 1:21:09 1:21:15 1:21:16 1:21:16 1:21:32 1:21:38 1:22:05 1:22:22 1:22:22 1:22:44 1:22:54 1:22:59 1:23:02 1:23:03 1:23:04 1:23:17 1:23:36 1:23:39 1:23:42 1:23:42 1:23:42 1:23:55 1:24:37 1:25:00 1:25:09 1:25:09 1:25:14 1:25:18 1:25:41 1:25:41 1:26:07 1:26:08 1:26:13 1:26:14 1:26:31 1:26:32 1:27:08 Page 39 920 Christi Billington F 921 Jeremy Billington M 922 Megan Johnson F 923 Melinda Miguel F 924 Pamela Graham F 925 Christopher Gohlke M 926 Dasha Gilmore F 927 Robert Morris M 928 Madison Fields F 929 Sandra Scarbrough F 930 Wyndi Pelt F 931 Stee Keller M 932 Reddy Sreekanth M 933 Barbara Crandall F 934 Gillian Nolden F 935 Tabitha McNulty F 936 Julie Labolito F 937 Rita Sekuka F 938 Beth Hollis F 939 Crystal Peltier F 940 Jim Varley M 941 Margarete Deckert F 942 Dawn Griffin F 943 John Griffin M 944 Terry Meek F 945 Lori Darin F 946 Michelle Griffith F 947 Jacqueline Gray F 948 Michael Gaskins M 949 Melissa Gaskins F 950 Paula Kiger F 951 Betty Dewar F 952 Esperanza Abulaban F 953 Khaldieh Qasem F 954 Gee Wilson F 955 Marie Bradley F 956 Donna Miller F 957 Helen Luten F 958 Linda Schwarz F 959 Ulysses Lawrence M 960 Christy Pagoni F 961 Andrea Cowart F 962 Sarah Tuttle F 963 Anders Parsons M 964 Will Hollimon M 965 Duby Ausley M 966 Bill Hollimon M 967 Michelle Rodgers F 968 Susan Griffin F 969 Ashley Clark F 970 Felicia Polk F 971 Brenda Mainer F 972 Eli Dorman M 973 Amy Lovett F 974 Abigail Glass F 975 Amber Taylor F 976 Jennifer Dritt F 977 Mae Cleveland F 978 Bevin Cetta F 979 Addison Taylor F 32 34 28 51 45 42 18 83 18 38 41 62 31 61 43 40 37 30 42 35 75 82 55 63 59 48 20 59 43 43 50 57 35 46 57 54 64 64 60 57 24 43 30 58 12 77 55 51 50 28 60 45 13 36 27 28 56 75 75 3 1:27:40 1:27:41 1:28:09 1:28:21 1:29:10 1:29:28 1:30:31 1:30:39 1:30:39 1:31:17 1:31:18 1:31:49 1:31:57 1:31:59 1:32:02 1:32:25 1:32:48 1:32:53 1:32:53 1:33:08 1:33:14 1:33:14 1:35:22 1:35:23 1:35:23 1:36:02 1:36:21 1:36:40 1:36:50 1:36:51 1:37:11 1:37:12 1:38:15 1:38:18 1:38:19 1:38:30 1:39:17 1:39:19 1:39:21 1:39:24 1:40:22 1:41:22 1:41:50 1:44:09 1:44:52 1:44:52 1:44:53 1:45:35 1:45:43 1:47:14 1:49:13 1:49:19 1:50:24 1:50:25 1:50:31 1:50:35 1:50:40 1:51:15 1:51:28 1:51:30 Page 38 624 Jennifer Hay F 625 Brittani Berbette F 626 Julie Sutton F 627 Shelley Kaus F 628 Tracy Taylor F 629 James Schenck M 630 Lisa Unger F 631 Al Cooksey M 632 Kenneth Jones M 633 Monica Morales F 634 Elisa Lutz F 635 Chad Benson M 636 Samantha Gracey F 637 Kate Sutton F 638 Jill Wilso F 639 Karen Thomas F 640 Sybil Wright F 641 Joseph Duncan M 642 Sandra Buchanan F 643 Erin Duncan F 644 Erica Wilson F 645 John Whitehurst M 646 Jamie Johns F 647 Bernice Mercer- Lewis F 648 Neil Snyder M 649 Cheryl Moore F 650 Lena Juarez F 651 Ron Gressel M 652 Christopher Campbell M 653 Cathy Cushing F 654 Karen Jeter F 655 Charity Holloman F 656 Adrian Peoples F 657 Robyn Griffin F 658 Jamie Pitts F 659 Anna Lindner F 660 Marc McCaskill M 661 Paulina Brewer F 662 Stan Posey M 663 Michelle Butler F 664 Mary Stutzman F 665 Achia Floyd F 666 Beth Folkert F 667 Matthew Folkert M 668 Matthew Kirchharr M 669 Sal Tozzi M 670 Melanie Hicks F 671 Christopher Danello M 672 Chelsea Ingram F 673 April Ales F 674 Nicholas Petty M 675 Sean Flanagan M 676 Candice Billups F 677 Joseph Petty M 678 Jocelyn Manganello F 679 Allie Fleming F 680 Mandy Clark F 681 Erin Mook F 682 Kristen Wilcox F THE FL EET FO O T 43 27 37 31 34 58 47 67 53 34 31 40 31 25 38 27 23 35 55 32 30 32 30 1:04:16 1:04:17 1:04:18 1:04:19 1:04:19 1:04:22 1:04:23 1:04:24 1:04:26 1:04:26 1:04:29 1:04:31 1:04:31 1:04:33 1:04:37 1:04:37 1:04:38 1:04:41 1:04:41 1:04:42 1:04:42 1:04:45 1:04:45 54 68 47 45 75 64 46 47 31 30 39 38 31 44 35 57 31 66 28 54 57 29 44 37 45 25 42 13 47 35 36 37 40 35 31 30 1:04:45 1:04:46 1:04:47 1:04:47 1:04:49 1:04:51 1:04:56 1:04:59 1:05:02 1:05:02 1:05:11 1:05:11 1:05:12 1:05:13 1:05:14 1:05:16 1:05:19 1:05:25 1:05:25 1:05:29 1:05:30 1:05:34 1:05:38 1:05:38 1:05:47 1:05:50 1:05:52 1:05:59 1:05:59 1:05:59 1:06:00 1:06:04 1:06:05 1:06:11 1:06:15 1:06:16 683 James Marshall M 684 Katerina Maroney F 685 Kendall Moret F 686 Tara Whitney F 687 Caroline Mueller F 688 Don Miller M 689 Jen Kennedy F 690 Mandy Bamber F 691 Amy Albee F 692 Michael Roper M 693 Patti Hilaman F 694 Darren Robinette M 695 Tanya Devlieger F 696 Sondra Timpson F 697 Joy Knop F 698 Lisa Cashulette F 699 Audra Reese Derrenberger F 700 Shawn Derrenberger M 701 Kristy Trueblood F 702 Cheryl Ward F 703 Angela Williams F 704 Holly Gabrialov F 705 Erin Garmon F 706 Sondra Lee F 707 Elizabeth Desloge F 708 David Sims M 709 Dolly Al Koborssy F 710 April Bradley F 711 Rebecca O'Hara F 712 Mike Sittig M 713 Natalie Madden F 714 Faith Stoutamire F 715 Abigail Moon F 716 Elaine McKinnon F 717 Laura Register F 718 Timothy Folkert M 719 Martin Powell M 720 Patty Ghazvini F 721 Burt Von Hoff M 722 Afaf Qasem F 723 Claire Swedenburg F 724 Erika Bell F 725 Sandy Pagano F 726 Sarah Peebles F 727 Missie Johnson F 728 John Cooper M 729 Carrie Jones F 730 Kristen Ackermann F 731 Baker Swedenburg M 732 Emily Brooks F 733 Hillary Powell F 734 Whitney Langston F 735 Brant Copeland M 736 Lauren Keith F 737 Caroline Capper F 738 Ashley Farrell F 739 Marshall Kelley M 740 Gary Crayton M 741 Bethany Snow F 39 36 20 33 21 42 36 36 36 38 56 46 42 34 43 50 1:06:22 1:06:23 1:06:23 1:06:23 1:06:23 1:06:24 1:06:25 1:06:30 1:06:31 1:06:33 1:06:35 1:06:38 1:06:40 1:06:41 1:06:45 1:06:45 31 38 38 50 34 29 24 46 27 51 27 19 45 61 30 39 39 52 50 21 31 42 62 24 25 24 51 29 28 24 51 33 25 25 30 29 63 25 30 28 69 61 32 1:06:50 1:06:50 1:06:51 1:06:55 1:07:00 1:07:05 1:07:06 1:07:07 1:07:09 1:07:11 1:07:11 1:07:12 1:07:18 1:07:19 1:07:20 1:07:27 1:07:31 1:07:34 1:07:41 1:07:44 1:07:47 1:07:48 1:07:50 1:07:54 1:07:57 1:07:58 1:07:59 1:08:00 1:08:01 1:08:01 1:08:01 1:08:04 1:08:05 1:08:06 1:08:07 1:08:12 1:08:12 1:08:13 1:08:13 1:08:14 1:08:15 1:08:15 1:08:33 Volume 40 Issue 5 742 Darcie Morningstar F 743 Dot Skofronick F 744 Bianca Godin F 745 Allyce Heflin F 746 Monica Verra-Tirado F 747 Megan Jones F 748 Ella Schwarz F 749 David Evard M 750 Christina Evard F 751 Briana Hall F 752 Pamela Presnell F 753 Jelaine Palmer-Janvier F 754 Melody Sylvain F 755 Carrie Burkhardt F 756 Sonia Haiduc F 757 Christina Shideler F 758 Robert Arnold M 759 Sarah Arnold F 760 Linda Chaisson F 761 Robert Sweney M 762 Michelle Brooks F 763 Anthony Roberts M 764 Morgan Streit F 765 Rachida Porter F 766 Neal Porter M 767 Jessica Wells F 768 Chris Hooper M 769 Sara Hart F 770 Tim Marston M 771 Susan Kaempfer F 772 Carol Armbrister F 773 Cleyde Helena F 774 Denice Jones F 775 George Desloge M 776 Hunter Biggs M 777 Andrew McFeaters M 778 Hillary Conley F 779 Meagan Arrastia F 780 Melinda Mills F 781 Deborah Brown F 782 Laryn Flikkema M 783 Dee Kring F 784 Cheryl Urbas F 785 Tami Young F 786 Tyler Mendelson F 787 Margaret Beshara F 788 Bryan Smith M 789 Sharon Fish F 790 Joshua Cushing M 791 Kristina Aggabao F 792 Lisa-Jan Bailey F 793 Kristina Antonoplos F 794 Daphne Holden F 795 Silvester Dawson M 796 Sandra Bucklew F 797 Taren Ohman F 798 Nicole Benson F 799 Janna Horneman F 800 Karla Brown F 31 77 22 38 44 18 54 45 40 34 55 1:08:33 1:08:34 1:08:41 1:08:43 1:08:47 1:08:47 1:08:49 1:08:54 1:08:55 1:09:08 1:09:12 29 24 25 31 29 52 16 63 64 51 53 24 40 8 28 56 33 64 58 33 38 59 69 22 31 30 28 35 55 39 45 41 45 26 35 33 60 19 19 56 39 49 53 46 35 36 28 38 1:09:13 1:09:14 1:09:14 1:09:15 1:09:16 1:09:16 1:09:19 1:09:20 1:09:20 1:09:24 1:09:24 1:09:28 1:09:29 1:09:29 1:09:30 1:09:36 1:09:40 1:09:41 1:09:46 1:09:48 1:09:50 1:09:52 1:09:54 1:09:56 1:10:04 1:10:04 1:10:11 1:10:11 1:10:13 1:10:24 1:10:29 1:10:32 1:10:37 1:10:38 1:10:41 1:10:42 1:10:45 1:10:56 1:10:57 1:11:02 1:11:12 1:11:20 1:11:36 1:11:36 1:11:39 1:11:45 1:11:47 1:11:56 Volume 40 Issue 5 THE FL EET FO O T Page 15 Page 16 THE FL EET FO O T Volume 40 Issue 5 Volume 40 Issue 5 446 Michael Klump M 447 Shanin Frost F 448 Tori Bradley F 449 Michelle Hudson F 450 Mary Carson Durrance F 451 Lynn Masimore F 452 Deborah Burr F 453 Megan Long F 454 Jennifer Hill F 455 Mark Garland M 456 Marcia Ryan F 457 Brittany Sachs F 458 Pam Waller F 459 Libby O'Neill F 460 Diana Caldwell F 461 Bob Gardner M 462 Mark Priddy M 463 Dennis Smith M 464 Jeff Bowman M 465 Ann Bowman F 466 William Sheppard M 467 Gene Stuckey M 468 Brett Wonsch M 469 Robin Elyse Bennett F 470 Daryl Goss M 471 Lindsey Thompson F 472 Robert Hellmann M 473 Harris Wiltsher M 474 Samali Lima F 475 Jaqui Griffith F 476 Kathy Lindsay F 477 Beth Alexander F 478 Myka Blombergh F 479 Jeremy Jarrett M 480 Scott Cherry M 481 Craig Clemmer M 482 Bryon Freeman M 483 Cathy Cross F 484 Beth Freeman F 485 Angela Jarrett F 486 Mary Vancore F 487 Amy Taff F 488 Tom McHaffie M 489 Amy Folkert F 490 Sara Fulghum F 491 Catherine Howat F 492 Becky Bush F 493 Diane McKissack F 494 Victor Saab M 495 Elise Hatfield F 496 Erin Westberry F 497 Vladislava Tchourioukanov F 498 Kelly Shiell F 499 Shann Layne F 500 Christopher Strunk M 501 Angela Perry F 502 Sarah Busby F 503 Quinn Holden-Schrock F THE FL EET FO O T 61 43 22 22 43 36 44 28 55 45 57 22 53 30 58 55 59 49 53 46 62 61 28 29 36 35 52 47 43 56 55 50 32 25 36 35 39 55 35 26 51 50 57 23 51 38 46 51 41 29 31 58:37 58:38 58:38 58:38 58:40 58:42 58:43 58:45 58:45 58:46 58:58 58:58 59:02 59:04 59:06 59:08 59:09 59:15 59:17 59:18 59:18 59:18 59:20 59:30 59:32 59:35 59:38 59:38 59:39 59:41 59:42 59:42 59:44 59:47 59:49 59:52 59:55 59:57 59:58 59:58 1:00:00 1:00:00 1:00:01 1:00:08 1:00:08 1:00:09 1:00:09 1:00:10 1:00:17 1:00:20 1:00:21 19 41 32 37 43 21 1:00:21 1:00:22 1:00:24 1:00:24 1:00:25 1:00:27 13 1:00:28 504 Chesnee McCaskill F 505 Stephen Johnson M 506 Tolar Griffin M 507 Gina Tran F 508 Chika Okoro F 509 Jon Fury M 510 Jennifer Linares F 511 Angela Huston F 512 Eric Miller M 513 Susan Love F 514 Adrienne Ruhl F 515 Bryan Desloge M 516 Soheyla Mahdavian F 517 Ithel Jones M 518 8716 Contact Us 519 Charles Rosenberg M 520 Lisa Nichols F 521 Megan Wadsworth F 522 Maddie Maccorkle F 523 Dianne Dearduff F 524 Hope Breman F 525 Rachael Davis F 526 Hosea Horneman M 527 Johanna Petty F 528 Raemarie Stacy F 529 Kevin Langston M 530 Robert Palmer M 531 Gene Allen M 532 Elaine Harbin F 533 Kelli Dillon F 534 Jessica Sosio F 535 Tera Teders F 536 Cilia Nazef F 537 Martha Hodgson F 538 Robin Safley F 539 Ashley Moore F 540 Anna Heitz F 541 Carolyn Egan F 542 Sherrie Peavy F 543 Barbara McNeal F 544 Meredith Snowden F 545 Denise Bernath F 546 Holly Holland F 547 Valerie Hein F 548 Jason Maxwell M 549 Megan Higgins F 550 Cory Thorpe M 551 Roxanne Robinton F 552 Lauren Brannen F 553 Tracy Tabb F 554 Nathan George M 555 Peg Griffin F 556 Debbie Edwards F 557 Amber Farrington F 558 Sarah Goodrich F 559 Julie Champeau F 560 Brittany Lord F 561 Hayley Kolich F 562 Jenelle Robinson F 563 Mary Jean Yon F 35 17 38 44 35 56 25 28 28 66 34 55 30 60 0 69 39 23 23 55 28 30 32 35 34 56 53 53 28 44 23 33 21 26 51 31 28 42 46 59 47 34 25 48 38 30 24 39 35 49 23 59 40 29 28 25 21 24 34 59 1:00:29 1:00:31 1:00:37 1:00:39 1:00:40 1:00:40 1:00:45 1:00:46 1:00:47 1:00:50 1:00:51 1:00:53 1:00:53 1:00:53 1:00:53 1:00:54 1:00:56 1:00:58 1:00:59 1:01:02 1:01:04 1:01:05 1:01:05 1:01:06 1:01:07 1:01:12 1:01:12 1:01:14 1:01:15 1:01:20 1:01:22 1:01:22 1:01:22 1:01:23 1:01:26 1:01:27 1:01:28 1:01:32 1:01:33 1:01:35 1:01:36 1:01:36 1:01:38 1:01:38 1:01:39 1:01:41 1:01:45 1:01:46 1:01:46 1:01:46 1:01:47 1:01:49 1:01:50 1:01:52 1:01:54 1:01:55 1:01:57 1:01:57 1:01:58 1:02:01 Page 37 564 Hannah Kaplan F 565 Mark Hohmeister M 566 Andrea Eddy F 567 Gail Reinertsen F 568 Cl Gualt F 569 Jackie McDaniel F 570 Kurt Woodward M 571 Joann Prescott F 572 Morgan Woodward F 573 Charles Edwards M 574 Patty Stuart F 575 Anne Priddy F 576 Tonya Kidd F 577 Wendy Rude F 578 Stephanie Kunkel F 579 Kim Damron F 580 Catherine Roen F 581 Scott Donalson M 582 Jen Dickinson F 583 Calyn Stringer F 584 Carrie Smith F 585 John Taylor M 586 Marcia Cook F 587 Adam Young M 588 Sherrie Jones F 589 Azhar Ali Khan M 590 Jana Davis F 591 Chuck Davis M 592 Ed Bryant M 593 Kristin Peters F 594 Shawna Lunsford F 595 David Folsom M 596 Monica Kellow F 597 Kristina Clark F 598 Patricia Dugan F 599 Robert Brown M 600 Andrea Reinfeld F 601 Lindsey Belobraydic F 602 Kim Shively F 603 Abigail Phillips F 604 Charmaine Deshields F 605 Abigail Cazel F 606 Carl Baum M 607 Elizabeth Hastings F 608 Kenneth Shick M 609 Maria Matheu F 610 David Stoms M 611 Katina Stewart F 612 Jan Blue F 613 Sophia Umana F 614 Jonathan Letzring M 615 Lisa Umana F 616 Christina Calabro F 617 Mariana Fuentes F 618 Annie McElhaney F 619 Ed Latham M 620 Joe Hoffmann M 621 Whitney Sanders F 622 Carol Winger F 623 Lyssa Oberkreser F 23 62 42 72 55 60 25 60 27 61 62 65 49 40 35 50 19 34 39 29 39 65 45 30 43 33 45 54 44 27 46 47 42 42 64 31 30 28 51 31 30 20 36 25 48 36 30 42 60 10 36 38 27 33 31 64 72 24 66 44 1:02:02 1:02:03 1:02:09 1:02:11 1:02:19 1:02:22 1:02:22 1:02:22 1:02:22 1:02:26 1:02:31 1:02:33 1:02:34 1:02:36 1:02:39 1:02:42 1:02:43 1:02:45 1:02:47 1:02:47 1:02:51 1:02:53 1:02:54 1:02:57 1:02:58 1:03:00 1:03:02 1:03:02 1:03:09 1:03:09 1:03:11 1:03:12 1:03:12 1:03:12 1:03:16 1:03:17 1:03:19 1:03:20 1:03:23 1:03:28 1:03:39 1:03:43 1:03:44 1:03:45 1:03:45 1:03:47 1:03:51 1:03:57 1:03:58 1:03:59 1:04:00 1:04:02 1:04:05 1:04:06 1:04:07 1:04:09 1:04:12 1:04:12 1:04:12 1:04:15 Page 36 266 Cindi Goodson F 267 John Busboom M 268 Elizabeth Oakley F 269 Jessica Makowski F 270 Richard Lowe M 271 Vincent Labolito M 272 Sarah Bell F 273 Ernie Terzino M 274 Ryan Pamplin M 275 Sarah Brown F 276 Jo Lena Bryan F 277 Carl Allen M 278 Allison Nielsen F 279 Stephen Kelly M 280 Ernesto Umana M 281 Patrick Love M 282 Matt Doster M 283 Deanna Edwards F 284 Bill Bowers M 285 Natalie Perfetti Oates F 286 Amelia Crooms F 287 Laurence Rosenberg M 288 Erik Andersen M 289 Tiffany Hersey F 290 Kyle North M 291 Ross Kerr M 292 Jenny Early F 293 Alvin Smith M 294 John Churey M 295 Nathan Wright M 296 Matt Edwards M 297 Drew Winters M 298 Justin Cooper M 299 Alan Rowan M 300 Ellen Dugan F 301 Betsy Miller F 302 Chelsea Trickel F 303 Mark Folkert M 304 Alyson Butler F 305 Adam Potter M 306 Adam Zrust M 307 Keith Berry M 308 Kristen Knapp F 309 Steven Stolting M 310 Jayme Orourke F 311 Kirsten Kinsley F 312 Katie Townsend F 313 Ellen Pulido F 314 Dale Bradley M 315 Becky Cahill F 316 Christopher Clapp M 317 Tylana Hill F 318 Mike Gillespie M 319 Dylan Mahoney M 320 Clement Allen M 321 Doug Jones M 322 Shelbi Evans F 323 Daniel Collins M 324 David Bigoney M 325 Mike Stiles M THE FL EET FO O T 51 55 25 26 35 37 32 36 37 28 43 55 25 37 46 66 39 40 61 28 25 41 32 24 23 38 31 55 23 32 31 37 33 53 24 37 25 19 27 30 32 58 44 56 32 43 32 47 57 32 35 40 28 29 50 62 26 30 41 55 53:17 53:17 53:18 53:29 53:29 53:31 53:32 53:32 53:33 53:33 53:34 53:37 53:40 53:41 53:41 53:41 53:43 53:44 53:44 53:49 53:51 53:51 53:52 53:53 53:53 53:53 53:53 53:55 53:56 53:56 54:01 54:02 54:09 54:16 54:17 54:19 54:24 54:24 54:25 54:25 54:28 54:30 54:32 54:33 54:34 54:35 54:39 54:39 54:39 54:42 54:45 54:47 54:47 54:48 54:51 54:52 54:54 54:55 54:56 55:04 326 Alison Ortega 327 Dana Orlando 328 Cody Klein 329 Mitzi Woods 330 Patrick Hollis 331 Leonardo Mata 332 Thomas Biance 333 Amanda Huston 334 Galen Levy 335 John Magner 336 Christopher Reece 337 Jennifer Morrison 338 Don Bryan 339 Adria Cavany 340 David Darst 341 Lisa Whitworth 342 Emily Eckels 343 Samuel Carlton 344 Kelsie Newman 345 Jennifer Lemcke 346 Russell Huston 347 Lewis Buford 348 Paige Tekel 349 Dylan Snowden 350 Heidi Baker 351 Julio Serrant 352 Steven Schale 353 Caroline Weiss 354 Matt Hefelfinger 355 Barbara Uchino 356 Charles Boyle 357 Callum Howell 358 Cora Merritt 359 John Dew 360 Carrie Susskind 361 Carlos Zapata 362 Danny Langston 363 John McCoy 364 Katherine Byerts 365 Robbie Brunger 366 Jena Mickel 367 Sonya Dudley 368 Katie Allison 369 Beth Bishop 370 Bill Shiell 371 Stephanie Davis 372 Eric Mason 373 Christie Pontis 374 Alyssa Cameron 375 Elizabeth Harrington 376 Jennifer Smith 377 Abbie Batia 378 Caroline Schwab 379 Melanie Knight 380 James Harrison 381 David Cox 382 Stephanie Clemons 383 2077 Contact Us 384 Dick Dowdy 385 Jason Connell F F M F M F M F F M M F M F M F F M F F M M F F F M M F M F M M F M F M M M F M F F F F M F M F F F F F F F M M F 23 24 28 38 58 42 34 35 21 22 36 46 54 36 71 43 42 22 27 26 35 52 24 24 32 61 40 34 54 36 34 5 23 57 40 69 51 66 26 66 30 46 37 48 42 26 31 30 28 24 31 35 19 34 58 57 31 0 M 62 M 29 55:05 55:05 55:07 55:10 55:15 55:17 55:17 55:17 55:19 55:19 55:22 55:23 55:24 55:28 55:29 55:31 55:35 55:36 55:39 55:39 55:41 55:47 56:01 56:01 56:02 56:03 56:05 56:11 56:13 56:14 56:16 56:16 56:17 56:19 56:21 56:23 56:24 56:26 56:27 56:27 56:30 56:30 56:30 56:30 56:33 56:33 56:34 56:34 56:36 56:37 56:40 56:40 56:41 56:41 56:46 56:47 56:48 56:48 56:49 56:51 Volume 40 Issue 5 386 Kalayu Belay M 387 Mia Newlin F 388 Karen Godbey F 389 Nela Diaz F 390 Donald Debevoise M 391 Kevin Fahey M 392 Patrick Loebig M 393 Michelle Tigue F 394 Anna Corinne Mixon F 395 Thomas Griffin M 396 Whitney Ginder F 397 Melissa Cooper F 398 A J Smith M 399 William Blocker Ii M 400 Tanya Evers F 401 Mike Howell M 402 Beverly Touchton F 403 Will Davis M 404 Janell Gushlaw F 405 Leigh Dalzell F 406 Patrick Chisholm M 407 Stephen Davis M 408 Cameron Saffell F 409 Emily Kaiser F 410 Kelly Emerson F 411 Susan Piroth F 412 Darya Vertkina F 413 Jeffrey Chagnon M 414 Judith Sheppard F 415 June Wiaz F 416 William Millard M 417 Molly Blanton F 418 Ashley Wargo F 419 Lauren Loftus F 420 Britney Glass F 421 Tom Findley M 422 Scott Howat M 423 Nikky Manausa F 424 Mike Manausa M 425 Joshua Folkert M 426 Sonja Rancifer F 427 Ben Faulk M 428 Michelle Faulk F 429 Lindsay Potvin F 430 Ginny Laffitte F 431 Carolyn Pattenden F 432 Melanie Rhodes F 433 Laurie Jones F 434 Julie Coiro F 435 Robert McNeal M 436 Darren Allen M 437 Courtney Tschiggfrie F 438 Lee Moreno M 439 Tony Stanfill M 440 Melissa Zapata F 441 Linda McNeal F 442 Ann Guillen F 443 David Dejesus M 444 Ashley Greathouse F 445 Allie Caldwell F 54 35 59 35 21 26 55 26 32 31 31 37 55 46 37 70 50 34 27 45 35 33 20 22 36 39 31 39 58 55 33 27 23 23 28 55 45 33 51 16 40 35 32 30 29 68 40 60 31 53 43 24 49 61 35 50 46 32 28 24 56:54 56:55 56:56 56:59 57:00 57:01 57:07 57:11 57:12 57:12 57:12 57:15 57:18 57:19 57:21 57:22 57:24 57:25 57:30 57:33 57:33 57:33 57:38 57:38 57:40 57:42 57:43 57:44 57:45 57:48 57:49 57:50 57:52 57:56 57:59 58:03 58:05 58:07 58:07 58:08 58:10 58:11 58:11 58:12 58:13 58:14 58:15 58:17 58:19 58:19 58:19 58:24 58:26 58:27 58:29 58:30 58:32 58:33 58:35 58:37 Volume 40 Issue 5 THE FL EET FO O T Page 17 G W T C TEAM EVENT! 30th Annual Gate to Gate 4.4 Run/Walk Saturday May 23, 7:30 A.M. The GWTC Racing Team Tradition Continues… To celebrate the 30th anniversary of one of Eglin Air Force Base’s greatest traditions, they have loaded the annual Gate-To-Gate Memorial Event with all new features! This year, the races will be held on the Saturday before Memorial Day and Gate-To-Gate participants may register for either a 4.4 mile Run/Walk/Ruck, or an 8.8 mile Run/Ruck. These competitive races are open to the general public, and to all ages. Please contact Tim Unger @ 544-4563, , to let him know if you will be available for the GWTC Racing Team. We will attempt to run teams in both event distances. We need everyone to be listed on the teams so the timing and scoring pulls out our best times for the racing teams. We will be attempting to defend our 2011, 2012, 2013, & 2014 Open Team Champions Title; AND continue the GWTC club streak for winning team victory eagles at EVERY MEMORIAL DAY GATE-TO-GATE EVENT for the last 19 years. The event is limited to the first 2000 runners. SO DO NOT WAIT!!! SIGN UP TODAY!!! @ (Search for “gate to gate”) ONLINE REGISTRATION is the ONLY way to attend this event. Packets will be available on race day, from 5:30-6:30 a.m. at Unity Park. A photo ID is required to pick up race packets. ($25 pre-registration fee before April 30; $30 by May 17) Spectators WILL need to sign up online to enter the base as well as runners and walkers for this event. There is NO cost for spectators to attend. On race day, all participants are asked to enter through Eglin's West Gate (from Shalimar) and must be in place at the start line in Unity Park by 6:45 a.m. Following the race, everyone is invited to enjoy a party at Unity Park, featuring FREE food and beverages, live entertainment, and award presentations for top finishers in a variety of age categories. Also, a FREE Kid's Fun Run will begin at 9 a.m. at Unity Park with t-shirts for all participants and awards for winners. Children will compete in three age groups: a �mile run for ages 5-6, a 1-mile run for ages 7-8, and a 2-mile run for ages 9-13. No registration is required. Our team is open to all GWTC members who pre-register by May 17 and contact Tim Unger with verification of their registration. A limited number of GWTC “Trailahassee” racing singlets will be given to the folks that register to run on the GWTC racing team for this event. Sign up immediately and contact Tim Unger ASAP for your best chance to score a GWTC racing singlet. For this event a team roster must be submitted by 5/20 so only those who have pre-registered and contacted Tim will be listed on the official roster. The “100 Brats N Beers Party” will follow the race awards. We will host this year’s post race party @ Post’L Point Beach. (Desoto Road Eglin AFB; about 5 miles from the running event) Everybody is welcome to enjoy special campfire recipe bratwurst, Bradley Sausages, & hotdogs. Adult beverages, soft drinks and other traditional picnic fare will be available beachside. For more information about this great team event, please contact Tim Unger at 544-4563 or GWTC has a Face Book event page “GWTC to Gate to Gate 30th annual race & party” where folks are currently communicating event details so please post any general questions or comments. Page 18 THE FL EET FO O T Red Shoes 5K Run 4/18/2015 Glenn Burhans, R.D. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 Gary Droze M Thomas Parker M Duane Evans M Ben Jones M David Yon M Roobens Louis M Kevin Earnshaw M Michael Cipriano M Bobby Brooks M Paula O'Neill F Chad Mathias M Alissa Bertinelli F David Anderson M Carter Quiggins M Michael Quiggins M Walker Hicks M Jason Camberledge M Mercedes Puig F Freddy Branham M Wyatt Brooks M Joe Soto M Tommy Kristian M Tucker Hicks M Rick Meeker M Doug Gorton M Unknown U Jon Morse M Nick Nichols M Austin Gauley M Sakif Rahman M Bryan Metcalf M Rich Heitmeyer M Jason Fuqua M Terrence Fisher M Brad Monbarren M Kelley El-Urfali F David Collins M Patricia Knauf F Stephen Roeder M Lisa Starling F Kevin Fahey M William Anderson M Carson Hicks M Olivier Debon M Christopher Reece M Pierce Duey M Isaac Gutierrez M Ken Bergstrom M Chase DenBeste M Laura Merchant F Jackson Hugill M Brandon Sanders M Maritza Tapia F Eric Schab M Eren Ozguven M Landon Shuler M Ronald Shipp M Ryan Bell M 53 32 47 0 59 22 13 57 62 53 29 23 64 10 42 13 36 30 39 41 40 36 11 53 56 0 41 71 25 26 15 34 35 42 29 51 56 46 37 49 26 24 43 47 36 10 45 65 24 21 13 37 43 25 34 10 35 30 17:19 19:34 19:44 20:48 20:54 21:17 21:32 21:36 22:05 22:54 23:07 23:26 23:34 23:38 23:40 23:56 24:00 24:06 24:25 24:34 24:43 24:46 24:56 24:57 25:16 25:17 25:25 25:46 25:47 25:47 25:59 26:05 26:09 26:10 26:35 26:45 26:54 26:58 26:59 27:05 27:10 27:31 27:31 27:33 27:39 27:44 27:50 27:56 28:05 28:05 28:09 28:14 28:40 28:41 29:02 29:21 29:27 29:37 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 Hayley Klees Max Metcalf Adam Emerson Jennifer Keegan Daniel Wagnon Davis Wagnon Timothy Trask Trey Dirks Dustin Carruthers Rachel Breyfogle Kendall Simon-Sterling Siera Scime Brian Conklin Amit Jain Belinda Wise Amanda Bell Colleen Mocco Jana Davis Barbette Pannitteri Chuck Davis Carl Baum Annette Lapkowski Craig Johnson Rebecca Hobbs Mark Kellerhaus Lisa Wilmer Alan Wise Allyson Alonso Keifer Barnes Karissa Starling Bobbi Paul Joanna Paul Chelsy Diekman Erin Owens Ryan Webster Emily Webster Kelsie Patton Cinil Maliakkal Tessa Walton Carol Hodges Jan Murdock Teresa Dennis John Hugill Free Blombergh Peyton Paske Dylan Gorczycki Myka Blombergh Silvester Dawson Lisa Jill Grimes Holly Webb Tony Alex Olivia Polk John Konkus Jill Murphy Megan Moran Mia Stout Scott Cherry Christopher Cherry Noah Abbuhl Breanna Currie MALE Currie Gloria Jackson Mandy Hurst Rita Sekula F M M F M M M M M F 23 13 42 28 37 9 0 32 31 36 29:37 29:39 29:43 29:45 29:49 29:49 29:54 29:54 30:02 30:02 M F M M F F F F F M M F M F M F M F M F F F F F M F F F F F F F M M M M F M F F M F M F F F M M M F M F F F 36 20 30 33 32 29 27 45 48 54 36 0 41 35 53 34 33 20 23 11 52 50 20 23 10 35 26 38 45 53 54 40 46 36 9 8 32 53 32 36 40 20 40 57 25 7 36 35 18 24 29 20 25 31 30:06 30:06 30:12 30:16 30:23 30:30 30:34 30:45 30:45 30:46 30:48 31:33 31:43 31:58 32:11 32:18 32:22 32:23 32:25 32:38 32:38 32:39 32:50 32:50 32:59 33:00 33:01 33:10 33:16 33:30 33:30 33:39 33:42 33:44 33:50 33:55 34:00 34:14 34:24 34:35 34:36 34:38 34:43 34:52 34:57 35:08 35:13 35:13 35:15 35:15 35:16 35:37 35:42 35:50 Volume 40 Issue 5 123 Dedra Mitchell F 124 Abby Glass F 125 Oliver Holden-Schrock M 126 Daphne Holden F 127 Katie Goldberg F 128 Denise Bilbow F 129 Tyler Gorczycki M 130 Jennifer Porter F 131 Michelle Gorczycki F 132 Michael Logan M 133 Ali Lewis F 134 Brian Varnum M 135 Ashley Baum F 136 Zach Klees M 137 Carolynn Gunn F 138 Jinan As-siddiq F 139 Jaime Berkowitz F 140 Jennifer Johnson F 141 April Stephens F 142 Richard Gardner M 143 Jennifer Martin F 144 John Simmons M 145 Kelly Brode F 146 Dan Evans M 147 Maxine Baker F 148 Jennifer Ellis F 149 Hunter Moorer F 150 Emily Revell F 151 Marissa Mainwood F 152 Gabie Laratta F 153 Junko Stout F 154 Mary Gore F 155 Tiffany Fisher F 156 Barbara Pannitteri F 157 Audrey Shuler F 158 Doyle Mullins M 159 Bill Galivan M 160 Debbie Neville F 161 Jessica Earnshaw F 162 Brittany Higgins F 163 Doug Shuler M 164 Tiffany Baylor F 165 Jennifer Ruskin F 166 Joshua Osborn M 167 Sierra Grigsby F 168 Kara Ottervanger F 169 Eryn Jones F 170 Kevin Clark M 171 Don Fry M 172 Bill Pike M 173 Marcia Porter F 174 Danielle Rappel F 175 Jessica Yarbrough F 176 Darlene Mills F 177 Gavin Boone M 178 Rebecca Edwards F 179 Lacey Ritter F 180 Brian Pulsifer M 181 Breanna Earnshaw F 182 Johneesia Sholtz F 183 Brian Dupree M 184 Matthew Frick M 185 Audra Davis F 186 Wrenn Wheeler F 37 35:53 27 35:54 11 49 22 26 12 37 40 0 24 35 38 24 21 31 25 38 33 40 56 40 23 25 49 49 19 38 34 18 40 47 36 15 12 37 59 52 35 22 38 50 0 9 44 25 26 47 48 67 35 22 26 50 45 30 27 40 21 23 50 25 41 10 36:02 36:02 36:08 36:33 36:41 36:43 36:44 36:50 37:08 37:09 37:14 37:19 37:23 37:29 37:30 37:50 37:50 38:04 38:06 38:07 38:12 38:12 38:14 38:30 38:36 38:47 38:50 39:04 39:06 39:07 39:10 39:11 39:14 39:26 39:48 40:11 40:28 40:29 40:30 40:30 40:48 41:06 41:06 41:06 41:06 41:16 41:26 41:26 41:33 41:44 41:49 41:58 42:03 42:19 42:19 43:02 43:23 43:26 43:40 43:51 43:59 44:36 Volume 40 Issue 5 87 Roy Mack Crews 88 Michelle Claycomb 89 Tara Thomas 90 Ettore Aldrovandi 91 Laura Cilek 92 Greg Perry 93 Clark Hankins 94 Jimmy Sauls 95 Bobby Duggleby 96 Mitch Devore 97 Brittany Marlin 98 Nico Wienders 99 Katasha Cornwell 100 Jason Wright 101 Zack Wetzel 102 Nick Dietrich 103 Ryan Cole 104 Ryan Coker 105 Justin Wilmot 106 Lance Parker 107 Alison Thumm 108 Paula O'Neill 109 Dewey Hudson 110 Gary Griffin 111 Steve Halsell 112 Ronald Harrison 113 Sarah Dugas 114 Sandy Johnson 115 David Sehrt 116 Robert Patron 117 Mike Burns 118 David Anderson 119 Alyssa Bertinelli 120 Scott Hawthorne 121 Patrick Koon 122 Bryan Koon 123 Bill McGuire 124 Jason Bowman 125 Jill Sweeny 126 Dale Smith 127 Darby Scott 128 Eric Dueno 129 Robert Skrob 130 Shelton Ansley 131 Mary Jane Hayden 132 Marty Hufstetler 133 Jack McDermott 134 Matt Hohmeister 135 Jane Skalski 136 Dante Davis 137 Stuart Johnson 138 Paul Hilbrant 139 Robert Morris 140 Tracy Richardson 141 Curtis Miller 142 Kelsey Kilinski 143 David Phillips 144 Kory Skrob 145 Kim Likens 146 Ron Christen M F F M F M M M M M F M F M M M M M M M F F M M M M F F M M M M F M M M M M F M F M M M F M M M F M M M M M M F M F F M THE FL EET FO O T 51 28 20 53 25 42 25 35 24 20 23 44 37 42 33 18 24 24 36 33 37 53 43 65 32 46 36 29 29 49 50 64 22 32 9 43 67 45 34 61 33 47 43 62 35 58 46 34 30 24 40 49 30 38 31 28 57 44 46 69 45:20 45:21 45:24 45:33 45:33 45:36 45:51 45:54 45:55 45:56 45:58 46:04 46:05 46:07 46:10 46:12 46:12 46:13 46:15 46:18 46:21 46:25 46:27 46:31 46:35 46:39 46:40 46:42 46:42 46:43 46:45 46:50 47:05 47:08 47:10 47:11 47:16 47:18 47:19 47:19 47:20 47:26 47:33 47:36 47:38 47:41 47:41 47:45 47:45 47:53 47:53 47:54 48:00 48:02 48:03 48:10 48:15 48:20 48:27 48:39 147 Brian Black M 148 Jamila Allen F 149 Travis Widick M 150 Luke Grabowski M 151 Tim Duff M 152 Cory Griffin M 153 Jay Silvanima M 154 Ruffian Tyner F 155 Ashley Bunnell F 156 Kelly Garland F 157 Free Blombergh M 158 Randy Naylor M 159 David Duris M 160 Geoff Likens M 161 Jennifer Shafer F 162 Muriel Jones F 163 Luke Boosey M 164 Steve Anders M 165 Casey Lauer M 166 Theo Sullivan M 167 Mallory Brooks F 168 Tim Bottcher M 169 Paolo Aluffi M 170 Christopher Turner M 171 Sarah Monbarren F 172 Stephanie Aanstoos F 173 C Kuhn M 174 Eve Lewis F 175 Michael Boll M 176 Nancy Moody F 177 Joe Vega M 178 Edie Xanders F 179 Chris Rietow M 180 Jason Mahoney M 181 Joe Mahoney M 182 Mary Anne Grayson F 183 Steven Dennis M 184 Emily Kroll F 185 Lorien Abbey F 186 Guy Anglin M 187 Tiffany Nunnally F 188 Romeo Aggabao M 189 Brad Hicks M 190 Nancy Proctor F 191 Robert Salter M 192 Mark Jeter M 193 Martha Bademan F 194 Hobson Fulmer M 195 Melvin Jones M 196 Ron Nieto M 197 Fran McLean F 198 William Fredericks M 199 Katherine Finney F 200 Raymond Rolle M 201 Jamil Robertson M 202 Bill Dillon M 203 Jason Bazemore M 204 Judith Kent F 205 Genzo Tanaka M 206 Britton Doner M 36 25 33 28 29 29 55 39 30 43 35 44 58 49 47 25 30 27 36 26 31 53 54 32 29 25 44 24 50 30 61 45 40 41 34 49 40 20 47 71 36 49 54 54 50 49 30 59 35 49 57 38 24 36 37 48 31 35 73 35 48:42 48:43 48:43 48:54 49:01 49:02 49:09 49:11 49:12 49:14 49:16 49:23 49:23 49:24 49:25 49:34 49:36 49:37 49:38 49:39 49:39 49:40 49:41 49:50 49:53 49:55 50:00 50:02 50:08 50:12 50:16 50:17 50:18 50:21 50:22 50:25 50:25 50:27 50:29 50:31 50:37 50:38 50:38 50:39 50:42 50:45 50:47 50:48 50:53 50:57 50:59 51:06 51:06 51:08 51:08 51:16 51:20 51:24 51:24 51:25 Page 35 207 Courteney Mincy F 208 Allison Born F 209 Alison Hengesbach F 210 Thomas Maxwell M 211 David Disalvo M 212 Tsige Tadesse F 213 Brad Monbarren M 214 David Darm M 215 Robert Wigen M 216 Bill Cobb M 217 Gregory Robinson M 218 Kathy Greene F 219 Elliott Grace M 220 Joseph Calhoun M 221 John Hunt M 222 Kate Krizner F 223 Craig Asselin M 224 Tommy Kristian M 225 Joseph Miller M 226 Jonathan Folkert M 227 Robby Turner M 228 Loranne Ausley F 229 Marie Dennis F 230 Julia Sura F 231 Rodney Deese M 232 Kenya Rich F 233 Michael Gibson M 234 Kristin Halley F 235 Bill Krizner M 236 Phil Deortentiis M 237 Lisa Bohl F 238 Debbie Peters F 239 Kyle Pickett M 240 James Cade M 241 Becky Leckinger F 242 John De Grummond M 243 Andrew Pope M 244 Chad Linville M 245 Sharon Crews F 246 Nishanth Krishnamurthy M 247 Adrea Truckenmiller F 248 Morris Davis M 249 Shelly Herman F 250 Kevin Payne M 251 Eric Eggers M 252 Nick Yonclas M 253 Jane Johnson F 254 Clayton Touchton M 255 Emmy Kyllonen F 256 Darcy Penn F 257 Rachel Scharlepp F 258 Jason Cumberledge M 259 Melissa Sam F 260 Benjamin Rangel M 261 Jamie Ito F 262 Taylor Carlquist M 263 Tara Lynch F 264 Pennie Douglas F 265 Daniel Cutchen M 23 26 17 46 47 42 29 28 49 51 29 41 33 47 47 11 32 35 35 29 56 51 40 43 43 42 46 33 40 31 56 54 35 42 51 47 41 42 47 51:25 51:26 51:26 51:27 51:30 51:30 51:31 51:34 51:38 51:38 51:43 51:46 51:46 51:47 51:47 51:48 51:52 51:57 51:58 51:58 51:59 51:59 52:00 52:04 52:06 52:11 52:12 52:13 52:19 52:20 52:22 52:23 52:23 52:23 52:26 52:27 52:30 52:32 52:32 33 32 58 31 45 33 71 56 19 25 31 32 36 33 32 35 30 31 34 53 52:34 52:34 52:36 52:36 52:37 52:41 52:42 52:42 52:50 52:51 52:51 52:55 52:57 53:01 53:02 53:04 53:06 53:08 53:08 53:13 Page 34 184 Jeff Schwartz M 185 David Strange M 186 Matt Hefelfinger M 187 Bonnie Wright F 188 Henni Hamby F 189 Adrienne Bell F 190 Elisa Lutz F 191 Eric Trombley M 192 Kelli Dillon F 193 Wendy Somerset F 194 Parks Allman M 195 Joann Scott Milford F 196 Matt Hohmeister M 197 Julie Solomon F 198 Kaitlin Kenny F 199 Terry Roberts F 200 Diane Mitchell F 201 John McFarlain M 202 Joanne Maltese F 203 Sondra Lee F 204 Dayne Read M 205 Mayra Klapetzky F 206 Chris Schremser F 207 Denise Bernath F 208 Shelly Duffey F 209 Alexis Gaston-Woodcock F 210 Teresa Lucas F 211 Jason Allison M 212 Tom Perkins M 213 Adrienne Ruhl F 214 Lorena Thomas F 215 Timothy Fraser M 216 Teresa Hess F 217 Andrew Scanameo M 218 Mark Jeter M 219 Aj Smith M 220 Denise Lacey F 221 Buddy Doll M 222 Danny Langston M 223 Aubrey Saam M 224 Karen Munoz F 225 Anthony Poole M 226 Patrick Kennell M 227 Anita Caban-Ruiz F 228 Cilia Nazef F 229 Thomas Scheer M 230 Anwar Archer M 231 Jessica Orr F 232 Camp Bulloch M 233 Paul Mahoney M 234 Mark Bourne M 235 Karen Godbey F 236 Nicole Benson F 237 Isabel Anderson F 238 David Beard M 239 Brian Dupree M 240 Catherine StresingF 241 Robin Schwartz F 242 Cynthia Johnson F 243 Chris Dietz M 244 Erick Olvera-Prado M 245 John Tan M 246 Chad Benson M THE FL EET FO O T 45 31 55 60 47 42 31 42 45 41 42 56 35 33 31 53 60 46 51 47 26 27 53 35 44 1:46:05 1:46:18 1:46:35 1:46:40 1:46:45 1:46:46 1:46:52 1:47:12 1:47:31 1:47:58 1:48:03 1:48:10 1:48:13 1:48:23 1:48:50 1:49:05 1:49:08 1:49:23 1:49:34 1:49:35 1:49:36 1:49:46 1:49:49 1:50:00 1:50:14 50 48 41 64 35 38 38 34 55 50 56 55 58 52 41 56 53 55 50 22 43 30 29 43 52 54 60 37 36 27 51 46 44 31 49 30 42 41 1:51:39 1:52:35 1:53:01 1:53:02 1:53:25 1:53:29 1:53:53 1:53:53 1:53:58 1:54:07 1:54:56 1:54:59 1:56:18 1:56:27 1:56:57 1:57:15 1:57:25 1:57:50 1:57:55 1:58:10 1:58:21 1:58:23 1:59:09 1:59:38 1:59:42 1:59:47 1:59:59 2:00:09 2:01:00 2:01:07 2:01:26 2:01:30 2:01:32 2:02:11 2:02:28 2:04:09 2:05:46 2:05:52 247 Kristen Williamson F 248 Kelly Swenson F 249 Andrea Osorio F 250 Karen Jeter F 251 Ana Sutherland F 252 George Desloge M 253 Tami Young F 254 Patrick Willi M 255 Randy Baker M 256 Tammy Eitel F 257 Jorge Zavala M 258 Charles Dickerson M 259 Rick McClure M 260 Jason McCullough M 261 Holly Thompson F 262 Caroline Cowan F 263 Jennifer Candela F 264 Melissa Moser F 265 Paul Cowan M 266 Bob Keller M 267 Phyllis Pancella F 268 Chad Mathias M 269 Kenny Vera-Morales M 23 54 20 48 52 70 46 35 53 45 59 37 70 31 43 31 20 24 69 81 52 30 26 Volume 40 Issue 5 2:06:11 2:06:17 2:08:12 2:08:25 2:08:29 2:09:04 2:09:34 2:11:04 2:11:20 2:11:46 2:12:30 2:13:44 2:16:12 2:25:23 2:25:30 2:27:05 2:27:26 2:29:10 2:30:05 2:32:43 2:42:35 2:51:22 2:54:36 Springtime 10K 3/28/2015 Mandy, Sean Hudson R.D.’s 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Stephen Cox Chris Lake Jack Redwing Nate Kaiser Charlie Johnson Gary Droze Sheryl Rosen Rik Pool Geb Kiros Ryan Truchelut Mickey Moore Lauren Poulos Mike Peymann Eric Godin Brian Molen Paul Guyas Hong-Guo Yu Katie Sherron Elijah Ingram Jon Mason Mark Tombrink Tim Unger Tyler Sununu Philip Sura Jim Halley Stephanie Liles-Weyant M M M M M M F M M M M F M M M M M F M M M M M M M 31 27 28 35 35 53 30 20 48 29 45 29 52 31 39 37 46 33 19 41 27 55 26 44 35 32:59 33:10 34:07 34:10 34:20 35:53 37:30 37:37 37:48 38:02 38:18 38:19 38:26 38:45 38:59 39:26 39:33 39:40 39:42 39:43 39:48 39:54 40:12 40:20 40:23 F 42 40:32 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 Duane Evans M Zack Scharlepp M Carter Hay M T J Devlieger M Scott Minert M Tad David M Camilo Ordonez M Joel Piotrowski M Ben Jones M Michael Rhodes M Felton Wright M Chuck Lang M David Welling M Brittney Barnes F Robert Wiwi M Al Whatley M John Parker M David Knauf M Melissa Thompson F Renee Cox F Richard Aarons M Larry Harris M Andy Roberts M Jim Martin M Bill McNulty M Jack Kramer M Jillian Heddaeus F Wayne Thumm M Fanxiu Zhu M Jaime Fernandez M Chelsea Hankins F Bob Asztalos M David Yon M Kristy Kalich F Scott Lindeman M Eric Bernard M Kyle Shaw M Nathan Rhodes M Jerry McDaniel M Laura McDermott F Chad Johnson M Barney Ray M Marisa Abegg F Wesley Gentry M Rob McNeely M Shannon Colavecchio F Angela Wable F Sheri Poskanzer F Ryan Scolnik M Michael Blankinship M Mitchell Phillips M Jim Phillips M Emma Spencer F Sean Rinehart M Zack Weston M Craig Willis M Jeff Kuperberg M Michael La Bossiere M Katie Sack F Michael Molen M 47 32 43 52 46 46 36 45 25 46 57 49 30 27 24 44 25 50 30 27 36 46 48 53 56 19 31 43 46 34 22 56 59 21 39 35 34 36 61 35 44 52 28 37 55 37 41 26 27 22 15 49 34 43 27 63 54 48 23 15 40:35 40:36 40:41 40:42 41:05 41:18 41:19 41:26 41:28 41:31 41:37 41:48 41:50 41:54 42:21 42:30 42:31 42:32 42:33 42:35 42:40 42:40 42:54 42:55 42:55 43:03 43:03 43:06 43:08 43:10 43:13 43:14 43:17 43:25 43:25 43:33 43:36 43:38 43:40 44:01 44:12 44:26 44:29 44:31 44:33 44:33 44:40 44:41 44:45 44:49 45:01 45:08 45:09 45:14 45:15 45:15 45:16 45:17 45:18 45:19 Volume 40 Issue 5 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 Molly Seal F Anna Boone F Taylor Murphree M Bonnie Stark F Ashton May F Kelbi Davis U Pam Seal F Christopher Fender M Andrew Fender M Maria Fender F Carvetta Young F Landon Cornwell M Rachel Wayne F Ashley Cornwell F Kevin Culligan M Kirsten Culligan F Robert Parker Morris M Mirian Mast F Tricia Mast F Ashley Camacho F Unknown U Rosilind Wynn F Dawson Bodie M Landon Mullins M Ashley Mullins F Unknown U Sarah Turner F Alicia Berta F Gillian Nolden F Jackson Webb M Sutton Webb M Crystal Pelter F Lisa Lancaster F Mary Tufnell F Nicole McDonald-RilesF Tanya Weldon F Elizabeth Burke F Carey Boucher F Debra Boucher F Heather Duey F Molly Creel F Tammy Creel F Baker Safley M Hayden McNeill M Kristina Tchourioukanova F Stephanie Dupree F Jacklyn Burkett F Sidney Mullins F Kaylyn Minnix F Joanne Cline F Delores Stuart F Wanda Patron F Lalee Stewart F Bobby Cornwell M Sarah Carruthers F Brittney Austin F Brittany Cornwell F Tera Sumner F Katherine Miller F Anna Acenbrak F Carol Ann Hicks F Angela Ormerod F Lynda Bergstrom F Lesley Gardner F THE FL EET FO O T 27 15 7 61 20 19 62 39 15 37 41 7 23 20 23 24 83 39 18 0 0 44 9 8 33 0 27 26 43 9 39 36 0 0 41 42 23 36 56 46 14 45 8 8 44:39 44:48 44:51 45:05 45:13 45:14 45:28 45:33 45:33 45:37 45:51 45:52 45:52 45:52 46:01 46:01 46:08 46:19 46:19 46:49 46:52 46:52 47:32 47:40 47:57 48:21 48:21 48:21 48:54 48:56 48:56 49:14 49:16 49:32 49:48 49:52 50:25 50:49 50:50 51:07 51:10 51:11 51:31 51:31 20 41 36 9 32 25 25 50 20 38 26 24 22 27 20 20 48 29 62 35 53:27 53:55 54:14 54:33 54:47 55:51 55:51 56:24 56:29 56:31 56:36 56:36 56:39 56:44 56:45 56:46 58:23 58:25 58:25 58:26 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 Unknown U Alan Safe El-Urfali M Melissa Sims F Jacob Taylor M Amanda Smith F Johna Smith F Hannah Boerstier F Rachel Roberson F Julia Cunningham F Dawn Mason F Becky Bodie F Alyssa Mason F Chris Collins M 0 47 0 10 26 33 26 21 36 32 35 17 39 59:00 59:00 59:40 59:44 59:49 59:49 59:57 61:32 63:53 65:31 65:34 65:34 75:59 Red Shoes 10K Run 4/18/2015 Glenn Burhans, R.D. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 Mickey Moore Myles Gibson Eric Godin Mark Tombrink Brandon Buck Michael LaBossiere Robert Patron Mack Crews Richard Cassedy Kaci Basford Jose Vega Shelby Augustyniak Nico Wienders Mike Stone Andrea Birch Steven Dennis Eric Miller Sarah Monbarren Renee McNeill Hope Hoffman Isabel Anderson Maria Smith Brian Orr Lorie Grooms Lacey Randolph Danielle Reinert Brad Hicks Kevin Dewar Jamie Ito Sharon Crews Anna Dower Rob Cooper Jena Mickel Chris Tufnell Kyle Pickett Mia Newlin Dale Bradley Marianela Diaz Katie Allison Melissa Cooper Galen Levy Hope Gaines M 45 M 48 M 31 M 27 M 20 M 49 M 49 M 51 M 28 F 26 M 61 F 39 M 44 M 51 F 42 M 41 M 28 F 29 F 36 F 34 F 35 F 34 M 29 F 33 F 26 F 27 M 54 M 29 F 35 F 47 F 23 M 37 F 30 M 38 M 34 F 35 M 57 F 35 F 37 F 37 F 21 F 48 38:17 38:56 40:07 43:15 44:11 46:28 46:53 47:09 48:07 48:38 49:42 50:09 50:35 50:42 50:45 50:53 51:02 51:26 51:43 51:51 51:57 52:34 52:53 52:56 52:57 53:05 53:24 53:34 53:46 53:49 54:26 55:04 55:24 55:36 55:36 55:45 55:53 56:22 56:31 56:43 57:20 57:24 Page 19 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 William Blocker M 46 Julio Serrant M 61 Danielle Zemola F 36 Thomas Biance M 34 Jayme Agee F 32 Seth Parsons M 21 Mary Thomas F 36 Gina Tran F 44 Becky Bush F 46 Theresa Zerkle F 48 Tom Painter M 50 Michelle Faulk F 32 Beth Cao F 33 Ben Faulk M 35 Jason Pamblanco M 31 Leigh Dalzell F 45 Kevin Langston M 57 Chris Saam M 40 Cory Thorpe M 24 Liesl Voges F 28 Melissa Oglesby F 44 Terri Christiansen F 51 Donald Butt M 73 David Stoms M 30 Jason Nelson M 33 Vlada Tchourioukanova F 19 Renita Smith F 28 Feirla Failey F 32 Lydia Strom F 29 Angie Huston F 28 Achia Floyd F 29 Werviston DeFaria M 50 Carol Winger F 66 Scott Henley M 48 April Ales F 42 Diane Nerney F 46 Holly Gabrialov F 29 Kristen Ackermann F 33 Betsy Miller F 37 Ludmila DeFaria F 46 Tolar Griffin M 38 Karah Rush F 30 Lisa Jackson F 51 Candice Billups F 36 Kelly Skelton F 39 Ami Wheeler F 41 Ashleigh Brodley F 42 Brittany Sachs F 22 Lauren Taylor F 23 Cyndi Cooper F 37 Sean Flanagan M 47 John Tan M 41 Sarah Thorpe F 23 Sandra Buchanan F 55 Johnny Creel M 60 Ray Stinson M 55 April Bradley F 19 Naytoyla Brown F 38 Amy Woods F 30 Jennifer Storms F 46 Susan Cornwell F 66 Deborah Brown F 39 57:41 58:08 58:27 58:30 58:53 58:55 58:57 59:13 59:19 59:52 1:00:23 1:00:38 1:00:39 1:00:39 1:00:43 1:01:50 1:01:55 1:01:59 1:02:35 1:02:39 1:03:04 1:03:11 1:03:16 1:03:31 1:03:34 1:03:40 1:03:53 1:03:54 1:04:31 1:04:31 1:04:41 1:04:46 1:04:53 1:05:04 1:05:10 1:05:20 1:05:23 1:05:23 1:05:36 1:05:36 1:05:40 1:06:04 1:06:11 1:06:50 1:06:57 1:07:05 1:07:05 1:07:25 1:07:25 1:07:48 1:08:04 1:08:15 1:08:24 1:08:40 1:10:24 1:10:25 1:10:54 1:11:29 1:11:42 1:11:42 1:12:32 1:14:59 Page 20 105 106 107 108 Stephanie Van Dyke F 49 Shawn Grant M 35 Reagan Slaughter F 21 Carrie Fernann Yozviak F 36 Kay Posey F 61 Ellen Deramo F 66 Melanie Kalmanson F 21 Stephanie Levitt F 25 Jessica Orr F 28 Nancy Minev F 24 Kathleen Orr F 58 Katryna Atkins F 31 Shanna Autry F 39 Priya Hiraga F 34 Shelly McLaughlin F 35 Mary Kahn F 34 Jennifer Hopgood F 33 chelsea Skye Life F 21 Sandra Scarbrough F 38 Wyndi Pelt F 41 Samantha Howard F 24 Cynthia Burke F 50 Debora Lee F 57 Virginia Lee F 32 Andrea Urbassik F 33 Terence Goodwin M 36 Gordon Orr M 60 THE FL EET FO O T 1:15:07 28 Free Lee Blomberg M 6 1:15:54 29 Kirk Robertson M 26 1:16:20 30 Emily Iaukea F 65 31 Kee Elwell M 57 1:17:18 32 Madyson Griffin F 8 109 1:17:20 33 Ella Hoffman F3 110 1:17:21 34 Andra Geiger F9 1:18:14 35 Madison Geiger F 13 111 112 1:18:43 36 Olivia Gibson F4 113 1:19:07 37 Nicole Gibson F 42 114 1:19:08 38 Sr. Burhans M 68 115 1:19:09 39 Virginia Ovilmar F 27 116 1:20:11 40 Ella Augustyniak F 3 117 1:21:02 41 Brody Davidson M 6 118 1:21:03 42 Ronin Gibson M 10 119 1:21:03 43 Jennifer Nabors F 37 120 1:24:00 44 Brett Davidson M 36 121 1:26:21 45 Isabella Davidson F 122 1:26:31 46 Dylan Miller F3 1:27:04 47 Don Miller 123 M 42 124 1:27:04 48 Louise Goodson F 54 1:28:15 49 Nathan O'Grady M 4 125 126 1:30:02 50 Christina Roeder F 7 127 1:33:20 51 Peyton Griffin M 5 128 1:33:20 52 Jennifer Roeder F 38 129 1:38:08 53 Elizabeth Roeder F 6 130 1:38:08 54 Robyn Griffin F 39 131 1:38:37 55 Lynlea Stokes F 38 56 Kristine Parker F 32 57 Abigail Parker F 3 58 Logan?? M0 Red Shoes 1M Run 59 Grace Hirigoyen F 55 4/18/2015 60 Ketura Ales Sanders F 40 Glenn Burhans, R.D. 61 Christine Abbuhl F 58 62 Dylan Osborn M 2 63 Paul Osborn M 35 64 April Wilder F 40 1 Connor Hadden M 10 6:24 65 Greg Wilder M 39 2 Elias Bernstein M 8 6:58 66 Tamela Costa F 40 3 Sawyer Davis M 10 7:08 67 Patti Tassinari F 61 4 Nicholas Allen M 9 7:21 68 Ginny Osborn F 30 5 Payton Thumm F 8 7:42 69 Anne-Marie Burhans 6 Wesley Smitha M 7 8:13 16:26 7 Kaitlyn Burhans F 11 8:15 70 Nina Davis F 39 8 Nathan Allen M 12 8:29 71 Kristy Ward F 35 9 Cliff Allen M 51 8:42 72 McKenzie Geiger F 13 10 Dylan Burhans M 14 8:43 73 Marinda Geiger F 15 11 Max Ito M8 9:04 74 Kim Skula F 46 12 Trevor Smitha M 5 9:08 75 Jeannie Burhans F 70 13 Evan Smitha M 41 9:08 76 Joe Goodson M 57 14 Ben Dougherty M 0 9:10 77 Jeanna Olson F 44 15 Levi O'Grady M7 9:14 78 BJ Vickers F 60 16 Price Hoffman M 6 9:14 79 Elizabeth Pulsifer F 8 17 Brittney Mayfield F 34 9:15 80 Tammy Pulsifer F 39 18 Regan Mayfield F 6 9:15 81 Anna Pulsifer F6 19 Kristen Shipp F 31 9:22 82 Wanda Wroten F 63 20 Sam Ito M5 9:23 83 Jennifer Davidson F 21 Evan Gibson M6 9:23 19:52 22 Alyssa Hunek F 24 9:31 84 Chase Hobbs M 3 23 Loleta Luyao F 46 10:14 85 Peyton Paske M 9 24 Craig Lightfoot M 24 10:14 25 Caelon Ales M 12 10:31 26 Corey Allen F 38 10:35 27 Brandon Allen M 14 10:44 10:50 10:50 11:02 11:05 11:15 11:34 11:35 11:35 11:43 11:47 12:03 12:05 12:05 12:16 12:23 12:27 12:46 4 12:47 12:51 12:52 12:54 13:20 13:23 13:25 13:29 13:30 13:31 15:04 15:04 15:04 15:17 15:34 15:38 15:56 15:58 15:59 16:00 16:00 16:02 16:02 16:03 F 49 16:26 16:30 17:11 17:11 17:27 17:45 17:47 18:27 18:27 19:01 19:25 19:26 19:50 31 19:53 28:39 Volume 40 Issue 5 FSU Autism Superhero 1M 4/18/2015 Kendra Adams, R.D. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 Malachi Richards Chris Rolfe Zaire Boone Connor Hill Katie Hill Cameron Welch Chloe Welch Aidan Carrasquilla Ahmari Williams Liam Trotman Kelly Trotman David Rider Allison Van Iddekinge Gretchen Van Iddekinge Ben Farnum Griffin Corbett Amy Carr Brandon Mullane Sarah Mullane Raven Elkins Madeleine Ely Christine Chiricos Layla Adams Kathryn Corbett Martha Clemons Steven Martin Serena Martin Charlie Adams Connor Adams Christopher Wann Jason Mach Samuel Rolfe Matthew Rolfe Tanner Martin Tiffany Martin Waylon Elkins Dorothy Collins Greg Mullins Tate Mullins Mia Torrado Kaitlin Lansford Martha Childs Leslie Childs David Childs John Childs Kelly Martin Nici McCallum Sindy Chapa Urien Yarring Jon Tony Archer Daniel Taylor Dexter John Cosgrove Colleen Cosgrove Charlotte Ely Asheton Rider Christi Rider Lorraine De George Kai Williams M M M M F F F M F M F M F 15 22 10 7 38 6 8 12 11 6 34 32 39 7:22 7:44 9:15 10:23 10:23 10:43 10:46 10:53 10:56 11:00 11:13 11:16 11:17 F M M F M F F F F F F F M F M M M M M M M F M F M M F F F F M M F F F M M M M F F M F F F 8 10 8 29 6 34 9 6 59 6 41 53 34 4 35 7 8 7 11 11 7 30 5 0 47 6 5 37 6 35 36 3 37 31 40 9 40 52 5 30 3 8 36 48 7 11:17 11:30 12:01 12:02 12:20 12:21 12:37 13:26 13:33 13:33 13:35 13:56 13:57 13:57 14:04 14:04 14:20 14:47 15:12 15:12 15:24 15:24 15:38 15:41 15:48 15:48 15:55 15:56 15:56 15:57 16:01 16:02 16:06 16:07 16:13 16:13 16:25 16:27 16:33 16:33 16:38 16:56 16:59 16:59 18:08 Volume 40 Issue 5 THE FL EET FO O T 56 Bill Chatham M Red Hills Triathlon 57 Timothy Cobey M 1/3 M Swim ,16 M Bike, 5K 58 Jamie Harris F 59 Angie Milford F 4/4/2015 60 Michael Kennett M Kathy McDaris, R.D. 61 Melanie Leitman F 62 Jessica Koelsch F 63 Ed Frisbee M 1 Thomas Barton M 28 1:06:37 64 Chad Henry M 2 Jeremy Richardson M 26 1:08:42 65 Matt Scaringe M 3 Ken Corigliano M 35 1:08:51 66 Ryan Hatch M 4 Jason Venema M 34 1:09:04 67 Jimmy Bolen M 5 Sam Hudson M 44 1:10:04 68 Rob McNeely M 6 Allen Stanfield M 35 1:10:05 69 Kennan Milford M 7 Don Autore M 40 1:10:08 70 Geoff Likens M 8 Rob Felty M 30 1:10:14 71 Ben Faulk M 9 Eric Larson M 26 1:10:28 72 Chloe Elfrink-Giles F 10 Chris Knerl M 33 1:11:27 73 Stephanie Aanstoos F 11 Colin Abbey M 20 1:11:53 74 Theodore Sullivan M 12 Johnny Harrison M 55 1:12:04 75 Lisa Harrison F 13 Jared Moore M 34 1:13:16 76 Mike McGehee M 14 Andrew Rothfeder M 47 1:13:29 77 Alison Thumm F 15 Ken Brown M 44 1:13:37 78 Tracy Richardson M 16 Randy Walton M 53 1:13:50 79 Bo Mills M 17 Spence Cocanour M 43 1:13:53 80 Carlos Veigas M 18 Jonathan Nash M 36 1:13:55 81 Rob Crist M 19 Michael Weyant M 50 1:14:28 82 Jay Herring M 20 Stephanie 83 Kaley Ford F Liles-Weyant F 43 1:15:14 84 Lonnie Draper M 21 Todd Bibza M 50 1:15:21 85 Thomas Stephens M 22 Clay Milford M 16 1:15:32 86 Chris Wilhoit M 23 Doug Jones M 61 1:15:38 87 Levi McNeely M 24 Scott Roberts M 38 1:16:08 88 Lauren Huckaba F M 25 Scott Hawkins M 40 1:16:13 89 Brian Orr 26 Andrei Antohi M 38 1:16:21 90 Wade Eastman M 27 Scott Minert M 47 1:16:49 91 Brandon McFarren M M 28 TJ DeVlieger M 53 1:17:12 92 Bo Taff F 29 Vince Molosky M 36 1:17:28 93 Valerie Brand F 30 Aaron Guyer M 40 1:17:43 94 Jamila Allen M 31 Jackson Green M 18 1:18:00 95 Andy Robins 32 Terance Keenan M 51 1:18:26 96 Kevin Berry M 33 Domenick Risola M 42 1:18:36 97 David Bigoney M 34 Thomas Noyes M 31 1:18:53 98 Ronald Harrison M 35 Sandy Johnson F 30 1:19:00 99 Mary Masterton F 36 Chris Boyd M 53 1:19:21 100 Michael Boll M 37 Walker Johnson M 18 1:19:22 101 Robby Turner M 38 Tony Guillen M 47 1:19:28 102 Richard Stephens M 39 Alex Steverson M 55 1:19:30 103 Ramin Yazdanpanah M 40 Jeffrey Bowman M 54 1:20:08 104 Michelle Claycomb F 41 Mike Vanwormer M 42 1:20:51 105 Sam Rosenberg M 42 Kevin Swenson M 54 1:21:07 106 Brent Moody M 43 Nathan Rhodes M 37 1:21:24 107 Jonathon Grooms M 44 Richard Oberlin M 36 1:21:42 108 Greg Munson M 45 Wayne Thumm M 43 1:21:54 109 Michael Stiles M F 46 Maxwell Eastman M 16 1:22:00 110 Allison Born F 47 Jim Leary M 61 1:22:25 111 Jo Curry 48 Rachel Corvington F 35 1:22:30 112 Loranne Ausley F 49 Brad Taylor M 37 1:22:36 113 Stephen Sullivan M F 50 Jeremy Kuder M 20 1:22:42 114 Lorie Grooms 51 Lee Scarboro M 57 1:22:49 115 Madison McNees F 52 Richard Baker M 53 1:23:00 116 Stephen Mnookin M M 53 T. Alan Cox M 1:23:11 117 Matt McKibbin 54 Rick Oblak M 42 1:23:22 118 Anthony Green M 55 Jillian Heddaeus F 32 1:23:38 119 Ron Nieto M 31 55 39 44 42 31 46 55 46 43 51 16 56 14 50 36 35 26 27 51 38 38 39 61 37 51 58 21 60 16 48 25 28 30 14 29 51 49 26 55 30 42 47 29 51 57 49 37 29 38 31 34 48 56 27 49 52 40 34 19 45 43 39 50 1:23:42 1:23:49 1:23:54 1:24:02 1:24:08 1:24:16 1:24:31 1:24:32 1:24:49 1:24:54 1:25:03 1:25:08 1:25:10 1:25:29 1:25:44 1:25:46 1:25:59 1:26:19 1:26:38 1:27:07 1:27:09 1:27:10 1:27:11 1:27:46 1:27:46 1:27:47 1:28:04 1:28:10 1:28:13 1:28:36 1:28:42 1:28:46 1:29:10 1:29:15 1:29:22 1:29:23 1:30:00 1:30:05 1:30:17 1:30:18 1:30:18 1:30:22 1:30:41 1:30:44 1:31:16 1:31:20 1:31:26 1:31:30 1:31:43 1:31:58 1:32:02 1:32:21 1:32:21 1:32:30 1:32:40 1:32:54 1:32:55 1:32:56 1:33:33 1:33:44 1:33:47 1:34:00 1:34:18 1:34:44 Page 33 120 Keith Rowe M 121 James Harrison M 122 Angela Dempsey F 123 Luke Duff M 124 Raymond Tarver M 125 Steven Woodcock M 126 Mary Jane Tappen F 127 Judith Kent F 128 William Dillon M 129 Melanie Rhodes F 130 David Roberts M 131 Lorien Abbey F 132 David Van Leuven M 133 Scot Marinelli M 134 Emma Spencer F 135 Rick Ashton M 136 Randy Watts M 137 Robert Palmer M 138 Stephanie Clemons F 139 Jennifer Bricker F 140 Tom Findley M 141 Eric Bernard M 142 Casey Lauer M 143 Jeff Shaver M 144 Elise Hatfield F 145 George Merritt M 146 Michelle Harrison F 147 Tiffany Nunnally F 148 Clement Allen M 149 Michael Rosana M 150 Michelle Butler F 151 Neil Snyder M 152 Lena Juarez F 153 Jennifer Bendewish F 154 Julie Coiro F 155 Jennifer Smith F 156 Olmo Zavala M 157 Charles Boyle M 158 Deanna Edwards F 159 Kristen Lee F 160 David Koppenhaver M 161 Michael Toal M 162 Robert Pearson M 163 Patty Born F 164 Julie Dugan F 165 Christina Oberlin F 166 John Hunt M 167 Leisa Eastman F 168 Steven Dennis M 169 Randy Cornelius M 170 Chuck Rolling M 171 Carson Chastain M 172 Elliott Stewart M 173 Garrick Wright M 174 Renee Edwards F 175 John Spear M 176 Chris Holbrook M 177 Jason Pamblanco M 178 Thomas Painter M 179 Brandon Clark M 180 Shanin Frost F 181 Cathy Jones F 182 Kent Nottingham M 183 Robin Bennett F 54 59 47 38 54 52 58 35 49 41 45 48 43 38 34 69 42 54 32 27 56 36 37 38 30 63 48 37 51 29 32 69 46 36 32 32 35 35 41 27 47 59 46 51 27 35 47 36 43 48 59 36 25 41 47 29 34 32 51 28 43 47 63 30 1:34:50 1:35:03 1:35:18 1:35:32 1:35:33 1:35:35 1:35:38 1:35:46 1:35:50 1:35:58 1:36:16 1:36:38 1:36:43 1:36:49 1:37:06 1:37:19 1:37:32 1:37:33 1:37:50 1:37:52 1:37:53 1:38:02 1:38:09 1:38:17 1:38:22 1:38:34 1:39:12 1:39:35 1:39:40 1:39:52 1:39:53 1:40:03 1:40:13 1:40:13 1:40:19 1:40:59 1:41:01 1:41:10 1:41:23 1:41:31 1:41:49 1:41:53 1:41:59 1:42:08 1:42:37 1:42:51 1:42:53 1:42:55 1:42:58 1:43:09 1:43:45 1:43:55 1:43:58 1:43:59 1:44:04 1:44:10 1:44:17 1:44:54 1:44:55 1:45:14 1:45:32 1:45:53 1:45:54 1:46:00 Page 32 1138 1139 1140 1141 1142 1143 1144 1145 1146 1147 1148 1149 1150 1151 1152 1153 1154 1155 1156 1157 1158 1159 1160 1161 1162 1163 1164 1165 1166 1167 1168 1169 1170 1171 1172 1173 1174 1175 1176 1177 1178 1179 1180 1181 1182 1183 1184 1185 1186 1187 1188 1189 1190 1191 1192 1193 1194 1195 1196 1197 Savanna Sherman F22 Rachel Baird F26 Laura Sauls F30 Michael Manuel M27 Sean Pendergast M17 Emily Brown F25 Samantha Howard F24 Tamara Prine F39 Ariel Backer F23 Amanda Hartsfield F22 Megan Moran F25 Cheryl Urbas F41 Christopher GohlkeM42 Isiah Washington M44 Charles Dickerson M37 Sarah Paulson F21 Kimberly Fannin F25 Katelyn Cronin F22 Jena Ramsey F22 Grace Lambert F21 Hannah Mitchell F21 Jim Varley M75 Jeremiah Carde M30 James Curran M40 Sunita Dias F28 Tricia Montgomery F42 Megan Blessing F31 Leslie Wagner F25 Derrick Pollock M25 Loril Lynn F43 Shane Phillips M40 Molly Seal F27 Tom Brushwood M70 Kristen Kay F27 Pareen Kuntawala F27 Taylor Cohen F23 Margarete L. Deckert F82 Amanda Tatum F22 Daniel Tatum M29 Megan Macdonald F28 Madelyn York F12 Cameron York M8 Steven Morrow M23 Natalie Hill F11 Mark Hill M38 Debi York F61 Shannon Thomas F48 Tina Beck F23 Kinsley Grant F33 Jordyn Garcia F22 Mary Geer F21 Sara Higginbotham F22 Kelly Andersen F30 Tim Kilcullen M35 Rebecca Nielsen F27 Kala Glass F30 Pam Seal F62 John York M61 Rob Nichols M47 Sarah Tuttle F30 THE FL EET FO O T 42:24 42:25 42:30 42:34 42:34 42:35 42:39 42:39 42:44 42:53 42:53 42:54 42:54 42:54 42:55 42:57 42:59 43:20 43:20 43:23 43:25 43:28 43:31 43:34 43:35 43:38 43:38 43:47 43:48 44:14 44:16 44:22 44:27 44:31 44:31 44:33 44:33 44:42 44:42 44:47 44:52 44:54 45:08 45:12 45:13 45:14 45:15 45:20 45:28 45:29 45:35 45:35 45:43 45:52 45:55 46:07 46:22 46:33 46:36 46:36 1198 1199 1200 1201 1202 1203 1204 1205 1206 1207 1208 1209 1210 1211 1212 1213 1214 1215 1216 1217 1218 1219 1220 1221 1222 1223 1224 1225 1226 1227 1228 1229 1230 1231 1232 1233 1234 1235 1236 1237 1238 1239 1240 1241 1242 1243 1244 1245 1246 1247 1248 1249 1250 1251 1252 1253 1254 1255 1256 1257 Rylee Fowler F10 Eurica Burch F42 Elizabeth Swiman F34 Bianca Kirkland F34 John Antony M49 Althea Santos F31 Channel Jordan F30 Cheyenne Tempest F22 Jamie Gillhespy F30 Ed Reed M46 Erin Pendergast F46 Jennifer Delgado F32 Starla Penela F45 Miles Sims F22 Maximilian Schrader M10 Jen Reed F43 Patricia Davis F52 Jennifer Travieso F32 Kurt Schrader M38 Jason McCullough M30 Rebecca Berhalter F45 Colette Washington F42 William Scarboro M36 Wren Fowler F35 Chris Presnell M40 Jennifer Kennedy F40 Angie McPherson F39 Jessica Skelly F29 Michelle Condo F46 Evan Berggren M23 Liam Cassidy M20 Christopher Collins M25 Terri Doxsee F51 Frank Sims M62 Jill Varnum F22 Erica Collins F23 Tracy Osborne F43 Karen Zaccardi F66 James Skofronick M83 Michael Joyner M29 Brett Dennis M29 Carrie Stanaland F28 Josephine K. Newton F88 Virginia Haworth F26 Priscilla Ivasco F23 Taylor Marshall F16 Jennifer Doyle-Corn F35 Taryn Fenske F23 Cory Lombardo F23 Amanda Lopez F22 Elliott Stewart M24 Kathy Maus F50 Theresa Wylie F33 Amber Malloy M27 Andrew Murray M24 Beth Carter F44 Stephanie Jansen F51 Bruce Johnson M51 Rebecca Brock F37 Charlotte Cummings F68 46:59 47:20 47:25 47:27 47:35 47:39 47:39 47:43 47:43 47:45 48:01 48:01 48:11 48:11 48:14 48:19 48:26 48:31 48:37 48:39 48:40 48:40 48:50 49:01 49:01 49:11 49:11 49:14 49:18 49:33 49:34 49:34 49:38 49:44 49:56 49:56 50:10 50:12 50:12 50:14 50:14 50:34 51:11 51:39 51:40 51:57 52:03 52:35 52:36 52:36 52:37 52:41 52:41 52:41 52:41 52:41 52:51 52:54 53:00 53:08 Volume 40 Issue 5 1258 1259 1260 1261 1262 1263 1264 1265 1266 1267 1268 1269 1270 1271 1272 1273 1274 1275 1276 1277 1278 1279 1280 1281 1282 1283 1284 1285 1286 1287 1288 1289 1290 1291 1292 1293 1294 1295 1296 1297 1298 1299 1300 1301 1302 1303 1304 1305 1306 1307 1308 1309 1310 1311 1312 1313 1314 Maggie Salib F24 Amanda Meyer F26 Jude Dugas M39 Vince Kreipke M29 Carla Nowicki F26 Salvador Jaime M27 Bryce Branning M24 Kyllene Murphy F21 Julie Browning F56 Tracy Clauson F28 Hope Harrell F55 G W Harrell M56 Tim Vaccaro M49 George Ayrish M55 Dan Biggins M42 Terri McEwen F45 Dominoe Thompsonn M33 Janet Dery F47 Don Cowart M57 Addison Cowart F7 Nikki Anderson F24 Kirsten Anderson F50 Ian Gopez M40 Mike Connolly M56 Mark Hamilton M45 Taylor Parsons M27 Richard Shugg M23 Andrea Urbassik F33 Lara Christie F43 David Rogers M36 Eddie Lewis M42 Phillip Newsome M47 Ransey Boyd F36 Amanda Robinson F31 Sarah Good F22 Derek Paluch M22 Michael Garcia-Rivas M22 Natalie Barreiro F21 Paula Rozofsky F29 Sudduth Cummings M68 Ashlie Mitchell F28 Calvin Read M38 Kaylyn Minnix F32 Monte Crosby M26 Dawn Mason F32 Shana Redinger F38 Jonathon Baggett M35 Courtney Dean F19 Riley Moore F19 Andy Brunson M36 Chelsey Sampleu F22 Stephanie Torbush F29 Samantha Tanner F38 Terence Goodwin M36 Laurin Price F45 Tiffanie Raney F36 Michael Staden M47 53:09 53:10 53:11 53:23 53:25 53:25 53:34 53:34 53:46 53:52 54:12 54:12 54:25 54:25 54:26 54:27 54:43 55:00 55:02 55:04 55:44 55:44 55:56 56:15 56:15 56:15 56:17 56:22 56:23 56:30 56:43 56:44 57:08 57:08 57:58 57:58 59:35 59:36 59:38 59:38 1:00:52 1:00:54 1:01:06 1:01:07 1:01:07 1:01:16 1:01:20 1:01:24 1:01:25 1:01:28 1:01:29 1:03:33 1:03:40 1:07:37 1:07:42 1:07:42 1:07:43 Volume 40 Issue 5 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 Lynn Jones F Christine Bradley F Ashley Barner F Kristi Kirkland F Andrea Kirkland F Jesse Torres M Itan Yarring Jon M Kimberly Rolfe F Courteney Wann F Allen Yarring Jon M Andres Torrado M Meghan Hernstreet F Lia Fields F Amanda Drawdy F Kasey Russell M Sarah Cutchen F Daniel Cutchen M Jessica Lammers F Francesca Gaglianello F Melissa Meyers F Brittany Powers F Hana Jurgens F Blake Jurgens M Elizabeth Kirk F Victoria Cox F Nicole Ressler F Abbye Inman F Tim Stapleton M Hillary Stapleton F Melissa Thomas F Campbell Hewitt F Nicholas Stapleton M Sean Poole M Logan Chappell M Jasmine Presha F Mallorie Chason F Hunter Martin F Tameka Williams F Sandi Chason F Van Poole M Donna Poole F Evyn Wells F Laura Wells F Richard Ritter M Julie Ritter F Mildred Bryant F THE FL EET FO O T 56 24 26 35 33 44 6 48 4 13 40 22 23 22 4 30 30 21 25 23 28 25 26 22 24 24 24 47 46 23 4 5 24 23 6 7 14 42 41 79 59 6 39 36 36 58 18:28 18:37 18:38 18:45 18:45 18:55 18:55 19:11 19:16 21:01 22:38 22:45 22:46 23:37 23:37 23:38 23:39 23:44 23:56 23:57 24:05 24:23 24:27 24:29 24:29 24:30 24:30 24:52 24:54 24:54 24:55 24:56 25:02 25:02 25:02 25:03 25:04 25:04 25:05 25:29 25:29 25:35 25:36 26:26 26:47 27:58 FSU Autism Superhero 5K 4/18/2015 Kendra Adams, R.D. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Michael Martinez Trevor Sununu Hugo Gonzalez Daniel Rivalti Michael Savage Melanie Leitman Jeremy Fowler Jane Skalski Randy Naylor M 49 M 19 M 24 M 29 M 58 F 31 M 26 F 30 M 44 19:03 19:46 22:21 22:29 22:36 23:16 23:18 23:31 24:07 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 Sandy Jones F 30 Laura Clark F 33 Carlo Que M 19 Hillary Smith F 26 Tristan Carrasquilla M 10 Ann Delaney F 23 Gene Opheim M 68 Matt Evers M 28 Ken Friedman M 30 Adrienne McGeehan F 38 David Bell M 43 Andrew Ehla M 28 Megan Walker F 28 Bill Snyder M 64 Hilary Farnum F 40 Allyssa Appleget F 21 Adam Townsend M 45 Debbie Peters F 54 Hope Carrasquilla F 44 William Millard M 33 Jessica Sosio F 23 Amber Farrington F 29 Meredith Kurtz F 22 Taylor Newman F 22 Katrina Sanchez F 24 Rachel Scharlepp F 32 Allison Edwards F 25 Lee Istrail M 37 Holly Ardolf F 24 Beau Berry M 24 Samali Lima F 43 Corey Gens M 23 Ian McCaul M 12 Alexis Schwartz F 27 Erica McCaul F 48 Natalie Harrison F 29 David Doll M 51 Casey Hutto M 61 Diana Jones-Ellis F 58 Abigail Lannan F 20 Loreli Smyth F 25 Jamie Lasker F 35 Maria Matheu F 36 Lindsey Cole F 30 Harris Wiltsher M 47 Kelbe Miles F 30 Molly Ramassini F 23 Dianne Crumbie F 48 Stacy Rae F 34 David Darst M 71 Sherry Gatlin F 46 Kasey Sprague F 32 Ken Shick M 48 Diocerina Sandoval F 22 Hallie Lavery F 21 Diane McKissack F 51 Thina Jones F 41 Kristine McAllister F 33 Russ Brogan M 43 Jamie Pitts F 38 Anthony Roberts M 53 24:52 25:16 25:18 25:18 25:28 25:54 26:01 26:02 26:11 26:17 26:18 26:33 26:37 27:17 27:21 27:32 27:37 27:53 27:59 28:07 28:34 28:35 28:35 28:38 28:54 28:54 28:57 28:58 29:01 29:05 29:10 29:11 29:18 29:21 29:28 29:36 29:52 29:54 29:54 30:02 30:02 30:06 30:13 30:23 30:28 30:31 30:38 30:39 30:53 30:56 31:07 31:08 31:17 31:19 31:22 31:31 31:49 32:00 32:01 32:11 32:12 Page 21 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 Melody Sylvain F 24 Danielle Shoiock F 22 Meredith Snowden F 47 Elizabeth Tollefson F 37 Melissa Johnson F 28 Bob Paynter M 27 Diana Polston F 32 Catie Williams F 23 Kari Smith F 35 Samantha Gambon F 22 Megan Hoffer F 24 Katie Harrison F 26 Danny Junkins M 51 Rebecca Istrail F 36 Jonathan Schulz M 26 Carrie Burkhardt F 25 Katherine Lantigua F 21 Brittany Stone F 23 Tammy Dasher F 43 Kylie O'Connor F 24 Ross Allen M 24 Lindee Morgan F 43 Tony Rizzo M 46 Jen Simmons F 35 Gabrielle Arcangeli F 25 Ashley Harvey F 32 Tyler Mendelson F 26 Valynda Nichols F 56 Taren Brewer F 24 Diana Martin F 24 Lindsey Albritton F 23 Serafina Rietow F 6 Chris Rietow M 40 Trisha McCaul F 15 Crystal-Dawn Badger F 30 Karen Montifolca F 31 Lysa White F 46 Sheila Schneider F 55 Morgan Evers F 30 Caitlin Price F 22 Emily Lakey F 32 John Lakey M 30 Kara Rowells F 24 Blair Varela F 32 Vincent Labolito M 37 Halley Burke F 10 Anthony Labolito M 10 Angelo Silva M 24 Danielle Burke F 37 Viani Menges F 25 Jacob De Lawrence M 25 Will Butler M 34 Patzy Sanchez F 26 Owen Padilla M5 Jed Padilla M 35 Kelley Hutto F 50 Nick Winslow M 25 Hillary Hopkins F 24 Krista Koscik F 26 Stephanie Butler F 31 Amanda Meyer F 26 32:15 32:44 33:13 33:17 33:23 33:52 34:13 34:28 34:29 34:30 34:30 34:32 34:46 34:47 34:48 34:48 34:49 34:49 34:57 35:36 35:42 36:01 36:07 36:11 36:12 36:13 36:13 36:18 36:36 36:36 36:52 37:04 37:04 37:19 37:21 37:21 37:30 37:30 37:55 37:59 38:23 38:23 38:27 38:28 38:32 38:35 38:44 39:20 39:23 39:28 39:38 39:43 40:00 40:10 40:10 40:20 40:42 40:50 41:01 41:10 41:11 Page 22 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 THE FL EET FO O T Stefani Viera F 20 Amanda Wann F 36 John Gatlin M 19 Delia Edson F 36 Staci Stephens F 35 Angie Hobbs F 43 Fotena Zirps F 57 Missy Rudd F 48 Anna Padilla F 35 Pam Bodin F 54 Dottie Sheffield F 54 Jessica Goldberg F 19 Evie Williams F 28 Michelle Gayle F 52 Monica Reed F 49 Emily Rudd F 19 Emily Diehm F 28 Abigail Delehanty F 37 Jessica Hooker F 24 Bobbi Rizzo F 54 Stephanie Mazzatenta F 28 Kevin Graham M 25 April Hambrecht F 41 41:18 41:47 41:48 41:49 42:13 42:20 42:43 42:52 42:54 43:10 43:16 43:26 43:36 43:59 44:47 45:18 45:31 45:32 45:32 45:45 46:21 46:58 46:58 Worm Gruntin 5K 4/11/2015 Susan Brooks Shearer, R.D. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Chase Savary M Dylan Peebles M Travis Parks M Dalten Wood M Israel Diaz M Trevor Marshall M David Harrell M Scott Lloyd M William Thomas M Finley McMillan M William Carter M Jeff Kuperberg M Colin Briggs M Hannah Wheatcraft F Connie Lewis F Scott Stewart M Kirk James M Juanita Chalmers F Cody Williams M Jeremy Gray M Malisa Anderson-Strait F Andrea Palmiotto F Vaishali Desai F Belinda Wharton F Connie Clarke F Pace Callaway M Rob Clarke M Ian Brazier M Mark Buzbee M Nancy Lewis F Jessica Wells F David Savary M 16 15 19 15 14 33 29 14 15 12 50 54 16 15 16 45 17 32 34 36 37 29 28 54 53 28 58 38 28 49 29 49 17:45 18:28 18:39 18:44 18:54 19:20 20:17 20:18 20:23 21:24 21:29 21:34 22:04 22:05 22:49 22:51 23:56 24:12 24:15 24:16 24:30 24:35 25:08 25:09 25:10 25:26 25:36 25:40 25:31 25:40 25:44 25:52 Volume 40 Issue 5 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 Virginia Dailey F 40 Elizabeth Trombetta F 39 Jade Thompson F 12 Sandy Wallett F 41 Kelly Wallett F9 Sandy Wallett M 11 Carolyn Thompson F 37 Lana Thompson F 9 Rolando Valdes M 21 Jason Bowermeister M 36 Rebecca Burnett F 52 Beth Cooper F 49 Sara Golding F 34 Erin Cunningham F 32 Terry Sellers F 55 Elizabeth Bettendorf F 53 Haydn Trechsel M 61 Dante Labolito M 7 John Spradlin M 44 Jessie Labolito F 6 Kaylie Blanchard F 22 Julie Crow F 57 Robbin Huntsberger F 39 47:09 47:09 47:28 47:31 47:36 47:36 47:39 47:40 50:23 50:34 50:54 50:55 50:55 50:55 51:00 51:45 51:46 52:32 52:35 52:36 52:36 52:50 52:50 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 33 34 35 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 70 71 72 73 Michael Merchant Rikki Yates Eli Prince Angela Goddard Erica McKibbin Megan Houser Rob Williams Edward Chelette Sheri Nilles Marshall Bill Kimmons Love Katie Jo Tom Moses Laura Gray Vick David Brian Blackwell James Parker Michele Lawhon Catherine Kruz Sarah Barber Charlie Johns Mary Carter J Myers Peter Koenig Robert Powis Jean Hampton Donny Johns Sandra Brooke Teresa Kuperberg Grim Teeah Trey Horton Natalie Harrison Amber Stanley Tory Walker Karen L'Heureux Annie Ford Logan Edwards Alice Cooksey Jamie Dolan Daniel Lilly 26:03 26:12 26:38 26:45 26:50 26:55 27:02 27:10 27:15 27:18 27:18 27:44 27:50 28:02 28:02 28:16 28:24 28:31 29:01 29:10 29:10 29:29 29:35 29:42 29:45 29:47 29:51 29:55 30:13 30:14 30:14 30:14 30:18 30:42 30:50 31:13 31:26 31:50 31:55 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 110 M F M F F F M M F M F M F M M M F F F F F F M M F M F F F M F F F F F F F F M 17 31 10 40 42 31 60 49 34 62 34 50 36 53 40 57 43 16 17 42 42 59 27 61 42 50 46 56 37 52 26 23 23 60 41 31 67 24 25 Julie Labolito F 37 Drew May M 34 Savanna McCabe F 14 Robin McCabe F 44 Lucas McCabe M 5 Joe McCabe M 44 Sam Neimeiser M 26 Hannah Urbanek F 22 Hilary Urbanek F 24 Bryan Barclay M 50 Cynthia Barclay F 49 Brittany Misrahi F 22 Edie Kiratzis F 50 Ciara Long F 23 Jennifer Linton F 36 Afaf Qasem F 24 Jamie Bowermeister F 31 Mana Khalil F 36 Robyn Peters F 37 Matthew Peters M 39 Megan Biederman F 27 Ronald Bell M 55 Toni Mathers Robyn Bilello Jena Brooks Rachel Perkins John Deprospero Jim McDonald Angela Chelette Holmes Clements Ralph Billings Christina Noles Boone Prince Brittany Gray Michelle Blackwell Derick Prince Kaitlyn Damron Julie Damron Judy Vick Tracey Hartman Charles Greene Jenny Hindle Lex Jacobs Janet Hartman Melissa Burns Marie Wendoleu Brian Stroh Kanoa Tucker Sheets Thomas Angie Prince Taroub King Sean Gray Caitlyn Fayed Emma Gray Patti Horton Wanda Schlib Kaitlin Gallamore-Maynard 111 Amber Allen 112 Lauri Stumph 113 Jason Stumph 52:56 53:44 54:17 54:19 54:19 54:20 54:21 54:22 54:23 54:44 54:49 55:39 55:39 55:39 57:42 58:27 58:28 58:28 59:12 59:12 59:14 63:45 F F F F M M F M M F M F F M F F F M M F M F F F M M M F F M F F F F 48 36 56 29 9 53 47 51 71 42 10 24 38 43 12 33 29 52 54 38 54 43 25 20 20 11 71 39 48 6 25 10 51 54 32:15 32:28 32:31 32:42 32:50 32:52 33:14 33:16 33:30 34:24 34:58 35:04 35:04 35:07 35:10 35:10 35:42 35:45 36:02 36:21 36:31 36:34 36:35 36:40 36:40 36:56 37:00 37:05 38:08 38:44 39:30 39:41 39:52 41:04 F F F M 25 28 40 44 41:10 41:10 41:30 41:30 Volume 40 Issue 5 958 959 960 961 962 963 964 965 966 967 968 969 970 971 972 973 974 975 976 977 978 979 980 981 982 983 984 985 986 987 988 989 990 991 992 993 994 995 996 997 998 999 1000 1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 1006 1007 1008 1009 1010 1011 1012 1013 1014 1015 1016 1017 Sheila Schneider F55 Pete Kerwin M62 Taylor Griner F24 Matthew Walker M25 Sara Thomas F28 Lindsey McIntire F28 Kristen Nagy F25 Anton Leonardes M28 Karen Smith F66 Morris Suber M43 Daniel Evans M25 Kelly Brode F23 Anna-Kay Hutchison F40 Philip Munoz M64 Katherine McMurry F31 Andrea Suber F33 Sarah Shapiro F37 Rex Cleveland M76 Kristen Krizner F40 Sophia Krizner F8 Lisa Walker F53 Michele Beaudin F66 Beth Kidder F44 Mary Gore F47 Lysa White F45 Theresa Collins F56 Jill Varnes F39 Morgan Hearn F27 Brandon Burroughsi M56 Blair Minnix M31 Oisin Dolley M23 Allie Kinnon F25 Heather Fedolfi F25 Paige Bloom F20 Gary Pendergast M47 Jacklyn Bethune F22 Rachel Hartley F18 Brad Jackson M28 Connor Ingram M14 Jason McKee M41 Kristie Titze F42 Aerial Viars F17 Kalie Cosgrove F24 Emily Ogorzaly F22 Kim Large F29 Theresa Darius-Jewett F37 Shanna Autry F39 Priya Hiraga M34 Connie Hartley F47 Marcelo Viera M33 Vicky Bernal F63 Catherine Scher F23 Javier Ayo M23 Megan Straight F19 Heather Couch F28 Tabitha Harrison F30 Sherry Foster F43 Ashleigh Stone F23 Stephanie Stone F21 Claire Phillipd F30 THE FL EET FO O T 36:53 36:54 36:54 36:56 36:59 36:59 37:01 37:01 37:02 37:03 37:06 37:06 37:10 37:11 37:14 37:14 37:21 37:26 37:28 37:29 37:32 37:35 37:35 37:35 37:36 37:46 37:48 37:51 37:51 37:53 37:54 37:54 37:56 37:59 37:59 38:01 38:01 38:02 38:02 38:09 38:10 38:11 38:12 38:12 38:14 38:16 38:19 38:19 38:20 38:23 38:26 38:28 38:28 38:28 38:30 38:30 38:30 38:31 38:31 38:37 1018 1019 1020 1021 1022 1023 1024 1025 1026 1027 1028 1029 1030 1031 1032 1033 1034 1035 1036 1037 1038 1039 1040 1041 1042 1043 1044 1045 1046 1047 1048 1049 1050 1051 1052 1053 1054 1055 1056 1057 1058 1059 1060 1061 1062 1063 1064 1065 1066 1067 1068 1069 1070 1071 1072 1073 1074 1075 1076 1077 Julia Vandergrift F8 38:38 Shelley McLaughlin F35 38:39 Michele Miller F32 38:46 Anthony Anderson M23 38:47 Robert Remes M40 38:47 Marvin Stewart M61 38:48 Sarah Ellison F25 38:49 Amy Odeneal F28 38:49 Amy Beleckas F22 38:51 Sara Bain F27 38:54 Michael Seibert M32 38:54 Kelly Green F45 38:57 Ann McFarlain F13 38:58 Allison Peters F32 38:59 John McFarlain M45 39:00 Saralee Morales F23 39:01 Angelo Silva M24 39:01 Alexxandria Matos F23 39:01 Josh Setvin M24 39:02 James Demarco M35 39:06 Aurora Demarco F33 39:06 Marissa Mainwood F34 39:08 Michelle Brooks F51 39:08 Martha Brushwood F50 39:14 Vikram Pancholy M36 39:14 Thomas Austin M60 39:14 Diane Austin F55 39:14 Mary Lou ManausaF76 39:15 Paul Beleckas M51 39:17 Luciana Hornung F29 39:18 Jonathan Rees M27 39:20 Nicole Elliott F26 39:20 Morgan Stanich F21 39:21 Susan Tobin F58 39:22 Josh Giles M34 39:23 Dana Dowling F40 39:24 Kim Ortloff F45 39:24 Sarah Shuler F35 39:30 Billy Miller M49 39:30 Michelle Costello F41 39:38 Stephanie Levitt F25 39:44 Vernon Blackburn M51 39:46 Rhonda Blackburn F50 39:46 Eliza Partington F36 39:46 John Harris M25 39:47 Zachary Russell M32 39:47 Meghan Martinez F31 39:48 Andrey Ingram M10 39:48 Nicole Meneses F23 39:49 Laura Sullivan F48 39:49 John Williamson M24 39:49 Craig Mugglin M51 39:51 Scott Ingram M48 39:51 Doyle Mullins M37 39:51 Thomas Zaccardi M62 39:53 Daniel Howard M24 39:54 Elizabeth Robertson F20 39:56 Brooke Sprague F22 39:56 Martha Martin F61 39:56 Whitney Hyatt F29 40:02 Page 31 1078 1079 1080 1081 1082 1083 1084 1085 1086 1087 1088 1089 1090 1091 1092 1093 1094 1095 1096 1097 1098 1099 1100 1101 1102 1103 1104 1105 1106 1107 1108 1109 1110 1111 1112 1113 1114 1115 1116 1117 1118 1119 1120 1121 1122 1123 1124 1125 1126 1127 1128 1129 1130 1131 1132 1133 1134 1135 1136 1137 Colleen Ganley F30 Danielle Vaughn F31 Sharyn Kerwin F41 Christine Sanders F30 Ruth Manzo F46 Edward Costello M44 Amanda Chatham F26 Barbi Miller F36 David Parahyba M26 Patrice Thomas F30 Jen Marsalona F29 Sharon Darsh F25 Dee Dee Wingate F49 Tonya Smith F27 Ashley Istler F27 Kenny Heim M27 Kevin Zengel M27 Holly Thompson F42 Kappy Robbins F10 Jennifer Hopgood F33 Cynthia Holifield F28 Andrew Smith M23 Alexandria Shelton F25 Crystal-Dawn Badger F30 Jack Bailey M21 Joanna Marinho M26 Hannah Naber F24 Shannon Angle F41 Aidan Angle M8 Betty Payzant F30 Nancy Irwin F27 Renee Marsh F40 Barbara Crandall F61 Peggy Beleckas F53 Angie Hobbs F43 Caroline Robbins F12 Angie Long F45 Michael Bates M68 Chelsey Peters F30 Christi Billington F32 Jeremy Billington M34 Emily Collins F24 Ellie Goralnick F22 Jim Berhalter M45 Shahid Ahmad M29 Dan McGrew M40 Chelsea Casterline F19 Heaven Lewis F22 Katie Jones F28 Simone Hasskew F21 Allison Peters F21 Gloria Aggabao F47 Jimmie Crain M45 Morgan Ford F23 Andrew Hamilton M25 Kristen Kerr F23 Jaimie Burkewitz F25 Sarah Carruthers F26 Robert Morris M83 Megan Picinic F31 40:04 40:05 40:06 40:09 40:09 40:10 40:10 40:11 40:12 40:13 40:13 40:15 40:19 40:21 40:23 40:25 40:25 40:27 40:30 40:34 40:35 40:39 40:42 40:42 40:45 40:46 40:47 40:48 40:50 40:50 40:51 40:51 40:55 40:58 40:58 41:00 41:01 41:09 41:13 41:13 41:14 41:14 41:15 41:27 41:28 41:29 41:39 41:41 41:44 42:06 42:10 42:12 42:13 42:13 42:14 42:21 42:22 42:22 42:23 42:23 Page 30 780 781 782 783 784 785 786 787 788 789 790 791 792 793 794 795 796 797 798 799 800 801 802 803 804 805 806 807 808 809 810 811 812 813 814 815 816 817 818 819 820 821 822 823 824 825 826 827 828 829 830 831 832 833 834 835 836 837 838 Leah Blake F25 Ryan Kuhl M23 Michelle Wanek F22 Breanna Currie F24 Christopher Warfel M29 Chris Hudson M42 Marshall Kelley M69 Michael A Byrd M62 Robin Smith F51 Nancy Minev F24 Jenifer Ranft F30 Melissa Marshall F37 Myka Blombergh F32 Melissa Daly F37 Sean Babb M23 Stephanie McNab F28 Tambra Means F41 Linda Levins F62 Stephanie Levin F20 Danna Osceola F27 Kevin Coleman M46 Carrie Yozviak F36 Sandra Bucklew F47 Walt Williams M61 Taren Brewer F24 Ryan Sullivan M26 Nicole Weisman F21 Alexandra Beesting F22 Kelly Bilbrey F25 Christine Dodson F44 Nicole Benson F37 Mae Cleveland F75 Erin Taratoot F35 John Glenn M37 Avery Pierson M31 Michael Poplin M47 Tony Alex M40 Sarah Moore F53 Lisa Wilmer F34 Megan Gonzalez-Dickerson F32 Matt Sanders M30 Alexandria Pablos F22 Brian Lane M31 Allison Holgan F44 Alyssa Brancato F22 Patricia Crispino F31 Kayla Pope F25 Stacey Burch F42 Henriette Geyer F68 Rony Joseph M32 Jami Richmond F28 Nichole Landrum F39 Steven Landgraf M27 Jenna Drancsak F22 Briana Hall F34 Allen Ball M38 Anwar Archer M29 George Desloge M69 Trelles D' Alemberte F46 THE FL EET FO O T 33:18 33:20 33:20 33:21 33:21 33:22 33:23 33:26 33:26 33:26 33:27 33:28 33:30 33:31 33:31 33:31 33:31 33:32 33:35 33:36 33:37 33:38 33:39 33:40 33:40 33:41 33:43 33:44 33:44 33:45 33:46 33:48 33:49 33:50 33:50 33:51 33:51 33:52 33:53 33:53 33:54 33:57 33:58 33:58 33:59 34:02 34:06 34:07 34:08 34:08 34:09 34:09 34:10 34:10 34:11 34:13 34:14 34:14 34:16 839 840 841 842 843 844 845 846 847 848 849 850 851 852 853 854 855 856 857 858 859 860 861 862 863 864 865 866 867 868 869 870 871 872 873 874 875 876 877 878 879 880 881 882 883 884 885 886 887 888 889 890 891 892 893 894 895 896 897 898 Kelley Burk F36 Elliott McCaskill M28 Ana Sutherland F52 Jennifer Miller F33 Katie Cruikshank F27 Stacey Hobbs F41 Gina Resavage F43 Jeffry Lee M31 Meggan McCarthy F29 Kendra Prisk F30 Lauren Snyder F28 Kristi Uzzell F24 Peter Linde M26 Lauren McCowin F32 James McQueen F24 Michael Getman M29 Katie Klutz F31 Alan Wise M33 William Hodges M21 Holly Ardolf F24 Gabrielle Arcangeli F25 Margaret Beshara F35 Ellen Deramo F66 Jill Murphy F57 Aidan Hudson F38 Julie Monnin F45 Schuyler Clauson M29 Riley Parrish M11 Wendy Parrish F40 Eve Nieto F45 Taylor Whitacre M24 Lauren Cook F23 Bartholomew Pisapia M57 Thomas Asbury M28 Lucille Spann F27 Kimberly Stosik F29 Jerry Chesnutt M64 Jim Vassar M58 Katie Bradley F32 Cheryl Ward F50 Wayland Harkey M61 Rachel Rivers F18 Sara Latorre F27 Victoria Lai F22 Madison Brooks F22 Harrison Korb M24 Alicia Kunish F31 Brian Dupree M50 Corbin Cobb M23 Dianna Weston F61 Valynda Nichols F56 Federica Vergani F24 Katherine Rancano F23 Katie Rose Robison F27 Colleen Mullen F29 Andrea Frohoff F22 Taylor McMullen M34 Meghan Presnell F37 Matt Peters M32 Jenna Rogoff F22 34:16 34:17 34:18 34:18 34:21 34:23 34:23 34:24 34:24 34:24 34:24 34:24 34:25 34:25 34:25 34:27 34:28 34:28 34:30 34:32 34:34 34:37 34:41 34:42 34:42 34:43 34:43 34:44 34:44 34:45 34:46 34:48 34:48 34:50 34:50 34:51 34:51 34:53 34:53 34:55 34:57 34:59 35:03 35:04 35:04 35:06 35:07 35:10 35:11 35:12 35:12 35:13 35:13 35:15 35:15 35:18 35:20 35:21 35:23 35:25 Volume 40 Issue 5 899 900 901 902 903 904 905 906 907 908 909 910 911 912 913 914 915 916 917 918 919 920 921 922 923 924 925 926 927 928 929 930 931 932 933 934 935 936 937 938 939 940 941 942 943 944 945 946 947 948 949 950 951 952 953 954 955 956 957 Wyatt Hughes M32 Christopher Hornbaker Sr. M59 Carolyn Barringer F34 Casey Setvin M21 Cheryl Knight F30 Kyle Patterson F24 Carolyn Johnson F31 Diana Davenport F22 Cristen Crosby F22 Paul Mauer M31 Katherine Wright F27 Rebekah Rivers F57 Jackie Menzel F30 Katherine Becker F32 Christy Chatmon F42 Kristian Oldham M27 Nick Dodge M23 Joel Kay M28 Jessica Voss F21 Bobby Clemons M55 Holly Schans F24 Amy Schrader F40 Andrew Pendergast M21 Tammy Hornbaker F55 Alex Remes M11 Richard Santurri M55 Samantha Pochowski F21 Marissa Harrington F24 Caroline Grant F28 Thomas Picinic M26 Brandon Carpenter M29 Blaire Kubie F29 Heather Drymon F29 Amanda Moulton F28 Susan Ledford F52 Denice Jones F59 Jasmin Bozorth F23 Adriannee Holmes F37 Susan Kaempfer F58 Lee Phillips F54 Lynn McCartney F52 Christine Ranft F27 Carrie McEachin F25 Chris Cherry M35 Mike Esser M46 Stephanie Lamboy F23 Patricia Rodriguez F23 Tod Stupski M57 Kendal Varnes F9 Jessica Dalton F34 Kaitlyn Burnett F23 Paul Palumbo M48 Letitia Brown F40 Jon Brown M40 Julie Gibson F39 Rachael Green F23 Vincent Mikkelsen M43 Julie Christesen F27 Megan Duncan F24 35:25 35:28 35:31 35:32 35:33 35:34 35:34 35:36 35:36 35:37 35:37 35:42 35:44 35:46 35:48 35:52 35:53 35:56 35:57 35:58 35:59 36:05 36:06 36:09 36:12 36:13 36:14 36:14 36:15 36:15 36:16 36:16 36:17 36:17 36:20 36:20 36:21 36:21 36:22 36:22 36:22 36:23 36:24 36:25 36:27 36:29 36:29 36:31 36:31 36:36 36:37 36:39 36:41 36:41 36:43 36:44 36:44 36:46 36:50 Volume 40 Issue 5 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 Kane Tucker M Hunter Tucker F Jillian Solburg F Michelle Gray F Ginni Moore F Darwin Carter M Barbara T. Hudson F Ruth Ann Clements F Tabitha McNulty F Diamond Teague F Pamela Damitz F Mickie Cooksey F Alice Sander F Belinda Heys F Tonya Hobby F Jennifer Nagy F Kyra Hobby F Patti Macdonald F Monica Macdonald F Ryland Pince M Christina Moses F Patti Murray F Lara Edwards F Mary Balthrop F Beth Butterworth F Michelle Williams F WD Williams M Brielle Clark F Connor Clark M Mary Schrenker F Mary Ann Davenport F Michelle Quigley F Maranda Marxsen F Durene Gilbert F Peter Marxsen M Lori Sweetman F Lauren Piersa F THE FL EET FO O T 9 38 33 38 22 70 74 56 40 10 44 65 62 38 43 36 10 54 25 10 41 54 44 65 43 42 56 15 13 51 52 60 47 58 53 57 51 41:48 41:50 42:13 42:17 42:18 42:42 42:50 44:33 45:40 48:23 48:23 49:41 49:41 50:23 51:19 51:19 51:19 52:04 52:04 52:28 52:48 52:48 53:44 53:44 54:12 55:00 55:00 55:00 55:02 56:10 56:12 56:16 56:33 56:33 56:30 57:02 57:03 Palace Saloon 5K 4/11/2015 Mike Burns, R.D. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Tyler Udland Stephen Robbins Chris Lake Nate Kaiser Clay Milford Roger Schmidt Bryan Koon Jake Mazziotta James McClure Dan Baur George Gwynn Adam Greenstein Geb Kiros Gary Droze Zach Deveau Sean Hudson M23 M18 M27 M35 M15 M23 M43 M16 M15 M29 M17 M23 M48 M53 M27 M44 15:29 16:19 16:22 16:24 16:51 16:52 16:59 17:06 17:09 17:10 17:11 17:13 17:17 17:21 17:41 17:43 Torreya Trail Challenge 4/11/2015 Joe Edgecombe, R.D. 50K 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Charn McAllister Vince Molosky Andy Roberts Elliott Smith Steven Speakman Keith Gates Ashley Daily Luis Barrios Andrew Barrett Dana Stetson Steven Specht Sandra Garrett Heather Davenport Ricky Weiss Lydia Miles Aldo Fonticiella Letha Cruthirds Mary Holley 4:54:04 5:16:14 5:38:12 5:38:55 6:03:42 6:10:50 6:15:07 6:47:07 6:53:48 7:13:20 7:18:08 7:36:10 7:40:34 7:50:10 7:57:42 8:45:43 9:02:57 9:16:31 25K 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Eric Godin Jon Mason Mark Jones Hal Fravel Jimbo Smart Steven Romo Landon Jones Michael Kennett Michael McAdams Kristen Bowers Matt Pollard 2:18:40 2:19:19 2:28:31 2:39:27 2:48:50 2:52:12 2:55:04 2:55:59 2:58:34 3:03:15 3:08:11 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Peter Wood Jacob Robbins Lauren Poulos Jimmy Williams Jay Wallace Michael Martinez Rik Pool Ryan Truchelut Paul Guyas Sheryl Rosen Lane Williams Jacob Dodson Terance Keenan Katie Gorman Donald Kunish Jon Nash Katie Sherron Nick Loffer Chris Bach Tim Unger Carter Hay David Welling David Graf M26 M15 F29 M22 M50 M49 M20 M29 M37 F30 M19 M15 M50 F23 M39 M35 F33 M31 M27 M55 M43 M30 M39 17:48 17:53 17:54 18:00 18:01 18:06 18:18 18:18 18:21 18:24 18:28 18:30 18:33 18:35 18:35 18:37 18:40 18:49 18:51 18:56 18:57 19:00 19:02 Page 23 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 Ken Thrasher 3:08:41 Juan Jourde 3:14:13 Pat Judd 3:15:43 Jeff Bryan 3:18:06 Tim Brown 3:20:40 Megan Federico 3:23:27 Amelia Crooms 3:23:30 Eddie Conner 3:32:10 Heather York 3:38:36 Cathy Tibbetts 3:39:26 Jeff Picker 3:40:58 Jo Lena Bryan 3:43:40 Andy Mathews 3:44:31 Amy Wood 3:44:32 Sue Cottrill 3:45:38 David Farnsworth 3:46:36 Michael Boll 3:50:17 John Barstis 3:50:28 Lynn Masimore 3:52:42 Alison Hand 3:54:30 Altha Vermillion 3:54:31 Melissa Zapata 3:55:36 Gordon Cherr 3:56:37 Wayne Boulanger 3:56:47 Bud Fennema 4:04:36 Emily Peterson 4:04:43 Tina Grimes 4:04:48 Shelton Ansley 4:07:34 Hank Epperson 4:11:24 Tyler Fenton 4:11:26 Tom Caldwell 4:18:41 Carlos Zapata 4:20:17 Tiffany Meitner 4:27:51 Christopher Meitner 4:27:53 Gary Cato 4:31:53 Dale Pearson 4:33:25 Barry Reed 4:41:38 Ashleigh Smith 4:43:28 Tammy Pearson 6:00:40 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 Charlie Lang Brian Bautista Philip Sura Adriana Piekarewicz Joshua Liles Duane Evans A J Hodges Johnny McClure Bill McNulty Trent Mills Mark Tombrink Scott Minert Tad David Camilo Ordonez Felton Wright Randall Porcher Larry Harris Stephanie Liles-Weyant David Knauf Chuck Lang T J Devlieger Greg Waddell 58 59 60 61 M16 M26 M45 F26 M16 M47 M14 M13 M56 M27 M27 M46 M46 M36 M57 M49 M46 19:05 19:10 19:16 19:17 19:19 19:25 19:29 19:31 19:37 19:41 19:44 19:46 19:47 19:48 19:50 19:56 19:57 F42 M51 M49 M52 M49 19:57 20:00 20:01 20:01 20:04 Page 24 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 Renee Cox F27 Marisa Abegg F28 Robert Wiwi M24 Caleb Coale M28 Eric Bernard M35 Chad Johnson M44 Alese Autore F37 Nathan Rhodes M36 Roobens Louis M22 Bill Clift M25 Jawara Jarrett M23 Ryan Scolnik M27 Wayne Thumm M43 Bob Asztalos M56 Aaron Bentley M24 Richard Aarons M36 Michael La Bossiere M48 Kyle Shaw M34 Jerry McDaniel M61 Mike Weyant M49 Kathleen Whitworth F17 Fernando Lenis M21 Dan Manausa M45 Andrew Hart M25 Michael Blankinship M22 David Brock M16 Travis Carter M20 Rob McNeely M55 Vikki Saga F55 Laura McDermott F35 Patrick Koon M9 Jack McDermott M46 Brad Taylor M37 Jillian Heddaeus F32 Sarrah Carroll F32 Eric Dueno M47 Greg Perry M42 Babatunde Olaoye M22 Elizabeth Jackson F18 Barney Ray M52 Mitchell Phillips M15 Angela Dempsey F46 Jim Phillips M49 Michael Savage M58 Robert Skrob M43 Will Pafford M29 Christopher Coffman M23 Jason Wright M42 Jimmy Sauls M35 Katie Sack F23 Matt Hohmeister M34 Keith Howell M32 Kermitt Washington M35 Michelle Claycomb F28 Jonathan Carden M17 Vicky Droze F39 Bill Chatham M30 Nikky Manausa F33 Emma Spencer F34 Joel Piotrowski M45 THE FL EET FO O T 20:05 20:14 20:15 20:17 20:20 20:22 20:24 20:26 20:28 20:32 20:39 20:39 20:43 20:45 20:51 20:56 20:57 20:59 20:59 21:01 21:03 21:06 21:08 21:08 21:12 21:14 21:14 21:16 21:16 21:17 21:18 21:18 21:19 21:20 21:26 21:26 21:27 21:31 21:33 21:33 21:34 21:34 21:35 21:35 21:37 21:38 21:39 21:41 21:42 21:43 21:43 21:44 21:44 21:45 21:45 21:45 21:47 21:51 21:56 21:59 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 Hawthorne Hay M13 Paula O'Neill F53 Todd Resavage M45 Hamp Stoutamire M49 Austin Johnson M24 Jonathan Shiver M27 Cameron Hackney M27 Krista Killius F52 Alyssa Bertinelli F23 Daniela Wojtalewicz F22 Kory Skrob F44 Alison Thumm F37 Dale L. Smith M61 Eric Laywell M50 Robert Patron M49 Jay Silvanima M55 Thomas Hahn M45 Ben Faulk M35 Katie Clark F40 Craig Willis M63 Victoria Richmond F24 Lisa Dowling F29 Sarah Dugas F36 Travis Widick M33 David Anderson M64 Kyle Gower-Winter M33 Dustin McRae M28 Gar Flisek M69 Mark Jeter M49 Clement Allen M50 Melanie Leitman F31 Nancy Proctor F54 Chris Howcroft M27 Chad Mathias M29 Peter Dowling M28 Randy Naylor M44 Ron Christen M69 Tsige Tadesse F42 Melvin Jones M35 Nico Wienders M44 Nancy Stedman F53 Ronald Harrison M46 Mickey Phillips M41 Jonathan Campbell M21 Tim Bottcher M53 Jane Skalski F30 Beverly Hamilton F37 Christopher Turner M33 David Yon M59 Kelsey Kilinski F29 Ryan Reeves M30 Reid Hanway M31 Dylan Snowden F24 Josh Mangus M26 Stephanie Davis F26 Kathleen Crowley F55 Geoff Likens M49 Eric S. Scott M50 Mace Maxwell M57 Michael Duckett M24 22:04 22:05 22:06 22:10 22:16 22:18 22:22 22:23 22:25 22:25 22:28 22:29 22:30 22:31 22:35 22:36 22:37 22:39 22:40 22:41 22:42 22:43 22:45 22:52 22:53 22:55 22:55 22:56 22:56 22:58 22:58 22:59 22:59 23:02 23:04 23:04 23:05 23:05 23:06 23:07 23:10 23:11 23:13 23:14 23:15 23:16 23:19 23:19 23:20 23:20 23:21 23:21 23:23 23:26 23:26 23:26 23:27 23:29 23:32 23:33 Volume 40 Issue 5 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 John Hunt M47 Seth Kerr M26 Wyatt Brooks M41 Amanda Hudson F38 Robert Brooks M62 Hal Davis M59 Brad Burns M47 Sean Dasilva M42 Luke Liles M19 Connor Chambliss M23 Jennifer Shafer F47 Steve Anders M27 Buddy Levins M61 Amanda Dossat F28 Corinne Porcher F46 Jacob Mattern M31 Sarah Monbarren F29 John McClung M46 Adam Potter M30 Craig Asselin M32 Guy Anglin M71 Crystal Anderson F29 Matt Barrios M33 Martha Bademan F30 Romeo Aggabao M49 Spencer Henson F23 David Darm M28 Sarah Sawyer F22 Brad Monbarren M29 Kaitlin Early F21 Timothy Fraser M37 Chip Giles M37 Carlos Medina M34 Kaci Basford F26 Birgit Maier-Katkin F52 Zack Scharlepp M32 Joseph Price M45 Melissa Hooke F36 Kelly Garland F43 Marien Dimacali F53 Myron Herring M56 Julia Sura F43 Kate Krizner F11 Kimberly Anderson F27 Nathan Wright M32 Julie Clark F53 Sebastian Koffer M32 Shelly Herman F31 Ron Nieto M49 Mark Dobo M26 Scott Cooney M29 Free Blombergh M36 Julie Puckett F42 Kaleigh Nabb F22 Alex Anderson M29 Chadwick McCauley M27 Sandi Lewis F42 Hope Hoffman F34 Kenya Rich F42 Bill Dillon M48 23:34 23:34 23:35 23:35 23:35 23:36 23:37 23:37 23:38 23:38 23:39 23:41 23:43 23:43 23:45 23:48 23:49 23:52 23:53 23:53 23:54 23:55 23:57 23:58 24:00 24:04 24:05 24:05 24:06 24:07 24:11 24:12 24:12 24:13 24:14 24:15 24:15 24:15 24:17 24:17 24:17 24:19 24:19 24:19 24:19 24:21 24:22 24:22 24:23 24:27 24:28 24:28 24:28 24:29 24:30 24:31 24:31 24:32 24:32 24:35 Volume 40 Issue 5 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 Lisa Truckenbrod Jesse Rouse Rachel Roddenberry Joe Ciesla Mary Stutzman Kelli Kunda Jennifer Patria Chris Fritz Brad Givens Soheyla Mahdavian Abe Hodges Ella Hodges Nicholas Long Joseph Fridinger Lauren Cowart John Tan Gabrielle Palmeri Jen Rivas Jen Dickinson Gabriel Diez Calyn Stringer Eren Ozguven Eric Bridges Jill Hoover Lesya Wilbur Andrew Deneen Patricia Dugan Adriana Lucas Jennifer Keegan Melissa Cone Mariela Santurri Candace Walters Heidi Baker Max Eastman Leisa Eastman Allison Born William McCrimon Michael Burke Wade Eastman Danel Jenkins Lynn Cowart Michelle Hudson Tori Bradley Jackie McDaniel Andrew Apple Katie Bohnett Sara Hart Sarah Thorpe Karen Jeter Belinda Wise Lauren McCaskill Brittany Jackson Elizabeth Desloge Vicki Crain Shannon Belmont Tabatha Nelson Wade Nelson Darren Robinette Jenn Bronson Erin Callan F50 M29 F23 M23 F66 F31 F22 M29 M26 F30 M43 F10 M14 M31 F19 M41 F21 F31 F39 M21 F30 M34 M24 F33 F33 M27 F64 F25 F28 F28 F44 F27 F32 M15 F36 F26 M27 M31 M13 M37 M60 F22 F22 F60 M26 F30 F33 F23 F47 F32 F24 F26 F27 F36 F23 F31 M36 M47 F36 F39 THE FL EET FO O T 30:17 30:19 30:20 30:22 30:22 30:23 30:23 30:23 30:25 30:27 30:28 30:28 30:28 30:28 30:29 30:29 30:31 30:33 30:34 30:34 30:35 30:35 30:35 30:38 30:39 30:40 30:41 30:41 30:41 30:42 30:42 30:43 30:44 30:44 30:44 30:44 30:44 30:44 30:45 30:45 30:46 30:47 30:47 30:48 30:48 30:49 30:51 30:51 30:52 30:53 30:54 30:54 30:55 30:55 30:58 30:59 30:59 31:00 31:00 31:01 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 Bruce Lynn M67 31:02 Sandra Buchanan F55 31:03 Jonathan Lang M12 31:03 Trevor Swiggard M27 31:04 Andrew Thornquest M28 31:10 Sam Crooks M13 31:14 Karah Rush F30 31:14 Marisa McNulty F13 31:14 Dana Crooks F19 31:15 Macie Varnes F11 31:16 Rose McCaffrey F48 31:17 Laura Hartstein F23 31:17 Denise Personett F41 31:17 Lane Turkle F26 31:22 Jeanette Lehn F32 31:23 Kayla Bass F22 31:23 Scott Walker M54 31:23 Soham Ghosh M28 31:24 Michael Ruff M39 31:25 Aziz Ould Ismail M28 31:26 Diane Kaji F47 31:26 Danielle Larsen F25 31:28 Lee Snowden M50 31:28 Megan Wadsworth F23 31:28 Chris Wiley M23 31:30 Carol Winger F66 31:30 Caroline Capper F30 31:31 Caroll Ortega F25 31:32 Karen Thomas F27 31:34 Courtney Kee F22 31:34 Laryn Flikkema M39 31:35 Sean Flanagan M47 31:36 David Scandlyn M27 31:37 Paul Pickles M48 31:37 Kaori Takasugi F32 31:38 Eric Pickles M44 31:39 Kristl Varnes F42 31:39 Cynthia Cooper F37 31:39 Chris Beatty M30 31:40 Jacqueline Davison F30 31:41 Greg Picinic M33 31:42 Liz Hastings F25 31:43 Diane Nerney F46 31:45 Alie Fleming F40 31:45 Daniel Peeri M26 31:45 Vallis Henley F41 31:46 Erin Giblin F23 31:51 Stephen Usztok M27 31:51 Jesycakam KamenetskyF20 31:52 Cody Paulsen M23 31:53 Mariah Pinkerton F22 31:54 Zachary Bridges M21 31:54 Christina Calabro F27 31:55 Ashley Hancock F30 31:56 Daniela La Rosa F22 31:57 Emma Kerwin F14 31:57 Adam Montgomery M35 31:58 Brian Starke M24 31:59 Tayler Ott F21 32:01 Juliet Fogarty F33 32:01 Page 29 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 774 775 776 777 778 779 Brennan Fogarty M34 32:03 Erika Frisby-Moore F38 32:04 Chris Sheppard M33 32:04 Jen Barton F32 32:05 Chris Anderson M37 32:07 Ginna Raymer F36 32:07 Christina Bastin F22 32:11 Tanya Devlieger F42 32:12 Ashley Camacho F21 32:13 Lisa Chadwick F39 32:13 Katie Kole F33 32:13 Cinil Maliakkal M38 32:13 Dot Skofronick F77 32:13 Ashley Mullins F33 32:13 Franklin Price M47 32:14 Randy Sanders M49 32:15 Christie Coleman F36 32:16 Karen Munoz F55 32:20 Sandy Pagano F51 32:20 Timothy Perry M38 32:21 Kristy Trueblood F38 32:23 Graham Hackley M12 32:24 William Roberts M39 32:24 Nita Smith F44 32:24 Lucy Habel F21 32:25 Christina Maddox F37 32:25 Stephanie Bird F29 32:26 Chris Conley M28 32:26 Walter Clemence M33 32:28 Colton Clary M23 32:29 Jamoe Pitts F38 32:32 Jessica Johnson F32 32:34 Christopher Lauriston M35 32:35 Sarah Brown F28 32:37 Ashley Farrell F28 32:37 Katie Orr F22 32:39 Steven Louchheim M52 32:40 Brian Roper M40 32:42 Meaghan Pickles F33 32:42 Debra Brown F53 32:43 Alexis Phillips F34 32:45 Monica McCormack F39 32:45 Connor Watson M22 32:54 Bobbi Paul F52 32:54 Joanna Paul F50 32:56 Ryan Burk M43 32:57 Alexander Post M25 32:58 Lauren Pelkey F29 33:00 Jill Stupski F24 33:00 Carrie Tillet-Saks F24 33:04 Dustin Carruthers M31 33:04 Laina Whipple F30 33:05 James Marshall M39 33:07 Chuck Davis M54 33:07 Jana Davis F45 33:07 Donna Graham F55 33:09 Anthony Roberts M53 33:10 Neil Dimacali M55 33:14 Alex Marshall M9 33:14 Katie Fine F27 33:15 Page 28 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 Erin Schwager F41 27:51 Steven Lohbeck M33 27:51 Cj Hauser F31 27:52 Johnny Hamilton M33 27:53 Allie Caldwell F24 27:53 Robin Elyse Bennett F29 27:54 Diana Caldwell F58 27:55 Mark Garland M45 27:55 Deborah Burr F44 27:57 Lizz Harrington F24 27:57 Sonya Dudley F46 27:57 Austin Clauson M24 27:58 Kirsten Kinsley F43 27:58 Robert Vezina M23 27:58 Brian Burch M40 27:58 A J Smith M55 27:58 Michelle Butler F31 27:58 Kevin Ledbetter M35 27:59 Russ Forstall M26 28:00 Ryan Buck M28 28:00 Lilli Unger F12 28:00 Stanley Bell M31 28:00 Charley Kirkland M28 28:01 Anna Heitz F28 28:01 Jim Killius M53 28:03 Cathy Shields F47 28:03 Rick Ashton M68 28:05 Kevin Langston M57 28:06 Lisa Cox F50 28:07 Annie McElhaney F31 28:08 Travis Jarboe M23 28:08 Amy Brown F42 28:10 Logan Arbogast M22 28:12 Casey Hutto M61 28:12 Abigail Lannan F20 28:13 Hayden Johnson M23 28:13 Christopher Strunk M37 28:14 Lorena Thomas F38 28:15 Sakif Rahman M26 28:17 Heather Myers F22 28:17 Stephanie Kunkel F35 28:18 Ashleigh Brodley F42 28:18 Patricia Knauf F46 28:19 Cameron Greene M28 28:20 Kim Morton F25 28:21 Stephanie Clemons F31 28:21 Maria Matheu F36 28:22 Ashley Grable F25 28:23 David Gwynn M49 28:23 Seth Stanaland M30 28:24 Takudzwa Madzima M29 28:24 Becca Halla F23 28:25 Emily Johnston F22 28:25 Chris Collins M39 28:25 Rich Mariner M51 28:28 Jennifer Linares F25 28:28 Julie Hanowell F44 28:28 Andrew Gormley M36 28:30 Scott Woods M40 28:30 Gina Tran F44 28:31 THE FL EET FO O T 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 Jordan Carlin F21 Nathan Macdonald M28 Kyle Gonzales M23 Gene Stuckey M61 Tonya Windham F39 Rich Lilau M24 Lance Lankford M27 Adam Steele M24 Ryan Lett M36 Terry Ryan M66 Shanin Frost F43 Allison Hess F87 Amit Ramati F21 Rich Devine M28 Johanna Petty F36 Linda McNeal F51 Parker Ellen M36 Joe Robertson M27 Angela Perry F43 Emma Dugger F52 Greg Ozbun M46 Hunter Snyder M23 Michiko Wolcott F45 Kelia Stradtner F21 Julie Paniucki F44 Michele Murray F35 Russell Johnson M30 Corey Gens M23 Mary Jean Yon F59 Ranj Ilangantileke M39 Zack Welsh M22 Ella Porcher F10 Heather Blanton F40 Mark Priddy M59 April Ales F42 John Bikowitz M29 Tyler Trobert F21 Jose Sanchez M44 Katy Zamesnik F29 Jessica Sosio F23 Marie Haddock F46 Lawson Yale F27 Jason Maxwell M38 Vlada Tchourioukanova F19 David Stoms M30 Jeff Moia M29 Alexander Warmka M27 Laurie Jones F60 Scott Mehr M51 Chad Benson M40 Worth Corn M33 Ludmila De Faria F46 Artie White M34 Morgan McCord F22 Perha Varley F70 Daniel Rivalti M29 Liovani Nazario F41 Jonna Snider F34 Angela Huston F28 28:32 28:33 28:34 28:34 28:35 28:36 28:36 28:38 28:42 28:42 28:42 28:42 28:43 28:44 28:46 28:46 28:48 28:51 28:51 28:53 28:53 28:57 28:58 28:58 28:59 29:00 29:01 29:01 29:01 29:01 29:02 29:03 29:06 29:06 29:06 29:07 29:07 29:09 29:10 29:11 29:12 29:12 29:13 29:13 29:14 29:16 29:17 29:18 29:18 29:20 29:22 29:23 29:23 29:23 29:23 29:24 29:24 29:25 29:26 Volume 40 Issue 5 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 Eric Miller Jimmy Ledford Constance Hosey Jared Parramore Mark Ard Taylor Meredith Chris Hartelius Kensey Edgar Tiffany Coulter Leigh Ann Bradley Catherine Howat Kristin Gandy Katie Townsend John Engelbrecht Irene Engelbrecht Thomas Kent Mitchell White Mike McMickle James Frutos Molly Hornock Matt Douberly Kaila Trimble William Sheppard Don Miller Anne Priddy Leslie Scandlyn Mark Alexander Alexis Smith Bill Davis Buddy Walker Kelli Dillon Tyler Whyard Kate Widness Elizabeth Millnard Shane Cordileone Terri Christiansen Patty Ghazvini Tonya Kidd Elisa Lutz Cory Thorpe Amanda Bell John Moore Ashley Moore Tracy Taylor Monique Ellsworth Adam Young Amanda Doumanian Reeves Wendi Cannon Charles Edwards David Proctor Ba Shaun Henry Tessa Winbigler Abigail Showman Joshua Richmond Joseph Duncan Erin Duncan Patty Lang Erin Mahagan Mark Hohmeister M28 M59 F32 M32 M36 F22 M22 F27 F35 F36 F38 F41 F32 M31 F32 M23 M47 M22 M23 F27 M23 F22 M62 M42 F66 F28 M48 F27 M63 M54 F44 M22 F27 F19 M23 F51 F42 F49 F31 M24 F29 M36 F31 F34 F26 M30 29:26 29:27 29:28 29:28 29:29 29:30 29:30 29:31 29:32 29:33 29:34 29:34 29:35 29:36 29:36 29:37 29:38 29:38 29:38 29:40 29:40 29:41 29:41 29:41 29:42 29:43 29:44 29:45 29:45 29:45 29:45 29:45 29:46 29:47 29:48 29:49 29:50 29:50 29:52 29:52 29:59 30:00 30:00 30:01 30:01 30:02 F29 F36 M61 M53 F42 F17 F26 M30 M35 F32 F48 F22 M62 30:04 30:08 30:08 30:09 30:11 30:12 30:13 30:13 30:15 30:15 30:15 30:16 30:16 Volume 40 Issue 5 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 Chuck Pierson M43 Crystal Douglas F39 Kyle Sill M31 Brent Philpot M34 John Arnold M23 Thomas Jacques M28 Jacob Jursinski M22 Brad Hicks M54 Steve Stone M28 Steven Stolting M56 Robert McDonald M57 Eric Villafuerte M26 Adam Oliver M27 James Harrison M58 Morris Davis M58 Tim Bennett M40 Kaitlyn Deghetto F29 Joe Vega M61 Andrew Piotrowski M21 Michael Jeffreys M30 Tiffany Roddenberry F30 Emmy Kyllonen F25 Douglas Smith M43 Nick Nichols M71 Scott Gregory M40 Tim Wingate M50 Perry Ponder M46 Thomas Gornick M31 Casey Perkins M29 Loranne Ausley F51 Marie Dennis F40 Mike Manausa M51 Tj Morton M35 Bill Krizner M40 Toma Sokolik M27 Courteney Mincy F23 Kristen Connors F23 Megan Long F28 Paul Norris M65 Stefan Green M23 Erik Andersen M32 Cindi Goodson F51 Tyler Everett M26 Timothy Johnston M26 Benjamin Stratton M11 Daniel Cutchen M53 Samuel Carlton M22 Drew Winters M36 Steven Kopacz M30 Alec Masson M29 Nina Reich F24 Shawn Blessing M37 Geoffrey Becker M48 Tyler Carver M11 Adrea Truckenmiller F32 Charles Smith M25 Dustin Evans M32 Nela Diaz F35 Taylor Graves M23 Ryan Pamplin M37 THE FL EET FO O T 24:36 24:37 24:37 24:37 24:39 24:40 24:43 24:45 24:46 24:47 24:48 24:48 24:48 24:50 24:52 24:54 24:54 24:54 24:55 24:57 24:58 24:59 25:00 25:00 25:02 25:02 25:04 25:04 25:04 25:05 25:05 25:06 25:06 25:06 25:07 25:07 25:07 25:08 25:10 25:11 25:13 25:15 25:15 25:15 25:17 25:18 25:20 25:22 25:22 25:24 25:25 25:26 25:26 25:30 25:31 25:32 25:33 25:33 25:37 25:38 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 Jamie Nichols F27 Kathy Greene F41 Lauralyn Hudgins F32 Ricky Lowary M28 Som Khot M38 Gene Opheim M68 Tara Lynch F31 Ryan Freesmeier M22 Tiffany Schleeter F27 Kevin Payne M45 Keith L Berry M58 Susan Piroth F39 Jennifer Baker F31 Tom Findley M55 Kenneth Nipper M29 Danny Langston M51 Matthew Kirschner M27 Francee Laywell F53 Justin Cooper M33 Deepak Haldiya M41 Mike Wilkey M44 Tom Zinsli M48 Scott Prine M16 Kelley Coe El-Urfali F51 Cherrelle Rogers F29 John Jenkins M56 Phil Deortentiis M31 Matt McPherson M45 Julie Coiro F31 Thomas Biance M34 Debbie Peters F54 William Hallal M26 Dale Bradley M57 Katie Allison F37 John Churey M23 Randy Pupo M32 Brian Baber M40 Raul Loys M47 Lois Collins F25 Patrick Kennell M55 Charles Boyle M34 Seth Coffin M45 Collin Lang M11 Stefan Sorne M26 Phillip Worts M29 Becky Scaringe F44 Chris Rietow M40 John McCoy M66 Tom Proeschel M48 Robert Cooper M37 Meghan Wilkey F42 Dade Stormwall M26 Elizabeth O'Neill F30 Joseph Petty M36 Whitney Rax M33 Jennifer Tappen F31 Matthew Jemison M28 Liam Maher M30 Robbie Brunger M66 Tom Krick M52 25:38 25:40 25:41 25:41 25:42 25:44 25:46 25:49 25:50 25:52 25:53 25:56 25:56 25:58 26:01 26:02 26:04 26:04 26:05 26:05 26:07 26:09 26:11 26:13 26:14 26:15 26:17 26:17 26:20 26:21 26:22 26:22 26:23 26:23 26:23 26:24 26:24 26:24 26:26 26:28 26:28 26:29 26:30 26:31 26:32 26:36 26:36 26:37 26:38 26:39 26:39 26:40 26:43 26:43 26:46 26:48 26:49 26:49 26:51 26:52 Page 25 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 Rachel Scharlepp John Boes Marc Malonzo Michelle Harrison Colleen Fahey Felipe Rivera Michele Osborne Dennis Smith Jessica Deneen Chris Yearwood Matt Hefelfinger Jamie Carver Michael Bernstein Betsy Miller Lisa Whitworth Ami Wheeler Stephen Kelly James Smith Ben Louwsma Ace Haddock Jeff McClain Lisa Starling Dre' Carter Isak Abaye Robert Hodgen John Mogg Bill Snyder Becky Bush Laura York Shelley Kaus Scott Howat Ginny Laffitte Kristen Knapp John Murnane Laurie Rodriguez Forrest Pittman Ryan Welch William Davis Stevie Leone Judith Sheppard Andrew Vinson Mitzi Woods Shea Vassar Jason Fuqua Kyle Shankle Sharon Sollohub Paul Russo Lyssa Oberkreser Robert McNeal Lindsay Potvin Lisa Unger Chelsea Crouch Michael Nease Gingy Sampson David Dejesus Valerie Hein Alan Hanstein John Bradley David Darst Ryan Bell F32 M34 M32 F47 F52 M29 F35 M49 F24 M45 M54 M42 M27 F37 F44 F41 M37 M30 M24 M45 M35 F49 M29 M26 M26 M40 M64 F46 F38 F31 M45 F29 F44 M22 F25 M27 M32 M34 F21 F58 M23 F38 F20 M35 M20 F50 M39 F44 M53 F30 F47 F23 M35 F50 M32 F48 M47 M36 M71 M30 26:52 26:53 26:54 26:54 26:54 26:55 26:55 26:56 26:57 26:59 26:59 27:02 27:04 27:05 27:09 27:09 27:10 27:11 27:11 27:12 27:13 27:14 27:15 27:16 27:16 27:17 27:17 27:20 27:20 27:24 27:24 27:25 27:26 27:26 27:27 27:27 27:28 27:29 27:30 27:30 27:32 27:32 27:33 27:33 27:34 27:36 27:36 27:36 27:37 27:39 27:40 27:40 27:40 27:41 27:44 27:45 27:46 27:49 27:50 27:51 Page 26 THE FL EET FO O T Volume 40 Issue 5 Volume 40 Issue 5 THE FL EET FO O T Page 27
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