March 2014 - Gulf Winds Track Club
$2 Volume 39 Issue 3 Newsletter of the Gulf Winds Track Club Mark Tombrink and Gary Galvez battle for the Finish at the Flash 12K (Mark prevailed!) Mar. 2014 Page 2 T HE F L EET F O O T Caitie Mook Ricky Bell Melanie Knight Benjamin Stratton Patricia Hogan Jackson Rowe Lucy Wright Fotena Zirps Volume 39 Issue 3 Will Peters Kellie Gerbers Jen Bricker Cara Atkinson Isabella Krizner Caroline Burnette Morgan Smith Red Fox 5K top 2 rows, Trent Mile - bottom row Page 3 THE FLEET FOOT Volume 38 Issue 7 Personal Records (P.R.’s) Tired of black & white? April Brown 28:56 Matanzas 5K Paula O’ Nell 1:43:26 Tallahassee Half Mar. Paula O’ Neill 55:09 Flash 12K April Brown 2:22:47 Tallahassee Half Mar. April Brown 1:12:36 Flash 12K Birgit Maier-Katkin 4:10:44 Tallahassee Marathon Birgit Maier-Katkin 24:30 Run for the Cookies 5K Mandy Hudson 1:41:50 Tallahassee Half Mar. Mandy Hudson 54:42 Flash 12K Pam Waller 4:45:09 Louisiana Marathon Reikan Lin 3:01:15 Tallahassee Marathon Reikan Lin 46:28 Flash 12K Tom Biance 4:56:21 Tallahassee Marathon Paula Kiger 1:31:31 Flash 12K John Hunt 1:55:46 Tallahassee Half Mar. Bill Dillon 1:55:45 Tallahassee Half Mar. Bill Dillon 1:00:14 Flash 12K Ron Nieto 1:57:05 Tallahassee Half Mar. Ron Nieto 1:00:41 Flash 12K Ben Hall 1:45:12 Tallahassee Half Mar. Ben Hall 23:03 Marianna Habitat 5K Duane Evans 50:32 Flash 12K Go for the Technicolor Fleet Foot! Advantages of the E-Fleet Foot: Color photos, and it arrives several days before paper version; save it on your computer forever instead of taking up space on your bookshelf! You must have high-speed Internet service and a working email address in order to receive the E-Fleet Foot. For information or to change your Fleet Foot status, email P.S. We often find errors thatwe can correct in the e-FF! Race pics at: Freddecka Ed Russell’s handcycle P.R.’s Mountain Mist 50K Trail Finishers 2:47:20 24:37 49:12 1:50:11 4:11:47 3:54:10 6 20 31 75 101 205 206 301 Biggest Loser Run/Walk Dope Challenge Disney 5K Minnie Mouse 10K Donald Duck 1/2 Marathon Mickey Mouse MarathonJan Tallahassee Marathon Vince Molosky Charn McAllister Andy Roberts Ashley Daily Keith Gates Gary Griffin Jeff Bryan Mike Baker 4:31:49 5:17:21 5:27:51 6:00:16 6:18:09 7:11:49 7:11:51 8:28:18 GWTC Merchandise Visors $20, Tech singlets $20, License plates $5, Car magnets $5 Socks @10/pair Abe Middleton 228-6137 Sara Hart Hats $20 Visors $20 Page 4 T HE F L EET F O O T The Fleet Foot Newsletter of the Gulf Winds Track Club Editor: Fred Deckert, 893-9739, Columnists: Jane Johnson (Featured Feet), Felton Wright (Pres. Column), Gary Griffin, (Ultrarunning), Tom Ratliffe (How they Train), Tim Unger (Racing Team), Bill Lott (Race Calendar). Advertising Copy The maximum print size of our page is 4.75 in. by 7.75 in. If possible, ads should be sent as MS Word files will look best with standard fonts (Arial, Times New Roman), formatted to fit the desired size. A simple way is to use 2 inch margins on 8.5 by 11 paper. Please use graphics with adequate resolution. If only hard copy is available, please make sure it is clear and sharp as it will have to be scanned and Reformatted. Deadline: 18th of month previous to publication. Questions, contact the editor. Advertising Payments. Full Page-$50, Half Page – $28, 1/4 Page-$16, Run twice, no changes – $46, $25, $14 each yearly rates. $400, $225, $125. Letter-size centerfold race flyer, check with editor. Payment in advance/checks payable to GWTC-Fleet Foot and sent to. Fred Deckert, 6323 Count Fleet Trail,Tallahassee, FL 32309 Submissions/Contributions Submissions for publication are strongly encouraged, the preferred format is Microsoft Word. For race results, Excel spreadsheets or MS Word files are preferred. Hard copies are undesirable, for more details or to contribute material contact the editor. If you have pictures or stories about your running group, don’t be shy, photos should be in jpg format if at all possible, contact me if you have questions. Fred Deckert 893-9739, Change of Address Your newsletter will not be forwarded; you must provide your new address and phone number mail to: GWTC-MSHP, Box 3447, Tallahassee, FL 32315 or call Mark Priddy 668-4907 Volume 39 Issue 3 Gulf Winds Track Club Minutes of the February 12, 2014 Board Meeting Hosted by Charlie Yates Present: Herb Wills, Mary Jean Yon, David Yon, Lisa Unger, Jackie McDaniel, Jerry Chesnutt, Bill Lott, Mike Burns, Amanda Hudson, Charlie Yates, Katie Sherron, Nancy Stedman, Tom Perkins, Chris Sumner, Kathy McDaris, Jennifer Kilinski, and Felton Wright Felton Wright called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Quorum was established. The Board reviewed the January minutes. A motion was made, seconded, and passed to accept the minutes as presented. New Business Mandy Hudson – Mandy presented an updated budget to the Board for the upcoming 2014 springtime 10k/5k/1 mile races. Approval was granted previously, however Mandy had to update several items on the budget due to pricing differences. A motion was made to approve the new budget, seconded, and approved. Felton Wright - Amanda Nalley contacted Felton with a request to reserve a booth for the 2015 Fitness Festival. The cost is $127.50 A motion was made to approve the request, seconded, and approved. Felton Wright – Felton asked the Board for approval to hold the 2015 Grand Prix Awards Ceremony at the Goodwood Museum as was done in 2014. A motion was made to approve this request, seconded, and approved. Felton Wright – The Board discussed what to do with the track timing system. The track timing system is not the same as the newly acquired chip timing system. One of the missions of the GWTC is to support local high school running programs including crosscountry and track and field. With that in mind, and after discussion among board members, a motion was made to transfer ownership of the equipment to Chris Sumner in exchange for this agreement to time the summer track series for the next three years. Also, if the Club has any special requests in addition to the summer track series, Chris will provide special pricing. Felton Wright – For the purpose of budgeting, Felton asked the Board for approval to change the Club fiscal year from January 1 – December 31 to July 1 - June 30. A motion was made to approve the request, seconded, and approved. Volume 39 Issue 3 T HE F L EET F O O T Page 5 Gulf Winds Track Club Box 3447, Tallahassee, FL 32315 Area code for phones is 850 President: Vice President: Secretary: Treasurer: Directors at Large Newsletter: Membership: Equipment: Race Director Coordinator: Past Presidents: Clothing Coordinator: Social Coordinator: Lecture Series: Racing Teams Coordinator: School Grant Coordinator: Beginning Running Group Coordinators: Felton Wright Lisa Unger Jackie McDaniel Jerry Chesnutt 386-3500, feltonwright@comcast:net 544-4893, unger4122@comcast:net 591-0081, jackiemcdaniel1@gmail:com 322-1065, gwtc_treasurer@hotmail:com Mike Burns Tom Perkins Herb Wills David Yon Nancy Stedman Amanda Hudson Jennifer Kilinski 561 262-2027, 894-2019, tomperkins51@yahoo:com 893-4104, hwills@gmail:com 668-2236, david@radeylaw:com 545-7074, realtornancy@comcast:net 681-6572, 508-2325, Fred Deckert Mark Priddy Vicky Droze 893-9739, freddeckx@comcast:net 668-4907, markpriddy@msn:com 339-7766, Charles Yates Mary Jean Yon Abe Middleton Sara Hart Kathy Lindsay Eric Godin Paul Guyas 385-2768, yatesc@me:com 668-2236, Maryjeanyon@comcast:net 228-6137, abe:middleton@gmail:com 545-8465, sara:and:abe@gmail:com 219-3788, klindsay@govserv:com 291-9345, 273-9555, Tim Unger 544-4563, unger4122@comcast:net Mark Priddy 668-4907, Chika Okoro Holly Parker 276-4101, GWTC Web Site - www:gulfwinds:org Contents Minutes President’s Column Race Calendar How They Train Featured Feet First Marathon Racing Team Race Results Grand Prix Results Tom Perkins – Tom presented the All Big Bend Track Meet proposed budget. A motion was made to approve a $2,000 sponsorship by GWTC. The motion was tabled however while additional information about the meet was gathered. Questions were raised regarding the need for and availability of insurance coverage and whether there should be some charge or other source of revenue to offset expenses. 4-7 7 10-12 13 14, 15 18 18 22-35 36-38 Jackie McDaniel – Jackie gave a wrap-up report on the 2014 GWTC 30k/15k. The race lost $131 this year. Upcoming Grand Prix Races 03/1 03/8 03/29 04/12 TRBC Races Shamrock Scurry Springtime Palace Saloon Kids 1M Adults 5K 10K 5K GWTC Board Meetings 7:30 p:m Mar. Apr. 12 9 Mike Burns Tom Perkins 262-2027 894-2019 Treasurer’s Report – Jerry Chesnutt There is $78,338 in the Club’s operating account that includes $2,360.52 in the Events 1 Account, and $2,174 in the Events 2 account. There is $50,351 in the Investment account, $15,080 in the Chenoweth account, $11,011 in the Assets Replacement account and $7,503 in the Tri-Club account. Membership Report – Mark Priddy by Page 6 T HE F L EET F O O T email There are 1,380 members in 668 households, which is 329 more members than last month. Race Director Coordinator Report – Charlie Yates Everything running smoothly. Newsletter Report –Jackie McDaniel for Fred Deckert Nothing new to report. Clothing Coordinator Report –Abe Middleton via Email “We sold $850 of GWTC merchandise at the marathon expo. We're running dangerously low on several singlet sizes, so we're going to be shopping for some new ones in the next couple weeks. We'll have a proposal for those as well as some other new gear, particularly visors and seat covers.” Equipment Report – Vicky Droze and Bill Lott Bill Lott reported that the clock was repaired for a total cost of $485. Website Report – David Yon Nothing new to report. Volume 39 Issue 3 Chenoweth Fund Report – David Yon Nothing new to report. Triathlon Report –Kathy McDaris The Tri Club meeting is next Monday at MoMo’s. Lecture Series - Paul Guyas Nothing new to report Training Report Mandy Hudson reported that the Springtime training group is going well with many volunteers and runners. The first week, 133 attended and it has grown each week. Social Report – Eric Godin by email “The first GWTC social on January 27 at Momo's was a success with over 50 people attending. Based on feedback from members, I will plan the next gathering in February for a Friday in the mid-town area. I am interested to hear from the board what they would suggest regarding doing anything "formal" at the gatherings. I would prefer to not turn this into a real meeting, but also want new people to feel welcomed. Maybe we could do some raffles (Continued on page 7) Volume 39 Issue 3 T HE F L EET F O O T Page 7 President’s column - Felton Wright A race grows when a race director with a passion takes over a race. Then when it is time to pass it on, he or she steps aside so a new director can take over. This process produces a neverending stream of fresh and enthusiastic directors continually improving on what their predecessors have done. We have a long tradition of growth and improvement with GWTC races. For example the Tallahassee Marathon has had at least 17 different directors in its 40 year history.. At this time the club has a big opening. Jay Silvanima and Nancy Steadman are stepping down in 2016 after 8 years of directing and growing the Tallahassee marathon. Nancy and Jay have taken the Marathon from a total of 337 finishers in 2007 to 1050 in 2014. We are looking for an individual, or 2 or more people, who will undertake directing this classic GWTC race in 2016. The new director(s) will have the ability to shadow Jay and Nancy in 2015 and take over in 2016. There is a tremendous support system for this race. In 2014 there were 9 different coordinators for various aspects of the marathon and approximately 250 volunteers. Whoever decides to take this on will have the great GWTC volunteers supporting them. The Tallahassee marathon has become a showplace for what a small to mid size marathon should be: enthusiastic volunteers, a well-marked course and great traffic control. Who wants to take this to the next level? If you have ever considered directing an event, please think about it. If you have a suggestion as to who would be a good director let me know. If you are interested in discussing any portion of directing please contact me. We need help! This never-ending stream of fresh and enthusiastic directors continues with our next two club races: New Springtime 10k/5k race directors, Sean and Amanda Hudson, make their race director debut on March 29th. It should be a special occasion. The new Cascades park trail adjacent to the finish should be open by then and if you are warming down afterwards on the new park trail, take a look at the new GWTC 1/2 mile markers that should be installed by race time. Mike Burns helped increase participation by 200 runners last year in his inaugural race director role for the Palace Saloon 5k. With a one year of experience behind him, he is already making the race more colorful. Check out the Tshirt and best team costume options for the Palace 5k. It is exciting to see the excitement in the upcoming club races. Please thank the directors and volunteers. Run safe, run fast. and have door prizes.” Other Bill Lott reminded everyone that the FSU Relays will be held March 21 and 22. Representatives from Nike will be there and GWTC will have a tent. marathon. They are still looking for new race directors for 2016. There being no further business to discuss; a motion to adjourn was made, seconded, and passed at 8:50 p.m. Jackie McDaniel, Secretary Nancy Stedman thanked everyone for their help with the Tallahassee Marathon and Half Page 8 T HE F L EET F O O T Volume 39 Issue 3 Discounts for GWTC members Show your GWTC newsletter mailing label when purchasing goods or services at these businesses and you'll benefit from discounts as indicated: Tallahassee Massage Therapy; Brett Pace LTMA #0010284), 681-2122; Sports massage for rehabilitation and prevention; $5 off half hour price, $10 off full hour price: Shaw’s Athletics, 1415 Timberlane Rd (Market Square), 893-5597: Gulf Winds Track Club Members now get 10% Off All Regular Priced Running Shoes and Running Merchandise whether they are paying with cash, check, or credit/debit card: No Discounts on Tennis or Casual Merchandise and no discounts on Pedorthic work or Inserts: Goodfinds, Second Hand Furniture & Collectibles Cassandra Shepherd, Proprietor: 3100-A South Adams street,Tallahassee, FL 32301 (850) 402-3100: GWTC members will get the royal treatment at GOODFINDS: Dr: Wallace Randell, Northampton Animal Health Clinic: 2910 A-12 Kerry Forest Parkway, Tallahassee, FL 32309, 668-8031: 10% discount on professional services: Joy Key Photographic artist, 161 Country Club Road, Bainbridge, GA: 39819: (229) 246-8620, (229) 416-8620: 20% discount for family sessions: www:joykeyphotography:com: Tupelo's Bakery & Café, 220 West Washington Street, Monticello, Florida 32344 (850) 997-2127, feedme@tupelosbakery:com, 10% off on all bakery goods and total lunches tickets to GWTC members: Does not apply to special order cakes and such: Massage By Paula: Therapeutic, deep tissue and relaxation: In call or out call: Discounts available with this ad (850) 728-9103: Revolutions: Triathlon Coaching, over 30 years of multi-sport experience: 20% discount offered to Gulf Winds members: www:revtricoaching:com The Shoe Box: 2820 South Monroe, (850) 877-9174, show your GWTC membership card, or the mailing label from the Fleet Foot and get 10% off any running shoes: Capital City Runners:1817 Thomasville Road, Suite 510 (Miracle Plaza), 850-727-8011, http://www:capitalcityrunners:com): 10%: Discount on all Shoes, Apparel, Accessories (excluding Garmins):10% discount good with any form of payment (cash, check, or credit card): Kelly Currier MS, Registered and Licensed Dietitian: *Experienced sports nutritionist working with elite level athletes and beginners:10% off one-on-one nutrition counseling: (352) 231-0465 or visit www:kellycurrierrd:com: Trey Lafitte offers a group discount for Gulf Winds Track Club Members on Liberty Mutual Auto Insurance: Liberty Mutual will take an additional 5% off for members above all of the standard auto insurance discounts: Call 850-5107778: Running Coach. 50% off for GWTC! Win your age group? Set a new PR? Improve speed? Get off couch? Workout schedule, Running Form, Injury recovery, Personal Training, Nutritional Guidance, Weight loss, In-person coaching. No limit on email/phone access. Beginners encouraged. Paul Guyas, PT, CSCS, ACSM-HFS. (850) 273-9555 Jennifer Deneute, Mary Kay Consultant 20% on your first order and an additional 5% for friend referrals: (850) 6566438, or 294-4472: jideneute@hotmail:com: Dash of Thomasville: GA is the area’s most unique running store & would like to extend 10% off to all of GWTC members: Newton, Brooks, Mizuno, Saucony, Salomon, Karhu, and largest stocking smart-fiber dealer in the South: www:relishingdash:com 107 S: Broad Street : 229-227-0024 HobbyMC: toys, games, r/c kits, models, art supplies: 720 Capital Circle NE (across from Tom Brown), 850-671-1201: 10% off all merchandise to GWTC members: Anytime Fitness: 6615 Mahan Dr, Tallahassee, FL (Vineyard/Publix Shopping Center), 850-385-2348; 10% off standard monthly membership dues, may not be combined with other discounts/offers. TRX Small Group Classes, Boot Camp, and personal training available. Jumping Jacks Bounce Houses & Party Rentals:, 850-212-3806; 10% off bounce house order, may not be combined with other discounts/offers. Tallahassee Therapeutic Massage: Ahna Peace (FL Lic. #MA72173) 25% OFF ALL 1 HOUR SPORTS MASSAGE! Call or Text: 808.264.1965 Email: Myofascial Release, Structural Integration & Neuromuscular Rehabilitation. This is the Connective Bodywork you need! Facebook: Ahna Peace Massage. Discounts do not apply to special sale items, or when using coupons or other discounts: At time of purchase, please show your mailing label for membership confirmation: Note to Businesses We’ll put you in this list if you offer a discount to Gulf Winds Track Club members: E-mail: freddeckx@comcast:net: Your product or service need not be running-related: Volume 39 Issue 3 T HE F L EET F O O T Page 9 Training Groups/Weekly Events Intervals: Tuesdays, 6:30 a.m Maclay Track, Tuesdays, 6.30pm FSU Track. Planned, supervised workout for runners intent on improving in distance races. Contact Bill Lott ( or Gary Droze 668-2373 (work) 942-7333 (home) email Wednesdays 6 p.m. Leon HS track all paces welcome. Email Ann Bowman at: Sunday Streakers: Sunday mornings, 7 a.m. at various locations 10 miles minimum at about 9 min. per mile averages 8-15 people come join us! To get on the e-mail list to receive information on where and when the group meets contact Sue Kelly, Sundays at 7.30 am. Almost every weekend groups run from Forest Meadows around Lake Overstreet or the Phipps Property Thursdays at 6 p.m. Optimist Park, 3 miles, all paces: Chika Okoro Imitation Adults distance running group organizes mid-long and long runs for marathon training and fun, usually between August and April of each year. For more information e-mail Nancy Stedman at or visit their facebook page. Water Running: To learn proper water running technique, contact Gary Droze, Instructor, to arrange a workout/training session: 942-7333. Triathlete Training & Contacts Triathlon events: Bill Dillon, or Swimming Times: · Monday, Wednesday, Friday 5.30 AM - 6.30 AM, Tuesday and Thursday 12.30 PM - 1.30 PM, Saturday 8 AM - 10 AM @ Trousdell - ATAC masters program with coach on deck (membership fee required) · Tuesday & Thursdays - 5.30 AM @ Trousdell · Monday thru Friday - 11:45 AM until 12:30 PM @ Jack McLean Pool at Jack McLean Park, Paul Russell Rd. Running Times: · Mondays - 6 PM @ Winthrop Park winding through Betton Hills · Tuesdays - 6:30 PM @ Mike Long Track (FSU) - Interval Training · Tuesdays - 5:15 P @ Harriman Circle - Family run/walk. · Wednesdays - 6 PM @ Leon High School - Interval Training · Thursdays - 5:45 PM @ Optimist Park winding through Indian Head Acres · Thursdays - 6 PM @ Forest Meadows for 5-7 miles · Sundays - 7:30 AM @ Forest Meadows for 10 miles or more · Additional local running information can be found at Riding Times: · Wednesdays - 5:30 PM @ Chaires Community Center riding 30 miles at a B-C pace Additional local ride information can be found at Tri Club meetings held third Monday of each month at MoMo’s Pizza at Market Place. Summer Trail Series registration form is on the website: Page 10 T HE F L EET F O O T Volume 39 Issue 3 Race Calendar Please note: Most of the events below are not organized by or affiliated with Gulf Winds Track Club (GWTC). Grand Prix Events are underlined; confirmed events are in bold. * Indicates a GWTC event. CT=Central Time. Entry forms may be at local stores, races, and GWTC meetings. If no state is listed, it is Florida. Verify information before traveling; errors, omissions, and changes do occur. If not listed, area code is 850. Special thanks to Charlie Yates and Bill Lott for the race information. March 01 Thomasville Road Baptist Church Community 10K/5K/1M (1M GP for youth only), 8 a.m. Thomasville Road Baptist Church, 3131 Thomasville Rd. Visit; or Michael Kennett at 01 Theatre Tallahassee Costume 5K, 4:30 p.m. Theatre Tallahassee, 1861 Thomasville Rd. Online registration available at Visit; or Susan Stephens at or 544-3436. 01 Red Pepper Run 5K, 8 a.m. The Blue Parrot, 68 West Gorrie Dr., St. George Island, FL. Visit; or Susan Bassett at (850) 323-0092. 01 Albany Marathon/Half Marathon, 7 a.m. Veteran’s Park, next to Civic Center on Front St., Albany, GA. Online registration available at Visit; or (229) 317-4760 or 08 Shamrock Scurry 5K/1M, 8 a.m. Killearn United Methodist Church, 2800 Shamrock South (at the Killarney Way traffic circle). Visit; or email to Flyer in centerfold. 08-17 Capital City Senior Games, times and locations vary by event (5K road race held in conjunction with Shamrock Scurry 5K listed above on March 8). Online registration and information available at or; or Sheila Salyer at 891-4000 (5K road race). 08 Rez3 Triathlon Series Race #1, 8:30 a.m. FSU Reservation, 3226 Flastacowo Rd. Online registration available at Visit; or Jennifer Kilinski at 08 Winston Howell 10K Road Race, 9 a.m. (CT). National Guard Armory at Hwy. 52 and 167, Hartford, AL. Visit; or Cary Hatcher at (334) 588-2343 or (334) 944-7115 or; or Mike Kinman at (334) 684-9818 or (334) 5882211 or 08 Project Graduation Shamrock Festival and 5K Shuffle, 8 a.m. (CT). Lake Seminole Park, Sneads, FL. Edna Reed at (850) 209-8391. 09 Red Hills Horse Trials Cross Country Challenge, 8 a.m. Elinor Klapp-Phipps Park, Gate A, 1275 Miller Landing Rd. Preregistration only, no race day registration. Visit; or Carroll Hageseth at 15 Doggie Dash 5K/1M, 8:30 a.m. Grove Park Dr. and Terrebone Dr. in Southwood (parking at John Paul II Catholic High School, Florida High School, and Creative Preschool). Online registration available at Visit; or Chris Akins or Sheri Logue at or 717-3714. 15 Purple Heart 10K/5K/1M, 9 a.m. Bainbridge College, 2500 East Shotwell St., Bainbridge, GA. Eric Dueno at (229) 248-2577; or Juan Gomez at (229) 248-2634. 16 St. Marks Duathlon (2K run/27K bike/5K run), 8 a.m. Riverside Dr., St. Marks, FL. Online registration available at Will Thompson at 878-0788. 21-22 FSU Relays. Mike Long Track, FSU Campus. 22 Education for Life 5K, 8 a.m. FSU College of Medicine, 1115 West Call St., FSU Campus. Online registration available at Visit; or Southern Scholarship Foundation at 222-3833; or Kim Galban at 22 Bainbridge Half Marathon/2-Person Half Marathon Relay/Kid’s Half Marathon (1.1M), 7 a.m. Memorial Hospital grounds near the corner of Gordon Ave. and Shotwell St., Bainbridge, GA. Visit www/; or Andy Payne at or (229) 726-2794. *29 Springtime 10K/5K/1M, 7:45 a.m. Leon County Courthouse, 301 South Monroe St., downtown Tallahassee. Online registration available at Visit; or; or Sean or Amanda Hudson at Flyer on page 19. 30 Nautilus to Nucleus 5K, 9 a.m. Integration Statue behind Oglesby Student Union, FSU Campus. Online registration available at Caroline Johansen at Volume 39 Issue 3 T HE F L EET F O O T Page 11 April 05 Red Hills Triathlon, 7:30 a.m. Maclay Gardens State Park, 3540 Thomasville Rd. Online registration available at Visit; or Kathy McDaris at 05 FSU Run for Autism 5K/1M, 8 a.m. Northwood Centre, 1940 N. Monroe St. Online registration available at Visit; or FSU Autism Institute at 4884072; or Kim Welch at 05 Race to Rescue BDCHS 5K/1M Dog Jog, 9 a.m. Earle May Boat Basin Nature Trail, 100 Boat Basin Circle (Shotwell St. exit off U.S. Hwy 84/27 Bypass), Bainbridge, GA. Nicole Touchton at or (229) 254-3371. 06 FSU Krispy Kreme Challenge, 9 a.m. location TBA on FSU Campus. Maham Ahmed at 11-12 Seminole Invitational. Mike Long Track, FSU Campus. *12 Palace Saloon 5K, 8 a.m. Messer Fields, corner of Jackson Bluff Rd. and Dupree St. Online registration available at Visit; or; or Mike Burns at Flyer on page 20. 12 Worm Grunter’s 5K Race, 8 a.m. Rose St. at second stop sign (Yellow Jacket Ave. and Main St.), downtown Sopchoppy, FL. Visit; or Susan Shearer at (850) 545-6678 or 19 Easter Bunny Run 5K/Bunny Hop 1M, 8 a.m. State Office Complex in Southwood. Kyle Shaw at 597-7616 or 19 Mac Crutchfield Foam 5K Run, time and location TBA. Paul and Sherrie Peavy at 19 Ronald McDonald House Red Shoe Run 10K/5K/1M, 8 a.m. Southwood State Office Complex, Esplanade Way between Merchants Row and Shumard Oaks Blvd. Online registration available at Glenn Burhans at or 445-9152. 19 Rose City 5K Walk, 8 a.m. Thomasville Center for the Arts (formerly Thomasville Cultural Center), 600 E. Washington St., Thomasville, GA. Visit; or Thomasville YMCA at (229) 226-9878 or Flyer page 16. 26 Rose City Run 10K/1M, 8 a.m. North Broad St. at corner of Broad St. and Monroe St., Thomasville, GA. Visit; or Thomasville YMCA at (229) 226-9878 or Flyer page 17. 26 Run for Mercy 5K and Family Walk, 8 a.m. Southwood Town Center, 3196 Merchants Row Blvd. Karen Harvey or Ali Howard at 26 Meridian Run 10K/5K/1M, 8 a.m. North Florida Christian School, 3000 N. Meridian Rd. Cara Wynn at or 386-6327. 26 March of Dimes’ March for Babies Walk, 10 a.m. Tom Brown Park, 501 Easterwood Dr. Visit; or Mallory Harkins at May 02 Gnat Days 5K, 7:30 p.m. Courthouse Square Park (located behind the Courthouse), downtown Camilla, GA. Jennifer Burnum at (229) 336-5255 or 03 Tails and Trails 10K/5K/1M, 8 a.m. Tallahassee Animal Service Center, 1125 Easterwood Dr. next to Tom Brown Park. Online registration available at Visit; or Cara Fowler at 03 Nene Fest 5K/1M Fun Run, 8 a.m. Optimist Park, 1806 E. Indianhead Dr. Online registration available at Jessica Kennett at or 2413283. 09 Seminole Twilight. 3 p.m. field events; 6:30 p.m. track events. Mike Long Track, FSU Campus. 10 Marzuq Shriners’ Mother’s Day 5K, 8 a.m. Maclay Gardens State Park, 3540 Thomasville Rd. Keiff Lindsey at 17 Run for Wakulla Springs 5K Trail Run/1M, 8 a.m. Wakulla Springs State Park, 15 miles south of Tallahassee on SR 267. Visit; or Ron or Cynthia Christen at 926-7834 or 567-0500. 17 Missionette 10K/5K Extraordinary Run, 8 a.m. Family Worship Center of Cairo, 1400 S. Broad St., Cairo, GA. Family Worship Center at (229) 378-0970 or 17 Catfish Crawl 5K/1M, 8 a.m. (CT). M & B Depot Park, Blountstown, FL. Online registration Page 12 T HE F L EET F O O T Volume 39 Issue 3 available at Visit; or Ben Hall at (850) 6744988. 18 Tallahassee YTS Youth Triathlon and Adult Super Sprint Series #1, 8 a.m. FSU Morcom Aquatic Center, 2560 Pottsdamer Rd. Online registration available at Visit; or Mike Weyant at or 241-6591. Grand Prix Races for 2014 03/01/2014 03/08/2014 03/29/2014 04/12/2014 05/17/2014 06/07/2014 08/16/2014 08/23/2014 09/27/2014 10/? 11/27/2014 12/20/2014 Distance TRBC Races Shamrock Scurry Springtime Palace Saloon Run for Wakulla Springs Potluck Bash Breakfast on the Track Miller Landing Madness Prefontaine Pine Run Turkey Trot Tannenbaum Trail Youth 1M 5K 10K 5K 5K 4 Miles 1 Mile 5K 20K 15K 6K 1M 3K 1M BREWTON TAX SERVICE LLC Income Tax Preparation Tim Brewton, E.A. Enrolled to practice before the Internal Revenue Service 327 Office Plaza Drive, Suite 111 (850)566-8316 Volume 39 Issue 3 How They Train! Renee Cox 26 T HE F L EET F O O T Age: I was on the track team my freshman year at Leon High school for exactly 3 weeks. I went to my first meet, a relay, and did so badly I never went back. That’s probably one of my biggest regrets in life. I actually didn’t start running any distance longer than a mile until I was almost 23. I probably run about 20 to 25 miles a week, but plan to up my mileage this year. Lifetime personal records: Tallahassee Half Marathon 2011: 1:38:35; 10k: Turkey Trot 2013: 41:40; 5k: Fight for Air 2013: 19:36 This past year I mainly ran shorter distances such as 5ks and 10ks. I’m planning to increase my mileage this year and start training for longer races such as 15ks and half marathons. I plan to train extra diligently for Springtime and some of the other bigger races this year. Also, I want to run a full marathon sometime in the next year or two but am not in any rush for that quite yet! I would like to get a coach who can give me direction and pointers to better my performance, so if any members who are coaches are interested feel free to contact me! Typical Week: Monday: I love to run up the stadiums at Doak Campbell! It’s my favorite workout and is great for building muscle in your legs as well as a great cardio burst! Tuesday: Les Mills Body Pump class at Kinetix gym. It’s a weight training class that works every major muscle group in the body and you pick your own weights; everyone works at their own level. I absolutely love it! I also take Body Attack, a sports inspired cardio class that Kinetix offers. It’s a great way to cross train! Wednesday: 5-7 miles usually when I get off work or I’ll go to my gym to get a workout with both weights and cardio. Thursday: 10-12 miles on varying courses around town. I like to incorporate hilly courses into my running for a tougher workout! Friday: Rest Page 13 Saturday: Either a 5k or 10k race around town Sunday: 3-5 miles at a 5k pace, Hill repeats and intervals seem to provide some of the best results for me. I absolutely love running at night and always seem to get the best runs after dusk. Injuries: I had a c-section May 2012 and wasn’t allowed to run for 6 weeks…talk about going crazy! I was able to exercise throughout my entire pregnancy, but couldn’t run much during the latter part of my third trimester. Supplements: I try to take a multivitamin and probiotics in the morning but that’s about it Running shoes: Asics are really the only type of shoe I’ve ever trained in and they work for me! Weight training: Yes, about 2-3 times a week for all major muscle groups. I like to consider myself a push-up master! Stretching: Honestly…not enough. I usually try to stretch some after running--mostly glutes, quads, calves and hamstrings. Favorite running routes: I like running the High and Ocala loop off Tennessee Street and also some of the roads around Leon High School. I want to incorporate some more off road running routes like the Miccosukee Greenway soon. Advice: Remember that starting a running routine is the hardest part! Just get out there and do it even if you absolutely hate the idea of running! It’s not always going to be easy and it’s not always going to feel great, but the feeling of a good run is the best in the world and makes all the pain worth it--I promise! Page 14 T HE F L EET F O O T Featured Feet Michelle Dahnke Childhood ambition: After years of watching West Wing, I wanted to be the White House press secretary like CJ Cregg. After spending several years as a communications director, I’ve let that go! Volume 39 Issue 3 huge inspiration! There are also a handful of other runners that I really respect, including Ron Harrison, Keith Howell and Geb Kiros. Perfect day: It starts with a strong workout and a green smoothie, includes a productive, but not crazy day at work, and ends with a healthy dinner. I love Proudest running feeling like I completed the memory: “to do” list for the day, so I Feeling great while also could be dissertation running the half marathon writing, errand running, in the Miami 70.3 last year. house cleaning, etc. It I was afraid of being absolutely doesn’t matter what it was, but if it was on exhausted, but coming into the start of the the list for the day and it got done, I’m second lap I saw my parents cheering. “I’ll generally happy! be back in an hour,” I screamed at them, while waving frantically. At that moment, I Biggest challenge: knew I would have a strong finish for my Balancing training with the demands of first 70.3. work, school and home life; creating enough quality time for the people that Current occupation: really matter. I’m the communications director for the Florida Agency for Health Care Administration, which licenses health care facilities and administers the Medicaid program. If money were no object, what profession would you choose? I would operate a homeless shelter or soup kitchen and provide transitional support to help get people back on their feet. Indulgence: Peanut M&Ms. I keep the XXL bag in my desk at work—37 servings per bag! Non-running hobby: Yoga—hot or yin, spending time with my fiancé Charlie and watching the Food Network. Favorite books: Yes, Chef by Marcus Samuelsson was the last non-school book I read and I absolutely loved it. Running inspiration: My coach Stephanie Liles-Weyant is a An exceptional, natural line of skin, lip, and hair care products; herbal foot soaks; sunscreen sport sticks with SPF 30; massage oil; nail balm; insect repellant sprays and sticks ♦ safe, environmentally friendly, handmade in small batches in the USA with fresh ingredients, and totally affordable ♦ NOT tested on animals ♦ NO parabens, petroleum-based ingredients, alcohol, sodium laureth sulfate, or phthalates in Lemongrass Spa products! www:ourlemongrassspa:com/dina LemongrassSpaByDina@yahoo:com (850) 766-3837 Volume 39 Issue 3 T HE F L EET F O O T Featured Feet Geoffrey Becker Childhood ambition: Since the really the 7th grade, I’ve enjoyed politics and wanted to be part of public service. I have had the opportunity to work in Washington, DC and Tallahassee with many wonderful people and exciting opportunities. Honestly, I am really living a dream every day to serve as deputy chief of staff to our Governor. Not sure much could top it, but there’s always another door to open. Proudest running memory: Without a doubt, it would be finishing the Chicago Marathon. It was a bit warm (82 degrees) but I finished it at around four and a half hours. Slower than I wanted but proud I completed. Current occupation: Deputy Chief of Staff, Office of Governor Rick Scott. If money were no object, what profession would you choose? My wife and friends know this but I am bit of clothes horse, so I probably open up a competitor shop to Nic’s Toggery. I would also open a special shirt and pant press for touch ups. I get grief from friends because I am always re-pressing shirts. Indulgence: Peanut Butter. I could live it on it alone. Non-running hobby: It really varies but I do like golf and tennis. They are truly lifetime sports and I would encourage anyone to take them up. They are also great sports to meet new people and potential friends. Favorite books: I am big Nelson DeMille fan. I loved the “Charm School” and was hooked after that. The “Gold Coast” was great too but I really enjoyed “The Lion.” Page 15 Running inspiration: I really don’t know much about professional runners. I started running in college and just kept at it. My wife, Katherine, and I are big into running and triathlons so she keeps me moving and striving to stay fit. Perfect day: While I live among the “savages” of Tallahassee, I am graduate of UF. My perfect day is always enjoying tailgating with friends in Gainesville and enjoying a home victory there. However, the win in 2012 was pretty special at FSU especially since I had some of FSU finest flipping my Katherine and I off as their team was losing. Not fun but I get it. Biggest challenge: Staying consistent. With this job, two kids, and all that goes with it, I am always striving to keep my mileage up for my runs. I also miss a good friend who joined the FBI. He was a great running partner who helped me get up and out at 4:45 most weedays. With this “featured feet” profile, it serves as good motivation to keep moving. Page 16 T HE F L EET F O O T Volume 39 Issue 3 Volume 39 Issue 3 T HE F L EET F O O T Page 17 Page 18 T HE F L EET F O O T Volume 39 Issue 3 A Takeaway From My First Marathon In the moment, my first marathon (at the 40th Tallahassee Marathon) was one of the most emotionally debilitating experiences of my life, seeing a confident sub-3:00 pace vanish from my fingertips in the final mile. Prior to the race, I had told everyone that my goal was a 3:05 in fear of failure, but internally, the goal was always a sub-3:00, which made it difficult to articulate the disappointment and pain of the experience at the time. Everything was on target to hit just under sub-3:00 until I was just under a mile left after the last aid station. I had an immobilizing cramp in my left hamstring that locked me in place for many valuable seconds and was reduced to an awkward shuffle. Still, I was moving forward, and I knew there was a chance I could eventually get loose enough until the finish line. Sure enough, I did. I definitely wasn't 100%, but I regained a reasonable pace to make it through at the goal time. That is, until I got to the Mike Long Track with around 300 meters remaining. That’s when the other hamstring unleashed an even deadlier cramp that completely immobilized me for several moments. Attempts to even move a few feet forward were subsequently met by surges of locking muscle pain, and even worse, the slow, sinking feelings of disappointing hurt that felt much worse than the physical pain. But in this moment as I struggled to make any progress to finishing at all, my GWTC family—the one that was there for me and all the runners for the entirety of the race— rallied to cheer, encourage, and yell at me to will myself into forward movement. It began with testing steps forward, a steady at a time, then a brisker pace, until a light jog was possible and turned into a moderate run to finish the race with dignity. No medicine or physical remedy could have revived me as much as this community did. At the moment, I didn’t think much of it—to me, it didn’t matter anymore, since I had already failed. I was so upset when I finally got through the finish. I felt that my would-be achievement had been taken away from me. Looking back, I was being incredibly self-centered—I was only thinking about the end result while I was in the presence of all of the great runners out there, the hardworking and critical volunteers, the impressive race directors, and everyone who came out to cheer us on at this spectacular event. By the end of the day, I realized that I had completely missed the point—I belong in the best track club, community, and family in Gulf Winds, and that is something that can’t be taken away from me. Reikan Lin February 2, 2014 Racing Team The GWTC racing team has been invited to compete in the largest 5k prediction run in America! The 37th annual McGuires St Patricks Day Run will be held in Pensacola March 8, 2014. They had over 12000 runners finish last year. Over 200 teams normally competed in the event! Team speed awards are awarded to the first 3 teams in Male & Female divisions. A team is at least 5, but not more than 7 runners. If you are interested in representing GWTC for this event please sign up online @ Once you are signed up as an individual please contact Tim Unger @ UNGER4122@COMCAST.NET to let him know you are registered By March 4. Tim has been given some special instructions to get our teams added to the event NO LATER than Tuesday, March 4. GWTC team racing singlets will be issued to runners who decide to represent our club. Additional information about this event is on the McGuires Pub website @ Previous results for the event can be found @ Volume 39 Issue 3 T HE F L EET F O O T Page 19 Page 20 T HE F L EET F O O T Volume 39 Issue 3 Volume 39 Issue 3 T HE F L EET F O O T Break A Leg 5K 2/15/2014 Jennifer Koch, R.D. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 Amy Hines Carter Hay David Yorio Randall Porcher Kevin Brumfield John West Jason Wright Sara Rutten Franz Roeder Fletcher Austin Richard Grey Daniel Spitler Chuck Bruce Talise Jager-Sumner Stephanie Davis Caitlin Wilkey Kate Krizner Bill Krizner Richard Marene Walter Willis Karen Duncan Jimbo Smart Paul Haney Nick Nichols Nicholas Williams Hawthorne Hay Linje Rivers William Bullen Jason Cumberledge Corinne Porcher Meghan Wilkey Stevens Tombrink Gill Bruce Benjamin Stratton Anna Dower Eberhard Roeder Erin Phelps Michelle Harrison Will West William Millard Nancy Proctor Mike Stiles Darin Tandberg Lauren Heflin F M M M M M M F M M M M M F F F F M M M F M M M M M M M M F F M M M F M F F M M F M F F 33 42 37 48 42 41 16 14 31 48 31 35 15 25 12 9 39 49 38 44 29 70 35 11 29 13 34 45 40 23 67 10 22 46 13 46 10 32 53 54 32 16 19:59 20:26 21:19 22:00 22:06 22:37 23:05 23:15 23:30 23:37 23:48 23:52 24:16 24:21 24:26 24:34 24:38 24:38 25:03 25:04 25:05 25:17 25:24 25:27 25:35 25:46 25:50 26:11 26:40 26:44 26:51 26:51 26:56 27:06 27:10 27:13 27:14 27:39 27:46 27:49 27:55 27:60 28:09 28:13 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 Lauren Wehler Jack Unknown Jayme Orourke Gabe Jager-Sumner Lisa Starling Tammy Poucher Jennifer Hay Mary Schloss Jonathan Moore Melissa Oglesby Michelle Dahnke Tom Painter Tambra Means Christian Stafford Karah Rosh Erin Duncan Naomi Kerce Oliver Odom Angela Gifford Tag Lowery Kate Oldham Marcie West Quentin Wilkerson Will Pichard Steve McFarlane Dale Weeks Zoe Kerce Barbara Butler-Moore Layne Oldham Tiffany Oldham Lisa Helfin Regan Jager Jen Barton Ronald Harrison Lindsay Potvin Diane McKissack Cory Thorpe Unknown Tucker Mackie Shawn Hermann Peggy Wright-Cleveland Kristen Bowers Samantha Wiener Phoebe French Kaitlin McAleer Kathy Gartley Christine Weissglass Lydis Hermann Becky Morris F M F M F F F F M F F M F M F F F M F M F F M M M M F 38 46 31 9 48 39 42 20 12 42 29 49 39 8 29 31 24 10 40 12 8 F F F F F F M F F M U F M 53 9 37 48 43 30 45 29 50 23 0 33 40 32:28 32:32 F F F F F F F F F 51 39 14 16 24 31 28 11 35 32:37 32:56 32:56 33:04 33:05 33:10 33:13 33:25 33:29 11 27 31 66 24 28:18 28:20 28:39 28:43 29:10 29:11 29:15 29:23 29:26 29:28 29:31 29:40 29:60 30:11 30:14 30:15 30:17 30:22 30:25 30:31 30:33 30:34 30:36 30:45 30:53 30:55 30:59 31:03 31:03 31:04 31:06 31:07 31:17 31:17 31:30 31:57 32:13 Page 21 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 Jamie Mongiovi Crista Hosmer Steve Runion Molly Thornal John Bradley Chloee Miland Mile Thornal Steve Weiland Sandy Pagano Brenadette Howard Gina Proctor Matthew Seidenfeld Tracy Friend Sean Staffard Kelly Sciba Scott Lindsay Charles Boyce Kelly Densmore Krysten Grimes Leslie Connell Elena Smith Fotena Zirps Brock Chenicek Michelle Faulk Ben Faulk Todd Chenicek Kari Terezakis Karen Moore Amiee Snyder Mark Seidenfeld Mark Kessler Keirsten Keister Bryan Howard Rebecca Collazo Roy Keister Carson Thomason John O'Reily Ashley Seale Crystal Bends Martha Brushwood Renee Liss Michaela Fredrickson Svitlana Kalinskh Anna Suslova Logan Chenirek Gretchen O'Reily Jennifer Harrison Jolynda Chenicer Kelly Green Ashley Brodley Ami Wheeler F F M F M F M M F F F M F M F M M F F F F F M F M M F F F M M F M F M M M F F F F F F F M F F F F F F 30 35 33 55 35 13 54 46 49 45 37 14 42 42 44 53 33 25 27 26 32 55 13 31 34 42 28 52 27 59 47 11 26 39 46 11 67 27 31 49 37 14 47 39 11 45 29 41 44 41 40 33:38 33:40 34:07 34:10 34:28 34:35 34:43 34:46 34:48 34:56 35:09 35:14 35:22 35:31 35:37 35:39 35:42 35:47 35:54 35:55 36:06 36:10 36:20 36:20 36:26 36:27 36:29 36:30 36:44 36:47 37:34 37:35 37:37 37:42 37:48 37:52 38:04 38:07 38:09 38:13 38:17 38:37 38:40 39:00 39:05 39:23 39:27 39:54 39:54 39:55 39:58 Page 22 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 Katie Orr Judy Taylor Sarah Gibbens Courtney Hamm Marjorie Laporte Jennifer Keister Diane Kelly Ty Smith Kathy Watkins Sazanna Lewis Kevin Smith Jessica Orr Brian Orr Sophie Grey Abbey Jemeson David Cooper Mathieu Fredrickson Macey Wilkerson Lisa Wilkerson Zoe Struck Nacey Boyle Max Schrader Amy Schrader Tom Brushwood Unknown Syney Meadows Keith Meadows Stacey Rutledge Ezzie Goldman Stephanie Dion T HE F L EET F O O T F F F F F F F M F F M F M F F M M F F F F M F M U F M F F F 57 51 37 15 53 43 58 10 58 23 45 27 28 14 12 55 18 10 46 9 59 69 0 17 49 47 29 40:03 40:04 40:35 40:37 41:02 41:05 41:06 41:06 41:07 41:08 41:15 41:16 42:09 42:16 42:44 42:55 43:09 43:10 43:10 43:42 43:54 43:55 44:05 44:11 44:12 44:19 44:21 44:28 44:28 44:44 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 Sage Moore F Jessica Dirickson F Gordon Orr M Marie Odom F Lauren Sale F Cherie Knighton F Madison Williams F Karen Moore F Colby Etter M Unknown Stamper M Taylor Hamilton M Katie Upton F Mark Hamilton M Unknown U Kristen Hamm F Unknown Unknown U Barbara Crandall F Robyn Hillison F Martine Fredrickson F Unknown 0 Brittany Woodson F Dorthy Wilder F Teresa Kessler F Suzanne Byrnes F Betty Dewar F Jamie Hanuka M Haley Root F 11 45:05 31 45:06 59 45:06 12 45:07 48 46:14 40 46:54 15 47:11 15 47:13 11 47:20 13 48:29 9 48:32 13 48:34 43 48:35 0 49:07 13 49:08 0 49:26 60 49:27 37 49:32 14 49:49 49:50 13 50:59 47 51:18 46 53:44 55 55 13 Volume 39 Issue 3 Flash 6K 2/15/2014 Mark Priddy, R.D. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Jon Mason Lane Williams Chase Pennell Nick Emerson Michael Molen Michael Cipriano Jason Bowman Connor Pennell Dylan Peebles Sarah Taff Jonathan D Clark Nico Wienders Sharon Sollohub Cory Cardoza Bo Taff Chris Emerson Jake Vick Melissa Alford Joe Vega Theo Sullivan Stephanie Aanstoos Jimmy Lee Tina Cardoza Phil Deortentiis Brian Conklin M40 M17 M24 M16 M14 M55 M44 M15 M14 F19 M41 M43 F48 M38 M49 M39 M25 F32 M60 M25 F24 M44 F39 M30 M29 21:56 22:17 23:46 24:32 24:36 26:07 26:52 27:25 27:57 28:15 28:57 29:04 29:12 29:14 29:46 29:56 30:09 30:20 30:35 30:57 30:58 30:59 31:00 31:19 31:30 Volume 39 Issue 3 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 Shelly Duffey F42 Anna Woods F30 Sara Davis F36 Carrie Jones F50 Scott Alvis M41 T J Cutchins M54 Michele Baggett F38 Amber Peebles F33 Nola Gordon F33 Ashley Burns F26 Kirsten Brazier F36 Kristina Clark F41 Alexis Phillips F33 Johnny Touchton M25 Emily Webster F34 Nicholas Petty M11 Johanna Petty F34 Jasen Wells M26 Tasha Towless F34 Peg Griffin F58 Julie Childs F41 Karen Smith F65 Clara Alford F10 Jason Vignoul M36 Charles P Ervin M71 Caroline Capper F29 Katie Fine F26 Erin Taratoot F34 Nancy Minev F22 Gay Kallschmidt F47 Kim Williams F48 Samantha Crumpler F21 Brian Dupree M49 Susan Morgan F48 Brandi Webb F33 Fernann Yozviak F35 Dana Dudley F39 Mike Bailey M43 Allen Joseph M54 Christopher HornbakerM58 Ben Moody M28 Lindsey Moody F29 Bradford Johnson M33 Amanda Nalley F34 Justin Alvis M13 Robin Elyse Bennett F28 Shane Phillips M39 Holly Thompson F41 Kathleen Butler F53 Margarete Deckert F80 Megan Blomberg F27 Michael Sittig M60 Jessica Johnson F31 Kathy Keiffer F49 Sara Altherr F72 Bianca Kirkland F33 Andrea Reese F34 Melissa Palmer F29 Allison Tackett F26 Le Roy McNees M73 T HE F L EET F O O T 32:18 32:26 32:39 32:42 32:54 32:56 33:04 33:07 33:07 33:33 33:42 34:15 34:22 34:25 34:33 35:33 36:51 37:02 37:44 37:59 38:02 38:08 38:10 38:18 38:31 38:42 38:53 39:19 39:33 40:09 40:25 40:39 41:53 42:04 42:14 42:27 42:29 43:23 44:23 44:39 45:34 46:08 46:44 47:01 48:36 48:50 49:22 49:57 52:17 53:29 54:20 54:26 54:44 54:49 54:55 55:20 55:20 62:01 62:34 64:49 Flash 12K 2/15/2014 Mark Priddy, R.D. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 Stanley Linton M20 Vince Molosky M34 Zach Deveau M26 Carl Nordhielm M51 Peter Kaus M29 Seeley Gutierrez F37 Michael Martinez M48 Geb Kiros M47 Ryan Truchelut M28 Reikan Lin M23 Brian Molen M37 Mike Peymann M51 Paul Guyas M36 Joel Piotrowski M44 Robert Marens M31 David Graf M37 Tim Unger M54 Katie Sherron F32 Bing Xu M45 Michael La Bossiere M47 Philip Sura M43 Bill McNulty M55 Camilo Ordonez M35 Juan Ordonez M40 Felton Wright M56 Charlie Lang M15 Duane Evans M46 Mark Tombrink M26 Gary Galvez M26 Michael Kennett M40 Jeff Kuperberg M53 Jerry McDaniel M60 Mary Anne Grayson F48 Emily Ness F23 Zack Scharlepp M31 Chuck Lang M48 John Parker M24 Rob McNeely M54 Eric Dueno M45 Angela Wable F40 Jay Silvanima M54 Rick Stetson M69 Cora Atkinson F19 James Cantrell M45 Craig Willis M62 David Cox M55 Amanda Hudson F37 Laura Cilek F24 Tiffany Roddenberry F29 Terry O Presnell M64 David Yon M58 Paula O' Neill F52 Kyle Gower-Winter M32 Angela Dempsey F45 Curtis Miller M30 Abe Middleton M37 39:39 41:48 43:16 44:38 45:09 45:20 45:26 45:43 45:56 46:28 46:55 47:20 47:27 48:09 48:30 48:37 48:42 48:45 49:01 49:11 49:21 49:26 49:30 49:38 49:43 50:21 50:32 50:47 50:51 51:13 51:40 51:58 52:13 52:45 52:48 52:53 53:02 53:12 53:19 53:22 53:31 53:52 54:00 54:17 54:24 54:37 54:42 54:52 54:53 54:56 55:00 55:09 55:17 55:23 55:37 56:16 Page 23 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 Jim Phillips M48 Luke Grabowski M27 Alison Thumm F36 Jennifer Shafer F46 Adam Kent M37 Dale L. Smith M60 Valeria Martinez F20 April Bentley F40 David Griffin M51 James Cade M41 Ron Christen M68 Carroll Hageseth F50 Dominic Milner M33 David Landis M55 Lorien Abbey F46 Gary Griffin M64 Robert Wigen M48 Shannon McNees F43 Jonny Simpkins M51 Beth Strickland F30 Guy Anglin M70 Buddy Levins M60 Karen McGinnis F40 John Hunt M46 Kory Skrob F43 Tsige Tadesse F41 Joe Sollohub M43 Birgit Maier-Katkin F51 Debbie Peters F53 Hal Davis M57 Marien Dimacali F52 Matt Ayres M33 Bill Dillon M47 Ron Nieto M48 Mark Fuller M49 Marie Dennis F39 Steven Stolting M55 Urska Dobersek F31 Robert Skrob M42 Sandra Canada F51 Lisa Rutledge F52 Julie Clark F52 Mikaela McShane F19 Julia Sura F42 Kathy Greene F40 Fran McLean F56 Daniel Cutchen M52 Chuck Pierson M42 Deanna Edwards F39 Robert Cilek M54 Kelby Carter M59 Rebecca O'Hara F44 Loranne Ausley F50 Benjamin Rangel M30 Rob Dearduff M48 Gene Opheim M67 Lisa Bohl F55 Laura Witkowski F42 Nina Reich F23 Raychel Gray F18 Becky Leckinger F51 Sonya Dudley F45 David Darst M70 56:22 56:29 56:59 56:59 57:07 57:15 57:22 57:28 57:43 57:58 58:00 58:07 58:11 58:14 58:17 58:18 58:18 58:22 58:26 58:28 58:44 58:48 59:03 59:10 59:11 59:15 59:20 59:38 59:52 1:00:00 1:00:01 1:00:04 1:00:14 1:00:41 1:00:52 1:00:54 1:01:00 1:01:10 1:01:17 1:01:23 1:01:32 1:01:47 1:01:55 1:02:13 1:02:32 1:02:32 1:02:52 1:02:53 1:02:54 1:03:02 1:03:16 1:03:25 1:03:40 1:03:55 1:04:03 1:04:06 1:04:18 1:04:28 1:04:33 1:04:41 1:04:42 1:04:45 1:04:47 Page 24 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 Cathy Cross F54 Megan Long F27 Melissa Zapata F34 Charley Kirkland M27 Christopher Turner M31 Renee Edwards F45 John Dew M55 Soheyla Mahdavian F29 Natalie Bunds F28 Adrea Truckenmiller F30 Benjamin Reams M16 Jose Vargas M57 Don Foulke M60 Bill Cobb M50 Summer Robinson F18 Michael Martin M38 Dale French F28 Leigh Dalzell F44 Ithel Jones M59 Terry Butler M60 Sarah Busby F20 Collin Lang M10 Connie Clarke F52 Shelly Herman F30 Tim Bennett M41 Joseph Petty M35 John McCoy M65 Jennifer Budiman F20 Rebecca Jones F24 Thomas Biance M33 Lily Becker F30 Susan Piroth F38 Kyle Ulrich M35 Morris Davis M57 Beth Alexander F49 Christopher Reece M35 Jessica Gambill F23 Elizabeth Stevens F34 Jacque Myers F57 Kathy Lindsay F54 Lynn Landis F49 Christopher Danello M44 Erik Andersen M31 Jennifer Linares F24 Julie Coiro F30 Tiphani Salas F35 Lisa Jackson F49 Lisa Unger F46 Dianne Dearduff F54 Nela Diaz F34 Rob Williams M59 Andy Santana M52 Mary Stutzman F65 Edneia Fernandes Botelho F46 Tonya Kidd F48 Mary Jean Yon F58 Melissa Gunter F35 Perha Varley F69 Lydia Wessinger F34 Olivia Mason F39 Barbara Uchino F35 Deborah Burr F42 T HE F L EET F O O T 1:04:57 1:05:07 1:05:20 1:05:22 1:05:22 1:05:29 1:05:33 1:05:45 1:05:50 1:05:51 1:05:55 1:06:17 1:06:28 1:06:30 1:06:35 1:06:37 1:06:38 1:06:38 1:06:43 1:06:47 1:06:53 1:06:54 1:06:54 1:06:57 1:07:10 1:07:10 1:07:11 1:07:21 1:07:21 1:07:25 1:07:30 1:07:35 1:07:37 1:07:52 1:07:58 1:08:04 1:08:36 1:08:45 1:08:58 1:09:01 1:09:05 1:09:17 1:09:41 1:09:48 1:10:03 1:10:06 1:10:14 1:10:19 1:10:38 1:10:38 1:10:50 1:10:58 1:11:03 1:11:23 1:11:24 1:11:29 1:11:38 1:11:43 1:11:45 1:11:48 1:11:50 1:11:58 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 A J Smith M54 Kelli Dillon F43 Neil Dimacali M54 Steve Johnson M46 April Brown F56 Charles Dicus M46 Stacey Shuman M51 Meredith Gaynor F35 Woody Dudley M77 David Farnsworth M63 Andrew Deneen M25 Carlos Zapata M68 Amy Taff F49 Angie Taff F44 Jennifer Vrynios F49 Charles Edwards M60 Patricia Dugan F63 Cory Collins F34 Meredith Snowden F46 Glynnis Bugna F45 Bob Hodges M64 Crystal Wells F25 Ken Shick M47 Patty Lang F47 Judith Kent F34 Patty Ghazvini F40 Amanda Peterson F42 Gina Evans F32 Megan Jones F17 Stefanie Faircloth F46 Karen Thomas F25 Monica McCullion F50 Brian Bazinet M38 Jan Blue F59 Maria Matheu F35 Jason Karasevich M34 Candace Beauvais F42 Kirsten Kinsley F42 Susan Cornwell F64 Heather Hoffman F35 Daniel D'Arcangelis M31 Anne Priddy F64 Kenya Rich F41 Jennifer Lawson F38 Marshall Kelley M68 Linda Levins F60 Bonnie Wright F58 Emily Ferrucci F22 Kelleigh Helm F27 Amanda Midgett F37 Sara Hart F32 Tracy Taylor F33 Hope Lynn F29 Jeremy Billington M32 Lynn Schuster F54 Carolyn Egan F41 Melissa Martin F39 Kristy Trueblood F37 Worth Corn M32 Matt Mahon M27 Vicky Verano F50 Robin Adams F45 Samantha Mahon F23 1:12:05 1:12:23 1:12:31 1:12:33 1:12:36 1:12:42 1:12:45 1:12:56 1:13:23 1:13:29 1:13:33 1:13:42 1:13:45 1:13:45 1:13:50 1:13:54 1:13:58 1:14:01 1:14:26 1:14:35 1:14:38 1:14:40 1:14:42 1:14:52 1:14:55 1:15:24 1:16:05 1:16:15 1:16:35 1:16:44 1:16:59 1:17:25 1:17:25 1:17:27 1:17:44 1:17:59 1:17:59 1:18:00 1:18:30 1:19:31 1:19:33 1:19:44 1:20:14 1:20:14 1:20:36 1:20:39 1:20:40 1:20:47 1:21:02 1:21:07 1:21:13 1:21:13 1:21:18 1:21:19 1:21:33 1:21:35 1:21:41 1:22:07 1:23:24 1:23:25 1:23:41 1:23:41 1:23:49 Volume 39 Issue 3 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 Ludmila De Faria F45 Karen Foulke F56 Geoffrey Callaghan M42 Adrienne Ruhl F33 Robin Smith F50 Bob Keller M80 Kay Posey F60 Dee Kring F44 Susan Tobin F56 Tammy Hornbaker F53 Maggie Williams F26 Michael Bates M67 Paula Kiger F49 Paula George Drye F24 David E Smith M69 Christi Billington F31 Janice McNees F73 Jennifer Doyle-Corn F33 1:24:23 1:25:21 1:25:27 1:25:47 1:26:38 1:26:39 1:26:39 1:27:32 1:29:06 1:29:12 1:29:24 1:30:25 1:31:31 1:32:44 1:38:01 1:42:41 1:57:56 2:08:00 Run For The Cookies 5K 2/8/2014 Jeanne O’Kon, Tom Perkins R.D.’s 1 Stanley Linton 2 Jonathan Campbell 3 Chris Rego 4 Zach De Veau 5 Charlie Johnson 6 Nate Kaiser 7 Peter Kaus 8 Carly Thomas 9 Sean Hudson 10Carl Nordhielm 11Michael Martinez 12Ryan Truchelut 13Sean Mendes 14Paul Guyas 15Teresa Ristow 16Reikan Lin 17Kaitlyn Kelly 18Brian Molen 19Nathan Adams 20Christine Griggs 21Erika Charlassier 22Tim Unger 23Joel Piotrowski 24Mitchell Atkinson 25Perry Waddell 26Michael Labossiere 27Chantelle Brodie 28Christina Phipps 29Micah Adriani 30Bing Xu 31Mollie Hibbard 32Philip Sura 33Mark Tombrink 34Alexandra Midgett M M M M M M M F M M M M M M F M F M M F F M M M M M F F F M F M M F 20 19 24 26 34 34 29 19 43 51 48 28 21 36 20 23 19 37 30 19 23 54 44 16 16 47 19 20 36 45 22 43 26 19 15:24 16:16 16:23 16:50 16:53 17:05 17:49 17:54 17:58 18:00 18:07 18:09 18:26 18:30 18:30 18:34 18:43 18:48 18:49 19:05 19:09 19:22 19:26 19:30 19:32 19:34 19:36 19:40 19:49 20:01 20:07 20:07 20:10 20:14 Volume 39 Issue 3 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 Jensen Swopes F Renee Cox F Alicia Aldridge F Chase Pennell M Allyson Pagan F Felton Wright M Courtney West F Jeremy Fowler M Jillian Heddaeus F Carter Hay M Cora Atkinson F Jerry Mcdaniel M Mary Anne Grayson F Haleigh Martin F Jaryd Walton M Hollis Bartlett F William Pafford M Brittany Carey F Kayla Webbe F Jay Silvanima M Michael Molen M Craig Willis M Ana Wallace F Kassel Ardaman F Tiffany Roddenberry F Urska Dobersek F Paula O' Neill F Brad Taylor M Jimbo Smart M Laura Turner F Bill Mcguire M Eric Dueno M Haley Slocum F Shelton Ansley M Kenna Forehand F Mary Vancore F Amanda Hudson F David Anderson M Valeria Martinez F Terry Presnell M Jennifer Shafer F Angela Dempsey F Martha Bademan F Mallory Brooks F Duane Evans M Adam Shamy M Ron Christen M Aryn Bradley F Lauren Switzer F Justin Unger M Lydia Wiedeman F Nico Wienders M Teri Grant F Guy Anglin M Sandy Holt F Fran Mclean F Jeffrey Coleman M Daniel Cutchen M Chrissy Plutschack F Debbie Peters F Tsige Tadesse F Sarah Purcell F Birgit Maier-katkin F T HE F L EET F O O T 21 26 21 24 21 56 18 25 30 42 19 60 48 14 18 19 28 19 17 54 14 62 14 21 29 31 52 35 44 21 66 45 19 61 17 50 37 63 20 64 45 45 29 30 46 41 68 20 26 24 16 43 35 70 28 56 58 52 25 53 41 22 51 20:15 20:16 20:19 20:27 20:29 20:31 20:41 20:42 20:43 20:45 20:47 20:53 21:14 21:17 21:20 21:22 21:22 21:25 21:27 21:48 21:49 21:54 21:55 21:56 21:58 21:59 22:01 22:03 22:08 22:09 22:09 22:10 22:13 22:20 22:23 22:23 22:26 22:32 22:39 22:44 22:47 22:53 22:58 22:59 23:03 23:13 23:15 23:26 23:38 23:40 23:41 23:42 23:51 24:05 24:09 24:11 24:17 24:20 24:21 24:22 24:23 24:28 24:30 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 Mark Fuller M Lilly Rockwell F Nick Nichols M Marien Dimacali F Julie Clark F Loranne Ausley F Julia Sura F Ithel Jones M Harlan Lawrence M Marc Feliciano M Joe Vannoy M Brian Bazinet M Erik Andersen M Nancy Stedman F David Darst M Sean Kozlowski M Morris Davis M Joshua Allen M Julia Accardo F Deanna Edwards F Joe Vega M Rob Dearduff M Leah Dienger F Nela Diaz F Holli Capps F Tyler Carver M Mike Manausa M Gene Opheim M Robby Turner M John Finch M Christine Crooms F Nicole Mccaffrey F Kate Krizner F Bill Krizner M Soheyla Mahdavian F Sonya Dudley F Branden Allen M Raychel Gray F Bill Cobb M Rob Williams M Mike Stiles M Diana Caldwell F Adria Cavany F John Mccoy M Kristen Klehr F Kevin Pope M Beth Alexander F Nikki Drozdyk F Carmen Somarriba F Steven Atkins M Connie Clarke F Wade Eastman M Don Brown M Bryan Desloge M Mitzi Woods F Thomas Biance M Jacque Myers F Julie Hanowell F Ashley Fountain F Kristen Yocom F Benjamin Stratton M Mark Hollis M Eric Grant M 49 30 70 52 52 50 42 59 27 22 20 38 31 52 70 36 57 23 35 39 60 48 43 34 17 10 50 67 55 30 30 21 9 39 29 45 26 18 50 59 54 57 35 65 26 54 49 20 23 24 52 12 64 54 37 33 57 43 21 21 10 48 46 24:35 24:39 24:40 24:42 24:45 24:49 24:55 24:56 24:57 25:00 25:06 25:07 25:08 25:15 25:18 25:21 25:24 25:24 25:24 25:25 25:35 25:38 25:41 25:43 25:47 25:53 25:56 26:00 26:02 26:08 26:09 26:10 26:13 26:14 26:16 26:19 26:23 26:29 26:35 26:36 26:38 26:40 26:49 26:49 26:50 26:50 26:53 26:56 26:57 26:58 27:01 27:12 27:14 27:15 27:16 27:19 27:21 27:22 27:23 27:23 27:30 27:30 27:31 Page 25 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 Mickey Clickner M Macey Deaton F David Bigoney M Aj Smith M Arianna Neely F Nicole Bamberski F Tiffany Geisland F Allison Jackson F Brian Gilmore M Stephanie Weber F Oyuki Segura F Nola Gordon F Perha Varley F Greg Black M Dianne Dearduff F Susan Cornwell F Rick Ashton M Daniel Collins M Jacob Dienger M Tony Kan M Melissa Allende F Mark Kellerhals M Mary Jean Yon F Ashley Jackson F Jennifer Hay F Lisa Starling F Megan Jones F Woody Dudley M Cliff Stull M Stacey Shuman M Gina Kittel F Kristy Mathews F Deborah Tossas F Christy Worley F Danielle Stahek F Patricia Dugan F Benjamin Robinson M Lesley Jordan F Brian Neely M Hayley Folmar F Robert Mallow M Kristen Knapp F Debra Ann Fadool F James Michael Fadool M Man- Ching Huang F Kristen Bowers F Megan Miranda F Anne Priddy F Tracy Taylor F Dustin Frost M Neil Dimacali M Priscilla West F Mary Stutzman F Andrea Reinfeld F Sheryl Phipps F Melanie Coker F Charles Mallow M Scott Alvis M Monica Mccullion F Michelle Mullins F Lucille Three F Tim Kelly M Kate Sutton F 27 24 40 54 13 26 23 19 27 23 22 33 69 29 54 64 67 29 15 41 22 52 58 23 42 48 17 77 23 51 42 24 51 37 50 63 24 45 43 28 10 43 51 50 21 39 24 64 33 34 54 41 65 29 54 23 44 41 50 42 24 58 24 27:31 27:31 27:37 27:38 27:40 27:41 27:42 27:43 27:49 27:54 27:57 28:07 28:08 28:09 28:27 28:29 28:29 28:35 28:38 28:43 28:44 28:46 28:50 28:56 29:00 29:02 29:06 29:09 29:10 29:14 29:15 29:17 29:18 29:19 29:21 29:22 29:23 29:32 29:32 29:32 29:33 29:35 29:39 29:39 29:42 29:49 29:53 29:54 29:56 30:00 30:14 30:15 30:18 30:20 30:21 30:27 30:30 30:30 30:35 30:44 30:48 30:49 30:57 Page 26 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 Karen Thomas F Jan Blue F Jackson Rowe M Sylvia Carver F Caroline Capper F Erin Garmon F Allison Clarke F Candice Billups F Karla Brown F Kito Hayes M Kristy Trueblood F Megan Chapman F Lori Rowe F Carolyn Egan F Narayanan Raghupathi M Bonnie Wright F Kelly Torres F Ivey Manwaring F Logan Maladecki M Ashlee Smith F Norman Ludecki M Annette Lapkowski F Neal Trafford M Lauren Welson F Amy Knight F Lillian Walton F Worth Corn M Cory Thorpe M Charlie Rogers M Ashton Jordan F Melissa Douglas F Nicholas Troyer M Georgia Kratimenos F Courtney Yamnitz F Brad Thomas M Alexandria Washington F Linda Vannoy F Mandy O' Callaghan F Maya Ausley F Adam Hartline M Susan Cox F Patricia Crispino F Crystal Kelly F Gabrielle Arcangeli F Deborah Ansley F Lori Hearne F Sandra Pagano F Alex Remes M Nancy Collins F Ashley Stone F Meghan Martinez F Courtney King F John Smoot M Sharon Keri F Jeffery Capps M Kolbey Capps F Brennan Garcia M Caitlyn Martin F Michael Martin M Virginia Lee F Rebecca Taylor F Sarah Magill F Maddux Carver M T HE F L EET F O O T 25 59 7 30 29 23 22 34 37 16 37 22 43 41 35 58 35 31 20 26 50 0 54 19 46 25 32 23 24 25 23 27 0 21 60 22 54 37 13 29 55 30 34 24 57 43 49 10 55 27 30 21 20 42 50 22 22 13 37 31 28 22 5 30:59 31:03 31:07 31:19 31:23 31:26 31:26 31:27 31:27 31:31 31:32 31:34 31:35 31:36 31:40 31:41 31:42 31:46 31:49 31:59 31:59 32:10 32:10 32:11 32:13 32:19 32:25 32:26 32:27 32:27 32:32 32:32 32:57 33:00 33:01 33:05 33:19 33:21 33:23 33:26 33:28 33:32 33:42 34:01 34:10 34:12 34:25 34:26 34:26 34:35 34:38 34:44 34:45 34:47 34:48 34:48 34:48 34:55 34:59 35:03 35:03 35:04 35:10 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 Jamie Carver M Fernann Yozviak F Fotena Zirps F Corinna Mccarthy F Paula Kiger F Michelle Gastler F Chandler Pascua F Brenna Wonsey F Bob Keller M Jennifer Sullivan F Robert Amstutz M Miranda Smith F Michael Bates M Lee Ann Griffin F Allison Peters F An Lawrence F Amanda Cannon F Ellen Thorp F Stephen Doster M Melissa Comeau F Martha Brushwood F Vicky Bernal F Caroline Amy F Bo Houck M Cynthia Mooy F Kelley Ausley F Mallory Hartline F Allison Crume F David Smith M Dan Ausley M Vanessa Trueblood F Diane Mckissack F Karen Orellana F Lindsey Scott F Madison Kvamme F Mary Gore F Kinsley Grant F Vincent Mikkelsen M Jennifer Proffitt F Barbara Crandall F Carol Winger F Shacoby Colbert F Gabriel Larson M Tom Brushwood M Shannon Thomas F Veronica Hnatiuk F Darlene Mills F Ian Gopez M Ashlee Black F Chris Erikson M Robert Morris M Kelly Rodriguez F Elena Smith F Mary Lou Manausa F Margarete Deckert F Nancy Isenberg F Jayden Griffiss M Eric Mills M Robert Remes M Justin Alvis M Dawn Brown F James Varley M Hailey Hamilton F 41 35 55 22 49 26 21 18 80 27 28 21 67 51 31 27 57 34 45 28 49 62 21 62 59 48 29 36 69 47 50 50 18 27 25 46 32 42 42 60 65 27 28 69 47 24 49 39 22 23 82 29 32 75 80 52 6 47 39 13 65 74 6 35:10 35:13 35:15 35:16 35:40 36:05 36:13 36:20 36:22 36:23 36:24 36:43 37:27 37:29 37:30 37:33 37:59 38:01 38:05 38:10 38:27 38:38 38:45 38:50 39:00 39:01 39:01 39:02 39:07 39:07 39:11 39:23 39:24 39:25 39:25 39:27 40:18 40:40 41:30 41:36 41:48 41:48 41:58 41:58 42:03 42:17 42:33 42:55 43:37 43:37 43:41 43:49 44:19 44:23 44:23 44:32 44:35 44:36 45:27 46:16 46:28 46:28 47:02 Volume 39 Issue 3 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 Jennifer Doyle- Corn Grace Mallow Janice Mcnees Penny Mallow Jim Quinn Zoe Quinn Josephine Newton Stephen Hayes Sabina Hayes Thailer Thailer Marianne Bynum Susie Williams Kristy Boles Courtney Coppola Maria Matheu Danielle Hess James Skofronick Allison Tackett Tiffany Poston Kathy Cutler F F F F M F F M F F F F F F F F M F F F 33 12 73 39 44 7 87 8 31 11 31 58 36 23 35 25 82 26 31 32 47:03 47:04 47:05 47:15 47:38 47:38 48:38 49:35 49:35 49:36 49:45 49:45 49:45 50:17 50:17 50:18 50:33 50:48 54:41 54:42 Run For The Cookies 1M 2/8/2014 Jeanne O’Kon, Tom Perkins R.D.’s 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 Max Eastman Spencer Amsellem Hawthorne Hay Wade Eastman Kate Krizner Lucy Wright Lilli Unger Cayson Perkins Maddie Manausa J C Criss Mackenzie Kittel Michael Criss Hunter Beasley Aiden Xu Abbie Smith Madison Nunez Ainsley Hay Andres Bernstein Elias Bernstein Randy Manausa Zoe Shamy Payton Worley Ken Worley Tanner Grant Sade Guyas Ryan Stull R J Stull Sofie Mullins Sarah Nunez Dan Nunez Isabella Krizner Ayden Perkins Kaari Guyas Sara Bibby M M M M F F F M F M F M M M F F F M M M F F M F F M M F F M F F F F 14 12 11 12 9 11 11 10 7 7 8 9 5 7 9 11 9 9 6 5 7 8 37 6 5 36 7 7 8 40 4 7 6 13 5:52 6:41 6:58 7:03 7:18 7:24 8:19 8:25 8:30 8:30 8:41 9:11 9:22 9:28 9:32 9:58 10:07 10:08 10:09 10:14 10:15 10:28 10:36 11:05 11:12 11:22 11:22 11:29 11:38 11:40 11:46 11:47 11:57 12:04 Volume 39 Issue 3 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 Makenna Howell Eliza Stull Diane Stull Presley Walgamott Brittany Bibby Wayne Kiger Daniel Hurley Mary Jane Tappen Maggie Linville Jamie Remes Hailey Burke Trinity Clark Christy Smith Charles Clark Jin Joseph Allen Joseph Bill Bibby Rosemary Prince Stuart Grant Chloe Molen Isabel Lin Danielle Burke Madison Remes Jennifer Smith Connor Smith Kristin Molen F F F F F M M F F F F F F M M M M F M F F F F F M F T HE F L EET F O O T 8 5 36 7 17 14 10 56 8 34 8 5 8 0 5 54 54 54 3 3 7 36 7 30 4 33 12:08 12:09 12:09 12:09 12:21 12:50 13:04 13:05 13:51 13:53 13:53 14:38 15:15 15:22 15:26 15:27 15:52 15:52 15:57 16:29 16:40 16:40 16:40 16:46 16:46 20:14 2-1-1 Big Bend 5K 2/1/2014 Heidi Coggins, R.D. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Justin Martin 16:54:30 Emily Ness 18:44:16 Thomas Konrad 19:26:16 Dylon Turner 21:07:33 Josa Buak 21:36:02 Giovanni Vincent 22:23:19 Jason Wright 23:29:23 Chuck Bruce 23:32:39 Braze Brickwedel 23:35:34 Joe McVeigh 24:37:00 Joe Vega 25:53:00 David deJesus 26:21:77 Leigh Graham Dalzell 26:29:43 Bruce Gil 27:04:21 Janette Wagner 27:06:90 Lori Heist 27:20:68 Unknown 1 27:21:83 Brian Conklin 27:31:65 Lisa Jackson 27:38:23 Cassie Wollum 27:57:01 Christine Dearden 28:06:79 Ami Houde 28:22:37 Connor Chambliss 28:24:68 Tim Cromwell 29:05:69 Mac Arthur Phillip 29:08:36 Rick Costello 29:10:17 Evalie Paris 29:10:77 Flo Moise 29:15:64 Elizabeth Magil 29:17:85 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 Carrie Jones Unknown 2 April Johnson Michael Johnston Unknown 1 Bernard David Pamela Davis Cony Thorpe Amy Near Unknown 3 Orson Jean Baptiste Sonilkumar Pamulapati Beby Bailey Pralip Catherine Chang Teauna Vimms Shawn Hermann Unknown 4 Michelle Butler Amanda Paffds Fotena Zirps Lamar Case Sarah Magil Danielle Demeza Carole Grammout Julie Childs Chris Near Pam Pafford Hannah Sheat Paul Latoya Ming Yu Vinnie Cervine Demetrius Scott Jennifer Gager Arlene Feril Maricruz Fincher Justin Fincher Kat Medrano Unknown 1 Maculine Ganett Greg Alford Matt Mccafrey Rose Mccafrey Krystle Hoeistine Ron Havestry Alyssa Davie Treharne Vivienne Jennifer Hopgood Ellen Yu Allison Datoc Kelly Christensen Allison Crume Jenn Duffy McCarty Cathy Cherry Knigdon Unknown 5 Andrea Gary Stee Keller Kari Holmes Andre Holmes Allison Tackett Christine Henry Gina Kinchlow 30:24:61 30:26:04 30:29:61 30:31:88 30:47:69 30:56:84 30:57:46 30:58:23 31:04:95 31:07:74 31:29:47 31:37:23 31:46:60 31:52:44 32:32:06 33:12:02 33:20:57 33:26:04 34:00:99 34:19:00 34:26:94 34:33:02 34:43:78 34:45:06 34:45:29 34:48:28 35:30:75 35:40:86 35:43:64 35:50:45 36:07:18 36:10:44 36:11:05 36:22:37 36:41:57 38:06:47 38:07:35 38:19:69 39:47:52 40:26:80 40:27:63 40:48:25 40:49:04 40:55:77 40:56:05 41:13:35 41:32:16 42:05:17 42:18:89 42:19:60 42:25:05 42:46:55 43:07:57 45:15:72 45:26:68 45:50:37 45:51:11 46:09:27 46:47:49 46:48:67 47:40:03 49:25:24 49:26:61 Page 27 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 Marianez Fincher Marsha Barrett Jensen Amber Kearney Ferrey Graham Rachel Balcon Casey Manchso 50:30:14 51:57:82 52:00:68 52:39:69 53:03:52 53:37:72 53:38:04 Jamie Rogers Memorial 5K 1/18/2014 Leigh Dalzell R.D. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 Dustin Woods 22 William Carter 49 David Harrell 28 Bill Snyder 63 Dale French 28 Leigh Gurr 44 Phil Payne 57 James Burkett 38 Sean Gray 44 Brian Ashworth 39 Angela Cogland 46 Monica Blount 41 April Brown 56 David Folsom 46 Kenya Hooppell 44 Heather Davis 28 Clint Collins 28 Brenda Brown 47 Al Cooksey 66 Levi Cobb 19 Megan Gamble 25 Hilda Bitencourt 38 Hannah Gurr 12 Stephanie Hurt 62 Jim Craig 69 Dori Collins 41 Luke Dayton 7 Steven Hooppell 51 Jennifer Stover 39 Mary Carter 41 Shelly Ryan 27 Nikki Bradley 34 Cathy Jackson 50 Lindsay Day 23 Tristan Sorensen 24 Jayson Blue 44 Ashley Hebert 18 Helen Blue 39 Sarah James 16 Payal Chaudhari 17 Georgia Usina 9 Suzannah Barrentine 6 Mylie Rogers 12 Eric Rogers 44 Michael Rogers 6 Whitney Usina 35 M M M M F F M M M M F F F M F F M F M M F F F F M F M M F F F F F F F M F F F F F F F M M F 21:38 22:26 23:00 25:55 26:38 26:58 27:09 27:19 28:20 28:21 28:44 28:57 29:38 29:55 30:17 30:18 30:31 30:46 30:53 31:34 33:24 33:44 33:59 34:20 34:25 35:14 35:59 36:24 37:09 37:28 40:22 40:25 42:57 44:39 44:40 51:08 55:04 55:54 60:39 61:43 64:45 64:46 64:47 64:49 64:57 64:58 Page 28 T HE F L EET F O O T Tallahassee Marathon 2/9/2014 Nancy Stedman, Jay Silvanima, R.D.’s 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 Bryan Morseman M28 Philip Lagat M30 Abraham Kogo M34 Esteban Vanegas M43 Stephen Cox M30 Esther Erb F27 Melissa Gacek F37 Nina Kraft F45 Jack McDermott M44 Jacinto Fernandez M42 Reikan Lin M23 Ryan Kelly M35 Brett Lawrie M33 Carrie Seiberlich F42 Craig Shimkus M40 Tony Guillen M45 Nat Higdon M39 Geb Kiros M47 Zach Hanna M37 Traci Falbo F42 Camilo Ordonez M35 Allison Eagen F34 Pamela Simon F29 Mark Tombrink M26 Juan Ordonez M40 John Shea M48 Yong Kim M39 Mark Lanzillo M56 Kate Harrison F22 Greg Waddell M47 Douglas McRainey M55 Jennifer Kilinski F35 Sean Mendes M21 Zachary Perry M19 Steven Mifflin M34 Jeffrey Hahn M46 William Pfleeger M56 John Piggott M48 William Mellinger M50 Luke May M27 Jack Tibbetts M49 Greg Bargo M31 Jay Peacock M51 Britta Fortson F41 Nikky Manausa F32 Mauricio Sarria M44 Brian Molen M37 Jason Wetherington M37 Edward Nabong M23 Karen Geletko F34 Thomas Parker M31 David Freni M44 Scott McCreight M49 Ashley Osterberg F42 Brian Osterberg M43 2:24:29 2:25:48 2:36:40 2:42:42 2:45:39 2:46:29 2:55:38 2:58:07 2:58:35 3:00:21 3:01:20 3:01:31 3:03:33 3:03:38 3:06:31 3:06:48 3:09:56 3:13:00 3:13:20 3:13:30 3:14:06 3:14:27 3:15:49 3:16:26 3:17:00 3:17:28 3:17:32 3:17:41 3:18:11 3:19:27 3:20:17 3:20:41 3:20:50 3:21:14 3:23:00 3:23:08 3:24:01 3:24:01 3:24:11 3:24:13 3:24:20 3:24:31 3:24:41 3:25:05 3:25:55 3:25:59 3:26:10 3:26:21 3:26:34 3:26:59 3:27:00 3:27:47 3:29:42 3:29:53 3:29:53 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 Robert Privett M48 David Graf M37 Cole Tessier M30 Michael Mac Mullin M53 Steve Walters M33 Caitlin Boline F24 Keith Huth M53 Carolyn Damphousse F23 Blair Bodenmiller F27 Aaron Reed M32 Kristin Bryan F26 Brooke Dodson M41 Carolyn Mathis F44 Renee Jackson F28 Heung Lee M55 Philip Sura M43 Douglas Covert M49 Lindsey Pfau F24 Mark McTune M48 Kevin Pfau M54 Lisa Landis F34 Lindsay WhitwamF23 Jane Lanford F58 Sarah Dugas F35 Joel Piotrowski M44 Nathan Martinez M18 Ned Luczynski M56 Nancy Catton F46 Patrick Higgins M23 Shawn Prevoir M34 Bill Magboo M49 Jon Nash M34 Filippo Piazza M51 Jason Hohensee M27 Kyle Gower-Winter M32 Will Anguish M54 Kory Skrob F43 Adam Greenstein M22 Jerry Searcy M44 Charlie Jones M58 Judi Melanson F46 Ron Christen M68 Jennifer Shafer F45 Paula Piazza F49 Hilary Joyner F38 Aaron Reistad M23 Ashby Knox M43 Gary Galvez M26 Mike Hamstead M28 Allie Hamstead F27 Curtis Miller M30 Laura Langford F35 Melissa Hooke F35 Sopheak Seeto F42 Katie Clark F39 Joe Kelly M38 Ashleigh Smith M33 Paul Scarpinato M43 Geralda McQueen F31 Jay Herring M56 Chris Korta M46 John Halfaker M21 3:30:52 3:30:52 3:31:07 3:31:30 3:31:36 3:31:48 3:31:55 3:32:09 3:32:21 3:32:45 3:32:45 3:34:38 3:35:45 3:36:28 3:36:36 3:37:07 3:37:15 3:37:32 3:37:43 3:37:55 3:39:12 3:39:24 3:39:31 3:40:49 3:40:55 3:41:53 3:41:56 3:42:09 3:42:14 3:42:20 3:42:38 3:44:40 3:44:41 3:45:02 3:46:34 3:46:57 3:47:23 3:47:38 3:48:30 3:49:00 3:49:03 3:49:33 3:50:11 3:50:29 3:52:03 3:52:42 3:52:45 3:52:52 3:52:53 3:52:53 3:53:18 3:54:00 3:54:09 3:54:28 3:54:43 3:54:58 3:55:08 3:55:39 3:55:45 3:55:55 3:55:56 3:56:45 Volume 39 Issue 3 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 Holly Buss F36 Edward Bruce M28 Alyssa Bertinelli F21 John Showalter M55 Greg Maurin M48 Morgan Brown F33 Tiffany Nunnally F35 Michelle Gully F42 Carrie Fritz F45 Gary Griffin M64 Julie Choat F37 Jeff Vincent M43 Kristen Keller F33 Vicky Connell F54 Gary Kenney M63 Joe Mazziotta M50 Matt Hohmeister M33 Timothy Fraser M36 Lessie Skiba F20 Louis Dusang M51 Michelle Perry F29 Mark Maxwell M50 Harry Van Der Lei M48 Shelton Ansley M61 Ashley Carr F23 David Horn M40 Debbie Green F47 Ben Andrews M49 Patricia Vandersloot F47 Jamila Allen F24 Sunny Jang-Yoo F49 Rachel Shuck F35 Bob Kroeger M67 Diem Presley F39 Eric Dueno M45 Steve Megargee M45 Judith Ecochard F57 Birgit Maier-Katkin F51 Angela Burnett F34 Jody Penney F39 Jeff Picker M52 Richard Pulido M49 Barney Ray M51 Thomas Maxwell M45 Beverly Long F59 Tim Hicks M42 Beth Strickland F30 Elaine Freni F37 Julia Sura F42 Kyle Shaw M32 Heather Gingras F48 Theresa Sullivan F53 Omar Janjua M55 Trina Vielhauer F42 Chang-Hong Yu F51 Eric Bernard M34 Joel Kostka M50 Kristen Goldsmith F30 Alison Hand F40 Robert McDonald M56 Laurie Mellinger F48 Kathy Greene F40 Craig Johnson M28 3:56:48 3:57:32 3:57:47 3:57:56 3:58:18 3:58:38 3:58:42 3:58:57 3:59:12 3:59:20 3:59:23 3:59:24 3:59:33 3:59:36 4:00:02 4:00:06 4:00:09 4:00:09 4:00:13 4:00:15 4:00:16 4:00:33 4:01:17 4:01:59 4:02:24 4:02:36 4:02:42 4:02:57 4:03:24 4:04:16 4:05:31 4:05:42 4:06:55 4:08:24 4:09:02 4:09:23 4:10:53 4:11:07 4:11:08 4:11:09 4:12:08 4:12:15 4:12:25 4:12:29 4:12:53 4:13:23 4:13:26 4:14:21 4:14:41 4:14:46 4:15:12 4:15:44 4:15:46 4:16:16 4:16:49 4:17:26 4:17:38 4:17:58 4:17:58 4:18:37 4:18:50 4:18:51 4:18:51 Volume 39 Issue 3 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 Billy Nolas M55 Rob McGhin M34 Michael Viguerie M54 Lucas Topalis M19 Travis Moran M42 Nicholas WilliamsM35 Adam Field M24 Andy Sansbury M60 Joel Sansbury M23 Kelsey Grimaldi F21 Lauren Doyle F21 Bonnie Joyce F21 Patrick Clare M58 Michael Peel M48 Kayla Rady F23 Michael Weaver M50 William Sherman M53 Ryan Franklin M32 Kaitlin Early F19 Mark Fisher M52 Ellen Powell F21 Katherine Betta F30 Jorge Fuentes M28 Natalie Bunds F27 Amber Kalb F22 Pam Horne F52 Daryl Hallmark M55 Kristina Peeples F43 Rick Register M50 Lon Schmidt Jr. M28 Wendell Lafave M64 Kimon Anemogiannis M52 Romeo Aggabao M48 Kandi Hoffman F29 Sherri Welch F48 Ted Welch M49 Kurt Birmingham M49 Rodney Carver M38 Jill Wofsey F50 Sangbum Ro M42 Lisa White F38 Stuart Poage M38 Anna Hackenberg F27 Truman Smith M67 Adama Anderson M29 Judy Lynch F64 Micah Harter M27 Robert Wigen M48 Tiffany Mills-Fugate F33 Patty Born F49 Jesse Diaz M22 Haley Bolt F20 Bruce Hall M45 Sandra Wilson F38 Keisha Cowhey F37 Kasey Hollington F33 Mike Judge M61 Candy Dice F42 David Dunkle M43 Will Hofacker M57 Sundaresan Iyer M39 Natalie Brantley F40 Lisa Schwenning F45 T HE F L EET F O O T 4:19:06 4:20:41 4:21:00 4:21:47 4:21:56 4:22:12 4:22:27 4:22:31 4:22:31 4:22:39 4:22:39 4:22:39 4:22:58 4:24:12 4:24:15 4:24:39 4:24:39 4:24:47 4:24:55 4:25:43 4:25:47 4:26:44 4:27:12 4:27:29 4:27:30 4:27:36 4:27:43 4:28:06 4:28:12 4:28:48 4:29:07 4:29:07 4:29:38 4:29:50 4:29:59 4:29:59 4:30:04 4:30:10 4:30:40 4:31:20 4:31:34 4:31:35 4:31:37 4:31:51 4:32:14 4:32:19 4:32:21 4:32:22 4:32:56 4:33:26 4:33:38 4:33:55 4:34:40 4:34:54 4:35:00 4:36:17 4:36:19 4:36:53 4:37:04 4:37:18 4:37:37 4:38:46 4:38:47 244 Domitilia Dos Santos F58 245 Thomas Carney M55 246 Alexandra May F21 247 Carolyn Mather F65 248 Patrick Vincent M22 249 Victor Behan M67 250 Victoria Knight F35 251 Jason Zink M39 252 Ramon Morris M23 253 Patrick Garner M37 254 Tyler Dykes M30 255 Greg Griffin M52 256 Debbie Molina F59 257 John Hartzell M31 258 Karen Khodadadi F55 259 Karin Scarpinato F45 260 Mark Fuller M49 261 Ithel Jones M59 262 Beth Cao F32 263 Cristina Dusek F31 264 Adrea Truckenmiller F30 265 Ellie Weinbel F19 266 Jennifer Baker F30 267 Phil Min M58 268 John Viguerie M57 269 Dylan Wesbey M22 270 Julia Moritz F21 271 Ann Guillen F45 272 Bruce Roberman M51 273 Brian Mount M40 274 Kati-Morgan Hathcock F24 275 Edneia Botelho F46 276 Gene Bowden M48 277 Ian Lee M44 278 Tom Bzotte M50 279 Connor Holcombe M20 280 Michael Barilla M42 281 Mike Schwartz M54 282 Kenson Jean M26 283 Karen Bennett F37 284 Mathias Margut M56 285 Tammy Poucher F38 286 Duane Evans M46 287 Jamie Carver M41 288 Robert Skrob M42 289 Clement Allen M49 290 Keith Sadberry M28 291 Christine Crooms F30 292 Thomas Biance M33 293 Heather Fuselier F37 294 Tom Schumacher M73 295 Mary Neiberger F61 296 Jeffrey Bettinger M64 297 Debbie Meitz F44 298 Daniel Cutchen M52 299 Deedee Earles F25 300 Carol Earles F44 301 Diana Jones-Ellis F57 302 Gary Cato M58 303 Dandy Lee M72 304 Nathan Lee M32 4:38:50 4:39:12 4:39:33 4:40:03 4:40:20 4:40:33 4:41:06 4:42:12 4:43:01 4:43:07 4:43:19 4:43:41 4:43:50 4:44:08 4:44:38 4:44:42 4:44:54 4:45:12 4:45:30 4:45:31 4:46:45 4:47:02 4:47:20 4:47:43 4:47:46 4:48:00 4:48:00 4:48:14 4:49:05 4:49:35 4:50:39 4:50:44 4:51:03 4:51:22 4:51:34 4:52:55 4:53:15 4:53:18 4:53:33 4:54:04 4:54:04 4:54:13 4:54:16 4:55:28 4:56:28 4:56:39 4:56:56 4:56:59 4:57:20 4:57:33 4:58:01 4:58:08 4:58:15 4:58:17 4:58:43 4:58:45 4:58:45 4:59:42 4:59:53 5:00:46 5:00:53 Page 29 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 Dagmar Linnhoff F28 Caleb Coale M27 Robert Przybylski M54 Michael Wilsey M44 Minta Meyer F39 Megan Hays F21 Jennifer Bendewish F35 Larry Lawrence M56 George Southgate M67 Courtney Kee F20 Diane McKissack F50 Christina Maddox F36 John Simmons M39 Heather Kelly F35 Susan Platt F52 Suzanne Spiceland F47 Elizabeth FernandezF21 Tina Cardoza F39 Jen Barton F30 Brenda Hornickle F57 Richard Ziegler M54 Alex Mosca M31 Tracy Taylor F33 Lori Schwartz F53 Kim Gosseen F40 Casey Craver F27 James Russell M43 Lisa McAnally F51 Bennett Carver M63 Megan Stith F28 Mahmoud Khelah M43 Jessica Mioduszewski F32 Robyn Griffin F37 Tolar Griffin M37 Danny Hartlye M66 Mark Carpanini M60 Kristy Trueblood F37 Donnette Hulsey F35 Heather Shoemaker F29 Halbert Walston M39 Malisa Anderson-Strait 5:46:18 Carlos Zapata M68 Alexandra MagoulasF20 Joseph Lammert M57 Thomas Allman M48 Francis Allman M53 Kristin Goergen F39 Devon Wright F36 Patty Ryan F49 Stacey Shuman M51 Lisa Britt F42 Sheila Lafave F61 Andrew King M34 Elliott McCaskill M27 Teal Clark F46 Nick Mazza M65 5:02:39 5:04:20 5:07:24 5:07:56 5:08:15 5:08:26 5:11:03 5:11:06 5:11:10 5:11:46 5:13:29 5:14:55 5:18:27 5:19:09 5:21:20 5:22:24 5:22:35 5:23:28 5:24:40 5:26:03 5:27:08 5:27:54 5:28:31 5:29:22 5:29:43 5:31:09 5:32:58 5:34:33 5:35:08 5:35:42 5:37:08 1 Edward Russell M60 Handcycle 3:54:11 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 5:37:08 5:39:08 5:39:26 5:39:39 5:42:36 5:42:52 5:44:10 5:46:18 5:46:18 F36 5:47:03 5:47:51 5:48:40 5:49:31 5:49:31 5:54:35 5:54:50 5:55:56 5:56:41 5:57:14 5:58:39 6:00:24 6:05:55 6:16:43 6:52:00 Page 30 T HE F L EET F O O T Tallahassee Half Mar. 2/9/2014 Nancy Stedman, Jay Silvanima, R.D.’s 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 Christian Vazquez Jonathan Ross Peter Kaus Robert Post David Wright Peter Ormsby Eric Godin Mickey Moore Don Autore Sean Hudson Jeff Mires Albert Reed Robert Duggleby Jake Mazziotta Paul Medina Mike Peymann Bing Xu Beth Miller Marci Gray Lydia Veal Cory Gerbrandt Paul Guyas Aaron Taylor Dmitry Dukhovskoy Victor Hung Juan Ruiz Villegas Katie Sherron Timothy Cobey Bill Chatham William Coniglio Jason Venema David Knauf Renee Cox Jeremy Kirch Alexandra Pace Davis Ely Travis Miller Kathy Andrews Kathryn Ches Michael Labossiere Will Overholt Richard Oberlin Fernando Lenis Lauren Diaz Marton Kozma Mary Anne Grayson Kristen Palmer Jeremy Fowler Victoria Suarez Chelsea Hankins Angela Wable Brian Cammarata Charlie Lang Erik Isenberg Taryn Arbeiter M19 M27 M29 M19 M19 M37 M29 M43 M38 M43 M50 M21 M23 M15 M38 M51 M45 F22 F39 F32 M37 M36 M20 M42 M33 M21 F32 M53 M29 M30 M32 M49 F26 M31 F34 M53 M44 F51 F34 M47 M25 M34 M20 F31 M45 F48 F35 M25 F20 F21 F40 M34 M15 M17 F23 1:17:52 1:20:12 1:22:12 1:23:19 1:23:20 1:23:25 1:23:43 1:24:14 1:24:24 1:24:33 1:25:34 1:26:09 1:26:34 1:26:43 1:27:42 1:28:11 1:29:02 1:29:10 1:29:33 1:30:22 1:31:20 1:31:25 1:31:45 1:32:05 1:32:11 1:32:17 1:33:26 1:34:07 1:34:12 1:34:33 1:35:20 1:35:49 1:35:50 1:35:58 1:36:04 1:36:32 1:36:36 1:36:40 1:36:40 1:36:58 1:37:09 1:37:14 1:37:23 1:37:32 1:37:41 1:38:22 1:38:54 1:39:09 1:39:12 1:39:17 1:39:18 1:39:18 1:40:01 1:40:12 1:40:14 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 Sean Isenberg Kenna Forehand Amanda Hudson Paulette Clanahan Katasha Cornwell Bradley Baker Larry Harris Laura McDermott Jessie Kircher David Yon Scott Lindeman Nikolai Hladick John Sweat Allen Johnston Scott Koepp Paula O' Neill David Brock Sheng Tan Eric Wargo Jeff Bryan Michael Stribling Nathan Rhodes Margaret Maxwell Douglas Smith Michael Cipriano Stephen Nance Morgan Bowman Krista Killius April Bentley Benjamin Hall Chuck Lang Michael Dobson Jonathan Robbins Jonathan Dalton Ken Conner Jamie Harris Holly Newell Karl Ross Patrick Griffin Paul Hilbrant David Dickinson Tim Duff Michael Leeser Jeffrey Ellis Tiffany Roddenberry Jindrich Potucek Arek Sarkissian Lindsey Sullivan Trevor Fryt James Balarezo Owen Clanahan Urska Dobersek Karl Waller Lauren Huckaba Eric Scott Robert Newell Robert Howell James Killius Joseph Knoll Marisa Rea Mike Boza Anthony Peters Amy Sindler M17 F17 F37 F50 F36 M22 M44 F34 F19 M58 M38 M20 M23 M54 M47 F52 M15 M28 M25 M46 M21 M35 F32 M42 M56 M39 F18 F50 F40 M37 M48 M23 M33 M42 M57 F37 F36 M49 M21 M48 M73 M28 M44 M50 F29 M29 M33 F21 M20 M28 M15 F31 M52 F26 M49 M31 M41 M52 M35 F34 M53 M22 F39 1:40:23 1:40:47 1:40:57 1:41:15 1:41:20 1:41:22 1:41:26 1:41:29 1:41:36 1:41:43 1:41:56 1:42:30 1:42:42 1:42:57 1:43:19 1:43:32 1:43:45 1:44:02 1:44:18 1:44:33 1:44:43 1:44:47 1:44:52 1:45:04 1:45:14 1:45:29 1:45:30 1:45:31 1:45:32 1:45:33 1:45:38 1:45:39 1:45:44 1:46:13 1:46:31 1:46:47 1:46:56 1:47:00 1:47:19 1:47:44 1:47:47 1:47:48 1:48:09 1:48:31 1:48:51 1:48:52 1:48:56 1:49:17 1:49:18 1:49:21 1:49:24 1:49:34 1:49:39 1:49:39 1:49:40 1:49:54 1:50:00 1:50:00 1:50:17 1:50:24 1:50:42 1:50:52 1:50:56 Volume 39 Issue 3 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 Genzo Tanaka M71 Evan Anderson M26 Valeria Martinez F20 Mark Dazevedo M42 Hal Davis M57 Jonathon Grooms M33 Joe Fields M14 Steven Stolting M55 Nicole McBride F21 Steve Gavalas M59 John West M42 Maria Merrill F32 Richard Clincy M43 Clif Buell M59 Christina Katopodis F26 Heather WilgenbuschF46 Kristen Scruggs F30 Michael Douglas M45 Tommy Medlin M50 Justin Williams M36 Bill Starling M26 Stacy O'Mara F38 Kathryn Murrow F24 Debbie Peters F53 Kristine Lamont F60 Constance Mayo F47 Ruffian Tyner F38 Stefan Pham M19 Bill Bowers M60 Joy Portero F52 Richard Mariner M49 Grace Marini F41 Tsige Tadesse F41 Bill Dillon M47 John Hunt M46 Mike Giudice M27 Douglass Kurtz M43 Deanna Edwards F39 Marie Dennis F39 Jose Marrero M48 Melissa Zapata F34 Trevor Milam M47 Kim Bott F36 Anthony Laudadio M50 Quinton Laudadio M16 Kaley Ford F19 Christina Oberlin F33 Tina Herbst F38 Ridley Lancaster M19 Tara Lynch F30 Katie Allison F36 Ron Nieto M48 Christine Overholt F21 Sarah Purcell F22 Marra Hvozdovic F24 Michelle Tigue F24 David Alexander M43 Aretha Teckentrup F28 Sarah Goolsby F36 Bonni Warren F38 Ami Wheeler F40 Amber Rusher F20 Cassandra Stabbert F27 1:51:30 1:51:35 1:51:45 1:51:55 1:52:29 1:52:48 1:53:11 1:53:16 1:53:29 1:53:37 1:53:42 1:53:49 1:54:00 1:54:11 1:54:16 1:54:18 1:54:26 1:54:35 1:54:37 1:54:41 1:54:41 1:54:42 1:54:50 1:54:56 1:55:07 1:55:11 1:55:12 1:55:21 1:55:29 1:55:34 1:55:38 1:55:38 1:55:44 1:56:07 1:56:07 1:56:15 1:56:28 1:56:30 1:56:31 1:56:40 1:56:44 1:56:54 1:56:55 1:56:57 1:56:57 1:57:02 1:57:02 1:57:03 1:57:17 1:57:18 1:57:18 1:57:27 1:57:28 1:57:28 1:57:29 1:57:47 1:57:52 1:57:55 1:57:58 1:57:58 1:58:11 1:58:23 1:58:27 Volume 39 Issue 3 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 Amanda Huston F34 Nicole Fuderer F22 Rachel Earlywine F37 Kimberly Walsh F42 Janelle F34 Comita-Prevoir Trey Sutton M36 Antonio Pons M26 Arjun Kaji M45 Lisa Giblin F28 John Slupecki M46 Jennifer Handel F50 Jim Scarboro M52 Cassandra Ellington F43 Debbie Chitwood F47 Lynn Hill F52 Christina Lackey F37 Lisa Jochlinger F25 Mona McGregor F38 Jamie Ito F34 Babatunde Olaoye M20 Lee Moreno M48 Julie Kruessel F28 Danny Langston M50 Jennifer Wester F28 Carlos Amador M37 Rachel Ace F20 Kimberly Alfes F24 Genevieve Ozark F23 Lauren Thompson F28 Anna Benbrook F27 Morgan Siburkis F20 James Kocha M63 Mike Brown M33 Meredith Testa F20 Cindy Morea F41 Kelby Carter M59 James Harrison M35 Martha Bademan F29 Emily Ness F23 Rebecca Montgomery F23 Natalie Radford F39 Kristen Bowers F39 David Quirk M50 Kevin Ledbetter M34 Ken Bartell M54 Amanda Bevis F31 Jessica Morgan F34 Ellen Pulido F46 Eric Strait M37 Shelly Herman F30 Brooke McKnight F32 Baker Wright M38 Molly McNiell F19 Carol Kleckner F60 Betsy Miller F36 Hillary Smith F25 Nela Diaz F34 Michael Alsup M45 Courtney Walmer F25 Christopher Turner M31 Susan Fox F63 Lorie Grooms F32 T HE F L EET F O O T 1:58:27 1:58:29 1:58:48 1:58:49 1:58:56 1:59:02 1:59:03 1:59:07 1:59:14 1:59:15 1:59:19 1:59:21 1:59:27 1:59:28 1:59:36 1:59:40 1:59:47 1:59:52 2:00:00 2:00:01 2:00:20 2:00:35 2:00:51 2:00:56 2:00:57 2:01:07 2:01:36 2:02:17 2:02:30 2:02:32 2:02:39 2:02:40 2:02:47 2:02:53 2:02:57 2:03:04 2:03:07 2:03:22 2:03:38 2:03:41 2:03:44 2:03:53 2:03:58 2:03:59 2:04:00 2:04:02 2:04:17 2:04:29 2:04:32 2:04:32 2:04:58 2:05:14 2:05:25 2:05:29 2:05:35 2:05:41 2:05:45 2:05:49 2:05:53 2:05:53 2:05:55 2:06:03 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 Jessica Carlson Austin Jackson Katharine Vera Allison Young Elliott Grace Chelsea Brandt Carina Seagrave Julia Accardo Robby Turner Julianne Colle Patrick Mahoney Susan Piroth Hannah Hersey Jon Dropco Julie Sutton Barbara Uchino James McKinnell Jodi Vetter Cindi Goodson Krzysztof Humienny Arles Taylor Jr Greg Ramsey Daniel Stribling Laura Gruver Buddy Doll Gene Stuckey Melanie Rhodes Bradley Kile Deepak Haldiya Kelsey Allphin Karen Godbey Vicki Merry Michael Rome Megan Shannon Chris Waller Jim McKee Rachel Joyner Jane Holmes-Cain Daniel Gwynn-Shapiro Mary Dixon Timothy Quirk Jose Vargas David Mioduszewski Wanda Harris Juliette Pitt Cilia Nazef Sara Hart Kelly Brown Lydia Miles Patricia Taylor Lauren Baylor Donica Williams Jennie Douglas Amy Starkey Rachel Quad Allison Finley Edward Gonzalez Trevor Longstreet Kevin Pope Morgan Mims Jennifer Linares Michele Blackwell 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 M24 2:09:11 345 F17 2:09:14 346 M22 2:09:18 M57 2:09:22 347 M36 2:09:32 348 F40 2:09:36 349 F20 2:09:45 350 F20 2:09:46 351 F32 2:09:48 352 F46 2:09:50 353 F41 2:10:00 354 F53 2:10:03 355 F21 2:10:12 356 F34 2:10:13 357 F39 2:10:14 358 F38 2:10:19 359 F19 2:10:25 360 F35 2:10:26 361 M62 2:10:28 362 M21 2:10:29 363 M53 2:10:38 364 F18 2:10:38 365 F24 2:10:57 366 F37 2:11:13 367 F26 M34 F19 F20 M32 F20 F23 F35 M55 F27 M61 F38 F21 M36 F36 F35 M23 F37 F50 M25 M45 M45 M25 F34 M56 M60 F39 M43 M40 F21 F58 F56 M43 F36 M40 M35 F17 F49 2:06:13 2:06:21 2:06:28 2:06:31 2:06:36 2:06:39 2:06:40 2:06:40 2:06:43 2:06:45 2:06:52 2:07:01 2:07:07 2:07:07 2:07:13 2:07:13 2:07:14 2:07:18 2:07:22 2:07:27 2:07:36 2:07:38 2:07:44 2:07:46 2:07:57 2:08:07 2:08:13 2:08:14 2:08:23 2:08:23 2:08:26 2:08:34 2:08:35 2:08:37 2:08:38 2:08:42 2:08:48 2:08:51 Page 31 Meredith Hubbard F34 Drew Flanigan M37 Nicole Bamberski F26 Soheyla Mahdavian F29 Amy Sauter F41 David Begley M55 Ariel Painter F21 Kathy Lindsay F54 Olivia Mason F39 Ashley Fountain F21 Kristen Yocom F21 Lisa Dukhovskoy F35 Nellie Untalan F37 Katherine Weech F21 Summer Robinson F18 Sharon Crews F46 Ryan Kilbride M20 Katie Flanagan F31 Kenneth Shick M47 Beth Alexander F49 Kelly Shiell F40 Christopher Reece M34 Erin Newell F31 Liovani Nazario F40 Doreen Licitra F55 Daniel Davy M23 Jennifer Petty F20 Layla Bowyer F34 Kelly Tucker F53 Elaine Harbin F27 Lacey Saul F27 Laura Youmans F33 Mariela Santurri F43 Kelly Klein F23 Tessa Folch F20 Peter Folch M52 Donald Baker M56 Doug McFarland M35 Catherine Clark F47 Michael Cape M50 Molly-Catherine Brantley F15 Rebecca Gilbert F14 Marcella Polanski F19 Theresa Zerkle F47 Megan Opferman F20 Amanda Furrow F51 Mike Stiles M54 Christopher Baker M34 Eileen Swetnam F42 Meredith Snowden F46 Tracy Tabb F48 Adam Kent M37 Cory Collins F34 Jessica Wells F27 Katie Buckley F57 Karen Stauffer F52 Cassie Davis F37 Denise Howard F36 Anna Kinast F23 Emily Green F23 Jessica Weaver F22 Emily Houston F25 2:11:13 2:11:36 2:11:39 2:11:59 2:12:02 2:12:03 2:12:08 2:12:10 2:12:15 2:12:16 2:12:16 2:12:21 2:12:29 2:12:30 2:12:32 2:12:34 2:12:36 2:12:55 2:13:01 2:13:02 2:13:03 2:13:16 2:13:20 2:13:24 2:13:24 2:13:27 2:13:27 2:13:42 2:13:42 2:13:43 2:13:43 2:13:44 2:13:49 2:13:50 2:13:57 2:13:57 2:14:18 2:14:22 2:14:33 2:14:40 2:14:40 2:14:41 2:14:48 2:15:04 2:15:05 2:15:12 2:15:47 2:15:51 2:15:54 2:15:58 2:16:04 2:16:10 2:16:21 2:16:33 2:16:39 2:16:43 2:16:46 2:16:58 2:17:02 2:17:05 2:17:05 2:17:06 Page 32 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 Amanda May F40 Mark Priddy M58 Laura Meehan F24 Kristen Connors F22 Patty Lang F47 Kelli Dillon F43 Zachary Martin M29 Megan Long F27 Mandy Petroski-Moore F40 Brenda Phillips F51 Brittany Gray F23 Ben Iii Betts M44 Mollie Andrae F32 Richard Benton M65 Christopher Danello M44 Amelia Crooms F23 Jennifer Wood F42 Stephanie Freeman F35 Bart Yasso M58 Aubrey Saam M39 Sarahagnes Duke F43 Christopher Campbell M63 Becky Bush F45 Ruth Brown F41 Sarah Terrill F22 Angeline Lenz F21 Brandi Tucker F31 Jingjie Xiao F27 Mark Jeter M48 Keith Andrews M60 Andrew Monroe M30 Douglas Perry M60 Michelle Dahnke F29 A J Smith M54 Cheryl Hammer F56 Amber Williams F42 Jim Giles M76 Rahul Aggarwal M38 Nathan Macdonald M27 Christie Orros F35 Cresean Hughes M28 Mary Stutzman F65 Julie Paniucki F43 Ashleigh Brodley F41 Elizabeth O'Neill F29 Joann Moore F33 Rachael Kirk F21 Tim Henderson M21 Kevin Miller M19 Noah Suber M28 Lilly Caldwell F23 Ashlin Rehder F20 Allie Caldwell F23 Diana Caldwell F57 Betsy Pittinger F36 Michelle Harrrison F46 Sarah Macpherson F29 Judy Kantar F27 Richard Robbins M34 Sharon Bowman F45 Nola Gordon F33 Amber Peebles F33 T HE F L EET F O O T 2:17:09 2:17:09 2:17:21 2:17:31 2:17:31 2:17:34 2:17:35 2:17:46 2:17:53 2:17:54 2:17:54 2:18:00 2:18:12 2:18:18 2:18:28 2:18:35 2:18:38 2:18:41 2:18:42 2:18:47 2:18:50 2:19:05 2:19:05 2:19:08 2:19:22 2:19:32 2:19:42 2:19:44 2:19:45 2:19:56 2:19:58 2:20:06 2:20:12 2:20:13 2:20:15 2:20:27 2:20:36 2:20:51 2:21:00 2:21:16 2:21:18 2:21:22 2:21:24 2:21:24 2:21:31 2:21:36 2:21:39 2:21:39 2:21:39 2:21:41 2:21:42 2:21:42 2:21:42 2:21:42 2:21:47 2:22:00 2:22:19 2:22:19 2:22:20 2:22:25 2:22:40 2:22:41 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 Susan Lamb F55 Ashley Moore F30 Bekkah Willis F28 Linda Ojeda F19 Katherine Lantigua F20 Marcia Ryan F55 Anne Priddy F64 Melissa Newell F19 Lindsay Dennis F35 Bryan Smith M32 April Brown F56 Trey Christopher M19 Skye Beaty F20 Leigh Matchett F30 Chad Benson M39 Lindsey Furrow F21 Lan Repinski F65 Hue Reynolds F38 Becky Lackey F34 Stephanie Doyle F36 Mary Boutwell F35 Nayla Halim F35 Gretchen Hinton F36 Morgan Harvey F24 Mary Jo Peltier F55 David Rudenborg M36 Halley Locke F27 Jeannie Garner F46 Vlada Tchourioukanova F18 Stefanie Faircloth F46 Alex McGhee M26 Nicole Benson F35 Carolyn Fields F15 Kelly Licquia F37 Mark Fields M53 Jeffrey Jernigan M19 Charles Edwards M60 Carey Dellock F42 Hanna Humienny F22 Diane Kaji F46 Robyn Adams F23 Tambra Means F39 Sarah Murrow F22 Sarah Kerwin F27 Jamie Hagar F18 Sunita Lamiano F38 Erin Clanahan F21 Michael Lamiano M39 Tracy Lewis F40 Deon Lewis F44 Megan Jones F17 Rebecca Falter F23 Wendi Sellers F37 Holly Humphrey F20 Shirl Streukens F49 Lynn Schuster F54 Vicky Verano F50 Amy Antimucci F38 Everley Perryman F20 Karen Munoz F54 Jocelyn Manganello F36 Pia Neustadter F41 2:22:45 2:22:45 2:22:50 2:22:50 2:22:53 2:22:56 2:22:57 2:23:26 2:23:27 2:23:28 2:23:33 2:23:36 2:23:36 2:23:39 2:23:44 2:23:52 2:23:54 2:24:01 2:24:03 2:24:04 2:24:10 2:24:12 2:24:20 2:24:25 2:24:26 2:24:28 2:24:28 2:24:35 2:24:43 2:24:48 2:24:57 2:25:16 2:25:18 2:25:19 2:25:20 2:25:43 2:26:11 2:26:13 2:26:22 2:26:31 2:26:36 2:26:37 2:27:33 2:27:44 2:27:53 2:27:54 2:27:54 2:27:54 2:27:55 2:27:56 2:28:03 2:28:17 2:28:20 2:28:22 2:28:43 2:28:45 2:28:46 2:28:49 2:29:02 2:29:07 2:29:27 2:29:34 Volume 39 Issue 3 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 Johanna Hillen F25 Heather Hoffman F35 Mary Tucker F25 Tamra Travers F23 Jim Hall M63 Stephanie Adams F46 Bianca Idas F20 Amy Pike F36 Judith Kent F33 Paul Pasterak M46 Albert Cooksey M66 Susan Jones F38 Carl Millr M58 Jan Blue F59 Beth Gross F51 Jessica Adams F26 Heather McCoy F40 Emily Ferrucci F22 Kimberley Ramcharran F46 Brian Lane M30 Ashley Ell F21 Kristin Lewis F22 Joseph Waller M26 Justin Chang M30 Benjamin Morris M20 Shanell Turner F29 Rebekah Huggins F32 Sandra Buchanan F53 Judy Reeves F50 Catherine Pedersen F28 Kelvin Rutledge M23 Meiching Roberson F48 Christine Wang F24 Jessica Rossow F25 Sunita Smith F43 Brooke Hall F33 Ryan Fryt M23 Amy Johnson F41 Ella Schwarz F53 Holly Spires F33 Carley Salmon F26 Wendy Riggs F45 George Prange M54 Lauren Cook F29 Melissa Marshall F36 Donald Arscott M57 Mary Holley F54 Tami Young F44 Sofia Fernandez F20 Maria Allen F24 Christine Lange F24 Rachel Frieder F26 Jeff Tortomasi M63 Estela Abich F21 David White M29 Deborah Ansley F57 Tiffany Betts F25 Briana Hall F33 Talia Boiongin F18 Claire Heacox F33 Shirley Beauford F49 Erika Frisby-Moore F37 2:29:38 2:29:46 2:29:50 2:29:50 2:29:54 2:29:55 2:30:00 2:30:20 2:30:29 2:30:53 2:31:02 2:31:16 2:31:24 2:31:28 2:31:34 2:31:44 2:32:06 2:32:20 2:32:49 2:33:17 2:33:25 2:33:26 2:33:39 2:33:41 2:33:49 2:34:19 2:34:45 2:34:51 2:34:56 2:35:03 2:35:04 2:35:09 2:35:10 2:36:12 2:36:17 2:36:30 2:36:40 2:36:46 2:36:53 2:36:54 2:37:04 2:37:09 2:37:31 2:37:31 2:37:34 2:37:38 2:38:34 2:38:35 2:38:44 2:38:45 2:38:45 2:38:56 2:39:02 2:39:20 2:39:26 2:40:12 2:40:32 2:40:48 2:40:51 2:41:07 2:41:14 2:41:29 Volume 39 Issue 3 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 Audrea Buckley Annie Prescott Nicholas Winter Callie Nance Lauren Deem Briana Dicks Danielle Irwin Michelle Costello Karen Jeter Nicole Scialabba Meredith White Terry Meek Jim Bailey Kim Kupfer Alejandra Garcia Kaylie Eichholt Ralph Billings Damian Ozark Danielle Groton Robin Harville Michael Degennaro Kacy King Kathryn White Grace Tacquard Hank Vinson Elizabeth Johnson Ann Smith Amanda Midgett Anne Harvey Eryn Jones Ruth Gorman Patricia Wilson Michael Frieder Jason Hamilton Allison Spingler Claire Tindal Landa Spingler Worth Corn Marsha White Marissa Connell George Desloge Holly Hohmeister Shonda Bernadin Joseph Baricelli Tyler Flood Makeba Butler Elisa Lutz Kim Meadows Clinton Reed Saria Anosh Carlos Quintanilla Mark Lane Lauren Selice Karla Brown Nathan Stidham Heidi Stidham Lisa Barrow Jennifer Payne Kate Henderson April Bidwell Dana Lev-Ran Jamie Pitts Michelle Brooks F29 F29 M35 F39 F24 F24 F39 F40 F46 F31 F26 F58 M32 F51 F22 F21 M70 M59 F25 F50 M71 F34 F21 F22 M47 F29 F58 F37 F30 F25 F66 F51 M31 M30 F24 F29 F33 M32 F66 F20 M68 F32 F37 M23 M22 F40 F30 F46 M33 F37 M42 M29 F18 F37 M22 F23 F27 F45 F21 F46 F21 F37 F50 2:41:54 2:41:55 2:42:01 2:42:03 2:42:10 2:42:10 2:42:16 2:42:21 2:42:27 2:42:39 2:42:53 2:42:54 2:42:54 2:42:55 2:43:03 2:43:08 2:43:14 2:43:41 2:44:07 2:44:08 2:44:43 2:44:59 2:45:08 2:45:08 2:45:09 2:45:11 2:45:22 2:45:23 2:45:33 2:45:43 2:46:42 2:46:50 2:46:50 2:46:55 2:46:58 2:46:58 2:46:58 2:47:12 2:47:22 2:47:36 2:47:39 2:47:57 2:48:49 2:49:23 2:49:24 2:50:11 2:50:13 2:50:21 2:51:58 2:51:58 2:52:00 2:52:22 2:52:34 2:53:24 2:53:57 2:53:57 2:54:31 2:54:40 2:55:31 2:56:29 2:56:48 2:56:52 2:57:30 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 T HE F L EET F O O T Bill Gorman M67 Tammy Hornbaker F53 Paula Drye F24 Karen Foulke F56 Jo Ann Prescott F59 Sandra Canada F51 Lisa Warner F56 Shivaan Oomrigar F22 Karen Atkinson F47 Cathi Bass F53 Lonny Mayfield M55 Andrea Cary F33 Jane O'Brien F54 Cheryl Urbas F40 Kim Stone F54 Roger Hamilton M63 Gord Stewart M61 Jane Chadwick F60 Jennifer Hendrix F34 Miriam Barfield F26 Brett Wellman M40 Rebecca Lenz F44 Angela Petrizzo F24 Nicole Aleman F20 Laura Speake F45 Kaylee Marinan F21 Matt Sanders M29 Rhonda Pace F46 Stephen Weaver M21 Chris Barkas M55 Corie White F24 Megan Macdonald F26 Christi Billington F31 Jeremy Billington M32 Kathy Clark F48 Kathleen Smith F20 Marilyn Payne F70 Joe Boyd M64 Amber Hampton F30 Barbara Crandall F60 Kai Crede F22 Lauren Volkart F20 Bradford Johnson M33 Bryan Howard M26 Linda Walker F63 Alyssa Lee F15 Teri Gimbel F57 Kimberly Ricketts F59 Robert Miller M44 Liz Wood F36 Sue Hofacker F56 Dawn Brown F65 Lisa Bell F60 Aimee Shaffer F54 Thomas Poston M34 Tiffany Poston F31 Tatiana Abernathy F45 Paula Sherman F60 Ellen Deramo F65 Sharon Mayfield F59 Jacquelyn Melnick F60 Chris Gohlke M40 Charles Dickerson M35 2:58:18 2:58:31 2:58:32 2:58:57 2:58:57 2:58:58 2:58:58 2:59:20 2:59:28 2:59:28 3:00:00 3:00:42 3:00:58 3:01:21 3:01:27 3:01:58 3:04:59 3:04:59 3:05:03 3:05:42 3:06:00 3:08:55 3:09:17 3:09:35 3:09:47 3:10:07 3:10:30 3:10:47 3:11:14 3:11:14 3:13:25 3:13:39 3:13:47 3:13:47 3:14:25 3:14:56 3:15:38 3:18:38 3:20:10 3:21:50 3:22:07 3:22:07 3:23:18 3:23:18 3:23:53 3:24:07 3:24:10 3:24:10 3:24:16 3:24:52 3:25:00 3:27:17 3:27:59 3:28:05 3:28:34 3:28:34 3:28:52 3:28:52 3:30:48 3:30:49 3:35:46 3:39:29 3:39:29 Page 33 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 Mellody Hughes Deborah Ingram Debra Page Melissa Palmer Megan Blomberg Julie Lester Laura Sullivan Jennifer Doyle-Corn Dawn Wellman Carol Hendrix Kelly Ruggles Shawn Sterling Gail Scarpitta F50 F60 F46 F29 F27 F36 F47 F33 F47 F55 F49 M20 F61 3:40:29 3:40:30 3:41:11 3:48:06 3:48:06 3:48:50 3:50:04 3:58:27 3:58:46 4:10:09 4:10:09 4:33:38 4:38:00 Trent Trot 1Miler 1/25/2014 Lois & Rick Burnette Race Directors 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 Lawton Campbell Spencer Amsellem Tyler Ritchie Parker Bell Carter Quiggins Hawthorne Hay Tommy Ensley Zach Knichel Lucy Wright Shane Renaud Kellen Quiggins Taylor Bell Tyler Carver Kate Krizner Kelcey Marston Larson LePorin Cole Menacof Maia Mast Connor Thomas Sky Feller Duel Yearty Jackson Rowe Elias Bernstein AJ Lamothe Chloe McElroy Abby Lamothe Cody Menacof Grant Begel Jack Trierweiler Brooke Gonatos Titus Etters Owen Wohlrab Alexie Thomas Riley Stafford Tony Guillen Brody Stafford Kerry Stafford Parker Ritchie 13 F 12 M 10 M 10 M 9 M 11 M 10 M 11 M 11 F 7 M 8 M 9 M 11 M 9 F 10 M 10 M 10 M 11 F 10 M 10 F 9 M 7 M 6 M 8 M 8 F 10 F 44 M 22 M 42 M 9 F 11 M 8 M 6 F 9 F 10 M 6 M 33 F 5 M 6:22 6:48 7:02 7:03 7:09 7:18 7:35 7:38 7:38 7:41 7:46 7:47 7:53 7:58 7:59 8:00 8:14 8:15 8:16 8:18 8:22 8:26 8:28 8:32 8:39 9:01 9:16 9:23 9:29 9:32 9:44 9:50 9:51 9:53 10:03 10:04 10:13 10:15 Page 34 39 40 41 42 43 Jason Ritchie 38 M Zoe Shamy 7 F Haile Lamothe 6 F Gerard Lamothe 38 M Jane Kathryn Whittington 11 F 44 Ainsley Whittington 12 F 45 Kadin Knowles 10 F 46 Daniel Frank 9 M 47 Amelia Brangaccio 10 F 48 Maya Brangaccio 9 F 49 Gabriel Grosh 8 M 50 Riley Knowles 39 F 51 Sean Tacey 21 M 52 Caroline Burnette 21 F 53 Beth Lamothe 36 F 54 Brandon Alexander 9 M 55 Maddux Carver 4 M 56 Boone Hosey 10 M 57 Bryce Long 10 M 58 Kim Powell 39 F 59 Delaney Powell 9 F 60 Ainsley Hay 9 F 61 Addison Marston 6 F 62 Sean Marston 41 M 63 Jenna Knowles 39 F 64 Anna Hickey 9 F 65 Hayden Alexander 6 M 66 Eliza LePorin 37 F 67 Mary Leah Yearty 11 F 68 Christi Alexander 40 F 69 McKay Yearty 5 F 70 Emma Chewning 11 F 71 Ryan Chewning 38 M 72 Max Telfer 11 M 73 Lily Telfer 8 F 74 Julia Irvin 11 F 75 Jim Irvin 47 M 76 Preston Ritchie 5 M 77 Kim Ritchie 35 F 78 Nathan Poore 11 M 79 Emylee Mountin 11 F 80 Katelyn Chewning 6 F 81 Jacob Johnston 7 M 82 Andres Bernstein 9 M 83 Tony Gines 35 M 84 Bella Venclaukas 6 F 85 Debra Menacof 54 F 86 Christopher Wann 7 M 87 Amanda Wann 35 F 88 Jamie Thomas 40 M 89 Bryce Storey 6 F 90 Jacob Grosh 6 M 91 Anelise French 9 F 92 Brantley Goodson 16 M 93 Allison Burnette 18 F 94 Morgan Smith 24 F 95 Abigail Brockmeier 6 F 96 Theresa Brockmeier 43 F 97 Wilda Sigler 39 F 98 Zoe Quinn 7 F 99 Jim Quinn 44 M 100 Andrew Guillen 7 M 101 Adian Venclaukas 9 M T HE F L EET F O O T 10:17 102 Brian Venclaukas 42 M 10:18 103 Jennifer 10:19 Grossenbacher 19 F 10:21 104 Kristie Johnson 20 F 105 Sarah Elizabeth 10:22 Hosey 6 F 10:25 106 Jason Hosey 38 M 10:29 107 Kevin French 39 M 10:42 108 Isabella Krizner 4 F 10:44 109 Daniel Hurley 10 M 10:45 110 BANDIT 10:46 111 Caroline Rowe 4 F 10:49 112 Tanya Weaver 51 F 10:50 113 Liz Amsellem 45 F 10:52 114 Phyllis Dantzler 52 F 10:54 115 Betsy Hosey 39 F 10:57 116 Tricia Thomas 35 F 10:59 117 Susan Bird 21 F 11:01 118 Conner Storey 10 M 11:05 119 Chase Banning 4 M 11:05 120 Jeremy Banning 33 M 11:06 121 Amy Banning 38 F 11:12 122 Tana Storey 41 F 11:26 123 Sophia Krizner 7 F 11:26 124 Whitney Marston 40 F 11:30 125 Tyler Blackburn 10 M 11:32 126 Lisa Blackburn 41 F 11:46 127 Courtney Taylor 3 F 11:56 128 Wendy Taylor 44 F 11:57 129 Mayzie Cartwright 18 F 11:58 130 Melayna Cartwright 7 F 16 F 11:58 131 Bayli Long 42 F 12:00 132 Ashli McCall 12:01 133 Alicia Whittington 42 F 12:02 134 Kevin Whittington 47 M 12:03 135 Jennifer Boone 36 F 12:09 136 Cassidy Boone 5 F 48 M 12:10 137 Jim Boone 12:35 138 Hannah Adams 19 F 12:36 139 Heather Benton 19 F 12:42 140 Anoush Brangaccio 48 F 12:44 141 Olivia Brangaccio 7 F 12:46 142 Steve Brangaccio 44 M 67 F 12:47 143 Sylvia Ellis 12:59 144 Jere Harkness 67 F 13:02 145 Shannon Gillilan 26 F 13:03 146 Johnny Devine 47 M 5 F 13:05 147 Shayna Frank 13:14 148 Brandon Taylor 3 M 54 M 13:15 149 Tony Weaver 67 F 13:17 150 Nikki Pritchett 27 M 13:19 151 Bill Guemple 4 M 13:21 152 Connor Smith 36 F 13:24 153 Amanda Bush 36 F 13:32 154 Kelly Samek 12 M 13:33 155 Devan Meyer 13 F 13:39 156 Kylie Knichel 13:39 157 Jessica Trierweiler 13 F 13:39 158 Riley Bower 13 F 13:44 159 Lee Meyer 45 M 13:45 160 Noah Frank 7 M 13:45 161 Patterson Lamb 78 F 13:57 162 Heather Telfer 42 F 14:01 163 Rob Telfer 41 M Volume 39 Issue 3 14:02 164 Walt Trierweiler 51 M 18:58 165 Danny Muy 27 M 18:58 14:09 166 Phil Amsellem 43 M 19:02 14:09 167 Mary Rudolph 22 F 19:06 168 Rhesa Rudolph 57 F 19:30 14:15 169 Angela Garmon 55 F 19:30 14:16 170 Twynette Wood 43 F 19:43 14:20 171 John Begel 50 M 19:43 14:29 172 Chris Begel 48 F 19:53 14:36 173 Cathy McMullen 57 F 20:10 14:38 174 Bob Crim 60 M 20:14 14:38 175 Adele Crim 61 F 20:15 14:39 176 Orion Torres 21 M 20:21 14:39 177 Olivia Vorp 16 F 20:23 14:40 178 Randy McMullen 61 M 20:30 14:40 179 Burt Altman 65 M 23:19 14:40 180 Diana Johnson 45 F 23:19 14:41 181 Bob Reilly 49 M 24:10 14:50 182 Nick McAnally 14 M 24:10 14:51 183 Larry Johnson 46 M 24:10 14:51 184 Bella Grosh 3 F 25:42 14:52 185 Diana Grosh 39 F 25:44 14:53 186 Logan Grosh 2 M 25:48 15:12 15:15 15:17 15:18 Red Fox 5K 15:24 15:25 1/25/2014 15:25 15:26 Rick & Lois Burnette 15:27 R.D.’s 15:29 15:58 15:59 29 M 17:53 16:20 1 Peter Kaus 45 M 18:07 16:20 2 Tony Guillen 44 M 18:48 16:22 3 Joel Piotrowski 36 M 19:02 16:27 4 Haute Daag 32 F 19:16 16:27 5 Lisa Johnson 16:28 6 Bing Xu 45 M 19:49 16:28 7 Mitchell Atkinson 16 M 20:14 16:29 8 Renee Cox 26 F 20:24 16:38 9 Jillian Heddaeus 30 F 20:31 16:42 10 Matt Scaringe 41 M 20:48 16:42 11 Happy Warrior 23 M 21:19 16:43 12 Cara Atkinson 19 F 21:29 16:43 13 Katie Sherron 32 F 21:50 16:54 14 Ben Goldsberry 41 M 21:56 17:05 52 F 22:14 17:05 15 Paula O'Neill 17:06 16 Martha Bademan 29 F 22:40 17:13 17 Amanda Hudson 37 F 22:45 27 F 22:50 17:41 18 Kellie Gerbers 45 F 22:54 17:42 19 Jennifer Shafer 41 M 23:21 17:43 20 Adam Shamy 17:45 21 Debbie Peters 52 F 23:24 17:45 22 Chris Penn 40 M 23:43 17:46 23 Kyle Sill 30 M 23:53 17:46 24 Layla Thompson 9 F 24:04 17:56 25 Jude Countryman 14 M 24:09 18:05 26 John Hunt 46 M 24:20 18:27 27 Ron Nieto 48 M 24:23 18:27 Volume 39 Issue 3 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 Mark Fuller 49 M Tommy Kristian 34 M Joshua Cummings 16 M Bill Dillon 47 M Melissa Zapata 34 F Jamie Carver 41 M Kate Krizner 9 F Bill Krizner 39 M Will Peters 55 M Shelly Bell 35 F Illyanna Silverman 9 F Aidan Gonzalez 8 M Charlotte Homme 25 F Jennifer McClenny 17 F Tripp Ryon 29 M Danny Langston 50 M Rebecca Marsey 38 F Cindi Goodson 50 F Thomas Biance 33 M Meghan Wilkey 40 F Raychel Gray 18 F Becky Scaringe 43 F Morris Davis 57 M Dylan Davis 8 M Amelia Crooms 23 F Robbie Brunger 64 M Lawson Yale 26 F Tyler Carver 10 M Allen Smith 25 M Jay Colle 54 M Benjamin Stratton 10 M Sharon Crews 46 F Morgan Crews 8 F Jennifer Smith 30 F Patrick McGrane 14 M Tom McGrane 55 M Tim McGrane 55 M Mary Jane Tappen 56 F Jeremy Cummings 37 M Kelly Davis 10 F Duel Yearty 9 M Carter Davis 10 M Carissa Bowling 30 F James Yearty 45 M Caroline Cummings 9 F Dale Weeks 66 M Mark Kellerhals 52 M Isabella McElroy 37 F Melanie Knight 32 F Sam Roberts 9 M Randy Roberts 45 M Chloe McElroy 8 F Jennifer Hay 42 F Emily Hoppe 8 F Michael Alexander 44 M Karen Thomas 25 F Amy Reznik 56 F John Cruz Yearty 11 M Ken Peacock 49 M Kensy Boulware 35 F T HE F L EET F O O T 24:27 24:35 24:42 24:46 24:51 24:53 24:56 24:57 24:58 25:26 25:44 25:44 25:49 25:53 25:58 26:22 26:33 26:34 26:40 26:45 26:47 26:48 27:01 27:12 27:13 27:23 27:34 27:47 28:05 28:10 28:12 28:16 28:16 28:22 28:25 28:27 28:28 28:36 28:45 28:50 28:51 28:51 28:52 28:55 28:58 29:14 29:26 29:34 29:35 29:36 29:37 29:39 29:42 29:50 30:09 30:19 30:22 30:28 30:31 30:33 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 Heather Venclaukas 38 F Leigh Anne McElroy44 F Rachel Dodrill 30 F Ross Mathis 26 M Jake Ryon 8 M Lori Rowe 43 F Stephanie Chewning38 F Katie Chace 30 F Christy Worley 37 M Savannah Calleson 15 F Wayne Davis 74 M Lisa Frank 41 F Christen Hecking 32 F Ceton Silverman 6 M Valerie Silverman 46 F Rashad Aziz 24 M Jeff McFarland 56 M Norman Ludecke 50 M Ricky Bell 59 M Will Roberts 11 M John Yearty 47 M Kelli Dillon 43 F Janet Coker 51 F Matt Schlossman 36 M George Desloge 68 M Crystal Grafton 31 F Theresa Schlossman 51 F Shawn Hermann 40 M Ivey Manwaring 31 F Sean Lightfoot 43 M Diane McKissack 50 F Kristi Aiken 41 F Virginia Yearty 39 F Richard Power 54 M Austin Reed 8 M Carolyn Egan 41 F Gayle Shelly 37 F Tom Coker 52 M Bob Keller 80 M Shelly Ruthstrom 46 F Wyatt Taylor 8 M Scott Craig 30 M Karissa Davidson 34 F Jeffrey Kelly 39 M Hayley Knight 21 F Patricia Hogan 45 F Jimmie Crain 43 M Jessica Miller 32 F Katie Wonsch 29 F Gina Mountin 53 F Kathi Davis 44 F Holly Hooper 53 F Kevin Taylor 49 M Tony Guillen 10 M Jen Martin 55 F Susan Bird 21 F Fotena Zirps 55 F Amanda Wann 35 F Virginia Lee 31 F Emylee Mountin 11 F 30:34 30:34 30:36 30:38 30:45 30:46 30:49 30:51 30:52 30:59 31:02 31:06 31:07 31:08 31:08 31:11 31:19 31:20 31:22 31:24 31:26 31:28 31:36 31:41 31:46 31:47 32:00 32:00 32:01 32:09 32:22 32:27 32:36 33:07 33:16 33:19 33:20 33:21 33:22 33:40 33:57 34:01 34:20 34:45 34:56 35:05 35:06 35:15 35:15 35:19 35:20 35:31 35:38 35:39 35:57 35:57 36:01 36:03 36:10 36:18 Page 35 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 Julie Miller 43 F Jen Bricker 26 F Jerry Chesnutt 63 M Julie Brewster 39 F Andrew Frank 43 M Hannah Chewning 8 F Ethan Faris 9 M Allison Crume 36 F Alexandra Dotson 9 F Peter Lewis 19 M Abby Rayborn 6 F Al Cooksey 66 M Rachel Read 28 F Rebecca Hoppe 38 F Taylor Hoppe 9 F Sophia Ryon 10 F Elizabeth Ryon 28 F Molly Duggan 7 F Ellen Clancy 48 F Jeff Davidson 35 M Kelli Walter 33 F Brittney Craig 29 F Selina Agnew Peet 42 F Grace Rayborn 8 F Kelly Reed 39 F Alison Faris 40 F Caitie Mook 26 F Michael Donnellan 26 M Madison Kvamme 25 F Robert Morris 82 M Matthew Baggett 45 M James Baggett 7 M Martha Cummings 38 F Sean Dollard 46 M Jordan Ray 16 F Anita Sandel 50 F Sarah Johnston 14 F Pamela Flores 27 F Diane Power 52 F Nicole Kessler 25 F Mark Kessler 47 M Rebecca Roberts 44 F Nikki Summers 28 F Lori Escallier 37 F Susan Harris 63 F Clarise Secreast 43 F Danette Davis 55 F Brandon Bowden 34 M Ashley Knight 43 F Eli Knight 6 M Peggy Hicks 53 F Elizabeth Echeverri 17 F Mary Cowan 20 F Emily Dealy 23 F Meghan Smith 22 F Eileen West 61 F Karen Frazey 54 F Faith Hughes 49 F Kelly Ruggles 49 F 36:22 36:23 36:23 36:45 36:38 36:39 36:40 37:05 37:44 37:58 38:01 38:02 38:02 38:27 38:28 38:51 38:51 39:06 39:07 39:09 39:26 39:41 39:42 40:03 40:22 40:23 41:16 41:16 41:20 41:32 41:42 41:43 42:36 42:39 42:40 43:25 43:26 43:59 44:00 44:33 44:34 44:41 44:42 44:45 44:46 45:11 45:41 46:17 46:42 46:53 51:08 51:08 51:17 51:17 51:41 52:08 52:09 52:11 52:18 Page 36 T HE F L EET F O O T Volume 39 Issue 3 GP Standings through GWTC 12K 2/15/2014 Overall Female Seeley Gutierrez Mary Anne Grayson Renee Cox Katie Sherron Lisa Johnson Nikky Manausa Paula O' Neill Carrie Seiberlich Carly Thomas Amanda Hudson Cora Atkinson Jillian Heddaeus Lindsey Pfau Micah Adriani Kate Harrison Sheryl Rosen Martha Bademan Tiffany Roddenberry Kathy Andrews Jennifer Kilinski Jennifer Shafer Angela Wable Kory Skrob Angela Dempsey Mary Vancore Urska Dobersek Melissa Hooke Michelle Perry Jamila Allen Julie Clark Alison Thumm F1-9 Kate Krizner Zoe Shamy Ainsley Hay Maddie Manausa Isabella Krizner Mackenzie Kittel Caroline Rowe Sade Guyas Sophia Krizner Kaari Guyas F10-14 Lucy Wright Haleigh Martin Maia Mast Lili Unger Ana Wallace Arianna Neely Caitlyn Martin F15-19 Raychel Gray Megan Jones Cora Atkinson Madison McNees Carly Thomas Morgan Mims Summer Robinson F20-24 Ev. # GP Lindsey Pfau Sarah Purcell 2 60 Lilly Caldwell 3 43 Kate Harrison 2 37 Jennifer Linares 2 37 Megan Miranda 1 30 Jamila Allen 2 30 Allison Clarke 4 30 1 30 F25-29 1 30 Martha Bademan 3 29 Renee Cox 2 26 Tiffany Roddenberry 2 26 Michelle Perry 2 26 Karen Thomas 1 20 Sheryl Rosen 1 20 Hayley Folmar 1 20 Megan Long 2 18 Shelly Herman 2 18 Maggie Williams 1 17 Sandy Holt 1 17 Katie Sanders 2 16 1 15 F30-34 1 11 Christine Crooms 2 8 Jillian Heddaeus 2 8 Urska Dobersek 1 7 Katie Sherron 1 7 Melissa Zapata 1 5 Nikky Manausa 1 3 Tracy Taylor 1 3 Nela Diaz 1 3 Adrea Truckenmiller Lisa Johnson Beth Strickland 2 40 Jen Barton 2 23 Sylvia Carver 2 22 Julie Coiro 1 15 Christi Billington 2 14 Patricia Crispino 1 12 Jennifer Doyle-Corn 1 8 Rachel Scharlepp 1 6 Judith Kent 1 6 Maria Matheu 1 2 F35-39 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 40 20 15 15 15 12 10 4 4 2 1 1 1 1 59 45 35 20 20 15 12 Amanda Hudson Deanna Edwards Seeley Gutierrez Kristy Trueblood Micah Adriani Marie Dennis Jennifer Kilinski Melissa Hooke Julia Accardo Robyn Griffin Alison Thumm Ruffian Tyner Kristen Bowers Katie Allison Karla Brown Susan Piroth Melissa Martin F40-44 Tsige Tadesse 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 35 35 20 20 20 15 12 12 3 2 2 2 3 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 42 40 35 32 22 20 16 15 12 12 10 10 4 2 3 2 3 2 4 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 40 40 39 35 35 32 28 24 23 20 15 10 6 6 4 4 4 4 2 2 4 4 2 5 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 65 41 40 32 20 20 20 15 12 12 12 12 8 6 6 6 4 4 63 Julia Sura Shannon McNees Kory Skrob Carrie Seiberlich Angela Wable Carolyn Egan April Bentley Kathy Greene Deborah Burr Jennifer Hay Kirsten Kinsley Gina Kittel Lori Rowe Rebecca O'Hara F45-49 Jennifer Shafer Mary Anne Grayson Angela Dempsey Sonya Dudley Beth Alexander Lisa Unger Patricia Born Jo Curry Ann Guillen Carroll Hageseth Lorien Abbey Sandy Pagano Renee Edwards Paula Kiger Patty Lang Martha Brushwood Meredith Snowden F50-54 Paula O' Neill Birgit Maier-Katkin Julie Clark Debbie Peters Mary Vancore Kathy Andrews Marien Dimacali Lisa Rutledge Diane McKissack Lisa McAnally Loranne Ausley Cindi Goodson Nancy Stedman Kathy Lindsay Connie Clarke F55-59 Fran McLean Diana Caldwell Mary Jean Yon Jacque Myers Jan Blue April Brown Diana Jones-Ellis Deborah Ansley Bonnie Wright Mary Jane Tappen Fotena Zirps Ann Smith Susan Tobin 4 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 48 32 25 20 20 16 15 14 12 12 12 10 8 2 4 3 3 4 4 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 67 60 42 39 32 16 15 12 12 10 8 6 4 4 4 2 2 4 5 4 3 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 75 63 36 34 30 20 18 16 15 12 8 8 8 4 2 3 3 4 2 3 2 1 3 2 1 2 1 1 60 50 49 27 24 22 20 18 12 10 10 6 4 Volume 39 Issue 3 F60-64 Susan Cornwell Patricia Dugan Anne Priddy Barbara Crandall Vicky Bernal Linda Levins Perha Varley Mary Stutzman Carol Winger F70-74 Janice McNees F75-79 Mary Lou Manausa F80-84 Margarete L. Deckert F85-99 Josephine K. Newton Overall Male Stanley Linton Reikan Lin Peter Kaus Vince Molosky Zach DeVeau Michael Martinez Jack McDermott Brian Molen Tony Guillen Ryan Truchelut Geb Kiros David Knauf Chris Rego Mickey Moore Charlie Johnson Carl Nordhielm Jack Rutledge Nate Kaiser Camilo Ordonez Joel Piotrowski Mark Tombrink Sean Hudson Juan Ordonez Tim Unger Michael La Bossiere Greg Waddell Bill McNulty Perry Waddell Nathan Adams David Graf Paul Guyas Bing Xu M1-9 Jackson Rowe Andres Bernstein Elias Bernstein Maddux Carver Taylor Bell Randy Manausa Andrew Guillen T HE F L EET F O O T M10-14 Spencer Amsellem Hawthorne Hay Tyler Carver Max Eastman Michael Molen Parker Bell Wade Eastman Tommy Ensley Tony Alexander Guillen Nick McAnally 4 4 3 3 1 1 4 3 1 70 70 36 30 10 10 75 50 12 4 80 Charlie Lang Perry Waddell 40 Mitchell Atkinson Jack Rutledge 2 2 1 3 4 3 2 2 3 1 4 2 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 M15-19 40 M20-24 Reikan Lin Stanley Linton 20 John Parker Chase Pennell Chris Rego 90 66 M25-29 41 Mark Tombrink 40 Peter Kaus 34 Zach DeVeau 33 Ryan Truchelut 30 Gary Galvez 28 Luke Grabowski 26 Charley Kirkland 25 24 M30-34 20 Nathan Adams 20 Vince Molosky 17 Zack Scharlepp 15 Cole Tessier 15 Erik Andersen 15 Kyle Gower-Winter 13 Charlie Johnson 13 Dominic Milner 11 Thomas Biance 11 Nate Kaiser 9 Jonathan Nash 9 Matt Hohmeister 9 John Finch 7 Benjamin Rangel 7 Kyle Shaw 5 Daniel Gidaro 5 Christopher Turner 3 Worth Corn 3 Andrew King 3 Joseph Petty 3 M35-39 35 28 27 25 20 12 6 Brian Molen Paul Guyas Camilo Ordonez David Graf Brad Taylor Bill Krizner Tim Bennett Michael Martin Tolar Griffin Abe Middleton 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 35 24 23 20 20 15 10 10 6 4 2 2 1 1 35 35 20 20 5 3 3 2 1 82 60 36 25 15 4 3 2 3 2 2 1 52 50 40 39 23 16 4 3 2 3 2 3 2 1 2 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 47 40 40 32 26 24 20 18 16 15 15 10 8 8 8 6 6 4 4 4 5 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 90 65 30 24 24 22 12 12 10 8 Page 37 Adam Kent M40-44 Joel Piotrowski Philip Sura Sean Hudson Juan Ordonez Carter Hay Jack McDermott Mickey Moore Jamie Carver Robert Skrob Larry Harris Michael Kennett Loy Ahn Adam Shamy Brian Neely Chuck Pierson Nico Wienders David Bigoney Christopher Danello M45-49 Michael Martinez Michael La Bossiere Bing Xu Tony Guillen Duane Evans Geb Kiros Eric Dueno David Knauf Greg Waddell Douglas Covert Ben Andrews Matthew Rowan Dan Cashin Mark Fuller Chuck Lang Jim Phillips Rob Dearduff Richard Pulido Jeff Bryan Thomas Maxwell M50-54 Tim Unger Daniel Cutchen Jay Silvanima Mike Peymann Jeff Kuperberg Carl Nordhielm Barney Ray Mike Manausa Stacey Shuman Richard Ziegler Jim Martin Bryan Desloge Myron Herring Rob McNeely A J Smith Mike Stiles Kevin Pope Al Curry Danny Langston Andy Santana M55-59 1 6 5 4 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 80 54 30 27 22 20 20 14 14 12 10 8 8 6 6 6 4 4 3 4 4 2 4 2 4 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 60 50 48 35 32 30 24 20 20 10 8 8 6 6 6 6 4 4 2 2 4 5 4 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 67 47 45 35 25 20 20 18 12 12 10 8 8 8 8 8 6 4 2 2 Page 38 Felton Wright Bill McNulty Jay Herring Ithel Jones David Cox David Yon Jeffrey Coleman John Showalter Robby Turner Robert McDonald Keith L Berry Morris Davis Rob Williams Gary Cato David Landis Hal Davis Steven Stolting Jimmy Ledford M60-64 Jerry McDaniel T HE F L EET F O O T 4 3 2 4 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 65 60 32 32 24 20 15 15 14 12 10 10 10 8 8 6 4 2 3 60 Craig Willis Shelton Ansley David Anderson Gary Griffin Terry O Presnell Edward Russell Chuck Booker David Farnsworth Dale L. Smith Joe Vega Buddy Levins Terry Butler M65-69 Ron Christen Gene Opheim Carlos Zapata Bill McGuire John McCoy Marshall Kelley Rick Ashton 4 4 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 60 49 42 26 18 12 10 8 8 6 4 2 5 4 4 2 3 3 2 90 54 45 40 32 22 14 Volume 39 Issue 3 Michael Bates Nick Mazza David E. Smith Tom Brushwood M70-74 David Darst Guy Anglin Nick Nichols Jim Varley Mark Hillis Le Roy McNees M75-79 Bob Keller Woody Dudley M80-84 Robert Morris James Skofronick 2 1 2 1 12 12 8 2 4 2 2 2 1 1 62 40 35 20 12 8 4 3 65 60 2 1 40 15 All photos from Flash 12K/6K Julie Coiro Christopher Turner Natalie Bunds Bo Taff Angela Dempsey Zach Deveau Adrienne Ruhl Becky Leckinger Abe Middleton Vicky Verano Volume 39 Issue 3 Thomas Parker Diane Kaji Christina Oberlin T HE F L EET F O O T Bonnie Joyce Joe Boyd Kacy King Miriam Barfield Ellen Pulido Bryan Smith Natalie Radford Page 39 Lonny Mayfield Nicholas Williams Tiffany Roddenberry Heather Fuselier Richard Oberlin Tallahassee Marathon - white no’s are Marathon, black are Half Page 40 T HE F L EET F O O T Martha Brushwood Volume 39 Issue 3 Dianne Dearduff David Bigoney Joe Vannoy Justin Unger Monica Mccullion Tim Kelly Mary Vancore Aiden Xu Jin Joseph Ainsley Hay Chloe Molen Linda Vannoy Jeffrey Coleman Randy Manausa Run for the Cookies - Top two rows 5K, bottom row 1 Mile
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