May 10, 2014 - Indiana University of Pennsylvania
May 10, 2014 - Indiana University of Pennsylvania
-- J-: UK '.•— i f •«• aiiv»*••"• 3 »-< k May 10, 2014 WELCOME Welcome, Families and Friends The lUPcommunity extendsawarm welcome to the families and friends of a very distinguished graduating class. Over the past several years, the class members have worked and studied and are now ready to begin a new chapterin their lives. Forsome, this will mean a job and the responsibilities of a family For others, it will mean graduate or professional school. Whatever course their future takes, the university hopes that its graduates will look back on their years here as having prepared them to meet and deal with the challenges that life will present. I In today's ceremony, roughly 1,900 undergraduate and graduate students are recognized for their academic achievement. mm The universityjoins parents, spouses, relatives, and friends in congratulating the graduates on their accomplishments and in wishing for them the happiness of a productive life, the respect oftheir fellow human beings, and the love of their families. Best of luck and congratulations. Welcome, Graduates, to the lUP ]r Welcometo thelUPAlumni Alumni Association Association. Did you know you are now a member? Once you've been astudent at lUP, you'll always be a part of tne family. As agraduate of Indiana University of Pennsylvania, you're automatically a member of the lUP Alumni Association. There are no dues to pay, no rules or regulations to follow. The Alumni Association bnngs alumni together in regions across the nation, providing opportunities for networking with fellow graduates. You also have the opportunity to enjoy benefits, such as gooa deals on auto and homeowners , recognition of the many accomplishments or alumni, and a number of online network ng tools to keep you connected, ^fit edu/alumni to . learn. about all of the benefits pyr IJS velv COMMENCEMENT 2014 PRESIDENT, VICE PRESIDENTS, DEANS, AND CHAIRPERSONS MICHAEL A. DRISCOLL, PRESIDENT COMMENCEMENT PRESIDENT'S CABINET Timothy S. Moerland, provost and vice president for Saturday, May 10,2014 Academic Affairs Indiana University of Pennsylvania ... Cornelius wooten, vice president for Administration and Finance Kovalchick Complex Rhonda H. Luckey, vice president for student Affairs James TBegany, vice president for Enrollment MORNING CEREMONY, 9:00 A.M. Management and communications William D. Speidel, vice president for University Fine Arts Advancement Health and Human Services ^ Natural Sciences and Mattiematics Timothy RMack, dean, School of Graduate studies and AFTERNOON CEREMONY, 1:30 P.M. Pablo B. Mendoza, assistant to the president for Social Business and Information Technology Education and Educational Technology Barbara^ Moore, director, institutional Research, Planning, and Assessment Research Robin A. Gorman, executive assistant to the president Humanities and Social Sciences for Government and Community Relations DEANS THE STAR-SPANGLED BANNER 0saysocanproudly you see,webyhaii'thed dawn' early light What at thestwilight' s last pIp • Whose broad stripes and bright stars thrn f DEPARTMENT CHAIRS Sekhar Anantharaman, chairperson, Accounting GaryJ. Dean, chairperson. Adult and Community Education Catherine M. Dugan, chairperson/director, Advising and Testing phillip D. Neusius, chairperson.Anthropology Andrew W.Gillham, chairperson, Art Francis J.condino, chairperson/director, Athletics Carl S. Luciano, chairperson, Biology Karen S. Rivosecchi. chairperson. Career and Technical Personnel preparation George R. Long, chairperson. Chemistry Mark J. Piwinsky, chairperson, Communications Media William w. Oblitey. chairperson. Computer Science ClaireJ. Dandeneau, chairperson. Counseling ElizabethA. Kincade, chairperson/director, Counseling Center Randy L. Martin, chairperson. Criminology Albert S.Wutsch,chairperson.Academy of Culinary Arts Melvin A.Jenkins, chairperson. Developmental Studies Nicholas Karatjas, chairperson. Economics Yaw A. Asamoah, dean, College of Humanities and Lynanne Black, chairperson. Educational and school Robert Ccamfdean, Eberly college of Business and David M. Piper, chairperson, Employment and Labor Ma;R"Sa,'dt™Xe of Health and Gian S.Pagnucci, chairperson, English IbrahimJ.Affaneh, chairperson, Finance and Legal Services , _ Michael J. Hood, dean. College of ^ . Lara M. Luetkehans, dean, College of Education and Educational Technology „i c-icnrpc Deanne L. snavely, dean, college of Natural sciences and Mathematics Psychology Relations studies Rita M.Johnson, chairperson. Food and Nutrition Sean M. McDaniel, chairperson. Foreign Languages John E. Benhart, chairperson, Geography and Regional Planning Luis J. Gonzalez, dean, Libraries Steven A. Hovan, chairperson, Geoscience Elaine A. Blair, chairperson, Health and Physical Richard J. Muth, director, Northpointe Campus R. Scott Moore, chairperson, History Terry Appolonia, dean. Punxsutawney Campus Education Jeffrey A. Miller, chairperson, Hospitality Management Fredalene B, Bowers, chairperson, Human Development and Environmental Studies Michele R. Papakie, chairperson. Journalism SandraL. Janicki, chairperson. Libraries Ramesh G. Soni, chairperson, Management Pankaj, chairperson, Management Information Systems and DecisionSciences alma aaater Parimal S. Bhagat, chairperson, Marketing Francisco E, Alarcon. chairperson, Mathematics David A. Meyer, chairperson. Military Science John E. Stamp, chairperson. Music To ournoble Alma Maters name We, her Children, Sing ajoyfuliay And tolivesherbeyond anew allegiance That aday. Pledge Elizabeth A. Palmer, chairperson. Nursing and Allied Health Professions Mary MacLeod, chairperson, Philosophy Devki N.Talwar, chairperson. Physics John FSitton, chairperson, Political Science Sue A. Rieg, chairperson, Professional studies in Education ^ , Raymond RPavloski, chairperson, Psychology Hail nwaii u praise, CStuart Chandler chairperson, Religious Studies Lon HFerguson, chairperson, Safety Sciences DAlex Heckert, chairperson, Sociology Janice M. Baker, chairperson, Special Education and And to her name be true. Clinical Services m i, John WLowery, chairperson, Student Affairs in Higher Education . ^ ^ LeAnn Wilkle, chairperson, Technology Support and Bnan"jones, chairperson,Theater and Dance TERRY L. DUNLAP, KEYNOTE SPEAKER HONORARY DEGREE RECIPIENTS *Albert E. Diem Doctor of Letters *james M. Stewart Doctor Of Letters Doctor of Letters *Samuel R. Loboda '36 *Jean Daugherty '44 Doctor of Letters *James Schlesinger Doctor of Laws Doctor of Laws Doctor of Laws Doctor of Laws Doctor of Laws Doctor of Letters Doctor of Letters Doctor of Laws Doctor of Laws Doctor of Letters *George M. Leader *PatrlckF. McCarthy *ArthurJ. Rooney *S.John Davis '50 *FrankGorell *Willis E. Pratt Steve R. Domen '49 *Charles J. Potter Andre Previn *RalphW.Cordier i A 1981 graduate oflupTpm/n i as executive vice prKident nf"th PMra, Irm octfc 2m'S'u%'^,°l™« MM wa 1983 and DickThornburgh *Samuei w. Jack Jr. *Lawrence A. Cremin *Maicolm Cowley William G. Kegel *E. James Trimarchi *john Campbell Bruce Tito Capobianco Lorin Maaze! *Ernest L Boyer Sandra DayO'Connor Richard C.Wallace Jr. David McCullough PaulA.Volcker *Fred McFeely Rogers Clifton R.Wharton Jr. *PaulA. samuelson Robert P. Bozzone Oscar Arias Charles R. Fuget Abraham J.Twerski *john RMurtha Gilbert M. Grosvenor Robert E, cook'64 Christine J.Toretti James M. Loy Board of Dirertnrc u of the Fmnit Doctor of Letters *Agnes Sligh Turnbull, classof i9io A.T.0'im)Cejka73 Daniel A. Griffith 70, M^72 Richard W. Macedonia 66 Robert C. Wilburn Randall Silvis M'76 John J. Kopchick72, M75 Robert CAnderson 67 Gerald zahorchakM 88 Glenn M. Cannon^71 Karlin Roth Toner'83 Clyde Mills McGeary 54 *Deceased Doctor of Letters Doctor of Laws Doctor of Letters Doctor of Letters Doctor of Letters Doctor of Laws Doctor of Laws Doctor of Letters Doctor of Letters Doctor of Letters Doctor of Laws Doctor of Laws Doctor of Letters Doctor of Letters Doctor of Laws Doctor of Humane Letters Doctor of Laws Doctor of Letters Doctor of Public Service Doctor of Laws Doctor of Public Service Doctor of Laws Doctor of Laws Doctor of Laws Doctor of Laws Doctor of Laws Doctor of Science Doctor of Science Doctor of Science Doctor of Laws Doctor of Laws Doctor of Letters Doctor of Science Doctorof Public Service Doctor of Laws Doctor of Laws Doctor of Science Doctorof Humane Letters AMESSAGE FROM PRESIDENT DRISCOLL ABOUT THE PRESIDENT mm Michael A. Driscoll has high ^ m expectations for lUR died 24 ;ourses •iB! A pinnacle of his first 16 months at biology, te the helm was to lead the creation of a formalized strategic vision that • provides a beacon for lUP's future. aw, scale 5S, The strategic vision emphasizes a being student experience that connects research and learning with solving everal id real problems in society. Itteems 'it with faculty interaction, engaged learning outside of the classroom an in the community, and an emphasis nearas important sure Iwalked across the onface-to-face learning that is id J with enhanced by technology. Ultimate y, Kiiii'Viftl'tf'ffirrff 3ty the document calls for alumni KirsmsaJI^Sfi vidual ucation are proud oftheir lUP experience d eager to continue theirassociatio' Wi^i - ' The Office Ofthe with their alma mater. MUKlt. ABOUT THE. each year with tl tanding Before his arrival at lUP in 2012, '^uiry member Years ffom now. Award, based or Dr. Driscoll served as executive comment he orshe wrote on r. ^nd service, and acti' vice chancellor and provost orj: University of Alaska Anchorage, fS^h a position he took after serv'^S ItSSm, ^j!m in various posts at Portland Sta <9M^i University in Oregon, including ^^re given vice provost for Academic Pe . | and Budget and executive -g the Maseeh College ofEngine j^MST 2SEagH5S®S! and Computer science. W^ahi He earned his PhD in 1988,1^'^.^^ in 1985, and his BS In 1983, electrical engineering, from i^ ^'^' y^oday,andenjoyyour ^e/7?or/es. jggn liTiiiroBraHSlRHHBHBl ^BBasBliMyjSS State University. the university HE31 massfflH® WiK BiBiiTOawn lilildilJifllf 'fings include more the IIIIWilftillllllF variety of internship ar ter's degree programs, Trnrmi?Ffff ifiFiggRWiMliilsli BBIS rtunities S&SBI ill laa [aiiMi.ww I Bell for research a I s College provide spec Jrietyand quality ofins m|Rii sity, yet at lUR close, or 1the teaching framewc 0vails. , r'.t ^ 'a*--v • • DISTINGUISHED FACULTY AWARDS DISTINGUISHED FACULTY AWARDS Distinguished Faculty Award for Service Research presented by Sue A. Rieg, Professional Studies in Education for Research, centers on the morphology, systematics anri f? !!-t , research projects focus on the origin and early evointln Af anatomy of mammals. His current Bi has published 12 papers in Deer-rLrPu,i^H '^^S'^nnals. In the past five years, Dr. journals. Among them is "a New Arboreal Haramivw^ih"'^'"'^^®''^® scientific Mammals in the Jurassic Period,™tlv nublkrH i„ °f Crown scientific joumal Nature. Dr. Bi's work has inrh rilHS mtemational, interdisciplinary and excavation of paleontologic sites and aQcnr-f^f participation in field survey across much of Asia and North America Hi<; ,„-'fi®^^^^seum-based research of sites from the Chinese Academy of Science and the Ppnnc pphho i supported through awards j Education Faculty Professional DeveloDment rnt System of Higher ancient mammalian fauna has made asienifirant r ' evolution of these groups. ^ contnbution to the understanding of the Distinguished Faculty Awai-h f ) Kevin E. Eisensmith, Music for Creative ArtS Sue Rieg is being recognized WWh the Distinguished Faculty Av^ard for Service, awarded by the University Senate to one faculty member each year. Since joining the lUP faculty in 2001 Dr Rieg has served on some 27 committees. She has actively supported students in preparing for state teaching examinations, served on numerous dissertation committees, and played an active role in seeking financial support for students, including establishing a student scholarship Dr. Rieg has mentored new and non-promoted faculty members as they prepared for evaluations and, as department chair, has worked to align faculty teaching with individual areas of expertise and research interest. Throughout her career, Dr. Rieg has been involved in various professional organizations, currently serving as Special interest Group chair for the Eastem Educational Research Association, in addition, Dr. Rieg has continued her intimate involvement with the Indiana Area School District, remaining current on the challenges and opportunities available to seasoned and student teachers alike. ABOUT THE AWARDS —rvi .ly • Kevin Eisensmith is being rem • — ^ The pdmfry"mission of lUP is to teach, and the universi^ has i received national and international acclaim conferencef^nH fi. ? invited to ^®^ber each year. A1978 graduate and Orvieto Musica irl^t ^'deluding the China anrf• ^ numerous internationa rriember of variniiQ n ' he ha<^ nn f international trumpet f^stiva ^ Tmmpet Guild's 3s asoloic^t u conferences and °.ional the Festival ofTrumpe fm' ^'^^'"8 or condnrf participates in the in Westmoreland an^Aln Locally or ni "^""8 "ew works for trumpet en^e trumpet for the Johnt n ^VTiphonies For m performed with the Jo^ , Altoona Symphonv hiq 1^^'^P^ony, and rpro°[f Dr. Eisensmith's invniw decades, and this snh?^"' are numpr y®^rs, he served P ^ the named principal p^ormanc®- the inteS'','h® ^reas of trumpet and perf°^ . and dedication of the faculty, in appreciation of outstanding teaching ability, lUP presents this award. Past recipients mc ude MThammed E^hobashy, 1978; Irwin Marcus, F^nkV.^iano Jr and Mark A Plivelic 1980; Robert A. Patsiga, 1982, Ronald M. LieHas-Howard E. Tompkins, 1984; Conrad J. Gates 1985; Ronald LMarks i986:FrancisW. Liegey, 1987, JoannE.Walthour, 1988- Robert Jstonebraker, 1989; Mary Lou Zanich, 1990; Terry T Ray%9l John WKuehn, 1992; Barbara A. Kraszawski 1993, Ga^ J Olmstpad 1994-Hilary L. DeMane, 1995; Rebecca A. Stoudt, 1996, ^i. ?v' 1QQ7 chprriii J Begres 1998; William McPherson, ^J M«n, 20ra; Thomas R. Lord, For'creative Arts There are many avenues for scholarly or learned expression, and the creative arts provide, perhaps, the most visible of these avenues.Through public performancesand exhibitions, lUP faculty members have brought acclaim and recognition to the universityas well as to their particular media. The university annually considers candidates for this award based on their dedication to quality in the arts. Past recipients include Charles A. Battaglini,1977; Ned 0. Wert, 1978;Thomas J. Dongilla, 1980;Paul Ben-Zvi, 1981;Christopher L. weiland, 1982;Ronald A. Juliette,1983;John J. Dropcho,1984; W. Delight Malitsky, 1986; ChristopherL Weiland, 1987; Donn W. Hedman, 1988;CarolA. Teti, 1989; Rosaly Roffman, 1990;James G. staples, 1991; JeanJ. Slenker, 1992; Ronald F Smits, 1993; Mary Beth Leidman, 1994;Sarah J.Mantel, 1995; Dominic J. intili, 1996; Maurice A. Kilwein-Guevara, 1997;Edward K. Simpson, 1998; Holly R. Boda, 1999; Annie-Laurie wheat, 2001; Edward K. Simpson, 2002; Daniel J. perlongo, 2003; Stanley L. Chepaitis, 2004; Chauna Craig, 2005; John E, Stamp, 2007;Patricia E. Villalobos-Echeverria, 2008; Richard J, Kemp, 2010; Barbara A. Blackledge, 2011; and Joan E. van Dyke, i Lynne B. Alvine, 2011; and Fredalene B, Bowers, 2013. 2012. For service Si 1fa' ft^ member and on the ""ive^^ award for these scholarly contributions and for be mstrtutional "^jawad Haija is being ProSifna^aaivlfe algebra-based nhvti '®'^t'^ook,for&senfe/^h several m mArabic, ClassLTph English Physics textt; H®' '^® ^^s further spectrum, includino T articles intn senior physics '"troductory cour^Bc ? ofAdvisors for Physics, and textD°° houses. He is coau*-^ P^'^'isiied in 2014, and 3^"° gigting teaching scholarship PY 'r At lUR Dr. Haija teaches acro gn teacher strives to graduate/dual h "°"""^3jors, courses for freshman ^good '^'Jests for learn L '"- hieing open tn « ^ 'courses. He identifies three Quaiit ® ^gnt st'Jdents are corr^f knowledge- and w suggestions: eni^anc ®|^ioh accessible bpino ®^®«ively%u ®- 'n student wS « ^ toward lifting the pace of work at widely'reco^nized tor being m |y to the university community or to the community atlarge. Service S may be part of an extension of professional responsibilities :i that exceed the nominee's nominal job description or may be Senat^to one fif?§"'=hed FacultyAward for Tea^U|g%lated scienc •foundation, serving n"IP '^® twice being an ^ "^emi^er each year. His '^^^Pters in physic, tn "^cGraw Hill ark ^P®^^®^ a'national This award recognizes either significant or sustained contributions 1 distinguished seivice tothe local, state, national, or international ^:| Gopal S. Kulkarni, 1987; ; Cashdollar, 1989; James M.Cahalan,ivvu, Mary H. Micco, 1991; y :DevkiN.Talwar.l992;EdwardW.Gondol 1^ •Stephen K. Sanderson, 1995; Edward M, Kaniasty, 1997; Charlene Pleger 1999; c. Thomas Ault, 2000, P''^shanth . Zhang, 2002; Terry L. Peard, 2003; Alicia ^ ! 2005; Narayanswamy Bharathan, 2006, • A. Botelho, 2008; Abbas J. All. 2009, KeHi K : Sitton, 2011; Raymond PPavloski, 2012, a '""'"'i.i .'.r-rc ; ^^ mng. 2001; John Bahgat, 2007; Lynn 2010; John F 20i3. community Past recipients include Isadore R. Lenglet, 1982; John " E. Merryman, 1983; Richard D. Magee, 1984; Warner E.Tobin, 1985; Daniel DiCicco, 1986; J. Merle Rife, 1987; Lorrie J. Bright, 1988; Mark J. staszkiewicz, 1989; Anthony G. DeFurio, 1990; Marlin E. Hartman, I 1991; Charles D. Cashdollar, 1993; Connie J. Sutton, 1994; Melvin R. , i woodard, 1995; Donna L. Streifthau, 1996; Darlene S. Richardson, l997;MaryAnnCessna, 1998; Fran Pollock Prezant, 1999; Jerry ' i i L. Pickering, 2000;Steven F Jackson, 2001;VeronicaToombs . i Watson, 2002; MaryE. Sadler, 2003; Linda S. Nelson, 2004; Gail S. • Sechristand RameshG. Soni, 2006; Caleb RFinegan, 2007; Calvin Oi ^ Masilela, 2008; Jonathan B. Smith, 2009; Joseph w. Domaracki, 2010; ! Janet E. Goebel, 2011; David M. Piper, 2012; and Edel M. Reilly, 2013.' : GOVERNING AND ADVISORY BOARDS GRADUATION HONORS BACHELOR'S DEGREE RECIPIENTS WITH A 4.0 GRADE POINT AVERAGE The following students have completed their first bachelor's degree program m with a perfect 4.0 grade point average: Carrie Ann Aitkins Matthew D. Lohr Alyssa Bree Altman Stephanie Dawn Anna Tabtip Louhabanjong Danielle Marie Malicky Jill Renee Marguccio Erika Kathleen Barlow Claire Dawn Bertinet Rebecca Ann Bowser Tyler Jordan Caba THE PENNSYLVANIA STATE SYSTEM OF HIGHER EDUCATION Since its creation on July i 1933 the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education has developed a reputation for service, achievement, and vision PENNSYLVANIA Mary Esther Van <5hi ' Jamie Lynn Czech Amy Elizabeth Paine Paige Ashley Peterson Matthew David DePra Amanda M. Rolewicz Kaitlyn Aubrey Fung Anastasia Elizabeth Gaines Christopher M. Garrett Brittany Lee Gilroy Ryan C. Gray Erik Jan Graybill William Leroy Harman infrastructures in the commonwealth. STATE SYSTEM OF HIGHER Gealywyvallwo^KS""®^ GuidoM.Pichini, chair Sandra Staci M. Harnden Michelle Brence Hedlund Laura Jane Keeley Melissa Rae King education board of GOVERNORS Frank! Brogan, exoffic/o.Harrisburg Richard Alloway 11 Daniel James O'Hara Jessie Alexandra Crawford Strong student demand for the academic offerings at the 14 public universities in the state System is evidenced by the combined enrollment of about 112 000 students. The state System universities are working to fulfill their potential as one of the largest human resource develooment Laura E. Ellsworth, vice chair Ronald G. Henry, vice chair Shannon Marie Costa Phillip D. Carrai %V' n John Ninosky '93 trea^i Nicole Ann Kovach DIRECTORS Pittsburgh bachelor's degree candidates as follows: *** ** Summa Cum Laude, 3.75 to 4.00 Magna Cum Laude, 3.50 to 3.74 Cum Laude, 3.25 to 3.49 Asterisks denote non-Latin honors for associate degree candidates as follows: *** ** * Megan Elizabeth Morris Ashley Marie Moyer Meghan Elizabeth Corbett Asterisks denote Latin honors for first-time * Brian Daniel Melczak Chelsea G. Murray Chelsea Erin O'Hanlon Naomi Rebecca Cannon LATIN HONORS With Highest Honor, 3.75 to 4.00 With High Honor, 3.50 to 3.74 With Honor, 3.25 to 3.49 Graduation honors are tentative and are based on the cumulative grade point average after conclusion of the student's next-to-last semester. Final honors for these graduates will be noted after final cumulative grade point averages have been calculated. Lauren Ashley Sebastinas Tynan John Shannon Kelsey M. Shaulis Averages are determined on the basis of the following: 4=A; 3=B; 2=C. The appearance of a name on this program is not a valid indication of graduation. The diploma of the university and an official transcript, signed and sealed by the proper officers, provide authentic testimony to the conferring of a degree. Danielle Renee Simchick Shelbie Elizabeth Slade Karii Lynn Spangler Meghan Catherine Sullivan Katie LynneVining Ethan Yi-Shen Wang Emily Weber Ashley RoseYoungkin Abbey M. Zeiko Kelly Marie Krakosky Vienna, VA Matthew E. Baker Jennifer G. Branstetter, designee for NEW FACULTY EMERITI Governor Corbett Marie Conley Gary Bailey, History, 23years Sara j. Dickson Robert Begg, Geography and Regional Planning, 28 years Joseph Bencloski, Geography and Regional Planning, Tom Corbett, governor Carolyn c. Dumaresq 'Odd Garrett Franklin Chelsea E. Getsy Michael k. Hanna Jonathan B. Mack David M. Maser Joseph F. McGinn Robert S.Taylor Aaron A. Walton JohnTYudichak Frank! Brogan, chancellor csssr'""»>"tNv 24 years • Michael Briggs, Chemistry, 8 years James cahalan, English, 29years *Wendy Carse, English, 21 years I Philip Gordon, Human Development and Environmental Studies, 32 years ; Linda Hall, Student Affairs in Higher Education, 30 years Patricia Heilman, Journalism, 39 years ; Thomas Lord, Biology, 23 years Clifford Klinger, Academy of Culinary Arts, 16 years Donald Robertson, Psychology, 37 years Daniel Shively, Libraries, 50 years Sharon Sowa, Chemistry, 16 years Mary Swinker, Human Developmentand Environmental Studies, 34 years *john Woolcock, Chemistry, 29 years Kwasi Yirenkyi, Religious Studies, 26 years Nancy Yost, Special Education and Clinical Services, 18 years * Deceased morning ceremony program -V STUDENT REFLEaiON -J ; Abbie M. Bender, College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, waynesboro, Pennsylvania fm s?m CONFERRING OF HONORARY DEGREE ON TERRY L DUNLAP President Driscoll commencement address Terry L Dunlap '81 conferring of degrees President Driscoll MICHAEL A. DRISCOLL •' P^^sident, presiding prologue lUP Council ofTrustees conductor 'UP Wind Ensemble jacl< E. Stamp- ^^^^.2009 ;°^"^3hforwindBand" county oe;," Distinguished university Profess - P^cV America the Beautiful" . ,Ward/P^®® the processional GRANTING OF MILITARY COMMISSIONS David A. Meyer, lieutenant colonel. United States Army presentation of SENIOR CLASS GIR Allison M. Wilson, College of Health and Human Services, lUP Senior Giving Campaign 2014 ALUMNI ASSOCIATION GREETINGS Sandra KoeppI Barsotti '87, president, lUP Alumni Association Of the Nobles" P°mP and Circumstance" Lar/Gru"< Sine Nomine" Studerite' Mareha^'Robertty ^®!^- '^'"ward Column Marshals: ™ Greeters: Nicole Bradlei WELCOME Timothy S. Moerland, provost and vice president for Academic Affairs Timothy PMack, dean. School of Graduate Studies and Research vaugha^ Will'^^' M. Piper ^'ller,lupAmbassadors "-'-^XM.IIer, President Driscoll ALMA MATER* Mr. Mosley THE RECESSIONAL „ . Crown imperial ... v\/alton/Duthoit READER John N. Kilmarx, associate vice president. Academic Administration '^^ONai ANTHEM. Graduates and Guests: Please remain seated until the Platform pa^ ce major, Carlisle, Pennsylvania recessed. At the conclusion of this program, please proceed program Wish to attend. The location of each department ceremony ts listed in the bacK prog Please do not walk onto the arena floor to take pictures during the program. * Graduates, guests, and facully members are requested to join in the singing. President SCHOOL OF GRADUATE STUDIES AND RESEARCH Pimothy p. Mack dSSsp- : master OF FINE ean May 9.2014 DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Michelle Elizabeth Colbaugh ^^^^^m-Winded:Stressedand off Your Bacl(? AMulti-method Analysis ofTheft ataSpecialtv Theresa LJones Criminology Tyler j.Kulp Music Art Dissertation; Who Is Taking the Shirt^ Jenna Hyatt Music ARTS May 9,2014 Dana N. Baxter Virginia stearly Thesis: Take aPainting Matthew j. Lamade May 9,2014 Employment and Labor Relations Nursing Faculty Shellenbarger Nursing Paulette Dorney Dissertation Chain Elizabeth Pai™r KristyLynne Baker Empioyment and Labor Relations Meigan K. Robb Academic success ofpreSscca/aureafe Nursing students Dissertation Chair Teresa Shellenbarger Nursing Anna n,vioral Desireej. Madison ^^annaJeanWcGiboney Jeremy Lee Beaver Employment and Labor Relations Sydney A Bender Criminology Bobbi Lynn Lape Nursing Allison M. Illig Safety Sciences Antonio Agostinho Mendes Safety Sciences Melissa J.Joy Safety Sciences Mary Ellen Mock Biology Paul M. Kelly Biology Employment and Labor Re Monica Bhupendra Pate! Chemistry Safety Sciences MASTER OF EDUCATION Andrew Quillen Safety Sciences Melanie Rose Lewis Food and Nutrition May 9, 2014 Scott A, Rega Applied Mathematics Ashlee Mae Long Biology Jamie Lynn cation Healtii and Physical Educac Lynn A. Rinehimer Lauren Marie Lyons Sport Science Ryan Schwartzel Employment and Labor Relations Scott Alan Stipetic Employment and Labor Relat Employment and Labor Relations Food and Nutrition LindsyAnne M^chriock Employment and Labor Relations Sl^alt^h^lnS^Pbysical Education Emily Bogaczyk Criminology Matthew LSims ^Poyment and Labor Relations Criminology Teresa Smith Katherine Overly Srean ^"^P'^yment and Labor Relations Employment and Labor Relations Shane Velsor Employment and Labor Relations SCIENCE Yao Wang Music =1«lerLeroyWilson Freeman E"^Ployment and Labor Relations C«nic?Psych^oT4*"'®'^Meil and Labor Relations EntesarSaeed S.Ainw rhoon Biology Nursing Jamie E. Brentlinger August 7, 2014 '^anAbubaker Criminology P^^iJ^^^vonna Greene Employment and Labor Relations Linda Herrera Criminology May 9, 2014 Jill a. Betton Cnminoiogy Musfc'^nstermacher Alexis N. Petrosky . j-gtion Health and Physical EcJ^jc master of Nicholas John carnicella Amanda N, Crick Criminology August 7, 2014 ^atisA. Groom Sport Science Francesca Marie caiabrese Food and Nutrition Philip Michael CipanK Sport Science Richard J. Coultas ^Ploymentand Labor Relations Em^yV""Hazelton yment and Labor Relations Applied Mathematics 2;;;,^'3^cisHornyak Kerry C. Fannon Food and Nutrition Employment and Labor Relations EmiinLtf Peelman mpioymentand Labor Relations Kristyn Elizabeth cromer Food and Nutrition Vincent zugudaah Forgo Applied Mathematics Eric Paul Kloss Matthew Douglas Rutt Kevin Joseph Mahoney Sport Science Safety Sciences Miranda K. Shoemaker Health services Administration Sport Science Brooke Brittany McDaniel Food and Nutrition Judith Lynn McGrath Safety Sciences Rhonda AnnTrexler Julie E. Mibroda Nursing Biology Jonathan RobertWayland Yahia S. S. Mohamed Applied Mathematics Biology Rachel Elizabeth Springer Music Rachael d, Ernette PSYCHOLOGY Kaitlynn Elizabeth Young Applied and industrial Chemistry Health and Physical Ed Daniel Wade Dunn Criminology DOaOR OF John Francis Hornyak Sport Science Employment and Labor Relations John Richard Bercik William Bradley Bova Dissertation: Factors Thatinfluence Michael Christensen Hummel Chemistry , , William Edward Winger Loretta Lynn Whitley Biider Dissertation Chair Teresa Nanoscience of industrial Materials Eden R. Ratliff Aaron Timothy Lyies Cnminoiogy Leadership Readiness and John-Tyler N.Soltys Biology Sarah May Stone master of arts Empowerment among Full-Time Ohuod Hawsawi Cnminoiogy Employment and Labor Relations Dissertation;^n Examination of Jonathan David Holz Sport Science Art Retailer Dissertation chair Dennis Giever MORNING CEREMONY Chad Jonathan westerburg Thomas Raymond Osbourne Sport Science Safety Sciences Bradley James Wiison Safety Sciences Jason William waddingham Safety sciences Jeremy JohnYagle Applied Mathematics PROFESSIONAL August 7, 2014 SCIENCE AAASTER'S Adrianne Jackson Alexander Sport Science ZacharyA, Childers Safety Sciences May 9, 2014 Angham Abdurahman Alahdal Nanoscience of industrial Materials Ohood Albeydani , Randy Keith Cox Safety Sciences Nanoscience ofindustrial Materials James A. Dzvonick Safety Sciences Applied and industrial Chemistry Wanesa A. Mohamed Elbreki Biology Applied and industrial Chemistry Raymond Francis Falcone Safety Sciences Applied and industrial Chemistry Pearl Kwantwi-Barima Nathaniel C Miller Danielle Morganti COLLEGE OF FINE ARTS COLLEGE OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Michael J. Hood Dean Mark E. Correia Dean Brown Tassels Green Tassels, Maroon Tassels, and Apricot Tassels Art Education Bachelor of science In Education May 9. 2014 Rachel Leah Adams ** Brieana Marice DeNardo Athletic Training Bachelor of Science Kristen M. Gear *** May 9, 2014 Allison Mary Conley* Hope Crawrford ** McKenzie Katherine Gross ** Megan Elizabeth Henry "** Rachel Elise Kiser Laura Elizabeth Dail Keelin Rolka McGrath ** Craig Anthony Hartman * Tonizia Jenaye Hill James RyanWatters Grace Elaine Thomas *** Art studio Bachelor of Fine Arts May 9, 2014 August 7, 2014 Alexandra Marie Edwards * Donald Lee Blankenship Luci Rose Jockel ** Jennifer Lynn Shaulis Child Development and Family Jarret Michael wasko *** Relations Bachelor of Science May 9, 2014 Art/History Bachelor of Arts May 9. 2014 Kelsey Elizabeth Bryner Ashley Nicole Dunham * Sara Ann Lucot Zee EvelynTarbell Annie Elizabeth Bridge ** interdisciplinary Fine Arts/ Dance Arts Bachelor of Arts May 9,2014 Malaya D. Garrett LindseyRanee Grove ** August 7. 2014 Clerissa Louise Connelly Interdisciplinary Fine Arts/ Art/studio Music Theater Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Arts May 9, 2014 Allison Lorraine Chang * May 9, 2014 Lydia Rose Gibson Kyle W. Hawk * BrittanyElaine Coleman Megan Christina Gallagher *** Marketta Catherine Gent ** Nicole Susanne Gillotti *** Kyle Alexander Gossard ** Meagan Jeanette Graff ** Marlssa Suzanne Kletter Victoria Regina Lopardo *** Megan Loraine Maggiore ** Monica Diane Pare*** Joshua Caleb Readshaw * Brant Edward Roberts *•** Shannon Dawn Shaffer ** Karli Lynn Spangler *** Clarissa Elizabeth Stewart ** Melissa Joy Davenport *' Music Cory Michael Stewart-Leydic * early June Ehrlich Courtney Nichole Elliott*** Bachelor of Arts Jeremiah Levi Umholtz ** Charles Steven Fisher Hannah Mandigo Fullerton ** McKenzie Katherine Gross ** Nicole Ryan Hange Maura Kathleen Kownacki Emily Elizabeth Matens Alexandra Noel Mundy ** Kevin Nathaniel Ogden May 9,2014 Jessie Alexandra Crawford *** Victoria Elizabeth Dandrea Justice Aaron DeFreest Adam John Fladd * Douglas Elliott Kallin Marlssa Suzanne Kletter August 7, 2014 Sarah Susan Orefice Kaitlyn Lydia Sanders ** Chloe Elena Smith ** Erika Schnaas* Joshua Taylor Scott* Music Education Megan Lynn Sowers Sarah Ann Washabaugh August 7, 2014 Mackenzie Suzanne Davis David Anthony Havrilla** Kelly Ali Nonnemacher ** Bachelor of Science in Education May 9.2014 Samantha Andrejcisk *** Austin T/ler Beaufort Christina Marie Brisbin *** Brittany Leigh Brown *** Matthew David DePra *** Tate Arthur Dewalt *** Daniel Vincent Dicocco *** Elizabeth Marie Dietrich *** Rachel M.villareale *** Ashlyn Marie Warner * Katherine M. weaver * Samuel J.weiser* Music Performance Bachelor of Fine Arts May 9.2014 KartikAyysola Zachary Calvin Grass** Spencer Phillip Hartman Ryan Eugene Howell Emily Marie Cartier Theater Bachelor of Arts Hannah Claire Chaffee May 9,2014 Rebecca Susann Clement * Morgan Charles Chase ** Caleb Matthew Feigles Alyssa Louise Garrison ** Shea Elizabeth Hench Sarah Pauline Geisweit * Laura Ann Hucik Mark William Loftus Keith Allen Chappel! Monae Sharee Dowling *** Kiersen Accardi Hoffacker *** Alison R. Hoffman Rachel Anne Holland Ashley Marie Huddart Paul Nathan Fitts Bachelor of Science August 7, 2014 Scott Taylor Fitts Abbey Nicole Linn Jill Amy-Lynn Palko Abegail Louise Ford Jeremy Dale Fowler Dinar Stephen Galembush Joanna Frances Geisel Carl Eric Fleming Emily Clare Morris ** Clint T Phillips Elizabeth Rose Hussey Lindsay Marie Lobevero * Aaron John Shuster Derrick John Shane * Shelbie Elizabeth Slade *** Rachel Emily Mankowski Regan Taylor McNevin Criminology Janessa Lynn George Bachelor of Arts May 9, 2014 Travis Earl George Kurt Richard Stridinger * Ryan Sidney Thornhill Forrest Shane Trimble Andy C. Wyant** Ashley Elizabeth Raymond * Tyishia Vvette Roher Jasmin Michelle Smith Rachel Lauren Tefft Heather Lynn Thomas Britne Gabrielle Vinson Katrina Ann Barlow *** Christine N. Belinko *** Elliott Sergei Benner Emily R.Wallace Samantha Leigh Bennett Grant Stephen Bezek Briana Elyse Whitehead * ^"8USt7, 2014 Paul Jerome Bosle Alex Thomas Brown *** Nichole Renee Buck Barbara Jean Burdette Gabrieiia Marie Coteles^P DeAndre Lamar Burrell * Ashley E. cagno Alexandra Mary Letty Walters Christi Brooks Angela Ruth Cullen Keileigh Lynn Koch * Jensen Kayla Eberhart Franklin Allen Mosleyjr Matthew Julian Royek * Rebecca Leigh Goldstein ** Joshua M.Wertz*** Clinical Laboratory science Roxanne Mane Genovese Lydia Rae Hushon ** Knstina Lynn Komoroski Laura Rose Livingstone * Ashley Christina Pence * Katie Marie Powell Lauren Rene Sharkey Janet Margaret Sheffer Samantha Theresa Stevens Daniel Wilson Campbell Eric Edward Carpenter Christopher Reginald Chavis Ayinda Dishae Cheek Brittany Jean Clouner BrandonThomas Cocain Victor Q. Costello * Douglas Jay Dale Jr Brittany Lee Gilroy *** Colin Baker Greenleaf ** Amber Lynn Gregory * Stephanie Nicole Hainzer Samantha io Handel Christopher Terrell Hams Rachael Lynn Hartman Caitlyn Marie Hazenstab ** Alexandra Olivia Henry Tyler A. Herchelroath Alexander Mark Heuman Trevor craigHills Nicholas Edward Hood Ki'Anna Aidlah Johnson Derek Thomas Jones** Ronara Mone'T Jones Kiesha Monet Evans-Hams Kevin Paul McCrory Brian Daniel Melczak *** Jessica Nicole Miller Nicolette Rae Miller ** LatrishaRenee Morales ** Lindsay Rose Morran Franklin David Morris ** Megan Elizabeth Morris *** Matthew Michael Morrissey Marcus Dale Murray Deshante Lauren Nelson * Ty Steven Newcome Teno Lorenzo Pelerose *** Keith Michael Pentland Brett Stewart Petrasic Daniel S. Price ** Michael Anthony Ramos Keith E, Rankin CoryRichard Reilly Keith James Reiter** Sarybeth Rosado Sebastyan Thomas Kissell Kaitlyn Dawn Klinges Kole Andrew Kraut* iviatthew D. Lohr orittany Megan Warren caitlynn Jean McCormick Zachary Matthew King Edward Charles Dulick Zebulen William Evans Lauren Marie Matejko Patrick James McClure MiaKrystal Reuschling *** Bailey Alexa Rings Stephen Lare Lansberry James P DiBello *** Adam Stephen Marzullo * Victoria Kelly Jones** Rebecca Anne Kephart Justin Craig Daubenspeck Kelsey Kristine Deitle Israel Antonio Delgado Jordan Elizabeth Sullenberger Thomas John Maloney Jamie Kunkle ** Jason Lingo Rebecca Noelle Malaczewski Brittany N. Rogo Eric Donald Routch Wesley Paul Rowe Andrew Gregory Ruffner Kira Ann Rupert Kerrie-Ann Chantel Russell Jessica Elizabeth Rutkowski Brittani Nicole Salat Dane Chandler Sampson Jennifer Marie Santana Dakota James Sapinsky Nolan Ryan Schaaf Sara Elizebeth Schrider ** Michael James Seanor Micah Jamal Sellers Michael Anthony Shirley Michael Joseph Sible Desiree Amelia Smith Jordan Joseph Soutner Mallory Dawn Spangler Hollie Anne Speedy Jennifer Lee Spicher Keith Kendrick Sproul Jared Anthony Stewart Adnenne Nicole Stover ** Brandon Thomas Sulienberger Robert C. Taylor * Cory Donald Terek Lindsey Elizabeth Truscello Sean Patrick Truver Kalli Kristine Vargo Justin Adam Wall Timothy Andrew Weaver David Zachariah Wermlinger Onaje ClaytonWilliams * Nichole Marie Yatta Dustin Kyle Yoho JeremyAlexander Zawacki Kevin Zielinski Taylor LynnZindel * August 7, 2014 Milan PaulAdams Jr. Luke Alan Askew Lauren Suzanne Brady Darnell Recardo Coles Hi Edmund Ray Cooley John William Cumpston Jr. ** Shadawn Denise Davidson Jacob Raymond Dorundo Kegan Andrew Fink Brianna Rose Fox Christianna Jean Ward Tyler K.Warner Steven Patrick Weible Christopher Michael West Allison Michele Wilson Lindsay Ann Wolf* Bachelor of Arts May 9. 2014 Christopher Joseph Baker * Heather Ann DeLoe» Amy Dougher * Brittany JoHacker Tara Lynn Harlos ** Chelsea Ann Lochbaum Nakida Shaday Henderson Shaina Marie Herman ** Lena Rae Holderman ** Stephanie Marie Sandrev Jonathan Dakota Shaffer Tara Lynn Waldo** 'Robert Martin Thea siagei Novak Alyson Lee Outten Shannon Rposerina* Malena Christine Hughes Jesse Ward irvin ** Brittany Nicole Karsaba Allyson Joan Mitidieri ** Amanda Rachel Applas AmnahAliYAzizi*** Heather Marie Daly *** Lauren Elizabeth Barry Bailey Elizabeth Bertolaccini * Madalyn Bond ** Dana AnnCappello Victoria Rosaria Moore ** Danielle Marie Nielsen*** Jana Marie Cnsafi Kimberly Marie Davis Carlee Crosby ** Jessica Rose Deloe-Caple ** Katherine M. Davis Roberta J. Delasko Courtney Sara DePree Morgan Elizabeth Difenderfer * Natalie Paige Dunn * Sean Michael Doughty Brittany Nichoie Dwyer * Bethany Ruth Erickson Michele Nicole Griffith Amanda Elizabeth Henretty *** Amanda M. Keliy Wade Rowland Evans * Ethan Cord McConnell * Jillian Mackenzie Figorski Jennifer E. Myers Kathryn Joanna Paul Jessica Marie Paulus ** Hailea Lyn Robick Nicole Elizabeth Sauppee Jami Elise Marsicano Lauren Ashley Sebastinas *** Lindsay Marie Shaw * Brittany Nicole Mason *** KelseyJean McConnell Megan Nellie McGuinness Julie Faye McKay MeganJarrell Nicole Marie Mitchell BrittanyRachelleAntonuccio Bachelor of Science Matthew A. Leach** Lauren Marie McDowell Brittany Noel Hughes Michelle E. Slahor CanssaAnne Smith *** Caleb Frances Stam * Elijah Jarrett Williams Andrew David Kazimer * Danielle E. Miller** Scott Arnold Martz** Katie Marie Molina ** Kevin William Poland Stephanie Marie August 7, 2014 Amber Nicole Rockwell Brittany NicoleSula Alanna Marie McCabe ** Cally Hilda McCabe * David John McConaghy ** Hannah Page Miller ** Kristen Miller * Samantha Marie Moonev Ophelia Bea Poike John Robert Romeo L'^^'®A.Tribendis Lauren AshleyWatson Jasmine Sade'Woods** ;^"SUSt7,20l4 J^aura Chester Amy Lea Romig BreeAllyson Royer Caitlin Leigh Saine Christina Eileen Schmidt Justin Alexander Schucn Nicholas Ryan Shrewsbury Mindy Jolene Stipe *** Hassnaa Khaled Hassan Mohammed *** Amanda RoseAlbitz Tyler AmberJames PaigeShewbridge Young SacheioTof scS .^^"cation 9,2014 Education TongWang * AnEeta»„''®®"Bondi. Tonya Dorwhy *** Jayme Leigh Ackerrnan Casey Ann Benard Matthew PaSfes Greg Patrick stofko sciences Justh^EfeeNwak'™®^* ™rajanine White. May 9,2014 ^ajre Dawn Bertinet*** WelanieAnn Bowman Denaya Kay Brown* pfnilyLynn Karas*** Leigh Ann Lubas** Elizabeth wissinger... AUpst7,20l4 Lewis Lattanzo BachSofs?ien®®'"ent T*7yS£Baggot '«ay9,2014 Anderson Bhatt, Brian G. Zucker August?, 2014 Kylie Anne Camplese ** Christan Jolene Frederick ** Chelsea Grace Freeman Lindsay Rae Gibellino LaurenMarie Haas *** Janelle Elizabeth Harvey May 9.2014 Holly Gene Lewis McKenna Macko Kate Elizabeth Parkinson Brittany Lynn Poica Lacey Mallory popkm JingiiQuan** ..pgren Kadeemsisco Washington Daniel Williams Nursing ^achelor of science 9. 2014 Rachel Elizabeth Stermer * Kristen Lea Kenski * Julie AnneVeneskey** Kristin Ryanne Krause *** Conrad Fitch Kubaney * Ashley Rosemarie Wieczorek Enca Anne Lieb** Nutrition Bachelor of Science 3^nelia r. Ruggeri** I^^hael Joseph Tighe * Raven Cheyenne Leste' Edwina Ofori Sarpong Dayna Marie Shanoski Abigail Lynne Shipe ** Emma Katherine Shirey * Megan Alysse Shutter Hali Marie Soloski * Susan A. Steis Lauren Elizabeth Stephan ** Emma Jean Straight*** Alexandra Danielle Sutton *** Fabiola M. Thelon Glenne Marie Thompson * Daniella OliviaTodora Carolyn valeo VictoriaAnn Wagner * May 9,2014 Jacob Andrew Douglas Meiody Jazmine Harrison Julianne Howard Justine Mane Hrzic * Ashley Elizabeth Liberi Michael J. silvestri * Jessica Michele Simeral * Amy Nicole Sorg Amanda Elisabeth Vance** August 7, 2014 Daniel CodyBujak * Sharla Arielle Crockett Danielle N. Davis ** Dameda Jacqueline Moore Nutrition/culinary Dietetics Bachelor of Science May 9,2014 Amanda Marie Slupski *** Nutrition/Dietetics Bachelorof science May 9.2014 Bethany Ann Baker Amy Jean Bruce DomenicaA. Caporusso Amanda Josephine Cerminara Kasey Lynn Cook ** Alexandra Galvin Karlie Eveline Elizabeth George Jessica Rae Glover Renee Ann Gordon Alexandra Marie Julian Erntiy Marie Antonace Brittany Lea walker Deanna Elaine Welsh *** Audrey Rose Botsford *** Philip John weremeychik Zachary Malcolm King Havley Kathleen Kingen Lauren Alexandria Winkler Adriana Emanuel Konstantinides Ten Alys Wolfe early Brooke Lewis ** ^^becca Lee Beer** ^shley Marie Bowser *** arah E. Brumbaugh *** Stephanie Nicole Cicerchi Kayla DeniseCorbitt* Christine Margaret Edeline Laura M. Brust Rachael Leigh C.Zenisek August 7, 2014 Monique Louise Szentmiklosi Leah Ruth Speigle * Julie Nicole Kilgus * Kailee Lynne Ulrich * Jenna Marie Keen ^helsie Lynn Roberts 'ifTiothy Kirk Wilson* NicoleLynn Szulborski ** Marissa AnnTwiss*** EvanJoseph struhar Sara Mane Duderstadt David John Ellison H ShayleaAnn Grannis Jamil Dominique Howaru Kayela IreneSpehalski * Sofia Louise Szanto Lauren N. Prosko Brandon Edward Snickles * Dylan Richard Freeman^ Courtney Ann Shultz Jessica Suzanne Siegfried * Alyssa Raeanne Roth Robert R. DeSilva ^9ssie Ann Rudolph* Stacy Ann Rost** Kayla Marie Henderson ** J^icole Rae Post Kristy Lynn Rellick Jordan Anne Penatzer Maria Katherine Pucci * Dashona Maria Holloway Emily Rae Hnbik* Laura Woodring Johnson Shyanne Nicole' Mortimer Joi D. Murphy Stacy L. Myers Pratik Patel * Lindsey Diane McDonald ** Meghan Laura McGovern Benjamin James Miller * Kadeen Anthony Brown Brianna Lynn Caimon Edgar YikKaChoy Hanna May Coulson Viveka Shantilal Gondha Jessica Nicole Jackson * Kelsie JOKegg*** William James Kelly ** Dana Lane Larimer *** Gabrielle Alyce Pawlush Katlyn Jane Misleany Maayan Alyssa Braxton Aubree Lynn Frye Olivia Nicole Hand *** Monica Blanco ChristopherGregory Joshua Josephveslany Aurora Mackenzie Diaz Alexandria Marisa Buchanan *** Alyssa Lynn Ermann Nicole Marie Gregg ** Lauren Anna Rutecki NicholasAndrewsalimbene*** Banca Monet Saunders Leah Marie umile Aubrey Lee varner* Danielle Nancy Vietmeier Gina AnnGoss* Scott Paul McHugh** August 7, 2014 If'^P^ffntf^onyscialabba* Tynan John Shannon *** Megan Renee Getty Ashley Mane Kahler Nuclear Medicine Technology Bachelor of Science May 9, 2014 Nicole M. Klaus ** Kayla imaniThomas Taylor JayneVan Ackeren Allison Marie Foust * Kelsey MarieLloyd Kelsey Mae Long ** Rebecca Anne Long Brittany Cheers Lyons * Caitlin Grace Lyons * Monica Christianne Manney * Chelseyjan McDonald * Chelsea Victoria McKay * Morgan Katnn McLaughlin Casey Joan McQuillen Kailyn Meredith Mott ** Lacey Storm Patton Rachel Briggs Petnni Emily Marjorie Porter Megan Keri Pulaski Lisa Ann Rigano BrionaAngelia Rodgers Anabeth Rosado * Jasa Rae Mitchell Dustin Eugene Pnce Amber Nicole Prichard Adam Jared Rosensteel * Jeremy K. Gall Jonathan Richard Gallo GregoryAdam Huston Michael David McCutcheon * Edward David McGrady Jarrett Demetrius Pough William Christopher Pratt Emmalynn Ann Galinskie * Laiidermilch* Dah la Shadonna Lee BrandonLee Carr Daniel JamesMartin Jr Amy Rae McCoy * Dylan Adam O'Donneil Cory Christopher Paar Haiden James Pierce Samantha Grace Ehrhardt Andrew Charles Farmer Jill Ann Franklin '* Timothy Ookala Cashwell Nicolette Shanaya Burton ConnneTytda Austin Heidi Joanne Glover Ashley Joan Mosner Tinisha Mariah Dunning Enca A. Larnerd Khalia Isha Brown *** August 7, 2014 DemarAfonzo Morine Lauren Marie Gaudino Brittany Noel Hughes Katie Lynn Kimball Gabriella Marie Kisha * August 7, 2014 iViay 9, 2014 Courtney Lee Comstock Meghan Elizabeth Corbett *** TaylorVirginia Crawrford * Interior Design Lauren Kathryn Dickerson Morgan Rose Dillon Danielle M. Clever Shane G. Hershey Clinton Douglas Hannon ill Sharee Malynn Moses Katie Estelle Custer * Kennesha Amber Dixon* Knsten Michelle Donaldson Meredith Lynn Evans Criminology/pre-iaw Victoria Anne Jarrett* LowenDavid Johnson Ronald Timothy Jones Zachary Scott Long Dominic c. Maggio Courtney Paige Cooper Symahn l Craig-Hoimes Chantel Renee Cupid Martha Jane Wunz Casey Elizabeth Yoder Jessica L. Keller Adam J. Miller Physical Education and Sport Bachelor of Science Carolyn Jane Fendnch Robert James Norton Jordan Christopher Pavillard Noah Hillel Rosoff-Verbit August 7, 2014 Lauren Elizabeth Dull Kristofor L Griffin 5A-' COLLEGE OF NATURAL SCIENCES AND MATHEA/VATICS PhysiMi Education and sport/ Exercise Science Bachelor ofScience May 9,2014 JohnZacharyMusico JaMarr Antionne Porter jaiviaii Antionne Porter** FranWinn Michael Alexander ** Ciehta Rae Brock Catherine Salvemini * Katherine Salvemini* Samantlia Ann Conrad Kellie Patricia Cosgrove Mark Stephen sikorajr Alicia Nicole Smith Jessica Marie Szurgot Anna-Kate Elizabeth DePaolo * Kelsey Brooke Fisher * Heather Ann Furdak ** Emilee Margaret Goodman Raymond v.Graziano Courtney Getty Greives Scott Walo ** Taylor Taylor Richard Richard ^^orge David Witters Bachelor of Science May 9,2014 Christina Elise Janosky * Bachelor of science Aaron Paul DeAngeTs Patrick Drozdo August 7, 2014 Bucky Ray Bothell May 9, 2014 Ashley Mary Flowers Cameron Lee Cogley Christie Marie DeVito ™"ManeGilroy Lucas Andrew Ecimovic Cabriela Luna Brittany Marie Fox Tyler Mack Groves Jenna Giffen Havyer Matthew BlairHendersor Nathan John Kamler Dennis James Chense Moire Kerstetter Key * Ashley Renee Kipp ** Elizabeth Koenig** Zackary Dalton Lebo Erica Lynn Manarski Thomas Richard Marasco Chnsti AnnMauk vieiissa zoe Mancinelli Douglas Steven Henry f^eyLyn Miller >^30 Mirandou Lindsay Marie Raymond Adam Russell Clark Colten Lee McDermott PSa., Joshua James Riffe** Brooks Michael Lohr Nicojohn Schaffner* Crystal Lynn Shearer * Shawna Lee Sutton * Snawn a,McCoy Vanessa Torres * Ea;radTyriq McLaughlin Lindsey Michelle Tedesco Kfystle Rae Lucci * Amanda Mae Musser August 7, 2014 P Pa nek Frank Belusko Colleen Margaret Berlin * Alexander Steven Book Aaron LindseyChristopher Marie CahillBurdzy jy L. Glunt Kristy Lynn Gwizdak * ^urenEdward Alexandra Han/ev*** James Heiss Andrew Evan KornetDevon Ann Kupchella Corey John Kurtz Cassandra Marie Marcoaldi Adam Kyle Martin Krishna Marie Masucci Kevin Steven Marker Mark William Meyers Bachelor of scienci May 9, 2014 Nanomanufacturine Alyssa M. Nelson Biochemistry Bachelor of sciehc May 9, 2014 Karla Ann Silvestr' J^drewjoseohr?,'^®''^^** Sean Patrick Elaine Piank ** Colton Dane Porter hscien'^®® August 7,2014 Madalyn Lee Bergaa S-sssAbbev'I^"^'''^'^l3nd ^hia Hui Yap 9, 2014 Jonathan H. Blaif * August 7, 2014 Chemistry Lee Daniel Margerison Jr. Joseph soundararajan ** Kyle Patrick Zelesnick Bachelor of Arts Computer Science/Languages and Systems May 9,2014 Bachelor of Science Jodi A. Smith * May 9, 2014 Stephen Alexander Kidos * Biology/Cell and Molecular Chemistry Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Science Earth and space Science May 9. 2014 May 9,2014 Education Joshua Paul Hilty Biology/Ecology, Conservation, and Environmental Bachelor of Science May 9, 2014 Amy Irene Binion Megan Ashley Leasure Wendy Marie Leuenberger *** August 7, 2014 Amber L. Bracken * Cameron James Fiss** Tia Renee Kordell ** JacquelynAnn Sheredy Biology/Environmental Health Bachelor of Science May 9,2014 Michael William Charmo * Biology/Pre-medical Bachelor of Science May 9, 2014 Marcus Anthony Agostinelli Zachary Gordon Candela *** James Lee Dalgam lir* Yiyi Fan *** Alina Janeen Gaffney Biology Bachelor ofArt«5 Kelsey Marie Hayden ** Amanda Jeanne Kanwel * Christian Danielle LaMar ** Sets ZacharyDaS'^5''=wart«.. f^ary Leo Harkt Jr. Courtney Benjamin Lee LewisWaiters Walker ^^wardAlanS!;°^3ch** MeiiSajoKuz^,"**** Sph^Pauitt® ** ChrSophef^a?^' ' ' "' ' Donald Del as-"-.. Knsta Lynne Matsko * Autumn Bethann Mattis * Nikki Kay Monoskey * 20 '^^'^'slJ-Petrunak Electro-optics and laser Engineering Technology Chemistry/Pre-medical Associate in Science Bachelor of Science May 9. 2014 May 9,2014 Kristen NancyShafer *** Kevin R. Ammons ** Geology Chemistry Education Education Bachelor of Science May 9, 2014 Jonathan w, Greenawalt May 9,2014 Jerome ZiShen Kay* Amanda Marie Lynn * Andrew D. Teorsky * Thomas J. Paronlsh *** Bachelor of Science In Daniel James O'Hara *** Alexander Quay Patterson * Computer Science Michael Richards Stoehr Bachelor of Arts May 9.2014 Zachary Coleman Tolbart James Earnest Sage Wagner ill * Thomas Joseph Pantone William David Watkins *** Richard LeeTwesige Geology/Energy Resources Computer science/Applied Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Science May 9, 2014 Shannen Renae Stiffler Kyle Reese Adamski * May 9,2014 wen Yang Chew** Geology/Environmental Brydon C. DeWitt * Ryan C. Gray *** Bachelor of Science May 9.2014 Nicholas Charles Gressang Benjamin Joseph Ro b August 7, 2014 Neil Joseph Trevisani Stephanie Danielle Martin * Benjamin Charles Weimer * LoeunThach** August 7, 2014 Dennis Jesse Carpinello August 7, 2014 Chance Michael Feick Mathematics Bachelor of Science Jason Rinh! ? Biology/Pre-veterlnary Bachelor of Science May 9.2014 Jessica Nicole Briner * Logan Matthew Mudlo Logan Sean Sealover *** Theodore Russell worthington Robert Mitchell HaberstrohJr* Alexandria Rose Wallace Kara Ann Doms ** computer science/information Elizabeth Marie Rebovich ** Assurance ^'Ology James Carroll Shea III Sarah RuthWalz*** Bachelor of Science May 9,2014 Abbip August 7, 2014 Emily L. Burg** Tara Lynn Marburger Kelsey Faith Bretz** Travis Michael Deyarmin Emily Bender**^ ""'""SSC;; Joshua M Rebecca Lea smith * Daniel James O'Hara *** ? en Alexis watsTn ' *''gust7,2014 May 9.2014 Andrea L Oslowski Jenna Michelle Weiss * f^8Ust7 201^ ^acharysteeie Wolfe. Bachelor of science In Education carl Joseph Hoppe * Alexi Rose Gualardo Mason Shane Douglas Scott Smith Rebecca Lynn Beadling *** Laura Catherine Buchanan Teresa Mildred Dierks *** Peter James Greenawalt ** Amanda Marie Lynn * William D. Moon ll *** Elizabeth Anne Stimmell *** Megan Monique Rigney Ryan Joseph wasilchak*** Emily Marie Carlson Cory Lawrence Kel'er James Matthew Ryan Reinsei i'i'S."""- Robert Thomas Towniey Environmental APP"e° Brandon s™^°"®ovano Kayla Nicole Edwards Joshua James Eller Edward R, Estes Applied Physics/ safety. Health, '^nthony'sTottBn^'^Jr, Sr!f?'®"^cNeil| E'uah Nyhre McNeill Wesley Andrew Tritt Michelle Mcauley czakrzewski Patrick Ziegler Elizabeth Claire Aneskewich Justin Robert LaMantia Ryan Eugene Lazor David Jordan Schmitt ^''Annwinebrenner Rarh^i^ Physics/Electro-optics Bachelor ofScience lyiichae! John Schmitt Kevin A. Proto Julianne Nicole Reger *** May 9, 2014 Steven Paul Hensley Aaron Neil Kelly * Travis Michael Kurtz Devin Allen Minto Andrew Olbrish Leah Jo Presnar * Applied Physics Bachelor of Science May 9. 2014 Emily Michelle Milfora Kourtney Elizabeth Mclntire * Ryan Christopher Murphy* Devm M. Nudo Natalie Victoria Robison*** Ashleigh Nicole Craig *** Lucas Ryan Forrester Lyons SEST" Gold Tassels Applied Mathematics Bachelor of Science ^"^"^^"renKocioia May 9. 2014 Dean Jasmine Marie Amos* Anf^'^llyssaFuhrman- Chris R. Hibbs Jacqueline Loismae Hohl Jordan colleen Howerton Aaron Paul Sulava *** Jacob A. Youra Benjamin Joseph cence Lyndsy Marie Wittebort Deanne L Snavely Dylan Joseph Thomas Robert Allen Tiptori ^ Shannon Marie Wright Respiratory care Ryan Patrick shern/ Megan E. Skebeck ** Biology Education Bachelorof Science in Education May 9, 2014 Laura Kathleen Delozier Catherine Diane Kr/geds Elizabeth Ann Patterson^^^ Samantha J. Thompson Benjamin Michael Baker Adam s. Foust * Ryan James Gesler ^ Stephen Alexander Kidos Ryan Douglas Lord Ryan Joseph Marken Eric Clinton van White Hom* BhannaNikkole samantha Rose Ritzer *** Nicholas S. Zbur May 9,2014 Ross M. Newcome *** Rebecca A. Nichol *** Sean P Smith *** Mathematics/Applied Mathematics Bachelor of Science May 9,2014 Theresa Ann Scarnati *** Briana Lyn Zilko * Mathematics Education Bachelor of Science in Dylan Michael Stoy Luke Franklin Strejcek * Education May 9. 2014 Mason Whinnie * Chad David Borusky ShannaMarie Grusl<y *** TravisJoseph Hannam * Heather Sue Hobbins Tyrone Burton Jones Trisha M. Klingensmith * Julie Marie Maloney Kaitiyn Marie Selfridge ** Natural Science Bachelor of Science May 9,2014 Zena Renee Corcetti Tyler Kenneth Daley Chloe Lynn Padasak Amanda Lynn Shaffer ** August 7. 2014 Ahmed Mohammed Al-lsmail Jillian Leigh Duld Physics Bachelor of Science May 9. 2014 Alexander Bertin Blake Michael James Dickson Ross M, Newcome *** Jared Paul Phillips * Physics/Electro-optlcs Bachelor of Science May 9, 2014 Chad William Meyer Alex G. Jenkins August 7, 2014 Kevin James Evans Nicole Gabrielle Grimaldi Ruth Faith Olive Walker Ariana Elizabeth Winovich *** CliftonAlbert McDivitt** Physics/Pre-engineering Natural Sclence/Pre-dentistry Bachelor of Science May 9, 2014 Benjamin j. Booher ** Taylor Marie Smoiko Bachelor of Science May 9, 2014 Psychology Emily Elizabeth Hoffman ** Anna Jane Patrick * Patrick Steven Rupert * Bachelor of Arts May 9, 2014 Jonathan MarkAltrogge Heather M.Anderson* August 7, 2014 Erika Lynn Patrick *** Juliette Dawn Anderson Natural Sclence/pre-optometry EmilyElizabeth Austin * Katherine Lynn Balsamo Krista Lynn Bingaman * Bachelor of Science May 9, 2014 Nephtali OmarAndujar Tonio D. Fulena Erin Nicole Black *** Allison Ross Bole KimberlyAnn Hozlock Sarah Faye Brightbill ** Erin Kathleen O'Leary Natural Science/Pre-pharmacy Bachelor of Science May 9,2014 Michael Asamoah Nkrumah Jamie Lynn Shepherd ** Eugene Wallace Burton iv Allante Sadira Byrd Tyler Quinn Campbell * Emily Gail Cornman Megan Melega ** Alexa Patrice Mitchell MaraAnn Murtland*** Amanda M. Padrick Mahra Rebecca Riskus Mariah Lee Sanders ** Michelle Lynn Grozinsky Ranvita Mahto AprilM. Mitchell Robert Anthony Sciscento Kimberly Maye Shaver * being introduced at the college. In the years since their members of the Joshua Robert Wittmer Joshua James Zorzi Mariah j. zur August 7, 2014 Jessie Lynne Altman ** Julie Balint Kacie Barbara Brown Rebekah Rose earns ** department of military SCIENCE David A. Meyer Tasha Marie Garrigan Lydia Rae Hushon ** be commissioned as second lieutenants in the United Caitlyn Ashley George Monique Melissa Johnson Jessilyn Dawn Koshinsky Brett Anthony Malize Stephanie Danielle Martin * Amanda Rae McCurdy Jodi Lee Mueller * Megan E. Rescinito *** Shanaya i. smith Kaitlin Marie Walmer James p. DiBello *** Jeremy Dale Fowler Ryan c. Gray *** Tori Florenda Menendez Devan Curry Mercer *** Latrisha Renee Morales ** James Fulton Donna Jones Garner Barry Gasdek Sally Johnston Groves Barbara Haines Elevpn government, bee, 'members have bythelUP Townsend Reuter Mundorf * With the Award their sustained career Frederick Lovelace Margaret Gargasz Loweth Carol Glover Maccagnan Gerald Matecki (D74) Fran Lobaugh Malecki anniverc^n as Robert Malsom . graduation Donald Mash Paul McKeegan Thomas Miller "JP Wind ensemble-morning ceremony Bass clarinet Lauren Giles James Householder Ate Nicolas John Fillgrove *** Jordan Anne Penatzer Bassoon Jonathan Edward Pivetz *** Emily Robertine Manno ** Brittany Christina Maxell **♦ Chase Patrick Robson * Emma Katherine Shirey * Hollie Anne Speedy Matt Emanuelson Douglas Alexander Longwill *** Katie ElizabethStanko *** Dustin Joseph Steider ** Halee victoria Stroup*** Kristen Nicole Swope *** Kerry L. Young*** Betty Jean Vivian Wissinger (M'67) Thomas Wissinger Charles Wolfgang Joy Lomicka Laukus Christian Justin Heyn Laura Larue Bennett ** David Smiiey Nora HortertTorquato Lawrence vosovic Carol CogleyWatters Sandra Secor Wheat M Master's degree D Doctoral degree ^'^^'"^Preneurs Reb°tca Horn Emily Kuhn Aden'aelf'"®* Elizabeth cnK Horn Michael Heuft Ryan Howell Kirstie Keill Percussion Nick umstead Troy Fitchette Denver Juliano Brandon Kandrack Trombone Destinee DiMino Alto Saxophone Brent Patrick Stimer Richard Firestone Collin Hart Nate Lease Josh wertz Adam Meyers Tenor saxophone Sarah Hetrick Euphonium Anthony Achille MarkYamialkowsKi Baritone saxophone Zach cable Jeannina Elizabeth Kipphorn Lauren Marie Matejko Ruth Riesenman Richard Rishel Linda Haust Schnur James Dickey Jeffrey Dietze Ann Burget Dietze Harry Dinner Peggy Phillis Dillner Luann Spicher Eddington and OFn Ryan James Kesslak MauraAshley McBride * Stephen Redish Michael Cullinan Codes Sabrina M. Jones Lauren Michelle Karns ** Samuel Kurylo Diane Huber Clark (M'67) Marie Mikula Katrancha Arthur Lambert (M70) Anthony Lewis Bennett Chelsea E. Wanamaker Elaine Shoup Cairns Marjorie Shetler Carlson Larry Judge Elliott Sergei Benner Robert Joseph Bisceglia * William Louis Coyle * Alexander William Cummlngs * Rita Benigni Miller Thomas Murry John Paiya Frank Pezzillo rflrll in education, 'ed successful careers in States Army: May 9, 2014 Patricia HarwickAllamon (M) Barbara Vi/hite Ashton Elaine Reschini Judge (M'66) Chairperson Upon conferral of the degree, the following students w/ill Dylan Joseph Dippold *** Adrienne Kathryn Dodson * Angelee Lynn Herzing * Shayna Elizabeth Hettinger ere education majors, since a Liberal Arts curriculum was just Kaitlin Ann Uniejewski * August 7, 2014 Stephanie Lynne Beaudette ** Kenneth Michael Fatino Ashley Marie Frederickson ** menibers were commissioned as officers in the US Army. Most Megan M.White Sara Lynn Dilascio ** May 9, 2014 graduated, and 53 class Taylor Symone Smith Teiana Nicole Stewart JenaThompson Chelsea Florence uhl Joseph Alan Yuretich * Hayley Elizabeth Fox * Katie Josephine Gerhold * Krystal Unique Gillette Stephanie Nicole Hainzer Indiana state College, in the three ceremonies, 865 students Brendan Francis Saunders * Samantha Marie Shelton *** Shawanda Cierra Smith * May 9, 2014 Emily Renee Ferranto at what wasthen known as Jessica Elizabeth Rutkowski Aijah Kai Baruti-Goodwin ** Natural science/Pre-physical winter, spring, and summer commencement ceremonies Allijah Roland Katherine Joyce Danilchak Therapy Bachelor of Science 1964 received degrees at BradleyJohn Puko Christian Gar Reed Justine Rippi Asson Desrosiers Nichole K. Feher members of the Class of Lindsey Marie Pittman Emily Catherine Stephens * Andrea Noelle Myers On January 12, May 24, and again on August 23,1964, Matthew Kenneth Papinchak ** Laura Ann Cross * Lena Ann Cruz** David Michael DiLouie ** CLASS OF 1964 Voon Hoe Moo ** Trumpet '"'fir Tuba Garrison German zach Grass Benjamin Blasko Katie Bohannon Rachel Di Pilla Rebekah Hiravi Mason Stiver Jacob Try string Bass chloe smith Dakota Kaylor Tyler Kulp Ethan Markowski Shane Velsor phiilipwyant afternoon ceremony program STUDENT REFLECTION rn^xm Kasi L. Hicks, College ofEducation and Educational Technology, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania CONFERRING OF HONORARY DEGREE ON terry L. DUNLAP President Driscoll COMMENCEMENT REAAARKS Terry l. Dunlap '81 CONFERRING OF DEGREES President Driscoll MICHAEL A. DRISCOLL, president, presiding lUP Council of Trustees PROLOGUE Timothy s. Moerland, provost and vice presidentfor Academic Affairs lUP Symphony Band "Flourish for Wind Band" Timothy p. Macl<, dean. School of Graduate Studies and Research ^o^^byt, conductor "Irish Tune from County Derry" Vaughan Williams "English Folk Song Suite" Grainger lup nior GivingOppong, Eberly Campaign 2014College of Business and Information Technology, "Pomp and Circumstance" "Sine Nomine" Vaughan Williams/Reed cl™Greeters: Nicoie Bradiey,Al DA^ef1,"' Alur^n, ex M'ter,u°PAr^lbassadors WELCOME President Driscoll NATIONAL ANTHEM* Frankl,n A. Mosiey Jr.. music performance majo, Carlisie, Pennsylvania REFLECTION Donovan Daniel, Victory Christian Assembly •^avid A. Meyer, lieutenant colonel. United States Army presentation of SENIOR CLASS GIR THE PROCESSIONAL Grand Marshal: Robert EMillward granting OF MILITARY COMMISSIONS alumni ASSOCIATION GREETINGS ^^clra Koeppi Barsotti '87, president, lUP Alumni Association alma Mater* Mosiey the recessional "Marrh"f ch from First Suite in E-flat Gustav Hoist Reader N. Kilmarx, associate vice president, Academic Administrati INTRODUCTION OF GUESTS President Driscoll ......"P."--'--"' ""to the arena floor to take pictures during the program. v^uests: Please remain seatea unm «0 nm...... 'III k— guests, and faculty members are asked to join mthe s g Timothy p. Mack , D'ssertation; Academic Success of Dean Dissertation Chair Jennifer Rotigel May 9, 2014 Patricia Ann Johnson Teko SimeonAnanou Dissertation: Pee/Tivfor/ng/n '-^srningAssistance Centers:A Qualitative Study of Dissertation; Academic Honesty inin theDigitalAge Administration and Leadershio Studies Dennis Chakey Dissertation: Teachers'Perception^ Experiences with Early Intervention Sen/ices and Preschool Choices for Their Children with Disabilities Staszkiewicz School Psychology Peggy Henderson Murphy Dissertation:/A Qualitative Life Kathleen M. Sottile /Relationship between Accomplished Teaching through Charter Schools ^3tional Board Certification for Teachers andTeacher Curriculum and Instruction Rebecca A, Gallagher Dissertation: University Students' f^rceptions of the Effects of Having Been Weight-Teased bv Basic Education Teachers Curriculum and Instruction RaeAnn Hirsh Dissertation; fmotona/responses to the Reading Difficulties Children Enrolled,n Title I:a Qualitative Study ofStudents', Teachers' jnd Families'perspectives ° Chair Mary jalongo Curriculum and instruction Leadership in New York Dissertation Co-chairs; Kelii State Paquette and Alison Rutter Adr^inistrationand Leadership Studies Rick A. Walsh Identities in Chair Lingyan Vang (Christine Inge Bailey i C '^^'Srant Women Effglh Gloria Park featureand Cultureof Science, VictorianFiction Groups Disseminate and Enforce Dominant Ideologies in Select Victorian Novels English Jennifer Marywoolston Dissertation; "Chicks with Bics": Examining contemporary Chick Dissertation Chain Christopher Lit and Embedded Feminist Cultural Commentary Dissertation Chain Thomas Slater Orchard English Marianne L, DiMatteo Dissertation: Evaluation ofthe Efficacy ofStrengths Based Mobile Therapy Dissertation Chain Susan Boser Administration and Leadership Knowledge: Hovi/ informal Social Orchard Process; AQualitative ofstudent Conduct English l^'lifnWagihMina Technnin Class Media the Composition Zhilingwu Dissertation: washback Effects of the Reformed CET-4 on College English Teaching andLearning in China: Students' perspectives Dissertation Chain Michael M. English Williamson ofIrish Literature with Women's Fiction Di r. ^^nguagp rl ^foreign ?2sertatiofp?^^^^o' ^5t[ycfy ^°bin Gallaher 'ssertation; on Being an island:A '^^^ory study of Being the Only Composition DistrJf. °rTimunication<!'^Nr'i^^^^ Muchtar Chain Michael M, ^ioksa Itcan BeAcquired ^^''<^ing a writer- Adult and Community Education Devin Basile Lauren Elizabeth Gigler student Affairsin Higher Education Teresa M. Brownlee Diane E.Gobbel Adultand CommunityEducation Adult and Community Education Danielle L Brush Melissa Lynn Habedank StudentAffairs in Higher Education clinical Mental Health Counseling William James Bryan Public Affairs StudentAffairs in Higher Education ^f^'^ture-Brlnp''''^^ Southern ^natr°-NhVercn:ca Watson 0®5ta()S"Sabatino Linrif- Nathalie Ann Burford Kathleen K. Hall Student Affairs in Higher Education Adult and Community Education Ryan Clark Sheilena Erika Harrington Applied Archaeology Public Affairs Dayna Suzanne Coleman Kelly Nicole Harvey StudentAffairs in Higher Education Student Affairs in Higher Education Sarah L. Conte Public Affairs Student Affairs in Higher Education Shona K, Cooper StudentAffairs in Higher Education •^'ssertation Aclministratinn Studies Merger Elizabeth Ryanne Kew Student Affairs in Higher Education AAASTER OF ARTS kpnneth S. Crisman Student Affairs in Higher Education English May 9, 2014 Holly Ann Curry Jenna Catherine Konyak StudentAffairs in HigherEducation Waell HabisAl Dughmi Public Affairs Suad Abdullah Alharthi English Ali Homed Aimajnoohi English Juraydi Sultan Almansouri English Naif Mohammed J.Alsaw^i Adult and community Education ^ilarv r,. Thomas Francis Julian StudentAffairs in HigherEducation Najah Saad Alsaedi sS^°"J'l"«"enceson Amanda Heinbaugh Student Affairs in Higher Education Happy Nomlindo simhie Khoza Sociology Leslie A. Krummert Osanna Dallakyan spanish Clinical Mental Health Counseling Adurarid CotTirtiutiity Education StudentAffairs in Higher Education S^t^SfntAffafrs^Sgher Education San^dgmTunity Education Henry Wilson Lewis StudentAffairs in Higher Education Susan Lynn Laverty ^^rntAffa^^'Higher Education English ^'.^oiHauser Laneka Yvonne Hainesworth Kelsey Elaine Craig Public Affairs '"to Southern S,^f:?A.Girardi Rachel E. Gall English English Nancy Mohd A1 Hamad '^stitution English Seham Ahmed Arishi Dissertation Chain Christopher in the Collegiate Student andIts Bioethical Implication in ^ C( Studies ms Dissertation chair r,E English ""^^^fr'ckBizzaro ^ Karen Kay Barone !f,!i^,^^^'^^''^^Pi'onsofthe Walkthrough Observation Tool Dissertation Chair KaufS Administration andCathy Leadership Narratives of Multilingual jaron Blake Fox Brett Robert wallen Dissertation: Love, Labor, and Madden: Expanding the Canon Dissertation: The Walkthrough Obsen/ation: Elementary Principals' andTheElementary Affect on Professional Growth Dissertation: Uneasy Hybridity: The Carlyjean Dunn dissertation: The Novels ofDeirdre College Graduates Dissertation: £xp/or//7gf/7e Kristene K. H. McClure Dissertation; Traveling in Alphabets' Studies Course study: Significant Life Events in the Lives of Appalachian First-Generation American Parents' Choice of Dissertation Chair Monte Tidwell Ali DhumayanAlanazi Dissertation chair Mark Dissertation chain Crystal Macharin AnExamination ofAfrican D.jerta,io„chaiua™scaha,an ^J^Pectations on Student curriculum and instruction Jae-ukChoo Poetics of the Small Press Dissertation Chain Kenneth Sherwood Jocelyn RachelleAmevuvor English Student Affairs in HigherEducation English d Achievement Dissertation Chain DeAnna Laverick Danelle M. Conner P'ssertation chain Lingyan Yang 1 Dissertation: The Impact ofTeacher Curriculum andinstruction Dissertation: The Voice ofChoice' Embrace ofMemory Appalachia: Resisting Lisa M. Kohut and Teacher perceptions of Study of Five Mothers' '^f^fjopment Schools:AMixed- Dissertation chair Sue Rieg Students' Level ofinput into Academic Planning andDecision in Emigrated": SalmanRushdie's Postcolonial and Postmodern Elisabeth c.Aiken Curnculum and instruction Dissertation: Differences in Eighth Grade Science Student Dissertation:-^ Qualitative Case from Which We Have AH Neal Allen stidham Dissertation: Harry Crosby, Experimental Materiality, and the English Robert Mikus ihree-student Project JarrettM. Chapman Brenda Lee Cole Dissertation; "The Past Is a Country May 9.2014 Methods Investigation of the on Poetry Writing inCreative . Anting studies Dissertation Chair Patrick Bizzaro Stephen James Bell philosophy within Professional Jason Douglas Long Dissertation; 'Trte Road Not Taken": AWriter's Approach toResearch English doctor of Responsive ne Studies Curriculum and Instruction Elementary School Kuipers English Co-chairs: Margot Epryl LKing ofLoopingchair in Secondaryschools '/s Dissertation Joseph Marcoline Dissertation chairMark Twiest Dissertation Chain Christopher Hagtordo and MaryAnn Adminisfration and Leadership Chair Mary jalongo Curriculum and Instruction Theory andtheAdaptation and ^e^eption ofFantasy Genres Classes in a Large k-s ^o^jotransformative Theoryin Dissertation Chair George Bieeer ^issenatm: Playful Texts: Play social-Emotional Curr/cu/t;m on theLearning Kindergarten Academic self-Efficacy AdministrationandLeadershiD Studies Joshua Grant Begley Effects ofaLiterature-Based ofAlcohol Expectancy and DOaOR OF EDUCATION Making Susan N. Werkheiser ^P'orationofthe First Year Students: The Effects : Administration and Leadershio AFTERNOON CEREMONY Theresa Messina Homer AmandaLouise Lommock English Meghan AnnLupole English Trishia Mabhena pavld Neil Donovan Adult and Community Education English Melissa Kay Martin History F^r^Jl^Jl^Ptions of Nada AbdulazizAlshabibi English SeadaAlshammari Leadership Adult and Community Educa StUdi4'ionandLe|;^^®sSwauger Asmaa Abdullah Alshehri English Nicole LeeAnn Matko ^S:?:^?siSerEducation Clinical Mental Health Counseling ^^St'aSco'lunity Education Sociology KeinZ.McClendon KimberlyAnn McCullough Machelle K. Sheffar Public Affairs Clinical Mental Health Counseling ' Student Affairs in Higher Educationn iviichelle McDermott Sean R ivicGowan Kylynn Smith Student Affairs in Higher Education1 Clinical Mental Health Counseling Sarah E. Metzler Matthew J. Stumpf Clinical Mental Health Counseling English Scott Evan Miller Hartati Suryaningsih Student Affairs in Higher Education English Lindsay m. Morrison Samanthaj.Vertosick English English Sarah Mousetis Meghan Watson Walde Applied Archaeology StudentAffairs in Higher Education Claudia Sue Neely Matthew Gilbert Walter Clinical Mental Health Counseling Public Affairs Briana A, Newstrom Student Affairs in Higher Education Leanna Brooke Noon Sydney Nil Odotei Odoi Spanish Jessica A. Patterson English Student Affairs in Higher Education YunongXu English Wenxi Yang English Matthew Ryan Yeomans Adult and Community Education Cara Violet Powers Student Affairs in Higher Education iLaura C.Yevchak |English Chelsea Rea English ;Seonmi Yoon Laura Jo Rieske t English Jhansi Rani Devaraj Business Administration Business Administration Nivedha Srinivas Business Administration Holly Louise Olexo Business Administration Satheesh Kumar Kannammal Subramaniam Business Administration Adult and community Education Salmaan Faraaz Business Administration Gemcyn Suraj Merry Kartika Wili Business Administration Varshinl Parthasarathy Business Administration Varun Mukund Gajendragad Business Administration KavyaTambal Business Administration Mohammed Aslam Pasha Business Administration Clinical Mental Health counseling Shiyu Zhou English May 9. 2014 SarvendraAeturu Business Administration Kirti Agarwal Business Administration Mehak Taj Assadi Business Administration Swaminathan Balasubramanian Business Administration Sreekrishna Bapani Business Administration Bindu Bare Business Administration Anshuman Basu Business Administration Penila Dorjee Bhutia Business Administration vidyasri inder Business Administration Goutham Prasad ivaturi Business Administration Business Administration Sarjan Thimmarayappa Business Administration Darshan Thippeswamy Business Administration !?y^^"'Vasant Puranik ®"siness Administration MadhurUayaram Business Administration S^PfiVaJayaseelan ness Administration SinoJohnas ®"='ness Administration ^"^SSStion Business Administration BusinessAdministration ®"^'Krishna "'isAdmStion pa- Sreekar Reddy Palleti Venkata Adm^n-^ ^®ngama Raju ^business ^^niinistration Athmiyavenkatesh BusinessAdministration Sfn^«^aRamu Business Administration ®""fnessAd' '^" ^Administration Praveen Doddappa Yadav Business Administration ^''siness Ad"'"^®® ''^^ministration August 7, 2014 Sven Dettmer Business Administration ''"^''ministration Ray SerhatGuenes Business Administration ""'"Administration Business Administration Joel J, Brown Clinical Mental Health Counseling Thimmaiah Machamada Chengapna Timothy A.Cam Business Administration Applied Archaeology Business Administration ^^"^'"istration ®"®"essTdmin!StSn'"'"™ ^"''less Koffii Casey AllenAdministration Kowc^iuck Business Reddy "'"'^ration """'"istration Reddy Kvip Steven Lewis Business Administration Education Business Administration Leslie Ann Korbar Education MASTER OF education AlyseChristine LaPorte EducationalPsychology May 9.2014 Education Joshua R. Biss Wesley C.Bowser Rebecca L. Braithwaite Educational psychology Krysten Loieio Kristina L Miles Educational Psychology Christopher Peter Harry Quintana Education Erin M.Yuhaschek Literacy Chelsea Rae Cavanaugh Snessworkforce Development Shannon F. Gironda school counseling Linda Jean Godesky amster of SCIENCE May 9,2014 Briana Balcik speech-Language Pathology AmandaLouise Bivens school counseling speech-Language Pathology [yiegan Muir Grivas school counseling Speech-Language Pathology Amy Rebecca Halter Speech-Language Pathology school counseling SarahA.Han/ey school counseling Lindsay E. Crable Alyssa L. Degosky Brittany M. Dudt speech-Language Pathology Matthew C. Huff Geography Corey ScotHay Aimee L. Barr ArijitChatterjee Business Administration Jamie Williams Educational Psychology Casey Marie Hefferin Raymond Frank Secoli Emily A. Kirk Goutam Manohar Upare Simran Kaur Sukhdev Singh Chadha Adult and Community Education BalajiThirugnanam BusinessAdministration Manuel Martinez Torres Adult and Community Education Palicia Ann Ruggeri Tianna Chavon Cameron Education school counseling Business Administration Marissa L.Beveridge Educational Psychology Business Administration HarshaTonshal gf.^^^^' ^'nesh Kumar Jain nessAdministration «"^'nessAdmi„is.ration' Elisa Siragusa Educational Psychology '"®ss Administration Richard Christy Jacob Business Administration B,'i^siness ;^™P"yaJanarclhan Business Administration Administration Jawi.^ , Prajapathyjayaraam August 7, 2014 ZahraAbdulelah Al Khamis Education of Exceptional Persons Jennifer Lynn sakanich BusinessAdministration Business Administration Salwa Alkhuzay Adult and Community Education Aditya Narahari Romin Patel Eashwari Somashekar Business Administration Business Administration StudentAffairs in Higher Education Clinical Mental Health Counseling Davanagere Business Administration School counseling Business Administration Rebecca s. Osti7eniec Nikhil Chada August 7. 2014 Business Administration Scott Thomas Mehall Business Administration BusinessAdministration Business Administration administration StudentAffairs in Higher Education Dhanush Heggunje Shetty Brittany Leigh Wells Kyle Mitchell Wilkerson Denise M.Wittenrich Clinical Mental Health Counseling Vikram Mundlur Vivek Nadubeedi Business Administration Soumya Eda Sociology English Barbara A. Patrick John c.Vaught Adult and Community Education aaaster of business Elizabeth LeeWitherite English Alyssa Kate St. ciair Adult and Community Education Surabhi Mahesh settikere Business Administration Shahbaz Ahamed ShafeekAhamed Business Administration English Hediye Ozkan Clinical Mental Health Counseling Anghu Abirammie Marimuthu BusinessAdministration BusinessAdministration English Rossella Chiara Williams Student Affairs in Higher Education Collin Ross Nordby Nathaniel Christopher Bha^a sowmya Gudipalli Public Affairs ShannonO'Reilly ^^"stance Lynn Klimchock Adult and community Education Nanjundayya Chikkamath Business Administration Fu Wang Annie E. Wardrop Student Affairs in Higher Education Jesse L. Phillips Community Education Katie Shoemaker Student Affairs in Higher Education1 Joseph Peter Pearce History Jacob Michael Detelich SucaWaChology ^SsswTrttce Development ^Srofo&nalPerso jaclyn Kay Hynson Speech-Language Pathology Matthew R. Kontor Speech-Language Pathology Kasey Lynn Lewis speech-Language Pathology Megan S. Liptak Theo Robert Martin Business Administratio Speech-Language Pathology eberly college of business and information technology Kelly Teresa Mansfield Speech-Language Pathology Sarah E. McMahon Speech-Language Pathology Robert c. Camp Stephen Joseph Giovanetti ** Human Resource Management August?, 2014 Miao He Bachelor of Science Omar R. Boston Laura Renee Merle Dean Lyndsie Lea Holderman ** May 9,2014 Ramon Alejandro Fontaine Troy Hawk Ramsey Turl^ Abdulrahman Abonayan Raven Alexis Sams ** Xue Xia Jonathan D. Norwich * Nicholas Charles Segner Casandra ElizabethAce Speech-Language Pathology Beige Tassels Kacie Lynn Morris Speech-Language Pathology Accounting Bachelor ofScience Alison Diane Nellis Speech-Language Pathology May9, 2014 Andrews Amanda Rose Omeiko Speech-Language Pathology Alison Diane Oniboni Speech-Language Pathology loS.f'Co'VBatvinchak* ^oel M. Bender jS'^y^^^wrence Brosig *** S^AIexis Brown*Andrew carr*** Katn Marie Cence*** Kellie E.Ruffner Speech-Language Pathology Business Technology support Tirza Natalia Bargerstock Megan Lynn Bertoline ** Bachelor of Science Sarah Cuglietta Boyer May 9, 2014 Troy David Broudy Marissa Jean Calhoun Kayla AnnCheIko Scott L BIystone ** Shawn Michael Jenkins Lora Jean Kramer Marlee FrancesClevenger *** Jamie Lynn Czech *** Nicholas James DiPietro Jr. Jonathan Andrew Chimino Kevin Michael Collins Ebony Marie Middleton Luke Thomas Smith Amanda Lyn Thompson Russell Aaron States Finance Bachelor of Science Sarah Michelle Trovato Speech-Language Pathology May 9. 2014 Dana Andrew Turgeon Kristen Renee Ausefski Branden Jeffrey Barnes Braa Hazzaa Alsaidi Geography Candace Taylor Berrian Kathryn B. Young Speech-Language Pathology Trent r Emilie Jane Borst** Jones Liang zhai Nicole Kathryn Borstorff *** Justine Alexis Brown *** Weinan Chen Geography Phillip ThomasDel Prete Jesse Travis Erich *** August 7, 2014 Christopher Michael Fusco Kyle Gregory Gaetano** Jocelyn Marie Eger Speech-Language Pathology Christopher M. Garrett *** Carissa Marie Kostan cS&r Speech-Language Pathology Junxi Guo * Michael David Haft Mahogany Linda-Marie Harrington Nathan Michael Hartle Amanda s. L. Sommerer Geography Jacob Emmett Mickey Megan PI "®'' *** >cla Lee Morris... feather I ^ftnck Ma"" Phillips.. Matthew Robert Jones * Anthony Joseph Kuta *** Christian David Lamont Andrea A. Lash*** j>enjo"h^.®«'Rossiter.. Dwayne Sylvester Medley ii r^yneKp>^^'^"ooieyjr . Wanda Lee Murphy S" Charles SpaSK., Brittany Nichole Cairns Kelsy Brianna Moore Ryan Michael O'Neill Rachelle Elizabeth Piper Michael Plazioll** YuxiangQiu** Margo Lynn Filippi Mark Bradley Sonney Erin Marie Sullivan YangWang Grant Joseph Wolf LinyanWu ** Vinev/^ou ^eis^3"S2hu. Au. '"^2^che|,i TongWu Yuqing Xia Xinyi Yang ** August 7, 2014 Eve Ann Kedzierski Jiawei Li Raven Alexis Sams •, • •.i I'. •;1'' i Bradley Lawrence Brosig *** Michael Earl Dawson Benjamin David DiYanni CodySteven Fierst Erik Jan Graybill *** Erin M. Harteis Au'Real Titiana Hill BreanneL. Kauffman Diavante A. Kelsey Michael Tod Kriss Ya Hsuan Lai Brett Michael Landefeld Yihong Liang ChengchengLuo Morgan Ann Meyer Amma Sarpong Oppong Justin Elmer Petrovich Victoria Frances Roth TravisA. Saa Ashley Elizabeth Sheets Jeffrey Allan smith Jessica Diane Stachura Ashley Nicole Stolte Samue! Paul Uhler Alexandria Joyce Wagner S. Charmaine Geesey Kyle E. Hurlbrink Braydon Roger isett Clayton Alexander Jackson Jacob Andrew Kozorosky Christine Mane Lamanna Christian Paul Zoleta Lumicao jared Evan Madaras Kevin Christopher popeck ** Vania Nazure Nate Rodrigues MarkTimothy Speer August ?, 2014 Louis Michael Bovan Laurence Michael Cassar III Anastasya Prisby Andrew Robert Stiles Xue Xia LukeJoseph Young * Management/Entrepreneurship Janet Lynn Ware * Wenjin Yang * August 7, 2014 Kara Lisa Buncher CydneyDenise Kennedy Emily Renee LaMantia Dylan Thomas Loverich Kelsey Michelle Mock Megan Barbara Moulden Maria Lee Pompa Shavona Renee Reid international Business Bachelor of science and small Business Bachelor of Science May 9,2014 Terrell AlonzoAdkins Adam John Basile Jonathan FryBlubaugh Shanise Alicia Jackson Gabriel Brennan LaBelle Brian Daniel Luchini Lisa Denise Lyies George Lee Mason Ryan S Miller Nithiyakalyani Mohan * Kevin MatthewMoreau * John Charles schooleyJr* Kelly Leeann Sheridan Daniel W. Stangroom Brian Alexander Simms ?«$*•-- Management information Systems Bachelor of Science May 9.2014 NawafS. Alassaf Shannon Marie Goodman * August?, 2014 Kelsey LeeSevin Geography Heather Lynn Abramovic ** WenguiChi • Danielle Renee raufi Aflua Olivia Gentis SneyAnnHartman KaiU** SrahRacHaelLynn" SSS""' Anthony Steele Jr. Jason Emilio Steuber Tyler Scott Wilmot August ?. 2014 James Robert Gregg Karlee Sue Jackson Astha S. Patel ** Lacey Mallory Popkin COLLEGE OF EDUCATION AND EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY Management/General Bachelor of Science May 9,2014 Kokoh Lami Agbere ** Derrick Anderson ** Shanede A.Arrington Nikki Lee Brown Vittoria Laken Buzzelli *** Tyler Jordan Caba *** CoreyAustinChapin Brettec. Ciamarra •* Rachael Connors * William Louis Coyle * RaineerJamall Davis Steven David Deitch * Scott R. Dotterer *** AnthonyDe'Shon Flowers* William Robert Frey il Casey Scott Frisco ** Chelsea Diana Gaus * TrevorCarmen Gibson Alexander Randolph Gounder Erik JanGraybill *** TylerWilliam Hartz * Olivia Ann Horning*** Tess Jahns Johns Nicole Marie Manna Alexis Toni Martin Anthony Michael Mendola Alex Robert Miller Tyler John Mostek Katelyn Marie Neal Rachel Anna O'Keefe Kristi Brinklie Olsavsky *** Zachary Wayne Schott Shane Michael Sigler Stacey Marie Stough James Wiley Strozier MatthewThomasVaccaro Alexandria Joyce Wagner David John wilcox** August 7, 2014 Tyrell S.Beverly * lyier Jamaal Clarkson Gregory DavisJr Jocelyn Christine Dynda ** Joshua I. Fine Rodd Jeffrey Furlough Kala Nicole Garcia Rachael Ann Green Jamie L, Heilman ** Tayla Denee Herring Christopher Michael Laverty MichaelGeorge Milner Justin Arthur Molinaro Lauren M. Nyalka Michael James Orrvick Elizabeth Ann Pattonrick David Andrew Pawson Jeffrey Ryan Veach Drew Harrison weaver Adam c. Weiland Melissa A. zaiepa Management/operations Bachelor of Science May 9,2014 Taylor Ross Billman * Travis Michael Brocious Giovanni Ciminella Joshua James Dierickx** Ryan Patrick Egan *** Luke Edward Glunz Jessica Lynn Heidel SarahAgnes Hellmann Jordan Elizabeth Henry Krista Park ** Jordan Robert Pasch ** Markltiomas Piehl Dustin Jeffrey Rottman JeffreyAilan Smith Hannah Lee Steel Janet LynnWare * JosephJamesZingaro *** August 7. 2014 MichaelJacob Marks * Ryan Michael Reib Marketing Bachelor of Science May 9,2014 Gregory Tyrone Armstrong Riley John-Vincent Balitski ** Anna Elizabeth Barker Andrew A. Bisaha ** Lindsay Nicole Blum Lisa Marie Boyer Johnathan Bromley Brandon M. Burns Nithiyakalyani Mohan * JoshuaThomas Noble *** Austen Wells Perelman-Hall Michelle Joanna Perri Victoria Marie Pikur Alyssa Louise Pool Nakeyla Pope MacKenzie Robert Read KLara M. Luetkehans flDean I'Light Blue Tassels White Tassels Erica Lynn Rosenfeld Kristina Marie Scatton Alison Barbara Singer Khaleef Danual Smith Wayne Elliot Smith Media Bachelor of science May 9, 2014 m' ^^'lyAkhtar Ryan Michael Bernat Bonelli Lauren Mae Snyder Brandon James Byrne Alexander j.Tarczy Sarah Marie Tarpenning* Gregory MacDonald Toth enna Mitchell DePaola Kristen Marie stefko Jason Michael stolitca Derek James Styer Stephen Thomas Trempus Daphne Annamaria Givner Alonzo William Harris Katherine M. Houlis *** Samuel Robert lacono Thomas Robert Jenkins Maxwell Adamson Jergel Alexis Donelle Johnson Caleb Nathaniel Joyce Mathis Keita Brea Erin Kelley Derek Loren Kelly Russell Raymond Kiro Kiefer Eugene Kuhn Timothy Ross Lemmon Jr. * Lilian KarYoong Lim Henry Malone-Dinkins III Mark Stephen McKenna * Jasmine MonaeTyre Kalie Nadine Walter *** Lynsey Nicole Watters * Jared Mccarty Weed Alexandra Louisa Meier * Matthew Michael Meszaros Joshua Charles Miller * Laura Ann Miller Ahana Lee White Aleda Shan» Kin^"® •^.'^^nson *•* LiamMatthew Munley** Jessica Kae Nealey Matthew Rosen Nemeroff Thomas James Nobles Omotayo Omololu August 7, 2014 Michael David Opp Patrick John Carrington Walter FA^uirre Megan Marie Ciesielski Taylor Lauren Cifone Lindsey Rae Ciuca * Kelly Barnes * Alexander Ryan Otto l^iranda Lee Black John Glenn Carter Daria Rae Owens *** Josie Maria Patton ** Nadir Demirkiran Kyle Andrew Payne Aaron William Pennesi Brandon JamesD'Alimonte * Kelsey Elizabeth cheers Renee Lauren Daniels Danielle Christine Deal** Garrett Michael Dixon Devin Mark-Andrew Doutt Aaron Andrew Paul Gmuca Chrystal Monique Eady * Jeffrey Ryan Jackson Casey Ryan Eckenrod Makenna Marie Farrer Abigail Luree Gaydosh Jonathan Everett Goodman ** AlexisGabhelle Gorenz JoshuaRobert Lane Tyler J, Groff Julia Hope Hoffman Thaddeus Robert Jackson Chelsea Elizabeth Johnson Zachary Franklin Reginald Kempa Eric Kenneth Kirsch Kelli Renee Kline Derek Loren Kelly Kenneth Lawrence Kostelacjr '^ataiieAn?^'^ deters*** SNbypo^F'ina** ^^Vonna Derek William Longenbach Jacqueline Marie Smetanka Catherine D. Roberto ** Ryan Lombard) Jake A. Pirone Jonathan Girard Potts * Kerry E. Reed Camille Shanice Richardson Logan David Riser * James Adren Rfzer Taylor Renee Lawrence John William Rockenbach III Nathan Philip Rzepka stone Ryan Richard Taylor Brian A.Trainer Melanie Leanne Simmons Eric Roshawn Sims-Watson Garrett Michael Sisak Akeem Julius Likes Smith Lillian Sharon Wicker Yuhangxiong Ian James Smith Matthew Gregory Smith ErikaAnnStanish ** Anetia M.Stewart AndrewEdward Sutter Stephen Tyler Kriss Kelsey Marie Kuntz Ashley E. Lyon *** Bauer Angela Louise Toroian Jit Yu Mar * Maeve Catherine Trent Edward Vincent Trockyin Stephanie Rae Matesevac * Daniel Joseph Maxwell Jesse lan Van Horn * early Marie Madera * Kathryn ElyseTronel Colin M. ward Sarah Messner * Zachary David Meuschke Mitchell Thomas Miller Shelby Ann Miller 4M Max Jordan Marker Garry Turner Jr. seth Adam Zaman * Yu Zhuang Michael Kyle Froehlich Zachary Lee Harrison Sierra Lorez Holiday Megan Elizabeth Riiey Nicholas Frederick Roberto * Lizbeth Rosado Hope Christina Dixon Darryl Thomas Draughn Tyler Christine Edelmayer * Sarah Ellen wejebe "^beers Marl"Sham Najee Vincent wells AlainaLynWhoolery Patrick Paul Yusko Shawn Ryan Yutzey Eric Paul zarenko Ronald Thomas Zeiber mm COLLEGE OF HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES Deaf Education Bachelor of Science in Education May 9, 2014 Elizabeth Catherine caton *** Courtney Jo Fillman *** Rachael iviarie Jenkins * Hanna Alyce Weimer *** Disability Services Bachelor of Science May 9, 2014 Deven Leigh Bray *** Juiianne A. Cogley* Amy Marie DeLuce Megan Elizabeth George * Rae-Anne D. Keith Lauren Catherine Kingsley * Jeanette Mechele Pittman Mollie Sessions ** EliseAnne Thomas ** Stephanie Marie Trimeloni August 7, 2014 Trey J. Campman Heather Anna Chero ** Michael DavidOsisek Early Childhood andSpecial Education Bachelor of Science In Education May 9.2014 Brittany s.Allmendinger *** Sarah A. Alman * Marci Lynn Balistrieri *** Megan Antoinette Bernhard ** Maureen Elizabeth Bock ** Kellie Ann Bowe *** Rebecca Ann Bowser *** Jessica Renea Bridge ** Julia Katharine Brogan Kayla Mary Bucciarelli ** Naomi Rebecca Cannon *** Kimber L Carnahan *** Deanna Rose Charles ** Shawna M. Dolata ** Kaitlyn Elizabeth Donegan *** Megan Elyse Doner *** Erika Lynn Ellsworth * Samantha Englehart Kristen Miriah Erickson *** Alicia Ann Faloon* JordanJames Fees Melissa Nicole Fleming ** Alexandra victoria Freeman *** Kaitlyn Aubrey Fung »** Brooke Nicole Gery * Emily Dawn Griswold * Taylor Nicole Guthrie *** Staci M. Harnden *** Nicole Renee Han/an *** Nicole M. Heckmann ** Mary Ann Brence Hedlund *** Michelle Brence Hedlund *** Heather Catherine Holt *** General studies Josh AaronHoover * Fasha L. Houston *** Brianna Rae Huff* Bachelor ofScience Yaw A. Asamoah May 9,2014 Dean Danielle Rae Bolen Laura Jane Keeley *** Jessica Lynn Brechbill *** Arthur Richard Gall iii Whitney A.Kiick*** Nicole Ann Kovach May 9,2014 Tiarra Jessica Taylor White Tassels Engllsh/Pre-law Jennifer Sue Kopczyk *** Brittany Suzanne Krestar **• Alexandria Louise Liddle ** Brian Michael Lohr *** Shanell Nicole Mailki*** Danielle Marie Malicky *** Bachelor of Arts Bonnie TRoldan Noel E, Romea Anthropology Bachelor ofArts August7, 2014 ^.'^^^^Lorraine Fallat May 9.2014 9, 2014 Jill Renee Marguccio *** Gutekunst*** Krista Marie Marino * ShanaNicole Martin *** Marissa Lyn Masterson ** Kady Lynn Maurer** ^eanMarie Herald** Cassandra Marie McBride * Nicholle Marie Merenda ** Bachelor of science in Education Matthew James Rodgers ** Natalie Victoria Thiess *** English/Film studies Rachelle M. Millard *** May 9,2014 Bachelor of Arts Erik Lee Moore anna Scherer *** Emily Clare Morris ** May 9, 2014 Claire L. Amico *** Tiffany Marie Murphey ** Renee Elizabeth douse *** Michael-Ann Regina Fuller * Morgan Elizabeth Hess * English/Literary, Textual, and jenna Marie Burger* Richard John Courtot III * Cultural Studies Bachelor of Arts Michael-Ann Regina Fuller James Andrew Volosky ** Shayna Lynn Lyle * Emily Joanne Marshall Government and Public Service Bachelor of Arts May 9,2014 Chelsea Erin O'Hanlon-^ Joseph Thomas Berdis Cynthia Milord *** Hali Catherine Morris *** Ashley Marie Moyer *** English/Language studies Bachelor of Arts May 9.2014 Lindsey Ranee Grove** Laura Ruth Nientimp *** Mary Catherine Norr*** Andrea j,Karcher *** Amanda Marie Ocando *** Amanda Leigh Palmer * Alexis Anastasia Palonis ** Clinton Charles Keller * Laura Rose Lesnevec ** Rachel Anne Martins ** Kelsey Beth Papinchak Alexa N. Pappal ** Lauren MicheleMingionl** Cassandra Lee Orndorff *** Richard Michale Petricig *** RobertM, Powell * Amy Christine Pushwa *** Ryan Eric Rainey *** Stephany Lynn Rerko * ^achelorofArts f!?y9.20l4 May 9, 2014 MallarieAnn Bicsey Andrew Joseph Fox Ky'ieRicheiiesmathers** Samantha Jordan Starr * Amanda Lynn Schmeltzer David Anthony Tomassone* English/writing studies AmhSnvLp' °^^'Bennett ^"* Connor Chloesh^ ^^Clain Amanda M. Rolewicz *** Andrea Lee Rossman ** _^'J®ffrvTrebiicock*** Amanda Schiff** May 9. 2014 Caitlin Jewel Schwatka ** Jessica Lynn Scranton ** Courtney Ryan Seeno ** Stephanie DawnBlack Anna****** Alyssa Breann David Nicole Elizabeth Bruce *** Chanie Marie Spearing *** Erin Rene Clark *** Eileen Combs *** Abygail Elizabeth stivason *** Meghan Catherine Sullivan *** Katherine A. Swiatek *** Jordan Ashley Vachon * Meagan Rachelle Wannamaker • Renee M, Cook *** ^!?'n Rachelle Daniels*** ^ffanyAnn Danilowicz ** . Manssa Rose Falcone *** Taylor Elizabeth Farina ** Amanda Weber *** Hayleyjo Williams ** Maeve Briet Wilson* Katey JoanYurchick * ^arr Jr. * ""•'sas: Cristy Catherine Cook * Nelson**. Alicia Anna Zimmerman ** Nicole cr? *** Roche ** General Studies Associate of Arts Christine Squires Katie Lynnevining*** May 9,2014 Melissa Mae Hilderley ** Stephanie Mae Ruffner Vocational-Technical ch. Lacey Lynn Hohl ** August 7. 2014 Education '^Ossu^Oer R"^^Ligh Jonathan Charles Fulton * May 9, 2014 Phylis Zimmermann ** I A Alexander William Cummings * Michael Joseph Duffey*** James R. Harrington ill Geography Andrew Champlin Hartline Gretchen D. Heine *** Kennett Dane Kollevoll Andrew John Mauritz Geographer Katherine Elizabeth Lewis * Bachelor ofArts Snder^Alfen Davis*** Glenn Forest Peters Kristin Marlene Reott ** ShaneMichael Shumar eeography/EH"!™""' ^"'" Geographer Adam Steven Tuckey Sean Patrick McKee *** Lindsey Sue Quakenbush August?, 2014 Dustin Mendus 'in ti- 'lias r\'-,: "^r ir ooie •• W^asp'OTooie May 9,2014 Matthew lan Henry ?iSfndaMenandez Erik Dean Voge' Sssa/nna^hton** English BachelorEducation of science m cartograpner Education Morgan Anne Allma Alyssa BreeAltman^ Jessica Diane Stachura *** August 7, 2014 Lauren Elizabeth Dambrogio Jocelyn Raye Figurel May 9,2014 Alex Moses Bachelor of Arts Tiffany Marie Lodico Sn^^otto^'^cWhorter '°'inpSasr^P"norjr Bachelor of Science in Melissa Rae King Adam David Jay Santavy Elle Mariah Ladebu *** Salvatore Isaiah Lamborn Kayle Lauren Scott *** "^ Bachelor ofArts May 9.2014 May 9,2014 Katie Marie Barrett *** Charles Russell Bunting Townsend Reuter Mundorf * Noel Warren Ostapkovich Josh Michael weston Rachel Nilsson** Bachelor of Arts French Geography/Economic Samuel! Sullivan ** Samantha Margrette Meyer ** History Madeline Leigh jobczynski * Kathleen Rae Satlada * August 7. 2014 Paige Ashley Peterson Ashley Nicole Gibson *** Hannah Noelle Guyon *** Caitlyn MicheleHuguenel^^^ Matthew Jay Richwine Lauren Marie Rutherford JessanyAnne Knapp*** Jordan D. Meanix ** Chelsea G. Murray*** Joshua Lee George Bachelor ofArts May 9,2014 Meghan Florence McDonald Jenna Marie Herstek ** Alaina Marie Howse **« Melissa Frances zehe** Melissa LynnAskey* Andrew Charles Bankert Megan Lynn Bell ** Brian Evins JennaAlyse Bothell *** Logan Taylor Snell * May 9,2014 Kenneth Gerald Campbell III * je?^'^°'eBlystone *** Rebecca Ruth Slaughter *** Bachelor of Arts Cooper James Campbell Cassandra Lynn Winner ** Chelsey Marie Hipp *** Toni Marie Corosu ** Jonathan Edward Pivetz *** barren Kiehn Lisa McCann * Ronald Matthew Mitchell Rebecca k. Hendershot *** Economics/Pre-law Bachelor of Arts information syst Bachelor of Arts History/Pre-law Bachelor of Arts May 9,2014 Robert Joseph Bisceglia * Matthew Robert Brown *** Kevin John Casella * Alexandra Sophia Hilditch * THE SYMBOLS OF LEARNItSIG rnternattonal Studies Bachelor of Arts May 9, 2014 Sara Leigh Fenimore Christian Justin Heyn Laura Katherine Hinely * Tabtip Louhabanjong *** Victoria L. Murphy *** Robert Joseph Smith *** Brent Patrick Stimer August 7, 2014 Caitlin Elisabeth Holler *** Journalism Bachelor of Arts May 9, 2014 Mariah FrancineJones Best Matthew L. Bullions Joshua Thomas Carney * Patrice Catherine Clayton Cassidy J.Chssman * Hailey Diana Crowley Carilyn DeStefano Cassandra Ann Doyle Melissa Lynn Esing Adaml Germeyer ** David j. Gershgorn ** Megan L. Girouard Jeremy Joshua Hartley Eden Renee Kahle ** Hannah Marie McCracken Meghan Florence McDonald ** Aaron Gary Snook " Elizabeth Paige Sternby ** Aaron Christian Stultz Katie LeeTrenney Jessica Renee Way EmilyWeber *** Corrie ElizabethWhitmer *** Jacob Carl Williams ** Charlene Shanae Wilson-Adams * Sean Charles Yoder Abbey M. zeiko *** August 7, 2014 Patrickjames Damp Megan Danielle Fox *** Samuel Francis Hoffmeister Tia Renee Kordeil ** Angela Elaine Lupinetti Andrew NolanWilliams Philosophy Bachelor of Arts May 9. 2014 Gary Germain Lansberry Molly Grace Monahan August 7, 2014 Sophia Olivia Hosterman *** Alexander Karol Staszkiewicz Phtlosophy/pre-iaw Bachelor of Arts May 9, 2014 Logan Bryan Wojcik ** Poilttcal Science Bachelor of Arts May 9, 2014 Devon Pettit Beer Nicholas Xavier Brock** MathewAian Bush Joseph Patrick Givens *** William Leroy Harman *** Kathryn Odessa Hutchinson ** Chhstopher Andrew McCall ** Justin Scott Pitkavish Chadwick LeeSchuckers *** Victoria MichelinaTantlinger Social studies Education/ History Bachelor ofScience in Education May 9, 2014 Erika Kathleen Barlow *** Megan Carol Conley** Aaron Matthew Knapic *** Sophia Olivia Hosterman *** Chelsea Elizabeth Jacobs Stephanie Lynn Lucchese Samantha Jade Mohney Tracy Marie Montgomery Stephanie Rachel Smith Leah Marie Steetle Victoria Anne Mizwicki **•* Alison Marie Williams SaraJoan Zacchero apprentice of the Master; their dress was the outward sign of stature and responsibility^ Sociology ofDisability Services unified those of common discipline and like purpose. Megan Sarah McCully *** Carrie Elizabeth O'Hanlon *** Kayla Mane Robinson ** Lauren Nicole Rubash *** Keziah A. Johnson Shannon Marie Urbain * Lakota Jacob Ridinger Pierce ElliotLewis Cody Allen Wells Savannah Elizabeth Pailioz * Levi Jason Sappe * Dylan Paul Spradling Sociology Political Science/Pre-law May 9,2014 Bachelor of Arts Charles Frank Adamchik ill Bachelor of Arts May 9, 2014 Josie Marie Bash * PatrickJasper Chmielewski Matthew Alexander Heck * Stephanie Dawn Carney* Rebekah isabelle Beers ** Melissa Ann Lowe Spanish Bachelor of Arts May 9, 2014 Gretchen D. Heine *** Megan Elizabeth Henry*** Raquel Rose Lemelle Michael Thomas McKeegan * Jonathan David Montgomery * Kaitlyn Dawn Klinges * Hayley Edith Charnev * MatthewJoseph Kuula* Ethan Michael Peterson * Kimberly Evannah Shultz Hillery M. Cramer Neil Allen Sagucio ** Kelsey M, Shaulis *** Allison Lee Edmiston * Heidi Ann Farmery ** Giana C. Harvey Jocelyn Renee Hepler Samantha Mary Conard August 7, 2014 Sarah N. Guerrier Imani D. Irving-Tait Kofi A. Osei-Aning Adnanashaedia Cromwell Kelsey M. Hoover *** Kedron oevone Allen Jones Hannah Luise McNally Regional Planning/Environmental Devan Curry Mercer *** Planner Bachelor of Science May 9,2014 Jacob Allan Beezer Jessie Lee Bruckhart *** Madeline MayMatusik *** Regional Planning/Land Use Planningand Geographic Information Systems Bachelor of Science 31 Ashley E.Nicholson Jennifer Lynn pfeii ** * Gabriella Marie Rohde Corey Michol Sam ^^™?^3^ieshelton**'^ Kelly Nicole simile *** Chelsea Cathahne St cvr Laura Lynn steyer August 7. 2014 Nicholas A. Bellini Vincent Dale Paparella Kimberly Marie Culyba Tiearraiamika Sampson Religious Studies Bachelor of Arts May 9, 2014 Clark Edgar Aitkins Jr *** May 9. 2014 May 9, 2014 August 7, 2014 Vanessa Marie Decardenas Social Science Education/ Anthropology Academic life as we know it today began in the Middle Ages, first in the church, then in the guilds. The teaching guild was the Guild of the Master of Arts, and the Bachelor was the Megan E.Turby Bachelor of Arts August 7, 2014 Shaunda M. Howell academic regalia evolved from the kinds of apparel worn by monks and students in the Middle Ages to keep warm in the medieval castles and halls in which they studied. Casey Marie Martin * Ashley Lynn Ruffing * August 7, 2014 Chhstopher Brandon Bergman Participants in tine commencement procession are attired in regalia that reflects a history and heritage that can betraced to the medieval universities of the llth and 12th centuries. Modern August 7, 2014 Spanish Education Bachelor of Science in Education May 9. 2014 Rita Amato* Kendall Anna Hartman Keliy Marie Krakosky *** J^anieKe Renee simchick*** ®C'lia Marirose Weaver * Academic regalia was thus avisible manifestation—in color and pattern and design—that In later centuries, to preserve the regalia's dignity and meaning, universities set rules of academic dress. American universities agreed on adefinite system in 1895 estab sh ng acode ofapproved attire, in 1932, theAmerican Council on Education niost part, governs the style of academic dress today. The principal featur are three: the gown, the cap, and the hood. The Gown. The flowing gown dates to the I2th century. Many protection against the cold of unheated buildings, it standing It is (with afew of scholarship, for it completely covers any dress of rank or the bachelor's degree; institutional exceptions) black for all degrees. Pointed ^ Qpg^ sleeves, the long closed sleeves with aslit in the arm, the ^ trimmings; the gown for doctoral degree. The gown for bachelor's or master sdeg across the the doctoral degree is faced down the front with velvet a pertains. Sleeves, in the color distinctive of the faculty or discipline in which the aeg e p The official colors of the college may also appear crimson velvet. and some administrators of lUP wear gowns of slate, trimmed The Cap. The freed slave in ancient Rome won ^ ° and dignity with academic cap is asign of the freedom of scholarship ana t cao of scholarship as square, ^hich scholarship endows the wearer. Old poetry rec ^mortarboard, the symbol of symbolizing the book, although other authorities color of the tassel on the cap the masons, aprivileged guild. At the baccalaureat '. cap to the left side upon •denotes the discipline. The tassel is moved from the g conferral of the degree. •u no nr more chevrons of asecondary The Hood. In regalia the hood is an inverted shield^t /3 color on the ground of the primal color denotes the discipline represented by the degree the co^^^ the university or college from which the degree was g ^^g facing of the hood the hood designates faculty The Mace is aceremonial staff carried by chie^^ ^^^kinfaWSate Lindsey Marie Jones Abigail Elaine Shaw ^ember.The chief university marshal metalsmith Walter J. PPj^ ^957, jhe onors Convocation and commencement^A Qpg^ructed the ^ace. The large Indiana state Teachers College, designe at ^^gygtone the letters lUP design was was created created araund around the the state state seat^^ ^^blem, and and on on this this eysion.. eystone design seal ^eystonp Which \A/hi/-h comes next r-iQvi- symbolizes cx/mholizes the sta „^„nc\/i\/;^nia walnut. th Pennsylvania wa ^ .rademlc August 7. 2014 The President's Medallion is worn Bnna Vaughn Sociology/Human Services Bachelor of Arts Placed. The handturned shaft is made of nat Danielle RaeAckerson Tysha Renee Alston-Fietchpr convocations as asymbol of the Alexis Renee Combes Win am w, Hassler It was replaced in 1 Tod Michei Berry ™ Bachelor ofScience in Education Megan Elizabeth Bisi May 9, 2014 Chelsea A. Brentley Amanda Rose Siegfried * Marah Corrine Campbell Vanessa Marie Griffith AmyElizabeth Haller Kaila Blair Henry *** university during aca^^^^ 'piqued silver cnmsm fourth jnedallion, featuring the university seal president Mi _ Medallic Art St time at today's commencement ce ufr iKiPP fo'' president, Pesidential medallion was created ' V . ip 1968 t,y Robert W. Hamilton, Company The original nnedallion was craft y^ professor emeritus of art. Athird medallion w ,n 200b lUP SYMPHONY BAND-AFTERNOON CEREMONY Flute/Piccolo and on every continent except Antarctica. universities tliroughout the world- worn by new graduates winVo"rfginmed^ goW and The crimson symbolizes lUP as the degree-erantine inqHti Hnn ^ Regional Campus, of enlightenment, knowledge, and compassion acquired dSr^ng thp '"'st Year of baccalaureate foundation study at lUP Punxsutawney College Tassels Tenor Saxophone SamanthaAufman ^ichole Boger Brendan Boyle Brady S^all McMillen Aubrey Merced Dana Peles Orren Vigo Baritone saxophone Max Kiauscher ;^'|niferPuhak ^I'^onRakocy Trumpet Colin Bianey Emily Brown -sSi"' Kenken Coronado Ryan Gross information Technology-beige tas.ekf w .• Co ege of Education and Educational Technology-light Wue ta«Pk College of Fine Arts—brown tassels College of Health and Human Sen/ices—sreen Co lege of Humanities and Social Sciences-white tassels tassels and white tassels x ' college of Natural Sciences and Mathematics-goltels The following is alist of colors established by the lntPrmiipai=to ^ . departments of learning: ^ Mike Helwig '®ssels tercollegiate Code to represent the different enna Dell Roxanna Person Madeline Heibiing Matthew Pinker Sadie Spencer Clarinet i®^ny Clink Horn Samantha Baydar Michael Heuft ysn Gerney Alesia Mauery L^enGiiel Lexie sobolewski Alexander Swackhamer Agriculture Nick Umstead Dentistry Ught blue Orange Brown Russet Maroon Peacock blue Crimson Purple Lemon Green Pink Apricot Silver gray White "^^"^steinert Economics Education Trombone Seth Allport Engineering Laura Bassani KathyDougherty Fine Arts, Architecture Forestry Home Economics Andrew Fouse ®?.®soon Senia phillips Noah Riek Public Administration Sarah Thompson Law Euphonium Journalism Luke DuBois Alto Sav, Library Science Gsnevi^^P'ione Medicine Zach Grass Matt Prinkey Music Nursing Oratory (Speech) Olive green *Dark blue Sage green Salmon pink Gold yellow Citron Gray Scarlet Sapphire Philosophy Physical Education Public Health Anarea"",^^ Science S^S^ey Social Work yeterinary Science Theology or Divinity Business Administration listed here ^'"•person Tuba Anthony Achille Tashio Jefferson Abby weaver Percussion Matthew Altomare Caesandra Burgh John Hoffman Brandon Miller DanielleStoffer Ryan Voell John weldon Accounting. Adult and Community Education Ma'"Gym. 9:00 a.m. Anthropology Applied Mathematics (BS, MS) Stright Hall, Rooms 226 and 229T30 oT 1.30 p.m. Applied Physics Art and Art Education...... Asian Studies Program Biochemistry Program WevanHtuoii r, • 208.1:00 p.m. f,'sutton ;r^"?":^cviHvAu«o:r2:00p.m. Han, Room 437 Biology and Biology Education.'" •Wjvand. Hall, Room hub' P-m HUB, susquehanna Room, Hyg' ^"squehanna Room,' 11::oo pm' •• ,^^squehanna Room i oo nm Biology, Family Medicine.... Biology, Pre-medical....... Biology, Pre-veterinary hub, susquehanna Room, i: Chemistry Communications Media Counselor Education •Weyandt Hall, Room 107 vmn Criminology Earth and Space Science Education • Economics English • • • Jo^'nar'sanylohn"'"' " Environmental Health Finance and Legal Studies Food and Nutrition Foreign Languages P'"- Dance studio, Geography ••.•::HroS:--JJ'oom4S5,4:cop.m. Geology Geoscience •• •WeyandtHall,Pianetariui Govemment and Public Service Health and Physical Education History ••••Weyandt Hall, PlanetS' p"""" •••• Hall,Room 130 9m^ P'"- Hospitality Management.. Human Development and Environmental stiiri/o. •••HUB,ohioRoom;i;mZ' Hall, Gym B, 1:00 pm' Human Resource Management International Studies.... Journalism.... MBA '" " ••• H^rRoom"?^,'^'" '^00a.m. Management Marketing.. ••Memorial Field House ••Memorial Field HouS M»'" Mathematics Military Science........ MIS and Decision Sciences Music and Music Education Natural Science Nursing ••^rtg'itHall.Rooms^ ••Friday, May 9Fishpf^ ••Memorial Field House em. ' •^O P.m • Sutton Hail, Gorell RecitefHalf?- e.m. •Weyandt Hall, Room\, ^"' "-SOe.m. Philosophy ••Memorial Field Hm.c Physics Physics, Electro-optics science, Prei:::;;: Regional Planning '•'® em. ••bright Han, Rooms 22k »nH •McElhaney Hall, Room •Weyandt Hall, Room 20s • •WeyandtHall,Rooni2M m''•"'• P"^- •;$eithHall,Rooml309^3®P•'"•• •Crimson Event ronf Religious studies..... Safety Sciences Social Science Education •hub, Delawrare Room 8-3? •Sutton Hall, Room 437 4mn'"- Sociology Student Affairs in Higher 00 p.m. 40 iciuri?'
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