January-February 2016


January-February 2016
Cityof Brea.net
January-February 2016
Brea Envisions launches in 2016 with an invitation for public conversation. In late October, City planners set up an informal gathering space in
downtown Birch Street to gather some initial reactions to the upcoming outreach project.
Be Inspired…Be Engaged…Be Part of Brea Envisions
rea Envisions, an all-inclusive engagement effort, starts a
year-long community dialogue in the New Year. Be part
of the conversation and help guide the future of Brea for
generations to come. There is no better year to think, discuss, ask and share your ideas.
The Envision Committee represents various areas of
the community, including youth, seniors, families and
businesses, as well as those living in varied geographic areas of the city. Its primary goal is to engage residents and
stakeholders in a meaningful discussion about key issues,
opportunities, challenges and priorities using a variety of
traditional and high-tech methods.
Volunteer committee members will work to understand
how Brea currently functions and is perceived by residents of
varied ages, interests and backgrounds; but most importantly, how it might be positioned for continued success. There
are a number of ideas currently on the drawing board, from
innovative online tools and surveys, to events, workshops
and neighborhood meetings. More details will be available
once the Envision Committee re-convenes in January.
Be creative…tell us what you love about Brea and why.
Post your comments on Brea’s Facebook page or Tweet
us using #BreaEnvisions. Email comments to: BreaEnvisions@cityofbrea.net.
Be informed…by signing up to receive email or text
updates about Brea Envisions. Visit cityofbrea.net/EnvisionUpdates today to subscribe. Also, make sure to keep
an eye on more information about how you can Be engaged
with this effort.
El Niño Asks; Will You Be Safe or Sorry?
not news that we are in an
Ithatt’sEl Niño
winter. With it, we know
rain is coming. But how long
and how strong it hits is still speculation. So, a familiar adage certainly applies — better to be safe than sorry!
For protection of public property, the City of Brea has taken many
precautionary steps in anticipation. Storm drains and catch basins
have been cleared and equipment
stocked. The Emergency Operations
team also has plans for scenarios
such as mudslides, road closures, or power
outages. Knowing that in storm
surges multiple
negative effects
often occur simu ltaneously,
it will take concentrated efforts
for City staff
to meet priority needs and remain fully functional. However,
good planning
always improves
the outcome.
You too should be prepared for
what might happen at your home
or business during intense storms.
Here are the basics:
•Clear gutters and drains of all debris. Remove or secure any loose
outdoor items on your property.
•Trim back trees to avoid damage
from downed branches. Clear
landscape brush that might dislodge and block drainage off your
property. Apply netting or straw
mulch to help secure slopes.
•Inspect for leaks, especially on
the roof, and make repairs.
•Check and refresh emergency
kits. Review the family emergency plan.
•Have plastic sheeting, sandbags
or plywood on hand. These are
always in short supply, or even
unavailable if you waited too long.
It is critical to act responsibility
in advance of El Niño or you could
find yourself in a messy, uncomfortable situation. Take steps early and
feel more confident, not only about
storms, but also in case of other
emergencies or natural disasters.
First responders and public works
personnel are not available to assist
with damage that occurs on private
property. Looking for reliable emergency information? Use these online resources.
• cityofbrea.net/preparedness
• readyoc.org
• weather.gov
• ocstormcenter.com
• sce.com/outage
A note about sandbags:
provide aid for Brea residents during rain events, sandbags* are kept
the City maintenance yard on Berry Street and at fire stations. Up to
sandbags can be obtained per address. Prepare to show proof of
residency and be aware that supplies may run out. If needed, additional
bags should be purchased from local hardware stores. It is highly recommended that these be obtained early if a homeowner is aware of low
spots or potential heavy flow areas on their property.
*Due to environmental precautions under NPDES, modern sandbags actually contain small gravel rather than actual sand.
El Niño Preparations Include Trash Day Adjustments
fficials are warning California resiO
dents to heed warnings of El Niño
and to prepare properties for heavy
rains. As you take precautions, also
keep these waste-wise tips in mind.
•Discard debris, old lawn furniture,
dead tree limbs, leaves, excess dirt
or other bulky items that could
blow or wash away in a storm.
•Keep trash and litter out of streets
to prevent storm drains from
becoming clogged causing major
flooding. Limit use of plastic bags
— a worst enemy of storm drains if
they blow away!
• When there is threat of heavy rain,
set trash containers 8 to 10 inches
away from the curb to open an area
for gushing water to flow through.
• Remove and securely store trash
containers promptly after collection.
When empty and lightweight they
can tend to blow over or wash away.
•Reduce chances of containers
washing or blowing away by putting them out at 6 a.m. on collection day, rather than the prior
night. Do not overload and keep
lids securely closed.
Simplify Automated Irrigation in
Winter — Shut It Down!
ive your automated sprinkler system a vacation this winter. With Brea’s current “one day is Monday” restriction
on watering, it’s time to really simplify outdoor irrigation.
Most automated systems are not “smart” so it’s hard to
stay on top of weather changes. Therefore, you must frequently do manual overrides for changing weather. Storms
can also cause power outages that put automated systems
out of sync. When it rains over weekends, or when you
travel, you may come home to a violation notice because
sprinklers ran when they shouldn’t have operated. To comply with mandatory restrictions, especially prohibitions on
watering within 48 hours of rain, simply shut down your
automated system. And only if there has been no rain, manually trip your system to run on Brea’s permissible Mondayonly schedule.
Please! Control your irrigation controller over the winter months. Your best practice is to react to weekly variables by doing a “manual Monday.” Then shut sprinklers
down again.
El Niño Does Not End Drought
ven after an El Niño pattern ends, the drought in
Ety will
California will continue. Winter rains in any quantinot equal relief for the ongoing drought which
is likely to persist even after flooding might have occurred. California reservoirs are at record lows and
cannot be replenished with only one year’s rain. Extreme drought has proven that this state does not have
adequate storage and conveyance capacity to retain
enough of its natural precipitation.
Therefore, conservation practices already adopted remain essential year around. Overall dry conditions have become California’s new normal. To serve
a growing population, everyone’s water consumption
patterns must continue to be reduced. Please keep up
the good work!
When Emergencies Occur
ity of Brea public information officers provide
timely information for local radio and TV broadcasters during emergency events by issuing media
alerts reflecting a current situation. However, there is
never a guarantee if or when information may be relayed by reporters. So, here are other options for you
to obtain direct updates as they become available.
1. Use the website, cityofbrea.net where notices can be placed on the home page.
2. Sign up now for emergency notifications
on the county-wide system, AlertOC.com.
Include cellphone, email and texting contact
points to get critical updates wherever you
might be during a future emergency.
3. Follow the City of Brea and the Brea Police Department on Twitter and Facebook, which are
utilized in conjunction with activation of the
Emergency Operations Center. The City also
may post into the private Nextdoor network.
4. Call the hotline, 714-990-7732, where phone
messages about road closures or other
instructions would be recorded.
Another source for bulletins that may be posted
during an emergency is government access television on channel 3 if you use Time Warner Cable,
or channel 99 if you are an AT&T U-verse subscriber. Also, you can check what is airing through
cityofbrea.net. Simply click on the TV icon near the
bottom right of the home page and select Live Government Access Channel.
FREE Fire PulsePoint App
o you know CPR? Download the
new PulsePoint App today! You
just might save a life.
This pilot program connects
those trained in CPR with victims of
cardiac arrest and the location of automated defibrillators.
For more information, call Rhonda Rosati,
Brea EMS coordinator, at 714-671-6365, or visit:
pulsepoint.org or cityofbrea.net.
Students in environmental studies at Brea Olinda High School are
participating in a new program taught by the non-profit, Inside
the Outdoors. ITO offers classroom instruction about California’s
water system and participation in a springtime educational expo.
Sponsored by Metro Cities Fire Dispatch and its member agencies.
Renew Annual
Parking Permits
nnual overnight parking perA
mits for 2016 should now
be renewed online. This option
will save residents both time
and money.
Go to cityofbrea.net and
select the button “Online Services” where you will find a choice
for Parking Permits.
Review complete details
and use the live link to apply
for a permit at a reduced cost of
only $18 for the calendar year. If
you still chose to visit City Hall,
please be aware that the cost for
a parking permit processed at
the counter is $25.
Another Section Nears Completion
for Tracks at Brea Trail
onstruction should be completed in early 2016 on a
central section for the Tracks at Brea Trail project. Segment 3 will have entry points at Brea Boulevard, State Col-
lege Boulevard and neighborhood access at Orange, Poplar and Randolph
Avenues. Over the past months irrigation and tree planting have been completed and two paths have been installed: a paved, striped bicycle lane and a
decomposed granite pedestrian walkway.
Segment 4 from State College to Birch Hills will get attention next with
help from a Recreational Trails grant. Through a highly competitive process,
Brea was awarded $1.287 million of federal money that is administered by
California State Parks.
To receive periodic updates on the trail’s progress, send a message to
TheTracks@cityofbrea.net to be added to the list, or follow the Tracks on
Facebook or Twitter @TheTracksAtBrea.
25 A
Brea Police Issue Caution for Parked Vehicles
XXV FEB 28, 2016
25th Anniversary Brea 8K
place on Sunday, Febru28, 2016 at 8am. The USATF-
sanctioned, chip-timed race is
fast and fun for all ages and athletes, runners and walkers alike,
and features one of the best food
courts in Southern California.The
Brea 8K is an annual community
event supporting the students of
Brea Olinda High School.
on’t be an easy target for criminals. Remember to ALWAYS lock your vehicle
at home, in the park, or at a shopping center. It is best to take valuables with
you; but if you must leave something behind, then secure it out of view, preferably in the trunk. Be sure to do so before you arrive at a destination where you
might be observed hiding something.
Certain small Items like cellphones, cameras, or sunglasses, which are often
left behind on quick stops will tempt thieves to break in. They’re also drawn
to purses and laptop computers
left in view.
In Brea, 93% of reported
Part 1 crimes are property
crimes: burglaries, petty thefts,
grand thefts or grand theft
auto. Of property crimes, 52%
involve vehicles that are broken
into or that were left unlocked.
Please don’t add to the count.
Always lock your vehicle!
New Senior Shuttle Stop
number of City officials and members of the Brea Senior Center adviA
sory group took part in a brief dedication ceremony for a shuttle bus
stop. A new structure provides comfort with a protected canopy space
and bench seating for those who are awaiting transportation on the Senior
Shuttle. Prior to this, seniors simply stood out at the corner for pickups,
often in heat or rain conditions.
Get a Boost with
Housing Rehab
f your home repair
list outweighs the
Housing Rehab Program may be a solution. Federal funds
to finance home
repairs are allocated to
qualifying families for repair or
refurbishment of an owner-occupied
home. The City of Brea can help you
apply. Funds are based on availability
and applicants must meet income and
other criteria.
To request an application,
please call 714-671-4461.
Brea Business Briefs
Look Ahead to Spring Gardening
Tomorrow’s Workforce
FREE Composting Classes
he new California State Standards lend to a different
delivery of instruction. What does that mean for
college or career? Join a panel discussion with Brea
Olinda Unified Superintendent Brad Mason, Ph.D.,
Scott Scambray, Ed.D., Fullerton Joint Union High
School District Superintendent, and Interim President
from Fullerton College, Greg Schulz, Ed.D. for a robust
conversation on what education it will take for careers not yet established.
Thursday, January 21 • 11 am
Embassy Suite Hotel Brea
Visit BreaChamber.com or call the Chamber at
714-529-3660 to register.
Brea Business Licenses
Fullerton Arboretum • 10-11:30 am
• Composting I: Beginning Home Composting
Saturday, February 6
• Composting II: Improving Your Skills
Saturday, February 20
• Composting III: Composting with Worms!
Saturday, March 5
Classes are posted on the Fullerton Arboretum website
Call 657-278-3407 to register, or simply walk in the
day of class and show your proof of residency.
FREE Compost Giveaway
n annual business license tax certificate, which
is usually referred to as a business license, is required of every business operating within the city
limits including temporary activities or contractors
based outside of the city and performing work here.
The renewal deadline is January 31, but since that
falls on a Sunday, the deadline is extended to Monday,
February 1, for 2016.
Both renewals and new licenses can be obtained at the
Finance Division counter on
level 3 of the Brea Civic and
Cultural Center. For more
information, call the Finance
Department at 714-990-7686.
Saturday, March 5 • 8-10:30 am
The City and Republic Services will host a FREE
Compost Giveaway at Tri City Park, 2301 N. Kraemer Boulevard, Placentia. Limit 60 gallons per
household, while supplies last. Residents must provide proof of residency and bring their own sturdy
containers — no bags.
Brea B
Art in Public Places
Advisory Committee Tours New Site
embers of the Art in Public Places Advisory Committee recently took a site
walk to become familiar with
Oasis.This is a major new art
piece that is still in the installation phase as construction
continues on the plaza component at La Floresta.
Bill Mc Millan, Chris St.
Clair, Margee Hill and Judie
Randlett were impressed
with the scale of this project and, along with fellow
APP Advisory Committee
member Rick Clark, will be
looking forward to a spring
dedication of this new public space.
talking, goodthings
inaprivate socialnetworkjust
Tojointoday, visit
For more info, visit
Brea School District and City Partner for Park, Playground Upgrade
both the Brea Olinda Unified School DisIvotentrictDecember
Board and the Brea City Council took an important
at their public meetings. Both received presenta-
tions and gave approvals to a proposed plan for improvements on the primary grade playground at Laurel Elementary School, which doubles as Lagos de Moreno Park.
Having signed a new joint master agreement in June
of 2015, the District and the City have clarified many
ways they will collaborate on facility sharing in the future. A guiding principle is balanced use for the community. This is to be expected with such a major expenditure of $1.68 million. BOUSD will contribute $250,000
toward the effort and the City will use several funding
sources for the shared space. As detailed plans are developed, City staff will be competing for grant opportunities that might offset some project costs.
For Laurel Elementary Playground/Lagos de Moreno
Park, the arrangement will be a 35/65% split on future
costs of capital repairs or replacements on identified
items between the District and the City. This is based
on the estimated time playgrounds and sports areas are
used by elementary school students as compared to access times available to the general public. There are also
certain park features that have been identified at a 100%
level of responsibility. For example, the City will handle
shade structures and the restroom while the District
maintains sports surfaces.
This long-anticipated project can now move
ahead with construction drawings that will capture
all the specifications. These are then submitted for
review by the Department of State Architects as
required for all school related projects. Work will
proceed now that both entities have agreed on the
plan. The Brea community has
worked and waited over a decade to finally put this project
in the spotlight. There is no
denying everyone’s steady determination to see it through
to opening day.
Parking Lease
Approved parking lease and access agreement
with Brea Northpoint, Inc.
Successor Agency Budget
Adjusted the FY 2014-15 Successor Agency to the
Brea Redevelopment Agency Operating and Capital Improvement Program Budget.
Brea Line summarizes Council business.
Trailview Easment
Vacated a portion of Orange Avenue north of Ash
Street and approved subdivision and easement
agreements for Trailview development.
Fees Study
Accepted a Professional Services Agreement with
NBS for a user fees and charges rate study.
Screening Sevice
Authorized use of Live Scan for employment related purposes, and for licensing purposes of
massage establishment
Urban Water Plan
Agreement for shared consultant costs for 2015
Urban Water Management Plan between Municipal
Water District of Orange County, the City of Brea
and 22 other water districts serving Orange County.
Pavement Maintenance
Awarded annual concrete maintenance contract
to Minako America Corporation for removal and
replacement of sidewalks, curbs, and gutters in
various city locations.
Envisions Advisory
Introduced members of an advisory committee
for Brea Envisions outreach project.
PARS Savings
Established participation in Public Agencies PostEmployment Benefits Trust Program through
Public Agency Retirement System (PARS) for the
purpose of pre-funding the City’s pension obligations and committed to an initial contribution
amount and designated the Investment Advisory
Committee to develop the investment policy and
plan for the program.
Cal Domestic Appointment
Appointed Thomas Prenovost Jr. to the California
Domestic Water Board.
League of Cities Delegates
Delegated Mayor Simonoff and Council Member Hupp as delegate and alternate for the National League of Cities 2015 Congress of Cities
and Exposition.
Water Rate Study
Amended the Professional Services Agreement
with Raftelis Financial Consultants, Inc. for a water rate study.
Downtown Parking Structure
Set Request for Proposal (RFP) for the design-build
of the Downtown Superblock 1 parking structure.
Council Emergency Roles
Received a presentation clarifying City Council
roles and responsibilities in an emergency.
Landscape Requirements
Introduced amendments for Water Efficient Landscaping Requirements and Procedural Guidelines.
Water Rate Analysis
Reviewed a proposed water rate structure and
set a public hearing to adjust City water rates,
based on actual costs of providing water. Proposal
would maintain the existing four tier residential
structure, maintain lifeline rates not supported by
charges to water rate payers with a 20% deduction
for tier 1 use, a 10% reduction for tier 2 use, a 5%
reduction for tier 3 use and no reduction for tier 4
use. The notice shall include alternative maximum
rates based on fixed charges to be increased to
17% of total costs and, alternatively, fixed charges
to be increased to 20% of total costs.
Budget Appropriations
Amended the City Operating Budget for Fiscal
Year 2014-15 and Fiscal Year 2014-15 Capital
Improvement Program Budget and appropriating
additional funds.
Chamber of Commerce Offices
Approved a Lease for the Brea Chamber of
Commerce for office space at the Civic and
Cultural Center.
PARS Trust Program
Authorized participation in the Public Agencies
Post-Employment Benefits Trust Program administered by Public Agency Retirement Services (PARS)
with U.S Bank as Trustee and authorized the City
Manager to act as the Plan Administrator for the
trust and execute all the necessary documents.
Executive Compensation
Amended the Brea Executive Compensation Plan.
Kraemer Boulevard Project
Approved cooperative agreements with the Cities
of Fullerton and Placentia for the Kraemer Boulevard Rehabilitation Project.
Birch Traffic Signals
Approved professional services agreement with
Albert Grover & Associates for the design and
monitoring of Birch Street traffic signal synchronization improvement.
Maintenance District Study
Approved professional services agreement with
Harris & Associates for a Special/General Benefit
Study for Landscape and Lighting Maintenance
Districts 1, 3, 5, 6 and 7.
Cal Enterprise Development
Approved Associate membership by the City in the
California Enterprise Development Authority.
Interview Panel
Appointed Council Members Hupp and Vargas to
the commission/committee interview panel.
Massage Regulations
Introduced revised regulations applicable to
massage establishments.
Measure M2 Report
Adopted resolution concerning the Measure M2
Expenditure Report for the City of Brea.
Homeless Shelter
Established a cooperative funding agreement
with the County of Orange ($100,000) for a regional homeless shelter.
Water Efficient Landscape
Amended Water Efficient Landscaping Requirements and Procedural Guidelines.
Lagos de Moreno Park Project
Approved the proposed conceptual design, estimated cost and site joint—use agreement for 7
the rehabilitation project at Laurel Elementary
School Playground/Lagos de Moreno Park.
Marijuana Commercial Uses
Approved urgency ordinance prohibiting all
commercial medical marijuana uses in the City,
including deliveries; prohibiting all medical cultivation including cultivation for medical use by a
qualified patient or primary caregiver.
Federal Transportation Plan
Updated the 2017 Federal Transportation Improvement Program (FTIP).
Skate Park Repairs
Authorized professional services agreement with
Stantec for Brea Skate Park repairs.
Landscape Contracts
Awarded contracts for landscape maintenance
Pest Control
Awarded pest control agreement to Exterminetics
of Southern California for City buildings, various
parks and the Berry Street reservoir.
Brea City Council
Christine Marick, Mayor
Cecilia Hupp, Mayor Pro Tem
Glenn Parker, Council Member
Marty Simonoff, Council Member
Steven Vargas, Council Member
Brea Community Center
695 E. Madison Way
Monday-Thursday, 9 a.m.-6 p.m.
Friday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m.
Veterans Service Assistance
Third Wednesday of every month,
—by appointment only
Co-Sponsored by Orange
County Community Services
The O.C. County Veterans Service
Office actively pursues the rights
of veterans and dependents of
the United States Armed Forces
to receive Department of Veterans Affairs benefits. Free services
include benefit claims counseling
and information and referral assistance. Call to make an appointment.
ESL— English as a Second Language
Monday through Thursday, 8:30-11 a.m.
Co-Sponsored by North Orange County
Community College District
Students learn and practice English at their own
pace. This class is offered at open enrollment
and class materials are provided. All levels are
encouraged to attend.
Put Some Extra Food on Your Table
Wednesdays, 8: 15 a.m. to 12 p.m.
—by appointment only
Co-Sponsored by the Orange County Social
Services Agency
Don’t let your family’s healthcare and food needs
go unmet. New clients receive confidential and
personal assistance with your application for
Medi-Cal or Food Stamps. On-site processing
available in English and Spanish.
Hands on Brea Volunteer Program
Help us build a Community of Volunteers!
Hands On Brea is a new
Brea program that
links volunteers to
organizations making a difference in
Brea. A variety of
short or longer-term
volunteer positions
are available in and
outside City Hall.
Lend a hand,
share your skills and get involved. Please contact us today and tell us about your interests and
experience and become part of our caring volunteer community.
Short-term Individual and Family Counseling
at the Brea FRC
Affordable Confidential
Various times available by appointment only.
Short-term counseling services are available
on a sliding-scale fee. Topics such as stress,
depression and relationship issues
can be addressed with the help of
trained professionals.
Call now to schedule an intake appointment.
BreaSe Visit
for the enter.com
For adults ages 55+
Center st
500 S. Sievers Avenue
Monday - Friday: 8 a.m.-3 p.m.
Call 714-990-7750 or stop by the Senior Center to register, unless otherwise indicated.
Brea Travel Group
Reservations required, 714-990-7750.
San Manuel Indian Bingo
& Casino
Wednesday, January 27,
8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m.
Gaming, dining, entertainment —
they’ve got it all! A southern California staple, this casino features slot
machines, table games, and a state-ofthe-art bingo hall. With so many fun
choices, it’s sure to put a smile on your
face for just $20. *Must carry a current
and valid photo ID.
Huell Hoswer Exhibit & Lunch
Tuesday, February 23, 9 a.m.-1 p.m.
The joy that the late TV legend Huell
Howser shared with generations of
Californians infuses a new permanent
exhibit, sponsored by the Automobile
Club of Southern California, housed in
Chapman University’s Leatherby Libraries. Images, text, and artifacts outline
Howser’s career and legacy. Afterwards,
you will be treated to a tasty lunch! Educational fun for just $20 per person.
Overnight Excursions—
Reservations required. Price
based on double occupancy,
deluxe accommodations.
January 20-22
$149.50 per person
Enjoy three days of fun! Travel
by air-conditioned motor coach
and arrive early afternoon at the
Riverside Resort Hotel & Casino,
featuring a full casino, restaurants, pools, movie theaters, and
top name entertainment. Tour
includes: transportation, two
nights deluxe accommodations,
two delicious buffets, and a casino
fun book.
Fuel Food Cooking Class
Thursday, January 14, 11-11:45 a.m.
Provided by Regal Medical Group and Lakeside Community Healthcare
A New Year, A New Healthier You!
Thursday, January 28, 11-11:45 a.m.
Provided by SCAN Health
Stroke Awareness & Prevention
Tuesday, February 23, 11-11:45 a.m.
Provided by RTH Stroke Foundation
Entertainment, raffles, and prizes. Stop by
the front desk to purchase your tickets.
New Year’s Celebration
Friday, January 8,
10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Valentine’s Day Party
Friday, February 12,
10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Free! Hula Fitness
Second Tuesday each month, 11 a.m.
Enjoy a great way to exercise, the hula way!
Pet Therapy
Come say hello to Kathy and Benjamin!
First Wednesday each month, 10:30-11:30 a.m.
Come join us for some free delicious socials!
Danish Social
Tuesday, January 19, 10 a.m.
By Kaiser Permanente
Cookie Social
Thursday, January 21, 10 a.m.
Thursday, February 18, 10 a.m.
By AGA Life and Health
Beverage Social
Wednesday, January 27, 10:30 a.m.
Wednesday, February 24, 10:30 a.m.
By DePalma Terrace
Senior Tax Preparation
Tuesdays, February 2-April 12,
12:30-3 p.m.
Appointment Required 714-990-7750
Tax-Aides help taxpayers, 60 and older
with low and moderate income, file
tax returns. Volunteers are trained and
certified to assist in filing basic personal tax forms and basic schedules.
Taxpayers with complex tax returns
are advised to seek paid tax assistance.
Restrictions apply, call 714-990-7750
for information to bring.
Safe Driver Class
Wednesday and Thursday,
February 3 and 4, 1-5 p.m.
Review Traffic laws and safety
techniques that are helpful to
those soon renewing their driver’s
license. DMV approved! Reservation
and $2 prepayment required
Meal Delivery Program for Seniors
The Brea Senior Center’s Home Delivered
Meal Program is a community-based volunteer effort distributing nutritious meals to
frail and homebound seniors in Brea. Volunteer drivers can serve in short term, long
term, or substitute
capacities. Call for
details and requirements 714-990-7750.
Ice Cream Social
Thursday, February 25,
10 a.m.
By Kaiser Permanente
Get Moving!
Page 21­: SilverSneakers
Page 22: 55+ section
At the
Brea Civic &
Cultural Center
Bonnie & Clyde: A New Musical
Music by Frank Wildhorn/Lyrics by Don Black
Produced by Southgate Productions in association with the
Curtis Theatre
Directed by Jonathan Infante/
just $25 with
Musical Direction by Sarah Weinzetl
coupon code:
February 5, 6, 7, 12, 13, 14, 19 and 20
Friday and Saturday, 8 p.m.; Sunday, 3 p.m.
Tickets*: $24-$30
Friday Night Preview: tickets only $15 for February 5 show.
Opening Night Gala: Enjoy pre-show refreshments beginning
at 7:15 p.m. After the performance, stay for a reception.
Fearless, shameless, and alluring, the Tony-nominated
Bonnie & Clyde is an electrifying story of love, adventure,
and true crime. This compelling musical combines
the monumental sound of
Broadway with blues, gospel, country, and rockabilly
in a score that celebrates the
roots of American music and
history. From the team that
brought you last season’s
Into the Woods, strong voict
es and a large charismatic
cast will bring this epic story
of America’s most notorious couple of true crime to the Curtis stage.
Brea Service Club Night
Broadway’s Next Hit Musical!
April 9, Saturday, 8 p.m.
Tickets: $23-$32
Are you part of a Brea Service Club? Join your fellow service club members
for a special night of laughs at the Curtis! Every song is fresh. Every scene
is new. And, everything is funny! A cast of triple-threat improvisers create a
tour de force improvised and hilarious musical, complete with memorable
characters, witty dialogue and plot twists galore!
“Hilarious!” — The New York Times
The Curtis is looking for dedicated individuals to serve
as ushers, to work with our creative team, or to assist
with special events. Support the arts in your community! Call 714-990-7727 to discuss current opportunities.
Curtis Theatre is located:
1 Civic Center Circle, Brea
Click, call or come by to order tickets:
CurtisTheatre.com • 714-990-7722
The Curtis Theatre and Stagelight Productions are proud
to present
Brea’s Youth Theatre in
Mary Poppins
Original Music and Lyrics by Richard M. Sherman
and Robert B. Sherman
Book by Julian Fellowes
New Songs and Additional Music
and Lyrics by George Stiles and
Anthony Drewe
Co-Created by
Produced and
Directed by
Janice Kraus
January 14-31
Thursday 6:30 p.m., Friday 7:30 p.m.,
Saturday 2 and 7:30 p.m., Sunday 2 and 6:30 p.m.
One of the most popular Disney movies of all time is capturing hearts
in a whole new way: as a practically perfect musical! Based on the
books by P.L. Travers and the classic Walt Disney film, Disney and
Cameron Mackintosh’s Mary Poppins delighted Broadway audiences
for over 2,500 performances and received nominations for nine Olivier and seven TONY Awards, including Best Musical! Catch this delightful family story, brought to life by Stagelight Productions and the
cast of Brea’s Youth Theatre, as it flies to the Curtis stage! Theatreworks USA in Curious George:
The Golden Meatball
A New Musical based on the books by Margret and H.A. Rey
And the play owned by Universal Stage Productions
Book & Lyrics by Jeremy Desmon/
Original Music by John Kavanaugh
just $12 with
Originally Directed and
coupon code:
Choreographed by Marcia Milgrom Dodge
Sunday, February 21, 3 and 5 p.m.
Tickets*: $12-$16
Join the inquisitive, lovable little monkey Curious George, star of books, movies, and the
award-winning Pbs television show in this delightful new musical. George, Chef Pisghetti,
their rival Phinneas T. Lightspeed, and friends
will take you on an amusing, world-class adventure to the culinary capital of the world,
Rome. Clever, fast-paced musical numbers will capture your imagination as
these much-loved characters learn about friendship and life’s true rewards
on their journey to win the coveted Golden Meatball!
Curtis Theatre Box Office Hours: Tuesday through Friday, 12 to 3 p.m. and one hour prior to show. On Saturday when
there is a performance, the Box Office will also open from 12 to 3 p.m.
City of Brea Art Gallery is located at the
Brea Civic & Cultural Center, 1 Civic Center Circle, Brea
714-990-7731 • breagallery@cityofbrea.net • BreaGallery.com
MFA Biennial Exhibition
City of Brea Art Gallery
2016 Exhibition Calendar
Save this schedule to use throughout the year.
Also visit breagallery.com for more information.
MFA Biennial
January 23-March 11, 2016
Opening Reception: Saturday, January 23, 7-9 p.m.
31st Annual
Made in California Juried Exhibition
April 9-June 17, 2016
Opening Reception: Saturday April 9, 7-9 p.m.
Social Subconscious Invitational
July 9-September 16, 2016 Opening Reception: Saturday July 9, 7-9 p.m.
January 23-March 11, 2016
Opening Reception: Saturday, January 23, from 7-9p.m.
Fresh and introspective, this exhibition features artwork from a selection of
Masters of Fine Arts students attending local schools and universities. As this
biennial show transforms into another proud tradition at the City of Brea
Art Gallery, this third collaboration expands to include exceptional artists
from CalArts, CSUN, CSUSB, UCLA, and Otis in addition to continuing relationships with CSUF, CSULB, and UCI. A diverse collection of works including
painting, installation, video, photography, and sculpture
will illustrate the
broad range of artwork being made
by these dedicated
students of the arts.
An artist in residence
program as well as
workshops taught by
participating artists
will accompany the
48th Annual
Watercolor West International Juried Exhibition
October 15-December 18, 2016
Opening Reception: Saturday October 15, 5-7 p.m.
Gallery hours are Wednesday through Sunday 12-5 p.m.
during an exhibition.
Closed Mondays, Tuesdays, holidays, and in between exhibits.
Admission is $2 for adults and free for ages 12 and under.
Brea residents FREE.
Great Gifts Available
in the Brea Art Gallery Gift Shop!
The Gallery Gift Shop has been fully remodeled and
restocked! You
are sure to
find something
special in our
collection of
items including
fine jewelry,
matted prints,
and functional pottery by local artists. We also carry art
supplies, stationary, and whimsical gifts from companies
such as Fred and Friends, the Unemployed Philosophers
Guild, and Galison. The Gift Shop is open Wednesday
through Sunday from 12 to 5 p.m. during an exhibition.
31st Annual
Attention Artists! MICA Prospectus Available
Entries due February 5!
There is still time to enter the 2016 Made in California Juried Exhibition before the deadline on February 5! This annual juried show is
open to all California artists working in all mediums! Individual entries
are only $15 each, solo show entries are $75, and Brea residents get
one free submission! Find the full prospectus and the helpful FAQ page
on our website!
Workshops And Educational Programming
Stay tuned for all of the exciting programming the Brea Gallery is planning
for 2016! Sign up for our email newsletter at breagallery.com to be the first
to find out about our many events and classes.
Annual Membership
Have you heard about our Annual Membership? For only $19 you get free
admission for yourself and one guest to all of the Gallery’s exhibitions, a free
glass of wine at every opening reception, and 25% off most merchandise in
the Gift Shop. Call the Gallery to sign up for your membership today!
Stay Informed
Visit BreaGallery.com for more info or to sign up for our
email newsletter. Like us on Facebook and follow us on
Instagram and Twitter @breagallery.
Registration and Information
• Registration accepted by mail,
online or telephone with a
charge card, or in person at
the Community Center until the
first day of class/activity, unless
otherwise specified.
• Checks are payable to
“City of Brea.”
• Sliding scale non-Brea resident
service fee added. Proof
of residency is required at
• All classes subject to change or
cancellation if minimum
enrollment size is not met.
withdrawals must be made at
least 3 business days prior to the
start of activity and are subject
to $5 processing fee.
• Withdrawals/refunds are NOT
available once a program begins.
Non-Brea Resident
Service Fee
$100 or less . . . . . $5 service fee
$101-$200 . . . . . $10 service fee
$201 plus . . . . . . $15 service fee
Class/Program Locations
Four Easy Ways
to Register
Registration Policies
Register online using
Family Pin # and Client
Barcode at cityofbrea.net.
Look for Recreation Classes to
register with any major credit
card. (First time user call for
Family Pin#.)
Call 714-990-7100,
Brea Community
Center and your information will
be taken over the phone. Have a
major credit card number handy.
695 E. Madison Way
(corner of Randolph
and Madison) Monday-Friday
6 a.m.-10 p.m.; Saturday and
Sunday 7 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
Mail your complete
registration form
and payment to: City of Brea
Community Services
1 Civic Center Circle
Brea, CA 92821
Attn: Community Center
Recreation Classes
Brea locations:
AP Arovista Park
500 W Imperial Hwy ORP
BAG Brea Art Gallery
1 Civic Center Circle
PH Founders Park
777 Skyler Way
Olinda Ranch Park
4055 Carbon
Canyon Rd
FCC Fullerton Community
340 W Commonwealth
FDP Fullerton
Downtown Plaza
135 E. Wilshire
Pioneer Hall
BCC Brea Community
304 W Elm St
FSC Center
SKF Shaolin Kung Fu
695 E. Madison Way
1219 W Imperial Hwy
BCGC Brea Creek Golf
Martial Arts
501 W Fir St
203 W Imperial Hwy
BJHS Brea Junior High
400 N Brea Bl
BOHS Brea Olinda High
789 Wildcat Way
BSP Brea Sports Park
3333 Birch St
Performing Arts
740 N Brea Bl
Senior Center
340 W Commonwealth
Hillcrest Park
1200 N Harbor Bl
JMP John Marshall Park
2001 W La Palma Ave
WLD Wildcatters Park
3301 E Santa Fe Rd
PPA Pearson Park
400 N Harbor Bl
Outside Brea:
AIR Anaheim Ice Rink
300 W Lincoln Ave
TPP Tuffree Park
2101 N Tuffree Bl
APF Acacia Park,
TLFH Thomas Lasorda
Field House
1638-1698 Fullerton
4701 Casa Loma Ave
Creek Dr
CCP Carbon Canyon Park
Yorba Linda
4442 Carbon
EPA Eucalyptus Park
Canyon Rd
YLCC Yorba Linda
Community Center
100 N Quintana Dr
CHPTCCountry Hills Park
4501 Casa Loma Ave
Tennis Courts
180 N Associated Rd
Brea Civic Center
1 Civic Center Circle
Programs for Pre-Schoolers
Preschool Drawing
4 wks
Designed with the needs of young learners in mind. Learn to draw and develop skills that also prepare them for Kindergarten a positive, nurturing
environment. As students draw and color fun, familiar objects, they practice following directions and staying on task. All materials are included. Our
curriculum meets the California State Standards for Visual Arts. Instructor:
Young Rembrandts.
Time Age Fee
Loc Class #
2/3-2/24 Wed
3½-5 $51
BCC 15547
Kids Love Music—Babies!
714-990-7100 • cityofbrea.net
4 wks
Learn Lap songs, peek-a-boo songs and active chants. Explore rhythm and
sound with shakers and drums. Your baby (4-14 months old, not yet walking) gains motor skills, building blocks for tonal memory, cognitive development–and has fun with you! Class content changes each session. Bring a
baby blanket. Adult participation required. Some materials are available for
purchase. Questions? info@kidslovemusic.net. Instructor: Karen Greeno.
Loc Class #
2/17-3/9 Wed 3:30-4P 4-14mos$50 BCC 15569
(Programs for Pre-Schoolers continues on following page)
Kids Love Music—Toddlers!
4 wks
A good class for first-timers! Together we sing, dance, play
rhythm instruments and explore playing drums, xylophones and glockenspiels. You and your toddler are active and engaged in this shortened version of this class!
Class content changes each session. Adult participation
required. Visit online at kidslovemusic.net. Instructor:
Karen Greeno.
Day Time
Age Fee
Loc Class #
2/17-3/9 Wed 4:15-4:45P 1-2$50 BCC 15591
Kids Love Music!
4 wks
Come sing, dance and play with your 1-4 year old using animal puppets
and rhythm instruments! Explore making music with drums and pentatonic
xylophones and glockenspiels! Your child gains tonal memory, motor skills
and cognitive development. Class content changes each session. Some materials are available for purchase. Adult participation required. Full info@
kidslovemusic.net. Instructor: Karen Greeno.
Age Fee
Loc Class #
2/17-3/9 Wed 5-5:45P
1-4$50 BCC 15570
Winter Tiny Tots
Tiny Tots is an excellent way to prepare children for Kindergarten.
Enrollment packets are available
at the Brea Community Center and
online at cityofbrea.net/tinytots.
Morning classes are offered (2 or 3
days a week, 9:30 a.m.-12 p.m.), as
well as one afternoon Combo class (M/W/F, 12:30-3
p.m.). Lunch Bunch extends the Tiny Tots morning classes
to 2:30 p.m. Participants must be potty-trained. Junior Tiny Tots must
be 3 years old by September 1, 2015; Senior Tiny Tots must be 4 years
old by September 1, 2015. Call 714-990-7631. No refunds unless your
time slot can be filled.
WINTER Tiny Tots
Jan 4-Mar 18 (11wks)—Registration now open
SPRING Tiny Tots
Apr 4-Jun 17 (11wks)—Registration postmarked Feb 8 and after
Sports and Dance for Tots
Tumbling and Gymnastics by Webby
5 wks
Introduce children to basic tumbling and gymnastics skills!
Each class includes a basic warm up and stretches and
strengthening exercises. Explore gymnastics stations and
equipment such as balance beam, cartwheel mats and
more!! Children build skills through obstacle courses, exciting routines and creative imagery. All ages develop balance,
strength and coordination. Older students will gain body awareness and self-confidence! Our energetic instructor provides a positive environment and encourages parent participation!
Age Fee
Loc Class #
1/11-2/8 Mon 9-9:30A
2-3$58 BCC 16004
1/11-2/8 Mon 9:30-10:15A 4-5$58 BCC 16005
2/22-3/21 Mon 9-9:30A
2-3$58 BCC 16006
2/22-3/21 Mon 9:30-10:15A 4-5$58 BCC 16007
Yoga and Tumbling by Webby
5 wks
Jazz/Tap Combo Dance Class
4 wks
Make Believe Acting
4 wks
Introduce the fundamentals of yoga through imagery, poses, and breathing techniques. This program is an engaging way to focus skills and expand
imaginations with fun class themes. Plus, children learn basic tumbling skills
related to yoga poses and practice. Increase balance, flexibility, focus and
coordination while encouraging fun and creativity!
Age Fee
Loc Class #
1/14-2/11 Thu 4:30-5:15P 3-6$58 BCC 16008
2/25-3/24 Thu 4:30-5:15P 3-6$58 BCC 16009
Boys and girls learn jazz dance and tap dance skills through fun and engaging dance games. Tap shoes required.
Age Fee
Loc Class #
1/7-1/28 Thu 4:30-5:25P 4-6$51 SPA 15989
2/4-2/25 Thu 4:30-5:25P 4-6$51 SPA 15990
Through storytelling, relaxation and play, students will learn to listen, trust
their imaginations and feel empathy—all while having fun and building positive relationships with peers.
Age Fee
Loc Class #
1/7-1/28 Thu 5:30-6:30P 4-6$51 SPA 16147
2/4-2/25 Thu 5:30-6:30P 4-6$51 SPA 16148
Parent & Me Ice Skating
Ice Skating for Tots
4 wks
Tae Kwon Do for Tots 3 wks
Beginning ice skating made fun and easy. Watch your child smile as he or
she learns to march, glide, stop, hop, fall down and get up properly. Skate
rental, public skating from 3:30-5:30 p.m. for the Wednesday class and 1-3
p.m. for the Saturday class and three additional public skating passes (to
be used during the 4-week session) are all included in the fee. Instructor:
Anaheim Ice.
Age Fee
Loc Class #
1/13-2/3 Wed 4:30-5P
3-5$39 AIR 15613
1/16-2/6 Sat 11:45A-12:15P3-5 $39 AIR 15614
2/24-3/16 Wed 4:30-5P
3-5$39 AIR 15615
2/27-3/19 Sat 11:45A-12:15P3-5 $39 AIR 15616
Not just exercise, fitness, and self-defense, Shambhala Martial Arts also
teaches life skills for joyful living. Build self-confidence and strength with a
Korean martial art that focuses on kicking versus throwing punches, allowing
a more powerful attack with less training. Kids will learn respect for self and
others, perseverance and self-control.
Time Age Fee
Loc Class #
1/12-1/28 Tue/Thu3:30-4:15P
4-6 $53 SMA 15459
4-6 $53 SMA 15460
4-6 $53 SMA 15461
(Sports and Dance for Tots continues on following page)
714-990-7100 • cityofbrea.net
4 wks
Spend quality time with your child as you both have fun
learning how to skate. Fee includes one parent and one
child per class. Skate rental, public skating from 1-3 p.m.
for the Saturday class and three additional public skating
passes (to be used during the 4-week session) are all included in the fee. Please arrive 15 minutes early to the
first class. Dress warm! Instructor: Anaheim Ice.
Age Fee
Loc Class #
1/16-2/6 Sat 11:15-11:45A3-5$39 AIR 15621
2/27-3/19 Sat 11:15-11:45A3-5$39 AIR 15622
8 wks
Children will learn basic ballet and tap steps
along with the correct vocabulary. Class will
focus on rhythm, coordination and FUN. Ballet
slippers, tap shoes and basic leotard or dance
attire required. Parent/Guardian must be present during class. Instructor: Candace Weidman.
Age Fee
Loc Class #
1/13-3/2 Wed 3:15-4P
3-5$66 BCC 15571
Pee Wee Tennis Academy
4 wks
This class is designed for the little ones with drills to help build hand-eye
coordination and develop better balance while moving. Your child learns
the basics of the forehand, backhand, volley and serve with fun games like
Popcorn Machine. Students find fun, fitness, and friendships for a lifetime.
Participate either one or two days per week (Mondays and/or Wednesdays).
Check us out online at www.tennisanyone.info. Materials required include
one unopened can of three tennis balls on the first day of class and a tennis
Age Fee
Loc Class #
One Day 3:45-4:30P 3-6 $63
CHPTC 16048
Two Days 3:45-4:30P 3-6 $85
CHPTC 16044
One Day 3:45-4:30P 3-6 $63
CHPTC 16049
Two Days 3:45-4:30P 3-6 $85
CHPTC 16045
2/29-3/23 One Day 3:45-4:30P 3-6 $63
CHPTC 16050
Two Days 3:45-4:30P 3-6 $85
CHPTC 16046
Youth Sports
Pom-Pom Cheerleading Drill Team
Youth Basketball 2016 is here!
In January the City of Brea kicks off its yearly youth basketball program
for children between the ages of 4 and 12. The program runs for eight
weeks from January 9-February 27, 2016, at both Brea Olinda high
School and the Brea Community Center. The program is structured to
develop young children into well-rounded basketball players while giving all participants a positive playing atmosphere.
In addition to playing for eight weeks on
Saturdays, there are four skills days on Wednesdays starting January 20 and ending February 10.
These days are held at Brea Junior High School
between the hours of 5:30 and 7:30 p.m. and
are completely optional. Children will work
on specific skills, have basketball contests,
and can come and go as you please. Because Wednesdays are not mandatory, you
can still participate in the program if you
cannot make skills days. For questions,
please call Brian Karr at 714-990-7171.
Evaluation Day Schedule-January 10
(Times for actual league play will vary)
Class #
Future Stars
BCC 15579
Pee Wee Boys
BCC 15580
Rookie Girls
BOHS 15581
Rookie Boys
10:15A BOHS 15583
Junior Girls
11:30A BOHS 15582
Junior Boys
12:45P BOHS 15584
Please Note:
• League runs January 9-February 27
• Scheduled game times will be different from evaluation clinic times
and may vary based on number of participants registered.
• Boys and girls leagues may be combined due to registration mix.
• Siblings will be placed on the same team if within same age division.
• If participant requires an adult size shirt, please notify league director
by December 13.
• Spaces are limited, register early!
$69 (add $5 if you do not live, work or
attend school in Brea)
Phone-in Registration:714-990-7101
Walk-in Registration: Brea Community Center
Mail-in Registration:
City of Brea, Attn: Brian Karr
1 Civic Center Circle, Brea, CA 92821
Register on-line at:
12 wks
Students learn all three sills in one super fun and energetic class!
Perform in parades, shows, and sporting events year round!
Age Fee
Loc Class #
1/11-3/28 Mon 5-5:30P
5-7$88 BCC 15585
1/11-3/28 Mon
8-15 $88
BCC 15586
Kid Safe Self Defense
One-day workshop
This one-day seminar shows, in a non-threatening way and through ‘What
if?’ scenarios, how to identify and respond to dangerous situations. Interactive demonstrations are fun and informative. Children learn about protecting themselves from abuse, abduction, and exploitation without becoming
frightened in the process. Parents get a checklist of simple safety measures
and deterrence strategies to minimize chances of harm. The seminar will
ignite conversation and interaction between parents and children regarding
the danger posed by abductors.
Age Fee
Loc Class #
Sat 12-2P
6-12$18 CC 16003
Junior Karate (Beg and Adv)
11 wks
Learn self-confidence, agility and physical and mental conditioning. Teaches
fundamentals of Shito-Ryu style Karate with opportunity to progress in rank.
Instructor: Michelle Kim.
Loc Class #
1/11-3/21Mon 4-5P 6-15 $55 BCC15604
1/11-3/21 Mon 5-6:30P6-15 $55 BCC15606
Beginning Ice Skating—Youth
4 wks
Beginning ice skating made fun and easy! Learn to skate
across the ice forward and backward, glide on one foot,
stop, turn and more! Skate rental, public skating from
3:30-5:30 p.m. for the Wednesday class and 1-3 p.m. for the
Saturday class and three additional public skating passes (to be
used during the 4-week session) are all included in the fee.
Instructor: Anaheim Ice.
Age Fee
1/13-2/3 Wed 5-5:30P
6-16$39 AIR
1/16-2/6 Sat 12:15-12:45P 6-16$39 AIR
2/24-3/16 Wed 5-5:30P
6-16$39 AIR
2/27-3/19 Sat 12:15-12:45P 6-16$39 AIR
Class #
(Youth Sports continues on following page)
714-990-7100 • cityofbrea.net
Ice Hockey Skating Skills
4 wks
Youth Kung Fu
4 wks
Learn basic skating skills necessary for hockey including forward and backward skating, stopping, and turning. Pucks and sticks are not used during
this class. Fee includes hockey skate rental, lessons, free practice on day of
class, and three additional skating passes valid during the 4-week session.
Please arrive 15 minutes early for the first class and dress warm.
Age Fee
Loc Class #
1/13-2/3 Wed 6:15-6:45P 6-16$39 AIR 15623
2/24-3/16 Wed 6:15-6:45P 6-16$39 AIR 15624
Students will learn self-discipline and gain self-confidence through the practice of traditional Shao-lin Kung-Fu. They will be taught strength, endurance,
mental, and physical coordination while learning how to use their hands and
feet to defend themselves. Students should wear loose-fitting clothing.
Age Fee
Loc Class #
1/5-1/26 Tue 5-6P
6-14$51 SKF 16111
1/7-1/28 Thu 5-6P
6-14$51 SKF 16112
2/2-2/23 Tue 5-6P
6-14$51 SKF 16113
2/4-2/25 Thu 5-6P
6-14$51 SKF 16114
3/1-3/22 Tue 5-6P
6-14$51 SKF 16115
3/3-3/24 Thu 5-6P
6-14$51 SKF 16116
Tae Kwon Do for Children
3 wks
Not just exercise; fitness, and self-defense. Shambhala Martial Arts also teaches life skills for joyful living. Build self-confidence, strength and self-control. Tae Kwon Do is a Korean
martial art that focuses on kicking versus throwing punches,
allowing a more powerful attack with less training. Kids will
learn respect for self and others, perseverance and self-control. Instructor:
Shambhala Martial Arts Staff.
Age Fee
Loc Class #
1/11-1/27 Mon/Wed6-6:45P
8+ $53 SMA 15588
2/8-2/24 Mon/Wed6-6:45P
8+ $53 SMA 15589
3/7-3/23 Mon/Wed6-6:45P
8+ $53 SMA 15590
Junior Tennis Academy­—Beginning
4 wks
Have fun while learning the four major strokes of the game in a fun-filled,
fitness friendly atmosphere. Students work to establish form on forehand,
backhand, volley and serve. There are three mastery levels in this group
that students will be tested on to always be clear on progress. Students will
love drills like King of the Tennis Hill. Tennis can bring students more fun,
fitness, and friendships for a lifetime. Beginners over the age 13 should start
in the Junior Tennis Academy—Intermediate. Required materials are one
unopened can of tennis balls and a racquet.
Age Fee
Loc Class #
One Day 4:30-6P
7-13 $73
CHPTC 16054
Two Days 4:30-6P
7-13 $103 CHPTC 16051
One Day 4:30-6P
7-13 $73
CHPTC 16055
Two Days 4:30-6P
7-13 $103 CHPTC 16052
2/29-3/23 One Day 4:30-6P
7-13 $73
CHPTC 16056
Two Days 4:30-6P
7-13 $103 CHPTC 16053
Mighty Tykes Soccer
at the new Wildcatters Park!
Exciting Mighty Tykes soccer for boys and girls
3-7 years old! Trained staff instruct youth on
improving skills for future soccer experiences at
Brea’s newest park! Fundamentals, sportsmanship, player improvement and fun are stressed.
Fee includes a team jersey and participant trophy. If you have any
questions, please contact the program coordinator at 714-990-7171.
Day Time
Ages Fee Loc Class #
3/15-4/19Tue 4-5P
$63 WLD 18037
3/15-4/19Tue 5:15-6:15P 6-7
$63 WLD 18038
3/17-4/21Thu 4-5P
$63 WLD 18039
3/17-4/21Thu 5:15-6:15P 3-5
$63 WLD 18040
Junior Tennis Academy—Intermediate/Advanced
4 wks
Junior Semi-Private Tennis Lessons
4 wks
Future Tennis Star Player’s Package
4 wks
For students who have either attained all three
Beginning Academy mastery levels or come in
with proper form on the major tennis strokes.
The focus is on building stroke dependability
to be able to rally with proper form. This is a
high energy, dynamic, fitness challenging program designed to build to a level where students have tools to start playing matches. There are three mastery levels in
this group, which students will be tested on so that all are clear on progress.
Students love playing drills and discover more fun, fitness, and friendships
for a lifetime. Beginning Players ages 14 or older should start in this group.
Required materials are one unopened can of tennis balls and a racquet.
Age Fee
Loc Class #
One Day 6-7:30P
7-17 $73
CHPTC 16058
Two Days 6-7:30P
7-17 $103 CHPTC 16060
One Day 6-7:30P
7-17 $73
CHPTC 16057
Two Days 6-7:30P
7-17 $103 CHPTC 16061
2/29-3/23 One Day 6-7:30P
7-17 $73
CHPTC 16059
Two Days 6-7:30P
7-17 $103 CHPTC 16062
Whether you’re starting out or able to rally from the baseline, Semi-Private
lessons are a great learning environment. Students are grouped with a coach
according to level and with just 2-4 students they can expect plenty of attention from the coach while learning a sport that can be enjoyed for a lifetime.
Participants may choose a one or two-day option. For the one-day option,
participants attend class either at 2:45 p.m. or 7:30 p.m. on Mondays or
the 2:45 p.m. class on Wednesdays. For the two-day option, participants can
attend one of the Monday classes as well as the Wednesday class. See you on
the courts. Students are required to bring a tennis racquet.
Age Fee
Loc Class #
One Day
7-15 $99
CHPTC 16063
Two Days
7-15 $179 CHPTC 17644
One Day
7-15 $99
CHPTC 16064
Two Days
7-15 $179 CHPTC 17645 15
2/29-3/23 One Day
7-15 $99
CHPTC 16065 t
Two Days
7-15 $179 CHPTC 17646
Want it all at a discounted rate? Students experience the benefit of being in
class two days a week in the larger Academy classes; participate in one Small
Group Tennis Clinic per week for more focus on game details; and compete
in the Round Robin Tournament once per month. The value for all of these is
$232. However, this package is reduced to $199. Students participate in Brea
Small Group classes on Mondays/Wednesdays from 2:45-3:45 p.m., or in
Chino Hills on Saturdays 10:30-11:30 a.m. at Ayala High School. Intermediate
to Advanced Academy is Mondays and Wednesdays 6-7:30 p.m. Small group is
Monday 7:30-8:30 p.m. Round Robin Tournament dates are Jan. 16 for session 1, Feb. 20 for session 2, and Mar. 19 for session 3. Tournament is held
at Carbon Canyon Park, Brea. Students are required to bring a tennis racquet.
Age Fee
Loc Class #
1/4-1/27 Mon/Wed varied
7-17 $199 CHPTC16069
2/1-2/24 Mon/Wed varied
7-17 $199 CHPTC16070
2/29-3/23 Mon/Wed varied
7-17 $199 CHPTC16071
Jr. Golf (Beginning/Intermediate)
714-990-7100 • cityofbrea.net
3 wks
Covers grip, stance, posture, ball position, introduction
to chipping and putting, irons vs. woods, rules and etiquette. Equipment provided if needed. Instructor: Jim
Howe. *Golf ball fee each meeting.
Age Fee* Loc Class #
1/6-1/20 Wed 3-4P
6-15$43 BCGC 16101
1/9-1/23 Sat 10-11A
6-15$43 BCGC 16102
2/10-2/24 Wed 3-4P
6-15$43 BCGC 16103
2/13-2/27 Sat 10-11A
6-15$43 BCGC 16104
3/9-3/23 Wed 3-4P
6-15$43 BCGC 16105
3/12-3/26 Sat 10-11A
6-15$43 BCGC 16106
Youth Dance and Fine Arts
Video Game Design
5 wks
Intermediate Video Game Design
5 wks
You play them; now learn
how to design them. Working in teams, students will
develop and program video games they
can take home and play. Computers are
provided for classroom use. Taught by
Creative Brain Learning. *$20 material
fee due to instructor at first day of class.
Age Fee* Loc Class #
1/18-2/15 Mon 4-4:50P
8-15$62 BCC 15597
Continue creating your own videogames. Work on scoring, multiplayer, and more. Completion of Video Game Design is required.
Computers will be provided for classroom use. Taught by Creative Brain Learning. *$20 material fee due to instructor at first day of class.
Age Fee* Loc Class #
2/29-3/28 Mon 4-4:50P
8-15$62 BCC 15599
Intro to Anime Drawing
5 wks
Anime art is a specialized field similar to cartoon
drawing. Students learn the essence of anime art
and will recreate their favorite anime characters
and design new ones. Taught by Creative Brain Learning.
*$20 material fee due to instructor at first day of class.
Age Fee* Loc Class #
1/18-2/15 Mon 5-5:50P
8-15$62 BCC 15598
Stop Motion Animation
5 wks
Movieworkz offers a unique opportunity for students to explore
stop motion animation production. Students will learn about image capturing, video recording techniques, and more. Cameras
and computers will be provided for classroom use. *$20 material fee due to
instructor at first day of class.
Age Fee* Loc Class #
2/29-3/28 Mon 5-5:50P
8-15$62 BCC 15600
Jazz & Hip Hop by Webby
5 wks
Children will learn a combination of Jazz & Hip Hop Technique. Our highly
qualified instructor introduces today’s most exciting steps with use of age
appropriate music and movements. This class builds body awareness and
self-confidence along with flexibility and strength while teaching dance technique and skills.
Age Fee
Loc Class #
1/14-2/11 Thu 5:15-6P
5-8$58 BCC 16010
2/25-3/24 Thu 5:15-6P
5-8$58 BCC 16011
MASTERPIECES with Pencils & Pastels
5 wks
Beginning Ballet/Tap
8 wks
Your young artist will learn: basic design, perspective, animal art, portraiture, and art history. Media include: crayons, oil pastel and pencils. New
projects each session. *$5 supply fee payable to the instructor at first class.
Age Fee* Loc Class #
2/18-3/17 Thu 4:30-5:30P 6-12$58 BCC 15587
Dancers will learn proper technique and vocabulary for both ballet and tap
in a fun and relaxing environment. This class is excellent for older children
who are interested in exploring dance and will give them a starting foundation to try a beginner’s class in a studio. Ballet slippers, tap shoes, leotard
and tights required. Parent/guardian must be present during class. Instructor: Candace Weidman.
Age Fee
Loc Class #
1/13-3/2 Wed 4-4:45P
6-9$66 BCC 15572
Beginning Piano Keyboarding Level 1
5 wks
Beginning Piano Keyboarding/Level 2
5 wks
Rock and Roll Guitar
5 wks
Elementary Drawing Class
4 wks
Cartoon Drawing Class
4 wks
Students have fun learning basics of piano/keyboard playing in a group setting. Emphasis is placed on note recognition and theory. Goal of class is to
play simple songs with both hands, progressing to higher levels and performing in recitals. Students must have a piano or keyboard at home for practice.
Although it is not necessary, students may bring their own keyboard to class.
Instructor: Southern California Academy of Music Staff.
Age Fee
Loc Class #
1/12-2/9 Tue 3:15-4P
7-18$53 BCC 16083
2/23-3/22 Tue 3:15-4P
7-18$53 BCC 16084
This class is a continuation of level 1 and can be repeated. Students progress at their own pace through
their piano book. They are divided up by age
and level and rotate through centers consisting
of workbooks, music games and time on the
keyboard with instructor. Students must have a
piano or keyboard at home for practice. Although it is
not necessary, students may bring their own keyboard to class.
Instructor: Southern California Academy of Music Staff.
Age Fee
Loc Class #
1/12-2/9 Tue 4-4:45P
7-18$53 BCC 16081
2/23-3/22 Tue 4-4:45P
7-18$53 BCC 16082
Have fun learning basics of guitar playing in a group setting! Emphasis is
placed on note recognition and theory. Goal of class is to play simple rock
songs and basic chords progressing to higher levels and performing in recitals. Students must bring their own guitar to class each week. Instructor:
Southern California Academy of Music Staff.
Dates Day
Age Fee
Loc Class #
1/12-2/9 Tue 4:45-5:15P 8+$53 BCC16085
2/23-3/22 Tue 4:45-5:15P 8+$53 BCC16086
Young Rembrandts’ curriculum helps children develop drawing skills that
will boost their confidence and encourage them to be creative. Students will
have fun learning to draw a variety of eye-catching images using a variety
of art concepts including still life and landscape. Art vocabulary and an art
history lesson is also included. Our curriculum meets the California State
Standards for Visual Arts. Instructor: Young Rembrandts.
Age Fee
Loc Class #
2/3-2/24 Wed 4:30-5:15P 6-12$51 BCC 15548
Learning to draw is lots of fun! Especially when
we create silly characters, funny expressions and
story sequences that tell jokes! This class expands our engaging curriculum as students learn
to illustrate objects, people, and furry animals in
hilarious situations. Join us for awesome adventures in drawing! All materials are provided. Our curriculum meets the California State Standards for Visual Arts. Instructor: Young Rembrandts.
Age Fee
Loc Class #
2/3-2/24 Wed 5:30-6:15P 6-12$51 BCC 15549
714-990-7100 • cityofbrea.net
Youth Enrichment
Chess Champions
8 wks
Learn the game of chess while having fun and at the same
time develop analytical and critical thinking skills. Chess
has proven to strengthen a child’s mental clarity and
teach discipline from a very young age as well as improve
test scores. Each class session will provide a fun filled chess
lesson lead by young enthusiastic instructors. Course is aimed
to make chess interesting and enjoyable. Every class includes an interactive
chess demonstration followed by playtime on tournament chess sets.
Age Fee
Loc Class #
1/28-3/17 Thu 3:30-4:30P 5-11$83 BCC 16091
Reading Development
4 wks
A supplementary reading program designed to improve
comprehension, vocabulary, spelling and fluency. Extensive testing allows specially trained teachers to implement and teach a specific learning program for each
student. Parents receive a computer printout of test
results. Instructor: Readwrite Educational Solutions.
*$40 instructor fee payable at the first class meeting.
Dates Day Time GradeFee*LocClass #
1/19-2/11 Tue/Thu4:30-5:25P 2nd-6th $103 FCC 15997
2/23-3/17 Tue/Thu4:30-5:25P 2nd-6th $103 FCC 15998
Sound-Start Reading
4 wks
Math Development
4 wks
Readwrite’s Sound Start beginning reading program can make the difference
between a student who struggles or succeeds. Specially trained teachers test,
structure and implement an individualized PHONICS reading program for
your child grades K-1. Decoding, spelling, vocabulary, comprehension and
following directions are all featured in this fundamental approach to reading.
Instructor: Readwrite Educational Solutions. *$40 instructor fee payable at
the first class meeting.
Dates Day Time GradeFee*LocClass #
1/19-2/11 Tue/Thu3:30-4:25P K-1st
$103 FCC 15995
2/23-3/17 Tue/Thu3:30-4:25P K-1st
$103 FCC 15996
This comprehensive, individualized math program evaluates students and
pinpoints skill gaps. The primary building blocks of addition, subtraction,
multiplication, and division are continually reinforced, building a solid
foundation of fundamental knowledge, leading to increased confidence and
growth of knowledge. Instructor Readwrite Educational Solutions. *$40 instructor fee payable at the first class meeting.
Grade Fee* Loc Class #
1/19-2/11 Tue/Thu5:30-6:25P 2nd-6th $103 FCC 16000
2/23-3/17 Tue/Thu5:30-6:25P 2nd-6th $103 FCC 16001
After School Program
Now through June 16, 2016
Monday-Friday • 2:30-6:30 p.m.
*Wednesday • 1:30-6:30 p.m.
Grades K-6th
Brea’s After School Program is
a program committed to providing
youth access to life-enriching
experiences that foster their academic,
physical and social development.
The City of Brea’s After School Program
is excited to offer extended hours to all
participants for the 2015-2016 school year! Program participants are
invited to experience fun and exciting activities in this inclusive and
positive environment from the hours of 2:30 p.m.-6:30 p.m. daily*.
This format allows all grade levels the opportunity to participate in the
“Study Hall” experience while parents finish their day at work. ASP is
the perfect place for Brea youth to spend their after school hours!
Participants will enjoy an assortment of structured activities that
include gym activities, arts and crafts projects, as well as a game room
with PS4, Nintendo Wii, and board games. Participants also have the
opportunity to get involved in monthly cooking clubs, group fitness
activities, and special presentations. In addition, the ASP café offers
nutritious snacks at a reasonable price.
Special theme weeks this year will include International Week, Arts
Appreciation Week, and Fit 4 Fun Week. All it takes to register for this
year-long program is to stop by the Community Center front counter
and register for as low as $450**. Monthly payment plans are available
to meet the needs of all families.
What is a parent to do? Your child has a day off from school, but you
still have to work. We have the solution for you! Brea Community Center staff will supervise your children in a safe and fun-filled environment. Kids enjoy sports, games, crafts and more. Children must bring
a lunch and snacks. Questions? Call 714-990-7631. To register, call
714-990-7100. *Fee: per day for Brea residents; all others, add $5.
Time Age
Fee* Loc Class #
Mon 7A-6P6-12 $34 BCC 15447
Mon 7A-6P6-12 $34 BCC 15448
Mon 7A-6P6-12 $34 BCC 15449
7A-6P6-12 $34 BCC 15450
For more information about Helping Hands Scholarships and ASP
transportation please contact the FRC at 714-990-7158
**If you do not live, work or go to school in Brea
please add a $100 non-resident fee.
714-990-7100 • cityofbrea.net
Teen Programs
Teen Zone (7th-12th grade)
Now through June 16, 2016
2:30-6:30 p.m.
Registration is now open!
There is still time to sign up your
Teen for their membership into the City of Brea’s Teen Zone. The City of
Brea’s Teen Zone is the most exciting place for Brea Teens to hang out every
day after school! Meet new friends, and stay involved in the community.
This year participants will be more engaged with planned weekly activities,
a dedicated Teen Programs team member, and homework assistance. In
addition, members of the Teen Zone have exclusive access to the Teen Zone
2 Go monthly excursion program which will feature local trips to Color-MeMine, Orange County Parks, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, and much
more. A one-time registration fee of $125 is all you need to participate for
the entire 2016-2017 school year. For more information call 714-990-7179.
Sneak Preview Activity Night for 6th Graders
Friday • Jan 15 • 6:30-9 p.m.; Friday • Feb 12 • 6:30-9 p.m.
The cost is $9 and parents will have to register their participant by 5 p.m. on
the day of the activity. The activity night space is limited so sign-up early to
guarantee your spot this year. Participation is restricted to those
who attend 6th grade at a school within the Brea city limits or
those participants who live in Brea. Strict school district dress
code applies to all dances. All participants must be dropped
off and picked-up inside the Brea Community Center.
Dance activities include, but are not limited to:
DJ & dancing, free snacks, games, tournaments,
contests, raffle drawings, and playing pool in the
Teen Zone.
Brea teens in grades 8-10 can apply to be a City of Brea Volunteen!
Give a total of 90-160 hours of working for one of our Community
Services programs to can gain work experience, help our community,
and have fun. Only 20 spots are available, so the selection process is
competitive. Applications will be available, Tuesday, February 16, at the
Brea Community Center Front Counter and in the Teen Zone. A letter
of recommendation is required as part of the application. Applications
are due Tuesday, March 15 by 5 p.m. No late applications will be
accepted. For more information, please call 714-990-7152.
Online Classes
Online Driver’s Education
Class #15546 • Age 15+ • $43
This is an interactive, online course with videos,
animated driving scenarios and sample test questions.
Learn the rules of the road, DMV procedures and much
more. Receive DMV-approved Certificate of Completion.
This class is a requirement for teens under 17½ years old to obtain a
learner’s permit and driver’s license. A licensed instructor is available
to answer any questions. Sign up any time. Registration is ongoing.
714-990-7100 • cityofbrea.net
Brea Library
1 Civic Center Circle,
Brea Civic & Cultural Center
at Birch and Randolph
10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
12 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Wednesday: 12 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Thursday: 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Saturday: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Especially for our Teens
Teen Advisory Board (TAB):
Meets monthly on the first Monday at 4 p.m.
Teen Book Club: In partnership with the Teen Zone at the
Brea Community Center, meetings on January 28 and February
25 at 5 p.m.
Especially for Adults
Love in the Stacks
On the second Thursday monthly
at 4 p.m.
January: “Still Alice” by Lisa
Writers Group: Meets monthly
on the first Saturday at 1:30 p.m.
Book Club at the Brea Senior
Center: On the fourth Wednesday at 10:30 a.m.
January: “The Rumor” by Elin
February: “A Walk in the Woods”
by Bill Bryson
One-On-One Beginning Internet Tutorials: Sign up for Tuesdays at 11:15 a.m.
Microsoft Office Tutorials: Reservations are required for one-onone tutorials with library staff.
Especially for Children &
Support the Friends of the
Brea Library!
Saturday, February 20, 11 a.m.2 p.m. Meet seven published
romance authors at this special
event featuring two moderated
panels of authors, one guest
speaker, book signings, book
sales, and refreshments. Contact staff for a list of authors and
Book Club
The Very Hungry Caterpillar
Storytime: Wednesday, January 20 at 3 p.m. Inspired by the
beloved children’s book by Eric
Carle, we will read and complete
a themed craft.
Baby/Toddler/Preschool Storytime: Starts January 11, Mondays at 11 a.m. for up to age 5.
Donuts with Dad - On Saturdays,
January 9 and February 6 at 9 a.m.
Stories and Crafts: On the first
Wednesday monthly at 3 p.m.
Children ages 6 and up.
Parent / Child Book Club: For
children ages 8-12. Read children’s books together and have
a great conversation. On the second Tuesday monthly at 6 p.m.
Read to the Dogs: On the first
Wednesday monthly at 6:30 p.m.
Pajama Storytime: At 6 p.m. on
the first Tuesday monthly. Children can wear pajamas and bring
a stuffed animal!
714-990-7100 • cityofbrea.net
Family Craft Night: Monthly on
the third Tuesday at 6 p.m.
Homework Help: Grades K-5
can drop by on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays 3-5 p.m.
Stop and shop at Brea’s only
Used Bookstore. The Friends are
a non-profit (501c-3) organization that supports the programming and materials needs of the
Brea Library through volunteer
efforts and fund-raising activities. Call 714-990-6545 to become a member or to volunteer.
Find out more on Facebook or
the webpage friendsofthebrealibrary.wordpress.com.
Did you know?
If we don’t have an item you are
looking for, it’s a good bet that
one of our other 33 branches
does. We can request copies to be
sent here for you. This can also
be done from home with your library card and PIN!
Brea Fitness Center
695 E. Madison Way
(located inside Brea Community Center)
All cities
714-990-7101 • breafitness.com
Group Exercise Classes • Cardio-Weight Room
• Basketball and Volleyball Courts
Community Center Hours
Annual Fitness Pass Fees
Mon-Fri.............. 6 am-10 pm
Sat & Sun........ 7 am-4:30 pm
Seniors (60 & up)...... $162*
Adults (19-59)........... $231*
Teens (13-18)............ $138*
Family PLAN 1............. $402*
2 adults + 4 children under 18
Family PLAN 2............. $462*
3 adults + 3 children under 18
Daily Drop-In Fees
Seniors (60 & up).......... $3*
Adults (19-59)...................$4*
Teens (13-18)................ $3*
Youth (6-12)............. $1.50*
QuikFit........................... $3*
(11:30 am-1:30 pm weekdays)
Purchase a membership and treat yourself to a year of relaxing fullbody massages provided by a licensed massage therapist.
Discounted annual membership rate of $40 per month for a
one-hour massage! Plus you receive an additional complimentary
massage in your birthday month. Non-membership rates for a onehour massage are offered at the low rate of $45.
Hot Rocks also available!
Call to schedule an appointment at
714-990-7101 or 714-990-7112
* Price listed is for those who
live, work or attend school in
Brea. Call for non-resident fees,
714-990-7100. Photo ID required on first visit.
$2.25 per hour, per child.
Ages 18 months – 12 years
Mon-Thu: 8:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. and 4:30-8 p.m.
Fri: 8:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. and 4:30-7:30 p.m.
Sat: 8 a.m.-1 p.m.; Sun: CLOSED
Infant care for 3 – 18 months
Mon-Fri: 8:30-11 a.m.
Nutritional Counseling
Join our certified Registered Dietitian, Frances Williams for a one on
one Nutritional Counseling appointment. Learn the best ways to improve your diet for maximum wellness! Call 714-990-7112 or go to
breafitness.com for details.
Kidwatch is for children of adults attending BCC programs.
Parent must remain on the premises.
Group Exercise Class Schedule
8-8:55 a.m.
9-9:55 a.m.
10-10:55 a.m.
11 a.m.-12 p.m.
3-3:55 p.m.
8-8:55 a.m.
Low Impact
8-8:55 a.m.
9-10 a.m.
10:30-11:30 a.m.
6-7 a.m.
8-8:55 a.m.
Low Impact
9-9:55 a.m.
10-10:55 a.m.
Super Sculpt
8-8:55 a.m.
Low Impact
9-9:55 a.m.
Cardio Kick
10-10:55 a.m.
8-8:55 a.m.
8:30-9:25 a.m.
Cycle Circuit
9-10 a.m.
10:15-11:15 a.m.
11-11:55 a.m.
12-1 p.m.
4:30-5:25 p.m.
5:30-6:25 p.m.
**5:30-6:25 p.m.
6:30-7:25 p.m.
Get Pumped
7:30-8:30 p.m.
6-7 a.m.
8-8:55 a.m.
Low Impact
9-9:55 a.m.
10-10:55 a.m.
7-7:55 a.m.
8-8:55 a.m.
9-9:55 a.m.
10-10:55 a.m.
11-11:55 a.m.
12-1 p.m.
U-JAM Fitness
12-1 p.m.
4:30-5:15 p.m.
Cycle Express
5:30-6:25 p.m.
Circuit Sport
**5:30-6:25 p.m.
6:30-7:25 p.m.
**6:30-7:25 p.m.
7:30-8:25 p.m.
8:30-9:30 p.m.
11 a.m.-11:55 a.m.
12-1 p.m.
1:30-2:30 p.m.
Chair Yoga
4:30-5:25 p.m.
5:30-6:25 p.m.
6:30-7:25 p.m.
Cardio Kick
7:30-8:30 p.m.
11-11:55 a.m.
12-1 p.m.
4:30-5:25 p.m.
Cycle Circuit
5:30-6:25 p.m.
6:30-7:25 p.m.
7:30-8:30 p.m.
12-1 p.m.
1:15-2:15 p.m.
4:30-5:25 p.m.
5:30-6:25 p.m.
U-JAM Fitness
Classes subject to change.
For the most current schedule, visit the
website or stop by the front counter.
Art Studio classes, Zumba, U-JAM, and
Cardio Kick require pass reservations.
** Held in Art Studio and requires pass
in front counter.
714-990-7101 • breafitness.com
Brea Fitness Center
ALL cities welcome!
Personal Training
Bellydance Basics
The Brea Fitness Center personal
trainers develop exercise programs
that will help you reach your goals. A
combination of cardiovascular and
resistance training will be incorporated into each workout. All levels
are welcome. Call 714-990-7110 to
schedule an appointment.
with Akasha Star
Fridays • Jan 8-29 • 6:30-7:30 p.m.
$40 series/$15 drop-in
Class #16160
Want to shimmy those hips and move like never
before all while you torch calories & tone every area of your body? Learn Bellydance Basics
from a true pro! Akasha is a highly sought after
performer who can improve your groove. Easy
& accessible for all!
Pilates Reformer Training with Seonag
Movements which increase strength, flexibility and stamina while also improving alignment, balance coordination and tone. The result of the workout
is a uniformly developed body with strong back and abdominal muscles. All
levels are welcome. Call 714-990-7740 to schedule an appointment.
Walk/Run & Ride Club
Tuesdays • Jan 5-Feb 23 • 6-7 p.m. • $45 series/$10 dropin • Class #18035 • BCC and Wildcatters Park
Join Elizabeth Anderson, USA Track and Field Certified Coach, Schwinn &
AFAA Cycle Certified for this year’s walk/run & ride program. This progressive training series will take you from your current fitness level all the way
to the finish line of the Brea 8K. Program includes a guided fitness program
with weekly meetings plus an 8-week daily training calendar; you choose the
intensity with options to walk, walk/jog, or run; Cycling, walking/running,
and bodyweight strength training deliver a full body workout; positive and
encouraging coaching and option to cap your training by participating in the
Brea 8K with Team Brea Fitness.
Country Line Dance with Dena
The Brea Movement
Mon 12-1 p.m. • Tue 6-7 p.m. • Wed 12-1 p.m.
Thu 6-7 p.m. • Sat 8:30-9:30 a.m. • Sun 9:30-10:30 a.m.
$79 monthly/$10 drop-in • BCC and Arovista Park • 14+
Join The Brea Movement’s Team of highly qualified personal trainers; Michael Duralde, ACE-CPT; Brittany Kelley, NASM-CPT; and DJ Alegre, B.S. Kinesiology; and the Board of Advisors: Dr. Michael Ko, Physical Therapist;
Megan Wroe, MS, Registered Dietitian; David Huynh, NSCA Certified Strength
and Conditioning Specialist.
Get an effective, results driven exercise program designed for all fitness
levels. Experience a unique total body workout designed to increase muscular strength and endurance, as well as joint mobility and stability. Improve
your quality of life, and overall level of fitness no matter where you start.
“Don’t Wish For it…Work For It!” New sessions begin each month! Evening, Afternoon, and Morning times available. For class times and dates go to
breafitness.com or call 714-990-7110.
Fridays • Feb 5-26 • 6:30-7:30 p.m.
$40 series/$15 drop-in • Class #17589
Dena Driesler teachs various genres of line dance. Spend fun Friday nights
with friends, family, or that special someone! All levels of dance are welcome.
(Brea Fitness Center continues on following page)
714-990-7100 • breafitness.com
Brittany’s Fitness 101
Join Tahneetra Crosby
for high energy master
classes in March!
Mondays and Wednesdays • 9-10 a.m. • $80 • BCC • 14+
Jan 4-27 Class #18031 • Feb 1-24 Class #18036
Join Brittany Kelley, NASM-CPT and Senior Fitness Specialist to build your
fitness foundation from the ground up. An exercise program designed for
beginner and intermediate fitness levels. Whether the goal is to lose weight,
gain strength, or increase mobility, the end result is the same, Progress! First
learn to control the body and the results will follow. Come participate in this
fun and safe environment!
Tahneetra Crosby is a Master Trainer for
Schwinn Indoor cycling, an Ambassador for
Ryka Brand, and a senior Course Instructor
for TRX. Tahneetra has appeared in several
fitness videos and magazines and is a
National Presenter in the fitness industry.
Tanya’s Power Training Club
Cycle Super Ride
Friday • March 11 • 6:30-7:30 p.m.
$25 series/$15 drop-in • Class #16161
Mondays • 9-10 a.m. • $70 • BCC • 14+
Jan 4-25 Class #18032 • Feb 1-29 Class #18033
(No class 2/18)
Join Tanya Loscutoff, NASM-CPT and jump
start your day with a fun and effective, results driven exercise program designed for
all fitness levels. Whether you want to lose
weight, increase strength, lose body fat,
boost your energy, or simply improve your
health and self-esteem, this program is for
you. New sessions begin each month!
Get ready for a ride jam packed full of fun with surprise twists and
turns guaranteed to leave you breathless and wanting more!
Old School Cardio Jam/Hip Hop Tabata
Friday • March 18 • 6:30-7:30 p.m.
$25 series/$15 drop-in • Class #16162
This dance class will be an all-out party! Kicks off with old school
songs combined with fun dance moves to get the party started. Second
half burns the calories with Tabata dance intervals using hip hops
moves. Simple, easy and fun for all fitness levels.
TRX, Rip Training and
Fusion Suspension Training Classes
Join BFC TRX Certified Trainers Melissa Gifford, Jennifer Scrofini, Michael
Duralde. and DJ Alegre for a revolutionary method of training using leveraged bodyweight which develops strength, balance, flexibility and core stability simultaneously.
Classes offered Monday through Saturday,
for more information
and class times go to
breafitness.com and
click on TRX or call
You may be eligible for a free fitness membership through SilverSneakers® or Silver & Fit Fitness Program offered at the Brea Community Center!
Have fun and move to the music through a variety of exercises designed to
increase muscular strength, range of motion, and activity for daily living
skills. Hand-held weights, elastic tubing with handles, and a ball are offered for resistance, and a chair is used for seated and/or standing support.
Classes are held Mondays at 10:30 a.m., Wednesdays at 10 a.m., Thursdays
at 11 a.m. and Fridays at 1:15 p.m. NEW—Chair yoga Tuesdays at 1:15
p.m. For more information or to check eligibility, call 714-990-7101.
Adult Sports and Fitness
Fight Like a Girl—
Women’s Self-Defense
One-day workshop
This is a comprehensive one-day seminar covering practical
and effective self-defense techniques geared toward women.
Course content is based on the psychology of victim avoidance combined with effective grappling, striking, and escapes utilized in martial arts. Women will be empowered with the
tools and know-how to improve their awareness in order
to avoid dangerous situations. Instructor: Ashton Farah.
Age Fee
Loc Class #
Sat 12-2P
12+$33 CC 16093
Karate for Adults
11 wks
Learn self-confidence and agility, as well as physical and mental conditioning. This class teaches the fundamentals of Shito-Ryu style karate with opportunity to progress in rank. Instructor: Michelle Kim.
Age Fee
Loc Class #
1/16-3/21 Mon 6:30-8P
16+$55 BCC 15605
Adult Semi-Private Tennis Lessons
Adult Kung Fu
4 wks
Age Fee
Loc Class #
17-50$51 SKF 16117
Thu 6-7P
17-50$51 SKF 16118
17-50$51 SKF 16119
Thu 6-7P
17-50$51 SKF 16120
17-50$51 SKF 16121
Thu 6-7P
17-50$51 SKF 16122
(Adult Sports and Fitness continues on following page)
714-990-7100 • cityofbrea.net
4 wks
Whether you’re just starting out or already able to rally from
the baseline, the Semi-Private lesson is a great environment to
learn in. Junior students will be grouped with a coach according to level and with just 2-4 students they can expect plenty
of attention from the coach while learning a sport that can
be enjoyed for a lifetime. See you on the courts. Students are
required to bring a tennis racquet.
Age Fee
Loc Class #
1/6-1/27 Wed 7:30-8:30P
16+ $99 CHPTC16066
2/3-2/24 Wed 7:30-8:30P
16+ $99 CHPTC16067
3/2-3/23 Wed 7:30-8:30P
16+ $99 CHPTC16068
Adult Golf Swing (Beginning/Intermediate)
3 wks
A great place to start or to use as a refresher. Work on the fundamentals of
the golf swing and practice methods. Clubs provided on request. Instructor:
Jim Howe. *Golf ball fee each meeting.
Age Fee* Loc Class #
1/9-1/23 Sat 9-10A
16+$43 BCGC16108
2/13-2/27 Sat 9-10A
16+$43 BCGC16109
3/12-3/26 Sat 9-10A
16+$43 BCGC16110
Coed Soccer
Soccer is a 7-on-7 coed league that is played in an up tempo setting. This
league plays on Saturdays at Olinda Ranch Park or the Brea Sports Park.
Spots are limited so don’t forget to sign up quickly. The fee for the season is
$450 per team with a $30 per game official fee.
Men’s Flag Football
Flag football is played in a fast-action style, where everyone is an eligible receiver. This is a 12-team league that
plays on Wednesdays. Spots fill up fast so do not let this opportunity to join pass you by. The fee for a season is $400 with
a $20 per game official fee.
5-on-5 Men’s Basketball
Registration packets are currently available for the Sunday league 5-on-5
play at the Brea Community Center! Teams are placed in divisions according
to skill level through evaluation games. There are two leagues, one on Thursday night and one on Sunday night. Cost per team is $375, plus a $50 forfeit
fee and $25/per game per team referee fees.
Coed Softball
Registration packets are currently available for the coed softball league.
Games will be played on Monday nights at both the Brea Sports Park and the
Brea Junior High School. Cost per team is $450, plus a $30 forfeit fee (refundable if team does not forfeit) and $15 cash per game/per team referee fee.
Coed Volleyball League
22 Our Coed Adult volleyball league is currently taking teams
and individuals who are interested in being on a wait list.
The season has just begun so we are currently not accepting
registration packets. Matches are played at the Brea Community
Center on Tuesday nights. Leagues are classified as upper, lower
and intermediate divisions, and you will be evaluated to determine
what division best suits you and your team. The entry fee is $270,
plus a $20 forfeit fee and $10 per game per team referee fee.
Women’s Volleyball League
Monday night is Ladies Night at the Brea Community Center. We have an
eight team volleyball league that plays an 11-week season and are currently
accepting teams. The entry fee is $270 plus a $20 forfeit fee and a $10 per
game official’s fee. Form a team and come join in on the fun.
Men’s Softball
The league plays at least 11 games at the Brea Sports Park
during Sunday nights on Field #2. The current season is underway, but we are taking interested team managers for the
next season, which will begin in late June. Cost for the Men’s
Softball League is $450 with a $15 official’s fee per game.*
*Note: Registration is accepted for complete teams on a first-come,
first-serve basis. Call the Community Services office at 714-990-7171 for
more information, or for any individual players not presently on a team
who wish to be placed on an interest list. Please include your name, plus
a phone number and email address as contact points.
Drop In Basketball and Volleyball
Volleyball Wed
Daily Fee
$4 ($5 for non-Brea residents)
Mon-Fri 11:30A-2P $3 ($4 for non-Brea residents)
Mon6-9P $4
Fri 6-10P$4
Sun 8-11A$4
Beginning Ice Skating for Adults
FREE Activities for 55+
Classes require registration but most are free. Just drop in
at Pioneer Hall to participate! For more information, please
call 714-990-7750.
Yoga Class
Low lmpact Yoga for any level of experience.
Dates Day Time
AgeFee Loc
Ongoing Tue 8:30-9:30A 55+FREEPH
Tai Chi Exercise Class
A Chinese health exercise popularly known as the “no sweat” mental
and physical exercise. All movements are slow, relaxed, circular and
help improve balance, joints and muscles. Develop a calmer mind and
nervous system.
Dates Day Time
AgeFee Loc
Ongoing Mon/Fri8:30-10A 55+ FREE PH
Health and Wellness Fitness
Practice general balance and reflex, resistance training, stretching exercises and other simple routines. Instructor from the North Orange
County Community College District Older Adults Program.
Dates Day Time
AgeFee Loc
Ongoing Mon/Tue10A-12P
Ongoing Thu 9:30-11:30A55+ FREE PH
Line Dancing
Dancing the country way is also fun exercise! The first 40 minutes is
geared towards beginners with the remainder of the class for intermediate participants.
Dates Day Time
AgeFee Loc
Ongoing Mon 1-3P
Table Tennis
The Brea Senior Table Tennis group is dedicated to health through
exercise and improved flexibility. Players of all levels are welcome.
*Quarterly payment of $15 for Brea resident ($60 annual). $25 quarterly payment for non-Brea resident ($100 annual).
Dates Day
Time Age Fee*Loc
Ongoing Tue/Wed/Thu1-4P
55+ $15 PH
Longevity Stick Exercise Class
A regimen of 12 movements to improve balance, flexibility, strength,
mental focus, breathing capacity and vitality. This exercise can be done
sitting or standing.
Dates Day Time
AgeFee Loc
Ongoing Wed 9-10A
Ongoing Fri 10-11A
Zumba® Gold
Zumba Gold modifies the formula to suit an active older participant
with exhilarating, easy-to-follow moves in an invigorating, party-like
Dates Day Time
AgeFee Loc
Ongoing Wed 10:30-11:30A55+ FREE PH
Ongoing Fri 11A-1P
714-990-7100 • cityofbrea.net
4 wks
Beginning ice skating made fun and easy at Anaheim ICE! Learn how to skate
across the ice forward and backward, glide on one foot, stop, turn, and
more. Fee includes skate rental, lessons, free practice on the day of class,
and three additional skating passes to be used during the 4-week session.
Please arrive 15 minutes early to the first class and dress warm.
Age Fee
Loc Class #
1/13-2/3 Wed 7-7:30P
17+$39 AIR 15625
2/24-3/16 Wed 7-7:30P
17+$39 AIR 15626
Adult Special Interest Classes
Adult Piano
5 wks
Puppy Kindergarten 6 wks
Piano For You! Wish you had learned the piano? Now’s your chance! Learn to
play the piano at your own pace in a group setting. Class size is limited to six
adults, so register early. Individual keyboards are provided during class time;
however, participants must have access to a keyboard or piano to practice
on outside of class. Class size limited to six students! Instructor: Southern
California Music Academy Staff. *$20 cash material fee is payable to the instructor for an instructional book.
Age Fee* Loc Class #
1/12-2/9 Tue 5:15-6P
18+$53 BCC 16087
1/12-2/9 Tue 6-6:45P
18+$53 BCC 16088
2/23-3/22 Tue 5:15-6P
18+$53 BCC 16089
2/23-3/22 Tue 6-6:45P
18+$53 BCC 16090
Start your new puppy out on the right paw! Establish good manners and valuable socialization skills at an early age for puppies 2-5 months. Class will include puppy care topics such as
housebreaking, teething problems, health-care pointers, and will introduce
basic obedience commands. Bring vaccination records and $10 materials
fee (includes training manual) to first meeting, which is an orientation, to
be held WITHOUT PUPPIES. Instructor: Catherine Holshouser, Dog Services
Unlimited. *$10 materials fee payable to instructor.
Age Fee* Loc Class #
1/30-3/5 Sat 10-11A
12+$87 PP 16016
Dog Manners “Crash Course”
4 wks
How are you and your dog getting along? What about your
dog and your neighbors? Accomplish your dog training
goals and get behavior problems under control in just
four weeks! Bad habits (destructive chewing, jumping on people, etc.) will be addressed, as well as basic obedience commands. For dogs ages 4 months
or with current vaccinations. Pre-registration is required
so we may brief you prior to the first class meeting. Instructor:
Rose Healey, Dog Services Unlimited. *$5 insurance fee is payable to the
instructor at the first meeting.
Age Fee* Loc Class #
1/10-1/31 Sun 3:30-4:45P 10+$83 APF 16013
1/16-2/6 Sat 12-1:15P
10+$83 TPP 16015
1/20-2/10 Wed 6-7:15P
10+$83 BCC 16012
2/20-3/12 Sat 4-5:15P
10+$83 HP 16014
Become Slender with Hypnosis
4 wks
Slimming down with hypnosis is easy, safe, and comfortable. No diet or deprivation. Use the ability of your mind to change habits and behaviors that led
to weight problems, and create the SUCCESS and SATISFACTION that make
you feel good about yourself. An accompanying CD is recommended and
available in class for $13. Pillow/blanket/mat optional. Instructor: Pamela
J. Schmidt, M.S. For more information, visit life-enhancing-hypnosis.com.
Age Fee
Loc Class #
1/12-2/2 Tue 7:30-9P
18+$50 YLCC 15576
Become a Nonsmoker with Hypnosis
Notary Public One-day workshop
This intensive one-day seminar is designed to prepare you to become a knowledgeable Notary Public. You will learn the many procedures for proper notarization and get information on how to start your Notary career. The State Exam
will be given after the seminar. A $40 check, payable to the Secretary of State,
is required with proper photo ID and a 2”x2” passport photo. Registration
must be 24 days prior to class start. *$45 material fee is payable to instructor.
Age Fee* Loc Class #
Sat 8A-5:15P
18+$95 FCC 16092
Ballroom Dance—Beginning
6 wks
Ballroom Dance—Intermediate
6 wks
Learn the basics of standard social dances such as swing, waltz, cha-cha,
foxtrot, and tango. Instructor: Gail Abrahamson.
Age Fee
Loc Class #
2/1-3/7 Mon 8-9:30P
15+$63 BCC 16037
If you mastered the basics, join the next level of standard social dances such
as swing, waltz, cha-cha, foxtrot, and tango. Instructor: Gail Abrahamson.
Age Fee
Loc Class # t
2/1-3/7 Mon 6:30-8P
15+$63 BCC 16094
West Coast Swing—
8 wks
California’s official state dance is popular
for its versatility and sophisticated style. West
Coast Swing can be danced to a variety of music including country, rhythm and blues, and today’s popular
top 40. This class introduces the basic step patterns, techniques, movement, and connection used for social dancing.
Partner suggested.
Dates Day Time
Age Fee Loc Class #
1/13-3/2Wed7:35-8:35P18+ $50 TLFH 16036
714-990-7100 • cityofbrea.net
2 wks
Save your breath—and your money. For less than the cost of
a carton of cigarettes, you can use the natural ability
of your own mind to be a nonsmoker. Hypnosis
is one of the easiest and most comfortable ways
to accomplish this. An accompanying CD is recommended and available in class for an additional $13.
Instructor: Pamela J. Schmidt, M.S. Pillow/blanket/mat
optional. For more information, visit www.life-enhancing-hypnosis.com.
Age Fee
Loc Class #
2/16-2/23 Tue 7:30-9P
18+$30 BCC 15577
City of Brea
Civic & Cultural Center
1 Civic Center Circle
Brea, CA 92821
Postal Customer
Brea, CA 92821
Bridal Show
Saturday, January 30, 2016
11 am–3 pm
• 695 E. Madison Way, Brea
Meet premier wedding professionals ready to
help you plan your dream wedding!
hors d’ oeuvres
cake samples • door prizes
Grand Prize, Bonny Bridal
Wedding Gown
$6 admission per person
brides, pre-register online to receive complimentary admission for you and a guest.
For more information: 714-671-4427 • BreaBridalShow.com
Email: breabridalshow@cityofbrea.net