in February 2014 - JSS Academy of Technical Education


in February 2014 - JSS Academy of Technical Education
The Editor-in-Chief
Dr. T. N. Nagabhushan
It gives me immense pleasure to note that our Academy is bringing out its first edition
of ‘JSS Communique’ during February, 2014. JSS Communique is coming with rich
contents that reflect different aspects, activities and accomplishments of JSSATEN
Dr. Pranava Manjari
(Head, Deptt. Of English)
We are on a progressive mission. There exist many accomplishments which have
brought laurels to us. During 2013, JSSATEN was conferred with four awards and was
cited as a top technical institution in Delhi-NCR. We established Nokia Mobile
Innovation Labs with financial assistance from Nokia University Relations, Finland.
Editorial Board
We have been recognized to offer Doctoral Programs. Many new companies have
started coming to JSS for placements. Our students have won top positions in selected
sports events outside JSSATEN. I am sure this serves as a source of inspiration to all.
My best wishes to the entire editorial team.
Harsh Gupta (ME– IV Year)
Shivani Gurung (EC– III Year)
Anmol Gupta (EC-II Year)
Srishti Yadav (EC-II Year)
Shantanu (CS– I Year)
Varun Bansal (CS– I Year)
Dr. T. N. Nagabhushan, ME (IISc), Ph.D (IISc)
Staff Advisor
Dr. Kiran S. Degan
Faculty Coordinators
Mr. B.E. Girish (Sports)
Mr. Bharat B. Sharma (ICE)
Ms. Dilpreet Badwal (ECE)
Dr. Divya Ghildyal (Physics)
Ms. Gunjan Varshney (EE)
Mr. Kunjee Lal Meena (MT)
Mrs. Manju Minhas (CE)
Ms. N. N. Janhavi
Ms. Pragati Priyanka (ME)
Ms. Ranu Pandey (Maths)
Mr. Sadashiv T. (MBA)
Ms. Suruchi Sabherwal (CS/
Ms. Tara Rawat (MCA)
The first issue of a college newsletter is always a special one. It marks a
watershed in the history of an institution and paves way for more
achievements. I wish to acknowledge my indebtedness for the academic
and administrative patronage from the college management, our
contributors, my fellow-workers, and above all, our readers, who, we
sincerely hope, will offer us that unstinting support in making this venture
a huge success. The journey through the portals of JSS Academy of
Technical Education, has served to flesh out the contents of “JSS Communique”. We have attempted to communicate the happenings, chronicle
events and showcase the academic prowess and professional acumen of
the human populace that animates JSS.
A special word of thanks is due to our Principal, who piloted us out of
troubles and talked us out of our diffidence. Sir, a big ‘thank you’ for every
help. Ladies and Gentlemen, we proudly present the first issue of ‘JSS
Communique’ and eagerly await your response.
Dr. Pranava Manjari N.
Head of the Department of English
Writing And Publishing A
Technical Paper | Page 3
I feel a sense of pride as I present to you the
inaugural edition of JSS Communique- the official
newsletter of our esteemed institution. Through the
newsletter we aim to bring all stakeholders of the
college community- faculty, staff, students and
alumni, closer to each other.
I would like to show my gratitude to Principal Sir,
Pranava Ma’am & Kiran Ma’am for giving me the
opportunity to be a part of this initiative. I have
tried to put my best foot forward in order
to ensure that this newsletter is a success.
I would also take this opportunity to thank all my
team members for without their able support and
tireless efforts this newsletter wouldn’t have become
a reality.
Harsh Gupta
(Student Head Editor)
Broaden Your Horizons
| Page 4
Bitcoins: A Virtual Currency For
A Virtual World | Page 4
During the last semester, the following infrastructure developments have taken place in the
A Primary Health Centre (PHC) has been set up in the amenity center in the campus. The PHC has
Dr. T. N. Nagabhushan
been equipped to provide medical facilities such as emergency aid, primary day care admission, OPD
consultation, dressing, intravenous fluids, analgesics and antipyretics. A doctor and nursing staff have
been appointed and they are available from 10.00 AM to 5.00 PM every day. The PHC also has transport (on call basis) available to transfer the patients to advanced centres for further treatment.
ME (IISc.), Ph.D (IISc.)/ 1996
Understanding the essence of life
Reading Newspaper, Watching nature
My talk at Kashmir University in 2007
When I lost my pet dog
The Multi-Purpose Hall (MPH) has been renovated to improve its acoustics and ambience. A digital
My knowledge
sound system, stage lighting/furnishing and projection system have been installed. It is a unique facility where nine hundred students can assemble for lectures, programmes and functions.
Honesty, integrity
Negative attitude
Provide opportunity to all in every possible way
to enable them derive happiness by virtue of
their contribution to the education system.
Calmness, positive attitude
Accepting too many challenges
Capacity of the in-campus Girls Hostel is being increased from 460 to 720 students by adding four
floors on the right and central wing.
A state-of-the-art fitness center has been commissioned in the college (next to the MPH) and is
ready for operation. The air-conditioned facility is equipped with advanced cardio, weight and
strength training equipment. There are separate timings (morning and evening) for boys and girls.
The span between birth and death is the most
important for each of us. Make use of this irreversible ‘time’ for doing good work that would
not only return happiness but good health too.
Every activity we do must return happiness to
us. Build positive attitude in yourself and bring
about positive thinking in others. Nature has
fine examples before us to watch and transform ourselves into happy persons. A happy
mind is absolutely essential besides good food
for good health. It is, therefore, within us to
define and shape our life into a happy one.
When you are a student you should define verticals between activities such as playing, learning, entertainment etc. and manage them with
prioritized time intervals. When you are in a
profession, time slice linked activities return
competency and excellence in diverse areas.
Both of them make you happy, hale and
Finally, we should not fall behind in giving
something good back to the society, so that
our fellow citizens of the next generation can
live in a morally rich and happy society.
Basic elements and layout
Useful tips before presenting
Paper title: It may be long and descriptive or short
and sweet.
a) Revise and rewrite until the truth and clarity of
every sentence are unquestionable.
b) Prepare a complete and accurate set of references
that gives adequate credit to the prior work upon which
your paper is based. For papers in the
mathematical and physical sciences, in some
biological sciences, and in most areas of
documentation is strongly recommended.
c) For each table, compose a caption that briefly summarizes the content of the table. Comment
explicitly in the text on the significance of the
numbers in the table; do not force the reader to guess
at your conclusions.
d) For standard usage of industrial engineering terms,
see Industrial Engineering Terminology (Engineering
and Management Press 2000)
e) For standard usage of computer terms, see
Freedman (2001), Microsoft Computer Dictionary
(2002), and Microsoft Manual of Style for Technical Publications (1998).
f) For methodological and theoretical papers,
emphasize the concepts of general applicability that
underlie the solution procedure rather than the
technical details that are specific to the problem. Supply
g) In documenting applications, emphasize the new
insights into the problem that you gained from the
study. Use standard technical terms correctly.
h) Prepare an abstract that is concise, complete in itself,
and intelligible to a general reader in the
relevant field. The abstract should not exceed 200
w o r d s,
a nd
s ho ul d
no t
c o ntai n
Abstract: An abstract is an abbreviated, accurate representation of the contents of the technical paper that
appears at the beginning. Although the abstract is
written as part of the technical paper, it is also expected to stand-alone and address the following:
Dr. C.S. Salimath (Professor)
Deptt. of Applied Mathematics
Writing a good (worthy of presentation and publication) technical paper is often a difficult task in any
branch of knowledge: more so in science and engineering. It may be easier to talk about a research project
than to write about it. Technical or scientific writing
requires basically an expository style. The main purpose
of scientific (technical) writing is to present facts and
ideas in direct and concise language. It is intended to
communicate ideas expressed in the paper with readers
(reviewers) through words and phrases.
Technical papers mainly deal with new or modified
theories, novel or innovative applications, algorithmic
developments, alternative methods of solutions,
revised, redefined or revisited concepts, theoretical
interpretations of empirical results, numerical or
computer simulations etc.
Technical papers are broadly classified into :
i) Review paper
ii) Overview paper
iii) Vision paper
iv) Implementation paper
v) Survey paper.
Principles of writing
1) Write simply (Simplicity is one of the virtues of
technical writing)
2) Use active voice (Passive voice increases the
probability of mistakes in grammar).
3) Use past tense to describe what others did in the
past. Use present tense to describe what you did in the
research work. Use future tense to describe what will be
done by you (others).
4) Use plain English words rather than non-standard
technical jargon or foreign phrases.
5) Use standard technical terms correctly.
6) Avoid long sentences and extremely long (or short)
7) Avoid slavish adherence to any set of rules for
technical writing, including the rules enumerated here.
8) Remember that the main objective is to
communicate your ideas clearly to your audience.
Clarity: If you must abbreviate, define the term in its
first occurrence and put abbreviations in parenthesis. If
you want to italicize, do it at the first occurrence of
unfamiliar terms and define them right away.
Brevity: Use words efficiently. Never use two words
when one will do. It is often said that “less is more”
when it is related to technical writing. Remove
redundancy to enhance its readability.
i) What is actually presented, measured, theorized,
studied, or reported
ii) How the data was measured, analyzed,
constructed, derived, or fabricated
iii) Why it is so, i.e., an explanation of results,
conclusions, or theories.
Keywords: A list of up at most ten keywords should
be submitted as part of the paper to help identify the
major topics and to facilitate searches.
Introduction: This is the single most significant segment of the paper. It must convince the reviewer that
the paper meets the requirements set by Journal/
Conference. Depending on the nature of the paper,
the introduction should make as many of the
following points as are relevant: Explain how and why
the subject of the paper is of interest.
a) Is the paper proposing an improvement on a
previously used technique? What exactly is the improvement expected?
b) Are there any practical tests that have been
performed or planned? Will these be through
simulations, laboratory experiments, or field tests?
c) Is the work new? How close is it to previously
published work by the present authors, or by
Body of the Paper: The key here is to select and
choose the best features of the work. The page limit is
very important and authors should frame a
balanced presentation (within the page limit) on:
i) Methodology: Equations, Derivations, Working
operations, Definitions, Text, Tests
Conducted, Assumptions made, Experimental setup
ii) Results: Input & Output data (Tables), Figures,
Graphs, Charts, etc.
iii) Discussions: Comparison of Results.
Note: Do not repeat previously done work (e.g.
Derivations, Formulae, etc.). Use references.
Conclusions and Further work: Identify the salient
points presented in the paper. Are there limitations to
the technique presented in the paper? Is future work
planned? What will it accomplish?
Biographies: A technical biography for each author
may be included though it is not mandatory.
Publishing a research paper in a journal or
conference proceedings is an important activity within
the academic community. It allows one to
network with other scholars and to further refine your
ideas and research. Academic journals are probably
the most common place for scholars to publish their
research. Finding the most suitable academic journal
for one’s research topic and adapting to the writing
style so that it can be tailored to fit the guidelines of
the journal is the cardinal principle in increasing its
chance of being published.
Simplicity: Use details wisely though they are desirable.
1. Summarize the objectives of the paper.
2. Summarize the results and conclusions.
3. State the basic principles underlying any new theoretical or experimental methods that are developed in
the paper.
4. For complete instructions on the preparation of scientific abstracts, see Guidelines for abstracts (National
Information Standards Organization 1997),
5. Conclude with remarks which serve as a fitting finale
to the paper
6. Explain how the theoretical and experimental
results relate to the original problem. State why these
results are important and relevant to the topic of your
7. State the final conclusions explicitly in plain language.
Tips based on the personal experience of the author
Submit your research paper through your university
(Institute) email account, e.g. This
connects you with a scholarly institution which adds
credibility to your work.
You can submit your research paper on the manuscript
submission template of the journals for making your
research paper more presentable and increase its
chances of acceptance. You can use following paper
submission template for paper submission:
Increase your readership dramatically by making your
research paper an open access publication. As such, it
will be freely available as part of an online repository of
peer-reviewed scholarly papers.
“Accept responsibility for your life. Know that it
is you who will get you where you want to go,
no one else.” – Les Brown
The education sphere, as we know it, has never
been so competitive, so ruthless and so
relentless. And when we narrow down to
specifics, the modern day rat race escalates to a
whole new level. Yes, we are talking about the
wonderful world of engineering.
Accept it or not, we are all part of the rat race,
the race to the summit of success, be it
academic, financial, social or political. That is
how our brains have been wired. Success is not
a virtue any more, it’s the basic requisite to
social acceptance. Scores, grades, marks,
percentages, ranks, if one had to sum up the
life of a student in the Indian academic system,
these tags would more than suffice.
But the real world out there at the end of this
tunnel wants to see something out of the
ordinary– that bright spark, that moment of
Manan Raj Nayar (CS/Final Year)
Abhijit Gairola (ME/Final Year)
all the hype and hoopla surrounding
Bitcoins, it is hard to remain unaffected by this
latest concept related to the use of currency.
Political idealists project visions of liberation
and revolution onto it, while the detractors, including the likes of Paul Krugman, treat it with suspicion.
Bitcoins are fundamentally
different from all existing
electronic currencies (PayPal, et
al). It’s the world’s first
currency with no central
authority or trusted party
institutions to regulate it. This
peer-to-peer payment system was introduced
as an
open source software in 2009 by
pseudonymous developer Satoshi Nakamoto.
No doubt classroom education plays a significant
role in shaping your future, but, sadly, it is solely
not enough to take you to the promised land.
Why? Because every year this country produces
lakhs of engineers and just numbers and figures
will not make you stand apart from the herd.
So get out there and broaden your horizons. The
society around you is full of opportunities,
opportunities to make a difference to your
community, avenues to learn and add
necessary skills sets to your personality and, most
importantly, grow into a better human being. You
are fortunate to be living in such a thriving locale
of Delhi-NCR which offers ample prospects to explore different dimensions of life.
Volunteer for an NGO, actively take part in
college festivals, get involved in student
organisations, and harness your leadership
potential. These opportunities will not present
themselves, so start cultivating a proactive
work-ethic. Self-motivation is the need of the
hour. Don’t get bogged down by peer pressure,
it’s your life so wrest control of it and shape your
dreams into reality.
You can contact the author at:
Bitcoin is like digital gold, owing to the mining
procedures that are involved. Just as there is a
limited supply of gold, similarly, by design, there is
a known, immutable, fixed supply of Bitcoins that
are available i.e. 21 million units of equal value.
Bitcoins emulates gold in the way it is mined.
“Bitcoin Miners” run specialized software on high
powered computers and solve increasingly
complex mathematical puzzles. The difficulty of
the puzzles ensures that coins are slowly
introduced in the system over time, and are
randomly distributed to its users. However, a vast
majority of Bitcoin users acquire them by
purchasing them from other users or from
exchange markets, or by trading goods
or services with users who own Bitcoins.
The advantages are manifold. They can be
transaction fees and
issues. They are stored
electronic device (cell
possibility of seizure.
are technically irreversible. This peer-topeer system mesh
network makes it effectively indestructible, as long
as the medium of communication (internet) exists.
1) Which country has the largest Muslim population in the
(a) Pakistan (b) India (c) Iraq (d) Indonesia
2) Priya is taller than Tiya and shorter than Siya. Riya is
shorter than Siya and taller than Priya. Riya is taller than
Diya, who is shorter than Tiya.
Arrange them in order of ascending heights.
(1) Priya – Siya – Riya – Tiya - Diya
(2) Riya – Siya – Priya – Diya - Tiya
(3) Siya – Riya – Priya – Tiya - Diya
(4) Siya – Priya – Riya – Diya - Tiya
3) In how many different ways can the letters of the word
'LEADING' be arranged in such a way that the vowels always come together?
(a) 360 (b) 540 (c) 240 (d) 720
4) Pointing to a photograph of a boy, Suresh said, "He is
the son of the only son of my mother." How is Suresh related to that boy?
(a) Brother (b) Cousin (c) Uncle (d) Father
5) India is not a member of which of the following international associations?
(a) SAARC (b) ASEAN (c) BRICS (d) G-20
6) A person who dislikes or fears people from other countries or cultures:
(a) Misanthrope (b) Misogynist (c) Xenophobe (d) Cynophobe
7) A, B and C can do a piece of work in 20, 30 and 60 days
respectively. In how many days can A do the work if he is
assisted by B and C on every third day?
(a) 18 days (b) 15 days (c) 16 days (d) 12 days
8) Pick the word with the correct spelling
(1) Exhorbitant (2) Exorbitant (3) Exhobitant (4) Exorbitent
9) Peter walks to the market and comes back in an auto. It
takes me 90 minutes to make the round trip. If he takes
and auto both ways, it takes him 30 minutes. On Sunday,
he decides to walk both ways. How long would it take him?
(a) 100 min (b) 120 min (c) 140 min (d) 150 min
10) The members of Rajya Sabha are elected by:
(a) the enfranchised citizens of India
(b) Elected members of Lok Sabha
(c) Elected members of legislative assemblies
(d) Cabinet of ministers
Answers: 1- (d), 2- (c), 3- (d), 4- (d), 5- (b), 6- (c), 7- (b), 8- (b), 9- (d), 10- (c)
Harsh Gupta (ME/Final Year)
Student Head Editor
The Pandora’s Box, which will be a regular column in the newsletter, contains questions that will test your verbal ability, logical reasoning, quantitative aptitude and general awareness. It’ll
not only help you gauge your preparedness for placements
tests but will also act as a refresher for all those of you who are
currently preparing or planning to prepare for entrance exams
for higher studies.
Our only advice- Attempt these questions independently, compete with your peers and claim your bragging rights! More
importantly, have fun while attempting this exercise!
The only reason a currency or commodity has
value is because someone is willing to trade
goods or services for it. One of the first transactions was two pizzas that famously sold for 10,000
Bitcoins. This was a risky trade as Bitcoins had virtually no value. However, fast forward to the present and the current value of a Bitcoin is approximately $750!
The concept of crypto-currency still in its nascent
stage, and its effect on the global economy is
speculative. Despite this uncertainty, the growth of
Bitcoins and the supporting technology
And this barely scratches the surface!
.MYTHRI, the college’s annual sports festival, was organised in the campus
This year’s event saw hundreds of eager participants take part in 17
from 26th to 28th of October, 2013. Being one of the flagship events of the
different sports across a whopping 55 categories! The phrase ‘come one,
college, apart from Zealicon, Mythri once again witnessed
come all’ was redefined in those three glorious days with the fantastic
outstanding participation from students and faculty members alike.
response of all stakeholders.
Students came out in huge numbers to register for the event,
making it a grand success for yet another year.
Achievements of our students in sports are not limited to the
The word ‘Mythri’
boundaries of this campus. Our sportspersons have continuously
is derived from
Three days of exciting competitions ensued as all participants
excelled in various events in other colleges and universities. The
battled it out in various sports and categories to claim their Sanskrit. It means odd semester of the session 2013/14 was no different, as our
medal of honor. Mythri once again showcased the
students represented the college in numerous sports fests and
competitive spirit, comradeship and teamwork ingrained in our
brought back several trophies.
The cricket team, comprising of 2nd year students - Maitreya Mishra
(CE), Aviral Shukla (CE), Himalya Choudhary (CE), Adhar Kansal (CE),
Chirag Singh (CE), Vishal Ratwani (EE) besides others, finished runnersup in a tournament organised by Jamia Hamdard University, New
Delhi from 16-19 September, 2013.
Our athletes also actively participated in ‘Chakrvyuh 2013’, the AllIndia sports festival of IMS Engineering College, Ghaziabad from 7-11
October, 2013 and secured the following positions:
Ratan Kirti (CE/2nd year) emerged as the champion in the singles
event of Table Tennis.
Sunny Sahu (EC/3rd year) finished runners-up in the boys singles
category in Badminton.
Anukriti Kumar (CS/3rd year) also finished runners-up in Badminton singles (girls).
The diversity and vivacity of Mythri!
Shashank Rana (ECE/2nd year) came first in the Shot-Put event.
The table tennis team, consisting of Deepak Verma (CS/ 3rd year), Akshay Verma (CS/ 3rd year) & Ratan Kirti (CE/ 2nd year), made the college proud with their
exceptional achievements over the last few months. They:
Won the team trophy at ‘Desporativos’14’, the annual international level sports meet of LNMIIT, Jaipur, organised from 24th-26th January, 2014.
Secured first position in the team category (boys) at ‘Udghosh ‘13, the annual inter-college sports festival of IIT Kanpur, which took place on 26-29 Sep’, 2013.
Emerged as champions in the boys team event at ‘Varchas’, the national sports festival of IIT Jodhpur which took place from 7th to 10th February 2013.
The terrific table tennis trio with the
winners’ trophy at IIT Jodhpur
The table tennis team with Mr. BE Girish (Sports
Incharge), Dr. TN Nagabhushan (Principal) and Dr.
SS Shirur (Registrar) after IIT Kanpur victory (L to R)
Members of the table tennis team holding another
trophy at LNMIIT, Jaipur
The college sent one of its strongest-ever sports contingent to “Spardha 2013”, the inter-college sports meet of Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida, organised from 2223 November 2013. The entire team performed magnificently and bagged several medals and prizes as follows:
Sunny Sahu (ECE/ 3rd year) won the Badminton Boys Singles event.
Anukriti Kumar(CS/ 2nd year) and Priyanka (EC/ 2nd year) teamed-up to bag gold in Badminton Girls Doubles.
Sonu Rati (EC/ 3rd year) won the Chess (boys) competition.
The girls volleyball team won the first prize in their event. The team comprised of Swati Ghansela (EC/ 2nd year), Tanvi Singh (IT/ 2nd year), Simran Chawla (IT/ 1st
Year), Nehal Verma ( MBA/ 1st year), Deeksha (EC/ 2nd year), Somya (EC/ 2nd year), Pooja Agarwal (CE/ 1st year) and Shivika (CS/ 2nd year).
Shashank Rana (CE/1st year) won a hattrick of medals as he came first in Shot Put and Triple Jump and finished second in Discuss Throw.
Saumya Tripathi (EC/ 3rd year) won Shot Put (girls) and finished second runners-up in Discuss Throw (girls).
Deepak (CS/ 3rd Year) and Akshay Verma (CS 3rd Year) came second in Table Tennis Boys Doubles.
Shashank Rana (CE/ 2nd year), Aakash Talyan(MT/3rd year), Shalabh Gangwar (ECE/ 3rd year) and Sourabh Bhoiya (CE/ 2nd year) secured third position in Relay
The college is proud of you all! Keep the JSS flag flying high!
Professor Douglar Cleaver of the Material & Engineering Research Institute at
Sheffield Hallam University (UK) visited the college on 15th Janurary, 2013 to
deliver a lecture on ‘Material Modeling in Research & Development’.
Mr. Cleaver is a well known researcher in the area of liquid crystal and was
conferred the Cyril Hilsum Medal in 2012 and Mid Career Award of the British
Liquid Crystal Society.
Our Principal Dr. TN Nagabhushan felicitating Prof. Douglas Cleaver
Dr. Rashid, Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of
West Florida, gave a talk on ‘Outcome Based Education– A to Z of Washington Accord’ on 6th January 2014 in the Multi Purpose Hall. He talked
about developing intellectual ability and curiosity for continuous learning.
Dr. Rashid is a world renowned personality in the area of Power Electronics
and Microelectronics. He has received many awards and distinctions from
IEEE and other international societies. His books have been recommended
as course books in several countries including India.
Dr. Rashid presenting his talk on ‘Outcome Based Education’
A lecture was delivered by Dr. P Nagabhushan, Professor and Chairman,
Department of Studies in Computer Science, University of Mysore.
The talk, ‘Research: Some Insight’, was based on research as a state of
mind and how a friendly and welcoming attitude for change is
required in the current and future education scenario. The event took
place on October 5, 2013.
On 9th November, 2013, a delegation consisting of Ms. Pamela Smith,
Executive Director, Ms. Stephanie Alcarazreza, Assistant Director of International Recruitment and Dr. Sandeep Shankar, Academic Advisor (India,
The Middle East and Africas) to The Executive Director, of the Colorado
Heights University, Denver (USA) visited the college.
Dr. P Nagabhushan being welcomed by our Principal
The delegation announced a collaboration between JSS Group and Colorado Heights University (CHU) for an MBA degree with specialization in
Accounting, Corporate Finance, Environmental Management and Healthcare Management.
Prospective students were briefed about career opportunities after completing an MBA from CHU. The delegates also talked about the international credit
transfer system, tuition fee, living expenses and options of financial aid. A total of 75 students took part in this discussion.
Dr. TN Nagabhushan (Principal) giving an introductory speech
CHU delegates discussing the collaboration with the audience
The first convocation of Mahamaya Technical University was hosted by our
college on 20th September, 2013. The Chancellor and Governor of U.P.,
Shri B. L. Joshi presided over the function along with Prof. SK Kak,
Vice-Chancellor of MTU and other dignitaries.
Padma Vibhushan, Dr. E. Shreedharan, Principal Advisor, DMRC, widely known
as India’s ‘Metro Man’ graced the occasion as Chief Guest and delivered the
Convocation Address.
MTU’s MBA/MCA/M.Tech/M.Pharm degree holders who secured 70% and
above marks and the Gold and Silver medal awardees were presented their
degrees/medals on the dais.
Our Principal Dr. TN Nagabhushan with awardees of our college
Students of JSSATE, Noida have consistently occupied positions on the
University’s academic roll of honor. The last two academic sessions were
no different as our students achieved top ranks in both MTU and GBTU.
The names of all rank-holders are as follows:
Mahamaya Technical University
From L to R: Shri. BL Joshi, Dr. E Sreedharan & Prof. SK Kak awarding the degrees to students
Rijhu Bansal
Neerja Singh
M. Tech (EC)
Naveen Jain
M. Tech (EC)
Mehjabin Khatoon
M. Tech (CS)
M. Tech (MT)
NLP Project (SEECAT-Speech & Eye-Tracking Enabled CAT)
Ms. Ankita Thakur (AP–Department of Computer
Science) travelled to Germany to work on the
SEECAT project to demonstrate increase in
translation throughput using speech input for
post-editing over a system without speech input.
The aim of the project was to use speech input
as a post-editing tool for language translators in
order to enhance their efficiency and using
eye-tracker to synchronize reading and speaking
MT output, for positioning of input cursor.
Gautum Buddh Technical University
A Research Lab was set up in the college by Nokia India for the purpose of developing applications for Windows phone (Lumia) and
feature phones (Asha).
Vibha Maheshwari
B. Tech (CS)
Nikunj Maheshwari
B. Tech (CS)
Anushree Gambhir
B. Tech (IT)
Ashma Gangwar
B. Tech (EE)
Neha Upadhyay
B. Tech (EE)
Students and faculty learned how to develop applications on the
Windows and Asha operating systems on Nokia mobile devices.
Mr. Manoj Kumar was in charge of the event.
 Dr. R.S. Jagadish (Assoc. P) presented a paper on ‘Modification of Chitosan with PEO and effect of plasticizer on the properties of chitosan/PEO blended films’ at the National Conference on Recent trends in Chemical Research on 3-4 January
2014 held at SJCE, Mysore.
 Dr. Pratibha Singh (AP), Dr. Ashima Srivastava (AP), Dr. Roli Verma (AP) & Ms. N. N. Jahnavi (AP) presented a paper entitled " Environmental implications of Nanotechnology" in the National conference on Recent trends in Chemical Research
on 3-4 January 2014, SJCE, Mysore.
 Dr. R.S. Jagadish (Assoc. P) presented a paper titled ‘Moisture sorption studies of PEO/starcg blended films for Food
packaging Applications’ in the International Conference on Chemical, Environmental and Bioprocess Engineering held on
21-22 Dec 2013, at JNU, New Delhi.
Computer Applications
 A paper by Ms. Khanam Z. (AP) and Ms. Rizvi S.A.M. (AP) on ‘An Assessment of the Impact of Aspect Oriented Programming on Refactoring Procedural Software’ has been selected to be presented at AMATHI ‘14 conference to be held in
USA on Jan 29-31. Extended version of this paper will also be published in WSEAS journal.
 Ms. Shivani Dubey (AP) and Ms. Zeba Khanam (AP) published a paper on ‘Cloud-based E-Supply Chain Management’
in ICSCLM 2013 (International Conference on Supply Chain and Logistic Management), organized by University of HULL,
New Delhi.
 Ms. Shivani Dubey (AP) and Ms. Tara Rawat (AP) published a paper on ‘Exploring Cloud Computing Services for Supply
Chain Management’ in the International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science, Vol 5, Issue 1, Dec 2013.
 Mr. Amit Kr. Roy (AP) published a paper on ‘Improved Transmission Line Contingency Analysis in Power System Using
Fast Decoupled Load Flow’ in the International Journal of Advances in Engineering & Technology (IJAET) (Vol. 7, Issue 5,
pp. 2159-2170) in November 2013.
Dr. R.S. Jagadish (Assoc. P), Dr.
Pratibha Singh (AP), Dr. Ashima
Srivastava (AP) and Dr. Roli Verma
(AP) attended the National
Conference on ‘Innovative Strategies
for Science and Technology’ on 30th
Nov 2013 at Inderprastha
Engineering College, Ghaziabad.
Dr. Pratibha Singh (AP) & Ms. N.N.
Janhavi (AP) attended the National
Conference on ‘Accelerating
technology innovation for inclusive
and sustainable growth’ held on 7th
Nov 2013 at Vigyan Bhawan, Delhi.
Computer Science/ Information Technology
Electronics & Communication
 Dr. Chhaya Dalela (Assoc. P), presented two papers in the 7th International Conference Of Microwaves, Antenna Propagation and Remote Sensing held at Jodhpur in December 2013.
Management Studies
 Dr. Manoj Kumar Sharma (Prof.) authored a chapter on ‘Managing Competitiveness Through Flexibility in Telecom Industry in India: A Policy perspective’ in the book titled ‘The Flexible Enterprise’ published by Springer, London in January ‘14.
 Mr. Ankur Garg (AP) presented a research paper on ‘Adoption of ICT by MSME for improving Performance: Myth or Reality’ in an international conference held at IIT Delhi from December 13-15, 2013.
 Ms. Shilpa Bhal (AP) presented a paper in the 2nd International Conference on ‘Business Innovation and IT’ on
November 23, 2013 at the College of Applied Education & Health Science, Meerut. She also presented a paper in the
National Conference on Changing Paradigms in Management & Information Technology on Nov 30, 2013 held at Jaipuria
Institute, Ghaziabad.
 A research paper on ‘Changing Dimensions of Indian Luxury Market: Emergence of Closet Customers’, was presented by
Ms. Aanchal Amitabh (AP) at the International Conference on Business Innovation and IT (ICBIT 2013) organized by College of Applied Education and Health Sciences (Meerut) on November 23, 2013.
 Ms. Suchita Singh (AP) presented a paper on ‘Behavioural Finance and Innovation Over Efficient Market Hypothesis’ in the
International Conference on Business Innovation and IT on 23rd Nov 2013 at the College of Applied Education and
 Mr. Tapas Das (AP) published a research paper on ‘The Long & Short of IPO Frauds in India: Cases Detailing Accounting
Investigations’, in the International Journal of Applied Financial Management Perspectives (October-December, 2013).
 Dr. Nitin Bhardwaj (AP) presented a paper on ‘Analysis of Reliability Models with Imperfect Switching Device, Connection
Time and Two Types of Failure’ in the 2nd International Conference on Business Innovation and IT held at "CAEHS"
Meerut on 23 November 2013.
 Ms. Anushri Verma (AP) presented a paper on ‘Effect of Rotation and Magnetic Field on Thermal Stability of Ferromagnetic Fluid’ in the Int. Mech. Engg. Congress and Exposition, IMECE-64288, ASME 2013 on 15-21 November 2013 at San
Diego, CA.
 Dr. Sapna Jain (AP) presented a paper on ‘Operational Availability of a Power Distribution System With Environmental
Effects Under Preemptive Resume Repair Policy’ in the International conference ‘WCFMAAE-2013’ at IIT Delhi.
 Dr. Rajesha S. (Prof. & Head), Mr. Radha Raman Mishra (AP), Mr. Vishnu Tiwari (AP) and Mr. Ritesh Kumar (AP) presented
a paper on“Properties Evaluation of Injection Moulded Carbon Fibre Foamed Composites” at the National Conference on
Future Trends in Mechanical Engineering and Nanotechnology (NCFTME) held in Nov ‘13.
 A paper on ‘Development & characterization of developed foamed fibre composite’ by Dr. Rajesha S. (Prof. & Head), Mr.
Radha Raman Mishra (AP) and Mr. A.K. Jha (AP), was published in the International Journal Of Civil Engg. Of Imanager
 Dr. K.P. Singh (AP) delivered a paper presentation in the 8th National Conference on Thermodynamics of Chemical, Biological and Environmental Systems held at Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University, Lucknow in November ‘13. He also
presented a research paper on ‘Role of ULF Wave Index in Space Weather Studies’ which has been accepted for the
poster presentation at the 101st Indian Science Congress to be held from Feb 3-7, 2014 at Jammu University, Jammu.
 A paper presentation was given by R. Manimozhi (AP) in IWPSD, Amity University, Noida in December 2013.
Tech Week was organised by Nibble
Computer Society from 11-18
November, 2013. Various events
were as follows:
Ovid: Create a design using
Adobe Photoshop CS3
Code War (Programming)
Night Knitting: Concepts and
ideas to construct your dream
SQL Samurai: Questions related
to SQL database queries
I-HAX: Several networking and
hacking problems presented to
the participants in a series of
rounds of increasing difficulty
Khoj (Puzzle): Simple contest
based on internet searching.
Electronics & Communication
Neerja Singh and Navin Jain were
awarded gold medal and silver
Convocation for achieving highest
and second highest marks in M.Tech
Communication Engineering in the
Instrumentation & Control
Sanchit Goyal, a 5th sem student,
presented a paper on ‘Virtual
Instrumentation’ in the National
Conference on Emerging Trends in
Engineering & Sciences 2013, held
on 9th-10th November 2013 at the
University, Haridwar.
Computer Science/ Information Technology
Dr. Meera Gupta (Prof. and Head) attended an International workshop on ‘Green Initiatives in Energy, Environment & Health’ at Hotel
Maidens, Delhi from 2-3 Dec 2013 sponsored by Royal Society of
Chemistry, London (North India Section).
A workshop was organised on Nov 18, 2013 for final year students
by RICS (Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors) on ‘MBA and BBA
programs in Real Estate, Urban Infrastructure and Construction
Project Management’.
Computer Science/ Information Technology
‘International Workshop on Advances in Multimodal Multilingual
Translation Process (AMMTP-2013)’ was organized in the college on
Nov 28th 2013.
Mr. Ajay Kumar (AP) submitted his Ph.D. synopsis in YMCA University of Science &
Technology, Faridabad.
Mr. S.L. Mathur (AP) completed his M. Tech degree from Devi Ahilya
Vishwavidyalaya, Indore in November, 2013.
Electronics & Communication
Protem Lecturer Mr. Prasad M. received his M. Tech Degree and was promoted to
Assistant Professor on 1st December, 2013.
Mr. Sampath Kumar V. (AP) registered a patent for ‘The Novel Low Power SRAM
Core Cell’ through CDAC NOIDA. (No: C-DAC/IPR/IDF/28-11-2011) in November,
Dr. Chhaya Dalela was promoted to Associate Professor and was included as a
supervisor in the Ph.D. Supervisor list of MTU.
Instrumentation & Control
Management Studies
Mr. Bhupesh Aneja (AP), Ms. S. K. Bhatia (AP) and Mr. Vikram Kumar
(AP) attended a workshop on ‘Signals & Systems’ at MGM college of
Engineering, Noida between 2nd Jan and 12th January 2014.
The Department organized a workshop on ‘Matlab Botrix’ conducted
by UV Soft Technologies on 15th and 16th November 2013.
Management Studies
Dr. Richa Sharma (AP) and Ms. Sapna Mathur (AP), attended a workshop on ‘Entrepreneurship Development’, sponsored by DST and
EDI, at Banarasidas Chandiwala Institute of Professional Studies,
2 nd
13 th
ICICI Direct visited the campus in November, 2013 and
demonstrated the working of stock trading using virtual money.
Dr. Manoj Kumar Sharma (Prof. & Head) was appointed the expert examiner and
examined Ph. D thesis of Faculty of Management and Information
Technology, Jamia University, Delhi.
The International Conference on ‘Organisational Performance Management’ held
at Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi and co-hosted by IFSR, Vienna was chaired
by Dr. Manoj Kumar Sharma (Prof. & Head).
Dr. Kokila Saxena (AP) and Ms. Anju Tripathi (AP) attended the 5th Mega HR
Conclave organised by DMA in Gurgaon on 10th December, 2013.
Ms. Suchita Singh (AP) was awarded a Doctoral Degree from JMI University in
November 2013.
Dr. Yogendra Singh (AP) received the ‘Indira Gandhi Samrasta Gratitude Gold
Medal Award’ in the International Summit held on November 17, 2013.
Dr. Yogendra Singh (AP) visited the President’s House along with 25 other dignitaries from India and abroad for International Cultural Harmony Summit on November 16, 2013.
Manufacturing Technology
Dr. T.G. Mamatha (Assoc. P) was awarded a doctorate by NIT Hamirpur.
An institutional lecture on ‘Embedded Systems’ was delivered in the
college by Dr. CP Ravi Kumar, Technical Director of University
Relations at Texas Instruments, India on 20th Dec '13.
institutional lecture on ‘Recent Advances in Bio-Fuels Indian
Three days FDP was organised on ‘Modelling and Simulation’ in view of the introduction of new course in IV sem for B. Tech students on Jan17-20 2014.
‘Role of Academia towards sustainable development of society &
environment using Science & Technology’ was the topic of the
institutional lecture delivered on 20 November, 2013 by
Mr. S. L. Mathur (AP).
An institutional lecture was delivered on ‘Leadership Principles &
Effective Teaching-Learning Process in Technical Education’ by
Mr. Girish G Bhatia, Founding Partner, the John Maxwell Team, USA
on 13 November, 2013.
Mr. RNP Singh (Prof. & Head) delivered an institutional lecture on
‘Earthquakes : A Case study for Validation of Codal Seismic
Response’ on 6 November 2013.
Electronics & Communication
Ms. Raksha S. (AP) and Ms. Sangeeta Singh (AP) gave a seminar on ‘CASPOC’ on
27th Nov ‘13.
The department organized a lecture delivered by Mr. Mohd. Raashid on
‘Outcome based learning -A to Z Washington Accord’ on 6th Jan '14.
Instrumentation & Control
Mrs. S. K. Bhatia (AP) and Mr. Vikram Kumar (AP) attended a seminar on ‘Create a
job through entrepreneur education’ held at CEGR, New Delhi on 19th December
What are you pursuing currently?
Currently pursuing my MBA from Shailesh J. Mehta School of Management, Indian Institute of
Technology, Bombay.
Tell us about your journey after graduating from JSS
Luckily I didn’t have to face much of the post graduation grind majorly because of the self imposed
restrictions I put on myself in my final year. Just weeks after graduating from JSS, I was entering into the
most fabulous educational habitat of the country- IIT Bombay.
I was loving this new found attention from friends, family and neighbours, but it wasn't long until all the
euphoria came crashing down. The competition had increased ten-folds and was soon greeted by the
famous MBA schedule where you understand what 'busy' really means. After three months of rigorous
Batch of 2013
Electrical Engineering
work I got placed as a Business Analyst for my summers and since then I have been exploring this
beautiful campus and city. So talking about the journey, the last few miles have been smooth and eagerly
looking forward to the journey ahead...
`Which thing about college do you miss the most?
That small place right in the center of our college- Courtyard!
I remember how we all used to curse- What a small college we have, just one place to hang out!! But now when I think of it, that very little place has given
me endless memories. Meeting all my friends at the same time, looking at my crush from the CS department, dancing during Zealicon, preparing chits for
exams to college brawls, the wonderful place has seen it all!
Fondest memory of college life
This I think is the most difficult question which you can ask any alumni.
First nervous day at college, meeting random people who would end up being your friends for life, bunking classes and going for long meaningless drives,
fighting alongside your buddies, having the most fabulous surprise parties, doing sit-ups in front of policemen on your birthday, winning awards for your
college, the placement relief or the long last hug...I really don’t know how can I even prioritize among them. May be I can leverage upon the fact that I am
your alum and can club all of these as my favourite memories at JSS!
Your message to all your juniors currently studying in the college
See all you guys must have heard all the gyan in the world already, but the fact remains (trust me on this) - every damn single day you have a choice to
make your life how you dream it to be.
Life my friends is as difficult as that semester exam that we go so far to give but the difference is - you are allowed to talk! So feel free to discuss your ideas,
problems, doubts & queries with any alumni or senior. Trust me we have been through it and we love these kind of disturbances.
Cheers and all the best!
Contribute to JSS Communique
We invite all students and faculty members to contribute articles to the subsequent issues of JSS Communique. The articles can be either technical or general depending
upon your field of interest.
All submissions have to be under 500 words.
Please send your articles to our official e-mail address (given below) with your name, department, year of study (designation in case of faculty members).
If you want your achievements and activities to be highlighted in this newsletter, please get in touch with your respective faculty coordinators (see front page).
The Editorial Board requests all readers to provide their valuable feedback regarding the content and design of the newsletter. New ideas regarding columns and content will
be appreciated.
Utmost care has been taken while developing content for the newsletter. Any incorrectness of data or information is purely inadvertent and incidental. All contributions could
not be accommodated due to space constraints and other factors. All contributions are in our database and we will try to incorporate them in future issues.
Editorial Board (see front page)
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