tbld* \ \o I - World Health Organization
tbld* \ \o I - World Health Organization
9* ry.*'€.-,o* 5 ( tbld* \ \o 1$**"{ssl<L: I rcYucfx.r/78.10 ANNEX 1 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCEON PRIMARYHEALTH CARE CONFERENCEINTERNATIONALESUR LES SOINSDE SANTEPRIMAIRES (organized by WHOandUNICEF) parI'OMSet I'UNICEF) (organis6e 1978 Alma Ata,URSS,6- 12 septembre Alma Ata,USSR,6- 12 September 1978 rcvncfne/ta.s IIST OF PARTICIPAI'ITS LISTE DES PARTICIPAI{TS The countrles represented are l i s t e d i n t h e E n g l i s h a l p h a b e t i c a l o r d e r . The names of the participants also appearin alphabetical order, and when the name of the Chief Delegate was transmitted to the Secretariat, it has been underlined. ta liste des pays est 6tablie dans ltordre alphab6tique anglais. Les noms des participantB sont eux aussi class6s par ordre alphab6tique, celui du chef de la d6l6gation 6tant soulign6 Lorsquril a 6t6 indiqu6 au Secr6taria!. t ATGHANISTAX Dr GuiLlemo BIANCO Dlrecteur g€n6ral du flDEnce@n3 Utnlstare de ltBconoole Buenos Alre8 Pr Assadultah AMIN lellty Ministet of public Uealth l'linlstry of publtc Health Kabul extorieur Dr Abdul Mohanad DARMANGAR preventive Medicine Pleaiilent, Mintstry of public Health Kabul Dr Luls li{ario BOSIO Cbef du Programe de 1a Sant6 rurale JuJuy ltinfurare du Bieu-etre soclal Buenoa Alres Dr Nesaa Ali MSAR Pre8ident, planning DepartEenE I'lhigrry of publtc Health Kabul Pr Manuel lran CSltpO secr6taire drBtat A la Sant6 publtque !,lLntutere du Bten-etre social Buenos Al,res lrofesso| Jos6 Augusto GANDI'GLIAPIROVAIIO Dtrecteur g6n6ra1 de 1a plaaiflcation au Secr€tariat drBtet de la Sant6 pubLlque !{lni8tare du BieD-etre socl.al Buenoe Al,res AI,GERIA - ALCERIE !!t. Said AIT UESSAoI'pBNE IMtniatre de la Sant6 publiqu€ . Alger Dr Carlos Luls TRONGE Chef dee Relations sanltalres internationalea Secr€tariat dtBtat a la Sant6 publiqre Buenoa Aires Professeur Mohaned BENHASSINX Dtrecteur gdreral de la Sant6 Mtnlstere de ta Sant6 publlque AIger AIJSTMLIA - AOSTRALIE Dr Belkacen HADJ-LA(EHAL Directeur de la hevention. Mtnlstbre de la Sant6 publrque Alg€r Dr Cyrll EVANS Deputy Director-General Australian DepartEent of Beal,th Ifoden M, Hachiml NHERFI Dir€cteur g6n6ral des Cotlectivitds Minlsta.e de I'Int6rleur Alger M. Abcein TAIi{OITZA Sous-Directeur du D6veloppee[t Se-cr6teriat dtEtet au plan Alger loqales soclal Dr Abdelkrin YAKER M6decin-chef .du Depart@ent drAdElnistratlon sanltaLre a lrl$titut national de - Sant6 -:-'-Publlque . ... A1ger , ttr. DoEiagos coELHO DA cRttz l& Louis LANE First Asslstant Director-General l,lamgment Services Divlsion Comwealth Departnent of nealth Canberra Dr Ceorge REPIN Secretary-GeBeral AustralLan Mealical Aesociation Glebe, NSlf AUSTRil ;?E;Itfr---- Luauda Dr Anteio itos6 FtsRREInA NEtO DLrector of Public lteatth Ml.ristry of liealrh . Lwnda Mr Fello Mlnlstry Luand3 Itr Guy EARRISoI Foreign Affair8 Officer Australian Eebassy !!oEcw, USSR Ur Edound VISBORD Flrst Assiatant Secretary Econonic .DivLsion DepartBent of the prine !{inlster Canberra ANGOIA ffiGrer de - AurRItffE and Cabinet . Dr JoEef DADIER Deputy Director of public l{eblth Federal I'tlnistry of Health and Elvlronmeatal ProtectLon Vimna Dr Uartln SAJDIK Sesond Secretary, Pemnent t{lseion the Unlrpd llatlons offlce bnd othei Cengva : JOSE I|ARQUES of Eealth Dr Jos€ NELu}iBA ' . ProvlnciaL Health Delegate Iileda Dr Lebreqbr lflsscotT Secretary Federel Ulnlstry of tteaith Vienna . bf Austria to Specialize<t Agenclee : and Envir6matal protectim BAUAI{AI} i l. ARCBNTIM.. ...:: ,.r IRGENTII{E : . , ..'1.'..'1 Dr Eugenlo af.nAiOno Chef du Piogr@e Eatlonal de Set6 turale Ulristere du Bien-gtre soclal Bueno6 Airea ALLEN ,Df (Ut€s) Venell Deputi Chicf uedical Offtcer ltlnistry of Healtb Uaeaau Dr.Ladrence J. CEARLES Conaultant h pubtls gealtb Ulnlstry of uealth Nasgau ofi Healrk. '. G. CERISTIE of Health sd of lteslth tfi Perrv Itftfster illntstry Nesaau BEIIf, (sulte) BAtrlptAs (cont.inued) Inaurance tratlonal BAiICIADEStT UTSTAQ ItL SUQ of Preventl.ve Eealtb Dr l. lt. Dlrtctor Dacta Senlce; St!t. llhlster sd Populatlon Dtea RAHAUAI D! Hoh8esd ltuJibur DeFrty Dlrector, Cholera Reaurcb D!sa of ltealth SAXDUP Dr Peaba Tangnl guperlntendst of Beelth Sewices Dzmg lstchtchho tbinphu Laboratory Dr Tashl TOBGYEL SecrGtery General of DrveloPueut l{lBtstry Thlupbu BA.R.IAD(XI- BARBADE .Ir Alryn EOI{ELL Petranent Secretlry of Eealtb lllaLstry Brleetm BOLIVIA - BOLIWE Inaurece M. Alvaro U.i'nlstgre La Paz PERsz DEL CASTIL'',O de la Pr6ventdon aoclale and Natloral Insurrnce Dr l{enllo RocA PEBEIBA de la Sant6 Vlce-t{Lnistre La Paz U18t Btllte UILIER of Eealth and tratlotrsl Ultrlstar Brt*€tom laaurance Dr Oscar nOMAx VACA PtEC"tion ffi;ffi La Psz Dr Benri va! EAIJI{ 1 Cber,g6 de Coure e! Sant6 publique 116dc{ne Troplcele Anvsra Progeaaeur Roger BECNERS g6n€ra1 ile ItAduhlstratlm Irlracteur de 1a 3mt6 publlque et Itltrlstere Breller Dr Jean iltn(E lldd#tn-dltectesr as D6velopp@dt Brurelleg ! lrAdDlulgtratlon U. I||c DEoonE 1" ssta ffi;-d. Brc11es publique et a l'In€rttdt Ksrel VITYLSIEIN Profbssdr du D6partaent drBygtene Dlrept4r de Cent da llunlverslt6 Geqt ' Bfr,XZR !' et dr la santc Pqbllque de lrgyglane de 1a Fao1l1e g6n6rele grgtl'gg.9 IsI SrEslson of Bealth Ulnister de of Eealth Ulntstry Gaborone Dr Davtd B. SEBMA Secretery Perunent of Eealtb ululstry Gaborme Publlque de 1a cooperatlon de lrErvlrona@dt 8. locBns of Eelltb .t , et de M6decine sociale :' :' for Bealth l& Dlbltt r, TEIA$E lt'rputy lbrrarert Secretet lonlttry of Local covcroEnt Geborme ed LsDds BULC'A&TA- BUI,GARIE BALTADJIEV Dr Iteolas de la Sectl.on ttls Solaa tl6dtcaux Of""itu"t gst€ publl'que aupraa du !{1n13tere de 18 Sofla Dr Jbn PEERS pubLlqui et Dl.recteur de la Set€ Cmeeiller du illnlstr€. g6n6ral dee Eapltaux unlversitdltes de Louvaln de Ia Sant6 publlque et de la Fanllle ltlntrtere 8rure1leg ur 08rl l{i!l.!cr !r1trc soclrl€ publlque et da le Set€ BOTSflA$A BELCITU' - BBLGiOUE t, saflou RAIuI provincLal de ls Sant6 de zm Dr Jtgre XORSBU Prlaclpel Ee.lth school talaphu Gmeral Eo8Pital Itrtuphu ( Dr lrerore SAINEY Chl.f ltedicsl Officer Uini3try of gslth and Natlmal Srldgctm Dr oss6nl Dtrecteur Abwy BH'TAN tE Cbarge ln charge of Uinlstry control AUBENAS provlnclal de la Santg de lrAtlanttque de la Sant€ publlgue SAI{OUSSI Dr nsridou ate la gant6 de ltAtacora DLrecteur ptovtnclal Nstltingou EUSAIN ltuh@ad Dr letlr Chlef, Bealth and PoPulatlon sstiotr Plarrolng Cmlssi@ Drcc! z. B. IQBAL ttE Et hry.r Sacr€tsry to tbe Ulntstet ?rlvlte Colttol sf l|lalrtry ia.l lopul.ltr.m Ileea Dr c.brlel Directeur Uinlstere CoLmou . r.rr DrNlkoletCOLEISI{OV ":' drltygllne ile reeberchea I liln.tltut ualtre publlqu. de 1a Sact6 dlorganisatlo! Sofla M. Manol IIANOLOV ni;etttut ild;;-i Sofia dlEducatlon llITRoV Profes8eu! Guararilo adjoiDt ao Ulnlstlre Ulnlstre So f18 sanl'talte de 11 8.rit6 : de la ?opulattbn :.aoclale r' ' publlqus et' BULGARIA - BIJLGARIE (Conttnued) M. Veltn PENEV Dlrecteur du D6parts€nt Sofle (Sutte) M. Franqots NADEAU DeuxiEue Secr6talre et Vice Consul du Canada Arbessade du Canada Uo8cil, USSR drEpldduiologte Dr E. RACAII I.tedical Director Canadia! Unlversity 0t tava Ptofea8€ur Redolu pOpMltOV Uinlstr€ de la Sent6 publtque Sofia M. Dobrl.n RRUSHKOV Dlrecteur du D6partelent des Belation8 intematlmales aupre€ du !{lnlstare de la Sant€ publique sofl4 BI'RI.IA - BIRMANIE DI U. BA TT,N Deputy Dlrector Depsrtnent of Eealth llI.nlstry of Bealeh Ra!Boon ""t". Nl.nl.stare 6c@mlque et lntenatl.oBale Dr Prosper TEII.'OSSAT g6n6ral de 1a SaDt6 publlque Directsr Ulnistere de la Sant6 Bangul socLale et dee Stat. (\ CHAD - TCHAD Dr Sino. DJEIARDJE Uapltal genlral Nd.J€4sa Dr Emeat MTLSOV-DqIPHANC M6decln-chef du Cstre M6dicat Koura BURUNDI g6n6ral de la SaBt€ publique Dlrecteur Uinlstare de la Sent€ publique BuJuubura litinlstare et !,tliisrere Dr Paul !..!PI!ABAKAI{A llddecln Di.recteur du D€partaent et Laboratolrea lllnlstlre de la !mt6 publique Bujuubura t{. Fr6derlc DISENGIyIMVA Cbef dr Cabl.net et Cmseiuer de la Set6 publique BuJmbura du pian de I rEpl<t6ntologle Jurldlque au !{iniatgre lr L, U.'BLACK Asslatet Deputy Mlniaier UeClcaI Seialces Branch Departoent of National lleaLth Ot tawa Irr Os@ne TRAORE Mddeein-chef du Centre U6dlcal Ant iman { CEILE - CHILI Dr Ilector Fernudo CO{CHA Chef du D€part@ent techuique ,natlonal de la Sant6 Uinlstare Santiego and llelfaie.. of Minister sia vrelraie. Dr Peter KNEBEL Chef du Bur@u de progreation Directlon des Etudes et de la FomtioD du Per8omiel U6dical NdJuena M. Eem6n BURDILES Chef des Consetllers sur les AffaLrea soclales Bureau de la planiflcatlon (ODEPIAN) natimale SantLago C,ANADA T|AIDASZ . ltt'Stanley .,Senator,. Representative publique U. Bartb€16oy REFIO Chef (fu Servlco de 1a Planlficatim ill.nietere alu Pla[ de la Coopdratim Bangul of Health Dr U. U'N WAI Additlmal Itirector Departoett of Eealth ltlnistry of Hslrh R&goon }T. Pie MRIBWEq'RE Consl{Ller au Primier Bulmbura # de la Set6 BanBut ltr U. Aung pe IATT Asslstaat Director troietg! Ecoaol.c Relatlons Departdent Ulalstry of plinnlng and Flnance Rangoon . Ulss AtEe $rrEERL{ND Senior Prograre Offlcer progrsos Brech Uultus.taral Cetadlan Interaatlonal Deve!.opment Agency Ottawa CENTRALATRIC,Ail E!{PTRE - EI,IPIRE CEN1RAFRTCAIN Ur fge$ FIIN Deputy l,ll.nlsrer of Eealrb Uinlstry of E€alth Baagoon Dr U. KrtI{ SEII{ .Dkectoa Departuent Uinlstry of Eealrh Rmgom Studenta Overseas (CSSO) of National Ottawe Eealth de la Sint€ alu Se|fce publique':' pF Franclsco eUESNEY Dlrecteur g6n6ral du Servlce national de Ser6 ,, -,. ., .,', Santlago , , . .". " Mre E. IABEil,E Dltectc .Gederal Poltcy B6search and Evahation Branch Departient of Indlan and Northem Affatrs Ott5.w{f tr ilr it. K. I,IoRRISSEY Deputy Ulnistdr of Baalth : 'Uew Siunestct c O t O m r l . l c o i O O r E ' . : " , , . ' . ' , . i. , , . . . , . , 'l Dr David BERSHESCOVAR Dl.rectsr de la Division Ahenle : ' de la Sant€, FEDECAFE CoLoUBIA - coLq{BIE (conrinued) (Sulre) Dr Abrehm COJoCARU-SECIJRANSKy Ucdecln-adElniaEreteur en chef CeU Dr Roberto LIEVANO PERDOMO Vice*lllnistte de la Senr6 UinldtBre de la Sant6 Bogota Dr eo@n PERDOD{oCORDOBA Chef du Senice de la Sant€ Depart@nt de la planification Bogota Dr Luz URIBE NARANJO Secr6talre g6n6ra1, Minlstere Bogota !,loe Ehi1le-Utchale Dtattresse Sage-f@ Moronl. narionale de la Sant6 .. Dr Atryrd Directsr Mtnistare MoEmi CYPRUS - CHYPRE Dr Andreas I'ARKIDES Director of l{edlcal Servi.ce,s Departoent of l.{edical Seryices Ministry of ltealth Nlcosia Mr Syneon MATSIS Plannlng offlcer, Offlce Co@Lssion Nicosia of tbe Planqing Mr Cleanthis VAKIS Director-General Mlnistry of Healrh Nlcosia BoUDRA de la ltatemltd M. Sald Ahned CHnIKtt Secretal.re g€n€ra1 du UlnistEre des Slnances Uinistare des Flnances, de lrEconmie et du Plan llorml ( . Professeur Ernesto de la TORRE Minlstre adjotnt de la Sant€ publlilue Ulnlstere de la Sant6 publlque La llavane cc,toRps - coitoREs . U. Marlo PANTOJA Sectlon de8 Conf6raceg et organlgattons lntematlonales UlnlstAre des Affalres 6trangares La Havane CZECITOSLOVAKIA- TCHECOSLOVAQUIE Dr Jan FREMMER Director, DepartEenE for Preventive Medicine llinistry of Health of the Slovak Soclalist Republic Bratls lava Chartf UOUBTARE publ.lque de la setd de la sat€ et du TsrLm Professor Jaroslav JIROLS Deputy litinLster of Bealth o'f the Czech Socialist Prague Republic CONGO . Dr Sirm BAIANGA l,l6decln-lnapecleur de ta R6gion de 1a Sangha R6glot sanitaire de 1a Sanghe Ollesso Dr EllEka KLMROVi Dtrector, Department of IntematLonal Relations Ml.nlstry of llealth of the Czech Soctalist Republic P!ague Dr Da{iel BoI,ANGA t{ddecln-lnspectsr di: 1a R6glm 8€gton seltaire du Nlarl Lobono Professor Dlrector, Prague du Nlarl lit. Jean Raphiel (OUEIEIE Chef de la Divlsion de8 Servlces de Sant6 uatemelLe et lnfantile au Secr6tariat C6n6ra1 e la Sint6 Brazzaville Profeseor Eril IIATEJIaEK Minister of ltealth of the Slwak Sociallst Ulnistry of Health of the Slovak Soeialist Prague Profeaaor / t''- llini8ter Prague COSIA RICA Dr Rodrlgo AL&AN Prais Vlce-pr6sldent . San Jos6 Jaroslav of Eealth !{. 9ll.1burg JII'ENEZ CASTRO llinlstfe, Bureau de le ilelflcatim : Sa! Jo86 of the Czech Profeasor Choi CEIN EYON of Korean Medical Vlce-Director MiBlstry of llealth Pydgyang Socialist Acadey natlm4le CT'BA Dr Serglo ALVAREZ Ii{ESA Directeur de la Polycllnlque dea Solna de Sant6 pri@lre8 !{inistare de !,8 Sant6 pub}ique Ia Havade uarto ESCAIONA ltE(;uigRqr Profeerur . pour 1e D6veloppaeat de 1a Sant6 lnstitut de le sant€ publlque ulllstar€ La Eavse Dr Jo CHUNGcOL Deputy Director of Planning Minlstry of Health Pyongyang li,lr lto JoNG Ministry of Health PyongyaEg Dr gan EO{G SEP Vice-Minister of Health Ninlstry of Health Pymgyang MT Ll TA3 HWAN Mlnistry of tlealth Pyongyang Republlc Republic PROKO?EC de la R6publlque Dr Canelo CAf,VOSA lllnlstfg de La Set6 Sffi Jo!6 . Pavel I''ACUCH Institute for Postgraduate Training and Fl.nance Republlc DBI,IOCRATIC ?EOPLETS RIPTELIC OF KOREA (continued) REflnLIQtE PoPUIAIRE DEMOCRATIQITE DE COREE(sulte) Dr Kin YoNC IR Dlrector of ForelgB Ministry of l{ealth Pymgyang ltealth EC'I'ADOR- EQUATEUR DT GTI BBRMEO VLce-Uinister of Publlc Health Ministry of Public llealth Quito AffsLrs Dr ltugo COR3AL RUII,'VA Sous-Secretaire drEtat de La Smc€ publique MinistEre de la Sat€ DEI.IOCRATICYEI.IEN - YEMENDEM@NATIQUE Quito Dr Almed ABDU! LATIF Dlrector of llealth ServLces ln the S€cmd Govemorate Director of PriMry llealth Care Ylnistry of ltealth Khoruksar.(Aden) Dr Jorge REYES SALAS DLrecteu! du D6parteoent du contrAle sanitaire lllnlstere de la Sant6 publique qulto Dt Abdulla BUKATR Uinlster of liealth lllni8try of Health (Aden) Rhomksar Dr Eugo SUAREZ Cmit6 natlonal de La planification MiniEtere de la Sant6 publl.qre Qulto Ur Alt IAEI'AN Head of Planning Sectlon of Eealth lllnlrtry Khomakaar (Aden) EGYPI - EGYFIE Professor Ibrahln BADMN UlDister of Public gealth Calro DEN!{ARK - DANEI,IARK FOG Dr /rgen Deputy, Dlrector-Ceneral Service llealth Tbe Natlmal CopenhageB { Dr Azlz EL KHOLY Secretary General Natlonal Board of Eealth Mlnistry of Public Eealth Calro of DenMrk lliss Inge JESPERSEN of llealth, clty of Deputy Cmissioner Copenhagen Mriober of the Board of the DmLsh Intemational Agency (nANtnA) Developnelt Dr Wafik Ashraf EASSOUNA Professor of llealth Plaming lnstitute of Natlolal PlaElng Cairo Copenhagen Dr Almtaz Billah UOBARAK Unaler Secretary of State for Sewl,ces Mlnlstry of lleal.th Cairo Dr Bmst LAITRIDSEN Adviser lledlcal Developnent Dani8h Intemational !4iatstry of Foretgn Affairs copahegen Ur P. TSORNIT Eead of Sectlm of che Interior' Ulnistry Copshage Agency (DANIDA) Basie gealth Itealth DePartoeut EQUATORTALGIIINX4 - GITTNEEEQUAToRI$I,E Nr Ade TRIER Secretary AaELatant Perunent Social Affalrs of social Atfalrg ul.nlstry Copeahegen of State for Ilr Buivabala SITOCA secrdtaire drEtat I 1a Pr6sldence Dr ltalsuy lllnlstEre NgueM NctlAMA de la set6 Publ'lque Dr Mba Oborc NmNGo Dl.recteur g6n6ra1 de la Dr MlgseL CA!.IPILIO-IIIBRE Soua-dtrecteur des Projets de Sant6 au Secr6terl.at Sant6 publique et e lrAssistance sociale Seto Dmlngo drBtat ! 1a ETEIOPIA. Dr Elias DINZEY BEAIO E6dical des Seryices de Sflt€ de base au Secr6tariat Dlrecteur socLale dtEtat e la.Sant6 publique et e lrAssistmce Seto D@ingo de 1& Smte publlque Vlce-lfinlstre Secretar&E d'Etat e'la sant6 publtque soctale 1'As8r.8tare saato D@lDgo sante ETIIIOPIB l,Ir Solmon AYALEW Head, Eealth Division CentraL PlanDing C@is8ion Addis Ab8ba llr Tsesaye FEKADE llead, gealth Seilices 141n1!try of Health Addie.Ababa . et A Office Depart[en! l:' l{r Glzaw GETAgttEll Regional Medical offl.cer of Healtb; of Publlc Health uinlstry Addis Ababe Dr Alfonso PEIIT IdAUINEZ CeDtre de P6diatrie santo D@iDgo -6 ] shoa rrNl+ND - F!N1ANpB cellBrA - G!4!Ir Dr Juhani AER Deputy Director of Publtc Health DepartDent Natlonal Board of llealth Hel6Lnkl }'T3 JUTIA CHRISTIANSEN of Publlc ltealth I*pcctor flnnlsh Federstioa of Nurses Turku Affalrs and Econm{c DeveloPBent Dr A. B. rt8tlb N'JIE co logLs t Obstetrlciaty'Glnee HosPital RoyaMctoria BanJul !ir8 Kyllikki LAU?TU l{ansging Edltor Flmish l.ledical Joumal Flnatsh Medica1 Association lie lslnki Dr Kari PURo Secrctary-@neral t{inistry of Social EElstnki Mr Oumo JENG EconomLat Departnent of liealth of Plamlng Mlnistry Bsnjul Dr Ebou SAilBA Dlrector of Medlcal serviceg BenJul ed Be.lth @elas Urs Helena ROOS SecrcEary for Foreiga AffairE llinl8tty for fiealth and Sosial Belsinki Affalrs Dr Joma TAKATA Chief Physlclan, Palokka Eea1th Cetrtre VaaJakoski FRANCE { Professeur Eusene AUJALEU Dlrecteur g6n€ra1 hoBoraire de lrlDstttut nationaL de l.a Sant6 et de La Recherche n6dieale Parlt ldadmlselle Jacqreline BALENCIE Secletaire d rAmbaesaale lilinistere des Affairea 6trangares Paris ltoe Le Docteur Marie-Claire JdJI}IIAC l'!6decln au Dispensaire des Migrants africdias e Paris Centla D€dico-social Bossuet Parls Profelseur RayEmd MANDB Profe86eur de Clinique b la Facult€ de M6decine de Paria U6decln de ItE6pital de8 EnfantB nalades Paria Profelseur Jean-Charleg SOITRNIA U6decln-cmseil national Caiaea nattolale de lrAesurance mLadie des travailleurs salariEs Parlg GABST Dr lDuis ADANDB ilENEST g6n6ral de la Sant6 publlque Dlrecteur Hlnl8tere de la Sant6 publique et de la PopulatloE Llbrevil 1e '. IEPUBLTC - 4sPUELrQttg D$pcaarlQaB au I o1MIRA !toe AdroLtrerte de la Secr6uslre dr.Etat aupres du l{!nl.8t!e Saat6 publlque et de la PopulatloB, des Affairee et Victlses de soclales, de8 Anctens CmbaLteta 86Ehi.f,e Gserre, et de la Pr@otion Libreville &IalrAlDE Dr Jurgen GROSSER of Public nealth ulnistry Berl1! Dr Dlerrtch uiiiJlus County Healtb Officer Neubrandenburg Dr christian lliiIvTER Dlreetor Departoent of lcdical Care Uinistry of Public Health Berlln SCEUrIAUF l{r llanfred ttorker ScLentlfic Centre for Wl{O of the l4ini8try consuLtatiotr of Health Dresden Profeaaor Uorst SPA.AR DLrektoJ <ter Sekttoo t{anises-tenlnisrua Fortbildung der Akad@ie fur Arztliche Berlla Dr H6nri JOURNIAC Sous-Direcreur de 1a SaDte prbllgue et d6 lrAction sociale llinistere de 1a Coop6ration Paris U. Jesn-Robert EBOULIA alu Controle des Prog:@s Diresteur !{lntscEre ilu Plan Llbresllle pE:lsct&$c of Public Deputy l{lnlster !,tlnlstry of Publlc llealth Berlin e der DDR : Eealth i ' : r ' : l ..t: J J ] I Dr KArl-IIEIf,Z IABENTRAU,. Director Belati@8 Departmen! of Internatlmql !.tinlstry of Publlc Itealth BerliD GERr.lANy, FEDERAL REPITBLIC OF - AILEI|ACNE. FAPUTLIQUE TEIIER-ALED' Dr lfulf-Dleier ERNER? :.,:. , '. -r: r' l4nisteri6lCounsellor':,i Federal Ministry for Ecqnmic Cooperatlm Bonn l,{r volker trEINSBERC lobassy of the lealeral t'!oacd - - Republlc.of.Geruay Professor Erlch KROEGSR Pres tdeEt Acadeo)r of Public Eealth Dusseldorf Profesaor Ludrrls vor !|ANCEB-roENIC Speclal CoBsdltant on Inlerlatloul .Eealthr Affalrs to the Federal ltlnlster for Youth, .: Felly.Affairs ed Uealth BoBD .:,::. -,,. .: Dr eebhart $EISS Seeond Secretary of ibe Eubaesy of tbe Federel Bepubllc of cerEny Moac@ i . "': GEA}IA GUINEA - GUIME DT Yaw ABOAGYE-ATTA Deputy Dl.rector of tGdlcsl (Pubuc geatrh) !{inlstry of Eealth Accra Dr l{a@dou Malifa BATDBT Directeur r6gional de la Sant6, Kourouaaa Ulnistare de la Sant€ publique CoEkry Servlcea Dr (!he) Dletd BARRy GJm6cologue UApltat Donka llinlstAle de lb Sanr€ publtque Comkry l{r8 Ofu8u A}tAAg fir Abaytfs KARBO Co@l.ssioner for ltealth Uinlstry of Bealrh Aecra Dr Robert EARRY tnspecteur g6n6raL de la Sant6 au MinlstAre de la Sanc€ publlque Conakry DT E. N. MENSAIT Fleld Prolect Dlrector BARIDEP f.lnte$po ll. Sekou KABA Aobassade de Guin6e Moscou GREECE- G'NECE llr Staroa DIUAS ItEder Secretary. of Stete MLol.stry of Coordlnatl@ Athens GUINEA-EISSAU- CUINEE-BISSAU lbe Arcllia BARRETO Reepoasable de la Dlrectioa G6n6rele de Contrale et Appui aux Entreprisea C@isaarLat drEtat pour Le D6veloppaot econml.que et Planiflcation Bissau Ilr Lycurgus LIAROPOUIOS Scleltlfic AdviBer Offlce of the t{l8l.ster !{inlstry bf Soctel Sewlcea Athens t{i6a lbeodo-a STBFANOU Dl,recgor, l{lnlstry of goclal Atheng Dr llsauel Rodrigues BOAL secrdiiiiE-c6Eiil-E-Fsanr6 Af,fairee Sociales Blaaau geJviccs ( \ et aux ltoe Antonla 1EIXEIRA Chef du Dapartoeat des Affaires Bl8aau socialea CBENADA. G8EIIADE -Dr Lloyd ATEXIS Uedical Officer Departuat of c@nl-eable Diseas." lll'Dl-atry of Health end ndsing St Georgers HAITI ' ' Dr Raoul BERS.ET Secretaire Ex6cutif Port-au-Prince l,lr Uenry BITLIAN [lnlster of -State Priire l4Lnisterr8 OffLce (Extemel Affeirs, [me Affalrs, Publlc ReLatlons ed Inforutlon) of Eealth eBd llq8lng ItlDlstry 8t Georgere I}r GastoD Ju1e5 DESIDUCHES g6n6ra1 de la Santd publique . Dlrecteur Departoent de la Sant6 publique et d€ la Populatlon Port-eu-Elnce J. PB.EUDK'IaG l,lr Eerbert ltiDe I'tiniater *pnty l&nister of Eeslth and Eouslng of Eealth and Bousing lld.stry st ceorge's GUATGMIILA U. Auguste MAINCRETIE AdEinistrateur C@iasion uedlcale chrdtieme Port-au-PrlDce . de { eC et de la Professeur Josue ROI'AIN Secr€taire ex€cutif C@lsslon nedicale chr€tleEe Port-au-PrLnce Dt Callos ESllliDA SAIIDOVAL. Coordoaut4r dee eenLies de Sant€ au g6r€ra1 du C9nse11 Dattonal Secr6teriat de 1a plulflcatim GcoE@ique Cuateela Dr Hugo Earoldo HERSS*A CIIAC1CN de la Rdglm d'Alta ll.tlecln-chef Vesagaz Gut@1a '"' Dr Callo8 lute de PAREDESSOIAY ' Chef dtr Seslce de 1a plmlfication ile La Saat6 publlque et de Uhlstere 6ociale l tAaaiatece CuEt@la Dr Evarisle UIDY Gref du Bureau de Planification drEvalEtlon l{inistgre de la Sant6 publ.ique Pqpulation . Port-au-Prinqe .if,. .:,._. br Gustavo Adouo @ttDER() SBRnEBA Cbef du Senice aectorl.al de la pleiflcation la Smt6 Gsatem1a Dr AlbCTtO VIAU DAVII,A de I'Acad€ole Illrecteur qrat@la du Col.lADEP : Dr $iUy VERRIER Secr6tal.re. drEtat de la.Sant6 publique et de 1a Population Depsrtaent de la Sa!t6 publ.ique et. de la Populatlon . PoJt-au-PriDce l '' ll f,ONDI'NAS Dr Gu8tarc CORRATES Chef de la Division ile la Planificatlo! Tegucigalpa des Scleaces -8- IioNDURAS(contlnued) (sutte) Dr Albarro CUZI.IAN Dlr€oteur gdndrel UlnlatEre da la Saotd publlEuc lrAdltstance 6oclals Teguclgd lpa Mr JsBdsnbl Pra6ad YADAV l.llnlo!€r of State for llealth and lrrnily l{elfa16 ltln{Etry of lteelth &nd Fan{ly l,la1far6 Ner D€lht 6t de INDCITESIA. INDO{ESIE ElrNcARi - aoNcRIr Dr Jdnos BALOG Deputy Ilead of Department ed Coueellor Ministry of Health Budap€s I l,tr OeMr SAID General for Rural Director of the Interior t{inistry Jakarta Selior Dr SOEBEKTI of Co@unity Direetor-General l{inistry of Health Jakarta or ljs216 cserxd Ileputy Director-Ceceral Natlmal Anbulance Service Budapsst l{r 8ffi6nc GACS Eead pf the DeparEEent of Epldeoiology of llealth Ulnlscly ludape6t Dr Atsjoe IAJZER Besd of the Depart8ent Curattve Services uinirtay of Eeelth Budrpest pr riezr6 stNDon gead of the DepartBent Relations of llealth ltlnirtry Budape6t hrblic Eealth and IRA}I Teheran and Professor Mohamed DJAFARIAN ltsI{nANI Vlce Chancellor and Dean of the Medical School of lran National University Teheran Intenatl,onal Dr Toiab UEHRA Hedlcal Education ConPIex Dlrector, Iranian Red Lion and Sun SocIetY' Teheran IIE Bull SGtttLlgElSZ of Health l{iniater EudatEat ' l Dr Khossru NASR Dean of uedical Faculty Pablavl UniversitY Shiraz Shiraz '. ICETAND . ISIAI{DE Ilr llm BJARI{ASOII Cblef lGdlcal Offlcer of School Eealth of llealth and Socisl Security ItinisEry Reykjavlk Dr M8Jid RAHNEMA Ambassador FIAP. Paris, France .'l Dr Kalvan SAI,En of Health and llelfare . Deputy l{inister f or Regtonal Coordinatlon uinistry of llealth and l.Ielfare, llafez and Shah Intersection Teheran Dr SK611 JOBNSEN of Reykjavik Chieg l{edical Officer and Soclal Security of g6lth t{inl8try Reykjsvik ' r . l : l . : .- ,: r : , t , _i t i : ' , . . . . , : , : - . : . . -i :-t tlr P61l srcuP.pssoN (Peffinent Secretary) s;cretary-Ceneral of Health and Social Security uinistry Reykjevlk 'l:, , Dr AhNEd AL(AT'AJEI llead, DepartDent of Public llealth College of !'lediclne, University of Ba8rah Basrah INDIA - ITTDB Dr Barun Chandra GEOSHAL Asalstant Dlreclor General Dlreetorate Genelal of tlealth Ns De1hi genices llr C, R. KRISENAMTRTUI Joint Secretary of ltealth and Fafiily lltnlstry Ntr Delhi i Welfare Ur B. K. SgARMA Jolnt SecretarY of Agrfcul'ture Ultrlstry $d Dalhi ,: IRAQ - IRAK { llr u, u, RI-IENDRAII Joln! secretary !{lEtBEry of Educatlon t{d Delhi Eealth Dr Tinl IS!|ARI llelber of Parliaoent Jakarta of Preventive of DeveloFment lt. Zouhelr Abdel Razzak FATTAII Researcher of PLanning l,linistry Baghdad IRE,AI{D - IRLA!{DB and Soclal' Uelfate Departust Dublia Mi Josegh orRoltRKE Assistant Secretary Departnent of Eealth Dublln and trrlgatlon t{r Bhtgwaa Da8.tEKRil{A! Specl,ll A8sl8tant to l{illster of Bealth and Fmlly llhlotry Ntr Delhf of Bealth Dr Jsoes Il. itAI.Sn Deputy chief .lledlcal Departoeat of Health Dublln of State l{elfare 9- officer ISRAEL Dr Leon EPSTEIN Deputy Direetor, Ranbe Hospital DepartDent of Fanily and Ce@unity I""9 9f Health, Faculty of !,rediclne The Technion D,eputy Sup€rintendant. Ranba Medlcal School Haifa ' Mrs Myrtan LAI.{BERT-FINKIER Deputy DLrector Divlslm for Intematimal Organizations Ministry of Foreign Affairs Jerusalen llr Isao SAITO Deputy Director Intematiooal Af fairs Division Ministry of llealth and Welfare -Tokyo !4is8 Kayoko SnIMIZU Deputt-Itirector Nursing Divislon ltedical Affalrs Bureau ltiolstry of Eealth and Welfare Tokyo JOR.DAN- JORDANIE Dr Tbeodore TTTLCIIINSKI Uead of Publlc llealth Seryiceg l4inisrry of IIealth Jensaleo Dr Tawitk KARADSHES Director of Eealth Services Capitsl Uealth DLrectolate Aman Dr Rlzk MSHDAN Deputy l{lnister of Eealth A@n ITALY - ITALIE Dr Paola BERNABEI lledical Officer Departuent of Social Region of Toscana Florence Security of the KENTA Dr Salvator KAI{AIII Deputy Director of Medical Service8 Uinlstry of Health Nairobi Dr Maurizio BERTOLINI External Relatl@s Office ilinistry of Eealth R@e Bruno PACCAGNELIA Srotessor Profesaor ot tfygis;Faculty of Medicine University of padua and Dlrector II of the Inatitute Padua Dr Ciorgio VESm.I Advieer, Departest of Social the Regim of Toscana Florence Mre ltimle WAIi'BILI Public Eealih Nurse provinee North-Eastern Gart6sa of ltygime Securlty of Dr Parrlcia ANDERSON Coordinator of Social planning NatioDal planing Agency Ringston Dr ltinsto! George DAVIDSON Parllamentary (Deputi l,Enlster) Secretary !4inlstry of Health aDd Envlro@ntal Control Kingston Dr Christine MOODY Principal Medical Officer Eealth Care) I'linistry of ttealth Klngst@ (priDarv JAPAN - JAPON Ur KeDlcbiro OTAKE Deputy Director Easearch Division Budget Bureau Ml.nistry of Finilce Tokyo DT FUJio OTANI -Councillor rs .for Science and TechnoLogy Ul,niater Secretariat ltlnistry of gealth ad Welfare Tokyo Geueral Hospifal Dr Uartin Kayo OUINDE lledical. Officer, Rift V8lley province Nakuru KUWAIT - KOTIIIT Dr Moheed Sei UATAR Director of prlEary Health Care Adoinistration !{ini8rry of publlc Health Kwait JAI.{AICA - JAIi.IAIQUE l,li6s Xenla ELLINGTON Director, Health Aduinistration !,llntstry of gealth Kl,lgs to! ( : Dr Eounthanh MIXAP Chlef of Department of Health Laboratories MiDtsrry of public Healrh Vientiane Dr Keo PHI}IPHACHANH Deputy Chief of Cabiner I'linistry of public Health Vien tiane Dr Khellens PBOLSENA Secretary of State foE Health Minlstry of public Health Vientiane LEBANON- LIBAN Dr Absad AL KHALIL Chief, Departoent of Health Education. l{ialstry of pubtic Health Beirut ' Dr l.toheed I4OEANNA ,' Dlrector of Prevative Medicine Ir{i.nl8try of pEblic Healrh Belrut OrUatafSeOgK Director-CenefaI Office of Social Develop@ent Beirut : , t ... t LESOnTO IUXSMBOURG Dr l{usi Calvin UOKEI? OphtbalEologist of Health Mlnirtry , Uaaeru Dr EElle J, P, DltlIR Dlrecteur de le Sant6 publlque de la Santd publlque Uinlstlre Luxeobourg Ur Abrahd Uoletsane l{oN NE PerEinent S€cretary for Develop@ent, Maaetu Ur Pdtrick UOTA lllnitter of Eealth Maseru Plaaning aad Stattstlcs M. Rayoond MOUSTY du couverneuent coneelller Luxabourg and Social l{elfare l{r Bcreng SEKBONVAIIA Depugy Perunent Secretary for Rural ulnlotry of Rural Developd€lt t{aaetu Dr llotsobae ntmas IIABAIE PenaneDt Secretary for llerlth l,EDlstry of Beeltb llasero DevelopEent and Soclal l{elfare U. Pierre RAIIDRIAIi{AN@}IAIAIA du Budget au lllnistAre Directeur Charg6 dea Finances et du Plan Tanauarive lfi Eunuel GARITINER Deputy ltlnlster for Pl&nlng Monrovla ltd soclll Dr Moheed Nor GEANI Deputy Dlrector-G.rcral R.serrch so;1o-Eco!@ic office Prhe lllnlEterre Kuala L@pur tlelfere and General Planaing Dr RaJe Atold NOGITIN of l|.elth Dlrector-C€nerel of fle.lth Itlnietry Kuale Lupur aDd Pollcy Dr gall D8ud SUIAnIAN Deputy Hlnister of Herlth Ituala Lunpur LIBTGNNE Dr Abilurey ABITRAES Director of li{edtcal Servlces Secretarlat for Eealth Tripol.l }IALDIVES I'lra U@Lna A. ISAIL ltafl"t"r Haatth . "t I,{a16 DT Ali RASTTEED Uedical Offtcer l{lnistry of Uealth l.ta1€ Dr ilahoud Et-ltACEOlrB lledlcsl officer of Eealth Trlpoll Ur EaaaaE ReadeD A11 ELFEnJANY Dlrector-Geoeral Secretrarlat of Soclal Affalrs ead Soclal Trlpo1{ Ueslth U.r Uohared SUAREEF Under- Secretsry t'linl8try of Provlnclal Mal6 Seaufity DepertDent Affairg [1r Abdul-Sattar YoOSUF Medlcal Officer Mlnistry of Health Usl6 Profesgor KaEl Elalin SHAI|KY Departomt of Co@unlty Medlciue ear Younis Unlversity Facdlty of l{edlelne Bengazi. Dr Abilussalss U. YO{'SEF PlaaDtEg Secretariat Secretsrlat for Eealth Trlpoli de la Prdsidence llelfere Dr WllbelDira EoLDER Natimal Coordinator of I{BO ActlvLtlea Monrffila Dr Alt lbh8ffid rnEr{l Dlrector-Ceuerel Cmalty Secretarlat of Eealth Trlpoli auprls . !'AT.AEIA.}IAIAYSIE Mrs nrcbel !{ARSEA'I Assfutrlt of Eealth Utnister gervl,ees fo! ?reventlve ltonrwls et o6dlctux Silon RASOAMIVO !I. Andrlanasolo de 1a Sant6 ConoeLller teehnique au lllnistEte Tananarlve Dr Roglna COOPER Medical officer,J. J, Dossen Eospital Cape Palus aDd Soclel de la Sant6 publique UADAGASCAR Dr Ptul RAmIilBMgIilY des S€rylccr saaltal,tcs Dlrecteur eu l,l{nl8t!re de h Santd T4nenarlve Dr l{alter. GIIENIGAI,E UediCal Dtreetor Boitg County Phebo nospltal Monrovla Dr R.ilgrt EILIS Deputy Uilister Ui[idtry of lleelth llonrwla au l'tintstare M. S@ucl RAKOTOT|ANGA et du Perfectlonnemnt Chef ds Servlce de la forutlon de la 9ant6 du Pe!6ome1 au lllniltere Tananarlve LIBENIA ( H. Entle IRIEPS de la Sant6 Publique l{inlstre Lux@bourg ttALI' .. ' ll. JeaE-Alexandre Benjuin BRIERE DE L' ISLE Dlrecteur rgglonal de 1a Sant6 de Dtrectlon"fegloule la Sent6 publlque et' deg Affairee socialea Uopti MALI (continued) (suite) g-AUd*lqr-prAuo utrecEeur g6n6ral de la Sant6 publlque li{inistgre de la Sant6 publique et des Attalres sociales Bamako lt. C6sar ENCINAS Sous-Diresteur du Developp@ent soci,al D6partdent mtlonaL pour le Ddveloppsent de La fanllle Uexico !,tne Atsssg6 ga Xgp6 Plaulflcsteu urrccEton natlcnale cu Plau Eamako MALTA - }'ALTE l{r Autbony DEBONO Prlvate Secretary to Uinlster of Uealth and Enviro@en! I'lLnlstry of Eealth and Enviroment ValLetta Dr Alf cRECg Cblef Medical offlcer Mlnlstry of Eealth and Envl.ro@nt Valletta Dr Vincept UORAI{ llilister of Health ' Valletta ilAIrulANIA Dr Jos6 Luis SI'BRIA Conselller du Secrdtaire a la Sant6 l{lnistgre de la Sant6 et de lrAsslstance. sociale !!exlco Dr Jos6 LAclrM Sous-Secr6ralre a la planlficatlon Secr6tariat e la Sant6 publique et a lrAasiatance sociale Mexico Dr Luis RANGEI-RMnA Soua-Directeur de ltf,Apital de FedtatrLe llilistere de la Sant6 et de ltAsaietance aociale l{exlco ald Envlr@ett Mr Srephen SANTTANGEIT) Aasiatant Eead Uini8try of Flmnce (Custm€ Valletta Df Jos6 RODRIGT'EZDo}rINGI,Ez Dj,recteur g6n6ra1 des Services de lrEvaLuation des Programes Uinletdre de 1a Satt€ et de ltAssistaace soclale Uexico I.toMc0 and Investments) Ilr EtieEne EOERI Conselller technique du Couvernsent D€169u6 pemnent auprgs des Organi.aatioaa saDltalrea intermtiomles D6part@ent de lr Int6rleur l{omco {\ - UAI'RITANIE Dr Basstrou Ly !,l6deciD-Oref de 1a Clrc@acriptlm Dedlcale de Klffa Miolstere de 1a R6fore adDlaistrattve,, ttu.Travail, de Ia Set6 et dea Affalre6 sociales NoEkchotr g t{olsgeela?ugg! Directeur de la Sant6 !{l.ni8tere de la Satrte et des Affalres Nouakchott U. Denis-Iouis GASIAIJD Dl,recteur de lrActloD Banitaire lllnlstere drBtat l4omco t{. Jean-Charles UARQUBT Pr6sident de la C@isston D6part@ent de lrllt€rieur ldouco et aociale E€dico-juridique socl.ales !4ON@LIA J }ON@LIE !& Bakary TIIIERA Dlrecteur de lrEcole et Sages-Fmea Nouakchott nationale des Infimiers }AI'RITIUS Professor cela-aein First Deputy lltulster Ministry of Eealth Ulm Bator JAMBA of Eealth Dr Toorion IIJMENDEIIBEmL Eead, Department of ltedlcaL l'[lnistry of HeaLth Ulan Bator Dr Jagdls Chuldur UOEIIS Prlncipal lledlel Officer llinlstry of U€1th Port Luis Dr Zorlgt TUlqNGUf. State Plauning C@ittee Ulan Bator Dr AEil &nar PUnIAN l{edle1 Superintendent gocpital SSRN Paplemusses r.oRocco - l.lA49c Ur ltlahess IryELUCK ltiDlster of Bealtb Port Iputs uErlco - lsxIQItE Dr Juliera CAIJTERON GENE Directeur de la Compatrte natl,oMle pour Lutte bontre le Cancer ltiaietEre de la Sadt6 et de lrAsslstaEce : sociale llexico si:wiceE Dr Mokhtar BELRITITI I'l6deciq-chef du Senice de 1 | Infrastncture ebulatoire de La Pr6fecture u€dlcale de Rabat-Sa16 Uillstere de la Smte publique' Rabat M. Moheed LAAZIRI Chef du Senlce de I'Infrastructute et du Bureau des Op6ratioos de Recherches et drEvaluation MinLstere de la Set€ publique Rabat Dr Abdelhay IIECBBAL Chef de la Divislon de lrlnfra6Lrueture et de la Fomatim dea Caitres, Directld des Sewices technlques i'tinislere de la Sdnt6 publiqiie. Rabat . ' }OZAI.EIQTIE Dr Antonio Jorge CABML Dlrecteur national de la !{6declne llaputo Pr Victoi Dirocteur Pergmnel llapu Eo prdventlve }taruel GAUEIRO national de la FofEtlon Dr {elder trernildes Brigido ltlnt6tre de la Sant6 UEputo Director-Ceneral of Health DepartEenE of Health Wellington Dr Ceorge, C. SALIiO!|D Director, ldanagenent Servlces Departnent of llealth lIell lngton du NIGER I'ARTINS Dr Daouda BAKO Directeur d€part@ental, de la Sant6 Ninlstare de 1a Sant6 publique el des Affaires sociales Nieey Dr (!he) Ana ltarla NOVOA tracolt6 de l.ledecine de 1'Uni.versitd XduArdo I'loadlane Haputo Dr Jogo SCm'ALBACS Dir4cteur de la Sant6 de 1a ville !{apqto }{. Jorge ]ianuel SEQITEIROS Col.Laboraeeur du Departeent de la Sant6 llinistEre de la Sant6 ltaputo (:- . dnd Reseerch Unlt M. Isea C@ra BOUBACAR DLrecteur de lrEnselgnoent et de lrEducati.on sanltaire et outritionnelle Mlnistare de La Sant€ publique et des Affaires aociales Nieey de ttaDuto de planificetioo U. Garba EII{A Directeur des Services de ltAnlDation D€veloppoent llinistEre du Plan Nieey au nupAr, NICERIA Dr [e@ng Mani DIXIT Reader, inetitua. oi ttuat"lo. Tribhuwan Universlty Katteandu Dr N. D. JOSRI Dir*tor-Gener41 of Health l{tnistry of 8ealrh l(attmandu Mrs Olufunoilayo Abehe ADEWOLE Chief Nursing Officer Federal Minisrry of Health Lagos i Dr !6hs ltan SAINJU UeEber, National Planning Co@ission Katbnandu Dr !!ita THAPA SenlDr Public Health Miniorry of Healrh Kathmndu Mr Silas Arinze IIO Principal Assisrant Secretary Federal Ministry of llealth Lagog Adointstrator Dr (tEs) Euilra oDE Psycblatric Hospital l{lal8try of Public Bealth Eygiec Leidtchende (planning) NORWAY. NORVE@ Dr /yvin AARFI0T Director, Divlsion of Local ltealth The Healtb Servlcee of Notray Oslo protecrlon Mra llanna Shaffana BECITUPAL Nurse Educator Notregian Association of Nursea O s1 o and Env{romenral lf Ald€rt VRIJ Office of rbe chLef Meilical offlcer chag€ of Prlmry Ilealth Care trllui8E"y of llealth and Envlr@nta1 Leidschmde . Dr Victoria MOJEKT{U Assistant Chief Plsnnlng Officer Federal Ministry of ltealth, Planning DivLsion I€ gos Mr RDbberr J. M. CRUI Project Officer for Internationsl Technical Cooperation Intefnational Technical Assl,atance Departrent Uintstry of Forelgn Affalrs the Eague lrb toh& ve LOIIDEN Director-Gaeral of Health Xlnistry of llealth and Enviroshenial Leidecbendm : Ur Abaymt FAJOBI Assi6tet Chief Planning Officer Federal !{inistry of Econ@ic Oevelopoent' Lagos NETEERLANDS- PAYS BAS i . Dr ltoiisola Olujuoke AROTTASODU pubuc Health Seilicea Aasietant Direc!or, Federal Ministry of Health Lago s Servicee Dr Aebjy'm ELVIK Chief Medical Officer Nord,lad) Bodl la (Provioce of Mise cullbJy'rg R.osiro:,D Head of Division Nomegian Agency for Intematlonal Developdst Oslo protection I NAg ZEALAND - NOUVELIE ZELAI|DE i Dr Esil WILLITMSEN Deputy Director-Geaeral The ttealth Seilice8 of Nonay O e1 o Dr Patrick Davtd HERTNON Natioral Coordlnator Fstlt Medicine t*alalirg Progra@e Tauranga t3- Serylces . PARISTAN PBRU - PEROU Dr Uushtaq Atned CHAUDHARy Deputy DLrector-General (Baslc Uealth Services) I'tinistry of Eeelth Islaeabad se.rE-ili?Tdiiiffip Dr Antonlo Amndo BECERF.A ITIDALGO Cmeeiller du MiD{alre de la Sant6 DLrecteur g6n6ra1 des Services de rationallsation Uinistere de la Sanr6 Lim urat ion M. Jorge CEAVEZ QLELOPANA Chef de lrlnstitut national Planlflcatlon Lioa l,linl.Btry of Health aud populatlon Isla[abad DT AbdUI KHALTQUE Secretary Serlth Deparbent Goverment of Baluchistfi Quetta de la Dr Carlos COXNIJO-ROSELLO. Directeur de la Sant6 du Ceiltre r€gional de f,uaraz Ltm 'Dr !{afLe-ul-I{aque KHAN gecretery of Health Covement of Punjab lahore It+-ostr-pAvILA_ZggEIA I{inlstre llintstere Lim Profeasor l{ohamed Saleh UE!,ION secretary Department of gealtb and Social llelfare Goverment of Sind Karachi Dr Ul-f,aq l,lahoud SIMJ Chief (Eealth), and prcJect PlenDirg Cmission Is lambad Diresror PEILIPPIMS Dr Fraqcisco AqtItAR Executive Director, project Staff Minlstry of Ilealth ldaniLa Nurrition Dr Jeire ARROYOSUCnE . Dllecteur du Senice de la Sant€ de ta F€e1lle au ltinlstEre de la Saut€ PeaM Dr Arcello Directeur MTISTA RMRA de la 6ant6, provlnce Mrs Perle MATA Prlvate Secretary to the Deputy Minister of Soclal Seilices and DevelopEent Manila de Bocas del Toro JNANEZ DE SETtrANCOURT des Sewlcea de Saut6 int6gr6s Irr Jorge T|oNTALVAII Dlrecteur du Service de la FomtioD la Recherche l{inistere de la Sat6 PaD€u Urs Svlvia UOIiITBS Officer in Charge Deputy Mlni6rer Ministry of Social Serlvces and Developneqt !trani1a de Colon et de Mr l8aganl VAIDELLON Assistant Director, Regimal DeveloF@ent Staff National Econonlc and DeveLopnent Autborlty Manila PASUA NEII GUINEA - PAPOUASIE-NOUVEI.LE-GUiNEE Mr tliwa KOROI{I ltinl,ster for Health Departomt of Healtb Konedobu Dr Jac& ONIib Fir6t Assl,stet Secretary Departeent of Eealth Konedobu { POLAND - POLOGNE (Eealth Dr Levi SIALIS Provlncial Eeallh Officer Departe€nt of Eealth Konerl,obu DT B. TAI'XDRO Acti.ag Asslstart Secretary Deparhst of Health Plaml.ag Konedobu Bruce 1T.8ZISE Of flcer ro Uiaister of Eeeltb Dr Jerzy KAMINSKI Dlrecteur g6n€ral au l'linistAre de 1a Santd et de lrAssistance soclale Vars ovie Care) lt. Bronislaw MUSIEIIIK Conseiller du l{lnistre 6 t rangbrea Vars ovie ; .. : ed des Affaires Professeur StanislaB ORZESZYNA Directeur de lrlnstitut de 1a !{6dec1ne sociale de lrAcadgnle de.ll6dectne de Lodz Lod,z Researeh. for flelth , t Dr Florentino SERRERA Dean, College of Medicloe University of the phllipplaes Quezm Clty l{lle Yolada ESCALA lltnistare du Pla[ Pauaa Mr Kereth Exedtlve Deparbot Konedobu l,tanag@ent Dr (Miss) Loreto Cristera CABANOS flead, Eealth & Nutrition Sector Social SeryLces SpeciatisE Natlfial EqoE@ic and Developqent Autborltv Quezon City !AIIA!{A Dr Edith Directsr de la Sant6 de la Sant6 U: Jan SIEKLUCKI Directeur du D6part@ent des Relations intenatimales au I'linistgre de li Sant6 et de lrAssistance socLale Varsovie L4- , (Continued) POIAI|D - POLoG:!qE (Sulre) Prof€sse!! l.tarlan SLmINSKI llinistre de la Sant6 et de lrAssistance sociale Varswle Dr GhitA ZA.}4FIR de lrlDslltut Direcleur Bucareat drHyglene publique a Iasay RI{ANDA Dr St€fan ZIILINSKI Direct€ur, Dcpartsent des Soitrs sanitslrea et de la R€adeptatioir au llinistere de la Saot€ et de lrAsslstanee aocial€ Varswie Dr Stanislas KAGA,BA Directeur de l rH6pttal de Rwrugana de la Sant6 publique llinistare Kigali PORTI'GAT Profcsseur Luiz CAYOLIA DA UOTTA . Dl,recteur du Bureeu de la Planlftcatiotr saqitai re des Affaires sociales llinlitgre Lisbmne U. Alberro secr€trlat LiBbmne da silva I{OIJRAO drEtat a 1a sant6 .. REN'EIC "' ' du Plan sAr'ncA OF KOR3A - REPUELIQI'E DE COREE cItANe Dr Kyorg-ghik Dlreotor-General of Uedieal Affair6 Bureau of llealth and social Ullistry 5eou1 M. Narcisse IITNYAI,IBARAGA Dlrecteur des Progrffis au llinistEre Kigal i Dr Solla Tapeni FAAn'ASO AcEing Director of Eealth DepartEent of llealth Apta Profqs6eur I'lailo Luiz UE;IIDES Facult6 de l.l6decine de lrunlverslt6 de Colubra I' t, \ Dr Pranqols-xavier ITAKIZIMANA de 1'UApltal de l{uhororo llEdecin-directeur de la Sant6 publique Ministere Rigal t Affairs l.tr Tofaeonq Tile ll'to of .Health Uinister Departoent of ltealth Apta Mr Kolone VAAI Finance Officer Departoent of Treasury Apla }|r Ydrug Chul CHANG Secr€tary Eo the lllaister of llealth and Social Affalrs Ulnistry Seoul SAO TO}G AND PRINCI?E . SAO TO!,IE-ET.PRINCIPE Ii{r Ky@g shik KAI{G Assistant Minister fot Planning EcoBmic Planntng Board Seoul Pinto da Gra98 do ESPIRITO SANTO Dr Julieta sanitaiie Chef de La Planificatlon de La sant6 pubLiqrie e! de lrAssistance ltinlstare Sao T@6 Ur Nai-Smg KIU of latematloaal Chief, Dtvtsim OtgaBLzatisa of Foreign Affairs Mlni8try Seoul Jos6 Henr{ques Dr frederlco de la Sant6 Uinistre Sao Ton€ Dr Byuog Jong PARK Presidmt Korea llealth Developoetrt Seoul !4r Eym ltwak SEIN of gealth ltinister SeouI tiotel Kazakhstan lll1e Co6@ da Graga Vlla Nova XAVISR DE PINA eharS6e de le Chef du Centre llaterno-Infaotile Ioflmiere des agents de Sant6 C@uDautaite fomtion Sao Tm6 Affalre Dr Aure1 GIIEoRGUIU g6n6ral Iilspdteur de la Sant€ l,linlstEre Bucarest l,he Rauatoulaye Chef de Cabinet DEakar It JON Dt Aldxaldre aux Relations Directeui ile 1a Ssnt6 UtDlstere Bucareac locaux u€decin-chef Kaolack qtEYE au llLnlstere de la Saut€ de la r6gion mddtcale de Slne Salou sanltaire SEYCEIJ.ES Ext6rleura au Ulnistare l'tadde KONE n6e Atssatou 16 Tecbnicienne sup6rieure de la Sant€' Itrapectioo u€dlcale 16gtonale du Sln€ Salow Kaolaek CantasziDo SOLOMWESCU Dr Ollapia de 1a Sant6 lliBlstAre Bucarest suclu du D6parteoen! de la Saat6 SENE@L U. farba :DIOitF des Projets Chef de 1a Division et de 1a Coop6lation Daker ROI{AIIIA - ROI'MNI3 Dr.Dutrn Dtrecteur l,li!16tare Bucardst SEQITEIIA Institute and Social Dr Elona OPRBSCU Chercbeur at ltlnstitut l.dnistare de la Sant6 BucarGat sociale aa RADBURN l.trs illcheLlle Actlng P€incipal ChlldreB!s Officer I.tinistry of Labour, Eealth anil l{elfare MahE 15- du PlaE SSYCHELLES(Cmtinued) (Sulte) SRI IANRA Mt Sethu Nasayanan CUETTY Uedical 0fficer DtinlEtry of Labour, Itealth and Uelfare l.tah6 llr Johp RENAUD Pemanent Secretary 'Ml.li8try of labour, Mah6 Ilealtb !tr8 Patrlcla AIAILI!,'A As8istatt Dlrector National Plaming Divlsion Uini8try of FiEnce and pLanning Colonbo llr Pata Bendi U8ddl@ Baduge CYRIL Medical Practitioner, Central Clluic Anbalantota af,d.Welfare Dr l'lareel!.a DAVIES Chief Medical Officer Ministry of Health Freetom lGualika DIAS t'lrs l{alsiri Executive Secretary Secretariat of tbe Intermtioml rbe cbild !{ia16try of ?lsn Inpl@entation Col@bo lft:s I€onora D. DEIGE Pemanent Secretary Mlnistry of Health Freetm iaratmp JEsuDAsoN +_-Ec$e!LAr Deputy Dlrector of public Eealth Services llinistry of Health Col@bo Dr Zainu Tejan SAEU) l4lnl8try of Health !'reetom !{r W. A. Ial VIJATAPAIA SeDior Asslstant Secretary Director of Eealth Servlces Uinlstry of Public Ad[l.nlstratlon Col@bo SIERRA I,SOM year of SINGAPORE- SINGAPOI]R SIJDAN. SOIJDAN D! (ure) sivakel DEVI Deputy Director of lGdical Uinistry of llealth S ing€pore Services for prl@ry Healrh Care Dr Siau Llan LAM genlor Reglstrar UaterEal and Child Slngapore Health Servlces l{r Peter Yuen Shen TAN Executlve Di.rector Uinlstry of ltealth S ingapore Dr Abdel Ralua! KABBASAI Director-Gelera1 of Rural Healtb ltlnistry of Bealth Kharto@ Dr Paclflcio Iado IOLIK RegiomL lfloister of Eealth, Juba SOD'ALIA - SOMALIE Dr Pacifico kdo LOLItr Regioml lliniater of Bealth l{lntstry of Eealth Juba Dr Abdullahi DERIA D irector DepartoeEt of Comnlcable Ulnlstry of Eealth Hogadiehu !{r Uassan SHAKIR AgrlcuLtural ExteBsion lrll'nistry of Agriculture, Reaources KhartouE Dr Ahsed Sharif ABBAS Dl.rector, l'tatetul. Chlld f,utrition ServLcee Itinlstry of Eealtb UoSadisbu Diseases Control ltealth and SPAIN . ESPAGNB lt. FrancLsco Javte! DE IA CIIEVA y FERIIANDAZDEL eAUpO Sous-DLrecteur g€n6ra1 dee Affatres . intenationeles UiEistEre de la Sant6 et de la S6curit6 soclale ltadltd U. Jos€ RODRICITES!0!ANO Secr6taire a lrAmbassade drE6pagne Uoscou, ITP.SS U. E[Tique SANCHEZ DE I,ITON I'EREZ de La Sant6 et de la S6eurlt6. lllliatre sociale ldadrid U. Joe€ Javier VMS RUEDiI g6Eeral de la. SaBt6 .publlqu€ et de la Directeur 8ant6 v6t€rlmlre l|flnletirl de la Sbnt€ et ale'.l,a S€curltd,eociale Uadrld ( !ft Bushra f,assab e1 Raeoul EL SuARI! Assistant Under-Secretary llini8try of Natlonal plannllg Krarto@ Southem RegioE Dlrectorate Foods and Natural sltnrl{Au Dr lbeo EIEMCXE MedLcal Director Diaconeaaen Eospital ParaEaribo Dr FerdiMnd SIEIITJAM Deputy-Director of gealth Uinistry of Eealtb Paramribo SI{AZIIAIID - SOIIAZIIAND Dr Percy Stanley DIAMINI Miaiater for gealth and Education ltbabane Dr Faruy FRIED:.IAN lledical Senicea Director, Ministry of H€altb ltbabatre Mies Christabel SIISOLE Senior Hone Econ@ist Officer l'tinistry of Agriculture llbabaBe SI{EDBN- SUEDE Professor and l,lelfare Mr Insenar NYGREN Eead of DepartEent of lleatth and Medlcal Care Uinistry of gealth and Social Affalrs Srockholn Mr Bo S1TNSCN Eead of Sectim SIDA (Swedtsh lDtematimal AuEhori ty) Stockholn t t tr Bangkok Urs Inga-Britt ISFVEBT Inspector Natioml Board of Health and lfelfsre Stoethols Dr Ulf NICOLAUSSO{ Mediel Adviser Natiqral Boaral of liealth StockhoLn Prapont PIYARATN 5GlG!-frii'I3IEi-o?EEII-ttea Mr Sven-Eric BERGI.IAN Head of Social DepartEent Fedetatlon of County Councils St ockho lE Dr Nuao SETTACHAN Deputy Under-secretary of State for llealth llinistry oi Public Health B€ngkok Public TOGO. Dr Bak6l6 Tog@ BARANDAO Dlrecteur deg Services de Saot6 de Base Direction gdn6rale de 1a Sanr€ pubLique Lon6 Dr Vignon DEVO M€decin-chef de ltHapital Bassar MlnisiEre de 1s sante publique et des Affaires sociales Lm6 Developoent Dr Guran SIERKY Consul-lani to SAREC - Svedish Agency for Research Cooperatio! vith Developing Countries Stockholn M, Kodzo ZOLAND Chef de la Dlvislon du Ddveloppenent socio-culturel Direction g6n€rale du Plan et du D€velopp@ent Loo6 ?CIIGA swITzERLANp - SUISSE Dr l@lta CORNAZ Adjolnt scientifique Direction de la Coop6ration D6veloppoent, et de lrAide Beme br Ulrich Directeur publlque Sehe FREY dq Seryice au hMnitaire f6d€ral de lrhygiene Dr LauEeesi ItALOLO Speclel crade iledtcal Officer Departuent of Bealth Edueation uiEistry of ltealth Nuku ralofa l{r Afuralo MATOTAL Secretary for Finance of Firance Ministry Nuku talofa Dr Sioe TAPA H.a1th and Acting l,linlster ffi"i"t"r of Finance"f Nuku ralofa Dr ltalt€r IRIIICER !{6decLn Umasch-Dorf Dr Jc4n MARTIN l{6dectn cantonal adjoint senice de la sant6 publique Lausane TRTNITIADAI,IDTOBAGO- lRrNrlE-ET-IgBAGO ANAB NE'UBLIC - NETU ARAXB S Dr Jalal HNEIDI Direcieur deg Servtses de Sart6 de la Provioce drAlep MinistEre de La Sant6 Danas Dr UohsMd Yassin MIIFTAII Directeur de la !46decioe pr6ventive I'linistdre de la Sant6 DaMs Ur6 Annette AUGUSTE Asbasaador, Pemanent Representative of Trinldad and Tobago to the United Nations Offlce at Geneva and the specialized Agencies ln Europe Geneva llr Kaffi luddin MOIIA!4!,IED ltLnister of ltealth and Local Govermelt President, world llealth Ass4bly Port of Spain TT'NISIA - TUNISIE Dr Nourl RII.0ZI de la Sant€ Vice-Ministre ilinistere de la Sant6 DeaB ' NACEF Professeur tioufik prdventive 1a I'l€decine de Directeur et socLale MLnistare de la Sant6 publique Tuni s THATI.AI{D - THAIIJIT{DE Mr Prakorb JUAI.IGBIIANICH Deputy Secretary-General Office of Natlonal Ec@@ic Developdent Board Bangkok and S@1e1. llr Arso MEKSAI'AI{ Deputy Dlrector-GeneraI Depertdent Local Adtsinlstration Ulnr.stry of Interior Bangkok Dr Habib R3.'EB .!t6de9itr Inspecteur Divislqinal-re Direcieur du Projet de Sant€ rura'le (sewlces int6gr6s) ate la Sant6 Publlque tlinlstere .Tunls Dr Abdelnajid ZAHAF Assls tarit llospltslo-Un{versitaire de la Sant6 Publique l{inistgre Tuni E LI'RKEY - TURQEE llrs Naclye ARYILDIZ Professor, Itealth School of yenisehlr lllnisrry of Health Ankara ROYAUI,q:!8II DE GRANDE-BRETAGIEET DIIRI,ANDE DU NORI) Mrs Barbara BI,BB Nurslng and nealth Senices Advlser ltinistry of Overeeas Developnent London Professor !tustafa Rahin Baki DIPJCAN Professor of C@nity lGdicine Bursa ldedical SchooL Bursa ltr Tlrur ERKMAN Direator, Department of Social State Planning Organlzation Ankara lliss Jennifer DIltO,tD Prlncipal, Sclence Technology and lledical Departlent Ul.nistry of Overseas Developrent London plauhg Professor Nevllle Rex Edwards FENDALL Bead of DeparCaent of IntematLmal Cmnity Eealth Liverpool School of TropieaL Uedicl.ne LiverpooL Dr Tonguq GORKER Under-Secretary of State Ministry of Health and SocLal Assistance Ankara Dr Meta TAI,I Minister of Health and SociaL Assl.stance Ankara Dr John LNell KILGOIIR Chief Medical Adviser lllnistry of Overseaa Devetroprent London Dr Elizabeth SITORE Deputy Chlef Medical Officer DepartDelt of Healtb and Social London UGTNDA- OUGANM l,lr Jonathan GAIFITBA llealth Education Supervlsor MiDistry of Eealth Entebbe Dr Jotham Babinguza MUGISHA lledlcal Officer, Kayunga Nutrttion Kayunga Hospltal Kayunga , Securitv !,Itss Sarah Patricia Congreve WRIGHT-WARREN Deputy Chief Nurslng officer Depaltrent of ltealth ard Social Securi.ty Iondon Scouts progr@ LNITED REPUBLIC OF CAIIEROON- IEPIEIIQLE-ONI8 DU C.Al.rgROIrN Professor tatlE llItSoRE Eead, Depart@nt of Paedlatrlcs ldakerere thlwrsity KaEpa 1a Dr SLrcn ATANCANA Directeur de La Sat6 l{lolstare de la Sant6 publique Yeouqd6 Dr Eriyabu e€seri Nqobi MUZIRA Pemnent Secretary/Director of Medlcal Servicea !{inistry of Health Entebbe Dr ThoMe Choffor NCHINDA Senlor Lecturer in Co@nlty Uedlcine University Centre for l{ealth Sciences Yaound6 !d!s M.T.U. MTZIR.A Publlc Bealth Nurse Mlnlstry of Uealth Entebbe I]NITED REPUBLIC OF TAIIZANIA - BEPIELIQUE-T]NIE DE TANZA}IIE I'NION 03' SOVI,ETSOCIALISI REPUBLiCS (USSR) ITNION DES PiEPUBI.IQUESSOCIALTSTESSOVTEtTQUES(URSS) Dr Vladinir A. PETROSYANTS l.liniater of Eealth of the Kirglzla Frinie ltr VenaDce NGULA Junior llinister Ministry of Finaace Dar es Salae SsR . : ., -. , . I'NITED STATESOF AMERICA - ETAT.-I'NIS DIA!{ERIQI'E Professor Turegeldy S. SMRMANOV of tlealth of Ehe Kazakhstan SSR llinister Dr Helen B. BARMS Associale Professor - Obstetrics and Gyaecology of Mlssissippi University Medical Center Jacksoir, Mississtppi Dr Pavel P. SHIRINSI<Y AssistaBt Professor in the IInd Dlosc@ Medical Iistitute nued after pirogov Uoacov ' . of the. USSR ' , "'t: ,. ., .'. , . , 1Proiessor. Kaln S. ZAIROV llLnister of trealth of the Uzbeck ssR Tashkent ,. , Dr Joh! BRYANT Deputy Assi-stant Secretary for Intemational Itealtb Depart[ent of Health Education and lJelfare Wasfr:ingtm, O.C. . Mr AlLen GREBNBERG Scimtific Adviser United States. Enbassy l{oacow : ( and PLaming Dr Lesder STIRLING !{hlster for Health Dar es Salaam Professof Boris V. PETROVSKY l'(ini.ster of nealth of ttre ItsSR Moscow Dr DEitry D. VENEDIKTOV Deputy Minisrer of Eealth MoEcow : Dr Kiuumya NzLnyangwa Mtlndwa lltERA DLrector of Preventive Seryices Ministry of llealth Ilar es Salaar - UNITED STATES OF AIIERICA (Continued) ETA'S-UNISDIAUERIQUE (SUitc) VIET NAI-i feggor Dr oeorge LYTIiCOTT Ilealth Services, and Adeinistrator, Asslscant surgeon GeneraL Depertnent of Health Education and l,lelfare washington, D.C. pr B, RICHMOND lultus Asslstant Secretary for llealth and Surgeotr General Department of ltealth Ealucatioo and l{elfare Wastington, D.C. Dr Lee M. HC|I{ARD of l{eelth DeveloP6mt offlce Diractor, Support Eureau mal DeveloPsent Agency for IntelEtt Washlngtm, D.C. Mr Stephen C. JOSEPII for lll,@n Adoinistrator Delpty Assistaot Develop@ent Resurces Developoent Ag€ncy for Intematl.onal I{ashlogton, D.C. UPTEN VOLTA . IIAUTE-VOLTA { NIAUEOGO !1. Cyrille socialeg Dilecteur des Affaires sociales Secfretariat aux Affalre8 Ouagadougou Dr Maxinin OUOBA de 1a Sant6 Publique Dilecteur de 1a Sant6 pubLlque et de l.tinistere la Population Ouagadougou Dr Didier wEDRAoGo de la Sant6 g6n6ra1 adjolnt Directeur sociales publlque et des Affaires de La Sant6 Publique et de la tliol8tere PoFulatl@ Ouagadougou of llealEh Vice-ltinister of Eealth Ulnlstry Hanoi. I'tr llulg NGUYEN Expert in Health Services Bureau Soclo-cultural office of the Prlne UinisLer Hanoi l{r Quang Doan NGUYEN Dlrector Departeent of Socio-culture State C@Lssion of PlEnnlng EanoL lf Chuong TRAN TRUNG Eealth Expert DepartEent of Foreign Affairs l4inistry of Bealth Ilenoi YEMEN Dr t{ohaned A. AL-ARIKI of Develo?nent Deputy MiniEter Chaimaa, Control Planni;g Orgaillzatl@ Sana'a Dr Abdelnagid AL-KEULIDI of ltealth Direclor-Gmeral Servicea of ltealth l,till8try Sanarg and lleolcar Dr Ahned A11 EL-KHADER Deputy Mlnister of Health Uinislry of Health Saaara nRltGuAY P:.f esselr A!-tonio CANELLAS de la Sante Publique lliDistre I'toDt evideo t{. Roberto uARrfro de La Plarification de 1a Division Dft€cleur de 1a Sant€ publique lllnistare Mmtevideo M. LU1S CICAI,ESE ZIG1IAGIIO du Bufeau de La Planiflcatlm Secr6taire au Bureau de Cbffge de La coordination 1a Pr6sidence ltofitevideo VENEZUEIA piffi a"-sec.atctut gen6ral llirtstere soc[ale Caracas de la Sant€ et de lrAssistance Dr Luis Jos6 @NZAI,EZ-{SR8'ERA Ch;if ales Services E€allcaux des Zmes et indlgunes frmtallEres de la sant6 et de lrAsslstance Itla!.stlre sociale Caracaa IOPEZ-WDAL Dr Enllio du Bureau de la Smt6.pub1lque Chef adjoint de !.a Sant6 et du Mlnirit3re iotEmaLimale soclale de lrAesietuce Carlcaa YUCOST,AyIA - YoUGO€LASIE Dr l4etEet BEGRACA tleober of the Executive Ccuncil of Ehe ' , Asienbli of the. sAP of K96gvo . .l and Provinci.al Secretary of Eealth Social Policy Pristlna .,; , ...: . D! Jarila EADZIMUSTAFIC ymber of the Executlve Council of the Asseably of ttre SR of Bo"rit and llerzegovina Reoublican Secretarv of Health and Social Policy Sarajevo Professor Djordje Vice-President Executlve Council Novl sad .'JAKOVLJEVIC of SA! Vojvodina !{rs Stanka !{OUCILOWo-SUKOVIC Counsellor, for Labour' Health and Federal C@lttee Social Welfare '.....-t, Eelgrade :... .. . !{r Svetozar PEPOVSKI lleober of the Federal Executive Council, for Presid€nt of the Fedetal C@tEtee and Social lteLfare Labour,.Eealth Novl Beograd SKUPNJAK Dr Berlslav for Organization Inglitute Director, zagreb t9- and Econoutcs of Health ZA+RE - ZAIRE DT KABAMBATHAMBWE M6decin Inspecteur de 1a R€gion du Bas_Zalre D6parrhenr de la Sanr6 publlque Kinshasa/conbe Dr NKOMI MINKOLA NDOSIMAU Dlrecteur aux senlcea n€dicaux_soctaux D€partmenr de la Sant€ pubi.ique Kinshasa/Conbe des Infimiers Dr Obimya Chalmtr ALOZIE ud llwn -Pollutl.m Nairobl, Keuya It{. LUSAMBIJLU-MUENSAKALA Cestl,onnatre des Cr€dits du D€parteaent de la Sant6 publique Kinshasa/Conbe l{[e PHAKA NN(Y 'Pr6sidente de 1'Assoctation Kinshasa I'NITED NATIONS ENVIROMENT PROCRII''ME PROGRAI.OTE DES NATIONS IJNIES FOURL'ENVIRONNEMEN? Health Task Force Dr petder riiwz Dlrector, Divisim of pollcy CoordlnatLon Office of the Executive Director Vlenm, Al8trla du Zatre Mr Carlos MERIDA Industrlal DeveLoFrent Negotiatlons Sectlon Vlem, Austria Off icer ZAI{BIA - ZAMBIE Dr A. TCmKMVORIIJ,I-ASENBAUER Industrial Developrent Officer Chmical Industries Sectloo viem, Austrla Dr Joseph It{, KASONDE Dtrector of lledical Sefrices lllnistry of Healtb Lusaka l.tr Yuyi Kwal@bota Under-Secretarv Natlonal Cmission Lusaka LIBAKENI for Developuent planqing !fr Jan C. B. SIKAZITE Pemnent Secretary l{ini8try of Eealrh Lusaka I'MTED NAMONS FI'ND FOR POPIJ1ATTON ACTIVITIES Dr Nafls SADIK Asai stant E:(ecutive Ns York USA ( Director UMTBD NATIONS VOLUNTEERSPROERAUME Professor John J. A. IEID Uedlcal Offlcer Scottish Home and Health DepartreDt Edlnburgh, UNIIED KINGDOM Chief Mr Rolf goran KNUISSON Chlef, Programing Section IrN Volunteers Geneva, Swltzerland LIBERATTON II{OVEMEM1S }TOUVE}TENTS DB LIBEMTIOf SOUTEI{8ST ATRICA PEOPLEIS ORGANIZATION Dr lyanbo INDONGO SIIAPO Seeretary of l{ealth LUanda Angola Dr Je& PIIYET Director of Eealth IJNXS,IA Headquarters BeLrut, Lebanon UilIl3D Welf,are PAI.E TINE LIBSRATION ORGANIZATION ORGANISATIONDE LIBERATTON DE PAIAS{INE Iia?IOITS ASIAI{ AI{D PACIFIC DEYETO&{ENT INSTIT.IJTE Dr Claudio SEPITTYEDA-ALVARE Z Expert on llealth and Social Develoren! UN Asie and Pacific DevelopEent Instltute Bangkok, Ttlailmd ur srig ANDERSEN Assistant AdEiul,stror ITNDPEuropean 0ffice eeneva, Switzerland and Social Dr Youssif IRAKI Palestine Red CresceDt Soci.etv Beirut, Lebanon Dr Alfred K)UBASI Palestine Liberation Aman, Jordan Orgaoization Office THE ACA KIIAN HEAI.TU BOARDS and Director llr Rolf Coratr KI{IJTSSON Chief , Programing Section UN Volunteers Genwa, Switzerled Dr Khalld Kasin HAJI AdEiit strator H.R.H. Prince Aga Khan Central Soard for India Prince Aly Khs Hospital ilazagon Bmbay, Indta Health 1g8 AqA KEAII IIEAILTE BoARDS (contiNed) (guire) Slr Xenneth STUARI Ueallcal Advlser London' UK Hr Abdrlulek Ahned JA{AL IsuilLr Federal Council of Paklstm (han B.H. nhe Aga Health AdDinlstratLon of Tanzenla Dar ea Salam Uni.ted Lepubllc of Tanzania Dr Tajuddin MANJI E.R.B. fheAga (han Isuiua Ii.R.H. TheAgE Rhan Central lkrachi, Paklstan Federal Cdncll llealth Bosrd for COOOTWSALTT SECRETARIA1 COI'NCIL FOR MUl1'AL ECONOUICAID for Pakistan & Pakistan Dr S, A. SJIGAEV chief , Itealth Depart[ent c[{EA Secretariat Moscov, USSB ORGAIITZATTONStN OSFTCIAL R++TI9!q-hIrm NON-GOVERNUBNTAL diffitsauoxs l,luo gr rlllrroNs orrtcrsr,r,rs tlox couvnnwncnrar,ns AVEC L'OUS rl{rERNArronAli lrNl9!_er_4Ecl|rrEclg uNloN TNIERNAIIQN4!E_pE!-4EqHrEC Mr A. RoSCIN USSRtnlon of Archltectg Moscow, USSR I,lr Surendra JAIN Detrty Dlrector-Ceneral noute der liorlllone Ceoeva, Ssltzerland t Or Richard SZAL ReaearBh Econ@lst Ceneva, gwltzerland Ur Karl Erik KOLDINC Senlor Llalcm offtcer R@, Italy Mr 8orl.s ZIMIN Presldent, Central Board of all-ktssla Assoelatlon of the Bllnd Moscow, USSR FAo^NICEF I'NIIEII TATIONS EDUCATIONAI,, SCIEITTIFIC A}{II CULII'RAL ORGANIZATION (I'NESCO) ORCANIEATIONDES NATIONS I'NIES POURLIEDUCATION, I.A SCIENCE ET tA CI'LII'RX (I'NESOO) EOoKSAU xtss hy ITNESCOEeadqurters Paria , trrece ltr Saif SAUADY Dlvlsion of Science, Dlrectpr, and Votsatlonal Education UNES@ Eeadquarters Paria, trrance ( M188 Lucy TSESARSKAIA hterPreter of the 31i;d ' Assoctatio! ett-n '. I ""f" 1 Moacow ,USiR Dr Lars GUSTAVSSOII DepertEent of Paediatrics Unlverslty l|oepltal Uppsala, Sweden Technlcal, Mr Uichael PAIKo Eealth end Welfare Departoent of Natioml Branch tleallh Progres Ottawa Ontar{o, Canada ITTE$$XIONAI MNK FOR NECONSTNUCIIONAND DEUBIOPMBNT(IBRD) BANOUEINTEFJ{ATIONAIJ POIN IA RE@NSTAI'CTION Et I,E DEWTOPPEUENT Dr Kandleh KANAGABATNA}I Director, Populstlon ProJects DeparLoent l{aihiBgton, Ir.C., USA Dr Bernhard tt. LIESE Asslstrnt for Publlc Health Ifeshln;ton, D.C., USA I,EA,GI'E OT ARAB SIATES Dr Ak!. UAI.IDI Dlrector of Departrent Beghdad, Iraq of Bealtb ' @I4'ISEION DBS @UUrrllAuTEs EUROPEENNES M. M, Paul DEDOYARD Asaistlnt Prlnclpal g6a6rale du D6veloppaent Dlrectlm Bro*e1lee, Belglque Dr ltenry van Zile EYDB Erecutlve Director Bethesda, llrryland USA Dr Rlchard A. SMITn Practlce aod Co@unlty Professor of Feily of Eawall School of l{edicl'ne lrniverslty Ilonolulu,Bawail ltedlclne , ,..,, . Dr Carl E. TAYIOR Bealtb Cheimn of Departoent of Intematlo[al School of nyglene and Publlc llealth John Eopktns UDiver8lty BeltiDore, Maryland .:. . USA , . . , ., r 1 r , : , , : . : : a .,]:.:,,"': NTTENflATTO!{AI FEDERATION BOR I..IEDICAI" AIID EIOIOGICAL ENCINEER.INC TEDERATION INIERNATTONALB Dg GENI"E }IEDICAI ET BIOI'CIQUE Dr 'ltlnfri€d BECKER sclentiflc Prlnclpal EURATOU I8pra, Italy : offtcer . ;: ' Dr Helga THIEITE PresLdent, Medlcal Woren's Internatioml Association Goslar, Federal Republic of Cerunv Profeseor Jan KOSTRZEWSKI Secretary, Medlcal Seetlon Po118h Acaddy of Scienceg I,raraaw, poland ffi*nru Professor Departeent Dr Roger Paul BERNARD Dlrecror of Field EpideElology Geneva, Switzerland Tsung-yi LIN of psychiatry Sciencea CeEtre Hospital vancouver, Canada Health IFRP/IFFER r;rlTl*ATlgHl]ryr:lTl . wr'''mE oFcA trc NURsEs IMERMTToNAT. Professor Tatlana Vaeiljewa CmRVAKOVA ueputy getreral Secretary of the All_Uaion of clmecologisrs and ObsterriciaDs :::i-:q All-Union Research Institute of Obstetrlcs lloscow, USSR Itadaolselle Irala DE Cer,fff,r,rS Pr66ldent, Ordre provlncial d I Inflmlares Rme, Italie Madoolselle Ouislaine VAN II{ASSENBOVE Pr6sidente du Conselt national des Infimiares Broxeli.es, Belgique ffi** Dr JuUa! CZA?SKI Secretary-General Brazlllan Eospital Federati.on Rio de Janelro, Brazil rumnxerronsoE3lfrFifrtrnrs Dr DorLs KREBS Nurse Adviser Geneva, Switzerland Prcfesaor Stgurd HUII{ERFELT practice Itstitute of eeteral Berge!, l{omay Uls8 ltinifred LOCAN Executive Director Geneva, Switzerland Service in GeLderland Ilrs E. F. p€trlce fiLLIFFE Lecturer, Associate Researcher Division of populatlon, FaElly aud Intematlonal Health School of public gealth Unlversity of Csllfornla Ios Angeles, IISA Dr Derlef SCUI{EFEL Ctief of Research, Zentralinstitut Cologne, Federal Republic of cemny Profeseor David SBIRES Department of Fally litedicine galifax, Canada Professor Irerrick B. JELLIFFE Bead, Dlvlsion of population Feily ald International Heatth School of pub1lc Healrh Universlty of CaLifomia Los Augeles, USA ffi Us R. Nita BARRO!| Dlrector, Chrlstlan lt{edical C@is6ion llorld Council of Churches Geneva, Swttzerland Dr Stuart J. KINGMA Aeaociate Director, Cbrlsttan World Cowcil of Churchea ceaeva, SyLtzerlaDd ]Jedical {. Urs SlEinga II{ARSI{ALL_BURNETT Lecturer, Advanced Nursing Education unrveralty of the West Indies Kingston, Jaaica Dr Jan ROITKENS gealth Iafomatlon Director, Sazzog Foundatim Arnheo, Netherlands Dr Sylvia TAIBOT ltoderator, Chrtstia[ Geneva, Svltzerland diplaE6eg ltedical ii Co@ission Professor Aklra IIIAIUJMA Deparhient of ophthal@togy :hafm:q, Juntendo UEiversity School of Medfciie Tokyo, Japan Comissim r,tEprcalAssocrATroN(}llra) 3ry-EOB-Lp L'ASSOCIITION MEDICAI,EITONDIALE Dr Andr6 MNEN Femey-Voltaire FraBqe ffi,u Professor Mithat CORUH DLrector of prlnary Health Serviqes Eacettepe Universlty ltedical School Ankara, Turkey Dr (!{rs} SusaEa SZKOP-FRENKEI . , . :'. Plastic Surgeon Pres idelt, Medlcal l,lonient I, Intematl,oial Asaocl.ation Tel-Avlv, Israel Professor Nitlo HALLMAN University of Helsinki 'Childrenrs Hospltal Helslnki, Finland 22 ASSOCIATION IIfIENNATTONALSOC1OLOGICAL ASSOCTATTONTNTERNATTo}{ALEDE SOCrotoqE. Dr Saeed UEKBEL Eead, DepartEent of Pathology Mexico Eospital San Jos6, Costa Rica Professor lranfred PFIANZ and social Instltute for Bplddiology Hannover Federal Republic of cemany Medlcine SEMMYAKE Dr PraEilla Medical Di.rectorr DepartDent of. Bio-tsedical Scianceo LoDdon, Unlted Kingdm Hrs Natalia VORoBIEVA SecretarY Interuatlonal Itedlcal workers rUnion Uo6cow, USSR Dr Benjsln VIEL Setior Adviser on l{qdlcal Educatlon Planned Parenthood Federation Internatiolal Lood6, United Kingdm og r.'rxmsrnrr ou lgorcrt.gNt(rtrrt) 6rilil6fr-fffiffironer,r llisa Susan KING IIALL Consultant ln Public t{ealth and Directori Ttreshold Unit l{oldinghan, SurreY United Kingdoe Dr PhiliP SSLBY for EeaLth and SocLo-Econonic Sendbz Institute Studies eeneve, Swiezerland NON.@VERNMEMAL ORGANIZATIONS IN CONSI'LTATIVE STATUS TIITII UNICSF {. ut Don SUmERIAND Ulles Laboratories Ltd Sioke Court, Stoke Pogea Slough, United Klngdd ff Miss AnnelLese BOPP CounseI 10r Kalbach Federal Republic of GemanY us Gerald DAFOB Piealdent !{FPHA and Executlv€ E6alth Assocletion Ottawa, Canada of the Canadis Dlrector Dr Bus6e11 E. tORcAN, Jr.' EncutLve Secretary, WFPIIAand Dlreetor Prograa l,lanagerent, A@rtcan Publlc Itealth Assoclatlon ',), I{abhlngton, DC ,.:. ,. , .. -: usA BAP,rr s*I woR p ALLTANCE .. Rev. Alexei BIctrlKOv All-Union Couiocil of Cereral-S"cr.t.ry, Evangelical Chri stians-BaPtlsts Moscow, USSR Dr liborollah SOTottDEIt Vlt*Presldelt, ltfPgA Teberan, Iran . Profe6sor Alfred NEUUANN Uealth Professor, Intematlonal school of Pub1lc HesLth Unlverslty of Callfornia Ios AngeLes USA Fubl'ic r..,rrl . .,,.., .. Rev. Nlkolay KOLESNIKOV I€ader of Kazakhstan Eeptist 41@ Ate, ussR LBAGUEOF RED CROSSSOCIETIES t @noue Ur Grant AKOPOV Udder-Secretary-Cenetal Tcchnical Sewlcea G<incve, Swltzerland church ln charge of ' , '... ' ':'. . -. :: - ' cARE/trBprco rNc Dr Valerl BALrYISKI the l,eague-of Red crogs Vtlce:Pfesidentrof Societies of the ' Executlve C@ittee C{atma, Al;liaace of Red Croes and Red Crescent SocLeties of.the USSR USSR t{dcm, Dr llenry L. FEffER Co@ittee, Vice-Chaiman, Progre Professor of orlhopaedic $urgery Unlversity Washington George The Wa8hingtoa, D,C.' USA : l.t! Panayotis SIANISSIS . Special Advlser to the DePuty-gecretary ; ' c'encra1. tn charge of,'Belief'aiid ':: : ' D6velopuent swlEzerland Gocva, INTERMTTOML nqgaa[ rtArror rlfrgnxerrour, -- APEL Dr feiner g€ad of the Detecbed Secr3!!rL.t of 1.I. :of tbe uedleal comirr{on Ea1le-S41e Republlc c6Ean Iledtcretlc r.. !{EDICO Mvisory DEVEI'PMEM RESEARCII CENTRE Dr John CILL Director, Health Scienceg Division DevelopoeDt Resealeh Celitre Internatloml '--' i Otte{a, Caoada l.ks Susaue KOSCIELECKI gealth Sclences Division Progre Offieer, Internstlonel Dwelopment Resesreh Cetttre Otiawa, Canada 23- , Board FR,IBNDS hORTD OOMMI?TEE FOR CONSULTATION INTERNATIONALORGANIZATIONOT CONSUMERS UNIONS Dr Joseph ALTER Professor and Chaiman Department of C@aity Wrighi State Universitv ohio, USA Medlciae Dr Andrew HERXIIEMBR Senior Lecturer in Clinlcal pha@cology and Therapeutics, Charing Crose Eospiral Medical School London, Iroited Kiagdon Urs Uarian ALTER lriends World Comltiee Dayton, Ohio for IPRA FOOp POLTCy sTnDY cROrrP Consultation usA Mr Rudolf UOPPLER l{6decln asslatart, In8el.spital Berne, Sulsse l{Eprcus lfirlPi TMERNATToN{! DT ANTODEBNER Pfaefflkon Ssi t zer laDd Dr Edgar WIIMER Vlce-President, Medicu€ lluldi Thalwil Swltzerland Intermtional Prcf*sdr Andr6 I,EFtsVRA de lrEreeignast clinique A la llt"9aal Faculte de U€deche de lruEive!61t6 de parig Paris, Fraqce USSR NATIONAL CC8$IITTEE FOR DAIRYING Mr Sergel Crlgorievlch Secretary-General USSRNatlonal Cmittee Moscow, USSB llrs Crace &OI.}!ES BARBEY Lecturer CoDsultan! Faradi.se i/alley Arizona, USA POPI,IATIoN cR.IsIs A!,ANASIEV .: for Dairying I{I0{ENTSINIERI{ATIOIIALZIONISTORGANIZATIOry @!i!MITTEE Dr Susi KESSLER Director, Internatloml Health Aaierican public Health As8ociatlo! I{ashiugton, D.C. USA Ii{r8 RlIa GIJB Emd, Chlld l{elfare I{IZ0Executive TeI-Avl,v, fsrael SAi/E TEE CEIIJ'REN FEDEMTIOI{ INC. Ur8 Evelyn SOHMER IJIZo Representative ar IrN New york, USA Iitr8 Phyllts DOBYNS lftitrltionist Health planner l{estport, Cornectlcut O6ggO USA IMERMTIONAL of Cathol1c @T'NCIL TTR ADUIT EDUCATION Dr Per SIENSLAIID Ns york Representatl.ve Connecticut I of: tlie Worid.: r . , :'..r' t. : Mrs Rurh 1EKOAB tlorld IfIZO Executlve Tel-Aviv, Israel SEDOS(SERVICIO DI DOCT'I.GMiTZIONE ET STUDI) Dr Isabella LIEBSTBR Chalrun, SEDOSEealth GrouD ?ublic,Eealth Consultant, Society UedlcaL !4issionarl.eg RoEe, Italy Deparueat {": r SOCIETY TOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOT!{ENT llrs crace EOII{ES BARBEY Lecturer Consultant Paradise Valley Arizona, IISA urs Alba zIzzAMIA Chairun NCOCmtttee Ns York, USA on ITNICEF :. :. r. .. i ,.' ..' .'' . , t,i :CAE rsEm, USA W Dr (llra) Ktrsrt BIolQvrsT UniversLty Central Hospital Eelstnki, Ftnland Dr A. c. SATONOV Deputy Minlster D r A . E . ROMANENKO !,lialster of Health.of the ltlcraiEian Minister of Bealth of the Byelorus8iaa of of the of SSR the of the Dr N. E. savEnrwo ssR Dr c. c. r.szAvl Minister of, Healtb Eeaith Dr c, M: AEDUIJ,AEV MLltgter of Azerbeldzhanie gdlth Dr V. Ju. KLEJZA Mlnlater llealth of ssR Dr R. A, DMCANJUK \ Il1st:eq ssR Dr Mary er V. DOUGLAS 3eorgine Medical bli.nic tutton, Ontario laEda Dr V. v. KANEP DT A. A, ODINAMAMEDoV MLnlster . -j :: of rhe USSR ceorgl& Llthuanlan , , of the ltqldavte! of of Deputy Minlster Tadzhlk SSR of SSR . of uealih Health SSR the Health LatvlaD of the , SSR . 1. I or t.. s. GABRTELJAN 'Mt!l8!er of Health qf the Amenlan Dr 8. A. KIJATTIANOV !|lllster of Health of the TurkDenlan ssl . Dr V. I. Ilr lt. RJATSEP N, GRIMNOV of Bealth of the Estonian El-rst Deputy Ulnlster Kazakh SSR : DT E. 1. ANDREEVA ' ' Dr 1. v.. illTrr . of llealth 'Grfef, Board of,:Orrative : Preventlve care, Mlnlstry of the Moldavlan SSR Eoergency Care Chief Physiclan, (Lshlnev, Dloldavian SSR . Hospital' Dr K. S. I'I'IJAGAIIOV First Deputy Mlnlstar the Uzbek SSR of Health of Df A. I.,t. HODI^'BERGENOV Minlster of Health Kalpak ASSR the Kara- Dr Z- V. CVETKOVA of ttre ctratman' RepubllcaB co@ittee Medlcal Worklrs' Unlon, Uzbek ssR Dr E. N. OS]POVA Ctrlef Physiciant Matemlty Tashkmtr Uzbek SSR Dr !.r. H. lnaeruroruova ?hy6ician, smrkand, Dr M. V. JUSUFDZANOV (halrun, Republican Co@lttee UnLoo' 1a:lh{ Medlcal ltorkers' Dr V. s, !''AJBoRODA Chlef, Central and 8pldololory' Tadzhik SSR of of the Dlrector, for A1l-Ihion Instltute Research on Lnfomtlou io Uedlcine and Medlcal Techaolory, lllnlstry of Ilealth of the USSR \ _.' I}r A. M. TERNI'B Vlce-Prestdent, Acad@y of Medical Sciences of the USSR DT N. T. TRUBI1IN Deputy llinlster Dr'V. Deputy Departrental Ch{efr Central Board of qrratlve ud Prophylactic Care, Ulnistry of ltealth of the RStr'SR of Bealth of .Dr L I. KMSAUSKAITE BORISOVA . Dr M. F. POmL'SKIJ llead, Orenburg Oblast Health IlepartEent Dr N. S. BARSTK Ilead' I}r V. A. EOKUR Deputy ltead' Departost Dr O. A. OBIJHOV . Ryazs Oblast Health Dr Ju. Ju. SAPOKA \,. I}r E. B. TEPL'A(OV chtef Medlcal offlcer, Central Fayon 8ospltal, Ih L. A. VORONECKAJA Chief Moscd of the Mober of ttre Presidlu of the t'ledical Republlian Co@lttee ssR workers' unton, Llthuanian Deputy Chi.ef Physicia!' Payon U. MISANE Dr V. V. l.tiU.ER lGr"imt; rlr.A, I. fupoverovl' Ilr S,'f. BESARAB , Dr K. n.'ANrEInIro Dr !{. P. RATKOVA D! G. !. !.{AZITROVA .Phystclanl .:. ' KuiEevskaJa Ceatral Chlef Phyelclan; Krasnodar KraJ Rayon llospltalr -. ' Ctral,nan,' isit@lliee' Itnlon Clty gealth SSR Uedlcl.ne Sectlon' Itead of the Internal Pstonlan SSR' Pyamu Clty Ilospttalr Dr A. A. On4issoN Deputy Chlef FhyeLclanr Tartu Ctrlldren' e HosPltalr Clinlcal. Estmian SSR DT O. T. TURGI,NBAEV Ftrst ieputy Mlnlstet SSR Klrgblztan IMA}IBAIV DePartment' -z>- Clty of tlealth, Depucy. 14111"a"" of llealth, K:lrgllzlan ssR of Dr s. s. ils'xove Repirbllcan Co@ittee Chairun, UnLort of the uedlcal woikers' ssR Kirghizian Dr K, A. lilg.arovlr' Eead of osh Obleqt SSR Kirshizia! Dr D. A. JWEANOV of ihe chaiinin, ItepuLltc coulcil UedLial Workers' Unioa o{ the T\rrknellan SSR of RePubltcan Byelonsslm i;f tlie }tedlcal I'lotkeis' Bead, ilL[sk Byelons8lan Dr R. R. IOOES Dr S; I. Energdncy Medlcal Chl,ef Phyeiclanl Vol.gograd, Volgograd Care Statto!' oblast '' ' and ctllef, Board of orratlve Cate, l'tLal€try of Health Prophylactie of the Estonlan SSR Chlei, Department of Orrativa eid Cire for llothera aod Prophylactlc of Health of the Chlldren, MLnlstry gSR Estoiilan N" 33, . !1rst DEtrty l,tinleter af ltealth the ByeloroBslan SsR ' of the Republican Cmlttee I'Iorkeis' UnLon of the Latvlan DT U. T. NIGESEN. Usol'-Stbirskoe Oblast Irkulsk Polyelinlc Dobel.'8k ssR Medlcal and Chief Physlclan' CerePovec Departsetrt, Santtatlon Plant, voldgd,a obla8t l{€tallurgl.cel V. KoL'@V ' DePartEents' He'ad of Out-Patient ssR n"Voo, Llthuallaa !gt3"t Dr I, 0b1a&t CltY geaLth t{ead, Nwoslblrsk Departomt ... Board of Sanltatlon Ul-ntstry of tfealttr, and Boaril of Grratlve 6rtef, of Eealth care, Minlstry Prophylactld SSR of the'Iatvla'n Head, NtZaevartovsk clty l{ealth ly|ren DepartEent, Ob1a6t Ilr V. D. RIVA Dr I. of the SsR Dr C. S. POPov Department Gtlef Phy8iclan, Voronezh Oblast CIlnical Hosp{tal !{OSKoVKIN N' 1, Ghlldren's Polyclinic Uzbek SSR ' ii DT E. A. RJAERT Dr P. t. l{me No 6, Khab4rov6k KraJ ltealth corkt Chlef Phyalclan, Clinlcal Hospital I,; V. JADYKINA the Miats.try -of Physician- In6pector' SSR 4eal-Lh.of the Llthuarrlan Medlcal h of of tbe RSFSR' Dr R. Ju. KITDIRKENE I. and of lidalth Dr G. L,.KBAVtrIK Graim, Central Co@lttee Medlcal Workers' UEion P. LISTCYN the Chief, Central Board of Curetlve and ProplylactLc Care for Mothers ald Chlldren, Ulnlstry of t{ealth of the USSR Chief, Board of Uedical Statlstics and CoEputer TechoologJrl Ulnlstry Itealth of the USSR tr of comlttee Chalman, Republlen Trade l.ledLeal workers! UnLon, Moldavian .SSR I}r G.'F. NOVAtr of Bealttt DT E. N. R.EPTNA Chlef, Cential Boerd of Curatlve and Prophylactic Care, l'tl.nl.stry of ltealth of the USSR CERKOVNYJ Deputy ltlnleier l.toldavian SSR ChLef, Central Board of Sanliatlon and EpldsLology;' MLolstry of llealth of the USSR Gtlef, Exterul Relationa. Boafd, Mlnlstry of Bealth of the USSR Dr Ju. : SSR of tbe Di D. A. ORIOg Dr L. I. erlef Physlctan, Oblast ltospital' Mogilev' Byelorussian SSR BollANovlt DT E. P. PAIADI . , .Dr v: 1. xovxtto . Dr K. I. DT N. G. LEEAN l,ltntstef ::- SSR the E,ealth Departrent, ' Dr f. T. VOZUmVA Chlef, Boerd of Curattve and ProphylaEtlc Care, lttnlstry of Eealth of the Turkrenlan SSR Dt S. G. JIIMASATTA?0V Itsd of the Uarl lur&nenlan SSR Dr C. P. VYSOEANSKA'A ChaiM, lledlcal ssR Health Deparbent, Republtcan C@lttee of the Workere. Union of tfie lrkrainlan Dr R. JE. }IONASTYRSKIJ Head of the Lvov Oblast Health D,epartuent, Itkralnian SSR Dr I. I. Chief Physlclan, Kiev Clty hergency Medlcal Care StatLon, Ikralnlan SSR DI L. N. AVRA}IENKo USIEENKo Chtef Physiclan, Rayon llospital, Ukrainlan SSR pavlograd Central Dnepropetrovsk Oblast, Dr C. M. ARITTJIJNOV Flrst Deputy Mlnister Amenian SSR Dr A. A. KABISONIJA Deputy ULnlster ssR Dr A. S. GRICEI{KO Departneltal of the ussR Dr C. S. ORI.OV Deputy Departnental Chlef, of H41t$ of rhe ussR Dr A. P. TEEKOVSXIJ Rappofteur, htemal Relatlone Boaf,d, !,Eal8try of Health of rhe I,SSR Dr N. N. FEIISOV Deputy Chlef, Extenal ReLatl.ons Board, l,linlstry of llealth of the USSR Dr L. I, E:rpert, SectioE for Cooperatim Capltallst Countrl.es, Exterul Relatlons Board of the Mintstry llealth of rhe USSR !'AI,YEEV I'tinlstry of ttealth Ministry qith of Ilr C. A. NOVGORODCEV (ln ctrarge of D,epuqr Dlrector research), S@skho Institute of Social Hygiene and Publlc Health AdnlnlEtration of the Uitrtstry of Health of the USSR Dr V. S. ZAI,EVSKIJ Eead of Sectlon, Institute for Research on Chlld and Adolescent ifygloe, Mlnlstry of Health of the USSR of Health, of EiElth, Ctrlef, Abkhazle Dr E. H. BAMEV Ee,ad of the Oblast Eealth DepartEdt, Southem ossetia, Georgia! SSR Dr K, A. ARS{BAEV DT L. Secretary, Republl,can C@l.ttee of, the Med{qal l{orkers. ItnloD, ceorg{+n Chl.ef, Boerd of Plamlag and Fl.nece, I'llalstry of llealth of the Kazakh SSB I}r N. P. GONTAROV Grlef, Board of Sanltation and EpLdmlolory, Ml.nistry of Eeal.th of the Kazakh SSR Dr K. u, uEBArv Chiefr. Pharuceutical Board, M1nlstry .of Health of lhe Kazakh SSR Ilr N. D, dmr.nsFEv Chalrun, Miuistry DT V. N. FADEEVA Chief, Board of Teaching Estebllshments ad Staff, I'liul.stry Health of the Kazakh ssR P. MI'RTDZE ssR Dr Ja. A. KLEBANOV Deputy l,tinlster of Eealth, Kazakh SSR Dr A. U. KO!{AKBAEV Deputy Minister of llealth, Kezalah SSR Dr C. fl. Deputy MLdster of llea!.th, Kazakh SSR AHMETOVA Dr U. D, KOVRTCINA Dr L. V. VI"ADIMIROVA Dr O. M. CROITbENKO Dr A. I. SALATIb Rector, Central Istltute of Advanced lledicaL Studles of the u{ntstry of Iialth of the USSR Docmt, Depar&mt of the OrganizatloE. of Foreign Eealth Sentces &d Co&try Studles, Central IEstltute of Adveced Medical Sludies of the Minlstry of Eealrh of rhe USSR Acting Head of the Ilepartoent of SocLal Eyglene ald Publle Health Adnlnlstritlon, Central lnstltute Advanced !{edlcal Studies of tbe lliEistry of gealth of rhe USSR (in charge of work wlth Prorector forelgn 6tudents), Xharkov Medtcal InBtLtute Dr K. A. I.{AKAROV (in charge of work wtth Prorector forel.gn students), First Ictl.ngrad Medlcal Instltute Scientific Medlcal Coecll, of Health of the Ksakh SSR of Ilr A. A. UASEIIOVA Actlng Chlef, CentraL Board of GtEatlve Servlcea, !{lniFtry of , Eealth of the Kazakh SSR DT D, D. DEKTJAAEVA chlef, Board of curatlve and Propiylactlc setr1ce6 for children, Mlnistry of liealth of the Kazakh SSR Dr A. s. lnmpov Head of the AlE-Ata Departmet Dr A. I. IsABEKov Oblast Bealth llead of tbE AlG-Ata K&akh SsR Departrent' h A. Z. Z$sysAEv Ilead.of the Chln&mt Oblast DepartDent, Kazakb SSR DT N, D. IAPSIN Eead of the KaraEeda Oblast Departoert, Kazakh SSR Dr K. M,.I'IASKEEV Recto!, Alu-AtaKazakh SS8. of (ln charge of work with Prorector forelg! student8), Rostov Medical Instltute DT B. E. CRACANIN : City Eeal.th Medical llealth Eealth ( InstlLdte' Dr V. B. CYBI'L'SKIJ llead of Sectlon, S&ashho Institute of the Mlnlstry of H€lth of the USSR nr v. ll. ulNsvs1AEvrl,r Depoty 61ef, Board of Grratlve services, Ministry of Eealth of the Kuskh SSR Ilr I. l.{eder of the staff of tle Pasteir for Research m Epid@lology Instttute. and Mlcroblology Dr I. Chlef, Health M. KOZIOV T. @J Dr A.'q. DT V. N. KRIEAGIN DT B. D. PEIRAKOV Dr V. K. t[TocENKo Ilr I. P. LImV ASVLBEKOV of ULnistly Resdarsb Sectlm, of the Kazakh SSR fot €hlef Ptiyeielan, I$tituta Research oa Eye DLseases of the !,llnt8try of Eealth of the Kazakh SSR Eead of Sectlo8, Allllnlon ltratltute on on for Research oD lDforutt and Medtcal Tedrnologr of lledfclne the Mlntstry of Health.of the USSR. Dr E. !{. KI,RLEIJTOV Faculty, De;n, Iltenatloaal i"ot..l of AdvaDced tledical Inetltute Studleq lealth of the usSR of. the l,lialstry'of of, D1aber of Staff, Inetttute Olcology mA Radlology of the of the Kaz-akh SSR IttlBlstiy of l{ealth Dr l,!. Ju. Head of Section, Instlbute of tJre Aeday Paedlatrlcs Scleneea of the USSR Dlrector' Instltute Mgscgrg Dr B. r. D,eputy chlef Edltor' Eouse Publlsblng f. IOPITEIN of of Uedical SOPRI'NOV nl'ledlclm!' Dr N. N. VOROB.EVA 26- seeond uos@o Medlcal (the Ptrogov Instltlte), Insiiiute Dlrector' l'tarcinovsklj Diseases acd uedlcal ' Tropical Moscow Paraeliologi, I of Co@l.ttee C4tral Heed of Departoent, @Btral Trades of the All-ltolon Ilnlon Cduncll :