June 8, 2015 - Dubuque Community School District
June 8, 2015 - Dubuque Community School District
DUBUQUE COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD OF EDUCATION REGULAR MEETING June 8, 2015 5:30 p.m. I. Call to Order and Roll Call II. Pledge of Allegiance III. Approve the Agenda (p. 1-3) IV. Approve the Minutes of Previous Board Meetings (p. 4) A. Regular Meeting – May 11, 2015 (p. 5-7) V. Board Salutes VI. Public Hearing on Public Improvement Project - Elementary Schools Interactive Projectors (p. 8) A. Receive and File Proof of Publication and Authorize Payment of Publication Costs (p. 9) B. Overview of Project C. Public Comments D. Approve Recommendation from Administration to Reject all Bids VII. Red Carpet Recognition VIII. Visitors and Open Forum (p. 10) IX. Consent Agenda (p. 11) A. Secretary’s Report (p. 12-45) B. Treasurer’s Report (p. 46) C. Listing of Accounts Payable (p. 47-63) 1. Budget Report (p. 64-75) D. Facilities/Support Services Committee 1. Minutes of June 2, 2015 (p. 76-78) 2. Personnel Report (p. 79-90) 3. Professional Service Contracts: (p. 91-92) a. Area Residential Care – services contract to provide vocational assessment and training programs b. Community TechKnowledge – confidentiality and non-disclosure agreement c. City of Dubuque – Americorps services for elementary schools d. Dubuque Community YMCA/YWCA – facilities use agreement at Kennedy and Prescott Schools e. Dubuque Visiting Nurse Association – oral health screenings f. Epson America, Inc. – No Credit Card Consolidated Exchange Agreement g. Goodwill Industries – work services h. Hills and Dales Child Development Center – transition settings and services i. Iowa Department of Education – 2015 Students with Significant Disabilities Summer Institute j. Klein, Cyd and Gonzalez, Kim – child care nurse consultant services k. Music Theatre International – Mary Poppins (Hempstead High School) l. Riverside Technologies, Inc. – Scope of Work for technology products m. University of Dubuque Nursing Program – clinical learning experiences n. TH Media/Woodward Communications, Inc. – agreement to provide internet video of high school athletic events Purchase Contracts: a. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt – Grades 6-12 math textbooks (p. 93) b. Pearson – Grades 9-12 math textbooks (p. 94) c. Lowery McDonnell Co. – Hempstead phase three furnishings, fixtures and equipment (p. 95) 4. Special Education Students (p. 96) 5. PMIC/General Education Students (p. 97) 1 E. Educational Programs/Policy/Strategy Committee 1. Minutes of June 3, 2015 (p. 98-99) 2. 2014-15 Graduates (p. 100-109) 3. Policy #3600 – Activities Passes (p. 110) 4. Policy #4314 – Employer-paid Medical Insurance (p. 111) 5. Policy #4617 – Student and Staff Inventions and Patents (p. 112-113) 6. Policy #4800 – Memorials for Deceased Staff (p. 114) F. Teacher Quality Committee 1. Minutes of May 11, 2015 (p. 115) G. Activities Committee H. Senior High School Core Planning Group 1. Minutes of May 6, 2015 (p. 116-117) 2. Minutes of May 27, 2015 (p. 118-119) X. Facilities/Support Services Committee Report – T. Siegert (p. 120) A. Authorize Payment of Final June Bills B. Approve Bonds for the Lincoln School Locker Replacement Project (p. 121-124) C. Approve Bonds for the Hempstead High School Track Refurbishment Project (p. 125-133) D. Adopt Resolution approving Construction Contract, Certificate of Insurance and Bonds on the Maintenance Department Storage Building Project (p. 134-135) XI. Educational Programs/Policy/Strategy Committee Report – J. Prochaska XII. New Business (p. 136) A. Approve Fidelity Bank & Trust as a District Depository XIII. Board Member or Administrative Issues (non-agenda items) XIV. Adjournment MISSION To develop world-class learners and citizens of character in a safe and inclusive learning community. 2 Agenda Recommendation: I move that the Board of Education approve the agenda as submitted 3 Minutes Recommendation: I move that the Board of Education approve the minutes of the regular meeting on May 11, 2015, as submitted 4 DUBUQUE COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT Regular Board Meeting May 11, 2015 President Donohue called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. at the Forum with the following members present at roll call: Barton, Beytien, Donohue, Prochaska, Ryan, Siegert, Strelo. Additional officers of the board present: Lucas, Rheingans. Executives present: Colpitts, Devaney, Kelleher. The pledge of allegiance was led by Irving Elementary School Cub Scout Pack 50 and siblings from Troop 11. Moved (Ryan) and seconded (Beytien) to approve the agenda as submitted. Motion carried 7-0. Moved (Prochaska) and seconded (Strelo) to approve the minutes of the regular meeting on April 13, 2015, as submitted. Motion carried 7-0. School Board Recognition Month – board members were recognized and thanked for their countless hours of school board service. Board Salutes Eisenhower PTO annual Five-Star Award recipients – Mary Jo Vogt, first grade teacher, and Sharon Rockwell Dalton, paraprofessional Amy Haverland, science and social studies teacher at Jefferson, was named Teacher of the Year Joe Maloney, Marshall Principal, received the TEAM award presented to an administrator for exemplary support of teacher success Dave Carnahan, former teacher and volunteer at Table Mound, received the Friend of Education Award Dan Merritt, assistant principal at Senior, was presented with the State TEAM Award, given by the Iowa State Education Association Josh Rush, Washington student, working on a Boy Scout merit badge Karla Digmann and Christopher Sindt, teachers at Washington Middle School, are partnering with Loras College to present at the National Science Teachers Association 2015 STEM Forum and Expo Prescott Paper Dress Show Moved (Ryan) and seconded (Prochaska) to receive and file proof of publication of Notice of Public Hearing on the Budget Amendment and authorize payment of the legal notice publication costs to the Telegraph Herald. Motion carried 7-0. Mr. Kelleher reviewed the Amendment of Current Budget which is required for auditing purposes. It does not affect the levy rate. Moved (Strelo) and seconded (Siegert) to open the public hearing to allow public comments. Motion carried 7-0. Moved (Prochaska) and seconded (Siegert) to close the public hearing and return to regular session. Motion carried 7-0. Moved (Strelo) and seconded (Siegert) to adopt the Budget Amendment for Fiscal 2014-2015 as published. Motion carried 7-0. Moved (Ryan) and seconded (Strelo) to receive and file proof of publication of Notice of Public Hearing on the proposed sale of a 2005 International School Bus and authorize payment of the legal notice publication costs to the Telegraph Herald. Motion carried 7-0. Mr. Burkhart reviewed the sale. Moved (Strelo) and seconded (Siegert) to open the public hearing to allow public comments. Motion carried 7-0. Moved (Strelo) and seconded (Beytien) to close the public hearing and return to regular session. Motion carried 7-0. 5 Moved (Prochaska) and seconded (Siegert) to approve the sale of a 2005 International School Bus to Taylor Bus Sales, Inc. for $10,600.00. Motion carried 7-0. Moved (Ryan) and seconded (Prochaska) to receive and file proof of publication of Notice of Public Hearing on the Maintenance Storage Building Project and authorize payment of the legal notice publication costs to the Telegraph Herald. Motion carried 7-0. Mr. Burkhart provided an overview of the project. Moved (Strelo) and seconded (Siegert) to open the public hearing to allow public comments. Motion carried 7-0. Moved (Strelo) and seconded (Siegert) to close the public hearing and return to regular session. Motion carried 7-0. Moved (Siegert) and seconded (Ryan) to approve the resolution adopting plans, specifications, form of contract and estimated total cost of the Maintenance Storage Building Project: Whereas, on the 9th day of March, 2015, plans, specifications, form of contract and the estimated total costs were initially filed with the Secretary for the construction of certain public improvements described in general as the Maintenance Storage Building Project; and Whereas, a notice of hearing on the plans, specifications, form of contract and estimate of total cost for said public improvements was published as required by law: Now, therefore, be it resolved by the Board of Education of the Dubuque Community School District, Dubuque, Iowa: Section 1. That the said plans, specifications, form of contract and the estimated total cost for the Maintenance Storage Building Project are hereby approved and adopted as the plans, specifications, form of contract and estimated total cost for said public improvement, as described in the preamble of this Resolution. Motion carried 7-0. Mr. Burkhart reviewed the bids. Moved (Ryan) and seconded (Siegert) to approve the resolution making award of construction contract: Be it resolved by the Board of Education of the Dubuque Community School District, Dubuque, Iowa: Section 1. That the following bid for the Maintenance Storage Building Project, described in the plans and specifications heretofore adopted by this Board, is accepted, the same being the lowest responsive, responsible bid received for such work, as follows: Contractor: Beck Construction, Inc. of Cascade, Iowa Amount of base bid: $203,250.00 Section 2. That the President and Secretary are hereby directed to execute a contract with the contractor, such contract not to be binding on the District until approved by this Board. Motion carried 7-0. Moved (Strelo) and seconded (Prochaska) to receive and file proof of publication of Notice of Public Hearing on the proposed sale of property to the City of Dubuque and authorize payment of the legal notice publication costs to the Telegraph Herald. Motion carried 7-0. Mr. Burkhart reviewed the sale. Moved (Ryan) and seconded (Siegert) to open the public hearing to allow public comments. Motion carried 7-0. Moved (Prochaska) and seconded (Ryan) to close the public hearing and return to regular session. Motion carried 7-0. Moved (Ryan) and seconded (Strelo) to approve the following resolution: WHEREAS, pursuant to notice published as required by law on April 23, 2015, the Board of Directors of the Dubuque Community School District held a hearing on the 11th day of May, 2015, on the proposal to convey an interest in real property according to one certain written offer received from the City of Dubuque, Iowa; and WHEREAS said proposed transaction has been fully considered; and WHEREAS the following action is found to be in the best interests of the District and residents thereof: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE DUBUQUE COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT: Section 1. That the offer to buy is hereby accepted and the property described herein shall be conveyed by the District to City of Dubuque, Iowa, for the price of $13,314.47 and other good and valuable consideration as stated in the said offer. Conveyance by the District shall be by Warranty Deed. Section 2. The Board President and Secretary are authorized to sign the Warranty Deed. Section 3. The Board President, Secretary, Superintendent, and administrative officers of the District are authorized to take all actions necessary to complete the above-described transaction, including execution of ancillary documents, according to the 6 terms and conditions of the said offer, including the enforcement of post-closing obligations of the buyer. Section 4. The property is described as follows: Comprised of Lot 2 of Bee Branch Subdivision No. 12 in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, according to the preliminary plat attached hereto. Motion carried 7-0. Moved (Strelo) and seconded (Ryan) to receive and file proof of publication of Notice of Public Hearing on the proposed sale of property on Pennsylvania Avenue and authorize payment of the legal notice publication costs to the Telegraph Herald. Motion carried 7-0. Mr. Burkhart reported that no bids were received to purchase the home at 2512 Pennsylvania to be moved to another location. Moved (Strelo) and seconded (Siegert) to open the public hearing to allow public comments. Motion carried 7-0. Moved (Prochaska) and seconded (Siegert) to close the public hearing and return to regular session. Motion carried 7-0. Moved (Strelo) and seconded (Siegert) to suspend the rules of order and go into open forum. Motion carried 7-0. Mia Burns, Jacob Gockel, Jack Hostager, Katie Stringer-Hempstead High School students; and Anna Gudenkauf, Maren Phalen-Senior High School students, introduced to the Board their group “End the Trend, an Effort to Destigmatize and Address Children’s Mental Health.” In addition, parents Dr. Heidi Townsend, Sherry Leeser, and Audrea Strelo spoke of their experiences with children diagnosed with special needs (autism, anxiety, mental illness). Moved (Strelo) and seconded (Prochaska) to reinstate the rules of order and return to regular session. Motion carried 7-0. Moved (Ryan) and seconded (Barton) to approve those items listed in the consent agenda. Ms. Ryan was auditor for the month. Motion carried 7-0. Moved (Siegert) and seconded (Ryan) to approve Change Order #6 to Conlon Construction on the Hempstead High School Renovation Project in the increased amount of $48,334.95. Motion carried 7-0. Moved (Siegert) and seconded (Ryan) to tentatively approve the plans, specifications, form of contract and estimate of total cost for the Elementary Schools Interactive Projector Project and set the date, time, and location as June 8, 2015, at 5:30 p.m., at the Forum, 2300 Chaney Road, Dubuque, Iowa, for a hearing thereon and further authorize the advertisement for competitive bids. Motion carried 7-0. Moved (Prochaska) and seconded (Siegert) to approve the Special Education Service Delivery Plan as submitted. Motion carried 5-2 with Strelo and Beytien opposed. Moved (Ryan) and seconded (Siegert) to take no further disciplinary action related to students #805906, #809602, #812353, #807020, #807673, and #814731 at this time. Motion carried 7-0. The next meeting is scheduled for June 8, 2015. President Donohue declared the meeting adjourned at 6:42 p.m. Joni Lucas, Secretary Board of Education 7 Public Hearing on Elementary Schools Interactive Projectors Project Recommendations: I move that the Board of Education receive and file proof of publication of Notice of Public Hearing on the Elementary Schools Interactive Projectors Project and authorize payment of the legal notice publication costs to the Telegraph Herald Overview of Project and Reporting of Bids I move that the Board of Education open the public hearing to allow public comments Public Comment I move that the Board of Education close the public hearing and return to regular session I move that the Board of Education approve the recommendation from administration to reject all bids on the Elementary Schools Interactive Projectors Project and authorize administration to work with architects to re-quote the project 8 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING DUBUQUE COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT Notice is hereby given that the Board of Education of the Dubuque Community School District will hold a public hearing in accordance with the Code of Iowa, Chapter 73A Public Contracts and Bonds on Monday, June 8, 2015, at 5:30 o’clock p.m., Central Standard Time, (or as soon thereafter as same shall appear on the agenda) at the Administration Office of the School District (Forum Building), 2300 Chaney Road, Dubuque, Iowa 52001-3095 for the purpose of hearing or receiving any objections to the adoption of the proposed drawings, specifications and form of contract (the “Documents”) and estimated cost for a public improvement. ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS INTERACTIVE PROJECTOR PROJECT DUBUQUE COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT The proposed Documents are available for examination prior to the public hearing at the office of Buildings and Grounds, 2300 Chaney, Dubuque Iowa. Written objections concerning the Documents or the estimated cost of the Project are to be filed with the Secretary of the Board of Education at the Forum Building at or prior to the public hearing. At the public hearing, any person interested may appear and file objections to the Documents or the estimated cost of the Project or comment in favor thereof. The Board shall hear said objections and any evidence for or against the Documents or estimated cost of the Project. At the conclusion of the public hearing, the Board shall render its decision with respect to said objections. Published upon order of the Dubuque Community School District By: Joni Lucas, Board Secretary Publish: June 2, 2015, in the Dubuque Telegraph Herald IIW PROJECT NO. 15059 9 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING 001110 - 1 Visitors and Open Forum Recommendations: I move that the Board of Education suspend the rules of order and go into open forum Persons wishing to address the Board will do so at this time I move that the Board of Education reinstate the rules of order and return to regular session Intro to be read by President: "On behalf of fellow Board members, at this time I would like to invite any member of the audience to step to the microphone with comments about items of interest or concern. Please begin by stating your name and address. It would be appreciated if you would limit your comments to three (3) minutes so that we can keep the meeting moving in a timely fashion and allow others an opportunity to speak. We ask that you remember that Iowa law prohibits us from discussing specific employees or their job performance. We would appreciate it if you would refrain from using names of employees in your comments. The Board’s role is to listen to your comments, but a response and/or action will not be forthcoming if the topic is not an agenda item. If you have thoughts to share about items that are included as topics for tonight's meeting, we would invite those comments at this time also. Thanks for your support of our school district." 10 Consent Agenda Items Recommendation: I move that the Board of Education approve those items listed in the consent agenda Following the motion and second to approve the consent agenda, the president will ask if any board members wish to remove any items from the consent agenda. Should a board member wish to remove an item from the consent agenda, that board member should indicate which item or items they wish to have removed. At that time those items are removed from the consent agenda and the president will ask for a vote on the consent agenda. There is no discussion of the items that remain on the consent agenda. 11 DUBUQUE COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT REGULAR MEETING JUNE 8, 2015 TO THE BOARD OF EDUCATION DUBUQUE COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT DUBUQUE, IOWA 52001 05/01/15 MEMBERS OF THE BOARD IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 291.7 OF THE CODE OF IOWA, I HEREBY SUBMIT A COMPLETE STATEMENT OF ALL RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS FROM THE VARIOUS FUNDS DURING THE MONTH OF MAY. 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194.86 3230 ‐ DEPOSIT 3283.97 3230 ‐ DEPOSIT 3283.97 3230 ‐ DEPOSIT 3283.97 0099 ‐ WEB 1172.00 2025 ‐ TRANSFER 0099 ‐ DEPOSIT 1003 ‐ DEPOSIT 1005 ‐ DEPOSIT 1013 ‐ DEPOSIT 1014 ‐ DEPOSIT 2020 ‐ DEPOSIT 2025 ‐ DEPOSIT 2021 ‐ DEPOSIT 3230 ‐ DEPOSIT 700.50 3231 ‐ DEPOSIT 3083.50 3231 ‐ DEPOSIT 3083.50 3216 ‐ DEPOSIT 0099 ‐ WEB 2025 ‐ TRANSFER 2025 ‐ TRANSFER 2025 ‐ TRANSFER 0099 ‐ FRONTSTREAM CC 0099 ‐ OPENEDGE CC 0099 ‐ MEDICAID 0099 ‐ WEB 5368.09 0099 ‐ WEB 5368.09 0099 ‐ WEB 5368.09 0099 ‐ WEB 5368.09 1005 ‐ DEPOSIT 1014 ‐ DEPOSIT 2020 ‐ DEPOSIT 2025 ‐ DEPOSIT 3230 ‐ DEPOSIT 2476.35 1013 ‐ DEPOSIT 2021 ‐ DEPOSIT 3231 ‐ DEPOSIT 2739.50 0099 ‐ WEB 4733.50 0099 ‐ WEB 4733.50 0099 ‐ DEPOSIT 1002 ‐ DEPOSIT 1012 ‐ DEPOSIT 99.90 2025 ‐ DEPOSIT 2021 ‐ DEPOSIT 3230 ‐ DEPOSIT 1110.99 0099 ‐ WEB 3474.45 0099 ‐ WEB 3474.45 0099 ‐ WEB 3474.45 0099 ‐ WEB 2842.01 0099 ‐ WEB 2842.01 0099 ‐ WEB 2842.01 0099 ‐ WEB 2842.01 2021 ‐ TRANSFER 1003 ‐ DEPOSIT 2020 ‐ DEPOSIT 2025 ‐ DEPOSIT 3 DUBUQUE COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT REGULAR MEETING JUNE 8, 2015 5/27/2015 5/27/2015 5/27/2015 5/26/2015 5/27/2015 5/27/2015 5/29/2015 5/29/2015 5/28/2015 5/28/2015 5/28/2015 5/28/2015 5/28/2015 5/28/2015 5/28/2015 5/29/2015 5/29/2015 5/29/2015 5/29/2015 5/29/2015 5/29/2015 5/29/2015 5/29/2015 5/29/2015 5/29/2015 5/29/2015 5/29/2015 5/29/2015 5/29/2015 5/29/2015 5/29/2015 5/29/2015 5/29/2015 5/31/2015 TOTAL $22.00 $5.00 $82.55 $91.00 $217.95 ‐$105.00 $1,826.92 $39.00 $97,025.42 $25.00 $239.00 $548.39 $135.00 $270.00 $303.99 $97.24 $52,650.00 $24.44 $65.00 $2,143.00 $65.00 $634.31 $158.50 $65.00 $112.49 $592.07 $43.40 $176.00 $27.00 $24.60 $240.00 $37.49 $590.00 $5,528.65 $8,012,860.67 2021 ‐ DEPOSIT 3230 ‐ DEPOSIT 5446.82 3231 ‐ DEPOSIT 3364.80 0099 ‐ WEB 0099 ‐ WEB 0099 ‐ HARKEY NSF 0099 ‐ DEPOSIT 1975.78 0099 ‐ DEPOSIT 1975.78 0099 ‐ MEDICAID 0099 ‐ WEB 2424.00 0099 ‐ WEB 2424.00 1014 ‐ DEPOSIT 2020 ‐ DEPOSIT 421.00 2025 ‐ DEPOSIT 2021 ‐ DEPOSIT 0099 ‐ PAYROLL 0099 ‐ STATE 1003 ‐ DEPOSIT 31.94 1005 ‐ NUTRITION 194.20 1004 ‐ DEPOSIT 2426.85 1004 ‐ DEPOSIT 2426.85 1008 ‐ DEPOSIT 1010 ‐ DEPOSIT 1011 ‐ DEPOSIT 1012 ‐ DEPOSIT 1013 ‐ DEPOSIT 1015 ‐ DEPOSIT 53.40 2020 ‐ DEPOSIT 2025 ‐ DEPOSIT 2021 ‐ DEPOSIT 3231 ‐ DEPOSIT 4899.09 0099 ‐ WEB 1391.49 0099 ‐ DEPOSIT 0099 ‐ INTEREST STUDENT ACTIVITY FUND RECEIPTS 5/5/2015 5/5/2015 5/1/2015 5/1/2015 5/1/2015 5/1/2015 5/1/2015 5/1/2015 5/1/2015 5/1/2015 5/4/2015 5/4/2015 5/4/2015 5/4/2015 5/4/2015 5/4/2015 5/4/2015 5/5/2015 5/5/2015 5/5/2015 15 ‐$30.00 ‐$15.00 $45.00 $90.00 $60.00 $443.29 $3,482.00 $130.00 $205.00 $4,785.50 $55.00 $67.00 $4,088.74 $786.00 $40.00 $173.00 $442.00 $5,333.00 $4,316.77 $12.00 0099 ‐ NSF 0099 ‐ NSF 0099 ‐ WEB 2025 ‐ DEPOSIT 2021 ‐ DEPOSIT 3230 ‐ DEPOSIT 4072.54 3230 ‐ DEPOSIT 4072.54 3231 ‐ DEPOSIT 7368.50 3231 ‐ DEPOSIT 7368.50 3231 ‐ DEPOSIT 7368.50 0099 ‐ WEB 3231 ‐ DEPOSIT 5335.74 3231 ‐ DEPOSIT 5335.74 2025 ‐ DEPOSIT 3230 ‐ DEPOSIT 2021 ‐ DEPOSIT 3231 ‐ CC 2025 ‐ DEPOSIT 3230 ‐ DEPOSIT 2021 ‐ DEPOSIT 4 DUBUQUE COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT REGULAR MEETING JUNE 8, 2015 5/6/2015 5/6/2015 5/6/2015 5/6/2015 5/6/2015 5/6/2015 5/4/2015 5/6/2015 5/7/2015 5/7/2015 5/7/2015 5/7/2015 5/7/2015 5/7/2015 5/7/2015 5/8/2015 5/8/2015 5/8/2015 5/8/2015 5/8/2015 5/8/2015 5/12/2015 5/11/2015 5/11/2015 5/11/2015 5/11/2015 5/11/2015 5/11/2015 5/11/2015 5/11/2015 5/11/2015 5/11/2015 5/9/2015 5/12/2015 5/12/2015 5/12/2015 5/12/2015 5/13/2015 5/13/2015 5/13/2015 5/13/2015 5/13/2015 5/13/2015 5/13/2015 5/13/2015 5/13/2015 5/15/2015 5/14/2015 5/14/2015 5/14/2015 5/14/2015 5/15/2015 5/15/2015 5/15/2015 5/15/2015 5/15/2015 5/15/2015 5/15/2015 16 $60.00 $15.00 $2,251.00 $71.00 $593.00 $1,206.75 $8.00 $428.90 $110.00 $18.00 $2,536.85 $25.00 $2,512.97 $375.00 $6.00 $15.00 $20.00 $1,950.85 $3,223.15 $1,896.00 $25.00 ‐$9.00 $245.00 $75.00 $1,780.37 $356.08 $7,268.00 $483.00 $4,955.00 $24.00 $39.00 $17.00 $67.00 $1,304.00 $110.00 $9,052.50 $145.00 $45.00 $21.00 $447.00 $418.63 $112.00 $25.00 $26.66 $765.00 $20.00 ‐$28.00 $4.00 $16.00 $23.00 $5,941.85 $15.00 $30.00 $20.00 $21.00 $545.00 $120.00 $115.00 1003 ‐ DEPOSIT 2020 ‐ DEPOSIT 3230 ‐ DEPOSIT 3231 ‐ DEPOSIT 2554.75 3231 ‐ DEPOSIT 2554.75 3231 ‐ DEPOSIT 2554.75 0099 ‐ TRI STATE ADJ 0099 ‐ WEB 8253.90 0099 ‐ WEB 2020 ‐ DEPOSIT 2025 ‐ DEPOSIT 3231 ‐ DEPOSIT 3435.97 3231 ‐ DEPOSIT 3435.97 3231 ‐ DEPOSIT 3435.97 3231 ‐ CC 1011 ‐ DEPOSIT 1013 ‐ DEPOSIT 2025 ‐ DEPOSIT 3230 ‐ DEPOSIT 3281.40 3231 ‐ DEPOSIT 2111.00 3231 ‐ DEPOSIT 2111.00 2025 ‐ TRANSFER 2025 ‐ DEPOSIT 2021 ‐ DEPOSIT 3230 ‐ DEPOSIT 2166.45 3230 ‐ DEPOSIT 2166.45 3231 ‐ DEPOSIT 12,706.00 3231 ‐ DEPOSIT 12,706.00 3231 ‐ DEPOSIT 12,706.00 3231 ‐ CC 3231 ‐ CC 3231 ‐ CC 3231 ‐ CC Middle School Concessions 2025 ‐ DEPOSIT 2021 ‐ DEPOSIT 3231 ‐ DEPOSIT 9575.50 3231 ‐ DEPOSIT 9575.50 1003 ‐ DEPOSIT 2020 ‐ DEPOSIT 2025 ‐ DEPOSIT 2021 ‐ DEPOSIT 3230 ‐ DEPOSIT 3231 ‐ DEPOSIT 996.00 3216 ‐ DEPOSIT 3231 ‐ DEPOSIT 996.00 0099 ‐ WEB 6188.00 1007 ‐ TRANSFER 3231 ‐ CC 3231 ‐ CC 2025 ‐ DEPOSIT 3231 ‐ DEPOSIT 0099 ‐ DEPOSIT 1011 ‐ DEPOSIT 1013 ‐ DEPOSIT 2020 ‐ DEPOSIT 2021 ‐ DEPOSIT 3231 ‐ DEPOSIT 6813.00 3231 ‐ DEPOSIT 6813.00 5 DUBUQUE COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT REGULAR MEETING JUNE 8, 2015 5/15/2015 5/15/2015 5/15/2015 5/18/2015 5/18/2015 5/18/2015 5/18/2015 5/18/2015 5/19/2015 5/18/2015 5/18/2015 5/18/2015 5/18/2015 5/18/2015 5/18/2015 5/18/2015 5/19/2015 5/19/2015 5/19/2015 5/19/2015 5/19/2015 5/19/2015 5/19/2015 5/19/2015 5/19/2015 5/20/2015 5/20/2015 5/20/2015 5/20/2015 5/20/2015 5/20/2015 5/20/2015 5/20/2015 5/20/2015 5/20/2015 5/21/2015 5/21/2015 5/21/2015 5/21/2015 5/21/2015 5/21/2015 5/22/2015 5/22/2015 5/22/2015 5/22/2015 5/22/2015 5/22/2015 5/22/2015 5/22/2015 5/26/2015 5/26/2015 5/26/2015 5/26/2015 5/26/2015 5/26/2015 5/26/2015 5/26/2015 5/26/2015 17 $5,814.00 $3.00 $105.00 $30.00 $8.00 $45.00 $100.00 $28.00 $132.01 $3.00 $25.70 $1,886.47 $1,352.32 $45.00 $102.00 $82.00 $347.09 $9.00 $21.00 $1,500.00 $2,852.40 $25.00 $25.00 $1,760.00 $4,435.41 $30.00 $80.00 $28.00 $8.00 $652.00 $1,000.00 $40.00 $20.00 $705.00 $47.50 $100.00 $24.00 $156.10 $2,235.75 $10.00 $26.00 $94.00 $109.00 $17,680.44 $34,468.00 $932.00 $1,467.67 $140.00 $12.00 $30.90 $9.00 $38.73 $1,851.83 $1,103.99 $45.00 $53.00 $12.00 $15.00 3231 ‐ DEPOSIT 6813.00 0099 ‐ WEB 5845.75 0099 ‐ WEB 5845.75 0099 ‐ WEB 5177.96 0099 ‐ WEB 4864.54 0099 ‐ WEB 4864.54 0099 ‐ WEB 4864.54 1007 ‐ DEPOSIT 0099 ‐ DEPOSIT 2020 ‐ DEPOSIT 90.30 2021 ‐ DEPOSIT 3230 ‐ DEPOSIT 2121.72 3231 ‐ DEPOSIT 1556.32 3231 ‐ DEPOSIT 1556.32 3231 ‐ CC 3231 ‐ CC 1006 ‐ DEPOSIT 1012 ‐ DEPOSIT 2025 ‐ DEPOSIT 2021 ‐ DEPOSIT 3230 ‐ DEPOSIT 3283.97 3230 ‐ DEPOSIT 3283.97 3230 ‐ DEPOSIT 3283.97 3231 ‐ DEPOSIT 6195.41 3231 ‐ DEPOSIT 6195.41 1003 ‐ DEPOSIT 1006 ‐ DEPOSIT 2021 ‐ DEPOSIT 3230 ‐ DEPOSIT 700.50 3230 ‐ DEPOSIT 700.50 3231 ‐ DEPOSIT 3083.50 3231 ‐ DEPOSIT 3083.50 3216 ‐ DEPOSIT 3231 ‐ DEPOSIT 3083.50 0099 ‐ WEB 0099 ‐ WEB 5368.09 2020 ‐ DEPOSIT 3230 ‐ DEPOSIT 2476.35 3230 ‐ DEPOSIT 2476.35 3231 ‐ CC 3231 ‐ CC 1013 ‐ DEPOSIT 2021 ‐ DEPOSIT 3230 ‐ DEPOSIT 52,148.44 3230 ‐ DEPOSIT 52,148.44 3231 ‐ DEPOSIT 2739.50 3231 ‐ DEPOSIT 2739.50 3231 ‐ DEPOSIT 2739.50 0099 ‐ WEB 4733.50 1012 ‐ DEPOSIT 99.90 1012 ‐ DEPOSIT 99.90 2025 ‐ DEPOSIT 2021 ‐ DEPOSIT 3230 ‐ DEPOSIT 1110.99 0099 ‐ WEB 3474.45 0099 ‐ WEB 3474.45 0099 ‐ WEB 2842.01 3231 ‐ CC 6 DUBUQUE COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT REGULAR MEETING JUNE 8, 2015 5/26/2015 5/27/2015 5/27/2015 5/27/2015 5/27/2015 5/27/2015 5/27/2015 5/27/2015 5/27/2015 5/28/2015 5/28/2015 5/28/2015 5/28/2015 5/28/2015 5/28/2015 5/28/2015 5/28/2015 5/28/2015 5/29/2015 5/29/2015 5/29/2015 5/29/2015 5/29/2015 5/29/2015 5/29/2015 5/29/2015 5/29/2015 5/29/2015 5/29/2015 5/29/2015 5/29/2015 5/29/2015 5/29/2015 5/29/2015 5/29/2015 5/31/2015 TOTAL $23.00 $45.00 $108.00 $345.58 $20.00 $4,921.82 $55.00 $2,007.45 $1,145.00 $42.00 $10.00 $276.00 $830.00 $2,081.59 $2,431.46 $1,402.00 $30.00 $7.00 $252.00 $15.00 $90.00 $18.00 $50.00 $101.34 $302.00 $15.00 $822.00 $2,867.75 $135.00 $12.00 $4,470.94 $12.00 $177.00 $12.00 $16.00 $166.01 $185,748.11 3231 ‐ CC 1003 ‐ DEPOSIT 2020 ‐ DEPOSIT 2025 ‐ DEPOSIT 3230 ‐ DEPOSIT 5446.82 3230 ‐ DEPOSIT 5446.82 3231 ‐ DEPOSIT 3364.80 3231 ‐ DEPOSIT 3364.80 3231 ‐ DEPOSIT 3364.80 0099 ‐ WEB 2424.00 2020 ‐ DEPOSIT 421.00 2020 ‐ DEPOSIT 421.00 2025 ‐ DEPOSIT 3230 ‐ DEPOSIT 3231 ‐ DEPOSIT 3833.46 3231 ‐ DEPOSIT 3833.46 3231 ‐ CC 3231 ‐ CC 1007 ‐ DEPOSIT 1008 ‐ DEPOSIT 1011 ‐ DEPOSIT 1012 ‐ DEPOSIT 1013 ‐ DEPOSIT 2020 ‐ DEPOSIT 2025 ‐ DEPOSIT 2021 ‐ DEPOSIT 3230 ‐ DEPOSIT 3689.75 3230 ‐ DEPOSIT 3689.75 3231 ‐ DEPOSIT 4899.09 3216 ‐ DEPOSIT 3231 ‐ DEPOSIT 4899.09 0099 ‐ WEB 1391.49 0099 ‐ WEB 1391.49 3231 ‐ CC 3231 ‐ CC 0099 ‐ INTEREST MANAGEMENT FUND RECEIPTS 5/15/2015 5/15/2015 5/15/2015 5/29/2015 5/31/2015 TOTAL $300.00 $147,967.59 $2,141.17 $44.00 $2,169.00 $152,621.76 0099 ‐ DEPOSIT 0099 ‐ DUBUQUE CTY TAXES 0099 ‐ JACKSON CTY TAXES 0099 ‐ DEPOSIT 1975.78 0099 ‐ INTEREST SAVE SALES TAX FUND RECEIPTS 5/1/2015 5/1/2015 5/31/2015 TOTAL $737,952.83 $5,552.52 $2,785.95 $746,291.30 0099 ‐ DUBUQUE CTY SAVE 0099 ‐ JACKSON CTY SAVE 0099 ‐ INTEREST PHYSICAL PLANT & EQUIPMENT FUND RECEIPTS 5/15/2015 5/15/2015 18 $117,864.21 $1,416.49 0099 ‐ DUBUQUE CTY TAXES 0099 ‐ JACKSON CTY TAXES 7 DUBUQUE COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT REGULAR MEETING JUNE 8, 2015 5/31/2015 TOTAL $1,127.58 $120,408.28 0099 ‐ INTEREST DEBT SERVICE FUND RECEIPTS TOTAL $0.00 NUTRITION FUND RECEIPTS 5/6/2015 5/1/2015 5/1/2015 5/1/2015 5/1/2015 5/1/2015 5/1/2015 5/1/2015 5/1/2015 5/1/2015 5/4/2015 5/4/2015 5/4/2015 5/4/2015 5/4/2015 5/4/2015 5/4/2015 5/4/2015 5/4/2015 5/4/2015 5/4/2015 5/4/2015 5/4/2015 5/4/2015 5/4/2015 5/4/2015 5/4/2015 5/4/2015 5/5/2015 5/5/2015 5/5/2015 5/5/2015 5/5/2015 5/5/2015 5/5/2015 5/5/2015 5/5/2015 5/5/2015 5/5/2015 5/5/2015 5/5/2015 5/5/2015 5/5/2015 5/5/2015 5/5/2015 5/6/2015 5/6/2015 5/6/2015 5/6/2015 19 $208.00 $5,315.00 $25.00 $30.00 $306.50 $601.65 $225.05 $1,088.85 $554.25 $13.40 $6,345.00 $555.00 $4,190.00 $13.00 $35.75 $226.50 $271.55 $258.45 $135.00 $265.05 $105.00 $88.40 $187.30 $1,200.40 $1,082.55 $656.65 $380.39 $321.30 $15.00 $2,225.00 $258.00 $83.40 $41.50 $134.30 $24.50 $100.80 $30.00 $55.00 $53.75 $3.40 $1,414.70 $1,054.95 $840.45 $277.00 $247.90 $88.40 $238.85 $265.00 $90.60 0099 ‐ DEPOSIT 0099 ‐ WEB 2025 ‐ DEPOSIT 3231 ‐ DEPOSIT 7368.50 0098 ‐ JEFFERSON 0098 ‐ ROOSEVELT 0098 ‐ WASHINGTON 0098 ‐ SENIOR 0098 ‐ HEMPSTEAD 0098 ‐ CENTRAL KITCHEN 0099 ‐ WEB 0099 ‐ WEB 5723.00 0099 ‐ WEB 5723.00 3231 ‐ DEPOSIT 5335.74 3230 ‐ DEPOSIT 1010 ‐ NUTRITION 498.05 1010 ‐ NUTRITION 498.05 1008 ‐ NUTRITION 393.45 1008 ‐ NUTRITION 393.45 1004 ‐ NUTRITION 1007 ‐ NUTRITION 193.40 1007 ‐ NUTRITION 193.40 0098 ‐ CENTRAL KITCHEN 0098 ‐ SENIOR 0098 ‐ HEMPSTEAD 0098 ‐ ROOSEVELT 0098 ‐ JEFFERSON 0098 ‐ WASHINGTON 3230 ‐ DEPOSIT 0099 ‐ WEB 2288.00 1012 ‐ NUTRITION 341.40 1012 ‐ NUTRITION 341.40 1002 ‐ NUTRITION 301.10 1002 ‐ NUTRITION 301.10 1002 ‐ NUTRITION 301.10 1002 ‐ NUTRITION 301.10 1006 ‐ NUTRITION 138.75 1006 ‐ NUTRITION 138.75 1006 ‐ NUTRITION 138.75 0098 ‐ CENTRAL KITCHEN 0098 ‐ HEMPSTEAD 0098 ‐ SENIOR 0098 ‐ ROOSEVELT 0098 ‐ WASHINGTON 0098 ‐ JEFFERSON 1015 ‐ NUTRITION 592.25 1015 ‐ NUTRITION 592.25 1015 ‐ NUTRITION 592.25 1003 ‐ NUTRITION 654.70 8 DUBUQUE COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT REGULAR MEETING JUNE 8, 2015 5/6/2015 5/6/2015 5/6/2015 5/6/2015 5/6/2015 5/6/2015 5/6/2015 5/6/2015 5/6/2015 5/6/2015 5/6/2015 5/6/2015 5/6/2015 5/7/2015 5/6/2015 5/7/2015 5/7/2015 5/7/2015 5/7/2015 5/7/2015 5/7/2015 5/7/2015 5/7/2015 5/7/2015 5/7/2015 5/7/2015 5/7/2015 5/7/2015 5/7/2015 5/7/2015 5/8/2015 5/8/2015 5/8/2015 5/8/2015 5/8/2015 5/8/2015 5/8/2015 5/8/2015 5/8/2015 5/8/2015 5/8/2015 5/8/2015 5/8/2015 5/12/2015 5/12/2015 5/11/2015 5/11/2015 5/11/2015 5/11/2015 5/11/2015 5/11/2015 5/11/2015 5/11/2015 5/11/2015 5/11/2015 5/11/2015 5/11/2015 5/11/2015 20 $351.50 $117.30 $95.30 $13.60 $889.30 $450.75 $339.10 $317.40 $55.50 $1,014.75 $7,245.00 $20.00 $50.00 $5,805.00 $50.00 $150.00 $180.00 $115.00 $51.00 $173.00 $349.00 $521.65 $287.00 $53.00 $796.25 $641.85 $529.60 $521.30 $242.35 $36.80 $3.40 $10.00 $45.00 $106.00 $63.90 $167.00 $40.00 $20.00 $887.30 $796.92 $526.76 $363.75 $304.10 $9.00 ‐$14.40 $476.75 $505.00 $161.00 $293.45 $300.00 $181.40 $135.00 $194.00 $330.00 $115.00 $185.50 $317.00 $125.00 1003 ‐ NUTRITION 654.70 1003 ‐ NUTRITION 654.70 1003 ‐ NUTRITION 654.70 0098 ‐ CENTRAL KITCHEN 0098 ‐ SENIOR 0098 ‐ ROOSEVELT 0098 ‐ WASHINGTON 0098 ‐ JEFFERSON 0098 ‐ ALC 0098 ‐ HEMPSTEAD 0099 ‐ WEB 8253.90 0099 ‐ WEB 8253.90 0099 ‐ WEB 8253.90 0099 ‐ WEB 0099 ‐ WEB 8253.90 1014 ‐ NUTRITION 496.00 1014 ‐ NUTRITION 496.00 1014 ‐ NUTRITION 496.00 1014 ‐ NUTRITION 496.00 1005 ‐ NUTRITION 1383.65 1005 ‐ NUTRITION 1383.65 1005 ‐ NUTRITION 1383.65 1005 ‐ NUTRITION 1383.65 1005 ‐ NUTRITION 1383.65 0098 ‐ SENIOR 0098 ‐ HEMPSTEAD 0098 ‐ ROOSEVELT 0098 ‐ WASHINGTON 0098 ‐ JEFFERSON 0098 ‐ CENTRAL KITCHEN 0098 ‐ CENTRAL KITCHEN 1011 ‐ NUTRITION 161.00 1011 ‐ NUTRITION 161.00 1011 ‐ NUTRITION 161.00 1013 ‐ NUTRITION 230.90 1013 ‐ NUTRITION 230.90 2025 ‐ DEPOSIT 3230 ‐ DEPOSIT 3281.40 0098 ‐ SENIOR 0098 ‐ HEMPSTEAD 0098 ‐ ROOSEVELT 0098 ‐ WASHINGTON 0098 ‐ JEFFERSON 2025 ‐ TRANSFER 3231 ‐ TRANSFER 1004 ‐ NUTRITION 1142.75 1004 ‐ NUTRITION 1142.75 1004 ‐ NUTRITION 1142.75 1007 ‐ NUTRITION 1103.85 1007 ‐ NUTRITION 1103.85 1007 ‐ NUTRITION 1103.85 1007 ‐ NUTRITION 1103.85 1007 ‐ NUTRITION 1103.85 1008 ‐ NUTRITION 1072.50 1008 ‐ NUTRITION 1072.50 1008 ‐ NUTRITION 1072.50 1008 ‐ NUTRITION 1072.50 1008 ‐ NUTRITION 1072.50 9 DUBUQUE COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT REGULAR MEETING JUNE 8, 2015 5/11/2015 5/11/2015 5/11/2015 5/11/2015 5/11/2015 5/11/2015 5/11/2015 5/8/2015 5/8/2015 5/8/2015 5/11/2015 5/11/2015 5/11/2015 5/11/2015 5/11/2015 5/11/2015 5/11/2015 5/11/2015 5/11/2015 5/11/2015 5/11/2015 5/11/2015 5/13/2015 5/12/2015 5/12/2015 5/12/2015 5/12/2015 5/12/2015 5/12/2015 5/12/2015 5/12/2015 5/12/2015 5/12/2015 5/12/2015 5/12/2015 5/12/2015 5/12/2015 5/12/2015 5/12/2015 5/12/2015 5/12/2015 5/12/2015 5/12/2015 5/12/2015 5/12/2015 5/12/2015 5/13/2015 5/14/2015 5/13/2015 5/13/2015 5/13/2015 5/13/2015 5/13/2015 5/13/2015 5/13/2015 5/13/2015 5/13/2015 5/13/2015 21 $363.40 $258.90 $166.00 $51.65 $106.45 $40.00 $25.00 $50.00 $5,095.00 $25.00 $25.00 $2.00 $5,890.00 $290.00 $3.00 $4,945.00 $88.60 $257.95 $677.99 $447.60 $770.45 $710.35 $5.99 $48.00 $23.00 $200.00 $44.15 $30.50 $75.50 $20.50 $207.50 $25.00 $98.00 $71.25 $40.00 $142.40 $73.00 $30.00 $35.80 $25.00 $1,290.00 $967.00 $847.50 $647.45 $453.70 $359.85 $10.00 $15.00 $35.15 $160.10 $225.00 $165.00 $180.00 $260.90 $855.80 $0.30 $48.05 $40.00 1010 ‐ NUTRITION 946.40 1010 ‐ NUTRITION 946.40 1010 ‐ NUTRITION 946.40 1010 ‐ NUTRITION 946.40 1010 ‐ NUTRITION 946.40 1010 ‐ DEPOSIT 120.99 2025 ‐ DEPOSIT 0099 ‐ WEB 5276.99 0099 ‐ WEB 5276.99 0099 ‐ WEB 5276.99 0099 ‐ WEB 6092.00 0099 ‐ web 6092.00 0099 ‐ WEB 6092.00 0099 ‐ 5335.54 0099 ‐ WEB 5535.54 0099 ‐ WEB 5335.54 0098 ‐ CENTRAL KITCHEN 0098 ‐ JEFFERSON 0098 ‐ ROOSEVELT 0098 ‐ WASHINGTON 0098 ‐ HEMPSTEAD 0098 ‐ SENIOR 2020 ‐ TRANSFER 1002 ‐ NUTRITION 315.15 1002 ‐ NUTRITION 315.15 1002 ‐ NUTRITION 315.15 1002 ‐ NUTRITION 315.15 1006 ‐ NUTRITION 359.75 1006 ‐ NUTRITION 359.75 1006 ‐ NUTRITION 359.75 1006 ‐ NUTRITION 359.75 1006 ‐ NUTRITION 359.75 1012 ‐ NUTRITION 424.65 1012 ‐ NUTRITION 424.65 1012 ‐ NUTRITION 424.65 1012 ‐ NUTRITION 424.65 1012 ‐ NUTRITION 424.65 3231 ‐ DEPOSIT 9575.50 0098 ‐ CENTRAL KITCHEN 0099 ‐ WEB 1771.99 0099 ‐ WEB 1771.99 0098 ‐ HEMPSTEAD 0098 ‐ SENIOR 0098 ‐ ROOSEVELT 0098 ‐ JEFFERSON 0098 ‐ WASHINGTON 1003 ‐ TRANSFER 2025 ‐ TRANSFER 1003 ‐ NUTRITION 765.25 1003 ‐ NUTRITION 765.25 1003 ‐ NUTRITION 765.25 1003 ‐ NUTRITION 765.25 1003 ‐ NUTRITION 765.25 1015 ‐ NUTRITION 1116.70 1015 ‐ NUTRITION 1116.70 1015 ‐ DEPOSIT 2025 ‐ DEPOSIT 3230 ‐ DEPOSIT 10 DUBUQUE COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT REGULAR MEETING JUNE 8, 2015 5/13/2015 5/13/2015 5/13/2015 5/13/2015 5/13/2015 5/13/2015 5/13/2015 5/13/2015 5/12/2015 5/15/2015 5/14/2015 5/14/2015 5/14/2015 5/14/2015 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CENTRAL KITCHEN 0099 ‐ WEB 6188.00 0099 ‐ WEB 6188.00 1007 ‐ TRANSFER 0098 ‐ CENTRAL KITCHEN 0099 ‐ WEB 5100.00 1005 ‐ NUTRITION 1098.75 1005 ‐ NUTRITION 1098.75 1005 ‐ NUTRITION 1098.75 1005 ‐ NUTRITION 1098.75 1014 ‐ NUTRITION 547.90 1014 ‐ NUTRITION 547.90 1014 ‐ NUTRITION 547.90 1014 ‐ NUTRITION 547.90 1014 ‐ NUTRITION 547.90 2025 ‐ DEPOSIT 3230 ‐ DEPOSIT 0098 ‐ HEMPSTEAD 0098 ‐ SENIOR 0098 ‐ ROOSEVELT 0098 ‐ WASHINGTON 0098 ‐ JEFFERSON 3230 ‐ TRANSFER 1011 ‐ NUTRITION 153.01 1011 ‐ NUTRITION 153.01 1011 ‐ NUTRITION 153.01 1013 ‐ NUTRITION 273.50 1013 ‐ NUTRITION 273.50 1013 ‐ NUTRITION 273.50 2021 ‐ DEPOSIT 0099 ‐ WEB 5845.75 0099 ‐ WEB 5845.75 0099 ‐ WEB 5845.75 0098 ‐ HEMPSTEAD 0098 ‐ SENIOR 0098 ‐ ROOSEVELT 0098 ‐ WASHINGTON 0098 ‐ JEFFERSON 0099 ‐ WEB 5177.96 0099 ‐ WEB 5177.96 0099 ‐ WEB 4864.54 0099 ‐ WEB 4864.54 0099 ‐ WEB 4864.54 1004 ‐ NUTRITION 631.10 1004 ‐ NUTRITION 631.10 1004 ‐ NUTRITION 631.10 1004 ‐ NUTRITION 631.10 1004 ‐ DEPOSIT 111.60 1007 ‐ NUTRITION 512.00 1007 ‐ NUTRITION 512.00 1007 ‐ DEPOSIT 1008 ‐ NUTRITION 912.40 11 DUBUQUE COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT REGULAR MEETING JUNE 8, 2015 5/18/2015 5/18/2015 5/18/2015 5/19/2015 5/18/2015 5/18/2015 5/18/2015 5/18/2015 5/18/2015 5/18/2015 5/18/2015 5/18/2015 5/18/2015 5/18/2015 5/18/2015 5/18/2015 5/18/2015 5/19/2015 5/19/2015 5/19/2015 5/19/2015 5/19/2015 5/19/2015 5/19/2015 5/19/2015 5/19/2015 5/19/2015 5/19/2015 5/19/2015 5/19/2015 5/19/2015 5/19/2015 5/19/2015 5/19/2015 5/19/2015 5/19/2015 5/19/2015 5/19/2015 5/19/2015 5/19/2015 5/20/2015 5/20/2015 5/20/2015 5/20/2015 5/20/2015 5/20/2015 5/20/2015 5/20/2015 5/20/2015 5/20/2015 5/20/2015 5/20/2015 5/20/2015 5/20/2015 5/20/2015 5/20/2015 5/20/2015 5/20/2015 23 $185.00 $130.20 $311.00 $3.40 $155.00 $270.50 $167.30 $48.75 $9.30 $10.00 $60.00 $997.80 $768.95 $644.55 $518.50 $280.40 $277.60 $62.10 $85.75 $10.00 $23.40 $65.00 $45.25 $98.85 $7.50 $71.10 $154.00 $87.00 $146.00 $128.00 $160.00 $20.00 $20.00 $30.00 $1,080.00 $652.46 $513.80 $468.70 $338.75 $209.70 $15.00 $107.55 $55.00 $65.00 $35.00 $265.55 $175.50 $250.00 $365.40 $193.10 $19.70 $178.20 $324.90 $203.40 $248.40 $166.00 $207.65 $290.90 1008 ‐ NUTRITION 912.40 1008 ‐ NUTRITION 912.40 1008 ‐ NUTRITION 912.40 0098 ‐ CENTRAL KITCHEN 1010 ‐ NUTRITION 641.55 1010 ‐ NUTRITION 641.55 1010 ‐ NUTRITION 641.55 1010 ‐ NUTRITION 641.55 2021 ‐ DEPOSIT 3230 ‐ DEPOSIT 2121.72 3230 ‐ DEPOSIT 2121.72 0098 ‐ CENTRAL KITCHEN 0098 ‐ HEMPSTEAD 0098 ‐ SENIOR 0098 ‐ ROOSEVELT 0098 ‐ JEFFERSON 0098 ‐ WASHINGTON 1002 ‐ NUTRITION 181.25 1002 ‐ NUTRITION 181.25 1002 ‐ NUTRITION 181.25 1002 ‐ NUTRITION 181.25 1006 ‐ NUTRITION 287.70 1006 ‐ NUTRITION 287.70 1006 ‐ NUTRITION 287.70 1006 ‐ NUTRITION 287.70 1006 ‐ NUTRITION 287.70 1012 ‐ NUTRITION 675.00 1012 ‐ NUTRITION 675.00 1012 ‐ NUTRITION 675.00 1012 ‐ NUTRITION 675.00 1012 ‐ NUTRITION 675.00 2025 ‐ DEPOSIT 2025 ‐ DEPOSIT 194.86 0099 ‐ WEB 1172.00 0099 ‐ WEB 1172.00 0098 ‐ HEMPSTEAD 0098 ‐ SENIOR 0098 ‐ ROOSEVELT 0098 ‐ WASHINGTON 0098 ‐ JEFFERSON 2025 ‐ TRANSFER 1003 ‐ NUTRITION 262.55 1003 ‐ NUTRITION 262.55 1003 ‐ NUTRITION 262.55 1003 ‐ NUTRITION 262.55 1005 ‐ NUTRITION 1056.45 1005 ‐ NUTRITION 1056.45 1005 ‐ NUTRITION 1056.45 1005 ‐ NUTRITION 1056.45 1004 ‐ NUTRITION 1006 ‐ NUTRITION 1007 ‐ NUTRITION 503.10 1007 ‐ NUTRITION 503.10 1008 ‐ NUTRITION 617.80 1008 ‐ NUTRITION 617.80 1008 ‐ NUTRITION 617.80 1010 ‐ NUTRITION 498.55 1010 ‐ NUTRITION 498.55 12 DUBUQUE COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT REGULAR MEETING JUNE 8, 2015 5/20/2015 5/20/2015 5/20/2015 5/20/2015 5/20/2015 5/20/2015 5/20/2015 5/20/2015 5/20/2015 5/20/2015 5/20/2015 5/20/2015 5/20/2015 5/20/2015 5/20/2015 5/20/2015 5/20/2015 5/20/2015 5/20/2015 5/20/2015 5/20/2015 5/20/2015 5/20/2015 5/20/2015 5/20/2015 5/20/2015 5/21/2015 5/21/2015 5/21/2015 5/4/2015 5/21/2015 5/21/2015 5/21/2015 5/21/2015 5/21/2015 5/21/2015 5/21/2015 5/21/2015 5/21/2015 5/21/2015 5/5/2015 5/21/2015 5/22/2015 5/22/2015 5/22/2015 5/22/2015 5/22/2015 5/22/2015 5/22/2015 5/22/2015 5/22/2015 5/22/2015 5/22/2015 5/22/2015 5/26/2015 5/26/2015 5/26/2015 5/26/2015 24 $28.40 $124.75 $30.00 $75.40 $6.40 $107.50 $53.50 $111.45 $133.40 $244.75 $187.00 $110.80 $319.25 $398.00 $20.00 $13.50 $12.45 $16.20 $3.40 $4,835.00 $671.50 $646.50 $508.28 $325.20 $171.40 $94.20 $117.00 $1.00 $15.00 ‐$4,199.29 $20.00 $4,860.00 $243.00 $25.00 $10.00 $623.15 $547.10 $403.20 $225.95 $133.70 ‐$50.00 $19.60 $20.00 $86.00 $48.00 $25.00 $32.83 $4,060.00 $559.20 $470.00 $372.55 $313.35 $136.00 $34.38 $35.20 $40.50 $15.50 $27.75 1011 ‐ NUTRITION 183.15 1011 ‐ NUTRITION 183.15 1011 ‐ NUTRITION 183.15 1012 ‐ NUTRITION 1013 ‐ NUTRITION 167.40 1013 ‐ NUTRITION 167.40 1013 ‐ NUTRITION 167.40 1014 ‐ NUTRITION 676.60 1014 ‐ NUTRITION 676.60 1014 ‐ NUTRITION 676.60 1014 ‐ NUTRITION 676.60 1015 ‐ NUTRITION 828.05 1015 ‐ NUTRITION 828.05 1015 ‐ NUTRITION 828.05 3230 ‐ DEPOSIT 700.50 3230 ‐ DEPOSIT 700.50 3231 ‐ DEPOSIT 3083.50 3216 ‐ DEPOSIT 0098 ‐ CENTRAL KITCHEN 0099 ‐ WEB 0098 ‐ ROOSEVELT 0098 ‐ SENIOR 0098 ‐ HEMPSTEAD 0098 ‐ WASHINGTON 0098 ‐ JEFFERSON 0098 ‐ ALC 2021 ‐ TRANSFER 2025 ‐ TRANSFER 2025 ‐ TRANSFER 0099 ‐ FRONTSTREAM CC 0099 ‐ WEB 5368.09 0099 ‐ WEB 5368.09 1005 ‐ NUTRITION 1014 ‐ NUTRITION 2025 ‐ DEPOSIT 0098 ‐ SENIOR 0098 ‐ HEMPSTEAD 0098 ‐ ROOSEVELT 0098 ‐ WASHINGTON 0098 ‐ JEFFERSON 0098 ‐ NSF CHECK#2977 MARY BAHL 0098 ‐ CENTRAL KITCHEN 1011 ‐ NUTRITION 1013 ‐ NUTRITION 134.00 1013 ‐ NUTRITION 134.00 2021 ‐ DEPOSIT 3231 ‐ DEPOSIT 2739.50 0099 ‐ WEB 4733.50 0098 ‐ SENIOR 0098 ‐ ROOSEVELT 0098 ‐ WASHINGTON 0098 ‐ HEMPSTEAD 0098 ‐ JEFFERSON 0098 ‐ CENTRAL KITCHEN 0098 ‐ CENTRAL KITCHEN 1002 ‐ NUTRITION 88.75 1002 ‐ NUTRITION 88.75 1002 ‐ NUTRITION 88.75 13 DUBUQUE COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT REGULAR MEETING JUNE 8, 2015 5/26/2015 5/26/2015 5/26/2015 5/26/2015 5/26/2015 5/26/2015 5/26/2015 5/26/2015 5/26/2015 5/26/2015 5/26/2015 5/26/2015 5/26/2015 5/26/2015 5/26/2015 5/28/2015 5/27/2015 5/27/2015 5/27/2015 5/27/2015 5/27/2015 5/27/2015 5/27/2015 5/27/2015 5/27/2015 5/27/2015 5/27/2015 5/29/2015 5/27/2015 5/27/2015 5/27/2015 5/27/2015 5/27/2015 5/26/2015 5/27/2015 5/27/2015 5/27/2015 5/27/2015 5/28/2015 5/28/2015 5/28/2015 5/28/2015 5/28/2015 5/28/2015 5/28/2015 5/28/2015 5/28/2015 5/28/2015 5/28/2015 5/28/2015 5/28/2015 5/28/2015 5/28/2015 5/28/2015 5/28/2015 5/28/2015 5/28/2015 5/28/2015 25 $5.00 $223.50 $21.50 $214.10 $4.00 $20.00 $3,145.00 $4.45 $2,170.00 $140.00 $512.70 $362.05 $326.60 $235.35 $141.05 $8.99 $7.50 $132.30 $30.00 $234.45 $217.05 $26.35 $117.40 $8.80 $14.65 $235.55 $181.55 $10.00 $142.55 $134.55 $134.00 $23.80 $20.00 $85.00 $565.00 ‐$30.00 ‐$30.00 $261,238.73 $10,816.51 $2,105.00 $115.80 $71.00 $396.65 $7.50 $43.25 $171.85 $36.60 $10.00 $600.00 $51.55 $300.00 $332.20 $500.00 $35.65 $200.00 $165.40 $200.00 $131.45 1002 ‐ NUTRITION 88.75 1012 ‐ NUTRITION 245.00 1012 ‐ NUTRITION 245.00 2025 ‐ DEPOSIT 0099 ‐ WEB 3474.45 0099 ‐ WEB 3474.45 0099 ‐ WEB 3474.45 0099 ‐ WEB 3474.45 0099 ‐ WEB 2842.01 0099 ‐ WEB 2842.01 0098 ‐ ROOSEVELT 0098 ‐ HEMPSTEAD 0098 ‐ SENIOR 0098 ‐ JEFFERSON 0098 ‐ WASHINGTON 2021 ‐ TRANSFER 1003 ‐ NUTRITION 621.30 1003 ‐ NUTRITION 621.30 1003 ‐ NUTRITION 621.30 1003 ‐ NUTRITION 621.30 1003 ‐ NUTRITION 621.30 1015 ‐ NUTRITION 143.75 1015 ‐ NUTRITION 143.75 3231 ‐ DEPOSIT 3364.80 3216 ‐ DEPOSIT 0098 ‐ WASHINGTON 0098 ‐ ROOSEVELT 1015 ‐ DEPOSIT 53.40 0098 ‐ HEMPSTEAD 0098 ‐ JEFFERSON 0098 ‐ SENIOR 0098 ‐ CENTRAL KITCHEN 0098 ‐ ALC 0099 ‐ WEB 0099 ‐ WEB 0098 ‐ CAMPBELL NSF 0098 ‐ THOMPSON NSF 0098 ‐ DEPT OF EDUCATION 0098 ‐ DEPT OF EDUCATION 0099 ‐ WEB 2424.00 1005 ‐ NUTRITION 583.45 1005 ‐ NUTRITION 583.45 1005 ‐ NUTRITION 583.45 1014 ‐ NUTRITION 259.20 1014 ‐ NUTRITION 259.20 1014 ‐ NUTRITION 259.20 1014 ‐ NUTRITION 259.20 2025 ‐ DEPOSIT 0098 ‐ HEMPSTEAD (PETTY CASH) 0098 ‐ HEMPSTEAD 0098 ‐ ROOSEVELT (PETTY CASH) 0098 ‐ ROOSEVELT 0098 ‐ SENIOR (PETTY CASH) 0098 ‐ SENIOR 0098 ‐ JEFFERSON (PETTY CASH) 0098 ‐ JEFFERSON 0098 ‐ WASHINGTON (PETTY CASH) 0098 ‐ WASHINGTON 14 DUBUQUE COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT REGULAR MEETING JUNE 8, 2015 5/28/2015 5/29/2015 5/29/2015 5/29/2015 5/29/2015 5/29/2015 5/29/2015 5/29/2015 5/29/2015 5/29/2015 5/29/2015 5/29/2015 5/29/2015 5/29/2015 5/29/2015 5/29/2015 5/29/2015 5/29/2015 5/29/2015 5/29/2015 5/29/2015 5/29/2015 5/29/2015 5/29/2015 5/29/2015 5/29/2015 5/29/2015 5/29/2015 5/29/2015 5/29/2015 5/29/2015 5/29/2015 5/29/2015 5/29/2015 5/29/2015 5/29/2015 5/29/2015 5/29/2015 5/29/2015 5/29/2015 5/29/2015 5/29/2015 5/29/2015 5/31/2015 TOTAL $39.40 $5.00 $3.90 $55.85 $38.50 $74.90 $7.50 $5.00 $124.20 $23.15 $110.00 $111.00 $6.00 $212.85 $51.05 $20.55 $44.00 $28.12 $28.00 $142.80 $75.55 $335.75 $45.95 $31.00 $66.15 $181.70 $162.70 $180.00 $50.50 $161.45 $53.80 $63.15 $4.00 $58.90 $129.35 $8.35 $31.15 $26.55 $10.00 $1,165.00 $8.50 $40.00 $9.20 $188.26 $448,125.25 0098 ‐ CENTRAL KITCHEN 1002 ‐ NUTRITION 64.75 1002 ‐ NUTRITION 64.75 1002 ‐ NUTRITION 64.75 1003 ‐ NUTRITION 113.40 1003 ‐ NUTRITION 113.40 1003 ‐ DEPOSIT 31.94 1005 ‐ NUTRITION 194.20 1005 ‐ NUTRITION 194.20 1004 ‐ NUTRITION 244.15 1004 ‐ NUTRITION 244.15 1004 ‐ NUTRITION 244.15 1004 ‐ DEPOSIT 2426.85 1004 ‐ DEPOSIT 2426.85 1006 ‐ NUTRITION 143.72 1006 ‐ NUTRITION 143.72 1006 ‐ NUTRITION 143.72 1006 ‐ NUTRITION 143.72 1007 ‐ NUTRITION 659.05 1007 ‐ NUTRITION 659.05 1007 ‐ NUTRITION 659.05 1007 ‐ NUTRITION 659.05 1007 ‐ NUTRITION 659.05 1007 ‐ NUTRITION 659.05 1008 ‐ NUTRITION 641.05 1008 ‐ NUTRITION 641.05 1008 ‐ NUTRITION 641.05 1008 ‐ NUTRITION 641.05 1008 ‐ NUTRITION 641.05 1010 ‐ DEPOSIT 1011 ‐ NUTRITION 1012 ‐ NUTRITION 126.05 1012 ‐ NUTRITION 126.05 1012 ‐ NUTRITION 126.05 1013 ‐ DEPOSIT 1014 ‐ NUTRITION 1015 ‐ NUTRITION 57.70 1015 ‐ NUTRITION 57.70 3231 ‐ DEPOSIT 4899.09 0099 ‐ WEB 1391.49 0098 ‐ ALC 0098 ‐ ALC (PETTY CASH) 0098 ‐ CENTRAL KITCHEN 0098 ‐ INTEREST CLEARING FUND RECEIPTS 5/1/2015 5/1/2015 5/4/2015 5/4/2015 5/8/2015 5/14/2015 5/15/2015 5/15/2015 5/18/2015 5/18/2015 26 $13.00 $26.00 $117.00 $13.00 $142.52 $189.99 $78.00 $39.00 $39.00 $13.00 0099 ‐ WEB 2021 ‐ DEPOSIT 0099 ‐ WEB 0099 ‐ WEB 5723.00 0099 ‐ DEPOSIT 0099 ‐ DEPOSIT 2021 ‐ DEPOSIT 0099 ‐ WEB 5845.75 0099 ‐ WEB 5177.96 0099 ‐ WEB 4864.54 15 DUBUQUE COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT REGULAR MEETING JUNE 8, 2015 5/18/2015 5/19/2015 5/20/2015 5/20/2015 5/21/2015 5/22/2015 5/22/2015 5/26/2015 5/26/2015 5/26/2015 5/27/2015 5/29/2015 5/28/2015 5/28/2015 5/29/2015 5/29/2015 TOTAL $91.00 $65.00 $52.00 $13.00 ‐$117.00 $156.00 $13.00 $3,614.54 $143.00 $26.00 $182.00 $65.86 $13.00 $286.00 $60,621.17 $104.00 $65,999.08 2021 ‐ DEPOSIT 2021 ‐ DEPOSIT 2021 ‐ DEPOSIT 0099 ‐ WEB 2021 ‐ TRANSFER 2021 ‐ DEPOSIT 0099 ‐ WEB 4733.50 0099 ‐ DEPOSIT 2021 ‐ DEPOSIT 0099 ‐ WEB 2842.01 2021 ‐ DEPOSIT 0099 ‐ DEPOSIT 1975.78 0099 ‐ WEB 2424.00 2021 ‐ DEPOSIT 0099 ‐ PAYROLL 2021 ‐ DEPOSIT EXPENDABLE TRUST FUND RECEIPTS 5/27/2015 5/31/2015 TOTAL $500.00 $29.64 $529.64 3230 ‐ DEPOSIT 5446.82 0099 ‐ INTEREST HOSPITALITY FUND RECEIPTS 5/6/2015 5/4/2015 5/5/2015 5/11/2015 5/13/2015 5/19/2015 5/19/2015 5/20/2015 5/21/2015 5/27/2015 5/27/2015 5/27/2015 5/29/2015 5/31/2015 TOTAL 27 $152.14 $140.00 $220.00 $180.00 $85.00 $88.86 $50.50 $130.30 $90.03 $72.27 $59.73 $66.00 $43.15 $7.54 $1,385.52 0099 ‐ DEPOSIT 2021 ‐ DEPOSIT 2021 ‐ DEPOSIT 2021 ‐ DEPOSIT 2021 ‐ DEPOSIT 2025 ‐ DEPOSIT 2021 ‐ DEPOSIT 3231 ‐ DEPOSIT 3083.50 1005 ‐ DEPOSIT 2025 ‐ DEPOSIT 2021 ‐ DEPOSIT 3231 ‐ DEPOSIT 3364.80 3231 ‐ DEPOSIT 4899.09 0099 ‐ INTEREST 16 DUBUQUE COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT REGULAR MEETING JUNE 8, 2015 OPERATING FUND DISBURSEMENTS CHECK # 111225 111226 111227 111228 111229 111230 111233 111235 111239 111240 111241 111242 111243 111244 111245 111246 111247 111249 111250 111251 111252 111253 111255 111259 111264 111270 111276 111277 111278 111279 111282 111288 111289 111290 111291 111294 111295 111296 111297 111298 111299 111300 111301 111302 111303 111306 111307 111308 111309 111310 111311 111312 111313 111315 111316 28 AMOUNT $1,337.86 $1,338.34 $1,236.84 $682.49 $545.86 $644.08 $328.78 $603.64 $859.17 $624.69 $624.66 $316.19 $186.11 $38.88 $15.66 $801.65 $410.38 $341.31 $461.02 $87.48 $130.36 $8.14 $6,332.53 $205.70 $10.13 $12,804.29 $98.00 $3,241.98 $1,000.00 $155.96 $200.00 $30.95 $277.20 $290.55 $425.00 $46.49 $340.78 $12,242.00 $637.00 $10,542.54 $177.18 $2,624.71 $704.16 $651.51 $272.07 $242.12 $162.00 $54.50 $83.50 $535.72 $2,032.62 $358.01 $20.94 $1,105.50 $363.19 VENDOR HOERNER, JAMES A SCHWARTZ, DAVID L WEBER, FRANCIS G LAMPERS, WENDY A MILLER, PEGGY J SPLINTER, SANDRA MARIE CASE, SUSAN S BRIMEYER, GAIL R FLEMING, POLLY M HOUSELOG, DIANE M HILLERY, RHONDA K BOFFELI, BERNICE F OSHEA, MAUREEN MARY DAACK, JAMES JOSEPH HILLERY, ELAINE J MONAHAN, WILLIAM E RAUCH, CATHERINE A DUBUQUE COUNTY SHERIFF DEPARTMENT IOWA DEPT OF REVENUE MINNESOTA CHILD SUPPORT PAYMENT CENTER PERFORMANT RECOVERY INC US DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION BLACK HILLS ENERGY DONATH, AMANDA HOOVER ELEMENTARY SCHOOL PETTY CASH MULGREW OIL COMPANY SPIELMAN, CHARLES STRELO, AUDREA L SWATT, CRAIG M. UNITED PARCEL SERVICE WONG, ALLISON MAE ADVANCED BUSINESS SYSTEMS INC ADVANCED KEYBOAD TECH ADVANCED SYSTEMS INC AHLERS & COONEY, P.C. AMAZON.COM CORPORATE CREDIT ANDERSON DESIGN‐CONSULTING INC ANDREW COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT APPLE INC. AREA RESIDENTIAL CARE, INC. ARMSTRONG MEDICAL INC. B & H PHOTO‐VIDEO B L MURRAY COMPANY INC BAKER & TAYLOR BOOKS BEST DISTRIBUTING INC BLICK ART MATERIALS BRIDEN PIANO SERVICE BURT STEVE AND SON GARAGE INC BUSINESS TELEPHONE SUPPLY CALLAHAN EQUIPMENT SERVICE, LLC CARNEGIE‐STOUT PUBLIC LIBRARY CAROLINA BIOLOGICAL SUPPLY COMPANY CARSON‐DELLOSA PUBLISHING LLC CENGAGE LEARNING CHERRY LANES 17 DUBUQUE COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT REGULAR MEETING JUNE 8, 2015 CHECK # 111317 111318 111319 111320 111321 111325 111326 111327 111328 111329 111330 111332 111333 111335 111338 111339 111340 111341 111343 111347 111350 111351 111352 111353 111354 111355 111357 111358 111359 111361 111362 111363 111365 111367 111368 111369 111370 111373 111374 111375 111376 111377 111378 111380 111381 111386 111388 111389 111390 111391 111392 111393 111394 111397 111398 111400 111402 29 AMOUNT $40.00 $174.00 $325.00 $553.00 $705.54 $60.85 $141.64 $268.47 $3,720.00 $106.23 $151.55 $89.00 $1,506.66 $156.00 $150.00 $12,168.75 $1,500.00 $265.00 $853.52 $30.84 $30.37 $358.06 $201,303.55 $2,004.75 $1,124.81 $3,196.78 $70.00 $1,866.14 $4,320.00 $1,186.00 $250.00 $100.00 $3,612.00 $50,101.75 $1,332.00 $231,961.30 $7,544.97 $24,385.43 $71,707.66 $155.92 $68.89 $1,491.83 $311.41 $122.75 $500.00 $2,694.00 $125.00 $31.00 $5,193.21 $554.90 $3,740.80 $240.39 $23.22 $63,050.00 $575.00 $89.63 $490.00 VENDOR CITY OF DUBUQUE ‐ WATER DEPT CLARKE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE BOARD COLLEGE BOARD EXAM BOARD COMELEC SERVICES, INC. COMFORT SUITES ‐ CEDAR FALLS CRYSTAL PRODUCTIONS DELUXE BUSINESS CHECKS & SOLUTIONS DEMCO INC DEPT OF ED BUREAU OF STUDENT & FAMILY DES MOINES PUBLIC SCHOOLS DEX MEDIA EAST, INC. DON JOHNSTON INCORPORATED DUBUQUE CHILD CARE CENTER DUBUQUE EDUCATION ASSOC. DYNACOMP INC DYNAMIC LEARNER CONSULTING, INC. EBSCO ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE EMPLOYERS MUTUAL CASUALTY CO ENTERPRISE RENT‐A‐CAR MIDWEST FAREWAY FLINN SCIENTIFIC INC FOLLETT SCHOOL SOLUTIONS, INC. FOUR OAKS FAMILY & CHILDREN SERVICES FUERSTE, CAREW, JUERGENS & SUDMEIER, PC GOODWILL INDUSTRIES OF NORTHEAST IOWA GOPHER SPORT GRIGGS MUSIC GUMDROP BOOKS DIVISION CENTRAL PROGRAMS HANDS UP COMMUNICATIONS HAWKEYE STAGES HEARTLAND TRAILER AND CONTAINER HEIAR BROTHERS FENCING & SUPPLY, INC HERBST UPHOLSTERY & AUTO FINISHING LTD HEWLETT‐PACKARD HIGLEY INDUSTRIES, INC. HILLCREST FAMILY SERVICES INC HILLS & DALES HOGLUND BODY AND EQUIPMENT, INC. HOLY FAMILY EARLY CHILDHOOD HOUGHTON MIFFLIN HARCOURT‐CUSTOMER SERV. HY‐VEE INC. HY‐VEE, INC HY‐VEE, INC. INSTRUMENTALIST AWARDS LLC IOWA DIRECT EQUIPMENT & APPRAISAL, LLC IOWA PRISON INDUSTRIES ‐ DES MOINES JAYLIN CORPORATION JET BUSINESS SOLUTIONS JOSTENS INC. JOSTENS OF BETTENDORF‐FRANK ZUCKER JP GASWAY COMPANY INC JUNIOR LIBRARY GUILD JW PEPPER & SON, INC. KEYSTONE AREA EDUCATION AGENCY KLAUER, KEN LAKESHORE LEARNING MATERIALS LANGUAGE TESTING INTERNATIONAL (LTI) 18 DUBUQUE COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT REGULAR MEETING JUNE 8, 2015 CHECK # 111403 111404 111405 111410 111411 111412 111413 111414 111415 111418 111420 111421 111422 111423 111424 111426 111430 111432 111433 111435 111436 111437 111440 111441 111445 111446 111447 111449 111450 111452 111453 111454 111459 111461 111465 111466 111467 111469 111470 111471 111472 111473 111474 111475 111477 111478 111479 111480 111481 111483 111484 111486 111487 111488 111489 111490 111492 30 AMOUNT $134.90 $187.50 $59.50 $12,130.00 $2,000.00 $38.00 $5,565.00 $365.97 $160.39 $341.17 $540.00 $480.51 $8,873.78 $176.60 $1,588.61 $798.00 $3,060.50 $5,599.76 $1,775.64 $100.14 $95.00 $6,521.56 $918.14 $10,276.70 $1,381.38 $52.75 $7,541.21 $670.00 $2,237.51 $1,163.50 $852.39 $165.00 $159.56 $60.70 $796.25 $285.00 $30.99 $50.22 $417.21 $273.00 $116.58 $98.10 $325.68 $160.00 $825.00 $184.46 $2,570.92 $5,093.28 $450.00 $300.00 $5,234.37 $1,280.65 $81.00 $5,772.15 $890.15 $7,173.44 $292.40 VENDOR LEARNING A‐Z LEISURE SERVICES DEPT LEMUR MUSIC LORAS COLLEGE PRODUCTIONS LT AMUSEMENTS L.L.C. LUCK'S MUSIC LIBRARY LUTHERAN SERVICES IN IOWA MAIL FINANCE MAIL SERVICES UNLIMITED MCGRAW HILL EDUCATION MEDICAL ASSOCIATES CLINIC PC MENARDS INC MERCY CHILD DEVELOPMENT CENTER MERCY FAMILY PHARMACY ‐ LANGWORTHY MIDWEST BUSINESS PRODUCTS MIDWEST COMPUTER PRODUCTS INC MONTICELLO SCHOOL DISTRICT MULGREW OIL COMPANY MUSIC SPEAKS NASCO NASSP NAT'L ASSOC OF SECONDARY NETWORK SERVICES COMPANY NORTH TAMA COUNTY COMM SCHOOLS NORTHEAST IOWA COMMUNITY COLLEGE‐CALMAR ONCE UPON A TIME BOOKSHOP ORIENTAL TRADING COMPANY INC OUR REDEEMER LUTHERAN PRESCHOOL PER MAR SECURITY SERVICES PERFECTION LEARNING CORPORATION PERRY, HUGH J PHONAK INC PIONEER VALLEY EDUCATIONAL PRESS INC. PYRAMID SCHOOL PRODUCTS QUILL CORPORATION REPUBLIC SERVICES #897 RIFTON EQUIPMENT RIVER CITY STONE SCHILLING SUPPLY COMPANY SCHINDLER ELEVATOR CORPORATION SCHOOL ADMINISTRATORS OF IOWA SCHOOL HEALTH CORPORATION SCHOOL OUTFITTERS SCHOOL SPECIALTY EDUCATION ESSENTIALS SCHULTE'S INSTRUMENT REPAIR SHOPBOT TOOLS, INC. SIGMA ‐ ALDRICH INC. SIMON'S LAWN CARE & MAINTENANCE SIOUX CITY COMM SCHOOL DISTRICT SISTERS OF THE PRESENTATION SPPG ‐ STATE PUBLIC POLICY GROUP STAPLES ADVANTAGE STULLER, INC. SU INSURANCE COMPANY SUPPLYWORKS SWIVL SYLVAN LEARNING CENTERS TEACHER DIRECT 19 DUBUQUE COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT REGULAR MEETING JUNE 8, 2015 CHECK # 111493 111494 111496 111500 111501 111502 111503 111504 111505 111506 111507 111508 111509 111510 111511 111513 111514 111515 111516 111517 111518 111520 111521 111524 111526 111528 111530 111531 111534 111535 111536 111538 111540 111542 111546 111551 111553 111554 111558 111561 111562 111563 111564 111565 111566 111569 111571 111575 111576 111577 111578 111579 111580 111581 111582 111583 111588 31 AMOUNT $767.76 $10,080.00 $33.64 $835.00 $900.00 $325.00 $220.00 $3,150.00 $984.00 $50.00 $730.00 $10.00 $2,338.25 $448.99 $390.00 $3,414.82 $2,958.00 $92.88 $245.00 $2,220.50 $3,570.00 $14,243.36 $3,625.00 $113,028.57 $1,708.50 $23,683.01 $55.00 $60.00 $181.44 $181.89 $266,649.82 $40.00 $381.52 $7,705.96 $200.00 $265.00 $151.00 $2,933.22 $67.51 $1,195.98 $1,196.47 $1,236.84 $752.79 $612.45 $649.92 $684.79 $670.09 $944.76 $688.95 $690.08 $418.77 $175.02 $38.88 $56.49 $857.46 $451.49 $191.60 VENDOR TEACHER'S DISCOVERY TEACHERS CURRICULUM INSTITUTE THE MUSIC STORE TRI‐STATE TRAVEL TROLLEYS OF DUBUQUE, INC. TWO BY TWO CAMPUS, INC. UNI MODEL UNITED NATIONS UNIFIED THERAPY SERVICES, INC. UNION HOERMANN PRESS UNIV OF IOWA MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY UNIVERSITY OF LOUISVILLE VALLEY ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES VAN METER INC. VERNIER SOFTWARE & TECHNOLOGY VOSS PEST CONTROL INC WAYPOINT SERVICES WEBER PAPER COMPANY WEBER PAPER COMPANY WEBER PORTRAIT DESIGN, LLC WEST MUSIC COMPANY WINDSTAR LINES, INC. YOUNG‐UNS CHILD CARE CENTER & PRESCHOOL YOUTH FRONTIERS, INC. ALLIANT ENERGY‐IP&L CENTURY LINK CONSTELLATION NEWENERGY GAS CORNERSTONE ELEANOR ROOSEVELT MIDDLE SCHOOL ENSIGN, LUCAS BRADY GRISWOLD, MOLLY IOWA COMMUNICATIONS NETWORK IOWA DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES ISTA ‐ IOWA STRING TEACHERS ASSOCIATION JOHNSON, ANGELA LEADERSHIP, LEARNING & ASSESSMENT LLC NATIONAL MISSISSIPPI RIVER MUSEUM & ROHNER, DANIEL SPIELMAN, CHARLES STRELO, AUDREA L WAL‐MART DUBUQUE HOERNER, JAMES A SCHWARTZ, DAVID L WEBER, FRANCIS G LAMPERS, WENDY A MILLER, PEGGY J SPLINTER, SANDRA MARIE CASE, SUSAN S BRIMEYER, GAIL R FLEMING, POLLY M HOUSELOG, DIANE M HILLERY, RHONDA K BOFFELI, BERNICE F OSHEA, MAUREEN MARY DAACK, JAMES JOSEPH HILLERY, ELAINE J MONAHAN, WILLIAM E RAUCH, CATHERINE A DUBUQUE COUNTY SHERIFF DEPARTMENT 20 DUBUQUE COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT REGULAR MEETING JUNE 8, 2015 CHECK # 111589 111590 111591 111592 111593 111595 111598 111599 111601 111602 111608 111610 111616 111617 111618 111627 111630 111631 111632 111635 111636 111637 111638 111639 111640 111641 111644 111646 111650 111651 111652 111653 111654 111655 111656 111657 111658 111660 111661 111662 111663 111664 111665 111666 111667 111668 111669 111670 111671 111672 111673 111674 111675 111676 111677 111678 111679 32 AMOUNT $515.59 $87.48 $139.50 $54.31 $100.00 $2,195.35 $44.47 $9,000.00 $248.40 $28.05 $49.00 $200.00 $198.63 $1,404.00 $20,974.07 $600.00 $86.95 $602.46 $32.67 $198.63 $1,173.06 $1,196.55 $1,213.84 $765.18 $612.45 $700.22 $669.43 $674.38 $944.76 $702.32 $621.45 $320.98 $171.80 $46.66 $25.38 $927.42 $425.49 $3,386.88 $3,205.27 $3,110.49 $1,260.89 $3,901.85 $2,552.31 $3,227.78 $651.49 $728.08 $614.44 $230.00 $30.00 $1,291.07 $515.59 $87.48 $1,002.70 $516.06 $462.44 $1,998.66 $900.00 VENDOR IOWA DEPT OF REVENUE MINNESOTA CHILD SUPPORT PAYMENT CENTER PERFORMANT RECOVERY INC US DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION GEORGE WASHINGTON MIDDLE SCHOOL BLACK HILLS ENERGY CENTURY LINK CENTURY LINK ‐ PHOENIX DONATH, AMANDA DUBUQUE METRO AREA SOLID WASTE AGENCY HARTIG USA DRUG STORE KLINEBRIEL, JILL MITCHELL, BRUCE M. MUELLER, KAY MULGREW OIL COMPANY THEOBALD, DAVID UNITED PARCEL SERVICE US CELLULAR WEBER PAPER COMPANY ZIETLOW, JOHN Z HOERNER, JAMES A SCHWARTZ, DAVID L WEBER, FRANCIS G LAMPERS, WENDY A MILLER, PEGGY J SPLINTER, SANDRA MARIE CASE, SUSAN S BRIMEYER, GAIL R FLEMING, POLLY M HOUSELOG, DIANE M HILLERY, RHONDA K BOFFELI, BERNICE F OSHEA, MAUREEN MARY DAACK, JAMES JOSEPH HILLERY, ELAINE J MONAHAN, WILLIAM E RAUCH, CATHERINE A THOLE, RHONDA L WEBER, STEFANI L WARD, LAURA JEAN ANDERSON, NORMAN EARL PARKIN, CHAD M POWERS, MARTHA AVELLEYRA READY, VIVIAN KATHERINE KASS, NATHANIEL T LARSON, LORRAINE R SCHAEFER, MARGARET M CARPENTERS LOCAL 678 DCSD FOUNDATION DUBUQUE COUNTY SHERIFF DEPARTMENT IOWA DEPT OF REVENUE MINNESOTA CHILD SUPPORT PAYMENT CENTER PERFORMANT RECOVERY INC PHEAA PENN HIGHER EDUC ASSISTANCE AGENCY PIONEER CREDIT RECOVERY, INC. SERVICE EMPLOYEES INTL STATE DISBURSEMENT UNIT 21 DUBUQUE COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT REGULAR MEETING JUNE 8, 2015 CHECK # 111680 111681 111682 111691 111694 111708 N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C 33 AMOUNT $4,793.75 $873.00 $378.85 $115.00 $25.00 $40.00 $1,756.83 $59,640.00 $116,176.24 $110,976.62 $639.24 $26,042.08 $557,090.00 $247.25 $247.52 $7.80 $69.58 $83.95 $247.25 $238.15 $247.25 $34.96 $83.95 $17.97 $9.20 $20.00 $36.00 $215.05 $329,521.44 $260.64 $53.02 $144.34 $563.10 $8.51 $231.15 $200.00 $6.42 $907.15 $10.29 $10.20 $78.09 $215.05 $34.20 $7.12 $393.33 $7.01 $55.01 $25.45 $231.15 $76.00 $420.28 $20,412.49 $575.00 $19,203.58 $1,800.74 $63,282.69 $121,689.26 VENDOR TEAMSTERS LOCAL 120 UNITED WAY SERVICES US DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION IOWA CITY WEST HIGH SCHOOL MATH CLUB KEVIN CONLON MEMORIAL TEAM BUILDING BLOCKS, LLC COLLECTION SERVICES CENTER‐PAYROLL FEDERAL TAX WITHHOLDING FICA WITHHOLDING ‐ EMPLOYEE IA PUBLIC EMP RETIREMENT‐EMPLOYEE ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE IOWA STATE TAX WITHHOLDING PAYROLL NET ‐ ACH CARD, BOYD A MURPHY, NANCY A TIGGES, JENNIFER L VOSBERG, MARY PATRICIA KOLKER, JERALD LEE ANDERSON, LORI A DUVEL, BRENDA L JOHNSON, CHRISTINE A BREITBACH, TERRENCE THOMAS KUHLE, BRIAN T BIRDSALL, ANGELA F FROMMELT, LYNETTE L. SEITZ, PETER J LOETSCHER, SARA S BERNA, NICOLE M HARRIS N.A. WUERTZER, JEAN A DAVIS, GLENDA J SMITH, SUSAN JEAN HELLE, KRISTIN L RIGDON, LYNN A SINGLETARY, CHRISTOPHER HERMSEN, ROSEMARIE REED, ELIZABETH M BAPPE, KARI E JENSEN, JANET C CALDWELL, ASHLEY A LEITZEN, AMBER K TILL, RICK J FINK, MARY M FLORENCE, BEVERLY J HOWES, BRIAN J DIGMANN, KARLA J RICKLEFS, ANDREA L WEINER, JAMIE L STEURI, WANDA J HAMILTON, BRIDGET A KELLY, KATHERINE A. TIMBERLINE BILLING SERVICE LLC RADIO DUBUQUE, INC. CITY OF DUBUQUE ‐ WATER DEPT COLLECTION SERVICES CENTER‐PAYROLL FEDERAL TAX WITHHOLDING FICA WITHHOLDING ‐ EMPLOYEE 22 DUBUQUE COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT REGULAR MEETING JUNE 8, 2015 CHECK # N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C 34 AMOUNT $118,431.41 $684.78 $27,763.51 $464.74 $12,256.25 $581,232.94 $5.06 $15.93 $349.60 $101.78 $10.93 $21.85 $665.56 $17.83 $9.72 $83.95 $16.10 $24.84 $13.57 $19.49 $31.97 $38.58 $31.74 $77.02 $10.12 $47.15 $30.02 $6.90 $33.07 $28.29 $28.18 $31.28 $283.21 $5.64 $339.79 $35.54 $231.15 $19.44 $69.58 $25.53 $27.31 $14.90 $20.24 $124.08 $17.94 $5.64 $48.24 $7.42 $22.94 $14.84 $119.66 $21.79 $92.75 $24.84 $16.04 $25.65 $30.30 VENDOR IA PUBLIC EMP RETIREMENT‐EMPLOYEE ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE IOWA STATE TAX WITHHOLDING MARSH ADVANTAGE AMERICA ‐ EMPLOYEE MEDICAL ASSOCIATES ‐ I PLAN (EMPLOYEE) PAYROLL NET ‐ ACH BARBER, CHELSY J HAMILTON, BRIDGET A CARD, BOYD A HABEL, ERIN V HINGTGEN, MAE L VANSTEENBURG, MARY E WIDMEIER, RITA M MOELLER, DAVID C LILLESKOV, ROBIN M DEARDORFF, LEIGH M CULLEN, MOLLY J LANGE, CHRIS A PARUCH, SANDY L WEIDEMANN, SARAH J WILLIAMS, JANET M STEURI, WANDA J WALSH, STACI A LAGEN, JOAN M BARBER, BLYTHE PFEILER, BARBARA L SCHUSTER‐DAVIS, AMANDA M. BUDDE, TARA M. COBLE, LOLA M CONATSER, WANDA DAACK, BELINDA C DUCLOS, LORIE M DUVEL, BRENDA L HEITZMAN, JOAN M WARDER, ROZANNE C VOSBERG, MARY PATRICIA RHEINGANS, STANTON L SULECKI, SARA E POLING, ROGER P LESSEI, AMY L LIRIANO‐CABA, ESPERANZA A MEYERS, CHRISTINE M MC AULIFF, CHARISSA S PIKE, JO LYNN SCHADLER, CINDY L SCHMITT, KIM M SIMON, KATHY LYNN STUECK, TAMARA L WERNER, CHERYL ANN WHITE, ALLIE M. WIEBERSCH, KEITH T ZUGENBUEHLER, MARC C ANDERSON, LORI A EL KHATIB, JANET M FREUND, MARABETH L. GASSMAN, AIMEE L HILLERY, RHONDA K 23 DUBUQUE COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT REGULAR MEETING JUNE 8, 2015 CHECK # N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C 35 AMOUNT $224.68 $79.35 $7.82 $7.25 $114.25 $47.61 $36.46 $22.94 $114.43 $236.10 $18.52 $517.93 $22.83 $12.31 $52.44 $48.24 $96.54 $46.58 $43.36 $121.67 $30.13 $113.56 $16.73 $23.00 $19.38 $8.05 $7.76 $6.10 $87.63 $14.97 $10.65 $170.29 $82.23 $16.74 $22.50 $78.41 $96.18 $115.41 $22.64 $569.10 $249.25 $595.78 $127.65 $80.88 $6,865.04 $2,741.09 $41,272.18 $573,784.11 $838,566.72 $8,437.98 $847,631.21 $6,337.41 $38,939.33 $228,413.15 $13,404.70 $318,930.20 $382,338.38 VENDOR JOHNSON, CHRISTINE A KELLY, JULIE A KNEPPER, ROBERT J. LANSER, CARLA J LEHMANN, CATHLEEN J LEITZEN, AMBER K HARWICK, CHAD K KUTSCH, DENNIS F. MEJIA, RICARDO R SULLIVAN, CHRISTOPHER M PULS, STEPHANIE A DEMMER, LISA M VROTSOS, BARBARA ANN BREITBACH, ANGELA D SMITH, MICHAEL ALLEN BIRDSALL, ANGELA F MICHELS, CLINT R VALENTINE, RANDY D MC POLAND, KELLI DERKS, JENNIFER D. TIESKOTTER, BRIANNA N DELLAERT, SCOTT L WUERTZER, JEAN A BOXLEITER, JENNIFER A KALB, CATHY SUE MATTHEWS, RODNEY O RAMLER, RHONDA K SCHROMEN, DEBRA HOFFMAN, JEREMY D BACKES, ROBERT J THOR, VINCENT S FLANAGAN, CHRISTINE M. SANDS, JAMES P WUERTZER, JEAN A FICA WITHHOLDING ‐ EMPLOYEE FEDERAL TAX WITHHOLDING FICA WITHHOLDING ‐ EMPLOYEE IA PUBLIC EMP RETIREMENT‐EMPLOYEE IOWA STATE TAX WITHHOLDING PAYROLL NET ‐ ACH RAYMOND, CANDACE L KRAUSE, AULANDA L BOXLEITER, JENNIFER A DELLAERT, SCOTT L AFLAC ‐ EMPLOYEE COLLECTION SERVICES CENTER‐PAYROLL DUBUQUE EDUCATION ASSOCIATION FEDERAL TAX WITHHOLDING FICA WITHHOLDING ‐ EMPLOYEE HARTFORD LIFE INSURANCE IA PUBLIC EMP RETIREMENT‐EMPLOYEE ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE ING ‐ COMMON REMITTER IOWA STATE TAX WITHHOLDING MADISON NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. MARSH ADVANTAGE AMERICA ‐ EMPLOYEE MEDICAL ASSOCIATES ‐ I PLAN (EMPLOYEE) 24 DUBUQUE COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT REGULAR MEETING JUNE 8, 2015 CHECK # N/C N/C N/C 110188 110821 110637 111121 TOTAL AMOUNT $3,783,885.42 $741,233.94 $1,866.44 ‐$153.01 ‐$211.86 ‐$188.32 ‐$205.70 $11,468,934.65 VENDOR PAYROLL NET ‐ ACH MEDICAL ASSOCIATES HMO (EMPLOYEE) BP CREDIT CARD CENTER WARRANT VOIDED WARRANT VOIDED WARRANT VOIDED WARRANT VOIDED STUDENT ACTIVITY FUND DISBURSEMENTS CHECK # 111254 111256 111257 111258 111261 111262 111265 111266 111267 111268 111269 111271 111272 111273 111274 111275 111280 111281 111283 111284 111285 111286 111287 111292 111293 111304 111314 111323 111324 111331 111336 111337 111343 111344 111346 111349 111351 111356 111360 111371 111372 111376 111377 111378 111381 36 AMOUNT $105.00 $200.00 $110.00 $1,000.00 $106.27 $110.00 $400.00 $400.00 $110.00 $733.34 $105.00 $450.00 $190.00 $102.59 $44.00 $105.00 $90.00 $70.00 $110.00 $1,105.50 $9,885.40 $157.25 $60.00 $2,854.00 $102.00 $658.40 $175.00 $40.32 $1,332.80 $926.90 $408.00 $4.34 $1,113.33 $5,209.28 $862.05 $7,871.85 $1,287.80 $1,304.86 $2,534.00 $971.00 $27.10 $116.26 $199.80 $864.07 $2,150.00 ADAMS, DON J. BLANCHARD, MICHELLE CROWE, ROBERT A. DILLON, TERRY M. GOEDKEN, RODNEY A HOELSCHER, THOMAS KIZER, KENNETH A. KIZER, LORI LASSANCE, PAUL LOEBACH, MARGARET IRENE MAIERS, CHRISTIAN NOEL, JOHN PIGGOTT, TIMOTHY RIJPMA, JORDEN S C SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL SINTON, MARK HENRY WATERLOO WEST HIGH SCHOOL WESTERN DUBUQUE HIGH SCHOOL YOKO, GREGORY ACT ADRENALINE FUNDRAISING ‐ CHATFIELD ADVANCE DESIGNS INC ADVANCE TROPHY AJG TIMES 3 SCREEN PRINTING ALL ABOUT THE SHIRT BEST WESTERN REGENCY CEDAR RAPIDS WASHINGTON HIGH SCHOOL COPYWORKS COUNTRY INN & SUITES BY CARLSON DIAMOND JO CASINO DUBUQUE GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB DUBUQUE HOSE & HYDRAULICS ENTERPRISE RENT‐A‐CAR MIDWEST ENVISION SPORTS DESIGN FAIRFIELD INN & SUITES ‐ AMES FIRST CLASS TRAVEL, INC. FOLLETT SCHOOL SOLUTIONS, INC. GRAPHIC EDGE HAPPY JOES DELIVERY & CARRYOUT HITTING WORLD HOBBY LOBBY CREATIVE CENTERS HY‐VEE INC. HY‐VEE, INC HY‐VEE, INC. IOWA DIRECT EQUIPMENT & APPRAISAL, LLC 25 DUBUQUE COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT REGULAR MEETING JUNE 8, 2015 CHECK # 111382 111383 111384 111385 111387 111390 111395 111406 111407 111409 111411 111416 111421 111427 111428 111429 111431 111434 111438 111439 111449 111451 111455 111457 111458 111460 111462 111463 111468 111476 111482 111485 111491 111497 111498 111499 111500 111512 111517 111523 111525 111527 111529 111532 111533 111537 111539 111541 111543 111544 111545 111547 111548 111549 111550 111552 111555 37 AMOUNT $11,160.00 $2.00 $816.00 $150.00 $414.00 $453.60 $3,025.00 $52.16 $100.00 $5,165.00 $1,500.00 $18,548.00 $1,729.12 $78.00 $2,143.95 $654.60 $505.00 $3,347.96 $215.00 $195.00 $532.00 $532.32 $8,570.60 $177.00 $3,002.31 $469.65 $3,474.99 $270.04 $51.15 $1,320.00 $475.76 $589.50 $102.52 $50.00 $71.00 $550.00 $35,218.00 $13,582.00 $9.50 $146.66 $952.82 $165.00 $110.00 $171.96 $122.28 $150.00 $140.00 $95.00 $220.00 $105.00 $107.10 $105.00 $110.00 $111.06 $103.42 $105.00 $2,300.00 VENDOR IOWA FUNDRAISING, INC. IOWA HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETIC ASSOC. IOWA HIGH SCHOOL MUSIC ASSOCIATION IOWA HIGH SCHOOL SPEECH ASSOCIATION J & M FUNDRAISING JOSTENS INC. KALMES STORE & RESTAURANT LIME ROCK SPRINGS COMPANY LITTLE CAESARS PIZZA LORAS COLLEGE DANCE MARATHON LT AMUSEMENTS L.L.C. MANHATTAN CONCERT PRODUCTIONS MENARDS INC MINDFRAME THEATERS MINNTEX CITRUS MOLLYS SILVER SCREEN CANTEEN MONTICELLO SPORTS MYERS‐COX COMPANY NICHOLS PUBLISHING COMPANY, INC. NOEL, JOHN PER MAR SECURITY SERVICES PERFORMANCE ENHANCEMENT PLANE ART DESIGNS, INC. PREMIER LINEN & DRY CLEANING SERVICES PROM NITE QUAD CITY TIMES R & H THEATRICALS RAPID RIBBONS SAMUEL FRENCH INC. SCHULTZ STRING SOCCER.COM STERLING ATHLETICS TARGET BANK TIGGES, JUDY TNT FRAMING, ENGRAVING & AWARDS TRI‐STATE ELITE BASEBALL ACADEMY TRI‐STATE TRAVEL WALSWORTH PUBLISHING CO. INC. WEST MUSIC COMPANY AL YASSIRI, LATIF BOYS & GIRLS CLUB CLINTON HIGH SCHOOL CROWE, ROBERT A. FISCHER, TERRY GOEDKEN, RODNEY A IOWA GIRLS HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETIC UNION J‐HAWK SOFTBALL KRATZ, AMELIA MARIE MAIERS, CHRISTIAN MARTIN, TIM NABER, MATTHEW JAMES PALMER, MICHAEL PIGGOTT, TIMOTHY PLUMMER, BECKY RIJPMA, JORDEN S C SINTON, MARK HENRY TRI‐STATE TRAVEL 26 DUBUQUE COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT REGULAR MEETING JUNE 8, 2015 CHECK # 111556 111557 111558 111559 111560 111585 111586 111587 111594 111600 111607 111609 111610 111611 111612 111613 111614 111615 111619 111621 111622 111626 111628 111629 111633 111634 111683 111684 111686 111687 111688 111689 111690 111692 111693 111695 111696 111697 111698 111699 111700 111701 111702 111703 111704 111705 111706 111707 111709 N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C 38 AMOUNT $105.00 $142.93 $1,025.62 $55.00 $70.00 $3,432.00 $1,012.00 $3,666.00 $95.00 $105.00 $244.56 $50.00 $175.00 $95.00 $350.00 $358.00 $220.00 $105.00 $4,125.00 $105.00 $95.00 $105.00 $95.00 $5,500.00 $155.00 $60.00 $105.00 $95.00 $8.85 $300.00 $132.00 $1,848.00 $448.00 $3,408.00 $267.50 $60.00 $220.00 $205.00 $190.00 $200.00 $55.00 $117.28 $113.42 $280.00 $132.00 $132.00 $267.50 $40.00 $105.00 $51.72 $321.40 $121.87 $2.14 $33.64 $1,803.14 $15,103.73 $762.95 VENDOR TSCHIGGFRIE, STEVEN TURNER, TYLER WAL‐MART DUBUQUE WEST DELAWARE SCHOOL DISTRICT WESTERN DUBUQUE HIGH SCHOOL HEMPSTEAD HIGH SCHOOL HEMPSTEAD HIGH SCHOOL SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL ADAMS, DON J. CROWE, ROBERT A. GOEDKEN, RODNEY A IOWA GIRLS HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETIC UNION KLINEBRIEL, JILL LASSANCE, PAUL LINDSAY, SIRENA LORAS COLLEGE DANCE MARATHON MAIERS, CHRISTIAN MARTIN, TIM NATIONAL MISSISSIPPI RIVER MUSEUM & OOSTENDORP, NICOLE MARIE PIGGOTT, TIMOTHY SINTON, MARK HENRY TSCHIGGFRIE, STEVEN UCA SUMMER CAMP WESTERN DUBUQUE HIGH SCHOOL YOKO, GREGORY ADAMS, DON J. BARNES, TAYLOR EDWARD GEORGE WASHINGTON MIDDLE SCHOOL. HEMMER, PAUL E. HEMPSTEAD HIGH SCHOOL HEMPSTEAD HIGH SCHOOL HEMPSTEAD HIGH SCHOOL IOWA GIRLS HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETIC UNION ISENHART, CHARLES W. KIRK, DEEANA LASSANCE, PAUL MAIERS, CHRISTIAN OOSTENDORP, NICOLE MARIE PALMER, MICHAEL PIGGOTT, TIMOTHY RENNER, JR., TERRY J. RIJPMA, JORDEN S C SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL SINTON, MARK HENRY SOLON HIGH SCHOOL TSCHIGGFRIE, STEVEN FEDERAL TAX WITHHOLDING FICA WITHHOLDING ‐ EMPLOYEE IA PUBLIC EMP RETIREMENT‐EMPLOYEE ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE IOWA STATE TAX WITHHOLDING PAYROLL NET ‐ ACH HARRIS N.A. RIEPE, KATHERINE M 27 DUBUQUE COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT REGULAR MEETING JUNE 8, 2015 CHECK # N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C 111151 TOTAL AMOUNT $158.00 $63.60 $66.64 $116.60 $5.98 $39.55 $307.59 $40.00 $45.24 $33.61 $193.44 $54.91 $4.73 $14.17 $1,366.19 $508.11 $1,185.96 $894.06 $11.27 $246.75 $6,281.52 $291.03 ‐$75.00 $231,715.74 VENDOR ANDERSON, NORMAN EARL MURPHY, PATRICK J CUVELIER, THOMAS GENE WITTMAN, GARY D SHEEHAN, ERICA C CLOWARD, COLEEN T FISCHER, CAROLYN E ERNZEN, GREGORY J FICA WITHHOLDING ‐ EMPLOYEE FEDERAL TAX WITHHOLDING FICA WITHHOLDING ‐ EMPLOYEE IA PUBLIC EMP RETIREMENT‐EMPLOYEE ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE IOWA STATE TAX WITHHOLDING PAYROLL NET ‐ ACH FEDERAL TAX WITHHOLDING FICA WITHHOLDING ‐ EMPLOYEE IA PUBLIC EMP RETIREMENT‐EMPLOYEE ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE IOWA STATE TAX WITHHOLDING PAYROLL NET ‐ ACH BP CREDIT CARD CENTER WARRANT VOIDED MANAGEMENT FUND DISBURSEMENTS CHECK # 111260 N/C N/C N/C TOTAL AMOUNT $7,097.55 $10,392.16 $4,848.46 $12,328.93 $34,667.10 EMPLOYERS MUTUAL CASUALTY CO MARSH ADVANTAGE AMERICA ‐ EMPLOYEE MEDICAL ASSOCIATES ‐ I PLAN (EMPLOYEE) MEDICAL ASSOCIATES HMO (EMPLOYEE) SAVE SALES TAX FUND DISBURSEMENTS CHECK # 111291 111322 111345 111348 111362 111379 111426 111522 N/C N/C TOTAL AMOUNT $650.00 $620,988.11 $8,209.27 $13,048.50 $960.00 $711.00 $48,269.70 $4,411.50 $9,648.95 $46.00 $706,943.03 AHLERS & COONEY, P.C. CONLON CONSTRUCTION CO. EVER WHITE FEH ASSOCIATES, INC HEARTLAND TRAILER AND CONTAINER IIW, P.C. MIDWEST COMPUTER PRODUCTS INC ZONES, INC. HARRIS N.A. TRI‐TECHNICAL SYSTEMS, INC. PHYSICAL PLANT & EQUIPMENT FUND DISBURSEMENTS CHECK # 111291 111295 111310 111373 111379 39 AMOUNT $500.00 $6,500.00 $1,728.68 $3,989.75 $5,350.00 AHLERS & COONEY, P.C. ANDERSON DESIGN‐CONSULTING INC CALLAHAN EQUIPMENT SERVICE, LLC HOGLUND BODY AND EQUIPMENT, INC. IIW, P.C. 28 DUBUQUE COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT REGULAR MEETING JUNE 8, 2015 CHECK # 111381 111399 111417 111419 111495 111519 TOTAL AMOUNT $4,300.00 $2,850.00 $30,178.73 $11,100.00 $12,160.00 $7,748.91 $86,406.07 VENDOR IOWA DIRECT EQUIPMENT & APPRAISAL, LLC KOLKMAN TENNIS AND SPORT SURFACES, LLC MCGLADREY LLP MEAL MAGIC CORPORATION TEAM SERVICES XEROX CORPORATION DEBT SERVICE FUND DISBURSEMENTS CHECK # TOTAL AMOUNT $0.00 NUTRITION FUND DISBURSEMENTS CHECK # 111231 111232 111234 111236 111237 111238 111248 111249 111305 111342 111364 111366 111376 111396 111401 111408 111425 111442 111443 111444 111448 111456 111464 111484 111567 111568 111570 111572 111573 111574 111584 111588 111623 111631 111642 111643 111645 111647 111648 111649 111659 40 AMOUNT $672.64 $408.21 $352.16 $536.56 $828.53 $568.68 $580.00 $90.36 $78.00 $1,896.90 $103.35 $425.63 $3,815.00 $21,743.15 $7.60 $8,079.36 $3,906.03 $1,134.00 $1,120.50 $1,307.73 $5,648.31 $31,090.35 $114,504.31 $144.35 $741.91 $507.15 $386.78 $595.58 $569.57 $626.51 $580.00 $136.74 $210.00 $38.74 $711.87 $478.92 $386.78 $570.58 $469.36 $626.51 $553.00 JOHNSON, SHELLY M MORGAN, JUDITH K REGAN, CAROL A STEFFY, JOAN M DUSCHEN, LINDA A FELLER, DONNA M LAUFENBERG, DEBBIE A DUBUQUE COUNTY SHERIFF DEPARTMENT BI, YAN EMS DETERGENT SERVICES HENSON, JENNIFER HERITAGE FOOD SERVICE EQUIPMENT INC HY‐VEE INC. KECK INC LANGNER, BETHANIE LOFFREDO FRESH PRODUCE CO. INC MIDWEST COCA‐COLA BOTTLING COMPANY NPC INTERNATIONAL INC NPC INTERNATIONAL INC. NPC INTERNATIONAL, INC PAN‐O‐GOLD BAKING COMPANY PRAIRIE FARMS DAIRY REINHART FOODSERVICE STAPLES ADVANTAGE JOHNSON, SHELLY M MORGAN, JUDITH K REGAN, CAROL A STEFFY, JOAN M DUSCHEN, LINDA A FELLER, DONNA M LAUFENBERG, DEBBIE A DUBUQUE COUNTY SHERIFF DEPARTMENT SCHOOL NUTRITION ASSOCIATION OF IOWA US CELLULAR JOHNSON, SHELLY M MORGAN, JUDITH K REGAN, CAROL A STEFFY, JOAN M DUSCHEN, LINDA A FELLER, DONNA M LAUFENBERG, DEBBIE A 29 DUBUQUE COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT REGULAR MEETING JUNE 8, 2015 CHECK # 111672 111680 111710 N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C TOTAL AMOUNT $159.34 $931.00 $242.76 $13,569.88 $5,839.16 $12,888.59 $36.55 $2,594.77 $64,386.85 $599.67 $39.98 $12,013.10 $6,706.93 $2,809.68 $14,283.51 $35.83 $2,985.25 $522.43 $70,026.86 $0.81 $1.96 $31.40 $8.97 $17.37 $382.95 $4.14 $42.44 $66.24 $104.48 $6,556.24 $14,640.40 $448.96 $14,172.66 $44.32 $100.00 $2,902.02 $267.05 $5,204.92 $9,856.65 $68,407.99 $16,117.54 $557,283.36 VENDOR DUBUQUE COUNTY SHERIFF DEPARTMENT TEAMSTERS LOCAL 120 WAL‐MART DUBUQUE FICA WITHHOLDING ‐ EMPLOYEE FEDERAL TAX WITHHOLDING IA PUBLIC EMP RETIREMENT‐EMPLOYEE ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE IOWA STATE TAX WITHHOLDING PAYROLL NET ‐ ACH HARRIS N.A. AFLAC ‐ EMPLOYEE FICA WITHHOLDING ‐ EMPLOYEE FEDERAL TAX WITHHOLDING FICA WITHHOLDING ‐ EMPLOYEE IA PUBLIC EMP RETIREMENT‐EMPLOYEE ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE IOWA STATE TAX WITHHOLDING MEDICAL ASSOCIATES ‐ I PLAN (EMPLOYEE) PAYROLL NET ‐ ACH DENLINGER, KAREN S COOK, CAROL J BARTELLA, SARA M SALOW, KELSEY C MORGAN, JUDITH K FRANCK, JOANN B SCHUMAN, JENNIFER D CUPPS, JUNE M MEHRL, JANET A AFLAC ‐ EMPLOYEE FEDERAL TAX WITHHOLDING FICA WITHHOLDING ‐ EMPLOYEE HARTFORD LIFE INSURANCE IA PUBLIC EMP RETIREMENT‐EMPLOYEE ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE ING ‐ COMMON REMITTER IOWA STATE TAX WITHHOLDING MADISON NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. MARSH ADVANTAGE AMERICA ‐ EMPLOYEE MEDICAL ASSOCIATES ‐ I PLAN (EMPLOYEE) PAYROLL NET ‐ ACH MEDICAL ASSOCIATES HMO (EMPLOYEE) CLEARING FUND DISBURSEMENTS CHECK # 111255 111263 111524 111595 111597 111606 111685 N/C N/C N/C N/C 41 AMOUNT $189.99 $204.00 $3,316.34 $65.86 $499.00 $143.00 $420.00 $17,108.21 $20,720.61 $1,742.00 $30,566.66 BLACK HILLS ENERGY HOOVER COMMUNITY COUNCIL ALLIANT ENERGY‐IP&L BLACK HILLS ENERGY CARVER ELEMENTARY PTG GEORGE WASHINGTON MIDDLE SCHOOL PTO GEORGE WASHINGTON MIDDLE SCHOOL PTO SELF INSURED SERVICES COMPANY DELTA DENTAL OF IOWA SELF INSURED SERVICES COMPANY DELTA DENTAL OF IOWA 30 DUBUQUE COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT REGULAR MEETING JUNE 8, 2015 CHECK # N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C TOTAL AMOUNT $6,214.05 $0.08 $18,947.18 $9,999.66 $31,184.84 $1,501.50 $24,957.17 $167,780.15 VENDOR SELF INSURED SERVICES COMPANY AFLAC ‐ EMPLOYEE MARSH ADVANTAGE AMERICA ‐ EMPLOYEE MEDICAL ASSOCIATES ‐ I PLAN (EMPLOYEE) MEDICAL ASSOCIATES HMO (EMPLOYEE) SELF INSURED SERVICES COMPANY DELTA DENTAL OF IOWA EXPENDABLE TRUST FUND DISBURSEMENTS CHECK # TOTAL AMOUNT $0.00 HOSPITALITY FUND DISBURSEMENTS CHECK # 111334 111378 111425 111596 111603 111604 111605 111620 111624 111625 111686 N/C N/C TOTAL 42 AMOUNT $20.97 $87.78 $160.19 $100.00 $75.00 $100.00 $100.00 $45.00 $100.00 $100.00 $3.99 $403.97 $90.07 $1,386.97 DUBUQUE COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT HY‐VEE, INC. MIDWEST COCA‐COLA BOTTLING COMPANY BLOCKER, JOHN F DUCHOW, ANN L EYRES, MITCHELL L FRIENDS OF HOMACHO OLSON, CRAIG R SCHUETZ, FLORENCE M SCHUETZ, GREGORY D GEORGE WASHINGTON MIDDLE SCHOOL. HARRIS N.A. HEFEL, ERIN L 31 DUBUQUE COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT REGULAR MEETING JUNE 8, 2015 RECAPITULATION - OPERATING FUND GROUP $31,182,021.32 $8,012,860.67 ($11,468,934.65) ($410,735.00) $410,735.00 $8,103.04 ($4,382.69) ($129,964.40) $8,951.72 $27,608,655.01 $1,300.00 $0.00 $27,609,955.01 OPERATING FUND MAY 1, 2015 CHECKING BALANCE RECEIPTS FOR MAY DISBURSEMENTS FOR MAY AEA FLOWTHROUGH EXPENSE TRANSFER AEA FLOWTHROUGH REVENUE TRANSFER REVENUE TRANSFER FROM OTHER FUNDS EXPENSE TRANSFER FROM OTHER FUNDS PAYROLL BENEFITS USING REVENUE CODE DEFERRED REVENUE CODE USED FOR A TRANSFER MAY 31, 2015 CHECKING BALANCE PETTY CASH INVESTMENTS MAY 31, 2015 SECRETARY'S BOOK BALANCE $878,309.25 $185,748.11 ($231,715.74) ($3,424.42) $100.00 $829,017.20 STUDENT ACTIVITY FUND MAY 1, 2015 CHECKING BALANCE RECEIPTS FOR MAY DISBURSEMENTS FOR MAY EXPENSE TRANSFER FROM OTHER FUNDS REVENUE TRANSFER FROM OTHER FUNDS MAY 31, 2015 CHECKING BALANCE $11,425.00 $0.00 $840,442.20 PETTY CASH INVESTMENTS MAY 31, 2015 SECRETARY'S BOOK BALANCE $10,713,484.14 $152,621.76 ($34,667.10) $10,831,438.80 MANAGEMENT FUND MAY 1, 2015 CHECKING BALANCE RECEIPTS FOR MAY DISBURSEMENTS FOR MAY MAY 31, 2015 CHECKING BALANCE $0.00 $0.00 $10,831,438.80 PETTY CASH INVESTMENTS MAY 31, 2015 SECRETARY'S BOOK BALANCE $14,107,448.88 $746,291.30 ($706,943.03) ($234,487.69) $13,912,309.46 SAVE SALES TAX FUND MAY 1, 2015 CHECKING BALANCE RECEIPTS FOR MAY DISBURSEMENTS FOR MAY EXPENSE TRANSFER TO OTHER FUNDS MAY 31, 2015 CHECKING BALANCE $0.00 $0.00 $13,912,309.46 PETTY CASH CASH IN RESERVE MAY 31, 2015 SECRETARY'S BOOK BALANCE $5,596,824.87 $120,408.28 ($86,406.07) $0.00 $5,630,827.08 PHYSICAL PLANT & EQUIPMENT FUND MAY 1, 2015 CHECKING BALANCE RECEIPTS FOR MAY DISBURSEMENTS FOR MAY EXPENSE TRANSFER FROM OTHER FUNDS MAY 31, 2015 CHECKING BALANCE $0.00 $0.00 $5,630,827.08 PETTY CASH INVESTMENTS MAY 31, 2015 SECRETARY'S BOOK BALANCE $28.72 $0.00 $0.00 $234,487.69 ($234,487.69) $28.72 DEBT SERVICE FUND MAY 1, 2015 CHECKING BALANCE RECEIPTS FOR MAY DISBURSEMENTS FOR MAY REVENUE TRANSFER FROM OTHER FUNDS CASH WITH FISCAL AGENT - ESCROW MAY 31, 2015 CHECKING BALANCE 32 43 DUBUQUE COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT REGULAR MEETING JUNE 8, 2015 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,813,281.92 $3,377,654.89 $0.00 $5,190,965.53 PETTY CASH CASH IN RESERVE - PARITY CASH IN RESERVE - SUBORDINATE CASH WITH FISCAL AGENT - ESCROW CASH WITH FISCAL AGENT INVESTMENTS MAY 31, 2015 SECRETARY'S BOOK BALANCE $1,060,623.89 $448,125.25 ($557,283.36) ($3,367.60) $496,606.70 ($502,292.75) ($2,273.37) $940,138.76 NUTRITION FUND MAY 1, 2015 CHECKING BALANCE RECEIPTS FOR MAY DISBURSEMENTS FOR MAY EXPENSE TRANSFER FROM OTHER FUNDS REVENUE TRANSFER FROM OTHER FUNDS DEFFERED REVENUE TRANSFER TO OTHER FUNDS PAYROLL BENEFITS USING REVENUE CODE MAY 31, 2015 CHECKING BALANCE $120.00 $14,330.18 $0.00 $954,588.94 PETTY CASH MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT INVESTMENTS MAY 31, 2015 SECRETARY'S BOOK BALANCE $656,004.27 $65,999.08 ($167,780.15) $132,237.77 $0.00 ($156.00) $686,304.97 CLEARING FUND MAY 1, 2015 CHECKING BALANCE RECEIPTS FOR MAY DISBURSEMENTS FOR MAY REVENUE CODE - SELF FUNDED ACCOUNTS REVENUE TRANSFER TO OTHER FUNDS EXPENSE TRANSFER FROM OTHER FUNDS MAY 31, 2015 CHECKING BALANCE $0.00 $0.00 $686,304.97 PETTY CASH INVESTMENTS MAY 31, 2015 SECRETARY'S BOOK BALANCE $147,493.51 $529.64 $0.00 $0.00 $148,023.15 EXPENDABLE TRUST FUND MAY 1, 2015 CHECKING BALANCE RECEIPTS FOR MAY DISBURSEMENTS FOR MAY EXPENSE TRANSFER FROM OTHER FUNDS MAY 31, 2015 CHECKING BALANCE $0.00 $0.00 $148,023.15 PETTY CASH INVESTMENTS MAY 31, 2015 SECRETARY'S BOOK BALANCE $37,816.46 $1,385.52 ($1,386.97) $0.00 ($100.00) ($38.00) $37,677.01 HOSPITALITY FUND MAY 1, 2015 CHECKING BALANCE RECEIPTS FOR MAY DISBURSEMENTS FOR MAY DEFERRED REVENUE CODE USED FOR TRANSFER REVENUE TRANSFER FROM OTHER FUNDS EXPENSE TRANSFER FROM OTHER FUNDS MAY 31, 2015 CHECKING BALANCE $0.00 $0.00 $37,677.01 PETTY CASH INVESTMENTS MAY 31, 2015 SECRETARY'S BOOK BALANCE $64,380,055.31 $9,733,969.61 ($13,255,117.07) ($234,487.69) $0.00 $0.00 $60,624,420.16 $12,845.00 $0.00 $1,813,281.92 $3,377,654.89 GRAND TOTAL ALL FUNDS MAY 1, 2015 CHECKING BALANCE RECEIPTS FOR MAY DISBURSEMENTS FOR MAY CASH WITH FISCAL AGENT - ESCROW DEBIT CARD TRANSFERS TRANSFER TO ESCROW ACCOUNT MAY 31, 2015 CHECKING BALANCE PETTY CASH CASH IN RESERVE CASH WITH FISCAL AGENT - ESCROW - BANKERS TRUST CASH WITH FISCAL AGENT 33 44 DUBUQUE COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT REGULAR MEETING JUNE 8, 2015 $0.00 $65,828,201.97 INVESTMENTS MAY 31, 2015 SECRETARY'S BOOK BALANCE $60,624,420.16 $0.00 $2,581,008.94 $111,705.55 $63,317,134.65 MAY 31, 2015 CHECKING BALANCE DEPOSITS IN TRANSIT MAY 31, 2015 OUTSTANDING NON CHECKS MAY 31, 2015 OUTSTANDING CHECKS MAY 31, 2015 BOOK TO BANK RECONCILIATION $43,749,433.42 $19,567,701.23 $63,317,134.65 MAY 31, 2015 BANK STATEMENT BALANCE (DB&T) MAY 31, 2015 BANK STATEMENT BALANCE (PREMIER) MAY 31, 2015 TOTAL BANK STATEMENT BALANCE In accordance with the provisions of Section 291.7 of the Code of Iowa, I hereby submit a complete statement of all receipts and disbursements from the various funds during the month of May and also the balance remaining in each fund at the end of the month. I, Joni Lucas, submit the foregoing report as a true statement of receipts and disbursements of the Dubuque Community School District for the month of May, 2015. ______________________________________ Joni Lucas, Board Secretary 34 45 DUBUQUE COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT REGULAR BOARD MEETING June 8, 2015 Treasurer's Report For All District Funds Month of May 2015 Cash (per bank statements) and Investments, beginning of month $ 71,835,412.78 Bank Account Deposits/Other Credits Total $9,739,242.36 Bank Account Checks/Other Debits Total (13,066,583.68) Cash (per bank statement) and Investments, end of month $ 68,508,071.46 End of Month - May 2015 Depositories Premier Bank Dubuque Bank & Trust Co Bankers Trust Company NA Bankers Trust Company NA - Bond Reserve CDs Bank Balances $ 19,567,701.23 43,749,433.42 $ $ 63,317,134.65 Investments $ $ 1,813,281.92 3,377,654.89 5,190,936.81 Total $ 19,567,701.23 43,749,433.42 1,813,281.92 3,377,654.89 $ 68,508,071.46 At May 31, 2015, there are no interfund loans. Joni Lucas, Treasurer 46 DUBUQUE COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT REGULAR BOARD MEETING JUNE 8, 2015 TO THE BOARD OF EDUCATION DUBUQUE, IOWA THE FOLLOWING IS A LIST OF ACCOUNTS PAYABLE WHICH WILL BE PRESENTED TO THE BOARD OF EDUCATION FOR APPROVAL PER THE DIRECTION OF THE JUNE 8, 2015 MEETING. SHOULD YOU DESIRE ANY INFORMATION IN REGARD TO THE SAME, I SHALL BE PLEASED TO FURNISH IT UPON REQUEST. PERIOD: MAY 12, 2015 – JUNE 8, 2015 RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, SECRETARY: JONI LUCAS ________________________________________________ BOARD MEMBER SIGNATURE DATE Fund 10 21 22 33 36 40 61 76 81 91 GENERAL FUND STUDENT ACTIVITY FUND MANAGEMENT LEVY SAVE TAX PHYSICAL PLANT/EQUIP LEVY DEBT CLEARING FUND SCHOOL NUTRITION FUND CLEARING FUND EXPENDABLE TRUST FUND AGENCY HOSPITALITY FUND Amount $10,155,927.43 $163,743.06 $29,057.55 $1,546,006.57 $726,667.43 $.00 $463,981.61 $164,375.62 $.00 $6,930.16 GRAND TOTAL: $13,256,689.43 47 Dubuque Community School District Regular Board Meeting June 8, 2015 Vendor Name Description Check Total Fund: AGENCY/HOSPITALITY FUND BLOCKER, JOHN F ACCOUNTS PAYABLE $100.00 BRYANT SCHOOL PETTY CASH ACCOUNTS PAYABLE $21.03 DUCHOW, ANN L ACCOUNTS PAYABLE $75.00 EYRES, MITCHELL L ACCOUNTS PAYABLE $100.00 FRIENDS OF HOMACHO ACCOUNTS PAYABLE $100.00 GEORGE WASHINGTON MIDDLE SCHOOL. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE $3.99 HARRIS N.A. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE $4,470.14 HEFEL, ERIN L ACCOUNTS PAYABLE $90.07 HY-VEE, INC. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE $299.45 MIDWEST COCA-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY ACCOUNTS PAYABLE $175.48 OLSON, CRAIG R ACCOUNTS PAYABLE $45.00 POOR MAN'S CAFE CATERING ACCOUNTS PAYABLE $1,050.00 SCHUETZ, FLORENCE M ACCOUNTS PAYABLE $100.00 SCHUETZ, GREGORY D ACCOUNTS PAYABLE $100.00 WAL-MART DUBUQUE ACCOUNTS PAYABLE $200.00 Fund Total: $6,930.16 Fund: CLEARING FUND AFLAC - EMPLOYEE OTHER EMPLOYEE DEDUCTION ALLIANT ENERGY-IP&L ELECTRICITY $0.08 BLACK HILLS ENERGY NATURAL GAS CARVER ELEMENTARY PTG OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES DELTA DENTAL OF IOWA OTHER INSURANCE GEORGE WASHINGTON MIDDLE SCHOOL PTO OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES $563.00 HARRIS N.A. OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES $298.20 $3,316.34 $191.84 $499.00 $68,382.39 HEMPSTEAD MUSTANG BOOSTER CLUB OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES MARSH ADVANTAGE AMERICA - EMPLOYEE OTHER EMPLOYEE DEDUCTION $18,947.18 $4,335.00 MEDICAL ASSOCIATES - I PLAN (EMPLOYEE) OTHER EMPLOYEE DEDUCTION $9,999.66 MEDICAL ASSOCIATES HMO (EMPLOYEE) OTHER EMPLOYEE DEDUCTION $31,184.84 SAGEVILLE PARENT TEACHER CLUB OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES SELF INSURED SERVICES COMPANY OTHER EMPLOYEE DEDUCTION SELF INSURED SERVICES COMPANY OTHER INSURANCE $100.00 $22,045.29 $4,512.80 Fund Total: $164,375.62 Fund: GENERAL FUND 48 ABC LEARNING PROF-EDUCATIONAL SERVICES ACADEMIC THERAPY PUBLICATIONS/HIGH NOON ACCO BRANDS USA LLC INSTRUCTION SUPPLIES OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES $567.76 ADDOCO INC OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES $1,890.00 ADVANCE TROPHY OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES $161.50 ADVANCED SYSTEMS INC REPAIR/MAINTENANCE AFLAC - EMPLOYEE PAYROLL DEDUCTIONS AND WITHHOLDINGS AIR FILTER SALES & SERVICES OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES ALLIANT ENERGY-IP&L ELECTRICITY AMAZON.COM CORPORATE CREDIT TECH REPAIR CONSUMMABLE $2,150.82 $94.60 $473.07 $6,865.04 $7,123.56 $113,028.57 ($39.98) Dubuque Community School District Regular Board Meeting June 8, 2015 49 Vendor Name Description Check Total AMAZON.COM CORPORATE CREDIT TECHNOLOGY SUPPLIES $356.40 AMERISERVE INC INSTRUCTION SUPPLIES $208.00 ANDERSON DESIGN-CONSULTING INC ARCHITECT/CM SERVICE $540.00 ANDERSON, LORI A IN DISTRICT TRAVEL $92.75 APPLE INC. INSTRUCTION SUPPLIES $450.00 APPLE INC. TECHNOLOGY SUPPLIES $648.00 APPLE, INC. TECHNOLOGY SUPPLIES $1,531.00 ARAMARK SERVICES INC. OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES AREA RESIDENTIAL CARE, INC. OTHER PURCH PROF SERVICES $1,123.75 AREA RESIDENTIAL CARE, INC. PROF-EDUCATIONAL SERVICES $10,174.21 B & H PHOTO-VIDEO MACHINERY/EQUIPMENT $14,085.70 B & H PHOTO-VIDEO OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES $1,184.72 B L MURRAY COMPANY INC OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES $2,350.00 BACKES, ROBERT J IN STATE TRAVEL BAKER & TAYLOR BOOKS LIBRARY BOOKS BANDSTRA, NANCY STUDENT FEES REVENUE BAPPE, KARI E IN STATE TRAVEL $247.85 BAPPE, KARI E OUT OF STATE TRAVEL $659.30 BARB SEWING ROOM OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES $80.00 BARBER, BLYTHE IN DISTRICT TRAVEL $10.12 BARBER, CHELSY J IN DISTRICT TRAVEL BELLEVUE COMMUNITY SCHOOLS TUITION/OPEN ENROLL $27.00 $14.97 $9.45 $76.00 $5.06 $27,315.11 BELMONT, MIKE STUDENT FEES REVENUE $76.00 BIRDSALL, ANGELA F IN DISTRICT TRAVEL $48.24 BLACK HILLS ENERGY NATURAL GAS BOXLEITER, JENNIFER A IN DISTRICT TRAVEL BOXLEITER, JENNIFER A IN STATE TRAVEL BP CREDIT CARD CENTER GASOLINE BP CREDIT CARD CENTER IN STATE TRAVEL BP CREDIT CARD CENTER OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES BREITBACH, ANGELA D IN DISTRICT TRAVEL BRIGHT SOLUTIONS FOR DYSLEXIA INSTRUCTION SUPPLIES BRYANT SCHOOL PETTY CASH OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES BRYANT SCHOOL PETTY CASH POSTAGE BUDDE, TARA M. IN DISTRICT TRAVEL BURT STEVE AND SON GARAGE INC OTHER PURCH PROF SERVICES BURT STEVE AND SON GARAGE INC VEHICLE REPAIR/MAINT $95.00 BUSINESS TELEPHONE SUPPLY BUILDING REPAIR/MAINT $103.50 CALDWELL, ASHLEY A IN STATE TRAVEL $10.20 CARD, BOYD A IN STATE TRAVEL $349.60 CARNEGIE-STOUT PUBLIC LIBRARY PROF-EDUCATIONAL SERVICES $388.41 CARPENTERS LOCAL 678 PAYROLL DEDUCTIONS AND WITHHOLDINGS $230.00 CENTURY LINK TELEPHONE/DATA LINES $1,752.97 CENTURY LINK - PHOENIX TELEPHONE/DATA LINES $9,000.00 CITY OF DUBUQUE - WATER DEPT STORM WATER FEE $3,810.40 $6,388.02 $23.00 $127.65 $1,591.55 $248.50 $26.39 $12.31 $629.90 $11.97 $9.80 $6.90 $155.00 Dubuque Community School District Regular Board Meeting June 8, 2015 Vendor Name Description CITY OF DUBUQUE - WATER DEPT WATER/SEWER CITY OF DUBUQUE MANAGER'S OFFICE STAFF WORKSHOP/CONFERENCE REG FEES $870.00 CITY OF DUBUQUE-PARKING DIVISION OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES $144.00 CLARKE UNIVERSITY TUITION/COLLEGE COBLE, LOLA M IN DISTRICT TRAVEL COCHLEAR AMERICAS INSTRUCTION SUPPLIES COLLECTION SERVICES CENTER-PAYROLL PAYROLL DEDUCTIONS AND WITHHOLDINGS COLPITTS, RICHARD C IN STATE TRAVEL COLUMBIA MANUFACTURING C/O VIPS INSTRUCTION SUPPLIES COMPLIANCE TESTING AND TECHNOLOGY OTHER PURCH PROF SERVICES CONATSER, WANDA IN DISTRICT TRAVEL CONSTELLATION NEWENERGY GAS CORNERSTONE CONSTRUCTIVE PLAYTHINGS/US TOY NATURAL GAS CULLEN, MOLLY J IN DISTRICT TRAVEL $16.10 DAACK, BELINDA C IN DISTRICT TRAVEL $28.18 DAVIS, GLENDA J INSTRUCTION SUPPLIES $53.02 DCSD FOUNDATION PAYROLL DEDUCTIONS AND WITHHOLDINGS $30.00 DEARDORFF, LEIGH M IN STATE TRAVEL DELLAERT, SCOTT L IN DISTRICT TRAVEL DELLAERT, SCOTT L OUT OF STATE TRAVEL DELLAERT, SCOTT L STAFF WORKSHOP/CONFERENCE REG FEES DEMCO INC OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES $183.33 DEMMER, LISA M IN STATE TRAVEL $215.05 DEMMER, LISA M OUT OF STATE TRAVEL $302.88 DERKS, JENNIFER D. IN DISTRICT TRAVEL $121.67 DEX MEDIA EAST, INC. TELEPHONE/DATA LINES $151.55 DIGMANN, KARLA J IN STATE TRAVEL DOMTAR INSTRUCTION SUPPLIES $12,390.00 DOMTAR OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES $12,390.00 INSTRUCTION SUPPLIES $15,393.18 $2,500.00 $33.07 $325.00 $4,541.83 $247.25 $6,229.00 $400.00 $28.29 $23,683.01 $147.95 $83.95 $113.56 $25.88 $55.00 $7.01 DONATH, AMANDA PARENT TRAN REIMBURSEMENT DUBUQUE COMMUNITY Y PROF-EDUCATIONAL SERVICES DUBUQUE COUNTY EXTENSION OFFICE - ISU STUDENT ENTRY FEES DUBUQUE COUNTY SHERIFF DEPARTMENT PAYROLL DEDUCTIONS AND WITHHOLDINGS $1,482.67 DUBUQUE EDUCATION ASSOCIATION PAYROLL DEDUCTIONS AND WITHHOLDINGS $41,272.18 DUBUQUE METRO AREA SOLID WASTE AGENCY REFUSE DISPOSAL 50 Check Total $248.40 $14,206.39 $60.00 $28.05 DUBUQUE POLICE DEPARTMENT OTHER PURCH PROF SERVICES $3,160.00 DUBUQUE POLICE DEPARTMENT PROF-EDUCATIONAL SERVICES $71,132.50 DUBUQUE SIGN COMPANY BLDG CONSTRUCTION SUPPLY DUBUQUE SIGN COMPANY OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES $92.50 DUCLOS, LORIE M IN DISTRICT TRAVEL DUEHR, BERNARD F OUT OF STATE TRAVEL DUVEL, BRENDA L IN DISTRICT TRAVEL DUVEL, BRENDA L IN STATE TRAVEL $82.23 EAI (ERIC ARMIN INC.) EDUCATION INSTRUCTION SUPPLIES $80.71 EDWARDS, SHERRI STUDENT FEES REVENUE $76.00 $225.00 $31.28 $7.72 $200.98 Dubuque Community School District Regular Board Meeting June 8, 2015 Vendor Name Description EHLERS, RAE ANN IN STATE TRAVEL $63.25 EL KHATIB, JANET M IN DISTRICT TRAVEL $24.84 ELEANOR ROOSEVELT MIDDLE SCHOOL INSTRUCTION SUPPLIES $55.00 ENSIGN, LUCAS BRADY PROF-EDUCATIONAL SERVICES $60.00 ENVISION LEARNING PROF-EDUCATIONAL SERVICES $1,853.50 ENVISION SPORTS DESIGN OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES EXPEDITIONARY LEARNING SCHOOLS PROF-EDUCATIONAL SERVICES FAGAN SHOE REPAIR & HOBBIES INSTRUCTION SUPPLIES $927.85 FAGAN SHOE REPAIR & HOBBIES OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES $110.54 FATHER FLANAGAN'S BOYS' HOME INSTRUCTION SUPPLIES $206.60 FEDERAL TAX WITHHOLDING PAYROLL DEDUCTIONS AND WITHHOLDINGS $637,145.21 FICA WITHHOLDING - EMPLOYEE PAYROLL DEDUCTIONS AND WITHHOLDINGS $960,374.66 FINK, MARY M IN STATE TRAVEL FLANAGAN, CHRISTINE M. OUT OF STATE TRAVEL $170.29 FLEETSOFT OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES $670.86 FLORENCE, BEVERLY J IN STATE TRAVEL FOLLETT SCHOOL SOLUTIONS, INC. LIBRARY BOOKS FOUR OAKS FAMILY & CHILDREN SERVICES PROF-EDUCATIONAL SERVICES FREUND, MARABETH L. IN DISTRICT TRAVEL FROG HOLLOW - ASBURY PROF-EDUCATIONAL SERVICES $3,351.09 FROG HOLLOW - LOCUST PROF-EDUCATIONAL SERVICES $6,026.67 FUERSTE, CAREW, JUERGENS & SUDMEIER, PC LEGAL 51 Check Total $127.50 $8,100.00 $34.20 $7.12 $470.85 $201,248.25 $16.04 $3,110.25 FUTURES WITHOUT VIOLENCE INSTRUCTION SUPPLIES $84.00 GASSMAN, AIMEE L IN DISTRICT TRAVEL $25.65 GEORGE WASHINGTON MIDDLE SCHOOL OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES GOODWILL INDUSTRIES OF NORTHEAST IOWA PROF-EDUCATIONAL SERVICES $1,512.92 GOVDEALS, INC. OTHER PURCH PROF SERVICES $1,260.47 GRANDVIEW PRESCHOOL PROF-EDUCATIONAL SERVICES $6,703.32 GRISWOLD, MOLLY PARENT TRAN REIMBURSEMENT $181.44 HABEL, ERIN V IN DISTRICT TRAVEL $101.78 HALL, KRIS LAWRENCE IN STATE TRAVEL $235.75 HAMILTON, BRIDGET A IN DISTRICT TRAVEL HAMILTON, BRIDGET A IN STATE TRAVEL HANDS UP COMMUNICATIONS PROF-EDUCATIONAL SERVICES $2,205.00 HARRIS N.A. BLDG CONSTRUCTION SUPPLY $15,739.73 HARRIS N.A. BUILDING REPAIR/MAINT HARRIS N.A. CONTRACTED TRAINING PROVIDER HARRIS N.A. DUES/FEES $2,031.25 HARRIS N.A. IN STATE TRAVEL $3,738.31 HARRIS N.A. INSTRUCTION SUPPLIES HARRIS N.A. LIBRARY BOOKS HARRIS N.A. MEMBERSHIP DUES HARRIS N.A. NEWSPAPER HARRIS N.A. NONPRINT MEDIA $1,408.34 HARRIS N.A. OFFICE SUPPLIES $33.16 $100.00 $15.93 $320.38 $1,158.62 $72.34 $10,918.61 $1,106.51 $134.00 $779.73 Dubuque Community School District Regular Board Meeting June 8, 2015 52 Vendor Name Description HARRIS N.A. OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES Check Total $27,023.33 HARRIS N.A. OTHER PURCH PROF SERVICES HARRIS N.A. OUT OF STATE TRAVEL $425.46 HARRIS N.A. REGISTRATION FEES $867.00 HARRIS N.A. REPAIR/MAINTENANCE $840.00 HARRIS N.A. SOFTWARE HARRIS N.A. STAFF WORKSHOP/CONFERENCE REG FEES $3,642.62 $74.25 $1,116.28 HARRIS N.A. TECH REPAIR CONSUMABLE HARRIS N.A. TECH REPAIR CONSUMMABLE $1,168.21 $465.52 HARRIS N.A. TECHNOLOGY SUPPLIES $1,576.43 HARRIS N.A. TRANSPORTATION LUBRICANTS HARRIS N.A. TRANSPORTATION PARTS HARRIS N.A. TRANSPORTATION SUPPLIES HARRIS N.A. TRANSPORTATION TIRES $391.92 HARRIS N.A. VEHICLE REPAIR/MAINT $248.90 HARTFORD LIFE INSURANCE PAYROLL DEDUCTIONS AND WITHHOLDINGS HARTFORD LIFE INSURANCE TERM LIFE INSURANCE $74.26 HARTIG USA DRUG STORE POSTAGE $49.00 HARWICK, CHAD K IN DISTRICT TRAVEL HEARTLAND PAPER COMPANY OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES HEARTLAND TRAILER AND CONTAINER OTHER PURCH PROF SERVICES HEITZMAN, JOAN M IN DISTRICT TRAVEL HELLE, KRISTIN L INSTRUCTION SUPPLIES $563.10 HEMPSTEAD HIGH SCHOOL PETTY CASH OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES $131.55 HERBST UPHOLSTERY & AUTO FINISHING LTD BLDG CONSTRUCTION SUPPLY HERBST UPHOLSTERY & AUTO FINISHING LTD OFFICE SUPPLIES HERMSEN, ROSEMARIE LIBRARY BOOKS HEWLETT-PACKARD TECHNOLOGY SUPPLIES HILLCREST FAMILY SERVICES INC OTHER PURCH PROF SERVICES $18,017.00 HILLCREST FAMILY SERVICES INC PROF-EDUCATIONAL SERVICES $131.31 HILLERY, RHONDA K IN DISTRICT TRAVEL HILLS & DALES PROF-EDUCATIONAL SERVICES HINGTGEN, MAE L IN DISTRICT TRAVEL $10.93 HOBBY LOBBY CREATIVE CENTERS INSTRUCTION SUPPLIES $97.48 HOFFMAN, JEREMY D IN STATE TRAVEL HOUGHTON MIFFLIN HARCOURT-CUSTOMER SERV. HOWES, BRIAN J TEXTBOOKS $646.25 IN STATE TRAVEL $393.33 HY-VEE INC. INSTRUCTION SUPPLIES HY-VEE INC. OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES HY-VEE, INC INSTRUCTION SUPPLIES $802.84 $9,331.81 $72.08 $8,363.72 $36.46 $3,380.89 $125.00 $5.64 $75.00 $1,442.25 $200.00 $1,368.85 $30.30 $6,862.47 $87.63 $43.54 $77.64 $794.86 HY-VEE, INC OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES $103.65 HY-VEE, INC. INSTRUCTION SUPPLIES $693.18 IA PUBLIC EMP RETIREMENT-EMPLOYEE IPERS IA PUBLIC EMP RETIREMENT-EMPLOYEE PAYROLL DEDUCTIONS AND WITHHOLDINGS $966,177.97 ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE PAYROLL DEDUCTIONS AND WITHHOLDINGS $7,022.19 $0.06 Dubuque Community School District Regular Board Meeting June 8, 2015 53 Vendor Name Description ING - COMMON REMITTER PAYROLL DEDUCTIONS AND WITHHOLDINGS Check Total $38,939.33 IOWA ASSN OF SCHOOL BOARDS INSTITUTION DUES $700.00 IOWA CITY WEST HIGH SCHOOL MATH CLUB STUDENT ENTRY FEES $115.00 IOWA COMMUNICATIONS NETWORK TELEPHONE/DATA LINES $181.89 IOWA DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES INTERGOVERNMENTAL PAYABLE IOWA DEPT OF REVENUE PAYROLL DEDUCTIONS AND WITHHOLDINGS $1,031.18 IOWA SCHOOL FINANCE INFORMATION STAFF WORKSHOP/CONFERENCE REG FEES SERVICES IOWA SCHOOL PUBLIC RELATION ASSOCIATION STAFF WORKSHOP/CONFERENCE REG FEES $380.00 $266,649.82 $240.00 IOWA STATE TAX WITHHOLDING PAYROLL DEDUCTIONS AND WITHHOLDINGS ISTA - IOWA STRING TEACHERS ASSOCIATION STUDENT ENTRY FEES $256,199.30 J & J POOL SPA & BILLIARDS POOL JENSEN, JANET C OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES JOHNSON, ANGELA PARENT TRAN REIMBURSEMENT JOHNSON, CHRISTINE A IN DISTRICT TRAVEL JOHNSON, CHRISTINE A IN STATE TRAVEL JOSTENS INC. OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES $115.49 JP GASWAY COMPANY INC OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES $3,441.52 JUNIOR LIBRARY GUILD LIBRARY BOOKS KALB, CATHY SUE IN DISTRICT TRAVEL KELLEHER, KEVIN J IN STATE TRAVEL KELLY, JULIE A IN DISTRICT TRAVEL KELLY, KATHERINE A. IN STATE TRAVEL KEVIN CONLON MEMORIAL OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES $40.00 $169.15 $10.29 $381.52 $28.69 $195.99 $497.00 $19.38 $504.28 $79.35 $420.28 $25.00 KEY WEST EARLY CHILDHOOD CENTER PROF-EDUCATIONAL SERVICES $13,736.79 KEYSTONE AREA EDUCATION AGENCY INSTRUCTION SUPPLIES $24,178.40 KIDS OF THE KINGDOM - DCY PROF-EDUCATIONAL SERVICES $3,567.46 KLINEBRIEL, JILL PROF-EDUCATIONAL SERVICES $275.00 KNEPPER, ROBERT J. IN DISTRICT TRAVEL $7.82 KRAUSE, AULANDA L OUT OF STATE TRAVEL KUTSCH, DENNIS F. IN DISTRICT TRAVEL $595.78 $22.94 LAGEN, JOAN M IN STATE TRAVEL $77.02 LAKESHORE LEARNING MATERIALS INSTRUCTION SUPPLIES LANGE, CHRIS A IN DISTRICT TRAVEL LANGUAGE TESTING INTERNATIONAL (LTI) OTHER PURCH PROF SERVICES $544.43 $24.84 $990.00 LANSER, CARLA J IN DISTRICT TRAVEL LEADERSHIP, LEARNING & ASSESSMENT LLC CONTRACTED TRAINING PROVIDER $7.25 LEHMANN, CATHLEEN J IN DISTRICT TRAVEL $114.25 LEISURE SERVICES DEPT PROF-EDUCATIONAL SERVICES $384.70 LEITZEN, AMBER K IN DISTRICT TRAVEL $47.61 LEITZEN, AMBER K IN STATE TRAVEL $78.09 LESSEI, AMY L IN DISTRICT TRAVEL LIFELINE AMPLIFICATION SYSTEMS INSTRUCTION SUPPLIES $4,866.00 LIFELINE AMPLIFICATION SYSTEMS REPAIR/MAINTENANCE $1,024.00 LIFELINE AMPLIFICATION SYSTEMS TECH REPAIR CONSUMMABLE LIFELINE AMPLIFICATION SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY SUPPLIES $7,705.96 $25.53 $100.00 $1,438.00 Dubuque Community School District Regular Board Meeting June 8, 2015 54 Vendor Name Description LILLESKOV, ROBIN M IN DISTRICT TRAVEL Check Total $9.72 LIRIANO-CABA, ESPERANZA A IN DISTRICT TRAVEL LORAS COLLEGE TUITION/COLLEGE $3,250.00 $27.31 LUTHERAN SERVICES IN IOWA OTHER PURCH PROF SERVICES $5,300.00 MADISON NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. DISABILITY INSURANCE MADISON NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. PAYROLL DEDUCTIONS AND WITHHOLDINGS MAIL FINANCE RENTAL - OTHER ($1.33) $13,406.03 $257.70 MAIL SERVICES UNLIMITED POSTAGE MARION INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT TUITION/OPEN ENROLL MARSH ADVANTAGE AMERICA - EMPLOYEE PAYROLL DEDUCTIONS AND WITHHOLDINGS MATTER CREATIVE GROUP PROF-EDUCATIONAL SERVICES MATTHEWS, RODNEY O IN DISTRICT TRAVEL $8.05 MC AULIFF, CHARISSA S IN DISTRICT TRAVEL $20.24 MC POLAND, KELLI IN DISTRICT TRAVEL MCGRAW HILL EDUCATION WORKBOOKS MCGRAW-HILL SCHOOL EDUCATION INSTRUCTION SUPPLIES MEDICAL ASSOCIATES - I PLAN (EMPLOYEE) PAYROLL DEDUCTIONS AND WITHHOLDINGS MEDICAL ASSOCIATES CLINIC PC OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES $89.30 $1,377.24 $319,394.94 $8,260.00 $43.36 $939.44 $379.14 $388,845.38 $288.00 MEDICAL ASSOCIATES CLINIC PC OTHER PURCH PROF SERVICES MEDICAL ASSOCIATES HMO (EMPLOYEE) PAYROLL DEDUCTIONS AND WITHHOLDINGS MEJIA, RICARDO R IN DISTRICT TRAVEL MENARDS INC OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES $44.63 MERCY FAMILY PHARMACY - EAST OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES $260.58 MEYERS, CHRISTINE M IN DISTRICT TRAVEL MICHELS, CLINT R IN DISTRICT TRAVEL MID-WEST 3D SOLUTIONS, LLC INSTRUCTION SUPPLIES $3,415.00 MIDWEST BUSINESS PRODUCTS OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES $1,052.98 MINNESOTA CHILD SUPPORT PAYMENT CENTER MITCHELL, BRUCE M. PAYROLL DEDUCTIONS AND WITHHOLDINGS $174.96 OFFICIAL/REFEREE $198.63 MOELLER, DAVID C IN DISTRICT TRAVEL MUELLER, KAY PARENT TRAN REIMBURSEMENT MULGREW OIL COMPANY DIESEL MULGREW OIL COMPANY GASOLINE NASSP NAT'L ASSOC OF SECONDARY DUES/FEES NASSP NAT'L ASSOC OF SECONDARY REGISTRATION FEES NATIONAL MISSISSIPPI RIVER MUSEUM & PROF-EDUCATIONAL SERVICES NATIONAL MISSISSIPPI RIVER MUSEUM & STUDENT/STAFF ADMISSIONS NEOPOST, INC. RENTAL - OTHER NEW TEACHER CENTER CONTRACTED TRAINING PROVIDER NEW TEACHER CENTER OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES $1,049.75 $746,983.19 $114.43 $14.90 $96.54 $17.83 $1,404.00 $31,398.18 $4,718.24 $95.00 $385.00 $200.00 $1,336.00 $102.00 $5,080.76 $610.00 NIMCO, INC. INSTRUCTION SUPPLIES $2,436.38 NOAH'S ARK PRESCHOOL PROF-EDUCATIONAL SERVICES $9,047.87 NOLAN'S HORSES INSTRUCTION SUPPLIES $1,200.00 NORMAN, DANIEL A. IN STATE TRAVEL $290.20 Dubuque Community School District Regular Board Meeting June 8, 2015 55 Vendor Name Description NORTHEAST IOWA COMMUNITY COLLEGE-CALMAR NORTHEAST IOWA COMMUNITY COLLEGE-CALMAR PARUCH, SANDY L PROF-EDUCATIONAL SERVICES $11,760.00 TUITION/COMM. COLLEGE $32,255.00 PAYROLL NET - ACH NET PAYROLL PAYABLE IN DISTRICT TRAVEL PER MAR SECURITY SERVICES OTHER PURCH PROF SERVICES PERFECTION LEARNING CORPORATION LIBRARY BOOKS PERFORMANT RECOVERY INC PAYROLL DEDUCTIONS AND WITHHOLDINGS Check Total $13.57 $4,365,687.46 $480.00 $33.85 $1,142.20 PFEILER, BARBARA L IN DISTRICT TRAVEL PFEILER, CHARLES MATTHEW OUT OF STATE TRAVEL $47.15 PHEAA PENN HIGHER EDUC ASSISTANCE AGENCY PIKE, JO LYNN PAYROLL DEDUCTIONS AND WITHHOLDINGS $516.06 IN DISTRICT TRAVEL $124.08 PIONEER CREDIT RECOVERY, INC. PAYROLL DEDUCTIONS AND WITHHOLDINGS $462.44 PIONEER VALLEY EDUCATIONAL PRESS INC. INSTRUCTION SUPPLIES $192.50 PLANE ART DESIGNS, INC. OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES $110.00 PLATTEVILLE MINING MUSEUM STUDENT/STAFF ADMISSIONS $336.00 POLING, ROGER P IN STATE TRAVEL PRAIRIE LAKES AEA STAFF WORKSHOP/CONFERENCE REG FEES $8.60 $69.58 $1,700.00 PRO-ED INSTRUCTION SUPPLIES $47.25 PULS, STEPHANIE A IN DISTRICT TRAVEL $18.52 RADIO DUBUQUE, INC. RENTAL OF EQUIP/VEHICLES RAMLER, RHONDA K IN DISTRICT TRAVEL RAYMOND, CANDACE L IN STATE TRAVEL RAYMOND, CANDACE L STAFF WORKSHOP/CONFERENCE REG FEES REALLY GOOD STUFF INC INSTRUCTION SUPPLIES REED, ELIZABETH M IN STATE TRAVEL $575.00 $7.76 $194.25 $55.00 $392.49 $6.42 REPUBLIC SERVICES #897 REFUSE DISPOSAL RESEARCH FOR BETTER TEACHING, INC. CONTRACTED TRAINING PROVIDER $796.25 RHEINGANS, STANTON L IN STATE TRAVEL RICKLEFS, ANDREA L INSTRUCTION SUPPLIES RIGDON, LYNN A IN STATE TRAVEL RIVER CITY PAVING INC OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES RIVER CITY STONE OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES RIVERVIEW CENTER, INC. OTHER PURCH PROF SERVICES ROBINSON, KIM STUDENT FEES REVENUE ROHNER, DANIEL OFFICIAL/REFEREE $265.00 SANDS, JAMES P IN DISTRICT TRAVEL $82.23 SCHADLER, CINDY L IN DISTRICT TRAVEL $17.94 SCHMITT, KIM M IN DISTRICT TRAVEL SCHOLASTIC BOOK FAIRS-8 INSTRUCTION SUPPLIES SCHOLASTIC BOOK FAIRS-8 OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES $309.82 SCHOOL HEALTH CORPORATION OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES $338.89 SCHOOL OUTFITTERS OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES SCHOOL SPECIALTY EDUCATION ESSENTIALS INSTRUCTION SUPPLIES $939.34 SCHOOL SPECIALTY INC INSTRUCTION SUPPLIES $308.80 $31,144.10 $231.15 $55.01 $8.51 $33.42 $35.89 $3,446.52 $76.00 $5.64 ($9.35) $51.06 Dubuque Community School District Regular Board Meeting June 8, 2015 56 Vendor Name Description SCHROMEN, DEBRA IN DISTRICT TRAVEL SCHUSTER-DAVIS, AMANDA M. IN DISTRICT TRAVEL SERVICE EMPLOYEES INTL PAYROLL DEDUCTIONS AND WITHHOLDINGS SIMON, KATHY LYNN IN DISTRICT TRAVEL Check Total $6.10 $30.02 $1,998.66 $48.24 SINGLETARY, CHRISTOPHER IN STATE TRAVEL $231.15 SKATE COUNTRY STUDENT/STAFF ADMISSIONS $273.00 SMITH, MICHAEL ALLEN IN DISTRICT TRAVEL $52.44 SMITH, SUSAN JEAN INSTRUCTION SUPPLIES $55.64 SMITH, SUSAN JEAN OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES SOCIAL THINKING INSTRUCTION SUPPLIES $15,432.91 SOFTPLAN ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN SOFTWARE SPIELMAN, CHARLES INSTRUCTION SUPPLIES $6,180.00 STAPLES ADVANTAGE INSTRUCTION SUPPLIES $2,318.20 STAPLES ADVANTAGE OFFICE SUPPLIES $1,625.92 STAPLES ADVANTAGE OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES $1,388.35 STAPLES ADVANTAGE TECH REPAIR CONSUMABLE $1,204.73 STAPLES ADVANTAGE TECH REPAIR CONSUMMABLE $1,947.27 STAR AUTISM SUPPORT CONTRACTED TRAINING PROVIDER $4,595.46 STATE DISBURSEMENT UNIT PAYROLL DEDUCTIONS AND WITHHOLDINGS STEURI, WANDA J IN DISTRICT TRAVEL STEURI, WANDA J IN STATE TRAVEL STRELO, AUDREA L PROF-EDUCATIONAL SERVICES STUECK, TAMARA L IN DISTRICT TRAVEL OFFICIAL/REFEREE $88.70 $151.00 $900.00 $38.58 $231.15 $5,866.44 $7.42 SU INSURANCE COMPANY REPAIR/MAINTENANCE $218.55 SUBSCRIPTION SERVICE OF AMERICA, INC. PERIODICALS $186.80 SULECKI, SARA E IN DISTRICT TRAVEL SULLIVAN, CHRISTOPHER M IN DISTRICT TRAVEL SYLVAN LEARNING CENTERS PROF-EDUCATIONAL SERVICES TEACHERS CURRICULUM INSTITUTE WORKBOOKS TEAM BUILDING BLOCKS, LLC INSTRUCTION SUPPLIES TEAMSTERS LOCAL 120 PAYROLL DEDUCTIONS AND WITHHOLDINGS $19.44 $236.10 $8,357.40 $22,995.00 $40.00 $4,793.75 THEOBALD, DAVID CONTRACTED TRAINING PROVIDER THOR, VINCENT S IN STATE TRAVEL $600.00 $10.65 TIESKOTTER, BRIANNA N IN DISTRICT TRAVEL $30.13 TILL, RICK J IN STATE TRAVEL TIMBERLINE BILLING SERVICE LLC OTHER TECH SERVICES TNT FRAMING, ENGRAVING & AWARDS OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES $215.05 $20,412.49 $252.00 TREASURER, CITY OF DUBUQUE PROF-EDUCATIONAL SERVICES TRI-STATE ADJUSTMENTS FREEPORT INC. COLLECTION AGENCY FEE $1,500.00 TRI-STATE TRAVEL PRIVATE CONTRACT BUSSING $5,800.00 TROLLEYS OF DUBUQUE, INC. PRIVATE CONTRACT BUSSING $1,180.00 TROLLEYS OF DUBUQUE, INC. PROF-EDUCATIONAL SERVICES $550.00 TYLER TECHNOLOGIES, INC. CONTRACTED TRAINING PROVIDER $500.00 UNION HOERMANN PRESS OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES $305.80 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES $9.07 $186.47 Dubuque Community School District Regular Board Meeting June 8, 2015 Vendor Name Description Check Total UNITED PARCEL SERVICE POSTAGE $111.58 UNITED WAY SERVICES PAYROLL DEDUCTIONS AND WITHHOLDINGS UNIVERSITY OF DUBUQUE CHILDCARE CENTER PROF-EDUCATIONAL SERVICES $873.00 $4,351.15 UNIVERSITY OF IOWA POST SECONDARY OPTION US CELLULAR TUITION/COLLEGE $250.00 TELEPHONE/DATA LINES $602.46 US DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION PAYROLL DEDUCTIONS AND WITHHOLDINGS $433.16 VALENTINE, RANDY D IN DISTRICT TRAVEL $46.58 VALLEY ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES $40.00 VANSTEENBURG, MARY E IN DISTRICT TRAVEL VINYL CUTTER TECHNOLOGIES OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES VOSBERG, MARY PATRICIA IN DISTRICT TRAVEL $35.54 VOSS PEST CONTROL INC PEST CONTROL $45.00 VROTSOS, BARBARA ANN IN DISTRICT TRAVEL WAL-MART DUBUQUE INSTRUCTION SUPPLIES WAL-MART DUBUQUE OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES WALSH, STACI A IN DISTRICT TRAVEL WARDER, ROZANNE C IN STATE TRAVEL WAYPOINT SERVICES OTHER PURCH PROF SERVICES $3,622.32 WEATHERNET INC OTHER PURCH PROF SERVICES $475.00 WEBER PAPER COMPANY OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES $32.67 WEBER PORTRAIT DESIGN, LLC OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES $47.00 WEIDEMANN, SARAH J IN DISTRICT TRAVEL $19.49 WEINER, JAMIE L INSTRUCTION SUPPLIES $25.45 WERNER, CHERYL ANN IN DISTRICT TRAVEL WEST MUSIC COMPANY INSTRUCTION SUPPLIES $541.72 WEST MUSIC COMPANY OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES $415.00 WEST MUSIC COMPANY REPAIR/MAINTENANCE $250.85 WHITE, ALLIE M. IN DISTRICT TRAVEL $14.84 WIDMEIER, RITA M IN DISTRICT TRAVEL $665.56 WIEBERSCH, KEITH T IN DISTRICT TRAVEL $119.66 WILLIAM V MACGILL & CO OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES $518.51 WILLIAMS, JANET M IN DISTRICT TRAVEL WINDSTAR LINES, INC. PRIVATE CONTRACT BUSSING WUERTZER, JEAN A IN DISTRICT TRAVEL WUERTZER, JEAN A OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES $14.99 XEROX CORPORATION. OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES $4,850.00 Y CREATIVE / FINLEY / DCY PROF-EDUCATIONAL SERVICES $8,533.42 YOUTH FRONTIERS, INC. PROF-EDUCATIONAL SERVICES $1,500.00 ZEE MEDICAL, INC. OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES ZIETLOW, JOHN Z OFFICIAL/REFEREE $198.63 ZUGENBUEHLER, MARC C IN DISTRICT TRAVEL $21.79 $21.85 $1,750.00 $22.83 $392.95 $21.86 $31.74 $339.79 $22.94 $31.97 $2,532.00 $33.47 $61.30 Fund Total: $10,155,927.43 Fund: LOCAL OPTION SALES TAX ACCELA SCHOOL 57 SOFTWARE $1,875.00 Dubuque Community School District Regular Board Meeting June 8, 2015 Vendor Name Description AREA EDUCATION AGENCY 10 OTHER PURCH PROF SERVICES CDW GOVERNMENT INC TECHNOLOGY SUPPLIES CONLON CONSTRUCTION CO. CONSTRUCTION SERVICES Check Total $68,289.65 $13,185.00 $841,622.11 DATA VIZION TECHNOLOGY SUPPLIES $5,299.06 EHRLICH EXCAVATING, INC. CONSTRUCTION SERVICES $8,590.75 GLOBALCOM TECHNOLOGIES CONSTRUCTION SERVICES $8,740.03 GREAT PLAINS LANDSCAPING OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES $3,250.00 HALVORSON TRANE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES $19,383.00 HARRIS N.A. COMPUTER HARDWARE $34,375.00 HARRIS N.A. OTHER PURCH PROF SERVICES $85,072.73 HARRIS N.A. REP/MAINT - TECH RELATED $68,431.44 HARRIS N.A. TECHNOLOGY SUPPLIES $18,147.67 HEARTLAND TRAILER AND CONTAINER OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES IIW, P.C. ARCHITECT/CM SERVICE IIW, P.C. CONSTRUCTION SERVICES KENNEDY INSULATION SYSTEMS CONSTRUCTION SERVICES MIDWEST COMPUTER PRODUCTS INC TECHNOLOGY SUPPLIES OVERHEAD DOOR COMPANY OF DUBUQUE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES RACOM CORPORATION CONSTRUCTION SERVICES STRAKA JOHNSON ARCHITECTS PROF. CORP. ARCHITECT/CM SERVICE TRI-TECHNICAL SYSTEMS, INC. OTHER PURCH PROF SERVICES $732.50 $8,400.00 $665.50 $6,620.00 $229,530.00 $120.75 $1,784.88 $121,845.50 $46.00 Fund Total: $1,546,006.57 Fund: MANAGEMENT LEVY MARSH ADVANTAGE AMERICA - EMPLOYEE MEDICAL INSURANCE $10,392.16 MEDICAL ASSOCIATES - I PLAN (EMPLOYEE) MEDICAL INSURANCE $4,848.46 MEDICAL ASSOCIATES HMO (EMPLOYEE) MEDICAL INSURANCE $12,328.93 PETROLEUM MARKETERS MUTUAL INSURANCE CO UNDERGROUND TANK INS. $1,488.00 Fund Total: $29,057.55 Fund: PHYSICAL PLANT/EQUIP LEVY DUBUQUE PLUMBING & HEATING OTHER PROPERTY SERVICES ENVIRONMENTAL MGMT SERVICES OF IOWA, INC HARRIS N.A. CONSTRUCTION SERVICES $9,800.00 $60.00 F/A OTHER PROPERTY SERV $286.84 HARRIS N.A. OTHER PROPERTY SERVICES HOGLUND BUS CO. - MARSHALLTOWN VEHICLES $2,557.68 IIW, P.C. ARCHITECT/CM SERVICE INTOUCH RECEIPTING SOFTWARE KLAUER, KEN OTHER PROPERTY SERVICES MIDWEST BUSINESS PRODUCTS OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES $3,700.00 STRAKA JOHNSON ARCHITECTS PROF. CORP. ARCHITECT/CM SERVICE $8,160.00 STRAKA JOHNSON ARCHITECTS PROF. CORP. CONSTRUCTION SERVICES XEROX CORPORATION RENTAL OF COMP/TECH EQUIP $649,110.00 $380.00 $44,242.00 $555.00 $67.00 $7,748.91 Fund Total: 58 $726,667.43 Dubuque Community School District Regular Board Meeting June 8, 2015 Vendor Name Description Check Total Fund: SCHOOL NUTRITION FUND 59 AFLAC - EMPLOYEE PAYROLL DEDUCTIONS AND WITHHOLDINGS BARTELLA, SARA M IN DISTRICT TRAVEL CLENDENEN, JANET DEFERRED REVENUES COOK, CAROL J IN DISTRICT TRAVEL $1.96 CUPPS, JUNE M IN DISTRICT TRAVEL $42.44 DENLINGER, KAREN S IN DISTRICT TRAVEL DIENST, JON DEFERRED REVENUES DUBUQUE COUNTY SHERIFF DEPARTMENT PAYROLL DEDUCTIONS AND WITHHOLDINGS EMS DETERGENT SERVICES OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES FEDERAL TAX WITHHOLDING PAYROLL DEDUCTIONS AND WITHHOLDINGS $13,263.17 FICA WITHHOLDING - EMPLOYEE PAYROLL DEDUCTIONS AND WITHHOLDINGS $29,463.18 FRANCK, JOANN B IN STATE TRAVEL HARRIS N.A. IN STATE TRAVEL HARRIS N.A. OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES HARRIS N.A. PURCHASED FOOD HARTFORD LIFE INSURANCE PAYROLL DEDUCTIONS AND WITHHOLDINGS HILLEBRAND, TOM DEFERRED REVENUES $144.46 $31.40 $206.70 $0.81 $24.95 $296.08 $1,847.00 $382.95 $9.19 $646.32 $90.66 $448.96 $17.95 HY-VEE INC. PURCHASED FOOD IA PUBLIC EMP RETIREMENT-EMPLOYEE PAYROLL DEDUCTIONS AND WITHHOLDINGS $28,456.17 ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE PAYROLL DEDUCTIONS AND WITHHOLDINGS $80.15 ING - COMMON REMITTER PAYROLL DEDUCTIONS AND WITHHOLDINGS $100.00 IOWA STATE TAX WITHHOLDING PAYROLL DEDUCTIONS AND WITHHOLDINGS $5,887.27 KLOFT, BRIAN DEFERRED REVENUES KRAPFL, JILL DEFERRED REVENUES LOFFREDO FRESH PRODUCE CO. INC PURCHASED FOOD MADISON NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. PAYROLL DEDUCTIONS AND WITHHOLDINGS $2,015.00 $5.65 $23.85 $6,498.39 $267.05 MARSH ADVANTAGE AMERICA - EMPLOYEE PAYROLL DEDUCTIONS AND WITHHOLDINGS $5,204.92 MEDICAL ASSOCIATES - I PLAN (EMPLOYEE) PAYROLL DEDUCTIONS AND WITHHOLDINGS $10,379.08 MEDICAL ASSOCIATES HMO (EMPLOYEE) PAYROLL DEDUCTIONS AND WITHHOLDINGS $16,117.54 MEHRL, JANET A IN DISTRICT TRAVEL MIDWEST COCA-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY PURCHASED FOOD MILLER, CHRIS DEFERRED REVENUES MORGAN, JUDITH K IN DISTRICT TRAVEL NORTHEAST IOWA COMM COLLEGE FOOD SERVICE NPC INTERNATIONAL INC PURCHASED FOOD PURCHASED FOOD $796.50 NPC INTERNATIONAL INC. PURCHASED FOOD $1,100.25 NPC INTERNATIONAL, INC PURCHASED FOOD $1,275.75 PAN-O-GOLD BAKING COMPANY PURCHASED FOOD $6,714.69 PAYROLL NET - ACH NET PAYROLL PAYABLE PRAIRIE FARMS DAIRY PURCHASED FOOD RAPIDS WHOLESALE EQUIPMENT MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT RAPIDS WHOLESALE EQUIPMENT OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES REINHART FOODSERVICE OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES REINHART FOODSERVICE PURCHASED FOOD $66.24 $4,339.56 $31.65 $17.37 $589.40 $138,434.85 $33,517.83 $546.04 $1,358.34 $5,067.81 $146,433.32 Dubuque Community School District Regular Board Meeting June 8, 2015 Vendor Name Description Check Total RUSSELL, CATHY DEFERRED REVENUES SALOW, KELSEY C IN DISTRICT TRAVEL SCHOOL NUTRITION ASSOCIATION OF IOWA STAFF WORKSHOP/CONFERENCE REG FEES SCHUMAN, JENNIFER D IN DISTRICT TRAVEL SMITH, JAMIE DEFERRED REVENUES TEAMSTERS LOCAL 120 PAYROLL DEDUCTIONS AND WITHHOLDINGS US CELLULAR OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES WAL-MART DUBUQUE OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES WAL-MART DUBUQUE PURCHASED FOOD $164.73 WATER RESOURCE RECOVERY CENTER FOG PERMIT INSPECTION $100.00 ZASADA, JEFFREY DEFERRED REVENUES $90.30 $8.97 $210.00 $4.14 $42.20 $931.00 $38.74 $78.03 $70.65 Fund Total: $463,981.61 Fund: STUDENT ACTIVITY FUND 60 ADAMS, DON J. OFFICIAL/REFEREE ADRENALINE FUNDRAISING - CHATFIELD OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES $200.00 ADVANCE TROPHY OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES $30.00 AJG TIMES 3 SCREEN PRINTING OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES $440.00 AL YASSIRI, LATIF OFFICIAL/REFEREE $146.66 ANDERSON, NORMAN EARL OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES ANDERSON, NORMAN EARL STUDENT ENTRY FEES $150.00 ARTISTIC CLEANERS OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES $111.00 ASPI SOLUTIONS, INC. OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES $96.00 BARNES, TAYLOR EDWARD OFFICIAL/REFEREE $95.00 BIG APPLE BAGELS OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES $329.38 BIG ATHLETICS OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES $497.00 BOYS & GIRLS CLUB OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES $952.82 BP CREDIT CARD CENTER IN STATE TRAVEL $291.03 BREITBACHS COUNTRY DINING OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES $136.95 BULLDOG GIRLS BASKETBALL CAMP STUDENT ENTRY FEES $250.00 CEDAR RAPIDS WASHINGTON HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT ENTRY FEES CENTURY RESOURCES, INC. OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES CHERRY LANES REGISTRATION FEES CLINTON HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT ENTRY FEES CLOWARD, COLEEN T OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES COMFORT INN - STORY CITY IN STATE TRAVEL CRESCENT ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES $252.19 CROWE, ROBERT A. OFFICIAL/REFEREE $215.00 CULLERS, EMMA OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES CUVELIER, THOMAS GENE OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES $66.64 DECKER SPORTING GOODS OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES $1,534.00 DUBUQUE GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB INSTRUCTION SUPPLIES DUBUQUE GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES $75.00 DUBUQUE POLICE DEPARTMENT OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES $126.00 EASTBAY OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES $74.99 ENTERPRISE RENT-A-CAR MIDWEST IN STATE TRAVEL $15,468.50 $8.00 $120.00 $8,041.57 $72.00 $245.00 $39.55 $1,119.90 $83.00 $75.00 $1,551.99 Dubuque Community School District Regular Board Meeting June 8, 2015 61 Vendor Name Description Check Total ENVISION SPORTS DESIGN OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES ERNZEN, GREGORY J STAFF WORKSHOP/CONFERENCE REG FEES $40.00 FEDERAL TAX WITHHOLDING PAYROLL DEDUCTIONS AND WITHHOLDINGS $541.72 FICA WITHHOLDING - EMPLOYEE PAYROLL DEDUCTIONS AND WITHHOLDINGS $1,424.64 FISCHER, CAROLYN E OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES $307.59 FISCHER, TERRY OFFICIAL/REFEREE $171.96 $1,522.00 GEORGE WASHINGTON MIDDLE SCHOOL. OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES GOEDKEN, RODNEY A OFFICIAL/REFEREE $366.84 $8.85 GORDON'S TOGGERY OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES $461.00 GRAPHIC EDGE OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES $52.60 GREAT AMERICAN COOKIE COMPANY OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES $24.99 GTM SPORTSWEAR OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES $504.00 HAPPY JOES DELIVERY & CARRYOUT OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES $2,008.95 HARRIS N.A. FUND TRANSFERS HARRIS N.A. IN STATE TRAVEL HARRIS N.A. INSTRUCTION SUPPLIES HARRIS N.A. OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES HARRIS N.A. PROF-EDUCATIONAL SERVICES HEIAR BROTHERS FENCING & SUPPLY, INC OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES $600.00 HEMMER, PAUL E. PROF-EDUCATIONAL SERVICES $300.00 $55.45 $2,411.72 $1,045.65 $16,269.95 $1,350.75 HEMPSTEAD HIGH SCHOOL IN STATE TRAVEL HEMPSTEAD HIGH SCHOOL PETTY CASH OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES $10,190.00 $16.04 HEMPSTEAD MUSTANG BOOSTER CLUB OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES $2,451.50 HOBBY LOBBY CREATIVE CENTERS OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES $75.60 HY-VEE, INC. OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES $2,518.87 IA PUBLIC EMP RETIREMENT-EMPLOYEE PAYROLL DEDUCTIONS AND WITHHOLDINGS $948.97 ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE PAYROLL DEDUCTIONS AND WITHHOLDINGS $16.00 IOWA FUNDRAISING, INC. OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES IOWA GIRLS HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETIC UNION DUES/FEES IOWA GIRLS HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETIC UNION GATE RECEIPTS $3,408.00 IOWA HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETIC ASSOC. GATE RECEIPTS $1,674.00 IOWA HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETIC ASSOC. OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES IOWA HIGH SCHOOL SPEECH ASSOCIATION STUDENT ENTRY FEES $627.00 IOWA STATE TAX WITHHOLDING PAYROLL DEDUCTIONS AND WITHHOLDINGS $260.92 ISENHART, CHARLES W. OFFICIAL/REFEREE $267.50 J & M FUNDRAISING OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES $911.00 J-HAWK SOFTBALL STUDENT ENTRY FEES $140.00 JMJ SCREEN PRINTING OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES $202.00 JOSTENS INC. OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES $119.40 K2 TROPHIES AND AWARDS OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES $98.35 KIRK, DEEANA OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES $60.00 KLINEBRIEL, JILL PROF-EDUCATIONAL SERVICES KRATZ, AMELIA MARIE OFFICIAL/REFEREE $95.00 LASSANCE, PAUL OFFICIAL/REFEREE $425.00 LIFETOUCH NSS ACCTS RECEIVABLE OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES $354.21 $67.50 $200.00 $100.75 $175.00 Dubuque Community School District Regular Board Meeting June 8, 2015 62 Vendor Name Description Check Total LIME ROCK SPRINGS COMPANY OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES $728.40 LINDSAY, SIRENA PROF-EDUCATIONAL SERVICES $350.00 LORAS COLLEGE DANCE MARATHON OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES $358.00 MABUSTH, MARY OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES MAIERS, CHRISTIAN OFFICIAL/REFEREE MANHATTAN CONCERT PRODUCTIONS OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES MARTIN, TIM OFFICIAL/REFEREE MATCO RESTAURANTS, INC. OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES $102.68 MCLAUGHLIN INTERNATIONAL INC OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES $5,590.61 $76.32 $755.00 $2,432.00 $210.00 MINDFRAME THEATERS OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES $30.00 MISSISSIPPI VALLEY RUNNING ASSOCIATION OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES $231.25 MONTICELLO SPORTS OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES $7,779.08 MUHL TECH BASEBALL OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES $1,417.75 MURPHY, PATRICK J STUDENT ENTRY FEES MYERS-COX COMPANY OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES $63.60 $1,453.25 NABER, MATTHEW JAMES OFFICIAL/REFEREE NATIONAL MISSISSIPPI RIVER MUSEUM & OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES $4,125.00 $214.15 NEFF COMPANY OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES $99.49 NORTHEAST IOWA COMMUNITY COLLEGE-DUBUQUE OOSTENDORP, NICOLE MARIE OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES $76.00 OFFICIAL/REFEREE $295.00 PALMER, MICHAEL OFFICIAL/REFEREE $305.00 PATTICAKES OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES PAYROLL NET - ACH NET PAYROLL PAYABLE PIGGOTT, TIMOTHY OFFICIAL/REFEREE PLANE ART DESIGNS, INC. OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES PLUMMER, BECKY OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES $111.06 POOR MAN'S CAFE CATERING OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES $2,115.00 QUAD CITY TIMES OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES $941.30 RAM BOOSTER CLUB OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES RENNER, JR., TERRY J. OFFICIAL/REFEREE $117.28 RIEPE, KATHERINE M OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES $762.95 RIJPMA, JORDEN S C OFFICIAL/REFEREE SCHOLASTIC BOOK FAIR OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES $1,514.18 SCHOLASTIC BOOK FAIRS-8 OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES $1,019.95 SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL IN STATE TRAVEL $4,210.00 SHEEHAN, ERICA C OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES $10.00 $7,647.71 $260.00 $3,765.45 $65.00 $216.84 $5.98 SINTON, MARK HENRY OFFICIAL/REFEREE SOLON HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT ENTRY FEES $572.50 $40.00 SWCC-SMV VOCAL MUSIC JAZZ CAMP STUDENT ENTRY FEES $150.00 TEAM BUILDING BLOCKS, LLC OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES $310.00 TEMPLE'S SPORTING GOODS OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES $2,927.35 THE ULTIMATE BOW OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES $929.20 TNT FRAMING, ENGRAVING & AWARDS OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES $115.00 TRI-STATE PORTA POTTY, INC. OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES $410.00 TRI-STATE TRAVEL OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES $2,300.00 Dubuque Community School District Regular Board Meeting June 8, 2015 Vendor Name Description TRI-STATE TRAVEL PRIVATE CONTRACT BUSSING TSCHIGGFRIE, STEVEN OFFICIAL/REFEREE $410.00 TURNER, TYLER OFFICIAL/REFEREE $142.93 UCA SUMMER CAMP STUDENT ENTRY FEES $5,500.00 VARSITY SPIRIT FASHIONS FY14/15 BUDGET ALLOCATION $1,619.94 VARSITY SPIRIT FASHIONS OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES $3,277.16 WAL-MART DUBUQUE OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES $1,683.66 WEST DELAWARE SCHOOL DISTRICT STUDENT ENTRY FEES $55.00 WESTERN DUBUQUE HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT ENTRY FEES $295.00 WINDSTAR LINES, INC. PRIVATE CONTRACT BUSSING WITTMAN, GARY D STUDENT ENTRY FEES $116.60 YOKO, GREGORY OFFICIAL/REFEREE $165.00 YUDA BANDS OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES Printed: 63 06/04/2015 10:55:15 AM Report: rptIAChecksPaidListing Check Total $1,800.00 $1,758.00 $1,945.00 Fund Total: $163,743.06 Grand Total: $13,256,689.43 2015.2.08 Page: 16 Dubuque Community School District MONTHLY BUDGET RECAP - EXPENSE Subtotal by Collapse Mask Fiscal Year: 2014-2015 GL Budget 5/1/2015 Print accounts with zero balance Range To Date YTD Balance To Date: 5/31/2015 Filter Encumbrance Detail by Date Range Encumbrance Budget Balance % Bud Description 10.0000.0000.000.0000.000100 10.0000.0000.000.0000.000200 10.0000.0000.000.0000.000300 10.0000.0000.000.0000.000400 10.0000.0000.000.0000.000500 10.0000.0000.000.0000.000600 10.0000.0000.000.0000.000700 10.0000.0000.000.0000.000800 10.0000.0000.000.0000.000900 SALARIES EMPLOYEE BENEFITS PURCHASED SERVICES PROPERTY SERVICES OTHER PURCHASED SERVICES SUPPLIES PROPERTY/EQUIPMENT MISCELLANEOUS FUND TRANSFERS FUND: GENERAL FUND - 10 $76,218,292.01 $27,424,103.67 $8,816,075.36 $460,867.00 $2,610,406.78 $10,380,445.28 $174,965.88 $119,470.00 $4,928,817.00 $131,133,442.98 $7,358,140.94 $2,476,357.85 $671,451.35 $53,414.68 $61,108.02 $715,108.21 $26.49 $1,619.00 $410,735.00 $11,747,961.54 $67,782,175.52 $25,071,462.03 $7,058,844.33 $524,298.66 $2,276,840.59 $5,452,912.88 $51,365.47 $64,254.55 $4,518,085.00 $112,800,239.03 $8,436,116.49 $2,352,641.64 $1,757,231.03 ($63,431.66) $333,566.19 $4,927,532.40 $123,600.41 $55,215.45 $410,732.00 $18,333,203.95 $14,911,405.67 $5,391,176.50 $1,942,832.96 $47,432.35 $742,631.28 $649,815.90 $14,085.70 $3,178.50 $0.00 $23,702,558.86 21.0000.0000.000.0000.000100 21.0000.0000.000.0000.000200 21.0000.0000.000.0000.000300 21.0000.0000.000.0000.000400 21.0000.0000.000.0000.000500 21.0000.0000.000.0000.000600 21.0000.0000.000.0000.000700 21.0000.0000.000.0000.000800 21.0000.0000.000.0000.000900 SALARIES EMPLOYEE BENEFITS PURCHASED SERVICES PROPERTY SERVICES OTHER PURCHASED SERVICES SUPPLIES PROPERTY/EQUIPMENT MISCELLANEOUS FUND TRANSFERS FUND: STUDENT ACTIVITY FUND - 21 $870.00 $99.59 $300,000.00 $0.00 $30,000.00 $1,696,484.67 $30,000.00 $20,000.00 $0.00 $2,077,454.26 $11,658.17 $1,515.70 $10,586.81 $0.00 $48,616.22 $127,272.11 $0.00 $29,772.20 $3,265.02 $232,686.23 $62,285.81 $7,556.58 $103,517.05 $3,125.92 $184,582.36 $1,097,781.78 $5,749.99 $138,146.48 $10,355.08 $1,613,101.05 ($61,415.81) ($7,456.99) $196,482.95 ($3,125.92) ($154,582.36) $598,702.89 $24,250.01 ($118,146.48) ($10,355.08) $464,353.21 $9,808.02 $0.00 $8,895.26 $0.00 $28,555.48 $112,166.48 $0.00 $9,636.00 $0.00 $169,061.24 22.0000.0000.000.0000.000200 22.0000.0000.000.0000.000300 22.0000.0000.000.0000.000500 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS PURCHASED SERVICES OTHER PURCHASED SERVICES FUND: MANAGEMENT LEVY - 22 $1,126,000.00 $242,000.00 $1,103,000.00 $2,471,000.00 $34,667.10 $0.00 ($44.00) $34,623.10 $1,379,439.60 $0.00 $1,234,849.00 $2,614,288.60 ($253,439.60) $242,000.00 ($131,849.00) ($143,288.60) $22,817.12 $0.00 $1,488.00 $24,305.12 ($276,256.72) $242,000.00 ($133,337.00) ($167,593.72) -24.53% 100.00% -12.09% -6.78% 33.0000.0000.000.0000.000300 33.0000.0000.000.0000.000400 33.0000.0000.000.0000.000600 33.0000.0000.000.0000.000700 33.0000.0000.000.0000.000800 33.0000.0000.000.0000.000900 PURCHASED SERVICES PROPERTY SERVICES SUPPLIES PROPERTY/EQUIPMENT MISCELLANEOUS FUND TRANSFERS FUND: LOCAL OPTION SALES TAX - 33 $1,000,000.00 $12,750,000.00 $0.00 $3,500,000.00 $0.00 $2,267,747.00 $19,517,747.00 $13,744.50 $621,699.11 $71,499.42 $0.00 $0.00 $234,487.69 $941,430.72 $427,531.32 $11,863,563.71 $1,524,714.75 $126,902.57 $0.00 $4,035,342.44 $17,978,054.79 $572,468.68 $886,436.29 ($1,524,714.75) $3,373,097.43 $0.00 ($1,767,595.44) $1,539,692.21 $1,575,632.08 $4,532,353.54 $2,083,193.89 $215,486.04 $7,490.00 $0.00 $8,414,155.55 ($1,003,163.40) ($3,645,917.25) ($3,607,908.64) $3,157,611.39 ($7,490.00) ($1,767,595.44) ($6,874,463.34) -100.32% -28.60% 0.00% 90.22% 0.00% -77.95% -35.22% 36.0000.0000.000.0000.000300 36.0000.0000.000.0000.000400 36.0000.0000.000.0000.000600 36.0000.0000.000.0000.000700 36.0000.0000.000.0000.000800 PURCHASED SERVICES PROPERTY SERVICES SUPPLIES PROPERTY/EQUIPMENT MISCELLANEOUS FUND: PHYSICAL PLANT/EQUIP LEVY - 36 $0.00 $2,451,400.00 $0.00 $961,600.00 $0.00 $3,413,000.00 $57,538.73 $9,477.59 $19,389.75 $0.00 $0.00 $86,406.07 $179,123.06 $1,278,646.18 $269,032.08 $406,207.31 $492.00 $2,133,500.63 ($179,123.06) $1,172,753.82 ($269,032.08) $555,392.69 ($492.00) $1,279,499.37 $41,538.77 $1,080,130.85 $68,702.22 $801,493.65 $0.00 $1,991,865.49 ($220,661.83) $92,622.97 ($337,734.30) ($246,100.96) ($492.00) ($712,366.12) 0.00% 3.78% 0.00% -25.59% 0.00% -20.87% 40.0000.0000.000.0000.000300 40.0000.0000.000.0000.000800 40.0000.0000.000.0000.000900 PURCHASED SERVICES MISCELLANEOUS FUND TRANSFERS FUND: DEBT SERVICE FUND - 40 $0.00 $1,811,000.00 $0.00 $1,811,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,810,952.51 $0.00 $1,810,952.51 $0.00 $47.49 $0.00 $47.49 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $47.49 $0.00 $47.49 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 61.0000.0000.000.0000.000100 61.0000.0000.000.0000.000200 61.0000.0000.000.0000.000300 61.0000.0000.000.0000.000400 61.0000.0000.000.0000.000500 SALARIES EMPLOYEE BENEFITS PURCHASED SERVICES PROPERTY SERVICES OTHER PURCHASED SERVICES $1,917,293.06 $621,327.01 $51,000.00 $10,000.00 $7,000.00 $284,085.58 $78,819.13 $4,559.29 $0.00 $556.28 $1,786,740.91 $651,861.54 $43,909.28 $6,264.32 $2,161.41 $130,552.15 ($30,534.53) $7,090.72 $3,735.68 $4,838.59 $91,833.35 $37,472.28 $0.00 $118.93 $83.95 $38,718.80 ($68,006.81) $7,090.72 $3,616.75 $4,754.64 2.02% -10.95% 13.90% 36.17% 67.92% 06/03/2015 1:27:53 PM Report: rptGLGenRpt 2015.1.12 ($6,475,289.18) ($3,038,534.86) ($185,601.93) ($110,864.01) ($409,065.09) $4,277,716.50 $109,514.71 $52,036.95 $410,732.00 ($5,369,354.91) -8.50% -11.08% -2.11% -24.06% -15.67% 41.21% 62.59% 43.56% 8.33% -4.09% ($71,223.83) -8186.65% ($7,456.99) -7487.69% $187,587.69 62.53% ($3,125.92) 0.00% ($183,137.84) -610.46% $486,536.41 28.68% $24,250.01 80.83% ($127,782.48) -638.91% ($10,355.08) 0.00% $295,291.97 14.21% Page: 1 Dubuque Community School District - Regular Board Meeting - June 8, 2015 Account Number Printed: 64 From Date: Include pre encumbrance Dubuque Community School District MONTHLY BUDGET RECAP - EXPENSE Subtotal by Collapse Mask Fiscal Year: 2014-2015 From Date: Include pre encumbrance GL Budget 5/1/2015 Print accounts with zero balance Range To Date YTD Balance To Date: 5/31/2015 Filter Encumbrance Detail by Date Range Encumbrance Budget Balance % Bud Description 61.0000.0000.000.0000.000600 61.0000.0000.000.0000.000700 61.0000.0000.000.0000.000800 61.0000.0000.000.0000.000900 SUPPLIES PROPERTY/EQUIPMENT MISCELLANEOUS FUND TRANSFERS FUND: SCHOOL NUTRITION FUND - 61 $2,340,000.00 $65,000.00 $1,000.00 $0.00 $5,012,620.07 $188,048.66 $0.00 $0.00 $13,639.74 $569,708.68 $1,818,976.94 $0.00 $659.50 $150,037.10 $4,460,611.00 $521,023.06 $65,000.00 $340.50 ($150,037.10) $552,009.07 $350,376.34 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $479,884.85 $170,646.72 $65,000.00 $340.50 ($150,037.10) $72,124.22 7.29% 100.00% 34.05% 0.00% 1.44% 76.0000.0000.000.0000.000200 76.0000.0000.000.0000.000300 76.0000.0000.000.0000.000500 76.0000.0000.000.0000.000600 76.0000.0000.000.0000.000800 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS PURCHASED SERVICES OTHER PURCHASED SERVICES SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS FUND: CLEARING FUND - 76 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $163,097.96 $0.00 $0.00 $4,838.19 $0.00 $167,936.15 $2,113,707.17 $0.00 $0.00 $61,756.80 $0.00 $2,175,463.97 ($2,113,707.17) $0.00 $0.00 ($61,756.80) $0.00 ($2,175,463.97) $170,805.55 $0.00 $0.00 $4,435.00 $0.00 $175,240.55 ($2,284,512.72) $0.00 $0.00 ($66,191.80) $0.00 ($2,350,704.52) 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 81.0000.0000.000.0000.000300 81.0000.0000.000.0000.000600 PURCHASED SERVICES SUPPLIES FUND: EXPENDABLE TRUST FUND - 81 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $3,263.40 $318.00 $3,581.40 ($3,263.40) ($318.00) ($3,581.40) $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ($3,263.40) ($318.00) ($3,581.40) 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% $165,436,264.31 $13,780,752.49 $145,589,792.98 $19,846,471.33 $34,957,071.66 ($15,110,600.33) -9.13% Grand Total: End of Report Printed: 65 06/03/2015 1:27:53 PM Report: rptGLGenRpt 2015.1.12 Page: 2 Dubuque Community School District - Regular Board Meeting - June 8, 2015 Account Number Dubuque Community School District Fiscal Year: General Ledger - FUNCTION LEVEL RECAP - FUND 10 2014-2015 From Date:5/1/2015 To Date:5/31/2015 Budget Range To Date Year To Date Budget Balance $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% $54,091,593.94 $4,174,493.57 $43,937,367.67 ($1,047,922.90) $11,202,149.17 101.94% $0.00 $0.00 $92,118.45 ($110,135.61) $18,017.16 0.00% FUND / FUNCTION / FUNCTION Encumbrance Percent Used 10 - GENERAL FUND 0000 - UNDISTRIBUTED 1100 - REGULAR INSTRUCTION 1101 - SUMMER SCHOOL INSTRUCTION 1200 - SPECIAL INSTRUCTION $32,085,690.24 $3,017,146.23 $27,800,773.97 ($2,193,245.10) $6,478,161.37 106.84% 1201 - SUMMER SCH SPECIAL INSTR $582.06 $994.79 $157,122.47 ($156,540.41) $0.00 26994.21% 1203 - DAY TREATMENT SPEC INSTR $84,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $84,000.00 $0.00 0.00% $582,545.89 $52,583.87 $549,013.15 ($114,798.58) $148,331.32 119.71% $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% $23,549.00 $3,293.30 $25,228.90 ($2,017.94) $338.04 108.57% 1300 - VOCATIONAL INSTRUCTION $1,872,969.55 $166,142.14 $1,783,138.30 ($433,614.21) $523,445.46 123.15% 1400 - CO-CURRICULAR $1,117,249.69 $123,037.03 $1,062,381.13 ($157,659.08) $212,527.64 114.11% 1204 - ESL SPECIAL INSTRUCTION 1207 - EXTENDED DAY SPEC INSTR 1208 - SPECIAL EDUCATION - IEP 1500 - NON-PUBLIC INSTRUCTION $53,472.43 $5,956.77 $34,234.24 $11,010.10 $8,228.09 79.41% 2112 - ATTENDANCE/TRUANCY $123,146.82 $8,494.82 $91,138.44 $1,342.75 $30,665.63 98.91% 2113 - SOCIAL WORK $202,749.35 $3,939.36 $63,556.95 $106,612.55 $32,579.85 47.42% 2115 - TRANSITION SERVICES 2120 - GUIDANCE SERVICES 2125 - RECORD MAINTENANCE 2131 - SUPRVN OF HEALTH SERVICES 2134 - NURSING SERVICES 2139 - OTHER HEALTH SERVICES 2143 - PSYCHOLOGICAL COUNSELING 2153 - HEARING IMP/INTERPRETER 2211 - SUPVN OF INSTRUCTION $646,438.48 ($207,524.04) $170,415.19 134.06% $2,739,982.96 ($297,165.37) $789,574.21 109.19% $4,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $4,000.00 $0.00 0.00% $9,031.50 $293.76 $11,090.61 ($2,155.11) $96.00 123.86% $1,254,339.99 $106,907.56 $1,134,774.85 ($179,617.56) $299,182.70 114.32% $676,824.97 $106,870.58 $666,675.86 ($28,796.84) $38,945.95 104.25% $1,500.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,500.00 $0.00 0.00% $458,709.09 $43,970.12 $394,839.69 ($40,104.68) $103,974.08 108.74% 113.63% $1,790,232.30 $154,390.81 $1,634,429.32 ($244,033.64) $399,836.62 $164,817.15 $461.54 $14,133.57 $150,054.05 $629.53 8.96% 2213 - STAFF DEVELOPMENT $809,496.25 $49,749.91 $595,899.96 $83,975.93 $129,620.36 89.63% $2,331.24 $0.00 $0.00 $2,331.24 $0.00 0.00% $97,250.00 $552.25 $145,461.96 ($49,201.96) $990.00 150.59% $2,491,849.61 $254,755.55 $2,272,684.15 ($287,870.80) $507,036.26 111.55% $544,635.91 $304,541.28 $481,723.76 $45,811.39 $17,100.76 91.59% 2314 - ELECTION SERVICES $20,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $20,000.00 $0.00 0.00% 2317 - LEGAL SERVICES $50,000.00 $3,593.25 $43,679.47 ($23,131.68) $29,452.21 146.26% 2318 - EXTERNAL AUDIT SERVICES $20,000.00 $0.00 $20,100.00 ($100.00) $0.00 100.50% 2319 - OTHER BOARD OF ED SERVICE $37,500.00 $865.23 $42,055.00 ($5,255.00) $700.00 114.01% 2321 - OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT $339,375.14 $29,732.99 $312,726.18 ($2,988.89) $29,637.85 100.88% 2322 - COMMUNITY RELATIONS $311,660.68 $12,043.65 $137,904.55 $161,731.87 $12,024.26 48.11% 2218 - ASSESSMENT SERVICES 2229 - OTH EDUCATIONAL MEDIA SER 2239 - OTH INST-RELATED TECH SER Printed: $72,752.06 $261,569.64 2212 - CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT 2215 - PROFESSIONAL MENTORING 66 $609,329.63 $3,232,391.80 06/03/2015 1:35:37 PM Report: rptOnDemandElementsRpt 2015.1.12 Page: 1 Dubuque Community School District - Regular Board Meeting - June 8, 2015 0000 - UNDISTRIBUTED Dubuque Community School District Fiscal Year: General Ledger - FUNCTION LEVEL RECAP - FUND 10 To Date:5/31/2015 Year To Date $137,904.55 Budget Balance $161,731.87 Encumbrance $12,024.26 Percent Used 48.11% 2327 - OFFICE OF ASSOC SUPERINT $257,036.27 $22,931.88 $231,532.13 $2,614.52 $22,889.62 98.98% 2329 - OTHER EXEC ADMIN SERVICES $697,667.26 $78,951.42 $621,631.70 ($2,293.99) $78,329.55 100.33% 2331 - SPECIAL ED ADMIN SERVICES $166,798.91 $12,814.64 $142,798.39 ($1,789.08) $25,789.60 101.07% 2334 - OFFICE OF EQUITY & SAFETY $6,000.00 $307.60 $3,363.88 $2,636.12 $0.00 56.06% 2335 - TITLE I ADMINISTRATION $0.00 $0.00 $138.88 ($138.88) $0.00 0.00% 2337 - ADMIN-ON BEHALF ST PRESCH $0.00 $0.00 $12,240.00 ($12,240.00) $0.00 0.00% 2411 - SCHOOL ADMINISTRAT OFFICE $6,213,042.98 $579,513.45 $5,700,971.07 ($357,820.42) $869,892.33 105.76% $0.00 $0.00 $19,043.50 ($24,447.12) $5,403.62 0.00% $1,071,481.16 $135,351.58 $1,107,970.26 ($207,691.21) $171,202.11 119.38% 2511 - SUPERVISION OF FISCAL SER $173,449.03 $14,453.02 $158,521.14 $473.85 $14,454.04 99.73% 2530 - PRINTING SERVICES $246,094.19 $14,517.26 $184,863.09 $27,939.93 $33,291.17 88.65% $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% 286.33% 2510 - FISCAL SERVICES 2545 - EVALUATION 2560 - PUBLIC INFO SERVICES $78,170.36 $20,678.85 $203,161.48 ($145,657.22) $20,666.10 $178,477.10 $14,455.36 $160,657.24 $3,116.24 $14,703.62 98.25% $4,800.00 $0.00 $5,654.00 ($854.00) $0.00 117.79% 2574 - STAFF DEV NON INSTRUCTION $7,500.00 $630.00 $16,253.88 ($17,747.00) $8,993.12 336.63% 2579 - OTHER PERSONNEL SERVICES $32,000.00 $788.04 $21,552.34 $1,518.01 $8,929.65 95.26% $149,216.28 $12,433.77 $137,188.83 ($407.24) $12,434.69 100.27% $2,000.00 $0.00 $346.02 $1,653.98 $0.00 17.30% 2589 - OTHER ADMINIST TECH SERV $1,177,417.47 $110,927.22 $998,799.97 $68,310.88 $110,306.62 94.20% 2611 - OFFICE OF OPERATION/MAINT $2,679,957.71 $192,573.77 $2,351,428.15 ($18,235.57) $346,765.13 100.68% 2621 - BUILDING OPERATION/MAINT $5,799,753.49 $617,442.33 $5,250,534.02 $50,166.83 $499,052.64 99.14% 2622 - MECHANICAL/HVAC $70,000.00 $2,609.68 $33,471.78 $31,373.22 $5,155.00 55.18% 2623 - PLUMBING $30,000.00 $2,092.71 $15,558.72 $8,535.38 $5,905.90 71.55% 2624 - ELECTRICAL $64,000.00 $4,775.54 $53,629.51 $9,512.74 $857.75 85.14% 2625 - CARPENTRY $47,000.00 $11,976.15 $35,619.56 $11,105.44 $275.00 76.37% 2626 - PAINTING $17,000.00 $150.00 $15,541.69 $1,458.31 $0.00 91.42% 2629 - FACILITY SCHEDULER $49,434.85 $4,137.24 $45,296.53 $0.81 $4,137.51 100.00% 2631 - UPKEEP OF GROUNDS $304,876.25 $26,112.85 $304,337.92 ($41,933.68) $42,472.01 113.75% $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ($1,977.40) $1,977.40 0.00% $8,000.00 $0.00 $2,354.87 $5,645.13 $0.00 29.44% 2571 - SUPRVN OF PERSONNEL SERV 2572 - RECRUITMENT SERVICES 2581 - SUPERVISION OF TECH SERV 2586 - HARDWARE MAINT & SUPPORT 2640 - CARE & UPKEEP OF EQUIPMENT 2641 - UPKEEP OF EQUIPMENT 2651 - VEHICLE OPER & MAINT $10,000.00 $2,403.28 $21,835.92 ($11,930.92) $95.00 219.31% $235,590.26 $28,880.74 $341,803.94 ($134,883.88) $28,670.20 157.25% 2721 - BUSSING - ACTIVITY TRIPS $10,000.00 $14,651.91 $111,636.46 ($112,697.30) $11,060.84 1226.97% 2722 - BUSSING - FIELD TRIPS $14,016.97 $14,681.84 $56,055.48 ($52,320.90) $10,282.39 473.27% 2723 - BUSSING/ROUTE TRIPS $1,965,812.30 $242,555.41 $1,697,424.27 $193,698.11 $74,689.92 90.15% $61,500.00 $4,755.14 $38,751.87 $20,795.82 $1,952.31 66.19% 2711 - OFFICE OF TRANSPORT SERV 2724 - OTHER TRANSPORTATION 06/03/2015 1:35:37 PM Report: rptOnDemandElementsRpt 2015.1.12 Page: 2 Dubuque Community School District - Regular Board Meeting - June 8, 2015 Range To Date $12,043.65 2491 - SCHOOL ADMIN SUMMER SCH Printed: From Date:5/1/2015 Budget $311,660.68 FUND / FUNCTION / FUNCTION 2322 - COMMUNITY RELATIONS 67 2014-2015 Dubuque Community School District Fiscal Year: General Ledger - FUNCTION LEVEL RECAP - FUND 10 2014-2015 From Date:5/1/2015 To Date:5/31/2015 Budget Range To Date Year To Date Budget Balance 2731 - BUS MONITORING $465,778.08 $73,160.69 $434,736.95 $10,929.21 $20,111.92 97.65% 2741 - VEHICLE MAINTENANCE $406,398.84 $42,840.57 $356,700.33 $4,509.73 $45,188.78 98.89% FUND / FUNCTION / FUNCTION 2791 - TRANSPORTATION SUMMER SCH 2793 - DRUG/ALCOHOL TESTING Percent Used $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% $163,000.00 $52,973.95 $221,947.86 ($59,823.90) $876.04 136.70% $8,500.00 $540.00 $10,474.75 ($2,816.00) $841.25 133.13% $170,031.99 $20,001.71 $159,173.18 ($9,847.51) $20,706.32 105.79% 3311 - COMMUNITY SERV BLOCK GRT $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% 4300 - ARCHITECT/ENGINEER $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ($540.00) $540.00 0.00% 4700 - BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS $0.00 $0.00 $105,448.10 ($105,448.10) $0.00 0.00% $4,928,817.00 $410,735.00 $4,518,085.00 $410,732.00 $0.00 91.67% 6127 - INTERFUND TRANSFER-TRANSP $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% 6261 - FUND 61 TRANSFERS $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% 2799 - TRUCKING SERVICES 6100 - INTERAGENCY FLOWTHROUGH 10 - GENERAL FUND Total: $131,133,442.98 $11,747,936.66 $112,799,208.70 ($5,368,324.58) $23,702,558.86 104.09% Grand Total: $131,133,442.98 $11,747,936.66 $112,799,208.70 ($5,368,324.58) $23,702,558.86 104.09% End of Report Printed: 68 06/03/2015 1:35:37 PM Report: rptOnDemandElementsRpt 2015.1.12 Page: 3 Dubuque Community School District - Regular Board Meeting - June 8, 2015 2792 - STATE REPORTING Encumbrance Dubuque Community School District Fiscal Year: General Ledger - MONTHLY REVENUE RECAP Account Mask: Account Type: ??????????????????????? Budget From Date:5/1/2015 To Date:5/31/2015 REVENUE Print accounts with zero balance FUND / OBJECT 2014-2015 Include Inactive Accounts Range To Date Year To Date Include PreEncumbrance Encumbrance Budget Balance Percent Used 001111 - PROPERTY TAX ($30,771,778.00) ($645,427.60) 97.90% $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% 001113 - BUS PROP TAX CREDIT $0.00 $0.00 ($335,492.05) $0.00 $335,492.05 0.00% ($5,038,104.00) ($166,759.53) ($4,807,084.62) $0.00 ($231,019.38) 95.41% ($882,320.00) ($6,851.62) ($1,000,053.48) $0.00 $117,733.48 113.34% ($95,000.00) ($6,064.76) ($82,064.43) $0.00 ($12,935.57) 86.38% 001311 - TUITION/INDIVID/REG ED $0.00 ($250.00) ($3,936.00) $0.00 $3,936.00 0.00% 001312 - TUITION/INDIVID/SPEC ED $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% 001313 - TUITION/INDIVID/DRIVER ED ($63,000.00) ($1,047.00) ($58,495.20) $0.00 ($4,504.80) 92.85% 001314 - TUITION/INDIVID/OUT OF ST ($24,600.00) $0.00 ($12,746.00) $0.00 ($11,854.00) 51.81% 001321 - TUITION/LEA'S - REG EDUC ($36,000.00) $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ($36,000.00) 0.00% 001322 - TUITION/LEA'S SPEC EDUC ($2,150,000.00) ($270.85) ($1,787,832.20) $0.00 ($362,167.80) 83.15% ($175,000.00) $0.00 ($234,555.89) $0.00 $59,555.89 134.03% 001324 - TUITION/LEA'S OP EN/SP ED $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% 001332 - TUITION OUT OF ST SPEC ED $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% 001341 - TUIT PRV SRC REGULAR ED $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% 001361 - TUITION/SUM SCH/REG ED $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% 001362 - TUITION/SUM SCH/SPEC ED $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% 001363 - TUITION/SUM SCH/DRIVER ED $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% 001171 - UTILITY REPLACEMENT TAX 001191 - MOBILE HOME TAX 001323 - TUIT/LEA/OPEN ENR/REG ED 001411 - TRANS/FEES/REG ED/PUBLIC ($31,000.00) ($4,985.81) ($28,055.65) $0.00 ($2,944.35) 90.50% 001413 - TRANS/FEES/REG ED/NON PUB $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% 001414 - TRANS/FEES/SP ED/NON PUB $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% 001415 - ACTIVITY/ATHLETIC TRIPS $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% 001422 - LEA/TRAN/FEES/SPEC ED $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% ($9,500.00) ($1,151.77) ($14,760.74) $0.00 $5,260.74 155.38% 001510 - INTEREST ($55,000.00) ($5,528.65) ($56,437.28) $0.00 $1,437.28 102.61% 001720 - BOOKSTORE & SUPPLY SALES ($50,000.00) ($1,906.55) ($49,229.93) $0.00 ($770.07) 98.46% 001740 - STUDENT FEES REVENUE ($30,000.00) ($7,163.50) ($112,289.60) $405.00 $81,884.60 372.95% $0.00 $0.00 ($100.00) $0.00 $100.00 0.00% 001910 - PROPERTY RENTAL ($126,000.00) ($21,867.00) ($121,002.00) $0.00 ($4,998.00) 96.03% 001920 - DONATIONS/CONTRIBUTIONS ($250,000.00) ($20,674.56) ($290,402.79) $0.00 $40,402.79 116.16% ($61,931.20) $0.00 ($61,931.20) $0.00 $0.00 100.00% $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% 001441 - TRANS FEES/PRIVATE 001748 - STUDENT FEES - CONTEST 001921 - DRA GRANT 001923 - EL/OUTWARD BOUND Printed: $0.00 001112 - CASH RESERVE PROPERTY TAX 001114 - INST SUPPORT PROPERTY TAX 69 ($989,000.26) ($30,126,350.40) 06/03/2015 1:34:11 PM Report: rptOnDemandElementsRpt 2015.1.12 Page: 1 Dubuque Community School District - Regular Board Meeting - June 8, 2015 10 - GENERAL FUND Dubuque Community School District Fiscal Year: General Ledger - MONTHLY REVENUE RECAP Account Mask: Account Type: ??????????????????????? 001924 - MCELROY GRANT 001927 - KIWANIS/ROTARY 001942 - TEXTBOOK FEES - PUBLIC 001945 - TEXTBOOK FINES/PENALTIES 001951 - LEA TEACHER SERVICES 001954 - LEA/AEA OTHER SERVICES 001958 - MISC REV FROM LEA/AEA 001960 - SALES OF SERV-LOCAL GOVT 001989 - OTHER REFUND PR YR EXP 001993 - FUND RAISER Include PreEncumbrance Budget Range To Date Year To Date $0.00 $0.00 ($5,215.00) Encumbrance Budget Balance $0.00 $5,215.00 Percent Used 0.00% ($7,500.00) ($1,050.00) ($36,362.50) $0.00 $28,862.50 484.83% $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% ($500,000.00) ($8,845.10) ($496,426.30) $0.00 ($3,573.70) 99.29% ($5,000.00) ($2,675.00) ($6,885.22) $25.00 $1,860.22 137.20% $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% $0.00 $0.00 ($41.46) $0.00 $41.46 0.00% ($300.00) $0.00 ($3,036.90) $0.00 $2,736.90 1012.30% $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% ($5,000.00) $0.00 ($7,498.00) $0.00 $2,498.00 149.96% $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% $0.00 $0.00 ($157,619.52) $0.00 $157,619.52 0.00% 001999 - MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE ($130,000.00) ($13,551.90) ($150,244.53) $0.00 $20,244.53 115.57% ($5,106,982.00) ($46,150,414.00) $0.00 ($5,388,344.00) 89.55% 0.00% ($51,538,758.00) 003112 - INSTRUC SUPPORT STATE AID $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 003113 - SPEC ED DEF/SUP ST AID $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% ($2,345,993.00) ($233,375.00) ($2,112,615.00) $0.00 ($233,378.00) 90.05% $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% ($33,000.00) $0.00 ($54,677.18) $0.00 $21,677.18 165.69% 003117 - 4 YR OLD PRESCHOOL ST AID 003118 - ADDITIONAL 2% STATE AID 003121 - FOSTER CARE CLAIM 003123 - DISTRICT COURT CLAIM ($150,000.00) $0.00 ($218,688.18) $0.00 $68,688.18 145.79% 003202 - MENTORING AND INDUCTION $0.00 ($52,650.00) ($105,300.00) $0.00 $105,300.00 0.00% 003203 - EVALUATOR TRAINING PROG $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% 003204 - SALARY IMPROVEMENT PLAN ($6,014,251.00) ($601,425.00) ($5,412,825.00) $0.00 ($601,426.00) 90.00% 003205 - PROF DEV/TECH ASSIST $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% 003209 - ADMINISTRATOR MENTORING $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% 003214 - AEA FLOW THROUGH ($4,928,817.00) ($410,735.00) ($4,518,085.00) $0.00 ($410,732.00) 91.67% 003216 - EARLY INTERVENTION GRANT ($718,922.00) ($71,892.00) ($647,028.00) $0.00 ($71,894.00) 90.00% 003221 - NON-PUBLIC TRANSPORT AID ($375,000.00) $0.00 ($592,288.93) $0.00 $217,288.93 157.94% 003222 - NON-PUBLIC TEXTBOOK AID ($30,000.00) $0.00 ($31,863.33) $0.00 $1,863.33 106.21% 003227 - D-CAT/DHS ($19,050.00) ($1,937.84) ($12,486.11) $0.00 ($6,563.89) 65.54% 003229 - TRUANCY INTERVENTION ($53,300.00) ($11,621.50) ($45,656.20) $0.00 ($7,643.80) 85.66% $0.00 $0.00 ($6,436.39) $0.00 $6,436.39 0.00% ($73,434.10) $0.00 ($73,434.10) $0.00 $0.00 100.00% 003242 - COMM PARTNER-TOBACCO SETT $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% 003248 - EDUC TECH $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% 003234 - K-3 INNOVATIVE AT RISK 003238 - 4 YR OLD AT-RISK GRANT Printed: Include Inactive Accounts 001996 - IA SCH MICRO SETTLEMENT 003111 - FOUNDATION AID-CURRENT YR 70 To Date:5/31/2015 06/03/2015 1:34:11 PM Report: rptOnDemandElementsRpt 2015.1.12 Page: 2 Dubuque Community School District - Regular Board Meeting - June 8, 2015 001925 - LOCAL GRANT From Date:5/1/2015 REVENUE Print accounts with zero balance FUND / OBJECT 2014-2015 Dubuque Community School District Fiscal Year: General Ledger - MONTHLY REVENUE RECAP Account Mask: Account Type: ??????????????????????? 003249 - NAEP 003326 - IA COMP HWY SAFETY PLAN 003334 - SS & ES 003342 - SUCCESSFUL PROGRESSION FOR EARLY READERS 003373 - PROF DEV MODEL CORE CURR 003374 - TEACHER DEVEL ACADEMIES 003376 - ED QUALITY PROF DEVELOP Include PreEncumbrance Budget Range To Date Year To Date $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Encumbrance Budget Balance $0.00 $0.00 Percent Used 0.00% ($40,000.00) $0.00 ($46,435.01) $0.00 $6,435.01 116.09% $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% ($100,187.95) $0.00 ($100,187.95) $0.00 $0.00 100.00% ($213,311.00) ($21,331.00) ($242,170.00) $0.00 $28,859.00 113.53% $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% ($501,908.00) ($50,191.00) ($401,528.00) $0.00 ($100,380.00) 80.00% $0.00 ($3,266,883.25) $0.00 $0.25 100.00% 003720 - STATE GRANTS THRU AEA $0.00 $0.00 ($5,200.00) $0.00 $5,200.00 0.00% 003751 - IOWA STEM GRANT $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% 003801 - MILITARY CREDIT $0.00 $0.00 ($19,514.75) $0.00 $19,514.75 0.00% 003803 - STATE COMM & IND REPLACEMENT ($616,293.00) $0.00 ($700,346.65) $0.00 $84,053.65 113.64% 004024 - ARRA HOMELESS YOUTH GRANT $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% 004026 - ARRA TITLE I $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% 004034 - ARRA STABILIZATION FUNDS $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% 004035 - ARRA STAB-TCHR PROF DEV $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% 004036 - ST FIS STAB FD-INSTR SUPP $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% 004039 - ARRA GOVT STABILIZATION $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% 004041 - EDUCATION JOBS $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% 004201 - TITLE V $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% 004319 - DHS CHILD CARE ASSISTANCE $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% ($256,743.36) $0.00 ($141,595.62) $0.00 ($115,147.74) 55.15% 004355 - INTERV YOUTH VIOLENCE 004501 - TITLE I CURRENT FISCAL YR Printed: Include Inactive Accounts ($3,266,883.00) 003387 - TEACHER LEADERSHIP GRANT 71 To Date:5/31/2015 ($1,923,921.00) $0.00 ($1,832,593.00) $0.00 ($91,328.00) 95.25% 004504 - UNDESIGNATED $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% 004512 - UNDESIGNATED $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% 004513 - IDEA SUB GRANT $0.00 $0.00 ($1,500.00) $0.00 $1,500.00 0.00% 004514 - IDEA SUB GRANT $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% 004515 - IDEA SUB GRANT - FUSION $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% 004516 - UNDESIGNATED $0.00 $0.00 ($1,650.00) $0.00 $1,650.00 0.00% 004517 - IDEA SUB GRANT - LETRS $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% 004521 - SPEC ED PART B $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% 004522 - SPECIAL ED PRESCHOOL GRT $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% 004525 - SPEC ED PART B HIGH COST $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% 004526 - CAREER LADDER $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% 06/03/2015 1:34:11 PM Report: rptOnDemandElementsRpt 2015.1.12 Page: 3 Dubuque Community School District - Regular Board Meeting - June 8, 2015 003261 - VOCATIONAL AID From Date:5/1/2015 REVENUE Print accounts with zero balance FUND / OBJECT 2014-2015 Dubuque Community School District Fiscal Year: General Ledger - MONTHLY REVENUE RECAP Account Mask: Account Type: ??????????????????????? 004531 - PERKINS GRANT 004546 - JUVENILE ACCOUNTABILITY 004565 - HOMELESS YOUTH GRANT Budget $0.00 Range To Date $0.00 Year To Date $0.00 Include PreEncumbrance Encumbrance Budget Balance $0.00 $0.00 Percent Used 0.00% $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% ($131,563.00) $0.00 ($111,523.00) $0.00 ($20,040.00) 84.77% $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% ($35,000.00) $0.00 ($44,765.42) $0.00 $9,765.42 127.90% $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% 004577 - COOPERAT AGREE/SCH HEALTH $0.00 $0.00 ($339.48) $0.00 $339.48 0.00% 004579 - PROMOTION OF THE ARTS GRT $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% 004585 - TECHNOLOGY LITERACY GRANT $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% 004591 - DRUG FREE SCHOOLS $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% 004598 - TAP PROGRAM $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% 004633 - MEDICAID ADMINISTRATION $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% ($3,500,000.00) ($305,192.45) ($2,623,207.16) $0.00 ($876,792.84) 74.95% 004643 - TITLE II-FED TCHR QUALITY ($370,260.56) $0.00 ($281,781.85) $0.00 ($88,478.71) 76.10% 004644 - TITLE III-ENG LANG AQUIST $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% 004646 - 21ST CENTURY COM LEARN CT ($168,548.62) ($44,069.48) ($221,566.61) $0.00 $53,017.99 131.46% 004647 - SAFE/DRUG NATIONAL ($138,400.00) $0.00 ($106,450.93) $0.00 ($31,949.07) 76.92% 004648 - TITLE VI PART A - NCLB ($52,350.00) $0.00 ($53,280.40) $0.00 $930.40 101.78% 004653 - ENHANCE ASSESSMENT $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% 004654 - ADVANCED PLACEMENT PROG $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% 004655 - TCHR QUALITY ENHANCEMENT $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% 004656 - KATRINA RELIEF $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% 004658 - SPEC ED TECH ASSISTANCE $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% ($12,255.52) $0.00 ($10,803.94) $0.00 ($1,451.58) 88.16% 004695 - DEVEP DISAB PROJ OF NAT'L SIGNIFICANCE METS 004720 - FEDERAL PASS-THROUGH(AEA) ($571,778.00) $0.00 ($290,052.85) $0.00 ($281,725.15) 50.73% 004731 - COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIP PRG $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% 004740 - FED GRANTS THRU A COUNTY $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% 004750 - GRANT IN-AID/UNIVERSITY $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% 004795 - PARENTAL ASSIST CTR (SAI) $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% ($27,000.00) $0.00 ($26,024.31) $0.00 ($975.69) 96.39% ($5,000.00) ($3,265.02) ($10,355.08) $0.00 $5,355.08 207.10% $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% 005261 - INTERFUND TRANS FUND 61 ($100,000.00) ($13,639.74) ($150,037.10) $0.00 $50,037.10 150.04% 005311 - COMP. FOR LOSS OF ASSETS ($100,000.00) $210.50 ($43,800.68) $0.00 ($56,199.32) 43.80% ($5,000.00) ($16,418.11) ($36,487.77) $0.00 $31,487.77 729.76% 004812 - PYMTS TO ST/LIEU RE TAXES 005221 - FUND 21 TRANSFER 005233 - INTERFUND TRANSFER 005314 - SALE OF EQUIPMENT Printed: Include Inactive Accounts 004574 - NAT'L. SCIENCE FOUNDATION 004634 - MEDICAID DIRECT CARE 72 To Date:5/31/2015 06/03/2015 1:34:11 PM Report: rptOnDemandElementsRpt 2015.1.12 Page: 4 Dubuque Community School District - Regular Board Meeting - June 8, 2015 004527 - SPECIAL ED TECHNICAL ASST From Date:5/1/2015 REVENUE Print accounts with zero balance FUND / OBJECT 004526 - CAREER LADDER 2014-2015 Dubuque Community School District Fiscal Year: General Ledger - MONTHLY REVENUE RECAP Account Mask: Account Type: ??????????????????????? 005900 - UPWARD ADJ BEG FUND BAL From Date:5/1/2015 To Date:5/31/2015 REVENUE Print accounts with zero balance FUND / OBJECT 2014-2015 Include Inactive Accounts Include PreEncumbrance Range To Date Year To Date $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% ($8,204,158.50) ($110,798,027.12) $430.00 ($8,116,364.19) 93.17% 10 - GENERAL FUND Total: ($118,913,961.31) Encumbrance Budget Balance Percent Used 21 - STUDENT ACTIVITY FUND 001510 - INTEREST ($2,060.00) ($166.01) ($1,960.03) $0.00 ($99.97) 95.15% 001710 - ADMISSIONS $0.00 ($13,737.85) ($159,719.15) $0.00 $159,719.15 0.00% 001711 - TICKET BOOKLETS $0.00 $0.00 ($775.00) $0.00 $775.00 0.00% 001740 - STUDENT FEES REVENUE ($381,100.00) ($5,351.02) ($144,293.93) $0.00 ($236,806.07) 37.86% 001791 - STUDENT ACTIVITY FUND RAISERS $0.00 $0.00 ($36,375.00) $0.00 $36,375.00 0.00% 001920 - DONATIONS/CONTRIBUTIONS $0.00 ($1,672.61) ($26,707.50) $0.00 $26,707.50 0.00% 001999 - MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE ($1,442,000.00) ($162,466.69) ($1,261,481.67) $0.00 ($180,518.33) 87.48% 005261 - INTERFUND TRANS FUND 61 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% ($1,825,160.00) ($183,394.18) ($1,631,312.28) $0.00 ($193,847.72) 89.38% ($4,617,644.00) ($148,408.70) ($4,530,469.54) $0.00 ($87,174.46) 98.11% 21 - STUDENT ACTIVITY FUND Total: 22 - MANAGEMENT LEVY 001111 - PROPERTY TAX 001113 - BUS PROP TAX CREDIT $0.00 $0.00 ($43,332.62) $0.00 $43,332.62 0.00% ($132,356.00) ($901.79) ($131,625.62) $0.00 ($730.38) 99.45% 001191 - MOBILE HOME TAX ($37,500.00) ($798.27) ($10,941.95) $0.00 ($26,558.05) 29.18% 001510 - INTEREST ($15,000.00) ($2,169.00) ($18,942.32) $0.00 $3,942.32 126.28% 001989 - OTHER REFUND PR YR EXP ($37,500.00) $0.00 ($4,000.00) $0.00 ($33,500.00) 10.67% 001171 - UTILITY REPLACEMENT TAX 001999 - MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE 003801 - MILITARY CREDIT 003803 - STATE COMM & IND REPLACEMENT 005311 - COMP. FOR LOSS OF ASSETS 22 - MANAGEMENT LEVY Total: $0.00 ($300.00) ($2,673.00) $0.00 $2,673.00 0.00% ($1,000.00) $0.00 ($2,568.51) $0.00 $1,568.51 256.85% ($77,728.00) $0.00 ($90,324.94) $0.00 $12,596.94 116.21% $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% ($4,918,728.00) ($152,577.76) ($4,834,878.50) $0.00 ($83,849.50) 98.30% ($15,000.00) ($2,785.95) ($15,912.04) $0.00 $912.04 106.08% $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% 33 - LOCAL OPTION SALES TAX 001510 - INTEREST 001989 - OTHER REFUND PR YR EXP 001999 - MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE 003361 - SAVE 005113 - REVENUE BONDS $0.00 $0.00 ($136,550.59) $0.00 $136,550.59 0.00% ($9,297,680.00) ($743,505.35) ($9,169,060.96) $0.00 ($128,619.04) 98.62% $0.00 ($15,960,000.00) $0.00 $5,960,000.00 159.60% 0.00% ($10,000,000.00) 005120 - PREMIUM ON ISSUANCE-BONDS $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 005240 - FUND 40 TRANSFERS $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% ($746,291.30) ($25,281,523.59) $0.00 $5,968,843.59 130.91% ($118,156.01) $0.00 ($76,125.56) 97.81% 33 - LOCAL OPTION SALES TAX Total: ($19,312,680.00) 36 - PHYSICAL PLANT/EQUIP LEVY 001111 - PROPERTY TAX Printed: 73 06/03/2015 1:34:11 PM ($3,482,161.00) Report: rptOnDemandElementsRpt ($3,406,035.44) 2015.1.12 Page: 5 Dubuque Community School District - Regular Board Meeting - June 8, 2015 Budget Dubuque Community School District Fiscal Year: General Ledger - MONTHLY REVENUE RECAP Account Mask: Account Type: ??????????????????????? 001113 - BUS PROP TAX CREDIT To Date:5/31/2015 Include Inactive Accounts Include PreEncumbrance Budget Range To Date Year To Date $0.00 $0.00 ($33,104.34) Encumbrance Budget Balance $0.00 $33,104.34 Percent Used 0.00% ($87,557.00) ($596.59) ($87,076.96) $0.00 ($480.04) 99.45% 001191 - MOBILE HOME TAX ($7,000.00) ($528.10) ($7,141.56) $0.00 $141.56 102.02% 001510 - INTEREST ($5,000.00) ($1,127.58) ($8,048.99) $0.00 $3,048.99 160.98% 001920 - DONATIONS/CONTRIBUTIONS $0.00 $0.00 ($780,000.00) $0.00 $780,000.00 0.00% 001989 - OTHER REFUND PR YR EXP $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% 001999 - MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE $0.00 $0.00 ($404.80) $0.00 $404.80 0.00% ($1,700.00) $0.00 ($1,699.20) $0.00 ($0.80) 99.95% ($69,965.00) $0.00 ($69,733.55) $0.00 ($231.45) 99.67% 004662 - IA DEM CONSTRUCTION GRANT $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% 005311 - COMP. FOR LOSS OF ASSETS $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% 003801 - MILITARY CREDIT 003803 - STATE COMM & IND REPLACEMENT 005313 - SALE OF REAL PROPERTY 36 - PHYSICAL PLANT/EQUIP LEVY Total: $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% ($3,653,383.00) ($120,408.28) ($4,393,244.84) $0.00 $739,861.84 120.25% 40 - DEBT SERVICE FUND 001510 - INTEREST ($25,000.00) $0.00 ($23,284.78) $0.00 ($1,715.22) 93.14% 005112 - REFUNDING BONDS $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% 005120 - PREMIUM ON ISSUANCE-BONDS $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% 005130 - ACCRUED INTEREST 005233 - INTERFUND TRANSFER 40 - DEBT SERVICE FUND Total: $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% ($2,267,747.00) ($234,487.69) ($3,806,872.84) $0.00 $1,539,125.84 167.87% ($2,292,747.00) ($234,487.69) ($3,830,157.62) $0.00 $1,537,410.62 167.06% ($2,000.00) ($188.26) ($1,956.91) $0.00 ($43.09) 97.85% ($1,649,600.00) ($347,891.80) ($1,672,638.35) $0.00 $23,038.35 101.40% ($44,000.00) ($11,315.15) ($48,625.85) $0.00 $4,625.85 110.51% $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% ($660,000.00) ($142,995.35) ($712,978.65) $0.00 $52,978.65 108.03% ($5,400.00) $0.00 ($3.40) $0.00 ($5,396.60) 0.06% 61 - SCHOOL NUTRITION FUND 001510 - INTEREST 001611 - STUDENT LUNCH SALES 001612 - STUDENT BREAKFAST SALES 001613 - STUDENT MILK SALES 001621 - ALA CARTE SALES 001622 - ADULT LUNCH SALES 001623 - ADULT BREAKFAST SALES ($100.00) $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ($100.00) 0.00% 001626 - PREPAID SALES $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% 001629 - CREDIT CARD $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% 001631 - SPEC FUNC/STUDENTS & STAF Printed: 74 ($33,000.00) $4,395.75 ($1,019.01) $0.00 ($31,980.99) 3.09% 001651 - SUMMER LUNCH PROGRAM $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% 001652 - SUMMER BREAKFAST PROGRAM $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% 001653 - SUMMER MILK PROGRAM $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% 001655 - SUMMER ALA CARTE SALES $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% 06/03/2015 1:34:11 PM Report: rptOnDemandElementsRpt 2015.1.12 Page: 6 Dubuque Community School District - Regular Board Meeting - June 8, 2015 001171 - UTILITY REPLACEMENT TAX From Date:5/1/2015 REVENUE Print accounts with zero balance FUND / OBJECT 2014-2015 Dubuque Community School District Fiscal Year: General Ledger - MONTHLY REVENUE RECAP Account Mask: Account Type: ??????????????????????? 2014-2015 From Date:5/1/2015 To Date:5/31/2015 REVENUE Print accounts with zero balance Include Inactive Accounts Include PreEncumbrance Range To Date Year To Date $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% 001657 - SUMMER ADULT $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% 001658 - ADULT SUMMER MILK SALES $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% 001920 - DONATIONS/CONTRIBUTIONS $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% 001930 - GAINS ON THE SALE OF CAPITAL ASSETS $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% 001989 - OTHER REFUND PR YR EXP $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% 001998 - FOOD REBATES 001999 - MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE 003251 - STATE AID LUNCH REIMB 003252 - STATE AID BREAKFAST REIMB 004011 - ARRA STAB NUTRITION FUND 004552 - FEDERAL AID BREAKFST REIM Encumbrance Budget Balance Percent Used $0.00 $0.00 ($12,614.49) $0.00 $12,614.49 0.00% ($1,300.00) ($54.40) ($15,810.16) $0.00 $14,510.16 1216.17% ($35,000.00) $0.00 ($32,755.56) $0.00 ($2,244.44) 93.59% ($4,000.00) $0.00 ($3,929.46) $0.00 ($70.54) 98.24% $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% ($302,000.00) ($38,966.53) ($283,562.63) $0.00 ($18,437.37) 93.89% ($1,918,100.00) ($222,272.20) ($1,748,473.66) $0.00 ($169,626.34) 91.16% $0.00 $0.00 ($11,350.13) $0.00 $11,350.13 0.00% ($69,000.00) ($10,816.51) ($65,539.31) $0.00 ($3,460.69) 94.98% 004558 - TEAM NUTRITION GRANT $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% 004672 - USDA FD PROD SAFETY RECAL $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% ($340,000.00) $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ($340,000.00) 0.00% 005210 - FUND 10 TRANSFERS $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% 005221 - FUND 21 TRANSFER $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% ($5,063,500.00) ($770,104.45) ($4,611,257.57) $0.00 ($452,242.43) 91.07% $0.00 ($198,236.85) ($2,326,374.62) $0.00 $2,326,374.62 0.00% $0.00 ($198,236.85) ($2,326,374.62) $0.00 $2,326,374.62 0.00% 001510 - INTEREST $0.00 ($29.64) ($309.59) $0.00 $309.59 0.00% 001999 - MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE $0.00 ($500.00) ($5,220.00) $0.00 $5,220.00 0.00% 005221 - FUND 21 TRANSFER $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% $0.00 ($529.64) ($5,529.59) $0.00 $5,529.59 0.00% ($155,980,159.31) ($10,610,188.65) ($157,712,305.73) $430.00 $1,731,716.42 101.11% 004553 - FEDERAL AID LUNCH REIMB 004556 - SUMMER FOOD SERVICE PROGRAM FOR CHILDREN 004557 - FRUIT/VEGETABLE PROGRAM 004951 - COMMODITIES PROGRAM 61 - SCHOOL NUTRITION FUND Total: 76 - CLEARING FUND 001999 - MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE 76 - CLEARING FUND Total: 81 - EXPENDABLE TRUST FUND 81 - EXPENDABLE TRUST FUND Total: Grand Total: End of Report Printed: 75 06/03/2015 1:34:11 PM Report: rptOnDemandElementsRpt 2015.1.12 Page: 7 Dubuque Community School District - Regular Board Meeting - June 8, 2015 Budget 001656 - ADULT SUMMER LUNCH SALES FUND / OBJECT DUBUQUE COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT Facilities/Support Services Committee BOARD COMMITTEE MINUTES This form is used by all multimember committees established by the Board of Education. Before any meeting is held, be sure you have met the requirements of Chapter 1037 Laws of the 67th G.A., 1978 Session, Official Meetings Open to Public. I. Complete the Following Before Starting the Meeting A. Date agenda was posted for meeting: May 27, 2015 B. Date media were emailed agenda: May 27, 2015 C. Media who were emailed an agenda: Telegraph Herald; Des Moines Register; KWWL; KCRG; KGAN; Radio Dubuque; Cumulus Broadcasting; and Chamber of Commerce. D. Board Committee: Facilities/Support Services Committee E. Date and Time of Meeting: June 2, 2015 - 4:00 p.m. F. Place of Meeting: The Forum G. Attach agenda to this form. Verify that a copy of the agenda has been filed with the Secretary of the Board and the Administrator holding the Committee meeting. If any of the above data does not comply with the open meeting law, do not begin the meeting. Board Members present: Terra Siegert, Jim Prochaska, Tami Ryan, Tom Barton, Craig Beytien, Mike Donohue, Matt Strelo. District representatives present: Stan Rheingans, Kevin Kelleher, Lynne Devaney, Rick Till, Bill Burkhart, Charlie Clasen, Bridget Hamilton, Chris Burke. Ms. Siegert called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. Agenda for June 2, 2015 Agenda approved as submitted. Grades 6-12 Math Study for Material Adoption Ms. Devaney indicated that with the introduction of the Common Core, gaps were found in math instruction, particularly at the middle level (i.e. a majority of the 6th grade instruction was moved to 5th grade thereby increasing rigor). These curriculum studies are usually a two year process, but Bridget Hamilton was asked to complete this study in one year. Ms. Hamilton reported that the last secondary (7-12) study, with new material adoption, was in 2000-2001. The study committee consisted of 18 teachers (elementary, middle and high school), three administrators, two AEA math consultants, three college representatives, City of Dubuque Engineering Department, and parents to get a variety of perspectives. The committee met over 20 times. Big Ideas series is recommended. This program will challenge each and every student in the district. Common Core 2015 is recommended for the honors track. A concern was expressed with having the words Common Core on the textbooks. Communication and education on this issue will be crucial. Purchase Contracts Houghton Mifflin Harcourt – grades 6-12 math textbooks - $403,410.00. Board 6/8/15 Pearson – grades 9-12 math textbooks - $129,319.54. Board 6/8/15 Payment of Year-end Bills The board will authorize payment of final June 2015 bills subject to post audit by the board. Board 6/8/15 Locker Replacement at Lincoln Elementary School Bond surety documentation – Board 6/8/15 Track Refurbishment at Hempstead High School Bond surety documentation – Board 6/8/15 Project cost is $58,106.00 Update on Current District Projects Hempstead High School Renovation CT area grass is growing and blacktop paving is underway. Inside of the CT area there is HVAC/electrical work underway and the roof removal is started. In the gym, there is sprinkler work underway with painting, mechanical, ductwork, and acoustical ceiling being installed this week. Contractor is in the middle stages of masonry work and plumbing in the science and shower room areas. 76 Purchase Contract for Lowery McDonnell Co. – phase three furnishings, fixtures, and equipment $121,383.30. Board 6/8/15 Senior High School Renovation The schematic design is 75% complete, with expected completion the end of June. The next core meeting is scheduled for June 10 at 1:00 pm at Senior High School. Committee members would like a more in-depth presentation at the July meeting. Senior High School Stone Repointing (2015-16) Contractor is mobilizing this week. This project will have a deduct change order to remove some work on the east side that will be included with the Senior renovation project. Maintenance Department Storage Building Project Contract, Bonds, and Insurance – Board 6/8/15 Bryant Elementary School Historic Window Replacement The project is just getting started. Demolition on the ceilings is underway. The goal is to have all inside work completed by the start of school. Elementary School Interactive Projectors Two bids were received yesterday. A & G Electric did not acknowledge the addenda, which constitutes a bidding irregularity which we have the right to waive; however, when contacted, they declined to do the work because they omitted a $24,000 allowance that was to be included. The bid from Westphal & Co. was considerably higher than the project estimate. It is the recommendation of administration to reject the bids and seek sealed quotes (not bids, since it is below the $135,000 threshold). Board 6/8/15 Other Items District-owned Property on Pennsylvania Avenue - It does not appear to be feasible to rent the recently purchased property by Irving School. Y-Care Update - Mr. Rheingans indicated that a meeting was recently held with the Y Care director (superintendent of Western Dubuque was also present). The district requested that the fee structure for Friday mornings remain as it is this year. If not, the district will make other arrangements for the Friday morning extended drop off period. The Y is taking it back to their board. They are losing students, as day care facilities are starting to provide bussing. The next meeting was scheduled for July 14, 2015, at 4:00 p.m. The meeting adjourned at 5:00 p.m. Joni Lucas, Secretary Board of Education 77 Dubuque Community School District Elementary Schools Interactive Projector Project Architect’s Project No. 15059 June 1, 2015 2:00 PM Present: Mark Fassbinder, IIW; DCSD: Kevin Kelleher, Rick Till, Bill Burkhart, Coby Culbertson, Steph Puls, Brad Tigges. Meeting called to order at 2:00 PM. Bids were opened by Mr. Kelleher and read by Mr. Fassbinder in the following order: A & G Electric (received at 1:42 PM on 6/1/15) Bid Security: 10% Two Addenda Acknowledged * Bidder Status Form included Base Bid Amount: $59,950.00 Westphal & Co. (received at 1:43 PM on 6/1/15) Bid Security: 10% Two Addenda Acknowledged Bidder Status Form included Base Bid Amount: $122,350.00 Bid opening concluded at 2:07 PM. * There was a bidding irregularity with the bid from A & G Electric. Addenda was not acknowledged. Ahlers & Cooney law firm was contacted. District representatives were instructed to phone A & G Electric to ascertain if they planned to do the work for the bid amount. They declined. A recommendation will be brought to the Facilities/Support Services Committee to reject all bids due to the fact that A & G declined the work and Westphal was substantially higher than the project total estimate. The district will seek sealed quotes for the project. Joni Lucas, Secretary/Treasurer Board of Education 78 Dubuque Community School District Regular Board Meeting June 8, 2015 PERSONNEL REPORT Page 1 ITEM I A. RESIGNATIONS – Recommended for Approval Teacher/Nurse Name Bode, Christopher Gonzales, Sara Hazewinkel, Lisa MacNaughton, Lisa McCord, Mackenzie Nierman, James B. Reason 5/29/15 5/29/15 5/29/15 6/10/14 5/29/15 5/29/15 Audubon/Grade 3 Roosevelt/Science Lincoln/Grade 2 Itinerant/Nurse Audubon/Kindergarten Hempstead/Industrial Technology Personal Personal Relocation Declined recall Personal Relocation 5/28/15 5/28/15 6/1/15 5/28/15 5/29/15 5/28/15 5/28/15 5/29/15 5/28/15 5/19/15 5/28/15 8/26/05 8/27/04 8/26/02 9/22/98 11/28/06 4/8/13 10/28/13 8/25/08 1/6/03 10/13/14 9/26/94 Hoover/Health Paraprofessional Roosevelt/MC Paraprofessional Audubon/LRC Paraprofessional Lincoln/MC Paraprofessional Sageville/LRC Paraprofessional Eisenhower/Food Service Worker Table Mound/MC & Life Skills Para. Senior/Student Engagement Facilitator Kennedy/ECSE Paraprofessional Hempstead/MC Paraprofessional Lincoln/Food Service Worker Retirement Other employment Personal Retirement Retirement Personal Personal Grant ended Retirement Other employment Personal 6/4/15 5/19/15 5/27/15 6/2/15 5/25/15 5/11/15 5/18/15 6/3/15 5/19/15 6/4/15 6/30/15 6/30/15 6/30/15 6/30/15 6/30/15 6/30/15 6/30/15 6/30/15 6/30/15 6/30/15 8/22/07 8/21/85 8/19/09 8/12/14 8/16/11 8/20/01 8/13/14 8/17/00 8/13/14 8/27/86 Hempstead/Freshman Volleyball Senior/Freshman Football Washington/Dance Washington/8th Grade Football Roosevelt/7th Grade Football Washington/8th Grade Boy’s Track Jefferson/7th Grade Football Hempstead/Speech Content Coach Jefferson/8th Grade Volleyball Hempstead/Speech Contest Coach Personal Personal Personal Personal Personal Personal Other employment Personal Personal Personal N/A 6/3/15 5/7/12 Hempstead/Freshman Softball Personal Coach Gronen, Audrey ITEM II Name Pollock, Holly 79 School/Position Date of Hire 8/13/14 8/16/11 1/29/14 1/2/14 8/16/11 8/14/13 Coach (Teacher) – If and When A Suitable Replacement Can Be Found Bortscheller, Maureen Cuvelier, Tom Daly-Wilhelm, Bridget Haas, Brock Harm, Nate Kirman, Jason Kohl, Keith Riepe, Kate Schroeder, Lisa Swift, Susan D. 5/21/15 5/7/15 5/18/15 5/26/15 5/11/15 5/14/15 5/29/15 N/A 5/8/15 5/8/15 5/21/15 Effective Classified Bridges, Gail Helbing, Laurie Janes, Sally Kautman, Lucinda Murray, Julie Ranson, Diane Ryan, Sharon Saunders, Tammi Shannon, Doris Smith, Mackenzie Spicer, Pamela C. Resignation Received 5/26/15 5/8/15 6/1/15 5/13/15 5/26/15 5/20/15 TERMINATION - Recommended for Approval School Transportation Position Bus Attendant Date of Hire 12/12/14 Reason Proper cause Dubuque Community School District Regular Board Meeting June 8, 2015 PERSONNEL REPORT ITEM III A. Teachers Name Bormann, Joseph Redmond, Megan College Previous Employment School/ Assignment UNI Waukee, Iowa Loras N/A Hemp. & Senior Ind. Technology Senior Special Education ITEM IV Name Tierney, Taylor ITEM V Name Massman, Allisa ITEM VI Name Beach, Renee Borgwardt, Julia Enke, Mandy Gilloon, Penny Lenke, Richard Simbeck, Caitlin Stringer, Allison Zerante, Nora 80 Page 2 INITIAL APPOINTMENTS – Recommended for Approval Replacing Recommended By Salary Scale Amount Johns Kolker/Colpitts MA-10 TBD Blocker Johnson/Warder BA-0 TBD RECALL FROM LAYOFF – Recommended for Approval School Roosevelt Position Math Teacher Dates 2015/16 School Year LEAVE OF ABSENCE – Recommended for Approval Building Hempstead Position .4 English Teacher Dates of Absence 2015/16 School Year Reason Personal SEPARATE COACHING CONTRACTS – Recommended for Approval School Hempstead Hempstead Hempstead Hempstead Hempstead Senior Hempstead Senior Assignment Varsity Asst. Girl’s Swimming Varsity Asst. Girl’s Golf Varsity Asst. Cheerleading Varsity Asst. Girl’s Tennis Varsity Asst. Girl’s Soccer Sophomore Head Volleyball Varsity Head Girl’s Soccer Freshman Volleyball Replacing Perleth Add’l Olson Add’l Cole Ovsak Esterhuizen Barber Recommended By Kuhle/Colpitts Kuhle/Colpitts Kuhle/Colpitts Kuhle/Colpitts Kuhle/Colpitts Cook/Colpitts Kuhle/Colpitts Cook/Colpitts Salary TBD $1,462 TBD $1,462 $2,632 TBD $3,802 TBD Dubuque Community School District Regular Board Meeting June 8, 2015 PERSONNEL REPORT ITEM VII - Name Bergfeld, Alicia Biver, Jacqueline Coffman, Kristie Cooksley, Amy Daly-Wilhelm, Bridget Decker, Leah Digmann, Karla Hannan, Katie Haverland, Amy Hermsen, Erin Kaune, Aundrea Lee, Gina Moeggenberg, Brandi Mours, Tracy Rambousek, Amy Schmidt, Stacy Siegert, Brent Splinter, Kelli Tentis, Dan Vondal, Stephanie Weber, Karla Wessels, Angela Wiese, Heidi ITEM VIII - School Hoover Prescott Senior Hoover Washington Jefferson Washington Washington Jefferson Marshall Prescott Fulton Marshall Washington Sageville Senior Irving Marshall Irving Marshall Hempstead Senior District A. Service Provided DJ for Prom – Hempstead Photo Booth for Prom – Hempstead Library Curriculum Planning – Librarians Paraprofessional Autism Training Baseball Field Maintenance – Hempstead Video Taping Graduation Ceremonies – Five Flags Living History Event – Middle Schools Paraprofessional Categorical Training Date of Services 5/2/15 5/2/15 6/2/15 8/1/15 – 6/1/16 4/23/15 5/24/15 5/5 – 5/11/15 8/1/15 – 6/1/16 PROJECTS – Recommended for Approval Summer Academic Workshop (Dropout) – Project #2000 Senior High School June 1-19, 2015 Name Daughetee, Kim M Hansen, Amanda L Keller, Dan M Nessan, Jessica Z Raymond, David A Redmond, Tricia A Total Cost Of Project (High school summer school) 81 Assignment Language Arts Content Leader Science Content Leader World Language Content Leader Math Content Leader Language Arts Content Leader House Chair House Chair House Chair House Chair Math Content Leader Math Content Leader Social Studies Content Leader Science Content Leader Social Studies Content Leader Language Arts Content Leader Social Studies Content Leader Social Studies Content Leader Language Arts Content Leader Science Content Leader Social Studies Content Leader Wellness Content Leader Social Studies Instructional Coach Wellness Content Leader (Gr. 6-8) PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONTRACTS – Recommended for Approval Name ABC Muzik BMW Music Donham, Jean Hills & Dales Autism Team Link, Rod Noel, Brandon Tri-State Historical Unified Therapy Services ITEM IX - Page 3 TEACHER LEADERSHIP GRANT – Recommended for Approval Rate $41.90 $23.82 $37.49 $26.24 $39.70 $37.49 Hours 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 Total $3,142.50 $1,786.50 $2,811.75 $1,968.00 $2,977.50 $2,811.75 $15,498.00 Account 10.3200.1201.420.1119.000129 10.3200.1201.420.1119.000129 10.3200.1201.420.1119.000129 10.3200.1201.420.1119.000129 10.3200.1201.420.1119.000129 10.3200.1201.420.1119.000129 Amount $800.00 $450.00 $246.60 $4,000.00 $100.00 $100.00 $800.00 $2,000.00 Dubuque Community School District Regular Board Meeting June 8, 2015 PERSONNEL REPORT ITEM IX B. E2020 Lab (Dropout) – Project #2001 Senior High School June 8 – July 31, 2015 Name Rate Clemen, Connie S $12.61 George, Janet S $13.86 Hoyne, Lindsey M $13.81 Link, Kris A $13.86 Quade, Kelly P $13.91 Total Cost Of Project (Summer online credit recovery) C. Hours 40.00 40.00 40.00 50.00 40.00 Total $504.40 $554.40 $552.40 $693.00 $556.40 $2,860.60 Account 10.3200.1201.420.1119.000109 10.3200.1201.420.1119.000109 10.3200.1201.420.1119.000109 10.3200.1201.420.1119.000109 10.3200.1201.420.1119.000109 Early Literacy Summer Program (Grant) – Project #2002 Kennedy Elementary School June 11 – July 24, 2015 Name Bell, Kimberly Ann Bonert, Susan M Busch, Elizabeth M Deardorff, Leigh M Dimick, Crystal L Flogel, Misti A Gerardy, Lynn M Hall, Christine M Hess, Nicholas D Huinker, Jennifer L Lawler, Elizabeth R Link, Tiffany L Lorenzen, Rebecca Ann Lynch, Joann Perkins, Lora L Rolle, Christine M Soppe, Amy R Welp, Kathryn R Total Cost Of Project (Summer reading program) 82 Page 4 PROJECTS – Continued Rate $35.07 $13.61 $13.61 $38.81 $13.61 $13.81 $38.81 $13.61 $38.81 $34.18 $13.61 $22.05 $35.07 $40.80 $13.81 $39.70 $34.85 $13.61 Hours 109.00 102.00 102.00 109.00 102.00 102.00 109.00 102.00 109.00 109.00 102.00 109.00 109.00 109.00 102.00 109.00 109.00 102.00 Total $3,822.63 $1,388.22 $1,388.22 $4,230.29 $1,388.22 $1,408.62 $4,230.29 $1,388.22 $4,230.29 $3,725.62 $1,388.22 $2,403.45 $3,822.63 $4,447.20 $1,408.62 $4,327.30 $3,798.65 $1,388.22 $50,184.91 Account 10.1000.1101.110.3342.000129 10.1000.1101.110.3342.000109 10.1000.1101.110.3342.000109 10.1000.1101.110.3342.000129 10.1000.1101.110.3342.000109 10.1000.1101.110.3342.000109 10.1000.1101.110.3342.000129 10.1000.1101.110.3342.000109 10.1000.1101.110.3342.000129 10.1000.1101.110.3342.000129 10.1000.1101.110.3342.000109 10.1000.1101.110.3342.000129 10.1000.1101.110.3342.000129 10.1000.1101.110.3342.000129 10.1000.1101.110.3342.000109 10.1000.1101.110.3342.000129 10.1000.1101.110.3342.000129 10.1000.1101.110.3342.000109 Dubuque Community School District Regular Board Meeting June 8, 2015 PERSONNEL REPORT ITEM IX D. ESY Preschool Program (Special Education) – Project #2003 Prescott Elementary School June 15 – July 24, 2015 Name Allen, Jessica J Borovic, Nicole L Deheck, Patricia Lynn Delaney, Sarah J. Diesburg, Erin E Fiedler, Megan R. Flynn, Kathleen E Franklin, Tara L. Gerdemann, Joan M Grill, Nicole M Gross, Deena M Klauer, Amanda J. Lilleskov, Robin M Merfeld, Tanya D Miles, Lisa M Miller, Beth J Murphy, Nancy A Sheehan, Jennifer A Van Cleave, Jilann M Westervelt, Janice M Total Cost Of Project E. Rate $23.82 $13.81 $13.91 $22.99 $13.61 $28.45 $30.88 $13.61 $35.07 $24.70 $13.86 $12.76 $22.99 $13.76 $13.91 $13.76 $39.70 $13.76 $13.86 $14.01 Hours 126.25 110.25 110.25 110.25 110.25 126.25 126.25 123.25 126.25 126.25 110.25 110.25 110.25 110.25 110.25 110.25 149.00 110.25 110.25 110.25 Total $3,007.28 $1,522.55 $1,533.58 $2,534.65 $1,500.50 $3,591.81 $3,898.60 $1,677.43 $4,427.59 $3,118.38 $1,528.07 $1,406.79 $2,534.65 $1,517.04 $1,533.58 $1,517.04 $5,915.30 $1,517.04 $1,528.07 $1,544.60 $47,354.53 Account 10.1100.1201.239.0000.000129 10.1100.1201.239.0000.000109 10.1100.1201.239.0000.000109 10.1100.2153.239.0000.000139 10.1100.1201.239.0000.000109 10.1100.1201.239.0000.000129 10.1100.1201.239.0000.000129 10.1100.1201.239.0000.000109 10.1100.1201.239.0000.000129 10.1100.1201.239.0000.000129 10.1100.1201.239.0000.000109 10.1100.1201.239.0000.000109 10.1100.2153.239.0000.000139 10.1100.1201.239.0000.000109 10.1100.1201.239.0000.000109 10.1100.1201.239.0000.000109 10.1100.1201.239.0000.000129 10.1100.1201.239.0000.000109 10.1100.1201.239.0000.000109 10.1100.1201.239.0000.000109 Total $1,552.32 $1,552.32 $1,552.32 $1,552.32 $1,552.32 $1,563.52 $3,782.40 $1,552.32 $5,716.80 $1,552.32 $2,822.40 $1,524.32 $1,569.12 $1,557.92 $1,546.72 $4,629.76 $1,412.32 $36,991.52 Account 10.1000.1201.219.0000.000109 10.1000.1201.219.0000.000109 10.1000.1201.219.0000.000109 10.1000.1201.219.0000.000109 10.1000.1201.219.0000.000109 10.1000.1201.219.0000.000109 10.1000.1201.219.0000.000129 10.1000.1201.219.0000.000109 10.1000.1201.219.0000.000129 10.1000.1201.219.0000.000109 10.1000.1201.219.0000.000129 10.1000.1201.219.0000.000109 10.1000.1201.219.0000.000109 10.1000.1201.219.0000.000109 10.1000.1201.219.0000.000109 10.1000.1201.219.0000.000129 10.1000.1201.219.0000.000109 ESY (Special Education) – Project #2004 Kennedy Elementary School June 15 – July 23, 2015 Name Bellings, Sarah L Benzer, Jeffrey R Burggraf, Sheila F Clapham, Beverly K Cottrell, Sarah A Courtney, Becky S Culbertson, Jayme L Cullen, Molly J Duvel, Brenda L Eberly, Linda K Goerdt, Ellyn M Hall, Christine M Herbstreith, Phyllis Kass, Barbara J Streauslin, Pamela J Swart, Nicole M Winders, Ashley M Total Cost Of Project (Summer school) 83 Page 5 PROJECTS – Continued Rate $13.86 $13.86 $13.86 $13.86 $13.86 $13.96 $29.55 $13.86 $39.70 $13.86 $22.05 $13.61 $14.01 $13.91 $13.81 $36.17 $12.61 Hours 112.00 112.00 112.00 112.00 112.00 112.00 128.00 112.00 144.00 112.00 128.00 112.00 112.00 112.00 112.00 128.00 112.00 Dubuque Community School District Regular Board Meeting June 8, 2015 PERSONNEL REPORT ITEM IX F. Summer Food Service Workers (Grant) – Project #2005 Prescott & Kennedy Elementary Schools June 15 – July 23, 2015 Name Busch, Tina M Delaney, Jean M Regan, Carol A Ruden, Debora A Welchert, Jacqueline A Total Cost Of Project (Summer school) G. Hours 126.00 126.00 126.00 132.00 126.00 Total $1,697.22 $1,716.12 $1,703.52 $2,019.60 $1,703.52 $8,839.98 Account 61.1000.3140.000.4556.000199 61.1000.3140.000.4556.000199 61.1000.3140.000.4556.000199 61.1000.3140.000.4556.000199 61.1000.3140.000.4556.000199 Rate $39.70 $34.18 $38.81 $35.07 $36.17 $13.61 $38.81 $38.81 $38.81 $28.45 Hours 11.00 11.00 11.00 11.00 11.00 11.00 11.00 11.00 11.00 11.00 Total $436.70 $375.98 $426.91 $385.77 $397.87 $149.71 $426.91 $426.91 $426.91 $312.95 $3,766.62 Account 10.1015.1100.110.0000.000129 10.1015.1100.110.0000.000129 10.1015.1100.110.0000.000129 10.1015.1100.110.0000.000129 10.1015.1100.110.0000.000129 10.1015.1100.110.0000.000109 10.1015.1100.110.0000.000129 10.1015.1100.110.0000.000129 10.1015.1100.110.0000.000129 10.1015.1100.110.0000.000129 Summer Sports Activities (School Budget) – Project #2007 Hempstead High School June 11 – August 6, 2015 Name Wallace, Wanda J Total Cost Of Project (Support summer activities) 84 Rate $13.47 $13.62 $13.52 $15.30 $13.52 Planning for PBIS Tier I Implementation (School Budget) – Project #2006 Table Mound Elementary School June 9 – August 21, 2015 Name Butt, Sandra Marie Dolan, Margaret V Fazio, Alicia K Kilburg, Rachael M. Marty, Paula J Mccarthy, Lisa R Parkin, Heather M Sullivan, Nicole M Weber, Sarah M Wrobleski, Shannon C. Total Cost Of Project (Support team) H. Page 6 PROJECTS – Continued Rate $14.86 Hours 100.00 Total $1,486.00 $1,486.00 Account 10.3230.2411.000.0000.000159 Dubuque Community School District Regular Board Meeting June 8, 2015 PERSONNEL REPORT ITEM IX I. Early Literacy Summer Program (Grant) – Project #2008 Prescott Elementary School June 11 – July 24, 2015 Name Rate Allen, Anthony R Jr $13.61 Borovic, Nicole L $13.81 Brosius, Jennifer L $13.81 Butt, Sandra Marie $39.70 Franklin, Tara L. $13.61 Gooch, Tiara Doisanne $37.49 Kilburg, Rachael M. $35.07 Knutson, Katherine L $13.81 Moldenhauer, Lisa Kay $41.90 Parkin, Jenny A $39.70 Petitgout, Carol A $13.81 Schmechel, Meredith A. $35.07 Siegert, Brent A $38.81 Steiner, Susan H $13.61 Thill, Cynthia K. $13.81 Till, Tiffany A. $28.23 White, Elaine M $35.07 Total Cost Of Project (Summer reading program) J. Hours 102.00 102.00 102.00 109.00 102.00 109.00 109.00 102.00 109.00 109.00 102.00 109.00 109.00 102.00 102.00 109.00 109.00 Total $1,388.22 $1,408.62 $1,408.62 $4,327.30 $1,388.22 $4,086.41 $3,822.63 $1,408.62 $4,567.10 $4,327.30 $1,408.62 $3,822.63 $4,230.29 $1,388.22 $1,408.62 $3,077.07 $3,822.63 $47,291.12 Account 10.1000.1101.110.3342.000109 10.1000.1101.110.3342.000109 10.1000.1101.110.3342.000109 10.1000.1101.110.3342.000129 10.1000.1101.110.3342.000109 10.1000.1101.110.3342.000129 10.1000.1101.110.3342.000129 10.1000.1101.110.3342.000109 10.1000.1101.110.3342.000129 10.1000.1101.110.3342.000129 10.1000.1101.110.3342.000109 10.1000.1101.110.3342.000129 10.1000.1101.110.3342.000129 10.1000.1101.110.3342.000109 10.1000.1101.110.3342.000109 10.1000.1101.110.3342.000129 10.1000.1101.110.3342.000129 Summer Transportation (General Budget) – Project #2009 June 15 – July 23, 2015 Name Blakeman, Kristine A Conzett Link, Sandra L Coohey, Carol A Flores, Catherine M Freiburger, Ann L Hendricks, Patricia Herrig, Charles N Huekels, John J Hume, Bonnie J Humke, Deborah I Jaeger, David J Jentz, Tabetha L Kara, Gerald D Sr Meyer, Sharon L Noel, Jill Marie O’Brien, Kathleen G Picker, Allen J Pitz, Tina M Reiter, Jennifer L Ruden, Anne 85 Page 7 PROJECTS – Continued Rate $17.29 $13.94 $17.24 $17.24 $13.89 $17.39 $13.84 $13.79 $17.19 $13.79 $17.19 $13.54 $13.79 $13.79 $17.34 $17.24 $17.29 $17.29 $13.79 $17.24 Hours 144.00 144.00 144.00 144.00 144.00 144.00 144.00 144.00 144.00 144.00 144.00 144.00 144.00 144.00 144.00 144.00 144.00 144.00 144.00 144.00 Total $2,489.76 $2,007.36 $2,482.56 $2,482.56 $2,000.16 $2,504.16 $1,992.96 $1,985.76 $2,475.36 $1,985.76 $2,475.36 $1,949.76 $1,985.76 $1,985.76 $2,496.96 $2,482.56 $2,489.76 $2,489.76 $1,985.76 $2,482.56 Account 10.9040.2723.000.9701.000179 10.9040.2731.000.9701.000199 10.9040.2723.000.9701.000179 10.9040.2723.000.9701.000179 10.9040.2731.000.9701.000199 10.9040.2723.000.9701.000179 10.9040.2731.000.9701.000199 10.9040.2731.000.9701.000199 10.9040.2723.000.9701.000179 10.9040.2731.000.9701.000199 10.9040.2723.000.9701.000179 10.9040.2731.000.9701.000199 10.9040.2731.000.9701.000199 10.9040.2731.000.9701.000199 10.9040.2723.000.9701.000179 10.9040.2723.000.9701.000179 10.9040.2723.000.9701.000179 10.9040.2723.000.9701.000179 10.9040.2731.000.9701.000199 10.9040.2723.000.9701.000179 Dubuque Community School District Regular Board Meeting June 8, 2015 PERSONNEL REPORT ITEM IX - Name Schlegel, Lawrence E Sieverding, Jane A Vargas, Dominic E Wathen, Jackie K Welter, Judith Total Cost Of Project (Bus driver & bus attendants) K. Rate $17.39 $17.19 $13.79 $13.89 $14.04 Rate $29.77 $30.88 $35.07 $25.58 $30.88 $23.82 Total $2,504.16 $2,475.36 $1,985.76 $2,000.16 $2,021.76 $56,217.60 Account 10.9040.2723.000.9701.000179 10.9040.2723.000.9701.000179 10.9040.2731.000.9701.000199 10.9040.2731.000.9701.000199 10.9040.2731.000.9701.000199 Hours 3.00 3.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 Total $89.31 $92.64 $210.42 $153.48 $185.28 $142.92 $874.05 Account 10.1013.1200.434.4501.000129 10.1013.1200.434.4501.000129 10.1013.1200.434.4501.000129 10.1013.1200.434.4501.000129 10.1013.1200.434.4501.000129 10.1013.1200.434.4501.000129 Kindergarten Orientation (School Budget) – Project #343 Prescott Elementary School April 30 – May 1, 2015 Name Rate Biver, Jacqueline S. $29.77 Blum, Amber L $30.88 Diedrich, Susanne M $35.07 Freyling-Butler, Johna A. $34.85 Mctague, Amanda J $30.88 O'dell, Nicole M $25.14 Redmond, Monica K $34.06 Total Cost Of Project (Welcome new kindergarten students) 86 Hours 144.00 144.00 144.00 144.00 144.00 Expeditionary Learning Curriculum Planning (SINA) – Project #342 Prescott Elementary School May 1 – June 1, 2015 Name Biver, Jacqueline S. Blum, Amber L Gehl, Jill F Leach, Andrea L Morley, Stacy L Morton, Terry A Total Cost Of Project (Planning of new expedition) L. Page 8 PROJECTS – Continued Hours 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Total $29.77 $30.88 $35.07 $34.85 $30.88 $25.14 $34.06 $220.65 Account 10.1013.1100.110.0000.000129 10.1013.1100.110.0000.000129 10.1013.1100.110.0000.000129 10.1013.1100.110.0000.000129 10.1013.1100.110.0000.000129 10.1013.1100.110.0000.000129 10.1013.1100.110.0000.000129 Dubuque Community School District Regular Board Meeting June 8, 2015 PERSONNEL REPORT ITEM IX M. Page 9 PROJECTS – Continued End of the Year Meeting (School Budget) – Project #344 Carver Elementary School May 29, 2015 Name Rate Hours Arthofer, Donna L $13.61 6.50 Deheck, Patricia Lynn $13.91 6.50 Freiburger, Karen M $13.81 6.50 Kass, Barbara J $13.91 6.50 Knutson, Katherine L $13.81 6.50 Roen, Kelly J $13.76 6.50 Schemmel, Rebecca L $12.61 6.50 Splinter, Heidi M $12.61 6.50 Splinter, Sandra Marie $14.01 6.50 Sprecher, Tammy M $13.61 6.50 Total Cost Of Project (Wrapping up school year & planning for next year) N. Total $165.72 $165.72 Account 10.2021.2411.000.0000.000159 Hours 2.00 Total $79.40 $79.40 Account 10.2020.1100.110.0000.000129 Summer Reading Program (School Budget) – Project #347 George Washington Middle School June 18, 2015 Name Rate Duclos, Lorie M $39.70 Total Cost Of Project (Summer library reading program) 87 Hours 12.00 Summer Reading Program (School Budget) – Project #346 Thomas Jefferson Middle School June 18, 2015 Name Rate Duclos, Lorie M $39.70 Total Cost Of Project (Summer library reading program) P. Account 10.1005.1100.110.0000.000109 10.1005.1100.110.0000.000109 10.1005.1100.110.0000.000109 10.1005.1100.110.0000.000109 10.1005.1100.110.0000.000109 10.1005.1100.110.0000.000109 10.1005.1100.110.0000.000109 10.1005.1100.110.0000.000109 10.1005.1100.110.0000.000109 10.1005.1100.110.0000.000109 Training for New Secretary (School Budget) – Project #345 George Washington Middle School June 5-8, 2015 Name Rate Budde, Tara M. $13.81 Total Cost Of Project (Training new assistant principal’s secretary) O. Total $88.47 $90.42 $89.77 $90.42 $89.77 $89.44 $81.97 $81.97 $91.07 $88.47 $881.73 Hours 2.00 Total $79.40 $79.40 Account 10.2021.1100.110.0000.000129 Dubuque Community School District Regular Board Meeting June 8, 2015 PERSONNEL REPORT ITEM IX Q. Guidance Scheduling (School Budget) – Project #348 Hempstead High School June 2 – July 1, 2015 Name Rate Fellenzer, Rebecca J $37.05 Frambach, Diane M $39.70 Martin, Mary A $41.90 Nemmers, Natalie L $39.70 Santiago, Eddie D $36.61 Seay, Brandie L $41.90 Total Cost Of Project (Contact students & revise schedules) R. Hours 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 Total $296.40 $317.60 $335.20 $317.60 $292.88 $335.20 $1,894.88 Rate $57.92 $59.85 Hours 160.00 160.00 Total $9,267.20 $9,576.00 $18,843.20 Total $88.47 $27.22 $88.47 $89.44 $89.44 $89.77 $90.09 $88.47 $651.35 Account 10.1015.1100.110.0000.000109 10.1015.1100.110.0000.000109 10.1015.1100.110.0000.000109 10.1015.1100.110.0000.000109 10.1015.1100.110.0000.000109 10.1015.1100.110.0000.000109 10.1015.1100.110.0000.000109 10.1015.1100.110.0000.000109 Total $118.20 $118.20 Account 10.3276.2115.420.1119.000139 Student Testing (Dropout) – Project #351 Alta Vista Center April 9-28, 2015 Name Balayti, Eric M Total Cost Of Project (Assist with student testing) 88 Account 10.1000.2491.000.3342.000119 10.1000.2491.000.3342.000119 Classroom/Program Relocations (School Budget) – Project #350 Table Mound Elementary School May 29, 2015 Name Rate Hours Flogel, Sarah L $13.61 6.50 Herber, Karen A $13.61 2.00 Holdren, Sharry L $13.61 6.50 Merfeld, Tanya D $13.76 6.50 Soliday, Shirley A $13.76 6.50 Streif, Lori A $13.81 6.50 Welter, Cindy L $13.86 6.50 Wiersma, Samantha L $13.61 6.50 Total Cost Of Project (Paraprofessionals will assist in moving teachers’ classrooms) T. Account 10.3230.1100.110.0000.000129 10.3230.1100.110.0000.000129 10.3230.1100.110.0000.000129 10.3230.1100.110.0000.000129 10.3230.1100.110.0000.000129 10.3230.1100.110.0000.000129 Early Literacy Administrators (Grant) – Project #349 Prescott & Kennedy Elementary Schools June 15 – July 23, 2015 Name Maloney, Joseph M Mc Carron, Christine Total Cost Of Project (Summer school) S. Page 10 PROJECTS – Continued Rate $23.64 Hours 5.00 Dubuque Community School District Regular Board Meeting June 8, 2015 PERSONNEL REPORT ITEM IX U. Structured Plan for Students’ Recess and Lunch (School Budget) – Project #352 Table Mound Elementary School June 15, 2015 Name Rate Hours Gurdak, Daniel J $38.81 6.00 Marty, Paula J $36.17 6.00 Pancratz, Diane Rose $41.90 6.00 Streif, Lori A $13.81 6.00 Thill, Kristy A $28.67 6.00 Welter, Cindy L $13.86 6.00 Total Cost Of Project (Develop recess and lunch supervision schedules) V. Account 10.1015.1100.110.1114.000129 10.1015.1100.110.1114.000129 10.1015.1100.110.1114.000129 10.1015.1100.110.1114.000109 10.1015.1100.110.1114.000129 10.1015.1100.110.1114.000109 Total $170.90 $170.90 $341.80 Account 10.0099.2134.492.3227.000139 10.0099.2134.492.3227.000139 Total $197.60 $310.48 $280.56 $227.60 $310.48 $310.48 $257.60 $211.68 $190.56 $310.48 $2,607.52 Account 10.3231.1100.110.3376.000129 10.3231.1100.110.3376.000129 10.3231.1100.110.3376.000129 10.3231.1100.110.3376.000129 10.3231.1100.110.3376.000129 10.3231.1100.110.3376.000129 10.3231.1100.110.3376.000129 10.3231.1100.110.3376.000129 10.3231.1100.110.3376.000129 10.3231.1100.110.3376.000129 Results Now (Teacher Quality) - Project #354 Senior High School June 1-25, 2015 Name Rate Hours Allee, Cassie D $24.70 8.00 Benson, Amanda R $38.81 8.00 Cuvelier, Thomas Gene $35.07 8.00 Fischer, Carolyn E $28.45 8.00 Mills, Brent A $38.81 8.00 Pfohl, Kelly L $38.81 8.00 Reinert, Andrew S $32.20 8.00 Rhodes, Micaela A $26.46 8.00 Stone, Amanda C. $23.82 8.00 Weber, Keith M $38.81 8.00 Total Cost Of Project (Book study – improving reading through science) 89 Total $232.86 $217.02 $251.40 $82.86 $172.02 $83.16 $1,039.32 CPR/First Aid & Health Training (Health Services) – Project #353 June 12, 2015 Name Rate Hours Lattner, Tammy S $34.18 5.00 Rollins, Jane M $34.18 5.00 Total Cost Of Project (Train volunteers for Dream Center Summer Program) W. Page 11 PROJECTS – Continued Dubuque Community School District Regular Board Meeting June 8, 2015 PERSONNEL REPORT ITEM X A. Teacher/Nurse Name Biver, Jacqueline Blatz, Angie Blum, Amber Brokus, Michelle Cox, Chelsea Davis, Molly Delaney, Aimee Demkier, Jennifer Ehlers, Matt Flanagan, Christine Freiburger, Amy Friederick, Janet Gehl, Jill Goedken, Margaret Goldsmith, Laura Hoffman, Jeremy Hutchins, Alison Kaune, Aundrea Lammer, Scott Lange, Kate Leach, Andrea Meloy, Jessica Naumann, Amy Neises, Brian Patterson, Kathryn Pociask, Amber Sabers, Cathy Schumacher, Jessica Stoll, Mandie Swart, Nicole Tharp, David Vanderheyden, Brittany Vandermillen, Michelle Virtue, Laura Whitney, Melissa Wischmeyer, Laurie Zell, Amanda B. From Prescott/Grade 1 Irving/Kindergarten Prescott/Grade 1 Audubon/Kindergarten Kennedy/Leave of Absence Fulton/Grade 3 Fulton/Grade 1 Marshall/Grade 4 Hempstead/.25 Physical Education Prescott/Grade 3 Prescott/Grade 5 Eisenhower/Nurse Prescott/Grade 4 Eisenhower/Art Sageville/ECSE Table Mound/Grade 3 Prescott/Kindergarten Prescott/Grade 2 Prescott/Art Hempstead/Multicategorical Prescott/Grade 4 Lincoln/Special Education Audubon/LRC Lincoln/Multicategorical Prescott/Kindergarten Bryant/.56 Grade 1 Hoover/Multicategorical Lincoln/Grade 5 Lincoln/Grade 3 Eisenhower/Multicategorical/Autism Roosevelt/.5 Science Hoover/Grade 3 Audubon/Resident Mentor Audubon/Grade 1 Hempstead/.4 Science Audubon/Title I Audubon & Prescott/Title I To Prescott/Kindergarten Carver/Kindergarten Prescott/Kindergarten Audubon/Grade 1 Marshall/Grade 3 Roosevelt/Multicategorical Prescott/Grade 2 Kennedy/Grade 3 Hempstead/.75 Physical Education Prescott/Grade 2 Prescott/Grade 4 Hoover & Kennedy/Nurse Prescott/Grade 5 Fulton/Art Kennedy/Kindergarten Kennedy/Grade 3 Hoover/Grade 1 Prescott/Grade 3 Hempstead/Art Washington/Language Arts Prescott/Grade 5 Irving/Special Education Eisenhower/Grade 3 Lincoln/Behavior Prescott/Grade 1 Lincoln/.5 Grade 3 Eisenhower/Multicategorical Kennedy/Grade 3 Table Mound/Grade 2 Kennedy/Autism Roosevelt/1.0 Science Hoover/Kindergarten Audubon/Grade 3 Irving/Grade 1 Hempstead/1.0 Science Kennedy/Grade 1 Audubon/Title I Washington/MC & Security Paraprofessional Table Mound/Food Service Worker Fulton/Health Paraprofessional Washington/Assistant Principal’s Secretary Kennedy/Food Service Worker Fulton/Principal’s Secretary/Business Manager Classified Budde, Tara Bush, Deb Schreyer, Anne ITEM XI - 90 Page 12 TRANSFERS – For Information Only BEREAVEMENT – For Information Only Kevin Conlon passed away on May 14, 2015. Mr. Conlon had been employed as a Multicategorical Paraprofessional at Kennedy Elementary School since August 19, 2013. He had previously worked for the District from September 21, 2004, through March 30, 2012. Dubuque Community School District Board Meeting June 8, 2015 If any board member wishes to see the full contract document prior to approval at the meeting, please let the board secretary know in advance and a copy of the actual contract will be brought to the meeting for review prior to approval. Provider 91 Description Estimated Cost Funding $75,000.00 Special Education Purchase or Professional Service Contract Area Residential Care Services Contract to provide vocational assessment and training programs Community TechKnowledge Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure Agreement City of Dubuque Americorps Services for elementary schools Dubuque Community YMCA/YWCA Facilities Use Agreement at Kennedy and Prescott Elementary Schools --- --- Professional Dubuque Visiting Nurse Association Oral health screenings, examinations, and dental sealants for identified populations of students (two separate contracts) --- --- Professional Epson America, Inc. No Credit Card Consolidated Exchange Agreement --- --- Professional Goodwill Industries Work services $1,326.30 Special Education Professional Hills and Dales Child Development Center Professional Services Contract to provide transition settings and services $39,550.00 Special Education Professional Iowa Department of Education 2015 Students with Significant Disabilities Summer Institute Reimbursed up to $4,200.00 --- Professional Klein, Cyd and Gonzalez, Kim Child care nurse consultant services to review preschool health files --- --- Professional --- $45,000.00 --- General Fund Professional Professional Professional Provider 92 Description Estimated Cost $4,250.00 Funding Activity Fund Purchase or Professional Service Contract Music Theatre International Royalties, rental of materials, music scores and video recording permission for Hempstead High School’s performance of Mary Poppins Professional Riverside Technologies, Inc. Scope of Work for green delivery, asset tags and reporting, laser engraving, warehousing, and imaging for technology products --- --- Professional TH Media/Woodward Communications, Inc. Agreement to provide internet video of high school athletic events --- --- Professional University of Dubuque Nursing Program Memorandum of Agreement for clinical learning experiences for University of Dubuque students in our schools --- --- Professional Dubuque Community School District Request Board Approval for Purchase/Professional Service Contract Type of Contract (check one): Purchase Contract (new) for $50,000 or more (purchase of goods or materials) Provider: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Professional Service Contract (new) for $50,0000 or more (professional services from an independent contractor) Provider: Brief Description of Contract: Grades 6-12 Math Textbooks Estimated Cost: $403,410.00 Effective Date: July 1, 2015 Source of Funding: Special Education Other Talented and Gifted Dropout Prevention General Education Instructional Support Levy Budget Code: 10.XXXX.1100.111.1114.000641 Recommended by: Lynne Devaney and Bridget Hamilton Principal or Program/Grant Coordinator Date: May 26, 2015 Please submit this form to: Professional Service Contracts for Professional Development – Linda Gratton, Forum Human Resources Office, lgratton@dbqschools.org Purchase Contracts and Professional Service Contracts for Student Services - Joan Sigwarth, Forum Business Office, jsigwarth@dbqschools.org / / Human Resources/Support Services Committee Approval Date / / Board Approval Date / / Approval Forwarded to District Administrator Overseeing Contract RPO # / 93 Date / / / Completed copy to Joni Lucas for Official Board Book Z:\Forms\Purchase Professional Contracts\2014-15\Houghton Mifflin Math.doc Dubuque Community School District Request Board Approval for Purchase/Professional Service Contract Type of Contract (check one): Purchase Contract (new) for $50,000 or more (purchase of goods or materials) Provider: Pearson Professional Service Contract (new) for $50,0000 or more (professional services from an independent contractor) Provider: Brief Description of Contract: Grades 9-12 Math Textbooks Estimated Cost: $129,319.54 Effective Date: July 1, 2015 Source of Funding: Special Education Other Talented and Gifted Dropout Prevention General Education Instructional Support Levy Budget Code: 10.XXXX.1100.111.1114.000641 Recommended by: Lynne Devaney and Bridget Hamilton Principal or Program/Grant Coordinator Date: May 26, 2015 Please submit this form to: Professional Service Contracts for Professional Development – Linda Gratton, Forum Human Resources Office, lgratton@dbqschools.org Purchase Contracts and Professional Service Contracts for Student Services - Joan Sigwarth, Forum Business Office, jsigwarth@dbqschools.org / / Human Resources/Support Services Committee Approval Date / / Board Approval Date / / Approval Forwarded to District Administrator Overseeing Contract RPO # / 94 Date / / / Completed copy to Joni Lucas for Official Board Book Z:\Forms\Purchase Professional Contracts\2014-15\Pearson Math.doc Dubuque Community School District Request Board Approval for Purchase/Professional Service Contract Type of Contract (check one): Purchase Contract (new) for $50,000 or more (purchase of goods or materials) Provider: Lowery McDonnell Co. Professional Service Contract (new) for $50,0000 or more (professional services from an independent contractor) Provider: Brief Description of Contract: Hempstead High School Phase Three Furnishings, Fixtures, and Equipment Estimated Cost: $121,383.30 Effective Date: June of 2015 Source of Funding: Special Education Other Talented and Gifted Dropout Prevention General Education SAVE - Secure an Advanced Vision for Education Budget Code: 33.3230.????.???.0000.000??? Recommended by: Bill Burkhart, Manager of Buildings and Grounds Principal or Program/Grant Coordinator Date: May 20, 2015 Please submit this form to: Professional Service Contracts for Professional Development – Linda Gratton, Forum Human Resources Office, lgratton@dbqschools.org Purchase Contracts and Professional Service Contracts for Student Services - Joan Sigwarth, Forum Business Office, jsigwarth@dbqschools.org / / Human Resources/Support Services Committee Approval Date / / Board Approval Date / / Approval Forwarded to District Administrator Overseeing Contract RPO # / 95 Date / / / Completed copy to Joni Lucas for Official Board Book Z:\Forms\Purchase Professional Contracts\2014-15\Lowery McDonnell Hempstead FF & E June.doc DUBUQUE COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT Educational Programs/Policy/Strategy Committee BOARD COMMITTEE MINUTES This form is used by all multimember committees established by the Board of Education. Before any meeting is held, be sure you have met the requirements of Chapter 1037 Laws of the 67th G.A., 1978 Session, Official Meetings Open to Public. I. Complete the Following Before Starting the Meeting A. Date agenda was posted for meeting: June 1, 2015 B. Date media were faxed agenda: June 1, 2015 C. Media who were faxed an agenda: Telegraph Herald; Des Moines Register; KWWL; KCRG; KGAN; Radio Dubuque; Cumulus Broadcasting; and Chamber of Commerce. D. Board Committee: Educational Programs/Policy/Strategy Committee E. Date and Time of Meeting: June 3, 2015, 4:00 p.m. F. Place of Meeting: The Forum G. Attach agenda to this form. Verify that a copy of the agenda has been filed with the Secretary of the Board and the Administrator holding the Committee meeting. If any of the above data does not comply with the open meeting law, do not begin the meeting. Board members present: Tami Ryan, Jim Prochaska, Matt Strelo. District representatives present: Stan Rheingans, Lynne Devaney, Rozy Warder. Mr. Prochaska called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. at the Forum. The agenda was approved as submitted. End The Trend, an Effort to Destigmatize and Address Children’s Mental Health Katie Stringer, Anna Gudenkauf, Maren Phalen, Jack Hostager, and Jacob Gockel were present to address the committee on some of the main ideas that they proposed at the board meeting on May 11, 2015, that fit directly with the district’s Strategic Plan: Therapeutic Room in Dubuque High Schools: Many students who have an anxiety crisis or other immediate mental health need are sent to the school counseling office. School counselors, who are not specifically trained to deal with mental illness, often must drop whatever they are doing to address the issue at hand, which takes away from time they would otherwise spend with students with college applications, personal issues, etc. Counselors have expressed that they have a limited number of resources to offer students with ongoing mental health issues, so often their only option is to send a student back to class or send them homebound. As an intermediate option, we believe each high school should have a fully-staffed therapeutic room for students with severe anxiety or other disorders to go as a safe place within the school. This would allow counselors to have a wider range of options to give to students with mental health issues and to focus on their true job, and enable students with mental illness to have a better opportunity to stay in their school. Ms. Warder responded that a therapeutic classroom was piloted this year at Jefferson Middle School. One of the things we can do better is to have a person trained in therapeutic care as well as providing community resources to parents. Mental Health First Aid Training: All DCSD staff that interact with students on a regular basis should be trained in Mental Health First Aid. These evidence-based programs help school staff to recognize the symptoms of mental health disorders and to respond appropriately if students with mental health issues have an immediate need under their supervision. Counselor job duties were discussed. Students generally have a good relationship with their counselor and it would be ideal if counselors (and nurses) could be more available for student issues. Other UEN districts will be contacted to see if they have developed any successful programs in the mental health area. Y Care Update Mr. Rheingans indicated that a meeting was recently held with the Y Care director (superintendent of Western Dubuque was also present). The district requested that the fee structure for Friday mornings remain as it is this year. If not, the district will make other arrangements for the Friday morning extended drop off period. The Y is taking it back to their board. Forty students currently utilize Y Care for Friday mornings. 98 Special Education Report 1,883 students are entitled for special education services in Dubuque schools. 1,740 students are entitled for specially designed instruction in area of cognition, behavior, hearing, vision. 143 students are entitled for related services only (speech, occupational therapy, physical therapy). 24% of entitled students are minority students. Ms. Warder shared new developments in special education during the 2014-15 school year: hired an assistive technology coordinator, increased para training, SEIT, TAP/METS, deaf educational signing classes for parents and school employees, autism education community series. Student Achievement Data Ms. Devaney reported on student achievement data. Recent graduation rate information indicates that the district’s graduation rate is 91.49%. Certified graduation rate lags one year behind as districts are allowed to count graduates into October of the new school year. Disaggregated data was also presented. Committee members requested copies of the disaggregated data by high school. Preschool (data includes all children [including entitled individuals] from district preschool and community partners) Creative Curriculum GOLD end of the year assessment summary was reviewed. K-2 assessment is DIBELS (Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy). Depending on the student’s age and grade, different subtests are administered that are predictive of reading success. Composite scores were reviewed. MAP Meeting Growth Projection Report was presented. The final achievement shared was the Iowa Testing Program, do students achieve typical growth as measured by the Iowa Tests in reading and math? Adequate growth numbers were reviewed. As a group, the district exceeds growth expectations at every grade level; however, sub groups need to be examined. Mr. Strelo left the meeting at 5:09 p.m. Employee Wellness Mr. Prochaska brought up the issue of employee health and wellness. Barb Barton, Mercy, reported that Mercy is piloting the Health Strides program at the Forum at no cost. If the program is continued, there is a cost. This 12week program provides on-site employee assessment, which includes a complete lab analysis. Each participant is assigned a health coach who connects the employee with resources and educational components to improve the employee’s overall health. Mr. Rheingans indicated that many factors would need to be considered to see if there is a return on the investment. Often times, businesses negotiate with insurance companies to include a wellness component that could potentially reduce costs. Mr. Rheingans will ask Amy Hawkins for information related to high school weight room usage in the evenings so staff members could utilize the weight rooms. Policy #3600 – Activities Passes This policy was reviewed, no changes recommended. Board 6/8/15 Policy #4314 – Employer-paid Medical Insurance This policy was updated. Board 6/8/15 Policy #4617 – Student and Staff Inventions and Patents This is a new policy. Board 6/8/15 Policy #4800 – Memorials for Deceased Staff This policy was reviewed, no changes recommended. Board 6/8/15 Other Items Budget reduction staffing issues were discussed. A music teacher will probably be recalled, which leaves two halftime social studies teachers remaining on lay-off. The next meeting was scheduled for August 5, 2015, at 4:00 p.m. The meeting adjourned at 5:48 p.m. Joni Lucas, Secretary Board of Education 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 Chapter 3: ADMINISTRATION Section 2: MISCELLANEOUS 3600 Activities Passes To encourage the interest of all members of the District Leadership Team in the total activity program of the Dubuque Community School District, activity passes shall be issued to all members of the District Leadership Team and their spouses. Adopted: April 10, 1967 Reviewed: October 21, 2010 Reviewed: June 8, 2015 110 Chapter 4: PERSONNEL Section 4: SALARIES AND BENEFITS 4314 Employer-Paid Medical Insurance Employees meeting certain criteria are eligible to participate in the District’s group medical insurance plan. The District’s portion of the cost of such coverage may be paid at various levels up to 100%. A signed waiver with proof of other credible coverage is required to decline District health insurance. The election to participate in the plan shall be submitted annually using the employee web portal in writing and signed by the employee and filed with the District. Adopted: September 19, 2005 Revised: November 8, 2010 Revised: June 8, 2015 111 Legal Reference: Code of Iowa, Sec. 509.1(b) 4617 Chapter 4: Section 7: PERSONNEL MISCELLANEOUS Student and Staff Inventions and Patents Faculty/Staff Rules 1. For an invention made by faculty or staff, on their own time, with their own facilities and resources, and not within the stated objectives of their current employment with the district, the invention is owned by the inventor(s). The responsibility and fees associated with any patent application shall be that of the inventor(s). 2. For an invention made by faculty or staff while working within the scope of their employment or on a district sponsored project (research or educational), the invention is owned by the district, subject to any other agreements. The responsibility and fees associated with any patent application shall be that of the district. 3. For an invention made by faculty or staff without significant use of district resources, the invention is owned by the inventor(s). For purposes of this policy “significant use” shall mean – use of any district facility in a way that leads to an appreciable expenditure of district funds that would not otherwise have occurred. The responsibility and fees associated with any patent application shall be that of the inventor(s). 4. For an invention made by faculty or staff with significant use of district resources, the invention is owned by the district, subject to any other agreements. For purposes of this policy “significant use” shall mean – use of any district facility in a way that leads to an appreciable expenditure of district funds that would not otherwise have occurred. The responsibility and fees associated with any patent application shall be that of the district. Student Rules 1. For an invention made by students, on their own time, with their own facilities and resources, an in research/projects not within the stated objectives or syllabus of a current academic class or course, the invention is owned by the inventor(s). The responsibility and fees associated with any patent application shall be that of the inventor(s). 2. For an invention made by a student as part of an academic class or course, including any project or report, coursework, directed research, or examination, the invention is owned by the district, subject to any other agreements. The responsibility and fees associated with any patent application shall be that of the district. 112 3. For an invention made by students for a district-approved student competition or extracurricular activity, using no greater district resources than those generally available to all other students within the competition or participating in the activity or than those available to the student as part of his/her enrollment with the district, the invention is owned by the inventor(s). The responsibility and fees associated with any patent application shall be that of the inventor(s). 4. For an invention made by students for a competition or extra-curricular activity, using greater district resources than those generally available to all other students participating in the competition or activity or than those available to the student as part of his/her enrollment with the district, the invention is owned by the district, subject to any other agreements. The responsibility and fees associated with any patent application shall be that of the district. This policy shall apply to all inventions conceived or first reduced to practice on or after May 1, 2015. Adopted: June 8, 2015 113 4800 Chapter 4: Section 8: PERSONNEL COMMUNITY RELATIONS Memorials for Deceased Staff Recognizing that the loss of a member of the school community is deeply felt, schools will support staff, students and families who feel the loss, and will assist with connections to appropriate community resources. The Board of Education authorizes the Board Secretary to issue a memorial in the amount of twenty five dollars ($25.00) to the families of deceased staff members who are currently on contract with the District at the time of their death. Adopted: March 14, 2005 Reviewed: October 21, 2010 Reviewed: June 8, 2015 114 Teacher Quality Meeting Notes May 11, 2015 3:30 – 5:00 p.m. The Forum Board Room In attendance: Kelly Pfohl, Maureen Waskow, Tammy Duehr, Joel Miller, Lynne Devaney, Annette Wohlers, Nancy Bradley, Rick Colpitts and Dale Lass. 1. School‐based Funding Requests (Tammy) a. No Request today. 2. Planning Forward…August 28, 2015, Additional 3.5 Hours for PLC skill‐building The group discussed the details of this 3.5 hour professional learning session. The process for attendance was discussed. The group came to consensus that all in attendance will use their swipe card, AND we will take paper attendance. This will be looked at as a first time that all staff will use swipe cards for project work. The content of the day was discussed and decided that the smaller sub‐committee will put together a draft of the structure of the 3.5 hours and bring it back to this group for discussion on June 23, 12:30‐3:30 p.m. The sub‐committee will go back to the Cedar Rapids materials from the PLC training we did last year. 3. Prospect of Summer Committee Work A subcommittee was formed, and they will meet June 15, 12:30‐3:30 AND June 22, 12:30‐3:30 to plan the 3.5 hour professional learning session. They will bring their work to the whole committee on June 23, 12:30‐3:30 p.m. 4. Other Meetings set for the year: November 24, 2014 December 18, 2014 January 8, 2015 February 4, 2015 March 4, 2014 March 18, 2015 April 20, 2015 May 11, 2015 Sub Committee June 15 (12:30‐3:30 p.m.) Sub Committee June 22 (12:30‐3:30 p.m.) June 23, 2015 Next meeting: June 23, 2015 Submitted by Tammy Duehr 115 memorandum To: Attendees From: Joanna Wozniak // JW Date: May 12, 2015 Comm. No: 14014 Subject: Dubuque Community Schools Senior High School Renovation and Additions May 6, 2015 Core Planning Group Meeting #7 Minutes Attendants: Stan Rheingans, DCSD Superintendent Dr. Dan Johnson, Senior High School Principal David Olson, DCSD Director of Secondary Education Kevin Kelleher, DCSD Executive Director of Finance Jim Prochaska, DCSD Board Member Tami Ryan, DCSD Board Member Brian Howes, Senior High School Registrar Joan Schueller, Senior High School AP Bill Burkhart, DCSD Manager of Buildings and Grounds Charlie Clasen, DCSD Assistant Manager of Building and Grounds Brent Cook, Senior High School AD Jean Bontemps, Senior High School Teacher Angela Wessels, Senior High School Teacher Sarah Cunningham, DCSD Community Member Terry Mozena, DCSD Community Member Kelly Harrer, Design Engineers Marty Johnson, SJA Ken Johnson, SJA Justin McCarthy, SJA Roger Schroepfer, Wold Architects and Engineers Kirsta Ehmke, Wold Architects and Engineers Joanna Wozniak, Wold Architects and Engineers Handouts Agenda Phase One Option Diagrams Phase One Cost Strategies Minnesota Illinois linois Il Michigan C ol or ado 116 Iowa Discussion Topics: A. The Group discussed and approved the previous Meeting Minutes. B. Core Planning Group Information 1. The Group had no member information, input, or insights to report. C. Review Tours 1. Naperville Central High School a. Likes: Secure servery; flexible tables with clear sight lines at Cafeteria; 4H stacks and charging stations at LRC; quiet and active sides at LRC. b. Dislikes: No physical barrier at entrance. 2. Addison Trail High School designers and researchers for public environments Dubuque Community Schools Senior High School Renovation and Additions May 6, 2015 Core Planning Group Meeting #7 Minutes Page 2 a. Likes: Collaboration zones delineated by finishes; cost efficiency of designated science labs per subject (Chemistry, Physics, etc). b. Dislikes: ‘Bland’ interior spaces; spillover from Cafeteria into Commons; inflexibility of designated science labs per subject (Chemistry, Physics, etc). 3. Willowbrook High School a. Likes: Variety of seating styles at Cafeteria; undesignated rooms for checkout at LRC; private rooms for checkout adjacent to collaboration zones. b. Dislikes: Open ceiling treatment at Commons. 4. Glenbrook North High School a. Likes: High level of security at entrance; seating and interesting sound panels at Cafeteria. b. Dislikes: Poor sight lines and high maintenance finishes at Cafeteria. D. Senior Schematic Design Cost Estimate Breakdown 1. The Straka/Wold Team presented three cost estimate options for Phase One. 2. Option One (Third Floor Science addition, no new gyms) 3. Option Two (Southwest Science addition, one court gym) a. The Group determined that a one court gym addition is not a viable or cost effective option. 4. Option Three (Reduced SF SW addition, two court gym, infill upper gym) a. It was indicated that the Second Level meets the need for science labs (14 teaching spaces). b. It was indicated that one floor of science labs would be ideal. c. The Group discussed the footprint of the SW addition and determined that a smaller addition would need to be designed for future expansion. d. It was noted that the elevator in the SW addition would be a ‘lifetime asset’. e. It was confirmed that a two court gym in addition to Nora Gym is sufficient. 5. The Group determined that Option Three was the only option that sufficiently addressed current and future needs. Straka/Wold Team to further investigate SW addition options and potential of future expansion. 6. The Group discussed the possibility of decreasing the size of the courtyard infill by creating two story light wells in lieu of three story light wells on the south side of the addition. Next Meetings Meetings: cc: CPG Meeting #7:: May 27th, 2:45 p.m. – 4:15 p.m. Roger Schroepfer, Wold Architects and Engineers Dwight Schumm, Design Engineers Minnesota Illinois Michigan C ol or ado 117 Iowa designers and researchers for public environments memorandum To: Attendees From: Joanna Wozniak // JW Date: June 1, 2015 Comm. No: 14014 Subject: Dubuque Community Schools Senior High School Renovation and Additions May 27, 2015 Core Planning Group Meeting #8 Minutes Attendants: Dr. Dan Johnson, Senior High School Principal Kevin Kelleher, DCSD Executive Director of Finance Jim Prochaska, DCSD Board Member Brian Howes, Senior High School Registrar Bill Burkhart, DCSD Manager of Buildings and Grounds Charlie Clasen, DCSD Assistant Manager of Building and Grounds Brent Cook, Senior High School AD Jean Bontemps, Senior High School Teacher Angela Wessels, Senior High School Teacher Ken Johnson, SJA Justin McCarthy, SJA Roger Schroepfer, Wold Architects and Engineers Kirsta Ehmke, Wold Architects and Engineers Joanna Wozniak, Wold Architects and Engineers Handouts Agenda Phase One Option Diagrams Phase One Cost Strategies Minnesota Minnesota Illinois Michigan C ol or ado 118 Iowa Discussion Topics: A. The Group discussed and approved the previous Meeting Minutes. B. Core Planning Group Information 1. It was noted that the potential encroachment on future track and field areas by the proposed service road will be verified at a near date. 2. The Group discussed feedback from the City of Dubuque regarding site modifications. It was noted that a T-intersection at the main parking lot, Locust Street and Clark Drive is preferred. An alternative approach for parking egress would be to utilize the existing drive off of Locust Street. C. Schematic Floor Plans 1. Student Services/Administration Addition a. The Group discussed a new location for the elevator to be adjacent to the Nora Gym entrance, providing accessible circulation between athletics at all levels. b. The Group discussed options for attendance check-in and determined that a window accessible to the main entry as well as the school would be ideal. 2. Southwest Addition a. The Group discussed the potential of a new Choir Room on the Ground Level and renovating the existing Choir Room into storage space and/or theater dressing rooms. It was determined that the additional storage space would be ideal. designers and researchers for public environments Dubuque Community Schools Senior High School Renovation and Additions May 27, 2015 Core Planning Group Meeting #8 Minutes Page 2 b. The Group discussed the potential of providing a scene shop at the Second Level adjacent to the auditorium stage. It was determined that a science lab on another level may be a possibility in order to provide space for the scene shop. 3. Upper Gym Infill a. The Straka/Wold Team presented four options for science lab layouts. It was indicated that shared lecture rooms and/or collaboration spaces along with dedicated labs may be the ideal option. Straka/Wold Team to further investigate with Core Planning Group and science teachers. b. It was noted that the ceiling height will be determined based on a balance of sound, natural light and effectiveness. 4. New Gym Addition a. The Straka/Wold Team noted the need for an egress door to the north of the new addition, limiting the size of the addition in the north-south dimension. The Group discussed the priority of providing regulation size practice courts versus increased sideline offsets and determined that regulation size courts are preferable. b. The Group discussed the accessibility of wrestling mats into the new gym at Ground Level. It was noted that two sets of wrestling mats may be needed (one performance and one practice). The possibility of ceiling hung mats was also discussed. c. The Group discussed the occupancy needs of the new gym. It was determined that the proposed 832 seats may be more than needed due to the use of the space (Junior Varsity, Freshman, and youth tournaments). It was noted that perimeter seating for practice court games will be sufficient. d. The Group discussed the need to displace the Training Room and determined that the existing Men’s Locker Room on the first level or the existing storage space on the Lower Level are possible new locations. It was noted that a space centrally located to athletics would be ideal. Next Meetings Meetings: cc: CPG Meeting #9:: June 10th, 1:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. Stan Rheingans, DCSD Superintendent David Olson, DCSD Director of Secondary Education Tami Ryan, DCSD Board Member Joan Schueller, Senior High School AP Terry Mozena, DCSD Community Member Sarah Cunningham, DCSD Community Member Marty Johnson, SJA Kelly Harrer, Design Engineers Dwight Schumm, Design Engineers Minnesota Illinois Michigan C ol or ado 119 Iowa designers and researchers for public environments Facilities/Support Services Recommendations: I move that the Board of Education authorize payment of final June 2015 bills subject to post audit by the Board I move that the Board of Education approve the bonds for the Lincoln School Locker Replacement Project I move that the Board of Education approve the bonds for the Hempstead High School Track Refurbishment Project I move that the Board of Education adopt the following resolution approving construction contract, certificate of insurance and bonds: Be it resolved by the Board of Education of the Dubuque Community School District, Dubuque, Iowa: That the construction contract and bonds executed and insurance coverage for the Maintenance Department Storage Building Project, as described in detail in the plans and specifications heretofore approved, and which have been signed by the Contractor be and the same are hereby approved and Board President is authorized to execute said Contract on behalf of the District outlined as follows: Contractor: Beck Construction, Inc. Date of contract: June 8, 2015 Bond surety: West Bend Mutual Insurance Company, $203,250.00 Date of bond: May 8, 2015 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 New Business Recommendation: I move that the Board of Education name Fidelity Bank & Trust as a depository for District funds in an amount not to exceed $50 million 136
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