Imperial Potentate Jerry G. Gantt Welcomes Hella`s
Volume 52, No. 1 Circulation 4,000 Garland, Texas February 2016 Time Honored Traditions Are Hard To Beat.... Imperial Potentate Jerry G. Gantt Welcomes Hella’s Illustrious Wayne Osborne Camel’s Calf SHRINE CLUBS HELLA TEMPLE Official Publication of HELLA TEMPLE AAONMS 2121 Rowlett Road, Garland, TX 75043 Telephone (972) 240-6624 Created May 31, 1887 Chartered June 22, 1888 at Dallas, Texas Bowie / Cass Elective Divan Wayne Osborne, Illustrious Potentate Bob Moore ................................................. Chief Rabban Chuck “Cheetoe” Hudson .................... Assistant Rabban Bob “Checkers” Mantle ................. High Priest & Prophet John “Spinner” Krodel ............................... Oriental Guide Dr. Bob Sparks, PP .......................................... Treasurer Roger Carney, PP ............................................. Recorder Appointive Divan S.K. Choudhury ......................... First Ceremonial Master Fred Silver ............................ Second Ceremonial Master Mike Hall ............................................................. Director Everett Warner .................................................... Marshal Steve Eason ................................... Captain of the Guard Terry Pryor ................................................... Outer Guard Steve Conley ..................................................... Chaplain Representatives to Imperial Council Wayne Osborne ............................... Illustrious Potentate Bob Moore ................................................. Chief Rabban Chuck “Cheetoe” Hudson .................... Assistant Rabban Bob “Checkers” Mantle ................. High Priest & Prophet Larry Winkle, PP ............................... Treasurer Emeritus Don (Typo) Camp ................................................... Editor Ginger Jolly ............................................. Assistant Editor Lisa Rogers ..................................... Advertising Manager Darrell Hefley ............................................... Press Corps Jeff Haven .................................... Assistant Press Corps Mike King ............................................................ Publicity John Rodriguez, PP ............................... Public Relations Bill Neil ................................................... Temple Attorney Norma Taylor ................................................. Accountant Mary Sakuta ....................... Sales and Catering Manager Ronny Hampton ................. Kitchen & Dining Room Mgr. Chuck Currie ....................... Burns Awareness Chairman Bob Vinson .................................. Membership Chairman Hella Shrine Circus Phone (972) 240-6628 Bob Moore ............................................ Circus Chairman Jerry Barrera .............................................. Circus Daddy Chief of Staff: Buster Barrier Executive Aide: David Sims Potentate’s Aides: Louis Tolliver Charlie Prock Ron Carney Bill McInnes Stephen Lang Hospital Board of Governors Ken Flournoy ...................................................... Houston Jimmy Heisz .................................................... Galveston Bob Moore ....................................................... Galveston Bill Pardue, PP .................................... Houston Emeritus John Rodriguez, PP ......................... Galveston Emeritus Doug Lord, PP .................................. Galveston Emeritus Peters Colony Charles McEntire 903.276.5546 North Collin County Ellis County Steve Brazeal 214.448.3341 Plano Guido Costa 214.773.7931 North Texas Charles Vining 972-516-1713 Garland Derrick Valchar 903-327-5920 Red River Steve Conley 214-558-3852 North East Texas Stan Thurman 903.785.9766 Greater Southwest Rhett McCullough 903.767.2488 Top of Dallas Mario Portillo 214-948-1395 Terry Fisher 469.363.4920 Roger Fuller 214-226-7820 UNIT HEADS Director of Units Horace Groff 903.271.6350 101 Association Steve Conley 214.558.3852 A-La-Karts Nestor Lopez 757.320.6051 Arab Patrol Grady Smith 214.878.2032 Barstools John Whaley 972.571.5820 Concert / German Band Alton Polk 214.701.1136 Directors Staff Mike Hall 972.743.0884 Dixielanders Byron Parks 469.964.5242 Drum & Bugle Corps Billy Cryer 469.569.8993 Flying Fezzes Steve Eason 469.667.4274 Mini Patrol Alan Robertson 903.821.4241 Motor Patrol Jerrod Neel 940.686.2539 Nobles of Note Gary Zerfas 972.333.6952 Novice Committee Pat Lee 214.762.1730 Oriental Band Clyde Smith 214.789.8220 Black Horse Patrol Golf Association Parade Committee Daniel Brown 214.532.5255 Kerry Davis 214.912.6474 Everett Warner 469.363.1884 Boat Club Greeters Peace Officers Larry Nelson 972.597.2074 Steve Eason 469.667.4274 Jimmy Helterbrand 214-538-4861 Bowlers Guards Press Corps Doug Strom 972.674.1310 Terry Pryor 214.538.8709 Darrell Hefley 817.846.9224 HELLA TEMPLE 2121 Rowlett Road Garland, Texas 75043 Stated Sessions: Third Thursday Except June, July and August Camel Herders Gun Club Provost Guard Dean Melton 214.924.1894 Dustin Wooten 214.673.0218 Scott Brosi 972.567.1693 The Camel’s Calf (UPS 080590, ISSN 0164-8594) is published monthly except June and July by Hella Temple. Periodicals Postage is paid at Garland, Texas, and at all additional mailing offices. Please send address changes to Hella Temple, 2121 Rowlett Road, Garland, Tx, 75043. Subscription Rate - $.50 Per Year Fifty cents of the Annual Membership Dues are paid as a year’s subscription to the Camel’s Calf. The purpose of this publication is to report the programs and official activities of Hella Shrine Temple, Shriner’s Hospitals for Children, Shrine Associations, Masonic Bodies, and other items of particular interest to Shriners. Articles for the Camel’s Calf are typeset by the editor by the 15th of the month preceding the month of publication. To ensure that your article is included, please have your article into the Temple editor no later than the 10th of the month. Contributions of photographs and news items of interest to the Nobility are solicited, and will be returned only upon request. Cavaliers Hospital Transportation Rollin’ Nobles Ricky Randall 972.427.3966 John Rodriguez 972.948.3460 Forest Murley 972.898.2727 Classic Cars Knights of Mecca Sons of Hella Jerry Palmer 214.566.6512 C. D. Kelton 469.831.0985 Lloyd Houston 972.771.3430 Clowns Legion of Honor Lance “Krash” Goff 214.577.8462 Patrick Travers 214.924.6507 Page 2 The Camel’s Calf : Publication of Hella Shrine, Dallas, Texas Just a note from your...... Potentate and First Lady The time is finally here and we just want to say to each and every Noble and their Lady of Hella Shrine, thank you for allowing Carol and I to be part of the best Shrine in Texas. It’s an honor for us to have the opportunity to serve as your Potentate and First Lady. Carol and I both assure you that we will do our best to keep focused on the business of Hella Temple while making this year as much fun for all Nobles as possible. We have many activities planned for the Nobles during the year, starting with the Potentate’s Ball February 13th, so please join us in celebrating a New Year and let’s have a great time. Finally, as 2015 is closed out, let us thank Sir Bobby Caldwell and his first Lady, Janie, for a job well done. Good luck on your next adventure, I know it’s going to be an exciting next few years. Yours in the Faith, Illustrious Wayne Osborne, Potentate Carol Osborne, First Lady Mission Statement of Hella Shrine Temple Shriners are men committed to family, engaged in ongoing personal growth, and dedicated to providing superior healthcare improving the quality of life for children and families in need regardless of their ability to pay, and providing quality programs and services for its members, their families and friends in a spirit of fun, fellowship, and social camaraderie. Vision Statement of Hella Shrine Temple Implement programs and activities to drive a new era for stability and growth. Attention All Shrine Clubs and Unit Heads! With the new year comes a changing of the guard with most Shrine Clubs and Units. Please provide the Hella offices with the name and contact info for the new leaders of your Club or Unit as soon as possible. The Camel’s Calf is a monthly magazine with articles written by and for the Nobles of Hella Temple. However, if the Nobles, Units, or Clubs do not submit any articles, the magazine does not meet its intended purpose, to inform the Nobility of the events and activities of the Nobility. Please get your informative articles and pictures (at least 500 Kb in size) into the Camel’s Calf by the 10th of the month prior to the month of publication to – Typo The Camel’s Calf : Publication of Hella Shrine, Dallas, Texas Page 3 Page 4 The Camel’s Calf : Publication of Hella Shrine, Dallas, Texas Nobles, Family & Friends All Are Invited To The Annual 101 Hella Super Bowl Party The fun starts on February 7, 2016 at 2:00 pm in the Terrace Room Football Pots, Food, Beverages, & Doors Prizes The cost is $15.00 per person Come Join Us For Football, Fun & Fellowship! The Camel’s Calf : Publication of Hella Shrine, Dallas, Texas Page 5 Welcome To 2016! As we move into the new year, we also begin a new chapter in how the Camel’s Calf will arrive at your house. ELECTRONICALLY! If you have not done so already, send your email address to Hella Temple’s office staff and send an email to to get included in the weekly email updates Happenin’ At Hella. Except for February, May, August, and November of 2016, you will receive a notification via e-mail that the Camel’s Calf is ready and will include a link to the download. After downloading the file just use Adobe Reader and enjoy! If you do not have Adobe Reader (most computers come with it already loaded) just go to for a free copy. Another advantage of being an electronic version is the reader can click on a link and your computer will take you to the destination for you, no typing necessary, unless someone makes a Typo in the link! Another advantage is the use of COLOR will be limitless. Each Unit, Shrine Club and Advertiser will be able to create their own 8.5 x 11 page for the Camel’s Calf. Use as many pictures, or other graphics, as you wish, it’s your page! Save the page as a PDF and send to the editor, your page will be included as you sent it. Of course Hella Shrine Temple reserves the right to reject or ask for a revision of any submission as usual. All submissions should be sent to by the 10th of the month preceeding the month of publication. Except for the 4 issues being printed this year, photographs can now be assembled into your page and will not need to be sent separately as in the past. It is the intent of the Editorial Staff to allow the Units and Clubs to take ownership of their page! Have You Moved? Have You Changed Your Phone Number? Do You Have A New E-mail Address? Please let the Hella Office know by completing this form and mail to: Hella Shrine Temple, 2121 Rowlett Rd., Garland, Tx 75043 Name: _______________________________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________________ City / State / Zip: ______________________________________________________ Primary Contact Phone Number: __________________________________________ Primary Contact E-mail Address: __________________________________________ Page 6 The Camel’s Calf : Publication of Hella Shrine, Dallas, Texas Hella Clowns After a very busy 2015, the clowns are never too far from the action at Hella. Our members can be found in most of the other Units at Hella assisting in any manner needed. Of course we are still clowns at heart, and that can make for some very interesting situations. Hey, why do anything if you can not have fun at it. Here are some upcoming activities where you might spot a clown or two. You might have to look closely, afterall, we tend to be in disguise. February eventsFeb 7 - Super Bowl Party - 2:00 pm Feb 13 - Potentates Ball Feb 18 - Hella Stated Meeting Feb 19 - Clown stated Meeting Feb 20 - Chili Cook Off Feb 21 - Daughters of the Nile Ceremonial Feb 28 - Clown night out - Magic Time Machine in Addison 6:30 pm March Mar 8 - IHOP Day. We will be at the IHOP at 190 and Garland Rd. 7:00 am- 7:00 pm. We will have a sign up sheet for times to work at Feb Stated Mtg Mar 13 - Daughters of the Nile Installation Mar 17 - Hella Stated Mtg Mar 17-20 - Clown Midwinter in Wichita Falls Mar 23 - Easter Egg Stuffing Mar 26 - Easter Egg Hunt - 10:00 am We’d like to take this opportunity to thank everybody that supported us in our endeavors last year. We look forward to working with everyone again this year. Thank you again and ..... God Bless You, Charles & Judy Lee On behalf of the Tolliver family, I wish to thank all my Noble friends and their Ladies for the kind thoughts and words at the recent death of my grandson. You will never realize how much it means to us. Louis Tolliver The Motor Patrol met on November 21st for our Election of Officers and to recognize our Past Colonels. We elected the following officers for 2016. Colonel - Jerrod Neel Lt. Colonel - Kirk Johnson Major - Eddie Frankum Lieutenant - Kevin Desmond Sec./Treas. - Freddy Cooper Chaplain - Bill Neil If you have an interest in motorcycle, please contact us to join our club or get on our mailing list of events. There is no requirement to own a motorcycle, only a willingness to have FUN!! Please contact Jerrod Neel for more information. Thanks, Kirk The Camel’s Calf : Publication of Hella Shrine, Dallas, Texas Page 7 You are cordially invited to attend the Open Installation of Officers for Shalman Temple No. 90 Daughters of the Nile Sunday, the 13th of March Two Thousand and Sixteen 02:00 P.M. Hella Shrine Center 2121 Rowlett Road Garland, Texas 75043 When Princess Anna Garey Will be Crowned Queen Carol Hefley Queen Joey Minahan Princess Recorder Reception Immediately Following Page 8 The Camel’s Calf : Publication of Hella Shrine, Dallas, Texas Shriners Kids At Shriners Hospitals for Children, our mission is simple: deliver lifechanging medical care to children who need it most – whether their families can afford it or not. For over 90 years we’ve specialized in helping children affected by orthopaedic conditions, burns, spinal cord injuries, and cleft lip and palate. And while doctors and nurses dedicate their lives to helping our patients, your love is what makes it all possible. The support of our donors and partners has helped the Shriners network of 22 locations care for over one million children since opening in 1922. Change the life of a child. Make a donation to Shriners Hospitals for Children and send your love to the rescue today. Visit your local IHOP restaurant on National Pancake Day, enjoy a free short stack of Buttermilk pancakes and donate: 855-401-4897 | The Camel’s Calf : Publication of Hella Shrine, Dallas, Texas Page 9 Hella Membership Final Report for 2015 The Final Numbers For the Year: • Creations - 70. Goal for year was 75. • Restorations - 37. Goal for year was 49. • Affiliations - 9. Goal for year was 11. • Associations -1 • Demits - 21 • Suspensions - 5 • Deaths - 125 Total Gain/Loss - down 34 with overall membership at 2,689. We were down only 1.26%, and achieved a strong silver status. We had to be down less than 3.71% to be a silver Temple. We still had a great year. Thanks for all of your hard work. Now some interesting statistics: • New Nobles came from 39 different Blue Lodges. Just 26% of the Blue Lodges in Hella’s jurisdiction contributed one or more new Nobles. Notable Blue Lodges are: - Lebanon - 7 new Nobles - Goodwill - 6 - Sam P. Cochran - 5 - Mesquite - 4 - Plano - 3 - East Dallas - 3 • 37 different Nobles were first line signers, or just 1.4% of our total membership. Notable first line signers: - Robert Foster - 12 - SK Choudhury - 5 - James Mentesana - 4 - Billy Williams - 4 • Average new Noble age - 45. Youngest - 22, oldest - 74 Our priorities for 2016; • Keep the momentum going. We have proven that with hard work, we can have a significant impact on membership. Think what we could do with total member involvement. If just five % of our current membership brought in one new Noble, we could stop the decline with 134 new nobles or nearly double what we did in 2015. • Work closer with our Blue Lodges, especially those that are growing. I have enjoyed working with you on membership in 2016. This responsibility has passed to the new Assistant Rabban, Chuck Hudson, but I will still be actively involved in our membership effort. Working together, we can positively impact membership. Fraternally, Bob Moore Page 10 The Camel’s Calf : Publication of Hella Shrine, Dallas, Texas February Stated Meeting Menu Shepherd’s Pie Salad Cornbread & Rolls Cobbler Water, Tea, Coffee Greater Southwest Shrine Club Nobles - If You Live In The Oak Cliff, Cedar Hill, Lancaster, Duncanville and DeSoto Areas, Come Join Us For Food, Fun, Fellowship and Parades!!!!!! To all Nobles and their Ladies, the GREATER SOUTHWEST SHRINE CLUB, 2016 President, Mario Portillo, welcomes you to join us for dinner, fun, fellowship, and also participate with us in the upcoming parades. By actively participating in local community parades we bring the message of Shriners to the people. Attending is a great opportunity to keep up with the activities and business at Hella. At the January meeting we voted monies to needy families that we’re affected by the Dec 26 tornadoes. We also were honored with the visit by the young ladies whose families were the recipients of our monies that we gave for needy families this past holiday season. One of the young ladies honored us by giving monies to a needy family she knew were in need. Our next regular scheduled meeting and installation will be held at 6:30 pm on Thursday, February 4th, at Ojeda’s Restaurant, 2109 N. Hampton Rd, DeSoto, Tx. Cash Bar is available. For more information please contact Secretary/Treasurer SK at 214.704.6699. Look for us at and click on our club link. Come join us for a good ole’ Hella of a good time!!!! Hella Greeters SALUTATIONS AND FELICITATIONS from Hella’s Unit of first impressions. 2016 President Steve Eason welcomes and invites all Nobles with their Ladies to join the Greeters and become the first Nobles that visitors see before Hella Stated Meetings and special functions. If you’re looking for a Hella Unit with minimum time commitment, this is it!! No drilling, no cooking and no musical instrument needed. All that is required is a friendly smile and the desire to become friends with everyone at Hella. If you’re interested, please contact us. The “Silent Messenger” statue that stands at the front of Hella Center for all to see was the inspiration of Greeter Elmer Ackerman. Come and be a part of it! For further information, contact Captain of the Guard, Steven Eason, Greeter President for 2016 at 469-6674274 or at Mike’s Lock Service 972.845.2883 Serving Ellis County and Beyond • Residential • Auto • • Commercial • Motorcycle • The Camel’s Calf : Publication of Hella Shrine, Dallas, Texas Page 11 2016 Grand Master’s Homecoming Banquet Page 12 The Camel’s Calf : Publication of Hella Shrine, Dallas, Texas Nile News From Queen Carol Hefley February 2016 Camel Calf Ladies of the Household, We will have another Ceremony of Initiation before I leave as Queen. Mark your calendars for February 21! We will start the ceremony promptly at 2:00 pm upstairs at Hella. Please note we will need assistance setting up the Temple, plan on being there a full day! The new Patrol Unit had their first meeting. They reviewed the new bylaws and will be submitting them to the Bylaw Committee for review and hopefully to the full Temple soon. They are looking for ladies interested in having a great time and getting some exercise as they learn the routines. Reach out to the Shalman Patrol’s newly elected Officers, PQ Debra Strom, Princess Jennifer Lites, Princess Alecia Barrera, or Princess De Anna Lane for more information. The Clownettes are busy planning another trip to Shriner’s Hospital in Galveston to help celebrate the Galveston Hospital’s 50 year anniversary the weekend of 4/23/16. It will be great fun, contact Clownette President Mary Cates or Director Carol Barrera for more information. The Dancers are busy starting a new dance and are looking for more dancers! Come out on Monday evenings at 7:00 pm and join them for exercise, laughter and fun. The Shalman Pageantry had a great turnout at their post Christmas luncheon, I counted 35 ladies there! They collected gift cards to be sent to the Shriners Hospital in Galveston. Thanks to everyone who came. Upcoming Dates: · 1/6/16 7:30 pm First Session of the New Year · 1/8/16 7:00 pm Clownette Meeting · 1/16/16 7:00 pm Pageantry Meeting · 2/3/16 7:30 pm February Session (Memorial Service) · 2/21/16 2:00 pm Ceremony of Initiation · 3/2/16 7:30 pm March Session (Elections) · 3/13/16 2:00 pm Installation of New Officers Keep our Shrine Kids in your prayers! In Nile Love Shalman No. 90 Queen Carol Hefley All our Divan Ladies are active members of Shalman No. 90 Daughters of the Nile! Queen Carol and husband Darrell with Grand Master Wendell Miller and his wife, Billie, who is an active member of the Daughters of the Nile! First Lady of Texas, First Lady of Hella and Queen, presenting Stepping Stone to Happiness - which represents a donation to the Daughters of the Nile Foundation, supporting Shriners Hospitals for Children The Camel’s Calf : Publication of Hella Shrine, Dallas, Texas Page 13 Top O’ Dallas February 2016 Meeting President Roger Fuller, Past Potentate, along with his Lady Jane, continues to lead the Top of Dallas as President for another year and extends an open invitation to all Nobles and their wonderful Ladies to join us at the Café de France, 7370 Preston Road, #505, Dallas, ph. 972-733-3400 [Preston Rd. north of Campbell Rd.] The S.K. Choudhury, and his Lady Mitra, social time begins at 6:15 pm and dinner starts at 7:00 pm. Fantastic LIVE ENTERTAINMENT TO FOLLOW as arranged by 1st VP Ed Morzak and his Lady Kimberly. At this meeting we will be discussing the upcoming events for the club including participation in the IHOP Benefit day on Tuesday, March 8th, and much more. The three course dinner [4 selections of entrees with side items] is $18 per person which includes gratuity. Finished off with live entertainment which will “Top” off our evening, the cost is definitely worth the ticket. Stay for the Pot O’ Gold raffle drawing at the end. Cash bar is available. Come join us for a Lot O’ Fun and get up to speed with the activities and business at Hella. A Shrine Club’s purpose is served when all members come together for fellowship and carry that forward into the community to reflect what it means to be a Shriner. This includes fund raising for the Shriner Hospitals as well as showing everyone that we are darn good people to be around. Looking forward to seeing everyone at our regular meeting night, Thursday, February 25, 2016!!!! COME JOIN US!!! ALWAYS SUCH FUN!!! For more information about the Top O’ Dallas, contact President Roger Fuller at 214.638.0345. Page 14 2016 Parade Schedule Below are the dates and places of the parades that are known at this time. This schedule is subject to change. - Everett Warner Date 3/19 5/28 5/30 6/11 9/05 9/30 11/05 11/11 12/03 12/03 12/04 12/10 12/10 12/10 Event Greenville Ave. – St. Patrick’s Day Ennis Denison Memorial Day Parade TSA Parade – Pasadena Garland Labor Day Opening Day – State Fair of Texas – Downtown Frisco Homecoming Parade Veterans Day Parade – Dallas Rowlett Holiday Parade Paris Night Parade – Paris Allen Holiday Parade Terrell Parade Quinlan Parade Plano Parade- some local units Camel’s Calf Advertising Rates Black & White Business Card $40 / month 1/4 Page $60 / month 1/2 Page $120 / month Full Page $240 / month Full Color Business Card $65 / month 1/4 Page $95 / month 1/2 Page $190 / month Full Page $330 / month The Camel’s Calf : Publication of Hella Shrine, Dallas, Texas HELLA SHRINE FLYING FEZZES TO ALL NOBLES INTERESTED IN FLYING OR AVIATION BRIEFING: January 24, 2016 *DUES ARE DUE!!!!* Airmen, Thanks to all who showed up to our January meeting yesterday at the Lancaster Airport. The following is the roll call of those who attended: • Steve Eason, Past Commander/Current Commander • Brian Burns • S.K Choudhury, Past Commander • J.R. Smith • Mario Portillo, Past Commander • Clark Miller • Jack “Beetle” Bailey • Don Camp – newly voted in member Election of Officers We began our meeting with prayer. A motion was made by SK and seconded by Jack Bailey to keep the officers of 2015 in their current positions for 2016 except for Quartermaster. The motion was approved. After the newest member, Don Camp, was voted on and accepted as a member, he was voted in as the Flying Fezzes Quartermaster for 2016. Topics Discussed A discussion was had regarding getting unit members to begin flying again on behalf of Hella. Initial flights would be made to the Houston area to visit the hospitals and to transport items that the Hella Transportation Drivers are unable to take. Further discussion was had on the logistics of transporting patients. The Commander will begin discussions with the Illustrious Sir and other Divan members regarding these ventures. A motion was made by SK and seconded by J.R. to give $250.00 from the Flying Fezzes account to the Hella Transportation Fund to be presented at the next available Hella Stated Meeting. The motion was voted on and unanimously passed. Discussion was had on continued reparations to the Plane Float including getting bids from companies that do car wraps to do the plane. Commander Steve will check with the company that did Hella’s newest hospital van. Repair to The Winged Fez was discussed. Commander Steve and Don Camp looked at replacement mowers. A work/equipment evaluation day is scheduled for the next meeting day, February 20 at 9 am at the Hangar at Hella. Calendar: 2/13/2016 – Potentate’s Ball 2/18/2016 – Hella Stated Meeting 2/20/2016 – 9 am – Unit meeting and work day at hangar at Hella followed by Hella’s Chili Cookoff Steve Eason, Commander The Camel’s Calf : Publication of Hella Shrine, Dallas, Texas Page 15 2015 OG ‘s Farewell to 2015 Potentate Page 16 The Camel’s Calf : Publication of Hella Shrine, Dallas, Texas January 2016 Stated Meeting The Camel’s Calf : Publication of Hella Shrine, Dallas, Texas Page 17 Page 18 The Camel’s Calf : Publication of Hella Shrine, Dallas, Texas The Camel’s Calf : Publication of Hella Shrine, Dallas, Texas Page 19 Tom Fulton, CLU®, ChFC® Branch Manager Registered Principal RAYMOND JAMES® 972.475.4330 4113 Main Street, Suite 200 972.463.4009 Rowlett, Tx 75088 2016 Fulton Raymond James Financial Services, Inc. Member FINRA/SIPC Hella Shrine Circus Newsfront Your circus committee is working hard to put on a great circus in 2016, and we have made some of the important decisions. • Our circus will be September 15 - 18, ThursdaySunday. We will likely have one performance on Thursday and Friday, and three on Saturday and Sunday. The specific times of the performances will be communicated at a future kick-off meeting (see below). • The circus all be at the Dr. Pepper Arena in Frisco, the same place we have had our circus in 2013, 2014, and 2015. We have been successful these three years, and with good promotion, it will only get better. • We have selected a circus provider, and by the time you read this column, we should have a signed contract. This circus company is well know and puts on an excellent circus. There is still much to do. Our objective is of course to put on the best possible circus for the Hella nobility and families as well as the Dallas community. Because we are changing the way our circus is produced, we will have another kick-off meeting on March 9th at 6:30 pm. We also have to decide how we are going to handle Noble tickets, especially for those who have already paid for your tickets, and selected a circus performance. Obviously, we are going to have to work with you on a new performance date. Our commitment is to do the best job we can keeping you informed. We will provide additional details as soon as they are decided. I am sure there are many questions. Feel free to call me at 469-600-2473. Your questions and suggestions will help put on the best possible circus. MAJOR LEAGUE SERVICE. From backyards to big leagues, count on me to be there. I can help you get the coverage you need and the discounts you deserve. Jerry Garey, Agent 4112 Legacy Drive @ Lebanon Rd Frisco, TX 75034 Bus: 972-731-5105 BEST BEST BEST BEST D D D D 2011 2012 2013 2014 P090125.1 Fraternally, Bob Moore Chief Rabban and 2016 Circus Chairman Page 20 The Camel’s Calf : Publication of Hella Shrine, Dallas, Texas State Farm, Home Office, Bloomington, IL Provost Guard Feb 2016 New officers were installed at our January meeting (photo at right, from r-l) Nick Fehrenbach - 2nd Assistant, John Creel - 1st Assistant and Scott Brosi - Provost Marshal. Past Provost Marshal SK Choudhury was presented with a beautiful plaque in recognition of a job well done in 2015 and given a hardy round of applause! Well done SK! New members Larry Gammill, Fred Cooper and Larry Thompson were voted in and welcomed to the Provost Guard, we are very glad to have them as new members. Congratulations to Provost Guard Divan members Wayne Osborne, Bob Moore, John Krodel, and PP Roger Carney, we know you will do a great job this year and wish you the very best. Congratulations to Provost Guard members RW Richard Hudman, DDGM 14B, and RW Roger Carney, DDGM At Large, we wish you a great year as you serve our Grand Master and are proud to have you on our team. Hella Provost Guard will be hosting the Texas Shrine Provost Guard Association (TSPGA) Shooting Competiton on April 1 & 2 this year, the Host hotel is the Crown Plaza, 14315 Midway Road in Addison. The competition will be held at the Dallas Pistol Club, 1830 W. Belt Line Road, Carrollton, Tx. Ladies shoot on Friday at 3 pm and it is always a very enjoyable event, the ladies are excellent shots. The TSPGA competition will be on Saturday starting at 8 am. The Hospitality Suite managed by our very own Ted and Carol Frieze will be open Friday afternoon, and the Awards dinner Saturday evening at the Crown Plaza. A big thanks to everyone who is helping to make this event a success! If you are interested in joining the Hella Provost Guard please let us know or come to our monthly meeting. We meet every 3rd Sunday at El Fenix, 990 Skillman Road, Dallas, Tx. We eat at 4:30 pm, our meeting starts at 5:00 pm. The Camel’s Calf : Publication of Hella Shrine, Dallas, Texas Page 21 Stay away PREVENT BURNS! Lock up dangerous items. Keep out of children’s reach. Fire kills. Fire can hurt for life. Keep children away from stoves, outdoor grills, Don’t let appliance cords dangle where children can reach them. Keep hot liquids out of reach of children. Turn down water heater to less than 130°. Higher temperatures can cause third degree burns (the worst) in two seconds! Always turn off an iron when it’s unattended. Turn pot handles toward the back of the stove. KINDS OF BURNS FIRST DEGREE: Epidermis (top layer of skin) is damaged. Skin is red and may swell. Victim feels pressure and pain. Never use gasoline to SECOND DEGREE : Epidermis and dermis (second layer of skin) damaged. Blistering may occur. Never smoke in bed. Protect your skin from the sun. Use tanning products with a high SPF rating. Page 22 from burner THIRD DEGREE: Epidermis, dermis, and nerve endings destroyed. Victim may or may not feel pain. Skin is discolored (white, brown, black or red) and leathery in texture. Muscle, fat, and bone may also be destroyed. The Camel’s Calf : Publication of Hella Shrine, Dallas, Texas FIRST AID FOR BURNS Cool burn area with cool water. a chemical burn. Never put grease, butter, or ointment on a burn. Stop , drop and roll! Remove victim from area of danger. Don’t remove clothing from the burn. Call 911 immediately. Cover burn with clean sheet or towel. The Camel’s Calf : Publication of Hella Shrine, Dallas, Texas Page 23 2016 Clown Director and OG Installation Page 24 The Camel’s Calf : Publication of Hella Shrine, Dallas, Texas The Camel’s Calf : Publication of Hella Shrine, Dallas, Texas Page 25 Sparkman Hillcrest Memorial Park Two Spaces in Masonic Section $3500 each plus fees 903.763.0673 W.W. Hughes Payne Real Estate Residential • Commercial • Farms • Ranches Ford Motor Company is offering special discounts for Shriners and their families. Called the X Plan, Shriners can get discounts on the following brands: Ford Lincoln Mercury Volvo Mazda Go to and log in using the Code *XY908*. Once you get in, you can look at the discount that would be applied to any make and model offered in the plan. You can couple the discount offered here with other incentives that might be in effect at the time. For example, some models of the F-150 pickup are almost $1,000 off in the X Plan, and there is another $1,000 incentive on top of that! Grady J. Smith Agent Business: 972.202.3906 Mobile: 214.878.2032 • Mobile: 214.878.2032 P.O. Box 104, Caddo Mills, Tx. 75135 2616 I-30 West (North Service Rd. Between FM 1570 & FM 1903) 903.527.3315 • website: Are you a leader with vision, ability and drive who is interested in personal and financial freedom? We are a Global Health and Wellness Technology Company operating in over 35 countries, 30 years old and 5A1 rated by Dunn and Bradstreet Please call 1-888-437-7749 for a 90 second recorded message So head on over to and see what is available for you! Lorenzen Chiropractic Dr. Steve Lorenzen, D.C. 1st Visit Free for Shriners! Chiropractic, Medical Massage Acupuncture, Weight Management 972.231.7580 Page 26 Thomas Van Hoose, Ph.D. Psychological Health for Children and Adults 5232 Village Creek Dr., Suite 200 Phone: 972.250.2919 Plano, Texas 75093 Fax: 972.250.3644 Email: The Camel’s Calf : Publication of Hella Shrine, Dallas, Texas The Camel’s Calf : Publication of Hella Shrine, Dallas, Texas Page 27 It’s better under the umbrella © When it’s more than just a car to you, the right coverage matters. If your vehicle means a lot to you, you’ll be glad to know that with the Travelers Auto Insurance Program available to Shriner International Nobles, you can get the coverage you need – at special program savings. On average, auto insurance customers who switched to this Travelers Program and reported a savings saved $538.* You can even choose to budget your premium payments through automatic payment plans. Licensed insurance representatives can help you choose the coverage that can meet your specific needs. See if you could save up to 13% with our multi-policy discount. Call Travelers for your FREE quote today: 1.888.695.4640 You don’t have to wait until your current policies are up for renewal to request a quote or make the switch. So, call today! *Average savings based on new auto policyholder savings reported to Travelers through the Affinity marketing distribution channel in 2013. Individual savings may vary. Savings are not guaranteed. Savings message is not applicable in MA. Insurance is underwritten by The Travelers Indemnity Company or one of its property casualty affiliates, One Tower Square, Hartford, CT 06183. In FL: Homeowners insurance is not currently offered for new business. In MA: Auto policies are underwritten by The Premier Insurance Company of Massachusetts, One Research Drive, Westborough, MA 01581, a single-state subsidiary of The Travelers Indemnity Company. Insurance offered through Premier is not guaranteed by The Travelers Indemnity Company or any other Travelers company. In TX: Auto insurance is offered by Travelers Texas MGA, Inc. and underwritten by Consumers County Mutual Insurance Company (CCM). CCM is not a Travelers company. Coverages, discounts, special program rates or savings, billing options, and other features are subject to availability and individual eligibility. Not all features available in all areas. © 2014 The Travelers Indemnity Company. All rights reserved. Travelers and the Travelers Umbrella logo are registered trademarks of The Travelers Indemnity Company in the U.S. and other countries. PL-15736-FL New 3-12 Page 28 The Camel’s Calf : Publication of Hella Shrine, Dallas, Texas The Camel’s Calf : Publication of Hella Shrine, Dallas, Texas Page 29 Hella Shrine Membership Status Membership as of 01/01/2015 Current Farmer. Giles Stolp 01/01/2016 Justice, Glenn Willie 01/17/2016 2723 Year to-date Creations 70 Affiliations 9 Restored 37 Associate Members 1 117 2840 Demits -22 Suspensions -5 Deaths -125 AMD -1 Resigned 0 Expelled 0 -153 Our fallen brothers who have gone on to ride the black camel before us. We will miss them! Page 30 Membership as of 12/31/2015 Net Loss/Gain for 2015 The Camel’s Calf : Publication of Hella Shrine, Dallas, Texas 2687 -36 FEBRUARY SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY 1 2 2016 WEDNESDAY 3 7:30 pm THURSDAY 4 FRIDAY 11:00 am 5 Fantastics DON Session @ Hella SATURDAY 6 Luncheon D i v a n M i d - Wi n t e r - H o u s t o n B u r n s Aw a r e n e s s We e k 7 2:00101’spm 8 9 10 11 12 13 pm 18 6:30 Dinner 19 20 Potentate’s Ball “Gala Time in Italy” Super Bowl Party 14 Valentine’s Day 21 D.O.N. 6:30 pm Scottish Rite 15 17 Hospital Stated Mtg. 16 Dinner 7:00 pm Finance 6:30 pm Dinner 7:00 pm Meeting @ Scottish Rite 22 Meeting 8:00 pm Divan Meeting 23 Committee Meeting 24 25 Ceremony of Initiation 28 Chili Cook-Off 7:30 pm Hella Stated Meeting 26 27 S.R. Day 1 Director’s Staff Mid-Winter - San Antonio TSMPA Mid-Winter - Galveston 29 Director’s Staff Mid-Winter - San Antonio MARCH SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY 1 2016 WEDNESDAY 2 7:30 pm THURSDAY 3 FRIDAY 4 SATURDAY 5 S.R. Day 2 D. O. N. Session at Hella T.S.H.P.A. Mid-Winter - Waco L . O . H . M i d - Wi n t e r - F r e d r i c k s b u r g 6 7 8 7a - 7p IHOP Day 9Circus Kickoff 10 11 12 Dinner Arab Patrol Mid-Winter - Dallas 13 D.O.N. 14 Installation of Officers 20 6:30 pm Dinner 7:00 pm Finance Meeting 8:00 pm Divan Meeting 15 Scottish Rite 21 Stated 22 Mtg. 16 Hospital Committee Meeting pm 17 6:30 Dinner 7:30 pm Hella Stated Meeting 28 19 S.R. Day 3 C l o w n M i d - Wi n t e r - Wi c h i t a F a l l s 23 24 6:30 pm Dinner 7:00 pm Meeting @ Scottish Rite 27Easter 18 25 Good Friday 2610:00 am Easter Egg Hunt Hella Offices Closed 29 30 31 Sunday The Camel’s Calf : Publication of Hella Shrine, Dallas, Texas Page 31 Holiday Parties School Banquets Proms Homecomings Call Hella Shrine Catering office to schedule your Appointment today! Discounts Available! Page 32 The Camel’s Calf : Publication of Hella Shrine, Dallas, Texas
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