AUG 2016 - Briar Crier
AUG 2016 - Briar Crier
AUG 2016 The Unlikely Collective, an exhibit of original and local art is showing at the SSAC Gallery Shop until September 6th See Page 17 FREE In-home consultation Serving Bolton, Orangeville, Alliston, Tottenham & Surrounding Areas Call Barry 647-828-2649 (Briar Hill Resident Designer) Brenda and Peter Wartha VISIT OUR SHOWROOM! 17 Queen Street South, Tottenham Office: 905-487-8363 / Cell: 289-383-2611 Toll-free: 888-982-8343 Web: Facebook: Discover the carefree lifestyle that awaits at Kingsmere. Together Time | Hobbies Parties | Dining | Assistance When Needed Don’t miss this rare opportunity! BOOK A TWO-BEDROOM SUITE TODAY. 287 King Street South, Alliston, Ontario L9R OC4 705.434.4600 | Vimy Ridge - 100th Anniversary Canadian National Vimy Memorial August 24, 2017 ITINERARY - 11 DAYS DAY 1:OvernightflighttoLondonDAY 2: Guided London city tour DAY 3: World War I walkingtourDAY 4: St. Paul’s CathedralDAY 5: Eurostar train to France DAY 6: NeuvilleSaint-Vaaste,YpresDAY 7:YpresattractionswithguideDAY 8:TraveltoParisDAY 9: CathédraledeNotre-DameDAY 10:MuséeduLouvreDAY 11:Flyhome Menin Gate Memorial, Ypres HIGHLIGHTS • • • • • • • • • GuidedtourofLondon WorldWarIwalkingtourofCentralLondon ImperialWarMuseum SelfguidedtourofSt.Paul’sCathedral EurostartrainfromEnglandtoFrance GuidedtourofMuseeSomme1916 GuidedtouroftheBeaumont-Hamel NewfoundlandMemorial CanadianNationalVimyMemorial GivenchyRoadCanadianCemeteryand Canadian Cemetery No 2 • MemorialtotheChristmasDay1914Truce • InFlandersFieldsMuseum • SaintJulienMemorial • PassendaleMuseumandTyneCot Cemetery • BedfordHouseCemetery • GuidedtourofParis • CathedraledeNotre-Dame • GuidedtourofMontmartrewithavisitto Sacre-Coeur • EveningcruiseontheSeineinParis • GuidedtourofMuseeduLouvre ADD-ONSIGHTSEEING • LondonBroadwayshow • LondonEyeorBuckinghamPalace (mustbebookedattimeofreservation) PRICE PRICE INCLUDES INCLUDES AIRFARE • ReturnairfarefromToronto Double $6,895 • ServicesofaDeNureToursTourDirector Single $8,695 Prices are in Canadian dollars and are per person. HST does not apply. • OverseasMotorcoachTransportation • 9nightsaccommodation • 9breakfasts,9dinners • Allhighlightslisted • ConnectionsProgram(askfordetails) Formoreinformationortomakeareservation,pleasecontact: AllWaysTravel 30VictoriaSt.W.,Alliston,ONL9R1T9 705-434-0155or1-855-434-0155 Registration # 50018900 The Briar Crier can be viewed online at BRIARCRIER.CA August 2016 3 Volume 27, Issue 4 ― 26+ YEARS! Contents A Communi t y New s Maga zine WEB: Publisher MARGRAVINE MEDIA PO BOX 686 ALLISTON ON L9R 1V8 Phone 705-434-4569 E-mail M 7 Around Town News and Local Events 29 Around the Briars Briar Hill and Green Briar Community Centre Calendars, News, Contact Information 6 36 Editor's Desk Keeping in Touch 22Lifestyle ▶HOURS: 9 to 5, Monday to Friday SENDING US INFORMATION 36Marketplace ▶DEADLINES − August 10 for the September edition − September 12 for the October edition Residents are welcome to submit information for inclusion in the Community News, Keeping in Touch, and Bargain Market sections free of charge (some limitations apply). Our mission is to promote community. You can help – send a picture, story, poem, puzzle; anything you think other residents would enjoy. Articles, Golf, Crossword & Sudoku Puzzles, Story Classified & Bargain Market ads Find the 'funnies' throughout the Briar Crier! The Briar Crier promotes the activities of many local non-profit, volunteer-run organizations gratuitously. For information, please contact the Publisher, Margravine Media, at 705-434-4569. Submissions may be edited for clarity and brevity. You may e-mail your submission to the Editor, Marie Fischer (see above). To hand-deliver your submission, please contact your Community News Coordinator― Green Briar Valerie Tripp 705-435-2756 Briar Hill Nancy Smith 705-434-9796 We respect your privacy and do not sell, rent, or share your personal information with anyone. Opinions expressed in this magazine are not necessarily intended to reflect those of the Publisher. Margravine Media accepts no responsibility or liability for claims made for any product or service reported on or advertised in this issue. Margravine Media also reserves the right to limit liability for omissions and errors to a printed correction in the next issue. BRIARCRIER.CA August 2016 4 INDEPENDENT NURSING CONSULTANTS Respite and Family Home Care Needs Nursing and Senior Services Trusted In-Home Care Including Running Errands, Companionship, Meal Preparation, Light Housekeeping, etc. Improve the quality of life for you and your family with our personalized care to fit your needs FOR A FREE CONSULTATION CALL Kara Northgrave Office 705-434-9016 Cell RN 705-309-5618 The Lovatt Team … a Real Estate Family who cares! Not intended to solicit homes already listed. We are a professional Real Estate Team with experience in helping seniors move. We have worked with many Green Briar and Briar Hill residents. Every person we deal with is treated with Care, Compassion, and Respect! With over 20 years’ experience working with people with special needs, award winning real estate sales experience, and a marketing and business acumen, we are the Team for you! Christine Lovatt Sales Representative HomeLife Integrity Realty Inc., Brokerage 169 Victoria Street West Alliston, Ontario L9R1H8 Office 705-435-4506 cell: 705-717-8726 email: Senior Real Estate Specialist Christine Lovatt Sales Representative Senior Specialist Ben Lovatt Sales Representative Bachelor of Commerce araje l in S e t o Our h vo Marie Fischer Editor and Publisher 705-434-4569 Edmonton, I did a lot of camping in Jasper. By the time I moved to Calgary, I had a baby to look after. Although I missed camping, day trips to Banff were lovely. We will also be visiting Drumheller. I tried to visit the dinosaur park there when I lived in Calgary, but on the day we drove to it, it was closed. I was quite disappointed. I did enjoy the drive. The Badlands are awesome! ON! G SO N I M O C I promised to tell you about my recent travels last month, however, I have had no time to write it. Taking a vacation means cutting short the amount of time it takes me to produce the Briar Crier, and I'm leaving for Alberta on Friday, which means my work is going to be even more challenging next month. I wish the days were longer! It was reported in the news recently that an Australian paleontologist found a new species of dinosaur about the size of a dog and possessing a lethal claw in northwestern Alberta (Grande Prairie). So, I will soon have two travel stories to write for you. Enjoy the summer and keep reading the Briar Crier. We will be offering another prize giveaway in September. The WINNER of the $75 GIFT CARD from the new owners at VINE HAVEN in Alliston is Lisa Fitzpatrick. Lisa works at Hair Design in Green Briar. I lived in Alberta 35 years ago. My eldest son was born there. I have never been back. No doubt, I'm in for a big surprise. My husband, Ron, has never been to Alberta. I am going to enjoy visiting the many beautiful places I used to frequent (I lived in Edmonton first, and then Calgary) with him. We are looking forward to visiting the Athabasca Glacier in Jasper National Park, which I preferred over Banff when I lived in Alberta, because of it's unspoiled landscape. We will be visiting Banff as well, which is just as beautiful. I didn't spend as much time in Banff as I did in Jasper all those years ago, because I lived in Edmonton for a longer time than in Calgary. While I was living in 6 August 2016 To Receive a Notification that the edition of the Briar Crier you have been waiting for has been published online, please contact me (see above). Your e-mail address is private. It will not be used by us for any other reason than specified above. Around Town - NEWS & EVENTS Briar Crier_SST2016-17 Season ad 5.pdf 1 16-07-25 2:14 PM matthews house 5th Annual Gala The Field House, New Tec Recreation Centre 7300 Industrial Pkwy, Alliston, oN L9R 1V4 SPoNSoRSHIP, tICKET REGISTRATIoN & oNLINE AUCTIoN MATTHEWSHoUSEhospice.CA The Briar Crier can be viewed online at BRIARCRIER.CA August 2016 7 Around Town - NEWS & EVENTS LETTER: A Special Invitation to Carnegie Hall As some of you may know, a group of us residing in Green Briar and Briar Hill belong to the New Tecumseth Singers in Alliston. Twice each year (Spring and Winter), with the Dufferin Concert Singers of Orangeville we perform two or more concerts in various locations around the area. Last November we chose Handel’s Messiah as our Christmas offering to the community and a recording of one of the concerts reached the Distinguished Concerts International in New York City. This resulted in an invitation to assist in the performance of the Messiah at Carnegie Hall in November of this year. The Artistic Director states in his letter — “Your musicians will join with other outstanding choristers to form the Distinguished Concerts Singers International, a choir of distinction.” AWNING MASTER Patio & Window Awnings Serving Green Briar & Briar Hill for over 22 years We will be part of 250 choristers from all areas in North America and so we are very excited to receive the honour of being invited to sing at this prodigious location. Our stay in New York will be 5 days as rehearsals are required before the actual night, so the trip becomes somewhat expensive, especially with hotel accommodation, transportation, meals, (in addition to a fee to sing!) and of course, the ever changing rate of exchange, but we felt this was a “once in a lifetime” opportunity which could not be disregarded! Designed for Strength! Approved colours in stock 1 · 800 · 707 · 3154 8 August 2016 Please join us in hoping that our dollar will continue to strengthen and that everything goes well with the performance on November 27, under the direction of Dr. Jonathan Griffith, DMA. Valerie Tripp Pine Room Restaurant STOP IN TODAY TO SEE WHAT WE HAVE TO OFFER! Check Out Our Under $10 Menu Featuring delicious items like: BBQ Chicken Hot Roast Beef Ham Steak and so much more!! Daily Specials that will leave you feeling full!! Mondays - Chicken Parmesan Tuesdays - Triple Decker Reuben Wednesdays - Wings & Ribs Thursdays - Liver & Onions Fridays - Fish N Chips Saturdays - Roast Beef or Veal Dinners BRING IN THIS AD AND RECEIVE 10% OFF YOUR MEAL!* Open for Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner Mondays - Saturdays and Sundays until 1pm *Not including alcohol or other beverages. Does not apply to under $10 menu. 497 Victoria St. E., Alliston at 705-435-4381 “Experience” is the Difference! Now living locally to serve you better Downsizing, Home Staging, and Hi-res Photography Services Available Last-time Home Selling Experience Free HomeLife CONDO Home Warranty (Buyer) Provided Call today for your free no-commitment Appointment Charles Cooper Sales Representative Office: (705) or (888) 435-4506 Direct: 705-440-7851 E-mail Homelife Integrity Realty Inc., Brokerage* 169 Victoria St. W., Alliston ON L9R 1H8 *Independently Owner and Operated The Briar Crier can be viewed online at BRIARCRIER.CA August 2016 9 Around Town - NEWS & EVENTS NOW OFFERING EMISSIONS TESTING 705.435.4318 Hwy 89 West & Concession 7 (enter off Concession 7) Alliston WEDNESDAY Seniors Receive 10% Off Service!* *Emissions Test not eligible for discount 10 August 2016 Alliston Potato Festival Fri, Sat, Sun Aug 5, 6 & 7 The Alliston Potato Festival starts with one of the best parades in the country; the Alliston Potato Festival Parade, organized by the Alliston Rotary Club. The Parade starts at 7pm on Friday, August 5th at Banting Memorial High School, runs west Along Victoria Street to Ontario Street, then south to Nelson Street. Pick up a snack from one of the vendors and find a spot along the route. Enjoy yourself! The Festival that follows the parade is also one of the best in the country. It was selected by the provincial organization Festivals and Events Ontario as one of the Top 100 Festivals to visit in Ontario for several years, consecutively. The Alliston Potato Festival offers many activities and fun for everyone. Activities take place in several locations in Alliston; at the Alliston Memorial Arena, the Fairgrounds, the Legion, and on and around the main street (Victoria Street). Many community organizations will have booths, there will be food, craft and clothing vendors (look for summer sales), exciting live music performances, the Footloose Cloggers, Scottish and belly dancers, buskers, all kinds of demonstrations and the popular Texas Hold 'em Tournament for poker players at the Arena (registration is at 6:30pm on Friday). There will also be a Bad to the Bone beer garden, Midway, Bingo, a Women's Softball Tournament, Classic Car Show and Pine Block Car Races. The Jazzparagus Band will play all day long at the Farmers Market. There will also be a Lazer Light Show and antique car, baby, wrestling and dog shows, etc. ― your Briar Crier can't name them all! St. John's United Church (Victoria & Centre St.) will serve a PANCAKE BREAKFAST from 7:00 until 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. This breakfast has been a tradition at the Alliston Potato Festival for over 40 years. In the evening, from 8:30 until 10:30 p.m., the Country Classics Band will perform in the Santuary at the Church (entrance by donation) Expect more! Call John and Don DON WOLLSTEIN SALES REPRESENTATIVE 705-890-0321 E-MAIL DIRECT Sutton Group Incentive Realty Inc., Brokerage Independently Owned and Operated $9.99 . † BROKER 705-734-3076 DIRECT E-MAIL What’s your plan to avoid costly repairs? Comfort plans from JOHN PIERSON 452 Victoria Street East, Alliston Office 705-435-4488 Let us worry about heating, cooling and plumbing problems so you don’t have to • Coverage for most parts and * labour repair costs • No hidden costs like deductibles • No pre-inspection required • Live telephone support 24/7/365 Call us today to get the plan that’s right you. 705-728-5406 *Subject to standard terms and conditions. Call for details. † Plus applicable taxes. Customer must reside in a Reliance service area. Offer expires December 31, 2016.™“Reliance Yanch Home Comfort”, “Reliance Yanch”, “We’re not comfortable until you are.” and the Reliance Yanch Home Comfort logo are trademarks of Reliance Comfort Limited Partnership. BLINDS DRAPERY SHUTTERS 35 Victoria Street East, Town Square Alliston, Ontario 705.435.9869 FREE SHOP AT HOME SERVICE The Briar Crier can be viewed online at BRIARCRIER.CA August 2016 11 Around Town - NEWS & EVENTS Private Investment Advice A personalized approach to help you achieve your goals We provide a personalized approach by recommending the appropriate combination of products and services, along with custom-tailored investment planning and advice. An interactive Creature Quest demonstration with snakes, bunnies, exotic frogs and birds that children and adults will enjoy will be held at the Fairgrounds at 3:00 p.m. on Saturday. The South Simcoe Arts Council will host a display of local art in the Courtyard at Church and Victoria Street, and model trains will be set up in front of the Library. You will have a great time at the Alliston Potato Festival! FREE SHUTTLE SERVICE: Saturday, August 6 from 10am to 6pm (runs every 30 minutes) Fairgrounds (Beech & Church Street Wellington & Church Street Wellington & Paris Street. Debbie Hudson CFP® Vice President, Investment Advisor 18 Victoria Street East Alliston 705-435-8874 Start a conversation today. TD Wealth Private Investment Advice is a division of TD Waterhouse Canada Inc., a subsidiary of The Toronto-Dominion Bank. TD Waterhouse Canada Inc. – Member of the Canadian Investor Protection Fund. ®/ The TD logo and other trade-marks are the property of The Toronto-Dominion Bank or a wholly-owned subsidiary, in Canada and/or other countries. M06300 (0713) Don’t forget to buy your POT FEST SWAG or bag of FRESH Potatoes: Available at the Alliston BIA INFO BOOTHS (in front of the Farmers Market at Mill & Victoria St.) and at the Kids Zone (at Centre & Victoria St.) For more information, visit the Alliston Potato Festival Commitee's website at and the Alliston BIA at Custom Home Sewing ELIZABETH WARDROP Draperies, Blinds, Pillows and more T:705 458 9468 C:705 734 6864 705 250 2700 For ALL your computer needs call Let the Beach House Spa & Wellness help get you ready for summer! Warmer weather is here !! Check our Website, Facebook or give us a call to Þnd out about our monthly specials 355 Victoria Street East, Alliston 12 August 2016 35 Victoria St. E. Unit #5 (Town Square) Alliston 5th Annual Matthews House Hospice Golf Tournament Gather your foursome and your clubs and head out for a great day of golf! Wednesday, September 14 at Bear Creek Golf Club. $150 per golfer or $600 per foursome. Registration and course information available at or call Kelly at 705-4357218 Matthews House Hospice offering 6-week, introductory course on becoming a caregiver Caregiving 101, Fridays from 10am to noon starting September 16, 2016 This course will help caregivers embarking on the care of a loved one to understand how to navigate the illness, navigate the healthcare system, use available services in a timely fashion, and be proactive, all while looking after themselves. It will discuss advance care planning, the concept of anticipatory grief, financial and other resources, and safety and comfort issues. There is no charge for the course. To sign up, please call Lisa at 705-435-7218. Volunteer Treasurer Opportunity with NEXT STEP Literacy Council of South Simcoe This volunteer position requires a one-year commitment to begin September 2016. Responsibilities: Attend monthly board meetings on the 3rd Thursday each month from 7-9pm (4-6 hrs/mth) in Alliston and prepare Treasurer’s report; knowledge of accounting software; Chair of finance committee (including budget); oversee bookkeeping. Please contact Shira Harrison McIntyre Administrator/Fundraiser 705-435-5624 / Dr. Hari Amarnath Dr. John Peacock & Associates Optometrists 4 Victoria Street East, Alliston 705-435-2020 OUR PATIENTS SAY ... Since 2004, Dr. Peacock and Dr. Amarnath of NTOC have very capably managed my eye care needs in conjunction with my Ophthalmologist. As a regular patient at their clinic, I can attest to their competence and to their high-tech equipment. The NTOC Optometrists have an excellent working relationship with the two Ophthalmologists who have privileges at Stevenson Memorial Hospital. This is so important to their patients who are determined to require the next level of eye care. Their staff are very pleasant, friendly and helpful. NTOC is a great place to entrust your eyes. ― J.J. Paul Whiteside, CMA, FCMA (Alliston) Dr. Amarnath and Dr. Peacock have been more than accommodating under both our planned and emergency situations. NTOC always provides flexible options and they are always happy to see us. Each visit is a very positive experience. The services and products they provide are comprehensive, but not highpressured, and they provide service and guarantees that are much higher than industry standards. We totally enjoy and appreciate being their patients and recommend NTOC without reservation. ―Maryann & Gordon Foy (Alliston) When I experienced a serious eye condition in 2006, I was very impressed with the knowledge, expertise, and quick response by Dr. Amarnath and his team at NTOC. I was referred to an eye specialist the very same day, and my follow-up care was thorough and efficient, even to this day. This team works with absolute professionalism, and I would highly recommend them to my family and friends. ―Gregg Fullarton (Cookstown) Evening and Saturday appointments available. New patients most welcome! hy for It’s healt nity! mu our com OPEN 6 DAYS A WEEK DIRECT BILLING AVAILABLE Find us on Facebook Badge CMYK / .eps The Briar Crier can be viewed online at BRIARCRIER.CA August 2016 13 Around Town - NEWS & EVENTS Alliston Garden Club Luncheon & Flower Show Sat Aug 13, 12 - 2pm Serving local customers since 1949 We provide quality products and comprehensive service for all your water treatment needs Trade-in and Trade-up Trade your old inefficent softener and receive a $500 reward! (Not valid on rental services) Buy a System = 6 Months No interest, No payments Rent a System = 6 Months for $6 Includes Salt, Maintenance, Filters We offer Salt Delivery Service! Visit us online at Call your Culligan Man today 1-888-659-2837 BDO Canada LLP Chartered Accountants and Advisors Glenn Ventrcek CPA, CA Partner 169 Dufferin St. S., Unit 13 Alliston T. 705.435.5585 E. website. Join us at St. John's United Church, 56 Victoria St. E., Alliston. There is a small cost for lunch. GriefShare This 13-week DVD presentation and support group is for people who are grieving the loss of a loved one. It features biblical teaching on grief and recovery topics. The program starts September 8, 2016 and is held Thursday afternoons from 1-3pm. The location (in Alliston) will be provided to participants. Registration is $15, which covers the cost of the workbook. Please call Heather Allison at 705-250-1035 or Joyce Gray at 705-250-1885. E-mail (Pastor at Grace Baptist Church) Betty Tomlinson Anderson Remebered The South Simcoe Arts Council is saddened to hear about the loss of one of its finest original founding members, Betty Tomlinson Anderson, who was instrumental in the formation of the New Tecumseth & Area Arts Council in 1991. Betty worked in unison with the founding members, as well as the Council of the Town of New Tecumseth, to foster the cultural enrichment of New Tecumseth and Area by developing a widespread appreciation of support for and involvement with the arts. Under her presidency, the New Tecumseth and Area Arts Council flourished and the Allan Anderson Young Writers’ Memorial Award D O www.movingsenior s. 14 August 2016 WEALTH MANAGEMENT came into being. At the suggestion of the Ontario Trillium Foundation, the arts council eventually took on the name as we know it today. A stalwart supporter of keeping the "arts alive" through the years, Betty Anderson’s enthusiasm and love of the arts will be missed but not forgotten. The South Simcoe Arts Council has recently announced its “Creative Works, Youth Writing Contest” dedicating the Allan Anderson Award to the Teen Short Story. Even in most recent days, Betty was enlightened by this literary project! Ontario Light: A collaborative exhibit at the South Simcoe Arts Council Gallery at the Gibson Centre Andre Beneteau was born in Windsor, Ontario. His interest in photography was piqued early in his childhood; after undertaking a degree in geology, Andre returned to this early passion and studied audiovisual production. In 1987, Andre shifted from AV production and began a career as a freelance photographer. He specialized in architectural hotography— a sensibility that has influenced his subsequent work—as well as documentation of artist’s work, including stained glass installations. Andre was featured in a solo exhibition in 2002 at Double Door Studios, Anten Mills and in 2003 documented sited projects for the MacLaren Art Centre’s major public art festival Shore/lines. In 2005, Andre was commissioned by the MacLaren Art Centre to document the community and environment of Barrie’s Little Lake, culminating in a group exhibition. An active freelance photographer and Helping you make sense of wealth management strategies In your neighbourhood Call or visit your local Edward Jones advisor to help you determine the appropriate wealth management solutions for your family: • Wealth Preservation • Business Succession Planning • Charitable Giving • Estate Planning • Investment Management • And more Edward Jones, its employees and Edward Jones advisors are not estate planners and cannot provide tax or legal advice. You should consult a qualified tax specialist or lawyer for professional advice regarding your specific situation. Andrew M Munro Financial Advisor 181 Livingstone St E #23 Barrie 705-792-6721 MKT-7690-C-AD Wendy Small Sales Representative C 905.724.0717 O 705.435.3000 7 Victoria Street West, Alliston RCR Realty, Brokerage Independently Owned & Operated Member – Canadian Investor Protection Fund Thinking of making a MOVE? You need a respected, knowledgeable real estate professional who offers outstanding customer service, attention to every detail, and integrity! Award Winning representative with years of experience in the Briar Hill/Green Briar communities. Long-term resident • Condominium Board Member Call Wendy Small when you need it all! FREE Home Evaluation The Briar Crier can be viewed online at BRIARCRIER.CA August 2016 15 Around Town - NEWS & EVENTS instructor, Andre also continues to publish his work in a variety of commercial and architectural journals, portfolios and publications. "This is the light I grew up with. Since 1960 it has been the challenge and essence of my photographs. These are moments as I see them, often responding to a little voice that says 'Get your camera!' The subject matters but the light makes it sing. window lms help you keep your cool! Are you thinking about window lm for your home to protect your furniture and ooring from fading? reduce rising energy costs? Contact us today! Living with, working with, and serving the people of New Tecumseth since May, 2000. Various cameras were used for the images, ranging from large (Horseman 4x5) and medium format (Mamiya RZ67) film cameras to various Canon digital models (1D, 5D, 5DII, T4i). Currently I shoot only digital." Andre Beneteau's work will be exhibited at the Gibson Centre (63 Tupper Street West in Alliston) until September 12, 2016. Youth & Emerging Arts Show Sep 7 - Oct 29 The South Simcoe Arts Council is presenting both a Youth Arts Show (Grades 1-12), and an Emerging Arts Show (Grade 11- Adult) following Labour Day in September through to October 29th, 2016. Our two key awards shall be the Alice Forestell Bursary Awards with the: BEST OF SHOW FOR YOUTH, Grades 1 - 12 from valued at $100.00, and BEST OF SHOW FOR EMERGING ARTISTS from Grade 11 through adult, valued at $150.00. These shows will be positively adjudicated. Physiotherapy • Registered Massage Therapy • Chiropractic • Low Intensity Laser Therapy • Acupuncture • Orthotics • Personal Fitness Training Experienced in treating sports related injuries, arthritic conditions, motor vehicle injuries, postoperative joint replacements, general sprains and strains, low back and neck pain, and headaches. 2 LOCATIONS IN ALLISTON 27 Victoria Street East 15 Young Street 16 August 2016 705.434.0645 705.435.5153 We look forward to featuring the remarkable talent of South Simcoe and celebrating their achievements! These works will be exhibited and enjoyed at our new SSAC Gift Shop from during this time. Deadline for Registration is August 29th. Click here for an application or pick one up at the South Simcoe Arts Council (store and office) at 41 Victoria Street East, Alliston. The Unlikely Collective Diana Harding-Tucker, BA, OSA, Visual Artist Bert Hoferichter, MPA Michelle Dinnick, BSc, Freelance Writer Christina Luck, Visual Artist Nancy McHardy, Visual Artist Tracey Sinclair, (Swahaama) Visual Artist Jennifer Sheffer, Actor & Visual Artist By Michelle Dinnick What do photographers, visual artists, an actor and a writer (yes, that’s me) have in common? Absolutely nothing! Hence the formation of the Unlikely Collective. Photography, painting, poetry, and philosophy; it all comes together to tell a story. The phrase ‘a picture is worth a thousand words’ is attributed to Fred R. Barnard, who actually said ‘a picture is worth ten thousand words’ in 1927. It’s true, isn’t it? A good picture – be it a photograph or a painting – can stop you in your tracks. And it should. It should make you want to look at it. To see into it. To hear it. Wait – hear it? Yes! Art speaks, doesn’t it? To all of us, in some way. Even if it makes you not want to look – it has an effect. It is very personal. You and I may look at exactly the same thing and see and feel something completely different. This is one of the greatest pleasures of art; and it is the very epitome of the Unlikely Collective. “Diverse in their fields and experiences; their intentions and expectations; these seven local artists united to share their work. Work that is full of emotion, experience and personality. In so doing, ideas were explored and stretched – like a canvas (but not only on canvas); and they brought forth their creative energy. Limits were pushed, and rules were broken.” This experience ensured that they collectively envisioned various paths on one journey, where their destination was different, yet shared. The Unlikely Collective invites you to visit their first exhibition as a group, at the South Simcoe Arts Council (SSAC) Gallery Shop at 41 Victoria Street East Alliston. The Exhibition runs until September 6th. The Artists will be in attendance, so please come out and support our UNDER NEW OWNERSHIP! Ferment On Premise Winemaking Owned and operated by Jon & Kristen, experienced winemakers and capable guides in the process of making wine. We carry a wide variety of wines, as well as wine making supplies. Wine can be made on the premises or you can make it yourself at home. Call Jon & Kristen 705.435.1513 Convenient location with easy access! 169 Dufferin Street, Unit 6, Alliston JUST JUDY’S CHIP WAGON 705-816-6097 • Halibut (Freshly Battered) • Homemade Burgers • Newfie Specialties 10% SENIORS DISCOUNT EVERY TUESDAY HWY 89 ALLISTON AUTO CENTRE ALLISTON APPLIANCE REPAIR ‘At Your Service!’ Installation of Washers • Dryers • Refrigerators • Ranges Microwaves • Dishwashers 10% Discount for Briars’ Residents For Quality Service call 705.627.1166 The Briar Crier can be viewed online at BRIARCRIER.CA August 2016 17 Around Town - NEWS & EVENTS local artists, our community, and our own Art Gallery Shop! Now Stocking Cambrian Sandals! - Removable Cork Footbed - Perfect for Orthotics - Men’s and Women’s The SSAC regularly holds workshops, many of which are hands-on, in a variety of subjects. (which is how we all met!). They are definitely the place to go if you have an interest in the arts. You truly never know where it may take you! Alliston 85 Victoria St W (705) 435-6481 Innisfil HWY 400 at Innisfil Beach Road (705) 431-2500 Cover Photograph by Bert Hoferichter: SSAC member Michelle Eissler adjusts “Rosie’s Tree” by Artist Tracey Sinclair. Alliston Family Health Clinic Naturopathic Medicine at its Best FREE 15-minute introduction to Naturopathic Medicine. Discover what it can do for you! FESTIVALS 2016 Dr. Tom Ellis, Honors B. Sc., N.D. 180 Parsons Rd., Unit 26, Alliston 705-434-2088 CONTACT Coldwater Steampunk Festival Aug 5 & 6 Orillia Waterfront Festival Aug 5 - 7 RCR Realty, Brokerage Independently Owned & Operated Sales Representative FOR A COMPLIMENTARY EVALUATION* 7 Victoria Street West, Alliston 705-435-3000 or 1-866-772-5368 E-mail Committed to providing the highest level of professional standards *Some conditions may apply Kelly has served the real estate needs of this community for over 25 years. Barrie Rythmfest Aug 12 & 13 Blue Mountains Mountain Music Aug 13 & 14 Bradford Carrot Fest Aug 19 & 20 Midland Tugfest & Artwalk Aug 19 - 21 Riverfest Elora Aug 19 - 21 • Auto upholstery • Deezee running boArD & Accessories • WinDshielD repAir & replAcement 435-5717 76 Dufferin Street South, Alliston 18 August 2016 Blue Mountains Wild Wonders Aug 20 & 21 Barrie Dragon Boat Festival Aug 27 Local Charity Event Raises $412,000 at Annual Fundraiser! (ALLISTON, ON 7/18/16) — It was an incredible day! The Nottawasaga Foundation hosted the 24th Annual Golf Tournament, Dinner and Auction Fundraiser, on Friday, July 15, 2016 and, once again, received tremendous support and participation from local businesses and community members. This year The Nottawasaga Foundation raised over $412,000 net for many local charities including the Stevenson Memorial Hospital, bringing the grand total raised in the history of the event to over $5.3 million! This year, The Nottawasaga Foundation will finalize their major financial commitment to assist with funding the Cardiac Monitoring System in the Emergency and Medical/ Surgical Departments at Stevenson Memorial Hospital, as well as supporting the local Food Banks, Community Living Association of South Simcoe many more vital local charities and programs in Simcoe County. For 2016, the Nottawasaga Foundation received 193 hole sponsorships, 481 golfers, 674 guests for dinner and over 100 volunteers, all of which helped to raise over $412,000. This year’s fundraiser included: Do you want an idea of how much your home is worth? CALL FOR A FREE MARKET EVALUATION Low Inventory... And Plenty of Buyers! Please call Bill Scott Sales Representative O 1.705.435.3000 T 1.866.772.5368 C 1.705.791.3479 7 Victoria Street W., Alliston RCR Realty, Brokerage Independently Owned & Operated MOVING MADE EASY Window Complements Ltd Serving Simcoe County since 1989 Quality custom products at affordable prices 45 Hole Open Tournament (18 holes of golf with cart) Ladies’ 9 Hole Golf Tournament with afternoon massage session 8 Hole-In-One prizes (with chances to win a car or $15,000 cash) Barbeque Lunch & Buffet Dinner hosted by the Nottawasaga Resort Over 185 Silent & Live Auction Items Awards, Draws & Prizes Paul Wratten, one of the board members and organizers of the 24th Annual Golf Tournament Fundraiser, says “Once again,we are humbled by the generosity and support from our sponsors, participants and volunteers. It is an amazing feeling to know that so many people in the community support The Nottawasaga Foundation and our HUNTER DOUGLAS and MORE SHADES - SHUTTERS - SILHOUETTES Free Shop-at-Home Jason Mate Robert Mate 905-729-2938 (Beeton) 1-800-267-6715 The Briar Crier can be viewed online at BRIARCRIER.CA August 2016 19 Around Town - NEWS & EVENTS ongoing initiatives. We look forward to seeing the $412,000 raised at this year’s tournament make a positive contribution towards so many worthwhile charitable groups in Simcoe County”. Drive home the savings. Car and home combo. Combine your homeowners and car policies and save big-time. Get to a better State®. Get State Farm®. CALL ME TODAY. 705-435-1434 Depta Insurance Agency Inc Norm L. Depta, Agent 22 Church St S, Alliston State Farm branded policies are underwritten by Certas Home and Auto Insurance Company. State Farm and related trademarks and logos are registered trademarks owned by State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance, used under licence by Certas Home and Auto Insurance Company. ® 1201717 CN.1 used under Get the best GIC rates! Riverwood Senior Living Serving the residents of our community for over 25 years. 24 Hour Professional Assistance • Physiotherapy • Assisted Living Respite & Rehabilitation • Hairdressing & Esthetician Services 20 August 2016 Building the Best: Stevenson Memorial Recognized by Ministry of Health for Outstanding Emergency Department Performance (NEW TECUMSETH ON, 7/26/16) — Stevenson Memorial Hospital has received recognition from the Ministry of Health and Long Term Care (MOHLTC) for the exemplary performance of its Emergency Department in 2015. Juliane Goyette Financial Advisor HollisWealth® Advisory Services Inc. 23 Victoria Street West, Alliston 705-435-5598 Ruth Green, General Manager For more information about the Foundation, please visit Photos from the event can be viewed on the Foundation’s Flickr page at: nottawasagafoundation/albums 705-435-3806 9 Evans Road Alliston In a letter from the Assistant Deputy Minister of the Health System Quality and Funding Division, Stevenson Memorial was commended for maintaining the lowest Emergency Department Length of Stay for all patients within the Medium-Volume Community Hospital Group. Stevenson Memorial’s average Emergency Deparment wait times were 4.7 hours, far less than the overall group’s performance of 6.6 hours. With the exception of a brief 3-month period, Stevenson Memorial has maintained this impressive ranking for three years. This ranking brings implicit recognition to the innovative systems that have been implemented hospital-wide through all departments which enhance patient flow. WE ARE SO MUCH MORE THAN YOUR HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING STORE We are your Cana Vac and Electrolux Central Vacuum Specialists providing you with Sales, Service and Installation. VISIT OUR SHOWROOM AT 124 YOUNG ST UNIT 1 (next to Canadian Tire) for details 705-435-5005 Escape the Summer HEAT Thinking about a vacation? Remember to along take Remember to take travel from alonginsurance travel insurance The Co-operators. You'll get the from The Co-operators. right coverage for a relaxing vacation. Callthe us today! You’ll get right coverage for a relaxing vacation! Call one of our expert Travel Advisors today ▶ Heather Tordimah ▶ Karen () - Grehan ▶ Janet Pendleton Professionally installed Retractable Awnings & Privacy Screens Gary Gary Laakso Laakso Financial Financial Services Services Inc. Inc 119 Victoria Street West, Alliston 705-435-6294 The Co-operators is a leading Canadian-owned multi-product insurance company. Home Home Auto Auto Life Life Investments Investments Group GroupBusiness Business Farm Farm Travel Travel 10 Hamilton Road, Barrie 705.726.6437 The Briar Crier can be viewed online at BRIARCRIER.CA August 2016 21 Lifestyle 10% Discount for Briar Residents A New You Optical A New You Optometric Clinic PACKAGE PRICING SINGLE VISION PROGRESSIVE $179 $299 Ask about our 3 for 1 Pricing Eye Exams • Digital Retinal Imaging Now Available • Direct Insurance Billing ALLISTON 705.435.4358 Walmart Plaza “Stevenson Memorial is extremely proud to receive recognition from the Ministry of Health,” says Jody Levac, President and CEO. “This success is only possible due to the efficient hospital-wide systems we’ve implemented and the amazing teamwork of our entire hospital staff, which creates a positive patient experience while ensuring optimal patient flow through the ED to all other hospital units. The whole hospital shares in—and is an integral part of—this recognition. Stevenson Memorial remains committed to providing safe, high-quality care as we move forward with our redevelopment project, which will bring with it an expanded Emergency Department along with many other needed infrastructure improvements that will ensure we are able meet the needs of our growing community without sacrificing wait times or quality.” The Central LHIN is engaged in discussions with Stevenson Memorial to learn more about its best practices so as to assist other hospitals across the province in improving their Emergency Department performance. Stevenson Memorial is a vibrant, fullyaccredited hospital located in the Town of New Tecumseth, serving the South Simcoe region. We endeavor to help ensure that the residents of our communities can access safe, quality care where and when they need it. Stevenson Memorial: We champion your care… every step of the way. 22 August 2016 ANGUS 705.424.4883 4 Pine River Plaza NOTTAWASAGA LADIES GOLF ASSOCIATION Hey there again, lady golfers! Well, haven't we been the fortunate ones with our Tuesday morning weather this year. Not so much the last couple of years; right Arline and Gill? So, let's hope this nice stuff continues. The Nottawasaga June Days Interclub Team looked great in their new purple team outfits. In speaking with the ladies, they experienced good golf, lovely courses, very pleasant golfers from other clubs, and nice post game lunches and camaraderie. Congrats to the winning teams in the Mixed Tourney held on a lovely June 10th : 1st: Tom & Bob Mackareth, Frank Randall, Rosy Kennedy 2nd :Ron & Josephine Behl, Bill & Joan Innes 3rd: Dave& Loretta Spencer, Louis & Bonnie Marshall. Closest to the pin winners were: #5: Loretta Spencer & Bill Innes; #8: Margaret Gilmore & Doug Larter; #10: Marg Jacklin & Don Ingram; #15: Diane Dodson & Jim Dodson; #17: Evelyn Boddert & Tom Stewart. Don't forget to sign up for the Closing Mixed Tourney to be held on Friday, August 26th. Kudos to the 2016 President's Trophy winners. This is an overall net score event. The 18 hole winner was Anna Arblaster and the 9 hole winner was Bonnie Marshall. Nice work, ladies. Congrats to Rosemary LeClair for her recent, July 29th HOLE-in-ONE on #8 of the Valley Course, a tough one for many of us. Any tips on how it's done and what prayers to say? At the time of this writing, ladies are in their semis or finals of Match Play with many matches very close to the very end. Exciting! A reminder to look to the website (see below) for info on the Friendship Foursome on August 10th at The Ridge Course. This will be a shotgun start at 8:30am and registration at 8am. A continental breakfast, golf with cart, a nice catered luncheon, and prizes for various teams and individuals will be given all for a very reasonable price of $45 for members and $110 for guests and pay-as-you-play. So, invite a friend for this fun-filled day. Also, you are reminded to sign up for the Ladies Club Championship on August 16th and 18th. Even if you choose not to play, come on out for the Wine & Cheese Party at the BHCC at 3pm and offer your congratulations to your fellow golfers. In closing, whether you are winning or losing your match, take time to enjoy the summer weather and thank the golf gods for allowing us to weather the good days and the not so good. Have fun! Joni Graham, Publicity Shelburne Golf & Country Club 4kms North of Hwy 89 on County Rd 124 — Only 20 minutes from Zehrs 519.925.5581 SPECIAL Mondays and Tuesdays (except holidays) between 10am and 2pm Includes … 18 Holes of golf with a power cart Small bucket of range balls Coffee and a muffin $46.95 taxes included Shaw Natural Gas Lines BBQ Hook-ups Water Softeners For Quality Service call Darrin Alliston 705.627.1166 KINGSDOWN Live life well rested 1 Victoria Street West In the Heart of Downtown Alliston 705.435.9777 The Briar Crier can be viewed online at BRIARCRIER.CA August 2016 23 Lifestyle LADY DUFFE RS' Go lf Assoc iat io n Attending our Bag Lunches is a great way to tell golfing stories and to meet new people. We have now enjoyed two bagged lunches following a scramble in the morning. A prize is given to the winning team and a lucky draw determines our second and third place winners. Thanks to Judy Temple, Barbara Ingham, and their helpers for organizing the lunches; and thanks to all the ladies who have contributed the delicious desserts. PT Our Away Games at Innisbrook GC, organized by Inge Williamson, have been well attended. Duffers are reminded to sign up for Away Games in the Green Briar Pro Shop. PRO TRADE PLUMBING Thanks to Mary Willard who created a “Partridge Tree” for members who get a par while golfing with the Duffers. The par winners’ names will be added to the tree at our Bag Lunch each month. Anyone who gets a par during a Monday Duffers’ game should fill out a slip in the Lady Duffers’ Chest, which is located in the computer alcove in the Pro Shop. ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY! FAST DRYING • DISINFECTS & DEODORIZES NO SOAPY RESIDUE • DUPONT TEFLON PROTECTION Carpets, Boats, RV’s, Mattresses, Leather Cleaning CARPET AND UPHOLSTERY CLEANING Dry cleaning results in a Carpet Cleaning System! Matt Garraway 705.739.0822 (C: 705.529.2935) BONDED & INSURED 24 August 2016 Serving Green Briar & Briar Hill Residents Since 1996 Since our summer is quickly coming to a close, plans are underway for our September 26 Closing Lunch. The theme of the lunch is “Jewels of the Nott”. You can purchase your ticket for $16 at the final Bag Lunch or call Lee Smith, or Lynda Faragher. Remember to enjoy the game of golf as you keep up the pace of play. When it is hot, everyone will enjoy the game better if we keep our game to 2 ¼ hours. Our co-captain for August is Donna Marshall. Enjoy the rest of the summer and get some pars!! Brenda Flagler, Publicity services to enhance a home’s value during the sale. But Outsmart Clutter is about much more than staging a home for resale, or packing up for a major move, or downsizing. Smith’s services are also of incredible value to people who love where they are and want to stay there, but feel overcrowded and somehow exhausted in their own homes. Outsmart Clutter by BL Storrie for the Briar Crier Entrepreneur Darla Smith created a philosophy for contented living when she branded her company, Outsmart Clutter – “simplify, create, live”. Those three words are Smith’s mantra, and she stands by them as solidly as she stands by her clients while she redefines their living environments. “My goal is to help clients create space and save time. The result is having the simplicity in your home to enjoy life.” A warm, engaging, and insightful woman, Smith launched her business by a unique twist of fate, after she volunteered her services to assist some people clean up and organize their homes. She intuitively relied on her own sense of unfailing calm and order to get the job done. She also found she has an ability to stay focused and organized, even with piles of everything all around her. Those qualities are priceless to her clients, who are mostly overwhelmed by the process of reducing their possessions alone. Smith earns her clients both directly, and through partnership with realtors offering her Smith isn’t simply in the business of following her clients’ lists of what to “Keep” and what “Not to Keep”. Interestingly, the driving force behind Outsmart Clutter is emotional, rather than material. People think they are hiring Smith to help eliminate unwanted and unneeded items that overflow a home after many decades of life experiences. However, Smith is often struck by how many clients, regardless of age or lifestyle, suffer from the unrecognized stress and chaos of being overburdened with “things”—things with powerful memory and emotion attached to them. These emotions change the quality of life in a negative way, and her clients don’t always know this when the sorting process starts. “I ask people why they want to keep an object,” Smith says. Her clients always have many objections to getting rid of items, and Smith makes it her practice to challenge her clients when it’s necessary. There’s a reason we keep things, she says. Very often, there’s no good reason, though, except sentimentality or memory—yet those feelings can sometimes hold us back from experiencing what our lives are meant to become now. This applies especially after retirement, when our closets and basements are piled high with the collections of decades. Those collections don’t define us anymore. Smith calls the process “un-nesting”. “We spend the first half of our lives accumulating things, and the second half getting rid of them,” she says. “The less you have, the more freedom you have for a satisfying later-in-life experience of yourself.” There’s a subtle current operating under the de-cluttering process, according to Smith. Letting go of things can symbolize, and even The Briar Crier can be viewed online at BRIARCRIER.CA August 2016 25 Lifestyle actualize, the letting go of past hurts and disappointments. Smith has encountered many clients who are initially preparing to leave their homes behind, but end up staying after her services are complete. They find new life in a renewed home environment, and rediscover their peace of mind. A tip: if you absolutely can’t give up on an object, but it’s in a dusty box, crowding your storage area—photograph it and put it on the wall, Smith advises. Then let it go. You’ll have your space back, and you’ll have the memory too, only now it will be visible. Many of us have loads of scrapbooks and memorabilia from our children’s lives, thinking they’ll want them some day. Only this generation of young families cares more about saved electronic media than saved objects. Smith recommends creating a selective photo book as one way to get rid of those grade school greeting cards and macaroni Christmas ornaments you can’t bear to part with. “We all want to be the best version of ourselves in this lifetime,” Smith says. “If it doesn’t enhance the life you live today, it should really go.” Find Darla Smith at FREE Delivery, Setup & Removal of Replaced Product furniture & appliance ltd Authorized Dealer for 43 Victoria Street West La-Z Boy Serving Green Briar & Briar Hill since 1983 Frigidaire Whirlpool & KitchenAid Downtown Alliston Alliston’s Complete Furniture, Appliance & Electronics Store Panasonic Downsizing? Reorganizing? Call your local expert to help with all your decluttering, organizing and moving needs! Clear your clutter, keep your memories! Simplify, Create, Live! Darla Smith 705-458-1878 COOP Brentwood THE Décor Rest Foodiary & Public House 705 • 435 • 5678 | 26 August 2016 OUTSMART CLUTTER Take Out Available Specials are All House Made Wing Nights Tuesday and Thursday See upcoming events on Facebook! 705-435-1700 265 King St N Alliston OPEN M: T W T F&S S 3-9PM 3-10PM 3-9 3-10 12-10PM 3-8PM Lifestyle Colouring Those North Facing Rooms I t's a lot of fun selecting an interior colour scheme for your home, but sometimes those North facing rooms with their indirect natural light can present a challenge. The problem is increased when your room has North facing windows that need a window covering for privacy and the sunlight is further diminished. No matter what you do, the room is always shady. One client with this problem added skylights over their room — it made a huge difference; eliminating the issue of shade and improving the esthetics of the whole room! Since that's not often a viable solution, let's look at the things to consider while choosing colour. To begin with, the shadiness caused by indirect sunlight usually has a blue hue to it. This needs to be understood when looking at colour choices, as they will be affected by this. Many designers describe North facing rooms as being "moody" since the paint and fabric colours will appear to change in the shifting light. You'll notice, for example, that if you choose a pale yellow for your room, like Benjamin Moore 2020-60 Moonlight or OC-107 Antiquity; you will find the colour seems to change from a pale grey yellow at the brightest time of day to a pale greyish green as the light fades. Even painting the room standard white will still result in varying shades of grey during the day. The Briar Crier can be viewed online at BRIARCRIER.CA August 2016 27 Lifestyle Also, be sure that your interior lighting is as white as possible — many fluorescent bulbs cast a distinctly yellow tone which will make your "shade friendly" paint colour look very flat when the lights come on. That said, we now need to consider the type of room you have and the overall feeling you want to create. If it's a bedroom or den that you're doing; maybe you can embrace the shadows and create a cozy retreat with rich colours and warm lighting. Try Benjamin Moore CC-950 Queen's Wreath, HC-151 Buckland Blue or AF-545 Solitude, to name a few. To enhance the beauty of the shadows, add decor items that reflect the light; like metallic items in chrome, brass or nickel. You may also use glass, crystal or mirror pieces — even using textiles or wallpaper with a sheen or sparkle surface will help. Steam Cleaning of Carpet • Upholstery • Area Rugs Repairs to all makes and models of vacuums Authorized BEAM Built-in Vacuum Systems Dealer Approved Broan-Nutone Repair Centre If your room is a large, main room like a living or dining room; you may want to brighten the area as much as possible. This is where we have to choose a colour that loves being around blue. If you want the ever popular taupes or beiges, consider Benjamin Moore OC-15 Baby Fawn, OC-10 White Sand or CC-80 Grey Mist. I also like OC-58 White Ice and AF-20 Mascarpone. For a bit of drama, paint the North wall a rich dark shade, especially if that wall has windows; think CC-38 Nightfall Sky. It makes the windows and your view from them really pop! 705-435-7457 cell 705-791-4893 70 Banting Drive, Alliston www.CrownCarpet Water Softeners and R/O Systems CALL US FIRST We service and maintain most makes and models of water treatment systems SOFTENER SALT DELIVERY AVAILABLE Enjoy your home! Nora Forsey 312 Victoria Street East, Alliston FOR DETAILS CALL 705-434-5044 HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING ! 28 August 2016 • • • • Air Conditioning Furnace Fireplace Sales and Service Around the Briars - ALL RESIDENTS Wine Appreciation Club “Thirsty Thursday” "Wine improves with age — the older I get the better I like it”! Have you noticed that music gets along perfectly with wine? Well, that's because they both represent romance and beauty — glamour and sophistication. Music and wine are similar in another way; music is the ONLY industry with more labels than wine, and wine has 60,000. How does one choose! At one time, every visit to the LCBO where the shelves are stocked with bottles of wine from many different countries, and regions within those countries, was intimidating for me. My travel experiences helped; I have enjoyed perfect white wines in Germany, bubbly Vinho Verde in Portugal, the refreshing wines of New Zealand, chocolate flavoured wine from Finger Lakes, Super Tuscan in Italy, the earthy flavour of old French traditional wines, and probably one of the best ice-wine in Kelowna. It wasn't until I read the book 'The Everday Guide to Wine by Master of Wine & Spirits Expert J. Simonetti-Bryan, however, that I finally felt like I got it. To choose the best and get the most out of a glass of wine takes experience and knowledge. I would like to invite wine enthusiasts to join me for Thirsty Thursday, every 3rd Thursday of the month, to learn more about wine and experience different wines. We will travel along one country at a time, and through structured tasting and training of your senses, you will know more about the glass of wine you are drinking. Thirsty Thursday will work best with a number of participants that can be divided by six. Our plan is to have six samples from six bottles of different wine that represent a variety of grapes, wine regions, or wine style. We will also be learning how to pair wine with food. Please, email to if you are interested to participate and open to this interactive experience. Cheers! Yours Lina The Briar Crier can be viewed online at BRIARCRIER.CA August 2016 29 30 August 2016 15 10:00 am Yoga GR 11:00 am Ladies Duffers Lunch LL 1:00 pm Arts & Crafts ER 1:00 pm Canasta Cards ER 3:00 pm Table Tennis LL 7:00 pm Wizard Cards LL 7:00 pm Poker ER 14 28 29 10:00 am Yoga GR 1:00 pm Arts & Crafts LL 1:00 pm Canasta Cards LL 3:00 pm Table Tennis LL 7:00 pm Wizard Cards LL 7:00 pm Poker ER 30 9:30 am Carefirst Ex GR 10:00 am Board Mtg ER 1:00 pm Bid Euchre LL 6:30 pm Shuffleboard LL 23 9 -11 am Ticket Sales – Wine Tasting Event LG 9:30 am Carefirst Ex GR 1:00 pm Bid Euchre LL 6 pm Ticket Sales – Wine Tasting Event LG (inc Green Briar) 6:30 pm Shuffleboard LL 16 9:30 am Carefirst Ex GR 1:00 pm Bid Euchre LL 3:00 pm NLGA Ex Mtg ER 6:30 pm Shuffleboard LL 9 9:30 am Carefirst Ex GR 1:00 pm Bid Euchre LL 6:30 pm Shuffleboard LL 7-9 pm Set-up for NLGA Lunch GR Tuesday 2 9-11 am and 4-6 pm Ticket Sales – High Tea/Fashion Show AND Hawaiian Party LG 9:30 am Carefirst Ex GR 1:00 pm Bid Euchre LL 6:30 pm Shuffleboard LL Wednesday 31 9:30 am Dance Fit GR 1:00 pm Bridge ER 3:00 pm Chess 7:00 pm Pool LL 7:00 pm Ladies Poker ER 24 9:30 am Dance Fit GR 1:00 pm Bridge ER 3:00 pm Chess 5:00 pm Phase 18 BBQ GR 7:00 pm Pool LL 7:00 pm Ladies Poker ER 17 9:30 am Dance Fit GR 1:00 pm Bridge ER 3:00 pm Chess GR 4:30 pm Ph 11 AGM GR 7:00 pm Pool LL 7:00 pm Ladies Poker ER 10 9:30 am Dance Fit LL 12:00 pm NLGA Friendship Lunch GR/Kit 1:00 pm Bridge ER 3:00 pm Chess 4:00 pm Phase 4 BBQ Patio (LL if rain) 7:00 pm Pool LL 7:00 pm Ladies Poker ER 9:30 am Dance Fit GR 1:00 pm Bridge ER 3:00 pm Chess 7:00 pm Pool LL 7:00 pm Ladies Poker ER 3 This calendar is subject to change. Check the website at www. for updates. 2:00 pm Movie in the Lounge 21 5:00 pm Phase 9 Golf and Pizza LL 22 10:00 am Yoga GR 1:00 pm Arts & Crafts LL 1:00 pm Canasta Cards LL 3:00 pm Table Tennis LL 7:00 pm Wizard Cards LL 7:00 pm Poker ER 8 10:00 am Yoga GR 1:00 pm Arts & Crafts LL 1:00 pm Canasta Cards LL 3:00 pm Table Tennis LL 7:00 pm Wizard Cards LL 7:00 pm Poker ER 7 1:00-8:00 pm NMGA Briar Cup ER/Kitchen 10:00 am Yoga CANCELLED 1:00 pm Arts & Crafts LL 1:00 pm Canasta Cards LL 3:00 pm Table Tennis LL 7:00 pm Wizard Cards LL 7:00 pm Poker ER Monday 1 CIVIC HOLIDAY ER – East Room GR –Great Room LG – Lounge LL – Lower Level Sunday Thursday 25 10:00 am Yoga GR Noon-3pm Belles of the Ridge Lunch ER 7:00 pm Dup Bridge LL 18 10:00 am Yoga GR 3:00 pm NLGA Wine & Cheese ER/Kitchen 5:00 pm Ph 17 BBQ Patio (GR if rain) 7:00 pm Dup Bridge LL 11 9-11 am and 4-6 pm Ticket Sales – High Tea/Fashion Show AND Hawaiian Party LG 10:00 am Yoga GR 10 am-10 pm NMGA ER/Kitchen/Bar/Patio 7:00 pm Dup Bridge LL 10:00 am Yoga GR 7:00 pm Dup Bridge LL 4 Friday 26 9:00 am Fitness LL 9:30 am Carefirst Ex GR 12noon-3pm NMGA GR/Kitchen 3:00 pm Table Tennis LL 7:00 pm Bid Euchre LL 19 9:00 am Fitness LL 9:30 am Carefirst Ex GR 3:00 pm Table Tennis LL 7:00 pm Bid Euchre LL 12 9:00 am Fitness LL 9:30 am Carefirst Ex GR 3:00 pm Table Tennis LL 7:00 pm Bid Euchre LL 9:00 am Fitness LL 9:30 am Carefirst Ex GR 3:00 pm Table Tennis LL 5:30 pm Phase 19 BBQ Patio (ER if rain) 7:00 pm Bid Euchre LL 5 Calendar provided by the Briar Hill Community Centre (page sponsored by the Briar Crier) The Briar Hill Community Centre is open daily from 8am - 11pm Administrative Office hours are Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 9am - 3pm Telephone 705-435-8066 E-mail Website BRIAR HILL Community Centre Calendar Saturday 27 Concert Series Set-up GR 7:30 pm Quartetto Gelato Concert GR 20 7:00 Movie in the Lounge 13 2:00 – 10:00 pm Vistas V & VI BBQ Patio/LL 6 Around the Briars COMMUNITY CALENDARS THESE COMMUNITY CENTRE EVENTS ARE FOR BRIARS RESIDENTS AND THEIR GUESTS ONLY August 2016 THESE COMMUNITY CENTRE EVENTS ARE FOR BRIARS RESIDENTS AND THEIR GUESTS ONLY GREEN BRIAR Community Centre Calendar GBCC Administrative Office Hours are Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday 9am to 12pm Telephone Peta Christen 705-435-2345 / E-mail This Calendar is provided by the Green Briar Community Centre (Page sponsored by the Briar Crier) August 2016 SUNDAY MONDAY 1 TUESDAY 2 WEDNESDAY 3 THURSDAY 4 FRIDAY 5 Civic Holiday 7 14 8 15 SATURDAY 6 Private Function 9 10 16 10:00 Ticket Sales Terry Connolly Concert 17 11 12 13 Private Function 18 19 20 26 27 3:30 Phase 5 Rain Location for picnic 22 23 24 25 August 2016 21 Private Function 28 29 30 31 7:00 Camera Club 31 SUNDAY MONDAY 8:30-10:15 Table Tennis 10:30-11:30 Carefirst Exercise 10:30-1:00 Scrabble Club (office) 1:00 Duplicate Bridge SPECIAL NOTES TUESDAY 9:00-9:45 Tai Chi 9:45-10:45 Tai Chi Exercise 10:45-11:45 Carefirst Exercise WEEKLY EVENTS WEDNESDAY 8:30-10:15 Table Tennis 10:30-11:30 Carefirst Exercise THURSDAY 8:15-9:45 Coffee Club 9:45-10:45 Tai Chi Exercise 10:45-11:45 Carefirst Exercise FRIDAY 8:30-10:15 Table Tennis 10:30-12:30 Computer Club 1:30 Improver Line Dancing (Experienced Beginners) 12:00 Quilting Bees 1:00 Crafts 1:00 Line Dancing 7:00 Bridge 7:00 Bingo 7:00 Euchre 7:00 Jam Sessions SATURDAY 8:30 Green Briar Chorus A M P M UPCOMING EVENTS The Briar Crier can be viewed online at BRIARCRIER.CA August 2016 31 Around the Briars - ALL RESIDENTS Publication of the Community Centre Calendars and pages in Around the Briars, as well as the Keeping in Touch section and Bargain Market, are sponsored by the Publisher, Margravine Media, and supported by the businesses who advertise in this magazine. To submit information for publication in the Briar Crier, please see the Editor's Page. The Briar Crier is delivered to residents via Canada Post. Copies are also available in the Mail Room in Green Briar and at the Community Centre in Briar Hill. The magazine can be viewed online at PAID ADVERTISING 32 August 2016 Check the Community Centre Calendars for all weekly activities SAVE THE DATE: October 12 for the Green Briar and Briar Hill Nurses Luncheon! The Luncheon will be held at the Briar Hill Community Centre. We are looking forward to seeing you all again this year (any new nurses who have moved to Briar Hill or Green Briar). Details will follow in the September edition of the Briar Crier! BHCC Ladies' Wednesday Night Euchre June 8, 2016 marked the annual “ End of Season Ladies Wednesday Night Euchre Dinner”. We were all treated to another delicious meal prepared always efficient and friendly staff. Big Winners this year were: 1st Place: Elaine Lee – Most Lone Hands for the year. 1st Place: Carol Gelfand & Linda Mather – Most Lone Hands in a single night. 1st Place: Linda Mather – Best Attendance. Congratulations Ladies. Well done. Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves. There were lots of smiles and loud, happy noises. Thank you for all for the thoughtful Gift Cards I received … not necessary, but very much appreciated. Reminder: Start-up date for the new season is Wednesday, September 7, 2016 at the BHCC in the Lower Level at 7pm. If any of your information (telephone, e-mail etc.) has changed, please contact me before August 15, 2016. We are currently at full capacity for Regular Members, but we are always looking for Spares. This past year we lost two, much-loved, longtime members. Please remember them and their families in your thoughts and prayers. Enjoy your summer and be safe and well. See you in September! Loretto Hillis,Co-ordinator GREEN BRIAR COMMUNITY CENTRE Parkette Drive Doors open at 6:00 p.m. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 24TH, 2016 Admission $17.50/person DINNER SERVED AT 7:30 P.M. FREE with tickets 2 cans of German beer or 4 glasses of wine BRING YOUR OWN GLASSES FOR TICKETS, phone Ferne or Jurgen at at 705-250-0239 FIRST CALL, FIRST SOLD! The Briar Crier can be viewed online at BRIARCRIER.CA August 2016 33 Around the Briars - ALL RESIDENTS Terry Connolly is returning to the Green Briar Community Centre on Saturday September 10, 2016 (7 - 10 pm) for a Benefit Concert/Dance. Proceeds will go to the GBCC and Matthews House. Tickets are $15 per person. Snacks will be provided. August 2016 Bring your own glass and beverages. Contact Sheila Mattison at 705-250-2545 for tickets or more information. Solution to Crossword: CROSSWORD ANSWERS $15 per person Sunday, October 2nd, 2016 Hosted by the Briars Computer Club Open to all Green Briar & Briar Hill residents Start your engines @ 12:30pm Fill your vehicle with new or old friends, as we are limiting the number of participating cars. RESERVE your start time or ask questions by emailing or phone Angela Richmond at 705-435-2165. 34 August 2016 S W I S S C A R A T A G A V E A C I D C O D A T R E Y T B A R H I R E U P O N T A R S E E N P E O R N R E O T S T A R A F I E G I S A L B E D R E F S B L A R T I C M A E W K M A T E Y R A P R O S I N S P T A R O L A P P E D N O E G R G A T E D A R I G E C L A N T E E W E L A N T I T O A B U T L I M E R M A L U I L E E E S E N O R T R A T E O W E R P A P A I R I S C E D E Looking for someone to dog sit our small, wellbehaved 'Zena', our Shih Tzu for 3 weeks starting September 19th. Zena can live either in our home or yours. She is fully housetrained, but must be taken for a walk twice a day. Please call Bert or Rosemarie at 705-435-6960 JUST FOR FUN! August 2016 Edited by Margie E. Burke Difficulty : Easy 2 3 4 15 17 18 21 24 33 HOW TO SOLVE: No cheating! J 7 8 34 35 37 64 38 60 61 31 32 56 57 47 50 53 51 54 55 62 63 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 ACROSS 1 "Beat it!" 5 End of a Hemingway title 9 Flower part 14 "Minimum" amount 15 Fix in place 16 It might be airtight 17 Persia, now 18 Vaseline, e.g. 20 Taste 22 ___ tide 23 Staff member? 24 Hackneyed 27 Marquee name 28 Garden-variety 33 Don't just sit there 36 All excited 39 Cunning 40 Short-legged dog 42 Canal locale 43 "Silly" birds 44 Something to shoot for 45 Rash 47 ___'easter 48 Spare room item 50 Blowgun ammo 52 Store, as meat 30 39 46 49 59 29 43 45 52 13 23 42 48 12 26 36 44 11 19 28 41 10 16 25 40 58 9 22 Copyright 2016 by The Puzzle Syndicate Solution to Sudoku: by Margie E. Burke 6 27 5 14 20 The Crossword 1 Copyright 2016 by The Puzzle Syndicate 58 62 63 64 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 As a result Alliance Decrease Two-sided ___ Bear Oven emanation Name as a source Bearded flower Extend, in a way Had down pat Grant DOWN 1 Cheese choice 2 200 milligrams 3 Tequila source 4 Bocelli and Caruso 5 Cleo's undoing 6 Pre-landing events 7 Swab 8 Rein, e.g. 9 Bud 10 Flamboyance 11 Jackson 5 brother 12 Border 13 Green shade 19 21 25 26 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 37 38 41 46 49 51 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 65 66 Big tournament Walmart, e.g. Big galoot Nonsense verse Wish otherwise Carriage Additionally Look like a wolf Litmus reddener Conclusion It doesn't take much 50 Cent piece Wipe out Chitchat Kind of team Card balance Torrid Zone boundary Motion picture Bow coating Savvy Halfhearted Do away with Ski lift Bring on "Once ___ a time..." "___ here" Crude Green, in a way See Page 34 for Crossword answers The Briar Crier can be viewed online at BRIARCRIER.CA August 2016 35 Keeping in Touch / Marketplace KEEPING IN TOUCH RESIDENT MESSAGES 50 word maximum Sympathy Deepest sympathy is extended to Monika Volino of Green Briar Road and family on the death of her husband Mario on July 5th. Thanks I am so thankful for the kindness, thoughtfulness and support of my friends, neighbours and relatives in this wonderful community, over the past several weeks during Brian's illness and subsequent passing. Sincerely, Glenna McCague and Family BARGAIN MARKET FREE TO BRIARS' RESIDENTS (personal items only - some limitations apply) E-mail your ad to or phone 705-434-4569 30 word maximum For Sale ► Black JENNAIR 42 bottle wine fridge. Variable temperature control, light & lockable glass door. 33“H x 22“W&D. $200. Contact Ken at dormie@ or 705-434-4881 ► 8.8cuft Upright Freezer, like new $175; Centro BBQ 3800 $90; Kenmore Cannister Vacuum Cleaner w brushes, almost new $95; Exercise bike, monitors speed, calories & distance, $50. Call 705-435-1511. ► Baker's Rack; Unique Bicycle Wine Rack;, Floor Lamps; Q-Snap Floor-Model Frame for quilting/ embroidery/crafting (small, easy storage); Obus Ultra Forme Backrest & Seat. All in excellent condition. Mary 705-434-4032. REALTY INC. BROKERAGE Independently owned & operated Office: 705-739-1000 | Toll Free: 855-458-9905 | Fax: 705-739-1002 Are you thinking of Buying or Selling? Are you curious what your home is worth? Then call me today for your FREE, no obligation, Market Evaluation of your home! With over 31 years experience in Real Estate, I can help make your Real Estate dreams come true! LAURA-JEAN DAWE Sales Representative Direct: 705-734-5730 36 August 2016 ► Full set of Nancy Lopez ladies golf clubs (all graphite shafts), Extras: 7-wood, hybrid club, Adams bag, ladies balls. Good condition $125. Call janet, 705-250-0830. ► Set ladies Cobra Graphite w bag $125; Set of Men's Hogan Irons $50; several putters BEST OFFER. Pat 705-434-9470. Massage Therapist Michel Bullock Registered Massage Therapist 10+ years experience By appointment only In-home T 705.250.0119 massage available C 416.433.5864 CLASSIFIED ADS PAID ADVERTISING E-mail or phone 705-434-4569 Hiring a Contractor/Service Provider? Know your rights and what to ask a contractor when starting home renovations or repairs Consumer Protection Ontario NEW THIS MONTH Studio 4C: Newly located in Green Briar! Offers dressmaking and custom design of ladies wear. Also available; alterations of men's and ladies wear. Call Nora at 416-854-5179 for an appointment. Cleaning Person Wanted: Well-kept home needs careful, particular, thorough cleaner with high standards - 4 hours bi-weekly on Thursday only. 2 levels hardwood; dog & cat; non-smoker. 705-250-1580 Briar Hill House Watch: Services include scheduled visits, mail pick-up, plant care, cat sitting. Residents serving Briar Hill for 15 years. Cathy Morden 705-435-4159 Jewellery: Beautiful costume jewellery at affordable prices. Contact Anna at 647-922-7985. Anti-aging Skincare: Interested in sampling Nerium's night cream for FREE! Our products are plant-based and have natural ingredients. Nerium will change the tone & texture of your skin, shrink your pores, lighten age spots, and reduce fine lines and wrinkles. Contact Anna at 647-922-7985 PERSONAL SERVICES CLEANING, PERSONAL CARE, HOUSE SITTING 'Scrap Hound' - Clean-up, Recycling, Pickup: I will pick up large items; e.g., metal recycling (including appliances), furniture, and anything electrical (TVs, stereos, etc.), and clean up your garage/yard. Call Greg at 705-716-5886. Grant J. Drury 519 Victoria Street East, Alliston 705.435.3535 • always well done Shawn Weldon 705-440-0716 W Repairs and Renovations Flooring Painting Drywall Decks Fences Sheds Kitchens Bathrooms Basements Walker Works decorating Painting & Res. 705-435-0632 Cell 705-733-7831 Beth Walker 83 Nelson St. W. Alliston, ON L9R 1H1 THE HEATING SOURCE INC. Your Source for Maintenance, Repair & New Installation of: Gas & Wood Fireplaces & Inserts, Gas Furnaces & Air Conditioning Visit our NEW SHOWROOM (1 km south of Hwy 89 on Hwy 50) 7927 30th Side Road, Alliston 705-250-0498 New Patients & Emergencies Welcome FREE Orthodontic Consultations New patients receive a FREE Take-home Bleaching Kit with first exam & cleaning 46 Dominion Street, Alliston 705-435-4124 The Briar Crier can be viewed online at BRIARCRIER.CA August 2016 37 Marketplace CLASSIFIED ADS (Continued) Andrea Freeman-Day, Recreation Therapist for the Older Adult: Senior Companion, Educated, 16 years experience, Insured, References, Exercise at home, Shopping, Errands, Medical Appointments and Assistance with meals. VAC Approved. Lives in the Briars. Husband, Fred, available for Painting Projects, Handyman work, Airport Shuttle, and Hospital Appointments. 705-828-0720. Briar Handyman: Paving stone repair, paint, deck refinishing, installations, interior window cleaning, caulking, dump runs and general repairs or help around the house. Contact or 705 435 4240. Residents with walkout decks: Metal waterproof ceiling, Sec 98 Approved, 100% guarantee. For quotation, call Ted at 416-706-9327. Hair services available in my Briars' home: Call 705-434-7929. / Non-toxic, truly economical laundry and household cleaners; Shaklee, since 1956 - Featured on Oprah: Pennies to use; less recycling in your blue bin. Free sample. 30-day guarantee. Free delivery in Alliston. Call Diane, 416-882-9186 / web Ever Think a Funeral Could Look Like This? Cleaning services provided in your neighbourhood: Years of experience references available. Call for a quote. Dianne 705-309-1077. Cleaning services provided in your neighborhood: Years of experience references available. Call for a quote. Dianne 705-309-1077 G M Ideal Sitting - Home & Pets: We also provide dog walking. Briars' Resident. 705-435-4305 The Foot Pixie: In-home foot care service for Diabetics, Mature Clients and feet of all ages. Call Leanne Kyselka at 705-435-4511. Certified Master Pedicurist. Certified Esthetician. MISCELLANEOUS Wanted: Antique & used furniture, scrap gold & silver, costume jewellery, watches, wooden boxes, crates, chests, antique tools, advertising signs. John, 705-737-1466. ON-SITE Refined Furniture Services: Repairs & touch-ups of your furniture, kitchen & bathroom cabinets, stair rails, etc. Call Vince, 416-524-9373. 38 August 2016 Today, funerals & memorials are focused on celebrating lives well lived. We’re accomodating this trend with: Outdoor Garden Patio l Indoor Reception Facility l Personalized Celebrations l l l Beverage Licenses Catering Services Learn more about our services or how to pre-plan your own celebration. c 705-435-5101 Honouring Memories & Celebrating Lives Well Lived 244 Victoria Street East, Alliston, ON L9R 1V6 NOTTAWASAGA VALLEY VETERINARY HOSPITAL Dr. Angela Halbert & Associates Complete Care for Companion and Pocket Pets, including a House Call Service Veterinary Spinal Manipulative Therapy available by appointment with Dr. Laura Whiting on Mon and Tues Out of Hours Telephone Consultation 6437 14th Line, Alliston 705-434-2226 Cookstown Pharmasave It’s past midnight and you are in an emergency. It is critical for your care to know the medications you are taking. Don’t have your list? No problem with Pharmasave’s eCare! Like online banking, your medical information is just a click away! Safe, secure and with many other features including eRefills and health information. Register for eCare with your Pharmasave Pharmacist Today! Pharmacist today! Cookstown Pharmasave now offers an in-store foot care clinic once monthly! • Assess patient’s feet, medical history • Cut and file toenails • Treat ingrown toenails, corns, calluses and fungal nails • Moisturize the skin • Document/chart patient’s progress • Refer to other healthcare professional, if required Call to book your appointment today! Cookstown Pharmasave is proud to present The Ideal Protein Weight Loss Method Email to book an appointment! Swellingankles ankles legs? Swelling or or legs? Varicose veins? Cory, our Sigvaris stocking fitter can help. GIVE CORY A CALL. let’s talk about… medication manager ® Safe. Accurate. Simple. Proven. Effective. Efficient. Convenient. Helpful. Practical. It’s managing your medication made easy. Seniors’ Day Every Wednesday (65 and over) 10% Off store wide Some restrictions apply see store for details. Cookstown Pharmasave 52 Queen Street, Unit 2, Cookstown Phone 705-458-1292 Email The Briar Crier can be viewed online at BRIARCRIER.CA August 2016 39 Sunfarer Panama Canal Holland America • ms Zuiderdam November 20, 2016 & February 5, 2017 • 11 Days Caribbean Wayfarer Holland America • ms Koningsdam November 23, 2016 • 12 Days Grand World Voyage Holland America • ms Amsterdam January 4, 2017 • up to 112 Days LAST CALL by Sea President’s Cruise Pacific Treasures and New Zealand January 14 & 27, 2017 • 18, 20 or 33 Days Antarctic Cruise Hurtigruten • Misnatsol February 2, 2017 • 19 Days by Land Morocco October 16, 2016 • 17 Days South Africa plus Victoria Falls and Chobe October 16, 2016 • 23 Days Polar Bears of Churchill October 27, 2016 • 7 Days Journey to the Holy Land October 29, 2016 • 13 Days Christmas in the Caribbean Peru, Land of the Incas November 4, 2016 • 16 Days Holland America • ms Rotterdam December 19, 2016 • 15 Days Treasures of Israel and Jordan November 8, 2016 • 18 Days Exceeding expectations everywhere we go! Contact us for your FREE Brochure. 1092 Mt. Pleasant Rd. Toronto, ON M4P 2M6 1-800-387-8890 • • Have You Heard? hearing sciences Aud iolog y and Hear i ng A id Cent re Complimentary Hearing Tests (55+) 180 Parsons Road Suite 24, Alliston Phone/Fax: 705-435-4356 The first step to better hearing is a hearing test! Specialists in the new “open fit” hearing aids. • Hearing tests • Hearing aids - counselling and evaluations • Hearing aid repairs • TV and phone accessories • Custom noise protection, swim plugs, musician’s plugs and sleep plugs Call HEARING SCIENCES at 705-435-4356 for an appointment. No referral is required. HOURS Mon - Wed: 9:00 am to 1:00 pm Thurs: 8:30 am to 5:00 pm It continues to be our pleasure to care for all your hearing healthcare needs! Janice Cockburn, Au.D., Reg. CASLPO Doctor of Audiology Terri-Lee McKibbon, Office Manager
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