Mayor`s Charity Rodeo inside
Mayor`s Charity Rodeo inside
SEP 2016 Published monthly for over 26 years! BRIARCRIER.CA Mayor’s Charity Rodeo inside Pictured: Mayor Rick Milne with Councillors Paul Whiteside, Fran Sainsbury and Marc Biss at the Alliston Potato Festival in August Photo courtesy of Mike Schulze FREE In-home consultation Serving Bolton, Orangeville, Alliston, Tottenham & Surrounding Areas Call Barry 647-828-2649 (Briar Hill Resident Designer) Brenda and Peter Wartha VISIT OUR SHOWROOM! 17 Queen Street South, Tottenham Office: 905-487-8363 / Cell: 289-383-2611 Toll-free: 888-982-8343 Web: Facebook: BEAUTIFUL CHANGE CAN BE . SEE HOW We understand that the idea of change can sometimes be overwhelming. But the right kind of change can revitalize, reinvigorate and renew. If you have considered retirement living but are uncertain about making the change, pay us a visit to learn about the carefree lifestyle that awaits at Kingsmere. MAKE US YOUR FLORIDA THIS YEAR, ASK ABOUT OUR WINTER STAYS. 287 King Street South, Alliston, Ontario L9R OC4 705.434.4600 | NEW TECUMSETH RODEO CHARITY MAYOR'S SEPTEMBER 10-11 ALLISTON MEMORIAL ARENA DOORS OPEN: 12:30 SATURDAY & SUNDAY l 49 NELSON ST W. ALLISTON ULTIMATE RODEO TOUR SHOW TIME 2PM TICKETS Adult $15 Youth (13-17) $10 Kids Free WITH PURCHASE OF AN ADULT TICKET INDOORS (RAIN OR SHINE) LIMITED TICKETS, DON'T MISS OUT. BULL RIDING l STEER WRESTLING l ROPING BAREBACK RIDING l SADDLE BRONC RIDING SADDLE SOCIAL l SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 10 UPSTAIRS IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING SATURDAY'S PERFORMANCE. FOOD, ENTERTAINMENT AND FAMILY FUN TICKETS ARE THE NEW TECUMSETH RECREATION CENTRE AVAILABLE AT TOTTENHAM COMMUNITY FITNESS CENTRE OR ONLINE AT WWW.TICKETWEB.CA OR CALL 705-435-4030 EXT. 1500/1621 WWW.ULTIMATERODEOTOUR.COM Volume 27, Issue 5 ― 26+ YEARS! A Communi t y New s Maga zine WEB: Publisher MARGRAVINE MEDIA PO BOX 686 ALLISTON ON L9R 1V8 Phone 705-434-4569 E-mail M ▶HOURS: 9 to 5, Monday to Friday Contents 5 Around Town News and Local Events 29 Around the Briars Briar Hill and Green Briar Community Centre Calendars, News, Contact Information 6 35 Editor's Desk Keeping in Touch SENDING US INFORMATION 20Lifestyle ▶DEADLINES − September 12 for the October edition − October 10 for the November edition Residents are welcome to submit information for inclusion in the Community News, Keeping in Touch, and Bargain Market sections free of charge (some limitations apply). Our mission is to promote community. You can help – send a picture, story, poem, puzzle; anything you think other residents would enjoy. Articles, Golf, Crossword & Sudoku Puzzles, Story 36Marketplace Classified & Bargain Market ads Find the 'funnies' throughout the Briar Crier! The Briar Crier promotes the activities of many local non-profit, volunteer-run organizations gratuitously. For information, please contact the Publisher, Margravine Media, at 705-434-4569. Submissions may be edited for clarity and brevity. You may e-mail your submission to the Editor, Marie Fischer (see above). To hand-deliver your submission, please contact your Community News Coordinator― Green Briar Valerie Tripp 705-435-2756 Briar Hill Nancy Smith 705-434-9796 We respect your privacy and do not sell, rent, or share your personal information with anyone. Opinions expressed in this magazine are not necessarily intended to reflect those of the Publisher. Margravine Media accepts no responsibility or liability for claims made for any product or service reported on or advertised in this issue. Margravine Media also reserves the right to limit liability for omissions and errors to a printed correction in the next issue. BRIARCRIER.CA September 2016 4 Around Town - NEWS & EVENTS “So, You’ve Written a Will... but are ALL your ducks in a row?” Join us for FREE at & Living Well Leaving Well THE TIME: LOCATION: WORKSHOP Sponsored by Presented by my final w shes ADVANCE PLANNING Space is limited! R.S.V.P. Today! c @ 705-435-5101 Tuesday, Sept. 27, 2016 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM DATE: TM W. John Thomas Funeral Home 244 Victoria St E, Alliston Be Prepared! Come and Learn: How probate and probate fees may impact your estate l How to protect your identity, even after you’re gone l How to prevent emotional funeral overspending l The importance of having a proper Living Will l About Power of Attorney (health & finance) l What it means to be an Executor l How the new Ontario estate tax impacts you l When and how you should update your will l About planning a Celebration of Life l Funeral plan payment options l Helpful answers to your specific questions l Attend Our Workshop and Stay for our Appetizers & Wine Reception! Join us for: Wine Appetizers l Music l Beautiful Reception Facility l l The Briar Crier can be viewed online at BRIARCRIER.CA September 2016 5 Editor's Desk Hello! The last time I got up close and personal with an Elk is the day I rolled a Toyota Corolla, back over front in 1976. It's a day I will remember well for the rest of my life. Getting this close to this boy to take his picture only frightened me a little. I will write more on my vacation in Alberta later. I want to tell you about the Edmonton Fringe Festival, an event we just happened upon while we visiting 'Old Strathcona', a historical neighbourhood in Edmonton. I had no idea Edmonton is host of the largest extravaganza of theatre arts and culture in North America. My husband and I had a wonderful time. I was born on September 8th, almost 60 years ago. I am a little surprised that turning 60 is causing me some consternation. I am now beginning to understand what a mid-life crisis feels like. It didn't bother me to turn 30 and then 40 ― 50 made me a little melancholy, but 60 ― the thought of turning 60 has made me feel downright strange! I will be enjoying another annual get-together with my oldest friends (who are turning 60 too) later this month. In June, when we were 6 September 2016 in Europe together, we discovered we all had an epiphany of sorts about turning 60 ― and then we talked about gratitude and friendship, work and family. Turning 60 is a blessing, after all, and I am now understanding the attitude of gratitude more. Marie Fischer Editor and Publisher 705-434-4569 To Receive a Notification that the edition of the Briar Crier you have been waiting for has been published online, please contact me (see above). Your e-mail address is private. It will not be used by us for any other reason than specified above. Around Town - NEWS & EVENTS Briar Crier_SST2016-17 Season ad 5.pdf 1 16-07-25 Art Show thE ArtIStS At thE GIBSoN PrESENt A BruSh wIth Colour A Show ANd SAlE of orIGINAl PAINtINGS SEPtEmBEr 14th - oCtoBEr 29th 2016 oPEN tuES - SAt 10:00 Am - 5:00 Pm mEEt thE ArtIStS At thE oPENING rECEPtIoN thurS SEPtEmBEr 15, 6:00 - 8:00 Pm ENtErtAINmENt ProVIdEd BY SEAN dErrAuGh rEfrEShmENtS wIll BE SErVEd GIBSoN CENtrE mAIN floor GAllErY 63 tuPPEr St. w., AllIStoN, oN 705-435-2828 matthews house 5th Annual Gala The Field House, New Tec Recreation Centre 7300 Industrial Pkwy, Alliston, oN L9R 1V4 SPoNSoRSHIP, tICKET REGISTRATIoN & oNLINE AUCTIoN MATTHEWSHoUSEhospice.CA The Briar Crier can be viewed online at BRIARCRIER.CA September 2016 7 2:14 PM Around Town - NEWS & EVENTS LETTER: Alliston Feed Service thanks you! KEEP YOUR WINDOWS, LOSE THE FOG! 10% Discount for Briar Residents Your windows will dry up... and remain fog-free FOR A FREE ESTIMATE CALL 705-229-8404 Email: LIFETIME WARRANTY Mr. Fog-Free Accredited Drive Clean Test and Repair Facility *An official mark of the Province of Ontario used under licence. 114 Dufferin Street South Alliston, ON L9R 1E9 705-435-2641 8 September 2016 As you’ve likely heard by now, Alliston Feed Service had a devastating fire recently and we have basically lost everything. As you can imagine, myself, Sheila, and all of our staff in a state of shock. Sheila and I have owned the business since 1995. We celebrated our 20th anniversary in September of 2015 with a great outpouring of support from the community and local farmers. The mill began as an elevator in the late 1800s. After a fire in 1917, the elevator was re-built on site in 1918 and transformed into a feed mill by the 1960s. The mill has been an important part of the community for over a century. Sometimes in life, there are hiccups or challenges where God can give us the strength to overcome. For us, this is one of those challenges. When you face these challenges, opportunities can arise for you to show strength and resiliency. Right now everyone on the Alliston Feed Service team has the mind-set to make something positive from this very sad situation. From the beginning, taking care of customers has been at the forefront of our minds. Our new location is at 29A Young Street in Alliston. Our contact information has remained the same. We would appreciate it if our customers could please be patient in the first days at our new retail location, as we may not be fully stocked with all of our regular merchandise. However, our intention is to have all the same products and services. Soon, we will have even more products. We would personally like to thank everyone who has reached out to us with their condolences and heartfelt support. There is no way we can individually thank everyone who has helped us through this tragedy, but please know we are truly thankful. Honestly, we don’t think we could thank everyone who has done something for us without falling to pieces. We would also like to thank the local fire departments for their hard work during the fire and their ability to control the fire from spreading to nearby buildings. Most importantly, we would like to thank our staff with whom Sheila and I wouldn’t be able to survive without. Their immediate support from the morning of the fire to the present has been beyond incredible. Thank you for all your support. Peter Dockerty Matthews House Hospice receives funding for residential hospice beds and hospice palliative care hub in South Simcoe Ontario is committing to invest up to $1.05 million annually in Matthews House Hospice, once construction of its new 10-bed hospice is completed. The province is providing annual funding for four existing hospice beds, beginning this year. Funding for six additional beds will be provided once construction on the expanded hospice on Wellington Street is complete in spring 2018. This new investment by Ontario will help Matthews House Hospice serve up to 125 residents this year and 250 or more residents annually, for end of life care, once we are situated on Wellington Street in Alliston. We thank the Government and PA John Fraser for their support, and genuine compassion. We thank Jim Wilson for his persistent efforts to bring this to a reality on behalf of our community and Matthews House. $700,000 still to be raised to expand our high quality hospice palliative care services in the community. We are thrilled to receive the funding for our residential beds and yes, there is more to do. Last year Matthews House Hospice served 514 clients and their families in their own home or in a day program at our Community Hospice. With continued support by South Simcoe communities, we plan to raise enough funds this year to expand our community based programs to serve up to 1000 individuals and families. Tickets $30 Joe Matheson’s Plus HST Tribute to Hank Williams Friday, October 28th, 8pm Joe Matheson pays tribute to the King of Country Music in this fully scripted musical theatre piece. Featuring many of Hank Williams’ hits, such as “Hey Good Lookin”, “Honky Tonk Blues”, and “Lovesick Blues”. Matheson plays live on stage with a full band. This presentation is an intimate, funny and bittersweet reimaging of Hank’s final recording session just months before his death. “A wonderful tribute to one of country music’s great stars. Joe Matheson did a fabulous job! He was true to the man and entertained us from beginning to end! Well worth the money! “Arden Theatre, St. Albert.” The Abba Story Saturday, November 5th, 8pm Relive the music of Abba in this high energy fun packed show. All the hits from one of the most popular and successful bands of all time! Tickets $25 Plus HST Don’t miss your chance to experience this one of a kind performance. Check out our Gift Shop displays for new arrivals! Fall Sale 25% OFF ALL SCARVES AND PURSES! MERCER PUB REOPENING SEPTEMBER 30TH CHECK ONLINE FOR MONTHLY EVENTS AND DETAILS and CENTRE FOR COMMUNITY, ARTS & CULTURE 63 Tupper St. W., Alliston 705-435-2828 DETAILS ON-LINE The Briar Crier can be viewed online at BRIARCRIER.CA September 2016 9 Around Town - NEWS & EVENTS NOW OFFERING EMISSIONS TESTING Public Consultations: Building An Age-Friendly Simcoe County The County of Simcoe is hosting a series of public consultations throughout September to gain further input from residents and stakeholders about the age-friendliness of our communities. The consultations will serve as the final step in the Age-Friendly Community initiative’s public engagement process. If you cannot make it to the Alliston consultations, please consider attending at one of the other locations. 705.435.4318 Hwy 89 West & Concession 7 (enter off Concession 7) Alliston WEDNESDAY Seniors Receive 10% Off Service!* *Emissions Test not eligible for discount Alliston September 12, 2016 2 – 4pm and 6 – 8pm Nottawasaga Inn 39 Victoria St E, Alliston Collingwood September 14, 2016 2 – 4pm and 6 – 8pm Sunset Manor 49 Raglan St, Collingwood Orillia September 19, 2016 2 – 4pm and 6 – 8pm Orillia Legion – Vimy Lounge 215 Mississauga St E, Orillia Penetanguishene September 30, 2016 2 – 4pm and 6 – 8pm Georgian Village 101 Thompsons Rd, Penetanguishene Attendees will learn more about how communities worldwide are being made friendlier for aging residents, and have the opportunity to provide additional input into local research on priorities for continuing improvement that were identified within the eight World Health Organization’s AgeFriendly dimensions: housing, outdoor spaces, transportation, communication, respect, social participation, employment, and community and health services. Consultation sessions will be audio and video recorded. 10 September 2016 “Experience” is the Difference! Now living locally to serve you better Downsizing, Home Staging, and Hi-res Photography Services Available Last-time Home Selling Experience Free HomeLife CONDO Home Warranty (Buyer) Provided Call today for your free no-commitment Appointment Charles Cooper Sales Representative Office: (705) or (888) 435-4506 Direct: 705-440-7851 E-mail Homelife Integrity Realty Inc., Brokerage* 169 Victoria St. W., Alliston ON L9R 1H8 *Independently Owner and Operated Pine Room Restaurant STOP IN TODAY TO SEE WHAT WE HAVE TO OFFER! Check Out Our Under $10 Menu Featuring delicious items like: BBQ Chicken Hot Roast Beef Ham Steak and so much more!! Daily Specials that will leave you feeling full!! BRING IN THIS AD AND RECEIVE 10% OFF YOUR MEAL!* Mondays - Chicken Parmesan Tuesdays - Triple Decker Reuben Wednesdays - Wings & Ribs Thursdays - Liver & Onions Fridays - Fish N Chips Saturdays - Roast Beef or Veal Dinners Open for Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner Mondays - Saturdays and Sundays until 1pm *Not including alcohol or other beverages. Does not apply to under $10 menu. 497 Victoria St. E., Alliston at 705-435-4381 The Briar Crier can be viewed online at BRIARCRIER.CA September 2016 11 Around Town - NEWS & EVENTS AWNING MASTER Patio & Window Awnings Serving Green Briar & Briar Hill for over 22 years Designed for Strength! Approved colours in stock 1 · 800 · 707 · 3154 UNDER NEW OWNERSHIP! Living a Healthy Life with Chronic Conditions “Living a Healthy Life with Chronic Conditions" is a six-week workshop that helps people with chronic health conditions gain confidence to better manage their symptoms and their daily life. The workshop is FREE and participants receive a FREE “Living a Healthy Life with Chronic Conditions” reference book. Pre-registration is required. Participants should attend all six sessions if possible. The more sessions attended, the more you will benefit! Workshop groups meet once a week for 2½ hours, over six weeks. The workshop teaches skills for Healthy Living Now; including healthy eating; exercise; pain and fatigue management; stress management; communicating with your healthcare professionals; managing medications; and planning and problem solving. Participants take an active role in the workshop by setting goals each week and work to accomplish their goals. The workshop is funded by the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care and is part of the provincial strategy to prevent and manage chronic diseases. For more information, please contact Emily Moffatt or Lisa Shaler at 705-435-7218. Ferment On Premise Winemaking Owned and operated by Jon & Kristen, experienced winemakers and capable guides in the process of making wine. We carry a wide variety of wines, as well as wine making supplies. Wine can be made on the premises or you can make it yourself at home. Call Jon & Kristen 705.435.1513 Convenient location with easy access! 169 Dufferin Street, Unit 6, Alliston 12 September 2016 Catch the Spirit - September 11th St. John’s United Church, 56 Victoria St. E., Alliston, invites you to our 'Welcome Sunday' on September 11th, featuring breakfast and worship starting at 9:30am, with games and activities for all ages to follow. Come to meet our new minister Rev. Heather Power, check out our new elevator, listen to our new baby grand piano, and meet our new music team. Everyone is welcome! Check us out on our webpage at; on Facebook at "St Johns Alliston", phone 705 435 6732, or e-mail Expect more! Call John and Don DON WOLLSTEIN SALES REPRESENTATIVE 705-890-0321 E-MAIL DIRECT Sutton Group Incentive Realty Inc., Brokerage Independently Owned and Operated $9.99 . † BROKER 705-734-3076 DIRECT E-MAIL What’s your plan to avoid costly repairs? Comfort plans from JOHN PIERSON 452 Victoria Street East, Alliston Office 705-435-4488 Let us worry about heating, cooling and plumbing problems so you don’t have to • Coverage for most parts and * labour repair costs • No hidden costs like deductibles • No pre-inspection required • Live telephone support 24/7/365 Call us today to get the plan that’s right you. 705-728-5406 *Subject to standard terms and conditions. Call for details. † Plus applicable taxes. Customer must reside in a Reliance service area. Offer expires December 31, 2016.™“Reliance Yanch Home Comfort”, “Reliance Yanch”, “We’re not comfortable until you are.” and the Reliance Yanch Home Comfort logo are trademarks of Reliance Comfort Limited Partnership. BLINDS DRAPERY SHUTTERS 35 Victoria Street East, Town Square Alliston, Ontario 705.435.9869 FREE SHOP AT HOME SERVICE The Briar Crier can be viewed online at BRIARCRIER.CA September 2016 13 Around Town - NEWS & EVENTS The Alliston Film Circuit is back! Water Softeners and R/O Systems CALL US FIRST We service and maintain most makes and models of water treatment systems SOFTENER SALT DELIVERY AVAILABLE 312 Victoria Street East, Alliston FOR DETAILS CALL 705-434-5044 Private Investment Advice A personalized approach to help you achieve your goals We provide a personalized approach by recommending the appropriate combination of products and services, along with custom-tailored investment planning and advice. Debbie Hudson CFP® Vice President, Investment Advisor 18 Victoria Street East Alliston 705-435-8874 Alliston Garden Club Visitors' Night & Flower Show Sep 27 from 7:15 - 9pm Join us at St. John's United Church, 56 Victoria St. E., Alliston for our Visitors' Night and Flower Show. David Hobson will speak on 'No Petunias, A Potpourri of the Unique and Unusual'. All are welcome. J Walking into a lingerie store, a mature gentleman says to the clerk, "I'd like to buy a pair of stockings for my wife". Start a conversation today. TD Wealth Private Investment Advice is a division of TD Waterhouse Canada Inc., a subsidiary of The Toronto-Dominion Bank. TD Waterhouse Canada Inc. – Member of the Canadian Investor Protection Fund. ®/ The TD logo and other trade-marks are the property of The Toronto-Dominion Bank or a wholly-owned subsidiary, in Canada and/or other countries. M06300 (0713) 14 September 2016 The Alliston Film Circuit is pleased to once again our wonderful TIFF selections of films. Our first film will be shown on Sunday, September 25th at The Gibson Centre, where we started years ago, in this beautiful historic centre. We will be presenting The Dressmaker, an Australian film we are sure you will enjoy. The film starts at 2 p.m. The Gibson Centre offers lots of parking, it is wheel chair friendly, and we have welcoming Film Circuit volunteers. Tickets will be available at the Gibson Centre prior to our showing. We hope you will join us, once again, for these special films. Thank you for your past support. We are currently looking for volunteers who can help us carry on with our non-profit events. Interested parties should contact Kathie Heslip at 705-435-2778 or Patsy Douglas at 705-434-9222. The clerk asks, "Sheer?" The gentleman replies, "No, she's in another store." COOP THE Foodiary & Public House Take Out Available Specials are All House Made Wing Nights Tuesday and Thursday See upcoming events on Facebook! 705-435-1700 265 King St N Alliston Welcome to Our Community! OPEN We are accepting new patients! M: T W T F&S S 3-9PM 3-10PM 3-9 3-10 12-10PM 3-8PM Looking for a trusted Optometrist? Providing the best in eyecare services for: Comprehensive eye exams Diabetic exams Cataract and glaucoma consultations Dry eye therapy Solutions for digital eye strain Designer frames and sunglasses Contact lens fittings Green Briar resident Diane Sawyer with Canadian Astronauts Scott & Mark Kelly The Kelly twins were keynote speakers at a Shaklee conference in Orlando recently. Astronauts Scott Kelly (back from a year on the space shuttle) and Mark Kelly (twin brothers) took Shaklee supplements while on-board the space shuttle. Shaklee provided them with Astroade, which is used to combat fatigue, vertigo, and gastrointestinal issues. Shaklee is also proud of the Shaklee Pure Performance Team who competed in Rio and took home 16 medals, including 13 gold. Their captain, Eli Bremner, has earned several World Cup, Pan Am and Olympic medals over the years. Shaklee congratulates all of our Canadian athletes. Shaklee has been working with NASA — the Environment, and the Human Body for over 20 years. See Dianne Sawyer's advertisement in the Classified section of the Briar Crier, on Page 38. Visit us today to see a brighter tomorrow 4 Victoria Street East, Alliston 705.435.2020 | The Briar Crier can be viewed online at BRIARCRIER.CA September 2016 15 Around Town - NEWS & EVENTS Window Complements Ltd Serving Simcoe County since 1989 Quality custom products at affordable prices FESTIVALS 160th Beeton Fall Fair Sep 16 – 18 at the Fairgrounds Blue Mountains Summer Sundown September 3 - Sep 5 HUNTER DOUGLAS and MORE SHADES - SHUTTERS - SILHOUETTES Free Shop-at-Home 46th Fall Barrie Automotive Flea Market Sep 8 - 11, Oro Medonte Niagara Wine Festival 2016 Sep 10 - Sep 25, St Catharines Jason Mate Robert Mate (Beeton) 905-729-2938 1-800-267-6715 Georgian Bay Native Friendship Centre Pow Wow, St. Marie Park Sep 12 & 13 Do you want an idea of how much your home is worth? CALL FOR A FREE MARKET EVALUATION Low Inventory... And Plenty of Buyers! Please call Bill Scott Sales Representative O 1.705.435.3000 T 1.866.772.5368 C 1.705.791.3479 7 Victoria Street W., Alliston RCR Realty, Brokerage Independently Owned & Operated 16 September 2016 MOVING MADE EASY Flavours of Niagara, Port Colborne Sep 16 & 17 Meaford Scarecrow Invasion and Family Festival, Sep 16 - Oct 16 Blue Mountains Centurion Cycling Festival, Sep 16 - Sep 18 Stonebridge Wasaga Beach Blues, Sep 17 & 18 Pioneer Harvest Festival, Black Creek Pioneer Village, GTA, Sep 17 & 18 WE ARE SO MUCH MORE THAN YOUR HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING STORE WE ARE YOUR NAPOLEON AND DIMPLEX Fireplace Specialist Providing Sales, Service and Installation of Natural Gas • Propane • Electric and Wood Fireplaces AND NOW INTRODUCING THE ORIGINAL RADIANT GAS FIREPLACE VISIT OUR SHOWROOM AT 124 YOUNG ST UNIT 1 (next to Canadian Tire) 705-435-5005 The Lovatt Team … a Real Estate Family who cares! Not intended to solicit homes already listed. We are a professional Real Estate Team with experience in helping seniors move. We have worked with many Green Briar and Briar Hill residents. Every person we deal with is treated with Care, Compassion, and Respect! With over 20 years’ experience working with people with special needs, award winning real estate sales experience, and a marketing and business acumen, we are the Team for you! Christine Lovatt Sales Representative HomeLife Integrity Realty Inc., Brokerage 169 Victoria Street West Alliston, Ontario L9R1H8 Office 705-435-4506 cell: 705-717-8726 email: Senior Real Estate Specialist Christine Lovatt Sales Representative Senior Specialist Ben Lovatt Sales Representative Bachelor of Commerce The Briar Crier can be viewed online at BRIARCRIER.CA September 2016 17 Around Town - NEWS & EVENTS The Word On The Street Toronto, Sep 25 Now Stocking Cambrian Sandals! - Removable Cork Footbed - Perfect for Orthotics - Men’s and Women’s Canada's largest book and magazine festival with over 270 exhibitors and over 200 Canadian authors. Alliston 85 Victoria St W (705) 435-6481 Markham Fair Sep 29 - Oct 2 Innisfil HWY 400 at Innisfil Beach Road (705) 431-2500 Alliston Family Health Clinic Naturopathic Medicine at its Best FREE 15-minute introduction to Naturopathic Medicine. Discover what it can do for you! RCR Realty, Brokerage Independently Owned & Operated FOR A COMPLIMENTARY EVALUATION* 7 Victoria Street West, Alliston 705-435-3000 or 1-866-772-5368 E-mail Committed to providing the highest level of professional standards 76 Dufferin Street South, Alliston 18 September 2016 *Some conditions may apply Kelly has served the real estate needs of this community for over 25 years. 435-5717 Pumpkinferno at Discovery Harbour Oct 1 - 30, Penetanguishene A good home for Mortimer Sales Representative • Auto upholstery • Deezee running boArD & Accessories • WinDshielD repAir & replAcement Dr. Tom Ellis, Honors B. Sc., N.D. 180 Parsons Rd., Unit 26, Alliston 705-434-2088 CONTACT Small Halls Festival Sep 30 - Oct 2 Mortimer, pictured with Briar Hill resident Danuta Haas, is a beautiful, one-and-a-half-year old mixed-breed dog. He's sweet, loving, strong, fast, jumpy and spirited. An adult would be a good match for Mortimer. The Alliston & District Humane Society Shelter is OPEN on the 2nd and 4th Saturday of every month from 12 till 4pm. At all other times the Shelter is open on an appointment only basis. For an appointment, please call our adoption line at 705-458-9038. Please visit our Activities page for a list of Shelter Open Houses and other events. Lifestyle WEALTH MANAGEMENT L A DY D U FFER S' Go l f A ssoci ati on Since our Duffers’ golfing season is quickly coming to a close, plans are now underway for our September 26 Closing Lunch, following our final Fun Day. The theme for the lunch is “Jewels of the Nott”, so wear your brightest colours and colourful jewellery. You can purchase your ticket for $16 at our final Bag Lunch on August 15, or from Lee Smith (705 250-0280) or Lynda Faragher (705 250-1650). Thanks to Margaret Oliver, Roberta Bruyea, Davina Roberts, and Lynda Faragher for organizing this event. Each month, members who obtained a par during a Lady Duffers’ game will have their photo taken with the PARtridge Tree to celebrate their achievement. Winners will be recognized at our Final Bag Lunch, and our Closing Lunch. Remember to fill out a slip in the Lady Duffers’chest, located in the computer alcove in the pro shop. Thanks to all of you who are working hard to keep up the pace of play. Having fun, and making it fun for everyone playing behind you has been one of our aims for this year. Helping you make sense of wealth management strategies In your neighbourhood Call or visit your local Edward Jones advisor to help you determine the appropriate wealth management solutions for your family: • Wealth Preservation • Business Succession Planning • Charitable Giving • Estate Planning • Investment Management • And more Edward Jones, its employees and Edward Jones advisors are not estate planners and cannot provide tax or legal advice. You should consult a qualified tax specialist or lawyer for professional advice regarding your specific situation. Our Co-captain for September is Ellen Velletta, and our final Away Game is September 7. More information about upcoming events is located on our website, Andrew M Munro Financial Advisor 181 Livingstone St E #23 Barrie 705-792-6721 Brenda Flagler, Publicity Member – Canadian Investor Protection Fund MKT-7690-C-AD 10% Discount for Briar Residents A New You Optical A New You Optometric Clinic PACKAGE PRICING SINGLE VISION PROGRESSIVE $179 $299 Ask about our 3 for 1 Pricing Eye Exams • Digital Retinal Imaging Now Available • Direct Insurance Billing ALLISTON 705.435.4358 Walmart Plaza ANGUS 705.424.4883 4 Pine River Plaza The Briar Crier can be viewed online at BRIARCRIER.CA September 2016 19 Lifestyle NOTTAWASAGA LADIES GOLF ASSOCIATION Shelburne Golf & Country Club 4kms North of Hwy 89 on County Rd 124 — Only 20 minutes from Zehrs 519.925.5581 SPECIAL Mondays and Tuesdays (except holidays) between 10am and 2pm Includes … 18 Holes of golf with a power cart Small bucket of range balls Coffee and a muffin $46.95 taxes included 705 250 2700 Let the Beach House Spa & Wellness help get you ready for summer! Warmer weather is here !! Check our Website, Facebook or give us a call to Þnd out about our monthly specials 35 Victoria St. E. Unit #5 (Town Square) Alliston Wendy Small Sales Representative C 905.724.0717 O 705.435.3000 7 Victoria Street West, Alliston RCR Realty, Brokerage Independently Owned & Operated 20 September 2016 Hey there lady golfers! I know, sometimes we don't sound very "lady" like when we find ourselves with no luck and bad bounces as we persist at trying to conquer this very humbling of games. The July 19th Fun Day event called "Bingo Bango Bongo " was blessed with perfect weather. Thanks to the Pro Shop assistants, the planners and the social committee ladies for their buffet luncheon and decorating. Points were given for first on the green, closest to the pin and first in the hole. High scorers for the day were Joan Innes, Sandy Moyer and Arline Hughes. It was fun! The "Friendship Foursome " on August 10th was also blessed with loads of sunshine. The winning teams were: 1) Andréa Campbell, Cindy Cowtan, Barbara Thomas and Joni Graham with 71. 2) Cathy Earle, Jean Ferguson, Joan Innes and Gladys Carroll with 73. 3) Pam Dear, Lori Nopper and Bonnie Marshall with 74. Closest to the pin #5 Sandra Scott, #8 Gloria Grant, #15 Cathy Earle, #17 Lorri Nopper. Longest Drive #6 Sandra Moore. Closest to the line #14 Bonnie Marshall . Congrats to the Team Match Play winners: (18 hole) Suzanne Palmer and Sandy Moyer with Roseanne Gallant and Aleda Burton the runner-up team. (9 hole )winners were Janis Tennant and Bonnie Marshall with the runnerup team being Jane Gow and Stephanie White. Thinking of making a MOVE? You need a respected, knowledgeable real estate professional who offers outstanding customer service, attention to every detail, and integrity! Award Winning representative with years of experience in the Briar Hill/Green Briar communities. Long-term resident • Condominium Board Member Call Wendy Small when you need it all! FREE Home Evaluation The Championship Rounds were played on August 16th and 18th and the Closing Mixed Tourney /Lunch on August 26th. Results will be in the next issue of The Crier. The Eclectic Winners will be tabulated by then, as well. Remember to get your name in for the Resident Mixed Tourney on Wednesday, September 21st and the 9 hole Best Ball/ Closing Luncheon on September 27th. These will both be 9am shotgun starts at the Ridge. Until next time, I wish you at least a few "Lucky" shots, as they do so help to bring out the "Lady" in all of us. Thinking about a vacation? Remember to along take Remember to take travel from alonginsurance travel insurance The Co-operators. You'll get the from The Co-operators. right coverage for a relaxing vacation. Callthe us today! You’ll get right coverage for a relaxing vacation! Call one of our expert Travel Advisors today ▶ Heather Tordimah ▶ Karen () - Grehan ▶ Janet Pendleton Gary Gary Laakso Laakso Financial Financial Services Services Inc. Inc 119 Victoria Street West, Alliston Joni Graham, Publicity 705-435-6294 The Co-operators is a leading Canadian-owned multi-product insurance company. Home Home Auto Auto Life Life Investments Investments Group GroupBusiness Business Farm Farm Travel Travel Z Two Mexican detectives were investigating the murder of Juan Gonzalez. 'How was he killed?' asked one detective. 'With a golf gun,' the other detective replied. 'A golf gun! What is a golf gun?' For ALL your computer needs call 'I don't know. But it sure made a hole in Juan.' Submitted by resident Robert Holmes 355 Victoria Street East, Alliston The Briar Crier can be viewed online at BRIARCRIER.CA September 2016 21 Lifestyle peaceful and seem exceptionally conducive to creativity. “This is one of the blocks that doesn’t get to collect five free golf balls a week in the back yards,” Judy laughs. But golf is very high on her list. You’ll find her on the greens with the rest of the Lady Duffers Golf Association and the NLGA 9-Hole League. From the moment she arrived in Green Briar, Judy felt welcome in the community. As a result, she is comfortable telling people about herself and her passion for words. Most committed writers walk a line between awkward introversion and the need for isolation, and a desire to tell their stories to everyone who will listen. Judy’s not exempt from this odd paradox, but she has found a home in the Green Briar community, whose residents seem both interested and intrigued to have a published author in their midst. BL Storrie for the Briar Crier Freelance editor and mystery writer Judy Penz Sheluk just celebrated her first anniversary in Green Briar. It is obvious, from the way she curls up in the quiet sunshine of her balcony, that she is blissfully content with her new surroundings. The condo Judy shares with her husband and their energetic Golden Retriever, Gibbs, enjoys a green and serene location backing onto ravine and forest, and the goldfinches chirp and flit from the shelter of leaves to the plentiful feeders hanging from the balconies over the lawn. The surroundings are 22 September 2016 Judy is a full time freelance editor, specializing in antiques, collectibles, and the love of all things “homey”, most recently for the New England Antiques Journal and Home Builder Canada magazines. She’s had a long career in journalism, and it’s clear from the simple elegance of her home that she’s an expert in creating a graceful living environment. But in the end, Judy could not resist a lifelong desire to emulate her childhood loves― mystery writers like Nancy Drew, who kept her turning pages late into the night. During an unexpected ten days’ vacation in 2011, she suddenly sat down and hammered out a dozen chapters of her first “whodunit”. She has not looked back since the completion of Hanged Man’s Noose and its eventual publication through Barking Rain Press. She works long hours at her freelance career while developing her craft and audience as a fiction author, and she’s well into novel number three, a sequel to Hanged Man’s Noose. As an aside, Judy never tries to figure out “whodunit” when she reads a mystery herself! She just loves to read, and loves the ride. Last year, after the launch of Hanged Man’s Noose, Judy and her mystery debut were featured in the Briar Crier. After that appearance she received invitations to speak at book clubs, and got to know Alliston and its book lovers a little better. Her second novel, Skeletons in the Attic, has just been released. Judy’s multi-faceted website and blog are devoted to her fellow authors and their books, not just her own work. Judy features new launches, and does interviews with other authors. “Writing is about community too,” Judy says. She believes in giving back, and paying forward, and believes in her fellow writers’ dreams as much as in her own. Like any author, Judy would love to hit the New York Times Best Sellers list, but she knows the road from here to there is a rocky one for most writers. She has a firm code of willingness, cooperation and availability to her fellow authors. Listening to her share honestly about her career path and her own breaks, both bad and good, it’s clear that Judy acts with integrity on her own beliefs. “If you ride the elevator to the top, you have an obligation to send it back down,” Judy says, when the discussion turns to support for struggling authors trying to break in. “Never forget where you came from” is her motto. She’s liberal with free advice, mentoring, and kindness. She agrees that mystery authors, especially, have a true brother-and-sisterhood, and seem more likely to lift each other up than to be competitive. And she finds that mystery readers have a fabulous collective of fans, both eager to read, and eager to get to know their authors. ALLISTON APPLIANCE REPAIR ‘At Your Service!’ Installation of Washers • Dryers • Refrigerators • Ranges Microwaves • Dishwashers 10% Discount for Briars’ Residents For Quality Service call 705.627.1166 Massage Therapist Michel Bullock Registered Massage Therapist 10+ years experience By appointment only In-home T 705.250.0119 massage available C 416.433.5864 That suits Judy fine. There’s an obvious realistic confidence and determination when she talks about her current projects and her goals for the future. She’s enjoying every minute of living in this beautiful Alliston community and feels fortunate to write in such a supportive and tranquil setting. Get to know Judy, her books, and her fellow authors’ books at, and watch for the latest Briar Crier giveaway of Judy’s latest novel, Skeletons in the Attic (Imajin Books, 2016), in the October edition of the Briar Crier. KINGSDOWN Live life well rested 1 Victoria Street West In the Heart of Downtown Alliston 705.435.9777 The Briar Crier can be viewed online at BRIARCRIER.CA September 2016 23 JUST FOR FUN! September 2016 Edited by Margie E. Burke Difficulty : Easy HOW TO SOLVE: by Margie E. Burke 6 15 17 18 21 24 25 31 38 39 7 8 9 27 28 36 41 43 29 34 45 48 49 53 54 57 58 62 63 59 64 66 67 68 69 70 71 50 55 60 65 Copyright 2016 by The Puzzle Syndicate 54 Reverse, e.g. 56 Brahman, for one 58 Undertake, with "out" 60 "Them" 61 Churchgoing region 64 Tonsil neighbor 66 Motionless 67 Kind of rug 68 No-frills 69 Desideratum 70 Film unit 71 Respecting DOWN 1 Chelsea chip 2 Hullabaloo 3 Horrify 4 "Get it?" 5 Starter starter? 6 Poke full of holes 7 Cain raiser 8 Open tract 9 Accustom (to) 10 ___ reflection 11 Weather prediction 12 Determined effort 13 "The Catcher in the ___" 19 Milk producer 22 Introduction 25 Common allergen 27 Band follower? 28 Daily delivery 30 Cousin of a gull 32 Give credence 34 Ballpark snack 37 Leave 38 Tobacco wad 39 "Law & Order" subject 40 Willing 41 Auction cry 44 Lacking value 48 Celebratory 49 Just say no 50 China clay 53 Hinder, legally 55 Change, chemically 57 Coaster 59 Orchestral heavyweight 61 Coal holder 62 Before, of yore 63 Nautical term 65 Heflin or Johnson See Page 27 for Crossword answers 24 September 2016 30 42 47 ACROSS 1 Hardly refined 6 Where heroes are made 10 Conniver 14 Currency of India 15 Flat 16 Insignificant 17 Drive forward 18 High society 20 Place for sweaters? 21 Winter bug 23 Dentist's directive 24 Cheap magazine 26 Nail polish 29 Skimmer, e.g. 31 Neighbor of Poland 33 Potato topper 35 Bucko 36 Stain 38 Soft fabric 42 Speaker's spot 43 Target directly 45 Atlantic catch 46 Correct 47 Actor's filmography, e.g. 51 Come out on top 52 Confused 13 37 44 61 12 23 33 40 11 19 22 26 52 10 16 32 51 Copyright 2016 by The Puzzle Syndicate Solution to Sudoku: 5 46 No cheating! J 4 14 56 3 35 2 20 The Crossword 1 STORY The Secret Life of Potatoes by Joyce Ernyes I t was a hot and humid August afternoon in the potato field. Tater could feel the earth begin to tremble ever so slightly.The vibrations increased rapidly until they were directly overhead. The noise was unbearable. Suddenly, Tater and his family were scooped from the womb of the cool dark earth. He had been warned that this day would come. He was now airborne and the bright afternoon sunshine hurt his sensitive eyes. He rolled and bounced as he made contact with the moving object that was the source of the noise. Little Tater, as he was known in the hill, was terrified. He was a mere six inches in circumference –– the smallest of his family of five. His brothers Spud, Chip and Couch were much larger and sister Idaho had a whopping eleven inch waistline. Spud and Chip had been used repeatedly for replanting, as they had an abundance of big eyes that sprouted easily. They were also bullies. They would tell horrific stories of how uncle Russet was baked in a hot oven for over an hour before he was eaten. An aunt had been fried in oil and salt and vinegar were put on her wounds. Spud and Chip would laugh when Tater and Idaho tried to bury themselves deeper into the earth to escape the sound of their taunting voices. Couch paid little attention to their stories, preferring to laze around and wait for the next shot of fertilizer to sustain his energy. The ten weeks Tater had spent underground had passed slowly. Idaho had kept a close eye on him, reassuring him frequently that life above ground was not as bad as Spud and Chip had made it out to be. She too had been replanted frequently and knew no other life, but she regaled Tater with lovely accounts of other family members being made into delicious potato salads or better still, mashed potatoes to accompany a festive turkey for a special occasion. She was cautious The Briar Crier can be viewed online at BRIARCRIER.CA September 2016 25 Lifestyle BDO Canada LLP Chartered Accountants and Advisors Glenn Ventrcek 169 Dufferin St. S., Unit 13 Alliston T. 705.435.5585 E. CPA, CA Partner website. Tater finally came to rest on a flat surface that was no longer moving. It seemed like he had been tumbling for hours in and out of large bins with thousands of other potatoes. He slowly opened his eyes and gazed around. He was in a cooler area and the light was less intense. He called out for Idaho, but got no response. “Spud, Chip, Couch!” he yelled . The only sound he heard was the hum of the large overhead fans. Tears filled his eyes. “Hello!” said a nearby potato in a soft voice he did not recognize FREE Delivery, Setup & Removal of Replaced Product “Are you t-t-t-talking to me?” said Tater furniture & appliance ltd Authorized Dealer for 43 Victoria Street West La-Z Boy Serving Green Briar & Briar Hill since 1983 Frigidaire not to mention the possibility that he could be blended into an unrecognizable liquid while sharing a pot with the arch enemy Leek. Downtown Alliston Alliston’s Complete Furniture, Appliance & Electronics Store Whirlpool & KitchenAid “Yes! I am two potatoes above you and a bit to your left,” said the voice. “I’m all alone and you seem to be also. What is your name?” “I’m T-t-t-tater he said through his sobs. “W-h-ho are you?” “My name is Peel. You look different, are you a white potato?” “I don’t know” said Tater, now in more control of his voice. “I’m a new potato. Are you a different colour?” Panasonic Brentwood Décor Rest 705 • 435 • 5678 | “I’m a red potato, but I don’t see any other potatoes like me. I must have fallen through the rollers above because of my small size.” Tater managed to position one of his eyes in her direction. Her wee face peered back at him. He couldn’t believe his eye! She was the most beautiful potato he had ever seen. Her D O www.movingsenior s. 26 September 2016 lovely red skin was smooth and she had large wide set eyes. It was the proverbial love at first sight for both Tater and Peel. As fate would have it, the following day when the grading process began by the morning crew, their size dictated that they were too small to be bagged for sale to grocery stores but were too large for French cuisine requirements. They were therefore tossed into the seed potato bin for replanting. Tater and Peel were henceforth inseparable and were planted together the following spring. They produced an abundance of little tubers with light pink skins, thus creating a new variety of potato that became known as Desiree. P The inspector was examining the pistol. "Officer, you say the woman plugged her husband at close range." Physiotherapy • Registered Massage Therapy • Chiropractic • Low Intensity Laser Therapy • Acupuncture • Orthotics • Personal Fitness Training Experienced in treating sports related injuries, arthritic conditions, motor vehicle injuries, postoperative joint replacements, general sprains and strains, low back and neck pain, and headaches. 2 LOCATIONS IN ALLISTON 27 Victoria Street East 15 Young Street 705.434.0645 705.435.5153 "Yes, sir." The inspector looked down at the body. August 2016 "Are there any powder marks?" The Officer replied, "Yes, sir. That's shy she blew him away." CROSSWORD ANSWERS Solution to Crossword: S W I S S A C I D T B A R C A R A T C O D A H I R E A G A V E T R E Y U P O N T A R S E E P E N O R N R E O T S T A R A F I G I E S A L B E D R E F B L S A R T I C M A K E W M A T E Y R A P R O S I N S P T A R O L A P P E D N O E G R G A T E D A R I G E C L A N T E E W E L A N T I T O A B U T L I M E R M A L U I L E E E S E N O R T R A T E O W E R P A P A I R I S C E D E The Briar Crier can be viewed online at BRIARCRIER.CA September 2016 27 28 September 2016 25 26 10:00 am Yoga LL 10:00 am Board Meeting ER 11:30 am Ladies Duffers Luncheon GR 1:00 pm Arts & Crafts LL 1:00 pm Canasta Cards LL 3:00 pm Table Tennis LL 7:00 pm Wizard Cards LL 7:00 pm Poker ER 27 9:00 am Peer Learning ER 9:30 am Carefirst Ex. LL 11:30 am NLGA Closing Lunch GR/Kitchen 1:00 pm Bid Euchre LL 3:00 pm NLGA Exec Mtg ER 6:30 pm Shuffleboard LL 28 8:00 am CCBH LL 9:30 am Dance Fit GR 1:00 pm Bridge ER 3:00 pm Chess 7:00 pm Mixed Euchre LL 7:00 pm Pool LL 7:00 pm Ladies Poker ER 21 9:30 am Dance Fit LL 12:00 pm NMGA Resident Mixed GR/Kitchen 1:00 pm Bridge ER 3:00 pm Chess 7:00 pm Ladies Euchre LL 7:00 pm Pool LL 7:00 pm Ladies Poker ER This calendar is subject to change. Check the website at for updates. 2:00 pm Movie in the Lounge 20 9:00 am Peer Learning ER 9:00 am Art Lessons LL 9:30 am Carefirst Ex. GR 1:00 pm Bid Euchre LL 3:00 pm NLGA Ex Mtg ER 6:30 pm Shuffleboard LL 29 9:30 am Carefirst Ex GR 11:00 am Yoga LL 12:00 pm Belles of the Ridge Lunch ER 3:00 pm TG Phase Mtg ER 7:00 pm Dup Bridge LL 7:00 pm Ph 2 Condo Board Mtg GR 22 9:30 am Carefirst Ex GR 11:00 am Yoga GR 7:00 pm Dup Bridge LL 15 9:30 am Carefirst Ex GR 11:00 am Yoga GR 7:00 pm Dup Bridge LL 19 10:00 am Yoga GR 1:00 pm Arts & Crafts LL 1:00 pm Canasta Cards LL 3:00 pm Table Tennis LL 7:00 pm Travelogue GR 7:00 pm Wizard Cards LL 7:00 pm Poker ER 14 9-11 am and 4-6 pm Ticket Sales – Mysteriously Yours & Halloween (4pm includes GB) LG 9:30 am Dance Fit LL 1:00 pm Bridge ER 3:00 pm NMGA Briar Cup Final GR/Kitchen 3:00 pm Chess 7:00 pm Mixed Euchre LL 7:00 pm Pool LL 7:00 pm Ladies Poker ER 18 13 9:00 am Art Lessons LL 9:30 am Carefirst Ex. GR 10:00-Noon am Trivia Night Ticket Sales LG 12:00 pm Phase 2 Ladies Book Club ER 1:00 pm Bid Euchre LL 6:30 pm Shuffleboard LL 12 10:00 am Yoga GR 1:00 pm Arts & Crafts LL 1:00 pm Canasta Cards LL 3:00 pm Table Tennis LL 6:00 pm Phase 5 AGM GR 7:00 pm Wizard Cards LL 7:00 pm Poker ER 11 7 9:30 am Dance Fit GR 1:00 pm Bridge ER 3:00 pm Chess 7:00 pm Ladies Euchre LL 7:00 pm Pool LL 7:00 pm Ladies Poker ER Thursday 8 9:30 am Carefirst Ex CANCELLED 11:00 am Yoga GR 7:00 pm Dup Bridge LL 6 9-11 am and 4-6 pm Ticket Sales – Mysteriously Yours & Halloween LG 9:00 am Art Lessons LL 9:30 am Carefirst Ex CANC 1:00 pm Bid Euchre LL 3:00 pm NMGA Briar Cup GR/Kitchen 6:30 pm Shuffleboard LL 1 5 LABOUR DAY 10:00 am Yoga CANCELLED 1:00 pm Arts & Crafts LL 1:00 pm Canasta Cards LL CANCELLED 3:00 pm Table Tennis LL 7:00 pm Wizard Cards LL 7:00 pm Poker ER Wednesday 4 Tuesday 11:00 am Yoga GR 7:00 pm Dup Bridge LL Monday ER – East Room GR –Great Room LG – Lounge LL – Lower Level Sunday Friday 30 9:00 am Fitness w/Alex GR 3:00 pm Table Tennis LL 7:00 pm Bid Euchre LL 23 9:00 am Fitness w/Alex GR 3:00 pm Table Tennis LL 7:00 pm Bid Euchre LL 16 9:00 am Fitness w/Alex LL 1:00 pm High Tea/Fashion Show GR/Kit/ER 3:00 pm Table Tennis LL 7:00 pm Bid Euchre LL 9 9:00 am Fitness w/Alex LL 3:00 pm Table Tennis LL 3:00 pm Vistas III Golf BBQ Patio/ER 3:00 pm NMGA Briar Cup Gr/Kitchen 7:00 pm Bid Euchre LL 9:00 am Fitness w/Alex GR 9:30 am Carefirst Ex CANCELLED 3:00 pm Table Tennis LL 7:00 pm Bid Euchre LL 2 Calendar provided by the Briar Hill Community Centre (page sponsored by the Briar Crier) The Briar Hill Community Centre is open daily from 8am - 11pm Administrative Office hours are Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 9am - 3pm Telephone 705-435-8066 E-mail Website BRIAR HILL Community Centre Calendar Saturday 24 7:00 pm Wine Tasting GR/ER/Kit 17 7:00 pm HAWAIIN NIGHT DANCE GR/ER/Kitchen 7:00 pm Movie in the Lounge 10 4:00 pm Phase 4 BBQ Patio (LL if rain) 3 Around the Briars COMMUNITY CALENDARS THESE COMMUNITY CENTRE EVENTS ARE FOR BRIARS RESIDENTS AND THEIR GUESTS ONLY THESE COMMUNITY CENTRE EVENTS ARE FOR BRIARS RESIDENTS AND THEIR GUESTS ONLY GREEN BRIAR Community Centre Calendar GBCC Administrative Office Hours are Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday 9am to 12pm Telephone Peta Christen 705-435-2345 / E-mail This Calendar is provided by the Green Briar Community Centre (Page sponsored by the Briar Crier) SUNDAY 4 MONDAY TUESDAY 5 6 7:00 Bid Euchre 12 Private Function 7:00 GBCA 18 19 7 THURSDAY 14 2 3 8 9 10 TERRY CONNOLLY 7:00 7:00 Phase 11 AGM 15 26 7:00 Movie Night 7:00 Camera Club SUNDAY MONDAY 8:30-10:15 Table Tennis 10:30-11:30 Carefirst Exercise 10:30-1:00 Scrabble Club (office) 1:00 Duplicate Bridge 17 16 7:00 PUB NIGHT (Live music) 20 21 22 7:00 Phase 12 AGM 25 SATURDAY 1 4:00 Phase 5 Social 13 FRIDAY 27 TUESDAY 9:00-9:45 Tai Chi 9:45-10:45 Tai Chi Exercise 10:45-11:45 Carefirst Exercise 28 29 WEEKLY EVENTS WEDNESDAY 8:30-10:15 Table Tennis 10:30-11:30 Carefirst Exercise 23 24 7:00 Phase 15 AGM OKTOBERFEST 6:00 30 THURSDAY 8:15-9:45 Coffee Club 9:45-10:45 Tai Chi Exercise 10:45-11:45 Carefirst Exercise FRIDAY 8:30-10:15 Table Tennis 10:30-12:30 Computer Club 1:30 Improver Line Dancing (Experienced Beginners) 12:00 Quilting Bees 1:00 Crafts 1:00 Line Dancing 7:00 Bridge 7:00 Bingo 7:00 Euchre 7:00 Jam Sessions SPECIAL NOTES: Phase 12 AGM pre-empts Bid Euchre on 19th September Phase 11 and Phase 15 pre-empt Jammers on the 9th and the 23rd of September September 2016 11 WEDNESDAY SATURDAY 8:30 Green Briar Chorus A M P M THE MONTH AHEAD: Car Rally Sunday, October 2 Phase 13 AGM October 3 Phase 14 AGM October 4 Phase 9 AGM October 13 Phase 14 AGM October 14 Phase 2 AGM October 19 Phase 6 AGM October 24 The Briar Crier can be viewed online at BRIARCRIER.CA September 2016 29 Around the Briars SATURDAY OCTOBER 22, 2016 COME ON OUT AND SOLVE THE MURDER! TICKETS $50.00 INCLUDES DINNER/DESSERT B.Y.O.B. r each ut-maneuve ited, o s n o ti c fa l g, as riva eing recru ar is brewin urce. New Spies are b . W ld o C w “A ne celess reso pper hand trol of a pri ce, and establish the u d’s greatest n o c r fo r e oth e worl telligen to gather in g, James Bond and th in te train nts return to To Facilita Secret Age Now!” Tickets on sale at BHCC TO Briar Hill Residents (4 per resident) Tuesday Sept 6th: 9am-11am / 4pm-6pm Wednesday Sept 14th: 9am-11am Open to Briar Hill, Green Briar and Guests Wednesday, Sept 14th: 4pm-6pm After September 14th, please contact Sue at 905-717-2717 Featuring ..Enroll Spy School. Doors Open 6PM / Dinner 6:30PM TRIVIA NIGHT Tuesday, October 4th, STARTS 6:45pm Briar Hill Community Centre, Great Room Open to ALL BH & GB Residents Only Reserve a table for 8 or join one and make new friends! Tickets on sale @ the BHCC Tuesday, September 13th from 10-12am $5 per person BYOB, glasses, ice & a snack for your table Get your t hinking cap on! media 30 September 2016 Poster designed & donated by Margravine Media CONGRATULATIONS to Leona and Bill Menary of Parkdale Drive in Green Briar who recently celebrated their 50th Wedding Anniversary with a gathering of many family members and friends. Mark your Calendar for Pub Night at the Green Briar Community Centre, bi-monthly on the 3rd Friday of every other month at 7pm 2016: September 16 & November 18 LIVE ENTERTAINMENT! The Briar Crier can be viewed online at BRIARCRIER.CA September 2016 31 Around the Briars INDEPENDENT NURSING CONSULTANTS Respite and Family Home Care Needs Nursing and Senior Services Trusted In-Home Care Including Running Errands, Companionship, Meal Preparation, Light Housekeeping, etc. Improve the quality of life for you and your family with our personalized care to fit your needs FOR A FREE CONSULTATION CALL Kara Northgrave Office 705-434-9016 Cell RN 705-309-5618 E-WASTE RECYCLING YOU CAN DROP OFF ALL YOUR UNWANTED ELECTRONICS • Computers • Monitors • CPU’s • Keyboards • Printers • Scanners • Fax Machines • Photocopiers • TV’s • DVD Players • CD Players ALLISTON: 239 Church St S 705-435-0336 • All profits help Habitat for Humanity build affordable housing in our community. Publication of the Community Centre Calendars and pages in Around the Briars, as well as the Keeping in Touch section and Bargain Market, are sponsored by the Publisher, Margravine Media, and supported by the businesses who advertise in this magazine. To submit information for publication in the Briar Crier, please see the Editor's Page. The Briar Crier is delivered to residents via Canada Post. Copies are also available in the Mail Room in Green Briar and at the Community Centre in Briar Hill. The magazine can be viewed online at 32 September 2016 GREEN BRIAR TELEPHONE DIRECTORY To obtain a copy of the Green Briar Telephone Directory, place $5 in an envelope bearing your name, address, and phone number, and leave it in the porch mailbox at 84 Green Briar Road. Hille will contact you when your copy is ready for pick-up. To make changes to your listing or if you want to be added to the directory, please phone Valerie Tripp at 705-435-2756. Get the best GIC rates! Juliane Goyette Financial Advisor HollisWealth® Advisory Services Inc. 23 Victoria Street West, Alliston 705-435-5598 Custom Home Sewing ELIZABETH WARDROP Draperies, Blinds, Pillows and more T:705 458 9468 C:705 734 6864 Tickets on sale at BHCC to Briar Hill Residents (4 per resident) MAXIMUM 8 GUESTS PER TABLE Tuesday, October 4th 9AM-11AM / 4PM-6PM Wednesday, October 12th 9AM - 11AM Open to Briar Hill Green Briar and Guests Wednesday, October 12th 4PM-6PM After October 12th Please call Sue 905-717-2717 The Briar Crier can be viewed online at BRIARCRIER.CA September 2016 33 Around the Briars Thirsty Thursdays” Wine Appreciation Club Wine is nectar for a sweet life Wine is an ancient drink with a noble history. Grapes that are among the nobility have unique features that are the same regardless of whether they are grown in France, California or Australia. These noble grapes make wine from all price points, and from entry level wines to the highest quality. It’s commonly believed that older wines are better, which may be true for some wines, but not most. Most red wines usually peak a few years after bottling and only a few white wines improve with age, though sweet white wines can last for years. The key factor to wine longevity is the balance of fruit and acid, as well as tanning for red. There is only one wine in the world that could live forever – Madeira, which is the longest living wine today because of its unique semipasteurization process. Wine, like most other creations of Mother Nature, has a lifespan and a peak of excellence. Ninety-five percent of wines are made to be consumed young. The remaining five percent are age-worthy and will improve over time – just like people. Many people believe that expensive wines are better. The price, however, is often an indication of limited availability and/or creative marketing. The measure of value ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY! FAST DRYING • DISINFECTS & DEODORIZES NO SOAPY RESIDUE • DUPONT TEFLON PROTECTION Carpets, Boats, RV’s, Mattresses, Leather Cleaning CARPET AND UPHOLSTERY CLEANING Dry cleaning results in a Carpet Cleaning System! Matt Garraway 705.739.0822 (C: 705.529.2935) BONDED & INSURED Serving Green Briar & Briar Hill Residents Since 1996 34 September 2016 is the sensual pleasure that a wine is able to deliver. September Theme: The Noble Whites At the “Thirsty Thursday” September Club meeting this month, we are going to explore the Whites: noble grape varieties of Riesling, Sauvignon Blanc and Chardonnay. Wines picked for September tasting are: • A dry Riesling from Australia, • A sweet Riesling from Germany, • A Sauvignon Blanc from New Zealand, • A Sancerre and Chablis from France, • And oaked Chardonnay from California. Wine Appreciation Club members meet on September 15 from 8 to 10pm at BHCC. We have only 5 seats left. Please, call me at 416-420-0725 or e-mail Join us to share experience. Cheers! Lina Nurses' Fall Luncheon Wednesday, October 12, 12:30pm at the Briar Hill Community Centre If you are a new resident in Briar Hill or Green Briar and a nurse, please contact Lorrie Quinn 705-250-2035 and she will add you to the list! Over 80 nurses attended last year. This year, our speaker will be Darla Smith who will speak on the topic of organizing. Tickets are $30 each and will be on sale from September 6th to 30th. Contact the following: Briar Hill Pat Piper 705-250-3232 Lorrie Quinn 705-250-2035 Green Briar: Anna Arblaster 705-435-9222 Mary Funston 705-435-3929 Sandy McNab 705-434-9430 KEEPING IN TOUCH RESIDENT MESSAGES 50 word maximum Sympathy Deepest sympathy is offered to Janis Simpson of Parkdale Drive in Green Briar on the death of her husband Bruce on July 14th. Thanks My heartfelt thanks to all my friends and neighbours for your overwhelming support shown to me with food, cards and condolences in the passing of Evelyn, my wife of 59 years. Your words of sympathy will be long remembered and appreciated by myself and my family. Eugene Walden, Briar Hill window lms help you keep your cool! protect your furniture and ooring from fading? reduce rising energy costs? Contact us today! After the passing of my wife, Irene Blayney, I have experienced much support and many kind gestures from Briar Hill neighbours and friends. It was comforting to hold a Celebration of Irene's life and have so many of you show up to speak with our family members about your connections with Irene. Thanks for being so supportive. Sincerely, Gord Blayney Wayne and I would like to thank the many people from the Briars who came to my rescue after a very bad fall. The calls, food, goodies, and cards were very much appreciated and your support and kindness will never be forgotten. We do not realize how blessed we are to be living in this community until something happens like this. Marilyn Byron" Are you thinking about window lm for your home to Living with, working with, and serving the people of New Tecumseth since May, 2000. PT PRO TRADE PLUMBING HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING ! • • • • Air Conditioning Furnace Fireplace Sales and Service The Briar Crier can be viewed online at BRIARCRIER.CA September 2016 35 Marketplace BARGAIN MARKET FREE TO BRIARS' RESIDENTS REALTY INC. BROKERAGE Independently owned & operated Office: 705-739-1000 | Toll Free: 855-458-9905 | Fax: 705-739-1002 Are you thinking of Buying or Selling? Are you curious what your home is worth? Then call me today for your FREE, no obligation, Market Evaluation of your home! With over 31 years experience in Real Estate, I can help make your Real Estate dreams come true! LAURA-JEAN DAWE Sales Representative Direct: 705-734-5730 Steam Cleaning of Carpet • Upholstery • Area Rugs Repairs to all makes and models of vacuums Authorized BEAM Built-in Vacuum Systems Dealer Approved Broan-Nutone Repair Centre 705-435-7457 cell 705-791-4893 70 Banting Drive, Alliston www.CrownCarpet Shaw Natural Gas Lines BBQ Hook-ups Water Softeners For Quality Service call 30 word maximum WANTED for Canadians facing their first winter: Ladies gently used winter coats & sweaters (sz small). Phone Karen, 705-434-0822 or e-mail For Sale Briar Hill (Napa Ridge) resident needs replacement floor tiles ("Limestone Gold" 13X13): Will pay for them. Please e-mail Mavis at mtrivett@ or phone 705-435-9457. Briar Hill Resident Moving Fall’ 2016. For Sale: Indoor and outdoor furniture, electronics, small appliances, dinnerware & and collectibles. For a list/picture of items, please call 647-267-4979 leaving your contact information. Electric Wheel Chair (Jazzy Select 6 ultra) complete with owners manual. Pride Mobility. Purchased price $4,695. Will sell for $800 FIRM. Contact Elizabeth at 705-717-2400 Genie Singer Portable Zig Zag Sewing Machine Model 354. $100 or Best Offer. Call Jean 705-434-0534. 4 brand new Nexen Winter Tires on 16" Rims. Never used. Suitable for Nissan. Asking $250. Call 1-905-868-0705. Selection of assorted, previously viewed DVD Movies, including Animation, & Children's Movies. $2 each. Call Barrie: 705-434-3071. Darrin Alliston 705.627.1166 36 September 2016 (personal items only - some limitations apply) E-mail your ad to or phone 705-434-4569 57 pieces Royal Albert Lavender Rose China. 8 place settings w coffee mugs, sugar, creamer, gravy boat & stand, lge meat platter. Value $1500. Asking $600. Also, Model 514 Singer Sewing Machine, recently serviced. Good shape.$65 OBO. 705-434-9777 1) Never used Weiser Touchpad Keyless door entry $125 (reg $184) still in the box with instructions. 2) 6 Pimpernel Traditional Placemats $60 (reg $120); 3) Lazer level $40. 5) Digital caliper. Best Offers! Call Andrea 705-250-0266 CLASSIFIED ADS PAID ADVERTISING E-mail or phone 705-434-4569 Hiring a Contractor/Service Provider? Know your rights and what to ask a contractor when starting home renovations or repairs Consumer Protection Ontario Grant J. Drury 519 Victoria Street East, Alliston 705.435.3535 • NEW THIS MONTH Low inventory... HELP! I have buyers looking for the following models with or without loft: Vermeer, Matisse, or DaVinci. Also, a Bottecelli, Dali or Bellini with walk out. If you are thinking about moving, please contact me asap. Wendy Small, Royal LePage RCR Realty 905-724-0717 / Fort Lauderdale Condo Room available to rent bi-monthly: Near beaches, restaurants and shopping. Ideal for one or two females. Owners are Briar residents. Call 705-250-0688. Certified Nursing Foot Care: Advanced & Diabetic foot care, +corns +calluses +in-grown nails. In-Home Service. CCAC & Veteran Approved provider. Fixed fees for life. Call Carol Gagnon, 705-434-0017. always well done Shawn Weldon 705-440-0716 Repairs and Renovations Flooring Painting Drywall Decks Fences Sheds Kitchens Bathrooms Basements Drive home the savings. Car and home combo. Combine your homeowners and car policies and save big-time. Get to a better State®. Get State Farm®. CALL ME TODAY. 705-435-1434 Depta Insurance Agency Inc Norm L. Depta, Agent 22 Church St S, Alliston W State Farm branded policies are underwritten by Certas Home and Auto Insurance Company. State Farm and related trademarks and logos are registered trademarks owned by State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance, used under licence by Certas Home and Auto Insurance Company. ® PERSONAL SERVICES 1201717 CN.1 CLEANING, PERSONAL CARE, HOUSE SITTING The Foot Pixie: In-home foot care service for Diabetics, Mature Clients and feet of all ages. Call Leanne Kyselka at 705-435-4511. Certified Master Pedicurist. Certified Esthetician. Briar Hill House Watch: Services include scheduled visits, mail pick-up, plant care, cat sitting. Residents serving Briar Hill for 15 years. Cathy Morden 705-435-4159 Studio 4C: Newly located in Green Briar! Offers dressmaking and custom design of ladies wear. Also available; alterations of men's and ladies wear. Call Nora at 416-854-5179 for an appointment. used under Walker Works decorating Painting & Res. 705-435-0632 Cell 705-733-7831 Beth Walker 83 Nelson St. W. Alliston, ON L9R 1H1 Jewellery: Beautiful costume jewellery at affordable prices. Contact Anna at 647-922-7985. The Briar Crier can be viewed online at BRIARCRIER.CA September 2016 37 Marketplace / Ever Think a Funeral Could Look Like This? Today, funerals & memorials are focused on celebrating lives well lived. We’re accomodating this trend with: Outdoor Garden Patio l Indoor Reception Facility l Personalized Celebrations l l l Beverage Licenses Catering Services Learn more about our services or how to pre-plan your own celebration. c 705-435-5101 Honouring Memories & Celebrating Lives Well Lived 244 Victoria Street East, Alliston, ON L9R 1V6 CLASSIFIED ADS (Continued) Andrea Freeman-Day, Recreation Therapist for the Older Adult: Senior Companion, Educated, 16 years experience, Insured, References, Exercise at home, Shopping, Errands, Medical Appointments and Assistance with meals. VAC Approved. Lives in the Briars. Husband, Fred, available for Painting Projects, Handyman work, Airport Shuttle, and Hospital Appointments. 705-828-0720. Anti-aging Skincare: Interested in sampling Nerium's night cream for FREE! Our products are plant-based and have natural ingredients. Nerium will change the tone & texture of your skin, shrink your pores, lighten age spots, and reduce fine lines and wrinkles. Contact Anna at 647-922-7985 G M Ideal Sitting - Home & Pets: We also provide dog walking. Briars' Resident. 705-435-4305 38 September 2016 'Scrap Hound' - Clean-up, Recycling, Pick-up: I will pick up large items; e.g., metal recycling (including appliances), furniture, and anything electrical (TVs, stereos, etc.), and clean up your garage/yard. Call Greg at 705-716-5886. Cleaning services provided in your neighbourhood: Years of experience references available. Call for a quote. Dianne 705-309-1077. House Cleaning: Dependable and very thorough, 10 years Briar Resident Experience. References. Your Home is my Home. Kathleen, 705-434-1758 Non-toxic, truly economical laundry and household cleaners; Shaklee, since 1956 - Featured on Oprah: Pennies to use; less recycling in your blue bin. Free sample. 30-day guarantee. Free delivery in Alliston. Call Diane, 416-882-9186 / web MISCELLANEOUS Wanted: Antique & used furniture, scrap gold & silver, costume jewellery, watches, wooden boxes, crates, chests, antique tools, advertising signs. John, 705-737-1466. Briar Handy Man: Deck staining and repair, driveway and patio paving, stone repair and weed extraction, landscaping, interior and exterior paint, carpentry, storage/closet solutions and general repairs or help around the house. E-mail / phone 705-435-4240 Residents with walkout decks: Metal waterproof ceiling, Sec 98 Approved, 100% guarantee. For quotation, call Ted at 416-706-9327. NOTTAWASAGA VALLEY VETERINARY HOSPITAL Dr. Angela Halbert & Associates Complete Care for Companion and Pocket Pets, including a House Call Service Veterinary Spinal Manipulative Therapy available by appointment with Dr. Laura Whiting on Mon and Tues Out of Hours Telephone Consultation 6437 14th Line, Alliston 705-434-2226 Cookstown Pharmasave It’s past midnight and you are in an emergency. It is critical for your care to know the medications you are taking. Don’t have your list? No problem with Pharmasave’s eCare! Like online banking, your medical information is just a click away! Safe, secure and with many other features including eRefills and health information. Register for eCare with your Pharmasave Pharmacist Today! Pharmacist today! Cookstown Pharmasave now offers an in-store foot care clinic once monthly! • Assess patient’s feet, medical history • Cut and file toenails • Treat ingrown toenails, corns, calluses and fungal nails • Moisturize the skin • Document/chart patient’s progress • Refer to other healthcare professional, if required Call to book your appointment today! Cookstown Pharmasave is proud to present The Ideal Protein Weight Loss Method Email to book an appointment! Swellingankles ankles legs? Swelling or or legs? Varicose veins? Cory, our Sigvaris stocking fitter can help. GIVE CORY A CALL. let’s talk about… medication manager ® Safe. Accurate. Simple. Proven. Effective. Efficient. Convenient. Helpful. Practical. It’s managing your medication made easy. Seniors’ Day Every Wednesday (65 and over) 10% Off store wide Some restrictions apply see store for details. Cookstown Pharmasave 52 Queen Street, Unit 2, Cookstown Phone 705-458-1292 Email The Briar Crier can be viewed online at BRIARCRIER.CA September 2016 39 By Land South Africa plus Victoria Falls and Chobe February 1 or March 1, 2017 • 23 Days Sri Lanka and Dubai February 13, 2017 • 19 Days Holy Land Pilgrimage February 16 & March 5, 2017 • 13 or 14 Days Costa Rica, Natural Wonders February 20 & March 20, 2017 • 15 Days By Sea Far East Explorer Holland America • ms Volendam February 11, 2017 • 18 Days Caribbean Odyssey Holland America • ms Koningsdam February 19 or March 1, 2017 • 11, 12 or 22 Days Incan Empires Holland America • ms Maasdam February 22 or March 8, 2017 • 17 or 31 Days By River Venice and the Lagoon Islands Bologna, Verona and Lake Garda May 7, 2017 • 11 Days Waterways of the Netherlands Including Keukenhof Gardens Amsterdam Roundtrip May 8, 2017 • 9 Days The Loire Royal Legacy Paris, Nantes and the Loire Valley May 16, 2017 • 14 Days Exceeding expectations everywhere we go! Contact us for your FREE Brochure. 1092 Mt. Pleasant Rd. Toronto, ON M4P 2M6 1-800-387-8890 • • Have You Heard? hearing sciences Aud iolog y and Hear i ng A id Cent re Complimentary Hearing Tests (55+) 180 Parsons Road Suite 24, Alliston Phone/Fax: 705-435-4356 The first step to better hearing is a hearing test! Specialists in the new “open fit” hearing aids. • Hearing tests • Hearing aids - counselling and evaluations • Hearing aid repairs • TV and phone accessories • Custom noise protection, swim plugs, musician’s plugs and sleep plugs Call HEARING SCIENCES at 705-435-4356 for an appointment. No referral is required. HOURS Mon - Wed: 9:00 am to 1:00 pm Thurs: 8:30 am to 5:00 pm It continues to be our pleasure to care for all your hearing healthcare needs! Janice Cockburn, Au.D., Reg. CASLPO Doctor of Audiology Terri-Lee McKibbon, Office Manager
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