January 2016 Chamber Chronicle
January 2016 Chamber Chronicle
2015-2016 BOARD Lindsay Chism, Chair Soaring Events & Marketing Ruth Girón, Imm. Past Chair URENCO USA Bobby Shaw, Past Chair Bobby Shaw Realty Cindy Bryan, Treasurer RPC CPAs & Consultants Jayson Kringel, Secretary Lea County State Bank Scotty Holloman, Counsel Maddox, Holloman & Moran Shannon Bush Lea Regional Medical Center Josh Grassham Hobbs Jaycees Sunita Sailor Zia Park Casino Racetrack Hotel Elijah Taylor Lea County Septic Tank Svc Daniel Veloz Tate Branch Auto Group Chamber Chronicle January 2016 Hobbs feBREWary fest: Ways members can par cipate If you have seen the Facebook event page of the “Hobbs feBREWary fest,” you know we’ve created a buzz with the debut of this event. With such incredible momentum, we want to offer to our members op‐ portuni es to par cipate in this event. First, purchase admission, and you’ll receive a wristband that will allow you to taste the variety of brews and wines offered by the brew‐ ers and wine growers that coming from all over New Mexico. You’ll also receive a wine glass and pint glass. come, first‐served basis. Third, we’re looking for sponsors, and we’re offering our sponsors a VIP experience, which will include a pri‐ vate table on the concourse overlook‐ ing the event and demos by the par‐ cipa ng brewers and wine growers. More informa on and registra on for sponsorship appears on Page 3. Second, we want to offer our members informa on booths in the center of the ac on. We’re offering the tradi onal 10‐foot booth stalls at for‐profit and nonprofit rates. A regis‐ tra on form, due Feb. 8, is available on Page 2. Booth spaces are limited in quan ty and will be on a first‐ See our Facebook event page! h p://on. .me/20yzoo0 Order Tickets Online! h p://bit.ly/1Mxi2yf FEBRUARY 20, 2016 NOON—6 P.M. MEMBERS, YOU’RE INVITED! REGISTRATION DUE FEB. 8 FEATURING Tastes and sales of New Mexico’s finest brews and wines Commemorative Glass Live music and ‘Fast and Foodious Food Truck Challenge’ INFORMATION BOOTHS $200 FEE FOR FOR-PROFIT MEMBERS $100 FEE FOR NONPROFIT MEMBERS NOTE: MEMBERSHIP DUES MUST BE CURRENT Fee must be remitted to the Hobbs Chamber before event Set up on the Event Center arena floor Limited spaces — first come, first served No electricity available to information booths SETUP 10’ x 5’ booth stall Doors open for setup at 10:00 a.m. Confirm location with event staff before setup Setup must be complete by 11 a.m. EVENT CONTACT Jessica Olivas (575) 397‐3202 INFO BOOTH REGISTRATION Member Name _____________________________________________________ Informa on/Offering (Items for Sale) _____________________________________________________ Primary Contact _____________________________________________________ Mailing Address _____________________________________________________ State Zip _____________________________________________________ Phone Number _____________________________________________________ Email Address _____________________________________________________ Need Table? _____________________________________________________ Addi onal Notes _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ FEBRUARY 20, 2016 NOON—6 P.M. SPONSORS WANTED! REGISTRATION DUE FEB. 8 FEATURING SPONSOR VIPs Tastes and sales of New Mexico’s finest brews and wines Commemorative Glass Live music and ‘Fast and Foodious Food Truck Challenge’ EVENT CONTACT Jessica Olivas (575) 397‐3202 $1500, due prior to the event Eight wristbands and commemorative beer and wine glasses Private table on the concourse Beer and wine demonstrations Exclusive purchase of reserve labels Banner printed and displayed on concourse railing Doors open to VIPs at noon SPONSOR VIP REGISTRATION Member Name _____________________________________________________ Primary Contact _____________________________________________________ Mailing Address _____________________________________________________ State Zip _____________________________________________________ Phone Number _____________________________________________________ Email Address _____________________________________________________ Addi onal Notes _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ HOBBS CHAMBER RECENTLY CITED Santa Fe New Mexican h p://bit.ly/1YyFVBC Albuquerque Business First h p://bit.ly/1U5AraY Hobbs News‐Sun h p://bit.ly/22q3E6z SAVE THE DATE April 21, 2016 Michael Josephson, the founder of the Josephson Ins tute of Ethics, the Center for Business Ethics and CHARACTER COUNTS!, will lead an Ethics in Business Workshop in Hobbs. Stay tuned for more informa on. Sales, service and installa on of air condi oning and hea ng. Custom sheet metal fabrica on FREE es mates! SPECIALIZING IN YOUR COMFORT FOR MORE THAN 30 YEARS! All of our Business: What the 2016 Session Holds for Employers · Capital Gains Reinvestment Tax Credit: New Mexico businesses need capital, but our tax structure keeps Every January, New Mexico’s legislature convenes for its official business. And by March or April, a new pushing money to other states. ACI is looking at a common sense proposal to encourage—rather than budget, new tax laws, and new regula ons have been punish—investors who sell a company and then rein‐ approved—many of them impac ng New Mexico’s vest those funds in another New Mexico business. businesses, for be er or for worse. · Workers' Compensa on: While some progress was That’s why ACI is at the Roundhouse from the opening minutes of the legisla ve session to the clos‐ made last year in workers' compensa on reform, more issues s ll remain. For example, employers ing gavel. Our member businesses put together a con nue to be held liable when employees are intoxi‐ comprehensive policy agenda that represents the cated when injured on the job. ACI plans to work to needs of the business community, and our govern‐ keep employees safe and accountable by addressing ment affairs team goes to work making sure that your on‐the‐job intoxica on in workers' compensa on needs are heard by your representa ves. law. Here are a few issues that business leaders should · Blocking: Two city council members in Albuquerque be watching: proposed a bill this summer that straps businesses · Unemployment Insurance: Businesses across the with outrageous and costly regula ons, effec vely state have been suffering as their unemployment in‐ taking the right to run one’s own business out of the surance rates spike. ACI is working to make sure that hands of the business owner. This so‐called “Fair employers are given the relief they need, instead of Workweek Act” will result in more rigid schedules, new costs that impede job growth. Because new fewer jobs available, and more challenges for employ‐ costs mean fewer jobs available for New Mexicans, ers and employees alike. ACI will be running a bill to everyone should be speaking up to make sure this block such expensive and overbearing regula ons. issue is addressed soon. These are all reasonable, straigh orward pro‐ · REAL ID: As of January 10, New Mexico is out of posals. And even be er, they come straight from the compliance with the Federal REAL ID Act, with costly real experts: New Mexico’s business leaders. ACI be‐ consequences: interrupted business, bad press for lieves that nobody knows be er how to create jobs investment in New Mexico, and new costs for govern‐ than the people who do it every day. ment contractors. We are con nuing to advocate for a solu on sooner rather than later so New Mexico's economy doesn't suffer a needless setback. The sooner our lawmakers act to put New Mexico in com‐ The Hobbs Chamber of Commerce is a member of the New Mexico Associa on of Commerce & Industry. pliance, the less our state will suffer. By Jason Espinoza, President Commerce Watch Hobbs Building Report—December November Commercial Valua on Total: $741,764 November Residen al Valua on Total: $3,383,008 Source: City of Hobbs Building Services Commerce Watch Unemployment Rate Lea County November 2015 7.0% October 2015 6.9% November 2014 3.9% 0% 1% 2% 3% 4% 5% 6% 7% Gross Receipts Tax Government Distribution City of Hobbs December 2015 (October 2015 sales) $4,675,610 November 2015 (September 2015 sales) $5,069,750 December 2014 (October 2014 sales) $8,713,146 $0 $2,000,000 $4,000,000 $6,000,000 $8,000,000 $10,000,000 Gross Receipts Tax Government Distribution Lea County December 2015 (October 2015 sales) $974,359 November 2015 (September 2015 sales) $1,021,528 December 2014 (October 2014 sales) $1,544,698 $0 $1,000,000 $2,000,000 Hobbs Biz Leads—December New and Revised Business Licenses New AB Kitchen Cabinets 1715 S. Dal Paso (575) 318‐0477 Maeda Bus llos Kitchen Cabinets, Bedroom Sets, etc. ARB Oilfield Repair, LLC. 215 N. Marland (575) 390‐2830 Arturo Ramirez Tire Repair for Oilfield Bamco, Inc.; Smokes 4 Less 2118 N. Truner St. (321) 693‐6227 or (561) 247‐5687 Bamco Inc./Travis Burker Ryo Tobacco Budding Hope, LLC. 301 N. Grimes (575) 447‐1869 or (575) 910‐7127 Mario Gonzales Medical Cannabis C&M Services, LLC 1720 N. Dal Paso, Ste. C (575) 397‐0857 Paul Cowan Oilfield Services Cargile Electric Corpora on 1600 W. Broadway (575) 393‐4414 Zane Cargile Electrical Contractor Crazy Dog Lady Pet Rescue 408 W. Temple Ave. (575) 441‐2087 Timothy C. Stanford Pet Rescue Services‐ Fostering, Rehoming, Rehabilita on, Cleaning, Safety Desert Fox Mobile Bicycle Repair, LLC 702 E. Mesa Dr. (575) 393‐7202 or (575) 631‐7758 John David Megchelsen Bicycle Repair Eagle Donuts 1616 N. Dal Paso St. (575) 964‐3474 Steven Gray Donut Shop Eagle Self Storage 620 E. Navajo Dr. (575) 492‐1530 Eric Eggen Rentals‐ Storage GT Oilfield Services, LLC 1734 N. Grayson (806) 281‐3957 Steven Gonzales Oilfield Services Company Haircut Palace 1526 Yeso Place (575) 605‐5444 Estehla Cas llo Beauty Salon La Villa 701 E. Broadway (806) 241‐1673 Pedro Prado and Yolanda Prado Flea Market Morgan, Ka ebeth Hair We Are! 1007 E. Bender Blvd. (575) 318‐1580 and (575) 393‐2457 Ka ebeth Morgan Cosmetologist Spurlock, April Photography 601 W. Cielo Dr. (575) 631‐9391 April Spurlock Photography United Realty, LLC 3023 N. Grimes (575) 392‐3000 Laura Davis Real Estate Brokerage New Owner Allstate Roofing LLC 1608 N. Steven (505) 345‐0068 James Horner Roofing Custom Welding of Hobbs, Inc. 2536 W. Marland (575) 393‐5904 Kelsy Able and Travis Rice Oilfield Services Palma and Son's Roofing and Construc on 115 E. Skelly St. (575) 631‐5679 Eusebio Palma Roofing and Construc on Sun Spa 819 N. Turner St. (626) 679‐8397 Maoli Tian Health Care‐ Reflexology Change of Address Baca Trucking 905 E. Roxana (575) 441‐8850 Trinidad Baca Trucking Burritos La Flakita 505 E. Scharbauer (575) 602‐9259 Susana Campos Ramos Food‐ Mobile McFadden Proper es 1229 W. Broadway Place (575) 631‐0587 Jennifer McFadden Rental Proper es Southwest Polygraph 3720 W. College Ln. (575) 390‐3502 Robert L. Wa s Polygraph Tes ngs Swafford, Gayla 824 E. Yeso (575) 631‐2724 Gayla Swafford Cosmetologist Source: Hobbs City Clerk’s Office Calendar of Events—February 2016 SEE MEMBER EVENTS AT HOBBSCHAMBER.ORG. POST EVENTS, JOBS AND MORE WITH THE ONLINE USER PROFILE PROVIDED TO YOUR BUSINESS WITH MEMBERSHIP. Feb. 20 — Hobbs feBREWary fest, a beer and wine fes val benefi ng the Hobbs Chamber. Sponsor VIP packages available! Feb. 27—Open house and ribbon‐cu ng to celebrate the opening of United Realty, located at 3023 N. Grimes St., 11 a.m.—noon, with ribbon‐cu ng at 11:30 a.m. Renee Lopez Commercial Account Executive (575) 263-2862 renee.lopez@tdstelecom.com 2827 N. Dal Paso St., Ste. 129 Hobbs, NM 88240 HelloTDS.com
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