December 2011 Chamber Chronicle
December 2011 Chamber Chronicle
Chamber Chronicle EXECUTIVE OFFICERS Anne Dean, Chair Pop’s Top Shop Manny Gomez , Past Chair Hobbs Fire Department Denise Layton, Treasurer Soaring Society of America Sco y Holloman, Secretary Maddox, Holloman & Kirksey DIRECTORS Becky Bass Hobbs Jaycees Rod Coffman Lea County Sheriff Mike Fewell Bruckner’s Truck Sales Ruth Girón URENCO USA Tom Hart Halliburton James Janecka GEO Group Brent Willits Zia Park Casino It was by way of telephone, rather than America’s accustomed TV broad‐ cast, that veteran ABC News corre‐ spondent Sam Donaldson delivered news he would give the keynote ad‐ dress for the Hobbs Chamber’s annu‐ al banquet in June 2012. On Nov. 21, Donaldson called the Hobbs Chamber offices to say he’d received a le er extending the invita‐ on from chief execu ve Grant Tay‐ lor. Schedule permi ng, Donaldson agreed to travel to Hobbs to address the Chamber’s members, Taylor said. “Mr. Donaldson said that ABC News will have the summer schedule set by mid‐April, so by then, we’ll have our answer as to whether he can a end,” Taylor said. AMBASSADORS Mike Fewell, Chair Bruckner’s Truck Sales December 2011 Newsman Donaldson tenta vely agrees to banquet keynote Will Hawkins Hobbs Municipal Schools Taylor said he took a chance at invi ng Donaldson to Hobbs because of Donaldson’s es to New Mexi‐ co and because Donaldson had given the keynote address at the annual banquet for the Greater Las Cruces Cham‐ Donaldson ber of Commerce this year. “Because of his roots in New Mex‐ ico, which will be celebra ng its cen‐ tennial, I believe he can bring to the Hobbs business community a unique perspec ve about how a person with his world view sees our state’s fu‐ ture,” Taylor said. “He has unique in‐ sights on leadership and Washington that will inspire and entertain our community.” Chris Ellio , Chair‐elect KZOR—KIXN—KPZA Pa S nson, Vice Chair J‐Cap Manufacturing Dana Shoemaker, Secretary U.S. Cable Amanda Bos ck, Member at Large United Way of Lea County HOBBS JAYCEES Becky Bass, President Johnson, Miller & Co. Joshua Grassham, V.P. Wells Fargo Melissa Mitchell, Secretary University of the Southwest Cody Corbridge, Treasurer Johnson, Miller & Co. J‐Cap Mfg. li s Holiday Tournament with major sponsorship Year a er year, team sponsors, program adver sers and an alloca on from the Hobbs Lodgers Tax Fund have underpinned the Hobbs Holiday Tournament. The Hobbs Chamber thanks returning and new sponsors and adver sers for their support to make the tournament, now in its 54th year, possible. In spite of rising costs in areas like team travel, the Hobbs Chamber has strived to keep opportuni es for its member businesses to par cipate near the levels to which their accus‐ tomed. That is possible only because of the $2,500 tournament sponsor‐ ship provided by member J‐Cap Mfg. “The Holiday Tournament is an important tradi on that players and fans look forward to every year,” J‐ Cap owner Chris Williams said. “We’re excited to help the Chamber make it happen, and we hope to see members support the tournament— for the sake of Hobbs basketball and the Chamber—as much as ever.” Page 2 Teams from New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma and Arizona will converge on the Tasker Arena floor for the 54th Hobbs Holiday Tournament. Hometown‐proud Hobbs High alums look forward to this mainstay tradi‐ on to reconnect with their classmates, their community and the compe ‐ on of Hobbs Eagle basketball. Hobbs High students and Hobbs residents alike are an cipa ng an exci ng season under the direc on of new coach and former Hobbs basketball star Mike Smith. This tournament is a “W” for Hobbs every year and can be a win for your business, too. A Spon sor a t e am! ! E S I T R E V D Help the Hobbs Chamber of Commerce make this tournament a success. See how on the other side. Page 3 December 28‐30 Select the ways in which you want to par cipate and return your completed form right away. ADVERTISING SPONSORSHIPS _____Diamond (team) Sponsor* $350 CHOOSE AMONG THESE GREAT VALUES _____Pla num $200 _____ Inside Cover (first‐come, first‐served) $375 _____Gold $100 _____Full‐page $275 $50 _____Half‐page $200 _____Quarter‐page $150 _____Eighth‐page $125 _____Add color $150 _____Bronze *In addi on to the sponsorship fee, a DIAMOND sponsor also greets their team, provides their team with a meal and snacks, and should a end their team’s games . PLEASE REMIT PAYMENT BEFORE PRINTING _____POP‐A‐SHOT MERCHANT $100 Pop‐a‐shot par cipa ng merchants will be reimbursed the cash value of Chamber Bucks awarded to the successful half ‐court shooter whose booklet contains the Eagle signature page. Business Name _______________________________________ Primary Contact _______________________________________ Page 4 Page 5 ‘Firms of endearment’ reward those who do good while doing well A challenge I frequently face while consul ng with senior execu ves and boards of directors of public companies is a belief that their primary man‐ date is to make profits and enhance shareholder value. Thus, ethical principles like honesty, fairness, and caring are proper guides to decision making only to the extent that they can demonstrably im‐ prove profitability or incorporated into laws. Recently, the Wharton School of Business pub‐ lished a book calledFirms of Endearment: How World Class Companies Profit from Passion and Pur‐ pose,making the strongest case I’ve seen that good ethics really is good business. The descrip on on the inside jacket sounds like it comes from new‐age, fuzzy‐headed an ‐ capitalists rather than from professors at one of the na on’s most pres gious business schools. The authors claim, “We’re entering an Age of Transcendence, as people increasingly search for higher meaning in their lives, not just possessions. This is transforming the marketplace, the work‐ place, the very soul of capitalism. Increasingly, to‐ day’s most successful companies are bringing love, joy, authen city, empathy, and soulfulness into their businesses; they are delivering emo onal, ex‐ perien al, and social value – not just profits.” What makes this book so important are the case studies and data that demonstrate that trea ng customers, employees, suppliers, and the general public extremely well yields extraordinary business results. In other words, good ethics is a great profit strategy. What is a Firm of Endearment? All companies selected as firms of Endearment (FOEs) by the au‐ thors share a common set of core values, policies, and opera ng a ributes which include: 1. Aligning the interests of all stakeholder groups (customers, employees, partners, inves‐ tors, and society) rather than seeking profit op‐ miza on 2. Below‐average execu ve compensa on 3. Open‐door policies 4. Employee compensa on and benefits are above average for their industry 5. Above‐average employee training 6. Empower employees to sa sfy customers 7. Hire employees who are passionate about the company’s purpose 8. Humanize customer and employee experienc‐ es 9. Enjoy below‐average marke ng costs 10. Honor the spirit as well as the le er of laws 11. Focus on corporate culture as a compe ve advantage 12. Are o en innova ve in their industries This is Michael Josephson reminding you that character counts. © 2011 Josephson InsƟtute. Reprinted from Michael Josephson’s Commentary with permission. The Hobbs Chamber of Commerce is a CHARACTER COUNTS! Coali on member. Page 6 Page 7 We wish to thank the following member merchants for hosting open houses across Hobbs on Nov. 5, as we kicked off the holiday shopping season. We appreciate you! Ashley Furniture Home Store 401 W. Navajo Ma ress Depot 118 W. Bender Nita's Crea ons 1000 N. Dalmont Busy Bea Treasures & An ques 3902 N. Dal Paso Merle Norman Cosme cs & Bou que Sweet & Spicey Broadmoor Mall 209 W. Broadway Ste. 9 Forrest Tire Company 1703 N. Turner Miller Waldrop Furniture 100 W. Bender The Third Day 502 W. Navajo Heaven Scent Flowers & Gi s 207 E. Sanger The Model II Broadmoor Mall The Workhorse 206 W. Broadway Keep It Sweet Shoppe Broadmoor Mall Music World 200 W. Bender Kountry Korral Gi Shop & Tea Room 521 W. Navajo Nana's Collec bles & An que Mall 905 1/2 E. Bender Page 8 Hobbs Chamber of Commerce 2012 Community Guide & Business Directory PRINT | ON‐LINE | eBOOK |MOBILE APP | 24/7 ACCESS A recently conducted national survey showed "consumers are 63% more likely to buy goods and ser‐ vices in the future from a company that they believe is a member of the local chamber" and "they are 44% more likely to think favorably about the business.” In its role of promoting commerce, community and character, the Hobbs Chamber of Commerce greets thousands of visitors and newcomers with a warm welcome and a quality publication like the Community Guide & Business Directory. RESERVE YOUR SPACE NOW! Information Contact: Ana & Christian Raphael Cell: 505.206.0495 Fax: 575.397.1689 Email: Most In‐demand Publication from the Hobbs Chamber Published to support local commerce and pro‐ mote member products and services Thousands will be distributed and direct‐mailed This entire publication links to the Community Profile Net‐ work which currently receives over 2 million vis‐ its a month and a reciprocal link on the Hobbs Chamber website. All advertisers will be accessible 24/7 online via mobile cell phone at Sincerely, Grant Taylor NEW for 2011‐VP Smartphone App for both iPhone and Droid platforms to Qualified Ad‐ vertisers. Very reasonable ad rates with No‐Cost ad copy and design preparation available. Page 9 Page 10 Economic Indicators State labor report: Unemployment holding at 6.6 percent in October New Mexico’s seasonally adjusted unemploy‐ ment rate was 6.6 percent in October 2011, un‐ changed from September but down from 8.6 per‐ cent a year ago. The na onal unemployment rate dropped to 9.0 percent. The rate of over‐the‐year job growth, compar‐ ing October 2011 with October 2010, was 0.6 per‐ cent, represen ng an increase of 5,000 jobs. This was the fi h straight month of over‐the‐year job growth, following a 32‐month period of losses. Analysis of the seasonally adjusted data shows that employment recently peaked in February 2008 and then declined over an almost three‐year period through December 2010. From peak to trough, New Mexico lost almost 53,000 jobs from effects of the na onal recession. October 2011 data indicate that the state has regained about 9,000 jobs. The most current survey data show more new jobs coming from educa onal & health services than from any other industry. This fast‐growing group of firms added 6,900 jobs to its year‐ago to‐ tal, growing 5.7 percent. As the largest private‐ sector industry, educa onal & health services’ boost to the employment prospects for the state is huge in overall impact. The health care industry in par cular is a stabilizer in an otherwise uncertain economy. Retail trade has made inroads on previous loss‐ es to now report 2,700 addi onal jobs, while wholesale trade posted gains of 1,500 jobs. The mining industry con nues to do well, up 1,800 jobs a er an earlier period of losses that ended in 2010. The financial ac vi es industry also posted a gain of 1,800 jobs, following three years of losses that ended earlier this year. Gains were likewise reported in leisure & hospitality, up 500 jobs, and manufacturing, up 300 jobs. The remaining five private‐sector industries each recorded declining employment. Construc on was down 4,100 jobs over the year. Employment in the professional & business services industry was down 1,000 jobs from last year. The informa on industry reported employment that was down 500 jobs from last year’s total, con‐ nuing its recent trend. The transporta on, ware‐ housing & u li es industry lost 300 jobs, and the miscellaneous other services category lost 100 . Government employment registered a net loss of 4,500 jobs from the year‐ago total, with decreas‐ es reported for all three components. State govern‐ ment en es shed 2,900 jobs, while the local and federal levels trimmed 1,100 and 500, respec vely. Page 11 Economic Indicators Unemployment Rate Lea County Oct. 2011 4.3% Sept. 2011 4.5% Oct. 2010 6.9% 0% 1% 2% 3% 4% 5% 6% 7% 8% Gross Receipts Tax Government Distribution City of Hobbs Nov. 2011 (Sept. 2011 sales) $5,612,575 Oct. 2011 (Aug. 2011 sales) $5,315,970 Nov. 2010 (Sept. 2010 sales) $3,981,794 $0 $1,000,000 $2,000,000 $3,000,000 $4,000,000 $5,000,000 $6,000,000 Gross Receipts Tax Government Distribution Lea County Nov. 2011 (Sept. 2011 sales) $945,682 Oct. 2011 (Aug. 2011 sales) $985,104 Nov. 2010 (Sept. 2010 sales) $764,946 $0 $1,000,000 $2,000,000 Page 12 Hobbs Biz Leads—November New and Renewed Business Licenses B&I Transport 301 S. Cecil St. (575) 393‐0157 Benito Gonzalez Trucking Baker Hughes 5514 W. Carlsbad Hwy. (575) 393‐7751 Baker Petrolite Corpora on Oilfield Chemicals Brian C. Belyeu 3006 Gan (575) 631‐2436 Brian C. Belyeu Special Order Items, Spor ng Goods, Firearms CDP‐ JR LLC. 1501 N. Cobb St. (575) 397‐3363 Cecil D. Pa erson Trucking E&L Diesel Mechanic 701 E. Texas (575) 390‐2215 Ernesto Lopez Mechanic‐ Labor GTS Proper es LLC. 810 E. Walker (575) 393‐9721 Tammy Witherspoon and Gary Slate Beauty Salon Guerito Orozco Trucking 526 E. Kiva (575) 942‐8527 Julio Orozco and Elaina Orozco Trucking, Water Hauling Indian Fire & Safety, A DXP Company 3317 West County Rd. (575) 393‐3093 DXP Enterprises, Inc. Safety Supplies, Training and Consult‐ ants Jaime's Trucking 116 S. Cecil #3 (575) 390‐1650 Jaime Serrano Hauling Dirt & Gravel Las Espuelas 305 W. Midwest (575) 397‐4725 Ramona De La Rosa and Belen Villalba Boots, Hats, Dresses, Clothes Lewis‐Goetz and Company Inc. 714 S. Turner St. (214) 358‐4335 Lewis‐Goetz and Company Inc. Industrial and Hydraulic Hose Service Radio Ac ve Custom Works 827 W. Sunrise Circle (575) 397‐4048 Andrew D. Charvarria Car Stereos and Electronics S&S Trucking 3010 Lanehart Dr. (575) 393‐4915 Steve Miller and Sara Miller Trucking‐ Hauling Crude Oil Son City Builders Group 1713 N. Chama (575) 691‐7571 Marty Mar nez Construc on Taqueria Jalisco 408 W. Bender (575) 392‐0013 Luis Miguel Lopez Restaurant V&W Park LLC. 408 E. Alto Dr. (575) 397‐4203 Daniel Johncox Mobile Home/RV Park Wagon Wheel 3619 N. West County Rd. (575) 738‐0153 Chad S nson and Jus n S nson Restaurant Source: City of Hobbs FOR SALE Photo: Grant Taylor The building and adjoining land owned and maintained by the Hobbs Chamber of Commerce are being offered for purchase, in an cipa on of a move to a proposed welcome center on U.S. High‐ way 62/180. An appraisal has been performed and delivered. The list price of the property is $200,000. For more informa on about the real estate, call (575) 397‐3202. Page 13 Page 14 Annual Christmas Parade Saturday, December 03 The parade procession will begin at 10 a.m. at Broadmoor Tower and will end at the railroad tracks east of Grimes on West Broadway. Celebrate everyday heroes, from soldiers to teachers to parents with this year’s theme, "A Hero's Christmas." File photo Page 15 Chamber News Thanks to the handy work of and a par al trade with Auld Sign Co., the Hobbs Chamber displayed welcome signs on the four major roads enter‐ ing Hobbs to welcome par cipants of the Na onal Junior College Ath‐ le cs Associa on na onal cross country championships during the week leading up to Nov. 12. The signs could not have been posted without the tremendous help of Tim Gomez and his crew at the New Mexico Department of Transporta‐ on. Thanks again to Ambassadors Pa S nson and Janna Watson and volunteer Darlene Tafoya, of the Community Drug Coali on of Lea County, for working with local res‐ taurants and hotels to display post‐ ers and signs to greet teams, offi‐ cials and spectators alike. Photo: Grant Taylor Bob Auld 575-393-3447 Toll Free 877-274-7001 Page 16 Member News Southeast N.M. chapter of American Red Cross seeking volunteers If disaster were to strike in Hobbs, would you be prepared to effec vely respond to it? Would you be able to respond to a disaster in such a way that helps not only yourself and your family, but your fellow residents? The American Red Cross has been the na on's premier emergency response organiza on and is seek‐ ing local volunteers who want to learn how to effec vely respond to disasters in their communi es. Debra Lyles, a community rela ons manager for American Red Cross in New Mexico, said 96 percent of the those carrying out disaster relief for the American Red Cross are volunteers. She said the ar‐ ea of service of which New Mexico is most in need of volunteers is the Disaster Ac on Team. "DAT team members respond to home fires to help families who have lost everything," Lyles said. “And volunteers are also needed for office help, shelter staffing and other communi‐ ty involvement. Disaster response training is free, and there’s training available every month.” About 90 percent of disaster calls in New Mexico are for home fires, Lyles said. In November, in fact, a Hobbs police officer's house caught fire. The officer was so inspired by the services offered by the American Red Cross, Lyles said, that “he wants to volunteer, he wants to help out.” For more informa on, call 800‐560‐2302. (575) 397-2534 2024 N. Dal Paso Hobbs, New Mexico 88240 Page 17 Member News Photos and Rendering: Courtesy, Pe grew & Associates (Center three, beginning fi h from le ) William “Tres” Hicks, Debra Hicks and Randy Pe grew pose with project partners and sup‐ porters before breaking through a wall to commemorate the start of renova ons on what will be the new headquarters of Pe ‐ grew & Associates, as seen in the rendering below, located at 100 E. Navajo Dr. Pe grew & Associates team breaks through walls, begins new HQ construc on Pettigrew & Associates broke walls, rather than ground, Nov. 29 to commemorate the official start of construction for the engineering and surveying company's new office space in Hobbs. The new 22,000-square-foot complex will house a planned office expansion and offer commercial leasing opportunities. The facility includes 9,800 square feet of office space, with room for anticipated staff growth, including workspaces for up to 60 people. There will also be 3,000 square feet dedicated to the materials engineering and testing laboratory and 3,750 square feet of survey staging and warehouse facilities. Construction is anticipated to last six months. Tres Hicks, executive vice president and senior surveyor for Pettigrew, said he anticipates hosting a grand opening upon completion. “Pettigrew & Associates has projects in many communities and in neighboring states,” Hobbs Chamber CEO Grant Taylor said. “It’s great they still choose Hobbs as their home.” Page 18 Calendar of Events—December 2011 Dec. 3 — Hobbs Jaycees Annual Christmas Parade, 10 a.m. Dec. 3 — Center for the Arts Christmas Open House, 122 W. Broadway, 11 a.m. Dec. 15— NO BUSINESS AFTER HOURS SCHEDULED (Happy Holidays from us!) Dec. 28‐30 — Hobbs Holiday Tournament (MEMBERS, PLEASE VOLUNTEER TO SELL TOURNAMENT PROGRAMS!) First game begins at 1:30 on Dec. 28 at Tasker Arena. Email Addresses Wanted We try to limit our email communica ons to the whole membership to two emails per month, those being the newsle er and the Mid‐month Updates. In an effort to expand member par cipa on in events, like Business A er Hours, we invite you to provide email addresses of your key staff whom you want plugged into the goings‐on of the Chamber. Please email your addi onal contacts to Grant Taylor at Chamber Seeks Corporate Sponsors, ’Firm Founda on’ for FY 2012‐13 The Hobbs Chamber of Commerce must have a firm founda on upon which to stand in order to ade‐ quately provide the member‐development programming that members deserve and want, like Leadership Hobbs and other valuable areas such as ethics, human resources, taxes, and customer service. Firm FoundaƟon funding enables the Hobbs Chamber to deliver on its promise of promo ng commerce, promo ng community and promo ng character by delivering valuable training and other enriching opportu‐ ni es to member businesses and their employees . Please consider partnering with the Hobbs Chamber as a corporate sponsor next fiscal year, beginning July 1, 2012. Firm Founda on Levels Sandstone—$1,250 Slate—$2,500 Marble—$5,000 Granite—$10,000 Sponsors will receive excep onal visibility for the excep onal leadership they demonstrate in suppor ng Hobbs Chamber member programming. Sponsors will receive prominent, front‐page placement on the new Hobbs Chamber website, a lis ng on each communica on disseminated to the Chamber’s membership, ban‐ ner recogni on at Hobbs Chamber func ons, and other considera ons. Page 19 Member News Photo: Courtesy, Me‐Tex Me‐Tex staff, le to right, Ash Roan, LeAnn Whitehead, Burt Harrison, Rodena Hiser and Mark Veteto, pose outside their new headquarters, located at the corner of Fowler Street and Bender Boulevard. Not pictured is Buddy Raymond. Me‐Tex hosted an open house on Nov. 27 to celebrate the facility’s re‐ cently completed construc on. Photo: Daniel Russell/Hobbs News‐Sun Lea Regional Medical Center CEO Timothy Thornell, right, deliv‐ ers remarks during the Nov. 29 open house of Southeastern New Mexico Surgery, located on the LRMC campus. From le are Dr. Erica Bloomquist and Dr. Kermie Robinson. Robinson has been with the prac ce for about a year, and Bloomquist is a recent addi on. Promoting Commerce. Promoting Community. Promoting Character Find us on the Web: Email Grant Taylor, President & CEO:
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