JULY 2014 NEWS LETTER - Cape Bullmastiff Club


JULY 2014 NEWS LETTER - Cape Bullmastiff Club
From the Chair: This month’s leading article continues with the Kennel
Management series and deals specifically with breeding your Bullmastiff.
No breeding should be undertaken without the correct motive, adequate
knowledge and facilities to care for the bitch in whelp and later her puppies and most importantly - suitable stock.
So what constitutes “suitable stock”? Not every Bullmastiff used in breeding
programmes may be suitable for some or other reason.
Here are some guidelines as to what constitutes suitable stock:
First and foremost the breeding stock should be true to type. In other words
both the sire and the dam should look like a Bullmastiff should – and be
purebred. That is the phenotype of the dog. This may seem rather stupid to
some people but take a good look at the two dogs pictured below. Both were
sold as “Bullmastiffs” to unsuspecting owners. The one is even registered with
KUSA, but not even by the greatest stretch of one’s imagination can they be
called true phenotype Bullmastiffs.
KUSA Registered Bullmastiff
SA Dog Breeders Association
And top of the range-: American GCH Banstock Hollywood
The genotype or pedigree is the next important issue. The Kennel Union of
Southern Africa is our registering body, but they have no way of knowing if a
breeder is unethical or uninformed as may have been the case with #
BJ.......012. Even the recently instituted KUSA Accredited Breeders Scheme is
not monitored and open to unscrupulous breeders.
Here is where the integrity and knowledge of the breeder is of cardinal
The only reason for breeding a litter should be the desire to improve the
breed. Unfortunately this is not always the case and here in South Africa we
have our share of ‘breeders’ who pay off their debt in pure Bullmastiff blood –
which is very sad.
A natural mating without any human interference & a controlled mating
Apart from the above mentioned requirements there should also be good
health (condition) intelligence (temperament) and a working ability
How many of our Bullmastiffs today can truly do what they were originally
bred for. There are some beautiful dogs gracing the portals of many homes
and being shown in the Breed show ring, but in some cases it is very clear that
they would have difficulty functioning in the field because of faults such as
poor muscle tone from a sedentary way of life, bad bites and temperaments,
splayed feet, long nails and such. Breeders should be more aware of these
things and adjust their breeding and management programmes accordingly.
Just because a dog is a big winner it is not necessarily suitable for breeding. **
A point to remember here is that any mediocre brood bitch or stud dog- that
is any dog that does not fulfil all five of the required characteristics mentioned
above – is highly likely to pass on his or her mediocrity to the offspring, and a
kennel based on this type of breeding will not survive for long. The old adage
“the proof of the pudding is in the eating” is applicable here in every way.
Prior to mating both the dog and bitch should have radiographs done to
determine the state of the hips and elbows. The Faculty of Veterinary Science
of the University of Pretoria (Ondersterpoort) are available to grade and
certify these x-rays as are some seven affiliated scrutineers that are registered
with the SAVA.
An eye clearance certificate for hereditary eye disease is also recommended,
as is a valid immunization card.
Veterinary health checks can be done at the request of the owners of both sire
and dam should there be a cause for concern e.g. transmitted viral tumour or
The actual mating should be witnessed, and in fact KUSA has this as a
requisite on the formal application for the puppies’ registration. The mating
should also be controlled and always done on an empty stomach.
A period of rest for both dogs after mating will do them no harm and a check
of the stud dog after mating is essential.
All breeders have their own timings with regard to mating and this can be
anything from a once off to two, three or four consecutive matings. Obviously
no other male should have access to the bitch once she has been mated to the
selected stud.
Some breeders mate their bitches every time they are in season using the
rationale that they would have mated ‘in the wilds in any case’. This is not, in
my opinion, a healthy breeding practice as we have progressed way beyond
‘the wilds’. There is no scientific evidence that it is harmful though.
Eighteen months of age or the third oestrus is a good time to begin breeding a
suitable bitch and thereafter if desired a litter annually. Bitches over seven
years of age should first get a veterinary clearance before mating.
Artificial Insemination in its multiple forms which has become very popular
with breeders is another option and will be dealt with at a later stage.
**The CBC supports all the KUSA Disciplines that promote alternative
activity for the Bullmastiff e.g.: The Dog Mentality and Aptitude Testing,
Character and Breed Assessment, Carting, Agility, Obedience & CGC.
There are very few Bullmastiffs that carry these titles behind their names
and one of the primary objectives of the CBC is to encourage and promote
these activities for the benefit and well being of the Bullmastiff.
And congratulations to “Monty”, his breeder & his
owners on his acheivements
11month old “Monty” with his CGC Bronze & Silver awards
Bred by Karen da Silveria - Kiala Twilight Dream of Chadrecami
Owned by Charles and Adeline Pietersen of Gauteng
The Breed Show Ring Points so far:
Ch & Int Ch Don Amigo Pasco of Beautybull ..........................................................314
Ch Bullsaints Elder Gjordur Of Juohn......................................................................198
Ch Juohn Donna Arabella...........................................................................................192
Ch LaGratitude Durango Duke BA............................................................................101
Bullsaints Silver Reno of Juohn ...................................................................................70
Nightsight Henry............................................................................................................59
Blue Violet Jemma..........................................................................................................41
Juohn Don Raphael.......................................................................................................74
Chizelhurst Checkmate of Haaita .............................................................................39
Juohn Lord Rufus..........................................................................................................38
LaGratitude Atticus Earl
These points have been compiled from the CBC points sheet as submitted by
exhibitors. Each exhibitor is liable for their own points. Please make sure your
submissions are up to date.
Former CBC Patron and member Helene Nietsch from the USA showcases her
new Champion - Ch Banstock Kaylee
Can life get better than this?
Uhmm! .......... Well let’s see – maybe it can...........
‘Wally’ owned by new member Anton Muller and family from Namibia
And a big welcome to Tanya De Bruyne and family.
And to Andre and Sarah Hofmeyr from Cape Town,
Town who belong to “Olive”
******** CBC Regalia ********
A variety of CBC regalia is available (in stock) namely
name golf T-shirts,, round neck T-shirts,
cap, Bullmastiff on Guard gate signs, Bullmastiff on Board car signs,
sign coffee mugs and lapel
Winter and summer jackets can be ordered with CBC logo
Contact Retha at rethab@adept.co.za for orders &
info@capebullmastiffclub.co.za for any in stock items. Prices on request –
but all very reasonable ☺
KA OPEN – Ralph Zeeman
Congratulations to Sanniesebos Spooner on his multiple wins – Best Junior in
Breed/ BOB/ Best Junior in Working Group and 2nd in Working Group
And to
La Gratitude Atticus Earl who outshone all the other puppies and romped home
to Best Puppy in Working Group
Best Puppy in Specialist Show awarded to Juhon Donna Venecia
The information in this magazine is confined to its members. Statements or opinions may be
expressed in this communication that are personal to the writers and do not necessarily
represent the views of the Club.
The Cape Bullmastiff Club
Post Net Suite 65
P/Bag X15
Somerset West 7129
Affiliated to KUSA #1151 Est. 2011 info@capebullmastiffclub.co.za &/0R
“Talent is God given. Be humble.
Fame is man given. Be grateful.
Conceit is self given. Be careful”

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