September 2012 Edition - Hennessy Catholic School


September 2012 Edition - Hennessy Catholic School
Newsletter Date – August 31, 2012
Volume 2, Issue 1
Hennessy Herald
Archbishop Hennessy Catholic School / 563-921-2635 or 563-875-7572
Thank You
Dubuque Racing Association
This year, we were fortunate enough to
receive two grants from the Dubuque
Racing Association. The Petersburg Center
received a $9000 grant to purchase a new
science program, which emphasizes
experimentation and hands-on learning.
Each grade level received three kits to use
during the school year.
The New Vienna Center received a
$7000 grant to purchase 30 Netbooks.
Grades 1-3 have a Netbook for each
student. Kindergarten has 8 Netbooks to
Principal Corner
Well, here we are at the beginning of
another school year. We have many new
faces at Hennessy this year. Four new
people have joined our staff –
Krista Roussel – 5th grade teacher
Joyce Tucker – 4th grade teacher
Cynthia Hanley – Preschool teacher
Nancy Kruse – Preschool para
We also have several new students at our
school –
Nicole Schilling – 6th grade
Maria Schilling – 4th grade
Michael Schilling – 1st grade
Aden Kruse – Preschool
Kenneth Helle – Preschool
Ramiro Landa – Preschool
We welcome all of them to our Hennessy
Many thanks go out to all the parish
organizations that worked so hard to clean
the school buildings, so they were ready for
the students.
There are many people who willingly give
to St. Boniface and SS. Peter and Paul
Parishes, which in turn support the school.
Thank you to everyone for your monetary
Also thank you to all who support our
school with prayers and positive comments in
the community.
All of you make it possible for
Archbishop Hennessy Catholic School to
remain open and serve the children of this
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Hennessy Herald
I am Cynthia Hanley and I am the new preschool teacher. This is just a brief
introduction so the parents and students of Hennessy Catholic School can get
to know me. I am from Dubuque, Iowa. I am a graduate of Clarke University
in elementary education and the University of Dubuque, where I completed
my Masters degree in Special Education. This is my 18th year as a teacher. I
am enjoying my first year at Hennessy.
Ms. Hanley shares a
story with the
The preschools have to
work so hard in school
that they need to take a
rest break!
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1st Grade
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2nd Grade
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3rd Grade
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4th Grade
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5th Grade
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6th Grade
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Hennessy Herald
Throughout the last school year, we had many
fundraisers. The results from these
fundraisers are listed below:
Cookie Walk
Siebe Studio
J & D Mart
Our “garbage” fundraisers did well also.
Box Tops for Education $410.70
Milk Caps
Our Family Labels
Ink Cartridges
This year we will have many of these
same fundraisers. We hope that you will
continue to support us.
Many of our fundraisers require you
to purchase items that you would
normally purchase, such as Schwan’s
frozen produce, pizzas from J&D Mart,
Scrip gift cards that can be used
wherever you shop, everyday items with
the Target Red Card, and plants for
your garden.
The Walk-a-thon will be held on
Thursday, September 13th. You may
sponsor a student or donate to the
school directly.
Our new fundraiser is the recycling
of metal. New Vienna Metal Works has
a bin outside for you to put your scrap
metal. Since July 1st, this fundraiser
has made $721.69.
Thank you for supporting our school
through our fundraising activities.
Garbage Fundraisers
Become a
Recycle some of
your garbage for
cash for
Garbage Fundraisers may sound a bit strange, but basically that is
what they are. They are items that normally would be thrown in the
To start, we have the Box Tops for Education. These are the little
coupons that you find on many different packages. They are worth 10¢
each. Last year, we collected over 4000 of these coupons.
Then we have the Prairie Farms and Kwik Star caps. These come on
gallon and ½ gallon items, including milk and juice.
The Our Family Labels are another item that earns us money.
Then we have the ink cartridges. When your printer ink cartridge
is empty, send it to school. We receive money for those that can be
refilled and used again. The amount we receive depends on the type of
cartridge and what shape it is in.
And don’t forget our newest “garbage” fundraiser – metal recycling.
Hennessy Herald
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J & D Ma rt
Pizza Da y s
J & D M a r t w ill don a te $3.o0 to
Ar ch bisho p H en nessy Ca th o lic S ch o o l
for ev er y pizza sold
on th e 3 r d Tu esda y of th e m onth.
H elp ou t ou r school by pu r cha sin g
J & D M a r t pizza s on the follow in g da y s:
Septem ber 18 th
October 16 th
Nov em ber 20 th
Decem b er 18 th
Ja nu a r y 15 th
Febr u a r y 19 th
M a r ch 19 th
Apr il 16 th
M a y 21 st
Upcoming Events
Throughout the school year we have many activities. You are invited to
visit us at any time. Please call the office to let us know when you will
be coming. Below is a list of events that will be taking place over the
next few months.
Archbishop Hennessy
Catholic School
New Vienna Center
7420 Columbus Street
New Vienna, IA 52064
Phone: 563-921-2635
Fax: 563-921-3003
Petersburg Center
1623 300th Avenue
Dyersville, IA 52040
Fax: 563-875-6140
We’re on the Web!
See us at:
School Masses are held each week at both centers –
Wednesdays 8:30 a.m. in Petersburg
Thursdays 8:30 a.m. in New Vienna
September 4
September 5
September 10
Back to School Activity in Petersburg
Board of Education Meeting in New Vienna – 6:00 p.m.
Picture Day
Boy and Girl Scout Presentations at both centers
September 13
Walk-a-thon – 12:30 p.m. at Beckman
September 14
3rd Graders to Plagmanʼs Barn
5th & 6th Graders to the Symphony in Dubuque
September 16
Catechetical Sunday
September 18
J & D Pizza Day
September 19
Dismissal – 12:00 p.m.
September 21
Schwanʼs Pickup
September 24
Grades 4-6 to Four Mounds
September 28
Beckman Homecoming Parade
October 1
Volunteer Program begins
October 3
SIAC Meeting – 2:30 p.m.
Board of Education Meeting in Petersburg – 6:00 p.m.
October 7 – 13
Fire Prevention Week
October 15 - 19 Hot Lunch Week
October 16
J & D Pizza Day
October 19
Professional Development – No Classes
October 26
End of 1st Quarter
Grandparents Day in Petersburg
Dismissal – 1:00 p.m.
October 21 – 27 Red Ribbon Week
October 30
Early Dismissal – 1:00 p.m.
Conferences – 2:00 – 7:30 p.m.
November 1
All Saints Day
Early Dismissal – 1:00 p.m.
November 2
No School
November 7
Early Dismissal – 12:00 p.m.
Board of Education Meeting in Petersburg – 6:00 p.m.
November 20
J & D Pizza Day
November 21
All System Mass at Beckman – 9:30 a.m.
Dismissal – 1:00 p.m.
November 22-23 No School
December 12
Christmas Program at Beckman – 7:30 p.m.