2012 Annual Report


2012 Annual Report
2012 Annual Report
Summer Search 2012 Annual Report
Letter From Our National Board Chair & CEO
What matters most in a child’s development, they say, is not
how much information we can stuff into her brain in the first
few years. What matters, instead, is whether we are able to
help her develop a very different set of qualities, a list that
includes persistence, self-control, curiosity, conscientiousness,
grit and self-confidence.” - Paul Tough, Author
Dear Friends,
“Summer Search has instilled in me this feeling of
limitless potential. But it also instills something else,
something bigger than just me. They said when they
met me that I had leadership potential. To be honest,
I didn’t really see it. But I’m letting you know that
I SEE IT NOW. By supporting Summer Search, you
invested in me in hopes that I’d become a leader,
and I WON’T let you down.”
– Nathaly A., Senior, University Heights High School
In The New York Times best-selling book, “How Children Succeed:
Grit, Curiosity and the Hidden Power of Character,” author Paul
Tough illustrates the link between positive character traits like
tenacity and a child’s future success. While this concept is
just now receiving widespread attention, Summer Search has
focused on exactly this type of character development in youth
for more than 20 years.
Since our founding, we have sought out students with quiet potential, short on opportunity but long on inner
spark. At Summer Search, we understand that if students—particularly from low-income backgrounds—are
to reach their full potential and break the cycle of poverty, they must have opportunities to develop life skills
that are essential to their capacity to succeed in school and beyond.
In 2012, we began implementing a five-year strategic plan, which serves as a roadmap for the future to
help us maximize our impact, grow our presence and innovate to test our scalability. Last year, we served
our largest cohort of students ever—more than 2,000 nationally.
Summer Search continues to achieve stellar outcomes: 97 percent summer program completion and 85
percent of students on track to receive a four-year college degree—whereas nationally just 11 percent of
low-income students graduate from college. Our success demonstrates that when low-income high school
students are provided individualized support—when, where and how they need it—it increases their likelihood
of entering and completing college.
Yet the numbers do not tell the complete story. The narratives of our students and alumni, most of whom
are the first in their families to attend college, are the heart of what makes Summer Search’s work relevant.
In this year’s report, we invite you to meet some of the students whose lives have been transformed because
of your investment in our work. Take for example, Luz, who arrived in the U.S. from Mexico at the age of 10
with her mother, a single parent. Not knowing the language and having no financial resources, their road was
a tough one. But Luz’s spirit, determination and hard work ultimately led her to the halls of Cornell University,
where she recently completed her bachelor’s degree. There are thousands of students like Luz who are thriving
because of the critical character development and life skills that have ensured their success in school, and in
life. It is these inspiring stories that keep us steadfast in our commitment to expanding the path of opportunity
for more students.
Thanks to your generous support, Summer Search has provided life-changing opportunities to over 4,200
students, and it has been an honor to witness their academic achievement and personal growth, year after
year. We hope you share in our sense of pride for all that we have accomplished together, and we look forward
to our continued partnership to empower many more future leaders.
Ted Williams, National Board Chair
Summer Search 2012 Annual Report
Amy H. Saxton, CEO
Summer Search 2012 Annual Report
Our Values
2012: Highlights & Recognition
In-Kind Scholarships Are Up
We worked proactively to secure
more scholarship dollars per
student than previous years.
The result meant more students
received scholarships to go on
summer trips, keeping our direct
costs low.
We expanded the career-coaching
program to 267 students in 2012
—up from 175 over the previous
year. We worked closely with
students to secure 160 internships
at diverse organizations across
sectors, including the American
Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), San
Francisco Parks and Recreation,
Tufts Medical Center and New York
Community Bank. In addition,
we surveyed students about their
experiences over the summer and
found that many career coaches
and students requested to work
together again in 2013, and over
half of these pairs stayed in touch
to pursue long-term mentor-mentee
relationships even after the careercoaching season ended.
We undertook a thorough and
participatory strategic visioning
process throughout 2012. The
result was the development of a
five-year strategic plan to strengthen
the organization by clarifying our
desired impact and the strategies
needed to meet those goals. One
of the most important steps we
made in this process was to
codify our organizational values
to guide our growth and ensure
our employees thrive while also
helping us to achieve our business
Looking ahead, our strategic plan
will serve as a roadmap for our
future to maximize our impact,
grow our presence and innovate
to test our scalability. We want
to make sure the majority of the
2,100 students we aim to serve
by the end of next year enroll in
college and obtain a bachelor’s
degree within six years—including
Summer Search 2012 Annual Report
more boys because research
shows that males from lowincome backgrounds struggle
disproportionately at every
stage of the education pipeline.
To accomplish this requires
aggressive revenue growth, so
we have set our sights on increasing
our annual operating budget to
$37 million by 2017. Guided by
this framework, we can focus our
objectives and direct our efforts
and resources effectively and
efficiently, both in the short-term
and over the next five years.
In 2012 we piloted an audit for
incoming sophomores to evaluate
whether the organization was
supporting students who would
otherwise achieve academic
success without Summer Search.
We focused particularly on risk
factors that lead to high school
dropout and found that 81 percent
of the students we serve have five
or more significant risk factors,
including low family income level,
single parent household or being
the first to attend college. The
results confirm that Summer
Search is reaching students
most in need and helping them
overcome the barriers to their
future success.
For the third year in a row, Summer
Search has received a 4-star rating
from Charity Navigator, America’s
largest and most utilized evaluator
of independent charities. A 4-star
rating is the highest ranking a
nonprofit can receive, a distinction
that only nine percent achieve.
In 2012, we sent more students
on experiential summer trips than
ever before. These trips are an
opportunity for each student to
step outside their comfort zone,
grow in confidence and build their
leadership abilities.
Costs Are Down
Our efforts to identify and place
as many students on the most
affordable programs paid off: While
our student numbers increased,
our cost per student decreased
in nearly every expense category
outside tuition. We drove down
costs by taking strategic actions
such as selecting more affordable
regions for travel and customizing
trip options with our partners to
select the highest quality, yet most
affordable options from
their course selections.
Increased Student Satisfaction
A student survey showed that
satisfaction around our summer
programming is up from 96
percent in 2011 to 98 percent in
2012. It shows we are doing better
at identifying high quality programs
for our students and doing a better
job than ever at preparing them for
their summer trips.
In an effort to deepen our
relationship with alumni, the
National Alumni Committee—
comprised of alumni, board
members and staff from across
the country—conducted its
first-ever nationwide alumni
survey, as well as a series of
interviews of alumni and other
key stakeholders. The response
to the survey was overwhelming,
with over 400 alumni answering
questions about their level of
involvement with Summer Search.
As a result, in 2013, the organization
will hire an alumni relations director
to formally launch the National
Alumni Association with the goal
of increasing engagement,
philanthropy and leadership
among our alumni network.
We constantly strive to be excellent
as individuals and as an organization.
We are ambitious on behalf of those
we serve and we want to stand out in
our field for not only being excellent but
We care deeply about the people
around us and we seek ways to
connect and support one another
personally and professionally.
Growth and leadership comes from
asking the right questions, not from
having all the answers.
We value direct and honest communication
that is personally delivered in a respectful
and transparent manner.
Our founder was coached by a successful
fundraiser to never ask for more support
until she had found unique ways to say
thank you seven times.
While the work we are doing is personal,
profound, and difficult at times, we want
our culture to be uplifting, positive, and fun! TAKE CARE OF OURSELVES
To be excellent we must be healthy. Summer Search 2012 Annual Report
Our Students’ Success
Asian - 18%
White - 5%
Black - 25%
Multi-racial - 6%
Other - 2%
Latino - 44%
Summer Search 2012 Annual Report
Summer Search 2012 Annual Report
Colleges & Universities: 2012 Acceptances
Adrian College
Agnes Scott College
Alcorn State University
Alfred University
American University
Arizona State University
Bates College
Bellevue College
Bentley University
Boston College
Boston University
Bridgewater State University
Brown University
Bryn Mawr College
Bunker Hill Community College
California College of the Arts
California Polytechnic State
University, Pomona
California Polytechnic State
University, San Luis Obispo
California State University, Chico
California State University, East Bay
California State University, Los Angeles
California State University, Sacramento
California State University. Stanislaus
Canisius College
Carnegie Mellon University
Cazenovia College
Centre College
Chabot College
Chapman University
City College of San Francisco
Clarion University of Pennsylvania
Clark University
Colby College
Colby-Sawyer College
Colgate University
College of Alameda
College of Marin
College of Mount Saint Vincent
College of Saint Rose
College of the Holy Cross
Connecticut College
CUNY Borough of Manhattan
Community College
CUNY Bronx Community College
CUNY City College
CUNY John Jay College of Criminal Justice
CUNY LaGuardia Community College
CUNY New York City College of
Daemen College
Dartmouth College
Denison University
Dominican University of California
Dowling College
Drake University
Drexel University
Earlham College
Summer Search 2012 Annual Report
Eastern Washington University
Evergreen State College
Feather River Community College
Fordham University
Framingham State University
Franklin & Marshall College
Georgetown University
Gettysburg College
Green Mountain College
Hamilton College
Hampton University
Harvard University
Highline Community College
Holy Names University
Hope College
Humboldt State University
Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Ithaca College
Johnson & Wales University
Kenyon College
Knox College
Lafayette College
Lake Washington Institute of Technology
Laney College
Lincoln University
Lock Haven University of Pennsylvania
Manhattan College
Marist College
Marlboro College
Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts
MassBay Community College
Millersville University of Pennsylvania
Mills College
Morgan State University
Nazareth College
North Seattle Community College
Northampton Community College
Northeastern University
Northwest University
Notre Dame de Namur University
Oberlin College
Occidental College
Pacific Lutheran University
Penn State Altoona
Pitzer College
Providence College
Regis College
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Roxbury Community College
Salem State Universtiy
San Diego State University
San Francisco State University
San Jose State University
Santa Clara University
Santa Monica College
Santa Rosa Junior College
Santiago Canyon Community College
Seattle Central Community College
Seattle Pacific University
Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania
Simmons College
Skidmore College
Soka University
Sonoma State University
St. John Fisher College
Stephens College
Stonehill College
Suffolk University
SUNY Alfred State, College of Technology
SUNY College of Technology at Canton
SUNY Delhi, College of Technology
SUNY Fredonia
SUNY Fulton-Montgomery Community
SUNY New Paltz
SUNY Oneonta
SUNY Onondaga Community College
SUNY Oswego
SUNY Potsdam
SUNY The College at Brockport
SUNY University at Albany
SUNY Westchester Community College
SUNY Westchester Community College
Susquehanna University
Tufts University
University of Arizona
University of British Columbia
University of California, Berkeley
University of California, Davis
University of California, Irvine
University of California, Los Angeles
University of California, Merced
University of California, Riverside
University of California, San Diego
University of California, Santa Barbara
University of California, Santa Cruz
University of Massachusetts, Lowell
University of Massachusetts, Amherst
University of Massachusetts, Boston
University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth
University of Redlands
University of Rochester
University of San Diego
University of San Francisco
University of Washington
University of Washington Bothell
University of Washington Tacoma
Utica College
Washington State University
Wellesley College
Wesleyan University
West Chester University of Pennsylvania
Western Washington University
Westfield State College
Wheaton College
Whittier College
Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Partnering for Impact
I have worked at Colby-Sawyer College for 11 years. Six years ago, my role evolved to the Director
of International & Diversity Recruitment and I became part of a team that helped create our “Progressive
Scholarship,” a full-tuition scholarship program designed to recruit talented and passionate urban
students. As a small, private college located in a very picturesque and rural region of New Hampshire,
we believe it is essential for a student body to be diverse racially, ethnically, culturally, internationally
and socio-economically. Five years ago after a serendipitous meeting, Colby-Sawyer College partnered
with Summer Search to identify students who exemplify academic acumen, leadership qualities and
civic engagement. Currently, we have 60 Progressive Scholars, 11 of which have matriculated directly
from Summer Search locations across the country. This coming fall, we will welcome six new Summer
Search students as Progressive Scholars—an impressive number give that the scholarship program is
capped at 20 students per year.
The Summer Search students set a very high bar by which all other scholarship applicants are
evaluated—and their level of excellence continues once they arrive on campus. Several times per year
I am asked to nominate students to speak in front of various high-profile groups such as: our Board of
Trustees, donors and community members. Each and every time, I call on a Summer Search student
and I have felt completely confident in selecting a first-semester freshman for the job; their leadership
skills and charisma in public speaking is awe-inspiring.
The partnership which Colby-Sawyer College has established with Summer Search is instrumental in
helping us continually identify students that embody the aforementioned characteristics and who are
also seeking a college experience that is unique and perhaps out of their comfort zone. Our collaboration
has created a team of support that is holistically invested in each student and behind them throughout
their academic career.
I know that I can walk into a room filled with students, have a few conversations and easily identify the
Summer Search students. They are standouts! They are stars! They are conductors of palpable energy,
which is contagious to those they meet. I know this to be true, personally, in my contact with these
vibrant students over the years. Summer Search has been and continues to be a catalyst for change.
Jennifer Smith
Senior Associate Director of Admissions &
Director of International & Diversity Recruitment
Summer Search 2012 Annual Report
Khalil F.
Jessica H.
Freshman, Boston College
Senior, Paul Robeson High School
“The entire
made me more
resilient and I
am so grateful
for it.”
“Summer Search works to make you
a better person inside and out.”
How did you get involved with
Summer Search?
There was a strong push from my
family members and godmother.
I was struggling socially and
academically, and not performing
to my ability. They wanted to
get me on the right track. I am
completely grateful for this. It
wasn’t until my first summer trip
that I was able to see what an
outstanding opportunity Summer
Search is.
How has being in the program
impacted your life?
It has been an eye-opening
experience. It has taught me
things about myself I might never
have learned. I am especially
thankful for the amazing community
service opportunities I have had—
both in other countries and while
on summer trips. Summer Search
emphasizes the importance of
leadership within the community
and they connected me with an
organization that works with children
and people with disabilities. I love
working with children—I am a
psychology and education major.
All through junior high and high
school my service consisted of
working with children and I remain
committed to service dealing with
social issues.
Summer Search 2012 Annual Report
What is different about how
you approach the world due to
your experiences with Summer
I thought I was already optimistic
and open to new things, but Summer
Search definitely helped broadened
my horizons. Through Summer
Search I have expanded my
network enormously. It introduced
me to new people, places and
opportunities. Now, I can define
what a true leader is: to change
the norm and influence others to
get on the right track and to do
better. Summer Search helped me
tap into those leadership qualities
and use them. I want to make my
community better and give children
opportunities that I didn’t have.
So I have become more involved
in my community because of
Summer Search.
What about your experience with
Summer Search stands out most?
My mentor is phenomenal. I have
had the same mentor the whole
time and she has always been very
supportive; giving me insight on
how to look at things. I appreciate
that my mentor listens to what I
am saying but does not judge me.
Mentors give you time to speak
with someone that isn’t a friend. I
noticed that I got more out of the
experience when I was connecting
regularly with my mentor.
Has anyone else in your life been
impacted due to Summer Search?
My father dropped out of high
school and became a teen dad with
two children. My mom dropped out
of high school, too, when she got
pregnant. They spent time out of
work, and we were homeless.
The opportunities that I have had
are so amazing because there
are not many college graduates in
my family. My family is extremely
proud of me—not many young
black males go on to prestigious
schools. I have become a trailblazer
for my younger siblings.
What advice would you give other
students about Summer Search?
Any student that gets the opportunity
to be a part of Summer Search
should take full advantage. It
seems like a big risk and a lot of
responsibility, but if you consider
the outcome and the experiences
you gain, it is all worth it. Summer
Search works to make you a better
person inside and out. It makes
you a humanitarian.
How did you get involved with
Summer Search?
I was in my 10th grade African
American history class when
they announced the students who
were nominated. I heard my name
and was confused. I didn’t know
anything about Summer Search,
but I had this feeling inside me
that I should do it. I took the
application home and begged
my mom to let me apply. She
was skeptical. Eventually, my
soon-to-be mentor, Lauren,
convinced her that it is a oncein-a-lifetime opportunity. It’s why
she moved me and my brother
out of our rough neighborhood—
to give us a better life. This was
now my chance. Six weeks later
I found out I was admitted to
the program. I was immediately
excited and anxious.
How has being in the program
impacted your life?
Before Summer Search, I used
to isolate myself and be a bit
pessimistic. I always wore a
hoodie sweater, kept my head
down and didn’t really socialize.
I basically never left my comfort
zone. Then I went on my first
summer trip to Montana and
there was an instructor who
said something that struck me.
“Comfort is the killer of all
dreams,” she said. At first,
that didn’t make sense to me.
How could something that brings
comfort be bad? But then, I
realized what she meant. Today,
I am more confident and outgoing.
I seek out new Summer Searchers
and welcome them to the family.
I share my experience and tell
them it will be okay and to trust
the process.
a member of HOSA–Future Health
Professionals, a national student
organization endorsed by the U.S.
Department of Education. I’m also
getting ready to graduate, and I
intend to major in psychology or
social work in college. My dad
suffers from mental illness and it’s
a field that interests me. I recently
got accepted to Penn State, two
community colleges, and I am
waiting on a few more.
What is different about how
you approach the world due to
your experiences with Summer
What advice would you give other
students about Summer Search?
To this day I still do not know who
nominated me for the program, but
I would like to thank them. Being
a part of Summer Search has
made a huge difference in my life.
When I think about all the lessons
I have learned, I remember that
first summer trip. I spent 12 days
in the woods, hiking 6 miles a day,
carrying a heavy backpack and
sleeping on rocks—sometimes in
the rain. At the time I didn’t think I
would survive, but I did. The entire
experience made me more resilient and I am so grateful for it.
Apply yourself and try to do better.
I know this can be hard, but it’s
important to look past what we
think are our limitations. I wish
there was a Summer Search in
every country!
What is next for you?
I’m enrolled in a health technology
class that I really like and I am
Summer Search 2012 Annual Report
Joseph M.
Luz A.
Sophomore, Sonoma State University
Alumnus, Cornell University
“Summer Search
has helped me
develop selfawareness and
the skills to
engage with
different people.”
How did you get involved with
Summer Search?
I had no idea what Summer Search
was until one day there was a
lunchtime meeting to learn more.
I was compelled to go because
they said it was a program to
help students go to college. Once
I listened to the presentation, I
knew I wanted to take advantage
of the opportunity. But it was
uncomfortable at times. When you
are 15 years old and walking into
a room of strangers and having to
answer personal questions, it can
be difficult. Doing that was a mini
version of what the whole program
teaches—stepping outside your
comfort zone.
What was your relationship with
your mentor like?
Now that I am at college, I don’t
speak to Ryan as frequently. But
when I need to talk to him and I
pick up the phone to call, he is
there. I remember when my dad
was really sick in the hospital,
Summer Search 2012 Annual Report
Ryan checked in with me every
week. He was very helpful and
supportive, and I will remember
that for a very long time. When you
start the program in high school,
you build a strong relationship with
your mentor. Even though I may
not talk to Ryan as much as I did
in high school, knowing that door
is still open is awesome.
What impact has Summer Search
had on your college experience?
My school is weak on financial
advising opportunities, but I
connected with a Summer Search
Board Member for my regional
office who works for Morgan
Stanley. We’ve built a really
beneficial relationship. He helped
me get an internship last summer
that taught me financial skills.
And I have another internship at
an investment management firm
this summer thanks to a Summer
Search connection. These experiences are important for me as I
consider what avenues to take
after graduation.
What advice would you give
other students about Summer
Summer Search helped me get
more comfortable with people:
not everyone is born with the
talent to approach strangers.
They helped me break out of my
comfort zone, and now I know
I can go to an event where I
don’t know anyone and confidently
introduce myself and make new
friends. When I combine this
with my summer trips and my
internships, I feel Summer Search
has helped me develop a good
sense of self-awareness and the
skills to engage with different
people at different levels. My
focus now is getting through
college so I can get out there
and start my career!
“Because Summer
Search believed
in me, it helped
me to believe in
How did you get involved with
Summer Search?
How has being in the program
impacted your life?
I was introduced to Summer Search
during a presentation at my high
school. At the time, I knew I
wanted to get into college and I
was looking for a program to help
me. Thankfully, I made it to the
interview round and was accepted!
Summer Search has helped make
me a better person; to believe in my
own strengths and be able to fight
for what I want. I remember one
of my mentors once compared me
to a bull. The nature of a bull is to
fight regardless of what you put in
front of it, and in a sense that is
what I did. I fought to accomplish
my goals regardless of the obstacle.
Now, here I am, a graduate of
Cornell University. I feel Summer
Search was a key factor in helping
me achieve that goal.
What was your relationship like
with your mentor?
At the beginning, I struggled with
relationships because I am an
only child and not used to opening
up to people. As time went on, I
grew to trust my mentors and it
was really rewarding to have that
relationship with them. The mentor
that stands out most in my mind
is Cynthia. She is a first-generation
college student and Latina, like me,
so hearing about her experience
was incredible. In her I saw
someone who made it. I still
keep in touch with some of my
former mentors and we still have
amazing conversations. “Once
a Summer Searcher, always a
Summer Searcher” is our motto.
What is different about how
you approach the world due to
your experiences with Summer
After having the opportunity to
travel and to meet people from
all over the world thanks to my
Summer Search trips, I’ve
broadened my horizons and
learned that I can contribute to
society rather than just talk about
it. In college I majored in nutritional
sciences and minored in Latino
studies. I want to work on public
health issues affecting low-income
communities. Summer Search
gave me the confidence and tools
to believe I can make a difference.
What advice would you give to
others about Summer Search?
Summer Search is not just about
sending kids on summer trips,
it’s a holistic experience where
we are exposed to environments
which help shape our experiences
in the long run. One of the most
memorable experiences I had was
interning at the Silicon Valley office
after my freshman year in college.
I saw Summer Search as a family
and an organization that I reached
out to, but I had never thought
about giving back by interning.
That experience encouraged me
to look for other internship
opportunities. So because Summer
Search believed in me, it helped
me to believe in myself.
Summer Search 2012 Annual Report
Regina D.
Elizabeth C.
Alumnus, Seattle University
Senior, Bronx School for Law, Government and Justice
“I’ve done a lot
of growing up
and learned how
to speak up for
“Summer Search is a support network,
a family and a place where I will
always feel welcome.”
How did you get involved with
Summer Search?
What was your relationship like
with your mentor?
How did Summer Search help with
your professional development?
I was a shy kid and I was very
intimidated about interacting with
other people—especially adults.
My teacher told me that she saw
a lot of potential in me and
nominated me for Summer Search.
I was very intimidated during the
interview and if it wasn’t for that
teacher, I would never have done
it. I think about that pretty often.
This teacher saw something in me
and decided I was special enough
to recommend for the program. If
she hadn’t seen that spark in me I
wouldn’t have joined Summer Search.
My relationship with my mentor,
Mia, was a very influential one. It
was intimidating to have someone
outside of my family keep me
accountable for my actions and
ask personal questions about my
development. Without my mentor, I
may not have gained the capacity
to articulate myself like I can now.
She motivated me to apply for
things that I wouldn’t have had the
confidence to do on my own.
Through Summer Search I received
summer employment at a farm
and wilderness camp, which
ignited my interest in outdoor
education. Now, through another
Summer Search opportunity, I am
applying for a graduate school
fellowship for a master’s degree
in education hosted by the YMCA,
which seeks to improve diversity in
non-profit and youth development
leadership positions.
What has your experience been
like overall?
Summer Search opened up so
many opportunities to me. It was
a very rich experience and as the
years go on it gets even richer. I
have been a part of many facets
of the program—first as a student,
then as an alumni board member
board, volunteer and donor. Summer
Search is a part of my life; it’s not
just a program to me! It’s a support
network, a family, and a place where
I will always feel welcome.
Summer Search 2012 Annual Report
What is different about how you
approach the world due to your
experiences with Summer Search?
I approach the world with the
knowledge that I can explore and
experience it in my own right.
Because of the opportunities to
travel that I received from Summer
Search I am familiar with the
challenges of experiencing new
things. Summer Search connects
people from different cultures and
backgrounds, so I’ve had the opportunity to network and socialize
with people that I wouldn’t have
What advice would you give to
students about Summer Search?
I highly recommend Summer Search
because it gives you the tools to
help navigate an increasingly complex
world. It teaches you to own your
actions while offering opportunities
to constantly improve yourself. You
travel to beautiful places, meet
people and establish a strong
network of people who are willing
to help you out. I have worked for
several nonprofits and Summer
Search, without a doubt, offers
the most support through and
after the completion of the
How did you get involved with
Summer Search?
with me her thoughts, too. I feel
comfortable with her and she lets
me be the real me. It’s a good
relationship I can trust. Before
My volleyball teammates were
I went on my first trip, Jené told
involved with Summer Search
that if I started to have
and they encouraged me to apply.
When I sat through the presentation, doubts, to picture her rooting me
the part that captured my attention on, yelling “Don’t give up!” She
always believes in me.
was when they said I would learn
about myself. I thought, ‘Ok, I
want to do this.’ I went to the
How has being in the program
interview and answered questions
impacted your life?
about myself and it was a new
experience because I had never
I’m a better role model and better
talked about my life to strangers.
At the beginning I was fearful about sister to my four siblings because
of Summer Search. I don’t want
revealing too much. But once I
them to go down the wrong path.
started, I couldn’t stop!
I will be the first in my family to
go to college and I want to study
What is your relationship like
nursing. It’s going to be challenging,
with your mentor?
but being a nurse interests me
because it is completely new—no
Keeping in frequent touch was
one in my family is a nurse—and
difficult for me because I never
I like helping people. Going
before had a mentor. I sometimes to college has always been a
would forget to call in. I was partly dream of mine and I want to
afraid of having awkward moments prove to my family I can do it.
where I didn’t have anything to
Summer Search has helped me
say. But I learned that it’s about
discover that it is about what I
whatever you want or need to talk
can make happen for myself.
about. I consider the relationship
I’m not a perfect person but I
I have with my mentor, Jené, to be
know that I can grow to be a
a friendship because she shares
better person.
What is different about how
you approach the world due to
your experiences with Summer
I’ve done a lot of growing up and
learned how to speak up for myself.
I never used to do that. For example,
on my first summer trip we were
split into two groups and in mine
there was conflict over who was
to be the leader. Things started
falling apart. When we met later
to discuss what went wrong, we
recognized there was a lack of
communication. I learned it was
important for me to express my
thoughts rather than bottling my
feelings. I learned that even if I
get intimidated, no one should
prevent me from contributing
how I feel or sharing my opinion.
What advice would you give to
another student about Summer
I would encourage people to sign
up because it’s a family. Once
you’re in and actively participating
and ask for help, they’ll help you.
There are no other words except
to say it does change you—for the
better. I love Summer Search!
Summer Search 2012 Annual Report
Gerardo J.
Senior, Oakland High School
“I feel the power in myself and in my
family—it’s transformative.”
How did you get involved with
Summer Search?
During my sophomore year I was
invited to hear a Summer Search
presentation at school by one of
my teachers. I learned that I would
have the chance to take two trips,
one out of the country. I had never
gone outside of my hometown of
Oakland. I had a difficult start in
high school my freshman year and
I was ready for a change. I remember
receiving the packet from Summer
Search and it was fat—I knew
that meant good news. I quickly
realized that Summer Search was
more than just two trips. It’s about
building connections and learning
about other people’s experiences
and one’s self.
What has your Summer Search
experience been like overall?
My experience has been amazing—
this is an organization that really
is there to help students like me.
I remember my first trip was a 22day backpacking trip with Outward
Bound. It turned out to be the
biggest challenge of my life. Those
days helped me learn to speak out
and also to listen. Our group got
lost for 24 hours without a guide;
Summer Search 2012 Annual Report
it was emotional and we had to
figure out how to work together.
After that trip I had more of a
perspective about nature, but
also about listening, stepping
back and letting other people
take the lead—ultimately,
trusting others.
What is your relationship like
with your mentor?
My mentor Mitch and I have a
really strong relationship. The
first day I called him was a little
awkward since I didn’t know him.
After three weeks, I started speaking
my mind, speaking my heart. I put
my trust in him and we now have a
strong connection. When I talk to
him about personal or school issues,
Mitch proposes things I can do
every time. He always gives me
the attention I need and he trusts
in my ability to succeed. He has
been a role model in my life.
What is different about how
you approach the world due to
your experiences with Summer
My second summer trip, to
Rwanda, really made me aware
of the world around me. I chose
Rwanda because two weeks prior,
my advanced placement English
teacher gave me a research
assignment about a French U.N.
soldier in Rwanda and his experience
in the country, post genocide. So
I decided on Rwanda to see it for
myself. It was a very emotional trip
for me. Later, I realized that what
I was seeking was forgiveness.
During my 10th grade year, I did a
lot of things to hurt my mom. We
never really discussed it. But in
Rwanda, I saw how people learn
and move on from their mistakes;
how they sought forgiveness for
the wrongs they did. I learned what
forgiveness really was and was
able to come back and apply it to
my own life.
What else do you want others to
know about your experience in
the program?
When you support Summer Search
you are supporting students to
receive a second chance. It
positively impacts students’ lives
forever. Being part of Summer
Search has helped me see the
world uniquely, and it has challenged my boundaries. I feel the
power in myself and in my family—
it’s transformative.
Summer Search 2012 Annual Report
Outward Bound: 20 Years of Partnership
Whitney Setser
Student Services Representative
North Carolina Outward Bound
Summer Search and Outward Bound are aligned in our mutual mission
to help students develop the confidence they need to achieve their goals
through transformational experiential learning. We value our unique
partnership with Summer Search—the only organization of its kind
that we work with on a national level to accept students across all of
our partner schools.
While our partnership with Summer Search predates my time at Outward Bound, for the past nine years,
I have made Summer Search ‘my baby.’ I am committed to working with the offices of Summer Search to
ensure that their students have successful experiences on our trips.
Summer Search students are very often outside of their comfort zone—being in the wilderness for several
weeks, flying for the first time, and mixing with youth from different parts of the country and socio-economic
backgrounds. But these students bring such brightness to our trips because they are so motivated to challenge
themselves. Being in the wilderness helps these students find their inner confidence and they learn that
they can do anything in their lives. They learn they can be leaders.
After almost a decade of working with Summer Search, countless students have left me with memorable
moments. What strikes me the most is how Summer Search students bring back what they learn on our
trips to their communities. These students recognize that they have been given a transformative opportunity
and they want to share and give back to those around them. The first Summer Search students I worked
with are finishing up college right about now and I look forward to seeing them send others on an Outward
Bound trip and/or be able to come back themselves as adults.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Summer Search 2012 Annual Report
Summer Search 2012 Annual Report
Thank You to Our 2012 Summer Program Partners
Academic Study Associates
Adventure, Risk and Challenge
Adventures Cross-Country
Amigos de las Americas
Apogee Adventures
Boston University Summer Term
Camp Ogichi Daa Kwe
Center for Creative Youth
Cheley Colorado Camps
College Orientation Workshop
Columbia University Summer Program
Concordia Language Villages
Summer Search 2012 Annual Report
Cornell University Summer College
Cottonwood Gulch Foundation
Cushing Academy
Deer Hill Expeditions
Economics for Leaders Program
Environmental Traveling Companions
Experiment in International Living
Farm & Wilderness Programs
Fenster School
Global Glimpse
Global Leadership Adventures
Global Routes
Global Scholars Program
Global Works
Global Youth Village
GO Adventure!
Hun School of Princeton
Hurricane Island Outward Bound
Idyllwild Arts
Ithaca College Summer College
Junior Statesmen Summer School
Lifeworks International
Longacre Leadership
Loomis Chaffee School
Maine Teen Camp
National Outdoor Leadership School
North Carolina Outward Bound
North Cascades Institute
Northfield Mount Hermon
Summer Session
Northwest Outward Bound School
Outward Bound California
Outward Bound Philadelphia
Overland Adventures
Plantation Farm Camp
Putney School Summer Programs
Road Less Traveled
Rocky Mountain Outward Bound
Rustic Pathways
SEA Education Association
Sierra Nevada Journeys
Skidmore College Precollege Program
Snow Farm: The New England
Craft Program
Summer Academy at Suffield
Summer Study Programs
Super Camp
Syracuse University Summer
Teton Science Schools
University of Delaware Summer
University of Miami Summer
Scholars Program
Voyageur Outward Bound School
Wasatch Academy
Washington University HS
Summer Scholars Program
Where There Be Dragons
Williwaw Adventures
Windsor Mountain International
Young Writers Workshop
Summer Search 2012 Annual Report
Financial Results
Statement of Activities
October 1, 2011 through September 30, 2012
Contributions of $12.8 million exceeded last year’s $10.6 million by 21%. Included in contributions were
$3.4 million in multi-year growth capital commitments to be used to fund expansion over the next five years,
allowing us to reach more students than ever before. While 2012 revenues were largely driven by individual
donors we are improving our success with foundations and corporate donors. In 2012 cash contributions
from foundations and corporations combined were $4.8 million, up 9% over last year’s total of $4.4 million.
Gaining support from institutional donors will remain a key focus area for fundraising.
Contributed goods and services of $1.7 million, mostly scholarships donated by our summer program partners
showed a 3% increase over last year. In 2012, summer program scholarships averaged $1,800 per student,
the highest ever, reflecting the large financial support we have received to date.
A $2.4 million increase in cash and investments from $4.2 million in FY2011 to $6.4 million.
Management and general expenses were held to 10% of total expenses.
Program spending represented 75% of our total spending in 2012, putting Summer Search firmly in the
“best practice” category compared to its peers.
We received the highest 4-star rating from Charity Navigator in June of 2012—for the third year in a row
as a result of prudent financial management and transparency.
Total Contributions
Contributed goods and services
Investment Income
Other Income
Total revenue, gains (losses), and other support
Program Services
Summer Placement and Mentoring
Staff Training and Development
College Advising
College Success Program
Total Program Services
Supporting Services
Fundraising Management and General
Total Expenses Individual - 63%
Program Services - 75%
Foundation - 27%
Fundraising, Management and
General - 25%
Corporation - 10%
Summer Placement and
Mentoring - 80%
Staff Training - 9%
College Advising - 4%
College Success Program - 3%
Alumni Program - 3%
Summer Search 2012 Annual Report
Change in Unrestricted Net Assets
Change in Temporarily Restricted Net Assets
Change in Permanently Restricted Net Assets
Unrestricted Net Assets at Beginning of Year
Temporarily Restricted Net Assets at Beginning of Year
Permanently Restricted Net Assets at Beginning of Year
Net Assets at End of Year
Summer Search 2012 Annual Report
Our Generous Donors
This list recognizes support for or during Fiscal Year 2012, including in-kind contributions.
The Bengier Foundation ~
William K. Bowes Foundation
Penny and James Coulter
Deer Hill Expeditions
Charlotte Ford ~
Michelle and Robert Friend ~
Gap Foundation
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Linda and Jon Gruber
The Charles Hayden Foundation
The Heckscher Foundation for Children
Jacobson Family Foundation
National Outdoor Leadership School
North Carolina Outward Bound School
Kenneth Olivier and Angela Nomellini ~
John Osterweis and Barbara Ravizza ~
Peery Foundation
Helen and Dick Spalding ~
Fredi and Howard Stevenson ~
Strategic Grant Partners
The William and Elizabeth Patterson
Williams Trading, LLC
Lisa and Ted Williams ~
Anonymous (5)
Thomas C. and Patricia Barry ~
Ken and Jackie Broad
The Brown Family Foundation
California EPDM Antitrust Settlement
Calihan Fund of the Pittsburgh
Colorado Outward Bound School
Stephanie DiMarco and Jim Harleen ~
Dodge & Cox
Michelle and Kevin Douglas ~
John G. Duffy
Gina Falsetto and Warren Brown
Kevin Gay and Mona Hanes +
Global Leadership Adventures
John and Cynthia Gunn
Summer Search 2012 Annual Report
HealthCor Management LP
Hurricane Island Outward Bound School
JPMorgan Chase & Co.
The Kimball Foundation
Klarman Family Foundation
The Knossos Foundation
The Koret Foundation
Loomis, Sayles and Company
The Lynch Foundation
MATTS Giving Fund
Mimi and Sascha Mornell
Bernard Osher Foundation
P.I. Garden Fund
Parker Family Foundation
The Pinkerton Foundation
The Poorvu and Jaffe Families
Roberta H. Silten ~
William E. Simon Foundation
Diana and Steven Strandberg
Stuart Foundation
Thomas L. and Janet Thomas
Voyageur Outward Bound School
Wasatch Academy
Joe and Malin Wolf ~
Stephen Wolfberg
Amy and David Abrams
Amigos de las Americas
Anonymous (2)
Arcadia Charitable Trust
The Austin Memorial Foundation
The Barton Family Foundation ~
Baupost Group Charitable Fund
S.D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation
Alexandra Burke and Christopher Birch ~
BNY Mellon Sarah I. Schieffelin
Residuary Trust
Bank of New York Mellon Charitable
Giving Program/Arthur F. Blanchard
Brickyard Family Fund
Burke Family Foundation
Peter L. Buttenwieser and Terry Ann
Callan Associates, Inc.
Cosette Charitable Fund
Mark and Janet Edwards
Lori and Matthew Espe ~
Excellence In Investing For Children’s
Causes, Inc.
First Republic Bank
Flanagan Family Foundation ~
Fullerton Family Foundation
General Atlantic
Goldman, Sachs & Co.
Global Glimpse
Grand Circle Foundation
Lenore Hanauer Foundation
Nick and Leslie Hanauer
The Highland Street Foundation
Homestead Foundation
Liz Hume and Jay Jacobs
Juniper Networks Foundation Fund
Teke and Elizabeth Kelley ~
Katherine and Duncan Kennedy +
Irina and Sasha Kovriga ‘91 ~
Liberty Mutual Foundation
George Link Jr., Foundation Inc.
Jon and Gale Love
Luxor Capital Group, LP
Macquarie Group
Maine Teen Camp
May and Stanley Smith Charitable
Geoff McKay ~
Medina Foundation
James Milligan ~
Mitchell Kapor Foundation
Northfield Mount Hermon Summer
Elizabeth and David Obershaw ~
Jeffrey and Darice O’Neill ~
Outward Bound Philadelphia
Gretchen Pfuetze
Phacil, Inc.
Eva and Bill Price
Jonathan and Lisa Pruzan ~
Quest Foundation
Leslie Riedel and Scott Friend,
Harris Family Foundation ~
Elizabeth Riley and Daniel Smith
Schmidt Family Foundation
Jeffrey Lee Shames
Shawmut Design and Construction
Silver Family Foundation
May and Stanley Smith Charitable
Social Venture Partners
W.L.S. Spencer Foundation
State Street Corporation
Joyce and Larry Stupski
David and Carol Sung
Marcia Syufy
Teton Science Schools
United Way of King County
Tom van Loben Sels
Watchtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz
Kim Walin ~
The Webb Family Foundation
Where There Be Dragons
Walter and Donna Wick ~
Judith and Stephen Wolfberg
Yawkey Foundation II
The Achieve Foundation
Adventure, Risk & Challenge
Alaskan Copper & Brass Company
Allegra Entertainment and Events
Anonymous (2)
Karen and Jim Ansara
Devin and Sally Aronstam
AT&T California
Aven Foundation
Bain Capital Children’s Charity
Harrison and Leslie Bains ~
Bank of America Charitable Foundation
Karen Bergman ~
Wendell and Celeste Birkhofer
Blum Family Foundation
Richard Blum and Dianne Feinstein
Michael Blumstein and Eve Caligor
Darren Hans Bobella
Kristen and Ted Breck ~
California Alpha Delta Kappa, Alpha
Psi Chapter
California Alpha Delta Kappa
Jim and Alison Carbone
Lisa and Dick Cashin
Bryan and Jayme Colket ~
Cheley Colorado Camps
The Chung Family Fund
Cisco Systems Foundation
Claneil Foundation, Inc
Ellen M. Cohen and Cristopher Greer ~
Stephan Coonrod and Cheryl Clark ~
The Colket Foundation
Victoria and David Croll
Cushing Academy
Tenley Harrison and MacKenzie Davis
J.D. and Cecile Delafield ~
The Joseph and Carolyn DeMarco
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Druckenmiller
Nisha and Steve Du Bois ~
E. Richard Jones Foundation
Leni and Marriner Eccles ~
Environmental Traveling Companions
Ellen Fair ~
Fenster School
Randi and Bob Fisher
Doris Fisher
Fordham Street Foundation
Four Seasons Hotel San Francisco
Lloyd and Janet Frink
Ken Froot
Gap Inc. Giving Campaign
Derek and Jill Garvens
Steven Gensler and Nancy Swig
Glaser Foundation, Inc.
Global Routes
Global Scholars Program
Goldman Sachs Gives
Steven Grand-Jean
The William & Mary Greve Foundation Inc.
Robert and Natasha Greyber ~
Mimi and Peter Haas Fund
Rosalie and Claudio Haddad
Summer Search 2012 Annual Report
Tom and Liz Hale ~
Hamilton Family Foundation
Richard Ronald and Anne Harper
John B. and Marcy Harris ~
Hassel Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Hecht
Derk Hunter
Intercontinental Management Corp.
Lisa and George Ireland
Irene S. Scully Family Foundation
In School & Out of School Fund, a
Community Impact Fund at Napa
Valley Community Foundation
Ithaca College Summer College
Janice and Ralph James
The George Frederick Jewett Foundation
Wendy E. Jordan
Joseph Pedott Perpetual Endowment
Keefe, Bruyette & Woods
Betsy and Rusty Kellogg
Pamela Kenney and Brian Madocks
The Patricia Kind Family Foundation
Knight Capital Group
Mei-Yin Kok
Helene and Mark Lapman ~
Erik Christoffersen and Alissa Lee ~
George Loening and Kimbrough Towles
Lone Pine Foundation, Inc.
Longacre Leadership
Rodney and Kristi Loo ~
Loomis Chaffee School
Albert and Carol Lowenthal
MadCat Foundation
J.F. Maddox Foundation
Joseph C. Maher, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Mandel Jr.
Devon Mansell Laycox and Mark
Laycox ~
Markit North America Inc.
McCall’s Events & Catering
Kasey and Jamie McJunkin ~
The Medtronic Foundation
The Steven L. Merrill Family
Meyer Family Fund
Microsoft Corporation
Peter Moore ~
Morgan Stanley
Julie Simon Munro
The Neuberger Berman Foundation
Newman’s Own, Inc.
Pamela and Mitchell Nichter
The Norcliffe Foundation
Northern Trust
Summer Search 2012 Annual Report
Northwest Outward Bound School
Northwood Foundation
Dan Carroll and Stasia Obremskey
Sarah and Peter O’Hagan ~
Osterweis Capital Management
Outward Bound California
Dexter and Susan Paine
Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton &
Garrison LLP
Perkins Coie
Melanie Peña and Mark Perry ~
Plum Creek Foundation
Andy and Laura Poppink
Robert and Tracey Pruzan
RBS Citizens, N.A.
Carol and Hank Reiling ~
Road Less Traveled
Nancy and Rich Robbins
Catherine and Stephan Roche ~
John Roediger
Phil Rome
Michael and Victoria Rosauer
Julianne and Clayton Rose ~
Rosenberg Ach Foundation
Edward and Lauren Rosenfeld ~
Daniel E. Rothenberg
RS Investments
Rustic Pathways
Samuel S. Fels Fund
Ed and Michelle Sarti
Fred and Judy Schmid
The Seattle Foundation
Select Equity Group Foundation
Jesse and Lauren Serventi ~
Carl and Ruth Shapiro Family
The C.F. Roe Slade Foundation
Vicki and Mark Smith ~
Jed and Caitlin Smith
Solairus Aviation
Dana and Angie Stalder
Marjorie Cohen Stanzler and Paul
Stanzler ~
Stephens Inc.
Steward Health Care System LLC
Summer Academy at Suffield
Michael and Megan Sussman +
The Svrluga Foundation
Kimberly R. Sweidy and Raymie Stata
Gail L. Nelson and Peter B. Tarr ~
Tauck Family Foundation
Amee Tejani and Gavin Koo
The Thomas J. Long Foundation
Victoria Thorp and James Migdal
Gary and Barb Tolman
Graves and Colleen Tompkins ~
Tim Treadway
Dan Tsou and Betty So
University of Delaware Summer College
University of Miami Summer Scholars
Bill and Sally Van Ingen ~
Conrad and Wendy Voorsanger ~
Robbert and Jennifer Vorhoff
Charlotte and Herb Wagner
Marcia Walsh and Eric Block ~
Jerry Weintraub and Melody Howe
Suzanne Worden and Stephen Farley
Clinton Yara
The A.M. Fund
Matthew and Allison Abbott
Adams Street Partners
Adventures Cross-Country
Alaska Airlines and Horizon Air
Anonymous (5)
Kevin White and Brian Driscoll, Aon
Risk Solutions
Ascend Capital
Asset Management Company
The Paul and Edith Babson Foundation
Dr. Cristina Banks
Chris and Lupi Beagle ~
Matt and Amy Berler
BlackRock Matching Gift Program
Bloomberg Foundation
Blue Ridge Foundation New York
Toni and Peter Breck
Eileen and Karl Brumback
The Caroline Alexander Buck
Buckeye Roadhouse
Jane and Mark Cahill
Camber Capital Management LLC
The Capital Group Companies
Charitable Foundation
Maureen Carr and Walter Nollmann
Cynthia Carroll
Suzanne and Leslie Carter ~
Central Payment Corporation
Melissa and Arthur Ceria ~
Kendra Chencus and Kurt Somerville
John Childs
Clif Bar Family Foundation
Community Foundation of Western
Debra and Tim Connolly
Dee and Kevin Conway
Nina Coslov and Howie Rice
Heidi Cox
Creative Feed
The Crebilly Foundation
Ben and Amy Curtis
Krista and Peter Dalton
Brad DeFoor ~
Joie and Dennis Delafield
Yvonne and Michael Derse
Brian and Laurie Doherty
Mark and Rose Donner
eBay Foundation
Susan Ehrlich ~
Fred and Dinna Eisenhart
Martin and Alison Engel
Enon Tabernacle Reinvestment Ministry
Arthur and Stephanie Evans
Expedia, Inc.
F-Secure, Inc.
FACT Frame Trustees, LTD.
FactSet Research Systems Inc.
Farese Family Foundation
Nancy and Robert Farese
Lisa Fazio and Greg Schwartz ~
Marla Felcher and Max Bazerman
Financial Architects Partners, LLC
Pamela Polite Fisco and Dennis Fisco
John and Laura Fisher
Foster Pepper PLLC
New York City Council Member Helen
Diane Foster, 16th Council District
Fredricksen and Tracy Green
Don and Janie Friend
Fuller Foundation, Inc.
Fund for American Canyon, a
Community Impact Fund at Napa
Valley Community Foundation
Patty and Paul Gannon
GE Foundation
General Electric
Global Works
GO Adventure!
Barbara and Chris Gootkind
Stephen Gordon
Marritje and Jamie Greene
Jenn and Jay Gudebski
Chris Hanak
David and Fumiko Hoeft
Jennifer Steele and Jonathan
Hoekstra ~
Rick and Kandy Holley
Robyn and Jeff Hsu
Hannah and Will Hudson
Jan Hudson
Mr. and Mrs. George H. Hume
Patricia Huntington and John Gove ~
Idyllwild Arts
IECA Foundation
Kelly and Moti Ifergan
The James Irvine Foundation
Dan Janney and Noelle Montgomery
Lucinda and Todd Johns
Michael and Wendy Jolley
Jolson Family Foundation
Carli and Brian Jones ~
Junior Statesmen Summer School
Kadima Foundation
Jean Karoubi
Sy Kaufman and Kerstin Edgerton
Cathie and Clarke Keenan
David Kelley
William and Beth Ketcham
KeyBanc Capital Markets, Inc.
John and Kim Kieckhefer
Jennifer and Timothy Kingston
Jay and Inna Koehler ~
Simon and Kim Krinsky ~
The Stanley S. Langendorf Foundation
Millicent and Robert Lalanne
Lateef Investment Management
Terrie and Christopher Leake
Karen and David Leeds ~
Jill and Joe Lervold
Steve and Jenny Litzow ~
The Lucky Seven Foundation
John and Meghan Lyons
John and Paula Mahoney
Marin Community Foundation
Woody Marshall
Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia
Tom and Robin Mattimore
Maverick Capital Foundation
Cathleen McCafferty and Roger
John and Gwen McCaw
Donald McCubbin
Betsy and Edward McDermott
Hilary and Mark McInerney
The McKenzie Foundation
Timothy McKeown
Deborah Meehan
Carolyn and Alex Mehran
Molly and Andrew Mercy
Zachary and Laura Merriman
Jo Frances and John Meyer ~
MGS Consulting Inc.
ML Strategies, LLC/Mintz, Levin, Cohn,
Ferris, Glovsky and Popeo, P.C.
Dale and Bob Mnookin ~
Mary Howard and Steve Mooney
Stephen P. Moore
Elizabeth Munro and Peter Wheeler ~
Matt Murphy and Helen Lin-Murphy
Pat and Troy Murray
Cameron and Linda Myhrvold
Natixis Global Asset Management
Nelson Foundation
Newmark Knight Frank
Eve Niquette and Charles Pohl
Brett and Jennifer Nissenberg
Nomura Securities International, Inc.
Jamie and Lisa Nordstrom
Dan and Meagan Nye
Arun Palakurthy
Louise and Arthur Patterson
Karen Pell and Heather Lupa
JaMel and Tom Perkins
Leonilla and William Perry
Hayden and Zachary Perry
PSAI Realty Partners
Plantation Farm Camp
Chris Pratley
Jodi and Joshua Press
Michael and Helaine Pruzan
PSAI Realty Partners
Kent Radspinner and Mai Anh Phan
Vanessa and Asad Rahman
William Raymond
Beth Rhoades Holland
Laurie and David Robinson
The Rogers Family Foundation
Victoria Ross
Lisa Rourke
Chris and Pam Rupright
Russ Sach
Linda and Ted Schlein
Warren and Ladan Schlichting ~
Leyla and David Scott
Seiler & Company, LLP
Sharon Heights Golf and Country Club
Hilary Sheehan and Mark Gordon
Silicon Valley Bank
Silverado Farming One Percent Fund,
a Community Impact Fund at Napa
Valley Community Foundation
Gregory and Diane Simons ~
Miyoung Lee and Neil Simpkins
Robin and Murray Sinclaire
Summer Search 2012 Annual Report
Emilie G. Sinkler
Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher
& Flom LLP
Skidmore College Precollege Program
Graham Smith
Christie Snyder and Alan Smith ~
David and Mary Solomon
Spruce Foundation
St. Germain Liqueur Artisanale
Starbucks Coffee Company
Kara and David Steinberg
Steve Madden, Ltd.
Lisa and Gregg Stone ~
Julia Bowen and Brad Svrluga ~
Syracuse University Summer College
Paul Taubman
TD Charitable Foundation
T.L.L. Temple Foundation
Charlotte Temple
Chrissy and Jeffrey Teschke
Deborah L. Thaxter, Esq. ~
Scott Thomas ~
Marimar Torres
Toth Construction
Erik and Jennifer Toth ~
Klaus and Lori Toth ~
Charlotte and Scott Tracy
Joanna and Nigel Travis
Jeff and Laurie Ubben
Judy Upjohn
Kris and Mollie Van Stralen
Jean Verbridge and Charles Burd
Marc and Andrea Viscogliosi
Fred and Liz Walters
Weil, Gotshal & Manges LLP
Cynthia Weldon and Jamie O’Hara
Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.
Ashley and Minott Wessinger
Wetherby Asset Management
Kirby and Amy Wilcox
Eric and Michelle Wilcox
William Blair & Company
Williwaw Adventures
Diane B. Wilsey
Peter J. Wirth
William and Kris Wolcott
The Otto and Marianne Wolman
Jeffrey Wong and Carolyn Choi ~
Emerick Woods and Amy Wright
Wunderlich Securities, Inc.
Timothy and Kay Yates
Greg and Jodi Young
Gregory and Katherine Zelazny ~
Ann and Hans Ziegler
Summer Search 2012 Annual Report
Laura Alber and Ned Klingelhofer
Gregory and Christy Allen
Deborah Alton-Matthews
Susan Scott and Hugo Anderson
Anonymous (2)
Apogee Adventures
Appleton Partners, Inc.
Ken Aspell
Richard and Julie Atkinson
Baja Fresh NYC
Deborah Bander
Constance Goodyear Baron and Barry
C. Baron M.D.
The Barra Foundation
Kristine and Stan Baty
Jason Baumgarten and Tiffin Goodman
The Baupost Group, L.L.C.
Andrew and Dolly Behrens
David and Joanna Beitel
The Bernsten Family
Za and Sig Berven
Blue Cross Blue Shield of
Julie and Jim Borden
Boston University Summer Term
Paul and Debbi Brainerd
Dana and Christian Brennan
Elizabeth and Clark Callander
Camp Ogichi Daa Kwe
Carnegie Corporation of New York
Russell L. Carson
CF Global Trading LLC
Agnes and Jonathan Chapski
Charles Schwab Foundation
Yi-Ling Chen and Victor Hwang
Charmaine Chow and Saul Peña ‘06
Robert and Miriam Chung ~
Meredith and Eugene Clapp;
Penobscot Investment Management
Co., Inc.
Cogan Family Foundation
Mary Cornille and Jack Cogan
Mark and Tinsley Cohen
Susan and Mitchell Cohen
Dan Cohn and Lynn Brinton
College Orientation Workshop
Jay and Lisa Collins
Community Foundation for Northern
Concordia Language Villages
Edward R. Stolman and Nancy Conrad ^
Alexandru Constantin ‘07
John Murray and Gail Covington ~
J. and Suzanne Crandall
Curtis and Erin Cresta ~
Gay and Gene Crowley
Cushman & Wakefield, Inc.
Jeff and Helen Day
Cathy and Sandy Dean
Delafield Hambrecht, Inc.
Deutsche Bank Securities, Inc.
Dana Devon and Neil Sand
The Philip Devon Family Foundation
Dubs and Rob Dickey
Dinosaur Bar-B-Que
Hilary and Alexander Doroski
Doug Dossey and Kathrin Dellago
Joseph Downes
The Downes Family Fund
Becky Draper
Brian Driscoll
Dan and Cybelle Drohan
William and Katharine Duhamel
Dan Eaton and Theresa Sinnott-Eaton
Emily and Tom Edwards +
Carrie and Stouffer Egan
Sarah and John Ehlinger
Richard and Athena Eitel
Erin and David Elliott
Judith Elsea
Emerald City Rotary
Alison and Peter Engel
Jacqueline and Christian Erdman
Chris Ericksen
John and Danielle Esposito
Joan and Mike Even
Michael and Karen Foust
Danielle and Bryan Fryer
Tomi Fujimura and Jan Sysmans
Fund for St. Helena, a Community
Impact Fund at Napa Valley
Community Foundation
Genworth Financial Wealth
Paul Ghaffari
The Dino J. Ghilotti Foundation
Cori Glaser
Nancy A. Goldenberg ~
David and Annie Goodrich
Greater Horizons
Lorrie and Richard Greene
Suzanne Greer
Calla and Will Griffith
Elizabeth and Scott Halsted
Sally and William Hambrecht
Alicia and Philip Hammarskjold
Adrian Hanauer Foundation
Stephanie and Greg Hansen
Eliza Haskins Koeppel and Mike
Ludovich and Isabel Hauduc
Ravi Sachdev and Megan HeanueSachdev
Corinne Hedrick
Hellam Varon
Gregory Heywood
Wendy Holcombe and Carl Kawaja
Dave and Linda Holmes
Heidi A. Holzhauer ~
Mike and Kristen House
The Humphreys Group
Huntington Steele, LLC
Kimberly and Zachary Hyman
Vy and Matthew Hyman
Howard and Elisabeth Jaffe
Janney Capital Markets
John Hancock Financial Services
JPMorgan Chase Foundation
Joy and Doug Kant
Karas Family Foundation
Lis Tarlow and Stephen Kay
Robert and Nicole Keller
Gaylord and Robin Kellogg
KeyBanc Capital Markets Inc.
Steve and Claire Kingsley
Megan and Tim Kirley
Patricia and Robin Klaus ~
Kate Kelly and Tom Klein
Kathy and Jack Kopnisky ~
Teresa Amabile and Steven Kramer
Kreitzberg Family Foundation
Lail Vineyards ~
Sarah and Matt Lapides
Rob and Terrel Lefferts
Legatt McCall Properties, LLC
Chris and Susan Leupold
Susan and Myron Levine
Kearin Lewis
Jeff and Meghan Lewison ~
Joyce Linde
Molly and Dan Lokteff
Ivan Lopez ‘04
DeWayne and Lajwanne Louis ~
Anne Lovett and Steve Woodsum
Rabbi Brian Lurie and Caroline
Fromm Lurie
Todd Macy
Jay Karas and Miriam Marcus
Susan and Chris Masto
Leigh and Bill Matthes
Nion Tucker McEvoy
Andy and Kate Mecca
Salil Mehta
Margaret Meiners
Stephanie and John Mendel ^
Zaheen Mir and Regina Flores Mir
Tamra and Kurt Mobley
Chris and Linda Moscone
Stacey and Glenn Murphy
Charles Nettleton
Blake and Molly Nordstrom
Patrick and Cathy Norton
Melissa and David Norton
Russell and Ellanor Notides
Daniel and Elizabeth Oneglia
Janet and Clyde Ostler
Pacific Union International
Mike and Monique Page
Paley-Kerrey Foundation
Peter and Christy Palmisano
Will and Julie Parish
Liz Paxton
Bruce Peterson
Troy Pilalas
Tom and Gwen Price, Price Family
Putney School Summer Programs
Quigley/Hiltner Fund of The San
Francisco Foundation
R.A.B. Motors, Inc
RAIT Investment Trust
Jon Randall, Boston Properties
Mark and Susy Reinstra
David E. Retik and Christopher D.
Mello Foundation
Thurston and Catherine Roach
David and Valerie Robinson
Jeff and Linda Rosenthal ~
Ross Family Foundation
Susan and Alan Rothenberg
Alexis and Michael Rowell
Summer Search 2012 Annual Report
Nicole and John Sailer
Karina Saltman +
Mary Schaefer
Betty and Jack Schafer
Barbara and Jim Schaye
Werner and Jeanette Schimmelbusch
Phil Schlein
Seattle Bank
Demi and Frederick Seguritan
Tricia and Chuck Sellman
Komal Shah and Gaurav Garg
Gary Shedlin
Debbie and Michael Shepherd
Rodger and Margo Shute
Ronald and Shelly Skees
Sovereign Bank Foundation
Carolyn and Stephen Spitz
Jocelynn and Jeff Staley
Tom and Patricia Steele
Gordon Stephenson
Catherine and Greg Stern
Mary and Louis Stervinou
William C. Stevens and Sarah
Hannah and Andy Stevenson ~
Stifel Nicolaus
Caroline and Brent Stone
Brad and Brandy Stroh
Nachi Subramanian
Summer Study Programs
Super Camp
Dr. Mary Tavares Sutula and
Dr. Frank Sutula
Ellie Svenson and Mark Klempner
Emma Swain and Wes Jones
The Swig Foundation
Roselyne Chroman Swig
Christy and Hans Swildens
Ted and Phyllis Swindells
Chris Tatro and Tom Kim
Seth & Angie Taube Foundation
Angie and Seth Taube
Lue Ann Tikker
Seth Timen
Tipping Points Test Prep
Mark and Susan Torrance Foundation
Susan Torrance ^
Sara and Scott Trethewey
Karen Tucker and Dr. Jerry Avorn
Scott Tucker
Susan and David Tunnell
Stephanie Twomey and N. D’Arcy
University of New Hampshire Project
Summer Search 2012 Annual Report
Erika Valle
Yun Soo Vermeule
Vulcan, Inc.
Wachovia Capital Markets, LLC
Kirby Walker and Paul Danielsen ~
Washington University HS Summer
Scholars Program
Kweli and Melissa Washington ‘93 ~
Judy Webb
Debi and Jeff Weber
Jason Weese
Amanda Weitman
John F. Welch, Jr., Foundation
Katherine G. Welch
Wente Family Estates
Wentworth, Hauser and Violich
Kevin White
Diane Blanchard Whiting
Eugene and Jackie Williams
John and Averel Wilson
Kristin Wilson
Jason Windawi
Janine and Jeff Yass
Randall Yates
Doug Zagha and Alana Siers
Karen and Michael Zeff
Zillow Real Estate
The 40/40 Club
Alison and Ed Abbo
Meg and Bob Ackerman
Stuart Silk and Anne Adams
Linda and Mark Adler
Tom Akin
Alexandria Albers
Laura and Neil Alford
Julian and Ramesh Allen
Peter and Natalie Allenspach
Sumi Almquist
David Alonso
Eric and Heidi Altree
Michael and Lisa Anderson
Anonymous (4)
Chris and Christina Antipa
Apple Computer, Inc.
Applied Materials Foundation
Diana Nelson and John Atwater
Martha and Bruce Atwater
Pamela and James Awad
Matt Babcock
Sarah Babcock and Josh Krepon
Robin Bacci and Steven Ascher
Melora and Andrew Balson
Bank of America
Ann Barber
Richard Barker
Irwin Barnes and Sibel Bessim
Nesli Basgoz
Supriya Batra ~
Baystate Financial Services
The Bear Foundation
Nicholas and Becky Bellino
Jason M. Fish and Courtney Benoist
Dorothea and Larry Berger
John and Gretchen Berggruen
Hagar Berlin and Jon Spack +
John Bernabei
Wendy and Richard Bingham
Eric Bischof and Susannah Shipman
Stephen Bishop
Katharine and Peter Black
Tricia and Tim Blank
Tom Bliska and Gray Boyce
Block and Company Inc.
Diane and Howard Bloom
Bruce and Ann Blume
Boathouse Capital Management LLC
Michelle Boessler
The Bold Italic
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Bommer
Marilyn Boss
Carolyn and Steve Bowsher
Megan Bradley and Doug Mahugh
Theresa Bradley
Branch Banking and Trust Company
Josh and Maida Brankman
Mort and Wendy Branzburg
John and Jean Brennan
Neil Bretvick
Brigid Britton
Angelique Brooks
Barbara Brooks
Brown Brothers Harriman & Co.
Jennifer Nassour and C.J. Brucato
Stockton Buck
John Buoymaster
Jeannine Burky
Peggy and James Burling
Walter and Leslie Burlock
Nina and Craig Burr
Franco Cabral
John Cannistraro
Sally A. Carlson and Karl Keesling
Phillip Carpenter III
Michelle and Patrick Cartmel
Paola and Charles Casey
Cassidy Turley Midwest
Maggie and Adam Cassidy
Brian Caufield
Center for Creative Youth
Du and Sarah Chai
Fay Chandler
Beth and Sam Chapin
Scott and Celeste Chapman
Grace Chin
John D. China
Yongbai Choi
Linda and Joseph Chong
Pamela and George Christodoulo
Winston Churchill
Citizens Bank
Charles E. Clapp III
Kyle and Natalie Clark
Classic Wines LLC
Clifford and Galvin Contracting
Coast Range Investments LLC
Iain Cockburn
George Cogan and Mary Frances Allen
Liz Cohen and David Whellan
Randy Cohn and Alexandra Lane
Jill and Gregory Coleman
Jeff Colin
The Colin Family Charitable Fund
Ruth M. and Tristram C. Colket, Jr.
Columbia University Summer Program
for HS Students
Combined Jewish Philanthropies
Connors Family Foundation
Mimmy and Phil Cooper
Leo and Lynn Corbett
Cornell University Summer College
Amachie Ackah and Carra Cote-Ackah
Cottonwood Gulch Foundation
Anthony Craig Powell
Loretto and Dwight Crane
Credit Agricole
Cross Cellars
Sue and James Cross
Randi and Joel Cutler
Katherine and Lloyd Dahmen
Naoko Dalla Valle
Scott and Julie Dalton
Joseph Daversa
Carolyn Davies
Stephen Davis and Jill Cowan Davis
Zara and Evan Davis ~
Mason Day and Germana Fabbri Day
Loic and Rebecca de Kertanguy
Ed Dejoux
Gregory Deleo
Marvin D. Dennis
W.J. Deutsch & Sons Ltd.
Christopher and Barb Di Re
Brad and Denise Dinsmore
Dolfinger-McMahon Foundation
Dorsey & Whitney Foundation
Rich and Martha Draves
Carol and Bob Dressler
Kelly and Raymond Dunn
Jane and Herb Dwight Fund of
Community Foundation Sonoma
Edwards Wildman Palmer LLP
Blair and Cheryl Effron
Alison Elliott and Steve Blank
Beth and Tim Emanuels
Doug and Barbara Engmann
Andrew Ertman
The Ettinger Foundation
Betsy and Coby Everdell
James Everett
Joe and Ilona Fague
Shahed Fakhari-Larson and
Christopher Larson
Farm & Wilderness Programs
Peter Farnum
Martha and Paddy Farrell
Michael Fazio
Feeley & Driscoll PC
Georganne Ferrier and Steven
Darin and Amy Fierstein
Heidi Fischer
Chris Fitzgerald ‘03
Sarah FitzGerald
The Fledgling Fund
Shane Flock
Elizabeth Coxe and David Forney
Kevin and Michele Foster
Bob Fourr and Pam Phillips
Hilary Fox and Matthew Jacobs
Karla Frieders
Mark Froot
Fund for Calistoga, a Community
Impact Fund at Napa Valley
Community Foundation
Alice Furst
Ute and John Gannett
David and Carole Gaunt
Chuck and Nan Geschke
The Geschke Foundation
The Gilt Groupe
Bill Ginchereau
Linda and David Glickstein
Global Youth Village
Karen Glover
Karen and Thomas E. Goemaat
Cybill and Joel Goldberg
Google Matching Gifts Program
Robert and Colleen Grady
Douglas Grant
Susanna and Josh Greenberg
The Griffith Family Foundation
Sallie Griffith
Matt and Torrie Grosjean
Shaine Gross and Heidi Hager
Grousemont Foundation
Jane and J. Wyatt Gruber
Kate and Dale Gruen
Domingo Guerra
Walter and Julie Haas
Peter Hable
Tom Hadley
Nancy Hagens and Thomas Hill
Mamoon and Aaliya Hamid
Katherine and James Hansen
Nancy and Michael Harahan
Wassef Haroun
Mark Harris
Paul Harris
Tim and Christine Hartigan
Greg and Sally Hartman
Abraham and Diane Haspel
Paul Haughey and Denise Spencer
Schuyler and Michele Havens
James Head
R & H Healy Family Foundation
James Heilig
Sabrina and Mick Hellman
Leslie Hermanson
Hermione Foundation
Douglas & Carolen Herst Philanthropic
David Peter Hess
Elise and Matt Hicks
Sara Higgins
Liz Hilton
Hirsch and Associates
Hilary Hoffman
Perry Moriaerty and Kyle Hofmann
Hood & Strong LLP
Keiko and Gerald Horkan
Jocelyn and Josiah Hornblower
David Vaneard and Sarah Horowitz
Tim Horsburgh
Connie Coburn and James Houghton
Christopher Hryniw
Russ Huang and Charissa Huan
Patti Hughes
Summer Search 2012 Annual Report
Libby and Zach Hulsey
Hun School of Princeton
Priscilla and Richard Hunt
Carlyn and Laurie Hunter
Christina S. Hwang
Cathy and Kevin Hylton
Intuit Inc.
Chris Ishii
ISI Group
A.C. Israel Foundation, Inc.
Margaret G. Jacobs Charitable Trust
Tim Jacobs
Sharon Jacquet
James Family Foundation
Christine James ~
Matthew Lambdin and Caroline Jamry
Macon and Michael Jessop
Jewish Communal Fund
Jimeale Inc.
John Snow, Incorporated
Linda S. Johnson
Richard Wolff and Christina JohnsonWolff
Kenneth and Lorraine Jones
Rick Jones and Elaine Sczuka
Louis and Lynda Jordan ~
JPMorgan Chase Foundation Matching
Gift & Volunteer Programs
Andrew and Diane Kahn
Ellen L. and Robert S. Kaplan
Summer Search 2012 Annual Report
Lisa and Jed Katz
Carl Kaufman and Martha Angove
Ron and Barbara Kaufman
Kevin and Erika Kelly
Stan Kelly
John Kennedy
Nancy Hsiung and Charles Keough
Sam Ketcham
James and Teresa Kilman
Charlie and Ella Kim
Klingenstein Fund
Katherine and Alexander Kolb
Ben Kolpa
Jennifer and Chris Kostanecki
Hersh Kozlov
Frederick Kramer
Greg and Sandra Krenzor
Kwiat Diamonds
La Bottega
Michelle La Fleur and Michael Goetz
Hallie and Justin Label
Lisa and Mike LaHorgue
Penny Lane
Steve and Allison Lang
Thomas Lashmit
Tom Laurie
Margaret Laws
Lazard Freres & Co. LLC
Anna and Rick LeBlanc
George and Renate Lee
The Richard L. and Suzanne S. Levy
Fund of the Philadelphia Foundation
Tom Leineweber and Meagan
Anna Leon
Elaine Gorbach Levine Charitable
Gail Rothenberg and John Levy
Laraine and Jeffry Levy
Meir and Dassi Lewis
Reid and Jennifer Liebhaber
Lifeworks International
Mychele Lindvall
Alicia Nogales and Greg Little
Robert and Tonya Little
Katinka LoCascio
Susanna LoCascio
Violet Loo
Eliza Losensky
Robert and Amanda Lowenthal
Carol and Luther Luedtke
Eugene Lynch
David Lyon
Corey and Kristin Maas
Travis J. Machen and Dusty D. Dark
Tricia and Joseph Magher
Mike and Tracey Mandelbrot
David and Ann Mann
Paraag and Naya Marathe ~
Mark Richey Woodworking and
Design, Inc.
Annette Marker
Daniel Marr III
Richard Martin
Dan and Stephanie Martin
Lorraine and Michael Massell
Mich Mathews
Domonique and Grant Matthews
Dan McCall
Clare McCamy and Harrison Miller
Nancy McCarthy
Peter McCormack and Linsey
Jairo McCoy
The McCutchen Group
Jim and Susan McGuigan
McJannet Family
Milbrey McLaughlin and Lawrence
Klein ~
Evie and John McNiff
Albert McRae
David and Sophia McShea
Dana and D’Arcy Mead
Stephen Mead
Christopher and Michele Meany
Monica Mehra
Michael Meier, BMO Capital Markets
Kelly Meldrum and John Brookes
Merrill Lynch
Virginia and John Metters
Liza and Jeffrey Meyerhardt
Thomas B. Michaud
Beth Mitchner and Douglas
Jay Moldenhauer-Salazar
Gale Mondry and Bruce Cohen
Ann and George Morris
Claire and Richard Morse
David and Janet Mourning
Julina Moy
Christine Mathews and Warren Mullen
Jeremy and Jessica Murphy
Kate Murphy and Brett Bush
Mary Murphy and John Conlin
Jeff and Karin Neal
Tom and Susan Newmeyer
NewSpring Capital
Alice Newton
David Nilssen
Nokia Initiative for Charitable
NorthRoad Capital Management LLC
John and Tracy Novick
Remy Ntshaykolo and Kelly Prichett ~
Chris and Carrie O’Dea
Eric Ogden
Anna Lynn and Stephan Oppenheimer
Mark Orsi
Outdoor Art Club, Inc.
Greg and Amy Ovalle
Overland Adventures
Ruth Porat and Anthony Paduano
Linda Dabrowski-Pagani and
Alessandro Pagani
Bob and Kristine Pallas ~
Anne and Felix Pardo
Jessica Parish Galloway
Marcantonio Parisi
Surya Patel
Kathleen Patterson
Bo Peabody
Terry Pearce
Byron Penstock
Solaria Perez-Stepanov and Alexander
Stepanov ‘94~
Georganne Perkins
Marc Perrin
Sharon Perry
Mr. and Ms. Justin Peterson
Cynthia and Roger Petrie
Frances Petrocelli and Charles B. Wilson
Mai Pham Godezano ‘00
Ellen and David Phillips
Dana Pigott
Robert Pitts and Elizabeth O’Brien Pitts
Louise Playford
Wendy Shattuck and Samuel Plimpton
Jeanette Pollon and Bonnie Bresca
Bill and Shara Pollie
Charlie and Eleanor Pollnow
Craig Powell
Kevin Ryan and Carolyn Pressly-Ryan
Sarah Pribyl
Barry and Jennifer Price
Prospect Creek Foundation
Erin and Pete Przybylinski
Public Financial Management, Inc.
James E. and Diane Quinn
Ram’s Gate Winery
Katherine Randolph
Raymond James Financial, Inc.
John C. Read and Alexandra Read
Red Tail Ridge Winery
Rory Richardson
Alissa Riffel
William Rippe and Laure SudreauRippe
Joni Roberson Factor and Cullen
Robert W. Baird & Co.
JRoc Family
Larry and Wendy Rockefeller
Craig Roder
Denise Rodrigues ‘01~
Larissa Roesch and Jason Crethar
Ian Rolfe
Leesa Miao and Martin Romo
Erin Rose
Eric Rosen
Barbara and Richard Rosenberg
Heidi and Nick Rosenberg ~
Carl and Sarah Rosendahl
Cornelia Johnson and Robert Rotberg
Andrew Roth
Kate and George Rowe ^
Lynne Royer and Bruce Saldinger
Jamie and Gretchen Rubin
Jennifer Rusk
Beth and Jonathan Rutchik
Ian and Wendy Sacks
Virginia and Scott Saifer
Tim Sargen
Dale Sarro
Vincent Saunders
Amy H. Saxton +
Barbara and Bob Scavullo
Lucas and Rosalia Schoemaker
Kristen Schonwald-Vila and Chris Vila
John and Sara Schram
David Schwartz and Donna Liu
Hugh and Donna Scott
SCP Partners
SEA Education Association
Ellen and Steven Segal
Nancy and Gregory Serrurier
Martha and Matthew Sharp
Lionel Shaw
Sarah Shaw
Stephanie Shea and Bob Zehner
The Sher-Right Fund
Robin Shostack
Silver Oak Cellars
Richard Silverman
Ryan Simmons
Ryan and Eve Simon
Lee and Allen Sinai
Karen Skadan
The Skyscrape Foundation
Megan G. Slade
Greg and Mimi Slyngstad
Lee and Perry Smith
Lee and Perry Smith Fund
Snow Farm: The New England Craft
Summer Search 2012 Annual Report
Phyllis and Adam Sonnenschein
Norman and Ruth Spack
Tom Speranza and Carol Sulcoski ~
Belena Stanford
Robert Stapleton
Noa Staryk
Stebbins Fund
Susan Ricci and Theodore Stebbins
Kelly Steremberg
Maryann G. Stockholm
Michael and Jessica Stokes
Jon and Judy Struss
Brad and Lynanne Struss
The Stuart Rental Company
Michael Supino
Judy and Meyer Sussman
Marjorie Swig
Patricia Swig Dinner
Susan Swig
Seck-Eng Tan
Patricia Tanoury
TD Bank, N.A.
Laura Tenner
Jay and Shannon Thomson
Three Sticks Winery
Tim Horton’s
Andrea Topper
TPG Capital
Van Tran
Adam and Lauren Turteltaub
Twomey Cellars
United Way Of Southeastern
John Urbanowicz
Antoine and Emily Van Agtmael
Dharma Cortes and Rodolfo Vega ~
Verisight, Inc.
Andy Vickers
Vranken Pommery America
Brooks Walker and Summer Tompkins
Danielle and Brooks Walker
John Walker
Luke and Caitlin Walsh
Sally Ward
Susan Ward
Jolly and Joseph Waterman
Alexis Weil
Jody Weiss
Laura and Neil Weiss
Chris Weldon and Shirley Xu
Ellen Welichko
Wells Fargo Community Support
Brooke and Todd Welsch
Summer Search 2012 Annual Report
Stacey Welsh ~
Kathleen Welsh and Bill Plautz
Wendell Family Foundation
Peter and Lynn Wendell
Wente Vineyards
David Whitlock
Michael and Sandra Whitman
Michael and Nina Whitman
Lily Wick
Lawson and Mary Bess Willard
Nancy and Tom Williams
Willis North America Inc.
Windsor Mountain International
Michael and Tory Winnick
David and Charlotte Winton
Jane and Douglas Wolf
Colleen and Gary Wolf
Daniel Won
Maggie and Tim Woodward
Trevor and Karen Wright
Jessica and Bertrand Yansouni
The Yemaya Maurer Gift Fund
Young Writers Workshop
Lark Young
Kristina and Marshall Younger
Martin and Maggie Zankel
Mary Ann Zetes and Peter Mazonson
Up to $999
3rd Ward
49ers Foundation
Bonnie Abadie
Annie Abbruzzese
Sandra Abdallah
Jasmine Abele
Matthew Aboyme ‘98
Wendy and Clark Abt
Lindsey Acampa
Dolores Acevedo
Karla Acevedo ‘04
Eileen Acheson
Ervens Achille ‘10
Danielle and Ted Ackerley
Leurys Acosta ‘11
Jennifer Acuti
Pamela and Robert Adams
Anita Adams
David Adams
Jennifer Adams
Biola Aderinto ‘02
Comfort Adeyemi ‘12
Michael Adler and Michelle Goldberg
Advent Employee Matching Gifts Fund
Kofi Afful ‘06
Ruthie Aframe
Josephine Agbayani
Peter Aguera
Itzchel Aguilar Bazan ‘12
Yuriko Cherry Aguirre
William Agush
Cathleen Ahearn
Afua Ahwoi
Dawn Aiken
Josh Ain
Isabelle Albeck
Crystal Alburger ‘05
Jeff and Sally Alder
Joan Marie Alexander
alice + olivia by Stacey Bendet
Allan Construction, Inc.
Christopher and Katherine Allen
Luke Allen ‘12
Alison Allgor
Amy Allred
Aries Almanza-Almonte ‘12
Ann Alpers and Shawn Hanson
The Josef and Anni Albers Foundation
Ramsey Al-Salam
Michael Altchek
Robin Altman
Rebecca Altschul
Victor Alvarez Chavez ‘12
Araceli Alvarez
Julia Alvarez ‘12
Yair Alvarez ‘12
Paula Alvary
Lillian Amaechi ‘05
Hortensia Amaro
Julie Ambrose
Kate Ambrose
Frank Amelia
Angela Ames
Oliver Ames
Amgen Foundation
Sushil Amin
Umar Amin, Jr. ‘10
Helen and Tom Anawalt
Anchor Capital Advisors
Beverly Anderson
Brooke Anderson
Charles Anderson
Eben Anderson
Mark and Eve Anderson
Neal Anderson
Margaret Andrews-Davenport
Christopher Anker
Jeannie Annan
Anonymous (11)
Anova Consulting Group
David Maymudes and Emily Anthony
Anthony-Maymudes Family Foundation
Ashley Antler
Lauren Antonoff and Ken Treiger
Apex Foundation
Michael Apodaca
Nathan Appel
Max and Francesca Applegarth
Leslie Arai
Daniel Araniz ‘04
Johanna Arenillas ‘07
Ines Ariceta +
Leslie Armell +
Jennifer and Stephen Arms
Michele Armstrong
Kelly Arnold
Renee Arst and Brian Lewis
Veronica and Greer Arthur
Ron Artzi
Carol Ashley ‘12
Doug Asiello
Atlantic Yachting
Anna Au
Eric Au ‘00
Nathali Aucapina ‘12
Ingrid Augusto
Hnin Aung ‘10
Barbara Austin
Ken Austin
John Avery
Ramy Awad
Lindsay Awer
Andrea and Carl Axelrod
Margaret Babayan ‘11
John Babcock
Shirley Bacher
Kim and Steve Bachmann
Ruslan Bagaveev ‘12
Margaret Bahan
Morteza Baharloo
Victoria Bailey
Lawrence Bailis
Ana Baires ‘03
Andrew Baker
Matthew and Carly Baker
Diana and Mark Baker
James Baker
Pamela and Jesse Baker
Leslie Baker
Pat Baker
Ryan Baker
Sarah Baker
Leo Balambao, Jr.
Celina Baldizon ‘12
Curt and Deena Ball
Jennifer Ballard
James Balok
Kim Baltzell and John Maine
Dan Balzora
Christine Banach
Jo Anne Bander
Stephen Bander
Hanan Bane
Hugh Bangasser
Henry Banh ‘12
The Bank of New York Mellon
Liz Banse
Banshee Wines
Salvador Barajas Celis ‘12
Katrin Barbarello
Frank Barbarino
Lori and Steve Bard
Lauren Baricos and Matt Newton
Beth Barker
Kirstan Barnett
Lindsay Barnett
Reginald Barnett
Kevin Barney
Caleb Barnum
Tyler and Nicole Baron
Jeanne Barr
Sharon Barr and Pete Hoskins
John Barraco
Lauren Barredo
Andy Barrett
Matthew Barrett
Edwin Barrientos
Manuela Bartiromo
James and Elizabeth Barton
Alexandra Bartz +
Jacqueline Bartz
Patrick Baryenbrunch and Laura
Nell Ford
Sarah Buttenwieser and Hosea Baskin
Bonnie Baskin-Gilmore
Megan Bassetti
Tom and Leanne Battelle
Don and Elona Baum
Bob and Robbie Baxter
Katharine Bazinsky
Jordan Beadling
Sarah Beahan +
Jamie Beal
Kathryn Beard
Thomas Beatty
Susan Beck
Daniel and Annette Becker
Bridget Beckstoffer
Bedford Cheese Shop
Clark Bedford
Beecher’s Handmade Cheese
Jessica Begen
James Beha
John and Betty Behmke
Chris Behrman
Brandi Belbin ‘11
Allen Belfatti
David Belfatti
Collin Bell
Harvey Bell, Jr.
Pamela Bell
Ronny Bell and Catherine Garth
Aaron Bellamy and Annie Muse-Fisher
Renee Bellew
Sal Bellino
Victoria Benavides ‘12
Nancy Benchoff
Krista Bendig and Tristan Davis
Allen Benello
Kurt and Tricia Benner
Jennifer Bennett
Vanessa Bennett
Melissa Benten
Patrick Benzie
Anelsa Beqo ‘11
Belinda Beqo ‘12
Hinda and Hal Beral
Carly Berezin
Scott Berger
Gary Bergeron
The Berghorst Foundation Inc.
Seth and Alexandra Bergstein
Chris Bergstrom
Deborah and Ted Berghorst
Joshua Berick
Barry Berkowitz
Laurie Berlin and Edward Deicke
Sandra Berman
Loreny Bernabe ‘12
Daniel Berner
Ross Berner
Dennis and Meg Bernholz
Marge Hiatt Bernstein
Scott Berrie and Patricia Willens
Lynn Berry
Michael Berry
Iliza Bershad
JoAnne and Jack Bertges
Hon. Debbie Bertlin
Olivier Berton
Madzy Besselaar
Victoria Best
Summer Search 2012 Annual Report
Jessica and Naiff Bethoney
Justin Bethune ‘02
Davor Beverin
Robert Bevilacqua
Jessika Bhandari ‘12
Anjali Bhosle
Bi-Rite Market
Griffin Biase
Dani Bicknell ‘04
Jennifer and Doug Biederbeck
David Bieganowski
Alison Biggar
Cynthia and Randy Bigony
F. Randall Bigony
Elizabeth Billingham
Julie Binder
Jane Bindley
Lauren Binkley
Heather Bioran
Jeff and Tina Bird
Tom and Leslie Bires
Elise Birkhofer
Richard Binswanger
Alice Bissell and Stephen Rosen
Martha and Robert Bissell
Ian Bissell
Joni and Ted Bissell +
Kristina Bittner
Brian Bizoza
Carol Black
Fraser and Deidre Black
Neal and Joanna Black
Rachel Blair Cochran
Jane Blair
Matt Blair
Robert Blair
Amy Blais
Elizabeth G. Blankstein
Andrew and Leslie Blauner
Marc Blazer
Lisa Blechschmidt ‘12
Allison Bloch
Block Orders Execution LLC
Susanna Block
Michele Bloom
Chris Frissora and Emma Bloomberg
Jeffrey Bluestone
Margaret Blunt
Hilda and Gilbert Boas
Kofi Boateng ‘12
Joy Boatwright
Joanne Boccelli
Victoria Bodanyi
Carl Boehm
Boeing Employee Matching Gift
Summer Search 2012 Annual Report
Charles Boerio
Andrew Boglioli
Laura Bogomolny
Joanna Boisen
Kathleen Boisvert
John Bolger
Jeremy Bolin
Michael Bolte
Caroline Boneparth
Hernely Bonilla ‘12
Regina Bonsu ‘12
Boqueria SOHO
Andrew and Brenda Bor
Estefania Borda ‘12
Sharon Bordas
Edith Borden
Jeanette Borras
Jeffrey Borst
Craig Bottger
Emily Bouch
Tina and Joe Bou-Saba
Meade Boutwell
Deborah Bower
Derek Bower
Annette Boyce
Jennifer and Chris Boyd
Ellen and Steven Boyd
Dawn Bozkurt
Taylan Bozkurt
Kazan Braeckman
Kathryn Braemer
Kathryn Braham
Amy Brakeman
Denise and John Branch
George Brantz
Susan Brayton McGoff
Ashley Brekke ‘12
Julie Brener
Matthew Bresette
Joann and Miki Breuer
Angela Brewster
Amy Breznikar
Kim Breznikar
Louie Brillantes
Robin Brinckerhoff
Jameika Bristol
Margaret Bristol
Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation, Inc.
Bianca Brito ‘12
Eva Broccole
Peter Broccole
Jane Brock-Wilson
Lindsay Broder
Nancy Brodsky
James Castillo and David Brody
William B. Brody
Molly Broeck
Keith and Arlene Bronstein
Richard Bronstein
Brookline Booksmith
Heather Brosseau
Cazzie Brown ‘00+
Amber Brown
Christina Ysanne Brown
Jennifer Brown
Kevin Brown
Kourtnii Brown
Marah Brown
Maureen Brown
Michelle Brown
Robert Brown
Ryan Brown
Stephanie Brown
Thomas Brown
Thomas Brownell
Travis Brownley
Christina Bruce
Stephen Brune
Lisa Bruno
Jeff Brunswick
Stuart Brush
John M. Bryan Family Fund
Jahque Bryan-Gooden ‘12
Janet Bryson
Sarah Bua
Brett Buchalter
Wendy Buchen
Trevor and Billie Buck
Jeanne and Ed Buckley
Sarah Buckley
Jennifer Buddenborg
Steven Budrick
Buehler Vineyards
Kristina Buenafe
Christopher Buhler
Bulldog Gin
Jackie Bullis
Lesley Bunim
Breeana Bunzel
Irving Burgara ‘12
Anne Marie Burgoyne and Brad
James Burke
Jane Burke
Margaret Burke
Meagan Burke
Peter Burke
Sheena Burke
Dale Burks
Amanda Burns
Jessie Burns
Elizabeth Burt
Sarah Dey Burton
Andrew Bush
Shannon Bush
Tammy Bush
Sugarsuren Byambasuren ‘10
Laurada Byers
Anthony Byrd
Melissa Byrkit
Diana Byrne
Peter Byrne
Tara Byrne
Jake Cabala
Ann Cabral
Gadille Cabral ‘09
Gary Cacase
Mark and Ayesha Cadman
Sharon Cadman
Brian Caffelle
Deborah Caffelle
John and Pat Cahill
Cynthia Cain
Jessica Calagione
Janet Calcaterra
Yenin Calderon Guzman ‘12
Miranda Calderon ‘12
Calidora Skin Clinic
Lynly Callaway
Giuliano Caloia
Karen Calonico
Brian Calvey
Karen Cambray
Kathy Camin
Kristen Campana
Abigail Campbell
Juanita Campbell-Heredia ‘06
Diana Campos ‘12
Lisa Campos
Aaron Canale
Tobi and Jim Cannelli
Matt Glerum and Candra Canning
Matthew and Gabrielle Canno
Ann Cannon
Pamela and Lawrence Cantieri
Kathy and Jack Cantwell
Allison Capen
Andrew Carbaugh
Judy Carey-Nevin
Carillon Point Account
Mitzi Carletti
Darcy Carlson
Curt and Dudley Carlson
Gary Carlson
Ian Carlson
Jonathan Carlson
Lin Carlson
Christi Carmans ‘12
Andrea Carnegie +
Cassie Carothers
Mickele Carpenter
Edward Carrington
Eliza and Paul Carrington +
Jim Carroll
Cars 4 Causes
Katie Simons and Steve Carter
Cecilia Carter
Phil and Jennifer Carter
Juliann Carter
Chris Carthy
David Carton
Alison Caruso
Roberto Caruso
Kris Van Giesen and Holly Carver
Ronald Casciano
Jennifer Cascino
Jane Casey
Martin Casiano ‘11
Eileen and Paul Casilli
Diane and Rob Cassil
Fabian Castaneda ‘12
Tonatiuh Castellon ‘09
Brenda Castillo ‘05
Jaime Castillo ‘08
Alejandro Castro ‘12
John Catterson
Tanisha Catule ‘10
Brian and Aleah Caulin
Ann Clinton Cavanaugh
Paul Cavanaugh
Lorraine Cawili ‘12
Celebrated Chefs Seattle
Jonathan Celestin ‘11
Cenage Learning
CF & P Insurance
Tong Cha ‘09
Christian and Angela Chabot
Guillermo Chacon
Sumeet Chadha ‘09
Matt Chadwick
Sreekanth Chaguturu, M.D.
James Chambers
Charles Chan
Lucien Chan and Joanna Gonsalves
Winnie Chan ‘06
Carol Chandor
Chiao Chang
Tony Chang ‘08
Pauline Chao and Stephen Sand
Wendy Chao ‘12
Henry and Claudia Newman Chapin
Damien and Jackie Chapman
William Chapman
Erica Charlton ‘12
Marguerite Chatelier
John Roach and Stacy Chatfield
Anh Chau ‘96
Edgar Chavez ‘08
Thien-Ly Che ‘12
Chelsea Market Baskets
Gary Chen
Joanna Chen ‘12
Mimi Chen
Ruby Chen ‘12
Jacky Cheng ‘10
Ivy Cheng ‘12
Victoria Cheng ‘03
Jason Cherney
Cynthia Cheung ‘06
Janie Chickering
Barbara Chin
DeAnna Chin
Francis Chin
Merry Chin ‘11
Susan Chin-Louie
Bette Chisolm
Emily Chiu
Shaniqua Choice ‘09
Karen Chookaszian
James Chopping
Sarah Chopping
Padma Choudry
Caroline Chow
Patal Chowdhury ‘09
Michael Chrisman
Michael and Jennifer Christian
Joey Christiano ‘00
Mark Christopher
James Christopoulos
Heedan Chung
Jairo Chung and Scott Browne
Mark A. Churlin
Francesca Cicero
Jeannie Ciesynski
Gregory Ciongoli
Clarion Research
Alan Clark
Christopher Clark
Hamilton and Caroline Clark
Justine Clark
Lynne Clark
Michele Clark
Nicole Clark
Summer Search 2012 Annual Report
Steve and Tricia Clark
Tyson Clark
Brian Clarke
Julia Clarke
Elizabeth Clauhsen
Clay Health Club and Spa
Daniel Clayton
James Clayton
Michael Clayton
Gizelle Clemens
Jacqueline Clements and Greg
Deborah Lawson and Paul Cleveland
Rep. Judy Clibborn
Chris and Catherine Clifford
Raul Clouse and Huan Zuo
Club One
Siobhan Clune
Sean Coar
David Coates
Jeanne Coburn
Stella and Fred Cocchiara
James Cochran
Hannalou Coco
Mark Cognetti
Dr. Carolyn Klebanoff and Dr. Fred
Andrea Cohen
Barbara Cohen
Jaclyn and Ron Cohen
Jeffrey Cohen
Jordan Cohen
Melissa Cohen
Roger Cohen
Theresa Cojohn
The Colbert Report
Carlton Colbert ‘98
Susan Cole Ulvestad
Amy Rose Cole
Patricia Cole
Richard Coleman
Ann Coles
Susan Coliton
Kelli Colleran
Edmund Collins
Erin Collins
John Collins
Genevieve Collura
Colorado Mountain Express
Connie Colucci
Robert Colucci
Comcast Corporation
John Comings
William Condon
Barbara and Jim Conen
Summer Search 2012 Annual Report
Michael Conn
Alima and Yann Connan
Irving Connell
Patrick and Heather Conniff
Patrick Connorton
Deborah L. Cook
Lauren Cook
Phyllis and David Cook
Molly Coomber
Courtney Cooney and Topher Solmssen
Joie Cooney
Chris Cooper
Emily Cooper
James L. Cooper
Katie and Robert Cooper
Malisha Cooper-Suggs ‘12
Livia Copara ‘07
Marion Cope
Frank Cordell
Mark Corden
Mike and Kris Corey
Chris Corliss
Caroline Cormier
Jessica Cornell
Don Cornwell
Hector Coronado De Anda
Corporate Management, Inc.
Nicholas Corrado
Ricardo Cortes
Carolyn Corwin and James Fish
Leisa Cosentino
Nicole Cosgrove
Jim Coshow
Ian Courtnage
James and Sarah Cox
The Cox Family
Prentiss Cox
Genevieve and Joe Coyle
Cozen O’Connor
C.P.A. Valet
Kyle Craig
Alan Crain
Brandy Crawford
Jason and Denahi Crawford
Marian and Michael Cronin
Briana Cronin
Colleen Cronin
Erin Crosier
Cross Atlantic Capital Partners, Inc
Jennifer Crotty
Dennis Crowley
Mary Kay Crowther
Gordon Cruess
Erin Crump
Sharleenee Cruz ‘12
Juan Cuevas, Jr. ‘12
Craig and Carolyn Cullen
Evan Cummings
Donald J. Cunningham
Joan and Ron Curhan
Dorothy Curran
Janice Curtiss
Kevin Cutillo
Earle Cutler
Doug and Anne Cutting
David L. Cvengros
Marissa Cyr
Tekoa Da Silva ‘01
Matthew Dadaian
Dahn Yoga
Sienee Dakina ‘12
Cristin Dalecki
Lorraine D’Aleo
Michael D’Aleo
Massanda D’Johns ‘01
Melanie Damm and Greg Wollenman +
Kurt and Leslie Dammeier
Janay Daniel ‘06
Leah Daniels ‘12
Kim Danke +
Alexa Danner
Sarah Danziger
Donna Dao ‘12
Meriden Darcy
Paul Darrigo
Joseph Darza ‘07
Tim Dattels and Kristine Johnson
Joseph Davalos ‘12
Eileen Davidson
Trisha and Adam Davis
Chase and Shannon Davis
Darrell Davis ‘12
Julia Davis
Mavis Davis
Teran Davis
Dawn and Tim Davis
Susan and Timothy Davis
Zachary and Jessica Davis
Jahlil Davis-Green ‘10
Catherine Day
Dorothy Day
Matthew Day
Madhukar and Saira Dayal
Ghislain de Kertanguy
Amaris De La Rosa-Moreno ‘12
Elizabeth De Montigny
Richard Deaguila
Jill Deasy
H. David Decell
Dan Decelles
Terri Decker
Noah DeGaetano
Barbara Deggelman +
Brian Deitte
Johan DeJesus ‘11
Ralph and Lorraine Del Prete
Maria Delacruz ‘12
Elizabeth and Sean Delaney
Gabriela Deleon
Delfina Restaurant Group
Jose Delgadillo ‘12
Jennifer Delgado ‘12
Dr. Anna Deliganis
Dell Employee Giving Program
Laura Dempsey
Shao Deng ‘08
Christine Denham
Deborah Denhart
Linda Denis
Peter Denny
Tae Denwongkun ‘10
Bridgette Depay ‘08
Mitchell Derenzo
Stephen DeRosa
Carolyn Cohen and Alan Dershowitz
Richard Desjardins
Angela Detzel
Katherynn Deus ‘12
James Deutsch
Erin Deveau
Dino and Caryn DeVita ~
Patrick Devitt
Matthew Devlin
Katharine Dezengotita
Diane von Furstenberg
Kathleen Diangelo
Carla Dias
Monica Diaz
Jeff Dickey
Amy Dickinson
Erin Diehl
Jennifer Diehl
Dan Dierdorff
Michael DiMaggio
Jessica DiMascio
John Dippold
Matthew and Vanessa Diserio
Peggy K. Dissmeyer
Shiva Diyali ‘12
Ann Marie and Stephen Dlott
Bao-Chau Do ‘11
Bao-Tram Do ‘09
Julia Doctoroff
Danielle Dodds
Lauren and Jim Dodington +
Sara and Matt Doelger ~
Keri Dogan and Mark Hamel
Suzanne Dolan
Dr. Therese A. Dolan
Robert Dolezal and Annie Roney
Erica Domingo
Alexis and Daniel Donahoe
Doug and Jeri Donnelly
Mark Donohue
Michelle Doty Cabrera and Alice
Charles Douglas III
Nancy Douyon
Macaria Dove ‘10
Joseph Downes
Helena Downing
Allison Doyle
Anna and Dennis Doyle
Britt Doyle
Ben Draa
Mark Drake and Michelle Idell
Susan Drake
James Drakeley
Ron Dreben
Joel Drescher
Christopher Drinkwater
Maureen and Robert Driscoll
Michael Driscoll
Thomas and Umi Druck
John Drum
Samuel-Sean Drummond ‘12
Darryl DSouza
Jesse Du Bey
Margaret Duckhorn and Jim Ukropina
Hilary Dudley
Deputy Chief James I. Dudley
Griselda Duenas
Chris Duffy
Ryan Duffy
Sandi and Jim Duffy
Gale Dunham
Jeff Dunn
Sharon Dunn
Cynthia Dunne
Sarah Dunne
Stephen Dunne
Linh Duong
Mai Duong ‘07
Ngoc Duong ‘08
Robert V. Duprey
Marcos Duque
Tim Durbin
Carolyn Duryea Smith
Danielle DuVarney
Dyanna Spa
Liz Earley
John Eastman
Lucas Eastman
Elizabeth Eaton
Katy Eberle
Jacob Eberly
Kristen Echemendia
George Eckard
Mark Eckel
Amanda Eckhoff
Rep. Deb Eddy
Janice Edman
Amy Edmondson and George Daley
Braden Edwards
Mary Edwards Berridge
Michelle Edwards
Caroline Egan
Timothy Egan
John Egbert
Lisa Straugh Eggers
Annie and Nicholas Ehrmann
Steven and Diane Eidman
Anne Ladov and Jeremy Eisemann
Bonnie Eisner
Kerri Eklund
Matthew Elder
Kristina Eldrenkamp
Deborah and Vernon Ellinger
James Ellinger
Jim Ellinger
Shelli and KishaLynn Elliott ‘98
Nicole Elliott and Mark Karvosky
Steve Elliott
J. Todd and Mia Ellis +
Jeffrey and Carol Lynne Ellis
Laurin Ellis ‘11
Leslie and Grant Ellis
Michael and Lauren Ellis
Michelle Ellis
William and Virginia Ellis
Scott Elrod
Sean Elsbernd
Mark Elster
Carson and Helmy Eltoukhy
Peter and Gillian Emblad
Glen A. Emil
Michael Emmet
Tom Engelman
Katherine Englander
Caleb Ensign White
John and Christine Enslein
Summer Search 2012 Annual Report
Harland Epps
Helena Epps
Cara Epstein
Esta and Bob Epstein
Equinox Fitness
Joanne Erhartic
Peter Erhartic
Ernest Alexander Fulton Olive
Frances and JT Erskine
Elizabeth Escobar ‘12
Gulisara Eskyendr ‘12
Alexia Eslan
Angela and Miguel Espinosa
Antonia Fraker Esposito
E Squared Hospitality
Adrian Esqueda ‘12
Kathryn and Carlos Esquivel
Moises Estrada ‘12
Josephine Ettinger
Jasmine Eubanks ‘12
Shawn Eubanks
Kathryn Evans
Shawn Evans
Inessa Even
Alexa Eversole
Amanda Eversole
Linda Ewing
Randy Ewoldt
Exhale Mind Body Spa
Jonathan Ezer
Sam Faisal ‘12
Rochelly Fajardo ‘08
John Fajerski
Nael Fakhry
Marjan Falek
Aries Faletogo ‘12
Andy Fang ‘12
Wendpuire Fanghaenel ‘99
Katie Fanning
Lindsay Fanning
Angela Farley
Edward Farley
Meredith Faro
Jenny Farrelly
Rangsiwan Fasudhani and Benito
Capuyan III +
Fat Witch Bakery
J.D. and Michael B. Faucher
Jacquelyn Faughnan
Laura and Paul Fay
Carla Fazio
William Fazio
Devra Featheringill
Neil Feeley
Ellen Feeney and Douglas Hiemstra
Summer Search 2012 Annual Report
Eric Feig
Jacob Feinstein
Katherine Feinstein and Rick Mariano
Toby and Bernie Felcher
Kim Felder
Jed Feldman
Diane and Joel Feldman
Joshua Feldman
Michael Feldman
Kate and Marty Feldstein
Kristen Felicetti
Daniel Felix ‘12
Genevieve Felix
Tara Felleman
Sharon Fenick
Randy Fennel
Gordon Ferguson
Gregory Ferguson
Tom and Cherielyn Ferguson
Jenna Fernandes
Brenda Fernandez ‘12
Gisselt Fernandez ‘03
Victor Fernandez ‘12
Amrey Ferrario
Arthur Ferreri
Debra Ferreri
Ashley Ferris
Emily Ferris
Bert Feuss and Norma Paz Garcia
Stephen and Abbie Fick
Tim and Barbara Fielden
Joan Figueroa ‘11
Linda Figueroa ‘12
Nicole Filingeri
Matt Finarelli
Kristin Fine
Sam Fine
Susan Fine and Mathew Horvat
Kenneth Fink
Brian Finnie
Michael Finster
Fiorentino-Grodin Charitable Lead
Fiorini Restaurant
David Fischer
Sandra Fischer
Champe Fisher
Josh and Kara Fisher
Yvonne Fisher
Dorothy Fitzgerald
Patricia Fitzgerald
Loretta Fitzgibbons
Linda and Michael Fitzpatrick
Thomas Fitzpatrick
Noel Flagg
Alison Flaggert
Flatbread Somerville, Inc
Morgan Fleischman
Charles Fleischmann
Peter Fleming
Patricia Fletcher
Heidi Flood
Jeffrey and Pamela Flores
Osly Flores
Dr. Gary Florio and Mrs. Daniela Florio
Laura Flowerree
Joshua Flug
Dimia Fogam
Katherine Fogertey
Davina and Spencer Foley
Dorothea Foley
Kaitlin Foley
Kathryn Foley
Kerryann Foley
Lanita Foley
Patricia Foley
Jean and Chad Follmer
Jeremy Fong ‘02
Serena Fong
George Fontas
Emily Foote
Erik and Audrey Foraker
James Ford
Lynne and Gary Forester
Ian Forshner
Christina L. Forst
Ron Fortgang and Ellen Conant
Patrick Fortier
Ann Marie Foss
Jon Foster
Lauren Foster
Narie Foster
Stacey Foster
Wendy Foster
Laura Fowler
Beth Fox
Ken Fox
Lara Fox
Mike Fox
Justin Frager ‘12
Lynne-Marie Frame and Richard Hoskins
Pauldine France
Nicholas Franco
Joseph Francois ‘12
Nina Frank
Jan Franke
John Franklin
Keiko Franklin
Harriet Fraser
Luke Fraser
John Fraticelli
Frederick Fekkai
Grant Freeland
Kristin Freeland
Kyle Freeman and Ximena Arias +
Thomas Freeman
Lauren and Peter Freer
Suzanne Freitag
Clark and Joanna French
Marina Fried
Dara Friedman
David Friedt
Benjamin Friend
Christine Frissora
Jeff Fritschi
Arthur Fruchter
Ben Fry
Song Fu
John Fugiela
Elizabeth Fulham
Albert Fuller
Mark Fuller
Carolyn Fulton
Louise Fung
Cecel Furey
Peter Furey
Karen Furey-Johnson
Emma Fursland
Eileen Furukawa
Millie Fury Hopkins ‘03
Amit Gaind
Kindra Galan ‘12
Keith Gallagher
Marcus Gallagher
Jonathan Galli
Maureen Gallivan
Tammy Gamerman
Rebecca Gamzon
Xi Gao ‘11
Gap Foundation Gift Match Program
Jaime Garamella
Peni Garber
Yadira Garcia Perez ‘12
Angelica Garcia ‘12
Elizabeth Garcia ‘12
Jessica Garcia ‘10
Magali Garcia ‘12
Tania Garcia
Jacqueline Garcia-Martinez ‘12
Christopher and Ane Gardner
Lonnie Gardner ‘12
Sara Gardner
Ashley Garland +
Doug and Lois Garland
David and Andria Garten
Javonne Gartrell-Hall ‘07
David Gast, Gast Architects
Erin and Andrew Gates
Jason Gates
Susan Gates
Teray Gates ‘12
Dierdre Gaughan
Megan Gaul
Alina Gavrilova
Cara Gee
John F. and Mary A. Geisse Foundation
Andrea and Mary Ellen Geisser
Kate and Stephen Geissler
Margaret Gelardo
Hugh and Deborah Gelch
Joan Gelch and Morris Weintraub
Stefan Gelch
Alison Gelles
Roger George
Georgetown Cupcakes
Ronald German ‘09
Junn Geronimo ‘12
Aaron Gershenberg
Judy Gershoff
Gail Leavitt Gershon
Leslie Gershon
Diane LaFon Gervasi and Robert
John Gethin
Scott Geyer
Taumoha Ghosh
Robert Giambrone
Brian Giammora
Akil Gibbs ‘02
Nicole Gibbs
Evelyn Gil ‘98
Susan and James Gilbert
Patricia and Paul Gilbert
The Gilbys
Ari Gilder
Nancy and Bob Giles
Godfrey Gill
Diane Gilliland Simon
John D. Gilliland
Erin Gillooly
Earl B. Gilmore Foundation
Andrew Gisselquist
Laurie Gjerpen
Edward Glackin IV
Jonathan Glass
Ken and Sandy Glass
Kristen Glenn
Benjamin Gliklich
Joanna Goddard
Genevieve Goddardpritch
Kent and Diana Godfrey
Zuleika Godinez
Kian Gohar
Joan and Alfred Goldberg
Bernadine Goldberg
Carol A. Goldberg
Helen Goldberg
Joan Goldberg
Lisa and Fred Goldberg
Chery Golden
Neil Goldman
Jeffrey Goldsmith
Bruce Goldstein
Geoffrey Goldstein
Marjorie and Bruce Goldstein
Nancy and Ross Goldstein
Nathan Goldstein
Janet Goldwater and Branch Coslett
Shawn Golhar
Manuel Gomes ‘12
Elsa Gomez ‘12
Henry Gomez ‘12
Caroline and Regan Gonsalves
Laura Gonzalez ‘11
Mariana Gonzalez
Sheena Gooden ‘06
Andrew and Nic Goodhand
Shannon Gooding
Elizabeth Goodman
Gary and Joanna Goodman
Halley Goodman
Harris Goodstein
Natasha Gopaul
Eileen Gordon Chiarello
Janet Gorgone
Kathy Gosliner
Hannah Gosling-Goldsmith
Shelly Gossman and Ben Piner +
Sarah Gott
James and Elizabeth Gowen
Vanessa Grace
Amanda Graham +
Mark Graham
Stephen Grambling
Julie Gramlich ‘07
Jazmin Granadeno ‘12
Karen Granados ‘07
Grand Rapids Community Foundation
Justin Grand
Patricia and Joseph Grande
Jennifer Grandoni
David Gravelle
Constance Greaney
Gwendolyn Renee Green
Summer Search 2012 Annual Report
Jane Green
Samantha Green
Scott Greenburg
Greene Grape
Richard Greene
Sheldon Greene
Greener Horizon
Josh Greenhill
Debbie Greenslit
Michael Greenstein
Alma Greer
Grant and Kim Gregory
Alan Gregory
Dawn and Charles Gresalfi
Amanda Grey
Barbara and Andrew Griesinger
Merilee and Steven Grindle
Mike and Lisa Grinnell
Krista Grinstein
Margaret Grip
Constance Grizzell
Anne F. Grodin
Jacqueline Grondin
Kari Groot
Jane and Allen Grossman
Mimi Groszewski
Ashley Groth
Oliver Grubin
Jennifer Jacobs and Garrett Grunewald
Cindy Guan ‘06
Mr. and Mrs. Guarino
Lisa Guerin
Idalia Guerrero ‘11
Yomayra Guerrero ‘12
Carol Guevara ‘03
Mary Gullekson and James Byrd
Karen Gunn
Estelle Guralnick
Meron Gurmu ‘12
Jonathan Gurwitz
David Gustafson and Christine Casey
William Gustavson
Maria Gutierrez Aguirre ‘11
Salvador Gutierrez Ruiz ‘11
Stephanie Gutierrez ‘12
Barbara Gutke
Laura Gutowski
David Guttag
Wendy Guy
Steven and Ally Gwozdz
Eli Hackel
Katie Hafner
Kathleen McCartney and Bill Hagen
Cathleen Hagman
Sylvia Hahn-Griffiths
Summer Search 2012 Annual Report
Kent Hakanson
Tugba Haklidir ‘12
Nicholas Halaby
Cathy and Christian Halberstadt
Robert Hale
Daniel Hall
Dora Hall
Sam and Lynn Hall
Steve Hall
Joanna Haller
Arlene Halpern
Kaya Halpern ‘11
Beth-Anne Halpert and Jonathan
Sara Halpin
Hamel Family Wines
Robert and Jill Hamer
Hamilton Zanze & Co
Doug Hamilton
Lisette Hamilton ‘12
Rosario Gonzalez and Tirzo Hamilton
Evan Hammer
Christy Hammond
William and Nancy Hammonds
Kristen Hamsen
Juanjuan Han
Thea Handelman
Debra L. Haney
Lorraine Hanley
Maureen Hanley
Molly Hanlon
William Hanneman
Dave and Sandy Hanower
Peggy Hanratty and Geoffrey Peters
Monica Hanza +
Andrew Hao
James Harb
Rose Harber ‘10
Joe and Pat Harbison
Chris Hardinger
Anne and Jim Hardy
Gregory Hargraves
Judy Hargreaves
Deborah Harlan
Parul Harley
Leslie Harnish
Joshua Harp ‘12
Scott Harrington
Charles Harris
Janet Harris
Jody Harris
Kara Harris
Nancy Harris
Harrison Metal Capital
Carissa Harrold
Judy Stephenson and Scott
Myra Hart and Kent Hewitt
Suzanne and John Hart
Meredith Hartley
Sunshine Hartwell ‘12
Steven Harutunian
Harvard Business School
HRC Fund Associates
Janelle Harvey
Haleh Hashemi
Dean Hatton
Bana Hatzey ‘10
Pia Hauch
Todd and Lisa Haugen
Nasheli Hau-Gutierrez ‘12
Rachel Havner
Teresa and Thomas Hawkins
Katherine Hayes
Danielle Hayim Grant
Pamelia Haynes
Scott Hays
Tegan Hayunga
Caroline Hayward
Jillian Hayword
HBS Student Association
Amanda He ‘12
Jada He ‘08
Julie He ‘12
Kang Sheng He ‘08
Healthy Communities Foundation
Lissa Healy +
Dr. Winston Healy ^
Jon Hearn
Sarah S. Burns and Dr. Sebastian
David Heaton
Daniel Hecht
John Hecht
William Heck
Trathen and Mary Heckmann
Fance Hector Henderson ‘12
David Heer
Michele Heid
Dale Heims
Karen Held
Tammy Heldridge
Jennifer Heller
Kristina Hellsing-Sheth
Brian Helm
John Helm
Svetlana Helms
Lawrence Hem
Adam Hemlock
Katherine Henderson
Barb Hendricks
Michelle Hendricks ‘12
Sara and John Hendrickson
Carolyn Hendrie; Bargmann Hendrie
& Archetype, Inc.
Colin Henne
Paula Hennessey
Denise and Steve Henry
Suzy Henry
Diane Henson
Elaine Hepworth
Paul Herdman
Julia Heredia ‘12
Peter Hermann
Adriana Hernandez ‘12
Anna Hernandez
Margodt Hernandez-Vicente ‘12
Randi Herrera Diaz ‘12
Daniel Herrick
Richard Dubin Herrick
John and Anne Herrmann
Beth Herrmann
Linda Herrmann
Sarah Herrup Cloutier and Andrew
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hershey
Rachel Hershfang
Jerry Hert
Alan C. Hess
Geoffrey Hess
Roger Hess
Sylvia Hesse
Dr. Mary Alice Heuschel
Cynthia Strong Hibbard and Tod
Jessica Hickok
William C. and Beth Hicks
Robert Higgins
Laurie Higuera
Andrew G. Hilen Sr.
AnnMarie Hill
Tom Biehl and Libby Hill
Jennifer Hill
Lydia Hill
Nancy Hills
Samantha Hillson
Diane Hillyard
Miranda Hillyard
Michael A. Hinckley
Rodney Hines
Caitlin Hinz
Nina Ho ‘12
Minh Hoang ‘93
Richard Hoang ‘02
James Hoben
Nerissa Hochenberg
Jaime Hoctor
Elizabeth and Melville Hodder
Angela Hodge
Bruce Hodge
Jennifer Hoefel
J Christopher Hoeffel
Chris Hoehn-Saric
Peter Hoey
Laura Hoffman
Sandy Hoffman
James and Grace Hoffmann
Sean Hogan
Anne and Jeffrey Holden
Anne Holden
Kitty Holden
Sandy Moll and Rick Holden
Holiday Boutique
Deborah and Nicholas Holland
Bavan and William Holloway
Mark and Heidi Hollyhead
Holman, Teague, Roche & Anglin LLP
Bud Holman
Michael Holman
Amy Holmes
Michael Holt
Elizabeth and Anthony Holzhauer
Rick Holzli and Aimee Mitchell
Eugenia Hom
Pam Hommeyer
Dave Hood
Elizabeth Hood
Marcia and Lance Hood
Mark and Juli Hoogs
Connie Hooker
Elizabeth Hopkin
Hopkins Family Living Trust
Liz Horton
John Horvath
Alan Horwitz
Doug and Laura Hosking
Frances Hostettler
Kevin Hotaling
Keith Hough +
Caroline and Thomas Hovey
Deborah V. Howard and Frank A.
Howard, M.D.
Elizabeth Howard
Louise Howard
Tyler Howard ‘12
Lania Howell ‘10
Anisa Hoxha ‘08
Roma Hoyt
Paul Hsu
Mindy Huang ‘11
Wendy Huang ‘01
Cara Hubbard
Lindsey Hubbard
Russ Hubbard
Kate Hudson ‘08
Brian Huerta
Brandon Huggon
Krista Hughes
William Hughes
Charlie and Trish Hulley
Sally Hulsman
Lilah Hume
Steven Humphreys
Judy and Bob Huret
Liz Hurst and John Weber +
Amy Hurtado ‘12
Denise Rogers and Stephen Hutzler
Thuy Huynh ‘06
Rocky Huynh-Truong ‘12
Albert Hwang
Janice Hwang
Keith Hwang
Christina Ilgen
Doris Imperati
Carol K. Ingall
Molly Inglish ‘04
Alex Iniguez ‘12
Il Cane Rosso
Vadim Iosilevich
Charlotte Isaacs
Kara Ishikawa
Vicki Iskenderian
Talha Ismail ‘12
Bob Ittes
Andrea Ivancic
Andrew Ivanovich
Hiro Iwanaga
Jane Jablons
Brook Jackson
Chris Jackson
Elizabeth Jackson
Howell Jackson and Betsy Foote
Joseph Jackson
Lamont Jackson ‘10
Neal Jackson
Iniko Jacobs ‘12
Jamie Jacobs
Richard Jacobson
Karen Jacobus
Gabrielle Jacquet
Alison and Dan Jaffe
Priti Jajoo
Summer Search 2012 Annual Report
Greg Jakubowsky
Thomas Jalkut
Mike and Robin Jankiewicz
Ashley Jannesen
Andrew Janower
Jayson Jarushewsky
Ramon B. Javellana
Neville and Seema Javeri
Carl Jay
Worlf Jean-Baptiste ‘11
Michael Jeans
Amanda Jefferson and Fernando
Alcayaga +
Michael Jefferson
Heather Jenkins
Myriam Jennings
Cheryl Jensen
Katy Jensen
Karen Jernstedt and Jim Barkovich
Mr. and Ms. George Jewett III
Jimeal New York
Janelyn Jimenez ‘12
Jhonnari Jimenez ‘07
Roland Jimenez
Joel Gott Wines
Marie Johanson ‘10
John A. Penney Co., Inc.
Shyama and Sujit John
Susan and Huey Johnson
Amal Johnson
Brianna Johnson ‘12
Georgia and Bruce Johnson
Chantier Johnson ‘12
Cierra Johnson ‘12
Elissa Johnson
Henry Johnson
Julie B. Johnson
Kristin Johnson
Laurie and Chris Johnson
Matthew Johnson
Monai Johnson
Odinn Johnson
Rira Johnson
Jayne Johnston
Lisa Johnston
Alana Jones
Barbara Jones
Joshua Jones ‘12
Kiha and Kenneth Jones
Loree D. Jones
Louanne Jones
Melissa Jones
Paul Jones
Irene Jor ‘08
Robert Jordan, Jr.
Summer Search 2012 Annual Report
Shannon Jordan
Lunise Joseph ‘07
Robin Josephs
Jon and Allison Joss
Robert Joubert
Emily Joyce
Freddie Joyner ‘06
Kelly Jun
Hang Junechoi
Just Sweets
Judy Kaethler
Ellen and Douglas Kahn
Suzanne and Doug Kahn
Craig Kalemjian
Jake Kalick
Ekaterina Kalygina
David Kameny
Marla Kameny
Marika Kamimura
Suzanne Kaminski
Anna Kamstra
Linda Kaner
Kathleen Kanjer
The Kansha Foundation
Fred Kanter
Judi Kanter
Warren and Harriet Kantrowitz
Daniel Kaplan
Pamela Kaplan
Zachary Kaplan
Ellen Kaplovitz
Laura Karassik
Indra Bahadur Karki ‘11
Matthew Karl
Therese Karl
Sandhya Karpe
Barbara Karper
Meron Kasahun ‘12
Glen and Barrie Kassan
Kate Spade New York
Tom Katiulius and Karen Fairty
Tamar Katzoff
Susan and Jay Kaufman
Tajinder Kaur ‘12
J. Hayes and Tena Kavanagh
Bob Kavanaugh
Jenny and Steve Kawaja
Jason Kay
Elise and Ralph Kazanjian
Angeline Kcancha
Meghan Kearney
Stephanie and James Kearney
Laurie Keating
Timothy Keefe
Michael and Jennifer Keenan
Mark Keleher
Dr. and Mrs. Wayne Kellam
Morris and Elizabeth Kellogg
Sara Kellogg
Jeremy and Erica Kelly
Margaret M. Kelly and James R. Henry
Mark Kelly ‘09
Ryan Kelly
Thomas Kelly
Allison Kelsey
Brooke and Bruce Kember
Kathy Kemp
Annemarie Kennedy
Brian Kennedy
Liz Kennedy and Jamie Schibuk
Thomas Kennedy
Greg and Christie Kennett
Carolyn Kenney
Angela Kenny
Steven Kent
Kent-Lucas Foundation
Grainne Keogh
Thomas Keough
Pamela Kerlan
Brandon Kerns
Jeannie and David Kerr
Martin Kerzer
Ani Keshishyan ‘08
Zuhair Khan
Anu and Ravi Khatod
Kidding Around
Kiehl’s Since 1851
Jane Kiley
Robert Killen
Steve Killmeyer
Rebecca Kilman
Hannah Kim
Joel Kim
Naomi Kim
Susan Kim
Dorothy Kimura
Robert Kindler
King County Employee Giving Program
John and Julie King
Marcia and Scott King
Safiya King ‘12
Paul Kingsley
Kipling Capital, Inc
Kendra Kirk
Ryan and Elizabeth Kirkpatrick
David Kirsch
Suzanne and Joshua Klahr
Charles Klein
Rob and Sloan Klein
Tim Klein
Elizabeth Kleinbeck
Mitchell Kleinman
Fanny Kleisler
Robert and Phyllis Kligman
Sasha Kloss ‘99
Christine Knauff
Emilie Knight
Jacqueline Knoll
James Koch
Patricia Kodzis
Dan Koken
Erjon Kolaj ‘12
Elizabeth Kolessar
Amaresh Kollipara
James Koloski
Jessica Kong ‘11
Anthony and Mary Konichek
Carl Kopfinger
Dane Kopnisky
Korde and Associates, P.C.
Anna Korn
Bonnie Korn
Risa Korn
Cathy Kornblith
Natasha Korotzer
Rachel Kort and David Pitluck
Rebecca Kotch
Mitchell Kotler
Jason Koulouras
Bianca Kramer
Evelynne and Fred Kramer
Jennifer Kramer
Debbie Krause and Jim Schuster
Jonathan Krause
Sarah Krauss
William Krauss
Elizabeth Kreiner
Ronald Kreisman and Roberta De Araujo
Farla Krentzman
Michael Krieger
Stanley Krigman
Elizabeth Davis Krinn
Kathryn and Jeff Krischer
Bob and Kim Kristoff
Ryan Kroft
Christine and Jeffrey Krolik
Sarel Kromer
Jon Kron
Harriet Kronman
Shara Krovt
Andrea Krupp
Bradley and Eve Kulman
Lois Kunian
Jill and Greg Kunkel +
Heidi Kurland
Samuel Kurtis
Steven Kurtz, Ph.D.
Rose Lavandero and Ted Kurtz
Jeff Kurzon
Joan Kuskin
Steve Kutz
Gina Kwan
Lexi Kyle-Hammer ‘08
Tristan Kyle-Hammer ‘11
L. Hunter Suzman Insurance Co.
La Tavola Fine Linen Rental
Stephen Labuda
Wendy W. and Andrew D. Lacey
Deborah Ladd
Joyce Laframboise
Jennifer LaFrance
Dan Lago and Susan Baide Lago
Lagunitas Brewing Company
Kristen Lahner
Lihuan Lai ‘02
Robin and Jon Lail
Jennifer Lally
Lam Research Employee Gift Match
Charlie Lam
Stephen Lam ‘11
Thanh Lam ‘05
Sara Lamky Ly ‘12
Joel Lamstein
Michael Landau
Richard Landau
Gregory and Alexandra Landegger
Stewart Landers
Debra and Marc Landis
Edwin Lang
Kristina Lang
Nancy Lang
Nicholas Langeland
Benjamin and Laurel Langworthy
Lannum Family
Angela Lanterman
Morgan Lanza ‘10
Vincent Lanzillo
Lucy Lapides
Diane and Milt Lapkin
Ingrid Lara Rivera ‘12
Laura Larimer
Catherine Larkin
Jaclyn Lasaracina
Erin Lasky
Robert Lasky
Nancy and John D. Lasser
Nancy Latham
Russell Latham
Lauren Wimmer Jewelry
Jeffrey Lauren and Susan Leviton
Joshua Lauren
Linda Lauritano
Clark Lauritzen
John LaVecchia
Liam Lavery and Yazmin Mehdi
Dr. Amy Lawrence and Mr. Elliot
Aubree Lawrence
Silena Layne ‘97
Laura and Michael Lazarus
Mimi Le ‘12
Thinh Le ‘12
Uyen Le ‘08
Bruce Leaverton and Katy Samiljan
Raquel Leder and Ben Estey
Linda Ledoux
Janice Lee ‘99
Tommy and Jenny Lee
Aileen Lee and Jason Stinson
Alice Lee
Anna Lee ‘06
Christopher Lee
Debi H. Lee
Hatty Lee
Irene Lee ‘06
Jeffrey Lee
Rachel Lee
Seechung Lee
Shannon Lee
Sheila Lee ‘09
Yuen Chun Lee ‘12
Thomas Leep
Isabelle Zamfirescu and Daniel
Leigh Lehman
Daisy Lei ‘11
Jia “Cara” Lei ‘10
Lynna Lei ‘12
Crystal Lele’a ‘12
Nick and Kelly Lemerise
Jan Lemeshuk
Marjorie Leon
Frank Leonard
Naomi R. Leonard
Matt Leos
Joel Lesitikoa
Richard Leska
David Leslie
Jennifer Lesnick
Nancy Leung
Rachel Levi
Summer Search 2012 Annual Report
Feralee and Charles Levin
Aliza Levine
Andrew Levine
Ayala Levine
Jessica Levine
Joshua Levine
Noah Levine
Robert B. Levine
Sara Levine
Leonard Levitz
Erez Levy
Katherine Swartz and Frank Levy
Hope Levy
Laura Levy
Robyn Lewis
Sarah Lewis
Sylvia Lewis
John and Melinda Lewison
Cicely Li ‘08
Yanlin Li
Marisa Liang ‘00
Vicki Liang ‘12
Nancy Liaw
Rafi Licht ~
Jill Liebman
Marci Lief
Aniela Liesman
Abbie Lin
Stephen Lin
Summer Search 2012 Annual Report
Yuan Cai Lin ‘07
Janet Lind
Jennifer Lindberg
Walter Linder
Lisa Lindsay
Christopher Lindstrom
Michael and Emily Ling
Dana Linker Steele
Andriy Linnyk ‘11
Laura Linton
Scott Lipman
Susan and Thomas Lippard
Samuel Lipsick
Sara Lipton-Carey and Jonny Burhop +
Masha Lisak
Kathryn Liss
Little Star Pizza
Little West Group
Tyng Liu ‘12
Whitney and Andrew Liu
Stephanie Livaccari
Jennifer Lively
Jason Lobo
Helga LoCascio
Jaime Lockwood and Jeffrey Johnson +
Brendan Lodge
Miranda Loetscher
Sean Logan
Douglas and Kristen Londal
Richard Londono and Lis Wilthew
Jeffrey Long
Renee Long
Syida P. Long
Maryanna Longinotti ‘12
Violet Loo
Benjamin Loomis
D Andrew Loomis
James and Janice Loomis
Jean Loomis
John Loomis
Katherine Loomis
Nicole Looney
Amy Lopez ‘12
Bryan Lopez ‘11
Kenia Lopez ‘12
Melinda Lopez
Diana Guadalupe Lopez-Solorzano ‘12
Chris Lord
L’Oreal USA
Nina Lorusso
Alvin and Chelsea Loshak
Donna Lou
Emily Louick
Betty Louie
Rachel Love Fraunhoffer
Cara Lovell
Alistair and Caroline Low
Brendan Lowe
Ethan Lowe
Alison Lowery
Emily and Christian Lown
Mary and Charles Lowrey
Eric Lowrey
Debbie Hoa Lu ‘94
Nathan Luce
Medjine Lucien ‘12
Claudia Luck
Michael Luddy
James J. Ludwig Foundation
Andy Luffkin
John Luger
Jon Luick
Glenn Luk
Luke 12:48
Howard Luks
Lori Lum
Freya Lund
Lettie Lupis
Lure Fish Bar
Steve Luttrell
Katherine Ly ‘11
Anndretta Lyle ‘94
Mary Elizabeth Lynch
Maureen Lynch
Melany Lynch
Melanie Lyons +
Susan Lyons and Kevin Daner
King Hei (Arthur) Ma ‘12
Omar Maasarani
Donald MacDonald
Jenni Macdonald
William MacDonald
Linda Mach ‘96
Lupe Macias Rios ‘12
Bruce and Maria Mack
Carla Mack
Genevieve Mack +
Lindsay and Benjamin Mack
Charlotte Mackay
Sandra Mackay
Robert Macke
Deborah Mackin
Carol Macknight
Thomas Macleay
Michelle Maclellan
Steve Maclellan
Courtenay and Courtney Macomber
Macy’s Foundation
Miriam Magana ‘10
Bridgette Magee
Hon. Chad Magendanz
Carlie Magner
Abdullah Mahmood
Samsul Mahmood ‘10
John Mahoney
Patrick Mahoney
Judy Mai ‘12
Julie Mai ‘12
Tony Mai ‘09
Louisa Malatos
Bianca Maldonado ‘12
Eric Maldonado
Alice Malhan ‘10
Prakriti Malhotra
Thomas and Linda Mallan
Rene and Edward Mallen
Erica Mallin
Meaghan Mallin
Richard Maltz
Antonio Manalo
Gemilyn Manalo ‘12
Rebecca Mandeville
Brandt Mandia
David Manfredi, AIA
Devon Manfredonia
Maxine Manges
Thomas Mangione
Ryan Mann
Manning Personnel Group
Kristie Manning
Sarah Manning
John Mannion, Jr.
Scott Manziano
Pujan Mapchan ‘12
Sharchana Mapchan ‘12
Anthony Marandola
Marc Jacobs International
Mirjana Marden
Imelda Marin ‘12
Liz and Vincent Marino +
Elizabeth and Vinny Marino
Tylee Marion
Gary Markman
Matthew Markman
Catherine Marko
Diana Marko
Jack Marko
Harry Markowitz
Liz Marks and Michael Dailey
Will Marks
Regan Marsh
Elizabeth Bayley and John Marshall
Jeff Marshall
Erika Marte ‘11
Andre Marticio ‘12
Dalia Martin Del-Campo ‘12
Deidre and Ted Martin +
Celia Martin
Peter and Leslie Martin
Robert Martin
Luis Martinez ‘12
Ricardo Martinez
Teresa and David Martland
Allison Martucci
Barbara Marx
Tiffany Massa
Emily McComb and Nicolas Massard
Jennifer Mast
Donal Mastrangelo
Hector Mata ‘12
Lisille and Henry Matheson
Todd Mathias
Andrew F. and Ann B. Mathieson Fund
Matthew Mathison
Jane Matlaw
Martha Matlaw
Julia Emi Matsudaira
Joseph Matteo
Tom Matthews
Deborah Matthies
Amanda Mattos
Deborah Mattos
Mattson & Co.
Corrin Maure
George Maxted
Representative Marcie Maxwell
Thomas and Martha May
Joan Maybury
The Maycock Family
Reid H. Mayer
Bethany Maylone
Muriel Mayman ^
Jennifer Mays
Dan and Meredith Mazur
Njeri Mburu ‘12
MC2 Foundation
Heather McAdam
Scott and Frances McAdams
Karen McAndrew
Pat and Susie McBaine
Thomas McBride
John McBrine
Sheila McCabe
Mary Rose McCaffrey
Alyssa McCain
Jennifer McCall
Louise McCarren
Jerome McCarthy III
Kathryn McCarthy
Lauren McCarthy
Emily and T.K. McClintock
McClure, Mallory & Baron
Summer Search 2012 Annual Report
Patrick McClymont
William C. McCollum
Gigi McCone
Aileen McCormack and Francis Montojo
Brigid McCormack
Pamela McCormick
Jennifer McCoy +
Willinda McCrea
John McCulloch
Andrew and Theresa McCullough
William McCullough
Joanne McDade
Ladaisha McDaniel ‘12
Jennel McDonald
Adam McDonough
Maura McDonough
Meghan McEvoy
Melissa and Robert McGaughey
Patrick McGettrick
Jim McGinley
Alison McGlone
Kevin McGoff
Megan McGrath
Patrick McGrath
Robert McGuire, Jr.
Joanne McHugh
Johnpaul and Bethann McIntosh-King
Roslyn McIntyre
Pete McKenna
Thomas McKinlay
Sarah McKinney
Jane McKinstry and Art Dorsey
Jessica McLin
William McMahon
Kathleen McManus
Colleen McMonagle
Brendan McMorrow
Sally McNagny
Dana McNally
Brian McNamara
Tom McNeal and Sandra Gruver
Deb and Bob McNeil
James McPhail
Hannah McQuillan
Margaret McShea
Jan Mcusick
Susan and Kirtland Mead
Clint and Lisa Mead
Pitt and Krista Means
Andrew Medeiros
Edgar Medina ‘12
Geraldine Medina ‘07
Sharmi and Raj Mehta
Hsing Mei Wu
Rebecca Meissner
Summer Search 2012 Annual Report
Sarah and Adam Meister
Michael and Nathalia Melamed
Carmen Melillo
John Mell
Suzanne and Robert Mellor
Barry and Leslie Melman
Andrew Meloni
Ambar Mena ‘12
Karen Mendelsohn-Gould
Alan and Agnés Mendelson
Leslie and Carol Mendelson
Abdiel Mendoza ‘11
Sabrina Meng
Harve Menkens
Rob Sawyer and Ayesha Menon
Eddie Mensah
Onie Mensch
Tiffany N. Meriweather, Esq.
Mark and Christina Merkelbach
Edward Merrigan
Kathryn Merrill
Margaret Merrill
Porter Merriman
Steven Mesite
Charlotte Metcalf
Rockell Metcalf
Julie Metzger
Michael Meyer
Anders Meyerhoff
Kellie Meyers
Kevin Meyers
Joshua Meza ‘12
MFS Investment Management &
MHC Group
Salahuddin Miahjee ‘11
Michael Andrews Bespoke
Cory Michal
Susan Allen and Neil Middleton
Hilary and William Midon
Jasna Behaderovic and Adam Mikkelson
Jonathan Milde
Mary Milgrom
Sarah Milgrom
Mill Valley Market
Jessica Miller
Lynne and Neal Miller
Ashley Miller
Damion Miller ‘12
Dan Miller
Ellie Miller
Gabe Miller
Helaine Miller
Joanna Miller
John Miller
Kristin Miller
Leni Miller
Penny Miller
Sarah Miller
Stephen Miller
William Miller
Jennifer Millerpaci
Marlon Millner
Augustina Mills
Garrett Mills
Jon Mills
Matthew Mills
Mark Millstein
Aladin Milutinovic ‘02
MIN Fragrances
James Minton
Menandro Miranda
Erin Misek
Georgia Mitchell ‘09
Sierra Mitchell ‘07
Danielle Mitrano
Mahesh Mittal
Wendy and Jim Mnookin
Seeyew Mo
Jess Mogul
Marion Mohrlok
Jason Mok
Neil Molino
Peter Moller
Molton Brown
David and Lisa Monetta
Linda Montag
Veridiana Montas ‘05
Diana Monteith Rubin
Gerard Monteleone
Susan Monti
Sally Mooney
Andrew Moore
Breeana Moore ‘06
David Moore
Denise Moore
Dexter Moore ‘05
Shirley Moore
Sandra Moose and Eric Birch
Dayana Morales Gomez ‘12
Matt and Ellen Moran
Allan J. Morehead
Michel Morel
Daniel Moreno Aguilar ‘12
Joe Morford
Willard Morgan and Jennifer Barton
Michael Morgenfruh
Scott Moriearty
Dr. and Mrs. Gary Moriguchi
Christopher Morin
Susan and Michael Morison
Faith and Richard Morningstar
John Moroney
Bryan Morrell
The John C. & Katherine M. Morris
Diane Morris
Jayson Morris
Andrew Morrison
Frank Morrison
Kathleen Morrison and Mike Schwartz
Thomas Morrison
Bailey Morrow
Steve and Shawn Morrow
Susie and Bob Morse
Genevieve Morton
Mary and Lee Morton
Mary Lynn Moser
Julie Mosher and Mark Okerstrom
Amanda Moskowitz
Christos Mountzouros
Mario Moussa and Robin Komita
Matt Moyer
Lindsey Moyes
Jane Mraz
Francisco Muir
Rich Mulcahy
Kristin Muller
Kathryn Mulvey
Joe Munayer ‘11
Yudy Muñeton Castaño and Edison
Castaño ‘99
Chris Murphy
Deann Murphy
Eileen Murphy
Kyla and John Murphy
Linda Murphy
Melissa Murphy and Sam Wilkins
Danielle Murray
Murray’s Cheese
Mark Murzin
Myra and Jake Muscar
Myrna Muto
Elani Myers
Martha Myers
Barnaby Myhrum
Michael Nachbar and Erin Callaghan ~
Jed and Honey Nachman
Andrea and Robert Nachtigall
Mary and Sherif Nada
Carrie Nagel
Divya Nair ‘09
James Nakashima
Edward Nakon
Michael Nan Qu
Danielle Nash
Peter Naso
Ahsan Nasratullah
Cheryl Nasta
Christine Nastro
Celeste Nasuti
Robert Nasuti
Annan Naumann
Eduardo Navarro ‘99
Nicholas Navarro
Michael Neary
Paul Neenan
Lewis Levin and Emily Neilson
Julie and JP Nelson
Mark Nelson
Skyler Nelson
Theresa Nelson and Bernard Smits
Nancy Neraas
Shane and Emily Ness
Judy and Arnie Ness
Neuberger Berman
Samantha Neukom
Michelle New
Seth Newburg
Margaret and Joe Newhouse
Michael and Anna Newquist
Lauren Newton
Alla Neyshtadt
Benjamin Ng ‘11
Brian Ng ‘12
Jeffrey Ng ‘13
Jennifer Ng
Ki Yan Ng ‘10
Roy Ng
Timothy Ng
Wayne Ng ‘12
An-Hong Ngo ‘12
Quang Ngo ‘12
Dai Phuong Nguyen ‘12
Dana Nguyen ‘12
Eric Nguyen
Jackie Nguyen ‘11
Julie Nguyen ‘12
Linda Nguyen ‘07
My Hoa Nguyen ‘11
My-Lynn Nguyen ‘11
Qua Nguyen ‘12
Sunny Nguyen ‘12
Tung and Ngoc Nguyen
Van Nguyen ‘09
Vy Nguyen ‘12
Nick Nicholas
Kevin Nickelberry
Ria and Jonathan Nickens ~
Jane Tikker Nielsen and Wayne
Anne Nielsen
Lindsey Nielsen
Joceline Nieves ‘12
Nightlife Marketing Group
Margaret Niles
Albert Nim ‘12
Rachel Ninan
Sarah Nist
John Nodson
Maryann Noe
Robert Nolan Iii
Charlie and Eleanor Nolan
Denise Noonan
Carol Norfleet
Asa Noriega
Ryan Norine
Anders and Tes Norlin
Matt North
Amanda Northrop
Clare Norton
Cathy and Robert Nourafshan
Alan M. Novich
Heather Nowak
Colleen Nowers
Stephanie Noyes
Angelica Nunez ‘01
Alberto Nunez
Lauren Nussbaum
The Nutbox
Scott Nykodym
Carolyn and Jim Nystrom
Margaret and Justin Nyweide
Mr. and Mrs. Christian A. Oberle
Bradford O’Brien
Brian O’Brien
Christopher O’Brien
Michael O’Brien
Ted O’Brien
Marcelle O’Connell
Daria and David O’Connor ~
Helen O’Connor
Maureen O’Connor
Sarah O’Connor
Solomon Odame ‘07
Paul Odom
Andrea O’Donnell
Mark O’Donnell
Peter O’Donoghue
The Office
Sheena Oglesby
Ken O’Hare
Summer Search 2012 Annual Report
Hirohisa Ohta
Lynda Ojeda ‘12
Magali Olander
Martin Oldfield
William Olds
Jessica O’Leary
Richard O’Leary
Annette Oliva
Lindsay Oliver
Dominique Oliveto
Robert J. Olivieri
Lawrence Ollen-Smith
Jesse Olsen
Linda Olsen
Om Factory
Thomas O’Malley
On Your Feet Project
Paul and Maria Onderdonk
Phyllis O’Neill
David Onek and Kara Dukakis
Aracely Ontiveros ‘04
May Win Oo
Melissa Oquendo ‘10
Mauricio and Nicole Ordonez
Yudic Oropeza ‘12
Hannah Orowitz
Elizabeth and Andy Orr
Mark and Barbara Orrock
Douglas Osborne ‘12
Eliza Oshana
Mostafa Osman
Amy Ostiguy
Don and Judy Ostrow
Joshua Otlin
Donald O’Toole
Jennifer Ottmer
Juan Oviedo ‘02
Cecilia and Stephen Owen
Daniel B. Owens
Aris Ownsbey ‘12
Paola Ozuna ‘09
Lisa Pacheco
Pacific Wines and Spirits
Justin Packard
Derek Packett
PacWest Athletics
Darwin Paet ‘11
Angel Pagan ‘12
Lynne and Gary Page
Steve Page
Jeff Pagliaro
Richard Paice
Suzy Pak
Sofia Palacios
Laura Paley
Summer Search 2012 Annual Report
Dimitri Paliouras
Elizabeth Palla
Noel Pamias Cruz
Delsie Pamias
Eva Pan ‘07
Mary Pang
Michelle Pao
Ian Papendick
Melissa Papesh
Andrew Paraskos
Parent Map
Jeanne Paris
Beth Parker
Liz Parkinson
Brian and Tricia Parsons ~
Kristen Partello
John Partenza
Chris and Jana Pastena
Artie Patel
Hemanshu Patel
Jignesh Patel
Nirav and Jen Patel
Ush and Ranjini Patel
Deepa Patil
Patrick Patrick
Virginia Patrone
Anthony Patroni
M’Shell Patterson
Susan Patterson
Will Patton
Pavi Wines LLC
Rafael Payano ‘04
Donald Payne
Jessica Paz-Cedillos ‘03
Mercinth Pearce
Michael Pearce
Stuart Pearce
Jessica Pearson
Kathy and Gregg Pearson ~
Danielle Peck
Derek and Julie Pecson
Heather Pedersen
Nitzan Pelman
PEMCO Insurance
Duane Pena
Biz and David Pendergast
Wibke Pendse
Molly Pengra
Penmanship Ideas, LLC
Pension Dynamics
Denise Pepp
PepsiCo Foundation
Gianna Peralta ‘09
Sarah Lentz Perchik and Greg Perchik
Elkema Percival ‘09
Alfonso and Beatriz Perea Trenado
Omar Perea-Ruiz ‘12
Tarun Pereira
Arlene Perez ‘12
Cristina and Orlando Perez +
Nancy Perilstein
Vincent Perito
Fredda Peritz
Judy and Leigh Peritz
Amie Perl and Evan Goldman
Jody and David Perla
John Perlman
Stephen Perlman
Jack Perry
Matt and Airen Perry
Robert Perry
Alex and Diana Peselman
Bill Pesonen
Alex Petek ‘04
Anthony Peters
Teresa Peters
Erik Peterson
Kiersten Peterson
Michael Peterson ‘12
Susan Peterson
Daniel Petisce
Susan Petlick
Casey Pettit +
Brian Pfeffer
Mindy Pfeiffer
PG&E Corporation Campaign For
the Community
Alisa Pham ‘12
Anne Pham ‘12
Jenny Pham ‘11
Timothy Pham ‘09
Pov Phath ‘03
Regina Phelps
Gwendolen Phillips
Peter Phillips
Katherine and Scott Phillips
Thomas Phillips
Henry Phyfe
Enrico Piatelli
Cecile Picard
Steve Piccone
Gayle Pickering
Hadrien Picq ‘10
Becky Feldman and Drew Piekarski
Tyrell Pier ‘12
James Pierce
Amanda Piercy +
Nkrumah Pierre
Rachelle Pierre ‘12
Jay and Lisa Pierrepont
Nancy Pile
Miranda Magagnini and Matt Pilkington
Michael Pincus
Matthew Pines
Mark Pinho
Elizabeth Pino
Michael Pique
Shannon Pittman
Christine Piven
Sarah Placek
Play For Your Cause
John and Jen Pleasants
Amy and Mark Plevin
Robert Pocius
Polar Electro Inc.
James and Kelly Polisson
Ben and Carlin Politzer +
Peter Politzer and Laura Levine
Samuel Politziner
Robert Pollak
Peter and Shannon Polson
Wendy Pomales ‘00
Dominic Ponce De Leon
Ken and Tracey Pontarelli
Dorothea Ponti
Stephen Poole
Abigail Pope
Eddie Poplawski
Andrew Por
Daniel Por
Lisa Porad
Dr. Agnes Por-Somfai
Christopher Porter
Nathaniel Porter
Roger Porter
Herson Portillo ‘09
Jose Portuondo
Pamela Posey
Katharine Post
Nancy Rose and James Poterba
Stefan Pototschnik
Helen and Bill Pounds
Craig Powell
Edward and Doris Powell
Stephanie Power
John and Millicent Powers
Lucinda Powers
Paula H. Powers
Kimberly Pratt
Lisa and Allen Preger
Kelly Prestyly
Jane Price Willsea
Eva Price
Joseph Price
William Price
Julianna Priest
Gianelly Prieto Hurtado ‘12
Nina and Stephen Prikazsky
Peter Princi
Caroline and Bradley Probst
Rachel Prouty
Alexandra Provo
Julie Pruitt Barry
Sandra Prusiner
Rita Pruzan
Christopher Prykull
Dick and Shelley Puariea
Steven Puccinelli
Angela Puccini
Tim Pucilowski
Sue and Bernie Pucker
Leslie and Ken Pucker
Jennifer Puglia
Brooke Puleo
D’Genaro Pulido ‘07
Jocelyn Pulido ‘05
Moira Pulitzer-Kennedy
Joseph Puma
Sarika Pundit
Pure Yoga
Putnam Investments Matching Gifts
Donald Putnam
Rosemary and Robert Putnam
Carolyn Puzzuoli
Robert Pyskadlo
Terilee Quick
Patricia Quigg
Trisha Quigley
Gregory and Rachel Quilici
Dara Quinlan
Craig Quish
Anand Radhakrishnan
Wenjun and Charles Ragen
Raika Studio
Bonnie Raitt
Lara Rajninger
Klevisa Rama ‘12
Aimee Ramos ‘12
Constance Ramsauer
Katherine Rand
Spencer and Nanci Rascoff
Opal Ratanayatigune ‘13
Kirsten Ratter
Summer Search 2012 Annual Report
Jamie Rawding
Caroline Rawlings
Melissa Rawlins and Erick Howard
Andrea Re
Anne Ready
Robert Ready
Aaron Reback
Red and White Spa
Charles Redlick
Brian Redmond
Joseph Reed ‘07
Karen and Ryan Reed
Lindsey Reed +
Matt Reher
Kevin Reich
Michael Reich
David Reid
Max Reif
Clinton and Janet Reilly
Adam Relis
Jessica Restrepo ‘09
Thomas Retan
Sheryl and Jim Reuben
Jack Reynolds
Kimberly Reynolds
Paula and Robert Reynolds
Alicia Reza +
Jeff and Tracy Rhodes
Joseph Ribaudo
Courtney and Ted Rice
Karolyn Rice
Stephen Rice
Leslie Rich and James Pizzi
Denise Richards
R. Richards
Thomas Richardson
Justin Richmond ‘12
Greg Ricker
Diana Rieck
Michael Riedel
Linda Rigali
John and Eliza Riley
Richard Riley
Maura Elizabeth Rilley
Sharon L. Rimando
Katie and Ned Rimer
Timothy Ring
Arthur and Kadi Ringness
Evan Rinkoff
Tu Rinsche ‘96
Marlyn Rios ‘12
Belinda Rivera ‘12
Carlos Rivera
Jose Manuel Rivera, Jr. ‘12
Lilliam Rivera ‘09
Summer Search 2012 Annual Report
Loyda Rivera
Marisol Rivera ‘12
Stephanie Rivetz
Donna Rizzo
Roam Artisan Burgers
Lisa Roark Haner
Lindsey D. Roark Yee and Alan Yee +
Ty Robb
Driscoll and Annie Robbins
Liz Robbins
Cindy Roberts
Elizabeth and Jonathan Roberts
Jennifer Roberts
Susan and Richard Robie
Danae Robinett ‘96
Ann Robinson
Bruce and Anne Robinson
Jane Robinson
Jessica Robinson
Laura Robinson
Matthew Robinson
Nigel Robinson ‘10
Page Robinson
Wes Robinson
Barbara Robnett-Filly and Roy Filly
Heather Robsahm
Silvestro Rocchio
Cristal Rocha ‘12
Maggie Roche
Christine Rochon
Rachel Rock and Josh Levy
Scott Rockfeld
Jennifer Rodas ‘12
Zachary Rodd
Alberto Rodriguez ‘12
Anthony Rodriguez
Carolina Rodriguez ‘09
Francisco Rodriguez ‘06
Gloria Rodriguez
Rosi Rodriguez ‘06
Thomas Roellig
Ian Roffman
Anne Rogers
David Fuhrmann and Catherine
David Rogier
Frances and Hugh Rogovin ^
Fernando A. Rojas Jr. ‘08
Yareli Rojas ‘12
Jan and Joe Roller
Debbie and Arthur Romaine
Luis Roman
Nicholas Romeo
Geidy Romero ‘11
Ronnybrook Milk Bar
Jasmine Rookard ‘12
Jennifer Rooney
Ropes & Gray LLP Fiduciary Account,
Cosette Charitable Fund
Deandrea Rosario ‘12
Rose, Chinitz and Rose
Brian L. Rosen
Danielle Rosen
Eva Rosen
Joel Rosen
Robert Rosen
Sara Rosen
Alexis Rosenberg
Seth Rosenberg
Todd Rosenberg
Philip Rosenblatt
Lindsay Rosenfeld
Mark K. and Jo Anne Rosenfeld
David Rosenfelt
Richard Rosenstein
Maxine and Stuart Rosenthal
Shaina Rosenthal
Priscilla Rosila-Mares ‘12
Andrew Ross
David and Allison Ross
Debbie Ross
Mauro Rossi
Sonni Roth
Dr. John Rotrosen
Round Table Pizza
Marc and Leslie Rousso
Ronald Roveda
Gerry Rubin
Laura Rubio ‘09
Lauren and Joel Rublin
Bill and Jeannie Ruckelshaus
James Rudd
Laurie and John Rudey
John Rudolf and Nancy Peterson
Raymond Rudy
Mark Ruggiere
April Ruiz
Francsico Ruiz
Juan Ruiz ‘12
Ramiro A. Ruiz
Sara Ruiz
Bryan Rukin
Runde & Co. LLC
Elizabeth Runde
Gissel Ruoff
Bill and Jane Russell
Thomas and Gina Russo
Diana Ruth
Cynthia Rutter
Mary Ryan +
Matthew Ryan
Richard and Janice Ryan
Suedabeh Saadat
Erin Saade
Michael F. Sabarese
Ashley Sabia
Elizabeth Sachs
Matthew Sachs
Austin Saddlemire
Chiem Saeteurn ‘12
Ann and Paul Sagan
Nadya Salcedo and Michael Tuckman
Salem Foundation
Salesforce.com Foundation
Melissa Salgado Salazar ‘12
Luis Salguero ‘09
Marjorie and Walter Salmon
Salon Jatel
Drs. William and Juliet Saltman
David Saltman
Isolina Saltman
Lana Salvador ‘10
Nat Salvione
Terry and Allison Salzer
Salim Samaha
Joseph Samalin
Christopher Sameth
Jennifer Sampson
Kay Sampson
Maria San Filippo
John Sanchez
Jonathan Sanchez
Yaritza Sanchez ‘12
Jose Sanchez-Guzman ‘12
Mason Sandell
Dan Sanders
Matthew Sanders
Jean Sanderson
Mark Sanderson and Laura Keane
Alicia K. Sands
Jaimie Sanford
Theodore Sann
Hector and Veronica Santana
Jenny Sarkany
Secondo Sarpieri
Julia Satti Cosentino
Kelly Sauders
James Saunders
Stephanie Saunders
Marguerite Savickas
Theophilus Savini ‘12
Jabali Sawicki ‘95~
Robinson Sawyer
Molly Sax
Sheldon Sax
Dorothy Saxe
Ayzhamal Sayakbaeva ‘12
Hassan Sayed
Kathleen Sayre
Carol Scagnetti
Nicholas Scalzi
Joni Scalzo
Megan Scanlon
Dean Schaffer
Linda Schalda
Marc Scheiner
Emily Scheitrum
Catherine Schembre
Eroica and Chris Schenck
John Scherer
Susan and Stephen Scherr
Doug Scherrer
Felix Scherzer
Christian and Mickey Schiller
Jeffrey Schiller
Rachel Schindler and Dan Woodman
Bryce Schintzius
Beth Schlager
Susan Schlesigner
Caroline Schley
Calvin and Christa Schmidt
Ellen Schmidt
Susan and Tom Schmidt
Richard Schmitt
Peder and Jaime Schmitz
Schneider Electric
Karen Schneider
Pauline Schneider
Dr. Lowell and Hester Schnipper
Melanie Schnuriger
Gretchen Schoch
Andrew Schofield
Linda Schofield
Sally Schofield
Seth Schofield
Christine Schoonmaker
Sharon Schoonmaker
Vaughn Schoonmaker
Clint Schrader
Julie Schramm
Richard Schroder
Kait and Abraham Schroeder +
Emily Schubert
Jean Schulz
Joanne Schumacher ‘12
Rebecca Schumacher
Hilah and Jake Schutt
Schwartz & Company, LLP
Stacy and Carl Schwartz
Eric and Erica Schwartz
Jeremy Schwartz
Nicky and Arnold Schwartz
Nathaniel Schwartz
Pepper Schwartz
Ann and Tom Schwarz
Bradley Scioletti
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Scofield
Aimee Scott
Joshua Scott
Mary L. Scott
Jim Scurlock and Mary Dion
Avere Scurry ‘12
Johana Searcy ‘12
Margaret Seater
Seattle Northwest Securities
Royce Seawright
Second Story
Piers Secunda
The Securitas Foundation
Jan and David Seeley
Douglas and Jennifer Seelicke
James Seery
Michele Seiden
David Seltzer and Lisa Roberts
Jeffrey Seltzer
Alethea B. Semian
Larry and Kristin Sennett
Tara Serebin
Neil Seth
Ken and Tarja Settles
Susan and Steven Sewall
Roshan and Janet Shafi
Sayal Shahi ‘12
Meredith Shank
Shreya Shankar
James Shapiro
Salman Shariat
Adrienne Sharigian
Robert and Judith Shaw
Martha Shear
Wesley Sheffield
Ruth Sheldon
Edie Shen
Bill Shen
Sarah Shepard Hoffman
Eric Shepsman
Julia and Michael Sher
Margaret Sheridan
Gayle Sherman
Jim and Janell Sherman
Christine Sherry
Honey and Sidney Sherter
Howard Shiau
Summer Search 2012 Annual Report
Phil and Kerri Shigo
Lorena Shih
Lindsi Shine
Rebecca Shklovsky
Ina Shkurti ‘12
Eric Shor
Eugenia Shraga
Amanda Shuck +
Reggie Shuford
Jeff Shum
Mark Shuster
Judith Shute
Susan and James Sidel
Michelle Sievers
Jennifer Silane
Arthur Sills
Eric Sills
Lawrence Sills
Israel Silva ‘12
Alexander Silver
Elliot Silver
Jonathan Silver
Michael Silverman
Allison Silverstein
Christy Silvester
Serra and Mauricio Simbeck
Luisa Simeon ‘07
Jody Simes
Casey Simmons
Hildy Simmons
Virginia Simmons
John Simon and Shannon Byrne
Simona Vareikaite ‘07
James Simone
Eli Simons
Jane and Andy Sinauer
Charles Sincerbeaux
John Sindoni
Donna Singer
Lauren Singer
Yadwinder Singh ‘12
Cathy Sinnott
Sharon Sintchak
Nicole and Ken Siskind
Noel Sison
Anne Sissel
Jonathan Sit ‘11
Wendy Situ ‘12
Daniel Sivolella and Jacqueline
Van Lang
Brett Skale
Linda Skidmore
Jennifer and Sam Skinner
Dana Skotdal
Summer Search 2012 Annual Report
Michael Slader
Jodi Slater
Gertrude Slaughter
Lynn D. and Alan B. Slaughter
Jana Sleight
Matt Slepin and Diane Olmstead
Sumner Slichter
Tamara Sloan
Tony Small
Michael and Lavinia Smerconish
Megan Smiley and Brett Bly
Stephanie Smith Stein
Rosemary and Paul Smith ‘00
Pat and Beverly Smith
Caleb Smith
Christy and Bryan Smith
James Smith
Jennifer and Ryan Smith
Lindel Smith
Lisa Smith
Sandy Smith
Scott Smith
Todd Smith
Elizabeth Smoot
Matthew Smyka
Shane Smyth
Alvin Sng ‘09
Mary Ann and Stanley Snider
Andy Snider
Borden Snow
David Snow
Lyle and Andrea Snyder
Anne Snyder
Lauren Sodano
Rich Sohn
SoHo Grand Hotel
Jeffrey Sokolowski
Eric Sol Cruz ‘12
Carol Solfanelli
Marisol Solis
Ethan Somers
Jess and Mark Somol
Jenny Song
Lida and Kaveh Soofer
Erik Sorensen
Robert Sorrel
Darryl Soto ‘10
Rodrigo and Tara Soto
Derrick D. Southard
Cristina Souza
J L Spadano-Gasbarro
Jannie Spain
Patrick Spalding
Laurel Spallone and Matthew Koes
Courtney Speechley
Harold Speer
Adam Speert
Ann and James Spencer
Nicholas Spinello
The Splendid Spoon
Lorraine Spradley
James Sprankle II
Julie Anne Springman Wickes and
Tanner Wickes
Richard Squire
Eve Stacey
Ted Stachtiaris and Meridith Sopher
Dave and Brynne Staley
Kevin and Marnie Stamper
Derek Stanley
Nicole Stansfield
Marya Stansky
State of Washington Combined
Fund Drive
Deanna Steele
Mary and Cameron Steele
Nancy Steele
Ben Stefonik
Gail Stein
Ellen Steinbaum and Jim Dalsimer
Bill Steinberg
Ethan Steinberg
Harry Steinberg
Janelle Taylor Steinberg
Debby Steiner
Peter and Lila Steinle
Robert Steinman
Michelle Stephen
Christina Stephens
Cameron Stephenson and Martin
Monica Stephenson
Tenley Stephenson
Megan Stermer
Brad Stevens
Ryan and Arin Stevens
Rika and Will Stevenson
Stewart International LTD
Adam Stewart
Brian Stewart
Colin Stewart
Julia Stewart
Liz and Jim Steyer
Tom Steyer and Kat Taylor
Johanna Stickney
Payton and Bettina Stiewe
Scott and Andrea Stiles
Deborah Stipek Mudd
Anne Stockton
Patti Stoll and Mike Gladstone
Tonya Stone
Ben Stone
Carol Stone
Kate and Erik Storm
Rena Strand
Cinthia Stratton and Doug
Anne and Andrew Strawbridge
Peter and Liz Strawbridge
Jennifer Street
Erik Strid
Alison Strom
Andrew Strong
John Strong
Sascha Strupp
Caeleigh Stuart
Nancy Stuart
Russell Stuart
Michael Stubblefield
Shayna Stuempfig
Jonathan Sturgis
Brian Stutman
Natalia Suazo ‘12
Sud de France
Abhishek Sud
Diane and Karl Sudakoff
Carol Sudtelgte
Nancy and David Sugarman
Louise Sugrue
Sullivan Street Bakery
Kevin Sullivan
Megan Sullivan
Megan Sullivan
Rebecca Sullivan and Matthew
Blessing +
Shannon and Terence Sullivan
Susan Sullivan and Bill
Cate and Philip Summers
Sun Trust Bank
Superior Stucco Services, Inc.
Susquehanna International
Group, LLP
Rebecca and Phil Susser
Sussex & Clumber, LLC Ross Andrew
Harry and Louise Sussman
Charles Suter
Shelly Sutherland
Adam Sutton
L. Hunter Suzman Insurance Co.
Paul and Linda Suzman
Michelle Swager and Dan Sinnreich
Swank Audiovisuals
Michael Swedick
Kelsey Sweeney
Margaret Swift
Jocelyn McArthur Swisher
Tom Swoffer
Geza Szenasy
Lacey and Ryan Tacher
Mabel Tafolla ‘12
Jane and Peter Talbot
Deborah Tall
Kin Tam
Cristina Tamarez ‘12
Sheggai Tamerat ‘01
Chihming Tan
Ly Tan
Lindsey Tang ‘11
Lisa Tanzer
Sarah Tapia
George Tarakhovski
Elliot Targum
James Tarkenton
David Tarpinian and Debra Trotz
Benjamin Tatkow
Nicholas Tatlow
Martha Taub
Roy Taub
Leonard Tavera
John and Kristen Tavernetti
Katie Tavlin
Michael Taylor and Jackie Adam
Taylor Stitch
Alyssa Tecklenburg +
Aldo Tedjomoeljono
Sharon Teitelbaum
Carina Tejada ‘11
Ojas Tejani
Omar Tejera ‘10
Karolina Tekiela
Charlotte and Peter Temin
Joan Temkin
Temple Family Vineyards
Bret Tencheira, Sterling Physiques
Bret Tenenhaus
Mariah Terhaar
Gary Terrell
James Terrell
Yahkeemah Terrell-Blair ‘12
Ryan Terry
Thomas Tesoro
Alec Tessarowicz
Annemarie and William Teuber
Sosina Teweldebrhan ‘12
Trinh Thach ‘11
Kevin Thai
Judith Mattingly and Peter Thaler
Think Pink Spa
Deloris F. Thomas
Laura Thomas
Mark and Gloria Thomas
Osei Thomas ‘08
Pamela Thomas
Garland L. Thompson
Mark Thompson
Caroline H. Thomson
Brad Thoreson
Amanda Thorn
Dune Thorne and Neville McCaghren
Linsey Thornton and Matthew Roginski
Erin Thurston
Seila Thy ‘12
Jeff Tilden
John and Claire Tilney
Time Inc.
Jean Timken
Jennifer Tio
Janet and Gerard Tirrell
Xochitl Tlatilpa ‘12
Patrick Tobin
Paula Todd
Michael Toledano
Ada Tom
Michael Tong ‘12
Jill and Michael Toporek
Gabriel Toral ‘02
Christian Torres
Jessica Torres ‘12
Florence Torson-Hart
Roger Tougas
Ja’Pheth Toulson ‘10
Shagha Tousi
Cia and Stephen Townsend
Ernie Tracy
Christopher Trammell
Binh Tran ‘07
Henry Tran
Michelle Tran
Tommy Tran ‘12
Dina and Jeffrey Tranen
Noah P. Tratt
Trattoria Zero Otto Nove
Kim Trautmann
Kobi Trawick ‘12
Connie Treadwell and Elliot Lippman
Joseph Trezza
Glen Tripp and Lauren Dutton
Lindsay Troilo
Suzanne Trudeau
Summer Search 2012 Annual Report
Edward Trujano-Chavez ‘11
Phan Truong ‘07
Tadd Truscott
Truth Art Beauty
Vivian Tsai
Luisa Tsang ‘06
Shaun Tse ‘97
Jack Tsui
Jason Tsui ‘10
Bryan K. Tublin
Bibi Tucker
Tina Tunney
Nicole Turgiss
Lindsay Turk
Mr. and Mrs. Robbie Turner
Yanique Turner ‘12
Gregory and Virginia Tusher
Jay and Gail Tustin
Jeanne and John Tweten ~
Max Twine
Angelia Tyler ‘08
Tympany Vineyards
Lynne Uhl and Robert Bolton
Marty and Diana Ullman
Hawa Umarova ‘08
Unique Beauty Products, Inc.
United Way of Massachusetts Bay
and Merrimack Valley
United Way of New York City
Priscilla and Sloan Upton
Dustin Urlacher
Katie Vagen
Ashley Valdivia ‘12
Mariana Valeria Creatini
Robert Van Alen
Eric and Lisa Van Balen
Deryk and Karen Van Brunt
Christine Van Doren
Vanessa Van Doren
Melissa Van Kirk
Holly Vance
Justin Vandehey
Peter Vanderwarker
Laura Vanwert
Natalia Varela ‘10
Armando Vargas Rodriguez
Roxana Vargas ‘05
Diana Vargas-Cruz
Ashi Varia
David Vasquez ‘12
Karen Vasquez ‘12
Kevin Vasquez ‘09
Katie Vaughan
Michael Vaughn
Gil Vazquez
Summer Search 2012 Annual Report
Gustavo Vazquez ‘11
Connie Vazquez-Imlet
Alvaro Vega ‘10
Jose Vega ‘05
Lorna and Omz Velasco ‘94
Hermese Velasquez ‘05
Barbara Vender
Cynthia and Sidney Verba
Kelly and Ken Vercellino
Ying Verdi
Kai Vernstrom
Japjit Verraich ‘08
Jessica and Chris Vibberts +
Oriana Vigliotti
Yareli Villagomez ‘12
Bertrand Villon
Anne Viotanti
Andrew Vladeck
Amanda J. Voetsch
Kristen Volpe
Jane von Bothmer
Scott and Kristin Von Eschen
Christine Wente and Roland von
Vosges Haut-Chocolat
Nick and Megan Voss
Nhan Vu ‘12
Thy Vu ‘08
Assad Waathiq
Larry Wade
Elisabeth Wadleigh
John Waechter
Bradaigh Wagner
Shanna Wagnor and Sean Lewis
Lisa and Robert Wahbe
Courtney Wahle
Meg Wakeman
Daniel Walden
Stacy Walder
Christopher and Kristina Waldorf
Darell Walker ‘12
Joseph Walker
Lorna Walker
Scott and Hannah Walker
Sandra L. Walker-Thompson
Danielle Wall ‘12
Laurel Wall
Daniel Wallace
Lisa and Edwin Wallace
Glenn Wallace
Lee Ann Wallace
Charles A. Walsh
Kristyn Walsh
Paul Walsh
Thomas Walsh
Timothy Walsh
Noa Walsky
Karen Walters
Stella Wan ‘10
David Wang
Jacquelyn Wang
Pei-Ying Wang and Timothy Kirk
Stephanie Warburg
Linda Ward
Jennifer Wardell
Katie Warnock
Judith and Alvin Warren
Nicholas Warren
Wendy Warren
Alex Washburn
Washington Women’s Foundation
John Waskiewicz
Rachel Scott and Aaron Wasserman
Ira Wasserman
Nina Wasserman
Leigh Wasson
Nancy and John Watkins
Henry Watson
Joanne Barnes Watts
William Watts
Charlotte Waxman
Brad and Jeanne Weaver
Courtney Weaver and Simon Frankel
Brian Webb
C. A. Webb
Dorothy and Stephen Weber
Marian Weber
Cindy Weil
Janet and Steven Weinberger
Jack and Liz Weingart
Jane Weingarten
Philip and Penny Weinstein
Joseph Weinstein
Eric Weinstock
Noah Weisleder
Lindsay Weiss
Robin Weiss
Scott Weiss
Candice Curtis and Carl Weissensee
Peter Weith
Susan Welby
Miles Welch
Christine Wells
Patricia Wen
Susan Werner
Eden and Joel Werring
Johanna Werther
The H.O. West Foundation
Jeff Westerberg
Edward Wexler-Beron
Ray J. Weymann
Michael Whalen
Peter Whalen
Matthew Whall
Jaclyn Wheel
Susan and Eric Wheel
Gregory Wheeler
Jeffrey Wheeler
Lula Wheeler
Michael Wheeler
Susanne Whelan
Scott Whipps and Stacey Gomes
Kiara White ‘12
Thomas and Kitty White
Susan Whitehead
Christy and Bradley Whitman
Victoria Whitney
Christopher Whittle and Priscilla
Maureen Wholey
Sam Wholley
Jean and John Wiecha
Lee Wierdsma
Gina Wilcox
John Wildt
Ayo Williams ‘99
Matthew Wilkes
Brian and Barbara Wilkinson
James Willcox
Linda and Richard Willett
Alex Williams ‘11
Angela Williams
Chad Williams
Henry Williams
Janice Williams
Rhys and Rebecca Williams
Carole and Richard Williams
John Williamson
Gary Willis
Heather and Alan Willis
Willow Creek Charitable Foundation
Ryan and Cynthia Willson
David Wilson
Don Wilson
Gary Wilson
Jeanine Wilson
Jocelyn Wilson
Martina Wilson
Nicholas A. Wilson
Richard Wilson
Sean Wilson
Lauren Wimmer
Michael and Kerri Winderman
Adrienne Winfield
Harold Wingerd
Steve Winograd
Rosemarie Winslow
Tracy Winslow
Jeffrey Wisch
Randi Wise
Charlie and Stephanie Withers
David C. Withers
Christine Witker
Patricia Witkin
Mark Wittow
Alan F. Wohlstetter, Jr.
Jennifer Wolf
Jessica Wolf
John Wolf
Sandra M. Wolf
Genevieve Wolfe
Lois and George Wolfe
Whitney Wolfe
Cari Wolfert
Polly and Ward Wolff
Elizabeth Wolfson
Matthew Wollin
Denise Wong
Farrah Wong ‘12
Rainbow Wong ‘04
Sammy Wong ‘09
Shirley Wong ‘07
Yammi Wong ‘09
Katelin Wontor
Regan Wood
Judith Woodrich
Anita and Ronald Wornick
H. Taylor Wright
Robyn Wright
Jenny Wu
Tim Wu
Vivian Wu
Zhenyuan Wu ‘11
Richard and Jill Wurster
Melina Wyatt
Jennifer Wyron +
Mai Mai Wythes
Hao Xian Xu ‘12
Nana Xu +
Felice and Henry Yager
Ryan Yalowicki
Louise Yamada
George Yamas
Janice Yang +
Carol Yang +
Lynn Yap
Courtney Carlson and David Yarkin
Joanna Yates
Dale Yates-Berg
Lena Yee ‘12
William Yee
Nancy Yera Licon ‘12
Jason Yeung
Christos Yianopoulos
Gina Yianopoulos
Joanna and Peter Yianopoulos
Diane Serber and Sam Yockey
Yoga Works
Danica You
Nadiyah Young ‘10
Sun-Ah Young
Susan Young
William Younker
Youth Inc.
Edward Yu ‘05
Jay Yu ‘12
Shirley Duong and David Yu ‘01
Sijia Yu
Victor Yu ‘12
Yi Yu ‘07
Grace and David Yuan
Kameron Zach
Lorraine Zammarchi
Tony Zanze
Zina Zegans
Anthony Zeller
Haixin Zeng ‘12
Zero Zero
Aaron Zhan ‘09
Cuiling Zhang ‘11
Muhan Zhang ‘10
Dale Zheng ‘08
Yan Zheng ‘08
Becky Zhu
Liya Zhu ‘07
Theresa Ziegler
Kathleen Ziga
Barry Ziker
Craigie Zildjian
David Zimmerman
Mary Zimmerman
Nicole Zimmerman
George and Bonnie Zinn
Zolie Designs
Emma Zoloth
Susan Zurbin-Hothersall
Charles Zwick
Amount unspecified
Dana & Bob Emery ~
^ Deceased
~ Board
+ Staff
Summer Search 2012 Annual Report
Contact Us
Our Board & Staff
Ted W. Williams, Chair
Harrison M. Bains
Sarah Barton
Cynthia Bengier
Stephanie DiMarco
Mark Edwards
Dana Emery
Robert B. Friend
Nancy Goldenberg
Robin Klaus
Kasey McJunkin
Jim Milligan
Leslie Riedel
Tu Rinsche, Alumna
Jabali Sawicki ‘95
Bobbi Silten
Bradley Svrluga
Deborah L. Thaxter
Scott Thomas
Joe Wolf
Sally Hambrecht
Linda Mornell, Founder
John Osterweis
Mark Smith, Chair
Chris Birch
Suzanne Carter
Nisha Du Bois
Derrick Duplessy ‘98
Susan Ehrlich
Helene Lapman
Devon Mansell Laycox
Jo Frances Meyer
Dale Mnookin
Elizabeth Munro
David O’Connor
Carol Reiling
Leslie Riedel
Gloria Riley
Denise Rodrigues ‘01
Julianne Rose
Nick Rosenberg
Summer Search 2012 Annual Report
Marjorie Stanzler
Andy Stevenson
R. Gregg Stone
Peter Tarr
Deborah L. Thaxter
Rodolfo Vega
Marcia Walsh
Fredericka (Fredi) Stevenson
Jonathan Pruzan, Chair
Thomas C. Barry
Melissa Ceria
Ellen Cohen
Charlotte Ford
Lisa Gersh
John Harris
Inna Koehler
Jack Kopnisky
Simon Krinsky
DeWayne Louis
Peter Moore
Ed Rosenfeld
Gregory Simons
Scott Thomas
Graves Tompkins
Kim Walin
Kweli Washington ‘93
Walter Wick
Heidi Holzhauer, Chair
Ted Breck
Michelle Douglas
Leni Eccles
Ellen Fair
Pat Flanagan
Elizabeth Hale
Hannah Hudson
Teke Kelley
Robin Klaus
Erin Lail Dixon
Rodney Loo
Bob Pallas
William Van Ingen
Katherine Zelazny
Nancy Goldenberg, Chair
Bryan Colket
Zara Davis
Sara Doelger
Lori Espe
Christine James
Rafi Licht
Kathy Pearson
Shara Pollie
Ladan Schlichting
Warren Schlichting
Jesse Serventi
Tom Speranza
Erbil Yaman,
Wharton Board Fellow
Board Term: 2012-2013
Cynthia Bengier, Chair
Chris Beagle
Erik C. Christoffersen
Pete Chung
Bradley S. DeFoor
Robert Friend
Andrea Fuller
Sasha Kovriga ‘91
John W. Murray
Ria Nickens
Remy Ntshaykolo
Meagan Nye
Jeffrey O’Neill
Elizabeth Patterson
Melanie P. Peña
Zachary Perry
Jeffrey S. Rosenthal
Helen Spalding
Kirby Walker
Joe Wolf
Karen Wright
Stacey Zwicker
John Osterweis,
Trustee Emeritus
Stephan Roche, Chair
Sara Allan
Sarah Barton
Miriam Chung
Stephan Coonrod
Cecile Delafield
Dino DeVita
Lisa Fazio
Natasha Greyber
Patricia Huntington
Carli Jones
Louis Jordan
David Leeds
Meghan Lewison
Steve Litzow
Geoff McKay
Michael Nachbar
Mike Page
Brian Parsons
Christie Snyder
Jennifer Steele
Erik Toth
Klaus Toth
Jeanne Tweten
Jeffrey Wong, Chair
Supriya Batra
Karen Bergman
Curtis Cresta
Paraag Marathe
Kasey McJunkin
Milbrey McLaughlin
Elizabeth Obershaw
Kenneth E. Olivier
Solaria Perez-Stepanov ‘94
Conrad Voorsanger
Stacey Thompson
Senior Director of Talent
Amy H. Saxton
Chief Executive Officer
Liz Marino
Executive Director, Boston
Emily Edwards
Senior Director of Development
& Executive Recruitment
Kevin Gay
Chief Financial Officer
Liz Hurst
VP, Marketing & Communications
Guadalupe Nickell
Chief Development Officer
Jessica Vibberts
Chief Operating Officer
Janice Yang
Director of Program Quality
Hagar Berlin
Executive Director, San Francisco
Amanda Jefferson
Executive Director, Philadelphia
Deidre McCormack Martin
Executive Director, Seattle
Carlin Johnson Politzer
Executive Director, Silicon Valley
Karina Saltman
Executive Director, New York City
Kait Schroeder
Executive Director, North Bay
Summer Search 2012 Annual Report
Summer Search
500 Sansome Street, Suite 350
San Francisco, CA 94111
T 415.362.5225 F 415.362.5274
Summer Search North Bay
159 H Street
Petaluma, CA 94952
T 707.763.2001 F 707.763.2040
Summer Search Seattle
1109 First Avenue, Suite 205
Seattle, WA 98101
T 206.729.0911 F 206.729.7303
Summer Search Boston
3840 Washington Street, Suite 2
Jamaica Plain, MA 02130
T 617.524.9911 F 617.524.9988
Summer Search Philadelphia
1528 Walnut Street, Suite 1006
Philadelphia, PA 19103
T 215.399.4906 F 215.399.4935
Summer Search Silicon Valley
255 North Market Street, Suite 200
San Jose, CA 95110
T 408.291.0062 F 408.291.0189
Summer Search New York City
90 Broad Street, Suite 701
New York, NY 10004
T 212.248.7401 F 212.248.7408
Summer Search San Francisco
500 Sansome Street, Suite 350
San Francisco, CA 94111
T 415.362.0500 F 415.362.5274
Summer Search 2012 Annual Report

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