
Summer Search is dedicated to helping low-income youth build the confidence, character and
skills needed to complete college and achieve their full potential.
Low-income high school youth face tremendous obstacles to completing college – a critical milestone to breaking the cycle of
poverty. According to the US Department of Education, just 50% of low-income students graduate high school on time. And of
those that go on to college, only 11% complete a four-year college within six years. This puts low-income students at a serious
disadvantage in achieving economic self-sufficiency and deprives the country of a rich pool of future diverse leaders.
While academic achievement is crucial to education success, research shows that character qualities like tenacity and grit are
also important in navigating the path from high school through college. Because the majority of low-income youth are the first
in their families to go to college, they often lack the web of support their more affluent peers enjoy. To overcome the odds, lowincome youth need support in order to believe in their capacity to achieve, build critical character skills and learn key life skills
necessary to get to and through college.
2011 has been a year of growth and momentum for Summer Search. As Amy Saxton’s
inaugural year comes to a close, I would like to acknowledge the dedication, energy and focus
that she has brought to her work at Summer Search. Under Amy’s leadership we continue to
implement best practices and research-driven programming and ask ourselves how we can
best cultivate bright futures for more low-income youth.
Since our inception, Summer Search has aimed to provide low-income youth who show leadership potential a supportive pathway
to higher education. As we know, completing college is a critical step towards reducing the likelihood of living in poverty, and yet
even low-income youth who show strong potential to excel in school and beyond are often unable to fulfill their potential due to
low expectations, lack of opportunities, and the daily challenges that come with living in poverty.
Summer Search breaks this cycle by providing low-income youth with the support they need to get to – and through – college
and become leaders. Our holistic and long-term program model focuses on building the character, confidence and life skills
required to chart a path towards a bright future. In 2011 we served a record number of low-income students – more than 1,800
across the country – and 88% of these students have either received a BA or are on track to receive one. The impact of these
students’ hard work and accomplishments will enrich them directly and will cascade to their families and communities. We
eagerly await their future leadership contributions, and we are confident that the investment made in these young people will
continue to yield rich returns.
Our ability to serve a record number of low-income students was made possible by a strong fundraising effort. I am thrilled to report
that we closed our $20 Million Expand the Dream Campaign. During an extremely difficult time for many non-profits, Summer
Search has been able to increase the number of students we serve by 251% in the last four years. In addition to allowing us to
serve more students, this campaign supported several key initiatives – reaching more students in high need communities and
schools, formalizing our college support, training our front-line staff and planning for long-term growth. All of this was made
possible by the generosity of our supporters. We are extremely grateful. Thank you.
Witnessing firsthand the remarkable growth, hard work and achievements of Summer Search students makes me optimistic
about the future for all of us – these students, all our families and our nation.
I am so grateful for the incredible staff across the country that does the work to support our students – their passion, heart,
and commitment is simply extraordinary.
And I thank each and every one of you for the investment you have made in Summer Search this year, and every year.
Ted Williams, National Board Chair
As my first year as CEO comes to a close, I am filled with gratitude for those that came before
me and excitement for the future. My passion to empower and support high-potential lowincome youth in crossing the opportunity divide initially drew me to Summer Search. Today it
is deeply gratifying to see the success our students are having in graduating from college and
becoming leaders in their communities.
With the support of our holistic program, our Summer Search students are seizing opportunities and working hard to defy the
odds. We are thrilled to report that 93% of Summer Search high school seniors go on to college and 88% have received a B.A.
or are on track to receive a B.A. As individuals, these young people are pursing their unique ambitions and as a collective they
represent a group of promising diverse leaders.
“I can pinpoint the very start of my path to that fateful day sitting in the Summer Search office. I didn’t know it
back then but that was the first day of this long and arduous journey that has finally led me to where I am today.
My success today can be attributed to the unconditional dedication I’ve received from Summer Search throughout
the years.” - Alex B.S. University of Massachusetts, Amherst
As Alex’s reflection demonstrates and our results prove, low-income students who are supported in their efforts to build confidence, character and life skills can successfully navigate the path to and through college and become leaders at work and in
their communities. We continue to be inspired by the tenacity, hard work and achievements of Summer Search students.
This year we will serve just over 2,000 students nationally and our five-year strategic plan has set aggressive growth goals to
extend our impact to more low-income students. Looking forward, we continue to challenge ourselves on several fronts –
identifying and fostering areas of innovation, defining how to serve students with the greatest need, and maximizing the impact
of each dollar spent.
We are fortunate to have so many supporters who see the potential of these students and who are so generous in their gifts of
time, talent and financial support. Our students are offered life-changing prospects because of this support and we are deeply
With gratitude,
Amy H. Saxton, CEO
Our program is rooted in the belief that low-income students who have consistent support
to build confidence, character and life skills will successfully navigate the path from high
school through college and will become tomorrow’s leaders.
“Having a mentor taught me how to deal
when things get overwhelming and how to
ask for help. I realized that people other than
me believe in my potential. These lessons kept
me going when I was faced with challenges
and setbacks during my freshman year of
college.” - Chelsey
“Taking summer classes at Suffield Academy
where I was on a strict academic schedule
made me realize that I can focus more and
get better grades in my senior year of high
school.” – Corella
“I was having trouble planning for the future
on my own, but Summer Search walked me
through the whole college process. Without
them, the farthest I would have gone was to
community college, but instead I am a proud
graduate of Bentley University.” - James
“College would have been an even greater
challenge without all the support and resources
available through Summer Search. So thank
you for building such an amazing and strong
community that is so helpful even at a distance.”
- Daniel
“Being at my internship allowed me to think
quickly on my feet and develop a sense of
what is expected of a person in any business
atmosphere.” - Juilian
Summer Search is serving greater numbers of low-income high school students and our
students are making remarkable achievements.
Latino - 42%
Black - 26%
Asian - 19%
Multi-racial - 6%
White - 5%
Other - 2%
of post-secondary students are on track
to graduate
High school students - 1,202
Students in first two years of college - 638
Alumni - 1,930
Alfred University
Barnard College
Boston College
Bowdoin College
Bridgewater State College
Brown University
Bucknell University
California Polytechnic State University,
San Luis Obispo
California State University, Chico
California State University, East Bay
California State University, Humboldt
California State University, San Francisco
California State University, San Jose
California State University, Sonoma
Carleton College
Centre College
City College of San Francisco
Clarion University of Pennsylvania
Colby-Sawyer College
Colgate University
College of Mount Saint Vincent
College of the Holy Cross
Colorado College
Community College of Philadelphia
Contra Costa College
Cornell College
CUNY the City University of New York
Daemen College
Denison University
Dominican University of California
Drexel University
East Stroudsburg State University
of Pennsylvania
Eastern Washington University
Gonzaga University
Goucher College
Hamilton College
Hilbert College
Hobart and William Smith Colleges
Holy Names University
Howard University
Idyllwild Arts Academy
Iona College
Juniata College
Kenyon College
Kutztown University of Pennsylvania
Lock Haven University of Pennsylvania
Loyola University
Macalester College
Manor College
Marist College
Mass College of Liberal Arts
Massachusetts College of Pharmacy
and Health Sciences
Middlebury College
Millersville University of Pennsylvania
Mills College
Mount Holyoke College
Mount Ida College
Napa Valley College
New York University
Northeastern University
Notre Dame de Namur University
Occidental College
Old Dominion University
Pace University
Pepperdine University
Pitzer College
Rutgers University
Santa Clara University
Santa Rosa Junior College
Seattle Central Community College
Shippensburg University of
Skidmore College
St. Anselm College
St. John Fisher College
St. John’s University
Suffolk University
SUNY Albany
SUNY Farmingdale State
SUNY New Paltz
SUNY Plattsburgh
SUNY Tompkins-Cortland Community
SUNY University at Buffalo
Syracuse University
Temple University
Trinity Lutheran College
Tufts University
Union College
University of California, Berkeley
University of California, Davis
University of California, Irvine
University of California, Los Angeles
University of California, Merced
University of California, San Diego
University of California, Santa Barbara
University of California, Santa Cruz
University of Massachusetts - Amherst
University of Massachusetts - Boston
University of Pennsylvania
University of San Francisco
University of Southern California
University of Washington
Washington State University
Wellesley College
Wentworth Institute of Technology
Wesleyan University
West Chester University of Pennsylvania
Western Washington University
Wheaton College
Wheelock College
Whitman College
“Ever since I joined Summer Search I’ve
changed greatly. I’ve learned to have the
confidence in myself and I know I will
go to college. I now believe I have potential
- Shelly, Summer Search Class of 2012
to be a leader.”
Summer Search is pleased to announce that we have raised $20,268,854 for our national
growth campaign – exceeding our goal of $20,000,000. Four years ago we kicked off the
first ever Expand the Dream campaign and thanks to your extraordinary generosity, we were
able to reach the finish line despite a challenging economic climate.
The impact of this campaign is significant for Summer Search both today and for the future. We have been able to build on our
success by serving more students with higher needs while maintaining the high quality of our student experience and outcomes.
We’ve also been able to secure our future by building the operational capacity for Summer Search to continue this high-quality
growth going forward. Specifically:
• WE
GREW THE NUMBER OF STUDENTS WE SERVE to just over 1,840 high school and college
students in 2011 – a long way from the 732 high school students we served at our seven sites prior to the campaign.
• Our outreach strategy in high need communities and schools has resulted in the vast majority -- 96% -- of our students
• WE
FOR FREE OR REDUCED LUNCH, up from 79% in 2008.
FORMALIZED OUR COLLEGE SUPPORT to ensure that a higher need group of students persists
in college at our same excellent rate of 88% (compared with 11% of their low-income peers).
• To underpin the growth in staff and students, we have INVESTED
• WE
GREW OUR ANNUAL GIVING REVENUE during the same timeframe as the campaign which gives
us a strong financial foundation for our next phase of growth.
It was your support that allowed Summer Search to grow to scale and we are poised for our next chapter of growth. Thank you
for believing in the potential of low-income youth to re-write their lives when they are supported in traveling the road to and
through college. We are confident that the investment you have made in these young people will yield rich returns – for these
students, their families and our nation.
With our deepest gratitude,
Helen Spalding and Mark Edwards, Campaign Co-Chairs
Katherine Kennedy, Campaign Manager
in campaign revenue between April 24th, 2008 and March 31st, 2012
total donors: 139 alumni, 97 board members,
30 staff, 384 community supporters, 29
corporations and foundations made gifts to
the campaign.
increase in the number of students served at
our seven sites
in annual giving revenue raised between FY08 through mid-FY12
volunteer engagements in our newly launched
program designed to help students gain college
knowledge, explore careers, learn professional
skills and prepare for summer internships.
college freshman and sophomores supported
through our college success programming.
Mentoring focuses on academic success,
engagement on campus, financial aid and career
exploration. During the last two years of college
we offer ‘opt-in’ activities and support.
students and alumni being tracked in our student
data system called ‘Efforts to Outcomes.’ This
system will ensure consistency across our sites
and will allow us to monitor a growing number
of students and alumni.
best-in-class technology systems which allow
us to grow more efficiently – including accounting,
donor, and employee management systems, and
a system to track student outcomes.
“An investment in Summer Search is an
investment in the future of our society.
Summer Search is indeed a place where
positive change begins.”
- Lucien Chan, Director, Global Community Partnerships & Strategy, Gap Foundation
The Bengier Foundation*
Penny and James Coulter
Linda and Jon Gruber
Liebe* and Bill Patterson
Ken Olivier* and Angela Nomellini
John* and Barbara Osterweis
Fredi* and Howard Stevenson
Tolan Family
Jacobson Family Foundation
Richard and Helen Spalding*
Ted* and Lisa Williams
Molly and Dan Lokteff
Kasey* and Jamie McJunkin
Geoff McKay*
Steven L. Merrill Family Foundation
Stephanie and Jim Milligan*
Julie Simon Munro
Melanie Peña* and Mark Perry
Catherine and Stephan Roche*
Dan Tsou and Betty So
Bill* and Sally Van Ingen
Walt* and Donna Wick
Cadio Zirpoli
Karen Bergman*
Toni and Peter Breck
The Bothin Foundation
Erik Christoffersen* and Alissa Lee
Thomas C.* and Patricia Barry
Ellen Cohen* and Christopher Greer
Bernard & Barbro Foundation of
Brad DeFoor*
the Jewish Community Endowment
Lori* and Matt Espe
Fund in honor of Bob Friend
Janet and Lloyd Frink
Warren Brown* and Gina Falsetto
Molly and Mark Gamble
Charlotte* and Bill Ford
The Gap Foundation
Robert & Michelle Friend Foundation* Natasha* and Robert Greyber
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
John Harris*
Sally and Bill Hambrecht
Patti and Jerry Hume
Irina and Sasha Kovriga ‘91*
Mei Kok
Terry Marek and Peter Buttenwieser
Helene* and Mark Lapman
Jeffrey* and Darice O’Neill
Steve* and Jenny Litzow
Jonathan* and Lisa Pruzan
Rodney* and Kristi Loo
Diana and Steve Strandberg
Lucas Film Foundation
Joe* and Malin Wolf
Elizabeth Obershaw*
Sarah* and Peter O’Hagan
Andy and Laura Poppink
Carol* and Hank Reiling
Barton Family Foundation*
Leslie Riedel* and Scott Friend
Michelle* and Kevin Douglas
Phil Rome
Mark* and Janet Edwards
Ed Rosenfeld*
Randi and Bob Fisher
S.H. Cowell Foundation
Pat* and Darla Flanagan
Jesse* and Lauren Serventi
Kevin Gay+ and Ramona Hanes
David and Carol Sung
Liz Hume and Jay Jacobs
Brad Svrluga* and Julia Bowen
Katherine+ and Duncan Kennedy
Victoria Thorp and Jim Midgal
John Lee
Kim Walin*
Susan and Bill Oberndorf
Louise and Arthur Patterson
Roberta Silten*
Mark E.* and Vicki F. Smith
Ted* and Kristen Breck
Callan Associates
Stephan Coonrod* and Cheryl Clark
Jayme Colket
Harrison* and Leslie Bains
Curtis* and Erin Cresta
Gretchen Burke
Nisha* and Steve Du Bois
Calihan Fund of the
Leni Eccles*
Pittsburgh Foundation
Expedia, Inc.
Cecile* and J.D. Delafield
Grace Family Vineyards Foundation
Erin and David Elliott
Tom and Liz Hale*
Lenore Hanauer
Patsy Huntington*
Nick and Leslie Hanauer
Sy Kaufman and Kerstin Edgerton
Teke* and Elizabeth Kelley
Inna Koehler*
Knossos Foundation
Vanessa Rahman
Karen and David Leeds*
John C. and Alexandra Read
Russ Sash*
Warren* and Ladan* Schlichting
Gregory Simons*
Christie Snyder*
Jennifer Steele*
Brad and Lynanne Struss
W.L.S. Spencer Foundation
Joyce and Larry Stupski
Judy Upjohn
Kweli Washington ‘93*
Acacia Foundation
Robin Bacci and Steven Ascher
Kristine and Stan Baty
Chris* and Lupi Beagle
Leslie and Walter Burlock
Charlie and Paola Casey
Dick Cashin
Miriam Cho* and Robert Chung
Emily+ and Thomas Edwards
Wendy Epstein and Jim Steiker
Jacqueline and Christian Erdman
Genworth Financial
Nancy A. Goldenberg*
John C. Griswold Foundation
Heidi A. Holzhauer*
William Ketcham* and Beth Ward
Steve and Claire Kingsley
David and Karina Kirsch+
Patricia and Robin* Klaus
Simon* and Kim Krinsky
John Murray* and Gail Covington
Bob* and Kristine Pallas
Ellie Phipps-Price
Jeff* and Linda Rosenthal
Mary Schaefer
Kendra Chencus* and Kurt Somerville
Marcia R. Walsh and Eric Block
Stacey Welsh*
Jeff Wong* and Carolyn Choi
Ellis M. Wyer
Supriya Batra*
Zara* and Evan Davis
J. Todd and Mia Ellis+
Marla Felcher* and Max Bazerman
Alison Elliott
The Fledgling Fund
Isabelle Fymat and Peter Goldmacher
Patrick and Pamela Gleeson
Michele L.* and C. Schuyler Havens
Lissa Healy+
Pam and Peter Herrup*
Russ and Charissa Huan
Leslie and George Hume
Tim Jacobs
Vanessa and Brian Johnson
JP Morgan Chase
Debbie Krause and Jim Schuster
Timothy Kingston
Lone Pine Foundation, Inc.
Paraag* and Naya Marathe
Deidre McCormack+ and Ted Martin
Dodge & Cox (Matching gift)
Jennifer McCoy+
Northern Trust Bank
Saul Pena ‘96
Melissa Rawlins
Victoria Ross
George W. and Kate M. Rowe Fund
Virginia and Scott Saifer
Barbara and Bob Scavullo
Jack Schafer
John Schram
Kait+ and Abraham Schroeder
Peter Sims
Tom Speranza* and Carol Sulcoski
Megan+ and Michael Sussman
Peter Tarr* and Gail Nelson
United Way of the Bay Area
Jessica+ and Chris Vibberts
Conrad Voorsanger*
Kirby Walker* and Paul Danielson
Lynn and Peter Wendell
Janice Yang+
$999 and under
Karla Acevedo ‘04
Luz I. Aceves ‘08
Jessica Acosta ‘07
Biola Aderinto ‘02
Debbie Aderinto ‘07
Elfriede Agyemang
Cathleen Ahern
Crystal E. Alburger ‘05
Ibrahim Ali ‘09
Ilhan Ali ‘07
Kelley Allegretti ‘03
Jacob Anderson
Manuel Alvarez
Rosa Alvarez ‘08
Liz Ambrosia
Afua Amoah
Helen Anawalt
O’Rama Antoine ‘05
Edgar Antonio
Daniel O. Araniz ‘04
Tania Arenas ‘03
Johanna Arenillas ‘07
Juan Arevalo
Silvia Arevalo ‘03
Geoffrey Asare
Kathy Atkinson Ayesha Attah
Ryan Auster Carla Bagdonas
Oscar Baltodano ‘09
Ian Barker
Henry Barnor
Elizabeth Bayley and John Marshall
(in honor of Cecily Carlisle Coughlan)
Carole Ben-Maimon
Galen Benshoof
Sandra Berman
Kimberly Bess ‘04
Jane Bidwell
Daniel Blanks
Matthew Blessing
Heidi Blotner
Catherine Bombico
Nora Boretti
Aspen Branch-Moore
Nathalia Brashear
Ligia Bravo ‘09
Rita Breaux
Cazzie Brown+ ‘00
Jerrica Brown
John Brown
Ryan Brown
Stacey Brown
Ellen Buchen
Katherine Burgess
LaToya C. Burton ‘98
Paul Buttenwieser
Anthony Byrd
Janet Calcaterra
Kristen Caldwell
Catherine Calimquim
Marisela Cardenas
Jessica Case
Brianda Castro ‘08 Jessica Cedillos ‘03
Sumeet Chadha ‘09
Lani Chan
Damien+ and Jackie Chapman
Jia Lin Chen ‘06
Serena Clayton
Michelle and Alan Cline
Rosemary Cloughley
Garrett Collins
Timothy Collins
Cara Conners
Heather Conniff
Courtney Cook
Livia Copara ‘07
Maria Corona ‘08 Chelsey Coyte
Nashema Crews
Todd Crockett
Brian Cutrone
Valerie K. Dachenhaus Melanie Damm+
Jacqueline Dang
Alana Da Silva
Joe Darza ‘07
Matthew Decker
Noel De Freitas ‘06
Dominique De Guzman
Sharon DeOliveira ‘07
Maxwell DePaula ‘02 Bridgette Depay ‘08
Luis Depaz ‘09
Dana Devon and Neil Sand
Cynthia Diaz ‘02
Tania Diaz
Pam Dickinson
Annie Dieckman
Judy Dinh ‘02
Elisabeth Dixon
Twum Djin
Massanda D’Johns ‘01
Sara Doelger*
Bao Tram Do ‘09
Carlota Dorn
Regina Dove ‘07
Carol Dressler
Sarah Dumas
Shirley Duong ‘01
Derrick Duplessy* ‘98
Maria Duzon
Katy Eberle
Marcelino Echeverria ‘06
Harlan Edmonds
Ian Edwards
Susan Edwards
Tom Edwards
Chris Elejorde
Jennifer Elks
KishaLynn Elliott ‘98
Luisa Engel
Emily Epstein
Morton Epstein
Rachel Epstein
Atil Erken
Mayra Espinoza ‘09
Dalvin Estrada ‘02
Holly Evans ‘05
Jayme Farrell-Ranker
Christina Feliciana
Robin Fine
John Finley
First Republic Bank
William Fish
Gary Forester
Veronica Francis
Randy Friday ‘08
Nancy Fullman
Haregu Gaime
Juan Gaitan
Elizabeth Gallagher
Daisy Garcia ‘08
Sydney Garcia
Brittany Garland
Javonne Gartrell-Hall ‘07
Cheryl Gies
Mary Gies
Sheila Glenn
Cara Goff
Danielle Goldberg
David Goldsmith
Glenn Goldstein
Maria Gomes ‘02
Carrie Gonzalez ‘05
Google Matching Gifts Program
Naomi Gordon-Walinsky
Steven Gordon ‘98
Steven Gottlieb
Amanda Gouldthorpe
Amanda Graham+
Stephanie Greenblatt
Cindy Guan ‘06
Luis Guerra
Katie Gunther
Raquel Halty
Theresa Hamilton ‘02
Alexandria Kyle-Hammer ‘08
Dianne Hanza
Monica Hanza+
Raquel Halty
Mark Harmon
Nathaniel Harrison
Suzanne Hart
Emily Harwood
Stacey Akemi Hata
Xi Hau
Jada He ‘08
Judith Healy
Nathaniel Healy
Winston Healy
Margaret Hewett
Leonie Heyworth
Alexandra Hill
Christopher Hill ‘08
Franklin K. Ho ‘05
Huan Hoang ‘04
Richard Hoang ‘02
Steve Hofer
Hillary Hoff ‘04
Danielle Hoffman
Jana Hoffman
Michael Holt
Brett Horn
Tom Hu
Tom Hua
Catherine Hudson ‘08
Natasha Hunter ‘03
Gail Igawa
Keiko Irino
Lisa M. Isaacson
Karen Izenberg
C. Allison Jack
Michele P. Jankaew
Stephan Jean-Baptiste ‘02
Anne Jean-Paul ‘09
Michael Jean-Jacques ‘08
Jhonnari Jimenez ‘07
Keena Johnson
Linda Johnson
Rira Johnson Freddie Joyner ‘06
Erin Kahle
Tia Kama
Sean Kamkar ‘00
Matthew Karl
Keith Keith ‘08
Kyna Kellogg
Shire Ketterer
Linda Kilkenny
Charlie Kim
Isaak Kimes
Devon Kirkpatrick
Elizabeth Kirksey
Colleen Klus+
Kevin Knight
Diane Kohler
Noel Kosiek
Stephanie Kraemer
Michael Kudus ‘06
Kevin Kung ‘94
Alice Kunkell
Ruth Kurschner
Kelly Kurtz and Gabriel Reza
Gifty Kwakye
Laura Laakso
Michelle La Fleur and Mike Goetz
Erin Lail Dixon*
Teal Lake
Rigoberto Lara ‘08
Erin Michele Lasky
Uyen Le ‘08
Anna Lee ‘06
Endora Lee ‘95
Jane Lee
Janice Lee ‘99
Lori Lefkovitz
Simonia Lei ‘07
Richard Leonard
Anya Lepp
Renata Lerner
Laura Levine
Cicely Li ‘08
Niles X. Lichtenstein ‘01
Yuan Cai Lin ‘07
Laura Linton*
Sara Lipton-Carey
Lily Liu
Whitney Liu
Kellan London
Tasha Lopez
Mary Lydecker
Haddie Lyons
Linda Mach ‘96
Sally Maddox
Rosa I. Magana ‘06
Deborah Malec
Philip Marcus
Diana Marte ‘07
Melissa Martinelli
Armando Martinez
Laura Martinez
Rocio Martinez ‘09
Stephanie Martinez ‘07 Betty Masuoka
Julia Emi Matsudaira+
Cait May
Amy Mayer
Andy McKinstry
Sandra McKinstry
Milbrey McLaughlin* and
Lawrence Klein
Licinia McMorrow
Brenna McNulty ‘07
Nikkita McPherson ‘09
Miriam Medow
Kathryn Melamed
Mark Melamed
Enedina Mendoza ‘10
Cliff Meyer
Jane Meyers
Rena Meyers-Dahlkamp
Melina Michaels
Microsoft Giving Campaign
Julie Milder
Amy Miller
Karen Mikus
Roya Mirgoli
Lydia Missaelides
Eleni Mitchell
Sierra Mitchell ‘07
Veridiana Montas ‘05
Annie Moore
Lindsey Moriguchi+
Marchaun Morrison ‘03
Diana Moss
Babak Mostaghimi
Jenniver Mulholland
Patricia Murillo
Andrea and Robert Nachtigall
Jayson Narag ‘01
Eduardo Navarro ‘99
Ricky Nguyen
Ricky Nguyen (Oracle Match)
Sam Niebrugge
Denise Noonan
Northern Trust (Matching gift program)
Remy Ntshaykolo* and Kelly Prichett
Cheryl Nunes
Angelica Nuñez ‘01
Edward O’Donnell
Kwasi Ohene-Adu
Nana Kwaku Ohene-Adu
Oluwatomisin Olayinka
Zack Oldenburg
Valeria Orbegozo ‘06
Aileen Ormiston
Jacquelyn Ormiston
Sergio D. Orzynski ‘05
Greg and Hanna Ostroff
Diana Oviedo+ ‘04
Juan Oviedo ‘02
Melissa Padilla
Athena Palisoc
Eva Pan ‘07
William Parker
Phaedra Pascoe
Jana Pastena
Rafael A. Payano ‘04
Natasha Payes ‘06
Derek Pescon
Alejandro Pena
Alex Petek ‘04
Solaria Perez-Stepanov* ‘94
Alex Perlin
Linda Perlin
Cindy Pham ‘07
Hoa T. Phan ‘94
Marie Pierre ‘08
Cezar Pinto ‘98
Ahmed Waheed Pirzai ‘04
Cameron Pittelkow
Ben Politzer
Peter Politzer
Shara Pollie*
Abigail Posner
Edward Powers
Kevin Prosch
Jocelyn Pullido ‘05
Read Pukkila-Worley
Cang Quach ‘98
Felipe Quiroz
Helen Rabold
Cristina Ramirez+ and Orlando Perez
Rogelio Ramirez ‘07
Mohammad Raquib
Erin Redfern
Joseph Reed ‘07
Julie Renfroe
Adriana Resendez
Mary J. Reyes
Lindsey D. Roark+
Joni Roberson
Samantha Roberts ‘06
Amanda Robinson
Denise G. Rodrigues ‘01*
Monique R. Rodrigues
Beatriz Rodriguez
Rosi Rodriguez ‘06
Carlos Romero ‘94
Jennifer Ross
David Rost
Micah Rouse
Gina Rubert
April Ruiz+
Claudia Ruiz ‘08
Jack Rusley
Amy and Alex Russell
Michael Sabarese
Nabila Saeed
Nancy-Suzette Sánchez ‘02
& José Sanchez
Yanardy Sanchez ‘08
Emily Santos
Lisa Savage
Amy H. Saxton+
Peter Schaefer
Naomi Schatz
Caroline Schley
Kammerle Schneider
Rachel Scott+
Dana Scurlock
Tina Shauf
Laura and Ron Siena
Ryan Siu
Tamara Sloan
Daphne Smith
Rosemary Smith ‘00 and Todd Smith
Susan Smith
Alvin Sng ‘09
James Solomon
Theresa Songo
Tyra Sorensen
Max Spector
Christopher Spenner
Valerie Spizarsky Robert Stabler
Rachel Stasny
Carol Steiker and Paul Holtzman
Daniel Steiker
Alex Stein
Claire Stein Hannah Stein
Benjamin Steingart
Asia Stewart
Colin Stewart
Elana J. Stokamer
Nathan Stone
William Strong
Carol Sudtelgte
Helen Sullivan
LeRoya Sumpter ‘05
Erin Surfas
Geralynn Surfas
Jeff Sussman
Judy Sussman
Kim Sussman
Meyer Sussman
Michael P.Taylor
Lee Tecklenburg
Linda Thai ‘06
Osei Thomas ‘08
Ariel Thompson
Gabriel Toral ‘02 Hung Tran Tram Tran ‘08 Fred Triefenbach
Phan Truong ‘07
Kamba Tshionyi and Angela Hayward
Linsey Turk
Angelia Tyler ‘08
Danielle Twum
Hawa Umarova ‘08
Saif Vagh
Lauri Vanghan
Simona Vareikaite ‘07
Diana Vargas ‘01
Roxy Vargas ‘05
Lisol Velazquez ‘03
Nicole Velasquez
Alisa Vitello
Jocelyn Vo
Elizabeth Vodicka
George Vuong ‘07
Brad Wakeman
Margaret Wakeman
Laura and James Ward
Trevor Watkins
Amanda Wellman ‘07 Harold Wershow
Edward Wexler-Beron
Ayo Williams ‘99
Fanny Wong ‘09
Julie Wong
Sammy Wong ‘09
Shirley Wong ‘07
Polly Wood
Dan Wylie
Carol Yang+
Zachary Yeskel
Zach Yeskel (Google Match)
James Yoakum
Edward Yu ‘05
Si Jia Yu ‘08 Yi Yu ‘07
Jonathan Zeigler ‘08
Jimmy Zhen Bei Kong ‘97
Tracy Zhu ‘04 Additional Campaign
Dana* and Bob Emery (amount not
* Board Member
+ Staff Member
“If you told me when I was 14 and
bringing in Cs…that I was going to
be the first in my family to go away
for college and that I’d be pulling
in a 3.7 at Skidmore on a full
scholarship….I never would have
believed it! And yet, this is my
reality and it can be the reality
for so many others.”
Alex Williams is a freshman at Skidmore College in
Saratoga, New York where he is studying Business. In addition to the substantial financial aid
Skidmore awarded him, through his persistence
and dedication, he earned scholarships to cover
his entire college tuition from One Hundred Black
Men, New York Urban League, and Delta Sigma
Theta Sorority.
Alex graduated from Eagle Academy for Young Men
in the Bronx. On his first Summer Search trip, Alex
spent three weeks kayaking and backpacking in
Washington state with Outward Bound. He flew on
a plane for the first time and made a new family of
friends. With his eye on college, he chose to build
his academic skills at Washington University in St.
Louis for his second Summer Search trip. He studied English, psychology and improvisation, pushing
himself academically and learning new ways to
study and manage his time - skills he is now using
at Skidmore. Alex plans to go to law school after
college and one day help create opportunities for
young people like him.
and was a 23% increase over the prior year’s total of $7.9 million. Total cash donations, including campaign contributions, were
$10.6 million, up 33% from last year’s $8.0 million. Summer Search is working to diversify its funding base by seeking more
foundation and corporate support. In 2011 cash donations from foundations and corporations combined were $4.4 million, a 19%
increase over last year’s total of $3.6 million. In-kind donations of $1.6 million, primarily scholarships donated by our summer
program partners, showed an 11% increase over last year demonstrating a higher commitment from our partners to our students.
> WE STRENGTHENED OUR BALANCE SHEET. At the fiscal year end 2011, the organization had $6.2 million in
pledges plus more than $3.0 million set aside in a board-designated operating reserve. The strength of future cash flows from
these pledges will allow the organization to plan for program expansion in 2012. During 2011 Summer Search also improved its
liquidity by 17% to $4.2 million, up from $3.6 million last year.
> OUR PROGRAMMATIC SPENDING represented 77% of our total spending in 2011, putting Summer Search in
the “best practice” category compared to its peers.
Individual - 58%
Program Services - 77%
Foundation - 30%
Fundraising, Management and
General - 23%
Corporation - 12%
Summer Leadership and
Mentoring - 79%
Staff Training - 9%
College Advising - 5%
College Success Program - 5%
Alumni Program - 3%
SEPTEMBER 30, 2011 AND 2010
Total Donations
In-kind donations
Investment Income
Other Income
Total Support and Revenue
Program Services
Summer Leadership and Mentoring
Staff Training and Development
College Advising
College Success Program
Alumni Program
Total Program Services
Supporting Services
Fundraising Management and General
Total Operating Expenses
Change in Unrestricted Net Assets
Change in Temporarily Restricted Net Assets
Change in Permanently Restricted Net Assets
Unrestricted Net Assets at Beginning of Year
Temporarily Restricted Net Assets at Beginning of Year
Permanently Restricted Net Assets at Beginning of Year
Net Assets at End of Year
In 2011 Summer Search was awarded Charity Navigator’s highest 4-star
rating for sound financial management.
Partners In Change
Anonymous ~
The Bengier Foundation ~
Penny and James Coulter
Charlotte and Bill Ford ~
Gap Foundation
Global Leadership Adventures
Linda and Jon Gruber
The Charles Hayden Foundation
Jacobson Family Foundation
JPMorgan Chase & Co.
The Knossos Foundation
National Outdoor Leadership School
The New York Community Trust
Kenneth Olivier and Angela Nomellini ~
Outward Bound
John Osterweis and Barbara Ravizza ~
Fredi and Howard Stevenson ~
Strategic Grant Partners
Tolan Family
The William and Elizabeth Patterson
Lisa and Ted Williams ~
Joe and Malin Wolf ~
North Carolina Outward Bound
Jeffrey and Darice O’Neill ~
Bernard Osher Foundation
P.I. Garden Fund
Parker Family Foundation
Pinkerton Foundation
William and Lia Poorvu
Roberta H. Silten ~
Social Venture Partners
Diana and Steven Strandberg
Stuart Foundation
Thomas L. and Janet Thomas
William E. Simon Foundation
Williams Trading, LLC
Visionary’s Circle
$25,000 - $49,999
The Achelis and Bodman Foundations
Amelia Peabody Foundation
Anonymous (3)
Arcadia Charitable Trust
Bank of America Charitable Foundation
The Barton Family Foundation ~
Baupost Group Charitable Fund
S.D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation
Karen Bergman ~
BlackRock Financial Management
Leadership Circle
Brickyard Family Fund
$50,000 - $99,999
Ken and Jackie Broad
Burke Family Foundation
Peter L. Buttenwieser and Terry
Anonymous (4)
Ann Marek
Thomas C. and Patricia Barry ~
The Community Foundation of
The Brown Family Foundation
Sarasota County, Inc. from the
Gretchen and Stephen Burke
Harriet and Steven Osterweis
Calihan Fund of the Pittsburgh
Charitable Fund ^
Cosette Charitable Fund
College Access Foundation of
Crescent Porter Hale Foundation
Stephanie DiMarco and Jim Harleen
Deer Hill Expeditions
Erin and David Elliott
Dodge & Cox
Lori and Matthew Espe ~
Michelle and Kevin Douglas ~
Marla Felcher and Max Bazerman ~
Gina Falsetto and Warren Brown ~
Fenster School
Randi and Bob Fisher
Fidelity Brokerage Services LLC
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Flanagan Family Foundation ~
General Atlantic
Michelle and Robert Friend ~
Goldman Sachs Gives
Fullerton Family Foundation
Rosalie and Claudio Haddad
Kevin Gay and Ramona Hanes +
The Kimball Foundation
Global Glimpse
Klarman Family Foundation
The David B. Gold Foundation
The Koret Foundation
Lenore Hanauer Foundation
Grand Circle Foundation
Lloyd G. Balfour Foundation, Bank
John and Cynthia Gunn
of America, N.A., Trustee
The Nick and Leslie Hanauer
Loomis, Sayles and Company
The Lynch Foundation
Nick and Leslie Hanauer
Mabel Louise Riley Foundation
The Steven L. Merrill Family Foundation Liberty Mutual Foundation
HealthCor Management LP
The Highland Street Foundation
Homestead Foundation
Juniper Networks Foundation Fund
Teke and Elizabeth Kelley ~
Katherine and Duncan Kennedy +
Irina and Sasha Kovriga ‘91 ~
John Lee Fund of the San Francisco
Jon R. Love
Lucasfilm Foundation
Maine Teen Camp
Marin Community Foundation
MATTS Giving Fund
Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner &
Smith Inc.
Microsoft Matching Gifts Program
Stephanie and Jim Milligan ~
Mitchell Kapor Foundation
Julie Simon Munro
National Philanthropic Trust
Northfield Mount Hermon Summer
Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton &
Garrison LLP
Peery Foundation
Jonathan and Lisa Pruzan ~
Leslie Riedel and Scott Friend, Harris
Family Foundation ~
Rustic Pathways
S.H. Cowell Foundation
Schmidt Family Foundation
The Seattle Foundation
Select Equity Group Foundation
Silver Family Foundation
Helen and Richard Spalding ~
W.L.S. Spencer Foundation
State Street Corporation
Joyce and Larry Stupski
David and Carol Sung
Teton Science Schools
Nathan and Margaret Thorne
Tishman Speyer Properties, LP
Virtu Management
The Wal-Mart Foundation
Watchtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz
Where There Be Dragons
Walter and Donna Wick ~
Suzanne Worden and Stephen Farley
Yawkey Foundation II
Mentor’s Circle
$10,000 - $24,999
Amy and David Abrams
Acacia Foundation
Advent Software, Inc.
Adventure, Risk & Challenge
Anonymous (5)
Apercen Partners
Aven Foundation
Harrison and Leslie Bains ~
Barclays Capital
Richard Barker
The Baupost Group, L.L.C.
Chris and Lupi Beagle ~
The Russell Berrie Foundation
Alexandra Burke and Christopher Birch ~
Wendell and Celeste Birkhofer
Michael Blumstein and Eve Caligor
Kristen and Ted Breck ~
The Brook J. Lenfest Foundation
Lawrence and Kelly Buchalter
Helen Ann Buckley Foundation
Callan Associates, Inc.
Alison and James Carbone
Cheley Colorado Camps
Chelsea Piers Management, Inc.
Cisco Systems Foundation
Claneil Foundation, Inc
Stephan Coonrod and Cheryl Clark ~
The Clements Foundation Inc.
Cleo Foundation
The Colket Foundation
Ethel Colket ^
College Orientation Workshop
Corby Capital Markets, Inc.
Heidi Cox
Credit Suisse
Victoria and David Croll
Cushing Academy
Tenley Harrison and MacKenzie Davis
J.D. and Cecile Delafield ~
The Joseph and Carolyn DeMarco
Nisha and Steve Du Bois ~
Eastern Bank Charitable Foundation
Mark and Janet Edwards ~
Martin and Alison Engel
Environmental Traveling Companions
Eric Evans and Cheryl Breetwor-Evans
Lise and Michael Evans
Farese Family Foundation
Nancy and Robert Farese
Nina and David Fialkow and Randi
and Joel Cutler
Doris Fisher
Mark and Molly Gamble
Gap Foundation Gift Match Program
Derek and Jill Garvens
Steven Gensler and Nancy Swig
Grail Partners LLC
Steven Grand-Jean
Robert and Natasha Greyber ~
Amy and John Griffin
Mimi and Peter Haas Fund
Tom and Liz Hale ~
Sarah & William Hambrecht
Mentor’s Circle,
$10,000 - $24,999
Sally and William Hambrecht ~
Hamilton Family Foundation
Hassel Foundation
Jennifer Steele and Jonathan
Hoekstra ~
Minalie Chen and Jackson Hsieh
Liz Hume and Jay Jacobs
Huntington Steele, LLC
Patricia Huntington ~
ICAP Services North America LLC
Lisa and George Ireland
Ithaca College Summer College
The James Irvine Foundation
The George Frederick Jewett
The Franklin and Catherine Johnson
Wendy E. Jordan
Joseph Pedott Perpetual Endowment
Neuberger Berman Foundation
Tonia and Adam Karr
Betsy and Rusty Kellogg
William Ketcham and Beth Ketcham
The Patricia Kind Family Foundation
Jennifer and Timothy Kingston
Knight Capital Group, Inc.
Mei-Yin Kok
Amee Tejani and Gavin Koo +
Helene and Mark Lapman ~
Erik Christoffersen and Alissa Lee ~
Leslie Family Foundation
George Loening and Kimbrough Towles
Molly and Dan Lokteff
Lone Pine Foundation, Inc.
Longacre Leadership
Rodney and Kristi Loo ~
Carol and Albert Lowenthal
Macquarie Bank Ltd.
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Mandel Jr.
Maverick Capital Foundation
Betsy and Edward McDermott
Kasey and Jamie McJunkin ~
Geoff McKay ~
Zachary and Laura Merriman
Meyer Family Fund
Jo Frances and John Meyer ~
Dale and Bob Mnookin ~
Morgan Stanley
The Norcliffe Foundation
Northern Trust
Sarah and Peter O’Hagan ~
Osterweis Capital Management
Terry R. Otton
Outward Bound Philadelphia
Thomas Anthony Pappas Charitable
Foundation, Inc.
Perkins Coie
Melanie Peña and Mark Perry ~
Pierpont Securities LLC
The Plymouth Rock Foundation
Eva and Bill Price
Robert and Tracey Pruzan
Donald Putnam and Susann Kellison
Kent Radspinner and Mai Anh Phan
Rail Down Charitable Trust
John C. Read and Alexandra Read ~
Carol and Hank Reiling ~
Beth Rhoades Holland
Road Less Traveled
Phil Rome
Julianne and Clayton Rose ~
RS Investment Management Co. LLC
Daniel E. Rothenberg
Carl and Ruth Shapiro Family
Shawmut Design and Construction
The C.F. Roe Slade Foundation
Vicki and Mark Smith ~
Jed and Caitlin Smith
Marjorie and Paul Stanzler
Stephens Inc.
Summer Academy at Suffield
Svrluga Foundation
Kimberly Sweidy and Raymond Stata
Peter B. Tarr and Gail L. Nelson ~
Tauck Foundation
The Thomas J. Long Foundation
TPG Capital, L.P.
Tim Treadway
Dan Tsou and Betty So ~
University of Delaware Summer College
University of Miami Summer Scholars
Sally and William Van Ingen ~
Tom van Loben Sels
Jennifer and Robbert Vorhoff
Charlotte and Herb Wagner
Kim Walin ~
Jerry Weintraub and Melody Howe
Amy and Kirby Wilcox
William Blair & Company
Diane B. Wilsey
Windsor Mountain International
Winiarski Family Foundation
Warren Winiarski
Janine and Jeff Yass
Gwill York and Paul Maeder
Role Model
$5,000 - $9,999
The A.M. Fund
Academic Study Associates
Gregory and Christy Allen
Apogee Adventures
Devin and Sally Aronstam
Ascend Capital
Asset Management Company
Anne and Greg Avis
The Paul and Edith Babson Foundation
Bain Capital Children’s Charity
Bank of America Merrill Lynch
Kirsten and Michael Beckwith
Aneel and Allison Bhusri
Richard Blum and Dianne Feinstein
Boston University Summer Term
Eileen and Karl Brumback
The Caroline Alexander Buck
John Buoymaster
Jane and Mark Cahill
Elizabeth and Clark Callander
Maureen Carr and Walter Nollmann
Russell L. Carson
Suzanne and Leslie Carter ~
Stacey Case
Lisa and Dick Cashin
Central Payment Corporation
Kendra Chencus and Kurt Somerville ~
The Chrysopolae Foundation
Ellen M. Cohen and Cristopher Greer ~
Bryan and Jayme Colket ~
Community Foundation of Western
Thomas Connor
Dee and Kevin Conway
The Crebilly Foundation
Ben and Amy Curtis
Joie and Dennis Delafield
Brian and Laurie Doherty
Rose Donner
Chris and Robin Donohoe
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Druckenmiller
John G. Duffy
E. Richard Jones Foundation
eBay Foundation
Leni and Marriner Eccles ~
Egg Foundation
Jacqueline and Christian P. Erdman
Arthur and Stephanie Evans
Expedia, Inc.
The Experiment in International Living
Michael and Laura Fisch
John and Laura Fisher
Eric Fredricksen and Tracy Green
Don and Janie Friend
F-Secure Inc.
Fund for St. Helena, a Community
Impact Fund at Napa Valley
Community Foundation
Gap Inc. Giving Campaign
David and Carole Gaunt
Paul Ghaffari
Global Routes
Global Works
GO Adventure!
Goldman Sachs & Co. Matching Gift
Stephen Gordon
Grampy’s Charities
Genevieve E. Gudebski
Greg and Stephanie Hansen
John B. and Marcy Harris ~
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Hecht
Anne and Jeffrey Holden
Will and Hannah Hudson
Alastair and Polly Hunt
Idyllwild Arts
Intero Foundation
A.C. Israel Foundation, Inc.
Janice and Ralph James
Macon and Michael Jessop
John C. Griswold Foundation
John F. Welch, Jr., Foundation
Jolson Family Foundation
Rick Jones and Elaine Sczuka
Karen and Jeff Jordan
Junior Statesmen Summer School
Amy and Glen Kacher
Kadima Foundation
Erica and Michael Karsch
Sy Kaufman and Kerstin Edgerton
Lis Tarlow and Stephen Kay
Keefe, Bruyette & Woods
David Kelley
Pamela Kenney and Brian Madocks
Susan and Peter Kessler
Kohlberg, Kravis, Roberts & Co.
Simon and Kim Krinsky ~
Millicent and Bob Lalanne
Lateef Investment Management
Devon and Mark Laycox
Chris Harland and Ashley Leeds
Karen and David Leeds ~
Ed Lewis
Reid and Jennifer Liebhaber
Lifeworks International
Linda Richardson Harper Foundation
Steve and Jenny Litzow ~
Lucius & Eva Eastman Fund, Inc.
Rabbi Brian Lurie and Caroline
Fromm Lurie
John and Meghan Lyons
MadCat Foundation
Tom and Robin Mattimore
Robert and Melissa McDowell
The Medtronic Foundation
Mintz Levin
Abigail and John Moore
Stephen P. Moore
Sharmila and Peter Mulligan
Elizabeth Munro and Peter Wheeler
Kate Murphy and Brett Bush
National Financial Services, LLC
Nelson Foundation
Pamela and Mitchell Nichter
William and Susan Oberndorf
Elizabeth and David Obershaw ~
Dan Carroll and Stasia Obremskey
Ojai Valley School Summer Programs
Arun Palakurthy
Karen Pell and Heather Lupa
Hayden and Zachary Perry
Joseph Persky
Phacil, Inc.
Phoebe Snow Foundation
Andy and Laura Poppink ~
Role Model , continued
$5,000 - $9,999
Ellie Phipps-Price
Michael and Helaine Pruzan
PSAI Realty Partners
Putney Student Travel
Due Quach
Rassias Language Programs Abroad
Deborah Reich and Frank Murphy
Clinton and Janet Reilly
Retik Mello Foundation
Thurston and Catherine Roach
Laurie Robinson
Catherine and Stephan Roche ~
John Roediger
Leesa Miao and Martin Romo
Michael and Victoria Rosauer
Ellen and Douglas Rosenberg
Lisa Rourke
Russ Sach ~
Samuel S. Fels Fund
Sandler O’Neill & Partners LLP
Mary Schaefer
Phil Schlein
Warren and Ladan Schlichting ~
John and Regina Scully
SEA Education Association
Seiler & Company, LLP
Jesse and Lauren Serventi ~
Neil Seth
Hilary Sheehan and Mark Gordon
Rusty and Julia Shepard
Silverado Farming One Percent Fund,
a Community Impact Fund at Napa
Valley Community Foundation
Gregory and Diane Simons ~
Robin and Murray Sinclaire
Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher &
Flom LLP
Skidmore College Precollege Program
Snow Farm: The New England Craft
David and Mary Solomon
Carolyn and Stephen Spitz
Starbucks Coffee Company
Lisa and Gregg Stone ~
Michael and Megan Sussman ~
Sutter Home Winery
Paul Taubman
Charlotte Temple
T.L.L. Temple Foundation
Deborah L. Thaxter, Esq. ~
Marimar Torres
Toth Construction
Erik Toth ~
Klaus Toth ~
Charlotte and Scott Tracy
Vera Trinchero Torres
Jeff and Laurie Ubben
University of New Hampshire Project
University of Pennsylvania
Judy Upjohn
Jean Verbridge and Charles Burd
Viva Foundation
Weil, Gotshal & Manges LLP
Katherine G. Welch
Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.
Stacey Welsh ~
Sarah and Peter Welsh ~
Susan Whitehead
Diane Blanchard Whiting
The Otto and Marianne Wolman
Trevor and Karen Wright
Ellis M. Wyer
Timothy and Kay Yates
Greg Young
Greg and Jodi Young
Emad Zikry and Judith Hannoway
$1,000 - $4,999
Christopher and Cathie Abbate
Wendy and Clark Abt
Michael Adler and Michelle Goldberg
Adventures Cross-Country
Kate and Ajay Agarwal
Abhishek Agrawal
Shane Akeroyd
Tom Akin
Alaska Airlines and Horizon Air
Laura Alber and Ned Klingelhofer
Jeff and Sally Alder
Joan Marie Alexander
All Stars Helping Kids
Alison Allgor
Alan and Liseanne Alperin
Ann Alpers and Shawn Hanson
Deborah Alton-Matthews
Abigail and Tony Alvarez
Amigos de las Americas
Anchor Capital Advisors
Susan Scott and Hugo Anderson
Margaret Andrews-Davenport
Anonymous (7)
Apex Foundation
Appleton Partners, Inc.
Applied Materials Foundation
Argosy Real Estate Management
Richard Atkinson
Martha and Bruce Atwater
The Austin Memorial Foundation
Autodesk, Inc.
Robin Bacci and Steven Ascher ~
Pam and Larry Baer
Robert W. Baird & Co.
Melora and Andrew Balson
Deborah Bander
Bank of America Matching Gifts
Constance Goodyear Baron and
Barry C. Baron M.D.
Madeline and Richard Baron
The Barra Foundation
Nesli Basgoz
Supriya Batra ~
Kristine and Stan Baty
Baystate Financial Services
The Bear Foundation
David Beitel
Dorothea Berger
John Bernabei
The Bernsten Family
Za and Sig Berven
Bingham McCutchen LLP
Eric Bischof and Susannah Shipman
BlackRock Matching Gift Program
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts
BNSF Foundation
John F. Boneparth
The Honorable Margot Botsford and
Stephen Rosenfeld
Carolyn and Steve Bowsher
Paul and Debbi Brainerd
Brand Growth Management
Toni and Peter Breck
Helen and Beau Breck ^
Joseph Brennan
Joann and Miki Breuer
John and Jasanna Britton
Brigid Britton
Arlene Bronstein
Kelly Meldrum and Toby Brookes
Nancy Buck and James Sebenius
Buckeye Roadhouse
Peggy and James Burling
Walter and Leslie Burlock
Nina and Craig Burr
Katie and Paul Buttenwieser
Jackie and Bob Byrne
Jeff and Debbie Byron
Cambridge Trust Company
Ron Cami
Camp Encore/Coda
Camp Ogichi Daa Kwe
David Capobianco
Darcy Carlson
Carnegie Corporation of New York
Katie Simons and Steve Carter
The Caselli Fund
Paola and Charles Casey
Diane and Rob Cassil
Center for Creative Youth
Melissa and Arthur Ceria
Fay Chandler
Beth and Sam Chapin
Scott and Celeste Chapman
Charles Schwab
Yi-Ling Chen and Victor Hwang
The Chicago Community Trust
Chicago Title Company
John Childs
Choate Rosemary Hall Summer
Yongbai Choi
Linda and Joseph Chong
Robert and Miriam Chung ~
Brian Jones and Carli Clark ~
Helen Clement and Guhan
Cliff Lede Vineyards
Coast Range Investments LLC
Gigi Coe
Cogan Family Foundation
Susan and Mitchell Cohen
Ruth M. and Tristram C. Colket, Jr.
Timothy and Debbie Collins
The Community Foundation for the
National Capital Region
Concord Plastic Surgery, Inc.
Concordia Language Villages
Carey and Christopher Condy
Conn Family Fund
Lance Conn
Michael Conn
Edward R. Stolman and Nancy Conrad
Martha Conte
Mimmy and Phil Cooper
Leo and Lynn Corbett
Cornell University Summer College
Courtenay and Sean Corrigan
Nina Coslov and Howie Rice ~
J. and Suzanne Crandall
Loretto and Dwight Crane
Creative Feed
Credit Agricole
Curtis and Erin Cresta ~
Jeffrey Crisan
Matt and Deborah Crisp
Gay and Gene Crowley
Joan and Ron Curhan
Edie and Bill Dagley
Scott and Julie Dalton
Carolyn Davies
George and Kelly Davis
Stephen Davis and Jill Cowan Davis
Zara and Evan Davis ~
Susan Dawson
Rebecca de Kertanguy Charitable
Lead Annuity Trust
Lionel Conacher and Joan Dea
Cathy and Sandy Dean
Bradley DeFoor ~
Kathleen Deggelman
Delafield Hambrecht, Inc.
Harvard Business School Charity
Doug Dossey and Kathrin Dellago
Marvin D. Dennis
Derek and Lisa Kirkland
Deutsche Bank Securities, Inc.
Doug and Leslie Dietz
Judy Dinh ‘02
Patricia Swig Dinner
Dinosaur Bar-B-Que
Christopher and Sofie Dolan
Dr. Therese A. Dolan
Robert Dolezal and Annie Roney
Dolfinger-McMahon Foundation
Alexander and Hilary Doroski
Theodora and William J. Dotson, Jr.
Joseph Downes
The Dreiseszun Family Foundation
William and Katharine Duhamel
Dunn Family Charitable Foundation
Jeff Dunn
Jane and Herb Dwight
Advocate, continued
$1,000 - $4,999
Emily and Tom Edwards +
Blair and Cheryl Effron
Caroline Egan
Carrie and Stouffer Egan
Sarah and John Ehlinger
Susan Ehrlich ~
Fred and Dinna Eisenhart
Elaine Gorbach Levine Charitable
J. Todd and Mia Ellis +
Beth and Tim Emanuels
Dana and Jeff Engelman
Susan Englander
Ryan Enright
Andrew Ertman
John and Danielle Esposito
Ken Everett and Linda Bloom
FactSet Research Systems Inc.
Jennifer and Dan Fannon
Farm & Wilderness Programs
Farmstead Corkage for Community
Martha and Paddy Farrell
Michael Fazio
Steven and Jennifer Feinberg
Katherine Feinstein and Rick Mariano
Genevieve Felix
Darin and Amy Fierstein
Karen and David Firestone
Tom Fischer and Cyndi Devereaux
Nancy and Steven Fischman
Pamela Polite Fisco and Dennis Fisco
Ken Fitzsimmons
Mort and Frannie Fleishhacker
Shane Flock
Jeffrey and Pamela Flores
George Fontas
Theresa Fornalski
Elizabeth Coxe and David Forney
Foster Pepper
Kevin and Michele Foster
Michael and Karen Foust
Amy Murphy and Keith Fox
Richard and Stephanie Fredericks
Fuller Foundation, Inc.
Fund for Calistoga, a Community
Impact Fund at Napa Valley
Community Foundation
Mark Gainey
Mike and Gretl Galgon
Humberto Galleno and Lareina Yee
Lummy and Ben Gannett
Elizabeth and Frank Gerber
Chuck and Nan Geschke
Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP
Linda and David Glickstein
Global Youth Village
Karen Glover
Eileen and Charles Glovsky
GMG Janitorial Inc.
Joan and Alfred Goldberg
Carol Goldberg
Nancy Goldenberg ~
Nancy and Ross Goldstein
Gary and Joanna Goodman
Barbara and Chris Gootkind
Kevin Gould
Grabe Family Foundation Inc.
Greek Summer
Marritje and Jamie Greene
Lorrie and Richard Greene
Dick and Sallie Griffith
Calla and Will Griffith
Matt and Torrie Grosjean
Lois Perelson-Gross and Stewart
Jane and Allen Grossman
Gillian and John Growdon
Kate and Dale Gruen
Tom Hadley
William Hadley
Nancy Hagens and Thomas Hill
Shirley and Harry Hagey
Lisa and Scott Halsted
Pam Hamamoto and Kurt Kaull
Adrian Hanauer
Katherine and James Hansen
David and Zina Hardy
Wassef Haroun
Richard Ronald and Anne Harper
Matt Harrigan
Harris Private Bank
Paul Harris
Greg and Sally Hartman
Scott and Dawn Hartman
Eliza Haskins Koeppel and Mike
Paul Haughey and Denise Spencer
Schuyler and Michele Havens ~
Erin and Stephen Hawthornthwaite
James Head
Corinne Hedrick
Cris and Ben Heineman
Hellam Varon
Sabrina and Mick Hellman
Douglas and Pam Hendrickson
Henrietta Tower Wurts Memorial
Hermione Foundation
Pam and Peter Herrup ~
Doug and Carolen Herst
David Peter Hess
Elise and Matt Hicks
Pete Higgins and Leslie Magid
Robert Higgins
Kayla Hinderscheid
Sara and Russell Hirsch
Wendy Holcombe and Carl Kawaja
Rick and Kandy Holley
Dave and Linda Holmes
Heidi A. Holzhauer ~
Connie Coburn and James Houghton
Erick Howard
Patti Hughes
Joe and Lori Huhn
Mr. and Mrs. George H. Hume
George Hume
Priscilla and Richard Hunt
IECA Foundation
Richard and Roberta Intrater
Jack Morton Worldwide
Michael A. Jackson
Tim Jacobs ~
Elisabeth and Howard Jaffe
Dan Janney and Noelle Montgomery
Amanda Jefferson and Fernando
Alcayaga +
JetBlue Airways
Jewish Communal Fund
JJG Foundation
John A. Penney Co., Inc.
John Hancock Financial Services
Michael and Barbie John
Shyama and Sujit John
Lucinda and Todd Johns
Linda S. Johnson
Louis and Lynda Jordan ~
Quo Mieko Judkins ‘94
Don and Roz Kahn
Roberta Kameda
Joy and Douglas Kant
Geoffrey and Nora Kanter
Ellen L. and Robert S. Kaplan
Karas Family Foundation
Samuel and Nancy Ann Karetsky
Karp Family Foundation
Jill Ellen Karp
Susan and Jay Kaufman
Ron and Barbara Kaufman
Steve Kaufman
Gaylord and Robin Kellogg
Stan Kelly
Nancy Hsiung and Charles Keough
Sylvia Ketcham
KeyBanc Capital Markets, Inc.
James and Teresa Kilman
Jeff King and Margot Beall
Claire and Stephen Kingsley ~
Mimi and Dan Kingsley
Karina and David Kirsch +
Ronnie and Arthur Kirsch
Patricia and Robin Klaus ~
Jonathan Kleisner
Lee and Daney Klingenstein
Janet Kloppenburg
Jay and Inna Koehler ~
Amaresh Kollipara
Ben Kolpa
Kathy and Jack Kopnisky
Brenda and Adam Koppel
Jennifer and Chris Kostanecki
Hersh Kozlov
Teresa Amabile and Steven Kramer
Kate and Yaz Krehbiel
Kelley Kurtz and Gabriel Reza
Rose Lavandero and Ted Kurtz
Michelle La Fleur and Michael Goetz ~
Morgan Stanley/Roger La Voie Group
Roger and Frances La Voie
Lisa and Mike LaHorgue
Erin Lail Dixon ~
Lail Vineyards
Drew and Rose Lanham
Patrick Lanni
Shelly and Chris Lanning
Sarah and Matt Lapides
Susan and Dennis LaRosee
Laura and Michael Lazarus
Stephen and Karen Lazovitz
Terrie and Christopher Leake
Donald Lee
Elaine Gorbach Levine Charitable
Abby Miller Levy and Anton Levy
Gail Rothenberg and John Levy
Laraine and Jeffry Levy
Loren Lewallen
Meir Lewis
Grace and Ryan Limaye
The Raymond and Joanne Lin
Josephine Linden
Mychele Lindvall
Douglas and Kristen Londal
John Long
Ali Long
Violet Loo
L’Oreal USA
DeWayne and Lajwanne Louis
Robert and Amanda Lowenthal
Emily and Christian Lown
Carol and Luther Luedtke
Luke 12:48
Mary Ma
Sarah Bennison Machiels and Alec
Shawn and Doug Mackenzie
Claire Newton and Edward Maloney
David and Ann Mann
Sandy and Malcolm Manson
Jay Karas and Miriam Marcus
The Margaret & Daniel Loeb-Third
Point Foundation
Margaret G. Jacobs Charitable Trust
Lynda and John Marren
Susan and Chris Masto
Donal Mastrangelo
Domonique and Grant Matthews
Yemaya Maurer
MC2 Foundation
Cathleen McCafferty and Roger
Margaret and Michael Mccaffery
Michael and Betsy McCall
John and Gwen McCaw
Molly McDonnell
Bill and Marie McGlashan
Ethel K. McGlynn
Matthew and Erika McGrath
Hilary and Mark McInerney
Timothy McKeown
Noella and Scott McKinley
Jane McKinstry and Art Dorsey
Tessa and Peter McMillan
Sharon and Brian McNally ~
David and Sophia McShea
Kate and Andy Mecca
Sarah and Adam Meister
Advocate, continued
$1,000 - $4,999
Suzanne and Robert Mellor
Emily and Brian Melton
John and Stephanie Mendel
Molly and Andrew Mercy
Peter and Denise Merlone
Virginia and John Metters
Bonny Meyer
Michael and Carol Lowenstein
Foundation Inc.
Hilary and William Midon
Victoria Thorp and James Migdal
Jasna Behaderovic and Adam
Lynne and Neal Miller
Zaheen Mir and Regina Flores Mir
Stuart Mitchell
Beth Mitchner and Douglas Wertheimer
Wendy and Jim Mnookin
Tamra and Kurt Mobley
Anne Williams and Kevin Mohan
Montecito Market Place Associates
Nancy Howard and Steve Mooney
Morgan Stanley Smith Barney
Faith and Richard Morningstar
Ann and George Morris
Anne Morrow ~
Claire and Richard Morse
Kathleen Morton
Moscone Public Affairs, Inc.
Chris and Linda Moscone
Stewart Muller
Susan and Peter Murley
Matt Murphy and Helen Lin-Murphy
Stacey Murphy
Pat and Troy Murray
Greg and Lauri Nakamoto
Denis Nayden
Lewis Levin and Emily Neilson
Elyse and Michael Newhouse
Brett and Jennifer Nissenberg
Blake and Molly Nordstrom
Patrick and Cathy Norton
Melissa and David Norton
Scott and Amy Nuttall
Obinna Nwadike ‘99
Paul and Maria Onderdonk
Janet and Clyde Ostler
Juan Oviedo ‘02
Paley-Kerrey Foundation
Bob and Kristine Pallas ~
Peter and Christy Palmisano
Anne and Felix Pardo
Parent Map
Will and Julie Parish
William Park and Jung Choi
Ann Parker-Way
Partners HealthCare
Pasadena Community Foundation
Surya Patel
Bo Peabody
Saul Peña ‘96
James and Vicki Penny
Solaria Perez-Stepanov ‘94~
and Alexander Stepanov
JaMel and Tom Perkins
Leonilla and William Perry
Bruce Peterson
Gina and Stuart Peterson
Cynthia Petrie
Frances Petrocelli and Charles
B. Wilson
Glen Godezano and Mai Pham
Godezano ‘00
The Richard L. and Suzanne S. Levy
Fund of the Philadelphia
The Philip Devon Family Foundation
Diane and Andy Philips
Ellen and David Phillips
David Phillips
Gwendolen Phillips
Kate and Scott Phillips
Kyle Pickens
Dana Pigott
Paul and Dina Pigott
Piper Jaffray
Plantation Farm Camp
John and Jen Pleasants
Wendy Shattuck and Samuel Plimpton
Mark and Dorian Polite
Bill and Shara Pollie ~
Charlie and Eleanor Pollnow
Lia and Bill Poorvu
Ruth Porat and Anthony Paduano
Elizabeth and Robert Pozen
Kevin Ryan and Carolyn Pressly Ryan
Price Family Dealerships
Barry and Jennifer Price
Michael Price
Tom and Gwen Price
Caroline Probst
Prospect Creek Foundation
Erin and Pete Przybylinski
Adrienne Puech
Putney School Summer Programs
Quigley/Hiltner Fund of The San
Francisco Foundation
R.A.B. Motors, Inc
Kendra and Erik Ragatz
Katherine Randolph
Todd and Jocelyn Ray
RCM Capital Management
Trevor Read
Red Tail Ridge Winery
Douglas Reeves
Thomas Retan
Robin and Jake Reynolds
Richard P. and Claire Morse Foundation
Susan and Thomas Riley
Art and Kadi Ringness
William Rippe and Laure SudreauRippe
Robbins Family Law
Nancy and Rich Robbins
John and Patty Roberson
David and Valerie Robinson
Regina Rockefeller
Frances and Hugh Rogovin
Stuart and Lee Rolfe
Carl and Sarah Rosendahl
Edward and Lauren Rosenfeld ~
Jeff and Linda Rosenthal ~
Alice Rosenwald
Ross Family Foundation
Robert Rotberg
Susan and Alan Rothenberg
Matthew Rowe
Frances Rubacha
Chris and Pam Rupright
Russell Reynolds Associates
Thomas and Gina Russo
Paul and Carley Rydberg
Douglas and Patricia Sacks
Ann and Paul Sagan
Carol and William Sahlman
Virginia and Scott Saifer
Nicole and John Sailer
Marjorie and Walter Salmon
Carrie Smotrich and Thomas Samoluk
Susan Sarich
Ed and Michelle Sarti
Amy H. Saxton +
Betty and Jack Schafer
Barbara and Jim Schaye
Christian Schiller
Werner and Jeanette Schimmelbusch
Peter and Elizabeth Schumacher
Lynda Schweitzer Wood
Robert Scully
Seahurst Elementary
Seattle Seahawks & Seattle
Sounders FC
Geoffrey Sefert
Demi and Fred Seguritan
Nancy and Gregory Serrurier
Lee and Ruth Ann Seward
The Seybert Institution
Sheri and John Shalavi
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew E. Sharp
Gary Shedlin
Sheehan Family Foundation
David and Mary Alice Sherrill
Danell Zeavin and Ronald Stovitz
Rodger Shute
John Sigel and Sally Reid
Richard Silverman
Lee and Allen Sinai
Claire and Jonathan Smidt
Lee and Perry Smith
Mary Ann and Stanley Snider
Jeff and Sally Snipes
Christie Snyder and Alan Smith ~
Norman and Ruth Spack
Ann and James Spencer
Tom Speranza and Carol Sulcoski ~
Laura and Gregory Spivy
Springcreek Foundation
St. Germain Liqueur Artisanale
St. Helena Rotary Foundation
Jocelynn and Jeff Staley
Stebbins Fund
Lucinda and T.L. Stebbins
Susan Ricci and Theodore Stebbins
Tom and Patricia Steele
Gordon Stephenson
Judy Stephenson and Scott
Harshbarger, Proskauer
Mary and Louis Stervinou
Hannah and Andy Stevenson ~
Stifel Nicolaus
Michael and Jessica Stokes
Stolman Family Philanthropic Fund
Cathy and Jim Stone
Patricia and David Straus
Brad and Brandy Stroh
Jon and Judy Struss
Brad and Lynanne Struss
Jonathan Sturgis
Nachi Subramanian
Sunrise Foundation
Super Camp
Rebecca and Phil Susser
Jeff and Dani Sussman
Carol Sutton-Lewis and William
M. Lewis Jr.
Mary Tavares Sutula and Frank Sutula
Ellie Svenson and Mark Klempner
Emma Swain and Wes Jones
Roselyne Chroman Swig
Marjorie Swig
Christy and Hans Swildens
Phyllis and Theodore Swindells
Arthur and Renee Swire
Tom Swoffer
Gary and Azita Syman
Syracuse University Summer College
Marcia Syufy
Dana and James Tananbaum
Patricia Tanoury
Angie and Seth Taube
Bryan Taylor
TD Bank, N.A.
Tenney Family Charitable Fund
Donna Terman
Maureen and Michael Terris
Lenard and Fern Tessler
Scott Thomas ~
Jay and Shannon Thomson
Lue Ann Tikker
Graves and Colleen Tompkins
Trail Creek Foundation
John T. Treadwell
Seran and Ravi Trehan
Jun Tsusaka
Karen Tucker and Jerry Avorn
Scott Tucker
TurningPoint Foundation
Adam and Lauren Turteltaub
Norm and Mary Lee Tuttle
Union Benevolent Association
United Way of Southeastern
John Urbanowicz
US Bancorp Foundation
Christina and Paul Van Houten
Maria Vecchiotti
Dharma Cortes and Rodolfo Vega ~
Michael Victor
Advocate, continued
$1,000 - $4,999
John Viola
Mark and Cecilia Vonderheide
Vulcan, Inc.
Wachovia Capital Markets, LLC
Lisa Wahbe
Kirby Walker and Paul Danielsen ~
Brooks Walker and Summer
Tompkins Walker
Danielle and Brooks Walker
John Walker
Marcia Walsh and Eric Block
Fred and Liz Walters
Spencer Wang
Sally Ward
Washington University HS Summer
Scholars Program
Kweli Washington ‘93 ~
Joanne Barnes Watts
Judy Webb
Dorothy and Stephen Weber
Jason Weese
Angela and David Weiden
Candice Curtis and Carl Weissensee
Amanda Weitman
Chris Weldon and Shirley Xu
Ellen Welichko
Wells Fargo Foundation
Wente Family Estates
Wentworth, Hauser and Violich
Ashley and Minott Wessinger
Wetherby Asset Management
The Winokur Family Foundation
William Wolcott
Jane and Douglas Wolf
Colleen and Gary Wolf
Lois and George Wolfe
Jeff Wong and Carolyn Choi ~
Amy Wright and Emerick Woods
Barbara Wright
Jeffrey and Korynne Wright
Wunderlich Securities, Inc.
Douglas and Amanda Wurtz
Susan and Scott Wyckoff
Ann and Mead Wyman
Felice and Henry Yager
Wendy and Richard Yanowitch
Jessica and Bertrand Yansouni
Clinton Yara
The Yemaya Maurer Gift Fund
Martin and Maggie Zankel
Karen and Michael Zeff
Kathy Zelazny
Zillow Real Estate
Marc Zimman
Zoma Worldwide
F. Anthony and Sally Auer Zunino
$0.01 - $999
3rd Ward
Annie Abbruzzese
Sandra Abdallah
Zakaria Abdulrahman ‘11
Mary Adams
Daniel Adler
Susan Adler
Kofi Afful ‘06
Suki Afolabi ‘10
Ruthie Aframe
Katie Aftosmis
Ravin and Alka Agrawal
Deb Agrin
Peter Aguera
Yuriko Cherry Aguirre
Cathleen Ahearn
Nidah Ahmed
Kate Aiken
Jennifer Alba ‘11
Perla Albavera ‘10
Alexa Albert
Katie Albright
Crystal Alburger ‘05
Claire Alcindor ‘11
Victoria Al-din
Justin Alexander
Ibrahim Ali ‘09
Ilhan Ali ‘07
Kelly Allegretti ‘03
Christopher and Katherine Allen
Melissa B. Allen
Nattia Allen ‘11
Ramesh Allen
Jamie Allison Hope
Simin Allison
David Alonso
Cory Alpert
Reginold Alston
Eric and Heidi Altree
Devon Anderson ‘10
Katherine Anderson
Kenneth Anderson
Mark and Eve Anderson
Kristen Angel and Farvardin Mirgoli
Theo and Kim Angelis
Yackelin Anguiano ‘11
Sunny Anjum ‘09
Jeannie Annan
Anonymous (14)
Karen and Jim Ansara
Anthony-Maymudes Family Foundation
Francesca Antifonario
Chris Antipa
Apex Foundation
Michael Apodaca
Apogee Venture Group, LLC
Max and Francesca Applegarth
Mike and Andrea Appleton
Sara Araghi
Leslie Arai
Steven Arango ‘11
Daniel Araniz ‘04
Steuart Arboleda ‘11
Mike Arce
Sandy Arce ‘09
Bisrat Arega ‘11
Juan Arevalo
Silvia Arevalo ‘03
Leslie Armell +
Jennifer and Stephen Arms
Anupa Arora
Frank Arricale
Renee Arst and Brian Lewis
Veronica Arthur
“Summer Search has opened doors for me
I did not know existed, gave me a sense of
self that I lost, and showed me the future
I could not have dreamed about.”
- Sasha Kovriga, Vice President and Portfolio Manager, Osterweis Capital Management,
Summer Search San Francisco Board Member, and Summer Search San Francisco Alumnus ‘91
Deb Wetherby
Juliette Whitcomb and Elliot Schrage
Michael and Nina Whitman
Eric and Michelle Wilcox
Lawson and Mary Bess Willard
The William Ellis Robinson Foundation
Eugene and Jackie Williams
Annie Williams
Connie and Sanky Williams
Williwaw Adventures
Ryan and Cynthia Willson
Averel and John Wilson
Jane and James Wilson
Kristin Wilson
Michelle Wilson
A.Jason Windawi
Tigist Abebe ‘11
Auranous Abhar ‘11
Eniola Abioye ‘11
Ana Abreu ‘11
Tyler Abron ‘11
Lindsey Acampa
Luz Aceves ‘08
Meg and Bob Ackerman
Roger Ackerman
Leurys Acosta ‘11
James Adams II ‘11
Pamela and Robert Adams
Stuart Silk and Anne Adams
David G. Adams
Marea Adams
Gonzalo Alvarez ‘10
Manuel Alvarez
Rosa E. Alvarez ‘08
Julie Ambrose
Liz Ambrosia
Frank Amelia
Sally and David Ames
Amgen Foundation
Umar Amin, Jr. ‘10
Helen and Tom Anawalt
Mariana Anaya ‘99
April Ancinas
Laura Andersen
Michael and Lisa Anderson
Andrew Anderson
Brian Anderson ‘08
Nina Asanza
Peter Ashley
Rim Asmamaw ‘11
Maya Mekedelawite Atakilti ‘11
Kristin Demong and Charles Atkins
Kathy Atkinson
Linda Atkinson and Edward Bing
Atlantic Forest Products, LLC
Atlantic Yachting
Anna Au
Ingrid Augusto
Ryan Auster
Charles Austin
Ana Avalos ‘11
Jose Avalos ‘11
Cristy Avina ‘11
Friend, continued
$0.01 - $999
Pamela and James Awad
Emily Axel
Andrea and Carl Axelrod
Matthew Axelrod
Ayer Firefighters
Olanike Ayomide +
Margaret Babayan ‘11
Anna Bach ‘11
Colleen and Jay Backstrand
Carla Bagdonas
John Bagley
Victoria Bailey
Alexander Baker
Andrew Baker
Matthew and Carly Baker
Diana and Mark Baker
James Baker
Pamela and Jesse Baker
Leslie Baker
Lisle Baker
Curt and Deena Ball
Kim Baltzell and John Maine
Dan Balzora
Stephen Bamford
Jo Anne Bander
Stephen Bander
Sachin Banker
Allie Banuelos
Marcia Barasia
Julie Barbo
Lucia Barboza ‘11
Lori and Steve Bard
Ian Barker
Brooke Barnes
Franya Barnett
Reginald and Lindsay Barnett
Kevin Barney
Henry Barnor
Tyler Baron
Jeanne Barr
Maria Barrera ‘11
Andy Barrett
Mark Barrett
Teresa Barriga ‘11
Cris Helena Barros ‘11
Simoa Barros ‘10
James and Elizabeth Barton
Sarah Buttenwieser and Hosea
Lance Bass
Ernest R. Bates
Fritz Bathelt and Mary Roberts
Antoinette Battiste
Don and Elona Baum
Alfred and Harrison Baumann
Chris and Cynthia Bayley
Abibatu Bayoh ‘09
Holly Bazemore
Baja Fresh NYC
Jamie Beal
Laura Nash and Tom Beale
Nancy and Joachim Bechtle
Larry Beck
Daniel and Annette Becker
Michael Beckett
Beecher’s Handmade Cheese
Jessica Beess Und Chrostin
Maria Behrakis
Carolyn Behse
Brandi Belbin ‘11
Devin Beliveau
Hyacinth Bellerose
Scott Belsky
Nancy Benchoff
Kurt H. Benner
Jennifer Bennett
Cate Bennett
Nathan Bennett, Summit Financial
Group LLP
Courtney Benoist and Jason Fish
Galen Benshoof
Anelsa Beqo ‘11
Greg Berard
John and Gretchen Berggruen
The Berghorst Foundation Inc.
Peter Bergman
Deborah and Ted Berghorst
Tobias Berkman
Hagar Berlin and Jon Spack +
Laurie Berlin and Edward Deicke
Dennis and Meg Bernholz
Gideon and Nancy Bernstein
Marge Hiatt Bernstein
Bespoke Chocolates
Betcher Family Foundation
Nancy Betcher
Susan Betcher
Jessica and Naiff Bethoney
Anjali Bhosle
Rajiv Bhuta
Vibhuti Bhuta
Lisa Bianchi
Richard Bianchina
Griffin Biase
Darlene Biddy ‘06
Jane Bidwell
Jennifer and Doug Biederbeck
Big Blue Marble Bookstore
Amanda Billings
Lauren Binkley
Louisa Birch
Jeff and Tina Bird
Lynne Ann Biscay
Bisgeier Family Foundation
Stephen Bishop
Barbara Bisoni
Barbara Bispham
Alice Bissell and Stephen Rosen
Martha and Robert Bissell
Joni and Ted Bissell +
Jim Bitzer
Brian Bizoza
Carol Black
Joanna Black
Katharine and Peter Black
Anne Blackburn
Greg Blanc
Peter and Sara Blanchfield
Tricia and Tim Blank
John Blau
Andrew and Leslie Blauner
Allison Bloch
Claudia and Mitchell Bloch
Block, DeVincenzi, & Zelazny LP
Mollye Block
Diane and Howard Bloom
Chris Frissora and Emma Bloomberg
Heidi Blotner
Jeffrey Bluestone
Elias Blumm
Margaret Blunt
Curtis Blyden
Hilda and Gilbert Boas
Jeffrey Boaz
Arnold Boecklin
Janet Boguch
Michael Bolte
Mr. and Mrs. Donya Bommer
Boqueria SOHO
Andrew and Brenda Bor
Lilianna Borland ‘11
Jeanette Borras
Ruth Borsky
Boston Cedar and Millwork
Mary Bosworth
Laura Botero ‘10
Cristina Bothova
Craig Bottger
Henry Bottger
Brittany Bourne ‘11
Luette Bourne
Karen Boutros
Anne Bower
Gail Bower
Joseph Bower
Chris Boyd
Steven Boyd
Michael Bradley
Kathryn Braham
Lynne Brainerd and Michael Douvadjian
Graham and Talia Brandt
Rachel and Michael Bratt
Jamee and Francis Bravo
Ligia Bravo ‘09
Rita Mateo Breaux
Julie Brener
John and Jean Brennan
Libby Brennan
William Brennan
Joe Brent
Lorraine and Alan Bressler
Vanessa Brewster Laughlin
George Brewster
Shanti Brien
Harli Brigham
Louie Brillantes
Nancy Brodsky
William B. Brody
Douglas Brody
Patti Brooke
Leith Brooks Barry
Colette Brooks
Steve and Virginia Brooks
Barbara Brown
Dave Brown
Felicia Brown
Jerrica Brown
John Brown
Kristen Brown
Owen Brown
Ryan Brown
Stacey Brown
Stewart Brownlee
Stephen Brune
John M. Bryan Family Fund
Jared Bryant
Sarah Bryar
Bryn Mawr College
Wendy Buchen
Trevor and Billie Buck
Kai Buckle
Jeanne and Ed Buckley
Reid and Anne Buckley
Sarah Buckley
Jennifer Buddenborg
Buehler Vineyards
Frank Buhler
Ivy Bui ‘11
Marta Bullard
Bulldog Gin
Lesley Bunim
Katharine Burgess
Anne Marie Burgoyne and
Brad Roberts
Cynthia Burke
Justin Burke
Meagan Burke
Sheena Burke
Jeanne Burlingame
John Burlingame
Peggy and Dewitt Burnham
Jessie Burns
Sarah Dey Burton
Gillian Burwell
Mike Bushnell
Diana and Enrique Bustamante
Shaquana Butler ‘06
Buxton Company
Sugarsuren Byambasuren ‘10
Anthony Byrd
Juliana Byrd
Melissa Byrkit
Sarah Byrne
Gadille Cabral ‘09
Leide Cabral ‘06
Darlene Cacace
Sharon Cadman
Brian Caffelle
Elizabeth Cafiero
Patricia and John Cahill
Cynthia Cain
Jessica Calagione
Janet Calcaterra
Kristen Caldwell
California Alpha Delta Kappa,
Alpha Psi Chapter
California Alpha Delta Kappa,
Beta Rho Chapter
California Alpha Delta Kappa
Catherine Calimquim
Friend, continued
$0.01 - $999
Michael Callahan and Dana
Eamonn and Corinne Callan
Lynly Callaway
Karen Cambray
Kathryn L. Campbell
Juanita Campbell-Heredia ‘06
Heather and Chuck Campion
Brian and Susan Candell
Matt Glerum and Candra Canning
Ann Cannon
Stephen and Carol Canter
Kathy and Jack Cantwell
Christine Capacillo ‘95 +
Donald D. and Beth Capelin
Cynthia Cardenas ‘11
Marisela Cardenas
Tanhya Cardenas ‘11
Kassandra Cardona ‘11
Carillon Point Account
Mitzi Carletti
Curt and Dudley Carlson
Melvin Carlson
William Carmen and Karen Nardi
Carine Carmy
Phillip Carpenter III
Lisa Carraro
Elizabeth Carrera ‘11
Natalie Carrillo ‘11
Edward Carter
George Carter
Jennifer Carter
Prudence Carter
Kailey Cartwright
Roberto Caruso
Laura Carwile
E Squared Hospitality
Marielba Casabona ‘11
Kristy Casella
Brian Casey
Jane Casey
Thomas Casey
Timothy Casey
Meg Cashman
Martin Casiano ‘11
Eileen and Paul Casilli
Beatrice Cassis
Rebeca Castaneda ‘11
Robert Castano
Alexandra Castillo ‘11
Brenda Castillo ‘05
Andrea Castro ‘09
Jennifer and Alexander Castro
Andrew Cath Rubenstein
Susan and Ed Catmull
Tanisha Catule ‘10
Stephen Cavagnaro
Celebrated Chefs Seattle
Jonathan Celestin ‘11
Century Carpet
Cynthia Cervantes ‘11
Jasmine Cespedes Mejia ‘11
Christian and Angela Chabot
Sumeet Chadha ‘09
Sreekanth Chaguturu, M.D.
John Chalk
James Chambers
Albert Chan ‘01
Lani Chan
Lucien Chan and Joanna Gonsalves
Vicki Chan ‘03
Winnie Chan ‘06
Jimmy Chang
Julian Lim and Chang
Damien and Jackie Chapman +
William Chapman
Kerrie Chappelka
Agnes and Jonathan Chapski
Charles and Susan Moss
Charlie Kim
John Roach and Stacy Chatfield
Wood Chatham
Anh Chau ‘96
Pan Chau
Christian Chavez ‘11
Edgar Chavez ‘08
Richard Check and Christine Karnes
Angela Chen ‘07
Jia Lin Chen ‘06
Jacky Cheng ‘10
Candy Cheng
Victoria Cheng ‘03
Noah Cherney Zaltz
Dawn Cheron ‘11
Cynthia Cheung ‘06
Children’s Scholarship Fund
Barbara Chin
Merry Chin ‘11
Brian and Marina Chinn
Reed Chisholm
Sammy Chiu ‘09
Lana Choi
Elaine Chow
Michael Chrisman
Christian Hill Realty
Michael and Jennifer Christian
Joey Christiano ‘00
Mr Christidis
Mark Christopher
James Christopoulos
Chryssostomos Chryssostomidis
Brian Chu
Jeffrey Chudacoff
Patrick Chun
Joseph Cianciolo
Joe and Janell Ciatti
Francesca Cicero
Gregory Ciongoli
Cara Cipollone
Joseph Cirnigliaro ‘09
City Sports
Claiborne W. Gooch III Charitable
Remainder Unitrust Number
Adam Clammer and Kate Harbin
Christi Clark
Kristy Clark
N. R. Clark
Karen and Bruce Clarke
Julia Clarke
Lisa and John Clarke
Peggy Clarkson
Chris and Catherine Clifford
Michelle and Alan Cline
Clorox Company Foundation
Stephen M. Coats
Jeanne Coburn
Kim Cochrane
Jennifer Cohen Peary
Andrea Cohen
Barbara Cohen
Chad and Jacqueline Cohen
Liz Cohen and David Whellan
Melissa Cohen
Stefanie Cohen
Randy Cohn and Alexandra Lane
Samuel Colabufo
Philip Colameta
Carlton Colbert ‘98
Stacy Shunk and Ed Colbert
Susan Cole Ulvestad
Amy Rose Cole
Jill Coleman
Ann Coles
Christopher Coley
Joanna Colleto Scott and Hal Scott
Colliers International
Amanda Collins
Garrett Collins
Jay and Lisa Collins
Juan Colon ‘11
Melissa Colon-Bosolet
Colorado Mountain Express
Andrew Colosimo
Tricia Colton
Comcast Corporation
Community Foundation of New
Michael Concannon
Condo Management of Central Mass
T.J. and Kristin Connelly
Connexion Systems and Engineering, Inc.
Connors Family Foundation
Taylor Connors ‘11
Timothy Connors
Judy Connorton
Matthew Conrad
The Container Store
Jessica Conte
Allyson Contreras ‘11
Courtney Cook
Wendy Cook
Courtney Cooney and Topher
Ryan and Kristin Cooney +
Chris Cooper
Maria Cooper ‘09
Ana Copara ‘11
Livia Copara ‘07
Jill and Walker Coppedge
Patricia Coraccio
Robert Coraccio
Amy Corbett
Frank Cordell
Jeanette and Alexander Cornelius
Ravone Cornish ‘11
Glynnis Cornock
Don Cornwell
Maria Corona ‘08
The Donell Corp
Kevin Corro ‘11
Pedro Cortes
Alexandra Cotrim ‘11
The Cottage
Cottonwood Gulch Foundation
Sally Coughlin
John Murray and Gail Covington ~
Gregory Coy
Genevieve and Joe Coyle
Joseph Coyne
Robert Croce
Nina Crocker
Kim and Todd Crockett
Erin Cromartie ‘11
Collen Cronin
Sue and James Cross
Anthony Crossley
Adam Crowley and Ashley Andrew
Blake Crowley
Tammy and Bill Crown
Tim and Sharon Crull
Asia Cruz ‘10
Marina Cruz ‘11
The Cue Group, LLC
John and Carolyn Cunningham
Jill Cunningham
Molly and Larry Curran
Maureen and David Curran
Sean Curran
Marilyn Curry and Ralph Wilson
Matthew Curtin
Francis Curtis
Lorraine Curtis
Amy Custode
Meredith and Jim Cutler
David Cutler
Brian Cutrone
Kathleen Cutting
David L. Cvengros
Jeanny Cyprien ‘09
Mr. Tekoa Da Silva ‘01
Davida D’Abate
Valerie and Jeffrey Dachenhaus
Matthew Dadaian
Gene Dahmen
Kate and Lloyd Dahmen
Daily Candy
Michael D’Aleo
Cindy Dam ‘11
Melanie Damm +
Nicholas Danella
Joan and Robert Danforth
Chris Daniels
Morgan and Elizabeth Darden
Florence Darwin
Shawna Dash
J.T. Davenport
Kahlil Davenport ‘11
Friend, continued
$0.01 - $999
Laura Davies
Brett Davis
Ebonee Davis ‘11
Jessica and Zachary Davis
Thomas Davis
Tom Davis
Travis Davis and Nina Yadava
Carol Davison
Kayola Sue Ann Davis-Tabb ‘11
DBA Peter Schultz Home Improvement
Stephanie De Kertanguy
Sarah De La Torre
Argenis De Los Santos ‘11
Sharon De Oliveira ‘07
Tiziana Dearing
Suki and Miguel DeBraganca
H David Decell
Matthew Decker
Owen Decoursey
Noah DeGaetano
Timothy Degnan
Edward Deicke and Laurie Berlin
Johan DeJesus ‘11
Andre Delacruz
Colin Delaney
Elizabeth and Sean Delaney
Gregory Deleo
Dell Employee Giving Program
Leslye Dellar
Ronald Delorme ‘10
Lindsay DeMaestri
Kim Dempster
Shao Deng ‘08
Timothy Dent
Bridgette Depay ‘08
Edison Depina ‘10
Carolyn Cohen and Alan Dershowitz
Anant Desai
Chirag Desai
Swaroopa Desai
Vanita Desai
Louis Desantis
Myra Deshmukh
Peter Deslauriers
Molly Desmond
William G. Dessoffy
Martin and Lara Detels
Deutsche Bank Americas Foundation
Brian Dever
Patrick Devitt
Dana Devon and Neil Sand
Kevin DeWan
Les Dewitt
Aisha Dhubow ‘10
Deborah Diamond
Cynthia Diaz ‘02
Sandra Dibianco
Pam Dickinson
Mark Dicristofaro
Annie Dieckman
Ivailo Dikov
Michael DiMaggio
Don Dinh ‘11
Dong Dinh ‘11
Patricia Dinner
Matthew and Vanessa Diserio
Nicole and Sean Diven
Elisabeth Dixon
Twum Djin
Bao-Chau Do ‘11
Bao-Tram Do ‘09
Thuyanh Do ‘11
Graham Dobbin
Danielle Dodds
Lauren Dodington +
Patricia and Gerald Dodson
Sara and Matt Doelger ~
Brooks Doggett
Meghan Doherty ‘04
Sarah Dollens
Erica Domingo
Sadat Donkor ‘11
Carlota Dorn
Malik Douglas ‘11
Robert Douglass
Macaria Dove ‘10
Denise Dowdell
Anna and Dennis Doyle
Ben Draa
Zarko and Nellie Draganic
Barbara Drake
Bill and Phyllis Draper
Richard and Martha Draves
Sandra and Pete Drayer
Joel Drescher
Carol and Bob Dressler
Sandy and Dick Drew
Judy and Pat Drexel
Sean Driscoll
Thomas Druck
Darryl DSouza
W. Joseph and Loretta Duckworth
Christopher Duffy
Sandi and Jim Duffy
Tory Duffy
Jon Dufresne
Sarah Dumas
Anne Duncan
Brian Dunlap
Andrew Dunn
Sarah Dunne
Linh Duong
Derrick Duplessy ‘98
Tim Durbin
Susan Durham
Marga Dusedau
Christina Duss
Dyanna Spa
Dale Dye
Christopher Dyer
Earl B. Gilmore Foundation
John Eastman
Katy Eberle
Kristen Echemendia
Marcelino Echeverria ‘06
George Eckard
Helene Edelman
Joel Edman
Mike and Anna Edmonds
Amy Edmondson and George Daley
Julie Edsforth
Robert Edwards
Sheila Edwards
Annie and Nicholas Ehrmann
Steven and Diane Eidman
Jill Einstein and Peter Yolles
El Pelon Taqueria
Jennifer Elks
Caitlin Ellingson
Shelli and KishaLynn Elliott ‘98
Laurin Ellis ‘11
Michael and Lauren Ellis
William Ellis
Mark Elster
Sue Elzey
Peter and Gillian Emblad
Donna Emma
Michael Emmet
Simon Emmett
Edward Eng
Maria Eng
Luisa Engel
Laurie Burt and Thomas Engelman
Julie and James Engerran
Lee and Jack Englert
Gary English
Jennifer Enos
Kevin Enright
John and Christine Enslein
Brenden Epps
Harland Epps
Johanna Epps
Wendy Epstein and Jim Steiker
Cara Epstein
Jamie Epstein and Jonathan Paul
Equinox Fitness
Erica Wilson Inc.
Dale Erickson
Atil Erken
Tahtyana Ernest ‘11
Vicki Ernst
Stephanie Escobar ‘11
Fernando Espinoza ‘11
Ruby Esqueda ‘11
Jean Michel Estime ‘11
Yasmine Estrella ‘11
Josephine Ettinger
Czarina Evangelista ‘10
Todd and Marge Evans
Inessa Even
Andrew Everett
Randy Ewoldt
Exhale Mind Body Spa
Eugene Fabio
Joe and Ilona Fague
Evan Fain
Rochelly Fajardo ‘08
Shahed Fakhari-Larson and
Christopher Larson
Nael Fakhry
Joel Falcon ‘10
Nancy Falcon
Marjan Falek
Fallon Community Health Plan
Wendpuire Fanghaenel ‘99
David Farbman
Frank Farella
Alissa Faris
Jayme Farrell-Ranker
Andrea Fasullo
Fat Witch Bakery
Jacquelyn Faughnan
Svein Fauske
Laura and Paul Fay
Jeanie Fay-Snow and Tom Snow
Greg and Lisa Fazio
Emily Feicht
Stacie Feinstein
Toby and Bernie Felcher
Jed Feldman
Joshua Feldman
Margaret Feldstein
Christina Feliciana
Viergeline Felix ‘08
Kerri Felton
Fenimore Asset Management Inc.
Amanuel Fentahun ‘11
Elizabeth Ferguson
Robert Ferguson
Eduardo Fernandez ‘09
Gisselt Fernandez ‘03
Alison Ferreira
Martin Ferrer
Georganne Ferrier
Lynn B. Bunim and Alexander Fetter
Barbara Field
Joseph Sherman and Susan Fields
Angel Figueroa ‘11
Joan Figueroa ‘11
Oscar Figueroa ‘11
Nicole Filingeri
Kerry Filippatios
Susan Fine and Mathew Horvat
Ellery Fink
Scott Fink and Kathy Klein
Fiorini Restaurant
Edward Fischer
Heidi Fischer
Sandra Fischer
Alexandra Fisher
Meghan Fisher
Chantelle Fitzgerald
Chris Fitzgerald ‘03
Emily FitzGerald +
John and Nancy Fitzgerald
Thomas Fitzpatrick
Paul Fitzsimmons
Charles Fleischmann
Jeffrey Fletcher
Kelly Flint
Jasmin Flores ‘11
Dr. Gary Florio and Mrs. Daniela
Charles Floyd
Ashley Flynn
Geoffrey and Karyn Flynn
Davina and Spencer Foley
Kaitlin Foley
Friend, continued
$0.01 - $999
Anna Fong ‘11
Jeremy Fong ‘02
Beverly Fontarella
Bryan Forcino
Joseph Ford
Laura Ford
Lauren Ford
Lindsey Ford
Tyrone Ford
Lynne and Gary Forester
Ian Forshner
Christina L. Forst
Ann Marie Foss
Lauren Foster
Noel Foster
Bob Fourr and Pam Phillips
Jon Foust
Elizabeth and John Fowler
Robert Fowler
Lara Fox
Anthony Fraind
William Francis Kelly
Veronica Francis
Nicholas Franco
Samuel Franco ‘11
Ellen M. Frank
John Frank
Linda Frank
Nina Frank
Jan Franke
Christina Frankel
John Franklin
Keiko Franklin
Cheryl Fraser
Michael Frattone and Heather Weiss
Mike Freccero
Mike Freed
Allison Freeh
Regina Freeman
Peter Frick
Randy Friday ‘08
Dara Friedman
David Friedt
Chris Frissora
Carmel and Brett Fromson
David Frost
Bryan Fryer
Jiong Zhe Fu
Robyn Fucci
Robert Fuhlbrigge
Andrea and Kevin Fuller ~
Nancy Fullman
Louise Fung
Karen Furlong
Alexandra Furth
Millie Fury Hopkins ‘03
Amit Gaind
Juan Gaitan
Lidia Galindo ‘11
Theo Schwabacher and Michael
Elizabeth Gallagher
Patricia Gallagher
Teresa Gallinelli
Keyra Galvan ‘11
Jacob Gamerman
Rebecca Gamzon
Rita Gan
Xi Gao ‘11
GAP Foundation Money for Time
Tai Garber
Daisy Garcia ‘08
Issac Garcia ‘11
Judith Garcia ‘09
Salomon Garcia-Rios, Jr. ‘11
Christopher and Ane Gardner
Joshua Gardner
Brittany Garland
Mike and Emily Garrido
Edward Garvey
Linda Gassman
Erin and Andrew Gates
Susan Gates
Megan Gaul
Valeria Gaviria ‘11
Bradford Gay
Topher and Kim Gaylord
Jeff Geibel
Krista Geiss
Andrea and Mary Ellen Geisser
Kate and Stephen Geissler
Adam Gelaw ‘11
Leslie George and Andrew Ross
Ronald German ‘09
Emily Gerne
Ronald Geronimo ‘11
Michael and Katherine Gerrity
Chasma Gerron
Richard Bressler and Lisa Gersh ~
Joe Gervais
Helene Getz and Michael Carlin
Rahwa Ghebremichael ‘11
Ruth Ghebremichael ‘11
Nicholas Giammaria +
Akil Gibbs ‘02
Mary and Richard Gies
Evelyn Gil ‘98
Mary and Thomas Gilbane
Patricia and Paul Gilbert
Sarah Feliciano and Scott Gilbertson
Nancy and Bob Giles
Diane Gilliland Simon
Erin Gillooly
David Gilman
Doug Gilman
Peter Gilman
Jordan Gilmore
The Gilt Groupe
Michael Ginns
Jason Ginsburg
Mindy Ginsburg
Georgette Gjerpen
Laurie Gjerpen
Timna Glambosky
Adam Glassman
Bridget Gleason
Pamela and Patrick Gleeson
Kathleen Gleisberg
Benjamin Gliklich
Global Boarding LLC
John Glover
Joanna Goddard
Godfrey Gill
Thomas Goemaat
Cara Goff
George Goin
Arlyne Goldberg
Bernadine Goldberg
Danielle Goldberg
Joel Goldberg
Lisa and Fred Goldberg
Beth Golden
Aaron Goldman
Sophie Goldman
Geoffrey Goldstein
Majorie and Bruce Goldstein
Mark Goldstein
Nathan Goldstein
Janet Goldwater and Branch Coslett
Shawn Golhar
Giovanni Gomez ‘11
Jonathan Gomez ‘11
Mike Gong
Paul and Jennifer Gonsalves
Caroline and Regan Gonsalves
Carlos Gonzalez ‘10
Raquel Gonzalez ‘03
Steven Gonzalez
Good Food Holdings LLC
Adrienne Gooden
Sheena Gooden ‘06
Kathryn Goodfriend
Alison Goodrich
Google Matching Gifts Program
Valerie Gorder
Rene Gordillo ‘11
Sandra and Philip Gordon
Geoffrey Gordon-Creed and Jean Fraser
John Gorrell
Michelle Gossman
Steven Gottlieb
Kenneth Gould
Vicki Baker Graboys and Thomas
Robyn Grad
Risa Graff
Amanda Graham +
Patricia and Joseph Grande
Fiona Grant
John Grant
David Gravelle
Marisol Gravelle-Bush
Julie Gray ‘07
Michael Gray
Tania and Michael Gray
Erika Grayson
Greater Horizons
Greater Kansas City Community
Martin Gredinger
Kathy and William Green
Gwendolyn Renee Green
Fredie Kay and Tom Green
Greenbank Gardens, Inc.
Susanna and Josh Greenberg
Stephanie Greenblatt
Richard Greene
Karen Greiner
Dawn and Charles Gresalfi
Andrew and Barbara Griesinger
Corey Griffin
Justin Griffin
Merilee and Steven Grindle
Kirk and Lynn Griswold
Anne F. Grodin
John Grogan
Keith Grossman
Lis and Rob Grossman
Laurie Gruhn
Dennis Gu ‘10
Peter Guaetta
Cindy Guan ‘06
Mr. and Mrs. Guarino
Lisa Guerin
Luis Guerra ‘09
Idalia Guerrero ‘11
John Guimond
Yesenia Guizar-Orozco ‘10
Vikram Gulati
Sahil Gupta
Vikram Gupta and Kim Fraser
Estelle Guralnick
Maria Gutierrez Aguirre ‘11
Salvador Gutierrez Ruiz ‘11
Cesar Gutierrez ‘10
Edgar Gutierrez ‘11
Genesis Gutierrez ‘10
Alejandra Guzman ‘11
Ernie and Regina Guzman
Maria Guzman ‘11
Steven and Ally Gwozdz
Rebecca Haas
Susan Hackley and Paul Henry
Paul Hackwell
Mari Haddock
Constance Hadley
Ardeshir Haerizadeh
Joanne E. Hagopian
Sylvia Hahn-Griffiths
Daniel Hall
Madeleine Hall-Arber
Kelly and Mike Halper
Kaya Halpern ‘11
Beth-Anne Halpert
Ben Hamblen
James Hamilton
Joshua Hamilton ‘10
Mark Hamilton
Sarah Hammond
Chris Hanak
Hunter Hancock
Thea Handelman
Martin Hanhauser
John Hanley
Lorraine Hanley
Cindy Hanna
William Hanneman
Dave and Sandy Hanower
Friend, continued
$0.01 - $999
Sabrina Hansen ‘09
Robert Hanson ^
Shirley Hanson
Nevan Hanumara
Monica Hanza +
Nancy Harahan
Rose Harber ‘10
Kathy Hardy
Deborah Harlan
Parul Harley
Elizabeth Harling
Kimberly and Mark Harmon
Nazma Haroon ‘11
Racha Haroun
Ti’Esh Harper ‘07
Kimberly Harris
Brittany Harris
Jessica Harris
Benjamin Harrison
Judy Stephenson and Scott
Myra Hart and Kent Hewitt
Janice Harvey
Nadia Harvey ‘11
Emily Harwood
Syed Hasan ‘08
Heather Sargent
Karen Hebert-Maccaro
Chris Heffelfinger
Daniel Heffernan
James Heilig
Marguerite Heldfond
Tammy Heldridge
Jennifer Heller
The Helzberg Foundation
Katherine Henderson
Linda Hendrickson
Valerie Henry
Elaine Hepworth
Jenny Herbert-Creek
Christian Heredia ‘11
Hollis Herman
Jonathan Herman
Leslie Hermanson
Susan Hermanson
Abigail Hernandez ‘10
Anna Hernandez
Elisa Hernandez ‘11
Lisbeth Hernandez ‘11
Marco Hernandez ‘11
Barbara and Doug Herrington
John and Anne Herrmann
Joan Herron
Sarah Herrup Cloutier and Andrew
Elizabeth Herrup
David Hirsch
Betty Hirschfeld
Huy Ho ‘11
Huan Hoang ‘04
Martin Hoang ‘11
Richard Hoang ‘02
Elizabeth and Melville Hodder
Jennifer Hoefel
J Christopher Hoeffel
Steve Hofer
Bethany Hoffman
Danielle Hoffman
Hilary Hoffman
Jana Hoffman
Pamela Hoffman
Catharine Holden
Sandy Moll and Rick Holden
Hannah Holdstein
Deborah and Nicholas Holland
Therese Hollingworth
Amy Hollyfield
Holman, Teague, Roche & Anglin LLP
Michael Holman
Alicia Holmes
Matt and Lori Holscher
Sandy Holstead
Michael Holt
Susanna Holt
Leah Holzer
Betsy and Tony Holzhauer
Julie Huang ‘11
Kelly Huang ‘11
Mindy Huang ‘11
Russ Huang and Charissa Huan
Catherine Hudson ‘08
Jan Hudson
Brian Huerta
Rosemary Hugh
Krista Hughes
Tamika Hughes
William Hughes
Sharon Chown and Michael Huguenin
Human Race
Lilah Hume
Hun School of Princeton
Wing Hung ‘09
Roger Hunt
Carlyn and Laurie Hunter
Don and Susan Hunter
Mimi Hunter
Natasha Hunter ‘03
Will Hunter
Dymphna Hurley
Sharon Hurowitz
Hush Salon Philadelphia
Melissa Hutson
Denise Rogers and Stephen Hutzler
Lan Huynh ‘11
Lisa Huynh ‘11
”I believe in change. By supporting
Summer Searchers, I can be the
change that I want to see.”
- Sara Lipton-Carey, former Summer Search staff member and campaign donor
Ellen Nalle Hass and John Hass
Ayan Hassan ‘11
Stacey Akemi Hata
Bana Hatzey ‘10
Judy and Tom Hauck
Dr. Michael Hausman and Ms.
Tracy Pogue
Lisa and Chris Hauswirth
Michael Haven
Kellie Hawkins
Teresa and Thomas Hawkins
Todd Hawkins
Patrick Hayden
Marianne Hayes
Jill Hayward
Mary Hayward-Specht
Kang Sheng He ‘08
Lissa Healy +
Judith Healy
Deborah Blake and Than Healy
Dr. Winston Healy
Katharine Herrup
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hershey
Valerie and Paul Herzog
Alan C. Hess
Charles J. Hess
Chris Hesse
Margaret Hewett
Gregory and Brett Heyman
Nikki Hiatt +
Cynthia Strong Hibbard and Tod
Cynthia Hickman
Michael F. Higgins
High Rock- Pollard PTC
Andrew G. Hilen Sr.
Lydia Hill
Rochelle Hill
Kim Hillyard
Rodney Hines
Asiff Hirji
Paul Hirner
Rick Holzli and Aimee Mitchell
Eugenia Hom
Joslyn Homberg ‘00
Jane and Stephen Honig
Marcia and Lance Hood
Thomas Hoopes, Esq.
Bruce and Joan Hope
Polly Hopkins
Brett Horn
Helen and Dan Horowitz
David Vaneard and Sarah Horowitz
Tim Horsburgh
Lynne Hosler
Hotel Griffou
Mike House
Walter Howard
Lania Howell ‘10
Robyn Hsu
Lissy Hu
Tom Hu
Angela Huang ‘11
Tony Huynh ‘09
Tran Huynh ‘11
Christina Hwang
Farah Jimenez and David Hyman
Richard Hyman
Renn Iaboni
Clara Ibarra ‘10
Gail Igawa
iLevel by Weyerhaeuser
Iliza Bershad
Jill Im
IMEC, Inc.
Jason Ingle
Marlene Inoa ‘11
Sarah Iosifescu
Sharon Ireland Lewis
Keiko Irino
Liisa Isaacson
Friend, continued
$0.01 - $999
ISI Group
Richard Iskenderian
Ron Iskenderian
Tami Iskenderian
Vicki Iskenderian
Andrea Ivancic
Mark Iverson and Allison Capen
Nicole Iwunze ‘10
Karen Izenberg
J. Crew Inc.
Barry Jackman
Janell Jackson
Joe Jackson
Lamont Jackson ‘10
Lance Jacobs
Bruce Jacobsen
Erin Jacques
Jeffrey and Kristen Jaeger
Erica Jaffe
Naomi and Marshall Jaffe
Ram Jagannath
Abhishek Jain
Subir Jajoo
Yayha Jama ‘11
James J. Ludwig Foundation
Shawn James Jr. ‘11
Michele Jankaew
Janney Capital Markets
Traci and Brian Janssen
AP Jaques
Victoria Jaquez ‘11
Andrew Jay
Worlf Jean-Baptiste ‘11
Anne Jean-Paul ‘09
Jefferies & Co., Inc.
John and Dawn Jefferson
Mitchell Jefferson ‘11
Jelly Jar Wines
Amy Jenkins
Heather Jenkins
Christine Jennings
Patrick Jennings
Angela Jensen
Bruce Jensen
Katy Jensen
Brian Jenssen
Karen Jernstedt and Jim Barkovich
JES Charitable Trust
Joseph Jevnik
Jewish Family & Children’s Services
Jimeal New York
Elsa Jimenez ‘11
Joel Gott Wines
Marie Johanson ‘10
John and Debbie Loeffler
Julie and Dale Johns
Susan and Huey Johnson
Anthea Johnson
Domonique Johnson ‘10
Elizabeth Johnson
Hilary Johnson
Kristine Johnson
Macy Johnson
Mark Johnson and Veronica Fuente
Monete Johnson ‘07
Natalie Johnson ‘11
Nicolas Johnson
Rira Johnson
Jayne Johnston
Thomas Johnston
Jane Jolis
Christy Jones
Gemmie Jones
Joshua Jones
Philip Jor ‘11
Steven Jordan-Smith ‘03
Lori M. Jorgensen
Jeff Jorgenson
The Josef and Anni Albers
Eric Joseph ‘08
Lunise Joseph ‘07
Sat and Jin Joshi
Paul and Barbara Chasen Joskow
Tatiana Joyce ‘11
Freddie Joyner ‘06
Janette Jumpp-Brown
Brandon Jung
Zelah Jurado ‘11
Stanley Jurga
Karen Jurjans
Mary Kalamaras
Amy Kalna
Ifeoma Kamalu ‘11
Marika Kamimura
Alex Kanji
Daniel Kaplan
Dean Kaplan and Barbara Mattleman
Zachary Kaplan
Martin Kappner
Karastage Paris
Indra Bahadur Karki ‘11
Matthew Karl
Goldie Karpel
Maciej Karpierz
Ron and Susan Kase
Kate Spade New York
Lisa and Jed Katz
Susie Katz-Snyder
Bob Kavanaugh
Mollie Kazan
Kathryn Kearney
Elizabeth Keefe
Lynn Keener
Catherine Keese
Adrianne Keffeler
Roberta P. Keiler
Erin Kelley ‘11
Kyna Kellogg
Kevin and Erika Kelly
Paul Kelly
Peter Kelly
Thomas Kelly
Paola and Joseph Kendrick
Nicole Kennedy
Thomas Kennedy
Greg Kennett
Carolyn Kenney
Kent-Lucas Foundation
Thomas Keough
Jay and Katie Kern
Brandon Kerns
Jared Kesselheim
Joy Kessler
Shire and Dave Ketterer
Samira Khan
Zuhair Khan
Anu and Ravi Khatod
Daniel Khouri
Kiehl’s Since 1851
Linda Kilkenny
Lisa H. Kim
Janet Kimatian
Isaac Kimes
Janet Kinasewich
King County Employee Giving Program
Andrea King ‘11
Jane Deutsch and Harry King
Marcia and Scott King
Sarah King
Stuart King
Thomas King
Vanessa E. King
Paul Kingsley
Laura Kingston
Victoria Kirby
Chris and Dick Kirkpatrick
Devon Kirkpatrick
Leslie Kirkpatrick
Meghan Kirkpatrick +
Kiwanis Club of Petaluma
Donna Klaesson
Michael Klarman and Lisa Landsverk
Charles E. Klein
Courtney Klein
Jeff Klein
Matthew Klein
Samantha Klein
Sloan Klein
Valerie Klein and Gabriel Kuriloff
Kleinbard, Bell & Brecker LLP
James and Kim Klescewski
Robert and Phyllis Kligman
Denise and Robert Kline
Colleen Klus +
Chris Knight
Scott Knowlton
Lisa Koblentz
Koch Community Property Trust
Brianne Koch
Jonathan Koenig
Tiffany Koenig
Neen Koenigsbauer
Dan Koken
Alexander Kolb
Debbie and Jonathan Kolb
Bernard and Ellen Kolodner
Jessica Kong ‘11
Anthony and Mary Konichek
Korde & Assoicates, P.C.
Risa Korn
Cathy Kornblith
Natasha Korotzer
Noel Kosiek
Melanie Kosloff
Jason Koulouras
Valerie Kovacs
Stephanie Kraemer
Leslie Krampert and Peter Lukowitsch
Sandy and David Krause
Richard Krause
William Krauss
Ann Krcik
Dan Krebs
Ronald Kreisman and Roberta
De Araujo
Farla Krentzman
Kathryn and Jeff Krischer
Isabelle Krishna
Katy Kristiansson
John A. Kroh
Christine and Jeffrey Krolik
Sarel Kromer
Harriet Kronman
Erick Kuchar
Gail Kuhn
Chris D. Kuhner, Esq.
Peter F. Kuhner
Jill and Greg Kunkel +
Steven Kurtz, Ph.D.
Rochelle Kushner
Steve Kutz
Janine Kwoh
Kim and Kevin Kwok
Idrissa Ky ‘11
Lexi Kyle-Hammer ‘08
Stephen Labuda
Lagunitas Brewing Company
Jeff Lahens
Kristen Lahner
Lihuan Lai ‘02
Robin and Jon Lail
Shannon Lail
Teal Lake
Nupur Lala
Mimsy and Paul Laland
Julie Lam ‘11
Kevin Lam
Lisa Lam ‘11
Stephen Lam ‘11
Tommy Lam ‘06
Rufash Lama ‘10
Matthew Lambdin and Caroline
Louise Lamphere
Morgan Landau
Richard Landau
Gregory and Alexandra Landegger
Nicholas Langeland
Viliami Langi ‘11
Jane Langmuir
Karen and Matt Langweber
Benjamin Langworthy
Morgan Lanza ‘10
Iris Lapaix ‘11
Deborah Lapidus
John Lapidus
Friend, continued
$0.01 - $999
Lindsey Lapin
Diane Lapkin
Mary Lapointe
Laura Larimer
Ian Larkin
James Larson ‘11
Julie Larson
Erin Lasky
Nanette Latham
Kathryn Lauck
Michael and Audrey Laufer
Joshua Lauren +
Tom Laurie
Linda Lauritano
Clark Lauritzen
Adam LaVasseur
Mary and Lance Laver
Kathleen Lawler
Kean Lawlor
Rob Lawson
Gan Le ‘11
Jullie Le ‘11
Loan Le
Justus and Theresa Leachman
Omar Leal ‘11
Debbie and Howard Leaman
Paul Leaman
Janice Lee ‘99
Tommy and Jenny Lee
Andrea Lee
Brandon Lee ‘08
Catherine Lee
Debi H. Lee
Grace Lee
Jamie Lee
Jane Lee
Mabel Lee ‘11
Seechung Lee
Shannon Lee ‘11
Sheila Lee ‘09
Ted Lee
Timothy Lee
Wayne Lee ‘10
Ellen and Roger Leeds
Jessica Leffler
Daisy Lei ‘11
Jia “Cara” Lei ‘10
Tom Leineweber and Meagan
Brandon Leitner
Donald and Claire Leka
Adolfo Leon, Jr. ‘11
Naomi R. Leonard
Anthony Leonardo
Mary Jo Leonardson
Joseph Leopold
Dawn Lepore
Renata Lerner
David Leslie
Nancy Leung
Thomas Leung
Chris Leupold
Feralee and Charles Levin
Alyson Levine
Alyssa Levine
Andrea Levine
Andrew Levine
Anna Levine
Deirdre Levine
Eli Levine
Jacob Levine
Jessica Levine
Joshua Levine
June Levine
Miles Levine
Robert and Elizabeth Levine
Robin Levine
Rory Levine
Sarah Levine
Steven Levine
Laura Levy
Christopher Lew
Tony Lew ‘06
Jean Lewellyn
Jason Lewis ‘09
Sylvia Lewis
Mary Lewison
Jeff and Meghan Lewison ~
Melinda Lewison
Cicely Li ‘08
Jianyi Li ‘11
Nancy Li ‘10
Sonya Li
Yanlin Li
Joy Libby
Niles Lichtenstein ‘01
Drew Lieberman
Michael Lieberman
Jill Liebman
Konrad Liegel
Derek R. Lim
Alice Limkakeng
Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lin
Simin Lin ‘09
Stephen Lin
Yuan Cai Lin ‘07
Nicole Lindsay
Corella Lindsey ‘11
Andriy Linnyk ‘11
Laura Linton ~
Susan and Thomas Lippard
Sara Lipton-Carey
Little D. Cupcakes
Sandy Littlefield
Mara Litvin Sacks
Whitney and Andrew Liu
April Livermore
Wendy Lloyd
Helga LoCascio
Katinka LoCascio
Irene Lodvick
Estefania Loeza ‘11
Manu Lohiya
Sheila Lokken
Tiffany Lomax ‘11
Christine Lombardo
Tyne Lomeland
London Medical Group
Kellan London
Phyllis and Abram London
Anne and Frank Longo
Bryan Lopez ‘11
Ivan Lopez ‘04
Jacqueline Lopez ‘11
Jazmin Lopez ‘05
Chris Lord
Eliza Losensky
Alvin and Chelsea Loshak
Pascal Louis ‘10
David Low and Dominique Lahaussois
Greg and Stephanie Lowe
Michael and Carol Lowenstein
Christina Lowris
Kevin Lowry
Debbie Hoa Lu ‘94
Jacky Lu ‘11
Cathy Storfer and Scott Lucas
Lucchesi’s Deli
Alice Lucey
James J. Ludwig Foundation
Jon Luick
Glenn Luk
Ted and Daniela Lundberg
Crystal Luong
Lettie Lupis
Lure Fish Bar
Steven Lurie
Nadine Lusch
Priscilla Luu ‘10
Katherine Ly ‘11
Mary Lydecker
Genevieve Lydston
Christopher Lyle
Eugene Lynch
Maureen Lynch
Melany Lynch
Susan Lyons and Kevin Daner
M Monohan Building & Construction
Ashley Ma
Hampden Macbeth
Linda Mach ‘96
Carla Mack
Genevieve Mack +
Kimberly Mack
Charlotte Mackay
Carol Macknight
Courtenay and Courtney Macomber
Albert and Addie Macovski
Veronica Maddocks
Sally Maddox
David Mafera
Juan Mafla ‘09
Fritzi Magana ‘11
Rosa Magana ‘06
Silvia Magana ‘11
Scarlett Magda
Bridgette Magee
Richard Magin
Aalap Mahadevia
Raj Maheshwari
Robert and Linda Mahley
Samsul Mahmood ‘10
Shannon Mahon
John Mahoney
Tony Mai ‘09
Rajshri Mainthia
Lise Maisano
Margaret Mak
Tammy Mak ‘07
Louisa Malatos
Shelley Malcolm
Yaroslav Malev ‘09
Alice Malhan ‘10
Thomas and Linda Mallan
Lisa Malley
Joseph Maltby
Brandt Mandia
Dominic Mangiardi
Diane Manley
Melinda Mann
Michael Mannella
Yasmina Vinci and Robert Manning
Viken Manougian
Sergio Manriquez ‘11
Connie Mao
Marden-Kane, Inc.
Jeffrey Margulies
Marian and Scott Dicus
Marin Software
Gaurish M. Marinez ‘11
Elizabeth and Vinny Marino +
Rebecca Mark
Diana Marko
Harry Markowitz
James Marks
Joam Marmolejos ‘11
Deborah Marr
Brooke Marrone
Regan Marsh
Elizabeth Bayley and John Marshall
Mr. Brian Marshall and Dr. Carey
Jeff Marshall
Jonathan Marshall
Juilian Marshall ‘10
Kristen Marshall
Erika Marte ‘11
Deidre and Ted Martin +
Richard Martin
Lynne Martin
Matthew Martin
Melissa Martin
Melissa Martinelli
Guadalupe Martinez Amador ‘11
Armando Martinez
Clara Martinez
Laura Martinez
Rhysly Martinez
Rocio Martinez ‘09
Allison Martucci
Michael Mason
Tiffany Massa
Massachusetts HOBY
Lorraine and Michael Massell
John and Hazel Matheson
Ann and Andy Mathieson
Ryan Mathis
Jane Matlaw
Koji Matsuda
Friend, continued
$0.01 - $999
Julia Emi Matsudaira +
David Matsumoto
Deborah Matthies
Cynthia and Ralph Mattia
Teressa Matz
Thomas and Martha May
Cait May
The Maycock Family
Amy Mayer
Beth and Fred Mazer
Scott and Frances McAdams
Natty and John McArthur
Dave McCarthy
Kathryn McCarthy
Kathleen McCartney
Jo and Christopher McChesney
Devereaux McClatchey
Emily and T.K. McClintock
Kara McClouds
William C. McCollum
Robert McConnaughey
James McCord
Aileen McCormack
Brigid McCormack
Pamela McCormick
Jennifer McCoy +
Elizabeth G. McCoy
Andrew and Theresa McCullough
Luke McCullough
Dennis McDonald
Anne McDuffie
Karen and Warren McFarlan
Melissa and Robert McGaughey
Jim McGinley
Kristen McGovern
Kathleen McGrath Crabbe
Megan McGrath
Joanne McHugh
Katherine McHugh
Mark McInnis
Scott McIntyre
Suzanne McKechnie Klahr and
Josh Klahr
Michael McKee
Mimi and Jim McKenzie
Kathryn Mckinley
Sarah McKinney
Andy McKinstry
Corrine McLaughlin ‘10
Milbrey McLaughlin and Lawrence
Klein ~
Roslyn McLean
David and Helena McLoughlin
William McMillan
Colleen McMonagle
Licinia McMorrow
Dana McNally
Michael McNamar
Brian McNamara
John McNicholas
Jan Mcusick
Susan and Kirtland Mead
Stephen Mead
Sarah Meaney
Jose Medeiros and Andrea Sweet
Robinson Medina ‘11
Brian Meehan
Meredith Mehra
Devanshi Mehta
Manisha Mehta
Monica Mehta
Shivani Mehta
Sven Meier
Kathryn Melamed
Pamela Mendelsohn
Keven Mendes ‘10
Abdiel Mendoza ‘11
Leonardo Mendoza ‘11
Eddie Mensah
Onie Mensch
Mark Merkelbach
Janie and John Mershon
Laurie and Anthony Mestres
Suketu Metha
Nancy Metzger
Elona Meyer
Liza and Jeff Meyerhardt
Anders Meyerhoff
Jane Meyers
Kevin Meyers
Karla Meza ‘08
Salahuddin Miahjee ‘11
Melina Michaels
Nathan Michaels
Lindsay Michaelson
Carolyn and Alexis Michas
Ellen Michelman
Heidi Michitsch
Ross Mickel
Microsoft Corporation
Susan Allen and Neil Middleton
Scott Migliori
Pamela Milcos-Smith
Jonathan Milde
Julie and Jake Milder
Sarah Milgrom
Mill Valley Market
Jessica Miller
Charles Miller
Dan Miller
Ereca Miller
Frances Miller
Leni Miller
Sally and Andy Miller
Stephen Miller
Elizabeth Mills
Aladin Milutinovic ‘02
MIN Fragrances
Martha Minow
Mint Julep
Tyler and Maureen Mintkeski
Roya Mirgoli
Eleni Mitchel
Aime Mitchell
Georgia Mitchell ‘09
Philip Mitchell
Scott Mitchell
Sierra Mitchell ‘07
Danielle Mitrano
Allison Mnookin
Jennifer Mnookin
Jack Molenkamp
Molton Brown
Zahir Momin
Adrienne Monley
Maritza Montilla
Phil Moon
Jacob Mooney
Annie Moore
Breeana Moore ‘06
Jonathan Moore
Karen Moore
Mark and Sandy Moore
Randace Moore
Moore’s Lumber Company
Sandra Moose and Eric Birch
Nancy-Suzette Sanchez ‘02 and
Jose Sanchez
Sally Morbeck
Franchesca Morel ‘07
Michael and Anne Moretti
Debra Morgan
Willard Morgan and Jennifer Barton
John Moriarty
Gary and Kris Moriguchi
James Morone
Abbie Morris
Fiona Morris
Sharon Morris
Valerie Morris
Andrew Morrison
William Morrissey
Ned Morse
Mary and Lee Morton
Mosaic Coffee House
Erica Mosca
Chris Moscardelli
Jesslyn and David Moser
Mary Lynn Moser
Annette Moser-Wellman
Harrison Moskowitz
Jessica Mosqueda ‘03
Nayrobi Mosquera ‘11
Diana Moss
Jean Mou
Cristina Moustirats
Chris Moxhay
Julina Moy
Lindsey Moyes
Frederick Mucci
David Muir
Mitra Mujica-Margolis
Kristin Muller
Matthew Muller
Jennifer Mullholland
Joe Munayer ‘11
Carol and Tim Mungovan
Azim Munivar
Momin Munivar
Jeanette Muñoz ‘11
Katie Munroe
Patricia Murillo
Deann Murphy
Edward Murphy
Eileen Murphy
Francis Murphy
Jim Murphy
Katryn Murphy
Kyla and John Murphy
Michael Murphy
Lilian and D.B. Murray
Grant Murray
Murray’s Cheese
Museum of Finance
Myrna Muto
Trent and Katherine Myers
Cameron and Linda Myhrvold
Mary and Sherif Nada
Carrie Nagel
Christopher Nagle
Rohit Nagpal
Pete and Pam Nagy
Albamarina Nahar ‘11
Edward Nakon
Nancy & Joachim Bechtle Foundation
Vandana Nandan
Unni and Usha Narayanan
Lewis Nash Jr. ‘11
Robert Nasuti
Elizabeth Nathan
Mara Natkins
Elizabeth Naughton
Danielle Navarre ‘11
Eduardo Navarro ‘99
Adrienne Nazzaro
NBC Universal
Noreen Neal ‘10
Troy Nealey
Michael Neff
Marc Nelson
Maria Nelson
Sandra Nelson ‘10
Susan Nelson
Theresa Nelson and Bernard Smits
Nancy Neraas
Judy Ness
Shane and Emily Ness
Charles Nettleton
David and Natalie Neubert
Samantha Neukom
Gerald Neuman
Gary and Susan Neumann
Michelle New
Arthur Newbold
Robert Newbury
Margaret and Joe Newhouse
Bonna Newman
Alla Neyshtadt
Dimitry Neyshtadt
Benjamin Ng ‘11
Charles Ng
Jennifer Ng
Justin Ng ‘11
Roy Ng
Timothy Ng
Bong Nguyen ‘10
David Nguyen ‘99
Ha Nguyen ‘11
Jackie Nguyen ‘11
Friend, continued
$0.01 - $999
Minh Nguyen
Minh-Triet Nguyen ‘10
My Hoa Nguyen ‘11
My-Lynn Nguyen ‘11
Ricky Nguyen
Tan Nguyen
Uyen Nguyen ‘11
Anne and Nestor Nicholas
Douglas Nicholson
Kevin Nickelberry
Jane Tikker Nielsen and Wayne
Anne Nielsen
David Niewolski
Nightlife Marketing Group
Stephen Nikitopoulos
Patrick Nikodem
Margaret Niles
Leigh Nisonson
Sarah Nist
NJTC Venture Fund
Simon Nocera
Melissa Nop ‘10
Christine Norcross
Ryan Norine
Melissa Norris
Northern Trust Matching Gift Program
Nigel Norwood ‘11
Mary Novak
John and Tracy Novick
Colleen Nowers
Elodie Nsabi ‘11
Nu Line Construction and Remodeling
Cheryl Nunes
Lauren Nussbaum
Beryl Nyamunda ‘11
Dan and Meagan Nye
Carolyn and Jim Nystrom
Judy and Arthur Obermayer
Peter Oberndorf
Christopher O’Brien
Suzanne and Eric O’Brien
Fabiola Ochoa ‘11
Aidan O’Connell
Marcelle O’Connell
Daria and David O’Connor
Helen O’Connor
Sarah O’Connor
Sean O’Connor
Chris and Carrie O’Dea
Edward O’Donnell
Sarah Oeltjen
Ken O’Hare
Nana Kwaku Ohene-Adu
Connor O’Keefe
Oluwatomisin Olayinka
Patricia O’Leary
Elisa Olin
Nicole Oliveira ‘09
Robert J. Olivieri
Tahire Oller ‘11
Christa Olson
Marilyn Olson
Tom and Carol Olson
Line Olsson
Randy Omel and Roxanne Scott
Alison Omoto
Gene O’Neill
Shawn and Shannon O’Neill
Melissa Oquendo ‘10
Oracle Matching Gifts Program
Edwin Ordonez
Aileen Ormiston
Jacquelyn Ormiston
Andy Orr
Jesse Ortega ‘97
The Honorable Carmen Ortiz
Jessica Ortiz
Sindy Ortiz ‘11
Brian Osganian
Eliza Oshana
Kelly O’Shea
William O’Shea
Reynolds and Sarah Ospina
Charles Osthimer III
David Ostiguy
Hanna and Greg Ostroff
Don and Judy Ostrow
Katie O’Sullivan
Stacy Osur
Erin Otagaki-Vanpaemel and Mark
Greg and Lisa Ott
Annell Ovalles ‘11
Diana Oviedo ‘04 +
Daniel Owens
Paola Ozuna ‘09
P.N. Laggis Co., Inc.
Andy Pacheco ‘10
Louise Packard
Melissa Padilla
Darwin Paet ‘11
Ted and Ashley Paff
Angel Pagan ‘12
Jessica Paik
Donna Painter
Leticia Palacios ‘11
Dimitri Paliouras
Athena Palisoc
Palmer & Dodge LLP
Janice and John Palmieri
Pamela Pearce Design, LLC
Eva Pan ‘07
Grace Pan
Robert Panas
Vasken Panikian
Gregory Papalexis
Rahul Parikh
Sagar Parikh
Jay Paris
Jeanne Paris
Gloria Parker
William Parker
Pedro Parra
Katie Parson
Jana Pastena
Hemanshu Patel
Jignesh Patel
Madhukar Patel
Reshma Patel
Deepa Patil
Patrick Patrick
Anthony Patroni
Karen Patterson
M’Shell Patterson
Susan Patterson
Will Patton
Deborah Paul - Meyers
Paul Robeson High School
Rafael Payano ‘04
Jacqueline Paz-Cedillos ‘03
Betsy and Christopher Peacock
Michael Pearce
Pamela Pearce
Pearson Inc.
Derek and Julie Pecson
Nick and Annie Pell
Nitzan Pelman
Antonio Peluso ‘11
Alejandro Peña
Duane Pena
MJ Pender
Biz and David Pendergast
Gianna Peralta ‘09
Rocco and Michelle Perate
Yasmin Pereyra ‘99
Jenny and Ricardo Perez
Juliana Perez
Laura Periman
Judith Peritz
Josh and Debby Perkins
Jonathan and Sonja Perkins
Nicole and Tony Perkins
Matthew Perl
Tom Perlman
Armand Perron
Gioia Perugini and Jamie Bakum
Alex and Diana Peselman
Shannon Pestoni
Alex Petek ‘04
Ryan Nicole Peters
Marilyn Peterson Kerwin
Erik Peterson
Peter and Catherine Peterson
Daniel Petisce
Pamela Petriello
Pressiana Petrova ‘02
Casey Pettit +
Ron and Barbara Peyton
David Pezeshki
PG&E Corporation Campaign For
the Community
Jenny Pham ‘11
Ngoan Pham ‘10
Quan Pham ‘11
Timothy Pham ‘09
Amanda Phillips
Peter Phillips
Ken Philp
Maggie Phung ‘11
Marc and Sherrie Pierce
Nkrumah Pierre
Joshua Pike
Alexandre Pina ‘09
Mark Pinho
Lauren Piontkoski
Susan Piper
Souzi and Misak Pirinjian
Waheed Pirzai ‘04
Rachel and David Pitluck
Cameron Pittelkow
Shannon Pittman
Robert Pitts and Elizabeth O’Brien
Josh Piuma
Madelin Pizarro ‘09
Play For Your Cause
Charles Pohl
Jeanette Poillon
Karyn Polak
Corrie Poland
James and Kelly Polisson
Ben and Carlin Politzer +
Peter Politzer and Laura Levine
Samuel Politziner
Robert Pollak
Kim Pollard
Alex and Dianne Polson
Dorothea Ponti
Anna Ponzi Dalby
Zaitun Poonja
Abigail Pope
Christopher Porras
Andrea Portillo ‘11
Raul and Laura Portillo
Linda and Daniel Post
Nancy Rose and James Poterba
Vicki Potter
Helen and William Pounds
Anthony Powell
Jen Powell
Terrance Powell ‘11
Tim Powell ‘11
Wendy and Skip Powell
Sarah Power
Paula H. Powers
Nan Pozios
Teresa Predmore
Lisa and Allen Preger
Jill Preschel
Sara Preschel
Eva Price
Thomas Price and Katherine Dinh
Gloria and Willis Price
Julianna Priest
Jeff Prouty
Sarah and Hank Pruden
Bradley Prunty
Sandra Prusiner
Linda Pruzan
Rita Pruzan
Michael Psathas
Steven Puccinelli
Sue and Bernie Pucker
Leslie and Ken Pucker
Jennifer Puglia
D’Genaro Pulido ‘07
Jocelyn Pulido ‘05
Friend, continued
$0.01 - $999
Joseph Puma
Charles Purcell
Rajesh and Vanita Puri
Michael Putnam
Rosemary and Robert Putnam
Barry and Melinda Pyle
Cang Quach ‘98
Quest Community Development
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Quinlan
Kimberly Quinones ‘08
Felipa Quiroz
Craig Quish
Scott Rackliffe
Anand Radhakrishnan
Rafferty Aluminum and Steel Co., Inc.
John Smith and Jane Ragle
Vanessa and Asad Rahman
Bonnie Raitt
Claudia Ramirez
Diana Ramirez ‘11
Karen Ramirez
Hector Ramos
Karen Randall
Catherine Ranieri
Joseph Ranieri
Julie Ann Ranieri
Courtney Rannacher
Alex Rappaport
Rare Bar & Grill
Spencer and Nanci Rascoff
Daniel Rasmussen
Melissa Rawlins
Kristi and Glen Rawlinson
Peter and Suzanne Read
Radhakrishna Rebbapragada
Chelsea Rector
Red and White Spa
Red Door Spa
Red Oak Renovations
Leslie Redd
Erin Redfern
Bryn Redman
Richard Redman
Karen Reed
Natalie Rees- Evans
Matthew Rees
Michael Rees
Jennifer Reese
REI Seattle
Michael Reich
David Reid
Dr. Elizabeth Reilinger
Maura Elizabeth Rilley
Julie Renfroe
Adriana Resendez
Helen Resor
Jessica Restrepo ‘09
Sheryl and Jim Reuben
Johannes Reuter
Mary Jane Reyes
Anne Reynolds
Erin Reynolds
Roberto Reynoso ‘11
Alicia Reza +
RG Construction
Roberta Riccio
Karolyn Rice
Kelley Rice
Stephen Rice
Leslie Rich and James Pizzi
Kimberly and Mark Richman
Susanne Richman
Kim Richter
Greg Ricker
Kat Ricker
Mollie Ricker
Yaneli Rico ‘11
Michael Riedel
Alissa Riffel
Alicia Riley
David Riley
Carlos Rivera
Lilliam Rivera ‘09
Cesar Rivero ‘05
Kimberly Roaten
Amado Robancho ‘08
Liz Robbins
Joni Roberson
Ben Roberts
Cindy Roberts
Eleanora Roberts
Elizabeth and Jonathan Roberts
Bouvier Robertson ‘11
Amanda Robinson
Craig and Modupe Robinson
Jane Robinson
Victor Robles ‘11
Barbara Robnett-Filly and Roy Filly
Yaritza Rocha-Diaz ‘11
Ryan Rockwell
Craig Roddy
Craig Roder
Denise Rodrigues ‘01 ~
Janine Rodrigues ‘11
Beatriz Rodriguez
Breylis Rodriguez ‘10
Francisco Rodriguez ‘06
Rosi Rodriguez ‘06
Viviana Rodriguez
John Roe
Thomas Roellig
Larissa Roesch and Jason Crethar
David Fuhrmann and Catherine Rogers
Cynthia Rogers
Fernando A Rojas Jr. ‘08
Fabiola Rojas ‘11
Jan and Joe Roller
Kathryn Garl Romanczuk
Geidy Romero ‘11
Jill Romero ‘10
Richard Roop
Melissa Rosales ‘10
Rose, Chinitz and Rose
Brian L. Rosen
Eva Rosen
Robert Rosen
Bonnie Rosenberg
Heidi and Nick Rosenberg ~
Susan Rosenberg
Jaime Rosenfeld
Karen Rosenquist
Judy and David Rosenthal
Maxine and Stuart Rosenthal
Dawn Ross
Victoria Ross
Juan Rossell
Mauro Rossi
David Rost
Sonni Roth
Dr. John Rotrosen
Eilise and William Rouse
Bobbi and Matt Rowe
Alexis and Michael Rowell
Eliana Rubalcava ‘09
Emily Rubenstein
James Rudd
April Ruiz +
Bryan Rukin
Lana and Todd Rulon-Miller
Runde & Co. LLC
Elizabeth Runde
Vishau Rungta
Annie Rupani
Julie Ruskin and Jim Schurz
Mike Ruskin
Jack Rusley
Renee Russak
Amy and Alex Russell
Bill and Jane Russell
Mary Russell
Laurie Ruszala
Andrew Rutkowski
John and Michelle Rutledge
Douglas Ryan
Casey Ryder
Phoebe Ryles ‘01
Erin Saade
Michael F. Sabarese
Giselle V. Sabido ‘11
Dr. Kim Sabo Flores
Heidi Sachs
Larissa Sachs
Lisa Sachs
Ronnie Safar
Neha Sahni
Shira Saiger
Anne Alyssa Saint Pierre ‘11
Nadya Salcedo and Michael Tuckman
Salem Foundation Foundation
Jimmy Salgado ‘11
Jose Salguero ‘11
Luis Salguero ‘09
Johani Salomon ‘10
Juliet Saltman
David Saltman
Isolina Saltman
Lana Salvador ‘10
Nicole Salvi
Christopher Sameth
Aisha Francis and Clayton Samuels
Scott San Antonio
San Damiano Daily Giving
Jack San Filippo
Maria San Filippo
San Francisco Federal Credit Union
Rocio Sanchez ‘11
Jesus Sandoval ‘11
Alicia K. Sands
Santen Incorporated
Hugo Santillan
Nicholas Santoiemma
Paul Santoro
Phani and Kamu Saripella
Secondo Sarpieri
Andrew Saunders
Stephanie Saunders
Vince Saunders
Kerry Savage
Lisa Savage
Dolores Savannah
Emily Savner
Dorothy Saxe
Kathleen Sayre
Ken Sazama
Michael Scally
Peter Schaefer
Naomi Schatz
Kurt Scheidt
Marc Scheiner
Eroica and Chris Schenck
Susan Scherr
Felix Scherzer
Chloe Schienbein ‘09
Caroline Schley
Michael Schmitt
Richard Schmitt
Peder and Jaime Schmitz
Michael Schneider
Dr. Lowell and Hester Schnipper
Melanie Schnuriger
Gretchen Schoch
Lilly Schonwald
Kristen Schonwald-Vila and
Chris Vila
Jennifer Schorsch
Jerrod and Malia Schreck
Richard Schroder
Kaitlin and Abraham Schroeder +
Elizabeth Schulz
Krista Schulz
Liz & Ashley Lonsdale
Aaron Schutzengel
Catarina Schwab
Daniel Schwachter
LTC William L. Schwartz
David Schwartz and Donna Liu
Eric and Erica Schwartz
Kate Schwartz
Michael Schwartz
Nicky and Arnold Schwartz
Nathaniel Schwartz
Ann and Tom Schwarz
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Scofield
Barbara Scott
Hugh and Donna Scott
Laura Scott
Leyla and David Scott
Stacey Scott
Anthony Scuderi
Friend, continued
$0.01 - $999
Dana Scurlock
Seattle-Northwest Securities
Second Story
Deb Seelig
Gina Sege
Michele Seiden
Brendan Selby
Victoria Self
Greg Selkoe
Khalid Semper
Larry and Kristin Sennett
Michael Serchen
Ian-Hero Serrano ‘06
Scott Service
Sanveer Sethi
Ken and Tarja Settles
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick T. Seving III
Susan and Steven Sewall
Saloni Shah
Meredith Shank
Shreya Shankar
Andrew Shapiro
Robert Shapiro
Maryam Shariat
Manmohan Sharma
Alison Shaw
Kerry Shaw
Martha Shear
Argjir Shehaj ‘11
Ruth Sheldon
Jonathan Sheller
Nancy Shen ‘01
Ken and Rise Shepsle
Eric Shepsman
Margaret Sheridan
Casey Sherman
Gayle Sherman
Jim and Janell Sherman
Eugenia Shraga
Shu Uemura Art Of Hair
Gaurav Shukla
Saad Siddiqui
Susan and James Sidel
Liz Sidel
Elizabeth Sidhu
Jennifer Silane
Dominique Silas ‘10
Nancy Netzer and Robert Silberman
Maria Silva ‘11
Alexander Silver
Elliot Silver
Georgiana Simmons
Hildy Simmons
James Simone
Jeannie Simpson
Michael Simpson
Peter Sims
Jane and Andy Sinauer
Charles Sincerbeaux
John Sindoni
Steven Singh ‘11
Vikram Singh
Cathy Sinnott
Dan Eaton and Theresa
Lauren Siracussa
Motasim Sirhan
Nicole Siskind
Larry Sisson
Jonathan Sit ‘11
Ryan Siu
Shelly Skees
The Skyscrape Foundation
Joseph Slankas
Greg Slavin
Jana Sleight
Tamara Sloan
Ellen Small
Lauren Smallwood ‘11
Colin Smeeton
Rick and Debbie Smilow
Mark Smith
Paul Smith
Robert Smith
Scott Smith
Susan Smith
Charlotte Smyth
Shane Smyth
Sara and Tim Smythe
Arthur Sneider
Alvin Sng ‘09
Andy Snider
Jason Snider
David Snow
Richard Snyder
Daniel Soden
Rich Sohn
SoHo Grand Hotel
Rasila Solanski
Beth Solomon
Bradley Solomon and David
Elsa Solomon ‘11
Minerva Solorio-Reyes ‘10
Jess and Mark Somol
Jingyao Song ‘11
Theresa Songo
Yetunde Sonuyi ‘05
Tyra Sorensen
Stephanie Soria - Mendoza ‘11
America Sosa
Eva and Carlos Sosa
Erika Sosa
Darryl Soto ‘10
South Street Seaport Museum
Cristina Souza
Jannie Spain
Laura Spangenberg
Kevin Sparks
Max Spector
Harold Speer
Emily Spencer
Sarah Spencer
Christopher Spenner
Laurie Speranzo
Lisa St. Claire
Robert Stabler
Eve Stacey
Ted Stachtiaris and Meridith
The Investment Group of Santa
Jessica Stadelmann
Paul Stamas
Elizabeth Stamm +
Kevin and Marnie Stamper
Derek Stanley
Ashley Stansbury
Brian Stanton
Rachel Stasny
Whitney Stateham
Frank and Betsy Steel
Deanna Steele
Jonathan Steele
Melissa Steffy
Petey and Jeffrey Stein
Robert Stein and Jessica Pers
Peg and Jerry Steinberg
Debby Steiner
Prudence Steiner
Benjamin Steingart
Peter and Lila Steinle
Dr. and Mrs. Ted Steinman
Gail Steinman
Jon Stenzler
Olicia Stephen ‘11
Kelly E. Stephens
Tenley Stephenson
Sterling Stamos Capital
Management, L.P.
Megan Stermer
Randy and Jean Sternke
William Steul
Steve Madden, Ltd.
Rika and Will Stevenson
Colin Stewart
Liz and Jim Steyer
Linda and Rob Stiles
Patrice Stills ‘11
”All of your donors were part
of something groundbreaking.”
- Jamie Allison Hope, Senior Program Officer of Youth Development, S.H. Cowell Foundation
Karin and Jeffrey Sherman
Emily Sherron
Alok Sheth
Edna Shim
Andy Shin
Shikeba Shirzay ‘08
Rebecca Shklovsky
Frederick Shoemaker
Robin Shostack
Seth Shostak
Rosemary and Paul Smith ‘00
Colin Smith
Dashon Smith ‘11
Douglas Smith
Ian Smith
Jeff Smith
Jennifer and Ryan Smith
John A. Smith
Justin Smith
Mary O’Sullivan Smith and
Caroline Spillane
Jo Anne Spillane
Richard Spillane
Nicholas Spinello
Splash Services
Rhonda Sprague
Daniel Sprecher
Julie Anne Springman Wickes
and Tanner Wickes
Andrew St Martin
Deborah Stipek Mudd
Rich Stockton
Dennis Stogsdill
Elana Stokamer
Laura Maslow Armand and
Alan Stone
Rhonda Stone
Nan and Bill Stone
Jane Stonecipher
Stop and Shop
Friend, continued
$0.01 - $999
Richard Stopol
Christine Stovell
Erik Straser
Anne and Andrew Strawbridge
Peter and Liz Strawbridge
Jennifer Street
Suzanne Strom-Reed
Andrew Strong
John Strong
Stuart Silk Architects, Limited P.S.
Nancy Stuart
Student Conservation Association
Carolina Suazo ‘07
Louis Suba
Abhishek Sud
Diane and Karl Sudakoff
Jeremy Sugerman and Zindzi
Alayne Sulkin
James Sullivan
Kevin Sullivan
Laura Sullivan
Matthew Blessing and Rebecca
Sullivan +
Susan Sullivan and Bill
Sun Trust Bank
John Surprenant
Sussex & Clumber, LLC Ross
Andrew Winery
Judy Sussman
Adam Suttin
Paul and Linda Suzman
Randy Swain
Elizabeth Sweeny
Paul Swider
Nicholas Swisher
Brook Szabo
Michael and Christina Szczepanski
The Tague Family
Sabina Tah ‘11
Lynelle Takigawa
Jane and Peter Talbot
Eric Tam
Sheggai Tamerat ‘01
Amy Tan
Ly Tan
Lindsey Tang ‘11
Tango Card, Inc.
Eleanor Tapia
Jose Tardencilla ‘03
David Tarpinian and Debra Trotz
Jill Tarter
Susan and Barry Tatelman
Benjamin Tatkow
Nicholas Tatlow
Martha Taub
Jonathan Taunton-Rigby
Cynthia Taylor
Erica Taylor
Jody Taylor
Micheal Taylor
Zack Taylor
Carina Tejada ‘11
Charlotte and Peter Temin
Joan Temkin
Delia Tempera
Charlotte Tenisi ‘11
Tennenbaum Capital Partners, LLC
Fritzgerald Terrane ‘11
James Terrell
Ryan Terry
Shauna Tesser
Trinh Thach ‘11
Angela Thai ‘11
The Nutbox
Shelly and Peter Thigpen
Think Pink Spa
David Thomas
Osei Thomas ‘08
Ariel Thompson +
Dani and John Thompson
Marisa Thompson
Steven Thurston
Tiffany’s & Co.
Jeff Tilden
Eric and Stephanie Tilenius
Michael Tillman Jr. ‘11
Time Inc.
Jean Timken
Theodore Timpson
L. Tocci
Jason Toff
Susan Tofias
Jenny Tolan
Aaron Torgler
Mary Lou Torpey
Arleth Torres Lopez ‘11
Jorge Luis Torres ‘11
Michelle Totay
Ja’Pheth Toulson ‘10
Jennifer and Scott Trainor
Dat Tran ‘11
MyHanh Tran ‘03
Nancy Tran
Tres Hombres
Joseph Trezza
Fred Triefenbach
Jessica Trieu ‘11
Benita Trinkle
Elizabeth Trinkle
Peter Trinkle
Glen Tripp and Lauren Dutton
Wayne Tripp and Jill Weir
Edward Trujano-Chavez ‘11
David Trujillo
Tadd Truscott
Luisa Tsang ‘06
Shaun Tse ‘97
Jason Tsui ‘10
Connor Tubridy
Betsy and Kevin Tubridy
Cecile and Stewart Tucker
Nathaniel Tucker ‘11
Caleb and Shay Tuckman
Tina Tunney
Robert Turek
Andrew Turitz and Melinda Barr
Lindsay Turk
Susan Turley
Mr. and Mrs. Robbie Turner
Paulette Turner
Susan Turner
Eva Tutin
Max Twine
Danielle Twum
Tympany Vineyards
Ravie Uditnarain ‘11
Rachel Umansky
Kirby Ung ‘92
United Way of Massachusetts Bay
United Way of Metro Chicago
United Way of New York City
Saif Vagh
Vail Racquet Club
Suzanne and Robert Valdez
Janet and Jean-Michel Valette
Ralph Vallone
James and Bonnie Van Alen
Rob and Colby Van Alen
Eric and Lisa Van Balen
Roy Van Cleef
Michael Van Dam
Jorrit Van Der Meulen
Netty and Reis Van Der Pol
Christine Van Doren
Vanessa Van Doren
Katherine and Stephen Van Dusen
Kris and Mollie Van Stralen
Marc Vander Elst
Christine VanderWerf
Janell Vantrease
Diana Vargas ‘01
Roxana Vargas ‘05
Christian Vasquez ‘10
Kevin Vasquez ‘09
Karoline Vass
Lauri Vaughan
Frank Vavonese
Gustavo Vazquez ‘11
Ana Velasquez
Brenda Velasquez ‘05
Hermese Velasquez ‘05
Cynthia Verba
Jessica and Chris Vibberts +
William Vickers
Annell Vidal ‘11
Oriana Vigliotti
David Viljoen
Brian Villa ‘11
Carlos Villa ‘05
Vicente Villalobos ‘11
René Villela, Jr.
Bertrand Villon
Vincent Pagano
Paul A. Violich
Mario Vitale
Andrew Vladeck
Gloria Vo ‘11
Jocelyn Vo
Elisabeth Vodicka
Amanda J. Voetsch
Sophie Von Haselberg
Christine Wente and Roland
von Metzsch
Ragnar H. Von Schiber
Vosges Haut Chocolate
Thao Vu ‘11
John Waechter
Faedhra Wagnac ‘08
Timothy Wagner
Letitia Wahl
Brad Wakeman
Meg Wakeman
Seymour Waldman
Christopher Waldorf
The Waldorf=Astoria
Elliott Waldron
Ian and Terry Walker
Jared Walker
John C. Walker
Wall Street Burger Shoppe
Jennifer Wallace and Bill Dobbs
Mara and Rick Wallace
Kristina and Jeremy Wallison
William Walls
Luke and Caitlin Walsh
Thomas Walsh
Trudi Walters
Stella Wan ‘10
Jacquelyn Wang
Mary Wang
Robert Wang
Laura and James Ward
Mulki Wardere ‘11
Katie Warnock
Elizabeth Warren and Bruce Mann
Judith Warren
Nicholas Warren
Stephanie Warren
Monique Warshaw
Daniel Warshay
Washington Women’s Foundation
John Waskiewicz
Rachel Scott and Aaron
Wasserman +
Leigh Wasson
Michael Waters
Waterstone Grill
Michael Watkins
Nancy and John Watkins
Henry Watson
Ronette Watson
Courtney Weaver and Simon
Paula Weaver
C. A. Webb
Rebecca Webb and Chris Heye
Nick Weber
Brian Weilbrener
Weiner Family Fund
Elizabeth Weinstein
Liz and Steve Weinstein
Lawrence Weisberg and
Rebecca Johnson
Ellyn and Brett Weisel
Robin Weiss
Anita Weissberg
Amanda Wellman ‘07
Friend, continued
$0.01 - $999
Todd & Brooke Welsch
William Welsh
Elizabeth Werbe
Jill Wernicke
Robert Wernke
Eden and Joel Werring
Harold Wershow
Paul Wesson
Lynn West and James Snipes
Megan West
Mollie West
Sara Westbrook
Edward Wexler-Beron
Rick Weyerhaeuser
Ray J. Weymann
Susan and Eric Wheel
Carter Whisnand
Lamar White ‘11
Randy White
Sarah White
Stephen White
Sarah Whitelaw
Kim Whitener
David Whitlock
Marie Whitney and Theo
Donique Whittaker ‘11
Sarah and John Whittle
Jean and John Wiecha
Joshua Wilke
Ann Marie and David Wilkins
Christopher Wilkinson
Linda and Richard Willett
Robert Willey
Marlin Willford, Jr. ‘09
Alex Williams ‘11
Angela Williams
Carine Williams
Cate Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Williams
Stephanie Williams
Tom Williams
Tyrhee Williams ‘11
Heather and Alan Willis
Jane Willis
Tiara Willis ‘10
Steve Willmann
Willow Creek Charitable
Napol Wills ‘10
Linda and Charles Willse
Rachel Wynne and Van Wilshire
Laqwonda Wilson ‘09
Meredith Wilson
Sarah Winchester
Michael and Kerri Winderman
The Windermere Foundation
Ellen Winner and Howard Gardner
Andrew Winslow
Amanda Wipperman
Eve and Russell Wirth
Erin Wise
Vanetta Wiseman
David C. Withers
Mark Wittow
Steven Witzel
Ginger Wizowaty
Kevin Wofsy
Rachel Wolf
Polly and Ward Wolff
Lorna Wolfson
Jodi Wolin
Alexandrew Wong ‘11
Jimmy Wong ‘04
Julie Wong
Rainbow Wong ‘04
Yammi Wong ‘09
Lance Wood
Polly Wood
Myron Sugarman and Cynthia Woods
Alexis Woods and Daniel Donahoe
Maggie and Tim Woodward
Kelly and Jeff Woolbert
Mark Working
Christopher Wormley ‘11
Bob Wright
Cynthia Wright
H. Taylor Wright
Timothy Wright and Abbey Nova
Jenny Wu
Jian Wu ‘11
Scott Wu
Zhenyuan Wu ‘11
Richard and Jill Wurster
Jocelyn Wyatt
Dennis Xie ‘09
Gjergji Xoxi ‘11
Klea Xoxi ‘11
Louise Yamada
Alejandra Yanez Almazan ‘11
Janice Yang +
Cynthia Yang
Jessica Yang ‘10
Carol Yang +
Lynn Yap
Zachary Yeskel
Elena Yesner
Harris Yett
Jason Yeung
Thomas Yezzi
Gina Yianopoulos
Joanna Yianopoulos
Joyce Yi-Frazier
Diane Serber and Sam Yockey
Kidist Yohannes ‘11
Peter Yolles
Young Scholars Charter School
Heidi and Grant Young
Lark Young
Monica Young
Nadiyah Young ‘10
Sun-Ah Young
Susan Young
Bradley Ytterberg
Candice Yu ‘11
Danny Yu ‘11
Edward Yu ‘05
Jun Hao Yu ‘11
Joyce Yu ‘11
Shirley ‘01 and David Yu
Yi Yu ‘07
Jacalyn Yuan ‘00
Lara Yuan
Yves St. Laurent
Mona Zabihian ‘11
Doug Zagha
Hassan Zahir ‘11
Cynthia Snorf
Brian Neece and Shafia Zaloom
Robert and Yelena Zamacona
Scott Zandt
Tony Zanze
Bryan Zavala ‘11
Alex Zedros
Jonathan Zeigler ‘08
Jill Zeikel
Aaron Zhan ‘09
Cuiling Zhang ‘11
Muhan Zhang ‘10
Hua Ling Zhao ‘08
Joanna Zhen ‘11
Lily Zheng ‘99
Cindy Zhou ‘07
Helen Zhu ‘10
Becky Zhu
Tracy Zhu ‘04
Robert Paul Zielinski
Barry Ziker
Robert Zimardo
Jon Zimmerman
George and Bonnie Zinn
Rebecca Zoller
Nancy Zou ‘11
Daniel Zucchi
Susan Zurbin-Hothersall
Raleigh and Michael Zwerin
Drew and Katie Zwiebel
^ Deceased
~ Board
+ Staff
Ted W. Williams, Chair
Harrison M. Bains
Sarah Barton
Cynthia Bengier
Stephanie DiMarco
Mark Edwards
Dana Emery
Robert B. Friend
Nancy Goldenberg
Robin Klaus
Kasey McJunkin
Jim Milligan
Jonathan Pruzan
Leslie Riedel
Tu Rinsche ‘93
Jabali Sawicki ‘95
Bobbi Silten
Bradley Svrluga
Deborah Thaxter
John Osterweis,
Trustee Emeritus
Mark Smith, Chair
Chris Birch
Suzanne Carter
Kendra Chencus
Nisha Du Bois
Derrick Duplessy ‘98
Susan Ehrlich
Marla Felcher
Peter Herrup
Helene Lapman
Sharon McNally
Jo Frances Meyer
Dale Mnookin
Carol Reiling
Leslie Riedel
Gloria Riley
Denise Rodrigues ‘01
Julianne Rose
Nick Rosenberg
Andy Stevenson
R. Gregg Stone
Peter Tarr
Deborah L. Thaxter
Rodolfo Vega
Peter Welsh
Fredericka (Fredi) Stevenson
Jonathan Pruzan, Chair
Thomas C. Barry
Melissa Ceria
Ellen Cohen
Charlotte Ford
Lisa Gersh
John Harris
Inna Koehler
Simon Krinsky
Peter Moore
Sarah O’Hagan
Ed Rosenfeld
Gregory Simons
Scott Thomas
Graves Tompkins
Kim Walin
Kweli Washington ‘93
Walter Wick
Heidi Holzhauer, Chair
Ted Breck
Michelle Douglas
Leni Eccles
Ellen Fair
Liz Hale
Teke Kelley
Robin Klaus
Erin Lail
Rodney Loo
Bob Pallas
Bill Van Ingen
Kathy Zelazny
Nancy Goldenberg, Chair
Bryan Colket
Zara Davis
Sara Nasuti Doelger
Lori Espe
Shara Pollie
Ladan Schlichting
Warren Schlichting
Jesse Serventi
Tom Speranza
Erbil Yaman,
Wharton Board Fellow,
Board Term: 2012-2013
Cynthia Bengier, Chair
Chris Beagle
Warren Brown
Erik C. Christoffersen
Bradley DeFoor
Pat Flanagan
Robert B. Friend
Andrea Fuller
Sasha Kovriga ‘91
John Murray, Jr.
Remy Ntshaykolo
Jeffrey B. O’Neill
Liebe Patterson
Melanie P. Peña
Jeffrey S. Rosenthal
Helen Spalding
Kirby Walker
Stacey Welsh
Joe Wolf
John Osterweis,
Trustee Emeritus
Geoff McKay, Chair
Sarah Barton
Miriam Chung
Carli Clark
Stephan Coonrod
Cecile Delafield
Lisa Fazio
Natasha Greyber
Michele Havens
Patricia Huntington
Louis Jordan
David Leeds
Meghan Lewison
Steve Litzow
Anne Morrow
Stephan Roche
Russ Sach
Christie Snyder
Jennifer Steele
Erik Toth
Klaus Toth
Jeffrey Wong, Chair
Supriya Batra
Karen Bergman
Curtis Cresta
Paraag Marathe
Kasey McJunkin
Milbrey McLaughlin
Elizabeth Obershaw
Kenneth E. Olivier
Solaria Perez-Stepanov ‘94
Conrad Voorsanger
Amy H. Saxton,
Chief Executive Officer
Emily Edwards,
Director of Strategic Initiatives
Kevin Gay,
Chief Financial Officer
Liz Hurst,
National Director of Marketing
and Communications
Stacey Thompson,
Director of Talent and Training
Jessica Vibberts,
Vice President of Operations
Don Wilson,
Chief Development Officer
Janice Yang,
Director of Program Quality
Hagar Berlin,
Executive Director, San Francisco
Karina Kirsch,
Executive Director, New York City
Amanda Jefferson,
Executive Director, Philadelphia
Liz Marino,
Executive Director, Boston
Deidre McCormack Martin,
Executive Director, Seattle
Carlin Johnson Politzer,
Executive Director, Silicon Valley
Kait Schroeder,
Executive Director, North Bay
Summer Search
500 Sansome Street, Suite 350
San Francisco, CA 94111
T 415.362.5225 F 415.362.5274
CEO: Amy H. Saxton
Summer Search Boston
500 Amory Street
Jamaica Plain, MA 02130
T 617.524.9911 F 617.524.9988
Executive Director: Liz Marino
Summer Search New York City
90 Broad Street, Suite 202
New York, NY 10004
T 212.248.7401 F 212.248.7408
Executive Director: Karina Kirsch
Summer Search North Bay
159 H Street
Petaluma, CA 94952
T 707.763.2001 F 707.763.2040
Executive Director: Kait Schroeder
Summer Search Philadelphia
1616 Walnut Street, Suite 2200
Philadelphia, PA 19103
T 215.399.4906 F 215.399.4935
Executive Director: Amanda Jefferson
Summer Search San Francisco
500 Sansome Street, Suite 350
San Francisco, CA 94111
T 415.362.0500 F 415.362.5274
Executive Director: Hagar Berlin
Summer Search Seattle
1109 First Avenue, Suite 205
Seattle, WA 98101
T 206.729.0911 F 206.729.7303
Executive Director: Deidre McCormack Martin
Summer Search Silicon Valley
255 North Market Street, Suite 200
San Jose, CA 95110
T 408.291.0062 F 408.291.0189
Executive Director: Carlin Johnson Politzer

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