Ladies Auxiliary Echo


Ladies Auxiliary Echo
An official communication of the
13th District VFW and VFW Auxiliaries
Issue 12 - Page 1
VFW Website:
VFW Auxiliary Website:
Commanders, Staff &
I have so many things to be
thankful for and so many reasons
for concern. First let’s address
the concerns… The Butte fire has
directly impacted District 13.
Both the San Andreas & West
Point Post have been threatened
and evacuated. This fire has over
6,000 homes under threat and has
taken many of them. Comrades
keep these posts in your prayer.
This summer is not over and the
lack of water has magnified the
level of damage these events can
devastate people lives. We also
need to keep water conservation
as an active thought in our daily
lives. I have personally just
installed a 2,500 gallon water
tank at my Sierra Foothills Home
because my well has been
substantially reduced. These
ecological circumstances we live
in today require our constant
attention to minimize their effects
on us and all our fellow brothers.
On the good side I just attended
my 14th Patriots Day program in
our small community of
Coulterville. I am happy to say
that we had our largest
community attendance ever.
People are generally concerned
about our military, fire & law
enforcement in these days. The
overriding themes all the
community leaders had in
common were “remembrance”
and “vigilance”. Which means
honoring the men & women who
gave their lives during the terror
of 911, and closely watching
your family and community for
those out there that intend to do
harm. As our past District 13
Commander (and friend of mine)
had printed on his pin, “We are
our veteran’s keeper”. I would
add in these times of worldly
concerns, to watch for all of those
around you.
I am also encouraged by the
uplifting times I am encountering
during my official post visits.
Thank you all for your hospitality
and kindness. Some post are
really showing signs of becoming
awesome leaders in the district.
Manteca, Atwater, & Ceres posts
caught me by surprise at the
amount of growth and leadership
they have embraced. Comrades,
all post go through their highs
and lows, the important thing to
remember, as I think about
another four star post commander
Editor: Rhonda Montgomery
October – November 2015
Mike Seward in Turlock might
say, is keep the ship steady into
the wind. Maintain good
command and control during the
hard times and the trouble will
As a last note I would like to
thank each and every one of you
that supported my call to attend
WWII Comrade Richard
Iverson’s funeral. When I drove
up to Santa Nella and saw all the
members of District 13 that were
present, I had a hard time getting
out of my truck. I would like to
put out a very special thanks to
the Ceres Post commander Jim
Coverick for staying on top of
this issue and his Honor Guard
that did a spectacular job during
the service. Comrades, this is
what we do, watch out for our
brother’s & sisters, and make
sure honor covers the atrocities of
this world.
May the good Lord watch over
you all.
Oct. & Nov 2015
and brothers,
I want to thank all of you who
attended the District Meeting we
had 13 out of 17 Auxiliaries that
was a great turn out. Thanks that
all the Auxiliaries in the foothills
were able to make it despite the
Butte Fire raging through the
hills were able to make it despite
the Butte Fire raging through the
Thank you to Luneta Post and
Aux 52, Modesto Post and Aux
3199 and Winton Post and Aux
7792 for the hospitality when we
visited your posts. Thank you to
my own Auxiliary Nicholas P.
Kukulica for the awesome
fashion show and dinner
Saturday night it was a blast.
Thank you also to Turlock Post
5059 for the lovely lunch and
I still have Inspections that I will
be doing with the next two
months so I cannot wait to see all
the Auxiliaries when I come and
I wanted also to thank our first
male member who attended his
fist District Meeting Brandon
Ramos and for singing the
National Anthem.
The next District Meeting is
December 12th in Lodi we will
be at the American Legion Hall
more information to follow.
There is so much that our
Auxiliaries do throughout the
year so please keep an eye out for
the Brief and emails and other for
more information on events.
Thank you for getting your 990
and 199 in and getting your
audits in. May your year continue
to safe and happy.
Sr. Vice Commander
Jr. Vice
Hello to all
Bob Williams
Sr. Vice
We are now close to our first
District Meeting of our new year.
Therefore, it is up to the Post
Commanders or their
representatives to show what
their Post have accomplished
thus far, and their plans for the
remainder of the year yet to
accomplish. Which will require
all of us to check on our
programs and what needs to be
done to hopefully reach our goal
of 100% California District.
Please bear in mind the all the
line officers are available to assist
in any fashion we can. We have
all been down this road before, so
I know we as a District can
accomplish all of our objectives
as we have done in the past.
Therefore, it is onward and
upward to show the other
California Districts how it is
done. My Best to you and yours
and remember we are only an
email or phone call away for
We are already a quarter of the
way thought the year. I have
enjoyed visiting the Posts that I
have been to. I will still try to
come to the Posts that I have not
visited yet. Keep the good work
and Keep Reporting on your
programs. By doing your reports
you are keeping your Post and
the 13th District strong.
Cecil Dennings
Jr. Vice
District 13
I know that there were lots of us
very concern for our members
that were in the Butte Fire and
Lake County Fires. There was
lots of destruction in both fires.
Thank God hopefully the worst is
over. I am continuing to pray for
all the victims and their families.
Thank you to those that have
sent in their names of deceased
members. Please continue to
send them to me as our Memorial
Services will be held
at our February Meeting in
Oct. & Nov 2015
Address Change
In Loving Memory
Luis Moreno, Post 52
Harrison W, Gilkey, Post 52
Joseph A Egli, Post 5059
Perry D. Johnson, Post 5059
Kenneth C. Weelee, Post 7792
Patricia Brogren
Betty Jean Jones
Barbara Vantol
Kristine L Huff
Just a little note from your
Chaplain’s Corner to date
1.19 Sisters are with God
2. Chaplain have sent 16
Thinking of Your cards.
The holidays are just around the
So we prepare for our friends and
family gatherings….
This is the time, when we can
make memories and plant God’s
seed in the heart of the ones we
The one thing we can give to God
and to others is our time.
It is most precious thing we have
Our Time to Listen
Our Time to Pray
Out Time to Share
Our Time to Give Away.
Remember always to have the
eyes to see the best in people
A “Heart” that forgives the worst
A ”Mind” that forgets the bad
A “Soul” that never loses
Trust in God!
Love Always and God Bless You
Manteca Post 6311 have move
into their new home. Please
change their Post address to:
580 Moffett Bld. Manteca.
Patricia Rosales
Buddy Poppy
I will be sending
interesting fact of the Buddy
Poppy that I read. It will be a
Frank Hurst
The request for Donation to the
District Programs were mailed
out in August. Some Posts and
Auxiliaries have all ready make
their Donation to the District
Program. Thank you for the
quick response. Hopefully, all of
the rest will have made their
Donation to the District by the
end of October.
I have enjoyed visiting with the
different Post. I hope to see you
at our District Meetings. I will be
traveling to the rest of the Post.
Don’t forget that your Audits are
due to the Dept. Office by
October 30th,2015.
refresher for some and new
information for others.
Veterans Day Wed November
11th a great day to distribute
them in your community.
In the World War I
battlefields of Belgium,
poppies grew wild amid the
ravaged landscape. How
could such a pretty little
flower grow wild while
surrounded by death and
destruction? The
overturned soils of battle
enabled the poppy seeds to
be covered, thus allowing
them to grow and to forever
serve as a reminder of the
bloodshed during that and
future wars.
The poppy movement was
inspired by the poem "In
Flanders Fields" written by
Lieutenant Colonel John
McCrae of the Canadian
Oct. & Nov 2015
forces in 1915 before the
United States entered World
War I. Selling replicas of the
original Flanders' poppy
originated in some of the
allied countries immediately
after the Armistice.
In Flanders Fields
In Flanders fields the poppies
Between the crosses, row on
That mark our place; and in
the sky
The larks, still bravely singing,
Scarce heard amid the guns
We are the Dead. Short days
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset
Loved and were loved, and now
we lie
In Flanders fields.
Take up our quarrel with the
To you from failing hands we
The torch; be yours to hold it
high. If ye break faith with us
who die
We shall not sleep, though
poppies grow
In Flanders fields.
Patricia Rosales
Hello this my first time as 13th
District Motorcycle Chairman.
At my post Modesto 3199 we
have about a few who ride and I
know there are many more at the
different Post.
Will Gomez Senior Vice of the
Modesto Post has already come
up with the beginning of plans to
start some rides to a few Post
through out the year. I would
appreciate any ideas input and all
the support I can get through out
the year.
Watch out for pot holes and the
first rain if that ever happens ride
bill proclaiming November 11
as Veterans Day. (Historically,
the first Veterans Day parade
was held in 1953 in Emporia,
A law passed in 1968 changed
the national commemoration of
Veterans Day to the fourth
Monday in October. It soon
became apparent, however, that
November 11 was a date of
historic significance to many
Americans. Therefore, in 1978
Congress returned the
observance to its traditional
Veterans Day is an opportunity
to publicly commemorate the
contributions of living veterans.
Armistice Day officially
received its name in America in
1926 through a congressional
resolution. It became a national
holiday 12 years later by similar
congressional action.
If World War I had been "the
war to end all wars," November
11 might be still called
Armistice Day. Realizing that
peace was equally preserved by
veterans of World War II and
Korea, Congress decided to
make the day an occasion to
honor all those who have served
America. In 1954 President
Dwight D. Eisenhower signed a
On the morning of December 7,
1941, Japanese bombers staged
a surprise attack on U.S.
military and naval forces in
Hawaii. In a devastating defeat,
the United States suffered 3,435
casualties and loss of or severe
damage to 188 planes, 8
battleships, 3 light cruisers, and
4 miscellaneous vessels.
Japanese losses were less than
100 personnel, 29 planes, and 5
midget submarines.
The day after the attack, before
a joint session of Congress,
President Roosevelt asked
Congress for a declaration of
war against Japan. President
Roosevelt's message conveyed
the national outrage over the
Pearl Harbor attack by
Oct. & Nov 2015
pronouncing December 7, 1941
"a date which will live in
FDR expressed outrage at Japan
and confidence in the
"inevitable triumph" of the
United States. On December 8,
1941, the United States declared
war against Japan; on
December 11 Germany and
Italy declared war against the
United States.
Now is the time to start planning
your Veteran’s Day Program and
your Pearl Harbor Remembrance
Ed Ford
VAVS Representative
Livermore VA
Livermore Country Store Annual
Fundraiser Thursday November
20, 2015! (Food, Arts & Crafts,
Chance Items, Gently used items
and Computers)
Livermore Country Store Silent
Auction, Friday December 4,
2015, 9:00 AM -2:00 PM.
Next VAVS Executive Meeting
will be Tuesday
November 3, 2015 at
10:00 AM Livermore
Next VAVS Committee Meeting
will be Tuesday
November 17, 2015
Noon, in the Recreation
Room Bldg. 64.
I would like to thank all Post and
Auxiliary members, for putting
time aside to visit our Veterans
that are either in the Hospital’s or
Convalescing Homes. It means a
lot to these Veterans to see
somebody that cares.
Edward L. Ford
VAVS Representative
Livermore VA Hospital
I would like to thank everyone
who attended and volunteered at
Holderman Hospital in
Yountville and Livermore VA
Hospital picnics.
Please remember the $1.00 per
member Hospital quota donation
that your Auxiliary needs to send
to the VFW AUX Dept. of
Our Dept. President Kathy
Walery Special Project is the
Pathway House at Holderman
Hospital in Yountville. This
house is for Iraq and Afghanistan
who are returning Combat
Veterans who need help to
Transition. Any monetary
donation would be appreciated
but if your Auxiliary can donate
$50.00 you will receive a
special award. Please send this
donation to the VFW AUX Dept.
of California.
Department Hospital North
Chairman Joyce Linares sent out
an e-mail announcing that on
December 18th will be the
Christmas program for 50 lady
veterans and widows who are
staying at Holderman Hospital in
Can your Auxiliary make a
motion to donate any monetary
donations for this project? Please
send the check to VFW AUX
Dept. of California and earmark
it for the Christmas Program.
As we go into the Christmas
Holidays remember our
Hospitalized Veterans.
California Legislative Committee with
Senator Dianne Feinstein
Governor Signs Allen
Legislation to Protect Veterans
from Pension Scams
Sacramento, CA – Today
Governor Jerry Brown signed
into law a measure authored by
Senator Ben Allen (D – Santa
Monica) to protect veterans from
pension scams. The bill, Senate
Bill (SB) 386, was proposed in
response to the increasing
number of veterans who are
falling prey to investment
schemes in which they are
promised a lump-sum cash
payment in exchange for their
monthly retirement income.
“It is completely unacceptable
that veterans are being taken
advantage of through these
financial scams. California’s 2
million veterans deserve better.
This legislation is a modest, but
important, reform that will help
prevent our retired servicemen
and women from being duped
into similar schemes in the
future,” Senator Allen said.
Nearly half of the 38 companies
engaged in these phony
investment deals are located in
California. Once a veteran signs
away his or her benefits, the
company sells interests in the
revenue stream generated by
those future benefits to investors.
This practice is illegal under
federal and state law, but several
companies continue to advertise
the transactions in publications
targeting veterans. SB 386
makes the act of advertising these
pension poaching scams illegal,
and allows prosecutors to file suit
against the companies
responsible for the advertisement.
Veterans are often led to believe
they are agreeing only to a shortterm loan to get them through a
rough patch. In many cases, they
have no other source of income
than their pension when they
return from active duty.
Senator Allen is a member of the
Senate Veterans Affairs
Committee. His 26th senate
district is home to the Los
Angeles Air Force Base and
thousands of active and retired
military members.
Oct. & Nov 2015
A message from our Dept.
Legislative Chairman Maddie
Cunningham Colston.
Hello, VFW Auxiliary!
It is official: we have a great
new name, a new logo, new
opportunities for increasing our
membership and that means
many more opportunities to have
our newest members support the
VFW’s Legislative agenda for us
all. It comes with a bit of
legislative action all its own:
Congress had to pass legislations
to change the VFW charter to
amend the eligibility: Senate
Bill 2782 and House of
Representatives Bill 5441, which
were introduced by Senate VA
Committee Chairman Bernie
Sanders (I-VT) and House VA
Committee Chairman Jeff Miller
(R-FL), respectively, last Fall.
The ONLY thing that could mess
up this wonderful development is
if we fail to act on it to better
serve our veterans. To quote
Edmund Burke: “The only thing
necessary for the triumph of evil
is for good men to do nothing.”
In this case, that more broadly
applies to all good members of
the VFW Auxiliary, so let us take
some positive action to help all of
our members get active in
supporting our veterans:
• Let us ensure that our prospective
new members understand how
just being included in our
membership helps our
Legislative Analysts in the
VFW Washington office to
advocate on Capitol Hill.
Having more members directly
translates into increased
opportunities to interact with
members of both Congressional
houses, and gives us a greater
voice in urging Congressional
members to support meaningful
changes in veterans’ benefits
and entitlements.
• Let’s ensure our members know
how to sign up for the “Action
Corps Weekly”
( and
“Checkpoint” newsletters
( If you
receive either or both of these,
send in a report to tell me that.
• Let’s ensure our members know
how to make out a report
AFTER they respond to the
latest Action Alert: “Full
Funding for VA”
Our veterans have given so
much: it is time we all gave
Asking For Help
Many of you heard me talk about
the Typhoon that made a direct
hit on Saipan last month. Saipan
has a very active VFW Post
there, Post 3457. Wind
measuring equipment broke at
105 MPH; FEMA & National
Weather Service experts recently
visited the island and determined
that the winds from the Typhoon
most likely were 150 gusting to
175. 80 power poles and a great
many power transformers were
destroyed. Power has still not
been restored and limited water is
available. Reliable sources
believe full power will not be
restored until December.
Automobiles were rolled over
and a great many trees were
blown over. Many VFW
members there lost their homes,
roofs, etc., etc. Mass destruction
over the whole island is
devastating. Saipan Post 3457 &
its' members are in desperate
need of help.
Please spread the word
throughout your departments.
Donations can be sent to the
Department's Navy Federal
Credit Union Account - Routing
# - 256074974, Account #
7026181979. Checks can be sent
to the Department's
Quartermaster, Peter Callaghan,
P.O. Box 506680, Saipan, MP
96950-4340. Pete's emails is
Thanks for our concern and
assistance. Regards,
Oct. & Nov 2015
Yours In Comradeship
Jerry Kraus
Pacific Areas National Council
Linn Davis
Your Post inspection will start
one and one half hours before
your scheduled meeting. (If your
meeting starts at 7:00, I plan to
be there at 5:30 to do the
inspection). The inspection
normally takes an hour and
fifteen minutes. The CC, QM,
Adj, and Trustees should be
present to facilitate the
inspection. The mentioned
Officers should read the
questions on the last inspection
report and have readily available
documentation to answer the
questions. Questions or
concerns: email:”” or call
Post that have a Men’s Auxiliary
Unit, You will be asking to show
the Post’s current inspection
report of that unit.
Post that have a Ladies Auxiliary,
You will be asking to show a
current copy of the finance report
and membership status that they
are required to provided to the
Linn Davis
District 13 Inspector
Oakdale 2922
Tuolumne 4748
Copperopolis 12118
Manteca 6311
District 13
Gustine 7635
Modesto 3199
Ripon 1051
Merced 4327
Atwater 9946
Stockton 52
Waterford 9679
Ceres 10293
Livingston 8327
Turlock 5059
Winton 7792
Lodi 9009
Tracy 1537
Kathy Cotner
As you are probably all aware,
men are allowed to join The
VFW of the United States of
America Auxiliary. That is our
new name. This is an exciting
time! It doesn’t matter if you
were in favor of these changes or
not, it is important to remember
everything changes and without
change we will stagnate and die.
Let’s all make any new members
feel welcome and needed,
because they are NEEDED!
Remember, October is National
Recruiting Month. Have you
made arrangements to set up a
recruiting booth? Do you have
materials available? Do you have
copies of the new applications?
Now is the time to organize a
recruiting table in your area.
Here’s a suggestion: When you
go out to recruit, have a list of the
Auxiliaries in your District
available. Someone may stop at
your table, they are interested in
joining, but don’t live in your
area. Maybe there is an Auxiliary
closer to their home that would
work out better for them.
Things to know:
1. New Eligibility Chart: These
individuals are eligible if they are
this relation to a person who is or
was eligible for the Veterans of
Foreign Wars. See the VFW
Eligibility Guide in the Bylaws.
2. Please note that though “step
children” was removed from the
eligibility language, they are still
eligible. Per VFW ruling, step
children are children
[Sons/Daughters]. There is to be
no distinction between them.
3. The minimum age requirement
has NOT changed. Applicants
must still be a minimum of 16
years of age.
4. You can print off an updated
Membership Application on the
Resources page of the website or
behind login under “Officer
Tools”. These now include check
boxes for male and female. The
nicer printed version is in process
and will be available soon for
5. From now forward, please use
the new emblem which is
available behind login in the
Emblem Branding Center. Please
delete all other versions of the
emblem from your files and only
use this one going forward.
Oct. & Nov 2015
6. The VFW Store will have
discounts on items needed for
regular business meetings, such
as seals, with the new name and
emblem. Please see the Store for
more information.
7. Please remember that this
change has nothing do with nor
did it affect the format ion or
membership of Men’s
Auxiliaries. All questions about
the Men’s Auxiliary should be
directed to the VFW. It must be
noted that an individual who is
eligible for both the Men’s
Auxiliary and the VFW Auxiliary
may have memberships in both.
8. An individual who is eligible
for the Veterans of Foreign Wars
is NOT eligible for the VFW
Treasurers and Membership
Chairman, have you sent out your
dues reminders? We still have 4
auxiliaries in our district that
haven’t submitted any continuous
or new members. Please help
protect these member’s rights and
privileges to all the benefits of
our great organization. Don not
let their membership lapse,
remember there is no grace
period and no reinstatement, they
will have to rejoin and face it,
many will not do the extra work
to do that. Encourage all to get
their dues in before they expire in
December. It will be here before
you know it and everyone will be
busy with the holidays, so let’s
get them in now.
Congratulations to the auxiliaries
that earned the medallions at the
District meeting. They were:
Div. 1 #9009 Lockford; Div. 2
#10293 Ceres; Div. 3 # 9946
Atwater; Div. 4 #1537 Tracy;
Div. 5 #52 Stockton; Div. 6
#7792 Winton. Great job! The
district is over 80%, we only
need 10% more for Amanda to
have her “Night on the Town”
award. I know we can do it!
Transmit, Transmit, Transmit!
Thank you to everyone who filled
out the pledge cards. Remember
to let me know when you have
fulfilled your pledge as you will
go into a drawing for $25 at the
last district meeting in May.
Congratulations Rhonda
Montgomery, you are the first
one to let me know that you
signed up a new member.
Thank you for all your hard
work, it is appreciated.
As of 10/1/15
Dist 4
Oct. & Nov 2015
Bernard &
Comrades and Sisters,
It is that time of year where your
Post and Auxiliary should be
visiting the schools, churches, art
museums, and putting a public
service announcement in your
local papers about the Voice of
Democracy, Patriot's Pen,
Teacher's Award, and Patriotic
Art. Make sure you even include
the Charter Schools and Christian
Please review the materials and
become familiar with the rules,
and the deadlines. Also, follow
up with whoever you hand out
materials to and remind them of
the deadline.
Award Recognize
teachers who
care about
America. Awards are K- 5 grade
Elementary, 6 -8 Middle
School, 9 -12 High School
All Post level nominees, if they
should win, should provide a one
- page resume, up to five pages of
documentation of their teaching
experience ( references, news
articles, etc.) and head - and shoulder photo of themselves.
These items will be forwarded on
to the District Chairman with the
nomination form and essay.
On the national level, if chosen,
they will receive $1,000, a
plaque, and all expense paid trip
to the National Convention. The
school will receive a $1,000 and
a plaque also.
The deadline for submissions is
FEBRUARY 15, 2016 to your
local Post
Voice of
Democracy Theme - " My
Vision for
America" Open to all students
including charter and home
schooled students in grades 9 - 12
grade. This is a great opportunity
for students to explore
democratic principles through
audio essays. They must be
digitally recorded, and they are
timed. Judging is based on the
treatment of the theme, ideas that
are clearly expressed and
developed, and a speaking voice
that is clear and credible. Local
awards plus each District winner
will earn an expense - paid trip to
Sacramento where the first place winner will win $5,000 The
National first - place winner
receives a $30,000 scholarship.
Completion of Post judging
November 15
Completion of District judging
December 6
Patriot's Pen Theme - "What
Freedom Means to Me" Open
to all students including charter
and home schooled students in
grades 6 - 8 grade. Students
produce a typed essay of 300 to
400 words, with no name, and
must include a completed
application. Students will be
judged for the manner in which
they respond to the patriotic
theme, based on their own
experience, knowledge and
clarity of their writing. Local and
District winners; Department
winner earn a expense - paid trip
to Sacramento. The Department
winner will earn an all - expense
paid trip to Washington D.C. and
be awarded a $2, 750 to $5,000
Completion of Post judging
November 15.
Completion of District judging
December 6.
Luneta Post 52
Cordially invite you
To attend our
Veteran’s Day
Tuesday, Nov. 11, 2015
11 AM
513 N. Center St.
Light refreshments will be served
following the program
10 | P a g e
Oct. & Nov 2015
Attention All
Military Veterans!
VA Mobile Medical
Outreach in
collaboration with the
San Andreas VFW,
VA healthcare fulfills
Affordable Care Act (ACA)
If you are NOT currently in the
VA system, please bring an
extra copy of your DD 214
(discharge papers) to attach to
your enrollment form. If you do
not have a copy of your DD214,
we may be able to obtain one for
In addition, Veteran Service
Officers will be available to
review your benefits, assist with
enrollment forms, and provide
assistance with filing claims.
Will be located at:
Veterans of Foreign
Wars Post #2600
156 W. Saint Charles St.
San Andreas, Ca 95249
Thursday, November
5, 2015
10:00am – 2:00pm
No appointment necessary!
Enrollment Specialists, Medical
Providers, Veterans Service Officers
on site
• The VA Palo Alto Health Care
System Mobile Medical
Outreach will provide brief
medical examinations,
consultations, & referrals.
Saturday October 10th from 38pm Post 5059 in Turlock will
be having an Oktoberfest! Come
on down for a great time and
even better food and local beer!
You won't want to miss out,
tickets are on sale now for $10.
Bring your friends and come out
for some tri-tip, brats, German
potato salad and beer! Purchase
tickets in advance for a
complimentary mug.
If you are uncertain about your
eligibility for medical or
psychological services, members
of our team can provide you
with information about and
assistance with, eligibility and
enrollment for VA care. VA
healthcare may complement
your current insurance
coverage. Eligibility
requirements have changed,
therefore, if you have been
denied in the past, please come
meet with us. New benefits are
available for Vietnam and
Iraq/Afghanistan Veterans.
For more information, contact Dr.
Kelly Conway DNP, CNS at 650387-5968 or VFW contact: Wes
Farnham at 209-694-5687
We look forward to seeing
you there. THANK YOU for
your service to our Country!
We will be holding an Election
for a Jr. Vice President of the
District. The meeting will be on
December 12 at the American
Legion Hall in Lodi.
Anyone who may be interested
please contact our District
President Amanda Smith at
11 | P a g e
Oct. & Nov 2015
Welcome Home
October 21
Gates open at 4 P.M.
Livingston / Delhi
Auxiliary #8327
Bunco Bash
Saturday, October 24th
Livingston Veteran Hall
1605 Seventh St.
Join us at the Castle Air Terminal
for the greatest celebration these
veterans have experience.
13th District Annual
Salad Bar Luncheon and
Fashion Show
Saturday, April 2, 2016
Hosted by
Atwater Aux. 9946
Round or 6’ tables available
Lunch at Eleven
For tickets, call:
Sue Wells – 209-852-9068
Jan Purganan – 209-394-2468
Hundreds of volunteers are
needed to line the terminal and
cheerleaders, fellow veterans and
military personnel to well home,
thank and honor these local
To volunteer, for more
information, please contact Larry
at or call 209777-3691.
Bunco at Noon
Donation $ 20
Live Entertainment – Sandwiches
and Soft Drinks for purchase.
Expected Flight arrival 5:30 P.M.
The former Castle Air Force Base
will roar back to life when 75
local World War II and Korean
War veterans depart from the
historic base to see their
memorial in Washington D.C..
The second flight out of Castle
will depart on October 19 and
will return on October 21.
Thanks to the generous donors
and sponsors, each of these 75
veterans will experience this trip
of a lifetime, free of charge.
Central Valley Honor Flight
raises $1,500 per veteran to cover
transportation, lodging and meals
for the three-day trip.
To help by donation, please visit
Or if you would like to sponsor a
local World War II or Korean
War Veteran, please contact Rico
at (559) 226-5600 ext/ 110
12 | P a g e
Oct. & Nov 2015
It’s Time to Have Some Fun!
Dear Veterans Family and Friends,
Veterans Recognition Day
Dinner and Dance
Your are invited to Honor and Thank each & Every One of our Veterans for
Their Service and Years of Volunteer Service in their Community.
Metropolitan, Main Street, San Andreas
Saturday, November 7, 2015
5:00 PM (No Host Cocktails)
6:00 PM
Menu Includes : Prime Rib, Potato, Vegetable, Salad, Dinner Rolls,
Desert, Wine, Coffee and Tea.
$25.00 per person
(Tickets can be purchased @ Post or Aux. Member)
Early Bird Special: Purchase before Oct. 24 ~ $23.00 ea (2 for $45.00)
Kim Farnham 209-694-6179
Barbara Galli 209-754-3274
VFW Post: 209-754-3916
Jenny Ohlau 209-610-4291
When making reservations specify how many will be in your party.
November 1st 2015
See You There
13 | P a g e
Oct. & Nov 2015
Livingston / Delhi Post & Auxiliary 8327
1605 2nd St.
Hamburger Night and more
Thursday, October 29, 2015
5 PM to 7 PM
The Mighty 13th District Brief
All Post Commanders and Auxiliary Presidents
are required to be present. If they are unable to
attend, there must be a representative from the
Post or Auxiliary.
Coffee and Donuts available at 9:15 AM
The 2nd Meeting of the 13th District will be hosted
by Lodi Post 9009 located at the American Legion
Hall 320 N. Washington Street, Lodi, CA 95240.
The VFW Auxiliary will meet directly across the
street from the Eagles Hall. There will be lunch
served following the meeting. Donation is $5.00
per person.
The Next 13th District
Meeting will meet on
Saturday, December 12, 2015
at 10 A.M.
14 | P a g e
Oct. & Nov 2015
Rhonda Montgomery
13th District Brief Editor
4812 Brookstone Ave.
Stockton, CA 95206-6257