The McComb Reader - McComb Local Schools


The McComb Reader - McComb Local Schools
The McComb Re ader
Home of the Panthers
The McComb Local School District
328 South Todd St. • McComb, Ohio 45858
419-293-3979 • Fax: 419-293-2412
Issue 7 • October 2014 • Published 11 times a year
From the Office of the Superintendent
As summer gives way to fall like temperatures, things at
McComb are off to a good start. All of our teams are competitive, and making headlines regularly. The volleyball team
remains undefeated, the football team is 2-1, with a hard fought
loss to Van Buren. The golf team has had much success.
Cross country has been setting and breaking PRs all season
The state has released the report card for the district. As the
report card has new elements added each year for a few years,
we are assessing the new areas, to glean what we can for
improvement. However, there are many things in the report card
worth celebrating:
• All of our Seniors have passed all parts of the OGT, before
their senior year starts.
• Students with Individual Education Plans did well on Math
and the Math Proficiency measure, and the measure improved
for all of our students as a group.
• Our graduation rate at 4 years and 5 years is very good.
• When you look at Performance Index, we scored 99.1. Under
“old” standards, that’s less than a point from “Excellent.”
• Under the new literacy measures, by third grade, 11 of 13
third graders made the cut on the Ohio Achievement
Assessment, or were “on track” at “Point B” when measured. Of the very few that did not make the “on track” mark on the
state assessment, they all passed the alternative assessment
(in our case a nationally normed IOWA test). We did not
HAVE to retain any student via the 3rd Grade Guarantee legislation.
• All of our gain index scores for Students with Disabilities were
positive (showing gain).
• The high school met all of their indicators, even with a higher
“get” thresh hold of 80% through tenth grade and 85% in
eleventh grade.
• The elementary PI was 97, which would have been “effective”
McComb Local School
Published by McComb Local School
Return Service Requested
under old standards. • The PI at the High School was 104.5, which would have been
“excellent” under old standards. • The PI at the Middle School was 97.7, also “effective” under
old standards. I told the staff at our opening meeting that we needed to be
“champions” for our kids. Here is a link to the video we
The Health Department helps provide required screenings
and other health needs for the Hancock County Schools. They
have asked us to share the following:
Children in pre-school, kindergarten, first, third, fifth, seventh and ninth grades are now being screened for vision
and hearing by the Hancock County Public Health nurses.
These screenings are done in compliance with the Ohio
Department of Health. The state feels that a program of
early identification, diagnosis and treatment of children
with hearing or vision disorders is a necessary and vital
component of all child health programs. Early detection
and treatment of these disorders give children the opportunity to develop educationally, emotionally and socially. If a
problem is identified you will be notified by phone or mail.
If you have any questions regarding the screenings in your
school please call 419-424-7869.
Additional vaccines continue to be added to the school
requirements, the most recent being the Tdap for students
entering the 7th grade. Along with the Tdap vaccine we
would encourage you to also consider the meningitis and
chickenpox dose 2 vaccines for any child age 11 through
18. We are seeing a resurgence of pertussis (whooping
(Continued on page 3)
McCOMB, OH 45858
Page 2
General Information
August Board of Education Meeting Summary 8-13-14
TREASURER’S REPORT-The Board approved the following:
A. Approve the financial report as presented by the Treasurer.
B. Approve the following items:
Minutes of the July 9, 2014 meeting as written.
The quarterly cash reconciliation of the financial statements as reviewed by the Finance Committee.
The following advance draws on 2nd half real estate taxes:
Wood County
$ 51,790.99
Hancock County
$ 245,000.00
07-11-14 Hancock County
$ 73,999.68
Wood County
$ 34,619.73
Hancock County
$ 313,308.97
Then and Now list of purchase orders over $3,000.00 for the month of July, 2014:
Purchase Order #
American Electric Power
Fund #
A. Accept the resignation of Christopher Myers as high school science teacher effective August 14, 2014.
B. Employ Christina V. Florence as HS Science teacher and Jaime L. Watkins as Business teacher for the
2014-2015 school year pending proper certification and verification of experience as per the salary schedule.
C. Issue extra-curricular contracts as per the salary schedule from July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015:
High School Positions
Assistant Football
Larry (Dino) Woodruff
Assistant Football
Ross Shoup
Freshman Football
Craig Kuester
Head Boys Basketball
Nick Latta
JV Boys Basketball ½
Kurt Longworth
JV Boys Basketball ½
Cory Smith
Middle School Positions
7th Boys Basketball
Cody Vennekotter
8th Boys Basketball
Mark Shaffer
Jeff Sullivan
8 Girls Basketball
D. Approve Glenn Miehls as volunteer assistant high school boys basketball coach, Patrick Kuntz and Jeremy
Kloepfer as volunteer high school football coaches, and Ron Coon, Tom Bolton, and band parents as band
volunteers beginning July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015.
E. Approve the 2014-2015 non-certified substitutes; copy on file.
F. Approve April 6, 2015 to replace pervious approved March 20, 2015 Waiver Day for the purpose of teacher/
staff in-service.
G. Rescind the following policies: 1619.02, 3419.02, 4419.02, 3220, 5340, 9700.
H. Adopt a board policy on therapy dogs. Policy Number to be determined.
I. Designate a delegate and alternate to OSBA’s Capital Conference from November 9, 2014-November 12,
2014. Delegate – Rode Alternate – Quiroga
J. Approve the district crisis plan; copy on file.
The September Board meeting will be held on Wednesday, September 10, 2014 at 6:30 in the Cafeteria.
School Delays & Closing Information
Weather Delays and Cancellations are a part of our daily routines during the school year. Just a reminder that the safety of
our students is our primary consideration when we delay or
cancel school or an activity. We will try to have our decision
made by 6:30 a.m. Following are the forms of media used to
broadcast this information.
Radio Stations
WFIN - 1330 AM
WKXA - 100.5 FM
WBUK - 106.3 FM
WCKY - 103.7 FM
WPFX - 107.7 FM
WBVI - 96.7 FM
WFOB - 1430 AM
T.V. Stations
Channel 11
Channel 13
Channel 24
Breakfast................................... $1.25
Lunch 1-5.................................. $2.25
Lunch 6-12................................ $2.55
Adult.......................................... $2.75
Side Salad.................................. $ .50
Additional Milk.......................... $ .50
Students in Grades 1-12 who will be paying for lunches will
use the following procedures. Teachers will not be collecting
lunch money. Parents and students who wish to pre-pay may
pay on Mondays only. Up to 20 lunches can be purchased on
Mondays and your child will receive a ticket that can be used
any time that they buy. These tickets are kept at the school.
Students may still pay daily. Parents are requested to keep
lunch money separate from workbook money. Place lunch
money in an envelope with the child’s name, teacher’s name
and grade on the outside of the envelope. Parents are responsible to provide either money for their child’s lunch or a packed
lunch. Forms for free or reduced lunches may be picked up in
the Central Office.
McComb National Honor Society
Hosting Blood Drive
Wednesday, December 10th, 2014
The McComb High School National Honor
Society will be hosting a Red Cross Blood Drive
on Wednesday, December 10th, 2014, in the
new gym from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. The NHS hosts
two blood drives annually as service projects.
The first blood drive is open to the students and
staff of the McComb Local Schools. The next
blood drive will be held in the spring (April 16th,
2015) and will be open to community members
as well. If we reach 50 donations during these
two blood drives, our seniors will be eligible for
a $500 American Red Cross Scholarship.
Page 3
Senior Citizens Invited to Dinner
On Friday, November 21, 2014 at 1:00 p.m., Senior
Citizens of the McComb Local School District are
invited to dinner at the McComb High School
Cafeteria. This is an annual event that will include
a Thanksgiving meal and a program. Dinner will
be served at 1 p.m. If you are interested in coming
to dinner, please contact the Central Office by
Monday, November 17th to make your reservation
at 419-293-3979.
Story Time
Story Time at the McComb Public Library is
held on Tuesdays from 6:30pm –7:15pm.
(Sept. 9, 16, 23, 30. Oct. 7, 14, 21, 28.
Nov. 4, 11, 18. Dec. 2, 9, 16.)
Children enjoy stories, rhymes, crafts, music,
and games. Children 3-5 years who are not in
Kindergarten are invited to attend. No registration
necessary. For more information call the library at
419-293-2425 or find us on our Facebook page.
(Continued from page 1)
cough) which is the reason for the Tdap requirement. We
also encourage flu vaccine for all students and family members. These vaccines are available at your physician’s
office or at the health department. If you are interested in
scheduling for vaccinations at our office please call
419-424-7869. Now is the time to schedule those students in
the 6th grade to make certain they are ready for next school
On a personal note, I would just like to thank all of the various
people outside of our staff, who do a variety of things around the
district that many people (sometimes including me) don’t know
about. The other day I saw a group of local men working on
painting our field for upcoming athletic contests. These are all
the little touches that make events special for our kids and our
community. And I just wanted to say a special, “Thank you.”
Mrs. Skilliter
Central Office
Meri Skilliter
Rindi Schaublin
Linda Clymer
Lisa Kryling
Assistant Treasurer
Luke Ewing Transportation Director
High School
Jeremy Herr
Marlene Barker
Melissa Day
Kristine Kern
Elementary School 419-293-3286
Matt Davis
Shawn Woolf
Julie Buck
Alyssa Neumeyer
HS Guidance
MS Guidance
Athletic Director
Veterans’ Day Assembly
Tuesday, November 11th, 2014
At McComb Local School
Lunch for the veterans and their families 12:30-1:30 p.m.
In the Cafeteria
Assembly from 1:45-2:45 p.m.
In the Gymnasium
We’d love to have pictures that we can scan (we will return
them)! We also would like your names, branches and years
of service, rank, awards and if you’re on active duty. Please
submit this information by November 1st, 2014!
Our guest speaker this year is First Sergeant Paul A.
Joseph (retired), who spoke at the Memorial Service in May. He is a decorated veteran and dynamic speaker!
We look forward to seeing all of our local veterans
and as always -
$50 Winners from the
Athletic Booster September
Monthly Meeting:
Joe and Becky Wasson
Kris Berger
Page 4
Card coming soon!
The Sophomore Class of 2017 will be selling Subway Punch
cards for $10 sometime in October. We have on board the
Subway inside Great Scot, and the Subway at the Pilot (613 &
I-75). We are trying to get 2 more Subways in Findlay to participate also. You will get 20 punches of a “Buy one 6” sub and
a 21 oz. drink; Get one 6” sub for FREE.” What a great deal!! Please look for sophomores coming your way, as we try to raise
money for our junior prom! If you have any questions please
see any sophomore or contact Mrs. Beckie Rader, Class Advisor
at 419-293-3853 ext. 330 or
Fair Booth Fundraiser
Thank you to all of the parents, staff members and Academic
Boosters who helped in any way with the fair booth this year at
the Hancock County Fair. Also, thank you to all of our area
businesses who donated to this fundraiser: Ball Metal
Corporation, First Federal Bank, Grubb Construction, Hoverman
Insurance Agency, Lovell Motor Sales Inc., McComb Family
Dentistry, McComb VFW and Pisanellos Pizza all contributed
this year. Together we profited approximately $5,000.
The Academic Boosters help to support many of our positive
behavior incentives as well as financially supplement academic needs. This organization functions for 7-12 grade students
and, similar to our PTO in the elementary, is a parent-led, nonprofit organization. If you have interest in being a part of
this organization, please contact Mr. Herr via e-mail at
Back row L to R: Malachi Abbott, Jordan Skilliter, Austin
Davis, Drew Bryan, Ryan Buck, Clay Grubb. Front Row L to
R: Maddy Leader, Kendall Newcomer, Sam Thepsourinthone,
Brittani Harden, Nora Hemminger, Maddy Pierce. Not pictured: Jordan Overton and Cody Franks.
Summer Student Workers
A big thank you to the student workers that helped clean our
school building this summer and helped prepare our school busses for the 1st day of school. They did fine jobs and we appreciate their help. We’d also like to thank our custodial, maintenance
and transportation staff members that keep our building, buses
and grounds in fine shape all year around.
What: Instructional Volleyball Sessions
For Whom: Female Students in Grades 4-6
When: Monday, Tuesday & Thursday evenings (see specific
dates online)-Come to as many as you like!
Where: Blackswamp Volleyball Club
1625 S County Rd 1, Tiffin, OH 44883
Cost: FREE to McComb Students-Be sure to write “McComb”
on the school attended. $10 fee will be waived.
How to Register:
Click on the “Summer Programs Link”
Select date(s) to attend and register online
for each session.
Questions: Contact McComb Varsity
Volleyball Coach, Dave Reinhart at
419-937-3808 or
Page 5
Our sincere sympathy goes
out to Mrs. Linda Strahm,
Elementary Teacher, and
her family on the death of
her mother. Our heartfelt
thoughts are with you
and your family.
Our sincere sympathy goes
out to Mrs. Pam Orr,
Middle School Teacher, and
her family on the death of
her brother. Our heartfelt
thoughts are with you
and your family.
Page 6
1. FAMILY PASS - $225. This plan includes general admission
for the parents and all immediate family members in grades
1-12. It includes all home athletic events, junior high through
2. STUDENT ALL SPORTS PASS - $80. General admission
for any student, grades 1-12 to all home athletic contests,
junior high through varsity.
3. ADULT ALL SPORTS PASS - $120. General admission for
one adult to all home athletic contests, junior high through
General admission to all home varsity football games.
General admission to all home varsity, junior varsity and
junior high volleyball games.
General admission for all home boys’ and girls’ varsity basketball games.
1. You may order your passes by filling out the following application and mailing to this address: McComb High School, c/o
Shawn Woolf, P.O. Box 877, McComb, OH 45858.
2. Senior Citizens - McComb School residents 65 years of age
and older will be admitted to all HOME games free of charge.
Senior citizens need to pick up their passes at the Central
office from 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. You do NOT need a new pass
every year.
3. All pass holders including senior citizens will receive a pass. You must have your pass to enter the game. This will help
our ticket takers greatly. Thank you.
4. If you have any questions, please call Shawn Woolf at
419-293-3161 (W).
I will purchase the following:
____________ All Sports Family Pass Amount $__________
____________ All Sports Student Pass
Amount $__________
____________ All Sports Adult Pass Amount $__________
____________ Football Season Pass
____________ # of Adults
Amount $__________
____________ # of Students
Amount $__________
____________ Volleyball Season Pass
____________ # of Adults
Amount $__________
____________ # of Students
Amount $__________
____________ Basketball Season Pass
____________ # of Adults
Amount $__________
____________ # of Students Amount $__________
Total Amount $___________
Names to be on passes: _____________________________________
The McComb
Musical Moment...
Your source for McComb Music
Department News
Calling all parents, grandparents and fine art enthusiasts, show
your support by becoming a member today. Any donation gets
your name in all Band, Chorus and Drama programs. Please
complete the attached and return to one of the Fine Arts
Teachers or Tina Liebrecht at 3418 County Road 96, McComb,
45858. Please make checks payable to McFAB. Thank you!
NAME ___________________________________________
ADDRESS ________________________________________
PHONE NUMBER _________________________________
Everyone is welcome to come to our meetings.
All meetings start at 6:30 p.m. at the McComb
Public Library.
October 14 • November 11
Attention Parents!
The McComb Fine Arts Boosters, affectionately known as McFAB,
are looking for help. If you are a parent or guardian of a student in
the McComb School District and your students enjoy the wonderful
programs offered by our Art, Music, and Drama programs here at
McComb, we are looking for your help! McFAB is looking for more
members to help out with raising money for our Fine Arts
Departments and working to provide the things our students need
in order to have opportunities that can influence the rest of their
lives. If you are interested in helping, please contact any of the
Fine Arts teachers here at McComb, and we can get you in touch
with McFAB and find you a place to be involved!
Page 7
CBI Corner
The CBI Program has been around for over 35 years at McComb
High School. The program allows students to earn credit while
working and also receive valuable training in the related class
work. This year the CBI program has a total of 13 students in the
class. Twelve are seniors and one is a junior. All 13 students are
currently employed.
Damien Eaken pictured with manager Scott Ball.
Jordan Overton pictured with supervisor John Boyles.
Dylan Miller pictured with his boss Kenneth Null.
Alyssa Casdorph pictured with manager Joe Warzala.
At left: Mishaila Westoby pictured
with employer Bonnie Brown.
Page 8
High School Information
College Decisions, Applications,
and Financial Aid
The majority of college applications are suggested to be completed online at the college’s website. Some colleges waive the
application fee if you apply online or if you visit the campus
before applying. Seniors considering a State Public College
should have their applications in by December 1st, some colleges say Thanksgiving! This information has been given to
seniors during their Government class, as well as more information is located in the guidance office. The Ohio Public
University booklet and the Independent Colleges and
Universities booklet are also located in the guidance office.
These resources summarize specific college’s entrance requirements, costs, and provide an academic profile of each institution. This can serve as an important tool when comparing
colleges. Seniors should check the enrollment deadline of all
colleges they are considering and apply to all they are serious
about. I suggest you apply early. This will secure your acceptance and make you eligible for some early admission scholarships unique to that college.
Written by Madison Pierce
For the second year in a row, the high
school robotics team is participating in
Bowling Green State University’s BEST
(Boosting Engineering, Science and
Technology) Robotics Competition. The name of this year’s
competition is “Bladerunner”. At the kick-off on September
27th the team will receive their materials and the mystery task
will be revealed. The competition consists of designing, building, and programming a robot, along with a presentation, display, and engineering notebook. Mrs. Hassan and Mr. Pierce
are the advisors of this student-led group. Last year, the team
achieved a position as an alternate to attend the regional
championship in Fargo, North Dakota, but was unable to
attend. This year’s competition will be held at BGSU in the
Stroh Center on Saturday, November 8, 2014 from 9am-4pm. Points are also awarded for spirit, so everyone is encouraged
to come and support the team!
Cannot apply before January 1st 2015
Hancock County will be hosting 4 countywide Financial Aid
Nights and the dates/times TBA.
Some myths about Aid:
“…my parents make too much money, so I won’t qualify for
There is no income-cut off to qualify for federal student aid.
Many factors besides income-from the size of your family to the
age of your older parent- are taken into account. Your eligibility
is determined by a mathematical formula, not by your parents’
income alone.
“…only students with good grades get financial aid.”
While a high GPA will help a student get into a good school and
may help with academic scholarships, most of the federal student aid programs do not take a student’s grades into consideration.
“…you have to be a minority to get financial aid.”
Funds from federal student aid programs are awarded on the
basis of financial need, not on the basis of race. The FAFSA
doesn’t even collect this kind of information about an applicant.
“…the form is too hard to fill out.” The FAFSA is easier than ever, especially if you fill it out online.
There are detailed instructions for every question, there is
access to real-time conversation with a customer service rep,
help at the financial aid office of the college you are attending or
another great resource is College Goal Sunday, offered in
Helpful information can be found at:
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Middle School and High School Conferences for the 2014-2015
school year will be held on Monday, November 24th from 4
p.m. to 9 p.m. and Tuesday, November 25th, from 11 a.m. to
8:00 p.m. Mark your calendars now for these important dates.
Elementary parents will get a form sent home to them via the
student explaining conferences for the elementary student. Middle School and High School parents need to call in for an
appointment at 419-293-3853 on Tuesday, November 18th,
from 8:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.
Page 9
Middle School Information
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Middle School and High School Conferences for the 2014-2015
school year will be held on Monday, November 24th from 4
p.m. to 9 p.m. and Tuesday, November 25th, from 11 a.m. to
8:00 p.m. Mark your calendars now for these important dates.
Elementary parents will get a form sent home to them via the
student explaining conferences for the elementary student. Middle School and high school parents need to call in for an
appointment at 419-293-3853 on Tuesday, November 18th,
from 8:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.
Go Panthers!
Eighth grade
D a v i d
Evan Wartgow, Jose Diaz and Wyatt Davidson,
worked together to create a Haiku poem for a
Scholastic magazine contest.
High School Information
Voice of Democracy Scholarship
Students 9-12: You can enter the 2014 VFW’s Voice of
Democracy Scholarship Program. Each year more than
50,000 HS students compete for more than 2.3 million in
scholarships and incentives. Students compete by writing &
recording a broadcast script on an annual patriotic theme.
This year’s theme is “Why Veterans are Important to Our
Nation’s Future”. Students need to record a 3-5 minute essay
as well as provide a written copy of that essay. There are winners at each level. First level is local and the McComb VFW
winner will be awarded $1000 and will be forwarded on to the
District competition. See Mrs. Day for applications and details. Applications & materials are due to Mrs. Day by Oct. 24th.
New Middle School Students
McComb Middle School is pleased to announce and introduce
their new students this year. We are happy they have enrolled
in McComb Local Schools and look forward to their contributions
to the district. Please remember to welcome the new students
to our school and community.
Summer Glancy is a 7th grader who comes to us from South
Carolina. Her favorite part about where she used to live was the
warm weather. Summer’s favorite subjects are math and history. In her spare time, she likes to draw, sing, and watch videos on
YouTube. Her goals for the future are to get on the honor roll
and go into the Army after she graduates from high school.
Welcome Summer!
James Anderson is an 8th grader who used to attend Leipsic
Middle School. One of the things he liked about his old town
was going out to eat at different restaurants, with his favorite
being Dino’s. Math and Science are his favorite subjects, and
James enjoys fishing and playing video games. When asked
about his future, James states he wants to go to college to
become a police officer. Welcome James!
Veteran’s Day Assembly
Tuesday, November 11th, 2014
12:30 pm in the cafeteria
Page 10
Elementary School Information
Story Time
Newcomer and
Drew Siferd
are reading to
some elementary students
in Mrs.
Strahm’s class
about healthy
eating. This
was part of an
activity from
Mrs. Watkins
Spirit Week
Page 11
November 2014 Calendar
BBK-Boys Varsity Basketball
GBK-Girls Varsity Basketball
JHBBK-Junior High Boys Basketball
JHGBK-Junior High Girls Basketball
NJHS Induction 7 pm
at VB
FCA 7-7:45 am Rm 373
Art Club 3-5 pm
Rm 131
Market Day 3-5:45 pm
KKids 7:45-8 am
Veteran’s Assembly
12:30-2:45 pm
FCA 7-7:45 am Rm 373
Art Club 3-5 pm
Rm 131
Quiz Bowl @ Riverdale
Board Meeting 6:30 pm
JHGB-A-Arcadia 5 pm
FCA 7-7:45 am Rm 373
Art Club 3-5 Rm 131
Elementary Student of
the Month
Waiver Day
GBK-H-TC Scrimmage
10 a.m.
Happy Thanksgiving
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20 21 22
23 24 25 26 27 28 29
Over 50?
Looking to join
an Exercise Class?
Karol Cunningham is looking to start an
Exercise Class. If you are interested or would
like more information please contact Karol at
419-293-2262. Please
leave your name and
phone number if you
are interested.
Anyone is welcome to
join, but the exercises
will be geared to 50
and over.
BBK-A-Ft. Loramie
There will be an after school opportunity entitled
“Lift Off” for students in grades 1-4, held at the
McComb First Presbyterian Church. The sessions will be held on Thursdays from 3-4:30,
beginning October 16. The topic of this session
is Images of Fall. There is no cost for the program, but registration is required. Forms will be
available at the school or at the church, and may
be returned to the elementary office or brought
to the first session at the church. If you have any
questions please call 419-293-3454.
Page 12
3 4 5 6 7
10 11 12 13 14
17 18 19 20 21
24 25 26 27 28
Breaded Chicken
Sandwich or McRib
Sandwich, Salad Bar,
Green Beans, Fruit Bar,
FF Milk
Chicken Nuggets or
BBQ Pork Sandwich,
Salad Bar, Broccoli,
Fruit Bar, FF Milk
Swedish or BBQ Meatballs over Buttered
Noodles, Salad Bar,
Carrots, Fruit Bar, FF
Walkin’ Beef or
Chicken Taco, Salad
Bar, Mexican Rice, SW
Corn & Black Bean
Blend, Fruit Bar, FF
Smoked Sausage
Sandwich or Footlong
Hot Dog w/ Coney
Sauce, Salad Bar, Tater
Tots, Fruit Bar, FF Milk
French Garlic Bread
Cheese or Pepperoni
Pizza, Salad Bar,
California Blend, Fruit
Bar, FF Milk
Chicken & Noodles or
Beef & Noodles
w/ Mashed Potatoes,
Salad Bar, Corn,
Fruit Bar, FF Milk
Hamburger Sandwich
or BBQ Chicken
Sandwich, Salad Bar,
Carrots, Fruit Bar,
FF Milk
Spaghetti w/ Meat
Sauce or Chicken
Alfredo, Garlic Bread,
Salad Bar, Broccoli,
Fruit Bar, FF Milk
Chicken Strip or Fish
Stick Sandwich Basket,
Salad Bar, Tater Tots,
Fruit Bar, FF Milk
French Toast Sticks or
Mini Pancakes,
Sausage, Hashbrown,
Fruit Bar, FF Milk
Roasted Turkey w/
Gravy, Dressing,
Mashed Potatoes, Corn,
Cranberry Salad, Dinner Roll, Pumpkin Pie
w/ Whip Topping, FF
Popcorn Chicken or
Mini Cheeseburger,
Salad Bar, Carrots,
Fruit Bar, FF Milk
Coney Island Hot Dog
w/ All the Fixins or
Sloppy Joe Sandwich,
Salad Bar, Broccoli,
Fruit Bar, FF Milk
Crispitos or Beef &
Bean Burrito, Salad
Bar, Refried Beans,
Fruit Bar, FF Milk
Note: No Salad Bar
Conferences Conferences
Only 27 days
Breakfast served daily from 7 a.m.
to 8 a.m. Stop in and see us to get
your day off to a good start.
Hot Breakfast (Omelets, Scrambled
Egg and Bacon Pizza, Sausage Bagels,
Biscuits and Gravy, Cinnamon Glazed
Bars, Breakfast Burritos), Juice Choice,
Muffins, Fruit Choice, Yogurt, V-8 Juice,
Fat Free Milk
Cereal, Juice Choice, Muffins, Fruit
Choice, Yogurt, V-8 Juice, Fat Free Milk
Breakfast/Cereal Bars, Juice Choice,
Muffins, Fruit Choice, Yogurt, V-8 Juice,
Fat Free Milk
Hot Asst. Oatmeal or Cream of Wheat,
Juice Choice, Muffins, Fruit Choice,
Yogurt, V-8 Juice, Fat Free Milk.
All grain products are WHOLE GRAIN
unless otherwise noted.
Salad Bar consists of fresh mixed greens,
shredded carrots, cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, and choice of fat free dressing.
Fruit Bar consists of fresh apples,
bananas, oranges, grapes, canned unsweetened applesauce, pears, mandarin
oranges, peaches, and mixed fruit.
Note: A second veggie option of choice
will be offered most days.
Come join us for BREAKFAST!!!