Rodan + Fields
Rodan + Fields
LIMITEDM~ PROTECTION'~t' CONSIDERABLE PROTECTION SPF 20 will protect the skin Be it for the lips, face or body, An SPF of 50 will block 98 against 20 times the exposure SPF 30 is the official minimum percent of harmful of UV rays than if you weren't number the AAD says should But, an SPF of 15 blocks 93 wearing any sunscreen at all. be applied to any exposed skin. percent rays. an SPF of 50 is [50 only 5 percent more effective!' La Roche-Posay Anthelios 30 Ultra Light Sunscreen Lotion Spray, $35.50, The FDA is looking to cap SPF at 50+ because of "insufficient data that products above this amount provide additional protection. " Rodan + Fields Un blemish Oil Control Lotion SPF 20, $28, rodanandfields. com Eau Thermale Avene High Protection Cream SPF 50. $21, I LA ROCHE-POSAY LA80RATOlRE DER,MATOlOGIQUE EAt'THERMALE Avene Haute protection High protection Creme - Cream BROAD SPECTRUM SPF30 ANTHELIOS 30 ".....,.,•• ul<~_~ ULTRA LIGHT SUNSCREEN LOTION SPRAY rot;absorbing,silkyfinish Even coverage Ad,,~Prot«tion Ci3§!,-&Jj:!i§!.g UYAiUVB'" "There is value in using a low SPF, but only for going from work to home-not to sit outside all day," says Dr. Lima-Maribona. ANTIOXIDANT "I always recommend 3o-nothing less," says Dr. Jhin. Peovx jrtiolerortles FCfil'OOleron1sJ:i1'l ...;.o.u£V1•••. ":)Ut tc.f ~OI .- "It's been shown that, after 30, the increased sun protection is very minimal," says Dr. Jhin. C::PDII\Ir. 701? N~WP.!='AIITV I nqq