BROAD STREET BANNER - Broad Street Church of Christ
BROAD STREET BANNER - Broad Street Church of Christ
BROAD STREET BANNER March 25, 2015 BROAD STREET CHURCH OF CHRIST VOL. XXX NO. 12 From Where I Sit . . . “Some Things That Teachers Like In Parents” n our effort to make our Bible Classes at Broad Street better all the way around, several things have been in the making. A curriculum committee was appointed to search for and make recommendations to our Elders for a curriculum that is Bible centered and user friendly for both teachers and students. In September we began a quarter of tracking membership participation in the Bible Class program at Broad Street on Sundays and Wednesdays. For a while our numbers did increase for Sunday classes, and they continued to hold good on Sunday nights and Wednesday nights. We consistently have a much smaller participation in Sunday classes than we do at Sunday night worship or Wednesday night classes. This is an area we can improve on, and not to let down on increasing those numbers at all our services. The Elders are reviewing other ways we can improve our teaching program at Broad Street. I I want to share with all our readers some things that teachers like to see in parents: 1. Parents who attend Bible School regularly. 2. Parents who help their children attend regularly. 3. Parents who speak well of the Bible classes, pointing out the good things; parents who boost rather than knock. (If you see a problem, talk to the teacher privately). 4. Parents who help their children be in class ON TIME. 5. Parents who are fair-minded, agreeable, and unselfishly helpful to the teacher with all classroom problems. 6. Parents who appreciate the efforts of others to help their children and express their appreciation. 7. Parents who are real partners with class teachers in the world’s greatest work – that of causing people to think, choose, act, and feel the way that is pleasing to the Lord. 8. Parents who set a time to help their children get their Bible lessons. 9. Parents who maintain discipline in the home so the teacher will have less discipline problems in class. 10. Parents who teach their children the proper attitude of worship, both in the class and in public worship. . . . . Terry Broome March 25, 2015 BROAD STREET CHURCH OF CHRIST Please pray for our sick and remember them with cards, calls and visits.— Sonny Robertson is in CCU at Huntsville Hospital. He is now off of the ventilator. He is still undergoing tests. Billy Burney had surgery on his neck yesterday at Crestwood Hospital. He will have to undergo another surgery on his neck and back soon. He is feeling some better and was to c ome home from the hospital today. Patsy Wilson fell and cracked 3 bones in her foot last Sunday. She is having to wear a cast. Please pray for her. Edna Strickland is now at Cumberland Health for rehab following recent colon surgery. She will be there about a week. Buzz Alley is scheduled to undergo heart ablation on April 8th at Huntsville Hospital. Please pray for Buzz and for a successful surgery. Amy Sanford Roebuck has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and is undergoing chemo treatments. Her address is 682 Shirey Road, Henegar, AL 35978. Betty Williamson has been moved to Cumberland Health & Rehab, 47065 AL Hway 277, Bridgeport, AL 35740. Please remember her in your prayers. Barbara Harville had foot surgery on March 9th and may possibly lose a toe. She will know more this week. Please keep her in your prayers. Her address is 1671 Pinehurst Lane, Killen, AL 35645. Gene Marable, Jr., friend of friend of David Precise, has been diagnosed with cancer in both lungs. Our prayers are requested. Becky Proctor, daughter of Izella Proctor, is now home and doing much better. LONG-TERM PRAYER LIST Judy Roberts Eva Latham John D. Porch Tangie Grant LaNelle Caudle Larue Anderson Ruth Gray Nancy Miles Ellen Brown Eli Woods Billy Burney Nellie Spring Harold Reynolds Cleo Williamson Mickey Thornton Robert Thedford, brother-in-law of Ernie Brockway. Hudson Colwell, grandson of Martha Pendley. Johnny Breccia, brother of Aurora Holcomb & Elane Bagley, 903 Co. Rd. 25, Crossville, AL 35962. John Weldon, father-in-law of Beth Parks Weldon Kay Peake, 6758 Co. Rd. 8, Woodville, 35776. Paulette Helms, sister-in-law of Margaret Crawford, 1084 Bob VOL. XXIX NO. 12 Jones Rd., Scottsboro, 35769. Tammie Zwick, niece of Marge Rice, 9916 Georgetown Rd., Louisville, Ohio, 44641. Tanya Jones Gibbons, g randdaughter of Anne Crittendon, 4615 Danson Way, Delray, FL 33445. Dawn Williams, a friend of several in the congregation, Erlanger Hospital. Truman Roberts , brother of Roxie Wright, is 5942 Co. Rd. 83, Pisgah, AL 35765. Glenda Sanders, sister of Betty Cloud (former member of the Bridgeport congregation), 1114 Ridgedale Rd, Scottsboro, 35768. Beverly Strange, Shands Ho s p ital, 1515 SW Archer Rd., South Tower, Rm. 7104, Gainesville, FL 32608. Roy Guess, brother-in-law of Haro ld & Linda Reynolds, 986 Co. Rd. 258, Stevenson, AL 35772. Lila Duncan, 2 1/2 yr. old granddaughter of George Parks, 517 Baxter Lane, Nashville, TN 37220. Jackie Brumley, Jo Reed’s mother, Windsor Place Rehab Center, 81 Windsor Blvd., Room 210 B, Columbus, MS, 39702. Kristy D’Auria, 301 Veterans Dr.,Scottsboro, AL 35768. Jo Ray, Belmon t Village, 6605 Quail Hollow Rd., Room 251, Memphis, TN 38120. Candace Brown, sister of Jeremy Paschal. Ken Lawrence, Jr.,4117 Woods Cove Rd., Scottsboro, AL 35768. Taylor Whitmire, grand-daughter of Robin Taylor. Mary Pioli, friend of Jacob & Debra Kime. Joe & Betty D’Auria & family. Fountain Walker, friend of Ernie & Paula Foster, his address is 611 Carlisle Cutoff, Boaz, Al. 35495. Zack Laney, 4003 Madison Dr., Unit D, Killeen, TX 76543 LT Jordan Holt, VP5, PSC 480 Box 1113, FPO AP 96370-0012 NURSING HOME RESIDENTS & HOMEBOUND: Sue Grider, Jean Hanco ck, Bob & Ruth Harrington, Mary Sheppard, Red & Edna Strickland, Joan Willard, Betty Williamson Calendar of Upcoming Events— March 26 — S.L.A.W. group meeting, MPR, 11:00 a.m. April 3-5 — L2L Convention, Nashville April 10 — Classics, MPR, 6 p.m. April 18 — L2L Banquet, MPR, 6 p.m. April 19 — Elders/Deacons meeting, chapel, 4:45 p.m. March 25 March 28 April 1 April 12 — — — — L2L Puppet Practice, MPR, 5-7 p.m. L2L Sr. High Puppet Practice, MPR, 10-noon. L2L Puppet Practice, MPR, 5-7 p.m. Area-wide Devo at Meridianville church of Christ March 25, 2015 One Measure Of Our Love BROAD STREET CHURCH OF CHRIST VOL. XXIX NO. 12 PUPPET PROGRAM - March 29, 2015 Wed. Bible Study. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148 Sunday Bible Study. . . . . . . . . . . . 174 Sun. A.M. Worship .. . . . . . . . . . . 265 Sun. Night Worship.. . . . . . . . . . . 167 Contribution. . . . . . . . . . . . $5390.01 Budget.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $6953.00 Noah/Be Prepared Gen. 6-9 Narrator - Joel Gardner Teachers - 2-3 Years - Chantel Shelton - 4-5 Years - Bridget Price - K-2nd - The S.L.A.W. group will have their monthly meeting at 11:00 a.m. in the multi-purpose room on March 26th. Youth as well as any adults that are interested in going to the Annual Youth Rally t hi s S a t urday at Meridianville church of Chr ist should let Joe Manning know by tonight (Wed.) He will be taking the van if there is anyone attending. The rally will be from 9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. with lunch provided. Lonnie Jones and Craig Evans will be speaking along with four different devo sessions and lots of great singing. Joe’s phone number is 256244-0849 if you need to call him for more information. Also, Meridianville will host the next Area-Wide Devo on April 12 t h . Please sign up on the bulletin board if you would like to go! On Wednesday night, April 1st, a special Ladies’ Class will meet in the chapel to support the girls that will be attending the upcoming L2L convention. These girls will be leading the class in songs of praise a nd reading scriptures. Please plan to come. Anyone that wanted the lessons from the recent Ladies’ Retreat, you may pick up a cd from the basket in the west foyer. If you would rather receive them via email, please give your email address to Beverly Precise and they will be forwarded to you. A Christian is an ambassador who speaks for the King of kings. - 3rd-6th - Cynthia Nance Puppets - Rebecca Gardner, Tim Allen - Holly Cobb, Marty Cobb, Alicia Woods - Brent Cornelison Care Group 5 met for a fellowship breakfast. The group set a goal of $400.00 to be given to the Romanian Mission Effort. Donations can be made to the church marked Romanian Mission Fund. Donations can also be given to Jim/Ellen Brown or Johnny/Judy McCrary. The Harringtons are busy purchasing supplies and would appreciate your help. AREA EVENTS ! 32nd Annual Cullman County Congregational Acappella Singing, March 27, 7-9 p.m. ! Annual Youth Rally, Meridianville church of Christ, March 28, 9 a.m.-3 p.m., lunch provided. ! 17th Annual Gospel Singing, Austinville church of Christ, Decatur, M.C. Tim Holland, April 17, 7:00 p.m. 574-5185 574-2793 DEACONS Russell Alley Ernie Brockway David Crawford Tom Hancock Joe Manning Lee Rice William Underwood Dave Bagley Jo Reed Brumley David Dover Euyless Holcomb Bill Parks Scott Roberts Russell Wilhelm Rick Baird Marty Cobb Joel Gardner Roger Kime David Precise TERRY BROOME, Minister. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 575-2454 E-mail address. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OFFICE PHONES. . . . . . . 574-2489 & 259-6162 Fax 259-5057 E-mail address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Our Web Site:. . . . . . . . SCHEDULE OF SERVICES WORSHIP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sunday 9:55 A.M. and 6:00 P.M. BIBLE STUDY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sunday 9:00 A.M. and Wednesday 7:00P.M. LADIES BIBLE CLASS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tuesday 10:00 A.M. Those to Serve. . . SUNDAY, March 29, 2015 Announcements: Brad Wilhelm Song Leader: Mark Price Prayer: Bill Vinson Serve at the Lord’s Table: Presiding: Trey Russell 1W- Tim Allen 1E- Jo Reed Brumley 2W- Dave Precise 2E- Trey Russell 3W- Scott Roberts 3E- Trent McCormack 4W- David Precise 4E- Sonny Robertson 5W- Robin Shelton 5E- Jeremy Paschal Closing Prayer: C. B. Laney Nursery: Donna Pace & Lisa Porch Ushers: *Labron Phillips Larry Laney Grady Gattis Joel Gardner *Assist Russell Alley with Building Security during AM & PM Elders in library after A.M.: Brad Wilhelm & Tommy Bellomy P.M. SERVICE: Song Leader: Jim Brown Scripture: Grady Gattis Prayer: Bill Vinson Lord's Supper: Tim Allen & Scott Roberts Closing Prayer: Larry Laney WEDNESDAY BIBLE STUDY: Scripture: David Precise Song Leader: Tres Sanford Invitation: Terry Broome Prayer: Jim Brown CONTACT ELDER: Brad Wilhelm OPEN & CLOSE BUILDING FOR THE MONTH: March-Russell Alley & April-David Bagley COMMUNION TO SHUT-INS Pat Russell If you are unable to serve, please call: Euyless Holcomb 609-0057 -or- Dave Bagley 609-6468 The Learning Center Pre-School (Infants - 4 yrs.) Debra Wilhelm, Director " 259-0005 Requires First Class Stamp Here JACK CAUDLE BRAD WILHELM The Word of God (the Bible) never changes. If you go to worship to hear something other than His Word, You have gone for the wrong reason. If you hear something other, You are at the wrong place. 574-3573 259-0800 BROAD STREET BANNER Published Weekly By The Church of Christ 613 S. Broad Street Scottsboro, AL 35768-1709 ELDERS TOMMY BELLOMY PAT RUSSELL
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