Jesse Duplantis - Cornerstone Christian School


Jesse Duplantis - Cornerstone Christian School
April 2014 Vol.11/No.4
sharing his memorable mix of
strong, biblical preaching and
hilarious life lessons
with Cornerstone Church.
Join us and
make your
voice heard!
Guys Night Out!
Retired professional
wrestler, Shawn Michaels,
joined Guys Night Out for an
evening filled with food, fun
and fellowship.
2014 Washington Summit
Join us July 21-22, 2014 in
Washington, D.C. for our
9th Annual CUFI Summit
JOY- Vacation Bible School
Time to register for three
days of incredible fun,
entertainment and growth
in Biblical knowledge.
(June 10th, 11th & 12th)
Fusion Winter Camp
2014 was Fantastic!
Pastor Jon and Chantel
Norman, from Hillsong
Church, brought Holy Spiritinspired messages and the
power of God to our middle
school youth at Tarpley.
Cornerstone Christian Schools
Spring Open House
see page 8 for details
I n C e l e b r at i o n o f
Pastor Hagee’s
Fun Day
At Cornerstone Retreat Center
in Tarpley, Texas - Saturday, April 12, 2014
12:00 noon – 6:00 pm
served from 12:00 noon to 2:00 pm
Tickets sold in the Narthex on Sunday and
Monday-Friday at the Special Events office
8:30 a.m.- 5:00 p.m.
Children’s Rides, Canoeing, Horseback
and Pony Rides, Fishing, Paddle Boats,
Volleyball, Basketball, Inflatables or simply
relax under a shade tree.
Featuring the
Blue Skyz Bluegrass Band
Join us as we celebrate Pastor Hagee’s
birthday with lots of FAMILY FUN in the Texas
Hill country. Something for Everyone!
For more information, call Special Events at (210) 499-1669
A pri l VO L . 1 1 / NO . 4
A Supernatural Birth. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 05
By Karen Parks
Jesse Duplantis Recap. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 05
Iglesia Cornerstone/When a Dream Becomes a Nightmare . . . . . . . . . . . . . 06
Government of Twelve: Tribe of GAD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 07
Church Office & Pastoral Ministries Hours:
M–Th 8:30am–5:30pm
Weekly Schedule
Sunday Services, 8:30 & 11:00am, 6:30pm
Sunday School, 10:00am
Sunday Spanish Service, 2:00pm
Publishers: Pastor John and Diana Hagee
Editors: Pastor Matthew Hagee, Tina Ketterling,
Kathy Rudkin, Alan Hulme, Jodee Welch,
Tish Tucker
Design: Kathy Rudkin, Alan Belcher,
Irene Maag-Hernandez, Olga Garcés
Logo Design: Asaf Cuellar
Photography: Paul Wharton, Michelle Gorden,
Jennifer Jennings
Produced by: Rudkin Productions, Boerne, Texas
Cornerstone Christian Schools/Administration
Patient Prayers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 08
By Dr. Jerry Eshleman - Superintendent, Cornerstone Christian Schools
High School Youth Ministry:
Living with Perseverance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
By Luis (Nino) Gonzalez
College & Career Ministry:
Pulling the Fuse: Preventing the Explosion of Resentment and Revenge. . 11
By Pastor Michael Fernandez
Diana’s Dishes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
By Diana Hagee
Guys Night Out with Shawn Michaels. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
April. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
May. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
children’s ministries
Early Childhood Education & Ministries
Curriculum for Toddlers through Kindergarten. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Cornerstone Kids
Introducing Two New Ministry Coordinators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Ministering to the Spiritual Needs of Children
1st-5th Grade Sunday Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Sunday School Mission Update. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
youth ministries
Middle School
FUSION: Winter Camp 2014 Was Fantastic!. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
FUSION: Updates/Weekly Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Pastor John and
Diana Hagee
Pastor Matthew and
Kendal Hagee
Circulation: Mailed free of charge to contributors
and community. Additional copies $3.00 each.
Correspondence: 18755 Stone Oak Parkway,
San Antonio, Texas 78258
All services offered in Spanish and sign language.
Contact Numbers
Cornerstone Church.................................... 490-1600
Adult Ministries........................................... 477-1550
CCS Elementary........................................... 979-6161
CCS Secondary............................................. 979-9203
CCS Kinder Campus..................................... 499-1500
Children’s Ministry...................................... 499-1706
Discover The Difference.............................. 493-9560
Early Childhood Ministries.......................... 499-1607
Evangelistic Center...................................... 733-5259
Government of Twelve............................... 499-1770
Lost & Found Bibles.................................... 499-1615
Spanish Ministry (Iglesia Cornerstone)...... 499-1654
JHM/TV Ministry......................................... 494-3900
College & Career Ministry........................... 499-1742
Joshua’s Generation.................................... 499-1615
Mother’s Day Out....................................... 499-1737
Music............................................................ 499-1620
Pastoral Ministries...................................... 493-9535
Personnel..................................................... 499-1732
Prayer Line................................................... 491-5100
Security........................................................ 499-1735
Reconciliation/Encounters.......................... 499-1624
Special Events/Banquet Services................ 499-1669
High School Youth Ministry........................ 499-1705
Visual and Performing Arts Department... 499-1619
A P R I L 2014 | C O R NE R S T O N E M A G A Z I NE
$15 Adult Ticket
$10 Child Ticket 10 years and under
Tickets may be purchased on Sunday in the Narthex
and Monday-Friday at the Special Events office 8:30-5:00.
For more information call 210.499.1669
A Supernatural
by Karen Parks
Did you know that if you are a believer, if you have prayed
asking God to forgive you of your sins and asked Jesus to be
your Lord and Savior, on the inside you are perfect. I’m not
talking about your physical insides, I’m talking about your
spirit. As Pastor Hagee has taught us, we are triune beings:
spirit, soul and body. We are spirit beings, with a soul and
we have a physical body, an earth suit. Once you pray asking
Jesus to be your Savior, you are born again. Remember
when Nicodemus came to talk to Jesus in John 3? Jesus told
him, “unless one is born of water (physically) and the Spirit
(spiritually) he cannot enter the kingdom of God.” In John
1:12-13 it says this, “But as many as received Him, to them
He gave the right to become children of God, to those who
believe in His name: who were born not of blood, nor of the
will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.” Did you
get that? Praying that prayer caused a supernatural rebirth
of your spirit. You were born OF GOD! Let that sink in for
a minute. Just like being born physically, we have DNA and
characteristics of our flesh and blood parents, we who have
been born of God have characteristics and the spiritual
DNA of our Father God! At that moment His Spirit came to
live inside you. We read in John 15:26 who the Holy Spirit
is: Comforter, Counselor, Helper, Advocate, Intercessor,
Strengthener, Standby. In John 16 we can read a further job
description of what the Holy Spirit does, one of which is
guiding us into all truth. God’s Spirit is living inside you!
He’s there to help you, to intercede for you, to comfort
you, to be your advocate to the Father, to strengthen you
when you are weak, and be your standby when you need
that extra umph! You’re not just here on earth trying to do
what’s right or come up with a good plan for success in your
own strength. No! His Spirit lives in you. The Apostle Paul
said we are to be lead by the Holy Spirit. So quit trying to
do it on your own. Yield to God’s Spirit inside you and let
Him guide you into your destiny.
March 9
Sunday Service 6:30 pm
Jesse Duplantis is one of the most
unique and beloved ministers of his
generation. He shares a memorable
mixture of strong, biblical teachings
in churches and convention centers
worldwide; spreading the Gospel of
Jesus Christ in a way that is reaching
people and changing lives.
A P R I L 2014 | C O R NE R S T O N E M A G A Z I NE
When a dream,
becomes a
espite the fact that I had planned for a perfect marriage, my dreams
turned into a nightmare. After five years of living together with two
kids, we realized that our home life was total chaos. Our house was
not a home. Instead of love and laughter, it was filled with domestic violence,
alcoholism and infidelity…just in time to find out we were expecting our third
As a mother, I had the responsibility to provide the best for my children; but my
relationship with my husband was not as perfect as I had planned. I experienced
bitterness, pain, depression and a lot of sadness. We were attending a local
church, but never found the help we truly needed. We knew about God, but we
didn’t know Him. There were times when I completely lost hope. Then, one day
I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior, and I started to write a new vision
for my marriage (as found in Habakkuk 2-3). My husband had left me. But I
continued to pray, believing that my marriage could be fixed.
My husband finally returned home and we started over from ground zero. We
asked each other for forgiveness and started following God’s commandments as
a married couple, committing ourselves to God for the rest of our lives. God has
restored our relationship completely and replaced our bitterness with love. He
has relieved us of the pain of our past and made us new again in Him.
Today we are parents of seven children, completely blessed beyond measure. I
am not sure what my life would be like without my husband, and I think God
for restoring our home to where it should be as a covenant bond through Christ
There is nothing that God cannot do! No problem is too big or small!
— Jacky
y wife, CJ, and I are truly blessed to serve at
Cornerstone Church. Many of our blessings have
come through the Government of Twelve Small
Group Bible Study which has been a part of my life since
I was 17. My parents were Home Ministry leaders on the
south side of San Antonio, and I grew up in our Friday
night Bible Study. Even though I attended college out of
state and was stationed overseas, Cornerstone has always
been my home church. CJ and I met overseas; I was in
the Army and she was in the Air Force. We were married
in 1987 at Fort Sam Houston’s Gift Chapel and became
Cornerstone members that same year, joining a cell group
in our neighborhood.
After being gone for so long, we were made to feel right
at home. In 1989, we moved into my parent’s home and
attended the school of leadership. Afterwards, we inherited
my mom and dad’s Small Group Bible Study! People I had
known for years were still there; teenagers had grown up
and had families of their own. It was as if we had never
missed a beat.
God was evident in that little Bible Study in our home,
but we were still a military family, and a few years later we
were transferred to Germany. We found ourselves on a base
without a non-denominational, Spirit-filled service and no
Bible studies, but we did find Spirit-filled believers in our
housing units and began meeting in our home with just four
families. Word got out and we soon had over ten families.
We wrote back to Cornerstone, asking for advice and
materials. In one year, we saw God open three more Bible
Study groups on three different nights so that everyone
could attend. Our retirement in 1997 brought us back to
San Antonio and our Cornerstone family. CJ began working
in Adult Ministries as the department secretary and we
continued to volunteer as facilitators for the SAVIOR class
(as well as every ministry our children were involved in and
Small Group Bible Study).
I was ordained here at Cornerstone in 2007 and am serving
as the Director of Pastoral Ministries. We are still involved
with the SAVIOR and The Crossing Programs and are now
leading the Tribe of Gad.
We have a Bible Study Group in our home, a direct
reflection of the Tribe of GAD as a whole: very diverse. We
have families with children of all ages, singles and seniors.
Yes, we study the Word of God, but we are about lasting
relationships and finding places for all of us to minister.
Many of our Bible Study members are actively involved
as volunteers in other ministries throughout Cornerstone.
Cell Groups remind me so much of how the Church first
started. Acts 2:42 gives us a clear description of what a cell
group should be like, “And they continued steadfastly in the
apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread,
and in prayers.”
Cornerstone has never been a “big” church to us because
of the Small Group Bible Study. We were made to feel
welcome in small fellowships with people of like faith. We
have grown under the teachings of Pastor Hagee, and have
flourished with people who love the Lord in our homes with
a Bible in one hand and fried chicken in the other. Small
Group Bible Study members visit each other in the hospital,
share our victories and stand side-by-side through tough
times. In a Small Group Bible Study, everyone ministers to
one another; we learn each other’s needs so we can strive
to meet them. We are a FAMILY. If you are not currently
a part of a Small Group Bible Study, we would love to have
you join us.
Tribe Leaders
Art & CJ
A P R I L 2014 | C O R NE R S T O N E M A G A Z I NE
by Dr. Jerry Eshleman
- Superintendent of Cornerstone Christian Schools
f you have ever driven with small children for any real
distance you no doubt have heard those four dreaded words,
“Are we there yet?” They are asked over and over and over
again. We may start the trip by responding with something like,
“No sweetie, not yet.” As the same question keeps coming it then
moves to a response such as, “No we’re not there yet. You’ll know
when we get there.” The odometer rolls over a little more and
your responses end up sounding like, “I said don’t ask me again!
You ask me again and I will turn this car around right now and
we can go straight home!”
Sometimes we as parents can be just as impatient with what we
want to see in our homes and with our children. Many times we
pray and expect God to bless our homes right now. Maybe we
have prayed something specific for our child and have expected
it to happen that moment. Our fear is that total calamity will fall
upon our home or overtake our child unless Jesus comes to our
aid that minute. Well, you’re not the first one to feel that way.
John 11 gives us a great example of some folks who felt the very
same thing. Let’s take a look.
The Credentials Vs 1-3: This isn’t just any random person. This
was Lazarus! He was the brother of some ladies Jesus knew well.
The passage reads, “Now a man named Lazarus was sick. He was
from Bethany, the village of Mary and her sister Martha. (This
Mary, whose brother Lazarus now lay sick, was the same one
who poured perfume on the Lord and wiped his feet with her
hair.) So the sisters sent word to Jesus, ‘Lord, the one you love is
sick.’ ” Lazarus’ sister essentially communicated to Jesus just like
you or I have done. Maybe you have felt He has forgotten you
and you start out trying to remind Him who you are, what need
you have.
The “Care” vs 4-7: After bringing our need to God, we generally
expect Him to move right then. When He doesn’t, we can feel
like we have been forgotten. Take a look at His response in our
passage. “When He heard this, Jesus said, ‘This sickness will not
end in death. No, it is for God’s glory so that God’s Son may be
glorified through it.’”
Now Jesus loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus. So when
He heard that Lazarus was sick, He stayed where He was two
more days, and then He said to His disciples, ‘Let us go back to
Judea.’” Wait a second, God heard my prayer and He didn’t come
running to my aid? God knows our need and He will be glorified
in all things. I love how, in this passage, John reminds us that
even though He delayed His immediate response to the need
He, “loved Martha, and her sister and Lazarus.” Waiting does not
mean He doesn’t love you. It doesn’t mean He is ignoring your
child’s need.
The Commentary vs. 14: We end up hearing the sad news. “So
then He told them plainly, ‘Lazarus is dead, and for your sake
I am glad I was not there, so that you may believe. But let us
go to him.’” Notice though Lazarus actually DID die. The family
DID feel pain and grief. He NEVER promised we would not
experience those things. Note that He also didn’t sweep in at the
last moment and save Lazarus as he drew his last breath. When
it comes to you and your children, there is no scenario too bad,
no situation too dark, no location too far, no time too late that
God can’t fix it.
When we as parents and caregivers pray, we must do so with
faith. Faith sees the invisible, feels the intangible and believes for
the impossible. Faith-filled prayers see life independent of time
constraints. God can do ANYTHING! Can God trust you with
silence? Can God trust you with delay? Can God trust you to still
love Him even when you actually FEEL pain, suffering or loss? At
Cornerstone Christian Schools, we desire our students to know
God’s timing is perfect. He knows their need. Are we modeling
patient prayers or do our children see us wringing our hands and
being snippy or on-edge when we are faced with adversity? Be a
warrior for your child. Make sure they know God has heard your
prayers. He will always come through!
Cornerstone Christian Schools
Spring Open House
Tuesday, April 22nd
5:30-7:30 p.m.
4802 Vance Jackson
Now enrolling K4-12th grade!
Tour the school, meet faculty and staff, and gain valuable
admissions and tuition assistance information.
Elementary: (210) 979-6161 | Secondary: (210) 979-9203
Kinder Campus Open Tours
Every Friday! No appointment necessary!
8:30-11:30 a.m. & 12:30-3:30 p.m.
18755 Stone Oak Parkway
Now registering for Summer Camps!
Open to the public!
b y Lu i s ( N i n o ) G on z a l e Z
with Perseverance
Perseverance isn’t the most popular action to practice, but it’s
a quality God wants to produce in our lives.
James 1:12 says, “Blessed is the one who perseveres
under trial because, having stood the test, that person
will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised
to those who love him.”
Whether we like perseverance or not, it is a prerequisite to
reaching our goals and ultimately receiving the crown of life
when we join our Creator in heaven.
What does it mean to have perseverance? One definition
describes it as: The continued effort to do or achieve
something despite difficulties, failure or opposition.
Perseverance is the attitude that says, “No matter what
life throws at me I’m going to push through it!” This is the
attitude Jesus had while here on earth.
Hebrews 12:2 says, “For the joy set before him he (Jesus)
endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at
the right hand of the throne of God.”
Jesus persevered through the circumstances He encountered
because He knew the future was far greater than His current
James 1:2-4 says, “Consider it pure joy, my brothers
and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds,
because you know that the testing of your faith produces
perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you
may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.”
2. Adjust to obstacles:
We’re going to face obstacles in life. The best thing we can do
when we encounter them is to adjust and ask God to see us
Proverbs 22:3 says, “The prudent see danger and take
refuge, but the simple keep going and pay the penalty.”
3. Abide in Patience:
How can we develop perseverance?
Patience is one of the most important tools in developing
perseverance. We must consider the process God is taking
us through, believing that the end is always better than the
James 5:7-8 says, “Be patient, then, brothers and sisters,
until the Lord’s coming. See how the farmer waits for the
land to yield its valuable crop, patiently waiting for the
autumn and spring rains. You too, be patient and stand
firm, because the Lord’s coming is near.”
1. Accept the unchangeable:
Luis (Nino) Gonzalez
The reality is we won’t be able to change everything we
don’t like. Oftentimes we try to change circumstances or
people, becoming exhausted in the process. Have you ever
considered why God doesn’t allow those circumstances or
people to change? Perhaps He is using them to bring about a
change in you.
Associate Youth Pastor, High School Youth Ministry
Pulling the Fuse:
Preventing the Explosion
of Resentment & Revenge
By Pastor Michael Fernandez
bomb can’t be detonated without a lit fuse.
Unforgiveness, resentment and revenge can’t explode
in our hearts if we choose to extinguish it before it
ignites. Without a doubt, there will be times in our lives where
we will be offended, hurt or even betrayed. These are things
we may not be able to prevent.
Despite not being able to prevent these negative things
from occurring, we can choose a positive response. I’m not
suggesting to ignore pain or disappointment, as much as I’m
suggesting that allowing these things to explode in our lives
will only provide dangerous and negative effects.
Forgiveness is a choice to release people from the offending
action over our lives. It provides new-found joy and freedom
for our future.
Here are three ways to “Pull the Fuse” (taken from the life of
1) Choose Not To Harbor Resentfulness. Genesis 50:15
“When Joseph’s brothers saw that their father was dead,
they said, ‘What if Joseph holds a grudge against us and
pays us back for all the wrongs we did to him?’”
Joseph’s brothers acted out of hatred when they sold Joseph
into slavery and they knew they did a number of things
wrong. They understood that Joseph had every right to harbor
resentfulness and this scared them; but Joseph’s response was
to show love and kindness to them. Elizabeth Gilbert said, “As
smoking is to lungs, so is resentment to the soul; even one
puff is bad for you.” Since we choose our response toward
offenses, we must be sure to remember the mercies of God
upon our lives.
light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do
that. I have decided to stick to love...Hate is too great a burden
to bear.” The Bible doesn’t say this was easy for Joseph, but it
does show us his heart.
3) Get Rid of Negative Bombs (Attitudes) Ephesians 4:31-32
“Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and
slander, along with every form of malice. Be kind and
compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as
in Christ God forgave you.”
Getting rid of negative attitudes and actions is an event that
is expected of all believers. It is an individual and personal
responsibility to ensure that the bombs of negativity, rage and
anger be extinguished. Negative attitudes produce negative
actions. However, we are instructed to choose kindness,
compassion and a forgiving attitude towards others.
Like a bomb cannot explode without a fuse, so is the death of
resentment and revenge when we choose to love and forgive
as Christ has done for us. Young Adults, we challenge you to
walk away from explosive attitudes and events in life with the
help of the Holy Spirit. As Joseph was blessed, so will we be
when we choose not be resentful, and love when it seems like
we should not.
In Your Corner,
Michael Fernandez
2) Love Even When We Don’t Have To. Genesis 50:17
“This is what you are to say to Joseph: I ask you to forgive
your brothers the sins and the wrongs they committed in
treating you so badly. Now please forgive the sins of the
servants of the God of your father. When their message
came to him Joseph wept.”
Joseph wept because of his love for his brothers, not because
of the missed opportunity to retaliate. Joseph chose to love his
brothers rather than lose them to unforgiveness, resentment
and revenge. Martin Luther King, Jr. appropriately wrote
about hatred, “Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only
A P R I L 2014 | C OR N E R S T ONE M A GA Z I NE
Diana’s Dishes
I love the springtime when we can head
outside and enjoy the backyard. Like every
season at our house, we relish the time we
have with our children and grandchildren,
and have them over often to enjoy dinner
al fresco on the back porch. Easter is
especially enjoyable because the weather
is nice and we can fill a piñata with candy
and watch the grandchildren comb the
yard for sugary treats…and then send
them home with their parents.
We also enjoy the traditional cascarones
which are the egg shells stuffed with
confetti that the babies enjoy cracking
over each other’s heads. But whatever the
event, big or small, I love to be outside
when the weather permits. All you need
to do to host an outdoor party is set up
a table with a nice cloth and put some
simple flowers in the center. You can even
use your dessert as a centerpiece if you
wish. The idea is to just enjoy the time
together and to give God thanks for the
blessings He has so richly bestowed upon
each and every one of us.
As we celebrate Palm Sunday and Easter,
we are reminded that Christ is risen. The
beauty of the Cross is that He became our
redeemer, washing us whiter than snow.
The beauty of the grave is that it is empty.
Our redeemer lives!
So, take the time to celebrate this great
life He has given us. We have much for
which to be thankful! Try out a few of my
personal recipes that I’m including here
today and mix them with your own. Invite
your friends and loved ones over and enjoy
the great outdoors! A delicious meal with
loved ones is definitely a precious treat!
Ham with Biscuits & Honey
This is where I cheat. Purchase
your favorite honey ham and
prepare according to directions if
not already cooked. You can either
prepare frozen biscuits from the
store or purchase ready-made
biscuits from your favorite bakery.
Place the sliced ham on a platter.
(I like to buy a second smaller ham
and use as a centerpiece in the
center of the platter.) Place biscuits
in a cloth-napkin-lined basket and
serve with honey.
Party Punch
• 1 6-oz. can frozen orange juice
• 2 6-oz. cans frozen limeade
• 2 6-oz. cans frozen lemonade
• 1 46-oz. can pineapple juice
• 2 cups cranberry juice
• 4 cups water
• 2 quarts ginger ale
• 2 cups club soda
Combine orange juice, limeade,
lemonade, pineapple juice,
cranberry juice and water. Chill
until ready to serve. Add small
chunks of pineapple for refreshing
texture. Add ginger ale and club
soda. Makes 7 quarts.
Twice Baked Potatoes
• 6 large baking potatoes
(baked and coarsely mashed)
• ¼ cup butter (cut in small cubes)
• ¼ cup heavy cream
• 1 cup of shredded cheddar cheese
•4 slices of cooked bacon
(drained and crumbled)
• 1 tablespoon of green onion
(finely diced)
• ½ cup sour cream
• ½ teaspoon salt
• ¼ teaspoon pepper
Combine potatoes and all other
ingredients and pour mixture into
buttered 2-quart casserole dish. Bake
at 350-degrees for 20 – 30 minutes.
Serves 8.
A P R I L 2014 | C OR N E R S T ONE M A GA Z I NE
Mother Daughter Banquet
Back to Broadway
Saturday, May 10
Bythel Hagee Life Center
10:00am • Photo Reception
11:00am – 2:00pm • Banquet
Guest Speaker Cheryl Morrison
Fashion Show, Gourmet Meal and all
the glamour and glitz of Broadway!
Wear your best Sunday hat!
Tickets $20 Adults $10 Children 10 yrs & under
– Tickets are Non-refundable –
Available in the Narthex on Sundays
and at the Special Events Office
Monday – Friday
Sponsored byMA
G AZI N E | AP RI L 2 0 1 4
For more information call 210-499-1669
Shawn Michaels
Retired professional wrestler, Shawn Michaels, joined us for
Guy’s Night Out in February for a night filled with food, fun
and fellowship. Shawn is not only currently signed to WWE,
but he serves as an ambassador to the company and is a
special event referee. He has been featured in numerous
pay-per-view wrestling matches over the past four decades
as well as closed out WrestleMania five times. All of this
worldwide recognition, and Shawn Michaels is proud to say
that his heart and his family belong to Jesus Christ, his Lord
and Savior.
Shawn joined the men of Cornerstone Church to talk about
his Christian walk while the men enjoyed a delicious, multicourse meal courtesy of our fabulous Events Department.
Cornerstone Church is home to many wonderful events that
are life-changing, and the night spent with Shawn Michaels
was no exception.
Taking his time to enjoy the crowd and make friendly banter,
Shawn Michaels posed for pictures with young and old fans
alike. The evening was fun and relaxed, a pleasant time to
be spent with those of like-minded faith.
If you haven’t yet joined us for a Guy’s Night Out event, please
call the church at 210-490-1600 and check our calendar. We
have some great people on the calendar that want to share
the love of the Lord with you over a delicious steak dinner.
What could be better than that?! These nights of fellowship
will encourage and uplift you. There is no better place to come
than the house of the Lord to make new friends.
A P R I L 2014 | C OR N E R S T ONE M A GA Z I NE
April 2014
•Morning Intercessory
•Mother’s Day Out
•IG Cornerstone
Mujeres en Oración
•Naomi and Ruth
AM Services
8:30 & 11:00 AM
•Sunday School
all ages 10:00 AM
•IG Cornerstone 2:00 PM
•Adult Enconter-Tarpley
•Sunday Night 6:30 PM
Guest Ricardo Sanchez
AM Services
8:30 & 11:00 AM
•Sunday School
all ages 10:00 AM
•IG Cornerstone 2:00 PM
•Sunday Night 6:30 PM
•Meal of the Month
AM Services
8:30 & 11:00 AM
•Sunday School
all ages 10:00 AM
•IG Cornerstone 2:00 PM
•Sunday Night 6:30 PM
Easter Pageant - The
•Morning Intercessory
•Mother’s Day Out
•IG Cornerstone
•Morning Intercessory
•Men’s Mentoring Mtg.
• Morning Intercessory
•Mother’s Day Out
•Reload - High School
Mujeres en Oración
•Joshua’s Generation
Prayer Service
•Morning Intercessory
•Mother’s Day Out
•Reload - High School
•Morning Intercessory
•Mother’s Day Out
•IG Cornerstone Mujeres
•Morning Intercessory
•Ladies Bible Study
•Choir Rehearsal
•IG Cornerstone
•Evening Prayer
•Fusion Service
•Morning Intercessory
•Mother’s Day Out
•IG Cornerstone Mujeres
•Morning Intercessory
•Ladies Bible Study
•Choir Rehearsal
•IG Cornerstone
•Evening Prayer
•Fusion Service
en Oración
& Career Service
•Morning Intercessory
•Mother’s Day Out
•IG Cornerstone Mujeres
•Morning Intercessory
•Ladies Bible Study
•Choir Rehearsal
•IG Cornerstone
•Evening Prayer
•Fusion Service
en Oración
& Career
Big Night
•Blessed Life Dinner
•Morning Intercessory
•IG Young Adults
•Adult Encounter -
•Night w/ My Knight
•IG Young Adults
•Morning Intercessory
•Adult Encounter -
w/ My Knight
•Morning Intercessory
•Family Fun Day at
Tarpley Retreat Center
Fun Night
•Morning Intercessory
•Men’s Mentoring Mtg.
•Guys Night Out
AM Services
•Morning Intercessory
8:30 & 11:00 AM
•Men’s Mentoring Mtg.
•Sunday School
all ages 10:00 AM
•IG Cornerstone 2:00 PM
•Sunday Night 6:30 PM
•Morning Intercessory
•Ladies Bible Study
•Choir Rehearsal
•IG Cornerstone
•Evening Prayer
•Fusion Service
•Morning Intercessory •Ladies Bible Study
•Choir Rehearsal
•Evening Prayer
•Fusion Service
•IG Cornerstone Family
en Oración
•College & Career Service
•Singles with Purpose
•Morning Intercessory
•Mother’s Day Out
•Reload - High School
•Morning Intercessory
•IG Young Adults
•Passover Seder
•Morning Intercessory
•Mother’s Day Out
•Reload - High School
•Morning Intercessory
•IG Young Adults
Midnight Prayer Vigil
•Morning Intercessory
•Super Single Seniors
Game Day
MAY 2014
• Morning Intercessory
•Mother’s Day Out
•Reload - High School
AM Services
orning Intercessory
•Men’s Mentoring Mtg.
8:30 & 11:00 AM
•Sunday School
all ages 10:00 AM
•IG Cornerstone 2:00 PM
•Sunday Night 6:30 PM
•Adult Enconter-Tarpley
AM Services
8:30 & 11:00 AM
•Sunday School
all ages 10:00 AM
•IG Cornerstone 2:00 PM
No Evening Service
AM Services
8:30 & 11:00 AM
•Sunday School
all ages 10:00 AM
•IG Cornerstone 2:00 PM
•Sunday Night 6:30 PM
AM Services
8:30 & 11:00 AM
•Sunday School
all ages 10:00 AM
•IG Cornerstone 2:00 PM
•Sunday Night 6:30 PM
•Meal of the Month
•Morning Intercessory
•Men’s Mentoring Mtg.
Mujeres en Oración
•Naomi & Ruth
•Morning Intercessory
•Ladies Bible Study
•Choir Rehearsal
•Evening Prayer
•Fusion Service
•Morning Intercessory
•Mother’s Day Out
•IG Cornerstone
•Morning Intercessory
•Mother’s Day Out
•IG Cornerstone Mujeres
en Oración
•Joshua Generation
•Prayer Service
•Morning Intercessory
•IG Young Adults
•Adult Encounter -
•Morning Intercessory
•Mother’s Day Out
•Reload - High School
•Morning Intercessory •Ladies Bible Study
•Choir Rehearsal
•Evening Prayer
•Fusion Service
•IG Cornerstone Family
•IG Young Adults
•High School House
•Morning Intercessory
•Mother’s Day Out
•Reload - High School
•Morning Intercessory
•IG Young Adults
•Morning Intercessory
•Adult Encounter -
•Morning Intercessory
•Mother Daughter
•Morning Intercessory
•Super Single Seniors
Game Day
Fun Night
•Morning Intercessory
•Men’s Mentoring Mtg.
•Guys Night Out
•Morning Intercessory
•Mother’s Day Out
•IG Cornerstone Mujeres
•Morning Intercessory
•Ladies Bible Study
•Choir Rehearsal
•IG Cornerstone
•Evening Prayer
•Fusion Service
en Oración
& Career Service
Singles with Purpose
•Morning Intercessory
•Mother’s Day Out
•IG Cornerstone Mujeres
•Morning Intercessory
•Ladies Bible Study
•Choir Rehearsal
•IG Cornerstone
•Evening Prayer
•Fusion Service
en Oración
Life Dinner
& Career
Big Night
•Morning Intercessory
•Mother’s Day Out
•Reload - High School
•Morning Intercessory
•IG Young Adults
•Morning Intercessory
•Mother’s Day Out
•Reload - High School
•Morning Intercessory
•IG Young Adults
Midnight Prayer Vigil
A P R I L 2014 | C OR N E R S T ONE M A GA Z I NE
Education & Ministries
Curriculum for Toddlers
APRIL 2014
MAY 2014
Jesus loves and protects the people who follow Him.
Jesus is the Good Shepherd.
Children will…
Know – Jesus is like a Good Shepherd who loves and
protects His sheep.
Feel – Confident that Jesus, their Shepherd, will always
take good care of them.
Do – Follow and obey Jesus, who will lead and protect
See God shape leaders to shepherd His people through
everyday situations and supernatural events. Our children
will join David as he becomes a man “after God’s own
April 13th – Review Of Jesus Amazes Me!
May 4th – The Vow: Hannah Prays for a Baby.
April 6th – My Sheep
Children will…
Know – God gives all of Jesus’ followers strength to help
and serve others.
Feel – Excited to know that Jesus is God’s special Son.
Do – Remember that Jesus is with them even though they
can’t see Him.
April 20th – Resurrection Sunday! He is Alive!
April 27th – Review of The Resurrection
Bible content: 1 Samuel
Your child will be encouraged to apply biblical truths in
practical ways such as: responding to what God tells them
in the Bible, showing God they love Him wholeheartedly,
trusting God to help them during hard times, and thanking
those people who have done good things for them.
1 Samuel 1
God answered Hannah’s prayers for a baby boy.
May 11th – The Voice: God Calls to Samuel.
1 Samuel 3
The Lord told Samuel to deliver God’s words to others.
May 18th – The Request: Samuel Anoints Saul.
1 Samuel 8-10
God chose Saul to rule His people.
May 25th – The Offering: Saul Disobeys the Lord.
1 Samuel 13-14
God rejected Saul as king because he disobeyed.
Cornerstone Church
Save the date:
Vacation Bible School is around the corner. Join us for three full days
of incredible fun, entertainment and growing in Biblical knowledge.
June 10th, 11th & 12th
Tuesday – Wednesday – Thursday
Full Day!
8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
FREE Vacation Bible School
• FREE lunch and snacks.
• Daily activities will include Bible lessons, lively
songs, amazing entertainers, exciting games,
and hands-on activities.
*Ages 5 yrs. - 6th Grade
*Must be 5 yrs. old before June 1, 2014
*Grade that child is starting in Fall 2014
Volunteers Needed! We
need over 300 volunteers to make
this event possible. Join our team
and let’s celebrate with great JOY!
Contact Candace at
210-499-1706 or,
to volunteer.
A P R I L 2014 | C OR N E R S T ONE M A GA Z I NE
ministering to the spiritual needs of children
in 1st – 5th grade
Cornerstone Kids would like to
introduce two new full-time ministry coordinators.
These talented ladies will be a tremendous blessing to our Cornerstone Church family.
Celeste Engel
Sunday School & Volunteer Coordinator
Celeste Engel was saved under Pastor Hagee’s ministry
and has been a member of Cornerstone Church since she
was 19. She and her husband, Joey, will celebrate their
20th wedding anniversary in July along with their eight
wonderful children: Preston, Matthias, Francis, Bethany,
Ilan, Logan, Abigail and Arianna.
For the first time this year, they will all be attending
Cornerstone Christian Schools at the same time. What
does a mother of eight do when her children all leave for
school? She becomes the new Sunday School and Volunteer
Coordinator for Cornerstone Kids. She is organized and loves
to be a good steward of resources as she prepares teaching
materials and curriculum for our faithful Sunday School
teachers. Celeste looks forward to serving the volunteers
who joyfully give of their time and energy to invest and
infuse the Word of God into
the hearts of Cornerstone’s
Celeste says, “Cornerstone
has one of the richest
legacies in the world
when it comes to reaching
children with the love of
God. I feel blessed to be
part of Pastor Brett and
Leslee’s team, as we not
only minister locally but
also globally through GETV. These will be some of the most
exciting days in the history of the world, we will continue to
be extreme for our Father and raise up the next generation
for Christ!”
Liza Solares
Ministry Coordinator & Worship Leader
Liza Solares is from
pastoring for more than 30
years (traveling extensively
throughout Central and
South America). Liza’s own
ministry began at a very
young age as she started
singing at her local church
at the age of five. Two years
later she traveled to Puerto
Rico and won a children’s
singing contest. Her parents saw her gift and encouraged
her to develop it. By 13, Liza wrote her first song expressing
her heart for the Lord and was leading the congregation in
Liza and her family are new to Cornerstone Church. Her
husband, Nelson, recently became the Assistant Pastor for
the College & Career Ministry as well as the Campus Ministry
Coordinator. Liza has plugged into the College and Career
Praise and Worship Ministry, and says, “Worship strengthens
who I am, as I worship I understand that it is more than just
singing in tune, worship is about transparency and openness.
It is solely about God, for of Him and through Him and to
Him are all things, to whom be glory forever.”
As Ministry Coordinator and Worship Leader of Cornerstone
Kids, Liza hopes to convey the importance of worship to this
generation. “I hear a pure sound when children worship.
They have no inhibitions. They don’t know about limits and
their worship is a pure sound. I believe God will heal hearts,
strengthen their walk and they will live life connected to their
purpose…to be a vessel of honor that brings glory to God.”
Her prayer is that as each child discovers worship, faith will
arise and they will be strengthened in their walk with God.
ministering to the spiritual needs of children
in 1st – 5th grade
e take great care in presenting Jesus in a
way that is fun and relevant for children.
We are blessed to offer these Sunday services
and programs in the Life Center:
Every week we create an atmosphere where
• Children’s worship service at 8:30 a.m. and
11:00 a.m.
1. Experience the Father’s Love
• Small group classes at 10:00 a.m.
2. Discover their identity in Christ
• Bible activity program at 6:30 p.m.
3. Demonstrate the love of God
toward others
• Children’s Choir available at 6:00 p.m.
• One2One Special Needs program during all
Our mission implies movement.
Children move from an experience (Salvation), to a discovery
(Discipleship), to a demonstration (Service). Our Children’s Ministry
believes biblical discipleship is an ongoing process, and we strive to
provide services, programs, and events that make that possible.
A P R I L 2014 | C OR N E R S T ONE M A GA Z I NE
Kendal Hagee and the Children’s Ministry
of Cornerstone Church
Friday, April 4, 2014 &
Saturday, April 5, 2014
Cornerstone Praise Center
6:00 PM
$15 Adulrtesn
$10 Child
(K-4- 5th grade)
Reception 5pm - Meal 6pm
Dinner &
ministering to the spiritual needs of children
in 1st – 5th grade
Sunday School
Missions Update
Sunday School is a great environment to teach children
about missions and help them develop a “global” Christian
worldview. Each Cornerstone Kids Sunday School Class
sponsors a child through World Vision. Every Sunday, we
collect the offering and children spend time praying for
their sponsored child.
2014 started with a fresh vision for our missions efforts.
We presented each class a tangible goal of $360 for full
sponsorship. The results have been incredible! After only 8
weeks our 3rd and 4th grade classes have fully sponsored
their child for 2014. We celebrated this accomplishment by
having a party and learning more about the country where
their child is from. Children enjoyed cake, but the highlight
of the party was the introduction of another sponsored
child that they could now bless with their offering.
It is such a joy to see children catch the vision for missions
and giving. Our Cornerstone kids are truly making a
DIFFERENCE in the world!
If your child is not enrolled in a Sunday
School class during the 10:00 am hour,
please contact Celeste Engel at 499-1739
A P R I L 2014 | C OR N E R S T ONE M A GA Z I NE
Fusion Winter Camp
2014 was fantastic!
Pastor Jon Norman and his wife, Chantel, joined us
from Hillsong Church in New York. Pastor Jon delivered
several Holy Spirit-inspired messages and the power
of God fell upon our middle school youth with a fresh
anointing. Many were baptized in the Holy Spirit and
others shared powerful testimonies by the end of the
week with their peers. Chantel spoke during some of
the camp sessions as well and often joined the Fusion
Praise Band on stage as the presence of the Lord was
made known to all in attendance. Those who were at
Tarpley were blessed beyond measure!
Then came the games! Our Tarpley Retreat Center has
plenty of room to spread out and play every sport
imaginable. You name it; we played it. No one could
resist joining in on the shaving cream fight which made
a huge mess. As we showered up and came together
once again, the students were invited to share their
God-given talent with the camp during our annual
Talent Show. There was no shortage of fun, laughter
and good, Christian fellowship!
To shake things up a bit, we loaded the buses once
again and headed out to see the Lego movie at the
Boerne theatre. Cornerstone was in the house, and
the students loved the movie and spending a little
more time together while munching on popcorn and
sugary treats. It was an action-packed weekend, but as
always…God showed up right on time and showed our
middle school youth once again how very faithful He is.
Call our offices now to make plans to join us for
Fusion Summer Camp 2014. You simply don’t
want to miss out on the good times ahead!
Each Wednesday evening, the Fusion Middle School
Ministry employs a different theme so that by the end of
the year, each of the students is able to find a few themes
that really appeal to them. Sometimes we dress up; other
times we have guest speakers. Sometimes we load up the
busses and head off campus for game night. We have also
invited people to come in and talk about causes that are
impacting our modern society (like sex trafficking) so that
we can teach our students how to make an impact for the
Kingdom amongst their peer groups. Our themes are a way
to get everyone involved and to appeal to those who have
never attended a Fusion event. We want you to come and
see what it’s all about! Fusion is a Christ-centered group that
likes to laugh, love and learn about the great things God has
in store for this generation.
message that motivated our youth to shine the love and
light of Jesus Christ on those in their community who need
to hear that a Savior died just for them, a Savior who loves
them very much. The overwhelming response among the
students was a blessing to behold, and we know that God is
going to use these well-equipped warriors in a mighty way!
This year we have celebrated many fun themes, but the
fan favorite was “Nerd Night.” Fusion enjoyed a night of
praise and worship to the King of kings and an inspirational
Call 210-499-1716 if you would like more information on
Fusion, or have questions about any of our services or
upcoming events. We look forward to seeing you soon!
On Sunday mornings we have a Sunday School class
that we cordially invite you to attend. We will be starting a
brand-new DVD series called “I AM.” This series focuses on
getting to know more about God on a deeper level, building
a relationship that is a strong foundation to live for God! We
would love for your middle schooler to join us in the Praise
Center at 10:15 a.m. Sunday morning and be refreshed and
renewed by a great message straight from the Word of God.
CALLING ALL MIDDLE SCHOOL YOUTH . . . Join us for these weekly services:
• Fusion Sunday School
• Cornerstone Youth Service
• The Difference Sunday Night
• Fusion Wednesday Service
10:00 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
6:30 p.m. 6:00 p.m.- 9:00 p.m. CORNERSTONE MA G AZI N E | AP RI L 2 0 1 4
Praise Center
Praise Center
Main Sanctuary-Fusion Section
Youth Center
Mark your calendars now!
July 21-22, 2014 in Washington, D.C. for our 9th Annual CUFI Summit
John C. Hagee
Dr. Charles
Bill Kristol
Dennis Prager
Summit Itinerary*
Sunday, July 20, 2014
Pre-Summit Events
10:00 AM – 3:00 PM (Renaissance Hotel)
Daughters For Zion National Prayer Conference
Hosted by National Director Lynne Hammond.
Teaching sessions on prayer specifically related to
Israel; a fellowship luncheon and spirit-filled time of
prayer. Presenters include Lynne Hammond, Billye Brim,
Cheryl Morrison and Diana Hagee. Special Summit
Registration Discount. Registration required.
5:00 PM – 9:00 PM Washington DC
Convention Center Registration Check-in
7:30 PM – 9:00 PM Washington DC
Convention Center Daughters For Zion hosts
evening of Praise,Worship, and Prayer
Hosted by Lynne Hammond and Diana Hagee.
Come together for a special time of Praise and Worship
followed by teaching by Cheryl Morrison and Billye
Brim. Concluding with Prayer for Israel led by Lynne
Monday, July 21, 2014
Washington, D.C. Convention Center
8:00 AM - 7:00 PM Registration Check-In
8:00 AM - 9:00 PM Camp CUFI Registration
Ages 5-10, Grades 6-8 (Ages 11-14)
9:30 AM -10:30 AM Opening Plenary:
The Iran Crisis
Iran is the world’s leading sponsor of terror and on
the cusp of developing nuclear weapons. The dangers
of this regime cannot be understated but they must
be understood. Hear first-hand from Iran experts the
strengths, weaknesses and dangers of Tehran’s tyrants.
Panelists: Elliot Abrams · Bill Kristol · James Woolsey
10:45 AM – 11:45 AM Capitol Hill Talking Points
CUFI’s Executive Director David Brog will brief attendees
on what to present to your Representative and Senators
during our Tuesday meetings on Capitol Hill.
11:45 AM -1:00 PM Open Lunch Break
8:00 AM – 9:30 AM A View from the Hill
1:00 PM – 2:30PM Myths and Facts: Refuting
the Negative Myths About Israel
9:30 AM – 10:30 AM Regional Meetings
Our unique CUFI Café is available inside the convention
center offering food and drink purchases for your
Have you ever heard an accusation against Israel that
you knew was false, but were not knowledgeable
enough to respond? This session covers hotbutton
issues like Israel’s actions in Gaza, the West Bank
security fence, and battlefield ethics. Experts will reveal
the truth behind the headlines and empower you to
respond to Israel’s accusers with confidence.
Panelists: Gary Bauer · Dr. Daniel Gordis
· Charles Krauthammer
2:45 PM – 4:45 PM The Middle East Briefing
This dynamic session will feature influential decision
makers and opinion leaders who will update you on
recent developments in Israel, the Middle East and
Washington, D.C.
Panelists: Malcolm Hoenlein · Erick Stakelbeck · Bret
5:00 PM – 7:30 PM Open Dinner Break
Members of Congress will brief you on legislation
affecting Israel and the Middle East. You will hear
directly from more Members of Congress in an hour and
half than most people will hear in a lifetime!
In this mandatory meeting, you will review talking
points, receive the personalized Congressional packet
to give to your elected official and select your Capitol
Hill leaders.
10:45 AM – 5:00 PM Capitol Hill Meetings
You will personally present CUFI’s talking points to your
Representative and Senators and express your staunch
support for the State of Israel.
7:30 PM – 10:00 PM Donor Appreciation
A special banquet with Dennis Prager to honor those
who have donated $1,000 or more to CUFI since July
2013. For more information on how you can attend
this exclusive event, please contact Teresa Basham at
(210) 572-5408.
Registration Discount
Our unique CUFI Café is available inside the convention
center offering food and drink purchases for your
Now to April 2
Join this awe-inspiring celebration in support for the
State of Israel and the Jewish people. Your spirit will
be uplifted by beautiful music and your mind equipped
with the latest information on Israel.
April 1-June 18
June 19 -July 18
· Israel’s Ambassador to the United States
Ron Dermer · Pastor John Hagee
Tuesday, July 22, 2014
Member Non-member
per personper person
After July 18 / At the door $359$399
Groups of 10 or more $150 (no member discount)
(now-July 19)
Camp CUFI: Ages 5-10 and
Grades 6-8 (ages 11-14)
(Now – At the door)
Since we will not know the exact time for your
Congressional appointments, please plan to depart late
Tuesday evening or Wednesday morning to ensure that
you do not miss your Congressional meetings.
Register Today! Join us and make your voice heard!
Register at or call 1-877-706-2834
A P R I L 2014 | C OR N E R S T ONE M A GA Z I NE
2 727
Save the Date
SEPTEMBER 8-18, 2014
Make plans now to join us for a life-changing experience
as we visit the Land of Promise – Eretz Israel: stand on the
Mount of Olives, walk the Via Dolorosa, take communion
at the Garden Tomb, be baptized in the Jordan River.
Call (210) 494-3900 for more information or go to
Tour Itinerary
Day 1 Monday
September 8, 2014
Depart the United States flying overnight
to Israel.
DAY 2 Tuesday
September 9, 2014
Tel Aviv/Galilee
Arrive at Ben Gurion Airport in Tel Aviv,
Israel’s largest city. Enjoy the scenic drive
along the beautiful Mediterranean Coast.
Cross northern Israel driving through the
Galilee for a special welcome by Pastor
John Hagee & Pastor Matthew Hagee
atop the Mount of Beatitudes.
Tiberias (LB, D)
DAY 3 Wednesday,
September 10, 2014
Start the day on the beautiful Sea of
Galilee with an inspirational time of
praise & worship and teaching by
Pastor John Hagee & Pastor Matthew
Hagee, followed by a visit to the ancient
boat at Ginossar. Tour the ruins of the
ancient synagogue in Capernaum
and view Tabgha, the traditional site
of the miracle of loaves and fishes.
Continue to Bethsaida, site of the
healing of the blind man and birthplace
of Peter, Andrew and Philip. Drive past
the Golan Heights, site of the former
Syrian fortifications onto Yardenit, for an
anointed Baptism service in the Jordan
River hosted by Pastor John Hagee
& Pastor Matthew Hagee. Complete
this memorable day with a delectable
Galilee Extravaganza on the shores of
the Sea of Galilee at the famous “Decks”
restaurant complex. Tiberias (B, D)
DAY 4 Thursday
September 11, 2014
Begin the morning at Megiddo, one
of Solomon’s Chariot cities and the site
of the coming battle of Armageddon.
Continue to Caesarea, Roman Capital
of Judea, touring the beautifully restored
Roman Theater, the ruins of the ancient
town, harbor and aqueduct. Drive by
Mt. Precipis and then Nazareth, the
boyhood home of Jesus. As a united
symbol of remembrance, we will plant
trees in Israel’s National Forest, in
honor of those lost during the attacks of
September 11th. Tiberias (B, D)
DAY 5 Friday
September 12, 2014
Galilee/Judean Desert
Drive through the Jordan River Valley
to the ancient Roman town of Beit
Shean. Next is a dynamic teaching by
Pastor Matthew Hagee at Qasr Al
Yehud where, according to tradition, the
Israelites crossed the Jordan River on their
way into the Promised Land. Continue on
to the Qumran Caves where the famous
Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered before
arriving at the Dead Sea, the lowest
place on earth at almost 1300 feet below
sea level. Enjoy a traditional Sabbath
dinner together as we welcome Shabbat.
Dead Sea (B, D)
DAY 6 Saturday
September 13, 2014
Judean Desert
This morning, ascend by cable car to
Masada to marvel King Herod’s desert
fortress-palace and last stronghold of
the Jewish zealots against the Roman
domination in 73CE. Enjoy a Shabbat
lunch and relaxing afternoon at
the Dead Sea. A variety of optional
afternoon excursions & activities
available at a supplement. Dinner at
the hotel. Dead Sea (B, L, D)
DAY 7 Sunday
September 14, 2014
Judean Desert/Jerusalem
Begin the day with a scenic drive into the
Holy City of Jerusalem, for a worship
& anointing service at St. Anne’s
Church. Next, view the city from atop the
Mount of Olives and visit the Garden of
Gethsemane. Continue to the Old City
of Jerusalem, walk the Via Dolorosa,
the Stations of the Cross and experience
the Upper Room. Visit St. Peter
Galicantu and Caiaphas’ House, before
leaving Mount Zion. Jerusalem (B, D)
DAY 8 Monday
September 15, 2014
The day begins in the restored Jewish
Quarter of the Old City. Visit the
famous Cardo, the Burnt House and the
underground Herodian Quarter. Explore
the Western Wall Tunnel, Ir David; City
of King David and the Southern Wall
Archeological Garden. Special teaching
by Pastor John Hagee. Jerusalem (B, D)
DAY 9 Tuesday
September 16, 2014
The morning tour begins at the Memorial
of the Holocaust at Yad Vashem. Next,
walk the Path of Redemption from Yad
Vashem to Mt Herzl, Israel’s national
cemetery. The path makes its way through
a grove overlooking the site. Pay respects
to Israel’s military heroes and figures. This
afternoon visit the Israel Museum and
the Shrine of the Book where the Dead
Sea Scrolls are housed and the model
of Jerusalem at the time of the second
Temple. Continue to the village of Ein
Kerem, traditional birthplace of John the
Baptist and see the site of the John the
Baptist Cave. Jerusalem (B, D)
DAY 10 Wednesday
September 17, 2014
Gather this morning at the Garden Tomb
for an anointed Communion Service.
Conclude our life-changing trip to Israel
in the Holy City of Jerusalem at the
Kotel, Western Wall, with a time for
prayer. The afternoon is dedicated to
shopping or leisure rest. Farewell dinner
before transferring to the airport for our
departure to the United States. Jerusalem
(B, D)
DAY 11 Thursday
September 18, 2014
Arrival in the United States later today.
*the order in which sites are visited
is subject to change.
Repeater’s Track Sites
• Temple Institute - to learn of its work
• Akko - World Heritage site – also known
Designed for those who have
about the Holy Temple and the central role
as the Crusaders’ Kingdom. This wonderful
previously toured Israel with John
that it plays in the spiritual life of mankind.
Hagee Ministries. Program includes the
fascinating city whose history dates back
• Ancient Shilo - once a religious center for
following advanced sites, in addition to
almost 4,000 years and which once played
the Israelites even before Jerusalem: it was
the special events on the Pilgrim Track:
a pivotal role during the Crusaders.
t. Carmel
• Muhraka - view the site of Elijah’s victory
over the Baal prophets.
• Kursi - the site of the remains of a large
monastery commemorating the Miracle of
the Swine that Jesus performed there.
• Kibbutz visit - meeting Kibbutzniks and
learn the way of life on a kibbutz.
• Military IDF Experience - Meet with
Israeli soldiers at an outpost along the
Lebanese border. Exchange stories, bring
gifts and candy for the platoon.
• Atlit – Detainee Camp established by the
British Mandate in order to prevent Jewish
refugees from entering Palestine.
the place the children of Israel brought the
afed – center of Jewish mysticism with
historic synagogues and modern artists’
• 9/11 Living Memorial – first one to be
erected outside of the United States
• Jericho drive - enroute to the Inn of the
• Independence Hall - where David Ben
Good Samaritan.
Gurion announced Israel’s Statehood.
• Mosaic Museum – the only in the country • Ayalon Institute – code name for the
and one of only three in the world.
secret ammunition factory set up by the
Jewish underground at the time of the
• Masada Museum – before ascending
British Mandate and disguised as a
• Ramparts walk - of the Old City of
• Temple Mount Sifting Project at Emek
Tzurim Park - where, so far, there have
been over 3,500 finds from ancient times.
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: “May those who love you
be secure. May there be peace within your walls and security
within your citadels.” — Psalm 122:6:7
$ 4,550.00 per person based on double occupancy
$ 999.00 Single supplement additional
$ 95.00 Repeater Track supplement
$ 95.00 Ease Track supplement
All prices quoted are based on a specific number of
participants traveling together in the group and on air and
land rates in effect at the time of printing and are subject
to change.
DEPOSIT $500.00 per person to be submitted with
registration form to reserve space. ($100.00 of which is nonrefundable)
*Payment plan available, please request terms from Nancy Barr at
PASSPORT must be carried by each tour member and
must be valid 6 months beyond tour date. Photocopies of
the information pages of the passport should be submitted
to FROSCH with Registration but not later than final
payment date. If you are in the process of obtaining a new
or renewed passport, please submit the registration form In
order to confirm your reservation while you await receipt of
your passport.
• Roundtrip economy class airfare from New York &
Newark to Tel Aviv
• Airport departure taxes
• Porterage at hotels
• 9 nights hotel accommodation, with private facilities
• Meal plan as outlined on itinerary; 8 breakfasts/1 lunchbox
upon arrival/1 lunch/9 dinners
• Gratuities to drivers and local guides
• All transfers and full sightseeing program as outlined on
the itinerary by private motorcoach with driver and English
speaking guide
• All entrance fees to sites visited
• All special teachings
IR TRANSPORTATION from New York & Newark.
The airfare included in the tour price is based upon the
Super Advanced Purchase Excursion fare in effect at the
time of the printing, and is subject to change. The tariff
governing this airfare contains conditions and restrictions
on its use. These will be provided upon request.
Frosch International Travel reserves the right, and if
warranted, will pass on to participant, any price increase
due to government airline tax increase and/or increase in
fuel charges should they come into effect at any time prior
to departure.
piece will be carried by the airline provided that the total
combined dimensions (length plus width plus height) does
not exceed 62 inches. Maximum weight not to exceed 50
pounds. Carry on baggage must not exceed 39 inches and
must conform to the underseat shape of 9 by 14 by 22
inches. Airline baggage fees will apply for extra bags and
overweight bags.
• PORTERAGE for one piece of normal-sized luggage is
provided at the hotels.
OTEL ACCOMMODATIONS are provided on the
basis of two persons sharing a twin bedded room with
private bath, in the hotels selected for the tour. FROSCH
and its subagents reserve the right to substitute hotels
of the same category when necessary for the proper
handling of the tour. A limited number of single rooms are
available at a supplement. A tour participant must pay this
supplement when he/she is the sole occupant of assigned
accommodation. Please note that the term “single” refers
to a person traveling alone and not as reference to marital
status. SHARED ROOM: If a roommate is requested and one
cannot be confirmed prior to the tour, the tour participant
must pay the single supplement in order to receive final
documents. If FROSCH succeeds in finding a roommate,
but one of the parties intending to share the room should
cancel, the remaining party must pay the single room
supplement. Neither FROSCH nor John Hagee Ministries
assumes responsibility for roommate assignments that do
not work out.
• MEALS included are 8 breakfasts, 1 lunchbox upon
1 lunch, 9 dinners, as per itinerary.
• PERSONAL TIPS to your guide and driver.
provided by modern air-conditioned/heated motorcoaches
and includes the full sightseeing program outlined in
the itinerary. All entrance fees to the places listed in the
itinerary are included.
• PERSONAL ITEMS such as laundry, telephone calls and
beverages other than coffee or tea served with the meals.
Terms & Conditions
Land arrangements: Cancellation of land arrangements
incur the following penalties:
04APR – 01MAY:
$250.00 per person
02MAY – 05JUN:
$500.00 per person
06JUN – Departure: Non refundable
Air tickets: Cancellations and refunds are governed by the
tariff applying to the Super Apex airfare and/or other tariffs
of the airlines concerned. This airfare is non-refundable once
All cancellations must be received
in writing by Frosch Travel.
This tour is arranged by FROSCH, One Greenway Plaza, Suite
800, Houston, Texas 77046 and John Hagee Ministries. All
tickets and coupons governing transportation and other
services and facilities furnished are issued by FROSCH, only
as agents for such other companies furnishing such services
and facilities, and neither they nor their sub-agents shall
be held liable for loss or damage to property or injury to
person caused by reason of any defect by any transportation
company, agent, or any such party providing such services.
In addition and without limitation, FROSCH, John Hagee
Ministries and its sub-agents are not responsible for any
injury, loss, death, inconvenience, delay or damage to person
or property in connection with the provision of any goods
or services whether resulting from, but not limited to acts
of God or force majeure, illness, disease, acts of war or civil
unrest, insurrection or revolt, animals, strikes or other labor
activities, criminal or terrorist activities of any kind, physical
activity (to include walking, hiking, climbing) participated
in by tour participant. Any medical expense incurred by
tour participant while on this tour is participant’s full & sole
FROSCH, John Hagee Ministries and its sub-agents are
not responsible for overbooking or downgrading of
accommodations, mechanical or other failure of airplanes
or other means of transportation, or for any failure of any
transportation mechanism to arrive or depart on time.
The airlines concerned are not to be held liable for any act,
omission, or event during the time the passengers are not on
board their planes or conveyances. The passage contract in
use by the airlines concerned, when issued, shall constitute
the sole contract between the airlines and the purchasers
of this tour.
FROSCH, John Hagee Ministries and its sub-agents reserve
the right to withdraw services and make changes and
alterations in the itinerary or trip component at any time
and for any reason as may be necessary in their judgment
for the proper handling of the tour with or without notice
and/or to substitute airlines, hotels of a similar category and
FROSCH shall not be liable for any such changes.
If due to weather conditions, flight schedules or other
uncontrollable factors, it would be necessary to spend
an additional night(s), you will be responsible for your
own hotel, transfers and meal costs. Baggage is entirely
at owner’s risk. The right is reserved to decline to accept
perspective participant or participant as a member of this
trip at any time. In any such event FROSCH’s sole obligation
is to refund any unused accommodation or other unused
trip component. Participant certifies not to have any mental,
physical or other condition or disability that would create a
hazard for himself/herself or other passengers.
As being informed by the above information, you are
advised to purchase the trip cancellation and interruption
insurance offered by FROSCH and there will be no
misunderstanding before, during or after your trip.
Any disability requiring special attention should be reported
to FROSCH at the time the reservation is made. FROSCH
will make a reasonable effort to accommodate the special
needs of disabled tour participants, but is not responsible
if unable to do so. FROSCH, John Hagee Ministries and its
sub-agents are not responsible for any denial of services by
carriers, hotels, restaurants or other independent suppliers.
We regret that we cannot provide individual assistance
to a tour member for walking, dining, getting on and off
motorcoaches and other transportation vehicles or other
personal needs. Travelers who need such assistance must be
accompanied by a qualified companion.
registration form
q Enclosed is my deposit of $500.00 per person, of which $100.00 is non refundable.
q Enclosed is the required photocopy of our passport photo page.*
q Request Single Room at a supplement of $999.00 (Single rooms limited)
q I am traveling with others on this trip. Please provide names for bus assignment:
*If you are in the process of obtaining your passport, please submit registration form to hold your place.
Information below is required for every traveler:
Registrant 1 (Name must match EXACTLY the full legal name on your passport)
Legal Last Name___________________________________________________
Legal First and Middle Name ____________________________________________
q Mr q Mrs q Ms q Doctor q Pastor
Nickname requested for name badge_______________________________________
q Male q Female Date of Birth (M/D/YR)__________________________________
Street Address_____________________________________________________
City_____________________________ State_____ ZIP___________________
Day Phone _______________________________________________________
Evening Phone____________________________________________________
Cell Phone_______________________________________________________
(Please select your preferred track for the John Hagee Ministries 2014 Israel Tour. All travelers are
required to check one track.)
q Pilgrim Track – Primary itinerary
q Repeater Track – Specially designed for travelers who have previously
participated in at least two JHM Israel tours.
Repeater Track supplement: $95.00
q Ease Track – The Pilgrim Track modified for travelers requiring a slower pace due
to physical limitations.
Ease Track supplement: $95.00
q Paying by check (make payable to FROSCH)
q Please charge the $500.00 per person deposit ($100.00 per person of which is non
refundable) to the following credit card upon receipt of this registration form, and the
final balance on or before June 6, 2014.
Registrant 2 (Name must match EXACTLY the full legal name on your passport)
q Visa q Mastercard q American Express q Discover
Legal Last Name___________________________________________________
Credit Card #________________________________________________
Legal First and Middle Name ____________________________________________
Exp Date______________________ Security # _____________________
q Mr q Mrs q Ms q Doctor q Pastor
Credit Card Billing Address_______________________________________
Nickname requested for name badge_______________________________________
q Male q Female Date of Birth (M/D/YR)__________________________________
q ADDRESS SAME AS ABOVE (If different fill out below)
Street Address_____________________________________________________
City_____________________________ State_____ ZIP___________________
Day Phone _______________________________________________________
Evening Phone____________________________________________________
Cell Phone_______________________________________________________
Name as appears on card________________________________________
*Signature required for credit card charges. Participant acknowledges and authorizes
FROSCH to charge credit card.
FROSCH reserves the right, and if warranted, will pass on to participant, any price increase
due to government airline tax increase and/or increase in fuel charges should they come
into effect at any time prior to departure.
(Every effort will be made to accommodate seating preference, however, requests cannot be guaranteed.)
I have carefully read the tour brochure, terms and conditions and agree to its contents. I
have also been advised to purchase trip cancellation insurance (a trip cancellation insurance brochure will be included with your deposit receipt). If I decline the trip cancellation
insurance, I understand all cancellation policies outlined in the brochure apply to me with
no exception.
q Special meal request for flights (If applicable)
q I acknowledge responsibility for any medical care I may require on this tour.
q Please contact me regarding domestic airfare from my home city of__________________
Seating preference: R egistrant 1
q Aisle
q Window
Registrant 2
q Aisle
q Window
Registrant 1______________________________________________________
Registrant 2______________________________________________________
q Business Class Upgrade at a supplement of $2795.00 per person
q I would like to share a room with
q Please assign a roommate. (Quoted tour price based on double occupancy. See “Hotel
Accommodations” section of brochure regarding roommate assignment conditions.)
Age range: q 21-35 q 36-50 q 51-65 q 66 and over
q Non-smoking
q Smoking (Hotel Room Only)
Signature Required ___________________________________________
Send registration form and payment to the following address:
Nancy Barr
One Greenway Plaza, Suite 800, Houston, TX 77046
Phone: 713-590-8152 | Fax: 713-850-0027 | E-mail:
A P R I L 2014 | C OR N E R S T ONE M A GA Z I NE
cornerstone CHURCH
18755 Stone Oak Parkway
San Antonio, TX 78258
Non-Profit Org.
U.S. Postage
PERMIT #2973
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